Her many sins have been forgiven because she has shown great
Her many sins have been forgiven because she has shown great
June 12, 2016 12 de Junio 2016 St. Mary’s Parish Her many sins have been forgiven because she has shown great love. ~~~ Sus mucho pecados han sido perdonados porque ha mostrado gran amor. Mass Schedule and Intentions June 11 - 17 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Thomas Carlile Saturday 5:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s Saturday 7:00 PM ~ Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Jack Keller Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Rita Lake Sunday 1:00 PM ~ Monday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Dorothy Horracks Tuesday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of the Maier Family Wednesday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Sister Regina Rose Wednesday 5:30 PM ~ Memory of Pitoniak Family Thursday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Emil Benoit Friday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of John Ross June 18 - 19 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Intention for Nancy Shipley Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Memory of Gary Vosper Saturday 7:00 PM ~ Memory of Salome Hernandez Rojas Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Steve Austin Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Betty Brassfield Sunday 1:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s Mass Intentions & Memorial Candles If you would like to have a Mass offered for a particular Intention or for someone who has died, or if you would like to dedicate a candle to an intention or a loved one, please call the parish office. The stipend for the Mass is $10. The candles are $30 for 1 month, $60 for 6 months, or $90 for one year. Our office staff will help you find an open date and time for a Mass, or available candles for dedications. Justification through faith in Christ. Justification is God’s action. Through His Divine Mercy, He willed that the Christ event may save humanity. How does it work? Paul calls it grace. It is a gift freely given by God in Christ to anyone. Paul received it despite his unworthiness. And when he received it, he claimed it and it made him a new person. Indeed, justification is not a product of one’s faithfulness to the law but grace received from God which makes the recipient stay faithful to Christ. The grace that one justified man received accords him faith and then that faith bears the fruit of Christian living. The justified sinner now lives with God. Thus Christian life allows the justified sinner to do Christian works as fruits of his faith. In Christian living, the Christian does an utmost effort in moral living and yet understands that it is not him or her that is the main actor but Christ who lives in him/her. Soaked by the grace of God, a Christian perseveres to do the will of God and is sustained by the love of God. A Christian perseveres in faith and Christian life. As the Gospel puts it, the one who was forgiven much can love God more. Consciously knowing God’s love, he or she loves God back deliberately. Deliberation in love for God is moved by the realization that, despite his or her unworthiness, God voluntarily died for him or for her. o0o “Woman, your sins are forgiven.” Was the sinful woman forgiven because she loved Jesus? The actions the sinful woman did to Jesus was not the basis of Jesus’ forgiveness. In fact, God’s forgiveness was always available for her because that is God’s nature. The love that she expressed to Jesus was the fruit of the mercy that she experienced because she was opened to that grace. o0o God’s grace breaks open our hearts and transforms us into a new being. The transforming grace of God makes us the living example of God’s love. It means that the grace of God makes us capable of transforming the love of God to acts of love to each other. Bishop Joseph Tyson has this story shared to us, and I think, it shows to us how the love of God impels us to be dispensers of love to one another. The story goes: A parishioner approached the good bishop and told him the story about a priest who gave her an advice at confession in this manner. She told the priest that the day she had only 50 dollars enough to pay her electric bill but not food for her 2 kids. In the process, she chose to buy her 2 kids food and she prayed to God to help her find money to pay the electric bill. When she got home, deep in her winter coat’s pocket was a little over 50-dollar worth of change from the grocery store. She realized, the cashier mistakenly gave her change for a 100-dollar bill. She asked the