- Lotus Eye Hospital
- Lotus Eye Hospital
Lotus ($ Hospital And tnstitute Limited EY e @ (Formerly btus Eye Core Hospitol Limited) Cll'l N0. : 185110T21997P1C007783 70/l R.S. NRUPUR I€IIUPPAIAYAAA N'RAM M.28, Grmbotorc 1558, Eod Perioonry Rod, t'leor Cfiir'hortot'i, l,lorth Gimhtre, Gimhtore -2. Iel '.0422- 42299N, 4229999 Fox : 0422 4229933 - 641 014' 2, Avinoshi Rood, Civil Aerodrome Post, Coimbotore R.S. Plrone : Opp. fumm, 0,122' 423W,423W99 E l" mqil *ae l'to. 5l2l Goiolok$mi lvtoin Rd., lhore Rod (Bocksile) 86, Brindhqvon Rood, toirlonds ' 641 601. Solem'636001. Ph.:0t27'l2l*ffi,421999 0tr21' A3r',&&, 421W99 Neor Vohrmothi Bus Slop, Tirupur Bus Shnd, MTP - 63,1 301. ' 23223,221224 :04251 SALEM Plpne : Website info6btuseye.org : www.lotuseye.org September, 2016 N it lo tl S oc k (' h I n l.l t f BSE Limited Lrd. n d lil The Corporate Relationship Department l" Floor, New Trading Wing, Rotunda Listing Department, E x c h an P tza. 5 Floor.Plot No. C/l C B c k, B a n d ra K UI a ' Building, phiroze Jeejeebhov Towers' Dalal Complex, Bandra (E), Street, Fort, Murnbai - 400001 Mumbai 400051 Sc ri Code: LOTUSEYE Scri Code:532998 Dear SirlMadam, C;er Sub: Ottl ollrc o the l9'h Annu lMe n of Com Voti a Results Limited \ as and tnstitute neral Meeting (AGM) of the Lotus Eye Hospital Registered office of the the at A M 00 at 10 lreld on \\'ednesdal. the 3l'' day oi Augu", 2016 641 014 and entire Post' Coimbatore Companl at 770,'12, Avinashi Road. Civil Aerodrome The l9'r' Annual Ge - business ntentioned in the notice was transacted' ln this regard we have enclosed herewith the following: Regulation 30 read with Pan A of Sr,r"nrury of proceedings of ACM as required under Requirements) Regulations' 2015 Schedule lll ol SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure t. 2. :. (Annexure-l) Scruitnizer Repon dated I't September,2016 (Annexure'll) (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Voting Results as required under Regulation 44 of SEBI Requirements) Regulations, 20 I 5 (AnnexureJll) a This is for your information and record please' Thanking You, Yours faithfulll'. For Lotus E1e Hospital and lnstitute Limited il rnlil Adi (Compan) Stcretar) ) Fncl: as above Kochi Kochi 229A, Kurisingol lhuse 533/33A'$r, Telo Toru, Rod, Kodonntlpro, Kod'i, Kemh ' 682 020. SA Id. : MBA' 2322333, 2322444 Ahr4qt l* W MulonAuruty Post Kochi, Keroh Iel. : llU' ' 682 314. 27 4319 1, 27 l3l2t, ANN t_crTt-5 EXUR. Lotus Eye HospitalAnd lnstitute Limited . (tormerly lotus Eye Core Hospitol Limited) CIN N0. : 185110T21997P1C007783 70ll2,AvinohiRood,CivilAerodromePostCoimhobre'641014. R.S. I ruRA 558, Eod l\lorth t Pri*ory Gimhtoa, l'5.28, Coimbotore lvhin Rd., Bus Stond, MIP ' 634 301 Rod, t'lea Cltidhomqni, R.S. Opp. turom, *ae Gimbobre -2. Plpn : 0,122' 4239ffi, 1239999 E'moil : :0 4254' SAUM Goioloh$mi lheotre Rood (EoclrlJe} Neor Vohrmofii Bus Slop, Iirupur - 641 601 . l',1o. 5{21 . fl3223, 224224 @ Iel:0422-42299ffi,4229999Fu:0422-4229933 TIRUPUR MEMJPPAI,AYAM E-a Plrone : 042l -4U&&,421999! 