Available Courses - Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center
Available Courses - Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center
Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center Training Course Catalog: April 2016 - June 2016 Specialized Training Events and Online Learning Opportunities ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW AVAILABLE http://www.kletc.org/cereg.php Available Courses Please be advised, the courses listed are briefly described. Full descriptions are located at WWW.KLETC.ORG. As always, if you have any Specialized Training needs or questions, contact Ron Gould, Assistant Director, KLETC, 620.694.1532 or email [email protected]; or Heather Buller, Education Program Coordinator, KLETC, 620-694-1537 or email [email protected]. BASIC AR15/M16/M4 Armorer—April 12-13, 2016 Presented by: Greg Sullivan, Defensive Edge Training & Consulting This course covers all M16/AR15 type carbine weapons systems made and their variants. Armorers will be certified in the proper maintenance, care, and repair of these weapons systems, including semiauto and select-fire trigger systems. This program follows the Manufacturer’s guidelines and is taught by FBI and NRA Certified Instructors. Topics covered: history of the weapon; cycles of function; general disassembly/assembly; ID of common problems and parts & nomenclature; ID of group components; complete armoring disassembly/assembly barrel replacement; cleaning and maintenance; sight and distance considerations; ballistic issues/headspacing/inspections; trigger jobs; trouble shooting and repair; M16 conversions to AR15; etc. Project #: LE160301 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C Fees: $395/person, payable to the instructor. Meals and Lodging—$60/Double Occupancy or $90/Single Occupancy. DO NOT REGISTER WITH KLETC—Complete the Defensive Edge Law Enforcement training application at www.slr15.com and fax to the SLR15 Office at (763) 712-1434; phone: (763) 7120123; email: [email protected] REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.thedefensiveedge.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/ lawenforcementtrainingapplication.pdf ADVANCED AR15/M16/M4 Armorer—April 14-15, 2016 Presented by: Greg Sullivan, Defensive Edge Training & Consulting This course covers all M16/AR15 type carbine weapons systems made and their variants. Armorers will be certified in the proper maintenance, care, and repair of these weapons systems, including semiauto and select-fire trigger systems. This program follows the Manufacturer’s guidelines and is taught by FBI and NRA Certified Instructors. Topics covered: ID of non-common problems and parts; chamber reaming & polishing; accessories & upgrades; barrel replacement & modifications; internal barrel/chamber inspections; feed ramps & crown repair; detailed maintenance; ballistic analysis & issues; headspacing & timing/dwell timing issues; trigger jobs & aftermarket triggers; detailed trouble shooting & repair; M16 & burst conversion & 4-pos triggers; free float barrels; custom tools; etc. Project #: LE160302 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C Fees: $395/person, payable to the instructor. Meals and Lodging—$60/Double Occupancy or $90/Single Occupancy. Prerequisite: Must have taken Basic Course within 18 previous 18 mos. $100 discount—Attend both the BASIC and ADVANCED courses for $690 (3-31 through 4/3) DO NOT REGISTER WITH KLETC—Complete the Defensive Edge Law Enforcement training application at www.slr15.com and fax to the SLR15 Office at (763) 712-1434; phone: (763) 7120123; email: [email protected]. REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.thedefensiveedge.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/ lawenforcementtrainingapplication.pdf Page 2 Available Courses Use of Force Legal Review—April 15, 2016 Presented by: KLETC Staff Instructor Kimberly Rodebaugh Officers are often forced to make split second decisions in circumstances that are tense and uncertain. Understanding the law regarding use of force decisions is vital. Learning how to articulate why a force decision was made is equally important for officers to be confident in their ability to make sound decisions in circumstances that may be life threatening. This four hour block will focus on the most recent Kansas and Supreme Court decisions and Kansas statute regarding use of force. Focus will be made on teaching officers to be comfortable with the law and how to articulate why decisions were made within the context of the law. Project #: LE160315 Times: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Location: Abilene Community Center, 1020 NW 8th St., Abilene, KS 67410 Fees: Tuition FREE!!! Participants are responsible for their own travel, meals and lodging. REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160315 Asset Forfeiture—April 22, 2016 Presented by: Colin Wood, SAUSA, USAO, District of Kansas This class discusses the seizure and forfeiture to law enforcement agencies property such as currency, cars, houses, and businesses that have been used or gained through violations of state and federal law. The topics of public policy, law enforcement authority and forfeiture investigative techniques are examined. An overview of the Kansas Drug Tax Act is reviewed allowing participants to better understand the differences between the KDTA and forfeiture law. The course will also cover information for administrators on the retention and use of forfeiture funds. Project #: LE160317 Times: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Location: Sedgwick County Fire Department, Station 32, 7750 N. Wild West Dr., Park City, KS Fees: Tuition FREE!!! Participants are responsible for their own travel, meals and lodging. REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160317 Helicopter Landing Zone Training—May 5, 2016 Presented by: LifeTeam Public safety personnel interact with rotary winged aircraft for a number of different agencies and organizations, including law enforcement, firefighting, VIP transport and news media helicopters. This two-hour class will inform students on the following EMS landing zone procedures: 1. HOW TO ACTIVATE; A. Who can activate B. Policies 2. PROVIDING ESSENTIAL INFORMATION; A. Location: Cross streets, LAT/ LONG coordinates, prominent features. B. Communication: Call back number, Radio Frequency (Statewide, etc.) and Call sign of LZ (Landing Zone) Command. 3. WEATHER; A. Low Ceilings, Poor Visibility, Icing, High Wind 4. PATIENT STATUS; A. Number, Condition, Age, Mechanism, Hazards 5. LANDING ZONE; A. Preferred Landing Zone sizes; B. Setup; C. Hazards; D. Special considerations, such as Night Landing Zones Project #: LE160345 Times: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Location: KLETC Main Campus, Classroom #1 Fees: Tuition FREE!!! REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160345 Page 3 Available Courses Responding to Noncitizen Victims of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence: Keeping Immigrant Communities Safe—May 6, 2016 Presented by: Carly McPeak, Immigration Project Attorney—Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence This 4-hour training will provide practical considerations for responding to noncitizen victims’ of sexual assault and domestic violence. Additionally, this training will provide the facts surrounding law enforcement certifications for U visas, a valuable tool for aiding law enforcement in their investigations when the victim is a noncitizen. This training will detail what these certifications mean and what they don’t mean; what they can do for your agency; and what they can do for immigrants who cooperate with a law enforcement investigation. Those who attend this training will receive a recently published instruction manual developed especially for law enforcement, providing detailed instructions for understanding and applying the certification process within your agency. Project #: LE160338 Times: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Location: Wichita State University Metropolitan Complex, 5015 E. 29th St. North, Rm. #138 Fees: Tuition FREE!!! REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160338 Annual KACP Spring Conference and Tradeshow—May 9-12, 2016 Presented by: Various This year’s conference will highlight and provide lessons learned from various active shooter events from across the country and how to manage high-profile events when they occur. Areas of focus include: Virginia Tech Shooting Case Study, Boston Bomber Case Study; Aurora, CO Theater Shooting Case Study and a special presentation by FBI LEEDS on Communications After a Tragedy. Monday, May 9th 1000-1200: KACP Board Meeting 1200-1300: LUNCH (On Your Own) 1300-1500: KACP Training Committee Meeting 1500-1600: KACP Conference Committee Meeting 1600-1700: KACP General Membership Meeting 1800: KACP “Chiefs Night Out” at Prime on the Nine, located at the Mariah Hills Golf Course Tuesday, May 10th 0800-1200: Virginia Tech Shooting Case Study: Presented by Chief Kevin Foust, Virginia Tech Police Dept. 1200-1700: Arena and Vendor Booths Open 1800: The Great Gun Giveaway Wednesday, May 11th 0800-1200: Boston Bomber Case Study: Presented by FBI SA John Walker 1200-1300: Lunch Provided by KDOT 1300-1600: Aurora, CO Theater Shooting Case Study: Presented by Lt. Sam McGhee, Aurora Police Dept. 1800-1900: Pre-Awards Banquet – Open Bar 1900: KACP Awards Banquet Thursday, May 12th 0800-1200: Communications After a Tragedy: Presented by Judy Pal, FBI LEEDA 1200: Dismissal Project #: LE160331 Times: Various Times—SEE AGENDA ABOVE Location: United Wireless Arena and Conference Center, 4100 W. Comanche St., Dodge City, KS Fees: $150/person, payable to KACP through PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr? cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=CQ2TG5PBPYVGL $30 for Awards Banquet: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_sxclick&hosted_button_id=24RGWJ75VMFYY To Register for the Conference, please us the following link: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/ register/n/event_details.php?pn=LE160331 Page 4 Available Courses Law Enforcement & First Response Tactical Casualty Care Course—May 13, 2016 Presented by: Jim Lebaron, Hutchinson Community College Law Enforcement and First Response Tactical Casualty Care is a 6 hour course designed to teach public safety first responders including police, other law enforcement officers, firefighters and other first responders the basic medical care interventions that will help save an injured responder's life until EMS practitioners can safely enter a tactical scene. Course participants will learn life-saving medical actions such as bleeding control with a tourniquet, bleeding control with gauze packs or topical hemostatic agents, and opening an airway to allow a casualty to breathe. In addition, care under fire techniques with drag and carry, and tourniquet application practical exercises will be included. EMS CEU's are available at no cost. Participants must sign the course roster upon arrival and complete an evaluation to be eligible for the CEU's. Dress should be casual. Project #: LE160319 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom B and C Fees: $50/Person. Meals and Lodging: $80/Double Occupancy or $95/Single Occupancy; rates include tuition. ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160319 Non-Emergency Vehicle Operation (NEVO)—May 23, 2016 Presented by: KLETC Staff Instructors NEVO training may be considered for those drivers who have developed less than favorable driving habits or techniques. It will reintroduce them to the basic skills any operator of an emergency vehicle needs but will not involve emergency response or pursuit applications. NEVO training will cover many different driving techniques and applications of understanding how to be safe and in control of their vehicle in normal non-emergency operating conditions. Drivers will be reacquainted with proper driving position, shuffle steering, vehicle dynamics, backing techniques, vehicle positioning, front end swing issues when backing, apexing turns, line of travel, proper visualization while driving, clearing intersections, necessity of smooth application of steering, braking and accelerator inputs, skid control and recovery, off road recovery techniques, threshold braking, conducting evasive maneuvers, importance of maintaining rolling friction and other real world driving applications. Special Information: Participants are to bring the vehicle they typically use at their agency; patrol car, SUV (Tahoe, Expedition, or regular sized 1/2 ton pickups) are acceptable. Vans, Suburban’s or other large vehicles are NOT acceptable for this course. Dress should be causal and appropriate to the weather. *NOTE: The 8 hour time for the class is dependent on enrollment; fewer students may result in less training time. Successful completion of this course may result in a reduction in your auto insurance premiums--contact your insurance carrier/agent for details. Project #: LE160329 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Driver Training Facility Fees: $50/Person. Meals and Lodging: $80/Double Occupancy or $95/Single Occupancy; rates include tuition. ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160329 Page 5 Available Courses Advanced Criminal Interdiction:—May 23-27, 2016 Presented by: Kansas Highway Patrol In partnership with KLETC, the Kansas Highway patrol is extending their Advanced Criminal Interdiction program to Law Enforcement across the State. This program is for the LEO actively involved in criminal interdiction. This will update the attendee of new and innovative techniques in the apprehension of DRUG TRAFFICKERS. Topics include: Criminal Interdiction History/Bias Based Policing and Racial Profiling; Basic Indicators; Stop Tactics/Survival; Search & Seizure/ Forfeiture Guidelines; C.I. Stops/Video; Compartments; Commercial Vehicle Interdiction; Post Stop Interviews; Report Writing; Courtroom Testimony; Fraudulent Documents; Controlled Deliveries; Investigative Report; FBI TSC Encounters; K-9 Usage; Bomb Recognition Project #: LE160351 Times: 10:00 AM on 5/23 to 12:00 PM on 5/27; 0800-1700 other days Location: KHP Training Academy, 2025 E. Iron Avenue, Salina, KS 67401 Fees: $50/Person, includes lunch each day. Meals and Lodging: $200/Single Occupancy; rates include tuition. Availability on a first come, first serve basis. REGISTRATION IS THROUGH KHP ONLY: PLEASE CONTACT VICKI DUMAS, 785.822.1700 OR BY EMAIL AT [email protected]. : Official Training Announcement Flyer: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/a0154b0ebbd90cf0e02be2433/files/ Advanced_Criminal_Interdiction_May_2016_KHPTA_FINAL.01.pdf Listening Session: Emerging Public Safety Issues Facing Tribal Criminal Justice— May 24, 2016 Presented by: Western Community Policing Institute, University of Oregon What is this listening session about? WCPI is hosting listening sessions to gain broad input and expertise from stakeholders. This listening session is designed to be a proactive, comprehensive, experience that fosters information sharing and collection among tribal, state, federal, and local governments. Participants will be asked to provide their insights into existing or emerging public safety issues facing tribal criminal justice. The listening session will be used to increase coordination, communication, and future training initiatives among federal, state, tribal and local governmental agencies. The listening session will integrate and respect rich tribal community values while initiating collaborative partnership efforts. Who should attend? The target audiences for this listening session are Tribal and other non-Tribal partners who have an interest in or direct involvement in tribal government, law enforcement, corrections or the administration of justice programs. Participants represent a broad spectrum of tribal, government, public, and private organizations including representatives from any of the following disciplines: -- Law enforcement -- Courts and Legal Systems -- Community Corrections -- Tribal & Non-Tribal Youth Services-- State Corrections -- Tribal & Non -Tribal Government -- Educational Institutions -- Indian Health Services -- Or anyone with a vested interest in any of these areas ** Participants should be prepared to share their experiences, knowledge, and understanding of existing or emerging challenges facing public safety. Project #: LE160334 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: Horton Community Center Blue Building, 716 1st Avenue West, Horton, KS Fees: Tuition FREE!!! Participants are responsible for their own travel, meals and lodging. REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.tribaltraining.com/registration / Page 6 Available Courses Strategic Community Policing & Problem Solving—May 25-26, 2016 Presented by: Western Community Policing Institute, University of Oregon What is this training about? This two day course titled ―Strategic Community Policing & Problem Solving” is designed to challenge participants as they apply strategic approaches to community policing and problem solving. Participants will interact within the course materials while exploring and examining strategies in developing their own community policing projects. This two-day interactive training course consists of two separate but connected training deliveries that will provide participants with the information and structure needed to develop or strengthen collaborative partnerships between the community and police. Training will incorporate the unique considerations facing communities in addressing crime, violence, and safety issues that require specific skills and capabilities in collaboration, including problem identification, information sharing, sharing resources, spreading costs, and helping communities explore community policing collaboration initiatives. Who should attend? The target audiences for this program are participants representing a broad spectrum of Federal, State, and local law enforcement jurisdictions, including the following -Based Organizations. Any other participants who have direct oversight or involvement in law enforcement operations will also be included. Special attention will be placed on training those participants with limited access, including time and financial constraints to community policing training. Project #: LE160335 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Daily Location: Horton Community Center Blue Building, 716 1st Avenue West, Horton, KS Fees: Tuition FREE!!! Participants are responsible for their own travel, meals and lodging. REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.tribaltraining.com/registration/ Online Data Entry—June 2, 2016 Presented by: Matt Deffner, KS-CPOST This course will prepare training officers, department support personnel or other department employees to enter training data online, instead of submitting the information on paper. The participant will interact with the web-based computer program to submit the data to KS-CPOST. A general working knowledge of the internet and computers will be required for this course. Project #: LE160308 Times: 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM Location: KLETC Brazeal Hall, Computer Lab Fees: Tuition FREE!!! ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160308 Law Enforcement Vehicle Skid Awareness—June 2, 2016 Presented by: KLETC Staff Instructors Attendees will encounter low speed skids while maneuvering through several designated courses on KLETC’s skid pad and learn the dynamics and control of their specific patrol vehicle. Becoming aware of the specific vehicles capability on a simulated wet and/or icy surface in a training environment will help raise the operator’s awareness when the same or similar events are encountered in the field. Equipment: Officers are required to bring the department vehicle similar to the one driven on patrol. This vehicle will be used during the practical session of the course on KLETC’s skid pad. Project #: LE160336 Times: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Location: KLETC Robert Senecal Driver Training Facility Fees: $30/Person—Meals & Lodging: $60/Double Occupancy or $75/Single Occupancy ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160336 Page 7 Available Courses Emergency Vehicle Operation: Guest Instructor Orientation Program—June 6-7, 2016 Presented by: KLETC Instructional Staff Properly operating an emergency vehicle is critical for officer and public safety. The KLETC Emergency Vehicle Operation Guest Instructor Orientation Program will equip participants with the skills, techniques, and operational principals to assist KLETC Staff Instructors during the EVO Basic Training Cycle. Participants will be exposed to a variety of driving exercises and will be required to demonstrate learned exercises, with verbal instruction to KLETC Staff Instructors for proficiency. Special Information: Commitment to participate in Basic Academy Instruction will require a minimum of once per year unless scheduling permits for additional Guest Instructor Training Opportunities for the participant and their agency. Participants must have one or more years of Law Enforcement Driving experience. Must have successfully completed a basic EVO Driving Course. Vehicles will be provided by KLETC. Lodging and/or meals will be provided by KLETC at no charge to the participant or the participant’s agency. There is a maximum of 8 participants for this program. This program is NOT an EVO Instructor Certification Course. Project #: LE160328 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC: Robert Senecal Driver Training Facility Fees: Tuition FREE!!! ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160328 Field Training Officer Program (FTO)—June 8-10, 2016 Presented by: Deputy Chief Tim Brant, Derby Police Department The course is designed for field training officers and their supervisors. This seminar will train officers who conduct training for law enforcement officers, as well as supervisors who oversee the officers and the recruits they are training. Topics: How a law enforcement agency can put better-trained, betterqualified, more professional officers to work on the street—How newly hired officers can be trained more quickly.—How to improve the selection process.—How this program improves the performance of all officers receiving this training.—How documentation of performance is an integral part of this program and how documentation will assist in making assignments and writing probationary performance reports.— How the supervisor’s role and the field/jail training officer’s role interact in the decision-making process concerning trainees. Project #: LE160326 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: Crawford County Sheriff’s Office, 225 N. Enterprise Dr., Girard, KS 66743 Fees: $160/Person ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160326 Legal Issues in Car Stops—June 21, 2016 Presented by: SAUSA Colin Wood, US Attorney’s Office, District of Kansas This class examines the many legal issues involved in car stops. Through the use of a timeline, the anatomy of a car stop is broken down into pieces to better discuss a law enforcement officer’s authority to perform certain tasks at certain times and under certain circumstances. Topics include temporary detentions, reasonable suspicion, probable cause, consent, safety stops, tipsters, use of K-9s, interdiction techniques, searches and interviews. An expanded discussion of certain issues including criminal interdiction, drug K-9 and searches of cell phones will also be included. Project #: LE160350 Times: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Location: Lenexa Police Department, 12500 W. 87th St. Pkwy., Lenexa, KS 66215 Fees: Tuition FREE!!! ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160350 Page 8 Available Courses Introduction to Patrol Rifle—June 21-22, 2016 Presented by: KLETC Staff Instructors Intro to Patrol Rifle introduces the officer to the patrol rifle, or serves as a refresher course. Subjects covered include - function of patrol rifles, care and cleaning, putting the weapon into operation out of the unit, keeping the weapon running by proper reloading and malfunction clearance, zeroing with both optics and iron sights as well as basic rifle marksmanship. The officer completing this segment will have a sound fundamental knowledge of the patrol rifle and its operation. Equipment: There are no prerequisites to attend this course. Participants must supply their own patrol rifle with 3 magazines; sling; 1 rifle magazine pouch; duty pistol with 3 magazines; duty pistol belt; eye protection; ear protection; ballistic vest; range clothing. Project #: LE160352 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Daily Location: KLETC Firearms Range, 10205 Halstead St., Hutchinson, KS 67501 Fees: $150/Person—Meals & Lodging: $210/Double Occupancy or $240/Single Occupancy REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160352 Legal Issues in Car Stops—June 23, 2016 Presented by: SAUSA Colin Wood, US Attorney’s Office, District of Kansas This class examines the many legal issues involved in car stops. Through the use of a timeline, the anatomy of a car stop is broken down into pieces to better discuss a law enforcement officer’s authority to perform certain tasks at certain times and under certain circumstances. Topics include temporary detentions, reasonable suspicion, probable cause, consent, safety stops, tipsters, use of K-9s, interdiction techniques, searches and interviews. An expanded discussion of certain issues including criminal interdiction, drug K-9 and searches of cell phones will also be included. Project #: LE160354 Times: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom B Fees: Tuition FREE!!! ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160354 Close Range Survival: Pistol—June 23-24, 2016 Presented by: KLETC Staff Instructors This 2-day, 16 hour course is intended to improve the officer’s ability to deal with sudden, close-range assaults with firearms. Instructional topics and drills include: Refining the draw; One-hand firing techniques; Precision placement; Post-shooting tactics; Movement off the draw to maintain tactical advantage. This program will involve both live range fire and the use of non-lethal training ammunition. Equipment: Participants should bring: Duty pistol with 3 magazines; duty pistol belt; eye protection; ear protection; ballistic vest; and range clothing. Project #: LE160353 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Firearms Range, 10205 Halstead St., Hutchinson, KS 67501 Fees: $250/Person—Meals & Lodging: $310/Double Occupancy or $340/Single Occupancy REGISTRATION LINK: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/a0154b0ebbd90cf0e02be2433/files/ Close_Range_Survival_Skills_Pistol_June_23_24_2016_KLETC.pdf Page 9 Available Courses Racial & Other Biased Based Policing—June 28, 2016 Presented by: Kate Carter, Director, RBBP Unit, Kansas Attorney General’s Office This session will satisfy the annual training requirement for Biased Based Policing and will provide a review of the Kansas Statute, including definitions, complaint authority, policy and mandates. In addition, information will be provided on the complaint process and will include both the Attorney General’s and KS-CPOST procedures. Finally, the science behind Fair and Impartial Policing will also be discussed. Project #: LE160346 (1000-1200) OR LE160347 (1300-1500) Location: Fisher Center, 201 E. Iowa St., Hiawatha, KS 66434 Fees: Tuition FREE!!! ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK: AM: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php?pn=LE160346 PM: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php?pn=LE160347 Traffic Enforcement Strategies—June 28, 2016 Presented by: Kansas Department of Transportation Presented by the Kansas Department of Transportation, this 2-hour block of instruction will focus two specific traffic enforcement strategies; Occupant Protection and Impaired Driving. Areas of concentration will include: Traffic Safety; National and Local Statistics; Media Campaigns; Available Resources for Kansas Law Enforcement; Additional Statewide Training Opportunities. Project #: LE160325 Times: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Location: KLETC Main Campus, Classroom #1 Fees: Tuition FREE!!! ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php? pn=LE160325 Racial & Other Biased Based Policing—June 29, 2016 Presented by: Kate Carter, Director, RBBP Unit, Kansas Attorney General’s Office This session will satisfy the annual training requirement for Biased Based Policing and will provide a review of the Kansas Statute, including definitions, complaint authority, policy and mandates. In addition, information will be provided on the complaint process and will include both the Attorney General’s and KS-CPOST procedures. Finally, the science behind Fair and Impartial Policing will also be discussed. Project #: LE160348 (1000-1200) OR LE160349 (1300-1500) Location: Shawnee Police Department, 5850 Renner Rd., Shawnee, KS 66217 Fees: Tuition FREE!!! ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK: AM: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php?pn=LE160348 PM: http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/register/n/event_details.php?pn=LE160349 Page 10 Email: [email protected] for additional information SAVE-THE-DATE 13TH ANNUAL PROTECT OUR CHILDREN CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 12-14, 2016 KANSAS CITY CONVENTION CENTER FOR DETAILS, VISIT: WWW.POCCONFERENCE.COM Page 11 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSE REGISTRATION FORM APPLICANT INFORMATION BOX 1 Applicant Name: (Last) (First) Title/Rank: (Middle) Male Female DOB: Agency: Agency E-Mail Address: Agency Phone: Applicant E-Mail Address: Agency Fax: Agency Mailing Address: (Street or PO Box) (City) (County) (State) (Zip) BOX 2 COURSE INFORMATION Course Title: Project #: Location of Course: Course Dates: Course Times: MEALS AND LODGING BOX 3 Meals and lodging and any costs incurred during this course will be the sole responsibility of the applicant and/or their agency, unless otherwise noted in the course description. Meals and lodging at KLETC are subject to limited availability, and are not guaranteed until confirmed. Lodging rates at KLETC are based upon double occupancy. Requests for single occupancy will be considered on a space available basis, at an additional cost. I request meals and lodging REASONABLE ACCOMODATION BOX BOX34 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, KLETC will consider any reasonable need or purpose which the applicant or his/her agency may have regarding the requested course or training. Do You Request a Reasonable Accommodation? YES NO Comments: FEES BOX 5 Payment Method: (PLEASE ENCLOSE): Commuter: $ Meals & Lodging: $ Check Money Order Bill My Agency Government Purchase Order Course fees vary. Please consult the course announcement. Make checks or Purchase Orders payable to The University of Kansas at the address below. Send completed application form to: KLETC Registrar PO Box 647 Hutchinson, KS 67504-0647 Fax: (620) 694-1420 E-mail: [email protected] Questions regarding the application process should be directed to (620) 694-1410. The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information in the University’s programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access, [email protected], 1246 W. Campus Road, Room 153A, Lawrence, KS, 66045, (785) 864-6414, 711 TTY. For KLETC Use Only Project #: _____________ Date: _________________ By: ___________________ “Integrity is the Basis for Community Trust” NOTICE: Please check course description to see if the KLETC Registration Form is Applicable
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