priest if she sinned by not returning the change and paying her electric bill. The priest told her that God gave her a loan. And since it is a loan, she has to pay it back by paying it forward. She has to help somebody who is in dire need. o0o Experience the grace of God’s mercy. How beautiful it is to be freed from our sins for it makes us new beings. It also sends us to become sharers of God’s ministry of mercy to each other. Justificación por la fe en Cristo. La justificación es la acción de Dios. A través de Su Divina Misericordia, Él quizo que el acto de Cristo salvara a la humanidad. ¿Como funciona? San Pablo lo llama gracia. Es un don gratuito de Dios en Cristo a cualquiera. Y que San Pablo recibió a pesar de su falta de mérito. Y cuando lo recibió, él lo demandó y lo hizo una nueva persona. En efecto, la justificación no es un producto de la propia fidelidad a la ley, sino la gracia recibida de Dios que hace al que lo recibe permanecer fiel a Cristo. La gracia que un hombre justificado recibió le otorga la fe y después la fe produce el fruto de la vida cristiana. El pecador justificado ahora vive con Dios. Así, la vida cristiana permite que el pecador justificado haga obras cristianas como frutos de su fe. (continua en la pagina próxima) En la vida cristiana, el cristiano hace un mayor esfuerzo en la vida moral y, sin embargo entiende que no es él o ella sino que es el actor principal, es Cristo quien vive en él / ella. Empapado por la gracia de Dios, un cristiano persevera para hacer la voluntad de Dios y es sostenida/o por el amor de Dios. Un cristiano persevera en la fe y en la vida cristiana. A medida que el Evangelio dice, el que fue perdonado mucho puede amar más a Dios. Conscientemente conocer el amor de Dios, él o ella ama a Dios de nuevo deliberadamente. La deliberación en el amor a Dios es movido por la conciencia de que, a pesar de su falta de mérito, Dios murió voluntariamente para él o para ella. o0o "Mujer tus pecados te son perdonados." Fue la pecadora perdonada porque ella amaba a Jesús? Fueron las acciones de la pecadora hacia Jesús, no fue la base de Jesús. El perdón de hecho, el perdón de Dios siempre estaba disponible para ella, ya que es la naturaleza de Dios. El amor que ella expreso a Jesús fue el fruto de la misericordia que ella experimentó porque ella se abrió a esa gracia. o0o La gracia de Dios abre nuestros corazones y nos transforma en un nuevo ser. La gracia transformadora de Dios en nosotros es el ejemplo vivo del amor que Dios hace. Esto significa que la gracia de Dios nos hace capaces de transformar el amor de Dios a los actos de amor el uno al otro. El Obispo Joseph Tyson tiene esta historia para compartir con nosotros, y creo, que nos muestra cómo el amor de Dios nos impulsa a ser dispensadores de amor el uno al otro. La historia dice: Un parroquiano se acercó al buen obispo y le contó la historia que un sacerdote le dio un consejo en la confesión de esta manera. Ella le dijo al sacerdote que el día en que ella tenía sólo 50 dólares lo suficientes para pagar su factura de electricidad, pero no para comprar comida para sus 2 hijos. En el proceso, ella optó por comprar la comida a sus 2 niños y rezó a Dios que le ayudara a encontrar el dinero para pagar la factura de la electricidad. Cuando llegó a casa, en el fondo del bolsillo de su abrigo de invierno encontró mas de $50 de los cambios de la tienda de comestibles. Se dio cuenta, que el cajero le dio por error su cambio por un billete de $100 dólares. Ella preguntó al sacerdote si ella pecó al no devolver el cambio y pagar con eso su factura de electricidad. El cura le dijo que Dios le dio un préstamo. Y puesto que es un préstamo, tiene que devolver el dinero mediante el pago por adelantado. Ella tiene que ayudar a alguien que está en extrema necesidad. o0o La experiencia de la gracia de la misericordia de Dios. Qué bonito es ser liberado de nuestros pecados porque nos hace seres nuevos. También nos envía a ser partícipes del ministerio de la misericordia de Dios el uno al otro. . THE DOORS ARE OPEN FOR YOU The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a ministry to adults who desire to be initiated in the Catholic Church. Through RCIA, catechumens learn more about the Catholic faith. The RCIA is for: Adults who have never been baptized Adults who are baptized in another Christian tradition Please contact Ace Tupasi @ (541) 926-1449 or [email protected] for more information. Thank you. Prayer Corner Please keep all those who are in the military, or are ill or suffering in your prayers. For those who are ill or homebound: Bernie, Albert Miller, Paulita de Hernandez, Tom Barnes, Ernie Guzman and those struggling with