State College Area School District


State College Area School District
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh &
Associates Architects
Architecture, Planning, Interior Design
Table of Contents
1. Cover Letter
2. Integrated Sustainable Design
3. Referenda Experience
4. Project Approach & Methodology
5. Personnel
6. Consultants
a. CenterPoint Engineering – MEP & Structural
b. ELA Group – Site/Civil
c. 501 Group – Referendum Planning
7. Pennsylvania High School Experience
1 – Cover Letter
January 4, 2012
Mr. Ed Poprik, Director of Physical Plant
State College Area School District
131 West Nittany Avenue
State College, Pennsylvania 17801-4899
Dear Mr. Poprik:
Provided please find Crabtree, Rohrbaugh and Associates’ credentials for consideration for architectural design
services for the State College Area School District. Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates is a full service architectural
firm providing architectural design services for public education throughout Pennsylvania. We pride ourselves on
our high quality design and our client oriented approach to architecture. Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates has
many unique qualifications that set itself apart from other Architects, including:
ƒ Client-Oriented Approach – Focusing on our client’s needs allows the firm to provide a facility designed to
meet the needs and goals of the district and offer solutions to the challenges identified by the school district
school board, administrators and staff.
ƒ Pennsylvania Public Educational Experience – Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates is one of the largest
architectural firms in the state of Pennsylvania. In the past ten years, the firm has designed over $2.7 Billion
of Public Education School Construction.
ƒ District Wide Facility Study/Master Plan Experience – The firm has completed over 75 District Wide
Facility Studies and numerous updates. We specifically have worked with Educational Planners and Studies
completed by planners, including Dejong, and used their information to provide a holistic solution for the
school district that meets all requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
ƒ Sustainable Design – The firm has 23 LEED Accredited Professionals on staff and has a firm wide
commitment to sustainable design. Our experience includes Elementary Schools to High Schools, the largest
LEED for Retail Facility in the Country and a $500 Million LEED Platinum Data Center.
ƒ Guaranteed Project Budgets – Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates guarantees for every public project that
we will meet the approved project budget. If on bid day the project cost is greater than the approved budget,
we will redesign the project entirely at our cost to bring the project on budget while meeting the educational
goals of the school district.
ƒ Quality and Cost Effective Design – Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates prides itself on providing award
winning and high quality design at reasonable costs. All of our educational projects focus on the educational
needs of our client and providing appropriate top quality design solutions. Based on information provided by
the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the firm has designed the most cost effective schools built in the
state each year since 1997.
ƒ Registered Educational Facilities Planners – Paul A. Taylor, RA, LA, REFP, is the Director of Educational
Architecture and will be responsible for the educational planning for your project. Paul Taylor, Hal Hart, Jeff
Straub and Harry Pettoni are recognized educational facilities planners with the Council of Educational
Facilities Planners International.
ƒ Commitment – With a staff of over 90, Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates is committed to meeting your
study/design schedule and the ability to meet the schedule for the referendum.
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates focuses on providing high quality design solutions that meet the education,
technology and program requirements for the district. Thank you for your kind consideration of Crabtree,
Rohrbaugh & Associates. Please contact me at (717) 458-0272 if you have any questions.
G. Douglas Rohrbaugh
Chairman, Board of Directors
Randy Davis
Director of Marketing & Communication
2 – Integrated
Sustainable Design
What is Integrated Design?
Integrated Design is a collaborative methodology for
the design of buildings which emphasizes holistic
design by involving owners, stakeholders, architect
and consultants early in the design process.
Conventional building design traditionally limited
owner and stakeholder involvement during the design
process. Once the building design was completed,
the design would be handed off to the consultants to
provide their design and work around the building
design to make their system work. This process was
not oriented to the owner of the building and created
costly design changes late in the design process which were often expensive and not the best
solution for the project. Integrated Design encourages multidisciplinary collaboration from the
conception the completion of the project.
Two key elements of the Integrated Design process are the engagement of the Key
Stakeholders and the Design Team early in the Design Process. Engagement of the Owner
and Key Stakeholders during the programming and conceptual design phase utilizes important
information gathering tools, meetings with the School District and Community and Integrated
Design Charrettes to determine the vision and goals for the project. This early involvement
stresses intensive workshops with various stakeholders and the design project team to address
specific design issues. Engagement of the Consultant team early in the process allows them to
be part of the information gathering phase and understand the key parameters for the project.
Through the utilization of Building Information Modeling (BIM) the consultant team begins the
design of the project a single building model which allows for the ultimate integrated design
platform having almost instantaneous energy modeling and detailed conflict resolution.
The Integrated Design approach is the heart of what has driven Crabtree, Rohrbaugh &
Associates for more than 27 years. The firm’s Mission Statement of a “Client Oriented
Approach to Architecture” is the foundation of our success allowing for the collaborative
environment between the owners, stakeholders and design team from day one of the design
Tools for Integrated Design
Information Gathering Tools – There are many
processes and tools we will use during the Study,
Programming and Conceptual Design phases to
understand State College Area School District vision and
goals for their facilities. Above and beyond the traditional
community meeting we will use online surveys to allow all
key stakeholders including administration, staff, students
parents and the community to provide input. Each
questionnaire will be developed for each stakeholder group
and allow for an easy quantitative assessment of the data.
We will also develop a Facility Study/Project Specific Website to serve as central source for
gathering and providing information. Also part of the information gathering process are
Integrated Design Charrettes which are intensive workshops which the stakeholders, design
experts are brought together to discuss specific design issues and allow for collaboration
between all parties.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) - Autodesk BIM software facilitates an improved way of
working collaboratively, using a model created from coordinated, and consistent design
information. This process enables earlier decision-making, better documentation, and the
evaluation of alternatives for sustainable design or improvements using analysis before
construction begins. BIM uses dynamic building modeling software to increase productivity in
building design and construction. BIM can be used to develop detailed energy models and
develop building life cycle cost analyses. The BIM Software provides for instantaneous conflict
resolution between all disciplines which provides for a true integrated design and minimal
related issues during the construction phase.
What is LEED?
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is the industry standard, developed by
the United States Green Building Council, for ensuring that the design, construction and
operation of a new building is environmentally friendly. LEED has several levels of accreditation
which include; Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. To become a LEED accredited building, the
project must earn credits in several of the following categories.
Sustainable sites - Includes preserving open space and maintaining natural
habitat on a building site, as well as encouraging community connectivity.
Water efficiency – Strategies for reducing the amount of water used in a
Energy and Atmosphere - Encourages a reduction in overall energy
Materials and resources - Specifies the use of recycled and regional
Indoor Environmental Quality – Deals with eliminating contaminants from
the air, and providing for natural daylighting.
Innovation and Design Process – Provides credits for additional
innovations that contribute to the sustainability of the building.
Achieving LEED Silver & Above
The LEED Process is a credit/points driven process by achieving credits identified in the
categories identified above. To achieve LEED Silver for Schools you must attain a minimum of
50 points, to achieve LEED Gold, you must attain a minimum of 60 points.
Integrated Sustainable Design Process
Feasibility Phase (DWFMP Update)
We understand SCASD has formally adopted
a Resolution on Sustainability
Assemble Sustainability Team including
ƒ Client Representatives, Advocates
and Committees
ƒ Architects
ƒ Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire
Protection and Structural Engineers
ƒ Civil Engineers and Landscape
Code Officials and Community Leaders
Acoustical, Food Service, Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants
Commissioning and Indoor Air Quality Testing Agents
Construction Managers
Hold tiered workshops with the flowing stakeholders
ƒ Community Advisory Committees
ƒ Community and Parent Groups
ƒ Administration, faculty and Students
ƒ Educational opportunities for student learning within the design.
Use LEED v3 to create brainstorming strategies to achieve Sustainability Goals
ƒ Evaluate new LEED 2012 which will be released November 2012, draft
copies are available and may trigger opportunities. Example, LEED 2012
formalizes Integrated Design into a component of documentation.
ƒ Team should always remember LEED is a tool and framework to achieve
sustainability. The goal should always be to strive beyond the framework
versus limiting sustainable opportunities to documented LEED format.
Coordinate high performance goals with existing DWFMP and identify any conflicts
and prioritize importance.
ƒ Example, what is the balance between creating as thermal efficient envelope
as possible while also daylighting educational spaces within the building
Evaluate Cost Estimates and First Costs against Life Cycle Savings.
Fully develop program and educational specifications.
Schematic Design
Using Building Information Modeling (BIM), develop Preliminary Building Massing
and Plans that incorporate input from all Sustainability Team Members.
Examples include identifying relationships between insulation, building
orientation and massing, mechanical systems, window-to wall ratio, lighting
levels, acoustics, operational goals and thermal comfort goals that can create
opportunities to reduce operating costs or increase the indoor environmental
quality of the building’s staff and students.
Meetings and Documentation Create a framework of regular meetings and LEED
documentation that allows all sustainability team members to stay up to date on the
building wide goals while at the same time allowing for change and innovation as the
building evolves.
Initiate Schematic Modeling Programs Evaluate design approaches for mechanical,
daylighting, acoustical systems through preliminary computer modeling to provide
Life Cycle Analysis and Indoor Environmental Quality Decisions to allow educated
decisions to be made.
Example- Recently, CRA was tasked by Jersey Shore Area School District to
evaluate High Efficiency Biomass and Geothermal Well Field Heat Pump
Designs for their LEED Elementary School Project in conjunction with their
High School and Middle School. Due to the dynamic changes to
Pennsylvania from Marcellus Shale in the past few years it was determined
that a hybrid four pipe mechanical system based on natural gas was far
superior to what have become recognized leaders in mechanical systems for
Pennsylvania. Without this early schematic level modeling a system may
have been selected based on perceived savings and not maximize
operational savings for the client.
Develop Formal Owner Project Requirements and Basis of Design Documentation.
ƒ At the end of Schematic design these documents should be finalized and
continually referenced throughout design and construction.
Design Development
Verification Continue to hold regular
meetings that verify sustainability
and design team are achieving goals
set at early stages of the project and
look for new opportunities to
advance sustainability.
Building Information Modeling
Use BIM modeling in conjunction with energy, acoustic and daylighting modeling as
full design is developed to identify possible conflicts in design and also highlight
opportunities for cost savings or increased efficiency. Example- Final glazing, wall
construction and roof insulation may allow reduction in mechanical systems to occur.
Cost Modeling Supply design information from modeling programs to construction
manager or identified cost estimating team to create detailed cost estimates meeting
client expectations allowing comparisons of life
cycle costs.
Specification Research Begin documentation of
materials, sustainability goals and specifications
both technical and legal for sustainability.
30% Review Formal review by entire project team
at the transition to Construction Documents
verifying all project goals are met.
Construction Documents
Implementation Sustainability and design team create final construction documents,
meeting goals and designs developed in early stages of the Integrated Design Process.
Due to Building Information Modeling many drawing components associated with
construction documents are often completed during Schematic and Design Development
60% / 90% Review Have the owner’s representative, commissioning agents and
construction managers complete 60% and 90% reviews of the documents to verify cost,
design and sustainability goals are being met. These are formalized reviews of regular
sustainability and design reviews that continue throughout the project with all
LEED Documentation Prepare LEED documentation for submission to Green Building
Certification Institute (GBCI). While this should have been incrementally completed
throughout design, this is the last opportunity to make modifications. Design Submission
to GBCI can often confirm more than 2/3 of the points for a project, often meeting Silver
LEED Certification before Construction is even started in earnest.
Education & Commitment As contractors are brought on the project through bidding
secure their commitment to supporting high performance goals identified in the contract
documents. While sustainability has become prevalent in the construction field,
education is often still required so that contractors understand nuances and relationships
of sustainability design.
Review and Substitutions As contractors buy out their bid with subcontractors and
process submittals, it is imperative that the design team review documentation in detail
to verify materials and construction practices meet sustainable goals. Any substitutions
should be reviewed with client prior to acceptance.
Testing and Commissioning Indoor Air Quality Plans incorporating protection of
materials, cleanliness of jobsite and protection of mechanical systems should be
documented throughout construction in unison with periodic Indoor Air Quality Testing,
Commissioning and training of Facility Staff.
Occupancy Establish measurement and verification program with the facility staff, was
training of staff adequate or is additional training warranted. Verify client satisfaction
prior to warranty period.
Midd-West High School – LEED Gold - Located 50 miles due east of State College ASD,
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates (CRA) most recent example of a commitment to sustainable
design is the Midd-West High School (MWHS) for Midd-West School District in Middleburg,
Pennsylvania. The project completed in September of 2011 is a USGBC LEED Gold Certified
Building and the completion of the First Phase of a Two Stage $70 Million Dollar master plan
reorganization of their Central Four Building District Campus.
Similar to State College ASD, the Midd-West had developed a Master Plan involving the
Community prior to engaging CRA in 2006 and wished to continue an Integrated Design
Approach with all stakeholders including design, staff and community. The five year process
began with Community Presentations, surveys of the community and staff, and workshops with
community, administrators, teachers and students. Design professionals, including architects,
engineers, code officials, commissioning agents, environmental specialists and construction
managers worked with the Midd-West School District to develop a High School that is
sustainable for the next 30-40 years.
In review of State College ASD’s Resolution on Sustainability, Midd-West followed a similar path
incorporating many of the same principles. At the completion of their project, LEED
Documentation and Construction Data achieved the following accomplishments mirroring many
of the district’s goals.
35.5% Projected Energy Reduction
44% Water Reduction
All Site Stormwater Diverted to Subsurface Collection
82% of Education Spaces Daylighted
84.5% Construction Waste Diverted from Landfills
21% Recycled Content in Building Materials
41% Use of Regional Materials
Enhanced Acoustical Quality within Education Spaces
Full Commissioning and Indoor Air Quality Testing to verify Indoor Environmental Quality
The School District was also concerned with utilizing the building as a teaching tool for
Sustainability. Architects and engineers worked with district staff to develop a science
curriculum that took advantage of the building design as a teaching tool including access to
building control systems, teaching walls and building design that accentuated the processes of
CRA has currently completed Design or Construction on 13 LEED and Green Globe
facilities including:
Connellsville Area High School- Gold Certification
Midd-West High School- Gold Certification
Bucher Elementary School & District Office- Silver Certification
Sudlersville Middle School, Maryland- Gold Certification
Middleburg Elementary School- Gold Certification
Landis Run Intermediate School- Silver Certification
Central Manor Elementary School- Silver Certification
Cabela’s Retail Center- Lacey, Washington, Largest LEED for Retail Certified project in
the Country
PSECU Office and Data Center- Gold Certification
The Grace Pollack Performing Arts Center- Green Globes Certification Program
Donegal High School- Green Globes Certification Program
Harrisburg Area Community College, Public Safety Center- Gold Certification
Cambridge Springs Correctional Facility- LEED Certified
Jersey Shore Elementary School (In Design)
Pottstown District Wide Elementary School Renovations (In Design)
Steel Orca Data Center (In Design)
Midd West School District
Project Location
Middleburg, PA
Project Type
Project Size
88,117 SF Demolition
169,609 SF Additions
22,883 SF Renovations
Construction Estimate
Total Construction Cost with
Construction Start
May 2009
Construction Completion
September 2011
Dr. Wesley L. Knapp
Superintendent of Schools
Council of
of Educational
Educational Facilities
Facilities Planners
Planners International
Northeast Region Honorable Mention
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh elicited input from staff members, board
members and community members and used this input in the
building design and presentations to the community to effect
-Dr. Wesley Knapp
Key Personnel Involved
Jeff Straub, AIA, REFP,
Tracy M. Rohrbaugh
Stephen Arehart, RA,
Kyle Strock, LEED AP
Arif Hasanbhai
Sustainable Stats
35.06% - Projected
Energy Savings
44% - Projected Water
82% Educational
Spaces Daylit
$103,901 - Projected
Annual Energy Cost
The Midd-West High School was designed to meet
U.S. Green Building Council LEED Gold rating to
maximize the school district’s long term capital
investment while maintaining a cost effective
budget and utilize durable building materials.
