Page 1 Stanfor (A 1998-99 PERFORMING SΕΑSΟΝ Page 2
Page 1 Stanfor (A 1998-99 PERFORMING SΕΑSΟΝ Page 2
Stanfordjlilru彬 PR[S[ヽ IS PRO MUSICA NIPPON:A Evelyn Ciennie′ guesi s● :oisi Pro Musico NIPponi。 TOkuO Tomuro′ conducior Kohei Nishiは o″ o′ te tside― b CWn bomЬoo nulel Hifostt YOnezcwo′ shOkuhcc腑 ive市 Cd bOmЬ oo luに } Hiroshi Soekcwc′ shokuhochi Hidekozu Kolo′ shokuhachi Sh ro M nOdo′ shomisen Junko Tchoro′ biwc Akemi Yomodo′ kolo M市 0,ogosc賄 ′kolo TOmOkO Hoyokowo′ kolo TOttnOiO MoChiZU賄 ′percus● on M ch yO usuk,percus● on SO“ IS,Februory 13′ 199%8:00p m 轟 m。 。l Audib“ um′ Shnford un■er“ リ “ SPonsor Porlners:JOhn and irvcl Neff Compus Porlner: Asion AmettcOn Ac"ll es Cenler This 10。 お r s mode pOsJЫ e M“ suppOr 10m he JoPOn 10tnd。 1。 nわ r。 。 9h heP‐ rfOm,9 Arls,o"n Progmm ond■ │ル お 。ddiond"PPonい he Toい Me rOPOlibn Foundol。 ■10r‖ γ ond C● “ 彗 SPmidい ont 10 AI NiPPon A‐ ●ys PROGRAM D。 ′ Sei Th`wOrk。 (molonL set D。 ′ "emPls lo coplure o votte,ol human emolons lhrough he irOd"OnOI sヶ LsIC lechnical elemenls OF,he shOmisen Despiie lhe wide ronge。 l expres‐ Shinyoch呼oiishi lArronged lo k mu“ c} Fue Flule lhe piece consisienilン cOP∼ reS ille unique chOrOctelsic5 0nd drOm0 0fihe shOmisen sion′ ShckuhOchi Shomisen P市 sm Biwα lComposed by Keko Abe′ OrrOnged by H"ohに o Attgヽ h→ Ko,o 1 7 Stling Kolo Fue Kozulsuml Smo‖ drum OOzulsuml large d「 um Shikυ hachi ShOmisen Biwo ShmeddkO The cは ssに 。 kO10● eCe yacぉ ,"_,お お ′ per10「 med Kolo レ `Usu。 by On ensemЬ le Ofvo ce′ kO10′ 17 SI市 ng Ko10 PercussiOn ShGm Sen Ond shokuhochi lnハ s new ve「 s'on, McrimЬ O lhe cOngrOblaloγ Piece hos been set os o Purely ins,「 umenlol RhopsOdy lor Manmb.。 nd oК heslra sOl。 :Eveン n Clennte COnduc10r ensemb e number The members Of PrO Musico NIPPonic have Odded elemenls Of IIle 10 k hayOsh(lul‐ The rhOPsOdy is bOsed uF70n,he lheme frOm and drum Abe s composlion 10「 50 0 mClm8o enlled grouP,musに Sh`ht whに h hOstO dO w"h ihe mソ hC。 「OnJike b∞ sI。「lhe sOme nOme Add市 Onal′ lhe Ь iwO′ k。 しu′ ond bOss kO10 ore used in helerOphonic s,e in ihe prO Mυ 「Oughoυ lit cO by prO Mυ cO NiPPOnlo os o kind of ceremonン lo Ьttng“ lhe musiciOns On slo9e′ in which cOse lhe inlrOduc10「 ンpercussion posЮ Ond th s me Ody con be 10und inloid wh‖ e lhe viriuosl c nOiu「 e oflhe i卜 “ Nipponio s o「 rOngemeni Th s piece s ottn ρ10yed Pris,′ ge mo「 imЬ o po「 1 0dds much excilemeni10 1卜 e overdllexbre Of he piece Prsm Rお Ьe divided n,O Лlhree m。 lor seC10ns "sOd/cOn n:he ir,seclOn′ ■o seporole lhemes cre devebP‐ d Ond grOduO‖ y inl‐ r∼ v ne nlo o sing e me odx The middle sediOn is o codenzo 10rihe sOIO ヽprObnged■ 3 5 mhuに s The wcrk wOs m。 百 mЬ O′ orronged by KeT Azec怖 ′ROsen TOsha cnd 10‖ Owed by,he Oslseclon w` ch d` ploys sOme fieγ POssoges ideo‖ Minoru Mikiin 1 976 ァdisPI。 ンing lhe lechnicOI POssibllies Of tte sO10 nsI「 umenl Th s excling POssOge recches c cimOx os he Kyoroi lu‖ lComposed by se占 ou Knり al shOmten sOl。 we19h1 0flhe symphonン OrchesirO per10rm― hg energetic rhソ hms Oins wil「 he sc O mOlm‐ bO in PrOduc ng o drOmalc ino e Prs, K/OЮ らCOmposed lor shOmぉ en con“ 針 s 501o in 1 96ア oFlhe 101cwhg seclons%i「 e● L ′ Do cPs司/wOs prembred by Kdko Ab・ wilh‖ e UmeO Symphonン in sweden′ n1996 Rお and ihe nOhkon′ A Lunar Nole dOnce Ond leslvc mu“ (COmpOSed by YoshhrO Su9ond wh ch POys o molor rOle in NohOnd No9oulo mus c Agoinsl o backdrop。 l percuss on insiru ‖ ′‖ ShOkuhochi l′ │ ShOm sen 3,wo menis′ c′ lhe nohkan delivers O medi101ve proyer in lhe p oc d irsl mOvement′ wh‖ e he sunnγ unds Of lhe shinObue Ore sel off o90insl o Kolo L‖ "Э Percusslon shOw la ko lofge drum}pariin ihe second movement The work caplures he lwo disinci cOnducIOr S,ISliC WOrlds of ihe Joponese lules 17‐ SI「 ing Kolo There is On Old JopOnese lolk legend ObOul'The Reqじ ien 99 Robbl on ihe MOOn'The legend goes,h01 f one ooks corelu‖ y Ollhe mOon when"is t‖ ′ iCompOSed"M norυ One wⅢ see O robЬ ‖Pound ng mOch iceremo shOkuhachi l′ nio lce coke)。 nd doncing oround The moon ShOmisen BIwa which OPpeors n such lo k egends Ond the moon lo which Apolo ll islounched is One Ond!he,mO I`o Os we‖ pcwe「 応l10rce n nalure 。s Ourimog nclon Allhou9ヽ I PersOn‐ il when l ORy prele「 10 imo9ine lhe dOncing roЬ Ь lcck 01 o fu‖ m00n′ ,hヽ work wos wlllen lo coplure lhe m00n in"s many conlexl science′ nolυ re ond ihe im09inOIon Trodilionol ,oponese instrumenis o‖ Klw lor mus c which s scluroled wih imOge,Ond where meOn ng cOn Ьe 10und in ecch nOle l hOpe"u en Oy lhis '‖ lusI「 olon・ oFthe moon thrOu9h sOund This wO「 k wOs composed in November Oflosl yeor {1998卜 lby YoshhrO Su9ond Mi晰 ) Fue Kolo l′ lア :!′ ‖ │ ‖ Siring Kolo Kozulsumi Oozulsumi Mattmbo so o:Evelyn C enn e cOndocIOr&Sh medo ko The Re9υ lem 99iS C new ve「 sion of Mikrs Con_‐ello R"υ おm comm`● oned espech‖ y lor ,he 1999 U S Iou「 oI PrO Mu“ co N pponic Ond Evelン n Clennie The。「ginOl vers10n wos composed in 1981 1or 21‐ SIring Kolo ond dedi caled lo lhe viclms oflhe SecOnd Word Wa「 MI Miki noles′ ・ l lhouglllム o11 999 being lhe lNIRMISS10N end oflhe ceniu「 y would be an apprOpr ale lme lo re wcrk my Concerlo R"υ eln OS O WOy 5allo Ock o!the c「 uelン eOrs cnd becolned OfloOking Ь lComPosed Ь ソKalsu,oshi Nogosowo) sc uヽ Of o‖ lhe vic‖ ms who suFlered by nhumon meons during lhe posl ceniu「 Fue ン' Peκ ossion Miki`nOi cOncerned w"h any porlcu orlo「 Ttts l,75 work by Koヽ exp10res the wO「 lds of uOsh No9osoWO the∼ vO,oponese hor zonlol flじ les:lhe shinObue′ lhe moins10y of lolk Of reヽ 9 on′ Ьul m lhis p ece inves19oles lne con‐ neclion beヽ veen music ond re1910n prayerlorihe repose Ofihe deod′ llis c αnd 10「 lhe consololion Oflhe living llis lhe living who ore on/FOr r・.o Woァ はs The 10ur‐ Of Mik「 sS/■ lρ お dOy nvo vemenl wlh ihe Orcheslro served os cOnfrOnled w"h ihe locl oF deOlh lhe cenlerpiece of o week long exPlorOliOn of An ordingγ s10ne becOmes o percus● een ment h medioles be卜 ″ he eorih′ on nsI「 u‐ │。 we O‖ relufn when we die′ Ond ihe insI「 ens‐ mЬ which umenio e which s parl o(ou「 50PhiSlicOled cu musiccl les beNヽen Eoslern and Weslern trodト lons The ensemЬ le gove lec}ure demonslro‐ liOns on'oponese nusicollrOdilons ond insliu menis′ per10rmed O chomber music conce■ w‖ h ond were lea lure M k considerslh slo be One Of h s m。 ず impoilonl works′ n sP tt Of IS exlreme● mPlicl members OF,he Phi harmOnic′ γ The OUgenγ cOnveys M krs disquie1 01,he P,Ok01ev s Peler Ond llle WolFOs O vehicle 10 w sted cOmplex,ol mOde「 n civilzolon contrasllhe Europec n ond,oponese lmbres lor ihe yOung oυ dience lured in a ch‖ dren s conceri which used For in10rm。 lon on ihe composer V sI h‖ p〃 _2u bgお be Pro Musico Nipponio s concerls ore oesふ elcOト neゎ lγ PRO MUSICA NIPPONIA u"応 │― bα 〕 musicol ond visuollrall The vivid co ors oflhe kimOnO′ 10gelher wiふ o drO‐ malc Per10rmOnce sッ e cnd ihe ex01c lmЬ res Founded in 1964 Ьソthe nOled,OPOnes‐ com‐ POSer Minoru Mtti′ PrO Musに o Nipponio● on Of the,OPonese ins,rumenls′ combine in a bril ensemb e o‖ ecd n9りOponese mじ sic6ns devol‐ ofり oPoneSe ed 10 1he perlormOnce Of bOlh c cslcal ond caled lo prese「 ving ond Odding 10 o ceniules mOdern,OPOnese mu● G on irod‖ iOnol nsI「 menls The grOuP hos 10ured hfoughoυ u‐ mυ sに presenled o「 e g mpse Ь ソmu● c6ns deよ Old irOdl on l Ausiralo ond NOrtt Amettccl′ Eu「 ope′ Asio′ 10nt,″ i‖ ′ oilelng lhe oud ence o「 and hOs numerous fecordings lo ils cred" Pro Mosに oNゎ ponb oPPe。「S by o「 rangemenl with Acron Concerl Anisls D vi● A「 Isls′ on′ Trc wick Lld New York Pro Mu“ co Nipponio received inlemolon。 c■enlion in 1 981′ Orcheslfo′ when,he CewOndhous celebrO"ng ls 2001h Ann Юrso% EVELYN CLENNIE SO10 Percussionisl comm`蒟 oned c compo5Mon by M「 Mi烙 lhol lo ned ihe orchesl『 O wilh ihe 16‐ member Joponese lrodl onO ensemЬ e on stoge ■e resull wOs o remorkable piece′ s/mpお On/FOr Mosu「 co‖ ed TIOヽ らflds ∼ enti‖ ed lK/unO K/o々 ul lhOl ihe mOsl successlu1 0f 1 0 wc「 ks whに h were commヽ sioned 10r ihe OccOdon Evelン n C ennie`believed lo be lhe irsi f。 ‖ lime′ solo percussion sl in lhe wo「 d BOrn in Aberdeen she ollended the Royol Acodemy ol Music in London winRing mOny pr zes′ ond then furthered her s,udies in JoPon on o Munsier iυ sI Scholo「 ship Since llen′ lhiou9h her mony lours′ she hos 9cined On enihu● Oslic lo n Oclober 1 994′ P,o Mu● co Nipponio wos invil・ d Ph‖ lo oin Ku● Mosur and ihe New YOrk おOrmOnic lor ihe No「 lh Amelcon premtere 10″ ing acrOss ihe gIObe Her10ur en90gemenis osl woson lolo‖ ed more lhon one hundrtt pe「 10rmonces n more thon■ enγ drler_ni coun 11he wOHd s │les Clennie per10rms w"h manン 。 greoles'orchesirOs Ond conduc10rs′ o「en pre‐ m ering new Pieces wriren especio‖ y10r he[ we‖ Os Oudiences underslonding ond Oppreciα lion o「 woHd mu“ c clennie has co‖ cullures′ TwO mc ord∝ umenloles on Cに nnに ヽhle have oled wlh indigenOus musicions lh,Ou9houl lre ond ond ndiO She has perlormed wilh COme an orches,rc in lndonesiO ond been mode lorte evLion′ ond she hos preseni SOmba bOnds in BrOzi1 0her diversificOlions ‐ αЬ o「 Bttlain′ nclude wcl「 k wlh IIle BrOzliOn Percussion`│ ed cnd per10rmed in磯osettes ollhe BBc s NonO N/OscOncelos ond o cOnlinu‐ Souttυ b les Os we‖ Os giving le evised masle■ 。nd vOcO isi′ dOsses Her exPlora10γ v` l10 KOreO wosthe SUheCI。 │。 BBC ide宙 on CreolJourne/s″ OgrOm Wilh Creg Moに “ cngL Eveけ nw市 les P子 ing coloborO,10n wilh lhe highlン Ond produ∝ s musk 10「 le w sion′ i m Ond d∝ ice ondに 軟xoi針 ccc10imed BIo「 k When she is nO1 0n s,oge′ Evelン n Clennie umenlarles eniOyS。「1 0nd pOini ng′ ond she is On ovid co n1988 C ennie won a Crommγ Awo「 d10r her co instrumenis lec10「 。1 0nlques os we1 0s Old Ond new muS‐ record ng OF BOr10Ps Sonara FOr rwO Planos and Percυ sslon wilh lhe ale S r C∞ rg Sol′ Eveい C ennie web sile: MUrrOン Perahic Ond Dovid COrkhiI She hos On h"P://― eve yn cO uk/ excb“ ve recordhg conirod w"h RCA/BMC Her recordin9 0f」 。mes Mocnl Onis 1/elli Vent Flnmσ ρ υ e′ wcn a C10ssic CD Aword n 1994 EveしηC ennie cPPeorS bン 。 「rOngemenl willl iCM Arlisl′ Lld ob C ennie's mOsl recen,recordings invo ve co‖ ororOns wlh the Kingヽ S ngers ond SIreel MINORU MIKl Songs,ond C enn et olest releose ReFlecledわ composer Bras,wilh llle副 ock ttke BOnd`he「 e evenlh 01Ь um Mい o「 uM渋 i wcs bO「 n h TOkus卜 mO′ JcPOn h l,30。 nd grOduOled frOm the TOぃ Un Ver● γ 10 dOle W"h Paui COmerOn′ Eveし ηC enn e hOs wrillen of F ne Arls ond Music Os c cOmpOsl on moion On educc‖ Ond He 10unded PrO Musico Nipponio n 1964 0nd b∞ k cOled B∞ ′ι puЫ ヽhed by Fober Muttc′ which`Oimed ol grOup percじ s hcs served Os Arislc direc10「 ●On lec ding lhe cOnlempO「 10「 beg nners in schoOに 。 「y 10「 20 yec「 s′ Jα Ponese inslrumen 101 wO‖ d Ond prOducing over 200 perlo「 The rec Pieni OF several honOrOγ Clenn e wcs hOnOred os″ ScOl′ s Womon oflhe Decode″ in 1990′ manc Odl es abrOOd in ht el10ri10 nlernalonalze l「 d∝ 10rOles′ 。nd she becOme on Ollcer lono JoPoneSe insiP」 menls Among hヽ Ocddmed Ю rksGЮ HOt ttЮ ρらrseス 継r Ancおnfyopon“ e Mυ st ConCeぉ Re9し たm′ 。│ふ eB百 lsh Emp re n the 1993 Fο υr Secslln,ond mOnγ Olhers She p10ys lhe Crec,High10nd BOgPIPes ond is committed 10 b市 nging lhe insI「 umenl ond"s mυ sc,o o wider poЬ lic Exlending her O″ n′ os H`phOnOgrOph olbumル e Mυ sた OFM jlο rtj 々 チlook lhe CrOnd Prize n JoPonヽ 1970 A4チ Mル j Kel10 NOsα お /Mυ slc FOr 20 stiB9 kolo wOn Ond numerOus'opanese nsirumenlal chOmber w。「ks Mitt hOs Oに O wl■ en he the P「 ize Of Exce‖ ence w。「ld Nolonal A「 ls Fesivc L His olbum Mlllo″ in ihe]'79 FeslivoL He ‐ composedり υ η ο′ lS_Pお οn/ら r TM/O ヽら″よんwhに h wcscOmm`“ "ん Oned by llle ∼ te pzig Cewondhous Orche"fO 10「 ls Ь にen,en TriO・ s fi「 sl」 。POnese‐ Chinese Ond」 。Pane,‐ Koreon elhnic OrcheslrO works Mi賂 `iRlern01ono rerr10ire ndudes cOmpoi including S/1nρ お ol1/F10fll lire nlo celebraliOn Ond wc‖ d premiered in]981′ 10ns 10r OrchesI「 !hus comJeing hS Eurasbn Trlog/whch「 nks Ond Mollll16a COflcerlo′ os we‖ aS ChOrOl wOrks ,opone"instrυ menis w“ h o symPhOny。「ches‐ wOtt wc s PreSenled in"s Amelcon ihe scOre 10rihe bO‖ el F4om llle 10nd OFloお ら "O Thに prem ere w"h llle PrO Mυ sico N pponic ond ihe 0′ such Os R"Jem′ 」 od0 0nd roro He cOmposed lhe percussion wOrks ime FOr A4o"η bo Ond Marlnlbo Sp rlbOι ond‖ e we‖ New YOrk PhlhOrmonic in 1 994 knOwn dnemo score frOm■ O Emplre ο′鴻e senses 1n1975′ he wrOle his t「 s10perO Shυ η 々 わsん ο Ond wOn the Firand Operc PHze n l,76′ he wrole hヽ second Opera′ An Acrorヽ Revenge Mitt serNes os lhe vに e Pre“ deni。 llhe JOpon Federo10n Of COmposers ■e MOnke/POP′ whth ttscOmmt“ oned by he En」 wOn ihe 10P PHze in lhe 1 990 Nolonal A■ MuSに Thec,re and wc Hd Premiered in tOndOn`h ihO, Feslivc I Hヽ 10u「 lh grOnd OperO′ yeo■ n1985′ Mitt cOmposed h`帖 ird OperO Jo″「らcommに sioned ond Premiered by he Opero Theolre OF SI Louに onn versary sec l「 lo「 lhe"lenih Ю lhus cOmpleling an opera n′ 109y which irea15 0S IS tteme,cPOn s Edo Pettod A‖ hree OperOs eniOy l equelll hLino― Onal per10rnOnces “ ln 1986′ Miは 10unded u10-7。 ′ 。n oPerO lhealre which is pionee市 ng new ields in JOpanese opero lhrOugh mυ sに d OPerOs"ke■ O Mttke/ Pcerand yontaα υ in 1 990′ Miki 10undedふ e Yu Ensemb e10 PrO‐ vide On environmeni lo「 cOIobOrclon be ween Weslern′ JopOnese′ ond Olhe「 A● on nsiru‐ menis The EnsemЬ le's reperloireヽ bosed On ihe ・Yui・ 鯰市es of cOmpos"ions 10r Weslern ond ・Pion。 Joponese insirumenis′ 'Slttng Quo「 le,・ ′ premiertt in 1 9,2 s ヽ●た 。おim。 ∼
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