The Knight-Lite
The Knight-Lite
CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 The Knight-Lite Volume 15, No. 1 September 2015 - November 2015 Knights of Columbus - Holy Redeemer Council 9544, 44 Rothesay Drive, Kanata, ON K2L 2X1 ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN MARY IMPORTANT DATES August 15 Assumption of The Virgin Mary September 14 Triumph of the Cross (Holy Redeemer Parish Feast) November 1 All Saints Day November 22 Feast of Christ the King November 29 First Sunday of Advent The Knight-Lite CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 Welcome Back ! Inside This Issue: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 21 23 25 As Your New Grand Knight S/K Carlos Oliveira 2014-2015 Annual Report S/K Bryon Milliere PGK “The Deadliest Sin” S/K Deacon Paul Coderre Our “Spiritual Works” Report Card Br. Larry Carroll The Power Of The Eucharist... S/K Joe LeBlanc Let Us Refocus Our Lives....... S/K Joe LeBlanc Protecting The Breadwinner’s Income S/K David Gallagher, FIC Knights In Action 8 Celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday Br. Ed Olszewski 10 The Rita Maheral Charity Golf Tournament S/K Clarence Maheral 13 Fr. Pierre’s Year End BBQ 14 Blood Donor Clinic S/K Brian Bastien 15 Pro-Life Awards & Recognition 2015/2016 Council 9544 Executive News & Events Calendar Editor’s Corner Dear Brother Knights, Welcome back! We’ve had a wonderful summer and I pray you all enjoyed it. Thank you to all who contributed articles to this issue of the Knight-Lite. As you read them you will find them very well written, very meaningful, and very appropriate. A big thank you must go to the many, many Knights in Action who contributed through their service and gave of their time so generously. I am honoured to be able to capture on these pages the “service to others”, the “works of mercy” and the “spirituality” of my Brother Knights that bring to life our guiding principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. We congratulate our past Grand Knight, S/K Bryon Milliere for his unwavering service and leadership for the 2013-2015 Fraternal Years and we welcome our new Grand Knight S/K Carlos Oliveira. We are Knights, this is what we do! Ed Olszewski, editor The Knight-Lite CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM Grand Knight’s Message S/K Carlos Oliveira Brother Knights, as your new Grand Knight I am enthusiastic to start a new Fraternal Year. I believe, Holy Redeemer Council has all the tools to continue with its various programs and remain a progressive and successful council. It has a good variety of members from different backgrounds. I invite all Brother Knights to attend the general meetings and bring your comments, ideas, etc. I joined the Knights 18 years ago and have been part of the executive in various positions, including GK, DGK, Treasurer and Chancellor. I am a 4th degree member and also a PFN (Past Faithful Navigator). I hope to see all of you at the meetings and our social events. September is upon us and summer is almost over. We are starting our year with a Parish Breakfast on Sunday September 13, 2015. We will be serving the traditional breakfast after all three masses therefore we need as many volunteers as possible from 7a.m. to approximately 1p.m. This is a good opportunity to expose the Knights to the community and hopefully recruit new members. I trust this will be a good event and SEPTEMBER 2015 WELCOME TO OUR NEW GRAND KNIGHT hope that many can participate. If for some reason you may not be able to help, please do come and enjoy a breakfast with your family or friends. Our first General Meeting will be held at the Church Hall at 7p.m. on Monday, September 14, 2015. The budget and the calendar of events for 2015-1016 will be presented. Your input will be greatly appreciated. I believe participation and team work is what will make this council successful. Vivat Jesus! Carlos Oliveira, Grand Knight Holy Redeemer Council 9544 The Knight-Lite The cover: Assumption of the Virgin. GRANACCI, Francesco. 1517-19 Panel, 228X205 cm., Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota. PAGE 2 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM Past Grand Knight S/K Bryon Milliere As Grand Knight for 2014-15 I submitted the following report to the parish's Annual General Meeting. It is a testament to our council 9544’s accomplishments of the year. My Congratulations to all our members! The Knights of Council #9544 grew to over 175 Catholic men, many of whom are parishioners at Holy Redeemer Parish. We continued to be very active in the parish community as Knights and also across the many ministries. We are proud to contribute to the parish in any way we can. We continued our support of the Kitchen Renovation Project with another $5,000. We sponsored a bursary to a graduating student. We are active supporters of youth ministry in the diocese, Pro-Life, seminarians, foreign missionary work and the clergy in general. The Knights participated in most parish ministries including: ushers, Eucharistic