Over a 30 Year Life Span of the Building it is
anticipated that the sustainable design components
will save approximately $3,500,000 in utility costs.
At the same time, the cost of construction for the
facility is substantially lower than the current state
average for school construction.
The building was designed to reduce average
yearly energy consumption by 35.5% through the
increased use building insulation, high performance
windows and a water source heat pump mechanical
Glass was used to maximize daylighting and views
throughout the building and blur the line between
exterior and interior space while automated
dimming systems, roof overhangs, light shelves,
translucent panels and blade walls help control
expanses of space and glare., 82% of educational
spaces within the building are naturally daylighted
including classrooms, library, the music department,
technical education and athletic facilities. The
unique butterfly roof was designed to maximize
daylighting into the core of the facility while at the
same time creating a unique identity for the facility.
The use of acoustical clouds, perforated metal
deck and sound absorbing materials throughout
assembly spaces and large group instruction areas
help to generate proper sound levels whether one
is listening to an orchestra performance or eating in
an active school cafeteria.
The site has been completely redeveloped to
separate bus, vehicular and pedestrian traffic and
encourage a campus site resulting in interaction
between the districts three building on site.
Along with these principles of “green” design the
building’s use of color, extremes in scale and
exposed structures, Midd-West High School fosters
creativity, openness and connection throughout
the school. The building is an example of social,
environmental and fiscal responsibility for the future
of educational architecture.
Connellsville Area
School District
Project Location
Connellsville, PA
Project Type
Project Size
65,352 SF Additions
253,194 SF Renovations
Construction Estimate
Base Bid
Construction Cost
(with all Alternates)
Construction Start
June 2010
Fall 2012
Michael J. Omatick, Jr. PE
Director of Buildings
& Grounds
Estimated Construction
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh and Associates brought a professional
team of Architects, Designers and Engineers to this project.
Their team worked hard for our school district on this project to
maximize reimbursement and control costs by using innovative
-Mike Omatick, Jr
Director of Buildings & Grounds
Key Personnel Involved
Jeff Straub, AIA, REFP,
Stephen Arehart, RA,
Kyle Strock, LEED AP
Arif Hasanbhai
Sustainable Stats
31.2% - Projected
Energy Savings
40.6% - Projected
Water Reduction
74% - Construction
Waste Management
$160,937 - Projected
Annual Energy Cost
At construction completion the school will
accommodate 1,450 students from grades
9th through 12th grades. The original building
was constructed in 1970 and requires a total
renovation to replace mechanical, electrical,
plumbing systems, interior finishes, windows and
roof throughout the facility. In conjunction with
these renovations the school district is taking
advantage of the opportunity to reorganize
the building for the future of their educational
Modifications include daylighting the existing
internal classrooms, accommodating a 9th grade
program, introduction of instructional planning
centers to encourage team teaching and maximize
classroom efficiency and centralization of high
school office administration. Other modifications
include creating open teaching areas to foster
large group instruction, technical education
geared to science, technology, engineering and
math (STEM) and teamed organization of core
curriculum programs.
Additions for the facility include a two story
classroom block that also serves as a “Main
Street” for the building connecting student,
athletic and faculty entrances. Additions also
include a new competition sized gymnasium
and science wing. Additions were designed to
transform the façade of the building creating
a modern expression of secondary education
and unique identity requested by the school
The facility is being designed to meet U.S.
Green Building LEED Gold standards. This
will include reconfiguration of the existing site,
increased thermal envelope insulation, high
efficiency mechanical system that currently
are projected to reduce energy consumption
by 30% over national standards. It is expected
that water use will be reduced by more than
40%. Local materials will be selected for their
durability and ability to reduce construction
Queen Anne’s County
Public Schools
Project Location
Sudlersville, MD
Project Type
New Construction
Project Size
100,884 SF
Student Capacity
600 students
Construction Estimate
Total Construction Cost
with Alternates
Construction Start
May 2010
December 2011
Andrew Onukwubiri
Construction Program Manager
Construction Completion
Throughout design the client wished to develop a 21st
Century School that paid respect to its surrounding
historic residential community.
Key Personnel Involved
Jeff Straub, AIA, REFP,
Tracy M. Rohrbaugh
Stephen Arehart, RA,
Kyle Strock, LEED AP
Arif Hasanbhai
Jeff Daniels
Sustainable Stats
23.9% - Projected
Energy Savings
54.5% - Projected Water
$156,551 - Projected
Annual Energy Cost
Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
requested the design team to develop a
6-8 Middle School for the community of
Sudlesville and for the future generations
of students. It was required that the new
building be LEED certified. Throughout
the development of the building the client
wished to develop a building that looked
toward a 21st Century view of educational
architecture as well as create a connection
with surrounding architecture within the
residential community.
The new building will be complete with
new administration offices which will be
located directly inside the front entrance,
surrounding this administration area are
the teacher support spaces. Special
education classrooms are planned as
well as music, art, and science rooms.
Included in the design is a state of the
art media center, complete with computer
lab and reading areas. The kitchen and
cafeteria are adjacent to the gymnasium.
The gymnasium is complete with coach
offices and locker rooms.
The School Building is LEED Certified Gold
and its projected energy savings is 23.9%.
Annually, it is projected that the school will
save $156,551. in energy savings. The
school contains 76.7% daylighted spaces
and there is a projected 54.5% reduction
of water use.
Manheim Township
School District
Project Location
Lancaster, PA
Project Type
New Construction
Project Size
205,000 SF
Student Capacity
Construction Estimate
Construction Cost
Construction Start
October 2010
Estimated Construction
July 2012
Tom Koch
Plant Manager
The new Intermediate School will serve the community as well
as the students of the Manheim Township School District.
Key Personnel Involved
John A. Beddia, AIA,
Kelsey Rhoads, AAIA,
Paul Weaver, RA
LEED Silver
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates project
team worked closely with the Manheim
Township School District administration
through the process of designing the
Landis Run Intermediate School. Landis
Run Intermediate School will house 5th
& 6th grades and serve the educational
programs, instructional, technology and
community needs.
Manheim Township School District
desires to have a building that is LEED
Silver Certified.
The new school will include a state of the
art media center and library along with
gymnasium, band and orchestra rooms.
The Main entrance of the school will be
accessible for both bus drop off and
parent drop off areas. These drop-off
areas are separated to alleviate confusion.
The traffic is circulated to direct traffic
and maintains a smooth flow during the
morning and afternoon pick up times.
Manheim Township
School District
Project Location
Lancaster, PA
Project Type
Project Size
75,000 SF Additions
29,000 SF Renovations
Administrative Office
22,000 SF Renovations
Student Capacity
550 students
Construction Estimate
Construction Start
January 2009
Construction Completion
November 2010
Tom Koch
Plant Manager
Qualified for the Governor’s Green Government Council Grant for High Efficiency Buildings
Construction Cost
The school’s educational program transformed an open pod
design into individual distinct learning spaces.
Key Personnel Involved
John A. Beddia, AIA,
Kelsey Rhoads, AAIA,
Stephen Arehart, RA,
Paul Weaver, RA
LEED Silver
Sustainable Stats
33% - Projected
Energy Savings
40% - Projected
Water Reduction
$20,000 - Projected
Annual Energy Cost
Caleb W. Bucher Elementary is an
existing 54,000sf (K-5) Elementary
School in Manheim Township, Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania. The existing site
is approximately 17 acres. The proposed
Bucher Elementary (K-4 550 students) has
a two story, 74,000sf addition constructed
to the east side of the existing elementary.
The addition contains 20 standard
classrooms, 2 large group instruction
Classrooms, full court gymnasium with
seating for 300, music and art classrooms,
6 small group instruction rooms and a
media center with adjacent computer
The existing elementary
is to be divided in half to renovate for a
new District Administration Office. The
existing elementary area will house a
cafeteria, special education classrooms,
6 Kindergarten Classrooms and building
storage. The School remained occupied
during the entire construction phase.
Sustainable Design features include a
Geothermal Heating & Cooling System and
a High Performance Building Envelope.
Additional efforts include the reuse of
filtered rainwater to be used in the schools
bathrooms and a white roof. The district
is currently moving forward with plans to
vegetate a section of the white roof.
Camp Hill School District
Project Location
Camp Hill, PA
Project Type
Project Size
59,000 SF Additions
53,000 SF Renovations
Student Capacity
350 students
Construction Estimate
Elementary School
Performing Arts Center
Construction Costs
Elementary School
Performing Arts Center
It’s even more beautiful than I imagined it would be..... I want
to help our children get culture, [and] I had that chance.
Music and art broaden your outlook. Having this center is a
dream of mine come true.
Construction Start
October 2009
Estimated Completion
Spring 2011
Dr. Connie Kindler
Key Personnel Involved
Paul Taylor, AIA, LA,
Kelsey Rhoads, AAIA,
Stephen Arehart, RA,
Tracy M. Rohrbaugh
Green Globes
Grace Milliman Pollock
Donor & Philanthropist
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates is worked
with the Camp Hill School Board to take
major steps towards continuing to advance
the quality of education in the Camp Hill
School District students. After three years of
design and construction, third and fifth grades
are able to attend school at the Eisenhower
Elementary School site that is now attached
to the distinctive Grace Milliman Pollack
Center for the Performing Arts.
Our project team welcomed this unique
opportunity to enhance the vision and goals
of the district to create a space designed to
meet needs of the students. Attaching the
elementary school and the performing arts
center allows for a very distinct educational
program not found anywhere else in the
surrounding area.
Even though it is attached to Eisenhower
Elementary School, the performing arts
center is designed to meet the needs of the
middle and high school students as well.
The new state of the art facility will expand
the districts educational offerings in the areas
of performing arts, dance, music, band and
Project Location
Harrisburg, PA
Project Type
New Construction
Project Size
240,000 SF
Construction Cost
Construction Start
September 2011
Estimated Construction
July 2013
Greg Smith
During its six-year relationship with PSECU, Crabtree, Rohrbaugh
& Associates has performed planning and renovations and
designed e-centers for off-site banking. We are now designing a
new headquarters facility to accommodate growth for the next
20 years. This new facility will meet LEED design standards to
maximize both economic and environmental performance.
Key Personnel Involved
Jeff Straub, AIA, REFP,
Tracy M. Rohrbaugh
Stephen Arehart, RA,
LEED Silver
Sustainable Stats
40% - Projected
Energy Savings
46% - Projected
Water Reduction
75% Construction
Waste to be
The new PSECU Headquarters Building will
be a state of the art facility designed to meet
the space needs of the organization for the
next 50 years. The project will address the
office configurations and space needs of the
occupants with new building systems, and
technology, as well as providing design and
operating efficiencies for both the facility and
its occupants. PSECU’s business model is to
provide financial services online with no retail
operations. The data center design is being
developed to support this model while allowing
for future growth and new technology.
The objectives of the project are to solve
the company’s headquarters space needs
for the next ten years and accommodate for
future expansion up to 400,000 sf and 1600
employees, physically realign operational units
to achieve operating efficiencies and space for
growth, provide a facility with state of the art
building systems and to reduce the facility’s
energy costs.
The project has been developed as a “LEED
Gold” project. To achieve the level of energy
efficiency needed to meet these requirements,
the project utilizes an efficient under-floor
air distribution system. Another cost saving
measure is the use of a co-generation system.
This system uses natural gas-powered turbine
generators to generate power for the building.
Co-generation involves recovering the heat
rejected by the turbine generator and using
it for the chillers that cool the facility when
outdoor ambient temperatures exceed 55F.
When outdoor ambient temperature falls
below 55F, the recovered heat will be used
for building space heating and domestic water
heating. The facility has also been designed
to accommodate an array of solar panels on
the roof, which can reduce the buildings total
energy costs by up to 2.5%.
The project has been designed with large
atrium spaces and skylights to bring natural
daylighting to the center of the building. At
the perimeter of the building is a system of
automatic shades to maximize daylight and
control glare. These features combined with
the underfloor air distribution system will create
a productive and positive work environment.
Steel Orca
Project Location
Newtown, PA
Project Type
New Construction
Project Size
660,000 SF
Estimated Construction
Estimated Construction
Spring 2012
Estimated Construction
Fall 2013
Ray Buchner
Project Manager
To Be the “Greenest” Data Center on the Planet.
This data center will be (one of) the largest, most ecologically
considerate and efficient data centers on Earth…We are
developing disruptive technologies. We are able to fulfill
our vision of building a data center that addresses concerns
by many data center clients focuses on mandates and
incentives to reduce carbon footprint, yet provide optimal
high-density and high-performance computing”
LEED Platinum
Sustainable Stats
30% - Projected
Energy Savings
40% - Projected
Water Reduction
Steel Orca is planning a 600,000 square foot
data center at the Keystone Industrial Port
Complex, an “eco-industrial” business park
that has risen atop the former home of the
US Steel-Fairless Works factory in Fairless
Hills, PA. “Our partnership with Steel ORCA
on this environmentally-attentive project is
such an incredible opportunity,” says Doug
Rohrbaugh, co-founder and Chairman of the
Board of Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates.
“We value our role in this design and the
technology that supports our long-standing
philosophy of sustainable design.”
The design goal of the project is to achieve
LEED Platinum, making it one of the highest
performing data center enclosures in the
The project will see the redevelopment of an
industrial Brownfield, and will help to restore
the natural areas around the facility. The
Key Personnel Involved
John A. Beddia, AIA,
Jeff Straub, AIA, REFP,
Stephen Arehart, RA,
- Dave Crocker
CEO, Steel Orca
project will incorporate rainwater harvesting
and storage, bioswales and stormwater
retention basins to protect quality and
quantity of storm runoff. Harvested rainwater
will be used to recharge cooling towers and
for irrigation. Cooling tower blow down will
be used for toilets, and system condensation
will be reused for mechanical cooling tower
makeup. All of these strategies will minimizing
the demand on local water resources.
Waste heat from the data center will be
utilized to provide 100% of the buildings
heating, as well as all domestic hot water
energy, and a snow melt system.
Steel Orca intends to use water from the
Delaware River in its cooling system. Using
cool water from a local body of water can
allow a data center to operate without energyhungry chillers, and also limits the facility’s
impact on local water utilities.
