Layout 2 - High Country Shopper
Layout 2 - High Country Shopper
Page 2 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” HIGH COUNTRY SHOPPER Let Ad Magic Work For You! INDEX WHAT’S HAPPENING........1 THANK YOU BEST WISHES RECYCLE CLASSES .............................2 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ...............3 HELP WANTED WORK WANTED CHILD CARE SERVICES............................4 YARD SALES.......................5 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS .........6 FURNITURE APPLIANCES CLOTHING & JEWELRY JUST FOR KIDS FREEBIES ............................7 WANTED............................8 AGRICULTURE...................9 FARM EQUIPMENT LIVESTOCK PASTURE HAY PETS .................................10 REAL ESTATE....................11 RENTALS by area COMMERCIAL RENTALS HOMES/ACREAGES MOBILE HOMES COMMERCIAL & BUSINESS AUTOMOTIVE .................12 CARS & VANS TRUCKS 2X4 TRUCKS 4X4 UTILITY TRAILERS HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS & ACCESSORIES RECREATIONAL...............13 CAMPERS & CAMP TRAILERS MOTORHOMES BOATS ATVs MOTORCYCLES SNOWMOBILES SPORTING GOODS.........14 GUNS BICYCLES HOME IMPROVEMENT & SUPPLIES ......................15 TOOLS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES ............16 PRODUCE........................17 LAWN & GARDEN...........18 FOR TRADE......................19 AUCTIONS.......................20 LOST & FOUND...............21 FIREWOOD & STOVES ....22 MISCELLANEOUS ............23 MUSICAL COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS BUSINESS EQUIPMENT MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ONGOING COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS.........24 IN MEMORIAM RELIGIOUS Phone: 527-4576 Mail: P.O. Box 7 Paonia, CO 81428 — FREE ADS — What’s Happening, Thank You, Best Wishes, Recycle, Freebies, Wanted, Lost & Found, Community Announcements and merchandise totalling less than $500. These ads must be 30 words or less. COMMERCIAL ADS Services, For Rent, Hay, Firewood, Produce, etc.; & anything of commercial (business) nature. 20¢ per word, per week. PAYMENT SCHEDULE $3: Items selling for $500 to $999 $4: Items selling for $1000 to $2,499 $5: Items selling for $2,500 to $4,999 $6: Items selling for over $5,000 Garage Sales – $5 Consecutive Weeks – $2 Phone-In Fee – $3 30 Word Limit: The above rates apply to the first 30 words of advertising. All words over 30 are an additional 20¢ per word, per week. Classified Ad Deadline: Drop Boxes: 12:00 Noon on Friday* Office Deadline 3:00 PM on Friday Call 527-4576. DROP BOX LOCATIONS & DEADLINES: – Delta – City Market & Safeway 12:00 Noon Deadline – Cory – Cory Store (Stop ‘N Save) 12:00 Noon Deadline – Eckert – Silverstate Shell Station 12:00 Noon Deadline – Cedaredge – Cedaredge FoodTown 12:00 Noon Deadline – Hotchkiss – Hotchkiss Short Stop 12:00 Noon Deadline – Crawford – The Desperado *10:30 AM Deadline – Olathe – American Convenience *11:00 AM Deadline Place Your Ad Online! Go to our web site at and place your ad. Choose our convenient PayPal option or choose the Bill Me option and the billing fee is $3.00. Display Ad Deadline: Noon Friday. Call 527-4576 to reserve space and for more information. ATTENTION: Advertisers in the High Country Shopper are not responsible for any typographical errors appearing in this publication, or in any digital versions thereof. We reserve the right to refuse publication of any ad submitted to the High Country Shopper. WHAT’S HAPPENING DELTA COUNTY HEALTH Department offers low-cost birth control, pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment, and annual exams for women. All services are confidential. Now accepting Medicaid and private insurance. Call 970874-2165. 38ufnb-even FORGOT THE HOMELESS program donation address? Abraham Connection, P.O. Box 910, Delta, CO 81416. Double the need this winter from last winter. Facebook page has items urgently needed too. Thanks for all the donations. 6x4c SENIOR CONNECTION 1:30-3:30 pm, Fellowship Hall, 477 Meeker St., Delta. Carol Phelps will share her recent trip to Kenya. Refreshments will be offered. All senior men and women are welcome. 8x2c WANT THE LATEST INFO on Delta area events, happenings, specials, hot deals and job openings? Check out the new and improved website at www.DeltaCol 50ufnc CELEBRATE ST. PATTY’S Day on Saturday, March 12, at the Blue Sage in Paonia! Corned beef and cabbage, wine and beer, favors, silent auction. Live Irish music by Mike Gwinn and friends! Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi. For info and ticket purchase call Jackie at 5274585. SEND US A CLASSIFIED! Email or text to classifieds@ SHISH KABIKES IN Paonia is your source for spring bike tune ups! 232 Grand Ave., 527-2221. COMMUNITY CHORUS and Exploratory Chorus, Mon. and Wed. evenings, with Susan Ellinger and Elisa Angstead. Blue Sage Center for the Arts. For details and times, 970-5277243. 8x2c BINGO EVERY TUESDAY night, 7 pm, Hotchkiss Elks Lodge, 190 E. Bridge St., 872-3355. 40ufnc 2016 NORTH FORK BEE Meetings. “Inner Hive: What Am I Looking At?” Thurs., March 3, 6 pm at The Hive, 130 Grand Ave., Paonia. When it’s time to open your hives for inspection, sometimes it’s bee-wildering to understand what you’re looking at, and what you need to look for. Learn about the amazing inner hive and the world of bees. 8x2c DID YOU KNOW that there is a bookstore downstairs in the Delta Public Library? Come check it out. 11ufnc NEED BANKRUPTCY? Don't despair, most Delta County incomes qualify. Call Lewis R. Anderson, Attorney, for free debt relief agency consultation. 8567640. 39ufnb HILLTOP DOMESTIC Violence Services offers a free support group for victims of domestic violence that is held in Delta on Tuesdays from 5-6:30 pm. Please call 970-874-6995 for more info. 4ufnc NEED TRANSPORTATION to the Senior Meal Site? Please call for assistance. Delta, Paonia, Hotchkiss, Surface Creek. 874-7334. 51ufnc J&S BAKERIA IS NOW open Mondays! Located in Moose Crossing, Eckert. BLOOD DRAW ON-LINE registration can be done now at Health Fair dates are March 16-18. THE BLUE SAGE Center for the Arts 2016 concert series is offering Near Eastern Sounds Old and New on Sat., March 19 at 7:30 pm. The concert will feature Turkish, Arab, and African music as well as a selection of original compositions. Tickets are available at the Blue Sage Gallery, 226 Grand Ave., Paonia, or by calling 970-527-7243, and online at Brown Paper Tickets. 8x4c PRINCESS BEEF Available at Hardin’s Natural Foods, 31424 Hwy. 92, Hotchkiss, 872-3019. 8x3c OLD TIME AND bluegrass music featuring Free The Honey and Way Down Yonder at Pea Green Saturday Night, Feb. 27, 7-9 pm. $10 at the door. Hwy. 348 and Banner Rd. (southwest of Delta). For more info call Len 874-8879. 20% OFF COUPON One purchase per person, expires March 16. Hungry Lion Garden Supply, Austin. See front page of this week’s Shopper! 835-GROW. CORNED BEEF MADE in-house at Lizzy’s Market, 101 Grand Ave., Paonia, 527-5655. Order yours today! WORLD DAY OF Prayer, sponsored by The Christian Women of Surface Creek Valley churches on Fri., March 4 at 10 am. This year’s service will be hosted by the All Saints Lutheran Church located at 20101 Deer Creek Rd., Highway 65, Austin. Following the program, a wonderful lunch will be served. Men, women, and children are invited to attend the service and the luncheon. If further info needed, please call Bev Gardner at 8566780. 8x2c TIRED OF THE same ol’ grub? Join us at the 66th Annual Delta County 4H Beef Roast, Sun., March 6, noon-3 pm. Adults $10 (ages 12 and up), children’s ticket $6. Two locations, Delta Middle School and Hotchkiss High School. SWITCH TO LED AND save over 80% in energy usage! Get your bulbs on sale now through February 29 at your local Ace Hardware store in Hotchkiss, Cedaredge and Delta. BELT SANDER RACES at Delta Hardware this Saturday at 2 pm. Trial run starts at 1 pm. See ad in this week’s Shopper for details and prizes. “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Page 3 – February 24, 2016 THE PAONIA MUSEUM is on vacation! If you would like to arrange a visit, call Judy at 527-3970. Open some weekends. 41ufnc BINGO EVERY THURSDAY at 6:50 pm at the American Legion of Paonia. This week Progressive is 55 numbers for $460. Double Action Progressive is 43 numbers for $1,442. Orange is 56 numbers and Blue is 56 numbers for $250. Join us early for chicken parmesan or bacon cheeseburgers. 527-6252. 8x1c BLIND DATE WITH A Book. Stop in at the Hotchkiss Library and go on a blind date with a book. Available any time the library is open. First and Main, Hotchkiss, 399-7781. 7x2c LANE FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Gregory L. Lane, DC 960 Main St., Delta 874-9724 Over 20 Years Experience Palmer Graduate IT’S TIME FOR THE February session of the famous Pea Green Saturday Night Concert series, and all of you are invited. Way Down Yonder and Free the Honey will perform oldtime and Bluegrass tunes and songs in an old grange hall concert setting for a cost of only a sawbuck ($10) at the door. The concert will be held at the Pea Green Community Center on Sat., Feb. 27 from 7-9 pm. The hall is located at the intersection of Hwy. 348 and Banner Rd., southwest of Delta. Lots of people bring a snack to share and you can do likewise if you want to. Doors open at 6 pm and seating is limited. For more info call Len Willey at 874-8879. 7x2c THERE’S NOTHING more local than your local Post Office. Offices like Cory, Austin, Lazear, and Somerset all provide full service postal services and are eager for your business. 7x2c DELTA MOPS IS meeting this Thurs., Feb. 25 at 9 am at the Delta First Baptist Church. All moms of little people ages 0-6 are welcome to come join us for coffee, brunch and uplifting conversation with other moms. Please call Amanda at 970-778-5272 for more info. 8x1c PAONIA HS YEARBOOKS The following years are still available: 1951, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1962 through 1972, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, and 1982. If you would like one of these for free, call Judy at 527-3970. 5ufnc THE MORNING BUZZ in the North Fork. All DMEA members are invited. There will be no formal topic or presentation. Members are encouraged to ask questions on the topics of their choosing. Coffee and pastries provided, Thurs., March 3, 6:45-8 am, The Boardwalk Restaurant, 64 Hwy. 92, Crawford and Fri., March 4, 6:45-8 am, The Diner, 203 Grand Ave., Paonia. For more info, 970-240-1263. 8x2c TIRED OF WINTER? Think Spring! Tiny Treasures Spring Fling 5K Walk/ Fun Run, April 30, 10 am, at Confluence Park. Support childhood education! 7x2c LIVE MUSIC Thurs., Feb. 25, David Booker, 7-9 pm. David is a new artist at CB’s Tavern, downtown Delta. 8x1c SLEDS AND SNOW saucers in stock at Delta Hardware. 5x5c ACOUSTIC JAM session, Sat., Feb. 27, 11 am-2 pm, Bill Heddles Rec Center. All levels welcome. Bring your instruments, come and have fun! 8x1c OPERATION ROUND UP Charitable Trustee vacancies. DMEA's Operation Round Up has 2 vacancies for District #3 and North Region positions. District #3 includes Somerset, Crawford, Paonia, Hotchkiss and the rural surrounding areas. The North Region includes the northern half of the co-op’s service territory from approx. halfway between Olathe and Delta to the northern boundary. For info on nominations and Trustee terms, contact Becky Mashburn, 970-2401263. 8x2c TAX REFUND SALE Get 10% off all mattresses and accessories at Mattress Brothers, 25 Stafford Lane, #4, Delta, 874-6317. KINDERGARTEN registration starts now! See ad in this week’s Shopper for all the details! HERSTORY TEA Celebrate Women’s History Month with afternoon tea at the Bross Hotel on March 12 at 2 pm. Dress as your favorite woman in history and see if we can identify her. Bring your mother, daughters, and grand daughters to share “herstory.” Cost $20, tax and tip included. Reservations required, 527-6776. 8x3c HIGH COUNTRY SHOPPER Bringing buyer and seller together since 1978. WIN $100, $75, $50, $30, $20, or $10, team and individual competition. Ages 6 to 106, April 30, Bible quiz over Matthew 5-7. Get info at GrandMesaBi or 497-0800. 8x2c HUGE SELECTION ON previously owned vehicles with guaranteed credit approval. Come experience the difference at Wollert Automotive, 1710 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose, 970-2496464. CUSTOMER Appreciation Days sale at Cleary Building Corp. on March 10-12. Best prices of the season! 715 Hwy. 50, North Delta, 874-1066. COLORADO GRAND Classic Cars Scholarship, application deadline March 15, 2016. Hotchkiss High School seniors may apply for this $7,500 scholarship. The Colorado Grand makes donations to towns where they stop for lunch, and awards a college scholarship to a graduating high school senior in each of these communities. For info and an application email HHS counselor Doug Egging at degging@delta or Hotchkiss Chamber president Nathan Sponseller at nathanspon [email protected]. 6x5c ERIN WILLIAMS notecards now available at Hardin’s Natural foods. 8x2c CIMMARON! THIS Sat., Feb. 27, 9 pm-1 am at Throttle & Spur Saloon, The Delta Center. 8x1c ALL ARE WELCOME TO our community Lenten soup supper, Wed., Feb. 24, 5:30-6:30 pm at All Saints Lutheran Church, 20101 Deer Creek Rd., Cory, 835-3667. 8x1c HAPPY HOUR! Mon.-Fri., 4-6 pm, 50¢ off well drinks and draft beer, $1 off appetizers. Delta Fireside. 8x2c PROM DRESS Fundraiser, Sat., March 19, 10 am-5 pm at The Apple Shed in Cedaredge. All dresses $40! 1,000 plus dresses, all sizes. Proceeds benefit various charities. “Every Girl Deserves a Beautiful Gown.” 8x4c Page 4 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” TIRED OF THE SAME ol’ grub? Come to the Delta County 4-H Beef Roast on Sunday, March 6, noon-3 pm. Two locations, Delta Middle School or Hotchkiss High School. $10 for adults (ages 12 and up), $6 for children. Info 874-2195. 8x2c POSTCARDS, notecards, magnets, posters and books written by local authors available at the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce, 301 Main St., Delta. 24ufnc MOUSE TRAPS and bait at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c EMERGENCY FOOD pantry open to families in need on Tuesdays, 4-6 pm only. Hotchkiss Elks Lodge, 190 E. Bridge Street. For more info call 872-3355. 24ufnc WE ARE YOUR RAM Truck Headquarters! Come to Flower Motor Company, 2580 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose. FOOD PANTRY OPEN 1ST and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, 9-11 am. Located behind Paonia Christian Fellowship, corner of 3rd Street and Box Elder. Sponsored by North Fork Ministerial Association. 23ufnc SPIRITUAL FORUM FOR raising consciousness, Thursdays, 7-8 pm. 970773-4111. 8x2c EVERYTHING MUST GO! Little Creatures Pets is going out of business. 50% off everything, all cages, all tanks, fixtures, accessories. 970-462-1153. Located in the Delta Center. AARP PREPS INCOME tax for seniors and low income at Delta Senior Center, 247 Meeker, Delta, Mondays and Wednesdays, 12:30-6 pm through April 13. Call 874-7837 to set time. 5x11c THE FRUITLAND Domestic Water Company annual meeting will be held Sat., March 19, 1 pm at Crawford Town Hall, Crawford, for the purpose of discussing the financial report, election of directors, and any other business that may come before the membership. Barbara Galloway, Recording Secretary. 3997592. 8x4c SUPPORT A SMALLER federal government, vote Republican. Paid by Delta County Republican Central Committee. 8x1b ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK Foundation Grand Junction chapter banquet, Sat., March 12, 4 pm, Two Rivers Convention Center. Call Art Graham, 970-2605729, for tickets. Follow us on Facebook, RMEF Grand Junction. 4x7c AUGUSTA’S TEA ROOM, Cedaredge, offering oldfashioned tea parties for your special occasion. Children, adults, costume, painting parties. 970-2425310. 5x4h DESSERT CREPES! New at WildFlower Bistro, downtown Delta. Also serving small breakfast selections 9 am-3 pm daily. DELTA SENIOR CENTER’S correct phone number is 970-874-7837. 5x4c MEETING TIME CHANGE Please note the Overeaters Anonymous meeting time has changed. We will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 4-5 pm at the Hotchkiss Methodist Church. Info Kay at 970-270-0819 or Ric at 856-4234. 8x2c ACOUSTIC JAM, Bluegrass, Country, Gospel, and Blues. Saturday, Feb. 27, 11 am-2 pm, Bill Heddles Rec Center. All levels welcome. Info 874-8777. 8x1c PRIME RIB EVERY Fri. and Sat. night at Delta Fireside. While it lasts! 8x2c BALDY’S AUTO Detailing, 901-7575. 5x4h LOCAL CHORIZO, sweet or hot Italian sausage from Kinikin Farms in Montrose. Available at Hardin’s Natural Foods, 31424 Hwy. 92, Hotchkiss, 8723019. 8x3c DELTA HUBWHEELERS March 5, Dark, Banner Steel. Club caller is Naaman Moorehouse. All dances start at 7 pm in the aerobics room at Bill Heddles Rec Center, 531 N. Palmer St., Delta. All dances are Mainstream with Plus tips. Round dances are to recordings and include beginners and advanced levels. Potluck dinners start at 6 pm. Pre-rounds 7 pm, Squares 7:30 pm. Questions, call Helen at 856-4187. 8x2c LOVING SPOONFUL meals postponed in February. Jeanne Gatto, who directs the community meal Loving Spoonful at the Teen Center in Paonia, has had to put all Wednesday meals on hold for the month of February. Jeanne has some medical problems that need to be treated and has no one to step in and take over the service in the next month. Without more volunteers who can commit to helping it may be difficult to continue. Anyone interested in getting involved either in prep, cooking, serving, or clean-up please contact lovingspoonfulnorth [email protected] or write to Loving Spoonful, PO Box 1083, Paonia, CO 81428. 5x4c THE OLDE MARKET PLACE Pea Green Community Hall, Sat., March 5, 9 am-3 pm. Antiques, country tag sale, fun, treasures and friendship. Like us on Facebook Pickin’ At The Pea. 7x3c GOT OLD MEAT SITTING in your freezer? Bring it to Hotchkiss Meats and we will make you some of our “Award Winning Sausages,” fresh or smoked, with 30+ flavors to choose from. Also come in and say HI to our “New Domestic Cutter in Training”, “T” Hicks. 8x1pp $10 OFF ALIGNMENT at Big O Tires in Delta and Montrose. See our ad in this week’s Shopper! GIVE THEM SHELTER! Help Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control build a new shelter. Donations can be mailed to FCAC, PO Box 853, Cedaredge, CO 81413. IF A HALF BEEF IS TOO much for your freezer, we offer a quarter beef as well! Homestead Meats, 741 W. 5th St., Delta, 874-1145. DELTA PREGNANCY Resource Center has baby food. Open Wed. and Fri., 10 am-2 pm. 874-5733, 523 Dodge St. Come by and see us. 8x2c NORTH FORK VISION CENTER Dr. Diane E. Reddin Optometrist Quality Vision Care Close to Home Open Tues. thru Sat. 210 E. Bridge St. Hotchkiss 872-2020 COLORADO CLASSIC sausage made on the premises at Homestead Meats using our all-natural pork, 10 flavors, always in stock, 5th St., Delta, across from Delta Sales Yard. 8x3c HOTCHKISS-CRAWFORD Historical Society annual meeting, Sun., Feb. 28, 2 pm, Crawford Town Hall. Program on Santa Fe Trail. Plus photo and history display of the newly fenced Old Crawford Cemetery (1883-1899). And fabulous refreshments, of course. Info 970-872-3780. 3x6c CUSTOMER Appreciation Days Sale! Best prices of the season! Stop in and experience the Cleary Advantage! Cleary Building Corp., 715 Hwy. 50 North Delta, 874-1066. END OF SEASON 1/2 price and bag sale, Feb. 24-March 12. Specials on bedding, furniture, jewelry. Methodist Thrift Shop, 205 Main, Cedaredge. Now accepting credit cards. 8564116. 8x3c NEED HELP WITH YOUR heating bill? LEAP season runs through April 30, 2016. Call Delta County Health & Human Services at 866-4328435. CAR WASH Try Summers’ Rocky Mountain Motors car washes, two options! Typhoon Touch-Free car wash or Soft-Gloss Chamois car wash. 360° wash, undercarriage and the only blow dryers in Delta County! 2195 S. Main, Delta. 33ufnc PRAISE HIM MINISTRIES presents Tenth Avenue North in concert at the Montrose Pavilion on Thursday, April 7. Tickets $20 in advance or $25 at the door. For more info call 970-626-5243 or see our ad in this week’s Shopper! GUTS AND GLORY During the Ram Truck Month Sales Event save up to $12,000 off MSRP on Ram heavy duty trucks at Flower Motor Company, 2580 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose. GRIZZLY PEARS CONCERT End of winter dance party! Feb. 27, doors open at 7 pm, Blue Sage Center for the Arts, downtown Paonia. $10 in advance or $15 at the door. HUNGRY LION GARDEN Supply has propagation lighting and tents in stock. Downtown Austin. We have everything you need to do it right! 835-GROW. FRESH TURMERIC AND other hard-to-find Asian ingredients can be found at Hardin’s Natural Foods. On Rogers Mesa near Hotchkiss, 872-3019. “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Page 5 – February 24, 2016 SURFACE CREEK SADDLE Club’s first meeting of 2016 will be held Feb. 29, at 6:30 pm, in the board room of the Cedaredge Bank of Colorado. We will be electing officers and scheduling for the 2016 season. Please plan on attending. 7x2c –1– BEST WISHES THE CENTER FOR YOUR body, your health, your life! Bill Heddles Rec Center, 874-0923. ARE YOU NEW TO THE Delta area? Stop by the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce at 301 Main St. for your free welcome bag filled with goodies, samples, discounts and community info courtesy of Chamber members and sponsored by Kim GuthrieBurch of Re/Max Today. 50ufnc TIRED OF THE same ol’ grub? Join us at the 66th Annual Delta County 4H Beef Roast, Sun., March 6, noon-3 pm. Adults $10 (ages 12 and up), children’s ticket $6. Two locations, Delta Middle School and Hotchkiss High School. HUNGRY LION GARDEN Supply is ready for spring! Are you? See front page of this week’s Shopper! Downtown Austin. –1– RECYCLE GRIZZLY PEARS CONCERT End of winter dance party! Feb. 27, doors open at 7 pm, Blue Sage Center for the Arts, downtown Paonia. $10 in advance or $15 at the door. HELLO NEW RESIDENTS! The Hotchkiss Community Chamber of Commerce is offering a “New Neighbor” gift bag to all residents who are new to the North Fork Valley. The bags have an assortment of items, coupons and brochures donated by North Fork Valley businesses. Pick yours up at the Hotchkiss Town Hall during normal business hours, Mon.