86, Brindlpvon Rood, Foirlonds Solem - 636 004. P\.:0427 - 12194N, 421999! Website : www.lotusrye.org inbobtusrye.org SUMNTARY OIT PROCEEDINCS OF THE I9TH ANNUAL CENERAL MEETING OF I,OTI]S EYE HOSPITAL AND INSTITUTE LIMITED UNDER REGULATION 30 OF SEBI (LtSTING OBLICATIONS AND DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS) RECULATIONS, 2015 The l9'h Annual General Meeting of the Company was held on Wednesday, 3 l '' August, 20 I 6 at 10.00 A.M.. at the registered office ofthe Company at770/12, Avinashi Road, Civil Aerodrome Post. Coimbatore - 64 I 014. S.K.Sundararnoorthy. Chairman cum Managing Direclor proceedinr:s of the Meeting. Dr. of the Company' chaired the Iotal 40 Membcrs (including one valid proxy holding 100 shares) attended the Meeting as per record of attendance. The Chairman informed the members present that pursuant to plovisions of Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with rules made thereunder and the Regulation 44 ofthe SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,20l5, the Company had provided remote e-voting facility in order to cast votes electronically. The remote e-voting commenced al 10.00 a.m. on 28'h August, 2016 and ended at 5,00 p.m. on 30t August,20l6. He further informed that poll would be conducted for all the resolutions to enable voting by the shareholders attending the Meeting. The Chairman mentioned that the shareholders who had already cast their vote using e-voting facility provided by the Company were not eligible lo cast their votes again at the Meeting. o[ Direcrors have engaged the services of central Depositorl (cDSL) as the agency to provide e-voting facility and have appointed (lndia) Limiled services p. cs. Eswaramoor.rh) . Practicing company secretary as the scrutinizer for the purpose of He tunher inlbrnled lhar Board scrutinize the e-voting and Voting by poll in a fair and transparent manner. Funher the Chainnan also intbrmed the shareholders that since there is no qualification. reservation or adverse remark in the Auditor's Report on Financial Statements. the same is not required to be read at the meeling. Thereafter, Dr. s.K.Sundaramoorthy, chairman gave an overview ofthe financial performance of the company during the financial year 2015-16. Upon the invitation of the Chairman. several Members gave their suggestion/sought clarifications on the Compan)''s accounts. operations, future plans etc, which were duly replied by the Chairman. Chairntan of the Audit Cornmittee and Chief Financial Officer. Kodi Kochi 229A, Kurisingol lkruse 533/33A'33F, Teix lo'ver, SA Rod, Kodqvontfioro, Ko&i, Kemh - 682 020. Id.:0t$'292333,2322M /fihr4qo l* ry l,lulonfiuruty Pod Kochi, Keroh - 682 314. Iel. : 04U ' 27 t3191 , 27 l3l2l ,1 During the, coursc ul lhe Meeting. the chairman being interested in respect of ltem no. 2 and pertaining to Appointrnent of Ms. Sangeetha Sundaramoorthy, who retiles by rotation and being eligible ofters herself for re-appointment and Appointment of Dr. Kavetha Sundaramoorthy as a Director entrusted the conduct of the proceeding pertaining to said item to the other Director and thereafter resumed thc chair for particular item Thereafter, the Chairrnan announce that results of e-voting and Poll along with scrutinizer's consolidated report will be placed on the Company's and CDSL's Website and the same would be communicated to the Stock Exchanges within 48 houn from the conclusion ofthe meeting' The follorving resolutions, as per the Notice of AGM dated 30rh May, 2016' were taken up for voting at the nreeting: ORDINARY IJUSIN ESS: l. To receive. consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements ofthe company lor lhe financiallearended3lstMarch,20l6,includingtheBalancesheetasat3lstMarch. 2016. the Srarement of Profir and Loss and the cash Flow statement for the financial lear encietl on rhlr date and rhe Reports of the Board of Directors and the Auditors thereon (Ordina 11 Resolution) 2. Io appoint a director in place ot Ms Sangeetha Sundaramoonhy (holding DIN: 01859252).whoretiresbyrotationandbeingeligibleoffersherselfforre.appointment. (Ordina 11 Resolution) 3.Re-appointlnentofM/s.vEKAM&Associates'CharteredAccountants,theStatutory Auditors of the Company. (Ordinary Resolution) SPECIAL BUSINESS: 4. Appointment of Dr. Kavetha Sundaramoorthy CompanY. (OrdinarY Resolution) 5. Charging of fee for serving of (DlN: 02050806) as a Director of the by the documents via particular mode as specified Member(s). (Ordinary Resolution) chair and !o the members The Mee(ing concluded at 12.15 with a vote of thanks to the preseot. 2016' all the resolutions as set out Based on the Scruitnizer's Report dated 3l't August' in thc notice 1r ere declared as passed with requisite majority' For Lolus Ele Hospital and lnstitute Limited Adit) a Sllirrrnrr (Conrpanl Sccretar! ) qJ q I ANruexues[ P. 0$ Eswaramoorthy and GomPanY Company Secretaries 0$ P. Eswaramoorthy B.sc.,LLB.,Fcs., SCRUTINIZER'S REPORT FOR E VOTING AND POLI to Seclion I th h Rule 2 (Monoqement ond Adminislrolion) Rules. 2014 ond Componies (Monoqemenl ond Administrolion) Amendmenl Rules. 201 5 Pursu nl Io The Choirmon Annuol Generol Meellng of the Equity Shoreholders of ,il/s. TOTUS EYE HOSPITAI AND INSIIIUIE tlMlIED (ClN: t85l I 0Tzl 997PtC007783) Held on Wednesdoy. the 3ln doy of August, 2016 ot 10.00 A.M ot S.F.No.7/0/I 2. Avinoshi Rood. Civil Aerodrome Post, Coimbotore-641 0l4 Tomil Nodu, lndio l91h Deor Sir, l, P.Esworomoorthy, Proprietor, P.Esworomoorthy ond Compony, Compony Secretories hoving office ol 44 & 44ll , gn Skeel, Romolingo Jolhi Nogor, Nonjundopurom Rood, Romonolhopurom. Coimbolore -641 O45, Tomil Nodu, lndio hove been oppointed os o Scrulinizer of M/s. IOTUS EYE HOSPITAI AND INSTITUTE tlMlTED ("lhe Compony") for lhe purpose of Scrulinizing lhe e-voling ond poll process in o foir ond lronsporenl monner ond oscerloining the requisile mojority on e-voting corried oul os per the provisions of Seciion 108 of lhe Componies Acl, 201 3 ond Rule 20 of the Componies (Monogement ond Administrolion) Rules, 2014 ond Amended Rules 2015 on lhe below menlioned resolution(s), ol the 'l9ih Annuol Generol Meeting of the Equity Shoreholders of Lotus Eye Hospitol And Inslilute Limited, held on 3l'r doy of August. 2016 ot 10.00 A.M ot S.F.No.770l12, Avinoshi Rood, Civil Aerodrome Posl, Coimbolore-641 014, Tomil Nodu, Indio. complionce with lhe provisions of the Componies Act, 2013 ond the Rules mode thereunder reloling to voting lhrough eleclronic meons {by remole e-voting) ond poll on lhe resolutions proposed in lhe Nolice of lhe l9rh Annuol Generol Meeting of lhe compony is lhe responsibility of the monogemenl. My responsibilily os o Scrutinizer is lo ensure lhol lhe voling process bolh lhrough elecironic meons ond by poll ot lhe meeling ore conducled in o foir ond tronsporent monner ond render consolidoled scrutinizer's reporl of lhe lotol voles cost in fovour or ogoinst if ony, lo the Choirmon on lhe resolulions, bosed on lhe reports generoled from the electronic voling system provided by Cenlrol Depository Services Limited (CDSL) ond Voting ot the AGM by Poll. The No.44 & rt4l1, sth Street, Ramalinga Jothi Nagar, Near Corporation Ofiice, Nanjundapuram