3 – Referenda
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates understands the process required for a successful
referendum project having worked on several referendums for School Districts in Pennsylvania
and several projects throughout the Mid-Atlantic where the referendum and voter approval are
required for the project to move forward. The two recent referendum processes the firm has
been involved are at Donegal School District, for a new High School, and the Tuscarora Area
School District, for the renovations to the James Buchanan High School. These projects
involved significant community interaction through the processes identified below and ultimately
moved forward with successful projects, Tuscarora of which is completed and Donegal which is
currently under construction.
We have included the services of the 501 Group, led by Mr. Michael Paston, who is responsible
for the only successful referendum in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We have a strong
working relationship with Mr. Paston having teamed with him at Tuscarora Area School District
and Donegal School District for their referenda.
In successfully completing the referendum process for the State College Area School District,
we will actively engage the State College Community, through the development of a structured
series of “town hall” type meetings, workshops, charettes and the use of technology as an
effective medium for communication and input. The framework for the development of the topics
and themes to be presented and discussed will be developed in conjunction with the School
District, our Referendum Planner and our Project Team.
1. The District Wide Facilities Master Plan will be the framework for the development of the
referendum process. We will use the Facilities Master Plan as a springboard in this
effort, but we will need to develop more detailed information.
2. The referendum request and process will be structured and offered as a way to solve the
problems identified by establishing and reinforcing the needs outlined within Facilities
Master Plan.
3. The referendum issue to be voted on and the corresponding dollar amount must be
reasonable, accurate and cost efficient.
4. The project needs to match the expectations of the community and achieve objectives
that make sense to the voters. This is where community based surveys and discussion
with the local representative groups and service organizations become important.
Knowledge of what the community wants and expects from its schools is important in the
development of the project and passing of a referendum.
5. The completed Facilities Master Plan, clearly showing the need for improvements,
should be available to the community as a basis for making the recommendations. We
will supplement the original study with additional information as required for the
proposed High School project and ultimately our work will become a study in and of
6. A free flow of information to the public on the project is important. We will develop a
Project Specific Website for the proposed project. The website will serve to highlight
pertinent information about the project. The site will be interactive, in order to allow for
feedback from the community.
7. From a communication standpoint, we will establish a newsletter, targeted to the
“message of the month”, reinforcing a theme and a need. Meetings, workshops,
charettes, twitter messages and blogs should be coordinated to follow the current,
relevant theme.
8. Project brochures and information fact sheets should simply convey the information. An
oversimplified idea for a brochure, issued after the need is established, would be to
How much $ is needed?
What will the $ be used for?
How much will it cost the average taxpayer, per year, per month?
9. We should identify and make a list of organizations and community groups and develop
a master meeting schedule and timeline for getting on their agendas,
such as:
- Service Organizations
- Senior Citizens Groups
- Parent and Booster Groups
- Church Groups
- Chamber of Commerce
- Business Groups
“Needs to be a Broad Based Approach”
We will want to develop a list of the “hot topics” and present and discuss these in a
themed and coordinated approach with other media, website, etc.
10. We should develop a “themed approach” to meeting and presenting with these groups
and organizations. As part of any presentation, we should include a 20-30 minute
PowerPoint presentation to add interest to the program. A possible outline for
presentations to keep them focused and brief could look like this:
NEED – Existing facility overview and programs – Establish the need.
PROCESS – Planning process overview – What went into the facility analysis and
determination of needs
CHANGES – Discuss and review changes in Education and the delivery of
education that define the educational needs.
CURRENT SCHOOLS – Review examples of current, similar schools, both new and
renovations, illustrating concepts and the type of facility being planned for proposed High
School Project.
COMMUNITY – Review community background, general interests, community
school pride, (sports, extracurricular events, schools as center of community)..
SOLUTION – Illustrate the schematic design solution and benefits to the community
and more importantly, the students.
COST – Define the cost. Equally important to review the cost effectiveness of the
project. Define energy reduction and payback costs. Compare final cost to Statewide
average costs, Based on Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates track record of cost
effective design, we will be able to show value to the taxpayer. Our firm’s ability to
guarantee the budget for the project will resonate with the community to ensure them
that their vote for the project will allow for a successful final project.
12. Consider videotaping a presentation and making this available on the project
website, for those who cannot get out to a presentation.
13. Consider Open house event or events at the high school, or other schools,
giving community tours of the buildings.
14. Involve Students! Have Saturday / Sunday open house type meetings where
student work is displayed and informal discussion groups are being facilitated by
the leadership team.
15. Get community feedback along the way and after every meeting, workshop and
presentation. Make necessary adjustments to the message and process along
the way!
Summary of Process:
Identify / Establish and Validate the Need.
Identify broad based constituency to be addressed as part of the process.
Identify relevant list of “themes”, or hot topics”
Develop schedule for referendum process, wrapping around the delivery and
communication of the themes.
Develop schedule of newsletters, meetings, workshops, website updates, etc., to
reinforce and build on each theme.
Re-evaluate process after each step and make any necessary changes to the
process based on feedback.
Referendum Experience – Case Study – Donegal School District
Donegal School District engaged Crabtree Rohrbaugh & Associates to conduct a District Wide
Facility Study. The study included information of all owned buildings and properties as to their
current condition and grade alignment. The study also included possible renovation, additions,
closure and new building options. The options studied looked at phasing the construction
projects over several years or sequencing all the construction as one large project.
A 25 person community group was formed to review the different options and either present a
recommended option or present additional options for study by the School Board, Administration
and CRA. The group recommended modification of one of the phases and to proceed with one
large sequencing project capturing all of the buildings and grounds.
The Board, Administration, and CRA studied the recommendation. The Board, after careful
review, decided to move forward with the committee’s recommendation. The estimated cost of
the entire project was approximately $120,000,000. The Board voted to seek voter approval to
exceed the ACT 1 index through the Dead Act Referendum. Donegal School District along with
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh and Associates, engaged a Referendum Consultant to assist with the
referendum process. The Consultant’s tasks were to ensure that the District met the
procedural requirements for the referendum (i.e. filing dates, what should the question state,
The Board had to decide whether to hold a special election where the voters only voted on the
referendum question or whether the referendum question is part of a general election. The
decision was to hold a special election in January of 2010.
The next step was to hold public meetings to present the construction option and inform what
the approval of a referendum means to the average taxpayer. The District held several town
hall format meetings, set aside extra time at Board meetings, setup information on the District
website, received plenty of press, and sent out information packets to taxpayers to help ensure
that whether the taxpayer voted yes or no, they were informed in their decision. Part of the
challenge of the Dead Act is that the School District cannot promote a yes or no vote, but simply
provide factual information to the voters to allow them to make an informed decision.
The special election in January 2010 generated a 86% no vote. The Board began to assemble
an alternate plan which focused on just building a new high school. The project cost was
reduced from $120,000,000 to $49,000,000. A new series of community town hall meetings
were held at each of the elementary schools, the website was retooled with new information and
the referendum was scheduled to be held at the general election in November.
The referendum ultimately did not pass on the day of the vote, but garnered enough community
support to move forward with the scaled down project, which did not require a voter referendum.
Ultimately, Donegal High School bid under the original budget set by the district. Based on the
successful feedback and involvement from the community, the new High School is currently
under construction and is estimated to be completed in August of 2012.
Donegal School District
Project Location
Mount Joy, PA
Project Type
New Construction
Project Size
246,500 SF
Student Capacity
Construction Estimate
Construction Cost
Cost Per Square Foot
Construction Start
October 2010
May 2012
Mark Heckaman
Capital Projects Manager
717- 492-1210
Estimated Construction
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates were charged with designing
an extremely cost-effective high school. They accomplished this
challenge while at the same time providing a building designed
to stand the test of time both in appearance as well as function.
Key Personnel Involved
Kelsey Rhoads, AAIA,
Stephen Arehart, RA,
Green Globes
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
conducted a District Wide Facility Study
for Donegal School District to evaluate
conditions at several schools. At the
conclusion of the study, it was proposed
to build a new high school to replace the
current building.
The New Donegal High School will be a
state of the art facility that will address
the program, educational and technology
needs of the students of Donegal School
District. The two story building will be
home to approximately 1200 students
and provide unique programs such as
photography, visual communications and
CADD and Engineering technology.
The new school will include a state of
the art auditorium that is surrounded
with band, music and choral rooms. The
gymnasium is supported by an auxiliary
-Shelly Riedel
gym and weight room. Also included is
a media center which will provide small
classroom instruction and conference
and meeting rooms.
Donegal High School is projected to
receive Green Globes 1 certification.
This was achieved by increased roof and
wall insulation, including high effciency
HVAC systems, windows and doors. All
classrooms are daylighted and contain
automated systems for lighting control.
The project team monitored the
referendum process for the Donegal High
School project. In the end the project
was supported by the community and is
currently under construction.
Tuscarora School District
Project Location
Mercersburg, PA
Project Type
Project Size
172,043 SF
Student Capacity
950 students
Construction Estimate
Construction Cost
Construction Start
January 2010
Construction Completion
August 2011
Dr. Rebecca E. Erb
The school looks amazing. It exceeds our expectations.
We are very, very pleased, thus far, with the design and
the workmanship. It came in under bid, and we’ve stayed
within our budget. We’re actually a little bit below budget.
- Rebecca Erb
Tuscarora superintendent
Key Personnel Involved
Tracy M. Rohrbaugh
Mary E. Rowe
Richard T. Castner, AIA
This project is designed to enhance the existing
interior and exterior of the James Buchanan
High School which was built in the early 70’s.
All spaces are designed to meet the program
needs and must serve the functions that will
take place in the specific areas and must also
present an attractive and inviting atmosphere.
A secure vestibule and additional security
cameras and technology will aid in monitoring
and restricting outside visitors to the school.
The exterior of the building is designed to
update the appearance of the school and
emphasize the main entrance.
Within the parameters of this facility, space will
be assigned in such a way maintain current
instructional methodologies and accommodate
changing teaching methods and technology
over the years to come.
This design incorporates the latest health/
climate technology, controlled heating and
ventilating systems, plumbing, lighting,
intercommunications (voice, video, and data),
roofing system, increased exterior fenestration,
safety and security and International Building
Code and American with Disabilities Act
improvements to enhance the educational
Part of the design will be to replace
the mechanical, electrical and plumbing
infrastructure which was ailing and outdated.
The integration of high Performance Building
attributes is desirable and as a minimum,
will include maximizing of natural daylight
inasmuch as is feasible, indoor air quality,
thermal comfort and control and proper
acoustics. All of these attributes enable
program and operational needs to be met and
provide for increased operational efficiency.
Additional upgrades are being completed on
the existing swimming pool.
The project team monitored the referendum
process for this project. In the end the
project was supported by the community and
recently completed construction.
4 – Project Approach
& Methodology
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates proposes to cultivate a positive environment needed to ensure
a successful project. We intend to lead the study and planning process, provide support and
promote a collaborative process. We understand the scale, complexity and magnitude of your High
School project and believe that our “client oriented approach” and prior experience will be
advantageous to the State College Area School District. The firm has completed over 75 studies
in compliance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education including numerous updates for
studies completed by other architects.
Educational Design Team
The design team selected for your study has worked on numerous educational projects together
while at CRA. Each team member brings the experience and expertise relative to planning, design,
public presentations, approvals, sustainability, building size and type. Key team members are:
John A. Beddia, AIA, LEED AP, Director of Operations, will serve as your Team Leader. Every
aspect of your project from inception thru construction will provide continuity and single point of
responsibility. John served as the Team Leader for the $62,000,000 (construction cost) additions
and renovations project implemented at the Chambersburg Area High School.
Paul Taylor, AIA, REFP, LEED AP, Director of Educational Architecture, will be responsible for
the development of the educational specifications and programing. Paul brings 25 years of
experience with the development of educational specifications and 21st century vision with
emphasis on High School Planning. Paul managed the development of the educational model for
the Chambersburg Area School District High School project for 2,000 students and over 500,000
SF of combined new building and renovations program.
Jeff Straub, AIA, REFP, LEED AP, Senior Project Manager, will be responsible for project
management tasks including schematic design, design development, construction documentation
and consultant coordination. Jeff also brings sustainability experience to the team with over 15
projects including Midd-West HS, Middleburg ES, Sudlersville MS, Connellsville HS, and the
Harrisburg Area Community College Public Safety Center which will receive Gold LEED
Tracy Rohrbaugh, Director of Interior Design, will be responsible during the study phase to
review interior specifications during the educational program and validation phase. She will work
closely with your staff and administration during the study and design phase to ensure every
aspect of the interior planning of the facility is clearly realized.
CRA’s team offers the depth, resources and strength necessary to implement to goals and
schedule set forth by the State College ASD.
21st Century Design
We understand the importance of translating the Educational Model developed by your Educational
Planner and transforming this model into a 21st Century High School Design. Our team of
Educational Planners and Architects will work closely with your team to develop a conceptual plan
that meets your educational requirements and provides a state of the art educational facility for
your students. Our Educational Planners are Recognized Educational Facility Planners throughout
the Council of Educational Facility Planners as well as LEED Accredited. They will bring a holistic
approach to the design of your High School.
Designing educational environments for today’s needs while planning for the future has many
challenges which the traditional school concept does not address. Defining an environment that is
more holistic and includes the community as part of the learning environment is one of the greater
challenges the design professional faces. The traditional school concept has worked well for the
past forty years, mainly because it was an effective tool to plan and design schools when
education was predictable and experienced little change. This concept focuses on the teacher and
discipline with a standardized learning environment. However, now that the learning environment
has become more dynamic with major changes to the standard educational paradigm, it is
important that today’s design processes accommodate these changes.
Expanding the traditional school concept to encompass these educational changes involves
inclusion of many dynamics related to the student’s environment. These societal issues include
the community, family, and work. We must look at the specific disciplines of education, but also
more importantly how these disciplines interact outside of the educational environment.
Appropriate education should prepare students for success in work, family and community settings.
This education must meet the needs of all students while being relevant and applicable to real life
experiences. These changes have major effects to the standard design concept. Architects must
now design facilities that allow for these expanded learning concepts.
The first step in this is defining a process that focuses not only on the architect’s goals in designing
an educational facility, but expanding them to include the school district and community’s goals in
regards to the education of their children. This design process provides a more client-oriented
approach that will establish goals for school and its signature to the community. It focuses on
designing a stimulating and creative learning environment, which has a more learner center focus
and supports community involvement.
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates provides the school district with this client-oriented approach,
focusing on the goals of the district and designing schools that embrace technology and today’s
societal changes. Our design professionals understand that the community surrounding each
district is unique, and the learning environment should reflect this. To do this the architect must
fully understand the goals and challenges the district is facing and provide designs that embrace
these goals and provide solutions to these challenges.
Study and Planning Process
Our process begins by establishing lines of communication; identifying decision makers and
applying a time line so participants clearly understand the importance, magnitude and impact of
each decision. As advisory committees are formed by the District, CRA would begin by directly
engaging key staff, department heads and administrators. This process aids the architect by
providing a detailed description of each program area so that we may appreciate the unique
language of the State College Area School Districts curriculum. We would propose a regular
meeting schedule to present information and report progress to the board, advisory committees
and community. A public website hosted and maintained by CRA containing pertinent information
approved by the District would keep everyone informed.
Recognizing the Dejong study and PDE requirement to update, CRA would put forth a plan to
review your comments, questions and or concerns. We need to understand your perspective of the
2009 study, both positive and/or negative. CRA has successfully implemented multiple projects
where planners such as Dejong or MGT of America have prepared facility studies. We maintain
professional relationships with planning firms to also ensure work prepared to date is not
duplicated, lost or misrepresented. Additionally, CRA would provide an opinion of study and
amendments prepared to date which include the program, budget and schedule. This effort at
Lewisburg ASD, Uniontown ASD and Connellsville ASD has proven to be effective in identifying
deficiencies early in the programing process, budget or site. Our goal is to provide you with the
most accurate information to ensure the best possible sound decision.
Our documentation of meeting minutes at each meeting allows CRA to demonstrate our
understanding of the issues discussed and decisions made.
District Wide Facility Study/Master Plan Update Process
Kick-Off Meeting – We will meet with the Key Administrative Staff, Advisory Committee Members
to review overall project goals and proposed schedule for the Master Plan. We will review the
process identified below clearly identifying School District Responsibilities, Architect
Responsibilities and our overall communication and decision making process.
Identify Existing Conditions - We will review the site plans and floor plans provided by the
School District and conduct interviews with the Assistant Superintendents or Building Principals to
determine the current use of each space within each building. We will take existing drawings and
enter all documents into our Building Information Modeling System.
Validation of Educational Specifications – We will review and validate the educational
specifications compiled by your Educational Planner. We will work closely with you to develop a
detailed function and area summary for each of these spaces to develop an educational model for
the High School conceptual design.
Comprehensive Communication & Engagement Plan – A key step in the successful completion
of the study and design process is successful communication, information gathering, and provision
of materials to the School District and Community. We will identify all key meetings and Design
Charrettes with the School District Administration, Advisory Committee and Community and
provide a detailed schedule of the meetings for public dissemination. Our documentation of
meeting minutes at each meeting allows CRA to demonstrate our understanding of the issues
discussed and decisions made. We will review our information gather techniques including web
based questionnaires and community surveys and integrate these into our overall schedule. We
will review our process for the development of the Project Specific Website and have this live within
a week of the Kick-Off meeting.
Enrollment Projection Analysis - The Architect will provide the School District with projections
that will include the School District’s actual enrollment over the past 10 years, the enrollment
projections provided by Department of Education, and enrollment projections based on current and
planned residential developments, as well as enrollment projections based on past US Census
information. The enrollment projections will be provided in both graphic and numerical formats and
will include a projection for the potential of growth within each municipality in the School District.
Physical Survey Of Existing Facilities – Our architects, engineering team and facilities director
will meet to discuss current operational conditions of the high school. Our team will conduct an onsite review and observation of ALL building components and systems. We will prepare a report
based on our field analysis stating the condition of the mechanical, electrical, technology and
plumbing systems. We will develop a menu of improvements that will include recommendations for
renovations, code compliance and accessibility.
Educational Program Development - CRA will work with the Administration and Advisory
Committee to determine the requirements for each grade, space and site amenities. During this
phase, the Architect will provide the Advisory Committee with the information needed to determine
the minimum/maximum size for each grade and determine the appropriate maximum number of
students per classroom for each grade.
Educational Facilities Adequacy Analysis - Based on the Educational Standards established by
the School District, we will analyze the school building’s capacity and identify educational space
deficiencies based on the School District’s approved Educational Program. This phase evaluates
efficient use of space within your facilities and provides the School District with a menu of
educational improvements within your existing building which may then be included and prioritized
as part of the options.
Reorganization To Optimize Facility Utilization - Based on the approved Educational Program,
we will evaluate the location of planned additions, core spaces, internal traffic flow and general
building operations and functions. CRA will begin to explore conceptual schematics to determine
how the planned additions will complement existing program areas with the intent to optimize the
building organizationally. This is particularly important in your cafeteria/kitchen, library,
administration, team teaching (science) and physical education department to name a few.
Application of Model to Existing Facility/New Facility – Based on the validation of the
educational specifications and the development of the Educational Program and detailed
educational model will be developed. The model will be used as the basis for the development of
any conceptual designs and identify any important functional adjacencies within the facility. The
model would be applied as the basis for design of a new facility or applied to the existing facility.
Develop Options - Based on the scope of work for improvements approved by the Advisory
Committee the Architect will develop options giving consideration to program, site, budget, grades,
sequence of construction and any other considerations as determined by the District. Cost
estimates for each option will include soft costs, i.e. financing fees, legal, as well as a projection of
PDE reimbursement. At this time, multiple variables for each option may be present; therefore,
CRA will assemble a matrix so that each option can be compared.
Once the final options have been established, we will work closely to identify specifically the list of
Educational Improvements provided by each of the approved Options. The list of recommended
improvements and options will be included in the information provided to the public via the website
and printed communications.
Identification of Educational Improvements – Once the final options have been established we
will work closely to identify specifically the list of Educational Improvements provided by each of the
approved Options. This listing along with the options will be included in the information provided to
the public via the website and printed communications.
Review Process - CRA will conduct 30%, 60%, 90% reviews as established by the State College
Area School District guidelines. We will incorporate and or explore additional information as
identified in this review process. This process will ensure accuracy and maintain an aggressive
schedule. Incorporation of changes and additional information will be based on input from the
Advisory Committee.
Present Final Study to Committee - The final Study will be presented in both narrative and
illustrative format. Portions of the presentation will be presented electronically, and all information
approved by the School Committee will be included on the Feasibility Study website.
5 – Personnel
Team Leader
John A. Beddia, AIA, LEED AP
Director of Operations
Educational Planning
Sustainable Design
Director of Educational Architecture
Jeff Straub, AIA, REFP,
Stephen Arehart, RA, LEED AP
Senior Project Manager
Jeff Straub, AIA, REFP,
Scott Cousin, LEED AP
Project Manager
Kelsey Rhoades, AAIA, LEED AP
Project Architect
Paul Weaver, RA
Architectural Coordinator
Kyle L. Strock, LEED AP BD+C
Technical Staff
Arif Hasanbhai
Jeff Daniels
Code Review
Keith C. Gingrich, MCP
Field Operations
Richard T. Castner, AIA
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing
& Structural
Mechancal Engineer
Eric T. Huth, PE, CPD, CGD, LEED AP
Electrical Engineer
Joseph G. Strenkoski, PE
Structural Engineer
Bruce A. Andrews, PE
Interior Design
Director of Interior Design
Tracy M. Rohrbaugh
ID Project Manager
Mary E. Rowe
Civil Engineering
Design Team
QA & Construction Administration
Senior Project Manager
Brent M. Detter, RLA, LEED GA
Senior Project Engineer
George R. Smith, III, PE
Senior Transportation Manager
Mark L. Henise, PE, PTOE
Director: Water Resources
Jeffrey W. Sweater, PE
Paul Taylor, AIA, LA, REFP, LEED AP
Educational Planners
Harold Hart, REFP, LEED AP BD+C
Harry J. Pettoni, REFP
Referendum Planning
Michael J. Paston
My greatest reward is knowing that my solution
represents my client’s vision. My greatest sense of
accomplishment is finding an architectural solution
to a problem that could not previously be found.
Professional Role
As Director of Operations, John A. Beddia will work with the Team Manager to
identify schedule and appropriate resources. He is also responsible for assisting
in all aspects of planning, design and technical documentation including detailed
coordination of all disciplines. During the development of construction documents,
John will be assisted by the Principals-in-Charge, Director of Project Management,
Director of Design and other technical personnel within the firm.
Professional Experience
Professional Registrations
Senior Project Manager
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
1992 to Present
Registered Architect in
Pennsylvania and Maryland
Project Designer
The Ray Group
1990 to1992
LEED AP (Accredited Professional)
Bachelor of Science
Environmental Design
Bachelor of Architecture
North Carolina State University
Buchart, Horn/BASCO Associates
1988 to 1990
Project Experience
Chambersburg Area School District
Benjamin Chambers Elementary School
Fayetteville Elementary School
Chambersburg Area High School
Chambersburg Gymnasium
Hempfield School District
Rohrerstown Elementary School
Mountville Elementary School
East Petersburg Elementary School
Farmdale Elementary School
Centerville Middle School
Uniontown Area School District
Lafayette Elementary School
Ben Franklin Elementary School
Uniontown High School
Dover Area School District
Weigelstown Elementary School
Red Lion Area School District
Red Lion Senior High School
Larry J. Macluso Elementary School
Manheim Township School District
Bucher Elementary School
Landis Run Intermediate School
Boiling Springs School District
Boiling Springs High School
Elizabethtown Area School District
Bear Creek School
Donegal School District
Donegal High School
Eastern Lancaster County School District
Garden Spot Middle & High School
Eastern Lebanon County School District
ELCO Intermediate School
Magna Cum Laude
Council of Educational
Facility Planners
For our school buildings to be successful, they
must work well for the students and teachers
who use them. We look at the way each school
can work best and develop a vibrant, safe and
effective learning environments.
Professional Role
Experienced in both educational facility design and educational facility master
planning, Paul Taylor will work in conjunction with the Principal-in-Charge
to coordinate all professional activities. His duties include project oversight,
programming and assessment of each project. Paul will integrate aspects of the
master plan from the architectural and educational perspective.
Professional Experience
Professional Registrations
Director of Educational Architecture
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
1993 to Present
Registered Architect in Pennsylvania
Senior Architect, Landscape Architect,
Project Manager
Basco Associates
1988 to 1993
Recognized CEFPI, Educational
Facilities Planner
Registered Landscape Architect in
Pennsylvania and New York
LEED AP (Accredited Professional)
Masters of Architecture
North Carolina State University
Educational Facilities Planning
Harvard University
Bachelor of Landscape
Syracuse University
Citation Design Award:
American School and
University Magazine - 1994
Project Management
Workplan of Year - 1992
First Place Design Award :
York College Arts - 1991
Project Experience
Camp Hill School District
District Wide Study
Eisenhower Elementary School*
Chambersburg Area School District
District Wide Study
Chambersburg Area High School
Benjamin Chambers Elementary School
Fayetteville Elementary School
West Shore School District
District Wide Study
Cedar Cliff High School
Red Land High School
Northern Tioga School District
District Facility Study
Midd-West School District
District Wide Study
Middleburg Elementary School*
Midd-West High School *
Otto-Eldred School District
District Wide Study
Otto-Eldred High School
Mechanicsburg Area School District
District Wide Study
Mechanicsburg Area High School
Jersey Shore Area School District
Jersey Shore Area Facility Study
Jersey Shore Elementary School*
* Denotes Sustainable Design
American Institute of Architects
Council of Educational Facility
Planners Member
As Director of Project Management I wear several hats.
I am involved with client and business development,
as well as overseeing project management and staff
development. As a project manager on educational
facility projects, I bring creative ideas to the table while
creating solutions that are functional, appropriate
and cost-effective.
Professional Role
Harold Hart directs project management, staff development, and quality
assurance and procedures. Harold is a Registered Educational Facilities Planner
with the Council of Educational Facilities Planners International, a member of the
American Institute of Architects and a LEED Accredited Professional.
Professional Experience
Professional Registrations
Director of Project Management
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
2004 to Present
Registered Educational Facility
Planner (REFP)
Hayes Large Architects
1999 to 2004
Council of Educational Facilities
Planners International
Associate Member of AIA
Project Manager, Director of
Educational Design
Gilbert Architects
1987 to 1997
LEED AP (Accredited Professional)
Bachelor of Architecture
Temple University
Associates Degree in
Architectural Technology
Stevens College of Technology
Professional Awards
Five Excellence in Design
Awards, Masonry Contractors
Association of Central
1990 to 2000
New high school cited for
design excellence by the
American Institute of
Architects - 2002
The American Institute
of Architects
Project Experience
Dover Area School District
District Wide Study
Weiglestown Elementary School
Eastern Lancaster County School District
District Wide Study
Garden Spot Middle & High School
Penn Manor School District
Facilities Master Plan
Martic Elementary School
Marticville Middle School
Tuscarora School District
James Buchanan High School
Troy Area School District
Troy Senior High School
Clarke County Public Schools
Clarke County High School
Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Feasibility & Master Plan
Sudlersville Middle School
Seneca Highlands IU #9
Facility Study
Lincoln IU #12
Facility Study
Madison County Public Schools
Capital Improvement Plan
Council of Educational Facility
Planners International
Virginia Educational
Facility Planners
Green Building Association
of Central Pennsylvania
United States Green
Building Council
You must be able to bring together a complete system from
the first introduction to the final project delivery. Effective
management enables the entire team to work corroboratively
throughout the life cycle of the project. Overseeing the work
of each team member increases productivity and efficiency,
allows insight into performance and contribute to the success
of every project.
Syracuse University
Bachelor of Architecture 1991
Professional Role
Harry J. Pettoni is responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day management of the
project activities, including coordination of all disciplines and specialty consultants.
During the development of documentation he will be assisted by the Principals-inCharge, Director of Project Management, Director of Design and other technical
personnel within the firm. Mr. Pettoni will also be responsible for the educational
planning, program development and educational specification.
Professional Experience
Professional Registrations
Senior Project Manager
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
June 2010 to Present
Registered Educational Facility
Planner (REFP)
State University of New York
@ Delhi
AAS -Architectural &
Construction Tech. 1987
Professional Awards
2001 Governors Award for
Environmental Excellence in
Energy Efficiency
First Green School in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Pre-LEED release 2.0
Vice President
Gilbert Architects, Inc
1998 to June 2010
The Sustainable Building Industry
Council (SBIC) 2002 “Best Practice”
Sustainability Award for School
Project Manager
Comerro Coppa Architects, PC
1991 to 1998
The Council for Educational Facility
Planners International (CEFPI)
2002 Impact for Learning Award for
Energy Efficiency
Project Experience
Central Columbia School District
Central Columbia Middle School
Hazleton Area School District
Facility Assessment
New Magnet School
Troy Area School District
District Wide Feasibility Study
Tamaqua Area School District
Tamaqua High School
Pottsgrove School District*
District Wide Feasibility Study
Lower Pottsgrove Elementary School
West Pottsgrove Elementary School
Ringing Rocks Elementary School
Radnor Elementary School
Council Rock School District*
Council Rock High School North
Council Rock High School South
Pottstown School District*
District Wide Feasibility Study
Kennett Consolidated School District*
District Wide Feasibility Study
Bancroft Elementary School
West Chester Area School District*
District Wide Feasibility Study
East High School
Fugett Middle School
Bayard Rustin High School
*denotes personal experience
American Institute of Architects
U.S.Green Building Council
Sustainable Building
Industry Council
Green Building Assn. of
Central PA
Council of Educational Facility
Planners Int’l
In 1914, Paul Scheerbart wrote, ‘If we want our culture to rise
to a higher level, we are obliged, for better or for worse, to
change our architecture. And this only becomes possible if we
take away the closed character from the rooms in which we
live.’ Over the years, this idea has become part of my design
Professional Role
R. Jeffrey Straub is responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day management
of design and design-related construction activities, including coordination of all
disciplines and specialty consultants. During the development of construction
documents he will be assisted by the Principals-in-Charge, Director of Project
Management, Director of Design and other technical personnel within the firm.
Professional Experience
Professional Registrations
Director/Team Leader/Senior Project
Manager/Project Manager/Project Designer
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
1999 to Present
Registered Architect in Pennsylvania,
Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Ohio,
West Virginia, New York and New Jersey.
Bachelor of Architecture and
Bachelor of Art History
Penn State University, 2001
Sedi Di Roma Program
Rome, Italy, 1999
Distinguished Thesis (Educational
Architecture within the Inner City)
Professional Awards
2010 CEFPI Northeast
Design Award
LEED Accredited Professional,
Building Design + Construction
Registered with National Council of
Architectural Registration Boards
Midd-West High School
AIA 2008 Merit Awards
Connellsville Area Career &
Technical Center
AIA 2007 Merit Awards
Registered Educational Facility Planner
Middletown Middle School
Council of Educational Facility Planners
International (CEFPI)
Preservation Award
2010 PA Historic
Jefferson County Courthouse
Project Experience
Midd-West School District
District Wide Study & Assessment
Middleburg Elementary School *
Midd-West High School *
Connellsville Area School District
Connellsville Senior High School *
Connellsville Career & Technical Center
Middletown Area School District
Middletown Middle School
Jersey Shore Area School District
Jersey Shore Area Facility Study
Jersey Shore Elementary School*
South Middleton School District
District Wide Study & Assessment
Boiling Springs High School
Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Feasibility & Master Plan
Sudlersville Middle School*
School District of Philadelphia
Rhodes Middle School
Wagner Middle School
Widener Middle School
Pottstown School District
District Wide Study & Assessment
Polytech School District
Polytech High School
* Denotes Sustainable Design
AIA Board Member
Central PA Chapter
Design Awards Chairman
Green Building Association of
Central Pennsylvania
AFREC (Alternative Fuels
Renewable Energies Council)
Pennsylvania Heritage Society:
PA Historical &
Museum Commission
International Code Council
Appeals Board
My favorite part of the project is seeing the end
result—to see how happy the school district is with
the building and to see the students enjoying the
academic and recreational spaces we have created.
Professional Role
Kelsey is responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day management of design
and design-related activities and will provide day to day direction to technical
staff to meet all cost, quality and schedule constraints. During the development of
construction documents, Kelsey will be assisted by Project Managers and other
technical personnel.
Bachelor of Architecture
Penn State University
Professional Experience
Professional Registrations
Project Architect / Project Manager
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
2007 to Present
LEED AP (Accredited Professional)
ACE - Architecture Construction
Engineering Mentor
Project Experience
Chambersburg Area School District
Benjamin Chambers Elementary School
Fayetteville Elementary School
Chambersburg Area High School
Chambersburg Gymnasium
Hempfield School District
Rohrerstown Elementary School
Mountville Elementary School
East Petersburg Elementary School
Farmdale Elementary School
AIA Board Member
Central PA Chapter
Manheim Township School District
Bucher Elementary School &
District Administrative Offices*
Landis Run Intermediate School*
Elizabethtown Area School District
Bear Creek School
Iroquois School District
Iroquois Elementary School
Red Lion Area School District
Larry J. Macaluso Elementary School
Eastern Lebanon County School District
ELCO Intermediate School
* Denotes Sustainable Design
I take pride in our firm’s client-oriented approach.
Understanding the client’s goals and needs is the first
step to a successful project.
Professional Role
Paul Weaver will serve in the role of Project Architect. He will have the
responsibility for all aspects of the day-to-day management of design and design
related construction activities, including coordination of all disciplines and specialty
consultants. During the development of construction documents, Mr. Weaver will
be assisted by the Principals in Charge, Director of Project Management, Director
of Design and other technical personnel within the firm.
Professional Experience
Project Architect
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
1990 to Present
Project Manager
Bink and Associates
1989 to 1990
Sales Representative
Manning Company
1985 to 1989
Project Manager & Architectural
Bink and Kuntz Architects
1980 to 1985
Architectural Draftsman
Basco Associates
1978 to 1980
Architectural Draftsman
E.I. Associates
1974 to 1978
Professional Registrations
Registered Architect in Pennsylvania
Project Experience
Chambersburg Area School District
Benjamin Chambers Elementary School
Fayetteville Elementary School
Chambersburg Area High School
Chambersburg Gymnasium
Hempfield School District
Centerville Elementary School
Rohrerstown Elementary School
Mountville Elementary School
East Petersburg Elementary School
Farmdale Elementary School
Centerville Middle School
Red Lion Area School District
Larry J. Macaluso Elementary School
Red Lion Senior High School
Susquenita Area School District
Susquenita High School
Eastern Lebanon County School District
ELCO Intermediate School
Elizabethtown Area School District
Bear Creek School
Iroquois School District
Iroquois Elementary School
Architectural Drafting Harrisburg Area Community
College - 1972
Our goal is to create more than just a building.
We design paces that people can both enjoy as
well as function.
Professional Role
Kyle will be responsible for developing quality drawings and specifications within
the prescribed time frame under the direction of their Senior Project Manager and
provide day to day direction to technical staff of assigned projects
Professional Experience
Professional Registration
Project Architectural Coordinator
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh, & Associates
2007 to present
LEED Accredited Professional,
Building Design + Construction
Penn State University
Professional Awards
2010 CEFPI Northeast
Design Award
Midd-West High School
AIA 2008 Merit Awards
Connellsville Area Career &
Technical Center
Technical Staff
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh, & Associates
2004 to 2007
2010 PA Historic
Intern Architect
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh, & Associates
2001 to 2003
Preservation Award
Jefferson County Courthouse
Project Experience
Midd-West School District
District Wide Study
Middleburg Elementary School*
Midd-West High School*
Connellsville Area School District
Connellsville Senior High School*
Connellsville Career & Technical Center
Jersey Shore Area School District
Jersey Shore Area Facility Study
Jersey Shore Elementary School*
Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Sudlersville Middle School *
Bachelor of Architecture,
Chambersburg Area School District
District Wide Study
Chambersburg Senior High School
Pottstown Area School District
District Wide Study
Juniata County School District
District Wide Study
Harrisburg Area Community College
Public Safety Training Center*
York County
Career & Technology Center
* Denotes Sustainable Design
Architecture is not bricks and mortar; it is not concrete
or steel. Architecture is light and the air we breathe. It
is the space where we work and play and live our lives.
Professional Role
Stephen Arehart is responsible for all aspects of the management, design and
coordination of LEED Credentials throughout the duration of the project. He works
closely with the senior personnel assigned to the project and is art will be assisted by
additional technical personnel within the firm.
Professional Experience
Professional Registrations
Job Captain/LEED Coordinator
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
2007 to Present
LEED AP (Accredited Professional)
Bachelor of Arts,
Mary Washington College,
The American Institute of
Architects (AIA)
Project Architect
2004 to 2007
Intern Architect
J.S. Rogers Architects
2001 to 2003
Community Work
Art Association of Harrisburg
Project Experience
Donegal School District
Donegal High School*
Midd-West School District
Middleburg Elementary School*
Midd-West High School*
Penn Manor Area School District
Central Manor Elementary School*
Manheim Township School District
Caleb W. Bucher Elementary School*
Landis Run Intermediate School*
Dallas Area School District
Dallas High School
Masters of Architecture,
University of New Mexico,
Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Kennard Elementary School
Sudlersville Middle School*
Connellsville Area School District
Connellsville Senior High School *
PA State Employees Credit Union
HQ & Conference Center*
Steel Orca
Data Center*
Spring Grove Area School District
Spring Grove Area High School
Uniontown Area School District
Lafayette Elementary School
Uniontown High School
* Denotes Sustainable Design
Our designers work to enhance the quality of the
experience for the people who use the facility.
Integrating interior design elements into the building
design ensures that our clients receive what they want
and need in the interior spaces of a project.
Professional Role
As Director of Interior Design, Tracy M. Rohrbaugh is responsible for the
holistic design of our facilities interior spaces. She meets with our clients to
develop the design concept and layout of our interior spaces, the development
of programmatic requirements and coordination of interior finishes materials,
colors, fabrics and graphics.
Associates Degree in
Interior Design
Bradley Academy for
the Visual Arts
Professional Experience
Director of Interior Design/
Interior Designer
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
1990 to Present
American Society of
Interior Designers
Pennsylvania Green
Building Alliance
Freelance Designer
Sanshar Commercial Interiors
Project Experience
Midd-West School District
Middleburg Elementary School*
Midd-West High School*
Manheim Township School District
Caleb W. Bucher Elementary School*
Landis Run Intermediate School*
Spring Grove Area School District
District Wide Study
Spring Grove K - 4 School
Spring Grove Middle School
Spring Grove High School
Dallas School District
Dallas High School
West Shore School District
Cedar Cliff High School
Red Land High School
Chambersburg Area School District
District Wide Study
Benjamin Chambers Elementary School
Fayetteville Elementary School
Chambersburg Senior High School
Red Lion Area School District
District Wide Study
Larry J. Maculso Elementary School
Red Lion High School
Uniontown Area School District
Uniontown High School
* Denotes Sustainable Design
Our interior designers draw on their diverse education
and experience to creatively resolve issues relating
to our clients’ needs. We use color psychology, space
planning integration and specialty detailing to create
customized environments that range from corporate
retail spaces to schools.
Professional Role
Mary E. Rowe is responsible for assisting the Director of Interior Design with the
management and development of interiors, including design, space planning, finish
selections and creation of design concepts and specification of furniture, fixtures
and equipment.
Professional Experience
Senior Interior Designer
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
2000 to Present
Sales Associate
Linden Hall Antiques
1999 to 2000
Freelance Designer
Rutledge Interiors
1996 to 1999
Project Experience
Hempfield School District
Rohrerstown Elementary School
Mountville Elementary School
East Petersburg Elementary School
Farmdale Elementary School
Centerville Middle School
Donegal School District
Donegal High School*
Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Kennard Elementary School
Sudlersville Middle School*
Dallas School District
Dallas High School
Chambersburg Area School District
Chambersburg Senior High School
Spring Grove Area School District
Spring Grove Area High School
Red Lion Area School District
Larry J. Macaluso Elementary School
Red Lion High School
North Pocono School District
North Pocono Senior High School
Uniontown Area School District
Uniontown High School
PA State Employees Credit Union
HQ & Conference Center*
* Denotes Sustainable Design
Bachelor of Interior Design
O’More College of Design
We maintain open lines of communication between
contractors and owner and monitor the progress of
a project during the construction phase to ensure
that it is completed according to the drawings and
Professional Role
Richard T. Castner ensures proper compliance and coordination with contract and construction documents during the construction phase between the
Owners and Contractors. He will be assisted by the Director of Educational
Facilities, Director of Design, Project Manager and Job Captain.
Bachelor of Architecture
The University of Florida
Professional Experience
Professional Registrations
Director of Quality Control and
Field Operations
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
1987 to Present
Registered Architect in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Society
of Architects
Director of Field Services
John M. Kostecky, Jr. & Associates
1978 to 1987
Staff Architect
Lacy, Atherton & Davis
Project Experience
Clarke County Public Schools
Clarke County High School
Culpeper County Public Schools
Yowell Elementary School
Dallastown Area School District
Dallastown Area Intermediate School
Chambersburg Area School District
Chambersburg Senior High School
Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Sudlersville Middle School
Kennard Elementary School
Line Mountain School District
Line Mountain Jr/Sr High School
The American Institute
of Architects
Mechanicsburg Area School District
Mechanicsburg Middle School
Mechanicsburg Area High School
Midd-West School District
Midd-West High School
Eastern Lancaster County School District
Garden Spot Middle & High School
Elizabethtown School District
Elizabethtown Middle & High School Complex
Bear Creek Intermediate School
Donegal School District
Donegal High School
North Pocono School District
North Pocono High School
Starting a project with code analysis and planning at the
earliest design phase leads to a smooth and successful
construction code review process. Code compliance is just
one of the many aspects a building owner expects when their
project is completed.
Professional Role
Keith C. Gingrich has over 36 years experience in the construction industry as a
certified inspector, plan examiner, Building Code Official, construction foreman,
surveyor and drafter. Mr. Gingrich has numerous International Code Council and
PA Department of Labor and Industry Certifications.
Professional Experience
Harrisburg Area Community
ICC Certifications
Building Codes Plan Examiner & Inspector Certified Building Official (#3735)
Certified Electrical Code Official
Quality Assurance Plus
Certified Housing Code Official
2007 to Present
Certified Mechanical Code Official
Senior Building Code Official
Certified Plumbing Code Official
Combination Plans Examiner
Pennoni Associates, Inc
Commercial Combination Inspector
2000 to 2007
Commercial Energy Inspector
Building Inspector
Commercial Energy Plans Examiner
Fire Inspector I
Upper Allen Township
Master Code Professional (MCP)
1994 to 2000
Spray-applied Fireproofing Special
Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner
Project Experience
Donegal School District
Donegal High School*
Midd-West School District
Middleburg Elementary School*
Midd-West High School*
Camp Hill School District
Eisenhower Elementary School*
Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Sudlersville Middle School*
Spring Grove Area School District
Spring Grove Area High School
West Shore School District
Red Land High School
Cedar Cliff High School
Building & Codes Enforcement
Uniontown School District
Uniontown High School
Chambersburg Area School District
Chambersburg Senior High School
Dallas School District
Dallas High School
North Pocono School District
North Pocono High School
Troy Area School District
Troy High School
Red Lion School District
Larry J. Macaluso Elementary School
Red Lion Senior High School
* Denotes Sustainable Design
National Fire
Protection Association
6 – Consultants
Incorporated in June 2003, CenterPoint Engineering is a full service engineering
firm offering complete services in the areas of civil, structural, mechanical,
electrical, plumbing, alternative energy, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and
fire protection, as well as lighting, power and technology systems. We currently
have 28 experienced employees, including 10 Registered Engineers, three being
LEED® Accredited Professionals and one a Certified Sustainable Development
Professional (CSDP), technicians and support staff. The firm’s key personnel
James S. Bridges, SEO, President, Chief Executive Officer
Eric T. Huth, P.E., C.P.D., C.G.D., LEED AP, V.P., Chairman of the Board
William A. DeLoache, P.E., Principal, Senior Advisor
John B. Lewis, P.E., Principal
Joseph G. Strenkoski, P.E., Principal
Bruce A. Andrews, P.E., Principal
CenterPoint’s personnel have designed a wide variety of projects including
educational, industrial, institutional, commercial, healthcare, correctional,
government and residential. In addition to our primary service area covering
Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia, we have completed projects
in 27 other states.
2 Market Plaza Way
Mechanicsburg PA 17055
Phone (717) 795-8575
Fax (717) 795-9110
The CenterPoint team provides services from feasibility studies through
construction phase services, managing projects from conceptual beginnings
through completion of construction. We have a strong resume of Design/Build
experience and an in-house construction team.
In today’s competitive market, quality work is not an added feature or benefit; it’s
an expectation from an engineering firm. Clients expect our engineering services
to be top-notch and on time, and that’s what the CenterPoint Engineering team
delivers. It’s the quality, dedication to better results and superior client service
that sets us apart.
Buildings use 40% of the total United States energy
consumption. This is why it is imperative that mechanical
systems are appropriate for the building layout, efficient
in energy usage, and relatively easy to maintain and
operate. We work with the team to integrate the systems
into the building to minimize distractions caused by noise,
temperature fluctuations, and routine maintenance.
Professional Role
As Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Eric is responsible for the
daily operations of CenterPoint Engineering. In his position as Principal of
the Mechanical Engineering Department, Eric is responsible for development
of mechanical systems and studies, including HVAC, plumbing, ventilation
and utilities. Additionally, he is responsible for project management and
interdisciplinary coordination, mechanical design, specification writing, as
well as studies, reports and analyses of building systems.
He has over 16 years of experience in HVAC, plumbing and fire protection
design for institutional, commercial, industrial and educational facilities.
Eric is also responsible for the technical performance of the Mechanical
Engineering Department and coordination with other disciplines.
Professional Experience
Professional Registrations
Registered Professional Engineer:
CenterPoint Engineering, Inc.
2011 - Vice President, COO
2003 to 2011- Principal, Mechanical Engineering
Mechanicsburg School District
Mechanicsburg Middle School
Philipsburg-Osceola School District
Philipsburg-Osceola Elementary School
Hempfield School District
Rohrerstown Elementary School
Mountville Elementary School
Middle School Prototype
Eastern Lebanon County SD
Intermediate School
Penns Valley School District
Centre Hall-Potter Elementary School
Donegal School District
Donegal High School
American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Engineers
American Society for
Healthcare Engineering
Association of Energy
Engineers (AEE)
American Society of
Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)
Project Experience
Bachelor of Science
Mechanical Engineering
Pennsylvania State University
Hempfield School District
Centerville Elementary School
West Shore School District
District Wide Athletic Field Evaluation
and Master Planning
Bellefonte Area School District
Bellefonte High School
Uniontown School District
Lafayette Elementary School
Ben Franklin Elementary School
Mechanicsburg School District
Upper Allen Elementary School
Iroquois School District
Energy Study
Dover Area School District
Feasibility Study
I feel accomplished when a client’s vision
for an energy efficient and technologically
state-of-the-art facility can be realized
accurately and within budget.
Professional Role
In his position as Principal of the Electrical Engineering Department, Joe is
responsible for development of electrical systems and studies, including the design
of power, lighting, emergency power, technology and special systems.
Joe is also responsible for project management and interdisciplinary coordination,
electrical design and specification writing, studies, reports and analyses of building
systems, data networking design and layout, alternative power source design, and
emergency generator evaluation and selection.
Joe is responsible for overseeing all discipline work and coordination efforts as well
as technical support and design within the electrical department.
Professional Experience
Principal, Electrical Engineering
CenterPoint Engineering, Inc.
2003 to Present
Professional Registrations
Registered Professional Engineer:
Project Experience
Mechanicsburg School District
Mechanicsburg Middle School
Middletown School District
Hempfield School District
Centerville Elementary School
Centerville Middle School
Middletown Middle School
Tuscarora School District
Rohrerstown Elementary School
Mountville Elementary School
Wyalusing Area School District
Hempfield School District
Eastern Lebanon County School District
Intermediate School
James Buchanan High School
Wyalusing Jr./Sr. High School
Uniontown School District
Fairfax County Public Schools
Lafayette Elementary School
Ben Franklin Elementary School
Kings Park Elementary School
Hanover County School District
Hanover Street Elementary School
Bachelor of Science
Electrical Engineering
Pennsylvania State University
National Council of
Examiners for Engineering
and Surveying
Our structural engineering department’s goal
is to provide quality innovative designs that
take into account the balance between the
project requirements, cost and construction
Professional Role
As Principal of the Structural Engineering Department, Bruce is responsible for the
overall team performance of the department, as well as client interaction, project
coordination and quality assurance.
Bruce has over 28 years of experience in the analysis and design of structural
elements, framing and foundation plans, sections and details, and preparation of
design calculation and computer modeling.
Prior to joining CenterPoint Engineering, Bruce was the Project Manager
on several multi-million dollar capital improvement projects for a local food
manufacturer. In this position, he managed projects from initial concept through
design, specifications, installation, checkout, commissioning and final acceptance.
These projects included building construction, structural modifications, land
improvements, building remodeling and installation of new manufacturing lines.
Bachelor of Science
Water Resources
Engineering Technology
Pennsylvania Sate University
Graduate Studies
Environmental and
Structural Engineering
Pennsylvania State University
Professional Experience
Professional Registrations
Senior Project Engineer
Structural Department
CenterPoint Engineering, Inc.
2007 to Present
Registered Professional Engineer:
American Society of Civil
Engineers (ASCE)
American Institute of Steel
Construction (AISC)
Senior Project Engineer
Hershey Foods, Inc.
1989 to 2007
Project Experience
Clarke County High School
Midd-West High School
Berryville, VA
Middleburg, PA
Landisville Middle School (Prototype) Chambersburg High School
Landisville, PA
Chambersburg Academic Center
Chambersburg, PA
Donegal High School
Mount Joy, PA
Sudlersville Middle School
Sudlersville, MD
Chambersburg, PA
Connellsville High School
Connellsville, PA
Connellsville Career/Technology Center
Connellsville, PA
South Western High School
Hanover, PA
Mercersburg Elementary School
Mercersburg, PA
National Council of
Examiners for Engineering
and Surveying
CenterPoint Engineering and Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates’ staffs have worked
successfully together on approximately 350 projects, ranging in scope from studies
to additions, renovations and new construction. Specific high school projects on
which we have teamed include the following:
Bellefonte Area School District
Bellefonte High School - Additions and Renovations
Carlisle School District
Carlisle High School - New Track; Athletic Field Improvements
Catasauqua Area School District
Catasauqua High School - New High School and Athletic Fields
Chambersburg Area School District
Chambersburg Area Senior High School - Additions and Renovations
Chambersburg Area Senior High School - Trojan Stadium - Renovations
Coatesville Area School District
Coatesville Area Senior High School - Track and Stadium Renovations
Connellsville Area School District
Connellsville Area Senior High School - Additions and Renovations
Dallastown Area School District
High School - Additions and Renovations
Donegal School District
Donegal High School - New Construction
Dover Area School District
Dover Area Senior High School - Classroom Renovations
Stadium - Renovations
Eastern Lancaster County School District
Garden Spot Middle School/High School - Additions and Renovations
Elizabethtown Area School District
Elizabethtown High School - Additions and Renovations
Gettysburg Area School District
Gettysburg High School - Mat Hoist Evaluation
Harrisburg School District
Harrisburg High School - Renovations
John Harris High School - Renovations
Hempfield School District
Hempfield High School
Lewisburg School District - Feasibility Studies
Lewisburg High School
Mechanicsburg Area School District
Mechanicsburg High School - New Athletic Facilities, Parking Lot Expansion;
Middletown Area School District
Middletown High School - Baseball Field Concession Building
War Memorial Field - Renovations
Midd-West School District
Midd-West High School - Additions and Renovations
Minersville Area School District
Minersville Area Junior/Senior High School - Classrooms Conversion
Mount Carmel Area School District
Mount Carmel Junior/Senior High School - Renovations
Athletic Fields Feasibility Study
Northern York County School District
Northern High School
Otto-Eldred School District
Otto-Eldred High School - Renovations
Otto-Eldred High School - Track and Field
Pennsylvania Department of General Services
Scotland School for Veterans’ Children - Renovations (Grades 3-12)
Philadelphia School District
Four schools – Roof load evaluations
Philipsburg-Osceola Area School District
Philipsburg-Osceola High School
Phoenixville Area School District
Phoenixville High School - Additions and Renovations
Schuylkill Valley School District
Schuylkill Valley High School
Auditorium Feasibility Study; HVAC and Lighting Upgrades
South Eastern School District
Kennard-Dale High School – Renovations
South Middleton School District
Boiling Springs High School - Addition and HVAC Improvements
South Western School District
South Western High School - Renovations
Southern Huntingdon County School District
Southern Huntingdon Jr./Sr. High School - Additions and Renovations
Spring Grove Area School District
Spring Grove High School - Study; New Construction
Susquenita School District
Susquenita High School - Additions and Renovations
Susquenita High School - Running Track
Tamaqua Area School District
Tamaqua High School - Structural Evaluation
Trinity High School
Spiritual Center - Renovations
Troy Area School District
Troy Senior High School - Additions and Renovations
Tuscarora School District
James Buchanan High School - Additions and Renovations
Tussey Mountain School District
Junior/Senior High School - Additions and Renovations
Uniontown School District
Uniontown High School - Additions and Renovations
Warrior Run School District
Warrior Run High School - Renovations
West Shore School District
Cedar Cliff High School - Additions and Renovations
Red Land High School - Additions and Renovations
Wyalusing Area School District
Wyalusing Junior/Senior High School - Additions and Renovations
Wyomissing Area School District
Wyomissing Junior/Senior High School
Feasibility Study; Additions and Renovations
Clarke County Public School District
Clarke County High School - New Facility; Greenhouse
Madison County Public Schools
Long Range Capital Improvements Study
Madison County High School and Middle School - Study
Westmoreland County Schools
Washington & Lee High School – Study and Renovations
Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District
Matawan Regional High School - Addition and Renovations
Hempfield School District
Project Location
Lancaster County, PA
Project Type
New Construction
Additions and Renovations
Centerville Elementary School
Mountville Elementary School
Project Sizes
Centerville Elementary
64,000 SF Renovations
48,000 SF Additions
Mountville Elementary
102,000 SF New Construction
Rohrerstown Elementary
Rohrerstown Elementary School
102,000 SF New Construction
Centerville Elementary School
Renovations to the existing 64,000 SF
building, with additions of 48,000 SF
including a gymnasium, two two-story
classroom wings and enlargement of the
music room, three new stair towers, two
new entrance canopies and modifications
to extend and support the existing floor
structure for a new media center.
The mechanical system for the building
includes a geothermal heat pump system
with the well field sized for the entire
Mountville and Rohrerstown
Elementary Schools
The Mountville and Rohrerstown
Elementary Schools were new one
and two story facilities, approximately
102,000 SF each.
The mechanical system for each
building includes a geothermal heat
pump system with the well field
sized for the entire building. As an
Energy Star partner, CenterPoint has
benchmarked Mountville Elementary
School for the 2008-2009 year. The
Energy Star rating is 88.
ELA Group, Inc. provides Engineering and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services in support of our Land
Planners/Landscape Architects or directly to the public sector (to municipalities) and to the private sector (to various
individual clients and to other consultants). In addressing the needs of our clients, we provide the following range of
services, tailored to meet the specific requirements of each project.
Civil Engineering
Stormwater and Watershed Management [Conveyance/Management Systems, Watershed/
Floodplain Analysis, and Bridges/Culverts], Regulatory Compliance, Planning, and
Permitting [Clean Water & Stormwater Management Acts, Erosion & Sediment Control
(including NPDES), General/Joint Permits, Flood Insurance Compliance, and Dam Safety
& Waterway Management], and General Consulting [Grant/Funding Applications,
Construction/Bid Documents, Construction-Phase Services, and Expert Testimony].
Municipal Engineering
Stormwater and Watershed Management [As above], Regulatory Compliance, Planning,
and Permitting [As above and including Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)],
Infrastructure Planning, Comprehensive Plans, and Ordinances [Zoning, Subdivision &
Land Development, and Stormwater Management Ordinances], Regulatory Reviews and
Permitting [Subdivision & Land Development Plans], and General Consulting [As above].
Traffic/Transportation Engineering
Traffic Studies and Planning [Traffic Impact Studies, Comprehensive Traffic Studies, Urban
Transportation Planning, and System Management], Transportation Analysis and Design
[Traffic Calming, Traffic Signals, Intersection & Roadway Capacity, System versus Land
Use/Economics], Engineering, Design, and Permitting [Signage/Pavement Markings,
Highway and Roadway Improvements, Intersection Control/Design, PennDOT Highway
Occupancy Permits], and General Consulting [As above plus Roadway Safety Inspections].
Water Resources Engineering
Regulatory Compliance, Planning, and Permitting [Clean Water Act, Sewage Facilities Act
537, Chapter 94, and Safe Drinking Water], Wastewater Collection/Treatment [Collection/
Treatment Systems, Pumping/Transmission Facilities, Infiltration/Inflow Reduction, and OnLot Disposal Systems], Water Supply Treatment/Distribution [Resource Planning,
Treatment/Distribution Systems, and Pumping/Storage/Transmission Facilities], and
General Consulting [As above plus Rate/Tapping Fees and Infrastructure Management].
Special Engineering
Parking Garages [Site Analysis, Design, Facility Condition Surveys/Inspections,
Restoration Repairs/Improvement Designs for Existing Structures, and Maintenance/
Operation Program Reviews], Retaining Walls [Consultation, Site Analysis, and Design/
Engineering for Segmental/Concrete Masonry Unit and Cast-in-Place Concrete Walls], and
Miscellaneous Structures [Condition Appraisals/Structural Evaluations, Site Analysis,
Design/Engineering for Miscellaneous Structures/Footings/Foundations].
Geographic Information Systems
System Design, Implementation, and Training [Needs Assessment, System Design and
Set-Up, Data Collection, CADD/GIS Integration/Conversion, and File Archiving], Municipal
Systems [Infrastructure/Code Enforcement/Permit Management and Public Works],
Business Systems [Property/Asset Management and Marketing Maps/Demographics],
Inventory/Analysis, Comprehensive/Strategic Planning, and Official Maps [Resource,
Water/Wastewater, Stormwater Management, Traffic/Transportation, and Land Planning].
Exploring Possibilities…. ...Finding Solutions Project Role:
Senior Project Manager
Landscape Architect
Landscape Architect, 2001 – PA
LEED Green Associate, 2009
Mr. Detter joined ELA Group, Inc. in April 2006 following tenures at David Lynch and
Associates, Inc. (Lancaster), and Toll Brothers, Inc. (Horsham, PA). His experience
includes the design, project coordination, and project management related to the
development of public schools, municipal facilities, and residential and commercial
sites. Responsibilities include schematic site design, master planning, grading,
drainage, utility design, landscape plans, permitting, construction and bid document
preparation, specifications and construction observation.
West Virginia University, WV
B.S. Landscape Architecture – 1996
Professional/Technical Affiliations:
Master Planner, Lancaster County Planning Commission
Golden Key National Honor Society
Sigma Lamda Alpha Honor Society
Professional Registration Continuing Education
Previous Experience:
Toll Brothers, Inc.
Eastern States Engineering, Inc.
7/96 – 7/99
Project Manager
David Lynch and Associates
Lancaster, PA
7/99 – 4/06
Key Project Experience:
• Landisville Intermediate Center, East Hempfield Township, Lancaster
County, PA – Rezoning, Conditional Use, Land Development, Construction
Documents and Construction Administration. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh &
Associates - Architects.
• Farmdale Elementary School, West Hempfield Township, Lancaster County,
PA – Zoning, Land Development,
Construction Documents and
Construction Administration. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates Architects.
• East Petersburg Elementary School, East Petersburg Borough, Lancaster
County, PA – Zoning, Special Exception, Land Development, Construction
Documents, and Construction Administration. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh &
Associates - Architects.
• Manheim Township School District 5th and 6th Grade Facility, Manheim
Township, Lancaster County, PA – Prepared Zoning, Land Development,
and Construction Documents for new 5th and 6th Grade education facility, as
well as Construction Administration. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh &
Associates - Architects.
• Garnet Valley High School, Garnet Valley School District, Concord Township,
Delaware County, PA.
• Millersville University, Borough of Millersville, Lancaster County, PA – Design and
construction documents for gateway signage project and University Quad
Landscape Master Plan.
• Chadds Ford Elementary School, Pennsbury Township, Chester, PA – Design,
preparation of construction drawings, specifications, permitting and coordination
for project approvals through local and State permitting, and construction
• Hilltop Elementary School, Chichester School District, Upper Chichester
Township, Delaware County, PA.
• Ephrata Middle School, Ephrata Borough, Lancaster County, PA – Integral in the
design and management of the project from sketch plan to Final Land
Development Plans, including Construction Administration.
• Garnet Valley High School, Garnet Valley School District, Concord Township,
Delaware County, PA.
• Chadds Ford Elementary School, Pennsbury Township, Chester, PA – Design,
preparation of construction drawings, specifications, permitting and coordination
for project approvals through local and State permitting, and construction
• Immaculata University, East Whiteland Township, Chester County, PA – Site
design, layout, grading and drainage design for new parking facilities. Design and
construction documents for University monument sign and way finding system.
Senior Project Engineer
Professional Engineer
Commonwealth of PA - 2005
Mr. Smith joined ELA Group, Inc. in September 2006 as a Project Engineer. His
experience includes the design and project management related to the review,
development, and planning of commercial, industrial, residential, and educational
sites. His experience includes storm water management collection, conveyance, and
management design; best management practice design; erosion and sedimentation
control plan preparation; roadway design; construction drawings preparation; project
specification documentation; construction inspections/observation and associated
administration; and municipal engineering and representation services.
Pennsylvania State University, PA
B.S. Civil Engineering – 1994
Key Project Experience:
High Safety Consultants Confined Space Entry
Certification, 2007
Villanova University - Stormwater BMP Manual Training
Session, 2007
Soils and Infiltration Testing For Stormwater Facilities
Seminar, 2004
Villanova University - HEC-RAS River System Analysis,
Synergis Technologies - Civil Software: Hydrology and
Piping, 2001
ASCE - Roadside Design for Safety Seminar, 2000
University of Wisconsin - Improving Public Works
Construction Inspection Skills, 1999
Villanova University - Southeastern PA Stormwater
Management Symposium, 1999
Villanova University - Implementing Best Management
Practices, 1999
Previous Experience:
Site Designer
Lake Roeder Hillard & Beers
Chester and Lancaster Counties, PA
5/1994 – 4/1998
Project Engineer– Land Development
ELA Group, Inc.
Lancaster County, PA
4/1998 – 5/2005
Project Manager – Land Development
Rettew Associates, Inc.
Lancaster County, PA
5/2005 – 8/2006
• Landisville Intermediate Center, East Hempfield Township, Lancaster
County, PA – Design engineer for new school. Design and approvals
included a flood study on Swarr Run, stormwater collection, conveyance
and management facilities. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates Architects.
• Farmdale Elementary School, West Hempfield Township, Lancaster County,
PA – Prepared stormwater collection, conveyance and management
facilities for renovations and additions, as well as new driveway connection.
With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates - Architects.
• East Petersburg Elementary School, East Petersburg Borough, Lancaster
County, PA – Design engineer for new school. Design and preparation of
storm water collection, conveyance and management facilities, as well as
new driveway connections. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates Architects.
• Columbia High Stadium Improvements, Columbia Borough, Lancaster County, PA
– Design engineer for renovations, additions, and improvements to the existing
stadium facility. Design and approvals included stormwater collection, conveyance
and management facilities; erosion and sedimentation facilities; and NPDES
Phase II compliance integrating infiltration and best management practices.
• Garnet Valley School District, Concord Township, Delaware County, PA – Design
engineer for a new elementary school facility on a 104 acres campus. Design and
approvals included stormwater collection, conveyance and management facilities;
and NPDES Phase II compliance integrating infiltration and best management
• Blue Mountain School District, Orwigsburg Borough, Schuylkill County, PA –
Design engineer for the expansion of an existing 50 acre school facility including
multiple on-site basin design. Design and approvals included stormwater
collection, conveyance and management facilities.
• Octorara Area School District, Highland Township, Chester County, PA – Design
engineer for a new school facility and renovations to the existing school facility on
an 80 acre campus. Design and approvals included stormwater collection,
conveyance and management facilities; erosion and sedimentation facilities; and
Highway Occupancy Permit Plans for roadway improvements.
• Warwick School District, Lititz Elementary School, Lititz Borough, Lancaster
County, PA – Engineering manager for the expansion of an existing 5 acre
elementary school facility. Design and approvals included stormwater collection,
conveyance and management facilities; erosion and sedimentation facilities; and
NPDES Phase II compliance.
• West Chester Area School District, West Goshen Township, Chester County, PA
– Design engineer for the expansion and renovations an existing 62 acre school
facility including stadium improvement.
Design and approvals included
stormwater collection, conveyance and management facilities including multiple
on-site basin design integrating best management practices design; flood plain
analysis and delineation of existing on-site tributaries.
• West Chester Area School District, East Goshen Township, Chester County, PA –
Design engineer for a 43-acre new athletic field complex. Design and approvals
included stormwater collection, conveyance and management facilities; and
Highway Occupancy Permit Plans for roadway improvements.
Project Role:
Transportation Engineer
Senior Transportation Manager
Professional Engineer, 2002 – PA
Mr. Henise joined ELA Group, Inc. in 2007 as a Senior Transportation Manager in
the Traffic and Transportation Services division. His responsibilities include
oversight and coordination for the preparation of Traffic Impact Studies, signalized
intersection layout and design, and various other traffic engineering projects.
Professional Traffic Operations Engineer, 2002
IMSA Work Zone Safety, 2008
IMSA Traffic Signal Tech.-Level I, 2008
IMSA Traffic Signal Tech.-Level II, 2009
Pennsylvania State University, PA
B.S. Civil Engineering – 1996
Continuing Education:
• Traffic Signal Design and Operation
• Traffic Signal Operation in Coordinated Systems
• Traffic Engineering & Safety Conference
1996, 1999-2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011
Professional/Technical Affiliations:
Engineering Society of York
York Area MPO Technical Committee
Hallam Borough Council
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
VFW Life Member
Previous Experience:
Project Engineer
Rettew Associates, Inc.
Lancaster, PA
5/96 – 4/01
Senior Traffic Engineer
Buchart-Horn, Inc.
York, PA
4/01 – 6/03
Senior Traffic Engineer
Lake Roeder Hillard and Associates
Lancaster, PA
6/03 – 7/07
Key Project Experience:
Traffic Impact Studies – Institutional/Municipal
• Manheim Township 5/6 Building, Manheim Township, Lancaster County, PA
- Served as project manager for the preparation traffic impact study for a
The study included 5 intersections and
new 5th/6th grade building.
addressed the relocation of students from other buildings on the campus.
The study also included traffic counts at existing school buildings to
develop local trip generation rates. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
- Architects.
• East Petersburg Elementary School, East Petersburg Borough, Lancaster
County, PA - Served as project manager for the preparation traffic impact
study for a new school building and new access drive on a state road. The
study also included traffic counts at existing school buildings to develop
local trip generation rates. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates Architects.
• Landisville Intermediate Center, East Hempfield Township, Lancaster
County, PA – Served as project engineer for a modified traffic assessment
for new school and a campus signing plan. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh &
Associates - Architects.
• Farmdale Elementary School, West Hempfield Township, Lancaster County,
PA – Served as project manager for the preparation traffic impact study for
a new school building and relocation of existing access drives on a state
road. The study also included traffic counts at existing school buildings to
develop local trip generation rates. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
- Architects.
• Bayard Rustin High School, Westtown Township, Chester County, PA – Served
as the project manager for the preparation of a traffic impact study for the
installation of lights at the football stadium and testified at a zoning hearing. The
study included traffic counts during Friday evening and Saturday afternoon
football games at other high schools within the school district to develop trip
generation rates.
Traffic Impact Studies – Residential
• Turnberry Tradtional Town Development, Ferguson Township, Centre County, PA
– Served as project manager for preparation of a traffic impact study for a 900-unit
residential development. The study included the use of a travel demand model, 3
access scenarios, and the analysis of 18 intersections.
• Liberty Hill Planned Residential Development, Harris Township, Centre County,
PA – Served as project manager for the preparation of a traffic impact study for an
age-restricted development consisting of 287 single-family units. The study area
included 8 intersections and the project involved analysis and design to reduce
cut-through traffic in an adjacent neighborhood.
Director: Water Resources Engineering
Professional Engineer, 2008 – PA
Engineer In Training, 2002 – PA
PA Sewage Enforcement Officer, 2006
Mr. Sweater joined ELA Group, Inc. in March of 2003 as a Project Engineer. His
responsibilities at ELA Group, Inc. include engineering design of storm water
management facilities including water quality and infiltration BMPs, domestic water
distribution and water meter pits, gravity sanitary sewer collection and conveyance
systems, force main and sanitary sewer pump stations, sanitary sewer On-Lot
Disposal Systems (OLDS) including pressure dosing and various distribution
systems, erosion and sedimentation controls; as well as hydraulic and hydrologic
analysis including bridges, culverts and flood plain delineation; and preparation of
sewage facilities planning modules and permitting, construction specifications and
construction administration for the development of residential, commercial,
industrial, and educational facilities.
• OSHA 1910.120 40-hr course, Hazardous Waste
Site Operations
• Confined Space Entry Training
• Class A Commercial Drivers License with Hazmat
Pennsylvania State University, State College
B.S. Environmental Systems Engineering – 2001
Professional/Technical Affiliations:
• American Public Works Association (APWA) Local
Chapter Social Member
• American Water Works Association (AWWA)
• PA Association of Sewage Enforcement Officers
• Society of Environmental Systems Engineering
• Villanova University: Analysis of Water Surface
Profiles using HEC-RAS, 2004
• Auburn University: Asphalt Pavement
Preservation and Rehabilitation, 2004
• PA DEP SEO Precertification Academy, 2006
• PA DEP SEO Advanced Soils Course, 2007
Previous Experience:
Project Designer
Civil & Environmental Design Group, Inc
Mechanicsburg, PA
1/02 – 3/03
Water Management Intern, Permitting
PA Department of Environmental Protection, South
East Regional Office
Harrisburg, PA
6/01 – 8/01
Key Project Experience:
Overall Site Design
• Landisville Intermediate Center, East Hempfield Township, Lancaster
County, PA – Sanitary sewer and utility layout and design, sanitary sewer
and water capacity approvals, as well as utility specifications. With
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates - Architects.
• Farmdale Elementary School, West Hempfield Township, Lancaster County,
PA – Sanitary sewer and water capacity approvals, utility layout and design,
as well as utility specifications. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates Architects.
• East Petersburg Elementary School, East Petersburg Borough, Lancaster
County, PA – Sanitary sewer and water capacity approvals, utility layout and
design, as well as utility specifications. With Crabtree, Rohrbaugh &
Associates - Architects.
• Manheim Township School District 5th and 6th Grade Facilitiy, Manheim
Township, Lancaster County, PA – Sanitary sewer and water capacity
approvals, utility layout and design, as well as utility specifications. With
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates - Architects.
• Mountville Elementary School, Hempfield School District, Mountville
Borough and West Hempfield Township, Lancaster County, PA – Site and
utility survey, subdivision, land development, and construction drawings for
the new elementary school. Responsibilities also included erosion and
sedimentation control and construction administration. Project Architect Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates - Architects.
• Centerville Elementary School, Hempfield School District, East Hempfield
Township, Lancaster County, PA – Cost estimates, site and utility layout,
grading, drainage, land development, utility highway occupancy permits,
and construction drawings for new additions to the exiting Centerville
Elementary School, parking and loading facilities, student drop-off areas,
and play area(s). Responsibilities also included erosion and sedimentation
control and construction administration. Project Architect - Crabtree,
Rohrbaugh & Associates - Architects.
• Rohrerstown Elementary School, Hempfield School District, East Hempfield
Township, Lancaster County, PA – Cost estimates, PDE Plancon forms, site
and utility layout, grading, drainage, land development, zoning, utility and
access drive highway occupancy permits, and construction drawings for
the new elementary school, parking and loading facilities, student drop-off
areas, and play area(s).
Responsibilities also included erosion and
sedimentation control and construction administration. Project Architect Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates - Architects.
• Philipsburg Elementary School, Philipsburg-Osceola Area School District, Rush
Township, Centre County, PA – Cost estimates, PDE Plancon forms, site and
utility layout, grading, drainage, lot consolidation plan, land development, parking
and loading facilities, student drop-off areas, and play area(s), zoning, utility and
access drive highway occupancy permits, sewage facilities planning module,
sanitary sewer and water pump station design, and construction drawings and
technical specifications for the new elementary school.
(w/ Crabtree Rohrbaugh & Associates - Architects)
Below is a list of projects that ELA Group, Inc. has had the opportunity to work with Crabtree, Rohrbaugh &
Associates - Architects as a Land Development Consultant.
• Bellefonte High School Additions and
• Marion Walker Elementary School
• East Petersburg Elementary School
• Farmdale Elementary School
• Landisville Intermediate Center
• Bucher Elementary School
• Manheim Township School District 5th and 6th
Grade Facility
• Philipsburg-Osceola High School
ELA Group, Inc. has provided Land Planning/Landscape Architecture Services to the following public school districts,
noting that we have been fortunate to serve many of these institutions on a repeat basis. As you review the below list,
please note that (N) refers to a new school or facility, (A/R) refers to a project that involved additions and renovations,
and (M) refers to a project involving temporary modular classrooms.
• Annville-Cleona High School (N)
• Danville Stadium (N)
• Middle/High School (A/R)
• Wingate Elementary School (A/R)
• Athletic Fields Master Plan
• Athletic Fields Master Plan
• High School (A/R)
• Marion-Walker Elementary School (A/R)
• Middle School (A/R)
• Elementary East School (A/R )
• Recreation and Sports Complex (N)
• Hilltop Elementary School (N)
• Marcus Hook Elementary School (A/R)
• High School (M)
• High School Track & Field (A/R)
• Multi-Purpose Field (N)
• Stadium (A/R)
• High School Stadium & Field House (A/R)
• High School Master Plan
• Maintenance Facility (N)
• Park Elementary School (A/R)
• Taylor Elementary School (A/R)
• Athletic Fields Master Plan
• Agricultural Pavilion Learning Center (N)
• Clay Elementary School (A/R)
• Greenhouse (N)
• Lincoln Elementary School (N)
• Middle School (A/R)
• High School (A/R)
• M.L. Lausch Elementary School (M)
• Reiffton Elementary School (N)
• Athletic Fields Master Plan
• Concord Elementary School (N)
• High School Track (A/R)
• Middle School (A/R)
• Varsity Baseball Field (A/R)
• Zimmerman Stadium (A/R)
• Jr./Sr. High School (A/R)
• Armory Athletic Complex(N)
• Multi-purpose Field Stadium (N)
• Stadium Field & Track (A/R)
• Administration Facility (A/R)
• High School (A/R)
• Aquatic Facility Master Plan
• High School (A/R)
• High School Fieldhouse (N)
• Playground Safety Inspection
• 5/6 Building Master Plan
• Athletic Field Master Plan
• Carter McRae Elementary amphitheatre
• Elementary School Playgrounds
• Ewell Field Sitework
• George Washington Elementary School (A/R)
• Lafayette Elementary School (A/R)
• Martin Luther King Elementary Sitework
• Price Elementary School Sitework
• Ross Elementary School (A/R)
• Wharton Elementary School (A/R)
• Various small capital projects (A/R)
• Lyall J. Fink Elementary School (A/R)
• Middle School Sitework
• High School Track & Athletic Field (N)
• K-12 School (A/R)
• High School (A/R)
• Octorara Elementary School (A/R)
• Octorara Intermediate School (N)
• Primary Learning Center (N)
• Corl Street Elementary School (M)
• Ferguson Township Elementary School (M)
• Memorial Field (A/R)
• High School (A/R)
• Northside Elementary (M)
• Pine Street Elementary (A/R)
• Secondary Schools Master Plan
• Unionville High School (A/R)
• Round Meadow Elementary School (A/R)
• Sun Valley High School Sitework (A/R)
• Coebourn Elementary School Sitework (A/R)
• High School (A/R)
• John Beck Elementary School (A/R)
• Kissel Hill Elementary School (A/R)
• Lititz Elementary School (A/R)
• Middle School (A/R)
• Comet Field Improvements (A/R)
• Eshelman Elementary School (A/R)
• Manor Middle School Athletic Field Master Plan
• Tennis Court Complex (N)
• Soccer Field (A/R)
• High School Athletic Fields (N)
• Athletic Field Master Plan
• Lower Pottsgrove Elementary School (A/R)
• Junior High School (A/R)
• Locust Grove Elementary School (A/R)
• Mazie Gable Elementary School (N)
• Pleasant View Elementary School (A/R)
• Horn Field (A/R)
• B. Reed Henderson High School (A/R)
• Bayard Rustin High School (N)
• East High School (A/R)
• East High School Athletic Campus (N)
• Fern Hill Elementary School Sitework
• Fugett Middle School (A/R)
• Henderson North Athletic Campus (N)
• New High School Site Selection
• Stadium Fields & Tracks
Exploring Possibilities…. ...Finding Solutions Michael Paston 501 Group P.O. Box 1, Fort Washington, PA 19034‐0001 215.527.6121 [email protected] State College Area School District Proposal The 501 Group offers strategic referendum planning for Pennsylvania School Districts. We work with the school district and design team to coordinate the community engagement with two goals‐ (1) to pass the referendum and (2) make sure the community is satisfied that the process is transparent and comprehensive. It is important to make a community stronger through the process. Michael Paston was the driving force behind the only successful referendum in Pennsylvania. Serving as the Board President of The School District of Upper Dublin, and the leader of the referendum efforts, the community voted 62.5% in favor of a new $119.2 million high s chool. This successful referendum and Mike’s experience serving on a school board in New Jersey, a s a n attorney, involvement in political campaigns a nd owner of a printing business which specialized in direct mail made 501 Group the leader in Pennsylvania Referenda. Michael Paston will be involved in all aspects of the project which includes, but is not limited to: •
Interviews with the Superintendent of Schools, Business Manager and other key a dministrators to establish a n in‐depth understanding of the District. •
Presentation/conversation with Board and administration to review other referenda in Pennsylvania and to formulate a game plan for community engagement. Interview board members individually. Facilities tour. Review and a nalysis of voting patterns. Attendance at board meetings, community meetings a nd other outreach efforts as needed. Provide feedback from meetings to help guide the message. •
Availability by phone and in person as needed. Assistance a nd guidance to community advocacy group(s). Identify constituent groups and appropriate communication with each group. Prepare a report that addresses the steps necessary to achieve a successful referendum, a nd the positives and negatives associated with each step, as well as the relative degree of importance of each step in the process. •
Work with solicitor to make sure all laws, including wording of ballot question, is done legally. Election Day logistics including GOTV planning a nd execution. Initial part of process is gaining a full understanding of the community, planning and attending information gathering presentations. Mike will then help the District make decisions on the steps necessary to achieve a successful referendum with a community that has come together and felt included in the process. Throughout the process Mike will continue to s tress the importance of a consistent message, the ability to answer concerns of the community a nd build/maintain the community trust. The SCASD community has a good chance to pass a referendum as long as the voters believe that reasonable people have reached a reasonable conclusion and the proposed solution is beneficially and cost responsible for the long term. SCASD is one of the most pro education communities in the Commonwealth a nd, unlike many other communities, will support a proposal that is perceived as a community solution and enhancement to local public education. As a former school board member (2003‐2011) Mike has the ability to get the board to allow the community to lead the process. The educational model must be developed and constantly guide the process. This takes patience a nd buy‐in that the process will lead to the result that is the best fit for the community. Michael J. Paston, Resume •
President, School District of Upper Dublin, Board of School Directors, 2006‐2011 •
Board Member, Mount Laurel Township (NJ) Board of Education, 1999‐2001 •
Pennsylvania School Boards Association, Board of Directors, 2011 •
Montgomery County Community College, Board of Trustees, 2009‐ Present •
Pennsylvania Education Policy Leadership center, Fellowship Program, 2007‐2008 •
Referendum Strategy Presenter to PASBO and PSBA •
Practiced law (1991‐2000) and tax accounting (1989‐1990) •
Former candidate for office on local, county and state level •
Advisor to numerous political candidates and campaigns •
B.S. in Accounting from Penn State •
Law degree from Temple University School of Law 501 Group/Michael J. Paston Presentations (partial list): •
PASBO 54th Annua l Conference, April 2, 2009 "Lessons Learne d from Refe rendum Campaigns" •
2009 PSBA School Design and Construction Conference, May 7, 2009 "Construction Refere ndum ‐ Lessons Learned" •
Pennsylvania Association of School Bus iness Officia ls, Webcast, Octobe r 7, 2008 “Impact of Refere ndum” •
Nationa l School Public Rela tions Association, Annual Confe rence, Washington, D.C. July 8, 2008 “Navigating Through the Waters of Re ferendum” •
Pennsylvania School Boards Association, School Des ign & Construction Confe rence, Philadelphia, PA, May 8, 2008 “Voter Approval for School Construction: It Can Be Achieved!” •
Pennsylvania Association of School Bus iness Officia ls, Confe rence, Hers hey, PA, March 5, 2008, “Act 1 Discussion: Debt Act Refe rendum ‐ Uppe r Dublin’s Experie nce” •
Pennsylvania School Boards Association, Annual Confere nce, Hershey, PA, October 3, 2007 “Navigating Through the Wate rs of Debt Act Referendum: One School Dis trict’s Success Story” 7 – High School
School Experience
Donegal High School
Mount Joy, PA
New Construction
Green Globes
Connellsville Area Senior High School
Connellsville, PA
Additions /
Uniontown High School
Uniontown, PA
Additions /
Clarke County High School
Clarke County / VA
New Construction
Dallas High School
Dallas, PA
New Construction
Midd-West High School
Middleburg, PA
New Construction
James Buchanan High School
Mercersburg, PA
Additions /
Cedar Cliff High School
Camp Hill, PA
Additions /
Additions /
Red Land High School
Lewisberry, PA
Chambersburg Area Senior
High School
Chambersburg, PA
Additions /
Line Mountain Jr / Sr High School
Herndon, PA
Additions /
Juniata Valley Jr/Sr High School
Alexandria, PA
Additions /
Garden Spot Middle / High School
New Holland, PA
Additions /
North Pocono High School
Moscow, PA
New Construction
Red Lion High School
Red Lion, PA
Additions &
Tussey Mountain Jr/Sr High School
Tussey Mountain, PA
Additions /
Wyalusing Valley Jr/Sr High School
Wyalusing Valley, PA
Additions /
Spring Grove Area High School
Spring Grove, PA
New Construction
Bellefonte Area High School
Bellefonte, PA
Additions &
Troy High School
Troy, PA
Additions /
Boiling Springs High School
South Middletown, PA
Additions &
Catasauqua High School
Catasauqua, PA
New Construction
South Huntingdon High / Middle School
South Huntingdon, PA
Additions &
Phoenixville High School
Phoenixville, PA
Additions &
Mechanicsburg Senior High School
Mechanicsburg / PA
Additions &
Northern York High School
Dillsburg, PA
New Construction
Mount Carmel Jr/Sr High School
Mount Carmel/ PA
Additions &
Southern Columbia High School
Southern Columbia, PA
Additions &
Pocono High School
Swiftwater, PA
Additions &
Elizabethtown Area High School
& Middle School Complex
Elizabethtown, PA
Additions &
Wyomissing Jr/Sr High School
Wyomissing Hills, PA
Additions /
Coudersport Area Jr. / Sr. High School
Coudersport / PA
Additions &
Otto-Eldred Jr./Sr. High School
Otto-Eldred / PA
Additions &
Additions &
Clarion Area Jr. / Sr. High School
Clarion Area / PA
Chambersburg Area
School District
Project Location
Chambersburg, PA
Project Type
Project Size
330,000 SF Additions
200,000 SF Renovations
Student Capacity
2,000 students
Construction Estimate
Construction Cost
Construction Start
April 2007
December 2010
Dr Joseph O Padasak Jr.
Construction Completion
[My] favorite thing about the renovated building is the
12,000-square-foot library, which opened at the beginning
of this school year. The library is loaded with dozens of
computers and ample work space.
Key Personnel Involved
John A. Beddia, AIA,
Kelsey Rhoads, AAIA,
Paul Weaver, RA
Tracy M. Rohrbaugh
Mary E. Rowe
Stephen Arehart, RA,
Pawl Weaver
Scott Cousin
Dr. Joe Padasak, Jr.
The additions and renovations to the
Chambersburg Area Senior High School
involved a comprehensive rehabilitation
to the existing school with a 330,000
SF addition. The renovated facility will
be expanded to accommodate 2,000
Students. The project allows for the
renovation and expansion of existing
performing arts center, a new competition
gymnasium, cafeteria, kitchen, library and
a new three-story classroom wing.
Unique spaces in the gym consist of
a separate weight training and cardio
fitness rooms, auxiliary gym for wrestling,
all supplemented by an instructional
classroom. Also included in the design
are Boys and Girls Team rooms, trainers
facility and officials locker facilities.
Special interest is the hall of fame, new
lobby/corridor which houses all of the
Districts previous and future awards,
trophies and accommodations for school
store and concession area.
Gym equipment can be remotely
controlled and programmed to raise and
lower backstops, curtains and bleachers
as needed to allow maximum use of the
The school is equipped with both a student
run bookstore as well as credit Union.
Both of these businesses will provide the
students with real-world experiences and
education for the future.
Red Lion Area School District
Project Location
Red Lion, PA
Project Type
Project Size
160,000 SF Additions
274,795 SF Renovation
Student Capacity
2,187 students
Construction Estimate
Construction Cost
Construction Start
June 2006
August 2009
Mr. Jeffrey A. Bryan
Director of Buildings & Grounds
Construction Completion
The additions/renovations for Red Lion Area High School include
a state-of-the-art gymnasium with raised track, updated kitchen
and cafeteria as well as student commons areas.
Key Personnel Involved
John A. Beddia, AIA,
Kelsey Rhoads, AAIA,
Paul Weaver, RA
Tracy M. Rohrbaugh
Mary E. Rowe
Richard T. Castner, AIA
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates is
responsible for the design and construction
of major additions and renovations to
the Red Lion Senior High School. The
high school received renovations to the
existing building, new gymnasium and
physical education support facilities, a new
technical education wing, new standard
instructional classrooms and a new food
court and student commons area.
Dallas Area School District
Project Location
Dallas, PA
Project Type
New Construction
Project Size
224,000 SF
Student Capacity
1,200 students
Construction Estimate
Costs w/ Alternates
Construction Start
May 2009
Frank P. Galicki
Lowest Cost School Built in Pennsylvania 2009 – Pennsylvania Department
of Education - Report 30
September 2011
Construction Completion
Walking the halls of this outstanding building has made me
realize how fortunate Dallas students really are.
Key Personnel Involved
Richard C. LeBlanc, AIA,
Tracy M. Rorhbaugh
Mary E. Rowe
Stephen Arehart, RA,
Class of 2012 President Sarah Flaherty
Dallas High School will be located on
the existing 100 acre campus. It will hold
1200 students and will be designed for
future expansion. A student commons
shall be a key component of the design
which will serve as a Community Area for
the School both during and after school
hours for public events.
The School is the center of the
Community and as such must be
designed to accommodate a variety of
after hours community functions both
within the facility and on site. Technology
will be integrated throughout the facility
to support the educational program.
Classrooms shall be designed for a
maximum of 25 students. The facility
shall be designed with sustainability in
mind, where environmentally responsible
design will provide a superior learning
environment while saving the School
District on operating costs.
Spring Grove Area
School District
Project Location
Spring Grove, PA
Project Type
New Construction
Project Size
333,810 SF
Student Capacity
1,400 students
Construction Estimate
Construction Cost
February 2006
Construction Completion
July 2008
Mark Czapp
Facilities Director
Lowest Cost School Built in Pennsylvania 2005 – Pennsylvania Department
of Education - Report 30
Construction Start
The new high school was designed to enhance an academy
teaching approach, developing distinct learning communities
based on students’ career and academic goals.
Key Personnel Involved
Paul Taylor, AIA, LA, REFP,
Mary E. Rowe
Richard T. Castner, AIA
Scott Cousin, LEED AP
Award Winning
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
worked closely with the school district
to develop a design scheme of smaller
learning communities based on academic
pathways for the new Spring Grove Area
High School. The result is a blend of
academic and extra-curricular facilities,
as the new space will include state-of-the-
art technology and systems integration
including a security system, broadcasting
provisions and a wireless internet system,
a 1,400 seat auditorium, one gymnasium
and an auxiliary gym, an elevated indoor
track, an indoor swimming pool, an outdoor
amphitheater, a practice softball field and
a competitive soccer field.
North Pocono School District
Project Location
Moscow, PA
Project Type
New Construction
Project Size
237,820 SF
Student Capacity
1,200 Students
Construction Estimate
Construction Cost
Construction Start
June 2007
September 2009
Dennis Cawley
Business Manager
Lowest Cost School Built in Pennsylvania 2007 – Pennsylvania Department
of Education - Report 30
Construction Completion
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates was challenged by North
Pocono School District to provide a design for the new high
school that met a $35 million budget. By implementing cost
effective design solutions and closely monitoring the program
spaces, Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates were able to meet
the tight budget.
Key Personnel Involved
Paul Taylor, AIA, LA, REFP,
Mary E. Rowe
Richard T. Castner, AIA
The North Pocono School District hired
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates to
provide the design for a new $35 Million
High School. The High School is 237,820
SF and houses grades 9 through 12.