cancer and other illnesses or upcoming surgeries We pray for peace throughout our entire world. We remember our family members and friends who are serving the military: Andy Borst, Michael Pennington, Kennon Whyte, Mike Andre, Nathan Nofziger, Trisa Engel If you would like to add the name of someone who is serving in the military, please call the office. For the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed: Carl Beyer, Ted Hanten Offertory Update Week Ending 6/5/16 General Collection: $13,180 Building & Maintenance: $1,157 Raise the Roof: $60 Local Charities: $57 Family Crisis Fund: $45 Catholic Education Fund: $220 Liturgy Fund: $10 Hispanic Ministry Collection: $728 Thank you for your support of St. Mary’s Parish through your prayers, good wishes and gifts of time and money. If you would like to use envelopes or EFT to make your donations, please contact the parish office. Thanks! Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saint Anthony of Padua, Doctor of the Church, Patron of the Poor, Italy (1195-1231) – June 13 There was a man named Bononilli who did not believe that the Eucharist is Jesus. He mocked the people who believed that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. One day, St. Anthony challenged the man saying, “If the mule you often ride were to adore the true body of Christ under the appearance of bread, would you believe the truth of the Lord’s Sacrament?” Bononilli said “Yes!” So, they made a bet. In a few days they would place the Blessed Sacrament and a pile of hay in front of the mule, to see what he would do. Bononillo told everyone about the event, because he wanted to make sure to prove that he was right and St. Anthony was wrong, he didn’t give the donkey any food for two days before the test. Of course, he thought, the mule will be so hungry that he will not even look a the Eucharist, but run straight to the food. On the day of the test, Bononillio led the donkey toward where St. Anthony was standing with the Blessed sacrament, in front of the great crowd. When they were a few steps away from the Holy Eucharist, Bononillo placed a bag of hay under the mules nose, but the mule turned his head. The mule walked over to St. Anthony, and when he was close bent his front legs as if to kneel in adoration! Even Bononillo saw that the Sacred Host is really Jesus – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – and believed in Him. St. Anthony loved Jesus in the Holy Eucharist very much, so he told everyone he met about His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. (from the book “Stories of the Eucharist”) Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration is available in the chapel 24 hours every day. For adoration outside of the 24-hour regular Thursday schedule, call the office for instructions and to enlist. Everyone is welcome. Spend as much or as little time as you can. Thank you for offering our Lord this special hour. Expect God's blessing, and give Him thanks. Holy Family on the Move The next to receive the statue of the Holy Family will be Hector & Lila Buenaventura. RACHEL’S VINEYARD For some, it may seem like their abortion is an event totally left in the past, yet vast evidence shows that abortion has long-lasting, life-altering affects in the lives of women and men who have experienced it. To feel, deal, and heal from abortion (s), attend a life-changing Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. Contact Project Aurora for information about the next retreat: 541-942-2861 or email [email protected]. Para Espanol ilamada a Araceli 541-621-7047. www.project-aurora.org Are You Called to Be a Monk? Serve the Lord in prayer and work Monastic Vocation Retreat at Mount Angel Abbey July 15-17, 2016 - Free of Charge Open to men 18-45 yrs old Contact Fr. Odo Recker, OSP at 503-845-3123 [email protected] or visit our website: www.mountangelabbey.org/vocations MARRIED COUPLES Jesus loves us so much. Let His love fill your marriage to new life. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on August 27th 29th at Our Lady of Peace Retreat Center in Beaverton, Oregon. For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line at www.rediscoverthespark.org. Additional dates and locations are listed on-line. Esperanza Para Las Madres La depresión después del parto Grupo de Apoyo en español En el Boys and Girls Club de Albany los Miércoles de 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Para mas información llamar al 541-812-4303 o al 541-768-5772 Pregunta por Rocio ARCHBISHOP’S CATHOLIC APPEAL 2016. Total Given Goal $37,212.00 $54,560.51 Percent of Goal 68% FUNDRAISING !!! WHEN / CUANDO: JUNE /JUNIO 29 FROM / DE: 5:00PM—8:00PM WHERE / DONDE: CARL’S JR RESTAURANT 300 AIRPORT RD. SE ALBANY OR. Come with your family and friends to dinner and support our youth in this fundraising for their Retreat to Steubenville see you in the Carl’s Jr, that is in front of the Kohl’s store. Thank you. Vengan con su familia y amigos a cenar y apoyar a nuestros jóvenes en este recaudación de fondos para el retiro al que asistirán a Steubenville los esperamos en el Carl’s Jr que esta enfrente de la Kohl’s. Muchas gracias. In this issue, I will share to you Fr. Henry Vargas Holguín’s “What We Do at Mass and Why” published in Aleteia webpage for Christmas 2014. I thought his article is very helpful to back up last week’s insert. It is good to revisit the parts of the Mass, what we do at Mass and why we do them in order for us to brush up our active participation in the sacred celebration. This reprinted article will be shared in parts. Here is the first part; What We Do at Mass and Why The Mass is divided into Introductory Rites, the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the Communion Rite and the Concluding Rites. I. Introductory Rites We arrive at the church and prepare ourselves to celebrate the greatest mystery of our faith. The faithful stand during these rites. A. Entrance Hymn and Procession We joyfully sing an appropriate hymn. The entrance hymn became a part of the Roman liturgy in the fifth century. The procession symbolizes the Pilgrim Church’s path towards the heavenly Jerusalem. The priest arrives at the altar, kisses it, and according to the situation, may incense it. Incensing is a symbol of honor, purification and sanctification. Then, he makes the sign of the cross. B. Greeting by the Presiding Priest The greeting harkens back to the words with which St. Paul greeted the first Christian communities in his epistles. C. Penitential Act We recognize before God that we are sinners and that we are weak. It is an act of humility. We ask him to forgive our sins. (This does not replace the sacrament of confession, or reconciliation, in the case of mortal sin.) This act consists of four parts: Inviting the faithful to examine their consciences and recognize that they are sinners, during a moment of silence. This moment of silence is important and forms an essential part of this act. Asking for forgiveness, using the prayer, “I confess to almighty God…”, and striking our breast when we say, “through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.” In the form of the rite before Vatican II, we struck our breast three times; now once is enough. Absolution, which in this case is not a sacrament, but expresses a desire for God’s forgiveness. The priest prays, “May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.” The people respond, saying, “Amen.” Singing “Lord, have mercy.” D. Gloria (On feast days — whether or not they are holy days of obligation — and solemnities.) The Gloria is an ancient and venerable hymn with which the Church glorifies God the Father and glorifies and prays to the Lamb. The text to this hymn cannot be changed for another. We praise God and we acknowledge in his presence how much we need him. E. Collect Prayer (prayed only by the priest) This is a prayer that expresses the character of the celebration. It is a prayer that the priest, in the name of all, offers to the Father. This prayer collects or brings together the needs of the whole congregation. II. Liturgy of the Word The faithful are seated. During the readings (which are also spiritual food), God speaks to his people, revealing to them the mysteries of redemption and salvation. According to tradition, the service of proclaiming the readings does not fall to the presiding priest, but to ministers of the Word. The readings at Mass vary throughout the year depending on the liturgical season (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Ordinary Time) and are divided into three cycles, one per year: A,B,C; therefore if every Catholic goes to Mass every day, after three years, he will have heard almost the whole Bible. At this moment, God speaks to us and wants us to keep this daily message in our hearts, meditate on it and apply it during the day. How are the readings proclaimed? The reader goes to the lectern and the faithful sit down. The readings are begun immediately, without first saying, “First Reading” or “Second Reading.” They end with the phrase, “The word of the Lord” (not “This is the word of the Lord”), which is not an explanation, but rather a profession of faith. A. First Reading This reading will always be taken from the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, God speaks to us through the history of the people of Israel and their prophets. B. Responsorial Psalm This is a response to the Word of God, related to the first reading. It is a Biblical text through which God speaks to his people. The psalms are a part of the wisdom books. C. Second Reading This will always be taken from the New Testament (and is used on some feast days – whether or not they are holy days of obligation – and on solemnities). D. Alleluia (the faithful stand) It is always sung, except during Lent. E. Proclamation of the Gospel (On some occasions, the book of the Gospels is incensed.) Senior Potluck St. Mary's seniors will meet for a pot-luck luncheon at 11:30 a.m. on June 16, 2016. Our guest will be Cherrie Barnes of St. Mary's Youth Ministry. We hope you can join us, and bring a friend! St Mary's Seniors Contact: Avis Austed 541-928-7623 JOB OPPORTUNITY The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon is seeking applicants for the position of principal at St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School in Salem, OR, for the 2016-2017 school year. Information about the opening as well as application materials and directions can be found at: http://schools.archdpdx.org/principal-position-vacancies or by calling 503-233-8348. The closing date for applications is June 13, 2016. Qualified principal candidates will hold a valid Oregon school administrator credential and a master’s degree in the field of education. We need volunteers to help run Vacation Bible School. If you are able to help, please fill out and return this form either in the collection basket or to the office by July 1st. You can also call the office to sign up. VBS will take place August 1-5. For more information about any of the areas listed below, please contact Suzanne Duda at 541-926-1449 x344 or [email protected]. Name: _____________________________ Phone/Email: _____________________________________ Yes, I would love to help with Vacation Bible School!! Please sign me to up to help with: Opening/Closing [ ] Leader [ ] Assistant Crafts [ ] Leader [ ] Assistant Bible Adventures [ ] Leader [ ] Assistant Games [ ] Leader [ ] Assistant KidVid Cinema [ ] Leader [ ] Assistant Technology/Photos [ ] Leader [ ] Assistant Snacks [ ] Leader [ ] Assistant [ ] I would like to donate snacks for the week [ ] Other: _____________________________________________________________________________ [ ] I am unable to give my time that week, but I would like to help support St. Mary’s VBS program by donating: ____________________________________________________________________________ More on next page First Eucharist Banners Thank you for sharing your banners with our church family. You are welcome to take your child’s banner home. The banners will be available for pick up after masses this weekend, or in the office beginning Tuesday, June 14th. First Eucharist Pictures Pictures are here! We will bring them to each of the masses thisweekend. Sample prints will be available to view. The purchase of a digital file or CD will allow you to make prints of any pictures you choose. See previous page for location and contact information High School Seniors Eighty percent of students stop practicing their faith at some point during college. To help students stay connected to our Catholic faith, we are asking students who are seniors and going on to college to fill out a form (to be found in the vestibule) and mail it to The Newman Connection, 902 West Main Street, Teutopolis, Il 62467. The form will be sent to the appropriate Newman Center, who will then connect with the student. For further information go to www.newmanconnection.com Reminder to Schedule Use of Rooms Well in Advance Please remember to schedule use of rooms with Teresa at the Parish office during business hours (T-Th, 9-Noon & 14pm) and well in advance of the event. All use must be approved by the office. If you have not scheduled a room ahead of time, please be polite. Do not take a room which may be scheduled for someone else. Check with an onduty staff member to be sure which room is available. When you do use a room, please respect other people’s property. Largely, you should return the room to the set up it had before you used it. Do not remove posters or other property unless they are yours. Also, please do not borrow items from one room to the next. The items tend to be in a specific room for a reason. Thank you. Clases del Bautismo El Primer Sábado de Cada Mes a las 4:00pm El Segundo Domingo de Cada Mes a las 10:00am Les pedimos que no traigan niños a la clase. Por favor. Para preguntas de las clases llamar a la oficina 541-926-1449 Es muy importante que pase a la oficina para dar y apuntar la fecha que quiere bautizar