-Fri., 8 am-4 pm. 26ufnc BLOW OUT SALE ON all used tanks. Going out of business at Little Creatures Pets in the Delta Center. STOCK UP! Case lot sale is coming March 2-16 at Cedaredge Foodtown! –1– THANK YOU FOR THE NINTH YEAR, Ace Hardware is ranked “Highest in Customer Satisfaction with Home Improvement Retail Stores” according to J.D. Powers. CREATIVE RECYCLING Buy, sell, trade in the Shopper! NORTH FORK RECYCLING Center has tips for those who recycle at the North Fork Transfer Station. Download at theconserva Click on the recycling photo on the home page. 17ufnc CANS FOR 4-H Aluminum cans can be recycled at Don’s Market, Paonia, at the bin in the parking lot. 44ufnc ADOBE BUTTES LANDFILL hours, 8 am-4 pm, Mon.-Sat., 1221 Trap Club Road, Eckert. More info at 9ufnc AUSTIN BAPTIST Church is still collecting pop and vegetable cans. Please drop off in back of the church in the cans. 37ufnc HOTCHKISS SENIOR Citizens collect aluminum cans. Please put them in the little shed on the east side of the Senior Citizens building located at 276 W. Main Street. Thanks for supporting us! 872-3494. 3ufnc DO YOU HAVE TIME, money or items to donate to a local non-profit? Are you a local non-profit in need? Chamber for Good is the county’s one stop shop to connect organizations in need with those who can give. Visit www.DeltaCol and click on the Chamber for Good logo or call 874-8616 for more info. And remember, shop local and give local! 50ufnc RECYCLE NEWSPAPERS County bin at 5th and Meeker, Delta. In the parking lot just south of the Post Office. 44ufnc RUSTY CORRUGATED roofing, steel service center. Recycle at Recla Metals, 249-7922. HOTCHKISS MEATS IS excited to introduce our “New Domestic Cutter in Training,” James “T” Hicks. “T” started last fall cutting game under the direction of owner Terry Neville. “T” is already cutting beautiful cuts and the percent of meat back to our customers has increased with his technique. Come give him a try! 8x1pp CAN YOU HELP? The North Fork Historic Society would like to have copies of Paonia High School’s yearbooks for the years of 1985 through 2015. If you have one you wish to donate, please call Judy at 527-3970. 38ufnc “BERNING DOWN THE House!” Rally party and caucus informative session, Sun., Feb. 21, 1-4 pm, Blue Sage Center, Paonia. Live music by the Scones and Lugnuts with special guests. 7x2c SIMPLY THE BEST! In price and service. Affordable Hearing Aids. Delta 874-4910, Grand Junction 243-1990. HAVE YOU BEEN TO Backcountry Goods? They have what you need! 158 E. Main, Hotchkiss. NORTH FORK TRANSFER Station hours 8 am-4 pm, Tues.-Sat. Recycling Hours, 8 am-3 pm, Tues.-Sat. 36577 K50 Rd. Hotchkiss. More info at deltacounty. com. 9ufnc UP TO 25% OFF Kenmore appliances at the Delta Sears Hometown Store. Sale prices good through Saturday, Feb. 27. BACKYARD CAFE Breakfast, lunch, catering! Fresh bagels and baked goods daily. Full hot breakfast served all day! 326 Main St., Delta, 399-3437. NEED FENCING? We can help. Alpine Fencing & Supply, 1427 Hwy. 50, North Delta, 874-3404. MATTRESS BROTHERS tax refund sale! 10% off all mattresses and accessories. 30% off adjustable beds. 50%-75% off name brand mattresses. 90 day layaway! 25 Stafford Ln., Delta, 8746317. GET IT SOLD! For the best results, state your town or location in your classified ad and get it sold! GUARANTEED CREDIT approval at Summers’ Rocky Mountain Motors in Delta. HURRY IN! Delta Hardware has select closeout paint on sale. 6x4c 50% OFF THE PERFECT gift! Do you love Paonia’s history? If you do, you should “gift yourself” or someone you care about a copy of Paonia’s 1904 Souvenir Book! It’s full of history and photos of the North Fork Valley. Now $5 per copy! Call Judy at 527-3970. Benefits the North Fork Historic Society. 38ufnc CHECK OUT OUR retail store at Homestead Meats, 741 W. 5th St., Delta, 874-1145. Open MondayFriday from 8:30 am-5:30 pm and Saturday from 9 am1 pm. BIG FEBRUARY SAVINGS! Stop in your local Ace Hardware store in Cedaredge, Delta, and Hotchkiss! PRINCESS BEEF available at Hardin’s Natural Foods, 31424 Hwy. 92, Hotchkiss, 872-3019. WE WANT YOUR recyclables. Will take windows, doors, building materials, limbs, lawn clippings, wood chips, manure, and glass bottles. 970-8355085. 7x2c TO RECYCLE ITEMS NOT accepted at the North Fork Recycling Center, see the Delta County Recycling Guide, a bi-annual guide produced by the Delta County Recycling Committee. It has a listing of where to take your recyclables. The guide can be found at www.theconservationcen and is titled The 2012 Delta County Recycling Guide. 17ufnc Page 6 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” CLASSES AMERICAN RED CROSS babysitting course, Sat., March 12 and Sun., March 13, from 9 am-3 pm. Classes for participants ages 1 to 16 and the fee is $85, which includes training in lay responder CPR and First Aid. Registration deadline is March 9. Contact John at 970-874-0923 for further info. 8x2c REGION 10, AGING AND Disability Resources for Colorado, a 6 county collaboration of businesses, community members, caregivers, and volunteers that serve and work with the aging and disabled populations. Next meeting March 8, 9:30 am, 300 N. Cascade Ave., Montrose. Free call in option available. Call Eva for more info, 765-3127. 8x2c TOUCH OF CARE AND Region 10’s Area Agency on Aging are bringing Matter of Balance classes to older adults throughout Region 10. Classes are available free to anyone who is concerned about falling. Each class includes (8) two hour sessions. Delta County class begins on March 1 at Westminster Hall in Delta, and will be held twice each week from 10 am-12 pm, every Tuesday and Thursday through March 24. Registration is required and classes are limited to the first 12 participants. Please contact Touch of Care at 970-874-6115 or toll-free at 866-874-6115. 8x1c SULTAN’S PRIDE MIDDLE Eastern Dancers, classes available Tues. through Thurs. evenings, at 305 Main St., above Ruby Canyon Bikes in Grand Junction. All levels, beginner to advanced, welcome. Private classes on request. $9 drop-in or $28 per month. Call 434-4608 or e-mail [email protected] for class times and more info. For carpool from Crawford, Hotchkiss, or Paonia, call Erin 527-4576 days only or 921-5950 evenings only. 3x8c WINTER LEARN TO Swim classes. Bill Heddles Rec Center is offering public swim lessons at all different days and times. All classes are taught by American Red Cross certified instructors. The cost is $28 per child for Saturday Session and $40 for Tue./Thur. or Mon./Wed. sessions, due at registration. For more information call John at 970874-0923. 7x2c NEW YEAR RESOLUTION Teach guns! NRA Firearms Instructor Certification, spring, April 9-10 and autumn, Nov. 12-13., 970-2703203, Suzanne@graceful 5x4pp THE HAPPY HEART studio/gallery, Maryellen Miller. Individual lessons, beginners or advanced, oil, acrylic, mixed media, collage, drawing, composition. Cedaredge, 970-812-2956. 3x6pd TACTICAL DEFENSE This 4 hour class may save your life. Refuse to be a Victim, March 5. 874-8450. 8x2b KINDERGARTEN registration starts now! See ad in this week’s Shopper for all the details! STOCK UP! Case lot sale is coming March 2-16 at Cedaredge Foodtown! TELL OUR ADVERTISERS that you saw it in the High Country Shopper! HANDGUN SAFETY class at Bill Heddles Rec Center. Sat., March 19 is the next class, 9 am-5 pm, $80. Completion of this class allows you to apply for a concealed handgun permit. Instructors are Dave Brown and Chris McMillan. Pre-register by 5 pm 3 days prior to class at the Rec Center or call Whitnee 874-0923 with questions. 8x4c BUILD GREEN WITH Fox Blocks, an energy efficient, environmentally friendly insulated concrete form from Rocky Mountain Rebar & Lumber, 686 Industrial Blvd., Delta, 874-8001. MOUNTAIN FUELWOOD wood furnaces. 874-2882. YOU CAN CALL IN YOUR classified ad to 527-4576. “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Page 7 – February 24, 2016 BUS GARAGE Supervisor. Delta County School District 50J is seeking applicants for a Bus Garage Supervisor for the Delta area. Minimum qualifications: Management experience desired, possess current CDL with S endorsement, or have the ability to obtain, experience in scheduling and record keeping, general clerical/ typing/filing skills/computer skills, excellent people skills (working with bus drivers, athletic directors, principals, students, and parents), vehicle maintenance experience, fingerprint and background clearance required. Go to del taschools. com and click on Employment to apply. 8x2b BLACK CANYON CAMERA Club is hosting a Lightroom 6 beginner workshop, 9 am-4 pm, March 12, Bill Heddles Rec Center in Delta. Lightroom is a photo editing program developed specifically for photographers. You will work right along with award-winning photographer and educator, Steve Traudt, on your own laptop computer as he shows you how to easily improve your pictures. Seating is limited to 10 or 12 registrants (depending on attendees experience). Steve provides a DVD so you can review what you learned in the workshop at home. Early registration is $135 for this all day workshop (good until Feb. 28). Contact Rae-Ann at [email protected] or 8567809 for more information. 7x2c CROSSROADS ASSISTED Living is taking applications for Cook/Dietary Aid (must be able to do both). 1380 Aspen Way, Delta. 7x2b RESOURCES FOR LONG Term Care. Look at a variety of benefits, services, and support systems to support aging in place. Most long-term care is not medical care, but assistance with the basic personal and everyday tasks of everyday life. Sponsored by Region 10 ADRC, Colorado Retirement Services, and Delta County Options for Long-Term Care. Tues., March 1, 10:30-11:30 am, free. Delta Oncology Center, 1501 3rd St. Registration required, call Region 10’s ADRC Delta office, 399-3615 or online at lendar. 8x1c CONCEALED CARRY class at Stengel Gun Shop, $15. I’m not trying to get rich! Call evenings, 8723748. 32ufnb PARKINSON’S DISEASE Physical and Voice Therapy Techniques, sponsored by Volunteers of America and Region 10 ADRC, presented by Suzie Stramel, Physical Therapist and Christi Masimer, SpeechLanguage Pathologist, March 3, 12:45-1:45 pm, Montrose Senior Center (Montrose Pavilion), and March 15, 4-5 pm, Region 10 building, 300 N. Cascade Ave., Sneffels Conference Room. 8x3c SPRING BIKE TUNE UP! Shish KaBikes, 232 Grand Ave., Paonia, 527-2221. Professional bike service and repair, accessories and recycled bikes. BOOKS AND CD’S ARE buy one get one free! Winter coats 75% off! The Shelter Shoppe, 290 N. Grand Mesa Dr., Cedaredge. CORONA GARDENING tools available at Hungry Lion Garden Supply. Downtown Austin, 835-GROW. POWERFUL TOOLS FOR Caregivers is an educational series designed to provide you with the tools you need to take care of yourself. This program helps family caregivers reduce stress, improve self confidence, communicate feelings better, balance their lives, increase their ability to make tough decisions and locate helpful resources. You will receive a book, The Caregiver Helpbook, developed specifically for the class. A donation of $25 to help defray the cost of the book is suggested but not required to attend the class if you are older than 60. Cost is $25 if you are under 60 years old. Classes held on Mondays starting March 14 from 1-3:30 pm at the Delta Hospital Oncology Center. Call or email to reserve your spot now! Contact Sandy Walker at 970765-3131 or Sandy@re 8x2c CEDAREDGE FOODTOWN Shop your local store and save more! AT YOUR SERVICE! See the Service Directory for all your contracting needs! EMPLOYMENT –3– HELP WANTED ESTABLISHED landscape company seeking crew personnel for landscape maintenance. All applicants must have an insurable, clean driving record and ability to manage time efficiently. Landscape maintenance experience, experience operating different types of equipment, Master Gardener certification and pesticide spraying experience a plus. We are willing to train the right people. Resumes will be accepted through March 1. Job will start in March depending on weather. Hourly wage varies depending on experience and position. Please email your resume to sewardsland [email protected]. 7x2b LOTUS MOON workshops, a series of experiential workshops/seminars designed to facilitate personal growth and awareness. Sandy Davies, B.S., M.S., 970-773-4111. The Language of Dreams, Sat., Feb. 26, 9 am-noon, $15. Spiritual readings by appointment only. 8x2pp COME AND PAINT your ceramics with Louann at Rogers Mesa Store, 32345 Hwy. 92, Hotchkiss, 872-4816. 18ufnc SEND US A CLASSIFIED! Email or text to classifieds@ BORED? Check out Bill Heddles Rec Center, Delta. TOUCH OF CARE is now hiring Personal Care Providers for the Delta area. Hours may start part-time and can lead to full-time depending on your availability. Please call Jeanette at 970-874-6115 or stop in our Delta office at 108 W 2nd St. in Delta, Mon. through Fri., 8 am-4:30 pm. 8x2b Page 8 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” HELP WANTED Volunteer Board Member, the Public Lands Partnership “PLP” is dedicated to influencing the management of public lands through collaborative processes that benefit the local economies and environments of west central Colorado. PLP is looking for a few talented and conscientious volunteer board members. We are looking to fill two vacancies, an at-large position representing the general citizenry of the participating counties and mining and/or energy industry. For more info contact Chris Miller at 970-640-7076 or send an email to info@pub 8x4c RANCH HAND, part-time, you would need your own transportation and speak English. Must have extensive knowledge of horses and fencing. Must be reliable and on time. Must have references, paid cash weekly. Olathe, 970778-5058. 8x2pp COMMUNITY OPTIONS, Inc. is now accepting applications for full and part-time positions in the day program at Cedaredge and a residential facility in Delta. Get trained in a meaningful career in a supportive work environment helping people with intellectual/developmental disabilities with their home life, community activities, and work. High school diploma, Colorado driver’s license, and a clear background check are required. Georgiana at Contact 970-856-7600 ext. 213 or pick up an application at 155 NW 2nd St., Cedaredge or 336 S 10th St., Montrose. 8x2b HOUSE CLEANER wanted for disabled veteran. Job should take 3-1/2 to 4 hours. Job pays $30 once a month. In Delta. Call Don, 970-250-6441. 8x2c FARM MARKET MANAGER Responsible Operations Manager needed for Montrose Farmers’ Market. Duties include event planning, fundraising, promotions, marketing, social media, grant writing, and attending meetings. Occasional market presence required. Part-time independent contractor position, $500/ month plus incentives. Send questions, letter of interest, or resume to mon [email protected] before March 1. 5x4pp MEMBERSHIP/ Underwriting Services Manager. Your local community radio station KVNF is looking for a Membership/Underwriting Services Manager. This is a part-time hourly position (28 hrs/wk) requiring strong computer, communication, and organizational skills, along with the ability to work effectively on your own. There is a great deal of data entry and data management involved in this position. Training will be provided for specialist software but learning the software is a critical component for the successful candidate. A love of community radio is essential and desktop publishing experience is a plus. For an informal conversation about the position call Jon at 970-527-4866. To apply, send a resume and cover letter to [email protected] by close of business on March 2, 2016. KVNF is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 8x1b STONE MOUNTAIN Village in Delta is looking for landscaping management contractors to bid on our landscaping maintenance work for the 2016 season. Please call Dennis at 970-209-1680 for a scope of work. 7x4h DAVETO’S is now hiring for kitchen and waitstaff positions. Please apply in person between 2-5 pm. No phone calls please. 8x2b LOCAL TRASH COMPANY taking applications for parttime labor. 527-3602. 7x2b DELTA MOPS NEEDS volunteers for childcare. Being a mom is an important job and moms need a break. If you would be interested in helping out this fantastic ministry just twice a month, please call Jeannette at 210-0996. 8x1c “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” MONTROSE BASED ditch and reservoir company/water district has an opening for ditch rider position to be filled as soon as possible with employment to start April 1, 2016. The position requires a self-starting motivated person who has several skills and can work alone and follow instructions with minimal supervision. The job requires the ditch rider to live in ditch rider’s house at Cerro Summit, about 14 miles from Montrose, year round. Education and experience requirements: High school diploma or equivalent ability to use hand tools, valid Colorado driver’s license with no restrictions, and good record ability to use basic office equipment, including computer with internet, tablets, cellular phone, copy and fax machines, printers, etc. A pre-employment drug screening physical and background check will be required. Other experience and skills preferred but not required include work experience in construction, ditch operations, parks or grounds maintenance, operation of heavy equipment and machinery, welding. Job duties include maintenance of ditch rider residence, maintenance of equipment and machinery, vehicles and tools operation, and maintenance of approx. 60 miles of canals, ditches, and laterals, and related structures within the jurisdiction of the company/district work with division engineer regarding diversions and storage of water under all water rights, decrees, headgate adjustments and control as necessary, and control and recording of flows and volumetric quantities of water supplied to water users’ operation of Silver Jack and Fish Lake Reservoirs, attending workshops as required from time to time, including a workshop to obtain certification by the Bureau of Reclamation as a dam tender, work with water users and management, notify management of areas of concern and needs of the company, and such other duties as prescribed from time to time. Ditch rider must be available to be on call 24/7 during the irrigation season to handle emergencies regarding the ditch and reservoir systems and regarding water deliveries. Work will require periodic heavy lifting. Salary and benefits: starting salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Other benefits include house and utilities, business use of pickup and ATV are provided at the expense of employer, 2 weeks paid vacation during the off season only, employer contribution to retirement plan, and health insurance. Application forms can be obtained from and are to be submitted to the offices of Bostwick Park Water Conservancy District and Cimarron Canal & Reservoir Co. at 400 S. 3rd St., Montrose, CO 81401, or call 970249-8707, or email to bost [email protected] for further information. Application forms also available online at bostwick 6x3h SEWING PIECE WORK, lightweight fabrics. Must have a five thread serger. Reply PO Box 790, Hotchkiss, CO 81419. 7x4pp Page 9 – February 24, 2016 JACK OF ALL TRADES for your tree trimming, pruning, and landscaping maintenance needs. Guaranteed quality work, free estimates, 12 years experience. 970-216-5366. 7x2c HOUSEKEEPING, PET sitting, errand running, house-sitting; also item sewing. Non-smoker. Text or call 970-250-8735, Linda. 8x2c CAREGIVER Warm, comfortable, country home for elderly person needing 24 hour care. Medical certified CNA for over 20 years. Experience/ excellent references. 970618-3882. 8x2c OFFERING CARPENTRY and handyman services, including painting. Specializing in finished carpentry, cabinetry, furniture and antique restoration. I have full shop, will do anything wood. Marvin Bencich, 234-3549. 8x2c PET SITTING, Alyce’s all-animal care. Specialize in dogs. Offering many pet services. Safe and reliable. Olathe area. 970390-2172. 8x2c WANTING ANY WORK, reasonable rates. Call Jay anytime, if not home please leave message, 250-0780. 7x2c HELPFUL HELPER, reasonable rates and reliable. House cleaning, landscaping, house painting, caregiver, caretaker, house, livestock, pet care. Also run errands. Ask! I’m here to help you out. Call Joanne 970-316-1855. 8x2c THE SEWING BEE Repairs, alterations, make it from scratch. Call Mary Bachran 970-433-1433. 6x4pp I DO IT ALL, landscaping, fencing, building chicken coops, remodeling, sheds, leaves, painting, you name it. Call me at 970-822-2008. 8x2c SEEKING WORK construction projects. Carpentry, painting, drywall, landscaping, cleaning, chainsaw work, etc. 2094717. 7x2c HOUSEKEEPER Experienced. Downsizing, only taking small one time jobs or one room jobs. No regulars, no businesses. Call Bev, 872-3487. 15ufnc DELTA COUNTY Humane Society is looking for a volunteer to help with phones. The volunteer will be responsible for daily checking and responding to messages on a monthly rotation. Can be done from the comfort of your home. Call for details, 970-3997227. 6ufnc JOB CORPS 245-0197 CALL TODAY CLERICAL, AUTOMOTIVE, GED AND CONSTRUCTION TRAINING IS AVAILABLE FOR MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE UNEMPLOYED, 16-24 AND NEED JOB SKILLS. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 2 laborers with field fence building experience. I’ve got tools and materials, need more muscle. $10/hr. cash. Crawford, 921-3152. 8x2c HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS wanted! Delta County Memorial Hospital needs hospital volunteers. Days and hours flexible. There are currently openings in the ER, Oncology, gift shop, and some additional areas. If you are interested please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Priscilla Ake at 5967458 for an application. 8x4c BE A PART OF THE solution. Promote family safety. Tri-County Resources is looking for Volunteer Advocates for our domestic violence/sexual assault hotline. After training is completed, you will be qualified to be an oncall advocate. Call 8746995 for more info. 30ufnc VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Partners, the “Funnest” job you’ll ever love! Call your local Partners rep now, 874-4661. 37ufnc –3– WORK WANTED HANDYMAN looking for work, 2745. 7x2c 812- CONTRACTOR/ carpenter, insured. 970201-0596. 2x12pd HANDYMAN/CARPENTER, 30 years experience, fully insured, home repairs, interior/exterior, painting, and roof repair, Paonia/Hotchkiss. Senior discount available. 970-778-8914. 8x2c YARD WORK, ALL JOBS big and small, can do it all! Jim, 970-644-1551. 7x2c HOUSE CLEANING, $12/hour. Call Darylene at 835-8993. 7x2c HOUSE CLEANING, looking for one good client on Wednesdays. Detailed, very organized. Have references. 399-3228. 7x2c CLEANING HOMES AND pet sitting, will clean your home, 20 years experience, also I do pet sitting in the Delta and surrounding area. Call 970-275-0457. 7x2c CLASS A CDL TRUCK driver with a Business Marketing degree, will work full or part-time. Call Kevin 970-929-5264. 7x2c HOUSE CLEANING Experienced, reliable, honest, mature woman. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Houses, trailers, apartments, lived in or vacant. 835-3044. 8x2c YOUNG HANDYMAN looking for work, 8564101. 7x2c NEED ITEMS TO BE hauled off to storage or dump? Call 856-4101. 8x2c HOUSE CALLS Handyman service, remodel, room additions, new construction, metal roofing, plumbing, electrical, drywall, paint, landscaping, fencing, tree removal, large or small jobs. 30 years experience, fully insured, very honest and reliable. Free estimates, Steve, 970-309-6062. 7x2c DEMOLITION: HOUSES, barns, corrals, outbuildings, and RVs. Site reclamation and cleanup. Affordable rates. 970-835-5085. 7x2c CRITTER SITTER, FARM animals or house pets, life time of experience, trustworthy and dependable. Kim 970-312-7868, Paonia. 8x2c TRUJILLO’S YARD AND lawn maintenance. Now ready to do early spring clean up, trimming, and haul away debris. 970201-0511 or 874-1591, message. 8x2c Page 10 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” SERVICES THE HANDYMAN I can fix, repair, or build just about anything. Painting, plumbing, trim carpentry, custom countertops, built-ins and closets, ceiling fans, and much more. Quality work at a fair price. Experienced caretaker services. Call Dave, 970-2096264. 7x2pp TRIPLE S Tractors and machinery repaired. Diesel, hydraulics, drive train. Ken Sharpe, 970-314-0000. 33ufnb MASONRY WORK 25 years experience, all phases. Sam at 527-3780. 3ufnb SHHHH! It’s the best kept secret in Delta County! The family clinic at Delta Health & Wellness Center accepts Medicaid and Medicare along with private insurances. The discount for cash is significant. Appointments necessary, 964-7740. 1025 Main St., Delta. 8x2b WE REPAIR BLINDS Re-string, replace broken parts and adjust. Tuesday’s Interiors, 856-8050. 15ufnc FRUIT TREE PRUNING Any tree work, licensed arborist (1983), 12 city, federal contracts done, bonded. Aspen firewood. Arbormen, 970-628-6777, 589-0865. 8x2pd GUTTER CLEANING Insured. 970-201-0596. 49x12pd ARMENDARIZ FLOORING 24 years experience, carpet, tile, wood floors, laminate, all repairs, campers also. 874-8780 or 3140197. 5x4h MATTISON SNOW removal, residential and commercial plowing, shoveling, and salting in the Hotchkiss vicinity. Reasonable rates and friendly, reliable service. Call John for a free estimate. 970-7734947. 2x8h THINKING ABOUT painting? Call Matus Painting and Finishing today for your free estimate. 970234-5590. 14ufnb PAONIA SENIOR CENTER Third and Main, rental available for small gatherings, no cooking facilities. Call the center at 527-3435 or Lynne at 527-4544. 6ufnc HOME AND HEALTH Will do house cleaning and also care for the elderly, feeding, bathing, grocery shopping in the Delta and surrounding areas. Call Carol 970-275-0457. 7x2c JUNIOR OR HIGH school tutor, English, Social Sciences, Math, or Electronics. I hold a degree and military background. Larry 270-1721. 8x2c DRYWALL REPAIRS AND patch work, 30 years experience. Delta, 261-5181, Dennis. 2x50h RETIRED MASTER woodworker can build almost anything, beds, all types of furniture, planter boxes, hope chests, all reclaimed wood or whatever you would like. Can save you up to 50%. Call Bill 970-856-3736. 7x2c CONSTRUCTION We can do custom cabinets, wall beds, finish work, framing, siding, drywall, spackle, painting, brick walls, pavers, fire pits, barbecue grills, cultured stone, shingles, metal roofs, etc. Call Dan, 970-697-7945. 8x2c OLD CLOCKS REPAIRED, preferably weight-wound. 921-4060. 8x2c TREE SERVICE Removal, trimming, cleanup. Gary, 970-210-9362. 9ufnb LAWN CARE SERVICE Mowing, trimming, flower beds, clean-up, tilling. FREE estimates, 872-6608. 39ufnb TILLING, MARKING, disking, brush hog, small backhoe, harrowing, ditch cleaning. Keith, 970-2504800. 5ufnb LICENSED AND INSURED Residential and commercial contractor for new construction or remodel Ag buildings, ADA/elderly refits, upgrades inside and out, property maintenance. Call Loren at 985-5799. 2x8h ALTERATIONS, mending, custom sewing. Judy, 872-2264. 5x5pd GENERAL LABOR $10/hour. Delta area only. 580-715-0997, ask for Bobby. 8x2c –3– CHILD CARE CUSTOMER Appreciation Days Sale! Best prices of the season! Stop in and experience the Cleary Advantage! Cleary Building Corp., 715 Hwy. 50 North Delta, 874-1066. KINDERGARTEN registration starts now! See ad in this week’s Shopper for all the details! YOU CAN CALL IN YOUR classified ad to 527-4576. CREMATION pre-planning freezes prices now, 874-3232. 4ufnc S.C.D. DRYWALL & Painting. In business since 1986. 778-4849. 15ufnb HAVE ISSUES, WILL Travel, Substance Abuse Counseling Services, Dr. Gregory A. Yovan, Ph.D., LAC. Licensed and insured. Please call 970-985-9384 to schedule. 7x2pp AUDIO/VIDEO I can install, mount, troubleshoot, and calibrate. TVs, surround sound, stereos, cameras, and more. Call Chad for any AV needs. 480-525-3539. 8x2c WE SELL PEACE OF MIND BulldogChimneySweeps. com, 970-872-2333. 40ufnb HALL FOR RENT FOR any occasion, 25 to 200 people. Commercial kitchen. Call 872-3355 or leave a message. 43ufnc PAINTING PREP, cleaning, and pressure washing. 970-201-0596, insured. 8x12pd OLATHE FIREMAN’S HALL available to rent for weddings, parties, church services, reunions, etc. Please call 323-5713 for more information and to book your event. 44ufnc BALDY’S AUTO Detailing, 901-7575. 5x4h RAM TRUCK Headquarters at Flower Motor Company, 2580 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose, 970-249-9664. Save up to $10,000 off MSRP on Ram 1500s. HOME REPAIR SPECIALIST All repairs, inside/out, painting, carpentry, flooring, plumbing, minor and major, drywall, siding, and much more. 40 years experience. Call Ray 970-2753259. 7x3pd JONES CONSTRUCTION Services, full service remodeling and maintenance pros. Additions, kitchens, bathrooms, garages, windows, doors, custom cabinets, maintenance, repairs. 399-3271, www.jcsiremod 25ufnc BUILD GREEN WITH Fox Blocks, an energy efficient, environmentally friendly insulated concrete form from Rocky Mountain Rebar & Lumber, 686 Industrial Blvd., Delta, 874-8001. EVERYTHING MUST GO! Little Creatures Pets is going out of business. 50% off everything, all cages, all tanks, fixtures, accessories. 970-462-1153. Located in the Delta Center. CUSTOMER Appreciation Days Sale! Best prices of the season! Stop in and experience the Cleary Advantage! Cleary Building Corp., 715 Hwy. 50 North Delta, 874-1066. “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Page 11 – February 24, 2016 –5– SURFACE CREEK BOOKS AND CD’S ARE buy one get one free! Winter coats 75% off! The Shelter Shoppe, 290 N. Grand Mesa Dr., Cedaredge. –5– HOTCHKISS LETTERS, NUMBERS, and signs at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c YARD SALES YARD SALE ADS are $5 for 30 words or less. Please remember to put your address and town in the ad! THE OLDE MARKET PLACE Pea Green Community Hall, Sat., March 5, 9 am-3 pm. Antiques, country tag sale, fun, treasures and friendship. Like us on Facebook Pickin’ At The Pea. 7x3c STORE FIXTURES FOR sale, great prices. Going out of business sale at Little Creatures Pets in the Delta Center. FABULOUS INDOOR SALE Sat., Feb. 27, 10 am-4 pm. Come help me clean out my office. Remaining inventory of antiques plus much more. 35305 Hwy. 133 at Beavers Construction office. 872-2323. 8x1b –5– PAONIA GIANT GARAGE SALE! Moving. Must sell. Little bit of everything. Bikes, chest of drawers, some tools, clock, household case items, kitchen stuff and more! Fri. and Sat., Feb. 26 and 27, 39417 Pitkin Rd., 10 am-4 pm. 527-4581. 8x1pp THE PAONIA MUSEUM is on vacation! If you would like to arrange a visit, call Judy at 527-3970. Open some weekends. 41ufnc GARAGE SALE Please call 970-270-1721. Couch, like new. Coffee tables, bed, night stands, Boze Surround 3/2/1. Acoustic guitar with amplifier and cable. By appointment only. All sales cash and final. Location 35 Main Ave., Paonia. Feb. 24 through Feb. 28. 8x1c –5– CRAWFORD HOUSEHOLD ITEMS DELTA PANTHERS stadium chair. Used only three times. Comfortable, folds up and is easy to carry, black with green logo, $40. 835-4588 or 261-9018. 7x2c LUGENE’S FIGURINE Made in Japan, old man and boy walking, very detailed and eloquent, $20. 970-316-1855. 8x2c KITCHEN TABLE AND 4 chairs, $50; kerosene space heater, $50; 100# propane bottles, $50; 2 and 3 person gliders, $50. Paonia, 970-261-4003 or 970-261-4231. 8x2c WORLD TRAVEL CLOCK with LED light, 18 different world time settings, calendar, temperature, snooze, takes 3 button cell batteries, $10. 970-316-1855. 8x2c BRIDAL REGISTRY for the bride and groom at Delta Hardware! Stop in and register. 121 W. Gunnison River Dr., Delta. 874-9515 18ufnc MEETING TIME CHANGE Please note the Overeaters Anonymous meeting time has changed. We will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 4-5 pm at the Hotchkiss Methodist Church. Info Kay at 970-270-0819 or Ric at 856-4234. 8x2c KING SIZE MATTRESS set, $300 and queen size mattress set, $200. Located in Delta. 970-856-3285, 303-885-5107. 8x2c TAX REFUND SALE Get 10% off all mattresses and accessories at Mattress Brothers, 25 Stafford Lane, #4, Delta, 874-6317. –5– SOMERSET –5– DELTA SEND US A CLASSIFIED! Email or text to classifieds@ MULTI-FAMILY ONE DAY indoor/outdoor sale on Sat., Feb. 27, 9 am-4 pm. Antiques, vinyl records, old books, household items, furniture, building materials and electrical, baby clothes, items and toys, and much more. Come check us out. 5825 5400 Rd., Olathe. 8x1h –5– OLATHE YEARLY AUCTION AT Delta Metals will be held April 2. We are now accepting consignments. Call 8747070 for more information. 1796 Hwy. 50, Delta. –5– MONTROSE 874-7070 ACROSS FROM THE VO-TECH 1796 Hwy. 50 Delta GOLD FILTER SALE Savings up to 50% off standard prices. Stop by NAPA Auto Parts, save money, and stock up for the season! 841 Main St., Delta. SEWING MACHINE cabinet, fold-out table leaf, front cabinet opens for threads and bobbins, walnut finish, $20. 970-3161855. 8x2c Page 12 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” QUASAR TV Older, but excellent condition, 12”x16” screen, excellent picture, $25. 3997611. 7x2c BRONCO FANS! Available a handmade beautiful Bronco quilt. 778-5087. 7x2c LINENS, KITCHEN ITEMS, crafts and art supplies, puzzles, games, baby items, a beautiful stroller, dishes and glassware. All and more at Barkin’ Bargains, 211 Grand, Paonia. Open 10 am-4 pm, Mon.-Sat. Support our dog/cat rescue by shopping at BB. 8x1c QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS, Denver Mattress Co., Monarch Supreme, pillow top, firm, with frame, $65. 399-7604. 8x2c LARGE 15” FLOOR VASE Abalone, effervescent glaze, $15. 970-316-1855. 8x2c 14” CIRCULAR plate for microwave, $2. 527-5618. 7x2c HOLMES WARM MIST humidifier, very slightly used, $40 new, just $15. Crawford, 921-3152. 7x2c 20 YARDS DURALEE fabric, 54” wide, striped, pretty spring colors, suitable for window coverings, home decorating, take all $2 a yard, otherwise $3 a yard. Call 874-9200. 8x2c CAFE CURTAINS, 2 panels, each is 28”Wx 32”L, green corduroy, excellent condition, no holes or tears, $2. Cedaredge, phone 970-462-3202, can sometimes bring to Delta. 7x2c OAK PEDESTAL OVAL dining table with 2 leaves, $150; 36”x60” office desk with 6 drawers, $50; 78, 45, 33-1/3 records from 1940s-70s; variety exercise equipment. Call 970-7730077. 8x2c ALL KINDS OF BOXES OF material for making quilts, about 10 boxes, mixed size pieces, all colors. Boxes sold individually, no picking through, $15 to $20 each, large boxes. 970-8563550. 7x2c BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY patch quilt, light weight pillowed insulation, pastel yellow and floral print, with pillow sham and 2 other matching small pillows, $40. 970-316-1855. 8x2c HONEYWELL COOL mist humidifier, $5. 3997611. 7x2c KIDDE HOUSEHOLD fire extinguisher, full, $15. 970-316-1855. 8x2c FILTER QUEEN sweeper, excellent condition, $100. 812-325-4506. 7x2c INFRARED HEATER, portable, Sun Twin, thermostat controlled, wood with glowing outlet, $125. 970-765-6888. 8x2c STAINLESS STEEL skimmer ladle by Graham Kerr, like new, $5. Cedaredge, 970-462-3202. 7x2c NEAR NEW COUCH Lovely chocolate brown leather couch, seats three. Low enough to fit under a window. Removable bottom cushions. $300. Call 874-1230. 7x2c QUEEN CHERRY WOOD Mission style bed, $199, new in cartons, headboard, footboard and rails. Add a new queen plushtop mattress set for $179, nightstand for $119 or dresser for $239. Twins, fulls and kings available. Call or text Jim at 970-640-2639. 39ufnb RECLINER LIFT CHAIR, light blue fabric, new condition. 921-4060. 8x2c LA-Z-BOY COUCH and loveseat, very good shape, $495. Call 2107365. 8x2c OVERSIZE CHAIR WITH matching ottoman, beige, blends with most every color, great condition, sleep worthy, $135 for both. 970-527-2424. 7x2c WANT GENTLY USED furniture. 970-921-3195. 5ufnb –6– FURNITURE MID-CENTURY ANTIQUE bed set, full size mattress, box springs, head and foot board, matching old fashioned vanity dresser with mirror, all in good original condition, $275. 399-7604. 8x2c ELECTRIC LIFT CHAIR Brown pattern, good condition, works great, heavy duty, only 6 months old, cash only. Call 399-3382, leave message. 8x2c BRAND NEW, in plastic, queen mattress and box with memory foam gel topper and premium coil, just $329. Fulls and kings available. Call or text Jim at 970-640-2639. 5ufnb TWELVE SHOWER HOOKS Golden star, moon, and sun, $10. 970-316-1855. 8x2c MR. HEATER PORTABLE Buddy with propane supply line, $50. Crawford, 9213152. 7x2c 25.4 CU. FT. side-by-side Whirlpool refrigerator with 3 water filters included in price, $300; round coffee table with matching 2 round end tables in dark oak, $100 for all 3 tables. 970-835-3963 or 970-417-7457. 8x2c SPICE RACKS, WOOD, revolving, each holds 12 bottles, not all spaces are filled but finding replacements or commercial bottles to fit is easy, very good condition, $3 each. Cedaredge, 970-462-3202. 7x2c ELECTRIC RECLINER, only 6 months old, works great, heavy duty, good condition, brown pattern, $300 or best offer, cash only. Call 399-3382, leave message. 8x2c QUEEN PLUSHTOP mattress set, $179, new in plastic with warranty; twins and fulls available. Also more styles to choose from. Call or text Jim at 970640-2639. 5ufnb FULL SIZE BLACK FUTON, $60. Twin Lacy Genius base and mattress, under storage, $75. 856-4337. 7x2c SOLID OAK TV CABINET with glass doors, perfect condition, free TV included, $200. Roy at 970-323-5452. 7x2c DINING ROOM TABLE and 6 chairs, $300; small kitchen table with 2 chairs, $150; couch, loveseat, end tables, bedroom sets, twin beds, misc. furniture, kitchen goods. 210-1089. 7x2pp 2 TWIN BED FRAMES, $10 each. New twin mattress, $20. 307-350-2906. 7x2c KNOTTY PINE CHEST 21”Tx26”Wx52”L, with 6 drawers. Great for storage or coffee table 241-7401. 7x2c –6– APPLIANCES ELECTRIC WATER heater, 50 gallon, very good condition, $75. 970856-1029. 7x2c GLASS CERAMIC TOP convection range, Frigidaire, bisque/black top, convection/speedbake, original papers, $100. 3238636. 8x2c NICE 1940’S (?) CHINA cabinet, dark wood, $175. No texts, Delta, 712-8260. 8x2c AL’S APPLIANCE REPAIR 835-8441. Fast, dependable, in home service. Also, rebuilt guaranteed used appliances. 39ufnb GET THE BEST TOOL for saving money! Join Ace Rewards today at your local Ace Hardware store! NEED CASH? Buying clean major appliances. 970-921-3195. 5ufnb “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Page 13 – February 24, 2016 Page 14 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” BIRTHDAY PARTIES AT Fat Cat Pottery are memorable and affordable. Reserve a date and we can help you set a price limit. You are welcome to bring in presents, cake, and ice cream. We will help your birthday child have a fun, creative day! Bring in 6 or more painters and we will make you a complimentary fingerprint plate. Call us for details or to reserve a time, 970-874-2529. 8x4c HIGH CHAIR Excellent condition, bought for grandchild, $45; also folding take along booster seat used once, $15 or $50 for both. 901-9603. 8x2c “CUDDLER” LINER FOR baby seats. Helps newborns stay upright. Maroon with tiny white designs, excellent condition, $1.50. Phone 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 7x2c SLEDS AND TOBOGGANS in stock at Big John’s Lumber. Toddler to adult sizes available. Cedaredge. 8x2c CANS OF NEOCATE JR. amino acid based hypoallergenic baby formula, soy and dairy free, unflavored powder, highest quality nutrition available for babies ages 1 year and up, $15 per can. 856-7905. 8x2c GE MICROWAVE/HOOD combo, $145; Frigidaire glass top stove, $150. Each list around $1,000, barely used condition. 589-3249. 8x1c NEW ELECTRIC HEATER, Comfort Zone. Call 970623-1342. 8x2pd KENMORE refrigerators; electric stove, Frigidaire, 4 burner. 8709871. 8x2c GE ELECTRIC RANGE White, 30”, 4 burners, oven and broiler all work, $50. 250-4778, Cedaredge. 7x2c RAINBOW VACUUM sales and service. Reconditioned. Rainbow vacuums. 835-3446. 39ufnb MICROWAVE, OVER THE range, $90, Hotpoint, lightly used, exterior fan, 2 speed venting, rotating turntable, 1.5 cu. ft., 30”Wx15”Dx16.5”H, model RVM1535, black. Call Paonia, 527-3511. 8x2c GE MICROWAVE, sensor model, larger than most, buzzer off feature, manual, clean, $50. 970765-6888. 8x2c UMBRELLA clotheslines, clothespins, wood clothes dryers at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c UP TO 25% OFF Kenmore appliances at the Delta Sears Hometown Store. Sale prices good through Saturday, Feb. 27. HUNGRY LION GARDEN Supply is ready for spring! Are you? See front page of this week’s Shopper! Downtown Austin. BEAUTIFUL WEDDING dress with wide brim hat and veil, size small 6-8. All bead work hand sewn, $100. 970-316-1855. 8x2c –6– CLOTHING & JEWELRY CRAWFORD THRIFT Shop. Check us out! We have new items every day. Great way to save money with excellent second hand clothes and other things. 37ufnc LETTER JACKET, no patches. Blue with white sleeves, men’s medium. Like new condition, $70. Cedaredge. Dave, 970-6406506. 8x2c TRAVEL SUIT/DRESS bags. Beautiful, all-leather, bought in Mexico, lots of zippers and pockets, $50. The other one is $10. 3997604. 8x2c THE ROSE IN HOTCHKISS Your local source for quality, stylish recycled clothing for women, men, and kids. Bridge St., Hotchkiss. 8721144. 33ufnc HOTCHKISS WEARHOUSE Stop and check us out! SALES and more sales! Handicap accessible via the library elevator (open at 10 am). Thank you for your donations and shopping with us. 1ufnc PENDLETON JACKET 100% virgin wool, size small, deep aqua with Navajo design across shoulder, $85. 970-316-1855. 8x2c PURSES Classic Coach purse, western style purse, Guess denim purse, Cedaredge. Call Dave, 640-6506. 8x2c $25; $10; $10. 970- UMW THRIFT SHOP welcomes donations of clean, usable clothing, household goods and other small items. Proceeds go to mission for women and children. 3rd and Onarga, Paonia. 33ufnc PROM, FORMAL, AND Homecoming dresses. Sizes 3 to 6. All beautiful. Priced from $5 to $50. Both girls have graduated and moved away. Cedaredge. Call Dave, 970-640-6506. 8x2c WESTERN HAT, SIZE 7-1/4 Brahma, 100% wool, gray, looks like felt, made in USA, excellent condition, $10. Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta, 970462-3202. 7x2c KNIT WOOL HAT AND scarf set, beige with a band of blue plus red argyle trim, never used, $4. 2 pieces, 2 sets available, unisex. 4623202, Cedaredge. Can sometimes bring to Delta. 7x2c WOMEN’S SIZE 8 ice skates, $10. 527-5618. 7x2c LEATHER ANKLE BOOTS with straps, 1960s style, with leather soles, like new, $30. 970-316-1855. 8x2c –6– JUST FOR KIDS BABY BASSINET with extras, $40. 623-6220. 7x2c LARGE PLASTIC TUB with 9 Nerf guns and bullets, $35. 970-316-1855. 8x2c WANTED DELTA PREGNANCY Resource Center has baby food. Open Wed. and Fri., 10 am-2 pm. 874-5733, 523 Dodge St. Come by and see us. 8x2c HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS wanted! Delta County Memorial Hospital needs hospital volunteers. Days and hours flexible. There are currently openings in the ER, Oncology, gift shop, and some additional areas. If you are interested please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Priscilla Ake at 5967458 for an application. 8x4c KIDS CLOTHING! Quality recycled clothing is always 50% off at The Rose in downtown Hotchkiss. 33ufnc SENIOR CITIZEN is looking for an older Radio Flyer type wagon. Can use to take to town. 8744220. 8x2c FREEBIES 2 TVS, PANASONIC and RCA models, they work, free. 901-6095. 7x2c GORGEOUS YOUNG rooster, 6 months old, needs a home, free. 8353044. 8x2c SHOESHINE ALWAYS FREE The Cobbler, 856-3331. 