Road, Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore - 641 045. n 0422 - 2322333 B [email protected], [email protected] I submit my reporl os under I . The remote e-voling period remoined open from 28th August, 201 5 {10.00 A.M IST) lo 30rh Augusl, 201 6 (5.00 PM tST ) Shoreholders holding shores os on lhe ,,Cul off ,, dote i.e.. 24rh August, 2016 were entitled lo vole on lhe proposed resolutions (llem No. I io 5 os sel out in the notice of lhe l9ihAnnuol Generol Meeting of Lolus Eye Hospilol And lnstilute Limited. 2. Ihe 3. The remote e-voling wos unblocked on 3lsr Augusl, of the Annuol Generol Meeting in the 20l5 ofler the conclusion presence of two witnesses, Mr.T.Sorovonon ond Mr.M.S.Sivokumor who ore not in the employmenl of the Compony. They hove signed below in confirmolion of lhe voles being unblocked in their presence. T S**.n",q- J (T.Sorovonon) S l o. tv. A .T (M.S.Sivokumor) u ; b^0 a4al' dtt, !fo, M' SW'/"l^$*\ 1z,5qJLri 51ree(, hlr kovil,nelu, Coimbatn€ - btt tozS 4. Sr",\ Crsl..,-r L *l-wye-* 6u who voled ,,For,' voling website of Cenirol The deloils contoining, inler- olio, lisl of equily shoreholders, ond "Agoinsl", were downlooded from the e Depository Services Limited evoli tn 5. After lhe time fixed for closing of lhe poll by the Choirmon. bollot boxes kept for polling were locked in my presence wilh due idenlificotion morks ploced by me. 6. The /. 7 members voled through bollol popers conloining 3,143 shores hove been considered os involid due lo mismotch of signotures. locked bollot boxes were subsequenlly opened in my presence ond poll popers were diligenlly scrulinized. The poll popers were reconciled with the records moinloined by ihe Compony/Registror ond Tronsfer Agents of the Compony ond the outhorizolions / proxies lodged with ihe Compony. 8. One Proxy form wos received by lhe Compony ond he hod voted in lhe Generol Meeting. 9. The Consolidoled ' results ore os under: H a. * t ozl ORDINARY BUSIN ESS: ITEM NO.I ORDINARY RESOTUTION receive, consider ond odopt lhe Audiled Finonciol Slolemenls of lhe Compony for the finonciol yeor ended 3lsl Morch,20l6, including lhe Bolonce Sheel os ol 3lsl Morch, 2015, the Stolement of Profit ond Loss ond lhe Cosh Flow Slotemenl for the finonciol yeor ended on lhol dote ond lhe Reports of lhe Boord of Direclors ond the Auditors thereon. To (i) vorEs CASTED tN FAVOUR Ot Mode of voting Remote THE RESOTUTTON Number of members voted through eleclronic meons ond poll Voting 8 Number ol voles cosled Poll tl 1,10.47.564 14,512 Totol Voling l9 1 (ii) E- vorEs 100.00 ,10,62,07 6 CASTED AGATNST THE RESOTUTTON Mode of voling Remote Percentoge of lolol number of voles cosled E- Number of membeE voled through eleclronic meons ond poll Voling Number of voles cosled Nit Nil Poll Nir Nit Tolol Volinq Nit Nit {iii) rNvAuD / Percenloge of lolol number of voles costed 0.00 AESTATN VOrES Mode of voting Remote E- Volin Number of membets voled lhrough eleclronic meons ond oll Number of voles cosled Nit Nit Poll 7 Iolol Voling 3,1 43 7 3,r43 Bor.d on th" ofor.roid r.rrht Ordino, R.rolrlion or .onloin.d in lr., No.l ho, been possed wilh requisite Moioritv. RTH Y o 3 a u) v * ITEM NO.2 ORDINARY RESOTUTION oppoint o director in ploce of Ms. Songeelho Sundoromoorlhy (DlN: 01859252), who relires by rotoiion ond being eligible offers herself for re-oppoiniment. To (i) VOTES CASTED IN TAVOUR OF THE RESOTUTION Mode of voling Remote Number of members voled through eleclronic meons ond poll Votinq E- Poll ll Tolol Voling I8 (ii) vorEs -1,08,24,sl4 14,512 1,08,39,026 E- Number of members voted lhrough eleclronic meons ond poll Voling Poll Totol Voting (iii) rNvAuD / 100.00 E- Number of voles cosled Nil Nil Nil Nit Nil Nit Percenloge of lolol number of voles costed 0.00 ABSTATN voTEs Mode of Yoting Remole Percenloge of lolol number of voles cosled CASTED AGATNST THE RESO|UflON Mode of voling Remote Number ot voles cosled Number of members voled lhrough elechonic meons ond poll Voting Number of voles costed Poll 7 2,23,O50 3,1 43 Tolol Voting 8 2,26,193 I * Porfypsl sholl obstoin from voting for the resolution in which they ore inferesfed. Accordingly. lhe voies cost by the porty(ies) hove been excluded ond considered os involid. Bosed on the oforesoid resulls. Ordinory Resolulion os conloined in llem No.2 hos been possed with requisile Moiority. o RTH Y o o = u) v * tTEIr/t NO.3 ORDINARY iESOIUTION Re-oppoinlment of M/s. V E K A Slolutory Auditors of the Compony. (i) voTEs CASTED tN Mode of voting Remole E- rAvouR oF M& Associoles, Chorlered Accounlonls, lhe rHE RESOTUTTON Number of members voted lhrough eleclronic meons ond poll Votinq 1,10,47,564 14,512 1,10,62,076 8 Poll ll Tolol Voling l9 Number of votes cosled Percentoge of lolol number ol votes cosled 100.00 (ii) voTES cASTED AGATNST THE RESOT.UTTON Mode of voting Number of members voled through eleclronic meons ond poll Remote E Voling Nil Number of voles cosled Nir Poll Nit Nir Tolol Voling Nit Nit (iii) TNVAUD / 0.00 ABSTATN vOrES Mode of voling Remole Percenloge of lolol number of voles costed Voling Number of members voled lhrough electronic meons ond poll Number of voles cosled Nil Nil Poll 7 3, 143 Tolol Voling 7 3,143 E- Bosed on the oforesoid results. Ordinory Resolulion os contoined ltem No.3 hos been possed wilh requisile Moiorifv. ITEM NO. 4 ORDINARY RESOTUTION os o direclor of the Appoinlment of Dr.Kovelho Sundoromoorthy lDlN:02050806) ComponY (i) VOTES CASTED IN IAVOUR OF THE RESOI.UTION Mode of voting *1, 08,24,5\4 7* Re moie E- Votin Poll il 14,512 1,08,39,026 l8 Totol Voling Fercentoge of tolol number of voles cosled Number of voles cosled Number ot members voled lhrough eleclronic meons ond oll r 00.00 (ii) VOTES CASTED AGAINST THE RESOLUTION Mode of voling Re mote EPoll Volin Tolol Volin (iii) rNVAtlD / emole E- Nil Nil Nil Nit Nir Percentoge of lolol number of voles cosled 0.00 Nil ABSIAIN VOTES Mode ot voling R Number ol voles cosled Number ol members voled lhrough eleclronic meons ond NumbeI of members voled lhlough eleclronic meo ns ond oll Votin I 7 Poll Tolol Votin 8 Number of voles c osled 2,23,0s0 3,1 43 2,26,193 * ore porty(ies) sholl obsfoin from voting for the resotution in which they porly(ies) hove been excluded interested. Accordingly, the votes cost by the ond considered os involid. been possed with Ieouisite Moiolitv' 9N o. ITEM NO. 5 ORDINARY ESOI.UTION Chorging of fee for serving of documenls vio porliculor mode os specified by ihe MemberIs). (i) voTES CASTED tN TAVOUR OF THE RESOTUTTON Mode of voting Remole Number ot members voled lhrough eleclronic meons ond poll Voling Number of voles cosled Poll ll 1,10,47,564 14,512 Totol Voling l9 1 E- B Percenloge of tolol number of voles costed ,10,62,07 6 r 00.00 (ii) voTES CASTED AGATNST THE RESOT_UT|ON Mode ol voling Remole E- Number