y ver si esta disponible. También llevar el acta de nacimiento original del niño/a. La oficina esta abierto de Martes a Viernes de 9am a 12pm y de 1pm a 4pm. St. Mary’s Appreciates our Bulletin advertisers! Catholic Daughters of the Americas #1461 Regent: Geri Martin, 541-971-8187 1st Monday each month @ 7 PM All lady parishioners welcome! A big THANK YOU! To the groups who faithfully set out our coffee and donuts each Sunday. To our anonymous parishioner who is generously donating flowers every month ... THANK YOU!! For information about an ad in the bulletin, contact Joni at [email protected] Dave Pautsch Bill Raschko Juan Vasquez St. Mary’s Parishioner Principal Broker Listing Specialist Buyer Broker Listing Specialist Buyer Broker Listing Specialist Buyer Broker Se Habla Español Your Ad Could Be Here! Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. Our Bulletin goes out in print, via email and is posted on the web & Facebook. Patty Mello Independent Beauty Consultant (541) 926-2631 Albany Helping Hands Thrift Store 705 First Ave E Changing Lives Open 10 AM— 6 PM Monday– Saturday Donate a Vehicle Help a Neighbor St. Vincent de Paul’s Car Program 1-800-227-8223 Free towing St. Mary’s Celebrating 131 Years! 1885– 2016 ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish 706 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321-2366 541-926-1449 June 12, 2016 Welcome! 11th Week in Ordinary Time Father Aniceto Guiriba, Administrator, ext 338 Father Leonard Omolo, ALCP, Parochial Vicar, ext 338 Administrative Assistant to the Priests: Teresa Middlemiss, ext 338 Parish Office: Marty Kloeck (AM), Rachel Farmer (PM) Business Office: Joni Siewell, ext 305 Music Director: Nancy Higgins, ext 304 Elementary Religious Education Director: Suzanne Duda, ext 344 Youth Coordinator: Cherrie Barnes, ext 315 Adult & Young Adult Religious Education Director and Liturgy Coordinator: Ace Tupasi, ext 331 Office hours Tuesday- Friday ~ 9 to Noon & 1 to 4 PM Parish Office: 541-926-1449 Emergency Phone: 541-220-0634 Fax: 541-926-2191 Email: [email protected] web site: www.stmarysalbany.com WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 5:00PM English, 7:00 PM Spanish; Sunday 8:30AM English, 11:00 AM English, 1:00PM Spanish DAILY MASSES: Monday to Saturday 8:30AM, Wednesday 5:30PM, 1st Thursdays @ 9:45AM in Mennonite Home Chapel CONFESSIONS: Wednesday 9:15AM - 5PM, Saturday 3:30 - 4:30PM, 6:15 - 7:00PM, Sunday 7:30 - 8:30AM, 10:00 - 11:00AM, 12:15 - 1PM NOVENA to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Communal Recitation 8:00-8:30AM and 5:00-5:30PM, personal recitation all day Wednesday in the chapel (Novena booklets available in both languages.) ADORATION: Thursday 9:00AM to Friday 8:15AM In Times of Need PRAYER CHAIN: Fran Pace, [email protected] PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: if you would like a prayer shawl for someone who is ill or experiencing a loss, please contact Carol Hawke at 541-926-2106 or [email protected]. RETROUVAILLE / REDISCOVERY OF OREGON: for couples whose marriages are experiencing pain or communication breakdown. 1-800-470-2230 or www.helpourmarriage.com. BEGINNING EXPERIENCE: weekly support meetings and weekend retreats to aid in healing and beginning again for the widowed, divorced and separated or anyone experiencing the death or loss of a friend or relative. 503-393-2361. Bienvenidos a su casa a su iglesia Santa Maria Asistentes en el Pastoral del Ministerio Hispano Marciano y Honorina Lopez 541- 619-1504 Los Sacramentos en español : Bautismo: Marcos y Aracely Rodriguez; Anselmo Nunez Primera Comunión: Suzanne Duda Boda: Humberto y Susana Martínez 541-971-2698 Quinceañera: María Chavez Confirmación: Marciano y Honorina Lopez Catecismo para Adulto: Antonio Reyes - Domingo de 11:20 am a 12:40 pm Representante del Consejo Pastoral: Marisol de la Torre Para preguntas llamar o venir a la De Martes a Viernes de 1:00pm a 4:00pm 541-926-1449 o al 541-619-1504 Horario de las Confesiones son: Miércoles : De 9:15am a 5:00pm Sábados : De 3:30pm a 4:30pm y 6:15pm a 7:00pm Domingo : De 7:30 a 8:30am, 10:00 a 11:00am, y 12:15pm a 1:00pm Horario de las misas en español Sábado: 7:00pm Domingo 1:00pm Aquí en nuestra parroquia tenemos grupos de oración y evangelización. Los invitamos a formar parte de esta familia parroquial . Lunes grupo de oración en la capilla a las 7:00pm Martes grupo San Juan Diego para hombres a las 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe Miércoles grupo San Juan Diego para mujeres a las 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe Viernes grupo Apóstoles de la palabra a las 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe