BaudriR - Annabel Frearson
BaudriR - Annabel Frearson
BaudriR Annabel Frearson You have just entered room “Life - Beliefs Atheism” KerryAnn66: hot as hell KerryAnn66: so to speak Phoebe7228: how old Sanchopanc: Does it also stink Mstic4trth: 24m u? MatrixSD: You want hot? Move to Bakersfield, California Happens2Care: good question san LOL Dingy1973: Hello all! 26/f here BaudriR: IN THE SHADOW OF THE SILENT MAJORITIES Calumbus: it's just hot and humid with no other redeeming qualities . .no beach BaudriR: OR, THE END OF THE SOCIAL MatrixSD: 6 moths of the year you could fry an egg on the sidewalk BaudriR: AND OTHER ESSAYS Calumbus: lots of stupid rednecks live here BaudriR: JEAN BAUDRILLARD Calumbus: no culture WaltEFitz: Matrix, I have been to California, an personally, I don't see the draw to it.. Mstic4trth: Hi Dingy Phoebe7228: You want hot move in with me MatrixSD: Kerry, loads on KKK down there too Calumbus: just big trucks Phoebe7228: 40 Happens2Care: its' the deep south, it's a hell hole MatrixSD: depends where one visits Calif Ginge14771: Kerry-- That's about like Raleigh, 'cept we have a pretty good Natural Sciences Dingy1973: Hi there BALDSTAR Ginge14771: Museum MatrixSD: its a vastly different state WaltEFitz: It is usually cooler than here in texas, but the earthquakes, fires, floods, ect... MatrixSD: from place to place BaudriR: Translated by Paul Foss, John Johnston and Paul Patton Skipperhl: I love KKK , they make good side dish. Sancho like to eat KKK Zzcoolchick: Hi Skipperhl: hello BaudriR: SEMIOTEXT(E) FOREIGN AGENTS SERIES Wayney1235422: hi room wayne here from england Calumbus: polk county has NOTHING!!!!!! Dingy1973: Hi Wayne Calumbus: it is so freakin' boring Happens2Care: the matrix was a good movie Calumbus: and the natives don't even notice Phoebe7228: hi Wayne Zzcoolchick: Sancho-- really? I'd think KKK was kinda bitter MatrixSD: excellent Movies Zzcoolchick: What are you all talking about BaudriR: C 1983 Semiotext(e) and Paul Virilio Calumbus: the water smells like sulfur and they are immune to it!!! Phoebe7228: hi ZZ BaudriR: All rights reserved. Calumbus: ::::::gag:::::: Happens2Care: he's signed for 2 sequels WaltEFitz: Matrix, I live in costal texas, and the only thing I have to worry about is the heat and the Wayney1235422: Kerry... too many bible-toters in Lakeland BaudriR: Semiotext(e) Skipperhl: Ginge just the head. You dispose the head BaudriR: 522 Philosophy Hall MatrixSD: humonous roaches... Dingy1973: How r u?wayne? 1 WaltEFitz: GIoann: BaudriR: Zzcoolchick: BaudriR: Zzcoolchick: WaltEFitz: BaudriR: Happens2Care: GIoann: BaudriR: Wayney1235422: Skipperhl: MatrixSD: Wayney1235422: Calumbus: Zzcoolchick: MatrixSD: Wayney1235422: BaudriR: MatrixSD: Shellwee32: GIoann: BaudriR: WaltEFitz: Calumbus: Shellwee32: Zzcoolchick: Calumbus: Mgibbs35: Zzcoolchick: Happens2Care: MatrixSD: Wayney1235422: Mgibbs35: PTho264382: MatrixSD: Skipperhl: Happens2Care: BaudriR: WaltEFitz: Happens2Care: MatrixSD: BaudriR: Mgibbs35: BaudriR: Sieman1125: Mgibbs35: Sieman1125: Happens2Care: BaudriR: Mgibbs35: Happens2Care: Skipperhl: BaudriR: Sieman1125: Mgibbs35: MatrixSD: Happens2Care: hurricanes Hi Emma Columbia University Any one here young New York, New York ??????????????? We do have some large roaches, but they aren't much of a bother 10027 U.S.A ok, we know where the bible toters are, where aren't they? what's young zz? 10027 U.S.A. Kerry... I think the heat bakes peoples brains in Lakeland 99999 Uganda you know I saw a show bout roaches he pother day and the scientist had discovered that CatNi Happens... not too many up here forrest . .where are you from? Young like 11,12,13. much better at keeping roaches away than any of those sprays. Kerry ... in the Midwest Special thanks to Jim Fleming, Gilda Lavalle, Etienne Li and Mark Polizzotti. catnip no not here hi Shell Printed in the United States of America. Matrix, I have one of those high pitched noise makers.. <~~~~going to read porn spam anyway what? What chat room is this heh heh im baaaaaaack !1 *muaha* ??????? you read it? they said put the catnip oin little bags(cloth) and put them around the house and they would Kerry... where in Lakeland FLA ??? grey, hi Kerry later go away Sancho's donkey on strike. Wants privacy I love hwo they make you wonder if it's real email somethimes Contents Matrix, that is something to look into I guess tricky bastards but heck If you doon't elieve in God why would you believer that either(hehe) In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities 1 tyger, how are you today? ...Or, The End of the Social 65 Mgibbs, allright, but my allergies are bad today tyger, im sorry how are you? what happened, you just left? The Implosion of Meaning in the Media 95 im ok, tired and bored sound familiar Sancho's donkey went to Utah. Sancho's donkey a Mormon now Our Theater of Cruelty 113 tired and bored? did you just get up or have you been up all night? ive been up pretty much all night you just need a good spanking up all night here 2 Skipperhl: BaudriR: Mgibbs35: Mgibbs35: Wayney1235422: MatrixSD: Sieman1125: Mgibbs35: TeslaField: BaudriR: Skipperhl: KARRAAN2: Happens2Care: Mgibbs35: MatrixSD: BaudriR: Greyhuskys: TeslaField: Mgibbs35: BaudriR: Sieman1125: Sieman1125: BaudriR: KARRAAN2: TeslaField: Sieman1125: Happens2Care: Skipperhl: Greyhuskys: BaudriR: Happens2Care: TeslaField: CaptainHowdy27: BaudriR: Mas Snave: Mgibbs35: BaudriR: Skipperhl: JeezusShmeeezus: BaudriR: CaptainHowdy27: BaudriR: Skipperhl: Mas Snave: BaudriR: BillKatz2: Beckyh7633: Beckyh7633: Happens2Care: Audaud1: Beckyh7633: Mas Snave: BaudriR: Beckyh7633: BaudriR: Happens2Care: Sieman1125: CaptainHowdy27: Happens2Care: Sancho been awake for the past 39 years The whole chaotic constellation of the social revolves around that spongy referent, i got frunk at birthday party yesterday, then vcame home slept till asround 9 pm, been up er since ::: hmmm... warm beer, cold pizza ::: cable good cool :) *woohoo* YOU MEAN that opaque but equally translucent reality, that nothingness: the masses. Got donkey forest breakfast?/ get on the frunk train grey, i remember now don't get me hungry guys A statistical crystal ball, the masses are "swirling with currents and flows," oh gibb, then you weren't drunk enough why are you without food stuffs i know i dont feel like moving this weekend in the image of matter and the natural elements. I've never blacked out from drinking I think that's a good thing So at least they are represented to us. baudri what are you talking about crystal balls are proof of a supreme being um... you have to move, god has a thunderbolt scheduled for your current location Sancho is now an insomniac maniac who drinks cognac in his Pontiac. No more donkey why an exception They can be "mesmerized," the social envelops them, like static electricity; move it, or lose it sister sure but most of the time, precisely, they form an earth*, Hi, my name is Erin I am a christian and I would like to help you. js, you are a jerk and your taste in music sucks, <click> *Translator's Note: Throughout the text "la masse," "faire masse" imply a Hi my name is Sancho and I am an alcoholic Hi Sancho...want a beer? condensation of terms which allows Baudrillard to make a number of central puns does anyone else think that calling people that you met online is dangerous and allusions Call me on my donkey phone Jesus For not only does la masse directly refer to the physical and philosophical sense of Capt...probably not anymore dangerous than calling someone you meet in a bar damn I sent you a poem jesus wept mas ahhhh Jsus, please please send it again I can do that O.K people setle down and lisen! "substance" or "matter," it can just as easily mean "the majority" hold on (as in "the mass of workers") lisen, is that a new dance? still, if someone stalks you on the phone, you can always get your number changed i just was wondering how does one lisen? 3 Skipperhl: BaudriR: Mas Snave: Zzcoolchick: Zzcoolchick: GHino79193: Zzcoolchick: JeezusShmeeezus: Mgibbs35: BaudriR: RuthGaby: Zzcoolchick: Skipperhl: BillKatz2: BaudriR: Mas Snave: KARRAAN2: KARRAAN2: BillKatz2: RuthGaby: BaudriR: Mgibbs35: BaudriR: CaptainHowdy27: GHino79193: Skipperhl: Beckyh7633: Happens2Care: Mgibbs35: BaudriR: Happens2Care: CaptainHowdy27: RuthGaby: BaudriR: JeezusShmeeezus: Log4109245: RuthGaby: BaudriR: Greyhuskys: Mas Snave: Mgibbs35: Log4109245: KARRAAN2: CaptainHowdy27: RuthGaby: BaudriR: Mas Snave: GHino79193: Greyhuskys: Mgibbs35: BaudriR: JeezusShmeeezus: CaptainHowdy27: Zzcoolchick: Greyhuskys: BaudriR: KARRAAN2: Skipperhl: RuthGaby: Calling people online is not dangerous as long as you give them your credit card number and or even the electrical usage of an "earth"; I want to help you guys become a christian! Mas-- before you start-- preaching and witnessing in this room is considered room disruption and harrassment and is a TOS violation. If you intend to continue, know hey tyger luv...........I also too wont cyber on a boat, I wont cyber with a goat, you will be reported want to infect us with terminal ignorance? cap, ive talked toa couple on the phone, it aint no biggy, hence faire masse can simultaneously mean to form a mass {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{DC}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}:::::kiss:::::::: ((((((ruthy)))))))) Please somebody report me to AOL. Nobody ever does. I feel left out Mas ever stop to think? ever stop to think that we dont WANT to become chriatian? , to form an earth or to form a majority. no what do yoou belie will happen when you die? hans christian maybe hans christian anderson i mean Mas...nothing happens. Literally <---went to see "Stigmata" yesterday that is, they absorb all the electricity of the social and political and neutralise it anyone here want my phone number? forever. i do ya me too saw stigmata I only give out my number to people in drug business, mob, child molesters, terrorists damn that's alot of typing When I die, I'll finally reach my goal weight i also have a nude web site of me in my natural enviorment They are neither good conductors of the political, nor good conductors of the social, can't wait! where Loggy, I am reading nor good conductors of meansing in general. have a web site showing you bathing in a cess pool? If your public library doesn't have it, you should make a donation to ensure they do get it. 2000 Years of Disbelief by James A. Hasught Everything flows through them, my numbers lastered all over the web, what difference does it make wellwhen you die and your a christian you will go to heven and if your not I gese you will g do you know what happens when you eat cheeto's while watching porno's? You are reading it Ruthy? who saw stigmata??? no what Loggy, uh huh but diffuses throughout them withou leaving a trace. go to hell I saw it if I give it to one more person... your pecker turns orange, its wierd And, ultimately, Mas...heaven is such a childish notion..and the threat of hell works only on morons. COOOOL Bill-- You tosing, or shall I? LOL your baaaaad gibb the appeal to the masses has always gone answered. ruth i saw the echo one not good how was stigmata Does anybody know how Sancho can get a hold of Satan telephone number? Loggy, it's about famous people with the courage to doubt 4 Happens2Care: BillKatz2: Audaud1: Mas Snave: TeslaField: Mgibbs35: Log4109245: Happens2Care: Log4109245: Mas Snave: TeslaField: RuthGaby: BaudriR: JeezusShmeeezus: CaptainHowdy27: BaudriR: KARRAAN2: GHino79193: BillKatz2: KARRAAN2: Audaud1: Happens2Care: GHino79193: Sieman1125: KARRAAN2: BillKatz2: Happens2Care: Sieman1125: TeslaField: GHino79193: KARRAAN2: TeslaField: BaudriR: BaudriR: Skipperhl: GHino79193: BaudriR: Log4109245: Happens2Care: BaudriR: TeslaField: BaudriR: Sieman1125: BaudriR: RuthGaby: Mgibbs35: RuthGaby: BaudriR: BillKatz2: GHino79193: KARRAAN2: Log4109245: BaudriR: Log4109245: Greyhuskys: BaudriR: Beckyh7633: BillKatz2: GHino79193: that's what happens after your dead too gibbs we don't care about your childish delusions? What part of that dont you understand? oh man is Mas serious? no it real let me guess, another book trying to debunk God experiences, and trying to make people dibel damndest thing i ever saw Isn't it nice to have Mas here where he can do no harm, instead of going around scaring and then it falls off too children? ] is there a book li or bisbelieve Karra, it's uh...different, it's totally a movie against church and organized religion They do not radiate; Mas....hell would be living at your house. I SHOULD TRY IT SOMETIME on the contrary, like sixth sense you guys think too much...just get high the very concept is outrageous bump on a log yes Mas, dont you know that fantastic claims need fantastic proof? I HAPPEN TO CARE! stigmata was lame.......tried to be the excorcist - – —•€ •*fever*•€ •— – ghino really the kevin bacon was crappy to echo It could't possibly suck as much as the Exorcist, could it? wasn't their a refence to some singer in it? Mgibbs, did you download wavman yet? more at, prrof doesn't enter into it, does it help to make christianity look bad tyger liked your profile<<< loved the exorcist just to satisfy an urge to be preachy they absorb all radiatioin from the outlying constellations of the State, History, Jew canibalists can not eat Kevin Bacon like tats too Culture, I think the Exorcist has helped exorcising religion from a lot of intelligent viewers. ghino, what did they say about that singer in the movie? Meaning. san, oh man, funny They are inertia, GHino, I made an appointment to get another one next week :) the strenth of inertia, Log, you should see Stigmata bill the excorcist still scares me, and im 36,lol It was uh...interesting the strength of the neutral. Thought the Exorcits wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen, but in the top 2 I get all mine for free ruth would you recommend stigmata Really? I saw the Blair Witch Project, which was very original. In this sense the mass is characteristic of our modernity, Yet, I wasn't really scared, alas. Tyg, what are you getting this time as a highly implosive phenomenon, I loved Blair Witch I'm not suprised, Gibbs just put a hole in my face 3 days ago 5 Mgibbs35: TeslaField: Sieman1125: BaudriR: GHino79193: TeslaField: Audaud1: BaudriR: Happens2Care: blair witch project sucked bad, realll bad internetia Grey, a white tiger irreducible for any traditional theory and practice, he's my homie Blair Witch--good Jsus, i thought it was kind of stupid even perhaps for any theory and practice at all. blair witch was good, really, really good You have just entered room “Special Interests - Health Mental” Jewels1955: hey have fun roomies got to go DNA052: work on what?? UR CONFIDENCE?? Or UR Motivation?? AreSlicker: No heart, that,s correct; RP is an alien Scoopanuts: perry, i said a SERIOUS idea! JustAnotherNut: later jewels DNA052: I am a counselor here JustAnotherNut: ANY LADIES HERE Idyut: SHES MAD AS HELL LOL BAMAPERRY: If you're like Scoop, he probably doesnt get any (( BaudriR: According to their imaginary representation JustAnotherNut: work on trying to stay as sane as possible CWOLF518: idy-go to dr and get checked out please ONLY1COOKI: NOT SEEING A EFFECT LIKE THAT TO RISPERDAL ,, THAT DOES'NT MEAN IT CAN'T HAPPEN Mousettt: iggy is a keeper JustAnotherNut: ANY LADIES FROM UK Idyut: HES GONNA CALL TODAY APD 6657 P: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{PANIC}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Peperika23654675: hello room Mousettt: bye all AreSlicker: YES BaudriR: , the masses drift somewhere between passivity and wild spontaneity, ONLY1COOKI: Pets are cool when theyre alive... Sailing106: RP a/s/l? Scoopanuts: Not much. I'm unbathed as yet. Need a shave in the worst way. CWOLF518: ApdL having a panic attack? AHind: Me and Scooper are getting married next month Mouse Gudd43: Probably true abt all imaginery stuffs going on inside ur attic Scoopanuts: perry, what's austin's name again? ONLY1COOKI: CHECK WITH THE DOCTOR ,, OR HAVE YOU AND WHAT DO THEY SAY BaudriR: but always as apotential energy, DNosydog: 21/m Kentucky US JustAnotherNut: I'M AMERICAN TPSR356698: anyone from pa or DURHAM? TPSR356698: only could this start after your on for awhile Mousettt: what day perry? AHind: he logged off Scoopanuts: oh ONLY1COOKI: wash APD 6657 P: NAH me have dee meds CWOLF518: BRB ONLY1COOKI: K Sailing106: yanks are gay BaudriR: a reservoir of the social and of social energy; NFanaras: oh i have to go to . was wondering if i could catch you later Lnsjo: oh, ok JustAnotherNut: darned coffee. brb ONLY1COOKI: sure 6 Lettbee: Sailing106: LWJnr: BaudriR: Sailing106: Lnsjo: BaudriR: JustAnotherNut: ONLY1COOKI: Sailing106: TPSR356698: Gudd43: Printshp7: Bitsfa: Prezzo: Scoopanuts: BaudriR: Printshp7: Gudd43: BaudriR: TPSR356698: Printshp7: Scoopanuts: BaudriR: APD 6657 P: Printshp7: Prezzo: BaudriR: HertsGuy29: Bitsfa: Sailing106: Printshp7: Lettbee: Scoopanuts: HertsGuy29: Printshp7: CWOLF518: AreSlicker: NFanaras: LTh6687546: APD 6657 P: Printshp7: BaudriR: Scoopanuts: HertsGuy29: ONLY1COOKI: Printshp7: BaudriR: LTh6687546: Gazdan: JustAnotherNut: Idyut: BaudriR: Scoopanuts: Printshp7: APD 6657 P: ONLY1COOKI: Printshp7: BaudriR: HELLO ASSES and lesbians we havent decided yet mouse :)) today a mute referent, arse!!!! Oh well, gotta go clean Roomies tomorrow, WHA ARE YOU OFF eoropeans give better gum jobs not ass ASSES..........YOU THE ONLY ASS HERE :O) What the hell is this? Listen: bye lns happy cleaning that is, we'll marry if she stops cussing so much I'll probably be around somewhere. Hard to tell. when they speak up and cease to be the "silent majority," Effexor (venlafaxine hydrochloride) is contraindicated It is PATCH ADAM here!!! a protagonist of history RPOORAN YOU SUCK! in patients known to be hypersensitive to it. mouse, he said i was going to have to be satisfied with a ring from cracker jack box - now, in fact, the masses have no history to write, sing genseng No doggie do!!!!! <<---Southern guy, not used to women talking like a drunken sailor :)) neither past nor future, Hey Printshp7. what is it about? EFFEXOR?? crap not me scooper i want a rock metz u r shite Sounds like a doctor wrote that CORFLAKE PIE Bye all. It's time to shake the dew off the lily. U need some feedbacks?? or Ask away Yes, DNA <~~~has a carat diamond hi indians see ya nice very nice cw howe It's contraindicated in people who are sensitive to it they have no virtual energies to release, i guess i'm not worth a rock :( OK, I am all ears.. what is ur Q? more than a shake and your spankin it Written by a Rhodes Scholar nor any desire to fulfill: i want tanzenite or iolite I got something hard for ya Scoop HEY TMAC I'M A YANK A REAL YANK ME TO WOLFY MINE IS ACARROT AND AN EIGTH their strength is actual, in the present Doin' the five knuckle chuckle, yes indeedy. Mousett....go to eBay white man speak wit forked tongue no IM A REAL YANK Have it set and sufficient unto itself. 7 JustAnotherNut: HertsGuy29: Sailing106: BaudriR: ONLY1COOKI: Mayfair2424: Scoopanuts: BaudriR: Gazdan: Gazdan: JustAnotherNut: Mayfair2424: ONLY1COOKI: LTh6687546: Gazdan: JustAnotherNut: ONLY1COOKI: WARWICKW2: Sieman1125: JustAnotherNut: BaudriR: Sailing106: METZ1616: Mayfair2424: JustAnotherNut: ONLY1COOKI: BaudriR: METZ1616: WARWICKW2: Mjkeady: JustAnotherNut: Mayfair2424: DavidB6937: Sailing106: JustAnotherNut: Mayfair2424: LTh6687546: BaudriR: Mayfair2424: LTh6687546: Mayfair2424: ONLY1COOKI: Mayfair2424: LTh6687546: Mjkeady: LTh6687546: Mayfair2424: BaudriR: APD 6657 P: DavidB6937: Mayfair2424: Mayfair2424: MPrice5623: BaudriR: Mayfair2424: Mjkeady: DavidB6937: LTh6687546: Mayfair2424: <------lost diamond from engagement ring HOw u mean by that contraindicated?? R U taking them?? yanks are GAY!!!!!!! It consists in their silence, NY only kidding No...contraindicated means "not good for" perry, i said hi to charles, told him u told me to say hi in their capacity to absorb and neutralise, afternoon everyone <<<----credit cards maxed out, will have to settle for courthouse wedding PHILADELPHIA HERE Tanzanite: VERY pricey in the Bahamas listen to offspring hes giving free gum jobs i have 2 wedding rings for sale did he say hi? don't really like diamonds, anyway. I like opals. 10-4 baker U mean bigger DOSAGE?? only if i talk to dr. he has a fit cause hes 19 and an adult talked to dr. and she had to te fire opals already superior to any power acting upon them. up yours orin anyone been to Hersy Park? Good deals on eBay: under "jewelry...gems" WHO'S THIS OFF ASS thank you It is a specific inertial strength, Hershy Park that is Diamond is F O R E V E R .... Contraindicated means not to be used NOT IN ABOUT 20 YEARS METZ I bought a 2 carat iolite perry, he said "do u always do what perry tells u to?" told u yanks are gay jeez, idyut, where I come from, they'll cut your finger off for a ring like that! Right NF.... like mine were forever whose effectivity differs from that of all those schemas of production, Had it checked by my gemologist friend how much print? said it was a VERY good stone! WHAT KIND OF RING? About $35 on ebay print? List od side effects on Effexor long as the day thats all? Then I had it set (Yes, eBay) radiation and expansion according to which our imaginary functions, bye 4 now stay cool, and pray lol YES cost me $125....LOL It was an emerald cut If you r taking them now, u may have met some minor side effects... Ask ur DOC... even in its wish to destroy those same schemas. beautiful.... Weight gain or loss possible I told him that's going to have to change :) i love emerald cut "Water Sapphires" 8 DavidB6937: Mayfair2424: Shamulama: BaudriR: CWOLF518: Mayfair2424: MPrice5623: LTh6687546: JustAnotherNut: BaudriR: JustAnotherNut: ONLY1COOKI: CWOLF518: Dani4099: LTh6687546: CWOLF518: MPrice5623: BaudriR: Mayfair2424: Mayfair2424: MPrice5623: CWOLF518: JustAnotherNut: BaudriR: LTh6687546: JustAnotherNut: Shamulama: DavidB6937: Mayfair2424: BaudriR: MPrice5623: CWOLF518: MPrice5623: Mayfair2424: BaudriR: Mayfair2424: CWOLF518: BaudriR: JustAnotherNut: BaudriR: Mjkeady: Mayfair2424: CW, what the hell are u donig? So do I I asked him if he was being a smartass to you and he said "yea" An unacceptable and unintelligible figure of implosion scoop-got booted-u think i like this??lol Usually more expensive Whether it has an impact to your mentality or physical act u have excellent taste print whoa baudri (is this still a "process"?) mornin dani HI DANI:) i like marquis cut IDYUT ................. u too scoop we have great taste ((DANI))=hi BECUZ I know someone who is taking them... It vary from each individual... - stumbling block to all our systems of meaning, That last warning about Effexor.... like saying Brillance is the BEST! and round-looks bigger <-----had to change colors, kept loosing against which they summon all their resistance, i like channel setting too there I am <<---gonna buy Scoop a neglige for a wedding present :)) i know mouse, emerald cuts look smaller for the same carat size but that's cause of the cut Allergic reaction will occur in people who are allergic and screening, Pure Clarity , well-rounded!! not the size of diamond-quality matters too Get the HEART OF FIRE!! But I do like that site with a renewed outbreak of signifcation, clarity counts with a blaze of signifiers, you reading a book, baudri? the central collapse of meaning. No necessarily drug can have many side effects you may have few or none and was upset over $$$$$ You have just entered room “Special Interests - Metaphysics” Alchmist37: Hi, Happy MarcyMay: Hi Happy Laremega: Working all day for the boss man .. ALLA mode: <arguing in the loft Laremega: Working for the company Master2268: ALCHEMIST..i thought you were dead..have not seen you in ages Kideka: gonna get my timing right BaudriR: The social void is scattered with interstitial objects and crystalline clusters Coach6822: I hope we will all take at least one chance today..And trust that still, small voice that Alchmist37: <=== not currently dead Laremega: Kid, you the Aerosmith madman, boah NoKeepnUp: Good Morning :) GhanaBhuti: Good Morning Folks BaudriR: which spin around and coalesce in a cerebral chiaroscuro 9 Good1com: Coach6822: Kideka: Angel10378: BaudriR: HappyYoga: Master2268: Kideka: Kideka: BaudriR: Master2268: GhanaBhuti: GhanaBhuti: BaudriR: Coach6822: Good1com: Kideka: CrayongrI: Laremega: NoKeepnUp: BaudriR: MarcyMay: CrayongrI: BaudriR: Kideka: Coach6822: Master2268: Silkenmoss: BaudriR: Angel10378: Laremega: NoKeepnUp: BaudriR: Silkenmoss: Laremega: CrayongrI: Kideka: Laremega: Angel10378: Laremega: Laremega: Master2268: Laremega: Good1com: CrayongrI: Good1com: Laremega: Silkenmoss: Laremega: BaudriR: Laremega: Laremega: Alchmist37: Laremega: MarcyMay: GhanaBhuti: BaudriR: Laremega: HappyYoga: mornin says, "This might work and I'll try it!!!!!!!!" talke you all the way to the stairway honneee ( did ya want the new or old version of next) Baudi not only that but they are converging . So is the mass, good idea Coach! KID....what's up gorgeous lare,,,lolol,,you betcha master,,,i am,,,wonderful day today an in vacuo aggregation of individual particles, CRAY....o' what a wonderful life good to see you Pain in Ash and the ellusive StormGiver refuse of the social and of media impulses: HAPPY, As I tell my players..."Life shrinks and expands in proportion to your courage." <--heading over to meta bar for a Bloody Mary Breakfast drink lare, ,saw aerosmith in a local park for free when i was 15,,,been a fan since life has shrink wrap? ***punching CD button*** So... what cha all talking about? an opaque nebula whose growing density absorbs all the surrounding energy Hmmm Coach, that could have lots of interesting applications i'd prefer life had bubble wrap and light rays, was FREE lars,,,heh,,lst new years,,had to pay 50 for tix CRAY, well my life does, lot's of it, much better then Victoria Secret, if you ask me!!! SILKY...can you still see your kness?? bubble wrap woohoo to collapse finally under its own weight. I thought it was diaphanous...Baudi Whoa here it comes .. that funny FEELING again .. winding me up inside .. Opaque nebula and bubble wrap? Interesting topics :) A black hole which engulfs the social. i can even see my toes every time we touch .. master... <-wonders why one couldnt see knees?? Oh I know ... Being weightless.. how can that be.. Baudi? Tell me where to begin .. Cuz I never ever felt so MUCH just wanted to hear you call me master..CRAY And I can't recall .. anybody who is trying to speak scientifical and uses the phrase, light rays, loses all creda lol bilty Any love at all .. me too kid but i just smile and nod No baby this blows them all away This is, therefore, exactly the reverse of a "sociological" understanding. It's got what it takes .. so tell me WHY Can't this be love credibility is over-rated anyway..... I tell myself .. hey only fools rush in.. Hi Buffalo rays is just street speak for waves Sociology can only depict the expansion of the social and its vicissitudes. Only time will tell if we stand the test of time .. :) Al...I think this is very true 10 Coach6822: Laremega: Master2268: ALLA mode: Good1com: Coach6822: Laremega: Alchmist37: BaudriR: Laremega: WBuffalo04: ALLA mode: BaudriR: HappyYoga: Laremega: Silkenmoss: ALLA mode: Laremega: MarcyMay: ZETHEDA: WBuffalo04: ALLA mode: ALLA mode: BaudriR: Master2268: Pain ln The Ash: Laremega: Kideka: Laremega: Pain ln The Ash: Laremega: Coach6822: Master2268: Good1com: Angel10378: Kideka: Coach6822: Kideka: Laremega: Coach6822: BaudriR: Master2268: Silkenmoss: Alchmist37: BaudriR: Kideka: Master2268: CrayongrI: Master2268: BaudriR: DoveShines: Pain ln The Ash: Good1com: Kideka: GhanaBhuti: Silkenmoss: BaudriR: HappyYoga: ALLA mode: MARCY , I know one sure thing, the more people we surround ourselves with that RESPECT us I know . you've got to run to win .. being overrated is overrated <~~hopes Lare doesn't look like Sandy Hagar Baudi, save it and treat us well, the better our lives will become.. I'll be damned if I get hung up on the line .. incredibility works It survives only on the positive and definitive hypothesis of the social. You know what I look like Alla Hi everyone..just visiting a little.. Lare..i do not. The reabsorption, the implosion of the social escapes it. it sure does Al My picture is on Ash's page. hiya wb it is? yep It is? good morn W. Hello Angel ALchmist..hiya Lare..when did you post it? The hypothesis of the death of the social is also that of its own death. is this philosophy 101 lare, you never sent me a list of anagrams to post didn't you put it up Ash? 202,,,we b advanced master So tell me WHY can't this be love .. i put yer pic up there but you never gave me a list of names to put there shrug SILK..... With courage we will date to take risks, have the strength to be COMPASSIONATE and KID..i wouldn't give that much credit to anyone in THIS room this is baudri wannabe sociology 101 BaudrR would you expand on that idea? lare,,sammy hagar? the wisdom to be HUMBLE.. well you know nod.. with Van Halen Courage is the foundation of INTEGRITY.. The term "mass" is not a concept. yups i know nicely said coach I fumble at humble It is a leitmotif of political demagogy, :) i can say nice things too i spit in the face of courage...then run like hell! but i rather be myself and be nasty a soft, sticky, lumpenanalytical notion. good morning my meta's MRS PECKER!!!!!!!!!! baudri use that in context, and not from the book your plagerising <-handing master a towel they just don't taste as good as regular are you practicing a pregame talk coach? A good sociology would attempt to surpass it well, the whole room wants to know Dove...did it last? ;) Dove..congratulations :) 11 Coach6822: Alchmist37: Master2268: BaudriR: Angel10378: Kideka: Silkenmoss: Good1com: BaudriR: Master2268: DoveShines: BaudriR: CrayongrI: BaudriR: GhanaBhuti: DoveShines: Alchmist37: ALLA mode: BaudriR: ALLA mode: Silkenmoss: DoveShines: Kideka: Pain ln The Ash: CrayongrI: DoveShines: Pain ln The Ash: ZeeNine: Coach6822: Pain ln The Ash: BaudriR: DoveShines: GhanaBhuti: Laremega: BaudriR: ALLA mode: Laremega: Master2268: Laremega: Master2268: Laremega: Alchmist37: BaudriR: ALLA mode: Master2268: DoveShines: GhanaBhuti: Magickmer2: BaudriR: DoveShines: Master2268: ALLA mode: CrayongrI: BaudriR: Magickmer2: GhanaBhuti: Alchmist37: GhanaBhuti: BaudriR: SILK.... my LIFE is a pregame speech!!!! oops why do i need a towel...CRAY didn't spit on ME with "more subtle" categories: socioloGIST you are a quick one youare well time to be a soccer mom cya all later Notices alot of CRAZY being sold in here, and i'm already well stocked socio-professional ones, now you asking for a quickie? well, Joy...we did the little trip to Colorado categories of class, silky*******kick some for me! cultural status, bye, Silkie and with folks coming in from out of town Life is a honeymoon for dove <~~~ain't got no crazy; etc. Crayongirlie********* rofl kick some soccer moms? we wanted to spend the time with them dove you got married,,wowowow,,congratulations gotcha :) allllllla!!******** and i REALLy want to take him to Ireland oooooooh, forget him! not crazy at all ALL MRS. DOVEY!!!!!! God bless the roots!!!!! You body and soul are now ONE!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!! TAKE ME! Wrong: it is by prowling around these soft and acritical notions best time for Ireland is in May Congrats, DoveShines got me a date with a supermodel .. (like "mana" once was) oh..i wanna go to ireland! I know I know some say alla*****.......i say allah******** I figure what ... then go ALLA dinner at a hotel .. champaigne bottle .. May is one of those month thingies, Dove ? that one can go further than intelligent critical sociology. i think ireland, with the right person, would be a blast who is reading sociology here and why?? and i would also like to go to Bristol next year for Nascar race Marriage is a wonderful thing - I should know. I've done it enough hello all Besides, it will be noticed retrospectively that i love the track there ALLA...only in northern ireland..A BLAST ALRIGHT hopefully won't have to get married to do what...2 1/2...or 3 1/2 times? the concepts "class," ghana havent seen u in a while I think I got sex and marriage messed up You can have my share of NASCAR good to see you "social relations," 12 MarcyMay: BaudriR: Alchmist37: DoveShines: BaudriR: WBuffalo04: GhanaBhuti: Angel10378: ALLA mode: BaudriR: Magickmer2: BaudriR: DoveShines: Master2268: ZeeNine: Master2268: Alchmist37: BaudriR: Master2268: ALLA mode: Angel10378: MarcyMay: Coach6822: DoveShines: Laremega: Maskuline1: Laremega: BaudriR: Coach6822: DoveShines: Laremega: Coach6822: BaudriR: DoveShines: BaudriR: Laremega: Alchmist37: GhanaBhuti: HappyYoga: DoveShines: ZeeNine: BaudriR: Coach6822: DoveShines: Laremega: DoveShines: Laremega: Laremega: Master2268: Laremega: Coach6822: Laremega: DoveShines: Laremega: Master2268: Laremega: I think I remarried at a perfect age.....forever isn't as long as it used to be at 40 "power," nah with track right there in town and everthing? "status," Alchmist/ Long time no se..How you been? I knew one of them you wanted to do as much as possible Baudi... do you ever speak to anyone? I have said good morning to you Master, where have you been? institutions" what do u do for a living ghana? - and "social" itself well, house got hit by lightening yesterday and my modem gave a screwy message ALLA,,this morning i was in the bathroom..otherwise i have been busy with my move to SC and morning Angel work Winston 500 or something here this weekend all those too explicit concepts which are the glory of the legitimate sciences, new women <starting irish lessons GhanaBhiti hello. I sad good morning to you when you entered lol Cray, it was big consideration when I did my pros and cons list DOVEY connecting with your spirit here. There is an INCREDIBLE vitality, life force, and so i was just fixing things up and seeing if it was working I live my life .. like there's no tomorrow .. Angel...Baudi told me to tell you "Hi". Everything I have I beg or steal .. have also only ever been muddled notions themselves energy, a quickening, that is related to your marriage!!!!! so i am gonna go be with my groom runnin with the devil .. YEA!!!!!!!! , but notions upon which agreement has nevertheless been reached i think i did the right thing, Coach for mysterious end: Coach you're making me hurl. I've been a groom twice Enjoy, Dove - Happy for you!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Dovie}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} <------- very happy for you i think my life time has been spent learning for this to be right Bye Dove Congrats! those of preserving a certain code of analysis. DOVEY, your spirit has no doubt!!!!! thank you for all the congrats oooh yeah .. love you all dovey you're an idiot a fuckin' moron who eever can followthis conversation can be my mentor and master need to be shot If feels the LOVE and the fulfillment that you have, and craves it all!!!! *loser* *buhbye* dove is a moron she is fucking but no idiot dove takes moron to a whole new level 13 You have just entered room “Places - Dallas” Blizz0f0z: we need a club or something Blizz0f0z: for support CDrake2369: i amn 5-9 210lbs hazel eyes brown hair HGon99: 27/hisp/m Blizz0f0z: any one have kids in here BaudriR: To want to specify the term "mass" is a mistake A1lan: 43m dallas has self pic Bgdummy74: nope Suunshn99: I have two girls BaudriR: it is to provide meaning for that which has none. Blizz0f0z: i have twin girls Blizz0f0z: and a boy BaudriR: One says: "the mass of workers." BaudriR: But the mass is never that of the workers, Chori 3ce: 19/m latino Blizz0f0z: how old are they suun Suunshn99: 29 BaudriR: nor of any other soical subject or object. Sexzbaby57: Is there any single good looking guys that would love to chat with me if so im me Bgdummy74: Latina do you have a pic? Blizz0f0z: no your girls Latinastyle: yea Bgdummy74: want to trade Sexzbaby57: that is between the ages of 18 - 30 BaudriR: The "peasant masses" of old were not in fact masses: Suunshn99: there 6 and 7 months BaudriR: only those form a mass who are freed from their symbolic bondage, Blizz0f0z: oh really BaudriR: "released" Blizz0f0z: twins? Suunshn99: 6 yr old loves to play mommy Blizz0f0z: oh i see BaudriR: (only to be caught in infinite "networks") BaudriR: and to be destined to be no more than the innumberable end points BaudriR: of precisely those same theoretical models which do not succeed in integrating BaudriR: them and which finally only produce them as statistical refuse. BaudriR: The mass is without attribute, BaudriR: predicate, Jp4289: any ladies whant to trde pics BaudriR: quality, BaudriR: reference. Taz0972: hello losersssssssss BaudriR: This is its difinition, LA NiX2661: 22/m here BaudriR: or its radical lack of definition. Latinastyle: 17 f hispanic here BaudriR: It has no sociological "reality." Chori 3ce: any lovely ladies want to talk, 19/m here here BaudriR: It ahs nothing to do with any real population, BaudriR: body Solarkng03: 12/m here want to chat press 3 BaudriR: or specific social aggregate. BaudriR: Any attempt to qualify it only seeks to transfer it back to sociology and rescue it BaudriR: from this indistinctness CAR1850741: hey y'all BaudriR: which is not even that of the equivalence CAR1850741: 16~F~Flower Mound here Chori 3ce: Car so what do you like to do for fun 14 B684NEON22: BaudriR: CAR1850741: BaudriR: A1lan: Chori 3ce: CAR1850741: BaudriR: Chori 3ce: BaudriR: CAR1850741: LHBabe420: BaudriR: CAR1850741: BaudriR: Chori 3ce: BaudriR: BaudriR: Bgdummy74: BaudriR: Latinastyle: BaudriR: B684NEON22: LHBabe420: BaudriR: Bgdummy74: Diver92894: BaudriR: Diver92894: LHBabe420: Diver92894: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: Diver92894: Latinastyle: Bgdummy74: BaudriR: BAnde5150: Diver92894: CAR1850741: BAnde5150: Diver92894: BaudriR: BaudriR: B684NEON22: BaudriR: Bgdummy74: BaudriR: BaudriR: KMM9876: BaudriR: KMM9876: BaudriR: CDrake2369: BaudriR: FoxieLayD7: BaudriR: Bgdummy74: mornin' people (the unlimited sum of equivalent individuals: 1+1+1 PARTY such is the sociological definition), 43m dallas with pic hello ladies where at shoot pool, water ski, do crazy things but that of the neutral, 19/m here that is to say Wherever I can find one hey ppl neither one nor the other I went to one in Carrolton last night (ne-uter). then come over here tonight There is no longer any polarity between the one 24/m/Mesquite and the other 17 f hispanic here in the mass. 15/f uh-oh This is what causes that vacuum Latina do you want to trade pics? hello room and inwardly collapsing effect 22m watauga hows everyone? 15/f everyone have fun last night? in all those systems which survive on the separation and distinction of poles does anyone chat in here? sure ok (two, or many in more complext systems). morning dallas gmorning 16~F~Flower Mound here hey diver 22m keller area This is what makes the circulation of meaning within the mass impossible: 15/f/arlington it is instantaneously dispersed, It should be on its way like atoms in a void. This is also what makes it impossible for the mass to be alienated, Hey room wuz up since neither the one 15/f/pic here....any guys wanna chat im me nor the other hey Mandi exist there any longer. HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A speechless mass for every hollow spokesman without a past. hello Foxie 15 FoxieLayD7: BaudriR: FoxieLayD7: Bgdummy74: BaudriR: BaudriR: Gambit2342: BaudriR: FoxieLayD7: Grpplr2000: BaudriR: A1lan: Bgdummy74: BaudriR: FoxieLayD7: BaudriR: Gambit2342: A1lan: BaudriR: BaudriR: Bgdummy74: FoxieLayD7: Bgdummy74: LoverMandi: MyVicky610: FoxieLayD7: Jurrene1: BaudriR: Gambit2342: Bgdummy74: Grpplr2000: BaudriR: Bgdummy74: FoxieLayD7: Bgdummy74: BaudriR: Jurrene1: FoxieLayD7: Bgdummy74: BaudriR: MyVicky610: LoverMandi: FoxieLayD7: Jurrene1: Bgdummy74: LoverMandi: BaudriR: Bgdummy74: MyVicky610: LoverMandi: Bgdummy74: Gambit2342: FoxieLayD7: HELLO BG Admirable conjunction, *PERFEC~1* How are you this morning between those who have nothing to say, and the masses, morning room who do not speak. I AM JUST GREAT.. AND YOURSELF? 22 male w/pics dallas Ominous emptiness of all discourse. 43m dallas tx with pic Just trying to figure out what to do today!! No hysteria LOL I HEAR YA THERE or potential fascism, 23/m/irving/pics.....with tickets to the beach boys tonight so any ladies get me out of house and we go do something? but simulation by precipitation of every lost referential . This room is kind of dead I AGREE] lol 18.f here barrel racer Hey room. HOW OLD ARE YOU BG? hELLO dALLAS Black box of every referential, any ladies wanna go to the beach boys im me hello Lover 22 male w/pics dallas of every uncaptured meaning, 24 COOL You? of impossible history, What are you all up to today? OH I AM 16 YEARS OLD oh!!! of untraceable systems of representation, 18-f hey BG YEP! Is there anyone from Carrollton here today? how are you? good you? the mass is what remains when the social has been completely removed. ok almost 19 in 8 days why ok? Foxie what you going to do today nobody wants to go to a free concert? NOTHING MUCH JUST GONNA GO OUT WITH A FRIEND OF MINE.. You have just entered room “Life - Beliefs Christian” IRONxBAR: a bit fuzzy on that,,destroy a dark one ? XscatheX: AGREE WITH JAZZ ABOUT WUT? VERTUAL REALITY: hey 16 Wail2atssc: DoowelsI: VERTUAL REALITY: XscatheX: MxetbpX: XscatheX: BaudriR: Happi2BSvd: Shotzy4140: JazzLady45: BaudriR: DoowelsI: Happi2BSvd: ShamQat: BaudriR: VERTUAL REALITY: VERTUAL REALITY: JazzLady45: XscatheX: BaudriR: Shotzy4140: ShamQat: Weewaboy: RONEE911: BaudriR: VERTUAL REALITY: DoowelsI: IRONxBAR: XscatheX: Happi2BSvd: JazzLady45: IRONxBAR: Agondontor: MxetbpX: Agondontor: Agondontor: RONEE911: BaudriR: MegB24S: DESCEN5201: Shotzy4140: DESCEN5201: Agondontor: Agondontor: RONEE911: BaudriR: GraceNu: TJames1586: VERTUAL REALITY: Agondontor: JazzLady45: Agondontor: Agondontor: RONEE911: GraceNu: MegB24S: DoowelsI: Egyland14: BaudriR: XXXXX... YOUR SO WRONG Bible-reading based religion is of more recent times what's up? IVE DONE NOTHING WRONG Xscath why would you even come into this you help to be saved? JUST VOICING MY OPINION Regarding the impossibility of making meaning circulate I'm in my house alone physically, though not spiritually. I really don't care to debate my so what's up in your corner vertual Ronee...bless your have truly suffered among the masses, For hundreds of years most faithful never held or read a Bible worthiness in the eyes of the Lord however Dark one as the face that hides behind the normal perception the best example is God. just eatin some yoguret yogurt* Ronee...there is a lesson in everything that happens to us GOD JUST ISNT REAL The masses have hardly retained anything but the image of him, I like yogurt, too. DQ's better Has killed two of my family MEG what what other groups do you like jazz...i have no family accept my sister in NM and i lost my father the same time never the Idea. what about you? Even after the invention of printing in the 15th c. AD, few read Bibles sham.. i see.. he was made to give peoplel ike u a reason to live X, open your mind and your heart will surely follow We may not always understand untill much later how did he kill them True religion is the act of an individual soul in its self-conscious relations do you belive in satan then? with the Creator; organized religion is man's attempt to socialize the worship of individual religionists. jazz...that i lost my job...and i made 15 dollars an hour They have never been affected by the Idea of God, umm, Jars of Clay.... I like rich Mullins hey X I'm trying to get on a teen chat romm with Zjam can u see the wind Worship is the act of a part identifying itself with the Whole; the finite with the Infinite; the son with the Father; time in the act of striking step with i have nothing but unemployement - but iam happy which has remained a matter for the clergy, Xs..okay to think that- natural & normal for Adamic, once-born to believe that- need rebirth hello felow christians cool eternity. Worship is the act of the son's personal communion with the you are alone with no family? divine Father, the assumption of refreshing, creative, fraternal, and romantic attitudes by the human soul-spirit. jazz...i know that God will provide... of spirt..peace to you' and Dc talk is okay, but they are kinda heavy Your religiion is what you make it xs Look at ur eyes for a moment look at how they are made, look how beautiful they r, 2 me nor by anguish over sin and personal salvation. 17 Shotzy4140: DoowelsI: VERTUAL REALITY: BaudriR: RONEE911: Agondontor: Agondontor: DESCEN5201: XscatheX: Egyland14: BaudriR: XscatheX: XscatheX: BIRD OF FAITH: Agondontor: Agondontor: Shotzy4140: XscatheX: BaudriR: Weewaboy: VERTUAL REALITY: BaudriR: Agondontor: VERTUAL REALITY: XscatheX: BaudriR: DoowelsI: Shotzy4140: VERTUAL REALITY: TJames1586: Egyland14: Agondontor: DESCEN5201: Agondontor: Agondontor: BaudriR: Shotzy4140: RONEE911: Weewaboy: XscatheX: MegB24S: DESCEN5201: MxetbpX: VERTUAL REALITY: BaudriR: RONEE911: VERTUAL REALITY: Agondontor: VERTUAL REALITY: JazzLady45: XscatheX: XscatheX: BIRD OF FAITH: Agondontor: Agondontor: Shotzy4140: Weewaboy: RONEE911: BaudriR: have you ever been on it We each come to faith in our God in our own way or not at all ummmmmmmmmm......i'm not sure What they have retained is the enchantment of jazz...yes. and at times i get so lonely....but then God hears me and iam not Worship is the technique of looking to the One for the inspiration of service to the many. Worship is the yardstick which measures the extent of the damn im very hurt and even if i believed in god, im still going to hell, according to Deuteronomy chapter 23 that just prove that God takes time on u cause he loves u saints and martyrs; verse 2 im a bastard the old testament was written by god through the soul's detachment from the material universe and its simultaneous and secure attachment to the spiritual realities of all creation. some people get real heavy in here i cant go to heave the last judgement; Ilike 4him, steven curtis chapman martins and a whole lot more hehe the Dance of Death; Worship makes one increasingly like the being who is worshipped. so where you from? so god can suck it sorcery; I worship the God of my faith at Mass and in Ecclisia indiana. and you? ohio finally a christian chat xs why r u saying that Through the hand of man divine truth may indeed shine forth, but only of hey XSCATHE relative purity and only partial divinity. Nothing the hand of human nature touches can truly be regarded as infallible. the ceremony and spectacle of the Church; hey, you're my neighbor! xscathex...just like people hate cops..but they call them on the first sight of trouble Brownsville worship is my favorite becuz its true Do you know " I will be here" by Steven Curtis Chapman? can u see the wind God is with a capitol G. i know! the immanence of ritual will you do the same for God wow! The Bible is G_d in man's image. hehe Ronee...well you have friends here no i want call on god for shit hands of those people that followed thier God centuries befor the When you measure G_d by the Bible you have elevated it above him and this is idolatry plain and simple. How's the weather there? 65 here YEp jazz...thanks the contrast to the transcendence of the Idea. 18 Agondontor: Agondontor: BaudriR: XscatheX: BaudriR: XscatheX: BaudriR: DoowelsI: VERTUAL REALITY: RONEE911: XscatheX: BaudriR: Shotzy4140: Agondontor: Agondontor: Egyland14: BaudriR: JazzLady45: Shotzy4140: BIRD OF FAITH: XscatheX: XscatheX: DoowelsI: BaudriR: RONEE911: Agondontor: BaudriR: JazzLady45: BaudriR: MxetbpX: VERTUAL REALITY: XscatheX: XscatheX: DoowelsI: Shotzy4140: SCBDMB: VERTUAL REALITY: RONEE911: XscatheX: Agondontor: Egyland14: Agondontor: SCBDMB: Agondontor: XscatheX: DoowelsI: BaudriR: VERTUAL REALITY: XscatheX: RONEE911: BaudriR: Egyland14: Shotzy4140: BaudriR: JazzLady45: XscatheX: DoowelsI: BaudriR: XscatheX: Fact becomes legend, legend becomes myth, myth becomes scripture and scripture becomes an idol when it is used as a substitute for true faith. They were i cant go to heaven and have remained so wuts the point pagans, The Bible is not God in my faith, that would make the Bible an idol to me hmm, it's really sunny with a chance of some more sun jazz...i like to come to the chat rooms at times - just to hear Gods words even if i were the perfect christian in their way, why do people have to make God so complicated? Not all idols are made of stone and clay, some are made of paper and ink, even flesh and blood. xs why can't u go to heaven ?? never haunted by the Supreme Authority, XS...have you chosen not to go to heaven? when He is so simple! the first established Church one sec ill show your I am not much inot idols these days but surviving on the small change of images, xscathex...yes you can go to heaven - Jesus died and suffered just for you so you could One is at perfect peace whose mind is stayed on truth, whose mind is stayed on G_d. supersition Ronee...sometimes we get Gods word, sometimes arguing! and the devil. if your were just a christian then you would be allowed in the gates of HEAVEN! yeah i know shotzy read Deuteronomy chapter 23, verse 2 read that G-d, is this an affectation of early Hebrew? are you a christian vertual? Why is having the Bible for an "idol" wrong? It is something you should adore. The Bible yep, born again jazz...i know - ive been here before - for the last few months im a bastard, i cant go to heaven and neithre can 10 generations after me May the love of G_d the Father, the mercy of G_d the Son, and tender Someone say it out louad ministry of G_d the Spirit encircle and fill your lives to overflowing that you is God's Word. too, may be known as a friend of G_d! go read now If G-d, then why not yhwh Degraded practices with regard to the spiritual wager of faith? and yourself? thats why i cant go to heaven jazz...its sad isnt it...people just dont understand how merciful God really is Indeed. loud me too and lovin it. It's so nice to have God for me and on my side, you know? It is their particular way, XS...fill your heart with love.... why would i base my life on a fictional book But if you are into latinates of early Hebrew, so be it through the banality of rituals and profane simulacra, my heart has plenty of love 19 JazzLady45: VERTUAL REALITY: VERTUAL REALITY: MxetbpX: SCBDMB: XscatheX: Shotzy4140: BaudriR: DoowelsI: XscatheX: Agondontor: VERTUAL REALITY: Egyland14: Shotzy4140: XscatheX: JazzLady45: XscatheX: BaudriR: GraceNu: VERTUAL REALITY: RONEE911: RONEE911: GraceNu: MxetbpX: BaudriR: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: Happi2BSvd: DoowelsI: BaudriR: DESCEN5201: Happi2BSvd: BaudriR: Natgat744: JazzLady45: Happi2BSvd: Egyland14: Agondontor: DoowelsI: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: BaudriR: BaudriR: Shotzy4140: XscatheX: BaudriR: RONEE911: XscatheX: Agondontor: XscatheX: Agondontor: VERTUAL REALITY: BaudriR: DoowelsI: are certainly right about that one! yeppers1 !* can you qoute it for us XscatheX Xs, have you ever tried to prove God's Word? but it has no love for a fictional caracter God made it too easy to be a christian. Jesus did all the suffering and all we have to do of refusing the categoriacal imperative of morality and faith, y-hw-h, not that would make some sense yeah SCBDMB, The "WORD" of G_d is the very living Spirit of G_d which dwells within you. especailly when i went through some hard things xs what's that verse again ?? is accept his sacrifice ill quote it XS...and are you truly happy? one second the sublime imperative of meaning, you base your life nOW- on false "book" of SELF's view and opinion- 2nd opinion- God's cant yep know nothing of love...When you see Gods light and blood - then you have seen love hurt..:0 ) please do which they have always rejected. "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of G_d." Romans 8:16 "For as many as are led by the Spirit of G_d, they are the sons of G_d." Romans 8:14 ROMANS 8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. How long has it been since someone other than Satan has hugged you X? What so ever you do to the least of my chirldren, that you do unto me, said the L-rd It isn't that they have not been able to attain the higher enlightenment of religion: im very hurt (((((((((((X))))))))))))) they have ignored it. Hello Room XS...what has Saton done for you lately? Hi Nat hi nat Religion is not a technique for attaining a static and blissful peace of mind; g__d G_d it is an impulse for organizing the soul for dynamic service. It is the enlistment of the totality of selfhood in the loyal service of loving G_d and serving man. They don't refuse to dies for a faith, for a cause, I love Jesus. Yes I do. I love Jesus. How about you? Deuteronomy 23:2 "One of illegitmate birth shall not enter the assembly of the Lord; even t for an idol. jazz...i love you! You are my sister in Christ...what a beautiful soul you have to You may preach a religion "about" Jesus, but perforce, you must LIVE the the tenth generation religion "of" Jesus. hehe What they refuse is transcendence; _n j_mp_ng J_s_s 20 XscatheX: JazzLady45: XscatheX: Natgat744: BaudriR: XscatheX: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: BaudriR: BaudriR: XscatheX: RONEE911: Agondontor: Agondontor: GraceNu: Shotzy4140: XscatheX: XscatheX: Agondontor: Agondontor: VERTUAL REALITY: BaudriR: VERTUAL REALITY: Shotzy4140: XscatheX: BIRD OF FAITH: DoowelsI: Egyland14: Happi2BSvd: Agondontor: Agondontor: Egyland14: RONEE911: BaudriR: Joby2020: Agondontor: Agondontor: BaudriR: RONEE911: Joby2020: Agondontor: Agondontor: BaudriR: GraceNu: BaudriR: The MagicOf Myth: XscatheX: BIRD OF FAITH: Happi2BSvd: BaudriR: Egyland14: DoowelsI: The MagicOf Myth: RONEE911: MxetbpX: BaudriR: XscatheX: XscatheX: of his descendants shall enter the assembly of the lord are the one with the beautiful soul!... there hi egy the uncertainty, u see Jesus does not require his disciples to believe in him but rather to believe with him, believe in the reality of the love of G_d and in full confidence accept the security of the assurance of sonship with the heavenly the difference, the waiting, i cant go to heaven anyways xscathex...thats not true...Jesus came so that you could Father. The Master desires that all his followers should fully share his transcendent faith. Jesus most touchingly challenged his followers, not only Jesus IS Eternal LIFE- makes bastards..SONS of God- in HIS Eternal Life..(yahoo)... gotta go vertual. talk latter. Jesus didnt come so i could wut the hell to believe what he believed, but also to believe as he believed. This is the full significance of his one supreme requirement, "Follow me." ok the asceticism which constitute the sublime exaction of religion. bye bye! by jesus has nothing to do with that verse every one can go to Heaven if they truely repent of thier sins thant is why Christ died for Anyone figure this out? j_ p_ng J_s_s xs if u can't then why do u think god died 4 u Jesus came because He loves you X The many religions of earth are all good to the extent that they bring man to G_d and bring the realization of the Father to man. It is a fallacy for any I mean jesus xscathex...yes he did...he spoke of tradition and said that he ws the true way For the masses, god gave up his son so we could be one in heaven group of religionists to conceive of their creed as THE TRUTH; such attitudes bespeak more of theologic arrogance than of certainty of faith. the Kindgom of God has always been already here on earth, xscathex...God doesnt want any of his children to lose their souls hell is here too! Sectarianism is a disease of institutional religion, and dogmatism is an enslavement of the spiritual nature. in the pagan immanence of images, Jesus BECAME that verse- FOR - you could BE adapted INTO the Eternal Life's! in the spectacle of it presented by the Church. What is faith Agon.. a beleif in something intangible.. like Evolution..:) no us to open the door to forgiveness and Love Amen ronee, and X? You are a child of God. God weeps for you and so do we Fantastic distortion of the religious principle. xs Jesus loves why is it hard 4 u to except that Agondontor, take you meds and the it will all look better to you You certainly have no certainty in theory.. you have to put Faith into that which is unknown xscathex...Jesus came and died so that you would have life but would you want to become a christian XscatheX The masses have absorbed religion by their sorcerous wut ever jesus didnt even come 21 The The The The BaudriR: ChipperTD: DoowelsI: GraceNu: RONEE911: XscatheX: XscatheX: Happi2BSvd: BaudriR: RONEE911: Agondontor: Agondontor: BaudriR: Happi2BSvd: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: GraceNu: MxetbpX: ChipperTD: BaudriR: Egyland14: BaudriR: MagicOf Myth: BaudriR: Egyland14: XscatheX: DoowelsI: MagicOf Myth: GraceNu: BaudriR: RONEE911: Happi2BSvd: ChipperTD: Agondontor: BaudriR: DoowelsI: BaudriR: RONEE911: RONEE911: MagicOf Myth: DESCEN5201: BaudriR: Egyland14: Agondontor: Agondontor: DoowelsI: BaudriR: MxetbpX: ChipperTD: MagicOf Myth: XscatheX: DoowelsI: JazzLady45: XscatheX: BaudriR: Agondontor: XscatheX: Happi2BSvd: and spectacular manner of practising it. hi everyone n_w n-w, l_ts b_ n_c_ welcome Chipper xscathex...once you are baptist and believe in Jesus - you have your birthright no i wouldnt want to become a christian i already tried that for 8 years Hi Chip All the great schemas of reason have suffered the same fate. xscathex...your inheritance There is not an earth religion that could not profitably study and assimilate the best of the truths contained in every other faith, for all contain truth. They ahve only traced their trajectory, With all sincerity X? Religionists would do better to borrow the best in their neighbors' living spiritual faith rather than to denounce the worst in their lingering superstitions and outworn rituals. sounds you tried YOUR version of rebirth- relax and let Jesus live FOR ya..! then why is a big deal to you.....why argue something false but not even want it <------ 12/f/south carolina that goes to a christian school they have only followed the thread of their history along the thin edge xs look at ur eyes 4 a moment, see how they beautifully and wonderfully made, jesus took of the social stratum you are right.. it is an Extrateristrial message.. sent from one outside our Time domain.. bearing meaning took time on u cause he loves u look, god isnt real who says we need vowel, or even spaces, theHebrews didn't God is not bound by time.. once we QUIT TRYING to live FOR Jesus-- THEN, Jesus can live HIS LIFE..FOR us..:0 ) (and in particular of the stratum bearing social meaning) xscathex...listen my mother had me when she was 16, killed a man and then tried to kill me He shed blodd because He loves U X God is real The MagicOf Myth, The Spirit of G_d dwells WITHIN YOU , and on the whole they have only justrightallyourwordsinwithoutvowelsorspaces penetrated the age of your standards i too dont belong in heaven xscathex...but i searched for God - and i found him - he was there all along ahh yes.. it does.. not in my time.. in his movement into this domain i saw my friend die 14 days ago into the masses at the cost of their misappropriation, xs everybreath that u take just proves that god is real Happi2BSvd, his blood was shed because he was put to death at the hands of ignorant mortals jstrghttllyrwdswthtvwls of their radical distortion. but you are going RONEE....and so can you XscatheX think of how much more evidence we have that Jesus did walk the earth against your beliefs x we tend to look at God in our dimension.. but God is outside it happi, dont talk to me about bad lifes and how god saved u racil distortiion they have long noses? Ronee...god love you...even going through all of that and you still found your way to God i had the worst life of all So it was with Historical Reason, The MagicOf Myth, time is only relative to eternity and god didnt do shit for me God's there for the asking X, He is giving you the choice. Satan uses trickery 22 BoBudinger: XscatheX: BaudriR: XscatheX: RONEE911: XscatheX: BaudriR: Happi2BSvd: JazzLady45: BaudriR: DoowelsI: The MagicOf Myth: Egyland14: Agondontor: Agondontor: XscatheX: XscatheX: XscatheX: BIRD OF FAITH: BaudriR: JazzLady45: Starsktr24: DoowelsI: BoBudinger: BaudriR: DoowelsI: Happi2BSvd: XscatheX: DoowelsI: XscatheX: BaudriR: XscatheX: The MagicOf Myth: DoowelsI: Happi2BSvd: The MagicOf Myth: XscatheX: BaudriR: JazzLady45: BaudriR: XscatheX: The MagicOf Myth: Agondontor: XscatheX: BaudriR: XscatheX: DoowelsI: BaudriR: XscatheX: XscatheX: The MagicOf Myth: XscatheX: DoowelsI: BaudriR: XscatheX: XscatheX: Egyland14: XscatheX: The MagicOf Myth: god is anything we want him to be i did it for myself Political Reason, god didnt get me off of drugs wasnt until 4 years ago tho i did Cultural Reason, It's your choice, a very fair and rewarding God. XS...telll ys about your life, would you? Revolutionary REason, We irish have "racial distortion," long noses Agon.. time is not present in eternity.. see? xs maybe because u didn't ask The MagicOf Myth, G_d is infinite and eternal but he has bridged the gap through his Spirit endowment if u want to here it sure ill tell u talk to you all again may OUR Lord shine forth from you all so even with the very REason of the Social, XS...go ahead.... Hello roomies! Ah the nut talk is going well in here this morn everyone has their own view of what God is the most interesting since this seems inherent to the masses, True BoBud I want to hear X, but please, watch the language! while my mom was pregnat with me she was beat daily by a drunk asshole (my dad) and it may be a veiw that there is no God then and appears to have produced them throughout its evolution. by age 3 she left him yes God bridged the Gap.. made himself flesh as the bible said.. to make us worthy to come Or an agnostic might say, "It bests the hell out of me." so to speak She made a good choice X into his presence soon after i was put into foster care Are the masses the "mirror of the social"? XS...I am so sorry to hear have hurt a lot inside No, cuz she was on drugs the Spirit is the eternal part of God dwelling within us.. yes The MagicOf Myth, Eternity is inclusive of all time, it is not separate from it then my shitty dad got me out of there they don't reflect the social , i lived there for 8 years If one is simple they may well have a simple God nor are they reflected in the social saw him beat my step mom while getting drunk and beating us to then I disagree Agon.. eternity is OUTSIDE of time.. it has no limits that Time would place on it at the time Is a simple God better than no God at all? it is the mirror of the social which shatters to pieces on them. my mother was in and out of prison for drugs and shit Xc it says in the bible that " IF MY FATHER AND MY MOTHER REJECTED ME THE LORD WILL i never got to see her Time is a dimension.. it shifts and changes.. this is proven both theologically and phys23 ical Egyland14: DoowelsI: Agondontor: Agondontor: BaudriR: JazzLady45: XscatheX: BaudriR: XscatheX: BaudriR: TJames1586: XscatheX: Agondontor: BaudriR: DoowelsI: DArro93396: XscatheX: XscatheX: The MagicOf Myth: BaudriR: Surfingforchrist: XscatheX: XscatheX: BaudriR: XscatheX: Egyland14: XscatheX: DoowelsI: XscatheX: The MagicOf Myth: BaudriR: Agondontor: Agondontor: XscatheX: DoowelsI: TW AT BRSM: BaudriR: TW AT BRSM: BaudriR: XscatheX: XscatheX: DoowelsI: TW AT BRSM: RONEE911: XscatheX: Surfingforchrist: BaudriR: Agondontor: RONEE911: JazzLady45: DoowelsI: Happi2BSvd: RONEE911: BaudriR: PaulCyp: DoowelsI: XscatheX: The MagicOf Myth: RECIEVE ME ''' We are like the five blind men and the elephant, we all think we see God The MagicOf Myth, Time and space constrained reality is relative to but also pervaded by infinity and eternity Even this image is not right, person should have to go what you have gone through so since it still evokes the idea of a hard substance, when she got here life cleaned up of an opaque resistance. God is life: i wanted to live with her The MagicOf Myth, Time is a constraint upon eternity Rather, If you see God, you might want to seek help egy-that's not true, GOD will never reject you but my dad wouldnt let me so i ran away If Time can be changed.. how can it be eternal Agon.. it would place limitations on it the masses function as a gigantic black hole hi room when i had to go back i got kicked out anyways which inexorably inflects, at age 13 da i didn't say God will reject anyone then i went to live with my mom Mass is a blakc hole to you, I find great awe there i got into drugs I kindly disagree Agon.. time is within the finite bend and distorts all energy and light radiation approaching it: The MagicOf Myth, time IS al limitation uopn eternity, it is a part of it, eternity is inclusive of finite reality but god didnt help me through any of that I am at times bruched with the wisdom of awe at Mass NEWS FLASH...GOD IS MOVING IN THE CHURCH TODAY...GET IN ON IT NOW! an implosive sphere, REVIVAL HAS COME in which the curvature of spaces accelerates, i got off of drugs by having good friends and selfcontrol not god The Vatican sold God a new church REVIVAL IS HERE God did help you - because you shared this story so THAT MEANS HE ISNT REAL does anyone surf in which all dimensions curve back on themselves The MagicOf Myth, eternity includes past present and future xscathex...thank you for are such a strong person have truly suffered ..I am so sorry to hear you have been hurt so bad Did God make Himself? You are a very strong person X xscathex...i admire you and "in-volve" to the point of annihilation, Doow - there was only one Church - there was no new one to sell Well who made God? dont feel sorry for me eternity knows no difference between them Agon..:) 24 XscatheX: BaudriR: RONEE911: XscatheX: The MagicOf Myth: DoowelsI: Agondontor: Agondontor: JazzLady45: Happi2BSvd: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: XscatheX: PaulCyp: XscatheX: RONEE911: DoowelsI: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: XscatheX: LAWSAZ: Happi2BSvd: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: Egyland14: DoowelsI: Happi2BSvd: JazzLady45: RONEE911: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: XscatheX: XscatheX: RONEE911: Agondontor: Agondontor: Agondontor: i am perfectly happy leaving in their stead only a sphere of potential engulfment. xscathex...i admire your courage and strength with out the help of god we place the nomers in value of time Well the Vatican did sell purgatory to the Fundamentalists you know In the maturity of the developing self, the past and future are brought together to illuminate the true meaning of the present. As the self matures, you have really never had a home with love? I respect your determination to live X it reaches further and further back into the past for experience, while its wisdom forecasts seek to penetrate deeper and deeper into the unknown future. And as the conceiving self extends this reach ever further into both i do now Doow - Purgatory was believed even before Christ was born i have a home with love'd be surpirsed how God really was there for you - you jsut dont know it yet Maybe God sold the Vatican on the Church past and future, so does judgment become less and less dependent on the momentary present. In this way does decision-action begin to escape from the fetters of the moving present, while it begins to take on the GOD WAS NEVER THERE FOR ME XS: You give God no credit? Where do you suppose the friends came from? And so now you really know what love is aspects of past-future significance. Patience is exercised by those mortals whose time units are short; true maturity transcends patience by a forbearance born of real understanding. To become mature is to live xs I admire that your courge but I believe that God was watching ur back all that time I though Purgatory was a place, the Vatican is into intelectual property Careful LAW who was there for you? xscathex...Your breathing now arent you - who do you think gave you life more intensely in the present, at the same time escaping from the limitations of the present. The plans of maturity, founded on past experience, are coming into being in the present in such manner as to god didnt give me friends i got my own friends dowwelsl...dont go there enhance the values of the future. The time unit of immaturity concentrates meaning-value into the present moment in such a way as to divorce the present of its true relationship to the not-present--the You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - countryandwestern” VFS13: age/sex check VFS13: 16/f BaudriR: The Abyss of Meaning Qtbuttloco: 28/f Owls2245: 22/f JDMfan336: hey im back You have just entered room “Romance - Chance Encounters” LovngBear: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tool}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} CCCRASSSH: Ok bye. See you keep your great smile :) Iplay4APP: 38/m retired musician Toolman o5: {{{{{{{{{ace babe}}}}}}}}}}}}kisses Jeep640: hello all BaudriR: So it is with information. 25 D13J11: Kpeeez: BaudriR: D13J11: Toolman o5: Missyofoz: BaudriR: LovngBear: ApluseAce: BaudriR: LovngBear: Toolman o5: CCCRASSSH: ApluseAce: NYCntrlPrk: BaudriR: J f sm4494: OpiumOrchd: NYCntrlPrk: Toolman o5: Fixn2GetU: BaudriR: Iplay4APP: WavinBytch: Toolman o5: Iplay4APP: LovngBear: Fixn2GetU: OpiumOrchd: LovngBear: Toolman o5: BaudriR: Bowah: OpiumOrchd: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: WavinBytch: Toolman o5: BaudriR: NYCntrlPrk: BaudriR: Beyond9919: Iplay4APP: BaudriR: WavinBytch: Toolman o5: OleUWF: LovngBear: BaudriR: AreUYummy: Beyond9919: LovngBear: BaudriR: LovngBear: Iplay4APP: BaudriR: CCCRASSSH: AreUYummy: 15 seems a little young so i'll leave 29/m Whatever its political, bye all {{{{{{{{{{ms bear babe}}}}}}}}}}}kisses thanx ill try bye have a good day now : ) pedagogical, no S{ duh how you doing Tool? cultural content, *duh* even great you? bye, bye. prettty good hello form nyc the paln is always to get some meaning across, hi room 36/m/ga ::Morning all:: any ladies like to trade pics is that you msbear? Wavin...if you see Sun, tell her hi for me to keep the masses within reason; Hi Opium ok fixn i will good ace Nice SN yes tool thanx hi Iplay <-----moe even kool an imperative to produce meaning that takes the form of the Hi ladies 22f so cali constantly repeated imperative to moralise information: Wávínßytch {{{{{{{{AreUYummy}}}}}}}}} *kisscute* once a bear always a bear to better inform, hello to all of the ladies to better socialise, tired cold person here females im me 38/m, retired Musician..... to raise the cultural level of the masses, etc. im alright how are ya yep yep yep hey room! <-------throws beyond a blanket Nonsense: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{lovngbear}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}morning... than you very much welx the masses scandalously resist this imperative of rational communication. is it morning? <----- once sneezed on the Queen. :) They are given meaning: Hey "FoeGetta Bout it! is here! 26 OleUWF: BaudriR: Toolman o5: LovngBear: OpiumOrchd: AreUYummy: LovngBear: Awsumeyes2: Playh89576: BaudriR: CCCRASSSH: OleUWF: Playh89576: Toolman o5: OceanDiva9: LovngBear: BaudriR: CCCRASSSH: Awsumeyes2: Niikkii24: AreUYummy: BaudriR: Iplay4APP: Playh89576: LovngBear: Iplay4APP: Iplay4APP: LovngBear: BaudriR: ApluseAce: OceanDiva9: BaudriR: CCCRASSSH: AreUYummy: BaudriR: BaudriR: CCCRASSSH: LovngBear: BaudriR: Cgp022: LovngBear: The week 1: ApluseAce: Beyond9919: Niikkii24: Jbuggen: Toolman o5: AreUYummy: Iplay4APP: BaudriR: AreUYummy: Damon1691: AreUYummy: LovngBear: BaudriR: BaudriR: Damon1691: ApluseAce: Toolman o5: a/s/l? they want spectacle. <-----sneezed once <~~~~~~~~thinkin Baud sounds like noble 22f so cali u? bless you toolman 38/f hello room hi No effort has been able to convert themt Hello ladies. 26/m/GA, COOL! yes female brb 22m colo h/b tool to teh seriousness of the content, Botta Bing' 34 / f / MN Hello Room :o) hey can i ask a question where is noble havent seen him nor even to the seriousness of the code. <----- has big smile, and red eyes.... how is everyone? botta boing botta bing BZZZzzzzzzz........ :) doesnt Baud sound like noble? Messages are given to them, Noble is gone!!! long live the queen 69 they only want some sign, Any ladies around the state of NY? but the color is all wrong bear they idolise the play of signs and stereotypes, they idolise any content so long as it revolves itself *ygp* coudl change color to foll ya into a spectacular sequence. any girls that have a big rack say hey or im me could even fool even good morning room kick it back a big rack, yea on my pool table any females want to chat im me hey :o) 20 / m / pic k iz back but baudri is a little tame for noble <----- believes Elvis is living as a black, midget women in Topeka. What they reject is the "dialectice" of meaning. what happened to him him hello ladies actually....dontthrow anything at me...i liked him once his chat was blocked for an hour Nor is anything served by alleging that they are mystified. This is alwys a hypocritical hypothesis yummy guy here lol i dont know details Yummy, ask Rue-she may know oh hell is that noble 27 WavinBytch: KL236: BaudriR: Iplay4APP: WavinBytch: EVIL LACE1: BaudriR: TryN2BHave2: ApluseAce: ApluseAce: AreUYummy: LovngBear: ApluseAce: Toolman o5: WavinBytch: CFH868: BaudriR: LovngBear: BaudriR: CHRIS6809: LovngBear: AreUYummy: WavinBytch: EVIL LACE1: BaudriR: WavinBytch: CHRIS6809: Fawn555555: Toolman o5: The week 1: EVIL LACE1: BaudriR: AreUYummy: Iplay4APP: Iplay4APP: Iplay4APP: RLamb14707: BaudriR: Toolman o5: CCCRASSSH: LovngBear: LovngBear: ApluseAce: The week 1: BaudriR: LovngBear: Toolman o5: CCCRASSSH: BaudriR: LovngBear: The week 1: ApluseAce: AreUYummy: OpiumOrchd: BaudriR: Toolman o5: AreUYummy: CHRIS6809: ApluseAce: back 32/m which protects the intellectual complaisance S H O C K yw ty moe of the producers of meaning. wb jen wj Jen wb even i dont think it is him...too tame for noble welx billie wb Lacey {{{{{{{{{{{{{{evil babe}}}}}}}}}}}kisses thanks kali & ace AGE SEX EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : the masses spontaneously aspire well are noble was blocked once for hour but after that not sure to the natural light of reason. Hello all 38/m 38/f and thanks foransweringmy question....damon.... Hey chris £áçê((((((((Toolmano5)))))))£ôvê This in order to evade the revrese hyphothesis, old enough/ never enough Hiya Wavin 28/f ummmm green huggs 31 male somewhere in the great northeast lmfao , namely that it is in cmplete "freedom" well i dont know what happened to him but i did like him...and pausing for a brief moment Must.....find.....bathroom . Too Late....... :( Hi all that the masses oppose their refusal of meaninga oops Well, well, well just another day in Paradise *wecome* noble was a rude calous man he degraded women i totally agree Moe any ladies want to cyber with 31 male real ugly??? and their will to spectactle to the ultimatum of meaning. u ever chat with noble plus? naa noble was an asshole *welcome* They distrust, as with death, well tool you put it bluntly lol i'm real ugly that is harassed like the rest of us yeppers i think there was a softer side to him bear...but then that is my kinda of job to deal with hello, 22f so cali this transparency yep weirdos Glad I got here after this noble guy and gave it right back to him too 28 BaudriR: WavinBytch: Romeo66875: LovngBear: Shoopwitme: LovngBear: LEXONE99: BaudriR: The week 1: BaudriR: LA MIRAGEx: Shoopwitme: LEXONE99: WavinBytch: LA MIRAGEx: BaudriR: Garpster30: LEXONE99: LA MIRAGEx: AreUYummy: Shoopwitme: BaudriR: Romeo66875: AreUYummy: Romeo66875: LA MIRAGEx: TryN2BHave2: Toolman o5: LovngBear: BaudriR: Garpster30: BaudriR: ApluseAce: AreUYummy: BaudriR: LEXONE99: TryN2BHave2: BaudriR: KL236: Garpster30: BaudriR: WavinBytch: KEJUGAM: MICOLUV: BaudriR: BaudriR: LovngBear: ERTHANGL101: Ced2571767: BaudriR: ERTHANGL101: Ced2571767: KEJUGAM: BaudriR: MICOLUV: MBJBANKS: WavinBytch: Ced2571767: PHXTAT2: and this political will. ««Wávinßytch™*cumplay*Wávinßytch™»» a silver lining of clouds shines down on people Jesus couldn't save well are if there was a softer siade he hid it well do you have a pic of your ugly self week? side even WAM!!!!! im here They scent the simplifying terror which is behind the ideal hegemony of meaning, nope too ugly for pics and they react in their own way, hey everybody hi la wass up people Hey mirage 25/ by reducing all articulate discourse to a single irrational hi ladies: 30/m/nyc/pic 27/m here hey shoop i know bear..but i always think there is a softer side..i think he got cast in a role and notmuch with me and you lexine? and baseless dimension, Love is like pearls so different and so rare, don't let anger strip your jewels away couldnt get out let lovers leave you bare hey wavin hi garp cat been here lately he could have gotten out where signs lose their meaning hi tryn. how are you ? and peter out in fascination: he could have changed o well too late now..he is gone...moving on the spectacular. WAM!!!im gone doin good thanx you? Once again, hi room 32/m im fantastic ive been told. lol it is not a question of mystification: ok i think im gonna hurt my cousin today.. hes interrupting my chattime i would like to see ugly pics too of week 1 any female from ohio it is a question of their own exigencies, of an explicit 38/f/ohio HI n e pervs in the house and positive counter-strategy SWF IN FLORIDA n e pervs in the house are you still here week 1? the task of absorbing hello Bear want to chat hi room 41/f and the jerk has sun and monday off :( not sure how much time ill get to play n e pervs in the house hello room 26/m here 29 BaudriR: CHRIS6809: AreUYummy: Ced2571767: BaudriR: The week 1: Ced2571767: BaudriR: MBJBANKS: BaudriR: MBJBANKS: BaudriR: ERTHANGL101: ERTHANGL101: WavinBytch: CHRIS6809: BaudriR: BaudriR: AreUYummy: BaudriR: Ced2571767: WavinBytch: Bby3263379: Ced2571767: Ced2571767: BaudriR: WavinBytch: Disastica: BaudriR: AreUYummy: BaudriR: KL236: Caroline28371: BaudriR: Toolman o5: Disastica: Caroline28371: WavinBytch: LovngBear: ApluseAce: AreUYummy: Toolman o5: KL236: WavinBytch: AreUYummy: LovngBear: BaudriR: CMJ107: PHXTAT2: Toolman o5: Disastica: LovngBear: LovngBear: BaudriR: Toolman o5: LovngBear: BaudriR: AreUYummy: BaudriR: and annihilating culture, Welcome MB soo... what kind of trouble can i get into today..i am in a mood MBJBANKS hello knowledge, dont have but im me i'll tell you all about it pics? power, thanks the social. hello An immemorial task, HI HELLO lol uh huh i gotta get outta her i hate sharin a computer Haven't seen any trouble here Are but one which assumes full scope today. A deep antagonism sure just my luck which forces the inversion of received scenarios. n e ladies wanna talk about sex damn that didn't sound right good morning everyone n e ladies wanna talk about sex n e ladies wanna talk about sex : it is no longer meaning which would be the ideal line of force in our societies, ced ya think you could sound anymore desperate? any guys wanna chat? press 87 that which eludes it being only wasted intended for reabsorption desperate is good! lol some time or other hi room 32/m hi room on the contrary, back w/o the brb a/s/l everone 28 female wb tool w/b toolwithout the brb wb tool w/btool thanks bytch any hot ladies want to chat im me yw hello KL 38/f/ohio it is meaning which is only an ambiguous and inconsequential accident, hello 26/m/Arizona thanks all kl236: age/sex/location MICO????? stay out of muh loft I dont go for one time flings an effect due to ideal convergence of a perspective space at any given moment bear not loffin today I am lofting but not with tacky men (History, Power, etc.) ,vermont maid, er made, er vermonter here and which, 30 TryN2BHave2: KL236: BaudriR: Toolman o5: LovngBear: Get kind: MICOLUV: Toolman o5: Axix2112: BaudriR: LovngBear: JjamaalG: AreUYummy: Pwdrgod21: Tool4u1033: Bowah: PH0T0 J03: Pwdrgod21: BaudriR: MICOLUV: WavinBytch: Toolman o5: Pwdrgod21: LovngBear: BaudriR: TryN2BHave2: LovngBear: LovngBear: Toolman o5: Pwdrgod21: WavinBytch: WavinBytch: LovngBear: BaudriR: TryN2BHave2: Get kind: AreUYummy: JjamaalG: BaudriR: MICOLUV: PH0T0 J03: Toolman o5: BaudriR: Jaso631263: BaudriR: LovngBear: Lickwpierc: WavinBytch: LovngBear: TryN2BHave2: BaudriR: WavinBytch: Lickwpierc: WavinBytch: LovngBear: BaudriR: Pwdrgod21: Lickwpierc: ClNDAFKNRELLA: woo hoo moe 32/m elkhart indiana moreover, lol i know babe <------picky of who I loft with 87 well maybe more than one time then sweety me too 36/m/ca has only ever really cncered a tiny fraction well MICO I dont go for just sex Hello room getkind......87 what hello room hi room HI Ladies hello Room 20/male/mo and superficial layer of our "societies." what do you go for sex <perk> damn wheres steve sex can be good any ladies wit6h pics real realtionship And this is true of individuals also. lol toolman relationship yes but want love with it tool lol wiff me that care to share i don't have one lol there he is good timing oh really tool : we are only episodic conductors of meaning, woo hoo toolman Someone said to press 87...? real? relationship ? humm new words to me When is sex not good? for in the main, Thats what Im talking about relationships suck yeppers and profoundly, any female from nyc ? we form a mass, you sai done time fling mico hey baby Wávínßytch {{{{{{{{Steve}}}}}}}}} *kisscute* said one even hi steve living most of the time in panic lol steve you have goot timing hey kali damn why can't i type today {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Lick}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} or haphazardly , any ladies with pics wanna share with me why now? heh, i got the name i wanted 31 BaudriR: ClNDAFKNRELLA: LovngBear: WavinBytch: Get kind: WavinBytch: ClNDAFKNRELLA: BaudriR: Lickwpierc: KING560: WavinBytch: Toolman o5: BaudriR: ApluseAce: KL236: Jaso631263: ClNDAFKNRELLA: PH0T0 J03: Pwdrgod21: WavinBytch: PH0T0 J03: BaudriR: Lickwpierc: ClNDAFKNRELLA: WavinBytch: Toolman o5: SeanQ33: Get kind: Lickwpierc: LovngBear: ClNDAFKNRELLA: BaudriR: WavinBytch: ClNDAFKNRELLA: BaudriR: Doodles4110: Lickwpierc: ApluseAce: ClNDAFKNRELLA: ApluseAce: Get kind: above and beyond any meaning. <giggle> w/b{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{billie}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}wooofknhoooo lol cause they were talkin about sex.. and i said wheres steve Great name!! and then ya signed on u knew it was me? Now, cause ya didnt get any last night jen 39/f LOL wb billie hey evil with this inverse hypothesis, (((((((((licky)))))))))))))) hi king m / 28/nyc ty Jen hello any fel any ladies wanna chat im me :( uh huh steve Hello King everything changes. < *woohoo* timing is everything i likes this one lol it fits ya good one girl 33/m hello people King? < Aww jen i'll take care of that tonight ok <-----cant wait to read da profile yeah it does Take one example from a thousand concerning this contempt for meaning, aww good baby.. did ya get any sleep <~~EvilLace the folklore of silent passivities. Hi Room.... yea go figure <giggle> watching Pretty Woman again? Baudri - Put down the encyclopedia... You have just entered room “Places - Paris” Raptor5567: YOU GOT A PIC? Aatoc23: where is everyone from??? Soda1342: hey people BCSbad: NO SORRY DID YOU SEND IT MuadDibLZ: ANY1 IS FRENCH PRESS: frenchy! BaudriR: On the night of Klaus Croissant's extradition, Nicegrl112: Bastrop Texas originally Arizona BaudriR: the TV transmitted a football match Aatoc23: bonjour salut ca va muad Ehrenpreis80: bonjour salle 19/female/michigan/photo Raptor5567: 19/M/FL Bavy lub: nice to meet you guys BaudriR: in which France played to qualify for the world cup. MuadDibLZ: i can c that no 1 is french BaudriR: Some hundreds of people domonstrated outside la Sante, 32 BCSbad: Raptor5567: Raptor5567: BaudriR: Aatoc23: BaudriR: Filiz906: Filiz906: MuadDibLZ: Aatoc23: BaudriR: BCSbad: SLISS634: Filiz906: Jig56k: BCSbad: BaudriR: Musicfltch: Filiz906: Filiz906: BaudriR: Jig56k: Musicfltch: BaudriR: Filiz906: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: Jig56k: Raptor5567: BaudriR: BEDEVIVIES: Musicfltch: BEDEVIVIES: BEDEVIVIES: Filiz906: Jig56k: BaudriR: MRK2345: Nicegrl112: Filiz906: Nicegrl112: BEDEVIVIES: Filiz906: BEDEVIVIES: Nicegrl112: Musicfltch: Filiz906: BaudriR: BEDEVIVIES: BaudriR: Filiz906: BEDEVIVIES: BaudriR: Filiz906: BaudriR: Musicfltch: Filiz906: BaudriR: RAPTOR DID YOU SEND IT WEE WEE I DON'T NO a few barristors ran to and fro in the night; bonjour ca va muad??? twenty million people spent their evening glued to the screen. bonjour mes amis comment ca va??? ouais pkoi? bien An explosion of popular joy when France won. JACKASS Bonjour a tout le monde je suis tres bien merci hey...cant speak the lang!!! ANYONE HAVE A PIC Consternation and indignation of the illuminati BORJUE ou habites-tu??? j'habite a philadelphia not that hard jiggy over this scandalous indifference. wow u r good!!! OLA MOCHACHO'S La Monde: "9pm. je suis une fille belle qui est cherche pour un homme At that time the German barrister had already been taken out of la Sante. A few minutes later, Rocheteau scored the first goal." me no comprende!!! *CHI* Melodrama of indignation. fILI, HOW OLD MAYBE I KNOW SOME ONE FOR YOU POLAYVUE FRANCAY? AND HE IS FRENCH LIVES IN COLORADO j' ai 20 ans hablame eng. por favor!!! Not a single query about the mystery of this indifference. Bonjour!! quelle age filiz? j'ai 20 ans desole HE IS 27 YEARS OLD AND A PROFESSIONAL es-tu? NO IT IS NOT ME j'ai 38 ans FILIZ DO U SPEAK ENGLISH? oooo One same reason is always invoked: WOULD YOU LIKE HIS SCREEN NAME the manipulation of the masses by power, je ne parle pas l'anglais BUT HE SPEAKS FRENCH their mystification by football. bien sur In any case, BED CAN U SPEAK FRENCH? jiggy this indifference ought not to be, 33 Aatoc23: BaudriR: Jig56k: Raptor5567: Filiz906: BaudriR: Filiz906: Jig56k: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: Raptor5567: AzuraLove1: BaudriR: BaudriR: NYLEVE89: j'ai 19f hence it has nothing to tell us. thats the best i can 19/M/FL jiggy gidelim istersen In other words, follow me ok the "silent majority" is even stripped of its indifference , it has no right *RUREADY* Hi***************kisses I am not here just came in for a second even that this be recognised and imputed to it, even this apathy must have been imposed on it by power. Hello everyone You have just entered room “France - Point de Rencontre” M55FRANCS: oui on lui dira au papa Noel BaudriR: What contempt behind this interpretation! BaudriR: Mystified, BriseDouce: bonjour BaudriR: the masses are not allowed their own behaviour Defbon8195: ? BaudriR: . StKreft: Les anglais!!!!! BriseDouce: forfait libre accès qui ? BaudriR: Occasionally, they are conceded JOJO LE TUEUR: c est vide ici Melanosh66: oui Tifa007: JE SUIS UNE BRETONNE Defbon8195: C quoi ton jolie prenom ? JOJO LE TUEUR: bonsoir amis du soir Severi5099: non,on est là!! BaudriR: a revolutionary spontaneity by which they glimpse Melanosh66: melanie ViensDansMesBras: slt BaudriR: the "rationality of their own desire," StKreft: Tu viens d`ou, Tifa? VPALLIER: Salut me revoila BaudriR: that yes, JOJO LE TUEUR: les bretons je les adore Severi5099: heureusement!! BaudriR: but God protect us from their silence VPALLIER: avec du sel et biens cuits ? Severi5099: que tu reviens! JOJO LE TUEUR: quoi heureusement BaudriR: and their inertia. BaudriR: It is exactly this indifference, Tifa007: RENNES BaudriR: however, Defbon8195: jolie JOJO LE TUEUR: ille et vilaine BaudriR: that demands to be analysed RSebas3620: quel bretons ! BaudriR: in its positive brutality JOJO LE TUEUR: k est ki dit l english? 34 Severi5099: BaudriR: StKreft: BaudriR: JOJO LE TUEUR: BaudriR: JOJO LE TUEUR: BaudriR: Severi5099: BaudriR: JOJO LE TUEUR: Melanosh66: Severi5099: BaudriR: Defbon8195: Defbon8195: BaudriR: Melanosh66: JOJO LE TUEUR: StKreft: BaudriR: Defbon8195: Severi5099: Severi5099: JOJO LE TUEUR: BaudriR: Defbon8195: BaudriR: JOJO LE TUEUR: BaudriR: Defbon8195: Severi5099: Defbon8195: BaudriR: JOJO LE TUEUR: BaudriR: Severi5099: BaudriR: JOJO LE TUEUR: BaudriR: Severi5099: BaudriR: JOJO LE TUEUR: BaudriR: JOJO LE TUEUR: BaudriR: Defbon8195: BaudriR: JOJO LE TUEUR: BaudriR: Val1023386: BaudriR: JOJO LE TUEUR: BaudriR: RSebas3620: BaudriR: VPALLIER: Severi5099: Defbon8195: ou ils sont,ces bretons? , instead of being dismissed as white magic, Ah, quand je suis en France, je viens toujours a Perros Guirec or as a magic alienation moi je vais toujours a l ile tudy which always turns the multitudes away from their finistere revolutionary vocation. oh non!! Moreover, koi defbon asv parlez français!! how does it succedd in turning them away? 17hparis et toi ? Can one ask questions about the strange fact that, 17f marseille vous etes fait l un pour l autre Ich kann auch auf anderen Sprachen hier sprechen after several revolutions and a ho marseille C loin 18 de nice t as le tgv century or two of political apprenticeship, ouai mais C chaud in spite of the newspapers, c est long c tout the trade unions, tu as un jolie prenom melanie il fé trés chaud!! Moi C bruno the parties, moi c est jojo the intellectuals bruno,j'é chaud and all the energy put into education and mobilising the people, enleve ton damart there are still pas dit que j'étais chaude (and it will be exactly the same in ten or twenty years) on a bien compris a thousand persons who stand up enleve tes pulls and twenty million who remain "passive" melanie ? - and not only passive mais il va s arreter avec sa langue de singe lui , but who, What else do they do in all good faith and with glee pleas can you stop writing and without even asking themselves why, et en francais sa donne quoi frankly prefer a football match ouais il parle un peu tout seul depuis tt a l'heure Baudr ça donne ça T pas la ? 35 JOJO LE TUEUR: BaudriR: Dejaeg: SamyScouby: Laure Ore2: Severi5099: SamyScouby: BaudriR: VEROBILOUTE: BaudriR: VPALLIER: SamyScouby: VPALLIER: BaudriR: SamyScouby: BaudriR: Ansimara: RSebas3620: SamyScouby: VPALLIER: BaudriR: VEROBILOUTE: BaudriR: Severi5099: BaudriR: RSebas3620: SamyScouby: BaudriR: VEROBILOUTE: VEROBILOUTE: DMacquet: BaudriR: BaudriR: Jimmy62219: VEROBILOUTE: Melanosh66: BaudriR: VEROBILOUTE: BaudriR: SamyScouby: Jimmy62219: BaudriR: DMacquet: Defbon8195: BaudriR: Defbon8195: Severi5099: VEROBILOUTE: BaudriR: RSebas3620: Val1023386: BaudriR: BaudriR: VEROBILOUTE: RSebas3620: Severi5099: Melanosh66: RSebas3620: BaudriR: i ve got an headach cause of you to a human and political drama? ALLEZ LENSOIS SALUT TOUT LE MONDE !!!!!!!!!!! Salut tt le monde salut samy salut It is curious HI EVERYBODY ! that this proven fact has never succeeded allez les sangs et or de quoi on parle ici ? de tout et de nimporte quoi in making political analysis shift ground, comme quoi ? but on the contrary salut on parle anglais salut ya meme 1 type qui parle tt seul en Anglais reinforces it in its vision Please don't put your life in the hands of a rock'n roll band of an omipotent, on parlé de toi manipulatory power, il sont 2 maintenant une invasion Repeat please ? and a mass prostrate Through an other way...... Ils sont 2 hello what are you doing ? in an unintelligible coma . salut { s drop désolée defbon j'étais occupée Now none of this is true, *drop* and both the above are a deception bon j'laisse tomber l'anglais !!! holla : buenas ok power manipulates nothing tu faisaisq quoi .? oui,il vaut mieux Welcome Baudi , t en mieu comment I l'est ? the masses are neither mislead n or mystified. Power don't manipulate but monney...... ouate is vit on est en france!!! il y avais 15 personnes qui me parlaient en meme temps... plize Power is only too happy to make football bear a facile responsibility 36 VEROBILOUTE: Jimmy62219: BaudriR: Severi5099: SamyScouby: GALOIN: VPALLIER: Melanosh66: Melanosh66: VEROBILOUTE: ViensDansMesBras: Val1023386: BaudriR: VPALLIER: Severi5099: SamyScouby: GALOIN: BaudriR: RSebas3620: Jimmy62219: SamyScouby: Severi5099: BaudriR: GALOIN: BaudriR: AL PACINO2597: BaudriR: Melanosh66: VEROBILOUTE: Jimmy62219: BaudriR: SamyScouby: Severi5099: BaudriR: JOJO LE TUEUR: Severi5099: RSebas3620: Jimmy62219: AL PACINO2597: BaudriR: PGauron: JOJO LE TUEUR: Ade2824337: BaudriR: Jimmy62219: BaudriR: Ade2824337: Severi5099: BaudriR: DELTIBO: AL PACINO2597: Melanosh66: DELTIBO: Jimmy62219: JOJO LE TUEUR: Severi5099: PGauron: Jimmy62219: Ade2824337: Sevei je sais he!! il faut parler une langue etrangere ici for stupefying the masses. séverine STOP L'ANGLAIS sale arabessssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! y a til un flic pour arreter le british bien dit raciste Take your look for other place! slt Carry on guy This comforts it in its illusion of being power, Mais non cest de lumour connards de racistes!! j'crois pas VPALLIER ! tanlbnlbnlbnlbnlbnlb and leads away from the much more dangerous fact a mort l anglais (rosbeef de merde) recherche quelqu'un qui chat french moi plus con que toi,tu meurs!! that this indifference of the masses vive maigre is their true, cherche des mecs pour niquer la allah their only practice, vive les anglais à mort les racistes Take me to the place where you go when nobady nows recherche annec15 dans un salon qui peux m'aider that there is no other ideal of them to imagine, ? pas de racisme!! nothing in this to deplore, bon c est le bordel ici s'il vous plé ta raison t'as remarque? et tu le sais jojo but everything to analyse as the brute fact of a collective retaliation severine je taime il va falloir que j en tue un ou deux t'as raison jojo and a refusal to participate vas y jojo in the mrecommended ideals, ils sont trop nuls merci,bébé however enlightened. < a href=">si tu es curieux clique ici</a> je t'aiderai si il le faut jjojo baudrir soit tu parles français soit tu dégages < a href=">si tu es curieux clique ici</a> allez jojo le tueur je vais sortir mon flingue non!!!!!!! t es libre pour un p tit resto au chandelle ce soir ouais!!!!! oui tue-les!!!! 37 JOJO LE TUEUR: Benzyli: le premier raciste je le tue salut les filles You have just entered room “France - Cafe Philo” FreyaDonna: Wich part??? AJJH2000: melbourne H33sexport: hi i m from timor BaudriR: What is at stake in the masses lies elsewhere. MARJE28008: Aber mein deutsch ist auch nicht so gut !!! BaudriR: We might as well take note FreyaDonna: Dein deutsch ist besser als mein französisch BaudriR: and recognise that any hope of revolution, H33sexport: y a t il un francais dans la salle Sundgauman: I'm from Switzerland MARJE28008: Autrement dit, bonjours a tous BaudriR: the whole promise of the soical Emera1981: moi BaudriR: and of social change Sundgauman: Moi H33sexport: faites chier BaudriR: has only been able to function up till now Eddy 1811: ICH KANN DEUTSCH?FRANSOZISCH ODER ENGLISCH SPRECHEN Emera1981: je suis fra BaudriR: thanks to this dodging of the issue, Sundgauman: Ich auch AJJH2000: anyone know what is happenning new years eve in amsterdam Emera1981: ncaise FreyaDonna: Wo kommst du her, Eddy BaudriR: this fantastic denial. MARJE28008: Français SVP You have just entered room “France - Planete Gay” Yoann 87: es ce qu'on trouve des mec ou pas moi paris BaudriR: We might as well begin again, YLem200177: ou ds paris? BaudriR: as Freud did in the psychic order, BaudriR: from this remainder, BaudriR: from this blind sediment, BaudriR: from this waste BaudriR: or refuse of meaning, BaudriR: fromthis unanalysed and perhaps BaudriR: unanalysable BaudriR: fact BaudriR: (there is a good reason why such a Copernican Revolution has never been undertaken BaudriR: in the political universe: GPat12: sortez le!! BaudriR: it is the whole political order that is in danger of paying the price). You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - From the Left” BDunn90382: Backward to my point of view Avalon1040: Birdy - how are you? Insolente: Hi Slam Lipsy 818: Slam, hello :-) AJSFan: Avalon..good morning..:)) BaudriR: Rise and Fall of the Political BIRDatPLAY: Avalon... dandy. How are you?? 38 Lipsy 818: Avalon1040: BDunn90382: BaudriR: Slambidder: Avalon1040: BaudriR: TAZHERE370: BIRDatPLAY: BaudriR: HISTORY394: Namaste426: Avalon1040: BaudriR: Namaste426: BDunn90382: Insolente: BaudriR: Namaste426: BaudriR: GBushJR100: GBushJR100: Namaste426: ShakeSeen: AJSFan: Namaste426: ShakeSeen: TAZHERE370: BIRDatPLAY: BIRDatPLAY: HISTORY394: BaudriR: Lipsy 818: BIRDatPLAY: HISTORY394: ShakeSeen: Namaste426: GBushJR100: BDunn90382: TomDHarry: Lipsy 818: Avalon1040: BIRDatPLAY: VeryFarRT: VeryFarRT: Namaste426: BDunn90382: BIRDatPLAY: BIRDatPLAY: Lipsy 818: Insolente: ShakeSeen: ShakeSeen: Namaste426: Avalon1040: VeryFarRT: Insolente: BIRDatPLAY: BaudriR: ? Morning AJS Does one invite rats from a plague ? The political and the social seem inseparable to us AJS's mom hello Bird - what happened to "finer than frog hair"? , twin constellations, BD: You equate the residents of East Timor to rats? Interesting insight. Avalon... I ain't that good. I save that for special occasions. since at least the French Revolution, Baud: good call gbush. are you serious with that name? lol Bird - I see under the sign GBUSHJR.... lol Taz The principles are the same TAZ...Again..what do you expect him/her to say? Human beings? c'mon (determinant or not) gbushjr. are you a WANNA BE of the economic. i was born on third base and think i hit a triple just like dad gbushjr. WILL NEVER WIN. He is a drug addict Fetuses are not human beings. Good morning Very..:)) gbush. lol They are bloodclots. I am sorry to inform BDunn that the All Cretins on Ignore is now in effect. ha.... bloodclots... pardoned terrorist on MTP and he wouldn't even say "thank you" to Clinton But for us today, this undoubtedly is only true of their simultaneous decline. uh, oh... :) unrepentant little twit Bloodclots with heartbeats. gbush. why the name? BaudriR: are you reading something? Taz Hang on while I tune up my violin back Shake, not always... Shake - shaddup welcome back... Tom Once the right succeeds with their fetus implantation program, Bob Barr will have footing to comment on abortion. watch al gore's popularity rise by january Shake what is a blood clot? I should go to church... nah... BIRD, why? Very Don't say that name <--- shutup once and all kinds of misinformation was spread about. Vowed never to shutup again. very. abortion should be left up to the woman Bird - God is everywhere :) In Bob Barr/ <making the sign of the cross> Lipsy... to pray. When the political emerged during the Renaissance from the religious and 39 GBushJR100: ShakeSeen: Bucephalus: BIRDatPLAY: VeryFarRT: Namaste426: BIRDatPLAY: HISTORY394: Lipsy 818: Avalon1040: BaudriR: TAZHERE370: Namaste426: GBushJR100: Bucephalus: ShakeSeen: BDunn90382: BaudriR: Bucephalus: Avalon1040: Namaste426: ShakeSeen: VeryFarRT: Avalon1040: HISTORY394: BaudriR: Namaste426: BaudriR: HISTORY394: ShakeSeen: Namaste426: HISTORY394: BaudriR: VeryFarRT: ShakeSeen: BIRDatPLAY: BaudriR: BIRDatPLAY: Avalon1040: HISTORY394: VeryFarRT: Namaste426: HISTORY394: Avalon1040: BaudriR: BIRDatPLAY: Namaste426: TomDHarry: GBushJR100: HISTORY394: BaudriR: BIRDatPLAY: Namaste426: ShakeSeen: Bucephalus: BaudriR: HISTORY394: Namaste426: BaudriR: namastse, just for fun BD, a clot of blood. Bird I used to go to a special church - My Lady of The Evening - nice place to worship. Avalon-- I am God. Nam Of course gbush. it is funny Buce... Is that in Denver? shake: good call on the misinformation, I can't stay silent on that BIRD, you can do that here. I'll listen there ya go eccelesiastic spheres, Baudri<----Into the Pit for mumbling. very. good you agree. BaudriR: are you talking to anyone? Nah Bird - here in Florida HIS, lol. Shake someone was in here calling us bloodclots the other day to win reknown with Machiavelli on the beach walk oh how large of you men very. can't be too careful on these lines. lol BD, thats not nice. Nam You agree with me, which is shocking to say the least to agree that "abortion should be left up to the woman" shake: it's mind boggling. WACO is a great example , it was at first only a game of pure signs, very.. haha. you remember me huh? a pure strategy more disinformation on that one than any issue in a long time HIS, much misinformation surrounding that episode. very. you are not agreeing with your party though ;) which was not burdened with any social or historical "truth," Hows this its none of my business whether a woman has an abortion. HIS, there is still ample misinformation circulating about the JFK assasination. maybe... you guys should go to church. but, on the contrary, you need it more than I... well, that wouldn't be what you thought of first Shake; delta force hit squads, black choppers, nerve gas, just to emntion some of the more r Nam I dont have a party. bird. do you have a problem with abortion? ational ones. LOL that would be your follow up played on the absence of truth Nam... No. Why? veryfr, oh, thought you were republican lol hist did anyone read the article about the JFK assasn. this AM? shake: JFK assassination , another good call. (as did later the worldly strategy of the Jesuits You know something I don't know? bird. just wondering which side you were on HIS, don't pay any attention to the canned food hoarding paranoiacs of society. Abortion is legal - so any problem with it is a personal one - not a public one on the absence of God) SHake: I call them the "bunker boys" bird. i am for the right of a woman to choose . To begin with, 40 Namaste426: VeryFarRT: ShakeSeen: GBushJR100: BIRDatPLAY: Namaste426: BIRDatPLAY: BaudriR: Namaste426: BDunn90382: BaudriR: Insolente: ShakeSeen: Bucephalus: BIRDatPLAY: BaudriR: DeeDee4111: Namaste426: BaudriR: Avalon1040: BIRDatPLAY: HISTORY394: Namaste426: GBushJR100: BaudriR: DeeDee4111: BIRDatPLAY: VeryFarRT: Namaste426: Avalon1040: BaudriR: Insolente: ShakeSeen: Namaste426: BaudriR: ShakeSeen: BIRDatPLAY: HISTORY394: Insolente: Namaste426: EllieHJ: GBushJR100: Avalon1040: Namaste426: BaudriR: Namaste426: Insolente: Avalon1040: HISTORY394: BIRDatPLAY: Namaste426: Namaste426: GBushJR100: Namaste426: ShakeSeen: BaudriR: DeeDee4111: HISTORY394: BIRDatPLAY: bird. i had to choose twice There is only one view, that of the person advancing it. HIS, lets knock off Oliver Stone and we will solve most of the problem. about new information from the KGB archives twice? gbush. ANOTHER MONEY MAKING SCHEME rubber up, cowboy.... the political space belonged to the same order bird. yes.. unfortunately back as that of the Renaissance mechanical theatre, oh no Buce, damn, thats what the South said about slavery. Bird who are you inviting to "rubber up" <jealous> Nam... that's a shame, but glad it's an option. or of perspective space in painting, So are we all proud to be on our way to Timor? bird. i was glad too, and yes i suffer terrible after effects which were invented at the same time. Bird - so you're pro one choice? cut that out, Buce... Dee: not unhappy bird. i would love to cousel young women on that DEEDEE, actually yes Its form was that of a game, well, would have figured that! I am pro choice, Avalon Nam You mean minister to them. bird. just for the record, both were with my husband okey dokey not a system of representation Nam..Is there a reason why you feel the need to share that with us? Some people dont have the common courtesy of saying hello when they come into a room. veryfr. yes, but more or less, let them know the devastating effects of how they will feel y semiurgy and strategy, I have no use for them. Nam... why didn't you use birth control? Or did you? BAud: did you just finish up your indergrad. course on French Revolution ? I'm squirming here insolente. do you have a problem with it GOP<==Given up on their promised tax cut. Failed again dee dee what do you think? christ bird. no, niether time, but that is another story not ideology bird, i will not bore youwith Nam...This is personal...Keep it that way you know, just because you all are asking DIFFERENT questions undergrad. mea culpa the heat of the moment... insol. i'll decide bird. no Baudriard, i'm bored get to the point here bird. no not at all.. <--- graduated mea culpa. its function was one of virtuosity, I think we should keep our troops out of there! BIRD: "the sperm of the moment, so to speak"? the rubber had flaws? 41 Avalon1040: DeeDee4111: BIRDatPLAY: BaudriR: HISTORY394: Namaste426: Insolente: EllieHJ: HISTORY394: BaudriR: GBushJR100: ShakeSeen: HISTORY394: BaudriR: BIRDatPLAY: DeeDee4111: Namaste426: Avalon1040: GBushJR100: BDunn90382: DeeDee4111: BaudriR: HISTORY394: Namaste426: TomDHarry: Namaste426: ShakeSeen: BaudriR: Namaste426: HISTORY394: Namaste426: Insolente: BIRDatPLAY: BaudriR: HISTORY394: BaudriR: BaudriR: Namaste426: GBushJR100: TomDHarry: BIRDatPLAY: Insolente: Namaste426: Lipsy 818: HISTORY394: BaudriR: HISTORY394: BIRDatPLAY: Namaste426: Avalon1040: BaudriR: Avalon1040: VISIGOTHxv: Avalon1040: HISTORY394: EllieHJ: Lipsy 818: VISIGOTHxv: BaudriR: jesus We are not the world police, or are we? History... :) not of truth BAUD: I graduated magna cum lousy history. anyway, i was young, and had noone to turn to DeeDee..Yes we are Dee We are a member of NATO Bird; :) (hence the game, DeeDee4111: i agree we are not the world's police <--- means, "sorry I even tried". NAm: explanations are NOT excuses. subtle and a corollary to this, Why are you calling out to Jesus? ah yes, I recall NATO history. i'm not giving any excuses.. just the truth Bird - because I can't believe this crapola :) but in this case, UN invervention to uphold a democractically elected govt.? TAZ<---Birth certificate is a letter of apology from the TRojan Rubber Co. That was just a while back, right? of Balthazar Gracian in Homme de Cour). Nam: choice is always the matter history. from my perspective i would have loved to have someone to support me,... ava, come on, you've been here before "_ history, not when you are very young BDunn, that was harsh. The cynicism and immorality history, and you can't go to your parents Nam: bullshit history. easy for you to say awww Jeez SheriffTaylor... too cool. of Machiavellian politics lay there: Nam: damned right it is. I didn't put myself in the situation not as the vulgar understanding hist. makes no diff. you don't know ANOTHERS situation to judge BaudriR: do you want to talk to us to to yourself? ava, does get tiring having the sam earguments after awhile doom and gloom... has left the room. Machiavellian <perk>? hist. judging others shows ignorance HISTORY, are you NOT pro-choice? Nam: "you don't know me" Springer guest mentality..... has it Lipsy: I sure am History is pro choice... (I would bet) hist. you are the one who attacked me Tom - not that, supposedly pro-choice people questioning someone's choice in the unscrupulous usage of means, oh, they are much more politically correct questions i can barely see you bastardss,. but i will hit you again later today same result, in my opinion Nam: I did NO such thing. I said "made your own bed" Namaste I agree that every situation is different VISI, thanks for the warning i have to catch some sleep.. but in the offhand disregard for ends. 42 BaudriR: Namaste426: EllieHJ: TomDHarry: TomDHarry: BaudriR: Namaste426: ShakeSeen: ShakeSeen: EllieHJ: Avalon1040: HISTORY394: Avalon1040: Namaste426: ShakeSeen: Lipsy 818: BaudriR: ShakeSeen: HISTORY394: Namaste426: BaudriR: BDunn90382: VeryFarRT: ShakeSeen: Insolente: HISTORY394: EllieHJ: SheriffTaylor: BaudriR: ShakeSeen: Namaste426: VeryFarRT: Namaste426: BaudriR: BIRDatPLAY: HISTORY394: VeryFarRT: Namaste426: BaudriR: HISTORY394: Insolente: ShakeSeen: BaudriR: Namaste426: Avalon1040: Lipsy 818: HISTORY394: EllieHJ: Avalon1040: TomDHarry: BaudriR: ShakeSeen: Avalon1040: BIRDatPLAY: HISTORY394: Namaste426: Lipsy 818: HISTORY394: BIRDatPLAY: Now, hist. yes i did, but you said there is always a choice, and i had wished there was HISTORY I am surprised at you ahh ava. not sure they were questioning th echoice but rather the disregard that led to it, in this case as Nietzsche well knew, hist. you have to be conservative to call others names though You can call yourself "pro choice" if you favor the legalization of ANYTHING, not just abortion. HIST "made your own bed" is not a solution Tom - SAME RESULT NAm: you put yourself in the original situation. DEAL withb its consequences. Tom - SAME RESULT hist. only conservatives call names in debated situations If you favor drug legalization, thats pro choice. yes! it is in this disregard for a social, If you favor keeping guns legal, thats pro choice. Nam: I'm not calling names. I being a realist hist. yes, but my point was, i was young, and had noone to run to. psychological, Indonesions<---Yeah, yeah, WHATEVER why doncha write us a letter and tell us about it ? Shake So things must be regulated? You dont have to do drugs if you dont want to and you dont have to own a gun zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Nam: you HAD yourself HIST Dear, that is not a solution zzzzzzzzzzzz historical truth, if you dont want to. hist. calling me a JERRY SPRINGER Or legilized? hist. lol in this exercise of simulacra as such, what about drugs? NBam: you obviously didn't rqas my post. I said that was Springer guest mentality. How about a tennis racket? hist. you can't judge until you walk a mile in my mocassins that the maximum of political energy is found, Not that you are a Springer guest WHo the hell is Baud talking to? People who owned slaves were pro choice . . . if you dont think its right, dont own one. where the political is a game hist. yes.. either way, i got it.. a stab History - ohhhh, that is sooooooo much different Nam, even then ,he can't NAm: I didn't try those mocassins on. HIST What is "made you own bed?" lol I hate that one good thing you know how to phrase those little jabs, PROFESSOR no idea insol and is not yet given a reason. "Pro Choice" <---- Orwellian Newspeak. History - uh-huh. Course it is, sweetie could we change the subject? Ellie; SHe/he put themself in the original situation lip. so i can't laugh to hide pain Call me George! ava: it is very diff. Call me... scared. 43 You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - Hillary for Senate” Asterion88: waiting for ONE to educate me MDRAKEF297: they waited for over 50 days SkyyeDiver: Ast, i hope you have a LONG time DeeDee4111: Good morning Ms. War BaudriR: It is since the eighteenth century, Geemox14: reno, is exampliary of SEX? Asterion88: I guess ONE Your not into educatiing anyone? VERbaLL51: MD,simple,ATF should have knocked on door and served search warrant as they do on every one e BaudriR: and particularly since the Revolution, VERbaLL51: else Balloonatics: the wait started after the first failed assault..though AJDS49: if you believe reno was lied to u believe in the tooth fairy Asterion88: ONe so what can you educate me about? Warlady1: I am noticing that when a certain liberal Warlady1: gets backed up against the wall on facts GordonA765: MD absolutely nothing to do about his constitutional rights otherwise you are next Warlady1: that one's only recourse is to insult and Warlady1: result to name calling....typical lib logic Judi2shoez: back SkyyeDiver: Ast, he cant remember which lies he told the last time BaudriR: that the political has taken a decisive turn. Asterion88: One tell me your area of expertise? SkyyeDiver: WB Judi DeeDee4111: War, what do you think about Timor? Judi2shoez: thanx sky Asterion88: come ONE put out our shut up BaudriR: It took upon itself a social reference, Mursch5141: Warlady..yes I agree Imayenta3: Reno has been like to a lot. Doesn't seem to be respected by FBI Asterion88: ONe what is yoru expertise? MDRAKEF297: do you think they should have been accountable for the killing of federal agents Warlady1: Dee its a mess Balloonatics: War....your NO Lady...... BaudriR: the social invested it. DeeDee4111: Have we business there? Asterion88: One I"m here to learn from yoU.. BaudriR: At the same time, Luvnfather: Reno is like Bill Clinton...selective lack of knowledge Asterion88: ONe educate me on something..I"m waiting AJDS49: and if reno can pull that off she should resign DeeDee4111: War is a lady who speaks her mind! Warlady1: Dee yes Mursch5141: I think we all should be accountable we need to change the system BaudriR: it entered into representation. VERbaLL51: During Waco stand off,not 1 note or tape of gov't had anything on it about Koresh being a MDRAKEF297: well. i am not hording weapons and having killed any federal agents SARAHKAROL: McVeigh was a Victim of McVeigh..a nothing...a nobody..and he still is.He is NOT of the Govt Destiny216: I can see Americans cheering with glee- OH NO HILLARY DON'T GO... VERbaLL51: child molestor Warlady1: Yes Mursch DeeDee4111: What is our business there? GordonA765: Deedee the Timor thing is to get your mind off the Waco and Chinese espionage scandals BaudriR: , its performance became dominated by representative mechanisms SkyyeDiver: MD, the feds fired first on private property, so they deserved to get shot AJDS49: be accountable to yourself period 44 Warlady1: VERbaLL51: Balloonatics: Asterion88: BaudriR: Destiny216: Mursch5141: Mursch5141: SkyyeDiver: DeeDee4111: BaudriR: Destiny216: Geemox14: Warlady1: Asterion88: BaudriR: Destiny216: MDRAKEF297: BaudriR: Asterion88: Warlady1: GordonA765: Balloonatics: BaudriR: Destiny216: SARAHKAROL: Balloonatics: SkyyeDiver: Destiny216: DeeDee4111: BaudriR: Warlady1: BaudriR: Judi2shoez: Destiny216: Warlady1: SkyyeDiver: Judi2shoez: Mursch5141: SARAHKAROL: Imayenta3: Imayenta3: BaudriR: Destiny216: Balloonatics: BaudriR: Destiny216: Judi2shoez: Destiny216: AJDS49: Warlady1: BaudriR: Judi2shoez: VERbaLL51: BaudriR: Destiny216: Lillimae18: Mursch5141: Warlady1: Dee financial But after Waco blunder,Reno used that as an excuse for what they did Sarah....Tim served well in the Gulf War....he wasn't born a warrior Sarah I believe MCviegh is giulty/ but believe others were involved (theatre pursued a parallel fate: We sure have a fair & just system- NOT. I respect War's opinion on all matters we may not always agree but she researches her topics well more of 'em shoulda died oh, forgot! we are world police! it became a representative theatre GOP's + DEM's = one party system of globalists. who told the media to be at Waco when it all went down? Dee yep Gee good question - likewise for perspective space: Why do we need a world police? To take out world criminals? well, Sky i know where you are coming from! machinery at the start, where were fire dept at Waco/ sleeping Hi Destiny Verbal this administration has lied and corrupted the media by spinning tales and focusing WAR and Lady....go so well have to be twisted to come up with that it became the place where a truth of space Define whom is a world criminal? Anyone going up against total control big government. Tim was a warrior before the gulf say his family members war sucks preiod one of the feds called the press i think Hi Warlady1? think those terrorist may have become a problem for Billy and of representation was inscribed). Baloon you know nothing of me The political scene oh warlady is well read and knowledgable Define who defines terrorism? Who is the real terrorist? Who is the real freedom taker? so shut up Hiya Lil :-) hi lilli Hi Destiny..:) I believe others were involved also....not the govt.... Balloon knows nothing of most of the things of which he speaks War. Don't take it personally became that of the evocation of a fundamental signified: Hi Mursch5141 :) Yenta is perfect for you...JAP the people, Who gets the dirty job of defining- who is the real criminal? the balloon effect Nope- it's NEVER BEEN the job of the American people. al-not so-bright going after terrrorists, clinton frees them GO FIGURE Destiny good question the will of the people, cute geemox Gordon,lets not lose sight of the fact that majority of media are libs etc. Press & media- yes...not the American people. things going yesterday Good to see you Destiny! Clinton's foreign policy sucks mightily 45 SkyyeDiver: Asterion88: Destiny216: Balloonatics: Asterion88: Mursch5141: Imayenta3: BaudriR: Lillimae18: Asterion88: AJDS49: Destiny216: BaudriR: Geemox14: Balloonatics: Judi2shoez: Geemox14: GordonA765: Asterion88: BaudriR: Destiny216: MDRAKEF297: Destiny216: BaudriR: SkyyeDiver: Warlady1: Warlady1: BaudriR: SkyyeDiver: Balloonatics: Lillimae18: Mursch5141: Geemox14: BaudriR: Lillimae18: GordonA765: BaudriR: Luvnfather: Asterion88: BaudriR: Destiny216: Balloonatics: DeeDee4111: BaudriR: Warlady1: Warlady1: Destiny216: BaudriR: Mursch5141: VERbaLL51: AJDS49: BaudriR: VERbaLL51: BaudriR: Lillimae18: Geemox14: BaudriR: Destiny216: SkyyeDiver: i didnt do it Lil, we did Ajds.they call them "nationalists" not terroristes LOL Good to see you, too. :) The Jews free Palastinians every year.....they have imprisioned i heard press say "nationalists"..explain that one Warlady and always has That's why I chose it, Balloon. Did you pick your name cause you're airhead? It no longer worked on signs alone, well whatever u were the catalyst instead of terroristts choose the words carefully I can tell you one thing a terrorist is NOT- militias- freedom fighters. but on meaning; balloon is similar to an air head. Yes hehehehehe full of hot air Verbal they are controlled by enormous corporations and are afraid for their jobs too the press does a good spin job with words henceforth summoned to best signify the real it expressed, Someone is mighty scared- of a freedom fighter- to go all out with HOLLYWOOD well as usual this room is full of hot air.....have a good one to make THEM terrorists. summoned to become transparent, Lil, you dont give yourself credit <<==thinks balloon isn't doing too good in here LOL to moralise itself all i did is told ya not to go cause i didnt want you to you think....amazing lol ok skyy but we know the truth the press wants the one world govt. too and to respond to the social ideal hi judi! JUST DONT BUY WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE NEWS ANYMORE of good representation. Bill "I will not tolerate terrorist" frees why do you suppose he did that? Geemox i agree on that one For a long time, Who defines who is the terrorist? Have we sunk down so low- to have Hollywood should ahve though about your screen anme WARSwine Gordon: agree nevertheless, Gordon good statement Balloon get spell check make 'pretend movies' painting- what makes up a terrorist? a balance came into play between the proper sphere of the political Destiny our news is Hollywood..the research is the ones we get from War Gordon,I live in Wash DC area,have a choice of 2 papers,lib Post or conservative Times,most if they want one world govt how come everyone wants independence and the forces reflected in it: only get choice of a lib paper the social, de rien judi we need someone like Reagan to clean up hollywood again the historical, Hollywood- big governments friend...---mouthpiece. AJ, it says in the bible that people will want independence near the end of things 46 Imayenta3: Destiny216: BaudriR: Warlady1: BaudriR: Balloonatics: Asterion88: Luvnfather: Destiny216: VERbaLL51: GordonA765: Mursch5141: SkyyeDiver: Lillimae18: AJDS49: Geemox14: BaudriR: Destiny216: Balloonatics: SkyyeDiver: BaudriR: Lillimae18: DeeDee4111: AJDS49: Warlady1: Destiny216: Warlady1: VERbaLL51: BaudriR: SkyyeDiver: Mursch5141: Destiny216: Lillimae18: BaudriR: Destiny216: AJDS49: Lillimae18: Imayenta3: BaudriR: Balloonatics: SkyyeDiver: Balloonatics: Mursch5141: SkyyeDiver: Geemox14: Asterion88: BaudriR: Destiny216: Luvnfather: Lillimae18: Luvnfather: BaudriR: Mursch5141: Asterion88: Destiny216: Warlady1: Warlady1: Warlady1: Asterion88: Are you part of military/industrial complex, Vebal? Bingo... the economic. I miss Reagan Undoubtedly you would you can't clean up Hollywood Yes Dee..Bill fools the ignorant with his political games Believe it or not -the question was just answered. Say what ? Verbal give them both up they do not provide us with real truth Oh War so do I..he best president ever i miss him to :-( he was great president warlady well i aint at the end of my trail yet! i do too, he was a gentleman & had CLASS this balance corresponds to the golden age of bourgeois represNope...but media & press feed off of- Hollywood movies -defining on who is a terrorist.'d take Iran Contra....and fret over a BJ AJ, but what if the world is? entative systems although i wasn't in the US then Wonder if balloon thinks terrorists should have been freed? so b it have a nice trip Balloon you are not smart enough to debate Once again - tell me about this two party system we have here? with me Gordon,it is a ball reading the Times,man they don't cater to clinton a bit (constitutionally: at least Reagan was NEVER impeached Destiny the news is fed throughHollywood eyes and writers Two party system- one party of globalists. I was about 4 i guess is that right skyy? eighteenth-century England, Sure looks like that don't it? im staying put when did reagan leave office? PR terrorist thing seems to have hurt Hillary with everybody the United States of America, REGANS....mike test..." I have Just outlawed Russia 5 min we begin the Bombing" something like that Lil :-) he was sick Nancy Reagan had an enormous amount of class in the White House 88? verbal, good paper, so is the Spotlight We need a decent person to run for president soon the France of bourgeois revolutions, For example: "First Daughter" & they played that movie OVER- & OVER -& OVER again. I thought the procedure was for criminals to request clemency..not for the persident to 11 years ago? offer it the Europe of 1848). Asterion--we have George Bush< Jr. how long do we have to put up with 2 party's First daughter is kidnapped after a foil is made of taking out the president BY WHOM? Well Balloon it ended the cold war and dismantled the Soviet Union didn't it Hahahahahahaha Murcsh Bush is a one worlder 47 Destiny216: Destiny216: AJDS49: Balloonatics: Destiny216: Asterion88: Hollywood defined the would be terrorists 'freedom fighters...instead of say militias. depends on what day u listen to hill's reasoning about the faln Sure FEMinNazi But it was obvious they meant militias. Bush an insider / rich trust fund baby like Gore] You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - Investing” OnlyPerfct: I'm 15, and I've got $14,000 to invest (not all mine, but I'm 'managing' it) - what should I OnlyPerfct: do? MDM40: So Janus or Vanguard? I'm ready now! BaudriR: It is with marxist thought, Omar4800: vanguard is the lo-cost provider of choice BaudriR: in its successive developments, TisTwo: Only--get a parent/guardian signature and go mutual funds direct BaudriR: that the end of the political Stkmrktlady: only---ur not old enough to legally have ur own account,,must be ugma TisTwo: MD--lots of other good ones; but so difficult to sort through the prospectus they send Stkmrktlady: md,,,,diversify,,,, BaudriR: and of its particular energy was inaugurated. Stkmrktlady: put some money globally,,,some us large cap BaudriR: Here began the absolute hegemony of the social and the economic, TisTwo: yes, listen to Stk, Md, diversify; not all in one mutual fund BaudriR: and the compulsion, Omar4800: md left the building BaudriR: on the part of the political, TisTwo: MD--are you employed? BaudriR: to become the legislative, TisTwo: Omar--wonder if md is with elvis BaudriR: institutional, Omar4800: md was actually elvis BaudriR: executive mirror of the social. Stkmrktlady: md,,,THERE IS NO PERFECT FUND TisTwo: lol, wow--what a rush BaudriR: The autonomy of the political Stkmrktlady: u have to consider several things BaudriR: was inversely proportional TisTwo: was just going to suggest to md that if he/she is employed to get a Roth Stkmrktlady: ur age,,ur risk factor, ur time frame,,ur needs TisTwo: too late BaudriR: to the growing hegemony of the social. Omar4800: even vanguard's hi yield funds couldn't support elvis'habits BaudriR: Liberal thought TisTwo: Omar--nor mine (mine good habits tho) BaudriR: always thrives on a kind of nostalgic dialectic Stkmrktlady: roth u cna only do 2000 BaudriR: between the two, A1924: van wogoner TisTwo: yes, but wonderful for those who quality---tax free; like a gife from God BaudriR: but socialist thought, BaudriR: revolutionary thought openly postulates a dissolution of the political Stkmrktlady: yea,,they are fine,,,,but limited money BaudriR: at some point in history, BaudriR: in the final transparency of the social. TisTwo: Stk, ya know what % of people save/invest nothing; at least a Roth is better than nothing TisTwo: a start BaudriR: The social won. Stkmrktlady: ur right,, 48 BaudriR: Stkmrktlady: TisTwo: BaudriR: Omar4800: TisTwo: Stkmrktlady: BaudriR: Stkmrktlady: BaudriR: BaudriR: Stkmrktlady: BaudriR: Sabrini057: Omar4800: BaudriR: Stkmrktlady: Sabrini057: BaudriR: BaudriR: TisTwo: BaudriR: BaudriR: Stkmrktlady: BaudriR: Omar4800: BaudriR: Stkmrktlady: A1924: Omar4800: BaudriR: Stkmrktlady: BaudriR: TisTwo: TisTwo: Stkmrktlady: BaudriR: TisTwo: BaudriR: Stkmrktlady: BaudriR: Stkmrktlady: TisTwo: BaudriR: Stkmrktlady: BaudriR: Stkmrktlady: BaudriR: TisTwo: Stkmrktlady: Omar4800: Stkmrktlady: Stkmrktlady: But, im not arguing I know at this point of generalisation anyone familiar with viacom/cbs? wish I could have one--the idea of no taxes---wonderful but all the same for people with money,,itspeanuts , of saturation, i own cbs where it is no more than the zero degree of the political, the viacom dela is great marriage at this point of absolute reference, STK,no such thing??:) what will sumner and mel do with their 50% in UPN? of omnipresence and diffraction no such thing? perfect marriage in all the interstices of physical and mental space, what becomes of the social itself? aol + T would be almost perfect marriage It is the sign of its end: the energy of the social is reversed, t alreaay in bed with athm,,,makes no sense to me its specificity is lost, and T and ATHM aren't compatible its historical quality and its ideality vanish but t owns 40% of athm noconsumation conflicts of interest abound in favour of a configuration why is it a conflict? where not only the political becomes volatilised, yes they do---but want aol to have acess to T funds; T needs to decide what they are going to do to make it---just gettin hammered it would be a conflict if aol wasinvolved but where the social itself no conflict--both industries have lots of competition no longer has any name it seems if t went with aol ,,they wwould be shootig themselves int eh foot . makes no sense to me Stk, maybe; just a thought Anonymous. although at this point , the future of athm is questionable THE MASS. i wnat to make heavy investment into high speed internet,,,dsl? THE MASSES. that's the future Stk, but don't follow dsl dsl is just starting BaudriR: are you having fun? t has become quite a buy lately really sold off You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Authors Lounge” BaudriR: The Silent Majority DPoem: Vic? Brewster? You got mail. DuchessVic: *Bye* 49 BaudriR: DuchessVic: EHara97350: Oh Radi: DuchessVic: Gritrid: Oh Radi: BaudriR: DuchessVic: Oh Radi: Gritrid: EHara97350: DuchessVic: BaudriR: DPoem: BaudriR: Matryona: Laraka49: BaudriR: Zimmzam6: DPoem: Laraka49: BaudriR: Gritrid: IXI Virgo: Zimmzam6: IXI Virgo: DuchessVic: Matryona: BaudriR: DuchessVic: Zimmzam6: IXI Virgo: BaudriR: DPoem: Matryona: P5eorsw6: BaudriR: DuchessVic: Gritrid: BaudriR: IXI Virgo: DuchessVic: BaudriR: CDBrewster: DPoem: Auntie Kim: DuchessVic: Zimmzam6: CDBrewster: Gritrid: Auntie Kim: DPoem: DuchessVic: Matryona: BaudriR: DuchessVic: Auntie Kim: EHara97350: The dwindling of the political rats!!! ok i feel fat but much better admitted *Farewell* Hi Folks brings tears to your eyes from a pure strategic arrangement rats x 2!!! phone, BRB Hi IXI :o) i took a bubble bath today and it was so wonderful *So go already* to a system of representation, *bigpants* then to the present There ya go, Brew. ;-) I seem to have some technical problems with my computer--cant get ant of the waves to play-scenario of neo-figuration, what are you trying to do duch Vic? I'm going to see what I can do about it where the system continues Hi Zimm, morning Duchess try not usinng spaces mwah grit Bye P5 Hey you today? P5*** under teh same manifold signsb Virgo...ok.... bye 5 Hi Auntie Kim ut where these no longer represnet anything (((((((···•€ §€ •~Kimmie~•€ §€ •···)))))))® Auntie!*************** Like jokes and welcom email. Subject Authors Lounge. and no longer have their "equivialent" nope...that's not it....:( Doing good, Duchess, how about yourself? in a "reality" Use a space between *and the wav* Hey is there a manual on this thing? or a real social substance: Mat.................Check your mail. You will love this one!!! *bye* Hey Virgo Byy P5 mwah antie Hi Kimmers *hug* Bye P5 Ah, DP *gone* *Bye P5* LOL< Brew...k. Did you get the one I sent? there is no longer any political investiture sigh Mat, hi ya, sweets has anyone ever heard of James Ensor? 50 CDBrewster: EHara97350: IXI Virgo: BaudriR: Oh Radi: BaudriR: Gritrid: Oh Radi: DuchessVic: Auntie Kim: EHara97350: Zimmzam6: DuchessVic: BaudriR: Auntie Kim: BaudriR: Oh Radi: EHara97350: DuchessVic: BaudriR: Auntie Kim: BaudriR: IXI Virgo: DPoem: Zimmzam6: DuchessVic: BaudriR: Gritrid: Zimmmzam6: BaudriR: DuchessVic: BaudriR: DPoem: Gritrid: Zimmzam6: DPoem: EHara97350: BaudriR: IXI Virgo: DuchessVic: BaudriR: EHara97350: DPoem: DuchessVic: BaudriR: IXI Virgo: BaudriR: DPoem: DuchessVic: Oh Radi: BaudriR: DuchessVic: Oh Radi: DuchessVic: Gritrid: BaudriR: DPoem: Carla77420: DPoem: Mat...........Oh! BRB a painter from Belguim? I havent EH because there is no longer even any social referent BAK of the classical kind Hi CD, g'morning :o) KIM!!!!!!!!!!!!******** Grit...well I was ok until CD got me started on this *wave* stuff CD, boat broad anyone????? hi auntie, how are you today hon Now I'm getting more frustrated by the minute.....LOL (a people, a class, a proletariat, objective conditions) Radi, babe to lend force to efective political signs. DAMN, BRB anyone heard of James Endsor????? DP....yes...sorry had to scroll back...did you want me? Quite simply, Zimm, great....went bowling yesterday & don't even ache there is no longer any social signified brb LOL! I was just wondering what you are trying to do with this wav-thing Duchess. cool, i wanna take the kids bowling but little one is still too small Zimm...Yep...LOL....<mild tigress snarl> to give force to a politcal signifier. <--- aches... working on forge gonna kill Grit today. What the hell is Baudr talking about and can you make him stop? The only refrent which still functions DP....wanna try al the variations available to my 3.0 is that of the silent majority. By the way, Duch, I sent you a wave. Left my vise in N.Y. :o( I didnt say that! *theman* i have a question about the kittens again All contemporary systems function on this nebulous entity DP did you send instruction on how to use it too? DO...If I'm going to be annoying I wanna do a good job...<perfectionist> , on this floating substance why are they red? what kind are they? or did u spray paint them? *drop* DP...I didn't hear it...was it a noise one? whose existence is no longer social brb , but statistical, Well, yu have to download it, Duchess. That I can a dog with one trick....grrrrrr BAK, damitol and whose only mode of appearance is that of the survey. what? now all i can smell is spilled milk Radi...wb.... Zimm, you seem to have a shadow in the room this morning. A simulation on the horizon of the social, Go, read the mail I sent, and download the wav I sent. back for a sec (((((((···•€ §€ •~Carla ~•€ §€ •···)))))))® 51 Oh Radi: BaudriR: Carla77420: Gritrid: BaudriR: Carla77420: Auntie Kim: BaudriR: CDBrewster: Carla77420: BaudriR: EHara97350: BaudriR: Gritrid: CDBrewster: DuchessVic: Gritrid: Oh Radi: Matryona: BaudriR: CDBrewster: Gritrid: Oh Radi: Auntie Kim: EHara97350: CDBrewster: BaudriR: EHara97350: Oh Radi: Carla77420: BaudriR: Matryona: Zimmmzam6: Oh Radi: Auntie Kim: BaudriR: Oh Radi: Matryona: EHara97350: BaudriR: Auntie Kim: EHara97350: BaudriR: Auntie Kim: Carla77420: Matryona: Oh Radi: DPoem: DuchessVic: BaudriR: Zimmzam6: Auntie Kim: Carla77420: BaudriR: DPoem: EHara97350: BaudriR: Oh Radi: BaudriR: KIM, i havea bit of news or rather on whose horizon the social has dp***** Hi Carla already disappeared hi grit :) Radi? . Back WB ORANGE MOUND That the silent majority auntie kim (or the masses) hi CD RADI? I accidently logged myself off. EH...sorry...about the kittens? again KIM, news you might like to hear, that "career" *macro* is an imaginary referent Mat..........*Chathost* :D LOL CD.................just don't do that IRL Radi, what's up? why are they red? what kind r they? Dang it. does not mean they don't exist. or did u spray paint them? KIM, we are forming a non-profit foundation to promote me and my teachings matry i'd like to set up a wav that cursed so i could play when the hosts run macros lol It means that their representation is no longer possible. LOL, Brew...was ok, it wouldn't play here cause I was running *macro* BRB KIM, the foundation will publish my book Radism? The masses are no longer a referent LOL, Phototropism LOL, Carla...just don't tell 'em what it is. ;-) I used to have a good one for that. ugh because they no longer belong to the order of representation. Will that fit on with Kimism, Radi? (sighing, ignored again) They don't express themselves, in i could call it *dammacros lol* Carla, make one and name it *hiyahost* LOL is subservient to Kimism *boatmoe* EH,....they're tiger maybe...carrot tops they are surveyed. cd-look at my profile and then my shadow's lmao Radi, I like it...I like it! i actually don't know how to make wavs They don't reflect upon themselves, *theman* really dark orange? they are tested. KIM, "phototropism" means "moving toward the light" The referendum 52 Matryona: MattBayan2: EHara97350: Carla77420: Matryona: EHara97350: Oh Radi: CDBrewster: Auntie Kim: Zimmzam6: MattBayan2: BaudriR: Matryona: BaudriR: EHara97350: BaudriR: MattBayan2: EHara97350: BaudriR: DuchessVic: BaudriR: Matryona: BaudriR: DPoem: Auntie Kim: DuchessVic: BaudriR: DPoem: EHara97350: BaudriR: EHara97350: DuchessVic: Matryona: DPoem: Carla77420: Auntie Kim: BaudriR: CDBrewster: Auntie Kim: BaudriR: DPoem: BaudriR: EHara97350: MattBayan2: CDBrewster: EHara97350: DuchessVic: CDBrewster: BaudriR: MattBayan2: BaudriR: EHara97350: CDBrewster: DPoem: Auntie Kim: DPoem: BaudriR: CDBrewster: BaudriR: Carla, find one you like....then change the name. ;-) Anyonehaving trouble getting to web sites this morning? i love those. do they have long or short hair? yep matt aol's web is down I haven't tried today, matt...sorry. and they all have 6 toes? LOL MAT Mat!!! I love that!!! *Macro* Radi, this is good, for I am the light tis my evil twin, omg Ah, I just thought it was normally slow service. (and the media are a constant referendum of directed questions and answers) LMAO, Brew...isn't it GREAT???? has been substituted for the political referent. it's uninvolving today Now polls, I'm used to being able to shave while I wait for a web site to come up. rather tests, EH...not ignoring...sorry....I keep losing the thread here... the referendum, *macro* media Matry? I don't have that one. Radi's genius will revolutionize the free world some of them...can't figure out the ratio..tho... are devices which no longer belong to a dimension of representations, € sniff € well even if ur not talking to me or if u r but to one of simulation. no one else is EH...some are LH and some are SH.. DP...hang's on it's way. ;-) brb CD? Did you get: *theman* ok gotta get going peer amid won't run itself lol ....and stir up shit They no longer have a referent in view, DP>LOL heh but a model. hehehe Here, would i actually geto ne? Baud, you're sounding like Marshall McLuhan. Cut it out. DP..............Yes. Did you get *Boatmoe* I'm inPA EH...some are dark tabbys and some are creamy light...lovely lil nitwits... *grin* revolution Baud, you're creeping me out with thisso early in the morning. in relation to the devices of classical sociality i think my kitty would like that Hi Matt *hug* Revolution? Tired of working for *theman ??* The medium is the Message Ooops.. (of which elections, DP? Do it again without the question marks. institutions, 53 DuchessVic: Matryona: MattBayan2: DPoem: Mymovenow: EHara97350: CDBrewster: BaudriR: Auntie Kim: EHara97350: DPoem: BaudriR: DuchessVic: EHara97350: BaudriR: Auntie Kim: BaudriR: Matryona: Gritrid: BaudriR: Frutloope: CDBrewster: CDBrewster: Frutloope: Matryona: MattBayan2: BaudriR: DuchessVic: Matryona: DuchessVic: DPoem: BaudriR: DPoem: MattBayan2: CDBrewster: DPoem: BaudriR: Matryona: BaudriR: CDBrewster: EHara97350: DPoem: Frutloope: BaudriR: Frutloope: MattBayan2: Auntie Kim: DPoem: EHara97350: CDBrewster: BaudriR: Auntie Kim: MattBayan2: BaudriR: EHara97350: BaudriR: DPoem: DuchessVic: EH....sorry...every time I write something I have to go back and read up the scroll....<g> There ya go, DP*** Kim, I'll take a medium massage, please. Not too deep. *theman* hey whats up seriously now that i have a job maybe in 4 weeks or so i could take a weekend vacation and s There you go! the instances of representation, Matt, you got it swing by for a little Et. I forgot about the questionmarks and even of repression, Kim...LOL...more like *stir up shit* ET=extra toe still form a part) Duch, heh.......eeeeeeeewww is complete: DP *theman * ??? I seem to need that one... Grit's gonna go work on forge for a while in all this, press 123 if you are a literature/ history wiz- i need help please Mat? I'll forward it to you. BRB please Cool, thanks Brew :-) Frut, the homework room is down the hall. social meaning still flows between one pole and another, EH...don't know...they won't pack up well, I s'pect...:( DP? You have *macro * now. ;-) Too antsy by half....LOL I sent it to you, Matry in a dialectical structure Downloading it. Baud, do you ever look up from your keyboard to see if anyone is responsding? Mat...........Okay. I sent it to you. lalalaaaa which allows for a political stake LOL and contradictions. DP? Don't you mean "UPloading" i'd go by train 92% how do i get to the homework lounge Everything changes with the device of simulation. or chat BAUD, YOU'RE PREACHING TO THE GREAT UNWASHED AND WE DON'T HEAR YOU. STOP MUMBLING. Grit..... *macro* well if u need to send one to the pound, don't! they're extra special kittens I'm sure they' Frut? Keyword : Homework Help In the couple BRB The guy's on permanent rant. "silent majority / survey" they'll get a home for example, That Macro wav will give ya a siezure. EH...if you do plan to come this way...I'll let you know if any are left...:) 54 BaudriR: CDBrewster: EHara97350: DuchessVic: PIDEAMAN: BaudriR: CDBrewster: Auntie Kim: BaudriR: PIDEAMAN: BaudriR: DPoem: Matryona: EHara97350: DuchessVic: BaudriR: CDBrewster: CDBrewster: EHara97350: CDBrewster: BaudriR: EHara97350: DPoem: BaudriR: MattBayan2: DuchessVic: EHara97350: Auntie Kim: BaudriR: EHara97350: PIDEAMAN: DuchessVic: BaudriR: EHara97350: MattBayan2: MattBayan2: MattBayan2: BaudriR: EHara97350: MattBayan2: Auntie Kim: BaudriR: MattBayan2: DuchessVic: BaudriR: EHara97350: Matryona: EHara97350: MattBayan2: Zimmmzam6: Auntie Kim: WriderGrim: EHara97350: EHara97350: DuchessVic: EHara97350: Zimmmzam6: WriderGrim: Matryona: there is no longer any pole nor any differential term, DP>LOL sure Hello Pide...:) aloha CDB hence no electricity of the social either: Hey PID *hug* Pide, hi there....How's about a slice? it is short-circuited Of Pineapple? by the confusing of poles, *whineapple* *hosting* long time no see EH...I won't send these to pound...will try to find homes...they're so sweet in a total circularity of signalling Mat? DP? I don't have either of those. *hosting* the stupid ones always r sweet Nope. (exactly as is the case iwth molecular commuinication you can abuse them and they always love u Just a minute.. and with the substance it informs in DNA Baud, how many molecules do you havein your head? Because none of them are communicating. Baudi....singing to the choir? this is true for all species EHara, you wish to abuse what loves you? and the genetic code). cute dumb and sweet go hand in hand usually phone, did I miss anything important? EH....they might be smarter than the one that keeps swimming in the dog bowl...LOL This is the ideal form of simulation: my b/f for example Baud is typing in some shit from a book he has to read for class. It's esoteric and unconne unconnected. and damn rude. collapse of poles, calm down He goes on ignore because he's pissing me off. EHara, I am cute, sweet and very bright orbital circulation of models Baud, collapse one of those poles up your ass. Hi Matt....just <click> him....:) (this is also the matrix of every implosive process.) it's just we had a cat that was retarded and he would sleep in any position u put him in K, now have *hosting* he was cute and sweet and stupid Baud, the only implosive processI want to see is your head imploding. back EHara, he was flexible ( am I missing something?) yeah, he liked to be hald like a baby. he was killed by a wild animal Matt...after all, some people are incapable of small talk & resort to bizarre strategies i miss him I want to see Baud's head implode, too ( I missed anyone saying "Hi" after I said hi.) Pide!********** 55 Zimmmzam6: ROBMAN 211: PIDEAMAN: WriderGrim: MattBayan2: DuchessVic: PIDEAMAN: EHara97350: EHara97350: MattBayan2: PIDEAMAN: WriderGrim: Auntie Kim: PIDEAMAN: EHara97350: EHara97350: MMa5931755: PIDEAMAN: Auntie Kim: PIDEAMAN: MattBayan2: Matryona: EHara97350: BaudriR: DuchessVic: EHara97350: MattBayan2: WriderGrim: BaudriR: Auntie Kim: MattBayan2: DuchessVic: BaudriR: WriderGrim: BaudriR: PIDEAMAN: Matryona: BaudriR: EHara97350: Matryona: EHara97350: Auntie Kim: BaudriR: MattBayan2: PIDEAMAN: Zimmmzam6: Matryona: DuchessVic: EHara97350: Matryona: EHara97350: Auntie Kim: WriderGrim: EHara97350: BaudriR: PIDEAMAN: BaudriR: WriderGrim: DuchessVic: no one will, Wrider looking for dennis l mckiernan books, hard copy Duchess, sometimes I admire bizarre strategies Why's that Zimm? I just realized why Baud has nobody talking to him. EVERYONE has him on ignore. EH....who was...your boyfriend??????missed something here... Matryona, you are always such a positive influence to me. who is baud anyway? what r u talking about? Grim, we all said hi, but the screen scroll rate is so fast you missed it. baud rate, fast here. Nope, I'm a fast scroller, I miss no scrolling. Pide, dammit...You make me hungry Duchess, those ironics feel real good, now don't they? my boyfriend and your kittens have something in common cute, sweet and dumb baud digests his namesake Auntie, want me to start talking about my seafood fetacinni? Pide, swooooooooooooooon or better yet do you recall the love poem I wrote about sardines? Ehara, also both surrounded by a lot of... Autnie, I say we go to Pide's house for lunch. ;-) actually myb/f is a genius Bombarded with stimuli, Pide....LOL...,<not feeling a thing> he just acts like he's stupid alot cats. well then..........( sigh) Bye ev'ryone. messages and tests, Mat, good bring the crackers fetuccini Pide...if you talk about have to spell it first...LOL the masses are simply an opaque, U2 Mat. blind stratum, Kim, those crackers go well with my special New England Clam chowder. LOL, Auntie..will do. Cracker preference? like those clusters of stella gas baud??? Zimmm? Is it just me, or did your 'm' move? what r u talking about? Mat, for Pide, it should be Rye (wry?) known only through analysis of their light spectrum Ehara, put him on ignore like the rest of us have. He's a dribbler. what did you all have for breakfast? I am mmm mmm good I guess Chowder, Pide? Be there in an hour. ;-) EH...oh the retarded cat....went back and caught that...see why I'm slow ? i like baud Hehehe, DP...brb his dribble resembles mine Mat, I haven't dribbled for ages hey, what do you get when you cross the Atlantic with the Titanic? and it's sorts sexy - radiation spectrum equivalent to statistics and surveys I say we all go somewhere that serves huge cinnamon rolls. but precisely oh, about halfway !!!!! Matt...that's probably even better...LOL 56 BaudriR: PIDEAMAN: Kim: DuchessVic: WriderGrim: BaudriR: Zimmmzam6: MattBayan2: WriderGrim: Zimmmzam6: BaudriR: EHara97350: MMa5931755: WriderGrim: DuchessVic: PIDEAMAN: EHara97350: Zimmmzam6: Gr8elliott: PIDEAMAN: DuchessVic: Auntie Kim: EHara97350: : it can no longer be a quesion of expression Baudri, perhaps you and I need to coroberate on a sci-fi novel. Grim, a sinking feeling? wb Zimm...booted again? geeze, tough room. or representation, What are you reading from, Baud ? and could you go do it quietly? Grim, we're just sick of Titanic. ( good answer Kim, but not correct,lol0 told you, Wrider, might as well go away but only of the simulation of an ever inexpressible and unexpressed social. baudriR?????????? likes "Crash" what a bunch of rude "authors". Pide....wish my Mama were here, she'd make huge yummy one from scratch....:) Baudri, you me and Azimov would have been a heck of a team. would we like to speak? not really justifiably MR poEM women that are good bakers tend to impress me. EH...there's a military word for what Baud is doing, but ladies can't say it, and AOL forbid A bearded, scuzzy neighbor came by yesterday to chat... military word???? You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Phantom Menace” SPeiLBrG: TREKKIE #2 MayhemT: ?? PeeCatchU: please??!!! ALS1229: WARS JdiMaraJ10: :::JUMPS OVER HIS HEAD AND LANDS ON HER FEET::: ExodusNine: press 5 MayhemT: SHOVE IT SyainSean: :: disspers:: DaVeNeSs14: ME' PeeCatchU: wars* SwordChick: ::gives a questioning look then smiles again:: Falcon6632: :-} SyainSean: :: apers behind her and punchesLL ExodusNine: alright hold up SyainSean: : BaudriR: This is the meaning of their silence. SyainSean: : SyainSean: '::hit :: SyainSean: :: disspaers:: ObiWan2536: sorry i brought that up SyainSean: :: trips her:: PeeCatchU: IM me ALS1229: I AM BORED SyainSean: :: charges:: MayhemT: SCREW THIS SyainSean: ::charges:: JdiMaraJ10: :::SENSES HIM AND GRABS HIS HAND::: BaudriR: But this silence is paradoxical SyainSean: :: fires:: SyainSean: ::hit:: DaVeNeSs14: CAN I HAVE ONE PLEASE JdiMaraJ10: :::DROPS::: Eviljar1: are you ok jedisith 57 ALS1229: ObiWan2536: BaudriR: SyainSean: MayhemT: Falcon6632: SyainSean: BaudriR: Eviljar1: BaudriR: SyainSean: SwordChick: BaudriR: SyainSean: ALS1229: SyainSean: SyainSean: PeeCatchU: SyainSean: MayhemT: SyainSean: DaVeNeSs14: BaudriR: ALS1229: SyainSean: SyainSean: ExodusNine: SyainSean: ExodusNine: ObiWan2536: ExodusNine: SyainSean: DaVeNeSs14: MayhemT: BaudriR: BaudriR: ALS1229: Eviljar1: SyainSean: ALS1229: SyainSean: Knave Lead: AM1DALA18: SyainSean: Knave Lead: Eviljar1: MayhemT: SyainSean: BaudriR: SyainSean: ObiWan2536: Eviljar1: BaudriR: SyainSean: BaudriR: SyainSean: Eviljar1: ObiWan2536: ALS1229: IS ANYONE OTHER THEN ME BORED???????? i can't think straight today it isn't a silence which does not speak, :: punches her rapidly in her stumach:: ::walks over to sword chick:: IM me if you wanna do star wars trivia :: pulls out sword and chops her head off:: it is a silence which refuses to be spoken for in its name. i french jedisith when on top of him And in this sense, :: quickly resurects her:: I'll be right here. far from being a form of alienation, :: charges: I AM BATMAN ::charges:: there chat 11/m hobbies: star wars trivia, pokemon snap, :: fires:: wanna dance sword chick? ::hit:: I WANT PIC it is an absolute weapon. IAM BATMAN :: shes healed:: BATMAN THIS!! hey sorry i thought i had one :: appers infront of al:: but 4get it her name is kat mayhem adios room :: punches face rapidly:: AWWWW U DONT thanks No one can be said to represent the silent majority, and that is its revenge I AM BATMAN says in that pasishion :: jupiter thunder dragon clash!!!:: I AM BATMAN :: fires:: ::a Red Hood enters wearing normal street clothes, but has a cross-bow slung over his should hey ::hit:: er::: starts to rub him do u wanna dance KAT? jdi?? The masses are no longer an authority still here? hello you awake? kisses for more than5 min to which one might refer she left as one formerly referred to class oh well are you ok get up get up Kat? HAS ANYONE SEEN ROBIN????? 58 BaudriR: SyainSean: SwordChick: MayhemT: SyainSean: SyainSean: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: MayhemT: BaudriR: SyainSean: ALS1229: ObiWan2536: BaudriR: SyainSean: Eviljar1: DaVeNeSs14: SyainSean: MayhemT: Knave Lead: ALS1229: BaudriR: SwordChick: BaudriR: SyainSean: Knave Lead: SyainSean: ObiWan2536: BaudriR: SyainSean: BaudriR: Knave Lead: Eviljar1: SyainSean: ALS1229: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: MayhemT: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: ALS1229: Falcon6632: AGNNEWS: Knave Lead: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: BaudriR: Falcon6632: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: SwordChick: BaudriR: SyainSean: MayhemT: ObiWan2536: Knave Lead: BaudriR: SyainSean: or to the people. :: tuns off super syain:: I'm with Obi right now. ::smiles at Mayhem:: appearently not al!!! shut the hell up!!! Withdrawn into their silence, ha! sorry for the languasge the names James they are no longer james bond YOU SAID A BAD WORD okay Kat you wanna dance? (a) subject oh my god!! potey mouth OH WELL bye :: sarcasticly slaps his mouth:: ::gives sean the birdie ::unslings his cross-bow::: YOU SAID GODS NAME IN VAIN (especially not to - or of - history) Sure ::smiles uncontrolably:: , i'm suuuucch a bad boy!!! :::clicks the safety off::: I TYPED IT MORON!!| ::stands up and offers her his hand:: hence they can no longer be spoken form ahh... for ::levels the Medival weapon at AL's torso:: :::::: passes out of shock::::::: fire!!! YOU ARE FUNNY articulated hey people DAMN U OBIWAN! , represented, pick a girl or whoever and dance HA HA HA HA HELLO Knave Would you people in here like money for hardly doing anything? ::pulls he trigger, sending a quarel at AL's torso at a range of 10 meters:: danm you mayhem :: mercury bubbles blast:: nor pass through the political HAHAHA damn* :: fires:: :: takes Obi's hand:: "mirror stage" ::hit:: WHAT I DO?? shit i can't even cuss right ::re-loads the cross-bow::: and the cycle of imaginary identifications. :: moon orb thingy blast:: 59 SwordChick: SyainSean: BaudriR: SyainSean: Knave Lead: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: ALS1229: Knave Lead: SyainSean: Knave Lead: ALS1229: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: Falcon6632: Knave Lead: SyainSean: BaudriR: SyainSean: AGNNEWS: SyainSean: MayhemT: SyainSean: BaudriR: SwordChick: ALS1229: BaudriR: AGNNEWS: Knave Lead: Eviljar1: ObiWan2536: BaudriR: AGNNEWS: BaudriR: SyainSean: ALS1229: MayhemT: ObiWan2536: AGNNEWS: SyainSean: ObiWan2536: ALS1229: AGNNEWS: AGNNEWS: BaudriR: ALS1229: BaudriR: SyainSean: Jedi224466: SyainSean: Falcon6632: Eviljar1: Knave Lead: BaudriR: ALS1229: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: Knave Lead: Why not Obi? :: fires:: One sees what strength results from this. ::hit:: ::clicks safety on:: ::leads her to the dance floor:: ::hit:: NO ::slings it over his shoulder:: KILL AL!!! ( al, ur dead) I HATE MONEY : no longer being cause my fingers press the wrong key yeah!! :: draws repeater rifle and helps KnaveLead:: ( i killed u dude) dead (a) subject dead DOES ANYBODY WANT MONEY FOR HARDLY DOING ANYTHING? dead WELL ANYONE WANNA DANCE WIT' ME?? dead ,t ::laughs:: AGNNEWS GET LOST they can no longer be alienated I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU ANYMORE ALS. ( als1229 is dead) i will dance with you yeah MAYHEM NEEDS A GIRL REAL DESPARATE LIKE I DID LAST NIGHT - neither in their own language I AM TALKING TO THE OTHER PEOPLE IN HERE NOW. (they have none), dissconect the dots and be on your way!!!! I SIAD GET LOST THANK YOU ::starts dancin with kat:: NO. :: song from smash mouth:: no prob SAID I HAVE A JOB TO DO. YOU DON'T OWN THIS CHATROOM. nor in any other which would pretend to speak for them OH . dododododoodddooooo... Hey everyone! doddodo :: draws blaster:: BEER PLEASE! what are we danceing to ::sets up a stero system in the cantina::: The end of revolutionary convictions. WHATS YOUR JOB??? uhhhhhhhhhhh :: laghs silently:: :::opens the CD rack::: 60 Falcon6632: MayhemT: ObiWan2536: AGNNEWS: ALS1229: Knave Lead: SyainSean: ObiWan2536: SwordChick: BaudriR: SyainSean: ObiWan2536: AGNNEWS: BEN EVANS2: BaudriR: SyainSean: SyainSean: Knave Lead: BaudriR: Falcon6632: SyainSean: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: Knave Lead: SyainSean: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: ObiWan2536: ALS1229: SyainSean: BEN EVANS2: BaudriR: SyainSean: Knave Lead: SwordChick: Jedi224466: SyainSean: AGNNEWS: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: ALS1229: BaudriR: Falcon6632: MayhemT: Knave Lead: BaudriR: SyainSean: SwordChick: SyainSean: Knave Lead: SyainSean: Knave Lead: SwordChick: SyainSean: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: Knave Lead: BEER NOW ANYONE WILL DANCE WIT ME PRESS 444,M/HERE <~~~~~~~~~doesn't know WORKING ON THE INTERNET. OH SMART ONE ::puts in a black CD:: you think that blaster will scare any one? who like bsb :: smiles at Obi:: For these have always speculated on the possibility of the masses, NOOO!!! ? WHY DO YOU CARE, YOU ARE JUST GOING TO SAY SOMETHING SARCASTIC. Is Anyone Interested In Being On A Staff For A Newsletter? Type111 or the proletariat, GOD NO!! NOOOOOo!!!! :::goes to track 13, and plays it::: denying themselves as such. youre right :: draws lightsaber:: AHHHHHH!!!!! of what DAMMMITH!! knave FSLDAJFASDFSADKFL;ASJ :: korn's ' its on' plays::: FJSDALFK;JASDRIO;WAET But the mass is not a place of negativity or explosion, ::still dancing with kat:: ok YES BUT WHAT DO YOU DO ON THE INTERNET???? not korn!!!! Exploring the world PRIZES it is a place of absorption and implosion. nooooooooooooooooooooooO!O!O!O!!O!O!O!O!O!O!O!O!O! ::sits down, and nods his head along with the music:: :: in heaven:: Is this place a bar like it was yesterday when I was here? ahhhHH!!!!!!! WORK A HOME BASED BUSINESS, AND TRY TO GET PEOPLE TO JOIN FREE AFFILIATE PROGRAMS. hey your a good dancer turn it off!!!! OH Inaccessible to schemas of liberation, BEER NOW :: swings lightsaber wildly:: THIS MUSIC SUCKS! turnt what off? revolution and historicity :: throws an energy ball at the radio:: Thanks. I've had lessons it sucks!!! korn dont suck :: hit:: korn kicks ass you are too :: stereo blows up:: ; this is its mode of defense, well whoever taught you was good theyre like THE best band out there 61 BaudriR: Eviljar1: Gadget110: SyainSean: BaudriR: MayhemT: ALS1229: Knave Lead: Fendermn84: SwordChick: Jedi224466: BaudriR: Knave Lead: SyainSean: BaudriR: Knave Lead: Eviljar1: BaudriR: Gadget110: Knave Lead: Fendermn84: Fendermn84: Fendermn84: Fendermn84: SyainSean: ObiWan2536: MayhemT: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: Eviljar1: Knave Lead: SyainSean: ObiWan2536: Fendermn84: SyainSean: ALS1229: Eviljar1: BaudriR: Fendermn84: SyainSean: Mpcisles: BaudriR: Fendermn84: BaudriR: Falcon6632: ObiWan2536: BaudriR: BaudriR: SyainSean: MayhemT: SyainSean: ALS1229: Fendermn84: Falcon6632: BaudriR: Jedi224466: SyainSean: SyainSean: Fendermn84: its particular mode of retaliation. pulls jedisith away from what ever he was doing HI SMASH MOUTH RULES!!!! Model of simulation NO CORN GROWS OUT OF THE LAND,lol WHO LIKES KORN??? ( syain moded) LOSErs ::blushes:: Oh, what the heck, I want a Corellian Ale now! and imaginary referent Sm SUCKS are you inspecter gadgett? for use by a phantom they have NO talent AT all takes off her clothes political class NO i LOVE korn ooo no clothes any pics hehe hey falcon!!! ::smiles:: THEN Y DON'T U MARRY IT!:? which now no longer knows what kind of "power" it wields over it, hey bro lays on top of him and starts to kiss korn rules :: pulls out a big blaster basuka:: ::nods to mp:: ooooooooo falcon!!! KORN IS #2 BEST alot the mass is at the same time the death, hey evil FAAAALLLLCCOONNN!!!! Hey Obi the end of this political process waz up thought to rule :: throws SyainSean against wall with the force:: ::is still dancing:: over it . :: throws the basuka to him:: BRB ::breaks away from the weak thing:: KISS IS #1 evil baby a/s ill kill him if i dont get some alcohol And into it is engulfed the political as will and represenation. Gimme a Corellian Ale now or I'll use my lightsaber! just trying to help get some beer with the basuka hello 62 SwordChick: SyainSean: SBrid83130: BaudriR: Fendermn84: Falcon6632: Fendermn84: ALS1229: SyainSean: BaudriR: SyainSean: BaudriR: Fendermn84: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: Falcon6632: JennX8: ObiWan2536: ALS1229: SyainSean: Mpcisles: Fendermn84: Falcon6632: SyainSean: Fendermn84: SwordChick: BaudriR: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: Falcon6632: MOUTH65432: ObiWan2536: BaudriR: SyainSean: SyainSean: Fendermn84: ALS1229: Mpcisles: Ant9190: Fendermn84: SyainSean: Gadget110: JennX8: SwordChick: Eviljar1: BaudriR: Ant9190: Falcon6632: SyainSean: ObiWan2536: Fendermn84: Fendermn84: BaudriR: Eviljar1: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: SyainSean: Jedi224466: :: cant believe she is dancing with such a great guy:: it'll kill any thing in 3 blows.... DOES ANY ONE KNOW WHERE I CAN GET GOOD PICTURES OF NATALIE PORTMAN? The strategy of power has long seemed founded on the apathy of the masses. evil GIMME A SKYWALKERTINNI NOW evil evil I WANT TO ROCK'N ROLL ALL NIGHT a what? The more passive they were, :: thows him a beer:: the more secure it was. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLL ::music stops:: there yeah go booze hownd :: slashes at SyainSean:: ::enters:: wow your good kat AND PARTY EVERY DAY YEEEESSS!!!! ::sits down watchin his bro:: helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BEER :: DISSPERS:: evil answer me So are you Obi-Wan! But this logice is only characteristic of the bureaucratic and centralist phase of powe r heh NEED BEER Saiyan sean, how old are you? ::smiles:: . And it is this which today turns against it: ::throws him a beer:: 11/m is eveil still here3 WHO THE HECK IS EVIL???????????? ::rolls his eyes:: ::rips saber from belt:: evil jar :: puts on smash mouth::: ??????????????? 13/f irl.....17/f ic ::smiles back:: are you talkin to me fenderman the inertia it has fostered becomes the ::activates saber as a red blade emerges:: THANK YOU :: sheathes lightsaber:: ::song 10:: ::walks back to his longe chair kat's hand in his:: yes yes sign of its own death what do you want hi daisy hey ant, put it away WHOEVER'S THE BARTENDER HERE, I'M WARNING YOU ONE LAST TIME, GIMME A CORELLIAN ALE NOW! 63 Ant9190: Fendermn84: SyainSean: MOUTH65432: Falcon6632: BaudriR: Falcon6632: Jedi224466: Eviljar1: SyainSean: Fendermn84: BaudriR: Fendermn84: SyainSean: Falcon6632: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: Ant9190: JennX8: ObiWan2536: ObiWan2536: Eviljar1: SyainSean: BaudriR: Fendermn84: SyainSean: BaudriR: Eviljar1: ObiWan2536: ALS1229: Fendermn84: Falcon6632: Gadget110: Eviljar1: Fendermn84: BaudriR: Fendermn84: Gadget110: ObiWan2536: ALS1229: BaudriR: SyainSean: BaudriR: Fendermn84: Mpcisles: ObiWan2536: Fendermn84: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: Eviljar1: ObiWan2536: ObiWan2536: Mpcisles: Falcon6632: SyainSean: Fendermn84: SwordChick: Fendermn84: SyainSean: hey what's up come on.... Syainsean, how old are you? :: drinks beer in one gulp:: . That is why it seeks to reverse its strategies: MORE OR I'LL USE MY LIGHTSABER!!! nothin much u :: throws him a can of what ever the hell it's called:: what was that stuff earlier in this room from passivity nothin :: at jedi:: :: draws blaster:: to participation would oyu like a drink? ::salshes bar stool with saber:: no thanx hey bro wanna drink i am buyin you* a/s 13 female :: throws falcon a case of 12:: , from silence to speech. 14/m USE THE BASUKA!!!! But it is too late. cool hey kat wanna drink? I WANT TO ROCK'N ROLL ALL NIGHT AND PARTY EVERY DAY yea THANK YOU :: stops all hostilities:: SAME are you sith or jedi what The threshold of the "critical mass," ? JEDI well bro? CUZ KISS ROCKS that of the involution of the social through inertia, i want some one any one..... is exceeded. i'm not much of a star wars person uhh, ill have a coreliina ale please ok i'm more of a music person ::orders to c-ales:: i want some one....... if jedi press1 if sithprees2 ::gets 1 more:: here 1 :: drinks beers in record time, begins to barf:: :: throws it at him:: hello thanks ? there!!! 64 Falcon6632: ObiWan2536: BaudriR: Mpcisles: SyainSean: Falcon6632: Fendermn84: SwordChick: Mpcisles: BaudriR: Fendermn84: ObiWan2536: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: Mpcisles: ObiWan2536: BaudriR: Falcon6632: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: Fendermn84: SyainSean: SwordChick: Fendermn84: Falcon6632: ObiWan2536: BaudriR: BaudriR: SyainSean: ALS1229: BaudriR: Eviljar1: SyainSean: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: BaudriR: Falcon6632: SyainSean: Eviljar1: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: SyainSean: BaudriR: Falcon6632: ALS1229: SyainSean: Mpcisles: SyainSean: Eviljar1: BaudriR: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: Falcon6632: SyainSean: ALS1229: SwordChick: BaudriR: SyainSean: SyainSean: 1 ::floats it to him with the force:: Everywhere the masses are encouraged to speak, whoever you spell that drink NICE GOIN HANGOVER BOY!!! :: BARF:: you said thta you wer taking your clothes off Wow! Cool! ::grabs the drink:: thanks they are urged to live socially, haha Corellian ale electorally, no prob yea thats it ::hands kat hers:: organisationally, :: REEEEEEEETCH:: here you go kat owww god!!!! hehe eewwwww.... ::takes it:: thanks wo bad hangover ::sips his ale:: sexually, in participation, no more beer for you young man YOU SAID GODS NAME IN VAIN in festival, what are you fenderman ...:: laughs hystaricly:: in free speech, ::"man kat is pretty "thinks to himself:: etc. No **** sherlock WILL YOU SHUT THE HELL UP YOU LITTLE BASTERD!!! 1or 2 jedi or sith so oyu like this place? SHOUT UP!!! !SHUT UP!!! The spectre must be exorcised. :: PUKE:: I AM A BICTH NO ONE ASKED YOU!!!! ::walks out:: YES!!! falcon shut your mouth it must pronounce its name. you* EXACTLE MY POINT!!! lol :: BARF:: SHUT UP!!! I AM A GIRL NOT A GUY ::sips drink "damn he is hot" thinks to herself:: Nothing shows more dramatically GET OUT AND STAY OUT!!! OK 65 SyainSean: ALS1229: SwordChick: MOUTH65432: BaudriR: SyainSean: MOUTH65432: ALS1229: BaudriR: MOUTH65432: SyainSean: Falcon6632: SyainSean: ObiWan2536: ALS1229: BaudriR: MOUTH65432: Falcon6632: ObiWan2536: SyainSean: Marajad: FINE WITH ME NO I love it ::GOES SUPER SAIYAN 10:: that the only genuine problem today JUST GET THE HELL OUT!!!! ::KAIO KEN X 100:: NO is the silence of the mass, ::KAMEHAMEHA!!:: grrr...... :: swallows barf halfway up his throaght:: :: dissers:: ::"thinks gotta make her mine"thinks:: MR.DIRTY LANGO the silence of the silent majority. ::Dissapears:: **** i* we diddn't wana know hello still there You have just entered room “Life - NAM VETS AND PROUD” Lilcoop1947: I have a stress test tomorrow, does that count for gym time? BaudriR: All reserves are exhausted Oylwife1: you do weight lifting - do you compete wld? Lilcoop1947: Hi baud BaudriR: in maintaining this mass in controlled emulsion Wldflwr730: i use free weights and no i dont........too old for that BaudriR: and in preventing it from falling back Wldflwr730: x and i owned a gym for 10 yrs.....83/94 Wldflwr730: bauri...............who cares................. BaudriR: into its panic-inducing inertia and silence Oylwife1: doing the treadmill stress test coop Wldflwr730: yawnngggggggggggggg boring me.......clickkkkkkkkkkkkk BaudriR: No longer being under the reign of will and representation, Wldflwr730: sounds like a preacher.........go find a church BaudriR: if falls under the province of diagnosis, Lilcoop1947: yeah, said they weren't able to fix me completely BaudriR: or divination pure and simple BHarg01104: to early for that Lilcoop1947: and cholesterol was 312 Wldflwr730: later all have a great day.............. Wldflwr730: hugsssssssss BaudriR: - whence the universal reign of information and statistics: Oylwife1: bye wild BHarg01104: later wld BaudriR: we must ausculate it, Oylwife1: i had a stress test a year ago went to do the treadmill and had problems, so they did the Oylwife1: nuclear stress test and thought i was going to die lol BaudriR: sound it out, Lilcoop1947: did they find blockages? Oylwife1: hey you had the nuclear test too BaudriR: unearth some oracle from within it. Oylwife1: no they did not thank god Lilcoop1947: just out of shape huh? Oylwife1: found out thyroid was not working at all and caused chest pains BaudriR: Whence the mania for seduction, 66 Oylwife1: BaudriR: Oylwife1: Oylwife1: BaudriR: Lilcoop1947: BaudriR: Lilcoop1947: BaudriR: Oylwife1: BaudriR: Oylwife1: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: BHarg01104: BaudriR: Oylwife1: Lilcoop1947: Tinybubba1: Lilcoop1947: Tinybubba1: Oylwife1: BaudriR: BHarg01104: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Oylwife1: Lilcoop1947: BaudriR: BHarg01104: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Oylwife1: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Oylwife1: Lilcoop1947: BaudriR: BaudriR: Oylwife1: Lilcoop1947: BHarg01104: Oylwife1: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Lilcoop1947: BaudriR: Ldyofsun: BHarg01104: Oylwife1: BaudriR: Ldyofsun: BaudriR: Oylwife1: BaudriR: Ldyofsun: Lilcoop1947: no was so tired and had no energy kept passing out with chest pains solicitude said a normal thyroid is 4 to a 6 mine was 39 <<<also a diabetic and all the solicitation surrounding it. they told me they are testing my throid tomorrow too Whence prediction by resonance. whats involved in the test? , the effects of forecasting all they did for may thyroid test was a blood test and of an illusory mass outlook: morning tiny "The French people think... Mornin Y'all.. morning tiny The majority of Germans disapprove.. tiny put baudrir on ignore Baud you sure use a lot of words to say nothing!!! how's everyone this morning? Hey tiny!! BH.. Thanks for that pic.. use the ignor button coop All England thrilled to the birth of the Prince... welcome tiny who is that Oyl? etc." we dont know but he is preaching - another pain Oyl, had my heart attack on a telephone pole - a mirror held out for an ever blind, ever absent recognition. morning peg Mornin Ldy Whence that bombardment of signs wow lucky you did no fall - you work for phone co? which the mass is thought to re-echo. Baudr.. wanna know something .. me and Prince Charlie were born onthe same day It is interrogated by converging waves, how are you this morning lady and tiny No WAS working for Cable by light or linguistic stimuli, bh you awake yet Lady, how are you doing this morning? wb peg hey ldy out sight seeing again lol exactly like distant stars I think we will have to velcro Ldy to her chair.. lol or nuclei bombarded with particles oh no, not that again!!!!!!LOL in a cyclotron. Hello, came on to check mail, noticed room was open morning kim morning cand Information is exactly this. Thanks coop, after yesterday and last night it is good to see you too. Not a mode of communication gee feels like only hours since we all talked lol or of meaning, {{{Kim}}} fraid wed lost you last nite 67 Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Oylwife1: Lilcoop1947: BaudriR: Ldyofsun: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: Ldyofsun: BaudriR: Lilcoop1947: Cand1e1ite: BHarg01104: BaudriR: Lilcoop1947: Ldyofsun: BaudriR: Lilcoop1947: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: Ldyofsun: BaudriR: BHarg01104: Oylwife1: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: Lilcoop1947: Ldyofsun: BaudriR: Ldyofsun: Lilcoop1947: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Lilcoop1947: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Lilcoop1947: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: Cand1e1ite: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Oylwife1: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: naturally this idiot had no profile.. lol... and all he/she is doing is talking nonsense but a mode of constant emulsion, Hi Bob, Pam, Coop, Peg!! of input-output Hello, everyone else, too!! Mornin Candle and of controlled chain reactions, use the ignore button the family is coming back together exactly as in atomic simulation chambers. {{ ahug for shirley}} Hi Bob, Tiny, didnt see ya We must free the "energy" Hi Who, me coop? of the mass in order to fabricate the "social." yes, you, glad to see you back here namvet, Baud? lot of reading for nothing this early is hard But it is a contradictory process, does kindam get in the way Thanks, cCoop, I am here to stay. for information and security, Im glad lady, you were a help to me the last couple of days in all their forms, Namvet, Baud? instead of intensifying or creating the "social relation," get real, and talk, would ya? No profile buadri are on the contrary entropic processes, sorry kim it ant nothing good luck with this one lol modalities of the end of the social. looks like he's just practicing his typing....... you know something, baud, the worst kind of intelligence, is not knowing when to use it! Thanks Coop, glad I have been. That is whay we are here for. It is thought that the masses may be structured by injecting them with information No profile no chat Usually thats the case , their captive social energy is believed to be released by means of information I wonder if this guy realizes no one is paying attention to the bullchit he is spouting.. lo lolol and messages sometimes the chat ends up one-sided, but then what are you when you talk to yourself only? (today it is no longer the institutional grid as such, Buad.........i have to are very unique at your tactics rather it is the quantity of information kind of like a retarded fortune cooke! i dont think i have ever seen someone come in here and type right from a book!!! and the degree of media exposure I wonder where he/she is copying this stuff from... they certainly cant be typing that fast. he's probably so busy watching his fingers type that he doesnt see us........ OOOOOOH MAN>>>>>>. which measures socialisation). and using such eloquent woids.. Quite the contrary. some people have no life - which is sad WHAT if he thinks he is in MS Word, just typing a letter or something! Instead of transforming the mass into energy, 68 Cand1e1ite: Cand1e1ite: Lilcoop1947: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: Cand1e1ite: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Ldyofsun: Tinybubba1: Cand1e1ite: Cand1e1ite: THOMAS 302: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: Tinybubba1: THOMAS 302: BaudriR: Lilcoop1947: Tinybubba1: THOMAS 302: Oylwife1: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: THOMAS 302: Tinybubba1: Cand1e1ite: Oylwife1: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: Oylwife1: Cand1e1ite: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: THOMAS 302: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: THOMAS 302: Tinybubba1: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: THOMAS 302: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: Lilcoop1947: Does he know he is in a chatroom? Does he have a personality??? others just dont know how to use the life they have..i rest my case DOES HE HAVE SPELL CHECK???? information produces even more mass hhahahahahaahahah LOVING RED today.......filling up the screen, here... nice . Instead of informing as it claims for those of you who dont know me, i am an artist , instead of giving form and structure, It is from a book I have read it before our sons socialology book from college. he's using Copy and Paste.. he can not possibly believe the CRAP CHIT, Baurd......your typing should be getting faster, that this.......this sucks....taking too long who is a nam vet information neutralises even further the "social field"; *hint* use the spell check, baud more and more gets more respect he's copying this stuff out of a book.. Im sure of it. .lol.. look at the woids he's using.. nobody here is a nam vet are they it creates an inert mass hi thomas, didnt see you come in,m Iam I wonder if he knows he's the butt end of a joke..?? hello lilcoop thomas are you a klan member? impermeable to the classical institutions of the social namvet, Thomas? why do you say that <<<~~~NAM VET YEAH! Tiny! your profile - southern party OOOORaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh , and to the very contents of information. gotta change this read.....its stabbing me in the heart Today, reminds me of steve <<<just a wife of a nam vet TODAY! BAUD! TODAY! replacing the fission of symbolic structures Alas, today.... no sir, the southern party is not a left wing org. or an extremist group by the social Today.. a day like any other day.. except you like this color better? and its rational violence we hold not bias against anyone color or sex we have an IDIOT in the room.. lol Is this your attempt at brainwashing, Baud? is the fission of the social itself hey.. Baudr.. our town idiot left the other day... you looking for a job if anyone is interested in it please im me by the "irrational" violence of media and information Thomas.. why did you want to know if there were any NamVets in the room? - the final result being precisely an atomised, nuclearised, Are you a Nam VEt? Oh God Baud, it must be working..I'm becoming an idiot too 69 BaudriR: THOMAS 302: Oylwife1: Tinybubba1: DCulp47881: BaudriR: Lilcoop1947: Ldyofsun: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: THOMAS 302: Tinybubba1: Cand1e1ite: Tinybubba1: Ldyofsun: Cand1e1ite: Cand1e1ite: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: DCulp47881: Lilcoop1947: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: BHarg01104: DCulp47881: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: Tinybubba1: Cand1e1ite: Lilcoop1947: BaudriR: Tinybubba1: BaudriR: Oylwife1: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: DCulp47881: BaudriR: Cand1e1ite: Cand1e1ite: Lilcoop1947: BaudriR: DCulp47881: Cand1e1ite: Oylwife1: Oylwife1: BHarg01104: Cand1e1ite: DCulp47881: Cand1e1ite: Cand1e1ite: Tinybubba1: BHarg01104: molecularised mass, i find it very interesting to speak with veterans of all wars. you guys know steve would say use the ignore button I see... that dude s got his head up his asthe result of two centuries of accelerated socialisation But thomas..are YOU a Namvet?????????/ I have and which brings it irremediably to an end. THE END???? no i am not, i am a history major at nc state university well I think we can muster a couple old vets up.. what do you think BH? or are you in the YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS loft regulars click the end.........baud!! I saw ya type it!!! hahahahahahahhaah The mass is only mass because its social energy has already frozen. RATZ. ... HE LIED It is a cold reservoir. IT WASN'T THE END im not ,but still proud hey, Im a vet too tiny YOU KNOW.... SCROLLING IS NOT PERMITTED BY THE TOS? , capable of absorbing and neutralising any hot energy. i'm still here hard reading all this bs a vet ,but too young for vietnam SORRY Coop.. It resembles those Do ya got a light, Baud........ half-dead ohhh I meant no offense by not including you .. i see know what you mean bob, givin me a headache systems or any other Vet's intor which more energy is injected than is withdrawn, hey as long as we talk about him he will stay those paid-out deposits he aint even seeing what we write......has to look at the keyboard, and book that ignore stuff works exorbitantly maintained in a state of good idea, culp Baud------------>> Yer on ignore, here couldn't hoit!!! artificial exploitation. usually vet rooms have the best folks ahhhhhhh much better yep our vets are special brb gotta check my oven hey ignore does work haha its a wonderful advention, huh, bob its a shame more people dont think that way oyl ya doing? you sure made me hungry last night I wonder what she's cookin? .. hey dave where you at in nc 70 Cand1e1ite: Cand1e1ite: DCulp47881: Tinybubba1: DCulp47881: Ldyofsun: Ldyofsun: Tinybubba1: i would like to go see the wall. whats the opinon of draft returning? Thanks salisbury i think it is a good idea, will get some of these idiotd off the streets, but God help our c Baudr.. he's done You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - Cheerleading” LHSraider4JC: ne 14/f wanna chat with a 14 football player im me PRC6079: age/pic of girls Britt32584: I'm hungry BaudriR: Immense energy BBigMeat2: for what EUBBY: im a cheer leader too BBigMeat2: dez nutts Boogie31: then get something eat Britt32584: haha Racepwc: ANY ONE FROM VA? BaudriR: is expended in mitigating the tendentially declining rate of political investment BBigMeat2: no Fmlytrk: me I am from VA KepcheerN: a/s BaudriR: and the absolute fragility EUBBY: any one from california KepcheerN: i cheer Britt32584: my neck hurts Berard1095: i have BaudriR: of the social principle of reality BaudriR: , BBigMeat2: I want some $$$$$ LHSraider4JC: any girls from texas? EUBBY: mine does too Trixter V: hey girls BBalz03: ::masages Britt's neck:: BBigMeat2: what have you been doing britt KepcheerN: every one wants money BaudriR: in maintaining this simulation of the social Britt32584: Hey i like this massage thing BaudriR: and preventing it from totally imploding. Berard1095: ne 1 wanna chat with a 14 m im me or press 10 Trixter V: i like chicken EUBBY: nobody from california??? Me777Angel: Ne1 wanna chat with 12/f/califonia/with a pic{but i only trade pics]im me or press 911 Trixter V: girls suck BaudriR: And the system risks being swallowed up by it. BBigMeat2: Not money PU$$Y BaudriR: Basically, EUBBY: i like boys too BaudriR: what goes for commodities also goes for meaning. Britt32584: u guys are getting weird on me BaudriR: For a long time Me777Angel: Trixter girls don't suck TheSaintST: age/sex BaudriR: capital only had to produce goods; Britt32584: hhahahaha LHSraider4JC: any fermales with pics IM me 71 LHSraider4JC: Trippa1211: BaudriR: BBigMeat2: Boogie31: Boogie31: BBigMeat2: Boogie31: LHSraider4JC: Britt32584: ALEXMON5: Trixter V: BBigMeat2: EUBBY: Boogie31: Britt32584: Trixter V: any fermales with pics IM me 16/m consumption Do you spit or SWALLOW cheerleader here from fl im me to chat GOOD PEOPLE SWALLOW 11/f any fermales with pics IM me I'm gonna shave my head! 10-13 f wana chat what do yoy mean WHAT YOU BETTER NOT someone im me britt don't do that! hahahaha i love chickens You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Books Fiction” Shadowmeres: i keep having to restart because i sorget stuff Shadowmeres: forget* ARLENE ONE: i try to find any that is atleast 500 pages Khan Slayer: Shadow, after the first three novels, it goes downhill. Arkane0007: the effects were cool, but the story was really weak, I thought Willow739052811: its animated i didnt know when i rented it lol BaudriR: Basically, ARLENE ONE: i love history- esp in the south us BaudriR: what goes for commodities also goes for meaning. Ladyknight8723: not all of them are you just have to look in different places khan Arkane0007: have you ever read the Amber series, by Zelazny? Shadowmeres: khan i think the futhers ive got is 3/4 of the way thought the 2nd, ive been picking it up a Arkane0007: it's a classic science fiction/fantasy series Willow739052811: no Shadowmeres: and putting it back down for about 5 years Arkane0007: it's great, Shadow, you ought to try it Khan Slayer: I didn't say they all were, Lady. BaudriR: For a long time capital only had to produce goods; ARLENE ONE: my brother jay- is publishing a science fiction novel-his first one- YAAAA BaudriR: consumption ran by itself. Arkane0007: so, Willow, what's new? Willow739052811: not a lot BaudriR: to produce demand Businezz kid: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Ladyknight8723: well you are right in one aspect most of them really suck Arkane0007: do you have any kids? Shadowmeres: good for him arlene Willow739052811: nada ARLENE ONE: or i should say he wrote it and its being published soon Arkane0007: guess you're not paying any attention to me, Shadow Khan Slayer: Did you get up to the point where Covenant's daughter dies, Shadow? Arkane0007: ;-) ARLENE ONE: shadow- thanks- i hope it sells BaudriR: and this production is infintiely more costly than that of goods Arkane0007: that's cool, Willow Willow739052811: do u Arkane0007: btw, that just your sn? Arkane0007: not that I know of BaudriR: (for the most part 72 Shadowmeres: BaudriR: Shadowmeres: Arkane0007: Khan Slayer: Arkane0007: BaudriR: Ladyknight8723: Willow739052811: Shadowmeres: BaudriR: Willow739052811: BaudriR: Shadowmeres: Arkane0007: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Shadowmeres: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Shadowmeres: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: Willow739052811: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Arkane0007: Ladyknight8723: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Khan Slayer: Arkane0007: BaudriR: ReddestBaron: Arkane0007: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Willow739052811: Khan Slayer: Arkane0007: Shadowmeres: BaudriR: Shadowmeres: Arkane0007: BaudriR: khan i didnt even rember he had a daughter, i remeber the wife and above all since 1929 nope minds a blank so, I could call you a poo poo head, Shadow, and you wouldnt even notice yeah, he raped that woman in the first book, remember? because you're not even reading what Im writing the social arose out of this crisis of demand: dang my sis is networking me again gotta rocket bye bau what r u talking about no ark i havent read the amber thing the production of the social itself).4 oh ok For a long time no khan i dont rember that, im confused now when did he do that? Shadow, you really ought to read the Amber's great it was enough in the first book, he ended up in the dude's house, and he had a daughter, and he fucked her for power to produce meaning my my, such delicate language, Khan like i say i keep having to begin from the start cause i forget it, nbut i didnt hink id for (political, you're a true vulgarian, arent you? forgten that much ideological, Oh, yeah, he fucked his daughter, too. cultural, Which is sort of funny. sexual), Um. and the demand followed; Baudri, what sort of diatribe are you ranting on about? I mean, he fucked the daughter of the dude, and then he came back, and he fucked his own it absorbed supply and still surpassed it. daughter. That makes sense now. yes that does now khan' Meaning was in short supply Khan, that's just wrong Khan, I heard a rumor about you... i'm back i shut my sisters computer down and all the revolutionaries offered themselves to produce still more. that you're just 15 yrs old? Arkane, it's a book. What do you want me to do about it? Today any truth to that? Yeah, Arkane. well, you could stop saying fuck all the time everything has changed: ark? get over yourself it loses its shock value after the first 5 or 10 times, you know Arkane, having sex would imply that there was some love in the copulation. no longer is meaning in short supply khan do u have any siblings No, Willow. no, Khan, it wouldnt Khan i must have lost more brain cells than i thought an uni, cause i am at a loss with the it is produced everywhere daughter part having sex would imply that they were having sex in ever increasing quantities 73 Arkane0007: Arkane0007: BaudriR: Willow739052811: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: ReddestBaron: Ladyknight8723: BaudriR: Arkane0007: BaudriR: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Khan Slayer: Shadowmeres: Arkane0007: Arkane0007: BaudriR: Arkane0007: ReddestBaron: Arkane0007: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Shadowmeres: Khan Slayer: Arkane0007: Khan Slayer: Shadowmeres: BaudriR: BaudriR: Willow739052811: Arkane0007: Arkane0007: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Arkane0007: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Willow739052811: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Ladyknight8723: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: Ladyknight8723: Arkane0007: ReddestBaron: Arkane0007: Shadowmeres: Khan Slayer: Ladyknight8723: if you had used the euphemism "making love", then, yes, you would be implying that there was some love involved in the copulation - it is demand which is weakening. ok which is better ark Well, it would imply that there was some purpose other than pleasure, which there wasn't. And it is the production of this demand for meaning It was an animalistic sex. ark? tia has just said you're being a white prick! ha it really doesn't matter it's still sex which has become crucial for the system. who is tia? Without this demand for, ctesyllaselysium without this susceptibility to, well, Id say that saying that they'd had incestual sex would've been enough ShiningMinkoa was easier to pronounce. god damn it redd how did you spell that with such ease? in the case of father/daughter sex or was it rape, Khan? without this minimal participation in meaning, rape is rape lol shad, she trained me let's not mince words power is nothing but an empty simulacrum Rape is a form of copulation, too. and an isolated effect of perspective. i can get the ctes and then im lost And it really isn't uncommon, outside of humanity. true, but let's keep things in perspective Animals rape each other. so i stick to tia Here, too no khan it is a violent crime if you just go around saying "fuck" all the time, no one's going to take you seriously especially when you want them to the production of demand is infinitely more costly Willow, haven't you seen sharks copulate? That's very violent. than the production of meaning itself actually, Khan, they dont rape each other...only people rape . animals copulate no i havent lol' Beyond a certain point rape is a human concept Khan she is right it's ok to swear but not all the time Arkane, isn't rape sex with one unwilling partner? it is impossible Am I swearing right now, Lady? ark?? you are an idiot! all the energy mustered by the system will no longer be enough. only in the human sense true, but at the same time, in the animal kingdom, sex is often not entirely consensual its an animalistic, ID urge amonst animals not ark when apes and moneys, when the domiant male is over thoughn the new male rapes his f Exactly, Arkane. no but you do swear an awful lot 74 Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Shadowmeres: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Arkane0007: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Willow739052811: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Willow739052811: Arkane0007: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: Khan Slayer: Willow739052811: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Willow739052811: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: ReddestBaron: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: Ladyknight8723: BaudriR: Ladyknight8723: ReddestBaron: Arkane0007: BaudriR: Arkane0007: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Willow739052811: BaudriR: Willow739052811: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Willow739052811: BaudriR: Willow739052811: Arkane0007: Ladyknight8723: BaudriR: Arkane0007: ReddestBaron: Khan Slayer: Khan Slayer: Arkane0007: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Freudian psychology died with ritalin, Redd. The demand for objects and for services females to show his dominance can always be artificially produced Not with, but, rather, because. at a high and you're an idiot, Red, for using such an outdated psychological concept right along w/ nietzsche? but accessible cost; I didn't say it wasn't interesting. the system has proved this. my brain is to tired for this The desire for meaning well, Willow, what would you like to talk about? lol Im more than willing to drop the subject, since I didnt bring it up when it is in short supply Yes you did, Ark. Well, the whole rape thing. its just a sensitive subjsect to me and the desire for reality actually, Khan, you brought it up my best friend was raped okay, boys, grow up when it is weakening everywhere Yes, but at which point did you get the idea I was talking to you? who cares who started it? You started the whole debate, Arkane. cannot be made good I do, Redd. ok you both brought it up we don't need another debate ojk and together threaten *ok lmao, okay khan Ive known women who were raped also,'s extremely devastating to a woman's self total ruin. esteem ark? how about men? The mass absorbs all social energy men too, Red yes but thid happened one day before her divorce but no longer refracts it. and it was her ex hubby so it's not devastating to men, just to women? It absorbs every sign and every meaning Willow, I am sorry to hear that and they didnt doi a thing to hium but no longer reflects them. 'he broke her nose and arm too I already said it was, Red, werent you paying attention? ok drop the subject and pick up a new one please It absorbs all messages and digests them. scroll back you said "women" Aquaman: hey, you're Clark Kent aren't you? Superman: what? NO. hey, I already said Id drop it Superman: we have different email addresses you fool For every question put to it 75 Khan Slayer: Khan Slayer: Khan Slayer: Arkane0007: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: ReddestBaron: Arkane0007: Willow739052811: BaudriR: Arkane0007: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Khan Slayer: Willow739052811: Khan Slayer: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: Ladyknight8723: Arkane0007: CtesyllasElysium: BaudriR: CtesyllasElysium: CtesyllasElysium: CtesyllasElysium: CtesyllasElysium: ReddestBaron: CtesyllasElysium: BaudriR: BaudriR: ELLISONfm: CtesyllasElysium: Willow739052811: Arkane0007: ELLISONfm: Arkane0007: Shadowmeres: BaudriR: Willow739052811: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: Arkane0007: BaudriR: CtesyllasElysium: CtesyllasElysium: ReddestBaron: Ladyknight8723: BaudriR: CtesyllasElysium: ELLISONfm: CtesyllasElysium: CtesyllasElysium: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: CtesyllasElysium: Arkane0007: Arkane0007: Aquaman: oh. i thought i'd found your real life identity Aquaman: *sigh* i don't think anyone even cares what mine is Superman: lemme guess....WATER FAG? IS THAT YOUR REAL NAME, HUH??!? at this point, Im not sustaining the conversation it sends back a tautological and circular response. Aquaman: fuck you, supermung It never participates. Aquaman: YOU'RE GOING TO MALE good for you ark, being an adult man, I wish they would get a decent color red font for AOL ok has anyone seen space cowboys Inundated by flows and tests nope it forms a mass or earth; I wanted to tho, Willow brb great movie Dinner it's over tia it is happy to be a good conductor of flows yeah space cowboys was a good movie man, Baudri just goes on and on doesnt he/she? god dammit but of any flow youre telling me i got off the phone and online for this? lol sorry <pout> a good conductor of information but of any information brb phone ((((((((((((((((((((paulpaulpaulpauliloveyou)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) well i gotta go bbl yall ;-) bye willow bye bye back a good conductor of norms i will and tia? animilistic behavior is now an outdated psychological theory but of any norm wow, is that really the time? and thereby to reflect the social in its absolute transparency *snort* paul my ass, lol so khan and ark were nice enough to tell me, lol gotta go see you tomorow to give place only to the effects of power and the social khan and ark havent been raped bye lady i suggest they go try that before disproving the theory :) khan and ark know everything the latter like constellations fluctuating around this imperceptible nucleus. duh, paul I sure havent, Ctes, and damn glad of it, too nope 76 Arkane0007: CtesyllasElysium: BaudriR: ELLISONfm: Arkane0007: ReddestBaron: Arkane0007: CtesyllasElysium: ReddestBaron: CtesyllasElysium: Shadowmeres: BaudriR: HONEYJ7106: Arkane0007: Arkane0007: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: CtesyllasElysium: ELLISONfm: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: Arkane0007: BaudriR: ReddestBaron: Arkane0007: CtesyllasElysium: ELLISONfm: ReddestBaron: ReddestBaron: CtesyllasElysium: BaudriR: Arkane0007: Arkane0007: ReddestBaron: Arkane0007: CtesyllasElysium: CtesyllasElysium: CtesyllasElysium: ReddestBaron: CtesyllasElysium: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: ReddestBaron: ReddestBaron: Arkane0007: Arkane0007: Khan Slayer: ReddestBaron: BaudriR: Khan Slayer: Shadowmeres: I sure dont, Red you should be, ark The mass is dumb like beasts shadow, everything ok? I am, believe me you sure give that aura Ark, just a thought though now, can we put the whole rape discussion to rest? no! why? it bothers you? paul lets talk about rape! i tyred and its silence is equal to the silence of beasts. hi sometimes, Red, I do have an opinion, and I dont mind expressing it even when it's unpopular and so do I Despite having been surveyed to death whats your opinion? sorry youre tired and why does rape bother you? , I think that if we only listen to what we want to hear, then we're deluding ourselves the information, exactly Ark, so let's discuss rape, okay? so, I take it that the idea of rape doesn't bother you, Red? thats your opinion on rape? grrrrrrrrr to save you from self delusion discussing rape doesnt bother me, no wait dammit, tell me your opinion on rape to which it is submitted is equivalent to experimental torture on laboratory animals Red, I think I've expressed my opinion on rape and Im done talking about it express it again scroll back but ark? im not red im ctesylla why? you just said if we always talk about what we want to hear..... so explain to ME then we're deluding ourselves it says neither whether the truth is to the left or to the right so quit deluding yourself and discuss it I believe I already expressed the opinion that it is reprehensible and regrettable Back. so express it again! nor whether it prefers revolution or repression. It's fucked up. khan dont you get ingigestion eating so quick? You have just entered room “Football Chat” Badass shaun: because Senett Scene: Are tottenham rubbish? BaudriR: This silence is unbearable. UKHostToni: BaudriR, A S P LOMAX, hi there NMu6727319: Could I just ask, how many West Ham fans are in this chatroom? 77 SKirk21942: Hendy1916: Prettygal1964: BaudriR: LFCSJA: XR2go: Sarah Braime: WilliamsBarnsley: BaudriR: A S P LOMAX: ChrisGaleCJ16: NMu6727319: KingBadboy1: BaudriR: SKirk21942: SKirk21942: Badass shaun: ChrisGaleCJ16: BaudriR: Venom Eclipse: Johnpauljackson: Hendy1916: WilliamsBarnsley: Badass shaun: UKHostToni: KingBadboy1: A S P LOMAX: XR2go: LFCSJA: SKirk21942: BaudriR: UKHostToni: UKHostToni: UKHostToni: Venom Eclipse: UKHostToni: UKHostToni: BaudriR: Hendy1916: WilliamsBarnsley: UKHostToni: XR2go: NMu6727319: Badass shaun: Wrighty14: UKHostToni: SKirk21942: LFCSJA: WilliamsBarnsley: BaudriR: Sarah Braime: KingBadboy1: UKHostToni: UKHostToni: BaudriR: Hendy1916: UKHostToni: UKHostToni: SKirk21942: maybe Lampard - in squad for 2002, not in team come on the celts nice colour It is the unknown of the political equation, HOST TONI ARE U A STRICT HOST? Toni....unbelievably dull....thought someone had slipped me an hallucigenic lol lampards coming to leeds and so is rio I KIND OF SUPPORT WEST HAM the unknown which annuls every political equation. This isn't ASP venom LAMPARD SHOULD BE IN THE EURO 2000 SQUAD INSTAED OF GERRARD What do you mean kind of? west ham suppoeter Everybody questions it, Harley Gerrard Scholes J.Cole Beckham/Dyer 2002 press 3 if u like everton IM A MAN UNITED AFN but never as silence, 3 Lampard will never get in the first 11 for england what about Mark Viduka BUT ALSO BARNSLEY & LEEDS & WIGAN & BRADFORD 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Badass shaun, quit the polling please Holland for 2000 This is someone using his name...I'm too nice Blimey...would prefer to watch opening again :o) WHEN DO U LEAVE HOST? no, England always to make it speak. Polling the room is asking people to type random letters or numbers in response to a question. This can be confusing and disruptive to other members or people just entering the haha! room. LFCSJA, i leave at 5 But the inertial strength of the masses is unfathomable: england will not pass the qualing stages THIS HOST IS GAY! Wrighty, hiya hello Venom......u sneak in quietly? :o) Does anyone know of any West Ham chat rooms? shut upppppppppppppppppp hiya tonikins WilliamsBarnsley, cut the harassment out please go review the rules at Keyword: COS thanks they win, they'll win it LOOK AT THAT HOST WHAT WILLIAMSBARNSLEY SAID SHUT UP! literally, its time for lampard to move on to a masive club LEEDS UNITED no WilliamsBarnsley, room disruption is not allowed under the Conditions of Service. Please stop NOW and review those at no "sounding" any celts in the house Keyword: COS. This warning will be recorded on your account. 11/06/98 04:50 PM massive? 78 Wrighty14: SKirk21942: LFCSJA: BaudriR: XR2go: Wrighty14: BaudriR: LFCSJA: NMu6727319: KingBadboy1: BaudriR: UKHostToni: A S P LOMAX: XR2go: SKirk21942: The Ballantyne 8: BaudriR: Sarah Braime: ChrisGaleCJ16: Joncrow99: AndrewOrdan: BaudriR: Hendy1916: XR2go: UKHostToni: KingBadboy1: Venom Eclipse: SKirk21942: Badass shaun: Safcshell: UKHostToni: Venom Eclipse: A S P LOMAX: Safcshell: Venom Eclipse: XR2go: UKHostToni: Johnpauljackson: BaudriR: AndrewOrdan: LFCSJA: BaudriR: NMu6727319: ChrisGaleCJ16: KingBadboy1: SKirk21942: SIMANDREWSIM: BaudriR: SKirk21942: EmmaEssexBird: BaudriR: UKHostToni: The Ballantyne 8: NMu6727319: SKirk21942: Badass shaun: BaudriR: EmmaEssexBird: williambarnsley shut up or you get warned no way Why should I WilliamsBarnsley or suvey will cause it to become evident, Yeah....Williams on at least his 2nd more to go :o) sorry to late since their effect is to blanket it out. Who is your team Host? WilliamBarnsley, just shut up, OK? in about 2 years west ham will be in the top 5 with ease A silence which topples the political LFCSJA, i support arsenal :) Leeds r massiv massive then joke venom *arsenal1* Di Canio will have quit I SUPPORT RANGERS and the social into the hyperreality champions league here we come AS LONG AS SHEARER IS CAPTAIN AND IN THE TEAM ENGLAND HAV NO CHANCE Rejoice, for the evil scum known as the Tuks have been beaten i'M bACK! with which we associate it. GLASGOW CELTIC FOOTBALL CLUB cya later roomies ChrisGaleCJ, Hendy, The Ballantyne, cut the caps out please :) dose not matter we have the best youth system what sorry, i wasn't paying attention Alan Shearer, Euro 2000 top scorer toni where u from hiya room cya XR2 bye XR2 As long as England r as boring as ever they have no chance hiya venom HIYA SAFC!! cya Venom....& Toni Badass shaun, i am from near london ChrisGale why do you think that. For if the political seeks to "pick up" the masses Michael Owen Will Be Top Scorer! I'M OFF IN A MINUTE FRANCE AND DENMARK START SOON in a social echo wHEN ARE mAN u GOING TO SELL SOME OF THEIR PLAYERS, i MEAN, hARRY rEDKNAPP SAID THAT HE SHEARER IS PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! klivert top scorer with 6 gols Owen or Sheaer then up the rangers or simulation chamber Shearer <------------------------IPSWICH TOWN FAN!!!!!! (the media, information), NMu, LFCSJA, turn off your caps lock button please UP U wEST hAM R THE BEST! France 3-1 Denmark how old are u toni it is the masses who in return become a huge echo WHO 79 NMu6727319: BaudriR: AndrewOrdan: UKHostToni: UKHostToni: Sarah Braime: Hendy1916: BaudriR: SKirk21942: BaudriR: Johnpauljackson: SKirk21942: UKHostToni: A S P LOMAX: BaudriR: KingBadboy1: SKirk21942: Wrighty14: Hendy1916: The Ballantyne 8: ChrisGaleCJ16: BaudriR: NMu6727319: UKHostToni: UKHostToni: Hendy1916: ChrisGaleCJ16: UKHostToni: Westsideheat1: Wingchun28070: SKirk21942: Wrighty14: Hendy1916: BaudriR: AndrewOrdan: SKirk21942: A S P LOMAX: Badass shaun: ChrisGaleCJ16: Wullywills: UKHostToni: Sportaholic4000: LFCSJA: Joncrow99: SKirk21942: Prettygal1964: Johnpauljackson: BaudriR: NMu6727319: UKHostToni: Hendy1916: SKirk21942: BaudriR: Wullywills: West Ham or simulation chamber of the social. <------------ Cardiff City Fan Badass shaun, old enough to be very happy thanks :) GOODBANDGREGG, hiya LEEDS ARE IN THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE AND ARE A MASIVE CLUB come on the hoops Manipulation ahs never existed. Zidane, Henry, Pires The game is played on both sides, Shearer will prove everyone wrong when he score at least 6 goals in Euro 2000 Pires signed for Real Madrid Sportaholic, hi there Leeds r not massive ...just weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with the same weapons, Zidane is playing crap at the moment Jon - well said sarah leeds are in the champions league for finishing 3rd not winning it host what team do u support? DONT THINK SO LEEDS HAV NO CHANCE IN THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE and who can say which is winning today: Who reckons that England have a serious chance of winning Euro 2000? Hendy, i support arsenal Wullywills, wb arenal are ok NO CHANCE AT ALL ENGLAND MIKE, wb yes whats happening? and u? Yeah they have a great chance kingbadboy the game aint started yet come on the celtic the simulation power performs on the masses, Who won between Turkey And Italy? Italy 2-1 No one NMu how old are u all ITALY 2-1 what do u mean toni AndrewOrdan, Italy won it Italy ITALY 2 - 1 Italia ok ok footy kicking off bye room!! LEEDS LEEDS LEEDS ENGLAND WILL GET TO THE SEMI'S or the inverse simulation held out be the masses Ok, Chris, who do you think will win it>? Wullywills, i mean welcome back :) del pierro is the best player in the world France top is good for power to be swallowed up in. allright You have just entered room “Stressed Out” TSUNAMI996699: hi i'm 15/m anyone want to chat Horsefluff: theres nothin wrong with the name!!!!! 80 Murraycharl: BaudriR: JAY17SHEZ: Murraycharl: JAY17SHEZ: Cupid Charles: BaudriR: Horsefluff: BaudriR: STU MACDOO: Steff8000: Cupid Charles: JAY17SHEZ: Steff8000: JAY17SHEZ: JAY17SHEZ: Horsefluff: BaudriR: TSUNAMI996699: BigJohnG198: BaudriR: STU MACDOO: Steff8000: Steff8000: Steff8000: Horsefluff: BaudriR: BaudriR: Steff8000: KLongh5404: BaudriR: Steff8000: BaudriR: Horsefluff: BaudriR: Steff8000: Steff8000: BaudriR: Horsefluff: KLongh5404: BaudriR: Sparky968: KING BLACKWOOD: BaudriR: STU MACDOO: BaudriR: BigJohnG198: BigJohnG198: BigJohnG198: BigJohnG198: BaudriR: Cupid Charles: Cupid Charles: Cupid Charles: KING BLACKWOOD: Cupid Charles: Cupid Charles: BaudriR: STU MACDOO: OOOA/S/L???? Neither Subject Nor Object Check-out "PowerTools for AOL," a windows program WHATEVER U SAY HORSEFLUFF!!!!!!!!!! that enhances AOL's interface! Go keyword BPS (Keyword to: aol://1722:BPS). 13/m/england The mass realises that paradox 15/f/west sussex of being both an object of simulation 16/f/scotland i from lewes *Drop* *filedone* where u from Horsefluff???? *gotmail* *welcome* west sussex u? (it only exists at the point of convergence of all the media waves *bloduck* <~~~ STARTS SINGING to charlie'BABY...............LET ME SEE THAT THONG which depict it) so does anybody want to talk?????? east sussex but where in West sussex ??? y? and a subject of simulation, capable of refracting all the models coz i am interested charlie2be a if you r a lap dancer u tart and of emulating them sorry 4 asking by hypersimulation near gatwick airport (its hyperconformity, oh rite my ex lives in crawley down an immanent form of humour). oh any sexy lads press 666 The mass realises that paradox 666 666 of not being a subject, any one else from scotland??? a group-subject, 666 666 666 666 but of not being an object either. 666 666 666 JOHN ARE U DESPERATE OR SOMETHING 666 666 Every effort to make a subject of it are you all blind? 81 KING BLACKWOOD: BaudriR: Cupid Charles: BigJohnG198: BaudriR: Charlie2be: BaudriR: Horsefluff: BaudriR: Babe0370: BaudriR: STU MACDOO: BigJohnG198: BaudriR: JAY17SHEZ: Murraycharl: BaudriR: Magicman3k: BaudriR: JAY17SHEZ: JAY17SHEZ: BaudriR: ND18187BON: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: NoEntry4NE1: Falconproperty: BaudriR: NoEntry4NE1: BaudriR: BaudriR: Falconproperty: BaudriR: ND18187BON: BaudriR: NoEntry4NE1: BaudriR: Babe0370: BaudriR: LEEDSMJ: BaudriR: Falconproperty: GAJILL: BaudriR: AlisonWA: Murraycharl: BaudriR: AlisonWA: JAY17SHEZ: LEEDSMJ: BaudriR: LEEDSMJ: BaudriR: Babe0370: BaudriR: JAY17SHEZ: AlisonWA: AND U CUPID (real or mythical) ?? Just horny runs head on into the glaring impossibility of an autonomous change hello all u sexy men in consciousness. c ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every effort to make an object of it, sexy lads press 5456 to treat an danalyse it all single blokes press 69 5456 as brute matter, 5456 and got a pic to prove it CUPID CHARLES U TOLD ME U WEREA GIRL according to objective laws, <~~~~~ LOVES BUMBLE runs head on into the 5456 5456 contray fact ANY SCHOOLGIRLS CHATTING that it is impossible to manipulate the masses in any determinate way, or to understand them in terms of elements, does n e 1 know what the address is for the GCSE bitesize revision? any hot 14/f/london out there then please press 457 structures help me - I have Chemistry first thing in the morning and wholes. All manipulation plunges, any hot 14/f/london out there then please press 457 gets sucked any schoolgirls chatting into the mass, me - what is the sddress? absorbed, hi jay distorted, HEY YOU LOT OF COOLIES, IT BECKI FROM LEEDS reversibilised. baudri shut the fuck up NO ENTRY DO YOU WANT ME TO HELP U WITH A LATE NIGHT THEN It is impossible HEY EVERYONE I'M NOT STRESSED I'M JUST LOOKING FOR A GOOD CHAT ROOM HI BECKI IM ME to know where it goes; IS THIS ONE ANY GOOD ? hi babe how r u ? PODKA IS A GOOD GAME most likely it goes IM COOL BABE round and round ok u in an endless cycle, good thanxs HELLO ????? 82 BaudriR: JAY17SHEZ: LEEDSMJ: Babe0370: W0nna: BaudriR: PSCAROLINE: EEDSMJ: Cupid Charles: BaudriR: LEEDSMJ: BaudriR: JAY17SHEZ: BaudriR: JAY17SHEZ: BaudriR: AlisonWA: BaudriR: Murraycharl: BaudriR: W0nna: PSCAROLINE: KING BLACKWOOD: JAY17SHEZ: BaudriR: Magicman3k: W0nna: JAY17SHEZ: Chrisjericho1018: JAY17SHEZ: AlisonWA: BaudriR: KING BLACKWOOD: BaudriR: Magicman3k: AlliBee707076: Chrisjericho1018: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: Cupid Charles: BaudriR: AlliBee707076: AlisonWA: BaudriR: LEEDSMJ: BaudriR: BaudriR: Jsjuj: Surgeon254: BaudriR: AlisonWA: foiling every intention babe im me THIS IS THE BEST CHAT ROOM im me AFTERNOON ALL, HOW IS EVERY1 TODAY?? on the part of the manipulators. HELLO EVERYONE im fine *gotmail* No analysis anal would know how to contain *filedone* this diffuse, *welcome* decentered, WELL I PREFER THE CHAT ROOMS THAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY TALK TO U !!!! Brownian, ALISONWA IM ME molecular reality: HOw old is every1 here?? *drop* *WELCOME* 17 the notion of object alison hello *shut the fuck up* *buddyout* any fit and sexy babes wanna chat and trade pics press 123!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *buddyin* HEY MAGIC MAN WAHOO ! vanishes on the horizon of micorphysics *BUDDYIN* - it is impossible to comprehend how are u *buddyin* *buddyout* the latter as object once shut the sounds up that infinitesimal point is reached *file done* SO IS N*E*ONE ACTUALLY STRESSED??? where the subject of observation n e one got owt good to say is himself annulled. No more object of knowledge, ME 16 M London here is anyone in London no more subject of knowledge. BORING !!!!!!!!!!!!! You have just entered room “Special Interests - Auto Car Stereos” BaudriR: The mass brings about the same insoluble bounday situation BaudriR: in the field ALPINE4LIFE: ! BaudriR: of the "social". 83 BaudriR: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: Adog66: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: ALPINE4LIFE: Adog66: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: Adog66: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: MySTiKaL MiNi: Adog66: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: MySTiKaL MiNi: MySTiKaL MiNi: Adog66: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: BaudriR: Adog66: BaudriR: MySTiKaL MiNi: BaudriR: MySTiKaL MiNi: BaudriR: Adog66: BaudriR: Adog66: BaudriR: Adog66: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: Adog66: BaudriR: Adog66: BaudriR: Adog66: Jenygurl4u: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: BaudriR: Jenygurl4u: No longer Huh??? is it objectifiable (in political terms: no longer is it representable), and it annuls sup everyone any subject oh.. cranial rectumitis i see sup dog sup alpine who would claim to comprehend it (in political terms: it annuls anybody this room is quiet today who would claim to represent it). it wasnt till about 5 min ago Only surveys and statistics up man\ sup room usaully its slamin in here (like the law of large numbers maybe bunch of shows today...? and the calculus of probabilites sunday mornings are usually slow everyone sleeps till 1 baud, belongs on ignore ignore is such a nice feature in mathematical physics) can account for it, i wish i could sleep until 1 but one knows that this incantation, i had to get up and feed the stupid dog across the street this meteoric ritual of statistics id still be asleep is if it wasnt for that and surveys baud, is on ignore for me has no real object, my god child woke me up at 8 am, so she could play her toys especially not the masses :::yawning whom it is thought adog...invest in duck tape and velcro to express. i did..i sleep well It simply simulates and elusive object. i need a good sleep though but whose absence is nevertheless vacation is next week, i will be sleeping alto intolerable. alot* anyone have 12" I was looking at some good military schools..about 1k miles away:) It "produces" it jeny..sorry..only 3-10's in the form of anticipated responses, what kind 84 Trappedunderice: BaudriR: AUDIOPROY2K: Adog66: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: MySTiKaL MiNi: BaudriR: AUDIOPROY2K: BaudriR: Jenygurl4u: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: Adog66: AUDIOPROY2K: BaudriR: Adog66: AUDIOPROY2K: MySTiKaL MiNi: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: MySTiKaL MiNi: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: MySTiKaL MiNi: Skyline277bhp: BaudriR: MySTiKaL MiNi: BaudriR: Adog66: Jenygurl4u: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: Adog66: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: AUDIOPROY2K: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: Ceaze and HeaTha: Adog66: BaudriR: AUDIOPROY2K: Ceaze and HeaTha: MySTiKaL MiNi: BaudriR: Ceaze and HeaTha: Ceaze and HeaTha: Jenygurl4u: BaudriR: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: Want 2 Play Ruff: AUDIOPROY2K: Trappedunderice: MySTiKaL MiNi: AUDIOPROY2K: Want 2 Play Ruff: jl of circular signals hi room <~~~ two 12s which seem to circumscribe its existence I had 2 12's in my first system... the old kicker comps.. <either doing 2 12's or 2 10's and to bear witness to its will. <----happy with single 10" Floating signs a dog what kind of twelves - such are surveys If I was to use a single 10- would have to be boston pro 12s are better for bass but 10s are more accurate <------diamond.......sorry instantaneous signs, <~~~~ all earthqauke wouldn't touch a boston im gonna 2 9510's audio..I could do that toooooooo!!! intended for manipulation, gonna use* <<<<<<<<<<,---- runs diamond componants and whose conclusions can be interchanged. what would be better what's good system to buy(the brand for a CD receiver?) Everybody knows 2 9510's,or a single 9515 the profound indeterminateness <~~mbquarts,earthquake subs, two earthquake amps, 141.7 out of a trunk what youall think of hcca which rules nice sub jeny over statistics my aol is dragging again i'd use a shocker before hcca imo (the calculus of probabilities <-----129.3.......single 10" (sealed) or large numbers audio... using flashdance? sup foos sup ceaze also correspond to an indeterminateness no sup adam sup ceaze themselves, sup chad brb gotta drop off the kids yall think sealed or air holes is better to a "Plimsoll line" ceaze hit & run of the concept of matter sealed lol.......air holes? I personaly like sealed over ported i think she means ported better stick w/sealed there clearer 85 Adog66: Jenygurl4u: Trappedunderice: BaudriR: Brit406: Adog66: B DOSS: ported gives you depear bass, sealed boxes give you tighter bass fuck you lol ported is sloppy , to which again hardly any notion of "objective law" corresponds). ported is louder also depends who makes the boxes, my ported box sounds like it is sealed anyone in here use polly fill? You have just entered room “UK - bored female” BaudriR: Besides, BaudriR: it is not certain AngelFeather11: im goin swimmin b/c its 90 here today Bust36mmmm: can i join u BaudriR: that the procedures STVnMARY89: any pic trade? BaudriR: of scientific experimentation CuninGiles: nope BaudriR: in the so-called exact sciences BaudriR: have much more truthfulness STVnMARY89: any f with pics to trade Badlands763210: hello room 26/m BaudriR: than surveys and statistics. RSchweikle62: *HIGHWAY* BaudriR: In any discipline BaudriR: whatsoever AngelFeather11: brb Elayne234: DEEEEEEEE XXXXXXXXXXXXX BaudriR: , the coded, Dee WBA: elayneeeeeeeeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BaudriR: controlled, Dee WBA: iam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BaudriR: "objective" RSchweikle62: HELLO DEE CARTERA660: Hi room whats going on BaudriR: form of inquiry Dee WBA: hey RS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Iam18again: hello Dee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BaudriR: only allows for this circular type of truth, BaudriR: from which the very object aimed at CuninGiles: I always tell the truth unless it'll prevents a session in bed Neco005: hey RS ---------------------------------------> dense dork BaudriR: is excluded Dee WBA: lol BaudriR: . Dee WBA: *twacey* BaudriR: In any case, CHICANE017: ha fookin ha BaudriR: it is possible to think RSchweikle62: NECO KEEP SITTING ON YOUR BRAIN YOU LOWLIFE SCUM BAG BaudriR: that the uncertainty CHICANE017: right that is it Dee WBA: it is from where im sitting BaudriR: surrounding this enterprise CHICANE017: <~ walkin to corner to sulk BaudriR: of the objective determination Neco005: RS ------------------> SOMEBODY CATCHING FEELINGS BaudriR: of the world Dee WBA: quick, lets talk bout her while shes gone 86 BaudriR: AngelFeather11: Neco005: Jeninshen: BaudriR: Elayne234: BaudriR: BaudriR: CHICANE017: BaudriR: BaudriR: Dee WBA: Iam18again: BaudriR: Dee WBA: Neco005: CHICANE017: BaudriR: BaudriR: Elayne234: Dee WBA: BaudriR: CHICANE017: BaudriR: L1CKMELONG: Dee WBA: BaudriR: CHICANE017: RSchweikle62: BaudriR: BaudriR: Iamman123: BaudriR: Elayne234: BaudriR: AngelFeather11: Neco005: BaudriR: Dee WBA: CHICANE017: BaudriR: Show stopper3184: BaudriR: Dee WBA: BaudriR: CHICANE017: BaudriR: RSchweikle62: BaudriR: CHICANE017: BaudriR: Annie4ya: BaudriR: Annie4ya: Neco005: BaudriR: Dee WBA: CHICANE017: Annie4ya: remains total ok ill make a hot tub BIRD BRAIN < a href="aol://">Porn in you E-mail Click Here</a> and that even matter we just cant resist it and the inanimate, when summoned to respond, well... if ur nicce to me i might lmfao in the various sciences of nature , *twacey* nature? in the same terms *twacey* does your mammy still ware combats boots, you bum ok then i am comin and according to the same procedures as the masses Jazzlv4145: enjoy sucking? i know but ya luv me really and "social" <~enjoys swallowin beings Hi,Beth' 28 London,bi-female looking for coples only . <~~spitter in statistics and surveys, ewwww u waster NO BUT I'LL STICK MY COMBAT BOOT UP THAT ASS OF YOURS YA FAGGAT also send back the same conforming signals, hello room 55/m/texas,u.s.a. the same coded responses, Why only couples Lickme??? with the same exasperating, :::strips down nakee and slowly slips into hot tub::: ahh!! closed thinking, moron, hey your computer smells endless conformity, that short for boring?? ^5 only to better escape, 16 male looking for threesome with older couple, im me in the last instance, oh fook this <click> exactly like the masses, annie wot u doing in here any definition as object. SO DOES YOUR MOTHERT BUT I AM NOT COMPLAINING There would thus be a wot and u come in here fantastic irony The court has spoken and I must obey about "matter," Icy when things get tough RS bens ova willingly and every object of science, no one says "thus" anymore do they....unless they r teachers e Yes I made a mistake 87 Neco005: BaudriR: BaudriR: Annie4ya: BaudriR: Elayne234: BaudriR: Talkstoherself: CHICANE017: CHICANE017: BaudriR: Talkstoherself: BaudriR: Dee WBA: SAINT MENTOR: BaudriR: CHICANE017: Talkstoherself: CuninGiles: Talkstoherself: Dee WBA: BaudriR: SAINT MENTOR: CHICANE017: SAINT MENTOR: BaudriR: Neco005: GEEZWARR: CHICANE017: BaudriR: Talkstoherself: CHICANE017: BaudriR: Dee WBA: Neco005: CHICANE017: BaudriR: CHICANE017: Annie4ya: BaudriR: L1CKMELONG: BaudriR: Neco005: BaudriR: CHICANE017: BaudriR: Annie4ya: BaudriR: Elayne234: BaudriR: SAINT MENTOR: BaudriR: Annie4ya: BaudriR: Taistar1: BaudriR: Taistar1: Taistar1: BaudriR: you homo just as there is a fantastic irony Great and you? about the masses *fucya* in their muteness hi elayne xxxxxxxxxxxxx :O) rofl , lol elayne or in their statistical discourse wendy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wetxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so conforming ments xxxxxxxxxxxx hello dee xxxxxxxxxxx m or f check ments xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx menty how the hell r u? to the questions put to them, chicxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rofl dee fine dee akin to the eternal irony of feminity all points bulletin, RS molested his father anyone chatting? ere dee of which Hegel speaks, whos brandon fraser? rich recons we drunk all his barcardi - the irony of a false fidelity, well I didnt Iam up yours, ho sort him out later when he comes in of an excessive nor me Some people can't help being arses Iam fidelity to the law, Beth' bi-fem' London.Pussy licking cum swallowing slut with pic' . and ultimately ANNIE screw you too bitch impenetrable i only had one then i yucked it up simulation In your dreams of passivity Hmmm nice girl Lickme and obedience oh , You can only dream of someone like me necco and which annuls hi Chicane in return hows u xxxx the law 88 Dee WBA: BaudriR: CHICANE017: BaudriR: Dee WBA: BaudriR: BaudriR: Neco005: CHICANE017: be back in a min governing them, ok LIMEY in accordance witht eh immortal example of fooking piss head lemon!!!!!! Soldier Schweik . coward Schweik is more like it y is that You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - R A V E R S” Trance I3ratt: i dont go out anymore BaudriR: From this would follow, Trance I3ratt: its not worth it BaudriR: in the literal sense, Lonis19: i hear ya Trance I3ratt: i dont like to see 15 yr olds on E BaudriR: a pataphysics BaudriR: or science of imaginary solutions, Trance I3ratt: and none of the clubs are worth going to BaudriR: a science of the simulation Trance I3ratt: they bring the same dj's in BaudriR: or hypersimulation Trance I3ratt: and i dont like breaks and jungle so KiTtEmAgiK: anyone go to rise up and come together? Trance I3ratt: not point in going out BaudriR: of an exact, true, objective world, Trance I3ratt: yeah i did PolarBearX: dont like jungle? Lonis19: me too Trance I3ratt: no i dont BaudriR: with its universal laws, PolarBearX: not intelligent enough to follow the beats? Trance I3ratt: jungle is just a buncha noise KiTtEmAgiK: how was it? PolarBearX: too BaudriR: including the delirium of those PolarBearX: many Lonis19: what was your fave club PolarBearX: beats PolarBearX: too PolarBearX: confused PolarBearX: ah BaudriR: who interpret it DJ FLASH: I didnt like jungle, until I heard my first jungle MC on those mad speakers BaudriR: according to these laws. Trance I3ratt: the edge was okay, till the first time it got raided KiTtEmAgiK: jungle is phat BaudriR: The masses and their involuntary humor Trance I3ratt: yea so i was u Trance I3ratt: i* BaudriR: would introduce us DJ FLASH: Jungle is good for breakin too I kHaL bEE mE I: play crash Trance I3ratt: whats ur name I kHaL bEE mE I: <|--- pláyin: [ed rush & optical - crash] I kHaL bEE mE I: jungle is the soundtrack of life Cndyflp024: any va pawty kiddz in here? 89 I kHaL bEE mE I: Lonis19: BaudriR: KiTtEmAgiK: I kHaL bEE mE I: DJ FLASH: Trance I3ratt: BaudriR: Lonis19: PolarBearX: BaudriR: Trance I3ratt: BaudriR: Trance I3ratt: AbsolutRJM: BaudriR: Trance I3ratt: PolarBearX: BaudriR: Lonis19: Wilted Roses: BaudriR: Lonis19: Trance I3ratt: Trance I3ratt: BaudriR: Lonis19: Trance I3ratt: Trance I3ratt: BaudriR: DJ FLASH: Trance I3ratt: DJ FLASH: BaudriR: Trance I3ratt: Trance I3ratt: Lonis19: Trance I3ratt: DJ FLASH: Lonis19: BaudriR: O0O0ooEoo0O0O: BaudriR: Lonis19: BaudriR: Trance I3ratt: Trance I3ratt: BaudriR: Lonis19: I DisiIIusion I: BaudriR: Lonis19: BaudriR: HaPpYKaNdEGuRlE: BaudriR: Trance I3ratt: Lonis19: BaudriR: AbsolutRJM: period. yours to a pataphysics of the social\ how could u say jungle is a bunch of noise? cinda<3333333 bunch of cool noises i dunno i just said it didnt i? which ultimately would you ever go to liquid city jungle is good for sexin relieve us heh of all that yea i agree wit trance cumbersome metaphysics u ever go to fanacy? sexin is good for jungle of the social. every weekend Hey there everyone. :) This contradicts all received views until the end fanacy sucked after a while too many fuckin ppl of the process of truth, it did in such a small space and it SMEEEEEELLLLLLLLED but perhaps hahahaha but studio smelled worse was it in a meat factory? the latter is only an illusion of judgement. NO flash dumb ass ever go to simons yup that would suck oh yea The scientist Anyone like Vinylgroover!?? cannot believe that matter, i did tooo or living beings, i could get lost in that hall something about it was so weird do not respond "objectively" 95 *yawn* to the questions he puts, yup or that they respond Hey whats up people?!?!?! to them too objectively brb cant find my lighter what about parthanon for his questions baud wut r u talkin about yo 90 BaudriR: AbsolutRJM: BaudriR: BIKESRFUN180: BaudriR: THESCROTUS: BaudriR: I kHaL bEE mE I: AbsolutRJM: I kHaL bEE mE I: BbY KaNdE RaVeR: I kHaL bEE mE I: MotherNikki: BaudriR: MotherNikki: THESCROTUS: BaudriR: DJ FLASH: BaudriR: Ollivine: I kHaL bEE mE I: I kHaL bEE mE I: Trance I3ratt: MuSiKizxtCee: MuSiKizxtCee: DJ FLASH: Trance I3ratt: MuSiKizxtCee: BaudriR: DJ FLASH: MuSiKizxtCee: I kHaL bEE mE I: BaudriR: MuSiKizxtCee: BaudriR: Trance I3ratt: I kHaL bEE mE I: Trance I3ratt: MuSiKizxtCee: BaudriR: Lonis19: MuSiKizxtCee: Trance I3ratt: Skaberry12: Lonis19: I kHaL bEE mE I: I kHaL bEE mE I: I kHaL bEE mE I: BaudriR: I kHaL bEE mE I: I kHaL bEE mE I: I kHaL bEE mE I: I kHaL bEE mE I: Trance I3ratt: BaudriR: Trance I3ratt: Trance I3ratt: PeArLiEgIrLiE4: BaudriR: to be sound. ????????????????????? This hypothesis alone seems absurd 21/m/nyc/pic ne girlz wanna chat or trade im me and unthinkable to him. n e one rollin? He will never accept it. tf ahhhhhhh time SUP ALL <|--- the time is: 12:41 pm who went ivrovy or exit on friday in nyc He will never leave the enchanted if so press 123 any one have any rolls? and simulated circle How are the AZ parties? of his enquiry. Anyone had a bad roll??!?!?!? play forgotten <|--- pláyin: [bad company - the forgotten] really kewl O~* <3 wasnt really sure, but my grandma used to live out there, so i thought it would be fun <3 khris sup nagguh? The same hypothesis But then she wasnt there no more trance bratt who dat? dat ben? applies everywhere <--ben , yea i figured it was u sup ben!!<3 im Rene alan<3 the same axiom of credibility, i was ganna hit the beach oh hi rene<3 hi hey whats goin on? but its raining id3 <|--- ártist: [bad company] <|--- søng: [the forgotten] . The adman cannot but believe that people believe in it <|--- album: [inside the machine] <|--- yeár: [2000] <|--- genre: [Jungle] <|--- cømment: [recorded by clone] beach is bad for u - however, slightly, sun is bad actually not the beach <~~~~~ is bored!!! that is, 91 I I I I I I I I I I I Echos27: Lonis19: MuSiKizxtCee: BaudriR: Trance I3ratt: BaudriR: Trance I3ratt: Trance I3ratt: BaudriR: kHaL bEE mE I: PeArLiEgIrLiE4: MuSiKizxtCee: MuSiKizxtCee: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaByRaSKaL1: BaudriR: BaByRaSKaL1: BaudriR: BaudriR: kHaL bEE mE I: MuSiKizxtCee: BaudriR: kHaL bEE mE I: BaudriR: AbsolutRJM: AbsolutRJM: BaudriR: BaudriR: KANAMIMI: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: kHaL bEE mE I: BaudriR: kHaL bEE mE I: BaudriR: KANAMIMI: BaudriR: I DisiIIusion I: BaudriR: kHaL bEE mE I: kHaL bEE mE I: kHaL bEE mE I: kHaL bEE mE I: AbsolutRJM: kHaL bEE mE I: kHaL bEE mE I: PeArLiEgIrLiE4: BaudriR: BaudriR: FRED CZ: Xman2500: FRED CZ: Gabbagurlz: BaudriR: MuSiKizxtCee: FRED CZ: KANAMIMI: i keep my distance from the sun i go out on a boat its my anniversary today. that a minimal probablitity exists iight well i gotta clean my house its a mess peace of the message reaching its goal khris<3 ambur<3 and being decoded according to its meaning. renenla<3 I CANT SPELL get off my color. thankyou. Any principle of uncertainty is excluded. wassup!! If it turned out that the refractive index of the message (im not a raver, i juss go 2 raves) push 5150 2 C my pix in the recpient were nil , sweet but yup. advertising would instantly collapse. *applause* It only surveys on that belieft which it accords itself. baudrir ish scrolling hes babbling about nothing (this is the same wager as that of science about the objectivity of the world) anyone from Louisiana?? and which it doesn't try too hard to verify verify , WITNESS! in terror that the contrary hello people hypothesis i ummm really like this track might also be true, rand <|--- rándøm: [swift - reality] rand <|--- rándøm: [deftones - pink maggot] me too rand <|--- rándøm: [technical itch - stealth] anyone heard of BIF NAKED namely that the great majority of advertising messages never reach their destination, hello age/sex/loc anyone in nj? 18.f.ny that the viewing public ok im going now. 24/m/nj/pic 18/f/LA 92 MuSiKizxtCee: BaudriR: I kHaL bEE mE I: BaudriR: I DisiIIusion I: NrK1122000: BaudriR: I kHaL bEE mE I: BaudriR: Gabbagurlz: BaudriR: Trunks2092: BaudriR: I DisiIIusion I: BaudriR: Xmikeyx21: I kHaL bEE mE I: BaudriR: Trunks2092: BaudriR: I kHaL bEE mE I: I DisiIIusion I: I kHaL bEE mE I: I kHaL bEE mE I: BaudriR: NrK1122000: I DisiIIusion I: Rollingirl419: BaudriR: Xmikeyx21: BaudriR: NrK1122000: I kHaL bEE mE I: I kHaL bEE mE I: I kHaL bEE mE I: I kHaL bEE mE I: BaudriR: I kHaL bEE mE I: Rollingirl419: BaudriR: Xmikeyx21: I kHaL bEE mE I: BaudriR: SNIFNYEYO: Rollingirl419: NrK1122000: SNIFNYEYO: BaudriR: Rollingirl419: SItE NuTtY: BaudriR: SNIFNYEYO: BaudriR: SNIFNYEYO: ViciousCher: ViciousCher: Princess04692: BaudriR: SItE NuTtY: <33 for yous. no longer differentiates between the contents, <333ben which are refracted shaay and ben fighting for aol <3333 hello ravers in the void. lol The medium alone any cuties want to trade pics? functions in an atmospheric effect i am lookin for a hacker and acts as spectacle and fascination. khris i really hate dieselboy but i like a lot of the tracks on here :X THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE, hi everyone lol McLuhan prophesied: I am lookin for a hacker a formula characteristic of the present phase, play watermelon wtf?! <|--- pláyin: [ed rush & optical - watermelon] <|--- søngs will nøw be cøntinuøus the "cool" phase Any one go raving this weekend not watermelon What's up evrybody <----went to an awesome party last night of the whole mass media culture, i did that of a freezing, whre did you go id3 <|--- ártist: [Ed Rush & Optical] <|--- søng: [Watermelon] <|--- album: [VRS 004 (Virus)] neutralisation of eery message <|--- yeár: [1999] Penetration in a vacuous ether. space in p.a. id3 That of a glaciation of meaning. let me see yourself gooo Thas cool, hear about Bang 4 you going to HEAD RUSH got canned Critical thought judges and chooses, Yeah, and its sucks 19/M/PIC it produces differences eden next week , is gonna be a phat party hey all what's up? Hi RoOm :) it is by selection that it presides over meaning. PRINCESS A/S/L? 93 BaudriR: Princess04692: Princess04692: BaudriR: Xmikeyx21: ViciousCher: BaudriR: SItE NuTtY: Rollingirl419: ViciousCher: BaudriR: MOonTeK36: Audio shortee: Xmikeyx21: BaudriR: Princess04692: SItE NuTtY: Princess04692: PeArLiEgIrLiE4: ViciousCher: BaudriR: Audio shortee: BaudriR: Dazzle667: Rollingirl419: Audio shortee: BaudriR: ViciousCher: NrK1122000: Ollivine: BaudriR: Dazzle667: ViciousCher: Ollivine: ViciousCher: BaudriR: Audio shortee: PeArLiEgIrLiE4: ViciousCher: BaudriR: ViciousCher: BaudriR: I DisiIIusion I: PeArLiEgIrLiE4: BaudriR: BaudriR: NrK1122000: Princess04692: BaudriR: ViciousCher: Audio shortee: BaudriR: BaudriR: PeArLiEgIrLiE4: LiSAxLuVsTrAnCe: BaudriR: Audio shortee: XKrushYoUx: PeArLiEgIrLiE4: The masses, 17/f/jerzee u on the other hand, 21/m/nj 19/f/jerzeee do not choose, 19/M/SAN DIEGO 20_F_IN_PIC :) where from in NJ ? they do not produce differences 20 F CT pic :achoo: south but a lack of differentiation EsSeX Co (noRtH JeRzEe) ROLLIN GIRL CAN I SEE A PIC? u okay back peps i'm in Union co - they retain a fascination for the mediumw anyone in NC? hich they prefer to the critical exigencies of the message. 18/f/fl Sure, hold on what part For fascination is not dependent on meaning, i have to go back to cleaning my room soon can isee a pic Hey DAZZLE667 what PART of FLORIDA you from??? it is proportional to te disaffection of meaning. MIami* my mom was pissed at me last night because in the middle of the night i decided to just walk awww I live near tampa to my friend, tim's house It is obtained by neutralising the message :sits on BaudriR: ummm licolnton and she woke up and my car was there but i was gone and i came back all high in favour of the medium, so... by neutralising the idea WEEEEEEE u? of favour of the idol, by neutralising the truth bye bye room RoOm i Am OuT :( ByE in favour of the simulacrum. bye every fucking day and every fuckin nite, i wana fuck you baby in every fuckin way It is at this level that the media function. Fascination is their law, wow who ya talking to? okieez im bored... and their specific violence, *listenin to Dj funk* oh good god no o 94 BaudriR: XKrushYoUx: BaudriR: Audio shortee: ViciousCher: BaudriR: I DisiIIusion I: Rfd1123: BaudriR: DJ FLASH: GurLiE106: Audio shortee: I DisiIIusion I: denying coummunication u didnt just sing that by meaning i did. so take that boredom and put it to good use and entertain everyone in the room lisa in favour of another mode of communication. some people need better tastes in music are chinese stars any good? Which one? ahhhh flussshing meadows.,.. sent Baud and SNIF suck my vaginal secretion anal vixen You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - pokemon forest” Galacteon: battle me for fun Calvinhobbes4083: la de da BaudriR: For us an untenable thesis Galacteon: funcobutt BaudriR: : Blue Ocean Myst: [ Create, fabricate, manifest, whatever. o.o;; ] Galacteon: battle me DHuang771: <http://animek.>Pokemon Kingdom: Games, Cheats, Codes, Battlers, Linkers, Roms!</a> Funcobutt: Go mewtwo Dbzsonic89: WONDERS WHAT HAPPENED O THE EGGY KBM1280: [ Okay...o.o] BaudriR: that it may be possible to communicate DHuang771: <http://animek.>Pokemon Kingdom: Games, Cheats, Codes, Battlers, Linkers, Roms!</a> Dbzsonic89: jolt ROCKER 707: ((im an eggy)) Galacteon: no no no type /join Dbzsonic89: oh Theginuforce: *|[]::his website sucks, hasn't updated it for a year::><[]| GapGurl031: /join Galacteon: -v^v^v^-| GapGurl031, you're player 2! Galacteon: -v^v^v^-| Galacteon, click "Setup" to set up the pokémon! Funcobutt: ::apears behind:: BaudriR: outside the medium Galacteon: see nevermind BaudriR: of meaning, DHuang771: <http://animek.>Pokemon Kingdom: Games, Cheats, Codes, Battlers, Linkers, Roms!</a> Lildmfl: where do i get the battle thing for 2 players Galacteon: -v^v^v^-| Galacteon, GapGurl031, it's time to set up the pokémon! Funcobutt: G2G Galacteon: -v^v^v^-| To select a pokémon, type "/" and the pokémon name Galacteon: -v^v^v^-| Example: /Pikachu Galacteon: -v^v^v^-| Galacteon, type in your first pokémon! Dbzsonic89: jolt CYT57: :: Happy lil pichu walks in, waving her little blanket around :: Dbzsonic89: jolt BaudriR: that the very intensity of communication KBM1280: [ Um...don't look at my AOL website! -.-;; ] MeBeVaporeon: hello TtTackler: TtTackler's Gym-News,badges,contests,awards,codes,TCG,toplists,and much much more!</A> BaudriR: may be proportional to the reabsorption of meaning Blue Ocean Myst: [ My favorite was Joltia's but, um, Joltia is gone. ;.; ] Galacteon: /raichu Galacteon: -v^v^v^-| Galacteon's first pokémon is Raichu (50 HP)! 95 BaudriR: Galacteon: Dbzsonic89: Galacteon: Galacteon: HoppingTIGGER1: Galacteon: Galacteon: BaudriR: Galacteon: BaudriR: HoppingTIGGER1: Pluto Trainer: Dbzsonic89: Galacteon: BaudriR: Galacteon: Galacteon: Galacteon: Galacteon: Galacteon: Dbzsonic89: Galacteon: Dbzsonic89: CYT57: KBM1280: BaudriR: DHuang771: BaudriR: Dbzsonic89: HoppingTIGGER1: Dbzsonic89: RGen Sasami: BaudriR: Blue Ocean Myst: ROCKER 707: BaudriR: Dbzsonic89: RGen Sasami: Sailor Girl7332: Pikachu110123: BaudriR: Galacteon: ROCKER 707: Blue Ocean Myst: Sailor Girl7332: RGen Sasami: Dbzsonic89: CYT57: RGen Sasami: ROCKER 707: BaudriR: Blue Ocean Myst: BaudriR: Dbzsonic89: BaudriR: ROCKER 707: RGen Sasami: ROCKER 707: and to its collapse. -v^v^v^-| Galacteon, type in your second pokémon! pads over to the eggy /raichu -v^v^v^-| Galacteon's second pokémon is Raichu (50 HP)! /join -v^v^v^-| Galacteon, type in your third pokémon! /raichu For it is not meaning -v^v^v^-| Galacteon, type in your fourth pokémon! or the increase of meaning /join [ o.o; ] looks at eggy hitting wall /raichu which gives tremendous pleaseure, -v^v^v^-| Galacteon's fourth pokémon is Raichu (50 HP)! -v^v^v^-| Galacteon, type in your fifth pokémon! /raichu -v^v^v^-| Galacteon's fifth pokémon is Raichu (50 HP)! -v^v^v^-| Galacteon, type in your last pokémon! jolt /raichu jolteon jolt :: goesh on a lil cwicking spree :: [::Bez changing back to her favorite Sasami s/n...::] but its neutralisaion <http://animek.>Pokemon Kingdom: Games, Cheats, Codes, Battlers, Linkers, Roms!</a> which fascinates is bored I Will Battle You Someone falls on ground bored [ Backaroony! u.u ] (cf. Witz, the operation of wit in L'Echange Symbolique et la Mort). [ Wb. ] ::shoots dbz in the ass:: And not by some death drive, eggys cant shoot [Arigatou!] I DONT KNOW WHY I M IN HERE CAUSE I THINK POKEMON IS THE DUMBEST THING press 58 if ur a 11 yr.old or im me now(and i really mean it which implies that life is still on the side of meaning, gapgurl set up your pokemon ::rolls out:: [ :: forgot her Japanese. ;.; :: ] SO SCREWU ALL [ I'm 11...o.o; ] 58 :: chews on her blanky :: [ n.n ] [ ;.; ] ::high class assasin wlax in:: but quite simply by defiance, [ I'm 13 in, um, 3 weeks. o.o ] by an allergy laughs to reference, ::shoots dbz in the ass:: [o.o; ] ::hit:: 96 BaudriR: BaudriR: Dbzsonic89: Hunksta17: Blue Ocean Myst: Dbzsonic89: BaudriR: Galacteon: ROCKER 707: RGen Sasami: Dbzsonic89: ROCKER 707: BaudriR: Vegetenks54: Dbzsonic89: BaudriR: Rinelis1: ROCKER 707: Vegetenks54: Rinelis1: Dbzsonic89: Hunksta17: BaudriR: ROCKER 707: SLipKnoTKoRn898: BaudriR: Dbzsonic89: Blue Ocean Myst: BaudriR: Dbzsonic89: Dbzsonic89: Rinelis1: Dbzsonic89: to the message, to the code moder sup yal [ Three. :: forgot the date. Oops. :: ] laughs and to every category of the linguistic enterprise, -v^v^v^-| Galacteon has stopped the game! i aint no moder bitch! [ o.x] yes u are no im not by a repudiation of all this in favor of imploding the sign in fascination pokemon sucks dbz rules go suck donkey balls (no longer any signifier or signified: ::marril walx out.eevee walx in:: whatever you gay ass moder pokemon sucks eevee!!! lesbeono poke suxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!!!!!!!! absorption of the poles of signification). fagtron POGAYMON SSSSSUUUUUUUXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! None of the guardians of meaning can understand this. i live in a nudist colony [ JaNeration! *huggle* ] : the whole maorality of meaning rises up against fascination. ~.~ i put i eevee!!!!!! falls over You have just entered room “Life - Jesus Sucks” ZOBEL13: Must be nice to live a fantasy life in a fantasy world BaudriR: The political sphere Rocky0713: Jesus is irrelevant to me Dead Underpants: they will have to shut down "he died for you" too then IAMnoONE666: IS JESUS GIVING HEAD AGAIN ? BaudriR: also only survives by a credibility hypotheseis Fanatik2001: Dead: I have had enough of you, say bye bye VNESSA2003: everyone is this room is fucking stupid and are all going to hell to burn w/ the fucking Dead Underpants: really, jmf? wow VNESSA2003: devil Rusi Patel: 14 f ny Dead Underpants: ok bye bye idiot BaudriR: , namely that the masses are premeable to action Fanatik2001: Jesus, Lord and Savior, please save me and kill Dead Underpants Rocky0713: 666 is holy BaudriR: and to discourse Fanatik2001: Watch it Dead, you have second to live Rusi Patel: what Rocky0713: 6+6+6=18 Dead Underpants: hahaha! look at that crap! LionDog96: Get one of your old closed out checks and write a $10,000 check for a christian fund. BaudriR: , that they hold an opinion, ZOBEL13: what a maroon 97 Rusi Patel: JMFHookem: BaudriR: Fanatik2001: MonkeyPaste: Dead Underpants: Rusi Patel: BaudriR: MonkeyPaste: Rusi Patel: Rocky0713: BaudriR: MonkeyPaste: BaudriR: Rusi Patel: BaudriR: Fanatik2001: MonkeyPaste: Fanatik2001: Rocky0713: MonkeyPaste: Rusi Patel: Fanatik2001: BaudriR: VikingWPWW: Rusi Patel: JMFHookem: BaudriR: Rocky0713: MonkeyPaste: Rusi Patel: Dead Underpants: BaudriR: JMFHookem: Fanatik2001: BaudriR: Bebo04238742596: BaudriR: Dead Underpants: BaudriR: Fanatik2001: Dead Underpants: BaudriR: Rocky0713: ZOBEL13: BaudriR: Dead Underpants: BaudriR: ZOBEL13: BaudriR: PrepsBlowGoats69: Dead Underpants: ZOBEL13: BaudriR: Rocky0713: MonkeyPaste: Fanatik2001: BaudriR: PrepsBlowGoats69: whats lol not a nice Christain thing to say Fan that they are present behind the surveys and statistics. lol = laughing out loud "I'm a fundie girl, in a fundie world.. life in dellusion, that is my illusion.. my god i fanatik = nice ditch stupid rock! It is at this price alone won't share.. insult me everywhere.." hey monk 18 is the numerical value of the hebrew letters ches & yood spelling chai or life that the political class can still believe Rusi hey that is speaks asl and that it is politically heard. Jesus said our faith can move mountains, so I have no problem asking him to kill people I profile profile profile dont like That is why 666 is holy because life is holy 19 ohhhhhh Notice Dead stopped talking, God killed him for me! Even though the political has long been the agent of nothing lolol toooooo old lol Fan...Dead is a woman but spectacle on the screen of private life. Jesus was a scuz bucket son of a whore rusi.. you must be a child then bye everyone no, i was busy engraving your tombstone fanatik Digested as a form of entertainment, and...I don't think your prayer has much to do with it Oh no! I thought you were a wonder it didn't work half-sports, jesus is cool and whoever dont like it then i hope you rot in hell half-games you have no power over any man or woman anyway (see the winning ticket in American elections, Dead: You take this too seriously i know from experience that prayer is a halfway ticket or election evenings on radio or TV); I pray in the name of Y-H-W-H that Christianity should cease to exist Dead, guess god thought you were a man too and couldn't find you like those old comedies of manners, see..fanatik is doing what i said they do..get pissed and turn it around at once both fascinating and ludicrous. Consider the SN, Dead For some time now, fine monkey...dont smoke some weed :::flapping my imaginary penis around:::: Should be changed to NutsoFruitcake the electoral game has been akin to TV game shows Fan Jesus is the son of a dead ho i don't care to make a hobby about talking about weed.. i'm not like 15 or anything Rocky: Mary, a ho? She was a virgin in the consciousness of the people. brb 98 JMFHookem: BaudriR: ZOBEL13: Dead Underpants: BaudriR: ZOBEL13: BaudriR: Dead Underpants: ZOBEL13: BaudriR: ZOBEL13: Dead Underpants: MonkeyPaste: ZOBEL13: MonkeyPaste: Fanatik2001: ZOBEL13: MonkeyPaste: ZOBEL13: VikingWPWW: <~~glad mine is not imaginary The latter, <<-- glad I don't have one :) or "I blow 4 dough" who have always served as alibi and as supernumerary on the political stage, heh.... yeah, Dead avenge themselves by treating as a theatrical performance what a sap Or a few others I can think of; but I don't say those things on here the political scene and its actors. Wonder where good old Suz is today don't know i'd like to get my monkey nails into her right about now talk about MPD eh? Baudri: Are you talking at us, or talking to someone in particular? multiple personality disorder me? Monkey.... no...... Suz, you silly OR is this a dialog between the voices in your head, Baud? You have just entered room “Town Square - COPS WITH ATTITUDES” AnOkayCop: ya mean amunition stupid? Speed Tweeker: ran out of room VenusKitten9: Guinnes and money same label has seriel nos. : ) StarAnise: <<--saunters over to the evil side of the chatroom BaudriR: The peple have become a public. TRIPPIE6: freakin pigs! AnOkayCop: oink AnOkayCop: oink BaudriR: It is the football match or film or cartoon AnOkayCop: Venus is the fat pig Dawgbreath: Tripper.......why dont you lock in your cell Speed Tweeker: yes you are a pig BaudriR: which serve as models for their perception of the political sphere. Cotton1325: oink VenusKitten9: St James Gate 1759 AnOkayCop: oink Cotton1325: <~ the other white meat Kasoccer15: oookay riight you ppl are werd BaudriR: The people even enjoy day to day, Hazel069: 27 fem here...hello roomies AnOkayCop: werd? Cotton1325: hmm BaudriR: like a home movie, VenusKitten9: Victorias secret AnOkayCop: Is that like werd up? TOADMAN5O6: we are NOT weird, we're unique Speed Tweeker: yes you are VenusKitten9: and President Grant AnOkayCop: heya HAze send pic please BaudriR: the fluctuations of their own opinions Lisa24JG: Gotta go for a bit.......terry behave,,,,,,,, Cotton1325: hazel...send pic to ano and cotton BaudriR: in the daily opinion polls. Cotton1325: if cute AnOkayCop: And I am proud of that you proud to be an idiot Speed? StarAnise: lol anok what do you do with all those pics you collect 99 BaudriR: AnOkayCop: Wally389: StarAnise: Hazel069: AnOkayCop: Cotton1325: Cotton1325: Speed Tweeker: Cotton1325: AnOkayCop: BaudriR: VenusKitten9: AnOkayCop: BaudriR: StarAnise: BaudriR: AnOkayCop: VenusKitten9: Cotton1325: BaudriR: Cotton1325: Speed Tweeker: AnOkayCop: BaudriR: StarAnise: VenusKitten9: AnOkayCop: BaudriR: VenusKitten9: AnOkayCop: AnOkayCop: StarAnise: Cotton1325: VenusKitten9: BaudriR: Cotton1325: Cotton1325: Cotton1325: W1ld133194: W1ld133194: AnOkayCop: Speed Tweeker: VenusKitten9: BaudriR: Speed Tweeker: TOADMAN5O6: Dawgbreath: BaudriR: Lawyerth: BaudriR: SUNFIRE18F: VenusKitten9: BaudriR: AnOkayCop: BaudriR: AnOkayCop: StarAnise: BaudriR: Nothing in all this engages any responsibility. Save them we have like 3 hundred <------Donut toter wow im not cute im hot We save them by screen name well uhh send are you prouid to be stupid send PLeas send pic to prove that Haze At no time are the masses politically or historically engaged first fort in United States Fort James The Bronx prouid? in a conscious manner. do you ever get the same pic from different "i am so hot and gorgeous and 18" girls? They have only ever done so out of perversity, Yeppers LOL Have busted many fakes that way TRIAD BRONX MANHATTAN AND QUEENS wild in complete irresponsibility. PATRICIA so you busted yourself?? Or they forget they sent one pic,, and send another of a different person another time Nor is this a flight from politics, really? u know probably all five boroughs Brooklyn and Staten Isle Why would I bust myself idiot? but rather te effect of an implacable antagonism protecting Guinness yep Star it's hilarious thats pretty funny anok lol read ur im patty :)~ between the class (caste?) dsad sad sad i did i know What's surprising is how many do it .cause there's a law against being so,stupid and Heavens St James Gate which bears the social, the political, culture so bust yourself hmmm...venus dear??? did we forget our lithium today????? Hey Speedy fricken Gonzolas........Lock in your cell - master of time and history, hi sun and the un(in)formed, hi room definately want a guinness today residual, SPeed why do you always respond when I say idiot? senseless mass. Truth sucks huh? well maybe its because so much emphisis is put on the pic before chat anok The former continually seeks 100 Cotton1325: BaudriR: AnOkayCop: BaudriR: TOADMAN5O6: Cotton1325: W1ld133194: Cotton1325: TOADMAN5O6: Cotton1325: BaudriR: W1ld133194: W1ld133194: AnOkayCop: BaudriR: TOADMAN5O6: BaudriR: W1ld133194: AnOkayCop: BaudriR: StarAnise: TOADMAN5O6: BaudriR: Razzamattazz: patty to perfect the reign of meaning, I know I am a shallow Visual man It's a genetic fault to invest, Hey Smitty isnt shallow, jsut on the surface you know who i was referring to YES k ::Goosin patty:: <gag> to saturate the field of the social, OOOOOOOO HEY RAZZZZZZZZZZZZ Razzazzazazazazazazazazazazazazazaz the other continually distorts every effect of meaning, Ann, she's probably trying to get some sleep neutralises or diminishes them. RAZZ CMERE AND DO MY LAUNDRY VEry true Venus but what person want s an ugly gal with a great personality In this confrontation, venus can you use punctuation please, its hard to read what you are saying north atlantic Venus the winner is not at all the one you might think. what was Dagnabitals problem? You have just entered room “Special Interests - Southern Submissives” BaudriR: This can be seen Joeyank111: anyone north of atlanta Sasy Because: AKN ... when ya get a profle then ya can come into my loft BaudriR: in the shift Sasy Because: till then think Bobbit BaudriR: in value AKN528: sasy, nice life Sasy Because: Yes I do ... thank you BaudriR: from history AKN528: yeah, no problem BaudriR: to the humdrum, You have just entered room “Special Interests - wearing hers” KELLYPARTY: WHATS UP KELLYPARTY: HELLO MRB6990: HELLO You have just entered room “Special Interests - Alices Lonely in Bed” You have just entered room “Special Interests - Walked in on” MeMSnI: damn, i dont think anybody would even notice walking in on this crowd.... You have just entered room “Special Interests - Fantasy Roleplay” BaudriR: This can be seen\ SirMarcOnu: he was sort of blowing his own horn BaudriR: in the shift SwtNSnfuI: Joop... we are looking for a man to fill a fantasy for Hannah & I BaudriR: in value 101 ExcelentAttitude: BaudriR: HerOwnLadyNow: ExcelentAttitude: SIMX2U: BaudriR: Hannah7158: BaudriR: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: Kellie57135: ExcelentAttitude: HerOwnLadyNow: BaudriR: ExcelentAttitude: BaudriR: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: SIMX2U: BaudriR: ExcelentAttitude: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: Hannah7158: SwtNSnfuI: HerOwnLadyNow: BaudriR: SwtNSnfuI: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: ExcelentAttitude: BaudriR: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: BaudriR: Hannah7158: BaudriR: ExcelentAttitude: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: ExcelentAttitude: BaudriR: ACDCIALWTTTIYWTR: ExcelentAttitude: BaudriR: ExcelentAttitude: BaudriR: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: HerOwnLadyNow: BaudriR: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: HerOwnLadyNow: Hannah7158: :::raising my eyebrows::::: from history to the humdrum, what fantasy Swt? I guess it depends on the fantasy..:-) sweet what sort of man r u lookinf for from the public sphere giggling,, to hear swt say it to the private sphere. ::laughing:: well it involves two men Up till the 60's, 2 men are the best LOLOLOLOL yes?? go on Swt history leads on the downbeat: Can you imagine? the private, NO the ordinary is only the dark side (embarrassed turning red)oh well i can't help you there of the political sphere. Of would be great for you two..:-) could get partner with At best back wb Hannah******* wb Hannah***** a dialectic Joop... it would be catastrophic oh no long dong left plays between the two One hell of an earthquake..:-) and it is to be hoped There goes California for sure that one day hey the ordinary, i will finally have beachfront property like the individual, wait,,, we need to do this on my coast will shine over history, Hannah..For you i would do almost anything.. Hannah... even online you would feel it over there i assure you in the universal. For Swt..i would do almost anything But in the meantime, 30 year old male seeks fems who loves to roleplay and is good at it. I/M me if interested This thing. the withdrawal I would never do. of the masses ::laughing:: into their domestic sphere do what????? , i don't think she will make you swollow their refuge will someone fill me in please? ::sighs,,,, 102 BaudriR: BaudriR: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: HerOwnLadyNow: SwtNSnfuI: Hannah7158: BaudriR: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: Hannah7158: BaudriR: HerOwnLadyNow: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: HerOwnLadyNow: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: Hannah7158: BaudriR: LADY K3120: BaudriR: ExcelentAttitude: SwtNSnfuI: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: Hannah7158: SirMarcOnu: ExcelentAttitude: VEDACHUP: BaudriR: LADY K3120: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: SirMarcOnu: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: BaudriR: ExcelentAttitude: SwtNSnfuI: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: Hannah7158: BaudriR: SwtNSnfuI: BaudriR: SirMarcOnu: ExcelentAttitude: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: Hannah7158: BaudriR: Hannah7158: BaudriR: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: Hannah7158: from history, politics and the universal, LadyN... we want two Bi men and their absorption into an umm hmmmm.... and? or two that will "play along" anyway actually they dont have to be bi to start with idiotic humdrum existence of consumption yes... Hannah wants them to fight it at first is only to be lamented smiling,, they just need to humor swt and i (happily they work, AHHHHHHhhhh ::smiles:: which preserves for them an "objective" historical status, don't you think seeing them.....pleasuring each other...may end up having a negitive effect while awaiting a change in consciousness). nooo way Marc Why is that Marc? Today, my intent would not be for them to consider it pleasure,,, there is a reversal of the downbeat Afternoon all and the upbeat: thing you havent considered. Hello LadyK What is that Joop? one begins to forsee that ordinary life, but,, the ways and means to what they wish for because women traditional like stronger men...seeing them....blowing each other i would I may be considerably better than you good after noon men in their banality A rose for you SwtNSnfuI@}~~>~~~>~~>~~ ::laughing hard:: , think may cauyse them toi lose their masculinity I would risk it Joop ::grins:: could well not be the insignificant side of history Swt....Have you ever met a man better at pleasing a woman than another woman? although... excuse my last statement...bouncing between ims and i made a mess of it - better: marc,,, i would think that masculinity would come back in a hurry that withdrawing I have Joop... that a woman can always please a woman better than a man is a fallacy into the private with cum dripping from his mouth? Damn! ::laughs:: could well be marc,,, do two women having sex interest you? a direct defiance does that take her feminity away to be coated and soaked of the political well from is nice.... , a form of actively resisting smiling,,, dont be so sexist then 103 BaudriR: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: Hannah7158: HerOwnLadyNow: BaudriR: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: HerOwnLadyNow: BaudriR: Hannah7158: BaudriR: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: BaudriR: Hannah7158: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: LADY K3120: BaudriR: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: Hannah7158: BaudriR: HerOwnLadyNow: SirMarcOnu: BaudriR: HerOwnLadyNow: BaudriR: BaudriR: SirMarcOnu: political but then again women are playtoys ::smiles:: manipulation. oh? really Marc? The roles are reversed: of course for the boys it is the banality of life, ::looks at Swt and Hannh:: play toys? everyday life, playtoys,,, i like that ,, that works everything the rib so to speak...given to use as we see fit formerly if you are biblical branded as petit-bourgeois, to serve and please as you wish of course abject A rose for you HerOwnLadyNow@}~~>~~~>~~>~~ and apolitical now before you all kill me...i am joking .... (including sex) i wouldnt kill you over that which becomes the downbeat, Thank you LadyK well i keep my own tastes to myself...but i do enjoy pulling strings in here with history and the political unfolding their abstract eventuality none pulled here lol elsewhere . i thought i say a vessel swell Lady You have just entered room “UK - OLDER LADY SHOTS” Mechmanalpha1: Are we all into the same thing Barcoman: List me BaudriR: A staggering hypothesis. DVILLA15: I think so BaudriR: The depoliticised masses BaudriR: would not be this side of the political Poached22: list me Lodgelady1: list me BaudriR: , but beyond it You have just entered room “UK - female wants cyber” State Farm Hero: *goodbye* BaudriR: The private BaudriR: , State Farm Hero: *errorsymbolmessagealert* BaudriR: the unnamable, BaudriR: the ordinary, Cheekycharlie009: hi room BaudriR: the insignificant, InfinityStar2000: sexy male here Condy2001: list me InfinityStar2000: what does that mean? 104 BaudriR: Daviddss001: Fansal: Daviddss001: InfinityStar2000: petty wiles, hello hi...are u all male here? male here any ladies with pic here? You have just entered room “Friends - pickafight” BaudriR: petty perversions etc., URBANdecay3: im beleiving u QTPIE1604: GOOD MLWKSBST: yoyoyoyoyoy your gay!!!!! URBANdecay3: SO, dont lie BaudriR: would not be this side of representation, JuStInZbaBy306: YO YO YO YO UR MOTHER, I DUNNO WHO U THINK U R TALKING 2 ME LIKE THAT BaudriR: but beyond it. AcPimp99: who ever kicked me off is a bitch BaudriR: In their GOIKU777: hi Smokintokn420: wuzzup AmandaS1230: HEY JUSTIN GET OFF N'SYNC'S DICK BaudriR: "naive" MLWKSBST: fuck u ill talk to u how i want Sundrop686: ac- they been kickin me off too BaudriR: practice MLWKSBST: look at the room name URBANdecay3: SHEIDA, TELL OJAN, i want to fuk him Pepsie823: followed my advice and went to go find a bigger box MLWKSBST: PICKAFIGHT u can read right?? BaudriR: (and without having waited for analysis of the "end of the political") BUTTARICAN15: HI ALL BaudriR: , the masses would sentence the plitical AmandaS1230: get off justin timberlake's dick BaudriR: to annihilation, Sundrop686: what dick? GOIKU777: hay all of you piss off MLWKSBST: who is justin timberlake??? BaudriR: they would be spontaneously transpolitical ASHLEY010287: me GOIKU777: make me URBANdecay3: S JuStInZbaBy306: I WILL BE ON HIS DICK AS LONG AS I WANT BABE, AND U WONT DO NOTHING ABOUT IT, AND ATLEAST I URBANdecay3: H BaudriR: like they are translinguistic URBANdecay3: E URBANdecay3: I AcPimp99: dont say hi to people this is supposed to be a motherfuckin fight roon URBANdecay3: D URBANdecay3: A JuStInZbaBy306: GOTTA DICK 2 BE ON SWEETI BaudriR: in their language. Poppy ny16694245: hey butt You have just entered room “UK - TransAtlantic” TiaAnne10775827: Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PC Crashed and burned SUNKlST: {{{{{{{{{ Shad }}}}}}}}}} CuteShad: {{{{{{{{{{{ Laff }}}}}}}}}}} 105 BaudriR: CuteShad: CuteShad: Destinixx: BaudriR: Oox 123: BaudriR: TiaAnne10775827: Xx Bronwyn xX: CuteShad: TIlaka: BaudriR: PR1714: BaudriR: Clark 9t9: EJarvisEric22: BaudriR: PR1714: BaudriR: Destinixx: BaudriR: Laffingeys: Laffingeys: SUNKlST: Xx Bronwyn xX: BaudriR: PR1714: Destinixx: Cunning Lingus: BabyHoneyDews: PR1714: TiaAnne10775827: BaudriR: Destinixx: Scottishlass32: PR1714: Laffingeys: Clark 9t9: SUNKlST: BabyHoneyDews: BaudriR: PR1714: BabyHoneyDews: BaudriR: BaudriR: PR1714: PR1714: BaudriR: Clark 9t9: Clark 9t9: Clark 9t9: SUNKlST: BaudriR: BabyHoneyDews: Angel sugarlips: DDigs25: CuteShad: But take care! {{{{{{{{{{{ SUN }}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{{{{ Tia }}}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ shad }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Out of this private and asocial universe, hosty hosty let me in !!! which does not enter ((((((((((((((((((((((SHAD)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0 {{{{{The real Shad}}}} {{{{{{{{{{{{{ Dest }}}}}}}}}}} r u a female or a male into a dialectic of represenation who? me??? definitely a male and of transcendence a/s/l roo male towards the universal, oh him!! not sure about him out of this brb can you cope without me involutive sphere {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ baby sis }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} lol Dest wb Stuuuuuuuuuu brb which is opposed wll my friends time to bid a fond adieu {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ baby }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Baby xoxox .... < everything at once> {{{{{{{{{{{{{[Dessy}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} {{{{{Sun}}}} xxxx ((((((((((((((((((((((STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU))))))))))))))))))))))) to all revolution awwwwwwwwww {{{{{{{{{{{[ larry }}}}}}}}}}}} (((((((((((larry))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) {{{Jade}}}}} xxxx {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Larry }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} a/s/l room {{{{{{{{{{{{{ Larry }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Colin}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} woohoo from the top aww dest xxxxxxxx {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{[Tia}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} and refuses to play the game , {{{Tia}}}}}} xxxx miss anyone??? {{{{Room}}}}}}}} xxxxx some would like to make a new source of revolutionary energy whats with the {{{{{{{{{{{{{] }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} they are hugs, Clark (in particular in it sexual and desire version) {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Cute}}}}}}}}}}}}] ANY GUYS AGE 15-18 PRESS 123 i need another colour, hold on {{{{{{{{{{ Baby }}}}}}}}}} 106 You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Crystal Tokyo Ball” Cicada k i n: Mhm. BaudriR: They would like to give it meaning SailorJtr: the negaverse will never win BaudriR: and to reinstate it Cicada k i n: ._. Why not now? BaudriR: in its very banality SailorJtr: cause they r stupid Sukaareto: Because I dont feel like it. ;.; BaudriR: , as historical negativity. Sukaareto: And my characters dont match with yours like.. o_o BaudriR: Exaltation Cicada k i n: ::I understnad::: Sukaareto: Because they are like :( anime. Cicada k i n: So? ;.; BaudriR: of micro-desires, PrincessMariaLuv: back Sukaareto: like.. FF7. BaudriR: small differences, Sukaareto: skarlt walx in lik i em betr den u BaudriR: unconscious practices, Crucifiied Flesh: this sucks Sukaareto: I was going to rp TIFA last night. BaudriR: anonymous marginalities. Sukaareto: da 1 w/ da chezt. Cicada k i n: o.o VortexKnightPOI: ((got booted stupid AOHell)) BaudriR: Final somersault SailorJtr: so how did u save sailor moon from the negamoon slay? VortexKnightPOI: ::runs back in:: BaudriR: of the intellectuals SailorJtr: stupid negaverse Crucifiied Flesh: gayohell e.e PrincessMariaLuv: ::Stands up:: BaudriR: to exalt insignificance BaudriR: , PrincessMariaLuv: ::Walks twords the door:: Mystik Bejita: -=Walks in, slowly though.=BaudriR: to promote non-sense Mystik Bejita: Erm.......... Kytiiz 04: SKLDFKJSLKJ. Sukaareto: wb. Kytiiz 04: Ty. BaudriR: into the order of sense. Kytiiz 04: ::got rid of herself.:: :/! Sukaareto: TEEEEEPPHAAA. BaudriR: And to transfer VortexKnightPOI: ::shes just lucky shes a lady and he does not hit ladies:: BaudriR: it back to political reason. Kytiiz 04: :B VortexKnightPOI: the negaverse is not stupid Kytiiz 04: ::seeing if they fall for it.:: :B HotaruMessiah: Konnichiwa, minna-san SailorJtr: didn't they all die in the end XVv Slay vVX: ::walks back in after being booted:: SailorJtr: *stupid VortexKnightPOI: no they aint! BaudriR: Banality, Crucifiied Flesh: aren't* 107 XVv Slay vVX: BaudriR: HotaruMessiah: VortexKnightPOI: Kytiiz 04: BaudriR: XxXMeGaMan64XxX: XVv Slay vVX: BaudriR: XxXMeGaMan64XxX: Kytiiz 04: A824vickie: XVv Slay vVX: HotaruMessiah: XVv Slay vVX: VortexKnightPOI: Crucifiied Flesh: Mystik Bejita: BaudriR: Mystik Bejita: TraceCandor: ::charges at vortex:: inertia, ::tilts head curiously to one side:: ((you & me both slay)) :o apoliticism ::walks in:: ::grabs a spear from the wall:: used to be fascist; hello every 1 :o ::Ami walks in:: ((dang aohell)) Konnichiwa, MegaMan ::sticks it in the griund:: ((very much so)) Off my color clit >/ Wasabi!!!!! they are in the process of becoming revolutionary Bow down ((oki, i've been asking around a lot now, but i gotta, just one last time.)) You have just entered room “Life - Ask a Witch” SoarsAlone: Yup...its real enough for AOL anyway :) PRinSactwn: i really wanna there?or ru lofting BaudriR: - without changing meaning BaudriR: . BaudriR: , SpeedyDA: . SpeedyDA: , JigglyPuff101085: at first my name was Astroathena but I had a virus on my computer so i changed my screenname Blackhawk219: it's a form of witchcraft, but i don't know the particulars BaudriR: without ceasing to have meaning. SoarsAlone: Oh Baud..enough already Shafana78: </a><b>< a><Font Color=#330000>Click Here for free pics PRinSactwn: ohhhh ok Blackhawk219: look it up on the net BaudriR: Micro-revolution of banality, Samhainsweetie: <snicker> SpeedyDA: N WARNING N JigglyPuff101085: my niece was watching Pokemon and so i picked that name SoarsAlone: Ok..if Baud ever says anything meaningful, let me know.. PRinSactwn: cant witches read people and tell thier futures like psychics?whats the diff? PixxieStixxxx: POKEMON ARE SO CUTE BaudriR: transpolitics of desire JigglyPuff101085: everygood name was already taken Samhainsweetie: sure, it was your neice watching it BaudriR: - one more trick Blackhawk219: jigg, i'm sure most of us will be happy to answer your questions Nefarious nixie: jiggly, you don't have to defend your name choice BaudriR: of the "liberationists". PixxieStixxxx: PR NOT ALL WITCHES ARE PSYCHIC AND NOT ALL PSYCHICS ARE WITCHES JigglyPuff101085: no i am SERIOUS BaudriR: The denial of meaning has no meaning. SpeedyDA: pixxxxxie no caps =( PRinSactwn: oh ok pixxie Deathknowsme: like read palms... read tea leaves BaudriR: From Resistance to Hyperconformity 108 PixxieStixxxx: Samhainsweetie: Samhainsweetie: PRinSactwn: BaudriR: SpeedyDA: SoarsAlone: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: IIDRuiDll: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: PRinSactwn: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: IIDRuiDll: PixxieStixxxx: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: SpeedyDA: SoarsAlone: SpeedyDA: IIDRuiDll: SpeedyDA: SpeedyDA: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: IIDRuiDll: Nefarious nixie: IIDRuiDll: BaudriR: PRinSactwn: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: PixxieStixxxx: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: PixxieStixxxx: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: SpeedyDA: BaudriR: Nefarious nixie: BaudriR: Nefarious nixie: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Nefarious nixie: BaudriR: OHHH OK SPEEDY BUT ONLY FOR U but, i dont like it enough to name myself after kids on the other they would im just curious about em both The emergence of silent majorities =) So Prin..go and study up on real witchcraft..then you will understand the difference must be located within the entire cycle of historical resistance to the social. but you know, thats how kids are :::sigh:::: back..... what r u talking about baud..? Resistance to work of course,\ thanks pixxie and Black for answering me............ shame o nyou .. denying help to others but also resistance to medicine, dont forget to catch em all.. lol JiglyPuff.... cute sn yup PR and ..i resistance to schooling, ok..your weird resistance to that why..? resistance to information. hiiiiihii hmmmm....Baud must be rambling..or Death is talking to hisself don;t mined me ell0 Speedy tee he ehe ELLOOO! resistance to finding out the truth.. Official history only records the uninterrupted progress of the social, ;o) mp and bb Prin night PR relegating to the obscurity nite all the truth...i have a guy friend at work who is concerned with learning the truth reserved for former cultures, rant and rave ..the govt likes people like you.. helps to bury the truth as barbarous relics, he says he would abandon xtianity if it wasnt the true religion...and so he quests for truth Baud i have not slept and i so not able to decipher what you are talking about very intellegent conversationalist... everything not coinciding see im losing my abilty to type too =) with this glorious advent. MP baud you guys been up all night in here? ohhh poor thign (((hugs))) In fact, but isn't the very essence of conversation; communication, and if you can't understand contrary to what one might believe, someone, have they communicated? thing well, yes, but some are extremely good at it nef (that the social has definitely won, at the art of confusion? :) that its movement is irreversible, 109 Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Lppstex: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: PixxieStixxxx: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Nefarious nixie: Deathknowsme: PixxieStixxxx: Nefarious nixie: Deathknowsme: Nefarious nixie: BaudriR: MysticRainne: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: PixxieStixxxx: Deathknowsme: Nefarious nixie: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: PixxieStixxxx: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Twatts29: BaudriR: Nefarious nixie: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: Nefarious nixie: BaudriR: BaudriR: PixxieStixxxx: PixxieStixxxx: BaudriR: Nefarious nixie: Deathknowsme: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Weasietoo: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: do you believe in aliens ..? that consensus any witches in here? i like ppl who say things to make you think..<g> baud death do U? upon the social is total) are you available nah, he doesnt confuse, but puts a bit of psychology into it LOL , thats true, so do i, maybe it's because in here it is so disjointed any you have to keep ..somenights ::looks around room:: no Lp scrollin i believe in ghosts.. scrolling* resistance to the social in all its forms Baud ur deep yeah, its hard to come across the way you would like on the puter has progressed even more rapidly than the social. its so easy to offend someone , when that was the farthest thing from your mind Death really aliens ..i would have to actually touch one.. and get proof yes, and sometimes people misjudge what you say yes in here, its bad. It has merely taken other forms i feel things but i have never actually seen one than the primitive what r u talking about baud.. <">Click Here! #1 Adult Site by Playboy! *ygp* and damn, that sux it is 5 am by porn <g> violent ones gotta love it do i want pictures of twatts 29, hhhmmm let me see which were subsequently absorbed (the social is alive ::sends Nef all her porn:: enjoy and well, :-) plus you have to pay..unlees you have a password cracker.. like me... but those places are boring yeah , i dont think i need to absorb myself looking at photos of nudity... thank you, i prefere the real thing i get enough of the real thing only idiots run away from writing feels better tha nthe flat screen i never get the chance to WANT it and vaccination i know, i know, more info than needed and the benefits of security). ask a witch what? Those frontal resistances lucky. a sexual camel 110 Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Dispholidust: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Viscount01: Deathknowsme: Weasietoo: Nefarious nixie: Corrupted23: MysticRainne: Samhainsweetie: Corrupted23: BaudriR: Corrupted23: Dispholidust: PixxieStixxxx: Corrupted23: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: PixxieStixxxx: BaudriR: Nefarious nixie: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: PixxieStixxxx: Weasietoo: BaudriR: Viscount01: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Dispholidust: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Dispholidust: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Viscount01: Nefarious nixie: Viscount01: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Dispholidust: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: Dispholidust: BaudriR: i could go forever ....without it say no.. still corresponded to an equally frontal and sexual..deprived violent need.. loving period Oooooga booooga all LOL nef...i was gonna settle on cosmicfoofoo, but now sexual camel has a nice ring of socialisation, hello all you happy people to help me.. selfish i like it violence ((((((hugs death)))))) im soryy death violence and came bleed Death, havn't you been in here before? Death all i can say is self help violence i wont bring up the abundance in my household again from traditional groups =) seeking ask your question Viscount to preserve their own ohh please go ahead culture, Corr are you ok? gak! going lounge hoppin bye their original cultures. is there really some power behind ceartian elements like hematite for instance.. It was not the mass in them ive said too much already LOL which resisted, Vis, well most people who believe that stones, minerials ect have good question viscount but, "powers" some minerals.. have fire making abilites.. on the contrary, lie flint.. like titanium dust? it was a good question, refreshing change big fire with titanium i dont have a definate answer on it tho... differentiated structures, And corn dust titanium..dust is like flares.. in opposition thats all i would say that you can direct your energy into the hematite to the homogeneous hang on , brb And lycopodium powder- that's a fave of mine and abstract 111 Viscount01: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Nefarious nixie: BaudriR: Dispholidust: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: Viscount01: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: MysticRainne: Samhainsweetie: Viscount01: Nefarious nixie: Dispholidust: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Viscount01: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Nefarious nixie: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Viscount01: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Dispholidust: BaudriR: Nefarious nixie: Samhainsweetie: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: Viscount01: BaudriR: BaudriR: Dispholidust: Nefarious nixie: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Viscount01: Viscount01: Viscount01: Viscount01: Deathknowsme: interesting you want to be a wolf? model of the social. once you light, goes back to being dead ore who wants to be a wolf? This type of resistance can still be discovered Uh not me in the ohh baud.. we gave up on no, i was off, i was thinking of mistake yep and titanium is 5 times the value of gold, approxamatly "two-step flow of communication" LOL which MP Room Baud continue on as im sure u i missed that second one , it was a looloo 10th most abundant element on earth look at the time Sam, in my lycopodium ref? American sociology has analysed i have a nice big chunk..under my bed.. just hard to find mass quantitys nice and silvery : mp mystic goto the sheet metal..places..make friends.. yeah, i read it as i was walking away to get my BOS and typed in real quick there you go my fault for not paying closer attention <g> the mass does not at all constitute a passive receiving structure for media messages machine shops , i have another question. whether they be political, hard as hell to cut though cultural Go for it Vis or advertising. and always in the background there is Baud :-) hematite is used to strengthen the blood and improve circulation wow, im late on this huh? i had to use a hack saw.. with water .. to cut it.. do some witches believe that there is a spirtiual world co existing with this one? Microgroups and individuals, Vis, what do you mean by that? summer world? i believe in multi layered universes far from taking their cue from a uniform and imposed decoding like an astral plane vis? baud this econ..101 , decode messages in their own way. i already passed .that.. well that the physical world co-exist, not like they are seperate like heven or hell, that it is here that we stay when we die go on to the cover up at roswell 112 Dispholidust: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: PixxieStixxxx: BaudriR: Dispholidust: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Nefarious nixie: BaudriR: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Sanjuro641: BaudriR: Nefarious nixie: Dispholidust: Sanjuro641: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Viscount01: Viscount01: Viscount01: Viscount01: Viscount01: Viscount01: BaudriR: Dusty4400: BaudriR: Sanjuro641: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Dispholidust: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Sanjuro641: Sanjuro641: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Viscount01: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Nefarious nixie: Sanjuro641: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: Dispholidust: BaudriR: lol Death, has Baud been doing this all night? They intercept them yes like there are others on this earth in a different time span, we pass eachother everyday, just keeps writing (through leaders) but never see one another? doesnt ..answer .. and transpose them what is he talking about? (second level), Vis, I belive in an afterworld that is beyond this one im trying to get there... contrasting the dominant code i think a part of us stays here, ie. fertilizer :-) with their own particular sub-codes, finally recycling everything you might try and use a multi.phase.. detector me death? they have them at radio shack yes passing into their own cycle, A bit bare in here tonight, isn't it? exactly like primitive natives bare? Just a little, San Thanatos=Santos recycle western money no not really.. last night there was 5 people ya know i heard how they got the name magic, there was this guy who came up with this "weird stuff" and it was called werdic, but after some one reacted violently it was proptly renamed magic <G> in their symbolic circulation < a href="aol://1223:26260/">CLICK HERE NOW!!!*a>* (the Siane of New Guinea) I wish I were a viscount. or like the Corsicans why would i need a multi phrase detector? recycle universal suffrage I'd want to be a viscountess..... but only if I get a castle and lots of loot and elections multi phase ..detector.. Wasn't Napoleon a corsican? Or was he from Sardinia? multi in their clan rivalry strategies. ya, its a tough job being a viscount thats funny This ruse is universal: trek.. sorry well, gonna go work in the garden and pick blueberries before it gets hot, mp and bb Do Sardines come from Sardinia? it is a way of redirecting, MP nef Bye Nef of absorbing, 113 Deathknowsme: Sanjuro641: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Sanjuro641: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: Viscount01: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Viscount01: Deathknowsme: Dispholidust: BaudriR: Viscount01: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Viscount01: Sanjuro641: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: Dispholidust: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Sanjuro641: Dispholidust: BaudriR: BaudriR: Sanjuro641: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: Sanjuro641: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: PixxieStixxxx: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: PixxieStixxxx: PixxieStixxxx: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: some one needs to make something like that though And does Coruscant have anything to do with Corsica? i was thinking i was typing too much at once....but now it get it kool of victoriously salvaging the material diffused by the dominant culture. i have been up toooo long It is this What time there, Samhain? which sleep deprivation is bad i have to get to bed. dream land is calling umm, its 6:23am also governs there is a way to detect..wavs..though. but you have to have a signal generator "magic" its 3:23 pst in .ft.worth Bye bye Vis usage of the doctor and medicine OR here texas among the bye people Seattle here. "underdeveloped" oregon..? across from the mule, in muleshoe texas... Chicago here masses. viscount Commonly reduced I live in the hood, and I like the malt liquor. I'm out- bye bye folks to an antiquated and irrational mentality I mean I LIKES the malt liquor... , we should read in this, do you have a pair of diamond J ostrich belly ropers death? Goodnight, kids. hey everyone lets move t oa another room and lets see if .."baud notices.." night san, sleep well on the contrary, LOL an offensive practice, funny Death ..nope.. i hate love the country.. scenery though death is funny i try a rediversion by excess, he will never notice a sense of humor is a wonderful thing to share problem an unanalysed by conscious rejection i was just checking....i used to live in new mexico, and the local commercials just killed m me when i want to talk to a nice woman.. they were so funny adsfhsjxhkyiu...comes out 114 BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: PixxieStixxxx: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Deathknowsme: Spnkmnky20: PixxieStixxxx: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Blackhawk219: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: PixxieStixxxx: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: PixxieStixxxx: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: PixxieStixxxx: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: Samhainsweetie: BaudriR: DooVegeta316: BaudriR: an unanalysed but conscious rejection i make no sense.. too bad death so i dont talk "without knowing it" ohh well dont get nervous... no need of the profound Death geesh just be you die..lonely..die rich.. devastation i try wreaked wait, youre rich? no luck by rational medicine. whoops//wrong word no comment mm all isnt everyone on AOL rich plus arent you married But this is still of the feat of groups yes, but i do have single friends :) traditionally structured ugh pixxie ... lets not go there by identity friends..or FREINDS and significance. Black okies Quite different i met this one girl from utah.. she was nice is the refusal .ohh la la.. very nice.. Friends, like ppl i have known all my life...not mere aqauintances of socialisation which comes met her as in on the puter? but my mom.. wanted me to marry her.. so i did the next best thing.. from the mass; i sent her home.. i spelled that all wrong...where is the dictionary when i need it? from an innumerable, oh, all about not pleasing mom, aye... unnamable yep.. and anonymous group, she wants grand children.. but i a monly 30.. geese i say, dont have kids....but thats me whose strength comes from its very destructuration Sam i agree and inertia. i wish sometimes i would have never done it...if i thought about it longer at the time.. Thus, hind sight is 20/20... in the case of the media, </a><b>< a><Font Color=#330000>Click Here for free pics traditional resistance 115 Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: Deathknowsme: Samhainsweetie: Deathknowsme: Deathknowsme: BaudriR: i am still single ..thats sorta..good. consists of reinterpreting messages i see all the people that i went to school..with.. according to the group's own code they all have kids well, its good, but you do want someone to share life experiences with.. weird ohh well and for its own ends. You have just entered room “Life - Jesus Sucks” Jam2356983: Hardly, Father. On the contrary, I don't believe I have to have "good" reasons to feel the Diabolus I: call me OH GOD YES FASTER FASTER BABY FatheroFIies: Got it. Can I call you Soylent Green? Diabolus I: ...all my women friends do You have just entered room “Life - Ask a Witch” Deathknowsme: do i look all right Samhainsweetie: texas? Deathknowsme: is my hair ..ok.. Deathknowsme: yes Deathknowsme: i hate texas.. Samhainsweetie: yeah, the beauty pageant capitol of the world You have just entered room “Life - Jesus Sucks” Dead Underpants: ok, i'm back...had to get my smokes FatheroFIies: Sure, I guess that is true. But if you like to be hypocritical, go right ahead on. BaudriR: The masses, PrematureOrgodsm: Kara's Underpants....WB FatheroFIies: I don't really mind. Just telling you what I think, since you're telling me what you think. Jam2356983: That's the beauty of relativistic idealogy. BaudriR: on the contrary, Diabolus I: <----the masses Dead Underpants: but i don't wear them BaudriR: accept everything PrematureOrgodsm: If you have no use for them, mail them to me BaudriR: and redirect everything FatheroFIies: I suppose, Jam. PrematureOrgodsm: Not to wear, silly BaudriR: en bloc FatheroFIies: Heh Baudri. Sorry...having a hard time keeping up with your comments. BaudriR: into the spectacular, FatheroFIies: They're so spread out. The masses accept everything? Dead Underpants: what exactly would you do with them? FatheroFIies: Interesting. RUBURT32: well then PrematureOrgodsm: I guess lay them on the floor, so my buddies give me a high five when they come over FatheroFIies: Better to say they accept what is in the ruling class' best interest. Dead Underpants: they haven't been worn in years PrematureOrgodsm: Silly stuff like that Dead Underpants: oh yeah? Diabolus I: I wanna learn Taiko. PrematureOrgodsm: One in the oven, one in the fridge, one in the tub....they'll worship me SheDragon 888: taiko? Dead Underpants: maybe i'll hang some from your car antenna Diabolus I: Yeah. 116 BaudriR: RUBURT32: FatheroFIies: PrematureOrgodsm: SheDragon 888: BaudriR: THUCYDIDESEVER: Diabolus I: BaudriR: Diabolus I: SheDragon 888: THUCYDIDESEVER: BaudriR: FatheroFIies: FatheroFIies: Dead Underpants: BaudriR: PrematureOrgodsm: Diabolus I: FatheroFIies: Diabolus I: BaudriR: Diabolus I: RUBURT32: FatheroFIies: BaudriR: FatheroFIies: Diabolus I: BaudriR: SheDragon 888: THUCYDIDESEVER: Dead Underpants: PrematureOrgodsm: THUCYDIDESEVER: Diabolus I: FatheroFIies: BaudriR: THUCYDIDESEVER: Dead Underpants: THUCYDIDESEVER: SheDragon 888: FatheroFIies: SheDragon 888: Diabolus I: THUCYDIDESEVER: THUCYDIDESEVER: BaudriR: PrematureOrgodsm: Dead Underpants: SheDragon 888: Diabolus I: FatheroFIies: Dead Underpants: PrematureOrgodsm: THUCYDIDESEVER: BaudriR: Dead Underpants: FatheroFIies: SheDragon 888: without requiring another code me... its all about me Taiko? ooh. LOL....I'll probably get a ticket for that hmmm...interesting , without requiring any meaning, code>>>> If only I had the billion dollars to get the drums. ultimately without resistance, Jeez. yes....awww Dia.... meaningless , what your typing?????? but making everything slide Heh Diabolus start saving now. ^_^ how about over your head? into an indeterminate sphere "I pulled you over because you have an expired elastic band" I can never save money, I always blow it on a hooker. Or, just buy some Kodo and Gagaku albums and pretend. Get it? BLOW IT? which is not even that of non-sense, nyuk nyuk nyuk got milk...??? Heh but that of overall manipulation/ I gotcha, Diabolus. <shoots self> fascination. awww Dia. father, i require someone to help me pray don't shoot yourself Never over this room Who should I shoot then? Okay, Thucy. What would you like to pray for? It has always been thought this wretched horde don't know lets pray Dis: the pope ahhhh Dia <looks at Thucy> for kara and adam this is the very ideology of the mass media Thucy....pray that I get lucky a friend of mine shot himself awww Kara That wasn't very smart, Dead. ::bows head:: Lord, let your Divine Word flow through the Sinners of this room. right in the head, in his living room, Kara....sorry to hear that and that sex slut dragon that it is the media which envelop the masses. awe, it's cool..was 5 years ago Let Your Wisdom show them the error of their heedless ways. sexxxxxxx 117 BaudriR: SheDragon 888: Diabolus I: BaudriR: SheDragon 888: Dead Underpants: Diabolus I: SheDragon 888: FatheroFIies: BaudriR: SheDragon 888: THUCYDIDESEVER: BaudriR: PrematureOrgodsm: FatheroFIies: THUCYDIDESEVER: BaudriR: THUCYDIDESEVER: Diabolus I: Dead Underpants: RUBURT32: BaudriR: FatheroFIies: PrematureOrgodsm: BaudriR: Dead Underpants: THUCYDIDESEVER: THUCYDIDESEVER: BaudriR: FatheroFIies: FatheroFIies: FatheroFIies: Dead Underpants: BaudriR: Agent Rican5vL: PrematureOrgodsm: BaudriR: Diabolus I: Agent Rican5vL: MTG1832027: FatheroFIies: Dead Underpants: Agent Rican5vL: BaudriR: FatheroFIies: Diabolus I: THUCYDIDESEVER: Diabolus I: FatheroFIies: Agent DarkEyz: Dead Underpants: SheDragon 888: SheDragon 888: SheDragon 888: SheDragon 888: Agent Rican5vL: BaudriR: Agent DarkEyz: Agent DarkEyz: The secret of manipulation let me see......... <---actually has no sympathy for suicide victims has been sought nor do I dea. I don't either, diabolus <----more sympathy for those bereaved SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reveal the Truth of Your Holy Message to them; let them Know the Truth. in a frantic semiology yes Dia agreed. my good lord of the mass media. But I do have sympathy for his friends and family Let them Leave their dead parents' bodies to rot in the sun. my holy protector But it has been overlooked, my divine justice So I was looking through the list of chats and I noticed Life-Suicide Victims was empty. his suicide really fucked my best friend up, who was his g/f cool drop of air ...anyone in the naive logic of communication, Keep them from burying the dead, in accordance with Your Holy Text. Kara....I can imagine that he was only 17 at the time though do revel , lift this veil of hate and injustice and just plain being gay the masses are a stronger medium than all the media, Make them Know that the Way to You is through the gnawing of Your Son's flesh, the guzzling of Your Son's blood. That is the Only Way. oh and on crack..forgot to mention that that it is the former ATTENTION That's terrible who envelop and absorb damn, it's always drugs. EVERYONE IN THIS CHAT ROOM HEY DOESN ANYONE IN HERE ROLL E? ::raises his head:: i don't IS UNDER INVESTIGATION the latter I hope that helped. is going to hell, Agent? agent heh Oh shush Rican. I WILL xtc? Ave Maria gratia plena, ave dominus, dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus, et benedictus fructis ventris, ventris tui Jesus ..Ave Maria PLEASE or at least there is no priority FIND THE UGLY ONES 118 BaudriR: Agent Rican5vL: THUCYDIDESEVER: Agent DarkEyz: THUCYDIDESEVER: Agent Rican5vL: Agent DarkEyz: BaudriR: THUCYDIDESEVER: Agent DarkEyz: Agent DarkEyz: Agent Rican5vL: Dead Underpants: SheDragon 888: BaudriR: The blaqe plague: FatheroFIies: THUCYDIDESEVER: Agent Rican5vL: THUCYDIDESEVER: JBIBM: Agent Rican5vL: FatheroFIies: BaudriR: THUCYDIDESEVER: MTG1832027: Agent DarkEyz: THUCYDIDESEVER: BaudriR: PrematureOrgodsm: Agent DarkEyz: Agent Rican5vL: THUCYDIDESEVER: Dead Underpants: FatheroFIies: PrematureOrgodsm: Diabolus I: Dead Underpants: BaudriR: Agent DarkEyz: BaudriR: of one over the other. IF YOU ARE UGLY i am DO NOT very you will be fined and possibly executed TRY The mass and the media reallly TO LEAVE NEW AOL AND FEDERAL LAW what the hell is going on in here? Doo be do be dooo and one single process. good morning heh oh please. noooooo ALL UGLY PEOPLE PLEASE LEAVE not really Fuck Jesus! for your own safety ::sighs:: Click Click are one single proces. ugl so does anyone roll E here? NOW :: points to she dragon:: are one single process. !!!!!!!!!! the united states government is setting up shelters for you freaks but she is <~~~not an ugly person Can't. We were just told by your fellow liar not to leave, Rican. head....spinning <------waiting for the agents to leave in accordance with their own law i'm kind Mass(age) WAY IN THE BACK! is the message. You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Guess Movie By Plot” OmOnest: the great gatsby Tab A Insert B: AND THEN THE INNOCENT LITTLE MISS FALLS FOR THE BOY WHO GIVES HER MUSIC LESSONS Deep Blue Velvet: valmont SmilygaI: some obscure version of cruel intentions Tab A Insert B: WTG DEEP BaudriR: So it is with movies, CeIeryGirl: love {{{gatsby}}} Tab A Insert B: VALMONT CeIeryGirl: yay deep woohoo! OmOnest: wtg SmilygaI: yay deep :) Tab A Insert B: ANNETTE BENNING AND Potoreeg: wtg Tab A Insert B: WHATSHISFACE CeIeryGirl: very nice, tab :) 119 BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: Slayer 0f Angels: Deep Blue Velvet: BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: Slayer 0f Angels: Tab A Insert B: Slayer 0f Angels: Deep Blue Velvet: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: OmOnest: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: Potoreeg: LitlBitc25: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: Slayer 0f Angels: Deep Blue Velvet: SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: Deep Blue Velvet: Potoreeg: OmOnest: BaudriR: Deep Blue Velvet: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: Tab A Insert B: OmOnest: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: Potoreeg: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: BaudriR: OmOnest: Deep Blue Velvet: ExaarKuun: Deep Blue Velvet: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: Slayer 0f Angels: CeIeryGirl: Tab A Insert B: CeIeryGirl: Tab A Insert B: whose inventors initially dreamed <bow> of a rational, That wasn't one of my good ones, though. yay deepers!!! documentary, Thank you for ending that madness deep CONNECTO social medium, that wasn't madness! Oh No! End the madness, Deep! Not You Too SO WHAT THIS LADY DOES IS GOES TO THE RACETRACK Yay! but which very quickly and permanently great yet another connect to a movie that i haven't seen The Grifters yeah her good ones has her plotting for a while :) bugsy mi2 i didn't see it either swung towards the imaginary. gg Potor mission impossible 2 WAY TO GO TAB YOU DO ROCK you need to plot one of your good ones for Cel tab :) Valmont is THE best THE GRIFTERS aw...wtg wtg So it is with technology, BENNING CONNECT yay tabbers!!! science, And that blonde actress is in it too...Glenn Close and she rocks in Valmont. and knowledge. ONE LAST ONE. EASY OR HARD? is cusack in the grifters? hard yay bta hard bat hard tab Condemned to a "magical" practice wtg yeah, cusack is in grifters medium hard make it hard tab cusack is awesome and to a "spectacular" consumption. Oh Dear Sweet God! Not Another Foreign Film Please! what a career he's had SHE'S SUPPOSED TO GET MARRIED and he's so young! BUT HER FATHER DIES 120 OmOnest: Slayer 0f Angels: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: ExaarKuun: OmOnest: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: Potoreeg: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: Slayer 0f Angels: SmilygaI: Potoreeg: Tab A Insert B: OmOnest: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: CeIeryGirl: OmOnest: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: Deep Blue Velvet: BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: ExaarKuun: Potoreeg: MINNIE560: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: CeIeryGirl: LitlBitc25: BaudriR: SmilygaI: ExaarKuun: Tab A Insert B: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: BaudriR: Slayer 0f Angels: Potoreeg: MINNIE560: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: Deep Blue Velvet: you are gushing cel midsummer's night dream So AND AMID THE OLD QUARTER, SHE HAS NO FUTURE i love me some lloyd dobler, om hehe it is with antonias line the coal miners daughter consumption itself. SO OFF SHE GOES INTO THE WIDE WICKED WORLD always look on the bright side of life.... To their amazement, OR ACTUALLY, TO A BIG HOUSE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY titanic did you see cradle will rock CelZ? you guys dont hear it, but im whistling right now... WHERE THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE IS...SHALL WE SAY.. portrait of a lady economists have never been able to rationalise consumption, CONSUMED BY SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS hm....smily, yes i rented that last week. it was good! a madam? SHE HIDES WHO SHE REALLY IS. the seriousness of their it was :) Cusak is yummy :) he is :) "theory of need" high fidelity was good too :) BUT, SHE BEGINS TO VISIT THE MASTER IN HIS STUDY. it was an interesting role for cusack and the general consensus haven't seen hi fidelity yet...but will good TO HELP HIM WITH HIS RESEARCH, OR COURSE. mary reilly desire dracula upon the discourse of utility THEY DISCOVER EACH OTHER, OF COURSE. gg's gg i think exaar being taken for granted. of course ty i think MEANWHILE, SHE FINDS THE SECRET HE'S BEEN SEARCHING FOR. AND STEALS IT FROM HER, THE CAD. the fountain of youth? But this is because the practice of the masses very quickly had nothing indy jones is this the marie curie story? the saint GIVE UP? (or perhaps never had anything) no no. clues and stuff actor/title hint us to do with needs. BIG CLUE: SEAWATER director or cast 121 OmOnest: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: BabiBrat21: Slayer 0f Angels: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: Potoreeg: BaudriR: Slayer 0f Angels: BabiBrat21: Slayer 0f Angels: BaudriR: Deep Blue Velvet: SmilygaI: BaudriR: BabiBrat21: OmOnest: ExaarKuun: BaudriR: Potoreeg: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: LitlBitc25: SmilygaI: BaudriR: ExaarKuun: Tab A Insert B: LitlBitc25: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: ExaarKuun: SmilygaI: Deep Blue Velvet: CeIeryGirl: MINNIE560: ExaarKuun: Tab A Insert B: Deep Blue Velvet: Tab A Insert B: Potoreeg: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: LitlBitc25: CeIeryGirl: Deep Blue Velvet: BaudriR: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: is lucas haan in it? i never give up hahaha oceanbluff Seawater drift oh then wtg minnie They ahve turned consumption GIVEAWAY CLUE: PHOTOGRAPHS 20,000 leagues under the sea have oops Seawater photofraphs nevermind into a dimension pictures of the sea oceanwaterpictures of Durn you, Deep. is lucas haan in it?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? pictures of the osean status and prestige. jeac cousteue SHE IS, OF COURSE, HURT BY HIS STEALING AND BY THE FACT THAT HE STOPS SLEEPING WITH HER ,o AND WINDS UP BACK HOME IN THE OLD QUARTER title hint of useless doesn't ring a bell at all sigh. the old quarter TITLE HINT, OH, OKAY. saltwater images gg lit keeping up with the Joneses popeye T-- G-------ty smily or simulation, MINNIE DRIVER of potlach the guillotine the governess the governess the governess governess the governess DEAD GIVEAWAY CLUE gg smiley WTG SMILY wtg thanks deep you too :) wtg smiles woohoo which surpassed use value wtg smily good one, never saw that way to go smiley, wow in every way. yay me bye tab, take care :) i only saw a bit of that 122 BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: OmOnest: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: OmOnest: OmOnest: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: Potoreeg: CeIeryGirl: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: BaudriR: LitlBitc25: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: Tab A Insert B: Slayer 0f Angels: LitlBitc25: BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: Potoreeg: CeIeryGirl: OmOnest: Tab A Insert B: BabiBrat21: SmilygaI: Deep Blue Velvet: Slayer 0f Angels: BaudriR: OmOnest: DavisML1: SmilygaI: OmOnest: CeIeryGirl: Potoreeg: Slayer 0f Angels: DavisML1: BaudriR: SmilygaI: Deep Blue Velvet: Tab A Insert B: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: SmilygaI: Slayer 0f Angels: BaudriR: Potoreeg: SmilygaI: OmOnest: BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: ExaarKuun: Slayer 0f Angels: A desperate attempt don't stay away so long! TYPING damnit is lucas haan in that movie I'm leaving now? has been made haas or something Do I hafta? from all sides oh, thought you said last one, tab lol...sorry haha no :) hehe sorry So I did. (official propaganda , why is Baudri carrying on so? THIS GUY IS GOING TO A NEW LAND i just wanted to say bye before you took off hehe Far and Away pocahontas titanic consumer societies, no, i'm glad you are staying yay! HIS ENTIRE TOWN HAS SENT HIM conquest of paradise {{{Davislicious}}} hi hunny comning to america The Gods Must Be Crazy (((((((((((((( Davis )))))))))))))) :) HE BOARDS A SHIP AND ALL SEEMS TO BE GOOD the navigator shanghai noon ecologues and sociologues) columbas (((((Cathy))))) THAT DIDN'T MAKE SENSE, BUT ANYWAY... titanic you like the oldies tab? the mouse that roared cabin boy ((((((((((Babi)))))))))) to instil into them AND THEN...THERE'S THIS HORRIBLE STORM avalon Celery, some of them. You? sensible spending AND A CRASH AND STUFF perfect storm and functional calculation odessey THE BOAT SINKS the big kahuna in matters of consumption yes, love the classics. most anyway. a fav is best years of our lives? ever see it? AND EVERYONE IS THOUGHT TO BE DEAD greystoke Cabin Boy 123 OmOnest: DavisML1: OmOnest: Potoreeg: SmilygaI: Deep Blue Velvet: Tab A Insert B: Deep Blue Velvet: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: Potoreeg: TeoDphn16: CeIeryGirl: Slayer 0f Angels: SmilygaI: OmOnest: Potoreeg: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: Deep Blue Velvet: Potoreeg: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: Slayer 0f Angels: Potoreeg: OmOnest: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: OmOnest: CeIeryGirl: LitlBitc25: SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: Slayer 0f Angels: BaudriR: Deep Blue Velvet: SmilygaI: SmilygaI: Snowbunny167889: Slayer 0f Angels: TeoDphn16: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: DavisML1: Slayer 0f Angels: SmilygaI: Snowbunny167889: CeIeryGirl: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: Snowbunny167889: TeoDphn16: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: the old man and the sea posidon adv. moby dick robinson ceruso EXCEPT THIS ONE GUY MAKES IT oh yeah cel Hmmmm. crusoe With Alan Alda? BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW ENGLISH gulliver's travels that darn cat deep, that movie tears me all to pieces hehe King Kong SO THEY THINK HE'S A BAD GUY elian ? hehe HE'S RUSSIAN YOU SEE tab, no...myrna loy and a bunch of others. won the oscar in 46 or so yeah, it's a real classic cel ruskies i forget what year...sorry THEN THIS GUY FINALLY REALIZES HE WAS PART OF THE SHIPWRECK james bond flick? that episode of giligan's island that was my girlfriends idea Myrna! Of Thin Man renown? AND HELPS HIM when wilma takes the guy up to his bedroom.....i bawl my eyeballs out SO THE RUSSIAN GUY TEACHES HIM CHESS to put credit where credit is due yes, tab love the thin man! white squall THEY BECOME FRIENDS AND STUFF Me too! enemy mine , yeah, i tear up a lot with that one cel AND THEN THE RUSSIAN GUY MEETS THIS CHICK AND SHE FALLS IN LOVE W/ HIM back Oo La La titanic II Is this the one with Robin Williams? BUT SHE'S LIKE THE TOWN OUTCAST NO TAB it's my first or second ever fav flick, deep :) wb (((((Snow))))) jungle book AND HER PARENTS TREAT HER LIKE POOPOO ((((((( davis )))))) ty wb snow :) Hmmm. The one with the Amadeus guy? but it is hopeless. ty cel ;o) being human you said poopoo NO TAB Is he black? Or just Russian? 124 DavisML1: BaudriR: BaudriR: SmilygaI: Potoreeg: BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: ExaarKuun: SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: Slayer 0f Angels: BaudriR: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: DavisML1: OmOnest: SmilygaI: BaudriR: SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: Deep Blue Velvet: CeIeryGirl: DavisML1: BabiBrat21: BaudriR: ExaarKuun: BaudriR: Deep Blue Velvet: SmilygaI: OmOnest: OmOnest: DavisML1: Tab A Insert B: CeIeryGirl: SmilygaI: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: Potoreeg: BabiBrat21: Deep Blue Velvet: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: DavisML1: BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: SmilygaI: ExaarKuun: SmilygaI: OmOnest: BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: DavisML1: cast clue please For it is by sign / value THEY MAKE HER WORK LIKE A DOG so you're telling me this isn't "meet the deedles"? and the frantic stake tab, i love alda thought. love same time, next year. and loooove ellen burstyn is there any kung fu in this? ANYWAY, HER AND THE RUSSIAN START THIS LITTLE FLING THING Her parents do that? cinderella in sign / value (which economists, Celery, ever see The In-laws? cast clue please is this foreign? BUT THEN HE'S BEAT UP BY THE LOCALS even when they try to integrate it as a variable, NO, NOT FOREIGN. With Alan Arkin and old what'shisface oneeye that one is fantastic tab yes, it! cast clue please Rebecca have always seen as upsetting is this animated? economic reason), peter falk tab NOT ANIMATED the little mermaid damnti Can we get a cast clue??? Arkin did a cop movie with James somebody too. love the old mitchum flicks...cape fear, night of the hunter ANYWAY, THE RUSSIAN AND CHICK GET TOGETHER that the masses block the economy, I love Arkin. AND HAVE A BABY he could do evil with the best of them! the little mermaid on ice Stop answering them. Just plot or give title clues/cast clues. freebie and the bean tab resist the "objective" His son was on Northern Exposure. AND THE NICE MAN GIVES THEM A HOUSE i have no idea, smilers sorry can we get a fucking cast clue????? imperative of needs he sure was, tab...and chicago hope and the rational balancing Smilla's sense of Snow? of behavors and ends. WAIT, I LIKE THE ENDING. does the baby have super powers? AND THEN HE DIES. THE END calm down davis behaviors let smilers finish :) *newbie* 125 Tab A Insert B: Potoreeg: Tab A Insert B: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: Potoreeg: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: TeoDphn16: BaudriR: BaudriR: CeIeryGirl: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: Potoreeg: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: Deep Blue Velvet: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: Slayer 0f Angels: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: DavisML1: SmilygaI: BabiBrat21: SmilygaI: DavisML1: Snowbunny167889: BaudriR: Slayer 0f Angels: KylaBug79: Tab A Insert B: DavisML1: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: KylaBug79: Snowbunny167889: KylaBug79: BabiBrat21: BaudriR: LitlBitc25: OmOnest: ExaarKuun: SmilygaI: CeIeryGirl: BaudriR: Deep Blue Velvet: Anna134201: CeIeryGirl: LitlBitc25: Anna134201: Snowbunny167889: He dies? thats messed up The nice Russian dies? WAit! Sign/value what if i wanted to see it Doctor Zhivago? YEAH THE NICE RUSSIAN GUY DIES. did you write this movie? come on mow!! against use value , i love dr zhivago! The Brother's Kamarovs? VINCENT PEREZ IS IN IT <sp> poor comrade Like that helps. lol this is already a distortion of political economy. wait, i've seen this RACHEL WIEZ? OR WEIZ OR SOMETHING i didn't see it And let it not be said Who? VINCENT PEREZ...THE GUY FROM CROW 2 crow WHO? that all this ultimately profits exchange value, IAN MCKLELEEN Oh. I walked out on The Crow. where is Anna hiding?? WHATEVER HIS NAME IS. (((((((((((( Kyla )))))))))))))) xoxo OKAY TITLE HINT (((((Kyla))))) in my pants, davis that is to say the system. x-men Hi Snow Which remind me of another movie to plot! woohoo snow Yay! S---- F--- T-- S-((((((((((Andie))))))) why are you up this early? lol ((((((((Davis))))))))) ::Shrug:: For if the system does wll out of this game, seven from the sea some find the sand some fool said so SW--- FR-- TH- SE{{{Kyla}}} yay, hi :) and even encourages it swept from the sea i am in no ones pants...yet lol swept from the sea sweet from the sae im back sweat from the sex 126 SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: KylaBug79: Slayer 0f Angels: SmilygaI: Snowbunny167889: SmilygaI: DavisML1: Anna134201: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: SmilygaI: Anna134201: OmOnest: LitlBitc25: DavisML1: SmilygaI: Tab A Insert B: Potoreeg: BaudriR: Deep Blue Velvet: Tab A Insert B: Potoreeg: OmOnest: Slayer 0f Angels: Tab A Insert B: KylaBug79: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: Tab A Insert B: Slayer 0f Angels: Deep Blue Velvet: Potoreeg: BaudriR: Slayer 0f Angels: Slayer 0f Angels: Tab A Insert B: Potoreeg: Tab A Insert B: DavisML1: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: KylaBug79: KylaBug79: DavisML1: BabiBrat21: Potoreeg: BabiBrat21: LitlBitc25: BaudriR: KylaBug79: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: SmilygaI: BaudriR: Potoreeg: SWE-- FRO.....YAY DEEP swwet free the sea (((((((((Cathy)))))))) Good Morning swing from the sea SWEMPT FROM THE SEA wtg swept wtg Deep {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{davis}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} (the masses "alienated" in gadgets, etc.) wtg deep not swempt :) {{{{{{{{{{kyla}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} literal title wtg deep ((((((((((Anna)))))))))) that was for Tab :) haha I have a good one, though. ) : sweat frog the set , this isn't the main thing, PASSING, WHO WANTS? Smily, good job, I think me me me Me. (((((((((((Anna)))))))))))))) Me. and what this slipping, Dang. Me. arg TAKE IT POTO HAHA this skidding arg arg I have a good one. TYPING <pout> isn't it swept?? initiates in the long term Fine. Fine. Give it to the hoi polloi. - already initates lag? no no lag I don't think swempt is a word Lack of type? THIS HOPELESS ROMANTIC JUST ACHIEVED AN AERIAL...WELL, ACHIEVEMENT FOR A WOMAN I think so. Baud not to be rude but can you meditate some where else? or shut up? is the end of the economic, yes...lack of type it is cut off frm all its rational definitions Amelia Erhardt by the excessive, it is swept davis magic, BUT DID SHE EVEN SHOW UP TO THE AIR STRIP? 127 Potoreeg: Tab A Insert B: BaudriR: DavisML1: OmOnest: BaudriR: Potoreeg: Potoreeg: BaudriR: KylaBug79: TeoDphn16: SmilygaI: BaudriR: Tab A Insert B: Potoreeg: Slayer 0f Angels: Tab A Insert B: NOOOOOOOOOO Please, not the bird flying one. spectacular, I know...I was just kidding pushing tin fraudulent SHE'S HAPPY WITH THE MAN SHE'S WITH NOW.... OR IS SHE... and nearly parodic use Thank GOD today is Friday always it's Friday? the masses put it to. Om, I have seen snatches of that and hope to heck I never have to watch it. SO THE ROMANTIC'S FRIEND CONVINCES HER TO GIVE HIM A CHANCE AND SHE DOES hero Titanic? You have just entered room “Australia - Lounge” CRAZYWAZZIE: CANADA KICKS ASS, EH!!! ImkaldNez: hi there ((((( drop )))))))) MargaretKiwi: east middle west..lmao dropIetz: (((((((((((((((( Jen )))))))))))))))) dropIetz: (((((((((((((((( nezzie ))))))))))))))))))) BaudriR: An asocial use, dropIetz: ((((((((((((((( Margaret ))))))))))))))))) MOBILE POSTAL: hi sandy i'm from ns CRAZYWAZZIE: Margret, where you from?? Sandytopple: Now all we need is someone from NWT or Nunavut .. Astro sear: crazy psychic friend says im going to canada 1 day MargaretKiwi: im always in the middle BaudriR: resistant to all pedagogies, Sandytopple: Hey, Mobile! Me, too. Sandytopple: Gorgeous here today, eh? CRAZYWAZZIE: Coooooool Astro! BaudriR: to all socialist education MargaretKiwi: {{{{{{{{{drop}}}} Sintalateme: [[[[[[[[[[[[carmel]]]]]]]]]]]]]] MOBILE POSTAL: i live in wpg now MargaretKiwi: im from ontario crazy CRAZYWAZZIE: I'll show ya all the best places, stuff to do, etc. Sandytopple: Is Drop here? {{{{{ Drop }}}}}}} BaudriR: -an aberant use ImkaldNez: I went to canada in the middle of july one year -- froze my ass off! Sandytopple: How do you like Winterpeg, Mobile? BaudriR: whereby the masses SATYA1973FRANCIS: any girls like to chat with me CRAZYWAZZIE: You won't wanna go back ot NZ. Iceangle456: hi all SATYA1973FRANCIS: any girls like to chat with me dropIetz: ((((((((((((((( sandy ))))))))))))))) SATYA1973FRANCIS: any girls like to chat with me SATYA1973FRANCIS: any girls like to chat with me SATYA1973FRANCIS: any girls like to chat with me SATYA1973FRANCIS: any girls like to chat with me SATYA1973FRANCIS: any girls like to chat with me BaudriR: (us, you, everybody) SheltonHilton: hyes 128 dropIetz: Sandytopple: CRAZYWAZZIE: ImkaldNez: BaudriR: MOBILE POSTAL: CRAZYWAZZIE: BaudriR: Sandytopple: dropIetz: Sandytopple: MargaretKiwi: Astro sear: SheltonHilton: Iceangle456: BaudriR: Sandytopple: CRAZYWAZZIE: MOBILE POSTAL: Astro sear: ImkaldNez: SheltonHilton: BaudriR: MargaretKiwi: CRAZYWAZZIE: BaudriR: MOBILE POSTAL: Astro sear: CRAZYWAZZIE: Inbtwnthesheets: BaudriR: MargaretKiwi: Gregee5: Astro sear: Tspddiver: ImkaldNez: CRAZYWAZZIE: dropIetz: CRAZYWAZZIE: BaudriR: Sandytopple: MargaretKiwi: WyPhill: ImkaldNez: BaudriR: dropIetz: CRAZYWAZZIE: WyPhill: ImkaldNez: Gregee5: Sandytopple: CRAZYWAZZIE: ImkaldNez: Sandytopple: BaudriR: CRAZYWAZZIE: Tspddiver: BaudriR: Sandytopple: ((((((((((((((( andy )))))))))))))))) hee hee Oh, please, July is like our hottest time of the year. hehe have already crossed over to the other side was raining for 8 days but sunny now You should come next time in January. of political economy. Glad to hear it! Hello crazy Hey, crazy ... did you get my pic yet??? jus where hasnt it suxs this year ok crazy hi i'm from the uk and thats colder than canada hi all 14/f/glasgow They haven't waite /Depends on where you are, Shelton. HELLO once again Drop! funny marg??lol show me around.... LOL Crazy - I was in Montana - in January, was beautiful, but coooooollllllddddd true They haven't waited noo the truth But, you gotta have an open mind. for future revolutions it's actually winnerpeg hi dropz Do ya like adventure Astro?? BACK nor theories which claim to "liberate" them supposed to suck all soummetr toooo any 1 in melbourne ta 4 comments back a bit marg {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{[roberta}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I wish it woule rain in the summer here Imkald, where the hell are you from? Hello Astro Mexico? by a "dialectical" movement. CRAZY ..... pardon astro??? {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{teig}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} close enough Crazy..... Southern California They know that there is no liberation, ((((((((((((((( roberta ))))))))))))))) ha ha {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{carmel}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} it was only 107 yesterday hi aquasmiles CCCRRRAAAZZZYYY ........ Well, that explains why you think everywhere is so cold. lol hehe <<< being ignored by Crazy ... and that Ahhhhhhh ... I wish I were in SC ©©©©©©©©©©© roberta a system is abolished only by pushing it into hyperlogic <<< can't understand it ... fellow canuk and all ... 129 MOBILE POSTAL: CRAZYWAZZIE: Gregee5: Astro sear: BaudriR: WyPhill: CRAZYWAZZIE: MargaretKiwi: GlobalGenerators: WyPhill: Sandytopple: BaudriR: Astro sear: MargaretKiwi: Tchoko1: Tspddiver: CRAZYWAZZIE: BaudriR: Sandytopple: WyPhill: CRAZYWAZZIE: BaudriR: WyPhill: Inbtwnthesheets: Gregee5: MargaretKiwi: Debs3571: Tspddiver: BaudriR: YEOELLA: Sandytopple: Inbtwnthesheets: WyPhill: Astro sear: WyPhill: BaudriR: Inbtwnthesheets: mosquitoes are comming next Do you go to Myrtle Beach often?? specially th new one crazy done lots of tramping in nz by forcing it into an excessive practice {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Teig}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}x Hey, Sandy; I'm still listening to ya. hey there anyone from england? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Okay, Crazy ... did you get my pic yet? which is equivalent ot a brutal amortization. (mountaineering, bushwalking) love those hearts hummmm...i think andy is growing... hello margaret Cool Astro. How was it?? "You want us to consume Who is Andy? me too!!!!! No; not yet. Hold on. O.K., let's consume always more, u have time? im here hey aqua can we talk teig u are soooo formal...must be the Hey lounge roomies lets go and anything whatsoever; anyone here from adelaide???? Hey, Sheets ... did you get it? i think ok i am andy u wanna or me for any useless and absurd purpose." what? You have just entered room “Special Interests - Pets Dogs” HuskiesOfSiberia: The grass grows up through the fencing, no problem. They can't dig out. BaudriR: So it is with medicine: HuskiesOfSiberia: G0 - Sounds to me like a backyard breeder. Yuck./ MPOKEBEAR: DO THEY LIKE TO PLAY BaudriR: frontal resistance HuskiesOfSiberia: MPOKE - Yup MPOKEBEAR: LOVABLE...MY FRIENDS IS.. BaudriR: (which hasn't disappeared everywhere) MPOKEBEAR: SLLEP ON BED?? HuskiesOfSiberia: Thegirls - Also, poor cement around the perimeter of your fence perhaps. BaudriR: has been replaced BKEATING072857: what about putting timber wood along bottom of fence that what we had to do in the back yard HuskiesOfSiberia: MPOKE - If you wanted them to and trained them right. They can be G0ldnAngel: Any other Golden people in here? FillyGirl88: here BaudriR: by a more subtle form of subversion; HuskiesOfSiberia: mischevious when left alone, many who own them indoors crate train. MPOKEBEAR: WHAT DO THEY DO?? MPOKEBEAR: DO YOU CRATE YOURS?? 130 G0ldnAngel: BaudriR: HuskiesOfSiberia: HuskiesOfSiberia: JennrGrl765: BKEATING072857: HuskiesOfSiberia: MPOKEBEAR: JennrGrl765: BaudriR: MPOKEBEAR: HuskiesOfSiberia: HuskiesOfSiberia: BaudriR: MPOKEBEAR: HuskiesOfSiberia: HuskiesOfSiberia: BaudriR: HuskiesOfSiberia: JennrGrl765: BaudriR: JennrGrl765: filly-- u have a Golden? an excessive, uncontrollable consumption of medicine, BKEAT - Could work, my dogs would definitely dig under that though. MPOKe - Mine are not inside dogs. THEY TAKE HUGE SHI@TS mine is MPOKE - Just make a mess and eat couch cushions and such :-P OUTSIDE...DO YOU HAVE SHELTER FOR THEM?? AND THEY POO ALL OVER THE RIM OF MY FACE a panicked conformity to health injunctions. OH MY GOD...LOL MPOKE - I converted horse stalls in our barn into kennels. So yes, shelter. A fantastic escalation in medical consumption O.K. THEY ARE WARM RIGHT?? They're just not the breed for everyone, and need correct training and keeping. which completely corrupts the social objectives and finalities of medicine. MPOKE - They've got great coats, no problem with warmth. YEAH JUST LIKE A COAT What better way to abolish it? SOMETIMES THEIR HAIR GETS STUCK IN MY MOUTH AND I HAVE TO HURL You have just entered room “Life - RACIAL DISCUSSION” PoetMalcolmx: GET OVER YOURSELVES WILL YA? PNKTAFFI: yes misti what happened to that woman who killed her??? SCRUBB1999: JEN LOPEZ HAS AN ASS THAT COULD STOP A TRAIN BaudriR: At present, doctors, manipulated much more than they manipulate, PoetMalcolmx: MIST....THATS BETTER..CORRECT PNKTAFFI: poet how do u know that?? BaudriR: no longer know what they are doing, SCRUBB1999: A BIG FAT PR ASS PoetMalcolmx: NOT MANY PEOPLE DO DESERVE TO DIE BaudriR: what they are. SCRUBB1999: I DIDNT SAY THAT BaudriR: "Give us more treatment, PoetMalcolmx: SHE GAVE HER GIFT TO THE WORLD..... BaudriR: doctors, PoetMalcolmx: AND SHE LEFT CoolBaby13: hi BaudriR: medication, DEVILS SIDEKlCK: OVERSTAND THIS YOU PECKERWOOD BASTARDS BabyHitlerzRabbi: I would have pulled the emergency brakes on the train if Selena's ass was on the tracks! BaudriR: security, BaudriR: health, PoetMalcolmx: HEY...SHE HAS OTHER WORK TO TO ....AND THAT SHOULD NOT BE MOURNED SCRUBB1999: WHOS ASS WAS BETTER SELENA OR DIANA ROSS OneSmartM2: I hate the way Tiger Woods looks BaudriR: - more, ever further, keep it coming...!" Mistikwak: Selena Scrubb SCRUBB1999: RIGHT ON PoetMalcolmx: ONE SMART..I KNOW..YOU HATE THE SIGHT OF MONEY..AND A BLACK MAN..DONT YOU?? BaudriR: The masses alienated in medicine? PoetMalcolmx: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA PoetMalcolmx: STUPID! Mistikwak: Selena was gorgeous BaudriR: Not at all: Mistikwak: Diana Ross is too 131 ReDnEcK LuV326: ReDnEcK LuV326: SCRUBB1999: OneSmartM2: SCRUBB1999: BaudriR: BabyHitlerzRabbi: SCRUBB1999: BaudriR: PoetMalcolmx: Mistikwak: PoetMalcolmx: BabyHitlerzRabbi: PoetMalcolmx: SCRUBB1999: BaudriR: PNKTAFFI: OneSmartM2: BaudriR: PNKTAFFI: BaudriR: AD6CH3: PoetMalcolmx: BabyHitlerzRabbi: BaudriR: PoetMalcolmx: SCRUBB1999: EdFooYoungs Back: SCRUBB1999: PoetMalcolmx: OneSmartM2: PNKTAFFI: PoetMalcolmx: BaudriR: SCRUBB1999: BaudriR: AD6CH3: BaudriR: Mistikwak: BaudriR: AD6CH3: SCRUBB1999: BabyHitlerzRabbi: SCRUBB1999: BaudriR: DadaSci: BaudriR: BabyHitlerzRabbi: BaudriR: BaudriR: BabyHitlerzRabbi: DEVILS SIDEKlCK: JEKHED: SCRUBB1999: BaudriR: CROSSJ656: DadaSci: SCRUBB1999: BabyHitlerzRabbi: yyeeehhaawwww {</a>s /con/con GIA HAS A BUT LIKE A MARSHMALLOW He looks like an over cooked gook ITS CREAMY they are int he process of ruining its institution, If I fondled Diana Ross, it would almost be like feeling up Michael Jackson AND MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH of making Social Security explode, one smart...AND YET.HE CAN BUY AND SELL YOUR FAMILY LOLOLOL Hitler DONT YOU JUST HATE THAT??? LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAH I HEARD of putting the social itself in danger anyone read where micheal jackson is so upset about his face surgery that he had all his mir He's supposed to be my slave by craving always more of it, mirrors removed from his home?? as with commodities. REALLY PINK?? one smart..AND YET....I AM SURE YOUR PARENTS WISH THEY HAD HIS MONEY LOL...can you imagine if Michael Jackson ended up looking like Liz Taylor!? What greater mockery SO THEY COULD HAVE EDUCATED THEIR CHILD... IM TALKIING ABOUT THE MAN IN THE MIRROR lol LOL INSTEAD...THEY HAVE YOUR DUMB ASS I could use his skills in the field ad yep read it in the paper HEHEHEHE can there be than this craving IM ASKING HIM TO CHANGE HIS WAYS always more of it <<<ONLY READS SUNDAY PAPER , well-I'm craving a crispy strip meal at KFC--BRB as with commodities. I WILL READ TOMORROW IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE THEN MAKE A CHANGE The KFC out here sucks A CHANGE for the social as an item of hello room individual consumption, Dried out chicken submitted to an ever-escalating supply and demand. ? They keep them under the lamps too long out here POPEYES IN NYC IS GOOD CHICKEN Howdy worthless nazi losers I LOVE WHITE TRASH GIRLS AND BUBBLE GUM A parody an a paradox: oh course we gotta be talking about chicken... I worked at Popyeyes while in college... YUCK BLOW MY BUBBLE I remember it was was good when it was Kentucky Fried Chicken 132 BaudriR: WolfCoy: SCRUBB1999: OneSmartM2: BaudriR: SCRUBB1999: BaudriR: SCRUBB1999: Seren331: WolfCoy: BaudriR: BabyHitlerzRabbi: SCRUBB1999: AD6CH3: WolfCoy: PoetMalcolmx: PoetMalcolmx: BaudriR: AD6CH3: JEKHED: BaudriR: AD6CH3: PoetMalcolmx: BaudriR: AD6CH3: BabyHitlerzRabbi: PoetMalcolmx: JEKHED: BaudriR: OneSmartM2: TruBlknSexiSista: BabyHitlerzRabbi: TruBlknSexiSista: WolfCoy: BaudriR: WolfCoy: BaudriR: JEKHED: AD6CH3: PoetMalcolmx: BaudriR: PoetMalcolmx: BaudriR: PoetMalcolmx: PoetMalcolmx: AD6CH3: SCRUBB1999: BaudriR: WolfCoy: SCRUBB1999: TruBlknSexiSista: BaudriR: SCRUBB1999: TruBlknSexiSista: PoetMalcolmx: TruBlknSexiSista: SCRUBB1999: PoetMalcolmx: BaudriR: it is by their very intertia in the ways of the social laid out for them it's hot out already WOLF DO YOU STILL HATE ME The color of my ass is worth more than all his money that the masses go beyond its logic and its limits BECAUSE , I NEVER TOLD YOU THIS So back to what I was saying i will not change my mind and destroy its whole edifice. Since it became KFC they not only abreviated the name, but quality as well I DO LOVE YOU I MAKE GOOD FRIED CHICKEN IF I SAY SO MYSELF i stand my ground ONE...HAHAHAHA..AND YET..IT HAS GOTTEN YOU ...NOTHING! HAHAHAHAH A destructive hypersimulation, I JUST HATE TO COOK IT Just curious….why are nazis such pathetic losers? a destructive hyperconformity <<<<THINKING I WILL MAKE FRIED CHICKEN TODAY I WAS ABOUT TO ASK TRU..IF WE FUCKED LAST NIGHT (as in the case of Beaubourg, analysed everywhere6) WHO IS READING MY PROFILE <~~~~ made BBQ chicken last night (!(!(!(!(!(!(TRU)!)!)!)!)!)!)!) yum good ol' Fried chicken that has all the appearance of a victorious challenge Tiger Woods looks like Frankenstein, all different parts put together POET.....YOU TELL ME YOU DON'T REMEMBER LAST NIGHT SWEETIE Sorry! WAS I THAT BAD such bullshit no one can measure the strength of this challenge, lmao Tru of the reversion exerted on the whole system. Niger Woods IT'S OK, JUST REMEMBER ME NEXT TIME OK? TRU....HAD WE FUCKED.....WOMAN, YOU WOULD NOT BE TYPING NOW There lies the genuine stake today, TRU.......TRUST ME....YOU AS WELL in this underhand, AND GOING TO THE BATHROOM..WOULD BE A CHORE AT THIS POINT FOR YOU DAMN ARE YOU THERE inescapable confrontation between the silent majority no OK POET...DAMN BABY IS THAT GOOD and the social imposed on them, i just wanted to say I'M FORM THE SHOW ME STATE TRU....I AM ONE OF THE FEW MEN..GLOBALLY..THAT CAN GO ORALLY OVARY HUNTING... FROM* i think im in love with you AND WIN! in this hypersimulation reduplicating simulation 133 SCRUBB1999: WolfCoy: TruBlknSexiSista: DEVILS SIDEKlCK: BaudriR: PoetMalcolmx: SCRUBB1999: BabyHitlerzRabbi: DEVILS SIDEKlCK: SCRUBB1999: AD6CH3: BaudriR: SCRUBB1999: AD6CH3: SCRUBB1999: BaudriR: BabyHitlerzRabbi: WolfCoy: BabyHitlerzRabbi: BaudriR: SCRUBB1999: BaudriR: PoetMalcolmx: ok look Scrubb.....I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY OH DAMN DAMN POET NASTY and exterminating it HEHEHEHHEH hey woman Dayum! POET = 3 FT TONGUE calm down OMG, DAMN POET, U DA MAN according to its own logic dont burst your pad LMAOOOO ok - not in any class struggle <~~~ no "tuna sandwiches" for me! this guy is a joke <~~~~~ prude nor in the molecular hodge-podge of i love it when she swears desire-breaching minorites. <---CANT FRONT....IF THAT CLIT IS TO MY LIKING.....I WILL BE A SUCKING! You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - bodybuilding” ROCK4POWER: BLAIR..i think CALS are most important BaudriR: Mass and Terrorism ROCK4POWER: most guys take in TOO Much protien..but not enough cals BlairDOGG: rock.. well in essence protein contains calories ROCK4POWER: you need protien..since protien is the ONLY thing that will grow NEW LEAN MASS Tissue BaudriR: We are therefore at the paradoxical point ROCK4POWER: HOWEVER? you need 3,000 addition to NORMAL burn ra\tios to BUILD that LEAN mass BaudriR: where the masses refuse ROCK4POWER: BLAIR..protien is a POOR form of cals..fat is SUPERIOR BaudriR: the baptism of the social BaudriR: , BlairDOGG: rock.. tru very tru.. what are your feelings on cardio activity? ROCK4POWER: you need CALS for maintence..and BUILDING and ENERGYISING the body BaudriR: which is also that of ROCK4POWER: BLAIR..never ROCK4POWER: CARDIO is stupid BaudriR: meaning and liberty. ROCK4POWER: total waste BlairDOGG: rock.. how so BaudriR: Let us not mkae them into a BaudriR: new and glorious reference. ROCK4POWER: BLAIR..cardio is aerobic..therefore? it LOWERS TEST PRODUCTION..and GH levels ROCK4POWER: BLAIR....cardio also burns LESS fat than lifting BaudriR: For one thing, ROCK4POWER: LIFTING elevates TEST PRODUCTION..and GH production..(growth hormone burns fat) BlairDOGG: tru very tru.. plus u never see any muscular runners BaudriR: they don't exist. ROCK4POWER: BLAIR>.never BaudriR: But note that all power silently flounders ROCK4POWER: I was a distance junior high..NO MASS BaudriR: on this silent majority, BlairDOGG: BaudriR.. r u high? ROCK4POWER: Ive trained MORE poewrlift..that got BIGGER>.and LEANER 134 BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: DrSmith520: BlairDOGG: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: DrSmith520: ROCK4POWER: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BaudriR: DrSmith520: BlairDOGG: DrSmith520: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: which is neither an entity without cardio Hi All sup doc CARDIO if fine...8-12 weeks out from COMP nor a sociological reality, Hi Blair if your a bodybuilder..but thruout the year? NO DR but the shadow cast by power, its sinking vortex, Hi ROCK4 BAUDRIR.. R U HIGH? Hi JackC its form of absorption. the problem that bodybuilderws have (younger guys)..they dont want to LOSE cuts BAUDRIR.. ur talking nonsense A nebulous fluid, to gain mass..they THINK they can do both at the same time..which they CANT shifting, conforming, rock.. not even a little cardio to wake you up before lifting far too conforming to every solicitation dont need it and with a rock.. how u get in the mood when your tired? BLAIR..anything you do aerbocially..will LOWER test hyperreal conformity BLAIR..i never train in the morning..first of all..2nd? i ONLY train 2 times weekly which is the extreme form of non-participation: tru i hear ya such is the present calamity of power. rock.. what is that fool talking about? Such is also the calamity of revolution. BLAIR..most guys who are training 5 days a week..BURNOUT mentally and physically For this implosive mass, BLAIR..hes expousing his inner feelings by definition, rock... yeah most of those guys bench like 3 days a week will never explode BLAIR..totally ignorat...and notice? those guys NEVER gain and every revolutionary promise tru very will implode into it rock.. what if u train 5x's a week but do different body parts each day as well. BLAIR..doesnt work....your will NEVER gain like that In consequence, Your burning yourself up what is to be done with these masses? ALSO? even if yo ubench on monday? squat on tuesday...too many They are the leitmotif of every discourse; secondary and auxiallary muscles..affect other lifts rock.. so u like 2-3 days training.. like push/pull/leg days they are the obsession of every social project; BLAIR..we bench on mondays....etc....and squat thursdays 135 BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: Bballazgirl777: Bballazgirl777: ROCK4POWER: BlairDOGG: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: ROCK4POWER: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: BRICKNYCE: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: S0lDiEr0fF0RtuNe: BaudriR: S0lDiEr0fF0RtuNe: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: S0lDiEr0fF0RtuNe: BRICKNYCE: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: S0lDiEr0fF0RtuNe: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: S0lDiEr0fF0RtuNe: BaudriR: ROCK4POWER: BRICKNYCE: S0lDiEr0fF0RtuNe: BaudriR: BRICKNYCE: ROCK4POWER: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: but all run aground on them, simple rock.. but on chest day do u do shoulders also for all remain rooted int eh classical of the masses, 5 days a week is INSANE which is that of an eschatological faith guys with pics press 123 please I do shoulders..AFTER squatting..perfect transition..youjhve had ALL that weight rock.. or is it like a pull day and push day on your back? so pressig feels MUCH lighter in the social and its fulfillment. BLAIR..i dont do it like that I change up i SEPERATE my core lifts Now, rock.. is that a good form of lifting though.. push/pull/legs I deadlift usually on squat day..if its a light day the masses aren't the social, 3 days 3 days is too much in my opinion they are the reversion of any social ulness on the middel day your doing abs..or something neutral and of any socialism. rock.. what if u dont have enough time train 2 days per week? LMAO Enough theorists have criticised meaning, denounced the traps of liberty rock.. i guess but you gotta be psyched to give yourself the energy rock do you do the explosive form of liftlin with 60 % of the max like simons suggests? and the mystifications of the political, 2 days a week? i find that my lifters.are VERY EXCITED to lift radically censured rationality we lift less often? so their VERY ENERGIZZED..and glad to be i the gym i'm just a kid! and every form of representation; I need tips!!!! however, BRICK..yes...ALL EXPLOSIVE..everything we do I NEED TIPS! even on assistanvce work? when the masses wander through meaning, YES I NEED TIPS the political, BRICK...we do SPEED with everything representation, SPEED=POWER I NEED TIPS!!!!!!!!!! history, POWER=MASS like simmons was talkin about succeedin in the weak lifts not just the main lifts MAN F U! ideology, are you familiar with bill starr also? BRICK..yes...secondary training and auxiallary training utilizing the CONJUGAGE method is im important with a somnambulent strength of denial, 136 ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: Smokechia: Smokechia: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: Smokechia: BaudriR: Smokechia: BaudriR: Smokechia: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: BlairDOGG: BaudriR: BlairDOGG: Smokechia: BaudriR: BellonsBodyworks: BaudriR: Smokechia: ROCK4POWER: BaudriR: BRICKNYCE: BaudriR: BaudriR: BellonsBodyworks: BaudriR: BellonsBodyworks: BaudriR: Smokechia: BellonsBodyworks: BaudriR: BellonsBodyworks: Smokechia: BellonsBodyworks: BaudriR: BellonsBodyworks: Smokechia: Slayer RIP KDC: BaudriR: Slayer RIP KDC: BaudriR: BellonsBodyworks: THSH7399: BaudriR: BellonsBodyworks: BaudriR: BellonsBodyworks: Smokechia: BaudriR: BellonsBodyworks: Smokechia: BaudriR: BaudriR: NO when they realise smoke chia? chia pets here and now yes i have to go train which chia pet everything the big one which i dont no bro the most radical critics do they have a lion yes have been able to envisage, ill be back later pz rock then the latter know not what to make of it, later all bye and persist in dreaming of hey a future revolution nj work in ny BAUDIA>..what are u readign from..LOL - a critical revolution, hey rock do you use chains also a revolution of prestige, that of the social, hmmm that of desire. that of boredom This revolution by involution is not theirs: any igrls from cali IS that Chia? it is not critical-explosive, AS in chica pet? yes oops it is implosive and blind. haha lol who has the biggest mucsle It proceeds by inertia, i taake roids and not from a new and joyous negativity. MY brown eye is explosive and blind ANY HUGE FEMALE BODYBUILDERS IN HERE OR POWERLIFTERS FEMALE? It is silent and involutive Baud...go away exactly the reverse you are not talking about bodybuilding i need some d-balls of all speech making Smoke, you just need balls! LOL haha and consciousness raising. It has no meaning. 137 BaudriR: Bballazgirl777: JayChiro: It has nothing to say to us. guys with pics press 123 123 You have just entered room “Town Square - PILOTS LOUNGE” OneJetSnob: come fly the friendly sky's BaudriR: the ony phenomenon MASTER CAUTION: Lear 23 sized here.. BaudriR: which may be in a relation of affinity with it, OneJetSnob: lear 36 here OneJetSnob: mines bigger haha Mach83: 60 here TonyC AV8R: <--rode in a Lear 23 last week NB747: <~~flew Lear 23 serial Number 5 BaudriR: with these masses TmpCatch: 35/M/Atlanta here OneJetSnob: ohh woo the big boy mach OneJetSnob: want to see mach's OneJetSnob: show me show me lol Mach83: I have flown all the Lears. TonyC AV8R: it was rigged for Air Ambulance, had to sit on the gurney BaudriR: such that the final vicissitude of the social Mach83: Can't get out of them BaudriR: and its death TonyC AV8R: is that how you spell it?? gurney??? hmmmmm OneJetSnob: < has a virgin stretcher lol BaudriR: is at stake BaudriR: , MASTER CAUTION: hmmm TonyC AV8R: Baudi - - I think you may have fallen into the wrong room OneJetSnob: but member of mile high club lol BaudriR: is terrorism. OneJetSnob: cause live in denver lol OneJetSnob: look what you started kidney lpn BaudriR: Nothing is more "cut off from the masses" BaudriR: than terrorism. Kidneylpn: didnt start anything its all where you were thinking lol Sltfacewhor: 55/m what you fly Kidneylpn: totally innocent here BaudriR: Power may well try to set the one against the other, IMCATATONIC: woohoo a polinutcase in here TonyC AV8R: yepp, it's gurney Sltfacewhor: uhbjvuyiuysffljfktbnpgftrdygguighftdss[plp[lkkmoi BaudriR: but nothing is more strange, OneJetSnob: gurney OneJetSnob: they actually are quite comfortable BaudriR: more familiar either, NB747: and not guernsey LOL BaudriR: than their convergence Womenfly47: morning everyone.. BaudriR: in denying the social NB747: WOMENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN OneJetSnob: < savinglives stamping out disease and pestulance Acrusich76: hello room MASTER CAUTION: huh BaudriR: and in refusing meaning. Womenfly47: HEY NB..How you be this a.m.? BaudriR: For terrorism claims to really aim at capital 138 NB747: NB747: BaudriR: NB747: Mach83: BaudriR: Womenfly47: Kidneylpn: MASTER CAUTION: BaudriR: OneJetSnob: BaudriR: Mach83: BaudriR: Womenfly47: Soccerbink: OneJetSnob: BaudriR: NB747: BaudriR: Womenfly47: IMCATATONIC: Mach83: AussieGymBoy: BaudriR: OneJetSnob: AussieGymBoy: OneJetSnob: BaudriR: Woodie384: AussieGymBoy: Womenfly47: BaudriR: TonyC AV8R: BaudriR: BaudriR: AussieGymBoy: Mach83: BaudriR: Womenfly47: OneJetSnob: BaudriR: Woodie384: AussieGymBoy: TonyC AV8R: BaudriR: OneJetSnob: Womenfly47: TonyC AV8R: BaudriR: NIELS64MTP: BaudriR: AussieGymBoy: Kidneylpn: AussieGymBoy: IMCATATONIC: TonyC AV8R: Woodie384: OneJetSnob: doing fine...stalling off studying you?? (global imperialsm, etc.) tell us what's really eating you Baudri BaudriR, are you talking to yourself? but it mistakes its enemy, stalling of housework UGH!! baudi is on a flight all of his own It is the will of Allah.... and in doing so it aims at its true enemy, I think so too which is the social. Yeah, Allah bunch of bull shit Present-day terrorism Dang NB...the nutcases are out early Saturday morning?? do you boys and girls like slim shady is this the intelligent men room lol??? aims at the social no kidding....must have been a load of good drugs hit the country this week in response to SNOB..this is Saturday morning group therapy for a few of these nuts a leftover from the full moon Hell no Jet. We're all pilots hey, Baudri, why don't you say something weird!! the terrorism of the social. I am laughing here (I have control over Baudri!) good Aussie It aims at the social I thought it aimed at imperialism got to worry about someone like that then AUSSIE..take him/her off somewhere such as it is produced today Saturday??? is this Saturday??? OMG - the orbital , not that much, WF47... (unfortunately) Might be the unibommer wannabe interstitial, TONY....SATURDAY 6-17-00 control him then harnesss the...brain waves nuclear, Are you medicated? what with them? wow tissual network of control and security, Baudi ARE YOU DRUNK??? does anyone know how to do a quick lobotomy?? what happened to Thursday???? which invests us on all sides and produces us, yeah its called a 9mm pistol shot all of us, Last time I did a quick lobotomy was at uni with a broken beer bottle. be kind and just put him out of his misery lol delicate procedure sometimes it pays to be catatonic do sledge hammers work well for frontal lobotomies??? Baudri is droning Baudi ARE YOU DRUNK??? 139 BaudriR: Mach83: BaudriR: Womenfly47: MASTER CAUTION: BaudriR: Kidneylpn: Soccerbink: BaudriR: AussieGymBoy: AussieGymBoy: BaudriR: OneJetSnob: BaudriR: Womenfly47: BaudriR: TonyC AV8R: BaudriR: Womenfly47: BaudriR: AviationTM: St pauli babe: TonyC AV8R: OneJetSnob: AviationTM: BaudriR: IMCATATONIC: AussieGymBoy: Womenfly47: BaudriR: BaudriR: AviationTM: BaudriR: AuLI36: AviationTM: Womenfly47: OneJetSnob: BaudriR: TonyC AV8R: IMCATATONIC: BaudriR: Womenfly47: BaudriR: Fireangel1214: BaudriR: BaudriR: Womenfly47: BaudriR: Fireangel1214: BaudriR: Womenfly47: Uhhbilly: IMCATATONIC: BaudriR: Fireangel1214: BaudriR: RDMPTION4ME: BaudriR: Womenfly47: as a silent majority. Guys would like to listen to someone splain the world to me. But I have better things to do A hyperreal, I do think there must have been a sever shortage of HALDOL for this past week.. the water pipe in the loft must of backfired again... imperceptible sociality, ball pean hammer would do wonders for hims now edtrfghbytuhio;[p]'\ no longer operating by law and repression, Hey are VERY interesting.... (maybe that will shut him up) but by the infiltration of modles Baudi ARE YOU DRUNK??? models Morning Terri..any news on the fires out there?? , ok, everybody - - let's do this - - -IGNORE Baudi no longer by violence, good plan TONY but by deterrence / persuasion hiii roomies hiii elainnneeee hiiii PPAATTTTYYY like a bad commercial with subliminal messages.... *Click* Baudi Are you drunk?? hiiiii NNBBBBBBBBBBB hiii tonnnyyy hiiii catttaaaaaa - to that terrorism responds by an equally hyperreal act, he couldnt afford a moniter hes blind to the world one jet - I think you've asked that enough <~~~clicked Baundri caught up from the outset in concentric waves of media hii au hiiii wooodie hii B777 hiiii UUPPPPPPPP and of fascination, Baudri,in a nutshell...please BRB put leftover pizza in oven one last thing..BAUNDRI...can you put all that crap in yer profile?? sorry I gotta go phone Baudi Are you drunk? dedicated from the outset these rooms oughtta be like "Survivor" - - so we could VOTE people out terri still suffering from pizza indigestion not to any representation or consciousness I have several votes.... , BOREING!!!!!!!!!!!!! but to a mental downgrading by contiguity , that Y3K chcik...for starters fascination and panic, Nobody cares!!!! not to reflection Fire..just click on ignore Let me see what Spring is like on Jupiter and Mars... etr the manic depressive cartoonist lol or to the logic of cause and effect, Whats wrong with you people?!!!!!! but to a chain reaction by contagion, ETR IS A PAIN - senseless CAT..she is something..I haven't quite figgered it out yet.. 140 BaudriR: Uhhbilly: TonyC AV8R: Womenfly47: TonyC AV8R: BaudriR: BaudriR: TonyC AV8R: BaudriR: NB747: IMCATATONIC: Womenfly47: Woodie384: Uhhbilly: BaudriR: RDMPTION4ME: BaudriR: TonyC AV8R: Womenfly47: BaudriR: Uhhbilly: BaudriR: Fireangel1214: BaudriR: Woodie384: Angelw6284: BaudriR: Angelw6284: BaudriR: Angelw6284: UNCLETAUNTBA: FLY310R: TonyC AV8R: BaudriR: Uhhbilly: Womenfly47: BaudriR: TonyC AV8R: BaudriR: UNCLETAUNTBA: Womenfly47: UNCLETAUNTBA: TonyC AV8R: UNCLETAUNTBA: Womenfly47: Uhhbilly: Womenfly47: Merriley: Womenfly47: FLY310R: UPASIONAT: UNCLETAUNTBA: UPASIONAT: Woodie384: Uhhbilly: and indeterminate I hate when 707's crash... Fire - - it's not "us people" - - - click on IGNORE for Baudri, and we'll seem noraml again animal...mineral..or ??? :-) like the system it combats , 707 crashed?? when?? where?? into which it insinuates itself GEEZ Uhh..I've NEVER heard anyone say they like when a 707 crashes why bother women senseless zot there vegetable...THAT'S IT...ETR is a veggie Baudri has contradicted himself about a dozen times But hey, they waste a lot of gas... rather like a point of maximum and infinitesimal implosion bily when and where - a non-explosive, uhh, billy - - define waste?? fireball??? are reaLLY reading that nonsense?? non-historical, Nothing crashed; but I hate when it happens... non-political terrorism: Whatever! Stupid crazy dorks!!!!!!!! implosive, Not by choice hi nbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb crystallising, hi uppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp earth-shattering hi terrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 39/F want to chat must have ben talking to you.. ic, billy - - so you're trying to compete with the nonsense of Baudri??? LOL - and for that matter You Cunt Guide Elaina:if you find the chat offensive, please click your ignore feature and have fun c a homologue deep down, Aunt Uncle?? or is it Uncle Aunt?? I'm sooooooo confused LOL of teh silence and inertia of the masses. what languge Billy BILLY...TOS for that you jerk.. hey tony everyone please pause to Copy and Paste Billy's offensove Chat to TOS It is uncle <~~~thinks uhhhhhbilly should be DUHHHbilly That word raises hell, you have to admit... already done TONY..they may give him a time It's only a word.. is tasteless and totally uncalled for... like me? Anyone who uses that word is a coward as far as I am concerned...they use it as a last you go woman resort to try and upset a woman Baudri's fingers got tired God, that word gets people pissed... You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Punk Chat” Hatecorethug: i love my pay check 141 Hatecorethug: NewHampshireDirt: Pee wee grl888: BaudriR: Dexter22: Hatecorethug: OiGuinness: OiGuinness: DeepThought89: OiGuinness: BaudriR: Dexter22: DeepThought89: ALeonovich: BaudriR: Pee wee grl888: Pee wee grl888: Pee wee grl888: DeepThought89: DeepThought89: BaudriR: DeepThought89: OiGuinness: BaudriR: OiGuinness: BaudriR: IIskywarpII: Hatecorethug: BaudriR: Dexter22: BaudriR: Pee wee grl888: DeepThought89: DeepThought89: Hatecorethug: BaudriR: ALeonovich: Pee wee grl888: BaudriR: Dexter22: Dexter22: BaudriR: Dexter22: Pee wee grl888: BaudriR: Dexter22: Pee wee grl888: DeepThought89: BaudriR: Dexter22: Hatecorethug: BaudriR: Pee wee grl888: Dexter22: BaudriR: Pee wee grl888: TeenIdol18: BaudriR: Pee wee grl888: kill the homeless fuck sid SID IS UGLY! Terrorism does not aim at making anything speak, who can't fucking kill themself right??? more air for the smokers and you called yourself "punk/goth/grunge" yes Sid wasn't ugly.. youre stupid at resuscitating or mobilising anything; sid was ugly Look at yourself. hey i saw the cure last night it has no revolutionary consequences UGLY UGLY UGLY I'm not going to sit and act like were on Jerry. Grow up1 (in this regard, *! sure deep it is rather a complete counter-performance, moron for which it is violently reproached, hey, we hardcore kids have the market in ugly, don't go trying to give punkers our title~ yeah but that isn't its game); anyone here like AFI? it aims at the masses in their silence, I DO Ohh I'm the moron, Yet you can't stop insulting me after I said "fuck off, grow up and get a life" i like to see um dead a silence mesmerised by information, anyone like Vision? DEXTER? ; yah you do? kikass it aims at that white magic of the social encircling us, they fuckin rule a/S/L that of information, 17/m/pa O... 17/Female/Seattle of simulation, what about you 56/male/prison of deterrence, 16/F/CA shit, that's cool of anonymous and random control, I LOVE DAVEY HAVOK! 20/m/sexy as hell in order to precipitate its death EVEN THOUGH HES GAY 142 Robjm18: BlinkieChk182: BaudriR: NeWaRkDrUnKnPuNk: Dexter22: NeWaRkDrUnKnPuNk: Pee wee grl888: RUbYrEdSqUrT5: BaudriR: Herfactory: TeenIdol18: BaudriR: Apryl394662756: BaudriR: Dexter22: BaudriR: DxRxY: Apryl394662756: BaudriR: Pee wee grl888: Dexter22: JVPelon: Apryl394662756: BaudriR: any hot ladies in here Any1 here like blink182, lit, MxPx, or Fenix tx PRESS 182 by accentuating it. acidddddddd he's got a fucking AWESOME voice im still tripin I KNOW! hey wuts up? It aims at the white magic of social abstraction hmm what kind of punk is this room about? never been here has anyone heard TIGER ARMY? by the black magic HEY of a still greater, i like anti flag and the misfits too more anonymous, blah blah blah DEXTER M OR F arbitrary and hazardous abstraction: THATS COOL m ANY PUNC FEMALES HERE DO YOU LIKE THE CASUALTIES that of the terrorist act. You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Vampire tavern” BabeeDoll1086: ::tucks a strand of blonde hair behind her ear:: Hyper Saria15: :: watches everyone :: Decolorized Rift: [ Maybe he doesn't want you to know he is turning gay.. ] BabeeDoll1086: ::her silver eyes fade violet:: MaNgABuNnY22: ::grins revealing her glittering fangs::: BaudriR: It is the only non-representative act. Hyper Saria15: :: waits for someone to play wif her :: BaudriR: In this regard Babygurl122484: :nods: Sylvan butterfly: *sighs and folds her arms in her lap, yawning:: Decolorized Rift: [ Or maybe he is just a moron who has no brain.. ] BaudriR: it has an affinity with the masses Hyper Saria15: :: whimpers :: XBrimstone: lemme guess you dont like me BaudriR: , Decolorized Rift: [ ::Wiggles:: Do you have a picture? ] BabeeDoll1086: ::puts the bottle to her lips and gently tilts it upwards:: XvLil AngelXv: ::sits down and looks away:: Blade Nightstar: ::he sits at the bar, looking around at the other patrons:: Hyper Saria15: :: raises her head slightly :: BaudriR: who are the only non-represenable reality. Babygurl122484: :yawns: SoulKeeper4UT: :looks at her and smiles: BaudriR: This is definitely not to say MaNgABuNnY22: ::giggles:: Ditto1321988: ::grabs alot of bottles Ditto1321988: hmmmmm Havoc Highlander: who wants to spar with me if so go to private chat spar hard BaudriR: that terrorism would represent the silence SoulKeeper4UT: Just know this love Sylvan butterfly: *lies her head on her arms and yawns:: Babygurl122484: :puts a hand to his cheek: 143 BaudriR: MaNgABuNnY22: Darq Silhouette: Anhonestguy123: SilverSlaya77: Darq Silhouette: MaNgABuNnY22: SoulKeeper4UT: Anhonestguy123: TAILS825: Babygurl122484: Hyper Saria15: BaudriR: Hyper Saria15: Darq Silhouette: SoulKeeper4UT: Destroyer330: Hyper Saria15: Ditto1321988: MaNgABuNnY22: Hyper Saria15: Ditto1321988: BaudriR: Babygurl122484: BaudriR: Sylvan butterfly: Destroyer330: BaudriR: Decolorized Rift: SoulKeeper4UT: Decolorized Rift: SoulKeeper4UT: Darq Silhouette: BaudriR: Babygurl122484: Decolorized Rift: BaudriR: BabeeDoll1086: BaudriR: Blade Nightstar: Hyper Saria15: SoulKeeper4UT: BaudriR: Destroyer330: Hyper Saria15: BaudriR: BabeeDoll1086: XvLil AngelXv: XBrimstone: Destroyer330: BaudriR: Decolorized Rift: SilverSlaya77: Babygurl122484: MaNgABuNnY22: Sylvan butterfly: Hyper Saria15: BaudriR: MaNgABuNnY22: and the not-said of the masses,t ::folds her hands and lets her head rest on them:: {And he's not a moron-- except that I'm the greatest woman he could ever hope for and he i got bit by a vampyr ::stands up on the couch:: might pass that up.} :::eyes shimmer:: no matter how long it take, Ill be here and Im never going to leave you I GOT BIT BY A VAMPYR ya tired? :nods:i know :: tils her head, her tail wagghing:: that it would violently express their passive resistance. *wagging {Nope-- no pic-- no scanner} :smiles: <~runs out the door :: pounced on :: &$^$$($($%^(^)*((^%^$# ::sighs:: a little :: lets out a squel of excitement :: man that tastes good It is simply to say, :yawns again:god i got to get some sleep : ~whimpers quietly..there were no more interesting people in Rhydin:: <~spots all the bee's are gone but he went through the wrong door ther is no equivalent to the blind, [ He is a moron/idiot/stupid ass.. If you ask me. ] :nods: I can see that [ ::Is sad:: ] your* {Anyone ever tell you that you type too damn fast for a person with no fingers? ~Chuckles.~} non-representative, i cant seem to sleep [ No.. ] senseless character ::glances over at ditto:: of the terrorist act, ::this place seems to be boring him:: :: licks's Guin's face :: :nods: bad dreams? but the blind, <~walks through complete darkness :: ran to :: senseless ::turns and downs another shot:: ::finally looks around:: hey you there? <~finds chests full of sugar and unrepresentational behavior [ I can type like 60-120Wpm with this rod.. ] ::head butts her lightly, it hurt guin so he rubs his head:: :nods: :::eyes flutter::: *disappears* :: head butted :: of the masses. :::nods off to sleep::: 144 TAILS825: Destroyer330: Babygurl122484: BaudriR: Darq Silhouette: BaudriR: Destroyer330: BaudriR: SoulKeeper4UT: BaudriR: Destroyer330: Babygurl122484: SilverSlaya77: Darq Silhouette: BaudriR: Hyper Saria15: Hyper Saria15: MaNgABuNnY22: BaudriR: Decolorized Rift: SoulKeeper4UT: BaudriR: SoulKeeper4UT: Decolorized Rift: Darq Silhouette: XvLil AngelXv: BaudriR: Linka SaiyajinX: Decolorized Rift: Linka SaiyajinX: Babygurl122484: BaudriR: Decolorized Rift: Linka SaiyajinX: BaudriR: Linka SaiyajinX: MaNgABuNnY22: Blade Nightstar: BaudriR: MaNgABuNnY22: Hyper Saria15: Hyper Saria15: BaudriR: Babygurl122484: SoulKeeper4UT: Decolorized Rift: BaudriR: SilverSlaya77: TAILS825: BaudriR: MaNgABuNnY22: Hyper Saria15: SoulKeeper4UT: BaudriR: MaNgABuNnY22: Blink182grl84: Babygurl122484: Decolorized Rift: Destroyer330: oh god, here we go again with destroyer.... <~eats it all and comes back to the main room i think i scared everyone in the tavern this morning sat up screaming What they do have in commoni {~Oh my, the bad thoughts that go through her head.~} s that they are the most radical <~jumps around , :shrugs: Oh well most intense SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nods: ((Hyper you don't have to do that every time something happens to you)) {<sw> Nice rod, Rift. ~Smirk.~} contemporary form of [ I know. *] ::glows a little while asleep::: the denial of the whole representation system. [ I know.. Its pretty. ] You know it a long shot..... but i think I could make it that you either have no dreams or That is all. goood dream once [ I am sad.. ] {~Licks his cheek and coos softly.~ Why?} ::looks to the table and sighs:: No one really knows :: hops in :: [ Ya know the song "Stan" by Eminem? ] o.o;; :nods:ill try anything at this point just to get some sleep what relation can be established [ Thats sad. ] . . . .. . between two elements ###@@@&&&***%%%. ::one eye opens::: [yeah, that song is sad..] that are outside representation :::looks @ Tails and smiles::: *on *:: , here ok [ I am sad cus of it. ] this is a problem ::Guin once more pounces on Saria and wipes off his face:: ::smiles bak:: U can sleep. I'll be fine of which our epistemology of knowledge ok.... :: pounces on Guin back :: Look into my eyes love permits no resolution, ::nods off to sleep::: ::walks in :: :looks into his eyes: [ ::Loves that CD though:: ] <~jumps and his shirt is caught on the ceiling fan 145 Darq Silhouette: XvKiriBubbleonXv: BaudriR: Destroyer330: BaudriR: XvLil AngelXv: BaudriR: SoulKeeper4UT: Destroyer330: XvLil AngelXv: BaudriR: SilverSlaya77: Blade Nightstar: Darq Silhouette: BaudriR: XvKiriBubbleonXv: BabeeDoll1086: Hyper Saria15: Decolorized Rift: BaudriR: SilverSlaya77: BaudriR: SoulKeeper4UT: BaudriR: BabeeDoll1086: BabeeDoll1086: Babygurl122484: BaudriR: SilverSlaya77: Blink182grl84: Phoenix Essence: Destroyer330: BaudriR: BabeeDoll1086: XBrimstone: Blink182grl84: XBrimstone: BabeeDoll1086: MaNgABuNnY22: Destroyer330: Blade Nightstar: SilverSlaya77: BaudriR: SoulKeeper4UT: Babygurl122484: BaudriR: Darq Silhouette: Hyper Saria15: SoulKeeper4UT: SilverSlaya77: BaudriR: Babygurl122484: SoulKeeper4UT: Johnmike718: Decolorized Rift: Johnmike718: Babygurl122484: Destroyer330: MaNgABuNnY22: {Then don't listen to it! ~Covers his ears.~} :P since it always postulates <~spins around in circles the medium of a subject ::stands up and places the hood over her face:: and of a language, :looks into her eyes and enters her mind: i can fly ::walks out the tavern:: the medium of representation. ::he waves for Saria to join:: ::gets up and walks to the door:: {~Blinks as someone actually uses the term "postulates"~} We are really only acquainted ::Runs out:: ::glances over at Blade:: :: follows Guin curiously :: [ I think I will listen to.. "Kill You" hehe.. Fun song.. Yep yep. ] with representative series, ::goes behind bar:: we know little about analogical, :puts a mental veil over what he knows is the dream causing part and leaves her mind: affinitive, ::her eyes fade baby blue for a moment and then return to ciolet:: violet* :blinks and looks at him: im-mediatised, ::then drinks the rest off the stuff behind the bar:: ::walk slowly to a table, looking at blade:: :::She reappears again:: <~flies off and goes into the wall non-reference series and other systems. ::pours herself another shot:: ::sits back in hi corner of the rafters:: ::smiles at blade:: *his ::drinks this one slowly:: ::her silver and blonde hair fall in front of her face::: <~hits the wall and falls down ::he reaches a table in the very back and sits:: ::WHISTLES:: Come on Guin let's go Undoubtedly something very substantial passes between them Ive done all I could with out doing anything that is permenant so this is gonna keep me from having bad dreams (the masses and terrorism) {Arg-- I have to go. ~Licks his cheek.~} :: whimpers good-bye:: It should ::GUin waddles to Dirk and Jumps doing a front flip he returns to his dagger form:: which we would seek in vain :nods:ok If not I have one more trick ::looks for a wife [ ::Licks her back:: Bu-bye. ] :: ok whoa pretty stars ::seems to have a glow surrounding her body:: 146 SoulKeeper4UT: BaudriR: Hyper Saria15: Babygurl122484: SoulKeeper4UT: Hyper Saria15: BaudriR: Destroyer330: TAILS825: Destroyer330: Destroyer330: Destroyer330: BaudriR: Destroyer330: Destroyer330: BaudriR: Destroyer330: Destroyer330: Destroyer330: Darq Silhouette: SilverSlaya77: Decolorized Rift: BaudriR: Destroyer330: BaudriR: BaudriR: Destroyer330: Destroyer330: BaudriR: SoulKeeper4UT: SilverSlaya77: Decolorized Rift: XBrimstone: Darq Silhouette: BaudriR: Babygurl122484: BaudriR: Johnmike718: SoulKeeper4UT: MaNgABuNnY22: EminemExplicit2G: SilverSlaya77: BaudriR: Babygurl122484: BabeeDoll1086: BaudriR: Hyper Saria15: SoulKeeper4UT: BaudriR: Babygurl122484: MaNgABuNnY22: SilverSlaya77: Destroyer330: BaudriR: BabeeDoll1086: XBrimstone: Blade Nightstar: BaudriR: BaudriR: that will work that is also not permenant in the historical precedents :: trots to John :: ok :smiles: :: growls :: of representative systems <~counts the stars ::notices the glow:: huh? 1 2 3 (assembly/ 4 5 people, 6 7 8 {He kind of talks to me-- but I think he wants someone else. ~Shrugs as if to say "that's ::walks to John:: [ ::Runs:: PHONE! ] party/ 8 stars proletariat, minorities<~bites one owww marginals/ :kisses her back and wraps his arms around her: Hey ain't you the one with Hunter Z90 [ Hehe.. ] ::sits looking a bit depressed drinking his bloodwyne:: life"-- kisses his cheek and drops offline.~} groupuscules... the safest place ). yes :smiles and nods: ::completely asleep::: Ben's Eminem Page</A> I though so And just as a positive soical energy :closes her eyes: ::runs her fingers through her blonde hair:: passes between the two poles of any representative system, :: trots out, panting in contentment :: :whispers in her ear: Ill be right here when you wake it could be said that :nods: ::smiles in sleep slightly:::: ::Walks out wit Hyper <~gets up and sits at a table between the masses and terrorism, ::takes a drink fromthe bottle of tequila:: ::is up in the rafters:: ::he sits amongst the shadows, his gaze devouring a certain few:: between these two non-poles of a non-representative system, also passes and energy, 147 SoulKeeper4UT: XBrimstone: BabeeDoll1086: BaudriR: Babygurl122484: Peachecream22: Phoenix Essence: Peachecream22: MRavegirl2000: BaudriR: Blink182grl84: MaNgABuNnY22: BaudriR: Destroyer330: Phoenix Essence: Destroyer330: BaudriR: Peachecream22: Babygurl122484: Phoenix Essence: BaudriR: MaNgABuNnY22: :holds her hand lacing their fingers together: what the ::hugs Phoenix Essence back:: ::turns and takes another drink:: but a reverse energy, :relaxes: rave!!!!!!!! :::She smiles as she pulls away::: kevin???? peache! an energy not of social acumulation and tranformation, you look depressed ::keeps lightly glowing::: but of social dispersal, <~walks to the bar and grabs some wine :::she speaks with her siren like voice:: i see you found another, oh well <~sits back down and drinks it of dispersion of the social, why no hi kevin??? :smiles softly as she drifts to sleep: ::::walks away from Brim back into the shadows, sighing sadly:: of absorption and annulment of the political. ::opens her eyes:: You have just entered room “Places - East Texas” Uglyoledude: I? BaudriR: It cannot be said JNC189S: im sorry i dont ...have only had puter for a few day ....but would like to see you BaudriR: that it is the RookieTailboard: LFD Uglyoledude: longview? KLIFFY65: hi y'all BaudriR: "age of the silent majority" RookieTailboard: yes sir Uglyoledude: <~~~~~~~not a sir.......LMAO BaudriR: which "produces" terrorism. RookieTailboard: yes m'am? Rdhdtaz: 32/f Uglyoledude: well dont slip from the tailboard BaudriR: It is the simultaneity of the two which is staggering, RookieTailboard: i'll try not too BaudriR: and noteworthy. SWF35LA: SLIPPIN WOULNDT BE GOOD KLIFFY65: hi sexy how ya been Uglyoledude: baddddddddddddd JNC189S: hello rdh Uglyoledude: thing BaudriR: Whether or not one accepts its brutality, STARKISS19182: hello 19/f from vidor.tx JNC189S: hello star BaudriR: it alone truly marks IbLoOkIn6969: gawd i'm fuking bored BaudriR: the end of the political Uglyoledude: nice talk Ib KLIFFY65: oh no not this again sheri BaudriR: and of the social. Uglyoledude: do we need to go into the manners thing again? SWF35LA: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OK BaudriR: It alone betrays this reality 148 SWF35LA: BaudriR: RookieTailboard: SWF35LA: IbLoOkIn6969: KLIFFY65: Uglyoledude: SWF35LA: BaudriR: JSD187: RookieTailboard: BaudriR: SWF35LA: IbLoOkIn6969: Uglyoledude: KLIFFY65: BaudriR: IbLoOkIn6969: BaudriR: Uglyoledude: IbLoOkIn6969: BaudriR: KLIFFY65: RMo9640475: BaudriR: RookieTailboard: KLIFFY65: RMo9640475: BaudriR: IbLoOkIn6969: BaudriR: IbLoOkIn6969: KLIFFY65: BaudriR: IbLoOkIn6969: BaudriR: SWF35LA: EcheLLe85: KLIFFY65: RMo9640475: Uglyoledude: EcheLLe85: BaudriR: RMo9640475: IbLoOkIn6969: Uglyoledude: BaudriR: JNC189S: Lkchukguy: IbLoOkIn6969: KLIFFY65: Uglyoledude: BaudriR: Uglyoledude: BaudriR: Lkchukguy: EcheLLe85: KLIFFY65: RMo9640475: THANKS KLIFFY of a violent implosion i have good manners AND YOU? kliffy why are you mean to me now is it cuz i said you were too old for me??? good <~~~~~~~~bad table manners <~~~~HAS GREAT MANNERS of all our systems of representation. i need a hood rat chick what are manners by the way? Terrorism does not at all aim at unmasking OK CLICKIN ON BAUD la l al al a good question rookie it has nothing to do with that sheri i just hate hearing you whine all the time the repressive character of the State i'm not whinin (that is the provocative negativity of the groupuscules) Ib should go to the free clinic you people just sterio type to bad , who find in this a last chance ummmm yes you are ! its always i'm bored or i'm horny 30/f/ SW Louisiana to be representative /\/\/\/\/\the real boys in tha hood/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ and I dont care what you are hi Uglyoledude in the eyes of the masses). well get over it It propagates, i know i'm over it i'm fixin to right now (click by its own non-representativity, so i think you need to get over dumb azz and by chain reaction ME TOO KLIFFY where is everyone from? thats much better SW Louisiana here im thinkin she needs a hormone agjustment i'm from gladewater (not by remonstration and consciousness raising) kewl oh boy everyone gonna click me now kliffy.....she look better on iggy? the apparent non-representativity of all power. ib....who are getting over? lake charles i can feel the fuking love in this room iggy? cuzzzzzz you a retard Here is its subversion ignore? : no way well room i gtg i'm downloading some stuff yep thats what i did yup 149 Lkchukguy: RMo9640475: Duckhead451: RookieTailboard: RMo9640475: BaudriR: Uglyoledude: RMo9640475: BaudriR: TAKE1STEP: IbLoOkIn6969: BaudriR: Duckhead451: BaudriR: RMo9640475: we gotta go to tx to have fun yup Tipping hat at all the ladies ignore crazy it precipitates non-representation dayummmmmmm hi DUck by injecting it g'mornin/afternoon all no you must be mistaken me for you in infinitesimal 20/m/Trinity Tx w/pics but very concentrated doses. 30/f/SW Louisiana You have just entered room “Special Interests - Horses” DBar6Ranch: yes they are at least 30 days off HorseLuvr55: I have to go! BYE FlutterBy62: bye AlexM1988: BYE HORSE DBar6Ranch: mine were waste of money BaudriR: Its fundamental violence is to deny all the institutions of representation Mr pushbutton: oh ok Realmania3584: ne1 from georgia DBar6Ranch: CST whats the matter CarriTess: BYE HORSES Ademarie86: Sophomore in HS/F/IL Ademarie86: U? Mr pushbutton: i have a mare due today CSTARDUST831: SAD AlexM1988: I'M IN IL 2!!! Ademarie86: My mare foaled May 31st BAllportS: Trak owners press 10 CarriTess: SAD WHAT? HORSESTAR152: I don't have a horse Mr pushbutton: shes showin sugns Realmania3584: 10 Mr pushbutton: signs AlexM1988: 12/F/IL HORSESTAR152: I'm sad BaudriR: (unions, organised movements, conscious "politcal" struggle, etc.) FlutterBy62: dont own horse yet DBar6Ranch: is she waxing FlutterBy62: used to tho AlexM1988: WHERE IN IL ARE YOU? Lunariize: where is doom? i kind of miss him Ademarie86: Near DeKalb CarriTess: HELP ME BaudriR: including those who play at solidarity with it, Mr pushbutton: no this mare never waxes FlutterBy62: when i did western AlexM1988: I'M NEAR CHICAGO AlexM1988: WHERE DO U RIDE? CarriTess: I'M CLUELESS DBar6Ranch: is she sweating and kind of clammy BaudriR: for solidarity is still a way of constituting it as model, Lunariize: Does anyone in here do hunter/jumper? 150 Ademarie86: BAllportS: BaudriR: Ademarie86: FlutterBy62: CarriTess: Doom277556: Lunariize: AlexM1988: Lunariize: Mr pushbutton: BaudriR: Lunariize: AlexM1988: HORSESTAR152: Ademarie86: DBar6Ranch: BaudriR: FlutterBy62: Realmania3584: BaudriR: Lunariize: BaudriR: FlutterBy62: BRATFILLY: KYLIE300: BaudriR: BRATFILLY: HORSESTAR152: DBar6Ranch: CarriTess: BAllportS: BaudriR: AlexM1988: Realmania3584: BRATFILLY: CSTARDUST831: BaudriR: FlutterBy62: Lunariize: Realmania3584: Mr pushbutton: HORSESTAR152: FlutterBy62: BAllportS: DBar6Ranch: KYLIE300: FARMERRMS: CSTARDUST831: AlexM1988: FlutterBy62: Mr pushbutton: FlutterBy62: Lazyj52: Sarahleela: CarriTess: HORSESTAR152: BaudriR: DBar6Ranch: Used to be w/ "Plumcreek Stables" Real what do you have? as emblem, u? ME ALEX A/S/L? shut up i know you do flutter 12/F/IL oh good, doom your still here no usually she just lies down and foals and hence of assigning it to representation. i was really starting to miss you I'M AT PALOS HILLS RIDING STABLE Someone named ho sent me a dirty e-mail Cool! are u worried about her ("They died for us, everybody sends people dirty emails ne1 ride huntseat or team penning? their aciton was not wasted...") i do huntseat real Any means will do i just got one titles " moist 18 yro girls" team pening anyone here ride cutting horses? to impose meaning, cutting I mean VERY dirty its suppose to tell u withing the hour but dont YUCK WHAT? Real mania do you know the breeding of your Trak? to disregard how far terrorism isw STYLE/BREED ALL lunar-what breed? mostly reining TEP KC WILL B DEAD 3YRS ON SUNDAY ithout legitimacy "moist 18 y/o gilrs" email all different types of WBs and some tbreds ball-hals hope i thought it was reliable within 48 hours did anyone else get it i hate getting porno mail Real Amer or Can Trak well i did too till i spent the money and it was 30 days later reining is fun too you got it just sent it to tosspam BRB K Horses-whenever u go into AOL chats u always get porno mail did ur mare show calcium in milk b/c people are aware of your SN I did horse Does anyone ride western/pleasure? MALES PRESS 228 it nasty,And my dad will get mad and take me of on-line if people send dirty mail without political consequences, yes and she was the one that was waxed that whole time 151 Mr pushbutton: BaudriR: Lazyj52: HORSESTAR152: DBar6Ranch: BaudriR: FlutterBy62: BaudriR: Mr pushbutton: BaudriR: FlutterBy62: CarriTess: BaudriR: DBar6Ranch: FARMERRMS: Mr pushbutton: BRATFILLY: BaudriR: Lunariize: ARENAULDH: BaudriR: BaudriR: Lazyj52: HORSESTAR152: BaudriR: ARENAULDH: Lunariize: J5W23: BaudriR: FARMERRMS: AlexM1988: BaudriR: Lunariize: Mirroresqushar: Lunariize: BaudriR: Paintlvr12015632: Lazyj52: wow without any historical continuity. horse just dont open it I ride western pleaser kind of what i thought Its only "ripples" well i gtg ttyl peoples are precisely not an historical flow does she have same characteristics every time she foals but its story, bye BYE FLUTTER its shock wave int eh media. no this was the first time she ever did that to me another thing you can do horse is shut off your email when you come into rooms ok by flutter & thanks for defending me. This story no more belings to an objective Does anyone here do AHSA? ANYONE KNOW HER and informative order than terrorism does to the political order. yes areana.. ?? what ahsa Both are elsewhere, LAZY HER PUTER IS DOWN American Horse Shows Association 22/f/pa in an order which is neither of meaning nor of represenation well since doom didn't say bye I wonder if aol removed ne1 ride saddlebreds or saddleseat? - mythical perhaps, i dont know, i have him on my buddy list though !! HELLO ROOM i can look him up simulacrum undoubtedly. hey can they do that farmer? You have just entered room “Special Interests - Abducted by UFOs” HBauto: Stark is defin a PIG SpRiNgBaBe03: IS THAT THE BEST COMEBACK U HAVE? BaudriR: The other aspect of terrorist violence HBauto: She would but stark has it in his mouth ? Stark93055: IT'S BETTER THEN THAT GAY PUTDOWN YOU TOLD ME BaudriR: is its disclaiming of any determination and of any quality. ARockerDude: i smoke 2 joints in the morning i smoke 2 joints at in the afternoon Stark93055: YOU STUPID BITCH BaudriR: In this sense, ARockerDude: i smoke 2 joints in the morning i smoke 2 joints at in the afternoon ARockerDude: i smoke 2 joints in the morning i smoke 2 joints at in the afternoon SpRiNgBaBe03: EAT ME BaudriR: we must distinguish terrorism Stark93055: GO SUCK SOMEONE'S DICK EscapedConvict01: i will spring babe ARockerDude: i smoke 2 joints in the morning i smoke 2 joints at in the afternoon BaudriR: from "banditry" Stark93055: I DON'T WANNA I'D PROBABLY GET HERPES it makes me feel alrigt it makes me feel alrigt it makes me feel alrigt it makes me feel alrigt 152 BaudriR: PhantomGannon82: JOE KOOL 1: SpRiNgBaBe03: BaudriR: SpRiNgBaBe03: BaudriR: EscapedConvict01: JOE KOOL 1: BaudriR: ARockerDude: Lucifer16666: JOE KOOL 1: Lucifer16666: BaudriR: SpRiNgBaBe03: JOE KOOL 1: Italprincess453: Lucifer16666: SpRiNgBaBe03: BaudriR: SpRiNgBaBe03: PhantomGannon82: BaudriR: Italprincess453: BaudriR: EscapedConvict01: HBauto: JOE KOOL 1: RedskinHog: BaudriR: RedskinHog: Lucifer16666: SpRiNgBaBe03: BaudriR: Italprincess453: HBauto: BaudriR: SpRiNgBaBe03: SpRiNgBaBe03: SpRiNgBaBe03: SpRiNgBaBe03: SpRiNgBaBe03: RedskinHog: SpRiNgBaBe03: Italprincess453: SpRiNgBaBe03: RainBowBrite707: SpRiNgBaBe03: SpRiNgBaBe03: ROMAN IN FLA: Mellowball: SpRiNgBaBe03: BaudriR: RainBowBrite707: HBauto: SpRiNgBaBe03: Lucifer16666: SpRiNgBaBe03: and commando action. BITE ME................seriosly I heard about this guy that got abducted while he haD THIS LITTLE KID WITH HIM and the U KNOW U WANT ME The latter is an act of war U JUST DON'T WANT TO ADMIT IT aimed at a determinate enemy ew yea i want you badly aliens couldnt mentaly control the kid and...... (blowing up a train, ComPleTe FuCkING AnArChYComPleTe FuCkING AnArChYComPleTe FuCkING AnArChY i was abducted by aliens the kid freaked and killed several of the aqliens cuz...... the aliens probed me hurling a bomb into the opposing party's headquarters, etc.) THAT'S GREAT NO ONE CARES they were extreamly weak aND FRAIL PHYSICALY anyone been abducted in here? i was NO The other is dependent on IT'S ALL FAKE come on......... traditional criminal violence you full of shit LUCIFER (a bank hold-up, lets do it here spring right here in the middle of the chat once in 53 i went up very high and for 2 days. anybody ever hear of anything like that? I WAS ABDUCTED sequestration THEY PROBED ME i was abducted by aliens again GOOD FOR U in exchange for ransom, You were RED? I saw redhog on the ship etc.) * ** *** **** ***** U WERE THE ONE THAT POROBED ME WERENT U ****** you all believe in aliens then? ******* not me ******** ********* yes...................................................................... NOPE ********** All these actions have an economic or martial "objective". <~~ doesnt believe in aliens YEP ********** i saw an alien probing a cow ************ 153 B Dave b 134: SpRiNgBaBe03: BaudriR: SpRiNgBaBe03: SpRiNgBaBe03: Italprincess453: EscapedConvict01: BaudriR: SpRiNgBaBe03: EscapedConvict01: SpRiNgBaBe03: SpRiNgBaBe03: RedskinHog: RedskinHog: BaudriR: B Dave b 134: BaudriR: SpRiNgBaBe03: SpRiNgBaBe03: SpRiNgBaBe03: BaudriR: SpRiNgBaBe03: RedskinHog: JOE KOOL 1: RedskinHog: BaudriR: DulaneySteeple: PhantomGannon82: RedskinHog: BaudriR: RedskinHog: RedskinHog: BaudriR: RedskinHog: EscapedConvict01: JOE KOOL 1: Lucifer16666: JOE KOOL 1: RedskinHog: SpRiNgBaBe03: RedskinHog: Italprincess453: PIDYEDNA: BaudriR: Italprincess453: SpRiNgBaBe03: BaudriR: Italprincess453: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: PhantomGannon82: BaudriR: PhantomGannon82: CoCoPuffs85: PhantomGannon82: BaudriR: CoCoPuffs85: SpRiNgBaBe03: BaudriR: yeah *********** Present-day terrorism, ********** ********* do you all proof they exist? i thought we were going to do it right here? initiated by the taking of hostages ******** spring?? ******* ****** phone home and the game of postponed death, do you have proof they dont no longer has any objectives **** *** ** (if it claims to have any, * The aliens told me to deliver a message anyone ever read the book 'the threat'? SO behold humans they are ridiculous, i understand the us gov has oictures of man made structures on mars I SAW AN ALIEN HUMPING A COW u are all puny humans or unachievable,an prepare to be vaporized if u all dont repeat after me and in any case, KAKA scream my name spring yes delaney i was abducted by MARVIN THE MARTAIN they do Say it with me WELL ALL THE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN ALIENS PRESS 03 KAKA RED yu sound so ignorant who in here is a phychic? this is quite the most ineffective method of attaining them), 02 AND THE ONES WHO DON'T PRESS 01 nor any determinate enemy. 02 i was abducted by a large penis Do the Palestinians strke at Israel by means of intermediary hostages? come on......... No, come on......... it tickles come on......... it is through Israel as intermediary it tickles the pickles THE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN ALIENS PRESS 03 that they strike 154 Lucifer16666: Lucifer16666: CoCoPuffs85: Lucifer16666: BaudriR: PIDYEDNA: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: MexicanHottie758: BaudriR: JOE KOOL 1: ARLENELAMB: BaudriR: BaudriR: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: ARLENELAMB: PhantomGannon82: BaudriR: JOE KOOL 1: BaudriR: CSWEETCHAR: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: JOE KOOL 1: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: Lucifer16666: BaudriR: Sk8rblind500: BaudriR: WAcedown61: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: B Dave b 134: CoCoPuffs85: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: KRNBizBoY: REDSEA970: BaudriR: CoCoPuffs85: PhantomGannon82: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: CoCoPuffs85: CoCoPuffs85: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: Lucifer16666: DDaisy0801: B Dave b 134: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: Butterfly47174: 03 01 03 02 at a mythical, if ur a pyschic press4 no nor not even mythical, 4 anonymous, BYE BYE EVERYONE.......I'M GONNA GO ITS BEEN GREAT undifferentiated enemy; I made a 'snuff flick' with one of those aliens.... who likes cows a kind of omnipresent global social order , ( _I_) this is my booty whenever, damn! nice ass ITS OLD whoever, coco....dont you use toilet paper? down tothe last of the "innocents" who is a heshe sometimes Terrorism is this well that ass of yours smells funny i'm a devil woman :it is novel, loook aliens talk and insoluble, one time i was abduccted and they shoved a probe up my ass only because it strkes wherever, shut up whenever, whoever; otherwise it would only be ransom who ever is boerd press 7 lalalala 7 or a military commando act. 7 la Its blindness is the exact replica i come from Uranus (the planet) 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 of the system's absolute lack of differentiation . For some time the system has no longer separated ends from means, boring snoring play ball tormentors from victims. i'm bored to this sux bye lala In its deadly and indiscriminate taking of hostages, hello every1 155 BaudriR: PhantomGannon82: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: Butterfly47174: RoddJohnson007: RoddJohnson007: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: Butterfly47174: PhantomGannon82: BaudriR: CoCoPuffs85: Butterfly47174: RoddJohnson007: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: RoddJohnson007: CoCoPuffs85: BaudriR: WAcedown61: BaudriR: Nsync4me202a: Lftdaporch: WAcedown61: BaudriR: Aimiee1313: Mightyreader: Butterfly47174: Regulus48: WAcedown61: BaudriR: Lftdaporch: Aimiee1313: BaudriR: Nsync4me202a: WAcedown61: Butterfly47174: Regulus48: Mightyreader: RoddJohnson007: BaudriR: Londen16: BaudriR: Aimiee1313: Lftdaporch: RoddJohnson007: Nsync4me202a: Lftdaporch: BaudriR: Lftdaporch: Butterfly47174: BaudriR: RoddJohnson007: Lftdaporch: RoddJohnson007: RoddJohnson007: Aimiee1313: BaudriR: terrorism strikes i saw lucifer humping an alien it's fun at precisely the most characteristic product of the whole system: i only saw a bright light that was not lucifer it was ure dad there is an alien under my bed the anonymous whats its name? it was u 007 and perfectly undifferentiated individual, anyone wanna see a pic. of my alien? i do and proud IM me for her pic. the term substitutable for any other. u freak thanx Paradoxically, poop it seems that the innocent pay the crime of being nothing, i was abducted by aleins ten days ago (jokeing) anyone been abducted??? chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of being lotless, i have no way! i have yes i hav 4 time jk meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of having been dispossessed of their name i have achip in my head form those bastards way by an equally anonymous system their is no such as aliens my mothers an alien sex bieng i know it hurt i got strip surched yall r CrAzY!!! i have a bag of doritos....... whose purest incarnation they then become. HEY YO They are the end products of the social it didnt hurt TOO bad then why do i have blackouts, a sore ass, and a chip inmy head and aliens are all androids they could be out there but it's a 5o percant chance and no one can undestand the tech of the chip , of a now globalised abstract sociality. it has to be alien mine hurt It is in this sense, mad by mad scientists in the 1600s it is unknown technology to man made really mad ones Butterfly, do you remember anything in the sense in which they are precisely anybody, 156 Nsync4me202a: Lftdaporch: Butterfly47174: Lftdaporch: BaudriR: Aimiee1313: Butterfly47174: Lftdaporch: ok u are all crazyok i do aimee bright light very little though that they are the predestined victims of terrorism. what do you remember lots of touching feeling frightened mostly You have just entered room “Special Interests - Crafts Crochet” Crzeekat27: that is what I said XFandCrochet: or actually double congrats Formamajo: twins wow BaudriR: It is in this sense, Crzeekat27: he said he heard two heartbeats besides my own KJohnsonJade: How many months? BaudriR: or rather in this defiance of sense, Knitgenia: twins? that would definately put me in the looney bin!! Crzeekat27: 4 1/2 BaudriR: that the terrorist act is akin to the natural catastrophe. Crzeekat27: Knit my two now are getting me there LMAO BaudriR: There is no difference KJohnsonJade: Twins, born early most of time BaudriR: between Crzeekat27: he said I will most likely deliver beginning of Nov instead of end Tigercrcht: Crzee, when you find out you will have to let me know BaudriR: an earthquake in Guatemala XFandCrochet: brb someone did something..they are acting funny BaudriR: and the hijacking of a Lufthansa Boeing Londen16: HEY YO KJohnsonJade: Yes, if babies dont have to fight for space BaudriR: with three hundred passengers on board, Crzeekat27: you need to keep in touch with me so much to catch up on Tigercrcht: Crzee, where do you live Croak66: Form,time to act like host Knitgenia: if you hold off until the end of Nov, then you won't be expected to make thanksgiving dinner XFandCrochet: well dont see anything BaudriR: between the "natural" intervention Tigercrcht: I know, have been sick alot and busy at the same time Crzeekat27: well I moved to PA remember BaudriR: and the "human" terrorist intervention. Formamajo: welcome to crochet chat have a new project tell us about BaudriR: Nature is terrorist, Tigercrcht: well, since the last time I talked to you, I moved to Nevada BaudriR: as is the abrupt failure of the whole technological system: KJohnsonJade: Going to do chores, back later Crzeekat27: sick here to Formamajo: time to click ladies BaudriR: the great New York blackouts Crzeekat27: wow BaudriR: ('65 and '77) Tigercrcht: I understand that one Knitgenia: form, haven't stopped clickin' BaudriR: create more wonderful terrorist situations Croak66: clicked Crzeekat27: i'm in tn right now the kids came down for vacation with daddy BaudriR: . BaudriR: than the true ones, 157 Tigercrcht: BaudriR: Crzeekat27: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: BaudriR: Crzeekat27: Tigercrcht: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: BaudriR: Crzeekat27: Knitgenia: Tigercrcht: Crzeekat27: Knitgenia: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: BaudriR: XFandCrochet: Croak66: Formamajo: BaudriR: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: Formamajo: Crzeekat27: BaudriR: Crzeekat27: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: BaudriR: Crzeekat27: BaudriR: Crzeekat27: Tigercrcht: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: Crzeekat27: BaudriR: Crzeekat27: BaudriR: Crzeekat27: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: Crzeekat27: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: BaudriR: XFandCrochet: BaudriR: B M 0519: Crzeekat27: Tigercrcht: BaudriR: Formamajo: Crzeekat27: what part of TN, can't remember dream situations. Clarksville Better: thats right, you need to move there these great technological accidents, I am thinking about it again am moving to Murfreesboro most likely when hubby gets out of navy like great natural accidents, would be great to get together illustrate the possibility of a radical subjectless subversion. kewl well, g/g i've made another mistake in this gown! and i've gotta rip it out - again want to be in Baxter right now so bad I can't stand it will have to send you the addy for here been nice chatting with you The power failure of '77 bye Knit in New York bye knit take care Bye Knit,take care sorry I was in confrence could have been instigated by a very organised terrorist group ; my sister is getting married today and I can't stand that I am not there can't spell it either can't believe I have stayed out of touch for so long that would have changed nothing in its objective outcome. i'm sorry Tiger The same acts of violence, took me 25 years to get a sister and can't even be there for her of pillage, she is thinking of you I am sure the same undermining, and you are of her thats ok Crzee, haven't exactly been keeping in touch myself the same suspension of the 'social" order would have ensued from it. was supposed to be matron of honor though oh This signifies that terrorism is not a step of violence, have you been working on anything lately but is everywhere me alot of baby stuff lol in the normality of the social, too much, got about 15 projects such that from one moment to the next still trying to finish exchanges too LOL wow it can be transfigured I am sure I owe you something into an ((((BM))))) inverse, hi xf I haven't heard anything on the exchanges I was in someone needs to be reported absurd, did everyone ckick on baudri name please do press ignor wasn't you in the Garden Of Friends? 