ol members voled through electronic meons ond poll Votino Ni Number of voles costed Nit Poll Nil Nil Tolol Voling Nit Nit (iii) rNvAr.rD / E- 0.00 ABSTA|N VOTES Mode of voting Remote Percenloge of lolol number of voles costed Voting Number of members voted through elechonic meons ond poll Number of votes cosled Nit Nit Poll 7 Totol Voling 7 43 3,143 3.1 Bosed on lhe oforesoid r esulls, Ordinorv R esolution os co nloined in ltem been possed wilh requisile Moiorifu o.5 hos All relevont records of electronic voling ond poll popers will remoin in my sofe custody unlil the Choirmon considers, opproves ond signs the minules of lhe lgih Annuol Generol Meeling ond the some will be honded over lhereofler lo the Choirmon/Compony Secretory for sofe keeping. 2. List of Equity Shore holders conloining the detoils who voted for, ogoinsl ond whose votes were declored os involid/obsloined from, if ony for eoch resolution will be honded over lo the Choirmon / Compony Secrelory for sofe keeping. Thonking You, Yours foithfully, For P.Esworomoorthy ond Compony Compony Secretories I ,4 Esworomoorthy Proprietor FCS No.6510, COP No. 7069 Dote: 01 .09.2016 Ploce: Coimbotore '4uNex uq-r-".iLJ-- LOTUS EYE HOSPITAL AND INSTITUTE LIMITED 31.08.2016 8215 Date ol AGM/EGM Total number of shareholders on record date No. of Shareholderr present in the meeting either in person or through proxy Promoters and Promoter Group 2 38 Public No. of shareholders attended the meeting through video €onferencing Promoters and Promoter Group 0 0 Public Resolution required: (ordinary/Special) ORDINARY - To receive, .onsider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements oI the Company for the financial year ended 31st March, 2015, includint the Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2016. the Statement of profit and Loss and the Cash Flow Statement lor the financial vear end€d on that date and the Reports of the Board of Oirectors and the Auditors ther€on. Whether promoter/promoter g.oup are interested in the agenda/resolution? Category Mode of Voting Poll Promoter Postal Ballot (lf Applicable) Group lnstitutions No. of votes (1) polled (2) tL,046,220 Total E-Voting Public - No. of shares held 1to46220 €'Voting Promoters and No 11046020 11,046,020 of Votes Pollcd on outstanding 5hares % (3)=(2)/(1)1r100 99.998 99.998 No. of Votes in No. of Votes favour (4) against (5) 11046020 71,046,O20 % of Votes in favour on votes polled (6)=t(4)/(2)l*100 of Votes against on votes polled % (7)=(s)/(2)1.100 100.000 100.000 Poll Postal Ballot (lf Applicable) Total E-Voting Public Non lnstitutions Postal Ballot 50110 1544 0.015 74512 0.149 1544 14512 100.000 100.000 (lf Applicable) Total Total 97 Poll 9,750,110 20,796,330 16,056 1.7,062,076 0.165 53.192 16,056 17,062,O76 100.000 100.000 la, s ul , Resolution required: (Ordinary/Special) director in place of Ms.Sangeelha Sundaramoorthy (DlN 01859252) who retires by rotation and being eli8ible, offers herself for re-appointment. ORDINARY - To appoint a Whether promoter/promoter group are inte.ested in YES the agenda/resolution? Mode of Voting Category No. of shares held No. of votes (1) polled (2) E Voting Promoters and Poll Promoter Postal Ballot (lf Group Applicable) 11046220 Total E Public' lnstitutions % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares l3)=i(2)/(1)l*1oo 10422970 11,046,220 97.979 10,422,9'10 97 .979 No. of Votes in favou r (4) No. ofVotes against (5) 10422970 % of Votes in favour % of Votes against on votcs polled on votes polled (6)=t(4)/(2)l* 100 (7)=l(s)/(2)1r100 100.000 to,422,970 100.000 Voting Poll Postal Ballot (lf Applicable) Total Publlc Non lnstitutions E-Voting Poll 9 1544 0.016 1544 14572 0.149 t45L2 750110 100.000 100.000 Postal Ballot (lf Applicable) Total 9,750,110 20,796,330 Total Resolution required: (ordinary/Special) 16,056 10,839,026 0.165 52.t20 ORDINARY -Re-appointment of 16,056 10,839,026 100.000 100.000 M/r VEKAM & Associates, Chartered Accountants, the Statutory Auditors ofthe Company. Whether promoter/promoter group are interested in the agenda/resolution? Mode of Voting Category E-Votint Promoters and Poll Promoter Postal Ballot (tf Group Applicable) Total E Public lnstitutions No. of shares held (1) 1r046220 11,O46,220 No No. of votes polled (2) 11046020 11,046,020 of Votes Polled on outstanding shares % (3)=(2)/(1)l* 100 99.998 99.998 No. of Votes rn favour (4) 11046020 11,046,O20 No. of Votes against (5) % of Votes in favour on votes polled (6)=(4)/(2)l*100 100.000 100.000 Voting Poll Postal Ballot (tf Applicable) Totai E :{ rl| , Public - Non lnstitutions votrne 1544 145).2 0.016 0.149 1544 74512 100.000 100.000 Applicable) Totil Total 9750110 Poll Postal Ballot (tf 9,750,110 20,796,330 16,056 11,062,076 0.165 53.192 16,056 r1,062,O76 100.000 100.000 ofVotes against on votes polled % (7)=(5)/(2)l*100 Resolution required: (Ordinary/Spe(ial) ORDINARY. Whether promoter/promoter group are interested in YES the agenda/resolution? Mode of Voting Catcgory E-Voting No. of shares held (1) 11446220 Promoters and Poll Promoter Group Postal Ballot (lf Applicable) Total 71,046,220 No. of votes polled (2) intment of Dr.Kavetha Sundaramoorth y (OlN 02050806) as a Directorofthe Company of Votes Polled on outstanding shares (3)=l(2)/(1)l+ 100 % 10422974 97.919 10,422,970 9l .979 No. of Votes in favour (4) No. of Votes against (5) 10422970 % of Votes in favour % of Votes against on votes p6lled (6)=t(4)/(2)l.1oo on votes po,led (7)=t(s)/(2)l* 1oo 100.000 10,822,91O 100.000 E-Voting Poll Public - Institutions Postal Ballot (lf Appljcable) Total E-Voting Public Non lnstitutions 9750110 Poll Postal Ballot 1544 14512 0.016 0.149 7544 14512 100.000 100.000 (lf Applicable) Total 9,750,110 20,196,330 Total 16,056 10,839,026 0.165 52.720 16,056 10,839,026 100.000 100.000 Resolution required: (Ordinary/Special) ORDINARY -Cha rging of {ee Ior serving documents via particular mode as specified by the Members(s) Whether promoter/promoter group are interested in No the agenda/resolution? Mode of Voting Category E-Voting 71046220 Promoters and Poll Promoter Postal Eallot (lf Applicable) Group No. of shares held (1) Total 11,O46,220 No. of votes polled (2) 11046020 71,046,O20 of Votes Polled on outstanding shares % (3)=(2)/(1)l.1oo 99.998 99.998 No. of Votes in favour (4) 11046020 t1,046,O20 No. of Votes against (5) % of Votes in favour % of Votes against on votes polled (6)=l(4)/(2)l*100 100.000 100.000 E-Voting Publi. lnstitutions t Poll Postal Eallot Total E rll s , r'o (lf Applicable) Pub c Non Voting 50110 1544 0.016 1544 14572 0149 745L2 100.000 100 000 Postal Ballot (tf Applicable) Tota Tola 97 Poll 9,750,110 20,796,330 16,056 \1,062,O76 0.165 53.192 16,056 71,462,O16 100.000 100.000 on votes polled (7){(5)/(2)l*100
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