suppression of pool fires by water mist in
suppression of pool fires by water mist in
SUPPRESSION OF POOL FIRES BY WATER MIST IN ENCLOSURES MEENAKSHI GUPTA DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI OCTOBER 2015 © Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), New Delhi, 2015 SUPPRESSION OF POOL FIRES BY WATER MIST IN ENCLOSURES by Meenakshi Gupta Department of Mechanical Engineering Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI OCTOBER 2015 …………….dedicated to my family ii CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled "Suppression Enclosures" being submitted by Ms. Meenakshi of Pool Fires by Water Mist in Gupta to Indian Institude of Technology Delhi for award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, is a record of original bonafide research work carried out by her. She has worked under our guidance and supervision, and has fulfilled the requirements for the submission of this thesis, which has attained the standard required for a Ph.D. degree of this institute. The results presented in this thesis have not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree or diploma. Dr Sunil R. Kale Dr Anjan Ray Professor, Professor Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institue of Technology Delhi Indian Institue of Technology Delhi Date: 07 OGTos ER. 2015 Place: New Delhi iii Acknowledgements The work presented here is carried out at Centre for Fire Explosives and Environment Safety (CFEES), Defence R&D Organisation, Ministry of Defence and I owe my sincere thanks to Director CFEES and all my colleagues who were involved with me at various staqes of this work. Thanks to all my project team members at CFEES, a special mention goes to Sh Rajesh Rajora, Sh Sandeep Dubey, Sh Ravishankar and Sh Sandeep Sahai for experimental support and Sh Sio Kumar for the art-work required for the thesis. My special thanks are also due to Sh J C Kapoor, ex Director CFEES for useful discussions and encouragement during my experimental study. I owe the greatest debt of gratitude and admiration to my mentors, professors and guides, Dr S R Kale and Dr Anjan Ray, for their valuable guidance, continuous support, patience and belief in me. I also wish to thank Ms. Akanksha Mathur and Ms. Ankita, research scholars at liT Delhi, who have helped me a lot during the course of my thesis work and presentations. I would like to thank my Husband, Dr. Sharat Chandra Agarwal and my sons, Arpit and Nitish, for their understanding and continuous support during my thesis work and study at home. It has not been easy and I could not have completed it without their love and encouragement. I wish to thank all those who have helped me directly or indirectly in this journey of my life. Finally, it's the God's grace and blessings that has given me the strength to complete this highest degree in the engineering disciple in my life. ~. (Meenakshi Gupta) iv Abstract The international ban on use of Halons as fire suppressants due to their adverse environmental impact has resulted in the development of water mist fire suppression technology. Based on a series of experiments, data has been generated to quantify the extinguishing performance of a mist in an enclosure. The experiments were conducted in three enclosures, viz.: (a) Scale-1: 1 m3 (1 x 1 x 1 m), (b) Scale-3: 39 m3 (3.5 x 3.4 x 3.3 m), and (c) Scale 5: 345 m3 (9.2 x 7.5 x 5 m) using two different types of twin fluid nozzles (operating pressure < 10 bar(g)). In Scale-1 enclosure, a pair of low capacity twin fluid nozzles of external mixing type (Type A) were used which generated a mist with DV50 ~ 23 µm and total discharge of 225 ml/min. A pool fire was generated with circular pan (65, 100, 125, 190 mm diameter) or 150 x 150 mm square pan; all with n-heptane. In Scale-3 and Scale-5 enclosures, a set of twin fluid nozzles (Type B) were used which internally mixes pressurized water with air and discharges through multiple orifices; the mist DV50 ~ 34 µm (SMD ~ 16 µm) and discharge rate 1.5 l/min. In Scale-3 enclosure, eight nozzles were mounted in a circular ring assembly placed centrally near the ceiling and fire was generated with a circular pan (300, 350, 550 and 650 mm diameter) with n-heptane; some experiments were with one pan and some with two pans. In Scale-5 enclosure, fifty-four nozzles were placed uniformly on grids installed near the ceiling and on the sides. Experiments were conducted with either one, two or three pool fires produced by burning Light diesel oil (LDO) or high speed diesel (HSD), in circular pans of diameters 350, 800 and 1460 mm. Temperatures were measured at several locations with thermocouples. Concentrations of O2, CO2 and CO were measured by sampling at 1/3rd the height below ceiling at the centre. Suppression performance has been quantified by a Fire Suppression Performance Index (FSPI). The data show that FSPI increases with increasing gas pressure for all fire locations in Scale-1 enclosure; the reason being decrease in Dv50 from 26.6 µm to 17.7 µm at 850 mm downstream for gas pressure 4 to 8 bar(g). In all the three enclosures, the suppression time decreases with the increase in fire size. Temperature profiles also show that if the fire pool diameter is doubled, the temperature decrease rate becomes higher by an order of magnitude. With air as atomizing medium, the extinguishing concentration of mist varied from 50-80 g/m3 for large fires (> 14 kW/m3) to 450-500 v g/m3 for smaller fires (< 1 kW/m3), depending on the fire-nozzle relative positions. When atomized with nitrogen, this concentration is less by 30–50 %. With multiple fires, an individual fire was extinguished at different times with obstructed fires taking the longest time. With ventilation, the extinguishment time for multiple pool fires was greater by about 10 %. Nitrogen as atomizing media, in lieu of air, reduced the extinguishing time by 40–50 % for multiple, obstructed, and ventilated fires. For a single fire (< 1 kW/m3) the extinguishment time with nitrogen is half that with air. Increase in pre-burn duration decreases the suppression time by up to 45 %, but as the fire size reduces, the performance enhancement due to increased pre-burn is less. Pulsing of mist reduced suppression time and water quantity by about 40–50 % at the optimum pulsing cycle (ON- OFF duration of 1.3 and 1.0 s, respectively), provided the mist discharge rate is sufficient enough to remove heat by evaporation in comparison with that generated for each ON duration. Fires with lower fire point fuel (e.g. n-heptane) are difficult to extinguish than those with higher values (e.g. light diesel oil). Rapid decrease rate of measured temperatures after the mist injection confirm the role of heat absorption from the hot gases and cooling of the flame as a major extinguishing mechanism. For larger fire sizes, only 22-29 % of heat removal from the enclosure was found to be enough to suppress the fire for nitrogen or air assisted mist indicating the role of other processes in fire suppression. Heat absorption (flame cooling) is the dominant mechanism for suppression of small fires while cooling and dilution of oxygen in the flame region are major contributors to suppression of large fires. The mist induces rapid mixing of hot and cold gas layers which resulted in faster reduction of the temperature difference between the upper and lower layers. A correlation between mist extinguishing concentration and the normalized fire size has been proposed which can be used for designing a total flooding water mist system. Keywords: Enclosure fire, Pool fire, Water mist, Twin fluid nozzle, Fire suppression, Total flooding, pulsed mist, extinguishment, mist system design vi CONTENTS Certificate ........................................................................................iii Acknowledgements ...................................................................................iv Abstract .........................................................................................v List of Figures ......................................................................................xiii List of Tables .......................................................................................xx Nomenclature ....................................................................................xxiii Symbols .....................................................................................xxv Subscript .....................................................................................xxv Abbreviations ................................................................................... xxvi 1. Introduction .........................................................................................1 1.1 Significance and overview......................................................................... 1 1.2 Fire in an enclosed space ......................................................................... 2 1.3 Fire fighting ............................................................................................... 4 1.4 Engineered water mist system .................................................................. 6 1.5 Objectives and scope of research ............................................................. 6 1.6 Organization of the thesis ......................................................................... 8 2. Pool fires and their extinguishment .....................................................9 2.1 Anatomy of a fire ....................................................................................... 9 2.2 Fire types ................................................................................................ 10 2.3 Pool fire ................................................................................................... 10 2.3.1 Flame character, shape and height ................................................... 11 2.3.2 Flame temperature and heat transfer in flames ................................. 14 2.3.3 Burning rate (or mass loss rate) and heat release rate ...................... 15 vii 2.3.4 Effects of enclosure ........................................................................... 19 2.4 Fire extinguishment ................................................................................. 22 2.5 Water mist characteristics and extinguishing mechanisms ..................... 24 2.5.1 Water mist generation and system configuration ............................... 24 2.5.2 Mist characteristics ............................................................................ 27 2.5.3 Mist characterization techniques........................................................ 30 2.5.4 Extinguishing mechanisms of a water mist ........................................ 31 2.5.5 Effects of an enclosure ...................................................................... 34 2.6 Summary ................................................................................................. 35 3. Literature review ...................................................................................36 3.1 Historical perspective .............................................................................. 36 3.2 Water mist characterization..................................................................... 37 3.3 Extinguishing mechanisms ...................................................................... 38 3.4 Factors affecting fire extinguishing performance ..................................... 43 3.4.1 Droplet size distribution ..................................................................... 44 3.4.2 Mist concentration or flux density....................................................... 51 3.4.3 Mixing and kinetic effects................................................................... 52 3.4.4 Fire size, fuel type and location ......................................................... 54 3.4.5 Effect of compartment size and geometrical configuration ................ 55 3.4.6 Water mist system characteristics ..................................................... 56 3.4.7 Water mist with additives ................................................................... 58 3.5 Mist system design and implementation ................................................. 58 3.6 Summary ................................................................................................. 60 3.7 Issues addressed in the present work ..................................................... 61 4. Methodology and experimental details ..............................................62 4.1 General methodology .............................................................................. 62 4.2 Experimental details ................................................................................ 63 4.2.1 Test enclosures ................................................................................. 63 viii 4.2.2 Nozzles .............................................................................................. 70 4.2.3 Liquid and gas supply systems .......................................................... 70 4.2.4 Nozzle arrangements......................................................................... 73 4.2.5 Pool fires............................................................................................ 75 4.2.6 Instrumentation .................................................................................. 76 4.3 Mist characterization ............................................................................... 81 4. 4 Control parameters and test matrix ......................................................... 83 4.4.1 Characterization of nozzles ............................................................... 83 4.4.2 Experiments in Scale-1 (1 m3) enclosure........................................... 85 4.4.3 Experiments in Scale-3 (39 m3) enclosure ......................................... 89 4.4.4 Experiments in Scale-5 (345 m3) enclosure ....................................... 90 4.5 Experimental procedure .......................................................................... 94 4.6 Fire suppression performance calculation............................................... 95 4.7 Uncertainty analysis ................................................................................ 96 4.7.1 General procedure ............................................................................. 97 4.7.2 Uncertainty analysis for gas-to-liquid mass flow rate ratio (GLR) ...... 98 4.7.3 Uncertainty estimation in FSPI......................................................... 100 4.7.4 Uncertainty analysis for temperature measurements....................... 101 4.8 Summary .............................................................................................. 103 5. Mist characterization ..........................................................................104 5.1 Type-A nozzle ............................................................................................ 104 5.1.1 Gas-to-liquid mass ratio (GLR) ........................................................ 104 5.1.2 Droplet size distribution ................................................................... 105 5.1.3 Droplets velocity distribution ............................................................ 111 5.1.4 Spray cone angle ............................................................................. 111 5.2 Type-B nozzle ............................................................................................ 113 5.2.1 Gas-to-liquid mass ratio (GLR) ........................................................ 114 ix 5.2.2 Droplet size distribution ................................................................... 116 5.2.3 Spray cone angle ............................................................................. 123 5.2.4 Droplet velocity measurements........................................................ 123 5.2.5 Discharge coefficient ....................................................................... 123 5.2.6 Mist characterisics for Scale-3 enclosure ........................................ 123 5.2.7 Mist characterisics for Scale-5 enclosure ........................................ 124 5.3 Summary ............................................................................................... 126 6. Results of experiments in Scale-1 (1 m3) enclosure.......................127 6.1 Dry runs ................................................................................................ 127 6.2 Effect of atomizing gas pressures ......................................................... 129 6.2.1 Fire suppression time ...................................................................... 129 6.2.2 Temperature profiles........................................................................ 132 6.2.3 Gas concentration profiles ............................................................... 140 6.3 Effect of pulsed mist .............................................................................. 143 6.4 Pulsed mist vs. continuous mist ............................................................ 147 6.5 Effect of atomizing gas .......................................................................... 150 6.6 Effect of pre-burn duration .................................................................... 154 6.7 Effect of pool fire size ............................................................................ 155 6.8 Effect of pool fire location ...................................................................... 157 6.9 Discussion............................................................................................. 159 6.9.1 Fire extinguishment time .................................................................. 159 6.9.2 Temperature profiles during fire suppression .................................. 160 6.9.3 Flame suppression behavior............................................................ 161 6.9.4 Dynamics of pulsed mist .................................................................. 165 6.9.5 Suppression performance with gas pressure................................... 167 6.9.6 Suppression rate variation with fire size .......................................... 167 6.9.7 Effect of nitrogen as atomizing medium ........................................... 169 6.9.8 Effect of pre-burn duration ............................................................... 170 x 6.10 Summary ............................................................................................. 171 7. Results of experiments in Scale-3 and Scale-5 enclosures ..........172 7.1 Results from the Scale- 3 enclosure ..................................................... 172 7.1.1 Dry run ............................................................................................. 172 7.1.2 Fire extinguishment time .................................................................. 175 7.1.3 Temperature profiles during suppression ........................................ 186 7.1.4 Gas concentration profiles ............................................................... 191 7.2 Results from Scale-5 (345 m3) enclosure.............................................. 194 7.2.1 Suppression performance with single pool fire ................................ 197 7.2.2 Temperature and gas concentration profiles ................................... 203 7.3 Discussion............................................................................................. 211 7.3.1 Effect of water flow rate ................................................................... 211 7.3.2 Effect of fire size and pre-burn duration ........................................... 211 7.3.3 Effect of fuel type ............................................................................. 212 7.3.4 Effect of nitrogen atomization .......................................................... 213 7.3.5 Suppression of multiple pool fires .................................................... 213 7.3.6 Suppression of obstructed and ventilated fires ................................ 213 7.3.7 Uncertainty in suppression time ....................................................... 214 7.4 Summary ............................................................................................... 214 8. Scaling analysis ..................................................................................216 8.1 Theoretical basis ................................................................................... 216 8.2 Normalization of experimental parameters and suppression results ..... 216 8.3 Discussion............................................................................................. 220 8.4 Summary ............................................................................................... 223 9. Conclusion and recommendations for future work .......................224 9.1 Conclusions .......................................................................................... 224 9.1.1 Effect of nozzle parameters ............................................................. 224 xi 9.1.2 Influence of fire parameters ............................................................. 224 9.1.3 Effect of enclosure parameters ........................................................ 225 9.1.4 Extinguishing mechanisms .............................................................. 225 9.1.5 Thermal behaviour ........................................................................... 225 9.1.6 Fire suppression performance ......................................................... 226 9.1.7 System design criteria ..................................................................... 226 9.2 Recommendation for further work ......................................................... 227 References .....................................................................................228 Appendix – A Fuel properties and Pool fire parameters ...............246 Appendix – B Uncertainty analysis ..................................................247 B.1 Uncertainty in estimation of gas-to-liquid mass flow ratio (GLR) .......... 247 B.2 Uncertainty in estimation of fire suppression performance index .......... 248 B.3 Uncertainty in flame / near flame gas temperatures .............................. 251 List of Publications .................................................................................253 Brief Biodata of the author .....................................................................254 xii List of Figures Fig. no. Fig. 1.1 Description A fire in an administrative building [Ref.: Deccan Chronicile, 8th Nov, Page 1 2012]. Fig. 1.2 A fire in a cargo ship [Ref: Turkey Seanews, 16 Feb 2011]. 2 Fig. 1.3 View of an engine compartment of a ship. 3 Fig. 1.4 Interaction of water mist with a fire in an enclosure. 5 Fig.1.5 Suppression of pool fire by a water mist in an enclosure. 8 Fig. 2.1 Essential components for a fire. 9 Fig. 2.2 Plume structure of a pool fire. 12 Fig. 2.3 Time sequence images of a pool fire in an enclosure. 14 Fig. 2.4 Heat transfer in an enclosure containing a fire. 15 Fig. 2.5 Energy transfer inside a liquid pool fire. 17 Fig. 2.6 Idealized temperature - time history in an enclosure fire. 20 Fig. 2.7 High pressure single fluid nozzle. 25 Fig. 2.8 Single fluid impingement nozzle. 25 Fig. 2.9 Twin fluid internal mixing nozzle. 26 Fig. 2.10 Twin fluid external mixing nozzle. 26 Fig. 2.11 Classification of water mist system. 27 Fig. 2.12 A typical droplet size distribution in a mist. 30 Fig. 3.1 Classification of water sprays by drop-size distribution [26] 38 Fig. 4.1 General arrangement of the 1 m3 test enclosure (Scale-1 enclosure). 64 Fig. 4.2 Photograph of the 1 1 1 m enclosure. 64 Fig. 4.3 General arrangement of the 39 m3 enclosure (Scale-3 enclosure). 65 Fig. 4.4 General arrangement of the Scale-5 enclosure (345 m3, 10 m dia x 66 7.5 m length). xiii Fig. 4.5 Layout of nozzles in the Scale-5 enclosure. 67 Fig. 4.6 Type-A twin fluid nozzle. 68 Fig. 4.7 Type-B internally mixed twin fluid Nozzle. 69 Fig. 4.8 A sectional view of internally mixed twin fluid Type-B Nozzle. 70 Fig. 4.9 Schematic of water and air/gas supply system for Type-A Nozzle. 72 Fig. 4.10 Schematic of water and air / gas supply arrangement for Type-B 72 Nozzle. Fig. 4.11 Schematic of a twin fluid water mist system. 73 Fig. 4.12 Arrangement of nozzles in 1 m3 enclosure. 74 Fig. 4.13 Photographs showing arrangement of nozzles in 1 m3 enclosure. 74 Fig. 4.14 Location of thermocouples at the back wall of the 1 m3 enclosure. 76 Fig. 4.15 Location of thermocouples in the 1 m3 enclosure. 77 Fig. 4.16 Instrumentation layout in the 39 m3 (Scale-3) enclosure. 78 Fig. 4.17 Thermocouple trees at two radial distances from the pool vertical axis 79 in the 39 m3 (Scale-3) enclosure. Fig. 4.18 Plan view of instruments layout in the 345 m3 (Scale -5) enclosure. 80 Fig. 4.19 Mist characterization using EPCS instrument. 82 Fig. 4.20 Mist characterization using PDIA. 83 Fig. 4.21 Pool fire locations in the 1 m3 enclosure. 86 Fig. 4.22 C800 pan placed between the mockup and platform. 92 Fig. 4.23 C1460 pan placed between the mockup and platform. 93 Fig. 4.24 C800 pan obstructed by a 1 x 1 m plate placed 0.75 m above the fuel 93 surface and two C350 pools placed on the platform in Scale-5 enclosure. Fig. 4.25 Components of temperature measurement data acquisition system. 103 Fig. 5.1 GLR variation with gas pressure for Type A nozzles. 106 Fig. 5.2 Cumulative volume droplet diameter plot as obtained from LDA 107 xiv measurement for Nozzle N1 at 7 bar(g) pressure at 850 mm downstream. Fig. 5.3 A typical PDIA result image for Type-A nozzle . 108 Fig. 5.4 Variation of droplet diameters with operating pressure at two 110 downstream distances for the nozzle N1 using the PDIA. Fig. 5.5 Variation of droplets velocity with droplet diameters for nozle N1 for 112 different operating pressures at two downstream distances. Fig. 5.6 Photograph of the spray from nozzles, N1 and N2, at 7 bar(g) 113 pressure showing the cone angle measurement. Fig. 5.7 Variation in Gas-to-liquid mass flow ratio (GLR) with air pressure at 114 different water pressures. Fig. 5.8 Variation in water flow rate with GLR and water supply pressure. 115 Fig. 5.9 Droplet size distribution for water pressure of 25 psig (1.7 bar(g)) and 117 different GLR. Fig. 5.10 Cone angles at 25 psig (~ 3.5 bar(g)) water pressure and different 117 GLR Fig. 5.11 Droplet size distribution for 50 psi(g) air pressure and different water 119 pressures. Fig. 5.12 Spray images for 50 psig (~ 3.5 bar(g)) air pressure at different water 119 pressures. Fig. 5.13 Variation of Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) with GLR and water 120 pressure. Fig. 5.14 Variation of droplet diameter distribution with GLR for 15 psi(g) water 121 pressure. Fig. 5.15 Variation of SMD with water flow rate for different water pressures. 122 Fig. 5.16 Variation of SMD with air pressure for different water pressures. 122 Fig. 5.17 Characterization of Type-B nozzle for Scale-5 enclosure using the 125 LDA. Fig. 5.18 Droplet size characteristics data for mist in Scale-5 enclosure xv 126 Fig. 6.1 Mass loss history and heat release rate profile for 100 mm circular 127 pan. Fig. 6.2 Mass loss history and heat release rate profile for 125 mm circular 128 pan. Fig. 6.3 Mass loss history and heat release rate profile for 150 x 150 mm pan. 128 Fig. 6.4 Variation of fire extinguishing time and FSPI with nozzle operating 132 pressure for different fire locations (Fire locations as per Fig. 4.21). Fig. 6.5 Flame temperatures for three experiments at 8 bar(g) nozzle 133 pressure for pool fire location P1. Fig. 6.6 Temperature histories at the pan centreline, 600 mm above the floor 135 for four locations of 125 mm circular pool fire with 30 s pre-burn time. Fig. 6.7 Temperature histories at 600 mm above enclosure floor along the 140 centreline (T3 of Fig. 4.15(b)), at 7 bar(g) nitrogen pressure for C125 pool fire at four different locations. Fig. 6.8 Gas concentration histories during dry run and with mist injection at 142 different operating pressures for fire location P3. Fig. 6.9 FSPI variation for different ON/OFF pulsing cycles. Fig. 6.10 Temperature histories at 350 mm from the pan edge for 100 mm pool 145 146 fire at location P3. Fig. 6.11 Temperature histories at wall mounted thermocouples for C125 Pan 149 (location P3) and pre-burn duration of 20 s. Fig. 6.12 Temperature variations at 500 mm (T6) above the edge of the fuel 150 pan, S150, for continuous and pulsed mist (Pre-burn duration: 20 s). Fig. 6.13 Fire suppression performance (FSPI) of continuous mist. 151 Fig. 6.14 Fire suppression performance (FSPI) of pulsed mist. 152 Fig. 6.15 Temperature profiles at 350 mm height from the pan for continuous 153 mist, with air and nitrogen (Pool size: 125 mm, Pre-burn: 30 s). Fig. 6.16 Temperature profiles at 350 mm height from the pan for pulsed mist xvi 153 with air and nitrogen (Pool size: 125 mm, Pre-burn: 30 s). Fig. 6.17 Temperature variations at 350 mm from circular pool (diameter 125 155 mm) for different conditions in Scale-1 enclosure. Fig. 6.18 Variation in water usage and time for extinguishment with fire size, 156 pre-burn and atomizing medium in Scale-1 enclosure. Fig. 6.19 Centreline temperature-time histories for dry run and mist at 7 bar(g) 159 for 125 mm pool fire at different locations from the nozzle. Fig. 6.20 Sequential images of flame at different intervals for continuous mist 163 on a pool fire placed at a corner of the enclosure. Fig. 6.21 Schematic showing steps in flame extinguishment process by water 164 mist. Fig. 6.22 A plot showing ratio of heat absorption to heat generated at 170 suppression vs specific heat release rate for air and nitrogen as atomizing media. Fig. 7.1 Temperature histories at a radial distance of 500 mm from vertical 173 axis of the C350 pool (Fuel: 500 ml n-heptane). Fig. 7.2 Temperature histories at a distance of 500 mm from vertical axis of 174 the C550 pool (Fuel: 500 ml n-heptane). Fig. 7.3 Temperature histories at a distance of 1000 mm from vertical axis of 174 the C650 pool (Fuel: 1000 ml n-heptane). Fig. 7.4 Temperature histories at a height of 2850 mm from the enclosure 175 floor for the C650 pool (Fuel: 1000 ml n-heptane). Fig. 7.5 Variations in extinguishment time and amount of water used with fire 181 sizes and water flow rates for different pre-burn durations and fire locations. Fig. 7.6 Variation in FSPI values with pool size and pre-burn duration for two 183 water flow rates. Fig. 7.7 Variation in water consumption with fire size for different experimental 184 conditions and mist discharge at 8 l/min. xvii Fig. 7.8 Variation of FSPI with pool size and pre-burn for two locations of the 185 pool in Scale-3 enclosure with mist generation rate at 8 l/min. Fig. 7.9 Temperature history for dry and mist runs for C350 fire placed in 188 Scale-3 enclosure corner (pre-burn 30 s, TC tree at 500 mm from pool centre). Fig. 7.10 Temperature history for dry and mist runs for C350 fire placed in 188 Scale-3 enclosure corner (pre-burn 30 s, TC tree at 1000 mm from pool centre). Fig. 7.11 Temperature history for dry and mist runs for C550 fire placed in 190 Scale-3 enclosure corner (pre-burn 30 s, TC tree at 500 mm from pool centre). Fig. 7.12 Temperature history for dry and mist runs for C550 fire placed in 190 Scale-3 enclosure corner (pre-burn 20 s, TC tree at 1000 mm from pool centre). Fig. 7.13 Temperature history for dry and mist runs for C650 fire placed in 191 Scale-3 enclosure corner (pre-burn 20 s, TC tree at 1000 mm from pool centre). Fig. 7.14 Gas concentration profiles for C550 pool fire in a corner during dry 194 and mist runs in Scale-3 enclosure (Pre-burn 30 s). Fig. 7.15 LDO pool fire, C1460, in Scale-5 enclosure (pool on floor between 195 mock-up and platform). Fig. 7.16 Obstructed C800 LDO pool fire in Scale-5 enclosure. 196 Fig. 7.17 Temperature profiles for C1460 pool fire at 1.5 m (Pre burn = 30 s). 204 Fig. 7.18 Temperature profiles at 1 m from C800 LDO pool (Pre burn = 30 s). 205 Fig. 7.19 Temperature profiles at 1 m from C800 HSD pool (Pre burn = 60 s). 205 Fig. 7.20 Gas concentration profiles during the suppression of C800 LDO pool 207 fire. Fig. 7.21 Gas concentration profiles during the suppression of C800 HSD pool fire. xviii 207 Fig. 7.22 Temperature variations at a distance of 1 m from the obstructed 209 C800 LDO pool in Scale-5 enclosure (Pre burn = 30 s). Fig. 7.23 Temperature profiles at 1 m from the C800 LDO pool fire during two 210 pool fires test (Test no. 46). Fig. 7.24 Temperature profiles at 1 m from the C350 n-heptane pool fire during 210 two pool fires test (Test no. 46). Fig. 8.1 Plot of mist extinguishing concentration (MEC) and normalized heat release rates for the three scale enclosures. xix 219 List of Tables Table no. Description Page Table 2.1 Burning modes of pool fires defined by fire sizes [15,14]. 18 Table 2.2 Values of for different growth rates [19]. 21 Table 2.3 Comparison of fire extinguishing technologies. 23 Table 2.4 Optical methods for measurement of droplet sizes and velocities. 30 Table 3.1 Summary of studies for fire extinguishing mechanisms of a mist. 42 Table 3.2 Investigation of droplets size effects in fire extinguishment. 46 Table 3.3 Summary of full-scale experimental studies. 49 Table 3.4 Summary of small scale experiments. 50 Table 3.5 Scaling relations for different Reynolds number regimes [165]. 60 Table 4.1 Test matrix for characterization of mist from Type-A nozzle. 84 Table 4.2 Test matrix for characterization of mist from Type-B nozzle. 84 Table 4.3 Test matrix for evaluation of the effects of nozzle operating 86 conditions and pool fire locations for Scale-1 enclosure. Table 4.4 Test matrix for pulsed mist in Scale-1 enclosure. 87 Table 4.5 Test matrix for comparison of continuous and pulsed mist for 88 different pre-burn durations in Scale-1 enclosure. Table 4.6 Test matrix for experiments in Scale-3 (39 m3) enclosure. 89 Table 4.7 Test matrix for single pool fire experiments in Scale-5 enclosure. 90 Table 4.8 Test matrix for experiments with two fires in Scale-5 (345 m3) 91 enclosure. Table 4.9 Test matrix for experiments with three/four fires in Scale-5 (345 91 m3) enclosure. Table 5.1 Liquid-to-air mass ratio for the mist from Type-A nozzles. 105 Table 5.2 Droplet diameter data at 850 mm from the nozzle using the LDA. 106 xx Table 5.3 Droplet diameter data for nozzle N1 using the PDIA. 109 Table 5.4 Mist characteristics of Type-B nozzle for Scale – 3 enclosure. 124 Table 6.1 Fire suppression performance index for different nitrogen 130 pressures and four pool fire locations. Table 6.2 Fire suppression performance in terms of rate of temperature 137 decrease for a pool fire at four different locations. Table 6.3 Fire suppression times for pulsed mist in Scale-1 enclosure (Pool 143 fire: C100; Pre-burn: 10 s; Water flow rate = 3.8 ml/s). Table 6.4 Fire suppression performance for different pulsing cycles (Pool 144 fire: C100; Pre-burn: 10 s; Water flow rate = 3.8 ml/s). Table 6.5 Fire suppression performance of nitrogen generated mist in 148 continuous and pulsed discharge modes. Table 6.6 Fire suppression performance with air generated mist in 151 continuous or pulsed discharge modes. Table 6.7 Droplets life-time at various temperatures and humidity 165 Estimate of heat absorption and heat generation during fire 168 conditions. Table 6.8 suppression. Table 7.1 Suppression times for different conditions in Scale-3 (39 m3) 177 enclosure. Table 7.2 Average values of FSPI for different conditions in Scale-3 (39 m3) 178 enclosure. Table 7.3 Fire suppression performance for single fire in Scale-5 (345 m3) 198 enclosure. Table 7.4 Fire suppression performance with two fires in Scale-5 (345 m3) 199 enclosure. Table 7.5 Fire suppression performance with three/four fires in Scale-5 200 (345 m3) enclosure. Table 8.1 Summary of experimental parameters in the three enclosures. xxi 217 Table 8.2 Summary of fire suppression results for the three enclosures. 218 Table A.1 Thermal properties data for different fuels. 246 Table A.2 Heat release rate, fire duration and flame height for pool fires. 246 Table B.1 Combined uncertainty in GLR estimation for Type-A nozzle. 247 Table B.2 Combined uncertainty in GLR estimation for Type-B nozzle for air 248 supply pressure of 60 psig and water flow rate of 1.0 l/min. Table B.3 Uncertainty in estimation of FSPI for Scale-1 enclosure. 249 Table B.4 Uncertainty in estimation of FSPI for Scale-3 enclosure. 249 Table B.5 Uncertainty in estimation of FSPI for Scale-5 enclosure. 250 Table B.6 Summary of temperature uncertainty components and total 252 uncertainty. xxii Nomenclature A empirical constants area of discharge orifice Ad surface area of water droplet Af burning area of the fuel glr an estimate of measurand GLR C a constant CD drag coefficient Cs scattering area of a particle c sensitivity coefficients cpd specific heat of water droplet cp specific heat of water at constant pressure (~ 4.2 kJ/kg). Cxxx Circular pool with xxx mm diameter D diameter for a circular pool (m) Dm mass diffusivity of the droplets d droplet diameter E activation energy of chemical reaction Fr Froude number f number of particles for a given mass fraction of mist g gravitational acceleration (m/s2) Hc heat of combustion Hc,eff effective heat of combustion (kJ/kg) of the volatiles, h convective heat transfer coefficient hm mass transfer coefficient hfv latent heat of evaporation of water (~ 2260 kJ/kg at ~1 bar) Ks Attenuation coefficient for a mono-disperse particle cloud k thermal conductivity of the gas phase Mw mass flow rate of water mist Lf flame height (m) mf mass fractions of the fuel mox mass fractions of oxygen md mass of a water droplet xxiii ̇ . burning rate or mass loss rate of solid or liquid fuel as it is vaporized ̇ mass flux, i.e., mass flow rate per unit area ̇ asymptotic diameter mass loss rate per unit area for a pool fire ̇ mass flow rate of gas (kg/s) ̇ mass flow rate of liquid (kg/s) ̇ water flow rate (l/min) N0 number of particles Nu Nusselt number p probability pg gas pressure ps(Td) saturated vapour pressure at droplet temperature Pw water supply pressure Pgi absolute pressure of the gas flow Pstd pressure at standard atmospheric conditions (1 atm.) Pr Prandtl number Q̇ total heat release rate of fire (kW) Q g corrected volumetric flow rate of gas (l/min) Q w measured volumetric flow rate of water (l/min) Q g measured volumetric flow rate of gas (l/min) Qw quantity of water discharged in text time (in litres) QR heat released during the fire(kW) QA heat absorbed by the droplets for total evaporation (kW) qg estimate of Qg from N multiple measurements qw estimate of Qw, from N multiple measurements qe latent heat of evaporation of water R ideal gas constant (0.082 L.atm.K-1.mol-1) Rer Relative Reynolds number, based on the relative velocity between droplet and gas Rf combustion rate of a fire Sh Sherwood number Sxxx Square pool with dimensions as xxx mm. T Temperature (C) xxiv T temperature difference between droplet and surrounding gas text extinguishment time ( seconds) tα/2, t-statistics, α =1-p U Expanded uncertainty associated with the measurement result u Standard uncertainty due to an error uc Combined standard uncertainty in the measurement result V enclosure volume (m3). Vf volume of fuel (litres) Vd droplet’s velocity Vg velocity of the hot gas Vp characteristic vapour phase velocity at the pool surface (m/s), vg kinematic viscosity of the gas phase xv volume fraction of water vapour in the gas Symbols fire growth factor (kW/s2) - an empirical constant mean beam length correction factor - an empirical constant. combustion efficiency regression rate specific to the fuel (m/s). fluid density (kg/m3) pulsing factor degree of freedoms Subscript w water a air d droplet f fuel g gas i inlet o orifice ox oxygen xxv p pool v vapour Abbreviations GLR Gas-to-Liquid mass flow rate Ratio. DVX Diameter of a droplet distribution (mist) such that x % of the volume of the spray is in droplets smaller (or (100-x) % larger) than this value. FSPI Fire Suppression Performance Index: Defined as the inverse of the product of extinguishment time (in seconds) and quantity of water consumed per unit enclosure volume (litres/m3). FTSI Fire temperature suppression index: Defined as the rate of decrease of flame temperature from peaking state to the suppression state after mist injection. HRR Heat release rate: The rate at which the combustion reactions produce heat energy, usually given in kW (= kJ/s) and denoted as Q . MEC Minimum extinguishing concentration (g/m3): Quantity of agent required per unit volume of enclosed space to affect extinguishment of fire. SMD Sauter Mean Diameter: The diameter of a droplet whose volume to surface area ratio is equal to the total volume of the droplet population divided by the total surface area of that population. VMD Volume Mean Diameter (or DV50): The midpoint droplet size (median), where half of the volume of spray is in droplets smaller or larger than the median. xxvi