HERITAGE BOOKS CATALOG NO. 243 We are working on updating our paper catalog. This is a working copy and has notes. As you can see it is a very large catalog. We will be updating the catalog frequently. Updated 04.25.14 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Reference ........................................................................................................................... 5 African-American ......................................................................................................................... 24 Memoirs ........................................................................................................................................ 29 Native American ........................................................................................................................... 30 Religious ....................................................................................................................................... 38 Military ......................................................................................................................................... 38 Colonial Wars ............................................................................................................................. 103 French and Indian War................................................................................................................ 103 Dunmore’s War ........................................................................................................................... 112 Revolutionary War ...................................................................................................................... 112 Loyalist and British ..................................................................................................................... 134 Hessians ...................................................................................................................................... 136 Post-Revolutionary War.............................................................................................................. 139 War of 1812 ................................................................................................................................ 140 Mexican War ............................................................................................................................... 141 Civil War ..................................................................................................................................... 142 World War I ................................................................................................................................ 163 World War II ............................................................................................................................... 164 Korea ........................................................................................................................................... 167 Vietnam ....................................................................................................................................... 167 Cold War ..................................................................................................................................... 168 Bahamas ...................................................................................................................................... 169 Canada......................................................................................................................................... 169 England and Great Britain .......................................................................................................... 169 France.......................................................................................................................................... 184 Germany ...................................................................................................................................... 184 Ireland ......................................................................................................................................... 186 Jamaica ........................................................................................................................................ 189 Jewish.......................................................................................................................................... 189 Mexican....................................................................................................................................... 190 Norway........................................................................................................................................ 191 Scandinavia ................................................................................................................................. 192 Scotland....................................................................................................................................... 192 Wales........................................................................................................................................... 201 United States ............................................................................................................................... 204 Alabama ...................................................................................................................................... 204 Alaska ......................................................................................................................................... 210 Arkansas...................................................................................................................................... 211 California .................................................................................................................................... 214 Colorado...................................................................................................................................... 220 Connecticut ................................................................................................................................. 221 Dakota Territory.......................................................................................................................... 229 Delaware ..................................................................................................................................... 230 District of Columbia ................................................................................................................... 239 Florida ......................................................................................................................................... 251 Georgia........................................................................................................................................ 253 Illinois ......................................................................................................................................... 257 Indiana......................................................................................................................................... 261 Iowa............................................................................................................................................. 267 Kansas ......................................................................................................................................... 268 Kentucky ..................................................................................................................................... 269 Louisiana ..................................................................................................................................... 276 Maine .......................................................................................................................................... 279 Maryland ..................................................................................................................................... 286 Massachusetts ............................................................................................................................. 351 Michigan ..................................................................................................................................... 372 Minnesota.................................................................................................................................... 372 Mississippi .................................................................................................................................. 373 Missouri ...................................................................................................................................... 376 Nebraska ..................................................................................................................................... 383 Nevada ........................................................................................................................................ 383 New England ............................................................................................................................... 383 New Hampshire .......................................................................................................................... 397 New Jersey .................................................................................................................................. 409 New Mexico ................................................................................................................................ 418 New York .................................................................................................................................... 419 North Carolina ............................................................................................................................ 446 Ohio............................................................................................................................................. 457 Oklahoma .................................................................................................................................... 472 Oregon......................................................................................................................................... 473 Pennsylvania ............................................................................................................................... 473 Rhode Island ............................................................................................................................... 500 South Carolina ............................................................................................................................ 503 3 Tennessee .................................................................................................................................... 512 Texas ........................................................................................................................................... 523 Vermont ...................................................................................................................................... 531 Virginia ....................................................................................................................................... 532 Washington ................................................................................................................................. 605 West Virginia .............................................................................................................................. 605 Wisconsin.................................................................................................................................... 617 Historical Fiction ........................................................................................................................ 619 Family Histories .......................................................................................................................... 623 CD-Roms .................................................................................................................................... 624 Prices are subject to change. Some titles are in limited quantity and will be filled on a first-come- first-serve basis. We have added a limited number of titles from other publishers. These have an “s” at the end of their book code. These titles are only available to dealers through special arrangement. 4 General Reference “I Done My Duty”: The Complete Story of the Assassination of President McKinley. Jeffrey W. Seibert. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 512 pp. The author takes a look at President McKinley’s life, his shooting, and his brave fight for life. The assassin, his motives and life are examined, including his trial and execution, and the aftermath of the assassination. S2118 - $34.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1767 Chronicle. Armand Francis Lucier. 1995, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. A collection of news items, stories, commentaries, depositions, want ads and more published in colonial American newspapers in the year 1767 which give a good view of the times. L0356 - $19.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Family Affair: How to Plan and Direct the Best Family Reunion Ever. Sandra MacLean Clunies and the National Genealogical Society. 2003, 7x9, paper, index, 320 pp. The book is arranged in logical step-by-step sequence. There are checklists and forms to simplify the paperwork, websites and other references for further information on topics of special interest, and tips from others who have held successful reunions. C0020 - $19.99 A Grassroots History of Baseball: Days of the Rosewood Bat and the Silver Ball. Richard J Staats. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 164 pp. The magical era of “Base Ball” exploded with enthusiasm across northeast Ohio in 1867. Base Ball clubs sprung up in every city, small town, and hamlet. Vintage photographs enliven the text. S2466 - $18.50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Medical Miscellany for Genealogists. Dr. Jeanette L. Jerger. (1995), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 186 pp. Definitions of obscure or obsolete medically-related terms and concepts for researchers. J0375 - $22.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Pre-Primer for Beginners in Genealogical Search: What to Read before Your First How-To Book. Sophie C. Fisher, M.A. 2010, 8½x11, paper, 130 pp. This book is for the absolute beginner. The author’s method will help you collect data, organize it, and put it all together. These easy-tofollow procedures will help you avoid back-tracking, duplicating work, losing records, and more. F5269 - $23.00 A Short History of the English Colonies in America. Henry Cabot Lodge. (1881, 1995), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 572 pp. Provides a history of each colony down to 1765, and a description of everyday life in each about that time; concludes with a history of the Revolution. L0189 - $43.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 A Voyage Round the World by the Way of the Great South Sea, Perform’d in the Years 1719, 20, 21, 22, in the Speedwell of London, of 24 Guns and 100 Men, (under His Majesty’s Commission to cruize on the Spaniards in the late War with the Spanish Crown) till she was cast away on the Island of Juan Fernandes, in May 1720; and afterwards continu’d in the Recovery, the Jesus Maria and Sacra Familia, Etc. Capt. George Shelvocke, Commander of the Speedwell, Recovery, &c. in this Expedition. (1726), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 518 pp. The adventures of a truly remarkable privateer/pirate. S2341 - $38.50 Adventures in Genealogy. Patrick G. Wardell. 2001, paper, index, 195 pp. These pages offer insight on methods, valuable tips, and warnings of common pitfalls. Nicknames, orphans, censuses, military pension files, cemetery records and much more are discussed. Sample documents. W1864-LQ - $20.50 Americana Germanica: Paul Ben Baginsky’s Bibliography of German Works Relating to America, 1493-1800. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1942, 1994), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 244 pp. A comprehensive bibliography of the German publications dealing with any aspect of America which were published before 1800. T0151 - $24.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arc of Crisis 1979. Clete Hinton. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 68 pp. The Arc of Crisis 1979 is a description of world conflict, the central theme being the countries of the Middle East, nations frustrated by dictatorship and autocratic rule, and communist dominated countries. H4133 - $15.50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railway Company. A piece of nostalgia. This guide to summer outings and vacations at the Beach Resorts accessible by the Railway Line was printed by the Maryland Delaware and Virginia Line circa 1906. (c1906), 1996, paper, 96 pp. The book describes the resort areas of Ocean City, Maryland and Rehobeth, Delaware, area attractions and boat trips available to tourists. Pictures, sketches, advertisements by local businesses, and a map. X0957 $15.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Camp David Accords. Clete Hinton. (1980), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 120 pp. This book opens with a description of the history of the Jewish state and then documents the steps taken toward peace between Israel and Egypt. In a concise and fascinating way, Mr. Hinton has brought together the highlights of this far-reaching world event and described how it occurred as well as the obstacles that had to be overcome. H2515 - $16.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Catholic Military and Naval Chaplains, 1776-1917. Dom Aidan Henry Germain. (1929), 2002, 6x9, paper, 166 pp. Biographies of Catholic chaplains. G0800 - $18.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Celebrating Family History, An Anthology of Prize-winning Stories sponsored by the Southern California Genealogical Society. Beth Maltbie Uyehara. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 284 pp. This anthology demonstrates the variety of ways in which a family history can be recorded and preserved. Enjoy these remarkable, often touching, sometimes amazing stories! U4084 - $25.00 Child Life in Colonial Days. Alice Morse Earle. (1899), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 504 pp. This charming volume is profusely illustrated with pictures of famous children; clothing, furniture and toys; schools and sample pages from old children’s texts and story books. The contents include: babyhood; children’s dress; schools and school life; women teachers and girl scholars; hornbook and primer; school books; penmanship and letters; diaries and commonplace books; childish precocity; oldtime discipline; manners and courtesy; religious thought and training; and much more! E0801 - $37.50 Clues to Our Family Names, 2nd edition. Lou Stein. (1986, 1988), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. Hundreds of surnames are listed here; many have a description of their use-origins and the root from which they arose. S9084 - $20.00 Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent: Alleged, Proven, and Disproven. Patricia Ann Scherzinger. (1996), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 630 pp. A master index to colonial Americans of royal descent whose pedigrees have been published in about one hundred books and periodicals. S0467 - $48.50 Death Matters: History-Humor-Advice. Richard H. McHugh. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 180 pp. A brief history of McHugh Funeral Homes, man’s care of the dead from the time of the Cro-Magnon man to the present, plus pre-planned and pre-paid funerals in our time. There is an abundance of humor which the author remembers from his and his forebears’ service in the ambulance-funeral business. M4557 - $21.50 Directory of Photographers in the United States 1888 and 1889 and Canada 1889. Diane VanSkiver Gagel. (2002), 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 366 pp. This Directory was taken from the First and Second Annual Editions of the Lithographers’ and Photographers’ Directory: A Directory for Lithographers, Photographers and for all allied Arts and Trades in the United States and Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, published in 1888 and 1889. In the original format entries were arranged by country, state and city. Ms. Gagel has included a copy of this format. G2263 - $39.00 Dutch Systems in Family Naming, New York - New Jersey. Rosalie Fellows Bailey, F.A.S.G. (1965), 1999, 7x10, paper, 21 pp. Will interest researchers of early Dutch families and persons studying the origins of surnames. B9012 - $6.50 7 Early Narratives of the Northwest: 1634-1699. Louise Phelps Kellogg. (1917, 2001), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 406 pp. A major resource on the early northwest. Covers explorations of Samuel Champlain, Jean Nicolet, the Jesuits, Radisson and Grosseilliers, Nicolas Perrot, Father Claude Allouez, Father Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet. K1740 - $34.00 Early Western Travels, 1748-1846: Volume IV, Cuming’s Tour to the Western Country (18071809). Reuben Gold Thwaites, LL.D. (1904), 5½x8½, 380 pp. Cuming’s tour serves as a record of a country in its infancy. “In plain, dispassionate style, he has given us a picture of American life in the West, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, that for clear-cut outlines and fidelity of presentation has the effect of a series of photographic representations.” T4443 - $32.50 Early Western Travels, 1748-1846: Volume V: Bradbury’s Travels in the Interior of America, 1809-1811. Edited, with Notes, Introductions, Index, etc. Reuben Gold Thwaites, LL.D. (1904), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 322 pp. If stories of westward exploration stir up your imagination, you will enjoy these accounts of the travels of naturalist John Bradbury and others. Bradbury traveled from St. Louis to the Arikara Indian villages, some eighteen hundred miles above the mouth of the Missouri. T1468 - $27.00 English Crown Grants. S.L. Mershon. (1918), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 280 pp. The American Bar Association, historical societies, colonial organizations and all thoughtful citizens have a vital interest in the unique history and present-day dominating influence, in America, of the old English Crown Grants, which are the basis for many of our governmental, commercial, educational and industrial institutions. Confirmed by treaty between Great Britain and America, these grants are the beginnings of our country and continue to have an effect on how we live today. M0281 - $27.00 Evidence: An Exemplary Study: A Craig Family Case History. Milton Rubican. (1981), 2012, 6x9, paper, index, 46 pp. Who were the Craigs of Northampton County, Pennsylvania? “This study was initially made in an effort to discover the relationship, if any, between certain Revolutionary War officers named Craig who are listed in Heitman’s Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army.” R5410 - $11.00 Family Archaeology: Discovering the Family Skeleton and Making It Dance. Freya Ottem Hanson. (2002), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 128 pp. This book suggests ways to discover hidden treasure from the past and challenges you to unearth more about the people in your ancestral tree. It encourages you to rediscover family values, traditions, and stories and then presents ways to experience that heritage. Packed with practical suggestions. H2264 - $17.00 Family Chronicle, Year Eight: September 2003 - August 2004. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint. The best of the best articles from the well written magazine about genealogy. F3399 - $25.00 8 Family Chronicle, Year Five: September 2000 - August 2001. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint. Articles included: The Real Cyndi Howells; Shaping Up Your Searching Skills; Immigrants to Empire; OneGreatFamily.com; RootsWeb; The Very Best Websites; Index to Volumes 1-4; Mailing Lists; The US Census Online; Software and the Internet; The Trans-Atlantic Voyage; Effective Use of Newsgroups and Mailing Lists; Reading the Omens; State Censuses; and much more! A2143 - $25.00 Family Chronicle, Year Four: September 1999-August 2000. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint. Articles include: Finding Records; Getting the Most Out of Genealogy Conferences; Dutch Genealogy; Using the Family Search Internet Genealogy Service; Visiting Europe to Conduct Research; Records Selection Table; Share Your Past; Your Medical Pedigree; Restoring Your Old Photos; Family Migrations; Canadian Records; Using a Family History Center; and much more! A0420 - $25.00 Family Chronicle, Year One: September 1996-August 1997. The best of the best articles from the well written magazine about genealogy. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint A0009 - $25.00 Family Chronicle, Year Seven: September 2002-August 2003. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint. Articles include: Researching Civil War Union Records; Leola’s Mystery; Brickwall Solutions; Genelines Software; Multi-Generational Families; The Ackerman Project; 10 Ways to Make the Most of the Census; Coping with Consanguinity; Websites Worth Surfing; You Wanted to Know; 12 Ways to Find an Ancestor’s Maiden Name; and much more! A4978 - $25.00 Family Chronicle, Year Six: September 2001-August 2002. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint. Articles include: Five Years of Fun; First Steps; Mysterious Melungeons; What Program Should I Buy Now?; The Daughters of the American Revolution; Reunion Rules; Brickwall Solutions; Five-Year Index; A Past and Future Look at Genealogy; Look-Alikes; 21st-Century Genealogy; Report on Questionnaire; 20 Top Genealogy Sites Worth Surfing; and much more! A3493 - $25.00 Family Chronicle, Year Three: September 1998-August 1999. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint. Articles include: Swiss, French and Polish Genealogies; Favorite Tips and Tricks; Source Citation; Social Security Records; Medical Examiners’ Reports; The FHL Catalog; Revolutionary War Records; Passenger Ships’ Lists; What to Do if You Only Know your Grandparents; Start with Yourself; Gravestone Inscriptions; Cemetery Records; much and more! A0419 - $25.00 Family Chronicle’s Introduction to Genealogy. 2000, 8½x11, 184 pp. A collection of articles selected by the editor of Family Chronicle magazine for the beginner. A wide range of topics including Dear Myrtle. A0011 - $25.00 Fanning’s Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States, Giving the Location, Physical Aspect, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Climate, Productive and Manufacturing Resources, Commerce, Government, Education, General History, Etc. of the States, Territories, Counties, Cities, Towns, and Post Offices in the American Union, with the Population and Other Statistics from the Census of 1850, Illustrated with Seals and Thirty-one State Maps in Counties, and Fourteen Maps of Cities. (1855), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, illus., maps, 400 pp. A browser’s delight; perhaps the gateway to a location which can no longer be found on modern-day maps. F0371 - $31.00 9 Father Marquette. Reuben Gold Thwaites. (1902) reprint, paper, index, 284 pp. An authoritative account of his 1673 exploration of the Mississippi River. T2203 - $25.00 French and Native North American Marriages, 1600-1800. Paul J. Bunnell, FACG, UE. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 186 pp. Compiled from major and secondary sources. Never before published listings of Eastern United States and Canadian French/Indian Marriages 1600-1800. Find you First Nation ancestors here. B2595 - $25.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 3 (1964). Ellen Stanley Rogers. (1964), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 154 pp. Continues the series. T0032 - $20.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 13 (1974). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1974, 8½x11, paper, 56 pp. T9000 - $17.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 14 (1975). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1975, 8½x11, paper, 70 pp. T0001 - $17.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 15 (1976). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1976, 5½x8½, cloth, 114 pp. T0010 - $22.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 16 (1977). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1977, 5½x8½, cloth, 178 pp. T0017 - $22.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 17 (1978). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1978, 5½x8½, cloth, 180 pp. T0023 - $22.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 18 (1979). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1979, 5½x8½, cloth, 194 pp. T0024 - $22.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 19 (1980). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1980, 5½x8½, cloth, 192 pp. T0038 - $22.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 20 (1981). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1981, 5½x8½, cloth, 190 pp. T0057 - $22.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 21 (1982). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1982, 5½x8½, cloth, alphabetical, 144 pp. T0066 - $22.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 22 (1983). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1983, 5½x8½, cloth, 240 pp. T0069 - $22.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 23 (1984). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1984, 5½x8½, cloth, 170 pp. T0075 - $22.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 24 (1985). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1986, 5½x8½, cloth, 302 pp. T0097 - $22.00 10 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 25 (1986). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1987, 5½x8½, cloth, 304 pp. T0072 - $22.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 26 (1987). Karen T. Ackermann and Laird C. Towle. (1988), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 284 pp. T0126 - $26.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 27 (1988). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1988, 5½x8½, 280 pp. T0297 - $22.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 31 (1992). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1992, cloth, 284 pp. T0363 - $27.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 32 (1993). Anna Liisa Fielding. 1993, cloth, 292 pp. F1508 - $28.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 34 (1995). Leslie K. Towle and Anna Liisa Fielding. 1998, cloth, 252 pp. T0947 - $28.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 35 (1996). Anna Liisa Fielding. 1996, 5½x8½, cloth, 342 pp. F1047 - $32.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 36 (1997). Anna Liisa Fielding. 1997, cloth, 281 pp. F1658 - $25.50 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 37 (1998). Karen Ackermann and Leslie K. Towle. 2000, 5½x8½, cloth, 226 pp. A9601 - $22.50 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 38 (1999). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 1999, cloth, 241 pp. T1519 - $33.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 39 (2000). Leslie K. Towle and Laird C. Towle. 2000, cloth, 223 pp. T1889 - $30.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 40 (2001). Karen T. Ackermann and Laird C. Towle, Ph.D. 2001, cloth, 279 pp. A9211 - $36.00 Genealogical Periodical Annual Index: Key to the Genealogical Literature, Volume 41 (2002). Karen T. Ackermann and Laird C. Towle, Ph.D. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 214 pp. GPAI is the most comprehensive surname, locality and subject index to current English-language genealogical periodicals available. The material indexed includes genealogies, lineages, source records, and much more. G2556 - $23.50 Genealogy is More than Charts. Lorna Duane Smith. (1991), 1997, 5½x8½, paper, 347 pp. A compilation designed to help find motivation for the inexperienced, projects to enrich the records. S0001 - $14.95 11 Genealogy: How to Find Your Ancestors, Revised Edition. Paul Drake, J.D. and Margaret Grove Driskill. (2000), 2012, 8½x11, paper, 154 pp. Based upon years of classroom experiences, this how-to book will guide you from your first interview of relatives, through cemeteries, churches, your local library and courthouse, on to State and National archives. Also has a chapter about the uses of the Internet in research. D1476 - $29.00 Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina Papers, Volume IV of the Draper Manuscript Collection. Craig L. Heath. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 288 pp. This transcript is concerned with the military careers of General Elijah Clarke of Georgia and other participants in the conflicts in Georgia during and after the Revolutionary War; the early history of Moravian missions in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio; and much more. H3562 - $30.00 German Achievements in America: Rudolf Cronan’s Survey History. Don H. Tolzmann. (1995), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 240 pp. Written by eminent German-American historian Rudolf Cronau, this book is a concise survey of German-American achievements in America based on his previous work, Drei Jahrhunderte deutschen Lebens in Amerika (1909). German Achievements in America, originally published in 1916, is a richly illustrated English-language compendium intended to illuminate the basic dates, facts, and events in German-American history. T0167 - $24.50 German-Americana: A Bibliography. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1975), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 398 pp. Since its original publication in 1975, this book has become a standard reference to material published on German-American history. This selective bibliography lists over 5,300 sources (books, pamphlets, government publications, newspapers, periodical articles, dissertations, records, photo albums, and materials in other formats). T0120 - $30.50 Handbook of Heraldry. John E. Cussans. (1893, 2001), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 364 pp. Offers a short history of the art form, followed by an extensive catalogue of terms, descriptions and diagrams explaining how to render and decipher any family arms. Over 400 illustrations depict heraldic design. C1837 - $31.00 Henry Mowat: Voyage of the Canceaux 1764-1776: Abridged Logs of H. M. Armed Ship Canceaux. Andrew J. Wahll. (2003), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 398 pp. In 1764, the Canceaux began a voyage of twelve years during which the officers and men performed survey work used in the creation of one of the most important and magnificent coastal marine atlases ever produced covering 3,000 miles of New England coastline. The Canceaux’s logs contain details on supplies, presence and movements of ships nearby, and ship routine. W2349 - $40.00 Heraldry for the American Genealogist. Dr. Jean Stephenson. 1938-1940, 1959, 6½x10, paper, 48 pp. Variey of heraldic topics providing an introduction to the study of coats of arms. S0025 - $5.00 Heritage Hunting. Donna Potter Phillips. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, index, 287 pp. Articles, originally appearing in newspapers (1992-1996), range from basic how-tos (getting started, using censuses, writing for records) to very specialized topics (using the LDS computer databases or finding special archives in Germany). Along with the lessons, she sprinkles in many items of humor and seasonal fun. P0880 - $26.50 12 Historic Districts of America: The Mid-Atlantic: Covers: the District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Ralph W. Richardson. 1991, 5½x8½, paper, 309 pp. Handy paperback reference guides to districts of architectural, historical, or cultural significance. About 1,000 such districts are in each volume; they can vary from a half dozen Victorian homes to forts, mill towns or entire neighborhoods. R0395 - $22.00 Historic Districts of America: The West- Covers: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming Ralph W. Richardson. (1987), 1993, 5½x8½, paper, 311 pp. Handy reference guides to districts of architectural, historical, or cultural significance. About 1,000 districts are in each volume; Victorian homes to forts, mill towns or entire neighborhoods. R0906 - $29.00 History Magazine Collection, Volume 1: October 1999-September 2000. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint. Articles Include: The Atlantic Cable; The Black Death; The National Road; Cleanliness; Duties of the Laundry-Maid; The 1750s; Supplement to the Hartford Courant; Bread; The Code Napoleon; Trade in the 1200s; The First Radio Station; The Longbow; The 1820s; The Suez Canal; The Oregon Trail; The Handcart Pioneers; and much more! A2141 - $25.00 History Magazine Collection, Volume 2: October 2000-September 2001. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint. Articles Include: The 1800s; Bloodletting; Poor Richard’s Almanac; The EverPractical Paper; Noble Learned Corporation; Panama Canal; Working Women in New York; Privateers of the Caribbean; The Knights Templar; Dr. Gatlin’s Killing Machine; Surviving Songs; The Game of Kings; The Early 1400s; Development of Guilds; and much more! A2142 - $25.00 History Magazine Collection, Volume 3: October 2001-September 2002. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint. Articles Include: The 1580s; Bicycles; Wallpaper; What Time is Dinner?; Navigation Before Netscape; Step Right Up!; The Domesday Book; To Enliven Morality With Wit The Spectator; Volcanoes; Survivor - The History of the Library; Arsenic; The 1730s; The Election of 1800; Here Be Serpents!; A Question of Loyalty; and much more! A4979 - $25.00 History Magazine Collection, Volume 4: October 2002-September 2003. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint. Articles Include: The 1570s; Armor Through the Ages; Mothers of Invention; Everyday Life in the Confederacy; Confederates in Brazil; Missions in the Southwest; The Women Who Won the West; Enduring Diamonds; Zoo Mania; Pope Joan; The 1810s; Gardening; Percivall Pott; Medieval Bookmaking; The Company of Adventurers; and much more! A4980 - $25.00 History Magazine Collection, Volume 5: October 2003-September 2004. 8½x11, paper, consolidated reprint. Articles Include: The 1640s; History of English Profanity; Radio Newspapers; Life in an English Castle in the 1100s; The Punched Card Saga; A Haunting History of Halloween; Mummery; Knights of the Road; Newsboys in 19th-century America; Life on a Warship in the 17th and 18th centuries; Piltdown Man; Cowboys and the Cattle Drive; and much more. A9036 - $25.00 Hookers, Crooks and Kooks, Part I Hookers. Jana Sloan Broglin, CG. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 192 pp. The first in a series of books regarding Hookers, Crooks, and Kooks, tackles the listings of prostitutes in the 1880 United States Federal—an amazing total of 6,210 were listed with this occupation. B4604 - $22.00 Hookers, Crooks and Kooks, Part II Crooks and Kooks. Jana Sloan Broglin, CG. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 170 pp. This volume tackles the listings of crooks and kooks (along with some unusual listings such as baseball players) in the 1880 United States Federal Census. Opium dealers, vagrants, gamblers, oracles, and those who laid out the dead, were all located in the census. B4550 $21.00 13 Hooper’s Medical Dictionary 1843. Volume 1, A-J. Robert Hooper M. D. F. L. S. (1843, 2000), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 470 pp. A very detailed dictionary of medical terms from 1843. H4917 - $38.00 Hooper’s Medical Dictionary 1843. Volume 2, K-Z. Robert Hooper M. D. F. L. S. (1843, 2000), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 420 pp. A very detailed dictionary of medical terms from 1843. H4918 - $35.00 How to Write Your Personal and Family History: A Resource Manual. Keith E. Banks. (1988), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 240 pp. This is the book for everyone who wants to start working on their family or personal history but is intimidated by genealogical forms, charts and jargon. Provides scores of ideas on how to compile, write, record, and pass on your family history. B0143 - $23.50 John Philip Sousa and the National Anthem. Edward S. Delaplaine. (1983), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 182 pp. Tells how John Philip Sousa advocated The Star-Spangled Banner, as the national anthem of the United States. D0686 - $15.00 Lewis and Clark Passed Here: New Perspectives Beyond the Adventure. Phil Scriver. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 316 pp. Phil Scriver looks beyond the adventure to the other aspects of the expedition, such as the discovery of plants and animals then unknown to science, the encounters with native peoples, and the tomes of literature that resulted from the expedition. Scriver, a member of the Lewis and Clark Honor Guard reenactment group in Montana, has gained a better understanding of the expedition by learning and demonstrating the skills required by Lewis and Clark’s men. Phil Scriver, has filled in many of the gaps that were not recorded in the journals. S2478 - $30.00 Massasoit of the Wampanoags. Alvin G. Weeks. (1920), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 290 pp. “And so, without attempting to write history or even to essay the work of a compiler, the writer has prepared the following brief sketches of character, groups, tribes and men in such a way that a careful reading of the whole will present a living, moving panorama of the olden times, not a complete picture in any sense, but simply a sketch, a glimpse through the foliage that will reveal enough to lead to a better appreciation of the services rendered by the lost race in laying the foundation of our liberty.” These words from the author’s introduction give a good summary of the contents. W2797 - $27.50 Memorials of the Huguenots in America, with Special Reference to their Emigration to Pennsylvania. Rev. A. Stapleton. (1901), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. Comprehensive genealogical data on many emigrants; lists over 1000 Huguenot refugees with their dates of arrival and places of residence. S2260 - $21.00 14 Men, Women and Manners in Colonial Times, Volume 1. Sydney Geo. Fisher. (1898, 2001), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 398 pp. This two-volume series takes the reader on a journey through the colonies of Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Carolina, and Georgia. The charm of the journey is in its variety, as the reader passes through communities of such striking individuality that they assume the character of different nations. This text explores the settlement and history of each colony prior to the American Revolution. F4919 - $33.50 Men, Women and Manners in Colonial Times, Volume 2. Sydney Geo. Fisher. (1898, 2001), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 400 pp. Each colony has a set of opinions and laws peculiar to itself. This text explores the settlement and history of each colony prior to the American Revolution. At least one prominent person from each colony is discussed, amongst them William Penn of Pennsylvania, John Smith of Virginia, George Calvert of Maryland, and General Oglethorpe of Georgia. F4920 - $33.50 Missing Pieces: How to Find Birth Parents and Adopted Children. A Search and Reunion Guidebook. Paul Drake and Beth Sherrill. (2004), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 302 pp. This book will inspire you and will help you change the way you think of yourself as a member of the adoption triad, as well as de-mystify and simplify the process of search and reunion. D2534 - $27.50 More Brickwall Solutions to Genealogy Problems. Family Chronicle Magazine. 2004, 6x9, paper, 172 pp. Over 400 pages of interesting and useful stories from people who have encountered problems in their genealogical research, and the solutions they employed. F0007 - $15.00 More Dating Old Photographs, 1840-1929. Maureen Taylor. 2004, 8½x11, paper, 120 pp. Contains hundreds of pictures which should help with establishing the date within a few years. Contains over 650 pictures covering the period from the 1840s to the 1920s. By comparing your unknown pictures to those in our book, you will be able to compare clothing and hair fashion, the poses adopted by the subject and the background settings. T3034 - $15.95 More What Did They Mean By That. Paul Drake. 2006, 6x9, cloth, 224 pp. The family historian must seek out the records of merchants, courts, legislators, and churches, as well as everyday expressions of common folk. Just as we have created words like computer, gigabyte, and airplane, and set aside words as ticking and icebox, stadle, and squabpie, our ancestors had to do the same. The words found here are seen at every turn of research; in court documents (especially inventories of estates, court entries, and lawsuits), church records, books, newspapers, letters, and songs. D3571 - $21.50 Mrs. Joe’s Housekeeping Guide. Joe Mitchell Chapple. (1909), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 376 pp. This guide offers a detailed picture of everyday American life in the late 1890s to the early 1900s. It includes suggestions for cooking, cleaning, treatment of ailments and more. C4293 - $33.00 Murder and Madness, Military Matters and Managed Medicine, Memorable Milestones and Moments. Allen D. Spiegel. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 308 pp. True crime, criminal justice, military matters, uncommon heroes, madness, feminism, medicine, gender discrimination and prevalent social issues are examined on these pages. S4079 - $34.00 15 Narratives of the Discovery of America. A. W. Lawrence and Jean Young, ed. (1931), 1987, 5½x8½, paper, maps, 313 pp. Covers the Norse explorations of 986-1030, the voyages of Columbus, and of John Cabot. L0864 - $25.00 NGS Genealogy Puzzles. Joan R. Hankey. (1987), 1992, 8½x11, paper, 59 pp. This second revised edition contains all the material from the 1990 edition plus corrections and additions to the 1993 edition. The material is arranged in a biographical dictionary format; cross-references allow you to move among parents, children and other relatives. The info for each person varies but names, dates and places abound. H0058 - $9.00 On the Spanish Main or, some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien.With a description of the buccaneers and a short account of old-time ships and sailors. John Masfield. (1906), 2003, paper, index, illus., maps, 386 pp. Sir Francis Drake was not reluctant to go outside the bounds of legitimate trade to attack and plunder the Spanish in the Carribean. Nor was he reluctant to work with the maroons, black slaves escaped from the Spanish-held islands, in order to accomplish his monetarilyproductive ends. M2257 - $31.00 Only a Few Bones: A True Account of the Rolling Fork Tragedy and Its Aftermath. John Phillip Colletta. (2000), 2009, 6x9, paper, 436 pp. Family lore claimed his ancestor was murdered in Mississippi. Newspapers and court records said the man and four other victims were killed and incinerated in his remote country store. But the case was never solved. Now, after 30 years of investigating, the great great grandson of the slain carpetbagger reveals what really happened. Depicting graphically how family history and history converge. C3270 - $24.00 Orphan Trains and Their Precious Cargo: The Life’s Work of Rev. H. D. Clarke. Clark Kidder. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 374 pp. Rev. Clarke oversaw the transport and settlement of orphans from New York City to various communities in the mid-west beginning in 1900 when he was hired by the Children’s Aid Society. This account is based on his diaries, and identifies many of the orphans, including the author’s grandmother. K1755 - $26.95 Pioneer Women of the West. Mrs. Elizabeth F. Ellet. (1873, 2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 446 pp. This large volume contains biographical sketches of 58 women who moved across the Appalachian Mountains, after the Revolution, to settle in the vast country between Tennessee and Michigan that we now call the mid-west. A good deal of genealogical data is provided, as well as a woman’s viewpoint into that interesting era in our history. E2126 - $36.00 Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Adjutant General’s Office: Preliminary Inventory No. 17. Lucille H. Pendell and Elizabeth Bethel. (1949), 2007, 8½x11, paper, 156 pp. P3632 $18.00 16 Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery with Supplement: Record Group 52. with Supplement Compiled by Harry Schwartz. Kenneth F. Bartlett. (1948, 1965), 2004, 8½x11, 34 pp. Records described in this inventory include: Records of the Washington headquarters, 1812-1945, and records of naval medical establishments located in the field, 18131944.” B3483 - $11.50 Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Post Office Department: Record Group 28. Forrest R. Holdcamper. (1967, 2004), 2012, 8½x11, paper, 58 pp. Most of the records described in this inventory were created before 1946 when the Bureau’s functions included mail transportation. H3500 $10.50 Preliminary Inventory of the Textual Records of the Office of the Surgeon General (Army): Record Group 112. Patricia Taylor. (1964), 2005, 8½x11, paper, 56 pp. Contains inventory of records (1818-1951) from the Surgeon General’s central office, subordinate offices, Army medical examining boards, Army medical installations, and various military units. T3477 - $10.50 Privateers and Privateering with Eight Illustrations. Commander E. P. Statham, R.N. (1910, 2002), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 410 pp. A detailed history of privateering in the 16th and 17th with accounts of many infamous individuals. S2286 - $32.00 Record Group 125: Records of the Judge Advocate General (Navy), PC 32 - Preliminary Checklist of the Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Navy) 1799-1943 and Supplement to Preliminary Checklist 32. James R. Masterson and Harry Schwartz. (1945, 1965, 2007), 2012, 8½x11, paper, 64 pp. Compiled primarily for internal use in the National Archives; and, as its title indicates, it is intended to be only a “preliminary” description of the records to which it relates. M3479 - $12.50 Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury: Inventory 14 (Revised). William F. Sherman. (1997), 2010, 6x9, paper, index, 304 pp. A finding aid to what are probably the most underused records by genealogists in the National Archives this book is a must for the serious genealogist. This record group is the source for the settled accounts, the final pensions, claims, pay and employment and special claims commissions. S0006 - $27.00 Religious Resources in American Libraries and Historical Associations. Dr. Charles Dickson. 2013, 5½x8½, paper, 66 pp. This handy volume provides a quick reference to the multitude of resources that are available on religious groups in American libraries and historical associations. This work focuses on the wider picture of state, local, and religious organizations. D5485 - $14.00 17 Return of the Sinai 1979. Clete Hinton. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 208 pp. This book covers the signing of the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, follow-up of the Camp David Accords, the EgyptianIsraeli peace treaty sealed in the Sinai Desert, passing the “Hebron Accord,” the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Sinai Peninsula, and much more. H4134 - $28.50 Safe Counsel: A Complete Guide to Health Care and Home Remedies in the Late 19th Century. Karen Hamilton Rager. (2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 120 pp. A home medical reference for common people, the authors’ intent was to promote general physical and mental health by dispelling the myths and mysteries of both the human body and the medical sciences. It covers a wide scope of health-related topics, including home remedies, the care of the sick, women’s health issues and increasing longevity. A reflection of the attitudes and culture of our ancestors. R1579 - $15.50 Safe Counsel: A Complete Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Childcare in the Late 19th Century. Karen Hamilton Rager. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 112 pp. B. G. Jefferis, M.D., Ph.D. and J. L. Nichols originally published this volume in 1897. These pages reflect attitudes towards women, common family planning practices, and scientific “truths” of the times, giving the reader a deeper understanding of day to day life and beliefs during the late 1800s. Some advice will make the reader grin. Includes illustrations and an appendix. R1540 - $17.00 Sandlot: “The Soul of Baseball”. William A. Aleshire. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 252 pp. This is a story about black sandlot baseball teams and some of their individual team members who played in and around Prince George’s County, Maryland. Through photographs, text, personal interviews and newspaper accounts, this book explores an “untold story” of the black baseball experience. A3554 - $29.00 Ship Passenger Lists: National and New England (1600-1825). Carl Boyer 3rd. (1980), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 270 pp. 6000 immigrants. B0002 - $24.00 Ship Passenger Lists: New York and New Jersey (1600-1825). Carl Boyer 3rd. (1978), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 334 pp. Over 8,500 immigrants. B0723 - $26.00 Ship Passenger Lists: Pennsylvania and Delaware (1641-1825). Carl Boyer 3rd. (1980), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 290 pp. Over 6000 immigrants. B0024 - $26.00 18 Ship Passenger Lists: The South (1538-1825). Carl Boyer 3rd. (1980), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 314 pp. About 8000 immigrants, Maryland to Louisiana. B0026 - $26.00 So, Ye Want to Be a Reenactor? A Living History Handbook. Brenton C. Kemmer and Karen L. Kemmer. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 160 pp. Learn how to select the time period that’s right for you, join a reenactment unit, get the clothing and equipment needed, and select the best events. K1732 - $17.00 Special List 29: List of Selected Maps and States and Territories. Janet L. Hargett. (1971), 2011, 6x9, paper, index, 122 pp. Finding aid to the collection of approximately 900 maps selected from the holdings of the Cartographic Archives Division of the National Archives. The maps date from the late 18th century to 1920. H5016 - $16.00 State Boundaries of America: How, Why and When American State Lines were formed. Jerry Hansen. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 238 pp. The United States is a layer cake of interstate boundaries laid down over centuries. This definitive reference, available for the first time in one convenient volume, offers a unique approach to understanding the formation of these boundaries and the accession of states. H4456 - $24.00 Story of the Huguenots: A Sixteenth Century Narrative Wherein the French, Spaniards and Indians Were the Actors. F. A. Mann. (1912, 2002), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 204 pp. Covers La Caroline, interactions with native inhabitants, the struggle for power between France and Spain, slaughters at Matanzas, D’Erlach, Chevalier D’Ottigny, Ostinola and his people, Huguenot explorations, more. M2173 - $22.50 Teaching Genealogy to Young People. Bee Bartron Koons. (2004), 2006, 8½x11, paper, 227 pp. Young people have the wonderful opportunity to record their family history as they are living it day to day, but it can be a challenge to arouse students’ interest in genealogy, so the right approach is essential. Here is a guide to offering older children and teenagers a personalized journey through history with a little geography on the side; teaching the art of climbing the family tree; and developing the detective skills necessary to discover missing pieces and family secrets. K3353 - $26.00 The Beginnings of Quakerism. William C. Braithwaite. (1912, 1999), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 610 pp. A detailed study of the early history of Quakerism from the beginning in England, Europe and America down to 1660. B0955 - $45.00 19 The Colonization of the Middle States and Maryland. Frederick Robertson Jones, Ph.D. Dr. (1904, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 666 pp. A scholarly and readable history of the Middle States (New England on the north and east, Virginia on the south). “The object of the present narrative is to show, first, that the Middle colonies possessed important characteristics and interests in common... Those men who laid the foundations of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, and Delaware were too busy with their personal work, too busy with their labor in advancing colonial, and, later, national, interests to spread abroad praise of themselves or to contest with their neighbors to the south or east for control or place.” Chronological table of events, numerous illustrations, maps. J1588 - $52.50 The Diary of Benjamin Reynolds: The Journal of a Voyage ‘round Cape Horn from Philadelphia to Chile and back again via Rio de Janiero in 1840-41. Rosalie Esmond Blizard. (1993), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 80 pp. Imagine yourself, a young man of 20 in the year 1840, about to embark on a sailing ship for an adventure you will never forget! This diary is one of those wonderful treasures that we all hope to discover in the attic. Consists of Mr. Reynolds’ departure from Philadelphia, his voyage, descriptions of Valparaiso, Rio de Janiero, and the return voyage home. B0796 - $14.00 The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. John Fiske. (1899), 1999, 5½x8½, paper, indices, append., maps, 2 vols., 694 pp. Volume I offers a glimpse of medieval Netherlands history, prefacing the Dutch influence on, and conflict with, England extending into the New World. Volume II covers the peaceful transfer of New Netherland to English rule and the impact of the Quakers. F1334-LQ $54.00 The English in America: The Middle Colonies. J. A. Doyle. (1907, 1998), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 580 pp. Colonies which later became New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania are covered in detail. Discusses: New Netherlands, English Conquest, Dutch Reconquest, Revolution in N.Y., settlement of N.J., foundation of Penn., and more. D1008 - $43.00 The Family News: A Teacher’s Guide for Using Genealogy and Newspapers in the Classroom for Grades Third Through Sixth Grade Students. Catherine Zahn. 2001, paper, 8½x11, 38 pp. Throughout this unit students will be encouraged to work on their family history. They will collect and incorporate their family history and artifacts into a newspaper format. Materials needed are ones readily found in any elementary classroom and at home. Z0080 - $7.50 The Genealogist’s Guide to Researching Tax Records. Carol Cook Darrow, CG and Susan Winchester, Ph.D., CPA. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 182 pp. Tax records can help you establish the location, real estate, personal possessions, economic status and perhaps even the occupations and family relationships of your ancestors. Learn how to find, read and understand tax record data. D4298 - $20.00 The George M. Bedinger Papers in the Draper Manuscript Collection. Craig L. Heath. 2002, 5½x8½, paper, index, 420 pp. Bedinger was in the Revolution from Boston to Yorktown; later he explored the Green River country in Kentucky. and made his permanent home at Lower Blue Licks. This important work consists of personal recollections written by Bedinger or taken by Draper from his verbal dictation, affidavits of services, land warrants, and letters from his descendants. H2071 $32.50 20 The Huguenot Settlements in Ireland. Grace Lawless Lee. (1936), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 294 pp. The flight of French Protestants, or Huguenots, to England and Ireland occurred in four waves that spanned three centuries and coincided with significant episodes of religious persecution. L2005 $28.00 The Hunting Pioneers, 1720-1840: Ultimate Backwoodsmen on the Early American Frontier. Robert John Holden with Donna Jean Holden. (2000), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 244 pp. The first comprehensive account of the ultimate wilderness archetypes, the hunting pioneer families of the deep woods, who originated in the Delaware River colony of New Sweden. Over the years, these Swede-Finns were joined by English, German, and Scotch-Irish immigrants. Together they led the frontier advance through the backcountry of Pa., Md., Va., N.C., S.C., and Ga., to the edge of the treeless Great Plains. Wonderful resource for historians, re-enactors, and genealogists. H1526 - $22.50 The Illinois Manuscripts: Vol. 1Z of the Draper Manuscript Collection. Craig L. Heath. This collection of transcripts of correspondence, and other material, was furnished to Draper (18421868) by J. M. Peck, Isaac Newton Piggott, John Reynolds, Pierre Menard, Benjamin Scott, James Lemen, John T. Lusk and George Lusk. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 240 pp. Discussions include: Daniel Boone, early history of the West, participants in the Black Hawk War, histories of John Murdock and James Piggott, noted hunter Alexis Doza, Illinois pioneer Joseph Ogle Sr., and much more; concluding with a sketch of the life of Gen. Samuel Whiteside. H2327 - $22.50 The Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-1680. Bartlett Burleigh James, B.D. Ph.D., and J. Franklin Jameson, Ph.D., LL.D. (1913) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 313 pp. An important early description of the mid-Atlantic region. This translation of the journal of Jasper Danckaerts and his companion Peter Sluyter describes their travels through the middle colonies (1679-1680) in search of a suitable site for a religious settlement. J1764 - $28.50 The Lebanon Cook Book: Compiled from Recipes Collected by the Ladies of the Centenary M. E. Church. Centenary M. E. Church. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. Much more than a book of recipes, this book contains valuable social history. Many recipes are devoted to home remedies and preserving foods. Advertisements reflect the life of a rural county seat of the period. C4297 - $29.00 The Old Pike: A History of the National Road, with Incidents, Accidents, and Anecdotes Thereon. Thomas B. Searight. (1894), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 594 pp. This 1818 road began at Cumberland, Md., and ended in Illinois. Until the coming of the railroads west of the Allegheny Mountains (1852), the National Road was the highway over which passed the bulk of trade, travel, and mails between East and West. Covers many aspects of life on the road, and names many of the people involved with the building of the road, and the people who made their living from it. S0407 - $38.00 The Quiet Adventurers in North America (Canada). Marion G. Turk. (1983), 2009, 5½x8½, cloth, 748 pp. A genealogical dictionary that identifies thousands of known (or probable) Channel Island immigrants to America, and some of their descendants. New edition has six pages of corrections and additions. T4921 - $60.00 21 The Saint Lawrence [Canada]: Its Basin and Border-Lands. Samuel Edward Dawson. (1905) 2003, paper, index, 565 pp. A must for those interested in history and geography. Dawson sets out to relate the chief facts pertaining to the discovery and exploration of the northeastern part of the continent of North America. He begins with a geographical sketch of the area, followed by an introductory chapter, and a review of John Cabot’s first two voyages, the second of which ended in disappointment. D2252 - $41.00 The Second Period of Quakerism. William C. Braithwaite. (1919), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 716 pp. This sequel to the 1912 work, The Beginnings of Quakerism, examines the period of organization and growth experienced by the Society of Friends in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. It is during this period that the dynamic leadership of George Fox and William Penn transforms the Quakers into a functioning spiritual community of vocal and politically volatile reformers. B2332 - $49.50 The Zen of Genealogy: The Lighter Side of Genealogy. Beth Maltbie Uyehara. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 128 pp. Here’s the lowdown on: how to get contributions to a genealogy newsletter; how to dazzle your cousins with your research; how to win the real Salt Lake City Olympic events; how to organize your paperwork-for good; how to get your spouse hooked on genealogy; and much more. U2272 - $18.00 They Built Railway Cars: The Pullman Social Experiment and the Swedish Immigration. Allan T. Nilson. 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 130 pp. The two main themes of this book are: 1) Two families among a group of immigrants from the Nykyrke Parish in Sweden-how they adapted to a new life and culture and founded their Lutheran church; and 2) Railroad car magnate George M. Pullman, who built the factories and the town where the Swedes came to work and live, in this “social experiment.” J2076 - $17.00 Tombstones of Your Ancestors. Louis S. Schafer. (1991), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 164 pp. This is a comprehensive guide to recording and understanding tombstone inscriptions and art. S0436 $20.00 Town and County Government in the English Colonies of North America. Edward Channing, Ph.D. (1884), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 58 pp. This Toppan Prize Essay for 1883, which was awarded by Harvard University, examines the economic conditions of the colonies, local government in the mother-country, ecclesiastical systems, land systems; plus local governments in Massachusetts and Virginia. C4268 - $13.00 Versatile Physicians II. Fillmore Buckner. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 384 pp. Biographical sketches of twenty physicians who made significant impacts on history in areas other than medicine: Sun Yat-Sen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Gertrude Stein, Richard Jordan Gatling, W. Somerset Maugham, Joseph Ignace Guillotin, Thomas Dover, Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, Hugh Mercer, Oliver Goldsmith, Emin Pasha, Sir Leander Starr Jameson, Thomas Clark Durant, William Henry Harrison, Ayman AlZawahiri, Jean Paul Marat, John Keats, John Henry Holliday, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, and Franz Fanon. The collection is international with all five continents represented. B4911 - $31.00 22 Versatile Physicians. Fillmore Buckner. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 166 pp. This book is meant to introduce the reader to a number of historically significant physicians who medical histories have ignored. B3137 - $21.00 Victory Without Swords: The Story of Pat and Lily Okura, Japanese American Citizens in 1941 America. Robert B. Kugel, M.D. (2004), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 106 pp. This is the story of Pat and Lily Okura, and other Japanese American citizens who were caught up in the shameful circumstances following the declaration of war against Japan in 1941. The Okuras overcame prejudice and prospered. K3144 - $18.50 Waifs, Foundlings, and Half-Orphans: Searching for America’s Orphan Train Riders. Mary Ellen Johnson. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 102 pp. Two brief, but moving, first-hand accounts precede an examination of the impact of mass migration; orphanages and institutions; and research and resources. References, a reading list, and a full name index add to the value of this work J0955 - $17.50 What Did They Mean By That? A Dictionary of Historical and Genealogical Terms, Old and New. Paul Drake. (2000), 2007, 6x9, cloth, 348 pp. This collection of more than 4500 words includes many occupations, descriptions of early furniture and foods, common medical terms and herbal remedies, and many all but forgotten expressions. The words found here are seen at every turn of research; in court documents (especially inventories of estates, court entries, and lawsuits), church records, books, newspapers, letters, and songs. D2500 - $60.00 *Not listed on HB website. What Did They Mean By That? A Dictionary of Historical and Genealogical Terms, Old and New. Paul Drake. (2000), 2009, 6x9, paper, 348 pp. This collection of more than 4500 words includes many occupations, descriptions of early furniture and foods, common medical terms and herbal remedies, and many all but forgotten expressions. The words found here are seen at every turn of research; in court documents (especially inventories of estates, court entries, and lawsuits), church records, books, newspapers, letters, and songs. D7169 - $36.00 Who’s Who in Genealogy and Heraldry, 1990. Mary Keysor Meyer and P. William Filby. 1990, 8½x11, cloth, alpha., 346 pp. Lists by name those who have participated in genealogical and historical research, with profile of each researcher, including the genealogical publications. F3309 $20.00 Windows on the Past: Identifying, Dating, and Preserving Photographs. Diane VanSkiver Gagel. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, 95 pp. A useful guide to dating and caring for family photographic collections. G1620 - $17.00 23 Women Short-Changed by History. Barbara Venton Montgomery, Ph.D. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 110 pp. This fascinating text brings to light the contributions of five women seldom, if ever, mentioned as more than passing characters in the rich pageant of American history: Pocahontas, Lucy Terry Prince, Mary Edwards Walker, Sarah Josepha Hale, and Victoria Claflin Woodhull. M9991 $15.00 Wonderful “Wicked” Women of the World. Barbara Venton Montgomery. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 112 pp. Described by historians as “sexually repressed,” “aggressive,” “self-obsessed,” and “wicked” these wonderful women led armies, and with brains as well as beauty, defended themselves and their lands. Win or lose, they displayed courage and fearlessness to the end of their lives. History sometimes overlooks their accomplishments, but this book does not. M3355 - $18.50 You Ought to Write All That Down: A Guide to Organizing and Writing Genealogical Narrative. Revised Edition. Paul Drake. (1998), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 218 pp. We all have been told that we should write a book. Here is a complete, detailed, and well written guide for planning, organizing, writing, publishing and selling such a work. D0989 - $34.00 Young People’s Workbook for Junior Genealogy Classes. Bee Bartron Koons. (2005), 2012, 8½x11, paper, 118 pp. All the lesson-related forms found in Teaching Genealogy to Young People are included. But more than a workbook, these pages will record the details of family history to be treasured by future generations. Forms are well formatted and thoughtfully designed. K3354 - $18.50 Your Story: A Writing Guide for Genealogists. Carla Jean Eardley. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 118 pp. How to turn your genealogical research into compelling stories-even if you’ve never written anything more complicated than a letter. E0110 - $15.50 African-American A Legal History of Slavery in the United States. Robert B. Shaw. 1991, 5x8, cloth, index, 306 pp. A comprehensive and coherent treatment of the laws of slavery which varied from one jurisdiction to another. Covers the slave trade, the fugitive slave law and the special status of slavery in the District of Columbia. S3393 - $16.00 Abstract of Account Information of Freedman’s Savings and Trust, New Orleans, Louisiana 1866-1869. Linell H. Hardy. (1999), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 190 pp. Crucial genealogical data on African American account holders. H1137 - $22.00 24 Abstracts of Carroll County Newspapers, 1831-1846. Marlene Bates and Martha Reamy. (1988), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. Items from newspapers of the region which is now Carroll County - plus items from Frederick, Baltimore and South Central Pa. B0114 - $20.00 An Index of African Americans Identified in Selected Records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. Jacqueline A. Lawson. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 102 pp. Three indexes: First is a list of African Americans identified in letters that contained fewer than 24 names; identifies person’s full name, date letter was received and where it originated, brief description of contents and the original BRFAL records information. Includes, when known, names and locations of former owners of the freedmen and women. Second, is an index of people who appeared in lists of 24 or more names, such as petitions. The third index lists nearly 1,200 names of African Americans sent from the District of Columbia to work under contracts approved by the BRFAL. L0291 - $14.00 An Index of Headstones in Lincoln Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois. Alabama Study Group of the Afro-American Genealogy and Historical Society of Chicago. 1999, 5½x8½, paper, 577 pp. The largest African American cemetery in the Chicago area. More than 27,000 headstones from the original section of “Historic” Lincoln Cemetery. A1375 - $46.00 Black Indian Genealogy Research: African-American Ancestors Among the Five Civilized Tribes, an Expanded Edition. Angela Y. Walton-Raji. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 242 pp. Shows where to find and how to use the Indian Freedman Records, discusses Black Indians and Tri-Racial groups, explores the lifestyle of Indian ancestors, presents numerous case studies, and much more. W4473 - $24.50 Chesterfield County, Virginia Uncovered: The Records of Death and Slave Insurance Records for the Coal Mining Industry, 1810-1895. Nancy C. Frantel. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 234 pp. This unsettling account of coal mining’s slave insurance business contains: records of the victims of mining accidents, and of insured slaves with names, date, places, and more; plus several appendices. F4902 $24.50 Civil War and Living History ReenactingAbout “People of Color”. How to Begin, What to Wear, Why Reenact. Mary L. Jackson Fears. (2004), 2013, 8½x11, paper, index, 180 pp. Love history? Why not live it? This guide will inspire African-Americans to attend Civil War battle reenactments and join in the living history experience as reenactors. Illustrated. F2513 - $28.50 Created to Be Free: A Historical Novel about One American Family. Juanita Patience Moss. (2001), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 398 pp. This is the life story of a tenacious young black runaway from North Carolina who during the Civil War enlisted in an all white volunteer regiment from western Pennsylvania in 1861 and garrisoned in Plymouth, N.C. in 1863. M0704 - $30.00 25 Entitled! Free Papers in Appalachia Concerning Antebellum Freeborn Negroes and Emancipated Blacks of Montgomery County, Virginia. Richard B. Dickenson. 1981, cloth, 101 pp. Taken from the Register of Free Negroes and Mulattoes of Montgomery Co., Virginia. It provides date of registration, age and height, basis for approval, complexion, scars, marks and other registration information where available. Includes free colored persons found in the censuses of 1830 through 1860. Includes 1866 Marriage Register and the 1867 Census Returns of Colored Population. D9047 - $18.50 Guide to Tracing Your African Ameripean Civil War Ancestor. Jeanette Braxton Secret. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 138 pp. This helpful guide describes how to use federal and state records that contain a wealth of information such as birthplace, residence, names of parents, spouses and children, occupation, and military data. S0672 - $18.00 History of the Colored Race in America. Wm. T. Alexander. (1887), 2003, paper, index, 646 pp. A sweeping history that moves across two continents and several hundred years with the purpose of educating 19th century African Americans about their past and encouraging their advancement in political, intellectual, and social rights. A2296 - $45.50 History of the Underground Railroadas it Was Conducted by the Anti-Slavery League, Including Many Thrilling Encounters Between Those Aiding the Slaves to Escape and Those Trying to Recapture Them. Col. William M. Cockrum. (1915), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 356 pp. This work is primarily concerned with the traffic through Indiana, and the exciting events it engendered. C0391 - $24.50 Hunter Sutherland’s Slave Manumissions and Sales in Harford County, Maryland, 1775-1865. Carolyn Greenfield Adams. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 144 pp. About 2,000 based on data from more than 500 documents. A1144 - $17.00 In Full Force and Virtue: North Carolina Emancipation Records, 1713-1860. William L. Byrd III. (1999), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 374 pp. Covers petitions where masters expostulate to the court the reasons for wishing to free their slaves. The petitions reveal relationships between cultures and races, and many depict relations on an intimate level. B1241 - $54.00 Land Records of Sussex County, Delaware: Various Dates: 1693-1698, 1715-1717, 1782-1792, 1802-1805. Mary Marshall Brewer. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 156 pp. Documents are concentrated on the following periods: 1693-1698, 1783, 1788, 1792, and 1802-1805. Many of the documents of the latter periods are petitions, deeds, mortgages, manumissions, bonds, etc. B0028 $17.50 26 Mississippi to Africa: A Journey of Discovery. Melvin J. Collier. 2008, 6x9, paper, index, 298 pp. This unique story chronicles a history-uncovering, seven-generational journey that unearthed captivating and heart-breaking discoveries and surprising connections. It will propel readers into the fascinating world of genealogy and historical discoveries. C4761 - $28.00 Norfolk, Virginia Registry of Free Negroes, 1835-1861, Abstracts. C. Bernard Ruffin. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 208 pp. These abstracts contain vital data for approximately 600 persons: registrant’s surname (if available), approx. date of birth, physical description, manner of manumission, date(s) of registration, and date “ordered to be registered.” R5014 - $23.00 North Carolina Slaves and Free Persons of Color: Mecklenburg, Gaston, and Union. William L. Byrd III and John H. Smith. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 262 pp. A table of cases for criminal and civil actions, a full name and subject index, and a glossary of legal terms augment this work. B1851 $23.50 Northampton County, Virginia, Tithables, 1720-1769. John B. Bell. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 448 pp. The tithables show the heads-of-families and, in most cases, an every-name listing of those black and white tithables in the household. Widows are shown (if head-of-household) thus establishing the recent death of a husband. Male children and slave tithables at 12 (or 16) help estimate date of birth or (probable) latest date of parent’s marriage. Occupation or comments (such as, son of...) are often the only source of such valuable knowledge. Appearance or disappearance on the list may be a clue to migration patterns. They are offered here as near as possible to the original orthography, and are an absolute must to those interested in early Virginia genealogy and history. B0113 - $36.50 Register of Free Blacks, Rockingham County, Virginia, 1807-1859. Dorothy A. Boyd-Rush. (1992), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 266 pp. Encompassing the complete Register of Free Blacks of Rockingham County, this book contains more than 500 family names not only of free blacks but also of those whose wills and affidavits helped secure recognition of their freedom. B3658 - $23.50 Richmond, Virginia Lost Souls: Restored African-American Interments as listed in the Mt. Olivet Cemetery Register, 1875-1908. Nancy C. Frantel. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 198 pp. This transcription of Mt. Olivet Cemetery’s interment register lists over 1,300 African-American burials (including unmarked remains) and reveals some disturbing burial practices. F5330 - $20.00 Slave Ancestral Research: It’s Something Else. Mary L. Jackson Fears. (1995), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 290 pp. This book contains over one hundred documents which illustrate how the author found the names of her slave ancestors and the surnames of the slave owners. Slave lists are included from four Georgia counties: Warren, Baldwin, Talbot, and Taylor. F0200 - $37.00 Slave Genealogy: A Research Guide with Case Studies. David H. Streets. (1986), 2008, 8½x11, paper, 92 pp. This excellent guide provides a clear discussion of slave genealogy. Three case studies (drawn from the records of Wayne County, Kentucky) demonstrate research methods and types of analysis to be employed. S0063 - $19.50 27 The African American Collection, Indentures, Cecil County, Maryland 1777-1814. Jerry M. Hynson. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 46 pp. This volume presents a summary of the apprentice cases in Cecil County, Maryland, from 1777 until 1805. The records contain the following information: the name of the apprentice, accompanied by any parental information found; the birth date of the apprentice; the age of the apprentice; the name of the Master and trade (if known); beginning date of the apprenticeship; and the length of time to be served. In many cases the location of the apprenticeship in terms of a political district is given. H4112 - $12.00 The African American Experience: Personal and Social Activism in the 19th and 20th Centuries. HB Papers. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 248 pp. Explores the efforts made by Americans to bring the 1865 promise of freedom and equality to fruition. Covers southern blacks migrating to the Midwest, several Maryland societies, documentary photography books, two biographical pieces, comparison of two contemporary poets, and a historiographical piece on African American music education. H2510 - $25.00 The Blacks of Pickaway County, Ohio in the Nineteenth Century. James Buchanan. (1988), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 146 pp. Pickaway County in south-central Ohio was formed in 1810 and became a haven for free and runaway blacks who came north from Virginia and other southern states. This volume is a genealogical dictionary of the black families in the county during the nineteenth century as assembled from census data and vital statistics from the court house. B3129 - $19.50 The Forgotten Black Soldiers in White Regiments During the Civil War, Revised Edition. Juanita Patience Moss. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 180 pp. The author’s research began after being told that black soldiers only served with segregated units. Her great grandfather, an identifiably “Col’d” man, served in a white regiment. The hundreds of names listed here prove that he was not alone. M4647 - $21.00 The Heritage of Blacks in North Carolina, Volume 1, 1990. North Carolina African-American Heritage Foundation. 1990, 8½x11, cloth, 504 pp. This is the first known attempt by any group, organization or individual to collect the personal genealogical studies of a statewide group of AfroAmericans and publish these materials. Forward by Alex Haley. This collection of African-American stories contains representations from 85% of North Carolina counties. N0012 - $45.00 The Most Dangerous Branch: Slavery, the Courts and the Constitution. Randall C. Young. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 362 pp. A comprehensive history of the Federal jurisprudence of slavery, The Most Dangerous Branch offers a unique perspective on slavery as an American institution. This thorough review of all-but-forgotten pleas for freedom will challenge many popularly held beliefs about American history. Y3226 - $34.00 The Underground Railroad and the Picayune Connection. Harry F. Dill. (1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 160 pp. On 27 January 1837, The Picayune was established in New Orleans, Louisiana. This book covers from 27 January 1837 to 26 December 1847. Slave owners and others placed notices in the classified ads offering rewards for apprehension of slaves. For those seeking slave ancestors, the ads are valuable resources. Names of slaves, usually first names only, but quite often full names as well; brief descriptions of slaves; dates they ran away; their trades or occupations; names of owners or persons holding them in custody; and other details are included in the ads. The author has provided three indices: names of the slaveholders and others, full names of slaves, first names of slaves. D1057 - $20.50 28 Virginia Slave Births Index, 1853-1865, Volume 1, A-C. Alexandria Library, Local History/Special Collections. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 664 pp. Entries are arranged alphabetically by slave owner’s name and include names of enslaved infants and mothers, single births, multiple births, and stillbirths. Variant surnames are cross-referenced. Statewide coverage. This index includes more than 130,000 entries. A4232 - $48.00 Virginia Slave Births Index, 1853-1865, Volume 2, D-G. Alexandria Library, Local History/Special Collections. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 490 pp. Entries are arranged alphabetically by slave owner’s name and include names of enslaved infants and mothers, single births, multiple births, and stillbirths. Variant surnames are cross-referenced. Statewide coverage. This index includes more than 130,000 entries. A4333 - $39.00 Virginia Slave Births Index, 1853-1865, Volume 3, H-L. Alexandria Library, Local History/Special Collections. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 528 pp. Entries are arranged alphabetically by slave owner’s name and include names of enslaved infants and mothers, single births, multiple births, and stillbirths. Variant surnames are cross-referenced. Statewide coverage. This index includes more than 130,000 entries. A4334 - $41.00 Virginia Slave Births Index, 1853-1865, Volume 4, M-R. Alexandria Library, Local History/Special Collections. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 608 pp. In 1853, the Entries include single births, multiple births, and stillbirths. Occasionally, both parents of an enslaved infant are identified. In rare instances, the name of a freeborn infant appears. Independent city and county names are spelled out. Data not reported in the microfilm is denoted by “----.” Illegible text in the microfilm is denoted by “####.” This index includes more than 130,000 entries. A4453 - $45.00 Virginia Slave Births Index, 1853-1865, Volume 5, S-Z. Alexandria Library, Local History/Special Collections. 2007, 5½ x 8½, paper, alphabetical, 714 pp. In 1853, the Entries include single births, multiple births, and stillbirths. Occasionally, both parents of an enslaved infant are identified. In rare instances, the name of a freeborn infant appears. Independent city and county names are spelled out. Data not reported in the microfilm is denoted by “----.” Illegible text in the microfilm is denoted by “####.” This index includes more than 130,000 entries. A4496 - $50.00 Memoirs Growing Up the First Time. Mary Smith. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 280 pp. This is the compelling story of the lives of four American children who spent their childhood in Shanghai, including seven months on their own in a Japanese internment camp in 1943. These children lived with a foot in two cultures, having the benefit of the best and the worst of the East and the West. S5347 - $27.00 Headed for Dixie and Trouble: The Civil War Journal of Will L.Wade. Ronald Cannon. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 200 pp. The journal of Private Will Wade (Co. G, Eleventh Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry) reveals an average soldier who did his duty, but who increasingly looked to his life beyond the army. Includes: Shiloh, Vicksburg and Atlanta. C5400 - $23.00 29 Heartbreak of a Civil War Widow: Life of Sarah Harper McWhirter, 1825-1883, Including Harper Family Ancestry Traced to Oxfordshire, Noke, England in Early 1500’s and Selected Information on the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV. Glenda McWhirter Todd. 2010, 6x9, paper, index, 338 pp. Sarah Harper McWhirter’s life, including her experiences during and after the Civil War. Illustrated. T5252 - $30.00 My Life in the Service: The World War II Diary of Staff Sergeant Jack E. Bates, 2nd Squadron 22nd Bombardment Group Fifth Air Force. Wayne N. Horton. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 248 pp. This diary offers detailed day-to-day account of the life of Jack E. Bates during forty-one missions in the Pacific theatre during World War II. H5389 - $25.00 Our Late Great Century, 1900-1999. Gaston Owen McGinnis. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 454 pp. Dr. McGinnis’ collection of special episodes and experiences invites the reader on a fascinating journey through the 20th century; a century that brought inconceivable changes in transportation, communication, government, medicine and personal comfort. G5168 - $36.50 Tell Me Why Dear Bennett: Memoirs of Bennett College Belles, Class of 1924-2012. Juanita Patience Moss. 2010, 6x9, paper, index, 414 pp. These memoirs reflect this country’s history from Bennett’s organization in 1873, through several wars, the Great Depression, the Civil Rights Movement, and more. M5160 - $39.00 Tell Me Why Dear Bennett: Memoirs of Bennett College Belles, Volume II. Juanita Patience Moss. 2012, 6x9, paper, index, 390 pp. Contains not only memoirs, but also legacies, accomplishments, tributes, and memorials; a reflection of our nation’s history from post-slavery days to the present time. M5388 - $33.00 The Quiet Patriot, Colonel Return Jonathan Meigs: With Meigs’s 1775 Journal of the Quebec Expedition. Richard A. Mason. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 390 pp. Chronicles of Col. Meigs’s experiences in the Revolutionary War: the attack on Quebec with Benedict Arnold; Meigs’s daring raid on the British at Sag Harbor; and his postwar adventures as an Ohio pioneer and Cherokee Indian Agent. M5185 - $33.00 Native American 1835 Cherokee Valuations. Marjorie J. Lowe. (2007), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 132 pp. The names of persons employed to carry out the 1835 treaty, duties, appointed date, sum paid, appointed by whom, and remarks is followed by a list of Cherokee heads of households and the amount of each evaluation. The index notes those listed on the Cherokee 1835 U.S. Federal Census. L5450 - $23.00 30 1880 Cherokee Nation Census, Indian Territory (Oklahoma). Barbara L. Benge. (2000), 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 2 vols, 606 pp. This book is a transcription of the 1880 Cherokee Nation census, complete with census card numbers, which were added in 1900. Entries are grouped by districts-Canadian, Cooweescoowee, Delaware, Flint, Goingsnake, Illinois, Saline, Sequoyah, Tahlequah and Orphans. B1576 - $78.00 1890 Cherokee Nation CensusIndian Territory (Oklahoma). Barbara Benge. 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 2 vols., 863 pp. A transcription of the 1890 Cherokee Nation Census; bridges the gap between the 1880 Cherokee Nation census and the Dawes roll done in 1902. Districts-Canadian, Cooweescoowee, Delaware, Flint, Goingsnake, Illinois, Saline, Sequoyah, Tahlequah, and Orphans, group entries. B2011 - $88.50 A Trail of Tears: The American Indian in the Civil War. Rex Jackson. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 128 pp. Learn about Native American tragedies, including the 1839 Cherokee march, and the little known, but significant contributions made by Native Americans during the Civil War in Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma Indian Territory. Enhanced by photographs, a chronology, and an index. J2562 - $16.50 Autobiography of Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak, or Black Hawk, Embracing the Traditions of his Nation, Various Wars in Which He Has Been Engaged, and His Account of the Cause and General History of the BLACK HAWK WAR OF 1832, His Surrender, and Travels Through the United States. Dictated by Himself. Also, Life, Death and Burial of the Old Chief, Together with a History of the Black Hawk War. Antoine LeClair and J. B. Patterson. (1882, 2002), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. An autobiography as dictated by Black Hawk with supplemental material on his final years, and a history of the Black Hawk War. P2227 - $23.50 Blacksnake’s Path: The True Adventures of William Wells. William Heath. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 376 pp. This splendid novel about an unsung hero of American history recreates an entire period (1779-1812), showing how the Indians lived, fought for their homeland, and dealt with defeat, while also capturing the lives of the men and women who settled the territory north of the Ohio River. H4649 - $30.00 Cherokee by Blood: Volume 1, Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U. S. Court of Claims 1906-1910, Applications 1-1550. Jerry Wright Jordan. (1987), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 498 pp. This series presents detailed abstracts of those applications including numerous verbatim transcriptions of affidavits by the applicants, their families and friends. Since most of the applications were descendants, and had to prove their descent, the quantity of genealogical data in these volumes is impressive. J0048 - $40.00 Cherokee by Blood: Volume 2, Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910, Applications 1551-4200. Jerry Wright Jordan. (1988), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 502 pp. Second in the series of lists of native Americans who won cash settlements from the US because of violations of the treaties of 1835-36 and 1845. J0111 - $40.00 31 Cherokee by Blood: Volume 3, Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910, Applications 4201-7250. Jerry Wright Jordan. (1988), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 502 pp. Continues the series. J0160 - $40.00 Cherokee by Blood: Volume 4, Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910, Applications 7251-10170. Jerry Wright Jordan. (1989), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 506 pp. Continues the series. J0239 - $40.00 Cherokee by Blood: Volume 5, Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of Claims 1906-1910, Applications 10171-13260. Jerry Wright Jordan. (1990), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 506 pp. Second in the series of lists of native Americans who won cash settlements from the US because of violations of the treaties of 1835-36 and 1845. J0294 - $40.00 Cherokee by Blood: Volume 6, Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U. S. Court of Claims 1906-1910, Applications 13261-16745. Jerry Wright Jordan. (1990), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 506 pp. J0338 - $40.00 Cherokee by Blood: Volume 7, Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U. S. Court of Claims 1906-1910, Applications 16746-20100. Jerry Wright Jordan. (1991), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 506 pp. Seventh in the series of lists of native Americans who won cash settlements from the US because of violations of the treaties of 1835-36 and 1845. J0446 - $40.00 Cherokee by Blood: Volume 8, Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U. S. Court of Claims 1906-1910, Applications 20101-23800. Jerry Wright Jordan. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 506 pp. Continues the series. J0573 - $40.00 Cherokee by Blood: Volume 9, Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U. S. Court of Claims 1906-1910, Applications 23801-27800. Jerry Wright Jordan. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 504 pp. J0813 - $40.00 32 Cherokee Claims for Transportation and Subsistence, Special File 154: Vol. 1. Dawn C. Stricklin. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 236 pp. The first of a set of two volumes, this book guides inexperienced researchers through its pages beginning with the introduction that describes what the records are and how they were created, allowing readers to fully grasp the true value of the documents. S0918 - $24.50 Chickasaw Rolls: Annuity Rolls of 1857-1860 and the “1855” Chickasaw District Roll of 1856. K. M. Armstrong and Bob Curry. (1995), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 266 pp. Each entry contains the recipient’s name; the number of men, women and children in the household; and other data. A0385 $40.00 Children of “Red Atlantis”: The Development of Federal Indian Policy 1735 through the Indian Reorganization Act. James P. Lynch. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 252 pp. This book’s goal is to depict and analyze the progressive development of Federal Indian policy beginning with the association between the colonies and provinces of pre-revolutionary America, through the era of termination. L5285 - $24.50 Extract of Rejected Applications of the Guion Miller Roll of the Eastern Cherokee, Volume 1. Jo Ann Curls Page. (1999), 2006, 8½x11, alphabetical, 418 pp. Almost 60,000 individuals were rejected. The extracts of rejected applications from the first 195 rolls of microfilm are included, containing 23,000 applications. P1315 - $46.00 Extract of the Rejected Applications of the Guion Miller Roll of the Eastern Cherokee, Volume 2. Jo Ann Curls Page. (2003), 2006, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 376 pp. These extracts of rejected applications include 13,050 applications. Entries contain: application number; state of residence (when available); year of birth; names of spouse, father, mother, paternal and maternal grandparents. P2328 $48.50 Extract of the Rejected Applications of the Guion Miller Roll of the Eastern Cherokee, Volume 3. Jo Ann Curls Page. (2003), 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 358 pp. This volume contains extracts of rejected applications rolls from 283-348 of microfilm (applications 36051 to 45856). The format consists of nine columns of information, including application number and, when available, state of residence, year of birth, names of spouse, father, mother, paternal and maternal grandparents-a rich source of genealogical information. P2350 - $38.00 French and Native North American Marriages, 1600-1800. Paul J. Bunnell, FACG, UE. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 186 pp. Compiled from major and secondary sources. Never before published listings of Eastern United States and Canadian French/Indian Marriages 1600-1800. Find you First Nation ancestors here. B2595 - $25.00 33 Hanging Katherine Garrett: A Novel based on the 1737 Trial of a Pequot Woman. Abigail Davis. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 234 pp. In present-day Minneapolis a graduate student, Karla Palmer, discovers a sermon that was preached at the 1738 hanging of Katherine Garret, a Pequot Indian woman who was executed for the murder of her bastard child. Karla, smelling a cover-up, follows the obscured paper trail into the past, back to the Pequot War, searching for the identity of the person Katherine accused of the murder, for the name of the father, and for who might have conspired to send an innocent woman to the gallows. D1922 - $20.00 History of the Old Cheraws, Containing an Account of the Aborigines of the Pedee, the First White Settlements, their Subsequent Progress, Civil Changes, the Struggle of the Revolution, and Growth of the Country Afterward. Alexander Gregg. (1925), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 694 pp. Detailed accounts of Indian tribes on the Pedee, the first settlement in the province and the establishment of counties, the dividing line between North and South Carolina, inducements to settlers in the province, the Welsh settlement, settlements lower down the river, Irish Protestants, Huguenots, stock raising, agriculture, culture, land grants, slavery, social life, and much more. G2705 - $50.00 Index to the Cherokee Freedmen Enrollment Cards of the Dawes Commission, 1901-1906. Jo Ann Curls Page. (1996), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 216 pp. These cards record the names of each household member and their ages, sex and relationship to the head of the family; info often includes parents and vital statistics. P9495 - $21.50 Indian Captivities, or Life in the Wigwam; Being True Narratives of Captives Who have been Carried Away by the Indians from the Frontier Settlements of the U.S. from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Samuel A. Drake. (1850), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 396 pp. Details the trials of thirty-one men, women, and children captured by Indians from nine states (1528-1836). D0366 - $31.00 Indian Territory, 1861-1865: The Forts, the Battles, the Soldiers. Ethel Crisp Taylor. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 622 pp. This book contains photos and information on the forts, maps, location of the battles and the remaining rosters of both Confederate and Union troops. It also contains the treaties between the Confederate States and the Indian Nations.This book contains photos and information on the forts, maps, location of the battles and the remaining rosters of both Confederate and Union troops. It also contains the treaties between the Confederate States and the Indian Nations. T3398 - $46.00 Indians from New York in Wisconsin and Elsewhere: A Genealogy Reference, Volume 1. Toni Jollay Prevost. (1995), 2004, 8½x11, paper, 234 pp. This genealogy reference guide contains information about the Brotherton, Mohican, Mohegan, Munsee, Oneida, and Stockbridge who migrated to Wisconsin from New York and New England. Several census abstracts are included. P0209 - $36.00 Indians from New York in Ontario and Quebec, Canada: A Genealogy Reference, Volume 2. Toni Jollay Prevost. (1995), 2006, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 260 pp. Contains data about the Cayuga, Chippewa (Ojibway), Delaware, Mohawk, Munsee, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca and Tuscarora. Secondary surname data is included for the Abenaki, Montauk, Nanticoke, Ottawa, Penobscot/ Passamaquoddy and Potawa-tomi. Includes 1851 census abstracts related to Indians for: Brant, Haldimand and Middlesex Counties, Ontario; Deux Montagnes Co., Quebec; the Ontario Mohawk Institute; and Mount Elgin Industrial Institution. The 1881 census abstracts included for Brant, Haldimand, Hasting and Prince Edward Counties, Ontario; and La Prarie and Huntington Co., Quebec. P0257 - $39.00 34 Indians from New York: A Genealogy Reference, Volume 3. Toni Jollay Prevost. (1995), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 242 pp. This guide contains information about the Cayuga, Munsee (Delaware), Mohawk, Onandaga, Oneida, Seneca, and Shinnecock/Montauk/Poosaptuck. Surname lists for related Indian groups in Canada, Indian Territory (Oklahoma), and Wisconsin; and several census abstracts are also included. P0306 - $37.50 Journals of the Military Expedition of Major General John Sullivan Against the Six Nations of Indians in 1779. Frederick Cook. (1887), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 602 pp. This work is a collection of 26 journals of officers who participated in the expedition. Each officer’s journal is preceded by a biographical sketch. These narratives are enhanced by 8 fold-out maps, a roster of officers and more. C1633 - $45.00 Massasoit of the Wampanoags. Alvin G. Weeks. (1920), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 290 pp. “And so, without attempting to write history or even to essay the work of a compiler, the writer has prepared the following brief sketches of character, groups, tribes and men in such a way that a careful reading of the whole will present a living, moving panorama of the olden times, not a complete picture in any sense, but simply a sketch, a glimpse through the foliage that will reveal enough to lead to a better appreciation of the services rendered by the lost race in laying the foundation of our liberty.” W2797 $27.50 Miscellaneous Cherokee and Choctaw Records, 1800-1900. Bob Curry. (2001), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 58 pp. Contains a wealth of transcribed payment rolls for the Cherokee and Choctaw Indian Nations: the Eastern Cherokee Annuity Roll, the 1856 Choctaw Annuity Roll, a list of Choctaw students educated in the States, and Choctaw Civil War soldiers. These rolls have never-before been formally published. The transcribed bible records from Rhoda Pitchlynns lost bible are also included. The Pitchlynns were a prominent Choctaw family in Indian Territory. C1912 - $14.00 My Family Tells This Story. Snow Flower. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 164 pp. Snow Flower outlines her own search for Native ancestors, using her story as an example of how to do the research. S1136 - $19.00 Native American Directory: Vital Records of Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and Wisconsin. Lorraine (Rainwaters) Henry. (1998), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 146 pp. The bulk of the birth, marriage, and death data falls in the 18th and 19th centuries, but some of the entries are in the 17th century. Numerous tribes are mentioned, from Aquinah to Yarmouth. H9896 $16.00 Native Americans and Their Land: The Schoharie River Valley. Mary Druke Becker. 2006, 8½x11, paper, 230 pp. Provides detailed descriptions of source materials for study of the Schoharie River Valley region and the processes of cross-cultural interaction exemplified there. Entries within the Calendar of Documents include the date, description, source, and comments. B3596 - $33.00 35 Only the Names Remain, Volume 1: Flint District, Indian Territory-Oklahoma. Sandi Garrett. (2001), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 106 pp. This series, linking the Drennen Roll and the Guion Miller Applications, is a MUST for anyone researching Cherokee ancestry. Article 9 of the Treaty of August 8, 1846, between the Untied States government and the Cherokee Nation called for “a fair and just settlement of all moneys due the Cherokees under the Treaty of 1835.” G1888 - $18.50 Only the Names Remain, Volume 2: Canadian, Disputed and Illinois Districts. Sandi Garrett. (1994), 2008, 8½x11, paper, 76 pp. This series, linking the Drennen Roll and the Guion Miller Applications, is a valuable addition to the growing body of genealogical works devoted to researching Cherokee ancestry. Lists the names of all family groups and family members living in the Canadian, Disputed and Illinois Districts of Oklahoma recorded in the Drennen Roll, cross-referenced with the names and application numbers of relatives who later filed Guion Miller Applications. G1829 - $15.00 Only the Names Remain, Volume 6: Tahlequah and Skin Bayou District (Oklahoma). Sandi Garrett. (1999), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 134 pp. This text lists the names of all family groups and family members living in the Skin Bayou District of Oklahoma recorded in the Drennen Roll, cross-refenced with the names and application numbers of relatives who later filed Guion Miller Applications (abbreviations note the relationships between applicants). G1406 - $21.50 Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan, 1855-1868. Raymond C. Lantz. (1992), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 118 pp. Arranged by “band” and uses such sources as the 1855 Ottawa and Chippewa Annuity Roll, per capita rolls, and the goods and supplies lists. L0760 - $16.00 Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan, 1870-1909. Raymond C. Lantz. (1991), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 288 pp. Contains 3 transcriptions of censuses: 1870 census and annuity payment records of the Grand River, Mackinac, Sault Ste. Marie and Traverse Bands of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Mich.; a listing of those persons in the 1870 enumeration and all their known descendants, as found living on a special enumeration made on 4 Mar. 1907; a listing of children born after 4 Mar. 1907, and before 1 Aug. 1909. L0531 - $26.50 Potawatomi Indians of Michigan, 1843-1904, Including some Ottawa and Chippewa, 1843-1866, and Potawatomi of Indiana, 1869 and 1885. Raymond C. Lantz. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 104 pp. Covers: annuity rolls on the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Potawatomi of Michigan, 1843-1866; Potawatomi of Huron annuity rolls for 1861 (4th quarter), as well as for 1874-1880 and 1882-1889; Potawatomi of Indiana and Mich. annuity roll (3rd quarter) 1869; Potawatomi of Indiana and Mich. 1895 census; and the Potawatomi of Mich. 1904 census. Roll numbers are given. L0619 - $14.50 Seminole Indians of Florida: 1875-1879. Raymond C. Lantz. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 438 pp. “All of the information in this book has been transcribed from the records of the Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs Records, which are part of the holdings of the National Archives in Washington, DC. These annuity and per capita rolls were taken to determine the eligibility of persons of Indian descent to receive payment of monies as the result of U.S. Congressional Legislation and Treaties signed between the Indian tribes and the U.S. government.” L0333 - $35.00 36 Shifting Winds of War: Indian Territory 1861-1865. Ethel Crisp Taylor. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 238 pp. Over 30,000 Western and Eastern Indians were drawn into the Civil War conflict as soldiers or auxiliaries of the United States or the Confederate States. Of these people, nearly 10,000 served in the Union in the Indian Home Guard Regiments and 20,000 plus served the Confederacy. T5179 $24.50 Soft Gold: A History of the Fur Trade in the Great Lakes Region and its Impact on Native American Culture. Ted Reese. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 126 pp. Discusses the development of the fur trade and the European struggle for its control, while examining the involvement of Native Americans in that industry that contributed to the eventual demise of their culture. R1702 - $15.50 The Buffalo Ridge Cherokee: A Remnant of a Great Nation Divided. Horace R. Rice, Ed.D. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 348 pp. Covers the historical background of the Cherokees, and explains how careless record keeping has recorded the bi- and tri-racial people of the Buffalo Ridge without acknowledging their Native American heritage. R0296 - $29.00 The Delaware and Shawnee Admitted to Cherokee Citizenship and the Related Wyandotte and Moravian Delaware. Toni J. Prevost. (1993), 2012, 8½x11, paper, 132 pp. A collection of records for the Delaware, Shawnee and Wyandotte: information on migration patterns, names of ancestors who were listed in the Treaty signed in Ohio in 1816, missionary school data, Indians in the 1860 and 1870 federal census of Wyandotte County, Kansas, biographical material about the Indians who migrated to Kansas and those who served in the Civil War from Wyandotte County, Kansas, register of names of Delawares who were admitted to Cherokee citizenship, data from the census in 1900, and information about Moravian Delawares of Middlesex and Kent County, Ontario, Canada. P3761 - $23.00 Thunder Speaks: Biographies of Nine Special Original People. James Patrick Dowd. (1999), 2012 5½x8½, paper, indices, 192 pp. Nine portraits of notable Native Americans caught in the devastating clash between European and tribal cultures in the American West. Subjects include: Shabni, the Paul Revere of Illinois; Makesit; Captain Billy Caldwell; Brave Bear; Starr Wilkenson; Totuya, last of the Yosemites; White Cloud; and Wabansi, the Potawatomi warrior. D1135 - $20.50 Turtles, Wolves, and Bears: A Mohawk Family History. Barbara J. Sivertsen. (1996), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 356 pp. Uncovers information hitherto unknown about many individuals important to colonial N.Y. history, including most of the principal Mohawk chiefs of the period and Indian Superintendent, Sir William Johnson. Contains fifty Mohawk lineage charts. S0484 - $32.50 Who’s Looking for Whom in Native American Ancestry, Volume 1. Laurie Beth Roman. (1997), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 166 pp. Ms. Roman has compiled this work as a research aid for those seeking Native American ancestors. Section I of this book lists individuals who are being researched. Section II of the book is made up of a list of “Indian Tribes and Organizations searching for lost tribal members.” There are three indexes: Native American Ancestors, allied names, and researchers with each entry attributable to them. R0751 - $20.00 37 Who’s Looking for Whom in Native American Ancestry, Volume 2. Laurie Beth Roman. (1999, 2004), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 220 pp. (organized by state to better aid researchers.) Three indexes round out the contents of this book. The first is an index of “Native American Ancestors.” The second is an index of allied names. The last index lists researchers. R1111 - $22.00 Religious Biographical Sletches and Anecdotes of Members of the Reglious Society of Friends. The Tract Association of Friends. (1870), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 428 pp. Originally published in 1870, the contents of this book were “compiled from a series of articles published in a religious periodical, about twenty years since, with the title, ‘Thomas Scattergood, and his Times.’ They comprise brief biographies of Friends, who lived in this country in the last and early part of the present century, who became conspicuous for their devotion to the cause of Truth. A number of incidents are given that had not been printed before.” Original index to full-names, places and subjects. T4706 - $35.00 Quaker Records of Northern Maryland, 1716-1800. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1993), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 364 pp. This volume includes names and abstracts from the registers and minutes of Gunpowder Meeting, Deer Creek Meeting, Baltimore Meeting, Little Falls Meeting and Pipe Creek Meeting. Counties covered are Baltimore, Harford, Carroll, and parts of Frederick and Howard. P0249 - $28.50 Religious Resources in American Libraries and Historical Associations. Dr. Charles Dickson. 2013, 5½x8½, paper, 66 pp. This handy volume provides a quick reference to the multitude of resources that are available on religious groups in American libraries and historical associations. This work focuses on the wider picture of state, local, and religious organizations. D5485 - $14.00 The Easter People: A Pen-picture of the Moravian Celebration of the Resurrection. Winifred Kirkland. (1923), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 62 pp. This slender volume presents a beautifully detailed description of Old Salem, North Carolina; its luxuriant landscape, its buildings, its Moravian history. The author has recorded “one stranger’s impression of a Salem Easter, and of the Moravian faith.” K0980 - $12.00 Military “I could not Refrain from tears”, Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army, December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume VII. Joseph Lee Boyle. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. The six month encampment of the Continental Army at Valley Forge long ago entered the realm of American myths. Some of the stories that have become legendary are reinforced in these letters. B5437 - $23.50 38 “My Last Shift Betwixt Us and Death”: The Ephraim Blaine Letterbook, 1777-1778. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2001), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 224 pp. One of the most persevering commissaries in feeding the Continental Army was Ephraim Blaine of Carlisle, Pa. The letterbook is a revealing record of the material resources and manpower necessary for supplying the soldiers. B1776 - $24.00 “Their Distress is Almost Intolerable”: The Elias Boudinot Letterbook, 1777-1778. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. Boudinot faced the task of bringing structure to the confusion that existed with respect to prisoners of war. Problems with prisoner management included trying to feed and clothe our men held by the British, initially in New York, and after Sept. 1777 in Philadelphia. B2210 - $18.00 “this grand supply” The Samuel Hodgdon Letterbooks, 1778-1784. Volume 1, July 19, 1778March 31, 1781. Joseph Lee Boyle. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 338 pp. These letters concern the procurement, shipment, repair and sale of military stores; estimates of stores needed and on hand; construction of ordnance installations; and payment and discharge of employees. B5256 - $30.00 “this grand supply” The Samuel Hodgdon Letterbooks, 1778-1784. Volume 2, April 3, 1781-May 24, 1784. Joseph Lee Boyle. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 360 pp. These letters concern the procurement, shipment, repair and sale of military stores; estimates of stores needed and on hand; construction of ordnance installations; and payment and discharge of employees. B5257 - $31.00 45th Regiment of Virginia Militia Stafford County, Virginia 1781-1856: With Biographical Notes on over 1,600 Militiamen. Jerrilyn Eby. 2010, 6x9, paper, index, 196 pp. Abstracts are organized by year, and include brief biographical footnotes for as many of the militiamen as possible. This collection contains many names that cannot be found in any other official Stafford County records. E5267 - $25.00 58’s Are the Greatest. William G. Gessner, Sr. and Charles Conklin. (2004), 2006, 8½x11, index, 348 pp. The.58 caliber cartridge, beyond its civilian applications, remained a military workhorse throughout most of the 1800s worldwide, including the U.S. Civil War, 1860-1865. Numerous.58 caliber cartridges are examined in detail and displayed in true to measurement life-size profiles. The headstamps are displayed in an enlarged view to maximize detail. Physical measurements may include rim, neck, bullet, case length, powder grains and more. C2592 - $49.95 A Buffalo Soldier’s Story. William Aleshire. (2004), 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 708 pp. The integration of government records, historical events, and newspaper articles enhance this comprehensive look at Thomas Boyne, his fellow African-American soldiers, and the officers who helped to open and preserve the West. A3140 - $66.00 39 A Chapter of the History of the war of 1812 in the Northwest, embracing the Surrender of the Northwestern Army and Fort, at Detroit, August 16,1812. William Hatch. (1872), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 154 pp. Through firsthand accounts of William Hatch, acting Assistant QuartermasterGeneral and a volunteer in the Cincinnati Light Infantry, we see the disastrous orders from Hull, refusing cattle for the troops, retreating instead of advancing on Malden, refusing to allow the destruction of an unfinished enemy battery, that lead to the surrender. Hatch’s allegations lend support to the theory of connivance but in and of themselves are inadequate as proof. H2718 - $20.00 A Civil War Reenactor’s Guidebook. Greg M. Romaneck. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 262 pp. This book offers living historians a treasure trove of information that will appeal to practicing reenactors, potential participant and curious spectators; with insights into not only the material world of Civil War America but also aspects of social history. R4363 - $26.50 A Concise Account of North America, 1765 With Preface and Appendix by his 5th Great Nephew, William Michael Gorman. Robert Rogers. (1765, 2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 220 pp. Mr. Gorman has modernized the text and corrected spelling. Original spelling and explanations of text corrections are included in the appendix. R4281 - $23.00 A Destroyer Sailor’s War: The True Story of a Destroyer Sailor’s Life at Sea during World War II. Jerome S. Welna. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 436 pp. This account of life at sea (and some of the most, fierce, naval battles and engagements in the annals of naval warfare) also covers the politics leading up to the war. Foreword by David F. Winkler, Ph.D., U.S. Naval Historic Foundation. W4928 $35.50 A French Volunteer of the War of Independence(The Chevalier de Pontgibaud). Robert B. Douglas. (1898), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, 300 pp. Born in 1758, the Chevalier was the son of the Lord of Pontgibaud. He spent time in prison before escaping to America to help fight in the Revolution. Upon arriving at Valley Forge, the Marquis de la Fayette made the Chevalier an aide-de-camp with the rank of major. He participated in several engagements, including the Battle of Monmouth. D1561 - $24.50 A Grassroots History of the American Civil War, Vol. I: The Life and Times of Pvt. Ephraim Cooper One of Mr. Lincoln’s First Volunteers. Richard J. Staats. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. Volume One primarily focuses on the years from 1845 to June, 1861. The book is augmented with photos, notes, a bibliography, index and an appendix that contains rosters of the Franklin Rifles and Tyler Guards. S2373 - $25.00 A Grassroots History of the American Civil War, Vol. II: The Bully Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Richard J. Staats. (2003), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. First hand accounts of campaigns in Western Virginia, the Shenandoah Valley, the winter of 1861-1862, Winchester, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Chattanooga, Ringgold, the Atlanta Campaign and the aftermath. Includes footnotes, bibliography and index. S2374 - $25.50 40 A Grassroots History of the American Civil War, Volume III: Captain Cotter’s Battery. Richard J. Staats. 2002, 5½x8½, paper, index, 270 pp. History of the war as told by citizens and soldiers from the Portage County, Ohio, area. S2237 - $30.00 A Grassroots History of the American Civil War, Volume IV: The Life and Times of Colonel William Stedman of the 6th Ohio Cavalry. Richard J. Staats. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 428 pp. Stedman, president of the Western Anti-Slavery Society, fought in many cavalry battles on the eastern front, and at one time he commanded a brigade of Union Cavalry. He was also in the Ohio State Legislature. S2291 - $33.00 A Grassroots History of World War II: Eight Men in Granite. Richard J. Staats. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 362 pp. The story of the eight men whose names appear on the granite marker in front of the Randolph, Ohio town hall: Robert E. Francisco, Henry B. Wise, George Reisinger, Robert H. Hillard, Elmer L. Leech, William H. Bettes, George M. Buzek, and Donald A. Dibble. It includes details of their military service, circumstances of their death, and their burial. Photos. S4756 - $31.50 A Hero and a Spy: The Revolutionary War Correspondence of Benedict Arnold. Russell M. Lea. (2006), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 636 pp. A Hero and a Spy follows a paper trail of personal and official correspondence to document Benedict Arnold’s driving ambition and the frustrations that led him to carry out the ultimate betrayal. Letters between Arnold and his co-conspirator, John André, reveal the chilling plan to bring America to its knees. L3811 - $50.00 A Hessian Officer’s Diary of the American Revolution Translated from an Anonymous Ansbach-Bayreuth Diary and the Prechtel Diary. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, index, 346 pp. Prechtel was a first sergeant and a lieutenant in the Ansbach Regiment of the AnsbachBayreuth contingent. His diary, with entries dating from 1777 to 1783, offers descriptions of his experiences and insight into the war, the military and its procedures, and the places he toured in America. B0107 - $28.50 A History of the French War, Ending in the Conquest of Canada with a Preliminary Account of the Early Attempts at Colonization and Struggles for the Possession of the Continent. Rossiter Johnson. (1882), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 408 pp. This engaging book covers nearly every issue related to the French and Indian War. A chronological review of leading players, forts, massacres, and sieges. J1464 - $31.50 A History of the North Carolina Third Mounted Infantry Volunteers: March 1864 to August 1865. Ron V. Killian. (2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 100 pp. Discusses the brief but sensational career of the Third Mounted Infantry from its inception up to the occupation of Asheville, N.C. in 1865. Detailed accounts of engagements involving the regiment are supplemented by extensive rosters noting full name, month, year, and place of enlistment, and age at time of enlistment for officers, staff, private soldiers and musicians. A biographical sketch of Col. Kirk is also included. K1605 - $14.00 41 A Journal of Occurrences along the Rebel Coast. Frederick Lawrence. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 176 pp. Dispassionate treatment is given to both Patriot and Loyalist perspectives in this riveting collection taken from letters, newspaper articles and other contemporary sources. L4595 $21.00 A Particular History of the Five Years French and Indian War. Samuel G. Drake. (1870), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 314 pp. Covers the major events and details numerous minor skirmishes in which at least 1000 were killed or carried into captivity. D0294 - $27.50 A Pilgrim in Unholy Places. Thomas D. Phillips. (2004), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 256 pp. Mustang officer, Colonel Tom Phillips’ 36-year military career encompassed the Cold War, the Cuban Crisis, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. He led an isolated detachment through a terrorist raid, served during Operation Desert Storm, led troops into Bosnia, and much more. P3200 - $19.95 A Quaker Goes to War: The Diary of William Harvey Walter, Company F, 188th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Carol-Lynn Sappe. 2008, 8½x11, paper, 174 pp. How a humble man from Chester County, Pennsylvania lived his beliefs during and after the Civil War. The diary follows the movement of Company F during its detached service from its regiment (May 16-July 5, 1864). 9780788446368 S4636 - $26.00 A Record of the Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Lake County, Ohio, with a partial list of those in Geauga County and a membership roll of New Connecticut Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution. Mary E T Wyman. (1902, 1999), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 106 pp. Typical information includes date and place of birth and death, military service, rank, burial place, names of spouse and children, wherever known. W1217 - $17.00 A Vindication of My Conduct: The Court Martial Trial of Lieutenant Colonel George Etherington. Dr. Todd E. Harburn and Rodger Durham. (2002, 2004), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 230 pp. The fascinating story of the surrender of St. Vincent’s Island, and the subsequent attempt by the colonial governor to make the military commander a scapegoat, presented here from a fresh perspective based on new research. H2092 - $19.95 Aboard a Dutch Troop Transport: A Diary Written by Captain Ludwig Alberti of the Waldeck 5th Battalion. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 134 pp. Captain Alberti shares the details of shipboard life, as well as descriptions of his visits to Lisbon and the Canary Islands, and marine life he witnessed along the way. B4544 - $19.00 Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots: Volume 1, A-D. Patricia Law Hatcher. (2001), 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 288 pp. An abstract of information reported by the NSDAR and published in their Annual Reports to the Smithsonian Institute. A typical entry includes individual’s name, name and location of cemetery, and the index year. H0712 - $24.00 42 Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots: Volume 2, E-K. Patricia Law Hatcher. (2001), 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 254 pp. This book is an abstract of information reported by the NSDAR and published in their Annual Reports to the Smithsonian Institute. A typical entry includes individual’s name, name and location of cemetery, and the index year. H0713 - $24.00 Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots: Volume 3, L-R. Patricia Law Hatcher. (2001), 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 252 pp. This book is an abstract of information reported by the NSDAR and published in their Annual Reports to the Smithsonian Institute. A typical entry includes individual’s name, name and location of cemetery, and the index year. H0714 - $24.00 Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots: Volume 4, S-Z. Patricia Law Hatcher. (2001), 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 244 pp. This book is an abstract of information reported by the NSDAR and published in their Annual Reports to the Smithsonian Institute. A typical entry includes individual’s name, name and location of cemetery, and the index year. H0715 - $24.00 Across the Rappahannock. Bradley Finfrock. (1994), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 280 pp. The Battle of Fredericksburg comes to life through soldiers’ diaries and letters. A very readable text is accompanied by modern photographs of the battlefield and computer drawn maps prepared by Mr. Donald Peterson of N.Y. F0045 - $32.00 Action at the Galudoghson, December 14, 1742. Colonel James Patton, Captain John McDowell and the First Battle with the Indians in the Valley of Virginia with an Appendix Containing Early Accounts of the Battle. Jared C. Lobdell. (1995), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 64 pp. An account from both the white and Indian view points based on unpublished papers of Lyman Draper (1815-1891) former secretary of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. L0192 - $15.50 Affair at Captina Creek. Harry G Enoch. 1999, 5½x8½, paper, index, 214 pp. Describes a littleknown incident of the American Frontier when border strife turned into open war between frontier rangers and the Shawnee in the spring of 1791. Harry G. Enoch has reconstructed the events surrounding the Battle of Captina Creek using original documents and information gained during his own travels in the region. E1112 - $21.50 Alien Horseman: An Italian Shavetail with Custer. J. C. Ladenheim. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 380 pp. Major (Count) Charles C. De Rudio, U.S.A. (Ret.), Italian by birth and American by adoption, “gave his youth to the cause of Italian liberty and spent thirty-two years of unblemished service in the United States Army.” An informative biography that interlaces De Rudio’s para-military and military experiences with his family life from childhood through adulthood as both husband and father. L2383 - $34.00 43 American Loyalist Claims, Volume 1: Abstracted from the Public Record Office, Audit Office Series 13, Bundles 1-35 and 37. Peter Wilson Coldham. 1980, cloth, index, 616 pp. This volume offers for the first time a comprehensive account of the relationships and interests of that vast number of colonial Americns whose loyalty to the Crown during the Revolution earned them exile and confiscation of their property. C0045 - $22.50 American Prisoners of War Held at Barbados, Newfoundland and New Providence During the War of 1812. Harrison Scott Baker. 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 208 pp. Transcribed records of American prisoners of war held at Barbados, West Indies; New Providence, Bahamas; and Newfoundland, Canada during the War of 1812. B4498 - $28.00 American Prisoners of War Held at Bermuda, Cape of Good Hope and Jamaica During the War of 1812. Harrison Scott Baker. 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 328 pp. Transcribed records of American prisoners of war (marines, merchantmen and sailors) held at Bermuda, Cape of Good Hope and Jamaica during the War of 1812. B4499 - $36.50 American Prisoners of War Held at Halifax, During the War of 1812, Volume I and II. Harrison Scott Baker. (2004), 2005, 8½x11, paper, 2 vols., 592 pp. This work was transcribed from records of the British Admiralty pertaining to American prisoners of war held at Halifax, Nova Scotia, from June 1812 to April 1815. Entries are listed alphabetically. B3323 - $63.00 American Prisoners of War Held at Quebec During the War of 1812, 8 June 1813 - 11 December 1814. Eric Eugene Johnson. 2011, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 224 pp. Transcribed records include 1,834 American prisoners of war (soldiers, sailors, marines, privateers, and civilians) held at Quebec, Lower Canada, during the War of 1812. J5274 - $30.00 Americans of 1776: Daily Life in Revolutionary America. James Schouler. (1906), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 332 pp. Chapters include: Freemen and Bondsmen; Crimes and Disorders; The Casualties of Life; The Three Public Vocations; Dress and Diet; Recreations and Amusements; The Colonial Press; Philanthropy and Disease; Common School Education; Libraries and Clubs; Industrial Pursuits; and much more. S0293 - $27.00 Amherst Papers, 1756-1763. The Southern Sector: Dispatches from South Carolina, Virginia and His Majesty’s Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Edith Mays. (1999), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 418 pp. Jeffrey Amherst was Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty’s Forces in North America during the French and Indian War. Microfilms of his records from the Public Records Office in London have been transcribed, arranged in chronological order and indexed in this book. Page numbers of the original documents are given so that researchers can easily find them on the microfilm. M1131 - $35.00 An Officer of Very Extraordinary Merit: Charles Porterfield and the American War for Independence: 1775-1780. Michael Cecere. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. Charles Porterfield’s service in the Revolutionary War is chronicled through numerous first person narratives, including one of the best eyewitness accounts of battle available in print. C3223 - $18.95 44 Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, 1861-1862. Allen C. Fuller. (1863, 1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 430 pp. Lists Illinois regiments and commissioned officers. F0228 - $30.00 Answering the Call: The Organization and Recruiting of the Potomac Home Brigade, Maryland Volunteers, Summer and Fall, 1861. Keith O. Gary. (1996, 2005), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 312 pp. Based on the author’s collection of original Civil War documents and letters, this volume provides a unique look at Marylanders who answered the call for volunteer recruits in the summer of 1861. G0521 - $28.00 Arnold’s March from Cambridge to Quebec: A Critical Study Together with a Reprint of Arnold’s Journal. Justin H. Smith. (1903), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 518 pp. History of that grueling trek, based on Arnold’s journal as well as the accounts of several other participants. S0194 $39.00 Battle of Plymouth, North Carolina (April 17-20, 1864): The Last Confederate Victory. Juanita Patience Moss. (2003), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. In this book you will read about the second largest battle in North Carolina. It was fought at Plymouth where the Confederates tasted their last victory. Intense drama took place during four days filled with surprise, fate, intrigue, bravery, ingenuity, hope, daring, dedication, gallantry, victory, disappointment, and defeat. M0852 - $32.00 Battlefields, Bibles and Bandages: Portraying an American Civil War Nun. Kelsey Jones. (2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 116 pp. This instructional manual will give you the basic facts of the life of Civil War Nuns and how to portray these women who served as nurses and caregivers on both sides of the conflict. The Catholic Church’s basic beliefs, prayers, and surgical techniques are included. J3582 $18.50 Benning’s Brigade: Volume 1, A History and Roster of the Fifteenth Georgia. J. David Dameron. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 232 pp. Benning’s Brigade is a history and roster of the individual regiments which comprised the unit. Personal reflections from diaries, journals, correspondence, and reports provide a uniquely southern perspective of the American Civil War. D2445 - $23.00 Benning’s Brigade: Volume 2, A History and Roster of the Second, Seventeenth, and Twentieth Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiments. J. David Dameron, Jr. (2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 494 pp. This volume is a history and roster of the individual regiments. Personal reflections from diaries, journals, correspondence, and reports provide a uniquely southern perspective of the American Civil War. D3175 - $40.00 45 Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, with a Historical Essay. Lorenzo Sabine. (1864), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 2 vols., 1208 pp. Historical essay and biographical sketches. S1064 - $81.00 Biography of Baron von Steuben, the Army of the American Revolution and its Organizer: Rudolf Cronau’s Biography of Baron von Steuben. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1923), 2004, 2011 5½x8½, paper, index, 168 pp. Much information is drawn from Steuben’s own correspondence. T1066 - $20.00 Bivouac of the Dead. Mark Hughes. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 346 pp. This book lists over 2,400 burial sites where United States soldiers were buried during the Civil War and the Indian Wars. All major Civil War battlefields and most western post cemeteries are included, with much neverbefore-published information. This book is the key to finding the reburial locations. It does not, however, provide the names of individual soldiers. The cemeteries are listed alphabetically by state and contain the following information: history, dates and number of burials, and volume numbers of The Roll of Honor that contain the names of the soldiers buried in that cemetery. H0260 - $30.50 Black Tuesday Over Namsi: A True History of the Epic Air Battle of the Korean War. Earl J. McGill, Lt. Col. UASF (ret.). 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 278 pp. Chronicles the calamitous B-29 daylight-bombing mission flown by the 307th Bombardment Wing on 23 October 1951 against Namsi Airfield, with the facts and circumstances of the mission from first briefing to final landing. The book records, from verifiable historical documents, the broader events and conditions that led up to the confrontation, plus the first-hand accounts of aircrew members and ground personnel who were there. Both the Allied and the Soviet perspectives are examined. Numerous photographs. M4619 - $27.00 Bombardier John Harris and the Rivers of the Revolution. William W. Betts, Jr. (2006) 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 420 pp. For most of the American Revolution, Bombardier John Harris of Salem, New Jersey, served in the rebel artillery forces. His animated recollections tell of his participation in six major battles, countless skirmishes, two river campaigns, and the recovery of Philadelphia. B3379 - $41.00 Border Forays and Adventures. Robert B. Puryear III. (2006), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 454 pp. The story of the price paid for American independence, from the files of Lyman Copeland Draper, who corresponded with relatives of participants and who wrote of those early days in American history. P4489 - $32.00 Borrowed Identity: 128th United States Colored Troops. J. Raymond Gourdin. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 288 pp. The past comes alive through the words, deeds, triumphs and sacrifices of 76 colored soldiers who served with the 128th Infantry Regiment, USCT. G5007 - $28.00 46 Bounties to Black Soldiers. Wm. W. Belknap. (1870), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 258 pp. This volume records the proceedings of a commission appointed by Special Orders No. 189 of the War Department, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. “This commission was, by the terms of the order, assembled for the purpose of a careful hearing of complaints of claimants for government bounty, made against officers or agents of this bureau, or other persons concerned in the payment of bounties to colored soldiers, sailors, and marines. and the commission proceeded, accordingly…” These proceedings occurred over a span of fifty-one days in both Tennessee and Alabama. B4822 - $25.50 Braddock Road Chronicles, 1755 (From the Diaries and Records of Members of the Braddock Expedition and Others Arranged in a Day by Day Chronology). Andrew J. Wahll. (1999), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 558 pp. These fascinating accounts are enhanced with informative annotations. W1205 - $42.00 Brandy Station: A Battle Like None Other. Richard E. Crouch. 2002, 6x9, cloth, index, 296 pp. The story of the largest cavalry engagement ever fought on the American continent includes the experiences of large numbers of individual soldiers and civilians who witnessed, participated, and lived through that extraordinary day. C9797 - $28.00 British Army Officers: Who Served in the American Revolution, 1775-1783. Steven M. Baule with Stephen Gilbert. (2003), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 236 pp. This compendium is an alphabetical listing of the British Regular Army or “Redcoat” officers who served in North America during the American Revolution from 1775 to 1783. Sources include the War Office 65 Army Lista, inspection returns, regimental muster rolls, orderly books, records of general court martials, newspapers, and other published and unpublished works. B2470 - $20.00 British Invasion of Maryland, 1812-1815. William M. Marine. (1913), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, map, 530 pp. This book presents the history of the British invasion of Maryland during the War of 1812. The volume includes the events leading up to the declaration of war against Great Britain, plus chapters about the privateersmen, the Chesapeake expedition, Blarney’s flotilla, and Caulk’s Field. Many details of the conflicts are included such as the battles at Frenchtown, Havre de Grace, Bladensburg, Washington, North Point and Baltimore. Also included is an appendix giving the Maryland roster of 11,000 soldier names. M0918 - $38.00 Brunswick Troops in North America, 1776-1783: Index of Soldiers who Remained in North America. Charles Reuter. (1999), 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 116 pp. Records are listed in alphabetical order by surname and include: place of birth, postal code of town, year of birth, unit, rank, post-war experiences, desertion, injuries, casualties, capture by the enemy, etc. R1348 - $21.00 Brutal Virtue: The Myth and Reality of Banastre Tarleton. Anthony Scotti. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 314 pp. The author focuses on two areas where Tarleton and his men have received the most condemnation: the lack of discipline and the use of terror, and concludes with a summary of the Tarleton’s postwar career and a judgment on the myth and reality of Tarleton and his unit. S2099 $24.00 47 Burials of War of 1812: Veterans in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Society of the War of 1812. 2012, 7x10, paper, index, 502 pp. Records for over 4,400 known War of 1812 veteran burials in all Virginia counties and independent cities, including the City of Alexandria which belonged to the District of Columbia during the war period. Appendices. Photographs. S5441 - $45.00 Campaign of 1776: The Road to Trenton. Gregory T. Edgar. (1995), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 442 pp. This major work covers the political and military movements of the year 1776, during which time Americans reluctantly let go of their strong allegiance to King George III. Through 1776’s rollercoaster pattern of events, this book traces the development of the Revolutionary War. The text is written in a very enjoyable manner, and enhanced by numerous excerpts from public and private documents. Included are stories of the spy Nathan Hale, and that of David Bushnell’s “famous water machine,” the world’s first operational submarine. E0185 - $33.00 Canada During the American Revolutionary War: Lieutenant Friedrich Julius von Papet’s Journal of the Sea Voyage to North America and the Campaign Conducted There. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. The writings of Lieutenant Friedrich Julius Von Papet, a young Brunswick officer whose journal spans the period from May of 1776 to October of 1783, provide much-needed insight into why Canada never became a very large fourteenth American colony. B0857 - $25.00 Captain Thomas Posey and the 7th Virginia Regiment. Michael Cecere. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 170 pp. The 7th Virginia Regiment, raised in the colony in 1776, played a prominent role in driving Lord Dunmore and his loyalist forces off of Gwynn’s Island and out of Virginia. Captain Thomas Posey commanded a rifle company in the 7th regiment and chronicled the engagement in his journal. C3584 - $18.50 Christopher Gist’s Journals with Historical, Geographical and Ethnological Notes and Biographies of his Contemporaries. William M. Darlington. (1893), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 296 pp. An indispensable resource for colonial history scholars and for living historians interested in pre-Revolutionary War America! D2277 - $26.00 Civil War and Living History ReenactingAbout “People of Color”. How to Begin, What to Wear, Why Reenact. Mary L. Jackson Fears. (2004), 2013, 8½x11, paper, index, 180 pp. Love history? Why not live it? This guide will inspire African-Americans to attend Civil War battle reenactments and join in the living history experience as reenactors. Illustrated. F2513 - $28.50 Civil War Letters and Diary of Andrew H. Galeof the 137th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. Richard T. Gillespie. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 194 pp. A combination of personal accounts and official records tracing the 137th Regiment’s movements and activities, including battles and army transfers, from 1862 until late 1865. Civil War era photos, maps, facsimiles of some of the letters. G3278 - $27.50 48 Civil War Stories: Tales of Everyday Soldiers and Civilians, Volume 1. Greg M. Romaneck. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 316 pp. This two-volume social history offers a unique, up close and personal look at the lives of everyday soldiers and civilians: refugees, slaves, infantryman longing to return home, and the cost of America’s bloodiest war. R4598 - $29.00 Civil War Stories: Tales of Everyday Soldiers and Civilians, Volume 2. Greg M. Romaneck. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 282 pp. This two-volume social history offers a unique, up close and personal look at the lives of everyday soldiers and civilians: refugees, slaves, infantryman longing to return home, and the cost of America’s bloodiest war. R4599 - $27.00 Colonial Delaware Soldiers and Sailors, 1638-1776. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 242 pp. Soldiers and sailors from the area that became Delaware, from colonists arriving in New Sweden, to July 4, 1776. Names taken from many sources. P0376 - $22.00 Colonial Maryland Soldiers and Sailors, 1634-1734. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (2001), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 408 pp. In most cases, the name of the soldier or sailor, places of residence, military and/or civil service information, dates of birth and death, probate information, including name of widow is given. P0649 - $32.00 Company A of the Fortieth Georgia Infantry Regiment in the Confederate Service. Dorothy Holland Herring. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 227 pp. This company was organized in Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia in 1862 and fought in Tenn., Miss., Ga. and N.C. H0620 - $19.00 Company C of the Twenty-Second Georgia Infantry Regiment in the Confederate Service. Dorothy Holland Herring. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. A history of one rural Georgia company. Probably representative of most companies in the Army of Northern Virginia. H0600 $26.00 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, the Confederate Units and the Indian Units. Stewart Sifakis. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 242 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Kentucky, Maryland, or Missouri will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0700 $26.95 49 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Louisiana. Stewart Sifakis. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Louisiana will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0698 - $24.95 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Mississippi. Stewart Sifakis. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 164 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Mississippi will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0693 - $26.95 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: North Carolina. Stewart Sifakis. (1992), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 204 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. This volume details the activities of North Carolina’s units in the Confederacy. S0696 - $24.95 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: South Carolina and Georgia. Stewart Sifakis. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 322 pp. Details the activities of this states’ units in the Confederacy. S0692 - $24.95 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Tennessee. Stewart Sifakis. (1995), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 212 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Tennessee will want to own this volume that details the activities of Tennessee’s units in the Confederacy. S0694 - $29.95 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Texas. Stewart Sifakis. (1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 162 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. This volume details the activities of Texas’s units in the Confederacy. S0699 - $26.95 Confederate Casualties at First and Second Manassas. Robert E. Smith. (2001), 2006, 6x9, paper, 458 pp. This book offers the first comprehensive look at casualties in these two important battles of Manassas Plains, Virginia. It is designed around the Infantry only, however, a few names in the Artillery and Cavalry have been shown. S0703 - $33.00 Confederate Cemeteries, Volume 1. Mark Hughes. (2002), paper, index, 436 pp. 50 Over 9,500 soldiers and civilians buried in 30 cemeteries in Virginia. H2050 - $35.50 Confederate Cemeteries, Volume 2. Mark Hughes. (2003), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 522 pp. This book lists the names of over 10,500 Confederate soldiers that died during the Civil War. Includes Blandford Cemetery at Petersburg, Stauton’s Thornrose Cemetery, Ashland’s Woodland Cemetery, the University of Virginia’s Soldier’s Cemetery, Woodbine Cemetery at Harrisonburg, Fredericksburg’s Confederate Cemetery, and the Old City Cemetery at Lynchburg. H2345 - $44.50 Confederate Sailors, Marines and Signalmen from Virginia and Maryland. Robert J. Driver, Jr. 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 524 pp. Contains listings of men from Va. and Md. who served as: Confederate Naval officers and sailors; Confederate Marine Corps officers and enlisted men; and Confederate Signal Corps officers, signalmen and telegraph operators. Amount of entry data varies. Includes photographs. D4279 - $39.50 Consigned Indifference: The Military Careers of Six Civil War Generals with Tenuous Fame. Ron V. Killian. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 428 pp. This volume examines the plight, problems, situations, etc. of: Gen. Charles P. Stone, U.S.; Gen. Charles Smith Hamilton, U.S.; Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, CSA; Gen. George Stoneman, U.S.; Gen. Evander McIvor Law, CSA; Gen. Charles Garrison Harker, U.S. K4516 - $35.00 Custer: Frederick Whittaker’s Complete Life of General George A. Custer, Major General of Volunteers, Brevet Major General U.S. Army and Lieutenant-Colonel Seventh U.S. Cavalry. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1876), 1993, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols., 648 pp. All books, legends, and myths about Custer ultimately derive from this biography. T3860 - $43.50 Custer’s Thorn: The Life of Frederick W. Benteen. Jules C. Ladenheim. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 384 pp. This book offers a concise biography of Frederick William Benteen, a pivotal character in the Custer saga, who saw service in the Civil War, at the Little Bighorn Battle, and in the subjugation of the Nez Perce. Often faulted for character defects—but never for want of bravery. L3646 - $35.00 Cyrus Hamlin’s Civil War: Letters of the Vice President’s Son on the Civil War and Reconstruction. David M. Gold. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 146 pp. Hamlin’s letters are uniquely valuable for the light they shed on the history of the Ullmann Brigade, providing unprecedented insight into a neglected chapter of the African American experience in the Civil War. Map and vintage portraits. G5329 - $19.50 51 Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. Two diaries written by Lt. Jakob Piel of the Hesse-Cassel von Lossberg Regiment and Capt. Andreas Wiederhold of the Hesse-Cassel von Knyphausen Regiment. They were both members of Colonel Johann Rall’s Brigade which suffered a humiliating defeat at Trenton, and both set sail from New York to Canada in 1779 in a fleet which lost ships not only to one or more hurricanes but also to American privateers. B0715 - $18.00 Defenders of the Frontier: Colonel Henry Bouquet and the Officers and Men of the Royal American Regiment, 1763-1764. Kenneth Stuart, Ph.D. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 244 pp. The author thoroughly researched the official papers of Bouquet and his contemporaries. Correspondence reveals Bouquet’s highly trained military mind, his personal frustrations with the colonial assemblies and the British high command, and his private moments of occasional depression. Includes maps, illustrations, annotations, appendices, a select bibliography and an index. S4330 - $25.00 Delta Six, Soldier Surgeon. Richard L. Snider, M.D. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 241 pp. Dr. Snider brings to the surface the wide spectrum of human emotions experienced by those in war. Delta Six was written so that all can know and honor those lonely soldiers who suffered and died so far from home. S2384 - $23.00 Diaries of Two Ansbach Jaegers. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. The diaries of Lt., later Captain, Heinrich Carl Philipp von Feilitsch (1751-1827) and Lt. Christian Friedrich Bartholomai. B0655 - $18.50 Documentary History of Dunmore’s War, 1774: Compiled from the Draper Manuscripts in the Library of the Wisconsin Historical Society and Published at the Charge of the Wisconsin Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Reuben Gold Thwaites and Louise Phelps Kellogg. (1905), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 508 pp. A history presented via journals, contemporary letters, reports, etc. as written by the participants. T0226 - $36.00 Domestic History of the American Revolution. Mrs. Ellet. (1859), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 318 pp. Mrs. Ellet gives much attention to the “female influence,” with anecdotes of brave acts by women. Other topics include the evacuation of Boston, the occupation of New York, European sentiment, the march of Burgoyne, the battle of Saratoga and Valley Forge, the British prison ships, whaleboat warfare, the French alliance, the battle of Monmouth, Indian depredatons, attacks on the South, the treason of Arnold, the battles of Cowpens, Yorktown, and early settlements in the West (Ky. and Tenn.). Special focus is given to South Carolina, including the surrender of Charleston. E0739 - $29.00 Dr. Samuel A. Mudd and the Lincoln Assassination. John E. McHale, Jr. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 146 pp. Describes Dr. Samuel Mudd’s assistance to the disguised assassin of President Lincoln; Mudd’s arrest, conviction, and imprisonment; and recent efforts to. clear his name. M1691 $18.00 52 Drums and Guns Around Petersburg. Bill Roberts. 1995, paper, index, 122 pp. Fine collection of original Civil War documents comprising the diary, letters and post-war newspaper articles written by William R. Patton, a 29-year-old teacher who served as a drum major in the 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, from September 16, 1864, to June 5, 1865. 9780788403453 R0345 - $16.50 OUT OF PRINT? Eighteenth Century America: A Hessian Report on the People, the Land, the War) As Noted in the Diary of Chaplain Philipp Waldeck (1776-1780). Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. The diary of Philipp Waldeck, chaplain of the 3rd English-Waldeck Regiment, contains a wide variety of subjects: churches, costumes, customs, economics, fishing, farming, Indians, religion, schools, slavery, wildlife, and nature in general. B0252 - $21.50 Encyclopedia of the French and Indian War in North America, 1754-1763. Donald I. Stoetzel. 2008, 8½x11, cloth, alphabetical, 586 pp. Richly detailed biographies of British and French officers and men, noteworthy colonists, and prominent Native Americans; plus regimental histories, important battles, locations, forts, military terminology, Native tribes, and political and social issues. S4517 $96.00 Enemy Views: The American Revolutionary War as Recorded by the Hessian Participants. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1996), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 650 pp. Presents parts of the diaries, letters and regimental records from 34 individual sources from five of the six German states which rented their armies to Great Britain. B0563 - $48.50 English Army and Navy Lists, Compiled During the American Revolutionary War by AnsbachBayreuth Lieutenant Johann Ernst Prechtel. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 128 pp. This book lists the English and “Hessian” regiments which served in the colonies during the American Revolutionary War and the names of their officers. It also includes a list of all English ships in the Navy. B4148 - $18.00 Ever True: Civil War Letters of Seward’s New York 9th Heavy Artillery of Wayne and Cayuga Counties between a soldier, his wife and his Canadian family. Lisa Saunders. (2004, 2006), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 204 pp. Read little known details about: personal contacts with Lincoln and Seward; battles of Cold Harbor, Jerusalem Plank Road, Monocacy, Opequon, Cedar Creek, the Siege of Petersburg, Mosby’s Men, and much more. S2526 - $19.50 Every Marine, 1968 Vietnam: A Battle for Go Noi Island. Robert Simonsen. (2005), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 494 pp. Few military memoirs are as powerful or moving as Every Marine-from the emergency formation of a Marine battalion at Camp Pendleton to the battlefields of Vietnam where they honed their war skills before joining the battle on Go Noi Island to engage the enemy on his own turf. S3351 - $40.00 Famous Adventures and Prison Escapes of the Civil War. G. W. Cable et al. (1915, 2003), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 354 pp. Seven writers contributed to this collection of exciting Civil War adventures. C2276 - $31.00 53 Fanning’s Narrative: The Memoirs of Nathaniel Fanning. An Officer of the American Navy 1778-1783. Nathaniel Fanning. (1913) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 252 pp. The earliest account of the great sea fights during the Revolutionary War. F2334 - $23.00 Fauquier County in the Revolution. T. Triplett Russell and John K. Gott. (1977), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 530 pp. The Revolution as seen through the eyes of individual soldiers, with essential biographical information. R0060 - $37.00 Fear Was Never an Option. Bob Cary. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 262 pp. The gripping, true story of some of the warriors of the Second Marine Division, who smashed the elite troops of the Japanese Empire between 1942 and 1945, and fired the first and the last shots of the ground offensive in the Pacific theater. Written by a Marine sergeant who survived the first four invasions and was training for the landing on mainland Japan when the war ended in 1945. C3227 - $24.00 First and Second Maryland Cavalry, C. S. A. Robert J. Driver, Jr. 1999, 6x9, photos, 368 pp. When Maryland’s Elected officials pledged allegiance to the Union, many of her sons went South. This scholarly work from a noted Civil War historian is a thorough history of two battalions of Confederate Marylanders. Detailed muster rolls reflect more than two decades of research. D9024 $34.95 First Maryland Artillery and Second Maryland Artillery. George L. Sherwood. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 214 pp. Both the First and Second Maryland Artillery served with distinction with the Army of Northern Virginia for nearly the entire war. This is their story, presented in the words of the members of the units whenever possible. Material was often gleaned from unpublished manuscripts. S4495 $23.50 First, for the Duration: The Story of the Eighth (8th) Alabama Infantry, C.S.A. Linda L. Green. 2008, 6x9, paper, index, 270 pp. Join the Eighth Alabama Infantry on its journey-from its organization, to the Peninsula Campaign, Second Manassas to Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg to Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Petersburg, and ultimately Appomattox. Includes rosters and transcribed notes. G4553 - $26.00 Florida and World War II: A Personal Recollection. Jim Wiggins. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. Florida was more immersed in World War II than any other state. Everyday life included squadrons flying practice maneuvers overhead and convoys on highways. Nazi sub attacks, prison camps, watch towers, scrap drives, and rationing are discussed. Includes a wealth of photographs. W4545 - $23.00 54 Footsteps Across the Confederacy: Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee. Dave Comeau. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 302 pp. This captivating journal, written from the refreshing perspective of a Canadian with a passion for Civil War history, examines battlefields across Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Maps, photos, a bibliography, and an index enhance the text. C3583 - $30.50 Footsteps Across the Confederacy: Virginia, West Virginia and the Carolinas. Dave Comeau. (2005), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 364 pp. This captivating journal, written from the refreshing perspective of a Canadian with a passion for Civil War history, examines battlefields across Virginia, West Virginia, and the Carolinas. Maps, photos, a bibliography, and an index enhance the text. C0962 - $34.00 Forgotten Soldiers: History of the 2nd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry Regiment (USA) 18611865. Eddie M. Nikazy. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 288 pp. This story of a Southern unit that fought for the preservation of the Union is based almost entirely on primary sources such as the Official Records of the War of Rebellion and muster rolls in the National Archives. The first third of the book presents an interesting and thorough background (fully annotated), and a brief history of the regiment, and then details of the regiment’s organization. The bulk of the book is an appendix which summarizes the service records of 1,401 men who served with the 2nd Tennessee. N0571 - $27.50 Forgotten Soldiers: History of the 4th Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry (USA), 18631865. Eddie M. Nikazy. (1995), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 172 pp. Many people may be unaware of any support for the Union in Tennessee and the role played by soldiers from East Tennessee. Based almost entirely on primary sources, this history relates the events in the record of the 4th Regiment. By examining the service records of 1,040 soldiers, Nikazy is able to give particular attention to personal detail and chronicle the lives of men from Greene, Grainger, Carter, Johnson, Cocke, and Washington Counties. There is biographical data on both the officers and soldiers. N0241 - $19.00 Forrest’s Forgotten Horse Brigadier. H. Gerald Starnes. (1995), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. The wartime encounters of officers and privates of Starnes’ 4th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment are traced in detail; includes a genealogical account of Col. Starnes’ family. S0234 - $19.50 Fort Powell and the Civil War: Western Approaches to Mobile Bay, 1861-1865. Sidney H. Schell. 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 224 pp. Fort Powell was built on an oyster reef on Grants Pass in Alabama. This history of the defense of the western approach to Mobile Bay details the reasons Grants Pass was fortified and includes the history of those who built, defended and attacked it. S5425 - $28.00 Four Months in Libby, and the Campaign Against Atlanta. Capt I. N. Johnston. (1864, 1995), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 194 pp. The accounts are noteworthy for their vivid battlefield descriptions, clear accounts of the marches and locales, and observations on strategy. J0155 - $22.00 55 Freemen, Freeholders, and Citizen Soldiers: An Organizational History of Colonel Jonathan Bagley’s Regiment, 1755-1760. Brenton C. Kemmer, B.S.E.D., M.A. (1997, 2004), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 138 pp. A very detailed account of Lt. Col. Jonathan Bagley’s regiment of Mass. provincials who decisively held their own against multiple thrusts from the French around Crown Point and Ticonderoga, and helped win the only English victory in North America in 1755. K0620 $16.00 French and Indian War Aftermath: Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, Volume 5. Armand Francis Lucier. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 368 pp. Although the Treaty of Paris did not officially end the French and Indian War until 1763, the exciting events of the years 1761 and 1762 covered here are often glossed over in traditional history books. These newspaper abstracts allow the reader access to the same articles, eye-witness accounts, proclamations and commentaries avidly read and hotly discussed in ordinaries, public houses and taverns of Colonial America. The burning of the Cherokee villages, the movements of many regiments and ships, the plight of slaves on many of the ships is described with a sense of immediacy that cannot be captured in retrospective histories. L1535 - $31.50 French and Indian War Battlesites: A Controversy. Bob Bearor. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 140 pp. “Bob Bearor has combined his deep love of North America’s heritage with extensive real world research to create this easily read book. I highly recommend it as a thoroughly enjoyable and valuable contribution to our understanding of this critical period in the forming of our nation.” George C. Neumann, author of Collector’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of the American Revolution. B1475 - $17.50 French and Indian War Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, Volume 1: 1754-1755. Armand Francis Lucier. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 370 pp. Concerns the first two years of the French and Indian War as reported in accounts culled from different newspapers published in Britain’s North American colonies and Europe. L1085 - $31.50 French and Indian War Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, Volume 2: 1756-1757. Armand Francis Lucier. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 366 pp. Contains exact articles, with rumors, facts, unconfirmed reports, extracts of private letters, descriptions of forts and settlements, along with Indian and French troop movements. L1219 - $32.00 French and Indian War Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, Volume 3: January 1, 1758-September 17, 1759. Armand Francis Lucier. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 368 pp. This volume takes readers up to the eve of Wolfe’s invasion of Quebec City and includes 19th-century battle maps of Ticonderoga, Louisbourg, and Quebec. L1303 - $31.50 French and Indian War Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, Volume 4: September 17, 1759 to December 30, 1760. Armand Francis Lucier. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 318 pp. Packed full of action and drama: soldiers march, ships sail, guns roar; generals fall, villages burn and scalping knives drip with gore. The Articles of Capitulation are presented here in their entirety. L1378 - $28.00 56 From Beardstown to Andersonville: The Civil War Letters of Newton Paschal and Tommy Paschal, Revised Edition. Joseph E. Fulton. (1998), 2011, 6x9, paper, index, 224 pp. These letters describe the Battle of Brice’s Cross Roads, movements and actions of the 114th Illinois, Newton’s imprisonment in Andersonville, and much more. F5331 - $24.00 From Pajarito to Lungchow: Memoirs of Photographic Reconnaissance Pilot Stanley A. Hardin. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 158 pp. Dorothy Simpson. Downed near enemy lines, a photographic reconnaissance pilot with an eye for detail describes tranquil beauty in China, fearing for survival of its courageous people. S2455 - $17.00 From Pastime to Passion: Baseball and the Civil War. Patricia Millen. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 140 pp. While baseball’s favorite myth regarding Abner Doubleday is proven to be false, America’s favorite pastime is clearly a part of American history. Ice baseball; prison camps; Albert Spalding and the quest to prove baseball’s American origin; and much more are discussed. M1775 - $15.95 From Providence to Fort Hell: Letters from Company K, Seventh Rhode Island Volunteers. Robert Grandchamp. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. Letters of six soldiers are presented exactly as written, along with historical narrative and identification of those mentioned in the text. This unvarnished view of one small group of men at war includes a roster, images, bibliographical notes, and an every name index. G3743 - $21.00 From Redcoat to Rebel: The Thomas Sullivan Journalt. Joseph Lee Boyle. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 250 pp. Chronicles several years in the life of Thomas Sullivan, who enlisted in the British Army in 1775, fought in the Revolution, and deserted to join American forces in 1778. B0744 $23.00 From Rochester to Winchester: The Regimental History of the 22nd New York Cavalry 18641865. Michael G. Burns. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 268 pp. This regiment was involved in the Wilderness, the Wilson Railroad Raid, the Shenandoah Valley Campaign, and Waynesboro. It includes the diary of Seth M. Hall, Private, Co. M, who died at Salisbury Prison. B0586 - $23.00 Frontier Militia: The War of 1812. Timothy A. Mann. 2011, 8½x11, paper, 76 pp. This book offers readers a glimpse of the Ohio Militia, its structure, the dangers of living in what was considered a war zone, and some sites of significance in the state of Ohio during the war. It also focuses on the Fifth Division, as these men were stationed predominantly throughout northwest Ohio. M5336 $18.00 Gangway Regular Navy!Memoirs of Life and Humor in the United States Navy during the Cold War. Richard Merrell. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 218 pp. Covering the Cold War era from 1960-1980 with a strong focus on humor, Gangway, Regular Navy! is a historically and militarily accurate portrayal of world events during that time period. M3283 - $25.00 57 Genealogical Abstracts Revolutionary War Veterans Scrip Act 1852. Margie G. Brown. (1990), 1997, index. 463 pp. Genealogical abstracts of 1, 689 files on mainly Virginia families who received Ohio land grants. B0012 - $32.00 Genealogical Data from United States Military Academy Application Papers, 1805-1866, Volume 1. Patrick G. Wardell. 2002, 6x9, cloth, index, 410 pp. A great resource for hidden genealogical information not shown in any other source. W2079 - $56.00 Genealogical Data from United States Military Academy Application Papers, 1805-1866, Volume 2. Patrick G. Wardell. 2007, 6x9, cloth, index, 604 pp. The data collected in Volume 2 is gleaned from microfilm at the National Archives, as well as data taken from handwritten applications. There is much hidden genealogical information here that is not shown in any other source. W3595 - $72.00 General Henry Lewis Benning: “This was a man,” A Biography of Georgia’s Supreme Court Justice and Confederate General. J. David Dameron. (2001, 2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 464 pp. In the courtroom and on the field of battle, Henry Benning fought diligently for his beliefs. While Benning excelled as a military leader, his skills in the arena of law are legendary as well. D2444 - $35.00 General Reub Williams’s Memories of Civil War Times. Sally Hogan. (2004), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 330 pp. Gen. Reuben Williams relates his experiences in battles and instances of camp life. The dates, anecdotes, and facts have all been preserved here as the General related them. H2517 $24.50 Genesis: Rogers’ Rangers, the First Green Berets. Burt Garfield Loescher. (1969), 2000, 6x9, cloth, 336 pp. Offers the complete record of every action, ambuscade, scout and expedition of Major Robert Rogers and his Rangers from April 6, 1758 (just after their defeat in the Battle on Snowshoes during the French and Indian War), to their disbandment on December 24, 1783, at the end of the American Revolution. L1575 - $37.00 Georg Pausch’s Journal and Reports of the Campaign in America, as Translated from the German Manuscript in the Lidgerwood Collection in the Morristown Historical Park Archives, Morristown, N.J. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 160 pp. This volume contains Pausch’s fascinating journal and war reports, in translation. Details of everyday life, relations with local inhabitants, equipment, uniforms, food supplies, finances, construction of fortifications and logistical problems are all described. An everyname index simplifies locating individuals, and the introduction includes a roster of the Hesse-Hanau Artillery company. B0531 - $19.50 58 German Allied Troops in the American Revolution: J. R. Rosengarten’s Survey of German Archives and Sources. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1904, 1993), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 146 pp. Rosengarten provides a description and critique of numerous sources on Germans fighting during the American Revolution. More than half of these soldiers came from Hesse-Cassel and were generally referred to as Hessians. Also includes general information on German soldiers in the French service, American history from German sources, Benjamin Franklin in Germany, German universities, and Achenwall’s observations on North America in 1767. T0792 - $19.50 German Americans in the Revolution: Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg Richards’ History. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1908, 1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 596 pp. Considered the definitive history of the involvement of German-Americans in the American Revolution, this work was originally published in 1908 and has long been out of print. It focuses on Pennsylvania and surrounding colonies, where the colonial German element was concentrated, and contains extensive biographical information of value to genealogists and historians. T0596 - $44.50 Grant’s Keeper: The Life of John A. Rawlins. J. C. Ladenheim. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 286 pp. This is the story of John Rawlins, who was Ulysses S. Grant’s trusted confident, advisor and critic. Without him, many doubt that Grant could have fulfilled his destiny as a distinguished military commander. Brief outlines of battles in which Grant participated, maps, and photos are included. L5333 - $25.50 Gravesites of the Civil War Generals: Confederate, Union and Brevetted Generals Final Resting Places. Ethan F. Bishop. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 186 pp. Listed here is a checklist for the gravesites of commanders of both sides during the Civil War: 583 Union generals, 1404 brevetted Union generals, 425 full-rank Confederate generals, and 137 honorary Confederate generals. B3180 - $22.00 *Not on HB website. Great Commanders: General Greene. Francis Vinton Greene. (1897), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 332 pp. A biography of General Nathanael Greene who commanded the Southern army during the Revolutionary War. G2255 - $32.00 Guide and Index to the Republic of Texas Donation Voucher Files, 1879-1887, and Confederate Script Voucher Files, 1881-1883, in the Texas General Land Office. Texas General Land Office, Edited by Robert de Berardinis. 2008, 8½x11, paper, 174 pp. These two record sets can provide evidence of service in either the Texas Revolution or the Civil War on the Confederate side. D4764 $26.00 Guide and Index to the Texas Confederate Audited Civil and Military Claims, 1861-1865. Texas State Archives, Edited by Robert de Berardinis. 2008, 8½x11, paper, 174 pp. These claims, which serve to identify and locate civilians and soldiers’ families during the Civil War in Texas, contain: powers of attorney, claims from probates, marriage and death records (or statement), etc. D4766 $41.00 59 Guns on the Chesapeake: The Winning of America’s Independence. Gene Williamson. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 336 pp. Communities along the Chesapeake Bay and many tributaries that crisscross Va. and Md. were under constant threat from the British during the Revolutionary War, beginning in 1775 with Dunmore’s assault on Hampton and the devastating bombardment of Norfolk. Even after the armistice in 1783, the fighting continued in the Battle of the Barges, said to be the bloodiest battle on the bay. W0962 - $28.50 Hard Dying Men: The Story of General W.H.L. Wallace, General T.E.G. Ransom, and Their Old Eleventh Illinois Infantry in the American Civil War (1861-1865). Jim Huffstodt. (1991), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 364 pp. This work discusses the role of the Eleventh in the various battles of the Civil War, but the emphasis is on the human element of the war: how the soldiers felt, acted, and lived. See them progress from raw recruits in their first skirmish to hardened veterans, enduring the physical and mental hardships of battle. The soldiers’ correspondence provides us with compelling accounts of the uncertainties of war. The induction of Negroes into the Union Army brought mixed feelings, which would later turn to respect. H0510 - $32.00 Hardtack and Coffee: or, the Unwritten Story of Army Life. John D. Billings. (1887, 1990), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 428 pp. This book attempts to comprehensively record army life of the common soldier in detail, “to permanently record information which the history of no other war has preserved with equal accuracy and completeness.” Topics include: enlisting and raw recruits, life in tents and log huts, rations, offences and punishments, drills, foraging, inventions and devices of war, the army mule, hospitals and ambulances, army road and bridge builders, signal flags and torches, and much more. Charles W. Reed did sketches in the field; over 200 of his drawings are included. B3372 - $35.00 Headed for Dixie and Trouble: The Civil War Journal of Will L.Wade. Ronald Cannon. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 200 pp. The journal of Private Will Wade (Co. G, Eleventh Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry) reveals an average soldier who did his duty, but who increasingly looked to his life beyond the army. Includes: Shiloh, Vicksburg and Atlanta. C5400 - $23.00 Headhunter One One: The Vietnam Memoir of a Recon/Observation Pilot, 219th Aviation Company. Vincent Capozzella. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 206 pp. This biography of Lieutenant Vincent Capozzella regarding his service in Vietnam (1965-66) as an Army pilot traces the build-up of U.S. forces, the desecration of enemy dead, the fallacy of the body count policy and failure of the ARVN. C4485 - $22.00 Heartbreak of a Civil War Widow: Life of Sarah Harper McWhirter, 1825-1883, Including Harper Family Ancestry Traced to Oxfordshire, Noke, England in Early 1500’s and Selected Information on the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV. Glenda McWhirter Todd. 2010, 6x9, paper, index, 338 pp. Sarah Harper McWhirter’s life, including her experiences during and after the Civil War. Illustrated. T5252 - $30.00 Heroism of Hannah Duston, Together with the Indian Wars of New England. Robert B. Caverly. (1875), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 436 pp. The story of the capture and escape of Hannah Duston is one of the classics of the New England Indian wars. C0301 - $35.00 60 Hesse-Hanau Order Books, a Diary and Roster: A Collection of Items Concerning the HesseHanau Contingent of “Hessians” Fighting Against the American Colonists in the Revolutionary War. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (2003), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 312 pp. Contains an anonymous diary possibly written by Paul Wilhelm Schefer, the Order Book of General von Gall, the Order Book of the Hesse-Hanau Regiment, and rosters of the Hesse-Hanau Infantry Regiment and the Jaeger Corps. B2461 - $27.50 Hessian Chaplains: Their Diaries and Duties. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 178 pp. These “church books” consist of birth, marriage, death, baptism, penance and confirmation records. They were recorded by the German chaplains who accompanied the Hessian troops serving in America during the Revolutionary War, 1776-1783. These valuable records are quite detailed and contain a wealth of family history. Included are the Church Book of Hesse-Cassel Chaplain Georg C. Coester, Chaplain Braunsdorf’s Anhalt-Zerbst Church Book, and the AnsbachBayreuth Church Book compiled by Chaplain Stroelein. B2359 - $20.00 Hessian Letters and Journals and a Memoir. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 214 pp. Letters, journals and memoirs of Hessian soldiers’ impressions of America during the Revolution. Includes the dangers of crossing the ocean; descriptions of the land, animals and temperatures in America; and an interesting paper written by an Indian chief to the governor of Nova Scotia. B3842 $20.00 History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-1865, Index. Martha Reamy and Bill Reamy. 1990, 8½x11, cloth, 156 pp. Provides a complete index for all Maryland soldiers in the War of 1861-1865, which accompanied the two volume series. R0014 - $21.50 History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-1865: Volume 2. L. Allison Wilmer, J. H. Jarrett, and George W. F. Vernon. (1899), 2007, 8½x11, cloth, 300 pp. Over 5,000 names of sailors and marines who were accredited to the State of Maryland during the Civil War. Records include the sailor/officers name, rank, date of enlistment and discharge, vessels they served on and remarks. W2142 - $36.50 History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-65: Volume 1. L. Allison Wilmer, J. H. Jarrett, and George W. F. Vernon. (1898), 2007, 8½x11, cloth, 850 pp. The first of the original two volumes which were published under the authority of the General Assembly of Maryland in 1898 and are the standard reference for determining the unit or units in which a Marylander served in the Union Army or Navy. Taken from muster rolls of the office of the Adjutant-General of Maryland. This volume contains the history and lists those who served in the Army. W0002 - $88.00 History of the 144th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. James Harvey McKee. (1903, 1994), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 446 pp. A personal history of the Regiment that was recorded in the war diaries and letters of officers and soldiers of the 144th Regiment from Delaware Co., New York. Includes a complete roster. M9007 - $36.00 61 History of the 14th Georgia Infantry Regiment. Ray Dewberry. (2004), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 136 pp. This book is a great read for those who want the soldier’s story of America’s most researched war. Descendents of veterans of the 14th Georgia Infantry regiment will find this book provides a living memory of their ancestors. D0913 - $17.50 History of the Battle of Point Pleasant [West Virginia]Fought Between White Men and Indians at the Mouth of the Great Kanawha River (Now Point Pleasant, West Virginia, Monday, October 10th, 1774: The Chief Event of the Lord Dunmore’s War). Virgil A. Lewis. (1909, 2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. Details the battle at Point Pleasant, (West) Virginia (the chief event of Lord Dunmore’s War), fought between white settlers and Native Americans, on Oct. 10, 1774. L0059 - $17.50 History of the Thirteenth Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865. A Diary Covering Three Years and a Day. S. Millett Thompson. (1888), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 734 pp. Unit history and rosters. T1517 - $52.00 Hooyah! UDT/Seal, Stories of the 1960s: Routine and Offbeat Exploits That Team Members Have Been Talking and Laughing About for Years. Some Are Humorous and Some Are Not. Second Edition. Richard G. “Nick” Nickelson. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 288 pp. Navy Seal Nick Nickelson relives brutal Hell Week that broke most men’s spirits while strengthening others. Learn what SEALs go through and find out if you have what it takes. N4250 - $24.95 How to Stay Afloat Wearing Army Boots. William T. Melms. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 226 pp. In mid World War II Lieutenant William T. Melms was completely “at sea” when, due to a military goof-up he was given command of a 200 foot Army transport ship (later converted to an electronic surveillance vessel, and renamed the Pueblo). Humor abounds in this inside saga of the Army’s Navy, warts and all. M2532 - $15.95 I Belong to the 116th: A Narrative of the 116th Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. Gerald L. Earley. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 324 pp. Composed of yeomen from the “butternut” portion of Ohio, the 116th Ohio Volunteer Infantry fought with distinction in some of the fiercest battles of the Civil War. E2529 - $25.00 I Flew with Hell’s Angels, Thirty-Six Combat Missions in a B-17 “Flying Fortress”, 1944-1945. William Albertson. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 192 pp. Bill Albertson skillfully combines official reports and photographs from the National Archives with his dad’s memoirs, resulting in a tribute to the brave men of the 303rd. A3506 - $24.00 62 In View of the Great Want of Labor: The Legislative History on Employment of African Americans in the Confederate States of America. E. Renee Ingram. (1999), 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 237 pp. This reference book provides insight into extensive involvement and the role of African Americans in the South, especially in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Contains the names of over 1,800 persons, their age, description, nativity, enlistment and assignment. I9018 - $33.00 Indian Territory, 1861-1865: The Forts, the Battles, the Soldiers. Ethel Crisp Taylor. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 622 pp. This book contains photos and information on the forts, maps, location of the battles and the remaining rosters of both Confederate and Union troops. It also contains the treaties between the Confederate States and the Indian Nations.This book contains photos and information on the forts, maps, location of the battles and the remaining rosters of both Confederate and Union troops. It also contains the treaties between the Confederate States and the Indian Nations. T3398 - $46.00 Indian Warfare in Western Pennsylvania and North West Virginia at the Time of the American Revolution, Including the Narrative of Indian and Tory Depredations by John Crawford, the Military Reminiscences of Captain Henry Jolly, and the Narrative of Lydia Boggs Shepherd Cruger. Jared C. Lobdell. (1992), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 162 pp. Indian warfare in western Pennsylvania and north West Virginia at the time of the American Revolution with notes by Lyman Copeland Draper. L0653 - $19.50 Indian Wars of New England, Volume 1. Herbert Milton Sylvester. (1910), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 530 pp. Describes the Indian tribes of New England, discusses the early settlers and their relations with the Indians, and covers the Pequod War and the wars of the Mohegans. S1041 - $38.50 Indian Wars of New England, Volume 2. Herbert Milton Sylvester. (1910), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 626 pp. Background information relevant to the hostilities is discussed in depth, including the names of the major players and accounts of many individual incidents. S1053 - $45.00 Into the DMZ, a Battle History of Operation Hickory, May 1967, Vietnam. Mark A. Cauble. (2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 186 pp. The little-known story of one of the most intense battles of the Vietnam War; an account of the courage and endurance of men in combat. This book examines the battle in context of the Vietnam War and the larger struggle between the West and Communism. Comprised from numerous eyewitness accounts, the battle narrative drops the reader into the thick of the action alongside the Marine riflemen. Academic research supported by military documentation provides details with maps, drawings and actual photographs from Operation Hickory. C3361 - $25.00 Irish Rhode Islanders in the American Revolution. Thomas Hamilton Murray. (1903, 1990), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 92 pp. Contains a mixture of historical essays and lists of soldiers. M9794 - $16.00 63 Iron Men, Wooden Boats. The Epic Story of American PT Boats in World War II. Howard F. West. 2005, 5½x8½, cloth, 540 pp. Naval combat narrative is the heart of this book: Guadalcanal, New Guinea, Bougainville, the Mediterranean sea, the English Channel, the Philippines - historic operations in which the PT boats would win fame, glory, and a place in history. Encyclopedic in scope, this is the definitive work on the history of PT boats. W2537 - $35.50 Irreconcilable Grievances: The Events that Shaped the Declaration of Independence. Patrick J. Charles. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 354 pp. This book discusses the pertinent social events from July 1775 to July 1776 that influenced the majority of the revolutionaries to call for independence. What most compelled the signers of the Declaration of Independence to split with Great Britain? C4566 - $31.00 Iverson Granderson, First Class ‘Colored’ Boy, Union Navy (1863-1865). Jeanette Braxton Secret. (1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 398 pp. Much more than a biography of one man, this book is a history of Union naval warships, naval battles and the contrabands, or colored sailors, who served the Union cause. Colored casualties aboard Union ships are also listed. Ms. Secret compiled a roster of all Granderson(s) and/or Grandison(s) in the Civil War. Many documents are reproduced in full. These include pension declarations and claims, medical testaments, requests for increases in pensions, affidavits, marriage records, widow’s pension documents and more. S1010 - $33.00 James B. Eads: The Civil War Ironclads and His Mississippi. Rex T. Jackson. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 126 pp. Get to know James Buchanan Eads, one of the world’s most accomplished engineers in all history, who was inducted in 1920 into the Hall of Fame for Great Americans. J2477 - $16.00 Jasper County Yankee: Campaigns of the 38th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company K written by William Elwood Patterson, 1861-1863. Lowell Wayne Patterson. (1981), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 114 pp. While in the Union Army, Patterson’s travels took him through Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky. He fought in many battles. P5306 - $17.00 John Saxe, Loyalist. George Hill. 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 202 pp. This revision and updating of the Genealogy of the Saxe Family, which was compiled by “J. G. S.” (published 1930), includes additional material, and copies of many original photographs and previously unpublished letters and documents. H5176 - $28.00 Journal of a Hessian Grenadier Battalion. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 216 pp. This translation was made from a copy of the Platte Grenadier Battalion Journal in the Lidgerwood Collection at the Morristown National Historical Park in Morristown, New Jersey. Mr. Burgoyne has inserted additional identifying information about individuals whenever possible. Besides descriptions of the movements and battles of the troops, there are many entries describing the long sea voyages endured by these foreign fighters. B3157 - $27.00 64 Journal of the Hesse-Cassel Jaeger Corps. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (2005), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. This document is an excellent, brief summary of the war. Several of the entries, such as the Hessian intelligence concerning Washington’s march from New York to Virginia to besiege Cornwallis, the Benedict Arnold-Major Andre affair, and the naval battle off the Chesapeake Bay, are of special interest. The same may be said of the journalist’s comments on the steadily improving quality of the American fighting men. B2565 - $27.00 Journal of the Prince Charles Regiment. Translated by Bruce E. Burgoyne; Edited by Dr. Marie E. Burgoyne. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 90 pp. This fascinating journal begins 14 January 1776 when the illustrious Prince Charles Regiment receives orders to augment prior to marching out of the garrison at Hersfeld, Germany, to begin its march to America, and continues with an account of what transpired thereafter. B4149 - $12.00 Journals of the Military Expedition of Major General John Sullivan Against the Six Nations of Indians in 1779. Frederick Cook. (1887), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 602 pp. This work is a collection of 26 journals of officers who participated in the expedition. Each officer’s journal is preceded by a biographical sketch. These narratives are enhanced by 8 fold-out maps, a roster of officers and more. C1633 - $45.00 Keystone Thunder: Pennsylvania Field Artillery in the Civil War. Richard W. McCoy. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 278 pp. An illustrated narrative history of the entire Pennsylvania field artillery service during the Civil War with informational appendices. M5373 - $27.00 King William County in the Civil War, Along Mangohick Byways. Dorothy Francis Atkinson. (1990), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 290 pp. Originally published by H. E. Howard, this is a slightly revised edition. A0744 - $27.00 King’s Mountain and its Heroes: History of the Battle of King’s Mountain, October 7, 1780. Lyman Draper. (1881), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 636 pp. Biographical sketches give interesting background on the careers of the military leaders of both sides involved in this battle. Many maps and plans of the action can be found throughout the book. The appendix includes diaries, letters, and more. A battle history of unequalled merit. D2278 - $46.00 La Marine: The French Colonial Soldier in Canada, 1745-1761. Andrew Gallup and Donald F. Shaffer. (1992), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 284 pp. Covers the equipment, daily life, and military service of the French colonial soldier in Canada during the final French and Indian War. G0711 $26.50 65 Leading by Example, Partisan Fighters and Leaders of New France, 1660-1760: Volume Two. Bob Bearor. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 152 pp. This work covers Daniel Greysolon DuLuth, Madeleine Vercheres, St. Luc de la Corne, Daniel Beaujeu and Jean-Daniel Dumas, with a brief chapter on native foods for wilderness survival. B2348 - $18.00 Leading by Example, Partisan Fighters and Leaders of New France, 1660-1760: Volume One. Bob Bearor. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 122 pp. Out of the Canadian wilderness came the rugged leaders who defended New France from Britain as those two countries struggled for control of North America. In this new series these partisan leaders seem to take on flesh and blood, and their heroic deeds shine with adventure and courage. Volume 1 tells the stories of 2 great partisans, Jacques LeMoyne de Ste. Hélène and Charles-Michel de Langlade. B2068 - $15.00 Leading by Example, Partisan Fighters and Leaders of New France, 1660-1760: Volume Three. Bob Bearor. (2004), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. On the eve of the 250th anniversary of the French and Indian war comes the long awaited series of books that tell the story of the other side. B2514 - $25.00 Les Combattants Francais De La Guerre Americaine, 1778-1783: Listes etablies d’apres les documents authentiques deposes aux Archives Nationales et aux Archives du Ministere de la Guerre. United States Senate. (1905), 2012, 7x10, paper, 476 pp. This volume, written primarily in French with some English translations, presents these lists as well as historical background into the relationship between France and America during this time period. A fullname index provides easy access to individual names. U9501 - $47.00 Letters Home: Civil War Letters by Bishop Asbury Cook, Private in the 144th Regiment of the New York Volunteer Infantry. Donald R. Hunt, Sr. and Frank R. Hathaway. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 374 pp. This book tells the story of western settlement from the perspective of the missionaries, thus offering a unique view of the history of the Oregon Territory. H1478 - $32.00 Letters to a Civil War Bride: The Civil War Letters of Captain Wolcott Pascal Marsh. Sandra Marsh Mercer and Jerry Mercer. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 552 pp. These letters, written by Captain Wolcott Pascal Marsh to his young bride during the Civil War, were written on the battlefield and give detailed descriptions of daily life in the Union Army, battle strategies, and much more. M3685 $47.50 Libby Life: Experiences of a Prisoner of War in Richmond, Virginia, 1863-64. F. F. Cavada. (1863, 1994), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, new index, 221 pp. This is the memoir of Lt. Col. F. F. Cavada who was captured two days before the defeat of the rebel forces at Gettysburg and conveyed to Richmond where he spent one year in the rebel prison known as Libby. Composed of notes and sketches taken while imprisoned, this account was published months after his release. Lt. Col. Cavada gives us a vivid record of daily life in Libby. C0051 - $25.00 Lifeline: The War of 1812 Along the Upper St. Lawrence River. Mike Phifer. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 170 pp. This work sheds light on the important region along the Upper St. Lawrence River (eastern Ontario and northern New York) during the War of 1812. Battles and skirmishes (including the Wilkinson 1813 campaign), settlements, military actions, smuggling, and more are covered. P4681 - $20.00 66 Lincoln and Emancipation in the District of Columbia. J. C. Ladenheim. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 112 pp. The book describes the passage of Lincoln’s District of Columbia Emancipation Bill through Congress, the modifications made on it and its reception by the public. The problems and solutions of the Emancipation Committee, and the origin and history of Freedom Day are also covered. L5012 - $15.50 List of Officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps from 1775-1900. Comprising a Complete Register of all Present and Former Commissioned, Warranted, and Appointed Officers of the United States Navy, and of the Marine Corps, Regular and Volunteer. Compiled from the Official Records of the Navy Department. Edward W. Callahan. (1901), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 754 pp. This work contains the names of all officers of the navy and marine corps, showing the dates of their original entry, progressive rank, and the manner in which those no longer in the service severed their connection from it. C0881 - $48.00 List of Officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps from 1775-1900. Comprising a Complete Register of all Present and Former Commissioned, Warranted, and Appointed Officers of the United States Navy, and of the Marine Corps, Regular and Volunteer. Compiled from the Official Records of the Navy Department. Edward W. Callahan. (1901), 2009, 5½x8½, cloth, alphabetical, 754 pp. Shows the dates of their original entry, progressive rank, and the manner in which those no longer in the service severed their connection from it. C4945 - $90.00 Lord Dunmore’s Little War of 1774: His Captains and Their Men Who Opened Up Kentucky and the West to American Settlement. Warren Skidmore with Donna Kaminsky. 2002, 8½x11, cloth, index, 304 pp. Identifies the rangers called out to protect the Virginia frontier in 1773 and 1774 and the pay owed them, the militiamen that served soon after in Dunmore’s War proper, and the sums due the farmers and merchants that put in claims for goods and services that supported this effort; about 38,000 entries for people living in western Va. and southwestern Pa. c.1775. S2271 - $47.00 Loudoun County and the Civil War. Civil War Centennial Commission. 1998, 6x9, paper, index, 80 pp. Primarily a Civil War guide book to the county. L0037 - $14.00 Louisbourg Journals, 1745. Louis Effingham DeForest. (1932), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 294 pp. Presents previously unpublished journals of actual participants in the Capture of Louisbourg (members of the attacking English army, some anonymous) and other highly valuable documents. D1015 - $26.50 Major Granville Haller: Dismissed with Malice. Guy Breshears. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 172 pp. Major Granville Haller was a successful military officer before his sudden and unjust dismissal from the service. Haller’s struggle to restore his name and rank is told here through his writings, official reports and court depositions so that all will recognize his contributions to the nation that dismissed him with malice. B3801 - $22.50 67 Manuscript Records of the French and Indian War in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society. Charles Henry Lincoln. (1909), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 276 pp. Herein you will find: the correspondence of Sir William Johnson (in abbreviated form and covers the years 1755-1774; several letters covering the Ohio-Illinois country are printed in full); the correspondence of Col. John Bradstreet (1711-1774) also appears in abbreviated form, while his claims to lands in America are reproduced in full. Also included are notes describing manuscripts (written by numerous people, 17541767) which deal with the conflict in Penn., New England and the Northwest, and the Orderly Book of William Henshaw, which provides “a description of camp life from May to November 1759.” L0739 - $25.50 Map: Union and Confederate Works around Petersburg. Reproduction Map, 11x17, linen paper MP0012 $5.00 Map: Union and Confederate Works around Spottsylvania Court House. Reproduction Map, 11x17, linen paper MP0013 - $5.00 Marine Corps Deaths, 1917-1921. Craig R. Scott. 2013, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 438 pp. Each entry gives the name of the Marine, rank, company, regiment, cause of death, date and place of death, and name and address of next of kin. Entries are followed by source information; source codes are identified on the Abbreviations page. S5487 - $35.50 Maryland Public Service Records, 1775-1783: A Compendium of Men and Women of Maryland Who Rendered Aid in Support of the American Cause Against Great Britain During the Revolutionary War. Henry C. Peden Jr. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 378 pp. The names, county of residence, nature of service and dates rendered for those who rendered aid to the Maryland government and all branches of the military by furnishing flour, corn, wheat, rye, hay, beef, mutton, pork, bacon, and other provisions, nursing the sick and wounded, boarding and clothing soldiers, riding express, repairing guns, manufacturing salt, milling grain, loaning money, providing boats, wagons, horses and cattle for public use, and making weapons. P0809 - $30.00 Marylanders in the Confederacy. Daniel D. Hartzler. (1986), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 430 pp. Identifies over 11,000 serving in the Confederacy. 1,670 references: besides standard references are also letters, journals, magazines, scrapbooks, pamphlets, personal recollections. Lists individuals by name, unit, highest rank held in the War, last residence in Md., if known, and source of information. Discussion of Maryland units, lists graduates from West Point, Naval Academy, colleges and academies, physicians, clergymen, divided families. H0000 - $32.00 Memoir and Official Correspondence of General John Stark, with Notices of Several other Officers of the Revolution; also, a Biography of Capt. Phinehas Stevens, and of Col. Robert Rogers, with an Account of His Services in America during the “Seven Years’ War”. Caleb Stark. (1877), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 528 pp. One of the best sources of documentary material about the Revolution and the French and Indian War. S1088 - $38.50 Memoir of a French and Indian War Soldier [by] “Jolicoeur” Charles Bonin. Andrew Gallup. (1993), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 254 pp. A unique first-person account of the French and Indian War. Includes notes from previous editions, and additional explanations. G0872 - $25.00 68 Memoirs of a Lincoln Conspirator. Samuel Bland Arnold and Michael W. Kauffman. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 224 pp. Based on Arnold’s diaries, it is the only full-length account of Booth’s conspiracy written by one of the accused. Published as a newspaper series in 1902, it is reproduced here verbatim, along with supplementary notes, appendices, and photographs. K0367 $23.50 Men I Have Met in Bed. Lila Oliver Asher. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 224 pp. Autobiographical account of a U.S.O artist who traveled around the Eastern U.S. drawing sketches of soldiers too wounded to participate in the usual U.S.O. activities. Letters and narrative offer detailed, and often humorous, on-the-scene perspective of the times. Numerous illustrations. A2045 - $23.00 Men of Patriotism, Courage and Enterprise!Fort Meigs in the War of 1812. Larry L. Nelson. (1985), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. The author, the site director of the Fort Meigs State Memorial in Perrysburg, Ohio, follows the chronology of major events surrounding Fort Meigs. He recounts with thorough documentation the decisions and performances of the famous leaders on both sides of the conflict. He uses many previously unknown sources, including diaries, journals and personal letters to evoke the emotional effects of the war’s many sacrifices and bloody confrontations. About thirty drawings, etchings, photos and maps help bring the stories to life. N0728 - $20.00 Military Cartridge Headstamps Collectors Guide. Charles Conklin. (2006), 2007, 8½x11, paper, 156 pp. Headstamps are rendered in detailed drawings under the flag of their respective country of origin. Actual enhanced headstamp and side view photo examples are shown along with case length, rim, neck and bullet diameter measurements. Includes a bibliography and headstamp index. C4117 $35.00 Military Rolls of the Outward Commons: Soldiers of Wilbraham, Massachusetts, 1730-1840. J. Bruce Tingle. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. Includes biographical and genealogical information gleaned from Massachusetts Revolutionary Soldiers and Sailors, 1775-1782, as supplemented from many other sources. T1541 - $23.00 Mississippi Confederate Grave Registrations M-Z. Betty Couch Wiltshire. (1991), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 198 pp. Most of these soldiers are from Mississippi, although many were born in other southern states. Dates of death start from the Civil War and go to the year 1930. W0526 - $22.50 Mobile Confederates from Shiloh to Spanish Fort: The Story of the 21st Alabama Infantry Volunteers. Arthur E. Green. 2012, 8½x11, paper, 388 pp. The 21st Regiment included existing companies such as the French Guards, the Spanish Guards, the British Guards and the Mobile Cadets. The abstracted compiled service records of almost 3,000 men who served are contained in this roster. G5376 - $42.00 69 PDF: Mobile Confederates from Shiloh to Spanish Fort: The Story of the 21st Alabama Infantry Volunteers. Arthur E. Green. 2012, 8½x11, paper, 388 pp. The 21st Regiment included existing companies such as the French Guards, the Spanish Guards, the British Guards and the Mobile Cadets. The abstracted compiled service records of almost 3,000 men who served are contained in this roster. PDF-G5376 - $33.60 Mosby’s Fighting Parson: The Life and Times of Sam Chapman. Peter A. Brown. 2001, 6x9, cloth, index, 423 pp. A detailed life story of this Mosby ranger; also releases new information on the inner workings of Mosby’s Command and its scope of operations. B0668 - $29.95 Most Illustrious Hereditary Prince: Letters to Their Prince from Members of Hesse-Hanau Military Contingent in the Service of England During the American Revolution. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 196 pp. Letters (1776-1783) from 26 men, most of them officers of the Hesse-Hanau Hereditary Prince Regiment, to their prince, the Count of Hanau. Most of these letters serve as reports on the troops’ activities and situations such as food supply problems, deserters and their punishments, illnesses, recommendations for commendation of exemplary service, deaths, the conditions at encampment locations, pay issues, and the like. B2375 - $22.00 My Life in the Service: The World War II Diary of Staff Sergeant Jack E. Bates, 2nd Squadron 22nd Bombardment Group Fifth Air Force. Wayne N. Horton. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 248 pp. This diary offers detailed day-to-day account of the life of Jack E. Bates during forty-one missions in the Pacific theatre during World War II. H5389 - $25.00 My Reminiscences of the G.A.R. Richard Partington. (2004), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 186 pp. This 3part work includes: reminiscences of the G. A. R., with brief accounts of numerous veterans, some known personally by the author; the 75th Reunion of the Blue and Gray in Gettysburg in 1938 where the author interviewed and photographed some of the veterans as he went around the encampment; and a portion of the diary kept by William H. H. Ogden, Sr. (the author’s great grandfather) during the last years of his enlistment in West Virginia, 1862-1864. Numerous vintage photographs enhance the text. P2502 - $24.00 Names of Persons Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania 1776-1794. John B. Linn and Wm. H. Egle, M.D., eds. (1890), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 118 pp. This list was taken from the Pennsylvania Archives, Volume 3. Occupation, residence or country of origin is sometimes given. L0306 - $15.50 Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen’s Captivity: Written by himself. Ethan Allen. (1846), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 120 pp. This 1779 history is the most celebrated Revolutionary War account. A0051 $15.00 70 New England Captives Carried to Canada Between 1677 and 1760 During the French and Indian Wars. Emma Lewis Coleman. (1926), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols., 890 pp. This work names all the captives discovered in several decades of research, and provides biographical data on each. Extensively documented. C0257 - $60.00 New France and New England. John Fiske. (1902), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 428 pp. A comprehensive history that will interest anyone who desires a thorough knowledge of the events leading up to the French and Indian War. Fiske was a prominent author, philosopher, lecturer at Harvard, and professor of American History at Washington University (St. Louis). F0650 - $33.00 New Hampshire Civil War Death and Burial Locations. Phyllis O. Longver. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 682 pp. More than two million men answered the call of the Union cause between 1861 and 1865. The final resting places of over 10,000 New Hampshire residents who played a part in the “War Between the States” are listed in this ambitious work. Arranged alphabetically by surname, this book is extremely easy to use. The author has endeavored to include the following information, wherever known, for each entry: first name and initial, regiment and company, death date and location, burial location and source citation. L1534 - $52.00 New York Soldiers in the Civil War, a Roster of Military Officers and Soldiers Who Served in New York Regiments in the Civil War as Listed in the Annual Reports of the Adjutant General of the State of New York, Volume 1, A-K. Richard A. Wilt. 1999, 8½x11, paper, 404 pp. In 1894 the state of New York began publishing rosters of soldiers who had served in New York regiments in the American Civil War. The result was fourty-three published volumes of service records from 280 regiments, battalions and batteries of infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineers. Over 393,000 names of Civil War officers and soldiers were listed along with their service records. W1141 - $58.00 New York Soldiers in the Civil War, a Roster of Military Officers and Soldiers Who Served in New York Regiments in the Civil War as Listed in the Annual Reports of the Adjutant General of the State of New York, Volume 2, L-Z. Richard A. Wilt. (1999), 2007, 8½x11, paper, 398 pp. The original, unindexed rosters published in 1894 by the state of New York are now available in this alphabetical, columnar format that lists each soldier’s name and regiment(s). W1209 - $57.00 Newspaper Datelines of the American Revolution, Vol. 1: April 18, 1775 to November 1, 1775. Armand Francis Lucier. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 382 pp. This collection of articles from thirty-four different newspapers begins with the “alarming intelligence” of the shots fired at Lexington and Concord, followed by the Battle of Bunker Hill and other skirmishes, military affairs and the siege of St. John’s. L1805 - $30.00 Newspaper Datelines of the American Revolution, Vol. 3: May 1, 1776 to November 1, 1776. Armand Lucier. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 346 pp. Much is happening during this time as revealed in these abstracts from letters, reports, and articles appearing in 31 colonial newspapers. Glimpse the world the American colonists lived in, and the anxieties and triumphs they experienced. L2490 - $30.00 71 Newspaper Datelines of the American Revolution, Vol. 4: November 1, 1776 to January 30, 1777. Armand Lucier. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 146 pp. Step back into time with a read through these abstracts of old newspapers and glimpse the world the colonists lived in as generals schemed their battle plans; British and American troops struggled for victory even as some soldiers deserted; Germany supported Britain; colonial agitators endeavored to rouse local support; loyalists were identified; and privateers took goodly prizes. L2465 - $18.50 Newspaper Datelines of the American Revolution, Volume II: November 1, 1775 to April 30, 1776. Armand Francis Lucier. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. Drawing from 23 media resources, private letters, eyewitness accounts, and official reports, this book imparts an immediate sense of what it was like to experience these decisive moments, including the siege and blockade of British occupied Boston, the Canadian expedition, the capitulation of St. John’s and Montreal, the siege and blockade of Quebec, and much more. L1940 - $32.00 No Names, No Faces, No Pain: A Voice from Vietnam. John Kildea. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 118 pp. In this riveting memoir of one operating room nurse’s tour of duty in Vietnam between 1967 and 1968, conflicts abound between the author’s sense of loyalty and his gut feeling that the war has somehow become a meaningless waste of life and limb. Readers will become totally immersed. 9780788441424 K4142 - $16.50 Notes from a British Museum. Bruce Burgoyne. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 310 pp. The slant is more towards military activities in Canada than in the American colonies during the Revolutionary War. Information discussed includes general background material, the order of battle, the acquisition of German auxiliary soldiers, transportation issues, the campaign of 1777, postwar preparations to depart and German stay-behinds, desertions, women and children, and a list of ships. B2487 - $27.50 Observer’s Edge. Donald Emerson Allen. Observer’s Edge. Donald Emerson Allen. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 238 pp. Through sometimes painful memories of WWII experiences, descriptive and delightful letters home, and historical commentary, a story emerges from this philosopher/artillery observer that is informative, technically detailed, sensitive and thoughtful. A2573 - $32.00 Officers and Enlisted Men of the United States Navy Who Lost Their Lives during the World War, from April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918. Government Printing Office. (1920), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 2 vols., 812 pp. Records are grouped under Officers, Regular and Reserves; and Enlisted Men (the majority of the book). Entries are arranged alphabetically by surname and contain the full name, rank, place of death, date of death, cause of death, and next of kin complete with their residence. Entries for Enlisted Men additionally include the place and date of their enlistment or enrollment. G0996 - $72.00 Ohio and the War of 1812: A collection of lists, musters and essays. Eric Eugene Johnson. 2013, 8½x11, paper, 218 pp. Ohio was a major contributor to the success of the War of 1812, in both men and material; this book will remove some of the mystery of researching War of 1812 ancestors who lived and fought in Ohio. J5495 - $30.00 72 On Boyington’s Wing: The Wartime Journals of Black Sheep Squadron Fighter Ace. Lt. Col. Robert W. McClurg, with Leon Marketos. (2003), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 256 pp. When Bob McClurg joined the Black Sheep Marine Fighter Squadron in the South Pacific theatre during WWII, he barely had any flying hours under his belt. The colorful squadron leader, Greg “Pappy” Boyington, took McClurg under his wing and made an Ace fighter pilot out of him. Here is McClurg’s story in his own words, with excerpts from his wartime journals accompanied by transcriptions of the actual combat reports from the National Archives, as well as several photographs. M4303 - $22.95 Order Book of the Hesse-Cassel von Mirbach Regiment. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 302 pp. An excellent source of information on promotions and transfers throughout the Hessian army; provides a picture of the daily life in an infantry regiment, 1777-1780. This regiment’s most significant role in combat was during the attack on Fort Mercer, New Jersey in October 1777, where it suffered serious losses. B2530 - $29.50 Overboard! A Provocative History of the U.S.S. J.P. Kennedy, Jr. [DD-850]. Claire Branand. 1997, 6x9, cloth, 140 pp. Overboard! is not only a challenging documented history of the U.S.S. J.P. Kennedy, Jr., but is also a provocative narrative which provides details concerning a dramatic episode regarding a young woman who fell off the Kennedy in 1963. It tells of the ensuing lawsuit against the U.S. government and the results of the U.S Department of Justice investigation. B1600 - $15.00 Paddy: The Colorful Story of Colonel Harry A. “Paddy” Flint. Robert A. Anderson. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 242 pp. World War II power players such as Generals Patton, Bradley, Eisenhower and others are involved in the story of Col. Harry A. “Paddy” Flint-a 1912 West Point graduate with extensive training and experience. A3645 - $30.00 Patriot John, the Man Who Saved America. Philip B. Secor. (2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 186 pp. This is the story of three men and a woman whose lives intersected in September of 1780 in such a way as at first to threaten and then to rescue the fledgling American Republic. Benedict Arnold and John Andres, are still remembered as major figures in our history. Peggy Shippen, a famous Philadelphia femme fatale of the day whose role in the drama was critical to its outcome, is recalled by only a few in our time. The third man, John Paulding (instrumental in thwarting the treasonous plans of the other three characters) was celebrated in songs, books, plays, parades, and statues as a savior of the American Republic. Today this man is almost totally forgotten. S4088 - $23.50 Pontiac’s Conspiracy and Other Indian Affairs: Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, 1763-1765. Armand Francis Lucier. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 332 pp. Contemporary accounts of tumultuous times as the French and English struggled for control in the Ohio Valley. L1460 - $30.00 Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel: Record Group 24. Virgil E. Baugh. (1960, 1994), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 142 pp. Compiled primarily for internal use in the National Archives. B3640 - $19.50 73 Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Chiefs of Arms: Record Group 177. John E. Taylor and Patricia Andrews. (1962), 2007, 8½x11, paper, 24 pp. This work was compiled primarily for internal use in the National Archives; and, as its title indicates, it is intended to be only a “preliminary” description of the records to which it relates. T3649 - $10.00 Prelude to Courage, an Air Warrior’s Journey of Faith. David H. Bergquist. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 208 pp. Lieut. Austin Rodney Keith trained as an air warrior with the Army Air Forces. War service took him to places far from his Maine home, but he never let go of his dream for a future in theater. His faith gave him the courage and strength to bravely lead his men into combat. B5356 $22.00 Prisoners of War 1861-65: A Record of Personal Experiences, and a Study of the Condition and Treatment of Prisoners on Both Sides During the War of the Rebellion. Thomas Sturgis. (1912), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 90 pp. The author was a Union guard over Camp Morton near Indianapolis, Indiana in 1864, and a prisoner at Libby Prison in Richmond, Virginia in 1865. S2342 $14.00 Proud to Say I am a Union Soldier: The Last Letters Home from Federal Soldiers Written During the Civil War, 1861-1865. Franklin R. Crawford. (2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 272 pp. This unique volume contains the final correspondence written by brave soldiers that did not survive the Civil War: some died on the battlefield during combat; others understood they were about to die. C3189 - $29.50 Quaint and Historic Forts of North America. John Martin Hammond. (1915, 2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 434 pp. This lavishly illustrated volume describes the history of nearly fifty famous fortifications, from the heights of Quebec to the western frontier. Describes each fort’s construction, important military events, famous commanders and battle strategies. If you enjoy visiting historic sites, be sure to take this book with you. H0834 - $32.00 Raid on America: The Dutch Naval Campaign of 1672-1674. Donald G. Shomette and Robert D. Haslach. (1988, 2002), 2009, 6x9, paper, index, 402 pp. Dutch and English records are used to reconstruct Evertsen’s campaign that included the naval invasion of the Chesapeake Bay, the capture or destruction of hundreds of English and French vessels, and the re-conquest of N.Y., N.J., and Del. S2245 - $30.00 Ranger: North American Frontier Soldier, Volume II. Matt Wulff. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 380 pp. Historians of Colonial North America, particularly the military conflicts of the 17th and 18th centuries, will enjoy this look at the development of “Rangers” in the military organizations of the English colonies and later the United States of America. With maps, illus., and photographs. W5368 $32.50 74 Ranger: North American Frontier Soldier. Matt Wulff. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 178 pp. A new type of soldier was needed that could provide security against the quick hit and run raids of the French and Indians. With this need, the Ranger, “Guardians of our frontiers,” was born. Here is a look at some of the more famous Ranger units from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. W4678 $21.00 Real Patriots and Heroic Soldiers: Gen. Joel Leftwich and the Virginia Brigade in the War of 1812. Stuart L. Butler. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 370 pp. This is the story of General Joel Leftwich and the Virginia Brigade’s march for glory into Ohio under the most extreme conditions. These brave men enabled General Harrison to push forward in the dead of winter; and establish Fort Meigs. B4775 - $32.00 Recollections of a Rebel Reefer. James Morris Morgan. (1917), reprint, paper, index, 491 pp. Autobiography of an Annapolis midshipman who trained on “Old Ironsides,” served on the Confederate cruiser “Georgia,” and was later an officer in the Egyptian service. This fascinating narrative is hard to put down. M2306 - $40.00 Recollections of the Civil War. Charles A. Dana. (1898), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 296 pp. Dana served the War Department in various capacities until he was appointed special commissioner, and sent to the front to investigate the paymasters of the Western Army in March, 1863. By April, Dana was operating out of the headquarters of Gen. Grant and was reporting to the department about events at the front. This text is drawn mainly from these field reports and from his personal collection of papers and memoirs, enriched by numerous character sketches. Dana’s experiences at Chickamauga, Chattanooga and the Wilderness in particular are vividly recounted. 9780788417863 D1786 - $25.50 OUT OF PRINT? Reconstructed Forts of the Old Northwest Territory. Jonathan Hall. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 232 pp. This book focuses primarily on reconstructed forts built in the Old Northwest Territory, from the time of the first French explorers to the end of the Black Hawk War. Historical background, significant figures, and current activities are examined. H4776 - $24.00 Record Group 45: Preliminary Checklist of the Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library 1775-1910. James R. Masterson. (1945, 1994), 2011, 8½x11, paper, 164 pp. Compiled primarily for internal use in the National Archives; and, as its title indicates, it is intended to be only a “preliminary” description of the records to which it relates. M3404 - $25.00 Record Group 98: Preliminary Inventory of the Records of United States Army Commands. Maizie Johnson and Sarah Powell. (1966, 2005), 2011, 8½x11, paper, 82 pp. Most entries in this inventory describe orderly books and company books, organized by geographical command (17841813, March 1813-May 1815, and May 1815-May 1821) and Army units (alphabetically by type of unit). J3478 - $14.50 75 Record of Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Spanish-American War, 1898. Thomas J. Stewart. (1901), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 948 pp. This is a comprehensive list of all soldiers and sailors from Pennsylvania who served in the war, as shown in the muster rolls held by the Adjutant General’s Office. A typical entry includes the name, residence, date of enrollment, rank, promotions, date of death or discharge. It also includes histories of each of the units. S0734 - $60.00 Record of the Federal DeadBuried from Libby, Belle Isle, Danville and Camp Lawton Prisons and at City Point, and in the Field Before Petersburg and Richmond. U. S. Christian Commission Staff. (1866) reprint, paper, index, 198 pp. This book contains many cemeteries, large and small. The listings usually give the soldier’s unit, and sometimes the cause of death and exact date. U3344 - $22.50 Records of Officers and Men of New Jersey in Wars, 1791-1815. Adjutant General of New Jersey. (1909, 2002), 2010, 8½x11, paper, 410 pp. The following military campaigns are included in this collection: the Expedition against the Indians (1791); the Pennsylvania Insurrection (1794); the Naval War with France (1798-1801); the Naval War with Tripoli, Africa (1801-1805); the War with Great Britain (1812-1815); and the Naval War with Algiers, Africa (1815). A2134 - $32.00 Records of the Revolutionary War. W. T. R. Saffell. (1894, 1913), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 606 pp. Collected rosters with service records, accounting for some 15,000 soldiers and officers from the New England states, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina, arranged by regiment, company, and corps. The author also includes lists of distinguished prisoners, Half-Pay Acts of the Continental Congress, Revolutionary pension laws, and a list of the officers of the Continental Army who acquired the right to half-pay, commutation and lands. This book contains two indexes: a general index and an index of the Virginia soldiers in the Revolution. S1222 - $43.50 Redcoat Uniforms in North America, 1754-1763. William B. Koker. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 148 pp. This study of Redcoat uniforms and gear reveals the dynamic and radical change of centuries-old British Army traditions, and serves as a comprehensive guide for re-enactors, painters, historians, and others seeking knowledge of the era. K4480 - $19.50 Redcoats, Yankees, and Allies: A History of the Uniforms, Clothing, and Gear of the British Army. Brenton C. Kemmer. Illustrated by Joe Lee. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. The vital Lake George-Lake Champlain corridor is the geographical setting of this study of the uniforms and clothing of British and Yankee soldiers and their Native American allies during the French and Indian War. K0905 - $18.50 Relief is Greatly Wanted: The Battle of Fort William Henry. Edward J. Dodge. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 222 pp. Eyewitness accounts of the siege are supplemented with excerpts from Kilby’s Journal, Maj. William Eyre’s Report and Monro-Webb correspondence. Enriched with biographical sketches of the leading officers of both sides, a muster roll of Rogers’ Rangers, documents pertaining to the 35th Regiment of Foot (Monro’s regiment) and the Monro documents. D0932 - $22.00 76 Reluctant Break with Britain: From Stamp Act to Bunker Hill. Gregory T. Edgar. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 330 pp. Focuses on the causes of the Revolution and the patriots’ desire to remain within the British Empire. E0585 - $29.00 Remember Me. The Civil War letters of Lt. George Robinson and his son, Sgt. James F. Robinson of “The Glenn”, Hamburg, South Carolina 1861-1862. Richard L. Beach. (1991), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 92 pp. A chronicle of the early months of the Civil War told in letters by Lt. George Robinson and his son, Sgt. James F. Robinson. These men give the modern reader not only a glimpse of history from a first-hand point of view, but also the inner thoughts of both an officer and an enlisted man in one volume. Father and son began writing letters home from Charleston, South Carolina, on 9 January 1861, describing their daily life. B0503 - 17.00 Reminiscences of the French Warwith Robert Rogers’ Journal and a Memoir of General Stark. Luther Roby, ed. (1831), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 364 pp. Rogers achieved lasting fame as the leader of his intrepid Rangers in the French and Indian Wars, Stark served with distinction in Roger’s Rangers and advanced to the rank of General in the American Revolution. R9003 - $28.50 Research Guide to Loyalist Ancestors: A Directory to Archives, Manuscripts, Published and Electronic Sources (Updated and Revised). Paul J. Bunnell. (2000), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 168 pp. This updated research aid lists most of the locations where American Loyalist records may be found throughout the world, and the principal records available. B1425 - $19.00 Rev. Seth Noble: A Revolutionary War Soldier’s Promise of America and the Founding of Bangor, Maine and Columbus, Ohio. Carol B. Smith Fisher. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 222 pp. This is the comprehensive biography of Reverend Seth Noble—famous preacher, patriot and pioneer founding father. With the discovery and transcription of one of Rev. Seth Noble’s earliest sermons (1774), we find that he believed the American Revolution to be God’s plan to bring a global reformation to the world. He publicly preached American independence prior to our beloved Virginians: Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson. S5049 - $24.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1992), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 296 pp. Winner of the 1993 Norris Harris Award. Compiled as a “one volume research tool” for identifying the patriots, soldiers, seamen, and civil officers from Anne Arundel County, Maryland, who serving between 1775 and 1783. Also includes personal profiles. P0204 $22.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Calvert and St. Mary’s Counties, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1996), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 318 pp. This book is a research tool for locating the men and women of Calvert and St. Mary’s Counties who served in the military, or in some way contributed and supported the fight for freedom during the Revolutionary War. P9402 - $29.00 77 Revolutionary Patriots of Caroline County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1998, 2001), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 188 pp. Names the men and women of Caroline County who served in the military, rendered material aid to the army or navy, took the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity, served in an office or on a committee at the town, county, or state level, or in some way contributed and supported the fight for freedom of the American colonies from the rule of Great Britain during the Revolutionary War. P0479 - $19.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Charles County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 344 pp. A research tool for locating the men and women of Charles County who served in the military, pledged their service, tendered material aid to the army, or otherwise supported the cause of freedom of the American colonies from the rule of Great Britain. P0444 - $27.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Delaware, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. 1996, 8½x11, cloth, alphabetical, 299 pp. Over 5000 entries; a significant aid to those seeking membership in lineage societies (DAR, SAR, SR, etc.). P0335 - $42.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Dorchester County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 294 pp. Names the men and women of Dorchester County who served in the military, or in some way contributed and supported the fight for freedom of the American colonies from the rule of Great Britain during the Revolutionary War. P0477 - $26.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Frederick County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1995), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 420 pp. Marylanders from Frederick County who served in the military during the Revolutionary War, contributing in some way to support the freedom of the American colonies from the rule of Great Britain. P0307 - $30.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Harford County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1985), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 271 pp. The more than 3,600 men named in this book rendered active service in the cause of American independence between 1775 and 1783, either as an officer, soldier, seaman, marine, militiaman, or minuteman in the armed forces of the Continental Congress. P0208 $22.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1995), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 306 pp. Those who served in the Army, Navy, signers of oaths and nonsigners. Vital statistics, payroll, commissions, dates of births and marriages, when available lists wives and children. P0367 - $26.00 78 Revolutionary Patriots of Maryland 1775-1783: A Supplement. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (2000), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 246 pp. The final book of the series provides additional names and information not previously published in the compiler’s earlier work in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Cecil, Frederick and Harford counties. P0559 - $22.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1776-1783. Henry C. Peden Jr. (1996), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 371 pp. This book is a research tool for locating the men and women of Montgomery County who served in the military, or in some way contributed and supported the fight for freedom during the Revolutionary War. Most of the approx. 5000 persons name herein also have genealogical data included with their respective entries. P0338 - $31.50 Revolutionary Patriots of Prince George’s County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 356 pp. A research tool for identifying Marylanders of Prince George’s County who served in the Army, Navy, signers of oaths and non-signers. Vital statistics, payroll, commissions, dates of birth and marriage, when available. Lists wives and children. P0431 - $28.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Talbot County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1998), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 204 pp. Names the men and women of Talbot County who served in the military, or in some way contributed and supported the fight for freedom of the American colonies from the rule of Great Britain during the Revolutionary War. Approximately 3,000 names. P0501 - $19.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Washington County, Maryland, 1776-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1998), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 438 pp. This book is a research tool for locating the men and women of Washington County who supported the fight for freedom during the aRevolutionary War. Genealogical data is included for most of the approx. 4,000 persons. The author used many primary and secondary sources. P0080 - $36.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Worcester and Somerset Counties, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1999), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 354 pp. A research tool for locating individuals of Worcester and Somerset Counties who supported the fight for freedom during the Revolutionary War. Genealogical data is included for most of the approx. 5,000 persons named in this volume. P0081 - $28.00 Revolutionary Rangers: Daniel Morgan’s Riflemen and Their Role on the Northern Frontier, 1778-1783. Richard B. LaCrosse, Jr. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. Complete account of the riflemen and their weapons; the formation and battle record of this elite regiment; activities in Schoharie, Onoquaga and Unadilla; and during Sullivan’s campaign against the Iroquois. L2052 - $21.50 79 Revolutionary War Journals of Henry Dearborn, 1775-1783. Lloyd A. Brown and Howard H. Peckham. (1939), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 280 pp. These are the coimplete journals of Henry Dearborn, which were transcribed and printed exactly as he wrote them, insofar as is possible with type. Arranged chronologically, each journal is introduced separately to supply the background of the campaign or operation in which Dearborn was engaged. B0124 - $23.50 Revolutionary War Letters Written by Hessian Officers: Generals Wilhelm von Knyphausen, Carl Wilhelm Von Hachenberg, Friedrich Wilhelm von Lossberg, Johann Friedrich Cochenhausen, Friedrich Von Riedesel and Major Carl Leopold von Baurmeister. Bruce E. Burgoyne and Dr. Marie E. Burgoyne. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. Translation of letters in the archives of the Morristown National Historical Park in Morristown, New Jersey. B3541 - $19.00 Revolutionary War Veterans, Chenango County, New York, Volume I, A-B. Nelson B. Tiffany. (1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 270 pp. The first edition of vital records concerning the Revolutionary War veterans of Chenango County, New York. It lists veterans with names that begin with letters A and B. Additional sections in this volume discuss: pension legislation, Revolutionary War battles, and Chenango County burial grounds. T0913 - $22.50 Revolutionary War Veterans, Chenango County, New York, Volume II, C-H. Nelson B. Tiffany. (1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 384 pp. This is the second of four volumes of vital records concerning the Revolutionary War veterans of Chenango County, New York. It covers veterans with surnames that begin with letters C through H. T0914 - $33.00 Robert Rogers’ Rules for the Ranging Service: An Analysis. Matt Wulff. (2006), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 272 pp. This 1757 military manual of “woods warfare” in North America included rules for ambush, attack, pursuit, retreat, etc. Here, each rule is analyzed and highlighted with historical examples, maps, diagrams, and photographs. Brief history of Rogers’ Rangers, photos and descriptions of eighteenth-century muskets. W3376 - $30.50 Rolls of Connecticut Men in French and Indian War, 1755-1762: Volume II, 1758-1762; Appendixes, 1755-1764. Connecticut History Society. (1905, 1994), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 488 pp. Organized by campaign, regiment, and company, these rosters give the names of soldiers and officers and their rank, dates of enlistment and discharge, and occasional additional data such as date of death. “The majority of the rolls printed in this volume…are from [the] Adams Papers in the State Library. ...For convenience of reference all names which appeared in the index to the preceding volume are in the index to this volume, preceded by a star.” C0971 - $38.50 Roster of the Ohio Soldiers in the War of 1812. Adjutant General of Ohio. (1916), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 270 pp. With war declared, Governor Return Jonathan Meigs of Ohio assembled the militia at Dayton, Ohio, in preparation for a march to Detroit. Governor Hull of Michigan was commissioned as Brigadier General; he arrived in Dayton on May 25, 1812 and left with his troops on June 1st. For the War of 1812, Ohio furnished 1759 officers and 24, 521 enlisted men distributed over 464 companies of infantry, 13 cavalry troops, and one artillery battery. Men’s names are organized by company. A9198 - $25.00 80 Saddle and Saber: The Letters of Civil War Cavalryman Corporal Nelson Taylor. Dr. Gray Nelson Taylor. (1993), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 246 pp. In this unique collection of 103 letters (an unbroken series), Taylor graphically describes some of the 141 separate engagements his regiment was involved in. He does not dwell on battle scenes, the carnage, or statistics, however, but writes poignantly of the everyday life of a soldier. Dr. Taylor has added explanatory notes on the formation of the Ninth New York State Volunteer Cavalry in Chautauqua County, as well as on the forces influencing the movements of the Ninth New York Cavalry. T0847 - $24.00 Scottish Soldiers in Continental Europe. David Dobson. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 32 pp. Identifies Scottish soldiers in continental Europe before 1800. D0040 - $5.50 Sea Raptors: Logs of Voyages of Private Armed Vessels, Comet and Chasseur, Commanded by Tom Boyle, 1812-1815. Andrew Wahll. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. This War of 1812 sea narrative, based on the ships’ logs, also includes Court Martial testimony of the Captain of HMS St. Lawrence, after the stunning defeat by Thomas Boyle off Cuba aboard the Chasseur. W4371 - $20.00 PDF: Sea Raptors: Logs of Voyages of Private Armed Vessels, Comet and Chasseur, Commanded by Tom Boyle, 1812-1815. Andrew Wahll. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. This War of 1812 sea narrative, based on the ships’ logs, also includes Court Martial testimony of the Captain of HMS St. Lawrence, after the stunning defeat by Thomas Boyle off Cuba aboard the Chasseur. PDF-W4371 - $16.00 Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers 1818-1864: District of Columbia. Alycon Trubey Pierce, CG. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, index, 248 pp. Records for the District of Columbia pension office, covering Revolutionary War and other pensioners; includes widows, places and length of residence. They contain more than just D.C. residents. P0038 - $25.00 Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers 1818-1864: Maryland—Baltimore. Alycon Trubey Pierce, CG. 1997, 5½x8½, paper, index, 263 pp. In the 1960s the National Archives staff culled out selected “settled accounts” that had genealogical value from the pension payments (these are records not found in the pension application files). These are the records for the Baltimore pension office, they cover Revolutionary War pensions for the most part but include other wars. They include such information as remarriage of widows, places and length of residence. P0025 - $24.00 Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers, 1818-1864: Rhode Island. Kathryn McPherson Gunning. 1999, 8½x11, paper, indices, 356 pp. Abstracted from Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury in Record Group 217 at the National Archives. The final payment is paid to the heirs of a pensioner after his death. If the heirs did not file for the money that was due the pensioner from the time of the receipt of his last pension payment until the time of his death, there is no final payment and only a “last” payment. Includes vouchers for S.C. found in the R.I. boxes. G0027 - $35.50 81 Shades of Daniel Boone, a Personal View of Special Ops and the War in Vietnam. Walter J. Jackson. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 172 pp. Shades of Daniel Boone is a book about Special Ops in Vietnam during the late 1960s. It is a portion of the Vietnam War as seen through the eyes of a Special Forces soldier assigned to B-50, 5th Special Forces Group (MAC-V, SOG). In a candid and engaging style, CSM Jackson gives examples of what missions were like and describes such things as the living conditions, equipment used, the methods, the men, the risks, the effectiveness of the operations, and his personal view of the war. J3228 - $22.50 Signers of the Declaration: Index and Images for the Applications to the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Frederick W. Pyne. 2004, 6x9, paper, 258 pp. and 3 CDs, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat, PC and MAC, 11314 pp. Within these files you may discover your hidden connection to a signer of the Declaration! Three CD-Roms contain the applications and supporting documentation. P0894 - $128.50 Smuggling in the American Colonies at the Outbreak of the Revolution with Special Reference to the West Indies Trade. William S. McClellan. (1912), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 126 pp. This discussion was the prize-winner of an essay contest at Williams College in 1911. M0639 - $17.00 Soldier Boy: Letters and History of an Illinois Union Soldier Who Left His Family and Farm and Fought in Sherman’s Destructive Army from Tennessee Through Atlanta to the Carolinas. Betty E. More. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 426 pp. This book follows Eugene McBride Swaggert and the 92nd through Ky. and Tn., then to Chickamauga, Ala., Atlanta, Savannah and “the Carolina Mud March.” M1551 - $40.50 Some Pennsylvania Women During the War of the Revolution. William Henry Egle. (1898), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 208 pp. These brief biographical sketches (most are two or three pages) provide a wealth of genealogical information for the subject and her husband which include his military contributions. E5148 - $23.00 South Pacific Marine. Paul Nickerson. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 268 pp. This novel, based on historical fact, follows Gunnery Sgt. Rawlins and his squad from the war against imperial Japanese forces through the Korean War. Weapons, tactics, training, organization, and attitudes are accurately portrayed from both the American and the Japanese perspective. N5150 - $26.00 Southern Boots and Saddles: The Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry C.S.A., First Regiment Alabama and Florida Cavalry, 1863-1865. Arthur E. Green. (2005), 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 230 pp. Contains transcribed military service records of 1,611 brave Southern men who served with the Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry. A short history of the regiment and its movements precede the service records. G3813 - $40.00 82 Squadron A: A History of Its First Fifty Years, 1889-1939. Association of Ex-Members of Squadron A. (1939), 2010, 6x9, paper, 438 pp. Covers training of this remarkable cavalry regiment; escort duty; parades; service on the Mexican border, in the Spanish-American War and World War I; the Roll of Honor; the Roll of Service for World War I; and much more. Illustrated. A3503 - $48.00 Stars and Swastikas: The Boy Who Wore Two Uniforms, Expanded Edition. Walter K. Schroder. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 230 pp. The author was born in Pawtucket, R.I., but when he was 9 his family moved back to Germany to escape the hardships of the Depression. At 15, he was drafted by the German army to man antiaircraft guns. In 1945, after becoming a British POW, Schroder’s American citizenship was discovered, and he joined the U. S. Army as an interpreter for U. S. intelligence! S2055 - $25.00 State of the Accounts of the County Lieutenants During the War of the Revolution, 1777-1789, Volume One, Part A. William H. Egle. (1896) reprint, paper, append., new index, 387 pp. These accounts give the names of individuals owing money to the State of Pennsylvania, the amount paid, and the “disbursement and appropriation of the monies thus collected”. Some, or all, of the money resulted from fines issued for “non-performance of militia duty and exercise”. These records “may at first glance appear to be mainly statistical, but in reality contain much that will give an insight into the struggle for independence.” This volume which includes A Brief View of the Treasury of Pennsylvania, 1775-1781, and State of the Accounts of the Treasury of Pennsylvania, 1782-1785. E0157 - $30.00 Studies of the Niagara Frontier. Frank H. Severance. (1911), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 442 pp. What distinguishes this book from most regional histories is the compilation of literary narratives from various early visitors, giving it an artistic vitality. The first third of this volume is the Niagara region as seen through the eyes of poets, writers and artists. Of course, to get a more scrutinizing view of the area, one must next see it through the eyes of scientists, geographers and geologists. The last third of the book is a series of narratives of 18th-century visitors and explorers, which gives one a well-rounded impression of the Niagara. S0845 - $33.00 Sufferings of Union Soldiers in Southern Prisons: Transcript of Andersonville Trial. Samuel J. M. Andrews. (1870, 1996), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 98 pp. “Captain Henry Wirz, the Confederate officer in immediate command of the prison stockade at Andersonville, was, in the year 1865, tried by a Military Commission, at Washington, D.C., and convicted and executed for his brutality to the prisoners under his control.” Samuel John Mills Andrews had been a prisoner at Andersonville and was one of the many witnesses at that trial. Hence he obtained a copy of the transcripts, which he published in 1870; which contain a personal narrative of the horrors he endured there. Helen Cox Tregillis adds some background information about Andrews and Wirz. A0573 - $18.50 Sultana, Index to Rev. Chester D. Berry’s Loss of the Sultana and Reminiscences of Survivors. Kim S. Harrison. 1991, 8½x11, paper, 33 pp. Created as a useful companion to the Rev. Berry’s work which was published in 1892. The Sultana is a history of a disaster that took over 1,500 lives of returning Union soldiers recently released from Cahaba and Andersonville prisons, plus passengers and crew. H0006 - $10.00 Swabby II: World War II Enlisted Sailors Tell It Like It Was. A Nation’s Grateful Salute to the World War II Enlisted Sailor. Jack Haberstroh, Ph.D. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 666 pp. These vivid personal memories put the reader on board with the telling of each funny incident or tragic experience relating to a shipmate or officer, the food or quarters. Contains photos and illustrations. H3143 - $48.50 83 Swabby: World War II Enlisted Sailors Tell It Like It Was. A Nation’s Grateful Salute to the World War II Enlisted Sailor. Jack Haberstroh, Ph.D. (2003), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 716 pp. This volume is comprised of personal recollections from hundreds of World War II “Old Salts” who came from all corners of the United States to defend their country. These vivid personal memories put the reader on board with the telling of each funny incident or tragic experience relating to a shipmate or officer, the food or quarters. Hundreds of photographs and numerous delightful illustrations enhance the text. H2362 - $49.95 The ‘Lost’ Pensions: Settled Accounts of the Act of 6 April 1838, Revised Edition. Craig Roberts Scott. (1996), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, index, 502 pp. This book is a finding aid to the 16,000 settled accounts for pensioners or their heirs who were required to obtain payments from Washington because of the Act of 6 April 1838. These accounts are located in the National Archives. S5478 - $39.00 PDF: The ‘Lost’ Pensions: Settled Accounts of the Act of 6 April 1838, Revised Edition. Craig Roberts Scott. (1996), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, index, 502 pp. This book is a finding aid to the 16,000 settled accounts for pensioners or their heirs who were required to obtain payments from Washington because of the Act of 6 April 1838. These accounts are located in the National Archives. PDF-S5478 - $31.00 The American Revolution: As Described by British Writers and the Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser. Elizabeth R. Miller. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 146 pp. These abstracts, from Jan. 1780 through Sept. 1782, include extracts from letters written by George Washington, John Hancock, Lord Cornwallis and Sir Henry Clinton, etc. M0466 - $19.50 The Army’s Handymen: The Pioneers, a Brief History. Roman 66AD (Praecuria), BritishPrussian-Austrian-French, 1066 through 1799 and a few Modern Comtempories. William E. Eisenhauer. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 316 pp. This history (Roman period through the mid-1800s) contains details of the tasks, tools and various posts of Pioneers. E5375 - $29.00 The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln: Flight, Pursuit, Capture, and Punishment of the Conspirators. Osborn H. Oldroyd. (1901), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 332 pp. Oldroyd was a collector of Lincolniana for forty years. His book includes accounts of Lincoln’s assassination, the pursuit of Booth afterward, the subsequent trials, and the people and places Oldroyd encountered on an 80-mile walk along Booth’s escape route. O0360 - $25.00 The Battle of Sacramento: Forrest’s First Fight, a Skirmish of Future Generals. John K. Ward. 2012,5½x8½, paper, index, 132 pp. This well-documented and well-illustrated history includes the after-action activities of twenty-three participants, and a section devoted to weapons. Few small military engagements saw the beginning careers of so many future high-ranking officers. W5405 $18.50 84 The Battle on Snowshoes. Bob Bearor. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 120 pp. This original work tells the story of the Battle on Snowshoes from a new perspective. The author, an experienced Adirondack hunting guide and a French partisan re-enactor, based this book on field experience as well as book research. In this way, he has been able to separate fact from fiction as accurately as possible. B0619 - $17.50 The Beginning and the End: The Story of Civil War Surrenders. Dayton E. Pryor. (2001, 2005), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 500 pp. Covers surrenders prior Fort Sumter being attacked and concludes with the surrender of Indian Territory tribes, the release of prisoners of war, and the firing of the last shot in Aleutian waters on June 28. This work is complimented with maps, illustrations and a combined fullname plus subject index. P2007 - $35.00 The Black Hawk War. Frank E. Stevens. (1903, 1993), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 436 pp. This book describes Black Hawk’s place in American history. During the 1830’s Andrew Jackson’s administration pursued a policy of forcing all eastern Indians to move west of the Mississippi River. As part of this effort a treaty of dubious merits was negotiated by the government. Chief Black Hawk denied the validity of the treaty, and attempted to take back the land by force. This volume provides a detailed history of the war with data on many participants, and extracts from contemporary documents. “Illustrated with upward of three hundred rare and interesting portraits and views.” S3859 - $36.00 The Black Hussars: A Brief and Concise History of Frederick Diemar’s Hussars. Dr. Gary Corrado. (1999), 2005, 5½x8½, 48 pp. No. 1, for King and Country: The History of Loyalist Units During the American Revolution. Dr. Gary Corrado. A unique unit of escaped German prisoners from Saratoga who served with Tarleton’s Legion and the Queen’s Rangers. Documentation describes their previously unknown appearance. C3540 - $10.00 The Black Watch at Ticonderoga and Major Duncan Campbell of Inverawe. Frederick B. Richards. (1911), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 132 pp. The Black Watch Regiment gained fame for its fearless charge during Maj. Gen. James Abercrombie’s futile attack on Ticonderoga in 1758, in which more than half of the 1000 Highlanders were killed or wounded. This small, but comprehensive, volume gives a history of the Black Watch Regiment from 1667, also known as the 42nd Regiment of Foot, the Highlanders, the Royal Highlanders or Lord John Murray’s Highlanders. R1106 - $16.00 The Black Watch: The Record of an Historic Regiment. Archibald Forbes, L.L.D. (1896, 2002) 2013, paper, index, 324 pp. “It was as the result of a suggestion made to the authorities by Duncan Forbes of Culloden that in 1729 it was determined on that a certain number of Highland clansmen should be embodied in the character of a species of local gendarmerie. …The ‘Black Watch,’ or as is its Gaelic name, ‘Am Freiceadan Dubh,’ was the appellation given to the independent companies of which, with reinforcements, the regiment was subsequently formed.” F2195 - $29.50 The Bloodstained Field: A History of the Sugarloaf Massacre, September 11, 1780. Rogan H. Moore. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 112 pp. In 1779, Sullivan’s Expedition against the Iroquois attempted, but failed, to pacify the frontier. As Iroquois war parties and contingents of loyalist troops ravaged the frontier, patriot militias were hastily assembled. Capt. Daniel Klader was put in command of a detachment of Van Etten’s Company for a dangerous mission in search of Tory spies and sympathizers. Roland Montour, son of the legendary Queen Esther, caught Klader’s men off-guard by the Little Nescopeck—a bloody battle ensued. M1488 - $14.50 85 The Capture of Ticonderoga. L. E. Chittenden. (1872), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 132 pp. The essence of this thesis is whether or not Benedict Arnold planned and participated in the capture of Ticonderoga, or whether the honor belongs solely to Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys. This nice little volume incorporates a paper which was read before the Vermont Historical Society at a special meeting of its members in 1872. Well annotated, many of the letters and documents referred to in the text are reprinted in the appendix. C0802 - $16.00 The Civil War Diary of Lieutenant Robert Molford Addison, Co. E, 23rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, December 24, 1863 - December 29, 1864. Diane E. Greene. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 190 pp. Covers the period December 1863 through 1864, discussing the battles and the Red River Campaign that followed. G0656 - $19.00 The Civil War Letters of William A. Robinson and the Story of the 89th New York Volunteer Infantry. Robert J. Taylor. (2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 196 pp. William A. Robinson served at Antietam, South Mountain, Fredericksburg, Suffolk, Va., the Federal siege of Fort Sumpter (1863), Cold Harbor, Petersburgh and Fair Oaks. Letters are transcribed in their entirety, with a history of the 89th N.Y. T1580 - $22.00 The Civil War Memoirs of Sergeant George W. Darby. Rogan H. Moore. (1999), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 186 pp. Darby served throughout the Civil War. He was severely wounded at the Second Bull Run and was imprisoned by the Confederates at Belle Isle and Libby. His memoirs carry the reader through 1861 to 1865. M1307 - $20.00 The Civil War Veterans of San Diego: Including Citations to Genealogical Research Sources in San Diego, California. Barbara Palmer. 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 350 pp. Cemetery and intake records from two San Diego G.A.R. posts for nearly 2,000 Civil War veterans who migrated to San Diego after the war from places like New York, Ohio, Missouri, Germany, and England. P3580 $56.00 The Confederate Dead in Brooklyn: Biographical Sketches of 513 Confederate POWs. John F. Walter. (2003, 2004), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 228 pp. Brief biographical sketches are devoted to the more than 500 Confederate POWs who are buried in Cypress Hills National Cemetery in Brooklyn and Queens Counties, part of the City of New York. W2452 - $24.50 The Confederate Mail Carrier, or from Missouri to Arkansas through Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee. Being an Account of the Battles, Marches, and Hardships of the First and Second Brigades, Mo., C.S.A. Together with the Thrilling Adventures and Narrow Escapes of Captain Grimes and his Fair Accomplice, who Carried the Mail by “the Underground Route” from the Brigade to Missouri. James Bradley. (1894, 1990), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 318 pp. Battles mentioned include: Wilson’s Creek; Pea Ridge; Corinth; Iuka; Port Gibson; Siege of Vicksburg; Sherman’s Georgia Campaign; Franklin; and Nashville. B0349 - $29.00 The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada. Francis Parkman. (1901, 2003), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols, 940 pp. This classic and comprehensive study examines the catalysts, personalities, place, battles and consequences of Pontiac’s War. P2309 - $70.00 86 The Cornwell Chronicles: Tales of an American Life on the Erie Canal, Building Chicago, in the Volunteer Civil War Western Army, on the farm, in a country store. John Wearmouth. 1998, 8½x11, paper, indices, 301 pp. Gives the first published eyewitness account of Black Union troops in their most glorious victory of the Civil War. A detailed account of the incredible courage and carnage at Ft. Donelson, Shiloh and the action of the 1500-man African Brigade at Miliken’s Bend, La. on June 7, 1863. W1083 - $46.50 The Diary of Lieutenant von Bardeleben and Other von Donop Regiment. Bruce E. Burgoyne. Translated by Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. Contains the wartime diaries of Lt. Johann Heinrich von Bardeleben, the company Church Book of the von Donop Regiment compiled by Chaplain Georg Christoph Coester, and the regimental journal of Quartermaster Johann Georg Zinn. Johann von Bardeleben’s diary includes specific information about his fellow officers. Georg Christoph Coester’s Church Book details marriages, births, confirmations and even penance. Regimental Quartermaster Zinn’s journal contributes detailed listings of officers, vessels, camp sites and other particulars of the campaigns around New York City, Trenton and Philadelphia. B1054 - $21.00 The Diuguid Records, 1861-1865, and Biographical Sketches. Jerry H. Markham. 2007, 6x9, paper, 434 pp. Using Mr. Diuguid’s burial records (Diuguid Funeral Home, Lynchburg, Va.) and other sources, this volume provides the names of soldiers prepared for burial, burial location, date of death or burial, cause of death (as available), and for many, biographical information. 9780788442926 M4292 - $42.00 The Enterprise in Contemplation: The Midnight Assault of Stony Point. Don Loprieno. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 356 pp. Using primary sources, new research and explanatory maps, this first complete account in over a hundred years of Anthony Wayne’s attack against British defenses on the Hudson River recreates one of the most daring and dramatic episodes of the Revolutionary War. L2574 - $33.50 The Fight with France for North America: 3rd edition. A. G. Bradley. (1908) reprint, paper, index, 391 pp. Beginning with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, and the conditions and characteristics of the British-American colonies in Canada in 1750, the author lays the background for the French designs against British expansion. He then proceeds to describe the various clashes between the two European powers in America. B2331 - $31.50 The Final Resting Places of the Gettysburg Commanders: A List of the Gravesites of the Corps, Division, Brigade, and Regimental Commanders Who Served at Gettysburg. Ethan F. Bishop. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 132 pp. A complete Order of Battle for the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia who served at Gettysburg. All known burial locations for the officers are given. B2571 - $18.50 *Not on HB website. The First and Second Maryland Infantry, C.S.A. Robert J. Driver, Jr. 2003, 6x9, cloth, index, 581 pp. The First Maryland Infantry was formed from Marylanders who chose to cast their lot with the Confederacy against a Union government that had invaded their state and established martial law, forcing those who disagreed with the invasion of the South to join the Confederates or to submit to what they considered as tyranny. Disbanded in 1862, they quickly reorganized and gathered new recruits to become the Second Maryland Infantry. D0901 - $35.00 87 The First Virginia Regiment of Foot, 1775-1783. M. Lee Minnis. 1998, 6x9, cloth, index, 467 pp. A detailed history with a biography of each soldier. M0029 - $30.00 The Flying Submarine: The Story of the Invention of the Reid Flying Submarine, RFS-1. Bruce Reid. (2004), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 178 pp. The true story of the invention of the world’s first submersible aircraft. Photos and drawings illustrate how the sub was made, and show it being tested in the water and in flight. R3136 - $20.00 The Forgotten Black Soldiers in White Regiments During the Civil War, Revised Edition. Juanita Patience Moss. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 180 pp. The author’s research began after being told that black soldiers only served with segregated units. Her great grandfather, an identifiably “Col’d” man, served in a white regiment. The hundreds of names listed here prove that he was not alone. M4647 - $21.00 The German Allied Troops in the North American War of Independence, 1776-1783. Max von Eelking. (1893, 1997), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 370 pp. Rosengarten provides a description and critique of numerous sources on Germans fighting during the American Revolution. More than half of these soldiers, literally sold into service by the princes of various German states, came from Hesse-Cassel and were generally referred to as Hessians. Also includes general information on German soldiers in the French service, American history from German sources, Benjamin Franklin in Germany, German universities, and Achenwall’s observations on North America in 1767. E0059 - $31.50 The German Element in the War of American Independence. George Washington Greene. (1876, 1997), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. Includes biographies of Baron Von Steuben and Gen. John Kalb, and an essay on the German mercenaries. G0624 - $19.50 The Gettysburg Battlefield: The Union Regimental Commanders, a Guide to the Battlefield Sites of the Union Regimental Commanders Who Were Casualties. Ethan F. Bishop. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 368 pp. Learn about the officers in direct command of the Union regiments who were casualties in the battle; from their wounding sites to their final resting places. Brief biographies are included. B3859 - $32.00 *Not on HB website. The Hell-Hole in Georgia: Sherman vs. Johnston May 22 - June 2, 1864. Jeffrey S. Dean. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 144 pp. The Atlanta Campaign in Paulding County, Georgia (May 22-June 2, 1864), is remembered by combatants on both sides as the most desperate fighting of the entire war—a veritable “Hell-Hole.” Seven maps, an “Order of Battle,” endnotes, and an index enhance this work. D3377 - $18.00 88 The Hesse-Cassel Mirbach Regiment in the American Revolution. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 140 pp. This book comprises two accounts of the Mirbach Regiment and its involvement in the Revolutionary War. Firstly, there is the regimental journal, kept by quartermaster August Schmidt, which spans the period from the unit’s departure from regimental headquarters in Melsungen on March 1, 1776 to its return home May 30th 1784 at the close of the war. Secondly there is the journal kept by Ensign (later Lieutenant) Karl Reuffer. Although it covers a shorter time span (March 1, 1776 to December 28, 1777), it goes into much greater detail, and occupies three quarters of the book. Thus we are able to compare two accounts of the same events. B0940 - $17.00 The Hesse-Cassel Mirbach Regiment in the American Revolution. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, cloth, indices, 140 pp. This book comprises two accounts of the Mirbach Regiment and its involvement in the Revolutionary War: the regimental journal, kept by quartermaster August Schmidt (March 1, 1776 to May 30, 1784) and the journal kept by Ensign (later Lieutenant) Karl Reuffer (March 1, 1776 to December 28, 1777) that includes a list of all Hesse-Cassel officer deaths up to the end of 1777, giving the officer’s unit, place, time and cause of death. B7108 - $39.00 The Hessians and the other German Auxiliaries of Great Britain in the Revolutionary War. Edward J. Lowell. (1884), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 354 pp. “Much has been made of the fact that 7,000 French soldiers and 19,000 French seamen assisted the United States in the siege of Yorktown, but we have forgotten that a force of 15,000-20,000 Germans served for seven years against us; that more than 29,000 were brought to America for this purpose; that more than 12,000 never returned to Germany.” In addition to solid historical background information, it describes the hardships and experiences of the Hessian soldiers in America from a very personal level, quoting from original German accounts of almost every major and minor engagement of the Revolutionary War. L1614 - $30.00 The History of Philip’s War, Commonly Called the Great Indian War of 1675 and 1676. Also of the French and Indian Wars at the Eastward in 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696, and 1704. Thomas Church, Esq. (1829, 1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 362 pp. This reprint has been made from the 1827 edition which was based on the 1772 edition, but had been greatly enlarged by the addition of extensive notes and appendixes compiled by the noted historian and antiquarian, Samuel G. Drake. The book includes numerous extracts from contemporary documents, and Drake’s notes provide a wealth of additional information about the people and places referred to in the text. C0179 - $27.00 The History of Rogers’ Rangers, Volume 3: Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers. Burt Garfield Loescher. (1957, 2001), 6x9, cloth, index, 106 pp. Biographical sketches of more than 200 Rangers, including the legendary Robert Rogers himself, John Stark, the Brewers, Moses Hazen, the Stockbridge Mohegans, and lesser-known men of all ranks including surgeons, clerks, cadets and corporals. L1967 - $20.00 The History of Rogers’ Rangers, Volume 3: Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers. Burt Garfield Loescher. (1957, 2001), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 106 pp. Biographical sketches of more than 200 Rangers, including the legendary Robert Rogers himself, John Stark, the Brewers, Moses Hazen, the Stockbridge Mohegans, and lesser-known men of all ranks including surgeons, clerks, cadets and corporals. L4751 - $17.00 The History of Rogers’ Rangers: Rogers’ Rangers, the First Green Berets. Burt Garfield Loescher. (1969), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 336 pp. Offers the complete record of every action, ambuscade, scout and expedition of Major Robert Rogers and his Rangers from April 6, 1758 (just after their defeat in the Battle on Snowshoes during the French and Indian War), to their disbandment on December 24, 1783, at the end of the American Revolution. L4752 - $30.00 89 The History of Rogers’ Rangers: Vol. I: The Beginnings, January 1755-April 6, 1758. Burt Garfield Loescher. (1946), 2006, 6x9, cloth, 438 pp. Chiefly based on the Loudoun Manuscripts. Here is the history of the very beginning of Rogers’ Rangers, the elite military unit that set the standards for future special forces. Covers the years in which Ranger activities reached their height during the French and Indian War. L1741 - $51.00 The History of Rogers’ Rangers: Volume 4, the St. Francis Raid. Burt Garfield Loescher. (2002), 2008, 6x9, cloth, index, 336 pp. The long-awaited chronicle of this tragic and infamous event, 1759, that reveals new insights to the raid. L2077 - $58.00 The History of Rogers’ Rangers: Volume 4, The St. Francis Raid. Burt Garfield Loescher. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. The long-awaited chronicle of this tragic and infamous event, 1759, that reveals new insights to the raid. L4750 - $29.50 The History of Rogers’ Rangers: Volume I: The Beginnings, January 1755-April 6, 1758. Burt Garfield Loescher. (1946), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 438 pp. Chiefly based on the Loudoun Manuscripts. Here is the history of the very beginning of Rogers’ Rangers, the elite military unit that set the standards for future special forces. Covers the years in which Ranger activities reached their height during the French and Indian War. L4295 - $36.00 The Important Role of the Irish in the American Revolution. Phillip Thomas Tucker. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 140 pp. This book focuses on the key roles played by the Irish in some of the most important and decisive battles of the American Revolution in both the northern and southern theaters. Rare, never-before-published primary source material has been incorporated into the work. T5018 $19.50 The Indian Wars of Pennsylvania: An Account of the Indian Events, in Pennsylvania, of the French and Indian War, Pontiac’s War, Lord Dunmore’s War, the Revolutionary War and the Indian Uprisings from 1789 to 1795. C. Hale Sipe. (1929), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 826 pp. This work is a comprehensive historical overview of Pennsylvania history (1755-1795). S1492 $63.00 The Land Tracts of the Battlefield of South Mountain: Including Many Other Tracts near the Area from Land Records of Frederick County, Washington County and the Maryland Archives. Curtis L. Older. (1999), 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 274 pp. Contains Civil War data on the Fox Inn, Mountain House, roads through Fox’s Gap and Turner’s Gap, War Correspondents’ Memorial Arch, and more. O0066 - $38.50 90 The Life of Major John André, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America. Winthrop Sargent. (1871), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 498 pp. John André is best remembered for being hanged as a spy for his role as Benedict Arnold’s co-conspirator in the attempt to take West Point during the American Revolution. This work contains much history of the American Revolution in addition to the important people and events in Andre’s life. The style of treatment is florid and the view-point extreme in André’s favor. S2176 - $37.00 The Loyalists in the American Revolution. Claude Halstead Van Tyne. (1902), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. The history of the 100,000 or more Americans who remained loyal; drawn primarily from original sources and the Rivington’s Gazette, a Loyalist newspaper. V0201 - $28.50 The Massacre of Dunbar, October 15, 1759. Gary Zaboly. This masterful full color print depicts the tragic panorama of Dunbar’s Massacre in remarkable detail. Full-color print, 12x18, unframed 978Print missing check digit LZ01 $15.00 The Mexican War and Its Warriors: Comprising a Complete History of all the Operations of the American Armies in Mexico, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Most Distinguished Officers in the Regular Army and Volunteer Force. J. Frost, LLD. (1850), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 346 pp. This war resulted in the U.S. acquisition of a vast area including California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. This history was written shortly after the conclusion of the war and includes extracts from contemporary correspondence, and eye-witness reports. This work contains biographies of some of the principals. F0276 - $27.00 The Mexican War: A History of its origin. Edward D. Mansfield. (1849), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 390 pp. This detailed history examines the conflict from numerous angles. M4735 - $33.00 The New Loyalist Index, Volume I. Paul J. Bunnell. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 516 pp. A master index identifying over 5,000 Loyalists. Covers several dozen sources including both published works and American and Canadian archives. B0234 - $42.50 The New Loyalist Index: Volume II. Paul J. Bunnell. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 234 pp. All new collection of over 2,000 Loyalists. B0400 - $22.00 91 The New Loyalist Index, Volume III, Including Cape Cod and Islands, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey and New York Loyalists. Paul J. Bunnell, F.A.C.G., U.E. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 196 pp. A portion of this work has been dedicated to the loyalists of Cape Cod and the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. The listings deal with Loyalists who settled in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and other areas of refuge. A large portion is dedicated to New Hampshire and New York Loyalists. Each entry provides, where available, the name, regiment and rank of the subject, along with brief data on residence, date of birth, marriage or death for purposes of identification, and a citation to a source where additional data can be found. B0987 - $23.00 The Other Side of War. Eugene Fazekas. 2005, 8½x11, paper, 154 pp. This is not a story of battles and heroism-fate stepped in more than once to keep “Fuzzy” Fazekas out of those situations while he was in the USN Hospital Corps during World War II, and as a reservist during the Korean War. The story also deals with a short period of his life after these wars. F2599 - $23.00 The Philadelphia Campaign, 1777-1778. Gregory T. Edgar. (1998), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 252 pp. A stirring account of the English military campaign led by General Sir William Howe against Philadelphia, the winter encampment of George Washington’s Continental Army at Valley Forge, and the American victory at the Battle of Monmouth in June of 1778. This work draws extensively on the journals and remembrances of the soldiers who fought on both sides, putting the reader right in the thick of the action. E0921 - $24.00 The Quiet Patriot, Colonel Return Jonathan Meigs: With Meigs’s 1775 Journal of the Quebec Expedition. Richard A. Mason. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 390 pp. Chronicles of Col. Meigs’s experiences in the Revolutionary War: the attack on Quebec with Benedict Arnold; Meigs’s daring raid on the British at Sag Harbor; and his postwar adventures as an Ohio pioneer and Cherokee Indian Agent. M5185 - $33.00 The Rebel Scout, a Thrilling History of Scouting Life in the Southern Army. Thomas Nelson Conrad. (1904), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 108 pp. These pages offer “a faithful sketch of scouting life in the Southern Army, a life full of romance, adventure and perils…” This edition contains a new name, place and subject index by John D. Bowman. C4769 - $15.00 The Revolutionary Pilgrimage, Being an Account of a Series of Visits to Battlegrounds,and Other Places Made Memorable by the War of the Revolution. Written and Illustrated by Ernest Peixotto. (1917), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 400 pp. This eminently readable guide to the locales that played an important role in the American Revolution is remarkable for its attention to historical detail as well as its handsome illustrations. Even if you never leave the comfort of your favorite reading chair, you’ll visualize the drama and learn a great deal about the Revolution with the turn of every page. P1402 - $30.00 The Road to Glorieta: A Confederate Army Marches Through New Mexico. Donald W. Healey. (2003), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 508 pp. This is the story of 3,000 stalwart Texans, who carried the Confederate banner into the Southwest-one of the most stirring and least known episodes of our nation’s struggle. The focus of much of the book is Captain Adair of the 7th Texas Mounted Volunteers. H2378 - $43.50 92 The Secret D-Day. Kenneth H. Garn. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 284 pp. This is the story of a terrible tragedy that befell American soldiers and sailors just before D-Day in 1944. A convoy of LSTs (Landing Ship Tanks) was making a practice invasion on Slapton Sands in England when it was attacked by German E-boats. Now many WWII documents, including those that relate to this event, have been declassified and are available for research. Join the author as he unravels the truth behind “The Secret D-Day.” G2512 - $29.95 The Seventeenth Alabama Infantry: A Regimental History and Roster. Illene D. Thompson and Wilbur E. Thompson. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 502 pp. Much of this history is told using the soldiers own words from diaries, letters and military reports. T1969 - $39.00 The Soldiers’ Record of Jericho, Vermont. E. H. Lane. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 50 pp. Names of the men who enlisted, age, date of enlistment, military unit, rank attained, and the date of discharge or date of death are preserved on these pages. Records are nested within a narrative chronicle that briefly examines Jericho’s efforts to furnish troops for the Civil War (1868). L3029 - $10.00 The Sultana Saga: The Titanic of the Mississippi. Rex T. Jackson. (2003, 2004), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 160 pp. On a cold night in late April 1865, on the mighty Mississippi River just north of Memphis, Tenn., scores of unsuspecting souls suddenly found themselves desperately struggling for their lives after the boilers exploded on the riverboat steamer Sultana. Although more lives were lost in this incident than would be lost on the Titanic in 1912, these homeward bound veterans of war have been nearly forgotten. Most of the men served in cavalry or infantry units from Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio, or cavalry units from Tennessee and Virginia. J2358 - $18.00 The Tagebuch of Ernst Silge, USN. Frank H. Pierce. 1996, 5½x8½, paper, append., 264 pp. This book is pure 19-century adventure, from young Ernst Silge’s years as a U.S. Navy sailor boy on the fabled China Station in the last days of the great sailing ships to his life as a Colorado homesteader, and finally as a gold miner in the American Rockies. P0489 - $25.00 The Texas Navies: The Civil War in Texas and the Southwest. Roy Sullivan. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 150 pp. The Republic of Texas was its own nation for ten years after winning independence from Santa Ana at San Jacinto. A navy was needed to defend 600 miles of Texas Gulf coast from Mexico which wanted Texas back. Texans had three navies: the Impromptu, First and Second Navies. S4370 - $19.00 The Third English-Waldeck Regiment in the American Revolutionary War. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 326 pp. This volume follows the personnel of the Waldeck Regiment year by year, beginning with their departure from Europe and arrival in America. Transfers, desertions, prisoners of war, and deaths from illness and battle are all detailed here. Troop movements and activities are also well documented. Sources include dozens of journals and manuscripts from the British Museum, Library of Congress and University of Michigan Clements Library. A helpful feature of this volume is the assignment of serial numbers to individuals. B1301 - $31.50 93 The Trenton Commanders: Johann Gottlieb Rall and George Washington, as noted in Hessian Diaries. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1996), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 16 pp. The Hessian soldiers kept numerous diaries in which they recorded their impressions of America and Americans, as well as their daily military activity. These pages are packed with fascinating description and insight concerning these two men. B0661 - $6.00 The Union Hole: Unionist Activity and Local Conflict in Western Virginia. David Scott Turk. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 154 pp. Focuses on the dilemmas confronted by the people of Craig, Alleghany and Monroe Counties (the last presently in West Virginia), and contains an abundance of names and biographical information valued by genealogists. T0029 - $19.50 The Unwritten History of Braddock’s Field (Pennsylvania). George H. Lamb. (1917), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 342 pp. Braddock, a little town outside Pittsburgh, was the site of General Edward Braddock’s defeat by the British in 1755. Thirty-nine years later, several thousand grain distillers and their sympathizers gathered at Braddock’s Field to protest the new tax on whiskey, in what became known as the Whiskey Rebellion, which was quelled when President Washington called up 15,000 troops to march toward the town. Every section contains names of prominent residents, members of organizations and some short biographical sketches. Includes illustrations. L1237 - $26.50 The Valiant Died, the Battle of Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781. Christine R. Swager. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 192 pp. The Valiant Died is a study of the Battle of Eutaw Springs. It examines the events of the British Southern Campaign in the American Revolution that led up to the battle, as well as the battle’s aftermath and its impact on the British surrender at Yorktown. Major General Nathanael Greene’s strategy and leadership is highlighted in this book. S4102 - $24.00 The Virginia Papers, Volume 2, Volume 2ZZ of the Draper Manuscript Collection. Craig L. Heath. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 360 pp. In continuation of the series of volumes of the Virginia Papers in the Draper Manuscript Collection, this book deals largely with the Battle of Point Pleasant, Virginia (now West Virginia), October 10, 1774. This battle was considered by some to mark the beginning of the American Revolution. H3287 - $34.00 The War of Confederate Captain Henry T. Owen. Kimberly Ayn Owen, Graham C. Owen and Michael M. Owen. (2004), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 302 pp. Henry T. Owen’s story is told predominantly in his own words, but his experiences were common to thousands of men-both Confederate and Union. Many of the letters, documents, and other material published in this book are transcribed from original documents. O0969 - $30.00 The War of the American Revolution: Day by Day, Volume 1, Chapters I, II, III, IV and V. The Preliminaries and the Years 1775, 1776, 1777, and 1778. Frederick W. Pyne. 2009, 6x9, paper, index, 534 pp. Journey back in time and experience the events of the American Revolutionary War as they unfold day by day. Illustrations, maps, and an index enhance the text. P4799 - $41.00 94 The War of the American Revolution: Day by Day, Volume 2, Chapters VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X. The Years 1779, 1780, 1781, 1782, and 1783. Frederick W. Pyne. 2010, 6x9, paper, 652 pp. Journey back in time and experience the events of the American Revolutionary War as they unfold day by day. Illustrations, maps, and an index enhance the text. P4910 - $47.50 The War of the Rebellion. Chauncey F. Grosvenor. 1994, 5½x8½, paper, 166 pp. Chauncey Grosvenor used his acute powers of observation to capture in writing some of the most important events of the great conflict. His regiment was sent to Fort Marcy, later, he went by rail to New York and by steamship to Savannah. G0049 - $20.50 The Winning of Canada: A Chronicle of Wolfe. William Wood. (1914), reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 182 pp. A biography of James Wolfe, the great general who led the British to victory at Fortress Louisbourg in Nova Scotia and Quebec, but succumbed to wounds received in the same battle that killed his noted adversary, Montcalm, on the Plains of Abraham. W2344 - $19.00 The Wolves from Niagara. Mike Phifer. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 110 pp. This is a history of the much-feared Butler’s Rangers, an American Loyalist unit, who waged a relentless war against the Patriot backed settlements from New York to Kentucky during the American Revolution. Oriskany, Wyoming, Cherry Valley, and many other engagements are covered. P4319 - $18.00 These Honored Dead: A Roster of over 2,500 Maryland Union Soldiers Buried in National Cemeteries. Charles Albert Earp and Peter Lowry Johnston. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 306 pp. This roster was compiled not only to remember and honor these men, but also in the belief that it will be of value to the descendants of those who so nobly served our state and our Union. E0654 $25.00 These Were the Hessians. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 244 pp. Hessians represented one-third of all combatants serving the Crown during the American Revolutionary War. This detailed account of their contribution to this nation’s growth includes the Waldeck Articles of War, 1775 (German and English); the role of women with the Hessian units; seven color plates and a bibliography. B4193 - $35.00 They Are Indeed a Very Useful Corps, American Riflemen in the Revolutionary War. Michael Cecere. (2006), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. The story of America’s riflemen in the Revolutionary War begins with their formation in 1775. First person accounts of their recruitment and crucial service in the American army introduce readers to the flamboyant and sometimes unruly nature of riflemen. C4141 - $23.00 95 They Behaved Like Soldiers: Captain John Chilton and the Third Virginia Regiment 1775-1778. Michael Cecere. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 144 pp. Captain John Chilton’s letters and diary offer insight into routine aspects of life in the Third Virginia Regiment along with detailed observations of experiences at Harlem Heights, Trenton, Morristown, Brandywine, Germantown, and Valley Forge. Maps. C2479 - $18.50 They Did Their Work Bravely: Civil War Generals Buried in Pennsylvania. David L. Callihan. (2004), 2006, 8½x11, paper, 140 pp. Brief biographical sketches are provided for the 44 full rank Union generals and 1 Confederate general buried in Pennsylvania. One or more photos are provided for each grave site, as well as a map of the cemetery or directions for finding each grave site. C2501 $22.00 Through the Eyes of the Bay Colony: The Story of the Involvement of Massachusetts-Bay in the Battle of Ticonderoga, 1758. Brenton C. Kemmer. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 88 pp. The topography and demographics of the six Massachusetts regiments serving in the 1758 Ticonderoga campaign sets the stage for this history. The actual Battle of Ticonderoga is broken down by the day. K4675 - $14.00 Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death: The Civil War Manuscript Collection of Captain Harvey Alexander Wallace, 5th South Carolina Infantry and 19th Texas Infantry, Walker’s Texas Division. Stephen Skelton. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 394 pp. This collection places you with Captain Wallace and his family, and beside the soldiers who served with him from South Carolina and Texas. S3134 - $35.00 To Hazard Our Own Security: Maine’s Role in the American Revolution. Mike Cecere. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 358 pp. Maine’s role in the American Revolution has traditionally been obscured by the fact that it was part of Massachusetts during the conflict and did not become a state in its own right until 1820. Maine’s patriots fought in nearly every key engagement of the war. C5174 $27.00 To the Front and Back: A West Virginia Marine Fights World War I. Thomas Bryan McQuain. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 280 pp. Thomas McQuain survived some of the worst battles of the war before returning to Gilmer Co., West Virginia. He was an astute observer of both places and people, and his keen eye is reflected in his narrative. Vintage photographs and picture postcards enhance the text. M3148 - $29.00 Tory Spy: A New York Frontier Family’s War Against the American Revolution. Daniel D. Lovelace. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 350 pp. Thomas Loveless and his family were ordinary people swept up by social and political forces. Tory Spy analyzes this “Loyalist Dilemma,” making use of British and American documents of the period. Illustrations, maps, appendices, footnotes, and an index are included. L5025 - $31.00 96 Tough and Hearty, Kimball Pearsons, Civil War Cavalryman, Co. L, 10th Regiment of Cavalry, New York State Volunteers. David B. Russell. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 348 pp. This transcription of Kimball Pearsons’ letters brings one as close to life as a cavalryman as may be possible without experiencing it firsthand. The letters also illuminate activities at home on his farm. R5418 - $30.00 Tragedy at Montpelier: The Untold Story of Ten Confederate Deserters from North Carolina. Jayne E. Blair. (2003), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 130 pp. After fighting valiantly at Gettysburg, ten men from the Third North Carolina deserted, were captured and executed on the grounds of Montpelier, Virginia, the home of President James Madison. Well documented, with biographical information on the deserters and a brief history of Montpelier and the Madisons. B2370 - $15.50 True Stories of New England Captives Carried to Canada During the Old French and Indian Wars. C. Alice Baker. (1896), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 420 pp. Recounts in detail the Indian attacks at Wells and York, Maine, Dover, New Hampshire, and Hatfield, Haverhill, and Deerfield, Massachusetts. B0420 - $34.00 Two Years in the Kindergarten Unit in France, 1919-1921: Glimpses into the Life of a Teacher. Rachel Clark Neumann. 2002, 5½x8½, paper, 138 pp. The memoir of an intelligent, dedicated and patriotic young woman, and a captivating narrative history of war-torn Europe. N2160 - $12.95 U.S.S. Cyclops. Marvin W. Barrash. 2010, 8½x11, cloth, 794 pp. Many have been curious because of the mystery surrounding the disappearance of this colossal collier in the area known as the Bermuda Triangle. Others are interested in naval history and some because of a family connection to a member of her crew. This study provides an objective look at the U.S.S. Cyclops; escorting readers through the multitude of stacks of documentation of this yet-to-be solved case. Conflicting points of view are presented. B5186 - $152.00 Union Army Balloon Corps. Russell K. Dutcher III. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 206 pp. This book traces Professor Thaddeus Sobieski Constantine Lowe’s formation of the balloon corps in July 1861 and provides a detailed account of its operations throughout the end of December 1863. 9780788447853 D4785 - $22.00 Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume 1. Glenda McWhirter Todd. 2012, 8½x11, paper, 394 pp. This series includes the most extensive collection of records and information ever published on the soldiers who served in the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV: transcribed military records on each soldiers; pension records and Southern Claims for some; and lists of soldiers by company. T5404 - $42.00 97 Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume 2. Glenda McWhirter Todd. 2012, 8½x11, paper, 430 pp. This series includes the most extensive collection of records and information ever published on the soldiers who served in the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV: transcribed military records on each soldiers; pension records and Southern Claims for some; and lists of soldiers by company. T5461 - $45.00 Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume 3. Glenda McWhirter Todd. 2013, 8½x11, paper, 430 pp. This series includes the most extensive collection of records and information ever published on the soldiers who served in the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV: transcribed military records on each soldiers; pension records and Southern Claims for some; and lists of soldiers by company. T5489 - $45.00 United States Catholic Chaplains in the World War. Army and Navy Chaplains Ordinariate. (1924), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 360 pp. These brief biographical sketches include date and place of birth, education, theological training, ordination date, military service, rank, post-war career and residence. Additionally, there is a historical sketch of Catholic chaplains in the early wars from 18981917; a necrology; a list of approved applicants; and lists of chaplains in reserve corps and serving in military and naval posts, public health and veteran hospitals after the war. A0801 - $37.50 Virginia and the French and Indian War. Hayes Baker-Crothers, Ph.D. (1928), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 190 pp. This work examines the role of the Virginia Colony at the outbreak of war and analyzes Virginia’s contributions to the hard-won English victory, hampered for years by the legislative incompetence, military inactivity, and self-interest inherent in the British Colonial system. Special attention is paid to the following: the crippling defeat of Braddock’s expedition; the appointment by Parliament of Earl of Loudon to commander-in-chief of North American forces; the dynamic leadership of Virginia governor Francis Fauquier and British secretary of state William Pitt; the taking of Forts Frontenac and Duquesne; and other notable campaigns of the conflict. B1004 - $18.50 Virginia and West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records, Volume 2 Dabbs-Hyslop. Patrick G. Wardell. (1990), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 440 pp. Genealogical data pertaining to Virginians and West Virginians who served in the Revolutionary War as derived from National Archives materials. It includes all men who the records show resided in Virginia or West Virginia either before or after the war, or whose immediate family lived in either of these two states. W9302 - $35.00 Virginia and West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records, Volume 3 Iams through Myres. Patrick G. Wardell. (1992), 2008, paper,5½x8½, paper, index, 398 pp. Genealogical data pertaining to Virginians and West Virginians who served in the Revolutionary War. It includes all men who the records show resided in Va. or W.Va. either before or after the war, or whose family lived in either state. W0657 - $33.00 Virginia and West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records, Volume 4 Nabors - Rymer. Patrick G. Wardell. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 352 pp. Genealogical data pertaining to Virginians and West Virginians who served in the Revolutionary War from National Archives files. W0106 - $30.00 98 Virginia and West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records, Volume 5 Sacrey-Tyree. Patrick G. Wardell. (1996), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. Genealogical data pertaining to Virginians and West Virginians who served in the Revolutionary War from National Archives files. W0551 - $32.00 Virginia and West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records, Volume 6 Ullum Through Zumwalt. Patrick G. Wardell. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 300 pp. Genealogical data pertaining to Virginians and West Virginians who served in the Revolutionary War from National Archives files. W9878 - $27.00 Voices from the Past: 104th Infantry Regiment, USCT, Colored Civil War Soldiers from South Carolina. J. Raymond Gourdin. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 270 pp. In the 83 genealogical and biographical entries in this book, over 450 surnames are identified, with an index to nearly 2,000 persons. G0718 - $26.00 Waldeck Soldiers of the American Revolutionary War. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. Contains brief biographies of every man who served from the eighteenthcentury German principality of Waldeck as members of the 3rd English-Waldeck Regiment. There were 1225 men in the unit of which 470 have been identified as native Waldeckers. Of the total, about 500 returned to Waldeck after the war, 250 stayed in the New World as deserters or after being released from the regiment, and the others died in America, primarily of disease. Also includes a brief history, organization of the regiment, and a chronology of events. B0480 - $23.50 War of 1812: Virginia Bounty Land and Pension Applicants. Patrick G. Wardell. (1987), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 408 pp. The extracted biographical data on the War of 1812 bounty land warrant and pension applications found here is taken from the file jackets located at the National Archives. All applicants were connected with Va. or W.V., either by military service, residence, or by having married or died there. Data includes (as available): name of the applicant, date and place of death, spouse’s name, date and place of marriage, date and place of spouse’s death, and last known residence of the veteran or his surviving spouse. W0055 - $34.50 War with Mexico, 1846-1847: Doniphan’s Expedition and the Conquest of New Mexico and California. William Elsey Connelly. (1907), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 688 pp. The campaign is described here in the first-hand account of John Taylor Hughes, a private in the 1st Regiment and the official historian of the campaign. Hughes’ seminal text, Doniphan’s Expedition (originally published in 1847), offers a day-by-day retelling of events on the march culminating in the Battle of Sacramento, in which Doniphan’s 1,164 Missouri volunteers overcame some 4000 Mexican regulars to occupy Chihuahua City. C1461 - $47.00 Warriors for the Working Day: A Narrative Built of Letters from the Civil War. Brian Dooley. 1991, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 105 pp. Potter family letters reveal the human element of the Civil War. The editor provides brief explanations to fill in the gaps left by the letters, and to provide an historical overview of the events described. A family tree, descriptions of the family, photographs add depth to this moving narrative. D0468 - $17.00 99 Wars of the Colonies. Jacob Abbott. (1863, 1997), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 292 pp. Covers the roughly 100 years between the consolidation of the New World colonies under British rule to the American Revolution. Includes coverage of the Pequot War, King Philip’s War, King William’s War, Queen Anne’s War and the Conquest of Canada. Also includes a fascinating account of Pontiac. A0722 - $26.00 Washington’s Expeditions (1753-1754) and Braddock’s Expedition (1755), with a history of Tom Fausett, the slayer of General Edward Braddock. James Hadden. (1910), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. This volume examines the great struggle between two powerful countries to decide whether America was to be an appendage of France or the land of an English-speaking people. H2337 - $21.00 We Are in a Fight Today: The Civil War Diaries of Horace P. Mathews and King S. Hammond. Kenneth A. Perry. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 234 pp. Two soldiers’ diaries, that of Horace P. Mathews (123rd N.Y. Volunteer Infantry, Co. H) and that of King S. Hammond (16th N.Y. Heavy Artillery, Co. K). P1539 - $23.50 We Enlisted As Patriots: The Civil War Records of Battery G, Second Illinois Light Artillery. Linda Barnickel. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, idices, 172 pp. A thoroughly documented history, which contains complete muster roll information, an account of the battery’s service, and a complete transcription of the battery order book. B0915 - $20.50 Wedded to My Sword: The Revolutionary War Service of Light Horse Harry Lee. Michael Cecere. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 310 pp. Lt. Col. Lee commanded a legion of mounted and dismounted dragoons that completed a spectacular year of military service in the South. His daring exploits at Valley Forge, Powles Hook and Springfield, like his extraordinary service in the south, are all chronicled. C5391 - $23.00 William Washington, Cavalryman of the Revolution. Stephen E. Haller. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 256 pp. The Revolutionary War role of Lt. Col. William Washington, cousin of George Washington. He is best remembered as a cavalry commander in the South (1780-1781). H1803 $28.00 With a True God Bless: Civil War Letters. Suzanne Meredith. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 130 pp. These letters speak of love, homesickness, primal fear and incredible pain-intimate thoughts expressed by people who lived and died during an era of national division. These elusive memories offer readers a different view of history, one that evokes a need to create a better tomorrow. M4471 - $18.50 100 With Full Military Honors: Civil War Generals Buried at Arlington National Cemetery. David L. Callihan. 2009, 8½x11, paper, 222 pp. There are seventy-nine substantive Union Civil War generals and two Confederate generals buried at Arlington National Cemetery, and, until now, no books have been published concerning those eighty-one generals and their burial sites. Includes grave site photos. C4934 - $30.00 Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War II: The WASP. J. David Dameron. (2005), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 196 pp. Here, at last, is a comprehensive book that examines WASP history. This fascinating true-life story of American women in action during World War II is interlaced with an abundance of pertinent photographs and class rosters, all combined in a single, easily referenced volume. D2566 - $26.00 Women of the War; Their heroism and self-sacrifice. Frank Moore. (1866), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 600 pp. This collection of accounts about the contributions of notable Union women during the Civil War includes: Mrs. Fanny Ricketts, Mrs. Mary A. Brady, Kady Brownell, Mrs. P. B. Hurd, Margaret E. Breckinridge, Mrs. Elida Rumsey Fowle, Bridget Divers, Mrs. Isabella Fogg, and many more. M4739 - $43.50 Wooden Ships and Iron Men: The U.S. Navy’s Coastal and Inshore Minesweepers, and the Minecraft that Served in Vietnam, 1953-1976. David Bruhn. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. Coastal minesweepers swept mines, searched for lost aircraft, ships, and a nuclear bomb on the sea floor, supported the Bay of Pigs Invasion, and with minesweeping boats played a key role in the Vietnam War. B5345 - $34.00 Wooden Ships and Iron Men: The U.S. Navy’s Coastal and Motor Minesweepers, 1941-1953. David Bruhn. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 368 pp. During WWII, 561 wooden-hulled minesweepers earned almost 700 battle stars, 21 Presidential Unit Citations, and 15 Navy Unit Commendations. The men aboard these ships were, and still are, the most highly decorated crews of USN minesweepers. B4909 - $32.00 Wooden Ships and Iron Men: The U.S. Navy’s Ocean Minesweepers, 1953-1994. David Bruhn. (2006), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 416 pp. From 1953-1994, sixty-five U.S. Navy ocean minesweepers (MSOs) swept mines; searched the seafloor for downed aircraft, sunken ships, and lost munitions; carried out patrols and special tasks off strife-torn or hostile countries; and much more. B4325 - $37.50 World War II Fighter-Bomber Pilot, Valiant Multi-Mission Air War, What it Was Like, 3rd Edition. William B. Colgan. (1988), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 232 pp. William Colgan provides a vivid account of courageous fighter-bomber action on deadly low-altitude missions along with the detailed story and legacy of World War II fighter-bomber pilots and unit ground personnel. C4531 - $24.00 101 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume 1. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 196 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters, journal, and documents written at Valley Forge. B1529 - $20.00 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume 2, “Winter in this starved Country”. Joseph Lee Boyle. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 198 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters, journal, and documents written at Valley Forge. B1825 - $20.00 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume 3, “it is a general Calamity”. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 186 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters, journal, and documents written at Valley Forge. B2027 - $21.50 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778. Volume 4, “The Hardships of the Camp”. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2003), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 210 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters, journal, and documents written at Valley Forge. B2288 - $21.00 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume 5, “a very Different Spirit in the Army”. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2005), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 192 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters and documents written at Valley Forge. The original spelling and punctuation has been retained. B2561 - $25.50 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume 6, “my Constitution got quite shatter’d”. Joseph Lee Boyle. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 210 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters, journal entries, and documents written at Valley Forge. The original spelling and punctuation has been retained. B4291 - $23.00 Yates Phalanx: The History of the Thirty-Ninth Regiment, Illinois Veteran Infantry in the War of Rebellion, 1861-1865. Charles M. Clark, M.D. and Frederick Charles Decker. 1994, 8½x11, paper, index, 419 pp. A detailed history of the regiment. Formed in April 1861, the unit fought in Civil War campaigns from the winter of 1861 to its muster-out on December 6, 1865; it was the lead regiment that held Lee’s forces at Appomattox Court-House. D0152 - $56.50 102 Colonial Wars Action at the Galudoghson, December 14, 1742. Colonel James Patton, Captain John McDowell and the First Battle with the Indians in the Valley of Virginia with an Appendix Containing Early Accounts of the Battle. Jared C. Lobdell. (1995), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 64 pp. An account from both the white and Indian view points based on unpublished papers of Lyman Draper (1815-1891) former secretary of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. L0192 - $15.50 The Black Watch: The Record of an Historic Regiment. Archibald Forbes, L.L.D. (1896, 2002) 2013, paper, index, 324 pp. “It was as the result of a suggestion made to the authorities by Duncan Forbes of Culloden that in 1729 it was determined on that a certain number of Highland clansmen should be embodied in the character of a species of local gendarmerie. …The ‘Black Watch,’ or as is its Gaelic name, ‘Am Freiceadan Dubh,’ was the appellation given to the independent companies of which, with reinforcements, the regiment was subsequently formed.” A wealth of names, dates and events fill the pages of this detailed history. F2195 - $29.50 French and Indian War A Concise Account of North America, 1765With Preface and Appendix by his 5th Great Nephew, William Michael Gorman. Robert Rogers. (1765, 2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 220 pp. Mr. Gorman has modernized the text and corrected spelling. Original spelling and explanations of text corrections are included in the appendix. R4281 - $23.00 A History of the French War, Ending in the Conquest of Canada with a Preliminary Account of the Early Attempts at Colonization and Struggles for the Possession of the Continent. Rossiter Johnson. (1882), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 408 pp. This engaging book covers nearly every issue related to the French and Indian War. A chronological review of leading players, forts, massacres, and sieges. J1464 - $31.50 A Particular History of the Five Years French and Indian War. Samuel G. Drake. (1870), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 314 pp. Covers the major events and details numerous minor skirmishes in which at least 1000 were killed or carried into captivity. D0294 - $27.50 Amherst Papers, 1756-1763. The Southern Sector: Dispatches from South Carolina, Virginia and His Majesty’s Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Edith Mays. (1999), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 418 pp. Jeffrey Amherst was Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty’s Forces in North America during the French and Indian War. Microfilms of his records from the Public Records Office in London have been transcribed, arranged in chronological order and indexed in this book. Page numbers of the original documents are given so that researchers can easily find them on the microfilm. M1131 - $35.00 103 Braddock Road Chronicles, 1755 (From the Diaries and Records of Members of the Braddock Expedition and Others Arranged in a Day by Day Chronology). Andrew J. Wahll. (1999), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 558 pp. These fascinating accounts are enhanced with informative annotations. W1205 - $42.00 Capture and Redemption: Third in a Series of Novels of the French and Indian War. Brenton C. Kemmer. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 126 pp. Trying to keep the threat of the French and their Indian allies from encroaching on New England, Charles Nurse volunteers for his third tour of duty. Charles is subjected to atrocities at the hands of his enemies and forced to do things a New England man had never thought of. K4452 - $14.95 Christopher Gist’s Journals with Historical, Geographical and Ethnological Notes and Biographies of his Contemporaries. William M. Darlington. (1893), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 296 pp. An indispensable resource for colonial history scholars and for living historians interested in pre-Revolutionary War America! D2277 - $26.00 Defenders of the Frontier: Colonel Henry Bouquet and the Officers and Men of the Royal American Regiment, 1763-1764. Kenneth Stuart, Ph.D. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 244 pp. Military historian and instructor Kenneth P. Stuart thoroughly researched the official papers of Bouquet and his contemporaries for this detailed study. Correspondence reveals Bouquet’s highly trained military mind, his personal frustrations with the colonial assemblies and the British high command, and his private moments of occasional depression. This well-rounded work includes maps, illustrations, annotations, appendices, a select bibliography and an index. S4330 - $25.00 Encyclopedia of the French and Indian War in North America, 1754-1763. Donald I. Stoetzel. 2008, 8½x11, cloth, alphabetical, 586 pp. Richly detailed biographies of British and French officers and men, noteworthy colonists, and prominent Native Americans; plus regimental histories, important battles, locations, forts, military terminology, Native tribes, and political and social issues. S4517 $96.00 Freemen, Freeholders, and Citizen Soldiers: An Organizational History of Colonel Jonathan Bagley’s Regiment, 1755-1760. Brenton C. Kemmer, B.S.E.D., M.A. (1997, 2004), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 138 pp. A very detailed account of Lt. Col. Jonathan Bagley’s regiment of Mass. provincials who decisively held their own against multiple thrusts from the French around Crown Point and Ticonderoga, and helped win the only English victory in North America in 1755. K0620 $16.00 French and Indian War Aftermath: Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, Volume 5. Armand Francis Lucier. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 368 pp. The exciting events of the years 1761 and 1762 covered here are often glossed over in traditional history books. These newspaper abstracts allow the reader access to the same articles, eye-witness accounts, proclamations and commentaries avidly read and hotly discussed in ordinaries, public houses and taverns of Colonial America. The burning of Cherokee villages, movements of many regiments and ships, and the plight of slaves on many of the ships is described with a sense of immediacy. L1535 - $31.50 104 French and Indian War Battlesites: A Controversy. Bob Bearor. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 140 pp. “Bob Bearor has combined his deep love of North America’s heritage with extensive real world research to create this easily read book. I highly recommend it as a thoroughly enjoyable and valuable contribution to our understanding of this critical period in the forming of our nation.” George C. Neumann, author of Collector’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of the American Revolution. B1475 - $17.50 French and Indian War Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, Volume 1: 1754-1755. Armand Francis Lucier. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 370 pp. Concerns the first two years of the French and Indian War as reported in accounts culled from different newspapers published in Britain’s North American colonies and Europe. L1085 - $31.50 French and Indian War Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, Volume 3: January 1, 1758-September 17, 1759. Armand Francis Lucier. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 368 pp. This volume takes readers up to the eve of Wolfe’s invasion of Quebec City and includes 19th-century battle maps of Ticonderoga, Louisbourg, and Quebec. L1303 - $31.50 French and Indian War Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, Volume 4: September 17, 1759 to December 30, 1760. Armand Francis Lucier. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 318 pp. Packed full of action and drama: soldiers march, ships sail, guns roar; generals fall, villages burn and scalping knives drip with gore. The Articles of Capitulation are presented here in their entirety. L1378 - $28.00 French and Indian War Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, Volume 2: 1756-1757. Armand Francis Lucier. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 366 pp. Contains exact articles, with rumors, facts, unconfirmed reports, extracts of private letters, descriptions of forts and settlements, along with Indian and French troop movements. L1219 - $32.00 Genesis: Rogers’ Rangers, the First Green Berets. Burt Garfield Loescher. (1969), 2000, 6x9, cloth, 336 pp. Offers the complete record of every action, ambuscade, scout and expedition of Major Robert Rogers and his Rangers from April 6, 1758 (just after their defeat in the Battle on Snowshoes during the French and Indian War), to their disbandment on December 24, 1783, at the end of the American Revolution. L1575 - $37.00 Indian Wars of New England, Volume 1. Herbert Milton Sylvester. (1910), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 530 pp. Describes the Indian tribes of New England, discusses the early settlers and their relations with the Indians, and covers the Pequod War and the wars of the Mohegans. S1041 - $38.50 105 Indian Wars of New England, Volume 2. Herbert Milton Sylvester. (1910), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 626 pp. Background information relevant to the hostilities is discussed in depth, including the names of the major players and accounts of many individual incidents. S1053 - $45.00 La Marine: The French Colonial Soldier in Canada, 1745-1761. Andrew Gallup and Donald F. Shaffer. (1992), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 284 pp. Covers the equipment, daily life, and military service of the French colonial soldier in Canada during the final French and Indian War. G0711 $26.50 Leading by Example, Partisan Fighters and Leaders of New France, 1660-1760: Volume One. Bob Bearor. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 122 pp. Out of the Canadian wilderness came the rugged leaders who defended New France from Britain as those two countries struggled for control of North America. In this new series these partisan leaders seem to take on flesh and blood, and their heroic deeds shine with adventure and courage. Volume 1 tells the stories of 2 great partisans, Jacques LeMoyne de Ste. Hélène and Charles-Michel de Langlade. B2068 - $15.00 Leading by Example, Partisan Fighters and Leaders of New France, 1660-1760: Volume Two. Bob Bearor. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 152 pp. This work covers Daniel Greysolon DuLuth, Madeleine Vercheres, St. Luc de la Corne, Daniel Beaujeu and Jean-Daniel Dumas, with a brief chapter on native foods for wilderness survival. B2348 - $18.00 Leading by Example, Partisan Fighters and Leaders of New France, 1660-1760: Volume Three. Bob Bearor. (2004), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. On the eve of the 250th anniversary of the French and Indian war comes the long awaited series of books that tell the story of the other side. B2514 - $25.00 Louisbourg Journals, 1745. Louis Effingham DeForest. (1932), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 294 pp. Presents previously unpublished journals of actual participants in the Capture of Louisbourg (members of the attacking English army, some anonymous) and other highly valuable documents. D1015 - $26.50 Manuscript Records of the French and Indian War in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society. Charles Henry Lincoln. (1909), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 276 pp. Herein you will find: the correspondence of Sir William Johnson in abbreviated form (1755-1774), several letters covering the Ohio-Illinois country are printed in full; the correspondence of Col. John Bradstreet in abbreviated form (1711-1774), his claims to lands in America are reproduced in full; notes describing manuscripts (1754-1767) which deal with the conflict in Penn., New England and the Northwest, and the Orderly Book of William Henshaw, “a description of camp life from May to November 1759.” L0739 - $25.50 106 Memoir of a French and Indian War Soldier [by] “Jolicoeur” Charles Bonin. Andrew Gallup. (1993), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 254 pp. A unique first-person account of the French and Indian War. Includes notes from previous editions, and additional explanations. G0872 - $25.00 Muster Rolls of New York Provincial Troops, 1755-1764. Edward F. DeLancey. (1891), 2007, 5½x8½, index, 636 pp. Transcriptions of the muster rolls of the various regiments and smaller units raised by the province of N.Y. for service in the Seven Years’ War, otherwise known as “The Old French War.” D0300 - $46.00 New England Captives Carried to Canada Between 1677 and 1760 During the French and Indian Wars. Emma Lewis Coleman. (1926), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols., 890 pp. This work names all the captives discovered in several decades of research, and provides biographical data on each. Extensively documented. C0257 - $60.00 New France and New England. John Fiske. (1902), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 428 pp. A comprehensive history that will interest anyone who desires a thorough knowledge of the events leading up to the French and Indian War. Fiske was a prominent author, philosopher, lecturer at Harvard, and professor of American History at Washington University (St. Louis). F0650 - $33.00 Pontiac’s Conspiracy and Other Indian Affairs: Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers, 1763-1765. Armand Francis Lucier. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 332 pp. Contemporary accounts of tumultuous times as the French and English struggled for control in the Ohio Valley. L1460 - $30.00 Ranger: North American Frontier Soldier. Matt Wulff. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 178 pp. A new type of soldier was needed that could provide security against the quick hit and run raids of the French and Indians. With this need, the Ranger, “Guardians of our frontiers,” was born. Here is a look at some of the more famous Ranger units from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. W4678 $21.00 Redcoats, Yankees, and Allies: A History of the Uniforms, Clothing, and Gear of the British Army. Brenton C. Kemmer. Illustrated by Joe Lee. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. The vital Lake George-Lake Champlain corridor is the geographical setting of this study of the uniforms and clothing of British and Yankee soldiers and their Native American allies during the French and Indian War. K0905 - $18.50 107 Relief is Greatly Wanted: The Battle of Fort William Henry. Edward J. Dodge. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 222 pp. Eyewitness accounts of the siege are supplemented with excerpts from Kilby’s Journal, Maj. William Eyre’s Report and Monro-Webb correspondence. Enriched with biographical sketches of the leading officers of both sides, a muster roll of Rogers’ Rangers, documents pertaining to the 35th Regiment of Foot (Monro’s regiment) and the Monro documents. D0932 - $22.00 Reminiscences of the French War with Robert Rogers’ Journal and a Memoir of General Stark. Luther Roby, ed. (1831), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 364 pp. Rogers achieved lasting fame as the leader of his intrepid Rangers in the French and Indian Wars, Stark served with distinction in Roger’s Rangers and advanced to the rank of General in the American Revolution. R9003 - $28.50 Robert Rogers’ Rules for the Ranging Service: An Analysis. Matt Wulff. (2006), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 272 pp. This 1757 military manual of “woods warfare” in North America included rules for ambush, attack, pursuit, retreat, etc. Here, each rule is analyzed and highlighted with historical examples, maps, diagrams, and photographs. Brief history of Rogers’ Rangers, photos and descriptions of eighteenth-century muskets. W3376 - $30.50 Rolls of Connecticut Men in the French and Indian War, 1755-1762, Vol. 1, 1755-1757. Connecticut Historical Society Staff. (1903), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 364 pp. Organized by campaign, regiment, and company, these rosters give the names of soldiers and officers and their rank, dates of enlistment and discharge, and occasional additional data such as date of death. “The majority of the rolls printed in this volume…are from [the] Adams Papers in the State Library.” This was first published as the Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society, Volume IX. C3890 - $32.00 Rolls of Connecticut Men in French and Indian War, 1755-1762: Volume II, 1758-1762; Appendixes, 1755-1764. Connecticut History Society. (1905, 1994), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 488 pp. Organized by campaign, regiment, and company, these rosters give the names of soldiers and officers and their rank, dates of enlistment and discharge, and occasional additional data such as date of death. “The majority of the rolls printed in this volume…are from [the] Adams Papers in the State Library.” C0971 - $38.50 Studies of the Niagara Frontier. Frank H. Severance. (1911), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 442 pp. What distinguishes this book from most regional histories is the compilation of literary narratives from various early visitors, giving it an artistic vitality. The first third of this volume is the Niagara region as seen through the eyes of poets, writers and artists. Of course, to get a more scrutinizing view of the area, one must next see it through the eyes of scientists, geographers and geologists. The last third of the book is a series of narratives of 18th-century visitors and explorers, which gives one a well-rounded impression of the Niagara. S0845 - $33.00 The Battle on Snowshoes. Bob Bearor. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 120 pp. This original work tells the story of the Battle on Snowshoes from a new perspective. The author, an experienced Adirondack hunting guide and a French partisan re-enactor, based this book on field experience as well as book research. In this way, he has been able to separate fact from fiction as accurately as possible. B0619 - $17.50 108 The Black Watch at Ticonderoga and Major Duncan Campbell of Inverawe. Frederick B. Richards. (1911), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 132 pp. The Black Watch Regiment gained fame for its fearless charge during Maj. Gen. James Abercrombie’s futile attack on Ticonderoga in 1758, in which more than half of the 1000 Highlanders were killed or wounded. This small, but comprehensive, volume gives a history of the Black Watch Regiment from 1667, also known as the 42nd Regiment of Foot, the Highlanders, the Royal Highlanders or Lord John Murray’s Highlanders. R1106 - $16.00 The Capture of Ticonderoga. L. E. Chittenden. (1872), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 132 pp. The essence of this thesis is whether or not Benedict Arnold planned and participated in the capture of Ticonderoga, or whether the honor belongs solely to Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys. This nice little volume incorporates a paper which was read before the Vermont Historical Society at a special meeting of its members in 1872. Well annotated, many of the letters and documents referred to in the text are reprinted in the appendix. C0802 - $16.00 The Celoron Expedition to the Ohio Country, 1749: The Reports of Pierre-Joseph Celoron and Father Bonnecamps. Andrew Gallup. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 110 pp. Celoron wrote of how he dealt with the Native Americans and conducted his assignment to oust the English. Bonnecamps detailed the flora, fauna and other aspects of natural science, as well as activities of the expedition. G0606 - $14.50 The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada. Francis Parkman. (1901, 2003), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols, 940 pp. This classic and comprehensive study examines the catalysts, personalities, place, battles and consequences of Pontiac’s War. P2309 - $70.00 The Fight with France for North America: 3rd edition. A. G. Bradley. (1908) reprint, paper, index, 391 pp. Beginning with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, and the conditions and characteristics of the British-American colonies in Canada in 1750, the author lays the background for the French designs against British expansion. He then proceeds to describe the various clashes between the two European powers in America. B2331 - $31.50 The History of Rogers’ Rangers: Vol. I: The Beginnings, January 1755-April 6, 1758. Burt Garfield Loescher. (1946), 2006, 6x9, cloth, 438 pp. Chiefly based on the Loudoun Manuscripts. Here is the history of the very beginning of Rogers’ Rangers, the elite military unit that set the standards for future special forces. Covers the years in which Ranger activities reached their height during the French and Indian War. L1741 - $51.00 The History of Rogers’ Rangers: Vol. I: The Beginnings, January 1755-April 6, 1758. Burt Garfield Loescher. (1946), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 438 pp. Chiefly based on the Loudoun Manuscripts. Here is the history of the very beginning of Rogers’ Rangers, the elite military unit that set the standards for future special forces. Covers the years in which Ranger activities reached their height during the French and Indian War. L4295 - $36.00 109 The History of Rogers’ Rangers, Volume 3: Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers. Burt Garfield Loescher. (1957, 2001), 6x9, cloth, index, 106 pp. Biographical sketches of more than 200 Rangers, including the legendary Robert Rogers himself, John Stark, the Brewers, Moses Hazen, the Stockbridge Mohegans, and lesser-known men of all ranks including surgeons, clerks, cadets and corporals. L1967 - $20.00 The History of Rogers’ Rangers, Volume 3: Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers. Burt Garfield Loescher. (1957, 2001), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 106 pp. Biographical sketches of more than 200 Rangers, including the legendary Robert Rogers himself, John Stark, the Brewers, Moses Hazen, the Stockbridge Mohegans, and lesser-known men of all ranks including surgeons, clerks, cadets and corporals. L4751 - $17.00 The History of Rogers’ Rangers: Volume 4, The St. Francis Raid. Burt Garfield Loescher. (2002), 2008, 6x9, cloth, index, 336 pp. The long-awaited chronicle of this tragic and infamous event, 1759, that reveals new insights to the raid. L2077 - $58.00 The History of Rogers’ Rangers: Volume 4, The St. Francis Raid. Burt Garfield Loescher. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. The long-awaited chronicle of this tragic and infamous event, 1759, that reveals new insights to the raid. L4750 - $29.50 The Massacre of Dunbar, October 15, 1759. Gary Zaboly. This masterful full color print depicts the tragic panorama of Dunbar’s Massacre in remarkable detail. Full-color print, 12x18, unframed 978Print missing check digit LZ01 $15.00 The Partisans: Second in a Series of Novels of the French and Indian War. Brenton C. Kemmer. (2004), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 108 pp. 1756: Volunteering for the winter garrison of Fort William Henry, Charles Nurse’s patriotic duties drove him to protect the colonial frontiers from England’s enemies. No one knew the toll this second year of war could bring to New England’s sons. After two years of warfare, will Charles return home to his family and love? He becomes a Partisan and brings the war to the French and their Indians. K2535 - $15.95 The Unwritten History of Braddock’s Field (Pennsylvania). George H. Lamb. (1917), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 342 pp. Braddock, a little town outside Pittsburgh, was the site of General Edward Braddock’s defeat by the British in 1755. Thirty-nine years later, several thousand grain distillers and their sympathizers gathered at Braddock’s Field to protest the new tax on whiskey, in what became known as the Whiskey Rebellion, which was quelled when President Washington called up 15,000 troops to march toward the town. Every section contains names of prominent residents, members of organizations and some short biographical sketches. Includes illustrations. L1237 - $26.50 110 The Virginia Frontier, 1754-1763. Louis K. Koontz, Ph.D. (1925), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 184 pp. This work provides a history of the Virginia frontier during the French and Indian War. At that time Virginia’s frontier extended from the vicinity of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, south to the Carolina border. The author describes the topography of the area along with the Indian trails and migration routes. He discusses at length the roles of Gov. Robert Dinwiddie and George Washington in securing this vast region, and identifies eighty-one forts, stockades, and block-houses used to defend the frontier. Numerous contemporary documents are quoted. K3663 - $22.50 Through the Eyes of the Bay Colony: The Story of the Involvement of Massachusetts-Bay in the Battle of Ticonderoga, 1758. Brenton C. Kemmer. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 88 pp. The topography and demographics of the six Massachusetts regiments serving in the 1758 Ticonderoga campaign sets the stage for this history. The actual Battle of Ticonderoga is broken down by the day. K4675 - $14.00 True Stories of New England Captives Carried to Canada During the Old French and Indian Wars. C. Alice Baker. (1896), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 420 pp. Recounts in detail the Indian attacks at Wells and York, Maine, Dover, New Hampshire, and Hatfield, Haverhill, and Deerfield, Massachusetts. B0420 - $34.00 Two Flags in the Wilderness. Greg Yocherer. 2002, 5½x8½, paper, 399 pp. An historical novel that begins in 1731 when Jean Baptiste Joubert, a cadet in the colonial marines, is assigned to a convoy sent from Fort Michilimackinac to reestablish trade with the Sioux, trade which had been disrupted by war with the Fox. The action moves from the Illinois Country to New Orleans, and from there to Montreal and Albany. Finally, the scene shifts back to the Great Lakes region for a final confrontation between French allied forces and the Fox. Ambush, intrigue and espionage are all employed, differentiating friend from foe is a challenge. Y2143 - $21.95 Virginia and the French and Indian War. Hayes Baker-Crothers, Ph.D. (1928), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 190 pp. This work examines the role of the Virginia Colony at the outbreak of war and analyzes Virginia’s contributions to the hard-won English victory, hampered for years by the legislative incompetence, military inactivity, and self-interest inherent in the British Colonial system. Special attention is paid to the following: the crippling defeat of Braddock’s expedition; the appointment by Parliament of Earl of Loudon to commander-in-chief of North American forces; the dynamic leadership of Virginia governor Francis Fauquier and British secretary of state William Pitt; the taking of Forts Frontenac and Duquesne; and other notable campaigns of the conflict. B1004 - $18.50 War, Hell and Honor: A Novel of the French and Indian War. Brenton C. Kemmer. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 180 pp. The most authentic, most exciting and most realistic military novel of the new millennium! Relive the Battle of Lake George on the New York frontier in 1755. Follow Charles Nurse as he volunteers for service and makes his way to Lake George. On your way you will witness Gen. William Johnson’s Indian councils, the daily life of the army and the hell of colonial warfare. Then after the battle, join Charles on several hair-raising scouting forays with the famous Robert Rogers and Israel Putnam. You’ll think you were there! K1875 - $14.95 111 Washington’s Expeditions (1753-1754) and Braddock’s Expedition (1755), with a history of Tom Fausett, the slayer of General Edward Braddock. James Hadden. (1910), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. This volume examines the great struggle between two powerful countries to decide whether America was to be an appendage of France or the land of an English-speaking people. H2337 - $21.00 Dunmore’s War Documentary History of Dunmore’s War, 1774: Compiled from the Draper Manuscripts in the Library of the Wisconsin Historical Society and Published at the Charge of the Wisconsin Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Reuben Gold Thwaites and Louise Phelps Kellogg. (1905), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 508 pp. A history presented via journals, contemporary letters, reports, etc. as written by the participants. T0226 - $36.00 History of the Battle of Point Pleasant [West Virginia] Fought Between White Men and Indians at the Mouth of the Great Kanawha River (Now Point Pleasant, West Virginia, Monday, October 10th, 1774: The Chief Event of the Lord Dunmore’s War). Virgil A. Lewis. (1909, 2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. Details the battle at Point Pleasant, (West) Virginia (the chief event of Lord Dunmore’s War), fought between white settlers and Native Americans, on Oct. 10, 1774. L0059 - $17.50 Lord Dunmore’s Little War of 1774: His Captains and Their Men Who Opened Up Kentucky and the West to American Settlement. Warren Skidmore with Donna Kaminsky. 2002, 8½x11, cloth, index, 304 pp. Identifies the rangers called out to protect the Virginia frontier in 1773 and 1774 and the pay owed them, the militiamen that served soon after in Dunmore’s War proper, and the sums due the farmers and merchants that put in claims for goods and services that supported this effort; about 38,000 entries for people living in western Va. and southwestern Pa. c.1775. S2271 - $47.00 The Virginia Papers, Volume 2, Volume 2ZZ of the Draper Manuscript Collection. Craig L. Heath. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 360 pp. In continuation of the series of volumes of the Virginia Papers in the Draper Manuscript Collection, this book deals largely with the Battle of Point Pleasant, Virginia (now West Virginia), October 10, 1774. This battle was considered by some to mark the beginning of the American Revolution. H3287 - $34.00 Revolutionary War “I could not Refrain from tears”, Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army, December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume VII. Joseph Lee Boyle. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. The six month encampment of the Continental Army at Valley Forge long ago entered the realm of American myths. Some of the stories that have become legendary are reinforced in these letters. B5437 - $23.50 112 “Liberty or Death!” The Northern Campaigns in the American Revolutionary War. Gregory T. Edgar. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 410 pp. Focuses on what came to be known as the Northern Department of the Continental Army, and the enemies that opposed it, during the Revolutionary War. E0023 - $34.00 “My Last Shift Betwixt Us and Death”: The Ephraim Blaine Letterbook, 1777-1778. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2001), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 224 pp. One of the most persevering commissaries in feeding the Continental Army was Ephraim Blaine of Carlisle, Pa. The letterbook is a revealing record of the material resources and manpower necessary for supplying the soldiers. B1776 - $24.00 “Their Distress is Almost Intolerable”: The Elias Boudinot Letterbook, 1777-1778. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. Boudinot faced the task of bringing structure to the confusion that existed with respect to prisoners of war. Problems with prisoner management included trying to feed and clothe our men held by the British, initially in New York, and after Sept. 1777 in Philadelphia. B2210 - $18.00 “this grand supply” The Samuel Hodgdon Letterbooks, 1778-1784. Volume 2, April 3, 1781-May 24, 1784. Joseph Lee Boyle. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 360 pp. These letters concern the procurement, shipment, repair and sale of military stores; estimates of stores needed and on hand; construction of ordnance installations; and payment and discharge of employees. B5257 - $31.00 “With their usual ardor”, Scituate, Rhode Island and the American Revolution. Robert Grandchamp. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 122 pp. The Scituate Militia saved Providence from capture in December 1775; helped drive the British out of Narragansett Bay in 1776, and faced the enemy in their own state in 1778. Scituate also contributed over one hundred men to the Continental Army. G4091 - $18.00 A French Volunteer of the War of Independence(The Chevalier de Pontgibaud). Robert B. Douglas. (1898), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, 300 pp. Born in 1758, the Chevalier was the son of the Lord of Pontgibaud. He spent time in prison before escaping to America to help fight in the Revolution. Upon arriving at Valley Forge, the Marquis de la Fayette made the Chevalier an aide-de-camp with the rank of major. He participated in several engagements, including the Battle of Monmouth. D1561 - $24.50 A Guide to Virginia Military Organizations in the American Revolution, 1774-1787. E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra. (1978), 2007, 6x9, paper, index, 226 pp. A valuable aid to the study of Virginia’s military contributions to American Independence. S0652 - $22.50 113 A Hero and a Spy: The Revolutionary War Correspondence of Benedict Arnold. Russell M. Lea. (2006), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 636 pp. A Hero and a Spy follows a paper trail of personal and official correspondence to document Benedict Arnold’s driving ambition and the frustrations that led him to carry out the ultimate betrayal. Letters between Arnold and his co-conspirator, John André, reveal the chilling plan to bring America to its knees. L3811 - $50.00 A Hessian Officer’s Diary of the American Revolution Translated from an Anonymous Ansbach-Bayreuth Diary and the Prechtel Diary. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, index, 346 pp. Prechtel was a first sergeant and a lieutenant in the Ansbach Regiment of the AnsbachBayreuth contingent. His diary, with entries dating from 1777 to 1783, offers descriptions of his experiences and insight into the war, the military and its procedures, and the places he toured in America. B0107 - $28.50 A Journal of Occurrences along the Rebel Coast. Frederick Lawrence. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 176 pp. Dispassionate treatment is given to both Patriot and Loyalist perspectives in this riveting collection taken from letters, newspaper articles and other contemporary sources. L4595 $21.00 A Sketch of the Virginia Soldier in the Revolution. Andrew Gallup. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 146 pp. Identifies which uniforms and equipment were used by reviewing the documentary evidence; examples are presented and discussed. G1104 - $17.50 A Vagabond Army: A Novel of Maryland in the American Revolution; Volume Two of the Old Line Chronicles. John Conradis. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 300 pp. The Old Line Chronicles is an exhaustively researched series of historical novels about Maryland and its people in the American Revolution. Volume Two continues the adventures of Maryland patriots: Christopher Sims and Hannah Williams. C4620 - $28.00 A Vindication of My Conduct: The Court Martial Trial of Lieutenant Colonel George Etherington. Dr. Todd E. Harburn and Rodger Durham. (2002, 2004), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 230 pp. The fascinating story of the surrender of St. Vincent’s Island, and the subsequent attempt by the colonial governor to make the military commander a scapegoat, presented here from a fresh perspective based on new research. H2092 - $19.95 Aboard a Dutch Troop Transport: A Diary Written by Captain Ludwig Alberti of the Waldeck 5th Battalion. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 134 pp. Captain Alberti shares the details of shipboard life, as well as descriptions of his visits to Lisbon and the Canary Islands, and marine life he witnessed along the way. B4544 - $19.00 114 Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots: Volume 1, A-D. Patricia Law Hatcher. (2001), 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 288 pp. An abstract of information reported by the NSDAR and published in their Annual Reports to the Smithsonian Institute. A typical entry includes individual’s name, name and location of cemetery, and the index year. H0712 - $24.00 Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots: Volume 2, E-K. Patricia Law Hatcher. (2001), 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 254 pp. This book is an abstract of information reported by the NSDAR and published in their Annual Reports to the Smithsonian Institute. A typical entry includes individual’s name, name and location of cemetery, and the index year. H0713 - $24.00 Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots: Volume 3, L-R. Patricia Law Hatcher. (2001), 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 252 pp. This book is an abstract of information reported by the NSDAR and published in their Annual Reports to the Smithsonian Institute. A typical entry includes individual’s name, name and location of cemetery, and the index year. H0714 - $24.00 Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots: Volume 4, S-Z. Patricia Law Hatcher. (2001), 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 244 pp. This book is an abstract of information reported by the NSDAR and published in their Annual Reports to the Smithsonian Institute. A typical entry includes individual’s name, name and location of cemetery, and the index year. H0715 - $24.00 Affair at Captina Creek. Harry G Enoch. 1999, 5½x8½, paper, index, 214 pp. Describes a littleknown incident of the American Frontier when border strife turned into open war between frontier rangers and the Shawnee in the spring of 1791. Harry G. Enoch has reconstructed the events surrounding the Battle of Captina Creek using original documents and information gained during his own travels in the region. E1112 - $21.50 American Loyalist Claims, Volume 1: Abstracted from the Public Record Office, Audit Office Series 13, Bundles 1-35 and 37. Peter Wilson Coldham. 1980, cloth, index, 616 pp. This volume offers for the first time a comprehensive account of the relationships and interests of that vast number of colonial Americns whose loyalty to the Crown during the Revolution earned them exile and confiscation of their property. C0045 - $22.50 Americans of 1776: Daily Life in Revolutionary America. James Schouler. (1906), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 332 pp. Chapters include: Freemen and Bondsmen; Crimes and Disorders; The Casualties of Life; The Three Public Vocations; Dress and Diet; Recreations and Amusements; The Colonial Press; Philanthropy and Disease; Common School Education; Libraries and Clubs; Industrial Pursuits; and much more. S0293 - $27.00 An Officer of Very Extraordinary Merit: Charles Porterfield and the American War for Independence: 1775-1780. Michael Cecere. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. Charles Porterfield’s service in the Revolutionary War is chronicled through numerous first person narratives, including one of the best eyewitness accounts of battle available in print. C3223 - $18.95 115 Arnold’s March from Cambridge to Quebec: A Critical Study Together with a Reprint of Arnold’s Journal. Justin H. Smith. (1903), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 518 pp. History of that grueling trek, based on Arnold’s journal as well as the accounts of several other participants. S0194 $39.00 Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, with a Historical Essay. Lorenzo Sabine. (1864), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 2 vols., 1208 pp. Historical essay and biographical sketches. S1064 - $81.00 Biography of Baron von Steuben, the Army of the American Revolution and its Organizer: Rudolf Cronau’s Biography of Baron von Steuben. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1923), 2004, 2011 5½x8½, paper, index, 168 pp. Much information is drawn from Steuben’s own correspondence. T1066 - $20.00 Bombardier John Harris and the Rivers of the Revolution. William W. Betts, Jr. (2006), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 420 pp. For most of the American Revolution, Bombardier John Harris of Salem, New Jersey, served in the rebel artillery forces. His animated recollections tell of his participation in six major battles, countless skirmishes, two river campaigns, and the recovery of Philadelphia. B3379 - $41.00 British Army Officers: Who Served in the American Revolution, 1775-1783. Steven M. Baule with Stephen Gilbert. (2003), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 236 pp. This compendium is an alphabetical listing of the British Regular Army or “Redcoat” officers who served in North America during the American Revolution from 1775 to 1783. Sources include the War Office 65 Army Lista, inspection returns, regimental muster rolls, orderly books, records of general court martials, newspapers, and other published and unpublished works. B2470 - $20.00 Brunswick Troops in North America, 1776-1783: Index of Soldiers who Remained in North America. Charles Reuter. (1999), 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 116 pp. Records are listed in alphabetical order by surname and include: place of birth, postal code of town, year of birth, unit, rank, post-war experiences, desertion, injuries, casualties, capture by the enemy, etc. R1348 - $21.00 Brutal Virtue: The Myth and Reality of Banastre Tarleton. Anthony Scotti. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 314 pp. The author focuses on two areas where Tarleton and his men have received the most condemnation: the lack of discipline and the use of terror, and concludes with a summary of the Tarleton’s postwar career and a judgment on the myth and reality of Tarleton and his unit. S2099 $24.00 116 Campaign of 1776: The Road to Trenton. Gregory T. Edgar. (1995), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 442 pp. This major work covers the political and military movements of the year 1776, during which time Americans reluctantly let go of their strong allegiance to King George III. Through 1776’s rollercoaster pattern of events, this book traces the development of the Revolutionary War. The text is written in a very enjoyable manner, and enhanced by numerous excerpts from public and private documents. Included are stories of the spy Nathan Hale, and that of David Bushnell’s “famous water machine,” the world’s first operational submarine. E0185 - $33.00 Canada During the American Revolutionary War: Lieutenant Friedrich Julius von Papet’s Journal of the Sea Voyage to North America and the Campaign Conducted There. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. The writings of Lieutenant Friedrich Julius Von Papet, a young Brunswick officer whose journal spans the period from May of 1776 to October of 1783, provide much-needed insight into why Canada never became a very large fourteenth American colony. B0857 - $25.00 Captain Thomas Posey and the 7th Virginia Regiment. Michael Cecere. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 170 pp. The 7th Virginia Regiment, raised in the colony in 1776, played a prominent role in driving Lord Dunmore and his loyalist forces off of Gwynn’s Island and out of Virginia. Captain Thomas Posey commanded a rifle company in the 7th regiment and chronicled the engagement in his journal. C3584 - $18.50 Chronicles of Border Warfare, or a History of the Settlement by the Whites, of North-western Virginia: and of the Indian Wars and Massacres in that Section of the State; with Reflections, Anecdotes, &c. Alexander S. Withers. (1831), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 332 pp. Focuses mainly on the last half of the 18th century, when Williamsburg was the bustling capital of the Virginia Colony, and Patrick Henry resided in the Governor’s Mansion. W0781 - $26.00 Connecticut’s Naval Office at New London during the War of the American Revolution: Volume II of Collections of the New London Historical Society. Ernest E. Rogers. (1933), reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 428 pp. Located in New London, the American Navy sent out its first expedition in 1775. Nathaniel Shaw became the Naval Agent. Many of his papers and letters are contained in this work. They provide a fascinating record of captains and their ships, cargoes, business transactions, privateering, routes of voyages, prices of goods, and news of the war. Includes a list of captains, illustrated with maps, portraits, historic buildings and facsimiles of documents. R1239 - $33.00 Cut Off: Colonel Jedediah Huntington’s 17th Continental (Connecticut) Regiment at the Battle of Long Island, August 27,1776. Charles H. Lewis. 2009, 6x9, paper, index, 320 pp. This book tells the story of the regiment and its disappearance. It also provides brief biographies of many individual soldiers who served in the regiment during 1776, maps, photos, extensive footnotes, and more. L4924 - $29.00 Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. Two diaries written by Lt. Jakob Piel of the Hesse-Cassel von Lossberg Regiment and Capt. Andreas Wiederhold of the Hesse-Cassel von Knyphausen Regiment. They were both members of Colonel Johann Rall’s Brigade which suffered a humiliating defeat at Trenton, and both set sail from New York to Canada in 1779 in a fleet which lost ships not only to one or more hurricanes but also to American privateers. B0715 - $18.00 117 Diaries of Two Ansbach Jaegers. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. The diaries of Lt., later Captain, Heinrich Carl Philipp von Feilitsch (1751-1827) and Lt. Christian Friedrich Bartholomai. B0655 - $18.50 Domestic History of the American Revolution. Mrs. Ellet. (1859), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 318 pp. Mrs. Ellet gives much attention to the “female influence,” with anecdotes of brave acts by women. Other topics include the evacuation of Boston, the occupation of New York, European sentiment, the march of Burgoyne, the battle of Saratoga and Valley Forge, the British prison ships, whaleboat warfare, the French alliance, the battle of Monmouth, Indian depredatons, attacks on the South, the treason of Arnold, the battles of Cowpens, Yorktown, and early settlements in the West (Ky. and Tenn.). Special focus is given to South Carolina, including the surrender of Charleston. E0739 - $29.00 Eighteenth Century America: A Hessian Report on the People, the Land, the War) As Noted in the Diary of Chaplain Philipp Waldeck (1776-1780). Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. The diary of Philipp Waldeck, chaplain of the 3rd English-Waldeck Regiment, contains a wide variety of subjects: churches, costumes, customs, economics, fishing, farming, Indians, religion, schools, slavery, wildlife, and nature in general. B0252 - $21.50 Enemy Views: The American Revolutionary War as Recorded by the Hessian Participants. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1996), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 650 pp. Presents parts of the diaries, letters and regimental records from 34 individual sources from five of the six German states which rented their armies to Great Britain. B0563 - $48.50 English Army and Navy Lists, Compiled During the American Revolutionary War by AnsbachBayreuth Lieutenant Johann Ernst Prechtel. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 128 pp. This book lists the English and “Hessian” regiments which served in the colonies during the American Revolutionary War and the names of their officers. It also includes a list of all English ships in the Navy. B4148 - $18.00 Fanning’s Narrative: The Memoirs of Nathaniel Fanning, an Officer of the American Navy 1778-1783. Nathaniel Fanning. (1913) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 252 pp. The earliest account of the great sea fights during the Revolutionary War. F2334 - $23.00 From Redcoat to Rebel: The Thomas Sullivan Journalt. Joseph Lee Boyle. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 250 pp. Chronicles several years in the life of Thomas Sullivan, who enlisted in the British Army in 1775, fought in the Revolution, and deserted to join American forces in 1778. B0744 $23.00 118 Genealogical Abstracts Revolutionary War Veterans Scrip Act 1852. Margie G. Brown. (1990), 1997, index. 463 pp. Genealogical abstracts of 1, 689 files on mainly Virginia families who received Ohio land grants. B0012 - $32.00 General Orders, Rhode Island: December 1776-January 1778. Don N. Hagist. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 170 pp. Only a few British army orderly books from the American Revolution survive. The document that is presented here has never been published and is the only orderly book known to exist containing British general orders given in Rhode Island. Mr. Hagist has done extensive research on the British occupation of RI, and on British military organization. H1856 - $18.50 Georg Pausch’s Journal and Reports of the Campaign in America, as Translated from the German Manuscript in the Lidgerwood Collection in the Morristown Historical Park Archives, Morristown, N.J. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 160 pp. This volume contains Pausch’s fascinating journal and war reports, in translation. Details of everyday life, relations with local inhabitants, equipment, uniforms, food supplies, finances, construction of fortifications and logistical problems are all described. An everyname index simplifies locating individuals, and the introduction includes a roster of the Hesse-Hanau Artillery company. B0531 - $19.50 Georgia’s Roster of the Revolution: Containing a List of the State’s Defenders; Officers and Men; Soldiers and Sailors; Partisans and Regulars; Whether Enlisted from Georgia or Settled in Georgia After the Close of Hostilities. Lucian Lamar Knight. (1920), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 658 pp. This book contains approx. 9,000 names, and a vast assortment of interesting historical data pertaining to the Revolutionary War. It lists the names of the officers of the Georgia Battalion, February 16, 1776; the officers in the Continental Line of the Georgia Brigade (Infantry, Dragoons, Legionary Corps and General Staff); as well as officers and soldiers who made application for land under the Act of February 17, 1783. Other essential rosters are also included. K2004 - $46.00 German Americans in the Revolution: Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg Richards’ History. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1908, 1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 596 pp. Considered the definitive history of the involvement of German-Americans in the American Revolution, this work was originally published in 1908 and has long been out of print. It focuses on Pennsylvania and surrounding colonies, where the colonial German element was concentrated, and contains extensive biographical information of value to genealogists and historians. T0596 - $44.50 German Regiment of Maryland and Pennsylvania. Henry J. Retzer. (1991), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 184 pp. From a variety of federal and state records, plus personal journals and letters. This new revised edition includes twenty pages of additional information recently uncovered by the author. R0202 - $20.50 Great Commanders: General Greene. Francis Vinton Greene. (1897), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 332 pp. A biography of General Nathanael Greene who commanded the Southern army during the Revolutionary War. G2255 - $32.00 119 Great Things Are Expected from the Virginians: Virginia in the American Revolution. Michael Cecere. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 278 pp. Virginia’s role in the American Revolution is chronicled in this book through compelling first hand accounts, observations, and letters. Virginia, the oldest of the thirteen colonies was expected to lead, and the “Old Dominion” did not disappoint. C4564 - $24.00 Guns on the Chesapeake: The Winning of America’s Independence. Gene Williamson. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 336 pp. Communities along the Chesapeake Bay and many tributaries that crisscross Va. and Md. were under constant threat from the British during the Revolutionary War, beginning in 1775 with Dunmore’s assault on Hampton and the devastating bombardment of Norfolk. Even after the armistice in 1783, the fighting continued in the Battle of the Barges, said to be the bloodiest battle on the bay. W0962 - $28.50 Hesse-Hanau Order Books, a Diary and Roster: A Collection of Items Concerning the HesseHanau Contingent of “Hessians” Fighting Against the American Colonists in the Revolutionary War. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (2003), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 312 pp. Contains an anonymous diary possibly written by Paul Wilhelm Schefer, the Order Book of General von Gall, the Order Book of the Hesse-Hanau Regiment, and rosters of the Hesse-Hanau Infantry Regiment and the Jaeger Corps. B2461 - $27.50 Hessian Chaplains: Their Diaries and Duties. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 178 pp. These “church books” consist of birth, marriage, death, baptism, penance and confirmation records. They were recorded by the German chaplains who accompanied the Hessian troops serving in America during the Revolutionary War, 1776-1783. These valuable records are quite detailed and contain a wealth of family history. Included are the Church Book of Hesse-Cassel Chaplain Georg C. Coester, Chaplain Braunsdorf’s Anhalt-Zerbst Church Book, and the AnsbachBayreuth Church Book compiled by Chaplain Stroelein. B2359 - $20.00 Hessian Letters and Journals and a Memoir. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 214 pp. Letters, journals and memoirs of Hessian soldiers’ impressions of America during the Revolution. Includes the dangers of crossing the ocean; descriptions of the land, animals and temperatures in America; and an interesting paper written by an Indian chief to the governor of Nova Scotia. B3842 $20.00 In This Time of Extreme Danger: Northern Virginia in the American Revolution. Michael Cecere. (2006), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 168 pp. The contributions of northern Virginians in the American Revolution are highlighted through compelling first hand accounts and letters from the participants themselves. Several maps, a bibliography, an index, and a guide to historical sites augment the text. C4304 - $19.00 Indian Warfare in Western Pennsylvania and North West Virginia at the Time of the American Revolution, Including the Narrative of Indian and Tory Depredations by John Crawford, the Military Reminiscences of Captain Henry Jolly, and the Narrative of Lydia Boggs Shepherd Cruger. Jared C. Lobdell. (1992), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 162 pp. Indian warfare in western Pennsylvania and north West Virginia at the time of the American Revolution with notes by Lyman Copeland Draper. L0653 - $19.50 120 Irreconcilable Grievances: The Events that Shaped the Declaration of Independence. Patrick J. Charles. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 354 pp. This book discusses the pertinent social events from July 1775 to July 1776 that influenced the majority of the revolutionaries to call for independence. What most compelled the signers of the Declaration of Independence to split with Great Britain? C4566 - $31.00 John Saxe, Loyalist. George Hill. 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 202 pp. This revision and updating of the Genealogy of the Saxe Family, which was compiled by “J. G. S.” (published 1930), includes additional material, and copies of many original photographs and previously unpublished letters and documents. H5176 - $28.00 Journal of a Hessian Grenadier Battalion. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 216 pp. This translation was made from a copy of the Platte Grenadier Battalion Journal in the Lidgerwood Collection at the Morristown National Historical Park in Morristown, New Jersey. Mr. Burgoyne has inserted additional identifying information about individuals whenever possible. Besides descriptions of the movements and battles of the troops, there are many entries describing the long sea voyages endured by these foreign fighters. B3157 - $27.00 Journal of the Hesse-Cassel Jaeger Corps. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (2005), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. This document is an excellent, brief summary of the war. Several of the entries, such as the Hessian intelligence concerning Washington’s march from New York to Virginia to besiege Cornwallis, the Benedict Arnold-Major Andre affair, and the naval battle off the Chesapeake Bay, are of special interest. The same may be said of the journalist’s comments on the steadily improving quality of the American fighting men. B2565 - $27.00 Journal of the Prince Charles Regiment. Translated by Bruce E. Burgoyne; Edited by Dr. Marie E. Burgoyne. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 90 pp. This fascinating journal begins 14 January 1776 when the illustrious Prince Charles Regiment receives orders to augment prior to marching out of the garrison at Hersfeld, Germany, to begin its march to America, and continues with an account of what transpired thereafter. B4149 - $12.00 Journals of the Military Expedition of Major General John Sullivan Against the Six Nations of Indians in 1779. Frederick Cook. (1887), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 602 pp. This work is a collection of 26 journals of officers who participated in the expedition. Each officer’s journal is preceded by a biographical sketch. These narratives are enhanced by 8 fold-out maps, a roster of officers and more. C1633 - $45.00 King’s Mountain and its Heroes: History of the Battle of King’s Mountain, October 7, 1780. Lyman Draper. (1881), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 636 pp. Biographical sketches give interesting background on the careers of the military leaders of both sides involved in this battle. Many maps and plans of the action can be found throughout the book. The appendix includes diaries, letters, and more. A battle history of unequalled merit. D2278 - $46.00 121 Les Combattants Francais De La Guerre Americaine, 1778-1783: Listes etablies d’apres les documents authentiques deposes aux Archives Nationales et aux Archives du Ministere de la Guerre. United States Senate. (1905), 2012, 7x10, paper, 476 pp. This volume, written primarily in French with some English translations, presents these lists as well as historical background into the relationship between France and America during this time period. A fullname index provides easy access to individual names. U9501 - $47.00 Maryland Militia in the Revolutionary War. S. Eugene Clements and F. Edward Wright. (1987), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 360 pp. Describes events and major aspects of the militia, with over 15,000 men, most of whom did not serve in the Continental Service and appear nowhere else in publication. Excellent aid in establishing requirement for lineage societies such as D.A.R., S.A.R., etc. C0003 - $26.00 Maryland Oaths of Fidelity. Bettie S. Carothers. (1989), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 118 pp. The resulting lists of jurors (i.e., those who took the Oath) and some non-jurors (i.e., those who did not take the Oath) are here in alphabetical lists for each county. Previously printed in two volumes, now one. C0401 - $14.50 Massachusetts Privateers of the Revolution. Gardner Weld Allen. (1927, 1987), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 400 pp. Listings for each privateer are alphabetical by ship names and indexed with the names of commanders, crew, owners, bondsmen, and others. This work was originally published as Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, Volume 77. A0965 - $34.00 Memoir and Official Correspondence of General John Stark, with Notices of Several other Officers of the Revolution; also, a Biography of Capt. Phinehas Stevens, and of Col. Robert Rogers, with an Account of His Services in America during the “Seven Years’ War”. Caleb Stark. (1877), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 528 pp. One of the best sources of documentary material about the Revolution and the French and Indian War. S1088 - $38.50 Most Illustrious Hereditary Prince: Letters to Their Prince from Members of Hesse-Hanau Military Contingent in the Service of England During the American Revolution. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 196 pp. Letters (1776-1783) from 26 men, most of them officers of the Hesse-Hanau Hereditary Prince Regiment, to their prince, the Count of Hanau. Most of these letters serve as reports on the troops’ activities and situations such as food supply problems, deserters and their punishments, illnesses, recommendations for commendation of exemplary service, deaths, the conditions at encampment locations, pay issues, and the like. B2375 - $22.00 Names of Persons Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania 1776-1794. John B. Linn and Wm. H. Egle, M.D., eds. (1890), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 118 pp. This list was taken from the Pennsylvania Archives, Volume 3. Occupation, residence or country of origin is sometimes given. L0306 - $15.50 122 Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen’s Captivity: Written by himself. Ethan Allen. (1846), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 120 pp. This 1779 history is the most celebrated Revolutionary War account. A0051 $15.00 New Jersey During the Revolution, as Related in the News Items of the Day. Richard B. Marrin. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 414 pp. News accounts of the period, both Loyalist and Patriot, reveal the sentiments of the participants to the conflict as it was being waged, rather than as it is sometimes recast by legends or in history books; a reflection of America in her youth. M3587 - $34.50 Newspaper Datelines of the American Revolution, Vol. 1: April 18, 1775 to November 1, 1775. Armand Francis Lucier. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 382 pp. This collection of articles from thirty-four different newspapers begins with the “alarming intelligence” of the shots fired at Lexington and Concord, followed by the Battle of Bunker Hill and other skirmishes, military affairs and the siege of St. John’s. L1805 - $30.00 Newspaper Datelines of the American Revolution, Vol. 3: May 1, 1776 to November 1, 1776. Armand Lucier. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 346 pp. Much is happening during this time as revealed in these abstracts from letters, reports, and articles appearing in 31 colonial newspapers. Glimpse the world the American colonists lived in, and the anxieties and triumphs they experienced. L2490 - $30.00 Newspaper Datelines of the American Revolution, Vol. 4: November 1, 1776 to January 30, 1777. Armand Lucier. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 146 pp. Step back into time with a read through these abstracts of old newspapers and glimpse the world the colonists lived in as generals schemed their battle plans; British and American troops struggled for victory even as some soldiers deserted; Germany supported Britain; colonial agitators endeavored to rouse local support; loyalists were identified; and privateers took goodly prizes. L2465 - $18.50 Newspaper Datelines of the American Revolution, Volume II: November 1, 1775 to April 30, 1776. Armand Francis Lucier. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. Drawing from 23 media resources, private letters, eyewitness accounts, and official reports, this book imparts an immediate sense of what it was like to experience these decisive moments, including the siege and blockade of British occupied Boston, the Canadian expedition, the capitulation of St. John’s and Montreal, the siege and blockade of Quebec, and much more. L1940 - $32.00 Notes from a British Museum. Bruce Burgoyne. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 310 pp. The slant is more towards military activities in Canada than in the American colonies during the Revolutionary War. Information discussed includes general background material, the order of battle, the acquisition of German auxiliary soldiers, transportation issues, the campaign of 1777, postwar preparations to depart and German stay-behinds, desertions, women and children, and a list of ships. B2487 - $27.50 123 Order Book of the Hesse-Cassel von Mirbach Regiment. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 302 pp. An excellent source of information on promotions and transfers throughout the Hessian army; provides a picture of the daily life in an infantry regiment, 1777-1780. This regiment’s most significant role in combat was during the attack on Fort Mercer, New Jersey in October 1777, where it suffered serious losses. B2530 - $29.50 Patriot John, the Man Who Saved America. Philip B. Secor. (2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 186 pp. This is the story of three men and a woman whose lives intersected in September of 1780 in such a way as at first to threaten and then to rescue the fledgling American Republic. Benedict Arnold and John Andres, are still remembered as major figures in our history. Peggy Shippen, a famous Philadelphia femme fatale of the day whose role in the drama was critical to its outcome, is recalled by only a few in our time. The third man, John Paulding (instrumental in thwarting the treasonous plans of the other three characters) was celebrated in songs, books, plays, parades, and statues as a savior of the American Republic. Today this man is almost totally forgotten. S4088 - $23.50 Records of the Revolutionary War. W. T. R. Saffell. (1894, 1913), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 606 pp. Collected rosters with service records, accounting for some 15,000 soldiers and officers from the New England states, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina, arranged by regiment, company, and corps. The author also includes lists of distinguished prisoners, Half-Pay Acts of the Continental Congress, Revolutionary pension laws, and a list of the officers of the Continental Army who acquired the right to half-pay, commutation and lands. This book contains two indexes: a general index and an index of the Virginia soldiers in the Revolution. S1222 - $43.50 Reluctant Break with Britain: From Stamp Act to Bunker Hill. Gregory T. Edgar. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 330 pp. Focuses on the causes of the Revolution and the patriots’ desire to remain within the British Empire. E0585 - $29.00 Remarkable High Tories: Supporters of King and Parliament in Revolutionary Massachusetts. William H. B. Thomas. (2001), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 338 pp. Their family histories are intertwined in this account of loyalist activity in Massachusetts. T1705 - $29.50 Research Guide to Loyalist Ancestors: A Directory to Archives, Manuscripts, Published and Electronic Sources (Updated and Revised). Paul J. Bunnell. (2000), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 168 pp. This updated research aid lists most of the locations where American Loyalist records may be found throughout the world, and the principal records available. B1425 - $19.00 124 Rev. Seth Noble: A Revolutionary War Soldier’s Promise of America and the Founding of Bangor, Maine and Columbus, Ohio. Carol B. Smith Fisher. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 222 pp. This is the comprehensive biography of Reverend Seth Noble—famous preacher, patriot and pioneer founding father. With the discovery and transcription of one of Rev. Seth Noble’s earliest sermons (1774), we find that he believed the American Revolution to be God’s plan to bring a global reformation to the world. He publicly preached American independence prior to our beloved Virginians: Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson. S5049 - $24.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Delaware, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. 1996, 8½x11, cloth, alphabetical, 299 pp. Over 5000 entries; a significant aid to those seeking membership in lineage societies (DAR, SAR, SR, etc.). P0335 - $42.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Frederick County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1995), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 420 pp. Marylanders from Frederick County who served in the military during the Revolutionary War, contributing in some way to support the freedom of the American colonies from the rule of Great Britain. P0307 - $30.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1998), 2006, paper, index, 342 pp. Each entry gives rank, company, battalion, dates and places of service, and any other notes contained in the muster rolls. In some cases, places of residence and dates of death are indicated. Approximately 8,000 names are listed. P0497 - $27.00 Revolutionary Rangers: Daniel Morgan’s Riflemen and Their Role on the Northern Frontier, 1778-1783. Richard B. LaCrosse, Jr. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. Complete account of the riflemen and their weapons; the formation and battle record of this elite regiment; activities in Schoharie, Onoquaga and Unadilla; and during Sullivan’s campaign against the Iroquois. L2052 - $21.50 Revolutionary Soldiers in Kentucky. Anderson Chenault Quisenberry. (1896), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 226 pp. Lists include: Ky. citizens who were granted Revolutionary pensions up to the year 1835; Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates of “The Illinois Regiment;” and more. Q1818 - $23.00 Revolutionary War Journals of Henry Dearborn, 1775-1783. Lloyd A. Brown and Howard H. Peckham. (1939), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 280 pp. These are the coimplete journals of Henry Dearborn, which were transcribed and printed exactly as he wrote them, insofar as is possible with type. His punctuation, spelling, abbreviations, and run on sentences have all been retained, with the occasional brackets supplying the missing letters, and punctuation to facilitate reading. Arranged chronologically, each journal is introduced separately to supply the background of the campaign or operation in which Dearborn was engaged. B0124 - $23.50 125 Revolutionary War Letters Written by Hessian Officers: Generals Wilhelm von Knyphausen, Carl Wilhelm Von Hachenberg, Friedrich Wilhelm von Lossberg, Johann Friedrich Cochenhausen, Friedrich Von Riedesel and Major Carl Leopold von Baurmeister. Bruce E. Burgoyne and Dr. Marie E. Burgoyne. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. Translation of letters in the archives of the Morristown National Historical Park in Morristown, New Jersey. B3541 - $19.00 Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers 1818-1864: Maryland—Baltimore. Alycon Trubey Pierce, CG. 1997, 5½x8½, paper, index, 263 pp. In the 1960s the National Archives staff culled out selected “settled accounts” that had genealogical value from the pension payments (these are records not found in the pension application files). These are the records for the Baltimore pension office, they cover Revolutionary War pensions for the most part but include other wars. They include such information as remarriage of widows, places and length of residence. P0025 - $24.00 Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers, 1818-1864: Rhode Island. Kathryn McPherson Gunning. 1999, 8½x11, paper, indices, 356 pp. Abstracted from Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury in Record Group 217 at the National Archives. The final payment is paid to the heirs of a pensioner after his death. If the heirs did not file for the money that was due the pensioner from the time of the receipt of his last pension payment until the time of his death, there is no final payment and only a “last” payment. Includes vouchers for S.C. found in the R.I. boxes. G0027 - $35.50 Signers of the Declaration: Index and Images for the Applications to the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Frederick W. Pyne. 2004, 6x9, paper, 258 pp. and 3 CDs, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat, PC and MAC, 11314 pp. Within these files you may discover your hidden connection to a signer of the Declaration! Three CD-Roms contain the applications and supporting documentation. P0894 - $128.50 Smuggling in the American Colonies at the Outbreak of the Revolution with Special Reference to the West Indies Trade. William S. McClellan. (1912), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 126 pp. This discussion was the prize-winner of an essay contest at Williams College in 1911. M0639 - $17.00 Soldiers and Sailors of the Eastern Shore of Virginia in the Revoutionary War. Stratton Nottingham. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 152 pp. Many heirs and descendants are listed. Other persons are named as claimants to be paid for providing supplies and services. N0386 - $17.00 State of the Accounts of the County Lieutenants During the War of the Revolution, 1777-1789, Volume One, Part A. William H. Egle. (1896) reprint, paper, append., new index, 387 pp. These accounts give the names of individuals owing money to the State of Pennsylvania, the amount paid, and the “disbursement and appropriation of the monies thus collected”. Some, or all, of the money resulted from fines issued for “non-performance of militia duty and exercise”. These records “may at first glance appear to be mainly statistical, but in reality contain much that will give an insight into the struggle for independence.” This volume which includes A Brief View of the Treasury of Pennsylvania, 1775-1781, and State of the Accounts of the Treasury of Pennsylvania, 1782-1785. E0157 - $30.00 126 The ‘Lost’ Pensions: Settled Accounts of the Act of 6 April 1838, Revised Edition. Craig Roberts Scott. (1996), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, index, 502 pp. This book is a finding aid to the 16,000 settled accounts for pensioners or their heirs who were required to obtain payments from Washington because of the Act of 6 April 1838. These accounts are located in the National Archives. S5478 - $39.00 PDF: The ‘Lost’ Pensions: Settled Accounts of the Act of 6 April 1838, Revised Edition. Craig Roberts Scott. (1996), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, index, 502 pp. This book is a finding aid to the 16,000 settled accounts for pensioners or their heirs who were required to obtain payments from Washington because of the Act of 6 April 1838. These accounts are located in the National Archives. PDF-S5478 - $31.00 The American Revolution: As Described by British Writers and The Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser. Elizabeth R. Miller. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 146 pp. These abstracts, from Jan. 1780 through Sept. 1782, include extracts from letters written by George Washington, John Hancock, Lord Cornwallis and Sir Henry Clinton, etc. M0466 - $19.50 The Black Hussars: A Brief and Concise History of Frederick Diemar’s Hussars. Dr. Gary Corrado. (1999), 2005, 5½x8½, 48 pp. No. 1, for King and Country: The History of Loyalist Units During the American Revolution. Dr. Gary Corrado. A unique unit of escaped German prisoners from Saratoga who served with Tarleton’s Legion and the Queen’s Rangers. Documentation describes their previously unknown appearance. C3540 - $10.00 The Bloodstained Field: A History of the Sugarloaf Massacre, September 11, 1780. Rogan H. Moore. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 112 pp. In 1779, Sullivan’s Expedition against the Iroquois attempted, but failed, to pacify the frontier. As Iroquois war parties and contingents of loyalist troops ravaged the frontier, patriot militias were hastily assembled. Capt. Daniel Klader was put in command of a detachment of Van Etten’s Company for a dangerous mission that would take them into hostile country in search of Tory spies and sympathizers. Roland Montour, son of Queen Esther, caught Klader’s men off-guard by the Little Nescopeck—a bloody battle ensued. M1488 - $14.50 The Border Warfare of New York During the Revolution; or, The Annals of Tryon County. William W. Campbell. (1849), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 406 pp. This work contains an account of the main events which occurred on the frontier of New York during the Revolution, particularly at Cherry Valley. Appendices include biographical sketches, speeches, letters, and documents. C0612 $32.00 The Broken Sword, a Novel of the American War for Independence at Sea. Charles White. (2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 210 pp. Jack Cunningham, a sailor and a patriot, must choose between a dying empire and a promising, but troubled, new nation. Combat, both at sea and ashore, as well as cloak and dagger espionage in the colonial town of Norfolk, Va., will keep readers on the edge of their seat. W3585 - $24.50 127 The Calendar and Quartermaster Books of General George Rogers Clark’s Fort Jefferson, Kentucky, 1780-1781. Kenneth C. Carstens. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 376 pp. These records provide insights to the life of a frontier outpost. The Calendar provides a wealth of abstracted data. The Quartermaster Books contain 2,731 line item entries, identifying more than 280 persons. C1525 - $31.00 The Diary of Lieutenant von Bardeleben and Other von Donop Regiment. Bruce E. Burgoyne. Translated by Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. Contains the wartime diaries of Lt. Johann Heinrich von Bardeleben, the company Church Book of the von Donop Regiment compiled by Chaplain Georg Christoph Coester, and the regimental journal of Quartermaster Johann Georg Zinn. Johann von Bardeleben’s diary includes specific information about his fellow officers. Georg Christoph Coester’s Church Book details marriages, births, confirmations and even penance. Regimental Quartermaster Zinn’s journal contributes detailed listings of officers, vessels, camp sites and other particulars of the campaigns around New York City, Trenton and Philadelphia. B1054 - $21.00 The Enterprise in Contemplation: The Midnight Assault of Stony Point. Don Loprieno. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 356 pp. Using primary sources, new research and explanatory maps, this first complete account in over a hundred years of Anthony Wayne’s attack against British defenses on the Hudson River recreates one of the most daring and dramatic episodes of the Revolutionary War. L2574 - $33.50 The First Virginia Regiment of Foot, 1775-1783. M. Lee Minnis. 1998, 6x9, cloth, index, 467 pp. A detailed history with a biography of each soldier. M0029 - $30.00 The German Allied Troops in the North American War of Independence, 1776-1783. Max von Eelking. (1893, 1997), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 370 pp. Rosengarten provides a description and critique of numerous sources on Germans fighting during the American Revolution. More than half of these soldiers, literally sold into service by the princes of various German states, came from Hesse-Cassel and were generally referred to as Hessians. Also includes general information on German soldiers in the French service, American history from German sources, Benjamin Franklin in Germany, German universities, and Achenwall’s observations on North America in 1767. E0059 - $31.50 The German Element in the War of American Independence. George Washington Greene. (1876, 1997), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. Includes biographies of Baron Von Steuben and Gen. John Kalb, and an essay on the German mercenaries. G0624 - $19.50 The Hesse-Cassel Mirbach Regiment in the American Revolution. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 140 pp. This book comprises two accounts of the Mirbach Regiment and its involvement in the Revolutionary War. Firstly, there is the regimental journal, kept by quartermaster August Schmidt, which spans the period from the unit’s departure from regimental headquarters in Melsungen on March 1, 1776 to its return home May 30th 1784 at the close of the war. Secondly there is the journal kept by Ensign (later Lieutenant) Karl Reuffer. Although it covers a shorter time span (March 1, 1776 to December 28, 1777), it goes into much greater detail, and occupies three quarters of the book. Thus we are able to compare two accounts of the same events. B0940 - $17.00 128 The Hessian Drummer Boy of Newport. Walter K. Schroder. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 198 pp. This is the story of Peter, a fictional character, who experiences life in the American Revolutionary War. His encounters are those of a drummer boy of the Hessian Ditfurth Regiment; his actions and reactions are much like those of any other youngster from anywhere around the world at the tender age of ten. S5275 - $21.00 The Hessian Occupation of Newport and Rhode Island, 1776-1779. Walter K. Schroder. (2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 222 pp. This well-researched historical narrative portrays the events of the Rhode Island campaign, which lasted from Dec. 8, 1776 to Oct. 25, 1779. From the occupation of Newport to the Battle of Rhode Island, troop movements, and much more are examined in detail. S4074 - $25.00 The Hessians and the other German Auxiliaries of Great Britain in the Revolutionary War. Edward J. Lowell. (1884), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 354 pp. “Much has been made of the fact that 7,000 French soldiers and 19,000 French seamen assisted the United States in the siege of Yorktown, but we have forgotten that a force of 15,000-20,000 Germans served for seven years against us; that more than 29,000 were brought to America for this purpose; that more than 12,000 never returned to Germany.” In addition to solid historical background information, it describes the hardships and experiences of the Hessian soldiers in America from a very personal level, quoting from original German accounts of almost every major and minor engagement of the Revolutionary War. L1614 - $30.00 The Life of Major John André, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America. Winthrop Sargent. (1871), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 498 pp. John André is best remembered for being hanged as a spy for his role as Benedict Arnold’s co-conspirator in the attempt to take West Point during the American Revolution. This work contains much history of the American Revolution in addition to the important people and events in Andre’s life. The style of treatment is florid and the view-point extreme in André’s favor. S2176 - $37.00 The Loyalists in the American Revolution. Claude Halstead Van Tyne. (1902), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. The history of the 100,000 or more Americans who remained loyal; drawn primarily from original sources and the Rivington’s Gazette, a Loyalist newspaper. V0201 - $28.50 The New Loyalist Index, Volume I. Paul J. Bunnell. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 516 pp. A master index identifying over 5,000 Loyalists. Covers several dozen sources including both published works and American and Canadian archives. B0234 - $42.50 The New Loyalist Index, Volume III, Including Cape Cod and Islands, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey and New York Loyalists. Paul J. Bunnell, F.A.C.G., U.E. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 196 pp. A portion of this work has been dedicated to the loyalists of Cape Cod and the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. The listings deal with Loyalists who settled in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and other areas of refuge. A large portion is dedicated to New Hampshire and New York Loyalists. Each entry provides, where available, the name, regiment and rank of the subject, along with brief data on residence, date of birth, marriage or death for purposes of identification, and a citation to a source where additional data can be found. B0987 - $23.00 129 The New Loyalist Index: Volume II. Paul J. Bunnell. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 234 pp. All new collection of over 2,000 Loyalists. B0400 - $22.00 The Old New York Frontier: Its Wars with Indians and Tories, Its Missionary Schools, Pioneers and Land Titles, 1614-1800. Francis Whiting Halsey. (1901), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 470 pp. Covers: Indians and Fur Traders; Missionaries and the French War, 1650-1769; Land Titles and Pioneers, 1679-1774; The Border Wars Begun, 1776-1777; Overthrow of the Frontier, 1777-1778; The Sullivan Expedition, 1779; Last Years of the War, 1780-1783; and The Restoration of the Frontier, 1782-1800. H0409 - $37.00 The Personnel of George Rogers Clark’s Fort Jefferson and the Civilian Community of Clarksville. Kenneth Charles Carstens. (1999, 2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 220 pp. Identifies more than 500 persons who garrisoned, lived, farmed and died in this remote settlement. C1183 - $24.00 The Philadelphia Campaign, 1777-1778. Gregory T. Edgar. (1998), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 252 pp. A stirring account of the English military campaign led by General Sir William Howe against Philadelphia, the winter encampment of George Washington’s Continental Army at Valley Forge, and the American victory at the Battle of Monmouth in June of 1778. This work draws extensively on the journals and remembrances of the soldiers who fought on both sides, putting the reader right in the thick of the action. E0921 - $24.00 The Prisoners of Niagara, or Errors of Education. Abigail Davis. (1810), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 300 pp. Originally published in 1810, the story opens in the final days of the Revolutionary War in British Fort Niagara where the novel’s frisky young hero, Evermont, is confined. The story takes many hilarious turns as Evermont emerges as an engaging rascal, rambling between good deeds and mishaps from which he narrowly escapes. The book is a picaresque, an historical romance, and a mystery; it employs the captivity tradition, the theme of seduction and abandonment, multiple disguises, forged letters, cross dressing, and deathbed confessions. D4068 - $30.50 The Quiet Patriot, Colonel Return Jonathan Meigs: With Meigs’s 1775 Journal of the Quebec Expedition. Richard A. Mason. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 390 pp. Chronicles of Col. Meigs’s experiences in the Revolutionary War: the attack on Quebec with Benedict Arnold; Meigs’s daring raid on the British at Sag Harbor; and his postwar adventures as an Ohio pioneer and Cherokee Indian Agent. M5185 - $33.00 The Revolution on the Upper Ohio, 1775-1777. Reuben Gold Thwaites, LL.D. and Louise Phelps Kellogg, Ph.D. (1908), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 314 pp. A history of the first two years of the Revolutionary War as told through the eyes of many different participants including the Indians, British, and Americans. This work reproduces numerous original documents including letters, journals, reports, depositions, recorded speeches, treaties, etc. which are woven into a coherent and readable whole by narrative supplied by the editors who have also provided extensive explanatory footnotes. T0639 - $25.00 130 The Revolutionary Pilgrimage, Being an Account of a Series of Visits to Battlegrounds,and Other Places Made Memorable by the War of the Revolution. Written and Illustrated by Ernest Peixotto. (1917), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 400 pp. This eminently readable guide to the locales that played an important role in the American Revolution is remarkable for its attention to historical detail as well as its handsome illustrations. Visualize the drama and learn a great deal about the Revolution with the turn of every page. P1402 - $30.00 The Sullivan Expedition of 1779. Albert H. Wright. (1943), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 184 pp. Lists of soldiers in General Sullivan’s expedition through the southern tier of New York state. Includes troops from Maryland, Vermont, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and New York. W0826 - $26.00 The Third English-Waldeck Regiment in the American Revolutionary War. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 326 pp. This volume follows the personnel of the Waldeck Regiment year by year, beginning with their departure from Europe and arrival in America. Transfers, desertions, prisoners of war, and deaths from illness and battle are all detailed here. Troop movements and activities are also well documented. Sources include dozens of journals and manuscripts from the British Museum, Library of Congress and University of Michigan Clements Library. A helpful feature of this volume is the assignment of serial numbers to individuals. B1301 - $31.50 The Trenton Commanders: Johann Gottlieb Rall and George Washington, as noted in Hessian Diaries. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1996), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 16 pp. The Hessian soldiers kept numerous diaries in which they recorded their impressions of America and Americans, as well as their daily military activity. These pages are packed with fascinating description and insight concerning these two men. B0661 - $6.00 The Valiant Died, the Battle of Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781. Christine R. Swager. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 192 pp. The Valiant Died is a study of the Battle of Eutaw Springs. It examines the events of the British Southern Campaign in the American Revolution that led up to the battle, as well as the battle’s aftermath and its impact on the British surrender at Yorktown. Major General Nathanael Greene’s strategy and leadership is highlighted in this book. S4102 - $24.00 The War of the American Revolution: Day by Day, Volume 1, Chapters I, II, III, IV and V. The Preliminaries and the Years 1775, 1776, 1777, and 1778. Frederick W. Pyne. 2009, 6x9, paper, index, 534 pp. Journey back in time and experience the events of the American Revolutionary War as they unfold day by day. Illustrations, maps, and an index enhance the text. P4799 - $41.00 The War of the American Revolution: Day by Day, Volume 2, Chapters VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X. The Years 1779, 1780, 1781, 1782, and 1783. Frederick W. Pyne. 2010, 6x9, paper, 652 pp. Journey back in time and experience the events of the American Revolutionary War as they unfold day by day. Illustrations, maps, and an index enhance the text. P4910 - $47.50 131 The Willing War: A Novel of Maryland in the American Revolution. John C. Conradis. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 254 pp. The Old Line Chronicles is an exhaustively researched series of historical novels about Maryland and its people in the American Revolution. Volume One takes place during the critical period of uncertainty from 1774 to July 1776. C4380 - $25.50 The Wolves from Niagara. Mike Phifer. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 110 pp. This is a history of the much-feared Butler’s Rangers, an American Loyalist unit, who waged a relentless war against the Patriot backed settlements from New York to Kentucky during the American Revolution. Oriskany, Wyoming, Cherry Valley, and many other engagements are covered. P4319 - $18.00 These Were the Hessians. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 244 pp. Hessians represented one-third of all combatants serving the Crown during the American Revolutionary War. This detailed account of their contribution to this nation’s growth includes the Waldeck Articles of War, 1775 (German and English); the role of women with the Hessian units; seven color plates and a bibliography. B4193 - $35.00 They Are Indeed a Very Useful Corps, American Riflemen in the Revolutionary War. Michael Cecere. (2006), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. The story of America’s riflemen in the Revolutionary War begins with their formation in 1775. First person accounts of their recruitment and crucial service in the American army introduce readers to the flamboyant and sometimes unruly nature of riflemen. C4141 - $23.00 They Behaved Like Soldiers: Captain John Chilton and the Third Virginia Regiment 1775-1778. Michael Cecere. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 144 pp. Captain John Chilton’s letters and diary offer insight into routine aspects of life in the Third Virginia Regiment along with detailed observations of experiences at Harlem Heights, Trenton, Morristown, Brandywine, Germantown, and Valley Forge. Maps. C2479 - $18.50 To Hazard Our Own Security: Maine’s Role in the American Revolution. Mike Cecere. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 358 pp. Maine’s role in the American Revolution has traditionally been obscured by the fact that it was part of Massachusetts during the conflict and did not become a state in its own right until 1820. Maine’s patriots fought in nearly every key engagement of the war. C5174 $27.00 Tory Spy: A New York Frontier Family’s War Against the American Revolution. Daniel D. Lovelace. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 350 pp. Thomas Loveless and his family were ordinary people swept up by social and political forces. Tory Spy analyzes this “Loyalist Dilemma,” making use of British and American documents of the period. Illustrations, maps, appendices, footnotes, and an index are included. L5025 - $31.00 132 Virginia and West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records, Volume 6 Ullum Through Zumwalt. Patrick G. Wardell. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 300 pp. Genealogical data pertaining to Virginians and West Virginians who served in the Revolutionary War from National Archives files. W9878 - $27.00 Virginia and West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records, Volume 3 Iams through Myres. Patrick G. Wardell. (1992), 2008, paper, 5½x8½, paper, index, 398 pp. Genealogical data pertaining to Virginians and West Virginians who served in the Revolutionary War. It includes all men who the records show resided in Va. or W.Va. either before or after the war, or whose family lived in either state. W0657 - $33.00 We Stood Our Ground: Lexington in the First Years of the American Revolution. Alexander R. Cain. (2004), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 182 pp. Explains Lexington’s shift during the 1760s and early 1770s from a passive to a radical town through its religious, economic, social and geographical settings. Also discusses the Lexington Training Band’s mobilization on April 18, 1775 and includes 12 appendices containing casualty lists, descriptions of equipment, etc, and contains an extensive bibliography. C2568 - $22.50 Wedded to My Sword: The Revolutionary War Service of Light Horse Harry Lee. Michael Cecere. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 310 pp. Lt. Col. Lee commanded a legion of mounted and dismounted dragoons that completed a spectacular year of military service in the South. His daring exploits at Valley Forge, Powles Hook and Springfield, like his extraordinary service in the south, are all chronicled. C5391 - $23.00 Westward of Fort Cumberland: Military Lots Set Off for Maryland’s Revolutionary Soldiers. Mary K. Meyer. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. With an Appended List of Revolutionary Soldiers Granted Pensions by the State of Maryland. Lists Revolutionary soldiers who drew lots of land in Allegany County for service in the Maryland Line. Also lists Revolutionary War pensioners, many of whom died prior to the granting of pensions by the Federal government. M0528 $25.00 William Washington, Cavalryman of the Revolution. Stephen E. Haller. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 256 pp. The Revolutionary War role of Lt. Col. William Washington, cousin of George Washington. He is best remembered as a cavalry commander in the South (1780-1781). H1803 $28.00 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778. Volume 4, “The Hardships of the Camp”. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2003), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 210 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters, journal, and documents written at Valley Forge. B2288 - $21.00 133 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume 1. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 196 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters, journal, and documents written at Valley Forge. B1529 - $20.00 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume 2, “Winter in this starved Country”. Joseph Lee Boyle. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 198 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters, journal, and documents written at Valley Forge. B1825 - $20.00 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume 3, “it is a general Calamity”. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 186 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters, journal, and documents written at Valley Forge. B2027 - $21.50 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume 5, “a very Different Spirit in the Army”. Joseph Lee Boyle. (2005), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 192 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters and documents written at Valley Forge. The original spelling and punctuation has been retained. B2561 - $25.50 Writings from the Valley Forge Encampment of the Continental Army: December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778, Volume 6, “my Constitution got quite shatter’d”. Joseph Lee Boyle. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 210 pp. Transcriptions of dozens of letters, journal entries, and documents written at Valley Forge. The original spelling and punctuation has been retained. B4291 - $23.00 Loyalist and British American Loyalist Claims, Volume 1: Abstracted from the Public Record Office, Audit Office Series 13, Bundles 1-35 and 37. Peter Wilson Coldham. 1980, cloth, index, 616 pp. This volume offers for the first time a comprehensive account of the relationships and interests of that vast number of colonial Americns whose loyalty to the Crown during the Revolution earned them exile and confiscation of their property. C0045 - $22.50 134 Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, with a Historical Essay. Lorenzo Sabine. (1864), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 2 vols., 1208 pp. Historical essay and biographical sketches. S1064 - $81.00 Research Guide to Loyalist Ancestors: A Directory to Archives, Manuscripts, Published and Electronic Sources (Updated and Revised). Paul J. Bunnell. (2000), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 168 pp. This updated research aid lists most of the locations where American Loyalist records may be found throughout the world, and the principal records available. B1425 - $19.00 The Loyalists in the American Revolution. Claude Halstead Van Tyne. (1902), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. The history of the 100,000 or more Americans who remained loyal; drawn primarily from original sources and the Rivington’s Gazette, a Loyalist newspaper. V0201 - $28.50 The New Loyalist Index, Volume I. Paul J. Bunnell. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 516 pp. A master index identifying over 5,000 Loyalists. Covers several dozen sources including both published works and American and Canadian archives. B0234 - $42.50 The New Loyalist Index: Volume II. Paul J. Bunnell. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 234 pp. All new collection of over 2,000 Loyalists. B0400 - $22.00 The New Loyalist Index, Volume III, Including Cape Cod and Islands, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey and New York Loyalists. Paul J. Bunnell, F.A.C.G., U.E. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 196 pp. A portion of this work has been dedicated to the loyalists of Cape Cod and the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. The listings deal with Loyalists who settled in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and other areas of refuge. A large portion is dedicated to New Hampshire and New York Loyalists. B0987 - $23.00 135 Hessians A Hessian Officer’s Diary of the American Revolution Translated from an Anonymous Ansbach-Bayreuth Diary and the Prechtel Diary. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, index, 346 pp. Prechtel was a first sergeant and a lieutenant in the Ansbach Regiment of the AnsbachBayreuth contingent. His diary, with entries dating from 1777 to 1783, offers descriptions of his experiences and insight into the war, the military and its procedures, and the places he toured in America. B0107 - $28.50 Aboard a Dutch Troop Transport: A Diary Written by Captain Ludwig Alberti of the Waldeck 5th Battalion. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 134 pp. Captain Alberti shares the details of shipboard life, as well as descriptions of his visits to Lisbon and the Canary Islands, and marine life he witnessed along the way. B4544 - $19.00 Brunswick Troops in North America, 1776-1783: Index of Soldiers who Remained in North America. Charles Reuter. (1999), 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 116 pp. Records are listed in alphabetical order by surname and include: place of birth, postal code of town, year of birth, unit, rank, post-war experiences, desertion, injuries, casualties, capture by the enemy, etc. R1348 - $21.00 Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. Two diaries written by Lt. Jakob Piel of the Hesse-Cassel von Lossberg Regiment and Capt. Andreas Wiederhold of the Hesse-Cassel von Knyphausen Regiment. They were both members of Colonel Johann Rall’s Brigade which suffered a humiliating defeat at Trenton, and both set sail from New York to Canada in 1779 in a fleet which lost ships not only to one or more hurricanes but also to American privateers. B0715 - $18.00 Diaries of Two Ansbach Jaegers. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. The diaries of Lt., later Captain, Heinrich Carl Philipp von Feilitsch (1751-1827) and Lt. Christian Friedrich Bartholomai. B0655 - $18.50 Eighteenth Century America: A Hessian Report on the People, the Land, the War) As Noted in the Diary of Chaplain Philipp Waldeck (1776-1780). Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. The diary of Philipp Waldeck, chaplain of the 3rd English-Waldeck Regiment, contains a wide variety of subjects: churches, costumes, customs, economics, fishing, farming, Indians, religion, schools, slavery, wildlife, and nature in general. B0252 - $21.50 Enemy Views: The American Revolutionary War as Recorded by the Hessian Participants. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1996), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 650 pp. Presents parts of the diaries, letters and regimental records from 34 individual sources from five of the six German states which rented their armies to Great Britain. B0563 - $48.50 136 Georg Pausch’s Journal and Reports of the Campaign in America, as Translated from the German Manuscript in the Lidgerwood Collection in the Morristown Historical Park Archives, Morristown, N.J. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 160 pp. This volume contains Pausch’s fascinating journal and war reports, in translation. Details of everyday life, relations with local inhabitants, equipment, uniforms, food supplies, finances, construction of fortifications and logistical problems are all described. An everyname index simplifies locating individuals, and the introduction includes a roster of the Hesse-Hanau Artillery company. B0531 - $19.50 German Allied Troops in the American Revolution: J. R. Rosengarten’s Survey of German Archives and Sources. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1904, 1993), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 146 pp. Rosengarten provides a description and critique of numerous sources on Germans fighting during the American Revolution. More than half of these soldiers came from Hesse-Cassel and were generally referred to as Hessians. Also includes general information on German soldiers in the French service, American history from German sources, Benjamin Franklin in Germany, German universities, and Achenwall’s observations on North America in 1767. T0792 - $19.50 Hesse-Hanau Order Books, a Diary and Roster: A Collection of Items Concerning the HesseHanau Contingent of “Hessians” Fighting Against the American Colonists in the Revolutionary War. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (2003), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 312 pp. Contains an anonymous diary possibly written by Paul Wilhelm Schefer, the Order Book of General von Gall, the Order Book of the Hesse-Hanau Regiment, and rosters of the Hesse-Hanau Infantry Regiment and the Jaeger Corps. B2461 - $27.50 Hessian Chaplains: Their Diaries and Duties. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 178 pp. These “church books” consist of birth, marriage, death, baptism, penance and confirmation records. They were recorded by the German chaplains who accompanied the Hessian troops serving in America during the Revolutionary War, 1776-1783. These valuable records are quite detailed and contain a wealth of family history. Included are the Church Book of Hesse-Cassel Chaplain Georg C. Coester, Chaplain Braunsdorf’s Anhalt-Zerbst Church Book, and the AnsbachBayreuth Church Book compiled by Chaplain Stroelein. B2359 - $20.00 Journal of a Hessian Grenadier Battalion. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 216 pp. This translation was made from a copy of the Platte Grenadier Battalion Journal in the Lidgerwood Collection at the Morristown National Historical Park in Morristown, New Jersey. Mr. Burgoyne has inserted additional identifying information about individuals whenever possible. Besides descriptions of the movements and battles of the troops, there are many entries describing the long sea voyages endured by these foreign fighters. B3157 - $27.00 Journal of the Hesse-Cassel Jaeger Corps. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (2005), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. This document is an excellent, brief summary of the war. Several of the entries, such as the Hessian intelligence concerning Washington’s march from New York to Virginia to besiege Cornwallis, the Benedict Arnold-Major Andre affair, and the naval battle off the Chesapeake Bay, are of special interest. The same may be said of the journalist’s comments on the steadily improving quality of the American fighting men. B2565 - $27.00 Journal of the Prince Charles Regiment. Translated by Bruce E. Burgoyne; Edited by Dr. Marie E. Burgoyne. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 90 pp. This fascinating journal begins 14 January 1776 when the illustrious Prince Charles Regiment receives orders to augment prior to marching out of the garrison at Hersfeld, Germany, to begin its march to America, and continues with an account of what transpired thereafter. B4149 - $12.00 137 Notes from a British Museum. Bruce Burgoyne. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 310 pp. The slant is more towards military activities in Canada than in the American colonies during the Revolutionary War. Information discussed includes general background material, the order of battle, the acquisition of German auxiliary soldiers, transportation issues, the campaign of 1777, postwar preparations to depart and German stay-behinds, desertions, women and children, and a list of ships. B2487 - $27.50 Order Book of the Hesse-Cassel von Mirbach Regiment. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 302 pp. An excellent source of information on promotions and transfers throughout the Hessian army; provides a picture of the daily life in an infantry regiment, 1777-1780. This regiment’s most significant role in combat was during the attack on Fort Mercer, New Jersey in October 1777, where it suffered serious losses. B2530 - $29.50 Revolutionary War Letters Written by Hessian Officers: Generals Wilhelm von Knyphausen, Carl Wilhelm Von Hachenberg, Friedrich Wilhelm von Lossberg, Johann Friedrich Cochenhausen, Friedrich Von Riedesel and Major Carl Leopold von Baurmeister. Bruce E. Burgoyne and Dr. Marie E. Burgoyne. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. Translation of letters in the archives of the Morristown National Historical Park in Morristown, New Jersey. B3541 - $19.00 The Black Hussars: A Brief and Concise History of Frederick Diemar’s Hussars. Dr. Gary Corrado. (1999), 2005, 5½x8½, 48 pp. No. 1, for King and Country: The History of Loyalist Units During the American Revolution. Dr. Gary Corrado. A unique unit of escaped German prisoners from Saratoga who served with Tarleton’s Legion and the Queen’s Rangers. Documentation describes their previously unknown appearance. C3540 - $10.00 The Diary of Lieutenant von Bardeleben and Other von Donop Regiment. Bruce E. Burgoyne. Translated by Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. Contains the wartime diaries of Lt. Johann Heinrich von Bardeleben, the company Church Book of the von Donop Regiment compiled by Chaplain Georg Christoph Coester, and the regimental journal of Quartermaster Johann Georg Zinn. Johann von Bardeleben’s diary includes specific information about his fellow officers. Georg Christoph Coester’s Church Book details marriages, births, confirmations and even penance. Regimental Quartermaster Zinn’s journal contributes detailed listings of officers, vessels, camp sites and other particulars of the campaigns around New York City, Trenton and Philadelphia. B1054 - $21.00 The German Element in the War of American Independence. George Washington Greene. (1876, 1997), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. Includes biographies of Baron Von Steuben and Gen. John Kalb, and an essay on the German mercenaries. G0624 - $19.50 138 The Hesse-Cassel Mirbach Regiment in the American Revolution. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 140 pp. This book comprises two accounts of the Mirbach Regiment and its involvement in the Revolutionary War. Firstly, there is the regimental journal, kept by quartermaster August Schmidt, which spans the period from the unit’s departure from regimental headquarters in Melsungen on March 1, 1776 to its return home May 30th 1784 at the close of the war. Secondly there is the journal kept by Ensign (later Lieutenant) Karl Reuffer. Although it covers a shorter time span (March 1, 1776 to December 28, 1777), it goes into much greater detail, and occupies three quarters of the book. Thus we are able to compare two accounts of the same events. B0940 - $17.00 The Hessian Drummer Boy of Newport. Walter K. Schroder. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 198 pp. This is the story of Peter, a fictional character, who experiences life in the American Revolutionary War. His encounters are those of a drummer boy of the Hessian Ditfurth Regiment; his actions and reactions are much like those of any other youngster from anywhere around the world at the tender age of ten. S5275 - $21.00 The Hessians and the other German Auxiliaries of Great Britain in the Revolutionary War. Edward J. Lowell. (1884), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 354 pp. “Much has been made of the fact that 7,000 French soldiers and 19,000 French seamen assisted the United States in the siege of Yorktown, but we have forgotten that a force of 15,000-20,000 Germans served for seven years against us; that more than 29,000 were brought to America for this purpose; that more than 12,000 never returned to Germany.” In addition to solid historical background information, it describes the hardships and experiences of the Hessian soldiers in America from a very personal level, quoting from original German accounts of almost every major and minor engagement of the Revolutionary War. L1614 - $30.00 The Third English-Waldeck Regiment in the American Revolutionary War. Bruce E. Burgoyne. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 326 pp. This volume follows the personnel of the Waldeck Regiment year by year, beginning with their departure from Europe and arrival in America. Transfers, desertions, prisoners of war, and deaths from illness and battle are all detailed here. Troop movements and activities are also well documented. Sources include dozens of journals and manuscripts from the British Museum, Library of Congress and University of Michigan Clements Library. A helpful feature of this volume is the assignment of serial numbers to individuals. B1301 - $31.50 These Were the Hessians. Bruce E. Burgoyne. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 244 pp. Hessians represented one-third of all combatants serving the Crown during the American Revolutionary War. This detailed account of their contribution to this nation’s growth includes the Waldeck Articles of War, 1775 (German and English); the role of women with the Hessian units; seven color plates and a bibliography. B4193 - $35.00 Post-Revolutionary War 139 War of 1812 American Prisoners of War Held at Barbados, Newfoundland and New Providence During the War of 1812. Harrison Scott Baker. 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 208 pp. Transcribed records of American prisoners of war held at Barbados, West Indies; New Providence, Bahamas; and Newfoundland, Canada during the War of 1812. B4498 - $28.00 American Prisoners of War Held at Bermuda, Cape of Good Hope and Jamaica During the War of 1812. Harrison Scott Baker. 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 328 pp. Transcribed records of American prisoners of war (marines, merchantmen and sailors) held at Bermuda, Cape of Good Hope and Jamaica during the War of 1812. B4499 - $36.50 American Prisoners of War Held at Halifax, During the War of 1812, Volume I and II. Harrison Scott Baker. (2004), 2005, 8½x11, paper, 2 vols., 592 pp. This work was transcribed from records of the British Admiralty pertaining to American prisoners of war held at Halifax, Nova Scotia, from June 1812 to April 1815. Entries are listed alphabetically. B3323 - $63.00 American Prisoners of War Held at Quebec During the War of 1812, 8 June 1813 - 11 December 1814. Eric Eugene Johnson. 2011, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 224 pp. Transcribed records include 1,834 American prisoners of war (soldiers, sailors, marines, privateers, and civilians) held at Quebec, Lower Canada, during the War of 1812. J5274 - $30.00 British Invasion of Maryland, 1812-1815. William M. Marine. (1913), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, map, 530 pp. History of the British invasion of Maryland during the War of 1812. Includes the events leading up to the declaration of war against Great Britain, plus chapters about the privateersmen, the Chesapeake expedition, Blarney’s flotilla, and Caulk’s Field. Many details of the conflicts are included such as the battles at Frenchtown, Havre de Grace, Bladensburg, Washington, North Point and Baltimore. Also includes Maryland roster of 11,000 soldier names. M0918 - $38.00 Burials of War of 1812: Veterans in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 2012, 7x10, paper, index, 502 pp. Society of the War of 1812. Records for over 4,400 known War of 1812 veteran burials in all Virginia counties and independent cities, including the City of Alexandria which belonged to the District of Columbia during the war period. Appendices. Photographs. S5441 - $45.00 Men of Patriotism, Courage and Enterprise!Fort Meigs in the War of 1812. Larry L. Nelson. (1985), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. Follows the chronology of major events surrounding Fort Meigs. Recounts with thorough documentation the decisions and performances of the famous leaders on both sides of the conflict. Uses many previously unknown sources, including diaries, journals and personal letters to evoke the emotional effects of the war’s many sacrifices and bloody confrontations. Includes about thirty drawings, etchings, photos and maps. N0728 - $20.00 140 Ohio and the War of 1812: A collection of lists, musters and essays. Eric Eugene Johnson. 2013, 8½x11, paper, 218 pp. Ohio was a major contributor to the success of the War of 1812, in both men and material; this book will remove some of the mystery of researching War of 1812 ancestors who lived and fought in Ohio. J5495 - $30.00 Real Patriots and Heroic Soldiers: Gen. Joel Leftwich and the Virginia Brigade in the War of 1812. Stuart L. Butler. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 370 pp. This is the story of General Joel Leftwich and the Virginia Brigade’s march for glory into Ohio under the most extreme conditions. These brave men enabled General Harrison to push forward in the dead of winter; and establish Fort Meigs. B4775 - $32.00 Sea Raptors: Logs of Voyages of Private Armed Vessels, Comet and Chasseur, Commanded by Tom Boyle, 1812-1815. Andrew Wahll. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. This War of 1812 sea narrative, based on the ships’ logs, also includes Court Martial testimony of the Captain of HMS St. Lawrence, after the stunning defeat by Thomas Boyle off Cuba aboard the Chasseur. W4371 - $20.00 PDF: Sea Raptors: Logs of Voyages of Private Armed Vessels, Comet and Chasseur, Commanded by Tom Boyle, 1812-1815. Andrew Wahll. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. This War of 1812 sea narrative, based on the ships’ logs, also includes Court Martial testimony of the Captain of HMS St. Lawrence, after the stunning defeat by Thomas Boyle off Cuba aboard the Chasseur. PDF-W4371 - $16.00 War of 1812: Virginia Bounty Land and Pension Applicants. Patrick G. Wardell. (1987), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 408 pp. Extracted biographical data on the War of 1812 bounty land warrant and pension applications. All applicants were connected with Va. or W.V., either by military service, residence, or by having married or died there. Data includes (as available): name of the applicant, date and place of death, spouse’s name, date and place of marriage, date and place of spouse’s death, and last known residence of the veteran or his surviving spouse. W0055 - $34.50 Mexican War Maryland and District of Columbia Volunteers in the Mexican War. Charles J. Wells. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 104 pp. A brief history of the War (1846-48) along with muster rolls and pension information for over 1300 individuals. W0019 - $16.00 141 The Mexican War and Its Warriors: Comprising a Complete History of all the Operations of the American Armies in Mexico, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Most Distinguished Officers in the Regular Army and Volunteer Force. J. Frost, LLD. (1850), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 346 pp. This war resulted in the U.S. acquisition of a vast area including California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. This history includes extracts from contemporary correspondence, eye-witness reports, and biographies of some of the principals. F0276 - $27.00 The Mexican War: A History of its origin. Edward D. Mansfield. (1849), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 390 pp. This detailed history examines the conflict from numerous angles. M4735 - $33.00 Too Late for Blood: Florida Volunteers in the Mexican War. Russell D. James. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 152 pp. A starting point for study of both the history of Florida during this period and as a continuation of Mexican War scholarship. The stories of the five volunteer companies from Florida are enhanced with muster rolls, deaths, discharges, pensions and bounty land warrants. J3597 - $21.00 War with Mexico, 1846-1847: Doniphan’s Expedition and the Conquest of New Mexico and California. William Elsey Connelly. (1907), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 688 pp. The campaign is described here in the first-hand account of John Taylor Hughes, a private in the 1st Regiment and the official historian of the campaign. Hughes’ seminal text, Doniphan’s Expedition (originally published in 1847), offers a day-by-day retelling of events on the march culminating in the Battle of Sacramento, in which Doniphan’s 1,164 Missouri volunteers overcame some 4000 Mexican regulars to occupy Chihuahua City. C1461 - $47.00 Civil War A Buffalo Soldier’s Story. William Aleshire. (2004), 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 708 pp. The integration of government records, historical events, and newspaper articles enhance this comprehensive look at Thomas Boyne, his fellow African-American soldiers, and the officers who helped to open and preserve the West. A3140 - $66.00 A Civil War Reenactor’s Guidebook. Greg M. Romaneck. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 262 pp. This book offers living historians a treasure trove of information that will appeal to practicing reenactors, potential participant and curious spectators; with insights into not only the material world of Civil War America but also aspects of social history. R4363 - $26.50 A Grassroots History of the American Civil War, Vol. I: The Life and Times of Pvt. Ephraim Cooper One of Mr. Lincoln’s First Volunteers. Richard J. Staats. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. Volume One primarily focuses on the years from 1845 to June, 1861. The book is augmented with photos, notes, a bibliography, index and an appendix that contains rosters of the Franklin Rifles and Tyler Guards. S2373 - $25.00 142 A Grassroots History of the American Civil War, Vol. II: The Bully Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Richard J. Staats. (2003), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. First hand accounts of campaigns in Western Virginia, the Shenandoah Valley, the winter of 1861-1862, Winchester, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Chattanooga, Ringgold, the Atlanta Campaign and the aftermath. Includes footnotes, bibliography and index. S2374 - $25.50 A Grassroots History of the American Civil War, Volume III: Captain Cotter’s Battery. Richard J. Staats. 2002, 5½x8½, paper, index, 270 pp. History of the war as told by citizens and soldiers from the Portage County, Ohio, area. S2237 - $30.00 A Grassroots History of the American Civil War, Volume IV: The Life and Times of Colonel William Stedman of the 6th Ohio Cavalry. Richard J. Staats. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 428 pp. Stedman, president of the Western Anti-Slavery Society, fought in many cavalry battles on the eastern front, and at one time he commanded a brigade of Union Cavalry. He was also in the Ohio State Legislature. S2291 - $33.00 A History of the North Carolina Third Mounted Infantry Volunteers: March 1864 to August 1865. Ron V. Killian. (2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 100 pp. Discusses the brief but sensational career of the Third Mounted Infantry from its inception up to the occupation of Asheville, N.C. in 1865. Detailed accounts of engagements involving the regiment are supplemented by extensive rosters noting full name, month, year, and place of enlistment, and age at time of enlistment for officers, staff, private soldiers and musicians. A biographical sketch of Col. Kirk is also included. K1605 - $14.00 A Quaker Goes to War: The Diary of William Harvey Walter, Company F, 188th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Carol-Lynn Sappe. 2008, 8½x11, paper, 174 pp. How a humble man from Chester County, Pennsylvania lived his beliefs during and after the Civil War. The diary follows the movement of Company F during its detached service from its regiment (May 16-July 5, 1864). S4636 - $26.00 A Third Life, a Novel. G. Owen McGinnis. (2006), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 324 pp. This extensively researched historical novel explores a moral dilemma for a farm family struggling to survive reconstruction in northeast Alabama in 1870. Its vivid portrayal of the land, the people and the period will allow readers to see the surroundings and hear the words of a different time. M4125 - $35.50 Across the Rappahannock. Bradley Finfrock. (1994), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 280 pp. The Battle of Fredericksburg comes to life through soldiers’ diaries and letters. A very readable text is accompanied by modern photographs of the battlefield and computer drawn maps prepared by Mr. Donald Peterson of N.Y. F0045 - $32.00 143 Alien Horseman: An Italian Shavetail with Custer. J. C. Ladenheim. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 380 pp. Major (Count) Charles C. De Rudio, U.S.A. (Ret.), Italian by birth and American by adoption, “gave his youth to the cause of Italian liberty and spent thirty-two years of unblemished service in the United States Army.” An informative biography that interlaces De Rudio’s para-military and military experiences with his family life from childhood through adulthood as both husband and father. L2383 - $34.00 Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, 1861-1862. Allen C. Fuller. (1863, 1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 430 pp. Lists Illinois regiments and commissioned officers. F0228 - $30.00 Answering the Call: The Organization and Recruiting of the Potomac Home Brigade, Maryland Volunteers, Summer and Fall, 1861. Keith O. Gary. (1996, 2005), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 312 pp. Based on the author’s collection of original Civil War documents and letters, this volume provides a unique look at Marylanders who answered the call for volunteer recruits in the summer of 1861. G0521 - $28.00 Battle of Plymouth, North Carolina (April 17-20, 1864): The Last Confederate Victory. Juanita Patience Moss. (2003), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. In this book you will read about the second largest battle in North Carolina. It was fought at Plymouth where the Confederates tasted their last victory. Intense drama took place during four days filled with surprise, fate, intrigue, bravery, ingenuity, hope, daring, dedication, gallantry, victory, disappointment, and defeat. M0852 - $32.00 Battlefields, Bibles and Bandages: Portraying an American Civil War Nun. Kelsey Jones. (2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 116 pp. This instructional manual will give you the basic facts of the life of Civil War Nuns and how to portray these women who served as nurses and caregivers on both sides of the conflict. The Catholic Church’s basic beliefs, prayers, and surgical techniques are included. J3582 $18.50 Benning’s Brigade: Volume 1, A History and Roster of the Fifteenth Georgia. J. David Dameron. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 232 pp. Benning’s Brigade is a history and roster of the individual regiments which comprised the unit. Personal reflections from diaries, journals, correspondence, and reports provide a uniquely southern perspective of the American Civil War. D2445 - $23.00 Benning’s Brigade: Volume 2, A History and Roster of the Second, Seventeenth, and Twentieth Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiments. J. David Dameron, Jr. (2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 494 pp. This volume is a history and roster of the individual regiments. Personal reflections from diaries, journals, correspondence, and reports provide a uniquely southern perspective of the American Civil War. D3175 - $40.00 144 Beside the Stone Wall. Harriet Bey Mesic. (2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 312 pp. Experience the trauma of life during the Civil War through the eyes of Lewis Wrenn and his Fredericksburg, Va., neighbors. Numerous photographs, biographical sketches, a genealogy of Lewis Wrenn, extensive footnotes, and an index add to the value of this well-researched fictionalized history. M3152 - $31.50 Bivouac of the Dead. Mark Hughes. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 346 pp. This book lists over 2,400 burial sites where United States soldiers were buried during the Civil War and the Indian Wars. All major Civil War battlefields and most western post cemeteries are included, with much neverbefore-published information. This book is the key to finding the reburial locations. It does not, however, provide the names of individual soldiers. The cemeteries are listed alphabetically by state and contain the following information: history, dates and number of burials, and volume numbers of The Roll of Honor that contain the names of the soldiers buried in that cemetery. H0260 - $30.50 Brandy Station: A Battle Like None Other. Richard E. Crouch. 2002, 6x9, cloth, index, 296 pp. The story of the largest cavalry engagement ever fought on the American continent includes the experiences of large numbers of individual soldiers and civilians who witnessed, participated, and lived through that extraordinary day. C9797 - $28.00 Civil War and Living History ReenactingAbout “People of Color”. How to Begin, What to Wear, Why Reenact. Mary L. Jackson Fears. (2004), 2013, 8½x11, paper, index, 180 pp. Love history? Why not live it? This guide will inspire African-Americans to attend Civil War battle reenactments and join in the living history experience as reenactors. Illustrated. F2513 - $28.50 Civil War Letters and Diary of Andrew H. Galeof the 137th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. Richard T. Gillespie. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 194 pp. A combination of personal accounts and official records tracing the 137th Regiment’s movements and activities, including battles and army transfers, from 1862 until late 1865. Civil War era photos, maps, facsimiles of some of the letters. G3278 - $27.50 Civil War Stories: Tales of Everyday Soldiers and Civilians, Volume 1. Greg M. Romaneck. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 316 pp. This two-volume social history offers a unique, up close and personal look at the lives of everyday soldiers and civilians: refugees, slaves, infantryman longing to return home, and the cost of America’s bloodiest war. R4598 - $29.00 Civil War Stories: Tales of Everyday Soldiers and Civilians, Volume 2. Greg M. Romaneck. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 282 pp. This two-volume social history offers a unique, up close and personal look at the lives of everyday soldiers and civilians: refugees, slaves, infantryman longing to return home, and the cost of America’s bloodiest war. R4599 - $27.00 145 Company A of the Fortieth Georgia Infantry Regiment in the Confederate Service. Dorothy Holland Herring. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 227 pp. This company was organized in Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia in 1862 and fought in Tenn., Miss., Ga. and N.C. H0620 - $19.00 Company C of the Twenty-Second Georgia Infantry Regiment in the Confederate Service. Dorothy Holland Herring. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. A history of one rural Georgia company. Probably representative of most companies in the Army of Northern Virginia. H0600 $26.00 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, the Confederate Units and the Indian Units. Stewart Sifakis. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 242 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Kentucky, Maryland, or Missouri will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0700 $26.95 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Louisiana. Stewart Sifakis. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Louisiana will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0698 - $24.95 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Mississippi. Stewart Sifakis. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 164 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Mississippi will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0693 - $26.95 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: North Carolina. Stewart Sifakis. (1992), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 204 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. This volume details the activities of North Carolina’s units in the Confederacy. S0696 - $24.95 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: South Carolina and Georgia. Stewart Sifakis. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 322 pp. Details the activities of this states’ units in the Confederacy. S0692 - $24.95 146 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Tennessee. Stewart Sifakis. (1995), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 212 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Tennessee will want to own this volume that details the activities of Tennessee’s units in the Confederacy. S0694 - $29.95 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Texas. Stewart Sifakis. (1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 162 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. This volume details the activities of Texas’s units in the Confederacy. S0699 - $26.95 Confederate Casualties at First and Second Manassas. Robert E. Smith. (2001), 2006, 6x9, paper, 458 pp. This book offers the first comprehensive look at casualties in these two important battles of Manassas Plains, Virginia. It is designed around the Infantry only, however, a few names in the Artillery and Cavalry have been shown. S0703 - $33.00 Confederate Cemeteries, Volume 1. Mark Hughes. (2002), paper, index, 436 pp. Over 9,500 soldiers and civilians buried in 30 cemeteries in Virginia. H2050 - $35.50 Confederate Cemeteries, Volume 2. Mark Hughes. (2003), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 522 pp. This book lists the names of over 10,500 Confederate soldiers that died during the Civil War. Includes Blandford Cemetery at Petersburg, Stauton’s Thornrose Cemetery, Ashland’s Woodland Cemetery, the University of Virginia’s Soldier’s Cemetery, Woodbine Cemetery at Harrisonburg, Fredericksburg’s Confederate Cemetery, and the Old City Cemetery at Lynchburg. H2345 - $44.50 Confederate Sailors, Marines and Signalmen from Virginia and Maryland. Robert J. Driver, Jr. 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 524 pp. Contains listings of men from Va. and Md. who served as: Confederate Naval officers and sailors; Confederate Marine Corps officers and enlisted men; and Confederate Signal Corps officers, signalmen and telegraph operators. Amount of entry data varies. Includes photographs. D4279 - $39.50 Custer’s Thorn: The Life of Frederick W. Benteen. Jules C. Ladenheim. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 384 pp. This book offers a concise biography of Frederick William Benteen, a pivotal character in the Custer saga, who saw service in the Civil War, at the Little Bighorn Battle, and in the subjugation of the Nez Perce. Often faulted for character defects—but never for want of bravery. L3646 - $35.00 147 Cyrus Hamlin’s Civil War: Letters of the Vice President’s Son on the Civil War and Reconstruction. David M. Gold. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 146 pp. Hamlin’s letters are uniquely valuable for the light they shed on the history of the Ullmann Brigade, providing unprecedented insight into a neglected chapter of the African American experience in the Civil War. Map and vintage portraits. G5329 - $19.50 Dr. Samuel A. Mudd and the Lincoln Assassination. John E. McHale, Jr. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 146 pp. Describes Dr. Samuel Mudd’s assistance to the disguised assassin of President Lincoln; Mudd’s arrest, conviction, and imprisonment; and recent efforts to. clear his name. M1691 $18.00 Ever True: Civil War Letters of Seward’s New York 9th Heavy Artillery of Wayne and Cayuga Counties between a soldier, his wife and his Canadian family. Lisa Saunders. (2004, 2006), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 204 pp. Read little known details about: personal contacts with Lincoln and Seward; battles of Cold Harbor, Jerusalem Plank Road, Monocacy, Opequon, Cedar Creek, the Siege of Petersburg, Mosby’s Men, and much more. S2526 - $19.50 Famous Adventures and Prison Escapes of the Civil War. G. W. Cable et al. (1915, 2003), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 354 pp. Seven writers contributed to this collection of exciting Civil War adventures. C2276 - $31.00 First and Second Maryland Cavalry, C. S. A. Robert J. Driver, Jr. 1999, 6x9, photos, 368 pp. When Maryland’s Elected officials pledged allegiance to the Union, many of her sons went South. This scholarly work from a noted Civil War historian is a thorough history of two battalions of Confederate Marylanders. Detailed muster rolls reflect more than two decades of research. D9024 $34.95 First Maryland Artillery and Second Maryland Artillery. George L. Sherwood. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 214 pp. Both the First and Second Maryland Artillery served with distinction with the Army of Northern Virginia for nearly the entire war. This is their story, presented in the words of the members of the units whenever possible. Material was often gleaned from unpublished manuscripts. S4495 $23.50 First, for the Duration: The Story of the Eighth (8th) Alabama Infantry, C.S.A. Linda L. Green. 2008, 6x9, paper, index, 270 pp. Join the Eighth Alabama Infantry on its journey-from its organization, to the Peninsula Campaign, Second Manassas to Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg to Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Petersburg, and ultimately Appomattox. Includes rosters and transcribed notes. G4553 - $26.00 148 Footsteps Across the Confederacy: Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee. Dave Comeau. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 302 pp. This captivating journal, written from the refreshing perspective of a Canadian with a passion for Civil War history, examines battlefields across Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Maps, photos, a bibliography, and an index enhance the text. C3583 - $30.50 Footsteps Across the Confederacy: Virginia, West Virginia and the Carolinas. Dave Comeau. (2005), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 364 pp. This captivating journal, written from the refreshing perspective of a Canadian with a passion for Civil War history, examines battlefields across Virginia, West Virginia, and the Carolinas. Maps, photos, a bibliography, and an index enhance the text. C0962 - $34.00 Forgotten Soldiers: History of the 2nd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry Regiment (USA) 18611865. Eddie M. Nikazy. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 288 pp. This story of a Southern unit that fought for the preservation of the Union is based almost entirely on primary sources such as the Official Records of the War of Rebellion and muster rolls in the National Archives. The first third of the book presents an interesting and thorough background (fully annotated), and a brief history of the regiment, and then details of the regiment’s organization. The bulk of the book is an appendix which summarizes the service records of 1,401 men who served with the 2nd Tennessee. N0571 - $27.50 Forgotten Soldiers: History of the 4th Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry (USA), 18631865. Eddie M. Nikazy. (1995), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 172 pp. Many people may be unaware of any support for the Union in Tennessee and the role played by soldiers from East Tennessee. Based almost entirely on primary sources, this history relates the events in the record of the 4th Regiment. By examining the service records of 1,040 soldiers, Nikazy is able to give particular attention to personal detail and chronicle the lives of men from Greene, Grainger, Carter, Johnson, Cocke, and Washington Counties. There is biographical data on both the officers and soldiers. N0241 - $19.00 Forrest’s Forgotten Horse Brigadier. H. Gerald Starnes. (1995), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. The wartime encounters of officers and privates of Starnes’ 4th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment are traced in detail; includes a genealogical account of Col. Starnes’ family. S0234 - $19.50 Fort Powell and the Civil War: Western Approaches to Mobile Bay, 1861-1865. Sidney H. Schell. 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 224 pp. Fort Powell was built on an oyster reef on Grants Pass in Alabama. This history of the defense of the western approach to Mobile Bay details the reasons Grants Pass was fortified and includes the history of those who built, defended and attacked it. S5425 - $28.00 Four Months in Libby, and the Campaign Against Atlanta. Capt I. N. Johnston. (1864, 1995), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 194 pp. The accounts are noteworthy for their vivid battlefield descriptions, clear accounts of the marches and locales, and observations on strategy. J0155 - $22.00 149 From Beardstown to Andersonville: The Civil War Letters of Newton Paschal and Tommy Paschal, Revised Edition. Joseph E. Fulton. (1998), 2011, 6x9, paper, index, 224 pp. These letters describe the Battle of Brice’s Cross Roads, movements and actions of the 114th Illinois, Newton’s imprisonment in Andersonville, and much more. F5331 - $24.00 From Pastime to Passion: Baseball and the Civil War. Patricia Millen. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 140 pp. While baseball’s favorite myth regarding Abner Doubleday is proven to be false, America’s favorite pastime is clearly a part of American history. Ice baseball; prison camps; Albert Spalding and the quest to prove baseball’s American origin; and much more are discussed. M1775 - $15.95 From Providence to Fort Hell: Letters from Company K, Seventh Rhode Island Volunteers. Robert Grandchamp. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. Letters of six soldiers are presented exactly as written, along with historical narrative and identification of those mentioned in the text. This unvarnished view of one small group of men at war includes a roster, images, bibliographical notes, and an every name index. G3743 - $21.00 From Rochester to Winchester: The Regimental History of the 22nd New York Cavalry 18641865. Michael G. Burns. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 268 pp. This regiment was involved in the Wilderness, the Wilson Railroad Raid, the Shenandoah Valley Campaign, and Waynesboro. It includes the diary of Seth M. Hall, Private, Co. M, who died at Salisbury Prison. B0586 - $23.00 Furlough: The Civil War Diaries of Sarah Belle Bright and Charles Alexander Elder of Trenton, Tennessee 1861-1867. Andrew Hays. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 74 pp. These transcribed diaries, augmented by historical notes, tell of the courage, honor, self-sacrifice and kindness of two young people caught in the middle of the Civil War. H4778 - $13.00 General Henry Lewis Benning: “This was a man,” A Biography of Georgia’s Supreme Court Justice and Confederate General. J. David Dameron. (2001, 2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 464 pp. In the courtroom and on the field of battle, Henry Benning fought diligently for his beliefs. While Benning excelled as a military leader, his skills in the arena of law are legendary as well. D2444 - $35.00 General Reub Williams’s Memories of Civil War Times. Sally Hogan. (2004), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 330 pp. Gen. Reuben Williams relates his experiences in battles and instances of camp life. The dates, anecdotes, and facts have all been preserved here as the General related them. H2517 $24.50 150 Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Illinois: Transcription of the Death Rolls, 18791947. Dennis Northcott and Thomas Brooks. 2003, 8½x11, paper, 537 pp. This book contains death records of more than 32,000 members of the Department of Illinois, who served in Civil War regiments from thirty-six states. N3440 - $30.00 Grant’s Keeper: The Life of John A. Rawlins. J. C. Ladenheim. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 286 pp. This is the story of John Rawlins, who was Ulysses S. Grant’s trusted confident, advisor and critic. Without him, many doubt that Grant could have fulfilled his destiny as a distinguished military commander. Brief outlines of battles in which Grant participated, maps, and photos are included. L5333 - $25.50 Gravesites of the Civil War Generals: Confederate, Union and Brevetted Generals Final Resting Places. Ethan F. Bishop. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 186 pp. Listed here is a checklist for the gravesites of commanders of both sides during the Civil War: 583 Union generals, 1404 brevetted Union generals, 425 full-rank Confederate generals, and 137 honorary Confederate generals. B3180 - $22.00 *Not on HB website. Hard Dying Men: The Story of General W.H.L. Wallace, General T.E.G. Ransom, and Their Old Eleventh Illinois Infantry in the American Civil War (1861-1865). Jim Huffstodt. (1991), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 364 pp. This work discusses the role of the Eleventh in the various battles of the Civil War, but the emphasis is on the human element of the war: how the soldiers felt, acted, and lived. See them progress from raw recruits in their first skirmish to hardened veterans, enduring the physical and mental hardships of battle. The soldiers’ correspondence provides us with compelling accounts of the uncertainties of war. The induction of Negroes into the Union Army brought mixed feelings, which would later turn to respect. H0510 - $32.00 Hardtack and Coffee: or, The Unwritten Story of Army Life. John D. Billings. (1887, 1990), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 428 pp. This book attempts to comprehensively record army life of the common soldier in detail, “to permanently record information which the history of no other war has preserved with equal accuracy and completeness.” Topics include: enlisting and raw recruits, life in tents and log huts, rations, offences and punishments, drills, foraging, inventions and devices of war, the army mule, hospitals and ambulances, army road and bridge builders, signal flags and torches, and much more. Charles W. Reed did sketches in the field; over 200 of his drawings are included. B3372 - $35.00 Headed for Dixie and Trouble: The Civil War Journal of Will L.Wade. Ronald Cannon. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 200 pp. The journal of Private Will Wade (Co. G, Eleventh Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry) reveals an average soldier who did his duty, but who increasingly looked to his life beyond the army. Includes: Shiloh, Vicksburg and Atlanta. C5400 - $23.00 Heartbreak of a Civil War Widow: Life of Sarah Harper McWhirter, 1825-1883, Including Harper Family Ancestry Traced to Oxfordshire, Noke, England in Early 1500’s and Selected Information on the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV. Glenda McWhirter Todd. 2010, 6x9, paper, index, 338 pp. Sarah Harper McWhirter’s life, including her experiences during and after the Civil War. Illustrated. T5252 - $30.00 151 History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-65: Volume 1. L. Allison Wilmer, J. H. Jarrett, and George W. F. Vernon. (1898), 2007, 8½x11, cloth, 850 pp. The first of the original two volumes which were published under the authority of the General Assembly of Maryland in 1898 and are the standard reference for determining the unit or units in which a Marylander served in the Union Army or Navy. Taken from muster rolls of the office of the Adjutant-General of Maryland. This volume contains the history and lists those who served in the Army. W0002 - $88.00 History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-1865: Volume 2. L. Allison Wilmer, J. H. Jarrett, and George W. F. Vernon. (1899), 2007, 8½x11, cloth, 300 pp. Over 5,000 names of sailors and marines who were accredited to the State of Maryland during the Civil War. Records include the sailor/officers name, rank, date of enlistment and discharge, vessels they served on and remarks. W2142 - $36.50 History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-1865, Index. Martha Reamy and Bill Reamy. 1990, 8½x11, cloth, 156 pp. Provides a complete index for all Maryland soldiers in the War of 1861-1865, which accompanied the two volume series. R0014 - $21.50 History of the 144th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. James Harvey McKee. (1903, 1994), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 446 pp. A personal history of the Regiment that was recorded in the war diaries and letters of officers and soldiers of the 144th Regiment from Delaware Co., New York. Includes a complete roster. M9007 - $36.00 History of the 14th Georgia Infantry Regiment. Ray Dewberry. (2004), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 136 pp. This book is a great read for those who want the soldier’s story of America’s most researched war. Descendents of veterans of the 14th Georgia Infantry regiment will find this book provides a living memory of their ancestors. D0913 - $17.50 History of the Thirteenth Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865. A Diary Covering Three Years and a Day. S. Millett Thompson. (1888), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 734 pp. Unit history and rosters. T1517 - $52.00 I Belong to the 116th: A Narrative of the 116th Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. Gerald L. Earley. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 324 pp. Composed of yeomen from the “butternut” portion of Ohio, the 116th Ohio Volunteer Infantry fought with distinction in some of the fiercest battles of the Civil War. E2529 - $25.00 152 I Seat Myself to Write you a Few Lines: Civil War and Homestead Letters from Thomas Lucas and Family. Dona Bayard Sauerburger and Thomas Lucas Bayard. (2002), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 2 vols., 470 pp. The first section of this book covers the Civil War years in 380 letters written by, and written to, Thomas Lucas. The second section gives eloquent descriptions of life after the war and the family’s move west to Nebraska in almost 150 letters and memoirs. The third section provides brief biographical sketches of Thomas Lucas, his family, and others. S4167 - $62.00 In View of the Great Want of Labor: The Legislative History on Employment of African Americans in the Confederate States of America. E. Renee Ingram. (1999), 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 237 pp. This reference book provides insight into extensive involvement and the role of African Americans in the South, especially in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Contains the names of over 1,800 persons, their age, description, nativity, enlistment and assignment. I9018 - $33.00 Indian Territory, 1861-1865: The Forts, the Battles, the Soldiers. Ethel Crisp Taylor. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 622 pp. This book contains photos and information on the forts, maps, location of the battles and the remaining rosters of both Confederate and Union troops. It also contains the treaties between the Confederate States and the Indian Nations.This book contains photos and information on the forts, maps, location of the battles and the remaining rosters of both Confederate and Union troops. It also contains the treaties between the Confederate States and the Indian Nations. T3398 - $46.00 Iverson Granderson, First Class ‘Colored’ Boy, Union Navy (1863-1865). Jeanette Braxton Secret. (1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 398 pp. Much more than a biography of one man, this book is a history of Union naval warships, naval battles and the contrabands, or colored sailors, who served the Union cause. Colored casualties aboard Union ships are also listed. Ms. Secret compiled a roster of all Granderson(s) and/or Grandison(s) in the Civil War. Many documents are reproduced in full. These include pension declarations and claims, medical testaments, requests for increases in pensions, affidavits, marriage records, widow’s pension documents and more. S1010 - $33.00 James B. Eads: The Civil War Ironclads and His Mississippi. Rex T. Jackson. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 126 pp. Get to know James Buchanan Eads, one of the world’s most accomplished engineers in all history, who was inducted in 1920 into the Hall of Fame for Great Americans. J2477 - $16.00 Keystone Thunder: Pennsylvania Field Artillery in the Civil War. Richard W. McCoy. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 278 pp. An illustrated narrative history of the entire Pennsylvania field artillery service during the Civil War with informational appendices. M5373 - $27.00 King William County in the Civil War, Along Mangohick Byways. Dorothy Francis Atkinson. (1990), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 290 pp. Originally published by H. E. Howard, this is a slightly revised edition. A0744 - $27.00 153 Letters Home: Civil War Letters by Bishop Asbury Cook, Private in the 144th Regiment of the New York Volunteer Infantry. Donald R. Hunt, Sr. and Frank R. Hathaway. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 374 pp. This book tells the story of western settlement from the perspective of the missionaries, thus offering a unique view of the history of the Oregon Territory. H1478 - $32.00 Letters to a Civil War Bride: The Civil War Letters of Captain Wolcott Pascal Marsh. Sandra Marsh Mercer and Jerry Mercer. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 552 pp. These letters, written by Captain Wolcott Pascal Marsh to his young bride during the Civil War, were written on the battlefield and give detailed descriptions of daily life in the Union Army, battle strategies, and much more. M3685 $47.50 Libby Life: Experiences of a Prisoner of War in Richmond, Virginia, 1863-64. F. F. Cavada. (1863, 1994), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, new index, 221 pp. This is the memoir of Lt. Col. F. F. Cavada who was captured two days before the defeat of the rebel forces at Gettysburg and conveyed to Richmond where he spent one year in the rebel prison known as Libby. Composed of notes and sketches taken while imprisoned, this account was published months after his release. Lt. Col. Cavada gives us a vivid record of daily life in Libby. C0051 - $25.00 Loudoun County and the Civil War. Civil War Centennial Commission. 1998, 6x9, paper, index, 80 pp. Primarily a Civil War guide book to the county. L0037 - $14.00 Major Granville Haller: Dismissed with Malice. Guy Breshears. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 172 pp. Major Granville Haller was a successful military officer before his sudden and unjust dismissal from the service. Haller’s struggle to restore his name and rank is told here through his writings, official reports and court depositions so that all will recognize his contributions to the nation that dismissed him with malice. B3801 - $22.50 Map: Union and Confederate Works around Petersburg. Reproduction Map, 11x17, linen paper MP0012 - $5.00 Map: Union and Confederate Works around Spottsylvania Court House. Reproduction Map, 11x17, linen paper MP0013 - $5.00 Marylanders in the Confederacy. Daniel D. Hartzler. (1986), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 430 pp. Identifies over 11,000 serving in the Confederacy. 1,670 references: besides standard references are also letters, journals, magazines, scrapbooks, pamphlets, personal recollections. Lists individuals by name, unit, highest rank held in the War, last residence in Md., if known, and source of information. Discussion of Maryland units, lists graduates from West Point, Naval Academy, colleges and academies, physicians, clergymen, divided families. H0000 - $32.00 Memoirs of a Lincoln Conspirator. Samuel Bland Arnold and Michael W. Kauffman. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 224 pp. Based on Arnold’s diaries, it is the only full-length account of Booth’s conspiracy written by one of the accused. Published as a newspaper series in 1902, it is reproduced here verbatim, along with supplementary notes, appendices, and photographs. K0367 $23.50 154 Mobile Confederates from Shiloh to Spanish Fort: The Story of the 21st Alabama Infantry Volunteers. Arthur E. Green. 2012, 8½x11, paper, 388 pp. The 21st Regiment included existing companies such as the French Guards, the Spanish Guards, the British Guards and the Mobile Cadets. The abstracted compiled service records of almost 3,000 men who served are contained in this roster. G5376 - $42.00 PDF: Mobile Confederates from Shiloh to Spanish Fort: The Story of the 21st Alabama Infantry Volunteers. Arthur E. Green. 2012, 8½x11, paper, 388 pp. The 21st Regiment included existing companies such as the French Guards, the Spanish Guards, the British Guards and the Mobile Cadets. The abstracted compiled service records of almost 3,000 men who served are contained in this roster. PDF-G5376 - $33.60 Mosby’s Fighting Parson: The Life and Times of Sam Chapman. Peter A. Brown. 2001, 6x9, cloth, index, 423 pp. A detailed life story of this Mosby ranger; also releases new information on the inner workings of Mosby’s Command and its scope of operations. B0668 - $29.95 My Reminiscences of the G.A.R. Richard Partington. (2004), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 186 pp. This 3part work includes: reminiscences of the G. A. R., with brief accounts of numerous veterans, some known personally by the author; the 75th Reunion of the Blue and Gray in Gettysburg in 1938 where the author interviewed and photographed some of the veterans as he went around the encampment; and a portion of the diary kept by William H. H. Ogden, Sr. (the author’s great grandfather) during the last years of his enlistment in West Virginia, 1862-1864. Numerous vintage photographs enhance the text. P2502 - $24.00 Nevada Civil War Claims: Legislative Reports, 1888-1900. Diane E Greene, AG. (1888-1900), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 486 pp. Facsimile reprints of legislative reports for Nevada Civil War claims submitted between April 16, 1888 and May 16, 1900. Reports offer a richly detailed explanation of conditions and events related to “the suppression of the rebellion.” Numerous tables and lists are included. G0956 - $38.00 New Hampshire Civil War Death and Burial Locations. Phyllis O. Longver. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 682 pp. More than two million men answered the call of the Union cause between 1861 and 1865. The final resting places of over 10,000 New Hampshire residents who played a part in the “War Between the States” are listed in this ambitious work. Arranged alphabetically by surname, this book is extremely easy to use. The author has endeavored to include the following information, wherever known, for each entry: first name and initial, regiment and company, death date and location, burial location and source citation. L1534 - $52.00 New York Soldiers in the Civil War, a Roster of Military Officers and Soldiers Who Served in New York Regiments in the Civil War as Listed in the Annual Reports of the Adjutant General of the State of New York, Volume 2 L-Z. Richard A. Wilt. (1999), 2007, 8½x11, paper, 398 pp. The original, unindexed rosters published in 1894 by the state of New York are now available in this alphabetical, columnar format that lists each soldier’s name and regiment(s). W1209 - $57.00 155 Prisoners of War 1861-65: A Record of Personal Experiences, and a Study of the Condition and Treatment of Prisoners on Both Sides During the War of the Rebellion. Thomas Sturgis. (1912), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 90 pp. The author was a Union guard over Camp Morton near Indianapolis, Indiana in 1864, and a prisoner at Libby Prison in Richmond, Virginia in 1865. S2342 $14.00 Proud to Say I am a Union Soldier: The Last Letters Home from Federal Soldiers Written During the Civil War, 1861-1865. Franklin R. Crawford. (2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 272 pp. This unique volume contains the final correspondence written by brave soldiers that did not survive the Civil War: some died on the battlefield during combat; others understood they were about to die. C3189 - $29.50 Recollections of a Rebel Reefer. James Morris Morgan. (1917), reprint, paper, index, 491 pp. Autobiography of an Annapolis midshipman who trained on “Old Ironsides,” served on the Confederate cruiser “Georgia,” and was later an officer in the Egyptian service. This fascinating narrative is hard to put down. M2306 - $40.00 Recollections of the Civil War. Charles A. Dana. (1898), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 296 pp. Dana served the War Department in various capacities until he was appointed special commissioner, and sent to the front to investigate the paymasters of the Western Army in March, 1863. By April, Dana was operating out of the headquarters of Gen. Grant and was reporting to the department about events at the front. This text is drawn mainly from these field reports and from his personal collection of papers and memoirs, enriched by numerous character sketches. Dana’s experiences at Chickamauga, Chattanooga and the Wilderness in particular are vividly recounted. 9780788417863 D1786 - $25.50 OUT OF PRINT? Remember Me. The Civil War letters of Lt. George Robinson and his son, Sgt. James F. Robinson of “The Glenn”, Hamburg, South Carolina 1861-1862. Richard L. Beach. (1991), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 92 pp. A chronicle of the early months of the Civil War told in letters by Lt. George Robinson and his son, Sgt. James F. Robinson. These men give the modern reader not only a glimpse of history from a first-hand point of view, but also the inner thoughts of both an officer and an enlisted man in one volume. Father and son began writing letters home from Charleston, South Carolina, on 9 January 1861, describing their daily life. B0503 - 17.00 Saddle and Saber: The Letters of Civil War Cavalryman Corporal Nelson Taylor. Dr. Gray Nelson Taylor. (1993), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 246 pp. In this unique collection of 103 letters (an unbroken series), Taylor graphically describes some of the 141 separate engagements his regiment was involved in. He does not dwell on battle scenes, the carnage, or statistics, however, but writes poignantly of the everyday life of a soldier. Dr. Taylor has added explanatory notes on the formation of the Ninth New York State Volunteer Cavalry in Chautauqua County, as well as on the forces influencing the movements of the Ninth New York Cavalry. T0847 - $24.00 156 Soldier Boy: Letters and History of an Illinois Union Soldier Who Left His Family and Farm and Fought in Sherman’s Destructive Army from Tennessee through Atlanta to the Carolinas. Betty E. More. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 426 pp. This book follows Eugene McBride Swaggert and the 92nd through Ky. and Tn., then to Chickamauga, Ala., Atlanta, Savannah and “the Carolina Mud March.” M1551 - $40.50 Southern Boots and Saddles: The Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry C.S.A., First Regiment Alabama and Florida Cavalry, 1863-1865. Arthur E. Green. (2005), 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 230 pp. Contains transcribed military service records of 1,611 brave Southern men who served with the Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry. A short history of the regiment and its movements precede the service records. G3813 - $40.00 Sufferings of Union Soldiers in Southern Prisons: Transcript of Andersonville Trial. Samuel J. M. Andrews. (1870, 1996), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 98 pp. “Captain Henry Wirz, the Confederate officer in immediate command of the prison stockade at Andersonville, was, in the year 1865, tried by a Military Commission, at Washington, D.C., and convicted and executed for his brutality to the prisoners under his control.” Samuel John Mills Andrews had been a prisoner at Andersonville and was one of the many witnesses at that trial. Hence he obtained a copy of the transcripts, which he published in 1870; which contain a personal narrative of the horrors he endured there. Helen Cox Tregillis adds some background information about Andrews and Wirz. A0573 - $18.50 Sultana, Index to Rev. Chester D. Berry’s Loss of the Sultana and Reminiscences of Survivors. Kim S. Harrison. 1991, 8½x11, paper, 33 pp. Created as a useful companion to the Rev. Berry’s work which was published in 1892. The Sultana is a history of a disaster that took over 1,500 lives of returning Union soldiers recently released from Cahaba and Andersonville prisons, plus passengers and crew. H0006 - $10.00 The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln: Flight, Pursuit, Capture, and Punishment of the Conspirators. Osborn H. Oldroyd. (1901), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 332 pp. Oldroyd was a collector of Lincolniana for forty years. His book includes accounts of Lincoln’s assassination, the pursuit of Booth afterward, the subsequent trials, and the people and places Oldroyd encountered on an 80-mile walk along Booth’s escape route. O0360 - $25.00 The Baraboo Guards, a Novel of the American Civil War. John K. Driscoll. (1995), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 310 pp. This well researched historical novel follows four members of a company of volunteers from Sauk County, Wisconsin, who name themselves the Baraboo Guards. It tells the tale of one of the regiments of the famous Iron Brigade of the Federal Army of the Potomac in the Civil War. D4122 - $31.00 The Battle of Sacramento: Forrest’s First Fight, a Skirmish of Future Generals. John K. Ward. 2012,5½x8½, paper, index, 132 pp. This well-documented and well-illustrated history includes the after-action activities of twenty-three participants, and a section devoted to weapons. Few small military engagements saw the beginning careers of so many future high-ranking officers. W5405 $18.50 157 The Beginning and the End: The Story of Civil War Surrenders. Dayton E. Pryor. (2001, 2005), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 500 pp. Covers surrenders prior Fort Sumter being attacked and concludes with the surrender of Indian Territory tribes, the release of prisoners of war, and the firing of the last shot in Aleutian waters on June 28. This work is complimented with maps, illustrations and a combined fullname plus subject index. P2007 - $35.00 The Civil War Diary of Lieutenant Robert Molford Addison, Co. E, 23rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, December 24, 1863 - December 29, 1864. Diane E. Greene. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 190 pp. Covers the period December 1863 through 1864, discussing the battles and the Red River Campaign that followed. G0656 - $19.00 The Civil War Letters of William A. Robinson and the Story of the 89th New York Volunteer Infantry. Robert J. Taylor. (2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 196 pp. William A. Robinson served at Antietam, South Mountain, Fredericksburg, Suffolk, Va., the Federal siege of Fort Sumpter (1863), Cold Harbor, Petersburgh and Fair Oaks. Letters are transcribed in their entirety, with a history of the 89th N.Y. T1580 - $22.00 The Civil War Memoirs of Sergeant George W. Darby. Rogan H. Moore. (1999), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 186 pp. Darby served throughout the Civil War. He was severely wounded at the Second Bull Run and was imprisoned by the Confederates at Belle Isle and Libby. His memoirs carry the reader through 1861 to 1865. M1307 - $20.00 The Civil War Veterans of San Diego: Including Citations to Genealogical Research Sources in San Diego, California. Barbara Palmer. 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 350 pp. Cemetery and intake records from two San Diego G.A.R. posts for nearly 2,000 Civil War veterans who migrated to San Diego after the war from places like New York, Ohio, Missouri, Germany, and England. P3580 $56.00 The Confederate Dead in Brooklyn: Biographical Sketches of 513 Confederate POWs. John F. Walter. (2003, 2004), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 228 pp. Brief biographical sketches are devoted to the more than 500 Confederate POWs who are buried in Cypress Hills National Cemetery in Brooklyn and Queens Counties, part of the City of New York. W2452 - $24.50 The Cornwell Chronicles: Tales of an American Life on the Erie Canal, Building Chicago, in the Volunteer Civil War Western Army, on the farm, in a country store. John Wearmouth. 1998, 8½x11, paper, indices, 301 pp. Gives the first published eyewitness account of Black Union troops in their most glorious victory of the Civil War. A detailed account of the incredible courage and carnage at Ft. Donelson, Shiloh and the action of the 1500-man African Brigade at Miliken’s Bend, La. on June 7, 1863. W1083 - $46.50 The Diuguid Records, 1861-1865, and Biographical Sketches. Jerry H. Markham. 2007, 6x9, paper, 434 pp. Using Mr. Diuguid’s burial records (Diuguid Funeral Home, Lynchburg, Va.) and other sources, this volume provides the names of soldiers prepared for burial, burial location, date of death or burial, cause of death (as available), and for many, biographical information. M4292 - $42.00 158 The Final Resting Places of the Gettysburg Commanders: A List of the Gravesites of the Corps, Division, Brigade, and Regimental Commanders Who Served at Gettysburg. Ethan F. Bishop. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 132 pp. A complete Order of Battle for the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia who served at Gettysburg. All known burial locations for the officers are given. B2571 - $18.50 *Not on HB website. The First and Second Maryland Infantry, C.S.A. Robert J. Driver, Jr. 2003, 6x9, cloth, index, 581 pp. The First Maryland Infantry was formed from Marylanders who chose to cast their lot with the Confederacy against a Union government that had invaded their state and established martial law, forcing those who disagreed with the invasion of the South to join the Confederates or to submit to what they considered as tyranny. Disbanded in 1862, they quickly reorganized and gathered new recruits to become the Second Maryland Infantry. D0901 - $35.00 The Forgotten Black Soldiers in White Regiments During the Civil War, Revised Edition. Juanita Patience Moss. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 180 pp. The author’s research began after being told that black soldiers only served with segregated units. Her great grandfather, an identifiably “Col’d” man, served in a white regiment. The hundreds of names listed here prove that he was not alone. M4647 - $21.00 The Gettysburg Battlefield: The Union Regimental Commanders, a Guide to the Battlefield Sites of the Union Regimental Commanders Who Were Casualties. Ethan F. Bishop. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 368 pp. Learn about the officers in direct command of the Union regiments who were casualties in the battle; from their wounding sites to their final resting places. Brief biographies are included. B3859 - $32.00 *Not on HB website. The Hell-Hole in Georgia: Sherman vs. Johnston May 22 - June 2, 1864. Jeffrey S. Dean. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 144 pp. The Atlanta Campaign in Paulding County, Georgia (May 22-June 2, 1864), is remembered by combatants on both sides as the most desperate fighting of the entire war—a veritable “Hell-Hole.” Seven maps, an “Order of Battle,” endnotes, and an index enhance this work. D3377 - $18.00 The Land Tracts of the Battlefield of South Mountain: Including Many Other Tracts near the Area from Land Records of Frederick County, Washington County and the Maryland Archives. Curtis L. Older. (1999), 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 274 pp. Contains Civil War data on the Fox Inn, Mountain House, roads through Fox’s Gap and Turner’s Gap, War Correspondents’ Memorial Arch, and more. O0066 - $38.50 The Road to Glorieta: A Confederate Army Marches Through New Mexico. Donald W. Healey. (2003), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 508 pp. This is the story of 3,000 stalwart Texans, who carried the Confederate banner into the Southwest-one of the most stirring and least known episodes of our nation’s struggle. The focus of much of the book is Captain Adair of the 7th Texas Mounted Volunteers. H2378 - $43.50 159 The Seventeenth Alabama Infantry: A Regimental History and Roster. Illene D. Thompson and Wilbur E. Thompson. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 502 pp. Much of this history is told using the soldiers own words from diaries, letters and military reports. T1969 - $39.00 The Soldiers’ Record of Jericho, Vermont. E. H. Lane. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 50 pp. Names of the men who enlisted, age, date of enlistment, military unit, rank attained, and the date of discharge or date of death are preserved on these pages. Records are nested within a narrative chronicle that briefly examines Jericho’s efforts to furnish troops for the Civil War (1868). L3029 - $10.00 The Spy in Crinoline: Antonia Ford’s Civil War. Karla Vernon. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 226 pp. This intriguing novel offers a unique perspective on the Civil War. Antonia Ford, the child of a prosperous secessionist family, is thrown in prison for passing information to the Confederate army. Circumstances place her together with Major Joseph Willard, a Union officer who becomes her rescuer. V3642 - $28.50 The Sultana Saga: The Titanic of the Mississippi. Rex T. Jackson. (2003, 2004), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 160 pp. On a cold night in late April 1865, on the mighty Mississippi River just north of Memphis, Tenn., scores of unsuspecting souls suddenly found themselves desperately struggling for their lives after the boilers exploded on the riverboat steamer Sultana. Although more lives were lost in this incident than would be lost on the Titanic in 1912, these homeward bound veterans of war have been nearly forgotten. Most of the men served in cavalry or infantry units from Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio, or cavalry units from Tennessee and Virginia. J2358 - $18.00 The Texas Navies: The Civil War in Texas and the Southwest. Roy Sullivan. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 150 pp. The Republic of Texas was its own nation for ten years after winning independence from Santa Ana at San Jacinto. A navy was needed to defend 600 miles of Texas Gulf coast from Mexico which wanted Texas back. Texans had three navies: the Impromptu, First and Second Navies. S4370 - $19.00 The Union Hole: Unionist Activity and Local Conflict in Western Virginia. David Scott Turk. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 154 pp. Focuses on the dilemmas confronted by the people of Craig, Alleghany and Monroe Counties (the last presently in West Virginia), and contains an abundance of names and biographical information valued by genealogists. T0029 - $19.50 The War of Confederate Captain Henry T. Owen. Kimberly Ayn Owen, Graham C. Owen and Michael M. Owen. (2004), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 302 pp. Henry T. Owen’s story is told predominantly in his own words, but his experiences were common to thousands of men-both Confederate and Union. Many of the letters, documents, and other material published in this book are transcribed from original documents. O0969 - $30.00 160 The War of the Rebellion. Chauncey F. Grosvenor. 1994, 5½x8½, paper, 166 pp. Chauncey Grosvenor used his acute powers of observation to capture in writing some of the most important events of the great conflict. His regiment was sent to Fort Marcy, later, he went by rail to New York and by steamship to Savannah. G0049 - $20.50 The Way We Were, the History and Genealogy of the Town of Collins: The Civil War Era Volume Two, 1852-1900. Linda and Charlie Munro. 2012, 6x9, paper, 420 pp. This volume covers the Civil War era, with accounts of Civil War battles along the Eastern Theater, detailed local history, short biographies, and genealogies. Contains numerous Civil War era photos. M5192 - $34.50 These Honored Dead: A Roster of over 2,500 Maryland Union Soldiers Buried in National Cemeteries. Charles Albert Earp and Peter Lowry Johnston. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 306 pp. This roster was compiled not only to remember and honor these men, but also in the belief that it will be of value to the descendants of those who so nobly served our state and our Union. E0654 $25.00 They Did Their Work Bravely: Civil War Generals Buried in Pennsylvania. David L. Callihan. (2004), 2006, 8½x11, paper, 140 pp. Brief biographical sketches are provided for the 44 full rank Union generals and 1 Confederate general buried in Pennsylvania. One or more photos are provided for each grave site, as well as a map of the cemetery or directions for finding each grave site. C2501 $22.00 Three Under a Tree. John Kildea. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 178 pp. This is a fact filled, historically accurate fictionalized account of the lives of the last soldier killed in the Civil War and the last American soldiers killed in World War I and Vietnam. It explores the details of these soldiers’ lives from the earliest days up to and including their military careers. Includes photos. K5193 - $21.50 Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death: The Civil War Manuscript Collection of Captain Harvey Alexander Wallace, 5th South Carolina Infantry and 19th Texas Infantry, Walker’s Texas Division. Stephen Skelton. (2004), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 394 pp. This collection places you with Captain Wallace and his family, and beside the soldiers who served with him from South Carolina and Texas. S3134 - $35.00 Tough and Hearty, Kimball Pearsons, Civil War Cavalryman, Co. L, 10th Regiment of Cavalry, New York State Volunteers. David B. Russell. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 348 pp. This transcription of Kimball Pearsons’ letters brings one as close to life as a cavalryman as may be possible without experiencing it firsthand. The letters also illuminate activities at home on his farm. R5418 - $30.00 161 Tragedy at Montpelier: The Untold Story of Ten Confederate Deserters from North Carolina. Jayne E. Blair. (2003), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 130 pp. After fighting valiantly at Gettysburg, ten men from the Third North Carolina deserted, were captured and executed on the grounds of Montpelier, Virginia, the home of President James Madison. Well documented, with biographical information on the deserters and a brief history of Montpelier and the Madisons. B2370 - $15.50 Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume 1. Glenda McWhirter Todd. 2012, 8½x11, paper, 394 pp. This series includes the most extensive collection of records and information ever published on the soldiers who served in the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV: transcribed military records on each soldiers; pension records and Southern Claims for some; and lists of soldiers by company. T5404 - $42.00 Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume 2. Glenda McWhirter Todd. 2012, 8½x11, paper, 430 pp. This series includes the most extensive collection of records and information ever published on the soldiers who served in the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV: transcribed military records on each soldiers; pension records and Southern Claims for some; and lists of soldiers by company. T5461 - $45.00 Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume 3. Glenda McWhirter Todd. 2013, 8½x11, paper, 430 pp. This series includes the most extensive collection of records and information ever published on the soldiers who served in the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV: transcribed military records on each soldiers; pension records and Southern Claims for some; and lists of soldiers by company. T5489 - $45.00 Voices from the Past: 104th Infantry Regiment, USCT, Colored Civil War Soldiers from South Carolina. J. Raymond Gourdin. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 270 pp. In the 83 genealogical and biographical entries in this book, over 450 surnames are identified, with an index to nearly 2,000 persons. G0718 - $26.00 Warriors for the Working Day: A Narrative Built of Letters from the Civil War. Brian Dooley. 1991, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 105 pp. Potter family letters reveal the human element of the Civil War. The editor provides brief explanations to fill in the gaps left by the letters, and to provide an historical overview of the events described. A family tree, descriptions of the family, photographs add depth to this moving narrative. D0468 - $17.00 We Are in a Fight Today: The Civil War Diaries of Horace P. Mathews and King S. Hammond. Kenneth A. Perry. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 234 pp. Two soldiers’ diaries, that of Horace P. Mathews (123rd N.Y. Volunteer Infantry, Co. H) and that of King S. Hammond (16th N.Y. Heavy Artillery, Co. K). P1539 - $23.50 We Enlisted As Patriots: The Civil War Records of Battery G, Second Illinois Light Artillery. Linda Barnickel. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, idices, 172 pp. A thoroughly documented history, which contains complete muster roll information, an account of the battery’s service, and a complete transcription of the battery order book. B0915 - $20.50 162 With a True God Bless: Civil War Letters. Suzanne Meredith. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 130 pp. These letters speak of love, homesickness, primal fear and incredible pain-intimate thoughts expressed by people who lived and died during an era of national division. These elusive memories offer readers a different view of history, one that evokes a need to create a better tomorrow. M4471 - $18.50 With Full Military Honors: Civil War Generals Buried at Arlington National Cemetery. David L. Callihan. 2009, 8½x11, paper, 222 pp. There are seventy-nine substantive Union Civil War generals and two Confederate generals buried at Arlington National Cemetery, and, until now, no books have been published concerning those eighty-one generals and their burial sites. Includes grave site photos. C4934 - $30.00 Yates Phalanx: The History of the Thirty-Ninth Regiment, Illinois Veteran Infantry in the War of Rebellion, 1861-1865. Charles M. Clark, M.D. and Frederick Charles Decker. 1994, 8½x11, paper, index, 419 pp. A detailed history of the regiment. Formed in April 1861, the unit fought in Civil War campaigns from the winter of 1861 to its muster-out on December 6, 1865; it was the lead regiment that held Lee’s forces at Appomattox Court-House. D0152 - $56.50 World War I Officers and Enlisted Men of the United States Navy Who Lost Their Lives during the World War, from April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918. Government Printing Office. (1920), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 2 vols., 812 pp. Records are grouped under Officers, Regular and Reserves; and Enlisted Men (the majority of the book). Entries are arranged alphabetically by surname and contain the full name, rank, place of death, date of death, cause of death, and next of kin complete with their residence. Entries for Enlisted Men additionally include the place and date of their enlistment or enrollment. G0996 - $72.00 To the Front and Back: A West Virginia Marine Fights World War I. Thomas Bryan McQuain. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 280 pp. Thomas McQuain survived some of the worst battles of the war before returning to Gilmer Co., West Virginia. He was an astute observer of both places and people, and his keen eye is reflected in his narrative. Vintage photographs and picture postcards enhance the text. M3148 - $29.00 Two Years in the Kindergarten Unit in France, 1919-1921: Glimpses into the Life of a Teacher. Rachel Clark Neumann. 2002, 5½x8½, paper, 138 pp. The memoir of an intelligent, dedicated and patriotic young woman, and a captivating narrative history of war-torn Europe. N2160 - $12.95 United States Catholic Chaplains in the World War. Army and Navy Chaplains Ordinariate. (1924), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 360 pp. These brief biographical sketches are presented in alphabetical order. Information includes date and place of birth, education, theological training, ordination date, military service, rank, post-war career and residence. Additionally, there is a historical sketch of Catholic chaplains in the early wars from 1898-1917; a necrology; a list of approved applicants; and lists of chaplains in reserve corps and serving in military and naval posts, public health and veteran hospitals after the war. A0801 - $37.50 163 Women of the War; Their heroism and self-sacrifice. Frank Moore. (1866), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 600 pp. This collection of accounts about the contributions of notable Union women during the Civil War includes: Mrs. Fanny Ricketts, Mrs. Mary A. Brady, Kady Brownell, Mrs. P. B. Hurd, Margaret E. Breckinridge, Mrs. Elida Rumsey Fowle, Bridget Divers, Mrs. Isabella Fogg, and many more. M4739 - $43.50 World War II A Destroyer Sailor’s War: The True Story of a Destroyer Sailor’s Life at Sea during World War II. Jerome S. Welna. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 436 pp. This account of life at sea (and some of the most, fierce, naval battles and engagements in the annals of naval warfare) also covers the politics leading up to the war. Foreword by David F. Winkler, Ph.D., U.S. Naval Historic Foundation. W4928 $35.50 A Grassroots History of World War II: Eight Men in Granite. Richard J. Staats. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 362 pp. The story of the eight men whose names appear on the granite marker in front of the Randolph, Ohio town hall: Robert E. Francisco, Henry B. Wise, George Reisinger, Robert H. Hillard, Elmer L. Leech, William H. Bettes, George M. Buzek, and Donald A. Dibble. It includes details of their military service, circumstances of their death, and their burial. Photos. S4756 - $31.50 Fear Was Never an Option. Bob Cary. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 262 pp. The gripping, true story of some of the warriors of the Second Marine Division, who smashed the elite troops of the Japanese Empire between 1942 and 1945, and fired the first and the last shots of the ground offensive in the Pacific theater. Written by a Marine sergeant who survived the first four invasions and was training for the landing on mainland Japan when the war ended in 1945. C3227 - $24.00 Florida and World War II: A Personal Recollection. Jim Wiggins. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. Florida was more immersed in World War II than any other state. Everyday life included squadrons flying practice maneuvers overhead and convoys on highways. Nazi sub attacks, prison camps, watch towers, scrap drives, and rationing are discussed. Includes a wealth of photographs. W4545 - $23.00 From Pajarito to Lungchow: Memoirs of Photographic Reconnaissance Pilot Stanley A. Hardin. Dorothy Simpson. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 158 pp. Downed near enemy lines, a photographic reconnaissance pilot with an eye for detail describes tranquil beauty in China, fearing for survival of its courageous people. S2455 - $17.00 How to Stay Afloat Wearing Army Boots. William T. Melms. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 226 pp. In mid World War II Lieutenant William T. Melms was completely “at sea” when, due to a military goof-up he was given command of a 200 foot Army transport ship (later converted to an electronic surveillance vessel, and renamed the Pueblo). Humor abounds in this inside saga of the Army’s Navy, warts and all. M2532 - $15.95 164 I Flew with Hell’s Angels, Thirty-Six Combat Missions in a B-17 “Flying Fortress”, 1944-1945. William Albertson. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 192 pp. Bill Albertson skillfully combines official reports and photographs from the National Archives with his dad’s memoirs, resulting in a tribute to the brave men of the 303rd. A3506 - $24.00 Iron Men, Wooden Boats: The Epic Story of American PT Boats in World War II. Howard F. West. 2005, 5½x8½, cloth, 540 pp. Naval combat narrative is the heart of this book: Guadalcanal, New Guinea, Bougainville, the Mediterranean sea, the English Channel, the Philippines - historic operations in which the PT boats would win fame, glory, and a place in history. Encyclopedic in scope, this is the definitive work on the history of PT boats. W2537 - $35.50 Marine Raiders: A Novel of World War II. Paul Nickerson. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 240 pp. This historically-based novel will take you from the beginning stages of the war against imperial Japanese forces to the Marine Raiders last action in the war. Weapons, tactics, training, organization, and attitudes are accurately portrayed from both the American and the Japanese perspective. N4923 $25.00 Men I Have Met in Bed. Lila Oliver Asher. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 224 pp. Autobiographical account of a U.S.O artist who traveled around the Eastern U.S. drawing sketches of soldiers too wounded to participate in the usual U.S.O. activities. Letters and narrative offer detailed, and often humorous, on-the-scene perspective of the times. Numerous illustrations. A2045 - $23.00 On Boyington’s Wing: The Wartime Journals of Black Sheep Squadron Fighter Ace. Lt. Col. Robert W. McClurg, with Leon Marketos. (2003), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 256 pp. When Bob McClurg joined the Black Sheep Marine Fighter Squadron in the South Pacific theatre during WWII, he barely had any flying hours under his belt. The colorful squadron leader, Greg “Pappy” Boyington, took McClurg under his wing and made an Ace fighter pilot out of him. Here is McClurg’s story in his own words, with excerpts from his wartime journals accompanied by transcriptions of the actual combat reports from the National Archives, as well as several photographs. M4303 - $22.95 Paddy: The Colorful Story of Colonel Harry A. “Paddy” Flint. Robert A. Anderson. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 242 pp. World War II power players such as Generals Patton, Bradley, Eisenhower and others are involved in the story of Col. Harry A. “Paddy” Flint-a 1912 West Point graduate with extensive training and experience. A3645 - $30.00 Prelude to Courage, an Air Warrior’s Journey of Faith. David H. Bergquist. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 208 pp. Lieut. Austin Rodney Keith trained as an air warrior with the Army Air Forces. War service took him to places far from his Maine home, but he never let go of his dream for a future in theater. His faith gave him the courage and strength to bravely lead his men into combat. B5356 $22.00 165 South Pacific Marine. Paul Nickerson. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 268 pp. This novel, based on historical fact, follows Gunnery Sgt. Rawlins and his squad from the war against imperial Japanese forces through the Korean War. Weapons, tactics, training, organization, and attitudes are accurately portrayed from both the American and the Japanese perspective. N5150 - $26.00 Stars and Swastikas: The Boy Who Wore Two Uniforms, Expanded Edition. Walter K. Schroder. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 230 pp. The author was born in Pawtucket, R.I., but when he was 9 his family moved back to Germany to escape the hardships of the Depression. At 15, he was drafted by the German army to man antiaircraft guns. In 1945, after becoming a British POW, Schroder’s American citizenship was discovered, and he joined the U. S. Army as an interpreter for U. S. intelligence! S2055 - $25.00 Swabby: World War II Enlisted Sailors Tell It Like It Was. A Nation’s Grateful Salute to the World War II Enlisted Sailor. Jack Haberstroh, Ph.D. (2003), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 716 pp. This volume is comprised of personal recollections from hundreds of World War II “Old Salts” who came from all corners of the United States to defend their country. Vivid personal memories put the reader on board with the telling of each funny incident or tragic experience relating to a shipmate or officer, the food or quarters. Hundreds of photographs and numerous delightful illustrations. H2362 - $49.95 Swabby II: World War II Enlisted Sailors Tell It Like It Was. A Nation’s Grateful Salute to the World War II Enlisted Sailor. Jack Haberstroh, Ph.D. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 666 pp. These vivid personal memories put the reader on board with the telling of each funny incident or tragic experience relating to a shipmate or officer, the food or quarters. Contains photos and illustrations. H3143 - $48.50 The Other Side of War. Eugene Fazekas. 2005, 8½x11, paper, 154 pp. 9This is not a story of battles and heroism-fate stepped in more than once to keep “Fuzzy” Fazekas out of those situations while he was in the USN Hospital Corps during World War II, and as a reservist during the Korean War. The story also deals with a short period of his life after these wars. F2599 - $23.00 The Secret D-Day. Kenneth H. Garn. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 284 pp. This is the story of a terrible tragedy that befell American soldiers and sailors just before D-Day in 1944. A convoy of LSTs (Landing Ship Tanks) was making a practice invasion on Slapton Sands in England when it was attacked by German E-boats. Now many WWII documents, including those that relate to this event, have been declassified and are available for research. Join the author as he unravels the truth behind “The Secret D-Day.” G2512 - $29.95 Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War II: The WASP. J. David Dameron. (2005), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 196 pp. Here, at last, is a comprehensive book that examines WASP history. This fascinating true-life story of American women in action during World War II is interlaced with an abundance of pertinent photographs and class rosters, all combined in a single, easily referenced volume. D2566 - $26.00 166 Women of the War; Their heroism and self-sacrifice. Frank Moore. (1866), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 600 pp. This collection of accounts about the contributions of notable Union women during the Civil War includes: Mrs. Fanny Ricketts, Mrs. Mary A. Brady, Kady Brownell, Mrs. P. B. Hurd, Margaret E. Breckinridge, Mrs. Elida Rumsey Fowle, Bridget Divers, Mrs. Isabella Fogg, and many more. M4739 - $43.50 World War II Fighter-Bomber Pilot, Valiant Multi-Mission Air War, What it Was Like, 3rd Edition. William B. Colgan. (1988), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 232 pp. William Colgan provides a vivid account of courageous fighter-bomber action on deadly low-altitude missions along with the detailed story and legacy of World War II fighter-bomber pilots and unit ground personnel. C4531 - $24.00 Korea Black Tuesday Over Namsi: A True History of the Epic Air Battle of the Korean War. Earl J. McGill, Lt. Col. UASF (ret.). 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 278 pp. Chronicles the calamitous B-29 daylight-bombing mission flown by the 307th Bombardment Wing on 23 October 1951 against Namsi Airfield, with the facts and circumstances of the mission from first briefing to final landing. The book records, from verifiable historical documents, the broader events and conditions that led up to the confrontation, plus the first-hand accounts of aircrew members and ground personnel who were there. Both the Allied and the Soviet perspectives are examined. Numerous photographs. M4619 - $27.00 Thirty-Six Points. Samuel M. Kier. (2005), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 226 pp. Thirty-six Points blends military history and character-driven fiction, telling the story of the Fifth Regimental Combat Team from November 1952 to July 1953, as it moved between the Punchbowl in eastern Korea and the Chorwan Valley in the central part of the country. K3487 - $25.50 Vietnam Delta Six, Soldier Surgeon. Richard L. Snider, M.D. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 241 pp. Dr. Snider brings to the surface the wide spectrum of human emotions experienced by those in war. Delta Six was written so that all can know and honor those lonely soldiers who suffered and died so far from home. S2384 - $23.00 Every Marine, 1968 Vietnam: A Battle for Go Noi Island. Robert Simonsen. (2005), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 494 pp. Few military memoirs are as powerful or moving as Every Marine-from the emergency formation of a Marine battalion at Camp Pendleton to the battlefields of Vietnam where they honed their war skills before joining the battle on Go Noi Island to engage the enemy on his own turf. S3351 - $40.00 167 Headhunter One One: The Vietnam Memoir of a Recon/Observation Pilot, 219th Aviation Company. Vincent Capozzella. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 206 pp. This biography of Lieutenant Vincent Capozzella regarding his service in Vietnam (1965-66) as an Army pilot traces the build-up of U.S. forces, the desecration of enemy dead, the fallacy of the body count policy and failure of the ARVN. C4485 - $22.00 Hooyah! UDT/Seal, Stories of the 1960s: Routine and Offbeat Exploits That Team Members Have Been Talking and Laughing About for Years. Some Are Humorous and Some Are Not. Second Edition. Richard G. “Nick” Nickelson. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 288 pp. Navy Seal Nick Nickelson relives brutal Hell Week that broke most men’s spirits while strengthening others. Learn what SEALs go through and find out if you have what it takes. N4250 - $24.95 Into the DMZ, a Battle History of Operation Hickory, May 1967, Vietnam. Mark A. Cauble. (2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 186 pp. The little-known story of one of the most intense battles of the Vietnam War; an account of the courage and endurance of men in combat. This book examines the battle in context of the Vietnam War and the larger struggle between the West and Communism. Comprised from numerous eyewitness accounts, the battle narrative drops the reader into the thick of the action alongside the Marine riflemen. Academic research supported by military documentation provides details with maps, drawings and actual photographs from Operation Hickory. C3361 - $25.00 No Names, No Faces, No Pain: A Voice from Vietnam. John Kildea. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 118 pp. In this riveting memoir of one operating room nurse’s tour of duty in Vietnam between 1967 and 1968, conflicts abound between the author’s sense of loyalty and his gut feeling that the war has somehow become a meaningless waste of life and limb. Readers will become totally immersed. 9780788441424 K4142 - $16.50 Shades of Daniel Boone, a Personal View of Special Ops and the War in Vietnam. Walter J. Jackson. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 172 pp. Shades of Daniel Boone is a book about Special Ops in Vietnam during the late 1960s. It is a portion of the Vietnam War as seen through the eyes of a Special Forces soldier assigned to B-50, 5th Special Forces Group (MAC-V, SOG). In a candid and engaging style, CSM Jackson gives examples of what missions were like and describes such things as the living conditions, equipment used, the methods, the men, the risks, the effectiveness of the operations, and his personal view of the war. J3228 - $22.50 Wooden Ships and Iron Men: The U.S. Navy’s Coastal and Inshore Minesweepers, and the Minecraft that Served in Vietnam, 1953-1976. David Bruhn. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. Coastal minesweepers swept mines, searched for lost aircraft, ships, and a nuclear bomb on the sea floor, supported the Bay of Pigs Invasion, and with minesweeping boats played a key role in the Vietnam War. B5345 - $34.00 Cold War 168 Bahamas Early Settlers of the Bahamas and Colonists of North America. A. Talbot Bethell. (1937), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. The history of the colonization of the Bahamas and the first royal Governor, Woodes Rogers, Esq., interwoven with the history of the United States. Information is provided on such diverse topics as: officers of the government; churches; schools; geology; freeing of slaves; graveyards and monuments; the running of the blockade during the American Civil War; piracies, protests, robberies and much more. B1249 - $23.00 Canada England and Great Britain “Liberty or Death!” The Northern Campaigns in the American Revolutionary War. Gregory T. Edgar. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 410 pp. Focuses on what came to be known as the Northern Department of the Continental Army, and the enemies that opposed it, during the Revolutionary War. E0023 - $34.00 A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England Containing an Alphabetical List of the Governours, Deputy Governours, Assistants or Counsellors, and Ministers of the Gospel in the Several Colonies, from 1620 to 1692; Graduates of Harvard College to 1662; Freemen Admitted to the Massachusetts Colony from 1630 to 1662; With Many Other of the Early Inhabitants of New England and Long Island, N.Y., from 1620 to the Year 1675: To Which Are Added Various Records, Manuscripts, and Printed Works. Reprinted with additions and corrections by Samuel G. Drake. John Farmer. (1829, 1847), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 356 pp. The register is designed as an introduction to a biographical and genealogical dictionary, which shall comprehend concise sketches of distinguished individuals in the annals of New England. F1635 - $30.50 A History of the Ancient Parish of Giggleswick, Which included the Townships of Giggleswick, Settle, Rathmell, Langcliffe and Stainforth. Thomas Brayshaw and Ralph M. Robinson. (1932), paper, 316 pp. “From the earliest events recorded in history down to the middle of the nineteenth century the ecclesiastical parish of Giggleswick contained nearly thirty square miles and embraced the townships of Giggleswick, Settle, Rathmell, Langcliffe and Stainforth…Protected on the south by marshes and on all other sides by crags and rough moorlands, the parish lay in comparative isolation and for long periods was left, for all practical purposes, at liberty to manage its own affairs. Till about 1770 no heavy wheeled vehicles could enter it without great difficulty and the introduction of materials or merchandise from outside depended on pack-horse transport; this led to the growth of many home industries and to the production of a type of architecture remarkable for its ingenious use of local material. The same families lived within it for centuries, and by following their fortunes from one generation to another one can trace the influence of great events in the homes of the people. The parish was, in fact, a microcosm of England, and, to local people at any rate, a study of its development makes English history seem more living and real…Certain great events have had an immediate and permanent effect on Giggleswick history, and serve to divide it up into definite epochs.” B9520 - ***NOT ON WEBSITE. A Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson, Together with a Narrative of James Johnson: Indian Captive of Charlestown, New Hampshire. Mrs. Susanna Willard Johnson. (1796), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 232 pp. The author describes her struggles to recover from child birth, her walk to St. Francis, the sale of captives to the French, the dispersal of her family, and her eventual return to Charlestown. Includes a roster of Charlestown residents killed or taken prisoner. J0337 - $22.00 169 A Register of the Scholars Admitted into Merchant Taylors’ School, from A.D. 1562 to 1699. Charles J. Robinson. (1882), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 406 pp. Includes brief biographical information taken from Mr. Dugard’s Register. R0736 - $32.00 Atlas and Guide to London, 1896, with street index. Audrey Collins. (1896, 2005), 2011, 8½x11, paper, 54 pp. Contains statistical information and lists of places of interest, maps and a street index. First published in 1896, this facsimile edition contains some of the original advertisements. C0097 $15.00 Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men in New England: Statesmen, Patriots, Physician, Lawyers, Clergymen, and Mechanics. Alden Bradford, LL.D. (1842), reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 464 pp. Well over 300 sketches. B1297 - $34.50 Blood Royal: Issue of the Kings and Queens of Medieval 1066-1399: The Normans and Plantagenets. T. Anna Leese. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 494 pp. Gives 4 generations of issue of each king and queen from 1066 to 1399. Genealogical data is given on 11 kings and their queens from William the Conqueror through Edward III. L0525 - $39.00 Captain Francis Champernowne, the Dutch Conquest of Acadie, and Other Historical Papers. Charles Wesley Tuttle. (1889), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 426 pp. Replete with engravings of ancient mansions, this wonderful work traces the ancestry and careers of several founding fathers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, N.H. and Maine. Contains biographies of important loyalists from King Philip’s War through the French and Indian War. T1695 - $34.00 Customs and Fashions in Old New England. Alice Morse Earle. (1893, 1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 394 pp. Writings on early American life including the following chapters: Child Life; Courtship and Marriage Customs; Domestic Service; Home Interiors; Supplies of the Larder; Old Colonial Drinks and Drinkers; Travel, Tavern, and Turnpike; Holidays and Festivals; Sports and Diversions; Books and Book-Makers; Artifices of Handsomeness; Raiment and Vesture; Doctors and Patients; Funeral and Burial Customs. E0579 - $33.00 Early New Englanders and Kin: A Genealogical Tree of more than 12,000 Inter-related Individuals with Roots in Early New England. Roy Burgess. (1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 516 pp. An alphabetical listing of people with brief genealogical data on each, and a series of miniature family group charts which show how they are all inter-related by blood or marriage. B0644 - $41.00 English Men of Action: William Dampier. W. Clark Russell. (1889) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 194 pp. A biography of a famous pirate, buccaneer, and adventurer who was born in 1652. A thorough and engaging look at a complex man of England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. R2311 - $20.50 170 English Surnames, their Sources and Significations: 6th edition. Charles Wareing Bardsley. (1898), reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 612 pp. Comprehensive discussion of surname origins with chapters on patronymic surnames, locality derived surnames, surnames based on office, surnames from occupations, and nicknames; innumerable examples. B3298 - $43.50 Fifty Great Migration Colonists to New England and Their Origins. John Brooks Threlfall. (1990, 1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 554 pp. Comprehensive biographical and genealogical studies of fifty immigrants to New England with English origins of seven, extended ancestry of sixteen more, and much unpublished material. T0685 - $44.50 Fragmenta Genealogica, Volume 1. Frederick A. Crisp. (1886, 1996), 2013, 8½x11, paper, index, 94 pp. English genealogical info. drawn from many ancient sources, such as the Munimenta Antiqua, apprentice books, will books, church records, brass rubbings and historical documents. A sample of the contents: Arms of Beauchamp, Courtney, Earle, Ellis, Fytch, Holland, John of Gaunt, Leigh, North, Pratt, Robinson, Sir Robert Spencer, Swinborne, Tyson, Wilson and Wood. Also: entries in Bibles, grants of arms, lists of rectors, monumental inscriptions, register extracts and seals. C0463 - $20.50 Fragmenta Genealogica: Volume 12. Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1906), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 154 pp. C0648 - $23.00 Fragmenta Genealogica: Volume 13. Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1909), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 158 pp. C0649 - $23.00 Fragmenta Genealogica: Volume 2. Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1894, 1996), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 106 pp. An outstanding compilation of English genealogical information drawn from many ancient sources, such as the Munimenta Antiqua, apprentice books, will books, church records, brass rubbings and historical documents from the author’s personal collection. Most of the data is from the 1600s and 1700s, but a few families have records going back to the 1500s and earlier. C0464 - $21.00 Fragmenta Genealogica: Volume 4. Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1902, 1996), 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 116 pp. C0493 - $21.00 Fragmenta Genealogica: Volume 7. Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1902), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 180 pp. C0577 - $23.00 171 Fragmenta Genealogica: Volume 8. Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1902), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 162 pp. C0578 - $23.00 Fragmenta Genealogica: Volume 9. Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1903), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 148 pp. C0607 - $23.00 Genealogical Notes of New York and New England Families. Sebastian V. Talcott. (1883), reprint, paper, index, 786 pp. 18,000 individuals, as well as a miscellaneous section of source records pertaining to families of the region. T1956 - $55.00 Heroism of Hannah Duston, Together with the Indian Wars of New England. Robert B. Caverly. (1875), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 436 pp. The story of the capture and escape of Hannah Duston is one of the classics of the New England Indian wars. C0301 - $35.00 Historic Districts of America, New EnglandConnecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont. Richardson, Ralph W. This is the second volume in a series of five that will cover all the known historic districts, large and small, in the U.S. (except for Alaska and Hawaii). Region Two includes Conneticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. The author’s interest in America’s architectural heritage has spanned twenty-five years; a former senior staff member of the Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, Delaware, he is a member of the American Association of Museums and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Using a combination of personal traveling for on-site observations and correspondence with State Historic Preservation Offices, local preservation societies, and Chambers of Commerce, he has put together a fascinating collection of places to visit. The districts included herein are of historical, architectural, or cultural significance. 1989 9781556131714 R3171 - **OUT OF PRINT Immigrants to New England, 1700-1775. Ethel Stanwood Bolton. (1931), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 240 pp. Names over 2,000 immigrants; provides full names and bibliographic information and can include birth and death dates, family connections, occupations and places of origin and settlement. B2059 - $24.50 Indian Wars of New England, Volume 1. Herbert Milton Sylvester. (1910), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 530 pp. Describes the Indian tribes of New England, discusses the early settlers and their relations with the Indians, and covers the Pequod War and the wars of the Mohegans. S1041 - $38.50 172 Indian Wars of New England, Volume 2. Herbert Milton Sylvester. (1910), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 626 pp. Background information relevant to the hostilities is discussed in depth, including the names of the major players and accounts of many individual incidents. S1053 - $45.00 Indian Wars of New England, Volume 3. Herbert Milton Sylvester. (1910), 1998, 5½x8½, paper, index, 706 pp. The extensive notes provide an abundance of further research materials. S1079 - $49.00 Jolly Old England. Armand Francis Lucier. (1996), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 292 pp. A collection of news items, stories, commentaries and depositions that were published under English datelines 1720-1730. L0384 - $26.50 List of Emigrant Ministers to America 1690-1811. Gerald Fothergill. (1904), 2002, 5½x8½, paper, 65 pp. A list of approximately 1,200 prelates and teachers on whose behalf a warrant was issued, 1690-1811. Includes: date of birth, name of parents, and date of death, where known. F2153 $17.00 Little Pilgrimages Among Old New England Inns:Being an Account of Little Journeys to Various Quaint Inns and Hostelries of Colonial New England. Mary Caroline Crawford. (1907, 1998), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 488 pp. Contents include: When the Inn Was a Puritan Ordinary; the Inns of Old Boston; Some Revolutionary Taverns; Some Rhode Island Taverns in Which History Was Made; the Taverns That Entertained Washington; Tavern Signs--and Wonders; Old Tavern Days in Newbury; the Inns of Ipswich; Some Portsmouth Publicans and Their Famous Guests; Some Taverns of Romance; When Lafayette Came Back. C0873 - $38.00 Lord Mayor’s Court of London Depositions Relating to Americans, 1641-1736. Peter Wilson Colham. 1980, cloth, index, 119 pp. Depositions providing unpublished information regarding American colonials or Englishmen having business interests in America. Extensive footnotes provide supplementary data. C0023 - $12.00 Lord Mayor’s Court of London Depositions Relating to Americans, 1641-1736. Peter Wilson Coldham. 1980, 5½x8½, paper, index, 119 pp. Depositions providing unpublished information regarding American colonials or Englishmen having business interests in America. Extensive footnotes provide supplementary data. C9044 - $10.00 173 Map: New England. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper MP0008 - $3.00 New England Annals: History and Genealogy, Volume 1. Laird C. Towle. 1980, cloth, index, 510 pp. Contains: Early Settlements of Worcester, Mass.; Narrative of James Johnson, Indian Captive of Charlestown, N.H., 1757; Chronicles of Casco Bay; Francis West of Duxbury, Mass.; History of the Congregational Church, Hampton, N.H.; Military History of Waterbury, Conn.; Some Descendants of Digory Sargent of Boston and Worcester; Salem, Mass. Baptisms in the 18th Century; Journal of Solomon Drowne, MD, Surgeon on the Privateer ‘Hope,’ 1780. T9019 - $39.50 New England Family Histories and Genealogies: Miscellaneous New England States. Lu Verne V. Hall and Donald O. Virdin. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 208 pp. An important guide to more than 3500 published genealogies of New England families; arranged alphabetically by surname. H1486 - $20.00 Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. Samuel Adams Drake. (1875), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 460 pp. This book contains fascinating historical vignettes about places along the New England coast. Some chapter heading include: New England of the Ancients; Mount Desert Island; Christmas on Mount Desert; Castine; Pemaquid Point; Monhegan Island; From Wells to York; Agamenticus, the Ancient City; At Kittery Point, Maine; The Isles of Shoals; Newcastle and Neighborhood. The text is illustrated with nearly 300 engravings of people and places. D0399 - $28.00 Patronymica Cornu-Britannica; or, the Etymology of Cornish Surnames. Richard Stephen Charnock. (1870), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 176 pp. This dialect is most nearly allied to that of Bretagne and is now found only in the names of Cornish localities and in the surnames of many inhabitants of the county. C0566 - $16.00 Pioneer Irish in New England. Michael J. O’Brien. LL.D. (1937, 1988), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 322 pp. Identifies at least 600 Irish men and women who were in America before 1700. O0106 - $28.00 Planters of the Commonwealth: A Study of the Emigrants and Emigration in Colonial Times: to which are added Lists of Passengers to Boston and to the Bay Colony; the Ships which brought them; their English Homes and the Places of their Settlement in Massachusetts, 1620-1640. Charles Edward Banks. (1930), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 248 pp. The most comprehensive collection of passenger lists for this period—3,600 passengers on the ninety-six ships that brought them to New England between 1620 and 1640. These lists include the names of passengers, their ships, places of origin and places of residence in America. B2036 - $23.00 Portraits of the English, Volume I: Parish Characters. Audrey Collins. (1999, 2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 60 pp. Heads of the People was published in 1840 as a two-volume set, edited by Douglas Jerrold, who also contributed several chapters. This volume contains extracts from that work. Volume I engages the reader with characterizations the beadle of the parish, the pew-opener, the country schoolmaster, the parish clerk, and the English pauper. C0090 - $6.50 174 Portraits of the English, Volume II: Law and Order. Audrey Collins. (1999, 2004), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 60 pp. Heads of the People was published in 1840 as a two-volume set, edited by Douglas Jerrold, who also contributed several chapters. This volume contains extracts from that work. Volume II engages the reader with characterizations of the policeman, the exciseman, the common informer, the judge, and the hangman. C0001 - $12.00 Portraits of the English, Volume III: In Sickness and in Health. Audrey Collins. (1999, 2004), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 60 pp. Heads of the People was published in 1840 as a two-volume set, edited by Douglas Jerrold, who also contributed several chapters. This volume contains extracts from that work. Volume III engages the reader with characterizations of the apothecary, the fashionable physician, the medical student, the monthly nurse, and the quack doctor. C0002 - $12.00 Portraits of the English, Volume IV: The Army and the Navy. Audrey Collins. (1999, 2006), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 56 pp. The selections from Heads of the People reproduced in this volume provide a fascinating view of the lives of British military men in early Victorian England. The Napoleonic Wars were still within living memory at the time that these chapters were written. Illustrated. C0093 - $6.50 Portraits of the English, Volume V: Working Lives. Audrey Collins. (1999, 2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 60 pp. The selections from Heads of the People reproduced in this volume provide a fascinating view of working class life during the early years of Queen Victoria’s reign. A postman, a linen-draper’s assistant, a factory child, an undertaker, and an auctioneer are presented. Illustrated. C0094 - $12.00 Portraits of the English, Volume VI: Country Lives. Audrey Collins. (1999, 2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 56 pp. The selections from Heads of the People reproduced in this volume provide a fascinating view of the changes taking place in society. Most of the English population still consisted of country-dwellers, rather than town-dwellers, at the time these chapters were written. Illustrated. C0095 - $12.00 Puritan Children in Exile: The Effects of the Puritan Concepts of the Original Sin, Death, Salvation, and Grace upon the Children and Grandchildren of the Puritan Emigrants leading to the Collapse of the Puritan Period. Gerald Garth Johnson. 2002, 5½x8½, paper, index, 284 pp. Although the focus centers on Puritan beliefs about the place of children and the parenting practices provided for these disenfranchised children, the basic concepts and motivations of Puritanism are explained and examined with insight and detail. J2009 - $29.84 Rebecca Kellogg Ashley, 1695-1757. From Deerfield to Onaquaga. Barbara L. Covey. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 178 pp. Anyone interested in the 1704 raid on Deerfield, Massachusetts, by the French and Indians will appreciate this unique account of the part-Indian children of captives Joanna and Rebecca Kellogg. Rebecca’s five sons were born in Canada to a part-Indian father. C4677 - $21.50 175 The Beginnings of New England or the Puritan Theocracy in its Relations to Civil and Religious Liberty. John Fiske. (1889), 2003, paper, index, 296 pp. The history of New England prior to the American Revolution. F2299 - $31.00 The British Chronicles. David Hughes. 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 2 vols., 680 pp. The fascinating story of British royalty unfolds in these pages, complete with genealogies that trace the royal line from the earliest kings of British mythology through the present monarch, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Gives new information, alternative theories, and new commentary on old topics. H3301 - $94.00 The England and Holland of the Pilgrims. Henry Martyn Dexter, D.D., LL.D. and Morton Dexter. (1906, 2008), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 700 pp. A fascinating picture of the world our Pilgrim fathers left behind. The customs, clothing, homes, festivals, food, drink, schools, and literature are described, along with “unhygienic conditions,” epidemics, witchcraft and more. Religious reform, the history of Scrooby (“birthplace of the Pilgrim Church”), and the lives of early Pilgrim leaders Brewster, Bradford and Robinson illustrate the early phases of this movement. Their “exodus” to Holland and eventual departure to the New World in 1620 are explained in detail. D1944 - $59.50 The England Familyin Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois. Joan England Murray. 2003, 8½x11, paper, index, 700 pp. This book contains a three hundred year history of the England family in America (1700-2000). Twenty-eight years of research were devoted to obtaining vital statistics, petitions, war records, photographs, deeds, bonds, wills, estate settlements, and numerous other sources used to compile this history. M2482 - $94.00 The English Ancestry and Homes of the Pilgrim Fathers: Who Came to Plymouth on the Mayflower in 1620, the Fortune in 1621, and the Anne and the Little James in 1623. Charles Edward Banks. (1929), 2002, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 198 pp. Biographical sketches of 112 passengers who sailed on the first four ships to New England. Sketches include information on the passengers’ origins, family connections, and later histories. Begins with historical evidence then presents the passengers on the Mayflower, Fortune, Anne and Little James. B2021 - $20.00 The Founders of New England: Result of Some Research Among the British Archives for Information Relative to the Founders of New England: Made in the Years 1858, 1859, and 1860. Samuel G. Drake. (1860, 2001), 2013, paper, index, 130 pp. From records found in various repositories, and acquired from private sources; excerpts and reproduces lists of passengers bound for New England to mid-1600s. D1897 - $19.50 The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time. Sir Bernard Burke, C.B., LL.D. (1878), 2007, 6x9, paper, 3 vols., 1324 pp. Covers some 60,000 coats-of-arms. B0558 - $95.00 176 The Handy Book to English Genealogy, Revised Fourth Edition. Rachael Mellen. (1986, 1987, 1990, 2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 248 pp. Describes the major resources for researching English ancestry in the United States and Great Britain. M3359 - $23.00 The History of the Indian Wars in New England from the First Settlement to the Termination of the War with King Philip, in 1677. Reverend William Hubbard. (1677, 1864, 1990), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 626 pp. Has a new historical preface, a biography and genealogical chart on Hubbard, and very extensive notes by Samuel G. Drake which identify people and places, and otherwise greatly expands on the original text. H3291 - $46.00 The Hoosac Valley: Its Legends and Its History. Grace Greylock Niles. (1912) reprint, index, 584 pp. Descriptions and histories of a number of settlements or districts from their earliest days to 1815 plus a section on muster rolls, treaties and political correspondence. N0686 - $42.00 The Negro in Colonial New England 1620-1776. Lorenzo Johnston Greene, Ph.D. (1942), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 404 pp. Presents social repercussions, slave occupations, crimes and punishment, the slave before the law, the slave family, relationship between master and slave, slavery and conversion and the free Negro. G0994 - $38.00 The New England Gazetteer. John Hayward. (1839), reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 516 pp. Contains descriptions of principal mountains, rivers, lakes, bays, harbors, islands and fashionable resorts within New England. Names of the first settlers, ministers and prominent citizens are included. Town entries note original Indian names, geographical features, livestock, agriculture, etc. H0003 $35.50 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 4, 1850. New England Historic Genealogical Society. needs description of magazine. Index, 388 pp. N0642 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 8, 1854. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1854), reprint, index, 388 pp. N0688 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 6, 1852. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1852), reprint, index, 402 pp. N0709 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 10, 1856. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1758). (1856, 1993), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 392 pp. Genealogies: Adams, Allen, Amory, Dudley, Mascarene, Perkins, Philipse, Sanborn, Stowe, Temple. Memoirs: Pres. Charles Chauncy, Hon. Abbott Lawrence, Thomas Handasyd Perkins. Other Records: Jamaica Plains (Mass.) inscriptions; genealogical data from funeral sermons; Scituate and Barnstable (Mass.) church records; Prince’s subscribers; cemetery inscriptions; and much more. N0745 - $33.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 7, 1853. New England Historic Genealogical Society. Index, 388 pp. N0687 - $31.00 177 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 13, 1859. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1859), reprint, index, 387 pp. N0813 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 25, 1871. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1871), reprint, index, 414 pp. N0125 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 14, 1860. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1860), reprint, index, 387 pp. N0814 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 26, 1872. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1872), reprint, index, 464 pp. N0126 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 16, 1862. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1862), reprint, index, 397 pp. N0841 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 27, 1873. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1873), reprint, index, 464 pp. N0183 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 17, 1863. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1863), reprint, index, 387 pp. N0937 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 28, 1874. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1874), reprint, index, illus., 500 pp. N0194 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 18, 1864. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1864), reprint, index, 409 pp. N0938 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 29, 1875. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1875), reprint, index, illus., 513 pp. N9195 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 19, 1865. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1865), reprint, index, 394 pp. N0976 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 30, 1876. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1876), reprint, index, illus., 497 pp. N0239 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 20, 1866. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1866), reprint, index, 398 pp. N0977 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 31, 1877. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1877), reprint, index, illus., 468 pp. N0230 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 21, 1867. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1867), reprint, index, 400 pp. N9012 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 32, 1878. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1878), reprint, index, illus., 456 pp. N0292 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 22, 1868. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1868), reprint, index, 500 pp. N0013 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 33, 1879. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1879), reprint, index, illus., 468 pp. N0293 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 23, 1869. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1869), 1994, 5½x8½, paper, index, 504 pp. N0070 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 34, 1880. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1880), reprint, index, illus., 445 pp. N0431 - $32.50 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 24, 1870. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1870), reprint, index, 452 pp. N0071 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 35, 1881. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1881), reprint, index, illus., 419 pp. N0432 - $31.50 178 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 36, 1882. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1882) reprint, index, illus., 439 pp. N0472 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 48, 1894. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1894), reprint, index, illus., 579 pp. N9814 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 37, 1883. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1883) reprint, index, illus., 436 pp. N0473 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 49, 1895. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1895), reprint, indices, illus., 576 pp. N0815 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 38, 1884. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1884) reprint, index, illus., 476 pp. N0497 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 50, 1896. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1896) reprint, index, illus., 612 pp. N0865 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 39, 1885. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1885) reprint, index, illus., maps, 425 pp. N0498 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 51, 1897. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1897) reprint, index, illus., 575 pp. N0866 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 40, 1886. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1886), reprint, index, illus., maps, 436 pp. N0539 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 52, 1898. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1898), reprint, index, illus., 552 pp. N0916 - $40.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 41, 1887. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1887), reprint, index, illus., 449 pp. N0540 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 53, 1899. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1899), reprint, index, illus., 522 pp. N0917 - $38.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 42, 1888. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1888) reprint, index, illus., maps, 432 pp. N0583 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 55, 1901. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1901), reprint, paper, index, 542 pp. N1035 - $37.50 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 44, 1890. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1890) reprint, index, illus., 472 pp. N0611 - $33.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 56 1902. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1902), reprint, indices, illus., 418 pp. N1049 - $35.50 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 45, 1891. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1891) reprint, index, illus., c546 pp. N0610 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 57, 1903. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1903), reprint, indices, illus., 424 pp. N1076 - $35.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 46, 1892. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1892) reprint, index, illus., c518 pp. N0651 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 58, 1904. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1904), reprint, indices, illus., 412 pp. N1087 - $35.50 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 47, 1893. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1893) reprint, index, illus., 595 pp. N0652 - $31.00 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 64, 1910. New England Historic Genealogical Society. N1408 - $31.00 179 2 original indices (person, subject), 383 pp. N1388 - $33.50 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 65, 1911. New England Historic Genealogical Society. (1911) reprint, paper, illus., The Pioneers of New France in New England. James P. Baxter. (1894) 1980, 6x9, cloth, index, 450 pp. Covers the Indian Wars in New England to 1724; includes biographical data on many French, Indian, and English participants and victims. B0020 - $36.00 The Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal, Being a Complete Table of All the Descendants Now Living of Edward III, King of England: The Clarence Volume, Containing the Descendants of George, Duke of Clarence. The Marquis of Ruvigny and Raineval. (1905), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols., 712 pp. “The Blood Royal of Britain having been so favourably received, the author has determined to continue his work, and to attempt to trace all the living descendants of King Edward III (1312-1377) and his consort Queen Philippa of Hainault (c1309-1369), and to show the number of descents which each descendant has. R1721 - $51.50 The Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal: The Mortimer-Percy Volume. The Marquis of Ruvigny and Ranieval. (1911, 2002), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 654 pp. The present volume treats the descendants of Lady Elizabeth Mortimer, wife first of Henry, Lord Percy, K.G., called “Hotspur,” and secondly, of Thomas, Lord Camoys, K.G. The lines from Lady Elizabeth are traced out in a series of tables until about the beginning of the 19th century; then in the body of the book the descendants of the various persons last named in the tables are set out in the order of primogeniture. R1872 - $46.50 The World of William Spry, Esquire: A Journey through Everyday Georgian England by a Recreated Eighteenth-Century Man. Richard Rutherford-Moore. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 212 pp. Entertaining descriptions of Georgian Era (1745-1815) business and politics, recreation, crime and punishment, soldiers and sailors, food and drink, and much more with wit, knowledge, and illustrations. An indispensable resource for reenactors! R2538 - $25.00 True Stories of New England Captives Carried to Canada During the Old French and Indian Wars. C. Alice Baker. (1896), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 420 pp. Recounts in detail the Indian attacks at Wells and York, Maine, Dover, New Hampshire, and Hatfield, Haverhill, and Deerfield, Massachusetts. B0420 - $34.00 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 2, 1897. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1897), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 132 pp. H0623 - $27.00 180 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 3, 1898. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1898), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 140 pp. H0668 - $28.50 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 4, 1902. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1902), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 162 pp. H0669 - $28.50 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 5, 1903. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1903), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 220 pp. H0702 - $34.00 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 6, 1906. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1906), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 235 pp. H0703 - $34.00 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 7, 1907. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1907, 1995), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 234 pp. Consists solely of pedigrees, some with family crests. Pedigrees include: Aldridge; Alington; Allenby; Arkwright; Barnard; Barnardiston of Bedfordshire; Barnardiston of Brightwell; Barnardiston of Clare; Barnardiston of Ketton; Barnardiston of the Ryes, Sudbury; Barne; Barnston; Chafy; Comber; Crisp; Cruwys; Dendy; Dicken; Dowdeswell; Foot; Hall; Hawksworth; Heathcote; I’Anson; Meller; Newdegate; Packe; Parker; Partridge; Price and Ramsden. H0737 - $31.50 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 13, 1919. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1919, 1998), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 196 pp. H0875 - $39.00 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 14, 1921. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1921, 1998), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 186 pp. Consists solely of pedigrees, some with family crests. Pedigrees include: Acton of Gatacre Park; Blake; Challinor; Chevallier; Cobbold; Corder; Cripps of Cirencester; Cross; Denne; Evans; Farnham of Quorndon; Fry; Fynes, alias Clinton; Good; Holmes; Landon; Lombe; Mortimer; Nelson; Pytches; Rouse; Rouse of Kilkhampton; Scott of Great Barr; Suckling; Surtees; Tarleton; Wolseley; Woollcombe; Worthington. H0876 - $39.00 181 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 8, 1900. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1900), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 192 pp. H0359 - $33.50 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 9, 1901. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1901), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 200 pp. H0404 - $33.50 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 11, 1903. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1903, 1996), 2013, 8½x11, paper, index, 246 pp. Volume 11 lists pedigrees (from various counties): Abercromby, Barlow, Cave-Browne-Cave, Clark, Coode, De Chair, De Mauley, Freeman, Goddard, Grey, Hamilton, Harrison, Hodsoll, Hunt, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockett, Norbury, Patchett, Phillips, Portman, Raglan, Roberts, Roddam, Shedden, Sieveking, South, Steedman, Taylor, Teague, Thursby, Welch, Wood, and Worsley. H0435 - $34.50 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 12, 1904. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1904), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 212 pp. H9436 - $40.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 13, 1905. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1905), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 220 pp. H0476 - $35.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 14, 1906. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1906), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 222 pp. H0477 - $35.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 15, 1908. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1908), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 220 pp. H0519 - $37.50 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 16, 1909. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1909), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 218 pp. H0520 - $39.00 182 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 17, 1911. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1911), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 218 pp. H0556 - $35.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 18, 1914. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1914), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 238 pp. H0557 - $42.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 19, 1917. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1917), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 228 pp. H0591 - $42.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 20, 1919. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1919), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 226 pp. H0592 - $37.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 21, 1921. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1921), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 234 pp. H0593 - $37.00 Warning Out in New England, 1656-1817. Josiah Henry Benton. (1911), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 136 pp. The text is an explanation and history of the law and practice of warning out in the New England states. B0730 - $20.00 Wills of the County of Essex [England], Volume 1, 1558-1565. F. G. Emmison. (1983), 1993, cloth, 369 pp. Records of the Archdeaconry of Essex, Archdeaconry of Colchester, and the Archdeconry of Middlesex (Essex Division) found in the Essex Record Office, Chelmsford. E0051 $35.00 183 France French Colonists and Exiles in the United States. J. G. Rosengarten. (1907, 1989), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 234 pp. A comprehensive overview of French settlements and settlers in the United States. Deals with the early French settlements, the Huguenots, French travelers, exiles, soldiers, and French land companies. R0247 - $24.00 Germany Across the Atlantic and Beyond: The Migration of German and Swiss Immigrants to America. Charles R. Haller. (1993), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 324 pp. Discusses several aspects of life of the German and Swiss immigrants to America: the mechanics of name changes; the world in which Europeans lived and the circumstances that led them to migrate; the rapid spread of Protestantism; the rise in literacy, etc. H0697 - $35.00 Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigration: A British Government Redemptioner Project to Manufacture Naval Stores. Walter Allen Knittle. (1937), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 340 pp. Describes the 1709 immigration of Germans to England, and then the American Colonies; they settled primarily in N.Y., Pa., and N.C. Lists about 12,000 names. K1977 - $28.50 Early German-American Newspapers: Daniel Miller’s History. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (2001), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 122 pp. This work provides a chronological survey covering the German-American press in Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, the South, and the West. In each city and county where there was a German-American news press, the newspaper publications are discussed, including such details as titles, names of founders, dates of publication, and information on editorial policy. Numerous facsimiles of mastheads, as well as a selection of pages. T1782 - $18.50 Friedrichstal Church Records, 1698-1812. Cathryn S. Dippo. (1999), 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 438 pp. This two-part work is a compilation of Friedrichstal’s early church records. Book I covers 1698-1747 and Book II covers 1747-1812. The records consist of births, deaths, marriages and confirmations. Each section has its own index. Many of the earliest records were written in French, and later the entries were made in German. A translation guide is provided for those not familiar with French or German. D1190 - $61.00 Genealogical Abstracts from Newspapers of the German Reformed Church, 1830-1839. Barbara Manning. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. Marriages, deaths, appointments, accidents, murders, arrests, convictions, hangings, and even some good news! M0626 - $29.50 184 Genealogical Guide to Tracing Ancestors in Germany. Margaret Krug Palen. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 172 pp. A basic preparation guide for research in German records. P0280 - $22.50 German Allied Troops in the American Revolution: J. R. Rosengarten’s Survey of German Archives and Sources. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1904, 1993), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 146 pp. Rosengarten provides a description and critique of numerous sources on Germans fighting during the American Revolution. More than half of these soldiers came from Hesse-Cassel and were generally referred to as Hessians. Also includes general information on German soldiers in the French service, American history from German sources, Benjamin Franklin in Germany, German universities, and Achenwall’s observations on North America in 1767. T0792 - $19.50 German Immigration to America: The First Wave. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1993), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 354 pp. This volume contains: The German Exodus to England in 1709 by Frank Reid Diffenderffer, and the German Emigration to America, 1709-1740 by Henry Eyster Jacobs. These works examine the history of German immigration and settlement in America. T0797 - $31.00 German Pioneer Life: A Social History. Don H. Tolzmann. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 286 pp. The first section of this two-part collection is a facsimile reprint of Benjamin Rush’s article “An Account of the Manners of the German Inhabitants of Pennsylvania” (1910), which includes extensive notes by I. Daniel Rupp. The second section is a facsimile reprint of F. J. P. Schantz’s “The Domestic Life and Characteristics of the Pennsylvania-German Pioneer: A narrative and critical history…” (1900), which supplements and complements Rush’s work. Lavishly illustrated. T3679 - $27.50 German-American Achievements: 400 Years of Contributions to America. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (2001, 2006), 2010, 5½x8½ paper, fullname index, 170 pp. This is a concise survey of the role that America’s largest ethnic group, the German-Americans, has played in American history from the 17th century to the present. T1993 - $21.00 Germans to America and the Hamburg Passenger Lists: Coordinated Schedules. Roger P. Minert, Ph.D., A.G., Kathryn Boeckel, Caren Winters. (2005), 2007, 8½x11, paper, 168 pp. Arrival and departure records from two of the best German immigration sources available today. This large-format book is arranged in tables and contains complete instructions for use. M3650 - $32.00 The First Germans in America: With a Biographical Directory of New York Germans. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 122 pp. Dr. Tolzmann collected material originally published in the early 1900’s which identifies and provides information on pre-1683 German settlers. Chapter 1 by Otto Lohr (1912) identifies the first Germans in all the colonies and refers to the most prominent individuals. Chapter 2 by Herman Schuricht (1898) provides detail on the first Germans in Virginia. Chapter 3 by John O. Evjen (1916) reveals that close to half the population of the New York settlement was German. T3547 - $18.00 185 The German Correspondent: Translation and Transcription of Marriages, Deaths and Selected Articles of Genealogical Interest, 1879-1883. Gary B. Ruppert, MD. 2008, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 2 vols., 638 pp. Contains indices to valuable information published in Der Deutsche Correspondent, one of the longest-lasting German-language newspapers in Baltimore. R4601 - $71.00 The Story of the Palatines. Sanford H. Cobb. (1897), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. Covers the Palatinate communities along the Rhine River in Germany, and their great exodus to the American colonies in the early 1700s. C0144 - $29.00 PDF: The Story of the Palatines. Sanford H. Cobb. (1897), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. Covers the Palatinate communities along the Rhine River in Germany, and their great exodus to the American colonies in the early 1700s. PDF-C0144 - $23.20 Welschneureut Church Records, Welschneureut, Germany, 1700-1809. Cathryn S. Dippo. 2003, 8½x11, paper, index, 198 pp. This volume is designed as a companion to Friedrichstal Church Records, 1698-1812. Contains transcribed records for births, baptisms, marriages, and deaths from microfilm in the original French and German languages. A fullname index augments the records. D2447 - $26.00 Ireland 1916 Ireland’s Easter Rising, Shots that Cracked an Empire: A Compendium of People, Places and Events. Frederick G. Fierch. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 176 pp. This comprehensive guide to Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rising, and its repercussions, includes: narratives, photographs, maps, biographies, gravesites, bibliographical information, book reviews and other caveats. F4487 - $21.00 A Hidden Phase of American History: Ireland’s Part in America’s Struggle for Liberty. Michael J. O’Brien. (1919) reprint, indices, append., illus., 533 pp. The role of Ireland and Irish Americans in the American Revolution; discusses Irish immigrations to Pa., N.Y., Va., N.C., S.C., and Ga. O1095 - $42.50 Clans and Families of Ireland and Scotland: An Ethnography of the Gael, A.D. 500-1750. C. Thomas Cairney. (1989), 2006, 6x9, paper, surname index, 220 pp. A scholarly, but readable, presentation of the origins and history of more than 1,000 Irish and Scottish families. C0070 - $19.00 186 History of the Irish Settlers in North America from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850. Thomas D’Arcy McGee. (1851), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 188 pp. Covers the early explorations of North America, the settlements of the Irish, their role in the American Revolution and the early Federal Period, the famines of 1846-48 and the Irish in Mexico and South America. M0212 - $20.00 Irish Wills and Testaments in Great Britain 1600-1700. David Dobson. (1996), 1998, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 20 pp. These wills or testaments were probated with the Perogative Court of Canterbury in England or confirmed by the Commisary Courts of Scotland, generally that of Edinburgh. D0055 - $4.50 Map: Connaught as Laid Out in 1654 to receive the Irish of the other three provinces. Places disbanded English soldiers, the belt of military settlers, the islands cleared of the Irish, the Barony of Clare, the inhabitants of Ulster (except Down and Antrim), Down and Antrim inhabitants, Kilkenny, Westmeath, Longford, King’s County and Tipperary inhabitants, Kildare, Meath, Queen’s County and Dublin inhabitants, Kerry inhabitants, Carlow, Waterford and Limerick inhabitants, Cork and Wexford inhabitants, Irish widows and orphans of English extraction. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper MP0471 - $3.00 Marriages in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tuam, Ireland, 1821-1829. Helen M. Murphy and James R. Reilly, C.G.R.S. (1993), 2010. 8½x11, paper, index, 202 pp. These Irish marriage records (almost four thousand) are organized in three different sections by groom, bride, and parish. Entries in the groom’s section cover the full name of the groom, full name of the bride, marriage date, place(city), and the witnesses’ names. The index of brides gives her full name and the name of the groom. The parish index lists men’s names only, alphabetically by parish. M3812 - $28.00 Official Varieties and Synonymes of Surnames and Christian Names in Irelandfor the Guidance of Registration Officers and the Public in Searching the Indexes of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Robert E. Matheson. (1901), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 94 pp. A basic explanation of name usage. M0301 - $14.00 Researching Scots-Irish Ancestors: The Essential Genealogical Guide to Early Modern Ulster. William Roulston. 2005, 6x8, paper, 262 pp. The first comprehensive guide for researching ancestors in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Ulster, whether your ancestors are of English, Scottish or Gaelic Irish origin. A comprehensive range of sources from the period 1600-1800 are identified and explained in very clear terms. R8853 - $24.00 *Not on HB website. Tartans for the Irish!: Suggested Tartans for Irish and Ulster Scots Names. Philip D. Smith, Jr. (2006), 2008, 8½x11, paper, alpha., 92 pp. A brief examination of the history of the tartan in Ireland and Irish names precede the “Tartan-Name” list. Surnames are arranged alphabetically, providing quick reference to the right tartan for you. One or more tartans are suggested for each surname. A map of Irish districts augments the text. S3590 - $20.00 The Irish and Anglo-Irish Landed Gentry, When Cromwell Came to Ireland; or, A Supplement to Irish Pedigrees. John O’Hart. (1884, 2001), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 792 pp. The Irish ancestries of Allens, Arundells, Butlers, Crawfords, Fitzpatricks, Gladstones, Harts, O’Briens, O’Rourkes, O’Tooles, Parsons, Parnells, Sweneys, Warrens and many others have been collected from over fifty references, alphabetically arranged, and include (when applicable), a description of the family coat of arms. O1927 - $54.00 187 The Irish Scots and the Scotch-Irish. John C. Linehan. (1902), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 138 pp. A history of the Scots in Ulster and America with lists of settlers in each. L0788 - $16.50 PDF: The Irish Scots and the Scotch-Irish. John C. Linehan. (1902), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 138 pp. A history of the Scots in Ulster and America with lists of settlers in each. PDF-L0788 - $13.20 The Midland Septs and the Pale: An Account of the Early Septs and Later Settlers of the King’s County and of Life in the English Pale: An Account of the Early Septs and Later Settlers of the King’s County and of Life in the English Pale. F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock. (1908, 1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 320 pp. History of the original Irish septs and the later settlers to King’s County, Ireland, and their life in the district known as “The Pale.” H0901 - $29.00 The Peerage of Ireland. Mr. Kimber. (1768, 2001), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 360 pp. Information is presented in short genealogical sketches. K1767 - $31.00 The Scotch-Irish in Northern Ireland and the American Colonies. Maude Glasgow, M.D. (1936), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 346 pp. A good general history. G0945 - $30.50 Tombstones of Ireland: Counties Down and Roscommon. Joanne C. Fisher Schmidt. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 118 pp. Selected inscriptions. S1685 - $17.00 188 Jamaica Jamaican Ancestry: How to Find Out More, Revised Edition. Madeleine E. Mitchell. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 246 pp. Hints and details on what’s available and where. This updated edition guides the reader to new resources, particularly on the internet, where there are numerous sources of family history, as well as books and other materials not referred to previously. M4282 - $24.50 Selected Vital Records from the Jamaican Daily Gleaner: Life on the Island of Jamaica as seen through Newspaper Extracts, Volume 1: 1865-1915. Madeleine E. Mitchell. 2007, 6x9, paper, index, 584 pp. There is a bias towards St. Ann Parish and Brown’s Town in Jamaica, but all island events are included. Overall life on the island is reflected in the variety of pieces extracted. M4497 $44.00 Selected Vital Records from the Jamaican Daily Gleaner: Life on the Island of Jamaica as seen through Newspaper Extracts, Volume 2: 1916-1939. Madeleine E. Mitchell. 2008, 6x9, paper, index, 584 pp. The vital records included in this volume were taken mostly from microfilms and cover the dates from 1916-1939. Because of the way the project was initiated, this is a “selected” rather than an exhaustive work. There is a bias towards St. Ann Parish and Brown’s Town in Jamaica, but all island events are included. Overall life on the island is reflected. M4583 - $44.00 Jewish Americans of Jewish Descent. Malcolm H. Stern. (1958), 1978, 3rd printing, paper, 11 pp. Documented study explores the backgrounds of the Ashkenazim and Separdim who immigrated to the American continent. S0010 - $4.50 Shtetl Finder Gazetteer: Jewish Communities in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in the Pale of Settlement of Russia and Poland, and in Lithuania, Latvia, Galicia, and Bukovina, with Names of Residents. Chester G. Cohen. (1980), 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 154 pp. Lists over 2,000 Jewish communities in eastern Europe, giving locations and lists the names of some Jews known to have lived in each community. C0248 - $25.00 The Tents of Baltimore: Ohelim in the Jewish Cemeteries. Dianne Weiner Feldman and Nancy Stark Schoenburg. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 94 pp. The majority of individuals whose ohelim are displayed in this book were born in Eastern Europe and passed away between the 1930s and 1950s. A photo, location, description, notes from the plaques, and historical notes are provided for each ohel. F5291 - $14.50 189 Mexican Maryland and District of Columbia Volunteers in the Mexican War. Charles J. Wells. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 104 pp. A brief history of the War (1846-48) along with muster rolls and pension information for over 1300 individuals. W0019 - $16.00 Maxwell’s Ranche, Territory of New Mexico. Andrew J. Wahll. 2013, 5½x8½, paper, 90 pp. This fascinating historical account of Maxwell’s Ranche, Territory of New Mexico, and its founder Lucien B. Maxwell includes Cimarron Agency letters, numerous photos and maps and touches on Aztec Mill sandstone, local building activity, the quarry, working and finishing stone, tool descriptions, and more. W5483 - $16.00 Mexican-American Genealogical Research: Following the Paper Trail to Mexico. John Schmal and Donna Morales. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. This new guide provides the everyday American with suggestions for tracing Mexican ancestors. S2139 - $21.00 Naturalizations of Mexican Americans: Extracts, Volume 1. John P. Schmal. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 352 pp. Volume 1 contains extracts from 311 naturalization documents filed by Mexican immigrants between 1860 and 1930. Includes date and place of birth, last foreign residence, names of spouse and children, date and place of marriage, port of entry and location of the district court where the documents were filed. S3800 - $34.00 Naturalizations of Mexican Americans: Extracts, Volume 2. John P. Schmal. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 400 pp. Volume 2 contains extracts from 371 naturalization documents filed by Mexican immigrants between 1860 and 1930. Includes date and place of birth, last foreign residence, names of spouse and children, date and place of marriage, port of entry and location of the district court where the documents were filed. S3803 - $37.50 Naturalizations of Mexican Americans: Extracts, Volume 3. John P. Schmal. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 344 pp. Volume 3 contains extracts from 313 naturalization documents filed by Mexican immigrants between 1860 and 1930. Includes date and place of birth, last foreign residence, names of spouse and children, date and place of marriage, port of entry and location of the district court where the documents were filed. S4113 - $34.00 190 Naturalizations of Mexican Americans: Extracts, Volume 4. John P. Schmal. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 314 pp. Volume 4 contains a unique and detailed collection of extracts from 265 naturalization documents filed by Mexican immigrants between 1860 and 1950. The applicants came from several states in Mexico, and entered the United States through Texas, Arizona, and California. Extracts from these documents yield important details such as date and place of birth, last foreign residence, names of spouse and children, date and place of marriage, and more. S4283 - $29.00 The Mexican War and Its Warriors: Comprising a Complete History of all the Operations of the American Armies in Mexico, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Most Distinguished Officers in the Regular Army and Volunteer Force. J. Frost, LLD. (1850), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 346 pp. This war resulted in the U.S. acquisition of a vast area including California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. This history includes extracts from contemporary correspondence, and eye-witness reports. About 2/3rds of the volume covers the war, and the balance consists of biographies of some of the principals. F0276 - $27.00 The Mexican War: A History of its origin. Edward D. Mansfield. (1849), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 390 pp. This detailed history examines the conflict from numerous angles. M4735 - $33.00 Too Late for Blood: Florida Volunteers in the Mexican War. Russell D. James. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 152 pp. A starting point for study of both the history of Florida during this period and as a continuation of Mexican War scholarship. The stories of the five volunteer companies from Florida are enhanced with muster rolls, deaths, discharges, pensions and bounty land warrants. J3597 - $21.00 War with Mexico, 1846-1847: Doniphan’s Expedition and the Conquest of New Mexico and California. William Elsey Connelly. (1907), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 688 pp. The campaign is described here in the first-hand account of John Taylor Hughes, a private in the 1st Regiment and the official historian of the campaign. Hughes’ seminal text, Doniphan’s Expedition (originally published in 1847), offers a day-by-day retelling of events on the march culminating in the Battle of Sacramento, in which Doniphan’s 1,164 Missouri volunteers overcame some 4000 Mexican regulars to occupy Chihuahua City. C1461 - $47.00 Westing: Personal Narratives of Life on the Rayado, New Mexico Frontier. Andrew Wahll. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 198 pp. The story of Rayado, on the southwest frontier, as recounted by women and men who were there and recorded their impressions and observations; a detailed look at the locale, daily life, and events in the region. W5043 - $22.50 Norway A History of Norwegian Immigration to the United States. George T. Flom, Ph.D. (1909, 1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, new index, 428 pp. Immigration from Norway to this country from the earliest beginning up to the year 1848, which resulted in the founding of settlements in New York, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa successively. The causes of emigration, the growth of the movement, and the part in it that each district or province in Norway has played is treated fully. The leaders from each district in Norway and the founders of the settlements here in the United States are named. F0675 - $35.00 191 History of the Norwegian People in North America. Olaf Morgan Norlie. (1925, 1999), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 602 pp. Covers the geography, history and people of Norway and the various stages of Norwegian immigration to America. It also discusses education, religion, social and political aspects, industry, language and culture. Scores of maps and tables illustrate immigration statistics and compare Norwegian movement and settlement to that of other groups, including the English, Celts, Dutch, French, Germans, Swedes, Danes, Icelanders, Finns and others. N1278 - $45.00 Scandinavia Scandinavian-American Genealogical Resources. Dr. Charles Dickson. (2001), 2007, 8½x11, paper, 68 pp. This is a MUST for the genealogist researching his or her Scandinavian ancestors in the USA and Europe. Dr. Dickson has identified numerous sources of family records for each of the 5 distinct Nordic groups—the Danes, Finns, Icelanders, Norwegians and Swedes. National repositories, local libraries, and regional historical societies are all listed, including contact information and suggestions on how best to utilize the materials available at each site. D1810 - $15.00 Scotland A Directory of Scots in Australasia 1788-1900. David Dobson. 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 47 pp. By the 1830’s Australia was receiving a steady flow of migrants from Scotland, and by the end of the century Australia and New Zealand rivaled the United States and Canada as destinations for Scottish emigrants. D0033 - $13.50 A Layman’s Guide to the Scottish Reformation. Brian J. Orr. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 594 pp. The Guide deals with the events of the Protestant Reformation in Scotland (1530-1690) and the subsequent trials and tribulations of the nascent Presbyterian Church. It is widely referenced to many early works by clerical historians that are mainly now in archives and antiquarian collections. O3188 $45.00 Aberdeen Obituaries, 1748-1854. Frances McDonnell. (1996), 2000, 5 vols. in one, paper, 210 pp. Culled from the Aberdeen Journal which began publishing obituaries in 1748. M0587 - $19.00 An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America Prior to the Peace of 1783 Together with Notices of Highland Regiments and Biographical Sketches. J. P. MacLean. (1900), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 478 pp. This detailed tome opens with a brief history of the Highlanders in Scotland, followed by an account of Highlanders in the Colonies. Other topics include settlement in NC, and GA, Captain Campbell’s NY Colony, settlement on the Mohawk, Prince Edward Island and Pictou (Nove Scotia), Highlanders in the French and Indian War and on both sides of the Revolution, and distinguished Highlanders in America. M1742 - $35.00 An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in AmericaPrior to the Peace of 1783 Together with Notices of Highland Regiments and Biographical Sketches. J. P. MacLean. (1900), 2008, 5½x8½, cloth, index, 478 pp. A brief history of the Highlanders in Scotland is followed by an account of Highlanders in the Colonies. Other topics include settlement in N.C. and Ga., Captain Campbell’s N.Y. Colony, settlement on the Mohawk, Prince Edward Island and more. M7105 - $63.00 192 An Inquiry into the Genealogy and Present State of Ancient Scottish Surnames;With the Origin and Descent of Highland Clans, and Family of Buchanan. William Buchanan. (1820, 1994), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 362 pp. “A Historical and Genealogical Essay upon the Family and Surname of Buchanan” comprises over half the book. Provides histories of the following clans: MacDonald, MacDougal, MacNeil, MacLean, MacLeod, MacIntosh, MacPherson, Robertson, MacFarlane, Cameron, MacNauchtan, MacGregor, Colquhoun, Lamont, and MacAulay. A fascinating look at Scottish history from its earliest period until the mid-1600s. B0997 - $31.50 As God Is My Witness. Brian J. Orr. 2002, 5½x8½, paper, index, 420 pp. A gripping account of the history of the Scottish Covenanters, this original work contains vivid descriptions of events and biographical sketches of the people central to this Presbyterian movement during the 17th century. This work boasts 14 appendices. These include a list of hundreds of settlers and ministers in Ulster and over 1,000 Covenanter martyrs who were executed, imprisoned and banished. O2114 - $36.00 Burgess Rolls of Fife 1700-1800 and St. Andrew’s 1700-1750. David Dobson. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 154 pp. This book attempts to identify who were the burgesses of Fife of the 18th century on the eve of industrialization of the economy. D0043 - $17.00 Burgh of Paisley Poll Tax Roll 1695. Frances McDonnell. (1995), 1998, 5½x8½, paper, 60 pp. All persons living in the Burgh of Paisley at the time are listed, as well as occupation, and in some cases spousal and parental information. M0050 - $8.50 Clans and Families of Ireland and Scotland: An Ethnography of the Gael, A.D. 500-1750. C. Thomas Cairney. (1989), 2006, 6x9, paper, surname index, 220 pp. A scholarly, but readable, presentation of the origins and history of more than 1,000 Irish and Scottish families. C0070 - $19.00 Highland Papers, Volume III. J. R. N. MacPhail, K.C. (1920, 1995, 2008), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 348 pp. Makes available some of the original material and recorded tradition of Highland history. M0186 - $30.00 Highland Papers, Volume IV. J. R. N. MacPhail, K. C. (1934), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 308 pp. A selection of Donald Gregory’s material and documents from other sources comprise this volume (a publication of the Scottish History Society), whose purpose was to make available “some of the original material and recorded tradition on which knowledge of [Highland] history [is] based.” Numerous writs (1334-1632) of the Campbells. M0220 - $27.00 193 Highland Papers: Vol. II. J. R. N. MacPhail, K. C. (1916, 1994), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 396 pp. The contents include: the genealogy of the surname of M’Kenzie since their coming into Scotland; the genealogy of the Campbells; material relating to the lands of Glassarie and their early possessors. (Charters, Precepts, Bonds, Testificates, Resignations, and Letters) Dates: 1240-1672; documents relating to the massacre at Dunavertie; and, papers relating to the estates of the Chisholm and the Earl of Seaforth forfeited in 1716. Illustrated. M0043 - $33.00 Historic Families, Notable People, and Memorabilia, of the Lennox [Scotland]. Donald MacLeod. (1891) reprint, index, illus., 232 pp. Covering the districts of Leven, Lochlomond and Cardross featuring biographical sketches of prominent persons of the late 19th century. M1055-LQ - $22.00 Historical and Traditional Sketches of Highland Families and of the Highlands. John Maclean. (1895) reprint, index, 191 pp. These stories paint a picture of a Scotland in the 1600s and 1700s in which might and ruthlessness abounded. M0809 - $19.00 History of Dumfries and Galloway. Sir Herbert Maxwell. (1896, 1997), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 436 pp. Beginning with the invasion of Agricola in A.D. 79, the book carries the history forward to the end of the 1700s. M0756 - $35.00 History of the Counties of Ayr and Wigton [Scotland]: Vol. 2: Carrick. James Paterson. (1864), 2002, 5½x8½, paper, index, c488 pp. P1743 - $36.50 History of the Counties of Ayr and Wigton [Scotland]: Vol. 3: Cunninghame. James Paterson. (1866), 2002, paper, index, 2 vols., 612 pp. P1791 - $44.50 In Search of Hamish McBagpipes: A Concise Guide to Scottish Genealogy. Douglas Bruce Goldie. (1992) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, 116 pp. How-to guide designed for people who want to learn more of their Scottish family history, but have been confused or intimidated by other instruction manuals. G0597 - $16.00 194 Mariners of Aberdeen and Northern Scotland, 1600-1800. David Dobson. (1993), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 90 pp. Lists of seafarers, primarily ship captains, gleaned from records in the Scottish Record Office and numerous publications. D0042 - $14.00 Mariners of Angus, 1600-1800. David Dobson. (1992, 1993, 1995), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 120 pp. This publication attempts to bring together in a concise form such data as is available in archival or published sources and is based mainly on original research in Edinburgh, Dundee and Montrose. D0045 - $15.00 Mariners of Kirkcaldy, St. Andrews, and Fife, 1600-1800. David Dobson. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 110 pp. This booklet brings together information on the mariners of Kirkaldy and district largely to be found in documentary sources held in the Scottish Record Office, and is based on original research undertaken in Edinburgh and St. Andrews. D0047 - $14.00 Memorials of Angus and Mearns: An Account Historical, Antiquarian, and Traditionary, of the Castles and Towns Visited by Edward I, and of the Barons, Clergy, and Others who Swore Fealty to England in 1291-1296. Andrew Jervise and James Gammack. (1885), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 756 pp. Enlightening historical sketches of landmarks, churches, villages, monuments and noble families of Forfar and Kincardine, Scotland. Covers over thirty families. J1438 - $47.50 Origin and Signification of Scottish Surnames with a Vocabulary of Christian Names. Clifford Stanley Sims. (1862, 2000), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 124 pp. It is hard to imagine life without surnames, but surnames were a rarity before the 11th century. Entries are arranged alphabetically by surname and include varying amounts of information. A separate section is devoted to Christian names, alphabetically listed, with brief meanings provided. S1618 - $18.00 Register of Testaments Aberdeen [Scotland], 1715-1800. Frances J. McDonnell. (1997), 1998, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 118 pp. Testaments can be expected to reveal the name and designation of the deceased, normally the date of death, the executor, an inventory of assets, liabilities, debtors and creditors, and usually a will. M0035 - $13.50 Roll of Apprentices, Burgh of Aberdeen, 1622 - 1796. Frances J. McDonnell. 1998, 3 parts in 1, 110 pp. To become a burgess, one had to be the son of an existing Aberdeen burgess, marry the daughter of a burgess, buy the right, or serve an apprenticeship under a craftsman or merchant in the burgh. For an apprentice who did not qualify on other grounds, it was of paramount importance that his apprenticeship indenture be recorded to ensure that he became entitled in due course to apply to become a burgess. M0032 - $12.50 195 Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America. Charles Knowles Bolton. (1910), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 412 pp. Covers the conditions in Ulster which prompted the immigration of the ScotchIrish to the New World about 1718, and their various settlements. Concerns their settlements in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and South Carolina. B0235 - $31.50 Scotland Owners of Lands and Heritages(17 and 18 Vict., Cap. 91) 1872 - 1873 Return. Her Majesty Queen Victoria. (1874), 2011, 8½x11, paper, 218 pp. This Return sets out the estimated acreage of owners of lands and heritages in Scotland; and the annual value of the same. The names and addresses of owners of one acre and upwards are given, together with the extent and annual value of their lands and heritages, and the number of owners of less than one acre of land, with the aggregate extent and annual value of their property. H2738 - $29.00 Scotland the Brave: The Life of David, Lord Elcho in the Scottish Uprising of 1745. Sir John Wemyss-Kessler, Bt. (2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 236 pp. Lord Elcho (1721-1787), the most prominent member of the Wemyss/Weems family in the 18th century, was in command of Bonnie Prince Charles’s Calvary during the Scottish Jacobite Uprising of 1745. The majority of this work is taken directly from his journal and his narrative of the events of 1745-46, supplemented by a family tree, several maps, and a bibliography. Rife with stories of adventure and travel. W1582 - $23.00 Scottish Catholic Parents and Their Children, 1701-1705. Frances McDonnell. Index, 44 pp. An annual survey of parishes done by the Commissioners of the General Assembly or the parish ministers. M0054 - $6.50 Scottish Goldsmiths, 1600-1800. David Dobson. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 49 pp. Taken from a variety of Scottish archives, libraries and publications the entries may name parents, apprenticeship and location. D0056 - $7.50 Scottish Land-Names: Their Origin and Meaning. Sir Herbert Maxwell. (1894), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 230 pp. Presents six highly informative lectures which provide a thorough understanding of Scottish place-names and the people, language, geography and history which produced them. M0887 - $23.00 Scottish Monuments and Tombstones, Volume 1. Charles Rogers, LL.D. (1871), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 552 pp. “Monuments are as milestones in the path of civilization” declares the author in the preface, in which he presents information from about 250 parishes, grouped by county. The two volume series does not cover every Scottish parish. The counties covered in this volume are: Ayrshire, Berwickshire, Dumfriesshire, Edinburghshire, Haddingtonshire, Kirkcudbrightshire, Lanarkshire, Linlithgowshire, Peeblesshire, Renfrewshire, Roxburghshire, Selkirkshire and Wigtonshire. The tombstones dealt with in this work date from as long ago as the 13th century. R0684 - $42.00 Scottish Monuments and Tombstones, Volume 2. Charles Rogers, LL.D. (1872), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 452 pp. Presents information from an additional 250 parishes grouped by county. R0685 - $36.00 196 Scottish Schoolmasters of the Seventeenth Century. David Dobson. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 40 pp. A directory of Scottish Schoolmasters between 1600 and 1700, part one. Includes spouse, type of instructor, and location and name of school. D0049 - $6.00 Scottish Seafarers 1800-1830. David Dobson. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 33 pp. This booklet lists all those mariners for whom an inventory or the confirmation of a testament has been recorded with either a Commissary Court or with a Sheriff Court and is now held by the Scottish Record Office. D0057 - $6.00 Scottish Soldiers 1600-1800. David Dobson. (1997), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 39 pp. Lists men enlisted in the Scottish military between 1600 and 1800 giving rank, regiment, and location of post. D0041 - $6.50 Scottish Soldiers in Continental Europe. David Dobson. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 32 pp. Identifies Scottish soldiers in continental Europe before 1800. D0040 - $5.50 Scottish Whalers. David Dobson. (1995, 1996), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, 80 pp. Originally published as three books, this book deals with Scottish whalers before 1800, Scots in the Arctic: Tales of Whalers, and the Whalers of Dundee, 1750 to 1850. D0046 - $14.00 Some Old Families: A Contribution to the Genealogical History of Scotland, with an Appendix of Illustrative Documents. H.B. McCall. (1890), 2000, 8½x11, paper, index, c354 pp. Ancestry of eleven venerable Scottish families: Allan, Dalrymple of Waterside, Halkerston of Halkerston Beath, Hardy, Liston, McCall, Orr, Ranken of Colden, Scott of Thirlestane, Wilkie of Rathobyres and Young; with illustrative documents, sixteen pedigree sheets, portraits, illustrations of seals and coat of arms, traditions, anecdotes, tombstone inscriptions and biographical material. M1590 - $53.00 The Adventures of Peter Williamson. Frances McDonnell. (1994), 1998, 5½x8½, paper, 32 pp. A true story of a boy abducted and sold as a slave in the American Plantations. M0052 - $4.50 The Book of Crests of Scottish-American Clans. Mike McLaren. (1990), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 274 pp. Covers both Scottish and Scottish-American crests, and depicts both ancient and modern crests of Scottish clans; 250 crests are beautifully drawn with clan name, blazon, and motto. M0401 - $30.00 197 The Brave Sons of Skye [Scotland]: Containing the Military Records (Compiled from Authentic Sources) of the Leading Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Private Soldiers Whom “Eilean A Cheo” Has Produced; With 100 Portraits. Lieut. Col. John MacInnes. (1899, 2001), 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 310 pp. Biographical sketches, primarily focused on military careers, grouped by surname and place of residence, include: Beaton or Bethune, Campbell, Elder, MacAlister, MacDonald, MacInnes, MacIvor, MacKinnon, MacLean, MacLeod, and more. M1769 - $36.50 The Burgess Rolls of Banff and Elgin [Scotland]. Frances McDonnell. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 52 pp. Consists mainly of honorary burgesses, compiled from the Burgh and Court Books, tavern and other bills, and other sources. M0051 - $7.50 The Diary of the Rev. John Mill: Minister of the Parishes of Dunrossness Sandwick and Cunningsburgh in Shetland 1740-1803 with Selections from Local Records and Original Documents Relating to the District. Gilbert Goudie. (1889), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 332 pp. Mill was an energetic and enthusiastic parish minister as well as a diligent writer. This work is presented in chronological order, leading the reader into the life of a minister in the far-off northern isles of Scotland during the second half of the 1700s. G2335 - $28.50 The Gazetteer of Scotland. Rev. John Wilson. (1882), 2002, 5½x8½, cloth, alphabetical, 478 pp. Covers every town and village in the country, of any importance. W9007 - $25.00 The Greening Peerage of Scotland: A Genealogical and Historical Account of All the Peers of That Ancient Kingdom; Their Descents, Collateral Branches, Births, Marriages, and Issue. Together with a Like Account of All the Attained Peers; and a Complete Alphabetical List of Those Nobles of Scotland, Whose Titles Are Extinct. Collected from Parliament Rolls, Records, Family Documents, and the Personal Information of Many Noble Peers. Also the Paternal Coats of Arms, Crests, Supporters, and Mottoes, Most Elegantly Engraved. (1767), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 392 pp. Over 120 different titles; 96 intricately drawn coats of arms. P0289 - $31.00 The History of Galloway, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. William Mackenzie. (1841) reprint, paper, index, 2 vols., 1433 pp. A thorough history of the Galloway area of Scotland which opens before the arrival of the Romans and the Saxons, then discusses the effects of the presence of these two groups on the local people, the rise of Robert Bruce and other rulers, as well as agriculture, customs, religion, political machinations, military actions (including William Wallace and his battles with the English King Edward III), and the like. M2256 - $97.50 The Jacobite Cess Roll for the County of Aberdeen in 1715. Alistair Tayler and Henrietta Tayler. (1932), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 298 pp. Includes genealogical tables taken from information in the Valuation of the County in 1667. Included is information on the one synod, eight presbyteries (Kincardine, Garioch, Alford, Deer, Ellon, Turriff, Strathbogie, Aberdeen, and Church Lands), and ninety-seven parishes that make up the county. Biographical details are given for every individual mentioned, as far as possible, with his or her progenitors and immediate descendants; besides any interesting historical or personal events in which they took part. T2844 - $30.00 The Mariners of the Clyde and Western Scotland 1600-1800. David Dobson. (1994), 1998, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 64 pp. This resource lists mariners and provides such information as rank, spouse, ship, and departure and arrival dates. D0044 - $8.50 198 The Mariners of the Lothians, 1600-1800. David Dobson. (1993, 1995), 1998, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 97 pp. Attempts to identify many of the skippers and crews from the Lothians of the seventeenth century. D0034 - $13.00 The Parish of Urr: A History. David Frew. (1909), 2002, 386 pp. Located in the eastern district of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright this parish contains the town of Dalbeattie. Appendixes include names and owners of lands, elders in the churches, and members of the public boards. F0763 - $31.00 The Scotch-Irish in Northern Ireland and the American Colonies. Maude Glasgow, M.D. (1936), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 346 pp. A good general history. G0945 - $30.50 The Scots Overseas: Emigrants and Adventurers. David Dobson. (2000), 2008, 5½x8½, alphabetical, 312 pp. Covers the areas of Aberdeen and North East Scotland; Fife, Moray and Banff; Angus and Perth; Southern Scotland, Glasgow and the West of Scotland; Orkney and Shetland, the Lothians, and the Northern Highlands. Originally published by the author in multiple parts. D9589 $23.00 The Scottish Chiefs. Jane Porter. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 674 pp. This is a well-researched historical novel about Sir William Wallace of Scotland, also known as Braveheart-a nickname given to him by the soldiers that followed him into battle. This richly detailed history of Sir Wallace’s heroic fight for Scottish independence begins in Scotland in the summer of 1296. (c1809). P0989 - $49.00 The Scottish Nation: Or the Surnames, Families, Literature, Honours, and Biographical History of the People of Scotland, Volume A. William Anderson. (1876, 1995), 2013, 8½x11, paper, 186 pp. Comprehensive accounts of, among many others, Dr. Arthur Abercrombie, physician of Edinburgh; Sir Ralph Abercrombie, hero of Aboukir; the eccentric Dr. Abernathy; Dr. Adair of Bath; Dr. Adam, great scholar; the four Dukes of Albany who figure prominently in the history of early Scotland; and the Kings of Scotland, Alexander I, II, and III. Over forty surnames. A0245 - $27.00 The Scottish Nation, Volume B. William Anderson. (1876, 1995), 2013, 8½x11, paper, 352 pp. Comprehensive accounts of, among others, Robert Bailie of Jerviswood, patriot of the reign of Charles II; James Browne, author of The History of the Highlands and of the Highland Clans; Elspeth Buchan, the founder of a sect, she claimed to have had a vision “in the fields” at age six or seven; and Robert Burns, the national poet of Scotland. Over sixty surnames. A0246 - $45.50 199 The Scottish Nation: Or the Surnames, Families, Literature, Honours, and Biographical History of the People of Scotland, Volume C. William Anderson. (1876, 1995), 2013, 8½x11, paper, 242 pp. Volume C: In the third volume comprising the “C’s” you will find interesting, well written, and comprehensive accounts. Over fifty surnames. A0309 - $31.00 The Scottish NationVolume D-F. William Anderson. (1876, 1995), 2013, 8½x11, paper, 280 pp. Comprehensive accounts of, among many others, James Dalrymple, first Viscount Stair; David the First, King of Scots; Jane Elliot, author of one of the three lyrics of the song The Flowers of the Forest. Within the “E’s” you will find the surname Erskine, fabled to have originated when a Scotsman, during a battle, cut off the head of a Danish chief (in Gaelic, Eris Skene, alludes to the head and dagger). Over sixty-five surnames. A0310 - $38.50 The Scottish Nation: Volume G-L. William Anderson. (1876) reprint, 8½x11, paper, illus., 431 pp. Volume G-L: In this volume comprising the letters G, H, I, J, K, and L you will find interesting, well written, and comprehensive accounts. There are over 140 “G” through “L” surnames in this volume. A0361 - $56.00 The Scottish Nation; or the surnames, families, literature, honours, and biographical history of the people of Scotland: Volume M. William Anderson. (1876, 1995), 2013, 8½x11, paper, 299 pp. This series embraces a wide range of people, comprising some names not met with in history but whose skill, labor and genius have added to the greatness of their nation. Richly decorated with autographs, seals, genealogical and titular tables as well as an abundance of illustrations and portraits, all taken from original or authentic sources. Over 95 “M” surnames. A0362 - $39.50 The Scottish Nation or the Surnames, Families, or Literature, Honours and Biographical History of the People of ScotlandVolume N-S. William Anderson. (1995), 2013, 8½x11, paper, 322 pp. Comprehensive accounts of, among many others, John Ogilby, a dancer and writer; William Paterson, the founder and one of the first directors of the Bank of England; Allan Ramsay, who was “next to Burns the most distinguished of the national poets of Scotland;” Sir Walter Scott, a distinguished poet and “the most celebrated novelist of is day.” Over 140 surnames. A0380 - $37.00 The Scottish NationVolume T-Z and Supplement. William Anderson. (1876, 1995), 2013, 8½x11, paper, 194 pp. Comprehensive accounts of, among many others, Rev. John Thomson, an intense lover of nature; William I, king of Scots; James Watt, a natural philosopher and civil engineer who worked extensively on developing the steam engine. Over fifty surnames in this volume and an additional forty-four surnames included in the supplement. A0381 - $29.50 The West of Scotland in History: Being Brief Notes Concerning Events, Family Traditions, Topography, and Institutions. Joseph Irving. (1885, 2001), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 392 pp. Notable figures, families, events and places are the focus of sixty-one highly detailed sketches. Queen Mary, Sir Thomas Munro, General Roy of Carluke, Lord Provost Patrick Colquhoun, the battle of Langside (1568), Glasgow burgh records, old Glasgow houses, Dumfries Rood Fair, and the Renfrewshire witches are just a few of the topics discussed. I1924 - $31.00 Tours in Scotland: 1747, 1750, 1760. Richard Pococke and Daniel William Kemp. (1887), 2003, paper, index, 375 pp. Subjects include towns and castles; abbeys, monasteries, nunneries, and other church-related items; domestic and wild animals; occupations such as fishing, mining, carpet manufacture, and linen-weaving; trees and gardens; Romans and Picts; stone circles and barrows; and much more. Numerous people are mentioned. Dr. Pococke’s travel accounts provide an interesting contribution to our knowledge of eighteenth-century Scotland. K2304 - $34.00 200 Who Were Those Celts?: The German-French-Swiss-Italian-Scottish-Welsh-English-Irish American Connection. Kevin Duffy. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 268 pp. This concise 3,000-year history of the Celts is packed with facts never before assembled together in a single volume. Much of this information cannot be found even in previous books written about the Celts. With its succinct style and a minimum of jargon, this work is intended to appeal to a general readership. Its original presentation and the gems it contains make it a timeless reference work, different from any other book ever published on the Celts. D0505 - $24.00 Wales Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 2, 1897. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1897), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 132 pp. H0623 - $27.00 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 3, 1898. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1898), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 140 pp. H0668 - $28.50 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 4, 1902. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1902), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 162 pp. H0669 - $28.50 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 5, 1903. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1903), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 220 pp. H0702 - $34.00 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 6, 1906. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1906), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 235 pp. H0703 - $34.00 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 7, 1907. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1907, 1995), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 234 pp. Pedigrees include: Aldridge; Alington; Allenby; Arkwright; Barnard; Barnardiston of Bedfordshire; Barnardiston of Brightwell; Barnardiston of Clare; Barnardiston of Ketton; Barnardiston of the Ryes, Sudbury; Barne; Barnston; Chafy; Comber; Crisp; Cruwys; Dendy; Dicken; Dowdeswell; Foot; Hall; Hawksworth; Heathcote; I’Anson; Meller; Newdegate; Packe; Parker; Partridge; Price and Ramsden. H0737 - $31.50 201 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 13, 1919. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1919, 1998), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 196 pp. H0875 - $39.00 Visitation of England and Wales Notes: Volume 14, 1921. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1921, 1998), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 186 pp. Pedigrees include: Acton of Gatacre Park; Blake; Challinor; Chevallier; Cobbold; Corder; Cripps of Cirencester; Cross; Denne; Evans; Farnham of Quorndon; Fry; Fynes, alias Clinton; Good; Holmes; Landon; Lombe; Mortimer; Nelson; Pytches; Rouse; Rouse of Kilkhampton; Scott of Great Barr; Suckling; Surtees; Tarleton; Wolseley; Woollcombe; Worthington. Some illustrations of family crests. H0876 - $39.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 8, 1900. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1900), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 192 pp. H0359 - $33.50 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 9, 1901. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1901), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 200 pp. H0404 - $33.50 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 11, 1903. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1903, 1996), 2013, 8½x11, paper, index, 246 pp. Volume 11 lists pedigrees (from various counties): Abercromby, Barlow, Cave-Browne-Cave, Clark, Coode, De Chair, De Mauley, Freeman, Goddard, Grey, Hamilton, Harrison, Hodsoll, Hunt, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockett, Norbury, Patchett, Phillips, Portman, Raglan, Roberts, Roddam, Shedden, Sieveking, South, Steedman, Taylor, Teague, Thursby, Welch, Wood, and Worsley. H0435 - $34.50 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 12, 1904. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1904), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 212 pp. H9436 - $40.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 13, 1905. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1905), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 220 pp. H0476 - $35.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 14, 1906. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1906), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 222 pp. H0477 - $35.00 202 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 15, 1908. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1908), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 220 pp. H0519 - $37.50 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 16, 1909. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1909), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 218 pp. H0520 - $39.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 17, 1911. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1911), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 218 pp. H0556 - $35.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 18, 1914. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1914), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 238 pp. H0557 - $42.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 19, 1917. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1917), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 228 pp. H0591 - $42.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 20, 1919. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1919), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 226 pp. H0592 - $37.00 Visitation of England and Wales: Volume 21, 1921. Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp. (1921), reprint, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 234 pp. H0593 - $37.00 Welsh Family Coats of Arms. Robert J.C.K. Lewis. 1995, 5½x8½, paper, 100 pp. Gives biographical and historical data, some of which date from as early as 350AD, during the days of the Roman Empire. L0156 - $25.00 203 United States Fordham’s Personal Narrative, 1817-1818 Travels in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky; and of a Residence in the Illinois Territory. Elias P. Fordham; edited by Frederic Austin Ogg. (1906, 1989), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 248 pp. A young engineer, Elias Pym Fordham kept journals which he sent back to England with his letters to his family. Those writings are here collected into a fascinating description of frontier life in the new republic. F3196 $27.00 Official History of the Improved Order of Red Men. Compiled under Authority from the Great Council of the United States by Past Great Incohonees George W. Lindsay of Maryland, Charles C. Conley of Pennsylvania, Charles H. Litchman of Massachusetts. Charles H. Litchman. (1893), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 660 pp. The Order of Red Men takes pride in preserving “the history, the customs, and the virtues of the original American people,—a people conceded by the early travellers and writers to have been intelligent, brave, and free, loyal in its friendships, generous in its hospitalities, and with many traits of character worthy of emulation…” L9500 - $48.00 Special List No. 26: Pre-Federal Maps in the National Archives: an Annotated List. Patrick D. McLaughlin. (1971), 2012, 8½x11, paper, 52 pp. This work is composed of three parts: Atlases, Mapes encompassing two or more Colonies or States, and Maps of areas within individual Colonies or States. An index and three illustrations augment this work, which describes 156 items. M9505 - $12.50 Alabama Alabama 1850 Agricultural and Manufacturing Census, Volume 1 for Dale, Dallas, Dekalb, Fayette, Franklin, Greene, Hancock, and Henry Counties. Linda L. Green. (1999), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 176 pp. Includes: name of owner; improved and unimproved acreage; value of the farm, farm implements, machinery, and livestock. G0803 - $25.00 Alabama 1850 Agricultural and Manufacturing Census, Volume 2 for Jackson, Jefferson, Lawrence, Limestone, Lowndes, Macon, Madison, and Marengo Counties. Linda L. Green. (1999), 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 122 pp. Includes: name of owner; improved and unimproved acreage; value of the farm, farm implements, machinery, and livestock. G0804 - $25.00 Alabama 1850 Agricultural and Manufacturing Census, Volume 3 for Autauga, Baldwin, Barbour, Benton, Bibb, Blount, Butler, Chambers, Cherokee, Choctaw, Clarke, Coffee, Conecuh, Coosa, Covington Counties. Linda L. Green. 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 264 pp. This volume covers the counties of: Autauga, Baldwin, Barbour, Benton, Bibb, Blount, Butler, Chambers, Cherokee, Choctaw, Clarke, Coffee, Conecuh, Coosa, and Covington. G4907 - $33.00 Alabama 1850 Agricultural and Manufacturing Census, Volume 4. Linda L. Green. 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 392 pp. This volume covers the counties of: Marion, Marshall, Mobile, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Perry, Pickens, Pike, Randolph, Russell, St. Clair, Shelby, Sumter, Talladega, Tallapoosa, Tuscaloosa, Walker, Washington, and Wilcox. G4939 - $42.00 204 Alabama 1860 Agricultural and Manufacturing Census: Volume 1 for Dekalb, Fayette, Franklin, Greene, Henry, Jackson, Jefferson, Lawrence, Lauderdale, and Limestone Counties. Linda L. Green. (1999, 2002), 2012, 8½x11, paper, 174 pp. Includes: name of owner; improved and unimproved acreage; value of the farm, farm implements, machinery, and livestock. G0812 - $25.00 Alabama 1860 Agricultural and Manufacturing Census: Volume 2 for Lowndes, Madison, Marengo, Marion, Marshall, Macon, Mobile, Montgomery, Monroe, and Morgan Counties. Linda L. Green. (2000, 2002), 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 164 pp. Includes: name of owner; improved and unimproved acreage; value of the farm, farm implements, machinery, and livestock. G0811 - $25.00 Alabama 1860 Agricultural and Manufacturing Census: Volume 3 for Autauga, Baldwin, Barbour, Bibb, Blount, Butler, Calhoun, Chambers, Cherokee, Choctaw, Clarke, Coffee, Conecuh, Coosa, Covington, Dale, and Dallas Counties. Linda L. Green. 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 392 pp. This volume covers the counties of: Autauga, Baldwin, Barbour, Bibb, Blount, Butler, Calhoun, Chambers, Cherokee, Choctaw, Clarke, Coffee, Conecuh, Coosa, Covington, Dale, and Dallas. G5006 - $42.00 Alabama 1860 Agricultural and Manufacturing Census: Volume 4 for Perry, Pickens, Pike, Randolph, Russell, Shelby, St. Clair, Sumter, Tallapoosa, Talladega, Tuscaloosa, Walker, Washington, Wilcox, Winston. Linda L. Green. 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 376 pp. This volume covers the counties of: Perry, Pickens, Pike, Randolph, Russell, Shelby, St. Clair, Sumter, Tallapoosa, Talladega, Tuscaloosa, Walker, Washington, Wilcox, and Winston. G5021 - $41.00 Alabama Bible Records. Jeannette Holland Austin. (1987, 2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 430 pp. A collection of 249 Alabama Bible records and 7,344 indexed names. A9611 - $34.00 Cemetery Records of Greene County, Alabama, and Related Areas. O’Levia Neil Wiese. (1980, 1994), 2013, 8½x11, index, 156 pp. Contains complete as well as incomplete records of forty-seven cemeteries in Greene County, Alabama. Some of these cemeteries were located in surrounding counties which were once Greene County; five of these cemeteries are located in Mississippi. Mrs. Mary Marshall added her personal knowledge about the families buried in these cemeteries: names of siblings, wives, children of the deceased, relationships of survivors and etc. W0943 - $26.00 Colonial Mobile: An Historical Study, Largely from Original Sources, of the AlabamaTombigbee Basin and the Old South West from the Discovery of the Spiritu Santo in 1519 until the Demolition of Fort Charlotte in 1821. Peter J. Hamilton, A.M. (1897, 1910, 1991), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 772 pp. A detailed history of the Mobile area under Spanish, French, British, and American rule. Contains numerous documents and narratives, a list of marriages (1813-1821), extensive supplemental material and documentation. Illustrated with maps, etc. H0453 - $53.00 205 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Alabama. Stewart Sifakis. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 160 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. This volume details the activities of Alabama’s units in the Confederacy. S0697 - $24.95 Death and Marriage Notices from Jefferson County, Alabama, Newspapers, Volume II (18821906). Larry E. Caver, Jr. (2003), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 448 pp. This collection contains valuable historical and genealogical information on individuals who resided in Jefferson Co., particularly in the Greater Birmingham area, with news items from across the state and the Southeast. C3324 - $37.50 Death, Marriage, and Probate Notices from Montgomery, Alabama, Newspapers, Volume II (1866-1875). Larry E. Caver, Jr. (2003), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 446 pp. This collection contains valuable historical and genealogical information on individuals who resided in Central Alabama following the Civil War, as well as items for individuals residing in adjacent southern states. C3325 - $37.50 Early Settlers of Alabamawith Notes and Genealogies. James Edmonds Saunders. (1899), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 584 pp. The first section of this book contains recollections of the early settlers of north Alabama. The second portion is devoted to Notes and Genealogies on the following families: Banks, Bankhead, Bibb, Billups, Blair, Cantzon, Clay, Coleman, Cox, Du Bose, Dudley, Dunn, Elliott, Flint, Foster, Fry, Gholson, Goode, Gray, Harris, Hill, Hopkins, Lanier, Ligon, Lowe, Manning, Maclin, McGehee, Maury, Moore, Oliver, O’Neal, Phelan, Poellnitz, Ray, Richardson, Saunders, Shelton, Sherrod, Shorter, Speed, Swoope, Tait, Taliaferro, Thompson, Tillman, Urquhart, Walthall, Watkins, Webb, Weeden, Wells, White, Withers, Wyatt, Yates, Young, and others. S4738 - $44.00 Excerpts from Minutes of Cullman Baptist Association of Cullman County, Alabama and surrounding counties, 1883-1946. Lillie Crawford. (2001), 2013, 6x9, paper, index, 610 pp. The reader can observe the church community evolve steadily from a young organization concerned with personal survival to a large outreaching community with missions abroad and opinions on the leading issues of the day. There are insights into concurrent historical events such as when the church records endorsed the education of women in 1893, showed support for prohibition in 1919, and resolved to help alleviate the suffering of those living in war torn countries in 1945. C1911 - $45.00 First Alabama Cavalry, USA: Homage to Patriotism. Glenda McWhirter Todd. (1999), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 442 pp. Includes: reports from the field; a chapter on General Wm. Tecumseh Sheridan; some National Cemeteries and places of death; the combat diary of Sgt. Maj. Francis Wayland Dunn; and a roster of soldiers in the regiment. T1198 - $36.50 206 First, for the Duration: The Story of the Eighth (8th) Alabama Infantry, C.S.A. Linda L. Green. 2008, 6x9, paper, index, 270 pp. Join the Eighth Alabama Infantry on its journey-from its organization, to the Peninsula Campaign, Second Manassas to Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg to Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Petersburg, and ultimately Appomattox. Includes rosters and transcribed notes. G4553 - $26.00 Fort Powell and the Civil War: Western Approaches to Mobile Bay, 1861-1865. Sidney H. Schell. 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 224 pp. Fort Powell was built on an oyster reef on Grants Pass in Alabama. This history of the defense of the western approach to Mobile Bay details the reasons Grants Pass was fortified and includes the history of those who built, defended and attacked it. S5425 - $28.00 Genealogical Abstracts from The Autauga Citizen, 1853, in Prattville, Autauga County, Alabama. Charlene Vinson. (2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 226 pp. These abstracts are a treasure trove of information on Alabama families, especially for genealogists researching ancestors in Autauga, Elmore or Chilton Counties. Advertisements with genealogical value are included. V1553 - $22.00 Genealogical Abstracts from The Banner, 1893, in Clanton, Chilton County, Alabama. Charlene Vinson. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 364 pp. All articles and advertisements of genealogical value, even those that could not be fully transcribed, have been included. Articles not possessing genealogical value have been given brief attention. All but five 1893 issues are included. V1325 $31.00 History of Clarke County, Alabama. John S. Graham. (1923, 1991), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 378 pp. This county, situated between the Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers, was initially carved from Washington County in 1812. When Alabama became a territory in 1817, Clarke County was substantially enlarged. This history is rather typical of the genre, and covers all the usual topics. It is especially rich in biographical sketches of residents, and has the usual lists of soldiers and civic officers. A new full-name index has been added. G3474 - $32.50 Marriage and Death Notices from the South Western Baptist Newspaper. Michael Kelsey, Nancy Graff Floyd and Ginny Guinn Parsons. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 230 pp. Abstracts of marriage and death notices reported in the South Western Baptist (1850-1862), submitted from all over the South as well as Ala. Marriage notices include: couple’s names; date and location of marriage; place of residence; names of parents; and often the names of presiding clergymen. Death notices include: place, date, and cause of death, family names (including maiden names), date and place of birth and baptism, place of residence, church membership, and military account. K0338 - $22.50 Miscellaneous Alabama Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 1. Michael Kelsey, Nancy Graff Floyd, and Ginny Guinn Parsons. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 262 pp. This book contains abstracts from central Alabama newspapers published from 1823 through 1869 in the counties of Dallas, Green, and Talladega. Information is not limited to central Alabama and includes the counties of Perry, Autauga, Wilcox, Bibb, Sumter, Montgomery, Shelby, and Tuscaloosa. The abstracts consist of marriage, death, legal and slave notices, advertisements, and lists of letters left unclaimed in local post offices (many of the names found in the lists do not appear on census indexes). K0238 - $24.50 207 Miscellaneous Alabama Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 2. Michael Kelsey, Nancy Graff Floyd, Ginny Guinn Parsons. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 356 pp. Contains abstracts from central Ala. newspapers published between 1821 and 1877. There is a surname index containing about 2,800 names, and a separate slave name index. K0589 - $33.50 PDF: Mobile Confederates from Shiloh to Spanish Fort: The Story of the 21st Alabama Infantry Volunteers. Arthur E. Green. 2012, 8½x11, paper, 388 pp. The 21st Regiment included existing companies such as the French Guards, the Spanish Guards, the British Guards and the Mobile Cadets. The abstracted compiled service records of almost 3,000 men who served are contained in this roster. PDF-G5376 - $33.60 Perry Volunteers in the Mexican War: Perry County, Alabama, First Regiment of Alabama Volunteers 1846-1847 and the Mexican War Diary of Captain William G. Coleman. J. Hugh LeBaron. (2002), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 232 pp. Adventures of a company of soldiers who served their country in Texas and Mexico at a time of national crisis. L2267 - $24.00 Pioneers and Residents of West Central Alabama. Madge Pettit. (1988), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 354 pp. Genealogical data on about 1000 families who lived in the hill country of west central Alabama prior to the Civil War. Most came from Virginia and the Carolinas. P0125 - $34.00 Regimental History of the 35th Alabama Infantry, 1862-1865. Leroy F. Banning. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 152 pp. Follows this Confederate unit from its creation to its surrender. Lists 726 men who served in the regiment with biographical material. B1133 - $18.00 Selected Final [Revolutionary] Pension Payment Vouchers 1818 - 1864: Alabama: Decatur— Huntsville—Mobile—Tuscaloosa. Alycon Trubey Pierce, CG. 1997, 5½x8½, paper, index, 119 pp. These are the records for the Alabama pension office, they cover Revolutionary War pensions for the most part but include other wars. P0013 - $13.50 Some Alabama Pioneers. Madge Pettit. (2001), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 254 pp. Each family is treated in its own chapter that includes local history, biographical sketches and family legends, followed by genealogical information. P1859 - $22.50 208 Southern Boots and Saddles: The Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry C.S.A., First Regiment Alabama and Florida Cavalry, 1863-1865. Arthur E. Green. (2005), 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 230 pp. Contains transcribed military service records of 1,611 brave Southern men who served with the Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry. A short history of the regiment and its movements precede the service records. G3813 - $40.00 Sumter County, Alabama: Index to Wills and Estate Administrations, 1834-1884; Register of Deaths, 1881-1892; and Cemetery Records. Joseph F. Stegall and Jud K. Arrington. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 458 pp. Includes an index of wills and estate administrations from Orphan’s Court; a register of deaths (former slaves make up the majority of deaths); and countywide cemetery records of residents born before 1865. S0755 - $37.50 The Alabama Bomber Boys: Unlocking Memories of Alabamians Who Bombed the Third Reich. Donald E. Wilson. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 188 pp. This compelling account of Alabamians, who unlock their memories to relate their heroism and accomplishments in the frigid skies over Hitler’s “fortress Europe,” includes photographs and a list of Alabamians, their Bomb Groups, and British bomber bases. W4682 - $21.00 The Families of Genery’s Gap, Alabama. Madge Pettit. (1986), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 152 pp. Genery’s Gap lies half in Jefferson Co. and half in Shelby Co., Alabama. Covers the early pioneers who came from the Carolinas, Virginia, and Georgia. P3008 - $18.50 The Seventeenth Alabama Infantry: A Regimental History and Roster. Illene D. Thompson and Wilbur E. Thompson. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 502 pp. Much of this history is told using the soldiers own words from diaries, letters and military reports. T1969 - $39.00 Those Gallant Men of the Twenty-Eighth Alabama Confederate Infantry Regiment. James H. Walker and Robert Curren. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 398 pp. The authors provide a thorough listing of 1,648 men who belonged to the 28th Alabama Confederate Infantry Regiment during the Civil War, and vividly describe the gallant men’s lives before, during and after the conflict. W0740 - $33.00 Too Little Too Late: Compiled Military Service Records of the 63rd Alabama Infantry CSA with Rosters of Some Companies of the 89th, 94th and 95th Alabama Militia CSA. Arthur E. Green. (2001), 2008, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 234 pp. This unit history contains the records of 1,133 young Alabama men who joined the war late, fought in battle and were captured at Blakeley, Alabama. Also included are some records for the 89th, 94th and 95th Alabama Militias. G1988 - $35.00 209 Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume 1. Glenda McWhirter Todd. 2012, 8½x11, paper, 394 pp. This series includes the most extensive collection of records and information ever published on the soldiers who served in the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV: transcribed military records on each soldiers; pension records and Southern Claims for some; and lists of soldiers by company. T5404 - $42.00 Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume 3. Glenda McWhirter Todd. 2013, 8½x11, paper, 430 pp. This series includes the most extensive collection of records and information ever published on the soldiers who served in the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV: transcribed military records on each soldiers; pension records and Southern Claims for some; and lists of soldiers by company. T5489 - $45.00 Alaska Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers 1850-1950, Volume 1. Ed Ferrell. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 362 pp. This work makes obscure and un-indexed material available to researchers in Alaskan and Canadian history and genealogy. It contains over 400 biographies and is rich in Northwest history, Most of the accounts tell of the men and women who went to Dawson, Nome, and Fairbanks during the gold rush. Many biographies and obituaries describe individuals who made contributions to the Territory in mining, business, exploration, government, law, religion, journalism, and civil rights. The majority of these early Alaskans came to the Territory between 1880 and 1910. F0087 - $31.50 Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers 1850-1950, Volume 2. Ed Ferrell. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 374 pp. The majority of these early Alaskans came to the Territory between 1880 and 1910; some finally settled in California, Oregon and Washington. The main sources used for this compilation were newspaper obituaries and magazine articles. Each volume is alphabetically arranged, and has over 400 biographies. F0387 - $32.00 Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers 1850-1950, Volume 3. Ed Ferrell. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 358 pp. Contains more than 400 additional biographies and is rich in Northwest history. Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco were points of departure and return; the majority of these early Alaskans came to the territory between 1880 and 1910. The main sources used for this compilation were newspaper obituaries and magazine articles. Each biography is followed by one or more citations naming the publication and date of issue from which the information was obtained. F0701 - $31.00 Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers 1850-1950, Volume 4. Ed Ferrell. (2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 354 pp. Volume 4 contains more than 400 biographies, alphabetically arranged and full of fascinating information. The majority of these early Alaskans came to the territory between 1880 and 1910. The main sources used for this compilation were newspaper obituaries and magazine articles. F1500 - $31.00 Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers 1850-1950, Volume 5. Ed Ferrell. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 306 pp. Contains additional biographies and is rich in Northwest history. Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco were points of departure and return; some of the immigrants settled in those regions after trying their luck on the frontier. The majority of these early Alaskans came to the territory between 1880 and 1910. The main sources used for this compilation were newspaper obituaries and magazine articles. F2503 - $29.00 210 Frontier Justice: Alaska 1898--the last American frontier. Ed Ferrell. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 156 pp. Incidents in Alaskan history circa 1898 - the serial killer of Dawson, the shoot-out at Bear Creek, Soapy Smith and his gang, the witchcraft murder, the man eaters, the mad trapper of Rat River, a private hanging, the death of an archbishop, etc. F0881 - $17.50 The Dangerous North. Ed Ferrell. (1998), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, 174 pp. A collection of hair-raising true tales about pioneers in Alaska, the Yukon and the northern Pacific region. The author has selected 26 accounts of death and survival that chronicle the harsh realities of life on the northern frontier. F1065 - $21.00 Arkansas Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Florida and Arkansas. Stewart Sifakis. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 160 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Florida or Arkansas will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0695 - $24.95 Index to the Arkansas General Land Office, 1820-1907, Volume One: Covering the Counties of Arkansas, Desha, Chicot, Jefferson and Phillips. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 306 pp. Contains abstracts of land transactions. Records are arranged alphabetically by purchaser’s last name, and include: first name, middle initial, a legal description and location of the land, the amount of land in acres, the date of purchase, and the county. E0902 - $28.00 Index to the Arkansas General Land Office, 1820-1907, Volume Two: Covering the Counties of Union, Bradley, and Ashley. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 348 pp. Contains abstracts of land transactions. Records are arranged alphabetically by purchaser’s last name, and include: first name, middle initial, a legal description and location of the land, the amount of land in acres, the date of purchase, and the county. E0930 - $30.00 Index to the Arkansas General Land Office, 1820-1907, Volume Three: Covering the Counties of Monroe, Lee, Woodruff, White, Crittenden, Independence, Lonoke, St. Francois, Prairie and Cross. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 344 pp. Contains abstracts of land transactions. Records are arranged alphabetically by purchaser’s last name, and include: first name, middle initial, a legal description and location of the land, the amount of land in acres, the date of purchase, and the county. E1044 - $30.00 Index to the Arkansas General Land Office, 1820-1907, Volume Four: Covering the Counties of Benton and Carroll. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 286 pp. Contains abstracts of land transactions. Records are arranged alphabetically by purchaser’s last name, and include: first name, middle initial, a legal description and location of the land, the amount of land in acres, the date of purchase, and the county. E1096 - $27.00 211 Index to the Arkansas General Land Office, 1820-1907, Volume Five: Covering the Counties of Washington, Crawford, and Sebastian. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 328 pp. Contains abstracts of land transactions. Records are arranged alphabetically by purchaser’s last name, and include: first name, middle initial, a legal description and location of the land, the amount of land in acres, the date of purchase, and the county. E1121 - $29.00 Index to the Arkansas General Land Office, 1820-1907, Volume Six: Covering the Counties of Hempstead, Howard, Nevada and Little River Counties. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (2000), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 262 pp. Contains abstracts of land transactions. Records are arranged alphabetically by purchaser’s last name, and include: first name, middle initial, a legal description and location of the land, the amount of land in acres, the date of purchase, and the county. E1533 - $26.00 Index to the Arkansas General Land Office, 1820-1907, Volume Seven: Covering the Counties of Jackson, Clay, Greene, Sharp, Lawrence, Mississippi, Craighead, Poinsett and Randolph. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 212 pp. Contains abstracts of land transactions. Records are arranged alphabetically by purchaser’s last name, and include: first name, middle initial, a legal description and location of the land, the amount of land in acres, the date of purchase, and the county. E1384 - $23.50 Index to the Arkansas General Land Office, 1820-1907, Volume Eight: Covering the Counties of Marion, Stone, Baxter, Fulton, Izard, and Cleburne. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (2001), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 312 pp. Contains abstracts of land transactions. Records are arranged alphabetically by purchaser’s last name, and include: first name, middle initial, a legal description and location of the land, the amount of land in acres, the date of purchase, and the county. E1801 - $28.00 Index to the Arkansas General Land Office, 1820-1907, Volume Nine: Covering the Counties of Scott, Logan, Montgomery, Pike, Sevier and Polk. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (2001), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 268 pp. Contains abstracts of land transactions. Records are arranged alphabetically by purchaser’s last name, and include: first name, middle initial, a legal description and location of the land, the amount of land in acres, the date of purchase, and the county. E1884 - $26.00 Index to the Arkansas General Land Office, 1820-1907, Volume Ten: Covering the Counties of Miller, Lafayette, Columbia, Ouchita, Calhoun and Clark. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 306 pp. Contains abstracts of land transactions. Records are arranged alphabetically by purchaser’s last name, and include: first name, middle initial, a legal description and location of the land, the amount of land in acres, the date of purchase, and the county. E2049 - $28.00 Obituaries of Benton County, Arkansas: Volume 3, 1905-1909. Barbara P Easley and Verla P. McAnelly. 1995, 5½x8½, paper, index, 513 pp. Alphabetically arranged obituary abstracts include all genealogical data given and annotations. E0196 - $41.50 212 Obituaries of Benton County, Arkansas: Volume 5, 1914-1918. Barbara P Easley and Verla P. McAnelly. 1995, 5½x8½, paper, index, 533 pp. Alphabetically arranged obituary abstracts include all genealogical data given and annotations. E0284 - $43.00 Obituaries of Benton County, Arkansas: Volume 6, 1919-1922. Barbara P. Easley and Verla P. McAnelly. 1996, 5½x8½, paper, index, 512 pp. Alphabetically arranged obituary abstracts include all genealogical data given and annotations. E0407 - $41.50 Obituaries of Benton County, Arkansas: Volume 8, 1926-1927. Barbara P Easley and Verla P. McAnelly. 1996, 5½x8½, paper, index, 418 pp. Alphabetically arranged obituary abstracts include all genealogical data given and annotations. E0470 - $35.50 Obituaries of Benton County, Arkansas: Volume 9, 1928-1929. Barbara P. Easley and Verla P. McAnelly. 1996, 5½x8½, paper, index, 504 pp. Alphabetically arranged obituary abstracts include all genealogical data given and annotations. E0486 - $41.00 Obituaries of Washington County, Arkansas: Volume 2, 1893-1902. Barbara P. Easley and Verla P. McAnelly. 1996, index, 509 pp. Many of the entries contain information pertaining to the neighboring Arkansas counties of Benton and Madison, as well as the Indian Territory (Oklahoma). E4986 - $40.00 **OUT OF PRINT? Washington County, Arkansas, Miscellaneous Record Book, 1841-1879. Nancy Maxwell. (1997), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 148 pp. Includes “articles of incorporation of religious and fraternal organizations; apprenticeships; deeds of gift; promissory notes; slave sales and manumissions; appointments of deputy sheriffs; family birth records; and registries of local millers and the mills where they worked.” M0760 - $24.00 Washington County, Arkansas, Sheriff’s Census for 1865. Nancy Maxwell. (1993), 2008, 8½x11, index, 76 pp. The census is arranged chronologically and includes names of several (but not all) townships: Clear Creek, Elm Spring, Mars Hill, Illinois, Vineyard, Cove Creek, Mountain, West Fork, White River, Richland, Prairie, and the city of Fayetteville. Cane Hill and Brush Creek Townships are not named, even though they existed when the census was taken. M0885 - $18.00 213 California 1850 Federal Census: Schedule I - Free Inhabitants of Monterey County, California. Lorraine “Rain Cloud” Escobar. 1999, 8½x11 paper, alphabetical, 101 pp. Data is sorted in three different manners; chronologically by page number and line number, by last name, or by first name. A typical entry includes age, sex, occupation, and birthplace. E0553 - $20.00 1852 California State Census: Schedule I - Free Inhabitants of Monterey County, California. Lorraine “Rain Cloud” Escobar. 2000, 8½x11 paper, alphabetical, 158 pp. Data is sorted in three different manners; chronologically by page number and line number, by last name, or by first name. A typical entry includes age, sex, occupation, and birthplace. E0554 - $26.00 A Mexican-American Family of California: In the Service of Three Flags. John Schmal and Jennifer Vo. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 252 pp. Discusses the story of one family’s place in California history through twelve generations from Luis Quintero to the present generation. S2448 $20.00 Births, Deaths and Marriages on California’s Mendocino Coast, Volume 4, 1930-1939. Mendocino Coast Genealogical Society. 1998, 8½x11, paper, index, map, 357 pp. M0937 - $52.50 Births, Deaths and Marriages on California’s Mendocino Coast, Volume 5, 1940-1949. Mendocino Coast Genealogical Society. 1999, 8½x11, paper, index, map, 495 pp. M1101 - $69.00 Births, Deaths and Marriages on California’s Mendocino Coast, Volume 6, 1950-1959. Mendocino Coast Genealogical Society. 1999, 8½x11, paper, index, map, 428 pp. M1289 - $61.00 Births, Deaths and Marriages on California’s Mendocino Coast, Volume 7, 1960-1969. Mendocino Coast Genealogical Society. 2000, 8½x11, paper, index, 443 pp. M1436 - $42.50 Births, Deaths and Marriages on California’s Mendocino Coast, Volume 8, 1970-1979. Mendocino Coast Genealogical Society. 2000, 8½x11, paper, index, map, 485 pp. M1681 - $53.50 214 Births, Deaths and Marriages on California’s Mendocino Coast, Volume 9, 1980-1989. Mendocino Coast Genealogical Society. 2001, 8½x11, index, 566 pp. M1915 - $62.00 Births, Deaths and Marriages on California’s Mendocino Coast, Volume 10, 1990-1999, Items from the Fort Bragg Advocate-News. Mendocino Coast Genealogical Society. (2002), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 538 pp. Birth announcements include birthdate, location, father’s name and residence, the mother’s maiden name, and more. Death notices give the deceased’s name, date of death, and place of residence, often names of survivors, their residences, circumstances of death, personal attributes, employment, burial place and clergy involved. Marriage notices include names of bride and groom, parents’ names, relatives, date and location of ceremony, judge or clergy. M2013 - $52.00 Cemeteries of Sonoma County, California: A History and Guide. Jeremy Dwight Nichols. (2002), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 146 pp. This book is a history and guide to the cemeteries of Sonoma County, California, not an index of burials in those cemeteries. It will enable genealogists, historians, and other researchers to locate those cemeteries. N2269 - $24.50 Cemetery and Related Records, Smartsville Cemeteries, Yuba County, California, 1852-2001. Renie Riccobuano. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 284 pp. This book conveniently combines cemetery, birth, marriage, and death records, as well as information from relevant newspaper articles that relate to approximately 985 graves found in four Smartsville area cemeteries. R0919 - $26.50 Early School Attendance Records of Sonoma County, California, Beginning 1858. Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2004, 8½x11, alphabetical, 496 pp. These school attendance records, which begin in 1858 and generally range to the 1920s, include the name of student, school attended, date of first and last school record, and in most cases, the age and grade of the student at entry and/or exit. S2506 - $50.00 Early School Attendance Records of Sonoma County, California: Volume II, 1874-1932. Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 394 pp. These school attendance records, spanning 1874-1932, include: name of student, parent, address (or general area), school district, date or date range, age and/or grade within the date range, birth date, and left/comments. S4184 - $42.00 Family History Research in San Diego, California. Barbara Palmer. 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 98 pp. This guide to sources of genealogical information in the San Diego area includes libraries, archives, historical societies and government entities with birth, marriage, property, tax, census, hospital, death, probate, coroner, and other records; as well as books, photographs and more. Early burial locations for Hispanic founders and more recent cemeteries are also covered. P4115 - $14.00 German Pioneers in Early California: Erwin G. Gudde’s History. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1927), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, new index, 40 pp. California has more German-Americans than any state in the Union as of 1990. Discusses Father Kino and the German Jesuits; Sutter’s Fort and the discovery of gold, Germans in Los Angeles and San Francisco, industries, agriculture and colonization. T1822 - $10.50 215 Homestead Declarations: Amended Index, Sonoma County, California, Second Edition. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. (1985), 2011, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 122 pp. In 1862, President Lincoln signed the Homestead Act to encourage settlement in the western states. The patents read much like any deed. Column headings include: Applicant and Family Information, Filing Date, and Vol.-Pg. S5313 - $22.50 Index and Abstracts of Wills, Sonoma County, California: 1850-1900. Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 264 pp. Alphabetically arranged records include names of all persons mentioned in the will, residence of the deceased, age of the deceased at the time the will was signed (when available), and ages of children at the time of probate (when available). S4492 - $32.50 Index to Naturalization Records in Sonoma County, CaliforniaVol. I: 1841-1906. Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2001, 8½x11, paper, 236 pp. More than 6,600 persons applied for naturalization in Sonoma Co. pre-1906. S1734 - $31.00 Index to the Sonoma Searcher: Volume 16, No. 1 to Volume 28, No. 3 (Including Index to The Sonoma Searcher, Vol. 1, No. 1 to Vol. 15, No. 4, SCGS, August 1993). Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 600 pp. The Sonoma Searcher has been the window on the world for the Sonoma County Genealogical Society since the Spring 1973 issue. Covers the period August 1988 to Spring 2001. S2270 - $70.00 Index to Vital Data in Local Newspapers of Sonoma County, California, Volume 1: 1855-1875. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. (2001), 2009, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 404 pp. Newspaper abstracts supplemented with cemetery inscriptions and other data for Sonoma and nearby Marin, Napa, Solano, Lake and Mendocino counties. Contains more than 17,000 entries! S1704 $45.50 Index to Vital Data in Local Newspapers of Sonoma County California, Volume 2: 1876-1880. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. (2001), 2008, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 416 pp. Newspaper abstracts supplemented with cemetery inscriptions and other data for Sonoma and nearby Marin, Napa, Solano, Lake and Mendocino counties: Contains more than 18,000 entries! S1862 $38.50 Index to Vital Data in Local Newspapers of Sonoma County, California, Volume 3: 1881-1885. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. 2001, 8½x11, map, paper, 309 pp. Newspaper abstracts supplemented with cemetery inscriptions and other data for Sonoma and nearby Marin, Napa, Solano, Lake and Mendocino counties: Contains more than 13,000 entries! S1941 - $37.50 Index to Vital Data in Local Newspapers of Sonoma County, California, Volume 4: 1886-1890. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. 2003, 8½x11, paper, 355 pp. Newspaper abstracts pertaining to Sonoma and nearby Marin, Napa, Solano, Lake and Mendocino counties. S1901 - $41.50 216 Index to Vital Data in Local Newspapers of Sonoma County, California, Volume 5: 1891-1899. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 394 pp. The names contained in this index are primarily residents of Sonoma County, but some residents of Marin, Napa, Solano, Lake and Mendocino can be found within these pages. Contains more than 16,000 entries! S4287 - $50.00 Index to Vital Data in Local Newspapers of Sonoma County, California, Volume 6: 1900-1903. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 500 pp. The names contained in this index are primarily residents of Sonoma County, but some residents of Marin, Napa, Solano, Lake and Mendocino can be found within these pages. Contains nearly 20,000 entries! S4358 $49.50 Index to Vital Data in Local Newspapers of Sonoma County, California, Volume 7: 1904-1906. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. 2008, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 466 pp. The names contained in this index are primarily residents of Sonoma County, but some residents of Marin, Napa, Solano, Lake and Mendocino can be found within these pages. Contains more than 18,000 entries! S4512 - $46.50 Index to Vital Data in Local Newspapers of Sonoma County, California, Volume 8: 1907-1909. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. 2009, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 494 pp. The names contained in this index are primarily residents of Sonoma County, but some residents of Marin, Napa, Solano, Lake and Mendocino can be found within these pages. Contains more than 20,000 entries! S4940 - $49.50 Index to Vital Data in Local Newspapers of Sonoma County, California, Volume 9: 1910-1912. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. 2011, 8½x11, paper, 474 pp. The names contained in this index are primarily residents of Sonoma County, but some residents of Marin, Napa, Solano, Lake and Mendocino can be found within these pages. Contains nearly 18,000 entries! S5284 - $47.00 Index to Vital Data in Local Newspapers of Sonoma County, California: Volume 10: 1913-1915. Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2012, 8½x11, paper, 446 pp. The names contained in this index are primarily residents of Sonoma County, but some residents of Marin, Napa, Solano, Lake and Mendocino can be found within these pages. Contains nearly 18,000 entries! S5390 - $45.00 Index to Vital Data in Local Newspapers of Sonoma County, California: Volume 11: 1916-1918. Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2012, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 390 pp. The names contained in this index are primarily residents of Sonoma County, but some residents of Marin, Napa, Solano, Lake and Mendocino can be found within these pages. Contains more than 14,500 entries! S5455 - $42.00 Indigent Records in Sonoma County, California 1878 to 1926, Volume 1: The Indigents. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. 2006, 8½x11, paper, alpha., 202 pp. Contains about 1,200 applications that list: nativity; residence; marital status; names, ages, and birth places of children; reason for application; property; sobriety; income; amount of money requested; and date of request. S4135 - $32.00 217 Indigent Records in Sonoma County, California 1878 to 1926, Volume 2: Taxpayers Who Certified Indigent Need. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. 2006, 8½x11, paper, alpha., 2 vols., 436 pp. Book One gives data about the applicant, his/her family, and circumstances of the request. Book Two gives a listing of the taxpayers who supported the applicant’s request for county funds. S4310 - $69.50 Marriages License Affidavits, 1861-1921, Sonoma County, California: Volume 1. Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2011, 8½x11, paper, 314 pp. This series (taken from Marriage License Affidavits housed at the Sonoma County History and Genealogy Library) lists the full names of bride and groom, date of application, age, residence, place of birth, and more. S5357 - $36.00 Marriages License Affidavits, 1861-1921, Sonoma County, California: Volume 2. Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2011, 8½x11, paper, 352 pp. This series (taken from Marriage License Affidavits housed at the Sonoma County History and Genealogy Library) lists the full names of bride and groom, date of application, age, residence, place of birth, and more. S5358 - $38.50 Marriages License Affidavits, 1861-1921, Sonoma County, California: Volume 3. Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2011, 8½x11, paper, 352 pp. This series (taken from Marriage License Affidavits housed at the Sonoma County History and Genealogy Library) lists the full names of bride and groom, date of application, age, residence, place of birth, and more. S5359 - $39.00 Marriages License Affidavits, 1861-1921, Sonoma County, California: Volume 4. Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2011, 8½x11, paper, 210 pp. This four volume series (taken from Marriage License Affidavits housed at the Sonoma County History and Genealogy Library) lists the surname and the given name of bride and groom. S5360 - $29.00 Militia Lists of Sonoma County, California, 1846 to 1900. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. 2002, 8½x11, paper, 432 pp. Covers the years 1878, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894, and 1900, plus fragmentary lists for 1846, 1857, 1862, 1863, 1865 and 1903. S2244 - $49.00 Newspaper Extracts from “The Marin Journal” “Marin County Tocsin” San Rafael, Marin County, California, January 1, 1891 to December 31, 1892. Marin County Genealogical Society. 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 298 pp. More than vital statistics! Voter lists, orphan records, lists of letters, and notes about visiting relatives are all included. M0963 - $50.50 Newspaper Extracts from “The Marin Journal” “Marin County Tocsin”, San Rafael, Marin County, California, January 5, 1893 to December 27, 1894. Marin County Genealogical Society. 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 318 pp. More than vital statistics! Voter lists, orphan records, lists of letters, and notes about visiting relatives are all included. M3849 - $53.50 Newspaper Extracts from Sausalito News, Sausalito, Marin County, California, February 12, 1885 to December 26, 1890. Marin County Genealogical Society. 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 364 pp. In addition to births, deaths, marriages, and business happenings, there are articles about customs, lifestyles, and priorities of the times. Several correspondents from the local townships sent in weekly news. M3848 - $47.00 218 Newspaper Extracts from The Marin County Journal, Sausalito News, Marin County Tocsin, San Rafael, Marin County, California, 1895 to 1896. Marin County Genealogical Society. 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 356 pp. Newspaper abstracts are an excellent resource for genealogists and historians. In addition to the abundance of names and relationships, news articles tell us a lot about the customs, lifestyles, and priorities of the times. M4468 - $39.00 Newspaper Extracts from The Marin Journal, Marin County Tocsin San Rafael, Marin County, California, January 3, 1889 to December 27, 1890. Marin County Genealogical Society. 2003, 8½x11, paper, index, c235 pp. M2382 - $27.00 Newspaper Extracts from The Marin Journal, San Rafael Marin County, California. January 6, 1881 to December 25, 1884. Marin County Genealogical Society. 2003, 8½x11, paper, index, c333 pp. In addition to the abundance of names and relationships, news articles tell us a lot about the customs, lifestyles, and priorities of the times. Voter lists, orphan records, lists of letters, and notes of when people living out of state visited their relatives add to the value of this work. M2380 - $32.00 Newspaper Extracts from The Marin Journal, San Rafael, Marin County, California, January 1, 1885 to December 27, 1888. Marin County Genealogical Society. 2003, 8½x11, paper, index, c278 pp. M2381 - $32.00 Pioneer Records of Trinity County, California: A Century of Facts, 1850-1950. Patricia Johnsen Hicks. (1998), 2012, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 312 pp. Covers births, marriages, and deaths. H1028 - $46.00 Potter’s Field: The Chanate Historical Cemetery in Santa Rosa, California. Jeremy D. Nichols. 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 174 pp. This book tells the story of the old Sonoma County Cemetery, a “Pauper” cemetery. The history of the cemetery and its eventual abandonment, rediscovery, and restoration is followed by a biographical list of burials in the cemetery. Contains maps and photos. N5010 - $26.00 Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery, 1854-2007: A Listing of Burials in Fulkerson, Moke, Rural and Stanley Cemeteries now known collectively as Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery (Revised and expanded edition of 1997 listing). Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery Preservation Committee. 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 242 pp. Alphabetical list of nearly 5,300 burials with a wealth of genealogical information. S4181 - $43.50 Sonoma County California Reconstructed 1890 Census. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. 1999. The census entries in this book are presented alphabetically in a tabular format which gives surname, first name, age, occupation, date of naturalization or date of newspaper from which the information was taken (see explanation in book), remarks, birthplace, residence and source of information. S1107-LQ - $54.00 Sonoma County, California, Cemetery Records, 1846-1921: Third Edition. Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc. (1999), 2009, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, index, 622 pp. Contains information on over 90 locations and includes a total of 11,996 names. S1208 - $58.00 219 Sonoma County, California, Death Records, 1873-1905: 2nd Edition. Sonoma County Genealogical Society. 2000, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, map, 359 pp. 9555 records from the ledgers of the Sonoma County Recorder; new user-friendly format. S1630 - $42.50 The 1930 School Census of Sonoma County, California. Sonoma County Genealogical Soc. 2004, 8½x11, paper, alpha., 2 vols., 712 pp. The Statutes of California, 1929 required every elementary school district in the state to take a school census of all minors under the age of 18 in October 1930, and every three years thereafter. Much additional family information is included. See online catalog for fuller description. S2464 - $76.00 The Civil War Veterans of San Diego: Including Citations to Genealogical Research Sources in San Diego, California. Barbara Palmer. 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 350 pp. Cemetery and intake records from two San Diego G.A.R. posts for nearly 2,000 Civil War veterans who migrated to San Diego after the war from places like New York, Ohio, Missouri, Germany, and England. P3580 $56.00 The Journey to Latino Political Representation. John P. Schmal. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 228 pp. Contains a detailed description of the struggle of Latino Americans to express their political voice from 1822 to the present day; the decline of Hispanic representation in the nineteenth century and the revival of their political voice in the second half of the twentieth century. S4114 - $24.00 We Remember... the Stories of Courage and Heroism, Triumph and Tragedy, from the Men and Women Who Served Their Country during World War II from the Antelope Valley, California. Dayle L. DeBry. (2004), 2008, 8½x11, paper, 286 pp. Numerous photographs enhance over 140 stories of these brave men and women from the Antelope Valley. D3182 - $35.00 Colorado Colorado on the Eve of Statehood: An Edited Business Directory of the Pioneers who Built the Centennial State. Rawlene Briar LeBaron and Laurel Michele Wickersheim. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 262 pp. The pioneers and the towns they founded are named in the excerpts from the 1875 Colorado Business Directory, featured in this excellent guide for the historian of the Old West and Colorado. L4551 - $26.00 Colorado Pioneers in Picture and Story. Alice Polk Hill. (1915), 2008, paper, index, 576 pp. Sit back and enjoy the fascinating account of the pioneers that opened mines, built towns, created ranches and laid the foundations for civilization in this rugged wilderness before the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock! H2224 - $40.00 220 Hometown Heroes: Stories and Insights from World War II Veterans from Southeast Colorado. Donna McDonnall. (2006), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 134 pp. These stories represent the wartime experiences common to all generations of veterans across our nation. These accounts are funny, sad, courageous, very human, and always amazing. Hair-raising tales of jumping from plummeting aircraft, surviving German prisoner of war camps, hiding behind enemy lines, and daring escapes will keep readers on the edge of their seat and keep the pages turning. Most interviews include a photo of the veteran at the age of service contrasted with a current photo of the veteran. M3837 - $20.00 Mine Owners and Mines of the Colorado Gold Rush. Rawlene LeBaron. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 510 pp. This fascinating look at Colorado’s gold rush is based on Thomas Corbett’s 1879 classic directory of Colorado’s gold, silver, and coal mines; and ore mills. It lists owners, officers, and key employees; date discovered; location; nature of the ore; etc. L3135 - $41.00 The Lost Cities of Colorado. Laurel Michele Wickersheim and Rawlene LeBaron. (2002), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 344 pp. Life in Colorado’s long vanished gold mining towns is reflected in its old, frequently ephemeral, newspapers, and is preserved in these pages thanks to painstaking research. L2190 - $29.00 Connecticut A Gazetteer of the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island. John C. Pease and John M. Niles. (1819, 1991), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 420 pp. This work traces many aspects of the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island from their settlement until 1819, when the book was originally published. First, a general overview of the states outlines such elements as their location, climate, geographical and geological characteristics, industry and agriculture, religion, education, government and history. Then follows descriptions of each county and its respective towns. P0544 - $35.00 Abstracts from The Connecticut (formerly New London) Gazette Covering Southeastern Connecticut: 1780-July 25, 1782, Volume 5. Richard B. Marrin. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 264 pp. This volume of news abstracts provides a view of everyday life of the citizens of Eastern Connecticut as they experienced the turmoil of the Revolutionary War with all its victories and defeats. M5191 - $26.00 Abstracts from The Connecticut (formerly New London) Gazette Covering Southeastern Connecticut, 1774-1776. Richard B. Marrin. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 280 pp. The New London Gazette, renamed The Connecticut Gazette in 1773, contained news of Europe, England and the other colonies; local news of southeastern Connecticut-from the Boston Tea Party to Independence Day. M4784 - $25.00 221 Abstracts from The Connecticut (formerly New London) Gazette Covering Southeastern Connecticut, 1777-1779. Richard B. Marrin. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 334 pp. This volume of news abstracts provides a view of both the everyday life of the colonists of Eastern Connecticut and the extraordinary events of the Revolutionary War. M5017 - $25.00 Abstracts from the New London Gazette Covering Southeastern Connecticut, 1763-1769. Richard B. Marrin. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 334 pp. News of Europe, England and the other colonies; local news from: New London, Groton, Stonington, Norwich, Lyme, Windham and other towns of southeastern Connecticut. Local news included weddings, deaths, shipping news, legal notices, ads and much more. M4171 - $29.50 Abstracts from the New London Gazette Covering Southeastern Connecticut, 1770-1773. Richard B. Marrin. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 298 pp. News of Europe, England and the other colonies; local news from: New London, Groton, Stonington, Norwich, Lyme, Windham and other towns of southeastern Connecticut. Local news included weddings, deaths, shipping news, legal notices, ads and much more. M4552 - $28.00 Annals and Family Records of Winchester, Connecticut. John Boyd. (1873, 2005), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 680 pp. A well-written history with numerous interesting anecdotes, biographical sketches and genealogical records going well back into the early 1700s. Includes early land titles, pioneer settlers, Indians, war records, society and customs, taxable property lists, town organization, church history, business operations, temperance reform and Masonic societies. B2167 - $49.00 Bristol, Connecticut, (“In the Olden Time New Cambridge”) Which Includes Forestville. Eddy N. Smith, George Benton Smith, Allena J. Bates. (1907), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, 716 pp. This comprehensive history of Bristol, Connecticut, contains everything from birds to witchcraft, with genealogical sketches and a wealth of photographs. S5458 - $51.00 By “theire free act and deed”: Connecticut’s Land Relationship with Indian Tribes, 1496-2003. James P. Lynch. (2006), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 122 pp. A fascinating legal analysis of the history of Indian land rights in Connecticut. L3845 - $20.00 Connecticut Town Meeting Records during the American Revolution: Volume 1, Ashford Milford. Jolene Roberts Mullen. 2011, 6x9, paper, index, 750 pp. This two-volume series offers a collection of extracts from the minutes of the town meetings of the towns that existed in Connecticut during the American Revolution. Records from April 1775 through November 1783 are included. M5314 - $53.00 222 Connecticut Town Meeting Records during the American Revolution: Volume 2, New Fairfield Woodstock. Jolene Roberts Mullen. 2011, 6x9, paper, index, 812 pp. This two-volume series offers a collection of extracts from the minutes of the town meetings of the towns that existed in Connecticut during the American Revolution. Records from April 1775 through November 1783 are included. M5315 - $55.50 Connecticut’s Naval Office at New London during the War of the American Revolution: Volume II of Collections of the New London Historical Society. Ernest E. Rogers. (1933), reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 428 pp. Located in New London, the American Navy sent out its first expedition in 1775. Nathaniel Shaw became the Naval Agent. Many of his papers and letters are contained in this work. They provide a fascinating record of captains and their ships, cargoes, business transactions, privateering, routes of voyages, prices of goods, and news of the war. Includes a list of captains, illustrated with maps, portraits, historic buildings and facsimiles of documents. R1239 - $33.00 Cut Off: Colonel Jedediah Huntington’s 17th Continental (Connecticut) Regiment at the Battle of Long Island, August 27,1776. Charles H. Lewis. 2009, 6x9, paper, index, 320 pp. This book tells the story of the regiment and its disappearance. It also provides brief biographies of many individual soldiers who served in the regiment during 1776, maps, photos, extensive footnotes, and more. L4924 - $29.00 Families of Ancient Wethersfield, Connecticut. Henry R. Stiles. (1904), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 2 vols., 1046 pp. Excerpted from Dr. Stiles two-volume history, it contains hundreds of genealogies. S1984 - $69.50 Family Secrets: 18th and 19th Century Birth Records Found in the Windham County, Connecticut, County Court Records and Files at the Connecticut State Library Archives, Hartford. Marcella Pasay. (2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 116 pp. A compilation of Fornication and Maintenance of (Illegitimate) Child suits brought to the Windham County Court from 1728 to 1847. There are over 300 cases. P1538 - $17.50 Full Circle: A Directory of Native and African Americans, Windham County, Connecticut, 1650-1900. Marcella Houle Pasay. (2002), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 826 pp. Documents early natives, slaves and colored freemen residing in, and with ties to, Windham Co., Conn., and the surrounding area from 1650-1900; over 8500 individuals. P2015 - $57.50 Genealogical Notes, or Contributions to the Family History of Some of the First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts. Nathanial Goodwin. (1856, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 382 pp. A wealth of information for researching old New England families, in particular: Goodwin, Blakeman, Case, Chester, Clark, Dwight, Edwards, Goodrich, Gurley, Hollister, Hopkins, Ingersoll, Jones, Judson, Kent, Lord, Mather, Metcalf, Mygatt, Nott, Porter, Sedgwick, Smith, Spencer, Stone, Storrs, Terry, Treat, Ward, Webster, Welles, Whiting and Worthington. G1637 - $32.50 223 Gideon’s Calling: The Founding and Development of the Schaghticoke Indian Community at Kent, Connecticut, 1638-1854. James P. Lynch. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 194 pp. Schaghticoke was the product of two cultures in collision and its consequences. Schaghticoke as a community did not pre-exist the advent of continuous historical contact with Europeans but was created by it. L4248 $22.50 History of Redding, Connecticut--First Settlement to Present Time: With Notes on the Adams, Banks, Barlow, Bartlett, Bartram, Bates, Beach, Benedict, Betts, Burr, Burritt, Burton, Chatfield, Couch, Darling, Fairchild, Foster, Gold, Gorham, Gray, Griffin, Hall, Hawley, Hill, Heron, Hull, Jackson, Lee, Lyon, Lord, Mallory, Meade, Meeker, Merchant, Morehouse, Perry, Platt, Read, Rogers, Rumsey, Sanford, Smith and Stow Families. Charles Burr Todd. (1880), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 288 pp. Includes biographical sketches. T1220 - $25.00 History of Seymour, Connecticut, with Biographies and Genealogies. W. C. Sharpe. (1879), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 272 pp. Approximately one-third of the book consists of genealogies. S1389 $30.00 History of the Colony of New Haven to its Absorption into Connecticut, 2nd Edition. Edward E. Atwater, et. al. (1902), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 806 pp. Comprehensive history of the six towns: Branford, Guilford, Milford, New Haven, Stamford and Southold (LI). Includes 130 pages of genealogical data for those towns, plus Stratford, Fairfield, Norwalk, New London and Saybrook. A0224 - $56.00 History of the Colony of New Haven to its Absorption into Connecticut, 2nd Edition. Edward E. Atwater, et. al. (1902), 2009, 5½x8½, cloth, index, 806 pp. Comprehensive history of the six towns: Branford, Guilford, Milford, New Haven, Stamford and Southold (LI). Includes 130 pages of genealogical data for those towns, plus Stratford, Fairfield, Norwalk, New London and Saybrook. A4929 - $85.00 History of the Old Town of Derby, Connecticut, 1642-1880. Samuel Orcutt. (1880, 1998), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 990 pp. A detailed account of the growth and development of Derby from its initial settlement through the post Civil War period. O0907 - $76.00 History of the Town of Wolcott, Connecticut, from 1731 to 1874, with an Account of the Centernary Meeting, September 10th and 11th, 1873; and with the Genealogies of the Families of the Town. Samuel Orcutt. (1874), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 632 pp. A large part of this volume is occupied by biographical sketches and genealogical records of men born and raised in Wolcott. O5146 - $46.50 224 History of Windham County, Connecticut, Volume 1. Ellen D. Larned. (1874), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 596 pp. Covers the years 1676 to 1760. L0959 - $42.50 History of Windham County, Connecticut, Volume 2. Ellen D. Larned. (1880), 1998, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 632 pp. Covers the years 1740 to 1880. L0960 - $43.00 Honor Roll of Litchfield County, Connecticut Revolutionary Soldiers. Josephine Ellis Richards. (1912, 1997), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 234 pp. A master index to over 40 sources. Each entry provides the soldier’s full name and the source of the record, for Litchfield County men serving in the Revolutionary War. Sources include pension applications, D.A.R. lineage books, published histories, genealogies, etc. R0662 - $24.50 Inscriptions from Gravestones in the Old Burying Ground, Norwich Town, Connecticut. George S. Porter. (1933, xxxx), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 202 pp. Transcribes 1,405 gravestone inscriptions from Norwich’s oldest burying ground. Gravestones predating 1700 no longer exist; the bulk of these inscriptions are from the 19th century. P9479 - $27.00 Jewish Cemeteries of Five Counties of Connecticut. The Cohen/Goldfarb Collection, Volume 2. Rabbi Edward A. Cohen and Lew Goldfarb. 1998, 8½x11, paper, 208 pp. Covers Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, Tolland and New London Counties. New Haven County and Fairfield County are represented but not complete. C0997 - $32.00 Lists and Returns of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, 1775-1783. Connecticut Historical Society Staff. (1909), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 502 pp. “The major part of this volume, as its title might indicate, is composed of officially written lists and returns of soldiers who were serving in the Continental regiments of the ‘Connecticut Line.’ There are also some rolls of companies in service which had not previously been printed, particularly in 1782 and 1783...” Information often includes: name, town of residence, date of enlistment or detachment, company, regiment, and duration of service. C9312 - $39.00 Litchfield and Morris [Connecticut] Inscriptions. Charles Thomas Payne. (1905), reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 304 pp. Gravestone inscriptions from 12 Connecticut cemeteries. Most dates fall between the mid 18th and late 19th centuries. P0560 - $23.00 Map: A Map of the township of Bedford, Stamford and and Greenwich and the North River [Connecticut], 1763. Shows rivers, the Dukes Trees, Samford North Line, Oblong, and the line run by Clinton. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper MP0265 - $3.00 225 Map: Poundridge. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper MP0216 - $3.00 Middletown Upper Houses. Charles Collard Adams, M.A. (1908, 1989), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols., 848 pp. History of what is now Cromwell, Connecticut, covering 1650 to 1800, but the vast bulk of the work consists of genealogies. A0019 - $79.00 New Copies of Old Records from Hebron, Connecticut, 1708-1875: Featuring Town Death Records, 1796-1860, not filmed by any library or indexed by Barbour; An 1886 manuscript by Will J. Warner, including all the early Gillead Church Records and other historical material; Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1847-1870, an unrecognized volume of vital records in the Hebron Town Clerk’s Office; and Completing the Barbour Collection for Hebron. Linda Maclachlan. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 250 pp. This book augments/completes the Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Records for Hebron. M5339 - $25.50 New England Family Histories: State of Connecticut. LuVerne V. Hall and Donald O. Virdin. (1999), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 262 pp. An abundance of genealogical works about New England families has been written and is available to the public. The authors have compiled a bibliography of these published works containing genealogies of Connecticut families; arranged by surname. H1394 - $24.50 Old Houses of the Ancient Town of Norwich [Connecticut] 1660-1800, With Maps, Illustrations, Portraits and Genealogies. Mary E. Perkins. (1895), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 718 pp. All buildings on major thoroughfares are discussed. The second part is devoted to genealogical records, following the direct line of each resident to his original American progenitor. P1515 - $50.00 Rolls and Lists of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, 1775-1783 (1901). Connecticut Historical Society. (1901) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 375 pp. The rolls are broken down into regiments and companies. Information in each list varies; besides the soldiers’ names it may include the last campaign, officer’s name, date of entry into company, number of days in the service, rank, town of origin, expiration of service, and/or wages. Other lists include deserters and sick or wounded men. The Naval Record also varies; typical information includes the name of the ship, name of the captain, dates of entry and discharge, rank, wages, and deserters. C0300 - $28.00 Rolls of Connecticut Men in the French and Indian War, 1755-1762, Vol. 1, 1755-1757. Connecticut Historical Society Staff. (1903), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 364 pp. Organized by campaign, regiment, and company, these rosters give the names of soldiers and officers and their rank, dates of enlistment and discharge, and occasional additional data such as date of death. “The majority of the rolls printed in this volume…are from [the] Adams Papers in the State Library.” This was first published as the Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society, Volume IX. C3890 - $32.00 226 Rolls of Connecticut Men in French and Indian War, 1755-1762: Volume II, 1758-1762; Appendixes, 1755-1764. Connecticut History Society. (1905, 1994), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 488 pp. Organized by campaign, regiment, and company, these rosters give the names of soldiers and officers and their rank, dates of enlistment and discharge, and occasional additional data such as date of death. “The majority of the rolls printed in this volume…are from [the] Adams Papers in the State Library. ...For convenience of reference all names which appeared in the index to the preceding volume are in the index to this volume, preceded by a star.” C0971 - $38.50 Some Historic Sites of Litchfield, Connecticut. The Litchfield Historical Society. (1933), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 16 pp. This charming guidebook with map gives a historical account of each site, along with information about famous former residents and descriptions of notable architecture. Sites include the Beecher Elm and Well, Litchfield Female Academy, Ethan Allen House and more. L3030 - $4.00 Story of the Early Settlers of Stamford, Connecticut, 1641-1700, including Genealogies of Principal Families. History by Jeanne Majdalany, Genealogies by Edith M. Wicks and Jeanne Majdalany. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 230 pp. Chronicles the development of Stamford. Many aspects of everyday life are described. Includes outline genealogies covering the first three or four generations of the families which arrived in the 17th century. M0394 - $23.00 The Clergy of Litchfield County. Arthur Goodenough. (1909), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 294 pp. This well-written book covers the foundations, the pioneers, manners and customs, an eighteenth century sermon, Episcopal churches, Baptists, Methodists, the clergy as citizens, the clergy in literature, wit and humor, and ministers’ children. It contains numerous biographical sketches and lists of ministers. G2700 - $28.00 The Early History of Tolland. Loren P. Waldo. (1861, 1986), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. A wide range of topics are covered, including detailed descriptions of seventeen lots of land (with lists of petitioners and grantees), meeting houses, ministers, military (with lists of volunteers, rolls, payrolls, pension applicants and more), burying grounds, the post office, town clerks, census of Tolland, members of the House of Representatives, justices of the peace, and selectmen (with a chronological list of names, 1717-1860). Family records with varying amounts of genealogical information augment most of the chapters. W3004 - $21.00 The First Traders on Wall Street: The Wiechquaeskeck Indians of Southwestern Connecticut in the Seventeenth Century. John Alexander Buckland. (2002), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 302 pp. Their story is unique, although they were part of the great Algonquian Woodland peoples, and belonged to the large group of Lenape, or Delaware, Indians in the New Jersey and New York area. B2028 $28.00 The Historical Address and Other Accounts of the Exercises Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Organization of the First Congregational Church, New Milford, Connecticut. (1916), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 48 pp. The coverage of this four-day event reviews 200 years of history and significant events. It is liberally peppered with names. X4267 - $12.00 227 The History of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut, Including East Windsor, South Windsor, and Ellington, Prior to 1768, the Date of Their Separation from the Old Town; and Windsor, Bloomfield and Windsor Locks, to the Present Time. Also the Genealogies and Genealogical Notes of Those Families Which Settled Within the Limits of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut, Prior to 1800. Henry R. Stiles. (1859), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols., 944 pp. The history from discovery in 1614 by the Dutch up to the 1800, and a succinct summary of the town’s history from 1800 to the date of publication. Plus over 300 pages of genealogies. S0706 - $65.00 The History of Ancient Woodbury, Connecticut from the First Indian Deed in 1659 to 1879 Including the Present Towns of Washington, Southbury, Bethlehem, Roxbury, and a Part of Oxford and Middlebury, Containing the Genealogical Statistics of the Same, and of Ancient Stratford, from 1639 to 1728 Volume III. William Cothren. (1879, 2000), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 872 pp. A classic history. C1544 - $65.00 The History of Connecticut from the First Settlement of the Colony to the Adoption of the Present Constitution. G.H. Hollister. (1855) reprint, paper, index, 2 vols., 533+693 pp. Covers a vast assortment of topics. Appendices, and illustrations of prominent residents enhance this work. H1923 - $80.00 The History of Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut: From the Settlement of the Town in 1639 to 1818. Elizabeth Hubbell Schenk. (1889, 1997), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 2 vols., 961 pp. A classic history with nearly 100 genealogies. S0757 - $77.00 The Legend of Dudleytown [Connecticut] Solving Legends through Genealogical and Historical Research. Gary P. Dudley. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 144 pp. Genealogical gleanings and different variations of Dudleytown’s fascinating legends have been interwoven with the step-by-step process for solving such mysteries. D1778 - $19.50 The Poor and Others to Be Pitied. Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Selectmen’s Records of Town Welfare Cases, Windham County, Connecticut. Marilyn L. Labbe. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 522 pp. Extracts include funeral expenses, the sick and dying, warnings out, town lawsuits, indentures, emancipations, some marriages and names of those relegated to the insane asylum. Sometimes family relationships are noted as well as former and new residences. L3193 - $41.50 The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, Prior to the Union with New Haven Colony, May 1665. J. Hammond Trumbull. (1850, 1992), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 630 pp. Records of the: General and Particular Courts (1636-1649), General Court (1650-1665), Wills and Inventories (1640-1649), and Code of Laws. Twelve appendices include an abstract of the will of George Fenwick, letters from Mr. William Goodwin concerning Gov. Hopkins’ legacy, a petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Cullick, “relict to Captayne John Cullick,” to the General Court in 1639, and a list of documents relating to the union of the colony of Connecticut with New Haven, (1662-1664). T3669 - $45.50 228 The Windham County, Connecticut, County Court Records, 1726-1732: Abstracts of Volume I, Connecticut State Library Archives, Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut. Marcella Houle Pasay. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 184 pp. Abstracts of never before published court records from a rather obscure source-an excellent resource for the pre-census era. The residences of plaintiffs, defendants and petitioners are noted along with their occupations and even familial relationships in some instances. Cases include: Debts, issue of tanning and tavern licenses, property attachments, thefts, trespassing, fornication, and petitions for new highways, just to name a few. P1683 - $36.00 Vital Records of Lyme, Connecticut, to the End of the Year 1850. transcribed under the direction of Verne M. Hall and Elizabeth B. Plimpton. (1976, 1990), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 418 pp. Some of the data are for the seventeenth century, but the bulk of the information concerns the period from 1700 to 1850. The records were transcribed verbatim in their original order and they contain a wealth of entire family groupings. H0316 - $34.00 Windham (Connecticut) Probate District Records, Volume 1 (1719-1734). George Waller. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 146 pp. Probate records provide names, dates, places, and relationships that form the basis of genealogy. This district comprised the towns of Windham, Lebanon, Coventry, Mansfield, Canterbury, Plainfield, Killingly, Pomfret, and Ashford. A full name index is included. W3328 - $20.00 Windham County, Connecticut, County Court Records, 1732-1736, Abstracts of Volume 2, Connecticut State Library Archives. Marcella Houle Pasay. 2002, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. Important, previously unpublished, court records. P2241 - $22.50 Dakota Territory Cavaliers of the Dakota Frontier. Wayne Fanebust. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 458 pp. In the 1850’s, the American West was ablaze with land speculation, and the way west was paved by the lofty ambitions of town site speculators who laid the crude foundations for today’s cities and towns. This account is presented as a series of inter-connected essays within a larger narrative. F4915 - $37.00 Steppes to Neu Odessa: Germans from Russia Who Settled in Odessa Township, Dakota Territory, 1872-1876, 2nd edition. Cynthia Anne Frank Stupnik. (2002, 2005), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 164 pp. A biographical and genealogical sketchbook of Plains’ pioneers including many family connections made available in part by the Odessa German-Russian Genealogical Library. S2120 - $19.00 229 Delaware Calendar of Kent County, Delaware Probate Records, 1680-1800. (1944), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 690 pp. Leon DeValinger, Jr. Short abstracts of the wills and administration accounts found in the state archives, naming heirs and giving the Liber and folio number of the document. D0305 $46.00 Calendar of Sussex County, Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800. Leon deValinger. (1964), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 400 pp. These abstracts, arranged in chronological order, generally contain the name of the deceased, the type of record, the date of the record, heirs, officials such as executor and administrator, witnesses, and the place of the complete record. An every-name index provides easy access to all people. D3819 - $30.00 Campaign of 1776: The Road to Trenton. Gregory T. Edgar. (1995), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 442 pp. This major work covers the political and military movements of the year 1776, during which time Americans reluctantly let go of their strong allegiance to King George III. Through 1776’s rollercoaster pattern of events, this book traces the development of the Revolutionary War. The text is written in a very enjoyable manner, and enhanced by numerous excerpts from public and private documents. Included are stories of the spy Nathan Hale, and that of David Bushnell’s “famous water machine,” the world’s first operational submarine. E0185 - $33.00 Christiana Methodist Episcopal Church: Its History, Its People. Barbara Bryant White. 1994, 8½x11, paper, index, 159 pp. Compiled and Edited by the Church Historian. A majority of the church records abstracted here are not available elsewhere. W0090 - $27.50 Colonial Delaware Assemblymen, 1682-1776. Bruce A. Bendler. (1989, 1990), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, 176 pp. A compact genealogical and biographical directory. Introduction recounts the history of representative government in Delaware and characterizes the assemblymen. Gives names of his parents and his children, brief biographical sketch, wealth, religion. B0149 - $21.00 Colonial Delaware Records: 1681-1713. Bruce Bendler. (1992, 1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 86 pp. Contains rent rolls for Kent Co., 1681-1688, Sussex Co., 1681-1688; 1693 Tax Assessment list for all three counties; Kent Co. Quit Rents, circa 1701-1713 and Sussex Co. Quit Rents, 1702-1713. B0214 - $13.00 Colonial Delaware Soldiers and Sailors, 1638-1776. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 242 pp. Soldiers and sailors from the area that became Delaware, from colonists arriving in New Sweden, to July 4, 1776. Names taken from many sources. P0376 - $22.00 230 PDF: Colonial Delaware Soldiers and Sailors, 1638-1776. Henry C. Peden, Jr. Soldiers and sailors from the area that became Delaware, from colonists arriving in New Sweden, to July 4, 1776. Names taken from many sources. PDF-P0376 - $17.60 Colonial Delaware Wills and Estates to 1800: An Index. Donald O. Virdin. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 200 pp. This book is an index to colonial Delaware wills and estates to 1800 and includes the wills and estates that could be located in published works concerning Kent County, Sussex County, and New Castle County. Most of these wills and estates date from the mid-1700s, but a few date back to the late 1600s. Provides the date of probate, the name of the deceased, the county, and the book and page number of the estate. V0020 - $20.50 Delaware 1850-1860 Agricultural Census: Volume 1. Linda L. Green. (2004), 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 288 pp. This volume includes the counties of Kent, New Castle, and Sussex. G3826 $44.00 Delaware 1870-1880 Agricultural Census: Volume 2. Linda L. Green. (2005), 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 438 pp. This volume includes the counties of Kent, New Castle, and Sussex. G3829 $63.00 Delaware Bible Records, Volume 1. Donald O. Virdin. (1991), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 124 pp. These Bibles date mainly from the late 1700’s through the early 1900’s, and frequently cover three or more generations. In addition to the usual marriage, birth, and death information, newspaper clippings, hand-written notes attached to or written on the pages, and personal letters found in the Bibles are also transcribed. Some entries are supplemented by data from the author’s personal files. V0470 - $18.50 Delaware Bible Records, Volume 2. Donald O. Virdin. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 172 pp. These Bibles date mainly from the late 1700’s through the early 1900’s, and frequently cover three or more generations. In addition to the usual marriage, birth, and death information, newspaper clippings, hand-written notes attached to or written on the pages, and personal letters found in the Bibles are also transcribed. Some entries are supplemented by data from the author’s personal files. V0560 - $18.50 Delaware Bible Records, Volume 3. Donald O. Virdin. (1993), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. These Bibles date mainly from the late 1700’s through the early 1900’s, and frequently cover three or more generations. In addition to the usual marriage, birth, and death information, newspaper clippings, hand-written notes attached to or written on the pages, and personal letters found in the Bibles are also transcribed. Some entries are supplemented by data from the author’s personal files. V0788 - $23.00 231 Delaware Bible Records, Volume 4. Donald M. Hehir. (1994), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 200 pp. These Bibles date mainly from the late 1700’s through the early 1900’s, and frequently cover three or more generations. In addition to the usual marriage, birth, and death information, newspaper clippings, hand-written notes attached to or written on the pages, and personal letters found in the Bibles are also transcribed. Some entries are supplemented by data from the author’s personal files. H0134 - $20.00 Delaware Bible Records, Volume 5. Donald O. Virdin and Lu Verne V. Hall. (1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 422 pp. These Bibles date mainly from the late 1700’s through the early 1900’s, and frequently cover three or more generations. In addition to the usual marriage, birth, and death information, newspaper clippings, hand-written notes attached to or written on the pages, and personal letters found in the Bibles are also transcribed. Some entries are supplemented by data from the author’s personal files. V0852 - $30.50 Delaware Bible Records, Volume 6. Luverne V. Hall. (1998), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 532 pp. These Bibles date mainly from the late 1700’s through the early 1900’s, and frequently cover three or more generations. In addition to the usual marriage, birth, and death information, newspaper clippings, hand-written notes attached to or written on the pages, and personal letters found in the Bibles are also transcribed. Some entries are supplemented by data from the author’s personal files. H0982 - $41.50 Delaware Genealogical Abstracts from Newspapers. Volume 3: Delaware Marriages and Deaths from the Newspapers 1729-1853. Mary Fallon Richards and John C. Richards. (1997), 2006, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 288 pp. Compiled under the auspices of the Delaware Genealogical Society (Special publication #10) from information at the Delaware Historical Society. Over 10,000 names are included in this publication. R0030 - $26.50 Delaware Genealogical Abstracts from Newspapers. Volume 4: Delaware Marriages and Deaths from the Delaware Gazette 1865-1874. Mary Fallon Richards and John C. Richards. 1998, 6x9, cloth, alphabetical, 224 pp. Published under the auspices of the Delaware Genealogical Society (Special publication #11). Delaware official vital records are notably sparse. This volume attempts to fill the gap for this time period. R0036 - $23.50 Delaware Genealogical Abstracts from Newspapers. Volume 5: Delaware Marriages and Deaths from the Delaware Gazette 1875-1879. Mary Fallon Richards and John C. Richards, Eds. 2000, 6x9, cloth, alphabetical, 94 pp. R0156 - $19.00 Delaware Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880, Delaware Insanity Schedule, 1880 only. Linda L. Green. 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 292 pp. The mortality schedules may be of particular importance to researchers as they provide names that are not shown on the U.S. Federal Census. Entries contain a variety of genealogical data. The insanity schedule provides name, classification and county. G3825 $48.00 232 Delaware: A Trivia Guide to the First State. Alexander Shalk. 1995, 5½x8½, paper, 214 pp. Written as a celebration of Delaware’s rich cultural and historical heritage, the book is set up as a sequence of quizzes, with multiple-choice questions grouped by subject. Topics range from geography to history to government to famous Delawareans. From the past to the present, from simple to challenging, the questions leave no Delaware stone unturned. S0352 - $22.50 Early Church Records of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Volume 1. John Pitts Launey. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 318 pp. Chiefly the Quaker records of Chester Monthly Meeting of the southern part of the county. Includes registers of marriages, births and deaths, certificates, minutes, acknowledgments, and disownments. L0424 - $26.00 Early Church Records of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Volume 2. John Pitts Launey. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 378 pp. Records from Concord Monthly Meeting, Forks of Brandywine Presbyterian Church, Brandywine Baptist Church, and Middletown Graveyard. L0439 - $30.50 Early Church Records of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Volume 3: The Welsh Tract. John Pitts Launey. (1997), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. This volume contains records from the Radnor-Haverford-Merion Monthly Meeting and the Darby Monthly Meeting, with births and baptisms from the St. David’s Protestant Episcopal Church. L0440 - $26.00 Early Church Records of New Castle County, Delaware, Volume 1, 1701-1800. F. Edward Wright. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 346 pp. Includes Wilmington Monthly Meeting, Marriage Bonds of New Castle, Emanuel Anglican, Welsh Tract Baptists, some later Methodist records and some records of Pencader Presbyterian Church, and St. Peters Roman Catholic Church. W0289 - $28.50 Early Church Records of New Castle County. Volume 2: Old Swedes Church 1713-1799. Horace Burr. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 424 pp. Translated. Taken from church records from Old Swedes’ (Crane Hook) Church in Wilmington. B0290 - $32.00 Genealogical Abstracts from Biographical and Genealogical History of the State of Delaware. Bill and Martha Reamy. (1998), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 630 pp. The compilers have extracted data of interest to genealogists and arranged in lineages. The original was published by J. M. Runk and Company in two volumes (1,547 pp.) without a complete index. The Reamys have made Runk’s work more accessible with an easier-to-use format and a complete index, and at a major savings of your genealogy dollar. R0469 - $62.50 233 History of Delaware County and Border Wars of New York. Jay Gould. (1856) reprint, paper, index, 437 pp. A detailed picture of early Delaware Co., beginning with descriptions of the native Indian tribes. The book also discusses English, Dutch and German Palatine settlement. Much attention is focused on the activities that took place during the Revolutionary War, including Sullivan’s expedition against the Indians, and numerous tales of Indian captivities and outrages on the frontier settlements. There is also a biography of the famed rifleman, Timothy Murphy. G1921 - $34.50 **OUT OF PRINT? History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Territory Included Within its Limits to the Present Time. George Smith. (1862), 1998, 5½x8½, paper, 583 pp. A history of the county through the Revolutionary War. Many people are named in the text, plus biographies with useful lists including tithables of 1677, taxables of 1722, local officials, and an enumeration by towns of those residents who suffered damages at the hands of the British. S0466 - $54.00 Index to Sussex County, Delaware Wills: 1800-1851. Marguerite R. Moore. (1995), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 32 pp. This volume contains an index to the testators whose wills were proved between the years 1800 and 1851. Entries list the full name of the testator; the dates the will was signed and probated; and finally, the book and the page number where the original entry can be found. M0308 $5.50 Kent County, Delaware, Land Records, Volume 1, 1680-1701. Mary Brewer. (1996), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 194 pp. This work consists primarily of deeds, but these early land records served as a “catch-all” for recordation of all kinds of documents. B0345 - $20.00 Kent County, Delaware Land Records. Volume 2: 1702-1722. Mary Marshal Brewer. 1997, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. This work consists primarily of deeds, but these early land records served as a “catch-all” for recordation of all kinds of documents. B0404 - $19.00 Kent County, Delaware Land Records. Volume 3: 1723-1734. Mary Marshal Brewer. (1997, 2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 230 pp. This work consists primarily of deeds, but these early land records served as a “catch-all” for recordation of all kinds of documents. B0416 - $23.00 Kent County, Delaware Land Records. Volume 4: 1735-1743. Mary Marshal Brewer. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 190 pp. This work consists primarily of deeds, but these early land records served as a “catch-all” for recordation of all kinds of documents. B0421 - $19.00 234 Kent County, Delaware Land Records. Volume 5: 1742-1749. Mary Marshal Brewer. (1997), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 164 pp. This work consists primarily of deeds, but these early land records served as a “catch-all” for recordation of all kinds of documents. B0422 - $16.00 Kent County, Delaware Land Records. Volume 6: 1749-1756. Mary Marshal Brewer. (1997), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 246 pp. This work consists primarily of deeds, but these early land records served as a “catch-all” for recordation of all kinds of documents. B0435 - $21.50 Kent County, Delaware, Land Records. Volume 7: 1756-1764. Mary Marshal Brewer. (1998), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 304 pp. This work consists primarily of deeds, but these early land records served as a “catch-all” for recordation of all kinds of documents. B0453 - $24.00 Kent County, Delaware, Land Records. Volume 8: 1764-1768. Mary Marshal Brewer. (1998), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 242 pp. This work consists primarily of deeds, but these early land records served as a “catch-all” for recordation of all kinds of documents. B0452 - $22.50 Kent County, Delaware, Land Records. Volume 9: 1768-1772. Irma Harper. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 212 pp. This work consists primarily of deeds, but these early land records served as a “catch-all” for recordation of all kinds of documents. H0083 - $21.00 Kent County, Delaware Land Records, Volume 10: 1772-1775. Irma Harper. (1999), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 172 pp. This work consists primarily of deeds, but these early land records served as a “catch-all” for recordation of all kinds of documents. H0014 - $20.00 Land Records of Sussex County, Delaware, 1681-1725. Mary Marshall Brewer. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 240 pp. Mainly deeds, land warrants and patents, powers of attorney, appointments, etc. Names of children and wives are frequently given. B0021 - $23.50 235 Land Records of Sussex County, Delaware, 1722-1731: Deed Book F No. 6. Johnita P. Malone. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 132 pp. These abstracts record land transactions, mortgages, bills of sale, deeds, bonds, and other similar transactions (1722-1731). The names of persons and properties involved, dates and locations, and relevant details or accounts are generally included. M0775 - $16.00 Land Records of Sussex County, Delaware, 1732-1743: Deed Book G No. 7. Johnita P. Malone. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 128 pp. A continuation of the earlier work by Malone and Brewer. Many of these records reveal family relationships. M0488 - $16.50 Land Records of Sussex County, Delaware, 1753-1763. Mary Marshall Brewer. (1998, 2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 208 pp. Covers Sussex County Deeds Volume I, which consists of deed of sales, surveys, mortgages, bonds, releases, quit claims, conveyances, and much more. B0472 $22.00 Land Records of Sussex County, Delaware, 1763-1769. Mary Marshall Brewer. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. This work consists primarily of deeds, but these early land records served as a “catch-all” for recordation of all kinds of documents. B0471 - $19.00 Land Records of Sussex County, Delaware, 1769-1782. F. Edward Wright. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 280 pp. Many relationships are revealed in land records. Included in this compilation are landmarks and all references to persons and relationships. W0298 - $22.00 Land Records of Sussex County, Delaware, 1782-1789: Deed Book N No. 13. Elaine Hastings Mason, F. Edward Wright. (1990, 2002), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 132 pp. There are a remarkable number of relationships revealed in these transactions. Included in the compilations are landmarks and all references to persons and relationships. M0167 - $18.00 Land Records of Sussex County, Delaware, Deed Book H No. 8 (1742-1753). Johnita P. Malone. (2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 214 pp. These abstracts record land transactions, mortgages, bills of sale, deeds, bonds and other transactions for the period 1742-1753. M0576 - $22.00 236 Land Records of Sussex County, Delaware: Various Dates: 1693-1698, 1715-1717, 1782-1792, 1802-1805. Mary Marshall Brewer. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 156 pp. Documents are concentrated on the following periods: 1693-1698, 1783, 1788, 1792, and 1802-1805. Many of the documents of the latter periods are petitions, deeds, mortgages, manumissions, bonds, etc. B0028 $17.50 Maryland and Delaware Genealogies and Family Histories. Donald Odell Virdin. (1993), 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 120 pp. A bibliography of published genealogies of Md. and De. families arrnaged by surname. Over 800 titles on Maryland families and over 200 titles on Delaware families. V0867 - $25.50 New Castle County, Delaware Land Records, 1673-1710. Carol Bryant. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 192 pp. Abstracts of deeds etc. from Libers A, B and C. B0068 - $20.00 New Castle County, Delaware Land Records, 1715-1728. Carol Bryant. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. Includes deeds, leases, releases, powers of attorney, appointments, mortgages, patents. Relationships are oft times revealed in the description of the property. B0481 - $20.00 Notebook on Shipwrecks, Maryland Delaware Coast. H. Richard Moale. (1990), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 272 pp. Includes sinkings that occurred between 1664 and 1975 regardless of tonnage. M0178 - $26.00 Reconstructed 1790 Census of Delaware. Leon de Valinger, Jr. Paper, map, 83 pp. Contains names of property owners of each Humdrd. Helps rmedy loss of 1790 census by use of tax lists. D0010 - $9.50 Revolutionary Patriots of Delaware, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. 1996, 8½x11, cloth, alphabetical, 299 pp. Over 5000 entries; a significant aid to those seeking membership in lineage societies (DAR, SAR, SR, etc.). P0335 - $42.00 237 Some Pioneer Delaware Families. Donald Odell Virdin. (1992), 2007, 8½x11, paper, indices, 272 pp. Information on the Virdins makes up about one-half of Some Pioneer Delaware Families. The second half of the book discusses the early Delaware families of Broadway, Carter, Gilder, Lowber, Marvel, Register, Reynolds and Rodney in varying detail. This work includes a name index and an index of the places and records cited. V0608 - $51.00 St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Delaware, Ohio: The First One Hundred Years, 1817-1918. A Collection of Documents and Genealogical Data. Mary Anne Denison Cummins. (1993), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 398 pp. Contains a transcript of the church’s Vestry Minutes of 1817-1918, which name pew-holders as well as all vestrymen. A list of marriages from church records, courthouse records and newspaper notices follows. Contains biographical sketches of almost every person named in the Minutes. Obituaries usually tell where and when the decedent was born, parents’ names, wife’s maiden name, where surviving children had settled, and daughters’ married names. C0926 - $34.00 Sussex County, Delaware Will Book L: 1 January 1852-24 February 1860. Marguerite R. Moore. (1996), 1998, 5½x8½, paper, index, 44 pp. Every name, relationship abstracted. M0336 - $8.00 Sussex County, Delaware Will Book M: 8 March 1860 - 13 April 1869. Marguerite R. Moore. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 46 pp. Records are arranged by page number, and contain the full name of the deceased, names and relationships of surviving family members, and may also contain the names of executors, witnesses, etc. A full name index adds to the value of this work. M0063 - $11.50 Tax Assessments of New Castle County, Delaware, 1816-1817. Karen M. Ackerman. (1986), 2000, paper, surname index, 225 pp. Owners, acreage, improvements, names of tenants and names and ages of slaves. A0508 - $19.00 Tax List of Chester County, Pennsylvania 1768. F. Edward Wright. (1989, 2002), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 138 pp. Includes present-day Delaware County. Lists persons who were taxed, i.e., householders or landholders and tenants; residents in the household of another who worked for the landowner and other related information. W0130 - $19.00 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware: Their History and Relation to the Indians, Dutch, and English, 1638-1664. Amandus Johnson. (1911), 2000, paper, illus., maps, 2 vols. 880 pp. This comprehensive study of Swedish settlements in America is an unmatched resource for anyone with an interest in history or genealogy relating to Swedish settlements or the Delaware River Valley. Topics include: Political, Social and Religious Conditions in Sweden; the Founding of the New Sweden Company and the Colony, 1635-1643; and much more. J1306 - $82.00 238 Wills of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 1789-1835. Robert G. Swift. (1998), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 254 pp. Names of heirs and other persons contained in the will, references to land and other possessions. S0464 - $22.50 District of Columbia A Complete Guide to the History and Inmates of the U.S. Penitentiary, District of Columbia, 1829-1862. Mary C. Thornton. (2003), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 282 pp. Historical narrative with lists of convicts. T2294 - $25.00 A New and Comprehensive Gazetteer of Virginia and the District of Columbia (1835). Joseph Martin. (1835), 2000, 6x9, cloth, index, 636 pp. Contains geographical, statistical, political, commercial, religious, moral and miscellaneous information collected and compiled from the most respectable and chiefly from original sources. M0583 - $47.50 Abstracts of the Newspapers of Georgetown and the Federal City, 1789-99. F. Edward Wright. (1986), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 119 pp. Advertisements, debtors, escaped servants and slaves, letters at post office, marriages, deaths, stray animals, and land sales. W0607 - $15.00 Burial Ledger of St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D. C., July 5, 1917 - August 30, 1983. Paul E. Sluby, Sr. 2008, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 90 pp. The hospital burial ledger contains over 2,900 entries regarding burials of the general patient population. Entries include: full name of deceased; date of death; date of burial; section, row, and grave number; gender, race, and remarks. S4903 - $19.50 Compensated Emancipation in the District of Columbia: Petitions under the Act of April 16, 1862. Dorothy S. Provine. (2005), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 280 pp. Contains abstracts of petitions submitted by ex-slaveholders seeking monetary compensation for their slaves freed by the District of Columbia emancipation act of 1862. Under the original act and subsequent legislation, there were approximately 1,140 petitions relating to about 3,400 African Americans. A typical owner’s petition listed for each bondsman his or her name, age, physical description, occupations, how title was acquired, and an estimated value. P3183 - $40.00 Daily National Intelligencer Index to Deaths 1855-1870. Wesley E. Pippenger. 2004, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 144 pp. P3171 - $33.00 239 Daily National Intelligencer, Washington, District of Columbia Marriages and Deaths Notices, (January 1, 1851 to December 30, 1854). Wesley E. Pippenger. (1999), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 352 pp. The first issue of this newspaper was published on 31 October 1800, under the title National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser. In 1 January 1813, it’s name was changed to Daily National Intelligencer. This work continues with transcripts of marriage and death notices—the District of Columbia began keeping public death records on 1 January 1855. P0020 - $39.50 Dead People on the Move: Reconstruction of the Georgetown Presbyterian Burying Ground, Holmead’s (Western) Burying Ground, and other Removals in the District of Columbia. Wesley E. Pippenger. 2004, 6x9, paper, index, 546 pp. Presbyterian Burying Ground is the primary focus here. Entries for known burials and possible burials contain varying amounts of information. P3194 $43.00 District of Columbia Ancestors, a Guide to Records of the District of Columbia. Wesley E. Pippenger. (1997, 2000), 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 134 pp. A detailed description of public and private records - their content and location. P0432 - $22.00 District of Columbia Death Records: August 1, 1874 - July 31, 1879. Wesley E. Pippenger. (1997), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 412 pp. An index to 21,416 certificates of death that were filed with the District of Columbia health officer. P0446 - $32.50 District of Columbia Foreign Deaths, 1888-1923. Wesley E. Pippenger. 2005, 6x9, paper, 300 pp. These “foreign death” records were kept for instances where the remains were handled by a District of Columbia undertaker or the remains were in other ways associated with a District of Columbia burying ground. P3186 - $29.50 District of Columbia Free Negro Registers. Dorothy S. Provine. 1996, 8½x11, paper, index, 2 vols., 728 pp. Abstracts of official registrations. P0506 - $98.50 District of Columbia Guardianship Index, 1802-1928. Wesley E. Pippenger. 1998, index, 401 pp. Indexes information found in both the D.C. Archives and the National Archives; nearly 19,000 entries. P6531 - $36.00 District of Columbia Indentures of Apprenticeship, 1801-1893. Dorothy S. Provine. 1998, 8½x11, paper, index, 387 pp. Contains abstracts recorded in Vols. 1-3 and Vols. 5-6. P0028 - $38.00 240 District of Columbia Interments (Index to Deaths) January 1, 1855 to July 31, 1874. Wesley E. Pippenger. (1999), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 442 pp. These death records typically contain the Register page number; name of the deceased; occupation; age in years, months, days, weeks, hours or minutes; race; nativity; date of death; and burial place. P0154 - $49.00 District of Columbia Marriage Licenses, Register 1: 1811-1858. Wesley E. Pippenger. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 674 pp. The information presented here is taken from “Marriage Register 1” which contained the names of the bride and groom and the date of license. P0354 - $47.00 District of Columbia Marriage Licenses. Register 2: 1858-1870. Wesley E. Pippenger. (1996, 2003), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 506 pp. A system was established in 1812 whereby the D.C. courts would record all births, deaths, and marriages in the city. The information presented here is taken from “Marriage Register 2” which contained the names of the bride and groom and the date of license. P0017 - $39.00 District of Columbia Marriage Records Index, 1877-1885. Wesley E. Pippenger and Dorothy S. Provine. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, alphabetical, 544 pp. Covers Marriage Books 11 through 20. P0563 $37.00 District of Columbia Marriage Records Index, August 31, 1896 to December 17, 1900 (Marriage Record Books 41 to 65). Wesley E. Pippenger. (2009), 2010, 7x10, paper, 454 pp. This index represents marriage records for not only residents of the District of Columbia, but also neighboring Virginia, Maryland, and elsewhere. P5251 - $46.00 District of Columbia Marriage Records Index, January 20, 1892 to August 30, 1896 (Marriage Record Books 31 to 40). Wesley E. Pippenger. (2009), 2010, 7x10, paper, 502 pp. This index represents marriage records for not only residents of the District of Columbia, but also neighboring Virginia, Maryland, and elsewhere. P5250 - $49.00 District of Columbia Marriage Records Index, October 20, 1885 to January 20, 1892: Marriage Record Books 21 to 30. Wesley E. Pippenger. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 534 pp. This index represents marriage records for not only residents of the District of Columbia, but also neighboring Virginia, Maryland, and elsewhere. The compiler found numerous instances where both the groom and bride resided more than a hundred miles away. This index lists names of bride and groom, place of residence if known, date of marriage (or license), book number and page number. P0851 - $39.00 241 District of Columbia Marriage Records, 1870-1877. Dorothy S. Provine. 1997, index, 337 pp. Data from the volumes entitled Record of Marriages in the clerk’s office of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. P0023 - $28.00 District of Columbia Probate Records: Will Books 1 through 6, 1801-1852 and Estate Files, 1801-1852. Wesley E. Pippenger. (1996), 2003, 6x9, paper, index, 562 pp. Detailed abstracts of 1,260 wills and listings of 3,406 estate records. P0348 - $41.00 District of Columbia Runaway and Fugitive Slave Cases, 1848-1863. Jerry M. Hynson. (1999), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 146 pp. Essential data on runaways. H0069 - $14.50 District of Columbia: Original Land Owners, 1791-1800. Wesley E. Pippenger. (1999), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 164 pp. Land records found in Faehtz and Pratt’s Washington Embryo and in the United States Senate Federal Land Documents, and land records for Hamburgh and Carrollsburgh are included in this extensive and thorough examination of Washington land ownership. P0153 $29.00 Early Days of Washington. S. S. Mackall. (1899, 2004), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 262 pp. This charming narrative history pertains primarily to the Georgetown area of Washington, D. C. Written in the elegant prose of her times, S. S. Mackall paints a vivid portrait of Georgetown from its creation, augmented by an abundance of vintage photographs and illustrations. Prominent locations and significant figures of Georgetown and surrounding areas are discussed along with vibrant descriptions of the landscape. Names and genealogical information pepper these pages with frequent ties to Maryland and Virginia families. M3201 - $29.00 Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company: Depositor Signature Card Entries for Washington, D.C., 1870-1871. David E. Neimeyer. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 284 pp. Continues the series. N0625 - $22.00 Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company: Depositor Signature Card Entries for Washington, D.C., 1865-1868. David E. Neimeyer. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 210 pp. Abstracts of depositor signature cards. N0575 - $18.00 242 Georgetown, District of Columbia 1850 Federal Population Census (Schedule I) and 1853 Directory of Residents of Georgetown. Wesley E. Pippenger. 1999, 8½x11, paper, index, map, 252 pp. Names 7,643 persons. Supplemented with a directory of persons taken from the 1853 D.C. and Georgetown Directory. P0407 - $31.50 Georgetown, District of Columbia, Marriage and Death Notices, 1801-1838. Wesley E. Pippenger. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 348 pp. This compilation reflects marriage and death notices in nine newspapers that were published in Georgetown during the period 1801-1838. Not all months are covered because not many newspapers survived for some periods. P0945 - $32.00 Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia. Helen W. Ridgely. (1908, 2000), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 342 pp. With Inscriptions Appearing on Tombstones in Most of the Counties and Washington and Georgetown. Under the auspices of the Maryland Society of the Colonial Dames of America. R0209 - $27.00 Index to District of Columbia Estates, 1801-1929. Wesley E. Pippenger. 2008, 8½x11, cloth, alphabetical, 850 pp. This index provides nearly 54,000 references to estates and includes new references to over 21,000 estate administrations and hundreds of wills not previously found in published will indexes. Many of the wills were not probated in D.C. and came from other jurisdictions. P4588 - $91.50 Index to District of Columbia Land Records, 1792-1817. Wesley E. Pippenger. (2009), 2010, 7x10, paper, 472 pp. These entries include: grantor, grantee, person(s) being bonded, person qualifying for military or public position, parties to civil suits, owner or property being surveyed, etc. Not included in this index are place names or other names buried within individual records. P5249 $47.00 Index to District of Columbia Wills, 1921-1950. Dorothy S. Provine. 8½x11, paper, 351 pp. Lists name, year and box number at the D.C. Archives. P0001 - $37.50 Maryland and District of Columbia Volunteers in the Mexican War. Charles J. Wells. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 104 pp. A brief history of the War (1846-48) along with muster rolls and pension information for over 1300 individuals. W0019 - $16.00 243 National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser Newspaper Abstracts: 1800-1805. Joan M. Dixon. (1996), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 316 pp. Entries include classified ads, presidential appointments, marriage and death notices, congressional lists, advertisements, runaway slave notices and reward postings, tax lists, notable court cases, letters, accounts of military affairs, maritime information and other noteworthy events in and around the nation’s capital. Please see our website for larger descriptions. D0392 - $26.00 National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser Newspaper Abstracts: 1806-1810. Joan M. Dixon. (1996), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 282 pp. D9596 - $26.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts Special Edition, the Civil War Years: Vol. 1: Jan. 1, 1861-June 30, 1863. Joan M. Dixon. (2000), 2007, 5½ x8½, paper, indices, 652 pp. D1839 - $47.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts Special Edition, the Civil War Years: Vol. 2: July 1, 1863-Dec. 31, 1865. Joan M. Dixon. (2000), 2007, 5½ x8½, paper, indices, 640 pp. D4381 - $46.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1847. Joan M. Dixon. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 674 pp. This volume covers the casualties of the Mexican War; the people of the time and their trials, tribulations and joys—stories of personal interest at home and gallantry in the field. D4475 - $49.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1848. Joan M. Dixon. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 536 pp. These chronologically arranged abstracts are a vital resource for researching ancestors who lived in Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and elsewhere, because they connect family names to businesses, occupations, neighborhoods, estates, relationships, associations and specific dates. D4476 $41.00 244 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1849. Joan M. Dixon. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 578 pp. The events of 1849 unfold with the turn of every page and readers are introduced to the Bowdoin and Jennings families, Kosciusko heirs, and many others. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md.; Wash., D.C.; Va.; and elsewhere. D4182 $43.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1850. Joan M. Dixon. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 590 pp. The events of 1850 unfold with the turn of every page: the death of President Zachary Taylor, an arctic expedition; steamboat disasters, and much more. These abstracts are a great aid to finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md.; Wash., D.C.; Va.; and elsewhere. D4183 - $44.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1851. Joan M. Dixon. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 638 pp. The events of 1851 unfold with the turn of every page and readers are introduced to John Sevier, William Wirt, Constantine A. Beelen and many others. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md.; Wash., D.C.; Va.; and elsewhere. D4569 $47.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1852. Joan M. Dixon. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 640 pp. The events of 1852 unfold with the turn of every page and readers are introduced to the Washington family, Winfield Scott and many others. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md.; Wash., D.C.; Va.; and elsewhere. D4570 - $47.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1853. Joan M. Dixon. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 598 pp. The events of 1853 unfold with the turn of every page and readers are introduced to the Hyde family, Commander Charles W. Morgan and many others. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md.; Wash., D.C.; Va.; and elsewhere. D4632 - $44.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1854. Joan M. Dixon. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 518 pp. The events of 1854 unfold with the turn of every page, including many ship disasters and other fascinating stories. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md.; Wash., D.C.; Va.; and elsewhere. D4633 - $40.00 245 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1855. Joan M. Dixon. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 560 pp. The events of 1855 unfold with the turn of every page: terrible ship and railroad disasters; yellow fever. Readers are introduced to the Alden family and others. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md.; Wash., D.C.; Va.; and elsewhere. D4771 $42.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1856. Joan M. Dixon. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 512 pp. The events of 1856 unfold with the turn of every page: numerous ship and railroad disasters; Indian war in Florida; vigilantes in California. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md.; Wash., D.C.; Va.; and elsewhere. D4772 - $40.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1857. Joan M. Dixon. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 570 pp. In 1857, our country suffered the loss of 425 lives in the steamship Central America disaster. Events such as this unfold with the turn of every page. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md.; Wash., D.C.; Va.; and elsewhere. D4794 - $43.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1858. Joan M. Dixon. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 558 pp. In 1858, our country suffered the loss of many lives in the steamship Austria disaster. Events such as this unfold with the turn of every page. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md.; Wash., D.C.; Va.; and elsewhere. D4793 - $42.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1859. Joan M. Dixon. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 434 pp. 1859 events include: the insurrection at Harper’s Ferry, the murder of Philip Barton Key, the sale of Mount Vernon, and Washington’s first love. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md., Wash., D.C., Va., and elsewhere. D4792 - $35.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1860. Joan M. Dixon. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 396 pp. 1860 events include: Indian hostilities, a speech of Mr. Lincoln, the death of Jerome Bonaparte, interesting abstracts of famous and ordinary citizens. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md., Wash., D.C., Va., and elsewhere. D4791 $33.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1866. Joan M. Dixon. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 696 pp. This volume covers life after the Civil War, with numerous lists of army and navy officers, interesting abstracts of famous and ordinary citizens, and more. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md., D.C., Va. and elsewhere. D4790 - $50.00 246 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1867. Joan M. Dixon. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 632 pp. This 1867 volume covers life after the Civil War; Jeff Davis, prisoner; the trial of John H. Surratt; war claims; National Cemeteries; and much more. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md., D.C., Va. and elsewhere. D4789 - $46.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1868. Joan M. Dixon. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 502 pp. This volume covers life after the Civil War; Pres. Andrew Johnson impeached and acquitted; suicide of sister-in-law of Charles Dickens; local ads and much more. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md., D.C., Va. and elsewhere. D4788 - $39.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, Jan 1, 1869 thru Jan 8, 1870. Joan M. Dixon. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 582 pp. Interesting abstracts of famous and ordinary citizens, steamer disasters, murders, women’s suffrage, and much more unfold with every page. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md., D.C., Va. and elsewhere. D4787 - $44.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1811-1813. Joan M. Dixon. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 378 pp. D0658 - $32.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1814-1817. Joan M. Dixon. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 390 pp. D0707 - $28.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1818-1820. Joan M. Dixon. (1997), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 432 pp. D0830 - $32.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1821-1823. Joan M. Dixon. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 524 pp. D0948 - $42.00 247 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1824-1826. Joan M. Dixon. (1999), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 516 pp. D1086 - $41.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1827-1829. Joan M. Dixon. (1999), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 580 pp. D1185 - $45.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1830-1831. Joan M. Dixon. 1999, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 474 pp. The events of 1830-1831 unfold with the turn of every page. These abstracts are a great aid in finding locations, ages or relationships of ancestors in Md.; Wash., D.C.; Va.; and elsewhere. D1309 - $38.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1832-1833. Joan M. Dixon. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 563 pp. D1428 - $45.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1834-1835. Joan M. Dixon. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 549 pp. D1602 - $39.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1836-1837. Joan M. Dixon. (2001), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 644 pp. D1985 - $45.50 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1838-1839. Joan M. Dixon. (2002), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 632 pp. D2186 - $44.50 248 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1840. Joan M. Dixon. 2003, paper, index, 478 pp. D1733 - $36.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1841. Joan M. Dixon. (2003), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 522 pp. D2368 - $34.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1842. Joan M. Dixon. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 550 pp. Advertisements, appointments by the President, House of Representatives petitions, passed Acts, legal notices, insolvent debtors, marriages, deaths, miscellaneous notices, tax lists, military promotions, court cases, deaths by accident, prisoners, and maritime information and crews. Also, murder and other sensational crimes, runaway slaves, the opening of new businesses, and much more. D2520 - $44.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1843. Joan M. Dixon. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 652 pp. President John Tyler is in office. Mutiny on the brig Somers, a visit to Santa Anna, and the life of Senator Linn are covered. Includes appointments by the President, promotions in the army and navy, marriage and death notices, murders and disasters, criminal cases, courts martial, petitions to Congress, patents, real estate sales, legal notices, chancery and equity records. D3133 - $50.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1844. Joan M. Dixon. (2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 616 pp. President John Tyler was in office; U.S. ship Princeton explosion; Henry Clay for President. News items, appointments by the President; promotions in the army and navy; marriage and death notices; murders and disasters; criminal cases; courts-martial; all petitions to Congress relating to a person or persons; patents; real estate sales; legal notices; chancery and equity records. D3279 $46.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1845. Joan M. Dixon. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 593 pp. News items, appointments by the President; promotions in the army and navy; marriage and death notices; murders and disasters; criminal cases; courts-martial; all petitions to Congress relating to a person or persons; patents; real estate sales; legal notices; chancery and equity records. D4073 $43.00 National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts: 1846. Joan M. Dixon. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 678 pp. News items, appointments by the President; promotions in the army and navy; marriage and death notices; murders and disasters; criminal cases; courts-martial; all petitions to Congress relating to a person or persons; patents; real estate sales; legal notices; chancery and equity records. D4072 $48.00 249 Pastimes in Washington: Leisure Activities in the Capital Area, 1800-1995. Robert Harrigan. 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 213 pp. A history of the entertainments, amusements, and diversions that were a part of the dynamic cultural history of early American society. H2093 - $24.95 Proceedings of the Orphan’s Court, Washington County, District of Columbia, 1801-1808. Wesley E. Pippenger. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, index, 98 pp. A series of minutes for the Orphan’s Court of the City and the County of Washington, D.C.; full transcripts. P0065 - $11.00 Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers 1818-1864: District of Columbia. Alycon Trubey Pierce, CG. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, index, 248 pp. Records for the District of Columbia pension office, covering Revolutionary War and other pensioners; includes widows, places and length of residence. They contain more than just D.C. residents. P0038 - $25.00 Silent Sentinel on the Potomac: Fort McNair, 1791-1991. Phyllis I. McClellan. (1993, 2004), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 276 pp. History of the fort and its role in history. M0848 - $25.50 The Chronicles of Georgetown, D.C.from 1751 to 1878. Richard P. Jackson. (1878, 2001), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 312 pp. Includes much data on residents. J0671 - $25.00 The Directory of Washington, D.C. - 1827. S. A. Elliot. (1827, 2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 110 pp. Shows name, occupation, and residence of each head of a family and persons in business. E0434 $17.50 The Georgetown Courier Marriage and Death Notices: Georgetown, District of Columbia, November 18, 1865 to May 6, 1876. Wesley E. Pippenger. (1998), 2000, 8½x11, index, paper, 218 pp. Predominantly news of deaths, sometimes described in detail. Marriage notices are given a routine format in general. P0073 - $31.00 The Georgetown Directory for the Year 1830: to which is appended, a Short Description of the Churches, Public Institutions, and the Original Charter of Georgetown, and Extracts of the Laws Pertaining to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company; to which is appended, a Short Description of the Churches, Public Institutions, and the Original Charter of Georgetown, and Extracts of the Laws Pertaining to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. Wesley Pippenger. (1830), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, 56 pp. An alphabetical name listing that includes occupation and residence, with additional material of historical interest. P3224 - $10.00 250 William King’s Mortality Books: Volume 1, 1795-1832. Jane Donovan and Carlton Fletcher. (2001), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 250 pp. Burials in the Georgetown section of Washington, District of Columbia, for which William King built the coffins (1795-1832). D1853 - $25.50 William King’s Mortality Books, Volume 2, 1833-1863. Jane Donovan and Carlton Fletcher. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 140 pp. This is the second part of a two-volume transcription, from the originals, of all the burials in the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C., for which William King built coffins. This volume completes King’s records, with listings from 1833 to the firm’s close in 1863. D2522 - $20.00 Florida “Census” Department of the South, November, 1864: For Jacksonville, Fernandina and St. Augustine, Florida. Ordered by the Department of the South, Hilton Head, South Carolina. Florida State Genealogical Society. (2002), 2007, 8½x11½, paper, 282 pp. A special census of eastern Florida conducted on the orders of Federal military authorities. F2208 - $35.00 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Florida and Arkansas. Stewart Sifakis. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 160 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Florida or Arkansas will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0695 - $24.95 Discovering Genealogical Roots in Suwanee County, Florida (Late 1700’s to Early 1900’s). Harold Borden Bennett. (1997), 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 148 pp. Based on the author’s genealogical column in the Suwanee Democrat; includes how-to articles about research in the county, and transcriptions of a variety of records, including land grants; voter lists; wills; probate records; military and pension records; marriage records; tax lists; court cases; and burials. The best available source on this county. B0731 - $24.50 Florida 1850 Agricultural Census. Linda L. Green. 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 126 pp. Six of forty-eight columns in the agricultural census are listed here: name of owner, improved acreage, unimproved acreage, cash value of the farm, value of farm implements and machinery, and value of livestock. Includes Alachua, Benton, Calhoun, Columbia, Dade, Duval, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Hamilton, Hillsborough, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Leon, Levy, Madison, Marion, Monroe, Nassau, Orange, Putnam, St. Johns, Santa Rosa, Wakulla, Walton, and Washington Counties. G4306 - $21.50 Florida 1860 Agricultural Census. Linda L. Green. (2002), 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 186 pp. Transcribed and Compiled by Linda L. Green. Includes name of owner, improved acreage, unimproved acreage, cash value of the farm, value of farm implements and machinery, and value of livestock. Included is a listing of the other types of information available on the agricultural census. G0921 - $25.00 251 Florida and World War II: A Personal Recollection. Jim Wiggins. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. Florida was more immersed in World War II than any other state. Everyday life included squadrons flying practice maneuvers overhead and convoys on highways. Nazi sub attacks, prison camps, watch towers, scrap drives, and rationing are discussed. Includes a wealth of photographs. W4545 - $23.00 Florida Land: Records of the Tallahassee and Newnansville General Land Office. Alvie L. Davidson. (1989), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 320 pp. Abstracts of claims to lands in the unsettled Florida wilderness covering persons who were purchasing land, or receiving land, under the Florida Armed Occupation Act of 1842 or the Homestead Act of 1862. D0233 - $25.00 Florida’s First Families: Translated Abstracts of Pre-1821 Spanish Censuses, Volume 1. Donna Rachal Mills. (1992), 2011, 6x9, paper, index, 214 pp. The translated and abstracted censuses presented in this work begin with 1786--the first year following the final British removal--and end with 1814, by which time the Anglo population was once again on the increase. None are complete: portions have been lost or destroyed; military personnel were omitted; and in some cases, families inhabiting outlying regions were originally missed or passed over. M5034 - $25.00 Florida’s Unfortunates: The 1880 Federal Census: Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes. Donna Rachal Mills. 1993, 6x9, paper, index, 103 pp. This work was abstracted from the microfilmed original housed in the library of Florida State University, Tallahassee. M0008 - $22.00 History of Florida: From its Discovery by Ponce de Leon in 1512 to the Close of the Florida War in 1842. George R. Fairbanks. (1871, 2004), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 360 pp. Originally printed in 1871, this work allows the reader an interesting look at the history of Florida prior to the American Civil War from the viewpoint of one living in the 1870s. Comprised of twenty-three chapters, Fairbanks provides details of Florida’s volatile early history up to the close of the Florida War. F2280 - $31.00 Seminole Indians of Florida: 1850-1874. Raymond C. Lantz. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 424 pp. Transcriptions of annuity and per capita rolls taken to determine the eligibility of persons of Indian descent to receive payment of monies as the result of U.S. Congressional Legislation and Treaties signed between the Indian tribes and the U.S. government. L0034 - $35.00 The History and Antiquities of the City of St. Augustine, Florida, Founded A.D. 1565. Comprising Some of the Most Interesting Portions of the Early History of Florida. George R. Fairbanks. (1858, 2003), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 220 pp. A fascinating historical narrative, this work focuses on the oldest European colonized city in the United States. This book looks at the city from its first sighting by Juan Ponce de Leon to when it became part of the United States in 1821 up to the mid-1800s. Published in 1858, the history is given from that perspective, and is complimented with a new fullname index. F2253 - $23.50 252 The History of Saint Augustine, Florida, with an introductory account of the early Spanish and French attempts at exploration and settlement in the Territory of Florida. Together with sketches of events and objects of interest connected with the oldest town in the United States to which is added a short description of the climate and advantages of Saint Augustine as a health resort. William W. Dewhurst. (1885) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 191 pp. D3346 - $17.50 Too Late for Blood: Florida Volunteers in the Mexican War. Russell D. James. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 152 pp. A starting point for study of both the history of Florida during this period and as a continuation of Mexican War scholarship. The stories of the five volunteer companies from Florida are enhanced with muster rolls, deaths, discharges, pensions and bounty land warrants. J3597 $21.00 Georgia 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Persons Entitled to Draws. Paul K. Graham. 2005, 7x10, cloth, 648 pp. This book is an index to the List of Persons Entitled to Draws for the 1805 Land Lottery and a new transcription of the data in 1805 Georgia Land Lottery. Entries contain: Number, Name and identifying remarks, County of residence, Draw result, Prize result (if a fortunate drawer) Book contains: 23,940 participants, 500 non-participants. G3121 - $45.00 1860 Paulding County, Georgia, Census. Jeannette Holland Austin. (1998), 2000, 5½x8½, alphabetical, 72 pp. Information extracted includes the names of all members of a household, ages, and where born, along with district and town where they resided. A0618 - $12.00 A Gazetteer of the State of Georgia: Embracing a Particular Description of the Counties, Towns, Villages, Rivers, &c., and whatsoever is Usual in Geographies, and Minute Statistical Works. Adiel Sherwood. (1837, 2001), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 370 pp. There are countless tables of data and lists, plus brief histories of towns and settlements of note, but don’t look for Atlanta; it won’t exist for another decade! Appendix includes biographical sketches of prominent Georgians and misc. items of interest. Early maps are included. S1930 - $32.00 Benning’s Brigade: Volume 1, A History and Roster of the Fifteenth Georgia. J. David Dameron. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 232 pp. Benning’s Brigade is a history and roster of the individual regiments which comprised the unit. Personal reflections from diaries, journals, correspondence, and reports provide a uniquely southern perspective of the American Civil War. D2445 - $23.00 Colonial Georgia Genealogical Data, 1748-1783. William H. Dumont. 1988, paper, index, 77 pp. Contains data unindexed in Georgia colonial records. D0036 - $7.50 253 Company A of the Fortieth Georgia Infantry Regiment in the Confederate Service. Dorothy Holland Herring. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 227 pp. This company was organized in Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia in 1862 and fought in Tenn., Miss., Ga. and N.C. H0620 - $19.00 Company C of the Twenty-Second Georgia Infantry Regiment in the Confederate Service. Dorothy Holland Herring. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. A history of one rural Georgia company. Probably representative of most companies in the Army of Northern Virginia. H0600 $26.00 DeKalb County, Georgia, Probate Records. Jeannette Holland Austin. (1996), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 442 pp. Abstracts of Will Book A (1841-1869), Will Book B (1870-1889), Will Book C (1890-1919) and Sales and Appraisements, Book B (1852-1858). A0676 - $35.00 Fayette County, Georgia Probate Records: Volume II, Annual Returns, Inventories, Sales, Bonds, 1845-1897. Jeannette Holland Austin. (1996, 2000), 2012, 6x9, indices, 509 pp. Contains a huge amount of information extracted from many court records. A0609 - $35.00 Genealogy Extracted from Forest Service Court Cases in Rabun County, Georgia. Susan Lewis Koyle. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 426 pp. In 1913 the U.S. Forest Service started buying privately owned land in order to create the Chattahoochee National Forest. It was necessary for the federal government to acquire much of this land through court proceedings. This book is a compilation of names, family relationships and other data found in the records of those proceedings. Over 6,000 names arranged in up to 6 generations of family genealogies are listed. K1756 - $32.00 Georgia 1860 Agricultural Census: Volume 1 comprises the counties of Appling, Baker, Baldwin, Banks, Berrien, Bibb, Brooks, Bryan, Bullock, Burke, Butts, Calhoun, Camden, Campbell, Carroll, Cass, Catoosa, Chatham, Charlton, Chattahooche, Chattooga, and Cherokee. Linda L. Green. (2003), 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 228 pp. G3162 - $36.00 Georgia 1860 Agricultural Census: Volume 2 comprises the counties of Clark, Clay, Clayton, Clinch, Cobb, Colquitt, Coffee, Columbia, Coweta, Crawford, Dade, Dawson, Decatur, DeKalb, Dooly, Dougherty, Early, Echols, Effingham, Elbert, Emanuel, Fannin, and Fayette. Linda L. Green. (2003), 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 238 pp. G3160 - $38.00 254 Georgia Bible Records, Supplement, 1772-1940. Jeannette Holland Austin. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 274 pp. Mainly from the Georgia State Archives folder collection, the Leonardo Andrea collection and the author’s personal collection. A0588 - $22.00 Georgia Cemeteries, Volume I: Fulton County. Penny Westfall. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 220 pp. Mainly 19th and 20th century inscriptions from a dozen cemeteries in Fulton County. W1342 - $22.00 Georgia Families: A Bibliographic Listing of Books About Georgia Families. Donald M. Hehir. (1993), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 162 pp. This book provides, in one source, a comprehensive listing of all printed Georgian genealogies that have made their way into major library collections across the U.S. Arranged for ease of use, the entries are presented alphabetically according to surname, with a cross index to family and secondary names to help researchers find surnames that would otherwise remain buried within the text. H9800 - $20.00 Georgia Genealogical Gems. Margaret Elliott Higgins. 1981, paper, index, 190 pp. Containing twelve articles by five authors, this book sets out information regarding some French marriages, tax payers, legal notices, tax defaulters, slave owners, court records and much more. H0048 - $15.00 Georgia Obituaries, 1905-1910. Jeannette Holland Austin. (199?), 2000, 5½x8½, alphabetical, 435 pp. Statewide abstracts from The Atlanta Georgian and The Atlanta Constitution newspapers. A0610 - $32.00 Georgia’s Roster of the Revolution: Containing a List of the State’s Defenders; Officers and Men; Soldiers and Sailors; Partisans and Regulars; Whether Enlisted from Georgia or Settled in Georgia After the Close of Hostilities. Lucian Lamar Knight. (1920), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 658 pp. This book contains approx. 9,000 names, and a vast assortment of interesting historical data pertaining to the Revolutionary War. It lists the names of the officers of the Georgia Battalion, February 16, 1776; the officers in the Continental Line of the Georgia Brigade (Infantry, Dragoons, Legionary Corps and General Staff); as well as officers and soldiers who made application for land under the Act of February 17, 1783. Other essential rosters are also included. K2004 - $46.00 Gone to Georgia: Jackson and Gwinnett Counties and their Neighbors in the Western Migration. William C. Stewart. (1965), 1999, paper, index, 326 pp. Continuation of 1800 Census for Pendleton District, South Carolina. Examines people who followed the Great Road from Virginia and North Carolina’s Yadkin country into South Carolina and northeastern Georgia. Contains the 1820 census also. S9030 - $18.00 255 History of the 14th Georgia Infantry Regiment. Ray Dewberry. (2004), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 136 pp. This book is a great read for those who want the soldier’s story of America’s most researched war. Descendents of veterans of the 14th Georgia Infantry regiment will find this book provides a living memory of their ancestors. D0913 - $17.50 Jackson County, Georgia Tombstones. Jeannette Holland Austin and Dorothy Holland Herring. . (1969), 2001, 6x9, paper, index, 466 pp. Covers family cemeteries, church cemeteries, etc. A0710 $35.00 Marriages, Deaths, Accidents, Duels and Runaways, Etc., Compiled from The Weekly Georgia Telegraph, Macon, Georgia, 1854-1857. R. Newton Wilcox. (2002), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. This volume includes abstracts of articles gleaned from issues of The Weekly Georgia Telegraph from Jan. 3, 1854 to Dec. 22, 1857. News of national note, and numerous articles from around the nation are included. W2248 - $24.00 Marriages, Deaths, Accidents, Duels and Runaways, Etc., Compiled from The Weekly Georgia Telegraph, Macon, Georgia, 1850-1853. R. Newton Wilcox. (2002), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. Valuable data to supplement the 1850 census. W2162 - $25.00 Marriages, Deaths, Accidents, Duels and Runaways, Etc., Compiled from The Weekly Georgia Telegraph, Macon, Georgia, 1858-1860. R. Newton Wilcox. (2003), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 360 pp. This volume includes abstracts of articles gleaned from issues of The Weekly Georgia Telegraph from Jan. 5, 1858 to Dec. 11, 1860. W2369 - $33.00 Marriages, Deaths, Accidents, Duels and Runaways, Etc., Compiled from The Weekly Georgia Telegraph, Macon, Georgia, 1826-1828. R. Newton Wilcox. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 316 pp. This volume includes abstracts of articles gleaned from The Weekly Georgia Telegraph (Nov. 1, 1826 to Dec. 22, 1828). Marriage notices; death notices, accounts of accidents, duels and other interesting tidbits of local concern bring this community to life. W2507 - $29.50 Pioneer Citizens’ History of Atlanta, 1833-1902. The Pioneer Citizens’ Society of Atlanta. (1902), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, c433 pp. History of the city with a 155-page biographical section. P1616 - $33.00 *OUT OF PRINT? 256 The Georgians Database, Genealogical Notes. Jeannette Holland Austin. (1996), 2001, 6x9, paper, 420 pp. A collection of notes and brief genealogies pulled from newspaper records, marriages, probate records, deeds, as well as other sources. Over 4,500 entries. A0674 - $32.00 The Hell-Hole in Georgia: Sherman vs. Johnston May 22 - June 2, 1864. Jeffrey S. Dean. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 144 pp. The Atlanta Campaign in Paulding County, Georgia (May 22-June 2, 1864), is remembered by combatants on both sides as the most desperate fighting of the entire war—a veritable “Hell-Hole.” Seven maps, an “Order of Battle,” endnotes, and an index enhance this work. D3377 - $18.00 Illinois A Gazetteer of IllinoisIn Three Parts Containing a General View of the State, a General View of Each County, and a particular description of each town, settlement, stream, prairie, bottom, bluff, etc.; alphabetically arranged. J. M. Peck. (1834), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 378 pp. Gazetteers can hold the key to an ancestral mystery in their wealth of material relating to dates, settlements, county boundaries, population, and more. Contains a new place-name index. P0782 $32.00 An Index of Headstones in Lincoln Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois. Alabama Study Group of the Afro-American Genealogy and Historical Society of Chicago. 1999, 5½x8½, paper, 577 pp. The largest African American cemetery in the Chicago area. More than 27,000 headstones from the original section of “Historic” Lincoln Cemetery. A1375 - $46.00 Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, 1861-1862. Allen C. Fuller. (1863, 1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 430 pp. Lists Illinois regiments and commissioned officers. F0228 - $30.00 Biographics and Genealogical Abstracts from Hardin County, Illinois, Newspapers, 1872-1938. Ed Ferrell. (1999), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 374 pp. This book helps to reconstruct some of the records destroyed in courthouse fires in Hardin County, Illinois. The early newspapers of Hardin are rich in genealogical information. The first half of the book contains death notices which are arranged chronologically and often include name, dates of birth and death, and names of family members. The second half of the book is made up of biographies, arranged alphabetically. F1290 - $32.00 Central Illinois Chronicles, Volume 1. Helen Cox Tregillis. (1998), 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 228 pp. Three years of issues of a bi-monthly periodical of the same name. Draws genealogical data from many sources in the 19th century. T4942 - $30.00 257 Central Illinois Chronicles, Volume 2. Helen Cox Tregillis. (1998), 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 252 pp. Three years of issues of a bi-monthly periodical of the same name. Draws genealogical data from many sources in the 19th century. T4943 - $31.00 Central Illinois Chronicles, Volume 3. Helen Cox Tregillis. (1998), 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 152 pp. Three years of issues of a bi-monthly periodical of the same name. Draws genealogical data from many sources in the 19th century. T4944 - $24.00 Chicago and the Old Northwest. Milo Milton Quaife. (1913), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 510 pp. This well-written, well-documented historical narrative offers a “comprehensive and scholarly treatment of the beginnings of Chicago and its place in the evolution of the old northwest.” It tells the “story of early Chicago, concluding at the point where the life of the modern city begins.” Q2834 $40.00 Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, Volume XXVI: Statistical Series, Volume III, Illinois Census Returns, 1820. Theodore Calvin Pease. (1934), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 478 pp. Census data is included for the following counties: Alexander, Bond, Clark, Crawford, Edwards, Franklin Gallatin, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Madison, Monroe, Pope, Randolph, St. Clair, Union, Washington, Wayne, and White. A full-name index completes this work. P5106 - $38.00 Collections of the Illinois State Historical Society, Volume 5, Virginia Series, Kaskaskia Records, 1778-1790. Clarence Alvord. (1909), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, indez, 748 pp. Chapters include: The Prelude; The Rule of the Virginia Soldiers in Illinois, July 4, 1778, to May 12, 1779; The Beginnings of Civil Government, May 12 to November 13, 1779; The Court and the Military, November 15, 1779, to June 8, 1780; The Summer of 1780, June to October; The Triumvirate, October 18, 1780, to March, 1781; The Government of the Magistrates, March, 1781, to April, 1782; The Struggle for Ascendency Between Dodge, Winston, and the Court, April to November, 1782; and much more. A3012 - $53.00 Deaths Abstracted from the Camp Point Journal, 1873-1882, Camp Point, Adams County, Illinois. Mrs. Joseph J. Beals Sr. and Mrs. Sandra Kirchner. (1999), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 196 pp. Dates range from the 1890s to the early 1900s. Any items mentioning a family name, such as advertisements, jury lists, criminal court records, and letters remaining at the post office, have been recorded. Marriage items may include date and place of wedding; name of spouse; name of clergy; occupation; divorces; and more. Death items may include date and place of death; cause of death; age; occupation; funeral/burial places; and survivors. B1229 - $21.00 Fergus’ Directory of the City of Chicago, 1839, along with Biographical Sketches of Some of the Early Settlers of the City of Chicago. Robert Fergus. (1876), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 140 pp. The Directory includes city and county officers, churches, public buildings, hotels, a list of sheriffs of Cook County and mayors of the city since it was organized; together with a Poll-list of the First City Election (Tuesday, May 2, 1837) and a list of purchasers of lots in the Fort Dearborn Addition with the number of lots and the price paid in 1839. The biographical sketches cover: William H. Brown, Benjamin W. Raymond, J. Young Scammon, Charles Walker and Thomas Church. F3014 - $16.50 258 Fithian, Illinois: A Diary of a Small Town. Richard Cannon. (2002), 2007, 8½x11, paper, 602 pp. The detailed history of Fithian, Illinois, complete with the names of residents, events, and memories, from its earliest days as a muddy, dusty depot, to its transformation into an active center of commerce, and finally, Fithian’s evolution into the quiet residential community that exists today. This welldocumented study captures a sense of place and community for the village of Fithian with additional data gleaned from surrounding townships that contributed to Fithian’s development. C2183 - $52.50 Glimpses of Glory: The Regimental History of the 61st Illinois Volunteers with Regimental Roster. Drew D. Dukett. (2000), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 170 pp. March with the 61st Illinois Volunteers through the American Civil War in the Western Theater, and you will understand the character of the men who fought to preserve the Union during our nation’s greatest challenge. D1405 $22.50 Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Illinois: Transcription of the Death Rolls, 18791947. Dennis Northcott and Thomas Brooks. 2003, 8½x11, paper, 537 pp. This book contains death records of more than 32,000 members of the Department of Illinois, who served in Civil War regiments from thirty-six states. N3440 - $30.00 History of Dupage County, Illinois. C.W. Richmond. (1877, 1999), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 280 pp. This book covers the period from the first settlement in 1825 to the year the book was originally printed, 1877. There are histories of the towns in DuPage County; biographical sketches; information on the officers of DuPage County, supervisors, newspapers, schools and colleges; military history with a list of those who served in various regiments; and a patron and business directory. R1197 - $26.00 History of La Salle County, Illinois, Its Topography, Geology, Botany, Natural History, History of the Mound Builders, Indian Tribes, French Explorers, and a Sketch of the Pioneer Settlers of Each Town to 1840. Elmer Baldwin. (1877, 1994, 2008), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 578 pp. This well rounded history covers everything from early expeditions and Indian influence through several wars (Black Hawk, Winnebago, and Mexican). There is information on schools, churches, taxes, population, government, amusements, illnesses, botany, and geology. The biographical sketches for each town in the county contribute a wealth of genealogical information. B0936 - $51.00 History of the Disciples of Christ in Illinois, 1819-1914. Nathaniel S. Haynes. (1915, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 790 pp. Covers each new church and ministry founded between the years 1819 and 1914. Genealogists will benefit from over 170 pages of biographical sketches of notable Disciples. H1458 - $50.00 Indian Creek Massacre and Captivity of Hall Girls: Complete History of the Massacre of Sixteen Whites. Charles M. Scanlan. (1915), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 122 pp. Witness the capture of Sylvia and Rachel Hall amidst the slaughter and mutilation of their family and friends in Illinois, followed by their captivity, rescue and subsequent lives. S2177 - $21.50 259 Indians of Illinois. Helen Cox Tregillis. (1983, 2003), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 166 pp. A look at the history, and notable individuals, of the Illinois Indians who left their mark upon the United States. The bulk of the book is made up of selected biographies of local early Native Americans, including such well-known Indians as Big Foot, Black Hawk, Pontiac, and Tecumseh, among many others. T0502 - $26.50 Meet My Waterloo: A Midwestern American Boyhood. Lloyd R Engelbrecht. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 186 pp. A memoir of a boy growing up during WWII in a midwestern town comprised of mostly immigrant German descendants. Realistic as well as humorous. E2559 - $25.50 People and Rural Schools of Shelby County, Illinois. Helen Cox Tregillis. (1984, 2001), 2010, 8½x11, paper, indices, 248 pp. School history,1827-1948, providing a wealth of genealogical data and biographical sketches of 17 Shelby Co. School Superintendents. T1722 - $30.50 Quincy, Illinois, Immigrants from Munsterland, Westphalia, Germany: Volume I. Michael K. Brinkman. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 322 pp. Volume I deals with the life of the emigrants in Germany, their voyage to America and their life in Quincy, Illinois. These pages offer a detailed account of the history of Quincy from the unique perspective of a Münsterland immigrant. B5046 $29.50 River Roads to Freedom Fugitive Slave Notices and Sheriff Notices Found in Illinois Sources. Helen C. Tregillis. (1988), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 134 pp. Advertisements were placed in Illinois newspapers by owners from Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, and Virginia in search of runaways, as well as by Illinois residents who had found runaways that they wanted claimed. The notices usually give the name, age, and physical description of the runaways, and the name and addresses of the advertiser. These notices were abstracted from fourteen Illinois newspapers for the years 1816 through 1850. T3120 - $19.00 We Enlisted As Patriots: The Civil War Records of Battery G, Second Illinois Light Artillery. Linda Barnickel. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, idices, 172 pp. A thoroughly documented history, which contains complete muster roll information, an account of the battery’s service, and a complete transcription of the battery order book. B0915 - $20.50 Westfall Cemetery, Copley Township, Knox County, Illinois: Cemetery Layout. Michael T. Osler. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 72 pp. Volume I contains an abstract of the actual sexton records of Westfall Cemetery. These records show all of the burials from 1845 to the present, along with notations by the caretakers showing dates for birth and death, relationships, and more. 9780788450037 O5003 - $13.00 260 Westfall Cemetery, Copley Township, Knox County, Illinois: Cemetery History. Michael T. Osler. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 320 pp. Volume II includes 383 obituaries out of the 660 individuals buried there. It contains 2,677 names of those interred and their surviving relatives-a complete genealogical reference book for Knox Co., the Westfall family and its 145 allied lines. O5004 - $29.00 Indiana 1880 Federal Census for Pike County, Indiana. Michael Lester Lance. 2002, 8½x11, paper, 521 pp. This enhanced census transcription recreates and clearly displays every detail included on the original 1880 census for Pike County, Indiana…page by page. Details include: name, gender, age, birthplace, and relationship of each person to the head of household. In addition, items such as occupation, school attendance, literacy, infirmities, real estate values, personal property values, and birthplace of parents are also described. L2266 - $57.50 A History of the City of Vincennes, Indiana, from 1702 to 1901. Henry S. Cauthorn. (1902) reprint, paper, index, 240 pp. Vincennes is the oldest town in the State of IN, and one of the oldest towns in “The Territory Northwest of the River Ohio,” from which the states of OH, IN, IL, MI and WI were formed. Distinguished citizens, including Gen. George Rogers Clark, Gen. Hyacinthe Lasselle, Zachary Taylor, and others are discussed. C1809 - $22.00 Back Creek Friends Cemetery Burial Records, Revised Edition. Ralph D. Kirkpatrick. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, maiden name index, 127 pp. A comprehensive inventory of four Quaker burial grounds-Mississinewa Friends Cemetery, Deer Creek Friends Cemetery, Little Ridge Friends Cemetery and Oak Ridge Friends Cemetery. K1662 - $17.00 Burial Records of Four Grant County, Indiana, Quaker Cemeteries. Ralph D. Kirkpatrick. (1999), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, index, 152 pp. A comprehensive inventory of four Quaker burial grounds—Mississinewa Friends Cemetery, Deer Creek Friends Cemetery, Little Ridge Friends Cemetery, and Oak Ridge Friends Cemetery. Entries are alphabetized by surname and include date and place of birth, parents, spouse, children, maiden name, nickname, religious affiliation, place of worship, educational achievement, military service, and date of death when known. K1118 - $17.00 Cedar Grove Cemetery Inscriptions, South Bend-St. Joseph County, Indiana. Gene Stachowiak Szymarek. (1987), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, index, 104 pp. The majority of names listed are from tombstones that were “recorded by laboriously walking through the cemetery ground. In conjunction with these is a chronological listing of names taken from a conglomeration of assorted material…” Entries include: the full name of the deceased, dates of birth and death, and occasionally other information such as place of death or military rank. S0038 - $17.50 Dearborn County, Indiana, Cemetery Records, Volume A. Milton A. Masing. (2000), 2010, 7x10, paper, index, 2 vols., 848 pp. Encompasses Lawrenceburg Township and contains listings from the following cemeteries: St. John’s Church, Miller, Guard Family, Rees Family, Wymond Family, PikeGages Family, the Greendale and Lawrenceburg Public Cemeteries and the Hardinsburg Cemeteries. M1465 - $97.00 261 Dearborn County, Indiana, Cemetery Records, Volume B: Aurora and Center Township. Milton A. Masing. (2000), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 2 vols., 580 pp. Contains the following cemeteries: Riverview Public Cemetery; Lindsay, Cheek, Buffington, Cobb, Langley, Speakman, Hopping, Holman and Probst Family Cemeteries; Holman Hill Cemetery; Conwell Street Cemetery; and Northside Aurora Cemetery. M1505 - $66.50 Dearborn County, Indiana, Cemetery Records, Volume D: Jackson Township, Kelso Township, Manchester Township, York Township and Addendum. Milton A. Masing. 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 392 pp. Covers the northwest section of the county. Information varies for each entry, but typically includes: name of deceased, kindred, date of birth, date of death, and age. Contains photos and maps. M4672 - $42.00 Dearborn County, Indiana, Cemetery Records: Volume C. Milton A. Masing. 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 398 pp. Information varies for each entry, but a typical entry includes name of deceased, kindred, date of birth, date of death, and age. Photographs and cemetery maps enhance the text. M3185 - $61.00 Early Settlers of Indiana’s Gore, 1803-1820. Shirley Keller Mikesell. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 414 pp. A major collection of personal data from a variety of sources. M0254 - $34.50 Forgotten Hoosiers: African Heritage in Orange County, Indiana. Coy D. Robbins. (1994), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 238 pp. Following an introductory essay on African heritage in Indiana, this book presents the story of pioneers of color who came primarily from North Carolina and Virginia, and bought land in Orange County. Histories of the Scott, Roberts, Newby and Thomas families are presented with details collected during the author’s travels in Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and Canada. Appendices, tables, charts, and maps enhance the book. R0017 - $34.00 Hancock County, Indiana Tombstone Inscriptions: One Hundred Years, 1833-1933. Sue Baker. (1993), 2006, 5½x8½, index, 618 pp. Includes tombstone inscriptions for 92 cemeteries family, church and neighborhood. B0924 - $45.00 Hancock County, Indiana, Civil War Soldiers Plus Related Facts. Sue Baker. (2002), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 552 pp. More than 2,000 names have been compiled from primary military sources, official Hancock County records, newspapers of the era, and numerous secondary sources. Wherever possible, the author has included brief biographies, although some of the entries in this alphabetical list reveal name and unit only. B2181 - $42.00 262 Hinshaw’s Historical Index of Winchester, Indiana, Newspapers, 1857-1984. Gregory P. Hinshaw. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 458 pp. The organization of the entire work is an alphabetical index, which gives readers quick and comprehensive access to historical records and facts (once “lost” in Winchester, Indiana, newspapers) about nearly every topic imaginable in Randolph County history. H5013 - $37.00 History of Daviess County, Indiana. A.O. Fulkerson. (1915, 1919, 2001), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 792 pp. History with biographical sketches of distinguished citizens. F1840 - $53.50 History of St. Joseph County, Indiana. Chapman Publishing Company. (1880), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols., 1054 pp. This two-volume set is divided into two sections, the first is a history of Indiana, which includes accounts of the pre-historic races, aborigines, the French, English and American conquests, and a general review of its civil, political and military history. The second is the history of St. Joseph County that includes sketches of its cities, villages and townships; educational, religious, civil, military and political history; portraits of prominent persons and biographies of representative citizens. C2081 - $73.00 In Court in La Porte: An every-name index to the first legal proceedings in La Porte County, Indiana, 1833-1836, including some cases heard in 1837 and 1838. Harold Henderson. (2011), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 246 pp. “This book indexes all the persons, places, businesses, and institutions named in the earliest court records of La Porte County, Indiana…” H5444 - $25.00 Indiana Miscellany: Consisting of Sketches of Indian Life, the Early Settlements, Customs, and Hardships of the People, and the Introduction of the Gospel and of Schools. Together with Biographical Notices of the Pioneer Methodist Preachers of the State. William C. Smith. (1867, 2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 312 pp. The light-hearted narrative style of this work makes it an enjoyable and interesting read, which covers a wide variety of topics including religion, education, politics, meetings, and the general pains and pleasures of life in early Indiana. S2229 - $26.50 Indiana Negro Register, 1852-1865. Coy D. Robbins. (1994), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 202 pp. “Over two thousand registrants are identified as free people of color and Hoosier residents, primarily in the southern region of the state.” Counties represented in the collection are: Bartholomew, Floyd, Franklin, Gibson, Harrison, Hendricks, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox, Martin, Ohio, Orange, Switzerland, and Washington. Each entry includes: name, age, description, place of birth, residence, names of witnesses, and date registered. R0940 - $30.00 Jackson County, Indiana, Marriage Index from 1816 to 1920. Stultz, Carolyne. This work combines two previously published volumes into one convenient reference guide to marriage records in Jackson County, Indiana. Five different aources, including D.A.R. records and W.P.A index, were used as the basis listed alphabetically by surname. Each bride and groom is listed separately, along with the following information, when known: date of birth, spouse’s name, date of marriage (or, in some cases, date of marriage license), and the book number and page number of the original record. S3523 - *OUT OF PRINT? 263 Local History and Genealogical Abstracts from Jonesboro and Gas City, Indiana, Newspapers, 1889-1920. Ralph D. Kirkpatrick. (1996), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 254 pp. Abstracts are presented alphabetically by subject’s surname, and contain births, deaths, marriages and many other events mentioned in newspapers. A number of editors published reminiscences from early settlers and school teachers, providing a certain amount of early history dating back to before the Civil War. K0574 - $22.50 Local History and Genealogical Abstracts from Upland, Indiana, Newspapers, 1891-1901. Ralph D. Kirkpatrick. 1999, 5½x8½, paper, maiden name index, 209 pp. Includes all items of genealogical interest. K1407 - $21.50 Local History and Genealogy Abstracts from Fairmount News, Fairmount, Indiana, 1888-1900. Ralph D. Kirkpatrick. (1997), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 162 pp. Chronicles births, marriages and deaths as well as the migration of individuals from Fairmount to other parts of the country. K0653 - $20.50 Local History and Genealogy Abstracts from Marion, Indiana Newspapers, 1876-1880. Ralph D. Kirkpatrick. 2002, 5½x8½, paper, index, 268 pp. Marriages, births and deaths are recorded, often in some detail. Local institutions, including churches and schools, continued to develop and their pastors, officers and members are often noted. Abstracts are presented alphabetically by surname. K2189 $24.50 Local History and Genealogy Abstracts from Marion, Indiana, Newspapers, 1871-1875. Ralph D. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D. (2001), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 216 pp. These fascinating abstracts tell the complete story of Grant Co. life in the 1870s and include notices of births, deaths, marriages, arrests, murders, property ownership, advertising, occupations, accidents, fires, relocations, and local events. K1914 - $23.00 Local History and Genealogy Abstracts from Marion, Indiana, Newspapers, 1865-1870. Ralph D. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D. (2001), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 208 pp. The earliest extant issue of a Marion newspaper is one from 1865. The years covered by the abstracts in this book saw the coming of the railroads and telegraph, the construction of new roads, and the appearance of industries in Marion. K1832 - $22.50 Local History and Genealogy Abstracts from Marion, Indiana, Newspapers, 1881-1885. Ralph D. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, alpha., 272 pp. Marriages, deaths, and business enterprises of local Civil War veterans comprise much of the Marion and Grant County news from 1881 through 1885. These abstracts are presented alphabetically by surname, followed by a maiden name index. K2558 - $28.00 264 Newspaper Extracts from “The Hoosier State” Newspapers, Newport, Vermillion County, Indiana, January, 1886 to December 28, 1887. Carolyn Schwab. 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 280 pp. These abstracts of newspaper articles welcome you into the Newport, Indiana, community and introduce you to the people that lived there, along with an interesting glimpse into the area and the era. S4204 - $39.00 Newspaper Extracts from “The Hoosier State” Newspapers, Newport, Vermillion County, Indiana, January, 1882 to December 1885. Carolyn Schwab. 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 266 pp. These newspaper abstracts introduce the people of Newport; with a glimpse of the area and the era. S4205 - $37.50 Newspaper Extracts from “The Hoosier State” Newspapers, Newport, Vermillion County, Indiana, January 1, 1890 - December 30, 1891. Carolyn Schwab. 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 344 pp. These abstracts of newspaper articles welcome you into the Newport, Indiana, community and introduce you to the people that lived there, along with an interesting glimpse into the area and the era. S4673 - $38.50 Newspaper Extracts from “The Hoosier State” Newspapers, Newport, Vermillion County, Indiana, January 4, 1888 - December 25, 1889. Carolyn Schwab. 2008, 8½x11, paper, 240 pp. These abstracts of newspaper articles welcome you into the Newport, Indiana, community and introduce you to the people that lived there, along with an interesting glimpse into the area and the era. S4674 - $31.00 Newspaper Extracts from “The Hoosier State” Newspapers, Newport, Vermillion County, Indiana, January 6, 1892 - December 27, 1893. Carolyn Schwab. 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 338 pp. These abstracts of newspaper articles welcome you into the Newport, Indiana, community and introduce you to the people that lived there, along with an interesting glimpse into the area and the era. S5195 - $38.00 Newspaper Extracts from “The Hoosier State”, Newport, Vermillion County, Indiana, January 2, 1868 to December 25, 1873. Carolyn Schwab. (2005), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 312 pp. These abstracts of newspaper articles welcome you into the Newport community and introduce you to the people that lived there, along with an interesting glimpse into the area and the era. S0964 - $52.00 Newspaper Extracts from “The Hoosier State”, Newport, Vermillion County, Indiana, January 1, 1874 to December 30, 1875. Carolyn Schwab. (2005), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 292 pp. These abstracts of newspaper articles welcome you into the Newport community and introduce you to the people that lived there, along with an interesting glimpse into the area and the era. S0965 - $50.00 Newspaper Extracts from “The Hoosier State”, Newport, Vermillion County, Indiana, January 6, 1876 to December 27, 1877. Carolyn Schwab. 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 296 pp. These abstracts of newspaper articles welcome you into the Newport community and introduce you to the people that lived there, along with an interesting glimpse into the area and the era. S0966 - $50.00 265 Newspaper Extracts from “The Hoosier State”, Newport, Vermillion County, Indiana, January 3, 1878 to December 31, 1879. Carolyn Schwab. 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 262 pp. These abstracts of newspaper articles welcome you into the Newport community and introduce you to the people that lived there, along with an interesting glimpse into the area and the era. S0967 - $46.50 Newspaper Extracts from “The Hoosier State”, Newport, Vermillion County, Indiana, January 7,1880 to December 28, 1881. Carolyn Schwab. 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 290 pp. These abstracts of newspaper articles welcome you into the Newport community and introduce you to the people that lived there, along with an interesting glimpse into the area and the era. S3177 - $49.50 Potawatomi Indians of Michigan, 1843-1904, Including some Ottawa and Chippewa, 1843-1866, and Potawatomi of Indiana, 1869 and 1885. Raymond C. Lantz. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 104 pp. Covers: annuity rolls on the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Potawatomi of Michigan, 1843-1866; Potawatomi of Huron annuity rolls for 1861 (4th quarter), as well as for 1874-1880 and 1882-1889; Potawatomi of Indiana and Mich. annuity roll (3rd quarter) 1869; Potawatomi of Indiana and Mich. 1895 census; and the Potawatomi of Mich. 1904 census. Roll numbers are given. L0619 - $14.50 Reclaiming African Heritage at Salem, Indiana. Coy D. Robbins. (1995), 2004, 8½x11, paper, 234 pp. This book chronicles the development of racially segregated communities, as increasing constraints were placed on minorities in Washington Co., Indiana, in the early 19th century. Genealogical, historical, and legal facts highlight the founding of African American communities in Salem. R0325 - $47.00 Revolutionary Soldiers and the Wives of Soldiers with ties to Switzerland County, Indiana. Marlene Jan McDerment. 2013, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 542 pp. The purpose of this book is to bring into one volume the various records pertaining to the Revolutionary War soldiers and widows of soldiers who have ties to Switzerland County, Indiana. M5477 - $41.00 St Joseph Polish Cemetery, Inscriptions from the “Old Section”. Gene Stachowiak Szymarek. (1987), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 154 pp. St. Joseph Polish Cemetery covers a very large area and is divided in two parts: the Old Section, which consists of Section A through and including Section H, and the Perpetual Care (PC) section, which is designated as PC1-PC2-etc. This book primarily covers all of the Old Section. You will find a few gravesites designated PC1—these are included because the author had personally researched these particular families. S0076 - $20.00 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Records: Baptisms, 1749-1838, Knox County, Indiana. Barbara Schull Wolfe. (1999), 2008, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 148 pp. Parents are identified. W1117 - $27.00 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Records: Marriages and Deaths, 1749-1838, Knox County, Indiana. Barbara Schull Wolfe. (1999), 2008, 8½x11, paper, 114 pp. Marriage entries include the fullnames and maiden names of both spouses and the date on which they were married. Death records note date of death, age of the deceased, place of residence, cause of death and additional personal information whenever known. A cross-reference of deceased spouses is provided. In some cases entries include further data concerning previous marriages and racial heritage. W1140 - $22.00 266 The Making of a Township: Fairmount Township, Grant Co., Indiana, 1829 to 1917. Edgar M. Baldwin. (1917), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 504 pp. Heavy on biographical information about the early families in the township. B1917 - $39.50 The Swiss Settlement of Switzerland County, Indiana. Perret Dufour. (1925, 1987), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 476 pp. The Swiss Colony on the Ohio River at Vevay, in what is now Switzerland County, Indiana, was founded by French-speaking Swiss citizens from the commune of Chateland, district of Vevay, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland, in the early 1800s. Perret’s history is of special value because he was an eye-witness and/or participant to much of what he records. This volume is not limited to the Swiss families, but contains extensive mentions of other settlers, and provides a substantial history of the entire county. D0092 - $36.00 Iowa Amana: William Rufus Perkins’ and Barthinius L. Wick’s History of the Amana Society, or Community of True Inspiration. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 116 pp. Amana (the Society of True Inspiration) was a settlement of German pietists in Iowa, consisting of 7 villages along the Iowa River, founded by German mystics who traced their religious ancestry back to the pietists of the 16th and 17th centuries. Amana, established in 1854, has become one of the major tourist attractions in the Midwest. Originally published in 1891. T1482 - $17.50 Early Settlement and Growth of Western Iowa or Reminiscences. Rev. John Todd. (1906), 1999, paper, 5½x8½, 203 pp. The experiences and observations of Rev. Todd were originally published in his home town weekly paper, “The Tabor Beacon,” in 1891. Topics include the Underground Railroad, conflict with pro-slavery Missouri (from bogus pro-slavery legislature to destruction of buildings and murder). Capt. John Brown’s efforts to free the slaves, the 1857 search for a congregational element, a brief history of the college movement at Amity and a very detailed section on Indians in Iowa. T1231 - $23.50 *OUT OF PRINT? German Settlers of Iowa: Their Descendants and European Ancestors, Third Edition. Margaret Krug Palen. 2009, 6x9, paper, index, 752 pp. There is great interest in genealogy today along with an increasing search for family health history. In this third edition, readers will discover a dictionary that chronicles the past centuries including wars, disease, and longevity of life. P3981 - $55.00 Headed for Dixie and Trouble: The Civil War Journal of Will L.Wade. Ronald Cannon. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 200 pp. The journal of Private Will Wade (Co. G, Eleventh Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry) reveals an average soldier who did his duty, but who increasingly looked to his life beyond the army. Includes: Shiloh, Vicksburg and Atlanta. C5400 - $23.00 History of Bremer County, Iowa. Union Publishing Company. (1883, 1999), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 564 pp. Follows the early settlers up to1883, providing historical and biographical information. U1320 - $42.00 267 History of Butler County, Iowa. Union Publishing Company. (1883, 1999), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 582 pp. Follows the early settlers up to1883 with historical and biographical information. U1343 - $43.00 History of Spirit Lake Massacre! Lorenzo Porter Lee. (1857, 2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 50 pp. Local Indians descended upon the little settlement of Spirit Lake on the Iowa frontier, killing the men and children, and capturing fourteen-year-old Abigail and three other women. Abigail endured a terrifying ordeal of brutality and hardship on her six-week journey to the Sioux village where she was sold to another tribe, who in turn took her to Minnesota for ransom. Lorenzo Porter Lee set down many of the lurid details she related to him after her release. L3405 - $11.00 Kansas A History of Republic County, Kansas, Embracing a Full and Complete Account of All the Leading Events in its History, from its First Settlement down to June 1, 1901, including Indian Depradations and Hardships Endured by the Pioneer Settlers. I.O. Savage. (1901), reprint, paper, new fullname index, illus., fold-out map, c355 pp. A historical, ecclesiastical and genealogical overview of the development of the county from Lt. Zebulon Pike’s initial exploration of the region in 1806 through the Census of 1901. Many fascinating incidents are related, including the notorious Indian massacre at Republic City. The “Patriotic Record” provides biographical sketches for Union soldiers. S1285 $31.00 *OUT OF PRINT? Caldwell: Kansas Border Cow Town. Tom S. Coke. (2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 230 pp. The history of Caldwell, Kansas, goes from one crisis to another, from killings to lynchings, shootouts to search parties, bank openings to bank busts. Between 1870 and 1885, its reputation as a rip snorting pleasure spot for boisterous trail drivers at the end of the trail beat all the competition. C3569 - $25.50 Cemetery Inscriptions, Atchison County, Kansas. Don Ford. (1987), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 370 pp. This compilation includes all cemeteries in Atchison County, Kansas, except for Oak Hill Cemetery and Mount Calvary Cemetery, north of Atchison. Records for destroyed cemeteries, such as the Wills Cemetery, have been garnered from a variety of sources. Each entry has a birth and/or death date (the earliest birth date is 1776 and the latest death date is 1986) and a cemetery code. Some relationships and military service notations are given. F3062 - $32.00 Diggin’ Up Bones, Book IV: Obituaries of Kendall Lydia German Lutheran, Lydia Lutheran, Lydia Methodist, and Shockey Cemeteries -Located in Grant, Hamilton and Wichita County, Kansas. Betty Barnes. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, map, 196 pp. Contains hundreds of entries that are then tied to extended families. B1878 - $22.00 Diggin’ Up Bones, Part I and II: Obituaries of Lakin and Hartland Cemeteries, Kearny County, Kansas. Betty Barnes. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 848 pp. Arranged alphabetically, the burials cover 1875 through 1994. In addition to providing the lot, block and section numbers used to locate the gravesite within the cemetery, each entry typically contains information from the original obituary for the deceased. This can include vital records and a short biography of the deceased. B0370 - $70.00 268 Diggin’ Up Bones: Obituaries of Deerfield, Fairview, and Miscellaneous Kearny County Cemeteries, Kearny County, Kansas. Betty Barnes. 1997, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 336 pp. When available, entries include a short biography of the person and/or historical facts about Kansas. B0790 - $26.50 History of Emporia and Lyon County, Kansas. Laura M. French. (1929), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 286 pp. This book traces the development of both a town and the county in which it resides from their origins in the 1850s through the original publication. The first half of the book provides a chronological account of the development of Emporia. Following this is a section detailing the growth of Lyon County’s other towns: Americus, Hartford, Plymouth, Neosho Rapids, Reading, Olpe, Allen, Admire, and Miller. The remainder of the book deals with every aspect of Emporia and Lyon County life, including religion, politics, commerce, education, and much more. F0346 - $24.50 Old West Justice in Belle Plaine, Kansas. Tom S. Coke. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 168 pp. On November 14, 1884, members of the small farm community of Belle Plaine, Kansas, lynched one of its marshals after the marshal shot a citizen. This is the story of Belle Plaine’s ‘Black Friday,’ its history, its players, its place in the American West.” An account of the last days of the Old West. Discussions include historical settings for “Black Friday”, Kansas’s prohibition laws, and vigilante justice in Southern Kansas. C2047 - $17.00 The Life and Times of Lawman Joe Thralls. Tom S. Coke. (2006), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. Thralls was a lawman and town leader in Wellington, Kansas, a much-traveled area of the west near the Chisholm Trail. Thralls tangled with outlaws, cowboys, and cattlemen. He dealt with horse thieves, vigilantes, and necktie parties. He played a crucial role in taming this part of the West. C3561 - $27.00 University United Methodist Church, Kansas City, Kansas, Records, 1919-2009, Members, Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths, Ministers. Lavone Johnson Anglen. 2009, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 162 pp. Information gleaned from church records includes: baptisms, marriages, deaths, memberships (from both Kansas and Missouri counties), and ministers for 1919 through 2008 and well into 2009. A5020 - $26.00 Kentucky A Genealogical Collection of Kentucky Birth and Death Records, Volume 1. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 162 pp. Over 6,600 names from 50 Ky. counties. E0677 - $21.00 A History of Muhlenberg County. Otto A. Rothert. (1913), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 516 pp. This book tracks the history of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, from its first white settlers in the late 18th century up through the first years of the 20th century. There are also biographical sketches of Muhlenberg men who fought in the War of 1812 or the Mexican War, and a short history of the county’s militia muster. One chapter discusses the county’s role in the Civil War; another includes biographical sketches of more than twenty Civil War soldiers from Muhlenberg. R0454 - $36.50 269 Abstract of Early Kentucky Wills and Inventories, Copied from Original and Recorded Wills and Inventories. J. Estelle Stewart King. (1933), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 304 pp. Dates range from 1780 to 1840. K2003 - $28.00 Calvary Catholic Cemetery Lexington, Kentucky: Transcribed Plus Some Obits, A-Z. Teresa Mondelli. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 208 pp. Calvary Catholic Cemetery was established in 1874. Entries are arranged alphabetically and typically provide (at a minimum): deceased’s full name, date of birth and date of death. Some entries include additional biographical data. M5268 - $23.00 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, the Confederate Units and the Indian Units. Stewart Sifakis. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 242 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Kentucky, Maryland, or Missouri will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0700 $26.95 Covington’s German Heritage. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 140 pp. Provides a survey history of the area’s German heritage through the World Wars. T1059 - $16.50 Excerpts from the Earliest Mason County, Kentucky Newspapers: The Mirror 1799 and The Maysville Eagle 1818 and 1825. Rachelle Winters-Ibrahim. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 124 pp. These abstracted articles reflect their era. I3190 - $20.00 Footsteps Across the Confederacy: Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee. Dave Comeau. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 302 pp. This captivating journal, written from the refreshing perspective of a Canadian with a passion for Civil War history, examines battlefields across Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Maps, photos, a bibliography, and an index enhance the text. C3583 - $30.50 George Rogers Clark’s Fort Jefferson 1780-1781, Kentucky’s Outpost on the Western Frontier. Kenneth C Carstens. Frontier. Kenneth C. Carstens. (2005), 2006, 6x9, paper, index, 270 pp. Fort Jefferson, Ky., was constructed at the command of the Virginia government. Here, for the first time, is the complete story of the fort, and the many heroes and heroines of Revolutionary America on Virginia’s western frontier. C3322 - $35.50 270 Greenup County, Kentucky Marriages: The First 100 Years, 1803-1903, A-K. Patricia Porter Phillips. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 722 pp. This two-volume series contains information on more than 7,000 marriages. Includes: names of bride, groom, witnesses, and person performing the ceremony; location and date of marriage; any changes in wedding plans. Personal statistics are given when available. Double weddings noted. P4469 - $50.00 Greenup County, Kentucky Marriages: The First 100 Years, 1803-1903, L-Z. Patricia Porter Phillips. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 712 pp. This two-volume series contains information on more than 7,000 marriages. Includes: names of bride, groom, witnesses, and person performing the ceremony; location and date of marriage; any changes in wedding plans. Personal statistics are given when available. Double weddings noted. P4470 - $50.00 Greenup County, Kentucky Will Abstracts, 1822-1860. Patricia Porter Phillips. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, index, 318 pp. Basic abstracts. P1071 - $28.50 Grimes Mill, Kentucky Landmark on Boone Creek, Fayette County. Harry G. Enoch. (2002), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 220 pp. Tells the story of the men and women who built and tended the mill, the various commercial enterprises carried on in its shadow, and related events around it. E2031 $23.00 History of Lexington, Kentucky: Its Early Annals and Recent Progress. George W. Ranck. (1872, 1989), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 452 pp. This history begins with the ancient inhabitants of the area and continues down to the Civil War era. It covers all manner of topics such as Transylvania University, the siege of Bryant’s Station, the battle of Blue Licks, the Lexington Racing Association, native and resident artists, the Lexington Light Infantry, the first session of the Legislature, the founding of The Observer and Reporter in 1807, and much more. R3193 - $36.50 History of Shelby County, Kentucky. George L. Willis, Sr. (1929, 1999), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 308 pp. Shelby County was for a long time the geographical center of the United States, and for a longer period its center of population. W1178 - $28.50 History of Trigg County, Kentucky. William Henry Perrin. (1884, 1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 324 pp. “Trigg County...bears no mean part in the history or the importance of the State, as she bears no inconsiderable part in the history of our common country.” This thorough account covers everything from topography and geology to settlement, pioneers, industry, government, crops, growth, development, and of course its people. A detailed collection of biographical sketches of notable county residents and their accomplishments is arranged by precinct. P0040 - $29.00 271 History of Woodford County, Kentucky. William E. Railey. (1938), 2008, paper, index, 478 pp. History and biography. R2025 - $36.50 In Search of Morgan’s Station and “The Last Indian Raid in Kentucky”. Harry G. Enoch. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 228 pp. History of the 1793 Indian raid on Morgan’s Station in which a band of about thirty-five Shawnee and Cherokee Indians attacked this small fort. E0604 $22.00 Kentucky 1850 Agricultural Censusfor Letcher, Lewis, Lincoln, Livingston, Logan, McCracken, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Mason, Meade, Mercer, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Muhlenburg, and Nelson Counties. Linda L. Green. (2003), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 210 pp. Sometimes a person who is missing from the regular U.S. Census can be found in the Agricultural and Manufacturing Census, which also yields unique information about how people lived. G0865 - $22.50 Kentucky 1860 Agricultural Census, Vol. 3. Linda L Green. 2004, 8½x11, paper, index, 202 pp. Covers the counties of: Kenton, Knox, LaRue, Laurel, Lawrence, Letcher, Lewis, Lincoln, Livingston, Logan, Lyon and Madison. G0937 - $27.00 Kentucky 1860 Agricultural Census: Vol. 4 for Mason, Marion, Magoffin, McCracken, McLean, Marshall, Meade, Mercer, Metcalfe, Monroe and Montgomery Counties. Linda L. Green. 2004, 8½x11, paper, index, 182 pp. Agricultural Census records yield unique information about how people lived. Information transcribed here: name of the owner, improved acreage, unimproved acreage, cash value of the farm, value of farm implements and machinery, and value of livestock. G0936 - $25.50 Kentucky 1860 Agricultural CensusVolume 1: for Floyd, Franklin, Fulton, Gallatin, Garrard, Grant, Graves, Grayson, Green, Greenup, Hancock, Hardin, and Harlin Counties. Linda L. Green. (2003), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 222 pp. There are 46 columns of information, six of which are transcribed here: name of the owner, improved acreage, unimproved acreage, cash value of the farm, value of farm implements and machinery, and value of livestock. G0889 - $24.00 Kentucky 1860 Agricultural CensusVolume 2: for Harrison, Hart, Henderson, Henry, Hickman, Hopkins, Jackson, Jefferson, Jessamine, Johnson, Morgan, Muhlenburg, Nelson, and Nicholas Counties. Linda L. Green. 2003, 8½x11, paper, index, 272 pp. Information transcribed here: name of the owner, improved acreage, unimproved acreage, cash value of the farm, value of farm implements and machinery, and value of livestock. G0890 - $27.50 Kentucky Families: A Bibliographic Listing of Books About Kentucky Families. Donald M. Hehir. (1993), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 204 pp. With over 1500 Kentuckian surnames referenced in this major new work, Mr. Hehir provides, in one source, a comprehensive listing of all printed Kentuckian genealogies and family histories that have made their way into major library collections across the United States. Arranged for ease of use, the entries are presented alphabetically according to surname, with a cross index to family and secondary names. H0869 - $22.00 272 Kentucky Genealogical Records and Abstracts, Volume 1: 1781-1839. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 240 pp. Data from a diverse array of sources including tax and property lists, marriage registers, church and cemetery records, wills and estates, mortality schedules, Negro censuses, military pensions and officer lists. E0664 - $24.00 Kentucky Genealogical Records and Abstracts, Volume 2: 1796-1839. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (1998), 2006, paper, index, 218 pp. Data has been gleaned from a diverse array of sources, including tax and property lists, marriage registers, church and cemetery records, wills and estates, mortality schedules, Negro censuses, military pensions and officer lists. E1024 - $22.50 Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records: Abstracts of Early Wills, Deeds and Marriages from Court Houses and Records of Old Bibles, Churches, Grave Yards, and Cemeteries Copied by American War Mothers-Genealogical Material Collected from Authentic Sources-Records from Anderson, Bourbon, Boyle, Clark, Estill, Fayette, Garrard, Harrison, Jessamine, Lincoln, Madison, Mercer, Montgomery, Nicholas and Woodford Counties. Mrs. Harry Kennett McAdams. (1929), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 384 pp. M2040 - $30.50 Kentucky Reconstructed Marriage Records of Owsley County, Kentucky,1843-1910: Part 1 (AL). Margaret Millar Hayes. 1998 (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 462 pp. A fire in the county court house in 1929 destroyed all the records up to that time. This book is an attempt to reconstruct as many of the missing marriage records as possible from available sources. Most of the marriage dates are estimates. Also included are some marriage records from surrounding counties for those couples who lived in Owsley County at one time or another during the years 1843-1910. H1058 - $37.00 Kentucky’s German Pioneers: H.A. Rattermann’s History. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 130 pp. Articles (translated from German) which originally appeared in the German-American historical journal, Der Deutsche Pionier, published in Cincinnati; concentrates on the pre-1848 period. T1735 - $17.50 Lee County, Kentucky, 1880 Annotated Census, Including the 1880 Mortality Schedule. Margaret Millar Hayes. (1992), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 176 pp. The 1880 census contained the following information: family number; any children born within the census year; name of each person with their color, sex, age, relationship to the head of the household, marital status, occupation, state of health (if ill or disabled), and nativity (plus birthplaces of mother and father). Annotated with birth and death dates, maiden names and dates and names of later marriages. H3779 - $25.00 Lee County, Kentucky, Births, Deaths, and Marriages 1874-1878 and 1900-1910. Margaret Millar Hayes. (1992), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. Birth data include the name of the child, date and place of birth, sex, and color, as well as the names and residence of the parents. Death data give the name of the deceased as well as sex, color, marital status, age, and occupation; date and cause of death; residence; place of death; and also the names and birth places of the parents. Marriage data include the date and place of the marriage plus the residence, age, marital status, and birth place for the bride and groom, and the occupation of the groom, as well as the names of the parents. H0661 - $21.00 273 Lee County, Kentucky: 1900 Annotated Census. Kay A. Spencer. 1999, 8½x11, paper, index, 361 pp. Census data with supplemental data from other sources. S1308 - $44.50 Leslie County, Kentucky Marriages, 1884-1894. Richard E. Sampson and Margaret B. Sampson. (1999), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 100 pp. Basic abstracts. S1380 - $16.50 Madison County, Kentucky, Court Order Book A, 1787-1791. Jackie Couture. (1996), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. During this time period, Madison County included all of the presentday Clay, Jackson and Owsley Counties and parts of Breathitt, Estill, Garrard, Lee, Leslie and Rockcastle Counties. This collection of abstracts is largely based on the Minute Book; the Order Book was also used. Examples of matters found within these records are the exchange of deeds in property sales, establishing care for orphans and the marking of livestock, among others. C0594 - $21.00 Madison County, Kentucky, Court Order Book B, 1791-1801. Jackie Couture. (2000), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 320 pp. This book is an abstract of the clerk’s copy of Court Order Book B. All entries have been included, but they are not an exact transcription. Any material that appears in the Minute Book, but not the Order Book is printed in italics. No civil suits were recorded in the County Court after September, 1792, but appeals were heard throughout this time period and are noted. C1463 - $28.50 Marylanders to Kentucky, 1775-1825. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1991), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 210 pp. A variety of primary and secondary resources were used to compile this volume: Revolutionary War pension abstracts, land records, marriage records, cemetery records, newspaper advertisements, queries from descendants, genealogical journals, etc. Approximately 900 surnames are covered. P0018 - $22.00 More Marylanders to Kentucky, 1778-1828. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 272 pp. Mr. Peden reveals additional Marylanders who migrated to Kentucky as derived from a variety of sources, including probate records, military pensions, county histories, census records, tax lists, land records, newspaper articles, genealogical magazines, queries, and family records. P0437 $22.00 Newspaper Excerpts from the Maysville Eagle, Mason County, Kentucky, 1827-1847. Rachelle Winters-Ibrahim. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 148 pp. These abstracted news articles are filled with names, dates, and events. Stolen horses, runaway slaves, debts, assault, murder, business openings, marriages, deaths, historical notes on Kentucky, politics and much more fill these pages. I3648 $20.50 274 Nicholas County, Kentucky, Property Tax Lists, 1800-1811 with indexes to Deed Books A and B (2), and C. Carrie Eldridge. 2004, 8½x11, paper, 178 pp. The first section covers 1800, 1801, 1809, and 1811; and includes: location of properties, name of the person who first claimed or provided surety, type of land taxed, property value and much more. The second section compares tax records for eleven years that fall within two census periods. The third section shows an expanded census for 1810, and the fourth section offers the deed book indices of the period for name comparison. E0938 - $25.50 Nicholas County, Kentucky, Records: Stray Book 1 - 1805-1811, Stray Book 2 - 1813-1819, Stray Book 3 - 1820 - 1870 and Execution Book A - 1801-1878. Carrie Eldridge. 2001, 8½x11, paper, index, 235 pp. Stray books record animals found and claimed by residents of the county. E0647 $32.00 Old Episcopal Burying Ground. Frances Keller Swinford Barr. (2002), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 134 pp. 600 burials from the oldest extant cemetery in Lexington, Kentucky. B2238 - $20.00 Revolutionary Soldiers in Kentucky. Anderson Chenault Quisenberry. (1896), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 226 pp. Lists include: Ky. citizens who were granted Revolutionary pensions up to the year 1835; Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates of “The Illinois Regiment;” and more. Q1818 - $23.00 The Big Sandy Valley: A History of the People and Country from the Earliest Settlement to the Present. William Ely. (1887), 2007, 5½x8½, index, 510 pp. Consists primarily of biographical and genealogical sketches of the families of the Ky. counties of Boyd, Lawrence, Elliott, Morgan, Magoffin, Martin, Floyd, Johnson, Pike, Perry, and Knox. E0052 - $37.50 PDF: The Big Sandy Valley: A History of the People and Country from the Earliest Settlement to the Present. William Ely. (1887), 2007, 5½x8½, index, 510 pp. Consists primarily of biographical and genealogical sketches of the families of the Ky. counties of Boyd, Lawrence, Elliott, Morgan, Magoffin, Martin, Floyd, Johnson, Pike, Perry, and Knox. PDF-E0052 - $30.00 The Calendar and Quartermaster Books of General George Rogers Clark’s Fort Jefferson, Kentucky, 1780-1781. Kenneth C. Carstens. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 376 pp. These records provide insights to the life of a frontier outpost. The Calendar provides a wealth of abstracted data. The Quartermaster Books contain 2,731 line item entries, identifying more than 280 persons. C1525 - $31.00 275 The Discovery, Settlement aand Present State of Kentucky. John Filson. (1784), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, new index, 124 pp. This book tracks the settlement, natural history and topography of the nation’s fifteenth state, from the first white man to land at the mouth of the Kentucky River (in 1754) to 1784. Sections cover such topics as Kentucky’s discovery, purchase and settlement; its boundaries and terrain; climate; native animals; economy and trade; and “curiosities.” The appendix contains: the adventures of Daniel Boone; the minutes of the 1784 council held with the Piankashaw Indians; an account of the Indian Nations within the United States; and more. F0474 - $16.00 The Founding of Harman’s Station with an Account of the Indian Captivity of Mrs. Jennie Wiley: and the Exploration and Settlement of the Big Sandy Valley in the Virginias and Kentucky. William Elsey Connelley. (1910), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 236 pp. The founding of Harman’s Station was directly caused by a tragedy on the frontier of Virginia. The destruction of the home of Thomas Wiley in the valley of Walker’s Creek, the murder of his children, the captivity of his wife “by savages” and her miraculous escape were the first incidents in a series of events in the history of Kentucky which properly belong to the annals of the Big Sandy Valley. C0168 - $23.00 The Personnel of George Rogers Clark’s Fort Jefferson and the Civilian Community of Clarksville. Kenneth Charles Carstens. (1999, 2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 220 pp. Identifies more than 500 persons who garrisoned, lived, farmed and died in this remote settlement. C1183 - $24.00 Louisiana Abstract of Account Information of Freedman’s Savings and Trust, New Orleans, Louisiana 1866-1869. Linell H. Hardy. (1999), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 190 pp. Crucial genealogical data on African American account holders. H1137 - $22.00 African American Inhabitants of Rapides Parish, Louisiana, 15 June to 4 Sept 1870. Harry F. Dill. (1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 380 pp. The 1870 census was the first periodic population enumeration to identify all African Americans who lived in Louisiana and in other former slaveholding states by their full names. The census also provides information about age, sex, color, occupation and place of birth. This book omits people other than mulatto or black, except for those few whites who had African Americans in their families. D0928 - $32.50 Appointments of Postmasters in Louisiana, 12 January 1827-28 December 1892. Harry F. Dill. (2002), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. The Postmaster General appointed postmasters from 1775, when Congress named Benjamin Franklin as the first Postmaster General, until 1836, when Congress ruled that postmasters must be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate at post offices where annual compensation of a postmaster exceeded one thousand dollars. In smaller post offices, the Postmaster General continued to make appointments. These records reveal the parish, town, postmaster and dates of appointment. D2090 - $30.00 276 Bartholomew’s Song. Rebecca DeArmond-Huskey. (2001), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 692 pp. Come visit an enchanting place too long overlooked in American History, where steamboats battled difficult waters to bring life to the banks of the Arkansas and Louisiana waterway known as Bayou Bartholomew. Artfully written, this narrative flows like the landscape it describes, brimming with facts, details and family names so valuable to historians and genealogists. D1937 - $44.00 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana. Donna Rachal Mills. (1890, 1985), 2008, 6x9, paper, index, 126 pp. This work is an important chapter pulled from the original Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northwest Louisiana. This book includes an everyname index to people, places, and firms discussed in both the historical narrative and the biographical sketches. M4896 - $17.00 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Louisiana. Stewart Sifakis. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Louisiana will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0698 - $24.95 History of Louisiana, from its First Discovery and Settlement to the Present Time. E. Bunner. (1842), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 268 pp. Packed into a modest-sized volume, this broad history nevertheless ranges far over Louisiana’s past. It covers the early exploratory expeditions of men such as Joliet and Marquette, LaSalle, and Iberville as well as the French settlements in Canada and Florida, relations and wars with the Natchez and Chickasaw Indians, the arrival of statehood, the War of 1812, and the Code Noir, or Black Code, used to regulate local African Americans. B2275 - $28.50 Louisiana 1860 Agricultural Census: Volume 1. Linda L. Green. (2002, 2003), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 262 pp. These records yield unique information about how people lived. The original census listed 46 columns of information, six of which are transcribed here. They are: Name of the owner, improved acreage, unimproved acreage, cash value of the farm, value of farm implements and machinery, and value of livestock. Covers Ascension through Madison parishes. G0862 - $31.00 Louisiana 1860 Agricultural Census: Volume 2. Linda L. Green. (2003), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 224 pp. This census names only the head of the household. The original census listed 46 columns of information, six of which are transcribed here. They are: Name of the owner, improved acreage, unimproved acreage, cash value of the farm, value of farm implements and machinery, and value of livestock. G0861 - $28.00 Louisiana Postmistress and Postmaster Appointments 20 June 1866-17 November 1931. Harry Dill. 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 122 pp. Covers Records Group 29: Vol. I through Vol. VI. Entries are grouped by parish, according to the post office location, and list the full name of the postmaster/postmistress and the appointment date. A full-name index adds to the value of this work. D5332 - $18.50 277 Louisiana’s German Heritage: Louis Voss’ Introductory History. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1927, 1994), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 144 pp. This volume traces the history of the German society and provides an interesting chronicle of the German element in Louisiana, which is placed in the context of German-American history in general. Originally published in 1927 for the 80th anniversary of the German Society of New Orleans, Dr. Tolzmann provides a historical introduction covering recent history, including the new German Interpretive Center in New Orleans and the re-establishment of the annual German Day in New Orleans. T3979 - $19.00 Marriages and Deaths from The Caucasian, Shreveport, Louisiana, 1903-1913. Harry F. Dill. 2001, paper, index, 228 pp. The marriage and death announcements presented here were extracted from microfilm copies of The Caucasian, a tri-weekly newspaper published at Shreveport, Louisiana. These references are a valuable resource for both white and African American genealogists seeking ancestors who lived in Caddo Parish from 1903 to 1913. Although newspaper articles of marriages and deaths do not indicate race, it seems likely that the subjects of these articles were white; the articles having been published during Segregation. D1777 - $21.50 Natchitoches 1729-1803: Abstracts. Elizabeth Shown Mills. (1977), 2007, 6x9, paper, index, 520 pp. Abstracts of the Catholic Church Registers of the French and Spanish Post of St. Jean Baptiste des Natchitoches in Louisiana: 1729-1803. M0010 - $35.00 Natchitoches Church Marriages, 1818-1850: Translated Abstracts from the Registers of St. Francios des Natchitoches Louisiana. Elizabeth Shown Mills. (1985), 2003, 6x9, paper, index, 216 pp. Entries include bride and parents, groom and parents, date of ceremony, witnesses present, and ethnicity of spouses. M0924 - $25.00 Natchitoches: Translated Abstracts of Register Number Five of the Catholic Church Parish of St. Francois des Natchitoches in Louisiana: 1800-1826. Elizabeth Shown Mills. (1980), 2007, 6x9, paper, index, 498 pp. These entries include baptisms (of infants and adults), burials and marriages; and provide names, dates, ethnicity, and when possible, grandparents, godparents, parents, spouse, age, witnesses, cause of death, and priest. M0925 - $41.00 Old New Orleans, a History of the Vieux Carre, its ancient and Historical Buildings. Stanley Arthur. (1936), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 264 pp. This narrative history of places and traditions in the Vieux Carré was “designed for whoever may be as interested in the origin of facts as in the facts themselves.” Contains detailed historical sketches of buildings. Illustrated. A2722 - $26.00 Some Slaveholders and Their Slaves, Union Parish, Louisiana, 1839-1865. Harry F. Dill and William Simpson. (1997), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 202 pp. This book is organized into three general sections. The first is an abstract from the 1860 census listing the slaveholders; the second has abstracts of estate and other records concerning slaves; and third and largest section has abstracts of slave conveyances or deeds. D0617 - $20.50 278 The First Families of Louisiana: An Index. Donna Rachal Mills. 1992, 8½x11, paper, index, 89 pp. An every name and place index to Glen R. Conrad’s The First Families of Louisiana. Names and places are presented exactly as they are found in Conrad’s work. M0007 - $19.00 The Men that Built Fort Claiborne in Natchitoches, Louisiana: Captain Edward D. Turner’s Company of the 2nd Regiment of the United States Army. Annette Carpenter Womack. (2000), 2002, 8½x11, paper, indices, 303 pp. Includes transcriptions of twenty-one muster rolls and five payrolls; compiled statistical sketches of the men, short descriptions of forts, posts and other locations, maps, abstracts from the letter books of Gov. W.C.C. Claiborne and a short biography of Captain Edward D. Turner. W0815 - $37.00 Maine A Genealogical History of Freeman, Maine, 1796-1938, in Three Volumes. George A. Thompson and F. Janet Thompson. (1996), 2012, 8½x11, index, 3 vols., 1353 pp. Contains a large genealogical register with information on nearly every family that has lived in Freeman during the time period. T0422 - $165.50 A History of Lewiston, Maine, with a Genealogical Register of Early Families (Revised Edition). Janus G. Elder. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 508 pp. A narrative history and a family register. E0628 - $40.50 A History of the Town of Union, Maine. John Langdon Sibley. (1851), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 554 pp. This book presents the history of Union, Maine from the first settlers to the time of the book’s first publication in 1851. S5147 - $42.00 Abstracts of Death Notices (1833-1852) and Miscellaneous News Items from the Maine Farmer (1833-1924). David C. Young and Benjamin Lewis Keene. (1997) 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 480 pp. This collection of abstracts, including birth, death and other miscellaneous news items, will be useful to both professional and amateur genealogists, not only for the information the abstracts contain, but also for the clues they give to finding further information. For ease of use, the abstracts are arranged alphabetically by surname. Y0599 - $40.00 An Historical Sketch of the town of Deer Isle, Maine: With Notices of Its Settlers and Early Inhabitants. George L. Hosmer. (19052 1999), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 294 pp. Principally drawn from settlers reminiscences. H1282 - $27.00 279 Baptisms and Admission from the Records of the First Church in Falmouth,now Portland, Maine, with Appendix of Historical Places. Marquis F. King. (1898, 1990), 2013, 5½x½, paper, index, 146 pp. Contains names of church members, 1726-1855; marriages by Rev. Thomas Smith, 1750-1753; baptisms, 1730-1825; the history of Falmouth, Maine, 1603-1732; the history of Falmouth ministry, 1630-1753; a list of Louisburg soldiers, 1745; rolls of Falmouth soldiers, 1755, 1757, and 1778; tax lists, 1760 and 1766; a list of scholars who attended Master Parsons’ School in 1771; and a list of pew owners 1753, 1788, and 1826. K0374 - $19.00 Burial Records, 1717-1962, of the Eastern Cemetery, Portland, Maine. William B. Jordan, Jr. (1987), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, index, 212 pp. Combines data from the extant stones with the burial records; 7,000 deaths and a history of the cemetery. J0067 - $23.00 Burial Records, 1811-1980 of the Western Cemetery in Portland, Maine. William B. Jordan, Jr. (1987), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 174 pp. A family cemetery located at the corner of Vaughan and Bridge (Danforth) Streets in use in 1811, it was purchased by the city in 1829 and remained open until 1888. Although lots and family plots burials continued there are few burials after 1910. At the time of the first publication of this book in 1982 the cemetery suffered from the ravages of vandalism and time and was sorely neglected. J0060 - $21.00 Calais, Maine, Families: They Came and They Went. Thelma Eye Brooks. (2002), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 238 pp. The result of eight years of research, this book studies the families listed in Book I of Calais Vital Records. The 346 families represented in this book are the families who had children’s births registered in the Calais City Hall’s earliest known (when this project began) book of vital records. B2135 - $32.50 Cemetery Inscriptions, and Revolutionary, War of 1812, and Civil War Veterans of Bowdoin, Maine. Charlene B. Bartlett and Jayne E. Bickford. 1993, 5½x8½, paper, index, 192 pp. This collection is organized according to cemeteries and arranged in family plots. Extensive family history is included with each entry. Spouses, children, siblings, maiden names, death and birth dates are given when available. Over forty-five Bowdoin, Maine, cemeteries, plus burials in Potter Cemetery (once located in Bowdoin) are included. B3771 - $20.00 Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Volume IV. Maine Historical Society. (1856) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 433 pp. Numerous articles on early Maine, Indians, travels, etc. M0172 $33.50 Documentary History of the State of Maine, Containing the Baxter Manuscripts. Volume V. James Phinney Baxter, ed. (1897, 2000), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 512 pp. Covering the years 1692-1729, these documents consist mainly of letters between leading citizens and public officials, addressing matters of historical interest. B1556 - $39.50 Early Bowdoin, Maine Families and Some of Their Descendants. Jayne E. Bickford. (2002), 2008, 8½x11, cloth, index, 1082 pp. Compilation using town records remaining after a fire in 1872, town reports, the 1790 and 1850 census records, probate and land records, family Bibles, interviews with family members, DAR records, cemetery and church records, and especially the vital records of Bowdoin, Maine to the year 1892, and more. Families are included from their earliest appearance in Bowdoin to 1900, plus in many cases to a much later date. B2087 - $148.00 280 Early Families of Limington, Maine. Robert L. Taylor. (1991), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 442 pp. Genealogical information includes, when known: date and place of birth, marriage, and death; names of spouses; occupation; and general comments that help fill out the character of the people and their lives in Limington. Descendants to the third or fourth generation are given for most families. A record of deaths in Limington, covering the years 1816-1841 and 1843-1845, is also covered. T0467 $37.00 Early Families of Raymond, Maine. Robert L. Taylor. (1998), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 228 pp. This alphabetical listing of hundreds of families contains information not only on Raymond but also on Casco families prior to 1841 when the two towns separated. Each family entry consists of a paragraph about the husband and wife, followed by a list of their children. Typical information includes dates and places of birth and death, name of cemetery, and sometimes the names of parents. Children are presented in birth order, with date and place of birth, death and marriage, and the names and places of origin of their spouses. T0861 - $20.00 Early Families of Standish, Maine. Albert J. Sears. (1991), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 374 pp. This major work is an alphabetically arranged male-line genealogical study of the early families of Standish up to about 1810 (and occasionally into the mid-1800s), with a brief introductory sketch of each family. Information includes (when known): date and place of birth, baptism, marriage, and death of the article’s subject; names of spouses, with their birth and death dates and places, and parents’ names; occupation; information concerning lots owned and sold in Pearstown (Standish); and occasionally a good bit more biographical information. S0501 - $32.00 Eastern Maine and the Rebellion: being an account of the principal local events in eastern Maine during the war. And brief histories of eastern Maine regiments. Contains accounts of mobs, riots, destruction of newspapers, war meetings, drafts, Confederate raids, peace meetings, celebrations, soldiers’ letters, and scenes and incidents at the front, never before in print. R. H. Stanley and Geo. O. Hall. (1887, 2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 446 pp. An informative and moving narrative of eastern Maine’s homefront during the Civil War. S2230 - $36.00 Fabius M. Ray’s Story of Westbrook [Maine]. Karen Sherman Ketover. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, index, 250 pp. A compilation of manuscripts and printed articles written by the late Fabius M. Ray. K1019 - $25.00 Frye Island, Maine’s Newest Township, 1748-1998. Peter Huchthausen. (1998), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, append., illus., maps, 298 pp. Includes Indian legends and regional adventure stories. H1045 - $29.50 Gorges and the Grant of the Province of Maine, 1622: A Tercentenary Memorial. Henry S. Burrage. (1923) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 178 pp. Commemorates the 300th anniversary of the 1622 grant of the Province of Maine. B1383 - $18.50 281 Grandfather Tales of Scarborough. Augustus F. Moulton. (1925), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 224 pp. This narrative is filled with richly detailed descriptions of people, places and events presented in a conversational style that is a pleasure to read. M4129 - $24.00 Grandpa’s Scrapbook. Leonard Bond Chapman. (2001), 2012, 7x10, paper, index, 452 pp. A compilation of newspaper columns covering the local history and genealogy of Portland, Westbrook and Scarborough, Maine. Includes a section on the descendants of Edward Chapman (1644-1850). H1881 - $51.00 Headstone Inscriptions Gray, Maine. Howard G. Black and Sharlene Black. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 252 pp. This compilation of headstone inscriptions contains 4,166 entries from five of Gray’s cemeteries: Gray Corner Cemetery, South Gray Cemetery, West Gray Cemetery, Libby Cemetery, and Elder Cemetery. Different surnames are cross-referenced within the same cemetery. B2560 - $27.00 History of Limington, Maine. Robert L. Taylor. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 172 pp. Drawn from a wide variety of sources, including town records, the day books of Francis Meeds (which contain a year-by-year record of deaths in the town 1816-1845), newspapers and various private collections. The genealogy section is omitted. T0377 - $20.00 History of Litchfield (Maine), and an account of its Centennial Celebration, 1895, Part 1 and 2. Oliver Barrett Clason. (1897), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 753 pp. New preface by David Colby Young. Includes a brief history of the centennial; a substantial history of the town; and a very complete collection of family records on the town. C0569 - $57.00 History of Saco and Biddeford, with Notices of Other Early Settlements, and of the Proprietory Governments in Maine, including the Provinces of New Somersetshire and Lygonia. George Folsom. (1830) reprint, cloth, index, 352 pp. About one-half genealogical and one-half biographical material. F0047 - $31.00 History of St. Albans, Maine: 2003 Revised Edition. Gladys M. Bigelow and Ruth McGowan Knowles. (1982, 1995, 2003), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 494 pp. History of St. Albans, from its “formative years” in the 1790s to its thriving life in the 1980s. Each chapter covers a different aspect of the town, from its leading citizens to its industries and social organizations to its holidays and its role in this country’s many wars since the American Revolution. Photos, Illustrations, and transcripts of poems, diaries, and other documents add their own “voice from the past.” B2462 - $40.50 282 History of the Town of Leeds, Androscoggin County, Maine, from Its Settlement, June 10, 1780. J. C. Stinchfield, with new material added by David C. Young. (c.1901, 1996), 2012, paper, index, 604 pp. Over three-quarters of this book is devoted to genealogical records of the early settlers of Leeds, Maine. The main section contains biographical and genealogical information regarding more than forty of the town’s leading families. S9541 - $45.00 Index to Portland Newspapers, 1785-1835. William B. Jordan, Jr. 1994, 8½x11, paper, 396 pp. Covers social, cultural, intellectual, economic, financial, maritime, and literary history; local political events of an unusual nature; prominent personalities; and the occasional obituary. About 30,000 entries. J0101 - $56.00 Maine Cemeteries: Vol. 1. Penny Westfall. (2003), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 386 pp. This volume concentrates on the historical cemeteries of Falmouth and Yarmouth and is comprised of over eleven thousand names. Readings are grouped by cemetery including Blanchard, McGregor, Pine Grove, Merrill, Moss Side, Yarmouth Historical, Holy Cross, Riverside, and the Pioneer Burial Ground of Yarmouth. Entries include (as available) given name, birth date and death date. Relationship information such as spouse or sibling has been listed whenever possible. W0887 - $33.50 Map: A Map of the Island of Islesboro in Penobscot Bay, Maine, 1891. Shows roads, coves, harbors, islands, hills, and mail route. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper 978Map missing check digit MP0270 - $3.00 Marriage Notices from the Maine Farmer 1833. Elizabeth Keene Young and Benjamin Lewis Keene. (1995), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical., 496 pp. The book is alphabetically arranged and includes both brides’ and grooms’ names. Entries typically list the full name of each party, and often give the date and place of the wedding, father’s name (when known), and name of minister or official who performed the ceremony. A citation at the end of each entry gives the date of the newspaper issue in which the original notice appeared. Y0373 - $39.00 New England Family Histories and Genealogies: States of Maine and Rhode Island. Lu Verne V. Hall and Donald O. Virdin. (2000), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 178 pp. A bibliography of published genealogies of Maine and Rhode Island families arranged by surname; an essential finding aid. H1431 - $21.00 Portland Advertiser and Gazette of Maine. Marriages, Deaths and News, from November 1838 May 1839. Elaine Morrison Fitch. 2004, 6x9, paper, index, 218 pp. These abstracts contain shipping news, local and national news, and marriages and deaths in a chronological arrangement. Indian difficulties, the “Mormon War” and skirmishes between the local militia and Canadians make up much of the news during this interesting period. F0968 - $32.50 Portland in the Past with Historical Notes of Old Falmouth. William Goold. (1886), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 572 pp. The author strikes a good balance among the various types of historysocial, political, religious and armed conflict. Beginning with 1623, he spins a chronological history of Portland and the surrounding area through the mid-19th century. G0688 - $41.50 283 Portland Soldiers and Sailors, a Brief Sketch of the Part They Took in the War of the Rebellion. B. Thurston and Co. (1884, 2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 56 pp. This account of Portland’s military contributions to Maine’s infantry units and the First Maine Cavalry includes the names of officers. A list of Naval officers, and a list of interred soldiers and sailors complete this work. T3025 - $11.00 Publishments, Marriages, Births and Deaths from the Earlier Records of Gorham, Maine. Marquis F. King. (1897, 2001), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 218 pp. This volume collects the vital records of the town of Gorham, Maine, drawn from the proprietor’s records of Gorham and old Gorhamtown and originally published between 1895 and 1897 in the Portland Evening Express. The text is divided into four registers. Publishments (marriage intentions) and Marriages, Births of Children, Proprietor’s Records, and Deaths. K1815 - $26.00 Sabino, Popham Colony (Maine) Reader: 1602-2003. Andrew J. Wahll. (2000), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 479 pp. A chronological collection of written records pertaining to the Popham Colony. W1581 - $45.00 Salt Pork and Poor Bread and Whiskey: The Adirondack Diaries of John Brown Francis. Henry A. L. Brown. (1999), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 132 pp. A transcription of the diaries that recount the visits of John Brown Francis (later a five-term governor of Rhode Island) to the vast Adirondack wilderness known as “John Brown’s tract.” Thoroughly annotated and well illustrated; includes a genealogy of John Brown Francis. B0732 - $14.00 Sands, Spindles and Steeples: A History of Saco, Maine. Roy P. Fairfield. (1956), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 496 pp. A comprehensive picture of the 1830-1950 period with social, economic, political and cultural analysis, symbolized by the three metaphors constituting the title. Maps and photographs enhance the text. Roy Fairfield earned his Ph.D. from Harvard has published many professional articles and was the editor of the Doubleday-Hopkins student edition of The Federalist Papers. F2457 - $37.00 Sesquicentennial History of the Town of Greene, Androscoggin County, Maine, 1775-1900. Walter Lindley Mower. (1938), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 644 pp. New preface by David C. and Elizabeth (Keene) Young. Covers all the usual topics, and spans the time from the aboriginal Indians down to the early twentieth century; two-thirds of the volume consists of genealogies. Contains civil lists (1788-1938), and marriage records and marriage intentions (1803-1937). M0386 - $46.50 Stackpole’s History of Winthrop, Maine, with Genealogical Notes. David C. Young and Elizabeth Keene Young. (1925, 1994), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 2 vols., index, 998 pp. Covers all of the 253 early families in the 1790 Census for Winthrop, and adds 135 pages of new genealogical material. Y3991 - $75.50 284 The Amanda Letters: Civil War Days on the Coast of Maine. Courtney MacLachlan. (2003), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 246 pp. The author has created a narrative thread which connects, supports, and amplifies the original letters written between 1861 and 1866 to Amanda Davis, a young woman from Friendship, Maine. M2371 - $22.50 The Founding of Pearsontown (Standish), Maine. Albert J. Sears. (1991, 2004), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 240 pp. This history, which includes information about neighboring towns as they relate to Standish, continues through the early 1800s. S0469 - $23.00 The Pine Tree Coast. Samuel Adams Drake. (1890, 1988), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 394 pp. A delightful collection of historical vignettes about many sites along the Maine coast from Kittery on the south to Gran Manan Island at the north. Illustrated with hundreds of pen and ink drawings of people, places, old-time utensils, etc. D0135 - $33.00 The Portland [Maine] Transcript, 1869-1870, News and Summary, Marriages and Deaths. Elaine M. Fitch. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 164 pp. Fully indexed, these Portland Transcript articles contain information of genealogical interest, such as marriages and deaths. They also tell us much about the people who loved this land enough to settle on it, to live off it, and sometimes, to die for it. F3272 - $23.00 The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine 1760 to 1800. William D. Patterson. (1895, 2001), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 458 pp. Contains full copies of the wills filed in the Probate Court for Lincoln Co. (1760-1800), and brief abstracts of the records of the proceedings of that court. P1954 - $37.00 Ties of Common Blood: A History of Maine’s Northeast Boundary Dispute with Great Britain, 1783-1842. Geraldine Tidd Scott. 1991, 5½x8½, paper, index, 445 pp. Based on journals, documents, speeches, letter books, and collections of correspondence of participants on both sides of the controversy. S3541 - $37.00 To Hazard Our Own Security: Maine’s Role in the American Revolution. Mike Cecere. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 358 pp. Maine’s role in the American Revolution has traditionally been obscured by the fact that it was part of Massachusetts during the conflict and did not become a state in its own right until 1820. Maine’s patriots fought in nearly every key engagement of the war. C5174 $27.00 285 Vital Records of Gray, Maine to the Year of 1930. Howard G. Black, Jr. (2004), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 236 pp. This alphabetically arranged index contains births, marriages and deaths from the early 1800s to 1930. Births include date of birth, gender, number of children and father’s occupation are given when possible. The marriages are cross-referenced by brides’ and grooms’ surnames and gives date and place of marriage. The deaths supply the date and place of death, and place of birth if known. These records, more than 6000 entries in all, were acquired from town records and town reports. B0886 - $23.50 Vital Records of North Berwick, Maine, 1892-2002. Richard P. Roberts. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 328 pp. This work is divided into births, marriages and deaths, and each section is arranged alphabetically. Maiden names are emphasized with bold type and there is a separate alphabetical listing of marriages by bride’s name. R2456 - $32.00 Westbrook, Maine Cemeteries; Plus the Surrounding Towns of Cumberland, Falmouth, Gorham, Portland and Windham. Karen Sherman Ketover. (1996), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 460 pp. Inscriptions supplemented with obituaries, and town histories. K0401 - $37.50 Maryland “Got My Mind Set on Freedom” Maryland’s Story of Black and White Activism, 1663-2000. Barbara Mills, Baltimore CORE Activist and Officer. (2002), 2007, paper, index, 714 pp. This book was a finalist in the Organization of American Historians Liberty Legacy Foundation Award in 2003. M2268 - $44.00 “Shelter from the Storm”: Frederick - A Place of Refuge in the Seven Year’s War. Robert Kozak. 2008, 6x9, paper, 104 pp. How the Palatine settlers in Frederick provided places of refuge for fellow Palatines; and how one family from the Palatinate provided refuge while also providing defense as the front line moved to the foot of South Mountain. Contains photos and maps. K4568 - $17.00 1776 Census of Maryland. Bettie Carothers. (1986, 1989), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 220 pp. Includes Anne Arundel, Baltimore (Deptford Hundred, Middlesex Hundred), Caroline, Dorchester, Frederick, Harford, Prince George’s, Queen Anne’s, and Talbot Counties. C0088 - $20.00 286 1783 Tax List of Baltimore County. Robert W. Barnes and Bettie S. Carothers. Maps by George J. Horvath, Jr. (1978, 1998), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 140 pp. Owners, tracts, acreage, number of free males and white inhabitants, bachelors, paupers, surname/tract index. B0364 - $19.00 1783 Tax List of Maryland, Part I: Cecil, Talbot, Harford and Calvert Counties. Bettie S. Carothers. (1986, 1999), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 230 pp. Gives name of owner, tract name, acreage, and number of white inhabitants. C0059 - $24.00 1800 Census of Calvert County and Charles County, Maryland. Maryland Genealogical Society. (1965, 1967), 2007, paper, 66 pp. Two counties combined into one book. M3290 - $13.00 1800 Census Prince George’s County, Maryland. Maryland Genealogical Society. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 42 pp. A faithful transcription of the census. M3783 - $11.00 1800 Census Queen Anne’s County, Maryland. Maryland Genealogical Society. (1972), 8½x11 or 5½x8½, alphabetical, paper, 34 pp. A faithful transcription of the census. M3619 - $6.00 1890 Special Census of the Civil War Veterans of the State of Maryland: Volume I: Garrett, Allegany and Washington Counties. L. Tilden Moore. 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 226 pp. This special schedule is a substitute for the missing 1890 U.S. Census. Each entry contains the name, highest rank held, organization, length of service, address, disability and remarks. M0764 - $32.00 1890 Special Census of the Civil War Veterans of the State of Maryland: Volume II, Carroll, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s Counties. L. Tilden Moore. (2002), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 220 pp. This special schedule is a substitute for the missing 1890 U.S. Census. Each entry contains the name, highest rank held, organization, length of service, address, disability and remarks. M0769 - $30.00 1890 Special Census of the Civil War Veterans of the State of Maryland: Volume III, Howard, Anne Arundel, Harford, Cecil and Kent Counties and the United States Naval Academy. L. Tilden Moore. 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 175 pp. M0793 - $28.00 287 1890 Special Census of the Civil War Veterans of the State of Maryland: Volume IV, Caroline, Dorchester, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester. L. Tilden Moore. 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 177 pp. M0794 - $28.00 1890 Special Census of the Civil War Veterans of the State of Maryland: Volume VII, Baltimore County and Baltimore City Institutions. L Tilden Moore. (2005), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 128 pp. This Special Schedule is a substitute for the missing 1890 U.S. Census. Each entry contains the name, highest rank held, organization, length of service, address, disability and remarks M3178 $28.00 1890 Special Census of the Civil War Veterans of the State of Maryland, Volume V, Parts I and II, Baltimore City. L. Tilden Moore. 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 2 vols., 614 pp. This Special Schedule is a substitute for the missing 1890 U.S. Census. Each entry contains the name, highest rank held, organization, length of service, address, disability and remarks. M3303 - $86.00 1900 Population Census of Montgomery County, Maryland, together with extensive explanatory notes, cross references to other census enumerations and genealogical information from the files of the compiler. William Neal Hurley, Jr. 2000, 8½x11, cloth, index, 888 pp. Census transcript with additions. H1628 - $91.50 A Band of Brothers: Photographic Epiloque to Marylanders in the Confederacy. Daniel D. Hartzler. (1992), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 244 pp. Every Maryland boy had many thrilling tales from adventures in running the blockade to achievements in battle. This supplement to Marylanders in the Confederacy preserves these exciting tales by using brief biographies and vintage photographs. H3151 - $39.00 A Boy’s Eye View of World War II and Other Reminiscences of Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Frank H. Pierce. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 140 pp. A warm but extremely accurate account of “home front” life in a small town on Maryland’s Eastern Shore during the War. P0886 - $17.50 A Century of Growth, or The History of the Church in Western Maryland. Thomas J. Stanton. (1900), 2008, 5½x8½, 2 vols., paper, 518 pp. Covers Garrett, Allegany, Washington, and Frederick counties. Traces the history of Catholicism in Western Maryland, mid-1700s to 1900. S2128 - $50.00 A Closer Look at St. John’s Parish Registers [Baltimore County, Maryland], 1701-1801. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 110 pp. Corrects errors found in the 1987 edition; covers St. John and St. George’s Parish Registers, 1696-1851. The earlier, problem entries are repeated here with the corrections noted in parentheses. P0843 - $15.00 288 A Collection of Maryland Church Records. Henry C. Peden Jr. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 406 pp. This collection consists chiefly of church records of Baltimore City and County, Frederick County and Harford County. Also included are a very small number of records for many other counties. P0426 - $32.00 A Vagabond Army: A Novel of Maryland in the American Revolution; Volume Two of The Old Line Chronicles. John Conradis. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 300 pp. The Old Line Chronicles is an exhaustively researched series of historical novels about Maryland and its people in the American Revolution. Volume Two continues the adventures of Maryland patriots: Christopher Sims and Hannah Williams. C4620 - $28.00 Absconders, Runaways and Other Fugitives in the Baltimore City and County Jail. Jerry M. Hynson. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 200 pp. The Runaway Docket provides records of persons held in jail under formal charges of violating some phase of the Runaway Laws who were awaiting court action. The Accommodations Docket provides records of persons who were held in jail on the request of slave owners, masters of servants and apprentices, ship’s captains, and military officers. A full name index adds to the value of this work. H0943 - $23.50 Abstracts from Port Tobacco Times and Charles County Advertiser: Volume 6, 1894-1898. Roberta J. Wearmouth. (1999), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 272 pp. Historical and genealogical abstracts concerning births, marriages, deaths, property sales, election results, probates of wills and a few sensational court cases. W1304 - $26.50 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco Times and Charles County Advertiser: Volume 4, 1876-1884. Roberta J. Wearmouth. (1996), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 298 pp. Life in Charles County was marked by currents of change: completion of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad in late 1872 led to the founding of La Plata, and the continuing effort to move the county seat to La Plata’s promising location on the Pope’s Creek Branch of the railroad. Newspaper items of historical and genealogical interest include: local events, marriages, deaths, court cases, and real estate listings. W0398 - $28.00 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco Times and Charles County Advertiser: Volume 1, 1844-1854. Roberta J. Wearmouth. (1990), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 226 pp. Life in Charles County was marked by currents of change: completion of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad in late 1872 led to the founding of La Plata, and the continuing effort to move the county seat to La Plata’s promising location on the Pope’s Creek Branch of the railroad. Newspaper items of historical and genealogical interest include: local events, marriages, deaths, court cases, and real estate listings. W0353 - $24.00 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco Times and Charles County Advertiser: Volume 2, 1855-1869. Roberta J. Wearmouth. (1991), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 224 pp. Articles abstracted provides a glimpse of many aspects of daily life in Charles County, Maryland. W0524 - $24.00 289 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco Times and Charles County Advertiser: Volume 3, 1870-1875. Roberta J. Wearmouth. (1993), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 266 pp. W0878 - $26.00 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco Times and Charles County Advertiser: Volume 5, 1885-1893. Roberta J. Wearmouth. 1998 (1998), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 354 pp. Volume five describes the decline of old Port Tobacco, which happened so quickly that in 1909 the Baltimore Sun newspaper described it as a ghost town. Here you will find marriages, births, deaths, court records, real estate transactions, election results, names in the news, business notices and important local events. W1048 $29.50 Abstracts of Carroll County Newspapers, 1831-1846. Marlene Bates and Martha Reamy. (1988), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. Items from newspapers of the region which is now Carroll County - plus items from Frederick, Baltimore and South Central Pa. B0114 - $20.00 Abstracts of Cecil County, Maryland Land Records 1673-1751. June D. Brown. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 308 pp. These records are taken from the Cecil County Deed Book: Numbers two, three and four. Family relationships are frequently given. Each entry names every person and relationship found in the records, and the index has a listing of “tract names.” B0484 - $26.50 Abstracts of Cecil County, Maryland Land Records, 1734-1753. June D. Brown. (1999), 2002, 5½x8½ paper, index, 264 pp. Record abstracts from Deed Books 5 (1734-39), pp. 1-539; 6 (173945), pp. 1-486; and 7 (1745-53), pp. 1-547. There are 8,714 entry names given in the index. B0038 $24.50 Abstracts of Chancery Court Records of Maryland, 1669-1782. Debbie Hooper. (1996), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 164 pp. The author has extracted those items which reveal relationships and ages or other aspects which might aid genealogists. Frequent depositions regarding land disputes. Occasional glimpses into personal happenings such as marital disputes. H0331 - $19.00 290 Abstracts of Charles County, Maryland Court and Land Records: Volume 1: 1658-1666. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 286 pp. In these records: Court cases for debt, defamation, trespass, hog stealing; registration of mark for hogs and cattle; some births and deaths; appointment of officials; land records; bonded servants named. J0550 - $26.00 Abstracts of Charles County, Maryland Court and Land Records: Volume 2: 1665-1695. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 200 pp. Included are several hundred cattle marks, over 400 servants and masters (many listing the age of the servant), and a review of the records of several hundred births, burials and marriages of Charles County up to 1687 done by the clerk in or about the year 1690. J0285 - $20.00 Abstracts of Charles County, Maryland Court and Land Records: Volume 3: 1694-1722. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 254 pp. J0352 - $23.00 Abstracts of Kent County, Maryland Wills. Volume 1: 1777-1816. Christos Christou and John Anthony Barnhouser. (1997, 2000), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 328 pp. These are detailed abstracts, beginning at the point where the Maryland Calendar of Wills series ends. C0417 - $29.50 Abstracts of Kent County, Maryland Wills. Volume 2: 1816-1867. Christos Christou and John Anthony Barnhouser. (1997, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 348 pp. These are detailed abstracts, beginning at the point where the Maryland Calendar of Wills series ends. C0418 - $28.00 Abstracts of Marriages and Deaths and Other Articles of Interest in the Newspapers of Frederick and Montgomery Counties, Maryland, 1831-1840. Larry Tilden Moore. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 438 pp. Covers marriages and deaths, and other subjects reported in eight local newspapers, including accidents, fires, court business, elections, official appointments, and crimes and punishments. M0478 - $34.00 Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1718-1724, Libers 1-5. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1995,1996), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 218 pp. These are the reconciliations of the payments against the estate. Includes named of decedent, references, amounts, sureties, persons to whom estate was distributed, executors/administors, creditors, legatees. S9318 $27.00 291 Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1724-1731, Libers 6-10. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1996), 1997, 8½x11, paper, index, 230 pp. These are the reconciliations of the payments against the estate. Includes name of decedent, references, amounts, sureties, persons to whom estate was distributed, executors/ administors, creditors, and legatees. S0322 - $30.00 Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1731-1737, Libers 11-15. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1996, 1997), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 259 pp. Libers 1115. These are the reconciliations of the payments against the estate. Includes name of decedent, references, amounts, sureties, persons to whom estate was distributed, executors/ administors, creditors, and legatees. S0339 - $30.50 Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1737-1744, Libers 16-20. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1997), 1998, 8½x11, paper, index, 314 pp. Continues the series. S9415 - $34.00 Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1744-1750, Libers 21-28. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1997), 1998, 8½x11, paper, index, 263 pp. Continues the series. S0429 - $32.00 Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1750-1754, Libers 29-36. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1997), 2000, 8½x11, paper, index, 268 pp. Continues the series. S0447 - $33.50 Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1754-1760, Libers 37-45. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1998), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 278 pp. These are the reconciliations of the payments against the estate. Includes name of decedent, references, amounts, sureties, persons to whom estate was distributed, executors/administors, creditors, and legatees. S0005 - $33.00 Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1760-1764, Libers 46-51. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1998), 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 246 pp. S0486 - $30.50 Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1771-1777, Libers 67-74. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1999), 2013, 8½x11, paper, index, 324 pp. Information includes name of decedent, references, amounts, sureties, persons to whom the estate was distributed, executors/administrators, creditors, and legatees. S0537 - $34.50 292 Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1764-1768, Libers 52-58. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1999), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 232 pp. This series began when the inventory and administration accounts were split into two series in 1718. These are the reconciliation of the payments against the estate. Includes name of decedent, references, amounts, sureties, persons to whom estate was distributed, executors, administers, creditors, and legatees. S0012 - $29.00 Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1768-1771, Libers 59-66. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1999), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 290 pp. This series began when the inventory and administration accounts were split into two series in 1718. These are the reconciliation of the payments against the estate. Includes name of decedent, references, amounts, sureties, persons to whom estate was distributed, executors, administers, creditors, and legatees. S0030 - $34.00 Abstracts of the Balance Books of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Liber 1, 1751-1755. Debby Moxey. (1995), 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 80 pp. This series continues the search through court records for evidence of family relationships through transfers of estate. The balance books show how the balance remaining in the estate after all necessary payments had been made was distributed to the heirs or representatives. 1995. Paper, each volume indexed. M0380 - $16.00 Abstracts of the Balance Books of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Libers 2 and 3, 17551763. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1995, 1997), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 120 pp. This series continues the search through court records for evidence of family relationships through transfers of estate. The balance books show how the balance remaining in the estate after all necessary payments had been made was distributed to the heirs or representatives. 1995. Paper, each volume indexed. S0381 - $11.00 Abstracts of the Balance Books of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Libers 4 and 5, 17631770. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1995), 1997, 8½x11, paper, index, 164 pp. This series continues the search through court records for evidence of family relationships through transfers of estate. The balance books show how the balance remaining in the estate after all necessary payments had been made was distributed to the heirs or representatives. S0382 - $22.00 Abstracts of the Balance Books of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Libers 6 and 7, 17701777. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1995, 1997), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 130 pp. This series continues the search through court records for evidence of family relationships through transfers of estate. The balance books show how the balance remaining in the estate after all necessary payments had been made was distributed to the heirs or representatives. S0383 - $23.00 Abstracts of the Baltimore County Land Commissions 1727-1762. Baltimore County Genealogical Society. (1989, 1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 68 pp. Gives names of deponents and their ages as they recollect boundaries of land tracts. Family relations often given. B9124 - $8.00 Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1685-1701, Libers 9, 10, 101c, 11A, 11B. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (1992, 2001), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 142 pp. Mr. Skinner has now completed this earlier series in which the inventories and accounts were combined. Names of deceased, appraisers, next of kin, executors/administrators, debtors, servants, legatees and others to whom estate was distributed. Value of estate, dates of inventory and more. S0236 - $24.00 293 Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Libers 12, 13a, 13b, 14, 15, 1688-1698. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (1992, 1996), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 140 pp. S0245 - $24.00 Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1697-1700 Libers 16, 17, 18, 19, 19½a, 19½b. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (1992, 1995), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 96 pp. Abstracted information includes the names of the deceased, appraisers, next of kin, executors/administrators, debtors, servants, legatees and others to whom the estate was distributed; as well as the value of the estate, dates of inventory and more. S0244 - $15.00 Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1699-1704 Libers 20-24. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (1993, 1995), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 118 pp. S0250 $20.00 Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1708-1711, Libers 29, 30, 31, 32A, 32B. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (1994), 1997, 8½x11, paper, index, 142 pp. Mr. Skinner has now completed this earlier series in which the inventories and accounts were combined. Names of deceased, appraisers, next of kin, executors/administrators, debtors, servants, legatees and others to whom estate was distributed. Value of estate, dates of inventory and more. S0283 - $19.00 Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1711-1713, Libers 32C, 33A, 33B, 34. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (1994, 1997), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 116 pp. Mr. Skinner has now completed this earlier series in which the inventories and accounts were combined. Names of deceased, appraisers, next of kin, executors/administrators, debtors, servants, legatees and others to whom estate was distributed. Value of estate, dates of inventory and more. S0284 - $17.00 Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1712-1716 Libers 35a, 35b, 36a, 36b, 36c. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (1994, 1997), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 122 pp. Mr. Skinner has now completed this earlier series in which the inventories and accounts were combined. Names of deceased, appraisers, next of kin, executors/administrators, debtors, servants, legatees and others to whom estate was distributed. Value of estate, dates of inventory and more. S0299 - $11.00 Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1715-1718 Libers 37A, 37B, 37C, 38A, 38B, 39A, 39B, 39C. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (1994, 1995), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 110 pp. S0350 - $21.50 Abstracts OF the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1699-1708 Libers 25-28. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (1993), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 136 pp. S0255 - $23.50 294 Abstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1766-1769. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (1989, 1993), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 156 pp. S0505 - $25.00 Abstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1769-1772. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (1989, 1993), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 166 pp. S0506 - $25.00 Abstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Libers 18-23, 1733-1738. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1991), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 162 pp. S0188 - $25.00 Abstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Libers 15-17, 1728-1734. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1991), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 156 pp. S0189 - $24.00 Abstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Libers 12-14, 1726-1729. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1991), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 148 pp. S0190 - $24.00 Abstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Libers 10-11, 1724-1727. Vernon L. Skinner, Jr. (1991), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 130 pp. S0191 - $23.00 Abstracts of the Orphans Court Proceedings of Harford County, 1778-1800. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1990), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 104 pp. Mostly data on children bound to others, frequently giving dates of birth. Also conflicts in the settlement of estates. P0175 - $14.00 Abstracts of the Proprietary Records of the Provincial Court of Maryland, 1637-1658. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. (2002), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 250 pp. Proprietary Records are general record books covering all sorts of proceedings of the provincial government, especially records of the Provincial Court. These are the only source now extant for probate records for the period 1643 to 1657. This volume contains abstracts from Patent Record F & B (1640-1658); Patent Record Z & A (1637-1651); and Patent Record A & B (1650-1657). S0796 - $35.00 295 Abstracts of Wills Carroll County, Maryland, 1837-1852. Jennifer Shipley-Sullivan. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 326 pp. This volume contains 381 wills from the county’s first will book spanning 1837 to 1852. Over 3,800 individuals including 170 slaves plus 160 land patents are referenced throughout 250 pages of transcribed wills. These wills reveal a treasure trove of information such as family members, birth and death dates, neighbors, religious affiliation, residence, marriage information, and more. Every will abstract contains the date the will was written, filed and probated as well as executors, codicils and renunciations. S5041 - $30.00 Abstracts of Wills Montgomery County, Maryland, 1826-1875. Mary Gordon Malloy, Jane C. Sween and Janet D. Manuel. (1986), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 240 pp. 790 wills, over 6000 names. M0096 - $20.00 Abstracts of Wills, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1776-1825. Mary Gordon Malloy, Jane Sween and Janet D. Manuel. (1977), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. The 695 wills in this volume deal with over 5,000 persons. M0139 - $20.50 African American Manumissions of Washington County, Maryland. Marsha Lynne Fuller, CG. (1997), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 265 pp. These transcripts, 1806-1862, include names, physical descriptions, and other data. F0716 - $25.00 Along the Potomac River: Extracts from the Maryland Gazette, 1728-1799. Edith Moore Sprouse. (2001), 2011, 6x9, paper, index, 158 pp. In spite of these gaps, the Maryland Gazette provides many more details about life in the Potomac River region than its Virginia counterpart. S0688 - $20.00 Alsop’s Maryland: A Character of the Province of Maryland. George Alsop. (1666/1902 reprint), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, 113 pp. In 1658 George Alsop left England for Maryland, where he worked as an “indented” servant in Baltimore Co., under the government of Lord Baltimore. Alsop paints an extremely enticing picture of the bountiful natural resources of Mary-Land, followed by a discussion of the merits of “her well ordered Government,” and her virtuous settlers. Alsop’s flattering words do not extend to his horror-filled chapter on the customs, manners and religion of the Susquehanock Indians. It concludes with a collection of letters written by the author. A1971 - $15.50 Annals of Annapolis: Comprising Sundry Notices of That Old City from the Period of the First Settlements in its Vicinity in the Year 1649, until the War of 1812: Together with Various Incidents in the History of Maryland Derived from Early Records, Public Documents, and Other Sources: With an Appendix, Containing a Number of Letters from General Washington and Other Distinguished Persons, Which Letters Have Never Been Published Before. David Ridgely. (1841), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 290 pp. This historical journey begins in 1632. R4748 - $27.50 296 Annals of Sandy Spring, Twenty Years of History of a Rural Community in Maryland. William Henry Farquhar. (1884, 1999), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. Provides an intimate portrait of this rural Maryland community at a time of great transition. F1409 - $32.00 Annapolis: Its Colonial and Naval Story, with Selections from Diaries and Private Letters. Walter B. Norris. (1925), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 366 pp. This work is primarily a history of Annapolis prior to the Civil War, although there are two chapters which deal with the war and the period following it. Some sample chapter headings are: A Puritan Settlement in a Catholic Colony; A City of Wealth and Fashion; Clubs, Theaters and Literature; Some Tory Families and Their Homes; The Three Signers of the Declaration of Independence and Their Annapolis Homes; and, Stamp Act Riots and the “Peggy Stewart” Tea Party. Illustrated with drawings and photographs. N3223 - $32.00 Anne Arundel Gentry, a Genealogical History of Some Early Families of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, Volume 1. Harry Wright Newman. (1970, 1996, 2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 506 pp. Documented genealogical history of Burgess, Gassaway, Gaither, Hammond, Ijams, and Warfield families of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. N0169 - $40.00 Answering the Call: The Organization and Recruiting of the Potomac Home Brigade, Maryland Volunteers, Summer and Fall, 1861. Keith O. Gary. (1996, 2005), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 312 pp. Based on the author’s collection of original Civil War documents and letters, this volume provides a unique look at Marylanders who answered the call for volunteer recruits in the summer of 1861. G0521 - $28.00 Back When: The Story of Historic New Market Maryland. Joseph F. Seng. (2005), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 242 pp. A comprehensive town history from its founding in 1793, through the Civil War, World War II, and its current incarnation as a Mecca for antique collectors. Contains interviews with long-time residents; over 100 photos. S3599 - $22.00 Baltimore [Maryland] City Jail War Docket. Jerry M. Hynson. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 108 pp. During the Civil War the role of the Baltimore City Jail was expanded from that of a facility serving the civilian needs of Baltimore City and Baltimore County, Maryland, to that of a combination civilian and military facility for the incarceration of prisoners. The Baltimore City Jail Docket, held by the Maryland State Archives in Annapolis, Maryland, presents a record of a large number of such prisoners held from 1862 to 1865. This volume summarizes the docket entries. Information includes date of committal, charges, military unit, and date of transfer or release. H4307 - $15.00 Baltimore and Fell’s Point Directory of 1796. Robert Barnes. (1983, 1989), 2011, 8½x11, index, 70 pp. Directory entries include: full name, occupation, and residence. Naturalization entries contain: full name, country of origin, and an index. B0081 - $13.00 297 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Employees1842 and 1852, 1855 and 1857. Edna A. Kanely. (1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 356 pp. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (known as the B&O) was “the first chartered and fully organized railroad company in the United States...” Construction began on July 4, 1828. By 1842 the B&O had reached Cumberland, Maryland (lists the persons and their pay and service); and by 1852 Wheeling, (West) Virginia (lists officers and employees services, salaries, &c). Also a section for the years 1855 and 1857. K0493 - $30.00 Baltimore Cemeteries: Volume 1 - Northern Area. Baltimore County Historical Society. (1985, 1989), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. Northern Baltimore County with a few cemeteries in the central part. B0085 - $26.50 Baltimore Cemeteries: Volume 5, St. Mary’s Cemetery. Baltimore County Genealogical Society. (1985, 1998), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 58 pp. This volume contains transcripts of the tombstones in St. Mary’s Cemetery on Homeland Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland. Whenever possible, questionable entries were verified and corrected. The Marion Section of the cemetery is not included. B0125 - $9.50 Baltimore City [Maryland] Deaths and Burials, 1834-1840. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 418 pp. This book contains information on approximately 9,000 deaths or burials in Baltimore City from 1834 through 1840 that were gleaned from newspaper obituaries, church records, burial records, cemetery records, tombstone inscriptions, interments and coroner inquests, and family records. Any of the following may be found: name, age, parents, date of death, cause of death, place of death, place of burial, date of burial, place of residence, date of birth, place of birth, country of origin, occupation, military service, and family relationships. P0074 - $33.00 Baltimore City, Maryland Birth Records, 1865-1894. Mary K. Meyer. (1997, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 36 pp. Transcribed from the original. M0642 - $9.50 Baltimore County, Marriage References, 1659-1746. Robert Barnes. (1988, 2004), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 42 pp. Taken from land records, administration accounts, rent rolls, county court proceedings, and inventories. B0123 - $11.50 Baltimore County, Maryland Deed Abstracts 1659-1750. Robert Barnes. (1996), 2002, 8½ x11, paper, index, 292 pp. Contains chains of descent for hundreds of tracts originally surveyed in what are now Baltimore, Harford, and Carroll counties. B0340 - $36.50 298 Baltimore County, Maryland Marriage Licenses, 1777-1798. Dawn Beitler Smith. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 216 pp. Brides’ and grooms’ names are listed alphabetically in this work, along with the date of issue of the marriage license. Compiled from marriage license records at the Maryland State Archives in Annapolis. S0143 - $21.00 Baltimore County, Maryland, Deed Records, Volume 1: 1659-1737. John Davis. (1996), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 472 pp. The deed records abstracted here include lands that lie within presentday Baltimore City, Cecil and Harford Counties, and parts of Carroll, Anne Arundel, Howard and Kent Counties. A typical entry includes the date of transaction, names of grantors and grantees and their places of residence, acres of land involved and the names signed on the document. Other information is included when available, such as sales price, location of land, neighbors, chain of deed and landmarks. D0485 - $38.50 Baltimore County, Maryland, Deed Records, Volume 2: 1727-1757. John Davis. (1996), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 470 pp. D0503 - $38.50 Baltimore County, Maryland, Deed Records, Volume 3: 1755-1767. John Davis. (1996), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 416 pp. D9553 - $34.50 Baltimore County, Maryland, Deed Records, Volume 4: 1767-1775. John Davis. (1997), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 376 pp. The deed records abstracted here include lands that lie within presentday Baltimore City, Cecil and Harford Counties, and parts of Carroll, Anne Arundel, Howard and Kent Counties. D0621 - $35.50 Baltimore County, Maryland, Overseers of Roads 1693-1793. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 124 pp. The information contained in this book has been taken from the original records at the Maryland State Archives in Annapolis, Maryland, as pertains to Baltimore County, namely Proceedings Libers G; IS #A; GM; IS #C; IS TW #1-#3; HWS 6, 7, 9; HWS #IA; TB and TR; TB #D; BA #1-#2; TB and TR #1; TR #5-#6; BB #A; BB #B; and, Minute Books #1-#5 (plus 2 unnumbered books) for the years 1693 through 1793. P0217 - $16.00 Baltimore Life Insurance Company Genealogical Abstracts. Jerry M. Hynson. (2004), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 142 pp. Genealogical abstracts are listed alphabetically and list (as available) the month/year and place of birth, place of residence, and occupation. Slave entries also list the name of the person insuring them. An index and appendices add to the value of this work. H0930 - $22.00 299 Bastardy Cases in Baltimore County, Maryland, 1673 - 1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (2001), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 214 pp. Covers 865 bastardy cases in the county taken from county court minutes and proceedings, levy lists, and extant records of Church of England, and from the Society of Friends (Quaker) Monthly Meeting Minutes. Many cases have been annotated with additional information to help connect the defendants with known families. P0719 - $23.00 Bastardy Cases in Harford County, Maryland, 1774-1844. Henry C. Peden, Jr. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 214 pp. Covers 348 bastardy cases in the county taken from county court records, orphans court records, general entry ledgers, indentured servant records, and court papers maintained in the county court house and at the Historical Society of Harford County. P0682 - $20.00 Before the Fire: Genealogical Gleanings from the Cambridge Chronicle 1830-1855. Walter E. Arps Jr. (1983, 2004), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 28 pp. Genealogical Gleenings from the Cambridge Chronicle, 1830-1855. A3501 - $8.00 Biographical Record of Harford and Cecil Counties, Maryland. Chapman Publishing Company. (1989), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 520 pp. Biographies reprinted from the original book printed in 1897 entitled Portrait and Biographical Records of Harford and Cecil Counties Maryland. New and complete index of personal names by Harford County Genealogical Society. C0148 - $38.00 Births, Deaths and Marriages of the Nottingham Quakers, 1680-1889. Alice L. Beard. (1989), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 306 pp. Mainly from East and West Nottingham Meetings, Little Britain Meeting, Deer Creek Meeting, Eastland Meeting and the Octorara Meeting. B0147 - $26.00 Black Baltimore, 1820-1870. Ralph Clayton. (1987), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 208 pp. Includes: The Effect of Immigration on the Negro in Baltimore, 1850-1860; Slaveholders of Baltimore, 1860; Slaves by Name; Baltimore Free Black Households with Slaves, 1820-1840; Black Families of East Baltimore, 1870. This first census after Emancipation is the first to identify all Blacks by name, age, birthplace, etc. and is of great value to family historians and sociologists. This article provides a listing of every Black in Wards 1 to 6 of East Baltimore. Laurel Cemetery, 1852-1958, gives a brief history of the cemetery and a partial reconstruction of interments there. C0080 - $23.00 British Invasion of Maryland, 1812-1815. William M. Marine. (1913), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, map, 530 pp. This book presents the history of the British invasion of Maryland during the War of 1812. The volume includes the events leading up to the declaration of war against Great Britain, plus chapters about the privateersmen, the Chesapeake expedition, Blarney’s flotilla, and Caulk’s Field. Many details of the conflicts are included such as the battles at Frenchtown, Havre de Grace, Bladensburg, Washington, North Point and Baltimore. M0918 - $38.00 300 Burials in Pro-Cathedral and Cathedral Cemeteries, Baltimore, Maryland, 1791-1874. Hans Grogaard and Mary Warfield of the Maryland Historical Society. (2004), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 422 pp. Burial data is presented in alphabetical order by the deceased’s last name. Entries include (as available) surname, first name, date of death, date of burial, age, cause of death, and additional information. G0922 - $36.50 Caroline County, Maryland, Marriages, Births and Deaths, 1850-1880. F. Edward Wright. (1981), 2002, 5½x8½, paper, index, 114 pp. From public records and newspapers. W0773 - $13.50 Carroll County, Maryland Baseball, Men’s Amateur and Semi-Pro Baseball, 1850-1999. Daniel D. Hartzler. (2005), 2008, 8½x11, cloth, dust jacket, index, 202 pp. This book contains detailed accounts of men’s amateur and semi-pro baseball teams in Carroll County, Maryland. First-person recollections, an abundance of photographs, excerpts from newspaper articles, and an every name index enhance the text. H3366 - $63.00 Carroll County, Maryland Election Results for Federal, State, and Local Offices: 1837-2000. Charles William Albert. 2002, 6x9, paper, index, 566 pp. Mr. Albert has compiled county voting results from past elections that are available, and identified all of the people whose names appeared on a ballot in Carroll County. A0807 - $41.00 Cash for Blood: The Baltimore to New Orleans Domestic Slave Trade. Ralph Clayton. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 704 pp. A detailed history of the trade, and a roster of slaves, slaveowners, and ships used in the trade 1800-1860 taken from the original ship manifests. A major resource. C2235 - $48.50 Cemetery Records of Somerset County, Maryland. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989, 2002), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 170 pp. 181 cemeteries or plots. D0137 - $20.00 Cemetery Records Worcester County, Maryland. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 208 pp. 114 cemeteries or plots. D0768 - $22.00 301 Chancery Books of Carroll County, Maryland, Volumes 1-20, 1837-1873. Virginia D. Stenley. (1994), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. Many names and relationships are uncovered in Chancery Court records. Abstracts of foreclosures, partition or sale of real estate to settle an estate, satisfy creditors, divorces etc. Every name and tract name abstracted. S0356 - $21.00 Chancery Books of Carroll County, Maryland, Volumes 21-40, 1873-1889. Virginia D. Stenley. (1996, 1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 186 pp. Many names and relationships are uncovered in Chancery Court records. Abstracts of foreclosures, partition or sale of real estate to settle an estate, satisfy creditors, divorces etc. Every name and tract name abstracted. S0403 - $21.00 Charles County, Maryland: A History. The Charles County Bicentennial Committee. (1976), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 474 pp. Dozens of knowledgeable volunteers contributed information on a variety of topics, including agriculture and the tobacco industry, transportation and the Potomac River, towns and villages, religion and churches, government, Black history, education, sociality, folklore, and genealogy. C1610 - $35.00 Chesapeake Conflict: The Troublesome Early Days of Maryland. Gene Williamson. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 148 pp. In 1621, William Claiborne of England arrived in Virginia. He built up a successful fur trade, operating from Kent Island, which he discovered, purchased, named, and settled in 1628. In 1632, the English king gave a patent, which included Kent Island, to his friend Lord Baltimore. Claiborne disputed the action. The Claiborne-Baltimore conflict dominated events and issues that helped to shape the Maryland colony, and was the opening salvo in a series of disputes over Chesapeake rights which have never been completely resolved. W0330 - $19.00 Children of Harford County, Maryland: Indentures and Guardianships, 1801-1830, 1801-1830. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 92 pp. Information taken from the General Entries Books in the Register of Wills Office in Bel Air, and the MD State Archives. About 2,500 names alphabetically listed, with age or date of birth. P0295 - $14.50 Citizens of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, 1659-1750. F. Edward Wright. (1986), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 148 pp. Tax lists of Somerset (1723), Talbot (1733), Chester Hd. (1721) Marks of Cattle of Kent, Somerset and Talbot. Petitions. Levy records of Kent, Talbot, Somerset, Queen Anne’s. Militia Returns of Cecil, Dorchester, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Worcester and much more. Over 7,000 persons. W9090 - $14.50 Colesville [Maryland]: The Development of a Community, its People and its Natural Resources, over a period of four centuries. Ned Bayley. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. This book covers and people and events of this crossroads town from pre-settlement, through its early settlers to the present. B0004 - $16.00 302 Colonial Maryland Soldiers and Sailors, 1634-1734. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (2001), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 408 pp. In most cases, the name of the soldier or sailor, places of residence, military and/or civil service information, dates of birth and death, probate information, including name of widow is given. P0649 - $32.00 Colonial Records of Southern Maryland: Trinity Parish and Court Records, Charles County; Christ Church Parish and Marriage Records, Calvert County; St. Andrew’s and All Faith’s Parishes, St. Mary’s County. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 200 pp. A compilation of vital records of Charles County: Trinity Parish and Court records (marriages, births and deaths); Calvert County: Christ Church Parish and marriage records; St. Mary’s County: St Andrews Parish and All Faith’s Parish records. J0428 - $20.00 Colonial Settlers of Prince George’s County, Maryland. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1998), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 436 pp. Vital statistics and proof of relationships of people who were in Prince George’s County during the Colonial period found in the land, court, and church records of the county, as well as the records of the Prerogative Court of Maryland. J0000 - $35.00 Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, the Confederate Units and the Indian Units. Stewart Sifakis. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 242 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Kentucky, Maryland, or Missouri will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0700 $26.95 Complete Personal Name Index to a History of Washington County, Maryland. Thomas J. C. Williams. (1992, 1995), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 300 pp. W0241 - $28.00 Confederate Sailors, Marines and Signalmen from Virginia and Maryland. Robert J. Driver, Jr. 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 524 pp. Contains listings of men from Va. and Md. who served as: Confederate Naval officers and sailors; Confederate Marine Corps officers and enlisted men; and Confederate Signal Corps officers, signalmen and telegraph operators. Amount of entry data varies. Includes photographs. D4279 - $39.50 Deaths and Burials in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. Leona Cryer. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 454 pp. Burials in 36 cemeteries. Also included are burials for the past five years in certain cemeteries in neighboring Charles and Prince George’s cos., and those for the past five years in area veterans’ cemeteries. C0173 - $37.50 303 Design Makes a Difference: Shipbuilding in Baltimore, 1795-1835. Toni Ahrens. (1998), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 232 pp. Likely the most detailed analysis you will find about the peak of Baltimore’s shipbuilding industry and the process of urban expansion. Two maps, circa 1799 and 1828, show the wharves of Fells Point and how much growth took place in the 30-year period between. A1001 - $24.00 Directory of Maryland Church Records. Edna A. Kanely, under the auspices of the Genealogical Council of Maryland. (1987), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 208 pp. A condensed summary of information collected from over 2,600 Maryland churches. The first section contains a listing of churches alphabetically arranged by county. The second section contains a listing of names and addresses of churches arranged by religion, alphabetically by county. K0003 - $18.50 Directory of Maryland’s Burial Grounds. Genealogical Council of Maryland. (1996, 2001), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 256 pp. Gives location of all known public and private cemeteries including church cemeteries; also single graves. Volume 1: covers Anne Arundel, Carroll, Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties. Includes addresses, location of burial records, and where to find published data. G0328 - $23.00 Directory of Ministers and Maryland Churches They Served 1634-1990: (Two Volumes). Edna Kanely. (1990), 2002, 7x10, 902 pp. Provides the means to link events found in public records to religious organizations. It is the place to begin any research relating to the clergy in Maryland. K0201 $75.00 Distribution of Estates Accounts, Washington County, Maryland, 1778-1835. Dale and Deborah Jensen Morrow. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 108 pp. The Distribution Books were used until 1835 to record the settlement of estates. The decedents are arranged alphabetically and there is a surname index to other names. M0211 - $15.00 Divorces and Names Changed in Marylandby Act of the Legislature, 1634-1867. Mary K. Meyer. (1991), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 120 pp. Listed alphabetically, the entries contain the name of the husband and wife, county of residence and sometimes other information such as wife’s maiden name. These records may also reveal cases of bigamy, abandonment, spouses thought to be dead, adultery, custody rights, adoption and inheritance. M0526 - $14.50 Early Anglican Records of Cecil County, Maryland. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1990), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 116 pp. Records of St. Stephen’s Parish (North Sassafras Parish) and St. Ann’s Parish (North Elk Parish). P0183 - $16.00 304 Early Catholic Church Records in Baltimore, Maryland, 1782-1800. Stanley Piet. (1989), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. Marriages, births and deaths. P0142 - $18.00 Early Charles County, Maryland Settlers, 1658-1745. Marlene Strawser Bates, F. Edward Wright. (1995), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 418 pp. This volume contains a compilation of records which show familial relationships, ages (deponents and servants), dates of birth, marriage and death, and names of tracts. A bibliography and a full name index augment the text. B0392 - $32.00 Early Families of Frederick County, Maryland, and Adams County, Pennsylvania. Steve Gilland. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 104 pp. Family names: Ambrose, Boarman, Carbaugh, Dyer, Elder, Finch, Flohr, Gilland, Greene, Hagan, Kint, Klein, Kline (Cline), Livers, Shriner, Spalding, Wildasin. G0423 - $13.00 Early Families of Frederick County, Maryland, and South Central Pennsylvania. Steve Gilland. (2000), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. A collection of family histories relating to early families in this area. G0605 - $20.00 Early Families of Southern Maryland: Volume 1 (Revised). Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1992, 1993), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 368 pp. A genealogy of some families who settled mainly in St. Mary’s, Prince George’s, Anne Arundel, Calvert and Charles Counties in the 17th century with some lines followed to around 1800. Included are Catholic, Protestant and Quaker records of births, deaths and marriages; abstracts of wills; land records, deeds of gift, and other court records establishing family relationships. Please see our website for the families covered in each volume. J0055 - $30.00 Early Families of Southern Maryland: Volume 10. Elise Greenup Jourdan. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 346 pp. J0707 - $29.00 Early Families of Southern Maryland: Volume 2. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1993), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 278 pp. J0269 - $23.00 305 Early Families of Southern Maryland: Volume 3. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 392 pp. J0355 - $31.50 Early Families of Southern Maryland: Volume 4. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 340 pp. Genealogies for some families who settled in St. Mary’s, Prince George’s, Anne Arundel, Calvert, and Charles Counties. Traces the following families from their first appearance in the records of Maryland up to, in some cases, around 1800: Sterling, Dorrumple, James, Tracey, Ransom, Speake, Rogers, Watkins, Rodham-Mason, Luckett, Tyer, Van Sweringen (and Sweringen), Brashear, Courts, Wade, Cheney, and Hawton. J0300 - $28.00 Early Families of Southern Maryland: Volume 5. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 394 pp. J0346 - $33.50 Early Families of Southern Maryland: Volume 6. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1998), 1999, 5½x8½, paper, index, 376 pp. J0022 - $31.50 Early Families of Southern Maryland: Volume 7. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 402 pp. Covers the families of Rachel Beard, Bordley, Cage, Hill, Hollyday, Noe, Ratcliff, Richardson, Smith, Southerland, Summerland, Sunderland, Turner, and Williams. J0075 $32.00 Early Families of Southern Maryland: Volume 8. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 390 pp. J0513 - $30.00 Early Families of Southern Maryland: Volume 9. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 356 pp. J0617 - $28.00 306 Early Harford Countians. Volume 1: A to K. Individuals Living in Harford County, Maryland, in Its Formative Years. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1993), 2004, 8½x11, paper, alpha., 254 pp. Volumes 1 and 2 have been extracted from: Tax lists of 1774, 1776 (missing two Hundreds now contained in the supplement), 1778, 1783; censuses of 1776 and 1790; Dr. Archer’s ledgers; Orphan’s Court Proceedings; Family Bibles; and many more sources. Over 30,000 entries. P0088 - $27.00 Early Harford Countians. Volume 2: L to Z. Individuals Living in Harford County, Maryland in its Formative Years. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1993), 2004, 8½x11, paper, alpha., 531 pp. Volumes 1 and 2 have been extracted from: Tax lists of 1774, 1776 (missing two Hundreds now contained in the supplement), 1778, 1783; censuses of 1776 and 1790; Dr. Archer’s ledgers; Orphan’s Court Proceedings; Family Bibles; and many more sources. Over 30,000 entries. P0089 - $32.00 Early Harford Countians. Volume 3: Supplement. Individuals Living in Harford County, Maryland in its Formative Years. Henry C. Peden Jr. (1999), 2001, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 116 pp. Over 30,000 entries containing tax lists, marriage licenses and various publications. P0090 $21.00 Early Lists of Frederick County, Maryland 1765-1775. F. Edward Wright. (1987), 2007, 8½x11, paper, 36 pp. The lists provide the names of persons that reported stray livestock on their property (1765-1775); the names of persons for which rent was due on land in Frederick County (1768-1769 and 1771-1772); and a petition for a road (1749). Includes a full name index. W4271 - $12.00 Early Settlers of Dorchester County and Their Lands. Calvin W. Mowbray and Mary I. Mowbray. (1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vol. in 1, 348 pp. History of the earliest land patents and the persons to whom the land was patented 1659-1683. M0240 - $30.00 Family Bible Records in the Washington County Free Library, Hagerstown, Maryland. Marsha Lynne Fuller, CGRS. (2003), 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 302 pp. This volume provides over 8,000 entries (1738-1999) followed by a handy fullname index. W0879 - $35.00 First and Second Maryland Cavalry, C. S. A. Robert J. Driver, Jr. 1999, 6x9, photos, 368 pp. When Maryland’s Elected officials pledged allegiance to the Union, many of her sons went South. This scholarly work from a noted Civil War historian is a thorough history of two battalions of Confederate Marylanders. Detailed muster rolls reflect more than two decades of research. D9024 $34.95 First Dorchester Families. Calvin Mowbray. (1984), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 224 pp. Genealogical sketches of the first patentees of Dorchester County, generally limited to the first two generations. M0199 - $21.00 307 First Maryland Artillery and Second Maryland Artillery. George L. Sherwood. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 214 pp. Both the First and Second Maryland Artillery served with distinction with the Army of Northern Virginia for nearly the entire war. This is their story, presented in the words of the members of the units whenever possible. Material was often gleaned from unpublished manuscripts. S4495 $23.50 Forged by Fire, Maryland’s National Guard at the Great Baltimore Fire of 1904. Dean K. Yates. (1992), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 130 pp. An account of the Maryland National Guard’s service during and immediately following the Great Baltimore Fire. Y0022 - $16.00 Francis Scott Key: Life and Times. Edward S. Delaplaine. (1937, 2001), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 536 pp. The most definitive biography of Key ever written, here is a portrait of an unusual character - lawyer, orator, churchman, statesman, and poet. D0685 - $36.00 Frederick County [Maryland] Militia in the War of 1812. Sallie A. Mallick and F. Edward Wright. (1992), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 494 pp. Contains history of militia with the major portion of the book devoted to genealogical data on the veterans and their families. Sources drawn from include muster and pay rolls, pension files, newspaper items, 1850 census data, church records, local histories and others. M9212 - $35.00 Frederick County Backgrounds. Steve Gilland. (1995, 2001), 2012, paper, index, 130 pp. Biographical articles published in Emmitsburg’s Chronicle Newspaper in the 1930s and 40s. Covers time period of late 1700s to early 1900s. Alphabetically arranged by family name, each entry gives various biographical details. G0374 - $19.00 Frederick County, Maryland Church and Cemetery Records: Volume 1. Patricia A. Fogle. (1998, 2002), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 264 pp. Includes baptisms, marriages and deaths from the Jefferson and Feagaville Lutheran Parish Churches. F0571 - $23.00 Frederick County, Maryland, Church and Cemetery Records: Volume 2 (Christ Reformed United Church of Christ, Middletown). Patricia A. Fogle. (1996, 2002), 2011, 5x8, paper, index, 296 pp. Baptisms, marriages, death and burial information from the Christ Reformed United Church of Christ and tombstone readings from its old and new cemeteries. F0572 - $24.50 308 Frederick County, Maryland, Church and Cemetery Records: Volume 3 (Zion Lutheran and Mt. Tabor, Middletown). Patricia A. Fogle. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 478 pp. Graves and tombstones in the cemetery of the Zion Lutheran Congregation, including Mt.Tabor cemetery, Station Road, in Middletown. F0573 - $36.00 Frederick County, Maryland Church and Cemetery Records: Volume 4. Patricia A. Fogle. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 260 pp. Births and baptisms taken from the pastoral records of the Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ, Frederick, Maryland for the period 1746 to 1999. F0639 - $24.00 Frederick County, Maryland Church and Cemetery Records: Volume 5. Patricia A. Fogle. (2000, 2004), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 230 pp. This volume lists marriages recorded by the pastors of the Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ in Frederick, Maryland, between 1756 and 1999. The names of bride and groom, date of event, and residence are provided when available F0613 - $23.00 Frederick County, Maryland Church and Cemetery Records: Volume 6. Patricia A. Fogle. (1999, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 106 pp. Deaths and burials recorded by the Pastors of the Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ, Frederick, Maryland covering the period 1788 to 1801 and 1874 to 1999. F0640 - $15.00 Frederick County, Maryland Church and Cemetery Records: Volume 7. Patricia A. Fogle. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 268 pp. Grace Reformed United Church of Christ recordsare grouped by Members, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths. Entries provide awealth of full names and dates. A brief history of Grace Reformed United Churchof Christ and a full-name index enhance this work. F5377 $26.00 Free African-Americans Maryland, 1832: Including Allegany, Anne Arundel, Calvert, Caroline, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Kent, Montgomery, Queen Anne’s, and St. Mary’s Counties. Jerry M. Hynson. (1998), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 178 pp. Census records found in the Maryland State Archives. Gives names and ages. H0483 - $17.00 Free Blacks in Harford, Somerset and Talbot Counties, Maryland, 1832. Mary K. Meyer. 1991, 8½x11, paper, index, 97 pp. A listing of some 6000 free blacks with their ages, enumerated by a law passed by the Maryland Legislature in 1832. Many listed in family groups. M0529 - $13.50 309 Genealogical Abstracts from The Brunswick Herald, Brunswick, Maryland, 6 March 1891 to 28 December 1894. Patricia B. Duncan. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 345 pp. Advertisements, legal notices, local general and personal news, obituaries, marriage announcements, national and international news. Columns of local interest from Frederick County and surrounding counties of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. Chronological order with a full name index. These abstracts are not just the dry facts; they contain much of the wording from the original articles. D0867 - $28.50 Genealogical Abstracts from The Brunswick Herald. Brunswick, Maryland, 4 January 1895 to 30 December 1898. Patricia B. Duncan. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 364 pp. Advertisements, legal notices, local general and personal news, obituaries, marriage announcements, national and international news. Columns of local interest from Frederick County and surrounding counties of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. Chronological order with a full name index. D3560 - $33.50 Genealogical Abstracts from The Brunswick Herald. Brunswick, Maryland, 2 January 1903 to 29 June 1906. Patricia B. Duncan. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 328 pp. Advertisements, legal notices, local general and personal news, obituaries, marriage announcements, national and international news. Columns of local interest from Frederick County and surrounding counties of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. Chronological order with a full name index. D3564 - $32.00 Genealogical Abstracts from The Brunswick Herald, Brunswick, Maryland, 6 July 1906 to 25 February 1910. Patricia B. Duncan. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 344 pp. Advertisements, legal notices, local general and personal news, obituaries, marriage announcements, national and international news. Columns of local interest from Frederick County and surrounding counties of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. Chronological order with a full name index. D3565 - $33.00 German Regiment of Maryland and Pennsylvania. Henry J. Retzer. (1991), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 184 pp. From a variety of federal and state records, plus personal journals and letters. This new revised edition includes twenty pages of additional information recently uncovered by the author. R0202 - $20.50 Gleanings from Maryland Newspapers 1786-90. Robert Barnes. (1987), 2011, 8½x11, paper, 76 pp. Marriages, deaths, legal notices, ads of genealogical value. B3403 - $15.50 Goshen, Maryland: A History and its People. Ardith Gunderman Boggs. (1994), 2011, 8½x11, paper, 136 pp. Many original homes remain in Goshen and the history of these homes, and many early Goshen people, are mentioned in the book. Also included are memories and histories written by Katherine Poole and Ella Plummer, a collection of local ghost stories, a genealogy of Samuel Davis (local miller), a map showing historical locations, photographs or sketches of these as well; Goshen directories for 1879, 1880, 1882; and a list of postmasters and their appointment dates. B9987 - $23.00 310 Graveyards and Gravestones of Wicomico [Maryland]. John E. Jacob. (1996, 1998), 2003, 5½x8½, index, paper, 136 pp. Earliest inscription from 1739. Most are from the 1800s. J0498 $16.00 Guide to Selections from the Montgomery County Sentinel, Jan. 1 1913 - Dec. 31, 1916. John D. Bowman. 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 254 pp. Is your missing relative hiding in these pages? This continuation of the previous compilation of selected extracts includes marriages, deaths, civil appointments, voters, jurors, significant events, and much more. B5387 - 25.50 Guide to Selections from the Montgomery County Sentinel, Maryland, January 1, 1856 December 31, 1875. John D. Bowman. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 244 pp. Is your missing relative hiding in these pages? This compilation of selected extracts includes marriages, deaths, civil appointments, voters, jurors, significant events, and much more. Unfortunately, some issues are missing. B3181 - $28.00 Guide to Selections from the Montgomery County Sentinel, Maryland, January 1, 1876 December 31, 1881. John D. Bowman. (2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 260 pp. Is your missing relative hiding in these pages? This compilation of selected extracts includes marriages, deaths, civil appointments, voters, jurors, significant events, and much more. B3281 - $27.50 Guide to Selections from the Montgomery County Sentinel, Maryland, January 1, 1882 December 31, 1887. John D. Bowman. 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 274 pp. Is your missing relative hiding in these pages? This continuation of the previous compilation of selected extracts includes marriages, deaths, civil appointments, voters, jurors, significant events, and much more. B3598 $29.00 Guide to Selections from the Montgomery County Sentinel, Maryland, January 1, 1888 December 30, 1892. John D. Bowman. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 278 pp. Is your missing relative hiding in these pages? This continuation of the previous compilation of selected extracts includes marriages, deaths, civil appointments, voters, jurors, significant events, and much more. B4099 $32.50 Guide to Selections from the Montgomery County Sentinel, Maryland, January 1, 1893 December 31, 1896. John D. Bowman. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 298 pp. Is your missing relative hiding in these pages? This continuation of the previous compilation of selected extracts includes marriages, deaths, civil appointments, voters, jurors, significant events, and much more. B4329 $32.50 311 Guide to Selections from the Montgomery County Sentinel, Maryland, January 1, 1897 December 31, 1901. John D. Bowman. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 316 pp. Is your missing relative hiding in these pages? This continuation of the previous compilation of selected extracts includes marriages, deaths, civil appointments, voters, jurors, significant events, and much more. B4393 $29.00 Guide to Selections from the Montgomery County Sentinel, Maryland, January 1, 1902 December 31, 1904. John D. Bowman. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 258 pp. Is your missing relative hiding in these pages? This continuation of the previous compilation of selected extracts includes marriages, deaths, civil appointments, voters, jurors, significant events, and much more. B4763 $26.00 Guide to Selections from the Montgomery County Sentinel, Maryland, January 1, 1905 December 31, 1908. John D. Bowman. 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 258 pp. Is your missing relative hiding in these pages? This continuation of the previous compilation of selected extracts includes marriages, deaths, civil appointments, voters, jurors, significant events, and much more. B5011 $26.00 Guide to Selections from the Montgomery County Sentinel, Jan. 1 1909 - Dec. 27, 1912. John D. Bowman. 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 270 pp. Is your missing relative hiding in these pages? This continuation of the previous compilation of selected extracts includes marriages, deaths, civil appointments, voters, jurors, significant events, and much more. B5241 - $26.50 Harford County Wills 1774-1800. Ralph H. Morgan, Jr. (1990, 2000), 2011 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. Gives names of all persons and tracts mentioned, executors, witnesses, slaves. Complete index of persons and tracts with special indexes of slaves by first names and by associated surnames. M0166 - $20.00 Harford County, Maryland Marriage Licenses, 1777-1865. Jon Livezey and Helene Davis. (1993, 2000), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 288 pp. Extracted from original records when available, courthouse records and early minister returns. Surnames of both bride and groom are arranged alphabetically. L0263 - $26.00 Harford County, Maryland, Divorce Cases, 1827-1912: An Annotated Index. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1999), 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 42 pp. Contains: names of parties, case number, date of complaint, date of decree (if indicated), and any interesting comments noted in the docket books. P3551 - $8.00 312 Heirs and Legatees of Caroline County, Maryland. Irma Harper. (1989, 2000), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 100 pp. Abstracts of Chancery Court Records (1815-1863) giving family relationships. Also included are abstracts from the Land Commissions (1774-1895) which give deponent’s ages and family relationships. H0126 - $14.50 Heirs and Legatees of Harford County, Maryland, 1774-1802. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1989), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 90 pp. Estate records including distributions when available. P0127 - $13.50 Heirs and Legatees of Harford County, Maryland, 1802-1846. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1988), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 66 pp. Distributions of estates (wills and administrations) showing heirs. P0118 - $11.00 Heirs and Orphans: Anne Arundel County Distributions 1788-1838. Walter E. Arps, Jr. (1985, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 138 pp. Clues to relationships. Heirs, sureties, giving fractional parts of estate. A0086 - $17.00 High School Heroes, a Century of Education and Football at Annapolis High School, 1896-2003. Jane E Good. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 323 pp. This book is intended to honor ordinary Annapolitans of the twentieth century, those who lived there her and attended the city’s public schools. G2521 - $29.95 Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia. Helen W. Ridgely. (1908, 2000), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 342 pp. With Inscriptions Appearing on Tombstones in Most of the Counties and Washington and Georgetown. Under the auspices of the Maryland Society of the Colonial Dames of America. R0209 - $27.00 Historic Graves, Private Burial Grounds and Cemeteries of Kent County, Maryland. Historical Society of Kent County. (1985), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 49 pp. Inscriptions from 70 cemeteries, and descriptions related to 40 others. The culmination of a 1969-1972 project. H0450 - $7.50 313 History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-65: Volume 1. L. Allison Wilmer, J. H. Jarrett, and George W. F. Vernon. (1898), 2007, 8½x11, cloth, 850 pp. The first of the original two volumes which were published under the authority of the General Assembly of Maryland in 1898 and are the standard reference for determining the unit or units in which a Marylander served in the Union Army or Navy. Taken from muster rolls of the office of the Adjutant-General of Maryland. This volume contains the history and lists those who served in the Army. W0002 - $88.00 History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-1865, Index. Martha Reamy and Bill Reamy. 1990, 8½x11, cloth, 156 pp. Provides a complete index for all Maryland soldiers in the War of 1861-1865, which accompanied the two volume series. R0014 - $21.50 History of Barnesville and Sellman, Maryland. Dona Lou Cuttler and Ida Lu Brown. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 160 pp. Tracks the history of these two towns. C1180 - $23.50 History of Cecil County, Maryland, and the Early Settlements Around the Head of Chesapeake Bay and on the Delaware River, with Sketches of Some of the Old Families of Cecil County. George Johnston. (1881), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 572 pp. Much of this book is devoted to Cecil Countians in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. Virtually no stone is left uncovered in this county history. The final chapter includes sketches of these families: Churchman, Defoe, Evans, Gilpin, Hall, Hartshorne, Hyland, Leslie, Mauldin, Mitchell, Rudulph, Rumsey. J1017 - $43.00 History of Charles County, Maryland, Written in Its Tercentenary Year of 1958. Margaret Brown Klapthor and Paul Dennis Brown. (1958, 2006), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 240 pp. Chronicles 300 years in the development of Charles County. K0160 - $24.00 History of Leitersburg District, Washington County, Maryland. Herbert C. Bell. (1898), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 170 pp. The plan of this work includes the original land tenure of the District, its first settlement, and material development; the origin and growth of its churches, schools, and other institutions, and of the village of Leitersburg; and a series of biographical sketches, combining much of the personal with the public history. B3481 - $18.00 Hunter Sutherland’s Slave Manumissions and Sales in Harford County, Maryland, 1775-1865. Carolyn Greenfield Adams. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 144 pp. About 2,000 based on data from more than 500 documents. A1144 - $17.00 314 Immigrant Ancestors of Marylanders, as Found in Local Histories. Martha and William Reamy. (1993), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 366 pp. Data abstracted from Maryland histories that name immigrant ancestors, and in most cases provide information on at least one generation in America. Many entries give family residence in the old country. R0527 - $29.00 Index of Baltimore County Wills, 1659-1850. Robert Barnes and Bettie S. Carothers. (1987, 2005), 2011, 8½x11, paper, 88 pp. Full name of deceased, year of probate, book and page number. 8000 entries. B3482 - $15.50 Index of Obituaries and Marriages in the [Baltimore] Sun, 1866-1870, with Addendum, 18611865. Francis P. O’Neill. (1996), 2002, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 602 pp. Marriage notices include name of bride/groom, date of marriage. Death notices include name, date of death, frequently includes age, cause of death. Entries arranged alphabetically. O0341 - $43.00 Index of Obituaries and Marriages in The [Baltimore] Sun, 1876-1880. Francis P. O’Neill. (2000), 2007, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 552 pp. A typical entry includes name, age, date of death or marriage and the date and page number of the issue of The Sun where the information is found. O0603 - $44.00 Index of Obituaries and Marriages of the (Baltimore) Sun, 1871-1875, A-J. Francis P. O’Neill. (1995, 2002), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 322 pp. Nearly 36,000 entries. Name of bride/groom date of marriage. Death notices include name, age, date of death, sometimes cause of death. Alphabetical arrangement. O5365 - $29.00 Index of Obituaries and Marriages of the (Baltimore) Sun, 1871-1875, K-Z. Francis P. O’Neill. (1995, 2002), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 354 pp. Nearly 36,000 entries. Name of bride/groom date of marriage. Death notices include name, age, date of death, sometimes cause of death. Alphabetical arrangement. O5366 - $31.00 Index of Obituaries and Marriages of the [Baltimore] Sun, 1861-1865. Joseph C. Maguire, Jr. (1992, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 514 pp. This index contains over 27,000 entries, giving name of bride/groom or name of deceased, date of event, date of issue of the newspaper. In the case of marriages, there are entries under both the bride and groom’s names. M0203 - $35.00 Index to Administration Accounts of Frederick County, 1750-1816 (Maryland). L. Tilden Moore. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 58 pp. An index to records held by the Register of Wills Office in Frederick Co. 2169 names. M0085 - $12.00 315 Index to Baptisms, Burials and Confirmations, Second German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baltimore City, Maryland, 1835-1867. Gary B. Ruppert, M.D. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 406 pp. The author has transcribed this information from the original German church records. Entries are arranged alphabetically by surname with an index to all other names. A place name index is also included. R3370 - $34.00 Index to the 1850 Map of Baltimore City and County. Dawn Beitler Smith. (1989), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 40 pp. Over 3,000 names from Sidney’s 1850 map. S0140 - $11.00 Index to the History of Western Maryland. Helen Long. (1995), 2008, 8½x11, paper, 372 pp. If you already own a copy of Scharf’s History you will find this complete index to be very helpful. The original index, typical of its time, included the personal names of only those persons who were the primary subject of each biography. L0552 - $34.50 Indexes of Protestant Episcopal (Anglican) Church Registers of Prince George’s County, 16861885. Volume 1: King George Parish (Records 1689-1801) and Queen Anne Parish (Records 1686-1777). Helen W. Brown. (1979), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 208 pp. These are not really indexes but an alphabetical arrangement of the vital records. B0109 - $20.00 Indexes of Protestant Episcopal (Anglican) Church Registers of Prince George’s County, 16861885. Volume 2: St. Paul’s Parish at Baden (Records begin 1831) and Prince George Parish (known as Rock Creek Parish, Records 1711-1798). Helen W. Brown. (1979), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 204 pp. These are not really indexes but an alphabetical arrangement of the vital records. B0119 - $20.00 Inhabitants of Baltimore County, Maryland, 1692-1763. F. Edward Wright. (1987), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 128 pp. Individuals who are not mentioned in church, probate, or land records may only be found in “occasional” lists such as the ones compiled in this work: the Baltimore County tax lists of 1692, 1694, 1695, and 1737; levy papers of 1737; livestock marks; various petitions; debt book of 1754; and lists of taxed bachelors, 1756-1763. W0010 - $15.50 Inhabitants of Baltimore County, Maryland, 1763-1774. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 182 pp. Includes various tax lists of St. Thomas Parish, 1763; petitioners for removal of county seat, 1773 tax list of Baltimore Co.; letters at the post office in 1773, index to Baltimore residents in 1765, Baltimore Co. Debt Book, 1765-66; and many others. P0144 - $17.00 316 Inhabitants of Cecil County, 1649-1774. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1993), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 260 pp. Names were gathered from land patents, naturalizations, petitioners, St. Mary Ann’s Parish religious oaths, cohabitants, bachelors, sundry persons, St. Stephen’s Parish pew holders, tax lists, militia list of 1740, fines, tavern licenses granted, insolvents, overseers of roads, constables, civil and military officers of 1696, bondholders, assemblymen, and alienated lands list. P0082 - $23.00 Inhabitants of Frederick County, Maryland, Vol. 2: 1749-1800. Stefanie R. Shaffer. (1999), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. This work includes land patents for the years 1749-1800—giving grantee and certificate holder names, even tracts that were unpatented; loose court papers—with notes, accounts, labor, and even building materials; as well as other information. S0512 - $28.00 Inhabitants of Frederick County, Maryland. Volume 1: 1750-1790. Stefanie R. Shaffer. (1998), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 204 pp. Data taken from a wide range of records held at the Maryland State Archives, including court lists, the 1761 tax list, estrays, rent due lists, and levy lists which refers to payments made by the county court. The identifying Archives Accession Numbers are included with each list. S0084 - $18.00 Inhabitants of Harford County, Maryland, 1791-1800. Henry C. Peden Jr. (1999, 2001), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 372 pp. A followup to Mr. Peden’s 1993 massive work on Harford County, Maryland inhabitants—which covered the years 1773 to 1790. This work continues to follow those residents up to the year 1800, bringing the 18th century to completion. Data has been taken from a wide variety of sources. P0067 - $30.00 Inhabitants of Kent County, Maryland, 1637-1787. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 280 pp. This book contains thousands of names, with relevant information, gleaned from a wide variety of sources: debt books; land patents; the Kent County tax list of 1783; indentured orphans; county court proceedings; church records; militia lists; and the Archives of Maryland. P0286 - $23.50 Inventory of Maryland Bible Records, Volume 1. Genealogical Council of Maryland. (1989, 1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 144 pp. Each Bible is listed under the name of the principal family or families in the record. Gives year of earliest birth, earliest marriage, other surnames, residences if given and location of copies of the record. About 2,700 bible records. G9012 - $19.50 Kent County, Maryland Marriages, 1865-1888. Jerry M. Hynson. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 68 pp. This record of marriages was derived from the Maryland State Archives microfilm #MSA M 218 and includes: names of groom and bride, with his/her age, marital status, occupation, and location if other than Kent Co.; marriage date; and date recorded. An index of brides augments the records. H3576 - $13.00 317 Land Grants in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, 1650-1704: South River Hundred. Robert W. Hall. (2002), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 146 pp. This book is a compilation of patent documents, in synopsis form, and drawings of tracts in the middle Neck Hundred of Anne Arundel County from 1650-1704. H0779 - $23.00 Land Grants of the Middle Neck Hundred of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, 1650-1704. Robert W. Hall. 2001, 8½x11, 320 pp. This book is a compilation of patent documents, in synopsis form, and drawings of tracts in the middle Neck Hundred of Anne Arundel County from 1650-1704. H0675 - $37.50 Land Records of Somerset County, Maryland. Ruth T. Dryden. (1985, 1994), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, maps, 544 pp. This volume contains abstracts of deeds, patents, notes from wills and tax records, evidence of marriages, and family ties. A full name index and several maps add to the value of this work. D3291 - $35.00 Land Records Wicomico County, Maryland, 1666-1810. Ruth T. Dryden. (1992), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 494 pp. Deeds, patents and notes from wills and tax records 166-1810, of portions of Somerset, and Worcester Counties, Maryland, and Sussex County Delaware. D5271 - $35.00 Life on the Potomac River. Edwin W. Beitzell. (1968, 1973, 2004), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 364 pp. This is the first complete history of the Tidewater Potomac area (Washington D.C. to the Chesapeake Bay). Covers from the settlement of Maryland and Virginia in the early 1600s to the late 1960s. Meticulous documentation of the region’s watermen and their boats is particularly valuable to anyone who is interested in the history of the Potomac River. B1935 - $45.00 Manly Deeds-Womanly Words: History of the 6th Regiment Maryland Infantry. James Fisher. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 207 pp. The 6th Maryland Regiment Maryland Infantry was part of the 6th Corps, the most famous Corps in the Union Army. F0824 - $21.00 Map: Varle Map of Frederick and Washington Counties. Charles Varle. Reproduction of 1808 map. Shows towns, mills, forges, churches, taverns, furnaces, farms, county and stage roads, with names of many landowners. 33x18½ inches 978None missing check digit MP0003 - $15.00 Map: Virginia Farrer’s Map of the Chesapeake Region, 1651. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper MP0011 $3.00 Maps of Land Patents in Northern Baltimore and Carroll Counties. R. Carlton Seitz. (1995), 2000, 8½x11, paper, index, 170 pp. Two 18” x 30” maps of the tract boundaries, one showing the tracts from Middletown to Hoffmanville and the other covering Roller to Maple Grove. With data on original sources, and information on warrants, surveys, patents, assignments and landholders. S0317 $33.50 318 Marriage Licenses of Frederick County, Maryland: 1778-1810, Second Edition. Margaret E. Myers. (1994), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. 4,640 couples, listed by male and female. M0097 - $19.50 Marriage Licenses of Frederick County, Maryland: 1811-1840. Margaret E. Myers. (1987), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 282 pp. About 7,500 couples, listed by bride and groom. M0101 $25.00 Marriage Licenses of Frederick County, Maryland: 1841-1865. Margaret E. Myers. (1988), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 270 pp. 7,000 couples. M0106 - $23.00 Marriages and Burials from the Frederick, Maryland, Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1743-1811. Frederick Sheely Weiser. (1982), 1993, 4th printing, 6x9, cloth, index, 183 pp. Earliest concentrated settlement of Germans in western Maryland (present Frederick County). Records of marriages and burials in the Monocacy Church of Frederick County, Maryland and in the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in the city of Frederick, Maryland. Burial records often give birthplaces in Europe and birthdates of early settlers. W0038 - $19.00 Marriages and Deaths from the Newspapers of Allegany and Washington Counties, Maryland, 1820-1830. F. Edward Wright. (1987, 1998), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. Extracts from the Maryland Advocate, Maryland Herald, The Torchlight, Republican Banner, The Hagerstown Mail and The Farmers’ Register. Over 5,000 persons. Marriages, obituaries, and heirs listed in chancery court cases. W0276 - $16.00 Marriages and Deaths in the Newspapers of Frederick and Montgomery Counties, Maryland, 1820-1830. F. Edward Wright. (1987), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 106 pp. From the collections of the Library of Congress and the Maryland Historical Society. W0100 - $14.50 Marriages of Washington County, Maryland. An Index: 1799-1860. Dale Morrow and Deborah Morrow. (1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 176 pp. Previously published by TRACES. M0162 $17.00 319 Maryland 1860 Agricultural Census, Volume 2. Linda L. Green. 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 328 pp. This volume includes the counties of Frederick (Part Two), Harford, Howard, Kent, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Queen Anne’s, St. Mary’s, Somerset, Talbot, Washington, and Worcester. G4005 $44.50 Maryland 1860 Agricultural Census: Volume 1. Linda L. Green. 2006, 8½x11, paper, index, 264 pp. This volume includes the counties of Alleghany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Caroline, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, and Frederick (Part One). G3828 - $38.50 Maryland and Delaware Genealogies and Family Histories. Donald Odell Virdin. (1993), 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 120 pp. A bibliography of published genealogies of Md. and De. families arrnaged by surname. Over 800 titles on Maryland families and over 200 titles on Delaware families. V0867 - $25.50 Maryland and District of Columbia Volunteers in the Mexican War. Charles J. Wells. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 104 pp. A brief history of the War (1846-48) along with muster rolls and pension information for over 1300 individuals. W0019 - $16.00 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 1: 1635-1685. Jane Baldwin Cotton. (1904), 2007, 5½x8½, index, paper, 294 pp. Abstracts include all persons mentioned in the original will, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. C0704 $23.00 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 2: 1685-1702. Jane Baldwin Cotton. (1906), 1997, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. Abstracts include all persons mentioned in the original will, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. C0005 $26.00 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 3: 1703-1713. Jane Baldwin Cotton. (1907), 1997, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp. Abstracts include all persons mentioned in the original will, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. C0006 $25.00 320 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 4: 1713-1720. Jane Baldwin Cotton. (1914, 1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 314 pp. Abstracts include all persons mentioned in the original will, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. C0007 $26.00 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 5: 1720-1726. Jane Baldwin Cotton. (1917), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 314 pp. Abstracts include all persons mentioned in the original will, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. C0008 $26.00 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 6: 1726-1732. Jane Baldwin Cotton. (1920), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 324 pp. Abstracts include all persons mentioned in the original will, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. C0009 $26.00 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 7: 1732-1738. Jane Baldwin Cotton. (1925), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 340 pp. Abstracts include all persons mentioned in the original will, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. C0010 $26.00 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 8: 1738-1743. Jane Baldwin Cotton. (1928), 1998, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. Abstracts include all persons mentioned in the original will, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. C0011 $29.50 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 9: 1744-1749. F. Edward Wright. (1991), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 246 pp. Abstracts give names of all persons mentioned in the original will, including witnesses, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. W0185 - $21.50 321 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 10: 1748-1753. F. Edward Wright. (1991), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 350 pp. Abstracts give names of all persons mentioned in the original will, including witnesses, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. W0187 - $28.00 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 11: 1753-1760. F. Edward Wright. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 376 pp. Abstracts give the names of all persons mentioned in the original will, including witnesses, names of tracts, acreage and situation, or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. A full name index adds to the value of this work. W0206 - $32.50 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 12: 1759-1764. F. Edward Wright. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 304 pp. Abstracts give the names of all persons mentioned in the original will, including witnesses, names of tracts, acreage and situation, or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. A full name index adds to the value of this work. W0234 - $28.50 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 13: 1764-1767. F. Edward Wright. (1993), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 266 pp. Abstracts give the names of all persons mentioned in the original will, including witnesses, names of tracts, acreage and situation, or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. A full name index adds to the value of this work. W0238 - $26.50 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 14: 1767-1772. F. Edward Wright. (1993), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 334 pp. Abstracts give the names of all persons mentioned in the original will, including witnesses, names of tracts, acreage and situation, or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. A full name index adds to the value of this work. W0257 - $28.00 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 15: 1772-1774. F. Edward Wright. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 248 pp. Abstracts give names of all persons mentioned in the original will, including witnesses, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. W0297 - $19.00 322 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 16: 1774-1777. F. Edward Wright. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 304 pp. Abstracts give names of all persons mentioned in the original will, including witnesses, names of tracts, acreage and situation or means by which a property came into the possession of the testator. Includes corrections and additions to earlier volumes. W0389 - $24.00 Maryland Deponents, 1634-1799. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 252 pp. Names of witnesses along with their family and personal information—and reference to government records in which the individual gave testimony. Includes court records (including land and land commissions); Archives of Maryland published series, and other. P0197 - $25.50 Maryland Deponents: Volume 3, 1634-1776. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (2000), 2002, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 296 pp. Continues the series. P0612 - $25.00 Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 1: 1790-1805. F. Edward Wright. (1981), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. Items relating to individuals living in Talbot, Dorchester, Worcester, Somerset, Caroline, Queen Anne’s and Kent Counties. Vital records, legal cases, property sales and rentals, as well as amusing stories such as runaway wives. W0043 - $18.00 Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 2: 1806-1812. F. Edward Wright. (1982), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. Items relating to individuals living in Talbot, Dorchester, Worcester, Somerset, Caroline, Queen Anne’s and Kent Counties. Vital records, legal cases, property sales and rentals, lists of letters left at post offices, runaway wives, fugitive slaves, absconding apprentices and amusing stories. W0061 - $18.00 Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 3: 1813-1818. F. Edward Wright. (1982, 2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 134 pp. Items relating to individuals living in Talbot, Dorchester, Worcester, Somerset, Caroline, Queen Anne’s and Kent Counties. Vital records and other information is offered. W0044 - $14.00 Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 4: 1819-1824. F. Edward Wright. (1982, 2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 168 pp. Items relating to individuals living in Talbot, Dorchester, Worcester, Somerset, Caroline, Queen Anne’s and Kent Counties. Vital records and other information is offered. W0045 - $21.00 323 Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 5: Northern Counties, 1825-1829. F. Edward Wright and Irma Harper. (1983), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 193 pp. Items relating to individuals living in Talbot, Dorchester, Worcester, Somerset, Caroline, Queen Anne’s and Kent Counties. Vital records, legal cases, property sales and rentals, lists of letters left at post offices, runaway wives and other information is offered. W0046 - $17.00 Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 6: Southern Counties, 1825-1829. F. Edward Wright. (1984), 1994, 5½x8½, paper, index, 72 pp. Items relating to individuals living in Talbot, Dorchester, Worcester, Somerset, Caroline, Queen Anne’s and Kent Counties. Vital records, legal cases, property sales and rentals, lists of letters left at post offices, runaway wives, fugitive slaves, absconding apprentices and amusing stories. W0047 - $11.00 Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 7: Northern Counties, 1830-1834. Irma Harper and F. Edward Wright. (1984), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 182 pp. Items relating to individuals living in Talbot, Dorchester, Worcester, Somerset, Caroline, Queen Anne’s and Kent Counties. Vital records, legal cases, property sales and rentals, lists of letters left at post offices, runaway wives, and other information is offered. W0048 - $17.00 Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 8: Southern Counties, 1830-1834. F. Edward Wright. (1985), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 188 pp. Items relating to individuals living in Talbot, Dorchester, Worcester, Somerset, Caroline, Queen Anne’s and Kent Counties. Vital records, legal cases, property sales and rentals, lists of letters left at post offices, runaway wives, and other information is offered. W0049 - $17.00 Maryland Freedom Papers. Volume 1: Anne Arundel County. Jerry M. Hynson. (1996), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 26 pp. Most entries are Certificates of Freedom which give name of slave and owner, date of certificate, age, height, physical markings. These certificates begin in 1810. Many were “freeborn.” H0333 - $14.50 Maryland Freedom Papers. Volume 2: Kent County. Jerry M. Hynson. (1997), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 117 pp. Certificates of Freedom which give name of slave or “freeborn” African American, date of certificate, age, height, physical markings, owner. Includes manumissions made in wills. Covering the period 1764-1862. H0451 - $14.00 Maryland Freedom Papers. Volume 3: Maryland Colonization Society Manumission Book, 1832-1860. Jerry M. Hynson. (2001), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 304 pp. The author is the 2002 James Dent Walker Award Winner. Items recorded include the name, age, and employment of manumitted slaves; the name of the grantor of freedom; any conditions attached to the grant; and the date the manumission was recorded. H0678 - $28.00 Maryland Militia in the Revolutionary War. S. Eugene Clements and F. Edward Wright. (1987), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 360 pp. Describes events and major aspects of the militia, with over 15,000 men, most of whom did not serve in the Continental Service and appear nowhere else in publication. Excellent aid in establishing requirement for lineage societies such as D.A.R., S.A.R., etc. C0003 - $26.00 324 Maryland Mortalities 1876-1915 from the (Baltimore) Sun Almanac. Walter E. Arps, Jr. (1983), 2008, 5½x8½ paper, alphabetical, 258 pp. Death notices from around the state (mainly Baltimore City). A0254 - $25.00 Maryland Naturalization Abstracts, Volume 2: The County Court of Maryland 1779-1851, the US Circuit Court for Maryland 1790-1851. Robert A. Oszakiewski. (1996), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 373 pp. This volume covers the rest of Maryland. Each entry gives the immigrant’s name and country of origin and the type of instrument. Some records include the name of the spouse, children, name of the village or town of their former country, or their profession if any. O0343 $30.00 Maryland Naturalization Abstracts, Volume I: Baltimore County and Baltimore City, 17841851. Robert A. Oszakiewski. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 458 pp. Abstracts the naturalizations, declarations of intent, reports and registrations, and other instruments filed by immigrants and recorded in Maryland County Courts between the end of the American Revolution and 1851. Each entry gives the immigrant’s name and county of origin. O0377 - $31.00 Maryland Oaths of Fidelity. Bettie S. Carothers. (1989), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 118 pp. The resulting lists of jurors (i.e., those who took the Oath) and some non-jurors (i.e., those who did not take the Oath) are here in alphabetical lists for each county. Previously printed in two volumes, now one. C0401 - $14.50 Maryland Public Service Records, 1775-1783: A Compendium of Men and Women of Maryland Who Rendered Aid in Support of the American Cause Against Great Britain During the Revolutionary War. Henry C. Peden Jr. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 378 pp. The names, county of residence, nature of service and dates rendered for those who rendered aid to the Md. government and all branches of the military by furnishing provisions, nursing the sick/wounded, boarding/clothing soldiers, riding express, repairing guns, manufacturing salt, milling grain, loaning money, providing boats, wagons, horses and cattle for public use, making weapons. P0809 - $30.00 Maryland’s Colonial Eastern Shore, Historical Sketches of Counties and of Some Notable Structures. Swepson Earle and Percy G. Skirven. (1916), 1996, 8½x11, paper, index, 215 pp. “The book is formed into nine chapters—one for each Eastern Shore county. The compilation includes a historical sketch of each county and short sketches describing nine places of historical interest in that county.” Generously illustrated. E0555 - $22.00 Maryland’s German Heritage: Daniel Wunderlich Nead’s History. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1913, 1994), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 352 pp. German-Americans number 26% of the population of Maryland. The foundations of this population were laid in the colonial times when large numbers of Germans from Pennsylvania migrated to Maryland. Originally published in 1913, Nead’s history, The Pennsylvania-German in the Settlement of Maryland, has become a standard text on the history of the Maryland Germans before 1800. This book demonstrates how the German heritage of Pa. and Md. are interrelated. In addition, Dr. Tolzmann has provided a historical introduction. T0064 - $30.00 325 Marylanders in the Confederacy. Daniel D. Hartzler. (1986), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 430 pp. Identifies over 11,000 serving in the Confederacy. 1,670 references: besides standard references are also letters, journals, magazines, scrapbooks, pamphlets, personal recollections. Lists individuals by name, unit, highest rank held in the War, last residence in Md., if known, and source of information. Discussion of Maryland units, lists graduates from West Point, Naval Academy, colleges and academies, physicians, clergymen, divided families. H0000 - $32.00 Marylanders to Carolina: Migration of Marylanders to North Carolina and South Carolina Prior to 1800. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1994), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 234 pp. This volume contains over 6,000 names drawn from thirty major sources. P0039 - $19.00 Marylanders to Kentucky, 1775-1825. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1991), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 210 pp. A variety of primary and secondary resources were used to compile this volume: Revolutionary War pension abstracts, land records, marriage records, cemetery records, newspaper advertisements, queries from descendants, genealogical journals, etc. Approximately 900 surnames are covered. P0018 - $22.00 Medical Doctors of Maryland in the C.S.A. Daniel D. Hartzler. (1979), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 98 pp. This work records the exciting careers of two hundred and eight Maryland physicians who joined the Confederacy. These pages also preserve an authentic picture of the Southern sentiment in Maryland, along with the medical procedures and treatments of the time. Illustrated. H3150 - $26.00 Methodist Records of Baltimore City, Maryland, Volume 2, 1830-1839. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 290 pp. From these records Mr. Peden has abstracted marriages, births, and deaths, and has extracted information on deaths and removals from the membership and class lists. A brief history of the early Methodist churches of Baltimore City is given. P0361 - $23.50 Methodist Records of Baltimore City, Volume 1, 1799-1829. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1994), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 270 pp. Marriages, births, and deaths, and information on deaths and removals from the membership and class lists. Marriages and baptisms begin in 1799. Deaths in 1800. P0360 $25.00 Monocacy and Catoctin, Volume 2. C. E. Schildknecht. (1989), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, surname index, 690 pp. European origins with references. Bibliography of genealogies of families: Wood, Birely, Weller, Meyerhoffer, Brown, Braun, Spannseller, Weybright, Hesson, Reifsnider, Fisher, Schildknecht and Shuff in the Western Maryland and Southern Pennsylvania. S0478 - $49.50 326 Monocacy and Catoctin, Volume 3. C.E. Schildknecht. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 314 pp. Additions and Corrections to the History of Frederick County, Maryland by T. J. C. Williams and Folger McKinsey (1910). Clarifying, correcting and updating the history and genealogy of the Frederick area. S0291 - $26.00 Monocacy Cemetery, Beallsville, Maryland. Elizabeth Frain. (1997), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 346 pp. A cemetery since pre-Revolutionary times, a typical entry includes information from tombstones, internment books, burial permits and card files kept by the cemetery. F0022 - $30.00 Montgomery Circuit Records, 1788-1988 [Maryland]. Dona L. Cuttler. (2000), 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 278 pp. This book contains the records of marriages, deaths, baptisms, church membership, classes and preparatory classes transcribed from the ledgers of the Montgomery Circuit. C1427 - $37.00 Montgomery County, Maryland 1870 Census. William Neal Hurley, Jr. 1999, 8½x11, cloth, index, 556 pp. A compilation of census records of Montgomery Co. for 1870. Information for the county’s free inhabitants includes dwelling number; family member names, ages, sex, color, occupation and place of birth; values of real estate and personal property; and comments. The 1870 census is perhaps the most important for African American researchers, as it is the first census produced after emancipation. H1142-LQ - $80.00 Montgomery County, Maryland Marriage Licenses, 1798-1898. Janet D. Manuel. (1987), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 360 pp. Arranged alphabetically by bride and groom. M0489 - $30.00 Montgomery County, Maryland, 1850 Census. William Neal Hurley, Jr. 1998, 359 pp., 8½x11, fullname index 8½x11, cloth, index, 368 pp. A compilation of census records containing names of free inhabitants within the district, with age, race, occupation, value of real estate and personal property, and level of education; a tabulation of numbers of slaves held; names of persons who died during the preceding year, plus age and cause of death; lists the productions of agriculture during the preceding year; and general statistics of selected Maryland counties. H1032 - $64.00 Montgomery County, Maryland, 1860 Census. William Neal Hurley, Jr. (1998), 2008, 8½x11, cloth, index, 376 pp. A compilation of census records of Montgomery County in 1860, covering the five election districts then existing: Cracklin, Clarksburg, Medley, Rockville and Berry. Information recorded here includes dwelling number; family member names, ages, sex, color, occupation and place of birth; values of real estate and personal property; and comments. The book contains records for the free inhabitants in the county. H1069 - $70.00 327 Montgomery County, Maryland, 1880 Census. William Neal Hurley, Jr. 1999, 8½x11, cloth, index, 680 pp. Census transcript with additions. H1319 - $92.00 Montgomery County, Maryland, Families: A Collection of Genealogies of Early Families of Montgomery County, Maryland: Vol. 1. William N. Hurley, Jr. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 142 pp. Mr. Hurley’s research led to the popular Our Maryland Heritage series, which grew to more than forty individual books. Volume one of this new series includes a collection of various Montgomery County families of importance: Aud, Ball, Barber, Barnsley, Bennett, Bodmer, and Case. A bibliography and a full name index add to the value of this work. H2499 - $25.00 Montgomery County, Maryland, Families: A Collection of Genealogies of Early Families of Montgomery County, Maryland: Vol. 2. William Neal Hurley, Jr. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 330 pp. Volume two includes a collection of various Montgomery County families of importance: Cooley, Dwyer, Dyson, Fyffe, Metzger, Piles, Spates, Townsend, and Wootton. A bibliography and a full name index add to the value of this work. H2498 - $28.50 Moravian Families of Graceham, Maryland. Henry James Young. (1942), 1999, 5½x8½, paper, index, 125 pp. Church records of mainly German families from Maryland and Pennsylvania who made up the congregation 1759-1871. Y0087 - $15.00 More Maryland Deponents, 1716-1799. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1992), 2002, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 123 pp. Mr. Peden continues this series moving back through time with more Maryland deponents. P0205 - $15.00 More Marylanders to Carolina: Migration of Marylanders to North Carolina and South Carolina Prior to 1800. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1999), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. Mr. Peden has uncovered a large number of additional families since the publication of his earlier work, Marylanders to Carolina: Migration of Marylanders to North Carolina and South Carolina Prior to 1800 (published in 1994). P0071 - $18.50 More Marylanders to Kentucky, 1778-1828. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 272 pp. Mr. Peden reveals additional Marylanders who migrated to Kentucky as derived from a variety of sources, including probate records, military pensions, county histories, census records, tax lists, land records, newspaper articles, genealogical magazines, queries, and family records. P0437 $22.00 328 Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland, Caretaker Records Volume 1: Sections A through D. John J. Winterbottom. (1989, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 266 pp. These are not tombstone inscriptions, but rather the cemetery management records, giving various data, including dates of death, burial, plot owners, dates of disinterment, sometimes dates of birth, parents, cause of death, and other data. W0598 - $25.00 Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland, Caretaker Records Volume 2: Sections E through J. John J. Winterbottom. (1989, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 306 pp. Continues the series. W0599 - $26.00 Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland: The Caretaker Records, Volume 3: Sections K through S and Single Interments. John J. Winterbottom. (1989, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 320 pp. Continues the series. W0146 - $26.00 Naturalizations of Washington County, Maryland, Prior to 1880. Marsha Lynne Fuller, CGRS. (1998, 2001), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 306 pp. These abstracts, 1798-1879, include name, birth date and place, date and port of emigration from Europe and immigration as well as witnesses. F0740 $28.00 Newspaper Abstracts of Allegany and Washington Counties, 1811-1815. F. Edward Wright. (1989), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 120 pp. Sales of property; runaway slaves, apprentices, horses and wives; marriages and deaths; appointments of administrations; stray livestock and their owners; deserters. W0025 - $16.00 Newspaper Abstracts of Cecil and Harford Counties [MD], 1822-1830. F. Edward Wright. (1984), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 88 pp. Marriages, deaths, legal notices, property sales, chancery court cases, intentions to move, local events, any item relating to an individual is abstracted here. About 3,500 names. W0075 - $11.00 Newspaper Abstracts of Frederick County [Maryland], 1811-1815. F. Edward Wright. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 214 pp. Gives names and brief abstract of the item: marriages, deaths, legal notices, property sales, chancery court cases, intentions to move, local events in which persons are named. W0233 - $20.00 329 Newspaper Abstracts of Frederick County [Maryland], 1816-1819. F. Edward Wright. (1993), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 214 pp. Gives names and brief abstract of the item: marriages, deaths, legal notices, property sales, chancery court cases, intentions to move, local events in which persons are named. W0073 - $20.00 Nine Pioneer Families from the Sideling Hill Area in Western Maryland: The Price, Norris, Potts, Fletcher, Watson, Nesbitt, Creek, Rockwell and Trail Families. F. Marie Waltman. (2000, 2005), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 440 pp. Biographical sketches for descendents of the pioneer families of Western Washington and Eastern Allegany Counties of Western Maryland. Numerous photographs, illustrations, coats of arms, and maps enhance the text. W1697 - $64.00 Northern Baltimore County, Maryland Pioneers: The Land and Their Descendants. Wayne McGinnis. (2006), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 218 pp. The author identifies the original settlers of the Seventh Election District area and follows their descendants for three generations. The bulk of the book is devoted to “Outline Descendant Trees.” Photographs and maps enhance the text. M4277 $28.00 Notebook on Shipwrecks, Chesapeake Bay, 1800-1977. H. Richard Moale. 2010, 8½x11, paper, 440 pp. This account of brave men who fought the elements on their quest to make a living on the Bay is intended to be not only an historical abstract but a memorial to all those forgotten people and vessels lost in our Chesapeake Bay. Contains facsimile reprints of original documents and photographs. M5171 - $45.00 Notebook on Shipwrecks, Maryland Delaware Coast. H. Richard Moale. (1990), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 272 pp. Includes sinkings that occurred between 1664 and 1975 regardless of tonnage. M0178 - $26.00 Obstetrical Casebooks of Dr. Ferdinand E. Chatard: An Alternative Genealogical Resource for Baltimore City [Maryland], 1829-1883. Gary B. Ruppert, M.D. 2007, 6x9, paper, 250 pp. Prior to civil registration for Baltimore City in 1875, genealogical resources authenticating births are mostly limited to church baptismal registers. This index to medical records from 19th century physicians in Baltimore City not only presents an index to a previously unpublished primary source, but it also provides a fascinating glimpse into the risks of everyday life in a previous century. R4331 - $25.50 Old Somerset on the Eastern Shore of Maryland: A Study in Foundations and Founders. Clayton Torrence. (1935), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 598 pp. Standard reference for researching early families in present counties of Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset. Discusses early settlers and religious groups, lists hundreds of names. Based on deeds, wills; land, county court and provincial records. T0237 - $43.00 330 Olney: Echoes of the Past. Healan Barrow and Kristine Stevens. (1993, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 154 pp. Snippets of history found in manuscripts and reference books. B0027 - $20.00 Orphans and Infants of Prince George’s County, Maryland, 1696-1750. Dorothy H. Smith. (1976, 2005), 2011, 8½x11, paper, 124 pp. Over 110 names of orphans/infants with parents/guardinas appointed. In many instances ages of children are given and sometimes dates of birth. S0536 - $18.00 Outpensioners of Harford County, Maryland, 1856-1896. Henry C. Peden, Jr., M.A. 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 110 pp. This book contains data pertaining to Harford County, Md., outpensioners (welfare recipients) from 1856 to 1896. Entries are arranged alphabetically by the outpensioner’s surname, and contain (as available) district of residence, amounts received, and to whom paid. P4000 - $20.00 Paperclips: Selected Clippings from the Montgomery Sentinel [Maryland], 1900-1950. Dona L. Cuttler. 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 2 vols., 738 pp. Genealogical abstracts. C2236 - $80.00 Parish of Somerset: Records of Somerset County, Maryland. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 86 pp. Births, deaths, marriages, baptisms, communicants of St. Andrews Episcopal Church, St. Stephens Church, All Saints Church of Wicomico Parish, 1695-1887. Most begin around 1797. D0150 - $13.00 Polish Heads of Household in Maryland: An Index to the 1910 Census. Thomas Hollowak. (1990), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 82 pp. Includes heads-of-household, boarders, in-laws and other relatives with a different surname. Alphabetical by surname, includes county, enumeration district, and the page of the census. The 3,671 individuals cited were living in Baltimore City (Wards 1, 2 and 3), Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties. H0179 - $16.00 Portrait and Biographical Record of the Sixth Congressional District, Maryland,Containing Portraits and Biographies of many well known Citizens of the Past and Present. Together with Portraits and Biographies of all the Presidents of the United States. Chapman Publishing Company. (1898), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, 2 vols., 873 pp. The prominent Marylanders featured in this book were mainly from Garrett, Allegany, Washington, and Frederick counties. C1784 - $57.50 Presbyterian Records of Baltimore City, Maryland, 1765-1840. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 338 pp. First Presbyterian Church birth, marriage, and burial records; membership records: Second Presbyterian Church (1803-1840) and Fifth Presbyterian Church (18381840); Westminster Presbyterian Church cemetery records; Gendy Graveyard tombstone inscriptions; and communicants and baptisms of the First United Presby. Church (Montebello) 1826-1840. An outline of the history of the Presbyterian church in Baltimore is given. P0400 - $24.00 331 Prince George’s County, Maryland, Land Records, 1696-1702. Prince George’s County Genealogical Society. (1976), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 104 pp. Begins the series of abstracting this county’s land records. P0580 - $14.50 Prince George’s County, Maryland, Marriages and Deaths in Nineteenth Century Newspapers, Volume I: A through J. Shirley V. Baltz and George E. Baltz. (1995), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 332 pp. This compilation quotes the entire article. Items are arranged alphabetically by the principal subject’s name. Many of the news items give the district in which the events occurred; supplying clues to marriages, deaths, and burials of Prince Georgians in Washington D. C., Baltimore, or other places in Maryland. Often gives the names of relatives and survivors. B0262 - $28.00 Prince George’s County, Maryland, Marriages and Deaths in Nineteenth Century Newspapers, Volume II: K through Z. Shirley V. Baltz and George E. Baltz. (1995), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 304 pp. This compilation quotes the entire article. Items are arranged alphabetically by the principal subject’s name. Many of the news items give the district in which the events occurred; supplying clues to marriages, deaths, and burials of Prince Georgians in Washington D. C., Baltimore, or other places in Maryland. Often gives the names of relatives and survivors. B0282 - $28.00 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1671-1681. William Hand Browne. (1896), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 450 pp. The Virginians rightly or wrongly accused the Susquehannoughs of murdering several whites and, under an assurance of safety, murdered five chiefs who came by invitation to parley. “The consequences of this atrocious breach of faith were disastrous. …predatory bands made sudden forays upon isolated plantations from Cecil to St. Mary’s; and a general uneasiness pervaded the province…” B5466 - $36.50 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1693-1696/7. William Hand Browne. (1900), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 630 pp. “In July, 1694, Francis Nicholson arrived in the Province. In September he summoned an Assembly to meet at St. Maries, and at once began to impress upon the members the importance of public education. He desired the doors of knowledge to be thrown open to the poor: the rich could open them for themselves; and what he wanted was a free school in every county… In 1696 the desire of Nicholson’s heart was fulfilled.” B5469 - $46.50 Provincial Families of Maryland, Volume 1. Vernon L. Skinner Jr. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, index, 149 pp. Documentation on 24 families who were in Maryland prior to July 4, 1776. S0473 - $14.00 Quaker Records of Baltimore and Harford Counties, Maryland, 1801-1825. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (2000), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 340 pp. This latest volume of Quaker records encompasses Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Harford County from 1801 through 1825. It includes abstracts of births, deaths, marriages, burials, certificates of removal, and minutes of monthly meetings held in those areas. P0604 - $24.00 332 Quaker Records of Northern Maryland, 1716-1800. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1993), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 364 pp. This volume includes names and abstracts from the registers and minutes of Gunpowder Meeting, Deer Creek Meeting, Baltimore Meeting, Little Falls Meeting and Pipe Creek Meeting. Counties covered are Baltimore, Harford, Carroll, and parts of Frederick and Howard. P0249 - $28.50 Quaker Records of Southern Maryland, 1658-1800. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1992), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 124 pp. Information for this book has been taken from Quaker records of southern Maryland prior to 1800 at the Maryland State Archives, and in some cases to 1815. P0215 - $15.00 Records of Old Otterbein Church, Baltimore, Maryland, 1785-1881. Maryland Genealogical Society. (1995), 2001, 6x9, paper, index, 184 pp. A reprint of articles that originally appeared in the Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin. Otterbein began as Second Reformed Church of Baltimore, later became a United Brethren denomination, and is now a United Methodist Congregation. S0314 $17.00 Records of St. Paul’s Parish, the Anglican Church Records of Baltimore City and Lower Baltimore County, Maryland, Volume 1. Bill and Martha Reamy. (1988), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 286 pp. Records of births, marriages, and deaths for Patapsco Parish (Baltimore and Upper Anne Arundel Co.); inventory of available records (1710-1923), pew rents, and expense accounts. R0108 - $24.00 Records of St. Paul’s Parish, Volume 2. Bill and Martha Reamy. (1989, 1997), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 240 pp. Birth, marriage and death records 1801-1825, including genealogical data abstracted from Duke Univ. Manuscript Collection in North Carolina. R0138 - $24.50 Records of the Almshouse of Prince George’s County, Maryland. Prince George’s County Genealogical Society. 2003, 8½x11, paper, index, 164 pp. Transcriptions include: Commitment Journal, 1927-1942; Commitment Papers, 1890- 1940; Burial Permits, 1909-1940; Trustees Records, 1866-1884; Pensioners, 1866-1917; Census Excerpts, 1850-1920; Almshouse Cemetery; Keepers, Overseers, and Superintendents of the Almshouse; Hospitals mentioned in the records; Sheriffs of Prince George’s County, 1809-1950; Undertakers - Funeral Directors. P0883 - $23.00 Records of the City of Baltimore (Supplement) [Maryland], 1729-1813: List of Levels and Establishments. City Commissioner. (1909), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 62 pp. This work is arranged chronologically and contains boundary establishments of tracts, lots, streets and levels (or grades), which are not recorded in the volumes of 1905-6. C4987 - $12.50 333 Records of the First Reformed Church of Baltimore, 1768-1899. (1995), 2012, 6x9, paper, index, 442 pp. This book is a reprint of articles that originally appeared in the Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin. The First Reformed Congregation, whose records span the years 1768 to 1899, is now First and St. Stephen’s United Church of Christ. N0316 - $36.00 Reminiscences of Baltimore. Jacob Frey. (1893), 2002, 6x9, index, paper, 480 pp. An interesting history of the city as seen through the eyes of one of its constables. Recollections of 50 years of Baltimore history detailing its politics, economy, etc. F0745 - $36.00 Rent Rolls of Somerset County, Maryland, 1663-1723. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989, 1993), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 142 pp. Names of tracts, survey date, location, in the now counties of Somerset, Worcester, Wicomico and part of Sussex County, Delaware. D0133 - $18.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1992), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 296 pp. Winner of the 1993 Norris Harris Award. Compiled as a “one volume research tool” for identifying the patriots, soldiers, seamen, and civil officers from Anne Arundel County, Maryland, who serving between 1775 and 1783. Also includes personal profiles. P0204 $22.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Baltimore Town and Baltimore County (Maryland), 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1988, 2003), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 424 pp. Those who served in the army, navy, signers of oaths and non-signers. Vital statistics from 84 different sources; data on 12,000 men and women. When available, lists wives and children, payroll, commissions, and dates of births and marriages. P0107 - $34.50 Revolutionary Patriots of Calvert and St. Mary’s Counties, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1996), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 318 pp. This book is a research tool for locating the men and women of Calvert and St. Mary’s Counties who served in the military, or in some way contributed and supported the fight for freedom during the Revolutionary War. P9402 $29.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Caroline County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1998, 2001), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 188 pp. Names the men and women of Caroline County who served in the military, rendered material aid to the army or navy, took the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity, served in an office or on a committee at the town, county, or state level, or in some way contributed and supported the fight for freedom of the American colonies from the rule of Great Britain during the Revolutionary War. P0479 - $19.00 334 Revolutionary Patriots of Cecil County, Maryland. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1991), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 154 pp. This volume contains a list of men who served in the American Revolution in the Second, Eighteenth and Twentieth Militia Battalions, and in the Maryland Continental Line, as well as those who rendered material aid and signed the Oath of Allegiance. P0184 - $15.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Charles County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 344 pp. A research tool for locating the men and women of Charles County who served in the military, pledged their service, tendered material aid to the army, or otherwise supported the cause of freedom of the American colonies from the rule of Great Britain. P0444 - $27.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Dorchester County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 294 pp. Names the men and women of Dorchester County who served in the military, or in some way contributed and supported the fight for freedom of the American colonies from the rule of Great Britain during the Revolutionary War. P0477 - $26.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Frederick County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1995), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 420 pp. Marylanders from Frederick County who served in the military during the Revolutionary War, contributing in some way to support the freedom of the American colonies from the rule of Great Britain. P0307 - $30.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Harford County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1985), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 271 pp. The more than 3,600 men named in this book rendered active service in the cause of American independence between 1775 and 1783, either as an officer, soldier, seaman, marine, militiaman, or minuteman in the armed forces of the Continental Congress. P0208 $22.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1995), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 306 pp. Those who served in the Army, Navy, signers of oaths and nonsigners. Vital statistics, payroll, commissions, dates of births and marriages, when available lists wives and children. P0367 - $26.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Maryland 1775-1783: A Supplement. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (2000), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 246 pp. The final book of the series provides additional names and information not previously published in the compiler’s earlier work in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Cecil, Frederick and Harford counties. P0559 - $22.00 335 Revolutionary Patriots of Maryland 1775-1783: Second Supplement. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (2002), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 298 pp. Soldiers, sailors, privateers, and patriots from every county in Maryland are covered. Also included are many pension abstracts and soldiers from Harford County militia that have not been published before. P0771 - $25.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1776-1783. Henry C. Peden Jr. (1996), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 371 pp. A research tool for locating Marylanders of Montgomery County who served in the military, rendered material aid to the army or navy, took the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity, or in some way contributed and supported the fight for freedom during the Revolutionary War. Approximately 5,000 persons name. P0338 - $31.50 Revolutionary Patriots of Prince George’s County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 356 pp. A research tool for identifying Marylanders of Prince George’s County who served in the Army, Navy, signers of oaths and non-signers. Vital statistics, payroll, commissions, dates of birth and marriage, when available. Lists wives and children. P0431 - $28.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Talbot County, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1998), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 204 pp. A research tool for locating Marylanders of Talbot County who served in the military, rendered material aid to the army or navy, took the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity, or in some way contributed and supported the fight for freedom during the Revolutionary War. Approximately 3,000 names. P0501 - $19.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Washington County, Maryland, 1776-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1998), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 438 pp. This book is a research tool for locating the men and women of Washington County who supported the fight for freedom during the aRevolutionary War. Genealogical data is included for most of the approx. 4,000 persons. The author used many primary and secondary sources. P0080 - $36.00 Revolutionary Patriots of Worcester and Somerset Counties, Maryland, 1775-1783. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1999), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 354 pp. A research tool for locating individuals of Worcester and Somerset Counties who supported the fight for freedom during the Revolutionary War. Genealogical data is included for most of the approx. 5,000 persons named in this volume. P0081 - $28.00 Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers 1818-1864: Maryland-Baltimore. Alycon Trubey Pierce, CG. 1997, 5½x8½, paper, index, 263 pp. In the 1960s the National Archives staff culled out selected “settled accounts” that had genealogical value from the pension payments. These records for the Baltimore pension office cover Revolutionary War pensions for the most part but include other wars, with information such as remarriage of widows, places and length of residence. P0025 - $24.00 Sketches of Maryland Eastern Shoremen. F. Edward Wright. (1985, 1999), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 296 pp. Genealogical extracts from Portrait and Biographical Record of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. 775 biographies. Over 11,000 names. Many biographies describe several generations, often back to the emigrant. W0056 - $26.50 336 Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Maryland: Genealogies of the Members and Record of Services of Ancestors, Volume II. Frances Barnum Culver, ed. (1940, 2002), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, 416 pp. This remarkable book contains more than 200 genealogies of persons admitted into membership by the Society between 1905 (the year of publication of the first volume) and 1940. Arranged in alphabetical order by member, most of these genealogies go back seven or eight generations. C2060 - $34.50 Somerset County Will Books, 1748-1749. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 70 pp. Includes accounts and inventories. D0134 - $15.50 Somerset County, Maryland Orphans Court Proceedings, Volume 1: 1777-1792 and 1811-1823. David V. Heise. (1996, 2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 220 pp. The Orphans Court handled appointment of guardians for orphans, guardian accounts, apprenticeships, administrators’ accounts of estates and disputes concerning these matters. H0337 - $23.00 Somerset County, Maryland, Orphans Court Proceedings, Volume 2: 1823-1838. David V. Heise. (1997), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 246 pp. The Orphans Court handled appointment of guardians for orphans, guardian accounts, apprenticeships, administrators’ accounts of estates and disputes concerning these matters. Also, there are several accounts of Revolutionary Veterans seeking pensions. The main value of these records is the relationships it lists, both stated and implied. H0433 - $22.50 Somerset County, Maryland, Orphans Court Proceedings, Volume 3: 1838-1852. David V. Heise. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 316 pp. The Orphans Court handled appointment of guardians for orphans, guardian accounts, apprenticeships, administrators’ accounts of estates and disputes concerning these matters. Also, there are several accounts of Revolutionary Veterans seeking pensions. The main value of these records is the relationships it lists, both stated and implied. H0436 $27.00 Speaking of Our Past: A Narrative History of Owings Mills, Maryland. Marie Forbes. (1988, 2004), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, 404 pp. An oral history of Owings Mills. Part I covers the early history in the form of imaginary interviews with early residents. Part II contains verbatim extracts from actual interviews with elderly residents taped between 1980 and 1988. F0142 - $35.50 St. George’s (Old Spesutia) Parish, Harford County, Maryland: Church and Cemetery Records, 1820-1920. Henry C. Peden Jr. (2002), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 246 pp. These records were taken from the microfilm copies of the original records found in the Maryland State Archives Special Collections and from cemetery records maintained by the Harford County Historical Society. P9742 - $25.00 337 St. George’s Parish Register [Harford County, Maryland], 1689-1793. Bill and Martha Reamy. (1988, 2003), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 176 pp. (Exclusive of records contained in Peden’s St. John’s and St. George’s Registers.) Includes marriages, births, deaths, extracts from vestry proceedings and other. Anglican records cover the northern two-thirds of Harford [originally Baltimore] County. R0058 - $20.00 St. James Parish Registers 1787-1815. Bill and Martha Reamy. (1987, 2000), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 96 pp. Births, marriages and deaths from the Anglican parish that was created from St. John’s parish in Baltimore Co. R0102 - $16.00 St. John’s and St. George’s Parish Registers, 1696-1851. Henry C. Peden, Jr. (1987), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 262 pp. Mostly records of St. John’s Anglican Parish, in Baltimore and Harford Counties. Births, baptisms, deaths and marriages. P0099 - $23.50 St. Mary’s Catholic Church Records: 1818-1900, Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland. Marsha Lynne Fuller, CGRS. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 698 pp. Church history and records. F0770 - $42.00 St. Thomas Parish Baptisms, Owings Mills, Maryland, 1732-1995. (1996), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 283 pp. Data for St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Baltimore County. Arranged alphabetically. Some of the information in this book is contained in the Reamy’s St. Thomas Parish Register as the dates overlap. X0644 - $23.00 St. Thomas Parish Deaths and Burials, Owings Mills, Maryland, 1728-1995. (1995), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 132 pp. A collection from an alphabetical card file at St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, Garrison Forest, Owings Mills in Baltimore Co. Not all individuals recorded here were buried in St. Thomas’ four cemeteries. X0304 - $16.00 St. Thomas Parish Marriage Records, Owings Mills, Maryland, 1738-1995. (1996), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 180 pp. These pages preserve data for St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Baltimore County, Maryland. Some of the information in this book is contained in the Reamys’ St. Thomas Parish Register as the dates overlap. X0781 - $21.00 338 St. Thomas’ Parish Register, 1732-1850. Bill and Martha Reamy. (1987), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 92 pp. Records of Anglican parish created from St. Paul’s in Baltimore Co. in 1742, located northwest of Baltimore City, overlooking Reisterstown Rd. Includes births, marriages, deaths, tombstone inscriptions, vestry proceedings and tax lists. R0105 - $12.00 Stepney Parish Records of Somerset County, Maryland. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 94 pp. Birth, deaths, marriages, confirmations of St. Bartholomews at Green Hill and St. Mary’s at Tyaskin. 1709-1889. D0136 - $13.50 Store Accounts of John Nelms of Salisbury [Wicomico County, Maryland], 1758-1787. John E. Jacob, Jr. (1990), 2001, 6x9, paper, alphabetical, 88 pp. Lists persons of the Salisbury area and beyond; what they bought and what they owed. J0172 - $15.50 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 1, 1662-1675. Bernice Leonard. (1987, 1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 112 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0219 - $18.00 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 2, 1676-1691. Bernice Leonard. (1987, 1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 120 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0220 - $14.50 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 4, 1702-1712. Bernice Leonard. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 128 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0494 - $16.50 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 5, 1712-1725. Bernice Leonard. (1992), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 146 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0222 - $14.50 339 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 6, 1725-1732. Bernice Leonard. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 124 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0223 - $18.50 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 7, 1733-1740. Bernice Leonard. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 142 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0224 - $18.50 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 8, 1740-1745. Bernice Leonard. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 142 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0225 - $14.50 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 9, 1745-1751. Bernice Leonard. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 134 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0226 - $19.00 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 10, 1751-1758. Bernice Leonard. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 128 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0227 - $14.50 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 11, 1758-1765. Bernice Leonard. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 146 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0228 - $19.50 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 12, 1765-1771. Bernice Leonard. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 144 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0229 - $19.50 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 13, 1771-1777. Bernice Leonard. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 136 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0230 - $19.00 340 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 14, 1777-1784. Bernice Leonard. 1992, 5½x8½, paper, index, 126 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0231 - $18.50 Talbot County, Maryland Land Records: Book 15, 1784-1790. Bernice Leonard. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. Abstracts of the deeds, and land commissions. L0232 - $21.00 Tales of Old Maryland: History and Romance on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. J. H. K. Shannahan, Jr. (1907), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 123 pp. This little volume contains a collection of interesting sketches gathered from the Eastern Shore of Maryland-’the ‘Garden Spot’ of the World’and includes many wonderful examples of Georgian style architecture from the Colonial period. S1745 - $17.00 Tax Lists of Somaerset County, Maryland, 1730-1740. Jean Russo. (1992), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 310 pp. Lists taxables for all the hundreds which became the counties of Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset. Listed are the names of each free male 16 years and older, widows who are chargeable for the males in her household, and slaves, 16 years and older. Each year of this period is covered except 1732 (missing) and 1737 (two hundreds missing). R0198 - $29.00 The 1798 Federal Direct Tax of Somerset County, Maryland. Tom Reedy. (1999), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 242 pp. Description of land, commercial buildings, number of slaves by owner, and a description of each dwelling-house exceeding the value of $100. Lists names of occupants and owners, types, dimensions and quality of buildings, value of property, general location of property. R0077 $21.50 The African American Collection, Indentures, Cecil County, Maryland 1777-1814. Jerry M. Hynson. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 46 pp. This volume presents a summary of the apprentice cases in Cecil County, Maryland, from 1777 until 1805. The records contain the following information: the name of the apprentice, accompanied by any parental information found; the birth date of the apprentice; the age of the apprentice; the name of the Master and trade (if known); beginning date of the apprenticeship; and the length of time to be served. In many cases the location of the apprenticeship in terms of a political district is given. H4112 - $12.00 The African American Collection: Anne Arundel County, Maryland Marriage Licenses, 18651888. Jerry M. Hynson. 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 78 pp. H3839 - $17.00 341 The African American Collection: Kent County, Maryland. Jerry M. Hynson. 1998, 5½x8½, paper, index, 87 pp. Comprises the 1835 census of Negroes (names, ages, owners), an extract of the 1850 census of Free Blacks, and those who served in the U.S. Colored Troop (Civil War) from Kent County, as revealed in the Bounty Records of Kent County. H0470 - $7.00 The Braddock Expedition and Fox’s Gap in Maryland. Curtis L. Older. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 288 pp. This work documents the history of Fox’s and Turner’s Gaps in Frederick County, Maryland and the route traveled by General Braddock and George Washington in their attempt to capture Fort Duquesne. O0301 - $26.00 The Chesapeake Bay Country. Swepson Earle. (1923, 1924, 1929, 1934, 2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 532 pp. Dozens of old homes and estates are photographed and documented here, complete with their histories and the people who lived there. E1513 - $41.00 The Chronicles of Baltimore: Being a Complete History of “Baltimore Town” and Baltimore City from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. J. Thomas Scharf. (1874) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols., 756 pp. A work filled with interesting tidbits, as well as the major sweep of the city’s history, and a great deal of info on people associated with its development. S0242 - $52.00 The Daybook of Alexander Kennard1785 and 1786 Chester Town, Maryland. Karon Kennard Tanner. 2005, 6x9, paper, index, 164 pp. The Daybook of Alexander Kennard, 1785 and 1786, Chester Town, Maryland: An Account of Credits and Debits from a Dry Goods Store in the Years 1785 and 1786, Listing Names of Over Two Hundred Residents of Kent County, Maryland. Transcribed by Karon Kennard Tanner and Ron Tanner, with an Introduction by Bee Kennard. Contains a wealth of genealogical data. T3348 - $20.50 The First and Second Maryland Infantry, C.S.A. Robert J. Driver, Jr. 2003, 6x9, cloth, index, 581 pp. The First Maryland Infantry was formed from Marylanders who chose to cast their lot with the Confederacy against a Union government that had invaded their state and established martial law, forcing those who disagreed with the invasion of the South to join the Confederates or to submit to what they considered as tyranny. Disbanded in 1862, they quickly reorganized and gathered new recruits to become the Second Maryland Infantry. D0901 - $35.00 The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland. A Genealogical and Biographical Review from Wills, Deeds and Church Records. J. D. Warfield. (1905), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 604 pp. Mainly biographical; brimming with genealogical information gathered mostly from probated wills. W0217 - $44.50 342 The Genealogical Companion to Rural Montgomery Cemeteries. Dona L. Cuttler. (2000), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 342 pp. Covers 59 cemeteries in Hyattstown, Comus, Dickerson, Martinsburg, Sellman, Barnesville, Beallsville, Poolesville, Boyds, Clarksburg, Cedar Grove, Purdum, Damascus, Clagettsville and Browningsville. C1577 - $42.00 The German Correspondent: Translation and Transcription of Marriages, Deaths and Selected Articles of Genealogical Interest, 1879-1883. Gary B. Ruppert, MD. 2008, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 2 vols., 638 pp. Contains indices to valuable information published in Der Deutsche Correspondent, one of the longest-lasting German-language newspapers in Baltimore. R4601 - $71.00 The History of Clarksburg, King’s Valley, Purdum, Browningsville and Lewisdale [Maryland]. Dona L. Cuttler. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 318 pp. Details the history of each of these five towns as well as historic sites and buildings in each. C1852 - $27.00 The History of Comus. Dona L. Cuttler. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 98 pp. Comus, Md., is located in upper Montgomery Co., and is bordered by Barnesville, Hyattstown and the Frederick Co. line. C1115 - $16.50 The History of Dickerson, Mouth of Monocacy, Oakland Mills, and Sugarloaf Mountain (Maryland). Dona L. Cuttler. (1999), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 176 pp. This book contains the history of these four areas with maps, tours of homes, and vintage photographs. It will appeal to anyone interested in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and the Civil War. C1347 - $18.50 The History of Hyattstown, Maryland. Dona Lou Cuttler. (1998), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 130 pp. The town’s early history is covered in detail. Houses, businesses, and other buildings along Main Street are described. C0985 - $20.50 The History of Montgomery County, Maryland, from Its Earliest Settlement in 1650 to 1879. T. H. S. Boyd. (1879), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 184 pp. Discusses the Indians, the founding of Maryland; early land grants, their order of settlement, name of patentee, and the 1879 owners; local and general events; Revolutionary War rolls; leading incidents; and principal towns and villages. B1995 - $19.50 343 The History of Poolesville [Maryland]. Dona L. Cuttler and Dorothy J. Elgin. (2000), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 202 pp. Spans two hundred and seventy years from the earliest land grants to the latest conveniences. This book displays 152 historic photographs. C1450 - $26.00 The Index of Scharf’s History of Baltimore City and County [Maryland]. Bill and Martha Reamy. (1992, 1993), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 234 pp. In 1881 Thomas J. Scharf published his History of Baltimore City and County. In 1971, the above publication was reprinted in two (2) volumes consisting of a new Introduction, and a “rearranged” index. Bill and Martha Reamy’s index has a fullname (including maiden name), subject and location. R0213 - $25.00 The King’s Passengers to Maryland and Virginia. Peter Wilson Coldham. (1997), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 464 pp. Some 25,000 passengers are listed here. They are shown alphabetically by surname and in the order of the English cities or counties where they were condemned. A list of convict “runaways” has been compiled from Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania newspapers. C0582 - $32.50 The Land Records of Prince George’s County, Maryland, 1702-1709. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1990), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 84 pp. Deeds showing name of the seller, his wife, children, siblings. Many persons from Calvert, Charles, Anne Arundel, Baltimore and St. Mary’s Counties mentioned. Letters of Attorney and deeds from England and Scotland, Oaths of allegiance for the representatives of Queen Ann were recorded. J0177 - $11.50 The Land Records of Prince George’s County, Maryland, 1710-1717. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1990), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 90 pp. Abstracts give names of persons named in the deeds, names of tracts. Also an appendix of ownership of land in the upper part of Charles County and Calvert County in the 1600s which became Prince George’s County in 1696. J0492 - $14.00 The Land Records of Prince George’s County, Maryland, 1717-1726. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 134 pp. Contains the names of all persons and the land records from this time period also include transactions involving property other than real estate and other documents such as powers of attorney, depositions, and cattle marks. Every name and tract name indexed. J0194 - $16.50 The Land Records of Prince George’s County, Maryland, 1726-1733. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1994), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 250 pp. These abstracts contain the names of all persons, relationships and tract names mentioned in the records. Buyers and sellers from adjoining counties are given. The land records from this time period also include transactions involving property other than realestate and other documents such as powers of attorney, depositions, cattle marks, as well as information about ships anchored in the Potomac and Patuxent Rivers. J0378 - $22.50 344 The Land Records of Prince George’s County, Maryland, 1733-1739. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1996), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. These abstracts contain the names of all persons, relationships and tract names mentioned in the records. Buyers and sellers from adjoining counties are given. The land records from this time period also include transactions involving property other than real estate and other documents such as powers of attorney, depositions, cattle marks, as well as information about ships anchored in the Potomac and Patuxent Rivers. J0040 - $19.00 The Land Records of Prince George’s County, Maryland, 1739-1743. Elise Greenup Jourdan. (1996), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 150 pp. Continues the series. J0405 - $17.50 The Land Tracts of the Battlefield of South Mountain: Including Many Other Tracts near the Area from Land Records of Frederick County, Washington County and the Maryland Archives. Curtis L. Older. (1999), 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 274 pp. Contains Civil War data on the Fox Inn, Mountain House, roads through Fox’s Gap and Turner’s Gap, War Correspondents’ Memorial Arch, and more. O0066 - $38.50 The Maryland Original Research Society of Baltimore: Bulletins 1-3. (1906, 1910, 1913, 2001), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 366 pp. The mission of the Maryland Original Research Society of Baltimore City (founded in 1906) was to collect, preserve and publish public and private records relating to the traditions and history of Maryland, including genealogies of Maryland families. They published three bulletins between 1906 and 1913. Each Bulletin offers a wealth of genealogical data, including cemetery inscriptions by location, and concludes with a new full name index. Bulletin 1 opens with “A Sidelight on Maryland History,” and the Lloyds of “Wye House” in Talbot County, followed by Tilghman Hilleary’s Bible records, Dorchester and Kent County marriage licenses, Goldsborough family records, and witchcraft in 1792. Bulletin 2 opens with a genealogical sketch of Frances Scott Key and the Key family, followed by accounts of the birthplace of the Presbyterian Church in America, the Otterbein Church, the Bordley family, early Maryland settlers, Hungerford Tavern in Rockville, the Laird family, a letter from Alexander Hamilton, Abbot family Bible records, Ebenezer Cooke, Joshua Fry, and much more… Bulletin 3 contains Winder family records, Worcester County parish records, colonial ships and their masters, Samual Brown Bible records, and many other fascinating tidbits. R1819 - $29.50 **OUT OF PRINT? The Particular Assessment Lists for Baltimore and Carroll Counties, 1798. George J. Horvath, Jr. (1986), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 186 pp. Lists occupants, owners, types and dimensions of buildings, tract names, acreage, number of slaves. Helps replace nonexistent 1800 census of Baltimore County. Includes 1804 tax list for precincts surrounding Baltimore City. H0092 - $20.50 The Self-Reconstruction of Maryland, 1864-1867. William Starr Myers. (1909) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 136 pp. A close look at the early years of Reconstruction in Maryland. Originally published as part of the Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. M2283 $17.00 The Western Boundary of Maryland. Charles Morrison. 1976, 5½x8½, paper, index, 110 pp. This boundary dispute began in 1736 and was the last to be settled. M0224 - $7.50 345 These Honored Dead: A Roster of over 2,500 Maryland Union Soldiers Buried in National Cemeteries. Charles Albert Earp and Peter Lowry Johnston. 2001, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 306 pp. This roster was compiled not only to remember and honor these men, but also in the belief that it will be of value to the descendants of those who so nobly served our state and our Union. E0654 - $25.00 Tidewater Maryland Ancestors, 1634 to 1999. George Donald Riley, Jr. 1999, 6x9, cloth, index, 265 pp. Focuses on the Riley, Baldwin, Brewer, Cockey, Davis, Ridgely, Stockett, Tucker, Williams, Blakistone, Calvert, Cheseldyne, Dent, Farnandis, Goldsmith, Keech, Lancaster, Maddox and Sothoron in the tidewater Maryland counties of Anne Arundel, Charles, Queen Anne’s, St. Mary’s and Talbot. R3602 - $35.00 Tombstone Inscriptions of Govans Presbyterian Church Cemetery. Baltimore County Genealogical Society. 1996, 2001, 8x11, paper, index, 128 pp. Includes notes submitted by BCGS members on many of the families mentioned. B0313 - $14.50 Tombstones and Beyond, Prospect U.M. Church Cemetery and Marvin Chapel Church Cemetery. Kathleen Tull-Burton Cavey. (1995), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 106 pp. Cemetery records of Prospect United Methodist Church and Marvin Chapel Church Cemetery, Mt. Airy, Frederick County. Includes Jacob M. Holdcraft’s Field Records and Caretaker Records. C0315 $13.50 Town Neck Hundred of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Gladys Nelker. (1990), 2000, 8½x11, paper, 180 pp. Traces ownership of the land into the 20th century. Abstracts of patents, deeds, equity cases, from earliest tract patented in 1652 up to 1930. Composites of the early plats are drawn in the appendices. Index including. tract names and all personal names. N0168 - $28.00 Trinity German Lutheran Church Records, 1853-1877: Baltimore, Maryland. Gary B. Ruppert. 2002, 8½x11, paper, index, 344 pp. Contains extractions, transcriptions, and translations of data from baptismal, marriage, burial, confirmation, and communion entries in Trinity’s only surviving church register which dates from 1853 to 1877. Also contains an index to every recorded individual from the register. There are roughly 26,000 entries. R0792 - $44.00 Vanishing Islands: A Story of History’s “Invisible People” on Islands in the Chesapeake BayHow They Lived and Worked and Played. Frances Kolarek. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 190 pp. This lighthearted account of the imperiled Bay islands focuses on the sociology of these isolated islands in the second half of the twentieth century. It captures the beauty and spirit of the islands and people. K4901 - $22.00 346 Vital Records of the First Independent (Now Unitarian) Church, Baltimore, Maryland 18181921. Mrs. Edwin C. Gibbons, Jr. (1987), 2007, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 56 pp. The Maryland Historical Society possesses a photostatic copy of the earliest record book of this church from which the information in this book is taken. G0507 - $12.00 Washington County [Maryland] Church Records of the 18th Century, 1768-1800. F. Edward Wright. (1988), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. Lutheran and Reformed congregations frequently shared the same church building and sometimes records of the two congregations were combined. These baptism and marriage records are grouped chronologically by church and are indexed. W0115 - $18.00 Washington County Maryland Cemetery Records: Volume 1. Dale W. Morrow. (1992), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 156 pp. Originally hand copied by Samuel Webster Piper and typed and indexed by Conococheague Chapter, NSDAR several years ago. Encompassing the cemeteries of Sharpsburg District #1 (thirteen cemeteries) and Williamsport District #2 (eight cemeteries). M0242 $23.00 Washington County Maryland Cemetery Records: Volume 2. Dale W. Morrow. (1993), 2007, 8½x11 paper, index, 146 pp. Originally hand copied by Samuel Webster Piper and typed and indexed by Conococheague Chapter, NSDAR several years ago. Clearspring District 4 and Hancock District 5. M0253 - $22.50 Washington County Maryland Cemetery Records: Volume 3. Dale W. Morrow. (1993), 2007, 8½x11 paper, index, 160 pp. Originally hand copied by Samuel Webster Piper and typed and indexed by Conococheague Chapter, NSDAR several years ago. Cavetown District 7, Rohrersville District 8, and Conococheague District. M0256 - $23.50 Washington County Maryland Cemetery Records: Volume 4. Dale W. Morrow. (1993), 2007, 8½x11 paper, index, 166 pp. Originally hand copied and typed and indexed by Conococheague Chapter, NSDAR several years ago. Funkstown District (10), Sandy Hook District (11), Ringgold District (14), Indian Springs (15), Beaver Creek District (16) and Chewsville District. M0267 - $24.50 Washington County Maryland Cemetery Records: Volume 5. Dale W. Morrow. (1993), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 176 pp. Originally hand copied by Samuel Webster Piper and typed and indexed by Conococheague Chapter, NSDAR several years ago. Leitersburg District (9), Tilghmanton District (12), Keedysville District (19) and Wilson District (23). M0268 - $24.50 Washington County Maryland Cemetery Records: Volume 6. Dale W. Morrow. (1994), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 154 pp. Originally hand copied and typed and indexed by Conococheague Chapter, NSDAR several years ago. Downsville District (20) and Halfway District (26), Hagerstown District (21), 25 and 22 in part. Includes family cemeteries in Williamsport and Hagerstown. M0287 $22.50 347 Washington County Maryland Cemetery Records: Volume 7. Dale W. Morrow. (1994), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 176 pp. Originally hand copied and typed and indexed by Conococheague Chapter, NSDAR several years ago. Remainder of District 22 of Hagerstown includes part of Rose Hill Cemetery and St. John Episcopal Church Yard and others. M0288 - $24.50 Washington County, Maryland, Obituary Locator, 1790-1943. C. William Ridenour. 2001, 584 pp. Newspapers include the Daily Mail, Herald of Freedom, Hagerstown Gazette, Hagerstown Mail, Herald and Torch Light, Morning Herald and the Washington Spy. R0622 - $70.00 Western Maryland Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 1: 1786-1798. F. Edward Wright. (1985), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 128 pp. In addition to dates and places, genealogists will acquire a sense of the lives and times of persons who lived in this region during this period. W0087 - $13.50 Western Maryland Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 2: 1799-1805. F. Edward Wright. (1986, 2001), 2011, 5½x8, paper, index, 174 pp. From earliest newspapers of Frederick and Hagerstown. Vital records; legal notices; property sales; runaway wives, apprentices and slaves; local events — persons in Western Maryland and adjoining parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania. W0091 - $20.50 Western Maryland Newspaper Abstracts, Volume 3: 1806-1810. F. Edward Wright. (1987), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 178 pp. From earliest newspapers of Frederick and Hagerstown. Vital records; legal notices; property sales; runaway wives, apprentices and slaves; lists of letters left at post office, local events—persons in Western Maryland and adjoining parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania. W0009 - $17.50 Westward of Fort Cumberland: Military Lots Set Off for Maryland’s Revolutionary Soldiers. Mary K. Meyer. (1994), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. With an Appended List of Revolutionary Soldiers Granted Pensions by the State of Maryland. Lists Revolutionary soldiers who drew lots of land in Allegany County for service in the Maryland Line. Also lists Revolutionary War pensioners, many of whom died prior to the granting of pensions by the Federal government. M0528 $25.00 White Servitude in Maryland: 1634-1820. Eugene Irving McCormac. (1904, 2003), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 112 pp. Describes the early land system in Maryland, indenture, fugitive servants, the status of servants and freemen, the servant militia, and convicts. M0754 - $16.00 348 Wills of Washington County, 1776-1890. Dale and Deborah Jensen Morrow. (1992, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, 46 pp. An index of wills and estate documents held in the County Clerk’s Office. M0243 - $11.50 Worcester County, Maryland Marriage Licenses, 1795-1865. Mary Beth and Vanessa Long. (1990), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 268 pp. Earliest known marriage licenses issued in Worcester County, MD. L0180 - $21.00 Worcester County, Maryland, Administration Bonds and Inventories, 1783-1790. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 34 pp. Entries alphabetical by name. D0491 - $11.00 Worcester County, Maryland, Orphans Court Proceedings, MH23, Volume 3, 1816-1832. David V. Heise. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 506 pp. This volume provides information on guardianships, apprenticeships and probate of estates involving minors, giving much genealogical information not found in other records. A comprehensive index includes free Blacks and slaves, with and without surnames. H0941 - $41.00 Worcester County, Maryland, Orphans Court Proceedings, Volume 1: 1777-1800. David V. Heise. (1998), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 362 pp. Ages of apprentices and orphans are given. Many relationships are revealed, stated and implied. H0468 - $29.50 Worcester County, Maryland, Orphans Court ProceedingsVolume 2, 1800-1816. David V. Heise. 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, 412 pp. H0570 - $34.00 Worcester County, Maryland, Wills, Liber LPS. 1834-1851. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 72 pp. Accounts and inventories included. D0502 - $13.00 349 Worcester Will Books, Liber JBR. 1799-1803. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 32 pp. This volumes covers wills abstracts including Administrator bonds. D9503 - $9.00 Worcester Will Books, Liber JBR. 1803-1806. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 30 pp. Accounts and inventories included. D3395 - $10.50 Worcester Will Books, Liber JW, 1790-1799. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 58 pp. Continues the series. D3394 - $12.00 Worcester Will Books, Liber JW4. 1769-1783. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 76 pp. This series includes accounts and inventories gleaned from Worcester County, Maryland, will books. In addition to the full name of the testator and bequests, entries may include: name of spouse, children, grandchildren, and/or other relatives; executor(s); and witnesses. A fullname index adds to the value of this work. D9135 - $16.00 Worcester Will Books, Liber MH. 1806-1813. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 42 pp. Accounts and inventories included. D3764 - $11.00 Worcester Will Books, Liber MH. 1822-1833. Ruth T. Dryden. (1989), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 60 pp. Accounts and inventories included. D0504 - $11.00 350 Massachusetts 1692 Witch Hunt: The Layman’s Guide to the Salem Witchcraft Trials. George Malcolm Yool. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 166 pp. An account of the witch hunts from 1691 to their dramatic conclusion. Contains a wealth of information gleaned from various contemporary records, and the personal archives of descendants on both sides of the conflict. Y0565 - $18.00 A Brief History of the North Congregational Church, Amherst Massachusetts. North Congregational Church. (1927), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, 48 pp. This detailed history paints a portrait of the community and its citizens, and is a rich source of names, dates and interesting tidbits. It opens with a list of pastors and deacons of the church, and superintendents of Sunday school, along with their dates of service. Includes: a brief history, the Centennial Day program, Glimpses of a Century of Church Music; Neighbors of North Amherst Church in Amherst; and, Economic Facts of a Century Ago. A chronologically arranged list of members (1826-1927) completes this work. N2872 - $11.00 A Gazetteer of the State of Massachusetts. Elias Nason. (1889) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 2 vols., c792 pp. A topographical description, together with a brief historical and statistical notice, of the several counties, cities, towns, and villages of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. N1043 - $51.50 A History of Framingham, Massachusetts. William Barry. (1847, 2000), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 456 pp. History of the town down to 1845. Has about 300 pages of genealogies of early families. B9028 - $39.00 A History of the Myricks United Methodist Church. Gail E. Terry. (1997), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp. Among the topics discussed are the physical structure, in its various stages; the membership, including complete lists from a number of years; and the ministers. T0712 - $18.00 A History of the Town of Duxbury, Massachusetts, with Genealogical Registers. Justin Winsor. (1849, 2001), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 362 pp. Duxbury was settled in 1632 by the people of Plymouth and was named in homage to Captain Standish’s English estate, Duxbury Hall. More than 200 families are mentioned in the genealogical register. W1747 - $31.50 A Journal of Occurrences along the Rebel Coast. Frederick Lawrence. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 176 pp. Dispassionate treatment is given to both Patriot and Loyalist perspectives in this riveting collection taken from letters, newspaper articles and other contemporary sources. L4595 $21.00 351 A Volume of Records Relating to the Early History of Boston: Containing Boston Marriages from 1752-1809 (Massachusetts). Record Commissioners of Boston, Massachusetts. (1903) reprint, original fullname, AfricanAmerican fullname and place indices, 712 pp. Contains the marriages recorded in the town of Boston from 17521809 inclusive, collated with the Book of Banns and additions. Ministers and Magistrates are listed alphabetically at the close of this volume. Entries include their place of residence if other than Boston and the earliest and latest dates of marriage services recorded. A general fullname index, a Negro fullname index, and an index of places provide easy reference. R1341 - $49.50 **OUT OF PRINT? Autobiography of Henry Fowle of Boston 1766-1837 (Massachusetts). David H. Kilmer. 1991, 5½x8½, paper, index, 248 pp. Mr. Fowle was a mainly self-educated man who worked at a mechanic’s trade but he managed to become acquainted with some of the most famous people of his time. K0482 - $24.00 Berkley Massachusetts Cemetary Inscriptions. Gail E. Terry. (1997), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. Cemetery records are arranged alphabetically by cemetery name and include the location of the cemetery and “Notes” offering additional information provided by the author’s research, such as a previous location of a stone. T0689 - $31.00 Boston Beginnings, 1630-1699. Jay Mack Holbrook. 1980, 6x9, cloth, alphabetical, 316 pp. Contains 16,256 names from every known listing of 17th-century Bostonians, thirty-four different sources in all. H0005 - $35.00 Boston Marriages from 1700 to 1751. Record Commissioners of the City of Boston. (1898) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 468 pp. A major collection drawn for town, church, and private sources. R1565 - $35.00 Boston, the Red Coats, and the Homespun Patriots, 1766-1775. Armand Francis Lucier. (1998), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 460 pp. The articles document the significant occurrences of the pre-war years as well as the entire spectrum of public interest. L0999 - $36.50 Bradford’s History “Of Plimoth Plantation” from the Original Manuscript. Gov. William Bradford. (1901), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 574 pp. Corrects numerous errors and omissions which had appeared in the 1856 edition. B0296 - $41.50 Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker; Occupations in Newburyport, Massachusetts from the 1850 Census. Margaret P. Motes. (2001), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, index, 210 pp. There are over 4,800 individuals listed in this book. Abstracted information includes name, age, sex, occupation, color, place of birth, household and dwelling number and the area within Newburyport. The appendix lists men who went to CA (1850 Newburyport City Directory). M1823 - $23.00 352 Candlewood: An Ancient Neighborhood in Ipswich. T Frank Waters. (1909), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 174 pp. Descriptions of individual Candlewood lots provide detailed histories of ownership, which combine to paint a portrait of this community. Lengthy genealogies of John Brown, William Fellows and Robert Kinsman are included. W3065 - $21.00 Cape Cod [Massachusetts] Annals. Marise Fawsett. 1990, 5½x8½, paper, index, 218 pp. Perfect for those who seek an over-view of the Cape, past and present. F0321 - $22.00 Cemetery Inscriptions of the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts, and its Villages, 1600-1900, with Corrections and Additions. Paul J. Bunnell. (1995), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 456 pp. This revised collection of 33 cemeteries is an alphabetical arrangement of inscriptions found on tombstones and in records. These cemeteries are found in Barnstable, West Barnstable, Cotuit, Marstons Mills, Centerville, Hyannis, Hyannisport, Cummaquid and Oesterville, Mass. B0176 $36.00 Charlestown Land Records 1638-1802. Record Commissioners of the City of Boston. (1883), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 286 pp. The second, revised, edition of the report on public land records of Charlestown. Some 300 entries describing land holdings, transactions and disputes. R1204 $27.00 Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. Alexander Young. (1846) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 571 pp. Collects together many letters, diaries, and journals written by the earliest settlers; first-hand history. Y1958 - $42.00 **OUT OF PRINT? Colonial Times on Buzzard’s Bay. William Root Bliss. (1889), 2004, 5½x8½, paper, index, 246 pp. A reflection of the life and spirit of colonial times, this work has a distinct flavor all its own. Beginning with the first settlers on the shores of Buzzard’s Bay, the author describes the interesting nature of these hard working, fair-minded and frugal people. He follows their history up until the coming of a railroad into the same region. B2148 - $26.00 Correspondence of William Shirley, Governor of Massachusetts and Military Commander of America, 1731-1760. Charles Henry Lincoln, Ph.D., ed. (1912) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols., 509+621 pp. Nearly 450 primary documents relating to both the Five Years’ French and Indian War (1744-1749), aka Governor Shirley’s War, and the more important Seven Years’ French and Indian War (1755-1763). L2340 - $86.50 353 Dorchester Town Records (Massachusetts). The Record Commissioners of the City of Boston. (1883) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, 329 pp. Comprises the first volume of public records for the town of Dorchester, dated as early as the 1630’s and extending to the end of the 17th century. R1138 - $26.50 Early Generations of the Founders of Old Dunstable: Thirty Families. Ezra S. Stearns. (1911), 1986, paper, index, 109 pp. Detailed genealogies. S0078 - $12.00 Early Planters of Scituate [Massachusetts]. Harvey Hunter Pratt. (1929), 2008. 5½x8½, paper, index, 442 pp. Extensively annotation, drawing upon original documents to establish the history of the town, and biographies and family histories. P0885 - $41.00 Early Town Records of Rowley, Massachusetts. First Record of the First Church, Copied and Communicated to the Essex Institute. George B. Blodgette, Esq. (1898, c1980), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 140 pp. The first church in Rowley was in 1639. This record, the first extant, was begun by the Rev. Samuel Shepard, Nov. 15, 1665, the day of his settlement here as colleague with Rev. Samuel Phillips. The records in the volume continue through 1783. These records were first published in various issues of the “Historical Collections of the Essex Institute.” B4898 - $17.00 Epitaphs from Graveyards in Wellesley (Formerly West Needham), North Natick, and Saint Mary’s Churchyard in Newton Lower Falls, Massachusetts. George Kuhn Clarke. (1909, 1990), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 236 pp. With genealogical and biographical notes. C0021 - $24.00 Epitaphs in Old Bridgewater, Massachusetts. William Latham. (1882, 1986, 1997), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 286 pp. Provides approximately 2,500 epitaphs from nineteen graveyards in and surrounding Old Bridgewater, Massachusetts. L9091 - $27.00 Epitaphs in the Old Burial Place, Dedham, Massachusetts. Rev. Carlos Slafter, A.M. (1888), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 54 pp. The epitaphs typically give the deceased’s full name, date of death, and age of death. Many of them also indicate the name(s) and relationships of surviving family members. The earliest death mentioned in the Dedham records occurred in 1637. S0073 - $12.00 354 Epitaphs in the Old Burying-Ground at Deerfield, Massachusetts. C. Alice Baker and Emma L. Coleman. (1924), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 56 pp. This work consists of exact transcriptions of the epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground at Deerfield, Massachusetts. Most of the inscriptions list the date of death in the mid-to-late 1700s, with a few in the early 1700s, and a few in the early 1800s. B3507 - $11.00 Essex County Deeds 1639-1678, Abstracts of Volumes 1-4, Copy Books, Essex County, Massachusetts. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (2003, 2005), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 394 pp. This volume consists of abstracts from the first four copy books of the Essex County Deed Books. These records are a rich source of names complete with details of the transactions and the properties involved (as available). E2441 - $31.00 Essex County Deeds, 1678-1681, Abstracts of Volume 5, Copy Books, Essex County, Massachusetts. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 108 pp. These records are a rich source of names complete with details (as available) of the transactions and properties involved: names of buyer and seller, date of transaction, description of property, payment(s), and witnesses. E4543 - $17.00 Essex County Deeds, 1681-1684, Abstracts of Volume 6, Copy Books, Essex County, Massachusetts. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 176 pp. These abstracts from the sixth copy book of the Essex County Deed Books are a rich source of names complete with details of the transactions and the properties involved. Records contain (as available) the full names of both the buyer and the seller in bold type, the date of the transaction, a description of the property including its location, payment(s), and (as available) witnesses. E5502 - $21.50 Every Day Life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. George Francis Dow. (1935), 2002, 5½x8½, paper, index, illus., 293 pp. This wonderfully informative sourcebook has the answers to all of your questions about everyday life in the colony in the 17th and 18th centuries. D2125 - $33.50 Freetown, Massachusetts, Vital Records, 1686-1890. Helen Gurney Thomas. (1988), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 490 pp. Births, marriages and deaths. T0136 - $40.00 Genealogical Notes, or Contributions to the Family History of Some of the First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts. Nathanial Goodwin. (1856, 2000), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 382 pp. A wealth of information on old New England families, in particular the families of Goodwin, Blakeman, Case, Chester, Clark, Dwight, Edwards, Goodrich, Gurley, Hollister, Hopkins, Ingersoll, Jones, Judson, Kent, Lord, Mather, Metcalf, Mygatt, Nott, Porter, Sedgwick, Smith, Spencer, Stone, Storrs, Terry, Treat, Ward, Webster, Welles, Whiting and Worthington. G1637 - $32.50 355 Genealogies of Some Old Families of Concord, Massachusetts, and Their Descendants, in Part to the Present Generation. Charles Edward Potter. (1887), 2007, 8½x11, index, 168 pp. Genealogical tables include thousands of names plus the dates for births, marriages, and deaths and lists the places where births and deaths occured. More than 150 biographical sketches. P0161 - $24.50 Good Old Dorchester [Massachusetts]: A Narrative History of the Town, 1630-1893. William Dana Orcutt. (1893) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 496 pp. The author covers the Colonial times, the Provincial times, from the Revolution to the War of the Rebellion, the schools, churches and homes, and also the Modern times (1861-1893). O2063 - $37.00 Hanging Katherine Garrett: A Novel based on the 1737 Trial of a Pequot Woman. Abigail Davis. 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 234 pp. In present-day Minneapolis a graduate student, Karla Palmer, discovers a sermon that was preached at the 1738 hanging of Katherine Garret, a Pequot Indian woman who was executed for the murder of her bastard child. Karla, smelling a cover-up, follows the obscured paper trail into the past, back to the Pequot War, searching for the identity of the person Katherine accused of the murder, for the name of the father, and for who might have conspired to send an innocent woman to the gallows. D1922 - $20.00 Historic Hadley: A Story of the Making of a Famous Massachusetts Town. Alice Morehouse Walker. (1906), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, 158 pp. This slender volume tells of the origins, growth, and development of this New England town. “Painstaking effort has been made to search the town records, to scrutinize every historical document, and to weigh carefully familiar traditions.” W1397 - $16.50 Historical Collections (Massachusetts), Volume Two. Holmes Ammidown. (1874), 1996, 5½x8½, paper, index, 598 pp. Includes town histories of Sturbridge, Charlton and Southbridge in Worcester County. A0437 - $41.00 Historical Collections of the American Colonial Church, Volume 3: Massachusetts. William Stevens Perry. (1873), 2001, 5½x8½, paper, index, 720 pp. Transcriptions of manuscript collections relating to the early church in Massachusetts from such sources as the Lambeth MSS, Letter Books of the Ven. Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Fulham MSS, and other original manuscripts. P0702 - $55.00 History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, Index and Supplement. Mary Isabella Gozzaldi. (1930) reprint, cloth, 860 pp. This supplement to Paige’s History of Cambridge, Mass. contains citations to the people and places, as well as extensive topical citations. The supplement contains additional genealogical data gleaned from the vital records of Cambridge and from various church records, town histories, genealogies, and Bibles. G0012 - $63.50 History of Carver, Massachusetts, 1637 to 1910. Henry S. Griffith. (1913, 2000), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 366 pp. A detailed history of Carver, and the neighboring town of Plympton, with plenty of genealogical information as well. G1613 - $36.00 356 History of Easthampton, Massachusetts. Payson W. Lyman. (1866), reprint, cloth, index, 200 pp. Includes a 52 page genealogical register. L0058 - $29.00 History of Grafton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, from its Early Settlement by the Indians in 1647 to the Present Time, 1879. Frederick C. Pierce. (1879) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols., 640 pp. A typical town history. Genealogies include seventy-nine of the oldest local families, among them: Aldrich, Baker, Child, Clark, Fisk, Goddard, Goodale, Harrington, Leland, Miles, Robbins, Stone, Wheeler, Whitney and Wood. P1928 - $49.50 History of Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Charles J. Taylor. (1882) reprint, 5½x8½, index, 530 pp. Extraordinarily detailed, this history begins with the patent of Westenhook in 1705. A wealth of biographical information! T1957 - $40.50 **OUT OF PRINT? History of Massachusetts. George Lowell Austin. (1884), 2002, paper, index, 598 pp. A history of the state of Massachusetts from the 1600s to 1883. A2249 - $47.00 History of Needham, Massachusetts, 1700-1911: Including West Needham, Now the Town of Wellesley, to Its Separation from Needham in 1881, with Some References to Its Affairs to 1911. George Kuhn Clarke, A.M., LL.B. (1912), reprint, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 2 vols., 746 pp. Gives a very detailed account with the names of residents and with various lists compiled from the town and other records. C1559 - $51.50 History of North Brookfield, Massachusetts, Preceded by an Account of Old Quabaug, Indian and English Occupation, 1647-1676; Brookfield Records, 1686-1783. With a Genealogical Register. J. H. Temple. (1887), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, index, illus., map, 2 vols., 824 pp. The historical section is indexed. LQ-T1594 - $64.00 *OUT OF PRINT? History of Pelham, Massachusetts, from 1738 to 1898, including the early History of Prescott. C. O. Parmenter. (1898, 2001), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 626 pp. Profusely illustrated and written in an elegant prose style that makes it a joy to read. P1845 - $46.00 History of Stoneham, Massachusetts. William B. Stevens. (1891) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 361 pp. The history spans 1632-1891. Most of this book contains biographical sketches of the pioneers and prominent men of the town. S2064 - $29.50 **One Copy Left? History of the Early Settlement of Newton, County of Middlesex, Massachusetts, from 1639 to 1800, with a Genealogical Register of its Inhabitants Prior to 1800. Francis Jackson. (1854) reprint, cloth, index, 606 pp. About 2/3rds genealogical register of residents prior to 1800. J0041 $44.00 357 History of the Town of Cheshire, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Ellen M. Raynor and Emma L. Petitclerc. (1885) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 219 pp. A well-written and colorful history with much personal data on residents. R2105 - $21.50 *OUT OF PRINT? History of the Town of Norton, Bristol County, Massachusetts, from 1669-1859. George Faber Clark. C0850 - *OUT OF PRINT? History of the Town of Plymouth [Massachusetts], with a sketch of the Origin and Growth of Separatism. William T. Davis. (1885), 2001, 8½x11, paper, indices, 204 pp. This brief, but informative, historical sketch begins with the Dutch and English origins of the Separatist movement and follows the course of events in Plymouth up to the Civil War. D1713 - $30.00 History of the Town of Sutton, Massachusetts, from 1704 to 1876: including Grafton until 1735; Milbury until 1813; and parts of Northbridge, Upton and Auburn. William A. Benedict, A. M. and Rev. Hiram A. Tracy. (1878), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 2 vols., 838 pp. Contains: The Annals (business from town records, names the founding fathers, describes lots and boundaries, etc.); The Homes of Sutton (a brief history of every home); Ecclesiastical and Educational; Manufacturing; Genealogical (traces 104 family names, noting more than 1000 families); Military, Civil and Statistical (military records, names of town officials, and statistical tables). B1632 - $69.00 History of Western Massachusetts: The Counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire, Embracing an Outline or General History of the Section, an Account of its Scientific Aspects and Leading Interests, and Separate Histories of Its One Hundred Towns, Volume 1, Parts I and II. Josiah Gilbert Holland. (1855), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 546 pp. An important early history of western Massachusetts. H5032 - $42.00 History of Western Massachusetts: The Counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire, Embracing an Outline or General History of the Section, an Account of its Scientific Aspects and Leading Interests, and Separate Histories of Its One Hundred Towns, Volume 2, Parts III. Josiah Gilbert Holland. (1855), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 688 pp. An important early history of western Massachusetts. H5033 - $50.00 How Firm a Foundation: William Bradford and Plymouth. John M. Pafford. (2002), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 140 pp. The book opens with the birth of William Bradford in Yorkshire, England in 1590, follows him to the New World in 1620, and concludes in 1691 when Plymouth became part of the Massachusetts Bay colony. Topics include: British colonization, religion, government, education, the economy, Indians, the New England Confederation and much more. P2140 - $19.00 358 In Old South Hadley [MA]. Sophie E. Eastman. (1912), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 334 pp. A well written historical account from 1632 up to the mid 1800s. E2221 - $27.50 Inscriptions from the Old Cemetery in Rowley, Massachusetts. George B. Blodgette. (1892, c1980), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 78 pp. This book includes all the inscriptions now (1892) to be found in that part of the cemetery in use before 1830. This cemetery was the only one used by the town of Rowley to 1702, when the burial ground in Byfield Parish was first used. B4899 - $13.50 Inscriptions on the Grave Stones in the Grave Yards of Northampton and of Other Towns in the Valley of the Connecticut, as Springfield, Amherst, Hadley, Hatfield, Deerfield, &c. with Brief Annals of Northampton. Thomas Bridgman. (1850), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 232 pp. Inscription dates range from the mid-17th to the mid-19th century. Most towns listed are in Mass.; some are in Vt. and Conn. B0590 - $24.00 Journal of Occurrences: Patriot Propaganda on the British Occupation of Boston, 1768-1769. Armand Francis Lucier. (1996), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 246 pp. A fascinating collection of newspaper accounts compiled by Samuel Adams and others in an effort to influence the masses, by recording the abuses of the city magistrates and the British occupying forces with an inflammatory rhetoric that vividly captures the intense feelings of the era. L0569 - $25.00 King’s Handbook of Newton, Massachusetts. M. F. Sweetser. (1889), reprint, paper, index, 344 pp. This handbook is a rich source of historical and statistical material, filled with notable and interesting facts, and presented in “a simple, entertaining and trustworthy manner.” Over 200 illustrations. S2042 - $29.00 King’s Handbook of Springfield, Massachusetts: A Series of Monographs, Historical and Descriptive. Moses King. (1884) 2002, indices, 430 pp. All of the chapters of the book were written by citizens of Springfield, creating a unique perspective of the town. Profusely illustrated with 19th century scenes. K2086 - $33.00 Life of a Haunted House. The Barnstable House of Barnstable, Massachusetts. Genealogy of a Real Haunted House. Paul J. Bunnell, FACG, UE. (2003), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 156 pp. Whether or not you believe in ghosts, the documentation and testimonies surrounding the history of this house raise the question: Do spiritual entities really exist? This story comes to life in 1713 and takes you right up to the present day. It covers the history and genealogy of many of the ancient families of the Cape Cod area and documents the owners of the Barnstable house over the years. B0859 - $22.50 359 Map: Boston Back Bay in 1814. A reproduction of the Fuller and Whitney map of 1814. Includes portions of Brookline, Roxbury, Boston Neck, Cambridge Bay, Roxbury Flats and Easterly Channel. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper 978Map missing check digit MP0210 - $3.00 Map: Boston Back Bay in 1836. A reproduction of the Fuller and Whitney map of 1836. Includes portions of Brookline, Roxbury, Boston, Receiving Basin, railroads. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper 978Map missing check digit MP0220 - $3.00 Map: Nantucket Island. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper MP0010 - $3.00 Map: Roxbury, Massachusetts, 1838. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper MP0212 - $3.00 Map: The Early Settlement of Newton, County of Middlesex, Massachusetts in 1700. Francis Jackson. Originally published in a History of the Early Settlement of Newton, County of Middlesex, Massachusetts, from 1639 to 1800 (1854). With a Genealogical Register of Its Inhabitants, Prior to 1800 by Francis Jackson this reproduction map shows the approximate location of the homesteads of the early settlers at a scale of 100 rods to the inch. This map is folded. Map 24x18 folded 978Map missing check digit MP1001 - $4.75 *Not on HB website. Map: The Town of Boston in New England by Captain James Bonner, 1722. A reproduction of the 1722 Bonner map includes the Common, Mill Pond, Harbour, street names, wharfs, rope walk, copper works, and powder house. List years of great fires and smallpox epidemics. Reproduction Map, 11x17, linen paper 978Map missing check digit MP0240 - $5.00 Map: The Town of Boston in New England by Captain James Bonner, 1722 imposed on a silhouette of Modern Boston Proper. A reproduction of the 1722 Bonner map, which is not very legiable, on top of a silhouette of a more modern Boston. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper 978Map missing check digit MP0230 - $3.00 Map: Town of Canton, Massachusetts(formerly a part of Dorchester). Redrawn from an 1831 map of Joseph Hodges by Frederic Endicott in 1892 this is a topographical look at the town with roads, ponds, meadows and some inhabitants. Reproduction Map, 8½x11, linen paper 978Map missing check digit MP0211 - $3.00 Massachusetts Privateers of the Revolution. Gardner Weld Allen. (1927, 1987), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 400 pp. Listings for each privateer are alphabetical by ship names and indexed with the names of commanders, crew, owners, bondsmen, and others. This work was originally published as Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, Volume 77. A0965 - $34.00 Military Rolls of the Outward Commons: Soldiers of Wilbraham, Massachusetts, 1730-1840. J. Bruce Tingle. (2000), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. Includes biographical and genealogical information gleaned from Massachusetts Revolutionary Soldiers and Sailors, 1775-1782, as supplemented from many other sources. T1541 - $23.00 Myricks, Massachusetts: A Farming Settlement, a Railroad Village. Gail E. Terry. (1998), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 200 pp. An extensive history of Myricks that also includes a Myricks family genealogy. T1005 - $21.50 360 New England Family Histories and Genealogies: State of Massachusetts. Lu Verne V. Hall. (2002), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 794 pp. A master bibliography of published genealogies of Massachusetts families arranged by surname. H2070 - $55.50 Passengers on the “Lion” from England to Boston, 1632, and Five Generations of Their Descendants. Sandra Sutphin Olney. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 2 vols., 844 pp. Genealogical information is given on the forty-two original passengers as well as through four additional generations of his or her descendants. O0706 - $63.00 Police Records and Recollections; Or, Boston by Daylight and Gaslight for Two Hundred and Forty Years. Edward H. Savage. (1873), reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 411 pp. A series of vignettes, written with obvious good humor and compassion, form the bulk of this book. Sit back and enjoy this taste of city life at street level, flavored by fascinating historical tidbits, interesting incidents and colorful characters. Meet the joking Lieutenant, the drunken lecturer, and even the author’s cat! Individual tales are brief, but it’s hard to read just one. S2041 - $33.00 Provincetown, Massachusetts Census Records, 1790-1840. Edith P. Ferguson. (?), 8½x11, paper, index, 127 pp. Complete transcriptions of Federal censuses with indexes. F0026 - $17.50 Provincetown, Massachusetts Census Records, 1850. Edith P. Ferguson. (?), 8½x11, paper, index, 151 pp. Complete transcriptions of Federal censuses with indexes. F0027 - $20.50 Provincetown, Massachusetts, Cemetery Inscriptions. Lurana H. Cook, Hugh F. Cook, Anne G. MacIntyre and John S. MacIntyre. (1980), 2011, 6x9, cloth, index, 270 pp. About 4,000 transcriptions. C0018 - $55.00 This title is a special order item. Provincetown, Massachusetts, Census Records, 1860. Edith P. Ferguson. 8½x11, paper, index, 122 pp. Complete transcriptions of Federal censuses with indexes. F0052 - $17.50 361 Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England Court Orders1641-1651. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. (1855, 1998), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 212 pp. A plethora of information contained within this volume includes: land grants, jury registers, names of freemen, nomination and election of constables and other town officials, assignment of committees for various tasks, etc. This is an essential tool for those researching early colonial government. S0840 - $23.00 Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England, Volume X: Acts of the Commissioners of the United Colonies of New England, 1653-1679. David Pulsifer. (1859) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 492 pp. Concerned with the response of the commissioners to various aspects of the Articles of Confederation for the United Colonies, and with disputes between the individual colonies over trade terms, deeds, land usage and Indian affairs. P1068 - $35.50 Records of the Proprietors of the Common Lands in the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts, 1703-1795. Andrea Leonard. (1996), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 238 pp. Contains transcriptions of hand-written property and boundary descriptions, as well as records from proprietors’ meetings. L0572 - $25.00 Records of the Town of Plymouth, Volume 1: 1636-1705. Wm. T. Davis. (1889, 1989), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 362 pp. These volumes contain a complete, verbatim transcription of the town records of Plymouth, Massachusetts for the years 1636 to 1783. They record all the formal business of the town, such as town meetings, elections, laying out of roads, and land grants by the town; vital records were kept in separate books and are not included here. These records begin early in the life of the town and continue down through the end of the American Revolution. D0181 - $31.50 Records of the Town of Plymouth, Volumes 2: 1705-1743. William T. Davis. (1892, 1989), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 372 pp. These volumes contain a complete, verbatim transcription of the town records of Plymouth, Massachusetts for the years 1636 to 1783. They record all the formal business of the town, such as town meetings, elections, laying out of roads, and land grants by the town; vital records were kept in separate books and are not included here. These records begin early in the life of the town and continue down through the end of the American Revolution. D0182 - $32.00 Records of the Town of Plymouth, Volume 3: 1743-1783. William T. Davis. (1889, 1989), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 482 pp. These volumes contain a complete, verbatim transcription of the town records of Plymouth, Massachusetts for the years 1636 to 1783. They record all the formal business of the town, such as town meetings, elections, laying out of roads, and land grants by the town; vital records were kept in separate books and are not included here. These records begin early in the life of the town and continue down through the end of the American Revolution. D0183 - $38.00 Reluctant Break with Britain: From Stamp Act to Bunker Hill. Gregory T. Edgar. (1997), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 330 pp. Focuses on the causes of the Revolution and the patriots’ desire to remain within the British Empire. E0585 - $29.00 362 Remarkable High Tories: Supporters of King and Parliament in Revolutionary Massachusetts. William H. B. Thomas. (2001), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 338 pp. Their family histories are intertwined in this account of loyalist activity in Massachusetts. T1705 - $29.50 Representative Families of Northampton, [Massachusetts]: A Demonstration of What High Character, Good Ancestry and Heredity have Accomplished in a New England Town. Charles F. Warner. (1917, 2002), 2013, 5½x8½, paper, index, 421 pp. Primarily a collection of biographical sketches. W2204 - $35.00 Salem Witchcraft and Hawthorne’s “House of the Seven Gables”. Enders A. Robinson. (1992), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 404 pp. A detailed and highly readable account of the Salem witchcraft affair of 1692 in three parts. R0515 - $32.50 Selectmen’s Minutes from 1742-3 through 1753. Record Commissioners of the City of Boston. (1887), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 330 pp. Diverse records concerning Boston residents, landowners, entrepreneurs, colonial officials, ship’s captains, and others. R1546 - $26.50 Selectmen’s Minutes from 1754 through 1763. Record Commissioners of the City of Boston. (1887), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 322 pp. Diverse records concerning Boston residents, landowners, entrepreneurs, colonial officials, ship’s captains, and others. R1592 - $29.00 Selectmen’s Minutes from 1764 through 1768. Record Commissioners of the City of Boston. (1889), 2000, 5½x8½, paper, 352 pp. Diverse records concerning Boston residents, landowners, entrepreneurs, colonial officials, ship’s captains, and others. R1617 - $28.00 Some Old Houses in Westborough, Massachusetts and their Occupants. With an Account of the Parkman Diaries. The Westborough Historical Society. (1906, 2002), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 72 pp. Covers the homes: Stephen Maynard, Simon Tainter, Samuel Forbush Tavern, Parkman Parsonage, Breck Parkman Shop, Forbes Homestead, Thomas Forbush, First Davis House, Gershom Brigham, Haskell House, Gale Tavern, and Thomas Whitney House. W2129 - $13.00 Southbridge, Massachusetts, Vital Records to 1850. Jay Mack Holbrook. 1981, cloth, 290 pp. All recorded births, marriages and deaths up to 1850, alphabetically by surname. The records begin at the time of incorporation in 1816, but there are some births from as early as 1793. H0009 - $30.00 363 Southern Massachusetts Cemetery Collection, Volume 1. Susan Salisbury. (1995), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 576 pp. Each entry contains some or all of the following information about the deceased: date of birth, date of death, how they died, place of birth, place of death, age at time of death, spouse’s name, parents’ names, and the names of military organizations and campaigns in which they served. S0353 - $42.00 Southern Massachusetts Cemetery Collection: Volume 2. Susan Salisbury. (1996), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 478 pp. Each transcription contains some or all of the following information about the deceased: date and place of birth, date and place of death, cause of death, age a time of death, names of spouse(s) and parents, and the names of military organizations and campaigns in which they served. Towns covered: Attleborough, Dighton, Franklin, Holliston, North Attleborough, Plainville, Rehoboth, Swansea and Wrentham, all in the area of Bristol County, south of Boston. S0570 - $38.00 The 1848 Boston Cultivator: Marriages, Deaths and Miscellaneous Readings. Elaine Morrison Fitch. 2003, 6x9, paper, index, 542 pp. The vital records of births, deaths and marriages are a wonderful resource for family historians. The articles abstracted from this weekly newspaper are presented in chronological order for the year 1848. F0877 - $43.00 The Beechwoods Confederacy, 1709-1809. The Colonial History of Beechwoods, Middleboro, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. Kenneth Leonard. (2003), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 254 pp. The author sets the stage by first discussing the expansion of Plymouth Colony (1620-1699) and the nascent beginnings of Beechwoods (1699-1709). The community is considered to have officially begun in 1709 with the arrival of several men who cleared a little road from the highway to their parcels of land and built houses. L2361 - $34.50 The Biographical Sketches of Prominent Persons and the Genealogical Records of Many Early and Other Families in Medway, Massachusetts, 1713-1886. E. O. Jameson. (1886) 2002, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 208 pp. Contains more than 150 biographies, and genealogical sketches for nearly 550 families. J2197 - $22.50 The Birth, Marriage and Death Register, Church Records and Epitaphs of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643-1850. Henry S. Nourse, A.M. (1890), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 510 pp. Records come from a variety of sources, including: Middlesex Co. court, town records, five churches, Rev. Bartol, Judge Wilder and seven burial grounds. The everyname plus subject index lists places and persons. N0801 - $38.00 The Boston Recorder and Telegraph, 1825. Elaine Morrison Fitch. 2004, 6x9, paper, index, 370 pp. The articles abstracted from this weekly newspaper are presented in chronological order for the year 1825. They include shipping news, fires, ordinations, Indian affairs, obituaries, lists of marriages and deaths. Index included. F0927 - $32.50 364 The Cambridge of 1776. Mary Williams Greely. (1875), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 138 pp. Complete with the Diary of Dorothy Dudley, together with an historical sketch, several poems, numerous anecdotes and decriptions of people of the time. G3026 - $19.00 The Early Records of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643-1725. Henry S. Nourse, A.M. (1884, 1993) 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 378 pp. Records before 1726 scanty. This collection is filled with names and covers the topics of: annals of the Nashaway Plantation, 1643-1653; town records; King Philip’s War; King William’s War, 1689-1697; Queen Anne’s War, 1701-1713; Lowell’s War, 1722-1726; the Book of Lands; births, marriages and deaths, 1645-1700; and an appendix gives brief information on such people as town officials and ministers. N0757 - $32.50 The Early Records of the Town of Dedham, Massachusetts, 1636-1659: Volume III, A Complete Transcript of Book One of the General Records of the Town, Together with the Selectmen’s Day Book, Covering a Portion of the Same Period, Being Volume Three of the Printed Records of the Town. Illustrated with Fac-Similes of the Handwriting of Four Town Clerks and of Autographs of Fifty of the Early Settlers. Don Gleason Hill. (1892), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 256 pp. A sketch of Lusher, and 50 facsimile reprints of autographs, augment the text. H1813 - $25.00 The Early Records of the Town of Dedham, Massachusetts, 1659-1673: Volume IV. Don Gleason Hill. (1894, 2001), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 314 pp. This work contains a misc. collection of papers, and records (principally of land grants), and a complete transcript of the Town Meeting and Selectmen’s Records contained in Book Three of the General Records of the Town, 1659-1673. H1899 - $27.00 The Early records of the Town of Dedham, Massachusetts, 1672-1706: Volume V, A Complete Transcript of the Town Meeting and Selectmen’s Records Contained in Book Five of the General Records of the Town. Don Gleason Hill. (1899), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 420 pp. Contains “a large number of tables of tax assessments. The tables found in the first one hundred and ninety-two pages have here been reproduced in table form, but from that point the tables and figures have been omitted from the printed pages, but all the names found in the table have been printed.” H2639 $35.00 The Early Records of the Town of Dedham, Massachusetts, 1737-1766: Volume VII, containing a complete transcript of the Town Meeting and Selectmen’s Record contained in Book Six and Book Seven of the General Records of the Town. Don Gleason Hill. (1968), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 396 pp. Covers the recorded proceedings and actions taken at Town Meetings, the assemblings and acts of the Selectmen, the reports and returns of Committees, the laying-out of Town ways, annual tax assessments to individual tax payers ( 1737-1750), a list of taxpayers by precincts. H3631 - $31.50 The Early Records of the Town of Rowley Massachusetts. 1639-1672. Being Volume One of the printed Records of the Town. Benjamin P. Mighill and George B. Blodgette. (1894, c1980), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 272 pp. These records have been carefully transcribed to follow the original words, letters, punctuation and blank spaces so that the reader has all the advantages that can be gained from the original, save the handwriting. M4897 - $27.00 365 The Early Settlers of Colrain, Massachusetts. Charles H. McClellen. (1885, 1986), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 90 pp. The author has “touched upon most of the important matters relating to the history of the town, down to nearly the close of the last century.” Discussions include: the ScotchIrish, the first town meeting, the French and Indian War, highways, schools, churches and religious societies, second division lots, incorporation, the Revolutionary War, Shay’s Rebellion, and families. A full-name index completes this work. M9089 - $14.00 The Emancipation of Massachusetts: The Dream and the Reality. Brooks Adams. (1919), reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 542 pp. Revised and enlarged edition. This is the history of Massachusetts’ emancipation from narrow-minded religious thinking to liberalism. The narrative covers the Antinomians, the Anabaptists, the Quakers, witchcraft, Brattle Church, Harvard College, and the American Revolution. A2295 - $40.00 The Essex Genealogist, Index 2001-2005. Essex Society of Genealogist, Inc. 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 86 pp. This series contains genealogical items specific to Essex County, Mass., as well as general information and advice about genealogy. This master volume consists of both a subject index and a full name index to volumes 21-25 of The Essex Genealogist. E4798 - $19.00 The Essex Genealogist, Index to Volumes 1-15 (1981-1995). Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (1998, 2008), 2010, 8½x11, paper, 356 pp. Subject index and a fullname index to the first 15 volumes of The Essex Genealogist. E1009 - $51.50 The Essex Genealogist, Index to Volumes 16-20 (1996-2000). Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (2002), 2011, 8½x11, paper, 154 pp. E2032 - $23.50 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 1, 1981. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (1981, 1995) 2012, 8½x11, index, 186 pp. This book collects into one volume all the society’s quarterly journals for 1981. Family names featured in this volume include Chadwell, Kelley, Everitt, Dearborn, Wilson (Wiswall), Graham-Vedoe, Hillman, Reed, Ramsdell, McIntosh, Eaton, and Gray. E0354 - $29.50 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 2, 1982. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (1982, 1996), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 260 pp. A few of the articles include: “Inhabitants of the Saugus Iron Works,” “Urban Research,” “Lynn’s Free Burying Ground,” and “Between Two World Wars;” Research in Progress: Doliber/Dolliver, Randall, Elizabeth Phippen, and John Smith of Barnstable. Other family names featured: Rantoul, Storey, Wilson, Coddington, Putnam, and Tilley. E0413 - $35.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 3, 1983. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (1983) reprint, 8½x11, new index, illus., 262 pp. E0465 - $35.00 366 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 4, 1984. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (1984) reprint, 8½x11, new index, illus., 266 pp. E0466 - $35.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 10, 1990. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (1990), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 286 pp. Some family names featured include: Adams, Enslow, Batchelder, Southwick, Sargent, Goulette, Coombs, Moulton, Ellis (Wise), Wyman, Brack, Gould, Hillman, Walcott, (Schatvet) Ullman, Robertson, Sutherland, Ladd, Hastings, Brown. Charming illustrations and maps augment the text. E0567 - $35.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 11, 1991. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (1991) reprint, 8½x11, new index, illus., 298 pp. E0597 - $35.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 12, 1992. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (1992) reprint, 8½x11, new index, illus., 300 pp. E0598 - $35.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 13, 1993. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (1993) reprint, 8½x11, new index, illus., 306 pp. E0640 - $35.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 14, 1994. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (1994) reprint, 8½x11, new index, illus., 310 pp. E0641 - $35.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 15, 1995. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (1995) reprint, 8½x11, new index, illus., 309 pp. E0676 - $35.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 16, 1996. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. 2000, 8½x11, paper, index, 286 pp. A collection of articles. E1462 - $34.50 367 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 17, 1997. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (2001), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 286 pp. A collection of articles. E1700 - $34.50 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 19, 1999. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. 2001, 8½x11, paper, index, illus., 280 pp. E1885 - $35.00 The Essex Genealogist, Vol. 20, 2000. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (2001), 2012, 8½x11, paper, index, 284 pp. This series collects the quarterly journals of the Essex Society of Genealogists. While there is enough general information and advice included to make this book valuable for anyone interested in genealogy, those with genealogical interest specific to Essex County, Massachusetts, could not hope for a better resource. E1986 - $34.50 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 21, 2001. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (2001), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 270 pp. This series collects the quarterly journals of the Essex Society of Genealogists. Along with genealogical items specific to Essex County, Massachusetts, this volume contains general information and advice for anyone interested in genealogy. Contains a full name index. E3833 $39.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 22, 2002. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (2002), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 266 pp. This series collects the quarterly journals of the Essex Society of Genealogists. Along with genealogical items specific to Essex County, Massachusetts, this volume contains general information and advice for anyone interested in genealogy. Contains a full name index. E3832 $39.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 23, 2003. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (2003), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 266 pp. This series collects the quarterly journals of the Essex Society of Genealogists. Along with genealogical items specific to Essex County, Massachusetts, this volume contains general information and advice for anyone interested in genealogy. Contains a full name index. E4513 $33.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 24, 2004. Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc. (2004), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 256 pp. This series collects the quarterly journals of the Essex Society of Genealogists. Along with genealogical items specific to Essex County, Massachusetts, this volume contains general information and advice for anyone interested in genealogy. Contains a full name index. E4514 $32.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 25, 2005. Essex Society of Genealogist, Inc. 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 228 pp. This series collects the quarterly journals of the Essex Society of Genealogists. Along with genealogical items specific to Essex County, Massachusetts, this volume contains general information and advice for anyone interested in genealogy. Contains a full name index. E4797 - $29.00 368 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 26, 2006. Essex Society of Genealogist, Inc. (2006), 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 214 pp. This series collects the quarterly journals of the Essex Society of Genealogists. Along with genealogical items specific to Essex County, Massachusetts, this volume contains general information and advice for anyone interested in genealogy. Contains a full name index. E5164 - $29.00 The Essex Genealogist, Volume 27, 2007. Essex Society of Genealogist, Inc. (2007), 2010, 8½x11, paper, index, 214 pp. This series collects the quarterly journals of the Essex Society of Genealogists. Along with genealogical items specific to Essex County, Massachusetts, this volume contains general information and advice for anyone interested in genealogy. Contains a full name index. E5167 $29.00 The History of Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Nahum Mitchell. (1840, 1983, 1997), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, new index, 456 pp. Bridgewater was the first interior settlement in Old Plymouth Colony, and as such has great historical and genealogical interest. M9036 - $36.00 The History of Concord, Massachusetts: Colonial Concord. Alfred Sereno Hudson. (1904), 1999, 5½x8½, paper, index, 496 pp. Presented mainly in the form of a traveler’s narrative. Covers from the origin of the town in 1635, up to 1692, at which time the Massachusetts Bay Colony became a province. H1336 - $41.00 The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts. Benjamin L. Mirick. (1832, 1991), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 240 pp. A detailed history of the town’s early times with about half the volume devoted to the seventeenth century. Many early settlers are named. An appendix provides lists of ministers, college graduates, and representatives to the legislature. There is also a directory listing the “Professional Gentlemen,” merchants, manufacturers, mechanics, etc. M0497 - $26.00 The History of Ludlow, Massachusetts: With Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens, Reminiscences, Genealogies, Farm Histories, and an Account of the Centennial Celebration, June 1, 1874, 2nd Edition. Alfred Noon. (1912, 1999), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 590 pp. Includes history and development of the town, biographies, genealogies and reminiscences of the town, and an account of the Centennial celebration of June 17, 1874. N1215 - $44.50 The History of Nantucket [Massachusetts]: County, Island and Town. Alexander Starbuck. (1924, 1998), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 2 vols., 880 pp. Gives the geological composition of the island, its visitation by the Norsemen, its first settlers, the revolt of the half shares men, annexation to Massachusetts, Indians, the Civil War; whaling tragedies and adventures, school and church histories, and a large genealogical chapter with many family names. S0892 - $65.00 369 The Pilgrim Fathers: Their Church and Colony, with Twelve Illustrations and a Map. Winnifred Cockshott. (1909) 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 388 pp. History covers the Pilgrims in England, Netherlands, and America. C2218 - $31.50 The Pioneers of Massachusetts, a Descriptive List, Drawn from Records of the Colonies, Towns, and Churches, and Other Contemporaneous Documents. Charles Henry Pope. (1900), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 566 pp. Attempts to identify all the men who came to Massachusetts between 1620 and 1650, a period of enormous influx, and to follow them down to the time of their death with a genealogical sketch. P0398 - $40.00 The Proprietors’ Records of the Town of Lunenburg, Massachusetts, including Fitchburg and a Portion of Ashby, 1729-1833. Walter C. Davis. (1897), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 388 pp. These documents are primarily concerned with land grants, and include accounts of the initial lot divisions, the names of all the earliest known settlers and descriptions of the original estates. D1456 - $30.00 The Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts. Richard P. Hallowell. (1883), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 234 pp. This is a classic work of the early Quaker experience in Mass. Approximately half the volume is devoted to appendices which reproduce many relevant early documents, on the suppression of the Quakers, petitions, court testimony, and contemporary letters. H0085 - $21.50 The Records of the Town of Cambridge (Formerly Newtowne), Massachusetts, 1630-1703. Edward J Brandon. (1901) reprint, cloth, index, 397 pp. A complete transcription of the first volume of Cambridge records of Town Meetings and Selectmen’s actions. B0050 - $36.00 The Ships and Sailors of Old Salem. Ralph D. Paine. (1924), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 588 pp. This narrative history, taken from “log books, sea journals, and other manuscripts…(most of them written during the years between the Revolution and the War of 1812),” includes voyages to Japan, India, the Philippines, Guam, the Cape of Good Hope, Sumatra, Arabia, and the South Seas. P3774 $44.00 Two Christian Commonwealths: William Bradford’s Plymouth and John Winthrop’s Massachusetts. John M. Pafford. 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 268 pp. This study examines the English Reformation, its aftermath, and the resultant impact on the founding of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. The focus is on the efforts to build a Christian body politic with representative government and individual rights. P4231 - $24.50 370 Ulster Scots and Blandford [Massachusetts] Scouts. Sumner Gilbert Wood. (1928, 1997), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 464 pp. This hardy breed left their highland homes for the counties of Northern Ireland, where they became known as the Ulster Scots. In 1718 the continued longing for economic prosperity and religious freedom instigated another great wave of Scotch-Presbyterian migration--this time from Ulster to the colonies of New England. In the next sixty years, ScotchPresbyterians established nearly one hundred new settlements. W0632 - $36.00 Vital Statistics of Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Harry G. Woodworth. (2005), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 264 pp. Vital records can be found in the town’s Annual Report; however, using this source requires a trip to the library and a year-by-year search for ancestors. This book combines many years into one easily searched volume. There are almost twenty years of births, and around fourty years of marriages and deaths, ending with 1898. The alphabetical listing of names reveals family groupings and multiple generations extending from the 18th century. W2540 - $29.50 Vital Statistics of Easton, Massachusetts, 1864 to 1910. Births, Marriages, Deaths Extracted from Easton Annual Reports. Harry G. Woodworth. 2004, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 360 pp. Over fourty years of birth (1872-1910), marriage (1872-1910), and death (1864-1910) records are arranged alphabetically by surname. W9961 - $27.00 We Stood Our Ground: Lexington in the First Years of the American Revolution. Alexander R. Cain. (2004), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 182 pp. Explains Lexington’s shift during the 1760s and early 1770s from a passive to a radical town through its religious, economic, social and geographical settings. Also discusses the Lexington Training Band’s mobilization on April 18, 1775 and includes 12 appendices containing casualty lists, descriptions of equipment, etc, and contains an extensive bibliography. C2568 - $22.50 Webster, Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850. Jay Mack Holbrook. 1980, cloth, 321 pp. Contains all recorded births, marriages, and deaths to 1850 alphabatized by surname. The records begin at the time of incorportation in 1832, but there are some births from as early as 1799. H0008 - $30.00 Western Massachusetts a History, 1636-1925. Rev. John H Lockwood. (1926), 2383 pp. Volumes One and Two, presented as a single volume, is divided into five parts. Part One provides a general history of Western Massachusetts including chapters on the Indians and the pioneers; King Philip’s War and the 1676 Campaign; William Pynchon; the Shays Rebellion; the Civil War, the Spanish-American War and the World Wars; and the Hampshire and Hampden Canal. Part Two covers the history of Hampshire County; Part Three-Berkshire County; Part Four-Franklin County; and Part Five-Hampden County. Volumes Three and Four present a biographical history of the region. Volumes One and Two include many illustrations of famous people and places and an historical index, while Volumes Three and Four include hundreds of portraits to highlight the text and share a fullname index. L9531 - $43.95 **Not on website Witchcraft in Salem Village. John Fiske. (1902), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, 64 pp. The majority of this book is on the witch hunt and trials in Salem Village, Massachusetts in the early 1690s. The book begins with a brief description of trials that occured in Normandy and Great Britain in the mid 1600s. F3015 - $12.00 371 Michigan Michigan’s German Heritage: John Andrew Russell’s History of the German Influence in the Making of Michigan. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (1927, 1994), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 420 pp. A comprehensive survey of the history of German immigration and settlement, and the growth and development of German-American institutions, as well as contributions made by German-Americans to the building of the state. This work contains a great deal of information on local and county history in Michigan, as well as extensive biographical and bibliographical information. T0153 - $34.50 Potawatomi Indians of Michigan, 1843-1904, Including some Ottawa and Chippewa, 1843-1866, and Potawatomi of Indiana, 1869 and 1885. Raymond C. Lantz. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, 104 pp. Covers: annuity rolls on the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Potawatomi of Michigan, 1843-1866; the Potawatomi of Huron annuity rolls for 1861 (4th quarter), as well as the years 1874-1880 and 18821889; Potawatomi of Indiana and Michigan annuity roll (3rd quarter) 1869; the Potawatomi of Indiana and Michigan 1895 census; and the Potawatomi of Michigan 1904 census. Roll numbers are given. L0619 - $14.50 Minnesota Floral Home: or, First Years of Minnesota Early Sketches, Later Settlements, and Further Development. Harriet E. Bishop. (1857, 2002), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 366 pp. This work chronicles the remarkable experiences of a young teacher, Harriet Bishop, who witnessed the earliest settlement in the territory known as Minnesota. B2165 - $29.50 Memories of the Battle of New Ulm: Personal Accounts of the Sioux Uprising. L. A. Fritsche’s History of Brown County, Minnesota (1916). Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (2001), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 214 pp. New Ulm, Minnesota, bore the brunt of the Sioux Uprising in 1862 during two battles, which decided the fate of what became known as the Dakota Conflict. Drawn from Dr. Fritsche’s county history, this work provides a documentary history of the conflict, and elucidates New Ulmer citizen’s views of the conflict. T1863 - $21.00 Minnesota Pioneer Sketches: From the Personal Recollections and Observations of a Pioneer Resident. Frank G. O’Brien. (1904), 2001, 6x9, paper, index, 391 pp. An excellent history of the state from the perspective on one of its pioneers. O0735 - $33.50 Outbreak and Massacre by the Dakota Indians in Minnesota in 1862: Marion P. Satterlee’s Minute Account of the Outbreak, with Exact Locations, Names of All Victims, Prisoners at Camp Release, Refugees at Fort Ridgely, etc. Complete List of Indians killed in battle and those hung, and those pardoned at Rock Island, Iowa. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. (2001), 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 140 pp. This work contains accounts of the massacres, a chronological list of massacres, casualty lists, a description of the “scalp dance,” and a new introduction. T1896 - $16.00 372 Postcards from the Old Man and Other Correspondence from Clearwater, Minnesota. Cynthia Anne Frank Stupnik. (2004), 2007, 6x9, paper, 164 pp. Clearwater, like many of the river towns Twain wrote about, has been made up of saints and scoundrels and others. The poems and essays in this book are about the type of individuals, situations, and places that impressed the author as she grew up. And like Mark Twain, who Huck states “told the truth, mainly,” except for those “things which he stretched,” occasionally this author makes murky illusions to the past. S2523 - $21.50 This Side of Anywhere(Minnesota Farm Chronicles). Vivian Loken. (2004), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, 202 pp. Growing up in the house built by her Grandfather, while not easy, ingrained in Vivian Loken a respect for simple values, an awareness of the need to worship, and a consciousness of natural resources. L2531 - $19.50 Mississippi 1890 Genealogical Census Reconstruction: Mississippi, Volume 1. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (2002), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 240 pp. This is the first volume in a series using alternate sources devoted to reconstruction of individuals that may have been listed in the destroyed 1890 census. Data is collected between the time periods of 1881 to 1891. E2030 - $22.50 1890 Genealogical Census Reconstruction: Mississippi, Volume 2. Sherida K. Eddlemon. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 254 pp. In 1921, the 1890 Population Census was destroyed by fire. Alternate sources are used to reconstruct the destroyed 1890 census. Data is collected between the time periods of 1881 to 1899. E2453 - $26.00 Attala County, Mississippi Pioneers. Wiltshire, Betty C. 9781556134456 W3445 - *Not on website. Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Mississippi. Stewart Sifakis. (1995), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 164 pp. This work is intended to be the companion set to Frederick H. Dyer’s Compendium of the War of the Rebellion for the Confederacy. Civil War historians and genealogists with ties to Mississippi will want to own this volume that details the activities of their units in the Confederacy. S0693 - $26.95 Fisher Funeral Home RecordsVicksburg, Mississippi 1854-1867. Mary L. Ragland. (1992), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, index, 350 pp. In addition to the burials of local residents, records show burial information for soldiers of both the North and South who died near Vicksburg before, during, and after the Siege of Vicksburg, together with pertinent military information. Other than the deceased’s name, the entries include the date of death, age, cause of death, brief description of funeral arrangements and expenses, and in some cases, the physician’s name. R3588 - $31.00 373 James B. Eads: The Civil War Ironclads and His Mississippi. Rex T. Jackson. (2003), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 126 pp. Get to know James Buchanan Eads, one of the world’s most accomplished engineers in all history, who was inducted in 1920 into the Hall of Fame for Great Americans. J2477 - $16.00 Looking Back: Genealogical Abstracts from The Carthaginian, Leake County, Mississippi, 18721900. Regina Hines Ellison. (1993), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 276 pp. Names people in the neighboring counties of Neshoba, Scott, Attala and Holmes, and other parts of the state as well. E0881 - $25.00 Marriages and Deaths from Mississippi Newspapers: Volume 3, 1813-1850. Betty Couch Wiltshire. (1989), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 324 pp. A major compilation; marriage notices include the names of bride and groom, and all others mentioned. Data from 31 papers published in southern Mississippi. Available on CD-ROM! See #CD5 in the CD section, Heritage Books on CDROM (“Mississippi”). W0198 - $29.00 Mississippi 1850 Agricultural Census, Volume 1. Linda L. Green. 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 396 pp. This volume covers the counties of: Adams, Amite, Attala, Bolivar, Carroll, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Claiborne, Clarke, Coahomo, Copiah, Covington, DeSoto, Franklin, Greene, Hancock, Harrison, Hinds, Holmes, Issaquena, Itawamba, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jones, Kemper, Lafayette, Lauderdale, and Lawrence. G4511 - $41.00 Mississippi 1850 Agricultural Census, Volume 2. Linda L. Green. 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 226 pp. Lists head of household, acreage and value of holdings. Covers: Leake, Lowndes, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Monroe, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee, Oktibbeha, Panola, Perry, Pike, and Pontotoc Counties. G4679 - $30.00 Mississippi 1850 Agricultural Census, Volume 3. Linda L. Green. 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 212 pp. Lists name of owner, improved acreage, unimproved acreage, cash value of farm, value of farm implements and machinery, and value of livestock. This volume covers the counties of: Rankin, Scott, Simpson, Smith, Sunflower, Tippah, Tallahatchie, Tishomingo, Tunica, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Wilkinson, Winston, Yalobusha, and Yazoo. G4773 - $29.00 Mississippi 1860 Agricultural Census: Volume 1 comprises the following counties: Lowndes, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Monroe, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee, Oktibbeha, Panola, Perry, Pike, and Pontotoc. Linda L. Green. 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 248 pp. G3166 - $37.50 Mississippi 1860 Agricultural Census: Volume 2 comprises the following counties: Rankin, Scott, Simpson, Smith, Tallahatchie, Tippah, Tishomingo, Tunica, Warren, Wayne, Winston, Yalobusha, and Yazoo. Linda L. Green. 2005, 8½x11, paper, index, 246 pp. G3161 - $37.50 374 Mississippi Index of Wills, 1800-1900. Betty Couch Wiltshire. (1989), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, alphabetical, 236 pp. A master index to over 10,000 testators from 1800 to 1900. Most wills were recorded in will books, but some were found in inventory books, marriage books, and other unusual places; some were for out of state testators with Miss. heirs. W0219 - $24.00 Natchez Postscripts, 1781-1798. Carol Wells. (1992, 2005), 2011, 5½x8½, paper, index, 82 pp. Includes such records as depositions, declarations, wills, deeds, bills of sale, and reports of disagreements. This work is meant to be used as an extended index to the original typescript located at the Northwestern State University of Louisiana; page numbers are given for each entry, so that the reader can reference the subject in the original. W0604 - $17.00 Pontotoc County, Mississippi, Marriage Book, 1849-1891. Hazel Boss Neet. (2002), 2008, 8½x11, paper, 178 pp. Abstracts of the marriage data. N2034 - $25.50 Slaves I - Claiborne County, Mississippi. Brenda Terry. (1995). 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 206 pp. Presents names gathered from Will Book A, 1804-1833; data compiled from the Port Gibson Property List, 1846-1858; and Certificates for Slave Sales, 1858-1860. Some slaves had been purchased in Mo., Ky. and Tenn., and then taken to Claiborne County to be sold. T0269 - $21.00 The Mississippi Basin: The Struggle in America Between England and France 1697-1763. Justin Winsor. (1895) reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 484 pp. Describes the conflict surrounding the colonization and the taming of the several million square mile area along the Mississippi River and its tributaries. W2343 - $37.00 The Woodville Republican: Mississippi’s Oldest Existing Newspaper, Volume 1: December 18, 1823 through December 14, 1839. O’Levia Neil Wilson Wiese. (1990), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 286 pp. These abstracts include announcements of Masonic Lodge meetings, legal notices, runaway slaves, marriages and deaths, religious and community events, court proceedings, legal disputes, estate and tax sales, military appointments, elections, epidemics, murders and suicides, and all other data of genealogical interest. W0365 - $26.00 The Woodville Republican: Mississippi’s Oldest Existing Newspaper, Volume 2: January 4, 1840 - October 30, 1847. O’Levia Neil Wilson Wiese. (1991), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 294 pp. W0475 - $26.50 375 The Woodville Republican: Mississippi’s Oldest Existing Newspaper, Volume 3: January 8, 1848 - January 9, 1855. O’Levia Neil Wilson Wiese. (1992), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 338 pp. These abstracts include Masonic meetings, legal notices, runaway slaves, marriages and deaths, religious and community events, court proceedings, legal disputes, estate and tax sales, military appointments, elections, epidemics, murders and suicides, and all other data of genealogical interest. W9646 - $29.50 The Woodville Republican: Mississippi’s Oldest Existing Newspaper, Volume 4: June 22, 1878 December 25, 1880. O’Levia Neil Wilson Wiese. (1994), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 286 pp. Chronological abstracts include Masonic Lodge meetings, legal notices, runaway slaves, marriages and deaths, court proceedings, legal disputes, estate and tax sales, military appointments, epidemics, and all other data of genealogical interest. W0964 - $26.00 The Woodville Republican: Mississippi’s Oldest Existing Newspaper, Volume 5: January 1, 1881 - December 22, 1883. O’Levia Neil Wilson Wiese. (1996), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, index, 304