Б:ЮolЎЎ - TNO Publications
Б:ЮolЎЎ - TNO Publications
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Seinen (Research Institute of Toxicology, Utrecht University) Co-promotor: Dr.ir. J.P. Groten (TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, Zeist) CIP-GEGEVENS KONINKLIJKE BIBLIOTHEEK,,s-GRAVENHAGE Cassee, Ferdinand Ralph Upper respiratory tract toxicity of mixtures of aldehydes / Ferdinand Ralph Cassee, Utrecht : - Ut¡echt : Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit der Diergeneeskunde. Thesis Unive¡siteit Utrecht. - With ref. - With summary in Dutch rsBN 90-393-0880-2 Subject headings: combination toxicology / upper respiratory tract Druk: Drukkerij Ponsen en Looyen 8.V., Wageningen The studies decribed in this thesis were carried out ât the Toxicology Division, TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, Zeist, the Netherlands, and were financialty supported by the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning, and Environment, The Hague and by TNO, Delft, The Netherlands. Financial support for the publication of this thesis was provided by TNo Nutrition and Food Research Institute. Paranimfen: rilinfried R. læeman André P.M. Wolterbeek Those who can withstand the heat may find that the reward far outweights the frustrations (Yang et al., 1989) Contents Gene¡al introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 I.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 7 Introduction 7 Upper respiratory tract 9 Ozone 13 Aìdehydes t4 Exposure to mixtures of aldehydes and/or ozone 16 Evaluation of simple definded mixtures 17 Experimental designs 27 Risk assessment of chemical mixtures 28 Objectives of the studies described in this 3t thesis References 32 Biochemical and histopathological changes in nasal epithelium of rats after 3-day intermittent exposure to formaldehyde and ozone alone or in combination. Toxicoly Letters 72, 257-268 (1994) Changes 41 in the nasal epithelium of rats exposed by inhalation to mixtures of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, in press. 59 Sensory irritation to mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and acetaldehyde in rats. Archives of Toxicology, in press ln vitro toxicity of formaldehyde, acrolein and crotonaldehyde in 87 nasal epithelial cells: different approaches to study combined exposure Submitted for publication 109 cells: thc role of formaldehyde dehydrogenase and glutathione. S ub miîted fo r pub lic at io n 131 7 Summaly and concluding remârks r53 8 Samenvatting 161 Curriculum vitae List of.publications Dankwoord 1 General introduction 1.1 Introduction For most chemical mixtures and multiple chemical exposures sufficient data on exposure and toxicity are lacking, which is not surprising since a broad estimation learns that over of the in toxicology is still devoted to studies of single chemicals (Yang, 'i'994a). The reality of concurrent or sequential exposure of man to multiple chemicals 957o resources (e'g. food additives, pesticides, indoor and outdoor air pollutants pational environments) indicates the necessity in general and occu- of exposure assessment, hazard identifica- tion and risk assessment of chemical mixtures. Moreover, public concern regarding exposure to chemical mixtures has increased. The growing number of publications, conferences, symposia and workshops dealing with the toxicology of chemical mixtures indicates the growing interest of scientists and regulators in this challenging vanguard of toxicology. For an area as complex and unexplored as the toxicology of chemical mixtures, the best Chapter I for progress are in trial and error. Topics of continuous debate are: conc€pts similar joint action and independent joint action versus interaction of chemicals, design chances experimental studies and analysis of the results including the use of statistical dose-response relationships and low-dose extrapolation, mechanisms c c methodr of toxicokinetic an toxicodynamic interactive effects, and, last but not least, the lessons from risk assessmer of real-life examples of exposure to chemical mixtures (Calabrese, 1991 ; Mumtaz et al 1993; Feron et al., 1994, l995a,b; Yang, 1994b). Guidelines from national and international organizations involved in setting for exposur limits not infrequently suggest the use of simple "dose addition" or "response addition models for assessing the hazard of a chemical mixture not taking into account the mode o action of the individual chemicals. Clearly, such an approach may greatly overestimate th risk in case of chemicals that act by mechanisms for which the additivity assumptions ar invalid. For example, essential nutrients (vitamins, trace elements, essential amino an fatty acids) have relatively small margins of safety between the dose we need and th lowest toxic dose (Feron et al., L990); simultaneous consumption of these chemicals ¿ thei¡ recommended intake levels would turn out to be a rather unhealthy habit when th toxicity of this mixture would be assessed on the basis of the "dose addition" concet (similar joint action). If chemicals in a mixture a¡e known to have simple dissimilar mode of action, studies in our institute have shown that they do not constitute an evidentl increased hazard compared to that of exposure to the individual chemicals, provided th of the chemicals in the mixture is at most equal to or slightly lower tha their own no-observed-adverse-effect level (Feron et al., I995c). The health risk of suc exposure level mixtures is entirely determined by the health risk associated with the "most risky chemi cal" in the mixture, provided the risk quotients of the other chemicals in the mixture dr not exceed unity. The US EPA guidelines for risk assessment of chemical mixtures (EPA 1986; 1990) allow for the use of different additivity models and different interactio models, including effect addition. It is important that the right for summation of the effects of th individual compounds. For example, the addition of 1 litre water to 1 litre ethanol wil 8 parameters are used General introduction result in a volume which is less than 2 htres. In this case the parameter weight rather than the parameter volume should have been used. Another example, given by Steel and Peckham (1,979), is the amalgamation of two spherical balls of clay. The sum of the radii of each single spheres is dissimilar to the radius of the newly formed spherical ball. In this case the volume or the weight should be used to predict the result of the amalgamation. The use of the appropriate parameters and evaluation models is of paramount importance to predict the hazard of a mixture relative to its constituents. However, if chemicals in a mixture interact with one another, it is very well possible that more than additive or less than additive effects may occur. Another important aspect of toxicity studies with mixtures is the exponential increase in number of test groups with increasing numbers of in a mixture: to test all possible combinations (in a at only one dose level of each chemical in a mixture chemicals complete experimental design) consisting of 3, 4 or 5 chemicats, T (23-1), 15 (24-D or 31 (2s-r) test groups, respectively, would be required. Such studies are virtually impossible from a practical, an economical and in case of in vivo studies, an ethical point of view. To reduce the number of test groups without losing relevant information about interactions between chemicals several statistical designs have been proposed. Some of these designs will be discussed in this chapter. L.2 The upper respiratory tract The upper airways comprise the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea and, for species such as primates, the mouth. The anatomy some of the nose in particular is very com- plex and consists of a large number of structures (uraih an Maronpot, '1990; Mery et al., 1994; Gross et al.,'i'982) There is general consensus that the nasal passages are critically important in the protection of the lower airways. The nose serves as a filter, humidifier and thermoregulator of inspired air. It is equipped with a mucociliary apparatus, which is involved in the protec Chapter 1 Goðtet Cltl Clliål.d Colummr Câll ColùmEr Celt Blood Vrsæl B OlLEtory ExcEtoty Oucl ol Bwmtn'B cl¡ñd lluclei ol Olfaclory l{guÞna Axon ôf Oltsctory Niuron Brsl cell clomerufús.ol æ2 Olfactory tleryes Ewman's Gland Ollactory Neryer Fig.1 l0 Nèrve Flbc6 F J Barsl l"åming Ftoro¡tsst l.¡ñina PÞpria Blood vessels Schematic representation of two main types of epithelia. A) Respiratory epithelium with six mor. phological cell types: cuboidal, brush, basal, goblet, ciliated columnar, and nonciliated columnal cells, and B) olfactory epithelium with three major cell types: columnar supporting cells, olfactorl neurons and basal cells (adâpted from Uraih and Maronpot, 1990) General introduction tion of the underlying epithelium and the removal of inhaled pollutants as well as the humidification of inspired air. Inhibition of the mucociliary function can serve as a sensitive indicator of regional nasal toxicity of inhaled air pollutants. Differences in local tissue susceptibility (for instance, due to the presence or absence of certain biotransfo¡mation enzymes) and regional deposition of inhaled substances will effect the distribution of lesions. For hydrophilic chemicals, such as formaldehyde, which are readily absorbed by the nasal mucosa, air-flow patterns appear to play a major role in regional depositions and consequent lesion distribution indicator in the nose (Morgan and Monticello, 1989). An important of injury upon inhalation of nasal irritants is cell proliferation of the nasal epithelium. It is a necessary response to repair damaged epithelium and protect the airway mucosa from further offense by thickening the epithelial barrier through hyperplasia (Harkema, 1990; Monticello et al., 1993). Site-specific association of necrosis, hyperplasia and malignancy (but in the airway epithelium suggests that will not always) As a result of the increased cell proliferation may be important in the carcinogenic process (Ward er at., 1993). energy-demanding process of the mucociliary apparatus, the upper respiratory tract epithelium is a highly metabolically active and enzyme-rich tissue. The activities of a number of biotransformation enzymes (glutathione S-transferase, aldehyde dehydrogenases, cytochrome P450) are comparable to those of the liver (Dahl and Hadley, 1991). The composition of the nasal mucosa with at least 12 different types of cells and a number of epithelia of different cell composition (e.g. non-ciliated cuboidal or transitional epithelium, olfactory epithelium, keratinized stratified and squamous epithelium, Fig. 1) results in differences in susceptibility among these epithelia. A subchronic inhalation study with 400 ppm acetaldehyde revealed little or no effect on the respiratory epithelium while severe degeneration was seen in the olfactory epithelium. This difference in susceptibility might be explained by the higher aldehyde dehydrogenase activity in the respiratory than in to the olfactory mucosa (Casanova et al., 1984 Bogdanffy et al., L986). Simila¡ regional in susceptibility have been found for a number of other chemicals (Thomas and Morgan, 1988; Miller et al., 1984; Bogdanffy et al.,'1989, 1994; l_ne et al., 1989; diffèrences tôfberg et al., 1982) 11 Chapter transitional Þ resp¡ratory olfactory > respiratory 1 squamous > rgspiratory respíratory t respiratory Nasal c€vity |'i ( )rl \\r ta \ti (( Upper incisor tooth Nasal cavity îig.2 Diagram of the dorsal buccal cavity of a rat to show the landmarks used for section identification of an anterior and a posterior cross-section. Distribution of transitional, squamous, respiratory and olfactory epithelium lining the nasal cavity are indicated by ', >, and > (modefied after Mery el al., 12 1,994). General introduction Upper respiratory tract carcinogenesis has recently been reviewed by Vy'outersen et al. (1994). The prevalence of cancer of the interior of the human nose and associated tissues is about 'l% of that of the most common types of cancer in many developed countries, viz. bronchogenic carcinoma in men and breast cancer in women. An unequivocal association with nasal cancer has been found for certain occupations, such as the wooden furnitu¡e and shoe industries and nickel refineries (Acheson, 1986; Collin, 1983; Prasad, 1983). Nasopharyngeal cancer in southeastern China and Hong Kong has been associated with volatile nitrosamines appearing in salted fish (Tricker and Preussman, 1991). Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption are important causes of laryngeal cancer in man (Burch et al., 198.1 number ; IARC, 1986). In the past decades convincing evidence has a¡isen for of chemicals to be able to induce nasal tumours in experimental animals a (e.g. formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, nitrosamines and vinyl chloride; Feron e/ al., \986). 1.3 Ozone Ozone is an ubiquitous air pollutant and the major oxidant of photochemical smog. generally found in association It is with other oxidant components, namely nitrogen dioxide, alkyl peroxides, nitrous and nitric acids, formaldehyde and formic acid (NRC, WHO, 1979). Ozone is widely used as a disinfectant 1977; for air and water (Borek and Mehlman, 1983). Significant quantities of ozone appear also in aeroplane cabins at great height. While stratospheric ozone protects the earth against excess solar ultraviolet (uv) radiation (NRC,1977), high levels of ozone in the environment are toxic and present a health hazard to man (WHO, 1979). The likelihood that ozone represents a significant health hazard to man is potentiated by the ubiquity of its environmental occurrence. The Netherlands standa¡d is set at an hourly average of 240 pg.m-3 (0.12 ppm), not 1985; VROM,1993). Ozone to be exceeded more than twice a year (NHC, is a powerful oxidant and is very reactive to all kinds of biomolecules. Many short-term health effects and chronic lung diseases are thought to result from exposure to this oxidant. The toxic effects are attributed to its ability to 13 Chapter I generate free-radical reactions in the biological system (Mustafa, 1990). Exposures to ozone are known to cause injury to and to increase cell proliferation nonciliated transitional epithelium lining the nasal cavity in all species studied of to the date, includingrodentsandprimates(Lippman, 1989; Harkemaetal.,lgSg,Reuzel etal., 1990; l99r). Exposure to ozone has been shown to induce hyperplasia and secretory metaplasia of the transitional epithelium of rats exposed to 0.8 Johnson et al., 1990; Plopper et aI., ppm ozone, 6hlday, for 7 days, and an increased volume density of mucosubstances in the epithelium of rats exposed to as low a concentration as 0.12 ppm ozone for the same time (Harkema et al., 1989). Ozone has been shown to be genotoxic to microorganisms, plants and cell cultures in vitro, whereas the results from in vivo cytogenetic and carcinogenic studies with laboratory animals after inhalation exposure are contradictory (Victorin, 1992).'there is limited evidence of ozone inducing lung tumours (adenomas) in Ail mice, whereas studies in rats were negative also with respect to nasal tumours (Last et al., 1987; Mustafa et al., 1,988; Boorman et al., 1994). Both more and less than additive effects for various end-points have been reported for combinations of ozone and air-borne chemicals in experimental animals (Krishnan Brodeur, 1991). Studies with ozone in combination with aldehydes and will be discussed in section 1.5. L,4 Aldehydes of relatively reactive organic compounds that are omnipresent in the environment primarily as a result of incomplete combustion or pyrolysis of Aldehydes constitute a group organic materials such as fuels, synthetic polymers, food and tobacco. They can be subdivided into three classes, according to the reaction they can undergo (Feron et al. 1991): Saturated 't4 or simple aldeh:tdes. A range of aldehyde dehydrogenases are available to General introduction oxidize the functional group to carboxylic acid. Reduction to the corresponding alcohol is of minor importance, because of the much lower Ç values of the reductases and alcohol dehydrogenases (Sladek et al., 1989). Conjugation of aldehydes with molecules containing thiol and/or amino groups has been reported as well as cross-linking properties (Casanova et al., 1991,, 1994; Heck et al, 1990; Auerbach et al., 1977; Kuykendall and Bogdanffy, 1993). Oxidation occurs enzymatically by various aldehyde dehydrogenases, some of which have a high substrate specificity, while others are able to accommodate a variety of substrates (Schauenstein et al., 1977; Brabec, 1981; Casanova et al. 1984; Sladek et al., 1989). The oxidation products are corresponding carbon acids. The reaction dependent and, is NAD(P+)- in the case of the (specific) formaldehyde dehydrogenase, also dependent on reduced glutathione. Examples of this class of aldehydes are formaldehyde, acetal- dehyde and propanal. a,ß-Unsaturated aldehydes. The B-carbon ol these aldehydes will generally be irreversibly conjugated with glutathione or other thiol-containing molecules (Schauenstein et al., 1977; Esterbauer et øt., 1976; Patel, et al., 1980; Ãlin "t Petersen, 1989). These aldehydes also form adducts al., 1985; Witz, with DNA 1.989; Mitchell and bases, especially guanosine (Chung et al., 1984; Witz, 1989; Kuykendall and Bogdanffy,1993). Examples of this class of aldehydes are acrolein, crotonaldehyde and cinnamaldehyde. Halosenated and otherwise substituted aldeh))des. The way these aldehydes are metabolized depends on the character of the other functional groups. Wellknown examples are chloroacetaldehyde, bromoacetaldehyde, benzaldehyde and furfural. The upper respiratory tract, especially the nose, is the prime target for inhaled aldehydes such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein. On the basis of their structural similar- ities one might expect that additivity assumptions (dose addition) can be used to assess the toxicity of a mixture of aldehydes provided individual concentrations are sub-toxic. At higher (toxic) exposure levels interference or competition among individual compounds in the mixture are to be expected. Besides similarities in their mode of action, aldehydes have different physico-chemical properties that may lead to differences in site and degree of deposition on the nasal mucosa (Morgan and Monticello, 1989). Moreover, the capacity 15 Chapter 1 for biotransformation of aldehydes may be different in different areas of the nasal mucosa. In fact, the regional differences in cytotoxic and/or carcinogenic effects of aldehydes on the nose of rats have been ascribed to regional differences in both deposition of the aldehydes and susceptibility of the nasal epithelium to their toxic and/or properties (Dalbey, 1982; Morgan and Monticello., 1989; Monticello et carcinogenic al., 199r, '1,993: Woutersen et al., 1984). The higher sensitivity of the olfactory epithelium than the respiratory epithelium to acetaldehyde seems to be due, at least in part, to a lower activity in aldehyde dehydrogenase, which can detoxify acetaldehyde (Casanova et al., 1984; Bogdanffy et al., 1986). 1.5 Exposure to mixtures of aldehydes and/or ozone Combined exposure to ozone and formaldehyde has been shown to result in more than additive effects with respect to nasal epithelium injury and cell proliferation, which could not be explained from a mechanistic point of view (Mautz et al., 19BB; Reuzel et al., 1990). Aldehydes are intermediates in the formation of ozonides upon the reaction of with unsaturated lipids (Menzel, 1984). These intermediate aldehydes might be replaced by formaldehyde to result in a more toxic ozonide than would have been proozone duced by exposure to ozone alone (Pryor et al., 1991,a,b). However, the same studies also showed less than additive effects in nasal epithelium and lung tissue (Mautz et al.,'1988; Reuzel et al., 1990). The nasal injury caused by formaldehyde is markedly enhanced by simultaneous exposure to sodium chloride aerosols (Amdur, 1960). Combined exposure of rats to formaldehyde and acrolein has been reported to result in significantly higher yields of DNA-protein cross-links in nasal epithelium than exposure to formaldehyde alone, probably because of inhibition of the oxidative metabolism of most formaldehyde <Iue to glutathione depletion by acrolein (Lam et al., 1985). Mixed exposure to formaldehyde and acrolein resulted in additive effects with respect to sensory irritation (Kane and Alarie 1978). Pre{reatment with formaldehyde induced cross tolerance to chlorine, acetaldehyde and acrolein with respect to sensory irritation in mice, but this did not hold fo¡ other 16 General introduction aldehydes such as crotonaldehyde and propionaldehyde (chang and Barrow, 1984; Babiuk et al., 1985), whereas sensory irritation by acrolein was found to be inhibited by simultaneous exposure to sulphur dioxide (Kane and AlaÅe,1979). r.6 Evaluation of effects of simple defined mixtures Plurichemical exposure of man to potentially injurious chemicals seems to be rule rather in the general and occupational environment can be, and generally are, complex consisting of parent compounds, reaction and transformation products along with other contaminants, residues and inert materials (Krishnan and than exception. Chemical mixtures Brodeur, 1991) Exposure to mixtures may occur simultaneously or sequentially. However, the majority of toxicological studies with ambient air pollutants involves exposures to single agents (Yang, I994a). No doubt, the main interest of people working in the field of is to find out whether exposure to a mixture will result in a different toxicity than exposure to each of the single compounds separately, in other words: will the toxic effect of a mixture be stronger (synergy) or less than expected combination toxicology (antagonism) on the basis of additivity? The effect of a mixture is usually compared to the expected effect which is based on summation of effects of the individual compounds of a mixture. However, this expected effect in turn is highly dependent on the knowledge of the mechanism of action of each of the mixture constituents. 1.6.1 Basic concepts Three basic concepts for the description of the action of constituents of a mixture have been defined by Bliss (1939). a. Similar joint action, also known as 'simple similar action', or 'concentration/dose ad- dition'. This is a non-interactive process, which means that the chemicals in the mixture do not effect the toxicity of one another (Mumtaz et al., 1,994; EPA, 1986). Each of the chemicals in the mixture contributes to the toxicity of the mixture proportionally to its 1-7 ChapÍer I joint action allows us to describe the additive effect biomathematically using the summation of the doses of the individual compounds in a mixture after adjustment for dose' Similar the differences in potencies. This method is only valid for linear dose-response/effect curves (Steel and Peckham,1979; Kodell and Pounds, 1988; Reif, 1984). b' Simple independent action, also referred to as 'simple dissimilar action', 'independent joint action' or 'response addition'. In this case the agents of a mixture do not affect each other's effect. The mode of action and possibly, but not necessarily, the nature and site of action differ among the constituents of the mixture. Response addition is based on the idea that each individual of a population has a certain tolerance to each of the chemicals of mixture and will only exhibit a response to a toxin if the concentration a exceeds the toler- ance dose. c' Interactions. Compounds may interact with one another, modifying the magnitude and sometimes the nature of the toxic effect and as a consequence, the effect may deviate from in a stronger or weaker effect. An interaction might occur in the phase (process of uptake, distribution, metabolism and excretion describes additivity resulting toxicokinetic how an individual tolerates a compound) or in the toxicodynamic phase (opposite effects of chemicals on the functions of the target cell, competition for receptor-binding sites, a change in tissue susceptibility elicited by one chemical towards the effect of another, and thus the effect of a xenobiotic on the individual). 1.6.2 Methodologies to assess the joint effect of chemicals in mixtures In the past decades a number of approaches has been presented to evaluate the effect of a mixture compared to its components. The simplest one is the relative potency method assuming similar joint action, i.e. the chemicals in the mixture behave as concentrations or dilutions of one another. Thereupon, The'hazard index' (HI) (EpA, 1986) can be calculated from equation (1). 18 General introduction ,r= Et Ez * *...* un DLt DLz DLn (1) in which E is the level of exposure and DL is some defined limit exposure value. equation exceeds unity, the concern is the same as if If the an individual chemical exposure exceeded its acceptable level by the same proportion (EPA, 1986). In case of independent joint action the HI will be that of the agent with the highest quotient. Thus, in a three- compound mixture with a HI of O.2, 0.3 and 0.5 the HI will be 0.5, whereas with similar joint action this would be 1.0, A few methods to study the effects of mixtures will be briefly discussed below Whole mixtures The simplest and easiest way of examining mixtures is to study the effect of the whole mixture and to compare its effect with the effects of each of the compounds of the mixture at the same exposure levels. This strategy has been advised fo¡ mixtures that are not well characterized (Mumtaz et al., 1993), but bined toxicity of it has also been applied for assessing the com- defined chemical mixtures consisting of nephrotoxicants, pesticides, carcinogens and/or fertilizers (Yang and Rauckman, 1987; Jonker et al., '1,993a,b; Charturved et al., 1993; Heindel et al., 1994; lto et a1.,1995). This approach would be of interest for a first screening of adverse effects of a mixture. The designs of these studies were chosen to reflect the net effect of all compounds in the mixture. To limit the number of test groups possible interactive effects of the agents in relation to the effects of individual chemicals were not taken into account. t9 Chapter 1 -75 È €ro '5 Mode co I o c o G L I Additivity envelope c 0) o c o o concentration of A G -75 = €.0 C. Fig. 22 4 4/J506070a090 cb corrcenbation Isobolic diagram of the effect of joint effect of two chemicals A and B (1B) with the corresponding concentration effect curves (14,1C) illustrating the const¡uction of an additivity envelopè. In an isobologram (18) combinations of two compounds that result in the same effecl (e.g. 50Vo reduction of the viability), and also the concentrations of each compound that, given alonè, have the same effect as the combinations, are plotted. All points of an isobole reveal the mixing values of both components at which a specific, quantitative effect is observed 1-). The envãlope of additivity is an area in which those combinations AB are lying that have a specified effect and may reasonably considered as showing no interaction (adapted from Calabrese, 1991). General introduction (3) d. _- I D"1 This procedure requires a number of calculations and, in case of departure from additivity, of CI will the magnitude depend on the ratio of the concentrations of the constituents of the mixture (Fig. 3) and thus will not result in one CI for a specific mixture. Actually, Eq.2 is valid in case of simple similar joint action (agents with similar-shaped CEC but different potencies), but the theoretical basis for a more general use been questioned (Greco et of this equation has al., L992). In addition, the statistical basis for testing whether or not a specific CI deviates from 1 (additivity) is very complex. l¡ewe (1953) has proposed the construction of an additivity envelope for nonlinear dose-response curves (Fig. 4), that was modified and extended by Steel and Peckham (1979). The envelope of additivity is an area in which those combinations AB are lying that have a specified effect and may reasonably be considered as showing no interaction (Steel and Peckham, 1979; Kodel and Pound, 1988). nature of the It reflects the inherent uncertainty of how to perform summation given the dose-response curves (Calabrese, 1991). The envelope the dose-response curves of both compounds envelope are found by using mode I and II is constructed from of a binary mixture. The boundaries of addition. Mode I addition, the also referred to as heteroadditivity (Kodell and Pound, 1988), is the simplest form of response addition and is describe by the formula: E(dpd)= E(d1)*E(dz) (4) in which d1 and d, represent the doses of two compounds each resulting in an effect that can be summed to give E(d1,d2), the fixed effect due to exposure to the mixture. 23 Chapter 1 Response-surføce analysis The response- or effect-surface methodology will yield a statistically based mathematical relationship between the doses of each of the agents of a mixture and the effect parameter (carter et al,, 1,988, 1994; Plummer and Short, 1990; Greco et al., 1,990). This mathematical equation is obtained by multiple linear regression. An example of an equation for a 3compound mixture is given below: [ = sL+þ tdr+þ zdz*þ zds*! ldrdr+^¡ 2drdr+y 3d2d3*õ p$rd3 (7) in which dn represents the dose of a chemical in the mixture. By means of a I test and the standard error of a coefficient, the p value for the regression coefficient can be estimated. The p value measures the probability of observing the value of the coefficient or a more extreme value given the null hypothesis (the coefficient is zero) is true. In the case of significant interaction terms, these coefficients should always be interpreted with the responding main effects. Coefficient cr represents the control situation (e.g. 100% viabil- ity), and the constants p are associated with the main effect of each of the compounds. The coefficients y and ò are indications for two- and three-factor interactions, respectively. In this example, for viability a positive value of y or ô in association with a negative value for B indicates a less than additive effect due to an interaction between two (or three) compounds of the mixture. Zero values of y or ò suggest the absence of a particular inte¡action. The advantage of this method is that 26 it includes all data points obtained. General introduction 1.7 Experimentaldesigns A number of statistical designs are available to evaluate the effects of mixtures compared to their constituents (Box el al., 1,978), for instance ray, central composite and factorial designs (Fig. 6). These designs allow for fractionation to reduce the number of experimen- tal groups and still identify most of the interactions between compounds. For instance, Eriksson et al. (1990) and Groten et al. (1991) have shown that fractional factorial designs can be an efficient and cost-effective approach to identify interactive effects seven trace elements and the cadmium accumulation between in the body and to determine struc- ture-activity relationships for ten halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons, respectively. Groten et al. (L995) used a fractionated two-level factorial design for a combination of B Factorial A Ray ao d] c E o o o o a o o o o o Ø o o Dose agent A Dose agent A D Simplex C Central Composite fn co C c o o o o o o Õ o o o o o Fig. 6 Dose agent A Designs used 10 study the joint effect Dose agent A ot mixtures of two chemicals. Each design is plotted on an isobologram 2',7 Chapter 1 nine chemicals in a subacute study. Main and interactive effects of the agents could be detected using 16 different test groups, whereas a full design would have required 29-1 (511) experimental groups. The design is based on a general balance of groups with and without one of the compounds. By subtracting the mean of the groups not containing the agent from the mean based of the other groups, the main effects of each agent can be found on effect addition. A measure of non-additivity (interaction) is the difference between the effect of an agent in the presence of another one and the effect of the agent in the other one's absence (Groten et a1.,1995). A ray design can be used for calculating the combination index (pq. 2) or isoboles of a mixture. At least 10 points (3 points on each ray and the control point) are needed for studying a 2-compound mixture. This design is often used as a follow-up after a first screening study with, for example, a factorial design (Svengaard and Hertzberg, 1994). A central composite design can be useful to study deviations from additivity comparing the central point with all other points. It is also used to determine an optimum effect and very useful in combination with response-surface analysis. All it is these designs are based on the assumption that the dose-response curves are monotonic. Statistical designs that account for non-linear dose-response relationships are lacking. This might lead to misinterpretations of results of the statistical analysis when information on individual compounds of a chemical mixture is missing. 1.8 Risk assessment of chemical mixtures The reason for concern regarding risk assessment of mixtures is obvious. Man is always exposed to more than one chemical at a time: environmental contaminants, voluntary exposures (e.g. food, medicines, tobacco smoke) or exposure at the workplace (e.g. coke ovens, forges, pesticide spraying). Moreover, a wealth of experimental evidence exists that various chemicals interact toxicologically (Calabrese, available 28 it should be noticed in risk assessment. ). Whenever this information is However, there are all sorts of problems 1991 General introduction with hazard identification and risk possible mixtures as well as impracticable. Even all assessment of chemical mixtures. First, testing of all possible combinations if toxicity data on individual of agents within a mixture is compounds are available, there are still two major problems: extrapolation from laboratory animals to man and extrapolation from high- to low-level exposures. Both issues are subjects of continuous debate among scientists, risk assessors and regulating authorities, indicating that at present there is no consensus. To diminish the uncertainties of extrapolation, which forces us to use safety factors, more information on low-level exposure is needed. Although this carries its own diffi- culties (e.g. detection limits for exposure, minimal adverse effect periods), there is growing awareness that such studies with high-level at short exposure will be mo¡e useful than studies exposures. Recently, Feron et al. (1995a,b) have suggested a two-step procedure for safety evaluation of complex mixtures of chemicals (Fig. 7). In brief, one should first identify the, for example, ten most risky chemicals in the complex mixture, and then approach these ten chemicals as a simple defined mixture, assuming that the hazard and possible risk of this defined mixture are representative of the hazard and risk of the entire mixture. In order to be able to predict the combined action of the selected chemicals (additivity) or interactions between the chemicals (synergism or antagonism of effects), knowledge on the (pre- sumable) mode of action of the agents is of paramount importance. A possibility is to test the ten chemicals in for instance, a 4-week repeated exposure study and a genotoxicity assay at exposure levels 3 or.l 0 times higher than those found in practice. When such studies do not produce evidence for toxic and/or mutagenic effects of the defined mixture tested, the entire complex mixture can be considered relatively harmless. When, however, adverse effects are found concern about possible health effects is justifiable and additional studies are recommended. This approach circumvents the use of mathematical equations as previously described. The answer to the question whether chemicals in a mixture interact in a way that results in a reduced or increased overall response or an effect that is simply a summation of the expected effects is most relevant. By and large, regulatory actions and industrial practices 29 Chapter STEP 1 1 IDENTIFICATION OF PRIORITY CHEMICALS Select a limited number of chemicals (e.g. ten) with the highest health risk potential, using the risk quotient (RQ): level of exposure RQ = -----------level of toxicity of the individual chemicals; in brief, identify the 'top ten,chemicals STEP 2 IIAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND RTSK ASSESSMENT Identify the hazard and assess the heålth risk of the defined mixture of the ("ten") priority chemicals, using approaches appropriate for simple, defined mixtures of chemicals A pragmatic approach: carry out limited toxicity studies e,g, one 4-week rat study and one screening assay for genotoxicity with the defined mixture of the ("ten") priority chemicals, using exposure concentrations e.g,2 to l0 times higher than those occurring in the complex mixture in practice (only for certain types of mixtures; see text) Fig.1 Two-step procedure for safety evaluation al., 1995a) 30 of complex chemical mixtures (modfied from Feron et General introduction are based on the use of the default assumption of effect addition that has been stated most explicit- ly for assessing carcinogenic risks (McClellan, 1994). Although in general this will be a prudent practice, this assumption may sometimes underestimate risk. Approaches for dealing with risk assessment of mixtures rely heavily on some form of additivity model unless data are adequate for a direct risk assessment of the mixture of concern. Although the previously described additivity models are mathematically simple, they require assumptions about the mode of action. The number of mixtures to which direct risk potency method have been devoted assessment or is limited. The risk assessment using the relative theoretical considerations in risk of chemical mixtures should be verified by simple case studies as published recently (Yang, I994b; Jonker et al, 1990, 1,993a,b; Groten et al., 1994,1995) assessment 1.9 Objectives of the studies described in this thesis The studies presented in this thesis deal with the ubiquitous environmental poÌlutants formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, crotonaldehyde and ozone, all of which are uppef respiratory tract toxicants. The aims of the studies were: a. to get a better insight into the pathophysiology of the nasal changes induced by formaldehyde-ozone mixtures. Chapter 2 describes three-day inhalation toxicity study in rats, using intermittent exposure to formaldehyde (3.6 ppm) and ozone (0.4 ppm) alone or in combination. The study focuses on biochemical and histopathological changes in the nasal respiratory epithelium. b' to investigate possible additive or interactive effects of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein with respect to cell proliferation, and biochemical and histopathological changes of the for 1 or 3 days to (mixtures of) these aldehydes at concentrations ranging from clearly non-toxic to slightly toxic nasal epithelium. Rats were exposed (Chapter 3). c. to predict the sensory irritation of mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and acetaldehyde in rats using models for effect addition and competitive agonism. Chapter 4 describes 31 Chapter 1 these sensory irritation studies with decrease in breathing frequency as an indicator for sensory irritation. d to investigate combined or interactive effects of mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and crotonaldehyde at the cellular level with the isobole and effect-surface analysis methods to evaluate data obtained. 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Feron Toxicology Letters 1994: 72, 257-268 Abstract To get a better insight into the pathophysiology of the nasal changes induced by formaldehyde-ozone mixtures, a 3-day inhalation study was carried out in rats, using intermittent exposure to formaldehyde (3.6 ppm) and ozone (0.4 ppm) alone or in combination and focusing on biochemical and histopathological changes in rat nasal respiratory epithelium. Formaldehyde dehydrogenase, glutathione S-transferase, glutathione reductase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities in this epithelium were not affected by the individual compounds. However, combined exposure to formaldehyde and ozone resulted in slightly dec¡eased activities of these enzymes. Formaldehyde was found squamous metaplasia to induce rhinitis, degeneration, frank necrosis, hyperplasia and of the ciliated and nonciliated nasal respiratory epithelium, while ozone induced disarrangement, flattening and slight basal cell hyperplasia of the non41 Chapter 2 ciliated cuboidal epithelium accompanied by influx of neutrophils. Proliferating cel nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression was elevated not only in nasal areas showing ozone. induced histopathological changes but also on the otherwise normal-appearing nasa septum. No interactive effects were found with respect to proliferative response of thr nasal respiratory epithelium after exposure to the formaldehyde-ozone mixture. The present study did not provide evidence of a major role of glutathione and glutathionr dependent enzymes in the pathogenesis of nasal lesions induced by formaldehyde ozone, demonstrated the potential and/or of ozone to affect the mucociliary epithelium lining the nasal septum, and suggested that PCNA expression is a sensitive tool for detection of earll effects of respiratory irritants. Introduction Ozone and formaldehyde are major air contaminants which may occur simultaneously in urban and indoor environments (EPA, 1986; WHO, 1987; Reuzel et al., 199O). Both chemicals are respiratory tract irritants and, at sufficiently high concentrations will damage the nasal respiratory epithelium (IARC, 1982; Maulz et al., 1988; Kruysse and Feron, 1989; Reuzel et al., 1990). Formaldehyde-induced nasal lesions in rat are mainly locatec in the areas lined with ciliated and non-ciliated respiratory epithelium and include degeneration, hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia, rhinitis and also polypoid adenomas anc squamous cell carcinomas (IARC, 1982; rüHO, 1989). Nasal lesions induced by ozone in rats are mainly found in the nonciliated cuboidal epithelium of the respiratory epithelium and comprise hyperplasia, influx of neutrophils and secretory/mucous cell metaplasia (Hotchkiss et al., 1989; Johnson et aI., 1990; Harkema et al., 1987, 1989,1992). Studies with mixtures of ozone and formaldehyde in rats revealed interactive effects on the nasal respiratory epithelium (Mautz et al., 1988; Reuzel et al., 1990). Depending exposure time and concentration the interactions varied from antagonism on to potentiation and clear synergism (Mautz et al., 1988; Reuzel et al., 'i'990). The biochemical sequence of events for interactive effects of formaldehyde and ozone 42 on Exposure of rats to formaldehyde and ozone the nasal epithelium has not yet been studied. For instance, glutathione conjugation is in the detoxification pathways of both ozone and formaldehyde (Menzel, l97l; Freeman and Mudd, 1981; Koivusalo el al., 1989; Mustafa, 1990). It is, however, involved unknown whether glutathione levels or the activities of glutathione-dependent enzymes are affected by formaldehyde-ozone mixtures. Interactive effects may encompass manipulation of the GSH-detoxification pathways, depletion by ozone may block the main detoxification route better insight into the pathophysiology of formaldehyde and ozone for instance GSH of formaldehyde. To get of the nasal changes induced by a formaldehyde- ozone mixtures, we carried out a 3-day inhalation study in rats, using intermittent exposu- re to formaldehyde (3.6 ppm) and ozone (0.4 ppm) alone or in combination, and focusing on biochemical and histopathological changes in the nasal respiratory epithelium. studies a¡e desc¡ibed in the present paper. These Materials and methods Chemicals Paraformaldehyde was obtained from Janssen Chimica, Beerse, Belgium. Monoclonal Anti Proliferating cell Nuclear Antigen (DAKO-PCNA, pc10) was obtained from DAKo A,/S, Glostrup, Denmark. Animals and maintenønce Albino, male wistar rats, (crl(wl)Br), 8 weeks old, were obtained from a colony maintained under SPF-conditions at charles River wIGA, Sulzfeld, Germany, A total of 80 animals, equally distributed among four groups (control, formaldehyde, ozone and a mixture of ozone and formaldehyde), were used. During the acclimatization period of 7 days and during the non-exposure periods, animals were housed under conventional conditions in groups of five in suspended stainless-steel cages with wire-screen bottom and front. The room temperature was maintained at 22 x 2oC and the relative humidity at 40- 70% wirh a 12 hr light/dark cycle. The rats were fed the Institute's basal diet. Food and 43 Chapter 2 tap water were available ad libitum during non-exposure periods. Exposure regime Animals were exposed to the test atmospheres in modified nose-only inhalation chambers. The chamber consist of a cylindrical polypropylene column, surrounded by a transparent PVC cylinder. The column has a volume of 50 litre, consisting of a top assembly with the of the chamber, underneath the rodent tube section and at the bottom the base assembly with the exhaust port. The animals were secured in plastic animal holders entrance (Battelle), positioned radially through the outer cylinder around the central column. Only the nose of the rats was protruded into the interior of the column. In the exposure chamber a slightly positive pressure was maintained; the room between the central and outer cylinder was maintained allowed observation sampling of the test at slightly negative pressure. During exposure, the cylinder of all, individually housed animals. Ports in the cylinders allowed atmospheres. The total air flow through the cylinders was 20 l/min and the air entering the cylinder was 22 + 2oC while the relative humidity was maintained aT 55-65%. During six consecutive periods of 12 hours animals were exposed to the test compounds for eight hours followed by a four-hour period of non-exposure, except for the last exposure period after which the animals were sacrificed immediately (between 5 and 30 minutes after exposure). During the non-exposure periods animals were placed in their living cages in a darkened room where they received food and tap water ad libitum. Generation and control of the test atmosphere To generate the ozone test atmosphere, oxygen was lead through an ozone (Fisher, model 501, Meckenheim, Germany). generator A mixture of ozone and Milspec filtered air was mixed with the main air stream before entering the exposure chamber. Formaldehyde was generated from paraformaldehyde by thermal depolymerization and dilution in water, and subsequent evaporation of this solution in the main air stream. The ozone concentration in the test atmosphere was measured continuously using an ozone analyzer (models 1003 and 1008 AH, Dashibi Environmental Corp., Glendale, Colorado, USA). Calibration was performed with gas-phase tit¡ation according to the NEN 2045 pro- 44 Exposure of rats to formaldehyde and ozone cedure. The formaldehyde concentration was determined periodically by sampling test atmosphere, leading it through an impinger, and analyzing the solution spectrophotometrically. No chemical reaction was expected in the mixture of ozone and formaldehyde (Reuzel el al,1990). Body weights and clinicøl observqtions Animals were weighed just before the first exposure and direct after the last exposure. The general health status of the rats was checked before and during the exposure. Only healthy rats were used. Autopsy and tissue preparø.tions Alimals were anaesthetized with Nembutal immediately after the last exposure and killed by exsanguination. The head was removed from the carcass and deskinned. For tissues to be used for biochemical determinations, the skull was split sagitally exposing the nasal cavity. The respiratory portions of the nasal epithelium were collected on ice. Tissue of six rats were pooled. Direct after removal tissues were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80'C. Heads to be used for histopathology were flushed retrograde through the nasopharyngeal orifice with 10 ml 4% buffered formaÌdehyde solution. Thereafter, the.heads were immersed in a large volume of the same fixative. After fixations, heads were decalcified in 57o nitric acid for 3 days, after which they where rinsed with tap water for at least 4 hours in paraffine and sliced in five-pm-thick sections. Slides for histopathology were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, and when appropriate also with periodic acid and imbedded Schiff (PAS). Preparations of cytosols All procedures were performed at temperatures ranging from 0-4"C. Tissues were homogenized in 8 volumes ice-cold a 1J5%KCl (0.1 M EDTA, pH 7.4) using Potter-Elvehjem glass-teflon homogenizer (B.Braun Melsungen AG, Germany). The homogenate was centrifuged at 10,000 g for 30 min (Beckman t8-70, TI 50 rotor). The 45 Chapter 2 supernatant fraction was centrifuged at 100,000 g for 90 min and the supe¡natant was frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80oC. Enzyme øssú¡ys The following cytosolic enzyme activities of respiratory epithelium were determined by means of spectrophotometric methods adapted for a Cobas-Bio analyzer: glutathione transferase (GST) using 1-chloro'2,4-dinitrobenzene (5¡zM) as S- a substrate according to Habig et aI. (1974), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) using cumene hydroperoxide (75¡zM) as a substrate according to Lawrence and Burk (1976), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) using glucose-6-phosphate (55 ¡zM) as a substrate according to Kornberg and Horecker (1955) and glutathione reductase (GR) using oxidized glutathione (GSSG; 1.64 mM) as a substrate according to Bayoumi and Rosalki (1976), aldehyde dehydrogenase (ADH) using formaldehyde (2.2 mM) as a substrate and formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FDH) using formaldehyde (55 ¡zM) and glutathione (1 .8 mM) as co-substrate according to Uotila and Koivusalo (1981). Reduced glutathione (GSH) was determined by means of a HPLC method according to Reed el al. (1980). Protein content was determined by the method of t-owry et al. (1951) Proffirøting cell nuclear antigen immunostøining Deparafinized tissue sections were incubated in 0.37o H,O, in methanol for 20 min to inhibit endogenous peroxidases. Following washing with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (15 min), nonspecific antibody binding was blocked by a 20-min incubation wiTh '107o normal goat serum. The slides were then incubated with monoclonal anti-PC10 (1 :50) during 60 min at room temperatu¡e after which they were washed twice for 5-min in PBS. A (1 second antibody incubation was performed with biotinylated rabbit anti-mouse Ig :a00) for 30 min and again washed twice with PBS. Finally, slides were incubated with streptavidine conjugated with peroxidase fo¡ 30 min and washed 5 min twice. Peroxidase activity was visualized by a 1O-min incubation in diaminobenzidine (DAB)-H,O, solution (5 mg DAB/10 ml PBS + 5¡t130% H,O,). Slides were stained wirh haematoxylin. 46 Exposure of rats to formaldehyde and ozone Statistical analysis Results have been expressed as means + SD, where appropriate. Statistical analysis was performed by Dunnett's multiple comparison test. Results Exposure concentra.tions of tormaldehyde ønd ozone The actual overall mean exposure concentrations of formaldehyde (with the standard error of the mean given in brackets) and ozone (with the range given follows: formaldehyde alone 3.6 (t in brackets), were 0.1) ppm, ozone alone 0.4 (0.39-0.41) ppm, as and formaldehyde + ozone, 3.5 ppm (1 0.1) and 0.4 (0.39-0.41) ppm, respectively. Body weights ønd clinical observations Rats in all groups lost weight during the experimental period (Fig.1). However, the weight losses were significantly larger in exposed groups than in controls. Appearance and conduct of all animals were essentially normal. Biochemistry The enzyme activities measured in nasal respiratory epithelium are presented in Table FDH and ADH activities were not affected by any of the treatments. statistically significant decrease in GST-activity was found in A 1. small but animals exposed to formaldehyde + ozone, although GST-activity was not influenced in the groups exposed to formaldehyde or ozone alone. GPx-activity was increased in the formaldehyde group only. GR-activity and G6PDH-activity in the formaldehyde + ozone group was relatively low, but the difference with the control was not statistically significant. Glutathione levels in nasal respiratory epithelium, expressed as ¡zmollmg cytosolic protein were not influenced by any of the treatments (Fig 2). 47 Chapter 2 I 300 CD ct) 'õ zoo 3 io o lt 100 Fig. 1 Cell proffirøÍion Body weights of animals just prior to ( f ) and just after ( tr ) exposure to formaldehyde (3.6 ppm), ozone (o.4 ppm)' or formaldehyde (3.5 ppm) + ozone (0.4 ppm). n = 20, * p s 0.05 compared to control, +* p < 0.01 compared to control. C, control; F, formaldehyde; O, ozone, F+O, formaldehyde + ozone. PCNA expression by nuclei in the nasal respiratory epithelium was scored quantitative way (Table 2). A marked augmentation in a semi- in immunostaining was found in all three test groups compared to the control group, although in general the staining was less pronounced in ozone-exposed animals than in animals exposed to formaldehyde or formaldehyde + ozone. ozone-induced PCNA expression was mainly located on the turbinates and the lateral wall at cross level II. A quite remarkable finding was the clearly of respiratory epithelium on the septum at cross level II animals exposed to ozone alone. It may be emphasized that in formaldehyde and increased PCNA expression in in formaldehyde + ozone exposed animals the respiratory epithelium was severely stained for PCNA, whereas no increased staining occurred in the olfactory epithelium. 48 Exposure of rats to formaldehyde and ozone Enzyme activities in nasal respiratory epithelium of rats exposed to formaldehyde (3.6 ppm), ozone (0.4 ppm) or formaldehyde (3,5 ppm) plus ozone (0,4 ppm), Enzyme Controls ! 0.04 2.66 ! 0.99 490 ! 32 48.6 ! 4.3 58.9 ! 7 0.77 FDH ADH GST CPx G6PDH GR a. b. 2'75 + 16 Formaldehyde Ozone Ozone + Formaldehyde 0.68 r 0.05 0.68 r 0.08 0.81 r 0.09 3.53 I 3.40 1 0.33 2.42 ! 0.61 389 x 28* 55.6 54.5 r 0.3 65.8 45.5 494 0.13 ! 24 64.0 + 7.94 ! 4.7 288 ! 16 60.8 51,4 ! 4 ! 2.0 I 1.0 279 ! l7 t 236 ! 6.8 74 Results represent the mean + SD of 3 measurements. All activities are expressed as pmollmin/mg cytosolic protein Symbols are FDH, formaldehyde dehydrogenase; GST, glutathione S-transferase; GPx, glutathione peroxidase; G6PDH, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; GR, glutathione reductase. P < 0.05 .s 0) o o.3 .9 EU' o àa oz crt E I U' g1 õ E F+O Fig. 2 Cylosolic glutathione lcvels of the nasal respiratory epithelium of rats exposed to formaldehyde (3.6 ppm), ozone (0.4 ppm), or formaldehyde (3.5 ppm) + ozone (0.4 ppm). Data are expressed âs mean of 3 measurements + S.D. C, control; F, formaldehyde; O, ozone, F+O, formaldehyde + ozone. 49 Chapter 2 Table 2 Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) expression of the nasal respiratorT epithelium of rats exposed to fonnaldehyde (3,6 ppm), ozone (0.4 ppm) or formaldehyde (3.5 Controls IIA III Nasoturbinate + + Maxilloturbinate + + Septum + + I-ateral Vy'all + + II ozone (0.4 ppm) Formaldehyde Site Standard cross level ppn) plus and +++ +++ +++ +++ Formaldehyde + Ozone III III IIb III through the Ozone +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ ++ +++ ++ + +++ ++ + IIb ilI +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ ++ nose (Reuzel et al.,1990). Only non-necrotic areas at cross level II showed severe PCNA expression. PCNA-expression scores are: +, some nuclei stained; ++, a moderate numbe¡ of nuclei stained; +++, many nuclei stained. Histopathology Type, degree and incidence of the nasal lesions observed are presented in Table 3. Ozoneinduced changes comprised disarrangement, flattening, and slight basal cell hyperplasia of the nasal nonciliated cuboidal epithelium (NNCE) often accompanied by a clear influx of neutrophils. These changes were most distinct on the tip of the maxilloturbinates. It may be emphasized that mucous cell metaplasia was not observed. Formaldehyde was found to induce degeneration, frank necrosis, hyperplasia and squa- mous metaplasia of the ciliated and nonciliated respiratory epithelium, and varying degrees of rhinitis. The formaldehyde-induced changes were much more pronounced and more extensive than the ozone changes. The data in Table 3 show a shift towards more severe hyper/metaplasia in the combination group than in the formaldehyde group. 50 Exposure of raß Table 3 b formaldehyde and ozone Histopathological changes of the nasal respiratorX epithelium of rats exposed to formaldehyde (3.6 ppm), ozone (0.4 ppm), or formaldehyde (3,5 ppm) plus ozone (0.4 ppm) Incidence of lesions Type and degree of lesions Controls Formaldehyde C)zone Formalde- hyde + ozone III IIA Number of noses examined (5) III T (s) II tIt (s) II III (s) DEGENERATION, NECROSIS, HYPERPLASIA AND SQUAMOUS METAPLASIA Disarrangement, fl atlening and slighl basal cell hyperplasia - minimal - slight Frank necrosis 01 00 00 00 00 55 10 44 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 23 22 10 00 00 00 00 34 21 00 00 00 00 04 5i 51 00 00 00 10 Hyperplasia accompanied by squamous metaplasia - slight - moderate - marked RHINITIS - slightb - moderate - marked 4s a Standard cross level II ancl III through the nose (Reuzel et a1.,1990) b Muinly seen as influx of neutrophils -51 Chapter 2 I)iscussion Since loss of body weight occurred in both exposed and control animals, the exposure regime (entailing food and water deprivation for 16 hlday and disturbances of the day_ night rhythm) seems to be primarily responsible for this effect. The weight losses were significantly larger in the exposed rats, indicating additional stress to the animals from exposure to formaldehyde and/or ozone. Although the wide variation in ADH control values did allow a definite conclusion about the absence of ADH induction in nasal respiratory epithelium by formaldehyde or ozone, we tend to interpret the present findings as negative in this respect, the more so because casanova-Schmitz et al. (r98$ also reported no change in aldehyde dehydrogenase activity in nasal epithelium after exposure of rats to 15 ppm formaldehyde, 6 hr/day, for 10 days. In animals exposed to formaldehyde plus ozone ADH activity is rather low. This may be explained by leakage of ADH due to cell damage caused by formaldehyde, and subsequent oxidation of FDH by ozone. This assumption is invigorated by the reduction of GST-activity and the relatively low GR-activity in the combination group, for which the same mechanism might be responsible. GSH was not depleted after exposure to formaldehyde, ozone, or the combination (Fig. 2). ln in vitro studies with lung cells (Rietjens et al., 1985) and in in vivo studies in rat (Harkema et al., 1990) ozone has been shown to be able to reduce the GSH levels, while during biotransformation of formaldehyde to formate, GSH was recycled. On the other hand, Casanova et al. (1984) reported no reduction of the non-protein sulfhydryl groups in rat nasal mucosa after exposure to 15 ppm formaldehyde (6 hrlday, for 10 days). might speculate that in the present study partial depletion One of GSH has occurred in the early phase of exposure. This may have evoked an increased synthesis of GSH. After some time GSH levels may have been restored or may even have raised above normal levels. This hypothesis, which is inspired by the observations of Boehme et at. (1992) who reported increased levels of GSH after presently under investigation. 52 exposure of rats to 0.5 ppm ozone for 3 days, is Exposure of rats to formaldehyde and ozone The ozone-induced histopathological changes in rat NNCE observed in the present 3-day intermittent exposure study as well as (Reuzel et in our previous 3-day continuous exposure study al., 1990) were very similar to those found by Johnson et al. (1990) and Hotchkiss et al. (1991) in rats exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone for 3 days. In the present study ozone alone was also found numbers to induce hyperproliferation of NNCE seen as increased of PCNA stained nuclei. This finding also confirms the results of previous ozone in rats showing increased DNA replication in NNCE as measured by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU] incorporation (Johnson et al., 1990; Hotchkiss et al., 1991). DNA studies synthesis in NNCE has been (Henderson et al., recognized as a sensitive indicator 1,993). Conceivably, the same seems of early ozone effects to be true for PCNA expression: we observed in ozone-exposed rats increased PCNA expression not only in nasal areas where the NNCE was (mildly) damaged by ozone (naso- and maxilloturbinates and lateral wall) but also on the nasal septum at cross level II lined by otherwise normal-looking ciliated respiratory epithelium. This observation is particularly striking, because to the best of ou¡ knowledge, ozone effects on the rat nasal septum have never been reported before (Kruysse and Feron, 1977; Harkema et aI, 1989, 1992). Clearly, studies are needed to establish dose-response relationships for ozone and PCNA-expression and non-ciliated respiratory epithelium. Such studies may be in rat nasal ciliated of particular interest because PCNA-expression has been shown to be a sensitive parameter for proliferative activity. PCNA immuno-staining correlates well with 3H-thymidine or BrdU incorporation into DNA (Dietrich, 1993), although this study showed a more severe nuclei labelling would be expected for BrdU and 3H-thymidine (Mautz et al, '1988; Reuzel et than aI, !990; Henderson et aL,1993). The advantage of PCNA-staining is that Furthermore, it it does not require any pretreatment of animals. has been noted that the half-life of PCNA is about 22h and thus may even be immunologically detectable in cells that recently left the cell cycle (Hall et al., 1990). Secretory metaplasia and mucous goblet cell metaplasia have been described as character- istic responses of rat NNCE to ozone exposure (Johnson et aI, 1990; Harkema et al, 1989, 1992;Henderson et al., 1993). Mucous goblet cell metaplasia was found after chronic (20- 53 Chapter 2 month) exposure to ozone (Harkema et al., 1992), while secretory metaplasia (i.e. presence of cells containing mucosubstances) was seen after an exposure period of at least 7 days or an exposure period of 3 days followed by 4 days of exposure to air (Hotchkiss et al., 1991). Therefore, the absence of secretory / mucous cell metaplasia in the present and in our previous (Reuzel et al., 1990) 3-day exposure study is fully in line with the findings of Johnson et al (1990) and Hotchkiss et al. (1993). Both in the present and in the previous (Reuzel et al., 1990) 3-day study with formaldehyde and ozone in rats the histopathological nasal changes in animals exposed to the mixture of both compounds were slightly but not convincingly more pronounced than those observed in animals exposed to formaldehyde alone. Unlike the previous study (Reuzel et al., 1990), the present experiment did not reveal interactive effects of fo¡malde- hyde and ozone with respect to the proliferative response of the nasal respiratory epithelium. An explanation for the differences between the two studies may found in diffe¡ences in (a) exposure pattern (intermittent versus continuous exposure), (b) method for measu- ring cell proliferation (PCNA-expression versus 3H-thymidine incorporation), and (c) time point of measuring the proliferative response (immediately versus 2-4 hours after the last of all experimental aspects is a primary study into these types of interactive effects of exposure). Clearly, extreme standardization prerequisite for a relevant comparative ozone and formaldehyde. In summary, the results of the present study (a) did not produce evidence of a major role GSH or GSH-dependent enzymes in the pathogenesis of nasal adverse effects induced by formaldehyde, ozone, or a combination of both compounds, (b) demonstrated the potential of ozone to affect the mucociliary epithelium lining the rat nasal septum, (c) suggested that PCNA immunostaining is a sensitive tool for the detection of early effects of respira- tory tract irritants such as formaldehyde and ozone, and (d) did not confirm previously found interactive effects of formaldehyde and ozone regarding the proliferative response of the nasal respiratory epithelium in rats. 54 Exposure of rats to formaldehyde and ozone Acknowledgement The authors wish to thank Frank Hendriksma for technical assistence and Joost P, Bruyntjes for immunohistochemistry. References Bayoumi, R.4., and Rosalki, S.B. 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World Health Organization, Geneva pp.219 51 Chapter 2 58 Changes in the nasal epithelium of rats exposed by inhalation to mixtures of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein Flemming R. Cassee, John P. Groten and Victor J. Feron Fundamental andApplied Toxicology 1995: in press Abstract Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein are well-known upper respiratory tract irritants and occur simultaneously as pollutants in many indoor and outdoor environments. The upper respiratory tract and especially the nose is the prime target for inhaled aldehydes. To study possible additive or interactive effects on the nasal epithelium we carried out and 3-day inhalation studies (6 h/day) with formaldehyde (1 1- .0, 3.2 and 6.4 ppm), acetal- dehyde (750 and 1500 ppm), acrolein (0.25,0.61 and 1.40 ppm) or mixtures of these aldehydes, using male Wistar rats and exposure concentrations varying from clearly non- toxic to toxic. The (mixtures of) aldehydes were studied for histopathological and biochemical changes in the respiratory and olfactory epithelium of the nose. In addition, cell proliferation was determined by incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression. Effects were primarily observed after 59 Chapter 3 three days of exposure. Histopathological changes and cell proliferation of the nasal epithelium induced by mixtures of the three aldehydes appeared to be more severe and more extensive both in the respiratory and olfactory part of the nose than those observed after exposure to the individual aldehydes at comparable exposure levels. As far as nasal histopathological changes and cell proliferation are concerned neither effect addition nor potentiating interactions occurred at no-toxic-effect levels, except for a possible potentia- ting effect of acetaldehyde at non-effect levels. The results did not indicate a major role for aldehyde dehydrogenases in the biotransformation of the aldehydes studied. Activities of glutathione S-transferase and glutathione reductase after three days of exposure to acrolein, alone or in combination with formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, were depressed whereas the glutathione peroxidase activity was elevated. No decrease of non-protein sulphydryl levels were observed. These findings suggest that, for no-toxic-effect levels, combined exposure to these aldehydes with the same target organ (nose) and exerting the same type of adverse effect (nasal cytotoxicity), but partly with different target sites (different regions of the nasal mucosa), is not associated with a greater hazard than that associated with exposure to the individual chemicals. Introduction Human beings are simultaneously or sequentially exposed to a large number of air pollutants. There exists some uncertainty about the extent to which the combined toxicity of these compounds has to be taken into account and the way in which this has to be reflected in regulations fo¡ the individual compounds. Of special concern are those cases in which exposure to a certain mixture can result in a more than additive adverse effect compared to the sum of the single compounds of the mixture. As reviewed by Krishnan and Brodeur (1991), a number of studies have reported that exposure to (binary) mixtures resulted in both supra-additive (synergism, potentiation, more than addition) and infra- additive (antagonism, weakening, less than addition) effects compared to the sum of the individual compounds. Interactions of air pollutants can take place at the exposure phase 60 Combined exposure of rats to aldehydes (physicochemical interactions), at the kinetic phase (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) or at the dynamic phase (receptor competition), and the identification interaction between two or more chemicals is highly dependent on the of an end-points measured. However, in the majority of studies on combined exposure the dose-levels used exceeded those normal encountered in the environment. Therefore, studies on combinations of pollutants using concent¡ations around the no-observed-effect-level (NOEL) are needed. In the present study combined exposure to aldehydes was investigated. Aldehydes belong to group of air pollutants that a are omnipresent and are among the most potent sensory irritants (Alarie, 1973). Because of their structural similarities aldehydes show similar biotransformation pathways, i.e. oxidation by aldehyde dehydrogenase and/or conjugation with glutathione or thiol-containing groups. The upper respiratory tract, especially the nose, is known to be the prime target for inhaled aldehydes. Some are able to induce cell carcinomas in rodents (Swenberg et al., 1980; Woutersen et al., l9B4; Fercn et al., 1988). On the basis of their similar mode of action one might speculate that squamous at least at concentrations around the minimum-observed-effect-level (MOEL) dose addition for mixtures may be applied and a competition model should be used to describe response relationships. Indeed, formaldehyde and acrolein have been shown dose- to be competitive agonists for trigeminal ne¡ve receptors in the upper respiratory tract (Kane and Alarie, 1978; Babiuk et aL, 1985). In addition, there is also some evidence that coexposure of formaldehyde with acrolein at relatively high concentrations results in additive effects due 1 to glutathione depletion in nasal mucosa by acrolein supra- (Lam et al., 98s). In spite of their similar mode of action their are clear regional differences in cytotoxicity and tumour formation induced by aldehydes which might be explained by differences in physical properties and metabolism. For example, formaldehyde and acrolein act primarily on the anterior part of the nose (Feron et al., 1978; a1.,1991), whereas acetaldehyde has been reported l,æ,ach et al., 1987; Monticello et to act mainly on the posterior part (Appelman et a1.,1982; woutersen et al. 1984). Due to these regional differences it is 61 Chapter 3 rõeri Ievel ll rCy",!1 t Fig.l 62 level V - - f"*f Vl of cross levels of the rat nose used in this study (top) Dorsal buccal cavily including the landmarks used for section level identification. In the left lower corner the cross section at level II of the nasal passages is shown with the nasotu¡binale (NT), maxilloturbinate (MT), Iatetal wall (LT), the septum (SE) and olfactory epithelium lining the dorsal meatus. C¡oss section at level III is shown in the right lower corner. Arrows indicate the landmarks used for the measurements of the ULLIs Schematic illustrations Combined exposure of rats to aldehydes unknown whether combined exposure of aldehydes will lead to increased toxicity as compared to exposure to the single compounds. The aim of the present study was to investigate possible additive or interactive effects of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein with respect to cell proliferation, and biochemical and histopathological changes of the nasal epithelium in va¡ious sites of the nose. For this purpose, rats were exposed for 1 or 3 days to mixtures of these aldehydes at clearly non- toxic to toxic effect airborne concentrations. Materials and methods Chemícals. Paraformaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein were obtained from Janssen Chimica (Be- erse, Belgium). Monoclonal Anti Proliferating cell Nuclear Antigen (DAKo-pcNA, PC10) and Anti-BrdU (bromodeoxyuridine) were purchased from DAKO A/S (Glostrup, Denmark), and Becton and Dickinson (san Jose, cA), respectively. Brdu was obtained from Sigma (St. t ouis, MO). Chemicals for enzyme assays were obtained from Boehringer (Mannheim, Germany). All chemicals were of analytical grade. Animals and maintenance. Albino, male wista¡ rats (crl[wl]wu Br), I weeks old, were obtained from a colony maintained under SPF conditions at Charles River WIGA (Sulzfeld, Germany). Animals were randomly assigned to groups. During the acclimation period of 7 days and during the non-exposure periods, animals were housed under conventional conditions in groups of five each in suspended stainless-steel cages with wire-screen bottom and front. Room temperature was maintained aT 22 + 2"c and relative humidity a:r.40-70% with a 12 h light/dark cycle. The rats were fed the Institute's cereal-based rodent diet. Food and tap water were available ad libitum during non-exposure periods. 63 Chapter 3 Exposures. Rats were exposed for six hours a day, either on one day or on three consecutive days, in a nose-only inhalation chamber as previously described (Cassee et al., 1994). Control groups were exposed to clean filtered air. Formaldehyde atmosphere was generated from in water after thermal depolymerization, and subsequent evaporation of this solution in the main air stream. Acetaldehyde and acrolein were directly evaporated in the main air stream. Actual concentration of aldehydes was paraformaldehyde solutions measured semi-continuously at the breathing zone of the rats. Formaldehyde concentrations were measured colorimetrically by an on-line formaldehyde analyzer (model 9400, Skalar, Breda, Netherlands). Acetaldehyde was determined by a flame ionization detector (model Table 1 Exposure concentrations (ppm) used in 1- and 3-day (6 h/day) inhalation studies. Group codel Time of Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde exposure (days) Control FRM/L FRM/M FRM,+I ACEIL ACE/H ACR/L ACR/M ACR/H Mix-l Mix-2 Mix-3 64 I Acrolein (ppm) and 3 3 land3 land3 1and3 1and3 3 land3 .l and 3 3 I and 3 1 and 3 1.0 3.2 6.4 75O 1500 0.25 0.6j 1.40 1.0 1.0 3.2 0.25 750 1500 0.25 0.67 Combined exposure of rats to aldehydes RS55, Ratfisch Instruments, München, Germany). Acrolein was determined gas chroma- tographically (GC6000, carlo Erba Instruments, Milan, Italy) with (Chrompack, Vlissingen, Netherlands). Samples of a DBl wax column mixtures were analyzed for acrolein just before and right after exposure. Experimental design. A total of six short-term inhalation studies in rats was carried out: three range-finding studies with exposure to single aldehydes, and three studies in which rats were exposed to either single aldehydes or combinations of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and/or acrolein. Each study had its own control group. Maximum variation in exposure concentrations was 10% for formaldehyde, 6% for acetaldehyde, and, l37o for acrolein. The exposure concent¡ations and the number of exposure days used in the various studies are given in Table 1. Autopsy. Animals (5-6 rats/group) were anaesthetized with Nembutal immediately after the last exposure and killed by exsanguination. The head was removed from the carcass and deskinned. Heads to be used for histopathology or cell proliferation measurements were flushed retrograde through the nasopharyngeal orifice with Carnoys fixative (60Vo ethanol, 30Vo chloroform, 107o acetic acid). Thereafter, the heads were immersed in a large volume of the same fixative. After a 24 h fixation period, heads were decalcified in 107o formic acid for 2-3 days, after which they were rinsed with tap water for at least 4 hours and embedded in paraffin wax. Sections (5 ¡;m thick) of the nose were prepared at standa¡d .cross levels II, lll and/or IV (Fig.l). Slides for histopathology were stained with haema- toxylin and eosin. For tissues to be used for biochemical determinations, the skull was split sagittally thus exposing the nasal cavity. Respiratory and olfactory portions of the nasal epithelium were collected on ice. Tissues of 3 rats were pooled and, in general, a total of 9 rats per group were used for analysis to get triplicates. Directly after removal tissues were frozen in 65 Chapter 3 liquid nitrogen and stored at -80'C. Cell proliþrøion. Staining procedures for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (pcNA; 5-6 rats/group) have been described before (Cassee et ous delivery of al., 1994). Labelling was also accomplished by continu- Brdu from Alzet Model 2001 osmotic pumps (Alzet Corp. palo Alto, cA) which were implanted subcutaneously on the dorsum of the rats (5 rats/group) befween the scapula 20 h before autopsy. The reservoirs were filled with 25 mglml BrdU in sterile phosphate-buffered saline. For B¡dU staining basically the same method was used as for PCNA with an additional preincubation for t h in 1 M hydrochloric acid at 37"C. Cell proliferation data were expressed as the number of positive-stained cells per mm basement (unit length labelling index, ULLI; Monticello et al., 1990) of the entire epithelium of the both sides of the anterior nasal cavity lining the nasoturbinate, maxilloturbinate, lateral wall and septum (Fig.lb and 1c) using a morphometric image analyzer. The length of the basement membrane was measured by drawing a line along the membrane basement membrane using a computer program (Colormorph interactive image analysis system, Perceptive Instruments, Haverhill, UK) that converts the length of this line into micrometers taking into account the magnification used. Enzyme assays ønd sulphydryl determinøtions. Mucosa of the respiratory or olfactory parts of the nose of 3 rats/group were homogenized on ice in three times the tissue weight of 1.157o Tris-buffered KCI (containing 1 mM EDTA, pH 1.\ according to a method described by casanova et at. (7984). The superna- tant fractions were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80'C. Enzyme activities were assayed as described before (Cassee et al., 1994). Briefly, all determinations were carried out by means of spectrophotometric methods adapted for a Cobas-Bio centrifugal analyzer.. glutathione peroxidase (GPx) using cumene hydroperoxide (75 ¡tM) as a substrate, glutathione S-transferase (GST) using 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (5 ¡rM) as a substrate, and glutathione reductase (GR) using oxidized glutathione (GSSG; 1.64 pM) as a substrate. Aldehyde dehydrogenases were determined according to a method 66 of Uotila and Combined exposure of rats to aldehydes Koivusalo (1981) using a mixture of 55 pM formaldehyde and 2.2 mM glurathione (GSH) for formaldehyde for the dehydrogenase (FDH), and 1.8 mM formaldehyde in the absence of GSH non-specific aldehyde dehydrogenase (ADH). Total (TpSH) and non-protein (NPSH) sulphydryl groups were measured according to the method described by Sedlak and Lindsay (1968). Statistical ønalysis All results are expressed as means + standard deviation. ANOVA followed by Dunnett's multiple comparison test was used to evaluate the effects on enzyme activities and sulphydryl groups to compare test groups with controls. ULLIs were analyzed with ANOVA followed by the Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test to compare all groups with each other. Results General Appearance and behavior of all animals during and after exposure were essentially normal. Histopathology One-day exposure. After one day of exposure no treatment-related histopathological nasal lesions were found, except attached for very small groups of polymorphonuclear leukocytes to the epithelium of the naso- and maxilloturbinates and of the lateral wall in each of the rats exposed to Mix-3 (see Table 1; data not shown). Three-day exposure. Site, type, degree and incidence of nasal lesions observed in rats exposed to the various aldehydes either alone or in combinations for three days (6 h/day) are summarized in Table 2. Formaldehyde-induced nasal changes seen in rats of the 3.2 67 Chapter 3 A. i|r * I &; t, F:\ I I I t t l a. jr' Jt r B lþ' r It)/'(*r| l'i t J *!* t** --t rt,r fq '.ð - wffilif * I #þ'/t'u¡4" zòr fu ,F,,Y,tl i' ' itr 'ftt' t'*'t'f.$. !'-€: I.-"}' \t Tip of the maxilloturbinate at cross level III. A. Control rat. B. Rat exposed to amixture of 3.2 ppm formaldehyde, l500 ppm acetaldehyde and 0.ó7 ppm acrolein for three days showing necrosis and desquamation of transitional epithelium and inflammation of the underlying tissue. Hematoxylin and eosin sections (x 400). 68 Combined exposure of rats to aldehydes ppm formaldehyde group comprised disarrangement, focal necrosis, thickening and desquamation of degenerated cells of the respiratory epithelium including the nasal transitional epithelium. increased numbers In addition, these rats showed basal cell hyperplasia and/or of mitotic figures in the nasal respiratory epithelium. These changes mainly and most clearly occurred on the naso- and maxilloturbinates and on the lateral wall at cross level II and/or III; in most of the rats inthe3.2 ppm formaldehyde group the nasal septum at cross level II was also affected. No compound-related changes were encountered in the 1.0 ppm formaldehyde group. "Single-cell necrosis" of the olfactory epithelium seen as increased incidence of pyknosis and karyorrhexis was found in several rats exposed to 750 or 1500 ppm acetaldehyde for three days. Since condensed and disintegrated nuclei of the olfactory epithelium occasion- ally are also seen in controls, the toxicological relevance of this finding is somewhat doubtful. Acrolein-induced nasal changes seen in rats exposed to 0.67 ppm of this aldehyde for three days were similar in extent and incidence to those observed in rats after three days of exposure to 3.2 ppm formaldehyde. However, the site and nature of the changes differed somewhat between acrolein and formaldehyde: acrolein induced more pronounced disarrangement and thickening of the respiratory epithelium than did formaldehyde, and with acrolein there were no or much less clear effects on the septum than with formaldehyde. Nasal changes in rats exposed to Mix-1 (see Table 1) or Mix-2 for three days were very similar in site, type, degree and incidence to those induced by 0.25 ppm acrolein Consequently, the nasal lesions seen in rats exposed to Mix-l or Mix-2 are alone. considered acroÌein-induced effects not influenced by co-exposure to formaldehyde or formaldehyde + acetaldehyde. Pronounced lesions of the nasal respiratory and olfactory epithelium often by moderate to severe rhinitis (ranging from small groups of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the lumen to extensive acute exudative and necrotizing inflammatiaccompanied on) were observed in rats exposed to Mix-3 for three days (Table 2; Fig. Z and 3). 69 Chapter 3 A 1 + 'Lc.¡" r'rülÞ tqt t \- i: B I Å F{ J ? Ë-' - e I -.-xl Fig.3 70 tl I - Olfactory epithelium in the dorso-medial area ât cross level III. A. Control rat. B. Rat exposed to mixture of 3.2 ppm formaldehyde, 1500 ppm acetaldehyde and 0.67 ppm acrolein for three da¡ showing disorganized, atrophic olfactory epithelium. Hematoxylin and eosin sections (x 400). Combined exposure of rats to aldehydes The various types of lesions were always much more marked and more extensive than those found after exposure to the individual aldehydes at comparable concentrations and comparable duration of exposure. Cell prolifera.tion One-da]' exposure. Compared to the control group, no effects were observed in rats exposed for 1 day either to the single compounds or to the mixtures of aldehydes (data not shown). Three-dav exposure. The mean cell proliferation indices of the epithelium of different sites in the nose are shown in Figure 4. 1.0 ppm formaldehyde did not result in increased ULLIs, whereas 3.2 ppm formaldehyde resulted in significant increases of ULLIs at cross level II using PCNA as parameter for cell proliferation. Exposures to 0.25 ppm acrolein in statistically significantly higher ULLIs at cross level II for both pCNA and BrdU labels. Even more pronounced effects on cell proliferation were observed after exposure to 0.67 ppm acrolein. No significantly increased ULLIs were found after resulted exposure to 750 or 1500 ppm acetaldehyde (data not shown). Table 3 correlation coefficients (R squared) of PCNA versus Brdu cell proliferation indices. Means of all exposures groups are compared in a linear regression analysis (n= 13). Part of the nose > Maxilloturbinate Lateral wall Nasoturbinate Septum I¡vel II 0.83 0.96 0.84 0.79 III 0.78 0.69 0.91 0.31 tævel 71 TABLE 2 Histopathological nasal changes in rats exposed to formaldehyde, acetaldehyde or acrolein, or to of these compounds, for 3 days (6 h/day)" mixtures Site, type, degree and incidence of lesions Incidence of lesionsu Cont FRM/ FRM/ ACEI ACEI ACRi ACR/ Mix-l Mix-2 LoMLHLM (19) (5) (6) (s) (5) (5) (6) (5) (6) (6) -slight(mainlydisarrangement) 0 0 3 0 0 4 3 3 6 0 -moderate 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 2 0 3 -severe(andextensive) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -slight(focal) 0 0 4 0 0 3 2 1, 4 L -moderate 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 -severe(extensive) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 Number of noses examined Mix-3 Disarrangemenl, necrosis, thickening and desquamation of respiratory/transitional epithelium" Basal cell hyperplasia and/or increased number of mitotic figures in respiratory/ transitional epithelium TABLE 2 (continued) Incidence of lesions Site, type, degree and incidence of lesions Number of noses examined Cont (1e) FRM/ LM (s) FRM/ L (6) Increased incidence of " single-cell necrosis" in olfactory epitheliumd - a few necrotic cells - a moderate number of necrotyoic cells - many necrotic cells 0003100000 0000200000 0000100000 Atrophy of olfactory epithelium 0000000001 0000000004 0000000001 - slight (mainly disarrangement) - moderate (focal) - severe (extensive) Rhinitis 21.00001100 1000010003 0000000002 - slight - moderate - severe a) Abbreviations: see Table b) c) d) Exposure concentrations are listed in Table 1 Changes seen at standard cross levels II and III Changes seen at standard cross levels III and IV 1 ACE/ (s) ACE/ ACR/ ACR/ Mix-1 Mix-2 HLM (s) (s) (6) (s) (6) Mix-3 (6) BrdU PCNA Level ll Level ll 150 J = l 100 r-Jà , Level lll Level lll 150 J f= 1oo i-l I 7 = Maxilloturbinate TII flT N =Septum ^h%u%W ¿ -r-Et^ú ,^VAV OF ()È =J sO ÈL o t¡- e sÀ¡É' b=EE i = Nasalturbinate ..7 --* ¡¿ñ -#A J5çN(o -^ ,Ñ 5ËF oìxxx u Ë=== -trt <L Cell proliferation measured by PCNA expression or incorporation of BrdU in nasal respiratory epithelium at cross level ll and cross level III of rats exposed to formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein or mixtures of these aldehydes. Values are the mean + SD of 3-5 rats except for the control group, which comprises Combined exposure of rats to aldehydes Table 4 Activitiesâ of biotransformation enzymes in nasal respiratora epithelium of rats exposed to formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, or acrolein, or to mixtures of these compounds, for 3 days (6 h/day). Values are means r SD of 3 homogenaúe pools (except for the controls of the mixtures, for which 4 homoge_ nates were used). Group GST GPx FDH ADH codeb Control Formaldehyde Acelaldehyde Acrolein 1.0 t 0.4 6.1 r 0.5 ! 526 ! 79 87 + 3** 0.8 I 0.3 6.3 FRM/H 493 ! 67 91 +2*x 7.2 ! 0.2 5.6 1 0.6 Control 554 I 33 82!4 1.0 ! 0.2 5.5 ACE/L 572 !.70 83r10 1.1 t 0.1 5.4 x 0.2 ACE/H 5'i,9 + 34 95 ! 0.9 ! 0.2 5.3 1 0.6 Control 544 ! 49 83r9 "1.0 ! 0.2 5.6 r 1.0 ACR/M -548 t 56 93 !2 0.9 ! 0.2 4.4 ! 0.7 + 3'1** 97 !3 7.3 + 3ll I 1,4 0.2* t 0.9 0.7 3.7 + 0.3* 92!7 0.9 r 0.3 3.1 t 0.6 + 54* 110 +4** 0.9 ! 0.2 3.9 t 0.3 399 + 53* 110 + 6*x 0.9 l 0.1 3.5 I Control 508 Mix-2 615 Mix-3 a) Activities are expressed as nmol/min/per Abbreviations: see Table l t p<0.05; ** p<0.01 ¡elative to control. b) !4 77 FRM/N4 ACR/H Mixtures 566!9 15 .1.1 mg protein 75 Chapter 3 I oayt 72 oays o L Ê o o o s Fig.5 GR activities in nasal respiratory epithelium of rats. Values are means of 3-4 pooled tissue samples + SD. + P<0.05; ** P<0.01 relative to control in Dunnett's multiple comparison test. Abbreviations: see Table 1. I V- oayt oay s õ c o o o s Fig.6 76 NPSH levels in nasal respiratory epithelium of rats. Values are means of 3-4 pooled tissue samplet + SD. * P<0.05; ** P<0.01 relative to controle in Dunnett's multiple comparison test. Abbreviati. ons: see Table 1. Combined exposure of rats to aldehydes Exposure to Mix-1 resulted in slightly but significantly increased ULLIs at cross levels and III, except for those of the naso- and maxilloturbinates at cross level II II. The ULLIs are generally lower than for 0.25 ppm acrolein, although this difference is not significant. The increased labelling indices in rats exposed to Mix-1 or Mix-2 are considered acroleininduced effects influenced by co-exposure to formaldehyde or formaldehyde + acetalde- hyde. T'he ULLIs of the Mix-2 group (measured with BrdU and PCNA) are significantly different from the Mix-1 group, except for the effects on the septum (not illustrated). Mix- 2 and Mix-3 induced markedly higher ULLIs at both levels for both PCNA and BrdU. No differences in ULLIs could be determined due to exposure to Mix-2 and Mix-3 because most likely peak ULLIs were achieved (".g. almost all basal cells showed PCNA-stained nuclei or BrdU incorporation in the DNA). In general, the effects at cross level II are more pronounced than those at cross level III and the septum appeared to be less susceptible to acrolein than the other sites examined. PCNA staining resulted in labelling indices about twice as high as those measured with BrdU incorporation. The correlation between BrdU and PCNA was generally good (Table 3), except for the ULLIs of the nasal septum at cross level III. In addition, pcNA appeared to be a somewhat more sensitive parameter than B¡dU to study cell proliferation of the nasal epithelium. Biochemistry of individual nasal tissues obtained from three rats were 0.16 t 0.02 and0.32 (n=80) for respiratory and olfactory epithelium, respectively. The corresponding The weight t 0.04 I protein contents of the homogenates were 7.44 t 0.88 mg/l and 6.91 t 0.81 mg/|, respectively. T¡eatment-related effects were only found in homogenates of the respiratory epithelium, not homogenates of in the olfactory epithelium. The nasal respiratory epithelium NPSH levels and GR activities in of rats exposed to clean air were approxima- tely 17 pmollg protein and 200 nmol/min per mg protein. Chapter 3 one-daJ¡ exposure. Exposure to 0.25 or 0.67 ppm acrolein and to Mix-3 resulted in significantly decreased GR activities (Fig.s). Acetaldehyde exposure resulted dependent NPSH increases (Fig. 6). None in dose- of the exposures affected GST, Gpx or FDH activity. Three-day exposure. The activities of GST, GPx, ADH and FDH in 59 homogenates of the respiratory part of the nasal epithelium of rats after three days of exposure to aldehydes are summarized in Table 4. GR activities and sulphydryl levels are plotted in Figures 5 and 6. Exposure to 3.2 or 6.4 ppm formaldehyde resulted in increased GPx activities. Acetalde- hyde had no significant effect on any of the enzymes studied. Rats exposed to acrolein showed decreased GR, GST and ADH activities and slightly increased GPx and FDH activities. Similar results were obse¡ved for exposures to Mix-2 and Mix-3, except for animals exposed to Mix-2, which showed slightly increased GR levels. The biochemical changes in GST, ADH and GST in the nasal respiratory epithelium are therefore conside- red acrolein-induced effects, whereas the effect on GPx is considered to be the resultant of formaldehyde- and acrolein-induced effects. A dose-dependent increase of NPSH groups was found after three days of exposure to formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, Mix-2 or Mix-3 (Fig.6). Similar, albeit less pronounced, results were found with TPSH (data not shown). The increased NPSH levels after exposure to Mix-3 were less than the summation of the effects found after exposure to the individual compounds. Discussion The present study showed regional differences in histopathological changes induced by formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein. Formaldehyde and acrolein exposures resulted in adverse effects on the respiratory part and acetaldehyde on the olfactory part of the nose, which confirms results reported by Feron et al. ('1978, 1984), Appelman et aL (1982), l nach et al. (1987), Zwart et al. (1988), and Monticello et al. (1991). 78 . Combined exposure of rats to aldeþde.s of the nasal epithelium induced by Mix-3 (3.2 ppm formaldehyde + 1500 ppm acetaldehyde + 0.67 ppm acrolein) appeared to be more severe and Histopathological changes more extensive both in the respiratory and olfactory part of the nose than those observed after exposure to the individual aldehydes at comparable exposure concentrations and duration of exposure. This indicates at least partial dose addition of formaldehyde and acrolein with respect to the effect on the respiratory epithelium, because each of the compounds alone affects this epithelium. The findings with Mix-3 also indicate potentia- tion of the acetaldehyde effect on the olfactory epithelium by acrolein and/or formaldehyde because higher exposure concentrations of acetaldehyde alone are known to induce severe atrophy of the olfactory epithelium (Woutersen et al., 1984; Woutersen and Feron, 1987). However, the relatively severe effect of Mix-3 on the olfactory epithelium may also be due to a higher deposition of the three aldehydes on the olfactory epithelium (and the respiratory epithelium) since the air-flow pattern in rats exposed to Mix-3 might have been different from that in rats exposed to the individual aldehydes because of possible differences in breathing pattern between rats exposed to the mixture and rats exposed to the separate chemicals. Such effects of differences in breathing and air-flow pattern on the of inhaled chemicals have been suggested and documented (Mautz et al., 1988; Morgan and Monticello, 1989; Reuzel et al., 1990; Morgan et aI., 199,1; Kimbell er deposition site al., 1993). No dose addition is expected to occur upon exposure to combinations of these aldehydes at exposure levels slightly below or around the MOEL because the nasal changes after exposure to 0.25 ppm acrolein, or Mix-2 (1 Mix-l (1 seen .0 ppm formaldehyde + 0.25 ppm acrolein) .0 ppm formaldehyde + 0.25 ppm acrolein + 750 ppm acetaldehyde) were very similar. Clearly, as far as nasal histopathological changes are concerned, neither dose addition nor potentiating interactions (supra-additivity) will occur at exposure concentrations below the MOEL; this may even be true (in this if the exposure level of one of the aldehydes case acrolein) is at the MOEL. With respect to cell proliferation of the nasal epithelium the established MOEL of fbrmaldehyde and acrolein (3.2 and 0.25 ppm, respectively) is in accordance with findings 79 Chapter 3 of Roemer et al. (7993) who reported to 2 ppm formaldehyde or 0.2 ppm acrolein for three days to be levels at which cell proliferation measured with BrdU incorporation was significantly increased compared to controls. Monticello et at. (1991) exposure reported 2 and 6 ppm formaldehyde to be the NOEL and MOEL for four days exposure to formaldehyde, respectively. A remarkable finding was the high labelling index found afte¡ to Mix-2 (1.0 ppm formaldehyde + 750 ppm acetaldehyde + 0.25 ppm acrolein, particularly in comparison with that observed in rats exposed to Mix-1 (1.0 ppm formalexposure dehyde + 0.25 acrolein). This considerable difference between the two mixtures indicates a strong potentiating interaction between formaldehyde, acrolein and acetaldehyde with a presumable key role for acetaldehyde applied at a concentration just below the MOEL. However, this conspicuous observation was neither supported by the standard histopatho- logical examinations which showed similar nasal effects in Mix-1- and Mix-2-exposed rats, nor by the results of the biochemical studies, which did not give any clue with respect to a possible key role for acetaldehyde in the nasal effects of Mix-2. Therefore, we feel that the finding of an unexpectedly high labelling index in Mix-2-exposed rats with possible key role for acetaldehyde needs verification (or falsification) in further a studies before firm conclusions can be drawn. Apart from this, overall cell proliferation data did not suggest clear dose addition of combined exposure to these aldehydes provided exposure concentrations were below or near the MOELs. Moreover, the these data were in good agreement with the histopathological findings. This study shows that there is a good correlation between BrdU incorporation and PCNA expression. PCNA was shown to be a more sensitive parameter to study cell proliferation of the nasal epithelium. The difference in ULLIs between PCNA and Brdu can be attributed to the fact that BrdU incorporation will result in an accumulation of proliferating cells, whereas PCNA staining is a random indication of the cell proliferation rate, which is highly dependent on the half-life of the PCNA protein (Bravo and Macdonald, 1987). It also known that such a difference is related to the Gl is and G2-M phase traversing cells, which are identified by the PCNA antibody but not by the BrdU method (Dietrich, 1993). The good correlation between BrdU and PCNA as an indicator for cell proliferation did 80 Combined exposure of rats to aldeþdes not hold for the nasal septum. Compared to other parts of the nose (maxillo- and nasoturbinates and lateral wall), the ULLIs for the nasal septum seen upon exposure different test atmospheres were commonly higher at cross level PCNA than when measured with BrdU. It II to the when measured with has been shown that PCNA levels will be elevated with increased unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) (Stivala et al., 1993; Toshi and Bravo, 1988), as well as with increased cell proliferation (Dietrich, 1993) and therefore the differences found in this study might be explained by differences in DNA repair capacity between the transitional epithelium and the normal ciliated epithelium. Differences in various sites of the nose at cross level with those reported observed differences II as shown in this study are in line for formaldehyde exposures (Monticello et al., 1991), who also in 3H-thymidine incorporation after 1 and 4 days of exposure (6 h/day) to 6 ppm formaldehyde for different parts of the respiratory epithelium (i.e. septum, lateral wall and turbinates). Exposure to acrolein for 4-6 h has been shown to result in decreased levels of NPSH in affected tissues (Lam et al., 1.985; Walk and Haussmann, 1989). Our results show slightly decreased levels NPSH after a 6 h exposure period. Three days well as to formaldehyde, levels acetaldehyde and mixtures of of exposure to acrolein aldehydes resulted in of sulphydryl groups, which indicates that nasal epithelium is able to as increased adapt to (a potential) sulphydryl depletion. The results did not indicate a major role for FDH and ADH induction in the biotransformation of the aldehydes studied. This is in line with the results of Cassee et al. (1994) and of Casanova et al. (1984), who did not observe any induction of formaldehyde or non- specific aldehyde dehydrogenases after exposure of rats to formaldehyde or acetaldehyde. Nevertheless, acrolein resulted in decreased ADH activity, which is in concordance with results published by Mitchell and Petersen (1987), who reported acrolein to be a potent rat liver ADH inhibitor. I¡w intracellular concentrations of formaldehyde are metabolized by FDH rather than ADH, thus the suppressive effects of acrolein (or Mix-2 or Mix-3) will not have a major effect on formaldehyde detoxification. It has been speculated that low 81 Chapter 3 ADH activity, as measured by histochemical analysis, is associated with increased sensitivity to aldehydes in different sites of the nose (respiratory and olfactory epithelium) (Bogdanffy et al., 1986; Keller et al., 1990), the role of the ADH in vivo with respect to the metabolism of exogenous aldehydes in the nose has, to our knowledge, never been extensively studied. Therefore, mechanistic studies are needed with short-term exposures to elucidate the role of ADHs. The decreased activities of aldehydes (Mix-2 and Mix-3), can probably absence of to mixtures of be attributed to the presence of acrolein. The GST and GR after three days exposure of induction of these enzymes might indicate that GST and GR are not involved or that the basal rate is sufficient for the detoxification of these aldehydes. The increased GPx activities of groups exposed to a cytotoxic concentration of (mixtures of) aldehydes reflects the histopathological findings and are caused generated through metabolism by lipid peroxidation of aldehydes (Kera et aI. 1988; Albano et al. products 1,994). lt has also been shown that cellular depletion of GSH by acrolein gradually accumulated lipid peroxides in an in vitro test system (watanabe et al., 1992), but no NPSH depletion has been observed in the present study. The induction is considered to be a result of cytotoxi- city rather than a defensive mechanism to prevent this action. The results do not imply dose addition for formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein with respect to the GST, GR, FDH and ADH around the MOEL because most effects of Mix-3 were very similar to those of 0.67 ppm acrolein, and no additional effect of formaldehyde or acetaldehyde is expected to occur. In fact, the effect of combined exposure to formaldehyde (3.2 ppm), acetaldehyde (1500 ppm) and acrolein (0.67 ppm) on GPx acrivities and NPSH levels in respiratory epithelium seems to be infra-additive compared to Mix-3: summation of the effects of the single compounds is different from the effect of Mix-3 on GPx. Since there is a lack of data with respect to induction of biotransformation enzymes and sulphydryl levels after exposure to xenobiotics in nasal respiratory epithelium, it is not obvious whether maximum levels are reached for these parameters, which could explain the infra-additivity. 82 Combined exposure of rats to aldehydes In conclusion, histopathological changes and cell proliferation induced by mixtures of the three extensive both exposure of the nasal epithelium to be more severe and more in the respiratory and olfactory part of the nose than those observed after to the individual aldehydes appeared aldehydes at comparable exposure levels, although most in this study showed infra-additive effects of combined exposure to aldehydes, with the exception of acetaldehyde at a no-effect level (750 ppm). changes in parameters measured deposition of inhaled substances caused by co-exposure unexplored phenomenon. Identification and characterization to other compounds is of factors that influence an the of nasal lesions are important when attempting to estimate potential human health risks incurred through exposure to mixtures using data obtained in laboratory distribution animals.. Overall, the present findings suggest that combined exposure to these aldehydes with the same target organ (nose), and exerting the samÞ type of adverse effect (nasal irritation/cytotoxicity), but with partly different target sites (different regions of nasal mucosa), is not associated with increased hazard as compared to exposure to the individual chemicals, provided the exposure levels are around or lowe¡ than NOEIs. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the excellent technical assistance of Frank Hendriksma, Stan Spoor, Lidy van oostrum and Piet van de Heuvel. This work was supported by the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning, and Environment, The Hague, The Netherlands. References Alarie, Y. (1973). 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Feron Archives of Toxicology 1995, in press Abstract Sensory irritation of formaldehyde (FRM), acrolein (ACR) and acetaldehyde (ACE) by the decrease in breathing frequency (DBF) was studied in male Wistar measured as rats using nose-only exposure. Groups of 4 rats were exposed to each of the single compounds separately or to mixtures of FRM, ACR and/or ACE. Exposure concentrations of the mixtures were chosen in a way that summation of the effects of each chemical would not be expected to exceed 80% reduction of the breathing frequency. FRM, ACR and ACE appeared to act as sensory irritants as defined by Alarie (1966, 1913). With FRM ACR desensitization occurred whereas with ACE the breathing frequency decreased and gradually with increasing exposure time (upto 30 min). For mixtures, the observed DBF was more pronounced than the DBF for each compound separately, but was less than the sum of the DBFs for the single compounds. A model for three compounds competing for 87 Chapter 4 the same receptor was applied to predict the DBF of mixtures of FRM, ACE and ACR. The results also showed that with mixtures no desensitization occurred; in fact, the breathing frequency further decreased in the last 15 min of exposure. These observations were similar to those found for ACE alone, and which might have been caused by effects below the upper respiratory tract. The results of the present study allow the conclusion that sensory irritation in rats exposed to mixtures of irritant aldehydes is more pronounced than that caused by each of the aldehydes separately, and that the DBF as a result of exposure to a mixture could be well predicted using a model for competitive agonism, thus providing evidence that the combined effect of these aldehydes is basically a result of competition for a common receptor (trigeminal nerve). Introduction Aldehydes constitute a group of relatively reactive organic compounds which are exten- sively used in industry and which are ubiquitous in- and outdoor pollutants. Additionally, aldehydes are capable of inducing irritation of the eyes and the respiratory tract (Kane and Alarie, 1977,'1978,'i,979; chang et al., 1981; Steinhagen and Barrow, 19g4;Babiuk et al. 1985; Gardner et aL.,1985). Exposure to these irritants results in a concentration-dependent respiratory rate depression from direct stimulation of the trigeminal nerve endings in the nasal mucosa (Alarie, 'i,966, 'i913). This defence mechanism prevents great penetration of the irritants into the lower respiratory tract. A bioassay in which the decrease in breath- ing frequency at different concentrations is measured is used to estimate the RD50, a statistically derived concentration which reduces the respiratory rate by 50Vo (ASTM,'l 984). In the occupational and also the outdoor environment, man is frequently exposed to a variety of substances at the same time, generally at no-effect concentrations of the individual chemicals. However, there is increasing concern about the hazard of exposure to mixtures. Since sensory irritants are believed to act all on the same trigeminal nerve receptor (similar joint action), dose (concentration) addition is expecte<l to predict the effect of mixtures of sensory irritants. Competition for the same receptor will result in a 88 Sensory irritation to mixtures of aldehydes decreased breathing frequency (DBF), which is less than expected on the basis of dose addition. Indeed, competitive agonism has been shown for formaldehyde (FRM) and acrolein (ACR) (Kane and Alarie, 1978) and for cumene and rr-propanol (Nielsen er a/., 1988) in mice. There is hardly any information on the way in which interaction between sensory irritants can be implemented in the process of risk assessment (Bos el al., 1992). Unquestionably, studies with simple defined mixtures are needed to verify (or to falsify) the general view that the additivity rule is applicable in case of exposure to mixtures of sensory irritants. In addition, data from such studies will provide useful information for mathematical modeling as a tool to predict the DBFs of mixtures. Although the ASTM guidlines (ASTM, 1984) were developed for studies with mice, it has been shown that rats also can be used for establishing sensory irritation (Chang et al., 1981; Babiuk et al., 1985; Gardner et al., 1985). Mice are often, but not always (Steinhagen et a1,,1982; Nielsen et al., 1984; Steinhagen and Barrow, 1984; Babiuk et al., 1985; Pauluhn, J,1995) more sensitive to sensory irritants. Nevertheless, data obtained with rats are fully appropriate for a mechanistic investigation. Also, the use of rats allowed us to compa¡e the results with those from inhalation toxicity studies we performed with mixtures of aldehydes and to compare concentrations inducing nasal toxicity with those inducing sensory irritation. The aim of the present study to investigate and to model the irritating potencies of (mixtures of) FRM, ACR and acetaldehyde (ACE) in rats using DBF as indicator of "¡/as sensory irritation. Materials and methods Chemicals Paraformaldehyde (90-92% purity), acetaldehyde (997o purity) and acrolein (977o purity) were purchased from Janssen Chimica (Beerse, Belgium). 89 Chapter 4 Animøls ønd meintenance Young adult albino male wistar rats, (crl[wl]wu BÐ (ranging between 240-300 g), were obtained from charles River wIGA GmbH (sulzfeld, Germany). Animals were housed under conventional conditions in groups of five in suspended stainless-steel cages with wire-screen bottom and front. The room temperature was maintained at22 + 3"C and the relative humidity aT 40-70% with a 12 hr light/dark cycle. The rats were fed the Institute's cereal based rodent diet. Food and tap water were available ad libitum during non-exposure periods. Experimental design The study was started with groups of 4 rats each for establishing concentration-effect curves for each of the aldehydes. After establishment the concentration resulting in a 507o decrease in of the concentration-effect curves, respiratory frequencies, the theoretical maximum DBF (DmaJ and the dissociation constant (K) were calculated using (log-) linear (ASTM, 1984) and non-linear regression techniques (Michaelis-Menten equation), respectively. The calculated constants were used to predict the DBFs of mixtures of FRM, ACR and ACE using a competition model. Groups of 4 rats each were exposed to mixtures of FRM, ACE and/or ACR at concentra- tions which were expected to result in a DBF between 10 and 35o/o for each of the compounds. The actual DBF was compared with summation of predicted DBFs of each compound as well as with the calculated DBF using a model for competitive interaction. Generøtion and analysis of the test øtmospheres Single-compound studies. FRM atmospheres were generated by thermal depolymerization of paraformaldehyde solutions in water, and subsequent evaporation of this solution in the main air stream. Pure ACR was injected into a teflon airbag and mixed with 60 I filtered air and allowed to evaporate. A small constant flow was drawn from this main supply which was mixed in a mixing chamber with pressurized air. ACE was evaporated by bubbling a pressurized nitrogen stream through liquid ACE, which was kept a." 12 oc, and, 90 Sensory irritation to mirtures of aldehydes which was subsequently diluted in a mixing chamber. For each compound, the mean main flow passing through the exposure unit was 24 llmin. Studies with mixtures. Aqueous solutions pure ACE were injected in of thermal depolymerized separate teflon bags and mixed paraformaldehyde or with 50 or 75 I of Milspec filtered air. ACR was injected into a teflon bag and mixed with 5 I filtered air. Samples of this ACR atmosphere were injected in a teflon bag and mixed with 50 or 75 I of filtered air. Constant flows were drawn from the bags and diluted in mixing chambers with pressurized air. The mean flow passing through the exposure unit was 15 l/min. Analysis of the test øtmospheres Ports in the exposure unit allowed sampling of the test atmospheres. In case of FRM and ACE the test atmosphere was sampled continuously. ACR atmosphere was sampled semicontinuously at 5-min intervals. ACR concentrations in mixtures of FRM, ACE and ACR were measured just prior to and immediately after exposure. FRM concentrations were measured by an on-line formaldehyde monitor (model 9400, Skalar, Breda, The Nether- lands). ACR concentrations were determined on a gas chromatograph (GC6000, Carlo Erba Instruments, Milan, Italy) with a DB-Wax column (30m x 0.625 mm1' 1O7o Polye\hy- lene glycol) and a flame ionisation detector. The oven temperature was maintained at 50 'C. ACE concentrations were determined on a total carbon analyzer with flame ionisator detection (model RS55, Ratfisch Instruments, München, Germany). The stability of a mixture of the aldehydes was tested using HPLC analysis according to Swarin (1983). A diagram of the exposure set up is given in figure 1. The actual concentrations did not differ by more than 57o from the nominal concentrations. Exposure conditions and measurement of sensory irritcttion Sensory irritation was tested according to guidelines of the Ame¡ican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM, 1984) with minor modifications. Four male rats at a time were exposed in a nose-only set up with four individual exposure units (lnstitute's design). During exposure the animals were restrained in animal holders (modified Battelle tubes) which fit closely in a plethysmograph attached to the exposure chamber (fig. 1). The 91 Chapter 4 Exhoust Total Plethysmogroph Corbon Anoì.yzer Photospect rorneter Gos Chnonatogroph !r a a oaoa aooa Mossflow Mossflow contrÕl I en controll er Restri ction Acrolein ,/ Mixtures FIG. 1, A schematic diagram of the generation and exposure 92 systems. Timer Switch Sensory irritation to mixtures of aldehydes animals were allowed to breath freely from the stream transducers connected to the of fresh test atmosphere. plethysmographs sensed changes created Pressure by in- and expir- ation. The amplified signals were transmitted to a polygraph recorder for off-line manual determination of the respiratory rate (breaths per minute). After an acclimatization period of 10 min, which was used to establish the average control respiratory rate of each animal, the animals were exposed to the test atmosphere for 30 min, followed by a 1O-minute recovery period. The respiratory rate of each rat was measured during the 50-min test period with 1- or 3-min intervals. The animals were observed for behaviour and abnormalities during a 24 h expressed as a percentage post-exposure period. The results were of the pre-exposure values so that each individual rat served as its own control. Døta analysis Single-compound studies. The minimum decrease in respiratory rate considered significant was 12Vo while the maximum decrease should not exceed 80%. The values are the means of 15 s periods taken at 1 min intervals. RD50 concentrations were calculated with the common logarithm of the exposure concentration as the independent variable, A, and the in respiratory rate from control as the dependent variable, DA. (ASTM, 1984) using the lowest observed as well as the average breathing frequency within 3 min percent decrease after onset of the exposure by the method of least squares. Linear and nonlinear regression analysis were applied to the strongest and the average observed DBF within exposure to calculate the respective RD50 and the Dru" and following equation was D¡ = a.log [A] + b 3 min. of K for each compound. The used: (1) in which [A] is the exposure concentration and Do is percentage decrease from control respiratory rate. The maximal DBF DA,ru" and the dissociation constant Ko were determined 1 with Michaelis-Menten kinetics for bimolecular reactions (Nielsen et a/., e88): 93 Chapter 4 Dd-"'' [A] D¡= (2) Ko + [Aj Studies with mixtures. Competitive interactions between compounds is expected when such chemicals act on a common receptor. As shown by Nielsen et al. (1988), this can easily be described using a common model for competion. D4-u'. Ks. [Aì *D8.."*. Ke. Dm¡x A,s [B] (3) = Ke.Ku+K".[A] +KA.tBl This model was extended for reversible competion between three compounds: Drnv,.",.K¡cn.KacE.IFRM] * Decn,.",.KrnM.KA.E.[ACR] * DAcB.ru*.Kpnv.KA.R.[ACE] Dmi" = Ko*r.Ko.*.K^ce* Kecn.Kecr.[FRM] + K¡*r,¡.Kece.[ACR] + KFRM. KACR . [ACE] (4) in which Dr,, is the DBF of a mixture of FRM, ACR and ACE, Dma* and K the maximum DBF and the dissociation constant for each compound, and [FRM], [ACR], and [ACE] the concentrations of FRM, ACR and ACE , respectively. The complete derivation is described in the appendix. The results of the predicted DBFs using both effect addition and the model for competitive agonism were compared All with the actual DBF during exposure to mixtures using a statistically analyses with p t-test. <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Additional multiple linear regression techniques were used to investigate whether or not the difference between the values calculated concentration dependent. 94 with competition model and the observed values were Sensory irritation to mixtures of aldehydes Results Clinical obsemøtions No abnormalities were seen during the test and observation periods. Sensory irritation Formaldehyde.' A maximal DBF was obse¡ved within 3 min of exposure to FRM followed by marked desensitization during the next few minutes (1ig.2). All exposure groups sho- wed desentization during the remaining exposure period. During the 1O-min post-exposure period, rats recovered partially. Acrolein: The rats responded with an initial fast DBF. The maximum DBF was observed 1 and 3 min after the start of the exposure, which was followed by marked desensitization at lower levels during the next few min of exposure (fig.z). Animals between exposed to the highest concentration (31.9 ppm) did not show desensitization. During the 10-min post-exposure period, slow partial or full recovery occured. Acetaldehyde.' Exposure to ACE resulted in an initial rapid DBF during the first minutes of exposure, followed by slight desensitization (recovery during exposure) during the next few minutes (fig.z). After a period with fluctuations of ca 15 min a further more gradual of the breathing frequency was observed especially at the higher exposure levels. During the 1O-min post-exposure period, partial or full recovery occured. decrease calculations of the RD50, D^^ and K: For all compounds the most marked DBF was always achieved between 0-3 min after onset of exposure. The calculated RD50, Dru* and K for each compound is listed in Table 1. The DBF was over 30O7o and was considered D."" of ACE calculated with the average to be overestimated. For this reason the D.u^ and K values obtained with the lowest observed breathing frequency for each compound were used for prediction of the effect of mixtures. 95 Chapter 4 Table 1 Calculated RI)50 values, maximal decrease of the breâthing frequency (D."r) and the dissociation constant (K) from the lowest observed DBF within 0-3 min of the exposure period. Values are given âs meân (957o confidence limits) for RD50 or mean (standard deviation) for Compound D."* and K. RD5O D-^t K ppm Vo ppm FRM 10.0 (4.7-13.7) 7e.7 (1.7) s.8 (0.4) ACR e.2 (6.s-13.7) 7s.3 (1.4) 292 (1.4) ACE 3046 t23.e (16.6) 4478 (12ss) (9e7-4036) Studies with mixtures: Time-effect relationships of some representative exposures to mix- tures of FRM, ACE and ACR are shown in Fig. 3. The response to all mixtures was very similar: a maximum DBF was observed within 3 min after the start of the exposure to the test mixture, whereas a plateau value for the DBF was reached after approximately 10 min, which remained nearly stable or showed a further decrease during the remainder of the exposure period. During the 1O-min post-exposure period, both partial and full recovery was observed. In all groups exposed to mixtures the decrease was more pronounced than the DBF expected for exposures to each of the compounds separately (Table 2). However, the mean observed DBF was significantly lower than the mean predicted by summation of the DBFs of single compounds. On the other hand, the mean observed DBF was accurately predicted In fact, there was no clear DBFs due to competitive action and the using the three-compound model for competitive agonism. difference between the mean of the predicted of the experimentally obtained DBF (Table 2). Nevertheless, mixtures with highest ACE concentrations (ca 2500-2600 pp.) showed considerably stronger actual DBF commean pared to the predicted values from the model for competitive agonism. Additional analysis showed that there was a linear relationship between the actual DBFs 96 Sensory irritatíon to mùûures of aldehydes '100 80 60 40 20 o õ c 8ao o \o oI o 6 L >i L 60 4U o 6 .= 20 CL 1t, o fr o 2800 ppm 80 60 4600 ppm 40 20 0 0510152025303540 Time (min) Fig. 2 Time-effect relationships showing the decrease in respiratory rate. Each line represents the average of 4 rats. FRM = formaldehyde; ACR = acrolein; ACE = acetaldehyde Chapter 4 Table 2 Group irritation of mixtures of formaldehyde (FRM), acrolein (ACR) and acetaldehyde (ACE) with the lowest observed breathing frequencies taken within 0 - 3 min of the exposure period. Sensory Exposure concentrations (ppm) Expected effect upon single compound exposures" Expected Expected using DBF using effect competiaddition tive DBF Observed DBF agonismb FRM ACR ACE Drnv D¿.cn Dao Drrvl DA.E DA.R+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1,2 1,3 1.4 15 -t6 1 17 .18 19 20 0.86 0.63 0.93 0.59 0.95 0.28 0.95 1,.29 1.36 0.62 1..52 1.24 1.56 0 1.58 0.62 1.58 0.62 1.59 0.2'7 1.59 0.59 1.59 0.ó8 1.59 1,.24 1.66 0.27 2.38 0.59 2.4s 0.27 2.4s 1.29 2.46 0.28 2.50 0.63 2.58 0.28 1326 2592 1929 1986 D¡*r,ecn, Dnr. AcE 9.9 7.3 17.4 34.5 29.0 25.0 10.5 6.8 32.2 49.6 40.9 24.4 1,0.'.7 3.4 24.6 38.7 33.2 36.1 10.7 13.7 25.3 49.7 39.2 26.3 25.5 47.1 37.9 40.1. 2001. 1341. 201,3 14.5 7.2 15.9 13.2 17.6 46.6 36.2 43.1. 1,6.2 0.0 25.6 41.8 35.7 42.0 1956 1.6.3 7.2 24.9 48.4 38.5 52.3 1.956 16.3 7.2 24.9 48.4 38.s 55.0 1981 16.4 -t.-1 25.2 44.9 37.O 38.8 1,463 16.4 6.8 19.0 42.3 34.2 29.6 2044 16.4 2637 1,6.4 25'75 1,7.0 2606 22.2 1388 22.7 1986 22.7 1310 22.7 1342 23.O 2060 23.s '7.8 26.0 50.2 39.5 49."Ì 't3.2 32.1 62.4 46.6 29.9 3.3 32.0 52.3 42.3 37.4 6.8 32.4 6-1.4 46.5 -t I .-'t -r.-t 18.1 44.1, 36.t 35.'7 13.7 25.3 61.7 44.9 40.2 Overall mean: Standard deviation: 3.4 1,7.2 43.3 35.5 39.5 7.3 17.6 47.8 37.6 29.8 3.4 26.2 .53.0 41.9 46.0 48.4 38.6 37.9* I .-5 4.4 8.7 Expressed as percentage decrease of the breathing frequency from control values Calculated according equation 4 (Materials and methods) using D.,* and K values indicated in table 1 Significantly different from the expected DBF using effect addition (t-test). 98 Sensory irritation to mixtures of aldehydes and the positive difference between the actual DBFs and the predicted DBFs (r2= 0.78) using the model for competitive agonism, which was concentration dependent (calculated with multiple linear regression). To visualize the stability of the DBF during the 30 min of exposure to the test atmospheres the observed DBFs after 30 min of exposure were plotted against those obtained after 3 min of exposure (fig.a). The figure illustrates that DBFs due to exposure to FRM and ACR become less pronounced with exposure time, while this phenomenon was not apparent for ACE. In contrast, compared to the DBF after 3 min of exposure, about 75 7o oÏ the animals exposed to the mixtures of the three aldehydes showed similar or stronger DBFs after 30 min. Discussion FRM, ACE and ACR act as sensory irritants as seen from the characteristic respiratory patterns. The DBF during the first minutes of exposure is conside¡ed to be exclusively due to trigeminus nerve stimulation. When comparing the calculated RD50 values with reported values, the RD50 of FRM (10.0 ppm) is comparable with 13.8 ppm reported by Gardner et al. (1985), fo¡ charles River cD@ rats, and a factor 3lower than the 31.7 ppm reported by Chang et al. ('1981) for F-344 rats. The RD50 of ACE (3046 ppm) and ACR (9.2 ppm) are comparable with 3000 ppm and 6.0 ppm, respectively, as reported ror F-344 rats (Babiuk et al., 'i,985). Compared to results obtained with mice, the RD50s as found in rats of these three aldehydes are generally higher (Bos et a1.,1992). The difference between the sensitivity of rats to ACE on the one hand and to FRM and ACR on the other hand (fìg. 3 and 5) might be explained by differences in physicochemical properties between the chemicals, and by (regional) differences in activities of detoxification enzymes for each compound. For example, the FRM dehydrogenase activity in the olfactory mucosa was found to be twice as high as that of the respiratory mucosa, while the opposite has been shown for ACE dehydrogenase (casanova et al.,1984; Bogdanffy el al., 'i.986). In addition, the receptor-binding site of FRM and ACR is believed to be a thiol 99 Chapter 4 Recovery õ Ë80 o (, o s60 I o qt L o 2.47 ppm For + 1989 ppm Aae + a O tr + (ú .= â20 o L l.27ppm Acr 0.92 ppm For + 1362 ppm Ace + 0.62 ppm Acr 1.56 ppm For + 1989 ppm Ace + 0.62 ppm Acr 't.56 pp. For + 2603 ppm Ace + O.2B ppm Acr 05101520263035 40 Time (min) Fig.3 Examples of time-effect relationships of mixtures of aldehydes in rats exposed for 30 min. to FRM, ACR and ACE and a subsequent 10-min period to clean air. Each line tepresents the average of 4 rats. 100 00 €(¡,(ú (n (¡, o // a. 60 I ß) {o(t )at 'õ. Formaldehydê .,' ¡t¡/ o CL X q) a/ a/ / 40 100 rÞ o60 Ê -/ | Mlxtures.aa a -t l' ," . /¡. tt ,.'. .:tø;í"' 02040ô080020406060100 7o 100 ., (u 0 4. a/ . l2'.t . '. /r/ a . tu" . ,.' Acroleln o (Ð o L4o o o q20 FIG. / .a 'r" 20 e s aal a Acetaldehvde - of control respiratory rate after 3 min of exposure Plot of the observed individual DBFs after 30 min of exposure versus the DBFs after 3 min of exposure. The dashed line represents all cases for which the effect at 30 min is equal to the effect at 3 min. Sensory irritation to mixtures of aldehydes group (Nielsen, 1,99I), whereas ACE has been suggested to activate the sensory irritation receptor by a reaction with an amino groups (Steinhagen and Barrow, 1984; Schauenstein et al.,1977). Besides the differences in sensitivity between ACE and the other two aldehydes the¡e is also a clear diffe¡ential response in desensitization. For all individually dosed compounds desensitization (fading of the DBF) was observed a few minutes after the start exposure to the test atmosphere. Time-effect relationships of the of FRM showed an immediate sensory irritation by DBF immediately after the start of the exposure with fading of the DBF after a few minutes, which lasted during the remainder of the exposure period (fig.3). Similar results for FRM and ACR have been previously reported for both rats (Chang et ø1., L98L; Gardner et al., 1985; Steinhagen and Barrow, 1984) and mice (Kane and Alarie, 1977). In contrast to FRM and ACR, the DBF of ACE at high levels was characterized by a second reduction in the breathing frequency between 10 and 30 min. of exposure. This second more gradual DBF is most probably caused by the development of pulmonary irritation, which is a common phenomenon for saturated aliphatic aldehydes, or other factors such as tissue damage or systemic effects (Bos el of al. 1992). However, did not show typical characteristics for pulmonary irritation. We do not have a sound explanation for the irregular behaviour of ACE, but breathing patterns exposed rats processes other than trigeminal nerve stimulation seem to play a role in the DBF. One of those might be olfactory stimulation because interactions between sensory and olfactory stimufation are not uncommon (Cain, 1974; Cain and Murphy, 1980; Cometto-Muitiz et al., 'i,989). Particularly because of its striking odorous properties at concentrations of magnitude below the irritation threshold, such an interaction may well occur in orders case of ACE. The reduction of the breathing frequency in rats exposed to the mixtures was always higher than the DBF would have been during exposure to the same concentration of one of the single compounds of a given mixture. Effect addition for combinations of was used based on the knowledge that in risk assessment of mixtures, in aldehydes general the additivity rule is used when combined effects of compounds are expected. However, when 101 Chapter 4 applying the additivity rule the calculated DBF of a mixture, based on single compound studies was always higher than the actual DBF (Table 2). It has been reported that aldehydes interact according to the principle of competitive agonism; Babiuk et al. (1985) showed that FRM pretreatment resulted in cross tolerance for ACE and ACR, and Kane and Alarie (1978) reported competition between FRM and ACR. Kane and Alarie (1978) have shown that a classical receptor/igand competition nlodel could be used to describe and predict the DBFs of mixtures of FRM and ACR in mice. Nielsen et al. (1988) used a modified version of this model for mixtures of cumene and propanol. The predicted DBF of a mixture of low-effect concentrations based on the single compounds using a competitive model appeared to be very much the same as that to be expected on the basis of full addition of the exposure concentrations (dose addition)of each of the single compounds (Kane and Alarie, 1978). However, in this study, in at least a 407o deuease of the respiratory rate, a small effect. In that case, competitive agonism probably will combinations were expected to result which is not considered occur when compounds of a mixture act on the same receptor (binding-site) and the actual DBF will be below the DBF based on full addition. We used a competition model for a three-component chemical mixture. The overall results of the data evaluation showed that summation of the calculated DBFs of each of the single compounds of the mixture overes- timated the actual DBFs. With the application of the competition model for a three- component chemical mixture the observed DBFs were predicted more accurately. These results together with those of Kane and Alarie (1978) and Nielsen et al. (1988) support the conclusion that the application of the commonly used additivity rule may not be applied for the prediction of DBFs of mixtures of sensory irritants. However, at concentrations much lower than the RD50 a competition model will result in similar results as predicted by dose-addition of equidoses of each compound. Despite the fact that the overall mean of the calculated DBFs, using the model for com- petitive agonism, was not statistically significantly different from the actual values, additional analysis showed a linear trend between the actual DBFs and the differences between the predicted and the actual DBFs with increasing concentrations. This means that with increasing concentrations even competition overestimates the observed effect. 102 Sensory irritation to mixtures of aldehydes Clearly, competition is not the only mechanism which causes a smaller DBF of a mixture compared to full effect-addition. It has been shown (Cain, 1974; Cain and Murphy, 1980) that there are interactions between chemoreceptive modalities of odour and irritation, i.e. odour inhibits irritation and vice versa. Therefore, the complex interaction between odour perception and sensory irritation effects in the olfactory part of the nose might explain the variance that could not be ascribed to sensory irritation. In contrast to the single-compound studies, the studies with the mixtures did not show desensitization during the 30 min. of exposure. A second decrease was observed in half of the groups exposed to the mixtures (Fig.3 and 4). These observations were similar to those found for ACE alone which might indicate the development of of pulmonary irritation. to mixtures did not indicate that this second decrease was caused by pulmonary irritation. Although originally it was assumed that the trigeminal nerve receptor has one common binding site, it has also been suggested that the receptor contains different binding sites (Kristiansen et al., 1986; Nielsen et al., 1988; Breathing patterns animals exposed Nielsen, 1991; Hansen et al., 1.992). In fact, different binding sites (and therefore different affinity constants K) for the same substrate can explain non-linear concentration-effect relationships. Electrophysiological as well as more mechanistic receptor-binding studies are needed to learn more about the receptor binding sites, enabling prediction of the DBF of mixtures by mathematical modelling. In summary, prediction of the sensory irritation due to of exposure to mixtures of FRM, ACE and ACR applying full effect-addition appears to overestimate the DBF of a given mixture. Overall it seems justifiable to conclude that the degree of sensory irritation of a mixture of irritant aldehydes is stronger than that of the individual aldehydes but less than that of the sum of the individual irritant potencies, which is basically a result of competi- tion for a common receptor. 103 Chapter 4 Acknowledgement The authors gratefully appreciate the technical support of Stan Spoor and Franl Hendriksma. In addition, the authors thank Eric D. Schoen for helpful discussion durin¡ the statistical evaluation of the data. We also are most grateful to Dr. Chris T. Baile¡ (Wells College, Aurora, New York), who worked out the three-compound competitior equation. This work was funded by the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Envi ronment, The Hague, The Netherlands. 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Swarin, S.J., (1983) Determination of formaldehyde and other aldehydes by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. J. Liq. Chromatogr. 6, 425-444. 105 Chøpter 4 Appendix For the derivation for a three-compound competion model the following scheme was assumed: KX R+X<=====>RX where R = receptor, and X represent the three respective substrates A, B, and C, SOME PRELIMINARIES: A. The three binding constants will be: Ka = [R][A]/[nA] Kb = [R][B]/[RB] Kc = [Rllc]/[RC] So that: lltAl = [RllA]/Ka IRBI = tRltBl/Kb IRCì = [R][c]/Kc B. The total DBF will be: Da,b,c = DaIRA] + Db[RB] + Dc[RC] C. The total concentration of the various forms of receptor will be: tRlt = tRl + [RA] + [RB] + [RC] D. The maximum DBF for each respective pâthway would occur if ALL the recaptor was in its inte¡mediat form: Da,max = Da[R]t þþ,¡¡¿¡ = Db[R]t Dc,max = Dc[R]t E. If we tâke the total DBF will indicate the DBF of equation from above (B) and divide both sides by [R]t (equation C), the resu each process (Da, etc) times the relalive amount relationship to the total concentration of receptor): Da,b,c 106 Da[RA] + Db[RB] + Dc[RC] of each of the intermediates (i Sensory lRlt irritation to mixtures of aldehydes [R] + [RA] + [RB] + [RC] F. Next substitute in the values of tRAl, tRBl, and [RC] that were determined in A above: Da,b,c lRlt Da*([R][A]/Ka) + Db*([R][B]/Kb) + [R] + (tRltAl/ra) + (tRl[B]/Kb) Dc+([R][C]/Kc) + ([R]tcl/Kc) G. Notice that everything on the right side of the equation is in terms of [R], so that [R] can be cancelled out altogether. If we next multiply the numerator and denominator on the right side by Ka*Kb*Kc (to get rid of the denominators of the individual terms) we get: Da,b,c [Rlt (Da*Kb*Kc*[A]) (Ka*Kb*Kc) + (Db*Ka*Kc*[B]) + (Dc*Ka*Kb*[Cl) + (Kb*Kc*[A]) + (Ka*Kc*[B]) + (Ka*Kb*[Cl) H. Finally, if we multiply both sides by [R]1, each of the terms in the numerator on the right side will have an Dx*[R]t function, which as we said above (in D) is equal to Dx,max. Thus, the expected kinetics would be: (Da,max*Kb*Kc*[A]) + (Db,max*Ka*Kc*[B]) + (Dc,max*Ka*Kc*[C]) Da,b,c = (Ka*Kb*Kc) + (Kb*Kc*[A]) + (Ka*Kc*[B]) + (Ka*Kb*[Cl) 107 Chapter 4 r08 In vitro toxicity of formaldehyde, acrolein and crotonaldehyde in nasal epithelial cells: different approaches to study combined exposure Flemming R. Cassee, Wilma H. Stenhuis, Eric D. Schoen, Victor J. Feron and John P. Groten Submitted for publication Abstract Aldehydes are known to be toxic to nasal epithelium. Their structural similarities indicate similar joint action of mixtures of these chemicals. In the present study an in vitro system and a well defined parameter for cytotoxicity (neutral red uptake) were used to study the combined toxicity of formaldehyde, acrolein and epithelial cells. The results were evaluated crotonaldehyde by using in human and rat nasal isobolographic and effect-surface analysis methods. Acrolein appeared to be the most toxic aldehyde, followed by crotonal- dehyde, acrolein being about two orders of magnitude more toxic than formaldehyde. Mixtures of formaldehyde and acrolein induced less than additive cytotoxicity. Mixtures of formaldehyde and crotonaldehyde or acrolein and crotonaldehyde induced additive or slightly more than additive cytotoxic effects. Using effect-surface analysis, two-factor 109 Chapter 5 interactions were detected, although their contribution to the total effect of the mixtures was less than 10Vo and generally indicated less than additivity. Three-factor interactions were not significant. In conclusion, mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and crotonaldehyde did not induce in marked synergistic cytotoxic effects. Compared to the isobole method, effect-surface analysis proved to be a more rapid method to evaluate the effects of mixtures at doses ranging from no- to distinct-effect levels. Introduction Prediction of the toxicity of simple defined and complex mixtures is of major concern in health risk assessment, since man is continuously exposed to all kinds of mixtures (e.g. air pollution, smoke, fumes at the workplace). However, data on the risk of mixtures are scanty in comparison with data on the risk of single compounds. An important group of chemicals that occur simultaneously as pollutants in many indoor and outdoor environ- ments as a result of combustion or photochemical oxidation of organic materials are lowmolecular-weight aldehydes, such as formaldehyde (FRM), acetaldehyde (ACE), acrolein (ACR)' and crotonaldehyde (CRO). These chemicals are well-known upper respiratory tract cytotoxicants which are highly reactive towards celÌular proteins and nucleic acids (Grafström et al, 1.983, 1986; Wilson et al., 1,991; Kuykendall et al., L99L, 1994; Cassee et al., 1992; Casanova ef al., 1995a). Effects of short-term exposures to air-borne alde- hydes are associated with (sensory) irritation (Kane and Alarie, 1978; Babiuk et al., 1986; et al., 1995b), cytotoxicity and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, in particular the epithelium of the nose (Feron el al., 1982; IARC, 1987; WHO, 1989, 1992; cassee Morgan and Monticello, 1990; St.clair et al., 1990; cassee and Feron, 1994). Based on the structural similarities of the aldehydes and their corresponding target organ (nose) after exposure by inhalation, one might assume simila¡ joint action of mixtures of aldehydes at the target site, i.e. the nasal epithelium. However, little is known about the toxicity of combined exposure to aldehydes. Lam et al. (1985) have shown an increase in DNA- protein cross-links in rats exposed to mixtures of FRM and ACR for 6 h compared to rats 110 Toxicity of combined exposure to øldehydes exposed to FRM alone. The joint effect of these aldehydes was suggested to be the result of ACR effectively depleting sulphydryl groups including glutathione and thereby inhibiting the oxidative metabolism of FRM. To study the joint effect of mixtures of chemicals two basic concepts are commonly used: concentration (dose) and effect (response) addition. The former is commonly referred to as 'similar joint action' (Bliss, 1939) indicating that two compounds have the same binding sites, whereas the latter is also known as 'simple dissimilar action'. Obviously, for alde- hydes concentration addition might be assumed, but there is a lack of experimental data to substantiate this assumption. Several mathematical models are available to evaluate the effects of mixtures and to test the dose-additivity hypothesis. One of the most widely used methods for analysing joint effects of two-compound mixtures is the isobologram, which is an orthogonal projection of equi-effect concentrations of two agents connected by a line (Loewe and Muischnek, 1926). The isobole method has been extended by Steel and Peckham (1979) for non-linear concentration-effect curves (CECs). Conclusions with respect to non-additiveness of effects of a mixture are based on the estimated concentration of of the compounds that will result in the each same effect as that of the mixture. Another way of evaluating effects of mixtures (without precise knowledge of the individual CECs) is effect-surface analysis (ESA) using multiple linear regression and advanced statistics (Carter et al., 1988, 1994; Plummer and Short, 1990; Greco et al., 1990). The result is an equation describing the effect as a function of the concentration within the range used including coefficients that provide information about the kind and degree of deviation from additivity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of mixtures of aldehydes at the cellular level using two methods for the identification of possible interactions between the aldehydes, viz. isobolograms and effect-surface analysis. Human and rat nasal epithelial cells were exposed to FRM, ACR or CRO and effects of exposure to two- and threecompound mixtures of the chemicals of these aldehydes were studied and compared to the effects of each alone. t11 Chapter 5 Materials and methods Materials Formaldehyde and crotonaldehyde were obtained from Janssen Chimica, Beerse, Belgium. Acrolein was purchased from Aldrich chemie, Brussels, Belgium and neutral red (NR; 3-amino-7-dimethylamino-2-methylphenazine hydrochloride) from Sigma, St.[,ouis, MO. All chemicals were of analytical grade. Cell lines and culture conditions The human cell line RPMI2650 originates from an anaplastic squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal septum (Moore and Sandberg, 1964) and was obtained from American Type Culture Collections, Rockville, MD. RPMI2650 cells were cultured in modified Eagle's minimal essential medium (ICN Biomedicals, Amsterdam) supplemented with non-essen- tial amino acids, 1.07o inactivated foetal bovine serum (Intergro, zaandam) and 20 pglml gentamicin (Gibco, Grand Island, NY). The rat cell line FAT2 originates from a formaldehyde-induced nasal tumour (Bermudez et al., 1994) and was kindly provided by Dr. E. Bermudez of the Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology (Research Triangle Park, NC). cells were cultured in Ham's F12 medium (Gibco) supplemented with 0.1 pglml hydrocor- tisone (Sigma), 10 insuline pg/ml (Sigma), 2.5 pglml transferrin (Sigma), r07o foetal bovine serum, and 20 pglml gentamicin. Both cell lines were cultured in 957o air 5% CO2 in an incubator at 370C. The cells were seeded on 12-well tissue culture plates in 2 ml medium at a density of 8.3 x 10s cells/ml (RPMI2650) or 1.9 x 10s cells/ml (FAT2); five days after seeding cells became confluent. confluent cells were used within 24 h. Cytotoxicity It has been shown that the stability of the aldehydes is influenced by their reaction with amino or sulphydryl groups of medium constituents (Proctor et at., 1,986). For this reason 4 h with aldehydes dissolved in Hanks balanced salt solution (ICN-Flow) without additives. To prevent evaporation culture dishes were sealed with Parafilm. Concentrations of FRM, ACR and CRO were monitored after 4 h incubation cells were incubated for tt2 Toxicity of combined exposure to aldehydes without cells by means of HPLC analysis (swarin, 1983). concentrations of FRM, cRo and ACR after a 4 h incubation period without cells were reduced to approximately 1,00, 85 and 657o, respectively. To measure the viability of the cells a method for NR uptake (Babich and Borenfreund, 1990) was used with minor modifications. After 4 h the medium was replaced by a 0.0O57o NR (w/v) solution in Hank's balanced salt solution without phenol red for 2 h. The cell layer in each well was washed twice with phosphate buffered saline (Gibco). Retained dye was solubilized with acetic acid (17o v/v) and ethanol (5OTo v/v) for L5 min. The absorbance of the dye was measured at 540 nm. For graphical representations, data were standardizedby expressing the absorbance as a percentage based on NR inclusion by intact cells. Design of the studies After establishing CECs for the individual compounds, cells were exposed to mixtures of the aldehydes in a concentration range that did not exceed the maximum effect single compounds. For studies with binary mixtures the mean (n=3) effects different mixtures of the of at least 15 or the effects (n=1) of at least 35 different mixtures were used for analysis. CECs were determined for one compound in the presence (or absence) of a fixed concentration of a second compound. For studies with mixtures three-level factorial design was applied resulting compounds. Data sets of three aldehydes, a in 33 (i.e. 27) combinations of three for mixtures of 2 compounds were used both to establish isobolo- grams and to subject the data to ESA. Data sets for mixtures of 3 compounds were only used for ESA. Data evaluation and statistics Isobole method Concentration-effect relationships of FRM, ACR and CRO were used to predict the effect of mixtures of two of these compounds using an isobolographic method for non-finear cEC (Steel and Peckham, 1979). A 257o effecT (E) level was chosen for is considered to be a moderate effect level that is well detectable. The conventional isobole is a straight line between the concentration of chemical A and analysis which 113 Chapter 5 chemical B each producing the defined effect (25Vo decrease in viability). The method proposed by Steel and Peckham (1979) consists of construction of an isoeffect of additivity that can be calculated assuming mode I or II additivity (Fig 1). All combinations of two chemicals with effects within the envelope are assumed to act addienvelope tively. Briefly, the envelope can be calculated by deducing the composition combinations that would produce a reduction uptake if (Fig.lA) of those of the viability of E as measured by NR one compound does not interact (in a biological sense) with the other. Mode I assumes that a dose per cent (>E) and that there of compound A results in a reduction of the viability by will be a dose B that would, on its own, result in of the viability by E6 percent (= E-Eu). We assume that the dose Eu a reduction B required is unaffected by the fact that viability has already been reduced by compound A (mode I). In mode II (Fig 1C) however, the effect of a dose A (Eu) makes a dose of B more (or less) effective than it would have been against an untreated population (control cells), depending on the of the concentration-effect curves. The data set from studies with binary mixtures was used for establishing CECs of compound A in the presence of a fixed dose of compound B, and vice versa. From each of these CECs a 25Vo effect was taken and plotted in shape an isobologram. Fig. 114 I Isobolic diagram of two chemicals A and B (iB) with the corresponding concentration effect curves (14,1C) illuslrating the construction of an additivity envelope. In an isobologram (18) combinations of two compounds that have the same effect, and also the concentrations of each compound that, given alone have the same effect as the combinations, are plotted. Concentration addition will resull in a strâight line between the concentration of A and the concentration of B each producing the defined effect 1-). The envelope of additivity is an area in which those combinations AB are lying that have a specified effect and may reasonably considered as showing no interaction. In case of mode I (lA) the effect of concentration Cu and Co are added to result in an combined effect (E5g) i.e. 50Vo decrease of the viabilily. In case of mode II (1 B), the effect to be added to the effecr caused by Cu (Eu) to resull in a combined effect 859 corresponds to a concentratìon Co assuming that C6 can be regarded as a dilution of A. In this example Co is smaller than in case of mode I as a result of the curvature of the CECs (adapted from Calabrese, .1991). Toxicity of combined exposure to aldehydes 125 A lm s = 5 .g 75 50 25 o o.t020s04{)5060708090 B concentration Mode m I rF o o o L Additivity envelope c o (, c o o Mode n à concentration of A 't25 c Mode ll 100 s -75 = Ëso 25 o, , , I r '-r 010?lJ30û5060708090 ca cb I I \ I I concentration 115 Chapter 5 Effect-surface analysis (ESA) A statistical package (GENSTAT5, Rothhamsted Experimen- tal Station, Harpeden, UK) was used for data analysis and effect-domain modelling. The with mixtures of two or three aldehydes were analysed with multiple linear regression techniques with untransformed data (i.e. absorbance ABS). In the analysis of data obtained data, the relationship between the measurements (ABS) of an effect and the corresponding variable settings (C) is modelled with terms describing main (Cr,nu, C46p, Ca*g and CrnM* FRM, CACR* ACR, CcRo* CCR6,Cacn* Ccno). 6pd and interactive effects (C¡.nu* CA.R , Cpnu* Examples of mathematical equations to describe main effects for the individual compounds and interaction terms for two and three compounds are represented by Eq. 1 and 2, respec- tively. ABS = ao +ar.C*, ar.Co" + a2.C4ç¡ +br.Cu*r.C*" +br.Co"*.Co"* +cr.C*r.Co"* + ar.Co"* + ar.C"*6 + br.Cr*r.Co*, + br.Co"*.Coa* b3.CcRo.CcRo + cr.C o*, .C¿cn + cr.C*".Ca*o + ca.Co"*.C"*o + co.C*r.Coa*.C"*o ABS = ao + (1) + (2) Here a6 is the model intercept (i.e.the mean control value), a, and b" the regression coeffi- cients expressing the main effects of FRM, ACR and CRO, and c, the regression coeffi- cients of interactions between FRM, ACR and/or CRO. By means of a I test, the p value for the regression coefficient can be estimated. The p value measures the probability of observing the value of the coefficient given that the null hypothesis (that the coefficient is zero) is true (p<0.05). The percentage of variance (PV) accounted for was defined by the fraction of the sum of squares of the regression coefficient of the total sum of squares for the analysis, and expresses the extent to which a term contributes describe the overall effect. in the equation In the case of significant interaction terms, the to regression coefficients should always be interpreted in relation to main effects. Terms describing the main effects were omitted from further analyses when the value was <0.05. 1'.t6 pv was < 57o even if the p Toxicity of combined exposure to aldehydes Results Single- compound studies In both cell lines the aldehydes showed nonlinear (sigmoid-shaped) CECs. The inhibition of NR uptake by aldehydes was concentration-dependent (Fig.2). The effects of ACR and CRO developed w.ithin L h whereas the FRM effects showed a more gradual decrease in the course of the 4 h exposure period (data of time-dependent toxicity are not shown). Both cell lines are more sensitive to ACR than to CRO or FRM. The effect of FRM and o L tr o o o A. RPMI2650 o .Y (ú o. 'A -=--L+-< \ ú. z \ o c'¡ (ú o (, \ \ \ ! o o- concentration (¡rM) Fig.2 Concentration-effect curves of FRM (--tr--), ACR i--^--), and CRO (- + -) using (A) RPMI2650 or (B) FAT2 cells. Cells were exposed for 4 h to aldehydes. ACR was similar for both the RPMI2650 and the FAT2 cell line. Significant differences were found between the two cell lines with respect to exposures to CRO: the concentration at which a 257o effect was measured for RPMI2650 and FAT2 cells were 200 and 400 pM, respectively. 1'.t7 Chapter 5 Sndies with mixtures of two aldehydes Since exposure of both cell lines to each of the three aldehydes resulted in a nonlinear CECs, additivity envelopes for all binary mixtures were constructed as indicated by the dashed surface shown in Fig. 3. Most of the binary mixtures induced nearly additive effects when the conventional isobole method at Lhe 25Vo effect level was used for analysis (Fig. 3). The exception was the com- bination of FOR and ACR in the rat RPMI2650 cell line, which appeared to be less than additive at lhe 257o effect level. In fact, the data are close to the mode border between concentration and effect addition. A I line, which is considered the concave down-shaped curve was found for I addition in all combinations with ACR. mode Binary mixtures were also analysed with the use of ESA. The values of the regression coefficients of Eq. 1 for binary mixtures, their standard errors, the p values and the PV for each of the model parameters are given in Table 1 (RPMI2650) and Table 2 (FAT?). of magnitude of the the order tude regression coefficient of the concentration of the Tables I It should be noted that is dependent on the order of magni- aldehyde or combinations of aldehydes. As indicated in and 2, in most cases the interaction coefficients were not statistically significantly different from zero (p>0.05) and that the PVs were always smaller than 57o. As a consequence, interaction terms were considered to be unimportant and the effects of the binary mixtures are concentration-additive. A graphical presentation of each fitted model is given in Fig. 4. These studies were repeated several times. For the sake of brevity the results are not shown, but they support the main conclusions. Studies with mixtures of three aldehydes The data of tertiary mixtures were analysed with the ESA method. Estimates values of Eq. 2 for mixtures of FRM, ACR and cRO are given in Tables FAT2 cells, respectively. All 3 and 4 for RpMI2650 and three compounds of the mixtures resulted in significant main effects. However, the main effect with RPMI2650 cells were predominantly caused by ACR. All possible two-factor interaction indices were found to differ significantly from zero þ<0.001). The PVs accounted for the interaction terms were less than l|Vo. MosT of the two-factor interaction indices were positive indicating a less than additive effect. Three-factor interactions were not significantly different from zero. 118 FAT2 RPMt2650 A B (, c) ïl ào Io 2ooo E L o ! rooo È 0, !õ a\ 2ooo E L o ! f \*\ 100 200 300 rooo 100 400 uM Crotonaldehyde c 200 uM Crotonaldehyde D 30 a 30 þo .E a) o o2O = 't0 0' 0 8zo \ \ \. E 1000 2000 't uM Formaldehyde E 000 2000 uM Formaldehyde F 0) s 300 o 300 OJ r 200 0) ! (u c o o o L o L C) E 't o 00 =f 0' 0 l0 20 uM Fig. 3 lsobolograms (B,D,F) cells. Acrolein 30 \ 10 20 30 uM Acrolein of binary mixtures of FRM, ACR and CRo using FAT2 (A,c,E) and RpMI2650 calculated ECtts calculated from the mixture studies. For more details: see material and methods. 119 Chapter 5 F AT2 RPMt2650 100 -Ð àzs zs ¡ P= Ë .9 ! 50 .E 50 25 25 .à ¿ àts ¡.g = zs ã650 't 50 ú 25 4c¡oteiñ èts åzs ã .g ! = .g 50 50 s Fig. 4 Three-dimensional concentration-effect surface for FAT2 cells (A,C,E) and RPMI2650 cells (B,D,F) exposed for 4 h to mixtures of FRM and ACR. Viability is expressed as percentage NR uptake of controls. The 3-D surface of binary mixtures of FRM, ACR and CRO simulated with Eq. (1 120 ). Toxicity of combined exposure to aldehydes Table I Parameter Regression coefïicients of model parameters and p values associated with test signiFrcance for mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and crotonaldehyde using RPMI2650 cells in a factorial design. Toxicity was measured with a neutral rcd uptake assay and responses are measured as the absorbance at 540 nm. Description Significance SD Regression coefficient Percentage of variance accounted for Formaldehyde-acrolein a0 Intercept 0.36 0.01 <0.001 al FRM -0.49 x l0-a 0.04 x 10-a <0.001 67.4 a2 ACR -0.19 x 10-2 0.03 x 10-2 <0.001 17.3 c1 FRMxACR x 0.24 x 1-0-6 0.060 2.1 Total 86.8 0.47 10-6 Formaldehyde-crotonaldehyde a0 Intercept a0 2.69 0.05 <0.001 0.05 x 10-3 <0.001 54.8 FRM -0.51 x a1 CRO -0.42 x l0-2 0.04 x 1,0-z <0.001 38.2 ct FRMxCRO 0.34 x 0.44 x 10-6 0.443 <1 Total 94.0 10-3 10-6 Acrolein-c¡otonaldehyde a0 Intercept 0.08 <0.001 a1 ACR -0.67 x 10-1 0.04 x 10-1 <0.001 78.9 a2 CRO -0.68 x 10-2 0.12 x 10-z <0.001 6.9 b1 ACR2 0.51 x 10-3 0.06 x 10-3 <0.001 7.4 b2 CRO2 0.10 x 10-a 0.05 x 10-a 0.079 <1 c1 ACRxCRO 0.74 x 0.1? x l0-5 <0.001 3.1 Total 96.3 2.91. 10-5 121 Chapter 5 Table 3 Parameter Regression coefticients of model parameters and p values associated with test significânce for mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and crotonaldehyde using FAT2 cells in a balanced 3x3 x3 factorial design. Toxicity was measured with neutral red uptake assay and responses are measured as the absorbance at 540 nm. Description Regression Significance SD coefficient Intercept al FRM -0.95 a2 ACR -0.30 x 10-2 a3 CRO -0.99 x 10-3 0.29 c1 FRMxACR -0.74 x 1-0'6 c2 FRMxCRO 0.18 x 10-6 c" ACRxCRO 0.53 x 10-a x 10-s 0.03 <0.001 x IO-a <0.001 29.2 0.10 x 10-2 0.005 t3.4 x 10-3 0.001 28.5 0.15 x 10-ó <.001 7.4 x 10-6 <.001 10.8 0.16 x 10-5 0.002 1.8 0.26 0.02 Total Table 4 Pa¡ameter 91.1. Regression coetficients of model parameters and p values associated with test significance for mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and crotonaldehyde using RPMI2650 cells in a balanced 3x3 x3 factorial design, Toxicity was measured with a neutral red uptåke assay and responses are measured as the absorbance af 540 nm. Description Regression SD Significance coefficient "t24 Percentage of variance accounted lor a0 0.91 a a0 Intercept a1 FRM az Percentage 0.79 0.02 <0.001 -0.77 x 70-a 0.10 x 10-a <0.001 5.8 ACR -0.69 x 10-2 0.04 x 10-2 <0.001 63.2 a3 CRO -0j74 x l0-3 0.10 x 10-3 <0.001 5.3 cl FRMxACR 0.16 x 10-ó <0.00.1 1.2 .10-6 <0.001 8.0 <0.001 5.1 Total 88.7 0.57 x 10-6 c2 FRMxCRO 0.14 x l0-6 0.02 x c- ACRxCRO 0.84 x 0.17 x 10-s 10-5 of variance accounted for Toxicity of combined exposure to aldehydes envelope for the combination of these two aldehydes. In the present study isobolographic evaluation showed that most of the binary mixtures of the aldehydes tested did not result in a major departure from dose additivity. The exception was the combination of FRM and ACR inducing an antagonistic effect in RPMI2650 cells. This is most likely due to the rather large differences between the steep slopes of the cEC of FRM and ACR in by Pöch (1993). Also, equi-effective combinations of FRM+ACR appeared to be close to Mode I addition. Mode II addition (concentration addition) resulted in a straight line in most cases, which is similar to the classical isobole. RPMI2650 cells, as suggested Because of the non-linearity of the individual CECs, mode II addition usually resulted in a concave downward curve. This might also indicate that the compounds show a dissimilar mode of action. Thus, the isobole method clearly showed that effects of mixtures of FRM+CRO and FRM+ACR are act in a dose-additive manner, whereas the effects mixtures of ACR+CRO are slightly more than additive. In spite of the fact that isoboles are very illustrative representations of combined action or interactions, the use of isobolograms has a number of drawbacks. For instance, equieffective doses of each of the constituents of the mixtures have to be known very precise- ly: large standard deviations make the observed effects plotted in the isobologram difficult to interpret. As a consequence, extensive studies must be carried out with the single compounds. Moreover, the huge number of valuable data is not fully exploited in this method and there is no easy statistical basis for a conclusion based on the isobologram. A1though a graphical presentation is illustrative it is obvious that an isobole analysis can only be done at clear effect levels and their graphical nature limits the number agents to be evaluated in a mixture to three. An alternative and very elegant approach has been presented by pöch et at. (1990), who evaluated the eff'ect of mixtures using the CECs of compound A in the absence or presence of a fixed concentration of compound B and discriminated between (concentration) additivity (similar joint action) and independence (effect addition). Considerably less data are then needed to describe the combined effects. Although this method is easier and more straightforward than the isobole method, it still requires complete CECs of compound A in the presence and absence of a fixed effective concentration of compound B. Moreover, the 1)5 Chapter 5 method is restricted to binary mixtures and at present a solid statistical basis for the interpretations of the results is lacking. The second method to study joint effects of mixtures of aldehydes was ESA. The ESA method using advanced mathematical statistics can be applied to overcome some of the of the aforementioned isobole method and yields conclusions concerning statistically based interactive effects of the chemicals in a mixture (Carter et al., 1988; disadvantages 1994). The application of ESA in the present study resulted in conclusions similar to those drawn on the basis of the isobole method. Despite the statistical significance of the twofactor interaction indices (c1), the PV accounted for was always less than 5%.This implies that the overall effect of binary mixtures of FRM, ACR, and CRo can be considered to act mainly in a concentration-additive way. There are a few differences in the results between the isobole and the ESA methods. For instance, exposure ACR and CRO resulted in a slightly more than additive effect at of cells to mixtures of The 25% effect level for the isobole method, whereas ESA resulted in an (antagonistic) interaction index (Table 1). This can be explained by the fact that ESA considers all data within the exposu¡e range. At higher exposure levels the combined effect is likely to be additive or less than additive (competitive agonism) for chemicals with a similar mode of action. Furthermore, ESA of the three-compound mixtures showed that all three two-factor interaction indices were significantly different from zero and that most of these interactions resulted in a significant contribution to the total PV. Still, the deviations from additivity expressed as PVs are in general less than 11%. Nevertheless, a clear advantage of the ESA is that with multiple linear regression analysis of balanced three-compound factorial designs both main and interactive effects can be deduced despite the absence of data on groups exposed to single compounds. The different interpretation between the results of the isobole method and those of the ESA for mixtures of ACR and CRO shows the limitations of ESA. The inter- action index c* is an average for the entire concentration range. Knowing that at relatively high exposure levels saturation and competition of the combined effect, it will play a major role in the establishment should be avoided to work at high effect levels in the ESA. Instead, we recommend to choose a concentration range not exceeding an (arbilrary) 507o effect level, or even less, since at present there is an increasing awareness that in the field 1?,6 Toxicity of combined exposure to aldehydes of (combination) toxicology it would be more interesting to investigate the effects of mixtures at no-effect levels or minimal-effect levels of the individual constituents. Based on the structural similarities (the presence of a carbonyl moiety) aldehydes might be expected to have a similar mode of action and act in a concentration-additive manner. An important detoxification pathway of formaldehyde is believed to be conjugation with glutathione and subsequent dehydrogenation by formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FDH), followed by acetic acid and glutathione formation (Schauenstein et al., 1.977; Casanova et al., 1984). However, both ACR and CRO have been shown to be powerful inhibitors of aldehyde dehydrogenases and are very potent 1984; Beauchamp et in depleting GSH (Dicker and al., 1985; Mitchell and Petersen, 1988; Lam Cederbaum, et a/., 1985). The RPMI2650 and FAT2 cells used in the present study have similar FDH activity as found in rat nasal respiratory epithelium (Cassee et a1.,1.995a). of mixtures of FRM and ACR could be It seems possible that the effect enhanced. However, the results show that expo- sure to mixtures of FRM, ACR or CRO did not result in a significant synergistic effect on cytotoxicity Obviously, the inhibitory effect of ACR and CRO on detoxification enzymes is less significant in these cells or has less impact on cytotoxicity. Krokan et at. (1985) showed that cell survival was significantly decreased at lower concentrations of aldehyde than the levels required to reduce thiol, which indicates that glutathione depletion is not the main cause of the development of toxicity. This is supported by the finding that disulfiram, a well known aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor, had no efect on formaldehyde toxicity in vitro (Cassee et al., 1995). One of the processes that could be responsible for the observed joint effects of aldehydes could be cross-linking of proteins and DNA, which has been reported for all three aldehydes used (Grafström et a1.,1986; Foiles et a1.,1990; Wilson et al., 1991; Casanova et al., 1991., 1994; Kuykendall and Bogdanffy, 1992). Indeed, Lam et al. (1985) observed joint effects of FRM and ACR on DNA-protein crosslinks in vivo. The overall conclusion from the present studies is that exposure to mixtures of FRM, ACR, and/or CRO resulted at most in concentration addition with no convincing evidence of synergism with respect to cytotoxicity in in vitro cell culture systems. In addition, ESA 't27 Chapter 5 appeared to be a rapid and statistically sound method for screening of (possible interac- tive) effects of mixtures of chemicals in doses ranging from no- to minimum-toxic effectlevels of the single compounds. Acknowledgement The authors wish to thank Jossie sponsored by the Ministry A. 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Carcinogenesis 12,1,483-14g0. 130 Toxicity of mixtures of formaldehyde and acrolein in nasal epithelial cells: the role of formaldehyde dehydrogenase and glutathione Flemming R. cassee, wilma H. stenhuis, John P. Groten and victor J. Feron Submitted for publication Abstract In vitro studies with human and rat nasal epithelial cells were carried out to investigate the combined toxicity of formaldehyde and acrolein focusing on the role of glutathione and formaldehyde dehydrogenases (FDH). Assuming concentration addition, the toxicity of mixtures of formaldehyde and acrolein appeared to be additive in human RPMI2650 cells and less than additive in rat FAT2 cells. Cellular non-protein sulphydryl levels and FDH activities were significantly reduced after exposure to acrolein at concentrations below the toxic effect level. l-ow and high Ç formaldehyde dehydrogenases were inhibited by disulfiram in cell homogenate incubation, but disulfiram did not profoundly enhance the toxicity of formaldehyde in either cell line. Furthermore, differences in sensitivity of RPMI2650 and FAT2 cells to formaldehyde were not related to glutathione-dependent 131 Chapter 6 FDH Therefore it was concluded that there was no evidence for FDH playing a key role in the joint toxic action of formaldehyde and acrolein. Introduction Formaldehyde (FRM) and acrolein (ACR) are well-known upper respiratory tract irritants and occur simultaneously as pollutants in many indoor and outdoor environments (WHO, 1989, 1992; chang and Gershwin, 1992). The upper respiratory tract, and especially the is the prime target for inhaled aldehydes. However, possible risks of combine¿ exposure to aldehydes has hardly been addressed to date. Recently, we have studied possible additive or interactive effects of mixtures of FRM and ACR on the nasal epithelium of male Wistar rats in 3-day inhalation studies (Cassee et al., I995a). As far as nose, nasal histopathological changes and cell proliferation are concerned, neither concentration addition nor potentiating interactions occurred at exposure concentrations ranging from clearly non-toxic to just below the minimal-toxic-effect levels. Furthermore, formaldehyde (FDH) activities in the respiratory and olfactory epithelium were not clearly affected by the aldehydes. Our results did not indicate a relation between FDH dehydrogenase activities and (mixtures of) FRM and ACR in vivo. Several investigators consider this enzyme system to be important in the defence of nasal tissue against toxic injury resulting from air-borne aldehydes or aldehyde precursors (casanova-Schmitz et al., 1gg4, Bogdanffy et al., 1,986; Keller e/ al.,1,990; Lam et al., 1985). To investigate the effects of mixtures of FRM, ACR and crotonaldehyde (CRO) at the cellular level, cytotoxicity studies were performed in human and rat nasal epithelial cells (Cassee et at., 1995b). These studies showed that, in contrast To in vivo studies, there is a huge difference in toxic potency between FRM and ACR. Moreover, there was a difference in sensitivity to FRM between the cell lines. differences in It was not clear whether these differences could be ascribed to FDH activities of the cell lines in question. Furthermore, these previous joint cytotoxic effect of FRM and ACR, with neutral red uptake as a parameter for cell viability, was additive or less than additive assuming concentration studies revealed that the 132 Toxicity of mixtures of formaldehyde and acrolein in vitro addition (similar joint action). To verify that finding the cytotoxicity of mixtures of FRM and ACR was studied in the same in vitro test system using a different parameter for cytotoxicity, viz. XTT conversion. Although aldehydes are generally oxidixed by GSH-independent aldehyde dehydrogenases (ADH), the main detoxification pathway of FRM is conjugation with GSH and subsequent dehydrogenation by low-Ç FDH. The conjugate (S-hydroxymethylglutathione) is oxidized to formic acid and GSH is thus regenerated (Esterbauer et al., 1975; Uotila and Koivusalo, 1974; Schauenstein ¿l aL, 1977). It has been shown that both nasal respiratory and olfac- tory epithelium have considerable ADH and FDH activities that are comparable with those found in the liver (Bogdanffy et al., 1.986; Casanova-Schmitz et al., 1984; Keller et al., 1990). ACR is known to be very effective in depleting cellular GSH due to direct irreversible binding (Esterbauer et al., 1975; Patel et aI., 1984; Krokan et aI., 1985; Beauchamp et al., 1985) and also inhibits ADHs (Mitchell and Petersen, 1988). Also, the increase in DNA-protein cross-links found in rat nasal mucosa after exposure to mixtures of FRM and ACR has been thought to be a result of the impairment of the oxidative metabolism due to depfetion of NPSH by acrolein (Lam et al., 1985). Therefore, we hypothesized that com- bined exposure to FRM and ACR could result in increased toxicity of FRM due to inhibi- tion of the metabolic detoxification by ACR. To gain insight into the mechanism of the joint action of FRM and ACR, the possible role of reduced glutathione (GSH) and FDHs in the cytotoxicity of both chemicals was examined. Material and methods Chemicals ønd cell lines FRM was obtained from Janssen chimica (Beerse, Belgium), ACR from Aldrich chemie (Brussels, Belgium) and disulfiram (DS) from Sigma (St. tnuis, MO). The XTT kit and GSH was purchased from Boehringer (Mannheim, Germany). The human cell line RPMI2650 originates from an anaplastic squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal septum (Moore and Sandberg, 1964) and was obtained from American Type 133 Chapter 6 Culture Collections, Rockville, MD. RPMI2650 cells were cultured in modified Eagle's minimal essential medium (ICN Biomedicals, Amsterdam, Netherlands) supplemented with non-essential amino acids, l07o inactivated foetal bovine serum (Intergro, Zaandam, Netherlands) and 20 pglml gentamicin (Gibco, Grand Island, NY). The rat cell line FAT2 originates from a formaldehyde-induced nasal tumour (Bermudez et al., 1,994). Cells were cultured in Ham's F12 medium (Gibco) supplemented with 0.1 pglml hydrocortisone (Sigma), 10 pglml insulin (Sigma), 2.5 pglml transfe¡rin (Sigma), l07o foetal bovine serum, and 20 þglml gentamicin. Both cell lines were cultured in an incubator in 957a air 57o CO2 at 37oC. The cells were seeded on 96-wells tissue culture plates (Costar) for toxicity assays or on 90 mm tissue culture dishes (Costar) for biochemical assays at of 8.3 x 10s cells/ml a or 1.9 x 10s cells/ml (FAT2). cells became confluent five days after seeding. Cells were used within 24 h after confluence. The stability of the aldehydes during the exposure period was described previously (Cassee et al., density (RPMI2650) 1995b). Concentrations of FRM, CRO and ACR after a 4 h incubation period without cells were reduced to approximately 100, 85 and 6570, respectively. Study design Cells were exposed to either FRM, ACR or mixtures of these aldehydes. First, the effects on cell viability were used to establish concentration-effect curves. Second, cells were incubated with ACR at levels below, equal to or slightly higher than the minimum-observed-effect levels, and homogenates were assayed for FDH activity and non-protein sulphydryl levels (NPSH). To study the role of FDHs in the toxicity of FRM, cells were preincubated with DS, a potent inhibitor of ADHs, for 30 min or simultaneously exposed to FRM and DS. The effect of DS on FDHs in cell cultures was studied by incubating cells with 50 ¡tM DS for 20 h, whereafter FDHs activities in homogenates were determined. In addition, cell homogenates of unexposed cell were analysed for their FDH activ- ities in the presence and absence of GSH and DS. The joint effect of FRM and ACR was analysed by both isobolographic and effect-surface methods using concentration addition as the hypothesis to be tested. 134 Toxicity of mixnres of formaldeþde and acrolein in vitro Toxicity assay Cells were incubated for 4 h with aldehydes. To prevent reaction of aldehydes with amino or sulphydryl groups of medium constituents (Proctor et aL, 1986), aldehydes were dissolved in Hanks' balanced salt solution. Evaporation of aldehydes from culture dishes was deterred by sealing the dishes with Parafilm. XTT (sodium 3-[1(phenylaminocarbonyl)-3,4- tetrazolium]bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro) benzene sulphonic acid hydrate) is a tetrazolium salt that can be used for the quantification of living metabolically active cells and is homologous to the more common MTT salt. XTT acts by being metabolized by mitochon- drial dehydrogenases to form a soluble formazan dye. The concentration of formazan dye formed by cells is a measure of cytotoxicity. Exposed cells were incubated with 150 ¡rl of a mixture of 0.3 mg/ml XTT and 7.8 pglml PMS (N-methyl dibenzopyrazine methyl sulphate) in HBBS for measured at 490 nm t h (FAT2) or 20 h. (RPMI2650). The absorbance of the dye was in a multiwell spectrophotometer (BioRad). Standardization of data was performed by expressing absorbance data as a percentage of controls (V), i.e. unexposed intact cells. Cells were exposed to a total of 96 different mixtures of FRM (0-5000 ¡zM) and ACR (0-200 aM). Biochemistry Cells were plated on 90 mm tissue culture dishes (Costar) and exposed as described for the toxicity assays. For each treatment 2 culture dishes were carefully washed twice with ice-cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and scraped with a rubber policeman in 0.5 ml PBS/dish. The pooled cells were centrifuged (3 min, 50 g); supernatant was replaced by 0.5 ml PBS containing 0.01Vo EDTA. Cells were homogenized on ice by a 20 s sonication using an ultrasonic disintegrator (Soniprep 150, MSE Scientific Instruments, Crawley, UK). After centrifugation for 15 min at 9000 g the supernatant was directly used for NPSH determinations or aliquots were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -800C. NPSH groups were measured according to the method described by Sedlak and Lindsay (1 968). FDH activity was assayed according to Uotila and Koivusalo (1981) using FRM in concentrations ranging from 1.8 ptMto 4.5 mM with or without 4.5 mM glutathione (GSH, 135 Chapter 6 (GSH, Boehringer Mannheim, Germany). High- and low-Ç FDHs were distinguished by plotting the data in a Hofstee plot. Dqta evøluation and statistics Isobole method. Concentration-effect relationships of FRM and ACR were used to predict the effect of combinations of these compounds using a isobolographic method (I-oewe and Muischnek, 1953) as modified by Steel and peckham (1979). Data were analysed at an EC25, i.e. a 25Vo reduction of the viability. An additivity envelope was constructed using mode I and mode II addition. Mode I addition is calculated by taking the increments in the concentration that add up to the 25% effect level starting from zero. In case of mode II, the effect to be added to the effect of ACR (Eecn) from FRM (Er.nr,,,r) corresponds to the effect if equivalent to the cells have been treated with a concentration of FRM up to an effect Eo"* (steel and Peckham, 1979), which is the difference between EC^ and ECacn of the CEC of FRM. The area enclosed by the mode I and II curves is called envelope of additivity or area of uncertainty. All combinations of FRM and ACR resulting in an ECrt within the envelope were combinations of FRM assumed to act and ACR at the right side in an additive manner. EC25 points of of the of this combination should be regarded to act in a less than additive manner, whereas EC- points at the left side should be regarded to act in a more than additive manner. The data of mixtures of envelope FRM and ACR were used to construct conçentration-effect curves of FRM in the presence of a fixed concentration of ACR, and conversely. From each of curves the EC^ was determined and plotted in an isobologram. Effect-surface analvsis (ESAI A these concentration-effect statistical package (GENSTAT5, Rothhamsted Expe- rimental Station, Harpenden, UK) was used for data analysis and for the effect domain modelling of the same data set as used for the isobole method. The data obtained with mixtures were analysed with multiple linear regression techniques in the concentration range from zeÍo To the lowest concentration that yielded the maximum effect. In the analysis of data, the relationship between the measurements (V) and the corresponding variable settings (concentration terms "t36 (c2a*t c) was modelled with linear terms (ca*, and c4a*, ), quadratic and c2a6p) and the interaction term (cr*n,t* cncn). This resulted in the Toxicity of mixtures of formaldehyde and acrolein in vitro following equation: V = a + btCpnv + brCoa* + b3C2FRM + b4C2ACR +crCr*rCo"* (1) where a is the model intercept (i.e. the mean control value), b* the regression coefficients expressing the main effects of FRM and ACR, and between the aldehydes dosed. By means the p c* is the coefficient of interaction of a / test and the standard error of a coefficient, value for the regression coefficient can be estimated. The p value measures the probability of observing the value of the coefficient or a more extreme value given that the null hypothesis (that the coefficient is zero) is true þ<0.05). The percentage of variance (PV) was defined as the sum of squares of the regression coefficient devided by the total sum of squares, and expresses the proportional contribution of a term to the overall effect. In the case of a significant interaction term, the coefficient should always be interpreted with the corresponding main effects. ANOVA followed by Dunnett's multiple comparison test was used to evaluate the effects on ADH activities and NPSH groups to compare test groups with controls. Results RPMI2650 and FAT2 cells showed a concentration-dependent decrease in viability both for FRM and ACR (Fig. 1). The concentration-effect curves (CECs) of FRM were established between 0 and 5000 ¡zM, whereas CECs for ACR were established befween 0 and 'l50pM (Fig.l). RPMI2650 cells appeared to be more sensitive to FRM than FAT2 cells. For ACR no difference in sensitivity between the cell lines was found. Most of the ECrr points of RPMI2650 cells exposed to mixtures of FRM and ACR are Iying close to the concentration-additivity line and fall within the envelope of additivity (Fig. 2A). The EC2-5 points are close to the envelope of additivity, with the exception of the circled points. The EC2-5 points established with mixtures of FRM and ACR in FAT2 137 Chapter 6 õ 5 o o o I o c 8. Ë .9 o c o o Þ Fig.1 Concentration-effect curves for FRM (A) and ACR (B) for RPMI2650 cells Effects are expressed as percentage XTT conversion of controls. (O) and FAT2 cells (a). cells depart from the concentration-additivity line and show a concave down-shaped trend (Fig. 2B). In fact, these ECrr points were close to the effect-additivity isobole which is drawn as a dashed line in the same figure (Fig. 2B). Figure 3 shows the corresponding fitted effect surface for the viability of RPMI2650 (Fig. 3A) and FAT2 (Fig. 38) cells exposed to mixtures of FRM and ACR. The coefficients of the model parameters, the p regression values associated with statistical significance, and the percentage of variance (PV) are shown in Table 1. The total variance that can be attributed to exposure to (mixtures of) FRM and ACR was 83.7 and 94.9 7o for RPMI2650 and FAT2 cells, respectively. Regression coefficients are highly significant with the exception of the coefficient for the linear term for ACR for RPMI2650 cells, for which a borderline p value (0.066) was found. For this reason, the data were reanalysed omitting the ACR term. This resulted in significant coefficients for each term describing main effects (Table 1). The absence of a significant linear term for ACR was caused by of the of ACR. The interaction indices c, for both cell lines are significantly different from zero (p<0.001). The positive algebraic sign the steep slope sigmoid-shaped CEC indicates that these chemicals are acting in a less than additive way. In comparison to the 138 Toxicity of mixtures of formaldeþde and acrolein in vitro 2000 RPMt2650 o 1 600 t, o 1200 t, (ú = ¡- € ==. 800 400 0 o) tt 3000 o E o 2000 E o == 1000 ¡.rM Fig'2 acrolein Two-dimensional isoboles at the EC2s value ( i.e. 25Vo decrease of tho viability) of RPMI2650 cells (A) and FAT2 cells (B). Closed circles are the calculated ECrrs for combinations of FRM and ACR. The dashed surface represents the envelope of additivity. Additional effect axes are plotted for FAT2 cells. 139 Chapter 6 main effects of FRM and ACR the contribution of the interaction term to overall variance was considered to be small (3.8%) for RPMI2650 cells and marked (l4.6vo) for FAT2 cells. In summary, the effects of combined exposures to FRM and ACR analysed with isobole and ESA methods are (less than) additive for both FAT2 and RPMI2650 cells using concentration addition as the hypothesis to be tested. At least two isozymes with different V-u,. and Ç were found in homogenates of the cells (Fig' a). The low-Ç dehydrogenase, which is referred to as GSH-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FDH), did not show significant activity in the absence of GSH. Enzyme activity measured in the presence of GSH resulted in fairly comparable V.u"s for FDH in both cell lines (1-3 nmol/min per mg). 4 h showed concentration- in total FDH activity and NPSH levels (Fig. 5). These decreases were RPMI2650 cells and FAT2 cells incubated with ACR for dependent decreases already seen at exposure levels that were below the toxic effect level. In addition, the effect of DS on the enzyme activity was studied in cell homogenates and cell cultures. 59 homogenates of RPMI2650 and FAT2 cells were preincubated with and without DS and subsequently examined for their capacity to catalyse the NAD+-dependent oxidation of FRM with and without GSH. Incubation of the homogenates with DS in the absence of GSH resulted in strong decreases of the FDH activity in both RpMI2650 and FAT2 cells. The simultaneous incubation of homogenates of RPMI2650 or FAT2 cells with DS and GSH resulted only in a small decrease (t 57o) of the low-Ç FDH activity in RPMI2650 cells and a moderate decrease in activity (x 20To) in FAT2 cells (Fig. 5). Incubation of cultured cells with DS for 20 h did not result in decreased FDH activities measured with different substrate concentrations in homogenates, either with or without GSH (data not shown). cells preincubated with DS and subsequently exposed to FRM for 4 h (Fig. 6) did not show an increased toxicity of FRM, except for simultaneous exposure to mixtures of these two chemicals at cytotoxic concentrations of DS. 140 Toxicity of mixnres of formaldehyde and acrolein in vitro 125 RPMl2650 o c 100 o o o s 75 I c 0 th o 50 c o o t- 25 Þ x 0 1000 0 1 o'oi,.i ç%p,þ." 125 o g 100 o o o sg 75 I .9 t¡, o 50 c o o 25 F x 0 0 1000 40 80 ])'tätãooo 2<o+ooo ttrta.aorotur: 200 Fig.3 Three-dimensional .o.oro' ^'(ot$â$ $\$ concentration-effect su¡face for RPMI2650 cells (A) and FAT2 cells (B) exposed for 4 h to mixtures of FRM and ACR. Viability is expressed âs percentage XTT conversion of controls. The fishnet surfaces are the concentration-effect surfaces estimâted form the equation described in the material and method section. Solid point represents actual data (n=1). 141 Chapter 6 Regression coefficients of model parâmeters and P values associated with test significance for mixtures of formaldehyde and acrolein using RPMI2650 or FAT2 cells, Toxicity was measured with XTT assay and expressed as percentage conver, sion of control. Parameter Description Significance S.D. Regression coefficienl Percentage variance accounted for RPM1265O a0 lntercept al FRM -0.30 x 10-3 0.03 x 10-3 <0.001 27.7 b1 FRM*FRM 0.33 x 10-s 0.06 x 10-s <0.001 8.6 b2 ACR*ACR -1.5 x 10-2 0.4 x l0-2 <0.001 42.9 c1 FRM*ACR 0.14 x l0-3 0.04 x 10-3 <0.001 3.8 Total 83.0 102 4.4 <0.001 FAT2 a0 Intercept a0 FRM a1 ACR b1 FRM"FRM -0.34 x 10-s 0.03 x 10-s b2 ACR*ACR 0.60 x 10-3 0.19 x 10-3 0.003 1.1 c.l FRM*ACR 0.83 x l0-4 0.07 x 10-a <0.001 14.6 TÕtâl 94.9 101 0.5 x 10-2 -0.58 0.1 2.8 <0.001 x <0.001 9.1 0.005 56.3 <0.001 13.8 10-2 0.04 Discussion Cefl viability is affected by acrolein at concentrations of 25 ¡tM and higher. The con- centration at which FRM exhibited a similar degree of cytotoxicity was about 25 to 100 times higher. This difference in potency between FRM and ACR has been published fbr several cell types in vitro (Holmberg and Malmfors, 1.974 Pilotti et al, 1975; Koerker el al, 1976; Krokan et al, 1985; Cassee et al., 'i'995c). However, in vivo studies with FRM and ACR did not reveal such a large difference in potency between the two chemicals. 142 Toxicity of mixnres of formaldehyde and acrolein in vitro RPMt2650 c A +GSH.DS o ¡- A +GSH+DS . -DS O +DS o +¡ 1.0 CL o, 0.5 E ¡- o CL c .E --o 0.0 2.O E 1.5 369't2 V/tSl (mllmin per mg protein) Fig.4 Hofstee plots of the specific activity of aldehyde dehydrogenases vs the ratio of the specific activity to the substrate concentration for the NAD+ mediated oxidation of FRM of RPMI2650 cells (A) and FAT2 cells (B). Incubation of cell homogenates were assayed either in the presence of GSH (r ¿¡¿ a) or in the absence (O and Q) or with (a and Q) or without (^ and ô) DS. Based on the assumption that only two enzymes catalyze the reaction, The difference between FDH activìties can be considered to be the difference belween the activities measured with and without GSH using Michaelis-Menten kinetics. 143 Chapter 6 The difference in potency between FRM and ACR ,rx vivo was found to differ roughly by one order of magnitude. For instance, Roemer et al. (1993) reported 2 ppm FRM and 0.2 ppm ACR to be equipotent to induce cell proliferation in nasal respiratory epithelium of the rat. cassee et al. (1995a) established 3.2 ppm and 0.25 ppm as minimum-observed- effect levels for FRM and ACR, respectively. The differences in sensitivity for ACR between in vivo and in vitro studies might be caused by differences in bioavailability or differences in detoxification mechanisms. Further studies have to clarify this unexplored phenomenon. The isobolographic analysis showed that mixtures of FRM and ACR did not result in more than additive effects assuming concentration addition. In fact, the observed effects RPMI2ó50 cells were additive whereas the effects of mixtures in FAT2 cells were than additive. Similar, but less pronounced effects were found for both celÌ lines previous study with neutral red uptake as an indicator 1995b,c). The present data show that ECrt points of cell viability (Cassee in less in a et al., of FAT2 cells lie at the right hand of the envelope. Consequently, the effect is less than expected on the basis of concentration addition. However, the joint effect can also be a result of dissimilar joint action, and could then be described according to the concept of effect addition (Svengaard and Hertzberg, 1994; Gessner, 1988; Pöch et al.,'i,99O). When plotting effect axes in stead of concentra- tion axes in the isohologram, it can be shown that the EC^ points were all lying close to the effect-additive isobole (Fig. 2B). The data were also evaluated with ESA. Main effects in RPMI cells exposed to mixture of the two aldehydes could be attributed to either FRM or ACR. Only a very small propor- tion (3.8 t/o) of lotal variance was caused by an interaction between FRM and ACR. The overall contribution of ACR to the toxicity of the mixture in FAT2 cells was greater than that of FRM. Moreover, the interaction (term) for FAT2 cells exposed to mixtures of FRM and ACR was more pronounced (14.680) than for RPMI2650. The positive algebraic sign of the coefficient of the interaction terms for both cell lines indicated that a less than additive effect was established. 144 dose o U' (g RPMt2650 FAT2 Ss O+ Lg EO >ìO gç oo õ-. ^\ o1t; >r+ -c '= o.a uI OO E L o lJ- ; tto >.: .Cc cLo rrb =o c lo ooo att '- :õ ì.> cO o- z 10 ¡rM Fig.5 Acrolein 't0 ¡rM Acrolein Total aldehyde dehydrogenase activity assayed in the presence of GSH (A + B) and NPSH levels (c + D) in homogenates of RpMI2650 and FAT2 cells exposed for 4 h to ACR. Values are expressed as mean of three measurements t standard deviation. RPMt2650 FAT2 125 A õ o o o 75 -A 50 .; ñl o 25 --+- 100 25 250 ¡rM DS I l!4 30 min DS preincubation ---+- 0 s : B 30 min DS preincubation 0 C 00 75 o R \ì=+ D Simultaneous exposure \ \,_+ a--{- 1\. \-ìi- 50 Simultaneous exposure -\ -- - ----* \ -. 25 =--*- \ \ ìA\ ----*- - -^ \ .\\\ \-ì*--.\ .\ \-o....'\o_ 0 400 800 1200 1600 gM Formaldehyde Fig.6 0 1oo0 2ooo Sooo 4000 dooo pM Formaldehyde Effect of DS on formaldehyde-induced cytotoxicity. Cultured cells were either preincubated for 30 min with DS and subsequent exposure for 4 h to FRM (A + B) or simultaneously exposed to DS and FRM fo¡ h (C + D). Toxicity of mixtures of formaldehyde and acrolein in vitro Thus, with the present cytotoxicity parameter it appeared that, in general, exposure to mix- of RPMI2650 and FAT2 cells resulted in concentration-additive effects in RPMI2650 cells and in less than concentration-additive effects in FAT2 cells. tures of FRM and ACR This supports the hypothesis that, at least in RPMI2650 cells, mixtures of FRM and ACR exert their toxicity according to the concept of similar joint action. The differences in sensitivity between the two aldehydes in vitro might be explained by differences in metabolic capacity to transform aldehydes to non-toxic products. The main detoxification pathway of FRM is conjugation with GSH and subsequent dehydrogenation by low-Ç FDH. The conjugate (S-hydroxymethylglutathione) is oxidized to formic acid and GSH is thus regenerated (Esterbauer et al., 1975; Uotila and Koivusalo, 1974; Schauenstein et al., 1977). ACR is known to be very effective in depleting cellular GSH due to direct irreversible binding (Esterbauer et al., 1975; Patel et al., 1,984; Krokan et al., 1985; Beauchamp et al., 1985) and also inhibits ADHs (Mitchell and Petersen, 1988). Hence, we postulated that combined exposure to FRM and ACR could result in increased toxicity of FRM due to inhibition of the metabolic detoxification by ACR. However, the results of the present study show that, in spite of GSH levels) of decreased FDH activities and NPSH levels (as by ACR in cells, ACR did not enhance the toxicity of FRM. This supports earlier findings in 3-day inhalation study (cassee et al., 1995a), in indicator caused which decreased NPSH and FDH activities were not accompanied by more marked histopathological changes and increased cell proliferation for mixtures in comparison FRM between of FRM and ACR with the effects of FRM alone. Moreover, the difference in sensitivity to RPMI2650 and FAT2 cells as observed in the present study could not be attributed to a difference in dehydrogenase activity since the kinetic constants of FDH are for both cell lines. These findings argues against a key role of FDH in defence against the cytotoxic action of FRM. comparable the DS proved to be a potent inhibitor of FDH in 59 incubations of FAT2 and RPMI2650 cells in the absence of GSH. The decrease by DS of FDH activities in the presence of GSH was slightly more pronounced in FAT2 cells than in RPMI2650 cells. This might 't47 Chapter 6 have been caused by competition between GSH and DS dehydrogenases. for the binding site of In fact, this competitive effect between GSH and DS has the also been observed for glutathione S-transferases (J.P. Ploemen, personal communication). In vitro studies in which cells were simultaneously or sequentially exposed to DS and FRM did not show enhanced toxicity of FRM due to DS exposures. Sufficiently high intracellular GSH levels might be responsible for the protection against DS inhibition under these physiological conditions. Cells exposed to DS did not show decreased FDH activities measured in homogenates. However, it has to be emphasized that as if DS binds to the active will be reve¡sible and in cellular homogenates using buffered dilutions possible inhibitory effects of DS might be diminished. In addition, FDHs and ADHs are site of FDH it was shown that DS is not very This implies that it is not clear whether or not DS irrifutable two diffrent enzymes. In the present study potent in inhibiting (low-Ç) FDH. actually can decrease FDH activities in cell cultures. Further studies will be necessary to examine the effects of DS on FDH and ADH activities in cells in culture. Nevertheless, it seems justified to conclude that the competition of GSH and DS is not an explicit factor in the ultimate cytotoxicity of mixtures of FRM and ACR. Thus, the present findings showed that (a) differences in FRM sensitivity between FAT2 and RPMI2650 cells did not correlate with differences in enzyme activity, (b) both ACR and DS as inhibitors of FDH did not enhance the toxic action of FRM and (c) ACR inhibited FDH at concentrations below the observed toxic effect level. These findings do not support the view that FDH plays a key role in the detoxification of FRM. Direct unspecific binding to proteins and DNA might be a more important in causing cytotoxicity by FRM. For instance, DNA-protein cross-linking is considered a prime effect of FRM (Casanova et al., 1991, 1994). In conclusion, the present studies show that (a) ACR is about 25-100 times more foxic in vitro than FRM, (b) combined exposures to FRM and ACR do not result in more than additive effects assuming concentration addition as the basic concept of their joint action, (c) DS did not significantly change the cytotoxicity of FRM in cell culture systems, and (d) decreased FDH activities and NPSH levels were not accompanied by increased toxicity 148 Toxicity of mixtures of formaldehyde and acrolein in vitro of FRM. Acknowledgement we wish to thank Dr. E. Bermudez (GIIT, Research rriangle park, NC) for providing the FAT2 cell line. We also like to thank Dirk van der Heij for annotations of the manuscript. These studies were sponsored by the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environ- ment. References Bermudez, 8., Chen, Z. , Gross, E.4., Walker, C.L. , Recio, L., Pluta, L., and Morgan, K.T. (1994). Characterization of cell lines derived from formaldehyde-induced nasal tumors in rats. 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(1,992) Perspectives on formaldehyde toxicity: seperating facts from fanfasy. Re gulat. Toxicol. Phar maco l. 16, 1 50-160 Esterbauer, H., Zollner, H., and Scholz, N. (1975) Reaction of glutathione with conjugated carbonyls. Z. Naturforsch 30, 466-394. Gessner, P.K. (1988) A straightforward method for the study of drug interactions: an isobolographic analysis primer. J. Am. Col.Toxicol. 7, 987-1012. Holmberg, B., and Malfors,'f . (.974) The cytotoxicity of some organic solvents. Environ. Res. 7, 183-1.92. Keller, D.4., H.d'A Heck, H.W. Randall, and Morgan K.T. (1990) Histochemical localization of formalde hyde dehydrogenase in the rat. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. "106,311-326. Koerker, R.L., Berlin, 4.J., and Schneider, F.H. (1983) The cytotoxicity of shorlchain alcohols and aldehydes in cultured neuroblastoma cells. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 37,281-288. Krokan, H., Grafström, R.C., Sundqvist, Esterbauer, H., and Harris, C.C. (1985) Cytotoxicty, thiol depletion and inhibition of 06-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase by various aldehydes in cultured human bron- chial fibroblast. Carcino genesis 6, 17 55-17 59. lam, C.W.,Casanova, M., and Heck, H.d'4. (1985) Depletion of nasal glutathione by acrolein and enhance ment of formaldehyde-induced DNA-protein cross-linking by simultaneous exposure Toxicol. 58, 67 fo acrolein. Arch. -71. Mitchell, D.Y., and Petersen, D.R. (1988) Inhibition of ¡at liver aldehyde dehydrogenases by acrolein. Drug. Metab. Dispos. 16,37- 42. Moore, G.E., and Sandberg, A.A. (1965) Studies of a human tumo¡ cell line with diploid karyotype. Erp. Cell. Res. 39, 1,70-175. Patel, J.M., Ortiz,E., Kolmstetter, C., læibman., K.C. (1984) Selective inactivation of rat lung and liver microsomal NADPH-cyotchrome c reductase by acrolein. Drug. Metab. Dßp. 12, 460-463. Pilotti, 4., Ancker, K., Arrhenius, 8., and Enzell, C. 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Criteria 127, p. lll 151 Chapter 6 152 Summary and concluding remarks An important issue in toxicology is the question whether the risk of exposure to a mixture of chemicals is higher than that of exposure to the individual chemicals. Combined exposure to chemicals may result in toxicological interactions leading to a significant increase or decrease in the toxicity of the combination compared to the sum of the toxicity of the individual components of the mixture. In spite of more than a century of toxicological research, the challenge of predicting toxic responses from multiple chemical exposures still seems confusing to most professionals in the field of environmental health in general, and of toxicology in particular. 153 Chapter 7 For an area as complex and difficult as the toxicology of mixtures, there are no perfect protocols or approaches that would please everyone (Yang et al., 1994). Moreover, none of the present guidelines for health risk assessment of chemical mixtures offer specific recommendations for assessing interaction data (Mumtaz et al., 1994). Although it will be practically impossible to test all possible mixtures of chemicals that we are surrounded with, it is essential to study the effects of mixtures rather than to limit the prediction of the effects of a mixture by using exclusively available toxicity data on single compounds. This thesis focuses on the combined exposure to gaseous pollutants. There is no concrete evidence fo¡ the occurrence of toxic interactions among gaseous pollutants in man, which is far from surprising since studies specifically designed to examine such interactions are lacking. In addition, the threshold level for combined or interactive effects of chemicals and the underlying mechanisms described in experimental animals are not clearly defined so that their relevance to humans chronically exposed to low levels of these chemicals remains unclear. The overall objective of the studies described in this thesis was to improve the insight into both the toxic potential and the health risk to man of mixtures of ubiquitous air pollutants. More specifically, the aims of the studies were: (a) to get a better insight into the pathophysiology of the nasal changes induced by formaldehyde-ozone mixtures, (b) to investigate possible additive or interactive effects of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein with respect to cell proliferation, and biochemical and histopathological changes of the nasal epithelium, (c) to predict the sensory irritation of mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and acetaldehyde in rats using models for effect addition and competitive agonism, (d) to investigate combined or interactive effects of mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and crotonaldehyde at the cellular level using isobole and effect-surface analysis methods, and (e) to investigate the role of glutathione and aldehyde dehydrogenases in the detoxification 154 Summary and concluding remarks of fo¡maldehyde to get a better insight into the joint action of formaldehyde and acrolein in vitro. Chapter 1 briefly describes the concepts of combination toxicology and methods to evalu- joint toxicity of chemicals. It also contains a description of one of the principal target organs of air-bo¡ne aldehydes and ozone, i.e. the upper respiratory tract, in particular the ate nose' Moreover, relevant toxicological aspects of ozone and aldehydes are reviewed, high- lighting studies with mixtures of aldehydes andfor ozone. The in vivo studies described in Chapters 2 and 3 examined the nasal toxicity in rats exposed to mixtures of ozone and formaldehyde, or to mixtures of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and/or acrolein for 3 days. The studies focused on histopathological and biochemical changes, and on cell proliferation in nasal epithelium of rats. The results of the formaldehyde-ozone study described in Chapter 2 did not produce evidence for a major role of glutathione or glutathione-dependent enzymes in the pathoge- nesis of nasal adverse effects induced by formaldehyde, ozone, or a combination compounds. Furthermore, it of both was demonstrated that, besides a clear adverse effect on the transitional epithelium, ozone has the potential to affect the mucociliary epithelium lining the rat nasal septum. Previous studies with mixtures of ozone and formaldehyde revealed interactive effects regarding the proliferative response of the nasal respiratory epithelium in rats (Mautz et al., 1988; Reuzel et al., 1990). Depending on exposure time and concentration, the interactions varied from antagonism to potentiation and clear synergism. The study described in Chapter 2, however, did not confirm these previously found interactive effects of formaldehyde and ozone. An explanation for the differences between the studies may be found in differences in exposure pattern and in methods for measuring cell prolife- ration. Clearly, extreme standardization of all experimental aspects is a primary prerequisite for a relevant comparative study into these types of interactive effects of ozone and formaldehyde. The toxicity studies with the mixtures of aldehydes (Chapter 3) showed that histopathological changes and cell proliferation of the nasal epithelium induced by mixtures of formal- 15s Chapter 7 dehyde, acetaldehyde and/or acrolein appeared to be more severe and more extensive, both in the respiratory and the olfactory part of the nose, than those observed after exposure to the individual aldehydes at comparable exposure levels. However, the combined effect of the mixtures was at most the sum of the individual effects. Neither dose addition nor potentiating interactions occurred upon exposure to combinations of these aldehydes at exposure levels slightly below or around the minimal-observed-effect level (MOEL): the nasal histopathological changes seen after exposure To 0.25 ppm acrolein, Mix-1 (1.0 ppm formaldehyde + 0.25 ppm acrolein) or Mix-2 (1.0 ppm formaldehyde + 0.25 ppm acrolein + 750 ppm acetaldehyde) were very similar. Thus, prediction of the joint action of combinations of the aldehydes at no-observed-effect levels (NOELs) of the individual chemicals did not seem to be possible for the combined effects of the mixtures on the nasal mucosa found at clearly cytotoxic-effect levels. Overall, the findings suggested that combined exposure to these aldehydes with the same target organ (nose), and exerting the same type of adverse effect (nasal irritation/cytotoxicity), but with partly different target sites (different regions of nasal mucosa), is not associated with increased hazard as compared to exposure to the individual chemicals, provided the exposure levels are around or lower than NOELs of the individual chemicals. Sensory irritation of (mixtures of) formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein as measured by the deøease in breathing frequency (DBF) was studied in rats (chapter 4). The DBF due to exposure to irritants is caused by binding of a chemical to the trigeminal nerve receptor. In all groups exposed to mixtures the decrease was more pronounced than the DBF expected for exposures to each of the compounds separately. The mean observed DBF of mixtures was significantly lower than the mean predicted by summation of the calculated DBFs of single compounds (effect addition). However, the common binding site for several aldehydes at the trigeminal nerve indicates similar joint action and allows the use of dose addition as the hypothesis to be tested. Indeed, the mean observed DBF was accurately predicted with the competitive model to describe the receptor binding of threecompound chemical mixtures. Thus, the results indicate that these compounds indeecl act in a dose-additive manner and support the idea that the application of the commonly 156 used Summary and concluding remarks effect additivity rule overestimates the predicted effect of mixtures of sensory irritants. The study described in Chapter 5 deals with in vitro cytotoxicity of mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and crotonaldehyde using either human or rat nasal epithelial cells. The effects were analysed with isobole and effect-surface analysis (ESA) methods assuming concentration addition (Loewe and Muischnek, 1926; Cafter et al., lggg). Acrolein appea_ red to be the most toxic aldehyde, followed by crotonaldehyde. Compared with results of the in vivo study described in Chapter 3, acrolein was found to be about 10 times more potent than formaldehyde in inducing toxicity to nasal epithelial cells. This is probably an indication that differences in nasal toxicity after exposure to aldehydes are not only determined by differences in sensitivity of epithelial cells, but also by differences in degree and site of nasal deposition. The isobolographic evaluation of the effects of binary mixtures of these three aldehydes showed that most of effects of the mixtures did not result in a departure from concentration additivity. The application of ESA resulted in conclusions similar to those based on the isobolographic method for both 2- and 3-compound mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and crotonaldehyde. Both methods have their advantages and their limitations. The isobole method requires extensive studies with both the single compounds and the mixtures. Moreover, the wealth of valuable data collected is not fully exploited in this method and there is no easy way to use statisticis to support conclusions from isobolograms. In addition, although a graphical presentation is illustrative an isobole analysis can only be made at clear effect levels and their graphical nature limits the number of agents to be evaluated in a mixture to three. The use of advanced mathematics (as applied in ESA) can be used to overcome some of the aforementioned disadvantages of the isobole method and may yield conclusions concerning statistically based interactive effects of the chemicals in a mixture. Studying high, toxic effect levels should be avoided using ESA since at relatively high exposure levels saturation and competition may play a major role in the establishment of the combined effect. As a result, the mean overall interaction at the lower concentration range might be over- or underestimated. Instead, it is to choose a concentration range not exceeding moderate effect levels, since there is an increasing awareness that in the field of (combination) toxicology, that it would recommend 151 Chapter 7 be more interesting to investigate the (possible interactive) effects of mixtures at no- or minimal-effect levels of the individual constituents. The overall conclusion from this study was that mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and/or crotonaldehyde act in a concentrationadditive manner with no convincing evidence of synergism. In addition, ESA appeared to be a rapid and statistically sound method for screening (possible interactive) effects of chemicals in a mixture in concentrations ranging from no- to minimum-observed-effect levels of the single compounds. Similar to Chapter 5, the study described in Chaoter 6 deals with the effects of mixtures of aldehydes at the cellular level. The aim of the study was to trace possible interactions between formaldehyde and acrolein, using a diffe¡ent parameter for cytotoxicity, and to gain insight into the mechanism studying the role of of the joint action of formaldehyde and acrolein by glutathione and aldehyde dehydrogenases. The main detoxification pathway of formaldehyde is conjugation with glutathione and subsequent dehydrogenation by formaldehyde dehydrogenase, whereafter glutathione is regenerated. Acrolein is known to be very effective in depleting cellular glutathione due to irreversible binding to glutathione, and it also inhibition of aldehyde dehydrogenases. Based on this knowledge, it was hypothesized that combined exposure to formaldehyde and acrolein could result in increased toxicity due to inhibition of the metabolic detoxification of formaldehyde by acrolein. joint However, the effect of formaldehyde and acrolein analysed with isobole and ESA methods were found to be (less than) concentration-additive. In spite of decreased aldehyde dehydrogenase activities and non-protein sulphydryl (NPSH) levels in cells caused by acrolein, acrolein did not enhance the toxicity of formaldehyde. Moreover, disulfiram, a potent inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenases, did not significantly change the cytotoxicity of formaldehyde in cell culture systems. It dehydrogenase activities observed seems, therefore, that the decrease is not related to enhanced in aldehyde toxicity of formaldehyde and joint cytotoxic effects were most probably a result of the direct the non-specific binding of these aldehydes to cellular components such as DNA and proteins. In conclusion, to study the toxicology of chemical mixtures and to 158 assess their potential Summary and concluding remarks health risks interaction it is essential to be familiar with the basic concepts of combined action of chemicals in a mixture and to understand the available methods and for desig- ning studies and for analysing the data obtained. In vitro studies with human and rat nasal epithelial cells revealed that mixtures of aldehydes induced additive or slightly more or less than additive, but never clearly synergistic cytotoxic effects. In accordance with these in vitro findings, from three-day inhalation studies in rats it appeared that mixtures of aldehydes at toxic exposure concentrations of the individual chemicals induced effects with respect to nasal toxicity that were more severe and more extensive than those found after exposure to the individual aldehydes at comparable exposure levels. However, no increased nasal toxicity was seen with such mixtures at exposure concentrations around the NOEt-s of the individual aÌdehydes. Clearly, the present findings suggest that for NOE1 combined exposure to these aldehydes with the same target organ (nose) and exerting s the of effect (nasal toxicity), but with partly different target sites (different regions of the nasal mucosa), is not associated with greater hazard. than that associated with same type to the individual chemicals. These findings demonstrate, in a convincing way, that the type of combined (or maybe interactive) effects of mixtures on the nasal mucosa exposure at clearly toxic-effect levels did not very well predict what will happen at minimum- or no-toxic-effect levels. Precisely these and lower exposure levels are those where the interest of the risk assessor lies, and where, remarkably enough, toxicological data are often lacking. In (combination) toxicology much effort is put into elucidating mechanisms of (inter)action at relatively high toxic effect levels, whereas the transitional area between toxic and non-toxic levels is virtually unexplored. Elucidation of this transitional zone would be beneficial to both hazard identification and risk assessment (of chemical mixtures). Sensory irritation of mixtures of aldehydes as measured by the DBF in rats appeared to be more marked than the sensory irritation expected for each of the individual aldehydes, but less marked than the sum of the irritant activities of the individual aldehydes. The irritant potencies of the mixtures could be accurately described by a mechanistic model for competitive agonism. Here again, future studies should focus on the transitional zone between non-irritating and slightly irritating exposure concent¡ations. 159 Chapter 7 Overall, the potential adverse health effects of realistic exposure levels to (mixtures of) chemicals should be a primary research topic of toxicologists for the near future, focusing on mechanisms of action and development of approaches to assess interaction data. References carter, w.H., Gennings, c., staniswalis, J.G., campbell, E.D., and white, K.L. (19gg) A statistical approach to the construction and analysis of isobolograms. J. Am. [-oewe, S., and Muischnek, H. (1926) Über Kombinationswirkungen. coll. Toxicol.7,963-973. Arch. Exp. Pathol. pharmak 114,313- 326. Mautz, W'J', Kleinman, M.T., Phalen, R.F. and Crocker, T.T. (1988) Effects interactions between inhaled oxidant and aldehyde air pollutants. J. of exercise exposu¡e on toxic Toxicol. Environm. Health 25, .165- t77. Mumtaz, M.M., DeRosa, C.T. and Durkin, P.R. (1994) Approaches and challenges chemical mixtures. In: Toxicology in risk assessments of of Chemical Mixtures 1R.s.H. vang, Ed.), , Academic press, San Diego, pp. 565-598. Reuzel, P.G.J., wilmer, J.w.G.M., woutersen, R.4., Zwart, A., Rombout, p.J.A. and Feron, V.J. Interactive effects of ozone and formaldehyde on the nasal respiratory tining epithelium in ra1s. J. Toxicol. Enviror m. Health 29,279-292. Yang, R'S.4. (1994) Introduction to the toxicology of chemical mixtures Mixtures (R.S.H. Yang, Ed.), Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 1-9 160 (1990) In: Toxicology of Clrcmical Samenvatting en conclusies Een belangrijk thema in de toxicologie is de vraag mengsels van chemische stoffen groter of het risico van blootstelling aan is dan dat van blootstelling aan de individuele componenten van een mengsel. Gecombineerde blootstelling aan chemicalien kan leiden tot toxicologische interacties resulterend in een significante toe- of afname van de toxiciteit van de combinatie in vergelijking met de som van de toxiciteit van de individuele componenten van het mengsel. Ondanks het feit dat er al meer dan een eeuw toxicologisch onderzoek wordt verricht, hebben veel deskundigen op het gebied van milieuhygiëne in het algemeen en van de toxicologie in het bijzonder nog steeds last van drempelvrees als het gaat om het bestuderen en evalueren van de toxiciteit van mengsels van chemische stoffen. Chapter 8 Voor complex onderzoek als dat van de toxicologie van mengsels zijn geen geaccepteerde protocollen of benaderingen voorhanden (Yang algemeen et al., 1989). Bovendien geven de huidige richtlijnen voor het vaststellen van (toxicologische) gezondheidsrisico,s geen speciale aanbevelingen voor het vaststellen van interacties en voor het interpreteren van toxiciteitsgegevens over mengsels (Mumtaz et al., 1994). Hoewel het vanuit praktisch oogpunt onmogelijk is om alle mogelijke combinaties van stoffen waarmee we omringd zijn te onderzoeken, is het essentieel om effecten van mengsels als geheel te bestuderen en het voorspellen van effecten van mengsels niet alleen te baseren op de treschikbare gegevens van de individuele componenten. Dit proefschrift richt zich op de toxicologische evaluatie van combinaties van gasvormige vervuilingen van de atmosfeer waaraan de mens wordt blootgesteld. Er is tot op heden geen direct bewijs dat bij de mens toxische interacties van dergelijke stoffen plaatsvinden, hetgeen niet verbazingwekkend is, omdat er nagenoeg geen studies bekend zijn die tot doel hadden dergelijke interacties van luchtverontreinigende stoffen op te sporen. Bovendien zijn er geen eenduidig geformuleerd de grenswaarden voor stoffen in een mengsel die rekening houden met gecombineerde effecten van stoffen en de mechanismen die hieraan ten grondslag liggen. Mede hierdoor blijft waarcloor de betekenis van chronische blootstel- ling aan mengsels van stoffen brj lage concentraties voor de mens onduidelijk. Het algemene doel van de experimenten die in dit proefschrift worden beschreven was het verbeteren van het inzicht in de toxiciteit en het hieraan gekoppeld gezondheidsrisico van mengsels van veel voorkomende luchtvervuilende stoffen. In meer detail kunnen de doel- stellingen als volgt worden geformuleerd: (a) verkrijgen van een beter inzicht in de pathofysiologie van de door mengsels van formaldehyde en ozon geïnduceerde veranderingen in de neus, (b) onderzoek naar mogelijk additieve efTecten van formaldehyde, aceetaldehyde en acroleine met betrekking tot celproliferatie en biochemische alsmede histopathologische veranderingen in neusepitheel, (c) voorspellen en experimenteel toetsen van sensorische irritatie bij ratten als gevolg 162 van Samenvatting en conclusies blootstelling aan mengsels van formaldehyde, acroleine en aceetaldehyde, gebruikmakend van (wiskundige) modellen voor effectadditie en competitief agonisme, (d) onderzoek naar toxische effecten op cellulair niveau van mengsels van formaldehyde, acroleine en crotonaldehyde, gebruikmakend van de isoboolmethode en de effectoppervlakte-analysemethode, en (e) bestuderen van de rol van glutathion en formaldehyde dehydrogenases bij de detoxifi- catie van formaldehyde teneinde een beter inzicht te krijgen in de gezamenlijke werking van formaldehyde en acroleine in vitro. Hoofdstuk 1 beschrijft in het kort de basisconcepten in de combinatietoxicologie en methoden om de gezamenlijke werking van chemische stoffen te evalueren. Het bevat ook een beschrijving van de bovenste ademhalingsweg, in het bijzonder de neus, één van de belangrijkste doelorganen van in de lucht voorkomende verontreinigingen. Bovendien worden relevante toxicologische aspecten van ozon en aldehydes behandeld, met speciale aandacht voor combinaties van deze stoffen. De in vivo studies die worden beschreven in Hoofdstuk 2 en 3 waren gericht op de neus- toxiciteit bij de rat van mengsels van ozon en formaldehyde, of van mengsels van formaldehyde, aceetaldehyde en/of acroleine. Centraal in deze studies stonden effecten op cel- proliferatie alsook de histopathologische en biochemische veranderingen in het neusepi- theel. De resultaten van de in Hoofdstuk 2 beschreven studie met formaldehyde-ozon leverden geen aanwijzingen op voor een belangrijke rol van glutathion of glutathion-afhankelijke enzymen in de neustoxiciteit van formaldehyde, ozon, of een combinatie van deze stoffen. Verder bleek dat behalve duidelijke effecten op het overgangsepitheel, ozon ook het muco- ciliaire epitheel van het neustussenschot beschadigde. Eerdere studies met mengsels van ozon en formaldehyde wezen uit dat er interactieve effecten van deze stoffen met betrek- king tot celprolifèratie in het neusepitheel kunnen plaatsvinden (Mautz et al., 1988; Reuzel et al., 1990). Hierbij werden zowel synergistische als antagonistische effecten waargenomen, aflrankelijk van de expositietijd en de concentratie. In de onderhavige studie t63 Chapter 8 konden deze effecten echter niet bevestigd worden. Een verklaring voor de discrepantie zou kunnen worden gevonden in de verschillen in expositiepatroon en de methoden voor het meten van celproliferatie. Klaarblijkelijk is een vergaande standarisatie van alle experi- mentele aspecten een belangrijke voorwaarde om een zinvolle vergelijking te kunnen maken. De toxiciteitsstudies met aldehydes @AAId$U!.3) lieten zien dat histopathologische veranderingen en celproliferatie in neusepitheel geïnduceerd door mengsels van formaldehyde, aceetaldehyde enlof acroleine ernstiger en uitgebreider zijn in zowel het respiratoirepitheel als het reukepitheel dan de effecten van de individuele componenten bij vergelijkbare concentraties. Echter, het gecombineerde effect van de mengsels was hooguit gelijk aan de som van de individuele effecten. Noch dosisadditie, noch potentiëring van effecten kon worden vastgesteld bij expositieniveaus net onder of rond het waargenomen-minimaaleffect niveau (minimal-observed-effect level, MOEL): de histopathologische veranderingen in de neus na blootstelling acroleine aan 0.25 ppm acroleine, 1.0 ppm formaldehyde + 0.25 ppm of 1.0 ppm formaldehyde + 0.25 ppm acroleine + 750 ppm aceetaldehyde waren nagenoeg identiek. De voorspelling van de gezamenlijke werking van combinaties van aldehydes op het waargenomen-geen-effect niveau (no-observed-effect level, NOEL) van de individuele stoffen lijkt niet mogelijk op basis van de gegevens van de mengsels van stoffen die zijn verkregen bij duidelijke cytotoxische (= effect) niveaus. Al met al suggereren de resultaten dat de gecombineerde blootstelling aan deze aldehydes met hetzelfde doelorgaan (neus) en hetzelfde type nadelige effecten (neusirritatie/cytotoxiciteit), maar met gedeeltelijk verschillende doelgebieden (verschillende gebieden in de neus), niet leidt tot een toename van de toxiciteit in vergelijking met blootstelling aan de individuele aldehydes. Voorwaarde is wel dat de blootstellingsniveaus rond of beneden de NOELs van de individuele stoffen liggen. Sensorische irritatie van (mengsels van) formaldehyde, acroleine en aceetaldehy<Ie gemeten als de afname in ademhalingsfrequentie (decrease in breathing frequency, DBF) in de rat wordt beschreven in Hoofdstuk 4. De DBF als gevolg van blootstelling aan irriterende stoffen wordt veroorzaakt door binding aan de receptoren van de Nervus trigeminus. In 164 Samenvatting en conclusies alle groepen die werden blootgesteld aan mengsels van deze aldehydes was de DBF sterker dan de DBF van elk van de afzonderlijke stoffen. De gemiddelde waargenomen DBF van deze mengsels was significant lager dan het gemiddelde dat werd voorspeld op basis van optelling van de berekende DBFs van de individuele stoffen (effectadditie). Echter, de gemeenschappelijke bindingsplaats voor de verschillende aldehydes op de Nervus trigeminus impliceert een overeenkomstige werking. Vanuit deze gedachte kan 'dosis-additie' als hypothese worden getoetst. Inderdaad bleek de toepassing van een competitie-model voor de binding van 3 stoffen aan een gezamenlijke receptor de effecten van deze mengsels vrij nauwkeurig te kunnen voorspellen. De resultaten tonen aan d,at deze drie aldehydes inderdaad een dosis-additief werkingsmechanisme hebben en ondersteunen de theorie dat de toepassing van de effectadditieregel de sensorische effecten van irriterende stoffen zal overschatten. De studies die in Hoofdstuk 5 worden beschreven behandelen de in vitro cytotoxiciteit van mengsels van formaldehyde, acroleine en crotonaldehyde in zowel humane als ratte- epitheel cellen. De effecten werden geanalyseerd met de isoboolmethode en effect-oppervlakte-analyse methode (effect-surf'ace-analysis, ESA) uitgaande van concentratie-additie (toewe en Muischnek,1926; carter et al., 1988). Acroleine bleek het meest toxisch van de drie aldehydes, gevolgd door crotonaldehyde. In vergelijking met de in vivo studies Gsafd$d( .Ð, bleek dat acroleine in vilro ongeveer 10 keer meer potenter was dan formaldehyde met betrekking tot toxiciteit bij neusepitheelcellen. Dit is mogelijk een aanwijzing dat de verschillen in neustoxiciteit na blootstelling aan al<Iehydes niet alleen worden bepaald door de gevoeligheid van de cellen, maar ook door de mate en plaats van depositie. De isobolografische evaluatie van de effecten van binaire mengsels van deze drie aldehydes liet zien dat over het algemeen deze effecten niet afwijken van tratie-additie. De toepassing van ESA leidde mengsels van concen- tot gelijkluidende conclusies voor zowel 2 als 3 stoffen. Beide methoden hebben voor- en nadelen. Zo zijn voor de isoboolmethode uitgebreide studies met zowel de individuele stoffen als met de mengsels nodig. Echter, de grote hoeveelheid waardevolle gegevens wordt met deze metho<Ie niet ten volle benut. Bovendien is er geen eenvoudige manier om een statistische onderbou- Chapter 8 wing van de conclusies te verkrijgen. Daarbij komt dat alleen op effectniveau kan worden geanalyseerd en beperkt de grafische weergave het aantal stoffen in een mengsel tot maximaal 3. Het gebruik van geavanceerde wiskunde (zoals toegepast in ESA) kan de genoemde nadelen opheffen en kan tevens leiden tot statistisch verantwoorde conclusies met betrekking tot interactieve effecten van de stoffen in een mengsel. Het bestuderen van ernstige effecten moet worden vermeden omdat bij relatief hoge concentraties verzadiging en competitie mogelijk een belangrijke rol kunnen spelen in de tot stand koming van een gecombineerd effect. Als gevolg hiervan kan de interactie worden onder- of overschat. Daarom wordt aanbevolen om concentraties te kiezen die niet zullen leiden tot sterke effecten. Dit wordt ondersteund door het feit dat (combinatie) toxicologen zich in toenemende mate bewust worden dat hoge-dosis-combinatietoxicologie vervangen dient te worden door het bestuderen van (mogelijke interactieve) effecten van (mengsels van) stoffen op of net beneden het waargenomen-minimaal-effect niveau van de individuele stoffen. De conclusie van de onderhavige studie was dat mengsels van formaldehyde, acroleine enlof crotonaldehyde werkten volgens het principe van dosisadditie zonder overtuigend bewijs voor synergisme. Daa¡naast bleek dat ESA een snelle en op statistiek gebaseerde methode is om (mogelijke interactieve) effecten van chemische stoffen in een mengsel op te sporen bij blootstellingsniveaus gelegen tussen het waargenomen-geen- en het waargenomen-minimaal effectniveau vân de afzondelijke stoffen. Analoog aan Hoofdstuk 5 worden in Hoofdstuk ó effecten van mengsels van aldehydes op cellulair niveau beschreven. Het doel van deze studie was (a) opsporen van mogelijke interacties tussen formaldehyde en acroleine, gebruikmakend van een andere parameter voor celtoxiciteit en (b) om het inzicht te verbeteren in het mechanisme waarop de gezamenlijke werking van formaldehyde en acroleine is gebaseerd door de rol van glutathion en formaldehyde dehydrogenases te onderzoeken. De belangrijkste detoxificatieroute van formaldehyde is conjugatie met glutathion gevolgd door dehydrogenatie door formaldehyde dehydrogenase, waarna glutathion weer wordt teruggevormd. Van acroleine is bekend dat het zeer eff'ectief glutathion kan uitputten als gevolg van een irreversibele binding met glutathion, en door inactivatie van aldehyde dehydrogenases. Gebaseerd op deze kennis 166 Samenvatting en conclusies werd de stelling geponeerd dat gecombineerde blootstelling aan formaldehyde en acroleine kan resulteren in een toename van de toxiciteit als gevolg van inhibitie van de detoxifica- tie van formaldehyde door acroleine. Echter, analyses van de gecombineerde effecten van formaldehyde en acroleine met behulp van isobool- en ESA-methoden lieten zien dat deze (minder dan) concentratie-additief waren. Ondanks de verminderde aldehyde dehydrogenase activiteit en de afname van niet-eiwit SH groepen in cellen door acroleine kon geen versterking van de toxiciteit van formaldehyde door acroleine worden vastgesteld. Bovendien resulteerde blootstelling aan disulfiram, een krachtige remmer van glutathion-onafhan- kelijke aldehyde dehydrogenases, niet in een veranderde toxiciteit van formaldehyde in celcultures. Het lijkt er dan ook op dat de afname van formaldehyde dehydrogenase activiteit niet kan worden geassocieerd met de cytotoxiciteit van formaldehyde en dat waargenomen gezamenlijke cytotoxische effecten waarschijnlijk een gevolg de zijn van niet- specifieke binding van deze aldehydes aan cellulaire componenten zoals DNA en eiwitten. Concluderend kan worden gesteld dat voor het bestuderen van de toxische effecten van chemische mengsels en het vaststellen van de potentiele gezondheidsrisico's het essentieel is om op de hoogte te zijn van de basisconcepten van gecombineerde werking en interacties van chemische stotïen in een mengsel én van de beschikbare methoden voor zowel het opzetten van studies als voor analyse van de verkregen gegevens. humane en ratteneuscellen In vitro onderzoek met liet zien daf mengsels van aldehydes min of meer additieve (maar zeker geen synergistische) cytotoxische effecten kunnen induceren. In overeenstem- ming met de in vitro bevindingen bleek uit driedaagse inhalatiestudies met mengsels van aldehydes bij ratten, da!" bij toxische concentraties van elk van de individuele stoffen de effecten van mengsels sterker en uitgebreider waren dan die voor elk van de afzonderlijke stofïen werden vastgesteld bij vergelijkbare blootstellingsniveaus. Echter, er was geen duidelijke toename van de toxiciteit van mengsels bij concentraties rond de NOELs van elk van de afZonderlijke stoffen. De resultaten wijzen erop <Iat voor NOELs gecombineer- de blootstelling aan aldehydes met hetzelfde doelorgaan (neus), leidend tot hetzelfde soort nadelige effecten (neustoxiciteit), maar met verschillende doelgebieden (verschillende gebieden in de neus) niet gepaard gaat met een toename van de toxiciteit in vergelijking t67 Chapter 8 met die van de individuele stoffen in een dergelijk mengsel. Deze resultaten laten overtuigend zien dat het gecombineerde effect van mengsels op het neusweefsel bij duidelijke effectniveaus weinig voorspellende waarde heeft voor dezelfde mengsels bij minimaal- of geen-toxisch-effect niveau. Juist deze en lagere concentraties zijn interessant voor de risico-beoordelaar en het is opvallend dat juist in dit overgangsgebied de benodige gegevens ontb¡eken. In de combinatietoxicologie wordt veel energie gestoken in het ontrafelen van het mechanisme van interacties bij relatief hoge concentraties terwijl het overgangsgebied tussen toxische en niet-toxische concentraties nagenoeg niet aandacht voor is onderzocht. Meer dit laatste zou zeer ten goede komen aan het schatten van gezondheidsrisi- co's van blootstelling aan mengsels van chemische stoffen. van mengsels van aldehydes gemeten als afname van de ademhalingsfrequentie bij ratten bleek sterker te zijn dan verwacht op basis van elk van de Sensorische irritatie afzonderlijke aldehydes, maar minder dan de som van de verwachte effecten. De irriteren- de potentie van mengsels kon nauwkeurig worden beschreven met een mechanistisch model voor competitief agonisme. Ook hier geldt dat in de toekomst studies zich meer moeten richten op het overgangsgebied tussen effect en geen-effect concentraties. Al met al zal de (combinatie)toxicoloog zich meer moeten bezig houden met het opsporen van nadelige gezondheidseffecten van blootstelling aan (mengsels van) chemische stoffen bij reële concentraties. Speciale aandacht zal uif moeten gaan naar opheldering van wer- kingsmechanisme en de ontwikkeling van methoden om interactiedata te evalueren. Referenties carter, w.H., Gennings, c., staniswalìs, J.c., campbell, E.D., and white, K.L. (l9gg) A statisrical approach 1o the construction and analysis L.oewe, S., and Muischnek, of isobolograms. J. Am. coll. Toxicol.7,g63-g'j3. H. (1926) Über Kombinationswirkungcn. Arch. Exp. pathr¡|. pharmalc 114,313- 326. Mautz, W.J., Klcinman, M.T., Phalen, R.F. and Crocker, T.T. (1988) Effects of excrcise exposurc on toxic interactions between inhaled oxidant and aldehyde air pollutants. 168 J. Toxicol. Environm. Health 25, 165- S amenv atting en conclusies 177. Mumlaz, M.M., DeRosa, C.T. and Durkin, P.R. (1994) Approachix and challenges in risk assessments of chemical mixtures. In: Toxicologt of chemical Mixtures (R.s.H. yang, Ed.), , Academic press, san Diego, pp. 565-598. Reuzel, P.G'J', wilmer, J.W.G.M., wouterser, R.4., Zwart, 4., Rombout, p.J.A. and Feron, v.J. Interacrive effects of ozone and formaldehyde on the nasal respiratory lining epithelium ir :rlts. (1990) J. Toxicol, Environm. Heahh 29, 279-292. Yang, R.S.A., Hong, H.L., and Boorman, G.A. (1989) Toxicology of chemical mixtures: Experimental design, underlying concepts, and some restlts, Toxicol. Leu. 49, IB3-197. 169 Chapter 8 170 Curriculum vitae Flemming R. Cassee werd op 18 juni 1965 in Scherpenzeel geboren. Na voltooien van het MAVO, HAVO en vwo op de Rijksscholengemeenschap De Springborn te Epe, werd in 1985 aangevangen met de studie Biologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Tijdens de doctoraalfase van de orientatie "Chemische Biologie" werden de afstudeervakken Stoñvisselingsfysiologie (Prof.dr. A.M.Th. Beenakkers) en Biologische Toxicologie (prof.dr. V.J. Feron en Prof.dr. W. Seinen) gevolgd, het laatste bij de huidige Divisie Toxicologie van TNO Voeding in Zeist. In augustus 1990 heeft hij het doctoraalexamen Biologie afgelegd. Op 1 februari 1991 ttad hij in dienst als assistent in opleiding bij de faculteit Diergeneeskunde van de Universiteit Utrecht. Het in dit proefschrift beschreven onderzoek werd uitgevoerd bij de Divisie Toxicologie van TNO Voeding in Zeist. Hij heeft de post-doctorale Opleiding Toxicologie voltooid. Flemming R. Cassee was born on June 18, 1965 in Scherpenzeel, the Netherlands. After graduation from secondary school at the Rijksscholengemeenschap De Springborn in Epe, he began his study Biology at the Utrecht University in 1985, with the research subjects Metabolic Physiology (Prof'dr. A.M.Th. Beenakkers) and Biological Toxicology (prof.dr. V.J. Feron and Prof.dr. w. Seinen). He obtained his Msc. degree in Biology in August, 1990. On February 1, 1991, he was employed as PhD. student at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Utrecht University. The research described in this thesis has been performed at the Toxicology Division of the TNO Nutrition and Food Reseach Institute, Z,e,ist, the Netherlands. During this period he succesfully completed the Postdoctoral Eduction program in Toxicology. 771 List of publications Feron, V.J., H.P. Til, F. de Vrijer, R.A. Woutersen, F.R. Cassee, and P.J. van (1991). Aldehydes: occurrence, carcinogenic potential, mechanism Bladeren of action and risk assessment. Mutat. Res. 259, 363-385. 'Wortelboer, H.M., C.A. de Kruif, F.R. Cassee, H.E. Falke, A.A.J. van Iersel, J. Noordhoek, and B.J. Blaauboer (1991). Effects of indole derivatives on biotransformation activities in primary cultures of hepatocytes. ln: Alternative methods in toxicology (4.M. Goldberg, Ed.), 8, pp.2O3-207. Feron, V.J., R.A. Vy'outersen, J.H.E. Arts, F.R. Cassee, F. de Vrijer, P.J. van Bladeren (1992). Indoor air, a variable complex mixture: strategy for selection of (combinations of) chemicals with high health hazard potential. Environ. Technology 13,341-350. Feron, V.J., D. Jonker, J.P. Groten, G.J.M.J. Horbach, F.R. Cassee, E.D. Schoen, and J.J.G. Opdam (1993). Combination toxicology: from challenge to reality. Toxicol. Tribune 14, 1-3. Feron, V.J., R.A. Woutersen, J.H.E. A¡ts, F.R. Cassee, F. de Vrijer, P.J. van Bladeren (1995). Safety evaluation of the mixture of chemicals at a specific workplace: theoretical considerations and a suggested two-step procedure. Toxicol. Lett.76,47-55. Feron, V.J., J.P Groten, J.A. van Zorge, F.R. Cassee, D. Jonker, P.J. van Bladeren (1995). Toxicity studies in rats of simple mixtures of chemicals with the same or different target organs. Proceedings of the WI International Toxicology Congress, Seattle, in press Cassee, F.R., and V.J. Feron (1994). Biochemical and histopathological changes in nasal epithelium of rats after 3-day intermittent exposure to formaldehyde and ozone alone or in combination. Toxicol. Lett. 72,257-268. Cassee, F.R., J.P. Groten, and V.J. Feron (1 994). Combined exposure of rat upper respiratory tract epithelium to aldehydes. Human Exp. Toxicol. 13,726. Feron, V.J., J.P. Groten, D. Jonker, F.R. Cassee, P.J. and van Bladeren (1994). Risk assessment of simple (defined) mixtures of chemicals. ln: Toxicology & Risk Assessment, (V. Burgat-Sacaze, J. Descotes, P. Air Pollution: Gaussens, and G.B. læslie, Eds.), Univ. de Borgogne, Dijon, pp.31-42. Cassee, F.R., J.P. Groten and V.J. Feron (1995). Changes 772 in the nasal epithelium of rats exposed by inhalation to mixtures of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrole in. Fund. Appl. Toxicol., in press. cassee, F.R., J.H.E Arts, J.p. Groten, and v.J. and Feron (1995). Sensory irritation to mixtures of formaldehyde, acrolein and acetaldehyde in rats. Arch. Toxicol., in press. Cassee, F'R., J'P. Groten, and V.J. Feron (1995). Nasal toxicity of formaldehyde and acrolein mixtures: in vitro studies using nasal epithelial cells. In: proceedings of the 5th Int. Inhalation Symposium (U. Mohr, Ed.), Hannover, in press. cassee, F.R., J.P. Groten, v.J. Feron, and p.J. van Bladeren, (1995). In vivo and in vitro toxicity studies with mixtures of aldehydes. Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conference on Volatile Organic Compounds (R. perry, Ed.), tondon, in press. cassee, F.R., w.H. stenhuis, E.D. Schoen, v.J. Feron, and J.p. Groten (1995). In vitro toxicity of formaldehyde, acrolein and crotonaldehyde in nasal epithelial cells: different approaches to study combined exposure, submitted for publication. cassee, F.R., w.H. stenhuis, J.p. Groten, and v.J. Feron, (1995). Toxicity of mixtures of formaldehyde and acrolein in nasal epithelial cells: the role offormaldehyde dehydrogenase and glutathione, submitted for publication. Feron, v.J., J.P. Groten, D. Jonker, F.R. cassee, and p.J. van Bladeren (1995). Toxicology of chemical mixtures: challenges for today and the future. In: Chemical mixtures and quantative risk assessmenr (J.E. Simmons, Ed.), Health Effect Research Laboratory, Environmental Protection Agency, Research rriangre park, NC., in press. 1'/3 Dankwoord De laatste pagina's van een proefschrift worden het meest gelezen. Zo ook deze pagina. Ik zou voor een ieder die een bijdrage heeft geleverd bij het tot stand komen van dit werkje op kunnen gaan noemen waaruit deze bijdrage bestond. Echter, ik en de betreffende persoon weten dat al. Het gevaar is dat je mensen overslaat of te veel of te weinig aandacht geeft. Feit is dat ik, sinds ik in 1989 de toenmalige afdeling Biologische Toxicologie terecht ben gekomen, het daar altijd erg naar mijn zin heb gehad. Dat komt door de goede outillage, maar ook door de werksfeer. Twee mensen wil ik toch in het bijzonder bedanken. Allereerst Dr. ir. J.P. Groten. John, ik heb jouw manier van begeleiden leren begrijpen. Je uiterst kritische houding heeft er toe geleid dat er nu een goed produkt voor ons ligt. Afkortingen als FDH, GSH en ADH zal je echter waarschijnlijk voorlopig nog wel blijven verwarren. Bedankt voor je inzet! En dan Prof. dr. V.J. Feron. Vic, altijd snel met corrigeren van manuscripten. Je "zie enkele opmerkingen" zorgden vaak voor wat extra werk, maar waren zeer stimulerend. De manier waarop jij mensen weet te motiveren en te betrekken bij jouw publicaties en onderzoek (zie list of publications) is buitengewoon waardevol. Ondanks dat je officieel stopt met werken voor en bij TNO hoop ik toch in de toekomst nog van je expertise gebruik te kunnen maken. Zoals bij insiders bekend zalzijn ben ik bij toespraken niet al te lang van stof. Ik volsta dan ook tegen Advanced Graphics Software (Slide\Mrite), André Penninks, André Wolterbeek, Ben van Ommen, BiDoc medewerkers, Borland Int. (Quattro), Cathy Rompelberg, Chris Bailey, Coosje Wesselink, Corry van de Meer, Diana Jonker, Digital, Dirk van der Heij, Ed Bermudez, Eric Schoen, Erwin Duizer, Flora de Vrijer, Fons Rutten, Frank Hendriksma, Frieke Kuper, Gerard van Beek en alle dierverzorgers, Han van de Sandt, Harold Makaske, Jan Blom, Jan Bogaards, Jan Catsburg, Jan-Peter Ploemen, Job van Zorge, Jolanda de Bruin, Joost Bruyntjes, Jos Hagenaars, Josje Arts, Jossie Garthoff, Karin Hoefs, Lidy van Oostrum en alle histologen, Marjan Cassee, Martin Epskamp, Microsoft Corporation, Nico de Vogel, Niek Snoeij, Niek van Breederode, Oce, P&O Diergeneeskunde, Peter van Bladeren, Piet van de Heuvel, Pieter Marres, Prof.dr. H.M. Bolt, Prof.dr. J. Noordhoek, Prof.dr. R. Kroes, Rob van Rijn, Ron Rietman, Ruud Woutersen, Stan Spoor, Truus Bruyntjes-Rosier, Tulip, Willem 1,74 seinen, wilma Kreuning, wilma Stenhuis, wim Blijleven, winfried Leeman, wordperfect corporation en overige (ex-) medewerkers van de divisie Toxicologie te zeggen: En bedqnkt ñè.l 1,7s