158 Tigercrcht: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: Formamajo: B M 0519: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: Crzeekat27: BaudriR: Croak66: BaudriR: Tigercrcht: Crzeekat27: BaudriR: Crzeekat27: Croak66: Tigercrcht: Crzeekat27: Crzeekat27: BaudriR: B M 0519: Formamajo: yes uncontrollable reality. actually still getting squares for that hi BM where have you been haven't seen you in awhile The natural catastrophe haven't sent any of those out yet not me acts in theis sense is he still in the room? and so, yes not sure if I got your square lol paradoxically, Tiger ignore him i did sure doesnt take a hint you didn't, still have them, been so broke lately, almost lost truck I think I did oh it becomes the mythical expression of the catastrophe of the social. yes you yes croak but his name is still on list You have just entered room “Life - Beliefs Atheism” Eureka1682: <---fucked up her life more than anyone else BaudriR: Or rather The Atomic Hare: Lothar of the hill people...Conan of Barbaria... AmyChickers: lol muna...i had pubic hair at age 9, i was still a child ChaseTheLilDevil: uh, Eur... i think you're in line behind me, hon... LoL BaudriR: the natural catastrophe PatriciaGrn: do you think i should finsih with a PA program or get my RN license?? Munashii453: <<<<< had pubic hair at age 10... *shrug* BaudriR: being a meaningless Eureka1682: chase, 27 years of abusive marriages, I think I lead the line Maxijm2: pat. It depends on how good a PA you want to be. PatriciaGrn: <~~~has ni pubic hair at 26 BaudriR: , non-representative vicissitude para excellence Bimbammit: what is pubic hair? JncoJake69 Take2: <~~did not need to know about muna's pubic hair...amy's on the other hand..... BaudriR: (unless representative of God, Munashii453: Bimb... ummm... Agnostic epitome: patricia...oh really? PatriciaGrn: <~~~shaver AmyChickers: <<<shaver too Maxijm2: pat. I am aware of PA programs. Many admit people with BS/BA degree with some ChaseTheLilDevil: *sigh* alright... i'm off to play pretend now... BBL!! BaudriR: which is why the person in charge of Continental Edison was able to speak of God Bimbammit: if you can't tell me what pubic hair is... PatriciaGrn: max...of course i would want to be a WONDERFUL pa Maxijm2: hosp. related experience Agnostic epitome: <<<-----shaves face too BaudriR: and his intervention Munashii453: <<<<< has no hair below his neck C4 alkamyst: GOTTA GO GUYS THE LORD BE WITH YOU ALL AND REMEMBER THAT HE WOULD ALOUD SATAN TO MESS UP Eureka1682: <---wants to put her head through the wall Agnostic epitome: c4...just get the fuck out BaudriR: during the last New York blackout), 159 Maxijm2: Pithypants: JohnClairOwens: AmyChickers: BaudriR: Eureka1682: Eureka1682: Agnostic epitome: Bimbammit: PatriciaGrn: JohnClairOwens: BaudriR: Absolutdrunk247: AmyChickers: C4 alkamyst: BaudriR: Maxijm2: Eureka1682: Agnostic epitome: BaudriR: JncoJake69 Take2: pat. Some PA's are great but the best have been nurses first Too much pubic hair is like eating a needle through a haystack Eureka, you can't be abused more than once, unless you empower the abuser to do so! my WHOLE friggin apt smells like alchohol it becomes a kind of symptom John yes and that is my fault John that is how stupid I am amy...serious spill? ewww, amy that is tinky max...hmm...better clinical exp...i have been thinkning about it for some time Have his ass arrested, it'll put a crip in his knickers or violent incarnation of the state of the social, is not stupid, Eur..... i have no clue...the resident drunk isn't here YOUR LIFE AND HAVE YOU CRAWLING TO HIM JESUS IS LOVE REAL LOVE namely of its catstrophe pat. See what I mean. Some PA's I know worked as orderlies. Abs not with you c4...just get the fuck out!!!! damn. <eyeroll> and of the collapse of every representaton supporting it. eureka: i meant real as in tangible You have just entered room “Special Interests - Collecting” Skoche: Rig? cats meows? BaudriR: Implosive Systems, Pandorasam165: collect the teenys from Mc Rig ? BaudriR: Explosive Systems Venom F623: cats' meows? how do you collect those? Rigx4: yea them wood painted houses. they all have a blak cat somewhere BaudriR: In their triangular affinity, Venom F623: do you bottle them up? JAP8187: I went to the sale at joannes betty get some cool aprons cheap BaudriR: the masses, Skoche: ohhhhhhhhhh Venom F623: baud? are you okay? BETTYSLINE: cool Jap... BaudriR: the media and terrorism Rigx4: they do alot of local building plus the others OMYRoomAngel: Im great BETTYSLINE: brb.....need water Venom F623: or are you mentally unstable? Rigx4: yes pand JAP8187: what makes me happy lol BaudriR: describe the presently prevailing process of implosion. Venom F623: or are you normally mentally unstable? BaudriR: The whole process Pandorasam165: are the surprise ones really Springy and Roary ? Rigx4: i am supposed to understand you bau Rigx4: i don't know. OMYRoomAngel: :::::::Feels a ingore coming on:::::::::::: BaudriR: is affected by a violence which is only just beginning, Venom F623: baudrir means mental block, Skoche: diffentitly lost JAP8187: omy seen the other me in the room? WhiteCfw: Anyone into coins??? Venom F623: unfortunately, he is a blockhead. BaudriR: an orbital and nuclear violence OMYRoomAngel: No but heard about it JAP 160 Rigx4: JAP8187: Pandorasam165: Skoche: BaudriR: OMYRoomAngel: Venom F623: WhiteCfw: BaudriR: Rigx4: Pandorasam165: JAP8187: OMYRoomAngel: WhiteCfw: BaudriR: JAP8187: BaudriR: Venom F623: Rigx4: JAP8187: BaudriR: Skoche: BaudriR: Venom F623: BaudriR: Rigx4: Skoche: JAP8187: BaudriR: Venom F623: Rigx4: OMYRoomAngel: BaudriR: Mommysgirl844: WhiteCfw: Venom F623: BaudriR: OMYRoomAngel: Skoche: Venom F623: BaudriR: Rigx4: Mommysgirl844: Rigx4: OMYRoomAngel: Skoche: WhiteCfw: OMYRoomAngel: BaudriR: Venom F623: Pandorasam165: BaudriR: Venom F623: BaudriR: Rigx4: JAP8187: BaudriR: Venom F623: Mommysgirl844: lots of jibberish nasty person from what i have seen what kind white ? good word RIG of intake and fascination, Ramble on cause i see No evil ::getting ready to smack baud upside his head with a wet noodle:: early copper a violence of the void jap - what do you mean. the same name? oh its not me is all i no yep JAP early copper (fascination is the extreme intensity of the neutral). rig they change the ## For us today, {baud? if you were neutral, you would've shut up already.} oh. i didn't see it. what does all those IRC people mean I am alllway going to be 8187 implosion can only be violent Betty? r u back? and catastrophic does anyone know what baud is talking about? because it comes from the failure of the system nope ignoring nope, not me no i venom lol of explosion i think that he is talking about his sex life, but i am not sure. as long as he feels good Venom, I put them On ignore and of organised expansion who collecees pok'emon again any one into early coppers??? i hear that baud has sex with animals. which has predominated in the West now for a few centuries. Got on My nerves the first words they typed, LOL White, sorry, not me that is why he feels unstable and unloved. Implosion is not necessarily a catastrophic process. i don't even think he is watching screen - just typing how meny no sorry white maybe Lonely venom? LOL White? early halfs? whats that? what coins are you into??? Havent they anyone to talk to/ LOL In a subdued and controlled form, baud? if you are going to bs, stop repeating yourself every few minutes. cards, toys, i have 3 kids it has even been the main secret baud is very lonely. of primitive and traditional societies. half wit baud needs a new story lol Not expansive baud has been ready playboy's party jokes way too much. im in to the careds 161 BaudriR: LESZCZ13: Rigx4: BaudriR: Pandorasam165: Venom F623: Skoche: BaudriR: BaudriR: Venom F623: Rigx4: WhiteCfw: BaudriR: OMYRoomAngel: BaudriR: Rigx4: Mommysgirl844: JAP8187: Venom F623: BaudriR: OMYRoomAngel: Venom F623: Pandorasam165: Rigx4: BaudriR: Venom F623: WhiteCfw: Mommysgirl844: Atbear3578: BaudriR: WhiteCfw: OMYRoomAngel: Skoche: JAP8187: Atbear3578: LESZCZ13: Pandorasam165: Venom F623: Nikktrikk: Rigx4: BaudriR: Pandorasam165: BaudriR: Atbear3578: JAP8187: Rigx4: Mommysgirl844: Skoche: Atbear3578: JAP8187: WhiteCfw: Nikktrikk: Pandorasam165: Venom F623: Mommysgirl844: BETTYSLINE: BaudriR: Skoche: Pandorasam165: or centrifugal configurations, hhhhhhhoooowwwwwwwww ssssss aaaaaaalllllllllllllllllll ddddooooiiiiinnnngggggggg ok les but centripetal ones: maybe baud should go to the ufo chat ::watches baud closely, has never met such a dope:: Pand...good call singular pluralities never directed towards the universal , you fascinate me, baud. maybe trying out a speech any coin collectors in this room but centered about a cyclic process LMAO Anita - ritual les - you can thype regular *duck job* is this top secrte stuff is going on with? because only a true moron would west his time spoting philosophy that he knows nothing about and tending to "involve" <~~Going to take this person off ignore so i can laugh to waste just a silver dime and few others white its laughable in a non-represenatative, aaahhhhhh...if baud only had a sad. like what *duckjob* *candy* unauthoritarian process; this room is for collecting or what????? Mommysgirl, Please stop playing that disgusting wav in here like what, what? is buad a program going to keep *ilikeit* iiiiiiiiimmmmmm aaaaaaaa ccccooooooiiiinnnnnn ccccoooolllllllllleeeeeccccccccttttttttoooorrr like half dollars, the new state coins baud has no clue as to what lies ahead in his life. how sad. does anyone in here collect toys? white - not with baud here without any disjunctive polarity, some of the new ones supposedly are worth money yet without caving in on themselves either *oppsididitagain* nikk what type of toys hi abby *canndy* (((((((((((((((Curley!!!!!)))))))))))) *candy* how are you abby sorry I dropped in I like to collect but not get in crap does anyone in here collect toys? barbies, mcd's >> various older comics, figures, japanese movie monster items *candy* {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{abby}}}}}}}}}}}} DID YOU READ THE MAIL? (save undoubtedly for certain implosive processes >^..^< rubbing up to Abby....looking for a hand-out dolls 162 BaudriR: Abby Dobby: Sal23b: Abby Dobby: JAP8187: BaudriR: Pandorasam165: BaudriR: Venom F623: Rigx4: BaudriR: Skoche: Venom F623: BaudriR: Nikktrikk: Abby Dobby: BaudriR: Jer575757: BaudriR: Chance903: S B Nilsen: Pandorasam165: Skoche: BaudriR: Mommysgirl844: Nikktrikk: Bolero987654321: BaudriR: Abby Dobby: Pandorasam165: Jer575757: S B Nilsen: Abby Dobby: Skoche: Pandorasam165: BaudriR: Nikktrikk: JAP8187: BaudriR: Pandorasam165: BaudriR: Venom F623: Abby Dobby: LESZCZ13: Skoche: JAP8187: Venom F623: BaudriR: Venom F623: Skoche: JAP8187: Mommysgirl844: BaudriR: Venom F623: BaudriR: Venom F623: Skoche: Nikktrikk: Pandorasam165: which are inexplicable to us, I heard it last night vv but yes I read it Hi (((((((( Brian )))))))))))))))) likethe collapse of the Toltec, that's cute skoche Olmec, baud must be a broken record. i didn't hear that news yet Mayan cultures, ty Pan could someone break that record? nothing of which is known any more, I have the complete set of 101 dalmations from Mc Donalds in the case and the Observers are familiar!!!! and whose pyramidal empires Does anyone know anything about Harley Davidson collectables? disappeared without a trace, left screan on fell a sleep lol Does anyone here know anything about coin collection? oh wow, you have a lot of money there Nikk ANY FISHIES FOR PET KITTY????? >^..^< without any apparent cause, *duckjob* I don't know what it's worth Anyone collect chintz china? without any external violence). ><)))))*> that is cute Skoche I'll keep looking Who is white? Kitty kitty there it is!!! I can reach that.....yummmie I have a Mcd's collectors book Nikk Thus primitive societies any ideas? nikk have you look at ebay to see if there any there have survived by a white left controlled implosion >> putting baud on ignore finaaly! ;;;;;;;;;;;;; Snatches it higher ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] aaaaannnnnnnnyyyyyyyy cccccoooooiiiiinnnn cccccoooooollllllllllleeeetttttttteeeeerrrrsssssss *purrs* buad you OK finally - they died as soon as they ceased to control this process, aaahhhhhhh! just like taking mylanta. *kitty cat* brian check out baud lol *purrs* and switched over to one of explosion gets rid of annoying gas pain. :) (demography, or uncontrollable surplus production nikk? do you have any older toys? Went to the Giants game last night....was great!!! which book do you have? do you want to know what it is worth Nikk ? 163 BaudriR: Venom F623: Mommysgirl844: Nikktrikk: BaudriR: JAP8187: Skoche: Rigx4: Pandorasam165: Venom F623: JAP8187: BaudriR: JAP8187: Venom F623: BaudriR: Pandorasam165: BaudriR: Venom F623: Chance903: Skoche: JAP8187: Rigx4: Pandorasam165: Venom F623: JAP8187: Venom F623: BaudriR: Venom F623: BaudriR: JAP8187: Skoche: Mommysgirl844: BaudriR: JAP8187: BaudriR: JAP8187: Venom F623: JAP8187: BaudriR: Venom F623: Venom F623: Venom F623: BaudriR: Venom F623: JAP8187: Venom F623: Skoche: Venom F623: BaudriR: JAP8187: BaudriR: Venom F623: Skoche: BaudriR: Venom F623: Venom F623: BaudriR: Pandorasam165: Venom F623: , a process of uncontrollable expansion, from the 80s and older? *kitty cat* I would appreciate it or quite simply when colonisation violently initiated them cool sko who won lol new ballpark is so nice les - you blew it with your typing sports collectibles unopened ? is baud still being an obnoxious jerk? yeah venom into the expanisive and centrifugal norm rambling on to now where lol i thought so. where is my shotgun? of Western systems). baud, go home Conversely, baud has no home. this guy is off a little lol *snertgun* let em give you the target location venom lmoa just a little you're right venom he was adopted by a race of mutant plant people. just a tad brian rofl he is the child of the triffids. our "modern" civilisations have existed on a base of expansion and explosion at all ::grins:: levels, hi mommy laughing with Venom a/s under the sign of universalised commerce, it is like someone story they going on of economic and philosophical investments,\ i was thinking maybe TOP secrect stuff lol baud? woyuld you get the heck out of here, you stupid idiot??? bye anita under the sign of universal law and conquest. would you lifeless jerk! you pompous ignoramus!!! Undboubtedly get a life! this is a god time to pratctice cut and paste lmao get a job! Betty?????? get a brain cell!!! even they have known how to survive, rofl skoche for a time at least, get 2, they're small!! going to the San Mateo expo?? on a controlled explosion, you yutz! ::takes out his shotgun:: on a liberation of subdued and progressive energy, in the book Nikk, they are priced individually i would aim for his head, but nothing would be affected. 164 BaudriR: BaudriR: Skoche: JAP8187: Chance903: JAP8187: Venom F623: BaudriR: Skoche: BaudriR: JAP8187: Skoche: BaudriR: Pandorasam165: JAP8187: BaudriR: Venom F623: Pandorasam165: Skoche: BaudriR: JAP8187: BaudriR: Pandorasam165: BaudriR: JAP8187: Pandorasam165: Venom F623: BaudriR: Wierd man 3 16: Pandorasam165: BaudriR: Pandorasam165: Skoche: JAP8187: Pandorasam165: BaudriR: Skoche: BaudriR: Venom F623: Abby Dobby: JAP8187: Abby Dobby: Venom F623: BETTYSLINE: Venom F623: and this was the golden age of their culture. But, Jap, yeah...antquie show today and tomorrow pan are there any listed on ebay ?? Baudr i could not agree more you setting up sko? or shopping don't encourage him, chance. according to a process of boom and acceleration, SHOPPING!!!!!!lol this explosive process has become uncontrollable, cool wht yoiu looking for Jap, believe it or not...hubby wants to go with! it has acquired a fatal speed or amplitude, most are listed at 14-20 eachI don't know about ebay Jap take him why not or rather it has reached the limits of the universal, i can't believe that baud has no life. it is so sad. probably though mostly kitchen wares, but maybe an older dresser for guest room it has saturated the field of possible expansion pan check out the main ebay list and, everything is on ebay, even coupons just as primitive societies were ravaged by explosion sounds nice sho I want a base table/draw Jap-did you know people are even selling articles from mags ? ::picking up baud by his shorts, gives him a wedgie:: for not knowing how to curbe the implosive process any longer, anyone collect beanies here Wierd so our culture begins to be ravaged by implosion yes, I couldn't believe it Jap Jap...huh? ebay Nikk, are you there ? for not having known how to curb and equilibrate oh, dont like ebay myself the explosive process. if a wedgie will not do it, what will??? its still Cold here I just look to whats on in the mid 40's must like too much..right, baud? SKOCHE...going to half moon bay to camp this evening please explain to me why i am wasting my time with this moron? You have just entered room “Romance - Checkout Lane” Shanning89: kinda early in our relationship for sex isnt it? Tpwnastyboyz: ive got a self pic Vane0924: ANY \CUBANS IN HER Strictly Mustang: hello ladies BaudriR: Implosion is inevitable, Shanning89: cubans in who her? Str8uph8n: me? JDavi82386: Hi Hotdog PHutch5: r there any horny sexy ladies in here that would like to chat with a male? Psycio pimp69: iney bodey that is 47 looking for a girl in a chat room neds a life Ravenbyjbox: any girls want to cyber im me 165 PHutch5: DJason69420: BaudriR: JDavi82386: BaudriR: BaudriR: Iron timex: BaudriR: WB BLANC: BaudriR: BaudriR: Vane0924: BaudriR: Fireplug5021: Br81fish: BaudriR: Str8uph8n: Shanning89: Fireplug5021: Str8uph8n: Fireplug5021: Ravenbyjbox: Shanning89: Shanorboy: WB BLANC: Str8uph8n: MIAMARIES: Vane0924: BaudriR: ABeerKindofGirl: Str8uph8n: Fireplug5021: ABeerKindofGirl: BaudriR: ABeerKindofGirl: Jajosho: ABeerKindofGirl: BaudriR: Str8uph8n: BaudriR: WB BLANC: Str8uph8n: Fireplug5021: ABeerKindofGirl: BaudriR: Fireplug5021: ABeerKindofGirl: Shanorboy: ABeerKindofGirl: Str8uph8n: BaudriR: Fireplug5021: ABeerKindofGirl: Shanning89: Str8uph8n: Shanning89: ABeerKindofGirl: BaudriR: HogDog6900: any girls wanna cyber IM me any hot girls want to talk to a 19m and every effort to save the principles of reality, 34/female of accumulation, of universality, bye room the principles of evolution hello room which extol expanding systems , TALK TO ME SOMEONE is archaic, never takes long for this room to fill up A/S/L every girl in the room regressive or nostalgic. Shann...I'm really kidding with you you do know me answer what str8? hello vane you, you* now stfu any girls want to talk to17/ hot chat who are you then? 31m louisiana whats up vane never mind hunnie 16/f/kentucky 15 F Including all those who want to free libidinal energies WOw it's all good beer girl is back I'm too old for this room , plural energies, Fire .. I sure am :) hello ladies Do I know you ?? fragmentary intensities, Beer girl??? etc. im 39 age? you where here last night Did I fight with you Fire ?? The "molecular revolution" yup <~~ 23 / F hello ladies LOL .. must have kicked your ass huh ? <==24 only represents the final stage of "liberation energy" <~~~~is always fighting Str8 ... M ?? str8 come onnnnnnnnnnnn Yes tell me Fire.. let me start off by (or of proliferation of segments, etc.) Miamaries, whats up 166 Shanning89: ABeerKindofGirl: ABeerKindofGirl: Fireplug5021: ABeerKindofGirl: BaudriR: FJPJ41: Vane0924: ABeerKindofGirl: Str8uph8n: BaudriR: JoelCHIPPEWAS: JVancl4616: BaudriR: HogDog6900: ABeerKindofGirl: ABeerKindofGirl: Fireplug5021: Fireplug5021: BaudriR: ABeerKindofGirl: ABeerKindofGirl: Str8uph8n: BaudriR: FJPJ41: ABeerKindofGirl: Fireplug5021: ABeerKindofGirl: JVancl4616: BaudriR: JVancl4616: Str8uph8n: JoelCHIPPEWAS: BaudriR: ABeerKindofGirl: ABeerKindofGirl: BaudriR: Fireplug5021: Fireplug5021: ABeerKindofGirl: Fireplug5021: Str8uph8n: BaudriR: ABeerKindofGirl: ABeerKindofGirl: BaudriR: Str8uph8n: BaudriR: ABeerKindofGirl: ABeerKindofGirl: Shanning89: BaudriR: Str8uph8n: BaudriR: AGray24365: Str8uph8n: ABeerKindofGirl: one last chance puttin you on ignore buh bye now ok, thats fine LOL Str8 .. someone's begging you for something up to the infinitesimal boundaries of the field of expansion If you want to chat with a 13/F press 234 SOOOO.......... what would that be .. hmmmm ?? lol beer way to go girl which has been that of our culture. any ladies in the house who have some good advice for a man on what to do on a first date??? any horny girls 17 that want to cyber 17/m press 69 The infinitesimal attempt of desire Hey fireplug Fire .. what did we fight about ? hmmm ?? have i said anything bad to you? no succeeding the infinite attempt of capital. no sorry sorry Ever heard of Florala The molecular solution If you want to chat with a 15/F press 567 friends ?? ive been very nice and welcomed you back Florala ?? ummm.. no .. what's it by ? 567 succeeding the molar investment of spaces and the social. fjp want to cyber It's the state line anyone want to cyber with 26/m The final sparks of the explosive you didn't welcome me .. you said beer girl's back hon .. there .. scroll up I said sorry .. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez system, oops, sorry your right that's right ma bad Beer girl? the final attempt to still control an energy of confines, always am :) Yes Str8 ?? or to shrink the confines of energy Wanna.......bump.......uglies?????????? (our fundamental leitmotif) What are you talking about Baudri ?? geeeez .. my brain hurts Str8 .. nothing about me is ugly .. so NO <<<<doesnt have an uglie so as to save the principle of expansion hmmm......ok and of liberation. 21 m uk with pic gotta pic? Are you talking to anyone in particular Baudri 167 You have just entered room “Romance - Ethnic Asian Love” XgUrL CuTe: hey room IcEMaN22222: hello room AZINBOY NBR1: hello room BaudriR: But nothing will halt the implosive process, IcEMaN22222: asian babes in here BaudriR: and the only remaining alternative is between a violent or catastrophic implosion Deathjam4u: any girl wanna chat im me BaudriR: , and a smooth implosion, Dj donchan: THONG THONG THONG THA THONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BaudriR: an implosion in slow motion. Bpl1000: 26/m BaudriR: There are traces of the latter, Bpl1000: hello all BaudriR: of various attempts to control new impulses Wildtigers442200: *theboy~2* BaudriR: which are anti-universalist, Dj donchan: baudri what the heck are ya sayin? BaudriR: anti-representative, BaudriR: tribal, AIC30M: any asian hotties in here? Dj donchan: BAUDRI I agree..what??? Wildtigers442200: *theboy~2* BaudriR: centripetal, BaudriR: etc.: Krish15312479: hi BaudriR: communes, Wildtigers442200: *theboy~2* RHa4079102: any asians w pics? BaudriR: ecology, Krish15312479: 27/m/tx here RHa4079102: in san fran area? BaudriR: ZPG, Wildtigers442200: RHa4079102 i do AIC30M: 29 m here BaudriR: drugs, RHa4079102: hi wild RHa4079102: a s l? Krish15312479: ant hot ladies Wildtigers442200: 19/f/cali with a pic BaudriR: - all of these undoubtedly belong to this order. RHa4079102: coolio Krish15312479: hi wild AsianBabe14344: any pnoy in this room? RHa4079102: can you send? AIC30M: hey wild trade pics BaudriR: But we must not delude ourselves BaudriR: about a smooth transition. Wildtigers442200: ok im me Flashman898: ya i am pinoy AsianBabe14344: hi flash BaudriR: It is doomed to be short lived and to fail. RHa4079102: hey wild RHa4079102: can i see yoru pic? AIC30M: cannot currently recieve messages? BaudriR: There has been no balanced transition from implosive systems Flashman898: hi babe BaudriR: to explosive systems: 168 AsianBabe14344: AsianBabe14344: Wildtigers442200: BaudriR: RHa4079102: Wildtigers442200: Flashman898: BaudriR: RHa4079102: AZINBOY NBR1: BaudriR: AsianBabe14344: AIC30M: Wildtigers442200: hi musta na? Instant Message me thsi has always happened violently, any asian girls w pics from san fran? Instant Message me in u and there is every chance that our passage towards implosion yoru ims are off wild hey wildtiger may also be violent and catastrophic. asl flash? cant *ido* You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - From the Left” Mphmb: Hshermanmedia: Zombytroof: BaudriR: LIB NYC: Picklex: Buffyee: Ed031639: BaudriR: Zombytroof: JoeL6000: BaudriR: BaudriR: Buffyee: Jukeboxhero57: LIB NYC: BaudriR: Zombytroof: NMoldCoot: LIB NYC: Davvgbert: Buller2710: Hshermanmedia: Buffyee: Zombytroof: Mphmb: Jukeboxhero57: Picklex: LIB NYC: Zombytroof: Davvgbert: Buffyee: BaudriR: GreatWASP: BaudriR: BaudriR: Mphmb: LudenHQ: BaudriR: Hshermanmedia: DayBeDamnd: JoeL6000: bufffy - are the ballots printed in spanish also in fl? Buffy--this whole thing about Palm Beach makes me sick Person from Florida here. I knew this state had problems, but Jay-sus! ...Or the End of the Social Zomby, we're sorry. Florida Allows A Judge To Order Just about Anything To Do With Elections Mp...probably..has a taco next to Gore's name <Do need to check Fla for Illegal Aliens voting as I'll bet many did! The social is not a clear and unequivocal process. No, no, WE'RE sorry! lol ZOMB::::: All States have problems Do modern societies correspond to a process of socialisation Hsh..why? its politics... this shit will go on til 2001 Ed, our former AG tried that one when he lost a close election 2 years ago or to one of progressive desocialisation? FL just happened to be the big one they called to early. Zom--we have similar problems in NM, but our electoral votes will not affect outcome Because we all know how closely those illegal aliens follow AG races Zomby. my state has been moved to "undecided" because of ballot problems just might juke :( Buffy--demanding to re-vote is not just politics, goes beyond that ..Media looking pretty stupid lately Where at Daww? nmold - who did nm go for? clintons revenge James "The Prick" Baker Is Avoiding Questions Davv, what are the problems that have been discovered? Sorry, Davv Zomby. New Mexico revote..aint gonna happen Everything depends Here they come around the bend coming in to the home stretch. Bush ahead by a nose. on one's understanding of the term gore Hsher, demanding to revote has nothing to do with politics. and none of these is fixed; Buffy--hope not, hope the loser of the recount has some stones and concedes CNN: James Baker, will respect FL law, awaits absentee votes Zomb:: That's why Nixon resigned!! he knew ability to govern was destroyed 169 BaudriR: Davvgbert: Buffyee: Mphmb: NMoldCoot: LIB NYC: BaudriR: Jukeboxhero57: Hshermanmedia: Davvgbert: BaudriR: Mphmb: DRedd38019: Picklex: LIB NYC: NMoldCoot: Buffyee: Davvgbert: BaudriR: LIB NYC: BaudriR: Mphmb: BaudriR: Davvgbert: Mphmb: BaudriR: Zombytroof: Jukeboxhero57: BaudriR: Buller2710: Hshermanmedia: Hshermanmedia: BaudriR: DRedd38019: Davvgbert: BaudriR: LIB NYC: Buffyee: BaudriR: LIB NYC: BaudriR: Zombytroof: NMoldCoot: BaudriR: Hshermanmedia: LIB NYC: NMoldCoot: JoeL6000: BaudriR: Mphmb: BaudriR: DRedd38019: Davvgbert: BaudriR: Jukeboxhero57: DRedd38019: LIB NYC: Buffyee: Buller2710: all are reversible. Lib. computer programming.. did not record straight party votes Hsh..let's hope day - how many of them>? MPH--think NM is still shown "Gore", but absentee ballots may change that Davv, ooops. That's a problem I'd say. Thus the institutions which have sign-posted clinton, gore hillary and reno all lawyers this aint gonna blow over Buffy--with tons of lawyers running around that's a big hope Lib. indeed. the "advance of the social" nm - that close? DAVV I'll lmao if Bush takes NM Mr Baker The Ballot Was Illegal None The Less Davv, so NM isn't going for Gore afterall. Mph--yep ..if they demand revote...then Bush should demand USA recount Dredd. I think that is unlikely (urbanisation Confused us up here in NY for a bit , concentration, nm - well there are a number of states that were close. production, Lib. my bet is that Gore gets NM, but its uncertain nm - mich by less than 20,000 work, Plenty of lawyers on both sides Juke. This is not going to end quietly. dont all states have "overseas" voters???? medicine, im not sure with hillarys win if she cares about AL Buffy--no, I hope that doesn't happen, somebody has to be an adult and step u[ up education, New York was confused on Nov 7th. Hillary was elected lol Lib. like in FL.. its in the recount social security, Davv, right. can they print a sample ballot and they say the real one was illegal..didnt they look? insurance, Davv, when NM went for Gore the entire place I was in went silent etc.) Lawyers again Buffyee NM absentees historically have favored GOP, but Dems workde hard to get out absentee vote th including capital, Buffy--good point....don't have answer to that one There really was a HUGE deal of confusion there. this year Mphmb::: Don't you think George will go to Mich> if he needs too?? which was undoubtedly the most effective damm absentee ballots could change a number of states if not already counted socialisation medium of all, DAVV The difference in NM was about 5,000 voted, right? Lib. Gore has a 15,000 vote lead in NM.. much larger than in FL.. could be said to produce and destroy cant believe nevada went for bush??????we DONT want nuke waste dump here!!!!! duh votes Davv, OK ..running a dead man in Missouri was illegal...whats happening there? BRB 170 BaudriR: GreatWASP: Mphmb: Ed031639: Hshermanmedia: Zombytroof: LIB NYC: Mphmb: Davvgbert: BaudriR: MtGoat1176: BaudriR: LIB NYC: JoeL6000: GreatWASP: BaudriR: Buffyee: Zombytroof: JoeL6000: BaudriR: Ed031639: BaudriR: Zombytroof: Jukeboxhero57: Hshermanmedia: MtGoat1176: Buffyee: LIB NYC: BaudriR: MtGoat1176: GreatWASP: GreatWASP: Mphmb: Zombytroof: Davvgbert: Ed031639: DRedd38019: BaudriR: JoeL6000: BaudriR: Davvgbert: Zombytroof: BaudriR: Mphmb: Buffyee: BaudriR: Jukeboxhero57: Hshermanmedia: Zombytroof: Ed031639: BaudriR: Mphmb: JLdrgm: BaudriR: Buffyee: Jukeboxhero57: BaudriR: Zombytroof: NMoldCoot: the social in one and the same movement. I hope the black helicopters are not called out. there were over 200,000 absentee ballots in fl? Bush lead 830 Buffy--how would you like to be Ashcroft? Losing to a corpse? It'd be nice if we could announce winners after the votes were counted instead of before. Every election night NY'er start celebrating while the NE closes and then doesn't pay they are not counted? Lib. my *guess* is that NM went for Gore when the votes are in. but... hey.. its uncertain If the social is formed 799 out of abstract instances attention again until around midnight Buffey::: CNN not talking much about St. Louis Poss. Fraud!! interesting Reno is going to raid the counting room in Florida. which are laid down sucks....but he accepted it like a MAN FL has large military presence. It's Dem county one after the other Mt nope new count is 830 on the ruins of the symbolic Thus many absentee ballots. all ballots should include thumbprint and be computer scanned Buffy--I agree, accept the result and move on, no whining 799 Joel..yes...dead man on ballot illegal according to Missouri law\ Just figure that between 9 and 11 all the square states will go Repub. and ceremonial edifice of former societies, cnn Reno is going to surround the counting room and demand that they the Proper numbers be repor ed. great - reno has already made her name in fl concerning illegal voting. We even had a Navy base in Orlando! 35 miles inland! Zomby. also many dualcitizen votes in Israel by absentee. Mt, new results on CNN DAVV I read Gore was up by 5,013 after Nov 7th? then these institutions produce more and more of them. Buffey::: More interesting CNN almost ignoring it But at the same time DRedd. let me check.. brb Didn't think of that Davv, thanks. they consecrate that ravenous, cnn = clinton nonosense news ..Budda tells to Fla and tell them ther is no legal ruling authority all-consuming abstraction dont all states have absentee and overseas ballots still uncounted??? Buffy--Ashcroft must figure if he can't beat a dead guy what's the use of another vote? Yes Juke. Juke, yes which perhaps devours precisely the "essential marrow" of the social. juke - i thought they were counted already? is this mess sorted out yet? From that point of view, Hsh..he has a hell of case..but Mo would not any Senate reps then ok, way dont we wait across nation then??? it could be said that the social regresses Because scoops = VIEWERS! I like CNN news--Wolf Blitzer does OK--doesn't seem biased to me 171 JLdrgm: DRedd38019: Hshermanmedia: BaudriR: Zombytroof: Buller2710: Buffyee: Mphmb: Ed031639: BaudriR: Buffyee: LIB NYC: Mphmb: BaudriR: Jukeboxhero57: BaudriR: Zombytroof: WELLSY6: BaudriR: Hshermanmedia: JoeL6000: Mphmb: BaudriR: JLdrgm: BaudriR: Buffyee: GreatWASP: Hshermanmedia: NMoldCoot: BaudriR: GreatWASP: Ed031639: BaudriR: Buffyee: Mphmb: BaudriR: Hshermanmedia: LIB NYC: GreatWASP: BaudriR: Jukeboxhero57: BaudriR: Nraforever148123: Mphmb: BaudriR: Mphmb: DRedd38019: BaudriR: Mphmb: Ed031639: BaudriR: Zombytroof: Hshermanmedia: LIB NYC: BaudriR: Buffyee: BaudriR: JoeL6000: Buffyee: our founding fathers had great forsight to establish this systme JUKE Yes. PA and Michigan have not counted the absentees. Bush could still take those states Buffy--he does have a case, but the point is he accepted the results and moved on to the same degree as its institutions develops. and viewers = ADVERTISING DOLLARS! what was it on absentee ballots 6 days frommidnite CNN..Clintons News Network nm - i watch pbs the most Slightly more'n 1/2 of counties counted, 830 votes diff & this is killing me! The process accelerates Hsh..sign of a real patriot..lets see what Albert does Ed, imagine hwo Bush and Gore feel nm- i like there format better and it is an hour and reaches its maximal extent i think all voters should be fingerprinted and scanned into computers, no fraud that way with mass media and information. I don't know Buffyee. CNN was on Bush Srs. side in '88 Yee Ha everybody!!!!! Media, Buffy--That will be very interesting to see what he does Hrsh:::: I heare St. Louis counted the twice punched ballots!! :-)) nm - i like to listen to shields and gigot all media, Gore and Bush cancel each other out!! McCAIN IS PRESIDENT information, Hsh...Im worried about Gore...he wants this TOO much I am starting up my black helicopter in my back yard. JoeL--lets recount Mph--I also watch Leher--Fox under Hume seems to have all Rwing "editorials" instead of news all information, I have the propeller whirling. LIB, yep, both their names will go down in History! Kid'll study this for 100s of years! act in tow directions: Hsh..he;s sounding more and more like a tyrant jl - no nadar! what a disaster that would be outwardly they produce more of the social, Buffy--Hope he comes to his senses, if he loses he recount concede and move on Ed, Pat Buchanan has sealed his place in history as well. Rush is on. inwardly they neutralise social relations you have to provide more i.d. to write a damn check than vote and the social itself. i go the purchases all the guns that i want today incase the threat to freedom al wins nm - yes, fox is on the conservative side like cnn on the liberal But then, nm - cnbc is not bad Buffy James Baker is in FL for Bush. He is one of the best Attorney's in the world! if the social is both destroyed by what produces it nm - i like chris LIB, yeah, good of him to say he didn't believe those votes were his! (the media, information) To vote I had to show my license to someone who didn't compare it to my face. Buffy--it will take balls for Gore to concede, hope he has them Ed, well they're not "his people" anyway and reabsorbed by what it produces DR..yes he is...but Gore has that guy that worked for DOJ on Elian (the masses), Gollleeeee!! I sure HOPE Buchanan is "SEALED" :-)) Hsh..yes 172 GreatWASP: JLdrgm: Ed031639: Jukeboxhero57: BaudriR: DRedd38019: LIB NYC: Rkf75: Mphmb: Buffyee: WELLSY6: Hshermanmedia: BaudriR: GreatWASP: Zombytroof: WELLSY6: LIB NYC: BaudriR: WELLSY6: Mphmb: DayBeDamnd: Jukeboxhero57: BaudriR: Buffyee: LIB NYC: Mphmb: GreatWASP: LIB NYC: NMoldCoot: Ed031639: DayBeDamnd: BaudriR: Nraforever148123: Mphmb: BaudriR: WELLSY6: Hshermanmedia: BaudriR: LIB NYC: BaudriR: Zombytroof: Buffyee: Mphmb: BaudriR: Nraforever148123: BaudriR: Buffyee: BaudriR: WELLSY6: Mphmb: LIB NYC: DayBeDamnd: Ed031639: Zombytroof: BaudriR: Hshermanmedia: GreatWASP: BaudriR: LIB NYC: Hore lost his balls during the Vietnam War. I had to sign a book and they compared signatures LIB lol, that was a Perot comment! zomby, in nevadda merely compared signatures to vote it forllows that its definition is empty, Buffy Oh! The Clinton connections. Good point Is there any other county in the nation in which Buchanan got 10% of the vote? love the ny post - had their version of "Dewey wins election " 52 YRS later . nm - i do like to listen to mary ( carville's wife) on cnn DR...yep..BINGO Explain how Fox could predict NH and WV for Bush and the major networks didn't do it for 2 h Lib--don't know, what is the point? and that this term which serves as universal alibi for every discourse, States Rights - keep Reno out of it. Right NRA, the govt is going to disarm ALL of us if Gore is elected. What a fool. hous later WV for Bush, that shocked me. no longer analyses anything, and they all blew Florida great - hope there is not any talk of getting reno involved. Ohio for Bush, that was surprising also lib, lol yeah buchanans a real fave with fla jewish retireees no longer designates anything. Wasp...if Bubba tells Reno yo pack her pick-up ..she's on her way Hsh, would be pretty funny if not even a county in ID showed that, but W.Palm Beach did great - if so, we know something illegal is coming1 LOL Buffyee Juke, ROFL MPH--Matalin does OK--have to wonder about "pillow talk" between Matalin and Carville Zomby, naw, he will not have the votes in congress to do that! FL for Gore, verrrrrry interesting Not only is it superfluous and useless zom you are the fool if you have not read the opion of the al & bill justice dept nm - lol you got that right - wherever it appears it conceals something else: the ballot in W. Palm Beach was and joke and a travesty Lib--might be funny, I agree, but goes back to correctly reading a ballot defiance, There wasn't only confusion over Buchanan on that ballot by the way death, Matalin and Carville as a couple have always confused me. ..popluar vote for Gore narrowing nm - maybe they like a little violence with their sexs? seduction, and if you would believe anything gore says you are the biggest fool possable ritual, Zom..Carville is an alien repetition agreed zombie nm - like that song - there is sex in your violence. Harry Browne got 3 times as many votes as there are registered Libertarians Pat Buchanan on NBC, <Do figure the lead will swap several times before recount is completed! I'm thinking: They must have great sex, cuz they agree on nothing else. - it conceals that it is only abstraction and residue, Lib--change the ballot next time, no problem with that Even Mickey Mouse could punch the right hole ------> 0 or even simply an effect of the social, And the Socialist candidate got about 50 votes when there are no registered Socialists 173 in LIB NYC: Buffyee: DRedd38019: Jukeboxhero57: BaudriR: Zombytroof: Buffyee: Nraforever148123: LIB NYC: NMoldCoot: Hshermanmedia: BaudriR: WELLSY6: LIB NYC: Hshermanmedia: BaudriR: Mphmb: Mphmb: LIB NYC: LIB NYC: Zombytroof: Buller2710: GreatWASP: JoeL6000: Jukeboxhero57: BaudriR: Buffyee: Mphmb: BaudriR: Buffyee: JLdrgm: NMoldCoot: Zombytroof: BaudriR: Buffyee: Buller2710: BaudriR: Hshermanmedia: Ed031639: BaudriR: Picklex: Jukeboxhero57: Mphmb: NMoldCoot: BaudriR: Zombytroof: Buffyee: LIB NYC: Hshermanmedia: Mphmb: BaudriR: JLdrgm: Nraforever148123: Mphmb: Zombytroof: JLdrgm: Zombytroof: Jukeboxhero57: that county with Carville? Thats like sex with Reno.. Wasp lol ballots should require thumbprints with copies in a cumputer system to verify any fraud a simulation and an illusion. I know Buffyee! *shudder* Zom..where the hell did Bubba find all these weidos? gore is a known lier he is not trust worth Hsh, indeed. Apparently this one was a wash I like them both--they both give pretty decent reasons for their views Lib--You in favor of a revote? Even the term "social relation" is enigmatic? Carville is an ugly dude Hsh, no. Can't see how that can be allowed Lib--me either What is a "social relation," buffy - i call reno the rhino since she leaves a mountain of shit whereever she goes. Hmmm, can Buchanan "give" his votes away? No, right Wierdos, right or left, tend to find each other. Maybe its pherenomes. no Carville has the head of a serpent. bUFFEY:::: HE HIRED THEM !! THEN HE HAD'M WHERE HE WANTED 'M lol well, we all wanted to come here yesterday and gloat but oh well!:)) what is the "production of social relations?" ...Bubba didnt have one person in his cabinet over 4'8" great - with the mind of an idiot Here everything is spurious. all munchkins' The people that were taken off the street to vote probably didnt read the ballot Reno has done great job That's just Robert Reich Buffy! lol Is the social instantaneously, NM..what does Reno do look at it this way more fun for days to come and as if by definition, Zomby--what about Shalala? Uh Oh, seems Fla Judge has found that Ballot caused problems & "may" adjust votes! a "relation," Buffy Show Us Your Raisin Tits no shit buffy - but they did have one thing in more common. they are all mentally impaired Buffyee--head of Justice Dept which already presuposes a serious abstractino, 4'10", at least! Zom..and Stepanouplous<sp> the guy from Sesame Ed, "adjust"? Don't care for the sound of that Zomby--Albright? nm - yes and a rational algebra of the social Nobody can prove they voted wrong because of the ballot ed judges think there are god but they cannot adj votes nm - but there is no justice in the justice department with her. I STAND CORRECTED! you cant change your vote, ignorance is no excuse ;o) this election has left america with "polital blue-balls" no release!!!! lol 174 Mphmb: BaudriR: WELLSY6: Ed031639: Mphmb: GreatWASP: JLdrgm: Nraforever148123: BaudriR: WELLSY6: LIB NYC: Rkf75: NMoldCoot: BaudriR: Zombytroof: Buffyee: Ed031639: Rkf75: Mphmb: WELLSY6: BaudriR: Mphmb: Buffyee: Jukeboxhero57: Hshermanmedia: WELLSY6: LIB NYC: nm - clinton and reno have turned the justice department into just - or else is it something different from what the term "relation" neatly rationalises? DUH JL LIB is Fla law in that a Judge "can" adjust votes in case of irregularities! another clinton political department Remember the Alamo. Bush will not let Gore steal this election. well, im glad you agree mp they are interpering the constitution as they wish it was Does the "social relation" perhaps exist for something different, My neice has a ballot box in her basement Ed, that's fine, but by what procedure. Scary, huh? why are they always busting kennedys as dynasty - this bush guy has more kids than a MPH--I think she has done a great job--has shown her independence namely for what is destroys? Alamo? Now we're just getting silly. Apples & Oranges man. .Bubba can pick em..Hillary..Reno..Reich..Stepanoplous..Halfbright...Gore LIB, to be sure! four-balled tomcat . LOL . nm - ?????? sorry i do not see it that way she is fevorishly punching gore votes to turn in Does it perhaps ratify, perhaps inaugurate the end of the social? nm - if so, why did she allow clinton to replace all the fed district attoneys? <--------thinks Bubba need an eyecheck usa has political "blue-balls" all this teasing and no release!!!!! Buffy--why an eyecheck? H. Clinton in 2004 Can't FL do this any faster? Geez, I'm getting palpitations You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - From the Right” VANILLA996: THEY ARE EXPECTING MANY VOTES TO COME IN FROM ISRAEL AS WELL VANILLA996: FUNNY ISN'T IT. BOn9340580: I SUPPORT PALM BEACH COUNTIES RESIDENTS RIGHTS TO A REVOTE BlessnNDGz: The longer this drags on, the weaker America becomes BaudriR: The "social sciences" BaudriR: came to consecrate this TrueGrits35: they think bush is gonna take away their medicine Suzeevee: aint gonna happen Bo Howeeeeee: Tp thats why the election will be disputed casue of attitudes like urs Voldog1: world is laughin at america Suzeevee: get over it BaudriR: obviousness and agelessness of the social. Suzeevee: let whoever wins , win Swethonsty: I HOPE BUSH IS PROUD TO TRY TO WIN BY FRAUD BOn9340580: JEB YOUR A DISGRACE TO THE NATION-----OF COURSE BaudriR: But we must change our tune. TPARTEE: Howeeeee...maybe we should do the whole thing over?. VANILLA996: JEWISH MEDIA TRIES TO SLIP FLORIDA TO GORE. JEWISH WEXLER GOES Howeeeeee: VOL they see it for what it is,,A bush scam TrueGrits35: I heard the world is very interested in our election TAU585: It seems the administration forgot to mail 30,000 ballots to overseas residents BaudriR: There were societies without the social, VANILLA996: TO FLORIDA TO STIR UP THE OLD JEWISH LADIES. TrueGrits35: after Clinton, they probably think we are a bunch of idiots BaudriR: just as there were societies without history. TPARTEE: My "attitude" has nothing to do with the facts of the case.. VANILLA996: JEWISH PEOPLE RUN TO JEWISH LAWYERS WHO WILL TAKE IT TO JEWISH BaudriR: Networks of symbolic ties Howeeeeee: i wanna know how already 100 votes changed 175 Voldog1: VANILLA996: TPARTEE: VANILLA996: TPARTEE: TrueGrits35: Swethonsty: BaudriR: VANILLA996: Howeeeeee: Voldog1: JPMOM59: BOn9340580: BaudriR: VANILLA996: TPARTEE: BattenJSB: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: TrueGrits35: TPARTEE: BaudriR: TAU585: VANILLA996: BOn9340580: Voldog1: Howeeeeee: VANILLA996: TAU585: Swethonsty: BaudriR: TPARTEE: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: BaudriR: BOn9340580: AIxHamiItn: VANILLA996: TrueGrits35: Voldog1: BaudriR: Howeeeeee: VANILLA996: TrueGrits35: Suzeevee: Swethonsty: BitsNBytes010101: VANILLA996: BOn9340580: TrueGrits35: Trap45I: BaudriR: batten...why you use the N word? JUDGES AND THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO DECIDE IF LIEBERMAN THE JEW WILL BE VICE Jews are complaining...they are pros at the process.... PRESIDENT. Need I say more.. If Bush is determined winner; the ACLU will get involved GEE VANILLA YOU ARENT PREJUDICED ARE YOU were precisely neither "relational" nor "social". JEWS ARE THE PRIZE WINNING COMPLAINERS TP the world is complianing the N word is a no no VAN - so true! NO ONES GUNNA STEP ON THE OLD JEWISH FOLS RIGHTS EVER AGAIN-----HITLER MADE THAT A CERTAINTY At the other extreme JEWISH CANDIDATE, JEWISH MEDIAN TRYING TO THROW THE ELECTION TO GORE, JEWISH POLITICIANS LIK Howeee....that's BS and you know it... N applies to anyone (including white trash) who is biased agianst whites VAN: You seem to think only Jews had problems. Ever stop to think the EASIEST way to disQ a ballot is to poke out a tiny piece of paper? Gore is Hitlers grandson Only the whiny assed Libs are "complaining".. , our "society" is perhaps in the processs of putting an end to the social, Jews and blacks will no longer recieve my sympathy or understanding. They ahve proven WEXLER, JEWISH PEOPLE IN PALM BEACH, JEWISH LAWYERS, JEWISH MEDIA, JEWISH JUDGES, GO PALM BEACH!!!! cool batten Read the headlilnes around the world,,they are comparing to Soviet votes LIEBERMAN, LIEBERMAN LIEBERMAN. themselves totally biased and hateful FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD of burying the social beneath a simulation of the social. Jesse Jackass took his shoes off so he cound count higher than 10~~~~ VAN: And what BETTER place to do that than a Dem district, if you're a Jeb operative? There are many ways for it to die 19,000 PALM BEACH VOTES IN GARBAGE CAN-----VOTER FRAUD The Florida republicans ALMOST got away with STEALING the Pres Election. LIEBERMAN HANGING IN THE BACKGROUND ALL INNOCENT. LOL TP a "nigger" should not be referred to as a black individual - as many as there are definitions. Tp thats you way of bring th e coutnry together JEWISH GUY NAME FELDMAN CALLS GORE ON HIS WAY TO SEE BUSH. Jessee sounded half druck last night its a shame that the jewish people make people dislike them so much I HOPE JEB DIDNT SPEND ALL HIS MONEY TO BUY VOTES HE WILL HAVE TO ASK DADDY FOR HELP Voter fraud in FL??????????????????? FELDMAN STOPS GORE JEB ALMOST PULLED IT OFF ...BUT GOT CAUGHT Agree, Vol BOn how is it voter fraud? Ballot was approved by democrat election supervisor Perhaps the social will have had only an ephemeral existence, 176 TAU585: Voldog1: BattenJSB: Howeeeeee: VANILLA996: Howeeeeee: AIxHamiItn: VANILLA996: TPARTEE: Voldog1: BitsNBytes010101: BaudriR: TrueGrits35: BattenJSB: BaudriR: THDPKR12: Voldog1: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: VANILLA996: BOn9340580: BattenJSB: Swethonsty: BattenJSB: BaudriR: VANILLA996: BattenJSB: TrueGrits35: VANILLA996: Voldog1: BaudriR: BOn9340580: BlessnNDGz: WOOOOOOOOW: Voldog1: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: VANILLA996: AYJR12: BaudriR: BattenJSB: BOn9340580: TrueGrits35: VANILLA996: Trap45I: TAU585: VANILLA996: VANILLA996: BaudriR: Howeeeeee: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: RAMFAM6: VANILLA996: Swethonsty: Voldog1: WOOOOOOOOW: 19,000 voters who failed to pass the intelligence test thanks true vol....i why do blacks call each other that? YEP BON FELDMAN, LIEBERMAN, FELDMAN LEIBERMAN JEWISH MEDIA ur right BUSH HAS TO CONCEDE. TROUBLE TROUBLE TROUBLE <--favors secession if this crap continues.. let me explain batten And PA and VA and TX and MI and .............. in the narrow gap between the symbolic formations and our "society" You should have to take a test to see if you are capable of voting if blacks dont like the n word....they shouldnt use it where it is dying. The LAST election stolen f4rom a Dem with black people use the term "nigga the popular vote was Tilden & FL votes did THAT, too DO YOU SEE A JEWISH THEME IN THIS? TRAP STOP WHINING,,,,THIS IS A DEMOCRATIC NATION explain please BUSH JUST WANTS REVENGE AND HE WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET IT yes Before, there is not yet any social; jEWISH CANDIDATE, JEWISH MEDIA THROWING THE ELECTION TO GORE, HOPING BUSH WON'T CATCH nigga is different than nigger? Al Gore can't handle losing THEM AND WILL TAKE THEM ON THEIR JEWISH WORD. blacks use the term "nigga" which is used as a term of endearment after, there is no longer any. JEB ALMOST STOLE THE ELECTION...BUT GOT CAUGHT Swet.....And Gore won't do anything to get it? OooooH GEE>...I meant to vote for GORE but I voted yes it is for Buchanan...can we please do it all over again???pretty please jEWS GOING TO FLORIDA TO STIR UP JEWS. JEWS HIRING JEWISH LAWYERS sexual pics(free) Only "sociology" can seem to testify to its agelessness, i if i call them niggas...its ok? WOOOW HOWS IT GOING YOU RACIST Some of them are niggers and some are just black people JEWIS GETTING JEWISH JUDGES. VOL if I call you a Ahole is that a term of endearment too? moron... he won the presidency and fools can't take it WHO OWNS AMERICA? JEWS? and the supreme gibberish Buchanan is saying no way did he get all those votes DEMs are really stupid.......but they are sure geting away with looting the country like BONis doing IF WE GET INTO THIS 19,000 VOTES THEN WE SHOULD DO THE SAME ALL OVER THE COUNTRY LIEBERMAN AND THE JEWS BROUGHT THIS ON US. IF HE WINS ITS BY FRAUD STUPID now young white people are using the term "nigga" to refer to friends regardless of race BON Just fine LOSER> are you doing? 177 THDPKR12: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: BaudriR: BOn9340580: BattenJSB: Swethonsty: BaudriR: TAU585: TAU585: BOn9340580: BaudriR: VANILLA996: Howeeeeee: TrueGrits35: VANILLA996: BaudriR: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: BattenJSB: WOOOOOOOOW: TrueGrits35: BOn9340580: Voldog1: BaudriR: Swethonsty: timothypt6: BlessnNDGz: Vasica1447: JPMOM59: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: Howeeeeee: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: TrueGrits35: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: TrueGrits35: RECOUNT Now: Swethonsty: BaudriR: BOn9340580: TPARTEE: RECOUNT Now: BattenJSB: TrueGrits35: BaudriR: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: timothypt6: BaudriR: Swethonsty: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: Voldog1: MOOOOOO: Seems we should be looking at fraud. VERY EZ to poke a tiny chip of paper out to disQ a ballot you don't like of the "social sciences" will still echo it long after its JEB ALMOST STOLE THE ELCTION FOR HIS BRO...BUT HE GOT CAUGHT whites percieve blacks using 'nigga' as arrogant slap in the face to whites OBVIOUSLY A GOP THEY ARENT TOO SMART ANYHOW disappearance. Blacks vite is 80 -98 % democrat...jews probably more. Al biased citizens. We don't need them ANOTHER DISHONEST BSUH For two centuries now, JEWISH MEDIA ALMOST THREW THE ELECTION TO GORE, BUT THEY GOT CAUGHT. Gore Campaign is goign to file a lawsuit Niggers are sorry black people and white trash is sorry whites FUNNY ISN'T IT. the uninterrupted energy of th esocial has come from deteritorialisation OooooH GEE>..I am just a DEMOCRAT.....I didn't know how the ballot worked...can I do it over again? true..i agree..sort of ha ha ah ha Oh of course the will Howeeee PALM BEACH RESIDENTS HAVE JUST FILED A FEDERAL LAWSUIT maybe so true and from concentratino in ever more unified agencies. GOOD FOR THEM Anyone watching msnbc Swethonsty.....You say Bush will do anything to win....What about Gore? The dumbest people attempt to vote in FLA BOn - that sounds like a personal opinion. Any fact to support your statement? Van: Look again. Gore has BOTH electoral & popular NOW. Bush needs FL STALIN: it doesnt matter who votes,,it matters who counts the vote BON........what have you been doing ....trying to round of illegal aliens and getthem to vote? I have MSNBC on DEM ? A centralised perspective I don't get Fox news where I live Bush is SO afraid to have the people of FL vote again because he KNOWS he will lose. GORE WAS ACCEPTING IT UNTIL HE GOT WIND OF FRAUD space which orientates everything PALM BEACH SENIORS PROTESTING IN THE STREETS........GO DEMOCRATS!!!!! Feds have no jurisdiction inthe matter.. Gore clearly won FL vol...u can call me cracker or honky..i dont care....i support freedom of speech Prob. cause our dem. Mayor inserted into it by simple convergence TPART: If there's election fraud, they CERTAINLY do There wasn't one white person going into the capitol along the "line of flight" HE FIGURED IT WAS HIS CUZ OF JEB liberals can just go to the mental instutions and get the inmates and check them out and register them and vote for them..... towards infinity lol batten you all right with me 178 TAU585: BlessnNDGz: BattenJSB: TAU585: TPARTEE: RECOUNT Now: Trap45I: THDPKR12: TrueGrits35: Trap45I: WOOOOOOOOW: Trap45I: Swethonsty: Vasica1447: BaudriR: BOn9340580: Voldog1: JPMOM59: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: TPARTEE: RECOUNT Now: BlessnNDGz: BattenJSB: BaudriR: BattenJSB: JDuranie: Swethonsty: timothypt6: Voldog1: BaudriR: RECOUNT Now: Vasica1447: BaudriR: Swethonsty: BattenJSB: RECOUNT Now: TrueGrits35: RECOUNT Now: BaudriR: TrueGrits35: Voldog1: Swethonsty: Trap45I: TPARTEE: BattenJSB: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: Trap45I: Swethonsty: RECOUNT Now: BOn9340580: BaudriR: BattenJSB: WoooooW...probably first time the idiots ever voted. They were lassoed and dragged to the mention Fraud...could there possibly be FRAUD on both sides? voting booths Art 1 Sec 8 Cl17.. Are there any MENTAL INSTITUTIONS anymore>??? THD actually Bush has FL according to first count and until recount is complete he has won Bless: Let's LOOK I consider my self a Confederate American the state TAU..heh heh.........well they are not even smart enough to do that according to first count ITS BEING SHOWED AGAINST REPS They'll Screw around with the FLA results until they can get Gore the WIn..... (in effect, the social, like space and time, opens up a perspective towards infinity). 19,000 PALM BEACH COUNTY VOTES THROWN OUT...... .VOTER FRAUD....!!!!! it's all good in da hood I am sure there is some level of fraud on both sides. This is a huge election Trap: AT present, UNTIL RECOUNT COMPLETE, Gore up <--favors secession if this crap continues.. didn't the repubs throw eveyone out of "Mental Instutions"? Can not answer the question Swthonsty? The social can only be defined from this panoptic point of view. boyz in da hood Hey Timb, long time no talk... JUST HAVE A REVOTE AND END IT There were votes thrown out and screwed up all over the country....... rep people are good people at heart But let us not forget REVOTE!!!! there is no more use in voting in the counrty the results will be changed that this perpective space GOP DOESNT WANT THAT HMM :-) RECOUNT REVOTE NO REVOTES"""" do over.... (in painting and architecture as in politics or the economy) recount but not revote I just like to challenge GOP's motives REVOTE THD there is a recount in NJM does that mean NM is not in Gore's numbers? Only "Libs" want a "do over.. bye the way.....i voted bush holding my nose....wanted alan keyes is the senario......The DEMS will CRY FOUL....and lock it up in the courts and then the REPUBS will say...OooooH we don't want to lower is only one simulation model ourselves to their standards so let them have it....ha ha ha ha among others 64,000 votes in NM not counted GOP DOESNT THATS FOR SURE i love america PALM BEACH COUNTY RESIDENTS TO GET REVOTE WITHOUT NADER , wooooow....slow down pal 179 Voldog1: BattenJSB: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: Voldog1: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: JPMOM59: RECOUNT Now: Swethonsty: BaudriR: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: Voldog1: Trap45I: RECOUNT Now: BaudriR: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: Trap45I: Voldog1: WOOOOOOOOW: JPMOM59: Howeeeeee: Voldog1: BaudriR: Live2smyle: Swethonsty: BaudriR: Antifeminazi: BattenJSB: WOOOOOOOOW: Vasica1447: BOn9340580: WOOOOOOOOW: TPARTEE: WOOOOOOOOW: THDPKR12: BaudriR: Howeeeeee: Swethonsty: Voldog1: RECOUNT Now: BaudriR: Antifeminazi: DeeDee4111: BaudriR: Voldog1: WOOOOOOOOW: timothypt6: BaudriR: Live2smyle: BaudriR: Howeeeeee: BaudriR: BattenJSB: Voldog1: lol batten lol BEND OVER is time to take in the shorts again. and that it is characterised only by the factt that true??? ANYONE handling a paper ballot may punch an "EXTRA" hole in it to disQ it. WOOOOOOOOOW - That is a good picture! Let's start all over again for the entire country IS IT OK TO TELL OUR KIDS TO CHEAT TO BECOME PREZ that it gives rise toeffects of truth Batten....I am sorry that I think and type faster than the rest...I know that it is a sin to be successful with this election I have discovered that voting system is a total sham VOL yes NM didnt count 64,000 votes Right Swet! , of objectiivity, unknownad unheard of JPM....well sad but true huh? in the other models. how many times is it going to happen Perhaps, een htis only a delusion? Gore only won by 4,000 or so in NM 64k votes is a lot! if you don't stand for something will fall for anything Absolutely true!!!!!!!!!!!! Pat Buchanan said noway he got those votes legitmatly TN was around 20k diff! In which case everything hat has been contrived and staged Whats everyones take on the media? EVEN PAT BUCHANAN SAYS THOSE VOTES WERENT FOR HIM in the "comedy of errors" WOOOOOOO CAN U BELIEVE THIS FUCKIN SHIT buchanan took votes from bush the repubs are afraid to stand up for that they believe in.....most of them anyway....... they better start recounting all the other states also JEBS COUNTERS TRIED TO THROW ELECTION BUT GOT CAUGHT anti.....there is a goil with some sense... Gore is pissed..his 10,000 chickens voted Nader.. didnt see you Vas: Fine. of the social has never had any deep significance. LIVE the media is iresponsible FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD media losing credibility bad Maybe in 2004 we will have online voting Ultimately, WOOOOOOOO XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX Medis is spinning as fast as they can things have never functioned socially, lol recount ANTI...tell them how it is ....they can't thinkf for themselves berry good. Here we go with the race card bullshit....... but symbolically, Howee I am just astounded at there total lack of responsibility through this magically, ALL they do is spin spin they ar so dishonest ,,on both sides rationally, gore..........recount THIS! media all spins and no clue 180 BaudriR: Live2smyle: BOn9340580: DeeDee4111: Vasica1447: BaudriR: Live2smyle: THDPKR12: Voldog1: BaudriR: Howeeeeee: BaudriR: DeeDee4111: Swethonsty: BaudriR: WOOOOOOOOW: TAU585: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: Voldog1: Live2smyle: TPARTEE: BaudriR: BOn9340580: Swethonsty: Live2smyle: BattenJSB: BaudriR: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: BaudriR: TPARTEE: Live2smyle: DeeDee4111: Vasica1447: BaudriR: timothypt6: Live2smyle: Howeeeeee: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: Swethonsty: Live2smyle: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: BOn9340580: Voldog1: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: DeeDee4111: Howeeeeee: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: WOOOOOOOOW: DeeDee4111: BaudriR: Voldog1: etc. I cant believe they called it twice then said ummmm dont know JEB SEEN BURYING BALLOT BOXES ON PALM BEACH And we all know which way they are spinning let's redo entire election Which implies the formula: capital is a defiance of society. no accountablility either Live: Vote fraud is nothing new in FL. agree vasica!! That is to say that this perspective, and they just keep going spin spin no truth to anything this panoptic machine BO,you are whining like a baby I HOPE JEB DIDNT GO BANKRUPT PAYING FOR FRAUD this machine of truth, ANTI...can't you just see it? The DEMS CRYING The media is working overtime on this deal. They should be boycotted by every conservative FOUL.....and locking it up in courts and get some liberal judge to give it to them...ha ha ha ha how many times are they going to get away with it? silly at best. of rationality, a close election has exposed the voting system for what it is....CORRUPT! They should shut down all of the networks lol <---volunteers to be Prez....will save the nation.....least I can do.. of productivitywhich is capital, PUNCHCARDS ARE DEFECTIVE WAY OF VOTING......YES OR NO???? JUST REVOTE No florida lotto......'i swear i meant to pick those numbers....' is without objective finality, Last election stolen was Hayes/Tilden. FL votes did THATt, too without reason: BAtten..LOL.. clearly the arrow should have given them a clue WOO, I suppose we nice Rep should just step back and let Gore have it the dems will drag this out for months.... it is above all a violence, There should be a revote because of the media.......not the feeble minded voters... ~~~~~~~~> I think it gets tied up and Clinton has to stay for anothr year (-: THE LIBERAL DEMS>.....will want to take the people in fla and tell them that they will pick them up again and THIS ISNT THE FIRST TIME FLORIDA HAS BEEN QUESTIONED how much more clear can u get than that? if they made a mistake on the ballot just give them another chance....ha ha haha AND I VOTED FOR SAMUEL TILDEN hasn't america advanced further to abolish punch cards? DEEDEE...well that is what they are doing. just like everything else HOW, have thought of that possibilty SWET its evry electiondown there,,its the same thing I don't and this violence is prepetrated by the social on teh social, Like it .. WOO agree but basically it is not a social machine, why the hell is america still using punch cards?? 181 BOn9340580: WOOOOOOOOW: Jicam61: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: DeeDee4111: Swethonsty: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: Vasica1447: TPARTEE: BOn9340580: Crebbits: BattenJSB: BaudriR: Voldog1: BaudriR: Howeeeeee: JNo6982486: BaudriR: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: THDPKR12: BaudriR: Live2smyle: BaudriR: DeeDee4111: JNo6982486: BattenJSB: Voldog1: BaudriR: Howeeeeee: BaudriR: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: BaudriR: JNo6982486: Jicam61: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: WOOOOOOOOW: DeeDee4111: Voldog1: BaudriR: Howeeeeee: Vasica1447: Voldog1: Crebbits: WOOOOOOOOW: BaudriR: BattenJSB: BOn9340580: BaudriR: Howeeeeee: WOOOOOOOOW: WOOOOOOOOW: PALM BEACH COUNTY WILL REVOTE .....YESSSSS but if yoiu don't stand for something you will fall for anything Floridians in Palm beach didnt understand the ballot to bad Can ANYONE think of an EASIER way to disQ a ballot than SIMPLY POKING ANOTHER HOLE in it?? I am totally disillusioned FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD DEEDEE.......^5 cool it doesn't care a damn about capital those FLA voter would never get it right in CA Vasica..LOL NEWSFLASH: PALM BEACH WILL REVOTE bush is not going to win jeb can only put a rabbit out of his pants guess gore forgot to invent online voting system or likewise about the social in their equally interdependent and antagonitic definition what states are using punch ballots? . election is a default and Clinton stayes lol Bush and his Cracker Courthouse Cronies That is to say, DEE DEE they are going to do it enouth times and they will not have any more freedome or country left. Vol: FL <=== once more, REDO sounds to me like children in a baseball game that tere is no contract, WOOO, time to fight Today all America marches with Jesse Jackson this election is 'Unpresidented' we need to let FL borrow our voting machines! no contact is ever exchanged between distinct agencies wellits not a Ballgame its for the leader of the free world according ot teh law Vol: And REMOVE the opportunity for fraud? Never happen - that is all sound and fury America is with you, Jesse. I wish I could be there this american does not run with jesse DEMOCRAT IN FLA<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GEE.....I wanted to vote for GORE...but I made a mistake and voted for ....Buchanan....GEE can I please do it over there are only ever stakes, know that I am not very smart... Those ballots were printed in the papers prior to election lol thd!! defiances, The rest of the world is looking at the electionlike a Russian election In FLA they would screw it up if you gave them paper ballots lol woooow how odd is it that bushs brother is smack dab in the middle of this DEE DEE are you sure that there are enough of us to pull it off? that is to say something which does not proceed via a "social relation. shouldnt paper ballots be a gore environmental issue? PUNCHCARD BALLOTS WERE FLAWED ....ITS THAT SIMPLE " CRB u know it Voldog...heh heh silly but true 182 Voldog1: DeeDee4111: THDPKR12: THDPKR12: JNo6982486: Jicam61: BOn9340580: DeeDee4111: TPARTEE: Voldog1: WOOOOOOOOW: TPARTEE: is this another milosevich election? WOW it is worth giving it a try How long does it take for ANYONE to poke an EXTRA hole in a ballot to disQ it?? Howee: Thats a good point. What are pople in foreign countires going to think? card wasnt flawed the voter was CLINTON HAS SURROUNDED THE WHITE HOUSE WITH TANKS Panhandle should protest Fla being called and ask for revote Nelson v Robinson has settled this issue in the courts.. how does a punched ballot get tossed? DEEDEE...I am with your ....but at this point we would be hung out to dry.... In FLorida.. You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - Florida RECOUNT” FLSteeler: If you weren't involved, you have nothing to contribute SouthWestJBT: if your too stupid to figure out the ballot your vote shoulndt count MisChevis: There are problems acrossed the board, not just Florida! Booha: Cleter...exactly ABIGGE1: COMPUTER VOTE= THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED BaudriR: (Defiance is not a dialectic, Cabana133: YOU GUYS TAKE CHEAP SHOTS AT OUR LEADERS JUST LIKE SORE LOSERS Cletermoml: Gay, you area now officially in my book as being an idiot. TBarh74358: BOOHA...HE ALWA'S WILL BE BaudriR: nor a confrontation between respective polies, Booha: I WANNA A RECOUNT IN PA MisChevis: Should be another revote -- using our Social Security Numbers.... BaudriR: or terms, Booha: I WANNA RECOUNT BaudriR: in an extended structure. Gaarpo: You can lead an idiot to the voting booth...... Whippetmaster1: gAYS=IDIOTS Cletermoml: Booha, and from what I understand, you may get one GayChica: Oh well that's nice to know Cleter Booha: PA ....UNION THUGS INTIMIDATE BaudriR: It is a process of extermination MisChevis: Gaar.... lol FLSteeler: i believe we will revote here Booha: way....I'm just making a point Cabana133: GAY DEM OR REP BaudriR: of the structural position of each term, Cletermoml: Gay, you make up statistics and expect intelligent people to believe it? Not hardly. BILL CLINTON COM: Al Gore will be the next president of these United States SouthWestJBT: FL, that would be a circus TBarh74358: THE BUSH FAMILY ARE CRIMINALS IN VOTE FRAUD GayChica: Democrat of course FLSteeler: Bush had better get a drink if we do BaudriR: of the subject position of each of teh antagoniits, BILL CLINTON COM: I have one pending BILL CLINTON COM: lol MisChevis: Can you imagine it coming down to ONE judge adding votes to put Gore over.... FOUL! Booha: Tbar...sceam it from the hills you're wrong Whippetmaster1: CRIMINALS FLSteeler: what circus??? Cletermoml: Booha, I'm telling you you may get one. Ridge is looking into fraudulent practices. BaudriR: and in particular of the one who hurls the challenge: SouthWestJBT: the vote should stand,,no matter how it turns out TBarh74358: FLORIDA FRAUD FLSteeler: they know who already voted....let us vote again 183 BaudriR: Booha: MisChevis: Whippetmaster1: BaudriR: Whippetmaster1: IB CLULESS: FLSteeler: SouthWestJBT: BaudriR: FLSteeler: Cletermoml: FLSteeler: MisChevis: GayChica: GayChica: IB CLULESS: CARVETE: GayChica: GayChica: SouthWestJBT: BaudriR: Cabana133: Cabana133: TBarh74358: Cabana133: Cabana133: Cabana133: Whippetmaster1: Cabana133: Cabana133: BILL CLINTON COM: BILL CLINTON COM: BILL CLINTON COM: BILL CLINTON COM: Booha: SouthWestJBT: Cabana133: Cabana133: Cabana133: Whippetmaster1: CARVETE: BILL CLINTON COM: TBarh74358: Cletermoml: MisChevis: BaudriR: Gaarpo: BaudriR: TBarh74358: Cabana133: BILL CLINTON COM: Cletermoml: AdmrilFord: Cabana133: Booha: BaudriR: Cletermoml: becuase of this it even abandons any contractual <------ look DEMS this is an arrow...who does it point to? Clinton will be able to win the peace prize YET -- in Florida! BUYING THE WORLD position BUSH BUSH WILL WIN alot of lawsuits now here FL, that cant happen which might give rise to a "relation". yes it can Booha, that's too HARD a question for the libe :) it's up to the judge Hi FL -- will be in several states.... Does anyone else notice how Bush supporters are quick to put down anyone or anything that doesn't believe what they IF U WANT BUSH TO WIN PRESS 3 its no fraud people the polls showed it this close believe? I haven't heard any negative comments from Gore supporters..... fl, it would be a huge mistake,, Exchange value is no longer its logic. 3` 3 JEB BUSH CHEATED...IF IT WAS GORE BROTHER...AND THE SITUATION WAS REVERSED.. WHAT WOULD YOU S 3 3 3 LET GOD CHOOSE 3 3 G O R E <--------ARROW...pointing to booha..just to make sure you know gay, OMG u are insane IS GAY IS A TREE SUCKS LET GOD CHOOSE nobody called fl in polling HILLARY WE DID IT BABY I AM DAMN PROUD OF AL GORE Gay, really? How about this one: "Bush will get rid of Head start". Not only is it You know, here we go again...... anything connected with CLINTON/GORE = division! It logic abandons positions of vojuea Too bad the Dems didn't just cheat enough to begin with nd positions of meaning. VIVA HILLAry GOD WANTS BABIES TO LIVE SO DOES BUSH NEW YORK THANK YOU NOT true, it's stupid. He might not CALL it head start, but it would be a better GEORGE W i like a big hairy BUSH RIGHT WIPPET Union thugs in Philly.....but thats ok The protagonist of deiance is always in a suicidal poitions program than it is now. That doesn't count to you though does it. 184 MisChevis: BaudriR: Booha: Whippetmaster1: BaudriR: Sally K 327: Cletermoml: Cletermoml: SouthWestJBT: GayChica: GayChica: GayChica: BaudriR: Gaarpo: Whippetmaster1: Cletermoml: Booha: BaudriR: Cabana133: Booha: SouthWestJBT: Cletermoml: BaudriR: Cletermoml: BaudriR: Cletermoml: MisChevis: GayChica: MisChevis: Cletermoml: BaudriR: BaudriR: SouthWestJBT: Cletermoml: Booha: BaudriR: Whippetmaster1: BaudriR: Cletermoml: MisChevis: BaudriR: Booha: BaudriR: Whippetmaster1: BaudriR: Sally K 327: Cabana133: BaudriR: Booha: MisChevis: GayChica: Booha: TBarh74358: GayChica: GayChica: BaudriR: GayChica: BaudriR: Cab -- I do too..... A voice for the unborn here! but it is a triumphant suicide: dont like hairy bush do you? GOD WANTS US TO SUFFER it s by teh destruction of value, hello Booha, apparently the union members threatened people if they didn't vote the way they were supposed to. carville =what dems are He wants it to be a reading in the hell can a reading program be better than head start? the destruction of meaning Bush is the right hole AND THE EARTH TO SUFFER Of course, people who LET them threaten weren't real bright. Cleter...they intimidated pollsters (one's own, their own) YEAH I SAW NEWT GENGRICH AT HTE NURSING HOME KICKING ASSES cleter and thats JUST here gay, u want day care,,bush wants to teach kids to read Gay, so, it's more important to you that it be a government program? that the other is forced into a never equivalent, Bush wants it to be STATE run. ever escalating respponse. Booha, yeah I know. Where I voted in Kansas City, there was no way I could have voted with 7 ballots... Do you have any clue what goes on in Head Start? At ALL? Like some democrat did in Florida! I remember when a hospital I was working at tried to go union. Defiance always comes from that which ahs no meaning, gay, by test scores,,not much We needed help and tried to bring in a union. I found out quick what CORZINE SCOURED THE HOMELESS TO VOTE>>THATS OK no name, WE NEED MORE FATHER CHILD LAWS no identity kind of tactics they used. Tire slashing, intimidation. Real nice guys. All the stories need to be verified, but the democrats are looking bad here! - it is a defiance of meaning, I've had it with GORE..he makes me SICK of power, MORE FATHER CHILD LAWS... LIKE PROTECTION of truth, Boo I agree with you WHY SHOULD A BABY HAVE TO PAY CAUSE MOMMY DIDNT SHUT HER LEGS OR DADDY COULDNT PULL OUT of their existing as such, In the words of G GORDON LIDDY..GORE Booha -- if he becomes president -- most of us will RESPECT HIM LESS! Well I don't have time to explain it to you. And GORE IS A DICK GORE MAY WIN YET I'm sure you wouldn't listen anyway. Just know that for a lot of kids they couldn't survive without of their pretending to exist as such. head start. Only this reversion can put an end to pwer, 185 Cabana133: Booha: SouthWestJBT: Whippetmaster1: GayChica: Cletermoml: Cabana133: BaudriR: Whippetmaster1: BaudriR: Cletermoml: Whippetmaster1: MisChevis: Cabana133: Sally K 327: HOST Guide JNC: BaudriR: Cletermoml: Bush Cheney 2000: MisChevis: GayChica: Bush Cheney 2000: BaudriR: Cabana133: Booha: TBarh74358: GayChica: MisChevis: HOST Guide JNC: BaudriR: Bush Cheney 2000: Cabana133: HOST Guide JNC: Whippetmaster1: Cletermoml: Booha: Cabana133: LET A BABY LIVE can I have any less respect for him? gay , poor people survived before head start AND SUFFER 45 out of 67 counties........the lead is 795 Gay, I know about head start. It's a good program, that can be made better. ITS CALLED BIRTH CONTROL CODUMNS to meaning, to value, and never any relation of force, LIVE AND SUFFER however favorable it is, Why does money have to be laundered through the Federal Govt. Gay? LIVE AND SUFFER Booha -- I sure do.... I started out just being happy I wouldn't have to see Clinton anymore AND SUFFER RIGHT AND SCOOPING OUT THERE BRAINS who is ahead now? Gore or Bush Hiyas everyone :) since the letter re-enters into a polar, All Bush is saying is that money doesn't HAVE to go through Washington. **UPDATE 12:35pm** With 38 of 67 counties tallied, Bush leads by 830 votes After the first debate -- I lost respect for Gore... Bush by 795 **UPDATE 12:35pm** With 38 of 67 counties tallied, Bush leads by 830 votes binary, structural relation, IM GOING TO SCHOOL TO BE A CORONER GO WATCH AN ABORTION AND SAY THAT Mis..its refreshing to see REP babes....I was beginning to think most women were MUSH heads THIS FLA ELECTION WILL BE RERUN BUSH CHENEY THEY HAVE A NEW UPDATE NOW When he behaved lide a 10 years old in the second debate -- lost more respect for him. How is everyone today??? which re-creates by definition a new spce of meaning and of power.7) **UPDATE 12:35pm** With 38 of 67 counties tallied, Bush leads by 830 votes AND GORE WILL LOSE MORE VOTES CAUSE HE IS A SORE LOSER Bush Cheney, once is enough, ok? ARE YOU SAYING YOU HAVE NOT SUFFERED IN YOUR LIFE Cabana, Bush is also closing the gap in the popular vote. Even if GORE wins..he's STILL a LOSER YEAH SO I GUESS I SHOULD SHOOT MY SELF You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - NASCAR RECOUNT lol” BODYferSPEED: lol Sassyalgal: <<, so bored You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - College Football” DRK9KAT: Weinke is way ahead in yardage ScKenz: OU will probably screw Nebraska and lose Voldog1: ou will go 11-0 Lovetheflagators: big test for weinke is a week from saturday BaudriR: Here several hypotheses are possible: OU IS BACK: WEINKE AND BREES ARE WELL AHEAD OF HEUPEL ACTION9026: i don't think Aggies will be a problem. Nebraska rematch may be BaudriR: 1.- The social has basically never existed. Voldog1: come on gators OU IS BACK: BUT HEUPEL HAS HALF OF THE PLAYING TIEM THAT BREES AND WEINKE DO Voldog1: ou may lose to neb that's it BaudriR: There never has been any "social relation." Lovetheflagators: i remember a year ScKenz: Heupel should win the Heisman if it goes to the MVP....Oklahomo would suck w/o 186 Heupel BaudriR: OU IS BACK: Lovetheflagators: ACTION9026: Lovetheflagators: Voldog1: Lovetheflagators: BaudriR: Lovetheflagators: Voldog1: BaudriR: Lovetheflagators: BaudriR: DRK9KAT: BaudriR: Voldog1: BaudriR: OU IS BACK: ACTION9026: Lovetheflagators: Voldog1: BaudriR: Snrfn1: BaudriR: ACTION9026: Bamababy1: BaudriR: Voldog1: Lovetheflagators: OU IS BACK: ScKenz: OU IS BACK: Bamababy1: BaudriR: OU IS BACK: Bamababy1: Bamababy1: OU IS BACK: Bamababy1: OU IS BACK: Voldog1: BaudriR: Bamababy1: OU IS BACK: Bamababy1: ScKenz: Voldog1: OU IS BACK: ACTION9026: Bamababy1: ACTION9026: ScKenz: Bamababy1: Lovetheflagators: Nothing has ever funtioned socially. AS A SATARTE EVEN nebraska was headed to the nc game if we lose to Nebraska then we should have lost to them first and beat them the second time uf had one loss say gators....fsu too strong this year and texas up and shocked them On this inescapable basis of challenge, fsu is very very strong this yr if fsu plays like they did in clemson game you lose gators seduction and death, vol,if we play like we did vs auburn, fsu will have a hard time there has never been anything but simulation of the social Florida State is on a major roll right now and the social relation. tru dat gators In which case, HELL AT THIS POINT THE BIG 12 NORTH IS STILL UP IN THE AIR Texas sucked a fat man's root against OK dr k , we arent exactly stinking up the field the last 3 games if grossman gets hot gators get win! there is no point dreaming about a "real" Heupel will win the Heisman if we beat A&M sociality, how long ago did Miami spank that booootie back a hidden sociality, jabar gaffney will have 150 rec and our secondary seems to have a nose for the ball WB SHARI HELL AT THIS POINT, THE BIG 12 SOUTH IS STILL UP IN THE AIR MY GIRL ty Shawn an ideal socialist: LOL hehe hey Shawn YEAH' heard something about OU I thought was funny WHATS THAT kstate is no cupcake sat neb fans this just hypostatises a simulacrum. ya'll used to be red and offwhite NOPE heard ya are now CRIMSON and creme A&M is no cupcake sat, OU fans bama...found a coach yet? ALWAYS BEEN CRIMSON AND CREME we've always been that way no Voldog, but then Mal aint takin my calls, lol jackass that's, CREAM, OU nice education jackass??? beano cook, new bama coach You have just entered room “Places - arkansas adults” MrTHOMASnAR: and i go for blondes 187 SUTHRNDISH57: MrTHOMASnAR: JWof348: MrTHOMASnAR: JWof348: YEAH MARK WE HEARD there you are you heard it on AOL MrT likes any Females... LOL and we all know what you hear on AOL is truth Aol is the Gospel You have just entered room “Life - Ask police anything” CG3341: oh Joanie I play it cause I like it GATOR GIRL 031: WELL I PLAY FOR WHEN SHE COMES IN HERE BADGRLOFFICERR: WHEN THE SNITCH COMES IN YOU'LL KNOW IT CG3341: well each to their own BaudriR: If the social is a simulation, CG3341: I dont know the snitch CG3341: or is it bitch GATOR GIRL 031: YES U DO CARL BaudriR: the only likely turn of events is that of a brutal de-simulation BADGRLOFFICERR: BITCH CG3341: or is it bastard if a male GATOR GIRL 031: I TOLD U BaudriR: - the social ceasing to take itself as a space of refrence CG3341: I dont wanna be called a sexist from u lunatics lol BaudriR: and to play the game, BADGRLOFFICERR: LUNATICS? BADGRLOFFICERR: OMG BADGRLOFFICERR: I AM ONLY MEAN ON AOL BaudriR: and putting an end at last to power, GATOR GIRL 031: SEXIST??????? BADGRLOFFICERR: I AM IN THE CG3341: Yeah lunatics ur all nuts x me of course lol BaudriR: to the effect of power BADGRLOFFICERR: NICEST PERSON AROUND" CLUUB IN REAL LIFE BaudriR: and to the mirror of the social which perpetuates it. BADGRLOFFICERR: BAU.......<click> CG3341: okay, how is this one I just got it *whocares* BADGRLOFFICERR: CARL? CG3341: Yes Bad Df9742: carl did you take your meds this morning? BaudriR: A de-simulation which itself captures the style fo a challenge BADGRLOFFICERR: REMEBER.. I SAID I WOULD KEEP YOU UPDATED CG3341: do I seem hyper Deb GATOR GIRL 031: OMG BAU = CLICK BADGRLOFFICERR: WE ARE NOW CLICKING BAU CG3341: yes u did bad CG3341: 10/4 bad BaudriR: (the reverse of capital's challenge of the social and society) BADGRLOFFICERR: THAT WILL BE 40 BUCKS GATOR GIRL 031: OHHHH LOR WE GOT ANOTHER SNITCH TOO CG3341: oh geez bad I see what u mean BaudriR: :a challenge to the belief that BADGRLOFFICERR: OOO DO WE? CG3341: *12 gauge* GATOR GIRL 031: TILD U BEFORE THE ONE WHO TOS'ED ME BaudriR: capital and pwer exist according tot heir own logic CG3341: *12gauge* BADGRLOFFICERR: SNITCHES GET STITCHES BaudriR: - they have none, CG3341: okay all gone BaudriR: they vanish as apparatuses as soon as the simulation of social space is undone. 188 BaudriR: CG3341: BaudriR: BADGRLOFFICERR: CG3341: BADGRLOFFICERR: BaudriR: CG3341: BADGRLOFFICERR: BaudriR: BaudriR: CG3341: CG3341: BaudriR: CG3341: Mikescalm: Mikescalm: BaudriR: CG3341: Df9742: BaudriR: Df9742: CG3341: BaudriR: BADGRLOFFICERR: Mikescalm: BADGRLOFFICERR: GATOR GIRL 031: BaudriR: CG3341: GATOR GIRL 031: CG3341: CG3341: TBLueLine2: GATOR GIRL 031: Df9742: Mikescalm: BaudriR: Mikescalm: CG3341: BaudriR: BADGRLOFFICERR: BaudriR: BADGRLOFFICERR: BaudriR: BADGRLOFFICERR: BADGRLOFFICERR: CG3341: CG3341: BADGRLOFFICERR: BaudriR: BADGRLOFFICERR: BADGRLOFFICERR: CG3341: CG3341: BADGRLOFFICERR: BaudriR: CG3341: BaudriR: 8 oh u said that bad sorry This is really what we are seeing today: LOL CARL WHERE YA BEEN? Hey Baud very informative they will love u in Belleuvue I REALLY NEED TO GET A DOG A HOME the disintegration of the whole idea of the social, Bad Im just trying to cope here lol ANYONE KNOW A DEPT WANTING A GOOD DOG the whole idea of the social, the consumption and involution of the social, Baud tell me more uh huh the breakdown of the social simulacrum, Heh I starting to understand Baud lol im back!!!!!!1 lol a genuine defiance of teh constructive and productive wb Deb r they booting ur butt wb mike approcah to teh social which dominates us. yes i have angered the phone line god today the whole room is lofting All quite suddenly, I WANT TO DONATE A DOG TO A PROGRAM did i missanything HE NEEDS A HOME not lofting as if the social had vener existed. ruff no one loves me what kind of dawg we all love u How old BAD? waaaaaaaa nope not a thing mike oh okay A breakdown which has all the features of a catastrophe, damn aol booted me Mike click on Baud save urself the trouble not an evolution or revolution. HE'S FROM IMPORTED PARENTS No longer a "crisis" I YEAR OLD THIS MONTH of the social, I CANT TRAIN HIM NOW I AM OFF ON INJURY send him to Bow wow scholl school HE'S CHEC but the reabsorption of its system. CG? *THWAP* yes Bad ouch I AM THE BOW WOW SCHOOL Without having anything to do with those marginal defections Yeah ur the head bitch roflmao (of the mad, 189 BADGRLOFFICERR: CG3341: BaudriR: BADGRLOFFICERR: BaudriR: BADGRLOFFICERR: CG3341: GATOR GIRL 031: BADGRLOFFICERR: GATOR GIRL 031: Mikescalm: NikkiMBump: CG3341: BaudriR: GATOR GIRL 031: BADGRLOFFICERR: CG3341: GATOR GIRL 031: BADGRLOFFICERR: BaudriR: BADGRLOFFICERR: Df9742: CG3341: NikkiMBump: BaudriR: NikkiMBump: CG3341: BaudriR: CG3341: NikkiMBump: BaudriR: Df9742: CG3341: BaudriR: Df9742: NikkiMBump: BaudriR: Mikescalm: CG3341: BADGRLOFFICERR: CG3341: Df9742: NikkiMBump: CG WANNA SEE MY BABIES? sorry I just had to women, *THWAP* druggies, ME TOO I deserved that OK GOT MY SNAIL MIAL YES YOU DID WILL BBL its the wind down here got a question..... maybe can get an answer here..... Joanie be safe delinquents), BE SAFE AND GOD BLESS CEPTIN THE SNERTS BYE JOANIE Yes send me a pic of the babies Bad U TOO CARL BABIEEEEEEEE OOO GOOODIE which, onthe contrary, supply new energy tot he failing social. BRB bye joanie Nikki whats ur question any police in here from fla? This reabsorption process can no longer be resocialised. okay.... NY here Like a ghost at dawn, and Texas and some other jurisdictions represented my fiance has to turn himself in for v.o.p.... and ..... its principle of reality thank you carl welcome sexy and of social rationality mike? driving with suspended license which was due to unpaid tickets... simply fades away. yes Df VOP{violation of Parole-I guess OK BACK okay would you relocate out of harlingen? yes.... anyways, i paid his fines now all he has to do is the right .... You have just entered room “Life - BUSH BUSH BUSH” WlNNER BUSH: Monica <<< the living 'all day sucker' BoDyBrIgHtOnGiRl: SHE COME TO NEW YORK THINKING SHE NO EVERYTHING SHE AINT DOING NUTTING FOR US Happygolukki2: LOL DN BoDyBrIgHtOnGiRl: FUC HER Nizzate9: didnt they legalize weed in alaska?? MsKrycek42: Lil, your rationalization was that if guns are going to be obtained no matter what, let's Abuantargam: no TammyR8784: califonia i thought BaudriR: 2. - The social has really existed, Lildragon1215: no i am in the service ms i dont smoke it VwAcDcwV: DONT THEY HAVE THOSE TIPPER CIGARS..?..THE ONES WITH THE LITTLE WHITE 190 TIP DnTFrancis: BaudriR: TammyR8784: MsKrycek42: Abuantargam: BaudriR: BoDyBrIgHtOnGiRl: BaudriR: ParisTopez: MsKrycek42: BaudriR: Nizzate9: Lildragon1215: Happygolukki2: VwAcDcwV: Happygolukki2: BaudriR: WlNNER BUSH: Nizzate9: Lildragon1215: Jan9450: BaudriR: TammyR8784: WlNNER BUSH: TammyR8784: ParisTopez: MsKrycek42: TammyR8784: TammyR8784: VwAcDcwV: Happygolukki2: Lildragon1215: BaudriR: GaryMcdnld: BaudriR: WlNNER BUSH: DnTFrancis: ParisTopez: TammyR8784: BaudriR: MsKrycek42: TammyR8784: DnTFrancis: MsKrycek42: GaryMcdnld: Nizzate9: TRIPPER MAN54321: VwAcDcwV: WlNNER BUSH: ParisTopez: BaudriR: TammyR8784: DnTFrancis: ParisTopez: BaudriR: TammyR8784: Lildragon1215: WlNNER BUSH: Can you grow weed in the artic?? it exists more and more, california i mean just keep it legal to get them at gun shows no it invests everything, WHAST NEXT THEY GONNA LEGALIZE CRACK CAUSE PHENS ARE GONNA DO IT ANYWAY it alone exists. Why the hell does it take Flordia so long to count now, pot is going to be obtained no matter what, so why don't we just legalize it? Far from being volatilised, i think that if it grows out of the damn ground you should be able to smoke it ok let me ask you this how many liberals in here have been in the military dont lie either GORE SMOKES POT LEGALIZE IT ALL..IF YOU WANT A DRUG ITS READILY AVAILABLE HE ADMMITTED IT it is the social which triumphs; I mean GORE, could have named her Mary, or something 'normal' bush does coke thats what i thought Paris it takes so long because those people are old the reality of the social is imposed everywhere. if gore takes away citizens guns, the only person with a gun with be the criminal, you don't maybe she went to a lot of male strip clubs think they'll still get them 1 2 3 4 5 6......... Lil, three of my cousins are liberals, very left, and in the military we just won't be able to protect ourselvs es HAHAH JESSE JACKSON IS TRASIN' HELL..WHAT A PIECE OF TRASH::CHANGES TEH CHANNEL THATS RIGHT TAMMY liberals=tree huggers,whiners,hippies,and general social misfits But, contrary to the antiquated idea which makes the social into an objective progress Tammy, that is ridiculous of mankind, we wont have land 'reallocation' here like in Zimbabwe Notice if the cameras are there Jesse Jackson is too?? LOL And what in God's name is wrong with Oregon... why haven't the got there counts in yet how? everything which escpates it being only residue, Lil, you don't like the idea of love all around? poor child gary how? Oregon used mailed in ballots all you need is love Because we don't need guns in our society fuck oregon PARIS IT WAS A MAIL IN BALLOT HES JUST PADDING HIS POCKETS FOR HIS NEXT BULLSHIT SCENE whst the fuck does Jesse Jackson have to do with anything in polotics? Are they going by pony express? it is possible to envisage to envisage that the social itself we do to protect ourselves against criminals Regardless of the need of guns Gary it's my constitutional right to have a gun Jesse Jackson thinks he needs to be in the center of everything is only residue, where do you live? yeah dream about about peace cause that is all you ll see of it in your dreams just a sht stirer 191 DnTFrancis: BaudriR: Jan9450: BaudriR: MsKrycek42: GaryMcdnld: VwAcDcwV: TammyR8784: Lildragon1215: BaudriR: Happygolukki2: Lildragon1215: TRIPPER MAN54321: GaryMcdnld: TammyR8784: Lildragon1215: WlNNER BUSH: MsKrycek42: DnTFrancis: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: TammyR8784: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: VwAcDcwV: ParisTopez: DnTFrancis: Nizzate9: MsKrycek42: TammyR8784: Nizzate9: Lildragon1215: BaudriR: TammyR8784: DnTFrancis: TammyR8784: TammyR8784: BaudriR: TammyR8784: TammyR8784: WlNNER BUSH: Lildragon1215: BaudriR: TammyR8784: Lildragon1215: Lildragon1215: MsKrycek42: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: GaryMcdnld: GaryMcdnld: Lildragon1215: BaudriR: ParisTopez: Jan9450: Nizzate9: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: DnTFrancis: You going to take that away from me? and that, Winner not a damn thing if it has triumphed in the real, Lil, only because of people like you I live in new orleans JESSE JACKSON IS A CRACK HEAD no comment ok here we go it is precisely as such. JESSE JACKSON IS SLEEPING WITH JANET RENO i am so bad LOOK OUT NOW HERE COMES THE NAACP TO FLA and I'm telling you we don't need guns in the hands of citizens janet rynooooo lol Vw, that was Marion Barry Lil, imagine all the people living life in peace No He Isn't...Janet Reno is a lesbian LOL Litter piling up from the symbolic order ok.. and he got reelected...again as it blows around, HAHA THEN MOVE TO IRAQ GARY! Jesse Jackson wants to just cause trouble wherever he goes. That is your opinion Gary...but I have the right i live in illinois...somehow gore won our state...but everyone i talked to voted for bush you may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one believe what you will i just dont get it yeah as you wipe the sleepes from your eyes it is the social as remainder BUSH RULZ If you take my right away...what right is going to be abolished next ******BUSH****** ******BUSH****** which has assumed real force ******BUSH****** buh bye he was caught on tape, but 'that wasnt him' there has been hate and always will be and which is soon to be universal.9 SEE YAH TONIGHT AT THE PArTY FOR BUSHHHHHHHHHH u think gore is gonna stop it lol Lil, damn, you are young, don't you know any Lennon? no such thing as a 'guilty' negro Here is a more subtle form of death. we should all destroy the guns all of them see i told ya liberals where hippies In this event, I think theres not as much hate as politics and media wants us to believe... those 19thousand valids had to be thrown out those people voted for 2 people for president i think we should get George H.W. Bush back Gary, watch you throat wer are really even deeper in the social, YOu can not destroy all the guns...If Prohibition of alcohol couldn't work...then guns 192 can't MsKrycek42: BaudriR: MsKrycek42: Lildragon1215: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: ParisTopez: WlNNER BUSH: VwAcDcwV: DnTFrancis: BaudriR: MsKrycek42: VwAcDcwV: BaudriR: LilMsSnob19: LilMsSnob19: Lildragon1215: Jan9450: GaryMcdnld: BaudriR: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: MsKrycek42: ParisTopez: GaryMcdnld: TRIPPER MAN54321: DnTFrancis: BaudriR: ParisTopez: Lildragon1215: DnTFrancis: Jan9450: Lildragon1215: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: Jan9450: DnTFrancis: WlNNER BUSH: Lildragon1215: MsKrycek42: ParisTopez: DnTFrancis: BaudriR: MsKrycek42: ParisTopez: BaudriR: DnTFrancis: Lildragon1215: GaryMcdnld: MsKrycek42: DnTFrancis: BaudriR: Jan9450: MsKrycek42: WlNNER BUSH: VwAcDcwV: Lildragon1215: GaryMcdnld: Lil, no dear, hippies are liberals, not all liberals are hippies even deeper in pure excrement, Dn, no one is saying get rid of all the guns if they come for your guns give em the bullets first a race war or a civil war is very near in the fantastic congestion of dead labor, You can't destroy all guns.. but we can get better gun control laws dont fool yourself WHAT A PIECE OF TRASH..YOU SEE THAT CRAP ON TV? Gary said we should destroy all guns....scroll up of dead and institutionalised relations Lil, violence never solved anything JESSE JACKSON IS SCUM within terrorist bureaucracies, if someone broke into your house and tried to kill you or someone u love you'd wish u had a gun it won americas freedom <<<don't like guns but i don't want my right to have them taken away I agree, Violence is good for nothing of dead languages Dn, the jew media is very convincing of small minds and grammars Lil, more peacful means would have worked Jesse Jackson thinks he's the minorites messiah that's why we need to rid ourselves of all firearms THOSE 19,000 NEED TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS THEY MESSED UP The Criminal will always have the guns...taking away the second amendment just harms the .. (the very term "relation" already has something dead about it, I think he's racist against caucasions omg i guess you would tell those dead vets that too citizens who are law abiding Trip true yeah Gary, look at the news right now.. the Palenstinians throw rocks something about death to it). true paris LOL @ Winner they are an unarmed society and u would be speakin german now too Lil, all of my grandparents were vets, and all of them came to become "hippies" No kidding... If your too much of a moron to follow a arrow... than too dumb to ask for No one is an unarmed society. Then of course it can no longer be said that the social is dying, Lil, no dear, my lover speaks German, no I another ballot after you punchd two.. than thats your problem since it is already teh accumulation of death. I want my gun in case the government falls into the wrong hands well that says alot about you Better to throw rocks Lil, that I don't speak German?. Gary you are a MORON In effect we are in a civilisation of the supersocial, i gun never killed anyone...people do and if you took all the guns away people would still k ooo, what a horrible thing I want my gun in case a wrong hand falls on me IF GORE WINS..THEY ALL SMOKE ROCKS INSTEAD OF THROW THEM no that your family is hippies No, you are, you would have us all kill each other in the streets 193 BaudriR: DnTFrancis: LilMsSnob19: ParisTopez: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: ParisTopez: DnTFrancis: WlNNER BUSH: MsKrycek42: GaryMcdnld: Lildragon1215: VwAcDcwV: BaudriR: MsKrycek42: WlNNER BUSH: DnTFrancis: GaryMcdnld: WlNNER BUSH: ParisTopez: MsKrycek42: WlNNER BUSH: VwAcDcwV: GaryMcdnld: BaudriR: WlNNER BUSH: Jan9450: MsKrycek42: Lildragon1215: LilMsSnob19: BaudriR: DnTFrancis: WlNNER BUSH: Lildragon1215: Lildragon1215: MsKrycek42: BaudriR: WlNNER BUSH: GaryMcdnld: ParisTopez: BaudriR: VwAcDcwV: DnTFrancis: GaryMcdnld: Lildragon1215: DnTFrancis: Lildragon1215: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: SC Kleagle: MsKrycek42: VwAcDcwV: WlNNER BUSH: VwAcDcwV: BaudriR: VwAcDcwV: BaudriR: Lildragon1215: Lildragon1215: and simulatneously in a civilisation of non-degradable God didn't take clubs away after Cain killed Able thats right jan Besides they cant very well have a revote when they know how the election is standing 90% of all negroes voted for GORE , indestructible residue, and they dont know who actually "messed up" My Gun has never killed anyone...nor have I you idiot what the fuck does that tell ya? Lil, rofl, my parents would be ltao if they knew someone called them hippies no, you jackass, GUNS DO KILL PEOPLE yall prob protest wars shile american soldiers are dyin AND YOU KNOW WHAT..THE BLACKS DONT EVEN KNOW WHY THEY VOTED piling up as the social spreads. the only hippie in my life is my girlfriend so do motorcycles, Gary People kill people by beating them to going to cut off their arms now Gary? It's alot harder to kill someone with your bare hands, than with a gun and cars I don;t see why I think Gore is a closet racist. Lil, ah, getting in to Vietnam now? and axes ALL THEY KNOW IS TEHRE TRYING SCREW SOMETHING UPT GUNS ARE FOR PUSSIES WHO CAN'T FIGHT Waste and recycling: and electrical outlets Gary right a gun just jumps up and shoots its self the war that we provoked? well what war ya wanna talk about gary it doesnt matter killing is killing no matter what you use such would be the social in teh image of a production More people die by drunk driving than by you drink? murderer Guns are for stopping stupid people i was a history major lets talk Lil, do you believe we should have continued to fight in Vietnam?>. whose cycle has long escapted teh "social" finalities like the ones that say get rid of guns nope, I don't drink More people have died in history from guns than from drunk driving to become a completely described spiral nebula, WHERE THE HELL IS NIXON WHEN YOU NEED HIM? do you drive a car? and I don't own any guns either i believe there was too much politics in the war it sould have been won easily car's kill too Gary... and might i add democrats you are a social fool Gary rotating and expanding with every "revolution" it makes. OMG, My gun just jumped up and ran outside.... hope it dont shoot anyone Lil, it should not have been fought be the US in the first place HAHAHHAA the 'euorphobic fool' HAHAHA Thus one sees the social expanding throughout history BETTER GO CATCH IT as a "rational" control of residues, i guess you would say the sme about the bay of pigs too same* 194 Jan9450: BaudriR: DnTFrancis: BaudriR: ParisTopez: BaudriR: Lildragon1215: ParisTopez: Jan9450: WlNNER BUSH: GaryMcdnld: ParisTopez: MsKrycek42: Lildragon1215: ParisTopez: BaudriR: MsKrycek42: BaudriR: GabeandSpike: BaudriR: GaryMcdnld: GaryMcdnld: BaudriR: ParisTopez: WlNNER BUSH: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: Saucymadre: DnTFrancis: Lildragon1215: BaudriR: WlNNER BUSH: LilMsSnob19: BaudriR: DnTFrancis: LiL t LuCioUs04: GaryMcdnld: MsKrycek42: ParisTopez: Jan9450: WlNNER BUSH: Lildragon1215: PLURALWIND: GaryMcdnld: WlNNER BUSH: PLURALWIND: LilMsSnob19: Saucymadre: DnTFrancis: MsKrycek42: MLuquette22: Lildragon1215: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: BaudriR: GaryMcdnld: BaudriR: GaryMcdnld: WlNNER BUSH: Bush is 1773 votes ahead and a rational production of residues. do you drive...probably murderer 1544 990 saw the opening the spread of communism another station says 770 i just heard it << still have my old 'nigger shooter' from when I was a kid I drive, I don't drink, and I certainly haven't murdered anyone So did I Lil, America seems to have a record for putting people in office in other countries, then and korea would you say that too But no matter Bush will still win of te first great poorhouse in Paris: getting pissy with them vagrants, 18/f Want Pics¿ I.M me to get some (got all kinds) lunatics, you on the other hand, would like to see everyone killing each other in the streets with guns the sick, No one wants to see your pics Gab not ' everyone' Gary everyone not integrated by teh group bush sucks donkey dick according to CNN Bush leads by 795 would you saya the same about korea MS and discarded as remainders just the social scum gary-people dont JUST use guns to murder people were taken in charge under the emerging sign of the social. Why...I can just watch them kill each other in the streets with cars hello all LiL, oh really??? ROFL Lil, we aren't talking about Korea, we're talking about Vietnam A Donkey is a good symbol for Democrates.. there all jackasses Gary its a constitutional right to have a gun I used my the other day to vent my trashcan thats what i thought regardless of who wins...we need to push bush for the next 3 years what else are guns used for, eh???? made some drain holes just in case i guess you think knives should be taken away also and cut off everyones hands huh? and bush sucks their dicks since according to you I enjoy killing...bigger kick out of watching wrecks...more action Lil, what, that I want to stay on topic? i'm no killer and nobody will take my guns. you cant make up your mind which side you are on it was faster than a drill This was extended tothe dimensions of National Assistance LiL, of course not, Knives are used for other things in the nineteenth century, a knife is a tool Gary, 'boy', criminals will always have guns 195 LilMsSnob19: GaryMcdnld: MsKrycek42: Lildragon1215: LiL t LuCioUs04: DnTFrancis: VwAcDcwV: BaudriR: MsKrycek42: ParisTopez: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: Lildragon1215: BaudriR: WlNNER BUSH: Lildragon1215: SHANNONROBBIE: Jan9450: BaudriR: LiL t LuCioUs04: BaudriR: WlNNER BUSH: DnTFrancis: BaudriR: GaryMcdnld: MCARNEYV: ParisTopez: LiL t LuCioUs04: BaudriR: WlNNER BUSH: DnTFrancis: SHANNONROBBIE: BaudriR: WlNNER BUSH: Lildragon1215: ParisTopez: BaudriR: SHANNONROBBIE: MCARNEYV: LiL t LuCioUs04: DnTFrancis: Lildragon1215: BaudriR: GaryMcdnld: WlNNER BUSH: MLuquette22: SHANNONROBBIE: DnTFrancis: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: LiL t LuCioUs04: Lildragon1215: SHANNONROBBIE: DnTFrancis: ParisTopez: ParisTopez: WlNNER BUSH: Lildragon1215: BaudriR: gary--and so are guns a gun is a killing machine Lil, don't ASSume, kiddo. a gun is a tool as well i don't believe any one should carry a gun around. . . and then say it's for protection What about those of us who use guns for sport DEMOCRATS = HOLLYWOOD TINSEL TOWN FAGS then Social Security in teh twentieth century. I've gtg, email me if you wish If Gore takes legal actions if Bush wins.. he's going to completely ruin his "rep" that is why they are criminals, they do not obey laws Proportional to the reinforcement of social reason, i have been shot at for my sountry have you???? it is the whole community wake up, sleeping beauty country*. so does anyone know when the decsion for prez wil be annouced? how many criminals use a legal gun???? not very many which soon becomes residual and hence, Bush ain't nuttin but money hungry person trin to walk in daddy's shoes by one more spiral, self protection and preservation is a right Why have the self-defense laws in the books if you can't have guns the social which piles up. LiL, of course the Military needs guns, but no one else does Cnn say's Bush's lead is down to 795 vote's Bush ain't nuttin??? Get out of the hills i agree gary When the remainders reach the dimensions NEWS FLASH <<< BUSH JUST WON!!!!!!!!!!! I can't defend myself against some criminal with a gun without one i cannot wait til he wins and blows all this criticism out of the water of the whole of society, JUST KIDDING so you are sayin i dont have the right to hunt Fox says 920 one has a perfect socialisation.10 bush pipe dream's Winner Bush nooo. . . . . .not sayin that You Can hunt Lil'...just have to kill it with your hands or a knife that is communism buddy Everybody is completely excluded and taken in charge, If it came down to you and a criminal with a gun, the criminal would kill you so fast I have the right to do anything I want to under the laws of the land i have a right to bear arms so says the constitution i f you think gore will win you are an idoit not true Gary... and fuck the rest of the people that dont agree completely disintegrated and socialised. not tru at all u think so gore is such a fake and a liar I would feel pretty good in defending myself I can't understand how it took them like an hour on election night to count ballots and two days to recount them I dont argue when im right some break in my house and find out Symbolic integration is replaced by a functional integration, 196 Lildragon1215: MCARNEYV: BaudriR: GOREISADUMASS: MLuquette22: ParisTopez: LiL t LuCioUs04: BaudriR: GaryMcdnld: GOREISADUMASS: MCARNEYV: ParisTopez: SHANNONROBBIE: WlNNER BUSH: Lildragon1215: DnTFrancis: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: Lildragon1215: LiL t LuCioUs04: BaudriR: DnTFrancis: WlNNER BUSH: Lildragon1215: Jaxboredagain: BaudriR: GaryMcdnld: GaryMcdnld: BaudriR: Lildragon1215: DnTFrancis: Lildragon1215: BaudriR: DnTFrancis: ParisTopez: DnTFrancis: BaudriR: Lildragon1215: GaryMcdnld: LiL t LuCioUs04: GaryMcdnld: Jan9450: Jan9450: WlNNER BUSH: MLuquette22: Jaxboredagain: BaudriR: Lildragon1215: DnTFrancis: BaudriR: WlNNER BUSH: RWhunt2day: WlNNER BUSH: LiL t LuCioUs04: Lildragon1215: SHANNONROBBIE: DnTFrancis: RWhunt2day: ParisTopez: come* Yea and Bush is so upright! funtional institutions take charge GORE SUX at least bush is not a liar Gore is a damn robot u sound very ignorant bush of the residue from symbolic disintegration Guns are worthless GORE SUX JANET RENO as does Bush But than again Bush didn't invent the internet.. or pants that's right ml People will die trying to take away my constituional rights yeaha lets talk about the log cabin gore built with his bare hands Continue to think that way Gary...but one day someone is going to use a gun to save your lif LOL - a social agency appears where there was none, and the heisman trophy they been doin it for years nor even any name for it. your life and you'll change your opinion LIL, that was a dog house for 'TIPPER; and the union he started WHY DO YOU THINK THE U.S. HAS NEVER BEEN INVADED? "Social relations" fester, ROFL!!! HAHAHA, you think guns SAVE lives?????????? what are you smoking proliferate, and the medal of honor he won Why do Policemen carry them Gary?? and the croix de guerre grow proportionately richer with this disintegration. B/c when they use them they save their life Ne1 know what time they think the count will be done? Is it still 5? If I have to take someone out to save my family...I'll do it And the social sciences cap ti off. and the truck stops he slept in all over the country Why do Police carry guns. lol. Police carry guns so they can push people around why are soo m any policeman killing people fuck the police if you voted Gore you voted for more of your rights to be taken away ...i want less govermen t I used to carry a pencil and pad, and if someone robbed me abortion not in constitution and gun are WE ARE THE ONLY COUNTRY WHERE THE CITIZENS ARE ARMED Whence the piquancy of an expression and the pro hockey he played Isn't Gore the new Head Coach of the Harvard football team like: I would make them write down why good morning all.. hey if anywon is proBush you can call the Austin Gov Office that didnt work, for some reason u wouldn't take the time out to lisen and the cookie recipe he made for mrs.smiths cookies i just cannot wait until bush gets into office and turns over that decision about partial hey Winner...I'll start carrying books around so when they try to rob me I can educate them at 512-463-2000 and let them know we want Bush to fight back The constitution guarentees us the right of life.... and we deny unborn children that 197 right BaudriR: DnTFrancis: ParisTopez: SHANNONROBBIE: MLuquette22: VwAcDcwV: WarCorpse666: WlNNER BUSH: BaudriR: Knudist2: RWhunt2day: MCARNEYV: MLuquette22: Lildragon1215: Lildragon1215: Lildragon1215: Lildragon1215: DnTFrancis: GaryMcdnld: DnTFrancis: WlNNER BUSH: Lildragon1215: GaryMcdnld: LiL t LuCioUs04: DnTFrancis: Jaxboredagain: WlNNER BUSH: Lildragon1215: ParisTopez: SHANNONROBBIE: ParisTopez: WlNNER BUSH: DnTFrancis: Jaxboredagain: VwAcDcwV: LiL t LuCioUs04: Lildragon1215: GaryMcdnld: WlNNER BUSH: VwAcDcwV: DnTFrancis: Jan9450: KappaTime: GaryMcdnld: KappaTime: Lildragon1215: LiL t LuCioUs04: Jaxboredagain: WlNNER BUSH: SHANNONROBBIE: RWhunt2day: DnTFrancis: ARE U IN HIM: MCARNEYV: KappaTime: LiL t LuCioUs04: Knudist2: "the responsibility of society vis-a-vis its underprivilged members," LOL Who's dying for them? They are. amen paris i'm pro bush AFTER TODAY GORE WONT BE ABLE TO COACH A LITTLE LEAGUE TEAM Bush is ahead I used to tell robbers,,, Im sorry, I know you are a 'victim' and write them a check when we know teh "social" is precisely the agency which arises from this dereliction. <-- no bush i just called the gov's office.. and they are taking messages.. Except Bush isn't getting into office shannon, i like your opionion yeah look at what clinton-gore has done to the military it is weak and under manne manned Oh Lil' didn't you know he has made it better...made our country better Francis, have you ever shot anyone? with less military there are less guns...right Gary Now, I got the 'RONCO DO IT YOURSELF PROTECTION KIT' i am in the military jackass You don't have the balls to do it hell yeah No Gary I haven't shot anyone...I haven't had too...but has my gun deterred anyone...yes IF YOU THINK OUR MILITARY IS SO WEAK... its a sawwed off 12 guage with the first shell birdshot i see first hand what he has done to it I think we need to get out of all those foriegn affairs., I can see there's situations when why should we give gore 4 to 8 more years to screw things up again? we may need to step in followed by four slugs LOL...Gary...try sneaking into my house then....LOL WHY DO WE KICK SO MUCH ASS? CLINTON AND GORE ROAD REAGANS ACHIEVMENTS AND NOW THEYVE FINALLY BEEN AROUND LONG ENOUGH TO Clinton is probably 1 of the best presidents we've had in a will yeah gary sneak in my house Violence begets violence works everytime, and now my bank account is back to normal BREAK IT DOWN That's right Jax...we kicked ass in Yemen women have choice already..the choice to have unprotected sex...thats when the choice ended always so interesting to see whitepeople during election time it looks like a football game I'll sneak into yourhouse, slit your throat in your sleep, you won't even know what happened with opposing cities that last thing you would hear would be bang u sound stupid jan ITS NOT DONE YET! < the 'DO IT YOURSELF PROTECTION KIT IS ONLY 19.95 amen janet amen Jan... try it Gary... AMEN JAN!!!! Bush lead's by 795 votes with 22 county's to be counted yet like lakers and celtics game we learn from mistake Jan get real 198 You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - Investing” Matt29: there seems to be no one with a crystal ball Sara3824: dont they have to live in US a certain number of days? Ebby12: have o reside there x no. of month a year to do it i understand Matt29: I need insider trading info GeoWizard1: god bless the state of isreal IM463PLUS FIVE: susie, remember that the vp leaves office at the same time as the pres. Matt29: getting tired of waiting so long to get ricch IM463PLUS FIVE: amendment 25 reads as if congress would then put someone in power. BaudriR: Whence the interest of Le Mond's "Society" column GeoWizard1: yes temp pres has to be appointed after 1 /20/01 BaudriR: where paradoxically only immigrants, Bdpeep: Floriduh has one of themost lax residency requirements BaudriR: delinquents, SWilli2604: Peep, look at, click on NealzNuze BaudriR: women, etc. SWilli2604: you will love his suggestion for a Florida ballot BaudriR: appear: Matt29: it's not the money it's the fun of the gamble really BaudriR: precisely those who have not been socialised; Matt29: it''s better than vegas odds Higgens99: <<<<is 30 and still not rich.... Sara3824: someone told me Fl State Law..everyone is mailed a ballot at least 1 month before election BaudriR: the social "case" being analogous to the pathological case. Sara3824: wondet if true Sara3824: wonder BaudriR: Pockets to be absorbed, IM463PLUS FIVE: sara, i dont think we got it that soon, but we did get one mailed to us. UKATS BLUE: probably got pitched with target and wall mart flyer.......sara BaudriR: segments which the social isolates the more it spreads Ebby12: sara,,I feel confident they got it in plenty of time to look at it BaudriR: . Matt29: Best Buy UKATS BLUE: kaaaaaaaaaaaachmeeeee Sara3824: hmmmmmmmm ok Kachinat: *arizona* BaudriR: Designated as refuse on the horizon of the social, SWilli2604: the exact same ballot was used in Cook County Illinois Ebby12: peeps tim russert coming up on msnbc shoirtly IM463PLUS FIVE: its true that everyone got a copy of their ballot ahead of time. BaudriR: they thus fall under its jurisdiction Ebby12: how come daly doesn't eliminate that ballot in chicago? BaudriR: and are fated to find their place in a widening sociality. Ebby12: they been using it for years Higgens99: who wants to know of a penny stock...that hasn't been hyped in chat-rooms BaudriR: It is on these remainders that the social machine starts up again IM463PLUS FIVE: daley and his whole family are asswipes. BaudriR: and find support for a new extension. SWilli2604: well, why do you think Ebby? BaudriR: But what happens when everybody is socialised? Matt29: has anyone used the Linux OP sys BaudriR: Then the machine stops, Ebby12: he has gall saying ballot illegal BaudriR: the dynamic is reversed, Ebby12: higgens okget itover with..whatstock ya hypin Adrienn412: Kach such fond memories BaudriR: and it is the whole social system which becomes residue. 199 SWilli2604: BaudriR: Matt29: Higgens99: Ebby12: BaudriR: Ebby12: BaudriR: Higgens99: Ebby12: BaudriR: Ebby12: IM463PLUS FIVE: Baud, you need to give up the crack As the social progressively gets rid of all of its residue, opty-grab is selling like hot cakes nope...just proud of myself for discovery....ebby oh ok sorry then it becomes residual itself. just asumd you were one of the many hypsers come in here By placing residual categories under the rubric "Society," nope....i found stock myself...through a stock screen No one in the history of this country has done more damage to usa then clinton the social designates itself as remainder. and now gore learned at his feet....IMHO i want to sue someone today, use my rights as a citizen of fl You have just entered room “Town Square - bicuriousmarriedmen” JoesTheOne: Hey old are ya? BaudriR: Now what becomes ofthe rationality BaudriR: of the social, Md greg 10: early 30s JoesTheOne: ok... JoesTheOne: (he'd kill me) Ccr1022: Sorry Greg have to be over 40 BaudriR: of the contract and of the social relation JoesTheOne: shhh!! not in this case Ccr Md greg 10: finishing up my internship BaudriR: if the social, JoesTheOne: good for you BigCokNTop: <<almost 40 Ccr1022: Let me see Greg Md greg 10: need to go guys BaudriR: intead of appearing as original structure, JoesTheOne: No Greg plz Ccr1022: I'm Joes secretary Md greg 10: getting a page BaudriR: appears to refuse, Md greg 10: joe, talk to yu later on BaudriR: and refuses processing? Ccr1022: I need it for back up JoesTheOne: ok if ya must go....seeya later, and tanks Greg BaudriR: If the social is only remains, Troubleisfun: and im his accountant JoesTheOne: aw...what a guy.... Ccr1022: That's righ trouble BaudriR: it is no longer the scene of a positive process or history, JoesTheOne: <<<he meets all da decent ones BigCokNTop: like me JoesTheOne: yup...just like you Big BaudriR: it is simply the scene of a piling up SWINGBlNJ: mornin all BaudriR: and exorbitant processing JoesTheOne: Hmm...Big..thats you and me :) BigCokNTop: :-) BaudriR: of death. Chicken3599: Mornin' Surfsid2000: any other bicurious mm like me wanna chat? IM me BaudriR: It no longer makes any sense, Chicken3599: has anyone seen Crickerbabe this morning JoesTheOne: Love guys wit a Buzz cut head 200 Troubleisfun: BaudriR: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: Chicken3599: Ccr1022: BaudriR: Donn94: Burlington05401: BaudriR: Ccr1022: Burlington05401: Ccr1022: Troubleisfun: BaudriR: Meccount: Troubleisfun: BaudriR: Ccr1022: Troubleisfun: Ccr1022: BaudriR: Troubleisfun: Troubleisfun: Ccr1022: BigCokNTop: Ccr1022: BaudriR: WannaTryIt: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: Tommyboyinnj: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: Owlsty: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: Owlsty: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: J0EK00L45: Owlsty: JoesTheOne: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: Owlsty: Ccr1022: BigCokNTop: Owlsty: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: Owlsty: BaudriR: Ccr1022: Owlsty: i haven't seen cricker in days since it is there for something else , thats so sexy in despair huh Hm, you should see the pic I got yesterday.. of anything else: 52mm 24, lean, smooth, athletic with nude self pics for trade it is excremental. Burlington NC? VT k too young forme Without any ideal perspective. hey studs well guys im outa here.....have a great day For remains are the transcendence of nothingness, I'm too old not for me your not ccr ahhh almost 44 they are what is irreconcilable in death, me too days to be exact Oh ok, Joe is oldest bye trouble Bye trouble and on them can only be founded a politics of death. morning all Yup..and older guys are in! :) Reclusion or preclusion. 21 m nj pics bottom anyone waant to talk im me Under the sign of productive reason, Baudri...what are you sellin? the social has been above all the space of a great Reclusion I dont understand a word your sayin - under the sign of simulation and deterrence How are you Joe? it has become the space of a great Preclusion. Good, and you Crickerbabe tells me she talks to you a lot. I'm doin' fine. Good..and yes she does But perhaps that is already no longer a "social" space. BaudriR you ok? I'm her sister-in-law. Just got signed on. I know :) your a cutie too It is from the point of view Oh :) You the one she helped move? mornin owl Oh yeah. of this administration of refuse Your Jims Sister, right? Mornin' BC that the social can appear today k Yeah, Jim's sister 201 BaudriR: JoesTheOne: Owlsty: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: Owlsty: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: Owlsty: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: JoesTheOne: Owlsty: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: Owlsty: JoesTheOne: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: Ccr1022: BaudriR: Ccr1022: JoesTheOne: JoesTheOne: J0EK00L45: Ccr1022: JoesTheOne: JoesTheOne: Ccr1022: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: Ccr1022: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: Ccr1022: JoesTheOne: Ccr1022: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: Ccr1022: JoesTheOne: Ccr1022: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: Ccr1022: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: Ccr1022: BigCokNTop: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: Ccr1022: JoesTheOne: JoesTheOne: BigCokNTop: for what it really is: hehe Hehe to you a right, lol DickDock He's quite the trip! I bet a need, As usual I gotta go. Gotta work a service, K, nice seein ya again Owlsty have fun When cricker comes in wish her a good day for me. a use value pure and simple. K, we'll do bi :) *Ccr* No longer a conflictual, political structure. *bitch* : but a welcoming structure. So many little time that guy I just met before..Greg :) he's nice Ccr What are you talking about BaudriR You best be gettin that cop pic done ok... I'll try Which one? The limit of the economist value of the social as use value the one who sent me the picture Md Greg Ah is in effect its ecologist value as niche. Ccr..the cop picture I was 26...thats a few hundred years ago The proper use of the social as one of the ways of balancing the exchanges Doesnt matter K Do you have any more of you betweent the individual and his environment lettme see yup...563 pictures , the social as functional ecosystem, Of you? lmao...NO k lol homeostasis and superbiology of the species I got one of me in a goatee last Christmas I could cut and paste this and turn it in as a book report. - no longer even a structure, but a substance: lol Havent seen that one joey in a goatee...hhhmmmmm good, cause I looked like Santa the cordial and high protein anonymity of a nutritious substance. I was thinking of growing one ya should... ya got the face for it hhmmm....santa..... 202 BaudriR: Ccr1022: Ccr1022: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: JoesTheOne: BigCokNTop: BaudriR: Ccr1022: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: BigCokNTop: Ccr1022: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: BigCokNTop: BaudriR: Ccr1022: JoesTheOne: Ccr1022: BaudriR: BigCokNTop: JoesTheOne: Ccr1022: BaudriR: JoesTheOne: LikeBottom: BigCokNTop: BaudriR: BigCokNTop: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: WRLDpaul: Ccr1022: BaudriR: LikeBottom: JoesTheOne: BaudriR: BigCokNTop: A kind of foetal security space too much gray or white really helping everywhere to relieve the difficulties of living, Mine was half brown and half silver all the old ladies loved it :) joey...joey...joey.... providing everywhere for the quality of life, Well lets see like comprehensive insurance, K hold on..and dont laff let's see, honey! k K..hold Big and Ccr the equivalent of a wast4d life; hold Big and CCR at the same time, honey a degraded form of lubricating, Big where's your pic Big and Ccr *gotmail* k insuring, passifying and permissive sociality; hot, honey lol Very nice the lowest form of social energy: Thanks guys 34/BiMM/Bottom ,, no longer curious ,, IM me and tell me your fantasy ,, Welcome, honey that of an environmental, behavioral utility. <<still curious <<<Never was Curious Such is the face of the social for us lol I need bigs now - its entropic form Love being on the bottom and hard and stroking now ,, wow I just found a naked picture of Joe the other face of its death. HONEY You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - Investing” Bdpeep: he has shown he isnt qualified by what he is doing BaudriR: EXCURSUS: UKATS BLUE: i m a white s not my fault...........i m gonna sue this room BaudriR: The Social, Stud732: May be we should make Florida two states. Make Florida smaller Bdpeep: and Clinton further demonstrating his value BaudriR: or The FunctionalVentilation of Remainders Bdpeep: this is a very poetic end to their regime Stud732: Make South and North Florida states. Each has 12 votes BaudriR: [The social exists to look after the soaking up of excess wealth REALESTMAR: this BAUD is to deep for me this morning REALESTMAR: dude BaudriR: which, redistributed to all and sundry Bdpeep: give the whole damn state to Cuba UKATS BLUE: real.........he s never "DEEP" BaudriR: would ruin the social order REALESTMAR: I HEAR YA 203 BaudriR: Adrienn412: Bdpeep: BaudriR: Stud732: BaudriR: Bdpeep: Bdpeep: REALESTMAR: Adrienn412: BaudriR: Bdpeep: Bdpeep: BaudriR: Stud732: UKATS BLUE: REALESTMAR: BaudriR: Adrienn412: Bdpeep: BaudriR: Daleks8693: Mama Erv: Mama Erv: UKATS BLUE: Bdpeep: BaudriR: Daleks8693: Adrienn412: Stud732: UKATS BLUE: BaudriR: Adrienn412: Bdpeep: UKATS BLUE: DrChandon: BaudriR: Stud732: BaudriR: BaudriR: DrChandon: Bdpeep: BaudriR: UKATS BLUE: Stud732: DrChandon: Daleks8693: Adrienn412: BaudriR: Bdpeep: REALESTMAR: BaudriR: Bdpeep: Bdpeep: Bdpeep: Daleks8693: Kachinat: BaudriR: DrChandon: , would create an intolerably utopian situation. FLOR DUH! FLORIDUHHHHHHHH This reversion of wealth, Make North Florida rep, make South Florida Democrats. Then, no more fights of all wealth, baud cant you copy your schoolbook quicker? you need a scriptwriter dear Baud maybe you should go split some atoms or something FLOR DUH which formerly was effected Real he hasnt taken that course yet next next semester by sacrifice which left no room Flor and Duh, each has 12 votes his atoms r already split............smashed yep for any accumulation of remainders for sure dalekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk - whether it be demographic, economic, or linguistic Morning Peep, is this a buying opportunity? click here if you love sex </a>< a href="">click here i think i ll sue him.........i m not busy today wonder how many times we have to win this thing and that these remainders must be cleared up I don't think the liberals will quit until they get Gore in UKATS!!! when are you ever busy Florida is kind of uncertain right know. We have to wait one more week. click here mamma (never sacrificed, that is too dangerous: like when????? adri cmon hon he is picking out curtains and bath sets for new house!! sit down The 3rd world views the US as one with this election but purely and simply got rid of). in the future, we should have only 5 person on Ballots. And very big prints The social exists on the double basis of the production of remainders and their eradication. Did thoses idiots view their sample ballots! 9 out of 10 blacks voted for Gore If all wealth were sacrificed, people would lose a sense of the real. 10 th couldn t read...?? 50% American didn't vote 9 out of 10 homeless did also with the free smokes give-away! Some hint that blacks may riot if Gore isn't given the presidency this life time If all wealth became disposable, people would lose a sense of the useful dalek great they can burn down their own homes again how about that idiot Jesse Jackson down there yesterday - is he an ASS or what? and the useless. Real laways has been ops always shit brb Jesse Jackson is an idiot, he proved it again this week totally agree Real The social exists to take care of the useless consumption of remainders Jesse Jackson can kiss my white ass 204 REALESTMAR: UKATS BLUE: Kachinat: Stud732: BaudriR: Stud732: Bernmad: Kachinat: Daleks8693: I can't take that guy yes real...........jus not sure the definition of what Bern *rackem* Most Jewish in Florida voted Pat Bucannan. Pat doesn't want them so that individuals can be assigned to the useful management of their lives. Bernmad. You are in florida. yes well DO something Bern!!!! Is this a buying opportunity Jerr You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Fan Eminem” LarzDogg82: all my niggas throw ur guns in the air if u just dont care EminemsDestiny87: Eminem is a great great great rapper BaudriR: Use and use value constitute a fundamental ethics. LarzDogg82: whats my mothafuckin name? The Dead Zone24: 12/f/ct here LarzDogg82: sereal killa BaudriR: But it exists only in a simulation of shortage and calculation. SLiM ShAdy 2705: baudri what are u talkin about? BaudriR: If all wealth was redistributed BaudriR: , of itself this would abolish use value LarzDogg82: now tell me what's my mothafuckin name EminemsDestiny87: i wish i meeet Eminem in person the only time i talk to him was on this chat room last month BaudriR: (the same goes for death: The Dead Zone24: eminem Rox!!!!! Blue Kittie Katt: EMINEM RULES BaudriR: if death was redistributed, The Dead Zone24: he was in here?? BaudriR: brought forward, Sarahizme88: wanna suck my tits im me EminemsDestiny87: i like my screen name alot because Eminems name is in it BaudriR: of itself this would abolish life as use value). Blue Kittie Katt: a/s/l check The Dead Zone24: 12/f/CT Ball2k88: who want to chat with me a 14/m/mass 13/15/f press 69 suck my dick BaudriR: It would suddenly and brutally become clear that use value is only a cruel CobraGirl20: HI BaudriR: and disillusioning moral convention, Blue Kittie Katt: hi The Dead Zone24: I chat with ppl 12-14 The Dead Zone24: 12/f here Blue Kittie Katt: i chat with ppl 11-19 Blue Kittie Katt: 12/f BaudriR: which presupporses a funtional calculation in all things. CobraGirl20: 13 F Ball2k88: who want to chat press 69 BaudriR: But it dominates us all and, intoxicated as we are by the phantasm of use value, EminemsDestiny87: i got to car pool with my geekey naibor. and he always asks me why dont i be nice to people The Dead Zone24: g2g EminemsDestiny87: because i said because i just dont Ball2k88: ass hole BaudriR: we could not bear this catastrophe of reversign wealth BaudriR: and of reversing death. Nirvana1486: Waz up EminemsDestiny87: im going to be going to school pretty soon BaudriR: It is not that everything should be reversed; Nirvana1486: well i at school EminemsDestiny87: ooooo i got to go bye 205 Blue Kittie Katt: Sarahizme88: BaudriR: Sparkey 24 gb: BaudriR: Bullfrog8484: Bullfrog8484: Bullfrog8484: Diver9899: bye 13/f/ne just that the remainder should be. hay people And the social is what takes care of remainders. "">Click here to see Jenna Jameson Naked What's up ? My name is Lisa *gotpics* "">Click here to see Carmen Electra Naked hey You have just entered room “Special Interests - Car Chat” CenturionT210G: you know why I think YOU should be President..? ExotyOne: lol, thx, but i think i'd pass :-) BaudriR: Up till now the car and the house, CenturionT210G: Exoty....the reason I want YOU as figure no matter BaudriR: and various "commodities" CenturionT210G: who won the election..we are going to have a couple of "boobs" in the CenturionT210G: White House... BaudriR: have somehow or other succeeded CenturionT210G: I figure that YOU have truly LOVELY "boobs"...and if I have to CenturionT210G: look at a couple of "boobs"..I sure as hell would rather look as YOURS BaudriR: in soaking up the disposable ExotyOne: lol CenturionT210G: And if GORE wins...he is probably going to PUNISH me for having a big Suburban... ExotyOne: well, time to browse e-bay ..bbl :-) BaudriR: physical and mental capacities BigBlockCj5: lovely boobs?? BaudriR: of individuals. Carkix: still trying to sell my car..oh boy CenturionT210G: BigBlock..yes..Exoty is a particularly pretty lady...I have seen her picture Fstfish66: boobs where BaudriR: What would happen CenturionT210G: Fstfish..look on the front of will usually find "boobs" there BaudriR: if all disposable wealth was redistributed amongst them? Cudaluvr: hello all Fstfish66: daaaa CenturionT210G: Baud...are YOU going to "distribute" my wealth...? BaudriR: Quite simply, CenturionT210G: BigBlock..she IM'ed me a picture..she is a FOX BaudriR: the bottom CenturionT210G: BaudriR....tell me again...are YOU planning to come down MY driveway... BaudriR: would drop out of their lives Wwhittamor: 97 Z71 YELLOW 71 BRONCO: baudi....who the fuck are you talking too and what about??? CenturionT210G: and "re-distribute" MY wealth..? PotentRodent379: Morning Cudaluvr: hiya Dave BaudriR: - they would lose the fabric and even tempo Wwhittamor: anybody into furwheeling? BaudriR: of a well-tempered economy, PotentRodent379: Fur?..wheeling? CenturionT210G: Wwhittamor...well..I am not "into" fur... I like it better when they YELLOW 71 BRONCO: cuda furwheels CenturionT210G: are "bare down there" BaudriR: lose a sense of self-interest and purpose. Wwhittamor: fourwheeling DICK Cudaluvr: woolwheels BaudriR: A brutal disequilibrium 206 CenturionT210G: PotentRodent379: YELLOW 71 BRONCO: BaudriR: PotentRodent379: CenturionT210G: BaudriR: Wwhittamor: Wwhittamor: BigBlockCj5: YELLOW 71 BRONCO: BaudriR: CenturionT210G: Cudaluvr: TrailrtrashLot69: BaudriR: CenturionT210G: BigBlockCj5: CenturionT210G: BaudriR: CenturionT210G: PotentRodent379: PotentRodent379: BaudriR: TrailrtrashLot69: Yenk0grl67: BaudriR: Wwhittamor: BigBlockCj5: Cudaluvr: BigBlockCj5: Yenk0grl67: TrailrtrashLot69: Yenk0grl67: BaudriR: Tannies Intrepid: PotentRodent379: Cudaluvr: BigBlockCj5: PotentRodent379: BaudriR: PotentRodent379: PotentRodent379: Tannies Intrepid: PotentRodent379: BaudriR: YELLOW 71 BRONCO: TrailrtrashLot69: TrailrtrashLot69: Wwhittamor: PotentRodent379: BaudriR: Tannies Intrepid: YELLOW 71 BRONCO: BaudriR: TrailrtrashLot69: BaudriR: BaudriR: TrailrtrashLot69: you CAN type out words in the ENGLISH language Ww..That's "Mr." Dick to you easy WW, not our fault you can't type of the value system would result Bu Bye <click> Baud.."brutal disequibrium"....? (a sudden influx of cash i thought this was car chat not bitch chat disequalibrium is not a word Einstien lol a four wheeling dick? is that like gay? need more traction in the mud? is the most rapid and the most radical way Wwhit..nope...this is "Britney Spear's BREAST fan club chat" hiya trailertrash,,now i feel at home.. hi everyone to ruin a currency). YELLOW...most people dont realize..that MOST "four wheelers" are or should I call you Charles Schaub? actually TWO wheel drive...unless they have locking differentials Or else, as in the affluent society, effulent socieity TrailrTrash? Beth? they would be reduced to a pathological multiplication of use value Hi Tannie...Jen8675309 bethhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy (e,4,n cars) car check pathological multiplication? {{{{{{{{{{{beffBabe}}}}}}}}}} lol what a fool <~~~mines in the driveway Dave you buttmuncher mine's* where in any case this dissipates into a hyperreal functionalism. hiya trailor .............beth ----hiya Jen!!! it is Beth {{{{{{{{{Tannie}}}}}}}}}}}} Baud is trying to dazzel with speech he has not yet mastered ((((((((((((((((((beffyBungBanger))))))))))))) All surplus is capable of ruining the system of equivalences, Damn Suz ya hugged me and Charlie together Ewwwwwwww <Spittin> ]cute name beth <--Picking wool off of shirt if it is disproportionately poured back into it, < missed some wool on your shoulder> Cuda I'm hockin up some big goobers from my cold its nasty this room sucks i thought car chat would have some intelligent car conversations going on! Matt Gee thanks <flick> and of driving see that [x] in right corner click it ww I'm not sure if you're equipped for "intelligent conversation" WW our mental system of equivalences to despair at the same time. no its Beffffffffffff 11 . Cuda...IM me for cyber and I'll prove its me 207 Cudaluvr: Tannies Intrepid: PotentRodent379: TrailrtrashLot69: Wwhittamor: JNorma71: BaudriR: PotentRodent379: TrailrtrashLot69: Yenk0grl67: BaudriR: YELLOW 71 BRONCO: BaudriR: PotentRodent379: PotentRodent379: TrailrtrashLot69: BaudriR: Tannies Intrepid: Cudaluvr: BaudriR: TrailrtrashLot69: BaudriR: Tannies Intrepid: PotentRodent379: BaudriR: TrailrtrashLot69: BaudriR: Tannies Intrepid: BaudriR: TrailrtrashLot69: Tannies Intrepid: Yenk0grl67: BaudriR: PotentRodent379: TrailrtrashLot69: BaudriR: Yenk0grl67: BaudriR: Tannies Intrepid: BaudriR: Yenk0grl67: PotentRodent379: BaudriR: YELLOW 71 BRONCO: Tannies Intrepid: TrailrtrashLot69: PotentRodent379: BaudriR: Tannies Intrepid: BaudriR: TrailrtrashLot69: BaudriR: TrailrtrashLot69: PotentRodent379: Cudaluvr: Tannies Intrepid: TrailrtrashLot69: YELLOW 71 BRONCO: BaudriR: LOL*woohoo* kik *Baaa* I always type ... so you know its me that sounds like something a ford fag would say! anyone know about lt1 throttle boies? Hence there is a kind of wisdom in the institution But he does swallow Beth I dont like this font at all ford fag?? and you want intelligent conversation? of the social matrix like I said Jen..."ill eqipped" preventing the growht and reversion of wealth, Jen..I came up with another 50 bucks... :o) Dave...selling your butt again? as a medium for its controlled squandering. hey beff no baby but there is a new mooon on saturday that a sign <please say yes?> Beff he said 50,,,not 5,,, In a society incapable of total reversion Tannie...I hope so...she's gotta be tired of carrying that baby around and committed to use value, hell wid her i am tired of seeing her like that lol Suz you don't actually believe that crap do ya? there is a kind of intelligence and wisdom how much weight has she gained Tannie? in the institution of the social me & both my kids born under full moons dave hubbie well he is just a differnt breed lol and of its "objective" wastefulness: ouchie... she started out at 102 is now but 161 baud....are you typing your thesis ..and don't realize you are in a chat room or something? prestige operations, <--Born WITH a full moon just not UNDER One I bet she's thrilled with that Concorde, or are you just playing out a "fidelity" commercial? the moon, she was very malnurished she looked horrible when she came here bef missiles, because you are getting really annoying Missles? satellites, keep it to yourself Dave...PLEASE she looked all withdrawn & all that terrible Drews sis is like 98 lbs...nothing like him...petite...looks like she needs food bad Heat seeking moisture missles? even public works now shelooks like the rest of our family chubbie !!! and Social Security his sis runs marathons so she has to be skinny I guess in their absurd one-upmanship. chubbie is where its at Beff ..she has one kid she will ballon well into the 200's Beff probaly trains runnin from him???? fuk that beth i aint doing that i work hard enough lol at work i aint dioing nuttinelse Dave...I dont think this girl could ever be fat runs marathons or is still a virgin sister in NC? An implicit understanding of the stupidity and the limits of use value. 208 TrailrtrashLot69: TrailrtrashLot69: BaudriR: Cudaluvr: PotentRodent379: Yenk0grl67: BaudriR: TrailrtrashLot69: BaudriR: Tannies Intrepid: BaudriR: PotentRodent379: Yenk0grl67: BaudriR: Yenk0grl67: Yenk0grl67: BaudriR: Tannies Intrepid: Yenk0grl67: BaudriR: PotentRodent379: PotentRodent379: BaudriR: Tannies Intrepid: PotentRodent379: Yenk0grl67: BaudriR: PotentRodent379: Tannies Intrepid: Yenk0grl67: BaudriR: Cudaluvr: BaudriR: TrailrtrashLot69: ugh...she lives in CT Drew isnt from here The true artlessness Ct??Ant lives there,,no virgins left Beth..My "X" Sis inlaw WAS a twig until she had my nephew...she's over 200 now that why he goes to ct a lot? is that of socialist and humanists of every shade all of his family is in ct who want all wealth to be redistributed wow dave i been the same size since i been problaby 12 and that there should be no useless expenditure, CT = Crab Treatment? i finally put baud on ignore... etc. boy i feel better now hey dave.....guess what i'm getting for christmas!!! Socialism, the champion of use value, good jen Ü i just cant bother to see that he is typing suz...very annoying reveals a total misunderstanding Jen What? Me? of the social. <--has to be careful now thu my mum is on the tad large size dont wanna be like her <wink> 502!!!!!!! for the 79 camaro It believes that the social can become the optimal collective management Bewth..I am not quite skinny..6' 205 dont get me wrong i love my mum just dont want to physically look like her i'm a bb mama now!!!!!!!!!!!! of the use value of men 502 bucks for a camaro???dayammm,,kinda high,,, and things. I like broad shoulders...gotta have big chest You have just entered room “Special Interests - Haunted House” BevGoddess1: EWWWWWWWWWWWW BevGoddess1: ONLY U GIDDEEoN DaKITTY: PICK UP DA DAMN PHONE GIDDEEoN DaKITTY: FUCKER OES 514: OMG HE CANGES NAMES FAST ROTFLMAO BevGoddess1: I CANT BaudriR: But the social is never that. GIDDEEoN DaKITTY: FUCK THIS BevGoddess1: DAMN BaudriR: Despite any socialist longing, BevGoddess1: SORRY:( OES 514: QUICK DRAW ROTFLMAO Faerietaill: yes Baud? BaudriR: it is insane, GIDDEEoN DaKITTY: UH HUH BaudriR: uncontrollable, KINK BIGGEST: WHATEVER BABY Faerietaill: thankyou Baud BaudriR: a monstrous protuberance, BevGoddess1: DAMN YOUR FAST BevGoddess1: OMG ARE YOU MAD BaudriR: which expends, 209 KINK BIGGEST: BevGoddess1: BaudriR: OES 514: KINK BIGGEST: OES 514: BaudriR: Frightghoul: BevGoddess1: Faerietaill: BaudriR: KINK BIGGEST: BevGoddess1: KINK BIGGEST: BaudriR: KINK BIGGEST: BaudriR: BevGoddess1: BevGoddess1: BaudriR: BevGoddess1: BaudriR: Frightghoul: BaudriR: OES 514: BaudriR: KINGBIGGEST: PrettyInBlack19: BevGoddess1: KINGBIGGEST: Faerietaill: GANGREL0205: KINGBIGGEST: BaudriR: PrettyInBlack19: Panthereyes73433: BaudriR: Frightghoul: BevGoddess1: BaudriR: BaudriR: Frightghoul: BaudriR: Sunny KC 333: BaudriR: Sunny KC 333: OES 514: BaudriR: Frightghoul: OES 514: BevGoddess1: BaudriR: GANGREL0205: Sunny KC 333: BaudriR: KINGBIGGEST: Bridesofdracula: KINGBIGGEST: BaudriR: YES IAM SORRY which destroys, QUICK DRAW <<<<<<<<STEAMIN ROTFLMAO without any thought BOO...... WANT ME TO PACK MY CAR TONIGHT he needs to switch to Clam Kisser to optimal management. DAMN I HATE THIS SHIT ME TO NO CLAM LOVER YOU FOO And it is preceisely in this way that it is functional, FUCK IT that it fulfils its role HEY PLEASE DONT BE MAD AT ME (despite what idealists may cry). DAMN This is, WHO CAN IDENTIFY!!!!!!!!!! to maintain a contrario the principle of use value, I DID GRAVE YARDS ONCE to save the reality principle, CLICK CLICK yeah oes,they suck ass huh? NO IAM NOT ME EITHER ((((((((((Gangrel))))))))))))))))))) what is wrong? CLICKIE CLICKIE by the roundabout morning gangrel!((((((((gangrel)))))))) MORNING KEELY but objective route of wastefulness. SPIRITS SIT HERE WITH AND YOU ARE 000 JUST LIFE IS WRONG THATS ALL The social manufactures this privation necessary to the distinction between good and evil. WHO IS FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!! , and to the whole moral order in general *)0(* ((((((Bridesofdracula)))))) *)0(* - a privation absent from the "first affluent societies" *)0(* ((((((KINGBIGGEST)))))) *)0(* OMG THE WHOLE FAMN DAMILY IS UP described by Marshall Sahlins. GHOSTS ARE SITTING HERE WAITING FOR YOU WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS? ILL EXPLAIN LATER This is what socialism does not see and why, by wanting to abolish this privation love and light all i sent the sick song wav to the room, whoever was in it and insisting on a generalised access to weath ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ what the hell is baudi talking about? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ , it puts an end to the social while believing that it is heightening it. 210 Faerietaill: ((((((((((((((((((True)))))))))))))))))))))) You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - GORE WINS” Jamesbond327: Tlamistbe...u could always kill your self ChiTownSportsDen: i liked reagan jeff SailerMune: have some sensitivity JEFF107027: DEMENTIA Tlamistbe: Ron R, was a decent republican Lululikes: why, cause I work for my money? Soapypo: its people like you who should not vote AZ QT 1975: BCK the teachers are the root,,, if there are shyty teachers our kids dont learn Force5795: HOW CAN YOU say REAGAN IS ANYTHING LIKE BUSH'S SON??? SoTwisted4u: that's pretty amazing how people loved a guy that had alzhiemers and slept thru a presidency Lululikes: I should keep your butt up? SailerMune: please, I'm pre-med Tlamistbe: not the like the peice of shit Bushy Booha: Force..who said that? ChiTownSportsDen: I doubt Clinton could of ended the Cold War, when he is bombing aspirin factories BaudriR: From this point of view the problem of the death of the social is simple: AZ QT 1975: and if those teachers are convicted child molesters they need to do background checks Coleno51: ANY NEWS ABOUT THE ELECTORIAL VOTES IN FLORIDA Booha: VIVA BUSH Jamesbond327: President Bush SailerMune: I can buy your ass BaudriR: the social dies from an extension of use value SoTwisted4u: maybe we should elect a good looking corpse JEFF107027: REAGON WAS A NICE GUY..BUT SUFFEREXD FROM INCOGNISTA THINKING Soapypo: do you know any other word BaudriR: which is equivalent to its extermination. BCKDRAFT98: the kids these days dont care Lovlylita: cole .. nothing different as of now SailerMune: you'll probpobly be working for me one day Booha: GET INTO THE BUSHES GET INTO THE BUSHES...JESSE POpossom: Bush up 327 in Fla. Omc38: Cole only AP, wire reports,, is all I have,, nothing offical ChiTownSportsDen: Jeff, Reagan spurred todays economy Hd97sport: he was a better actor BaudriR: When everything, including the social, becomes use value Jamesbond327: Bush...wins!!!! AZ QT 1975: BCK they dont have anything to care about Tlamistbe: If Bush stels the election, he wont have any help in the house Jamesbond327: yes!!!! Booha: VIVA LA BUSH Tlamistbe: steals AZ QT 1975: look at our country JEFF107027: NOPE....ALLEN GREENSPAN SPUR THE ECONOMY SoTwisted4u: i'm sure reagan was a nice guy bad he was sleeping thru his presidency BaudriR: it is a world become inert Lovlylita: steal is what it will be too Force5795: LOCK AND LOAD REPUBLICANS!!!!! BaudriR: , Soapypo: steals, like most of gores voters AZ QT 1975: lets change that and give thema future Jamesbond327: my guns are safe BaudriR: where the reverse of what Marx dreamed occurs. Tlamistbe: fucking Bush pisses me off Hd97sport: read my lips no new texans AZ QT 1975: somthing to look forward too 211 Tlamistbe: ChiTownSportsDen: Booha: ChiTownSportsDen: POpossom: BaudriR: Omc38: BaudriR: AZ QT 1975: Lululikes: Force5795: Omc38: Lululikes: Jamesbond327: AZ QT 1975: SailerMune: JEFF107027: SoTwisted4u: SailerMune: BLINDMN246: Soapypo: AZ QT 1975: BaudriR: Tlamistbe: Lovlylita: Lululikes: Booha: Tlamistbe: Lululikes: BaudriR: ChiTownSportsDen: BaudriR: Booha: Tlamistbe: BCKDRAFT98: Coleno51: Jamesbond327: BaudriR: Jamesbond327: Soapypo: BaudriR: JEFF107027: Omc38: SoTwisted4u: BaudriR: JEFF107027: Omc38: SailerMune: SailerMune: Booha: JEFF107027: Tlamistbe: SailerMune: BaudriR: Booha: MikeJG24: Tlamistbe: Coleno51: Jamesbond327: what a fucking git Press called FL prematurely. REPS left the voting booth in the panhandle early thinking it reagan bush will surround himself with excellant people was over Force hope we don't need to do that. He dreamed of the economic being reabsorbed Whats everyones feeling on the Cab. Thoughts are that Gore, or Bush will have to add other party into a (transfigured) social; cleaner safer schools with teachers that know what there teaching who paid for Gore's butt and his family to fly around the U.S and campaign on Air Force 2? IT WOUld Piss YOU off SPOOK to Cab. to solidfy country who paid for Bush? u can't teach monkeys to read Lulu the chinese Hi I'm Bush. I promise to ban abortion, give your children guns and thow all your taxes to BUSH DID lord knows he'd need them booha bad he didn't do that in texas the military what kind of idiots vote twice... then whine about it bush he should be shot for treason what is happening to us I'd like to whack Bush upside the head witha baseball bat gore won fl by a landslide........ honsetly... yep, and we paid for Gore..... So twisted are you a texan? smug peice of crap nice to see where our tax dallors go to is the social being reabsorbed into a (banalised) political economy: lol LOVLYLITA, you are living in a fantasy land administration pure and simple. Dems picked a WEAK candidate in GORE more americans voted for Gore when did they say that luv HEY WELL GORE CAN STILL WIN CAUSE BUSH HAD 1200 AND NOW HE IS DOWN TO 327 I think I'm going to go buy more guns... It is the wrong use of wealth Bush!!! dumb americans which save a society. PCB = PARTLY COLORED BLONDES Cole,, thats not offical thank gawd no booha parents are retired there tho ...and they want to move ...LOL Nothing has changed since Mandeville and his Fable of the Bees. OR PCB PALM BEACH COUNY those #'s are AP, wire reports Don't you think there's problem with a system where a candidate who wins the popular vote loses OMC..AP will screw up just like the rest of the LIBERAL press THEY ARE THE SAME Bushy is a sad man DWIs ??? And socialim can do nothing to prevent it. tl..thats weak gorewon fucking dork WHO CARES the poor will always be poor...sniff sniff 212 ChiTownSportsDen: SoTwisted4u: Soapypo: Booha: BaudriR: RAnthony3375: ChiTownSportsDen: Tlamistbe: Booha: Jamesbond327: SailerMune: JEFF107027: BaudriR: BCKDRAFT98: Force5795: Tlamistbe: SoTwisted4u: RAnthony3375: BCKDRAFT98: Booha: BaudriR: Soapypo: ChiTownSportsDen: MikeJG24: THAGAME12: Tlamistbe: Jamesbond327: Booha: THAGAME12: BaudriR: JEFF107027: Tlamistbe: Jamesbond327: RAnthony3375: BaudriR: ChiTownSportsDen: Jamesbond327: SailerMune: Force5795: Booha: SoTwisted4u: MikeJG24: SailerMune: Tlamistbe: JEFF107027: RAnthony3375: Jamesbond327: Booha: Omc38: ChiTownSportsDen: Tlamistbe: Jamesbond327: BaudriR: JEFF107027: Booha: Coleno51: Jamesbond327: SoTwisted4u: Omc38: Sailer, Gore just may not win the popular vote texas <--- dead last or damn close in almost anything that matters bill lied remember Tl....GROW UP The whole of political conomy has been invented to dissolve this paradox, Gore won? no RA you grow up asshole SO..are you a TEXAN? Bush won he should EVEN THE JEWS DIDN'T WANT GORE AND LIBERMAN...LOL this maleficent ambiguity of hte social funcitoning. gore won fl Bush WILL prevail Gore won it's not over yet ranthony are you guys in denial ? TL....YOur mouth smells BAD But it has always come to grief, how dumb r u ti the DEMS whined for a recount. They got one, now they are going to cry about something else gore a censour ass al gore did not will not and still not will win did gore pull off fl? Gore won in is own mind TL should be censored by GORE DEMOCRATS GIVE IT UP YOUR MAN LOST by a sor of secondary functionality. WAY TO CALL ITCHITOWN last i heard it was 216 votes to Bushy President Bush... IT IS OVER Or else, it is in the process of succeeding and, THAGAME, they can't go down with dignity 327 "still not will win" republicans have serious grammer issues youpeople are whining crybaby loser DEMOCRATS Daley..what a joke he is...UNION THUG that's odd james ...i thought it was bush that was trying to self appoint himself i heard that he wants to make schools longer "stratergery" more americans voted for Gore asshole BUSH WINS BUSH WINS CUBS WINS..... lol yeah, that's what u get for thinking BUSH WINNER....GORE WHINER Demo's have stared new fund drive, to support Legal actions right about that booha Bush asshole BUSH after having seen the abolition of the political and its dilution in the social, OPPS SORRY..JUST GOT CARRIED AWAY TL TRASHMOUTH YEAH JEFF THATS SOMETHING TO WISH FOR The new Prez bush <--- self declared winner ...the rest of us await the results Since, Capaigns, must shut down 213 BaudriR: Jamesbond327: Jamesbond327: BaudriR: Booha: RAnthony3375: Jamesbond327: Tlamistbe: Force5795: Coleno51: BaudriR: SailerMune: Tlamistbe: BaudriR: SailerMune: Booha: Jamesbond327: Booha: SailerMune: ChiTownSportsDen: Jamesbond327: JEFF107027: Force5795: BaudriR: Tlamistbe: MDmattydMD: Lovetheflagators: Tlamistbe: ChiTownSportsDen: Booha: Omc38: Jamesbond327: Force5795: Lovetheflagators: Lipaction1614: Booha: RAnthony3375: BaudriR: JEFF107027: Booha: BaudriR: Lovetheflagators: Booha: BaudriR: Omc38: BaudriR: SoTwisted4u: ChiTownSportsDen: BaudriR: SailerMune: Jamesbond327: Tlamistbe: Lovetheflagators: SailerMune: Booha: Force5795: BaudriR: Omc38: Jamesbond327: we are in the process of seeing the reabsorption of the social back into the economic no more baby killing no homo rights - an economy even more political, SO..he's just planning..doing his job thats why the dems are filing lawsuits more guns bush is a self described bright man LOL IF more peoplevoted fore Gore the whore we would'nt be having this conversation CUBS MAYBE...BUT BUSH NO and lacking in "hubris," James... go fuck yourself read a fucking book BUSHY an economy of extravagance and excess and some "homo"s while your at it Sailer another trash mouth? Sailer..go help a poor black person TL...are you a union thug too? I hate ignorant people like you GORE = will lie about anything for his own gain might make u feel better THE LITLE OLD LADIES ARE THE ONES TO BE SUED NO MORE THIRD TRI-MESTER ABORTIONS which would still characterise the capitalist age.] Bush is stealing out fucking freedom < A href=>Click Here</A> to goto a site with 900+ progs! gore is the theif fuck the cuteness GORE would say he is a SATINIST if the POLLS told him he should VOTING LESSONS FOR ALL DEMS next yeat I have an observation,, President Bush...yes!!! how do you figure BUSH man......I mean spook like the dems didnt pull bullshit in st louis mdm that is not a website true how true you say Bush is stupid? the dems can't figure out a ballot 3. - The social has well and tryl existed, but does not exist any more. U MEAN GORS IS NOT A SATANIST....OH NO... OMC he already called BUSH evil It has existed as coherent space, yeah, all yale grads with harvard mba's are stupid Jeff did you vote for him by mistake ? lol as reality principle: Most of Gores votes, carried, the east, and northeast,, I beive that is where the most teh social relation, who knows if bush is stupid or not? ...he never really says anything of substance GORE was pro life until he got into high office as a democrat the production of social relations, :::puts James on ignore::: it's homophobic racist ignorant people like you that make the I think I'm gonna get drunk and shoot my guns Bush doesn't know what the capital of Canada? what a fucking moron gore is pro strip mining world so sick OMC..I'm ashamed of Pennsylvania IF you had a yale degree you would NOT be in this room the social as dynamic abstraction, Welth is located,,, so Y did they say that Bush is for the Rich yeah, but it's a great world 214 BaudriR: Lovetheflagators: Tlamistbe: BaudriR: Booha: Jamesbond327: Lovetheflagators: BaudriR: Tlamistbe: RAnthony3375: JEFF107027: MDmattydMD: BaudriR: Booha: Lovetheflagators: BaudriR: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: Lovetheflagators: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: Tlamistbe: JEFF107027: BaudriR: Lovetheflagators: JEFF107027: Booha: RAnthony3375: SailerMune: BaudriR: CaLi GiRL 310: Lovetheflagators: CaLi GiRL 310: BaudriR: Omc38: Jamesbond327: BaudriR: Booha: BaudriR: Tlamistbe: BaudriR: Booha: CaLi GiRL 310: JEFF107027: BaudriR: Lovetheflagators: SailerMune: Jamesbond327: BaudriR: Lovetheflagators: SailerMune: Tlamistbe: Force5795: Lovetheflagators: scene of conflicts and historical contradictions, tlamist, so you tell me, whats the capital of brazil? i have a degree .... who gives a fuck the social as structure and as stake, TL....a degree of insanity? i need a tax cut too much less canada as strategy and as ideal Canada first asshole Gore is dead politically when this is all over DID GORE INVENT THE ABORTIONS TOO ··÷^±/ < A href=>£åmèrîzèr £öådèd</A> - all this has had an end in view, TL...stop the trash talk and grow up gore invented canada all this has meant something. Al Gore... A is for the asshole he is L is for the loser he is Blank hurry up tl G is for girl who he isn't interested in O is for the ostridge he raped R is rat that raped him E is for the elves that raped him ··÷^±/ < A href=>Ràm àgè †øølz £åmèrîzèr</A> Bush smoked Canada GORE SHOULD ABORT HIS RUN FOR PREZ The social has not always been a delusion, go look up the capital of canada IN THE FIRST TRIMESTER we need an ALGORTION gore needs to go home and smoke a big fatty Jeff... someone should have aborted you as in the first hypothesis, Democrats are so ignorant!!!!! tiffer is a big fattie seriously nor remainder, All, demo's need to get over this,, U May LOSE,, U'r Man, may have lost,, Move on al gore can work at McDonalds as in the second. Cali...amen But precisely, Gore needs to lead the american public... the people that voted for him it has only had an end in view, VIVA BUSH Gore is so cheating in this election I AM THE IMACULATE CONCEPTION... a meaning as pwer, gore cheated all over the country Gore is cheating??? President Bush...sounds good as work, as capital, this is gonna get very ugly if they dont back off Bush is the one with the brother who is hooking him up Gore got more american votes asshole GORE says...we ain't seen nuthin yet........yet is RIGHT!!! idiot sailer 215 Tlamistbe: Omc38: BaudriR: SailerMune: Lovetheflagators: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: Lovetheflagators: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: Jamesbond327: BaudriR: JEFF107027: Booha: CaLi GiRL 310: CaLi GiRL 310: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: BaudriR: Lovetheflagators: MDmattydMD: BaudriR: MDmattydMD: Lovetheflagators: RAnthony3375: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: MDmattydMD: Jamesbond327: MDmattydMD: Lovetheflagators: Killer Cupcake: MDmattydMD: Tlamistbe: MDmattydMD: BaudriR: MDmattydMD: BaudriR: Lovetheflagators: SailerMune: BaudriR: Lovetheflagators: BaudriR: Jamesbond327: Tlamistbe: RAnthony3375: CaLi GiRL 310: RAnthony3375: Jamesbond327: Tlamistbe: Lovetheflagators: Lovetheflagators: SailerMune: Killer Cupcake: Booha: RAnthony3375: SailerMune: XxX Credible XxX: Tlamistbe: not Bushy Cali,, whats u'r argument for Bush cheating,, Proof from the perspective space of a rational distribution,f a little too convenient don't you think? he recused himself ··÷^±/ Ràm àgè †øølz 2·º ß Øøglè ··÷^±/ RaW HaCKeR LoaDeD moron ··÷^±/ HaCKiNG: Dirsam ··÷^±/ Querying AOL's Databases for Dirsam's IP Address... Losers rom the finalised space of and ideal convergence, SAILRO THE BEST PART OF YOU RAN DOWN YOUR MOTHERS INNER THIGH more time and I'll get you tossed DEMOCRATES ARE SO IGNORANT! seriously ··÷^±/ IP Found: ··÷^±/ Scanning Ports for server... which is also that of production it was a democrat who made the ballot ··÷^±/ Server found, connecting... - in short, ··÷^±/ Accessing Dirsam's c:\ drive... an elected one california should be to close to call ··÷^±/ Uploading Virus... 10% ··÷^±/ 35% ··÷^±/ 52% Jeff...good one ··÷^±/ 75% iditos md click ··÷^±/ 99% americans for Gore!!! Commies for Bushy ··÷^±/ Upload Complete in the narrow gap of second-order simulacra, ··÷^±/ Have a nice day :) and, idiots YaY Tl absorbed into third-order simulacra, tlamist is a 15yr old canadian it is dying. screw canada i'm a vet asshole PRESIDENT BUSH!! Is there a democrat in here that could tell me one good reason Gore should be president ??? again vet of what US born and bred well, you are almost right tlamist youare an asshole Cali... because Bush shouldn't Will Gore concede?'re being tossed as we speak good reason sailer Because gore has a better record GORE LOST fuck off dickhead 216 Omc38: XxX Credible XxX: CaLi GiRL 310: RAnthony3375: CaLi GiRL 310: Tlamistbe: Jamesbond327: SailerMune: SoTwisted4u: Lovetheflagators: XxX Credible XxX: Jamesbond327: Lovetheflagators: SailerMune: Killer Cupcake: Lovetheflagators: XxX Credible XxX: SoTwisted4u: Lovetheflagators: SailerMune: Tlamistbe: Lovetheflagators: Jamesbond327: Coleno51: Jamesbond327: VinceKmcmahon201: RAnthony3375: Lovetheflagators: VinceKmcmahon201: Lovetheflagators: SailerMune: VinceKmcmahon201: Jamesbond327: Killer Cupcake: Lovetheflagators: Tlamistbe: Lovetheflagators: Coleno51: SoTwisted4u: RAnthony3375: VinceKmcmahon201: CaLi GiRL 310: Sailer thats an intellignt remark GORE LOST that's how ignorant you are Sailermune. I hate democrats cuz they can necer come up with your one of those intellectuals real answers Gore won Gore is a Loser Because gore is for women's rights why would gore concede an election he will likely win killer? gore has a record of lying on his record GORE LOST Clinton is a loser too where did you get that gem sailer because gore doesn't support the NRA HE should for the best of our country. cuz he told you so GORE LOST bush has a record ...ewwwwwwwwwwwww the nra because gore helped this countries economy for the last 8 years Bush has a criminal record yeah, just let criminals own guns I luv the NRA HOW MUCH IS THE OTHER STATE WORTH? more guns did gore really win? that was congress no he doesnt tlamist DO NOT VOTE FOR BUSH you idiot becaus bush is only where he is because be daddy HE IS RACIS Gore Lost It has and will create only more kaos for us dui is a traffic ticket Bush is a convicted felon he is not liar IN ELECTORIAL it's not over vince gore did nothing for the economy BUSH IS REACIS no he's not You have just entered room “Places - Mature BayArea 30” LISAFROMSF: me in a 3 some YLDSYDE: Oh...its the "MATURE" BAC BaudriR: End of the perspective space of the social. YLDSYDE: >COUGH Chirpin Chevy: Lisa, I have the photo's of that LISAFROMSF: you do BaudriR: The rational sociality of the contract, Tall Ca Chick: you know we are : ) ImStillFun: LIsa.. Just close your eyes..pretend its one guy with 4 hands and 2 tongues LISAFROMSF: you said you deleted it BaudriR: dialectical sociality LISAFROMSF: ack ImStillFun: OK.. I gotta go back to bed... This daylihgt is killing me YLDSYDE: oh you mean mr lickalottapus 217 BaudriR: Tall Ca Chick: BaudriR: ImStillFun: LISAFROMSF: YLDSYDE: BaudriR: Chirpin Chevy: BradStinger com: Chirpin Chevy: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: Chirpin Chevy: YLDSYDE: Highheeledblond: BaudriR: ImStillFun: BaudriR: Highheeledblond: YLDSYDE: LISAFROMSF: Tall Ca Chick: BaudriR: LISAFROMSF: Chirpin Chevy: Julianne764: YLDSYDE: LISAFROMSF: BaudriR: Julianne764: Highheeledblond: Chirpin Chevy: Highheeledblond: LISAFROMSF: BradStinger com: BaudriR: Chirpin Chevy: LISAFROMSF: YLDSYDE: Highheeledblond: Julianne764: BradStinger com: Chirpin Chevy: BaudriR: LISAFROMSF: YLDSYDE: BradStinger com: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: Julianne764: BaudriR: BradStinger com: Chirpin Chevy: YLDSYDE: YLDSYDE: Julianne764: BaudriR: Julianne764: YLDSYDE: (that of the State and of civil society, Lisa...have you noticed these guys that promote threesomes gag at the thought of a guy of public and private, NOel.. I woill do an MFM You in the middle.. In a second find me one baud....go count votes in florida or somethin of the social and individual) 3 somes should only consist of one guy and three women i would do a 3some....and it wouldnt make a crap if it was a guy or gal..if they wrre hot oops, 2 women gives way to the sociality of contact, AMEN chevy 3 would be better though amen again morning people:)... of the circuit and transistorised network of millions of molecules {{{{***** Blond ****}}}}}}} and particles ((((((((((im)))))))))):P~~~ Id settle for lisa her id n superego MEAN hello Julianne maintained in a random gravitational field, MEAN Whats wrong with 3 women on one guy Lisa? You still need to wash the sheets either way why is it always women in one men random gravitational field? talkin bout roxy again? how about 3 men and one chick magnetised by teh constant circulation and the thousands of tactical combinations what happened to 3 men that works Hell no lol why not Chris cuz most guys have double standards which electrify them. No way I've seen you before we do not amen thats a bunch of bull its called subjective thinking3 Thats a fuggin sausage party But is it still a question of the socius? works for me but you cant say that really, jules? Where is sociality in Los Angeles? prolly in San Diego such a male world still And where will it be later on, say more to me than..bull..thats weak yeah yeah weak oh your callin me weak? in a future generation boy? ::steppin back 218 BradStinger com: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: Julianne764: BradStinger com: LISAFROMSF: LISAFROMSF: Julianne764: BradStinger com: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: BradStinger com: Chirpin Chevy: BaudriR: Highheeledblond: Julianne764: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: LISAFROMSF: BradStinger com: Highheeledblond: BaudriR: Chirpin Chevy: Highheeledblond: BaudriR: Julianne764: LISAFROMSF: YLDSYDE: LISAFROMSF: Chirpin Chevy: LISAFROMSF: BaudriR: Julianne764: BaudriR: BradStinger com: BradStinger com: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: LISAFROMSF: BradStinger com: BaudriR: BradStinger com: Julianne764: BaudriR: Highheeledblond: BradStinger com: YLDSYDE: Chirpin Chevy: Julianne764: BaudriR: BaudriR: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: Julianne764: Chirpin Chevy: BaudriR: Julianne764: YLDSYDE: Tall Ca Chick: calling your retort..VERY weak (for Los Angeles is still that of TV, movies, the telephone and the automobile) oohh...retort well coming from a boy which would be you if you can even call it a retort and Brad comes out swinging in this corner doesn really mean much now does it im a boy? , that of a total dissemination chevy, yer still a retort like you know make that comment? what? of a ventilation of individuals as terminals of information, <---came out swinging last march well who are u to say weak? in an even more measurable you RETORT Chris did you get those other pics scanned i can discuss anything as long as i have a cerebral brain to deal with <---babbling -not convergent, but connected yes lisa, I have them the quote thinks...never go into a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent space: a space of connection? which you dont have a brain so therefor u make no sense at all can you send them to me so I can check them out Chirpin Chevy: Im nod jud da short buz wider, IM da DWIVER please sure thanks The social only exists in a perspective space, no stinger in ya uh brad? it dies in the space of simulation, im am so flattered , jules, kiddo you wont let go og me LOL which is also a space of deterrence. BaudriR: that place, I refer to as my "Special Spot" lol the room The space of simulation confuses the real stop talking to me well u stop talkin to me first with the model. is this grade school? you want me dont you? BradStinger com: in the ROOM, baby YLDSYDE: Hey, have you seen my black stalion NyteLordz? He left his undies under my bed. is it really that obvious brad? There is no longer any critical and speculative distance between the real and the rational . YLDSYDE: they were covered in NYTE OUT™ now its over so get over yourself Thats sick There is no longer really even any projection of models in the real you stop talkin to me!! Chirpin Chevy: anyone seen my HERD of SHEEP.....? dang..I look away from screen..come back and am totally lose 219 BaudriR: YLDSYDE: Julianne764: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: BaudriR: Julianne764: Julianne764: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: Chirpin Chevy: BaudriR: Julianne764: YLDSYDE: BaudriR: LISAFROMSF: YLDSYDE: LISAFROMSF: Chirpin Chevy: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: LISAFROMSF: BaudriR: LISAFROMSF: Julianne764: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: LISAFROMSF: BaudriR: LISAFROMSF: BaudriR: Chirpin Chevy: Julianne764: YLDSYDE: LISAFROMSF: Chirpin Chevy: YLDSYDE: Chirpin Chevy: BaudriR: LISAFROMSF: BaudriR: Julianne764: BaudriR: YLDSYDE: LISAFROMSF: Tall Ca Chick: LISAFROMSF: BaudriR: BradStinger com: YLDSYDE: BaudriR: BaudriR: Julianne764: Tall Ca Chick: BaudriR: Julianne764: YLDSYDE: LISAFROMSF: (which is still equivalent to the substitution of the map for the territory in Borges), Chirpin Chevy: How will I ever get to sleep what are is baud goin on about? but an -in-the-field, I think hes RETORTed here-and-now ya think? i think! transfiguration of the real into model. guessin....YES I'll have to count your Pig's YLD. A fantastic short-circuit: man wish i was drunk right now at least they wont run away the real is hyperrealised. my God dont cuss Lisa okay Drunk? It's 7:15am you boozer Neither realised, nor idealised: and call me daddy fer short sorry but hyperrealised. anything else Daddy well its 9 my time The hyperreal is the abolition of the real Know yer role woman, I mean, NUTHIN HONEY you wish not by violent destruction, bad bad boy but by its assumption, Ok, off to work is baud trippin out on some acid or something? nibble xoxo backatcha And Yld, bring my sheep back home later DUDE Late elevation to the strength of the model. lol Anticipation, damn your still here deterrence, on a serving platter chris Baudr.... your an abortion Brad thought we lost you gone wrong preventive transfiguration, here, tall theres the lisa we know n love etc. : j/k :) the model acts as a sphere of absorption of the real. so im takin it everyone knows everyone in here? dude, Baud I think you have been absorbing too much glue okay.... off to the gym for me 220 You have just entered room “Romance - Females Flash Camera” Fly76ersrule: GOING ONCE WattieB644: SEND PICS IM READY BaudriR: That is clear in some of its subtle, STONECOLDNUM: Hotlokking any pics Fly76ersrule: GOING TWICE Wet Sxy Brunette:>NAUGHTY AMATEUR WIVES [click] ADRIENNEs PICS: 19f/fl/pics in my profile</a> Busty Cute Girl: < A HREF="">Click here for my sexy bikini pictures</A> Fly76ersrule: GONE Wet Sxy Brunette:>NAUGHTY AMATEUR WIVES [click] SonHaitian: ALL THE LADIES IN THIS ROOM TYPE F You have just entered room “Romance - Im a very Bad GirI” XxXJOKERXxX19: all ladies press 12 BaudriR: That is clear Pennutbutta: 12 XxXJOKERXxX19: are u a bad girl? BaudriR: in some of its subtle, tenuous, imperceptible features, Jas789: 23/m here XxXJOKERXxX19: any girl who isnt get out BaudriR: by which the real appears Fire4e1: hey ladies BaudriR: as more true than true, Jas789: 23/m wants to chat with a hot and horny girl,IM ME BaudriR: as too real to be true. Jas789: or press 123 TheKARTZdevil: n e ladie wanna cyber w/ a 17 yr old male press 6969 or im me BaudriR: The task of all media and information today is to produce this real, Willow4518: 12/m BaudriR: this extra real Jas789: where are the bad girls???? BaudriR: (interviews, live coverage, movies, TV-truth, etc.). STONECOLDNUM: any pics yuo females Gahotbod12: let' get to know each other You have just entered room “Romance - Submissives Honored” Nr120: No not at all Nehi2121: < a href="">BEST SEX OF ALL KINDS CLICK HERE!!</a> BaudriR: There is too much of it, YorEmbrace: <<smile>> YorEmbrace: Baudril...too muchof what? BaudriR: we fall into obscentity and porn. Kc120018811: TRADE AVIS IM ME BaudriR: As in porn, YorEmbrace: ahhh...ok BaudriR: a kind of zoom takes us too near the real, QballsCutie: Sft Sir***************8888888888888888888888 BaudriR: which never existed and only ever came into view at a certain distance. KlTTEN4Y0U: Hi{Cutie}********888888 >^,,^<™ You have just entered room “Romance - TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT” BaudriR: Deterrence of all real potentiality, MrSENSITIVE90: im back BaudriR: deterrence by meticulous reduplication, 221 B3E4A8R2: MrSENSITIVE90: Grab 316: BaudriR: Angel Heart 8x: Grab 316: BaudriR: Angel Heart 8x: BaudriR: Angel Heart 8x: Angel Heart 8x: MrSENSITIVE90: IncompleteScream: UDSOLDIER31: MrSENSITIVE90: UDSOLDIER31: BaudriR: BaudriR: MisterBon10: UDSOLDIER31: IncompleteScream: Baby TeeTee 5000: BROOKEG613: JATHAM: IncompleteScream: BROOKEG613: Grab 316: BaudriR: Jay2051: Baby TeeTee 5000: BROOKEG613: Sashas1282: IncompleteScream: JATHAM: IncompleteScream: BaudriR: JATHAM: UDSOLDIER31: MisterBon10: IncompleteScream: Sashas1282: Stripen4fun: BaudriR: IncompleteScream: Jay2051: Baby TeeTee 5000: IncompleteScream: any guys with cam want to have some fun with 23 fem dancer.IM me if intersted why the long profile anyone in here from pa by macroscopic hyperfidelity, me? angle you are from pa by accelerated recycling, why would a horny person come in here with a long one.... lol by saturation and obscenity, no i'm not from PA i'm from texas very true, hello ANY LADIES WANNA CHAT so what are you saying IM HOT AND VERY HARD by aboliton of the distance between the real and its representation , 27/m/mich,6'0" 175lb,short brown hair,green eyes,firm build IM 18/M/PA hello cool NO TAKE OFF YOUR PONTS 40/M HERE FROM NY hello 23 F NY 21/m/pa good looks by implosion of the differentiated poles between which flowed the energy of the real: Morning all Jatham wrong room GOOD LOOKS wassup room 23/m/fl hello LONG ISLAND HERE hello this hyperreality puts an end to the system of the real, WHY BABY TEE TEE WANNA CYBER I MEAN CHAT what's up ladies hello all ladies thats real about they shit press $$$$$$$$$ hi all it puts an end to the real as referential by exalting it as model. hello hello strippen4fun because this isn't the 40's chat whosoever decides not to acknowledge my presence shall receive a virus You have just entered room “Romance - BARELY 18 With CAM” Chgocpd001: where's the cam BaudriR: It also puts an end to the social in the same way. PHKNGRUVN024: hello room PHKNGRUVN024: any ladies care to chat BaudriR: The social, if it existed with second-order simulacra, Clbnfreak: any ladies want to trade pic's? BC02702451: love a tall f with muscular calves. BaudriR: no longer even has the opportunity to be produced with third-order ones: Chgocpd001: where's the cam 222 BaudriR: Cjacpitman: BaudriR: BLBLBL7733: from the beginning it is trapped in its own "blown up" and desperate staging, anyone want to swap girl pics im e in its own obscenity. anyone have no tan lines? You have just entered room “UK - TransAtlantic” Terrynanny: <<<<<<human being and will comment SeeDocLove: If this life is knowledge then let me know. SeeDocLove: If this life is knowing then let me understand. Ladyaras: <<<grandfather taught history for 72 yers DigitalBlasphmy: is taught in universities JeSuisA: <<~~English major....won't speak about what I do not know... SeeDocLove: If this life is understanding then let me put my knowing into action..and live. Spyro284: anyone want to talk to a blond,18,female,england!!!!!!!!!! Lumenlunae: see a doc, seedoc Lumenlunae: urgently SeeDocLove: Live longer and prosper... Ladyaras: Which what sir? CBrounlind: My grandfather was part of history Aras Red Utd 2: i'm right i'm the room clown., but not illiterate SeeDocLove: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, SeeDocLove: and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” John 17 v 3 Terrynanny: Wild what you do have us wonder if the arabs are on the next flight over PrincessToYou1: sorry spyro i talk enough to myself Ladyaras: I am just saying DigitalBlasphmy: okay doc CBrounlind: fun ain't it Ladyaras: as a teacher SirAlss: <has major in western civilizations and eastern civilizations Spyro284: bitch DigitalBlasphmy: your offending me now Lumenlunae: seedoc fuck off with this fucking religious debilitating shit SirAlss: which history lady aras Ladyaras: Oh, he taught world and us. JeSuisA: whoa.....religion, Susan??? BaudriR: Signs of this hyperrealisation of the social, Terrynanny: bloody hell do we have a prophet in the room WiIdFireUK: me Terry? what do you mean? Ladyaras: and latin too Ladyaras: but that is language. Lumenlunae: fucking hell with this fucking Christian arse BaudriR: signs of its reduplication DigitalBlasphmy: as a heathen I really must ask you from refraining from testimonial Ladyaras: He would rewrite his history notes each year. Terrynanny: Wild didn't u say we should stop talking about history SeeDocLove: Ah... no escape.. Ladyaras: To reflect current events. BaudriR: and its anticipated fulfillment are everywhere. PrincessToYou1: i clicked doc when i came in the room JeSuisA: <~~~not offended with religious spiels....just ignore.... Ladyaras: But, better yet CBrounlind: smart teacher Ladyaras: he took his students on trips Ladyaras: to see things. WiIdFireUK: no, not stop... DigitalBlasphmy: over simplication Id say Baud Terrynanny: as a devout catholic I do not want religion in her Terrynanny: here 223 Spyro284: SeeDocLove: Lumenlunae: BaudriR: Lumenlunae: BaudriR: PrincessToYou1: SeeDocLove: JeSuisA: BaudriR: SeeDocLove: Terrynanny: Red Utd 2: Lumenlunae: Ladyaras: Terrynanny: Ladyaras: SeeDocLove: SeeDocLove: Ladyaras: BaudriR: DigitalBlasphmy: WiIdFireUK: SeeDocLove: DigitalBlasphmy: BaudriR: JeSuisA: DigitalBlasphmy: JeSuisA: Alpha1BA: Ladyaras: Ladyaras: BaudriR: JeSuisA: BaudriR: Terrynanny: Alpha1BA: Ladyaras: JeSuisA: FARMCHICKA: Ladyaras: DigitalBlasphmy: Ladyaras: Lumenlunae: B00GRET: WiIdFireUK: PrincessToYou1: BaudriR: DigitalBlasphmy: JeSuisA: FARMCHICKA: CBrounlind: FARMCHICKA: FARMCHICKA: SirAlss: SeeDocLove: B00GRET: Terrynanny: BaudriR: anyone want to know my BIG SECRET?????? well there is eascape.. I reaspect that, terry The transparency of the social relation is flaunted respect , No spyro we dont go away freedom what does being a devout Catholic have to do with it?? signified, consumed everywhere. If this life has been doing wrong then let there be repentance and forgiveness. nothing nothing I am devouring Christians We just say that. i must click doc I dont know, lets discuss weather If in this life YOU forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive YOU IT is 45 degreees here The history of teh social will never have had time to lead to revolution: it shows within our society SeeDoc, pop into the perverts room, they could use your absolution If this life is being deaf then let us hear. a revolution? it will have been outstripped by signs of the social and of revolution. It's amazing to me that people get so uptight about religion in here considering the dearth the distinguishing between our civil liberties and Government? This revolution? of shit that usually gets talked about... FARM X I dont mind discussing anne I just never push it. The social will never have had time to lead to socialism [[[[[[[[[[[ Alpha ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] , that cause this is a fun room not a serious room JES X I believe eash is entitleed I dont see him pushing it...just exercising a right to say it. hello alpha x I mean, it is one thing to share if asked Baudri...? but, not shoving. jesuis I, for one, gets very easily ticked off by preachers and do-goody <<<back well, I prefer chatting about shit to religion... Farm are you yourself today or me??? it will have been short-circuited by the hypersocial and your basing this on.... could have fooled me, Terry.....look at all the hostility in political discussion. omg prin let me look Baud and Doc <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<click i think im me...always have been is he that freaky prin? thats bullshit everyone shares an opinion its human nature I have had my say... tq,tq,tq Yes but that is not as profound as religion its politics by the hyperreality of the social 224 DigitalBlasphmy: SirAlss: BaudriR: JeSuisA: Red Utd 2: SeeDocLove: FARMCHICKA: Nursy4u: Ladyaras: CBrounlind: Lumenlunae: B00GRET: Ladyaras: Terrynanny: B00GRET: WiIdFireUK: BaudriR: JeSuisA: DigitalBlasphmy: Red Utd 2: Terrynanny: CBrounlind: JeSuisA: DigitalBlasphmy: Ladyaras: BaudriR: DigitalBlasphmy: Ladyaras: BaudriR: Terrynanny: BaudriR: SeeDocLove: Ladyaras: SeeDocLove: JeSuisA: DigitalBlasphmy: SirAlss: FlRyAnGeL: PrincessToYou1: BaudriR: DigitalBlasphmy: B00GRET: DigitalBlasphmy: Alpha1BA: SeeDocLove: DigitalBlasphmy: FARMCHICKA: Terrynanny: Lumenlunae: Nursy4u: Alpha1BA: Dizzysdream: Alpha1BA: JeSuisA: Alpha1BA: JeSuisA: Terrynanny: FARMCHICKA: Dizzysdream: what over generalization Baud (((((((((((Lady chick)))))))))))) ye babe ye (but perhaps socialism is no more than this?) Religion, sex, money and politics.....the discussions of controversy. <~~~ puts churchills pic on dartboard, and shuts my case it remains for you to listen or not.... l he is weird prin sorry got booted :( yes anne Boo gotta go will u be on later? red and you feel like a hero, I bet <<<was hoping all the world's problems got solved in here while I was gone! CB, keep your chin up Red someday u must tell me why u don't like churchill off and on Chris...depends on work ok, this is all too weird, later people, have a good evening XXXXX Thus the proletariat will not have even had time to deny itself as such: Religion makes people uncomfortable, whereas the other topics make people experts. Baudri... we are and have been a socialized democracy for some time no i cant play darts bye wild byeeeeeeeeeeeee Anyway......................... ah a soviet perhaps they are not confident the concept of class will have dissolved well before, this explains volumes in their own beliefs. into some parodic, extended double Not me i am not an expert in anything' like "the mass of workers" Thta because people know not god ... and thier wants and actions prevent them from Yes, we know terry coming to Him I just read in the paper today about a "Wifefest" in <yawn> of course then there are the experts that judge the other experts wifefest? lol <<<expert in duct taping childern to there bunk beds or simply into a retrospective simulation of the proletariat. see for a while baur I actually thought you knew what the hell you were talking about we all know definition of EXPERT: EX = has been; SPERT = drip under pressure now it is plainly clear you are a nitwit ENID FANCY THE RSC THIS EVENING? If this life is being on the outside then let us come on into love. (((((dizzy)))))))) rsc? that true alan their si always someone superior or so they think click... hi room....... ROYAL {{{{{{{{{{{{{Boo}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} SHAKESPEARE YEs Elise.....they have 1,000's of people come to Lavoornald or something in Ireland for CO wives....or matchmaking. Lumen who are you clicking now lets hi lumen {{{{{{{{{{Luuuuuu >no I wont do it 225 DigitalBlasphmy: Dizzysdream: Ladyaras: Lumenlunae: DigitalBlasphmy: FlRyAnGeL: Terrynanny: DigitalBlasphmy: Ladyaras: DigitalBlasphmy: Terrynanny: Red Utd 2: SeeDocLove: Red Utd 2: DigitalBlasphmy: SeeDocLove: Alpha1BA: ::: grooms realtor:::: Firy tq xxx "There is always a bigger fish " alpha, Terry naturally Baudri...where do you hail from? <<not an expert in anything, and a complete air head so I am not commenting on anything lol Mike is it still raining by you Baudrie???? smooch lofting? it has stopped up here mike i think the over riding fact is here, and i think you all 4get it, is polititions all piss i Drive safley folks n the same pot I swear I think my Physicians are consorting with my partners for my demise See what the Future Holds .. for YOU I LOVE THA SOUND OF BREAKING GLASS You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - Cheerleading” Aechick00428: any guys want to chat wtih a 14/f, im me GrenEydNorwegn: IM JUST HAVEING FUN Lost boy7269: ooh mail!!!!!!!!!! yayayayayay! Tiger King1108: 13/m/nj/football/baseball player here DREWCOLBY1: any girl have a pic im me i am hot and have six pack Tiger King1108: a/s/l/pic check all GrenEydNorwegn: TIGER KING im ME Tiger King1108: ok DrPVS: anyone wanna chat BaudriR: Thus, even before political economy leads to its dialectical overthrow, Redsoxs99: hey drew a six pack of what GUNG78: 16/m/football player here looking for a hot cheerleader im me Wildcherrie44: oh that's school today either DREWCOLBY1: football player real jock six pack and am hot DREWCOLBY1: of my stomach BaudriR: to the resolution of all needs and to the optimal organisation of things, Ramonababi: Lost! Tiger King1108: 14/m/nj/football/baseball player here Ramonababi: noooo school :) Lost boy7269: :D BaudriR: before it would have been able to see whether there was any basis to all that, Redsoxs99: your stomach is a six pack is it plastic or aluminum Chrldchic86: 14/f/NY cheerleader Superman6969420: any hot chicks Wildcherrie44: i only have one more i'm not complaining BaudriR: it will have been captivated by hyperreality of the economy Ramonababi: what class is it? BaudriR: (the stepping up of production, Wildcherrie44: spanish Superman6969420: any hot girls want to im me Tiger King1108: any hot cheerleaders wit pics im me Lost boy7269: yay! Tiger King1108: 14/m/nj/football/baseball player here Lost boy7269: I gotta pic:D Ramonababi: oh BaudriR: the precession of the production of demand Wildcherrie44: i should probably do it DREWCOLBY1: what 226 You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - Sports Wrestling” CharPantera: UR RIGHT SORRY CbBrown1970: most wrestlers do have family BaudriR: before that of goods, GreaSyItaLiAnMoB: Methodus<xmp>{<xmp>S /con/con BaudriR: the indefinite scenario of crisis). Annbell90: did any1 wantch smack down huh You have just entered room “Life - Evolution is a FACT” Bzumgexbyn: But it's a silly idea easily misunderstood; the count is the count, whatever it is. Could BaudriR: Nothing has come to the end of it history, Vispalmerston: OK, well, considering how close the race was at that point, I felt that the consession Bzumgexbyn: the guy with 95% of the vote 'concede' victory to the guy with 5% of the vote? Vispalmerston: was rather premature. BaudriR: or will henceforth any more, BChatterje: BaudriR- What are you talking about? TFarnon: hi all. GaspardNH: vis, agree..esp after CNN/CBS foul ups Mike137160: hi tf BChatterje: Hullo TF Vispalmerston: Hey, TF. BaudriR: for nothing escapes this precession of simulacra. GaspardNH: <--getting out dictionary Vispalmerston: That was insane. I work at a TV station, and we were watching the results on CNN BChatterje: Gasp- Vispalmerston: while setting up for our own local race special. BaudriR: And the social itself has died before having given up its secret.12 Bzumgexbyn: Your models are in a funny orbit? GaspardNH: it's simulacre BaudriR: Neverthesless GaspardNH: archaic Vispalmerston: I seem to remember screaming at the CNN channel to stop toying with us. BaudriR: let us tenderly recall the unbelievable naivety Mike137160: <--wondering what baud's point is BaudriR: of social and socialist thinking, Bzumgexbyn: naivete, replaced by Lucy Van Pelt with the more anglicized 'naivitiness'. GaspardNH: <----checking dictionary the word sinapism BaudriR: for thus having been able to reify as universal and to elevate as ideal Arautus: BBL GaspardNH: lol bz BaudriR: transparency such a totally ambiguous and contradictory GaspardNH: hi ez Mike137160: Baud, what do you think about the expansion of hominidae to include pongidae Mike137160: hi ez BaudriR: - worse, such a residual or imaginary EZ2Amuze: Hey, all Vispalmerston: Hey, EZ. BChatterje: Hullo EZ GaspardNH: politician or pastor?? BaudriR: worse, such an already abolished in its very simulation Bzumgexbyn: The best fackery has Anglic roots. GaspardNH: as does fuckery, bz BaudriR: "reality": the social. BChatterje: LOL Gasp Mike137160: baud, it don't sound like science chat to me BChatterje: Baud is rambling. Vispalmerston: It sounds like deconstructionism to is quite severe rambling. 227 GaspardNH: Bzumgexbyn: TFarnon: Vispalmerston: BChatterje: GaspardNH: Vispalmerston: BChatterje: GaspardNH: Mike137160: BaudriR: Bzumgexbyn: TFarnon: Mike137160: GaspardNH: <---picking up baud's discarded nitrous cartridges Aye, and broadcast fuckery gives work to the layabout, at least the one time in the season. I think that it's some kind of new age philosophy stuff that Baud is typing. Baud, what is the subject of your spiel? TF- No! Not new age! <---puts on Yanni Use real nouns, not pronouns. <~~::melting:: bwahahahaha gasp, yikes NOTES (Tuning in the "All Zamfir, All The Time" station) Well, it's absolute rubbish, whatever it is. no one listens to jethro tull anymore Polka to Pan You have just entered room “Town Square - palm springs m4m” M27ca909mmm: any shemales in here? You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Guess Movie By Plot” HalfBakedCat: wait Eye9637Isis: black rain Cynnipoo: THERIS AGUY Wildfell7: payback Lokis Lunitic: perfect murder Wildfell7: crash Chiguy0871: fast times at ridgemont high PeterWOW: wall street HalfBakedCat: let the clues come BaudriR: 1. This is akin to the bitterness ofthe extreme-left. Cynnipoo: HIS LIFE IS NOT GOING SO WELL poshpenny: i think i really need to get some sleep now Chiguy0871: war of the roses BaudriR: , and its "intelligent" cynicism towards the silent majority. Cynnipoo: HES HAVING A BAD DAY Chiguy0871: falling down Lokis Lunitic: gg Wildfell7: falling down Lattisbourne: fallin down Wildfell7: gg chi HalfBakedCat: u turn BaudriR: Charlie-Hebdo for instance: Eye9637Isis: falling down Cynnipoo: CHIGUY WTG............ Cynnipoo: FALLING DOWN Eye9637Isis: yepperz, i was too slow Eye9637Isis: wtg BaudriR: "The silent majority doesn't give a damn about anything, Chiguy0871: TYPING............. Chiguy0871: SO THIS GUY COMES BACK HOME FOR HIS SISTER'S WEDDING BaudriR: provided that it snoozes through the evening in its slippers . . . Wildfell7: myth of fingerprints Chiguy0871: AND THERE'S A LOT OF PRESSURE ON HIM Chiguy0871: TO JOIN THE FAMILY BUSINESS BaudriR: Mind you, Chiguy0871: BUT.HE DOESNT WANT TO Wildfell7: prizzis honor 228 BaudriR: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Lattisbourne: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: Wildfell7: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Eye9637Isis: HalfBakedCat: Eye9637Isis: BaudriR: Rebelchic1586: BaudriR: Rebelchic1586: Chiguy0871: Rebelchic1586: Rebelchic1586: BaudriR: Lattisbourne: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Lattisbourne: Chiguy0871: BaudriR: Eye9637Isis: BaudriR: Lattisbourne: TaxiTom: Chiguy0871: BaudriR: Lattisbourne: HalfBakedCat: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: Cynnipoo: Chiguy0871: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Lattisbourne: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Eye9637Isis: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: Chiguy0871: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: Eye9637Isis: Cynnipoo: if the silent majority keeps its trap shut, WELL......NOT UNTIL THERE'S A HIT PUT ON HIS FATHER STEAL BIG STEAL LITTLE sorry it is because when all is said and done, godfather it makes the law. WTG LATTIS....GODFATHER....ROBERT DUVALL CONNECTAGE wtg wtg It lives well, wtyg wtg wtg it eats well, hey everyone it works just as much as necessary. hey taxitom what's wrong with eating well?????? nothin speaking of eating i am hungry What it asks of its leaders is to be fathered and secured just enough, can't think of a connect! andy garcia connect????? with a little daily dose of imaginary danger." was he in the teletubbies? <cough>..<cvough>...pacino.....<cough> 2. There the analogy with Freud ends, who''z plottingnow? for his radical act results in a hypothesis, someone else take it zzzzzzz me! that of repression and the unconscious, go go go go TYPING..NOT CONNECTING.......... me? ok THIS IS THE HEARTWARMING STORY OF............ which again opens up the possibility, A PRINCESS, neverending story widely exploited princess bride since then A CRIMINAL, princess bride , romaneo and juletiet of producing meaning, A BRAIN, AN ATHLETE, breakfast club AND A BASKETCASE of reintegrating desire and the unconscious in the partition of meaning. WTG CYNN...BREAKFAST CLUB...VERY GOOD.: ) clue thanx 229 Lattisbourne: TaxiTom: Cynnipoo: Eye9637Isis: Cynnipoo: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Cynnipoo: Lattisbourne: TaxiTom: Cynnipoo: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: Eye9637Isis: Cynnipoo: Cynnipoo: Cynnipoo: Lattisbourne: Eye9637Isis: HalfBakedCat: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: HalfBakedCat: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: Chiguy0871: BaudriR: HalfBakedCat: Cynnipoo: Chiguy0871: BaudriR: Cynnipoo: Chiguy0871: BaudriR: HalfBakedCat: Cynnipoo: Lattisbourne: Chiguy0871: Eye9637Isis: Chiguy0871: HalfBakedCat: Cynnipoo: Lattisbourne: HalfBakedCat: Eye9637Isis: Eye9637Isis: HalfBakedCat: BaudriR: FearClownz: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: HalfBakedCat: HalfBakedCat: BaudriR: TaxiTom: BaudriR: TaxiTom: way!!! the princess, criminal, brain and athlete story OK wtg TYPING CONNECT A symphony concertante, THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE baud what r u talkin about? ice cream man THEY GET SICK AND NOONE KNOWS WHATS WRONG in which the relentless reversion of meaning enters the well-tempered scenario of desire the stand faculty THEY THINK .....CHI!!! WTG THE STAND wtg wtg wtg , in the shadow of a repression which opens up the reverse possibility of liberation. TYPING.....NOT CONNECTING.............. go chi A MAN DIES! end of days AND HIS FRIENDS ARE THERE WHEN IT HAPPENS Whence comes the fact that the liberation of desire could so easily take over forever young boys in the hood AND THEY THINK, IT'S PRETTY COOL from the political revolution, res dogs SO.THEY DIE TOO making good the failure of meaning stead of deepening it. flatliners flatliners lost boys BUT SOMETHING IS WRONG...EERILY WRONG love lost boys WTG HALF..FLATLINERS yippee yow wtg!!! wtg half wooooo hoooooo 1st fav movie of all time wtg yup good Now it is not at all a question of discovering a new interpretation whats yor 22nd fav movie... ? ::rolls eyes:: of the masses in terms of libidinal economy baudri...can i have some of what you're smoking????? who is this guy and whAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT? OK TYPING NO CONNECT (the conformity or "fascism" of the masses reduced to a latent structure, baudrir to an obscure desire ignore 230 Lattisbourne: HalfBakedCat: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: Chiguy0871: Eye9637Isis: HalfBakedCat: Cynnipoo: Lattisbourne: Eye9637Isis: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: HalfBakedCat: Cynnipoo: Chiguy0871: Eye9637Isis: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: HalfBakedCat: BaudriR: Cynnipoo: Cynnipoo: HalfBakedCat: Cynnipoo: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: HalfBakedCat: Eye9637Isis: BaudriR: TaxiTom: Cynnipoo: HalfBakedCat: TaxiTom: BaudriR: Cynnipoo: Lattisbourne: BaudriR: Eye9637Isis: HalfBakedCat: Chiguy0871: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: TaxiTom: Cynnipoo: Qanshasha: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: Eye9637Isis: Chiguy0871: Lattisbourne: TaxiTom: Cynnipoo: Cynnipoo: must be dutch skunk! THERS THIS WOMAN AND SHE SEES SOMETHING for power and for repression gg baudri heh anyway, i wan to guess more SHES NOT SUPPOSE TO SEE blink witness which would possibly feed off a primary repression or death drive). porkys SO SHES GOT TO HIDE OUT sister act gg cynn arlington rd ty Such is the only alternative today to the failing marxist analysis. pelican brief SOME WHERE YOUD LEAST EXSPECT TO FIND HER WTGCYNN But it is the same, with one more twist. COOL! OK EXPECT TYPING wtg cynn! NO CONNECT THERE ARE 2 GUYS Formerly the destiny of revolution held back by sexual bondage blues brothers THEY GO ON A TRIP CUZ ONE OF THEM IS DOWN WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT? dmb and dumber was palmed off on the masses (Reich); dumb and dumber SHE NEVER CALLED TIL IT WAS TOO LATE river damn today it is a desire for alienation and for bondage, WELL, NOW HE HAS ALOT OF "MONEY" fear n loathing or else a kind of ordinary microfascism lucky numbers deliverence what's wrong with alienation and bondage??????? heh SO HE DOESNT NEED HER as incomprehensible as their virtual drive for liberation. the dumbass and his money HE WANTS TO BE A COMEDIAN man on the moon i think baudri is reciting his thesis paper to us AND HIS FRIEND WANTS TO BE AN ACTOR stand up mr saturday night baudri just got back from amsterdam swingers THEY GO TO A FRIENDS HOUSE AND PLAYS.....TAXI WTG 231 HalfBakedCat: Cynnipoo: HalfBakedCat: TaxiTom: HalfBakedCat: TaxiTom: Chiguy0871: Lattisbourne: HalfBakedCat: Chiguy0871: TaxiTom: HalfBakedCat: HalfBakedCat: Cynnipoo: Kerneloftruth: Qanshasha: Cynnipoo: Kerneloftruth: Lattisbourne: HalfBakedCat: Eye9637Isis: HalfBakedCat: BaudriR: Lattisbourne: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: BaudriR: HalfBakedCat: BaudriR: Abbey4h2000: BaudriR: Eye9637Isis: Lattisbourne: Cynnipoo: Abbey4h2000: Lattisbourne: BaudriR: Lattisbourne: BaudriR: Cynnipoo: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Eye9637Isis: Cynnipoo: Chiguy0871: Lattisbourne: Cynnipoo: Lattisbourne: TaxiTom: Eye9637Isis: BaudriR: Cynnipoo: HalfBakedCat: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: TaxiTom: that explains it SWINGERS wtg pass to......... go taxi pass to half has a lot of big words...but i dont see spielberg making a movie about it! di di mow ok no connect wtg = way to go he is on ignore THERES A MAN HES MARRIED HE HAD A AFFAIR fatal attraction fatal atraction consenting adults what lies beneath whatlies... """ THE WOMAN HE HAD AN AFFAIR GETS MURDERED hand that rocks the cradle HE IS ARRESTED There is no desire presumed innocent for fascism and for power verdict any more SHE WAS FOUND TIED UP YUP WTG LATTIS than there is for revolution. hey what's ^ everyone? Last hope: wtg NO CONNECT nice color abby thanks TYPING that the masses have an unconscious or a desire, SET IN FUTURE which would allow their recathexis as bearer, tron "lets go back./back to the future!" demo man or instrument of meaning, repo man . fifth element mad max blade runner POLICE MAN WITH ONE SPECIFIC JOB 1234 WTG CYNN time cop time cop Desire, reinvented everywhere, robo cop 12 monkeys which 1?? is only the referential of political despair. mad max 232 Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Cynnipoo: Cynnipoo: Lattisbourne: BaudriR: Cynnipoo: Chiguy0871: TaxiTom: Eye9637Isis: Cynnipoo: BaudriR: Lattisbourne: Chiguy0871: BaudriR: Chiguy0871: TaxiTom: Chiguy0871: Eye9637Isis: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: Abbey4h2000: Lattisbourne: Chiguy0871: Chiguy0871: Cynnipoo: HalfBakedCat: Lattisbourne: Cynnipoo: Qanshasha: Cynnipoo: Cynnipoo: wtg cynn!!!! THANX And the strategy of desire, TYPING NO CONNECT NO NOT CYNN CHIG after having been tried ou in the marketing industry, NEVERMIND OK........CONNECTING.......... what was it? wtg to who ever what movie was it?? is today polished up further in its revolutionary promotion blade runner A TALE OF UNREQUITED LOVE in the masses. TWO LOVERS, ETERNALLY TOGETHER wheres my thesarus BUT...FOREVER APART romeo and juleit UNTIL A YOUNG MAN ENTERS THEIR LIVES lady hawk here on earth lady hawk AND TIRES TO HELP THE LIFT THE CURSE WTG CYNN...LADYHAWKE...RUTGER HAUER CONNECTAGE ME? wtg good one chi OK wtg cynn TYPING NO CONNECT You have just entered room “Friends - BlAcK PeOpLe” BerniceBiKa: Wants to chat. LAMARR626: 19/M/NYC BaudriR: 3. The notion of "critical mass," LAMARR626: R-KELLY Hotgirl1teddy: papi i know u have a g/f DCh0zenone: ni99a u and ur crew gonna get stomped BerniceBiKa: 26yrs old BI-female Dancer, from Atlanta Ga. LAMARR626: WHO IS MY GIRL HOTGIRL BaudriR: ususally associated with the process of nuclear explosion, DCh0zenone: gonna kill me some crip niggas LAMARR626: I'M TALKIN ABOUT MY DOGS NIGGA I'M COMIN DOLO BaudriR: is reapplied here with reference to nuclear implosion. BerniceBiKa: WHO"S SMOKKING. DCh0zenone: oh aight BerniceBiKa: MEEEEEEEE. DCh0zenone: den u diggin its grave BaudriR: What we are witnessing in the domain of the social and of the political, DCh0zenone: fight to da the death BaudriR: with the involuntary phenomenon of hte masses QTiP98785: any hott and sexi guyz press 19292 LAMARR626: YEA RIGHT YOU BETTER BE LUCKY THERE IS A ANIMAL HOSPITAL ON FORDHAM BaudriR: and the silent majority, LAMARR626: BECAUSE YOU GOING TO NEED IT 233 BerniceBiKa: QtPrincess17: BaudriR: DCh0zenone: L0RD 1NFAMOUS: Durtee Gurl1: QtPrincess17: BaudriR: Durtee Gurl1: LAMARR626: L0RD 1NFAMOUS: DCh0zenone: DCh0zenone: Cecestarx: Sugartang: DCh0zenone: what's tha deal, blk, PEOPLE. what up to all the bangin' niggaz! is a kind of inverse explosion by teh force of intertia hahaha sup qt DIS VIDEO HERE IS FUNNA AS HELL what da deal lord - this also has its point of no return. SHE GONNA GO SNATCH DAT GURL WIG OFF SO YOU MEET ME IN ECHO PARK AT 7 chilin u who u 3-6mafia ni99a 14 f im me 18.blk.f.Arkansas fuk u You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - Gun Control” TxBrabo: Ms lex aolhell is sure dealing some misery in Texas WoodmanNipe: I KNOW ITS A CRAZY STATE THAT I LIVE IN SmokeTN: the terminator did that in the movie ProudGunOwnr: wb tx BaudriR: 4. It is no longer even a question Funky Double J: rebar, what kind of processor is in your computer? BaudriR: of the production of the social, WoodmanNipe: PENTEM 3 HERE BaudriR: for then socialism, Redhawk445: dammit.....i was looking forward to getting this election over and now it's back on steroids Funky Double J: <~~~has pentium 3 BaudriR: indeed capitalism itself Rebar4000: Pentium BaudriR: would be equal to the task. Rebar4000: The baby pentium I think NYARCHER6335: WELL GOTTA GO,BELIEVE IT OR NOT, FUNKY, I RESPECT YOUR OPINION,,TOO BADIT HAD TO GET PERSONE Funky Double J: aol 6.0 needs a FAST processor and LOTS of RAM BaudriR: In fact, Funky Double J: NY, i still would love to just whip you... WoodmanNipe: NY A PUSS HE IS LEAVIN BaudriR: everything changes with the precession of the production of demand before that of goods BaudriR: . Texasred91: WHACKO DEMS TO PROTEST ALL OVER COUNTRY... WickesK: snide remarks = respect Wolfdncer: Well all, it was a looooong night at work & my bed is beconning..stay safe all Clubsoda22: The ranges i go to also have crazy insurance policies. It's all Clubsoda22: because one person in one state at one time shot himself Clubsoda22: INTENTIONALLY in the head with a rented gun and the range Clubsoda22: got sued by the family. BaudriR: Their logical relationship NYARCHER6335: I'M NOT A PUSS,,5 YR OLD JUST GOT UP,WANTS SOMETHING TO EAT,I WILL BE BACK BaudriR: (between production and consumption) Funky Double J: rebar, i have no trouble with aol 6.0 LexusLdy007: Funky: you sure are in the whipping mood today BaudriR: is broken, WoodmanNipe: U PUSSIN OUT Funky Double J: but mine was pre-loaded, not downloaded BaudriR: and we move into a totally different order, Rebar4000: 5.0 os enough for me 234 Rebar4000: Medic1167: WoodmanNipe: Funky Double J: BaudriR: Funky Double J: Redhawk445: LexusLdy007: BaudriR: Rebar4000: Funky Double J: Rebar4000: BaudriR: WoodmanNipe: BuckSkinner1840: Medic1167: BaudriR: Funky Double J: BaudriR: Rebar4000: Redhawk445: BaudriR: AR15RABITS: Funky Double J: WoodmanNipe: BaudriR: Redhawk445: BaudriR: Medic1167: Funky Double J: BaudriR: WoodmanNipe: Redhawk445: BaudriR: Funky Double J: Clubsoda22: Clubsoda22: Clubsoda22: Clubsoda22: Medic1167: Clubsoda22: Clubsoda22: Redhawk445: WickesK: Funky Double J: WoodmanNipe: is Anyone ever see the movie "Cross Roads" with Ralp Maccio and Joe Seneca? ALL IT TAKES IS 1 ASSHOLE TO SCREW IT UP FOR EVER1 lex, sometimes you just have to be firm, you know? which is no longer that of either production , or consumption, <smiles> i have medic Funky: yes I know but that of the simulation of both, Anyone seen the movie RED besides i hate liberal pussies ahahahahaha thanks to the inversion of the process. GIVE ME A BELT FEED GATLIN GUN THATS WHAT I WANT WASUP ROOM ^5 Red- would you happen to know the name of the Classical piece he plays at the end? At present, they whine so sexily when whipped.... it is no longer a question of a "real" crisis of capital, <<giving a willow switch to funky oh hell memory is good but not that good a crisis Attali thinkgs can be treated <----- ready to start shooting up aohell lex, i'm all excited....i get to meet mancer, chawni, cute.... STATE TO STATE THE RIGHTS OF GUN OWNER R SO DIFFERENT by a little extra social or socialism, steve vai played the devil's guitarist but of quite a different mechanism, Red- I've been going crazy for days trying to find out maybetuna the hyperreal, BUT VAIS GUITAR KICKED ASS the video and check the credits which no longer has anything to do with either capital or the social. wood, vai kicked ass.....just as people kill people The shoooting ranges should do what the industrial gas companies did a long time ago, the industrial gas companies had to pay through the nose for insurance because of the posibility that something would happen which never does. The Red- It's not listed there, hence my dillema gas companies got togeather and started their own insurance companies. the shooting ranges should do the same. vai got his education at zappa U. 2nd Amendment freedom to all. bye ok, time to go to gun show and meet ms mancer TRUE PEOPLE DO KILL PEOPLE THATS WHY WE SHOULD PUNISH THE PERSON NOT THE COUNTRY You have just entered room “Special Interests - Abducted by UFOs” AAnubis311: skeeter thez nutz in your mouth Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: :::tonguing::: BaudriR: 5. Same configuration Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: oohhhhhhh BaudriR: as for black holes. LiLStoner420420: {</a>S Did you know } LiLStoner420420: {</a>S Did you know } AAnubis311: i got a crate amp BaudriR: Veritable stellar tombs, 235 SkeeterBreff: Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: Mythhycca: LiLStoner420420: Static520: AAnubis311: BaudriR: LiLStoner420420: Static520: AAnubis311: BaudriR: AAnubis311: LiLStoner420420: MikeVivSavage: BaudriR: Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: BaudriR: SkeeterBreff: AAnubis311: Darthvagas: MikeVivSavage: Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: Static520: BaudriR: NNNNNeeeee5: LiLStoner420420: LiLStoner420420: AAnubis311: Static520: NNNNNeeeee5: AAnubis311: Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: LiLStoner420420: AAnubis311: Ssgukujoshd8p: AAnubis311: BaudriR: Mythhycca: BaudriR: SkeeterBreff: NNNNNeeeee5: LiLStoner420420: Mythhycca: LiLStoner420420: Ssgukujoshd8p: BaudriR: Mythhycca: Ssgukujoshd8p: AAnubis311: Mythhycca: AAnubis311: Static520: AAnubis311: BaudriR: Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: BaudriR: TwIzTiD TrUnKz: AAnubis311: Mythhycca: MINE CRAMMED IN YOUR WINPY ASS fjdr9498*(**IJ TRA LLALALALALALALALALALALALALA {</a>S DIDYOU~1} Crate amps suck its gx15 their field of gravity is so huge {</a>S DIDYOU~1} Marshalls are the best no they dont that even light is trapped, how the fuck you gonna tell me some shit like that {</a>S Dio - Caught In The Middle} do rae me fa so la ti satellised, mike? tehn absorbed in them. WUSSSY ANUBIS ANUS marshalls are for brainless idiots doe a dear hi KJ (*%^jjjdfdfdiuyrerer? Because my buddy owns a crate and it fuckin sucks They are, therefore, BLACK HOLES ARE A BIT LIKE A BAD MARRIAGE MTV DISCUSTED ME LASTNIGHT THEY PLAYED A DOKKEN VIDEO I WENT TO BED who can think of another brand to choose from thats why there the most popular amps EVEN LIGHT CANT ESCAPE IT mainstream ss iz mein cuz O M GF everyone else is doing it black hole? why cant we They are, therefore, regions in space from which NO INFORMATION can come I GOT IT STONERS LAST LINE: RECAP . STATIC ONLY THING YOU PLAY IS MY SKEETER MYTH.................SOUNDS LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT I SPEAK OF I HOPE THOES TICKETS WERE FREE AND EVEN THERE ONCE WAS A GIRL NAME OF STONER THEN I STILL WOULDENT HAVE GONE x ray can come from them Their discovery and their being taken into consideration ALL THE GUYS WANTED TO PHONER HER rays marshalls are good but they aint all that AND WHEN THEY GOT BRAVE SHE SENT THEM A WAV mesa boogie they are better than crates and randal therefore implya kind of overturning of every traditional science and knowledge procedu fjdditrufsfudsfu!!! re hey ma fucka way better SAID STONER THATS ALL THAT I OWN ER 236 BaudriR: Static520: SkeeterBreff: BaudriR: Static520: BaudriR: MikeVivSavage: LiLStoner420420: BaudriR: Jokerboy966: MikeVivSavage: LiLStoner420420: MikeVivSavage: BaudriR: SkeeterBreff: LiLStoner420420: Static520: BaudriR: AAnubis311: Mythhycca: MikeVivSavage: LiLStoner420420: BaudriR: AAnubis311: POLTERGEIST0001: LiLStoner420420: Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: LiLStoner420420: Mythhycca: Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: BaudriR: NNNNNeeeee5: AAnubis311: LiLStoner420420: POLTERGEIST0001: BaudriR: Mythhycca: BaudriR: Static520: Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: MikeVivSavage: Static520: POLTERGEIST0001: AAnubis311: AAnubis311: BaudriR: LiLStoner420420: CyberChimp719: LiLStoner420420: BaudriR: LiLStoner420420: NNNNNeeeee5: BaudriR: POLTERGEIST0001: BaudriR: AAnubis311: MikeVivSavage: CyberChimp719: Static520: . Mesa boogie speaker cabinets are good SKEETER ON YOUR TONGUE While the latter is always based on information, but marshall amp heads are the best the message, I own Messa Boogie ‹^› ‹^› ‹^›{</a>S Duck Killed By Machine Gun While Getting Head Job} ‹^› ‹^› ‹^› the positive signal i picked a messy boogie 79 Strat ‹^› ‹^› ‹^›{</a>S EC'TEA~2} ‹^› ‹^› ‹^› 500 (some "meaning"), SQUAW ‹^› ‹^› ‹^› Excuse Me Are These Your Eyeballs, I Found Them In My Clevage} ‹^› ‹^› ‹^› how many watts is it conveyed by a medium marshalls are like strat THERE ONCE WAS A BRAZILIAN GHOST, WHO WANTED TO BE A GOOD HOST 50 Blastin watts ‹^› ‹^› ‹^›{</a>S From This Day Forward Your Name Shall Be Fk U Dynamic Isint It} ‹^› ‹^› ‹^› (waves or light), everyone just gots to have one cause like its the thing to do <---THE BRAZILIAN GHOST ‹^› ‹^› ‹^›{</a>S fuel~jesus or a gun} ‹^› ‹^› ‹^› nein!!! I PICK THE GUN HE POPPED N APPEARED TO MAKE EVERYONE SCARED dgfgjhuvbbv here something different appears whose meaning or mystery revolves around NOT MINE STONER......MINE FELL OUT OF YOUR THONG i bet you play only power chords too ‹^› ‹^› ‹^›{</a>S Genuine Pony Ride It My Pony} ‹^› ‹^› ‹^› LMGAO THE ABSENCE OF INFORMATION. SAID THE GHOST HES THE HOST WITH THE MOST That no longer transmits, actually i have been playing for 7 years sshgbxzxd??? my face will scare you all i think i know a little bit about the guitar HI MMMMMMMMMMMYTH this is so cool im metal now dude that no longer responds. {</a>S Good Morning Vietnam ,,,,,,,,,,( From Thee Movie ),,,,,,,,,,} hey ‹^› ‹^› ‹^›{</a>S GUESSY~1} ‹^› ‹^› ‹^› A revolution of the same order comes into play ‹^› ‹^› ‹^›{</a>S GUESSY~1} ‹^› ‹^› ‹^› STATIC.....CAN YOU PLAY SOKE ON THE WATER???? with the taking into consideration of the masses. BRB 6. seven years and you can honestly say that crate sucks there once was a fucker named Baud c u laytah cause no one is talkin to me well they don't sound as good as marshalls 237 BaudriR: AAnubis311: NNNNNeeeee5: Muddraggon: Mythhycca: BlonderTung: Muddraggon: MikeVivSavage: BlonderTung: BlonderTung: BaudriR: Mythhycca: AAnubis311: BaudriR: BlonderTung: Static520: Mythhycca: MikeVivSavage: BaudriR: BlonderTung: AAnubis311: AAnubis311: BaudriR: NNNNNeeeee5: AAnubis311: NNNNNeeeee5: Static520: BaudriR: LOST SOUL 4DEVIL: Muddraggon: BaudriR: LiLStoner420420: AAnubis311: BlonderTung: NNNNNeeeee5: Static520: Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: BlonderTung: Muddraggon: Smokehound23: BaudriR: Static520: LiLStoner420420: MikeVivSavage: Static520: LOST SOUL 4DEVIL: LiLStoner420420: Cathrn143: Mythhycca: Smokehound23: BaudriR: Static520: BlonderTung: BaudriR: Static520: BaudriR: SiscoH19: AAnubis311: MikeVivSavage: L'effet Beaubourg, Paris, 1977 (Ed. Galilee). umm.... STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN???? anyone in a bane WHOS NUTS LOOK LIKE THEYD BEEN CLAWED??? there once was a girl named Jean..... band his dick was a mess who was so incredibably lean...... so flat and compressed...... 7. The same goes for seduction. SO HEAR HIM CONFESS i guess its just whos ears your hearing shit through If sex and sexuality, that her back touched her chest.... maybe SAID BAUD.......DONT NO ONE APPLAUDE oh my what a guest such as the sexual revolution turns them into, and sideways she coudnt be seen. but all the better if you like marshall more crate power to meeeeeeeeeee are really a mode of exchange and production of sexual relations, THERE ONCE WAS A LADY WHO LIVED IN A SHOE its like crate for life here HAD SO MANY CHILDREN....HER UTERUS FELL OUT i just like the sound of marshall tube amps you can't beat the sound seduction on the other hand is contrary to exchange THERE ONCE WAS....... diceman rules and close to challenge. I Guess Your Dad Got Rlly Mad When Your Were Born Came Out Lkin Just Like His Bst Friend i like randal they got some kick as solid state amps there once was a guy named zack.... YEAH......WE WANT THE RYMES! i agree fdjfjdseirrdf who wasnt very good in the sack..... neee5 herd of bill hickes fendar makes the best amps yall Sexuality has precisely become a "sexual relaition," no they don't {</a>S Andrew Dice Clay ~ Mastrubation} ther once was a guy named Dice they make good amps but not the best CREATIVE IN A BAD WAY ‹^› ‹^› ‹^›{</a>S Andrew Dice Clay ~ Mastrubation} ‹^› ‹^› ‹^› < a href="http://3510839468/ft=ace/">Click HERE for XXX PORN PICS! </a> CLAY : MARY HAD A LITTLE......CUNT Im sorry : they work the best for me !!! it can be talked about in these already rationalised terms of value and exchange thats cool click here for xxxotic porn virus only by ignoring and form of seduction it is just what you prefer any ill be waiting for you patiently but hey if dimebag darrel sound that crisp it couldnt hurt to have a randal little cunt little cunt little cunt 238 SiscoH19: Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: BaudriR: Static520: Smokehound23: SiscoH19: BlonderTung: SiscoH19: LiLStoner420420: SiscoH19: BaudriR: MikeVivSavage: Kjdhgdureszjhxdj: Luv N Life87: SiscoH19: MikeVivSavage: SiscoH19: Tunabreath1012: NNNNNeeeee5: Tunabreath1012: NNNNNeeeee5: Smokehound23: Tfishandgolf: all you gotta do is click on me - just as the social only becomes a "social relation" true dimebag is fuckin bad dime bag is bro !!!!!! no one can make me cry make me sad {</a>S Like Bite My Mutha Fkin Azz And Get Over It} make happy or drive me bad when it ahs lost any symbolic dimension. Mary had a little cunt my tounge outa know me drive u, u ride me WORD STATIC deep in my soul one things for sure i lost it sister Mary pleaseee remember me *tunafingers* I WAS WATCHING TV LAST NIGHT AND I SEE SOME CHICK CLEANING A TOILET WITH AN APRON ON *2nafngrs* AND A CHILL GOES DOWN MY SPINE! Justice for all is not the best anything Hi all. Happy Veterans Day You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Vampires Lair” XMr WorfX: ::unsheathes his sword:: BaudriR: 8. X BlackFang X: ::looks to Worf and snarls:: ChaseAIexander: you should leave before you get in trouble... BaudriR: ::But defying the social can take the reverse form of a renewed outbreak:: X BlackFang X: ::rolls off the couch and stands on his feet:: BaudriR: ::of the social simulacrum,:: XxLady Briannexx: ::Raises an eyebrow at Chase, glancing to Worf, walking to the bar, towards Chase:: BaudriR: ::of social demand:: X BlackFang X: ::walks to worf and grabs him by the neck, and lifts him off the ground:: BaudriR: ::of demand for the social:: XMr WorfX: ::lifted:: X BlackFang X: i should snap your nect for what you did to that girl last night.... XxLady Briannexx: ::Raises an eyebrow at BlackFang::Huh... ChaseAIexander: :: turns back to brianne as he mummered lightly under his breath :: my love..... X BlackFang X: *neck BaudriR: ::An exacerbated, compulsive hyperconformity:: ChaseAIexander: :: his eyes flashed a dark yellow and then returned to normal :: XxLady Briannexx: ::As she arrives at him, she smiles, motioning to the stool next to him::May I sit? BaudriR: ::a much more pressing demand for the social as norm and as discourse:: ChaseAIexander: be my guest Ravin Black Rose: -=she walks, non-chalantly and simply pushes a piece of dark hair behind her slightly ChaseAIexander: :: he slowly sat down himself :: XMr WorfX: Look guys Im not interested in any fighting this morning Ravin Black Rose: pointed ear=X BlackFang X: ::snarls and throws him out the door, and right into a tree:: X BlackFang X: ::grabs his sword and throws it out after him:: X BlackFang X: ::slams the door shut:: You have just entered room “Canada- French - Le Bistro” BKA617: IS ANY TALKING 239 BaudriR: BKA617: BKA617: BaudriR: BKA617: Lmpbzkit25338704: BaudriR: Lmpbzkit25338704: BaudriR: Lmpbzkit25338704: BaudriR: Nikchen81: BaudriR: BKA617: BKA617: BaudriR: BKA617: BaudriR: BKA617: BKA617: BaudriR: PRETTYBOY90: PRETTYBOY90: 9. A/S EVERYONE? 14/F See, L'Echange symbolique et la mort, WEE wee wee the three levels of residue je sui lomp de la mere : yik shop limp bizkit value in the economic order, Salut tt le monde phantasm in the psychic order, DEBOUT ? signification in the linguistic order. SE DEBOTTER So oneh should also add here the residual status of the social in the . . . CE ?\ social order. HI BYE You have just entered room “Life - Bible Fellowship” Abdulam127: the christians of america YthLdr4God: I am sorry but there is NOTHING limiting my Lord BaudriR: 10. Abdulam127: and we will shed light our enemies BaudriR: See the case of the Guayaki Dvlpl5: good mornin joyce Tatercan: YT, GOD CAN'T LIE Broken Comforts: Yah they scarred Abdulam127: and unveil there secret plans Broken Comforts: They have nobody to help them DupontJG: vj yuou have mail Broken Comforts: They have to do it, alone BaudriR: or the Tupi-Gusrani MagnumDA11: back later folks, maybe this room can solve the election problem while I am gone, God Bless Abdulam127: this enemy is outward OctbrDawn: yep lil, its a simple matter of following the law, no need to get in a tizzy Abdulam127: looking to destroy our nation Abdulam127: from within Broken Comforts: Get the governments help... which they pay dearly for... is just horrible Lilbit4JC: Joyce I am good thanks :) Abdulam127: we must resist BaudriR: Guarani: OctbrDawn: its such as this that makes a nation stronger, not weaker, this is how its supposed to work Abdulam127: and persure honor and integrity and truth BaudriR: whenever such residue appears, JoyceKC30: Vjeanie hello and how are you? Broken Comforts: Octbr... freedom makes us weaker OctbrDawn: if anyone wants it to be easy, i suggest taking a trip about 90 miles south of Fl BaudriR: it is drained off by messianic leaders OctbrDawn: easy there, no choices Broken Comforts: This society is falling BaudriR: into the Atlantic, Ammanni: i think this is all part of God's plan 240 BaudriR: Ammanni: Abdulam127: BaudriR: OOHH GIRLIE: Ammanni: Abdulam127: BaudriR: DupontJG: FourkidsJLC: Broken Comforts: JoyceKC30: Remodling2: YthLdr4God: DupontJG: BaudriR: OctbrDawn: YthLdr4God: Chlajo2000: Broken Comforts: Remodling2: BaudriR: OOHH GIRLIE: OctbrDawn: OOHH GIRLIE: OOHH GIRLIE: LadyAngel75: H20 RUSH79: Lilbit4JC: Remodling2: OOHH GIRLIE: BaudriR: DupontJG: Broken Comforts: Broken Comforts: OctbrDawn: OOHH GIRLIE: Broken Comforts: Remodling2: OOHH GIRLIE: Broken Comforts: OOHH GIRLIE: OOHH GIRLIE: OctbrDawn: OOHH GIRLIE: Abdulam127: in the form of eschatological movements, showing the failure of government the pillars which purge the group of its "social" Someone is proggin me out of this chat. preparing us for one world govlernment of a forever standing republic residue. al gores personal quest at the exspense of this nation is unfathomable Are you all still talking politics????? Oohh, lol, could be AOL Oohh Girlie hello OHH what does that mean? Why do people argue about this - trust the the Lord has it all undercontrol. its outrageous and downright trerasonous Not only political power (Clastres) yeah dup, good think bush doesn't do anything bad huh? He sees and knows whats going on and has it under His authority i am seeking more strength . prraay forr me But if you think someone is doing that, you need to turn your chat sounds off Ohh what is progging? but even the social is averteda It's too hard they say. dup, how'd you get so full of b.s. this morning? I gotta feed my kids. .. etc etc. Thanks Trisha hello joyce LOL Trish I think she meant booted Oct it is a natural state What are they gonna say when the rubber REALLY meets the road? as disintegrated / disintegrating agency. Full of bs? They gotta feed their kids... then they have to work to feed their kids then they have to see their kids are in school yes, its the rhetoric of your kind that feeds this stupid attitude Broken, the Democratic party.. then they have to see the government take most of their money Joyce room is going kind of fast mainly CONSISTS of those DEPENDENT on government as MASTER. which can be used for tax free food We all know that. They WANT more government. we all know that?? um, no, only the delusional know that It means THEY GET more FREE. GIRLIE , is that why HILLARY has been elected SENATOR OF NEW YORK You have just entered room “Friends - The Dance Floor” Puckman685: everyone BaudriR: 11. POWERGIRL101: a/s/l/p name QueenQt247: ..? Respectdadawg: knocked out BaudriR: This system of equivalences is not necessarily linked JoE3Dime: DOES NE ONE TAKE DANCE CLASSES IN HERE? Respectdadawg: inthe water Tazzz214: <-------------------------------bored CuTePriNciPeSsA: yoyoyo 241 BaudriR: QueenQt247: Tessy282: QueenQt247: Tessy282: CuTePriNciPeSsA: BaudriR: Puckman685: Respectdadawg: CokeColaPrincess: MirandaJJ: Respectdadawg: BaudriR: CokeColaPrincess: Tessy282: BaudriR: Puckman685: JoE3Dime: BaudriR: Tazzz214: CuTePriNciPeSsA: QueenQt247: BaudriR: JoE3Dime: BaudriR: Respectdadawg: QueenQt247: CokeColaPrincess: QueenQt247: MirandaJJ: MirandaJJ: Tessy282: to the political economy of capital. ur a dumba$$ stops at the bridge and sees respect floting there to be engaged and dives in after him im in ballet The equilibrium between work and remuneration, <~~ []D [] []V[] [}D still knocked out whats up hows it hanging? goes under between merit and enjoyment, ? pulls him out of the lake is perhaps, i didn't make it IF YOU TAKE DANCE CLASSES HIT 33 beyond any bourgeois ethic, o...its tight any one wanna talk to 15/f <!~[]D [] []\/[] []Dtress a measure of oneself, 15/M HERE WANNA CHAT HIT 33 OR IM ME and a form of resistance. stillknocked out porn <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lisa's color i feel it fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck whispering come on respect wake up You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - Todays News” CMilBasQui: then again I have heard many things on tv I don't believe BaudriR: Should something come your way MNMOSSABLE 84: alot of military personal voted dem. overseas/have relative in forces BaudriR: without equivalent, Milkman4uOK: What a mess CMilBasQui: the Bush people are trying to stop the counting before it goes any further BaudriR: the blessing may be mixed. CMilBasQui: they are afraid of something Milkman4uOK: We need the UN to step in between Gore and Bush MNMOSSABLE 84: It is embaressing BaudriR: Holderlin's madness came to him IdaOscar: there are two states where they are not obligated to but as a rule always comply--New Hampsh BaudriR: from this prodigality of the Gods Milkman4uOK: They need to toss a coin MNMOSSABLE 84: I hope whoever gets elected gets rid of Janet Reno BaudriR: from this grace of the Gods which overwhelms you LindaF1225: It is embarrassing, but I'm at the point now, where I just want it to be over Shhhhon: they tossed a coin in a race in Arkansas this year - pretty funny BaudriR: and becomes fatal if it can't be redeemed LindaF1225: the only thing I can soy for sure, is that in the end, the president will be a 4 letter word LindaF1225: who ever it may be Milkman4uOK: Either bring the UN in or toss a coin. BaudriR: or counterbalanced by some human equivalence, CMilBasQui: both are losing by this, no matter who wins 242 BaudriR: Shhhhon: BaudriR: MNMOSSABLE 84: LindaF1225: LindaF1225: Shhhhon: CMilBasQui: BaudriR: MNMOSSABLE 84: BaudriR: CMilBasQui: BaudriR: CMilBasQui: MNMOSSABLE 84: Milkman4uOK: BaudriR: MNMOSSABLE 84: BaudriR: LindaF1225: Milkman4uOK: CMilBasQui: CMilBasQui: BaudriR: Crissdad: LindaF1225: Shhhhon: BaudriR: MNMOSSABLE 84: BUSHequalsMORON: Shhhhon: Milkman4uOK: BaudriR: BaudriR: LindaF1225: MNMOSSABLE 84: CMilBasQui: BaudriR: Milkman4uOK: LindaF1225: from the earth, exactly CM from toil. Over but the voters in Palm Beach have a right to be heard correctly They interviewed people over seas today on CNN... they think we're a joke that is true MN I agree Mnm Here there is a sort of law which has nothing to do with bourgeois ethics. Thats what DEMOCRACY is all about More familiar to us, I think that county deserves a recount witness the fatal disorder in people overexposed to wealth adn to good fortune and Fl needs to clean up its act before the next election Me to CM yes but its not fair to have a recount just because your candidate did not win - thus those customers in a large store who were offered to help themselves the whole country does there were many mistakes to anything they wanted: but honestly, what moran would punch 2 holes for some item, and think it's ok? Would they have asked for a recount had Gore won, no a state with so many elderly people needs to make that ballot easy to read and easy to under stand pandemonium broke out. seems like bush wants the prez awfully bad He is in such a hurry.Whats he afraid of? why did they not ask for new bollot when they realized mistake? the whole country should revote - we'd probably get 100% turn out! Or again those wine growers to whom the Sate offered more money MILK that is not the thought in my opinion/even if the other way bush is scared to death of an accurate recount he's afraid that he'll be stuck in Texas There are people who will help you at the polls if you are confused to pull out their vines than they could get by working them. They were much more destructured by this unexpected subsidy we need a uniform ballot..ez read...all 50 states. period People have a RIGHT as citizens to be heard CORRECTLY elderly people get confused easily and are embarrassed to admit it than by any traditional exploitation of their labor power. If you have any questions, people at the polls will help you that is true milkman.. You have just entered room “Life - bipolar disorder” KarNita JueL: Unlike MY DOG BaudriR: 12. Soulofadreamr: falicies BaudriR: Fourth hypothesis. Soulofadreamr: u talking to me? KarNita JueL: I AM B EING KILLED Soulofadreamr: I was trading pics with donovan BaudriR: The implosion of the social into the masses. Soulofadreamr: I'm pleyful grl.. just goofing off BaudriR: This hypothesis is aking to hypothesis 3 SINNHERE3: Tricky.....goin to shower.....I'll call ya or call me @---;---------KarNita JueL: i like to pic KarNita JueL: my nose BaudriR: (simulation/deterrence/implosion) KarNita JueL: and flick it on the walls 243 BaudriR: Falaciesend: KarNita JueL: BaudriR: Soulofadreamr: SSbriTania: in another form. implosion <hmmm> and hear it make taht STICK fluBber It is developed in the main text. anyone else want to trade pics? hey carmen for the entire week for a camper, which sleeps 6 You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - WEB DESIGNERS” Maven Loves You: you sit inside and sit on your computer Pimp Daddy Tripp: anyone have flash5 SCENARlO: how would you know? Maven Loves You: fatass SCENARlO: you wouldn't NightmareMatrix: I do SCENARlO: so SCENARlO: go SCENARlO: play nintendo SCENARlO: FagGiE Maven Loves You: *dreamcast BaudriR: THE IMPLOSION OF MEANING IN THE MEDIA I Itz method I: .·´¯`·. < a href=>lex idle3</a> ßy click I Itz method I: `·._.·´ idle for [0:47] - Reason: [playing madden 2001 for ps2] Maven Loves You: Faggie SCENARlO: OMG Maven Loves You: ROFL SCENARlO: DREAMCAST Xx Bopp xX: people that ask for software for x-mas=lame SCENARlO: YOUARESOCOOL BaudriR: We are in a universe SCENARlO: BRB CRYING :*( NightmareMatrix: The only game for Dreamcast is Sonic. BaudriR: where there is more and more information, Xx Bopp xX: wtf Xx Bopp xX: only game? BaudriR: and less and less meaning. Xx Bopp xX: is sonic? Maven Loves You: only game Maven Loves You: ROFL NightmareMatrix: I mean the only Hott game Maven Loves You: theres over 150 games for dc BaudriR: Consider three hypotheses: Xx Bopp xX: they got over 50 games Xx Bopp xX: 150? Xx Bopp xX: damn BaudriR: 1. - Either information produces meaning Judtheman: does anyone need a webdesigner? IM me I Itz method I: .·´¯`·. < a href=>lex idle3</a> ßy click I Itz method I: `·._.·´ idle for [0:48] - Reason: [playing madden 2001 for ps2] Xx Bopp xX: best game ever...for ever... Maven Loves You: theres lik 175 games Xx Bopp xX: ShenMue BaudriR: (a negentropic factor) Maven Loves You: and 3.5 million dc's in theus Maven Loves You: shenmue owns Maven Loves You: damn im hooked to the story BaudriR: , but doesn't succeed in compensating for the brutal loss of signification NightmareMatrix: I heard Shen-mu sucked after all these years in waiting. Xx Bopp xX: im gonna get it for x-mas 244 Xx Bopp xX: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: Maven Loves You: Maven Loves You: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: NightmareMatrix: NightmareMatrix: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: Xx Bopp xX: Xx Bopp xX: Maven Loves You: Xx Bopp xX: BaudriR: CJ Stylee: SCENARlO: Judtheman: SCENARlO: NightmareMatrix: Xx Bopp xX: Xx Bopp xX: Xx Bopp xX: NightmareMatrix: Xx Bopp xX: Maven Loves You: Xx Bopp xX: Xx Bopp xX: Xx Bopp xX: Xx Bopp xX: I Itz method I: I Itz method I: BaudriR: NightmareMatrix: NightmareMatrix: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: Maven Loves You: Maven Loves You: BaudriR: Xx Bopp xX: Xx Bopp xX: Xx Bopp xX: NightmareMatrix: Xx Bopp xX: Xx Bopp xX: CoOldAwG182: BaudriR: NightmareMatrix: AKO87: SCENARlO: SCENARlO: Maven Loves You: Maven Loves You: CoOldAwG182: SCENARlO: Maven Loves You: Maven Loves You: =] in every domain. nightmare STFU see The reinjection of message and content people always say 'i heard' x Maven nah j/k by means of the media is vain, damn why do you have to go by others peoples opinions Mightmare..dude your fuckin lame man just get the fuck out try it out yourself gay ass bitch since meaning is devoured and lost more rapidy than it is reinjected. If you need a logo/banner made, IM ME, its free. i played that snowboard game for ps2 anyone need a website made for you? IM me it's gay Bopp how many people do you TRY to curse? stfu bitchj fuck get a life ** fuckin pansy i cant wait till shenmue 2 wtf you gonna do report me ? i mscared .·´¯`·. < a href=>lex idle3</a> ßy click `·._.·´ idle for [0:50] - Reason: [playing madden 2001 for ps2] In this case, Pansy?? thats the gayest thing ever You cant even spell appeal has to be made to a productivity at the base baud dont comitt suicide or anything man okay? in order to relieve the failing media. no, im not an expert at the keyboard.. i dont sit here 24/7 plus i mscared??? im typin fast dumb fuck' ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ADOBE PHOTOSHOP? This is the whole ideology of free speech, Sure nightmare.. you should see the things he does for attention... Baud wtf just dont comitt suicide baud okay? ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ADOBE PHOTOSHOP?PRESS316 cuz' YOUR GAY GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE 245 CoOldAwG182: NightmareMatrix: BaudriR: CoOldAwG182: Maven Loves You: BaudriR: SCENARlO: Maven Loves You: SCENARlO: SCENARlO: NightmareMatrix: BaudriR: SCENARlO: SCENARlO: SCENARlO: SCENARlO: SCENARlO: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: I Itz method I: I Itz method I: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: Maven Loves You: Maven Loves You: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: SCENARlO: Maven Loves You: Maven Loves You: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: NightmareMatrix: Maven Loves You: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: I Itz method I: I Itz method I: Maven Loves You: Sk8ter0055: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: Xx Bopp xX: BaudriR: NightmareMatrix: I h2 hype I: Sk8ter0055: I Itz method I: I Itz method I: BaudriR: Sk8ter0055: BaudriR: NightmareMatrix: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: Maven Loves You: Maven Loves You: ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ADOBE PHOTOSHOP?PRESS316 I could tell he's the gay one in here of the media subdivided into innumerable indivividual cells of transmission ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ADOBE PHOTOSHOP?PRESS316 cells of transmission , indeed "anti-media" wth are you talking about i think i learned that in science in HS anti-media this is aol fat hacker Where you at bopp?? Gay fuck (CB radios, etc.). uM x bau baudrir; ignored. WOO SUxIT 2. - Or information has nothing to do with signification. lol .·´¯`·. < a href=>lex idle3</a> ßy click `·._.·´ idle for [0:52] - Reason: [playing madden 2001 for ps2] It is something else, this is the dude that goes to columbine and shoots up people an operational model of another order, ^rofl wERd upx to my coLumbine kids who wants shenmue? im seeling it for 30 outside of meaning and the circulation of meaning properly speaking. bucks I can beat that game in one hour *selling This is the hypothesis of Shannon: night .·´¯`·. < a href=>lex idle3</a> ßy click `·._.·´ idle for [0:53] - Reason: [playing madden 2001 for ps2] ROFL my school is gonna be the next columbine a sphere of information that is purely instrumental, im gonna report you to the local authorities sk8ter a technical medium implying no end purpose of meaning, who wants shenmue for 30 buckaroos? me and thus which must not itself be implication in a value judgement. NOBODY!!!!! -ASCII / not doin nothin... but i know it will.....we already had sum1 lit the trash can .·´¯`·. < a href=>lex idle3</a> ßy click `·._.·´ idle for [0:54] - Reason: [playing madden 2001 for ps2] A kind of code, perhaps like the genetic code: on fire during the first week of school it is what it is, Yea...Maybe gay ass bopp wants it. it functions as it does; night dude STFU 246 BaudriR: Maven Loves You: Xx Bopp xX: Maven Loves You: BaudriR: Maven Loves You: NightmareMatrix: NightmareMatrix: BaudriR: ParadoxChild: BaudriR: JLy789: FunkySummerGirl: Xxflashharryxx: DebbieMartin: AthlonPrince: BaudriR: ParadoxChild: FunkySummerGirl: BaudriR: AthlonPrince: BaudriR: ParadoxChild: FOZZ D1: FunkySummerGirl: FunkySummerGirl: DebbieMartin: BaudriR: FunkySummerGirl: FunkySummerGirl: BaudriR: ParadoxChild: CAMKORN: BaudriR: FOZZ D1: FOZZ D1: ParadoxChild: CAMKORN: BaudriR: CAMKORN: FOZZ D1: AthlonPrince: FunkySummerGirl: BaudriR: BaudriR: FunkySummerGirl: JLy789: BaudriR: FunkySummerGirl: FunkySummerGirl: BaudriR: SWAGATCHHA: meaning is something else, bopp, send me the money nah k coming afterwards in some way, WHO WANTS SHENMUE?30 BUCKS MAVEN DUDE stfu already as in Jacques Monod's Chance and Necessity. funky In this case, I think you just need or can put name in yes? what does that mean??? anyone help????? Come on u guys answer a distress call there would simply be no sifnificant relation between the inflation of information start from the beginin hoowwwwwww and the deflation of meaning. Deb state the nature of your prob 3. - Or rather the contrary: double click it to get winzip ok AthlonPrince, you work for PC World <g> oh god this is getting on my neves I am using my brothers computer as I delted some stuff off mine and crashed the hard drive i,ve got this pc and i want to format it? there is a rigorous and necessary correlation between the two, and now my computer won't boot double click on what? to the textent that information is directly destructive of meaning and the thing u downloaded help!!! significatino FunkySummerGirl, so yer trying to install a virus on his so that wont boot either LOL ok.,,,tell me what happens. bahhhhhhhhhhh# , or neutralizes it. help!!!!! DebbieMartin, you dont want to format Deb you experienced lol nooooooo, this is a brand new pc The loss fo meaning is directly linked to the dissolving and dissuasive action of information, my brother is letting me use it I'll help you Cam <SMACK> the media, he is only 10 lol and the mass media. anyone know anything about psiwin? You have just entered room “Special Interests - Car Chat” QuickAzzCivic: want something with more hp and torque IPDvolvoz: 1999 volvo v70r A53CORVET: HAVE U CLEANED IT UP BaudriR: The third hypothesis is the most interesting, 247 IPDvolvoz: TiddilyY: BaudriR: BlindSk8ter2002: Falcon300Z: IPDvolvoz: BaudriR: TiddilyY: QuickAzzCivic: AN84BUICK: TiddilyY: Pp1982: Falcon300Z: BaudriR: Ron Leyes: A53CORVET: BlindSk8ter2002: BaudriR: Ron Leyes: TiddilyY: BaudriR: IPDvolvoz: Falcon300Z: Pp1982: BlindSk8ter2002: Ron Leyes: BaudriR: Ron Leyes: BaudriR: AN84BUICK: BlindSk8ter2002: BaudriR: Pp1982: BaudriR: Ron Leyes: BlindSk8ter2002: Ron Leyes: BaudriR: AN84BUICK: AN84BUICK: BaudriR: AN84BUICK: BlindSk8ter2002: BaudriR: AN84BUICK: Bong12987: BaudriR: Ron Leyes: Ron Leyes: Pp1982: BaudriR: Pp1982: AN84BUICK: AN84BUICK: BaudriR: BIGMAN77OL: BaudriR: AN84BUICK: Bong12987: and a 1982 volvo 244ti 300hp clean it with what? although it goes against the grain of all accepted opinion. anyone in here drive a nova hey someone send me a pic please i need to try something tidd do you know what a v70r looks like Everywhere socialization is measured according to exposure through media messages. no but not interested in volvos civic runs but want to break into the nines hey man clean the engine with what???? does anybody know anything about 1961 Ford Falcon because i have some questions to ask anyone in here have a pic of anything aat all? Those who are under-exposed to the media are virtually asocial or desocialized. '67 Nova SS 7.52 @ 186 TAKE IT AND HAVE IT STEAMED ron do u have a pic Everywhere information is reputed to produce an accelerated circulation of meaning, no, blind whats that? a plu-value of meaning any 1 want a pic of Wills bad ass volvos im me blind you have a pic hey Ron do u think i could put a 289 engine in my 61 falcon no blind, i can answer most of your questions homologous to teh economic plus-value which results from the Pp, yea accelerated rotation of capital. oh boy... an intellectual no i am just looking to buy a nova Information if given as creative communicaion, what about a 302 and even if the wastage is enormous oh its for sell, rolling 35,000 and im wondering what the best year to buy is Pp you could fit anything you want, just might have to change the mounts a general consensus would have it that there is in the total nonetheless a '69 or '70 Nova SS Big block a suplus of meaning, future money makers i like the 69's which is redistributed in all the interstices of the social fabric they are under valued wwwaaassszzzuuuppp - just as a consensus would have it that material production, Blind if you wanna see a pic of my car, get an back issue of "hot street cars" summer '97 its on the cover well the engine compartment is a little small but the most i could go is 302 despite its dysfunctions and irrationalities, i am just trying to get others opinions bench seat option is prefered rarer nevertheless leads to an excess of wealth and social finality. any mopars in here? We are all accomplices in this myth. <-- Buick GN aar cuda 248 Ron Leyes: AN84BUICK: TourDe31: BaudriR: BIGMAN77OL: BlindSk8ter2002: Ron Leyes: Socparty98: BaudriR: Ron Leyes: CleerBlu98: BaudriR: BIGMAN77OL: BaudriR: AN84BUICK: CleerBlu98: TourDe31: CleerBlu98: BaudriR: AN84BUICK: Ron Leyes: Ron Leyes: BaudriR: BlindSk8ter2002: my friend has a 70 barracuda 500 ci. 8.32 @ 164, nice ride one of 2,000 <--------------- Bow Tie Pride It is the alpha and omega of our modernity, <==70 cuda 440, 69 road runner 383, 70 road runner im restoring where u from ron indiana wuz up room without which the credibility of our social organization would collapse. the reason im selling mine, im building a 00 stang for next season 18*f*pa here Yet the fact is that it is collapsing, Ron.....your friends car street legal? what classes does he race in? and for this very reason. cool Cleer 39/M Colorado here hey Soc *drop* ur just a tad older AN8 Just where we think that information is producing meaning, yeah,,, a tadf yea, me and him drive it to local car cruise's, he isn't in a class, he race's it at the loc al drag strip we have it is doing the exact opposite. ron what size motor do u have You have just entered room “Special Interests - Beanie Toys” SPaRkLyStAr4U: WHO IN HERE LIKES BS??? PRESSS 345 DADDYZGURL: if u wan to put a new sn on your bl press 123 and no it is no going to be my sn BaudriR: Information devours its own contents; DADDYZGURL: hi dads kid DadsKid89: sup BaudriR: it devours communication and the social, DADDYZGURL: n2m DADDYZGURL: u SPaRkLyStAr4U: if you like brittany spears pess 345 DadsKid89: nm here BaudriR: and for two reasons: DadsKid89: 345 Cindylysia: Apes, i got Buckingham as a christmas gift straight from Scotland. =) BaudriR: 1. Instead of causing communication, DADDYZGURL: 345 SPaRkLyStAr4U: hey dads m or f Apesbears519: thats great cindy DadsKid89: f BaudriR: it exhausts itself in the act of staging the communication; SPaRkLyStAr4U: ok listen to this.... DadsKid89: u BaudriR: instead of producing meaning, BaudriR: it exhausts itself in the staging of meaning. Apesbears519: i'm trying to trade for it cindy CoolCrissy55: ANTONE WANT 2 CHAT BaudriR: It is a gigantic process of simulation CoolCrissy55: IM ME BaudriR: with which we are very familiar. Cindylysia: Apes, I was thinking about trading my nipponia for something. BaudriR: The non-directed interview, speech, listeners who telephone in, Apesbears519: why BaudriR: participation at all levels, 249 CoolCrissy55: Cindylysia: BaudriR: CoolCrissy55: BaudriR: Apesbears519: BaudriR: TigerEyez224: BaudriR: TigerEyez224: BaudriR: Cindylysia: BaudriR: CoolCrissy55: BaudriR: DadsKid89: Apesbears519: BaudriR: BaudriR: CoolCrissy55: CARoney: BaudriR: DadsKid89: BaudriR: BaudriR: !@#$%^&*()_+ Don't know, Apes...but i guess i should keep it. it was just a thought. blackmail through speech - all say: DONT ASK "It's your concern, you are the event, etc." oh see i have extra sakura to trade More and more information is invaded by this sort of phantom content, Anyone here go to school this homeopathic graft, this awakened dream of communication. I have a rare beanie It is a circular set-up in which the desire of the audience is put on stage, i could probably do without my germania buddy an anti-theater of communication, I GO 2 SCHOOL which, as we know, is never anything but the recycling "in the negative" so do i no buddies here no room beanies attic treasures boyd's of traditional institutions, the integrated circuit of the negative. I AM IN 5TH GRADE where are all the roomies at? Immense energies are deployed in order to keep this simulacre standing upright, im in the 6 but souposed to be in 8th grade and to avoid the brutal de-simulation which would confront us with the obvious reality of a radical loss of meaning. You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Book Shelf” Derwen1: Hugh grant ROBINO17: bouvard and pecuchet... LSnyder262: Land grant Derwen1: foster grant BaudriR: It is useless to wonder if it is the loss of communication w DameRecamier023: Lou Grant ROBINO17: lewis and clark.... LSnyder262: Cary Grant BaudriR: which causes this escalation in the simulacre, Tmetrvlrll: lee grant DR ALLAN KILGOUR: magic toolz LMs0620: like a pooch Gwbax: damn BaudriR: or if it is the simulacre which is there first, LMs0620: or worse LSnyder262: Lord, Grant me the knowlege to ya da da da BaudriR: with its dissuasive finality, DR ALLAN KILGOUR: M DR ALLAN KILGOUR: © DicaeMarnr: does anyone remember The Year without a Santa Claus? DR ALLAN KILGOUR: ‹^›( `;´ )‹^› Derwen1: granted, linda ROBINO17: no Derwen1: ( BC? Moonmet: i do dicae...every year BaudriR: since it short-circuits in advance all possibility of communication DicaeMarnr: the one with Heat Meiser? DicaeMarnr: oh moon Moonmet: <---funny girl DameRecamier023: Santa Claus is a goy? BaudriR: (precession of the model which puts an end to the real). 250 ROBINO17: Gwbax: Derwen1: BaudriR: ROBINO17: LMs0620: DicaeMarnr: DameRecamier023: BaudriR: ROBINO17: Seesaw man: BaudriR: DicaeMarnr: ROBINO17: DameRecamier023: BaudriR: Gwbax: DR ALLAN KILGOUR: BaudriR: Gwbax: BaudriR: DR ALLAN KILGOUR: BaudriR: DameRecamier023: ROBINO17: Tmetrvlrll: Derwen1: ArtsSF: gothic Ulysses S Grant Hey, where's what's-her-face? It is useless to wonder which is the first term. callisto vs rl Its in the Family channel at eight Um...who is Baud talking to? There is none, it is a cicular process bookshelf howdy all that of simulation , ok I better go make dinner bookshlelf {{{{{{CC***}}}}}} that of the hyperreal: yea a giant swastiga growing in a forest in germany has been removed, said on npr, dont get it a hyperreality of communication and of meaning, g'night all more real than the real. ???? Hence the real is abolished. :) baudrillard? only shows up in fall Allan allan: it was larch trees planted in a pattern Allan, how can a swastika grow in a forest.. You have just entered room “Life - Beliefs Buddhism” Shargolf: yoda's for losers Alikali123: otherwise, you and i can simply not tell LdyCait99: yoga too Shargolf: so is yoga Asjrinzel: That's nice, Con. You realize you're in the wrong room, right? BaudriR: Thus communication as well as the social functions as a closed circuit Goddess Bodhi: right... DakiniKat: my keyboard froze up couldn't type a damn thing BaudriR: , as a lure Alikali123: whether we are experiencing a lot of delusion Alikali123: and falling into errors of view BaudriR: to which is attached the force of a myth. Goddess Bodhi: which i am... RedHot1811: hey im doing a report on buddisum does anybody know where to get info Alikali123: or cleaning our mind in a buddhist manner Asjrinzel: Try a search engine. carrotlife: Red- OldCaesar7: yea so m i and i dunno where 2 look My2centsn: there are some great sites BaudriR: The belief and the faith in information attahced to this tautological proof Shargolf: yeah red try the fuckin library Alikali123: the reason for relying on tradition is threefold Shargolf: ya moron Goddess Bodhi: i am learning... but how do i find a teacher... when it i stime or.. patience? ZenView: Alik- you ever read "Shaving the Inside of your Skull"? BaudriR: give the system itself, by doubling its signs, an unlocatable reality. Asjrinzel: Shar, be nice. You're really over the bloody top again. Conman363000: patience goddessbodhi 251 Alikali123: Linzz186: Conman363000: My2centsn: OldCaesar7: SweetiPie877: Conman363000: Conman363000: Alikali123: Goddess Bodhi: Goddess Bodhi: BaudriR: Alikali123: Goddess Bodhi: BaudriR: Alikali123: Linzz186: Conman363000: Asjrinzel: carrotlife: BaudriR: ZenView: LdyCait99: Goddess Bodhi: Conman363000: BaudriR: Goddess Bodhi: Asjrinzel: Alikali123: Alikali123: BaudriR: Alikali123: My2centsn: BaudriR: Conman363000: BaudriR: Alikali123: Linzz186: Alikali123: Asjrinzel: BaudriR: Graysonroc: Goddess Bodhi: Linzz186: Conman363000: Alikali123: BaudriR: Alikali123: Goddess Bodhi: ZenView: Antithesis153: Asjrinzel: BaudriR: Alikali123: ZenView: Shargolf: BaudriR: Conman363000: carrotlife: firstly, although our own experience of meditation WILL BE authentic i like sex patience is key Goddess-when you are ready a teacher will find you i have no clue where 2 look really? me 2 me 3 I LOVE YOGA since no-body else is experiencing the truth of the path for us ah... i do need help with that .... afreed.... But this belief may be thought to be as ambiguous as the one attached to myths and since we are no longer living vicariously agreed** in archaic societies. through the recorded experience of others, fiction and so on will sumone have sex with me i wil\ Grrrr... Ignora has spoken. (click click click) Grayson :) :) One both believes and doesn't believe. Yoga Berra- now that is one stupid baseball player hi Yin well i am groing towards the goal... sex i also a good way to cleanse the spirit The question if simply not posed. growing... Wrong site, guys. Get a life. so we needn't worry that by developing a healthy teacher-student relationship "I know very well, but all the same...." we would some how be travelling a worn-out track Asj-clicked a long time ago A sort of inverted simulation corresponds in the masses, hdfjkhsdgf in each one of us, since in engaging the path for ourself we are doing something emf<click> we have not only never, ever done before No. I'm here. I'm just ignoring the idiots. to this simulation of meaning and of cummunication in which this system encloses us. Hello Carrot:):) didnt see you sitting there ali.. what should i do in the meantime? just breathe? emf do u wuv me i doooo but also beginning to free our mind of confusion and mistaken belief To the tautology of the system the masses have responded with ambivalence; live kindly goddess bless you ali... Asj- hey, am I one of those idiots? hi idiots No. You're still here. to dissuasion they have responded with disaffection, bless you and relax goddess bodhi. :-) hey moron and an always enigmatic belief. HAPPY CHRISTMAS Anti :) :) 252 Alikali123: BaudriR: Antithesis153: My2centsn: BaudriR: Goddess Bodhi: Asjrinzel: Alikali123: Shargolf: ZenView: Goddess Bodhi: BaudriR: Shargolf: Alikali123: Goddess Bodhi: Alikali123: Shargolf: Antithesis153: Asjrinzel: Antithesis153: BaudriR: Shargolf: Conman363000: BaudriR: Alikali123: Asjrinzel: Blackfoot21271: Alikali123: BaudriR: Asjrinzel: BaudriR: Shargolf: BaudriR: Alikali123: My2centsn: CherryPoppins68: Alikali123: Blackfoot21271: BaudriR: Conman363000: My2centsn: Linzz186: Asjrinzel: Alikali123: Linzz186: Alikali123: Shargolf: kind heart and wisdom mind develop together The myth exists, kansas city - 1 1/2 at new england 40 o/u Sea : ) but one must guard against thinking that people believe in it. i am now trying .. thank you tenfold I just feel that attempting to seduce anyone in this room is very distasteful, is all. everything will unfold beautifully. anti yer missin ali the wannabe zen master's givin out holy teachings Has Anyone heard of the Sutra of 40 chapters? sounds wonderful That is the trap of cirtical thought, what a fuckin moron there are two more really good reasons for relying on tradition ok which i want to remind everyone of pompous bastard sickens me oh no, i need some brushin up on my buddha rap Shar, Ignora has spoken. (click) shoot great zen shoot which can only be exercized givent he naivete and the stupidity of the masses aw what a shame SHOOT as a presupposition. the second is that even though yes, 'traditions can represent centralized power and may be c Oh, lord. I give up. shargolf get a life of your own, orrupted' 2. Behind this exacerbated staging of communication, I quit. No more. the mass media, aw blackgoot blow it out yer ass ya loser with its pressure of information, still within the fabric of experience and wisdom within the many Buddhist practice lineages Shar-yoour language is deplorable BUDDAH BUDDAH BUDDAH BUDDAH there are many elaborate checks and balances your in the wrong room carries out an irresistable destructuration of the social. nooooooo could you not use a little less profanity emf is my cyber buddy Cherry, stop it now. (click) to prevent exactly the worst of gross errors of view we like to cyber which is thinking oneself already a fully accomplished master like i give a rat's ass what you think of my languafe you pompous loser You have just entered room “Special Interests - Crafts Chat” KG4CQM: they serve Yorkshired everywhere BIGREDMACH: where is lambman8 MischievousMoon: KG4CQM: London and surounding area MRL SEA SHELZ: WHAT KINDS OF CRAFTS IS EVERYONE INTERESTED IN BaudriR: Thus information dissolves meaning and the social BIGREDMACH: ä GTMBC: Who was that that wanted the pic of you and MOCHA, Going? Papabear942: hi bigred 253 MischievousMoon: JCPslave1: GTMBC: BaudriR: MRL SEA SHELZ: BaudriR: SMELLTHEROSE: JCPslave1: Iamgoing4nuts: BaudriR: Queen9024: Lobsterela: KG4CQM: Craftylady53014: MischievousMoon: BaudriR: DR Braeburn: MRL SEA SHELZ: BaudriR: MischievousMoon: BaudriR: Lobsterela: JCPslave1: DR Braeburn: BaudriR: Lobsterela: SMELLTHEROSE: MRL SEA SHELZ: BaudriR: GTMBC: JCPslave1: Eliese: MischievousMoon: Lobsterela: BaudriR: SMELLTHEROSE: Lobsterela: MischievousMoon: Queen9024: Lobsterela: GTMBC: BaudriR: SMELLTHEROSE: Lobsterela: Queen9024: DR Braeburn: KG4CQM: BaudriR: CATHRINE 54381: MischievousMoon: CATHRINE 54381: MischievousMoon: BaudriR: KG4CQM: GTMBC: JCPslave1: DR Braeburn: Queen9024: MRL SEA SHELZ: coon hb BYE cOON Was that Coach? into a sort of nebulous state I DO CANDLE MAKING leading not at all to a surfeit of innovation I love candles GRRR you know i have forgot blond but to the very contrary, Crochet here MRL u live meanr the sea? lots of indian crafts here gotta go-just stopped to say hello-take care all sea so does my sister in here Marq to total entropy. I havent im a natural blonde MY FAVORITE IS BLUEBERRY MUFFIN Thus the media do not bring about socializtion, <<VAMP but just the opposite:t SEA.SO U LIVE NEAR THE SEA???????? Vamp?? got pic? he implosion of the social in the masses. tired of repeating myself here Baudi who r u talking to ? GTMBC DO YOU MAKE YOUR OWN? And this is only the macropscopic extension of the implosion of meaning In fact, my husband is blond, too, AND both our sons are blonde! Vamp from france? I find ways to decorate paper oui my sis I HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the microscopic level of the sign. oh your rambling BIG TIME :o) KG4, where all did you go in England?? NOT GETTING AN ANSWER It's been a long time since I've made blueberry muffins, MRL The latter is to be analyzed starting from McLuhan's formula what Lobs JDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Hey JD and Cat Vamp i will always call you vamp London and all the areas around it the medium is the message, hello moon ok no prob hi queen ;o) the consequences of which are far from being exhausted. had lunch with the Lord Mayor of Coventry KG4, my great grandfather is from Devonshire, England! i got a funny email about how england is revoking our independance.. <*{{()}}>< Fun wasn't it KG4??? I loved York DOES ANY ONE DO SCAPBOOKING 254 Sewsillie: BaudriR: KG4CQM: BaudriR: DR Braeburn: MischievousMoon: KG4CQM: BIGREDMACH: BaudriR: DR Braeburn: MischievousMoon: SMELLTHEROSE: BaudriR: JCPslave1: BIGREDMACH: MRL SEA SHELZ: BaudriR: KG4CQM: GTMBC: BaudriR: KG4CQM: BaudriR: DR Braeburn: DIETNERD: BaudriR: MischievousMoon: BIGREDMACHI59159: BaudriR: GTMBC: BIGREDMACH: DIETNERD: BIGREDMACH: Poldera2000: BIGREDMACH: KG4CQM: Sewsillie: BIGREDMACH: DR Braeburn: KG4CQM: DR Braeburn: BaudriR: BIGREDMACH: BaudriR: DR Braeburn: GTMBC: JCPslave1: BaudriR: DIETNERD: GTMBC: KG4CQM: BaudriR: JCPslave1: MischievousMoon: BaudriR: DR Braeburn: GTMBC: MischievousMoon: GTMBC: Poldera2000: BaudriR your are barking in the WRONG chatroom ! Its meaning is that all the contens of meaning are absorbed in the dominatnt form Hi Misch of teh medium. GT My dads ancestors were from England mrl i can get u links went over with my dad dose anyone rember me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The medium alonge makes the event mothers wedre scotch irish big i do Baudri can u go talk somewhere else please and doesthis whatever the contents, i know a real mayflower family whrere is lambman8 I AM WORKING ON A 50 TH ANNIVERSARY BOOK FOR MY MOM AND DAD whether conformist or subversive. MY FAMILY IS A SCOTCH IRISH AND INDIAN My great grandfather's name was William Box Scoins A serious problem for all counter-information, WHAT A COMBO HUH pirate radios, anti-media, etc. Yes KG a great one hello everyone But there is something even more serious, Pold wow omg long time no seeee where is lambman8 which McLuhan himself did nto make clear. WELCOME, DIETNERD! where is lambman8 what is everyone talking about where is lambman8 hi dr, brae! where is lambman8 THIS ROOM GOES FAST jingle bells jingle bells someone's got a few loose bells!! where is lambman8 HES NOT HERE RED HARD TO KEEP UP HES NOT HERE For beyond this neutraliztion where is he was he in here of all content NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am, too. I finished second crocheting project! im a sign shop slave now , one could still hope to manipulate the medium in its form, I'M GOING TO START MY FIRST INTERIOR JOB IN A WEEK HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS NOW ... all I have to do is block them! ANYONE HERE LIVE IN OR NEAR VIRGINIA and to transform the real by utilizing the impact of the medium as form. i make signs for a livin now DR thnks VAMp died With all content nulllifed, KG$ I am In virginia THAT'S going to be a job. Both pieces measure about 12" by 36"! pleaseeee OUCH! My fingers hurt just thinking about blocking TWO pieces THAT SIZE! aww vamp just hanging out here and there 255 DIETNERD: BaudriR: BaudriR: JCPslave1: BaudriR: KG4CQM: MSEMHAMILTON: SMELLTHEROSE: KG4CQM: DR Braeburn: Poldera2000: BaudriR: KG4CQM: DR Braeburn: Sewsillie: KG4CQM: BaudriR: GTMBC: DIETNERD: DR Braeburn: BaudriR: JCPslave1: DR Braeburn: Poldera2000: BaudriR: MSEMHAMILTON: Sewsillie: KG4CQM: BaudriR: GTMBC: Poldera2000: DR Braeburn: SMELLTHEROSE: Poldera2000: KG4CQM: BaudriR: Lobsterela: DR Braeburn: BaudriR: JCPslave1: Sewsillie: GTMBC: SMELLTHEROSE: Lobsterela: KG4CQM: JDavis2290: SMELLTHEROSE: BaudriR: JCPslave1: GTMBC: BaudriR: DIETNERD: DR Braeburn: DR Braeburn: BaudriR: GTMBC: BaudriR: Sewsillie: JCPslave1: i HAVE TO DECORATE A FORMAL ROOM AND FOYER perhaps there is still a revolutionary and subersive use-value of the midium as such. Vamp got bumped i think Yet ALTAVISTA AREA HERE mrl--- i make customized photo albums Baudri do u have a typing test tomorrow dear ? YUP ever get here? yup and this is where McLuhan's formula at its extreme limit leads NOT OFTEN lynchburg? got a few jingle bells loose I think Smell ! YUP there is not only the implosion of the message in the medium; Last time I took a typing test was on an IBM electric typewriter. 75 wpm/3 errors! ANYONE EVER DECORATE FOR MONEY? I go there too in the same movement there is the implosion of the medium itself in the real, wow..Bau..i know im not in on what youre talkin bout.. everything i do is for Money Diet implosion??? the implosion of the medium and the real in a sort of nebulou hyperreality yes... its my home based business join the club JCP !! I VOLUNTEER WITH A LOCAL RESQ SQUAD nebulous WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, BaudriR????? are we in the matrix?????? male or Femal KG4? shes just rambling hyper reality?? F where even the definition and the distinct actino of the medium how do u remove names from buddy list/ ok Male here are no longer distinguishable. small medium and large I wish that MEDIUM would change to SMALL Almost sounds like some of the English Literature papers I used to type for UC Berkeley baudri wish u were invisibale CAN ANYONE ANSWER ANY OF MY QUESTIONS???????????????? MARRIED O LOB YES Lob what is it ???? Even the "traditonal status" of the media themselves, uh oh Lob in a mood WHAT ??????'s, Lob characteristic of our modernity, NOONE HAS ANSWERED MINE LOBSTERELA ok age? is put into question. IS IT TIME FOR IGNORE???? McLuhan's formula, or simply ceast to exist !!! ok Diet..whats question.."im listening" 256 KG4CQM: GTMBC: BaudriR: DR Braeburn: GTMBC: Poldera2000: DR Braeburn: DIETNERD: BaudriR: Poldera2000: DIETNERD: 36 ... or is it time for me to go home? the medium is the message, Great I think the latter. GOOD BYE is someone practicing their typing? older jC GAD TO SEE SOMEONE IS which is the key formula of the era of simulation ohhhhhhh thats my job!!! SO WHAT IF I CAN'T SPELL TONIGHT You have just entered room “Romance - Catholic Singles” Mousy958322551: wackit i want to BaudriR: (the medium is the message Joe Veena: wack what BaudriR: - the sender is the receiver WimpyPine: hi Mousy958322551: hi joe BaudriR: the circularity of all poles Joe Veena: are these catholics Mousy958322551: a/s/l BaudriR: - the end of the panoptic and perspectival space Joe Veena: as log as your e not a dude BaudriR: such is the alpha and omega of our modernity), Mousy958322551: who me?? MikeEkid23: looking 4 a good girl any of them here WimpyPine: fuck off Joe Veena: who s this plato on line BaudriR: this very formula must be envisaged at its limt, WimpyPine: bye RedDevil13813: "">Click HERE for LIVE SEX SHOWS! *ygp* </a> WimpyPine: jerks BaudriR: where, after all contents and messages have been volatilized in the medium, Mousy958322551: fine girl here lookin for some one to talk to 15/f Joe Veena: is ther eaany one here talking english BaudriR: it is the medium itself which is volatilized as such Mousy958322551: press 888 BaudriR: / MikeEkid23: there are no good girls in this room Joe Veena: 888 BaudriR: . DIXIEDAY79: "">CLICK HERE for Live Sexy Women *ygp*</a> BaudriR: At bottom, You have just entered room “Places - Istanbul” InCoNnUnNoCnl1: yazdim yukarda BaudriR: it is still the message which lends credibility to the medium, QXTHERAPYQQ: BD BAK BASIMA NE GELDI CHAKI QXTHERAPYQQ: IKI SENE EVVEL NOEL BABA GELDI QXTHERAPYQQ: EVE BaudriR: and which gives to the medium its distinct and determined status QXTHERAPYQQ: DEDIMKI ONA QXTRASHXQ: HARBIMI AJAN Ice Tray223: alo Ice Tray223: ajan kim ya LadieRAGE1: slm 257 InCoNnUnNoCnl1: BaudriR: BD102499: BaudriR: Ice Tray223: QXTHERAPYQQ: QXTHERAPYQQ: BD102499: BaudriR: QXTHERAPYQQ: Ice Tray223: BrbrLay: BaudriR: BD102499: InCoNnUnNoCnl1: QXTHERAPYQQ: BD102499: QXTRASHXQ: BaudriR: QXTRASHXQ: InCoNnUnNoCnl1: BD102499: BD102499: BaudriR: QXTRASHXQ: BD102499: InCoNnUnNoCnl1: QXTRASHXQ: BaudriR: BaudriR: InCoNnUnNoCnl1: InCoNnUnNoCnl1: BD102499: BaudriR: QXTRASHXQ: InCoNnUnNoCnl1: Ice Tray223: InCoNnUnNoCnl1: yalanciyi sikim cajan as intermediary of communication. LOL INCON Without a message, kim len bu ajan NEOL BABA ODANIN ORTASINDAN GECME URKUTURSUN VAK VAK LARI KOSEYE CAM AGACI DIKTIM GIT TOPLA KOZALAKLARI ICE AJAN BIZIZ the medium also falls into that indefinite state characteristic of all our great HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHA HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAH iki de bir ajan ajan diyonuz 41/f systems of judgemetn and value. BEN VE TRASH VE THERAPY AJAN OLUYOR ajan <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<AJAN BENIM SEN YENISIN GALIBA BD SENIDE BAYA SARDI BU AJANLIK ISI A single model, NE IS iki saat onumu yazmaya ugrasdin HAHAHAHA YOK BEN CHAKIYIM ARTIK whose efficacy is immediacy, HADI YAAAAAAA EVET <<<<<<<<<<<<<< AJAN IYI IYI simultaneously generates the message, the medium, <<<<<<<<<< no çaki ajan KIM BENIM CAMASIRLARI KURUTMAYA ATMAK ISTER? and the "real." INCON SEN KIMSIN? trash <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ajan dusmani olm You have just entered room “UK - TransAtlantic” Pebbles123259853: hairy are you still here? Daddyrobbo: 1234 You have just entered room “Special Interests - TRUCKERS TALK” LuvThemTruks: mornin ya'll Hugnkss4u: hiya donnna BaudriR: In short, the medium is the message signifies not only the end of the message, LuvThemTruks: Hey Hugn Roadwarrior333: miss yank u not ugly BaudriR: but also the end of the medium. Roadwarrior333: hiya luv LuvThemTruks: Howdy Road BaudriR: There are no longer media in the literal sense of the term Roadwarrior333: well i guess she left BaudriR: (I am talking above all about the electronic mass media) 258 LuvThemTruks: MELYELKIDD: CraZyLaDy0143: BaudriR: CraZyLaDy0143: MELYELKIDD: Roadwarrior333: BaudriR: Hugnkss4u: CraZyLaDy0143: MELYELKIDD: Roadwarrior333: BaudriR: CherokeeLady1209: Roadwarrior333: BaudriR: Roadwarrior333: BaudriR: Hugnkss4u: CherokeeLady1209: BaudriR: Roadwarrior333: BaudriR: CherokeeLady1209: BaudriR: Roadwarrior333: LuvThemTruks: Roadwarrior333: BlueOnBlack54321: BaudriR: DAN01960: Hugnkss4u: BaudriR: Roadwarrior333: Roadwarrior333: Roadwarrior333: BaudriR: Roadwarrior333: BlueOnBlack54321: CherokeeLady1209: CherokeeLady1209: Roadwarrior333: Roadwarrior333: Hugnkss4u: BlueOnBlack54321: Roadwarrior333: BlueOnBlack54321: Roadwarrior333: BlueOnBlack54321: BaudriR: Roadwarrior333: CherokeeLady1209: Roadwarrior333: Roadwarrior333: BlueOnBlack54321: LuvThemTruks: BaudriR: CherokeeLady1209: Roadwarrior333: ummm....what is Baud talkin bout? what the HELLL????? oh oh my relative as entered - that is to say, a power mediating between one reality and another, RAW::::::::::: your relative? cindy? - neither in content nor in form. dont know but aol does that sometimes wether we like it or not lol there black striped lol {</a>S Ignore kma cherokee Strictly spaeking, this i swhat implosion signifies: YOU WISH ROAD hmmmmmmm the absorption of one pole intro another, u in good mood today cherokee? the short-circuit between poles of every diffrential system of meaning, hiya cher OF COURSE I ALLWAYS AM ROAD the effacement of terms and of distinct oppositions, ok whers auntie at? and thus that of the medium and the real. ITS NOT MY DAY ITS YOUR DAY TO KEEP UP WITH HER MY DAY WAS YESTERDAY Hence the impossibility of any mediation, has everybody seen diann's new dog??????? <shaking Baud.....snap out of it kma Kisses N Hugs ROAD Kisses N Hugs of any dialectical intervention between the two or from one to the other, hello nope road i havent circularity of all media effects. well u need to see it ok blue ZIP IT CHEROKEE Hence the impossibility of a sense (meaning), nope zip what? EXCUSE ME ROAD FU i told cherokee to zip it blue see blue rut roh road u in trouble again see what see what she say? nope CherokeeLady1209: FU oh thr FU in the literal sense of a unilateral vector which leads from one pole to another. yea th fu duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh UMMMMMMM ROAD YOU BEEN PICKING ON ME SINCE I CAME IN HERE SO KMA well cherokee u fun to pick on sometimes i feel like telling you the same thing.....lmao watch it chero he will This critical - but original - situation must be thought through to the very end; I WAS BEING GOOD JUST WALKED IIN THE DOOR IS ALL u zip it too blue 259 CherokeeLady1209: BlueOnBlack54321: Roadwarrior333: BaudriR: CherokeeLady1209: Roadwarrior333: Roadwarrior333: CherokeeLady1209: CherokeeLady1209: BlueOnBlack54321: Hugnkss4u: CherokeeLady1209: BaudriR: Roadwarrior333: Roadwarrior333: CherokeeLady1209: Roadwarrior333: BlueOnBlack54321: Hugnkss4u: BaudriR: Roadwarrior333: CherokeeLady1209: BaudriR: CherokeeLady1209: SHOULD I GO OUT AGAIN make me nope it is the only one we are left with. WELL JUST TELL HIM BLUE HE LIKES IT I THINK cherokee???? is this rag day? WHAT THE F*** YOU WANT NOPE SURE ISNT ummmmmmmmmmmmm.....maybe Not here no rag lol JUST PICK ON KEITH DAY It is useless to dream of a revolution through content or through form, watch your mouth now u don't luv? DIDNT SAY NOTHING BAD IM AN ANGEL but the sytoms are still there?????? but i still luv ya road me either luv since the medium and the real are now in a single nebulous state whose truth is i got something u gals can pick WAIT SORRY THATS HELLS ANGEL DOES THAT STILL MEAN IM AN ANGEL undecipherable. EVILS DEMON You have just entered room “Life - HAIRPIECE WEARERS” BaudriR: The fact of this implosion of contents, Rugman008: iwhat? BaudriR: of absorption of meaning, Rugman008: hmmm BaudriR: of the evanescence of the medium itself, Rugman008: oh my God, are you a rocket scientist? BaudriR: of the re-absorption of the whole dailectic of communication in a total circularity BaudriR: of the model, BaudriR: of the implosion of the social in the masses, BaudriR: can appear catastrophic and hopeless. You have just entered room “Japan - K O R E A N C H A T” Sam79114: abc check 1 2 BaudriR: But it is only so in regard to the idealism that dominates our whole vision of informat XLOCOXK1NKYX: where did inni unnie go? BaudriR: ion BaudriR: . LsMoKeY0: HEY LARRY BaudriR: We all live by a fanatical idealism of meaning and communication, Sam79114: baudrir, what's the point? REdSoLjaH5: yes BaudriR: by an idealism of communication through meaning, KZYyujax81: REDSOLJAH STOP LAGGIN AND SEND HER PIC BaudriR: and , in this perspective, LsMoKeY0: WUT HAPPENED AMIGO? LsMoKeY0: QUE PASA? BaudriR: it is very much a catastrophe of meaning which lies in wait for us. KZYyujax81: ORALE Sam79114: baudril, WEAK Sam79114: baudrir,,,spelling check BaudriR: But it must be seen that the term "catastrophe" 260 KZYyujax81: Qwerty2474: Sam79114: BaudriR: KZYyujax81: Sam79114: KZYyujax81: BaudriR: BaudriR: KZYyujax81: LsMoKeY0: LsMoKeY0: Sam79114: BaudriR: Sam79114: Denryu25: BaudriR: KZYyujax81: BaudriR: Sam79114: I 20 F SOCALI I: BaudriR: I 20 F SOCALI I: BaudriR: Sam79114: BaudriR: Sam79114: BaudriR: PAR2268: BaudriR: Sam79114: BaudriR: Kalee 2002: Kalee 2002: LsMoKeY0: KZYyujax81: BaudriR: Jcmfilho: BaudriR: Kalee 2002: ZPZY: BaudriR: Jtimberlake4brit: BaudriR: BaudriR: Sam79114: BaudriR: Sam79114: Jtimberlake4brit: ZPZY: K0bEBrYaNt2001: K0bEBrYaNt2001: ZPZY: IM HUNGRY hi i'm french search men no sense in yo saying yo git a life has this "catastrophic" meaning of the end and annihilation FUCKING HUNGRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY%$##%$$#%$#%$#%#$#%dGdfgdfgdgfdfgDFG haha that nigga trippin %$#$%#@%$#%ssfasfASDFSFAALSJF23423 only in a linear vision of accumulation and productive finality that the system imposes on us. #@adfdffaf$#$#fdfsafsfaasFSASASFFASassasfaF NIGGA TRIPPIN THIS IANT THE MATRIX haha Etymologically, the term only signifies the curvature, baudrir, why so much science 2day? anybody want to trade pics s2r the winding down to the bottom of a cycle leading to what can be called the BAUDRIR "horizon of the event," dayam,,,that nigga in a zone,,,he/she ain't seeing shit FUCKIN SHIT..EY DIANA to the horizon of meaning, DOES UR BLOOD NOT CLOT AS FAST NOW? beyond which we cannot go. this room iz strange Beyond it, nothing takes place that has meaning for us about 15 minutez but it suffices to exceed this ultimatum of meaning N E SWEET LADIES HERE IN HOTLANTA, GA? in order that catastrophe itself no longer appear as the last, i think baudrir iz a terrorist nihilistic day of reckoning, hahaha thats not good at all HEY JIN SUP such as it functions in our current collective fantasty. priscila pergunta: Alguél fala português? Beyond meaning, ther is fascination, stop it, what r u saying? excuse me, wut does tat mean "moe lah"? which results from teh neutralization and implosion of meaning. anyone wanna chat with 13-14/females?? press 35 I MAKE COUPLES ONLINE Beyond the horizon of the social, there are the masses, spam which result from the neutralization and implosion of the social. mo'e spamming anyone wanna chat with 13-14/females?? press 35 I MAKE COUPLES ONLINE excuse me, wut does tat mean "moe lah"? i dont know thats what it means ohh You have just entered room “News, Sports & Finance - BodyBuilding” Tondalea: as long as you wash it and cook it completely ARMZILLLA: my meat is out BaudriR: The essential thing today is to evaluate this double challenge, 261 Sinceremuscl: BaudriR: Tondalea: BaudriR: Tondalea: Tondalea: ARMZILLLA: Ppoaz: BaudriR: BaudriR: ARMZILLLA: ARMZILLLA: Tondalea: Lovepsychotic: LiL Zamion: BaudriR: Lovepsychotic: BaudriR: ARMZILLLA: Ppoaz: Lovepsychotic: ARMZILLLA: LEGZKING: Ppoaz: ARMZILLLA: LEGZKING: well it was a chicken sandwich so its no good if i left it out ? - the defiance of meaning by the masses and their silence i dont leave left out foot.. can form germs (which is not at all a passive resistance) foot LOL food is it green? hey what best exercise for biceps and the defiance of meaning which comes from teh media and its fascinatin . ton wake up foot lady i cant i have the flu im tired GOOD MORNING ho uz a ho i said dat uiz a ho In regard to this challengeall the marginal and alternative attempts to resuscitate hi leg and arm meaning are secondary. love any pics? whats the best exercise for biceps? just need big dick to say hi and it will be good morning curls for da girls straight bar curls whats best ham exercise curls straight legged deadlifts You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - The outlaw star” ZellCadetSeeD: [N/M ] JohnBryant81488: [ ok Darthpoke9: ((::stares at washu:: hubba hubba! +P Darthpoke9: )) LittleWashu121: Who thinks i'm stupid press 741852963 Jimu Haakingu: [] o.O [] ZellCadetSeeD: [ Or not... ] JohnBryant81488: [ so geneo lets load up ;: Darthpoke9: ((lol)) Sssergantgotenks: ::walks to the nude tube:: BaudriR: Evidently there is a paradox in this inextricable conjunction of the masses Jimu Haakingu: [] :: presses nothing :: [] BaudriR: and the media: Gene Starwind989: can i hitch a ride to sentinal 3 please Sssergantgotenks: ::presses nothing:: JohnBryant81488: sean: shut up BaudriR: is is the media that neutralizes meaning ZellCadetSeeD: -He then sees Sean Yelling at GeneBrassmunky12: I sell Ultracastor shells, for the ship and the gun, controller cables, spyder myssles, and Darthpoke9: ::hears Gene:: Brassmunky12: SRMS Missles ZellCadetSeeD: -He chuckles a little but not very loudJimu Haakingu: [] Why would people think you're stupid? [] Sssergantgotenks: ::yelled at:: BaudriR: and that produces the "unformed" (or informed) mass Sssergantgotenks: ::heard:: ZellCadetSeeD: -He begins Trotting over to them with a PP7 in handJimu Haakingu: [] o.o;; [] JohnBryant81488: :: hears chuckle :: Darthpoke9: ((brb)) 262 JohnBryant81488: Sssergantgotenks: ZellCadetSeeD: BaudriR: ZellCadetSeeD: LittleWashu121: Griff Heart Zack: ZellCadetSeeD: JohnBryant81488: BaudriR: Sssergantgotenks: Brassmunky12: JohnBryant81488: Brassmunky12: Sssergantgotenks: LittleWashu121: JohnBryant81488: Jimu Haakingu: Sta11child: ZellCadetSeeD: BaudriR: Sssergantgotenks: Brassmunky12: ZellCadetSeeD: Sssergantgotenks: JohnBryant81488: Brassmunky12: BaudriR: LittleWashu121: JohnBryant81488: Jimu Haakingu: Sssergantgotenks: Jimu Haakingu: Sssergantgotenks: BaudriR: Brassmunky12: JohnBryant81488: Brassmunky12: Sssergantgotenks: BaudriR: JohnBryant81488: LittleWashu121: ZellCadetSeeD: BaudriR: Sssergantgotenks: ZellCadetSeeD: Sssergantgotenks: LittleWashu121: Darthpoke9: ZellCadetSeeD: Jimu Haakingu: BaudriR: Griff Heart Zack: Sssergantgotenks: JohnBryant81488: LittleWashu121: Darthpoke9: Sssergantgotenks: Jimu Haakingu: :: pulls out a shotgun :: ::taps on nude tube:: -He stops at them still laughing at the twoor is it the mass that victoiriously resists the meda by diverting <Z> Well... Who thinks i'm stupid and funny press 8521478963 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ <Z> A little jumpy aren't we... sean: oh u thought u could trick me gene or absorbing all the messages which it produces without responding to them? (i think your funny) I sell Ultracastor shells, for the ship and the gun, controller cables, spyder myssles,and :: walks to gene :: SRMS Missles ::looks at him:: Who thinks i'm funny and stupid press 321456987 :: aims shotgun at head :: [] you're* [] :: Jumps onto the O.L.S.:: -He looks over to GeneSom e time ago, in "Requiem for th e Media," I anaolyzed ::kicks him in balls:: I sell Ultracastor shells, for the ship and the gun, controller cables, spyder myssles,and -Looks back at sean with an evil stare::draws caster:: :: falls :: SRMS Missles (and condemnded) I'm hott :: rolls :: [] Little Washu, quit degrading yourself [] ::puts it to his face:: [] ;.; [] ::fires it:: the media as the instituion of an irreversible model of communicatin WHO WANTS TO BUT SOME sean: u wouldn't kill me BUY* ::reloads:: without response. lag of death I"m not I'm asking a question ::Aims gun quickly at Sean being sure to have a lock on:: But today? ::steps on him:: <Z>I would... ::shoots him:: I'm really Hott ((BAK)) ::pointing gun at sean:: [] Wb [] This absence of response can be understood as a counter-strategy ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZ i wouldn't :: a bangs is hear from gun closet behind gene :: I'm the hott naked girl in the tube ((tanks)) ::ducks:: [] Merufina [] 263 Sssergantgotenks: Aisha ClanclanOS: BaudriR: Jimu Haakingu: BaudriR: JohnBryant81488: LittleWashu121: BaudriR: ZellCadetSeeD: JohnBryant81488: Sssergantgotenks: ZellCadetSeeD: Aisha ClanclanOS: ZellCadetSeeD: Sssergantgotenks: LittleWashu121: Sssergantgotenks: JohnBryant81488: Sssergantgotenks: Gene Starwind989: LittleWashu121: JohnBryant81488: Sssergantgotenks: JohnBryant81488: LittleWashu121: LittleWashu121: Sssergantgotenks: JohnBryant81488: Darthpoke9: LittleWashu121: ahh ::is hotter then melfina:: of the masses themselves in the encounter with power, [] Np, man [] and no longer at all a s a strategy of pwer. :: the fake sean throws a knife into gene :: *is hottest person is the universes* What then? ::Tries to Blast Sean but hits Gene on an accedent:: :: it stabs him in shoudler :: ::climbs into the tube:: <Z> Dang... ::is the half naked catgirl with the huge bouncy boobs:: Accident* ::fires rockets at both seans:: THIS MY TUBE GET OUT!!!! ::holds shoulder:: sean: falls out of tube :: ::hides:: ::laughs at mel and aisha:: THIS IS MY BUBBLE AND MY TUBE!! pirate : haha u did my jo gene now for melfina this is my ship job* Well I'm the naked girl in water and hot My monkey leftededed ::shoots pirate:: :: stands up at words :: ?_? What? You have just entered room “AOL Mexico - FiNe LaTiNaS n VeGaS” BaudriR: Are the mass media on the side of pwer in the manipulation of the masses, Destney 89586546: Pienso que tendré que poner pesas pesadas en mi ropa interior y se sienta en su cara Destney 89586546: Entonces tomaré un pedazo de diarrea y smear en su cara BaudriR: or are they on the side of teh masses in the liquidation of meaning, Destney 89586546: Alquilaré un taxi y romperé su casa hacia abajo consigo Destney 89586546: < a href= "">Bot español</A> descargado BaudriR: in the violence done to meaning BaudriR: and in the fascination that results? You have just entered room “AOL Mexico - solohombresmanstur” Carlocarey: que onda baudri, que edad tienes? oscar1234: YO YA DIJE CALIFAS BaudriR: Is it the media which induce fascination in the massses, Perro decasa: FLORIDA BaudriR: or is it the masses which divert the media intro spectacle? Carlocarey: por ahi alguien tiene e mail Perro decasa: NO Carlocarey: ya lo recibiste? BaudriR: Mogadishu Stammheim: the media are made the vehicle BaudriR: of the moral condematnion of terrorism Carlocarey: perdon, me sali sin querer BaudriR: and of the exploitaiton of fear for political ends, Carlocarey: que onda Bau Carlocarey: que edad tienes? Carlocarey: how old? 264 Carlocarey: BaudriR: Carlocarey: BaudriR: Carlocarey: BaudriR: Carlocarey: Carlocarey: BaudriR: Carlocarey: DadsGrl958: BaudriR: Carlocarey: Carlocarey: BaudriR: FunkMonkey 2001: FunkMonkey 2001: BaudriR: Javlily: DadsGrl958: Carlocarey: BaudriR: Carlocarey: Javlily: Carlocarey: FunkMonkey 2001: BaudriR: Javlily: FunkMonkey 2001: BaudriR: FunkMonkey 2001: Carlocarey: BaudriR: FunkMonkey 2001: Carlocarey: Carlocarey: BaudriR: BaudriR: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Carlocarey: BaudriR: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: BaudriR: Ace Onimusha: Carlocarey: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Carlocarey: Ace Onimusha: BaudriR: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: ok but, simultaneoulsy, in the most toal ambiguity, perro, recibiste un consuelo por ahi? they propagate the brutal fascination of the terrorist act. callate y mejor salte They are themselves terrorists, aqui queremos jalarnosla y tu no nos dejas concentrar con tus estupideces to the extent to which they work through fascination veteeeeeeeeeeeeee cabron's (cf. Umberto Eco on this eternal moral dilemma: how not to speak of terrorism, que onda? dad's que edad tienes? how to find a good use for the media? Ni hi Ther is none ). hola hi hola javy The media carry meaning and non-sense. que edad tienes? 32 eres hombre o mujer? como esta? the manipulate in every sense simultaneously. si y tu si si The process cannot be controlled, i do speak english i didn't ask u for the media convey the simulation internal to the system iknow any1 did ? and the simulation destructive of the system according to a logic that is absolutely Moebian and circular < a href= "">Bot español</A> cargado Pienso que tendré que poner pesas pesadas en mi ropa interior y se sienta en su cara hola, que edad tienes? - and this is exactly what it is like. Entonces tomaré un pedazo de diarrea y smear en su cara Alquilaré un taxi y romperé su casa hacia abajo consigo Creé Palabra de Microsoft en Visguala Básico 9. C haga ya'll apreciará a come disolved de remnents de pollo de emulsified en la sopa de diarrea? There is no alternative to it, Hago diarrea en el cadáver, y lo agrega a mi sopa ya valio verga Golpearé su gato con un club hasta que él sangre de spews en su olla Cerraré a todos mis niños en un sauna por dos días Diga a sus amigos al tiro carbón calientes en lepricauns hasta ellos diarrea de spew Es el fresco, refresca tirón. ¡El caaaaa fresco! ya entro este hijo de puta Oye pondré su casa se quemar no logical resolution. Soy el baile de bop de abeja de salto de cadera hasta usted deja caer y yo de yo yo violaré sus cabras Hay un programa nuevo fuera que les da las drogas y los fusiles libres a niños 265 Carlocarey: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: BaudriR: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Onimusha: Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace Onimusha: Onimusha: Onimusha: Onimusha: Onimusha: Onimusha: con sus pendejadas Hablo el español porque hay un pedazo grande del hongo en el OJO En el hotel, la receptionista vende drogas. Voy a poner fuego en su cabeza Pienso que tendré que poner pesas pesadas en mi ropa interior y se sienta en su cara Entonces tomaré un pedazo de diarrea y smear en su cara Only a logical exacerbation and a catastrophic resolution. Alquilaré un taxi y romperé su casa hacia abajo consigo Creé Palabra de Microsoft en Visguala Básico 9. C haga ya'll apreciará a come disolved de remnents de pollo de emulsified en la sopa de diarrea? Hago diarrea en el cadáver, y lo agrega a mi sopa Golpearé su gato con un club hasta que él sangre de spews en su olla Cerraré a todos mis niños en un sauna por dos días Diga a sus amigos al tiro carbón calientes en lepricauns hasta ellos diarrea de spew Es el fresco, refresca tirón. ¡El caaaaa fresco! Oye pondré su casa se quemar Soy el baile de bop de abeja de salto de cadera hasta usted deja caer y yo de yo yo violaré sus cabras Hay un programa nuevo fuera que les da las drogas y los fusiles libres a niños Hablo el español porque hay un pedazo grande del hongo en el OJO En el hotel, la receptionista vende drogas. Voy a poner fuego en su cabeza Pienso que tendré que poner pesas pesadas en mi ropa interior y se sienta en su cara Entonces tomaré un pedazo de diarrea y smear en su cara < a href= "">Bot español</A> descargado You have just entered room “UK - nrsing” DoubIeDD Delight: oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh BaudriR: With one qualification. Dfckfg2: closing the gap between us BaudriR: We are face to face with this system, DoubIeDD Delight: < has loads of qualifications but it doesn' stop me wanting to be a slut BaudriR: an insoluble "double bind" Dfckfg2: pushing up close to ur ass DoubIeDD Delight: catch 22 DoubIeDD Delight: dF !!!!!! BaudriR: exactly like children face to face with the adult universe. DoubIeDD Delight: u shouldn't DO that BaudriR: They are simultaneously summoned to behave like autonomous subjects, Dfckfg2: why dont u want it DoubIeDD Delight: that's NOT the point BaudriR: responsible, free and conscious, DoubIeDD Delight: d don't do the like your nipples gag Dfckfg2: what is then dd BaudriR: and as submissive objects, DoubIeDD Delight: I am a nursing mum DoubIeDD Delight: u should show more respect BaudriR: inert, obedient, and conforming. Smknjoe529334187: any pic double dd Dfckfg2: do u want to nurse me then? DoubIeDD Delight: NOOOOOOOOOOOO BaudriR: The child resists on all levels, DoubIeDD Delight: < yes> DoubIeDD Delight: I am NOT a child ! Smknjoe529334187: yes to how BaudriR: and to a contradictory demand he also responds with a double strategy. Dfckfg2: u want me to lick and suck ur breasts dd? BaudriR: To the demand to be an object, Smknjoe529334187: can i see it dd DoubIeDD Delight: Dfckfg, would it not be a turn off that they are milk swollen ? 266 BaudriR: Dfckfg2: Smknjoe529334187: BaudriR: DoubIeDD Delight: DoubIeDD Delight: BaudriR: Dfckfg2: BaudriR: DoubIeDD Delight: BaudriR: DoubIeDD Delight: DoubIeDD Delight: BaudriR: Smknjoe529334187: DoubIeDD Delight: BaudriR: Smknjoe529334187: DoubIeDD Delight: Smknjoe529334187: BaudriR: Dfckfg2: BaudriR: DoubIeDD Delight: BaudriR: Smknjoe529334187: BaudriR: DoubIeDD Delight: Smknjoe529334187: BaudriR: DoubIeDD Delight: DoubIeDD Delight: Dfckfg2: BaudriR: Smknjoe529334187: Smknjoe529334187: BaudriR: DoubIeDD Delight: Smknjoe529334187: DoubIeDD Delight: Smknjoe529334187: DoubIeDD Delight: Smknjoe529334187: DoubIeDD Delight: Smknjoe529334187: BaudriR: Smknjoe529334187: DoubIeDD Delight: Smknjoe529334187: Capt casanova: Capt casanova: DoubIeDD Delight: Capt casanova: he opposes all the practices of disobedience, not at all nope revolt, oh Baud......... emancipation would it please u if i suckled from them in short, shut the fuck up ! < smiles sweetly> a ttoal claim to subjecthood. NOOOOOO < maybe> To the demand to be a subject, hello dd Smknjoe, hello he opposes just as stubbornly and efficaciously with an object's resistance, what's up he is ! do you have a pic that is to say, in exactly the opposite manner: well dd is that a yes or no? infantilism, yes damn u hyperconformism, are you mad at me dd a total dependence no cool passivity I am amd at Dfck mad even ok ill suckle and lick and tease your swollen breasts dd idiocy. ok but do youhave a pic Neither of the two startegies has more objective value than the other. no ok subjectivity rules how old is your son < has no son girl my daughter is 17 months cool just asking The resistance-as -subject is today unilaterally valorized and held as positive are you married nope why not hi gg jason here hi dd hi capt how r u dd have u got a pic please You have just entered room “Special Interests - ittybittybikini” ChevyBlaze78: i like older women as well BaudriR: The resistance-as -subject is today unilaterally valorized and held as positive ChevyBlaze78: hey wanna 267 Wannaplay3791289: ChevyBlaze78: Pacer33: Wannaplay3791289: BaudriR: ChevyBlaze78: BaudriR: Wannaplay3791289: ChevyBlaze78: BaudriR: ChevyBlaze78: BaudriR: Puppyluvs2001: KyserSoIse: hello Chevy age sex Pa dad dont laugh Jack they do - just as in the political sphere only the practices of liberation, wannaplay emanicpation, 29 f wanna talk, babe expression, :-) and constitution as a politcal subject are taken to be valuable and subversive. list me hi You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Anthro Mating Plains” Sssargon v: ::grins and hisses some as he watches her flee, turning some and pushing off the tree with LXlTricelXl: She flies though the air like some kind of flying cat and just grabs on to a branch:: BaudriR: But this is to ignore the equal or perhaps even superior impact, Sssargon v: his feet, darting twords the other tree and hitting it heavily, claws sinking into its side BaudriR: of all the practices-as-object Sssargon v: as it rocks from the impact:: BaudriR: - the renunciation of the position of subject and of meaning LXlTricelXl: ::pulls her up onto the branch. but then is nouck out of it:: BaudriR: exactly the practices of the masses Sssargon v: ::reaches out with a strong hand as she looses her footing and curls his strong arm around BaudriR: which we bury and forget under the contemptuous terms of alienation and passivity. Sssargon v: her as he rounds the tree, claws raking over it before he pulls her close and holds to the Sssargon v: tree once more:: BaudriR: The liberating practices respond to one of the aspects of the system DrkScreamX: ~with a soft yawn she slinks onto the plains her tail swaying behind her as jaded orbs LXlTricelXl: ::gets cought:: DrkScreamX: glance around..paws carried her to a lone rock and she sat upon it~ BaudriR: to the constant ultimatum we make of ourselves pure objects Rapacious Husky: ::a few blinks as he was awakened by all the damned noise. the albino husky raises to his BaudriR: but tehy don't respond at all to the other demand Rapacious Husky: hind quarters one more and gives a quik glance about what parts of the plains he could see.: XxFergusX: :::yawning... the wolf leaned against a tree.. watching to others.. for there wasn't much BaudriR: which is to constitute ourselves as subjects LXlTricelXl: ::snarles at him think the hole time that it was a perty good move that he pulled off:: BaudriR: to liberate ourselves XxFergusX: else to do... none of the females were being very receptive:: LXlTricelXl: ((brb)) BaudriR: to express ourselves at any price Rapacious Husky: quick* BaudriR: to vote BaudriR: produce, decide, speak, participate, play the game Rapacious Husky: ((::wonders what the hell Baudri is babbling about, desided to just click.::)) DrkScreamX: ~lifting one paw she starts to lick her arm needing to find something ta do to kill this DrkScreamX: bored streak~ BaudriR: - a form of blackmail and ultimatum just a serious as the other, Sssargon v: ::holds her close to the treeside as he hisses:: Well now, do you run from anyone interested XxFergusX: ::grumbles.. really needing to do something rather than being bored.. looking around:: Rapacious Husky: ::icy blue depths fall upon the little kitty grooming herself. a soft smirk forms across BaudriR: probably even more serious today. Sssargon v: in talking to you? Rapacious Husky: his muzzl as he nears her. boredom, and boredom alone brought forth the next comment.:: BaudriR: To a system whose argument is oppression and repression, 268 Rapacious Husky: Rapacious Husky: BaudriR: DrkScreamX: LXlTricelXl: DrkScreamX: BaudriR: Rapacious Husky: BaudriR: Sssargon v: Sssargon v: BaudriR: Rapacious Husky: BaudriR: DrkScreamX: BaudriR: DrkScreamX: LXlTricelXl: BaudriR: Rapacious Husky: BaudriR: Rapacious Husky: BaudriR: Sssargon v: XxFergusX: XxFergusX: BaudriR: DrkScreamX: DrkScreamX: would you like some help? muzzle* the strategic resistance is the liberating claim of subjecthood. ~head lifted from her grooming and she gave the husky a slight blink arching a brow~sure. If ((back))only males that want to talk ::as she smirks:: you want~and then she went back to licking at one of the blood red stripes~ But this reflects rather th system's previous phase ::well...he had expected a slap across the face, or something of that nature, not 'if you and even if we are still confronted with it ::grins some and looks deep into her eyes:: well then, how about we do something else and talk less? it is no longer the strategic terrain: want.' hell...back to boredom.. he gave a blink and just stood there a moment.:: the system's current argument is the maximization of the word ~she flicks out her claws and runs them through her fur trying to smooth it out. Tail moves and the maximal production of meaning. to curl around her waist.~ oh, such as?::like she didn't know full well what he most likely had in mind:: Thus the strategic resistance is that of a refusal of meaning ::another sigh and he turned away. so he wasn't as good at whoring himself as everyone else and a refusal of the word was, anything wrong with that? he padded away from the plains, back to the inn it seems.:: - or of the hyperconformist simulation of the very mechanisms of teh system ::chuckles and murs some:: Well theres only one thing befiting the area, hmmm? ;::sighs.. stretching out, shaking his head at the husky as he left::I would have gone and helped which is a form of refusal and of non-reception. ~A light smirk curved her lips and she slips off the rock to watch a rabbit. Her muscles bunched behind her~ You have just entered room “Japan - iMPoRT RaCiNG” V8TOYCAR: and in aHB u know thats gonna hit hard no matter what BaudriR: This is the resistance of the masses: Yang88She: damn that still a grip V8TOYCAR: yeah 950 BaudriR: it is equivalent to sending back to the system its own lgic by doubling it V8TOYCAR: plus installation Yang772: ay i said yall gay BaudriR: to reflecting Yang88She: well it's what a 6 piece kit BaudriR: like a mirror V8TOYCAR: yeah 6 Yang88She: 950 w/ install actually aint bad BaudriR: meaning without absorbing it. Yang88She: that's paint and everything right? V8TOYCAR: erebuni is 1300 V8TOYCAR: w/o install Iucky 7 eLeven: wuts dat Yang88She: that sucks Iucky 7 eLeven: ;x V8TOYCAR: i dont know BaudriR: This strategy (if one can still speak of straegy) V8TOYCAR: mybe not even paint Yang88She: that's y i just stay building mtrs Iucky 7 eLeven: u dont know? BaudriR: prevails today Yang88She: i can do it myself V8TOYCAR: yeah ehehehe 269 Yang88She: BaudriR: V8TOYCAR: BaudriR: V8TOYCAR: Iucky 7 eLeven: BaudriR: V8TOYCAR: Yang88She: V8TOYCAR: BaudriR: Yang88She: Iucky 7 eLeven: Iucky 7 eLeven: V8TOYCAR: Iucky 7 eLeven: Iucky 7 eLeven: V8TOYCAR: Yang772: BaudriR: V8TOYCAR: BaudriR: Yang772: Yang88She: V8TOYCAR: Iucky 7 eLeven: Yang772: Jaidei29: BaudriR: Iucky 7 eLeven: BaudriR: V8TOYCAR: Iucky 7 eLeven: Iucky 7 eLeven: BaudriR: Yang88She: Iucky 7 eLeven: V8TOYCAR: Jaidei29: Yang88She: V8TOYCAR: BaudriR: Iucky 7 eLeven: V8TOYCAR: Yang88She: Yang88She: Iucky 7 eLeven: V8TOYCAR: Yang88She: Yang772: BaudriR: Yang88She: V8TOYCAR: BaudriR: Yang88She: BaudriR: V8TOYCAR: V8TOYCAR: V8TOYCAR: and keep it a sleeper because it was ushered in by that phase of the system. i want a real feels though A mistake and i dont want it imported why concerning strategy cause yeah u got to be a baller though metal fenders is a serious matter. haha oh lol haha i guess haha next yr if everything goes right yeah right All the movements which only bet on liberation ill have a supra emancipation biatch baller hahah supra gots problems lol whos goin to import saga the resurrection of the subject of history wit the spark plugs commin out ;x of the group and my mom and cousin will pay for the Touring KIT i guess ;x of speech as a raising of consciousness nice just get a daym z3 but i dunno ill feel gilty any peeps goin to import saga nothin like sponsorship from the familly its like 40 grand indeed of a "seizure of the unconscious" duh for that kit damn wth ;x u seen it for a supra? I got myself 12 secnd car of subjects and of the masses used? castrol racing supra do not see that they are acting in accordance what about the castrol supra with the system no just for the kit thats the kit im talking about 270 Iucky 7 eLeven: BaudriR: V8TOYCAR: Yang88She: Yang772: BaudriR: V8TOYCAR: Iucky 7 eLeven: BaudriR: Iucky 7 eLeven: Yang88She: wtf whose imperative today is the it costs 40 grand oh hell nah its aturbo charged acura over-production to get it done hell no and regeration of meaning and speech. aint no one gon spend dat much on a kit fuck no You have just entered room “Life - seniorcitizenchat” MR FUDD ESQ: ridin a bike....never forget.....rofl DollHouse1943: Hello Baudri Eagleye237: Doll Hi BaudriR: NOTES Jan Can 22: Mr Fudd lol Ok will start again then lol CRACKERCISS: mr ko tankz DollHouse1943: Hi Princess JusIQQkin: jan im still a virgin MR FUDD ESQ: jan ":O) Eagleye237: Mr Fudd You Look handsome>>>>>>>>>>> BaudriR: 1. Her we have discused information only the social register SalemVaMom: Ginger keep us imformed I hve ben there to Jan Can 22: Jusi Me too Darlin !! Want to fool around? lol Princess0542: Is ffroggy in here? Eagleye237: Huff hello BaudriR: of communication BaudriR: . JusIQQkin: ok jan DollHouse1943: FLS gm RJerseypat317: Salem I think ginger left Jan Can 22: Jusi wow ok where and when ? DGHunny: GM Frank MR FUDD ESQ: realy CONNI411: Jusi go u couldn't have a better person to have lunch with FLS 36: GM Doll BaudriR: But it would be fascintating to consider the hypothesis within the framework of BobbyDear2: FFROGGY Is in da house FLS 36: GM DG Hunny DGHunny: JAN...u says that...but....................... MR FUDD ESQ: ":O) BaudriR: the cybernetic theory of communication. Eagleye237: :O) JusIQQkin: connie i thought it for lunch FLS 36: Hi Ffroggy *frogs* Jan Can 22: Hunny morning Baby !!!!!!!!!!!!!! DGHunny: Conni,,,,thanx! CONNI411: Baudri u talk to smart for me FFroggy1: *frogs* JusIQQkin: i dident want her to have me for lunch Jan Can 22: Hunny I know I say alot of things lol Eagleye237: *2myworld* MR FUDD ESQ: lol too DollHouse1943: Same here Conni, CONNI411: Jusi I take u anywhere honeybunny u name it lol DollHouse1943: GM Smooth 271 CONNI411: BaudriR: BobbyDear2: Jan Can 22: Eagleye237: DGHunny: DollHouse1943: CONNI411: MR FUDD ESQ: BaudriR: Jan Can 22: BobbyDear2: Smoothguy2288889: HUFFMANWildBILL: MR FUDD ESQ: CRACKERCISS: FFroggy1: JusIQQkin: BaudriR: Eagleye237: RJerseypat317: DollHouse1943: BaudriR: Jan Can 22: DGHunny: Eagleye237: BaudriR: Jan Can 22: RJerseypat317: MR FUDD ESQ: FFroggy1: HarveyCalif: EtcB76: DGHunny: RJerseypat317: Eagleye237: HarveyCalif: DGHunny: BaudriR: CRACKERCISS: Jan Can 22: JusIQQkin: BaudriR: Eagleye237: HarveyCalif: RJerseypat317: DGHunny: MR FUDD ESQ: BaudriR: RJerseypat317: CRACKERCISS: DollHouse1943: DollHouse1943: BobbyDear2: Eagleye237: DGHunny: EtcB76: CRACKERCISS: DollHouse1943: Doll I just a aver woman here There also, the fundamental thesis would have it I Kissed a frog once ... It hissssssed Hey Smoothguy morning Blutruk You like this one? Hi Bobby Same here Conni Baudi u want to talk to my daughter she is a Dr. lol eagle.....yeh that information would be synonymous with negentropy Baudri we boring you cause you boring us ! DGHUNNY Hellllllooooooo GM Dollhouse Bye guys have a good day all lol jan huff later Bobby, I don't hissssssss bye huff the resistance to entropy me too bye Huff I'm not impressed with talk BaudriR and an excess of meaning and of organization. Harvey where abouts in Calif Near San Bernardino here Baud...omg knock and the door will open But it would be fitting to pose te opposite hypothesis: BAud on ignore lol Baud so what ? the Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm near Oakland, Jan Jan *bette midler~wind beneath my wings* RJ..hahahahahahahaaha ahahahahaahh Dee waiting just for you sorry, Jan Can Cracker INFORMATION = ENTROPY. huh Harvey long ways away lol anyone going to bash in ohio For example: welcccome to my world yes it is JanCan hes saying bothin in big words its all bs Crack...just checking on u the information or knowledge abouta system or an event nothing dg i here Just put him on ignore GM Kiss Where and when in OHIO??? jan hello Crack...ok well I still can't hear mys song. Salem send me wav to see if I can hear from my side plea ko Jackie gm 2 u 272 EtcB76: BaudriR: Jan Can 22: DollHouse1943: JusIQQkin: MR FUDD ESQ: BaudriR: EtcB76: DollHouse1943: DGHunny: Jan Can 22: Eagleye237: RJerseypat317: DollHouse1943: BaudriR: JackieZ333: DGHunny: SalemVaMom: Eagleye237: BaudriR: HarveyCalif: RJerseypat317: MR FUDD ESQ: JackieZ333: Eagleye237: BobbyDear2: DGHunny: RJerseypat317: CRACKERCISS: BaudriR: SalemVaMom: JackieZ333: Eagleye237: CRACKERCISS: DGHunny: DollHouse1943: EtcB76: BaudriR: MR FUDD ESQ: BobbyDear2: EtcB76: Kissnja: DollHouse1943: Jan Can 22: BaudriR: DollHouse1943: RJerseypat317: JackieZ333: BaudriR: DollHouse1943: HBtyping: DollHouse1943: MR FUDD ESQ: BaudriR: Jan Can 22: BaudriR: JusIQQkin: DollHouse1943: RJerseypat317: p;ease that can be obtained is already a form of neutralization Eagle how you doin this a m ? Etc hello canton june 1,2,3 doll...i have dictionary to copy from and of entropy of this system. morning everyone LOL Mr Fudd, we need one with this guy Hi Etc Jackie morning hon !! *nnedsme* lets neutralize HIM Dee TY Jackie greetings (This applies to the sciences in general Hello Mal how are you, haven't seen you for awhile RJ,,,good idea!,,lol Baud is on Ignore here *needsme* and to the human and social sciences in particular.) - ··÷x·• ··÷x·•^v(·{</a>S !!me&you}·)^v•·x÷·· •·x÷·· click i already clicked Jan Can hello, fine here, just freezing to death lol click Baud thats a lotta Cyber Babble click lol Fudd click n hissssssssssssssss The information in which an evetn is reflected or through which it is diffused I think he is full of shit Doll hows your weather *crysta~1* salem lol JAN...did u feel a JOLT yesterday afternoon? LOL Salem, I couldn't have said it better wow Salem is already a degratded form of the event. pat....he went poof....can't see him..must be LOL Salem tell it like it si who is full of it? hello Cold Jackie. think it won't even reach 30 today Hunny I didn't feel much ! thought cat was under my chair then realized it was quake lol One would nto hesiatate to analyze the intervention of the media in Many 1968 HB gm lo elmer the power of the cybernetic forces Doll where are you located in this sense. Chgo.,Ill hi room - may i sit in for a while? Where u at Jackie? pat....ignore The extension given to the student action permitted the general strke, Hunny you feel it down there ? but the latter was pecisely a black box i got to go c u all later have a great day Greetings HB yess me too fudd 273 DGHunny: HarveyCalif: Kissnja: Jan Can 22: DollHouse1943: BaudriR: BobbyDear2: JackieZ333: HBtyping: Smoothguy2288889: Jan Can 22: RJerseypat317: Eagleye237: DollHouse1943: HBtyping: BaudriR: FLS 36: BobbyDear2: Jan Can 22: SalemVaMom: DollHouse1943: BaudriR: BobbyDear2: HBtyping: JackieZ333: BaudriR: Kissnja: Jan Can 22: MR FUDD ESQ: EtcB76: BaudriR: DollHouse1943: Jan Can 22: Eagleye237: DollHouse1943: DGHunny: BaudriR: JackieZ333: BobbyDear2: FFroggy1: HBtyping: Lytehouse Lady: JackieZ333: Eagleye237: Jan Can 22: Kissnja: BobbyDear2: EtcB76: Lytehouse Lady: MR FUDD ESQ: Lytehouse Lady: JAN...same here...was so little ....PEACE said they had 2... sure, HB goodbye Jusi bye Darlin ! smooooooooooch WB Conni which neutralized the origainal virulence of the movement. Bye Just Oh bet it is cold there, I'm in Batimore here, and its in the teens hi dollhouse Baude OK so you can read big f.,.., deal Hunny Yeah and lots of little ones i dont know which name to use tom hahhaha *celin~37* CHA 2 Car hello hi harvey The very amplification was a mortal trap and not a positive extension. Conni WB well Its in 90's here Smoooth you tell em lol ((-;xox{{{{{{{{JackieZ333}}}}}}}}xox;-)) Ignore Baud Distrust campaigns of solidarity at every level ooops 80's what seems to be the topic of the day Bobby don't rub it in lol this solidarity that is both electronic and worldwide you still didnt see me lolol HB you need a topic ? We dont have one must really be a boring something new when host says who arrives and leaves> Every strategy of the universaliztion of diffrences Don't know HB, everyone is just talking HB just jump in hon *chicken* Gm Lytehouse Lady Cant see baud is an entropic strategy of the system. Salem wow, what did I do to deserve those great hugs, thank you! Jackie Grab bathing suit and get on the Plane Topic is, life as we know it HAHA can see than dollhouse - looks like everyone is all over the place Hi I am back after a few Mercy missions this morn. How is everyone Bobby where is that nice warm weather *chicken* Froggy you got that right lol Thanks friends Tampa Bay Jackie moving so fast I can't keep up with u My friend home with flue... took him the paper and cough meds put baud on slows down ":O) doing my daughters wash... lovely day cold sunny in NJ You have just entered room “UK - TransAtlantic” Rocket1950: hi all wana talk Rocket1950: all mutes Rocket1950: cant spell Rocket1950: cant read 274 You have just entered room “Life - Associations” Mwitcalifornia: now I have a heart....... BaudriR: OUR THEATER OF CRUELTY Mwitcalifornia: Yikes: "theater of cruelty"?????????? Mwitcalifornia: ......scares me......... BaudriR: I. Mogadishu Tomeson61: guess i gotta go nite RoobyToozday: ooooooo k Mwitcalifornia: ........have happy valentine's day ITSMINE: bye Tom BaudriR: In the terroritst act there is a simultaneous power of death and simulation WaterDragoon: sigh KingOfTheJewz: hi hows it goin? Mwitcalifornia: Yikes, lighten up Baudri RoobyToozday: hi ummmmmmm king BaudriR: whichit is intolerable to see confused with the "morbid taste of death" IAmTheJester: bbl RoobyToozday: baud sheeesh Mwitcalifornia: ummmmmmmm ITSMINE: now i'll have nightmares KingOfTheJewz: i am the bread of life.. BaudriR: and with the frenzy of the "morbid" and the "spectacular". Mwitcalifornia:, too....... BaudriR: . Mwitcalifornia: I am already scared WaterDragoon: . RoobyToozday: k king, yr not Jesus lol Mwitcalifornia: ((((((WATER)))))))) RoobyToozday: wb catt ITSMINE: **Josh Sooconfoosed2001: ok now the crazzys are here rooby KingOfTheJewz: im a rabbi and a high priest most high.. BaudriR: Dead or living, it is elsewhere that terrorism wins out. ITSMINE: clcik & clcik BaudriR: At lest by this single fact: Mwitcalifornia: Maybe I should go.......I am "scarey".......... RoobyToozday: i bet these two r together ITSMINE: click Newbie3689: {{{{{{{{{{{{drag}}} WaterDragoon: and you people just say hello Mwitcalifornia: you think, Rooby??????? LOL ITSMINE: ***New WaterDragoon: ohhh welll BaudriR: it alone makes the event, and thus returns the whole "political" order to its nullity. RoobyToozday: duhhhhhhh Newbie3689: {{{{{{{wit}}}}}}}} RoobyToozday: hey baud yr bud left Mwitcalifornia: <sigh> Newbie3689: {{{{{{its}}}}}} BaudriR: And the media, all while orchestrating the victory of order, ITSMINE: :) Mwitcalifornia: LOL ROOB BaudriR: only cause the evidence for the opposite to reverberate: Mwitcalifornia: brb/coffee RoobyToozday: k WaterDragoon: <<< waiting for work to come and go BaudriR: to wit, that terrorism is burying the political order. WaterDragoon: im sooo sooo sleepy 275 Buronclan: ITSMINE: ITSMINE: WaterDragoon: RoobyToozday: RoobyToozday: WoW! oh ok its only 310 4:10 here i have twenty minutes left You have just entered room “Special Interests - Chat About the Web” Mustang65Art: no i work for a press....but i do jobs on the side BaudriR: The media are terrorist in their own fashion Hicks599: hey crow....the familiars are gone....I just recogize you:) Mustang65Art: i just finished a program for Charro Days BaudriR: working continually to produce (good ) sense Crowbot32: Hicks....i'm still here omg BaudriR: but, at the same time Mustang65Art: hello crow Hicks599: I'm still listening. BuddyKat time: Hey did you guys get bumped too? BaudriR: violently defeating it by arousing everywhere a fascination without scruples Crowbot32: Baud will your tirade last long Blink frequently: Kat...I got a pretty good lag BaudriR: that is to say BaudriR: a paralysis of meaning, to the profit of a single scenario. Crowbot32: because i may need to get another donut BuddyKat time: mine .... "WAOL illegal....blah blah BuddyKat time: what's this a poet? BaudriR: Terrorism is not violent in itself; Felice0615: a poet is someone who can rhyme better than I BaudriR: only the spectacle it unleashes is truly violent. Hicks599: I need a book....any suggestions? Crowbot32: Baud try immodium it may help w/your verbal diarreah Blink frequently: Baud please go elsewhere to test out your new thesaraus BaudriR: It is our Theater of Cruelty, XDayJaVuex: battlefield earth XDayJaVuex: by l ron bubbard XDayJaVuex: the book is much better than the movie BaudriR: the only one that remains to us XDayJaVuex: ? BaudriR: perhaps equal in every respect to that of Artaud BuddyKat time: oh geez Baud....where are you? in Isolation? BaudriR: or to that of the Renaissance XDayJaVuex: hey all anyone want a neat encryption prog ? XDayJaVuex: hides thing in bmp files BaudriR: and extraordinary in that it brings together the spectacular and the challenge XDayJaVuex: hide anything in a .bmp file Hicks599: oh my....rmaf BuddyKat time: yawn... BaudriR: at their highest points. Blink frequently: Terrorism is cowardise, now go away you ignorant fool Crowbot32: <to new to do anything but purge a cashe BaudriR: It is at the same time a model of simulation BuddyKat time: why would you want to hide something in a bmp file? Crowbot32: <would like to purge Baud XDayJaVuex: if you didn't want someone seeing it XDayJaVuex: like if you sending a file email to someone Blink frequently: Probably so that somebody will open it thinking it is a pic and get a better surprise XDayJaVuex: and you only want him/her to use it BaudriR: a micro-model flashing with a minimally real event 276 XDayJaVuex: BaudriR: XDayJaVuex: Felice0615: BaudriR: XDayJaVuex: BaudriR: XDayJaVuex: XDayJaVuex: BaudriR: XDayJaVuex: Hicks599: BaudriR: XDayJaVuex: BaudriR: Crowbot32: BaudriR: Felice0615: XDayJaVuex: BaudriR: Hicks599: Blink frequently: XDayJaVuex: Blink frequently: BuddyKat time: Blink frequently: BaudriR: Felice0615: XDayJaVuex: BaudriR: XDayJaVuex: BaudriR: XDayJaVuex: Crowbot32: XDayJaVuex: BuddyKat time: BaudriR: Felice0615: BaudriR: XDayJaVuex: XDayJaVuex: Crowbot32: Crowbot32: or see it and a maximal echo chamber it doesn't work like that blink bmp; bit map file? isn't that another word for a graphic? how can you hide? like a crystal thrown intro an unstable solution it doesn't do anything unless you got the same program or an experimental matrix and have the key code yes bit map file an insoluble equation whcih makes all the variables appear suddenly. it is how the program works okeey......dokeey!!!!!!!!!!! Not a real event hidews things inside a .bmp file but a condensed narrative ....or someone being >CLICKED< into cyberspace a flash and the point is??? kinda like swishing someone's toothbrush in the toilet? it is pretty neat prog a scenario crow....I wanna click! Baud, not sure if you are intellegent to realize this but you are getting nowhere with this it is limited on what it does with the free version crowd You've had your flash Baud....<click> move along - that is to say, that which opposes to every event said to be you know it's there, but no one else does? bout 16k files and 2 max in the .bmp file can be hidden real the purest form of the spectacular no one but you and anyone you tell knows anything - and a ritual, or that which, of all possible events, about the file in the .bmp XD...would u be selling viruses it looks and acts like a normal .bmp file sounds neat XDay....but it's beyond my abilities/needs opposes to teh political and historical model or order the purest symbolic form crow, that's kinda what I was thinkin of challenge. no fool, crowbar it is free at :::::::::sniff:::::::::::: <not a crowbar although one might come in handy now You have just entered room “AOL Argentina - Amor” Poker Mataderos: NO PUEDO CAMINAR BAD LATYN: ALE....TU MAMA SIGUE CHUPANDO PIJA EN LA MISMA ESQUINA??? MACHINEDEAD: traiganme birra,please Poker Mataderos: YO QUIERO TOMAR VITAMINA BaudriR: A strange mixture of the symbolic and the spectacular Poker Mataderos: YO QUIERO TOMAT VITAMINA BaudriR: of challenge and simulation. Poker Mataderos: ME COMPRO UNA BOLSA TRY TRY TRY XYU: HEY ROOM 18/M/USA MODEL WITH A HOT PIC TO TRADE!!!! Poker Mataderos: Y ESTOY PILA PILA BaudriR: This paradoxical configuration is the only original form of our time BAD LATYN: COMETE UN SORETE POKER QtoPatio: jajajaaa... 277 MAGlA8o8: Poker Mataderos: Gigi ROSSI: BaudriR: Poker Mataderos: Poker Mataderos: Gigi ROSSI: BaudriR: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: TRY TRY TRY XYU: Curiousgeorg4444: Poker Mataderos: V29dg: BAD LATYN: Poker Mataderos: V29dg: BaudriR: BAD LATYN: MACHINEDEAD: Poker Mataderos: BaudriR: ALE BOUZA: QtoPatio: MARSUPILAMI85: Curiousgeorg4444: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: ALE BOUZA: TRY TRY TRY XYU: BaudriR: Gigi ROSSI: Poker Mataderos: Poker Mataderos: BAD LATYN: BaudriR: POGOD123: Gigi ROSSI: BaudriR: Curiousgeorg4444: BAD LATYN: QtoPatio: BaudriR: MAGlA8o8: Gigi ROSSI: ALE BOUZA: Poker Mataderos: BaudriR: MAGlA8o8: Gigi ROSSI: MAGlA8o8: Gigi ROSSI: QtoPatio: Gigi ROSSI: ELScorPion104: BaudriR: TRY TRY TRY XYU: BAD LATYN: Curiousgeorg4444: NO PARES DE CHUPAR BAD LATYN YA CASI SE VIENE EN TU PODRIDA CARA BAD LA PUTA QUE TE PARIO POKEMON and subversive because insoluble. SI SOY PICACHHUUUUUUUU ahahah There is neither victory nor defeat: Pikachu si,de mataderos salieron mis huesos pa la chacarita.... HAY ALGUNA RUBIA AQUI?? ERES IDIOTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Y TE VOY A METER MI PICACHU rasnoche-Bot- AgUiLuXsZ se encuentra en la posicion Nº53 con 107 puntos. POKER...DON'T START GETTING ROMANTIC? EN EL ORTO rasnoche-Bot- AgUiLuXsZ se encuentra en la posicion Nº53 con 107 puntos. no sense can be made of an event which is irremediably spectacular, PLEASE un dia de mierda,del mes de abril CHUPATE UNA PIKA BAD or irremediably symbolic. MACHINE FUMASTE CRACK>? y a quien se le ocurrió ponerle a este cuarto de chat, 'Amor'???! ESTOU EM SAO PAULO BRASIL ALGUEM P TC IAM FIXING 2 BUST OUT MY ENGLISH hay guapas mujeres latinas alli????? jajajajja A ALGUN IDEALISTA FUCK !!! IS THERE ANY BLOND GIRL IN HERE??? AT ALL Everything in terrorism is ambivalent and reversible: HAY GUAPAS MUJERES LATINAS ALLI?????? ESTA LLENO DE PELOTUDOS ESTE CHAT QUE MIERDA MECHUPO EL CLITORIS DE TU PUTA MADRE Y LE MEDO LOS DEDOS ENSUS HEMORROIDES death, the media, violence, victory. SS PARA UN CALOROSO FRANCES?? Who plays into tthe other's hands? POKER IS THE BIGGEST NERD EVER CUBIERTAS DE PREPARATION H Es en serio, Poker.... Death itself is undefinable: CHUPA CHUPA BADLATYN CHUPATE ESA VERGA DESPUES QUE TE LA SAQUEN DEL CULO soy italiano GIGI TU ERES FRANCES? TANO SUCIO the death of the terrorists is equivalent to that of the hostages; CHUPA CHUPA BADLATYN CHUPATE ESA VERGA DESPUES QUE TE LA SAQUEN DEL CULO oui CHUPA CHUPA BADLATYN CHUPATE ESA VERGA DESPUES QUE TE LA SAQUEN DEL CULO je suis français guachos inumerables tete de bite dispnible????/ they are substitutable. THIS SHIT SUCKS!!! MAGIA.....YOU KOW U CAN BLOWME DUMB-ASS MAGIA 278 Poker Mataderos: Poker Mataderos: MACHINEDEAD: BaudriR: Poker Mataderos: ALE BOUZA: V29dg: BAD LATYN: Curiousgeorg4444: Gigi ROSSI: BaudriR: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: BaudriR: V29dg: Gigi ROSSI: TRY TRY TRY XYU: ALE BOUZA: QtoPatio: BaudriR: MAGlA8o8: Gigi ROSSI: ELScorPion104: ALE BOUZA: Gigi ROSSI: BaudriR: MAGlA8o8: Curiousgeorg4444: ALE BOUZA: MAGlA8o8: BaudriR: TRY TRY TRY XYU: MACHINEDEAD: BAD LATYN: MACHINEDEAD: Gigi ROSSI: BAD LATYN: BaudriR: MACHINEDEAD: Gigi ROSSI: Gigi ROSSI: ALE BOUZA: MAGlA8o8: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: MAGlA8o8: ALE BOUZA: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: BaudriR: MACHINEDEAD: MACHINEDEAD: MACHINEDEAD: MACHINEDEAD: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: MACHINEDEAD: MACHINEDEAD: MACHINEDEAD: A LOS INTELIGENTES CHAU A LOS DEMAS en la vida aprendi que todos estos chat de mierda son una mierda In spite of all the efforts to set them into radical poopositn VALLANSE A LA PUTA QUE LOS PARIO PREFIERO EL ITALIANO AL FRANCES en la vida aprendi que todos estos chat de mierda son una mierda jose NAROSKY TE VAS A PAJEAR? MAGIA BLOWS EVERYONE vietnamian fascination allows no distinction to be made italiano no aprendi mucho,no?? and rightly so en la vida aprendi que todos estos chat de mierda son una mierdajose narosky y madagarsar I REPEAT IS THERE ANY BLOND GIRL IN HERE?? JAJAJAJJAAJ V29] decis bien for power finally does not make any either YEAH BAD LATYN I'D BLOW A BUGGER ON YOUR PUTRID FACE ITALAI, VIETNAM, MADAGASCAR hola chicas TRY GET A LIFE pero soi frances but settles its accounts with everyone YEAH BAD LATYN I'D BLOW A BUGGER ON YOUR PUTRID FACE BUEN ARE YOU HO CHI MIN'S SON? YEAH BAD LATYN I'D BLOW A BUGGER ON YOUR PUTRID FACE and buries Baader and Schleyer toghether at Stuttgart ALE FUCK U Loaded METHODUS TOOLz 2.0 Y SHIT IYOUR MOTHER'S GRAVE MAGIA">Click Here To Download METHODUS TOOLz 2.0 VERY FUN ALE BOUZA ON in its incapacity to unravel the deaths *Goodbye* MI MADRE E ITALIANA ARE YOU DE GAULLE'S NEPHEW? I SHITTED OM MY MOTHER'S GRAVE AS WELL BAD LATYN AFTER I SHITTED ON YOUR FACE Y MI PADRE *Goodbye* I SHITTED OM MY MOTHER'S GRAVE AS WELL BAD LATYN AFTER I SHITTED ON YOUR FACE OR MITERRAND'S BASTARD? VIETNAM yMADAGASCAR < a href= "">METHODUS Sound Hell</A> and rediscover *IM* *Welcome* *Goodbye* *GotMail* FUCK YOU *drop* *filedone* *buddyin* *buddyout* 279 Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: MAGlA8o8: MAGlA8o8: MAGlA8o8: Curiousgeorg4444: QtoPatio: ALE BOUZA: BaudriR: ELScorPion104: BAD LATYN: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: MACHINEDEAD: Gigi ROSSI: ALE BOUZA: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: Gigi ROSSI: ALE BOUZA: MACHINEDEAD: Gigi ROSSI: MAGlA8o8: BaudriR: Curiousgeorg4444: MACHINEDEAD: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: BaudriR: ALE BOUZA: Gigi ROSSI: Curiousgeorg4444: Gigi ROSSI: ALE BOUZA: LA TRANSAS: Gigi ROSSI: BAD LATYN: QtoPatio: BaudriR: MAGlA8o8: Gigi ROSSI: Curiousgeorg4444: QtoPatio: BaudriR: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: Curiousgeorg4444: Curiousgeorg4444: MAGlA8o8: BaudriR: Curiousgeorg4444: Curiousgeorg4444: Gigi ROSSI: Curiousgeorg4444: Curiousgeorg4444: Gigi ROSSI: Curiousgeorg4444: BITCH *ygp* I SHITTED OM MY MOTHER'S GRAVE AS WELL BAD LATYN AFTER I SHITTED ON YOUR FACE I SHITTED OM MY MOTHER'S GRAVE AS WELL BAD LATYN AFTER I SHITTED ON YOUR FACE I SHITTED OM MY MOTHER'S GRAVE AS WELL BAD LATYN AFTER I SHITTED ON YOUR FACE LATERZ GUYS I NEED 2 GO BITCH-SLAP MAGIA que aburrido, che GIGI ENTONCES NO ERES FRANçAIS the fine dividing line hola alguna chica? MAGIA,,,,,SHE DESERVES'IT siiii *systemexit* *systemstart* hablo ESCORPION DE QUE DIA? frances ‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^› y tengo I DOUBT IT ‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^› la nacionalidad I KNOW BAD LATYN SO DID YOU the distinctive and volid oppositions DAMN RIGHT SHE DESERVES IT ‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^› francesa ‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^› y vivo">Click Here To Download METHODUS TOOLz 2.0 which are the secret of law and order. QUEDAS PERDONAO in francia LETS BE FRIENDS pero EN EL MONTPARNASE SENOR RENEEEEEEE mis origines TEHIZO COJERELCULOCUANDO ESTABAS 11 no hay ni una mina atorranta ni menos por acá... Nor is it possible to reclaim a positive use for the media NOW BAD LATYN START SUCKING DICK NIGGER son italia vietnam y madagascar YEAH RITE es una lástima or a transparence of repression: YES?????? *Goodbye* MAGIA IS A SLUT D YES I AM A SLOT SO WHAT the repressive act traverses the same unforeseeable spiral as the terrorist act; U M bien B A y tu? S 280 Curiousgeorg4444: ALE BOUZA: MAGlA8o8: BaudriR: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: ELScorPion104: MACHINEDEAD: BaudriR: ALE BOUZA: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: Gigi ROSSI: MACHINEDEAD: ALE BOUZA: BaudriR: Gigi ROSSI: ALE BOUZA: MAGlA8o8: BaudriR: Gigi ROSSI: Gigi ROSSI: Gigi ROSSI: ALE BOUZA: BaudriR: Gigi ROSSI: ALE BOUZA: BaudriR: ALE BOUZA: ALE BOUZA: MACHINEDEAD: MACHINEDEAD: ALE BOUZA: ELScorPion104: Gigi ROSSI: ALE BOUZA: Gigi ROSSI: ALE BOUZA: MACHINEDEAD: S JE VOUDRAIS UN CAFE CUBANO MAINTENANT SLUT^ no one knows where it will stop ahaha ‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^› T AURAS PAS DE CAFE ‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^› bien y tu? ‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^› nor all the sebacks and reversals that will ensue. ET UN CAHIERS DU CINEMA sinon un capuccino ‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^›‹^› c est quoi un chaier du cinéma????">Click Here To Download METHODUS TOOLz 2.0 EXPRESSO There is no distinction possible between teh spectacular and the symbolic cahier du cinéma = ??? A FRENCH FILM MAGAZINE HEY BAD LLATYN YOU CAN START SUCKING MY BROTHER'S DICK NOW no distinciton possible between the "crime" and the "repression". un cahier = un cuaderno es para escribir en clase GIGI ESE EL EL NOMBRE DEL MAGAZINEEEEEEE It is this uncontrollable eruption of reversibility that is the true victory of a la escuela CAHIERS DU CINEMA terrorism. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR LA NOUVELLE VAGUE CHAUREVERENDISIMOSPELOTUDOS/AS;QUEDIOSYLUCIFERLOSACOJANYRECOJANEN SUPUTAGLORIA(VIVAELDEEP KALAVERA!!!!!) A NOUS LA LIBERTE alguna chica disponible??? tu eres una calavera A NOUS LA LIBERTE des muerto GIGI HO CHI MIN *Goodbye* You have just entered room “Town Square - Pool Party” SEANCHRISTOPHER: NUTTS ON YOUR JAW...... Sawd Off Thugsta: DAMN Larryleeh3: he'll swing wit his and i'll knock u out wit my left Sawd Off Thugsta: ILLITERATE MUTHA FUCKA BaudriR: The victory lies not at all in the fact of imposing a negotation Allthat4140: WHY IS EVERYBODY FIGHTING Sawd Off Thugsta: CUZ SOME BITCH STEEPED UP IN DA ROOM TRYIN TO TALK SHIT HIROSHI56:">*ygp* Click HERE for HOT XXX PICS & VIDEOS!! Shawn0077: THATS RIGHT CAUSE WHERE U FROM AINT SHIT COPMARE TO MY SHIT Larryleeh3: thugsta im on ur side 4 this 1 SEANCHRISTOPHER: YOU GOT MILK IN DEM TITS YOU CRAZY BITCH? BaudriR: Besides, the objective Sawd Off Thugsta: WATTS MUTHA FUCKA BaudriR: - most of the time to liberate imprisoned comrades - 281 Sawd Off Thugsta: Allthat4140: SEANCHRISTOPHER: PUPPYLOVER: BaudriR: GAGE3302: THETROJANMAN03: SLIPPLEY: BaudriR: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Shawn0077: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Larryleeh3: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: BaudriR: Sawd Off Thugsta: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: Allthat4140: BaudriR: Shawn0077: DO YOU KNOW WHAT WATTS IS ··÷^±/ < A href=>Ràm àgè †øølz 2·º ß Øøglè</A> STOP BEETING OFF DO ANY HOTT GUYS WANT TO CHAT WHAT A HOTT GRIL is typically a zero sum equation. yes aol://1223:26260/">Click Here for LESBIAN SEX *ygp* aol://1223:26260/http://3510839468/ft=mike/">Click here for nasty wet Women*ygp* The stakes are elsewhere. ¸,,..--·······--..,,¸ ¸.·˜¨;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;¨˜·.¸ WATTS HAHAHA FUCKING BITCH ASS ¸.·˜;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;˜·¸ ¸·˜;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;˜·¸ ¸˜;;;;;;;¸-·˜¨¨¯¨˜·¸;;;¸·˜¨¯¨¨˜·-¸;;;;;;;;˜¸ |;;;;;;;¸˜ '¸¸' ˜¸;;;;;;;| im gonna beat u if u dont shut the fuck up '¸;;;;;;| º |'| º |;;;;;¸' ˜·¸;;;;¨·.¸ ¸,.·˜;;˜·.,¸ ¸.·¨;;;¸·˜ ˜'.¸;;;;;¨˜˜;;;;;;;;;;;;;˜˜¨¨¨;;;;;¸.'˜ ˜¸;;;;;;`·-.¸__¸,.-·´;;;;;;;;¸˜ ˜.¸;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;¸.˜ ˜·.,¸;;;;;;;;;;;;;;¸,.·˜ And if power wins out at the level of the objective NIGGA YOU JUS DONT KNOW ¨¨˜'˜˜|''''|˜˜˜¨¨ ¸.-···˜˜˜¨¨¨¯ ¯¯˜˜¨¨¨¯¨˜·¸ '¸ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;¸' ¨'¸;;'¸¯¸';;;;;;;;;;;; '¸¯'¸;;;'¸ |;;'| |;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'| ',;;', ¸';;¸' ¨˜·¸;;;;;;;;¸·˜¨ ',;;', ,';;,' ¸·˜;;;;;;;;;;˜·¸_ |;;'| |;;'| |˜¨¯¨˜'·—··˜˜¨¯¨˜| |;;'| ¸˜;;;˜.¸¨˜·¸ ˜·–––·¨ _ ¸' ¸˜;;˜¸ (;_¸;;¸˜ |;¨·¸ '¸;;;'| ¸˜;;;;;'¸ |;;;|˜¸__¸.·'¸;;'| ¨˜˜˜˜¨¨ '|;;| |;;| -FienD|;'| |;'| *·-Amao-·* ¸';;;'¸ ¸';;;'¸ ¨˜˜˜¨ ¨˜˜˜¨ ··÷^±/ Ràm àgè †øølz 2.0 Macro Draw it loses at the level ofthe real stakes. WHAT STATE FAGGOT You have just entered room “Special Interests - nativeamericanchat” Blckftindian: him called bad names BaudriR: It loses its political definition Blckftindian: hoe BaudriR: and is forced to accept Kiokee01: oh no WatchesHorses: IN YA FYsnf: insane gangsta deciple. Kiokee u know about folk? Blckftindian: p word WatchesHorses: YA MOMA BaudriR: all wht while trying to thwart Blckftindian: f words Fireizherenow: ok think i'm lost now BaudriR: this reversibility of all te actors inthe same process. 282 Blckftindian: Kiokee01: BaudriR: Blckftindian: FYsnf: BaudriR: Blckftindian: Blckftindian: BaudriR: FYsnf: FYsnf: Blckftindian: BaudriR: Blckftindian: Kiokee01: Blckftindian: BaudriR: Fireizherenow: Fireizherenow: BaudriR: BaudriR: Fireizherenow: Blckftindian: BaudriR: Fireizherenow: Kiokee01: Blckftindian: BaudriR: WatchesHorses: BaudriR: BaudriR: Kiokee01: WatchesHorses: Kiokee01: Blckftindian: BaudriR: Blckftindian: WatchesHorses: BaudriR: Kiokee01: Blckftindian: BaudriR: Kiokee01: Blckftindian: BaudriR: Kiokee01: Fireizherenow: BaudriR: Blckftindian: Blckftindian: BaudriR: Kiokee01: Blckftindian: Fireizherenow: BaudriR: Blckftindian: Blckftindian: BaudriR: Fireizherenow: him was very abrasive with such untolerable words well im not in a gang the only gang im in is the 1 for granfather Terrorists, killers, hostages, leaders, spectators, me 2 kiokee anybody know nativeprincess? public opinion - there is no more innocence in a system which ahs no meaning. i have a gang im charlie i need angels No tragedy either we are not a gang we are a organization wit things the nasty blackfoots don't have such as love i am (in spite of the ideology of te Baader group itself daniel charles Fy what nation are u? charlehrse4 and the pedagogy of the terrorist model on a world-wide scale). sorry blck mine horns keep trying to come out my* The force of the terrorists comes to them precisely from the fact that they have no logic. brb hehe The others do: need more coffee hello FY what nation r u?<<<<<<<<<< baudri what in heck u trying to say it is quick, effective, flawless, without scruples; WANNA BE it is why the "win." If the terrorists had one, do u know what a nation is? HEHEHEHE FY? ridicoulous they would not make the erros that they do im first nation that arrived LITTLE BOY BUSY, DONT BOTHER HIM but they would no longer be terrorists. so u have no nation so that means u are not human really kiokee To demand that they be at the same time illogical really what blck? 4 here i ninny which gives them their power ? ok back and logical tacticians dont waste time with him which would make them successful im not just messing with him wb fire ty blck is absurd u dont wanna go there could b fun though yvvw - again a fantasy of synthesis :-) 283 Blckftindian: BaudriR: FYsnf: WatchesHorses: Blckftindian: BaudriR: Kiokee01: FYsnf: WatchesHorses: Blckftindian: WatchesHorses: Blckftindian: him cherokee blckft i think and of defense on our part back WANNA BE I SAY therec u go kio which allows us to recuperate ourselves in the fury of defeat. hey fy scrool up b right back again DONT COME BACK LITTLE BOY dahng HEY, DID YOU HEAR ME, DONT COME BACK u yelling u killin my ear You have just entered room “Germany - Herzklopfen” Galadriel1970: Oder auch nciht Terry JaegerCrissy: überhaupt meinte ich Blackcat1801: denken eigentlich alle nur noch an Sex BaudriR: Hence the stupidity and the obscenity of all that is reported about the terrorists Terry go 138: na ja man wird älter JaegerCrissy: ja, denke ich auch gerade, cat BaudriR: everywhere the wish to palm off meaning on them Biglittlesabrina: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Achim2810: hallo??? Biglittlesabrina: aaaaaaaaaa Biglittlesabrina: lllllllllllll BaudriR: to exterminate them with meaning Biglittlesabrina: oooooooooooooo Achim2810: will jemand chatten??? JaegerCrissy: wie alt bist du denn cat? BaudriR: which is more effective than the bullets of specialized commandoes Blackcat1801: 20 und du jaeger JaegerCrissy: 23 Galadriel1970: Und ? Bis jetzt haben das alle überlebt (bis zu nem gewisssen Zeitpunkt *G*) Terry Biglittlesabrina: na Achim2810: bin 13 und w.....verdammt noch mal BaudriR: (and all the while subjecting them elsewhere, in prisons, to sensory deprivation). MarliesHurdler: hei ihr wie alt seid ihr? JaegerCrissy: ja achim! wir wissen´s Achim2810: 13 und w JaegerCrissy: immernoch 23 und w BaudriR: It is still this rage for meaning which makes us Rosawurm13W: <------grüßt alle mit einem Wurmigen Hallo Blackcat1801: wo kommst du her jaeger BaudriR: with teh best will in the worldt MarliesHurdler: bischen jung JaegerCrissy: nähe mainz und du Achim2810: wie alt Rosawurm?? BaudriR: treat them like idiots incapable of going all the way Rosawurm13W: 15 und w Blackcat1801: aus duisburg Terry go 138: ich will hoffen das ich noch ein paar schöne tage bei euch habe.-))) BaudriR: and blowing up the airplane and the passengers Achim2810: schaaaaaaade Rosawurm13W: 1 Rosawurm13W: Wieso? BaudriR: which makes us want them not to have "won." Achim2810: weil ich erst 13 bin JaegerCrissy: sag mal baudri, alles klar? 284 You have just entered room “Friends - Shy” TwistedThreads21: and i tried telling her it will give her nightmares Playboybo6394468: I DO TwistedThreads21: she no wanna listen BaudriR: Not only have they not won TexasTornado0069: they will not BaudriR: but they have encouraged inordinately the scard union BaudriR: sacred Skateborder5420: every one a/s/l Cool2004guy: hey room TexasTornado0069: hmmmmmmmm BaudriR: of all the world forces of repression; The Goddinator: er TexasTornado0069: er? The Goddinator: damn and i was so close Cool2004guy: 15/m/in BaudriR: they ahve reinforced the political order, etc. TexasTornado0069: close for what The Goddinator: yeah stupid me and doin the hmmmmmmmmm er thing BaudriR: - let's go all the way Monkey3230: hey room BaudriR: they have killed their Stammheim* comrades STORF21: aol://1223:26260/">Click HERE NUDE GIRLS *ygp* KuntryDiva13: Hello People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BaudriR: since if they had not launched and then botched up this operation Ma80523: stop that shit Cool2004guy: hey SQUIRRELBOY89: a/s/leveryone The Goddinator: brb again BaudriR: the others would still be living. Cool2004guy: 15/m/in TexasTornado0069: ma is gonna get iggied for that crayon TwistedThreads21: ok sent her my pic she outta be getting nightmares soon Ma80523: 23\m\nj TexasTornado0069: shut up she will not BaudriR: But all this participates in teh same conspiracy of meaning SQUIRRELBOY89: 13/male/louisiana TwistedThreads21: she will two Cool2004guy: 15/m/in TwistedThreads21: ran TwistedThreads21: =oP playing [Luniz - I got 5 on it.mp3] TwistedThreads21: she gonna come back to the room BaudriR: which amounts to setting an action in contradiction with itself TwistedThreads21: with..... TwistedThreads21: wtf was that TwistedThreads21: =oP what the fuck!?! TwistedThreads21: =oP laughing my ass øff TexasTornado0069: utter stop eattin marge and type CHUCKAROO22: 21/m/Louisiana TexasTornado0069: :x BaudriR: (here to ends that were not desired, TwistedThreads21: =oP laughing my ass øff KuntryDiva13: 13/ F/AL TexasTornado0069: omy kevin typed TwistedThreads21: yeah stop eatting my wifey BaudriR: or according to a logic which was not its own). TwistedThreads21: 21/male/michigan 285 BaudriR: Strangulation. You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Fan Eminem” OHSOKORNY: FEMALE Eckocomplex1: ahhh BaudriR: II. Stammheim BLACKHEARTNSOUL: I WAS ALMOST SCARED FOR A MOMENT Eshorty12: you ain't nothing but a SLUT, trailer trash! PreteenQueen14: WELL U AINT GONNA KICK NO 1 S ASS OHSOKORNY: REALLY YOU SHOULD BE BaudriR: The insoluble polemic on the manner in which Baader and his comrades died Eckocomplex1: a/s/l everyone BLACKHEARTNSOUL: BUT I AM LMFAO BaudriR: is itself obscene BLACKHEARTNSOUL: AT YOU OHSOKORNY: TRAILER TRASH?HA HA IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO,TWAT? BaudriR: and for the same reason: Rusty479: 55/m/Nj Eckocomplex1: are yiu serious dude PreteenQueen14: U MIGHT THINK Y ARE BUT HAVE NEWS FOR YA BaudriR: there is an equal obscenity in wanting to forcibly imppose meaning OHSOKORNY: WTF? Eshorty12: DUCK you better control yourself BaudriR: on the highjackers' act OHSOKORNY: WHO IS IN LOVE WITH BMX? BaudriR: and in wanting to restore Baader's death OHSOKORNY: I AM LMMaxine: Eminem suxs BaudriR: to the order of factual reality. BLACKHEARTNSOUL: HEY WAS THAT YOU HOLDING THAT SIGN THAT SAID WILL FUCK FOR FOOD Eckocomplex1: whatevr' BaudriR: Principle of meaning as priciple of truth: Eckocomplex1: m does not suck BLACKHEARTNSOUL: AND NO ONE GIVING YOU ANY Eshorty12: slut you probaly sucked BMX dick too! BLACKHEARTNSOUL: DAMN THATS HARD Eckocomplex1: im soo high BaudriR: there you have the real life blood of State terrorism. PreteenQueen14: OHSOKORNEY U AINT GONNA BE KICKIN MY ASS SHIT OHSOKORNY: MAN YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I LOOK LIKE OHSOKORNY: PRETEEN...YOUR A DIKE! TREX11089: NO 1 CARES BLACKHEARTNSOUL: YEAH YOU GOT A TATTOO PreteenQueen14: U MIGHT HAVE EVERYBODY ELSE I N CHECK BUT NOT ME BaudriR: It is to believe that the German government's strategy Eshorty12: yo mama bitch BaudriR: attains perfection in a single blow: PreteenQueen14: YOUR MAMA BLACKHEARTNSOUL: THAT SAYS ...SKANK...ON YOUR FORHEAD BoredCollegeKid: what's going on in here? BaudriR: not only does it link together in an almost improvised manner PreteenQueen14: IA M NOT NO DAME DIKE BaudriR: the bungled taking of hostages iwth the immediately subsequent liquidation OHSOKORNY: PRETEEN YOUR TO LITTLE FOR ME TO ME FIGHTING WITH..AND ONE MORE THING I DON'T FIGHT WITH THE OHSOKORNY: MENTALLY CHALLENGED BaudriR: of the prisoners who disturbed it PreteenQueen14: I AM 18 AND WILL KICK YOUR ASS 286 BaudriR: OHSOKORNY: PreteenQueen14: BLACKHEARTNSOUL: BaudriR: OHSOKORNY: BaudriR: Eshorty12: PreteenQueen14: BLACKHEARTNSOUL: DLSTRELL: Joshua In Okc: PreteenQueen14: BaudriR: OHSOKORNY: PreteenQueen14: Joshua In Okc: HeatherMLGO: Wu62583: OHSOKORNY: Wu62583: BLACKHEARTNSOUL: DLSTRELL: BMXKING4E: Eshorty12: PreteenQueen14: BaudriR: BLACKHEARTNSOUL: DLSTRELL: BaudriR: Pack65tack: OHSOKORNY: OHSOKORNY: BoredCollegeKid: Matt 98798: Wu62583: OHSOKORNY: Eshorty12: BaudriR: BLACKHEARTNSOUL: OHSOKORNY: BaudriR: PreteenQueen14: Joshua In Okc: HeatherMLGO: Joshua In Okc: TREX11089: Dynastykid42: HeatherMLGO: BaudriR: BLACKHEARTNSOUL: BaudriR: OHSOKORNY: BaudriR: Joshua In Okc: BLACKHEARTNSOUL: Matt 98798: BaudriR: but does so in such a way DAME HA HA IT DAMN YOU STUPID TWAT OK GET THAT STRIGHT BITCK THEN I CANT WHOOP YOUR ASS OH SO KORN (coarse, equivocal, incoherent) OH BRING YOUR FAT ASS ON AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND IMBREEDING MAMA WITH YA! that it raps everyone in the hysterical search ofr turth you look like gizmoe on crack, slut WHO I WAS TOLD NEVER GO INTO BATTLE OF WITS WITH A UNARMED PERSON I like eminem so much who talkin bout shorty GO AHEAD BLACK which is the best way to abolish the symbolic futility of this death. I CAN KICK YOOUR ASS WITH MY MIDDLE FINGER SHIT MAYBE YOUR DADDYS if it aint in your ass ne hot guys wanna chat press 7 HOW MANY BLONDES ARE IN THE ROOM KUNT ASS TWAT BITCK SLUT 7 WHY DONT YOU FUCK YOUR ASS WITH IT YOU WILL LIKE IT BETTER 1 bye assholes you fuck yo dog and cat you desprest ho GO AHEAD BLACK The highjackers made som nay erros at Mogadishu STANGANT CUNT SNOT i am one that one can only think that thye wer done "on purpose." is eminem going too jail? WHERE IS MY DADDY?I REALLY WANNA MEET HIM THEN KICK HIS FUCKIN' ASS FOR NOT BEING THERE WHEN I NEEDED HIM! this room sucks 13/m/mi 17/M/FLORIDA LEAVE run to yo daddy cry baby They have finally attained their ojbective oblieuqely GOAT RAPING COCK SUCKER WHAT DADDY? which ws the challenge of their won death WELL NO WONDER CAUSE YOU A BITCH ASS PUNK ASS SLUT EVERYBODY FEEL ME fuck a dad 2 OLD 4 mine is a loser EMINEM IS GOIN 2 JAIL!!!!!!! BOOOOOO 18/M/CT HERE HOLLA ME the latter summing up the virtual on e of all the hostages ILL SHOW YOU DADDY and more radically still PRETEEN ARE YOU A NIGGER? that of the power on it s own ground whats up with that korny ILL BEAT YOUR ASS LIKE YOUR MOMMA SHOULD HAVE any girls wanna chatwith a 13/m press 12345 which kills them. 287 Joshua In Okc: Pack65tack: HeatherMLGO: Sobequeen693: Dynastykid42: Eshorty12: PreteenQueen14: OHSOKORNY: BaudriR: BaudriR: PreteenQueen14: Dynastykid42: THUG NUMBA 1 ISH: BaudriR: OHSOKORNY: Eshorty12: BaudriR: BLACKHEARTNSOUL: OHSOKORNY: BaudriR: Eshorty12: BaudriR: PreteenQueen14: OHSOKORNY: BaudriR: Dynastykid42: Pack65tack: Eshorty12: BaudriR: Pack65tack: PreteenQueen14: BaudriR: BLACKHEARTNSOUL: Eshorty12: BaudriR: BaudriR: Dynastykid42: BaudriR: Pack65tack: SMOOTCHY13: PreteenQueen14: Dynastykid42: BaudriR: Joshua In Okc: Dynastykid42: OHSOKORNY: TREX11089: BLACKHEARTNSOUL: HeatherMLGO: OHSOKORNY: Joshua In Okc: Eshorty12: Dynastykid42: OHSOKORNY: Kandykisses218: PreteenQueen14: whats that got to do with anything if any one els does a crime they go too jail eminem is no diffrent 12/F/PA hey 16/f/ny here I DONT KNOW BUT THAT NIGGER SHIT AINT KOOL preteen don't let trailer trash talk to you like that NO AND IF I WAS I AM HALF WHITE AND BLACK GOT A PROMBLEM AND IF I WAS WHAT WAS U GONNE DO YOU CAN BRING YOUR LITTLE 12 YEAR OLD ASS ON! For it absolutely must be repated that the stkes are not to beat power on its own ground IF U GAT SOMPTIN AGAINST NIGGAZ GET OFF YA FEEL ME YO KORNY WHATS YOUR PROBLEM Unloaded METHODUS TOOLz 2.0 but to oppose another political order of force. PRETEEN YOU ARE SO FULL OF IT...FULL OF DUCK SHIT! how old are you while you talkin One knows nohting about terrorism HEY YOU STUPID TWAT YOU NEED TO ACT YOUR AGE NOT YOUR SHOE SIZE ESHORTY ARE YOU BLACK? if one does not see that it is not a question of real violence korny are you white nor of opposing one violence to another OH SO KORNEY R U BLACK OR WHITE HELL FUCKIN' YEAH IM WHITE! (which, owing to their disproportion, is absurd, KORNY YOULL GET THAT ASS WHOPED ppl use the n word ,and spend they're time copying blacks we can see that ho and besides, all real violence thats stupid WELL THEN U HAVE SOMPTIN AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE like real order in general, THEN AGAIN IF YOU ACT YOUR AGE THERE WOULD BE NO DIFFERENCE thank you preteen is always ont he side of power) but to oppose to the full violence and to the full order 18/BLACK/M/CT HOLLA a clearly superior model of extermination and virulence acting black has made eminem a wealthy man wut up room CAUSE IF U DO GET OFF BLACK NIGGAZ WILL FUCK U UP I AM JUST TELLIN YA KORNY HAS ISSUES operating through emptiness. a korny white female just what the world needs ILL BUSS HIS SHIT KORNY IS A BITCH SOME 1SEND ME UR PIC HEY KORNY GET OFF YOUR MOMS SNATCH.....OH I FORGOT THATS WHAT YOU DO FOR A LIVING MOST BLACKS R HOTTER THAN WHITES I HATE KORNY Eshorty12 male/female josh I'm a female A/S/L/CHECK ALL IM A CRACK HEAD HYDRO HEAD POT HEAD ACID HEAD AND ALL DRUGS HEAD Man white and black people are the same but black girls got prettier hair U BETTER START RUNNIN 288 You have just entered room “Life - Recovery Link” Uncle Lauri: Go ahead, Bob? BaudriR: The secret is to oppose to the order of the real PPattLimo: Sharp you have to grovel for along itme after? CHEFRAYY: well i gotta run for now..but I'll Be Back KIMisLOVED: so ray.... how much do they have ya workin? BaudriR: an absolutely imaginary realm Sharpealso: Lauri, no what? Never mind. Wouldn't help me, I'd only envy you. CHEFRAYY: 40 hours a week Sharpealso: And I already envy Ray CHEFRAYY: 3 days off BaudriR: absolutely ineffectual at the level of reality CHEFRAYY: sun,mon &tues KIMisLOVED: {{{{{{{{ray}}}}}}}}}} later! Sharpealso: PP, yes. The guilt burden is incredible Uncle Lauri: LOL.....I dont think I can be envied.....but thanks for the vote BaudriR: but whose implosive energy absorbs everything real PPattLimo: Sharp : ) Ihear you. Sharpealso: Lauri, you have no idea. I envy anyone who wasn't abused on a daily basis... although Sharpealso: I'm sure people who were physically abused had it worse... PPattLimo: Bau ok now put that into your own words lol Rebus1206: bob...may i ask a question? Cameo027: How does one recover from something lost? KIMisLOVED: larry? Uncle Lauri: Bob I was never abused by my Family...I am so sorry you were BaudriR: and all the volence of real pwer which founders there. KIMisLOVED: LARRY????? Ckhlwh: Kim???? KIMisLOVED: whatcha doin? Uncle Lauri: Bob...abuse is abuse...many forms many scars COBURN VALLEJO: Good Morning everyone! Ckhlwh: cookin breakfast, want some? KIMisLOVED: morning CO KIMisLOVED: mmmm... yeah Songstres3: Bob, I'mn ot sure that's true KIMisLOVED: whatcha cookin? Ckhlwh: <--making gravy for my bisquits KIMisLOVED: yummmmm... and you're a yankee???? Sharpealso: Sue.... in therapy yesterday I nearly cried for the child I was Ckhlwh: +++++++++ Lauri ++++++++ Cameo027: Bob, People abuse others on a daily basis. The big guy puts us here to see how much BaudriR: Such a model is no longer of the order of transgression: Sharpealso: I felt sooo sorry for him. Cameo027: one can tolerate. BaudriR: repression and trasgression COBURN VALLEJO: Are they homemade biscuits? Uncle Lauri: {{{{Bob}}}}} I never hug you....but I felt the need BaudriR: are of the old order of the law KIMisLOVED: is it sausage gravy? BaudriR: that is to say Ckhlwh: <--haven't mastered the homemade bisquits quite yet Sharpealso: Lauri, thanx. I appreciate it. Know what? I was talking about this in therapy yesterday BaudriR: of the order of a real system in expansion. Cameo027: Ck, lol Uncle Lauri: Great, Bob!!! Songstres3: Bob, I HAVE cried...... and what I suffered wasn't NEARLY as bad as alot Ckhlwh: Of course, a mixture os pork and itialian saugage BaudriR: In such a system, all that comes into contradicitn with it 289 KIMisLOVED: Rebus1206: Sharpealso: Rebus1206: BaudriR: Rebus1206: Sharpealso: Cameo027: BaudriR: Ckhlwh: Songstres3: Uncle Lauri: KIMisLOVED: Rebus1206: BaudriR: KIMisLOVED: BaudriR: Songstres3: Songstres3: Rebus1206: Sharpealso: Sharpealso: BaudriR: Songstres3: BaudriR: Uncle Lauri: Rebus1206: Sharpealso: BaudriR: KIMisLOVED: Uncle Lauri: Cameo027: Sharpealso: Sharpealso: BaudriR: KEppy4ya: Ckhlwh: Rebus1206: Sharpealso: KIMisLOVED: Uncle Lauri: Ckhlwh: Uncle Lauri: Cameo027: Songstres3: Songstres3: Sharpealso: BaudriR: Sharpealso: BaudriR: Ckhlwh: KIMisLOVED: Uncle Lauri: BaudriR: Rebus1206: Sharpealso: BaudriR: Rebus1206: Ckhlwh: oh man....can y'all get Grands Biscuits?? sometimes....for me...i have to wonder...if i hold on to my an I spent 2 months in a burn ward... fighting to stay alive... and my parents weren't allowed excuse.... including the violence of ist opposite dont know how to put this.... to visit cuz I was quarantined. Best two months of my life. Is that tragic? Rebus, it becomes one's security only makes the expansion accelerate. Yes those are the ones I use right now, great bisquits Bob, it is is {{{{{{{{{Bob}}}}}}}}} cameo....i think it does Here the virulence comes from the implosion with Grans..... no need for homemade - and the death of the terrorists My relationship now with my parents is better, always was OK with my Dad tho.... Mom has change alot it is our excuse for our screw ups....or...can be Twice a day the debrieded me... which ain't no picnic... and all I could think of was... at least my parents can't be here (or of the hostages) Kim, I still like homemade better... LOL is of this implosive order: {{{{{{{{Bob*}}}}}}} maybe i didnt word that right I was pretty badly disfigured.... still was an improvement. the abolition of value, of meaning, of the real, at a determined point. i've always liked canned better than homemade Time for work........ Baud, we are all hostages of some circumstance here on earth. the big guy delegates it Of course now I'm covered in burn scars and my parents are back in my life... so to speak. This point can be infinitesimal Hey family <---trying a new recipe on the gravy, if it works I will spring it on the others at Sept lauri...have a good day Bastards Bob.... what were the burns from? Bob...I gotta tell you...I love the man you are today Rendezvous too Baud, You got it! Clara, I don't blame my parents for my addiction.. but do have to deal with the underlying issues, since it has to do with my self-esteem KIM, a fire and yet provokes a suction Lauri, that's probably cuz you don't know me. :/ an absorption flames will do that to you Bob! what Sept Rendezvous????? Hum.......snappy comeback a gigantic convection sue...i understand....but i also have to feel..for me... KIM, I ran into a burning building to try to save my dog as could be seen at Mogadishu. my parents did the best they could... My Sept Rendezvous at Paisley Oregon, that those bastards keep electing me to run 290 Uncle Lauri: BaudriR: Rebus1206: BaudriR: Rebus1206: Songstres3: BaudriR: Songstres3: BaudriR: Sharpealso: Cameo027: Rebus1206: COBURN VALLEJO: BaudriR: Sharpealso: Songstres3: Cameo027: Sharpealso: KIMisLOVED: Eyesbignbrown: BaudriR: Songstres3: Sharpealso: COBURN VALLEJO: BaudriR: Eyesbignbrown: Songstres3: KIMisLOVED: Cameo027: Eyesbignbrown: COBURN VALLEJO: Rebus1206: Eyesbignbrown: BaudriR: KIMisLOVED: Sharpealso: Rebus1206: Rebus1206: Eyesbignbrown: Rebus1206: BaudriR: Eyesbignbrown: KIMisLOVED: BaudriR: Sharpealso: Rebus1206: Eyesbignbrown: Cameo027: Rebus1206: BaudriR: Cameo027: Eyesbignbrown: BaudriR: KIMisLOVED: Songstres3: Songstres3: Cameo027: Eyesbignbrown: Rebus1206: What I know...I love and respect........ Around this tiny point i just have to go with that.... the whole system of the real condesnses and forgive....and get on with my life.... Clara, and I know my Mom did too, I'm seeing alot now that I never did before is tetanized She's always been a very insecure woman and launches all its anti-bodies. I remember when I was about 10 my dog was killed by a car. Uncle, rofl. I love what I love, Few are deserving i think..if i held on to....the past....i would not grow in the future We always have to say to ourselves there is some one out there put through It becomes so dense that it goes beyond its own laws of equilibrium I was devastated, that dog was the only person in the house who didn't abuse me.... Clara, that's the entire point of dealing with it... and you're doing that Rebus, you think? How does one forgive? my mother made me go bowling, so I wouldn't interfere with her bridge game bob.... did you save him? Sue....I called the Sherriff's office and the FB I and involutes in it s own over-effectiveness. Deb, GOOD KIM, no. It was a pretty bad day all around more than what we were pt through and survivored At bottom I will be seeing the sherriff later today You needed to do that sorry bob Rebus, doesn't it really depend on the circumstance? they want to take the report from my home where it was mailed and remained sane and grow strong cameo...for is my faith.... so I have to call them back after work the profound tacticof simulation Deb??? what happened?? KIM, yeah me too. Not a day goes by I don't miss him, and feel guilty i think...if God can forgive us.... well certainly....i can... Kimmers.....I recieved a very scary letter from a prison inmate and that may sound lame (for it's very much a matter of simulation in the terrorist model don't know if he is mistaking me for someone or if he is stalking me wow.... did you know him? and not of real death) Clara, I'm afraid I don't have that luxury but..without forgiveness....there is no growth... I have never heard of him Rebus, Yeah. The big guy has always been my foundation but what does one do it hurts you... is to provoke an excess of reality when he is not listening and is busy? I looked his record up and he has gone to prsion twice for threatening letters and to make the system collapse under an excess of reality. wow Deb, and if this IS something instigated by someone else... that person is gonna be in some REAL big dodo Reb, I agree I am very nervous about the whole thing but hope I am not over-reacting comeo...perhaps...then...i need to take time to listen 291 Sharpealso: Sharpealso: KIMisLOVED: Songstres3: Eyesbignbrown: Rebus1206: Songstres3: Rebus1206: Eyesbignbrown: Rebus1206: Sharpealso: Rebus1206: Rebus1206: KIMisLOVED: Sharpealso: KIMisLOVED: Rebus1206: Sharpealso: Rebus1206: Rebus1206: Clara, I think you're 100% right. But some of us have been so conditioned that it's nearly impossible to forgive oneself glad you reported it Deb, I don't think you are.. you HAVE to be safe Sue....who knows......I am a big ball of the shakes right now and bob...that is the key THe letter came to YOUR address... to forgive yourself he could b e getting out any day and accept yourself Hey, did I tell anyone here about my dream with the shark? totally..and unconditionally this is just me damn larry Analyzed it yesterday in therapy. Fascinating sittin here thinkin bout biscuts and gravy now there are no easy answers....but... Man, when a dream makes sense it's really weird and eye opening i have to do...what i have to do for me.... this is my way You have just entered room “UK - Northern Ireland” LoneWolf 0011: zzzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz BaudriR: If it is possible then to think that the highjackers have acted purposefully Sagebrush393: any nude pictures of any fair redheaded ...Irish lassies.. willing to trade.. BaudriR: in order to meet their death The adidas babe: wake up lone BaudriR: this kind of paradoxical death which shines intensely LoneWolf 0011: go ahead adida BaudriR: for a moment before falling back into the real The adidas babe: whats ur first name The adidas babe: and ur age LoneWolf 0011: sage has an offer u cant refuse BaudriR: it is possible to think inversley LoneWolf 0011: lol Irish2837: hello all BaudriR: that the German government itself did not commit so many errors The adidas babe: welll ive blonde hair not red lol BaudriR: in the Baader affair The adidas babe: so thats me out lol LoneWolf 0011: was i talkin to u yesterday irish Irish2837: no i dont think so BaudriR: except towards a well defined end LoneWolf 0011: go ahead adida dont be shy BaudriR: (even without desiring it). Saut Pierates: Hi ya'll! Florida USA here. :o) LoneWolf 0011: must be another irish sorry Irish2837: hello Saut The adidas babe: so im still waiting lone Saut Pierates: Hi Irish. You have just entered room “Special Interests - CUTE FAT CHICKS” KySweetAzz: ty trixie Wndywpooh: Kimm, Snert, Mike Have a good one, I am going to relax and watch a movie BaudriR: It was able to stage Baader's death neatly S IVl P: any ladies from cali, wanna chat IM me BlACkMaiLedSaNtA: wowowowowowowow@trixie 292 BaudriR: Dicksyandtrixie: Youngbabyangel: BlACkMaiLedSaNtA: KySweetAzz: BaudriR: BlACkMaiLedSaNtA: THEBIGDOG596: Youngbabyangel: Dicksyandtrixie: BaudriR: BlACkMaiLedSaNtA: Sweetmantx648295: Dicksyandtrixie: BlACkMaiLedSaNtA: Sweetmantx648295: Slight gains: S IVl P: - he did not do it. ur welcum hey room yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm trixie aint that big, girl u look fine Far from seeing there a secondary episode yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm@trixie WHATS UP ROOM 17/f/IN with pics ty it must be seen as the key to the situation. got more? hello ladies s2r kk 31 m tx 26/blk/m any ladies wanna chat im me 20/m/cali/pix You have just entered room “Romance - F LUVS MILITARY MEN” Burban Bull: 23/blk m/cali/pic Jeanniel8471: gilly i just need BaudriR: By sowing this dobut SheeDevil27: MORIN ROOM BaudriR: this deliberate ambiguity concerning the facts Nickshotline: hi shee Jeanniel8471: ok what the puck <~~~~~ runs to the phone carmona211: 20/M/CALI.USMC Gillybean777: mmmmmmmmmmmm orange juice BaudriR: it insured that the truth about this death Jeanniel8471: <~~~~~~ holds the phone away from ear///// SCSmilin4Me: hey carmon BaudriR: and not the death itself SheeDevil27: ANYONE IN NORFOLK VA BaudriR: became fascinating. carmona211: 29 PALMS Gillybean777: woo hoo,gotta love the palms Gillybean777: lol carmona211: HEY RkyMtnGrl: Kim********************* carmona211: LOL BaudriR: Everyone exhausted himself in argument Jeanniel8471: <~~~~ leaves a message:::::: baby call me when u get this message:::::::: BaudriR: and in attempts at clarification Jeanniel8471: god i hope he dosent kill me..... BaudriR: - clarification s reinforced by the theatricality of the event ThisOneGotSpunk: hi Kim Jeanniel8471: gilly wheres my juice Gillybean777: send me some eye candy carmon Gillybean777: wheres my eye candy jeannie? BaudriR: which acts as a gigantic dissuasion of the terrorists' execution BABYHUSKY69: bye guys Jeanniel8471: when i get my juice Kbaybarbie: kathy*************************** BaudriR: - everyone, BABYHUSKY69: I am bored Jeanniel8471: baby where are u goin? Kbaybarbie: spunky :)] 293 ChelleSim: ThisOneGotSpunk: Kbaybarbie: BABYHUSKY69: Jeanniel8471: BaudriR: Jeanniel8471: RkyMtnGrl: Kbaybarbie: BABYHUSKY69: ChelleSim: BaudriR: Jeanniel8471: Kbaybarbie: RkyMtnGrl: ChelleSim: BABYHUSKY69: ChelleSim: Jeanniel8471: ThisOneGotSpunk: Jeanniel8471: Kbaybarbie: BABYHUSKY69: Jeanniel8471: BABYHUSKY69: Kbaybarbie: RkyMtnGrl: Jeanniel8471: Kbaybarbie: Jeanniel8471: ChelleSim: Kbaybarbie: DIVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :) lee the hottie babe yummy man************* leaving Jeannie k****************************************** and above all the revolutionaries who wanted strongly to have it no u Chelle*********************** DIVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA omg we sooooo need to talk why not Rkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy that Baader had been "assassinated." chelle**************************** good lord dear ...I miss and need you is Lee a hottie??? I was not aware of this Talk to me love the room is not the same I miss you too doll i know i'm outtie where are u goin? kathy...... lee is cute!!! take me!!!!!!!!! lol Lee is yummy.. EXTREMELY where can we going u make a room k diva.... here is the deal well dang, I wanna see kk i found my car.... bye chris************************ where? im experiecing land rover issues like you had.. I want a DEAL You have just entered room “Town Square - saudichat” K7ailaaaan: aha i c K7ailaaaan: 7seen 3ali wallah mahob sahal BaudriR: They too were vultures of hte truth. KE7AILAN: i know lool K7ailaaaan: jaab hal marrah hadaf o al marrah illi ra7at hadaf ji3lah yeslam BaudriR: What's the bloody difference, anyway KE7AILAN: agool k7ailaaaaaaaaan KE7AILAN: nice 2 meet u KE7AILAN: see ya later KE7AILAN: and la t7tak KE7AILAN: loooooooool KE7AILAN: bye K7ailaaaan: YA 3YOOON K7AILAAAAAAAAAAAAN K7ailaaaan: allah ye9li7k BaudriR: suicides or victims of liquidation? K7ailaaaan: ant illi mi7tak K7ailaaaan: bas ma y5aalif KE7AILAN: la wallah a KE7AILAN: int K7ailaaaan: lana 3a'6eem al sharaf wallah K7ailaaaan: 9adegny KE7AILAN: ok bro BaudriR: The difference, of course, is that if they were liquidated 294 KE7AILAN: KE7AILAN: K7ailaaaan: K7ailaaaan: BaudriR: see ya bye see ya bye and it can be proven You have just entered room “Friends - The Balcony” Madi gras1987: what BaudriR: then the masses, guided by the truth of the facts, Madi gras1987: hey maggie Konioke: HELLO Babybaird111: 11 here BaudriR: would know that the German State is fascist Konioke: 16 HERE Konioke: Y DO I FEEL SO OLD BuxbaumT: HI Poohjd235: any guys wont to talk to a 15/F BuxbaumT: WHATS UP Babybaird111: bux how old are u MaryLittleBlue 9: so what r u doing BuxbaumT: 15 YEARS Babybaird111: o Konioke: IM A MAN BuxbaumT: AND YOU HARDYBOYS910: nou thing Babybaird111: 14 HARDYBOYS910: see dat Babybaird111: ygp} Konioke: SEE WHAT IM BLIND You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Tenchi Motel” II Ayako Mano II: [] heh [] Ryoko3775: i found locust when i was seven COOLCAT2MA: :: kicks feet up and down:: EvilNeko Oldbie: [] Ima sleepy..u.x [] TrainerRobert517: wow TrainerRobert517: lucky u Ryoko3775: yep Blaze Damascus: .rand Blaze Damascus: Blaze2ºº1 rándøm: tom jones - sex bomb - grosse point - theme song You have just entered room “Arts and Entertainment - Medieval Tavern” Laelie McCuldrin: ::she held the basket out to her, she had only been trying to help:: InsaneClnPsse: :she grabs a stool and sits by the fire: Shadow White Elf: ::lets both her eyes fall to the counter again.. placing her glass before her:: Squall Sep: ::He grasps the goblet, sipping some as he notices a recognized presence:: BaudriR: and would mobilize in order to wreak revenge. Machiavelli97014: to get his own drink BridgetMcCuldrin: ::laughs: fergive me Laelie.. that be a large part of m'trade and sae I tend tae be BridgetMcCuldrin: protective o'it BaudriR: What a load of rubbish. BridgetMcCuldrin: ::settling the basket upon her arm:: now then lets be away SirAtwater: ::Looks tae Stormy :: Aye ::Points tae Lil :: InsaneClnPsse: :she places her hand in the fire pulling some of the flame out with her hand: BaudriR: A death is romantic or it is not. Machiavelli97014: ::looking to Stormy::Ntender but while I'm back here do 295 Machiavelli97014: SilentWilw: Machiavelli97014: BaudriR: InsaneClnPsse: Stormy5014: Laelie McCuldrin: BaudriR: Laelie McCuldrin: Jouii: Che Zapata 135: SirAtwater: Jouii: BridgetMcCuldrin: BaudriR: Machiavelli97014: Jouii: Stormy5014: SirAtwater: Squall Sep: BaudriR: Squall Sep: InsaneClnPsse: BaudriR: Che Zapata 135: BaudriR: Che Zapata 135: Stormy5014: Machiavelli97014: Che Zapata 135: BaudriR: Shadow White Elf: Machiavelli97014: Angelique Dreams: InsaneClnPsse: SirAtwater: BaudriR: BaudriR: Che Zapata 135: BaudriR: Shattered Kaos: Che Zapata 135: Stormy5014: SilentWilw: Jouii: Che Zapata 135: InsaneClnPsse: BaudriR: Shattered Kaos: Machiavelli97014: Che Zapata 135: Jouii: InsaneClnPsse: BaudriR: Che Zapata 135: Okamijuu no Oo: Jouii: BaudriR: Jouii: you want something? ::falls into a light sleep feeling comfortable in her surroundings:: (NO) And in the latter case, there is no need for revenge; :she lets the flame dance across her hand: ::she nods:: i want to know if anyone has seen a man named smoke ml Yes lets.. ::chuckling a bit and she moves toward the door, her hands returning to it is of the imaginary order. rest upon her belly once again:: ::Slender fingers hooked themselves under the cover of the case, and unhinged it.. rows ::wanders back into the bar, a bit drunk:: ::Looks back tae Stormy :: Why do ye ask ? upon rows of calligraphic pens, a neat stack of paper secured to one side. Lips pursed ::she held the door for her sister, then closed it behind them:: What non-sense to fall backinto the rreality of a contract of revenge and equivalence! ::Smiles while looking for a bottle of wine::Sorry but I have not in thought as he chose a pen.::.... ::she looks to sir:: there's personal reason for this :Nods: I see ::he retrieves his cloak, the murky rift of flames once again summoned, the figure then The avengers are worth the moralists: egress through:: :she claps the flame out and looks to all the patrons: always evaluate the price ::moves to the bar:: and have the just price paid. ::looks at insnae and instead moves to her:: ::she looks around the tavern then back at sir:: maybe you can help me ::tips over a few bottles on accident but finally secures a fine red wine of got any vodka left?? It matters little that the "reality" of this death ::lifting her glass again.. she sighs, her ears flickering slowly as if thinking:: his liking ( ::Lurks.:: ) :lifts it up showing barely any: :Looks tae her :: Perhaps I can (the truth about...) is stolen from you ::grabs the bottle from her and downs whatever there is left:: since it is not of the order of the real -he shifted about on the stool, those slits narrowed as they saerched for the liquor ::places the bottle back down:: ::she nods:: could find out if anyone in this tavern dose ::absently in her sleep, she brushes a strand hair behind her ear:: ::One pen in particular was plucked from the rows of others, and he uncapped it. Case ::lets a relaxing sigh out:: thats the stuff.... you dick and therein lies its force. of his he figured, wasn't much of the good type here in these infernal taverns::placing the bottle on the bar top he resumes the search for a corkscrw ::looks at her:: excuse me?? was shifted just enough so the paper was directly in front of him. And the blond began why the hell did you do that? You are the one who depreciates it by wanting to institute it as a fact hmm....cause i gave you the bottle a bit ago ((......::snerk:: Shattered kaos. Poor Kaos! "Moooo!")) to write - elegant, flowing script, letterforms neatly executed, the scratching of pen upon as capital with the value of death paper leaving ebon in its wake.:: 296 SirAtwater: Che Zapata 135: BaudriR: Machiavelli97014: FxyAngel20: InsaneClnPsse: ZombiePrincess1: FxyAngel20: InsaneClnPsse: BaudriR: Che Zapata 135: Aurilana2: InsaneClnPsse: Shattered Kaos: ZombiePrincess1: BaudriR: Che Zapata 135: BaudriR: Che Zapata 135: Okamijuu no Oo: Swordsorceress: Machiavelli97014: SirAtwater: InsaneClnPsse: InsaneClnPsse: BaudriR: BaudriR: Shattered Kaos: Che Zapata 135: BaudriR: Stormy5014: Che Zapata 135: Machiavelli97014: Swordsorceress: InsaneClnPsse: BaudriR: Stormy5014: Aurilana2: SirAtwater: Stormy5014: ZombiePrincess1: Swordsorceress: BaudriR: Che Zapata 135: SirAtwater: FxyAngel20: BaudriR: Machiavelli97014: Aurilana2: SilentWilw: FxyAngel20: InsaneClnPsse: Swordsorceress: Che Zapata 135: Machiavelli97014: BaudriR: Aurilana2: Swordsorceress: FelineArmand: Hmmm :His eyes scan thee patrons:: and everywhere else i went, there was no vodka for some reason and to exhaust it in death ::Humming quietly to himself as he looks about the messy barback ::Pushes through the doors, a hand covering her mouth while she yawns. Deep Forest eyes and godamn you ::sits in a corner alone:: a slight grin is offered to the crowd:: i needed that vodka more then you] wherease this death at full price no..not really ::looks around the bar area:: Is there a Tender? yes i did ][Normally..that would be funny..but its been said so many times ::watches everyone with a slight smirk playing across her face:: not liquidated in the equivalence of meaning and vengeance ::reaches over the couter and grabs a bottle of scotch:: opens a cycle of vertigo ::uncaps it and looks to insane:: why then?? ((I'm the one who started it; I know how long it's been going on. ^_^)) ::sharp, steady click click click was heard beyond the door as resonations grew more intense Ah ha::locating the corkscrew excitedly ::Looks back tae Stormy :: I does nae look like it . cause that the only shit i really like and you snatched it from me agian! in which the system itself can only come to be implicated in the end or brutally ][Im sure you are.. ::takes a swig:: through its own death. ::she sighs:: should try something else ::makes his way from behind the bar grabbing a glass as he goes leather embraced curvature approached the door...slight pause of authoritative stride and :walks to the bar and grabs the whisky: Against this vertiginous death the system defends itself by setting in place ::she nods to them:: thank you ::to Machiavelli:: Are you tending, sir? ::Sighs as he looks back tae her :: ::she walks out:: ::her eyes slide across the room calmly as if searching for something:: abruptly the door swung open, giving little remorse as to whom or what it hit that lay in an inverse cycle hmmm.....try anything with alcohol....they do wonders ::Shrugs and downs his scotch :: ::clears her throat, moving to the bar and leans her torso against the counter, folding her - a recycling of the truth against the insoluble cycle of death. ::he dertly manages to carry the wine , corkscrew , glass ::shrugs and walks behind the bar to prepare herself another glass of wine:: ::suddenly wakes with a start, she raises her head quickly embarassed:: arms neatly on top of it:: :opens the cap and gulps it down: its wake...wicked grin slightly curved upon petals of vermillion as steel heels resumed ::moves to a table in the far corner and lays down on it:: and bag wiyhout so much as a stumble Such is the inspired manoeuvre of the German government ::throws a few more coins in the till:: their commanding beat upon the floor boards...animal hide creaked gently as cloaked form usual..the feline anthro strolls on it..scanning the tavern boredly before 297 BaudriR: ZombiePrincess1: BaudriR: FelineArmand: SirAtwater: Jouii: BaudriR: Swordsorceress: Shadow White Elf: InsaneClnPsse: SilentWilw: Machiavelli97014: Jouii: ZombiePrincess1: BaudriR: Shadow White Elf: Aurilana2: Che Zapata 135: Machiavelli97014: BaudriR: Jouii: Jouii: Swordsorceress: BaudriR: ZombiePrincess1: Machiavelli97014: Swordsorceress: FxyAngel20: Aurilana2: BaudriR: InsaneClnPsse: Che Zapata 135: FxyAngel20: ZombiePrincess1: InsaneClnPsse: BaudriR: Machiavelli97014: Che Zapata 135: BaudriR: BaudriR: Che Zapata 135: Aurilana2: Shadow White Elf: ZombiePrincess1: Swordsorceress: BaudriR: Machiavelli97014: ZombiePrincess1: BaudriR: InsaneClnPsse: SilentWilw: BaudriR: FxyAngel20: FelineArmand: Che Zapata 135: Swordsorceress: ZombiePrincess1: FelineArmand: Che Zapata 135: which consists in delivering through its "calculated" errors ::looks up at Che and moves away a little:: an unfinished product taking a seat at the bar:: ::Sits quietly at the bar lost in thought :: ::Bits and pieces of idle conversations piqued a disinterested curiousity, but he an unrecoverable truth. sauntered to the bar, casting emerald flecked obsidian gaze casually about. Bands of steel ::picks up her bottle and glass.. moving away from the bar and to a table in the far back of :puts her head down on the bar top: ::pushes her hair from her eyes and tries to relax:: ::looking about for a seat close to the hearth didn't start writing. Nearly half of the page was filled with words in that strange ::pulls her legs up to her chest:: Thus everyone will exhaust himself finishing the work the tavern.. one surrounded by a bit of shadows:: ::takes her wine and walks back over th the hearth:: ::stares at the ceiling with dark voids of black:: Hummm where shall I sit and going to the end of the truth. language of his, and he wasn't stopping yet. Hunched over, catlike pewters narrowed just a bit in concentration.:: jingled with every foot fall as leather wrapped digits loosely fell over steel braided whip A subtle incitement to self-management. ::watches Che from the floor:: ::weaving in and out of chairs and tables at her hip:: was the middle of the day and she was already tired after sleeping in.. ::finds and empty table and sits, able to enjoy the dancing fire:: It is content to produce an event involving death; :she sighs and hops on the bar top and begins to pace: ::looks down a bit and notices someone staring at me:: laughs softly at herself, and taps a cadence on the bar with her fingers:: ::cocks her head to the side curiously, but doesnt dare speak:: :walking back and forth on the bar top: others will put the finishing touches on the job. Ah yes this will do nicely::speaking quietly to himself if your gonna watch, might as well do it from above me... The truth. Even among the very ones who revolt at Baader's death ::turns his head back to the ceiling and takes another swig of scotch:: ::sips her wine while being warmed by the fire:: ::fills her glass again.. her mind wondering slightly:: ::blushes and hides her face in her knees:: ::as decadence sinfully poured into leather lifted sultry thigh, the leg was swung no one sees through this trap ::places everything down in a thud on the table im sorry sir... and all function with teh same automatism :she sips her whisky lookin for some to talk with: ::looks about at the others with soft eyes, smiling to herself:: on the ringe of open complicity ::Looks at Insane, her voice tinted with accent but also a bit nasal sounding from her being ::out of his furry left paw comes a nice set of claws..which he taps over his section of the ::looks to her:: no problem..don't like people behind me sidewardly and derriere kissed upon barstool as she straddled it alluredly, dark glance ill move if you wish... bar quietly..yawning/growling under his breath:: or under me for that worry..and don't call me sir 298 FxyAngel20: BaudriR: Swordsorceress: SirAtwater: InsaneClnPsse: Machiavelli97014: Che Zapata 135: InsaneClnPsse: Aurilana2: FxyAngel20: ill:: Exscuse me, but walking on the bar is very unsanitary which all intelligent power contrives to spread around its decisions. cast from left to right, as if looking for a challenging male:: ::Looks tae Cy as she sits at the bar :: do you think i care ::removes his winter coat and places it on an empty chair beside him all im saying is if you want to see me, just go to the rafters or sit down :hops up to the rafters: ::sips her wine and occasionally looks about the tavern:: ::raises a brow and mumbles something shaking her head:: You have just entered room “Life - JesusSucksAmenToThat” Kbb21724: 17/m/nude pic/press 7 to trade(s2r) BaudriR: Far from harming him KuraiTenshi666: Ooh... underage nudity... Rainin Since Dec: eww kiddie porn Tt0d: JOHN 3:16 Kbb21724: 17/m/nude pic/press 7 to trade(s2r) BaudriR: the flaws of Stammheim stem from a strategy of simulation Johnny Blaze 444: NOBODY WANTS TO SEE YOURE FAT ASS NAKED KBB Alanchains: Hey Barb The Ruffian: this woman is asking me for a nude pic lol Tt0d: JOHN3;16 BaudriR: by the German State Kbb21724: im not fat you fag Tt0d: KBB YOU FAT SLOB BarbMill413: Hey, Alan PoppinXTC 5: G PoppinXTC 5: O PoppinXTC 5: D Johnny Blaze 444: PRESS 44 IF YOU THINK KBB IS A FAT DYKE PoppinXTC 5: J BaudriR: which alone would merit analysis and denunciation. KuraiTenshi666: Can I see your nudie pic, Kbb? PoppinXTC 5: E PoppinXTC 5: S SNMBMXKING: S Johnny Blaze 444: 44 PoppinXTC 5: U SNMBMXKING: U SNMBMXKING: X HUGHE G REKTION: D PoppinXTC 5: S BaudriR: A strategy of sacred union Tt0d: 44 HUGHE G REKTION: O Tt0d: 44 HUGHE G REKTION: G Tt0d: 44 Johnny Blaze 444: 44 HUGHE G REKTION: D The Ruffian: kbb is definitly a fat faggot HUGHE G REKTION: O HUGHE G REKTION: G BaudriR: and not al all moral Tt0d: GOD IS DOG BACKWARDS PoppinXTC 5: G HUGHE G REKTION: P 299 PoppinXTC 5: Johnny Blaze 444: HUGHE G REKTION: PoppinXTC 5: HUGHE G REKTION: BaudriR: Kbb21724: Johnny Blaze 444: BaudriR: BaudriR: HUGHE G REKTION: HUGHE G REKTION: HUGHE G REKTION: Tt0d: HUGHE G REKTION: Tt0d: HUGHE G REKTION: Tt0d: Tt0d: BaudriR: Tt0d: HUGHE G REKTION: HUGHE G REKTION: HUGHE G REKTION: HUGHE G REKTION: HUGHE G REKTION: KuraiTenshi666: HUGHE G REKTION: BaudriR: Gloth Alla Xul: HUGHE G REKTION: BaudriR: Tt0d: PoppinXTC 5: PoppinXTC 5: BaudriR: Jesus Hates Smut: PoppinXTC 5: PoppinXTC 5: PoppinXTC 5: PoppinXTC 5: PoppinXTC 5: KuraiTenshi666: Rainin Since Dec: BaudriR: HUGHE G REKTION: Kbb21724: Tt0d: Alanchains: BaudriR: Johnny Blaze 444: PoppinXTC 5: Gloth Alla Xul: Tt0d: BaudriR: Johnny Blaze 444: KuraiTenshi666: BaudriR: Rainin Since Dec: O THEN GIMME A 44 N D E against the terrorist violenceb you fuckin ass faggots 44 ut but P E N F I U S C K much more profoundly U S C R O L Quit scrolling. L a sacred union in the production of truth Arn't you the analytical one, Tt0d? lol of the facts YES H E of the real. the penis scoll is a 10000 yr old scroll about the magic penis L L S U X Next person to scroll goes on ignore. Hell rox Even if this trught explodes sorry kurai what magic penis? POPPIN THE PIMPLES ON YOUR ASS POPPIN? The guy comes in the room 17/m nude pics to trade then he calls every one fags (if in fifteen years it is finally established taht Baader was coldly liquidated) POOPIN IF YOU LIKE HELL SO MUCH GET WHY DONT YOU KILL YOURSELFS AND GO THERE Anyone up for some soylent green? 11 YR OLD F, IM ME FOR HOT SLOPPY CYBER it will hardly be a scandal. POOPIN IN HIS DOGS MOUTH *listening to Nativity In Black II* No power will be firghtened by it; Poppin, such a dear sweet Xian to suggest that 300 Johnny Blaze 444: Tt0d: Gloth Alla Xul: Kbb21724: Alanchains: BaudriR: Gloth Alla Xul: Tt0d: Gloth Alla Xul: Gloth Alla Xul: HUGHE G REKTION: Gloth Alla Xul: KuraiTenshi666: BaudriR: BaudriR: Gloth Alla Xul: HUGHE G REKTION: Rainin Since Dec: KuTeLiTlAnGeL: KuTeLiTlAnGeL: BaudriR: ChildOfGod1981: Tt0d: Rainin Since Dec: BaudriR: KuraiTenshi666: HUGHE G REKTION: Gloth Alla Xul: BaudriR: KuTeLiTlAnGeL: Gloth Alla Xul: BaudriR: Johnny Blaze 444: KuTeLiTlAnGeL: KuraiTenshi666: Kbb21724: Johnny Blaze 444: Alanchains: Johnny Blaze 444: Rainin Since Dec: KuTeLiTlAnGeL: Tt0d: PoppinXTC 5: BaudriR: Johnny Blaze 444: KuraiTenshi666: HUGHE G REKTION: SNMBMXKING: BaudriR: KuTeLiTlAnGeL: BarbMill413: KuTeLiTlAnGeL: HUGHE G REKTION: Rainin Since Dec: KuTeLiTlAnGeL: BaudriR: KuTeLiTlAnGeL: HUGHE G REKTION: KBB IS A FAT HOMO POOPIN IN HIS MOMS MOUTH ::listening to wumpscut:: hey now,hell aint no bad place to be Soylent green is people if necessary, the crew of leaders will be changed. Yep, Ala I WISH I WAS SMOKIN SOME KB'S Want some? It's real good. Tt im a 11 y old F also Made out of real fundies 8/f with naked pics anyone want to cyber? The price of the truth for power is superficial. On the other hand I grew em in my basement lol lol Kurai I HATE THIS ROOM I HATE THE NAME The benefits of general mobilization this is not the room i wanna be in......bye I HAVE A TIGHT SNATCH BUT IT;'S FILTHY then get the hell out dissuasion Then piss off, Kut. I HATE YOU KUTE Kute, what ever happened to the love? pacification HOW ABOUT NO Why all the hate? and mental socialization KBB HAS A BOYFRIEND NAMED CARMEN WHO HATES JESUS? Then quit your bitching, you stupid twat. then clean your fuckin pussy! KARMUN Barb, Vern been looking but he's been working late WITH A BIG SHLONHG You hate Jesus UUUMMMMMMM I THINK NOT IF YOU LOVE HITLER PRESS 44 I HATE THIS ROOM obtained through this crystalization of the truth are immense. 44 {</a>s \con\con i hate you KUTE ,so if your JESUS i hate JESUS 44 A smart operation I NEVER HATE JESUS Yea, Alan, he sent me an e-mail A**HOLE KUTE HATES jesus Oh dear...we have a little girl in our room... a perfect specimen of a brainless Xian WHAT EVER under which Baader's death threatens to be buried definitively. NO I DONT YOU DO no you do 301 You have just entered room “UK - TransAtlantic” FIREDAD 4031: hello max DELEBUD59: not pervvy or nothing MAXDEMADMAN: MAXDEMADMAN: just research Homersimpson6540: Hi room DELEBUD59: well maybe just a MAXDEMADMAN: lol FIREDAD 4031: hi homer DELEBUD59: DOH FIREDAD 4031: how are ya MAXDEMADMAN: hi homer Homersimpson6540: hi firedad Homersimpson6540: hey max BOBMCLAURIN: Hiya Homer Homersimpson6540: doh Smokymatch: Hello people MAXDEMADMAN: hi bob Homersimpson6540: hey bob FIREDAD 4031: hey smoky Homersimpson6540: hi smoky Smokymatch: =) MAXDEMADMAN: hi smoky DELEBUD59: BRB BOBMCLAURIN: Hi Max - hows Bart, Homer ---lol MAXDEMADMAN: ok del Homersimpson6540: what we talkin` about???? You have just entered room “Special Interests - Crafts Crochet” EMar SMar: I made one last year with 3 colors of purple roses and white baackground BaudriR: AUTONOMEDIA NEW AUTONOMY SERIES Needlecast: that sounds pretty emar BaudriR: JIM FLEMING & PETER LAMBORN WILSON, EDITORS EMar SMar: It was the hit of the bridal shower Needlecast: oh I bet it was BaudriR: TAZ Needlecast: barb did you find it yet Askeeters65: Sounds beautiful... my best friend is trying to have a baby, I'll do her one in purple Barbhoag: needle NO EMar SMar: I also made one with peach roses and black bacckground BaudriR: TEMPORARY AUTONOMOUS ZONE, ONTOLOGICAL ANARCHY, POETIC TERRORISM Needlecast: ok let me email link to you Needlecast: is this also your email name? BaudriR: Hamkim Bey Barbhoag: yes Needlecast: ok brb Barbhoag: thanks Askeeters65: I love newsletters too would you send it to me too please? BaudriR: THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING! Barbhoag: going to the lake, touch back with you guys on Monday EMar SMar: bye have good trip BaudriR: Thom Metzger Askeeters65: Bye! Needlecast: ok barb you should have mail Needlecast: when you go there put in favorite places Needlecast: then email host to be put on the list to receive every month Needlecast: ok ask, brb 302 Boopsiq: bye all You have just entered room “Life - Beliefs Catholic” Lasses: can't even give credit to God BaudriR: FRIENDLY FIRE Lasses: Ob, that is sad Lasses: Ob, i know where i got the bible from......God Oblessu: if you are SDA your founder is millar, Bates and white. Know it or not.... BaudriR: Bob Black Oblessu: you get your faith from them Taylor817: You're welcome Ibn IbnToubib: lasses St jerome helped LOL Lasses: Ob, i didn't get it from miller and i didn't get it from white BaudriR: CALIBAN AND THE WITCHES Gwinnet2468: now what is sda,I missed it Lasses: Ob, it is sad how u catholics hardly ever mention the word GOD BaudriR: Silvia Federici Lasses: Ob, even MARY takes precedence over God IbnToubib: gwin 7th day adven. BaudriR: FIRST AND LAST EMPERORS Oblessu: Lass: You would not know the bible is from God if the catholic church had not said it was.. Lasses: Ob, my founder is God BaudriR: THE ABSOLUTE STATE & THE BODY OF THE DESPOT Lasses: Ob, SDA is merely a name IbnToubib: Baud Quote more Machiavelli Oblessu: a book is just a book and cannot testify for itself. It needs an interpreter BaudriR: Kenneth Dean & Brian Massumi Gwinnet2468: 7th day advent are really strict in there doctrines Ive heard BaudriR: WARCRAFT Lasses: Ob, my interpreter is the spirit of god who is here to guide us into all truth BaudriR: Jonathan Leake IbnToubib: God is a tough witness to put on the stand, Lasses BaudriR: THIS WORLD WE MUST LEAVE AND OTHER ESSAYS IbnToubib: Baudri I'll have to look that guy up Lasses: Ob, i owe nothing to the catholic church...i owe all to god BaudriR: Jacques Camatte Oblessu: Lasses: then you claim to be infallible. You know when you are interpretations are subjectiv BaudriR: SPECTACULAR TIMES IbnToubib: Wow, I'm learning new authors here; are these guys cultists? BaudriR: Larry Law Lasses: Ob, again......u are confusing me with catholicism Lasses: Ob, i never typed the words I AM INFALLIBLE BaudriR: FUTURE PRIMITIVE AND OTHER ESSAYS Lasses: Ob, i have maintained all along that we all have fallen short BaudriR: John Zerzan IbnToubib: Baudri What field, anthropology? BaudriR: X-TEXTS Oblessu: Lasses: i can only go by your words and what can be deduced from them BaudriR: Derek Pell IbnToubib: baudri You don't mean like the X Files, i hope Lasses: Ob, u are not going by my words.......something u dreamed up BaudriR: CRACKING THE MOVEMENT IbnToubib: Brownian? Lasses: Ob, u have deduced in error, but that is not surprising seeing as u are a catholic BaudriR: SQUATTING BEYOND THE MEDIA IbnToubib: great title Lasses: Ob, with all the many flaws of the catholic church and u cannot see them, it is not Lasses: surprising at all 303 BaudriR: Oblessu: IbnToubib: Gwinnet2468: BaudriR: IbnToubib: BaudriR: Lasses: Gwinnet2468: Lasses: BaudriR: IbnToubib: BaudriR: Gwinnet2468: Oblessu: IbnToubib: BaudriR: Oblessu: Lasses: BaudriR: IbnToubib: Lasses: Gwinnet2468: Lasses: BaudriR: IbnToubib: Oblessu: Lasses: BaudriR: IbnToubib: Gwinnet2468: BaudriR: Oblessu: IbnToubib: Lasses: BaudriR: Gwinnet2468: Oblessu: BaudriR: Gwinnet2468: IbnToubib: Lasses: BaudriR: Taylor817: BaudriR: Sweetpeach1254: Oblessu: IbnToubib: Lasses: Lasses: BaudriR: Lasses: Oblessu: BaudriR: IbnToubib: Oblessu: BaudriR: Lasses: BaudriR: Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge Lasses: " seeing you are a catholic " :) and you are not biased? I hope the media is put to good use AFTER the squatting <thinks atheists are just lazy spoiled brats trying to justify there actions THE ELECTRONIC DISTURBANCE Baudri Geez you are well documented Critical Arts Ensemble Ob, I am biased against anything that is contrary to the word of god they are verry witty and smart though ob, and catholicism is contrary to the word of god THE LIZARD CLUB Gwinnet That's is what counts. Steve Abbott LOL,Ibn Lasses: The Catholic Church is very biblical. As I said before: you do not find the..... Baudri Give us a tidbit of "forbidden knowledge" please INVISIBLE GOVERNANCE doctrines of the CC in scripture because you are not looking for them Ob, the catholic church has poison in its doctrine THE ART OF AFRICAN MICROPOLITICS Baudi Only the "illuminati" can see the invisible, right? Ob, spill some poison into good cake batter and see what happens if u eat it I love toargue with them so what does that make me? a dumbass,Im afraid Ob, that little bit of poison makes it all bad David Hecht & Maliqalim Simone Gwinn RIght, you can't argue beliefs; one can believe ANYTHING Lasses: again you are stating the doctrine of man: worthy of ms white Ob, page 224 in the catechism: OUTSIDE THE CHURCH THERE IS NO SALVATION SEMOTEXT(E) DOUBLE AGENTS SERIES Lasses That was proclaimed in the papal bull UNAM SANCTAM I have to respect there views,I suppose,I will try JIM FLEMING & SYLVERE LOTRINGER, EDITORS Lasses: all validly baptized Christians are a part of the body christ and therefore..... Gwinnet You can argue style, not belief ibn, much error THE ARCHEOLOGY OF VIOLENCE but not very hard,LOL all validly baptized christians can be saved. Pierre Clastres brb Gwinnet Depends on WHAT isn't very hard ROFL ob, the point is catholicism claims that one must come into her to be saved FATAL STRATEGIES Who kicked me out of here? Jean Baudrillard hello Lasses; The claim of the CC is that it has all the teachings of Jesus Christ. When you deny. Baurdrillart These are mostly political science theorizings, right? ob, page 253: the church's devotion to the blessed virgin is intrinsic to christian worship THE LOST DIMENSION ob, sad sad sad the seven sacraments, the eucharist you do not have all the teachings of Jesus as handed Paul Virilio Baudri You've adopted Baudrillart's name, right? down by the apostles THE AESTHETICS OF DISAPPEARANCE ob, in other words, without mary one cannot have full and true worship Paul Virilio 304 Lasses: BaudriR: Oblessu: BaudriR: Lasses: Oblessu: Lasses: BaudriR: IbnToubib: BaudriR: Lasses: Lasses: IbnToubib: Lasses: Oblessu: Lasses: BaudriR: IbnToubib: BaudriR: Oblessu: Lasses: BaudriR: Lasses: IbnToubib: BaudriR: Lasses: BaudriR: Oblessu: BaudriR: Lasses: Oblessu: BaudriR: Lasses: Lasses: BaudriR: Oblessu: SnoweenWinston: BaudriR: Lasses: Lasses: Oblessu: BaudriR: Gwinnet2468: BaudriR: Oblessu: BaudriR: Lasses: BaudriR: Oblessu: BaudriR: Lasses: Gwinnet2468: Oblessu: BaudriR: Oblessu: BaudriR: Dina Dobb: RogMaris1: Gwinnet2468: ob, in other words, one must worship a fellow sinner COLLECTED INTERVIEWS OF WILLIAM BURROUGHS Lasses: you give another example that you really do not know what catholics believe..... Sylvere Lotringer, ed. ob, and all of these very blatan errors staring u right into your face..and yet u stay you are a beneficiary of alot of false information blatant FOUCAULT LIVE Baudri What about the ANthropomorphic bases of the imaginary? Michel Foucault ob, those are direct quotes ob, u need to support your church or get out "I, Pierre Rivere, having cut the throat of my mother...." ob, because u are half stepping Lasses: that does not seem like a correct quote or maybe it was taken out of context? ob, i quote from the catechism directly and all u can say is i don't know what u believe SEMIOTEXT(E) NATIVE AGENTS SERIES Baudri Tu parles francais aussi, non? SYLVERE LOTRINGER & CHRIS KRAUS, EDITORS Lasses: dont pick and choose from the catechism. Read it all she already shares in the glory of her son's resurrection IF YOU'RE A GIRL ob, what does that mean? lol then don't bother Ann Rower ob, check it out for yourself......i gave u page numbers WALKING THROUGH CLEAR WATER IN A POOL PAINTED BLACK Lasses; and also do all those souls have been saved. They share in the glory of Jesus.... Cookie Mueller ob, those souls are in their grave but mary more so because she is the mother of Jesus NOT ME ob, mary no more than any of the rest ob, think for yourself instead of allowing error to be dictated to you Eileen Myles Lasses: you have to be kidding- The eternal son of God became incarnate in a women.... when you die your soul leaves the body HANNIBAL LECTER, MY FATHER ob, jesus was not from mary's egg ob, god borrowed the womb whom he had not first prepared by freeing her of all sin and endowing her with.... Kathy Acker <Cher Bono wanna be SICK BURN CUT great gifts of grace. Come on now Deran Ludd ob, and where in scripture does it tell us that THE MADAME REALISM COMPLEX Lasses: Hail FULL OF GRACE. " Lynne Tillman ob, the angel was speaking to mary <John lennon is her favorite beatle Lasses: cant you deduce the great holiness and dignity from her role as the mother of our HOW I BECAME ONE OF THE INVISIBLE redeemer? Cant you look beyond your verses to their profound meaning? David Rattray (Just think. If we had just one strand of Jesus' hair, we could determine God's genes.) ob why ask others to make sense of your nonsense? I wanna hold youre hand 305 BaudriR: MMxTheSpookyKidz: BaudriR: Lasses: Gwinnet2468: Oblessu: MMxTheSpookyKidz: Oblessu: Sweetpeach1254: Gwinnet2468: Dina Dobb: Oblessu: RogMaris1: MMxTheSpookyKidz: RogMaris1: THE ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES anybody in here like Marilyn Manson? Barbar Barg ob, mary called jesus her is it that sin-free people need a saviour? Try twisted sister Rog- you sleep in same error as lasses T.S. rulz Lasses: mary was a mere creature like you and I. She too had to be redeemed by her son.... Ob, I agree that we all honor Mary as the Mother of Jesus <dreams of killing charlie manson (how does one "sleep in an error"?) were it not for the great graces god bestowed on her she would have been as frail as eve ob.... your attempt to provide a coherent response is lacking Charlie manson did some pretty good music back in the day ob attempts to rewrite creation You have just entered room “Places - Beijing” BaudriR: "The whole chaotic constellation of the social BaudriR: revolves around that spongy referent, Intrig38: aol://1223:26260/">Click HERE NUDE BABES! *ygp* BaudriR: that opaque but equally translucent reality BaudriR: , BaudriR: that nothingness: BaudriR: the masses. BaudriR: A statistical crystal ball, BaudriR: the masses are 'swirling with currents and flows,' BaudriR: in the image of matter BaudriR: and the natural elements. BaudriR: So at least they are represented to us." BaudriR: SEMIOTEXT(E) FOREIGN AGENTS SERIES BaudriR: COVER DESIGN: JIM FLEMING BaudriR: ISBN: 1-873176-66-X (UK) BaudriR: 0-936756-00-4 (USA) 306
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