August - Temple Beth Am


August - Temple Beth Am
Temple Beth Am
August 2014 Av/Elul 5774
2250 Central Blvd. Jupiter, FL 33458
Published Monthly
(561) 747-1109
Issue No. 172
Next month, Apple will unveil the iPhone 6 and many of us will end up getting it. Some will hold
the anticipated device in their trembling hands on the first day it becomes available and the less
enthusiastic will wait until their upgrade is due. Yet it is safe to predict that almost everyone will
agree that the new phone is better than its predecessor, and very few will express sincere longing
for their old gizmo.
Next year, the Reform Movement will unveil its new Machzor, High Holy Days Prayer Book, Mishkan HaNefesh.
Some congregations will use it right away and some may wait awhile. But I have little doubt that among the people
who will be using it next fall, some may not like it. It is not because of our people’s natural propensity for
complaining, but because a prayer book is not a cell phone where newer means better. Our current Machzor, Gates of
Repentance, has been around for almost four decades and for many, not only its liturgy, but even its red cover and its
smell remind us of the High Holy Days and make us feel Jewish.
In the past year, Brett, Jessica and I have been examining the draft of the new prayer book, trying to decide if TBA
should be among the early adopters or wait. Before we started, I expected it to be an easy conclusion as I learned to
recognize throughout the years the limitations of Gates of Repentance, but that has not been the case. On one hand,
the new book has so much to offer and it meshes with our mission of making Judaism accessible. For example, like
Mishkan Tefilah, our prayer book, all the Hebrew prayers have a transliteration and alongside the traditional prayers
there are modern poems and readings. But on the other hand, it didn’t feel comfortable. We went back and forth until
we asked ourselves if what we didn’t like about the book was its content or the fact that it was different from what we
were used to. We humbly admitted that most of it was a result of the latter. But we didn’t stop there.
We chose to join a number of congregations around the country that volunteered to pilot some parts of the new
Machzor these coming High Holy Days. We did it for two reasons: First, we wanted to help the dedicated Machzor’s
Editorial Committee by providing them with our feedback, and second, we wanted to get your comments and advice
on how to best use it in the future. This year we will be using a draft of Mishkan HaNefesh for Rosh Hashanah Eve,
Yom Kippur Afternoon, Yizkor and Neilah.
At the conclusion of the High Holy Days we will have a meeting with those of you who would like to participate in a
study group of the new Machzor. We encourage all of you to give us constructive feedback on this new book and the
direction that it offers.
Rabbi Alon Levkovitz
561-747-1109 - FAX 561-222-2781
Mark Slifkin
[email protected]
Vice President:
Brian Cohn
[email protected]
Vice President:
Bruce Cohen
[email protected]
Vice President:
Fran Sachs
[email protected]
Mary Elias
[email protected]
Carol Carswell
[email protected]
Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Hal Baseman
Gwen Berry
Jerry Holinstat
Amy Russell
Leona Usher
Ellen Vargas
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Temple Administrator:
Early Childhood Director:
Education Director:
Music Director:
Youth Engagement Director:
Community Engagement:
Administrative Assistant &
Scribe Editor:
Assistant Scribe Editor:
Early Childhood Administrator:
Temple Beth Am
Alon Levkovitz
Jessica Turnoff Ferrari
Carol Sleeper
Paula Deakter
David Sherman
Brett Tancer
Alissa Frankel
Zac Kushner
Jeanne Tarsches
Brud Tarsches
Beth Eisenman
Arnie Weinstein
Myrna Abramowitz
Hal Baseman
Margot Hauser
Debbie Baseman
Sherrie Kesselman
Sara Ward
Robbin Briley
John Alexander
Stephen Lewis
Len Green
Bob Miller
Jody Minde
Cathy Drourr
Cubby Steinhart
Harvey Silverman
Lois Remick
Debby Baker
Alvin Schlossberg
Michael Deakter
Jerry Silvers
Tom Ross
Bruce Cohen
August 2014
Mark Slifkin
Well, it is that time of year again. I cannot believe Summer is almost over with only a couple of weeks before
school starts, and kids are coming back from camp with the usual ‘I have nothing to do’ – but parents always
find a solution. Once again TBA has a Kids Summer Camp - thank you Paula Deakter and Rachel Ruiz from
The One School and Yael Lawrence from the Family Center. Check Facebook to see all the activities and
bring your little ones to the TBA camp next summer.
I want to welcome our newest Board members and thank you for your volunteer services to TBA. We look forward to your
leadership and contributions to the TBA Board: Ellen Vargas, Gwen Berry, Cathy Drourr and Lois Remick (Sisterhood
representative) - Congratulations! ALL our Board members names are always listed on the first page of the Scribe – talk to
them anytime about your thoughts, suggestions and ideas – our tag line ALL OF US TOGETHER only works if we have
YOUR input!
Also, congratulations to the elected Executive Committee: Brian Cohn (VP), Bruce Cohen (VP), Fran Sachs (VP
Education), Carol Carswell (Treasurer) and Mary Elias (Secretary).
Thank you Hal Baseman (Past President) from all the members of TBA – room does not allow for all the words we could
write, so a simple ‘thank you’ for your leadership will have to do for now! By the way I understand he is traveling somewhere
AGAIN – send pictures and airplane escapades please. PS: Take a look at his TBA nametag next time you see him.
I wish to thank the entire Board for showing me their confidence and support in electing me as our TBA President. I will
certainly endeavor to meet your expectations and continue the great leadership of TBA.
You have been seeing the beginning of our new communications look thanks to Carol Sleeper, Debbie Baseman, Zac
Kushner and our PR Consultant, Greg Dubois, of Bella Group, starting with the VFC Booklet on ‘KULANU’ and what we
have done Together this past year, followed by the High Holy Day brochure. On the way are ‘Who Are We’ (a communication
to TBA members and the Jewish Community) and a new member recognition program. There is more to come in the future.
Hal’s June/July Scribe article reviewed the past year’s significant accomplishments and Rabbi talked about his vision in the last
Scribe regarding interfaith families and B’nei Mitzvah for high school students and adults – standby for more on these topics.
Another goal for the future is to provide opportunities for volunteerism. We have made tremendous strides in volunteerism
and thank you for sending in your skills survey (if you haven’t done so, please do). More from David Elias in the near future,
but here is one factoid – did you know we have made and served over 12,000 meals at St. George’s Soup Kitchen?
We have been working hard to improve the exterior appearance – our wonderful building is over 7 years old and needs some
TLC. A lot has been happening over the summer. How do you like the new sod and shrubs? Thanks to Jerry Holinstat’s
facility team, Cubby Steinhart , Harvey Silverman, Rich Remick, Mike Deakter and Albert Jacob with special thanks to
Cubby for providing the labor and generously contributing towards the project cost. By the time school starts we will have
fixed the ‘mud pit’ parking area, as The One School parents fondly call it. Our new well will enable us to have an adequate
irrigation supply.
Please join me in welcoming Alissa Frankel as the new Youth Group Director – she will also be helping David Sherman on
Religious School Programming. Youth Group kids and parents will be hearing from her before school starts and we are
looking forward to exciting activities for our kids.
REMINDER - if you have not sent in your VFC pledge card please send it in ASAP so we can mail your High Holy Days
tickets in a timely manner. If the dog ate it or you misplaced it, a copy of the VFC pledge card is on page 5 in this Scribe or
call Carol Sleeper at the office (561-747-1109) if you wish to discuss your pledge further.
Enjoy the rest of summer and vacations and please post on the TBA Facebook page.
Looking forward to greeting all of you during the High Holy Days.
The Scribe articles are great and contain interesting tidbits about TBA – enjoy them. Call me at 561-222-8350 if you have
ANY questions or just wish to chat. Email works also: [email protected]
B’shalom, Mark
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Kulanu: We nurture an engaged Jewish community whose members care for each other, care for the Jewish
people and Israel, and gladly invest their time, money and passion.
We weren’t certain how you’d respond to a “Voluntary Financial Commitment” as opposed to “Dues”. Fast
forward almost one year. Our cautious optimism has been met with your pragmatism and enthusiasm. Eliminating
mandatory Temple dues in favor of a Voluntary Financial Commitment system has proven the right decision.
Together, we’re making Judaism more accessible to all. This is Kulanu: All of Us Together.
The Voluntary Financial Commitment Operating Levels are based solely on the projected operating budget for the
Temple this fiscal year. We anticipate those who can contribute beyond the Operating Level will. If you cannot
contribute at the operating level, contribute what you can. This is Kulanu.
Your Voluntary Financial Commitment
 Entitles you to High Holy Days tickets (irrespective of voluntary financial commitment amount)
 Allows you to choose a payment schedule: annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly
Voluntary Financial Commitment does not include:
 Tuition or fees for Religious School, Shalom Chai, or other fee for service activity
 B’nei Mitzvah fees
Important Considerations
 Although voluntary, a pledge remains a commitment. We plan based on your pledge.
 To thoughtfully and properly plan the Temple’s operations, we must receive your membership pledge card in
the Temple office.
 The fiscal year begins July 1, 2014 and ends June 30, 2015.
 The operating budget includes projected voluntary commitments for High Holy Days and Spring Drive, as
 Direct all questions to the Temple office at 561-747-1109.
This past year was the first year of Temple Beth Am living intentionally in the full spirit of Kulanu. Your
Voluntary Financial Commitment is essential to the Temple Beth Am community. Thank you and thank
you in advance for what you’ll contribute to the Temple Beth Am community this year.
We’re already underway on an even more dynamic period of engagement.
Kulanu is a journey. So, we go. All of Us Together.
Please see the following page for your Voluntary Financial Commitment pledge card.
Friendly reminder: It’s a new Temple year and we need you to send back
your Voluntary Financial Commitment Pledge Card
in order to renew your membership.
High Holy Days Tickets will be sent to new/renewed members
in early September.
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
The TBA Men's Club is again selling the Northern Palm Beach County "Enjoy The City" Coupon Books.
The Books will be available shortly and the coupons are good until December 31, 2015.
Those of you who took advantage of this Book last year know what a great deal it is. You get 4 Fresh Market coupons
at $5 each so you get your $20 back quickly, and then you are left with multiple $5 and $10 Off Coupons at such
famous Jupiter and Palm Beach Gardens restaurants and markets as Leftover’s, Food Shack, Berry Fresh,
Carmine’s, Subway, Sal’s, PA Barbecue, First Watch, Joseph’s, and you still have about $500 more in coupons.
Just these few coupons add up to over $200.
The funds we raise go towards supporting Temple functions including Friday Evening and
Sunday Morning Speakers and special events.
Just e-mail the TBA Men’s Club at [email protected] or Jerry Holinstat at [email protected] or
Harvey Silverman at [email protected] and we will deliver your order to the Temple office where you
can pick it up and drop off your $20.
Harvey Silverman and Jerry Holinstat
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Edie Wolf
The TBA Book Club is an informal group that meets four times a year on Mondays at 10:30am at the Temple. We
usually go out for lunch afterwards. Edie Wolf, the new chairperson, will send out email reminders of upcoming dates
and the books we will read. If you have not attended the book club before but would like to receive email reminders
about upcoming meetings, please contact Edie to give her your contact information. Any questions or suggestions may
be directed to Edie at [email protected] or 443-223-9729.
Temple Beth Am Book Club Selections 2014-2015
November 3: JOY COMES IN THE MORNING – Jonathan Rosen - Deborah Green is a woman of passionate
contradictions--a rabbi who craves goodness and surety while wrestling with her own desires and with the sorrow and
pain she sees around her. Her life changes when she visits the hospital room of Henry Friedman, an older man who has
attempted suicide. His parents were murdered in the Holocaust when he was a child, and all his life he’s struggled with
difficult questions. Deborah’s encounter with Henry and his family draws her into a world of tragedy, frailty, love, and,
finally, hope. [Paperback: 400 pages]
January 5: MY 15 GRANDMOTHERS – Genie Milgrom – The author takes the reader through an exciting maze of
intrigue, where literally every stone that is turned yields a new twist in the author’s personal journey. Having been
brought up in a Roman Catholic family in Cuba and descending from Spanish ancestry did not ensure that her life
would be lived within that realm. In response to strong feelings and an affinity towards Judaism, her search for her
family’s past took on a deeper significance as she researched her maternal lineage and discovered and documented her
Pre-Inquisition Spanish roots to Fifteenth Century Spain and Portugal where they lived first as Jews, then as Crypto
Jews and finally as Roman Catholics. She was able to unravel the web of lies and deceit that her family had spun in
order to survive the Spanish Inquisition. They lived with one foot in each world as they converted to Catholicism
openly while secretly practicing their own religion underground. [Paperback: 164 pages]
March 2: THE MUSEUM OF EXTRAORDINARY THINGS – Alice Hoffman - the story of an electric and
impassioned love between two vastly different souls in New York during the volatile first decades of the twentieth
century. Coralie Sardie is the daughter of the sinister impresario behind The Museum of Extraordinary Things, a Coney
Island boardwalk freak show that thrills the masses. Coralie appears as the Mermaid in her father’s “museum”. One
night Coralie stumbles upon a striking young man taking pictures of moonlit trees in the woods off the Hudson River.
The dashing photographer is Eddie Cohen, a Russian immigrant who has run away from his father’s Lower East Side
Orthodox community and his job as a tailor’s apprentice. When Eddie photographs the devastation on the streets of
New York following the infamous Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, he becomes embroiled in the suspicious mystery
behind a young woman’s disappearance and ignites the heart of Coralie. [Hardcover: 384 pages]
Solomon - An eye-opening history of the Broadway musical that changed the world. In the half-century since its
premiere, Fiddler on the Roof has had an astonishing global impact. Award-winning drama critic, Alisa Solomon, traces
how and why the story of Tevye the milkman, the creation of the great Yiddish writer Sholem-Aleichem, was reborn as
blockbuster entertainment and a cultural touchstone. It is a story of the theater, following Tevye from his humble
appearance on the New York Yiddish stage, through his adoption by leftist dramatists as a symbol of oppression, to his
Broadway debut in one of the last big book musicals, and his ultimate destination—a major Hollywood picture.
Solomon reveals how the show spoke to the deepest conflicts and desires of its time: the fraying of tradition,
generational tension, the loss of roots. Audiences everywhere found in Fiddler immediate resonance and a usable past,
whether in Warsaw, where it unlocked the taboo subject of Jewish history, or in Tokyo, where the producer asked how
Americans could understand a story that is “so Japanese.” [Hard cover: 448 pages]
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Lois Remick
Your Sisterhood Board hopes that you have been having a wonderful summer with friends and family.
The Board has been busy planning the Sisterhood events for this coming year and hope that you are able to attend.
The Opening Event will be held at the Elliot Museum in Stuart on Tuesday, October 21 st , from 9:30am to
approximately 2:30pm.
The Elliot Museum features Art, History and Technology with a special feature of cars dating from the turn of the 20 th
Century. The Special Exhibit in October is “Genome: The Secret of How Life Works”. This 5,000 square foot exhibit
explores, among other mysteries, the human genome and the implications for medical science and healthcare. We will be
carpooling from the Temple at 9:30am and have a docent tour of the museum upon arrival. There will be time for
revisiting exhibits after the guided tour.
We have reserved a room at the “Pawnbroker Grill” for lunch and attendees may order off the menu and pay for their
lunch. The “Pawnbroker Grill” is located across the street from the Elliot Museum in a small shopping area.
Please watch for the flyer for this event in the September Scribe which will have a tear-off to send back your
reservation and check. Entrance fee to the Elliot Museum is $10 (group rate).
Selichot Dinner and Service will be Saturday, September 20th.
Join us for a delicious dinner at 6:15pm, a film and discussion with Rabbi Alon at 7:00pm followed by Havdallah and an
inspiring Selichot Service at approximately 8:00pm. Dinner is $18 per person. As always, there is no cost to attend the
Rabbi’s discussion and Service. Please see the flyer in this Scribe for details on the film and to RSVP for dinner.
RSVP’s for dinner are due by September 12th. (No RSVP necessary to attend the program and Service.)
Please put these dates on your calendar:
Paid-up Membership Lunch with guest speaker……..Sunday January 25, 2015
Sisterhood Shabbat……...Friday night, February 27, 2015
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Sisterhood events.
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Jerry Holinstat & Harvey Silverman, Co-Presidents
Current Events
Sunday, July 27th - The second annual Temple Beth Am Pool Party & Picnic was held at the Palm Beach
Gardens Aquatic Center on Military and Burns Roads. The Pool Party & Picnic took place from 10:00am to
1:00pm. The Men’s Club prepared and served the food for the mini Picnic. The kids had the opportunity to
join their friends and the adults joined their peers for socializing and some good laughs. The Pool Party &
Picnic was being funded by Temple.
Sunday, October 5th - The day after Yom Kipper the Men’s Club will build the Sukkah for our children under
the positive leadership of both Paul Steidle and Mike Deakter. We welcome all parents that have a desire to
help provide their children with a wonderful religious experience. The Men’s Club will also be supplying a
Free bagel and Lox breakfast for the builders. We are meeting at Temple at 8:30am. Please RSVP to Paul
Steidle or the Temple Office
Sunday, October 19th - Take the Sukkah down and also enjoy a Free Breakfast on the Men’s Club. We are
meeting at Temple at 8:30am. Please RSVP with Paul Steidle or the Temple Office.
Sunday, October 19th - We are hosting The League of Women Voters with a Breakfast of Bagels and Lox
fruit and all trimmings. We are lucky to have the Leagues best presenter and the subject will be an accurate
understanding of the Florida Constitutional Amendments, including legalization of Medical Marijuana. The
ballot language can be very confusing. The presenter will be offering you an accurate understanding of the
amendments as well as the benefits and or consequences of each amendment. The League has also promised
to allow time for Q&A. The Lox & Bagel Breakfast is $10.00 and the Presentation is Free. You are
welcome to invite your friends and neighbors.
Warmest regards
Jerry Holinstat and Harvey Silverman
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Audrey Ades, Debby Baker & Marcy Isdaner
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Audrey Ades
How would you like to join an amazing group of women who are making a strong impact in our community by supporting
local charities?
The group meets at TBA and the time commitment is only four hours a year!
This is 100 WOMEN WHO CARE.
How does it work?
 At each meeting, any member can nominate a local charity for consideration as a recipient of that meeting’s
• Three charities are then drawn at random and the nominating member gives a brief presentation about the cause.
 Members then vote on which cause to support.
 Each member writes a check for $100 directly to the chosen organization.
100 Women x 100 checks = $10,000 raised in one hour!
Our first meeting is on Thursday, Sept. 18th from 6:00pm-7:00pm at TBA. You can still join even if you can’t make the
first meeting.
Please contact Audrey Ades at [email protected] for more information.
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Debbie Baseman
Preparations for the High Holy Days are going full steam ahead. In addition to working on all the different
programming we offer, we are going to be one of the synagogues participating in a pilot program. The Union of
Reform Judaism/The Central Conference of American Rabbi’s is working on a new High Holy Days book and we are
going to be using a draft of it on Erev Rosh Hashanah and during the Afternoon, Yizkor, and Concluding Services of
Yom Kippur. This is so exciting to be part of this program. The URJ wants our opinion on these Services, so we will
certainly oblige! Your comments will be appreciated. One great thing about this new book is the introduction of all the
transliteration to the Hebrew prayers that we do together, just like in the Shabbat Mishkan T’filah.
Below is a little synopsis of the things that are being worked on for the High Holy Days. For a detailed list of the
Services offered during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, see the back page of the Scribe.
Early Evening Services on Erev Rosh Hashanah & Kol Nidre:
Once again, we are offering an early Service on Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre.
These Services will begin at 5:00pm.
The early 5:00pm Service will be similar to the main 8:00pm Service. Rabbi Alon will be leading the liturgy and
giving his sermon and Cantor Jessica will be leading the beautiful High Holy Days music.
If you are a Temple member or you have purchased a ticket, you are invited to attend either the early or main
Service, just bring your ticket. If you are not a Temple member, there is no charge to attend these early
evening Services at 5:00pm (as well as the Afternoon Service on Yom Kippur) but you still need a ticket to
attend. Contact the Temple office for a ticket.
Member tickets or purchased tickets are needed for all other Services (except the Children’s Services). To purchase
tickets or for more information, contact the office at 747-1109, or visit our website at
Please remember, regardless of what Service you choose to attend, for security purposes,
you must have a ticket.
Yizkor Book
Deadline: September 2, 2014 FIRM
During the High Holy Days, and especially at the Yizkor Service on Yom Kippur, we remember family and friends
who have passed away. It is customary to make a contribution to tzedakah in honor of those for whom we say
Yizkor. One opportunity for honoring the memory of loved ones is to include their names in our annual Yizkor
Book, which also includes prayers, poems and readings. We must receive your Yizkor form by September 2nd to
include your listing. This is a FIRM deadline. The Yizkor Book is sent out for printing the next day. See
flyer in Scribe.
Babysitting During High Holy Days Services
In the spirit of KULANU there is no cost for babysitting. However, in order to
properly staff for our children’s safety, please register in advance by Sept. 15th .
See flyer in Scribe for details and to register.
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Debbie Baseman
Tashlich on the Beach
Thursday, September 25, 2014 4:00pm
Join us for this very special Rosh Hashanah Family Event at Ocean Cay Park in
Jupiter at Marcinski Road and A-1-A. Don’t forget to bring bread to throw into
the ocean. Bring a picnic dinner and come in Beach attire. This year we will be
having a team sand sculpture event, so team up with your family or friends!
Children’s Services
Appropriate for our younger children, birth through 2nd grade
Join us for a Rockin’ Service with our LIVE Band on
Rosh Hashanah, Thursday, September 25th and on
Yom Kippur, Saturday, October 4th at 2:00pm.
“A Time & Place Just for Kids” Children K – 5th grade
During Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Morning Services
School-aged children deserve a meaningful, engaging High Holy Days experience.
Children begin Services in the sanctuary with the congregation and leave the sanctuary
following the Torah procession for “A Time & Place Just for Kids”.
This is when and where they experience the High Holy Days through music, art, discussion,
and the eyes and ideas of their peers.
Children will return to the sanctuary with their families to hear the blowing of the Shofar.
Break-the-Fast 2014
You are invited to join us for a light Break-the-Fast following the Concluding Service
of Yom Kippur. If you are interested in sponsoring the Break-the-Fast, or to make a
donation to offset the cost, please contact Debbie Baseman at the Temple at 747-1109.
Your generosity will be greatly appreciated.
Ushers Wanted!
Can you help us with a little time during the High Holy Days? We need
volunteers to help us check tickets, hand out books and meet and greet guests during all
our Services (including the 5:00pm Services).
If you would like to help, please contact Rich Remick at 627-7736 or
[email protected].
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Debbie Baseman
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Debbie Baseman
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Debbie Baseman
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Debbie Baseman
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
at 12:00noon
Wednesdays at 12:45pm
Regrouping on Thursday,
October 2, 2014
Cracks, Bams, and Dots! Oh, my!
Interested in joining a Mah Jongg Club
here at Temple?
Call Joan Weinberger at 775-1408 or email
[email protected]
------------------The Mah Jongg club is offering lessons to those
who would like to learn or refresh their
skills. Those who already play are also invited to
join our group. Please call or email Joan
Weinberger for more information or reservation.
[email protected]
The Mah Jongg Club will
resume on August 27th.
Nourish the Mind and
Satisfy the Soul
Did you know that as a benefit of Temple
membership, you can purchase cemetery plots for
yourself and your family at a significantly discounted
price? Temple Beth Am has reserved a limited
number of cemetery plots in the Garden of Abraham
section at the Star of David Cemetery and Funeral
Chapel of the Palm Beaches (formerly known as
Menorah Gardens).
How can you honor your deceased
loved one?
By placing your loved one’s name on the Memorial
Board in the Sanctuary.
When you do this, a light on their plaque will be lit
on their Yahrzeit (anniversary of their death) and
their name will be read from the Bimah.
The price of a plot purchased from Temple Beth Am
is $1,500. If you went directly to the Star of David,
the price to purchase a plot is $2,995. Please note that
this price is for a plot only. You will need to see a
funeral director for information for additional services
and charges.
Their light will also be lit on Yom Kippur and their
name will always be included in the Yizkor Book
during the High Holy Days.
Even when you are gone, your loved one will not be
forgotten. Plaques are $500.
Remember, the number of plots is limited so if you
wish to take advantage of this benefit and purchase a
plot, please contact Margot in the Temple office at
561-747-1109 and she will gladly help you.
Temple Beth Am
Call the Temple at 747-1109 to place your order.
August 2014
David Sherman, MJEd
Director of Education
It is hard to believe that the summer is almost over and that the Religious School year is only weeks away. (First day of
classes is Sunday, September 7th!)
If you have not registered your children for Religious School yet, please do so TODAY! Having all the information in
on time will facilitate a smooth opening, assist with book and materials ordering, enable the teachers to get in touch with
the families, and not leave anyone out. We hope to be handing out school calendars and class lists by the end of
September, giving time for last minute registrants to be included on the lists. If you need a registration form (or want to
give one to a friend) you can pick one up at the Temple office, download it from our website, give me a call or drop me an
email and I’ll be glad to send you one.
If you would like to volunteer at the school, be a room parent, or help with holiday celebrations, please drop me an
email. Being part of the support group at TBA is a great way to meet new friends and help out at the same time. We also
still have openings for folks to help with the pizza on Tuesday afternoons (approx. 3:45pm – 5:15pm).
Please come to Temple Beth Am’s Welcome & Welcome Back Open House (full info elsewhere in the Scribe, and on
our website ~ fun for the whole family!) on Sunday, August 24th, from 11:00am– 2:00pm. And why not bring a friend
or two (or three!). This will be an opportunity to meet the teachers, catch up with friends, and (for those of you who need
to) to turn in those registration forms!
Sunday Religious School classes start on September 7th for Kindergarten – 2nd grades ONLY.
The first day of Tuesday classes will be on September 9th, for the 2 day-a-week, 3rd - 6th graders. [The 3rd - 6th graders
will start their Sundays on September 14th.]
The staggered starting dates will give each group a chance to get settled in before we rev up for the year. We will also
hold parent meetings on each of these days to give you some highlights to look forward to and to answer any questions
you may have, so please plan on staying for a bit after you drop off your child(ren).
On Tuesday evening, September 9th, Shalom Chai, our community Jewish High School, will open its doors for its 5 th
year! Shalom Chai is for 7th – 12th graders and meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. There are gradebased core classes and electives which will be open across grades. We are very excited about this program – please check
us out on the web at Please note that Shalom Chai is open to Temple Beth Am students and
their Jewish friends (even if they belong to another Temple or are unaffiliated, so be sure to share the news!).
Lastly, please feel free to call me if you have any issues about your children’s Religious School experience that you
would like to discuss. I am in the office most days, and looking forward to talking with you. If you prefer to write, my
email is: [email protected].
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Amy Russell, President
Welcome Back to School!!! I hope you had a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you at the PTO sponsored Ice
Cream Social on Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 6:00pm. The One School students will have an opportunity to see their
classrooms, meet their teachers and visit with the other children. We will then have an ice cream sundae bar for all children
and their families. For anyone with allergies, we will also have gluten-free, dairy-free popsicles.
As the returning President of the Parent/Teacher Organization, I feel very fortunate to be a part of The One School. My
husband, Brian, and I have a son, Kevin, who is in 3rd grade, a daughter, Hannah, who is in kindergarten and a 3 ½ year old
daughter, Sydney. Our family has been involved with the preschool since Kevin started in gradual separation and we are
members of the synagogue. I look forward to seeing all of our returning families and look forward to meeting all of our
new families.
Please save the date…our Annual Night Out has been set for Saturday, March 28, 2015 at the Abacoa Country Club.
We hope to see all of you there.
Thank you to all the families and friends of Temple Beth Am and The One School who have showed their continued
support and love for our children. We truly appreciate it!
Alissa Frankel, Youth Director
Shalom! I hope everyone's having a great summer so far! My name is Alissa Frankel and I
am going to be the Youth Director for this upcoming year! Originally from Baltimore, I
grew up in NFTY MAR (Mid-Atlantic Region), serving as President of my Temple Youth
Group and attending Kutz Camp for two summers in high school.
I attended Florida Atlantic University for undergrad and University of Illinois Chicago for graduate school, earning both my
bachelors and masters in social work. I worked for five years as a Life Coach with youth in foster care transitioning them to
independence. For the last two years, I have been a Youth and Education Director at a local synagogue strengthening their
Religious School and Youth Programs.
We have a great year ahead of us, and along with our youth, I know we will design an unforgettable year of events! Please
feel free to contact me at 561-747-1109 or [email protected], I look forward to getting to know you and your
Thank you,
Alissa Frankel
Congratulations to Luzia Garcia, daughter of Marcelo Garcia & Yaira Graff, who will be a part of the Young Singers of
the Palm Beaches.
Congratulations to Andrea Brody-Barre on her acceptance to Cambridge University for her graduate
studies in Sociology.
Mazal Tov to Ron & Leona Holland on the marriage of their son Steve to Jessi.
They were married in New York in June.
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Temple Beth Am Mishpacha/Family Center
Check out our Upcoming Events & Fun Parenting Tips on our Facebook group: Temple Beth Am Mishpacha/Family Center
Yael Lawrence
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
AUGUST 16, 2014
With pride, love and joy we are honored to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of our
son, Cal Robert Friedman. Cal will be called to the Torah on August 16, 2014.
We would like to invite our congregation family to join us for the Friday Night
and Saturday Morning Service as we celebrate Cal’s accomplishment.
Cal is an honor student and member of the Pre-Law Academy at Independence
Middle School. Cal’s true passion is sports announcing and volunteers his time
announcing for various JTAA sporting events, as well as his school’s morning
announcement team, WIMS.
Cal enjoys spending time with friends and family and is frequently found on the Jumbotron at many stadiums.
Cal has been working hard in preparation for his Bar Mitzvah and we know he will shine, as he does with all things in which
he is passionate.
We want to thank our Temple family for all the help in preparation for this very special day.
Ron & Allysa Friedman
AUGUST 30, 2014
We are proud to announce that our daughter, Samantha Rose Clayman, will be called
to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on August 30, 2014.
Samantha is an honor student at BAK Middle School of the Arts and will be entering
8th grade where she is a Visual Arts major. Samantha enjoys horseback riding, going
to the mall and spending time with her friends and family. She also loves playing
soccer and basketball.
Samantha’s mitzvah project involved collecting school supplies and gently used
books for children in need. All the supplies she collected were donated to the West
Jupiter Tutorial Center.
Samantha has attended Temple Beth Am’s Religious School since 1st grade. We would like to thank Rabbi Alon,
Cantor Jessica, Brett, David and all of Samantha’s teachers for helping her prepare for her Bat Mitzvah.
We are very proud of Samantha and all of her accomplishments.
Susan and Robert Clayman
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
August 10 - August 16 (cont.)
August 1 - August 2
Lester Cohen: Father of Steven Deitch
Ida M. Gilbert*: Mother of Sandy Landsman
Robert Meissler: Husband of Roberta Meissler
Jake Rubin*: Friend of the congregation
Tina Koenigsberg: Sister of Carole Meshil & Mother of Lisa Koltun
August 3 - August 9
Andrew Gould: Son of Branden & Nicole Gould
Sara Halfon: Grandmother of Dyann Gormezano
Hannah Lemelman*: Mother of Mark Lemelman
R. Tuila Rosenhirsch: Mother of Judi Ross
Sylvia Spungin: Aunt of Marc Spungin
Salomon Mograbi*: Father of Leona Holland
Guillermo Uria: Father of Esther LaBovick
Chaim Garber: Father of Carole Meshil
Joy London: Mother of Robert London & Grandmother of
Heather Wood
Al Merkel: Brother-in-law of Myrna Abramowitz
Irvin Miller: Uncle of David Miller & Great-Uncle of Shellie Chiet
Bess Rosenthal: Mother of Ronald Rosenthal
Mary Schuldenfrei: Aunt of Harriette Koved & Great-Aunt of
Alec Wisch
Marcia Schuster: Mother of Shari Rodgers
Sanford Rosen: Grandfather of Betsy Towers
Eva Ageloff: Mother of Alan Ageloff
Lawrence Lichterman: Brother of Jeff Lichterman
Joseph Sussman: Father of Tema Smeyne
Erza Shaya: Father of Anthony Shaya
Betty Berkley: Mother of Stanley Berkley
Julius C. Erlanger: Father of Doris Ornstein
Abraham Pritch*: Father of Mark Pritch
Sally Schlesinger: Mother of Marilyn Carp
Bonnie Sue Kaplan*: Daughter of Howard Kaplan &
Sister of Debra Grzybowski
Julian Sandles Tobias: Father of Sherry Mitteldorf
Arthur Wolf: Father of Helen Gordon
Bertha Ruth Zeichner: Mother of Chet Zeichner
August 17 - August 23
August 10 - August 16
Samuel Belinkie: Father of Marion Ashkins
Samuel Isaac Schiller: Brother of Lewis Schiller
Elizabeth Smith: Mother of Leonard Smith
Eleanor Black: Mother of Michael Black
Ann Murphy: Mother of Maureen Cohen
Harold Newman: Father of Robert Newman
Fran Newman*: Mother of Ellen Venuti
Max Ottenheimer: Father-in-law of Ruth Ottenheimer
Lila Siegel*: Sister-in-law of Myrna Abramowitz
Etta Andelman: Mother of Janet Hartman
Sylvia Pritch*: Mother of Mark Pritch
Charles Spungin: Grandfather of Marc Spungin
Benjamin Falk: Father of Harvey Falk
Ruth Schwartz: Mother of Harriet Vogel & Grandmother of
Craig Vogel
Marvin Zayon: Brother of Herbert Zayon
Lillian Goldman: Grandmother of Bill Goldman & Rabbi Phil Aronson
and Great-Grandmother of Gary Goldman
Nathan Kushner: Grandfather of Andrew Kushner
Beatrice Mendelson*: Mother of Paula Deakter & Grandmother of
Rachel Goldman & Josh Deakter
Harry Seltzer: Father of Arthur Seltzer
Robert Stern*: Father of Jody Minde
Nathaniel Goldberg: Father of Steven Goldberg
Howard Hare: Father-in-law of Judy Bloom
Temple Beth Am
* Memorial
Ida Holover*: Mother of Rosalie Snyder & Grandmother of
Sheryl Stewart & Craig Snyder
Nadine Minde: Wife of Barry Minde
Jennette Bloom*: Mother of Jim Bloom
Edward Boltuch: Husband of Trudy Boltuch
Julian Gesundheit*: Grandfather of Chantelle Egan
Rose Breman Grass: Mother of S. Robert Grass
Bill Murphy: Father of Maureen Cohen
May Randell: Mother of David Randell
Boris Vanacour*: Father of Sandra Cohn & Grandfather of
Brian Cohn & Stacey Runfola
Ida Wainshilbaum: Sister of Gerald Weiner
August Kolbe: Father of Kathleen Azeez
Morris Koretz: Uncle of Lois Remick
Bessie Schwartz: Mother of Diane LaBovick & Grandmother of
Brian LaBovick
Nellie Bernstein: Mother of Max Bernstein
Elsa Erlanger: Mother of David Erlanger
Gussie Fishbein: Mother of Joetta Schneider & Sally Siegel
Esther Fogel: Aunt of Jerry Holinstat & Great-Aunt of
Tammy Webber
Stuart Fried: Father of Steve Fried
Harry Graceman*: Father-in-law of Leila Graceman
Chuck Lewis: Brother of Carla Lewis
Leonard Bindelglass: Husband of Estelle Rosen
