- India Energy Security Scenarios
- India Energy Security Scenarios
NITI AAYOG Government of India HANDBOOK Energy Division NITI Aayog Government of India August 2015 Disclaimer It should be noted that the IESS, 2047 pla orm does not 'recommend' or 'prefer' any one scenario or pathway, or suggest NITI Aayog's view of the energy pathway that India may take un l 2047. It merely provides the user a way to understand the realm of possible scenarios and their implica ons. However, these data sets are not purported by NITI Aayog to be a source of authen c Government data. Although, greatest a en on has been given to using both historical and future data sets from Government sources, the IESS, 2047 is not intended to be a data base of energy related sectors of India. With respect to costs, it may be noted that the IESS, 2047 is an energy calculator and not one of costs. The cost implica ons derived for each pathway are meant to give an indica ve cost of the energy related investments required for each pathway, which do not include the Infrastructure costs. It may also be noted that the Tool enables users to subs tute the given data by their own, and build their own pathway. We would appreciate receiving pathways from users of the IESS, 2047 Version 2.0. CONTENTS Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 From the desk of Adviser (Energy). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 Section 1: About the IESS, Version 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.1 Components of the IESS, 2047 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.2 What is new in the IESS, 2047 Version 2.0? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.3 How to use the tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Section 2: Sector Specific One Pagers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Choices around Energy Demand 2.1 Transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.1.1 Passenger Transport Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.1.2 Passenger Transport Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.1.3 Freight Transport Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.1.4 Freight Transport Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.2 Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.2.1 Energy Intensity of Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.2.2 Technology Options in the Cement sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.2.3 Technology Options in the Iron and Steel sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.3 Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.4 Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.4.1 Building Envelope Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.4.2 Efficiency of Residential Lighting and Appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.4.3 Efficiency of Commercial Lighting and Appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.5 Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.5.1 Energy demand for Mechanization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.5.2 Energy Demand for Irrigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.5.3 Choice of Fuel for Irrigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.6 Replacement of Diesel in Telecom sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Choices around Renewable and Clean Energy 2.7 Solar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.7.1 Solar Photovoltaic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.7.2 Concentrated Solar Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.7.3 Distributed Solar Photovoltaic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.7.4 Solar Water Heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.8 Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.8.1 Onshore Wind Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.8.2 Offshore Wind Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2.9 Hydroelectric Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.9.1 Large Hydroelectric Power Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.9.2 Small Hydroelectric Power Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.10 Nuclear Power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2.11 Bioenergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.11.1 Biomass Residue Production and End-Use Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.11.2 First and Second Generation Biofuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.11.3 Algae Biofuel Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2.12 Energy from Municipal Solid Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 2.13 Hydrogen Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Choices around Conventional Energy 2.14 Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2.14.1 Domestic Gas Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2.14.2 Gas Power Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 2.15 Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2.15.1 Domestic Coal Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2.15.2 Coal Power Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2.15.3 Efficiency of Coal Power Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 2.16 Oil Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 2.17 Carbon Capture and Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Network and Systems 2.18 Cross Border Electricity Trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 2.18.1 Cross Border Electricity Imports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 2.18.2 Cross Border Electricity Exports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 2.19 Transmission & Distribution Losses and Smart Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 2.20 Electrical Energy Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2.21 Reliability of Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Section 3: Example Pathways. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 3.1 Maximum Energy Security Pathway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3.2 Maximum Clean & Renewable Energy Pathway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Section 4: Some Key Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 FOREWORD Mk- vjfoUn ikuxfM+;k mik/;{k DR. ARVIND PANAGARIYA VICE CHAIRMAN Phones : Fax.: : E-mail : 23096677, 23096688 23096699 vch-ni @gov.in Hkkjr ljdkj uhfr vk;ksx] laln ekxZ ubZ fnYyh&110 001 Government of India NATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR TRANSFORMING INDIA NITI Aayog, Parliament Street New Delhi-110 001 Energy is among the most important ingredients in any nation's growth recipe. India recognised this fact early in the process of development and took steps necessary to efficiently deliver energy in its various forms to its businesses and citizens. The state has played an active role in this sector via public sector enterprises in coal, oil, gas and power. The high priority that the present Government accords to this sector is reflected in its announcement early in the term to issue a new National Energy Policy. The NITI Aayog is privileged to have the opportunity to prepare this important document. During 2013-14, the erstwhile Planning Commission had undertaken a major exercise that led to the creation of the utility India Energy Security Scenarios (IESS) 2047 aimed at assessing and predicting India's energy needs, domestic supplies and imports. The utility was launched in February 2014 and has been behind several detailed exercises undertaken by numerous entities within and outside India. The widespread use of the utility has led the team at the NITI Aayog, the successor institution to the Planning Commission, to refine it in a variety of directions. The result has been the IESS 2047 2.0. The dedication with which the team and its partners in India and abroad have worked to create this greatly enhanced version of the original utility is commendable. Version 2.0 has numerous new features that are described in this document. As an example, the IESS 2047 2.0 now allows for three GDP growth scenarios of 7.4%, 6.7%, and 5.8% during 2012-47 and offers a range of energy consumption projections. While it is my hope that India would grow even faster than the top rate of 7.4% built into the utility, the responses of energy demand and supply to the GDP growth in different sectors it generates make for a rich analysis of India's energy future. The Government has announced ambitious developmental targets in the sectors of housing, rural electrification, renewable energy, assured electricity supply and reduction in oil import dependence among others. The Ministries are now framing schemes and programmes to translate the above targets into reality. These targets have been built into the new version of IESS 2047 2.0 to simulate the associated energy demand, supply and costs under the three growth scenarios. In turn, the scenarios may be useful to the line ministries in guiding future policy. More details of the IESS 2047 2.0 including a series of illustrative results are summarized in the main body of this document. 01 As we embark upon the exercise to prepare the National Energy Policy at the NITI Aayog, we look forward to using the IESS 2047 2.0 as an important input. The timing of the launch of the utility could not be better from yet another perspective. The 21st Conference of Parties (COP 21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is due to take place from 30 November to 11 December 2015. In preparation towards this conference, participating countries will submit their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). In this context, the IESS 2047 2.0 may provide critical inputs into determining India's INDCs. Simulations and scenario building are critical aspects of policy making. But such exercises must be continuously refined and improved. As such, at the NITI Aayog, we greatly welcome the inputs from the vast community of researchers and analysts from India and abroad. At the same time, I hope that researchers and analysts will find the IESS 2047 2.0 utility useful for their own work. (Arvind Panagariya) 02 PREFACE flU/kqJh [kqYyj Sindhushree Khullar Chief Executive Officer E-mail : ceo-ni @gov.in Tel. : 23006575 Fax.: : 23096575 Hkkjr ljdkj uhfr vk;ksx] laln ekxZ ubZ fnYyh&110 001 Government of India NATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR TRANSFORMING INDIA NITI Aayog, Parliament Street New Delhi-110 001 NITI Aayog has expressly been given the responsibility of encouraging academic research and networking with research institutions in India and abroad. The India Energy Security Scenarios, 2047 (IESS,2047) is a fine example of the Government joining hands with independent think tanks in harnessing knowledge in collaboration, with an aim to improve the programmes and policies of the Government. I am happy that close on the heels of the first version, the Energy Division of the NITI Aayog has now come out with Version 2.0 in association with its partners. On the policy front, NITI Aayog will be leading the exercise of proposing a new National Energy Policy (NEP) for the country. Again, this exercise will envisage networking with a wide range of private and public institutions. I am sure, IESS 2047 Version 2.0 will under-pin the new policy in a significant manner. The expertise developed in the process of preparing this Tool will benefit the Government and our knowledge partners alike. I look forward to the extension of this present partnership for contribution to the NEP as well. Another important aspect of NITI Aayog's charter is working as a bridge for close coordination with the States. The instant Tool is a handy energy demand/supply projection model, particularly because it disaggregates sectors and identifies distinct levers which impinge on energy pathways. In light of the above, the exercise is quite amenable to identifying the role of States in advancing India's energy security. For example, as the Prime Minister has declared a target of achieving 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022, the projections can now be further split into ambitions for resource rich States. Similar exercises could be done for enhancing oil and gas production, coal production, etc., keeping the concerns of land, grid integration issues of Renewable Energy, Air Quality etc., in mind. The instant tool is capable of developing the above outputs. I do hope that our partners will come forward to join hands with NITI Aayog in developing State specific subsectors of IESS 2047. I commend the efforts of the NITI team and would also like to thank all the knowledge partners in India and abroad who helped put this Tool together. (Sindhushree Khullar) 03 From the desk of Adviser (Energy) Hkkjr ljdkj uhfr vk;ksx] laln ekxZ ubZ fnYyh&110 001 ANIL K JAIN, IAS ADVISER (ENERGY) Telefax. : E-mail : 011-23096551 [email protected] Government of India NATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR TRANSFORMING INDIA NITI Aayog, Parliament Street New Delhi-110 001 IESS, 2047 has been created with a shared conviction of NITI Aayog and the energy research community of the value that intellectual advice adds to energy policy. The above belief has been proven by the fact that the IESS, 2047 has supported a number of exercises of energy demand estimation and its implications. This has motivated us to produce the Version 2.0. The latter is not merely an up-dation of numbers, but a de novo exercise in many ways. A sharper analysis of demand and supply sectors has been supplemented with new features as have been elaborated below. The IESS Team also devoted a lot of time on incorporating new features in the website (www.indiaenergy.gov.in) and webtool that might make the Tool more user-friendly. The above aspect can only be experienced and not written about. The widespread use of this analysis will be the true measure of success of this effort. Therefore, only the new analytical additions have been listed as below: o Three GDP growth scenarios of 7.4%, 6.7%, and 5.8% in this version enrich the Tool by offering a range of energy related projections. As elasticity of energy demand varies across demands sectors, the same has been recognised in this bottom-up exercise. o The Government has announced ambitious developmental targets in the sectors of housing, rural electrification, renewable energy, assured electricity supply, reduction in oil import dependence, among many others. The Ministries are now framing schemes and programmes to translate the above targets into reality. The new version of IESS has adopted the above targets and developed scenarios of energy demand, supply, costs, etc., around them, which may be very useful to line Ministries. o It is evident that a transition to a new energy system requires additional infrastructure which can come only after fresh capital infusion. Therefore, the scenarios around new energy pathways proposed by IESS, cannot be evaluated without an assessment of their cost implications. This version offers a detailed exercise on costing. The tool acknowledges that cost projection in the long term can only be offered as costs scenarios which is taken into account by offering a range of cost scenarios till the terminal year of the study. o We are aware that innovation and technology quickly outpace existing technologies. The present IESS Version-2.0 boldly brings in hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles, along with a more aggressive role for solar water heaters and roof top solar as energy supply sources. The above addition enhances the quality of projections. 04 The new features in the present proposal have been supplemented with fine-tuning of the earlier modelling exercises. It is appreciated that scenarios depend a lot on the outlook of the modeller, and inter-model comparisons are difficult to make. However, refining an existing model is always a welcome exercise, as it indicates that the modeller has tightened his/her assumptions and acknowledged better outputs from the existing algorithm. This raises the quality of projections. In the IESS Version 2.0, the team has assumed higher potential of penetration of efficiency in industries which was earlier modelled around merely BEE's Perform-Achieve-Trade (PAT) scheme. The team has acknowledged that adoption of Best Available Technologies (BAT) may offer even better potential results than what is provided in the PAT scheme, and has modified its work on Industry this time. The housing sector always poses a challenge to energy modellers in segregating the role of penetration of ECBC, from more efficient lighting/cooling/heating equipment. The new version incorporates space cooling/heating/lighting assumptions which overcome the above challenge to some extent. The above two examples demonstrates the added value proposition in the new effort. SALIENT RESULTS On the basis of this nearly yearlong exercise of the team at NITI Aayog and their partners, the following results are worthy of consideration: o It has been found that many assumptions of the earlier studies, viz., the Expert Committee Report of the Integrated Energy Policy (IEP) and of the Expert Group on Low Carbon Strategies for Inclusive Growth (LCIG) are modest in many sectors as compared to the potential estimated by the IESS. As an illustration, the solar potential indicated in the IEP was merely 10 GW in 2031-32 whereas the present Tool projects it at nearly 100 GW to be achieved with exceptional efforts by 2022. Similarly, the prospect of deploying natural gas in the power sector has been under-estimated in the Report of IEP as well as the LCIG. Then, while the LCIG Report is bullish on domestic oil production, assuming nearly 119 MMT of oil production in 2030, the IESS is more realistic and assumes more modest production. However, this is dependent on geological resources which remain uncertain until exploration is complete. o The Tool reveals that there is a possibility of reducing energy demand by heroic efforts in the area of energy efficiency by 34% in the year 2047. Of this, nearly 80% potential lies just in two sectors - Industry and Transport. o Within the Industry sector, an increase in industrial efficiency coupled with shifts in technology towards cleaner alternatives, in both the Cement and Iron and Steel sectors, lead to the realization of the maximum energy savings potential. o In the Transport sector, the major potential of reducing energy demand lies in the Passenger Transport segment wherein, shift to public transport and adoption of electric and fuel cell vehicles can make a difference by nearly 40% reduction of energy demand. o As regards supply side interventions, the study reveals that over 60% import reduction is achievable with sustained efforts. Amongst these, increase in renewable energy supply and domestic coal production are likely to make most of the difference, and have been adopted by 05 the present Government as its priority areas for action in the energy sector. o What is most heartening is, that if action on both demand and supply sides were adopted in a coordinated manner, then India's import dependence for energy in the year 2047 would be reduced from the default case of 57% to 22%. This will be a major achievement over the present 31% import dependence for primary energy supply which is threatening to rise yet more. o The above possibilities demand that India ramps up share of electricity in the delivered energy supply which is presently merely at 16%. There is a possibility to raise the above share to nearly 40% in 2047 aided by a large increase in renewable energy, and adoption of electricity based solutions on demand side such as electric vehicles, electric hobs in cooking, and electrification of diesel-fuelled telecom towers and irrigation pumps. o On costing side, the Tool reveals an interesting result that higher efficiency of energy use on the demand side and cleaner energy on the supply side, is actually a cheaper pathway on lifecycle cost basis, than staying with the conventional energy system. This is quite intuitive as is being witnessed presently with LED bulbs and solar energy price trends. However, we have to be cautions to understand that such transitions would require large capital investment, which itself would be a daunting task for the Indian economy to procure and deploy. If the cost of capital on infrastructure were included, then new pathways would also be expensive. o On the emissions side, while this is an energy calculator, we get a picture for 75% of the total GHG emission of our economy. GHG emission projection are directly linked to the level of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures that India may deploy in the coming decades. Therefore, there is a wide range of likely energy sector emissions in 2047 from 3.3 Tonnes per capita to 7.8 Tonnes per capita. The moderate effort scenario on both demand and supply sides, which also assumes Government's present policy outlook towards renewable energy, leads us to a likely emissions of nearly 5 Tonnes per capita. This is much lower than what the developed world is attempting even in response to calls for drastic reduction in emissions. The above discussion on the new features of IESS Version 2.0 and the results yielded under different scenarios, call for a deeper exercise. Most energy projection exercises do not offer disaggregated projections for different demand and supply sectors. Hence, projections only help in macro energy policy advice. The IESS, however, offers numbers for specific sectors which in the Indian context allow sector specific detailed enquiries. For example, this Tool gives a range of renewable energy deployment, linking it to the overall demand for electricity as well as the availability of electricity supply from storage based solutions. While it highlights that ramping up renewable energy is not merely a function of Government's drive to raise renewable energy capacity, but is also dependent on a number of other technical factors, principally the resilience of the electricity system to balance the grid. Inter-ministerial exercise to harness all the storage based electricity solutions along with MNRE and MoP can further refine an IESS projections and assure the likely investors of stable grids as an attractive investment regime. The aim of the IESS 06 exercise is also to provide the background for such sectoral studies especially because energy is largely an inter-connected subject with multiple influences of demand and supply sectors. This time, we are also releasing five compilations of the research outputs of IESS: n Compilation of one-pagers on all Demand and Supply sectors (IESS, 2047 Handbook) n Energy demand sectors- Detailed documents (Sector Specific Insights Part I) n Conventional energy supply sectors- Detailed documents (Sector Specific Insights Part II ) n Clean and Renewable Energy supply sectors- Detailed documents (Sector Specific Insights Part III) n Network and Systems- Detailed documents (Sector Specific Insights Part IV) The dedicated website of IESS, 2047 hosts all the research outputs, including the Excel sheets of all sectors. The aim of this exercise goes beyond the placement the data and analyses in the public domain, and extends to encouraging enquiries by individuals and institutions, so that they may contribute to the public debate on India's energy pathways. Engagement with citizens and institutions is the single most important objective of this effort. Anil K Jain Adviser (Energy) NITI Aayog 27.08.2015 07 INTRODUCTION T he India Energy Security Scenarios, 2047 (IESS, 2047) is a tool developed by and housed in the Energy division of NITI Aayog. The first version of this tool was launched on February 28, 2014 and can be accessed at www.indiaenergy.gov.in . (Now archived) The present Version 2.0 is an improved edi on with addi onal inputs and analyses. In view of the rising energy demand and s cky import dependency at nearly one-third of all primary commercial energy demand of India, the need for long term energy planning remains as strong as ever. It has also become important to look at the long term, i.e., the next 3-4 decades, looking beyond 2030 and 2031-32, which are the terminal years of several earlier Indian energy studies. As energy sector decisions have huge cost implica ons, energy related investments also ought to have long term perspec ve. Keeping the above in mind, the erstwhile Planning Commission, now NITI Aayog, decided to undertake an energy scenario building exercise early in the year 2013, called the India Energy Security Scenarios, 2047. It has been built as a knowledge portal, combining IT applica ons, behavioural aspects, energy related emissions, local resource endowments, all sources of energy supply and demand, technologies of global scale as and when they are inducted in the Indian system, and cost- me parameters. An IT enabled webtool, backed by a detailed, open-source excel model, offers user-friendly graphic representa ons of the energy demand and supply scenarios for the country, which dynamically represent the scenario which the user may choose out of mul ple op ons offered in the tool. While the earlier version (Version 1.0) of the IESS, 2047 offered the user 08 an op on to observe the implica ons of his pathway on import dependence, land-use and carbon dioxide emissions for the scenario chosen by him/her, Version 2.0 of the IESS, 2047 offers an addi onal set of implica ons to the user. While using Version 2.0, the user can witness the implica ons of his choices on cost to the economy and Greenhouse Gas emissions, in addi on to import dependence and land-use. Version 2.0 also has a large set of value addi ons in terms of added technologies and sectors that are gaining importance in the present landscape, updated datasets, more intensive modelling approaches etc., which will be elaborated upon in the following sec ons. Version 2.0 also builds in the recent developmental goals of the government to make the tool relevant in the present policy space. The IESS, 2047 is expressly an energy scenario building tool. The guiding ambi on of this is to develop energy pathways, at five yearly intervals, leading up to the year 2047, comprising of likely energy demand and supply scenarios. The end demand and supply numbers are generated in light of the adop on of different combina ons of energy efficiency measures and technology interven ons on the demand side and an increase in indigenous produc on of the country on the supply side. The tool has been so developed, that it can create hundreds of scenarios with different combina ons of levels/efficiencies of energy demand and supply sectors. The primary use of IESS, 2047 is to project scenarios of percentage of the total energy supply (as per the pathway chosen by the user), that may be met by imports. Hence, while the tool segregates the demand for energy by sectors, and supply numbers by sources, it also generates energy import numbers and cost by source, and aggregates the same to offer total energy imports under different scenarios. The tool also enables the user to witness the implica ons of his/her choices on land area and emissions. A high share of solar energy and wind, too, would have implica ons on land requirement, which is a scarce resource for a dense country like India. As the scenarios generated for different sectors are linear (either rising or falling, as the case may be), the graphic representa on of the data sets is simple and easily understandable even by non-energy experts. The tool has been built with the help of a wide pool of knowledge partners from the Government, Industry, Think Tanks, NonGovernmental organiza ons, Interna onal research agencies and the academia. The networking of top energy related think-tanks with energy Ministries, is a high water mark achieved in this exercise. This has added to the intellectual quality and transparency of the en re exercise. The tool also has a very strong social media component aiming to disseminate the results and the messages of the IESS, 2047 to the public. It is also a completely open-source tool and can be considered a one-of-a-kind data repository for energy sources in the country. A detailed examina on of the tool will reveal how changes in choices of energy demand and supply, yielding different levels of energy import can help a planner to decide the sector(s) in which interven ons can be more effec ve to meet the desired policy objec ves. The tool allows the user to delve deeper into the levers of energy demand for all the demand sectors, and enables finding out the impact of different levers on energy demand. Since the tool also offers fuel-wise data, it is also possible to see as to which demand sectors ought to be influenced through suitable policy measures, to curb consump on of such fuels in which India is more import dependent. Hence, it is a handy tool to use, for those interested in understanding the energy security dimensions of the country. NITI Aayog has in the past, and is also presently, in the process of conduc ng na onwide outreach workshops to promote the usage of this tool and involve more people in the exercise for consensus building and crea ng awareness about energy policies. Wo r k s h o p s h av e b e e n c o n d u c t e d i n Government ministries (Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Ministry of Power, Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Railways, Directorate General of Civil Avia on, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways etc.), as well as for interest groups such as academia, industry etc. in different parts of the country, witnessing par cipa on from the Industry, local academia, state governments etc. and industry bodies (FICCI, CII etc.) A variety of organiza ons are aiming to replicate this prac ce for different states and sectors. The IESS, 2047 has also evoked interest in Indian and interna onal researchers for extension of academic pursuit. The levels For each sector, four levels have been developed, the descrip ons of which are as follows: Level 1-the 'Least Effort' scenario: This assumes that li le or no effort is being made in terms of interven ons on the demand and the supply side. Level 2- the 'Determined Effort' scenario: This describes the level of effort which is deemed most achievable by the implementa on of current policies and programmes of the government. Level 3- the 'Aggressive Effort' scenario: This 09 describes the level of effort needing significant change which is hard but deliverable. Level 4- the 'Heroic Effort' scenario: This considers extremely aggressive and ambi ous changes that push towards the physical and technical limits of what can be achieved. The first sec on of this book aims to give the reader a brief overview about the IESS,2047 and its components. It also contains a subsec on on how to use the IESS,2047 V2.0 webtool. The second sec on of this booklet aims to give the reader a concise bird's-eye view of the sector specific assump ons and trajectories of each sector considered in the IESS, 2047. The one-pager documents compiled inthis collec on, also bring out the range of energy demand/supply under the four scenarios as likely outcomes of the assump ons. 10 The third sec on of this booklet consists of four hypothe cally generated example pathways of combina ons of these demand and supply scenarios. These pathways map out the extremi es of energydemand and supply as well as self sufficiency in terms of domes c fuel produc on and carbon dioxide emissions. It should be men oned that these pathways are simply indica ve of the feasible scenarios and are not prescrip ve. The fourth sec on of this booklet summarizes the key findings of the IESS, 2047. It talks about the energy savings in the demand sectors and the increase in indigenous produc on on the supply side as we transi on from level 1 to level 4. For more informa on on how to develop your own pathway and detailed documenta on for each sector, please log on to our website: www.indiaenergy.gov.in Section 1: About the IESS, 2047 Version 2.0 Sec on 1: About the IESS, 2047 Version 2.0 1.1 Components of the IESS, 2047 Version 2.0 The open-source MS Excel model The tool is backed up by detailed Excel Sheets for all sectors on both the demand and the supply sides which contain all the sector assump ons, drivers and the methodology used to construct each sector at five yearly intervals ll 2047. This data has been obtained from a variety of public sources. Historical data has been sourced from published documents, while the projec ons up to 2047, have been made by different expert agencies, keeping in mind likely scenarios. This model is downloadable on the user's computer and amenable to genera ng implica ons should the user choose to input his own numbers. The Webtool The dynamic and interac ve webtool interface which enables the user to play on the levels and choose their own energy pathway. This is the main interface between the user and the detailed excel model. One can choose pathways on the web interface and the same draws from the excel spreadsheet at the backend to generate the results and implica ons of the chosen pathway. The One-Pager Documents The concise one pager documents accessible through the webtool (by clicking on the line items) and also on the website by clicking on the respec ve sectors in the drop down menu, allow the user to get a glimpse of the trajectories of each sector in one quick view. The Detailed Documenta on The detailed documenta on for each sector present the sectoral background, the assump ons behind each sector, the 12 methodology followed to construct the same and addi onal sector related informa on. The same can be accessed at our website www.indiaenergy.gov.in 1.2 What is new in the IESS, 2047 Version 2.0? We, at NITI Aayog, with the support of our wide range of knowledge partners, are constantly working towards improving the analy cal credibility of the IESS, 2047. Since the energy scenario of India is changing at a rapid pace, we thought it best to work on newer versions of the model with updated data sets, inclusion of new sectors and technologies that are gaining importance, and factoring in some new implica ons like the cost to the economy of different interven ons etc. to enable the users to make be er informed decisions. Also, keeping in mind the rising growth rate of the country and long term perspec ve , we have also offered three levels of GDP growth to the user, on the basis of which the energy demand outputs are generated. A detailed exercise was undertaken to determine the different elas city of energy demand in different sectors to three assumed GDP growth rates. Version 1.0 of the IESS, 2047 created scenarios around our choices of energy demand and supply while analysing emissions and land-use as its implica ons in the context of energy security. Version 1.0 also tried to incorporate all the major demand and supply sectors of energy and the technologies which will make those demand and supply choices possible. Having learnt from the process of development, engagement of knowledge partners, and feedback from the academia, industry and other stakeholders, it made perfect sense to constantly update the tool and make it more comprehensive. Along with the upda on of data and projec ons in a majority of sectors, to reflect the changing energy scenario, a snapshot of the value addi ons in version 2.0 are presented as follows: Addi onal Choices offered to the user Scenarios for the Growth of the Economy Keeping in mind the fluctua ng economic growth condi ons of the country, we have offered three scenarios of GDP growth to the user (7.4% CAGR, 6.7% CARGR and 5.8% CAGR, all ll 2047), on the basis of which the end-energy demand outputs are generated. Naturally, at higher GDP growth rates, the energy demand is higher. The default scenario is the first one, i.e. 7.4% Cos ng For a policy maker, it's very important to analyse the trade-off of inves ng a rupee out of public exchequer on incen vising a technology op on, or on promo ng a par cular fuel, viz., energy efficiency and renewable energy op ons. To bring this quan ta vely into perspec ve, we have included Capital, Opera ng, Fuel, Infrastructure (only on the supply side) and Finance costs for each of the sectors (both demand and supply) into the IESS Version 2.0. The tool generates scenarios of cost implica ons of such choices. This gives a broad picture of implica ons of energy choices on costs in the long run. Three op ons for each of the aforemen oned cost categories Keeping in mind the uncertainty of costs that may pan out in the long period, we have generated cost scenarios and offered the user choice between high, low and point es mates for all costs (Demand and Supply sides). Depending on the cost op on chosen, the tool aggregates the total costs for the chosen pathway and enables an analysis of the incremental cost of the chosen pathway, with respect to the default scenario (determined effort scenario) and also relate it as a percentage of India's GDP. Hence, the tool does not generate total or absolute costs, but the increment/savings in the chosen pathway vis-àvis Level 2 choices or default pathway. Emissions Keeping in mind the increasing focus of India on improving our air quality especially in urban areas, the IESS, 2047 takes a deeper dive into es ma ng the energy related emissions by including major Green House Gases (GHGs) - Methane and Nitrous Oxide along with Carbon Dioxide. To enable the user to have a more comprehensive picture, we have also included fugi ve emissions from produc on and mining of fossil fuels. However, this tool does not take into account all emissions (from agriculture etc.) or sinks, as it is merely capturing energy related emissions. Stress Tests With the new Renewable Energy targets of 175 GW by 2022 in place, there is increased concern about the ability of our grid to absorb high shares of this infirm variety of electricity. As a stress tes ng exercise, Lawrence Berkeley Na onal Laboratory, U.S.A has run mul ple scenarios of the IESS, 2047 on their Grid Planning and Dispatch model for India. The main objec ve of this simula on exercise was to assess the preliminary technical feasibility, in hourly intervals, of the iden fied scenarios of the IESS and broadly iden fy the storage and balancing 13 electricity requirement for the grid integra on of renewable energy. This is supplemented by the chosen level of the Storage technologies that have also been built into the tool. High levels of RE will require high storage capacity, so that the la er may supply electricity when intermi ency happens. New Technologies Government Announcements Supply Sectors n Technologies for Hydrogen produc on for Transport and Telecom. n Storage based technologies - segregated by power and energy storage. n Introduc on of Fuel Cell Vehicles in Transport. n Housing for All by 2022 n 175 GW of Renewable Energy n Rural electrifica on n 100 Smart Ci es n 24x7 Electricity by 2022 n Targets for reduc on of Oil Import Dependence (10% by 2022, 27% by 2030) Renewable energy: n Introduc on of scenarios for Solar Water Heaters n Introduc on of Solar Roof Top Scenarios n Changing pre-exis ng scenarios to factor in the new government targets for renewable energy Fossil Fuel Electricity Genera on: n Scenarios for phasing out of Diesel Based Genera on n Separa on of Coal produc on into open cast/underground mining n Calcula ve of fugi ve emissions for fossil fuel produc on Electricity Imports and Exports n Introduc on of scenarios for Cross-border electricity trade exports (in addi on to imports, presently there in Version 1) Transmission and Distribu on n Demand Sectors 14 Introduc on of costs of Transmission Grids and the Na onal Smart Grid Mission Transport n Addi on of Fuel Cell Vehicles as a technology choice for the user n Costs for rolling stock n Demand ac vity based on GDP elas city Buildings n Bo om-up approach, based on ac vity demand and elas city of building space to GDP, for es ma ng space cooling and hea ng demand n Es ma on of space cooling demand based on thermal comfort and heat conduc ng ability of different building materials n Offering 3 scenarios each around external temperature rise and the structure of urban spaces ll the year 2047. n Sub-categoriza on of Residen al Urban, Residen al- Rural and commercial buildings and es ma on of energy demand for each category. n Es ma on of hot water demand for both commercial and residen al buildings n Factoring in 'Housing for All by 2022' and Affordable Housing. n Appliance ownership pa erns depending on GDP elas city. Industry Restructuring of Energy Efficiency scenarios to include more drivers along with the PAT scheme. Even technology op ons have been adopted in steel and cement sectors which add value to the analysis other than merely autonomous energy efficiency op ons. Telecom Addi on of other solu ons for replacement of diesel in the telecom sector. Version 2.0 considers solar roo op, wind, bioenergy and hydrogen solu ons for replacement of diesel, as opposed to only roo op solar solu ons in version 1.0. 15 1.3 How to use the IESS, 2047 1. Select the Level of effort for Demand sectors, Supply sectors and Network and Systems. Click on downward arrow to select more op ons for a sector. 2. Select the scenario (we call them Levels) by clicking on the numbered boxes 3. Click on the Informa on icon (le er i enclosed in a circle) or Lever name to open a One-pager. 16 4. Hover over different levels to know what it means (these tool ps can be really useful!). 5. This menu bar gives you a range of op ons (we call them'Implica ons'of a pathway) that you can explore for your chosen pathway. 17 6. Explore more graphs and tables by clicking on individual items. 7. Click on 'Help' to know how to use the webtool and explore some interes ng features. 18 Section 2: Sector Specific One-Pagers Choices Around Energy Demand 2.1 TRANSPORT 2.1.1 PASSENGER TRANSPORT DEMAND The average distance travelled annually per person in India in 2011-12 was only 5,992 km. The same statistic in the European Union in 2009 was 11,700 km; in the United Kingdom in 2012 was 14,500 km; while in the United States of America, it was about 28,000 km per year in 2010-11. With increased economic development, there is expected to be an increase in mobility and demand for both inter-city and intra-city passenger transport in India over the next few decades. These numbers refer to Scenario 1 of GDP (7.4% CAGR). Level 1 It assumes a steady increase in the per capita demand for transport over the next four decades. From current levels, distance travelled annually per person is expected to increase to 18,420 km by 2047. Improved access to transport infrastructure, accompanied by increasing demand for mobility due to increased economic activity would lead to an increase in total passenger transport demand. Distance travelled per capita will rise steadily for both intercity and intra city travel. Level 2 Level 2 envisions a rise in the number of activity centres across the country, thereby reducing the demand for inter-city travel of people migrating for employment opportunities. Better planning and improved urban designs would also lessen intra-city travel distances. This Level would see a drop in the overall annual demand for mobility per capita by about 9 per cent from the mobility demands envisioned by 2047 in level one, reaching 16,803 km by 2047. Level 3 Level 3 visualizes a world where all new cities that come up in the country in the next four decades plan for Transit Oriented Development, and there is a conscious effort to incorporate similar best practices in pre-existing urban centres. Smart, IT enabled transport infrastructure enabling better route optimization for commute trips further helps in reducing the transport demand per person. Annual per capita passenger transport demands would thereby be moderated by about 18 per cent over the present mobility demands envisioned by 2047 under level one, reaching 15,186 km by 2047. Level 4 Level 4 is a world where the growth of passenger transport demand would be moderated by conscious policy initiatives on urbanization patterns and transport demand management. Realization of targeted economic development in the rural sector will significantly reduce demand for transport of migrant workers seeking employment in urban centres. The measures for Transit Oriented Development would get strengthened further, with focus on minimizing the need for commute trips and other trips for daily needs. Further improvement in IT and IT enabled services would markedly reduce demands for both intra and inter-city passenger travel. All these initiatives would reduce the annual per capita passenger transport demands by about 26 per cent over the passenger transport demands envisioned by 2047 under level one, reaching 14,377 km by 2047. Passenger KM per person per year 20,000 18,420 16,803 15,186 18,000 Pkm per year 16,000 14,000 14,377 12,000 10,000 8,000 5,992 6,000 4,000 2,000 - 2012 2017 Level 1 20 2022 Level 2 2027 2032 Years Level 3 2037 2042 Level 4 2047 2.1.2 PASSENGER TRANSPORT MODE In 2012, es mated travel by road accounted for 85% and rail accounted for 14% of total passenger traffic. The remaining 1% traffic was on air. The share of public modes of transport (Buses and Omnibuses) on roads was about 74%. Electric vehicles witnessed a limited penetra on in the market, the prominent share of which, around 1%, was mainly in the two wheeler segment. With improved road transport infrastructure and increased penetra on of private modes of road transport, railways have been consistently losing share in the overall passenger traffic volumes in India. The decade between 2001 and 2011 also saw a rapid growth in air transport in India. Given the present trends, Railways will further lose share in the overall transport mix in the country over the next few decades. Level 1 This level assumes that the present trends in mobility shares will continue till 2047. The intermodal share of passenger transport demand is expected to tilt further towards road based modes. There would be a surge in the total number of cars and jeeps by 2047 thereby decreasing the share of public road based transport to 45%.The penetration of electric two-wheelers is still assumed to be limited because of the absence of any incentive mechanism and thereby increases as per past trends to 18% in 2047. Although there will be a growth in rail based transport systems, the growth will be marginal compared to road and air transport. As a result, by 2047, the share of road in passenger transport will become about 86% while the share of rail will be about 12%. In addition, as more planned airports in smaller cities become operational and money value of time increases, it is expected that the share of aviation in the overall passenger transport demand will increase to 2%. Level 2 Level 2 envisages a focus on rail based mass transport systems. Metro and suburban rail systems would be extended to a number of urban centers across the country. Faster train sets will operate for inter-city rail passenger services. This would positively affect the trend of falling shares of rail based passenger transport and the intermodal share of rail would rise to 15% by 2047. Demand for faster intercity travel would maintain civil aviation shares at about 2% While road based passenger transport would still dominate, with an increase in the share of public road based transport to about 57%, its share would marginally reduce to about 83% of the total passenger transport demand by 2047.This level also assumes policy decisions on the side of the government to subsidize electric vehicles, thereby increasing the penetration of electric four-wheelers to 13%,electric two-wheelers to 26%, electric buses to 3% of the road based transport in 2047, buses on fuel cell engines to 1% and cars on fuel cell engines to 4%. Level 3 Level Three assumes conscious and increased government policies towards incentivizing metro and suburban rail services, introduction of high-speed rail corridors and projects like Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) across various urban centers. This will aid in shifting larger volumes of passenger mobility from road and air to rail based transport systems. The share of road is assumed to decrease to less than 81% by 2047 in this level while rail and aviation will occupy about 18% and less than 2% shares respectively. Incentivizing metro s e r v i c e s wo u l d i n c re a s e t h e s h a re o f p u b l i c transportation in road based transport to about 67% in 2047. Additionally, this level assumes that the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan kicks in and thereby the penetration of electric two-wheelers increases to 39%, electric four-wheelers increases to 26%, electric buses increase to 7% of the road based transport, buses on fuel cell engines increase to 2% and cars on fuel cell engines increase to 9% of the total road based transport in 2047. Level 4 In level four, the focus of government policies is expected to further enhance investments in rail based public transport like metros in all urban ci es and Rapid Rail Transit Systems for all urban conglomerates. For inter-city travel, priority in investment will be to shrink travel me between all state capitals and major metros to 12 hours or less through faster train services. High Speed Rail at 300 km/hour for high demand passenger corridors will help reduce the incidence of air travel. Based on this, Level Four envisages that the intermodal share for rail would increase to almost 20% of the total passenger movement. The share of road will decrease to around 79%; with 80% of the same comprising of public road based modes of transport and the share of air would be about 1%. The share of electric vehicles in road based transport is assumed to increase to about 33% electric four-wheelers, 70% of electric two-wheelers and 10% of electric buses, 3% of buses running on fuel cell engines and 11% of the cars running on fuel cell engines in 204647. 