4ufnb FREE 32” PHILIPS Magnavox TV, works fine, manual included. 8742845. 8x1c MAYTAG DISHWASHER Not 3 years old, white, free. Phone 874-9596. 8x2c FREE WASHING MACHINE Older model, needs hoses but works. You haul. 970250-0780. 7x2c 17” FLAT SCREEN computer monitor, free. 970-216-6660. 7x2c WILL HAUL UNWANTED vehicles or scrap iron, free of charge. I also do property foreclosure cleanups, tear-downs or misc. Call Sam, 874-6389 or 4173335. 7x2c FREE FIREWOOD Will need to be cut up. 527-3196. 7x2c WILL PICK UP JUNK cars. Will also haul off farm equipment, metal scrap, 4 wheelers, riding lawn mowers, pull behind campers, car dollies, boats, trailers, for free. Call or text cell 970-417-9859. 7x2c SUPPORT A SMALLER federal government, vote Republican. Paid by Delta County Republican Central Committee. 8x1b I WANT TO BUY A used bow, arrows and equipment as reasonable as possible. 527-6229. 8x2c WILL PICK UP computers and laptops, macbooks, PC and laptop parts (no monitors unless it’s LCD I will take and no printers), sewing machines, working or not. Call 970874-2760. 7x2c I WANT AN OLD GAS water heater to convert into a sauna heater. 527-6229. 8x2c BUYING COIN collections and accumulations. Silver dollars, proof sets, gold, silver and gold bullion, currency and all US coins. Call 970-2425374 days. 38ufnb I NEED A COMPRESSOR, cooling unit with controls for my walk-in cooler. 527-6229. 8x2c WANT DEXTER BULL TO breed 2 cows in late spring. Dexter-Jersey cross calf available for sale/trade. 872-3799. 8x2c FLAVORED BBQ pellets and wood chips at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c WANT OLDER TIN or older used roof for 10x20 saddling area. Also looking for lodge poles. 209-3110. 8x2c LOOKING FOR A class, want to learn how to make dreamcatchers. 3993228. 8x2c WILL BUY OLD POCKET and hunting knives or can appraise the value for you. 970-250-1577. 18ufnb LOOKING FOR A 4x4 ATV, prefer one with a plow but will take a look at any. Call or text Mike at 732-599-4801. Thanks. 7x2c WANT ALL YOUR OLD wood, old decks, barn wood, anything old or used. Call Bill 970-8563736. 7x2c WANT A DOG HOUSE, free. 970-712-4647. 8x2c LOOKING FOR A good walker with a seat. 399-3228. 8x2c PRESSURE COOKER wanted, 856-4101. 7x2c WANT MARBLE SLAB, approx. 20”x30”; stainless steel popcorn popper; stainless steel steam juicer; canvas tarps; porcelain/enamel Dutch oven/pots; large Pyrex or stainless steel tea pot; burlap bags; polyweave grain bags; onion net bags; cider press/grinder. 8353418. 8x2c WANT YOUR unwanted items from household to non-running autos, RVs, campers, boats, metal, steel, etc. Give E&W Pick Up a call. 970-9867749, 970-964-8485. 8x2c 2 HORSE TRAILER wanted, old fixer upper, not so good shape, wood, metal or both and inexpensive. Just needs to be towable. 856-6648. 8x2c Production Sale “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” LOOKING FOR HEAVY duty 20-25 quart stainless steel stock pot, portable artists airbrush variable speed compressor, brass sieves, screw-in grain aerator, large planting tubs, redwood boards. 835-3418. 8x2c WANT SOMEONE WHO repairs dolls. 399-7611. 7x2c LOOKING FOR A Toy Poodle. 399-3228 or 835-8114. 8x2c WANT SMALL, STURDY, compact rebounder, preferably folding, and covered charcoal BBQ cooker on wheels, old style glass lid canning jars, Diamant flour mill, older partial sheet of plywood 2’ to 3’ by 6’ to 8’, grinding/sharpening stone wheel. Propagation/heating mats with plastic domed seedling trays. 835-3418. 7x3c 25th Annual M a rc h 6 , 2 01 6 • 1 : 00 p . m. LOT 1 Page 15 – February 24, 2016 –9– LIVESTOCK D el t a C ou n t y Fa i r g r o u n d s •• • H o t c h ki s s C o lo r a d o LOT 2 PB BW - 88 WW - 965 • Upgrade x In Dew Time PB BW - 92 WW - 970 • Upgrade x Dream On LO T 5 NEED ELECTRIC MEAT grinder, reasonable, 2015727. 7x2c LOOKING FOR TOMATO cages, sturdy plastic produce lug/boxes, bushel baskets, medium/large coolers, older agricultural/horticultural/botanical books and journals, baby food jars, partial fencing rolls, soapstone wood stove, small greenhouse. 835-3418. 8x2c COUNTRY LOT Looking to purchase 1/2 to 1 acre lot outside city limits in Delta or surrounding counties. No restrictions or covenants. Electricity must be available near the site. Please call 405-247-2900. 8x2c LOOKING FOR A nice treadmill. 399-3228. 8x2c LOOKING FOR USED air conditioner, windowtype. Kathy, 874-1617. 8x2c LOT 6 USED RAILROAD TIES In good condition, wanted for a retaining wall. Call 361-5584. 39ufnc WANTED TO PERFORM on May 5, mariachi band and/or dancers, for charity fundraiser for Arts Coalition of Delta County! Please call 835-3329 for more information. 7x3c WANT USED wheelchairs, will take parts, walkers and canes also. 970-250-2689. 47ufnc LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to record records onto cassette tapes. 835-8655. 8x2c COLORADO CLASSIC sausage made on the premises at Homestead Meats using our all-natural pork, 10 flavors, always in stock, 5th St., Delta, across from Delta Sales Yard. 8x3c 12 LAYING HENS 2-3 years old, still laying eggs, Red Sexlinks and Buff Orphington, $3 each. No texts, Delta, 712-8260. 8x2c SEVEN LAYING HENS 2+ year old hens, laying nicely, must take all, $70. 874-5234. 8x1c 3/4 BW - 84 WW - 860 • Upgrade x B.C. Lookout PB BW - 91 WW - 875 • In Dew Time x Leggacy L OT 57 LO T 1 3 1/2 BW - 74 WW - 835 • insight x In Dew Time F o r m o r e i n f o rm a t io n , c a t a l o g o r to v ie w v i d e o s o f t h e b u l l s c a l l : H: (970) 872-2669 C: (970) 234-0718 15.5-38 SNAP-ON DUAL, $200. 985-8692. 8x2c AGRICULTURE –9– FARM EQUIPMENT 5’, 6’, 8’ DISC, $500. Water weir, $500. 3 pt. disc, 8’, $500. JD 310 disc, 14’, $2,500. Phone 985-8692. 7x4pd Offering 5 5 Bu ll s 5 Heifers 1/2 BW - 79 WW - 840 • Apache x WRC Mr. In Time 1600 JOHN DEERE swather, 14’, pull-behind, new tires, $5,000, Olathe area. 210-3769. 8x1h WANT IRRIGATION PIPE and culverts. Also looking for pull-behind farm implements. 970-835-5085. 7x2c VARNER EQUIPMENT has all your equipment needs! Stop by 1375 Hwy. 50, North Delta, 874-0612. TWO GROUND-DRIVEN, one PTO-driven manure spreaders. Call 250-3714. 5x4pp NO TRESPASS METAL signs for the 21st Century. No immunity for gov’t agents. 970-252-1212. 17ufnb HOTCHKISS MEATS IS excited to introduce our “New Domestic Cutter in Training,” James “T” Hicks. “T” started last fall cutting game under the direction of owner Terry Neville. “T” is already cutting beautiful cuts and the percent of meat back to our customers has increased with his technique. Come give him a try! 8x1pp OUTWEST FARRIER Service. Reliable, professional horseshoeing. Graduate of Oklahoma State Horseshoeing School. Serving the Western Slope. Rob Brown, 640-9079, please leave message. 8ufnb HORSESHOEING AND trimming. Todd Kennedy, 17 years serving Delta/ Montrose counties. 970874-8323. 5x8pp GALVANIZED CAGE 24”Hx24”Wx24”D, has legs and litter tray, $55 at Tractor Supply, only $25 from me. Good for rabbit, chinchilla, guinea pig, etc. Crawford, 921-3152. 7x2c WANT OLD FASHIONED, hand-crank meat grinder. Kathy, 874-1617. 8x2c NEED SOMEONE TO work on my old Clinton boat motor. Call Ken 970921-4099. 8x2c LIGHT WEIGHT WESTERN exercise saddle, 15” seat, 8” wide pommel, padded stirrups, comes with saddle pad and girth, $100. 970316-1855. 8x2c PEACOCK PAIRS I’ve got too many. China Blues, mature or juvenile available, $175/pair. Crawford, 921-3152. 8x2c RUNNING OR NOT, cuckoo clocks wanted, prefer weight-wound. 9214060. 8x2c WILL PICK UP unwanted junk gas golf carts and 4-wheelers, any kind of toys with motor. I’ll take it off your property for free. Call or text 970-8742760. 7x2c BANTAM ROOSTERS, free to a good home. We have 5 small Bantam roosters that need to live somewhere else. Montrose, please call Abe 970-2140190. 8x2c ONE BOTTOM PLOW, $200. 8’ Eversman box drag, $200. 985-8692. 8x2c PORTABLE SHELTERS Poly hutches for calves, lambs, kids, piglets, goats, sheep, small pigs, large dogs. Easy to move, easy to clean. Keeps them warm and dry. Three sizes, $255$325. 970-234-3951. 7x2pp TRIPLE S Tractors and machinery repaired. Diesel, hydraulics, drive train. Ken Sharpe, 970-314-0000. 33ufnb FREE BALE SPEAR, $350. 985-8692. 8x2c LOOKING FOR OTHER horseback riders, must have own horse, I’m willing to travel, have my own truck and trailer, excellent trail manners, very versatile, located in Montrose. 970316-1855. 8x2c ONE SECTION 4” SPIKE tooth harrow, $100. Sickles for JD mower, $25. 9858692. 8x2c BIG GUN SPRINKLER on wheels, make offer. Make offer on 6” aluminum pipe, 6” Berkley pump with all hardware and fittings, 2”x4” scrap iron. Call 527-3827. 38ufnc 3, 5, AND 7 ROW markers, spring or straight shanks, 40’ electric onion/ potato piler, telescoping boom, 6 row cultivator, $1,000. 985-8692. 8x2pd 10’ EVERSMAN DRAG, $1,800. 10’ snow blade for truck, $800. 12’ spring shank chisel, $1,000. 9858692. 8x2pd 3 POINT DITCHER, $200. Pull type ditcher, $250. 985-8692. 8x2c WANTING TO PURCHASE 6” to 8” transfer pipe, reasonably priced. 835-5085. 7x2c COMMERCIAL composting toilet. Set it up anywhere for your agricultural workers. Manufactured by Composting Toilet Systems, Inc. Clean, never used. Cost $10,000 new, we are asking $2,000. Near Moab, 715-210-5383. 8x1pp SIDE DELIVERY RAKE, $499. 985-8692. 8x2c 20 BOER GOATS, nannies, bred, asking $200 each; 20 sheep, females, bred, asking $200 each. Olathe area, 210-3769. 8x1h YEARLING RED ANGUS bulls, Trich tested, Pap tested, fertility tested. 970275-2775. 7x2h HEAT LAMPS AND bulbs at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c Page 16 – February 24, 2016 NIGERIAN DWARF dairy goats, 8 weeks old. A female, $150 and 2 males, $100 each. 970-901-6212. 8x2c 25th Annual POT BIG HORN WESTERN saddle, 15” seat, 8” wide pommel with padded stirrups, light weight, black, comes with round or square saddle pad, $350. 970-3161855. 8x2c 10 FRYER RABBITS, $8 each; 3 buck rabbits, $8 each. No texts, Delta, 7128260. 8x2c "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” GOLD OF Bull Sale *$ 0 *- *0 1 ))( SADDLES CLEANED AND oiled. Complete saddle repair. The Cobbler, 8563331. 7ufnb Gelbvieh Gelbvieh Angus Balancers2 ALPINE NUBIAN Nigerian dwarf nanny, just freshened, and 2 Billies, negotiable. 872-4605. 7x2c 1989 LAZY H 4 HORSE slant, fair condition, $3,500 or best offer. 874-4590. 6x3c • Trich Tested • PAP and Fertility Tested • BVD Tested • Reds, Blacks, Polled • Homozygous Blacks 115 All Yearlings • Many A.I. Sired Bulls Bulllsl You Will Appreciate the Thickness & Good Disposition! Se Can’t make the sale? Bid ONLINE at -&&+ ( .$ / )* ')* (!) ( , &)"+ && )* ')* $(!) )(&$( (0,$' , &)/ *3+ - ,$)( *( $( )(,*)+ , &)"+ .$+$, -+ , *% ).$(",)( 1 )(, , -+ !)* &$. *0 ,) /// & .$ # -&&+ ( , . )/' ( 1 (,* & &) ,$)(+ PUREBRED SHORT HORN bulls for sale. A 2 year old and 8 yearlings, big, growthy, priced from $1,400 to $1,800. Call 2492220, mornings or evenings. 6x4h PORTABLE CORRALS FOR rent, 200 head capacity. Semi load-out chute and working chute also available. We deliver, set up, and break down corrals. Rent by the day. 970985-5951. 6x8pp HORSE QUALITY GRASS hay, barn stored. 874-7154. 2x7pd HAY FOR SALE, small squares, $6 each; two sizes of big rounds, 1,100 lbs, $85 and 1,500 lbs., $115. For more information call 970-260-8078. 8x2c ALFALFA HAY 4x4x8, $140/ton, 970-2095837. 1x8pp CLEAN STRAW, 970-527-4926. 50ufnb WEANER PIGS FOR SALE Fair time, beautiful pigs, born mid-December. Call or text 970-270-7520. 5x4pd 2 YOUNG ROOSTERS Barrock and Delaware Barrock cross, $6. 778-2934. 8x2pd GOOD HORSE HAY Grass and alfalfa, 2nd cutting, $5; 1st cutting, $4; cow hay, $3. In barn on Rogers Mesa, will help load. 970-589-3013. 6x4pd CHICKENS WANTED Two rescued roosters need hens, good home, won’t go to pot! 210-2751, Allison. 7x2c HORSE STARTER KIT 74” fly sheet with neck and leg cover, 2 fly masks, brushes, halter, lead rope, shampoo, conditioner, hoof pick, $75. 970-316-1855. 8x2c ENGLISH SADDLE Courbette, great condition, 17-1/2” seat, $250. 3235460. 8x2c 4 BLACK ANGUS heifers, weigh between 500 and 600 lbs., asking $1,100 each; 2 Black Angus steers, weigh approx. 400 lbs. each, asking $1,00 each. 210-3769, Olathe area. 8x1h MARCO TUCKER horseshoeing. 527-4478. 26x52pd WOOD SHAVINGS FOR animal bedding, 970-8563736. 7x2c DEEP SEATED ENGLISH saddle, 17” seat, with girth and pad, $100. 970-3161855. 8x2c –9– HAY BIG GUN SPRINKLER on wheels, make offer. Make offer on 6” aluminum pipe, 6” Berkley pump with all hardware and fittings, 2”x4” scrap iron. Call 527-3827. 38ufnc QUALITY ORCHARD grass hay, 60-65 pound small bales, no rain, no chemicals, shedded, near Paonia, $4.50. Call Joe 970-778-7936. 5x4pd HAY GRASS/ALFALFA mix, round bales, 1,500 lbs. plus or minus, $160 each, free local delivery. 970234-6223. 43ufnb 1ST CUTTING ALFALFA or straight grass hay, barn stored, cut dry, good quality, 65 lb. bales, $5/bale. You load. Cedaredge, 8567022. 8x2pp GRASS HAY, large round bales, approximately 1,150 lbs., Crawford, $50 per bale or $85 per ton. 970-361-7844. 7x4pp PREMIUM BARN STORED hay, grass, grass/alfalfa mix, and alfalfa. Large round bales, small square bales and 3x3x8 large square bales. Also have straw. 872-3141 early am or late pm or leave message. 23ufnb DAM MATERIAL and irrigation shovels at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c STRAW FOR SALE, large and small bales. 323-6570. 5x10pp 3,000 FT. OF 6” aluminum line pipe with bands, $2.50 to $3 per foot. Call 527-3827. 30ufnc CLEAN STRAW CropWorx, 835-3335. 19ufnc LARGE ROUND BALES grass cow hay, 1,600 lbs., $85/bale. Crawford, 520979-5044. 8x6pp BARN STORED, Redlands Mesa organically grown hay. Approx. 90% grass, some alfalfa and clover, crude proteins 14%15% TDN, 60-65% digestible nutrients. Relative feed values between 102-112. Second cutting 18.6% crude protein, very high nutrient value 163. 65 to 70 pound bales, asking $5.50. Call 970-872-4660, DR Fish Fertilizer Co. 44ufnb 500 BALES GOOD alfalfa hay, $1,500. Delta, 874-7855. 8x2h HAVE 3X3X8 SQUARE bales grass, grass/alfalfa mix and alfalfa. 872-3141 early morning, late evening. 23ufnb GOOD, TIGHT, FIRM bales alfalfa, 60-65 lbs.; grass 55-60 lbs., no rain, close to Delta. 874-9851. 36x24pd CERTIFIED HAY Premium horse hay mix, alfalfa, straight grass. Not the cheapest, just the best. $5/bale, cash only. Located in Delta. 970-210-7732, 970-596-6941, 303-5897634. We deliver. 40x34h GRASS/CLOVER HAY 5x5 rounds, approx. 1,400 lbs., net wrapped, tarped, $90/bale, will negotiate for large amounts. 970-7788773. 7x4pd 5 GALLON PLASTIC chicken waterer, $20; 1 gallon galvanized waterer, has been repaired, $15; 12” galvanized tray feeder. Crawford, 921-3152. 7x2c COWBOY AT THE CROSS Church, Sundays 10 am, Thursdays 6:30 pm youth group. 12211 Tongue Creek, Austin. More info 835-3897. 43ufnc SPRING IS COMING! It’s time to start thinking about harrows, ditchers, and markers! Varner Equipment, 1375 Hwy. 50, North Delta, 874-0612. LARGE ROUND BALES grass/alfalfa mix, approx. 1,400 lbs., $75; large round straight alfalfa, no rain, no weeds, $100 per bale; barn stored straight grass, $80 per bale. Hotchkiss area, 620-639-1478. 8x6h ROUND BALES OF COW quality hay. Grazer, 100 bales. 872-3141. 1ufnb GOOD HAY FOR SALE Eckert area, stored under cover, $5/bale, cash only. 970-361-5297, 970-6233860. 8x4h PEA GREEN AREA, 3x3x8 grass, $40-$50/bale. Delivery available for a fee. 216-1770. 5x4h 30 ROUND BALES grass hay, approximately 825 lbs. each, tarp covered, $35/bale. 921-3617. 6x3pp LEATHER HAY CHAPS, in good condition, $60. Call 527-3827. 30ufnc MIX HAY, 3x4 square, average 1,100 lb. bale, RFV 90-130 at $100 to $130/ton, delivery available. Pickup to semi loads. 970-234-4972. 50x12pd WEED BURNERS at Ace Gambles Hotchkiss. 8x4c GRASS HAY, covered, $4/bale. 5162. 8x4pp in 874- “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” ALFALFA/GRASS HAY 1,400-1,500 round bales, $80. 970-596-7367, 970596-3380, 970-596-7473. 7x3pp GREAT VALENTINE GIFT of love, Great Bernese puppies, current on shots, great companion, guard, herding dogs, parents on site. Phone 970-901-6578 or 970-2098357. 6x3pd ROGERS MESA HAY 1st cutting, grass/alfalfa mix, and good cow hay, $2. 872-4766. 7ufnb PAIR OF LOVEBIRDS and cage, $275. See at Little Creatures Pets. Going out of business, bargain priced. 8x1c CERTIFIED WEED FREE straw. 872-3141. 23ufnb HAY FOR SALE Grass/alfalfa, small bales, 60-70 lb., no rain, $4, covered. 970-872-2247. 6x4pp FREE TO GOOD homes, Blue Tick Coon Hound crossed with Border Collie, 6 puppies, both male and female, 4 black and 2 brown ones. Call or text 270-5086. 8x1c GOOD QUALITY HORSE hay, alfalfa/grass mix. No spray, no rain. 921-4060. 8x2b SUGAR IS A 7 YEAR old sweet Catahoula/Lab mix female. She is medium to large and well behaved. Sugar would like a relaxing home but someone to exercise with. She is a CAWS dog. Call the center for more info 874-1078. 8x1c –9– PASTURE FIRE MOUNTAIN WATER shares for sale, 600 shares available and can be sold as one block or split up (minimum 50 shares), price per share depends on amount of shares purchased. Call 406-670-2557. 4x7h DELTA COUNTY Humane Society has subsidy coupons available to help people spay or neuter their animals. Applications are available at your local vet office. For more information, call 874-2149. 39ufnc PRAIRIE DOG extermination. It’s that time of year again. Call for rates and information, 970-2616403. 8x2c LUNA IS A LARGE FEMALE Doberman Pinscher who is a very nice dog. She is fun and playful. Luna is a CAWS dog. Call the shelter, 874-1078 for more info. 8x1c 75 SHARES FIRE Mountain Canal water. 720-422-4241. 40x20h NEED SUMMER PASTURE for 60 pair. Have excellent winter pasture for 100 plus cows. Live water and shelter. 970-596-6941 or 303589-7634. 3x8h TIG, ADORABLE ORANGE tabby kitten. Big boy, just 6 months old, awesome white markings, golden eyes. He’s smart, sweet, affectionate, and wants to be your lap cat. DCHS foster mom, 970-874-8239. 7x2c –9– FEED & SEED 30 GALLON AQUARIUM with all the works, already established, 4 fish. 8353801. 7x2c DOG CAR BARRIER, fits any car, $15. 970-3127868. 8x2c SURFACE CREEK SHELTER Beautiful Shepherd mix. Grace is about 2, gold and white with black muzzle. She is a big girl, needs to be only dog. 856-2346. 8x1c PROM DRESS Fundraiser, Sat., March 19, 10 am-5 pm at The Apple Shed in Cedaredge. All dresses $40! 1,000 plus dresses, all sizes. Proceeds benefit various charities. “Every Girl Deserves a Beautiful Gown.” 8x4c NEW NOTEBOOK computers starting at $499. Available at Classic Computers, 238 Main St., Delta. 874-9210. 13ufnc COLORADO CLASSIC sausage made on the premises at Homestead Meats using our all-natural pork, 10 flavors, always in stock, 5th St., Delta, across from Delta Sales Yard. 8x3c PRAISE HIM MINISTRIES presents Tenth Avenue North in concert at the Montrose Pavilion on Thursday, April 7. Tickets $20 in advance or $25 at the door. For more info call 970-626-5243 or see our ad in this week’s Shopper! VINTAGE BIRD CAGE Round with curly-cues to hang for outside enjoyment! Recently sand blasted, powder blue, $95. 312-7868. 8x2c SURFACE CREEK SHELTER Very handsome Border Collie/Heeler mix. Buck is black and white and young (about a year old). Very well behaved and smart. Likes other dogs. 8562346. 8x1c OATS FOR FEED OR SEED Also oat straw in small bales for bedding or mulch. 835-3757. 8x4pd DOG STARTER KIT Two heavy ceramic bowls, toys, leashes, assorted rawhide chews, shampoo and conditioner, flea and tick spray concentrate, $30. 970-316-1855. 8x2c ALL REMAINING FISH and animals 50% off at Little Creatures Pets. Going out of business sale. The Delta Center. 8x1c 2 CATS/KITTENS, free to a good home. One male light gray/white and a female dark gray/white. Inside/outside, great hunters. Allergic, can’t keep. Must find new home ASAP. Call or text 970-433-4595. 8x2c FOR LEASE, two fenced fields, total 16 acres irrigated alfalfa/grass mixed. Eight acres will be plowed, worked, and reseeded. 872-3745. 8x2pd PETS Page 17 – February 24, 2016 2016 NORTH FORK BEE Meetings. “Inner Hive: What Am I Looking At?” Thurs., March 3, 6 pm at The Hive, 130 Grand Ave., Paonia. When it’s time to open your hives for inspection, sometimes it’s bee-wildering to understand what you’re looking at, and what you need to look for. Learn about the amazing inner hive and the world of bees. 8x2c CAWS ALWAYS HAS several great dogs and cats awaiting adoption. You can view photos and descriptions at www.cawsonline. org or give us a call at 5273350. 8ufnc DOG TRAINING Puppies too. Local vet approved. 970-210-2329. 5ufnb SURFACE CREEK SHELTER Misty is a very pretty gold and white Terrier mix. She is about 2, medium in size, good behavior but needs to accept other dogs. 8562346. 8x1c YOU CAN LOOK AT the Delta County Humane Society website to see actual photos of our animals up for adoption. Check out www.deltacountyhumane society. org. 39ufnc GIVE THEM SHELTER! Help Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control build a new shelter. Donations can be mailed to FCAC, PO Box 853, Cedaredge, CO 81413. GIVE YOURSELF A tax break! Open an IRA by April 18 with Kevin Parks Insurance Agency, State Farm Insurance. Stop in and see us at 126 E. 5th St., Delta, or call 874-5702. 8x1c 2 UNIQUE COLORED Parakeets and a nice cage, $50. 527-5342. 8x2c ANIMAL CRUELTY or neglect. Individuals who have concerns about animals that are possibly suffering from cruelty or neglect can file a complaint with the Colorado Department of Agricultural Bureau of Animal Protection (BAP). For more information, individuals can call 303-2394161. Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. 39ufnc LOOKING FOR A BORDER Collie, preferably female, free if possible. 712-4647. 8x2c BLACK LAB LOVERS CAWS has several Black Labs looking for their forever home. Playful, loving dogs, of course, aren’t all Labs? Call the shelter center 874-1078. 8x1c STORE FIXTURES FOR sale, great prices. Going out of business sale at Little Creatures Pets in the Delta Center. TIRED OF THE SAME ol’ grub? Come to the Delta County 4-H Beef Roast on Sunday, March 6, noon-3 pm. Two locations, Delta Middle School or Hotchkiss High School. $10 for adults (ages 12 and up), $6 for children. Info 874-2195. 8x2c TIRED OF ANIMAL abuse? The Delta County Humane Society (DCHS) could use your help. DCHS is in great need of volunteers. Fun and rewarding challenges await your skills. Your love and compassion is needed, from newsletters to fundraisers. Please give a bit of yourself to those who cannot help themselves. 874-2149. 37ufnc FULL BEDROOM SETS now available at Mattress Brothers. See our showroom at 25 Stafford Lane, #4, Delta, 874-6317. OLD TIME AND bluegrass music featuring Free The Honey and Way Down Yonder at Pea Green Saturday Night, Feb. 27, 7-9 pm. $10 at the door. Hwy. 348 and Banner Rd. (southwest of Delta). For more info call Len 874-8879. EVERYTHING MUST GO! Little Creatures Pets is going out of business. 50% off everything, all cages, all tanks, fixtures, accessories. 970-462-1153. Located in the Delta Center. KINDERGARTEN registration starts now! See ad in this week’s Shopper for all the details! NEED A BARN CAT? Free, free, free. Spayed/neutered mousers ready to go to work for you helping you keep your barn free from rodents. What’s better than a barn cat? 2 barn cats! Need a barn cat or 2, please contact the Surface Creek Animal Shelter at 856-2346. This project is a cooperative effort offered by the Surface Creek Animal Shelter, the Delta County Humane Society, Surface Creek Veterinary Center and a private Cedaredge resident. Thank you! 8x2c SURFACE CREEK SHELTER in Cedaredge open for adoption 9-11 am and 3-5 pm daily. Call 856-2346 for more info. See our dogs on using zip code 81413. Follow us on Facebook! 49ufnc Page 18 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Page 19 – February 24, 2016 Page 20 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” HI HIGH COUNTRY RY “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” • Real Estate • Page 21 – February 24, 2016 Page 22 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” COUNTRY HIGH Real Estate • • 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Delta, 1 bath, $750 rent. 970-901-2500. 8x4pd 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT All utilities included, 6 month lease, $825/month, deposit required, $500. Call 970-710-3103. 7x2h SWITCH TO LED AND save over 80% in energy usage! Get your bulbs on sale now through February 29 at your local Ace Hardware store in Hotchkiss, Cedaredge and Delta. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT $700/month, 6 month lease, $500 deposit. WiFi, cable and trash included. Call 970-710-3103. 7x2h ROOM FOR RENT 970-201-0596. 8x3pd ACCEPTING applications. Agriculture housing, 3 and 4 bedroom units, utilities included. Rent based on agricultural income. Call 970-8746166. 7ufnb SAVE 30% ON ALL adjustable beds at Mattress Brothers, 25 Stafford Lane, #4, Delta, 874-6317. $700, HOUSE ON 1 ACRE 2 bedroom, 1 bath house with 2 car garage on the outskirts of Delta. Outdoor pets considered, no smoking, $700/month plus utilities and $700 security deposit, background check and references required. Available immediately. Mountain Valley Realty, 250-4142. 8ufnb 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT New paint, new furnace, $690/month, $690 deposit, all utilities included, lease required. 209-6516. 41ufnb ROOMMATE WANTED, $500/month, $500 deposit. All utilities plus WiFi and cable included, no pets, no smoking. Call 970-7103103. 7x2h WE LOVE OUR READERS! Thank you for reading the High Country Shopper! FENCING SOLUTIONS at Alpine Fencing. 874-3404. UP TO 25% OFF Kenmore appliances at the Delta Sears Hometown Store. Sale prices good through Saturday, Feb. 27. REAL ESTATE – 11 – RENTALS DELTA AREA 3 BEDROOM, BATH AND 1/2, no smoking, no pets, renter pays all utilities, $1,000 rent, $1,000 damage deposit. Call Pat 874-4401, InterWest Real Estate. 8ufnb 2 BEDROOMS available sharing a house, only 1 bath, each room is $300, available immediately. 303-885-5107, Delta. 8x1pp LARGE 1 BEDROOM apartment, close to downtown, lots of closet space, freshly painted, $400/ month, $400 deposit. 9867627. 7x6pp 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH home to share on 2 acres in North Delta. 2 rooms to rent, share bath, no pets, no smoking, $350/month with $400 security deposit, month to month, utilities included. 970-401-1295. 8x5pp SECOND STORY apartment for rent in Delta, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,100 sq. ft., has its own storage unit, laundry facility. No dogs. 874-3505 Colleen or 399-3292 ask for Cathy. 5x4b BLOOD DRAW ON-LINE registration can be done now at Health Fair dates are March 16-18. EXTENDED STAY monthly rentals, possible kitchenette, at Westways Court Motel. Clean, clean, clean! Laundry, Wi-fi, cable TV, all utilities included. 874-4415 or 970-2508400. 6x3b NEED HELP WITH YOUR heating bill? LEAP season runs through April 30, 2016. Call Delta County Health & Human Services at 866-4328435. 7 MILES EAST OF DELTA 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile in the country. Fenced yard. Water and trash included. Call Aardvark Realty, 970-874-8000. 8x1b FOX BLOCKS INSULATED concrete forms are able to withstand the worst storms, harmful molds, dust, and allergens! Available at Rocky Mountain Rebar & Lumber, 686 Industrial Blvd., Delta, 874-8001. 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 1,900 sq. ft. house with fenced yard. Pets allowed, close to schools and hospital, $1,050/month. Call 216-4435 if interested. 6x4pp 20% OFF COUPON One purchase per person, expires March 16. Hungry Lion Garden Supply, Austin. See front page of this week’s Shopper! 835-GROW. 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, two story farm house on H Road about 5 miles east of Delta. $800 per month, $800 deposit. No smoking, pet with approval of owner. Call InterWest Real Estate, Pat, 970-874-4401. 6ufnb BELT SANDER RACES at Delta Hardware this Saturday at 2 pm. Trial run starts at 1 pm. See ad in this week’s Shopper for details and prizes. SEND US A CLASSIFIED! Email or text to classifieds@ AT YOUR SERVICE! See the Service Directory for all your contracting needs! DELTA FURNISHED large 1 bedroom country apartment, call for appointment to see and interview. Application, references and background check required. Will consider unfurnished if needed. No smoking, no pets, $500/month plus utilities. Jeanne 2617737. 8x2pp 2 BEDROOMS, 1 BATH mobile home trailer with appliances, 5 miles east of Delta, pets OK and room for 2 horses, $650/month plus $650 deposit. For more information call 970209-2047. 6x3pd DON’T FORGET TO change those furnace filters! They’re on sale this month at your local Ace Hardware store in Delta, Hotchkiss, and Cedaredge. “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Page 23 – February 24, 2016 417 HOWARD 2 bedroom, 1 bath, living room, family room, kitchen with stove and refrigerator, washer and dryer. $750 per month, $750 deposit. One year lease. Tenant pays their own utilities. No smoking, no pets. Call Pat at InterWest Real Estate, 970-874-4401. 6ufnb NEWER 900 SQ. FT., 2 bedroom duplex unit on 1 acre in Cedaredge. $695/month. Pets on approval, fee will apply. Available March 1. Call 234-8550 or 856-7000, American Land Realty. 7ufnb TIRED OF THE same ol’ grub? Join us at the 66th Annual Delta County 4H Beef Roast, Sun., March 6, noon-3 pm. Adults $10 (ages 12 and up), children’s ticket $6. Two locations, Delta Middle School and Hotchkiss High School. – 11 – RENTALS SURFACE CREEK EASY REST MEMORY foam mattresses just like Temper-pedic but for less than half the cost. Mattress Brothers, 25 Stafford Lane, Delta, 874-6317. STUDIO APARTMENT IN Eckert. Nice unit with AC, available immediately, $575 per month includes all utilities. Security deposit $575. Contact Cedaredge Land Company at 8563173. 8x3b BOOKS AND CD’S ARE buy one get one free! Winter coats 75% off! The Shelter Shoppe, 290 N. Grand Mesa Dr., Cedaredge. GRAND MESA MINI STORAGE • On Site Managers • Security Fenced • Competitive Prices Unit Sizes Include: 10x10, 10x15, 10x20, 10x30, 10x40 AVAILABLE NOW: Covered Parking for Boats, Motorhomes, Horse Trailers, Etc. Call 856-7013 For Information 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH walk-out basement home with 2 car attached garage north of Cedaredge. This unit has a wood pellet stove. $800 per month plus all utilities and $800 security deposit. Contact Cedaredge Land Company at 856-3173. 8x3b KINDERGARTEN registration starts now! See ad in this week’s Shopper for all the details! CUTE, COZY, SPOTLESSLY clean, completely furnished 1 bedroom unit for rent at Shady Creek RV Park in Cedaredge. Quiet, secure grounds, waiting for the right person, $475 per month, plus electric. Damage deposit, small pet on approval. Taking applications now. Call 970-8567522. 5x4b TOOL DEALS AT the Delta Sears Hometown Store! Up to 50% off Craftsman tool bag, Irwin clamp set, and more. Stop in 208 Ute St. for details. FOR RENT 55+ PARK, Cory, 48’ Spartan, furnished or not, $450 month. Garry, 510-600-4014. 8x7pd SPRING IS COMING! It’s time to start thinking about harrows, ditchers, and markers! Varner Equipment, 1375 Hwy. 50, North Delta, 874-0612. CHECK OUT OUR retail store at Homestead Meats, 741 W. 5th St., Delta, 874-1145. Open MondayFriday from 8:30 am-5:30 pm and Saturday from 9 am1 pm. IF A HALF BEEF IS TOO much for your freezer, we offer a quarter beef as well! Homestead Meats, 741 W. 5th St., Delta, 874-1145. WE ARE YOUR RAM Truck Headquarters! Come to Flower Motor Company, 2580 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose. UP TO 25% OFF Kenmore appliances at the Delta Sears Hometown Store. Sale prices good through Saturday, Feb. 27. HUNGRY LION GARDEN Supply is ready for spring! Are you? See front page of this week’s Shopper! Downtown Austin. IN THE CORY AREA, smaller, older, 3 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home on 1-1/2 acres. Must love yard work, property fenced in, all appliances included, no smoking, must pass a background check. Country setting, yet only 8 miles from town. Call 874-7987, must leave a message. 5ufnb EVERYTHING MUST GO! Little Creatures Pets is going out of business. 50% off everything, all cages, all tanks, fixtures, accessories. 970-462-1153. Located in the Delta Center. HOMESTEAD ESTATES Senior Apartments, 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment, newly renovated. Rent includes all utilities except phone and TV. Accessible, A/C, indoor mailboxes, all one level, outdoor living space, washer/dryer in unit, available immediately. Must see to appreciate. Call Bob at 970-234-7591 or 970-856-7591. 45ufnb $10 OFF ALIGNMENT at Big O Tires in Delta and Montrose. See our ad in this week’s Shopper! 1996 MOBILE HOME 2 bedroom, 2 bath, near Cory, no smoking, no pets, no marijuana, $600/month. 970-261-4182. 8x2pd ALL ADS SUBMITTED to the High Country Shopper for publication must have the contact name and phone number. Page 24 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” COUNTRY HIGH Real Estate • • – 11 – RENTALS OLATHE AREA HUGE SELECTION ON previously owned vehicles with guaranteed credit approval. Come experience the difference at Wollert Automotive, 1710 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose, 970-2496464. – 11 – RENTALS MONTROSE & BEYOND 25TH ANNUAL POT OF Gold Bull Sale, Fri., Feb 26, 12 noon at the Flowers Auction Barn in Montrose. For more info call Mark at 970249-1453 or Dave at 970323-6833. – 11 – LOOKING TO RENT GROUP OF ADULTS in search of rental, 3.5 bedrooms with room for garden and dogs, preferably in Paonia area. 970-312-4494. 8x2c BLOW OUT SALE ON all used tanks. Going out of business at Little Creatures Pets in the Delta Center. RESPONSIBLE ADULT looking to rent, long term, studio/cabin in the Paonia area. I have references in housecleaning, yard work, animal farm care if I could work for reduced rent. Please call Kim 312-7868. 8x2c – 11 – RENTALS NORTH FORK BIG 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath in desirable Maple Leaf Apartments in Paonia. $560 plus utilities, no pets. 424-6955, 970-201-7642. 3ufnb CUSTOMER Appreciation Days sale at Cleary Building Corp. on March 10-12. Best prices of the season! 715 Hwy. 50, North Delta, 874-1066. CABIN, 1 BATH, studio style, $400 per month, utilities included, Crawford. 970-921-5624. 8x1c SPRING BIKE TUNE UP! Shish KaBikes, 232 Grand Ave., Paonia, 527-2221. Professional bike service and repair, accessories and recycled bikes. 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH ranch near Paonia Town Park, large 2 car garage with workshop area, fenced yard with sprinklers, dishwasher, W/D hookup, natural gas heat, swamp cooler, dog possible, no cats, no smoking, $900/month plus utilities, first, last and security deposit, 12 month lease. Credit, background checks and references required. Available March 1. 970-527-4598, 7 am-7 pm. 8x2pd GIVE THEM SHELTER! Help Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control build a new shelter. Donations can be mailed to FCAC, PO Box 853, Cedaredge, CO 81413. RENTAL SOMERSET 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, $550/month includes water and sewer, $550 deposit. 260-0552. 7x2pd GET THE BEST TOOL for saving money! Join Ace Rewards today at your local Ace Hardware store! NEED A PLACE TO MEET? Memorial Hall in Hotchkiss offers 3 meeting rooms at reasonable prices. The newly remodeled Wheeler Room, as well as the Adams Room, is available for $20 per morning, afternoon or evening ($60 for all day), and the Large Ballroom is $30 per morning, afternoon or evening ($90 for all day). The kitchen can be shared. Baking or cooking with the stove is $10 extra. Large parties or dances require a $150 deposit. Reservations and keys are available at the Hotchkiss Library during regular library hours, Mon.-Thurs., 10 am-6 pm. Call the library at 3997781 to reserve or for further info. NEED HELP WITH YOUR heating bill? LEAP season runs through April 30, 2016. Call Delta County Health & Human Services at 866-4328435. SEND US A CLASSIFIED! Email or text to classifieds@ NY STYLE PIZZA at J&S Bakeria, 12840 Hwy. 65, Eckert, 835-3656. Get a 20” pizza with up to 3 toppings for only $20! MASTERS STUDENT (U of K) looking for housing: May, June, July and part of August rental. Very well trained German Shepherd, fixed male. Working on thesis (tree genetics) during the weekends and working for the FS during the week. Willing to do property maintenance for rent reduction. Will need basic furniture. Student budget but reliable, friendly and outgoing. 859-6847475. 8x2c FOR LEASE 16,000 sq. ft. warehouse/ shop space in 5 steel insulated buildings on 10 fenced acres on Hwy. 50, North Delta. Can sublet with 6 different shop/storage spaces. Excellent prices, $3/sq. ft. for all with 3 year lease. For sale $25/sq. ft. 970-260-0944, leave message. 7x4h LS STORAGE Delta/Austin Area – 11 – COMMERCIAL RENTALS JUST DUCKY STORAGE has 3 units available, 10x20, $65/month. Please call 872-2580. 6x4c 10x20 • 20x30 • 20x20 •15x30 Units Starting at $45 Pam•874-1004 OFFICE SUITE for rent, nice location on Main Street with lots of parking. 874-3600 and ask for Dave. 13ufnb DELTA, MAIN STREET office space available, 1,305 sq. ft. with large open area, plus private office and break room, $950/month. Call Aardvark Realty, 970-874-8000. 8x1b SHISH KABIKES IN Paonia is your source for spring bike tune ups! 232 Grand Ave., 527-2221. GET $10 OFF ANY OIL change service with coupon for Big O Tires. See our ad for details. OFFICE SUITES available starting at $325/ month. Excellent location in Delta, newly constructed, warm and clean professional atmosphere. Use of conference room and break room. Plenty of parking spaces. Great roadside visibility! Mountain Valley Realty, LLC, 970250-4142. 37ufnb “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Page 25 – February 24, 2016 COUNTRY HIGH Real Estate • • FOR SALE, 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath house in Eckert area, 1,896 sq. ft., 2.65 acres, 2 car garage, fireplace with pellet insert, 2 small storage buildings, landscaping and lawn has underground irrigation system, fenced area with lean-to for animals. By appointment only, 2501142. 7x8pd RETIREMENT HOMES IN protected quiet area in Arizona, by a beautiful large lake, good fishing and boating, $28,000 to $70,000. Call 970-640-6433. 45x20h 44 ACRES, 2-1/2 MILES SE of Hotchkiss, water tap, well and irrigation water, $155,000, owner may finance. Crawford Realty, 921-5021 anytime. 18ufnb BLOOD DRAW ON-LINE registration can be done now at Health Fair dates are March 16-18. YOU CAN CALL IN YOUR classified ad to 527-4576. – 11 – MOBILE HOMES – 11 – HOMES & ACREAGE 16 ACRES OVERLOOKING Crawford Reservoir with spring rights for 1 home and irrigation up to 10 acres, $125,000. Crawford Realty, 921-5021 anytime. 18ufnb 50%-60% OFF ALL mattresses and foundations at the Delta Sears Hometown Store. PAONIA HOME Remodeled 2 plus years ago, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, with full finished basement, hot water heat and fireplace. Includes all appliances, including washer and dryer. Asking $139,000. Call 970-3615601 or 970-361-5694. 6x3b FEBRUARY ONLY! Free spare tire, 2 ratchet straps, and a set of hitching rods with a purchase of 5,000-7,000 lb. Big Tex flatbed trailer. Varner Equipment, 1375 Hwy. 50, North Delta, 874-0612. MOBILE HOME transport, pilot car, set and level crane set, concrete foundations, state inspection, re-level and all mobile home services. State licensed, bonded, and insured. 970-216-7525, 970216-2045. 9ufnb BIG FEBRUARY SAVINGS! Stop in your local Ace Hardware store in Cedaredge, Delta, and Hotchkiss! SAVE 30% ON ALL adjustable beds at Mattress Brothers, 25 Stafford Lane, #4, Delta, 874-6317. WILDFLOWER BISTRO serves Colorado craft beers and Bistro wine. Downtown Delta. LOCAL CHORIZO, sweet or hot Italian sausage from Kinikin Farms in Montrose. Available at Hardin’s Natural Foods, 31424 Hwy. 92, Hotchkiss, 872- 3019. BACKYARD CAFE Breakfast, lunch, catering! Fresh bagels and baked goods daily. Full hot breakfast served all day! 326 Main St., Delta, 399-3437. WOLLERT AUTOMOTIVE is your used car superstore! We have a huge selection of vehicles to choose from. 1710 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose, 249-6464. CONSIGNMENTS NOW being accepted for the April 2 auction at Delta Metals. Call 874-7070 for more information. 1796 Hwy. 50, Delta. – 11 – COMMERCIAL & BUSINESS UP TO 50% OFF Craftsman tool storage, mechanic’s tool sets, and power tool accessories! Delta Sears Hometown Store, 208 Ute St. CLEARANCE SALE at Westminster Hall and Raising Hope Thrift Store on March 3, 4 and 5, 8 am-5 pm. 460 Main St., Delta. CUSTOMER Appreciation Days Sale! Best prices of the season! Stop in and experience the Cleary Advantage! Cleary Building Corp., 715 Hwy. 50 North Delta, 874-1066. TIRED OF COMMUTING? Midlands Village, 435 32 Road, Grand Junction, 970434-8193, or Cimarron Creek, 901 65.30 Rd., Montrose, 970-249-0493, has homes ready for immediate occupancy. Our homes start in the $40’s. All homes in our community are owner occupied. Stop in or call for more information. 46ufnb ARIZONA SUNSHINE 2 acres, only $3,995, $95 down, easy terms, warm winters. 928-753-7125, 6x3pp OLD TIME AND bluegrass music featuring Free The Honey and Way Down Yonder at Pea Green Saturday Night, Feb. 27, 7-9 pm. $10 at the door. Hwy. 348 and Banner Rd. (southwest of Delta). For more info call Len 874-8879. GET THE BEST TOOL for saving money! Join Ace Rewards today at your local Ace Hardware store! Page 26 – February 24, 2016 AUTOMOTIVE – 12 – CARS & VANS 1993 FORD TEMPO $450. 200-4450, Crawford. 8x2c 1998 HONDA PRELUDE 5 speed transmission, excellent condition, $4,500 or best offer. There are many upgrades and regularly maintained. Call me to set up a viewing. Eric, 386986-9586. 48x12pd 2000 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 106,000 miles, PS, PB, has some mechanical issues but runs OK, minor dents, old tires, $450. 970-497-6924. 7x2c 1988 CHEVY VAN Sports conversion, 5.71 engine, 159,000 miles, exterior good for age, 2 new tires, starts and runs well, very reliable all winter, $499. 874-2724. 8x1c 1998 FORD TAURUS wagon, new tires, starts and runs good, $1,750 negotiable. 970-433-4356. 8x4h BALDY’S AUTO Detailing, 901-7575. 5x4h YOU CAN CALL IN YOUR classified ad to 527-4576. "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” – 12 – TRUCKS 4X4 – 12 – SUVs 2013 DODGE RAM 1500 Express quad cab, 4x4, 5.7 L Hemi, auto trans., 4 wheel disc brakes, positraction, rear differential, remote start, matching Leer camper shell, new tires, many extras, 43,000 miles, must sell, $27,500. 970201-2675. 8x12pp GUTS AND GLORY During the Ram Truck Month Sales Event save up to $12,000 off MSRP on Ram heavy duty trucks at Flower Motor Company, 2580 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose. 1979 TOYOTA, 4WD, $2,500. 970-361-7364. 8x4pp WE LOVE OUR READERS! We love our advertisers! WE BUY VEHICLES Get an instant quote and the most for your trade at Wollert Automotive, 970249-6464, 1710 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose. GIVE THEM SHELTER! Help Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control build a new shelter. Donations can be mailed to FCAC, PO Box 853, Cedaredge, CO 81413. 2008 FORD F-450 57,000 miles, excellent shape. Please call 970-3617364. 8x4pp 2007 DODGE 3500 mega cab with long bed conversion, B&W hitch, engine brake, 5.9 diesel, 6 speed manual, custom bumpers, 5” exhaust, 174,000 miles, $23,500. Call 970-874-4704 or 970201-1933. 6x4h 2014 JEEP WRANGLER Unlimited, red, 4x4, 4 door, hard top, new tires, automatic, AC, PB, PS, power door, locks and windows, black interior, XM stereo, 13,500 miles, still under warranty, $29,880. Call 970-749-4603. 8x4pp TRUE PRICE! Never overpay, get a low fair market price right up front with the Turner Automotive True Price. 2262 E. Main St., Montrose, 970-249-6691. 1994 BRONCO $2,000. 970-216-2045. 2ufnb 1975 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme, 350, V-8, runs great, daily driver, $3,900 or best offer. Call for questions 970-2558983. 8x2pp DESSERT CREPES! New at WildFlower Bistro, downtown Delta. Also serving small breakfast selections 9 am-3 pm daily. HELLMAN’S LOCATOR Service. Don’t see what you’re looking for on our lot? Want a different color or model? Ask about our locator service for new and used vehicles. Call 3994403. Hellman Motor Co. 6ufnc 2007 DODGE GRAND Caravan, 3.8 liter engine, 107,000, CD, all rear seats fold into floor, new brakes/rotors, runs great, clean interior, attractive blue color, $6,750 or best offer. Must sell. 856-7905. 8x2pd 1995 HONDA CIVIC hatchback, high miles, good condition, does not burn oil, 40+ mpg, $1,200 or best offer. 970-7788914. 8x2pd CLEARANCE SALE at Westminster Hall and Raising Hope Thrift Store on March 3, 4 and 5, 8 am-5 pm. 460 Main St., Delta. – 12 – TRUCKS 2X4 GMC SIERRA 1500 double cab pickup for $399 per month with 39 month lease at Turner Automotive, 2262 E. Main St., Montrose, 970-249-6691. HUGE SELECTION ON previously owned vehicles with guaranteed credit approval. Come experience the difference at Wollert Automotive, 1710 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose, 970-2496464. – 12 – HEAVY EQUIPMENT INGERSOLL 600 CFM compressor, mounted on 4 wheel drive International truck, price negotiable. Text or call 970-234-3177, 970856-3177. 8ufnb CUMMINS 335 MOTOR Complete with clutch and 9513 Spicer transmission, $6,000 or best offer. Text or call 970-234-3177, 970856-3177. 8ufnb – 12 – UTILITY TRAILERS BALDY’S AUTO Detailing, 901-7575. 5x4h BLOOD DRAW ON-LINE registration can be done now at Health Fair dates are March 16-18. 1956 CHEVY 4X4 TRUCK Motor smokes a little and does not have a bed, otherwise in good condition, $1,850 or best offer. 2105379. 8x1pd 1988 TOYOTA 4-RUNNER with newly appos front seats, good M/S tires, all around looks good, needs engine work. 4x4 truck. 835-3334. 8x3pd 1976 FORD 750 361 Industrial, 5 speed with 2 speed. Fully hydraulic, 18’ bed with stock racks. 9,000 miles, $6,000. 2586457. 40ufnb HUNGRY LION GARDEN Supply is ready for spring! Are you? See front page of this week’s Shopper! Downtown Austin. TRAILER PARTS-REPAIR B&W GN hitches, axles, brakes, jacks, springs, mats, couplers, etc. Welding, wiring, repack wheel bearings. Rock Creek Enterprises, Inc. 970-323-8701. Located 2 miles south of Olathe on Hwy. 50. 2x50pp “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” 5’X8’ ATV TRAILER $350. 970-314-4115, located near Hotchkiss. 7x2c TRAILERS, HITCHES, flatbeds, toolboxes, trailer service and truck accessories. We are a “one stop shop” truck and trailer outfitter. B&W gooseneck hitches installed for $597. Pine Country Trailer Sales, Grand Junction 1-800-2876532. 21ufnb – 12 – PARTS & ACCESSORIES BRAKE DRUM GRINDER Ammco 4050 brake drum grinder, for brake lathe, complete with diamond dresser, $200. 250-4778, Cedaredge. 7x2c WISCONSIN ENGINES 2x4 cylinder, electric start. 874-9871. 8x2c TIRES 235-16-17, 225-55-17, 225-60-16, 205-60-16, 225-60-17, free, must take all. 874-8632. 8x1c CELEBRATE ST. PATTY’S Day on Saturday, March 12, at the Blue Sage in Paonia! Corned beef and cabbage, wine and beer, favors, silent auction. Live Irish music by Mike Gwinn and friends! Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi. For info and ticket purchase call Jackie at 5274585. PARTING OUT 1995 Pontiac Grand Prix, 4 door, 2 new tires, doors, fenders, trunk and lights in good shape. Lots of other good parts, Blown head gasket, transmission has been rebuilt but goes forward when in reverse. Call John 250-0780. 7x2c RUGGED TRUCK liner, fits a short bed Ford 250, years 2008 to 2016, $75. 209-7000. 7x2c TIRE CHAINS FOR RADIAL tires. 527-3827. 10ufnc Page 27 – February 24, 2016 HOOD FOR 1953 AND 1956 Ford truck, good condition, $200. 970-2015577. 7x2c $20 OFF ANY FLUID exchange service at Big O Tires. Brake, radiator, transmission, differential, power steering. Locations in Delta and Montrose. 1976 FORD 351 Windsor engine and auto transmission, 44,000 miles, runs good, out of motorhome, $900. 835-3801. 7x2c PHIL’S AUTO HAS over 500 cars and trucks being parted out. Give us a call, 527-5656. 39ufnc DRIVELINES SERVICE AND REPAIR FOR ALL DRIVELINES AND P.T.O. SHAFTS Doughty Steel & Machine 685 Hwy. 92 • Delta 874-7518 MOTORCYCLE TIRES Good tread, MT-90-B16, 110-90-18, $10 each. 874-8632. 8x2c WANT IT? Need it? Gotta have it? Find it in the Shopper! 1999 FORD F-250 8’ bed with liner and bumper, $100. 874-7838. 8x2c 4” DROP AXLE, 5 hole 15” wheels, brand new, 874-9627. 7x2c 2005 TRAILER, 18’, aluminum deck, $2,000 or best offer. 970-209-6350. 6x4h 2006 LINCOLN ELECTRIC trailer, $600. 874-7838. 8x2h WE ARE YOUR RAM Truck Headquarters! Come to Flower Motor Company, 2580 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose. GET $10 OFF ANY OIL change service with coupon for Big O Tires. See our ad for details. TRADE INS WELCOME at the Car Lot, 874-0110. Page 28 – February 24, 2016 THREE 2” HITCH BALLS Rated 3,500 lb. and 5,000 lb, $30. 970-316-1855. 8x2c AIR HOSE FITTINGS AND power washers at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c SOUTH MAIN AUTO We consign! 874-7851. 20% OFF COUPON One purchase per person, expires March 16. Hungry Lion Garden Supply, Austin. See front page of this week’s Shopper! 835-GROW. RECREATIONAL – 13 – CAMPERS & CAMP TRAILERS SLEDS AND SNOW saucers in stock at Delta Hardware! BIG CAMPER UNIT FOR full size pickup bed, called a construction camper, over 6’ tall with over the cab sleeping space, well used but reasonable condition, $350. 822-5333. 8x2c 2013 CROSSROADS Z1 Toy Hauler, power hitch, bunk house, very nice, holds 2 ATVs, $14,500. 970-872-2247. 5x4pp COLEMAN POWERMATE 4000 electric generator mounted on wheels, runs well, asking $225. 970201-3888. 8x2c "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” – 13 – MOTORHOMES 30’ MOTORHOME 1978 Apollo, fixer-upper, runs OK, good Onan 6.5 KW generator, $1,900. Call for more info 822-5333. 8x2pp CORNED BEEF MADE in-house at Lizzy’s Market, 101 Grand Ave., Paonia, 527-5655. Order yours today! 2013 SKI-DOO SUMMIT X 800, 154” track, electric start, 1,770 miles, clean, color yellow and black, $8,675. Call 970-7494603. 8x4pp 1996 ARCTIC CAT ZRT 600, needs some carburetor work, very fast, $800 or best offer. 970-872-4311. 7x2h LOCAL CHORIZO, sweet or hot Italian sausage from Kinikin Farms in Montrose. Available at Hardin’s Natural Foods, 31424 Hwy. 92, Hotchkiss, 872- 3019. 2008 HARLEY DAVIDSON Nightstar 1200, 2,000 miles, very clean, like new, $9,000 or best offer. 970901-5293. 7ufnc 2013 CAN AM SPYDER 5 speed, excellent condition, added passenger backrest, silver with custom wolf decal, less than 6,000 miles, $14,000. 970-2619364, serious inquiries only please. 8x2pp I BUY MOTORCYCLES and ATV’s. Cash paid for any year, any type. Call or text 970-210-0428. 3x8pp – 13 – ATVS 2009 ATV, ARCTIC CAT $4,500. 970-628-6841, Delta. 8x2h HUNGRY LION GARDEN Supply has propagation lighting and tents in stock. Downtown Austin. We have everything you need to do it right! 835-GROW. – 13 – SNOWMOBILES USE AMSOIL synthetic lubricants for your snowmobile and ATV. 970234-3852. 6ufnb SPRING BIKE TUNE UP! Shish KaBikes, 232 Grand Ave., Paonia, 527-2221. Professional bike service and repair, accessories and recycled bikes. REESE PRO SERIES 15000 5th wheel hitch with square tube slider with all the hardware to install, like new $740, asking $375. 970-201-3888. 8x2c LEER TOPPER, 76”Wx84”L, fits Ford 250, deluxe topper, side windows, exterior open front window slide, asking $400. 970-201-3888. 8x2c CLASSIFIEDS ON-LINE! SUPPORT YOUR neighborhood merchants. Shop locally. YOUR HOMETOWN grocer, Busy Corner Market, in Olathe. 2006 SKI-DOO SUMMIT 600 SDI with cover and spare belt, $2,900 or best offer. 970-323-5151. 8x4pp – 13 – MOTORCYCLES 2013 ARCTIC CAT SnowPro 800, Fox shocks, 162” track, 1,058 miles, color orange and white, clean, $8,565. Call 970749-4603. 8x4pp 2009 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster, model 883, red, low miles, great bike, $3,150. See at Little Creatures Pets, The Delta Center or call 970-462-1153. 8x1c 2012 HARLEY DAVIDSON Fat Boy Low, one owner, 11,500 miles, lots of upgrades, nice bike, have to see to appreciate, $14,000 or best offer. 970-2085777. 5x8pd CORONA GARDENING tools available at Hungry Lion Garden Supply. Downtown Austin, 835-GROW. “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Page 29 – February 24, 2016 – 14 – GUNS TACTICAL DEFENSE classes: Concealed Carry, Range Safety Officer, NRA Instructor Pistol, NRA Instructor Refuse to be a Victim. 874-8450. 7x4b RELOADING BRASS, some new, some used 1 to 2 times, have 338 Win. mag, 7mm-08, 308 Win., 30-06, and 40 S&W. Call 856-7905 for details and prices. 8x2c SMITH & WESSON model 669, stainless steel 9mm, $500. Jim 970323-0742. 7x2c – 13 – BOATS PROPELLER REPAIR Aluminum, stainless steel, and bronze. Call Dusty at Valley Craft Fabrications, 970-874-4065. 44x20pp FLEX-SEAL AT Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c SPORTING GOODS WEIGHT BENCH WITH leg attachment, Olympic bar, 240 lbs. of weights, and 3 sets of dumbbells, $100 or best offer. 2707596. 7x2c SEE THE PLANETS! Meade 80mm computerized telescope, model DS-2080 AT-TC, brand new, never used, still packaged and in box, $135. 399-7604. 8x2c SAVE 30% ON ALL adjustable beds at Mattress Brothers, 25 Stafford Lane, #4, Delta, 874-6317. MLB COLD WEATHER umpire jacket, large, Majestic, black with powder blue/white trim, like new, $50. Call for details, Cedaredge. Dave 970-6406506. 8x2c TREADMILL, PROFORMA Crosswalk, high quality, new on sale $400. This one, like new, $140. 5276169. 7x2c COMPLETE SET BASEBALL umpire gear, mask, chest protector, shin guards, ball bags, shirts and jackets (large and XL), plate shoes (9) and more, $250. Call for details, Cedaredge, Dave, 970-640-6506. 8x2c EXERCISE ROWING machine, very good condition, $35. 856-7667. 8x2c VERY GOOD CONDITION Older wall canvas tent, 14’Wx16’L, stakes, poles, ropes, all come with tent, great for hunting, $500. Call 260-5254. 7x2c AQUA VU FISH FINDER Model SCT50. See the actual fish under water on the screen. 241-7401. 7x2c ENJOY THE SNOW! Delta Hardware has snow saucers! 1x8c SLEDS AND SNOW saucers in stock at Delta Hardware. 5x5c NORDIC TRACK cross country ski machine, $25. 399-7604. 8x2c $$$$ CASH FOR YOUR deer and elk antlers. $$$$ All grades poundage to trophy size, 20+ years experience buying antlers. Top dollar paid! Call Dennis 970-234-0797. 8x30pp 1998 JUCO TEAM SIGNED balls, 10 teams each; Denver Bears 1980 champs baseball bat. 241-7401. 7x2c PICKLEBALL MADNESS Register now for doubles, men’s, women’s, and mixed Pickleball tournament. Held at Bill Heddles Rec Center on Sat., March 19 and Sun., March 20. The cost is $35 per player and includes a tournament shirt, lunch, and munchies/ drinks. Registration deadline is Wed., March 9 at noon, you must sign up with partner to guarantee team is entered. For more info call 874-0923. 8x2c GOLFERS, NEED SOME irons and woods? Stop by Barkin’ Bargains Resale Shop. We have plenty of clubs to get you started. Need helmets? Well, we have them. Open from 10 am-4 pm, Mon.-Sat. 5275111, Grand Ave., Paonia. 8x1c SLEDS AND TOBOGGANS in stock at Big John’s Lumber. Toddler to adult sizes available. Cedaredge. 8x2c SCHWINN 250 recumbent exercise bike, like new, asking $200. Call 970-250-0439. 7x2c WORKOUT EXERCISE step-up platform, 2 levels, black, nesting, $15. 970765-6888. 8x2c 25TH ANNUAL POT OF Gold Bull Sale, Fri., Feb 26, 12 noon at the Flowers Auction Barn in Montrose. For more info call Mark at 970249-1453 or Dave at 970323-6833. REMINGTON MODEL 770 300 Winchester mag, SS with camo synthetic stock with scope, comes with ammo, $600. 970-5960079. 8x5pp $$$$ CASH FOR YOUR quality firearms, ammunition, traps, and vintage scopes. Will buy one piece or whole estates! Call Dennis at 970-234-0797. 8x12pp BUILD GREEN WITH Fox Blocks, an energy efficient, environmentally friendly insulated concrete form from Rocky Mountain Rebar & Lumber, 686 Industrial Blvd., Delta, 874-8001. AMMO Winchester super short magnum 243; 280 Remington Federal Classics; 357 Sig. 241-7401. 7x2c LOOKING FOR A PLACE to shoot? Colorado West Gun Club offers a very diverse range of shooting opportunities. Call for info, 874-8745. 8x2c HANDGUN SAFETY class at Bill Heddles Rec Center. Sat., March 19 is the next class, 9 am-5 pm, $80. Completion of this class allows you to apply for a concealed handgun permit. Instructors are Dave Brown and Chris McMillan. Pre-register by 5 pm 3 days prior to class at the Rec Center or call Whitnee 874-0923 with questions. 8x4c LASTING IMPRESSIONS now offers complete firearms refinishing. Bluing, re-barreling, stock finishing. Contact Neal at 527-3211. 20ufnb CONCEALED CARRY class at Stengel Gun Shop, $15. I’m not trying to get rich! Call evenings, 8723748. 32ufnb GUNSMITHING SERVICES (General repair). I have parts for many obsolete firearms. Hundreds of sights and firing pins available. Always looking to buy parts and obsolete firearms. Freedom Gun Shop, 970-8564614. 48ufnb – 14 – BICYCLES BICYCLE TUBES, PATCHES and Slime at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c BICYCLES, $50 each. Call Howard, 527-2424. 7x2c SPRING BIKE TUNE UP! Shish KaBikes, 232 Grand Ave., Paonia, 527-2221. Professional bike service and repair, accessories and recycled bikes. HOME IMPROVEMENT & SUPPLIES BILL’S CUSTOM TRIM All types of wood, mouldings and profiles, crown moulding 4-5/8”, $1.75 per linear foot. 970-872-2322. 50x10pd SUPER DECK WOOD preservative at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4 PARTICLE BOARD (4) 4’x8’ sheets, ready for shed or pen, $5 each; 1/2” plywood, 4’x8’, already shingled, only $10; 1/2” plywood, 4’x8’, $5. You pick up. Call Kevin 5273319. 8x2c GET YOUR ADS IN EARLY! CEDAR SHAKES, 5 squares, #1 grade, still in bundles, $300. 874-3377. 8x2c REEDS CUSTOM SAW Milling. Rough cut lumber and beams for sale. 8358491. 49ufnb JONES CONSTRUCTION Services, full service remodeling and maintenance pros. Additions, kitchens, bathrooms, garages, windows, doors, custom cabinets, maintenance, repairs. 399-3271, www.jcsiremod 25ufnc SWAMP COOLER, side draft, large size, 39”Tx27”W, has newer motor, new pads, newer pump. Really puts out the cold air. $175. 874-3377. 8x2c STEEL CULVERT IN STOCK at Master Petroleum in Lazear! 872-2243. 33ufnc ALUMINUM FRAME windows, various sizes, $10-$20, have 5; commercial steel clad door (exterior), $100 ($400+ new). 589-3249. 8x1c CUSTOMER Appreciation Days sale at Cleary Building Corp. on March 10-12. Best prices of the season! 715 Hwy. 50, North Delta, 874-1066. DOUBLE EXTERIOR door, complete with storm doors, 62-1/2”x81-1/2”, $50. 856-1029. 7x2c SHOWER DOORS and mirrors! Many styles, stop by and see at B&B Glass, 693 Industrial Blvd., Delta, 874-8661. 33ufnc CUSTOM CABINETS Still the best pricing! Hickory, cherry, alder, maple and oak. Over 125 finish options, 25 door styles. Call Tuesday’s Interiors, 8568050. 33ufnc APPROX. 150 SQ. FT. Saltillo tiles, $200, firm. Compare to $7.34/sp. ft. at Lowes. Must take all. Excellent condition. Lots of character! 527-4576 days or 921-5950 evenings or message only. 8ufnc OVERWHELMED WITH your “To Do” list? Enlist some expert help from the Service Directory. Page 30 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” THE NORTH FORK Historic Society is interested in local artifacts from the North Fork Valley. If you have historical items you care to share with the Paonia Museum, please call Judy at 527-3970. 15ufnc FABULOUS INDOOR SALE Sat., Feb. 27, 10 am-4 pm. Come help me clean out my office. Remaining inventory of antiques plus much more. 35305 Hwy. 133 at Beavers Construction office. 872-2323. 8x1b 1 ONLY 24”WX64”H white vinyl tempered picture window, $125; 1 only 42”Wx60”H picture window, white vinyl, $95; 1 only 72”Wx48”H picture window, taupe vinyl Artisan series Amsco, $265; 1 only 22”Wx48”H casement window, taupe, Artisan series Amsco, $280. Super prices. Big John’s Lumber, 200 SW 2nd St., Cedaredge. 8x2c 3/4” BOLTS AND NUTS, 2” to 3.5” long. 527-3827. 17ufnc COMPLETE 7’X16’ wood garage door, $50. 970-856-1029. 7x2c HURRY IN! Delta Hardware has select closeout paint on sale. 6x4c – 15 – TOOLS SOKKIA LP30 LASER level set-up, in case with tripod, $325. 970-2096264. 7x2c BEST PRICES ON cabinets are at Tuesday’s Interiors. Call Kathleen, 856-8050. 26ufnc VICTOR JOURNEYMAN torch set, 3 welding tips, rosebud, goggles, striker, $750. 835-3801. 7x2c ONAN LIGHT PLANT 15 kw, 62-1/2 amps, 110-220, 4 cyl., gas, on trailer. Very good condition. $2,250, make offer. 835-3801. 7x2c COMPLETE SOLDERING kit in case, $15. 970-3161855. 8x2c ONAN 4,000 WATT generator out of motorhome, $950. 835-3801. 7x2c ALL KINDS OF LIFTING and towing chains, various sizes and lengths, some certified, also have different clevises for sale. Call 856-7905 for details. 8x2c STIHL CHAINSAW model MS211C, $100; Gast electric drywall texture machine, $150; Victor cutting torch set (no bottles), $150; Knaack gang box, $100 (30”Wx48”Lx34”H). Crawford, 623-210-3913. 8x1c PORTER CABLE SAWZALL $35; Hitachi 7-1/4” circular saw, $25; Delta 6” jointer, $85; Delta 6” variable speed bench jointer, $75; 12-15/16” Ryobi planer, $100; Delta bench drill press, $85. Crawford, 623-210-3913. 8x1c VINTAGE ROCKWELL/ Delta Uniplane, vertical plane, model #22-300. Came from a high school, in very good condition, $1,000. 970-209-6264. 7x2c MILWAUKEE HEAVY duty 7”/9” grinder, model #6067. Used very little, in great condition, $110. 970209-6264. 7x2c OXY/ACETYLENE welding rig with cart, includes 250 cf oxygen tank, 145 cf acetylene tank, regulators, hoses, and torch, $495. Call 970-209-6264. 7x2c SEVERAL HARD HATS 527-3827. 10ufnc DEE ZEE TOOL BOX FOR truck bed, constructed of heavy duty Brite-Tread aluminum, Black-Tread powder coat, like new, 16”Hx20”Dx38”W, new $395, asking $150. 970201-3888. 8x2c OLD TIME AND bluegrass music featuring Free The Honey and Way Down Yonder at Pea Green Saturday Night, Feb. 27, 7-9 pm. $10 at the door. Hwy. 348 and Banner Rd. (southwest of Delta). For more info call Len 874-8879. EXTENSION REA-C-H pole, 5’-12’, like new condition, standard threaded end for paint rollers, etc., $15. 970-527-3074. 7x2c DELTA HARDWARE IS AN authorized Stihl dealer. 9ufnc SHARPENING SERVICE at Delta Hardware, drop off lawn mower blades, scissors, knives and chainsaw blades to be sharpened. 24ufnc CRAFTSMAN MITER SAW All metal, sharp, $50. 970316-1855. 8x2c WELDING SUPPLIES AT Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c ONAN GENERATOR Genset, 120/240V, 6.5KW, good condition, $1,250. 835-3801. 7x2c HEAVY DUTY STEEL electric Veneer press, $200. 527-7580. 8x2c ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES NEED CASH? Buying collectible toys, old historic items, porcelain signs, and advertising collectibles. 970-921-3195. 5ufnb WILL BUY OLD POCKET and hunting knives or can appraise the value for you. 970-250-1577. 18ufnb STATEHOOD QUARTERS, UNC, complete. 241-7401. 7x2c HOARD OF VINTAGE Vegas glassware and ashtrays from casinos, motels, etc.; collectible knives and other antiques. Great eBay fodder! Listed price takes all! 719-641-8856. 8x1c COMMODE, SMALL antique nightstand, oak, 26”Tx17”Wx29”L. 2417401. 7x2c ANTIQUE NON-ELECTRIC Underwood typewriter, non-electric Smith Corona typewriter. 241-7401. 7x2c THE OLDE MARKET PLACE Pea Green Community Hall, Sat., March 5, 9 am-3 pm. Antiques, country tag sale, fun, treasures and friendship. Like us on Facebook Pickin’ At The Pea. 7x3c PAONIA HS YEARBOOKS The following years are still available: 1951, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1962 through 1972, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, and 1982. If you would like one of these for free, call Judy at 527-3970. 5ufnc OLD WEST SERIES Time Life books; Colorado Outdoors books, starting from 1939. 241-7401. 7x2c VERY OLD BABY cradle, hand carved, folk art, wood pegged, 19”Wx 42”L; large old metal traveling trunk. 241-7401. 7x2c CAN YOU HELP? The North Fork Historic Society would like to have copies of Paonia High School’s yearbooks for the years of 1985 through 2015. If you have one you wish to donate, please call Judy at 527-3970. 38ufnc 50% OFF THE PERFECT gift! Do you love Paonia’s history? If you do, you should “gift yourself” or someone you care about a copy of Paonia’s 1904 Souvenir Book! It’s full of history and photos of the North Fork Valley. Now $5 per copy! Call Judy at 527-3970. Benefits the North Fork Historic Society. 38ufnc ONIONS, NEW CROP pinto beans and new crop potatoes. Leon Farms. 8744249. 40ufnb PRINCESS BEEF Available at Hardin’s Natural Foods, 31424 Hwy. 92, Hotchkiss, 872-3019. 8x3c LOCAL CHORIZO, sweet or hot Italian sausage from Kinikin Farms in Montrose. Available at Hardin’s Natural Foods, 31424 Hwy. 92, Hotchkiss, 8723019. 8x3c and ROSES ANTIQUE MALL 320 S.W. 2nd Street Cedaredge, CO 856-3557 THE PAONIA MUSEUM is on vacation! If you would like to arrange a visit, call Judy at 527-3970. Open some weekends. 41ufnc THROUGH FEBRUARY 25% off “in-house” art at Sage Winds West Art Gallery, 22036 Main St., Austin, 970-201-6032. See our newly rearranged collections. 7x2pd WANTED GOLD OR silver coins. 970-921-3195. 5ufnb PRODUCE SEED STARTING supplies at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c 10X12 CUMBERLAND wood shed, like new, located in Delta, can be moved, $1,750. Call 303913-6967. 6x5pd WANTED QUALITY riding lawn mower. 970921-3195. 5ufnc TILLING, MARKING, disking, brush hog, small backhoe, harrowing, ditch cleaning. Keith, 970-2504800. 5ufnb LAWN & GARDEN NEW GARDENING supplies plus all your old favorites at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c RIBBONS PLASTIC BLUE BARRELS, #15 with bungs. They make good rain barrels, strawberry planters, flower pots, etc., $20 each. They are in Delta, Seth cell 210-3398. 7x2c Skip & Patty LANDSCAPE ROCK, you load, you haul. 8744876. 8x2c TORO SNOW BLOWER, works great, $35. 970527-2424. 7x2c FOR TRADE Party DJs Book your wedding today! 527-3597 TROY BILT TUFFY rototiller, well taken care of, $150. Phone 874-9596. 8x2pd SEEDLING TREES available now in lots of 30 or 50 trees of the same species. Order now through early April, and your trees will arrive in mid-May. For more info or an order form, call the Delta Extension Office at 970-874-2195. 47x18c 2004 JOHN DEERE LT-160 lawn tractor, 42” deck, 16 HP, newly sharpened blades, only 140 hours, runs great, $1,050. Call 970-209-6264. 7x2c GARDEN CART, holds all your tools and trash bag, very unique, $100. 970-765-6888. 8x2c EVERYTHING MUST GO! Little Creatures Pets is going out of business. 50% off everything, all cages, all tanks, fixtures, accessories. 970-462-1153. Located in the Delta Center. BOOKS AND CD’S ARE buy one get one free! Winter coats 75% off! The Shelter Shoppe, 290 N. Grand Mesa Dr., Cedaredge. AUCTIONS JACK’S MONTROSE Auction, Antique and Collectible Auction, March 26, Friendship Hall, Montrose. Celebrating Jack and 30 years in business with drawings every hour. To consign or for more information, please call Sharlotte at 970-249-9012 or 970-596-4961, or Chris at 970-596-8079. Consign by March 11 to make our flyer. 6x5b “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” CHAIN BARS FOR chain saws, brand new, old stock, $20 each. 250-4778, Cedaredge. 7x2c ASPEN FIREWOOD, NOT split, you pick up and haul, $75 per truckload, in Delta. 970-765-4235. 8x2pp EASY REST MEMORY foam mattresses just like Temper-pedic but for less than half the cost. Mattress Brothers, 25 Stafford Lane, Delta, 874-6317. OLD TIME AND bluegrass music featuring Free The Honey and Way Down Yonder at Pea Green Saturday Night, Feb. 27, 7-9 pm. $10 at the door. Hwy. 348 and Banner Rd. (southwest of Delta). For more info call Len 874-8879. PREMIUM FIREWOOD for sale. Pinion, cedar, aspen, oak, and spruce pine. Special deals. 970-2165366. 5x7pd DAVE’S CHIMNEY AND Stove Service. New and used wood, gas and pellet stoves. Estimates, service and chimney cleaning. 249-2993, www.daveschim 6ufnb PINE FIREWOOD FOR sale. Call 970-275-4014. 6x16h COTTONWOOD FOR sale, $110/cord, $15 charge if delivered outside the North Fork area. 201-6541. 5x4pd ASPEN, DEAD STANDING Lengths, 8’, 4’, about 6” diameter at butt, 3” at top, 4 cord minimum, $100 per cord, dumped, no checks. Split cords $145, near Crawford. 970-628-6777, 589-0865. 8x2pd WOOD BURNING stove, $350. 258-6457. 7ufnc FIREWOOD FOR SALE 970-209-3089. 7x4pd STAY WARM! Delta Hardware has bagged coal in stock. 1x8c LOST & FOUND IF YOU HAVE LOST or found a cat or dog you can call Delta County Humane Society at 874-2149, Houseweart Vet at 8723592, or Cedaredge Shelter at 856-2346. 46ufnc FOUND A YOUNG black short-haired cat, fixed, with green tattoo. North of Cedaredge area, 856-7800. 7x2c DRONE FOUND I found a drone on Bert St. in Delta on Christmas. Call to identify and take home. 874-5234. 8x1c GAS FIRED HOT WATER boiler, Weil McClaine, model Gold GV6, 153,000 BTUs, used, in very good condition, complete; also new (3) 10’ baseboard registers, (2) 5” registers and (1) 2’ register, $1,000 takes all. 970-856-3997. 8x3h NEW AND USED COAL stokers. Also, Magic Heat heat reclaimers. Parts, service and advice for most makes. www.Peasefeedand, 307-754-3757. 39ufnb MAGNIFICENT ANTIQUE wood burning Wood & Bishop cook stove, in mint condition. Ornate scrollwork and nickeling on edges and back splash trivets. Call 970-618-3882. 8x2c FIREWOOD & STOVES MISCELLANEOUS BEST COAL IN Colorado and surrounding states, lump and oiled stoker, $115 per ton. 970527-4434, Paonia. 42x23h MIXED PINE FIREWOOD Dale Huff Firewood, 1000 A St., Delta. 261-0085. 30ufnb NATURAL GAS furnace for a mobile home, Coleman, forced air, $499. 856-2318. 7x2c SCHWINN MODEL 202 recumbent exercise bike, gives heart rate and beat, calories, 8 levels of resistance, other extras, excellent shape, $600 unit, sell for $200. Phone 323-6634. 7x2c DIECAST CARS AND trucks, planes and etc. Buy, sell or trade, 100s to choose from. Call 970242-2347. 7x2c BALDY’S AUTO Detailing, 901-7575. 5x4h LOADALL FOR PICKUP, make offer. 527-3827. 17ufnc LIVE MUSIC Thurs., Feb. 25, David Booker, 7-9 pm. David is a new artist at CB’s Tavern, downtown Delta. 8x1c 50% OFF THE PERFECT gift! Do you love Paonia’s history? If you do, you should “gift yourself” or someone you care about a copy of Paonia’s 1904 Souvenir Book! It’s full of history and photos of the North Fork Valley. Now $5 per copy! Call Judy at 527-3970. Benefits the North Fork Historic Society. 38ufnc PROM DRESS Fundraiser, Sat., March 19, 10 am-5 pm at The Apple Shed in Cedaredge. All dresses $40! 1,000 plus dresses, all sizes. Proceeds benefit various charities. “Every Girl Deserves a Beautiful Gown.” 8x4c (2) 5 GALLON ORIGINAL Jerry cans by Blitz, new, never used, heavy metal, one red, one green, one pouring spout, $35 each. Phone 323-6634, Olathe. 7x2c AMSOIL SYNTHETIC lubricants (commercial, agricultural, automotive, marine, motor sports, 2 cycle), educators supplies, coins, books, metal detectors, prospecting equipment, rock supplies, and Oreck vacuums. Mr. Detector, 970-252-0429, Montrose. 28ufnb LARGE FLOWER PRESS and laminator, will throw in some supplies, $75. 970216-6660. 7x2c CAR WASH Try Summers’ Rocky Mountain Motors car washes, two options! Typhoon Touch-Free car wash or Soft-Gloss Chamois car wash. 360° wash, undercarriage and the only blow dryers in Delta County! 2195 S. Main, Delta. 33ufnc LARGE NUMBER OF postcards, unused, from 1940s to the present, 5¢ each. 970-856-6383. 8x2c 2016 NORTH FORK BEE Meetings. “Inner Hive: What Am I Looking At?” Thurs., March 3, 6 pm at The Hive, 130 Grand Ave., Paonia. When it’s time to open your hives for inspection, sometimes it’s bee-wildering to understand what you’re looking at, and what you need to look for. Learn about the amazing inner hive and the world of bees. 8x2c SLEDS AND TOBOGGANS in stock at Big John’s Lumber. Toddler to adult sizes available. Cedaredge. 8x2c TILLING, MARKING, disking, brush hog, small backhoe, harrowing, ditch cleaning. Keith, 970-2504800. 5ufnb GAS FIRED HOT WATER boiler, Weil McClaine, model Gold GV6, 153,000 BTUs, used, in very good condition, complete; also new (3) 10’ baseboard registers, (2) 5” registers and (1) 2’ register, $1,000 takes all. 970-856-3997. 8x3h HAYES GUITAR Martin Guitar fully authorized service center. Custom handbuilt instruments, over 20 years experience, by appointment. 527-8977. 7ufnb SAXOPHONE LESSONS Beginner/intermediate, $35/ hour. 970-456-3399. 1x8pp EDWARDS COAL Delivery. We deliver stoker and lump coal. Call 8726608. 39ufnb BONDIC PLASTIC welder at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss. 8x4c MOTORCYCLE helmets, $35 each; photo enlarger, $65; Bander tool, 2 pieces, $35, electric hedger, $35. 835-3801. 7x2c WE SELL PEACE OF MIND BulldogChimneySweeps. com, 970-872-2333. 40ufnb PROPANE TANK, good for weed burner or barbecue grill, $25. 3997604. 8x2c ULTIMATE BOWFLEX Nearly new, make an offer. Must sell. In Delta, call David 874-2845. 8x1c PINE $140/CORD Aspen $130/cord. Split and delivered in North Fork area, Somerset, Paonia, Hotchkiss and Crawford. 778-9951 or 527-4570. 31ufnc BILL’S CUSTOM TRIM All types of wood, mouldings and profiles, crown moulding 4-5/8”, $1.75 per linear foot. 970-872-2322. 50x10c SUPPORT A SMALLER federal government, vote Republican. Paid by Delta County Republican Central Committee. 8x1b – 23 – MUSICAL HANDGUN SAFETY class at Bill Heddles Rec Center. Sat., March 19 is the next class, 9 am-5 pm, $80. Completion of this class allows you to apply for a concealed handgun permit. Instructors are Dave Brown and Chris McMillan. Pre-register by 5 pm 3 days prior to class at the Rec Center or call Whitnee 874-0923 with questions. 8x4c CLEARANCE SALE at Westminster Hall and Raising Hope Thrift Store on March 3, 4 and 5, 8 am-5 pm. 460 Main St., Delta. MAKE AN OFFER Loadall for pickup, 3/4” nuts and bolts (2”-3.5” long), several hard hats, tire chains for radial tires. Call 527-3827. 17ufnc USED MOVING boxes and supplies, 11 each, small/11 each, large bankers box, 4 wardrobe boxes and 3 hangers, large box full of premium foam sheets, price negotiable. 970-835-3508. 8x1c CRABTREE AND EVELYN votive candles, Nantucket Briar fragrance, new, 3 for $3. Phone 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 7x2c WANT TO BUY OLDER motorhome, can need some work. 216-2801. 7x2c SPIRITUAL MAPPING consultation, “The Twilight Labyrinth” by George Otis Jr. Four audio cassettes, $1.50. Phone 970-4623202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 7x2c Page 31 – February 24, 2016 ROCK YOUR SOCKS OFF! 2 Peavey Ecoustic 112 amplifiers, $125 each. 3997604. 8x2c SAVE 30% ON ALL adjustable beds at Mattress Brothers, 25 Stafford Lane, #4, Delta, 874-6317. YAMAHA PORTABLE grand DGX500 keyboard with stand and seat, $75. 399-7604. 8x2c MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS wanted. Highest prices paid! All considered, old or new. Band, orchestra, drums, accordions, guitars, amplifiers. Call me any time at 970-210-1103. 28x35b ACOUSTIC JAM session, Sat., Feb. 27, 11 am-2 pm, Bill Heddles Rec Center. All levels welcome. Bring your instruments, come and have fun! 8x1c STARR’S GUITARS Repairs. craig@starrsguitars. com, 856-2334. Acoustic/ electric guitar repairs/setups/restrings, amplifier and P.A. repairs. Cedaredge. 39x26pp 2 GUITARS, IBANEZ acoustic guitar with pick up Elixir strings, $125 and Anthem electric guitar with soft case, strap and practice amp, $150. 399-7604. 8x2c – 23 – COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS IPHONE 4S Factory unlocked, in very good condition, with case and belt clip, chargers, and USB cable, $45. 970-5273074. 7x2c 2001 CURTIS MATHES color TV, 13” screen, great color. 856-4101. 7x2c S VIDEO CABLE, SUPER high quality video connection from DVD player to TV, 8’ long, brand new in unopened package, made by Monster Cable, $7. 856-7905. 8x2c KC DOES IT I make house calls. I do computer, tablets, phones, printers, etc. I’ll tackle any problem you have. Call 874-3288 24/7, KC Halpin. 4x8pp PRINTER AND CASH register, Canon iP100 printer includes ink, works great, USB connection, small; also Casio small receipt printer/cash register, includes receipt paper rolls. Make offer, take all. 874-2845. 8x1c MOUNTAIN FUELWOOD wood furnaces. 874-2882. PAIR INFINITY computer speakers, $10. 970-316-1855. 8x2c VIRUS REMOVAL Flat fee $100! Classic Computers, 238 Main St., 8749210. 50ufnc 35 MM KODAK CAMERA, with leather case, 1-200 lens, and booklet, $30. 970-316-1855. 8x2c AUDIO/STEREO REPAIRS Located in Delta, next to Bill’s Music. Anything from old tube amps, turntables, CD players, etc. Repairs on musician’s gear also. Cliff’s Electronic Annex, 8747964. 33ufnb CELEBRATE ST. PATTY’S Day on Saturday, March 12, at the Blue Sage in Paonia! Corned beef and cabbage, wine and beer, favors, silent auction. Live Irish music by Mike Gwinn and friends! Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi. For info and ticket purchase call Jackie at 5274585. – 23 – BUSINESS EQUIPMENT EVERYTHING MUST GO! Little Creatures Pets is going out of business. 50% off everything, all cages, all tanks, fixtures, accessories. 970-462-1153. Located in the Delta Center. – 23 – MEDICAL EQUIPMENT OXYGEN concentrator in good condition, like new, $400 or best offer. Wife passed away, do not need anymore. 8749600 or 270-4116. 8x2c BLOOD DRAW ON-LINE registration can be done now at Health Fair dates are March 16-18. ONGOING COMMUNITY EVENTS CHURCH AVAILABLE for anniversaries or birthday parties, baby showers or special events. Call 8358335. 3ufnc LIKE KIDS? WANT TO make a difference? Become a mentor with Partners today. Please call 874-4661 for more info. 37ufnc HEARTBEAT, A SUPPORT group for adults who have lost a loved one to suicide meets the third Tuesday of each month 7-9 pm at Miller Homestead in Grand Junction. Contact Shirley 243-5162 or Chet and Renee 985-4551. 46ufnc WELCOME RETURNING veterans, Post 9221 VFW meets monthly in Cedaredge. To find out how to participate in promoting patriotism and assisting veterans, contact Wayne Hamrick 250-1180. 22ufnc BINGO! Hotchkiss: Tuesday night, 7 pm at the Elks Lodge. Paonia: Thursday, 6:50 pm, American Legion. Public Welcome! 44ufnc Page 32 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” FREE PATCHES FOR smokers. The Colorado Quitline, a free telephone service that helps callers quit smoking or using tobacco, offers the Patch free to any caller who enrolls in the cessation program. Call Colorado Quitline at 800QUITNOW or 46ufnc BINGO EVERY TUESDAY night at Montrose Elks Lodge, 801 Hillcrest Dr., Montrose. Open to the public. 3 progressive games weekly. Come join us for the Early Bird games. Food is available. 249-4852. 14ufnc THE AMERICAN LEGION Food Pantry always appreciates and accepts food and money donations. Pantry hours every second and fourth Tuesday, 10 am-12 noon. Coordinator, Vera Gallob, 527-6252. 2ufnc DELTA SENIOR CENTER’S Thrift Store, 247 Meeker St., open Mon.-Fri., from 10 am-2 pm. We also accept donations of clothing and other items. The Thrift Store is the main source of income for the Delta Senior Center to pay bills for the facility, so when you shop here you’re getting items at bargain prices and supporting the seniors in our community. For more info contact the Thrift Store at 874-7837. 43ufnc PARKINSON’S SUPPORT Group, for those with Parkinson’s and their caregivers, meets at 9:30 am, first Wednesday of every month at the Assembly of God Church, 1596 SW 9th Street in Cedaredge. Refreshments provided. Further info contact Chuck or Denise Rains, 970-640-1990. 45ufnc BREAST AND WOMEN’S Cancer Support Group meets the last Friday every month at Delta hospital, in the new Oncology building. Women Supporting Women with any type of cancer. Brown bag lunch 12 noon. Info or a ride Dorthy, 872-3309 or Marie, 778-8146. 34ufnc DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Are you or someone you know suffering from verbal, emotional or physical domestic violence? You are not alone, we are here to help. Please call Hilltop Domestic Violence Services at 970-874-6995 or our 24 hour crisis hotline at 970-874-4941. 2ufnc ASTRONOMY CLUB Black Canyon Astronomical Society meets monthly January-October at 7 pm in either Montrose or Delta. Offering talks and interesting discussion about astronomical topics. www. blackcanyonastronomy. com or 856-7716. 48ufnc SENIOR CITIZEN MEALS Join your friends and neighbors for dinner and friendly conversation at the Hotchkiss Senior Center, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at noon. $3 suggested donation if 60 and over. 35ufnc YOUTH “OVERTIME” every Friday night, Cedaredge United Methodist Church, 210 NW 3rd St. Free games, music, food, fun! 8-11 pm. 43ufnc DELTA AREA Crimestoppers. To leave an anonymous tip, call 8748810. 5ufnc PAONIA ROTARY CLUB meets every Thursday from 12 noon-1 pm at the Paonia Town Hall on Grand Ave. 41ufnc LITERACY CLASSES ARE starting back up now. We offer GED classes in Delta and Hotchkiss and ESL classes in Delta and Hotchkiss. Please call Gail for more info at 970-3997670. 35ufnc THROUGH FEBRUARY 25% off “in-house” art at Sage Winds West Art Gallery, 22036 Main St., Austin, 970-201-6032. See our newly rearranged collections. 7x2pd PAONIA AMERICAN Legion Thursday bingo, 6:50 pm. Open to the public. Joint meeting of the Legion and Auxiliary is the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6 pm. Interested? Call 527-6252. 40ufnc JOIN THE DELTA County Recycling Committee! Regular meetings at the Conservation Center. Call Joanna 527-5307 ext. 204 for more info. 17ufnc FRUITLAND IRRIGATION has a 24 hr. info line. 921-3100. 44ufnc HOTCHKISS CRAWFORD Historical Society regular monthly meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 1 pm at the museum at 2nd and Hotchkiss Ave. in Hotchkiss. Call 872-3780 for more info. 41ufnc DELTA PREGNANCY Resource Center, 523 Dodge St., Delta, 8745733. Open Wed. and Fri., 10 am-2 pm. Pregnant, concerned about pregnancy, Mom of young children? Come in. We have free pregnancy tests, counseling, baby and toddler clothes, diapers, some infant equipment and supplies, formula, and ways to earn larger items. 6ufnc MAMMOGRAMS are important! To see if you qualify for a free mammogram, call Delta County Health Dept., 874-2165. 37ufnc HOTCHKISS-CRAWFORD Historical Society annual meeting, Sun., Feb. 28, 2 pm, Crawford Town Hall. Program on Santa Fe Trail. Plus photo and history display of the newly fenced Old Crawford Cemetery (1883-1899). And fabulous refreshments, of course. Info 970-872-3780. 3x6c FRUITLAND DOMESTIC Water has a 24 hour info line. 921-3100. 37ufnc DEL ROSE CHORUS OF Sweet Adelines meets Thurs., 6:30 pm at the Delta Methodist Church, 5th and Meeker. Enter through the side door on 5th St. For more info call Leslie at 256-9763. 36ufnc DELTA COUNTY Commissioners regular meetings are scheduled for the first and third Monday of each month, 8:30 am3:30 pm (lunch 12-1:30 pm), Delta County Courthouse, room 236. BOCC meetings are open to the public. 10ufnc ALCOHOLICS Anonymous meets Thurs., 8 pm and Sun. 1 pm. Friends of Bill W. Club, 897 Palmer St., Delta. 43ufnc FREE GED CLASSES IN THE North Fork, call 970-3995325, Julee Skinner, Instructor, for information and registration. Delta County Libraries Literacy Program. 37ufnc FREE HEART HEALTH screening, includes cholesterol, blood glucose, blood pressure, and healthy lifestyle guidance. Please call Justine with Tri-County Health Network at 970812-6026 for more information and scheduling. 6ufnc WOMEN ONLY AA meetings, Delta, Wednesdays, 5 pm, closed (alcoholics only), at Friends of Bill W. Club, 897 Palmer. Saturdays, 11 am, open (others may attend) at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5th and Palmer (back door). 48ufnc START THE FUN TODAY! Do you have a daughter or granddaughter age 5-18 who would like to meet new friends, learn new skills and have fun in a safe, welcoming environment? Consider joining your local Girl Scout troop, with troops in Delta, the North Fork and the Surface Creek! Call 970-628-8007 for info. 22ufnc MENDING HEARTS Grief Support Group is free of charge and open to anyone coping with the death of a loved one. The group meets every Tues. for 10 weeks beginning Sept. 15 from 2-3:30 pm at Westminster Hall in Delta. Call 970-874-6823 for more info. 37ufnc PAONIA MUSEUMS If you would like to arrange a visit, please call Judy at 527-3970. 37ufnc THE INFORMATION ON prescribed burns, wildfires and fire restrictions on National Forest System lands and other areas, call the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests Fire Information line at 970-874-6602, visit the GMUG Forest website or Twitter GMUG_NF. 39ufnc CRAWFORD FOOD Pantry. Don’t go to bed hungry. New number, 8087627. We are well stocked. 3ufnc “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Page 33 – February 24, 2016 THE PAONIA MUSEUM is on vacation! If you would like to arrange a visit, call Judy at 527-3970. Open some weekends. 41ufnc TOASTMASTERS SPEECH Club, Black Canyon Voices. Do you have a desire to improve your public speaking? Toastmasters meets 1st and 3rd Thurs. at 12:15 pm in Delta at the US Forest Service Building. Call Peter Sullivan, 260-5030, for more info. 3ufnc S&B QUILTERS We meet the 2nd Saturday at 9 am at Memorial Hall in Hotchkiss. All quilters and those wanting to learn about quilting are welcome. 1ufnc SURFACE CREEK SHELTER is run by the Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control (FCAC). Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 12:30 pm in the Cedaredge Library. For more info call 640-4907 or www.surfacecreekshelter. org. 40ufnc OVEREATERS Anonymous meets on Tuesday afternoons from 4-5 pm at the Hotchkiss Methodist Church. For more info contact Kay at 970-270-0819 or Ric at 856-4234. 8ufnc CANCER SOCIETY “Look Good-Feel Better Program”. Free make-up, wigs and hats for people undergoing chemotherapy. This program was developed by The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association Foundation, The National Cosmetology Association, and the American Cancer Society. To learn about session dates call Sarah Strait, Beyond the Salon, 45 W. 3rd St., Delta, 874-4773. 29ufnc ARE YOU LOOKING FOR a church building? We have a large sanctuary and 6 possible classrooms and fellowship hall. Call June 835-8335. 3ufnc PARKINSON’S PROGRAM Includes music exercises and socialization for participants with Parkinson’s Disease and their caregivers every Mon., 9:30-11:30 am at Cedaredge Community Methodist Church, 210 NW 3rd St. Need more info? Call 856-3289. 36ufnc HOTCHKISS MUSIC JAM Session meets every 4th Sunday, 2-4 pm, at the Hotchkiss United Methodist Church. Join us for music and socializing. Bring an instrument and/or a treat to share or just come listen. Free and always entertaining. Info, 589-3033. 1ufnc SIGN UP FOR Hotchkiss Fire Department cell phone updates. Get messages about detours, accidents, fires, etc., and subscribe to hfdinfo. Join us on Facebook: Hotchkiss Fire Protection District. 46ufnc IF YOU THINK YOU have a drinking problem, Alcoholics Anonymous can help. There are weekly A-A meetings throughout the North Fork area and beyond. For meeting times and locations contact A-A, 970-245-9649, 1-888-3339649, or www.aa-western 3ufnc FOR INFORMATION ON CDOT projects statewide, log on to or call 511. 38ufnc IF YOUR LIFE IS affected by someone’s addiction, there is hope. Nar Anon meetings every Sunday from 7-8 pm at the friends of Bill W., 897 Palmer, Delta. 23ufnc PAONIA AMERICAN Legion. New monthly meetings, 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30 pm. All Legion, Auxiliary and SAL members. Please join us. 16ufnc THE HOTCHKISS LIONS Club meets the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 7:30 am at The Hightower Cafe in Hotchkiss. Join us for breakfast and learn how you can make a difference in your community. For more information, call Diane at 970234-2093. 38ufnc 11TH STEP MEDITATION meeting for people in recovery, 8-9 am Tuesdays, Hotchkiss Methodist Church. 9ufnc Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 3rd St. and North Fork Ave., 2nd floor, Fridays, 8 pm open. Friends Church, 409 3rd St., alley entrance, Sundays, 6 pm MDT/4 pm MST open. 4ufnc ROGERS MESA Community House is available to rent. Contact Ruth, 872-6311. 50ufnc PROM DRESS Fundraiser, Sat., March 19, 10 am-5 pm at The Apple Shed in Cedaredge. All dresses $40! 1,000 plus dresses, all sizes. Proceeds benefit various charities. “Every Girl Deserves a Beautiful Gown.” 8x4c THE NORTH FORK Historic Society is interested in local artifacts from the North Fork Valley. If you have historical items you care to share with the Paonia Museum, please call Judy at 527-3970. 15ufnc QUILTS OF VALOR Come help us sew quilts for our veterans. We meet every first and third Thursday in Cedaredge. E-mail deltacountyquiltsofvalor@ for more information. If you are a veteran or know a veteran, let us know as we would love to award a quilt to you. 5ufnc WANT TO HELP FEED a hungry child in the North Fork Valley? Helping Hands supplies weekend breakfasts and lunches to needy families. Call Harold for more info 778-9951 or 527-4570. 39ufnc DELTA MOPS IS meeting this Thurs., Feb. 25 at 9 am at the Delta First Baptist Church. All moms of little people ages 0-6 are welcome to come join us for coffee, brunch and uplifting conversation with other moms. Please call Amanda at 970-778-5272 for more info. 8x1c BASKET CASE QUILT Guild meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at Bill Heddles Rec Center in Delta. All quilters and anyone wanting to be a quilter are invited. Info, Marilyn 856-9410 after 5 pm. 39ufnc DID YOU KNOW THAT there is a book store downstairs in the Delta Public Library? All proceeds go to the Friends of the Delta Public Library, who then donate to library. Come check it out. PS, join our Friends meeting on the 2nd Wed. of the month, 5:30 pm, downstairs at the library. 11ufnc AMERICAN LEGION Post 65 meetings, 3rd Monday of each month at 6 pm, 970-260-0876. 2ufnc ALCOHOLICS Anonymous meetings. Wick Hall, behind the First Baptist Church, 415 NW 4th, Cedaredge. Mon., 12 noon, Open-Rm. 10; Tues., 7:30 pm, Open-Rm. 10; Thurs., 8 pm, Open-Main Rm., Sat., 7 pm, Open-Rm. 10. Call 250-6758 for further information. 43ufnc HOTCHKISS GROUP of Alcoholics Anonymous meets on Thursdays, 7 pm at Methodist Church, 2nd and Orchard. 9ufnc ALATEEN Delta, Tuesdays, 7:30 pm, St. Luke’s Church, 5th and Palmer, 874-9832. 38ufnc ROGERS MESA MODERN Womans Club meets on the 2nd Thurs. of the month. If you would like to join us, please call LouAnn at 872-4816. We encourage recycling. 9ufnc PROVIDE THAT LASTING tribute for your loved one. Custom engraved memorials from Morris Monument. 1630 S. Main St., Delta. 323-6658. 30ufnc TIRED OF THE SAME ol’ grub? Come to the Delta County 4-H Beef Roast on Sunday, March 6, noon-3 pm. Two locations, Delta Middle School or Hotchkiss High School. $10 for adults (ages 12 and up), $6 for children. Info 874-2195. 8x2c TOPS (TAKE OFF POUNDS Sensibly). Morning group meets at Calvary Baptist Church, 1290 A St. in Delta on Thursday mornings. Weigh in from 8-8:45 am, meeting 8:45-9:30 am. Come lose weight with us. Call 874-0528 or 874-3267 for more info. 2ufnc CLASSIFIEDS ON-LINE! CATHEDRAL WATER has a 24 hour info line, 921- 3100. 37ufnc WESTERN SLOPE COIN Club meetings held the second Wednesday of each month at VFW Post 1247, 1404 Ute Ave., Grand Junction. Evaluation clinic and public welcome from 5:306:30 pm and the meeting begins at 6:30 pm. Contact Dean Crysler 970-2411770. 15ufnc FRIENDSHIP FORCE International has a chapter in Grand Junction. Guests are welcome at monthly meetings second Thursday each month at 6:30 pm in Community Hospital’s Lower Level Conference Room. www.thefriendship 30ufnc BLACK CANYON Barbershop Chorus meets every Thurs., 7 pm, Olathe United Methodist Church, 518 Hersum St., Olathe. Snacks, coffee, fellowship and good singing. For info call Bill at 874-9280 or 43ufnc Page 34 – February 24, 2016 BINGO EVERY 1ST AND 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Cedaredge Community Center. Doors open at 6 pm, bingo at 7 pm, food and drinks available. Sponsored by the Surface Creek Lions Club. Bring a friend. 51ufnc HOTCHKISS BOOK CLUB meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 3 pm (September through June) at the Hotchkiss Library. For more information call Diane Winchester at 872-3745 or the Hotchkiss Library at 399-7781. 5ufnc MONTESSORI SCHOOL Board meets the third Tuesday of each month, 6:30 pm at the North Fork Community Montessori School, 397 Bulldog St., Hotchkiss. Public welcome. For information call 872-5910. 43ufnc THE NORTH FORK Snowmobile Club would like the support of all snowmobilers to protect our right to ride and access our public lands. Our membership numbers count in this ongoing struggle. You can renew your membership by going online to snowmo or by contacting Wes Spore at 970-8722167. Your club membership will also include a membership to the Colorado Snowmobile Association. The club has monthly meetings on the 3rd Mon. of each month from Oct. through April at the Hotchkiss Elks Lodge starting at 7 pm. Enter through the door just west of the main entry door. “Come play with us and bring a friend.” 38ufnc DO YOU CARE FOR A loved one with a Dementia? You are not alone! A support group is available near you. North Fork area, Hotchkiss Town Hall Council Chambers, 1st Wednesday at 1:30 pm; Surface Creek area, Cedaredge Senior Center, Centennial Room, 3rd Wednesday at 1:30 pm; Delta City, Westminster Hall, 135 E. 4th St., 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 1:30 pm. For more info [email protected] or 970-510-0724. 48ufnc PROGRESSIVE BINGO at Hotchkiss Elks Lodge every Tuesday. Early Bird game at 6:55 pm, regular game at 7 pm. Come join the fun. Enjoy hamburgers and hot dogs from 5:30-7 pm. 872-3355. 44ufnc HILLTOP DOMESTIC Violence Services offers a free support group for victims of domestic violence that is held in Delta on Tuesdays from 5-6:30 pm. Please call 970-874-6995 for more info. 2ufnc AL-ANON Hope and help for families and friends of alcoholics. Cedaredge: Thurs. 8 pm, Wick Hall behind First Baptist Church, 370 W. Main St., Vicki 970-589-9290 or Mary M. 970-856-6123. Delta: Al-Anon and Alateen, Tues. 7:30 pm, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 145 W. 5th St., Elizabeth 970-874-9832 or Shirley 970-323-5067. Hotchkiss: Mon., 6:30 pm, Methodist Church, 285 N. 2nd, Elsie 970-210-8090. Montrose: Women’s Al-Anon, Sunday, 3:30 pm, All Saints Anglican Church, 2057 S. Townsend, Peggy, 970-9644970. Al-Anon and Alateen, Mon., 7 pm, First Presbyterian Church, 1840 E. Niagara Rd., Karis, 970275-4107. Al-Anon, Thursday, 12 noon, First Presbyterian Church, 1840 E. Niagara, Lucy, 970-596-9919. Paonia: Wed. 7 pm, United Methodist Church, 3rd and Onarga. Kay 970-2085257, Lisa 970-395-3608, or Chris 527-3366. 7ufnc YOU CAN CALL IN YOUR classified ad to 527-4576. IT’S EASY TO HELP your neighbors in need when you donate to the Delta Food Pantry! Nonperishable food items and gifts of money are always appreciated. We serve food for 28 families per week, providing 9 meals for each family member. Cash donations are tax deductible. The pantry is open 10:3011:30 am, M-F, except holidays. 2ufnc DELTA SENIOR CENTER’S correct phone number is 970-874-7837. 5ufnc TAPS, 8 PM EVERY evening in Cedaredge. A time to stop, honor, and remember those serving and those who have died for our country. 12ufnc IF YOU OR SOMEONE you know suffers from an eating disorder, we are here for you. Please contact Robin Berndt at 970-2495034. 44ufnc VARNER EQUIPMENT has all your equipment needs! Stop by 1375 Hwy. 50, North Delta, 874-0612. COMMUNITY MONDAYS at the Blue Sage. 1st Monday, Blues Dancing, 5:30-7 pm. 3rd Monday, Sage Stage Open Mic Night, 7-9 pm. 4th Monday, Valley Voices (see website for topic), 6:30-8:30 pm. All free but donations welcome! 42ufnc EMERGENCY FOOD pantry open to families in need on Tuesdays, 4-6 pm only. Hotchkiss Elks Lodge, 190 E. Bridge Street. For more info call 872-3355. 24ufnc AA MEETING LIST FOR the North Fork Valley. Crawford: Crawford Methodist Church, 297 Dogwood Ave. (across from Post Office), Tuesdays, 6:30 pm, Workshop Step Meeting. Hotchkiss: St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church, corner of Bridge and Pinon, Mondays, 8 pm open. Methodist Church, 2nd and Orchard, garden level, Thursdays, 7 pm open. Paonia: Methodist Church, 3rd and Onarga St., Wednesdays, 8 pm open. "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” NEED A PLACE TO MEET? Memorial Hall in Hotchkiss offers 3 meeting rooms at reasonable prices. The newly remodeled Wheeler Room, as well as the Adams Room is available for $20 per morning, afternoon or evening ($60 for all day), and the Large Ballroom is $30 per morning, afternoon or evening ($90 for all day). The kitchen can be shared. Baking or cooking with the stove is $10 extra. Large parties or dances require a $150 deposit. Reservations and keys are available at the Hotchkiss Library during regular library hours, Mon.-Thurs., 10 am-6 pm. Call the library at 399-7781 to reserve or for further info. 10ufnc US FOREST SERVICE reminds everyone that avalanche season is underway. The agency encourages people to educate themselves before going into areas where an avalanche is possible. To stay safe: Take an avalanche course, read an avalanche book and take advantage of online training opportunities on websites like the National Avalanche Center and Avalanche Canada. Watch the updated Know Before You Go avalanche safety video. Check the Colorado Avalanche Center for current conditions in Colorado’s high country during periods of elevated avalanche danger. When traveling in avalanche terrain, all members of your party need avalanche rescue gear, such as a transceiver, probes, shovel and backpack. One important tool you cannot buy is a partner. Never go alone. The three conditions of unstable snow that can cause an avalanche are slopes steeper than 35 degrees, snowpack weakness, including recent avalanches, collapsing snow that makes a “whumpf” sound, and cracks shooting out in front of your skis or over snow vehicle when you are traveling through the snow. For more info about being safe on national forests and grasslands, visit the agency’s Know Before You Go. 1x13c TOPS, TAKE OFF POUNDS Sensibly. Evening group has been a TOPS Chapter for 45 years, meetings are at the Oncology Center in Crag Crest Room in Delta. Meetings are every Wed. evening, weigh in at 5:30-6 pm. Meeting from 6-6:30 pm. Come join us. For more info call 874-4098 or 874-4850. 8ufnc ART EXPRESSIONS Support Group. Enjoy the benefits of creative expression, open and free to the public, Wednesdays from 3-5 pm. Bring your own materials and projects. The Recovery Center, 107 W. 11th St., Delta. For more info, please contact Gwen Anderson at 970-964-2125. 7ufnc – 24 – RELIGIOUS MOUNTAIN VIEW BIBLE Church, Lazear, 872-2139. Sunday School 9:45 am, Church Service 11 am, evening service 6 pm; Wed. Service and Youth Night 7 pm. 40ufnc GRAND MESA SOUTHERN Baptist Church, 110 SE Jay Ave., Cedaredge, 8564672. Pastor Brad Cowger. Sunday School 9:30 am; Worship Service 10:45 am; Evening Worship 6 pm; Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm. 9ufnc WORLD WIN MINISTRIES, International, non-denominational, Spirit filled, now meeting at Garnet Mesa Elementary School (media center). Sunday Bible training class, 9 am; Sunday anointed praise and worship service, 10 am. Call for info and directions, 970874-0308, 970-314-0116 cell. 23ufnc REDEEMER LUTHERAN Church, 1000 Pioneer Rd., Delta, Sunday Worship at 9 am, Sunday School classes follow the service at 10:15 am. 874-3052, 3ufnc AUSTIN FIRST BAPTIST Church, Sunday School 9 am, Worship Service 10 am. 22046 Canal St., Austin. 835-3626. 49ufnc “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” CALVARY BAPTIST Church, 1290 A St., Delta, 874-9497. Sunday Bible Study 9 am; Morning worship 10:30 am., e-mail office 7ufnc DELTA FIRST CHURCH of God, 1102 Howard St., Sunday Services at 9 am and 10:15 am; Wednesday programs at 2 pm and 6:30 pm, and Thursday 6:30 pm puppet practice. Pastors Bob and Linda Aubery, 874-8922. 37ufnc QUAKER SILENT worship group meeting every Sunday, 10:30 am in Montrose at St. Paul’s Episcopal, 2900 Sunnyside Rd. Info 874-8979 or 4176639. 50ufnc DELTA FIRST ASSEMBLY of God, 762 Dodge (Eaton and Dodge). Pastor Jason Neely. Sunday Services: 8 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast, 8:30 am Prayer, 9 am Sunday Bible Classes, 10 am Worship Service. Tuesday Bible Study 9 am, Wednesday Family Services at 7 pm. 874-3568. 51ufnc ST. PHILLIP’S CATHOLIC Church, 290 NW Cedar Ave., Cedaredge. Sunday Mass 8 am, Tues. night 6 pm. 40ufnc UNITARIAN Universalists. Monthly discussion group in Delta area. Weekly services in GJ, 4:30 pm Sundays. More info., 257-0772 or 8566308 or 44ufnc CIRCLE 3 COWBOY Fellowship, 19319 Dave Wood Rd., Montrose, CO. Sunday’s at 6 pm. Contact Pastor Rick Williams, 2163991. 36ufnc SAINT ANDREW’S Orthodox Church. Great Vespers, Sat., 5 pm; Divine Liturgy, Sun., 9:30 am. 298 Bert St., Delta. 874-5225. 40ufnc JOIN A MINISTRY where we measure success one cuddle at a time. If you like to smile, if you like to share the love of Jesus Christ, if you like to make an eternal difference in the lives of others, you might want to consider becoming a staff volunteer here at the Pregnancy Resource Center of Delta, CO. We would love to have you join our team of those committed to presenting life and the truth of Jesus Christ. Why not call us at 874-5733 and find out more? 40ufnc PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of Delta, 4th and Meeker St., Delta, 874-4893. Sunday: Adult/Children Sunday School, 9 am: Praise Singing, 10:15 am; Worship Service, 10:30 am. Child care provided. 44ufnc BHAKTI SINGING YOGA Opening to the presence within using devotional song and silence. Sacredly offered in candlelight. Second and fourth Sundays, 7 pm, Hotchkiss Yoga Tree. No charge. 872-3377. 40ufnc CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Society, 751 Meeker St., Delta. Sunday Bible Lesson Sermon 10 am; Sunday School 10 am; Wed. Testimony Meeting 4 pm. Child care provided. 6ufnc PAONIA UNITED Methodist Church invites you to see what a difference one hour on Sunday can make for your entire week. Come as you are and join us Sunday for worship at 10:30 am. Don’t have a ride? If you live in Paonia, call the church at 527-3348 and we will come and get you! 40ufnc PAONIA UNITED Methodist Church, 3rd & Onarga. 527-3348. Rev. Charles Thompson. Sunday School 9:30 am; Sunday Service 10:30 am; Youth Group Sunday, 6 pm. Nursery provided. 45ufnc DELTA UNITED Methodist Church, 477 Meeker St., Pastor Carol Rhan. Contemporary worship 8:30 am, adult and youth Sunday school 9:30 am, worship service 10:45 am, youth group 4 pm. Child care available, handicap accessible. 874-9501. 41ufnc HOTCHKISS CHURCH of Christ. Minister Windell Howard. Sundays at 10:30 am. 175 N. 1st St., Hotchkiss, 201-6541. 1ufnc Page 35 – February 24, 2016 WEST ELK FAMILY Church, 410 Bridge St., Hotchkiss. Sunday worship at 9 am, Sunday school for children. 773-8055. 42ufnc CEDAREDGE Community United Methodist Church, Christy Tullis, Pastor. 3rd and Aspen, Cedaredge. Sundays: Sunday school 9 am, praise and worship 10:30 am, fellowship 8:30 am-12 pm. Zero Gravity Youth Group, Sunday afternoon. To open hearts! To open minds! To open doors! cedaredge [email protected], 856-3696. 43ufnc CEDAREDGE SEVENTH Day Adventist Church, 290 SW 2nd Ave. Pastor Seth Coridan, 210-3398. Saturday: Sabbath School for children and adults, 9:15 am; Worship Service, 10:50 am; Prayer Meeting, 3 pm Wed. Welcome. 40ufnc BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH 110 Main St., Olathe, 970497-0790. Sunday services: 9:30 am Sunday School, 10:30 am morning services, 6 pm evening services, except first Sunday, potluck lunch with services to follow at 1:30 pm, 7 pm Wednesday services. 46ufnc MASSES Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 235 North Fork, Paonia, Sat. 5 pm, Sun. 8:30 am. St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church, Bridge and Pinion, Hotchkiss, Sun. 11 am. 527-3214. Call for Holy Day and weekly changes. 44ufnc WEST ELK FAMILY Church meets each Sunday at 9 am at 410 Bridge St. Sunday School for children. Pastor Lee Byram 7738055. 20ufnc IMMANUEL LUTHERAN Church, North Fork at 5th, Paonia. Sunday Services 9 am, Bible Study following service. 44ufnc NORTH FORK BAPTIST Church, Hwy. 133 across from Stop n’ Save. Pastor Lee Byram, 527-4644 or 872-3949. Sunday School, 9:45 am; Worship Service, 11 am; Wed. night Bible Study and Prayer Service, 6 pm. www.nfbcpaonia. Let us pray, go, teach, and baptize in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. 52ufnc CEDAREDGE CHURCH of Christ in Happy Hollow, 209-4845 or 856-6274. Sunday Morning Worship, 10:30 am, 15973 Happy Hollow Rd. 44ufnc THE CHURCH OF JESUS Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1535 SW 9th St., Cedaredge. Sacrament meeting, 9 am; Sunday School, 10:10 am; Priesthood and Aux. meetings, 11:10 am. Bishop Nathan Tullis, 8563526. 44ufnc BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH 209 E. Hotchkiss Ave., Hotchkiss. Sunday School, 10 am; Worship Service, 11 am. 872-3527. 40ufnc HARVEST COMMUNITY Church, 113 Hwy. 50 Business Loop, Olathe. 970497-0832. Pastor Jeff Bachman. Sunday mornings: Fellowship and Breakfast 10 am, Worship 10:30 am. Sunday evenings: Bible Study and dinner, 5:30 pm. Call for directions. 5ufnc ALL SAINTS LUTHERAN Church (ELCA), Cory. Sunday Worship, 10 am (open Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays), children’s Sunday School at 10 am and adult Sunday School 9 am. 20101 Deer Creek Rd., Austin. allsaintslutheranco. org. Call 835-3667. 44ufnc MARANATHA Fellowship, 1712 H Rd., Delta, Rev. Earl Douglas. Sunday Morning Worship, 11 am, Sunday Night, 6 pm. 44ufnc CEDAREDGE ASSEMBLY of God, 1596 SW 9th St., Cedaredge, 856-3586. Sunday Morning Worship, 10 am. Call ahead for Sun. evening service. Wed. Bible Study, 7 pm. Senior Pastor Bob Hillyer, Youth Pastor Eric Musil. Children’s Pastor Anna and Sam Hale. 43ufnc ST. LUKE’S EPISCOPAL Church, 145 W. 5th, Delta, 874-9489. Sunday: Holy Eucharist and Sunday School 10:15 am. Family Eucharist Wed. 10:30 am. First Monday, Order of St. Luke 6 pm, Christian teachings on healings, intercessions and healing service. 44ufnc CRAWFORD Community United Methodist Church, 297 Dogwood Ave., Crawford. Sunday Worship, 9 am, Adult Sunday School, 8 am, Children’s Sunday School, 9 am. 921-3300. 27ufnc BIBLE CENTER CHURCH 1117 3rd St., Paonia, 527-4169. Sunday School 9:45 am; Worship 11 am; AWANA Club, Wed. 7 pm, Oct. through April. 44ufnc TEEN/YOUTH GROUP Come join us Wednesdays, 7-9 pm for relevant messages from God’s Word, you can use today! Also snacks, games and a lot of fun! First Baptist Church, Hotchkiss. 35ufnc FIRST CHRISTIAN Church of Paonia, 227 Oak Ave., Pastor Eddie Hollett. Sunday school 9:30 am, traditional church services at 10:45 am. 42ufnc HOTCHKISS FIRST Baptist Church, 203 W. Main, Hotchkiss, 872-3313, Pastor Jake DeField, 201-1391. Sunday School for all ages, 9:45 am, Sunday Morning Worship at 11 am, Sunday Evening Worship at 5 pm. Wed. Evening Choir Practice, 6 pm, Youth Awana 6:30-8 pm, Teen Bible Study and Youth Activities, 7 pm and Adult Bible Study and Prayer, 7-8 pm. Thurs. Men’s Prayer Meeting 8 am. 25ufnc LANDMARK MISSIONARY Baptist Church, 12th & Grand, Delta, 874-3717. Sunday School, 9:45 am; Sunday Worship, 11 am, 2 pm; and Wednesday evening, 7 pm. Pastor Ken Gilchrist. 17ufnc GRACE COMMUNITY Church, Delta campus. Services are held Sundays at 10 am at Delta High School, 1400 Pioneer Rd. We can also be reached at 970-399-3100 or at grace 30ufnc PAONIA CHURCH OF Nazarene, 3rd and North Fork, 527-3002. Sharing the light of holiness with the North Fork and the world. Sunday worship 11 am. Sunday evening 6 pm. Thursday 7 pm. 40ufnc HOTCHKISS Community United Methodist Church, 2nd and Orchard, Hotchkiss, 8723540, Worship 11 am. 27ufnc OLATHE CHURCH OF Christ, 115 Main St., Olathe, 970-765-5137. Sunday Bible study, 9:30 am; morning worship, 10:30 am; afternoon Bible study, 1 pm; Wednesday Bible study, 7 pm. www. 47ufnc AWANA CLUB Wed., 6 pm, Sept.-April, Delta First Baptist Church, 1250 Pioneer Rd., 8743847. 45ufnc CROSS & SPURS Cowboy Fellowship, Sunday evenings at 6 pm, Montrose County Fairgrounds, 1001 N. 2nd St. Call Pastor Terry Hedrick at 874-0848 for more info. 15ufnc FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of Delta, 1250 Pioneer Rd., 874-3847, Pastor James Conley. Sunday School, 9:15 am. Sunday worship times: 10:30 am and 6 pm. Visit our website for youth and other programs. 45ufnc FELLOWSHIP ON THE Rock Church of the Nazarene, 966 SW 11th St., Cedaredge, 856-6137, Pastor Dan Neil. Sunday family study 10 am, Sunday worship service 11 am. fellow shipontherock@hotmail. com. Find us on Facebook. 41ufnc NEW VISION COWBOY Church, formerly at Z-Barn, now holding services at Westminster Hall, 135 E. 4th, Delta, 1st and 3rd Sat., 6 pm. For more info, 970856-4141. 39ufnc ST. MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC Church, 628 Meeker St., Delta. Sat. Mass, 5:30 pm; Sun. Mass, 10 am; Spanish Mass at 12 noon. 40ufnc NEED A PLACE TO CALL home on Sunday mornings? The Presbyterian Church of Delta welcomes adults and children for Sunday school each Sunday at 9:30 am and worship service at 10:30 am, 135 E. 4th St., across from the Post Office. Find us online or on Facebook for more events and studies. “We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19. 19ufnc IF A HALF BEEF IS TOO much for your freezer, we offer a quarter beef as well! Homestead Meats, 741 W. 5th St., Delta, 874-1145. Page 36 – February 24, 2016 "Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper”