Issue 2, Term 2, 2015
Issue 2, Term 2, 2015
Term 2, 2015 ARKANA COLLEGE LTD INDEPENDENT PRIMARY SCHOOL 344-346 Stoney Creek Rd, Kingsgrove, NSW, 2208. Phone 9502 3655 Fax 9554 9403 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu We are fast approaching term 3 and have completed the blessed month of Ramadan. May Allah (SWT) accept our fasting, prayers and duas during this blessed month. We will all celebrate Eid Al Fitr before returning next term. I hope you all have a wonderful day with your family and friends. Masha’Allah, we had an array of Islamic activities, lessons and fundraisers throughout term two. The Parent Committee organised a magnificent iftaar dinner for approximately 250 people, we had our Ali Gator Islamic Bookfair, our Blanket Drive for those less fortunate and the Quran staff organised a Quran Challenge which the children did very well in. Well done boys and girls that participated. May Allah (SWT) reward you for your dedication. Furthermore, to celebrate Eid, the children have been rehearsing diligently and will be performing in the school’s Anasheed Concert early next term. Immediately after the concert, the school’s Parent Council will be organising a sausage sizzle lunch for all to enjoy. In terms of academic progress, the children are excelling across the curriculum alhumdillah. We have continued working on our school improvement plan and we have diligently put the wheels in motion. Our focus is on literacy and the following has been or will be implemented over the next 12 months inshallah: Guided Reading will be extended from Kindergarten to Year 6 so that children can move to higher levels or alternative classes to better cater for their individual needs; ‘The Super Six Comprehension Strategies’, a direct comprehension based program for Years 2-6 that utilisers six metacognitive thinking strategies to assist students to actively process ideas while reading has been successfully implemented; Pre and post test data is continually being gathered and trend data analysed to monitor the performance of our students. The reading and comprehension continuum based on a cluster model will be looked into further over the next six months. The teachers are implementing ‘The Seven Steps to Writing’ to reinvigorate their writing programs; The writing continuum based on a cluster model will be looked into greater depth over the next twelve months with writing as a focus area for 2016 at Arkana College. The children throughout term two were engaged in an array of activities. We had a visit from our Kingsgrove Diggers and the Student Representative Council attended a commemorative ANZAC service at Hyde Park Sydney. The upper primary students had their next interfaith session at the Big Kitchen in Bondi. We had our annual Athletics Carnival at Hurstville Oval and our first Creative Writing competition. Sofie had her BIGGEST Morning Tea raising over $1000 for the Cancer Council and the Parent Council performed miracles raising over $3000 for various Islamic charities in addition to other initiatives around the school. Ms Nabila had her Arabian Restaurant with our Year 6 students and we had some important Indonesian guests, referred to us from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, visit us. What a term! Have a safe and enjoyable holiday. Wassalam Mr Halbouni PRINCIPAL [email protected] ARKAN A CO LLEGE PAREN T CO UN CIL E-mail: [email protected] 2015 President: Mrs Zeyneb Boussi (0424 267878) Parent Council News, Term 2, 2015 Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmutallah wa barakatuhu! Eid Mubarak to all of our Arkana Families! The month of Ramadan (is that) in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights the new moon of Congratulations to Weis Bachir and her family on their purchase of the 10Kg chocolate bar on the night. Your generosity is much appreciated. Allah intends for you ease and does not Thank you to all of the parents that helped out on the night and in the lead up to the night. May Allah swt reward you with his mercy. intend for you hardship and wants for you to BLANKET DRIVE the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey-then an equal of other days. complete the period and to glorify Allah for that to which he has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful. 2: 185. Parent Council donated $200 towards the Blanket drive for the homeless. ANASHEED CONCERT IFTAR DIN N ER Are annual Iftar Dinner was, as ever, a great success. We raised over $3000 on the night which went to a number of amazing charities; Muslim Care/Life without barriers. $1000 donated to buy Eid toys and blankets for refugee children. Muslim Aid. $1000 donated to buy Eid clothes for children in war torn countries. Islamic Women’s Refuge. $1000 donation to the centre. A BIG thankyou to all of the Parents for all of your support. Because of all of your donations, attendance and generosity, we were able to fundraise for these important charities. The Parent Council organised a free sausage sizzle, and cake as a Eid gift to our kids. HUGE thanks to the Ghazi Butchery in Bexley for donating the meat. UPCOMING EVENTS HOT FOOD DAY Mansaf Rice lunch day on Thursday the 6th August Orders will need to be in by Tuesday 4th August so that we can order the correct amount of food. CADBURY CHOCOLATE DRIVE Chocolates will be distributed on Thursday 6th August and money is due back the 20th September. A special thank you to the following: Mr Mohammed Sabsabi Cheeseburger Day on Thursday 3rd September Bluefit Billy & Vince Dougies The Parent Council Annual Eid Fete has been postponed til Thursday 8th October in Term 4, after Eid Al Adha. The Beanztalk Café for catering the delicious food on the night. Zoom Car Wash HOT FOOD DAY EID FETE Wassalam Esha Deeb Secretary WEEK MONDAY TUESDAY 20/7 WEDNESDAY 21/7 22/7 THURSDAY FRIDAY 23/7 PUPIL FREE DAY 24/7 ANASHEED CONCERT 2-3:30PM P & C SAUSAGE SIZZLE 1 27/7 28/7 29/7 30/7 31/7 3/8 4/8 5/8 6/8 7/8 2 PARENT COUNCIL HOT JEANS 4 GENES DAY FOOD DAY GOLD COIN DONATION PRACTICE EVACUATION @ 10:45AM 3 10/8 11/8 12/8 13/8 NATIONAL PARKS EXCURSION : YEARS 4 AND 5 AUTHOR VISIT K-6 18/8 19/8 20/8 21/8 Y4-6 ASSEMBLY @ 3:15PM TOUCH FOOTY COMP 3-6 YK-3 ASSEMBLY @ 3:15PM YR 6 THAI RESTAURANT EXCURSION PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE ENDS 25/8 26/8 27/8 28/8 4 17/8 5 24/8 6 BOOK CHARACTER PARADE LITERACY AND NUMERACY WEEK 31/8 1/9 2/9 3/9 4/9 MATHEMATICS ‘BRICKWORKS’ INCURSION K-6 INTERFAITH HOT FOOD DAY SPELLING BEE K-6 KINDY REASSESSMENTS 7/9 8/9 9/9 10/9 SWIM SCHOOL SWIM SCHOOL SWIM SCHOOL SWIM SCHOOL 11/9 SWIM SCHOOL 2016 KINDY ORIENTATION 14/9 15/9 16/9 17/9 18/9 SWIM SCHOOL SWIM SCHOOL Y4-6 ASSEMBLY @ 9AM SWIM SCHOOL SWIM SCHOOL YK-3 ASSEMBLY @ 9AM SWIM SCHOOL LAST DAY OF TERM 3 7 LITERACY AND NUMERACY WEEK 8 9 14/8 EID AL ADHA : WEDNESDAY 24/9 DURING THE HOLIDAYS Arabic, Quran & Islamic Studies Ms Nabila (Coordinator) Dear Parents, Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmutallah Wa barakatuhu The beautiful month of Ramadan has come to an end. I hope that all your acts of worship throughout Ramadan are accepted and I wish you all a Eid Mubarak. To learn the value of this month, the students were involved in creating artistic Ramadan cards to encourage learning about the Holy Month. Term two has come to an end and the students have completed their exams. Year 6 were involved in a presentation of Arabian culture during the ‘Arabian Restaurant Day’ in which some students dressed up as waiters/waitresses and students ordered Arabic dishes off an Arabic menu. This was a fun and interactive activity which allowed the students to apply the knowledge and skills in the Arabic language that they have developed throughout the term, as well as engage in a preparatory exercise for fasting and develop hospitality skills. I would like to thank all the parents that contributed to the success of this event and for the wonderful food they prepared. Year 5 was busy preparing for their Anasheed Concert which will be part of our Eid Al-Fitr celebrations. Finally, I would like to congratulate the students that took part in our annual Quran competition. This competition aimed to encourage the students to build a relationship with the Holy Quran and to excel in memorisation of chapters from the Quran. Wassalam Mrs Nabila Alhaffar, Arabic / Quran / Islamic Studies Coordinator Ms Asmaa Dear Parents, Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmutallah wa barakatuhu This term has been another exciting and eventful one. This term proven to be productive in and outside the classroom. Through a lot of hard work, the students have achieved many things! Academically we have been busy with half-yearly assessments, in which many students have achieved very well. This will be reflected in their half yearly reports which are a good indicator of student performance to date. Other than their Arabic and Quran, one of their many tasks including learning Islamic anasheed and card making, whereby they made many different cards for the month of Ramadan. It all passes by very quickly and we suddenly find ourselves at the end of Term. Thank you so much for your ongoing support. I am looking forward to another wonderful term with your children. If you have any concerns please feel free to contact me. I hope you all have an enjoyable and safe holiday. I am looking forward to term 3 which will be filled with even more excitement and fun. Wassalam Mrs Asmaa Mousa Arabic and Quran Teacher Mr Ahmed Dear Parents, Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmutallah Wa barakatuhu Alhumdillah, the children have recited Quran extremely well this term. The children on Years 3-6 have had a set surah in preparation for the Quran Competition this Ramadan. The children put in a lot of effort in memorising and reading with Tajweed. It was difficult to choose two winners. Masha’Allah, the recitals were excellent and well done to all the students. The children have been exercising their vocal chords during the school’s Anasheed Concert. I am proud of the contributions made by the staff and the enthusiasm of the students. Masha’Allah, the Anasheed will be beautiful and the students will make us all proud. Eid Mubarak to all our children and their families. Fasting six days of Shawwal after the obligatory fast of Ramadan is Sunnah Mustahabbah, not wajib. It is recommended for the Muslim to fast six days of Shawwal, and in this there is great virtue and an immense reward. Whoever fasts these six days will have recorded for him a reward as if he had fasted a whole year, as was reported in a sahih hadith from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Abu Ayyub (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days of Shawwal, it will be as if he fasted for a lifetime," [Narrated by Muslim, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nisa'i and Ibn Majah]. Wassalam Mr Ahmed Quran / Islamic Studies Teacher The Kindergarten Gazette With Ms Ghazi & Mr Puglisi Term 2...A Snapshot! YOUR TERM BY TERM NEWSPAPER Date: Oh no! Not quite the end of the year yet… Kindy Put Up a Strong Argument Parents... Have you found your children to be more HEY ‘MIND BENDER’… Come and spend a little argumentative than normal? Maths time with us… Counting to 20 and adding groups, Measuring length and getting tangled in loops. Taking away with ten frames, And conquering lots of boggling number games. Do 3D shapes roll or slide? That is what we needed to decide. Simon Says put your right foot in, then put your left foot out, Oh no for those with 2 left feet… forget shaking it all about! Answering back more vigorously and with more confidence? If so... job well done teachers! Your child has successfully learnt the art of persuasion i.e. an expository text. So don’t get angry when they pester you with convincing demands.. Reward them and save yourself the inevitable headache... you will not be able to beat them in an argument Whatever the gender, Whatever the Mind Bender, Kindergarten students found it all a splendour! anyway! Dance - Thursday Afternoon Fever Hits Arkana… halal style! Hip hop… Don’t Stop…till you drop. Let me see you put your hands in the air… and wave them all about like you just don’t care… and they sure did. Our grooving Kindies bopped it up with Bianca and Native Deen in Da House… and not forgetting Mr Ali Travolta! Kindy Discover What They’re Made Of- WannaBees Playtown Excursion Though getting there seemed longer than the queues for a Maher Zain concert… Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 trekked across Sydney (Leyland Brother’s Style) to the WannaBees Playtown Centre in Frenches Forest on the 17th June, 2015. Kindergarten students transposed themselves into all different people found in our community, as well as exploring the materials that our surroundings are made from… Some even discovered their careers… Folks, no worries, don’t panic…rest assured there will never be a shortage of firemen, postmen or newsreaders! This was an excursion that will continue living on in their memories fondly inshallah. Bonjor till we visit France again… oh opps.. we mean Frenches Forest (not actually in France!) Year 1 With Ms Kourouche Dear Parents Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu Alhamdulillah, students in Year 1 have had a productive term. A great deal of learning has occurred, with all students responding positively to the academic focus. The students have shown considerable enthusiasm towards the various learning experiences presented to them each week. In literacy lessons, Year 1 have continued to focus on our 70 phonograms, improving the students reading comprehension abilities, spelling skills and knowledge of related spelling rules. We have also tried our best to learn grammar concepts related to noun plurals, linking verbs, proper nouns and the conjunctions ‘and’ and ‘but’. We have been learning about Expository Writing, whereby the students argue a point for or against a topic; exploring a range of persuasive texts with plenty of enthusiasm in shared reading sessions. The picture books, ‘Duck! Rabbit!’, ‘Animals Should Definitely NOT Wear Clothes!’ and ‘I Wanna Iguana’ have provided a useful platform for students to orally present and write their opinions, as well as, encourage them to use strong arguments that convince their various audiences. In Mathematics, students have been involved in a range of hands -on and bookwork activities to build and develop their understanding of Whole Number, Patterns and Algebra and Geometry – 3D Shapes and Position. They have particularly enjoyed the topic Length, where the students were provided the opportunity to measure various items using both informal and formal units. They also enjoyed constructing and exploring a variety of shapes in their environments, as well as the nets of open 3D shapes. The topic in HSIE this term was ‘Workers in our Community’ whereby students have been provided opportunities to explore the different roles and responsibilities of people with whom they interact in their family, school and community. The unit focuses on how these roles and responsibilities connect to meet needs and wants. They have engaged in whole class discussions and a range of texts to examine various workers and their respective roles. Year 1 were thoroughly engaged with the topic as they also had the opportunity to ponder what occupation they would enjoy doing as an adult and presented their views to the class through their project. In Health, we have focused on the importance of ‘Getting along with Others’ through the concepts of ‘sharing’, ‘cooperation’ and ‘respectful communication’ at school and at home. Students have given impressive, entertaining and clever examples of these concepts during class discussions and have located several books where characters demonstrate such qualities. Year 1 have also enjoyed their sport lessons this term, as they were taught various aspects of dance and were pushed physically and mentally to improve their health and fitness. The term also presented itself with many events that the students took part in, including the Athletics Carnival and the Wannabees Excursion at Frenchs Forest, which they all enjoyed thoroughly. It has been an enjoyable and pleasant Term 2, and I look forward to the students continuing their growth and making even more memorable experiences. Year 2 With Ms Omran Assalamu alaykum Sensational! Half the school year has ended already. Just like that! But I can say there has been some blossoming happening in the classroom. I am very proud of the efforts that students have put into Term 2 as they were introduced to so many new and exciting concepts and challenges. They have worked particularly hard on handwriting, phonograms, spelling rules, definitions, grammar concepts and Persuasive Writing. Their hard work and attention to detail has resulted in an all-round steady progress across the various literacy components. Some even blossomed and found their niche in writing. Students have also shown enthusiasm towards mathematical content taught this term. There was a big emphasis on following the steps needed to solve Number problems as well as 3D shapes, Length and Position. I am pleased with the students’ eagerness to help each other. Many have become valuable buddies and have developed empathy, kindness and a non-judgemental attitude towards their peers. Overall, this term has been a wonderful success. The highlight this term for me though has been listening to the students’ daily comments. “I get this Miss,” “I understand what you said,” “I know what to do now,” “I know the steps,” “I know how to write a paragraph,” and “Can I explain it to ..?” Your children have worked very hard this term. They deserve a break. So please make sure you have a safe and enjoyable Ramadan! Keep the magic happening and I look forward to your return in Term 3. Year 3 With Ms Ibrahim Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu Firstly, Ramadan Kareem and Eid Mubarak to all the Arkana families. Throughout Term 2, the majority of students perfected their operations of math, while others, are still working on memorising facts. Students worked hard trying to understand the concept of equivalent fractions, the inverse relationship between multiplication and division and comparing and describing special groups of quadrilaterals. These are all important learning curves as they each lay the foundations to higher order skills needed later in terms 3 and 4. In novel studies, students were enthralled in The Burnt Stick. The novel extended the students’ knowledge of Aboriginal issues through literal and inferential comprehension activities. Furthermore, students used the iPads to research the life cycles of different plants and animals and learnt to read and summarise information in their own words. In Science, Year 3 studied the unit ‘Night and Day’. The unit looked at the Solar System including the sun, moon and shadows. It was a fascinating unit that engaged the student’s imagination and interest in science especially the shadow stick experiment where the students measured/observed the length of shadows during different times of the day. In week 8, students travelled to Crinitis in Darling Harbour to experience how to prepare traditional wood fired pizza, from kneading the dough, to customising their own toppings! With their very own pizza chefs demonstrating pizza dough rolling, stretching and spinning, students got their hands dirty creating their own delicious pizzas. Finally, I was so proud of the hard work and dedication that the year 3 students displayed during NAPLAN. Inshallah their results will make us all proud. Enjoy the holidays. Wassalam Year 4 With Mr Khoder Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu Term two proved itself to be a very productive term. The term ended on a very good note, as I met with each and every one of the Year 4 parents. This provided me with an insight into my students’ family lives and gave you the opportunity to get to know me on a one to one basis. Students have continued to focus on improving their comprehension skills using the 'Super Six Strategies'. With much dedication, I am confident that students will develop the skills required to read, decode and comprehend a range of texts with varying complexity. Students followed the quest for ‘The Belt of Deltora’ in The Lake of Tears through homework application, which will be ongoing in Term Three. Year 4 also welcomed ‘Matilida’, the fictitious character by Roald Dahl, to their classroom environment. The students have taken to her with fascination and awe and are looking forward to exploring her world and all the comical adventures she will encounter throughout Term 3. The maths geniuses produced exceptional results in the areas of Position and Data. Students in general grasped these concepts quite well and explored them in detail. Students are encouraged to further revise their multiplication and division facts in preparation for topics that will be covered in Term 3. Our weekly visitor, Ms Eyman, has become a coveted member of our class. Ms Eyman has done a remarkable job in teaching the students Human Society and Its Environment and Science and Technology. The topics covered were Plants in Action, National Parks and People and Their Beliefs. To consolidate their learning, an excursion to a national park will be planned for next term. Further information will be provided upon the commencement of Term 3. Furthermore, extension students visit Ms Eyman on a weekly basis for a couple of hours to excel their skills in both Numeracy and Literacy. This has proven to be a beneficial and successful experience for all those students involved. I commend the enthusiasm and effort the students put into these additional lessons as this is evident in their results. Term 2 saw our superstar athletes compete in the Arkana College annual Athletics Carnival. The competition was a great success with great participation and incredible results from all who attended. Please do not hesitate to contact me for ongoing interviews on your child’s progress at any time throughout Semester 2. I strongly believe a solid connection between parents, the class teacher and the students is paramount to your child attaining a successful education. On a final note, congratulations to all those students who obtained high academic results in their Semester 1 reports. I look forward to seeing even better results as we welcome Semester 2. Thank you to all the parents for your ongoing support and for taking on a dedicated commitment in your child’s education. Year 5 With Ms Rosanella Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu Students in Year 5 have had a productive term. Students are to be commended for their NAPLAN preparations and have learned to work with accuracy and speed. A great deal of learning has occurred, with all students responding positively to the academic focus. In turn, they have become proficient writers, creative thinkers and have thoroughly enjoyed gaining control of the Persuasive and Imaginative writing processes. As students were pushed beyond their comfort zone, they all responded well to the challenges, even exceeding their own expectations. Year 5 are currently immersed in Informative texts. They have understood the purpose and structure quite quickly. Consequently, they have been able to work independently having worked on constructing their own Informative PowerPoint presentations of Australian Significant Events. The students should be commended for the effort demonstrated. During Shared Reading, students read ‘Cathy Freeman- Born to Run’. The Aboriginal/Australian perspective brought out in the text, has allowed for students to complete various tasks surrounding their own Australian identity. Students have been immersed in conducting a variety of worthwhile discussions, as well as a range of comprehension tasks, which has greatly interested and motivated the students. Apart from consolidation during Mathematics, in a variety of sub-strands leading up to NAPLAN, students have studied and used their Working Mathematically skills in a variety of sub-strands including; Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Length, Angles, Two Dimensional Shapes and Data. During the H.S.I.E, ‘Gold’ unit of work, students have learnt about the uses of gold, the Australian Gold rush, life on the goldfields for the different minorities including the Chinese and the Aboriginal people. Students have also studied the role the women played during the Gold rush Era. Finally, students have been thoroughly engaged during Dance, utilising the skills taught in the previous weeks, in completing challenging routines of a more challenging nature. Year 6 With Ms Rizk Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu Dear Parents Year 6 students have had a very busy and eventful end to Term 2. It has been filled with enjoyment, hard work and many assessment papers. First, on behalf of Year 6, I would like to thank the Year 6 parents for their help and dedication towards our successful Dougie’s Burger Lunch Day this term. A few more fundraisers to organise and Year 6 will be ready to celebrate their end of year excursions. This term, it has been interesting to observe how students have responded to the controversial discussion of refugees and their status in Australia. After reading the novel, Refugee, and viewing several texts, students have successfully constructed mature expositions with key arguments based on the rights of a refugee in Australia. Following on from our Science unit, ‘Marvellous Micro-Organisms’ in Term 1, students in Year 3 and 6 attended a pizza-making class at one of Australia’s famous Italian restaurants, Criniti’s. As part of the excursion, students were shown how yeast is used as an active ingredient to create traditional mouth-watering wood-fire pizza. Students had the opportunity to work in groups to make and eat their own pizza. Students were also provided with a business insight and how 3 simple ingredients and one passion can turn a business into a million dollar enterprise. As the term progressed, Year 6 met with their friends from Mount Sinai for the second time this year. Both schools had the pleasure of cooking at the Big Kitchen, visiting a synagogue and learning more about each other. I would like to wish the Arkana family a safe and pleasurable holiday. May all your fasts and prayers be accepted during the month of Ramadan. Eid Mubarak to All! Extra Curricular Programs Support/Minilit/Extension Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu Students have been consolidating basic concepts and skill areas in Reading, Writing and Numeracy, as part of the school’s Support and Minilit programs. These programs have been targeting specific areas of weakness, that may have been hindering learning progress. We have seen clear evidence of students learning more effectively through small group or 1-1 instruction and as a result becoming more confident in these areas, with the goal of achieving independence in doing related tasks. Initially progress was slow, but as students have begun to grasp the fundamental basics of the particular learning area which has been focused upon, progress has really picked up. Students are beginning to shine, as they are getting the attention and instruction they need, in an accessible manner, either in a 1-1 or small group setting, at an appropriate pace. Also a handful of carefully selected students have displayed knowledge and skills far beyond the expected standard for their year level in Literacy and Numeracy, as part of the school’s Learning Extension Program. Students have been withdrawn from normal class lessons and have been engaging in classwork of a higher order and level of complexity, stimulating and excelling students’ knowledge and skill base. Students have responded extremely well to all the extracurricular academic programs implemented throughout Term 2, and we have seen positive results across the board. Insha’Allah this will continue throughout the rest of the whole year. Well done to all the students involved in these Programs. Mrs Yasmin, Mrs Eyman and Mr Puglisi Support/Extension Teachers SRC Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu The SRC (School Representative Council) has many initiatives in the planning, and hopes to implement these, with the cooperation of both students and teachers of Arkana College, throughout Terms 3 and 4. The SRC plays a vital leadership role within the school, and we thank the Captains, Vice-Captains and Prefects for their service. Mrs Ibrahim, Mr Khoder and Mr Puglisi SRC Team Choir The Arkana College School Choir has welcomed a handful of new members in Term 2, and is ever growing and developing. If any parents would like their children to be a part of this wonderful experience, or any child decides they would like to join, we are most happy to have you, provided you are committed to practice, rehearse, work as a team, cooperate, and share your voice with a warm heart and enthusiasm. We are looking forward to and in preparation for a number of performances coming up over the next few months. So stay ”in-tuned” and listen out for the melodious mellifluous sounds of the school choir. Mrs Yasmin, Mrs Ghazi and Mr Puglisi Choir Coordinators Touch Footy Competition Unfortunately, due to the inclement weather on the scheduled day of the Touch Footy Competition, this event had to be postponed to Wednesday 19th August in Term 3. All teams are set. The competition draw is organised. All is set to go. I ask that students don’t forget what teams they are on, and do NOT change teams under any circumstances. Mr Puglisi Sofie’s BIGGEST MORNING TEA Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu Thank you to all the parents for supporting such a wonderful annual initiative. Ms Sofie raised $1171.70 for the Cancer Council. A tremendous effort only made possible by the support of all of you! Arkana’s Annual Athletics Carnival CONGRATULATIONS MAKKAH ATHLETICS CARNIVAL FINALISTS TRACK EVENTS Event Hurdles Boys K 70m Final Hurdles Girls YrK 70m Final Hurdles Boys Yr1 70m Final Hurdles Girls Yr1 70m Final Hurdles Boys Yr2 Final Hurdles Girls Yr2 Final Boys K 50m Sprint Final Girls K 50m Final Boys Yr1 50m Final Girls Yr1 50m Final Boys Yr2 50m Final Girls Yr2 50m Final Place 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 Name Isaac Hawi Isaac Kak Zackaria Bachir Raifa Bowens Liyana Santos Jaeda Arja Zulfikar Assi Jacob Hussein Mustapha Daher Alia Matar Asiyah Barhoum Sumeyya Kamberovic Bassam Chahine Mahdi Helbawi Noah Nasser Jayda Morsy Rayann Choker Mariam Jaber Isaac Hawi Isaac Kak Zackaria Bachir Raifa Bowens Ruqayyah Abbas Fatmeh Makki Jacob Hussein Zulfikar Assi Mustapha Daher Alia Matar Sarah Salim Nadine Ibrahim Bassam Chahine Noah Nasser Mahdi Helbawi Zaynab East Zahraa Deeb House Event Place Name Boys Yr3 100m Final 1 Hassan Boussi 2 Kamal Assi 3 Hassan Makki Mariam Al Haj Girls Yr3 100m Final 1 Hussein 2 Samira Abbas 3 Lara Daher Boys Yr4 100m Final 1 Zaidan Dereinda 2 Zain Wilson 3 Adam Nachar Girls Yr4 100m Final 1 Jasmyn Morsy 2 Selsabeel Al Hariri 3 Yamina Houfani Boys Yr5 100m Final 1 Eesa El-Hassan 2 Mahdi Ghazi 3 Tameem Zaman Girls Yr5 100m Final 1 Idah Ibrahim 2 Yusra Chalak 3 Aisha Kilani Boys Yr6 100m Final 1 Haaron Merhi 2 M. Ali Khatri 3 Youssef Hodroj 3 Hassan Hammoud Girls Yr6 100m Final 1 Daaid Dennaoui 2 Jannah Wilson 3 Assiya Hasna Boys Yr3 200m Final 1 Hassan Boussi 2 Kamal Assi 3 Souhayl El Saouda Mariam Al Haj Girls Yr3 200m Final 1 Hussein 2 Samira Abbas 3 Lara Daher Boys Yr4 200m Final 1 Zaidan Dereinda 2 Adam Nachar 3 Zain Wilson Girls Yr4 200m Final 1 Jasmyn Morsy 2 Selsabeel Al Hariri 3 Layla Hamdan Boys Yr5 200m Final 1 Eesa El-Hassan 2 Hussein Salim 3 Tameem Zaman Girls Yr5 200m Final 1 Idah Ibrahim 2 Yusra Chalak 3 Tia Tabikh Boys Yr6 200m Final 1 Haaron Merhi 2 M. Ali Khatri 3 Jamil Boussi Girls Yr6 200m 1 Daaid Dennaoui 2 Jannah Wilson 3 Assiya Hasna Time House 17.67 17.68 21.02 18.59 19.86 19.81 16.66 18.43 18.59 18.47 19.85 20.3 16.25 16.31 16.84 17.75 18.64 19.16 16.31 16.69 17.14 17.14 17.5 17.72 18.69 36.53 39.23 41.58 41.44 43.32 45.75 35.69 38.47 38.63 39.5 40.81 46.81 33.19 36.31 37.28 38.7 39.41 41.22 34.27 35.25 35.91 37.91 38.19 38.91 FIELD EVENTS Event Shotput Yr3 Girls Yr3 Boys Yr4 Girls Yr4 Boys Yr5 Girls Yr5 Boys Yr6 Girls Yr6 Boys Javelin Yr3 Girls Yr3 Boys Yr4 Girls Yr4 Boys Yr5 Girls Yr5 Boys Yr6 Girls Yr6 Boys Event Place Name Distance House Long Jump 1 Sufiya Wilson 3.3 Yr3 Girls 2 Rawaan El Hage 3.25 3 Lara Daher 2.95 Yr3 Boys 1 Abdurrohman Schellen 3.5 2 Hassan Boussi 3.3 3 Kamal Assi 3 Yr4 Girls 1 Layla Assi 4.3 2 Jasmyn Morsy 4.1 3 Sadia Afreen 3.7 Yr4 Boys 1 Zain Wilson 6.3 2 Ali Kamberovic 6.2 3 Adam Nachar 5.2 Yr5 Girls 1 Ela Kale 3.96 2 Yusra Chalak 3.95 3 Idah Ibrahim 4.78 Yr5 Boys 1 Hilal Merhi 4.82 2 Hadi Al Hariri 4.8 3 Riyad Alameddine 4.78 1 Daaid Dennaoui 4.8 Yr6 Girls 2 Rayanne Kanaan 4.3 3 Assiya Hasna 4.15 1 Haaron Merhi 4.82 Yr6 Boys 2 Youssef Hodroj 4.8 3 Ali Assi 4.78 1 Samira Abbas 7.6 Discus 2 Hana Elkaid 6.4 Yr3 Girls 3 Rayan Al-Shebani 6.2 1 Salih Mujala Yr3 Boys 2 Abdurrohman Schellen 3 Suhayl ElSaouda 1 Zaynab Deeb 8.9 Yr4 Girls 2 Jasmyn Morsy 8.8 3 Layla Hamdan 7.85 1 Ali Kamberovic 16.5 Yr4 Boys 2 Zain Wilson 12.8 3 Youssef Nasser 12.6 1 Idah Ibrahim 12.7 Yr5 Girls 2 Ela Kale 8.1 3 Samar Abdal Ghani 7.83 1 Isaac Nasser 12.89 Yr5 Boys 2 Mahdi Ghazi 11.89 3 Mikaail Martin 11.7 1 Jameela Hijazi 11.3 Yr6 Girls 2 Daaid Dennaoui 9.1 3 Zahra Ahmed 6.3 1 Bilal Dennaoui 15.5 Yr6 Boys 2 Ali Assi 14.85 3 Haaron Merhi 13.6 Place 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Name Distance House Sufiya Wilson 2.17 Mariam Al Haj Hussein 2.14 Rayan Al-Shebani 1.72 Salih Mujala 2.9 Abdullah Sukari 2.8 Suhayl El Saouda 2.68 Jasmyn Morsy 3.37 Yamina Houfani 2.8 Selsabeel Al Hariri 2.65 Zain Wilson 3.52 Ali Kamberovic 3.45 Adam Nachar 3.25 Idah Ibrahim 2.64 Yusra Chalak 2.33 Nadra Dennaoui 1.8 Eesa El-Hassan 2.57 Riyad Alameddine 2.48 Adam Makki 2.37 Hadi Al Hariri 2.37 Assiya Hasna 4 Jameela Hijazi 3 Rayan Kanaan 2 Haaron Merhi 4.2 Jamil Boussi 3.75 Rayan Zaioor 3.7 Lara Daher 5.25 Ceyda Sahin 5.06 Samira Abbas 4.99 Abdurrohman Schellen 9.1 Ozier Sheikh 6.95 Ali Elrifai 6.92 Mona Rababeh 5.25 Sadia Afreen 5.09 Nadrah Dennaoui 5.01 Zain Wilson 13.74 Seif Zaki 9.14 Mohammad Hassan 8.35 Idah Ibrahim 7.92 Yusra Chalak 6.12 Aaliyah Sabih 5.25 Hilal Merhi 12.02 Riyad Alameddine 10.57 Hadi Al Hariri 10.19 Daaid Dennaoui 13.35 Jannah Wilson 7.51 Zahra Ahmed 7.42 M. Ali Katri 8.45 Ali Assi 9.8 Omar Mohamed 9.7 CROSS COUNTRY Event Boys Yr3 Girls Yr3 Boys Yr4 Girls Yr4 Boys Yr5 Girls Yr5 Boys Yr 6 Girls Yr6 Place 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Name Hassan Boussi Suhayl El Saouda Youssef Bahsoun Sabine Rababeh Mariam Al Haj Hussein Aliyah Murgatroyd Zaidan Dereinda Mohammad Hassan Mehdi Bahsoun Selsabeel Al Hariri Jasmyn Morsy Isaac Nasser Mikaail Martin Hadi Al Hariri Idah Ibrahim Tia Tabikh Yusra Chalak Jamil Boussi Youssef Hodroj Haaron Merhi Daaid Dennaoui Jameela Hijazi Assiya Hasna House FINAL TALLY Makkah Medina Al Azhar Al Aqsa Place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th House Total 509 508 471 435 Arkana’s Very Own Superstar - Adam Makki Adam won a silver medal in the World GKR Kumite championships in London during the July Holidays . He competed against approximately 60 competitors in his division for 3.5 hours and performed amazing techniques to place second. It's great to see the achievements of one of our Arkana students at the World Cup level. ANZAC Ceremony COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE @ HYDE PARK KINGSGROVE DIGGERS @ ARKANA COLLEGE IFTAAR DINNER BLANKET DRIVE The CoverMe 2015 blanket drive operates as part of the Ansaar Project which was initiated in Sydney in 2003. The project has since spread nationally and the primary theme is to create a positive change in our local communities by reaching out and getting the community involved in offering some form of relief to individuals and families in need. The blanket drive is held annually during winter in order to collect sleeping bags and blankets from the community and redistribute within our local areas to ensure those in need are kept warm during the cold winter nights. The project kicked off in May and ran till the end of Ramadan. Alhumdillah, we collected well over 50 blankets for the cause. Jazak Allahu Khayrun for your generosity. QURAN COMPETITION FINALISTS ALI-GATOR BOOKFAIR QURAN COMPETITION FINALISTS QURAN COMPETITION The children K-6 were assigned a set surah. The children were asked to memorise it during Ramadan over the school holiday period. Upon their return, the children were assessed on their memorisation skills and Tajweed. Masha’Allah, the children put in a tremendous effort and so many students were worthy of the trophies. The following students triumphed and were awarded the ‘2015 Quran Competition Finalist’ trophies. KINDERGARTEN Amir Zaioor & Hana Nasr YEAR ONE Mirha Abbas & Amal Zogheib YEAR TWO Mariam Jaber and Rayann Choker YEAR 3 Youssef Bahsoun & Abdurrohman Schellen YEAR 4 Yamina Houfani & Zaidan Dereinda YEAR 5 Eesa El Hassan & Hadi Al Hariri YEAR 6 Mohammed Ali Khatri & Rayan Zaioor Interfaith INTERFAITH @ THE BIG KITCHEN ‘Our Big Kitchen’ is the second interfaith session organised by the ‘Together for Humanity Foundation’ for the Arkana College and Mount Sinai College students. The children from both schools came together to cook up a storm and prepare a culinary feast. The children in mixed groups prepared set dishes, shared a meal together before packing food for the homeless. Special thanks to ’Our Big Kitchen’ at Bondi for their hospitality and expertise. The parent helpers and staff from both schools were warm and hospitable and subsequently this resulted in another successful interfaith event. Ms Nabila’s Arabian Restaurant Indonesian Guests From the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Creative Writing Ms Eyman’s Term 2 Competition Winners YEAR STUDENT KINDERGARTEN JENNA DEEB YEAR ONE TASKIYA GOULD YEAR TWO RAYANN CHOKER YEAR THREE SUFIYA WILSON YEAR FOUR MONA RABABEH YEAR FIVE EESA EL-HASSAN YEAR SIX RAYAN ZAIOOR Apps Check out the following two apps created by one of our very own Arkana parents. A must! Noor Quest & Salam Sisters
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