ministers, youth, lectors, St. Vincent de Paul, adult faith, RCIA, Pro-Life, Cursillo and others. In addition, individual members could be found organizing retreats, fixing pews, decorating the church, driving parishioners to mass, replacing ceiling tiles, cleaning the parking lot and more. We were pleased to provide honour guards for special occasions, such as confirmation, funerals of members, Divine Mercy Sunday, and the rededication of the monument to the unborn. The parish supported the Knights through the use of the hall for meetings and events, as well as through the purchase of Christmas trees, Christmas cards, roses for life and raffle tickets. SEPTEMBER 2015 2014 - 2015 Annual Report Parishioners actively participated in our parish breakfasts, Shrove Tuesday, the Children’s Christmas Party, Pasta Night, Parish Retreat, and the Rita Maheral Memorial Golf Tournament. We were delighted with the turnout for the retreat in February on the theme of “Divine Mercy.” In the community, the Knights played a year round role with the Food Cupboard, coordinating Blood Donor Clinics, and organizing and participating in the Christmas parade with a float carrying young parishioners arranged in a nativity theme under the banner, “Keep Christ in Christmas.” Our annual golf tournament raised approximately $16,000 this year to support the Royal Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa Hospice and other charitable objectives. Individual members showed leadership in the community in such organizations as Foster Parents, Cadets, Scouting, and Lions. As Knights, we also had fun! We held a number of social activities such as a New Year’s Brunch and a Ladies’ Appreciation Dinner. At our monthly meetings, we also took time socialize and to be a witness to others through our service. Council #9544 is an active group of faithfilled Catholic men of all ages, numbering over 175 members who are proud to serve the parish, the community and even internationally. We are very diverse in our age range as well as our individual interests. We welcomed several new members this year and seek to add more Catholic gentlemen to our ranks. Thank you for your continued support. Vivat Jesus, S/K Bryon Milliere PGK Editor’s Note: If you want to share in a few moments of nostalgia during Bryon’s tenure you are invited to view the following video . PAGE 3 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 “THE DEADLIEST SIN” S/K Deacon Paul Coderre When I was a young boy I learned about sin, not how to sin, but rather the names of sins. I learned about mortal and venial sins, and also about the Seven Deadly Sins. Now I use the Seven Deadly Sins as a way of helping people to identify their flaws so that they can bring those flaws to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Deadliest Sin of all is Pride and it is something that needs to be countered in most of us. I mean, who doesn’t want to be admired and honoured by others? God, however, sees us truly as we are, beggars and sinners in need of his constant grace and mercy. Jesus scolded the Scribes and the Pharisees for seeking the praise of others by drawing attention to themselves through their showy religious practices. You could say that they just wanted to be good models of lawabiding Jews. “See how well we observe all the ritual rules and regulations of our religion.” In their misguided zeal for religion, they sought respect and honour for themselves, rather than for God. They made the practice of the faith a burden rather than a joy for the people they were supposed to serve. True respect for God, and His ways, leads us to humility and to simplicity of heart. True humility creates a desire within our hearts to please God alone. But, what is true humility anyway? Why should we desire to be humble in thought, word, and deed? Well, true humility is not feeling bad about ourselves. It is not about having a low opinion of ourselves. It is not about thinking that we are inferior to others. It is true humility that frees us from an unhealthy preoccupation with ourselves, whereas, low selfesteem leads us to focus all our attention on ourselves. Humility is truth in self-understanding and truth in action. If we look at ourselves truthfully, we will see ourselves as God sees us. A humble person is realistic in his selfassessment. A humble person regards himself as neither smaller nor larger that he, or she, really is. A humble person never sees the need to put on a mask or facade in order to look good for others. Humility is the queen of all virtues and counters the deadliest of all sins, Pride, because it enables us to see and judge correctly. It lets us see the way God sees. Humility helps us to remain teachable and able to acquire true knowledge, wisdom, and an honest view of reality. It directs our zeal, our energy, and our ambition and frees us to love and serve others unconditionally. We should always include a prayer for humility in our daily prayers. Vivat Jesus S/K Deacon Paul Codere The Knight-Lite PAGE 4 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 OUR “SPIRITUAL WORKS” REPORT CARD Br. Larry Carroll Council 9544 is well known within District 79 for its many accomplishments in “Corporal works” of Mercy. Our involvement with the Sale of Christmas Trees, The Rita Maheral Memorial Charity Golf Tournament, The Kanata Food Cupboard, the Sale of Raffle Tickets at Hazeldean Mall in support of the Canadian Arthritis Association, driving seniors to church, etc… has contributed to making Council 9544 a unique Council. Our achievements have been the result of much blood, sweat and sacrifice on the part of Council leadership and Council members. The accolades are well deserved and demonstrate that Council 9544 has surpassed its goals and objectives on nearly every occasion. However, when it comes to assessing our “Spiritual Works” achievements, I believe that we have fallen short and can do much better. While we have had successes with involvement in such areas as RCIA, Church ministries as regards Sunday Mass Lectors, Extra-Ordination Ministers of Communion and Ushers as well as the rosary program at area catholic elementary schools, we have done poorly in the following: Stations of the Cross: Once a year the Knights are asked to lead in the service of the Stations of the Cross. Invariably we cannot muster 14 Knights to carry us through the prayer service. We end up asking others in attendance to help us out. And what makes it worse is the fact the service is held at Holy Redeemer church. No excuse for us Knights not to meet our commitment. We obviously need to do better. Wednesday evening recital of the Rosary. Once a month Council 9544 takes the lead in reciting the Rosary during Adoration prior to the Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Mass. Once again we have great difficulty having 5 knights arrive in time to lead in the recital of a decade of the rosary. Our effort is less than commendable. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves. Can we do better? You betcha! Pro Life Vigil: Usually, once a year, the Knights are asked to volunteer their time to pray in front of the abortion clinic on Bank street. A commitment is made to “man” the 12 hours of prayer. A roster of volunteers is drawn up seeking Council members to fill slots to pray for one hour in support of Pro Life. With a total membership in excess of 175 Council 9544 is not able to meet its commitment of having a minimum of 12 members go downtown to pray (one hour each) in front of the abortion clinic. Can we do better? Obviously! Must we do better? Absolutely! Our Annual Retreat: The first year I joined the Knights approximately 15 members attended the David Farrell Retreat. In subsequent years the number inched up ever so slowly. Only when Council decided to open the retreat to all parishioners and beyond did we see a noticeably increase in attendees. Of the 240 plus people who attended the February 14, 2015 only 24 were members of Council 9544 (which represents only 10% of all attendees). And we were the host! We surely could have done better. More Council members ought to attend the yearly retreat. After all, the retreat is hosted by our Council and held in our own parish. The 24 knights from Council 9544 who attended this year represent less than 14% of our membership. To ask Council members to sacrifice one Saturday once a year to come together to pray together isn’t asking much especially when we know months ahead when the retreat will be taking place. Can we do better? Of course, we can! Will we do better? It remains to be seen! Continued on page 10 PAGE 5 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 THE POWER OF THE EUCHARISTIC LITURGY IS SUCH THAT THE SAINTS SPENT HOURS THANKING GOD S/K Joe LeBlanc When we attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass there are angels and saints all around us. Also present are the Blessed Virgin Mary and Joseph. But above all, there is Jesus our Lord and Redeemer. There have been saints who spent hours -- entire mornings -- just to thank God for that day's Eucharist. We don't need a miracle to know the Mass's value. We don't have to see visions to appreciate the Eucharist (though visions help). We feel it. We live it. We receive its graces. Father Stefano Manelli, an Italian priest who wrote an invaluable little booklet, "Jesus Our Eucharistic Love”, points out that Holy Communion "is of much greater value than an ecstasy, a rapture, or a vision. Holy Communion transports the whole of paradise into our poor hearts!" Indeed, from the tabernacle comes the fragrance of Heaven. Vivat Jesus, S/K Joe Leblanc --adapted from Michael Brown's Secrets of the Eucharist (click on this link to see the book) LET US REFOCUS OUR LIVES BY PLACING MORE EMPHASIS ON THE GOOD OF THE OTHER, RATHER THAN OURSELVES Each of our lives is like a play in which we encounter many people. What is important in each encounter is how that person felt upon exiting the stage. Indeed the success or failure of our performance in the play will be determined by what we have accomplished for the sake of the others, as opposed to what we did for ourselves. When we depart from this world we will each bring a script of our play with us, and this script will be re-played on a different stage in the light of God’s Truth. There will be no secrets here. Everything about us will be known by everyone there – but with total understanding and without judgment. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI once described heaven as “the dwelling place from which we came” and that we return to this place after our “test of love” on earth - where lessons are learned, often the hard way. Therefore, let us each start re-writing the script of our play by focusing not so much on ourselves, but on the good of those we encounter during the rest of our lives. Vivat Jesus, S/K Joe Leblanc The Knight-Lite PAGE 6 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 Message from your Fraternal Counselor S/K David Gallagher A FOUNDING NOTION: PROTECTING THE BREADWINNER’S INCOME While jobs may be safer in 2015, accidents, injuries, and illnesses that can impact your ability to work still happen. Most, in fact, do not happen on the job site or place of employment. Did you know that a 2011 study revealed that more than 95 percent of the long-term disability claims on file were not work related? The Knights have always sought to protect members’ families from the “loss” of a breadwinner. I’m sure you know all about Father McGivney’s vision for our insurance program. But, you may not know that Father McGivney also wanted to find a way to help members who couldn’t work because of an illness. After all, the “loss” of the breadwinner does not have to mean that person’s death; it can also mean the loss of the breadwinner’s income. Consider that loss for a moment. How would your family fare if a source of income suddenly stopped? Could a dual-income family manage on one income stream? What about young families with a working father and a mother who cares for the children? What if his income halted due to an accident or illness? I’ve heard some people say they have coverage at work, but too many aren’t sure what this coverage entails, how much income it would provide or for how long. Having this protection counts for something, certainly, but it isn’t “yours”; it’s provided by the company for which you work at their discretion. It could be eliminated tomorrow! That’s where a personally-owned disability income insurance product, like Income Armor, comes into play. It can offer valuable income replacement in the event of an injury or illness. If you have a job, you must know about this coverage. May God Bless you and keep your family safe. Fraternally yours, S/K David Gallagher FIC Fraternal Counselor Holy Redeemer Council #9544 Office: (613) 422-3117 Email: [email protected] Website: The Knight-Lite PAGE 7 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 KNIGHTS IN ACTION CELEBRATION OF DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY & MORE ! In the April 2014 issue of "Columbia" our Supreme Knight reflected on a past private meeting with Pope John Paul II. At this meeting, Carl A. Anderson was given a painting of the Divine Mercy and he stated the following: "He (Pope JPII), wanted very much to spread this devotion throughout the world, and we (the KofC) wanted to be more closely united with him in this prayer”. With these words as inspiration, and realizing our need to trust Our Lord in these times of extreme secularization, Holy Redeemer Council 9544 decided to support this activity by dedicating our annual Spiritual Retreat to promoting the devotion to Divine Mercy. As a followup to the retreat, two months later, our council, with the leadership and full participation of our clergy, organized the first ever celebration at Holy Redeemer of the Feast of Divine Mercy on the second Sunday of Easter. Our Honour Guard piously carried the Divine Mercy Image to its place of veneration and over 300 persons participated in the celebration! The floodgates of graces that were outpoured on these occasions are only known to Our Lord, but His promise is that they are “unfathomable”! To continue our growth in spiritual strength the Men of the Eucharist, who by the way consist almost entirely of Knights, are offering us two opportunities: " Br. Edward Olszewski “Early Bird Special” First Friday Mass 6:00am We as Knights need to be vigilant and to be nourished by the Holy Eucharist to prepare for the spiritual battles that confront us and our priests. Fr. Matthew & The Men of the Eucharist (Divine Mercy Cenacle) invite our council to each First Friday of the Month Mass at Holy Redeemer. Rosary and confession at 5:30am followed by mass at 6:00am. Men of the Eucharist Divine Mercy Cenacle The next is to come together as men in prayer and study of the gift of Divine Mercy every Friday morning at 5:30am - 7:00am. We pray the rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, discuss the Diary of St. Faustina, and offer prayers of thanksgiving and petition. ! ! Vivat Jesus Br. Ed Olszewski Holy Redeemer Council Honour Guard carrying the Image of Divine Mercy. The Knight-Lite PAGE 8 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 KNIGHTS IN ACTION CELEBRATION OF DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY S/K Wayne Watts & S/K Joseph LeBlanc place the “Divine Mercy Image” in the place of honour for veneration at the first Holy Redeemer celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday. Our Lord said to St. Faustina: “I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over [its] enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I Myself will defend it as My own glory.” (Diary, 48) Our Pastor Fr. Pierre Champoux explains the importance of accepting the gift of mercy available to us on this special Sunday. This free gift of Divine Mercy is especially important to us during these times of extreme secularization. Br. D’Arcy Grant leads us in songs of worship as we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday PAGE 9 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 KNIGHTS IN ACTION THE RITA MAHERAL MEMORIAL CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT This is a short report on the 2015 Rita Maheral Memorial Charity Golf Tournament held on May 26, 2015 at the Glen Mar Golf and Country Club. Our committee started organizing this tournament on January 6, 2015 with one meeting per week at Holy Redeemer Church Hall. Meetings during the months of January and February were quite a challenge with many of our volunteers being away on holidays. Our committee consists of about eight to ten regular members and this is a major undertaking to put a tournament of this size together, we collect prizes, sponsors, sell advertising and obtain pricing for a venue, S/K Clarence Maheral keeping in mind that this is a charity golf tournament to raise as much money as we can for our charities. This year’s tournament was again very successful raising approximately $17,000.00 to distribute to The Royal Ottawa Hospital, Hospice Care Ottawa-The Ruddy Shenkman Hospice, and Council 9544 Knights Charities. We are very thankful for the help we received during our planning stages, and especially to the ladies and members that took time to help out on the day itself, and I particularly want to thank my committee for all the help they supplied all through the organizing of the tournament. If you would like to serve on the committee please contact Clarence , Larry Carroll or Stephan Dulude Vivat Jesus, S/K Clarence Maheral Co. Chair A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS!!! Brian Bastien, Paul Bessuille, Gil Bois, Rene Brunet, Linda & Harold Buccino, Larry Carroll, Karen & Steve Dulude, Terry Flood , Russ Graham, Finley Kavanagh, Tom Kavanagh, Terri Lawlor, Clarence Maheral, Karen Maheral, Frances & Bryon Milliere, Phyllis Moore, Dan Mullin, Gib & Hazel O’Connor, Paulette O’Connor, Nancy Payette, Tom Quinn, Carolyn Roy, Maureen Walsh,Vince Viau Continued from page 5 Our “Spiritual Works” Report Card Role of Council “Lecturer”: Over the years Council has responded in lukewarm fashion to the efforts of “Lecturers”. A recent shift appears to be taking place as regards the role and importance of what our “Lecturer” has to say and share with Council members on a monthly basis. That’s a good sign. We ought all to pay more attention to what our Lecturer has to offer and what he has to say. We can never have enough spiritual guidance. In his book “Rediscover Catholicism”, Matthew Kelly writes of the Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality: Confession, Daily Prayer, The Mass, The Bible, Fasting, Spiritual Reading, and The Rosary. Incorporating these seven pillars in our lives will help us achieve greater spirituality. From the examples cited above we have a way to go before Council 9544 can be as proud of its Spiritual works of Mercy as we are of our Corporal works of Mercy. God bless you all, Br. Larry Carroll PAGE 10 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 KNIGHTS IN ACTION THE RITA MAHERAL MEMORIAL CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT PAGE 11 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 KNIGHTS IN ACTION THE RITA MAHERAL MEMORIAL CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT PAGE 12 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 KNIGHTS IN ACTION FR. PIERRE’S YEAR END BBQ A big THANK YOU to Fr. Pierre for hosting the council’s year end BBQ and to Fr. Matthew for his assortment of HOT SAUCES !!!!! PAGE 13 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 KNIGHTS IN ACTION BLOOD DONOR CLINIC S/K Brian Bastien Dear Brother Knights, Usually twice a year our Council 9544 co-sponsors Blood Donor Clinics with the Canadian Blood Services and each year I am very pleased and proud to say they have been extremely successful. The majority of the time we have either met or exceeded the quota that CBS has set. Bravo and kudos to our community of Kanata for supporting our Council each and every time that we send out the call for their help. If you are able to assist, please contact me, Brother Brian Bastien and volunteer your time to this worthwhile event. A message via our TeamSnap is sent out listing all the shifts that need to be covered plus how you can contact me if you are able to participate. In putting together an effective clinic there are so many people that are unsung heroes. The volunteers that help year after year, clinic after clinic, are vital in the continuous success of our clinics. I would like to name them individually, but I fear I would miss one of these important people, but let it be known, their help is priceless and selfless. But the most important giver, of course, is our donors. Without them there is no clinic and no help to the many from their gift. To them we are eternally grateful. Vivat Jesus S\K Brian Bastien " Shift A: left to right: Mike O’Leary, Mark McKenna, Finley Kavanagh, Vince Viau, Tom Kavanagh, Brian Bastien. Shift B: left to right: Leo Klump, Brian Bastien, Rene Brunet, Gib O’Connor, Delfin Montuno. The Knight-Lite PAGE 14 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 KNIGHTS IN ACTION PRO-LIFE Every Mother’s Day our Honour Guard supports Fr. Pierre and our clergy in re-dedicating our Pro-Life Monument on the Holy Redeemer front lawn. Br. Tom Flood, one of our council’s Knights shown here “defending life” . As Knights we are proud to stand up for our deeply held beliefs. PAGE 15 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 AWARDS & RECOGNITION FAMILY OF THE MONTH February 2014 - Marc and Christal Leahy For Marc's immediate involvement in council activities as a new member, and for Crystal’s presentation and assistance with our Council's Retreat in February 2014. February 2015 Brother John Conroy and his wife Jo-Anne and their four teenagers For their dedication to Church functions, including the Cursillo movement, their generous support of those in need, and their support of the Christmas tree sales campaign. March 2015 - John and Inge Kelly For John’s ongoing and unstinting support of our major Council projects, including the food bank, breakfasts, Christmas tree sales and the Charities Raffle sales; and for Inge’s unrelenting volunteering work with Hospice Care Ottawa. April 2015 Brother Ron and Shirley Sarrazin For their unstinting devotion to their sacristan duties during weekly Masses. This includes preparing the altar and incense for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, preparing the altar for the Mass that follows and the vessels (chalice, unconsecrated hosts, wine & water, etc), and cleansing of all vessels after each Mass. The Knight-Lite PAGE 16 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 AWARDS & RECOGNITION KNIGHT OF THE YEAR 2014-2015 Knight of the Year - Brother Ed Olszewski For his unstinting effort and accomplishment in organizing the 2015 Divine Mercy Retreat. PAST GRAND KNIGHT 2013 - 2015 Fraternal Period - SK Bryon Milliere Our Worthy Grand Knight Bryon Milliere was presented a PGK certificate and PGK lapel pin for his dedicated work and accomplishments as Grand Knight for our Council during the fraternal period 2013 to 2015. The Knight-Lite PAGE 17 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 AWARDS & RECOGNITION KNIGHTS OF THE MONTH March 2015 - SK Jamie Jamieson For his role and initiative in helping to organize a very successful membership recruiting drive in the 2015 fraternal year, resulting in several new candidates. March 2015 - Br. David Dupius For helping to organize a very successful membership recruiting drive this year, resulting in several new candidates. April 2015 - SK Gil Bois For generously volunteering his time and effort to the Kanata food-bank, the breakfasts and the Christmas trees, as well as helping Holy Redeemer Church in fixing the pews. May 2015 - Br. Larry Carroll For his on-going and unstinting time and effort in helping to organize the Rita Maheral Charities Golf Tournament as well as the breakfasts. The Knight-Lite PAGE 18 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 AWARDS & RECOGNITION CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION 2014 - 2015 All the Clergy at Holy Redeemer For their gracious guidance and support for our Council’s Divine Mercy Retreat in February 2015 and for their overall spiritual support to our parish. Our Pastor Fr. Pierre Champoux accepting on behalf of all Holy Redeemer Clergy. 2014 - 2015 Br. Tavis Goski For his dedicated support and service to our Holy Redeemer parish during his seminarian internship with us. The Knight-Lite PAGE 19 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 AWARDS & RECOGNITION BEST BULLETIN AWARD GRANTED TO COUNCIL # 9544 Worthy Grand Knight, S/K Bryon Milliere, receiving the 2014-2015 Knights of Columbus Ontario State Council “Best Bulletin Award” from State Deputy Kevin O. Daudlin at the 2015 Ontario State Convention. A big thank you goes to the many, many volunteers who contributed through their service and gave of their time so generously to provide articles, photos and accomplish all the activities reported in the bulletin. We are proud to be able to capture on these pages the “service to others”, the “works of mercy” and the “spirituality” of our Brother Knights that bring to life our guiding principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. CONGRATULATIONS!! The Knight-Lite PAGE 20 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 2015/2016 COUNCIL 9544 EXECUTIVE Below you will find the new 2015/2016 council executive lineup as elected at the June 1 Annual General Meeting along with the roster of responsibilities. Back Row (left to right): David Dupuis, Brian Sutherland, Leo St. Jean, Mark McKenna, Brian Bastien, Vincent Viau, James Moore. Front Row (left to right): Lee Marchand, Fernando Lourenco, Bryon Milliere, Carlos Oliveira, Joe Southall, Joe LeBlanc, Wayne Smith. (missing are S/K Jamie Jamieson, S/K Rev. Fr. Pierre Champoux) Position Name Phone Grand Knight Deputy GK Chaplain Chancellor Financial Secretary Treasurer Advocate Recorder 3rd Term Trustee 2nd Term Trustee 1st Term Trustee Lecturer Outside Guard Inside Guard Warden Carlos Oliveira David Dupuis Fr. Pierre Champoux Leo St Jean Joe Leblanc Brian Sutherland Lee Marchand Fernando Lourenco Brian Bastien Jim Moore Joe Southall Jamie Jamieson Mark McKenna Vincent Viau Wayne Smith 599-8451 709-5065 836-1764 591-9140 592-4600 599-1446 271-8558 599-7999 831-7354 256-5375 599-6537 836-5920 831-3638 829-4750 591-3762 e-Mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The Knight-Lite PAGE 21 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 2015/2016 COUNCIL 9544 EXECUTIVE Below you will find the new 2015/2016 Service Program Roster: Service Programs Service Program Director Council Director Health Services Church Director Family & Pro-Life Director Youth Director Community Director Membership Director Recruitment Committee Recruitment Committee Recruitment Committee Retention Committee Chair Fraternal & Family Care Coordinator (FFCC) Public Relations Parish Council Rep. Culture of Life Director Culture of Life Chair Insurance Promotion Vocations Chairman Knight-Lite Editor Directors Phone David Dupuis Abdallah Abi-Aad 709-5065 592-1485 [email protected] [email protected] Michael O’Leary 591-3461 [email protected] David Dupuis Tom Quinn 831-1047 836-4386 [email protected] [email protected] Brian Bastien Jim Moore Joe Southall Carlos Oliveira 831-7354 256-5375 599-6537 599-8451 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Harold Buccino 836-5920 Stephen Dulude 831-8331 Bob Near 599-5295 Joe Leblanc 592-4600 Joe & Jeannine Leblanc 592-4600 Joe Leblanc 592-4600 Joe Leblanc 592-4600 Ed Olszewski 592-6927 e-Mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] KNIGHTS IN ACTION (CONTINUED) Knights of Columbus Raffle S/K Ray Kerrigan and John Kelly man the booth along with many other Council 9544 members in support of The Arthritis car Raffle. That beautiful Mustang was graciously lent to us courtesy Jim Hoddinott owner of Kanata Ford! THANK YOU JIM!!!!! PAGE 22 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 NEWS AND EVENTS Our Pilgrimage to Poland As many of you may know, my wife Mary and I were on our second Pilgrimage to Poland this past May. Our journey was aptly named “Journey into the Mercy of God” and as such we discovered an ever deepening experience of the Mercy of God found in Jesus and for the whole world to know. The journey begins in Ottawa, flying overnight to Warsaw and then traveling by motor coach to visit the key Shrines and Churches of Poland related to Divine Mercy and the Polish Saints; St. Maximillian Kolbe, St. Faustina, St. John Paul II, and Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko. One of our visits was to Vilnius, Lithuania, which used to be a part of Poland before WWII. Here we visited The Shrine of Divine Mercy. It is a very special shrine in the centre of Vilnius because it displays the original Image of Divine Mercy. This original Image of Divine Mercy was painted by Eugene Kazimirowski under the direction of St. Faustina and Blessed Fr. Sopocko in Fr. Sopocko’s parish house in Vilnius. On our pilgrimage, we also visited the convent where St. Faustina received the Chaplet of Divine Mercy from Our Lord and where Jesus explained the Image of Divine Mercy and instructed her on how it was to be painted and very importantly instructed her to have the painting signed with the words “Jesus I Trust In You” . There is an interesting history associated with the Image. As a result of WWII and the annexing Lithuania into the USSR, the image of Merciful Jesus became inaccessible to pilgrims for dozens of years. Despite numerous dangers; being hidden in an attic, rolled up many times, stored in terrible conditions of dampness and freezing, and even the victim of terrible " Br. Ed Olszewski restoration attempts, the painting miraculously survived the era of communism and is now displayed 24/7 in a beautiful shrine. I have to admit that being born in Canada and never really identifying with Poland I was extremely humbled to discover the genuine piety, reverence for Our Lord and His Blessed Mother, and the faith that exists within the hearts of the Polish people. This is a people that suffered much but persevered with a bold faith which ultimately significantly contributed to the fall of communism. I was filled with extreme respect and pride as well as a shower of grace. The message of Divine Mercy was indeed a message that Poland needed and is now needed all over the world! I have placed some of the slides from our Pilgrimage on YouTube and hope that they can convey some of the feeling Mary and I experienced on our journey. So if you have a chance have a look at these and experience a little bit of our Pilgrimage for yourself. “Jezu Ufam Tobie” (Jesus I Trust in You) Ed Olszewski PAGE 23 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM SEPTEMBER 2015 NEWS AND EVENTS Welcome to Our New Members Holy Redeemer Council 9544 extends its welcome to the following new members: Liam Conroy Pierce Conroy Macario Cordovez John Evans Chris Smith John Smith Cory Moore Jim Carew * Marc McGrath * David Lauzon * Ronald Bose * * Reactivations/Transfers The Council encourages their active participation in its many works of charity, programs, parish and community events. Masses for the Unborn Masses for the unborn will be said at Holy Redeemer every month as follows: Sept.16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18, Dec.16. Please arrive at 6:15 pm since Council 9544 leads the rosary on these evenings. Happy Birthdays (5X & 80+) The following Council members will celebrate their milestone birthdays in the last few months of 2015. 50th Br. Terence Brannon Br. Ted Hurley 55th Br. John Conroy Br. Lawrence Fernandes 65th Br. Delfin Montuno Br. Robert Near S/K Tom Quinn 75th Rev. Oliver Rich 81st S/K Raymond Kerrigan 83rd S/K Joseph LeBlanc Br. Roger Provost 85th S/K Conrad Baker 90th Br. George Dunn Upcoming Events We have added two new events : Celebration of First Friday Mass at 6:00am (Rosary & Confessions at 5:30am) and an invitation to attend the Men of the Eucharist Divine Mercy Cenacle every Friday morning at 5:30am except for the First Friday as noted above. See page 8 for more detail. " Please note that the Pro-Life Kick-Off Rally is on Sept. 20 and the Pro-Life Campaign runs from Sept. 23 - Nov. 1. Of Special note are our upcoming Parish Breakfasts in September & November and our Pasta Night on November 7th. See the calendar on the next page for more dates and events of importance. PAGE 24 COUNCIL 9544 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2015-2016 OCTOBER 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 13 Breakfast - all morning Masses. Parish Feast (Honour Guard) 20 Forty Days for Life Kickoff 30 Order Christmas cards NOVEMBER 2015 1-31 Forty Days for Life 04 Life Chain 23 Order Christmas Trees TBD Membership recruitment at all Masses DECEMBER 2015 01 Forty Days for Life Ends 01 Breakfast - all morning Masses. 07 Pasta Night 11 Remembrance Day at Cenotaph TBD Christmas Parade Christmas Cards and Signs 18 The KnightLite 15:2 deadline TBD Set-up Christmas Tree corral TBD Christmas Tree Delivery 30 Christmas Tree Sales (HR Lot) JANUARY 2016 TBD Christmas Tree Sales (HR Lot) Christmas Cards and Signs after all Masses 05 Children’s Christmas Party 21 Christmas Tree Cleanup FEBRUARY 2016 TBD Per Capita Tax Levy due to Supreme and State TBD Raffle sales 10 New Year’s Breakfast Brunch TBD Submission of Annual Fraternal Survey MARCH 2016 07 Breakfast - all morning Masses. 09 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 10 Ash Wednesday 17 The KnightLite 14:3 deadline TBD Stations of the Cross TBD Semi-annual audit report due 20 Lenten Mission APRIL 2016 06 Breakfast - all morning Masses. TBD Blood Donor Clinic TBD Shamrock Sales (HR) 12 Irish Night TBD Raffle Sales TBD Membership Blitz, Men’s Breakfast TBD Founders Day Mass 25 Good Friday 25 Divine Mercy Novena starts 27 Easter Sunday MAY 2016 02 Divine Mercy Novena finishes TBD Raffle Sales 03 Divine Mercy Sunday TBD Hike for Life TBD State Convention JUNE 2016 TBD Raffle Sales TBD March for Life 07 1st & 2nd Degrees at Holy Redeemer 08 Sale of Roses Rededication of Monument for Unborn (Honour Guard) 14 Knights Annual Retreat 24 Rita Maheral Memorial Golf Tournament Ladies Night (TBD) JULY 2016 06 AGM Meeting Church Hall 7:00pm (Election of Officers) 30 Columbian awards to Supreme 30 Report of Officers to Supreme Holy Trinity Bursary Award (TBD) 30 RSVP Report AUGUST 2016 01 Per Capita Levy to Supreme TBD Budget & Planning Meeting 29 Service Program Report 12 (1852) Birthday of Father McGivney TBD Semi-Annual Audit 24 The KnightLite 15:1 deadline Recurring Events (every month as noted) ! ! ! ! ! ! First Friday Mass 6:00 am (rosary 5:30am) Men of Eucharist /Divine Mercy 5:30am S O N D J F M A M J J A 4 2 6 4 1 5 4 1 6 3 1 5 (every Friday morning with mass on First Fridays) General Meeting 7:00pm 14 5 2 7 4 8 7 4 2 6 Rosary 6:15pm/Mass for Unborn 7:00pm 16 21 18 16 20 17 16 20 18 15 FFCC 6:30pm/Executive Meeting 7:00pm 21 19 16 21 18 22 21 18 16 20 20 17