new book - South Carolina Safe Routes to School Resource Center
new book - South Carolina Safe Routes to School Resource Center
Safe Routes to School South Carolina OV E RV I E W The South Carolina Safe Routes to School Resource Center (SC SRTS) was created to help schools, school districts, and communities throughout South Carolina to build and sustain active transportation to and from schools and promote bicycle and pedestrian safety. COVER PHOTO: Lucy T. Davis Elementary school; Florence, SC 1 Schools with grades Kindergarten through eighth may participate in the SC SRTS Resource Center Partnership Program. Partners of the Resource Center receive technical assistance, materials, incentives, and program support at no cost courtesy of the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT). As of December 2015, 400 schools have partnered with the Resource Center. Additionally, community organizations may support SRTS efforts and programs by becoming Friends of the SC SRTS Resource Center.The SC SRTS network includes approximately 143 SC SRTS Community Friends. A School Outreach Coordinator (SOC) in each of three territories of South Carolina provides hands-on support, building relationships with school officials, advocates, local government officials, business partners, and community partners to help build a sustainable program at schools and in the communities that surround them. The SOCs and the project’s support teams made up of bicycle and pedestrian experts, planners, marketing professionals, and educators develop resources and materials for the Resource Center’s programs and strategies. The Resource Center also supports a calendar of SRTS events throughout the year. Events include International Walk to School Day, South Carolina Crossing Guard Appreciation Week, South Carolina Walk and Roll to School Day, National Bike to School Day, themed monthly walk events, and the SC SRTS Forum. Resources, materials, and incentives are provided to schools to participate in the events and to create their own. Technical assistance is provided to many partnered schools and communities. Assistance includes SRTS Travel (or Action) Plans, safety assessments and walk audits, and data collection and assessment. R E S O U R C E C E N T E R S E RV I C E S 2 Statewide Program S U C C E S S Bike to School Day 2014 at Drayton Hall Elementary (Charleston, SC) Hursey Elementary, North Charleston 3 Greenville County School District Summer Institute June 2014 Greenville, South Carolina The Resource Center teamed up with Safe Kids Upstate to present trainings for NHTSAs Child Pedestrian Safety Curriculum. Safe Kids also discussed how the curriculum can be paired with their model, Pedville, to provide interactive opportunities for practice. Spartanburg County Healthy Schools Summit June 2014 and 2015 Spartanburg, South Carolina Partners for Active Living planned a conference for school staff to receive continuing education credits to learn about healthy programs and initiatives. The Resource Center was asked to present about the Partnership Program, Safety Assessments, and Walk to School Day events. LiveWell Greenville Healthy Schools Expo March 4, 2014 Greenville, South Carolina LiveWell Greenville hosted an expo for school, after school care, and summer camp providers to learn about healthy programs and resources. The Resource Center had a booth at the event and presented two breakout sessions. The sessions were titled Beyond the Bus: Promoting Active Transportation and Creating Wellness Teams and Policies. Learning By Design Conference SY 2014 – 2015 and 2015 - 2016 Summerville, SC The Learning by Design Conference is a district-wide professional development conference for educators learning is emphasized, collaborative cultures are built, and focus is on results to become a “World Class” school district. The Resource Center was asked to present in the 2014 – 2015 and 2015 – 2016 school years. SC SRTS State Coordinator, Rodney Oldham, and Midlands School Outreach Coordinator, Doris Ford, present North Springs Elementary (Columbia, SC) the prize for winning the 2014 International Walk to School Day Photo Contest. The SC SRTS Resource Center’s Gold Partners are presented with a “Golden Shoe Award”. Here is Augusta Circle Elementary’s award (Greenville, SC). LOCAL 4 Conferences SC SRTS State Coordinator, Rodney Oldham, and Upstate School Outreach Coordinator, Nicole Brown McAden, present at the ProWalk ProBike Conference in 2014. South Carolina Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (SCAHPERD) Conference November 2011 and 2012 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina South Carolina SRTS and its Resource Center first presented at the SCAHPERD Conference in 2011 and unveiled the newly established Resource Center and SRTS Partnership Program. In 2012, South Carolina SRTS and its Resource Center returned to the conference to launch the Child Pedestrian Safety Curriculum Train-theTrainer initiative. Both presentations were assisted by Jane Abbott, a retired PE Teacher from Pine Street Elementary in Spartanburg, Tyrique Wise, the statewide winner of the 2013 Saris Bicycle Poster Contest, received a bicycle for his artwork at his 5th grade graduation ceremony at Whittaker Elementary (Orangeburg, SC). South Carolina After School Alliance Conference September 2012 Columbia, South Carolina The Resource Center continued efforts to promote the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (NHTSA) Child Pedestrian Safety Curriculum by providing a 1.5 hour training for after school care providers. S TAT E W I D E Conferences 5 SRTS National Conference August 13-15, 2013 Sacramento, California The Resource Center worked with Rodney Oldham, South Carolina SRTS Coordinator with SCDOT, on a presentation for the Safe Routes to School National Conference in 2013. Rodney Oldham was a panelist alongside four other State Coordinators who gave a presentation that highlighted the Resource Center and School Outreach Coordinator model. The session was entitled Strong, Successful, Statewide: Growing SRTS throughout the State. US Play Coalition Conference February 16-19, 2014 Clemson, South Carolina Resource Center staff presented a session titled Walking School Buses, Bike Rodeos and BOW WOWs: Innovative Strategies to Encourage Children to Walk and Bicycle Safely at the US Play Coalition Conference at Clemson University. Pro Walk Pro Bike Pro Place Conference September 8-11, 2014 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania South Carolina SRTS and its Resource Center was selected to lead a peer-topeer session at the Pro Walk Pro Bike conference. The discussion focused on how to increase International Walk to School Day participation, and the tactics that helped earn SC the highest rate of participation in the country for a second year in a row. N AT I O N A L 6 Conferences Roundtop Elementary (Blythewood, SC) hosted a Safety Assessment with the Resource Center. As a result of the Travel Plan process, Sterling School (Greenville, SC) received a $25,000 grant from State Farm Insurance to implement safety improvements around their campus. One of the funded projects included this new crosswalk. SAFETY ASSESSMENTS 6th grade students at Ebenezer Avenue Elementary (Rock Hill, SC) participated in the school’s SRTS Safety Assessment as a part of a class project about safety. Over the past five years, the Resource Center has helped to facilitate 98 Walk Audits (also known as Safety Assessments or Walk Assessments). Walk Audits are also done as part of travel planning or the action planning process. Walk Audits bring together various stakeholders to discuss barriers to safe routes, traffic concerns, and general safety related issues to walking and bicycling to school. The group observes arrival and dismissal at the school and assesses pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure on campus, in the school zone, and along key pedestrian and bicycle routes. A Walk Audit provides stakeholders with a better understanding of the barriers to safe routes and the opportunities to pursue to make walking and bicycling a safer and more enjoyable option for students. 7 South Carolina Safe T R AV E L PLAN A S S I S TA N C E Travel Plan assistance is provided to selected schools that demonstrate a need and desire for short and long-term Safe Routes to School strategies through the development of an organized plan backed by research, and community involvement and support.The Resource Center staff including school outreach coordinators, planners and designers, worked with local community teams in geographically diverse area to develop 6 school Travel Plans in 2013 and 2014.Three schools were chosen to receive assistance during the 2012-2013 school year and 3 additional schools during the 2013-2014 school year. 2013 Travel Plan Recipients Ford Elementary School, Laurens Burton Pack Elementary School, Columbia Beaufort Elementary, Beaufort 8 2014 Travel Plan Recipients W. Conder Arts Integrated Magnet School, Columbia Palmetto Middle School, Williamston; Oakbrook Middle School, Ladson S TAT E W I D E Spring Valley High School in Columbia 120 Sparkleberry Lane, Columbia SC 29229 June 18, 2015 The South Carolina Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program and its Resource Center held its first statewide SRTS Forum on Thursday, June 18, 2015.This one-day event included plenary and breakout sessions for a broad audience of SRTS stakeholders. Sessions covered topics such as bicycle and pedestrian safety education, ways to enhance SRTS programs, and infrastructure planning and strategies. 96.6% of respondents would be interested in attending a Statewide Forum next year. South Carolina Routes to School Statewide FORUM FORUM Loved the vendors! he Bike joyed t n e y ll ia was I espec ssion. It e s s t n t Eve n abou Safety to lear g in t s a e r os nd so inte e Rode ik B , s r s and aile Bike Tr el “Bike v o n e lly th llent!!!” especia m. Exce a r g o r p Books” “How to pla n - PA t eache a SRTS eve r did a nt job pr great ovidin g exper her pe ien rs Usefu ce at her s onal c l to he ar ver hool. examp y spec les.” ific 95.8% found the of respondents ional. sessions educat TAP program apply now! “Got some program ide as, learned abou t potential funding oppo rtunities, and heard about what other counties are doing.” Great Lunch Keynote Speaker - super summary and nice to hear about national projects" 9 WALK AND ROLL TO SCHOOL DAY All students at WG Sanders Middle participated in their SC Walk to School Day event in 2014. Students and faculty members walked at various times throughout the day. The photo shows students sporting their school t-shirts while walking the perimeter of the school. 10 The SC SRTS Coordinator and the Resource Center established the first ever SC Walk and Roll to School Day (WTSD) event in 2012. This annual event occurs on the first Wednesday of March. Registration is housed on the Resource Center’s website (www. and opens in January of each year. School Outreach Coordinators provide event support and incentive items such as bracelets and stickers to award student participation. In 2014, there were 184 registered events. These registrations reported an estimated statewide participation of 79,834 students. In 2015, 219 events took place. Schools reported more than 80,000 children participated. Referring to Resource: The Resource Center surveyed schools over the summer of 2013 about the need for educational resources. The top response, with 56% of respondents, indicated a high level of interest in implementing an indoor/outdoor scavenger hunt. Resource Center staff developed a Safety Scavenger Hunt resource for schools to use with walk AT school events and launched it in conjunction with SC WTSD 2014. Walk and Bike to School Day Events Broken Down by Year TOTAL 1302 738 159 W A L K T O S C H O O L D AY 11 I N T E R N AT I O N A L Walk To School Day International Walk to School Day (iWalk) International Walk to School Day is an annual event that takes place on Wednesday of the first full week in October. School iWalk organizers register their events at The Resource Center staff helps schools with planning their events and updates schools and event organizers about opportunities and event ideas. SC SRTS and its Resource Center provide incentive items such as bracelets, stickers, or bookmarks. Luther Vaughan Elementary (Gaffney, SC) celebrates International Walk to School Day 2014. International Walk to School Day Facebook Contest In 2013, the Resource Center launched an annual International Walk to School Day Photo Contest. Schools submit their photos to the School Outreach Coordinators, and the photos are posted to the Resource Center Facebook page during the first full week of November. People then click on the school’s photo that they like. The photo that earns the most likes and email votes receives a prize basket. The winning photo is also used as the cover picture on the Resource Center’s Facebook page for an entire year. Forty-six photos were submitted to the contest in 2013 and received 901 total likes. The contest was responsible for garnering 98 new page likes within five days of the photos being posted. Ninety photos were submitted for the contest in 2014 and received a total of 1,032 likes. The contest generated 102 new likes for the Facebook page in five days. In 2015, 912 votes were cast with 41 new page likes generated. The National Center’s International Walk to School Day 2014 Annual Report ranked South Carolina as the state with the highest rate of event participation – with one in every four public elementary and middle schools participating! 12 Over the summer of 2014, Resource Center staff created a Bike Rodeo Manual for schools and community organizations interested in planning bicycle rodeo events. The manual was created in partnership with Safe Kids Trident Area. It includes FAQs, materials needed, a planning checklist, and station descriptions. The Team condensed the information into a six-page, easy-to-use document. Pepperhill Elementary Bike Rodeo 2014 North Vista Elementary (Florence, SC) celebrates National Bike to School Day each year by hosting a Bicycle Rodeo during their school day with the Florence Police Department, Safe Kids Pee Dee, and the Resource Center. Pendleton Elementary and Riverside Middle, Pendleton | Anderson School District 4 encouraged all schools in the district to participate with South Carolina Walk to School Day 2014. Clemson students and athletes, community members from Pendleton Pride in Motion, and law enforcement officers escorted students to Pendleton Elementary and Riverside Middle Schools from park and walk meeting locations in the town center. In t er na t i o n a l S o uth Ca ro l in a WALK TO SCHOOL DAY WALK TO SCHOOL DAY 800 1302 738 700 600 2012 500 2013 400 2014 2015 300 210 277 336 343 200 147 188 184 219 TOTAL 100 2012 2013 2014 2015 TOTAL 0 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 TOTAL TOTAL 13 MC Riley Elementary pulled out all of the stops for their Annual Bike Rodeo. Their school mascot participated and military volunteers helped show students how to safely ride bicycles. 14 N ATI ONAL BIKE & WALK to School Day National Bike to School Day (BTSD) takes place on Wednesday of the first full week in May which is Bike Month. Schools register their events at, and the Resource Center staff monitors new registrations on a weekly basis leading up to the event and throughout Bike Month. School Outreach Coordinators help schools plan their events and deliver incentive items such as stickers or bookmarks. In 2012, South Carolina had 23 schools register to participate in Bike to School Day (BTSD). That number increased to 55 schools registered in 2015. BTSD event registrations have increased by 139% since 2012, with the help of the Resource Center. Sout h C a ro l i n a BIKE TO SCHOOL DAY Referring to Resource: Over the summer of 2014, Resource Center staff created a Bike Rodeo Manual for schools and community organizations interested in planning bicycle rodeo events. The manual was created in partnership with Safe Kids Trident Area. It includes FAQs, materials needed, a planning checklist, and station descriptions. The Team condensed the information into a six-page, easy-to-use document which is located on our website under “Resources” and then “Encouragement” tab. 159 159 49 55 32 23 2012 2013 2014 2015 TOTAL Moultrie Middle School International Walk to School day 2013 15 Pine Street Elementary (Spartanburg, SC) held a ribbon cutting ceremony to unveil new infrastructure improvements funded by the SRTS program in 2013. The school and community had a plaque installed to recognize retired PE Teacher, Jane Abbott, for her work and dedication to this effort. Drayton Hall Elementary (Charleston, SC)Bike to School Day 2015 Pepperhill Elementary (North Charleston, SC) Bike Rodeo 2013 National Bike to School Day 2012 at Red Cedar Elementary (Bluffton, SC) 16 The Carolina Panthers mascot attended Oakland Elementary’s International Walk to School Day event in 2012 (Inman, SC) LEFT: Crossing Guard, Ms. Wynetta Thomas, Sandlapper Elementary, Columbia, SC is accompanied by her peers from the Richland County Sheriff ’s Department. She received a certificate of appreciation from SRTS and the school presented her flowers. BELOW: Crossing Guard Resrouces. Thank you cards and Tip cards. The South Carolina ool utes to Schr o R Safe ente C e rc u so Re gural South red the inau reciation o ns o sp ly App proud ssing Guard 17-21, Carolina Crot was held November ols ho en Sc . ev Week. The ovember 16-20, 2015 to use 2014 and N ities were encouraged gnize and commun ng celebration to reco helping this week-lo ossing guards play in cycle cr d bi the role thatts safe as they walk an ed to keep studen Schools were encourag ing to school! eir Outstanding Cross nominate th r special recognition. Guards fo RIGHT: Crosswell Drive Elementary, in Sumter, celebrated all three of their crossing guards by presenting them with homemade gift baskets and thank you cards. C R O S S I N G G U A R D A P P R E C I AT I O N 17 OUTREACH School Outreach Coordinators are responsible for communicating with the schools and community friends in their territories. These communications happen via emails, phone calls, in-person meetings, presentations, trainings, events and more. On the following page are some pictures of programs and Safe Routes strategies happening throughout the state that the Outreach team supports or initiated. ABOVE PHOTOS: Left: One of the Upstate’s Partner Schools donated these fun Safety Photo Booth props to the Resource Center. The Upstate School Outreach Coordinator uses these at community fairs and open house events at schools. Middle: Four schools in Rock Hill have worked with the Resource Center to schedule training for their Safety Patrol members. In this picture, the Resource Center partnered with Safe Kids York County and the Rock Hill Police Department to offer this education opportunity to Rosewood Elementary International school Safety Patrols. Right: The Resource Center helped plan three ribbon cutting events in the fall of 2013 for schools unveiling their SCDOT SRTS infrastructure grant-funded projects. Here is Augusta Circle Elementary, in Greenville, announcing the grand opening of their new sidewalk. C O M M U N I C AT I O N 18 RESOURCES The resources below are a select sampling of over 50 resources available on the Resource Center website and created since the Resource Center was created. Newsletter The Resource Center sends monthly newsletters via email to contacts and schools in the Safe Routes to School program database. After they are sent, the newsletters are uploaded to the newsletter archive found on the website where people can review them. Facebook The Resource Center manages a Facebook page to post pictures, event information, learning opportunities, and funding information in a timely manner. SAFE TY PA TROL PL EDGE I, ______ ______ ______ _____, Serve (Print name) promise as always Demons a role model to do my best to: Arrive trate safe beh for others on tim Strive e to per aviors to Report improve tranform my dut ies uns sporta afe Be res tion safe pectful behaviors ty Follow to tea chers, all inst staff, and ruction ______ ___ s and policie my fellow Signatur ____________ stu s dents e ______ __ ______ _____ Dat I, ______ TY PA TROL PL EDGE ______ ______ _____, (Print name Serve promise ) as always Demons a role model to do my best to: Arrive trate safe beh for others on tim Strive e to per aviors to Report improve tranform my dut ies Be res unsafe behavio sportation pectful safety Follow to tea rs che all inst ruction rs, staff, and ______ s and ______ my fello pol ___ icies w studen Signatur ______ ______ e ts __ ______ _____ TY PA TROL PL SAFETY PA Pocket TROL Gu and Ple ide dge SAFETY PA Pocket TROL Gu and Ple ide dge EDGE ______ ______ _____, (Print name Serve promise ) as always Demons a role model to do my best to: Arrive trate safe beh for others on tim Strive e to per aviors to Report improve tranform my dut ies Be res unsafe behavio sportation pectful safety Follow to tea rs che all inst ruction rs, staff, and ______ s and ______ my fello pol ______ icies w studen Signatur ______ e ts _____ ______ _____ SAFE I, ______ So Caroutlinh a SAFETY PATROL Date SAFE I, ______ So Caroutlinh a SAFETY PATROL e SAFE TY PA TROL PL Date So Caroutlinh a SAFETY PATROL SAFETY PA Pocket TROL Gu and Ple ide dge EDGE ______ ______ _____, (Print name Serve promise ) as always Demons a role model to do my best to: Arrive trate safe beh for others on tim Strive e to per aviors to Report improve tranform my dut ies Be res unsafe behavio sportation pectful safety Follow to tea rs che all inst ruction rs, staff, and ______ s and ______ my fellow policie ______ Signatur studen s ______ e ts _____ ______ _____ Date So Caroutlinh a SAFETY PATROL SAFETY PA Pocket TROL Gu and Ple ide dge Website The website is updated on an ongoing basis by highlighting upcoming events and promotions, adding newly enrolled School Partners and Community Friends to the list of partners, adding items to the event calendar, and performing bi-annual website audits in order to repair any broken links and update resources. 19 RESOURCE CENTER M AT E R I A L S 20 Key R e s o u rc e Ce nte r ACHIEVEMENTS KEY RESOURCE CENTER ACHIEVEMENTS Securing 400 School Partners in diverse geographical areas of South Carolina and throughout 61 school districts and 111 cities and towns Completing 19 Comprehensive School Travel Plans for schools and their communities to carry out and sustain local SRTS initiatives Conducting 98 walk audit/safety assessments at schools throughout the state. Assisting with observing arrival and dismissal, analyzing walking and bicycling routes, and establishing goals and identifying strategies and opportunities for improved safety and increased participation in walking and biking to school Continuing South Carolina Walk and Roll to School Day annually each March. SC SRTS marked the fourth annual event with 219 schools participating Providing 69 trainings for educators and students in SRTS-related programs Introducing the first South Carolina Crossing Guard Appreciation week in November 2014 with an Outstanding Crossing Guard nomination opportunity and materials to support agencies, schools, and their crossing guards Delivering more than 675 SRTS-related presentations from 2011 - 2015 Co-delivered a session with the SC SRTS Coordinator at the National Pro Bike Pro Walk Pro Place Conference in 2014. The SC SRTS Coordinator was a panel participant for the Resource Center session at the National SRTS Conference in 2013 21 AWA R D S A N D M E D I A R E L AT I O N S 22 O U T S TA N D I N G F R I E N D S The Resource Center partners with community organizations called Friends of Safe Routes to School. Those Friends that have gone the extra mile to help promote the Safe Routes to School program and its Resource Center and have also had positive effects on our School Partners may be nominated for the Outstanding Community Friend designation. A certificate is provided to those organizations and they are featured on the Resource Center website. Boeing Center for Childrens Wellness The Childrens Museum of the Upstate The City of Columbia’s Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee DHEC Lowcountry Region Eat Smart Move More Charleston Tri-County Eat Smart Move More Kershaw County Eat Smart Move More York County LiveWell Greenville The North Charleston Police Bike Team Palmetto Health Office of Community Health Partners for Active Living Safe Kids Sumter County Safe Kids Trident Safe Kids Upstate South Carolina Office of Healthy Schools The Spartanburg Police Department Upstate Forever 23 Partners Broken Down by Level PLATINUM 1 Oakbrook Middle, Ladson GOLD 21 SILVER 129 PLATINUM PARTNERS BRONZE 249 New Partners GOLD PARTNERS Augusta Circle Elementary, Greenville Beaufort Elementary, Beaufort Blythe Academy, Greenville Brook Glenn Elementary, Taylors Burton Pack Elementary, Columbia Daniel Island School, Charleston East North Street Academy, Greenville Ebenezer Avenue Elementary, Rock Hill Jesse Boyd Elementary, Spartanburg L. W. Conder Elementary, Columbia Lewis Greenview Elementary, Columbia Lone Oak Elementary, Spartanburg Monaview Elementary, Greenville Moultrie Middle, Mt. Pleasant North Charleston Elementary, North Charleston North Vista Elementary, Florence Palmetto Middle, Williamston Pine Street Elementary, Spartanburg Plain Elementary, Simpsonville Red Cedar Elementary, Bluffton PA R T N E R S 24 SILVER PARTNERS A. C. Corcoran Elementary, North Charleston A. C. Moore Elementary, Columbia A.J. Whittenberg Elementary, Greenville Aiken Middle, Aiken Ambler Elementary, Pickens Anderson Mill Elementary, Moore Andrews Elementary, Andrews Annie Burnside Elementary, Columbia Ballentine Elementary, Irmo Beech Hill Elementary, Summerville Bethel-Hanberry Elementary, Blythewood Blaney Elementary, Elgin Bluffton Elementary, Bluffton Blythewood Middle, Blythewood Boiling Springs Intermediate, Boiling Springs Bridge Creek Elementary, Elgin Briggs Elementary, Florence Bryson Elementary, Simpsonville Buffalo Elementary, Buffalo Camden Elementary, Camden Carlisle-Foster’s Grove Elementary, Chesnee Carver-Lyon Elementary, Columbia Caughman Road Elementary, Columbia Center for Inquiry, Columbia Chapin Elementary, Chapin Charles B. Dubose Middle, Summerville Chastain Road Elementary School, Liberty Cherrydale Elementary, Greenville Chicora Elementary, North Charleston Cleveland Elementary, Spartanburg Clifdale Elementary, Spartanburg Conway Elementary, Conway Cottageville Elementary, Cottageville Cowpens Elementary, Cowpens Crosswell Drive Elementary, Sumter Davis Early Childhood Center for Technology, Cayce Denmark-Olar Elementary, Denmark Dobys Bridge Elementary, Fort Mill Doby’s Mill Elementary, Lugoff Dover Elementary, North Drayton Hall Elementary, Charleston Duncan Chapel Elementary, Greenville East Aiken School of the Arts, Aiken East Elementary, DillonEbinport Elementary, Rock Hill Edmund A. Burns Elementary, Charleston Ford Elementary School, Laurens Fountain Inn Elementary, Fountain Inn Gateway Elementary, Travelers Rest Gold Hill Elementary, Fort Mill Grove Elementary, Piedmont H. E. Corley Elementary, Irmo Hand Middle, Columbia Hendrix IB World School, Boiling Springs Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary, Campobello Houston Elementary School, Spartanburg Independence Elementary, Rock Hill India Hook Elementary, Rock Hill Inman Elementary, Inman Jackson School, Camden James Simons Elementary, Charleston Jennie Moore Elementary, Mount Pleasant John P. Thomas Elementary, Columbia Kensington Elementary, Georgetown Killian Elementary, Columbia Kinard Elementary, Clover Knightsville Elementary, Summerville LaFrance Elementary, Pendleton Lambs Elementary, North Charleston Langford Elementary, Blythewood League Academy, Greenville Leaphart Elementary, Columbia Legacy Charter School, Greenville Logan Elementary, Columbia Lonnie B. Nelson Elementary, Columbia Lyman Elementary, Lyman Malcolm C. Hursey Elementary, North Charleston Manning Early Childhood Center, Manning Manning Primary, Manning Mary H Wright Elementary, Spartanburg Matilda Dunston Elementary, North Charleston Mellichamp Elementary, Orangeburg Mitchell Elementary, Charleston Monarch Elementary, Simpsonville Monarch Elementary, Union Mt. Lebanon Elementary, Pendleton Murray Lasaine Elementary, Charleston New Prospect Elementary, Inman North Springs Elementary, Columbia Nursery Road Elementary, Columbia Oak Grove Elementary, Lexington Monarch Elementary, Simpsonville Monarch Elementary, Union Mt. Lebanon Elementary, Pendleton Murray Lasaine Elementary, Charleston New Prospect Elementary, Inman North Springs Elementary, Columbia Nursery Road Elementary, Columbia Oak Grove Elementary, Lexington BRONZE PARTNERS Alice Drive Middle, Sumter Alma Elementary, Gaffney Alston Middle, Summerville Angel Oak Elementary, Johns Island Anna Boyd School, Columbia Armstrong Elementary, Greenville Ashley River Creative Arts, Charleston Bamberg Ehrhardt Middle, Bamberg Barnwell Elementary, Barnwell Beaufort Middle, Beaufort Belle Hall Elementary, Mt. Pleasant Bells Elementary, Ruffin Belton Elementary, Belton Berkeley Middle, Moncks Corner Blessed Sacrament Catholic School, Charleston Blue Eagle Academy, Clover Boiling Springs Elementary, Boiling Springs Boundary Street Elementary, Newberry Brennen Elementary, Columbia Brockington Elementary, Timmonsville Brockman Elementary, Columbia Burke Middle, Charleston C. E. Williams Middle School for Creative and Scientific Arts, Charleston C. C. Blaney Elementary, Hollywood Cambridge Academy, Greenwood Camden Middle, Camden Campobello-Gramling School, Chesnee Cane Bay Elementary, Summerville Cannons Elementary, Spartanburg Carolina Elementary, Hartsville Carver Middle, Spartanburg Catawba Trail Elementary, Elgin Cedar Grove Elementary, Williamston Charles Pinckney Elementary, Mt. Pleasant Claude A. Taylor Elementary, Cayce Clemson Elementary, Clemson Clinton Elementary, Lancaster College Park Elementary, Ladson Congaree Elementary, West Columbia Cooley Springs-Fingerville Elementary, Chesnee Crossroads Middle, Columbia Devon Forest Elementary, Goose Creek Douglas Elementary, Trenton E. B. Ellington Elementary, Ravenel East End Elementary-Easley, Easley Fairfield Elementary, Winnsboro Fairforest Elementary, Spartanburg Fair-Oak Elementary, Westminster Felton Laboratory School, Orangeburg Finley Road Elementary, Rock Hill Flowertown Elementary, Summerville Forest Heights Elementary, Columbia Forest Hills Elementary, Walterboro Fork Shoals Elementary, Pelzer Fort Dorchester Elementary, Summerville Fort Mill Elementary, Fort Mill Foster Park Elementary, Union Gaffney Middle, Gaffney Georgetown Middle, Georgetown Gregg Middle School, Summerville Hannah-Pamplico Elementary and Middle, Pamplico Harbison West Elementary, Columbia Harbor View Elementary, Charleston Hardeeville Elementary, Hardeeville Hardeeville-Ridgeland Middle, Hardeeville Hendersonville Elementary, Walterboro Heritage Elementary, Travelers Rest High Hills Elementary, Sumter Hilton Head Island International Baccalaureate Elementary, Hilton Head Island 25 BRONZE PARTNERS (cont’d) Hilton Head Island Middle, Hilton Head Island Hilton Head Island School for the Creative Arts, Hilton Head Island Howe Hall AIMS School, Goose Creek Hughes Academy of Science and Technology, Greenville Hunley Park Elementary, North Charleston Hyatt Park Elementary, Columbia Inman Intermediate, Inman Irmo Elementary, Irmo Irmo Middle, Irmo James Island Elementary, Charleston James Island Middle, Charleston Jane Edwards Elementary, Edisto Island Johnson Middle, Timmonsville Joseph R. Pye Elementary, Ladson Joseph S. Shanklin Elementary, Beaufort Kelly Edwards Elementary, Williston Kingston Elementary, Conway Ladson Elementary, Ladson Lake Carolina Elementary, Blythewood Lake Forest Elementary, Greenville Lake Murray Elementary, Chapin Lakeview Elementary, Greenwood Lakewood Elementary, Myrtle Beach Landrum Middle, Landrum Larne Elementary, Clover Laurel Hill Primary, Mt. Pleasant Lee Central Middle, Bishopville Lemira Elementary, Sumter Lexington Elementary School, Lexington Lexington Middle, Lexington Little Mountain Elementary, Little Mountain Lockhart School, Lockhart Longleaf Middle, Blythewood Lucy T. Davis Elementary, Florence Lugoff Elementary, Lugoff Lugoff-Elgin Middle, Lugoff Luther Vaughan Elementary, Gaffney M C Riley Elementary, Bluffton Macedonia Elementary, Blackville Manchester Elementary, Pinewood Marrington Elementary, Goose Creek 26 Marshall Elementary, Orangeburg Maryville Elementary, Georgetown Mayo Elementary, Mayo McCarthy/Teszler Learning Center, Spartanburg McCracken Middle School, Spartanburg McDonald Elementary, Georgetown Meadow Glen Middle, Lexington Meeting Street Academy, Charleston Meeting Street Academy, Spartanburg Mid-Carolina Middle, Prosperity Midland Park Primary, Charleston Midway Elementary, Lexington Mill Creek Elementary, Columbia Millwood Elementary, Sumter Minnie Hughes Elementary, Hollywood Montessori Academy of Spartanburg, Spartanburg Mossy Creek Elementary, North Augusta Mossy Oaks Elementary, Beaufort Mount Holly Elementary, Rock Hill Mt. Pleasant Academy, Mt. Pleasant Muller Road Middle, Blythewood Myrtle Beach Intermediate, Myrtle Beach Newberry Elementary, Newberry Newington Elementary, Summerville Ninety Six Elementary, Ninety Six North Aiken Elementary School, Aiken North Middle High School, North North Myrtle Beach Elementary, Little River North Myrtle Beach Middle, Little River North Walterboro Christian Academy, Walterboro Northside Elementary School for the Arts, Rock Hill Northwoods Middle, North Charleston Oak Pointe Elementary, Irmo Oakbrook Elementary, Ladson Oakdale Elementary, Rock Hill Oakland Elementary, Charleston Oakridge Middle, Clover Ocean Drive Elementary, North Myrtle Beach Okatie Elementary, Okatie Palmetto Elementary, Williamston Pauline Glenn Springs Elementary, Pauline Pickens Elementary, Pickens Pierce Terrace Elementary, Columbia Pine Tree Hill Elementary, Camden Pinehurst Elementary, North Charleston Pineview Elementary, West Columbia Pleasant Knoll Elementary, Fort Mill Port Royal Elementary, Port Royal Powdersville Middle, Greenville Pritchardville Elementary, Bluffton Prosperity-Rikard Elementary, Prosperity Reuben Elementary, Newberry Richard Carroll Elementary, Bamberg Ridgeland Elementary, Ridgeland River Ridge Elementary, Moore River Springs Elementary, Irmo Robert E. Howard Middle, Orangeburg Robert Smalls Middle, Beaufort Roebuck Elementary, Roebuck Rosemary Middle, Andrews Rosewood Elementary, Rock Hill Rudolph Gordon Elementary, Simpsonville Saluda Elementary, Saluda Saluda Trail Middle, Rock Hill Sanders Middle, Laurens Sanders-Clyde Elementary/Middle, Charleston Sandlapper Elementary, Columbia Sangaree Elementary, Summerville Sangaree Intermediate, Summerville Sangaree Middle, Ladson Satchel Ford Elementary, Columbia Scotts Branch Middle, Clarendon Sedgefield Intermediate, Goose Creek South Conway Elementary, Conway Southeast Middle School, Hopkins Southside Christian School, Simpsonville Spartanburg Charter School, Spartanburg Spartanburg Day School, Spartanburg Springfield Elementary, Charleston St. Andrews School of Math and Science, Charleston St. James Elementary, Myrtle Beach St. Matthews K-8 School, St. Matthews St. Paul Elementary, Summerton Sugar Creek Elementary, Fort Mill Sullivan Middle School, Rock Hill Sullivans Island Elementary, Mount Pleasant Summerton Early Childhood Center, Summerton Summerville Elementary, Summerville Summit Drive Elementary, Greenville T. E. Mabry Middle, Inman Tanglewood Middle, Greenville Taylors Elementary, Taylors Tega Cay Elementary, Tega Cay The Children’s School at Sylvia Circle, Rock Hill Thomas C. Cario Middle, Mt. Pleasant Townville Elementary, Townville W Herbert Chapman Elementary, Spartanburg Wallace Gregg Elementary, Florence Ware Shoals Elementary, Ware Shoals Ware Shoals Junior High, Ware Shoals West Hartsville Elementary, Hartsville Westminster Elementary, Westminster Westview Elementary, Goose Creek Wateree Elementary, Lugoff Whale Branch Elementary, Seabrook Whitlock Flexible Learning Center, Spartanburg Whittaker Elementary, Orangeburg William M. Reeves Elementary, Summerville Williams Middle, Florence Williston-Elko Middle, Williston Willow Drive Elementary, Sumter Windsor Hill Arts Infused Elementary, North Charleston Woodland Heights Elementary, Spartanburg Woodruff Primary, Woodruff Wren Elementary, Piedmont Wren Middle, Piedmont York Middle,York Zucker Middle School of Science, North Charleston U P S TAT E 1,449 Meetings with schools and community members 938 Walk to School Day and Bike to School Day events 247 Safe Routes to School presentations 38 SRTS-related trainings 109 Sets Of Student Travel Tallies Collected 46 Sets Of Parent Surveys Conducted 74 Safety Education Events 44 School Safety Assessments 21 SRTS comprehensive plans drafted Through a grant from LiveWell Greenville, Duncan Chapel Elementary developed a SRTS Travel Plan with help from Upstate Forever. Duncan Chapel was awarded a SCDOT infrastructure grant in 2014 and the SC SRTS Coodinator announced the grant award at their International Walk to School Day pep rally. 27 MIDLANDS 533 Walk to School Day and Bike to School Events 1,255 Meetings with schools and community members 191 Safe Routes to School presentations 9 SRTS-related trainings 109 Sets of Student Travel Tailies collected 29 Sets of Parent Surveys conducted 45 Safety Education events 39 School Safety Assessments 7 SRTS comprehensive plans drafted In 2013, Columbia’s Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee partnered with the Resource Center to host the first annual Columbia Bicycle Skills Clinic and Family Fun Ride. The event has now become a part of the American Diabetes Association Tour De Cure. 28 L O W C O U N T RY 1st PLATINUM partner 1,297 Meetings with schools and community members 154 Safe Routes to School presentations 22 SRTS-related trainings Springdale Elementary 10,000+ Students have participated in a Bike Rodeo 737 Safety Education Events 12 School Safety Assessments 6 SRTS comprehensive plans drafted 35+ Annual Safety events at Lowcountry schools creating sustainable programs Red Cedar Elementary’s National Bike to School Day 29 4-H of Lexington and Richland Counties, Lexington Active Gamecocks, Columbia Aiken Department of Public Safety, Aiken Aiken Regional Medical Centers, Aiken Alta Planning + Design, Greenville American Diabetes Association-Columbia, Columbia Anderson County District 4, Anderson Anderson County Roads & Bridges Department, Anderson Appalachian COG, Greenville Barnwell County Healthy Communities Network, Barnwell BCD COG, Charleston Because of BRAYDEN, Summerville Bike Walk Greenville, Greenville BlueChoice Health Plan SC, Columbia Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Carolina, Barnwell Building Dreams Bike Clubs, Greenville Carolina Children’s Garden, Columbia Carolina Pedestrians, Charleston Carolinas Healthcare System, Rock Hill Catawba Regional COG, Rock Hill Charleston Co. Medical Society, Charleston Charleston Co. EMS, Charleston Charleston Co. School District, Charleston Charleston County Parks and Rec, Charleston Charleston Moves, North Charleston Charleston Planning Department, Charleston Charleston Southern University Charleston Traffic and Transportation, Charleston Charleston Youth Marathon, Charleston Chartwells School Dining Services, Spartanburg Columbia Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Columbia Columbia SC Youth Marathon, Columbia Community Open Land Trust, Lexington Daniel Island Rotary Club, Daniel Island DHEC Region 6 Nursing, Conway DHEC Region 6 Public Health, Kingstree DHEC Region 7 EQC, Charleston DHEC Region 7 Health Education, Charleston DHEC Region 8, Beaufort Dorchester Emergency Medical Services Dorchester 2 Wellness Program, Summerville EdVenture Children’s Museum, Columbia ESMM Aiken County, Aiken ESMM Anderson County, Anderson ESMM Charleston Tri-County Coalition, Mount Pleasant ESMM Cherokee County, Gaffney ESMM Colleton Co. Coalition, Walterboro ESMM Greenwood County, Greenwood ESMM Horry County, Myrtle Beach ESMM Kershaw County, Camden ESMM Lowcountry Coalition, Hardeeville ESMM Newberry County, Newberry ESMM of York County, Rock Hill ESMM Richland County, Columbia ESMM SC, Columbia Family YMCA of Greater Laurens, Laurens Farm to School Program, Columbia GenMove, Charleston GET FIT Program, Greenwood GHS Children’s Advocacy, Greenville Good For You Spartanburg, Spartanburg Goodwill Industries of Lowcountry, North Charleston Goose Creek Planning Dept, Goose Creek Greater Inman Chamber of Commerce, Inman Greenville County First Steps, Greenville Greenville Health Department, Greenville Greenville-Pickens Area Transportation Study (GPATS), Greenville Greenwood District 51/Ware Shoals, Ware Shoals Greenwood Planning Department, Greenwood Hawley USA, Lexington Healthy Learners, Columbia Healthy Palmetto, Columbia Hilton Head Island Middle School PTA, Hilton Head Horry Co. School District, Conway It’s Your Health, Take Charge!, Columbia Junior Docs of Health, Charleston Kershaw County School District, Camden FRIENDS OF THE RESOURCE CENTER 30 Landrum High School, Landrum Lean Team, Charleston Lexington County Health Partners, Lexington Lexington County School District 2, West Columbia Lexington County Sheriff’s Department, Lexington LiveWell Clover, Clover LiveWell Greenville, Greenville LiveWell Kershaw, Camden Louie’s Kids, Charleston Manley Planning, Greenville Mary Black Foundation, Spartanburg Mt. Pleasant Planning Department, Mt. Pleasant Mt. Pleasant Police Bike Team, Mt. Pleasant MUSC Injury and Violence Prevention, Charleston Newberry County School District, Newberry Northwest Recreation Center, Spartanburg Operation Lifesaver Palmetto Conservation Foundation, Columbia Palmetto Cycling Coalition, Columbia Palmetto Half Marathon, Columbia Parents Guild of O’Quinn School, Charleston Partners for Active Living, Greenville Pendleton Pride in Motion, Pendleton Richland County Government, Columbia Rock Hill Bike Club, Rock Hill Safe Kids Aiken County, Aiken Safe Kids Anderson County, Anderson Safe Kids Kershaw County, Camden Safe Kids Lakelands, Greenwood Safe Kids Lowcountry, Walterboro Safe Kids Midlands, Columbia Safe Kids Orangeburg, Bamberg and Calhoun Counties, Orangeburg Safe Kids Pee Dee, Florence Safe Kids Spartanburg County, Spartanburg Safe Kids Statewide, Columbia Safe Kids Sumter County, Sumter Safe Kids Trident Area, Charleston Safe Kids Upstate, Greenville Safe Kids York County, Rock Hill SC After School Alliance, Columbia SC Alliance of YMCAs, Columbia SC DHEC Breathe Better, Columbia SC DHEC Champions of the Environment, Columbia SC DHEC Division of Injury and Violence Prevention, Columbia SC DHEC Office of Healthy Schools, Columbia Self Regional Healthcare, Greenwood Southside Unity in the Community, Spartanburg Spartanburg Childhood Obesity Taskforce, Spartanburg Spartanburg Police Department, Spartanburg St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church Preschool Program, Lexington Step Up Laurens, Laurens Sumter County Active Lifestyles, Sumter Sustainable Midlands, Columbia Tega Cay Elementary PTO Healthy Titans, Tega Cay The Children’s Museum of the Upstate, Greenville The U.S. National Physical Activity Plan Think First Columbia Chapter Babcock Center Town of HHI Bicycle Advisory Committee, Hilton Head Island Town of Summerville Bike/Ped Committee, Summerville Town of Williamston, Williamston Trek Bicycle Store of Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant Trysports, Mount Pleasant US Play Coalition, Clemson University of South Carolina – Outdoor Recreation, Columbia Upstate Forever, Spartanburg York County Planning & Development, Rock Hill York County Public Works,York County 31 32