21 2.1.3 FREIGHT TRANSPORT DEMAND Freight transport demand is dependent on nature of economic ac vity in the country and is linked to the growth in the agricultural, industrial, mining, manufacturing, and service sectors. Measured in terms of ton-kilometers moved, the demand for freight transport has grown at a very fast rate in the first decade of the twenty first century. Given India's economic growth poten al, the demand for freight movement is set to significantly increase in the future from the level of 1,672 billion ton-kilometers in 2012. This lever generates scenarios of freight demand under different condi ons. Level 1 With an increasing growth in industrial activity, Level One sees a continuous rise in freight demand, with no logistical planning. Sectors such as power, cement and minerals are expected to continue to see an increasing transport demand. Additionally with increasing economic wealth, the demand for white goods is also expected to grow, adding to the overall freight demand. All this would lead to an increase in the freight transport requirement from present levels to about 14,843 BTKMs by 2047. Level 2 Level Two assumes that as the demand for freight transportation grows, there is a slight moderation in the distances of cargo transportation, as economic activities get more organized through formation of logistics hubs and industrial clusters. Further, with better planned markets and points of consumption, the freight traffic volumes are expected to reduce by 9% of Level One 2047 levels to reach 13,540 BTKM's by 2047. Level 3 Level Three envisages an improved scenario with organized logistics assisted by better information technology solutions to optimize route planning and more efficient movement of goods across the country. Planned industrial clusters along with optimized transport logistics serving commercial and industrial needs would help in reducing the total volume of freight traffic by about 13 % from the Level One levels, to reach 12,888 BTKM's by 2047. Level 4 Level Four envisions India with significantly improved logis c planning along with a movement towards local produc on and local consump on. Concentrated economic ac vity in the form of logis cs parks, industrial clusters, and industrial centers would result in reduc on in the average leads for freight transport on both rail and road. This would imply a reduc on in volume of freight traffic by about 18 % over Level One by 2046-47 to reach 12,236 BTKM's by 2047. 14,843 16,000 13,540 12,888 14,000 12,000 12,236 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 1,672 2,000 - 2012 Level 1 22 2017 2022 Level 2 2027 2032 Years Level 3 2037 2042 Level 4 2047 2.1.4 FREIGHT TRANSPORT MODE Railways accounted for about 42% and roadways for about 58% of India's total freight traffic in 2012. The trend in the last few decades has seen an increase in the share of traffic on roads in the total share of surface freight transporta on. This is partly linked to an increase in the share of manufactured goods like white goods, fast moving consumer (FMC) goods etc. These cargos move over shorter distances and are me sensi ve. The share of road has also increased due to the highly compe ve nature of road transport, convenience and flexibility in tariffs, and the capability of road to handle smaller loads. The share of inland water ways and pipelines, which are both energy efficient modes of transport are rela vely low and hence not being projected in this exercise. Level 1 Level one assumes that the observed trend of the past three decades continues till 2047, with the modal share rising significantly in favor of roadways. Large-scale investments in highways and expressways are expected to encourage the use of road over railways even for travel distances beyond 700 km. However, it would also lead to congestion due to the increase in road freight traffic which could decrease transport efficiencies after a certain point of time. The share of road in India's total freight traffic by 2047 will show a marked increase to 71%, and the share of rail will decline to 29%. Level 2 Level Two sees the introduction of two Dedicated Freight Corridors –Eastern and Western by 2020. Wagons with higher payload (25 ton per axle) will further improve rail efficiency and capacity. Railway freight transport will see a manifold increase in average speeds from 25 kmph to 50-60 kmph on the freight corridors. This would also be accompanied with tariff rationalization, both of which would work towards attracting more rail based transport. Thus the trend of falling share of rail based transport is expected to get arrested at about 36% by 2047. Level 3 Level Three sees higher investments in rail based freight transport. This level sees an improvement in infrastructure for freight transport via the introduc on of DFCs on all four legs of the Golden Quadrilateral (connec ng Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai). Ra onaliza on in the tariff regime of railway freight transport, coupled with increased speeds and a shi towards containeriza on would increase the share of the freight traffic on railways to 40% by 2047, with roads accoun ng for 60%. Level 4 Level Four sees the introduc on of Dedicated Freight Corridors throughout the four legs of the Golden Quadrilateral as well as the diagonals connec ng Delhi to Chennai, and Kolkata to Mumbai. The policy changes to encourage a modal shi towards rail freight would con nue, along with tariff ra onaliza on, increased priva za on etc. New technologies, such as RoadRailers (highway trailers that are specially equipped for intermodal movement on railway tracks and highways) would further help increase the inter-modal share of Railways to 45% by 2047. 23 2.2 Industry 2.2.1 ENERGY INTENSITY OF INDUSTRY The industry sector in India doubled in value during 2001 to 2011 and grew at an annual growth rate of 7%. In 2011 the industry sector consumed ~1656 TWh of energy, which is 45% of the total commercial energy consumed (TEDDY, 2012). Seven sub-sectors - aluminium, cement, chlor-alkali, fertilizer, iron and steel, pulp and paper, and textiles are the largest energy consumers, accounting for around 60% (TERI calculations) of total energy use in the industry sector. These are analysed at individual subsector levels. The remaining sub-sectors are categorized as “Others”. The present analysis offers scenarios of likely reduction in energy demand by effecting efficiency measures in industry. The autonomous Energy Efficiency (EE) improvement that occurs in individual sectors has been considered as a major driver in the analysis (CSTEP). Existing policy mechanisms such as the Perform-AchieveTrade (PAT) scheme of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) wherein the excess energy savings could be traded, and non-compliance penalized, is also factored into the analysis. As the specific energy consumption (SEC) goals are increasingly taken up by industrial units – penetrating into smaller units from existing sectors and units from new sectors - the energy consumption is likely to reduce further. The energy required by industry as feedstock has not been analyzed in this exercise. Level 1 This scenario assumes no new government policies, other than the one PAT cycle (2012-15). The autonomous EE penetration levels are also low. The norms are applicable to only the subset of the units in the seven industry sub-sectors. However, the efficiency of the units undergoes a marginal reduction/revision by the end of the terminal year (2047). The remaining units in the subsector do not opt for EE. The efficiency of these units improves at 5-15% of the efficiency improvement for the units that opt for EE. The “Others” undergo reduction in energy intensity by a CAGR of ~4%. Level 2 This level includes a gradual enhancement of penetration of EE in Industry (Table 1). Industrial units opting for EE would achieve the best efficiency possible in every sub sector. The units not opting for EE also improve their efficiency, but by a much lesser degree. The “Others” undergo a reduction in intensity of about 4-5% CAGR. Level 3 Building on Level 2, this scenario further increases the EE penetration under the seven sub-sectors. The units not opting for EE increase their efficiency across processes at a rate of 20-30% of the efficiency improvement by units that opt for EE. The “Others” undergo an efficiency improvement of about 4-5% CAGR. Level 4 Level 4 indicates the maximum possible improvement that can be achieved in the industry sector. This level further increases EE penetration. In addition, this level assumes that the units not taking up EE undergo an efficiency increase of between 20-50% of the units that opt for EE. The “Others” improve their intensity by about 5-6% CAGR. Table 1. EE Penetration across Levels EE penetration (%) in 2047 2012 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Cement 72 19 72 79 Level 4 83 Fertilizer 75 66 75 79 84 Aluminum 69 19 70 79 83 Iron and Steel 56 11 60 69 80 Pulp and Paper 29 6 30 39 48 Textile 93 50 65 68 69 Chlor Alkali 89 50 89 93 94 Note: In cases where the penetration of EE industries appears to decrease from the base year, the units in the specific sub-sectors do not take up EE measures in a consistent and long term approach. 24 2.2.2 TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS IN THE CEMENT SECTOR The energy demand for Industry has been modelled on the basis of autonomous improvement in energy efficiency and technology op ons (process). The level of penetra on of efficiency having already been adopted, now the user may choose tech op on in cement, one of the two major energy consumer amongst the industrial sector (steel is the other). Four Technology op ons have been modelled in the cement sector. In general, the default technology op on is 1 and other op ons are denoted by increasing numerals. Increase in the numeral of the technology op on is not necessarily an indicator of emissions reduc on but in general denotes reduc on in energy demand (with implica ons on energy imports). Level A (Default) TThis option does not invoke specific tech options and the trajectories are based on the levels which have been chosen and the SEC reductions are based on these chosen levels. Level B (Increased Waste Heat Recovery) This option characterizes the impact of a concerted drive to increase the penetration of WHR technologies in cement plants. Such technologies are available globally, but in India, the current penetration is low. Under this tech option a large penetration of such technologies is assumed with a corresponding reduction in thermal and electrical energy used in the process. Level C (Increased Electricity from the Grid ) This tech op on models a major switch in the sourcing of electric power in the cement sector. Current trends show that plants are preferring to produce most of their electric power through the use of Cap ve Power Plants (CPP) which are largely powered by coal. This tech op on provides insights into the impact of a switch to procuring most of the electric power from the grid. This assumes that the grid power would be available and would be reliable as well. Such a switch provides an improvement in the energy efficiency of the specific plant since the inefficiency of the CPP is now outside the plant boundary. Level D (Increased Alternate Fuels and Raw Materials) This tech op on is a major driver for reduc on of thermal energy consump on in cement plants. European and Japanese plants are reportedly running with more that 30-50% coal being subs tuted by alternate fuels such as domes c, industrial and agricultural waste and used rubber tyres. The penetra on of AFRM in India is probably less than 1% and thus a large poten al seems to exist if the enabling infrastructure and incen ves can be provided along with policy based support. 25 2.2.3 TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS IN THE IRON AND STEEL SECTOR The energy demand for Industry has been modelled on the basis of autonomous improvement in energy efficiency and technology op ons (process). The level of penetra on of efficiency having already been adopted, now the user may choose tech op on in iron and steel, one of the two major energy consumer amongst the industrial sector (cement is the other). Five Technology op ons have been modelled in the Iron & Steel sector of Industry. In general, the default technology op on is 1 and other op ons are denoted by increasing numerals. Increase in the numeral of the technology op on is not necessarily an indicator of emissions reduc on but in general denotes reduc on in energy demand. Level A (Default) This option does not invoke specific tech options and the trajectories are based on the levels which have been chosen and the SEC reductions are based on these chosen levels. Level B (Switch to Electric Furnace) This tech option studies the impact of a major shift to electric furnace processes instead of the oxygen furnaces which are expected to be dominant in the autonomous/default scenario. Under this tech option a major reduction of the Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) can be expected based on the increased efficiency of the electric processes. . Level C (Increased Gas based Direct Reduced Iron) This option characterizes the impact of a concerted drive to increase the penetration of Gas based technologies in the manufacture of DRI. Plants using gas based DRI are under operation in developed countries and such plants 26 have reported very low SECs and high efficiencies. In addition, the emissions from these plants is also much lower than coal based DRI plants. There are very few gas based DRI plants in India primarily due to the low availability of natural gas in the country.This tech option level assumes large induction of gas based process in this sector supported by large availability of gas. Level D (Increased Electricity from the Grid) This tech op on models a major switch in the sourcing of electric power in the iron and steel sector. Current trends show that plants are preferring to produce most of their electric power through the use of Cap ve Power Plants (CPP). This tech op on provides insights into the impact of a switch to procuring most of the electric power from the grid. Such a switch provides a major improvement in the energy efficiency of the specific plant since the inefficiency of the CPP now goes outside the plant boundary. The final energy use could be reduced significantly under this tech op on. Level E (Increased Scrap) This tech op on is a major driver for reduc on of thermal energy consump on in iron and steel plants. European and Japanese plants are reportedly running with more that 30-50% iron being subs tuted by steel scrap. The u liza on of scrap in steel plants in India is probably less than 3-5%. Increased scrap u liza on has the poten al to significantly reduce the thermal energy consump on in steel plants since typically 60% of the total energy is used for producing iron and this can be saved through the increased use of scrap in the downstream steel making process. 2.3 Cooking Level 1 By 2047, 40% of rural households switch to LPG. In urban areas, due to increased access to PNG there is switching from LPG to PNG resulting in 35% of urban households using PNG while half the households LPG. With reliable electricity supply to all households, 15% and 18% of urban and rural households respectively use electricity for cooking. Biogas users increase gradually from 4% of the rural population to 7% of the rural population. In Level 1, India will need 694 TWh by 2032 and 565 TWh by 2047 for its cooking needs. Level 2 Level 2 assumes that due to effective implementation of rural programs for increasing access to electricity and LPG, by 2047, 26% of rural households use electricity and only 42% of rural households use LPG. Establishment of a PNG network in some rural areas leads to 3% of rural households using PNG, while 9% of households use biogas. Due to a policy push in urban areas for increased PNG use, 40% of urban India utilise it by 2047 and only 42% will depend on LPG. Given these assumptions, India will need 582 TWh by 2032 and 491 TWh by 2047 for its cooking needs. Level 3 Level 3 assumes, LPG with 30% of rural households using electricity and 40% of the households using LPG and 12% using Biogas by 2047. Therefore only 14% of the households continue to rely on biomass, with all households switching to improved cook stoves by 2032, and 4% uses biogas. In urban areas, keen efforts to increase PNG network leads to 45% of urban households depending on it as a primary source for cooking energy by 2047. LPG is used for cooking only in 35% of urban homes and 20% of the homes use electricity. Thus, India's energy demand for cooking will be 493 TWh by 2032 and 435 TWh by 2047. Level 4 In Level 4, by 2047, 38% of the rural households use LPG and 38% depend on electricity. 15% of households use biogas and only 4% of rural households use biomass with traditional cook stoves being phased out in 2027. PNG penetration in urban India increases to 55% and LPG users falls to 25%. However, at least 20% households use electricity. Thus, India's energy demand for cooking will be 428 TWh by 2032 and 383 TWh by 2047 1200 Cooking Demand (TWh) Currently, in a country with 250 million households, 31% urbanisation and a per capita income of Rs 39,143, approximately 1104 TWh of energy is used for domestic cooking. Energy needed for cooking depends largely on the fuel used, energy conversion efficiency of the fuel, population growth, economic growth, government policies and urbanisation. Data suggests that on an average, a household uses about 8 to 10 Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders or 170 standard cubic meters of Petroleum Natural Gas (PNG) or 1022 kWh of electricity annually for cooking. Whether it is LPG, PNG or electricity, energy use due to modern fuels after accounting for stove efficiencies, roughly translates to an average use of 7 MJ/day or 1.94 KWh/ day. Therefore the average useful energy needed for cooking per day per household is approximately 7 MJ/day. There can be variations in the demand for energy needed. For this estimation, it is assumed that the average useful energy is constant over time. Given the average energy needed for cooking, there is no distinction made between commercial cooking and household energy demand for cooking as the cooking energy needed is to satisfy the requirement of the same population. Therefore energy needed for commercial cooking is implicit in this assessment. 998 1000 800 600 565 491 400 435 383 200 0 200 6-0 7 201 Level 1 1-1 2 201 6-1 7 202 1-2 2 202 Years Level 2 6-2 7 203 1-3 2 Level 3 203 6-3 7 204 1-4 2 204 6-4 7 Level 4 27 2.4 Buildings 2.4.1 BUILDING ENVELOPE OPTIMIZATION Construction is the second largest economic activity in India and has contributed around 8% to the nation's GDP (at constant prices) from 2007 to 2011. The real estate sector contributes to around 24% to the construction GDP of India and has been growing at a CAGR of 12%. It has been estimated that 70% of the building stock in the year 2030 would be built during 2010-30. Residential and commercial sectors currently account for 29% of the total electricity consumption, which is expected to increase substantially in the near future, if present trends continue. As a first step, three scenarios on how the urban planning scenario is expected to pan out in the future are offered to the user. Depending on the users' choice, the next leg of this analysis works on reducing the cooling load of buildings through greater penetration of building codes into construction of buildings (focussing on building material) which would reduce the need for cooling devices. The savings achieved depend on the Urban Planning Scenario chosen and the GDP level chosen. These savings in the cooling load then translate into a savings in the electricity demand of cooling devices, depending on their increasing ownership and efficiency. Level 3 Level 3 assumes that along with standard building by laws, there is development of ECBC compliance structures at state level, and the modification of the Energy Performance Index (EPI) bandwidth based scheme to multi variable EPI scheme, both in the residential as well as the commercial sectors. Level 4 Level 4 assumes a continuation of the multi variable EPI scheme and increasing mandates in states for implementation of the ECBC code. It also assumes a large scale drive towards making compliance to the ECBC code, mandatory, in new construction, till 2047. 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 2012 Level 1 assumes that compliance to the Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC) remains voluntary, as is the case since its inception at the beginning of the 11th five year plan (FYP). Institutional, technological, informational and financial barriers also exist, which hinder the applicability of the same. Level 2 Level 2 assumes, as per the Energy Conservation Act 2001, the introduction of a bye law for ECBC compliance in new commercial buildings, and mandatory compliance in government buildings. It also assumes increasing adoption of incentive schemes, like a reduced property tax etc., for the ECBC code in new residential buildings. 28 High Rise S2 - 2047 Horizontal Development S3 - 2047 Affordable Housing 3500 3000 Space cooling demand (Residen al) (Twh) Level 1 S1 - 2047 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Years Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Penetration of Efficient Envelope Interventions Category 2012 L1-2047 L2-2047 L3-2047 L4-2047 High Rise 1% 10% 50% 75% 90% Horizontal 0% 5% 40% 55% 80% Affordable Housing 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Commercial 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% Residential 2.4.2 EFFICIENCY OF RESIDENTIAL LIGHTING AND APPLIANCES Residen al sector contributed to 25% of the total electricity consump on in India in 2011. Ligh ng and major appliances like ceiling fans, televisions, refrigerators and air-condi oners account for about 80% of the residen al electricity consump on. The rest comes from smaller and lesser used appliances like washing machine, geysers, computers etc. Appliance ownership is significantly increasing both in rural and urban households due to rise in income levels. This analysis captures the effect of a transforma on towards higher efficiency appliances in the residen al sector, which when accounted with other factors, will determine the total demand for electricity in this sector. The star ra ng programme of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is expected to have a major role in this sector. The scenarios of energy conserva on through efficient building materials are dealt with separately in the 'Building envelope op miza on' trajectories, and serve to bring the demand down further by reduc on in hours of use of appliances. A combina on of the appliances, and building envelope op miza on trajectories for the residen al sector will reveal a complete picture of electricity demand. Water hea ng demand in residen al establishments is also considered for the final electricity demand in addi on to appliance demand. Level 1 Level 1 assumes only slight improvement in efficiency over 2007 levels. In 2047, 98% of appliances are assumed to be of low efficiency, 1% are of medium efficiency, and 1% are of high efficiency. Incandescent bulbs still form the major source of lighting although there is a substantial mix of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) and thin tube-lights. Low efficiency motors are used in ceiling fans, refrigerators and air-conditioners. A number of televisions still use the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) technology. The usage hours of appliances are also high. Level 2 Level 2 assumes, in 2047, 45% of the appliances have low efficiency while 38% have medium efficiency with balance 17% being high efficiency appliances. Use of incandescent bulb is reduced while that of CFL and thin Tube-light is increased along with a small share of LED lights. Level 3 Level 3 assumes a 45% share of high efficiency appliances and a small 13% share of low efficiency and the balance being medium efficient in 2047. The ligh ng demand is halved due to increased penetra on of LED bulbs and tube-lights. TVs use advanced LED backlit LCD technology to decrease the consump on. The efficiency of other appliances like washing machines, geysers etc. also improve. Public awareness on conserva on leads to decrease in usage. Level 4 Level 4 assumes a complete market transforma on to high efficiency appliances. Incandescent bulbs are almost eliminated and 90% of the lights are LED tubelights and bulbs. Ceiling fans use advanced technology like Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motors. All the refrigerators use high efficiency compressors and be er insula ons. ACs have variable speed compressors resul ng into high energy efficiency ra os. There is high public awareness on conserva on, resul ng in 80% of appliances being high efficiency, 17% being medium efficiency and 3% being low efficiency. Ligh ng Appliances 100% 100% 90% esi 80% g lo 70% o n h ecT 60% f o 50% n 40% io atr te 30% en 20% P 10% 0% 90% se ig lo o n h ce T f o n o it ar te n e P 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 2012 0% 2012 L1- 2047 Bulb L2- 2047 Tubelight CFL L3- 2047 L4 - 2047 L1- 2047 Low L2- 2047 Medium L3- 2047 L4 - 2047 High LED 29 2.4.3 EFFICIENCY OF COMMERCIAL LIGHTING AND APPLIANCES A historical assessment of electricity consump on in the commercial sector shows an annual growth rate of 12% between 2005 and 2012. Aggregate consump on of commercial sector stood at 70 TWh in 2012, of which hea ng, ven la on and air condi oning (HVAC), ligh ng and others comprised 55%, 25% and 20% respec vely. The scenarios of 'energy conserva on' through efficient building materials are dealt with separately in the 'Building envelope op miza on' trajectories, and serve to bring the demand down further by reduc on in hours of use of HVAC and ligh ng appliances. Here we take only efficiency of appliances. A combina on of ligh ng & appliances, and building envelope op miza on trajectories for commercial sector will reveal a complete picture of electricity demand. Adop on of building efficiency measures would reduce this demand at various levels of compliance of building codes. Water hea ng demand in commercial establishments is also considered for the final electricity demand in addi on to appliance demand. Star ng from a base year ((Low,Medium,High) (L,M,H)) configura on of (50%,50%,0%), different combina ons of technologies are obtained by 2032 in Levels 1 to 4, a er which their shares stabilise. Level 1 is dominated by 'low' efficiency technology and 4 by 'high' efficiency technology. 2 and 3 represent intermediate levels of energy efficiency. Hence, the present analysis factors in different levels of energy efficient devices in commercial ligh ng and other appliances sector. Level 1 Level 1 is the most pessimistic case of efficiency whereby the base year configuration does not improve. The market is unresponsive to better technologies and potentially reduced life-cycle costs, while policy imperatives/regulatory requirements and institutional support are largely missing or inadequate. Level 2 Level 2 assumes that 20% of the service demand is met by low-efficiency appliances, 50% by medium efficiency appliances and the remaining by the Best Available Technology (BAT). While there is considerable improvement in overall efficiency of the mix, the penetration of high or BAT is limited by high upfront costs and low institutional support to newly established commercial centers in rural areas and class 2 towns. Level 3 In level 3, 50% of the market of low technology in BAU is appropriated by BAT or high technology through a combination of policy mandates and institutional support. The resultant (L,M,H) configuration becomes (20%, 50%,30%) in 2047. Level 4 Level 4 is the op mis c case, whereby low technology is eliminated from the market; the medium technology only sa sfies 20% of the service demand and the remaining 80% is met through the BAT. Penetra on of technology 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2012 L1-2047 High 30 L2-2047 Medium Low L3-2047 L4-2047 2.5 Agriculture 2.5.1 ENERGY DEMAND FOR MECHANIZATION Fuel efficiency improves, reducing fuel requirement for an hour of operation to 89 percent of the present value. The improvement in specific fuel consumption (SFCs) is autonomous and by 2031, tractors use 4 litres per hour of diesel. The demand for diesel reaches saturation at 28 Mt (342 TWh). The number of tractors in the country was about 5.3 million in 2011 and has been growing at 6 percent annually. This trend is expected to continue as only 19 percent of the potential market has been exploited. Total annual demand for diesel from tractors is estimated to be about 6 million tonnes (MT) in 2011.There is no improvement in fuel efficiency of tractors, and demand side incentives to improve efficiency are absent. Tractors continue to use 4.5 litres per hour. The demand for diesel reaches saturation at 32 Million tonnes (385 TWh) by 2031. Level 2 Fuel efficiency improves, reducing fuel requirement for an hour of operation to 89 percent of the present value. The improvement in specific fuel consumption (SFCs) is autonomous and by 2031, tractors use 4 litres per hour of diesel. The demand for diesel reaches saturation at 28 Mt (342 TWh). Level 3 In Level 3, fuel efficiency further improves, with only 3.5 litres needed to run for an hour, a 22 percent improvement from Level 1. The ceiling for maximum SFCs is tightened by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). The demand for diesel grows to 25 MT (300 TWh) by 2031 and stabilizes thereafter. Level 4 Level 1 There is no improvement in fuel efficiency of tractors, and demand side incentives to improve efficiency are absent. Tractors continue to use 4.5 litres per hour. The demand for diesel reaches saturation at 32 Million tonnes (385 TWh) by 2031. Level 4 assumes that fuel efficiency of tractors improves significantly, resulting in fuel savings of 33 percent. BIS restricts the penetration inefficient tractors with fuel consumption above specified SFC norms. Deregulation of diesel prices for agriculture sector also pushes up the sale of fuel efficient tractors. Demand for diesel in this level reaches saturation at 21 MT (257 TWh). Demand for diesel (TWh) 450 385 400 342 350 300 300 257 250 200 150 100 50 59 2007 2012 2017 Level 1 2022 Level 2 2027 Years 2032 Level 3 2037 2042 2047 Level 4 31 2.5.2 ENERGY DEMAND FOR IRRIGATION The service demand for irrigation from pumping is based on several factors including the growth of the sector, cropping patterns, other irrigation facilities, and water management practices. These influence the ownership of pump-sets and the average hours of operation of a pump-set. Efficiency of pump-sets in turn determines the energy requirement to meet this service demand. This, along with the demand from mechanization constitutes the overall demand from the agriculture sector. These energy demand scenarios along with the choices for fuel mix for irrigation will determine the aggregate energy demand for irrigation. Level 1 This is a pessimistic picture for the sector whereby electrical pumping efficiency improves by merely 7 percent as pump replacements don't pick due to lack of support mechanisms, while diesel pumps don't improve at all. At the same time, higher Hydro Prokav pumps are employed for greater hours in response to depleting water table, exacerbating the problem. Micro irrigation and advanced water management practices are still employed at less than 5 percent of their potential (Rajput & Patel, 2012). All this coupled with increase in gross cropped area (GCA) to meet the requirements of growing population results in demand growing by 7.25 percent till 2022, reducing to around 2 percent till 2047. Aggregate demand so obtained is 877 TWh in 2047. Level 2 In Level 2, electrical pumping input improves by 18 percent and diesel pumping by 8 percent, yielding an average improvement of 17 percent. Agricultural Demand Side Management (Ag-DSM), and various complementary watershed development programmes meet with limited success and micro-irrigation facilities are expanded, yielding an overall reduction of 27 percent from level 1 in 2047. Energy demand grows by 7 percent till 2022, and growth rate declines to 1.5 percent by 2042 and stabilise thereafter, yielding an aggregate demand of 723 TWh in 2047. Level 3 Further improvement of 29 percent in pumping input requirement results from aggressive replacement of old pumps, slow increase in agricultural tariffs and improvement in reliability of power supply. Microirrigation is extensively used to 50 percent of its potential. At the same time, complementary schemes of inter-basin transfers reduce pumping needs and hours of use. All these result in a reduction of 45 percent from level 1 in 2047. Energy demand grows by 6.5 percent till 2022, and the growth rate declines to 1 percent by 2042, yielding an aggregate demand of 626 TWh in 2047. Level 4 Level 4 envisages modern practices such as mulching and vertical farming to optimise on water-use in response to scarcity of water resources. Government fast-tracks support to rain-fed areas, and increase in pumping demand from these areas slows down. Electrical pumping takes place at optimum loads, reducing losses and resulting in best efficiencies. Electricity supply is augmented and monitored for consistency. Diesel pumps achieve optimum efficiencies too, and weighted improvement in pumping input is 38 percent. As a result, energy demand grows by 6 percent till 2022, and growth rate falls to 0.75 percent in the 2040s. Overall demand reduces to 549 TWh. Energy Demand from Irrigation (TWh) 1,000 900 877 800 723 626 549 700 600 500 400 300 200 164 100 0 2012 2017 Level 1 32 2022 Level 2 2027 2032 Years Level 3 2037 2042 Level 4 2047 2.5.3 CHOICE OF FUEL FOR IRRIGATION Pumping is primarily done through electricity. The number of electrified pump-sets has increased to over 16 million in 2009 from 12 million in 1999. The average efficiency of pump-sets remains low at 30-35 percent and offers significant scope for savings. Electricity consumption in the sector grew at a CAGR of about 7 percent between 2006 and 2012, from 90 Terawatt Hour (TWh) to 136 TWh. Diesel pump-sets are estimated to meet about 19 percent of the total pumping energy demand in 2009 and 17 percent of the total energy demand in 2011.The aggregate pumping demand in these years is estimated at 135 TWh and 158 TWh respectively. The share of each fuel, i.e. diesel, electricity, and solar PV in overall pumping requirement is defined as a choice variable, ranging from A to D. Level A Level B 85% of the demand is met through electricity and diesel use is restricted to 10% of the total pumping requirement, owing to de-regulation of diesel prices and reduced diesel subsidy to agriculture sector. Solar penetration reaches 5% as subsidies are channelled towards solar pumping, particularly in regions with rich solar insolation. Level C Diesel and electrical shares further reduce by 5 percentage points form level B, and solar is benefitted through large-scale pilot projects, retrofitting and partial removal of fuel subsidies to agriculture sector. Level D In Level A, diesel is used to satisfy about 20% of the total irrigation demand due to unreliability of electricity supply and deceleration in the growth of pump-sets energised from the grid. Solar pumping remains too expensive to be used. Diesel is no longer a preferred fuel source due to unfavourable life-cycle economics in level D. 75% of demand is met through electricity and 25% through solar, owing to rapid decline in solar PV module costs and complete removal of electricity subsidies. 700 Pumping Fuel Demand (TWh) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2A2B2C2D 2A2B2C2D 2A2B2C2D 2A2B2C2D 2A2B2C2D 2A2B2C2D Years 2007 2012 2022 Electricity 2032 Diesel 2042 2047 Solar 33 2.6 Replacement of Diesel in Telecom sector The Indian telecom sector is the second largest in the world has increased exponentially over the past decade. India had 919.17 million mobile subscribers and 4,00,000 telecom towers in 2012 which form the backbone of its telecom market. 40% of the total telecom towers are located in urban areas whereas the rest are situated in rural or semi-urban areas. This ratio is assumed to be constant over the years. Presently, rural telecom towers are powered by grid electricity supply for 12 hours a day and the rest by diesel generators; urban telecom towers run on grid electricity supply for 20 hours a day and 4 hours a day on diesel generator. This analysis factors rate of conversion of telecom towers from diesel support to electricity/clean energy solutions, with similar number of towers in all levels. (All the numbers indicated here are for 7.4% CAGR GDP Growth rate assumption). Level 1 This is a pessimistic scenario where we assume that no regulations have been enforced and the present energy consumption scenario continues. Only solar solutions are considered feasible in this scenario. The percentage of diesel operated telecom towers replaced by off-grid solar in 2047 is assumed to be 10% in rural areas and urban areas. Level 2 Higher solar penetration rate i.e. 40% in rural areas and urban areas is assumed by 2047. Higher electrification 34 rate and penetration of renewables helps to reduce diesel consumption. Wind power solutions replaces 3% in rural areas and urban areas. Bioenergy solutions contributes to replacement of 3% in rural and urban telecom towers and Hydrogen fuel cells is not considered a commercially feasible option. Level 3 The penetration rate of off-grid solar plants is assumed to increase to 70% in rural areas and 50% in urban areas in 2047, whereas Wind power solutions replaces 10% in rural areas and 7% in urban areas. Bioenergy solutions contributes to replacement of 6% in rural and 5% in urban telecom towers and Hydrogen kicks in after 2022 replacing 3% rural and urban telecom towers. Level 4 This is the most aggressive scenario where all government regulations are met, and satisfactory quality of electricity supply is assumed for the country. Telecom towers run on grid supply and clean energy solutions, both in urban and rural areas. The percentage of diesel operated telecom towers replaced by off-grid solar in 2047 is assumed to be 75% in rural areas and 50% in urban areas; whereas Wind power solutions replaces 10% in rural areas and 7% in urban areas. Bioenergy solutions contributes to replacement of 10% in rural and 7% in urban telecom towers and Hydrogen replaces 5% in rural and 15% in urban telecom towers. Choices Around Renewable and Clean Energy 2.7 Solar 2.7.1 SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER With 941 MW installed in the country as of 31st March 2012, Solar Photovoltaic (PV) was possibly the smallest in terms of supply from any one resource. The present capacity is 2517 MW (May 2014) most of which is located in the high solar resource states of Gujarat and Rajasthan. The target for grid connected solar power (PV and CSP) under the Jawahar Lal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) is set at 20 GW by 2022. However given the present price advantage of PV over CSP it looks likely that a significant share of the 20 GW would be done by PV. Going beyond the JNNSM, the National Tariff Policy (NTP) was amended in 2011 to have a separate solar RPO for all obligated entities in the country. This is expected to begin with 0.25% in 2012 and increase to 3% in 2022. According to MNRE, this translates to a need of roughly 34,000 MW in 2022. Most of the solar PV plants are based on either c-Si or thin film technology. Level 1 Level 2 Level 2 assumes that the capacity addition would follow the JNNSM trajectory. By 2017, capacity would reach close to 8 GW in line with the 12th Plan projections, while by 2022 it would reach 17.9 GW. Capacity addition increases strongly thereafter culminating in a cumulative capacity of 150 GW by 2047. This implies a 35 year CAGR of 16% (2012-2047). Level 3 Level 3 assumes steady drop in solar PV prices and the marginal increase in fossil fuels prices thus making Solar PV economically competitive. Capacity addition in this scenario would be slightly higher than the JNNSM resulting in 21.5 GW in 2022. It would cross the 100 GW mark by 2035 and finally reach 248 GW by 2047. Level 4 Level 1 assumes that solar PV capacity addition would be significantly slower than that prescribed under the JNNSM or as required under the NTP. Costs of solar power would continue to he high while carbon/externalities of power generation would continue to remain un-priced. Similarly reliably integrating variable generation remains a challenge. Capacity would increase to roughly 11 GW by 2022, peak at 37 GW in 2047. In this scenario, there is absolutely no barrier (economic, social or technical) to the growth of solar PV. There is a sharp drop in solar and wind prices coupled with significant increases in fossil fuel prices, especially coal. Fossil fuel externalities are priced. Smart grids, Demand response and storage are in place. Similarly, forecasting/dispatch and reliable grid integration is taken care of. Energy security is consciously factored in energy planning and land is not a constraint. In this level, capacity increases to 60 GW by 2022 in line with the new target adopted by the Government. By 2042 it reaches 340 GW and by 2047 a high of 479 GW. 600 479 Capacity (GW) 500 400 300 248 200 100 150 1 37 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Years Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 35 2.7.2 CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER (CSP) It was the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) that kick started the CSP program in India. Under the phase 1 (2010-13) of the mission, 50% of the allotted capacity was earmarked for CSP. A total of 470 MW were bid out. The first large scale plant of 50 MW was commissioned very recently in the country. Phase 2 of the mission (2013-17) has earmarked roughly 30% of the capacity for CSP. Going beyond the JNNSM, the National Tariff Policy was amended (2011) to have a separate solar Renewable Purchase Obligation (PV+CSP) for all obligated entities. This is expected to (began with 0.25% in 2012) increase to 3% in 2022. According to Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, this translates to a need of roughly 34,000 MW in 2022. With reduction in cost of technology and the storage benefit, CSP can contribute a significant portion to the RE share. While CSP is presently costlier than PV, its ability for storage and supporting the grid with ancillary services is of value. Similarly CSP also allows the possibility of hybrid plants with natural gas or coal. Level 2 Level 2 assumes that there is slow but consistent growth in capacity addition of CSP. It reaches 4 GW by 2022, i.e. 20% of the total JNNSM target for grid connected solar. The final capacity in this level in year 2047 is 46 GW resulting in a generation of 181 TWh. Level 3 Level 3 assumes that CSP costs come down significantly and that there are no limitations on plant size etc. Improved transmission and HVDC lines together, result in faster capacity addition. 10.8 GW is reached by 2027 increasing thrice to 34 GW in the next ten years and culminating in 90 GW by 2047. Generation by 2047 reaches 357 TWh. Level 4 Solar CSP becomes one of the prime sources of electricity generation; extended storage facility helps CSP reach maximum potential. Costs of solar system and storage fall as higher temperature technologies are introduced. Supply grows rapidly meeting the National Action Plan on Climate Change targets by 2020 resulting in a capacity of 6.7 GW by 2022 and 187 GW in 2047, a CAGR of 15% over 30 years. Generation by 2047 reaches 746 TWh. Level 1 Cumulative CSP Capacity (GW) Level 1 assumes that only 1 GW would be operational in the next 5 years (mainly due to higher costs) beyond which there will be slight increase in generation capacity reaching a maximum of 9.5 GW by 2047. Deployment increases slowly till 2032 after which is starts reducing. After 2042 there is no additional deployment. The cumulative capacity in 2047 would be 9.5 GW and generation would be 35 TWh. 187.0 200 150 100 90.0 50 46.0 0 9.5 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Years Level 1 36 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 2.7.3 DISTRIBUTED SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER With an average of 300 sunny days and high solar insolation, distributed SPV has the ability to play an important role in the coming years. Distributed SPV systems can reduce the load on utilities by reducing the electricity peaks, reducing transmission and distribution losses and improving productivity. Distributed SPV (particularly the rooftop segment) is expected to grow significantly in the coming years due to increase in economic viability for certain consumer segments (commercial, industrial and high-use residential) in particular geographical areas in India. While many states have already put in place favourable net metering policies, some state electricity regulatory commissions support rooftop projects through the feed in tariff route. India could install 3 - 5 GW of distributed solar in the next three - five years. Increased clarity on technical interconnection, safety and metering standards would pave the way for faster deployment. Level 1 Level 1 assumes that there is a very little improvement in distributed PV installations in the residential sector and negligible growth in the industrial and commercial sectors. The penetration rate is as low as 0.6% of households in 2047 resulting in total capacity of 9 GW. Lack of clarity on technical and safety standards coupled with weak policy regulatory framework hampers growth. The electricity generated in 2047 would be 15 TWh. increase the penetration from 0.01 % in 2012 to 0.6% of households by 2022, with the residential sector remaining the major contributor with a penetration rate of 3% of households by 2047. The total capacity reaches 47 GW by 2047 which would generate 79 TWh of electricity. Level 3 Level 3 assumes that with increase in urbanization the peak demand for electricity would also grow, leading to an increase in penetration levels to 7% of households by 2047. This would also force industrial, commercial and institutional spaces to adopt distributed PV's lead to a quick increase in capacities. The total capacity will increase to 110 GW by 2047 and electricity generated would be 184.5 TWh. Level 4 Level 4 assumes that there are favourable policies for supporting growth in distributed SPV and there is ample rooftop space available in coordination with Solar Water Heaters. The penetration levels are as high as 17% of households leading to rapid growth in the residential as well as commercial sectors. Increased penetration levels leads to a total of 263 GW of capacity and ~ 439 TWh of electricity generation. Smart grids, advanced inverters and favourable storage costs aid this process. India also meets its 40GW rooftop target by 2022. Level 2 Cumulative Capacity (GW) Level 2 assumes that a significant push for PV Rooftop under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission will 300 263 250 200 150 110 100 50 47 0.03 9 0 2012 Level 1 2017 2022 2027 Years Level 2 2032 2037 Level 3 2042 2047 Level 4 37 2.7.4 SOLAR WATER HEATERS Today, India ranks fifth in terms of the number of SWHs installation, accounting for mere 1.6% of the total heating capacity through solar water heaters around the world (REN21:Global Status Report 2014). The total installed collector area has increased from 119,000 sq. m in 1982 to 11 Million sq. m 2013. This sector has been incentivized by capital subsidies and soft loans in the past, with commercial and industrial sectors contributing to 80% in 2001. But, presently residential sector is the largest sector contributing 80% of installation/sales for SWHs. Introduction of mandates for the building sector, provision of capital subsidies and soft loans/ tax rebates have together helped in the growth of the sector. The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission has proposed an ambitious target of achieving 20 million sq. m of collector area by 2022. This technology can greatly relieve peak loads of power demand for heating water in winter. Level 2 Level 2 assumes that the JNNSM target of 20 million sq. m is nearly met by 2022, with residential sector remaining the major contributor with a penetration rate of 7% HHs by 2047. The total collector space reaches 138 million sq. m. in 2047. The total Solar Water Heaters capacity in 2047 reaches 97 GW. Level 3 Level 3 assumes that with the increase in urbanization the demand for hot water rises. Also, strict mandates for industrial, commercial and institutional spaces lead to quick increase in SWH capacities and the penetration level increases to 12.5%. The total collector space grows to ~247 million sq. m. The total Solar Water Heaters capacity in 2047 reaches 173 GW. Level 4 Level 1 Level 4 assumes that there are no economic and social constraints and there is ample rooftop space available in coordination with rooftop PV. The penetration levels are as high as 20% leading to rapid growth in SWH installations. Increase in hot water demand leads to a collector space aggregating to 399 million sq. m. For comparison, 10% of Chinese Households are already using SWHs and the number is expected to rise to 30% by 2020. The total Solar Water Heaters capacity in 2047 reaches 280 GW. Level 1 assumes that although there is a gradual improvement in SWH installations in the residential sector there is very little growth in the industrial and commercial sectors. The penetration rate remains low i.e. 2% Households, which was 0.03% in 2012. The resulting collector area rises to 32 million sq m from 6 million sq. m in 2012. The total Solar Water Heaters capacity in 2047 reaches 23 GW from 4.2 GW in 2012. 300 280 250 Capacity (GW) 200 173 150 97 100 50 23 4.22 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Years Level 1 38 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 2.8 Wind 2.8.1 ONSHORE WIND POWER With 23444 MW of wind power installed in the country as on 31st April 2015, it constitutes the mainstay of renewable power in the country, contributing to 65.5% of the total renewable energy capacity most of which is located in the southern and western high solar resource states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan. The target for grid connected wind power under the 12th plan is set for an additional 15 GW. With regard to wind power potential, while the revised official figures stands at 102 GW, various studies point out that the actual potential could be anywhere between 500 1000 GW which indicates that resource availability is not a constraint for wind power development. Availability of land, transmission infrastructure and reliable integration of variable generation would be key factors that may limit the uptake of wind power in the future. 2022 it would reach 54 GW. Capacity addition increases strongly thereafter culminating in a cumulative capacity of 202 GW by 2047 and the corresponding electricity generation would be 495.3 TWh. This implies a 35 year CAGR of 7.26% (2007-2047). Additional investments to strengthen transmission and evacuation systems would be put in place. Development of a Green Transmission Corridor has already been sanctioned very recently. Level 3 Level 3 assumes a capacity addition in this scenario to be slightly higher than the 12/13th plan requirements resulting in 62 GW in 2022. However this would still not be enough to meet the NAPCC targets of 2020. It would cross the 100 GW mark just before 2030 and finally reach 270 GW by 2047. The resulting generation would be to the tune of 665 TWh. Significant repowering efforts would be undertaken in this level and beyond. The electricity generation in 2047 would be 665.3 TWh. Level 1 Level 1 assumes that wind power capacity addition would be significantly slower than that prescribed under the 12th Plan or as required to meet guiding National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) targets. Reliably integrating variable generation would remain a challenge. The 12th plan addition would only be around 8.5 GW assuming the same annual addition as in 201213. 13th Plan addition would be slightly higher at 10 GW. Capacity would increase to roughly 35.8 GW by 2022, and increase to about 67 GW by 2047. The electricity generated in 2047 would rise to 161.8 TWh from 32.2 TWh in 2012. Level 4 In this scenario, there is absolutely no barrier to the growth of onshore wind power. There is a sharp drop in wind prices coupled with significant increases in fossil fuel prices, especially coal. Smart grids, Demand r e s p o n s e a n d s t o ra g e i s i n p l a c e . S i m i l a r l y, forecasting/dispatch and reliable grid integration is taken care of. Energy security is consciously factored in energy planning and land is not a constraint. Capacity increases to 82 GW (172 TWh) by 2022 in line with the NAPCC requirement of 15% by 2020 (excluding large hydro) and recent target announcement (60 GW by 2022). By 2040 it reaches ~300 GW and by 2047 a high of 410 GW. The corresponding generation in 2047 is 1007 TWh. Level 2 Level 2 assumes that by 2017, capacity would reach close to 32 GW in line with the 12th Plan projections, while by Wind On Shore Cumulative Capacity (GW) 450 410 400 350 300 270 250 200 202 150 100 50 67 17 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Year Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 39 2.8.2 OFFSHORE WIND POWER Offshore wind power is a potential source of electricity generation primarily due to better quality wind resources along with the absence of land constraints. However as of today the costs of installation and operation are almost twice as more than onshore wind power. These costs are set to decline with technological improvement including increased hub heights, turbine capacity, capacity utilization factors and floating turbines. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has come out with a draft offshore wind policy in 2013. The policy suggests setting up of 2 GW of capacity in the southern coast to begin with. While a detailed resource potential for the country is yet to be done, some studies suggest that it could be in the range of 350 - 500 GW which indicates that the resource availability is not a constraint for wind power development. Higher costs, transmission infrastructure and reliable integration of variable generation would be key factors that may limit the uptake of offshore wind power in the future. Level 2 Level 2 assumes that the MNRE policy target of 2 GW is achieved by 2025. Without any further improvement in technology and offshore wind potential assessment, the sector witnesses a gradual growth in capacity addition reaching 19.5 GW by 2047. The corresponding electricity generation in 2047 would be 64.3 TWh. Level 3 Level 3 assumes that with the improvement in potential offshore site identification and cost reductions, India would gradually build up its offshore wind capacity to 2 GW in 2022 meeting MNRE offshore wind policy targets, 35 GW by 2040 and 62 GW by 2047. This results in roughly 205 TWh of generation in 2047. Significant investments would be needed in the transmission and evacuation systems. Level 4 Level 1 Level 4 assumes that offshore wind power does not face any economic or physical constraints and hence sees a rapid growth in capacity addition. Under the level 4 assumptions, India would follow an aggressive strategy towards construction and operation of offshore wind farms leading to generation of 141 GW by 2047. The resulting generation would be roughly 468 TWh. Off Shore Wind Cumulative Capacity (GW) Level 1 assumes that offshore wind takes off very slowly due to higher cost and other barriers especially with regard to regulatory and associated clearances etc. Installations of identified capacity of 2 GW along the southern coast are delayed and completed after 2030. Capacity by 2047 is 4 GW and electricity generated is 13 TWh. 160 140 141 120 100 80 62 60 40 19.5 20 0 4 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Year Level 1 40 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 2.9 Hydroelectric Power 2.9.1 LARGE HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATIONS As per the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), India has nearly 150 GW of economically exploitable large hydro potential. This is available mainly in the Brahmaputra, Indus and Ganga river basins, at a load factor of 60% or lower. Of this, around 39.41 GW is currently installed. Nearly 94 GW is estimated to be available from pumped hydro schemes, across 56 sites. At present, 9 schemes with an aggregate installed capacity 41.63 GW exist in India, out of which 2.6 GW is operated in pumping mode. Additionally, 1.08 GW is under construction2. For the purpose of presenting the trajectories, the capacity added through pumped hydro schemes have not been accounted for, as their usage is dependent on a systemslevel analysis of the extent of Renewable Energy penetration in the grid. Through various measures, the Government of India (GoI) aims to realize 100% hydropower potential of the country by 2025 – 26. To this effect, CEA has undertaken feasibility and ranking studies in order to determine the feasible completion of hydro projects that are under development, in the 12th and 13th plans. Large hydro: As per estimates provided by CEA and the Working Group on Power for 12th Five Year Plan, it is assumed that up to 9.2 GW of large hydro schemes would yield benefits in the 12th plan, and 12 GW in the 13th plan (2047 Installed capacity: 75 GW). The amount of electricity generated in 2047 would be 263 TWh. Level 3 In addition to achievement of government plans, Level 3 includes the benefits from completion of Renovation and Modernization (R&M) and Life Extension (LE) efforts. This results in additional capacity of 4.06 GW across 12th Five Year Plan, assumed to continue over the 13th Plan. Beyond the 13th Plan, past trends in capacity additions are expected to continue till 2047 (2047 Installed capacity: 105 GW). The corresponding electricity generation in 2047 would be 368 TWh. Level 1 In this pessimistic trajectory, it is assumed that the current plants continue to operate with scheduled maintenance efforts through the period of analysis. Due to unresolved constraints on issues of large-scale ecological damage, resettlement and rehabilitation, only plants which have been commissioned and expected to yield likely benefits during the 12th plan are accounted for in capacity addition till 2017. No new construction is assumed after this, and installed capacity increases to 49 GW in 2047 from 41 GW in 2012. No new pumped hydro schemes are completed. The electricity generated in 2047 would become 171.8 TWh which was 143.8 TWh in 2012. Level 4 In this highly optimistic scenario, technology advancements are assumed to result in exploitation of full potential of large hydro. Advances in technology development, and R&D efforts in de-silting, integration of regional grids, forecasting etc. are assumed to take place. Benefits from advances in R&M and LE are assumed to increase to 20 GW per FYP for the period of analysis, to reach up to 150 GW (100% of potential) by 2047 which will generate 526 TWh of electricity. Level 2 With the aim to accelerate hydro power development in India, the Ministry of Power (MoP) introduced the National Policy on Hydropower Development in 1998. Cumulative Capacity (GW) 160 150 140 120 105 100 80 60 75 41 49 40 20 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Year Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 41 2.9.2 SMALL HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATIONS With a capacity of 4055 MW of Small Hydro Power (SHP) stations installed in the country as of 31st May 2015, it constitutes nearly 11% of installed renewable energy capacity. Presently the capacity stands at 4055 MW (31st May 2015). So far, 898 SHP projects with an aggregate capacity of 3411 MW have been set up and 348 projects aggregating to 1309 MW are under implementation. While SHP is already cost competitive with conventional power, increased efficiencies and capacity utilization factors would make it even more viable in the future. In order to further enhance the total power generation from SHP's it is essential to harness all potential sites. According to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, the focus of the SHP programme is to lower the cost of equipment, increase its reliability and set up projects in areas which give the maximum advantage in terms of capacity utilisation. Level 2 Level 2 assumes that the 12th five-year plan target of 2.1 GW of new capacity is met by 2017 and a further 3.5 GW is added in the 13th plan to reach a cumulative capacity of 8.9 GW by 2022. Capacity addition slows down after this point and reaches the ultimate capacity of 15 GW 2047 and the amount of electricity generated would be 16 TWh. Level 3 Level 3 assumes an optimistic view by meeting not only the 12th and 13th Plan targets but a slightly faster deployment resulting in 9.8 GW in 2022. By 2032, the complete present projected potential of roughly 20 GW is met and maintained thereafter till 2047. Resulting generation is approximately 77 TWh. Level 1 Level 4 Level 1 assumes that although SHP is a low cost renewable energy resource, capacity addition is lower than expected in the 12/13th plan periods reaching only 6.5 GW by 2022. It further increases to 7.5 GW by 2027 and plateaus at 9 GW from about 2032-2047. Essentially capacity addition is very slow and only takes care of retirement to maintain the roughly committed capacity upto the 13th plan. Environmental and social concerns over the development of SHP limits capacity addition. The corresponding electricity generated in 2047 would be 3.7 TWh in comparison with 0.7 TWh in 2012. Level 4 assumes the resource potential is significantly augmented and that capacity deployment increases rapidly. It reaches 10.8 GW in 2022, in line with National Action Plan on Climate Change expectations and further increases to 29.9 GW by 2047. Both these efforts and enhanced capacity utilization lead to a quick increase in overall SHP generation resulting in 115 TWh by 2047. 35 29.9 Cumulative Capacity (GW) 30 25 20 20 15.1 15 9.05 10 5 3.395 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Years Level 1 42 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 2.10 Nuclear Power The currently installed nuclear power generation capacity is 5.78 GW and it contributes 3% of the total electricity generation. There are 21 operating reactors in seven sites. Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR), which use natural uranium, account for almost all of the present installed capacity. These reactors operated at Plant Load Factor (PLF) of 50-60% because of uranium supply bottlenecks. However, recent uranium imports have allowed the PLF to increase to 80%. Presently, to run 9 of the 21 operating reactors, India relies on uranium imports. Uranium is assumed to be available for imports until 2047. Significant new nuclear build rates would require additional power plant locations, which is a critical factor. In the past there has been difficulty in siting these plants. This forms a vital lever in the differing numbers for growth of this source of power under the four levels. Level 1 Level 1 assumes that the present reactors under construction 4.3 GW are completed and commissioned. This will take the cumulative nuclear capacity to 9.98 GW by the end of Twelfth Plan. However, the present public sentiment regarding nuclear power results in limited capacity addition in nuclear power, while a few of the older reactors get decommissioned. Thus, the cumulative nuclear power capacity reaches only about 11.36 GW by 2047 from 4.68 GW in 2012. The electricity generated would rise to 79.7 TWh in 2047 from 26.7 TWh in 2012. Level 2 Level 2 assumes that new reactors are developed on the eight new sites identified. The government's in principle approval exists for setting up 700 MW PHWR reactors in five sites, leading to 8.4 GW of capacity addition in this technology. Further, Light Water Reactors (LWRs) are built on four sites. Also, two more Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs) with a total capacity of 1 GW are commissioned. Thus, the total nuclear capacity reaches 26.11 GW by 2047. The corresponding electricity generated in 2047 would be 183.1 TWh. Level 3 Level 3 assumes that all the new PHWR sites are fully utilized with new reactors. Six reactors are assumed per site. In addition, the spent fuel from thermal reactors is used to build 2.5 GW Fast Breeder Reactors. Thus, new reactors are developed taking the installed capacity to 45.01 GW by 2047 and the electricity generated would be 315.6 TWh. Level 4 Over and above Level 3, this highly optimistic scenario assumes that three new sites are identified, which can accommodate about 15 GW through new PHWRs and LWRs. Further, up to 4.5 GW of FBRs are developed. In this scenario, the nuclear capacity reaches 78.06 GW by 2047. The corresponding electricity generation in 2047 would be 547.4 TWh. 90 547.4 80 500 400 315.6 300 200 100 183.1 79.7 26.7 Cumulative Capacity (GW) Electricity Generation (TWh) 600 78 70 60 50 45 40 30 26 20 11 10 0 2012 2017 Level 1 2022 2027 2032 Years Level 2 Level 3 2037 2042 2047 0 5 2012 Level 4 2017 Level 1 2022 2027 Level 2 2032 Level 3 2037 2042 2047 Level 4 43 2.11 Bioenergy 2.11.1 BIOMASS RESIDUE PRODUCTION AND END-USAGE The components that presently make up bioenergy production in India are agricultural residue, forest residue, sugarcane molasses-based bioethanol, Jatropha biodiesel and biogas. 99% of the present bioenergy production relates to agriculture residue and forestry residue (214 and 150 million tons/year). Bioenergy production is already estimated to be about 1843 TWhr/year (25% of the total energy consumption of India). A large part of biomass residue is used for cooking. Part of agri-residue (about 16 million tons/yr) is used for power generation (2.5 GW). The agri-residue that accounts for bioenergy is 67% of the residue that is not used as animal fodder and the other 33% is used for other applications. This split is maintained in future as well for all the four levels. The agri-residue productivity is projected to increase from 0 to 0.75% (annual) across the four levels. As for forestry residue, 180-200 million tons/year is rated to be the sustainable limit for recovery from forests and it is extended across the four levels accordingly. Level 1 The split of non-fodder agri-residue for household cooking decreases from 46% to 25% by 2027 and to 3% by 2047. The agri-residue split for power generation is increased from the present 5% to 16%. This relates to power generation increasing from the present 2.5 GW to 7.8 GW by 2047. Liquid transportation fuel from agriresidue begins to be produced commercially from 2027 and the split reaches 6% by 2047. This leaves the proportion for other miscellaneous energy applications to change from the present 16% to 42% by 2047. Level 2 0.25% annual growth rate is considered for the agriresidue productivity. The forestry residue is projected to increase to 174 million tons/year. The split of non-fodder agri-residue for household cooking decreases to 18% by 2027 and to 3% by 2047. The agri-residue split for power generation is increased from the present 5% to 27. This results in power generation increasing from the present 2.5 GW to 20 GW by 2047. Liquid transportation fuel from agri-residue begins to be produced commercially from 2022 and the split reaches 12% by 2047. This leaves the other energy applications split to increase to 25% by 2047 Level 3 The agri-residue productivity is projected to increase at an annual growth rate of 0.5%. The forestry residue is projected to increase to 190 million tons/year. The split of non-fodder agri-residue for household cooking decreases to 12% by 2027 and to 2% by 2047. The agriresidue split for power generation is increased from the present 5% to 43. This relates to power generation increasing from the present 2.5 GW to 42 GW by 2047. Liquid transportation fuel from agri-residue begins to be produced commercially from 2020 and the split reaches 22% by 2047. This leaves the other energy applications split to increase to 30% by 2027 and decrease to 0.5% by 2047. Level 4 The agri-residue productivity is projected to increase at an annual growth rate of 0.75%. The forestry residue is projected to increase to 200 million tons/year. The split of non-fodder agri-residue for household cooking decreases to 8% by 2027 and to 1% by 2047. The agriresidue split for power generation increases from the present 5% to a maximum of 45 by 2032-37 and decreases to 36% by 2047 as the conversion to liquid fuels become more pronounced. Liquid transportation fuel from agri-residue begins to be produced commercially from 2017 and the split increases to 30% by 2047. Projection of Agri-Residue and End-Usage 44 2.11.2 FIRST AND SECOND GENERATION BIOFUELS Government of India initiated mandated biofuel blending programsfrom 2003 under the National Biofuels Mission. These programs specify blending of biofuels (5%, 10%, 20%) with fossil fuels in a time bound and phased manner across India. The 'National Policy on Biofuels' was released in 2009. Feed stocks identified are molasses for production of ethanol and tree-borne non-edible oilseed crops like Jatropha and Pongamia for production of biodiesel from marginal lands. To increase biofuel production that has larger scope, lignocellulosic liquid fuels from agri-residue and biodiesel from extensive Jatropha/Pongamia cultivation form wastelands are being pursued. These technologies have been estimated to take varying times (2017-2027) to be commercially ready and follow different rates of development across the four levels.As of now, only sugarcane molasses is used in India for bioethanol production. However as the consumption of sugar in India is expected to increase in future, sugarbeet cultivation is envisaged and its molasses is projectedto contribute to ethanol production.Sweet sorghum is also considered as a feedstock for bioethanol. Level 1 Sugarcane cultivation area is kept constant at 4.5 Mha. Sugarbeet and sweet sorghum cultivation areas are projected to increase gradually to 10,000 ha (by 2047). As for biodiesel from Jatropha/Pongamia, cultivation wasteland is projected to increase to 0.45 Mha (by 2047) and biodiesel production to 0.25 mtoe/year. Lignocellulosic liquid fuels from agri-residue begin to be commercially ready from 2027. The fuel production reaches 2.9 mtoe/year by 2047. Total first and second generation biofuel production reaches 3.5 mtoe/year by 2047. wasteland biomass begin to be commercially ready from 2022. The fuel production reaches 8.3 mtoe/year by 2047. Total first and second generation biofuel production reaches 10.6 mtoe/year by 2047. Level 3 Sugarcane cultivation area is kept constant at 5.2 Mha. Sugarbeet and sweet sorghum cultivation areas are projected to increase gradually to 20,000 ha (by 2047). Total first generation ethanol from sugar crops reaches 0.9 mtoe saturating by 2027. As for biodiesel from Jatropha/Pongamia, cultivation wasteland is projected to increase to 3.5 Mha (by 2047) and biodiesel production to 4.9 mtoe/year. Lignocellulosic liquid fuels from agriresidue residue and wasteland biomass begin to be commercially ready from 2020. The fuel production reaches 21.3 mtoe/year by 2047. Total first and second generation biofuel production reaches 27 mtoe/year by 2047. Level 4 Sugarcane cultivation area is kept constant at 5.5 Mha. Sugarbeet and sweet sorghum cultivation areas are projected to increase gradually to 25,000 ha (by 2047). Total first generation ethanol from sugar crops reaches 1.26 mtoe saturating by 2027. As for biodiesel from Jatropha/Pongamia, cultivation wasteland is projected to increase to 5.25 Mha (by 2047) and biodiesel production to 9 mtoe/year. Lignocellulosic liquid fuels from agriresidue and wasteland biomass begin to be commercially ready from 2017. The fuel production reaches 39 mtoe/year by 2047. Total first and second generation biofuel production reaches 50 mtoe/year by 2047. Level 2 Sugarcane cultivation area is kept constant at 5 Mha. Sugarbeet and sweet sorghum cultivation areas are projected to increase gradually to 15,000 ha. As for biodiesel from Jatropha/Pongamia, cultivation wasteland is projected to increase to 1.7 Mha (by 2047) and biodiesel production to 1.7 mtoe/year. Lignocellulosic liquid fuels from agri-residue and Projection of First and Second Generation Biofuels 45 2.11.3 ALGAE BIOFUEL PRODUCTION Advanced biofuels (beyond first and second generation) have been considered as they present a large scope for use as transportation fuel. Microalgal biofuels and macroalgal (seaweed) fuels (offshore) have been considered under this scenario. They qualify theoretically by resource assessment to cater to the magnitude of India's transportation fuel needs. These are still in the R&D stage and are considered to be in a relatively earlier stage of development compared to lignocellulosic biofuels. Sea water has been considered to be the appropriate water source. One technology (microalgae) has been considered to illustrate the extensive production, while the other (macroalgae) has been projected for representative purpose with lower numbers. The numbers may be used interchangeably depending on whichever technology (or combination thereof) matures better. This analysis captures future scenarios of this emerging technology. Level 1 The microalgal technology sees barely any development with commercial production reaching only 5,000 tons/year by 2047. An area productivity of 25 g/m2/day and lipid content of 18% has been considered. The cultivation land area extends to a mere 500 ha by 2047. Offshore macroalgae also sees only negligible development with fuel production reaching just 2,000 tons/year by 2047. Level 2 The microalgal fuel development is still slow with commercial production starting at a lowly 1,000 tons/year by 2027. An area productivity of 35 g/m2/day has been considered. Lipid content is taken to be 23%. 46 The cultivation land area extends to 5,000 ha by 2047. This relates to microalgal biofuel production of 0.09 mtoe/year by 2047. Offshore macroalgae is modelled to reach a productivity of 35 g/m2/day by 2047 and result in a modest 0.05 mtoe/year liquid fuel production by 2047. Level 3 The microalgal fuel development is assumed to be promising with commercial production starting from 2022 at 40,000 tons/year. An area productivity of 55 g/m2/day has been considered and Lipid content envisaged at 28%. Microalgae cultivation extends to a land area of 0.35 Mha (2047). This relates to microalgal biofuel production of 12 mtoe/year by 2047. Offshore macroalgae also picks up with commercial production starting from 2022. 55 g/m2/day productivity has been considered with energy yield of fuel conversion process increase to 52% by 2047 from the present 20% as in lignocellulosic liquid fuels. Liquid fuel production from macroalgae reaches 0.7 mtoe/year by 2047. Level 4 In Level 4, a highly optimistic scenario is assumed, wherein microalgal fuel is envisioned to become commercially viable starting from 2020. Areal productivity is considered to be 75 g/m2/day with lipid content of 38%. Microalgae cultivation extends to an area of 0.65 Mha by 2047 and biofuel production progresses appreciably to 41.3 mtoe/year by 2047. Offshore macroalgae becomes commercially viable by 2022. An area productivity of 75 g/m2/day has been considered. The energy yield of fuel conversion process is projected to increase to 60% by 2047. This relates to a macroalgal fuel production of 2.2 mtoe/year by 2047. 2.12 Energy from Municipal Solid Waste Level 1 Level 1 assumes that there will be no capacity additions and hence MSW based WtE capacity will remain at a level of 96MW. There will be no capacity additions even beyond 2017, primarily due to lack of inter agency coordination and favourable policies. Other key adverse factor will be limited understanding of technical issues involved in construction, operational and environmental aspects of MSW based WtE projects. Once these projects have lived their life, there will be no MSW based WtE projects, by 2037. Level 2 Level 2 assumes that the capacity addition happen in line with 12th plan targets resulting in 153MW installed capacity by end of 12th Plan. Most of it will still be based on mixed MSW. With improving segregation levels and Government's focus on WtE, by 2047: l 25% of segregated urban organic MSW will yield 0.36 Mtoe of biogas l 20% of segregated rural organic MSW will yield 0.28Mtoe of biogas l 18% of total 'waste to electricity generation' potential will be realized resulting in approx. 3,550MW installed power generation capacity. l 18% of segregated urban combustibles will be used as fuel yielding 2.36Mtoe of thermal energy. The policies and incentives get aligned. Rural areas adopt organic MSW based gas as a key energy option. However in urban areas, evolving technologies like combined heat and power still does not get any traction. By 2047: l 50% of segregated urban organic MSW will yield 0.72 Mtoe of biogas l 40% of segregated rural organic MSW will yield 0.55Mtoe of biogas l 30% of total 'waste to electricity generation' potential will be realized resulting in approx. 5,850MW installed power generation capacity 32% of segregated urban combustibles will be used as fuel yielding 4.4Mtoe of thermal energy. Level 4 In this scenario, there are absolutely no barrier (economic, social or technical) to the growth of MSW based WtE. Inter agency conflicts are also resolved. WtE gets enhanced attention coupled with significant increases in fossil fuel prices, especially coal. Fossil fuel externalities are priced. Energy security is consciously factored in energy planning. In this level, by 2047: l 75% of segregated urban organic MSW will yield 1.09 Mtoe of biogas l 60% of segregated rural organic MSW will yield 0.83Mtoe of biogas l 30% of total 'waste to electricity generation' potential will be realized resulting in approx. 5,850MW installed power generation capacity l 63% of segregated urban combustibles will be used as fuel yielding 8.44Mtoe of thermal energy. Fuel Availability (TCal/ day) Waste to Energy (WtE) projects based on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), installed in the country as of 31st March 2015 is just 154 MW. MSW is a heterogeneous mix of combustibles, organic matter, inerts and moisture. Energy generation through biochemical conversion or combustion will depend on the levels of segregation and collection efficiency of MSW. This is a key focus area of Ministry of Urban Development as well as Urban local bodies (ULBs) across the country and hence it is assumed under all scenarios that by 2047: l Urban areas will have MSW collection efficiency of approx. 100% and segregation levels of approx. 90%. l Rural areas will have MSW collection efficiency of approx. 100% and segregation levels of approx. 70%. 231.10 250 200 120.17 150 64.71 100 50 0.00 0 0 2012 2017 Level 3 52,441.15 60,000 50,000 34,699.39 40,000 30,000 17,355.77 20,000 10,000 0.00 0.00 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Level 1 Level 3 2032 2037 Level 3 2042 2047 Level 4 5,854 3,545 96 2012 2047 Level 1 Year Level 2 2027 Year Level 2 Level 1 Waste to Power Cpapcity (MW) Biogas Generation (G Cal/ day) Level 3 assumes that Government and ULBs emphasize on MSW based WtE as a key resource recovery option. 2022 0 2017 2022 2027 Year Level 2 2032 2037 Level 3 2042 2047 Level 4 Level 4 47 2.13 Hydrogen As the energy demand in India increases over the years, the potential of various alternative sources will require to be exploited. Hydrogen fuel will emerge as a powerful and stable source by the year 2020 and will be available for production, storage and supply chain for use in the transport sector by then. Hydrogen fuel will prove to be a cleaner source of energy once Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology has been fully developed. According to the Hydrogen Roadmap developed by IEA, Biomass Gasification, the technology with the least amount of emissions and maximum accessibility to feedstock will have a major share in the total demand for Hydrogen fuel. Although hydrogen as a fuel has not taken off as yet in India, in the following analysis weighted predictions have been made by taking into consideration the various hydrogen production plans made in the National Hydrogen Energy Roadmap developed by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) under four scenarios upto 2047 on the demand of hydrogen fuel and its breakdown into the various technologies of production fulfilling the demand. Level 1 Level 3 Under this scenario, a higher share of the entire hydrogen fuel demand is fulfilled by electrolysis and electrochemical technology and a more drastic decline is observed in the usage of natural gas reforming. Electrolysis takes up 50% of the demand while 40% is taken by coal gasification, 5% by natural gas reforming and 5% by Biomass gasification. Level 4 This scenario considers a high upgradation of electrolysis technology and CCS technology is installed in all coal gasification plants. 80% of the entire hydrogen fuel demand is fulfilled by electrolysis, 5% by coal gasification, 5% by natural gas reforming and 10% by biogas reforming. 120 120 100 100 80 60 40 20 0 80 60 40 20 0 Level 1 Coal Reforming 48 This scenario considers the advent of CCS technology in India and a slight penetration of electrolysis of water and electro-chemical water-splitting technology using renewable resources. At the same time a decline in the usage of natural gas reforming technology to reduce the burden on imports will be observed. 10% of the demand will be taken up by the electrolysis technology, 30% by coal gasification and 60% by natural gas reforming. Technology Penetration in 2047 Technology Penetration in 2022 This scenario assumes maximum penetration of hydrogen production methods like coal gasification and natural gas reforming because of the availability of the basic resources in the country and the commercial feasibility of these technologies. 95% of the demand for hydrogen fuel is fulfilled by coal gasification and 50% by natural gas reforming. Level 2 Level 2 Gas reforming Level 3 Electrolysis Level 4 Biogas Level 1 Coal Reforming Level 2 Gas reforming Level 3 Electrolysis Level 4 Biogas Choices Around Conventional Energy 2.14 Gas 2.14.1 DOMESTIC GAS PRODUCTION India has 26 sedimentary basins out of which 15 sedimentary basins have been surveyed to some degree of satisfaction. The prognosticated hydrocarbon resource (oil + oil equivalent of gas) estimated by DGH (Directorate General of Hydrocarbons) for the 15 basins is about 28 billion tons. Out of this, 10.94 billion tons of initial in place (IIP) reserves (O+OEG) have been established as of 01.04.2014. The share of oil IIP is 6.96 billion tons (63.4%) and that of gas is 3.98 billion tons (36.6%), the share of gas is rising in the recent years. The gas recovery factor is currently in the range of 5560%. With the growth in O+OEG reserves from 2004 to 2012 at a CAGR of 2.55%, total IIP reserves are projected to be 23.76 billion tons in 2047. The share of oil and gas IIP would be 9.5 (40%) billion tons and 14.25billion tons (60%), respectively. The four Levels of likely gas production leading upto 2047 are based on rising recovery factors (R/F) and production of unconventional sources of gas. Level 1 Level 1 incorporates only future production from the current discoveries of conventional gas and Coal-Bed Methane (CBM )(not from new discoveries). Historical production has been taken into account. It does not include any production of shale or Underground Coal Gasification (UCG). Domestic gas supply reaches about 82 BCM in 2047 from 48 BCM in 2012. This Level assumes recovery factor (R/F) of 55%. The share of Private/Joint Ventures (PVT/JVCs) in the total production in 2047 would be 19% as compared to 75% of Non-Oil Companies's (ONGC-63% & OIL 12%) and CBM would contribute around 6%. Level 2 Level 2 assumes moderate development of CBM achieving peak production of 5 BCM in 2032 and remains static thereafter. Shale gas makes its debut at end of the 13th Five Year Plan (FYP) i.e. 2021-22. It assumes no UCG production. This Level assumes continuation of the present gas price and utilization policies, which are perceived as restrictive by International Oil Companies (IOCs). This takes into account new gas production of NOCs/Private, as new fields get appraised and go into commercial production. Level-2 assumes R/F of 60%. The domestic gas supply would reach a level of 127.5 BCM in 2047. The share of PVT/JVCs in the total production of natural gas in 2047 would be 37% as compared to 56% of NOCs (ONGC-45% & OIL 11%). The rest (7%) would be unconventional share coming from shale gas and CBM. Level 3 Level 3 envisages additional policy inputs to spur the growth of natural gas sector. It assumes attractive fiscal regime for exploration, and price/utilization approvals are no longer required as the gas market has completely evolved in India. CBM will achieve a peak production of 8 BCM in 2037 and will remain static thereafter. It assumes shale gas production starting from middle of the 13th FYP. It also assumes gas production coming from Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) of 2 BCM/annum from 2027 onwards (15th FYP). It assumes R/F of 70% from the existing fields. Gas supply would reach about 170 BCM by 2047. The share of PVT/JVCs in the total production in 2047 would be 32% as compared to 53% of NOCs (ONGC-43% & OIL 10%) in natural gas, and the rest 14% share would comprise of unconventional resources (shale gas, CBM and UCG). Level 4 Level 4 assumes a globally competitive upstream regime wherein IOCs find it attractive to invest in India and free gas market has set in. It assumes an aggressive conventional gas scenario and CBM exploitation, a moderate shale gas production and commencement of UCG from 15th FYP but maximum supply from UCG is about 5 BCM/ annum. Even the un-assessed 11 sedimentary basins may come under production in the later decades. This scenario finds support from a carbon reduction drive of the Government, too. Level4 assumes R/F of 80% which would safely sustain production level of 224 BCM/year in the year 2047 with establishment of conventional gas reserves of 14.25 billion Tons of Oil equivalent of gas. India holds 933 TCF of has hydrate reserves (source: DGH) however, no commercial production has been established yet. Based on technological breakthrough by Japan for first gas hydrate production in March, 2013 at pilot scale, Indian estimates of 933 TCF of gas hydrate production may come into reality. Taking 10% R/F, we may consider the resource of about 93 TCF (total of about 2.63 TCM) only, as there is no assurance of commercial establishment of production from gas hydrates. The share of PVT/JVCs in the total natural gas production in 2047 would be 33% as compared to 52% of NOCs (ONGC-41% & OIL 11%) and the unconventional share would be about 15% comprising shale gas, CBM, UCG and gas hydrates. 49 2.14.2 GAS POWER STATIONS Gas based generation in India got impetus in the eighties when HVJ (Hajira-Vijaypur-Jagdishpur) gas pipeline was commissioned by GAIL, after discovery of gas in the west coast of India. This led to a number of Gas based Combined Cycle Gas Turbines getting commissioned along the HVJ pipeline in the western and northern parts of India. The present analysis deals with pipeline Grid connected Gas based plants as these plants are dependent on gas supply infrastructure. The outlook on gas pipelines is not clear as a number of approved projects have not come up. Most gas based capacity is centred (and may be the case in future) in South India, close to offshore gas fields and LNG terminals. Level 2 assumes that the expected capacity at the end of the 13th five year plan under high gas scenario will be added by 2047. The average CAGR will be about 2.1% and PLF will increase slowly from 42.5% in 2017 to 45% in 2047 due to slightly improved gas availability and conversion efficiency will be about 62% by 2047. As a result, the corresponding cumulative capacity will be 50.2 GW and electricity generation will be 198 TWh in 2047. Natural gas based power generation capacity of India was about 24.2 GW by the end of 11th plan i.e. by 2012, out of which, about 18.3 GW was utility and 5.9 GW was captive power plants. Considering the drop in production of domestic natural gas,PLFs of about 54.5% in 2012 of gas-based plants has come down. However, it is expected that the situation is likely to improve in the coming years / decades. Level 3 assumes that the expected capacity in Natural Gas Pipeline Vision-2030 Document by Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) will be added by 2047. Total capacity will be about 83 GW by 2047. PLF will increase from 45% in 2017 to 55% in 2047 due to improved gas availability. Conversion efficiency will improve to about 64% by 2047 due to technological advancements. As a result, the correspondingelectricity generation will be 400 TWh in 2047. Level 2 Level 3 Gas based power will be vital not only to meet peaking demand but also to balance RE. The price of LNG will be a major determinant in growth of this source. This lever examines gas based power generation scenarios until 2047. Level 4 Level 4 assumes that the expected capacity by 2032 as per forced gas scenario of Integrated Energy Policy (IEP) by Planning Commission will be achieved by 2047. Total capacity will be about 132 GW by 2047. The average CAGR under this scenario will be about 5%. PLF increases from 48% in 2017 to 60% in 2047 due to improved gas availability from both domestic and imported sources and conversion efficiency will be about 66% by 2047 due to improved technologies. As a result, the corresponding electricity generation will be 696 TWh in 2047. Level 1 Gas TPPs installed capacity (GW) Level 1 assumes that only the 12th plan's under construction capacity of about 12 GW will be added, though only by 2027. There will be no gas-based capacity addition later on due to domestic fuel shortage, expensive imports, lack of infrastructure etc. Considering the addition, the total capacity will remain at 36.5 GW from 2032 to 2047 which was 24.2 GW in 2012. The PLF of gas-based power plants will come down at 40.7% in 2047 from 54.45 % in 2012due to lower gas availability and conversion efficiency will be about 58% by 2047, which is same as that in 2012. The electricity generation will rise from 115 TWh in 2012 to 130 TWh in 2047. 140 132 120 100 83 80 60 40 50 36 24 20 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 Years L1 50 L2 L3 L4 2042 2047 2.15 Coal 2.15.1 DOMESTIC COAL PRODUCTION Coal contributes over half of India's primary commercial energy, and it is likely to remain India's most important source of energy for the next 2 decades. After nationalization of coal mines in 1973, coal production improved significantly. However, presently there is continued shortageand imports have increased meeting nearly 25% of demand. While official numbers of coal resources and reserves have been published every year with an average increase of almost 2.5 % per year for last two decades, the quantity of actual techno-economically mineable coal reserves in the country is still not clear. In the present analysis, the 4 Levels examine the likely coal supply from domestic sources up to 2047. The likely factors/levers herein are improved outlook on reserves, growth in coal based power capacity, speedy statutory approvals and deployment of technology/private capital. million tons short of the target of 575 million tons, we assume that the total shortfall from the target in 2017 would be 50 million tons. This results in an annual production increase of about 5% per annum up to 2017, and about 4% up to 2022. Proved coal reserves will grow at a reduced pace of 1% p.a. as most of the prognosticated coal bearing area (75%) has been explored. There would be some improvement in mineability due to technological improvement. In this scenario, coal production will grow to peak at 1191 MTPA in 2037 and decline marginally by 2047 to 1157 MTPA. About 62% of mineable coal reserves would have been extracted by 2047. OC mining will be encouraged but UG mining will not be paid much attention. So, UG mining's % will increase just slightly from current 9% to 9.3% in 2047. Level 3 Level 1 Level 3 is consistent with the optimistic scenario projections till 2022 in the 12th Five Year Plan, tempered by slower-thanexpected increase in production. The rate of increase of production reduces slightly going forward. Proved coal reserves will grow at about 1.3% p.a. and there would also be further improvement in mineability. With these positive conditions for coal based energy supply, coal production will be 1400 MTPA in 2047. About 55% of mineable coal reserves would have been extracted by 2047. UG mining will also be encouraged progressively to tap deeper coal reserves and its share will increase to 10.7% in 2047 from the current 9%. Level 1 assumes that only the currently operating, on-going and planned coal mining projects by Coal India Limited (CIL) (437 MTPA) and Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) (41 MTPA) and currently allocated captive blocks (43 billion ton geological reserves) will come online. Production from current (non-captive) mines will reduce by 17% every 5 years (consistent with mine life of 30 years) due to closure of mines. Production from captive blocks will start reducing from 2027 onwards as most of the currently producing captive blocks are new. Coal reserves and mineability of all reserves will remain at present values. In this scenario, coal production gradually increases from 582 MTPA in 2011-12 to peak of 801 MTPA in 2027 and then it will start declining and reach 540 MTPA in 2047. About 80% of the mineable coal reserves will have been extracted by 2047 in this scenario as no new reserves are added and there is no improvement in mineability. Also, only opencast (OC) mining, which is easier and cheaper, will be encouraged whereas the underground (UG) mining will be discouraged. So, the UG % will reduce from current 9% level to 6.4% in 2047. Level 4 Level 4 is the most optimistic, assuming full encouragement for coal based energy supply. Proved coal reserves will grow at 1.5% p.a., production will reach about 1400 MTPA in 2032 as anticipated in the Integrated Energy Policy document, and mineability will increase better than in other levels. In this scenario, coal production will increase to about 1608 MTPA in 2047, almost consistent with the high-case scenario of global coal production as per Global Coal Production Outlook. In this scenario, about 48% of mineable coal reserves would have been extracted by 2047. UG mining will be emphasised significantly along with technological advancements but its share will increase only to 12.3% in 2047 from 9% in 2012 due to geological constraints. Level 2 Level 2 projections are consistent with realistic (business as usual) projected scenario based the 12th Five Year Plan till 2022. Given that the production for 2012-13 fell about 18 Coal Produc on (MTPA) 1800 1600 1608 1400 1400 1200 1157 1000 800 582 600 540 400 200 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Year Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 51 2.15.2 COAL POWER STATIONS At the end of the 12th five year plan, coal based power generation contributed over 134 GW i.e. 56% of India's capacity and 66% of electricity generation. India's low per-capita electricity consumption of around 900 kWh (1/3rd of world's average) and low levels of electricity access (32% of the population without electricity access) demands significant addition in electricity supply. In the last decade, coal based power generation capacity was doubled and substantial capacity addition is planned. Level 1 Coal based power generation is discouraged due to increasing fuel prices, import dependence, pressure to reduce carbon emissions, reducing prices of renewable energy etc. Installed capacity grows slowly to a high of 270 GW in 2032, corresponding to the least coal scenario of the Integrated Energy Policy, and will reduce thereafter to 253 GW by 2047. Plant load factor (PLF) of power plants remains 73% up to 2032 and improves to 74% thereafter. Level 2 Level 2 projections are in line with Planning Commission's projections for next decade with a reduced growth rate thereafter. Installed capacity will grow rapidly to 297 GW in 2027, and then grow slowly to 379 GW in 2047 due to increasing coal prices, increasing import dependence and increasing pressures to reduce emissions. PLF is assumed to improve to 75% for next two decades and to 76% thereafter. Level 3 Level 3 assumes a coal-fired capacity addition slightly lower than what is assumed for the 8% GDP growth scenario in the interim report of the Expert Group on Low Carbon Strategies for Inclusive Growth. The growth rate of capacity addition is assumed to reduce subsequently. In this scenario, installed capacity will grow to 379 GW by 2032, and then slow down to reach 464 GW by 2047. Current PLF will improve to 77% for next two decades and to 78% for further 15 years. Level 4 Level 4 assumes a coal-fired capacity addition slightly lower than what is assumed for the 9% GDP growth scenario in the interim report of the Expert Group on Low Carbon Strategies for Inclusive Growth. The growth rate of capacity addition is assumed to reduce subsequently. Installed capacity will grow to 591 GW in the next 35 years due to improved domestic coal supply, softening of imported coal prices and availability of more carbon space to countries like India. Current PLF will improve to 79% for next two decades and to 80% for the further 15 years. Coal based Capacity (GW) 700 600 591 500 459 400 333 300 253 200 125 100 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Year Level 1 52 Level 2 Level3 Level 4 2.15.3 EFFICIENCY OF COAL POWER STATIONS India's existing coal based thermal power plants (TPPs) are currently based on inefficient subcritical technology, though efforts are now being made to adopt new efficient technologies like super-critical, ultra supercritical etc. Super critical technology is likely to be adopted at a significant scale (38%) during the 12th Plan (2012-17). Post 2017, it is proposed that no subcritical TPPs would be allowed. However the development and deployment of these efficient technologies is sluggish due to Indian coal having high ash content and low calorific value. This analysis examines the penetration levels of efficient technology in TPPs. Based on the above, the user of this tool can estimate the quantity of coal required to meet the desired level of power supply. The factors/levers are ease of accessing technology, policy drivers, power markets and availability of high grade coal. Level 1 New technology development/deployment will be slow. Subcritical capacity addition will stop only after 2022, ultra supercritical technology will be introduced only in 2027 and Integrated Gas Combined Cycle (IGCC) is introduced in 2037. The share of IGCC in the coal-fired capacity addition during 2042-47 would be only 30%, and its share of the total capacity in 2047 would be only 18.6 GW at level 2 capacity addition, amounting to just about 6%, while 64% of the capacity would be super-critical. Total demand for Indian grade coal in 2047 in this scenario is high at 1390 million tons. Level 2 New technology development/deployment will be slightly faster than scenario A. Subcritical plant addition will stop after 2017 as per current Government plans. Ultra supercritical technology will be commercialized after 2017 and IGCC after 2027. IGCC will contribute 50% of the capacity addition in the 18th five year plan (2042–47). The share of IGCC in the coal-fired capacity in 2047 would be 10%, and super-critical technology would have a share of 55%. Total demand for Indian grade coal in 2047 in this scenario is 1194 million tons. Level 3 New technology development/deployment will be encouraged and hence its adoption would be faster. Subcritical capacity addition will stop after 2017, ultrasupercritical technology will be commercialized in 2022 and IGCC in 2027. IGCC's share of the capacity addition in the 18th five year plan (2042–47) would be 65%. In 2047, the share of IGCC in the coal-fired capacity would have increased to 20% and super-critical technology would have reduced to 43%. Total demand for Indian grade coal in 2047 in this scenario is 1165 million tons. Level 4 New technology development/deployment will be aggressively promoted and hence adopted very fast. Subcritical capacity addition will stop after 2017. 20% of new capacity addition in the 14th five year plan from 2022 would be ultra-supercritical technology and 20% of new capacity addition in the 15th five year plan from 2027 would be IGCC. Of the capacity addition in the 18th five year plan ending in 2047, 80% would be IGCC, resulting in its share in the total installed capacity in 2047 being 26%. Total demand for Indian grade coal in 2047 in this scenario falls to 1142 million tons. 53 2.16 Oil Production DOMESTIC OIL PRODUCTION India has 26 sedimentary basins out of which 15 sedimentary basins have been surveyed. The prognosticated hydrocarbon resource estimated by Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) for 15 sedimentary basins is about 28 billion tons of oil & oil equivalent of gas (O and OEG). Out of this, 10.94 billion tons of initial in place (IIP) reserves have been established as of 31st March 2014. The share of oil IIP is 6.96 billion tons (63.4%) and that of gas is 3.98 billion tons (36.6%). The recovery factor (R/F) currently is in the range of 28-30%. The growth in IIP reserves (O and OEG) from 2004 to 2012 has been at compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 2.55%. At this growth rate, the reserves establishment would be of the order of 23.76 billion tons in 2047. The share of oil reserves (oil in Place) would be 9.5 (40%) billion tons and that of gas (gas in place) 14.25 billion tons (60%). This would be common across the 4 scenarios. This analysis examines the domestic crude supply at different levels of production and recovery factors from the same level of reserves. Level 1 Level 1 assumes no improvement in R/F, and no newfields come into production, barring the ones for which investment decisions have been taken. It considers 13 DOCs/FDP approved by MC/DGH and 6 fields under development stage. PVT/JVs numbers are available with DGH up to 2020, beyond which, various growth rates have been considered based on historical trend since1995. The growth rates assumed are - ONGC (- 0.5%), OIL (1.4%), PSC Regime (1%). The production in the year 2047 would slightly decline to about 34.44Mtoe from 38 Mtoe in 2012. The share of ONGC, OIL and PVT/JVs would be 70%, 17% and 13% respectively in the total crude oil production in 2047. Level 2 A number of IOR/EOR schemes are underway to enhance production. ONGC would monetise their reserves in the marginal fields. This is also rendered possible by approval of the proposal to exempt the production from these fields, from contributing to under-recoveries of the downstream companies. Additionally about 35 discoveries which are under various stages of DOC approvals, approved FDPs/ appraised discoveries have been considered to start production after 2021. Based on the above assumptions, the growth rates from 2017 onwards are - ONGC (1%) OIL (1.7%) and PSC Regime (1%) and the growth rate for only PSC regime becomes 1.5% from 2022 onwards. This regime will have recovery factor of 30%, helping achieving crude production of about 58.60 million tons in 2047. The share of ONGC, OIL and PVT/JVs would be 68%, 11% and 21% respectively in the total crude oil production in 2047. Level 3 Under this scenario, a number of oil discoveries which are awaiting appraisal and development are found to be commercially viable. Marginal fields would supplement the production. EOR/IOR schemes would be taken up aggressively. Further, new discoveries from already awarded NELP blocks, and future OALP acreages would commence production after 2021. About 50 oil discoveries are under various stages of approval with DGH. Keeping above prospects in consideration, following growth rate has been considered: ONGC 1.0% growth from 2014-15, and 1.5% from 2017 onwards; OIL 2% from 2017 onwards and under PSC Regime 1.5% from 2017 onwards. Level 3 assumes recovery factor of 35% and production level of 67.7 million tons by 2047. The share of ONGC, OIL and PVT/JVs would be 64%, 12% and 24% respectively in the total crude oil production in 2047. Level 4 This envisages NOCs registering a continuous growth in oil production. Share from tight oil and shale oil has been taken into account. However, this scenario includes technological alliance with super majors, better R/F, deep-water exploitation of reserves and no rig availability problems for deep-water development. Ideal conditions exist for production. The growth rate of production for ONGC: 1.5% growth from 2014-15 and 2.0% from 2022 onwards, OIL (2.5%) from 2017 onwards and PSC Regime (2.0%)-from 2017 onwards. The R/F would be 40% and the crude oil production rises to around 78 million tons by 2047. The share of ONGC, OIL and PVT/JVs would be 67%, 12% and 21% respectively in the total crude oil production in 2047. 90 78 Oil Produc on (Million Tons) 80 70 68 60 59 50 40 35 34 30 20 10 0 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 L-1 54 L-2 Years L-3 L-4 2.17 Carbon Capture and Storage Fossil fuels will occupy a major part of our energy mix until 2047. Under the above circumstance, carbon capture and storage(CCS) could be a critical Greenhouse Gas reduction strategy in the use of fossil fuels. 'Green coal' could be a winwin solution. This lever in the IESS 2047 is a separate coal based power generation technology, and supplements coal based power as higher levels of CCS based plants are chosen (Level 2 to Level 4) Level 1 No planned generation plants with CCS till 2025 - resultantly the rate of CCS technology deployment will be less. Generation with CCS usage till 2025 will be negligible and start stoincrease, but at very slow pace due to lack of efficient and cheap technology. Generation with CCS usage will increase to 8 GW by 2047 from 0 GW in 2012. High cost of CCS technology becomes a deterrent in its adoption. The electricity generation in 2047 would be 42.2 TWh. Level 3 The amount of CCS-equipped capacity grows rapidly. The absolute growth rate in capture-equipped capacity occurs between 2030 and 2040. Going by International Energy Agency's roadmap for CCS technology 2013, India will target generation capacity with CCS of 3 GW till 2022 and will increase to 80 GW till 2047. The electricity generation in 2047 would be 423.3 TWh. Level 4 More generation plants with CCS technology will be deployed as an outcome of technology up gradation and reduction in capital requirement. India will begin constructing its own demonstration scale facilities, and more ambitious CCS projects. India will target generation capacity with CCS of 5 GW till 2022 that increases to 90 GW by 2047. The electricity generation in 2047 would be 475.2 TWh. Level 2 CCS Capacity (GW) Generation with CCS usage will be deployed at as low rate. India will follow projections for the United States with some time lag. Generation with CCS in 2022 will be around 1 GW and will reach to 35 GW by 2047. The electricity generation in 2047 would be 185.3 TWh. 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90 80 35 0 2007 8 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Year Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 55 Choices Around Network and Systems 2.18 Cross Border Electricity Trade 2.18.1 CROSS BORDER ELECTRICITY TRADE (IMPORT) Presently India is importing 1.5 GW hydropower from Bhutan, and also exporting around 500 MW to Pakistan; 120-150 MW to Nepal and around 500 MW to Bangladesh. During 2017-22, import has been projected at 8 GW mostly from Bhutan, and possibly Nepal as well. Options of power export/imports from Myanmar, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are also being explored. The inter-connection with India's neighbors is important from future import/export/balancing viewpoints. This analysis captures only the contracted electricity imports and exports. The recent SAARC agreement on a south Asian grid will enable this trade. Level 1 assumes thatIndia's integration with regional grids is poor. One implication of this is, that India is unable to tap the hydro potential in the Himalayan States, that may have helped balance our grid. Resultantly, imports continue to be low, as projects planned are delayed. An increase in electricity imports of 3GW during 13th Plan (2017-22) is likely as some of the under construction projects will be completed and thereafter will reach 7GW by 2042 and 10GW by 2047. Level 2 steady growth rate of 5GW in every 5 yearly periods thereafter with cumulative capacity reaching 30 GW in 2047. Level 3 assumes aggressive growth in imports and assumes India imports maximum power from Bhutan and Nepal and will meet its 8GW target envisaged in 13th Plan by 2022; India will import 30GW by 2032 as it is assumed that 75 Hydro Electric Projects (HEP) with a capacity of 25GW proposed in Bhutan will be completed by 2030 and will export electricity to India. Electricity import will be 55GW by 2042 as it is assumed that Nepal will commission its 23GW HEP projects and will export to India. This will be maintained at same level till 2047. Level 4 assumes optimistic growth in imports and assumes power import from other countries apart from Bhutan and Nepal as well. Target of 8 GW envisaged in 13th Plan will be achieved in 12th Plan itself. It is assumed that Nepal will explore its economical hydro potential of 42GW and export large volumes of electricity to India. Imports may go up to 50 GW by 2042 and will reach 60GW by 2047. assumes imports continue to grow at a moderate pace, planned projects will be completed but India will not be able to achieve its target of 8GW envisaged in 13th Plan. It will import 5GW by 2022 and thereafter maintain a Import Capacity (GW) 80 70 60 60 55 50 40 30 30 20 10 10 0 2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Year Level 1 56 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 2.18.2 CROSS BORDER ELECTRICITY TRADE (EXPORT) Presently India is a net exporter to Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. It is assumed that by 2022, the situation will change, and Nepal (and Bhutan) will be net exporter of electricity to India, whereas only Pakistan and Sri Lanka will remain as a net importer from India. This is likely to help stabilize the Indian grid and balance excess generation, particularly of RE origin. completed in 13th Plan. India will continue to supply to Pakistan and Bangladesh. Indian electricity exports rise to 2GW by 2022 and reach 4GW by 2047. Level 3 assumes aggressive growth in export, India will export 1.5 GW during 13th five year plan. With accelerated completion of pending projects between Bangladesh and Pakistan, phase 1 & 2 of bipolar HVDC line between India & Sri Lanka completed during 13th& 14th five year plan, India will export 2.5GW by 2027, 5GW by 2042 and 6GW by 2047. Level 1 assumes that export continues to be low as India will be focusing more on meeting domestic demand. Electricity export will be of 1.5GW during 14th Plan (2022-27) as some of the under construction projects in Pakistan and Bangladesh will be completed (thereby, obviating the need to import electricity), and thereafter will reach 2GW by 2037 and remain same till 2047. Level 4 assumes optimistic growth in exports and assumes power export to Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. It is assumed that proposed transmission infrastructure and power stations projects will be completed and lot many projects will be allocated for export of power to various countries. India will export 7GW by 2042 and 10GW by 2047. Level 2 assumes export continue to grow at a moderate pace and it is assumed that phase 1 of bipolar High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) line between India and Sri Lanka will be 10 12 Energy Export (GW) 10 6 8 4 6 4 2 2 0 2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Year Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 57 2.19 Transmission & Distribution Losses And Smart Grids T&D losses in India are one of the highest in the world. With an objective to reduce distribution losses and strengthen the distribution sector, Ministry of Power has launched several programmes such as Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme, Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme, and National Smart Grid Mission etc. A change in the Electricity Act, 2003 is also envisaged to improve the business structure towards this end separation of carriage and content. The present analysis captures electricity savings under different scenarios of T&D losses from the present losses of 22.7% until global best performance in Level 4 in 2047. Commercial losses are not captured herein, as they do not impact electricity availability/consumption. Level 1 Only a marginal improvement in T&D losses is assumed, which is currently at 22.69% on all India basis as of May 2013. Owing to financial losses of distribution utilities, investments towards strengthening the grid are minimal and hence the reduction in T&D losses would not be significant and will only reduce to 15.94% till 2047 out of which distribution losses will be 10.94% and transmission loss will reduce to 5%. leveraging the Smart Grid technologies T&D losses would reduce to approximately 11% by 2042 and will further reduce to 10% till 2047 out of which transmission losses will be 4% and distribution losses will be 6% by 2047. Level 3 It is assumed that the investments are made as envisaged in the India Smart Grid Roadmap, towards achieving the stated goals of reduction in losses, demand response and integration of renewable energy. Building on the success of the pilot projects, various technologies are leveraged under a clean energy policy drive to achieve financially viable and sustainable Smart Grids. The T&D losses would reduce to below 12% by 2027 out of which distribution losses will be 7% and transmission losses will be 5% and would reach around the global benchmark of 7% by 2047 of which transmission losses will be 3% and distribution losses will be 4%. Level 4 An aggressive drive is adopted by the dynamic 21st century India, towards achieving sustainable economic growth, energy independence and energy security. Reforms in the transmission and distribution sectors are carried out via elimination of cross-subsidies, innovative and competitive tariff structures, increased private participation in electricity business, electric vehicles, real-time energy markets, bi-directional flow of electricity and prosumer enablement. The global benchmark of 7% T&D losses is achieved by 2042 of which transmission losses will be 3% and distribution losses will be 4% and maintained thereafter till 2047. Level 2 Although the 14 Smart Grid pilot projects demonstrate the benefits of Smart Grid technologies at the pilot scale, a pan India large-scale deployment of Smart Grid technologies is assumed to happen at a relatively low rate. Projecting based on conservative estimates of 30% 24.67% 25% T&D Loss 20% 15.94% 15% 10% 10.00% 7.20% 5% 0% 2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 Year Level 1 58 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 2042 2047 2.20 Electrical Energy Storage The main driving force for grid connected storage systems in the Indian power sector, is the increasing share of renewable energy which require storage to handle the supply variability. India will keep on facing power shortage as demand is increasing at much faster rate compared to supply. A hybrid solution of storage and renewable can help India in solving the problem. The dependence on storage is much because there is hardly any capacity market in India either. The large Renewable Energy (RE) targets for India will depend a lot on storage capacity. This lever examines scenarios of exploitation of the available pumped storage capacity and battery solutions. Coupled with the Lawrence Berkeley Lab analysis (separate), the user can infer as to the feasible levels of RE, under different demand/supply conditions. will be employed in test beds at various parts of India. Hybrid solution of solar and batteries will be employed. Though the development of storage market will be in rising trend but it will be at slower pace. Total grid connected storage in India will be 20GW by 2022, growing to 35GW by 2032, 55GW by 2042 and 75GW by 2047. Level 3 Renewable share in total energy mix in India is expected to increase to 116 GW by 2022 and 823 GW by 2047. In addition to new technologies envisaged for level 2, partnership between India and other countries for smart grids and energy storage technologies will emerge and brings out some new and low cost batteries with higher performance parameters. Wind farms uses CAES (compressed air energy storage) for storage of energy during off peak hours, solar panel uses molten salt batteries. Opportunities for new project development and manufacturing emerges in India. Telecom sector will also take a lead in replacing their diesel generators with hybrid solution of solar and batteries. Total grid connected storage in India will be 25GW by 2022, 40GW by 2032, 80GW by 2042 and 100GW by 2047. Level 1 Renewable share (capacity) in total energy mix in India is 13.1% (36GW) of total installed capacity as on March, 2015 and this is expected to increase to 63 GW by 2022 and 140 GW by 2047. With limited investments in research and development of low cost and efficient battery technologies, the cost of batteries remain high resulting in less commercialization, poor adoption of battery storage. Pumped storage hydro power continues to dominate the energy storage in India. Total grid connected storage in India will be 5GW by 2022 growing to 8GW by 2032 and 10GW by 2042 and 15GW by 2047. Level 4 Renewable share in total energy mix in India is expected to increase to 206 GW by 2022 and 1530 GW by 2047. India will attain its potential of 20 GW by 2020. As per India Smart Grid roadmap, micro grids will be implemented in 10,000 villages and 100 smart cities till 2027, batteries will play a major role in these deployment. Wind mills will be integrated with hydro pump storage systems to operate them. India will follow IEA breakthrough scenario and total grid connected storage in India will be 40GW by 2022, growing to 60GW by 2032, 100GW by 2042 and 130GW by 2047. Level 2 Renewable share in total energy mix in India is expected to increase to 96 GW by 2022 and 491 GW by 2047. V2G (Vehicle to Grid) technologies will be maturing to offer storage solutions as large fleet of connected EV's (Electrical Vehicle's) will operate in VPP (Virtual Power Plant) mode. More share of pump storage will be developed. Various storage technologies on pilot basis Grid Connected Storage (GW) 140 130 120 100 100 75 80 60 40 20 15 0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Year Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 59 2.21 Reliability Of Power Supply The Government of India has recently announced and undertaken a variety of steps which would fuel the changing energy scenario of India in the years to come. A major stepping stone in this direction is the 24x7 Power to All Scheme by the year 2022. Certain key schemes like the DeenDayalUpadhyayaGrameenJyotiYojana and the Integrated Power Development Scheme have been launched to facilitate this goal.Although the path towards this goal is subject to a multitude of logistical and fiscal constraints, the attainment of the same would be a key element in changing the face of the energy sector of India. Therefore, the IESS, 2047 Version 2.0 offers the user an option to select the level of reliability of the grid i.e4 scenarios on the availability of electricity when demanded. These tie back to the aforementioned target of 24x7 Power to All by 2022. Once the user selects their preferred scenario for this lever, the option thus selected is modelled into the energy demand scenarios for the different demand sectors and feeds into the generation of the aggregate energy demand. The base case (2012) assumes that that 80% of the electricity in the residential sector and 92% electricity in the Commercial sector is available when demandedi.e level of reliability of the grid. A portion of the unmet demand is met by local diesel backup. 60 Level 1 A pessimistic scenario. Assumes that due to logistical, infrastructural and financial bottlenecks, the 24x7 target to provide electricity to all is unmet in both the Residential as well as the Commercial sectors by the year 2047. The grid is unable to meet 20% and 15% of the electricity requirements even in the year 2047, a proportion of which is supplied by local diesel backup. Level 2 A moderately better scenario than level 1. Assumes that the 24x7 target to provide electricity to all is met by the year 2042 in the Residential sector as well as the Commercial sector. Level 3 An aggressive scenario. Assumes that the 24x7 target to provide electricity to all is met by the year 2032 in the Residential sector as well as the Commercial sector. Level 4 Attainment of the goal of the Government: Assumes that the 24x7 target to provide electricity to all is met by the year 2022 in the Residential sector as well as the Commercial sector. Section 3 Example Pathways Sec on 3 : Example Pathways 3.1 Maximum Energy Security Pathway (MESP) In the IESS, 2047, a restricted interpreta on of the term 'Energy Security' has been adopted to denote import dependence. With rising energy imports, Indian policy makers have targeted reduc on in the same as an important policy objec ve. India imported nearly 31% of its total primary energy supply in the year 2011-12, and this number has further risen since. Therefore, the present energy exercise (IESS) is aimed at helping the policy makers in choosing policy interven ons, in the light of scenarios of India's import dependence in the coming decades. The MESP comprises of choices of those levels (out of 4 Levels) in different Demand and Supply sectors, which would reduce the energy import dependence of India by the year 2047. Energy Demand It is obvious that the first effort to reduce energy imports ought to be made on curbing energy demand itself. Therefore, in this pathway, we assume that the energy sector makes 'Heroic efforts' in all energy consuming 62 sectors (all Level 4 choices adopted). India's primary energy demand was 4929 TWhin 2012 which could rise to 18635 TWh in the default case (Level 2 or Determined effort) by 2047. However, if heroic efforts were made to reduce energy demand, the same could be brought down to 12436 TWh by 2047. The scope for maximum reduc on lies in Transport and Industry sectors, where Level 4 choices (Heroic scenarios) could restrict the demand growth to a factor of 3.2 and 3 respec vely, in 2047 from 2012 levels, as opposed to a factor of 5 and 4.5 in the default scenario. These two sectors would comprise of nearly 80% of the total energy demand in 2047. Within the transport sector (freight and passenger transport), maximum reduc on in energy demand (12%) would come from reducing the actual need for transporta on (by be er urban planning, Transit oriented development etc.), followed by raising the share of the more efficient mode of transport – rail, which contributes towards reducing 8% of the total energy demand for transport. On the Industry side, maximum energy reduc on takes place by enhancing efficiency in Cement and Iron and Steel industries, which comprise of nearly 40% of the total energy demand in the Industry segment in 2012. By adop ng Level 4 i.e Best Available Technologies, their energy demand growth of the Cement and Iron and Steel sectors could be arrested to rise by a factor of in 2 and 3.5 in 2047 respec vely (as compared to a factor of 4 and 7 in the Defaultcase). MESP also envisages higher electrifica on, fuel switching and be er urban planning to reduce the demand for transport. The share of electricity in primary energy demand in 2012 which was 16% rises to 29% in this scenario by 2047. Energy Demand 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 18635 12436 11824 9292 4929 2012 Buildings 2017 Industry 2022 Transport 2027 2032 2037 Pumps & Tractors 2042 Telecom 2047 Cooking Energy Supply On the supply side, this pathway would envisage moderate reduc on in demand for fossil fuel, raising of domes c produc on of all fuels and higher uptake of new technologies such as second genera on bio-fuels, including micro and macro algal fuels. This scenario would naturally envisage large uptake of renewable energy as India has unlimited availability of solar power and a huge wind poten al. However, the volume of renewable energy that can be ramped up would depend on the challenges of grid balancing, and integra on of renewable energy in the grid. Even demand side interven ons are important in determining fuel choices. For example, the transport sector op ons of Electric Vehicles and CNG fuelled vehicles in preference over petrol/diesel vehicles would be essen al in uptake of electricity/gas. The choice of produc on technology in Industries would drive energy demand for par cular fuels (gas/electricity in place of solid fuel such as coal in steel/cement industries). Within the above challenges, the MESP on the supply side would emerge as follows: While in this pathway, coal produc on rises steeply, but due to large doses of other domes c fuels, coal would lose its share in the supply mix, falling from 46% in 2012 to 43% in 2047. The share of renewables in the enhanced propor on of electricity in the energy mix would increase to 40% (it is 7% in 2012). The share of coal is lower than in Determined effort oriented scenario, but higher than the 37% share in maximum clean energy scenario. Similarly, RE is ramped up to enhance domes c sources in place of imported coal and oil/gas. But, RE share is lower than in the maximum clean energy scenario where it rises to 49% share in electricity. It may be noted that the integra on of renewable energy (RE) and storage (ba eries/pumped storage etc) for balancing it, have also been offered as levers in the Tool. The user may ck maximum exploita on of storage capacity to support high levels of RE. Separately, the grid balancing exercise is also useful to determine what quantum of RE can be dispatched at different levels of energy demand. The oil sector would also see a major ramp-up in domes c produc on, but reduced imports are witnessed due to reduced demand in the transport sector (Level 4 choices on demand side). In this scenario, it is significant to know that the domes c produc on of all fuels including fossil fuels is also expected to rise to the maximum possible levels. It is assumed that the policy framework and pricing scenario would favour large domes c exploratory efforts for coal, oil and gas, resul ng in the efforts rising to the highest levels. The prognos cated resources of the above three fuels rise, thereby suppor ng a higher produc on which peaks during the study period and reduces the energy import levels. 63 Energy Supply 30000 25557 25000 20000 16564 15000 10000 17337 13614 from 1.7 tons of CO2eq/ capita in 2012 to 3.5 tons of CO2eq/ capita in 2047. (As compared to 5.7 tons of CO2eq/ capita in 2047 in the Determined effort case) 7082 5000 GHG Emissions/Capita( tons/capita) 0 -5000 2012 2017 2022 Balance 2027 Natural gas 2032 Oil 2037 Coal 2042 2047 4.000 3.000 Bioenergy 3.5 2.000 60% 2500 50% 2000 40% 1500 30% 1000 20% 500 10% 0 0% 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 Fossil Fuel Based Electricity Hydro and Nuclear Renewable Based Electricity Share of Renwables 2047 Imports The current share of imports in the primary energy mix of the country is 31%. This is expected to rise to 57% in the default scenario. The MESP reduces energy demand by heroic efforts, which addresses the import situa on to a large extent on its own. Then, owing to large addi ons to domes c energy produc on by higher level choices on coal and other sources of energy (renewable energy included), the domes c supply also ramps up. In the MESP, the import dependence comes down from 31% in 2012 to 22% in 2047. 0.000 2012 2017 Total Bio Energy Gas 21% 18% 2012 2017 22% 10% 4% 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 Overall 2047 Emissions This pathway, due to its increasing emphasis on Renewable Energy sources a ains a reduc on in emissions as a co-benefit of a d d re s s i n g i m p o r t d e p e n d e n c e . T h e Greenhouse Gas emissions per capita increase 64 3.2 2047 10.6 4.3 0.2 0.2 Your Pathway Oil 2042 6.1 2.5 Renewables 72% 31% 2037 6.0 0.0 Coal 2032 Land Requirement for your Pathway Conventional 77% 2027 As this pathway focusses on interven ons on the fronts of Renewable energy and Bioe n e r g y m a i n l y, t o h e l p c u r b i m p o r t dependence, it is much more land intensive than the Determined effort pathway. The cumula ve land-use in this pathway rises by a factor of nearly 1.7 in 2047 as compared to the Determined effort pathway to support the interven ons. (10.6 Million Hectares in 2047 as compared to 6 Million Hectares in the Determined effort pathway) Import Dependence 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2022 Implica ons on land Area in M ha 3000 2012 1.7 1.000 Electricity Generation 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Determined Effort Pathway Costs The cost implica ons of this pathway would be explained in a two-fold manner. Firstly, on the demand side, due to an increase in energy efficiency and electrifica on, the economy as a whole would be a net saver in terms of costs, as lesser energy would be required to supply the same amount of services. It needs to be kept in mind that the IESS, 2047 is an efficiency calculator and not one of costs. The IESS does not include the infrastructure costs associated with undertaking these interven ons, it merely reflects the benefits that these interven ons would accrue to the economy. If the infrastructure costs were to be considered, the aggregate cost of these pathways would be much more. Secondly, on the supply side, even though the economy would incur costs on the produc on of various forms of energy supply, due to the decrease in the import dependence, the country would save a tremendous amount of its import bill, which will be reflected a savings in fossil fuels. Therefore, the maximum energy security pathway would lead to a cumula ve savings of 284 Trillion INR in 2047 (1.71% of its cumula ve GDP in the year 2047) over and above the Determined effort pathway i.e if the economy were to move to a path of Maximum Energy Security as opposed to its default pathway, ll the year 2047, it would accrue savings of 284 Trillion INR over what it would have spent while progressing on the default path. These savings could be redirected to other sectors of the economy. adopt heroic efforts on demand reduc on choice. It is only on the supply side that there are differences. While both pathways believe in ramping up domes c energy supply sources, in the energy security pathway, fossil fuels are preferred as there is a large domes c endowment. But, in the clean energy pathway, clean energy sources are preferred over fossil fuel supply. However, this is a highly improbable scenario, and while we could perhaps a ain a large improvement over the default case, but not the one generated in the maximum energy security scenario owing to the following reasons: n First, this scenario envisages a nearly 34% reduc on in energy demand from the default case which is challenging requiring significant urban planning reform, and public choices moving from private transport to public transport. n Second, this would also envisage a very high level of capital expenditure in crea ng physical infrastructure, par cularly in the transport sector (for a shi to rail/public transport), the cost of which is beyond the scope of the present exercise. n Third, it is assumed in this scenario that fossil fuel based energy system would be replaced by a renewable energy based one, without taking into account the fact that many fossil fuel based power plants would not have completed their economic life but are forced to re re giving way to renewable solu ons. This would cause a big cost to economy which cannot be compensated either by the State or consumers. Costs in INR Trillion (2012-47) Total Finance Others Industry -50Transport Buildings Electricity Bioenergy Fossil Fuels -284 -321 -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 19 2 12 22 19 13 0 50 Conclusion In conclusion, the Maximum Energy Security Pathway gives a rosy picture for the Indian energy sector in the year 2047, wherein import dependence dras cally falls even from the present level of 31% of the primary energy demand in 2012 to 22% in 2047. Both demand and supply sectors work in unison, in first reducing energy demand and then, supplying it largely by domes c sources. In many ways, this pathway is nearly similar to Maximum Energy Security Pathway, as both pathways However, this scenario is a useful analysis to indicate the direc on or choices which need to be made for reduc on in energy demand and raising supply. It also gives an overview of the poten al of demand reduc on, raising of supply, the poten al of emerging technologies and the implica on of the above on emissions, c o st s , l a n d re q u i re m e n t a n d i m p o r t dependency. 65 3.2 Maximum Clean and Renewable Energy Pathway (MCREP) With increasing concerns about sustainability and climate change and India finalising its Intended Na onally Determined Contribuons for the first me for discussion in the COP 21 summit, the importance of moving towards an economy which has renewable and clean sources of energy as its mainstay is increasingly being deliberated upon. India's per capita Greenhouse Gas emissions stood at 1.7 tons of CO2 equivalent/ Capita in 2012, which is likely to rise. The present energy exercise (IESS) is aimed at helping the policy makers in choosing policy op ons, in the light of scenarios of India's adop on of renewable energy and mee ng its energy needs, in a sustainable manner. The MCREP comprises of choices of those levels (out of 4 Levels) in different Demand and Supply sectors, which would increase the country's share of clean and renewable forms of energy by the year 2047. Energy Demand It is obvious that the first effort in the energy strategy of the economy ought to be towards curbing energy demand itself. If due to demand side interven ons, the country can 66 reduce its energy demand, and also supply the reduced energy demand by renewable and clean sources, it would be able to achieve emissions reduc on as a direct benefit. Therefore, in this pathway, we assume that the energy sector makes 'Heroic efforts' in all energy consuming sectors to reduce demand to the minimum (all Level 4 choices adopted). India's primary energy demand was 4929 TWhin 2012 which could rise to 18635 TWh in the default case (Level 2 or Determined effort) by 2047. However, if heroic efforts were made to reduce energy demand, the same could be brought down to 12436 TWh by 2047. The scope for maximum reduc on lies in Transport and Industry sectors, where Level 4 choices (Heroic scenarios) could restrict the demand growth to a factor of 3.2 and 3 respec vely, in 2047 from 2012 levels, as opposed to factors of 5 and 4.5 in the default scenario, respec vely. These two sectors would comprise of nearly 80% of the total energy demand in 2047. Within the transport sector (freight and passenger transport), maximum reduc on in energy demand (12%) would come from reducing the actual need for transporta on (by be er urban planning, Transit oriented development etc.), followed by raising the share of the more efficient mode of transport – rail, which contributes towards reducing 8% of the total energy demand for transport.On the Industry side, maximum energy reduc on takes place by enhancing efficiency in Cement and Iron and Steel industries, which comprise of nearly 40% of the total energy demand in the Industry segment in 2012. By adop ng Level 4 ( m a x i m u m re d u c o n b y a d o p o n o f autonomous energy efficiency), energy demand growth of the Cement and Iron and Steel sectors could be arrested to rise by a factor of in 2 and 3.5 in 2047 respec vely (as compared to a factor of 4 and 7 in the Default c a s e ) . M R C E P a l s o e nv i s a g e s h i g h e r electrifica on, fuel switching and be er urban planning to reduce the demand for transport. The share of electricity in primary energy demand in 2012 which was 16% rises to 29% in this scenario by 2047. Energy Demand 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 18635 11824 12436 9292 4929 2012 Balance 2017 Cooking 2022 Telecom 2027 2032 Pumps& Tractors 2037 Transport 2042 2047 Industry Energy Supply On the supply side, this pathway would envisage reduc on in demand for fossil fuel, a shi in the supply mix away from conven onal e n e r g y a n d a h i g h e r u p t a ke o f n e w technologies such as second genera on biofuels, including micro and macro algal fuels. This scenario would naturally envisage maximum uptake of renewable energy as India has unlimited availability of solar power and a huge wind poten al. However, the volume of renewable energy that can be ramped up would depend on the challenges of grid balancing, and integra on of renewable energy in the grid. Even demand side interven ons are important in determining fuel choices. For example, the transport sector op ons of Electric Vehicles and CNG fuelled vehicles in preference over petrol/diesel vehicles would be essen al in uptake of electricity/gas. The choice of produc on technology in Industries would drive energy demand for par cular fuels (gas/electricity in place of solid fuel such as coal in steel/cement industries). Within the above challenges, the MCREP on the supply side would emerge as follows: In this pathway, the share of coal will be the lowest as compared to its share in any other pathway because there is increased focus on moving towards a largely renewable and clean energy based economy. Driven by a moderate coal produc on scenario, coal would lose its share in the supply mix, falling from 46% share in the primary energy supply in 2012 to nearly 37% in 2047. Addi onally, moderate fossil fuel produc on scenarios also contribute to reducing the fugi ve emissions from mining and produc on processes. The share of renewables in the enhanced propor on of electricity in the energy mix would be 49% (it is 7% in 2012). It may be noted that the integra on of renewable energy (RE) and storage (ba eries/pumped storage etc) for balancing it, have also been offered as levers in the Tool. The user may ck maximum exploita on of storage capacity to support high levels of RE. Separately, the grid balancing exercise is also useful to determine what quantum of RE can be despatched at different levels of energy demand (provided separately in the tool). Along with different forms of Solar, Wind and Hydro gaining importance, this pathway also gives prominence to Bio-energy as a source of energy. Increased produc on of first and second genera on bio-fuels would contribute to mee ng 38% the liquid fuel demand in the transport sector. This pathway assumes technical and physical limits to drive the point that there is a major push for a move towards renewable and clean energy sources of energy. Inherent in this scenario is the assump on that there are no barriers (economic, social or technical) to the realiza on of renewable and clean energy poten als. 67 Energy Supply 30000 25557 25000 20000 16564 15000 10000 17337 13614 7082 5000 0 -5000 2012 2017 2022 Balance 2027 Natural gas 2032 Oil 2037 Coal 2042 2047 Bioenergy the year 2047. A high penetra on of Renewable and Clean sources as well as an increased impetus on Bioenergy as an alterna ve source, brings down the emissions from 5.7 tons of CO2eq/ capita in 2047 in the Determined effort case to 3.2 tons of CO2eq/ capita in 2047. GHG Emissions/Capita( tons/capita) Electricity Generation 3000 60% 4.000 2500 50% 3.000 2000 40% 1500 30% 1000 20% 500 10% 0 0.000 2012 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 Hydro and Nuclear 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Renewable Based Electricity Share of Renwables 2047 Implica ons on land The current share of imports in the primary energy mix of the country is 31%. This is expected to rise to 57% in the default scenario. The MCREP reduces energy demand by heroic efforts, which addresses the import situa on to a large extent on its own. Then, owing to an increase in Renewable and Clean Energy sources, the domes c supply also ramps up. However, owing to moderate domes c produc on scenarios of fossil fuels, the import dependence is more than that in the Maximum Energy Security pathway. Yet, in the MCREP, the import dependence comes down from 31% in 2012 to 26% in 2047. As this pathway focusses on aggressive interven ons on the fronts of Renewable energy and Bio-energy mainly, to help curb import dependence, it is much more land intensive than the Determined effort pathway. The cumula ve land-use in this pathway rises by a factor of nearly 2 in 2047 as compared to the Determined effort pathway to support the interven ons. (11.6 Million Hectares in 2047 as compared to 6 Million Hectares in the Determined effort pathway) Land Requirement for your Pathway Total Area in M ha 2017 Fossil Fuel Based Electricity Imports Bio Energy Renewables 77% 6.1 2.5 3.2 5.3 0.3 0.2 0.0 77% 11.6 6.0 Conventional Import Dependence 2.0 Your Pathway 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 Determined Effort Pathway Coal Oil 31% 21% 18% 26% 23% 13% Costs Gas Overall 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 Emissions The Maximum Clean and Renewable Energy pathway, as the name suggests contributes to a large decrease in the emissions for India ll 68 1.7 1.000 0% 2012 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 3.2 2.000 The cost implica ons of this pathway would be explained in a two-fold manner. Firstly, on the demand side, due to an increase in energy efficiency and electrifica on, the economy as a whole would be a net saver in terms of costs in the long run as lesser energy would be required to supply the same amount of services. It needs to be kept in mind that the IESS, 2047 is an efficiency calculator and not one of costs. The IESS does not include the demand side infrastructure costs associated with undertaking these interven ons, it merely reflects the benefits that these interven ons would accrue to the economy. The gains on demand side cannot be achieved without these large expenses. If the infrastructure costs were to be considered, the aggregate cost of these pathways would be much more. Secondly, on the supply side, even though the economy would incur costs on the produc on of various forms of energy supply, due to a massive push for renewable and clean energy sources including bioenergy, the pathway is cheaper again on a life-cycle basis. However, again we know that the capital costs on RE are very high and need to be spent upfront, which is a major challenge for developing economies. Therefore, the MCREP would lead to a cumula ve savings of 271 Trillion INR in 2047 (1.63% of its cumula ve GDP in the year 2047) over and above the Determined effort pathway i.e if the economy were to move to a path of Maximum Renewable and Clean Energy as opposed to its default pathway, ll the year 2047. This would accrue savings of 271 Trillion INR over what the country would have spent while progressing on the default path. These savings could be redirected to other sectors of the economy. scenario of moving towards an aggressively high penetra on of Renewable and Clean energy sources in the energy mix of India. A transi on of this extent would considerably contribute to arres ng the growth of emissions to a factor of 2.7 in the year 2047 as opposed to a factor of 4.7 in the defaultdetermined effort scenario. Both demand and supply sectors work in unison, in first reducing energy demand and then, a shi to cleaner sources of energy is facilitated. In many ways, this pathway is nearly similar to Maximum Energy Security Pathway, as both pathways adopt heroic efforts on demand reduc on choice. It is only on the supply side that there are differences. While both pathways believe in ramping up domes c energy supply sources, in the energy security pathway, fossil fuels are preferred as there is a large domes c endowment. But, in the clean energy pathway, clean energy sources are preferred over fossil fuel supply. However, this is a highly improbable scenario, and while we could perhaps a ain a large improvement over the default case, the absolute realiza on of the aforemen oned benefits is quite improbable owing to the following reasons: n First, this scenario envisages nearly a 34% reduc on in energy demand from the default case which is challenging requiring significant urban planning reform, and public choices moving from private transport to public transport. n Second, this would also envisage a very high level of capital expenditure in crea ng physical infrastructure, par cularly in the transport sector (for a shi to rail/public transport), the cost of which is beyond the scope of the present exercise. n Third, it is assumed in this scenario that fossil fuel based energy system would be replaced by a renewable energy based one, Costs in Chosen Units (2012-47) Total Finance Others Industry -50 Transport Buildings Electricity Bioenergy Fossil Fuels -271 -326 -400 -300 -200 -100 18 2 12 22 38 13 0 100 Conclusion In conclusion, the Maximum Clean and Renewable Energy Pathway lays out the 69 without taking into account the fact that many fossil fuel based power plants would not have completed their economic life but are forced to re re giving way to renewable solu ons. This would cause a big cost to economy which cannot be compensated either by the State or consumers. n 70 Fourth, this pathway assumes no barriers (economic, social or technical) in the realiza on of such vast poten als of renewable and clean energy. However, this scenario is a useful analysis to indicate the direc on or choices which need to be made for reduc on in energy demand and shi ing the energy mix in favour of cleaner sources. It also gives an overview of the poten al of demand and emission reduc on, the poten al of emerging technologies and the implica on of the above on emissions, costs, land requirement and import dependency. Section 4 Some Key Results 1. Potential of Demand Reduction from Determined Effort Scenario to Heroic Effort Scenario Sector Demand in 2012 (TWh) Demand in 2047 (TWh) Determined Effort Heroic Effort % Savings Buildings 238 2287 1540 33% Industry 2370 10430 6912 34% Transport 929 4414 2975 33% Pumps& Tractors 237 798 533 33% Telecom 83 184 66 64% Cooking 1072 522 410 21% Total 4929 18635 12436 33% 2. Subsector Analysis: Determining the impact of different interventions on the energy demand of Passenger Transport Demand in 2047 (TWh) % Savings Determined Effort (Reference) 2377 - Transit Oriented Development 2034 14% Shift to more efficient modes of transport 2264 5% Shift to Public Transport 1864 22% Shift to Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 2004 16% Heroic Effort 1370 42% From the above analysis, the user can observe how much each sub-sector in the Passenger Transport segment contributes individually to reducing the energy demand for the sector. The line item for Heroic Effort talks about how much reduc on in energy demand is possible for the Passenger Transport segment if all subsectors collec vely feed into each other at the Heroic Effort level. 3. Supply side analysis: Impact on Primary Energy Supply as a result of changes in Demand pathways Primary Energy Supply in 2047 (TWh) Sector Heroic Effort on Demand Side % Savings 1986 2078 (5%) 13159 7770 41% Oil 6832 4434 35% Natural Gas 2075 1753 16% Bioenergy 1413 1413 - 25465 17448 31% Renewable and Clean Energy Coal Total 72 Determined Effort on Demand Side 4. Supply side analysis: Changes in fuel composition of different pathways Primary Energy Supply Pathway in 2047 (TWh) Sector Maximum Renewable and Clean Energy Pathway Maximum Energy Security Pathway Renewable and Clean Energy 3638 2560 Coal 6210 7263 Oil 4194 4194 Natural Gas 1563 1675 Bioenergy 1732 1732 Total 17337 17424 5. Emission analysis: Reduction in emissions by shift to a clean energy pathway Emissions in 2047 (MTCO2Eq) Sector Determined Effort Pathway Maximum Renewable and Clean Energy Pathway % Savings Industry 5935 3559 40% Transport 1118 709 37% Agriculture 72 43 40% Telecom 37 3 92% Thermal Generation 2678 1409 47% Bioenergy -304 -363 (19%) 93 93 - 109 73 33% 9738 5526 43% Fossil Fuel Production Fossil Fuel Transfer Total 6. Import dependence analysis: Reduction in imports by a shift to Maximum energy security pathway Import Dependence 2012 Determined Effort (2047) Maximum Energy Security (2047) Coal 18% 59% 10% Oil 77% 88% 72% Gas 23% 44% 4% Overall 31% 57% 22% 73 7. Overall analysis: Summary of results Scenario Demand Demand (2012)- (2047)TWh TWh 74 Implications Demand in TWh Import Demand/ Demand/ Renewable Emissions/ Emissions/ Dependence Capita (2012) Capita (2047) Energy Capita Capita Penetration (2012) (2047)KWh/Capita KWh/Capita Least Effort 4929 22140 4053 12991 6% 84% 1.7 7.9 Determined Effort 4929 18634 4053 10934 26% 58% 1.7 5.7 Heroic Effort 4929 12436 4053 7297 39% 34% 1.7 4.3 Maximum Energy Security 4929 12436 4053 7297 40% 22% 1.7 3.5 Maximum Clean and Renewable Energy Pathway 4929 12436 4053 7927 49% 26% 1.7 3.2 Determined 4929 Effort Overall and Heroic Effort on Electric Vehicles 18262 4053 10716 25% 57.10% 1.7 5.68 Determined Effort Overall and Shift to Public Transport 4929 18121 4053 10634 26% 56.50% 1.7 5.62 Determined Effort Overall and Modal Shift to Rail Freight 4929 18262 4053 10716 25% 57.00% 1.7 5.68 Determined Effort Overall and Heroic Effort in Transport 4929 17196 4053 10090 25% 54.90% 1.7 5.5 Determined Effort Overall and Heroic Effort in Fuel Switching in Industry 4929 16976 4053 9961 23% 56.40% 1.7 5.17 Scenario Implications Demand in TWh Demand Demand (2012)- (2047)TWh TWh Import Demand/ Demand/ Renewable Emissions/ Emissions/ Dependence Capita (2012) Capita (2047) Energy Capita Capita Penetration (2012) (2047)KWh/Capita KWh/Capita Determined Effort Overall and Heroic Effort in Industry 4929 15117 4053 8870 25% 51% 1.7 4.36 Determined Effort Overall and Heroic Effort in Buildings 4929 17840 4053 10468 31% 53% 1.7 5.21 75 NOTES 76 NOTES 77 NOTES 78 Supporting Partners For suggestions or questions, please write in to the IESS, 2047’s team at [email protected] For more information: Visit us at www.indiaenergy.gov.in