to read the full September Bulletin


to read the full September Bulletin
Sharing Love & Care For Over 100 Years
Est 1911
September 2014
President’s Message P.2
2014 Officers P.2
Editors Page P.3-4
2015 Grand National
Update P.5
August Club Meeting
Minutes P.6
August Monthly Meeting
Highlights P.7
LAPC Logo Contest P.8
Get your copy of 2015
Grand National
Premium Book
2014 Young Bird Show Sunday, September 14
This Month’s Club
Meeting - Thursday,
September 11
LAPC Young Bird Show
Info P.9
Young Bird Show Entry
Blank P.10
Are U A Pigeon Geek!!
Pigeon Enthusiast’s
Fraternity – Gregg
McKnight P.12-13
Connect With Us
[email protected]
ello fellow LAPC members…
First, let me start by inviting everyone to come and enter birds in our annual Young Bird
Show on September 14 at the Irvine Regional Park in Orange. This annual event has
become much more than just a show - it has become a great family
day set under the many old oak trees providing ample shade. The park also offers many family and kid-friendly
activities like horse riding, paddle boat, bikes etc., so invite your family and friends. We would very much
appreciate anyone who can show up early to help with the show setup, and anyone who can stay after the show
even for a bit to help take the show down. The latter is especially important as all are tired from a long day’s
activity; just like they say, “Many hands lessen the burden on a few.”
Things are rolling right along for the Grand National in Jan. 2015. It seems like only yesterday we were
beginning to discus submitting a bid for the show… yet here we are counting down the few remaining months till
the show hall doors opens. Personally, I cannot wait till that day and I’m sure I’m not alone. But before that day
arrives, there is still much to do to insure this will be the best to date NPA Grand National ever.
I count myself very lucky to have Fred Maenpa shouldering the bulk of the planning of the show so all the LAPC
and NPA officers can be proud of this LAPC hosted Grand National. Fred has kept me constantly updated on
his many meetings with the Ontario Convention Center, host hotel folks, his contacts with breed specialty clubs
and the countless vendors that will be participating at the National. Hosting any Grand National requires
months and months of planning if it is to be a success. Few realize the sheer number of hours Fred is putting in
without any complaint. Of course one man alone cannot do all that is required, and the officers are 100% in
support of whatever Fred asks of them help wise. Many have already helped carry the ball, but many more will
be needed to step up as they can.
Leon Stephens
President: Leon Stephens (626-443-8314)
2014 Club Officers
1st VP: Charlie Rowe ([email protected])
2nd VP & Membership Secretary: Fred Maenpa (714-538-7408, [email protected])
Treasurer: Dennis Weyrauch (310-832-2570; [email protected])
Recording Secretary: Kathie Johnson ([email protected])
Special Awards/Fund Raiser Chairman: Lynn Watson (949-492-3078)
Junior Program Director: Lonny Mefferd ([email protected]; [email protected])
Bulletin Editor: Chuck Zeller ([email protected])
Bob Nolan
Lonny Mefferd
(949-493-0167; [email protected])
([email protected])
Lennie Mefferd
Lynn Watson
([email protected])
George de La Nuez
Ken Davis
([email protected])
([email protected])
Stan Makse
Nick Sato - Junior Director
([email protected])
([email protected])
J.P. Isom ([email protected])
2014 Board Members
M Many years ago, when I first started going to LAPC meetings, there were
in general at least a dozen youngsters like I was at each meeting. Back then,
basically we were of course taken by an adult member and we stuck closer to
that person. I saw Rick Barker, Donovon White, Tom McCaig and many others
my age, a bit older or younger. Later I saw Bob Nolan, Leon Stephens, Fred
Maenpa, Bill Griebel and others. Honestly we did not talk much with each other,
we pretty much stuck by our adult pigeon mentors. We also were all in
attendance at the LAPC young bird show and Pageant.
“Something must be done to attract and keep younger
Members…. and sooner rather than later”
In the 60's when we were young adults, Griebel,
What I see now is there are few younger members
Maenpa, McCaig, Stephens and I were on the board
and were voicing our ideas on how to take the LAPC
into the 70's and beyond. Before that the club was
pretty much run by guys in their 60's many of which did
not care for us upstarts voicing our opinion, they
wanted things to stay as they were and had been.
willing to step up like we did years ago. Too many
want the benefits the club offers but want no part of
helping to insure seeing those benefits carry the club
into the future. They are content to let us so called old
timers continue to carry the load, which many of us are
doing our best, but our ranks are fast being reduced in
numbers, and many just can't carry the load we once
did… the mind may be willing but the body is not.
What I see too much is those who put themselves first
and somewhere way in the rear what's best for the
clubs (even some of the long time members
unfortunately). No club of any type can survive long
with attitudes like that.
“I dubbed them
Doom & Gloomiers”
The thing was, for many years Don Andrews who
was very wealthy and owned Andrews Hardware in LA
had financed each year’s Pageant, supplied the help
(most his employees) to put that up and tear it down,
printed the bulletin and pageant show catalog in his
print shop. In other words, he was taking care of the
bulk of the LAPC costs. When Andrews passed away
the old timers except for a few predicted without
Andrews financial backing the LAPC would soon fade
away into oblivion.
I dubbed them the Doom and Gloomiers. Well, with
the urging of Tom McCaig who told us young guys, we
can do this, we can make the club, YB Show, monthly
bulletin, Pageant and show report (Marked Catalog)
self supporting and we can put on the Pageant without
Andrews employees if we work as a team. We did…
and it was charge full steam ahead with our new ideas
and vision not to mention hard team work. As I said,
that was in the 60's and it has been mostly full steam
ahead till now.
“the mind may be willing
but the body is not”
Really we are back to where the club was when
Andrews passed away, but without the younger
members there to pitch in, let alone take over. In
simple words, a YB Show or Pageant does not just
magically appear out of thin air, a monthly bulletin and
so much more the club offers does not either. Meeting
chairs do not get filled by us just hoping that they will.
As members pass or just can't make the monthly trek
to El Monte, less and less chairs will be filled due to
fewer new and younger members joining the club. I've
never been a doom and gloom type, but even I see
something must be done to attract and keep younger
members… and sooner rather than later.
Many shows that have for years been well attended
and have attracted large entries of pigeons have
seen a steady decline over the last few years.
Several are in danger of folding up or of holding on
for only another couple of years, if something does
not change and quick. Several are no more in
existence due to no younger members joining the
club, and of those few who did, were not willing to
step up and shoulder any of the work load involved in
putting on a large all breed show. Too many want to
show up, put their birds in the coops and kick back
enjoying the show… then as fast as they can box up
their birds and any awards their birds won, hastily
head for home rather than pitch in even for an hour to
take the show down.
“Let the young hold the
mast gracefully as we did
when we were young”
Are we cultivating an atmosphere younger people
want to be a part of? Are we doing something
knowingly or unknowingly that drives them away if
they do by chance come through the doors of our
shows and meetings? Or is it a sign of the times
where many are willing to take but not give? I do
know it did not use to be like that, and know for a fact
the givers by far used to outnumber the takers. I
know also the numbers of club members in all age
groups used to be well balanced, so of course that
made a huge difference. But where is that balance in
generation now? We all know younger generation is
into gadgets and internet these days. Where is our
vision for say the next 10 years to elevate ourselves
through those amenities of current age?
At the end, I want to clarify that I am not just trying
to be a doom and gloomier. I think I am being as
practical as possible. We do not like to think of the
very basic fact of life…. most of us are an aging
group. We lost so many valuable team players in the
last few years…. who knows when it’ll be my turn or
another veteran of the Club. So, let us all step up, do
our brainstorming now, before a storm actually hits
us. Let it be our biggest goal to attract and nurture a
younger generation through whichever means we
can, and pass on the responsibilities. Let the young
hold the mast gracefully as we did when we were
young. Only then, we can truly say we have done
something great for our Club to continue with its full
glamour for another few decades.
“Only then, we can truly say
we have done something
great for our Club
to continue
with its full glamour…”
GN Premium Book
is in the press.
Collect your copy
before we run out.
Floor Plan
Premium Book
If all goes as planned the 2015 LAPC hosted
NPA Grand National Premium Book will be
available at the September monthly meeting
and at our Young Bird show the following
Sunday. It will also be carried to various other
upcoming shows for distribution. The PB will
be in full color and approximately 500 copies
will be distributed.
caters not to a few breed clubs but the overall continuity of
the show, taking into consideration that exhibitors and
visitors can navigate the show with as little congestion as
possible. We all can want an area in the show hall we
think will best showcase our breed and breed club. But
Fred’s job in consultation with the other officers, and it is
not an easy one, is to see that all breeds and clubs, plus
vendors and visitors are happy. Few ever take into
consideration Fire Marshall’s rules which are particularly
stringent at a venue like the Ontario Convention Center.
Meaning, there may be areas in the show hall that a breed
club may prefer to be their judging area, but fire rules or
other safety concerns may preclude using those areas.
So, please keep your chin high with a smiling face. Let’s
keep the team spirit rising above all……
GN T-Shirts are on
sale, buy yours…
Everyone who receives our Bulletin through
email, will receive an electronic copy of the
PB. If your email address is not listed with us,
and you would like to receive our Bulletin, PB
and other publication, please let us know.
Just send an email to:
[email protected]
Fred Maenpa is diligently working on a floor plan that
January 29-31, 2015
Meeting was called to order by
President Leon Stephens at 7:40 p.m.
Officers in attendance included:
J.P.Isom, Kenny Davis, Lynn Watson,
Lonny Mefferd, Lennie Mefferd, Fred
Maenpa, Charlie Rowe, Bob Nolan
and Kathie Johnson. Absent were:
Junior director Nick Sato, treasurer
Dennis Weyrauch, and director Stan
Makse. Visitors included Tom Moss
from Pacific Grove, Calif. Tom made
the eight hour drive to hear Drew
Lobenstein present on Jacobins.
Approved for membership: Rojello
Armendariz. Proposed new member:
Robert Jennings of Bakersfield.
July minutes read by recording
secretary Kathie Johnson. Motion by
Bill Griebel to approve. Seconded by
Mike Cobb. Motion passed. In the
absence of treasurer Dennis
Weyrauch, Fred Maenpa read a letter
from Dennis about the club’s financial
Lenny Mefferd reported the NPA has
issued a policy that no feral pigeons
will be allowed in competition at the
Ontario National for judging but they
may be allowed for display only. The
reasoning seemed to be there was no
written and approved standard for
feral pigeons.
Lenny reported on NPA band
sales. They are low on size /#9. Also
a dove size band will be offered in
2015. Lenny asked for band orders
for next year on the English Trumpeter
and large bird size #14 bands. Dennis
Rogers questioned Lenny on the
bands being wider and the numbers
larger and easier to read. Others
noted the pink color was not easy to
read. General consensus seemed to
be larger size band numbers next year
would be appreciated by those with
"aging eyes". Lenny said he would
look into it.
Good & Welfare
It was pointed out that Linda Masucci,
member George Masucci's wife was in
the hospital for a serious operation.
Kathie Johnson passed around a card
for members to wish her well on her
New Business
Old Business
Bob announced that Md.Shaheed
Fred Maenpa reported contract for
would be assisting Chuck Zeller in
putting out our monthly bulletins for
the near future. Chuck will collect
material and forward to Shaheed who
will assemble it. Bob called attention
to the new look and great lay out
Shaheed did with the August bulletin
and thanked him. The membership
gave Shaheed a round of applause.
Shaheed spoke about the shutting
down of the My Family site and also
the club website. He has arranged for
new sites for both communicative
tools. He has also created a YouTube
Channel for the LAPC.
Drew Lobenstein reported on
speaking at the Lutheran Church Day
camp on July 31 with some 200
youngsters, teachers, and parents
participating. Drew showed off many
breeds of pigeons and gave a positive
talk on the value of pigeons for young
people. He passed out circulars he
had made up and received much
positive feedback. He dealt with the
history of pigeons back to Charles
Darwin and Noah and the ark. He
also read a list of 21 reasons why one
should appreciate pigeons. All in all it
was a great opportunity to publicize
the pigeon hobby in a positive light.
Bob Nolan showed off the new
club polo shirts/tee shirts for the
national. They were a big hit with
many being sold. Price is $22.00 for
polo shirts and $17.00 for tee shirts.
Lynn Watson will handle sales. Shirts
to be available at LAPC meetings,
young bird show and of course the
national. Thanks to Diane Jacky for
doing the art work.
Bob also made a presentation to
Ricky Arnold of the National
Birmingham Roller Club of the LAPC's
last Wm.H.Pensom Memorial cup.
Ricky has been instrumental in getting
the flying roller people to show with us
at the Ontario National. Ricky will be
putting the cup up for auction at their
upcoming NBRC convention. Ricky
will also be distributing entry blanks
and information on the national at the
NBRC convention.
2015 Pageant had been signed with
Ontario Convention Center. We will
be in the smaller hall "B". The dates
will be the traditional week before
Thanksgiving. The Raddison hotel will
be the host hotel and there will be a
rebate of $10 per room night to LAPC
to help cover convention building
costs. The Radisson will host the
Pageant banquet.
Fred displayed 1,000 flyers the
LAPC had made up advertising the
national and with an entry blank on the
back. They have been put in feed
stores, JEDDS Pigeon Supplies, Foys
Pigeon Supplies and Boxes For Birds
Bob Nolan gave an update on the
Premium Book for the national.
Donovon White did a masterful job
fine tuning the book, improving
photographs where possible, etc. The
final proof will be mailed to Donovon
for necessary changes and approval.
It will be printed in Visalia, Calif. and if
all goes well, will be available at the
Sept. LAPC meeting and the Young
Bird Show. Larry Hart and
PUREBRED PIGEON greatly assisted
in brokering a good price for the
Evening’s Program
Drew Lobenstein gave a great talk
on the Jacobin pigeons, its' history,
standard, breeding methods and
judging tips and procedures.
Complete with illustrations and
diagrams and Drew's wonderful
speaking style it was a program
greatly enjoyed by those in
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. to
raffle (raised over $165 dollars),
birthday celebration for Drew
Lobenstein, Armando Villanueva,
Layne Gardner, and Steve Ball, and
young bird table show.
Respectfully submitted by
Kathie Johnson
Monthly Meeting Highlights
“We need something
unique that identifies
our Club’s BRAND”
The LAPC is looking to come up with a logo we can
“Spread The Word”
use on our website, club letterhead for official
correspondence, in our bulletin, marked catalogs,
flyers announcing show and any other club events,
awards and acknowledgement plaques, certificates,
internet media, etc. The logo would be a symbol of a
brand; in other words, it would be a logo that when
seen automatically registers in people’s minds that
this is the official identifying logo of the Los Angeles
Pigeon Club.
“It is preferable to have
an abstract design.”
Over the years we have had many designs for
specific shows or some other specific purposes,
which might be called logos but in the true sense of
the word they were really not; or at least they were
not something unique to instantly identify our Club.
Many years back the club’s bulletin had a cover with
a group of marching pigeons carrying a LAPC
banner, the Pageant of Pigeons show catalog going
way back been identified by it being called the
Pageant of Pigeons Marked Catalog. The Pageant
itself has a ribbon design. Our 100 year centennial
celebration had a 12-in centennial patch and a 6-in
metal enameled medallion. The 2015 LAPC hosted
NPA Grand National has a theme of “California
Dreaming” and an official logo patch. However, a
number of members have expressed the need for a
universal logo that would serve as the Club’s brand.
o, what we are looking for is a logo encompassing
all aspects of the pigeon hobby, can be used for
years to come, and something that denotes no
particular LAPC event but the Club itself. It is
preferable to have an abstract design. The Club’s
full name or the abbreviation can be used.
Establishment year can be incorporated, but not
A maximum of three submissions will be
accepted from each individual. No deadline has
been set yet; it will be announced soon. At the end
of the submission period, Chuck Zeller and Md
Shaheed will select two to three of the best designs
and submit to the board for a final decision. The
board will come up with a suitable prize for the
design that the majority judges best.
We are most fortunate to have some great
artists/designers in our Club; however, the contest
is not limited to Club members. There is also no
age restriction of the artist/designer. Anyone who
has artistic/composition/design talent is encouraged
to participate. This would be a great way to involve
younger generation who are into Photoshop or
similar computer programs. It will certainly be a
great honor for the one whose design will be
selected, as acknowledgement will be made to the
person winning.
“The contest is not limited
to Club members”
The logo must be submitted both as a PDF file,
and as a picture file in full resolution. All
submissions of designs should be e-mailed to
[email protected],
[email protected], and
[email protected]
Contest subject to Board’s approval.
General Info
Exhibitor’s Info
• Entries of birds close at 12 noon.
• The Young Bird Show is for all breeds
that are banded with 2014 bands.
• There will be classes for Mature young
birds and unmoulted Squeakers.
• The Parade of Champions takes place
as soon as the individual breed
champions are picked. Judges will
pick the overall show Champion and 9
Reserve Champions.
• Specialty clubs assign their own
judges to judge their breed.
• Non sponsored breeds are assigned
an experienced judge by the LAPC.
• $5.00 per vehicle charge to enter the park.
• LAPC will have lunch at $5.00/person.
• Irvine Regional Park has great expanses of lawn and lots of
mature old Oak Trees providing ample shade, but it can be hot
in September; so come prepared.
• We advise attendees to bring lawn chairs and cold drinks for
themselves. Bring snacks and plenty of drinks for kids.
• The Park offers many Family-Friendly activities that can be
checked out online
• Usually various breeds of pigeons are available to purchase.
However, we encourage sellers to not use the privilege to peddle
culls, but rather to offer quality birds.
• Join the huge raffle at the end of the show.
• All breed specialty clubs are invited to hold a meet.
• We were delighted to have our long time master chef Bill
Harrison back; we still need volunteers.
• Help is needed (and lots of it) setting up the show and taking it
down. The cages arrive around 9:00 a.m. so any early arrivers
would be greatly appreciated. It is your show, so please help
with the set up and/or tear down.
A word to the wise
Grand champion – Bob Farley Perpetual Plaque &
50 lb feed; 2nd through 10th place – 50 lb feed;
Champion Squeaker – $100; Reserve Champion
Squeaker – $50.00; 3rd Best Squeaker – $25.00
(donated by Bob Nolan); Largest Entry of Squeakers
– $50.00 (donated by Bob Nolan)
Try to arrive early, as parking
close to our site fills up fast.
This will also assure you a
chance to get your birds in the
holding cages, as we usually
have more birds than cages.
The late arrivals may have to
keep their birds in their
carrying cages.
Specialty Breed Clubs may offer their own awards
for Champion and Reserve Champion in their breed.
Junior Awards
Trophies for 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 & 5 place in
Squeakers and also in Matures.
“Be Sure To Invite
Family & Friends”
Sunday, September 14, 2014
1 Irvine Park Road, Orange, CA 92869
 Please list all entries of one breed together, then the next one, and so on.
(Circle One)
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
S / M
Band No.
*Squaker – A bird in baby feathers that has few, if any, feathers that have already moulted.
Mature – A young bird noticeably in its first moult or has finished its first moult.
Entry Fee: $2 per bird
Total Entry #________
Exhibitor Name: ___________________________________
Total $ ________________
Tel No.: ________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Awards: Look in the Bulletin for details.
A very old middle Asiatic Breed, originally a
medium beak flying pigeon, in the late
1900's developed into almost short beaked
pigeons with long Muffs.
Overall Impression
At the very most a medium sized
pigeon with a low stance, full muffs and
almost a short beak. An unusual feature is
the variable head ornamentation. The RedNecked (Gulbadami) is often slightly larger
than other colors.
Answer will be in next month’s Bulletin.
Email your answer to:
Last Month’s Answer:
Groninger Slenken (Slenke)
Did you hear about the scientist who
crossed a carrier pigeon with a
He got a bird that not only delivers
messages to their destination but
knocks on the door when it gets there.
…Test Ur Knowledge….
[email protected]
Are U A Pigeon Geek!!
Relationship with pigeons has been with me most of
my life, and racing pigeons are my passion; although,
the respect I have for showing and performance for
these creatures of pleasure cannot be denied. My
over fifty years with pigeons and the last 20 years
employed with a national pigeon supply company has
given me insight to many of our over 200 breeds of
pigeons and their owners. I found that the show
fanciers have very similar passion as the racers with
many of the demands leading to the number one
Today, I wanted to write about something that
many might not have noticed, or even if they noticed,
might not have been astonished about. The
upcoming 2015 Grand National in Ontario will be
attended by many of the Racing Pigeon enthusiasts!!
Come on… think about it…. Racers and Fanciers
under one roof!! I do not recall that ever happening in
this land before. The joint effort from the American
Pigeon Museum and the Los Angeles Pigeon Club
has created this camaraderie between the fancy
pigeon breeders and the over 1,000 racing fanciers in
SoCal. This will definitely be one of the greatest show
ever in North America.
“Racers & Fanciers
Under One Roof!!”
You may not know, but our racing fanciers are
lovers of pigeons, and many have show breeds as
well. Most of the serious flyers have fancy birds
which are used to entice the race bird as quickly as
possible to the electronic timing device to gain the
seconds needed to win the race. I personally have
used Modena’s, Spanish Thief Pouters, Oriental Frills,
Chinese Owls, and West of England’s for this
purpose. I believe many of our racing members
would use these birds as a dual purpose bird for
shows, and for Dropper birds for the race birds.
January is a down time for the racing pigeon fanciers,
and with all the advance marketing for the upcoming
Grand National, the interest is high and the curiosity is
irresistible for many primarily racing guys like myself.
Just to name a few of the cross-overs, I think back to
the time of meeting Bill Pensom in the mid sixties with
his Birmingham Rollers and his passion for the breed.
Long after his passing in 1968 his name is mentioned
every day at the store, a testament to his life and this
breed. The late Bill Droessler, who at the time was a
Modena man, and his jovial manners brought
pleasure to all who met him. He entered the racing
pigeon game some years later and became a real
force to reckon with on race days. We became
partners in some of the special races and one in
particular, the San Diego Classic race… we won. He
still maintained many of the show fancier friendships
to the end of his life. Late Jim Larimore was also a
Modena specialist and Treasurer/Band Secretary for
the NPA at the time. He was a cantankerous union
man whose passion with the birds was endless. Jim
was a tireless worker for the Los Angeles Pigeon Club
and not forgotten. Bill Rice, another hard working
cross over pigeon enthusiast, is the only person that
became the President of the largest Racing Pigeon
Union in America, and also was the NPA President.
He was a devoted man to our fraternity and
maintained many breeds of pigeons.
Pigeon Enthusiast’s Fraternity……
Gregg McKnight
Fanciers from all walks of life visit our store.
So, over
the years, I’ve been able to read most of our
customers’ preference by their ethnicity. I’ve been
known to tease everyone. So for example, if I
recognize one to be of Middle Eastern background, I
guess that they have high fliers, so help him with
endurance products for the long flights required in that
breed, and tease them about why they don’t get
racers, and we laugh about it. The Afro-American
fanciers have Birmingham rollers for the most part,
and I show them products to help them spin and in
some cases give them more lift along with how to
feed. I was born in Compton and being Caucasian
we joke about that, and the bond through pigeons is
made. Our Latino brothers like to gamble; so the
racers are their passion of choice, but many are roller
men. I tease them about you can’t beat that guy just
to get a reaction out of them. This makes them bring
there “A” game to the table. In the past, many
Hispanics had the sporting pouters, but lately not so
much. Asian fanciers like to gamble as well, and the
racers are the pigeons of choice. They leave nothing
for chance when it comes to buying the best of
products. Taiwan racing is the Las Vegas of racing
pigeons. China now has the honor of buying the most
expensive pigeons in the World and now becoming
the hub of our racing pigeon sport. I tease the
Caucasian guys with quotes like “You’re lucky I’m not
into that breed or you’d be second best.” I get that
quick response and the brotherhood bond is made.
As one can see, our fraternity of pigeoneers crosses
all boundaries, and the beauty of show and
performance are in the eyes of the beholder. The
bond we have through pigeons is like no other, and if
addicted, you become a lifelong enthusiast. Many
I’ve met had pigeons at a young age and now
returning to the sport with the best memories from the
past. This live creature is a marvel in both showing
and performing.
Let us all simply call ourselves
“Pigeon Enthusiasts.”
I am sure the upcoming Grand National hosted by the
LAPC will set an era of a great new beginning of
cooperation between the two very different groups till
this day – the racers and the fancy breeders; and
break all boundaries of ethnic backgrounds. Great job
LAPC for working hard for this brotherhood. Let us all
simply call ourselves “Pigeon Enthusiasts.”
Pigeon Enthusiast’s Fraternity……
Gregg McKnight
Los Angeles Pigeon Club
Fred Maenpa
1228 Jodi Street
Orange, CA 92867
September 2014 Bulletin
Fold Here
Upcoming Meeting: Thursday, September 11, 2014 @ 7:00 pm
11431 McGirk Ave., El Monte, CA 91732
Rosemead Blvd
Santa Anita Ave
210 Freeway
Meeting Building
McGirk Ave
10 Freeway
60 Freeway
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