Jo Lasser: Mother of Laura Stein
Esther Swack: Grandmother of Eric & Melissa Newman
Rose Edelstein: Mother of Sanford Edelstein
Richard Gutterman: Father of Robert Gutterman
Hope Pomerance: Sister of Mickey Berman
August 24 - August 30
Oren Bucker: Brother of Jared Bucker
Frieda Miller: Aunt of Susan Lane
Anna Sollo: Grandmother of Harriet Schaffer
Benjamin Tanner*: Husband of Gwen Tanner
Dwight Van de Vate: Father of Barbara Levy
Phil Rosenberg: Father of Ruth Rosenberg
Martin Schneider: Brother-in-law of Joetta Schneider
Alex Grass: Brother of S. Robert Grass
Irwin C. Albert: Father of Gail Barr
Irene Cohen: Mother of Herbert Cohen
Bernard Homburger*: Father of Hans Homburger & Grandfather of
Lisa Kleinfeld & Linda Posner
Gerald Vogel*: Husband of Harriet Vogel & Father of Craig Vogel
August 31
Ileane Denenberg: Mother of Robert Denenberg
Harry Silverman: Father of Enid Goldsmith
August 2014
Music Fund
Lacie, Brett & Jeneane Greenwald-in appreciation to
Cantor Jessica for Lacie’s Bat Mitzvah
Lacie, Brett & Jeneane Greenwald-in appreciation to
Brett Tancer for Lacie’s Bat Mitzvah
Jacqueleine Heckman-in memory of Phillip L. Gamse
Amy Pepper-in memory of Fran Franklin
Rosalie Grass-in memory of Selma Katzman
Ed Hochman-in memory of Frieda Hochman
Camp Coleman
Hal Siegel-in memory of Meyer Siegel
Capital Fund
Ed Hochman-in memory of Max Hochman
Caring Community
Carol Willner-in memory of Leon Rosenblatt
Cheryl Baldwin-in memory of Lou Weinstein
Lois Edelstein-in memory of Tracy Sack
Laurie Toback-in memory of Carolyn Kurtz
Esther & Allen Schultz-in memory of Anita Thompson
The One School Donation
Frieda & Al Alter-in memory of Harry Dubick
Frieda & Al Alter-in memory of Meyer Goldstein
Ed Hochman-in memory of Frieda Hochman
Spring Drive
Charlie Madanick
Karin & Jeffrey Elman
Flower Fund
Vivian Treves-in honor of her daughter Allegra’s Bat Mitzvah
General Donation
Deanna Talmud-in memory of Rae Talmud
Ira Fialkow-in memory of Ida Kalfus and Frederick Fialkow
Joetta Schneider-in memory of Irma Sherman
Mah Jongg Group-in appreciation
Morton Zigelsky-in memory of Abraham Zigelsky
Charlotte & Irv Markowitz-for the Torah Cover
Cyra & Bob Lewis-in memory of J. Gerald Lewis
Marilyn & Ed Ragofsky-in honor of Jackie & Harvey Baseman’s
60th anniversary
Suzanne Martin & Donald Goering-in appreciation
Len Zysman-in memory of Elsie Zysman
Deanna & Fred Talmud-in memory of Joseph Krieg
Frank Seidman-in memory of Bryan David Kasser
Barbara & Harvey Falk-in memory of Rose Schneider &
Sylvia Falk
Jack Pincus-in memory of Julius Pincus
Judy & Barry Goldstein-in honor of Piko Madanick’s 15th birthday
Fran & Emile Sandler-in honor of Piko Madanick’s 15th birthday
Wendy & Barry Cohn and Liz & Brian Cohn-in memory of
Meyer Denmark
Mortgage Elimination Fund
Carol Willner-in memory of Leon Rosenblatt
Ed Hochman-in memory of Max Hochman
Herb Gordon-in memory of Bessie Gordon
Nate Finkel-in memory of Harry Finkel
Marilyn & Nate Finkel-in honor of Kerry & Cy Hollander’s
anniversary and Paul Ford’s birthday
Sue & Dan Freedland-wishing congratulations to Janice Schwartz
on her 80th birthday
Ruth Dubrowin-in memory of Alice Holz
Karen Feller-in memory of Dorothy Koch
Carol Carswell-in memory of Jacob Rubin
Evelyn & Marvin Slotkin-in honor of Piko Madanick’s
15th birthday
Lois & Richard Remick-in memory of Gloria Tannenbaum
Marilyn & Nate Finkel-in honor of the birthdays of Cy Hollander,
Jenna Hollander & Chas. Sheils
Tema Smeyne-in memory of Laura Smeyne
Tema Smeyne-in memory of Joseph Sussman
Sue & Dan Freedland-in memory of Robert Landy
Carol Carswell-in honor of Piko Madanick’s 15th birthday
Ruth Dubrowin-in memory of Raphael Dubrowin
Marilyn Becker-in memory of Rebecca Lerner
Karen & Bob Feller-in celebration of Piko Madanick’s quinceanera
Temple Beth Am
Tzedekah Fund
Harriet & Don Schaffer-in honor of Robin Schosberg’s
special birthday
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Thomas Dwork-in memory of Henry Dwork
David Miller-in memory of Sidney Miller
Jack Tenenbaum-in memory of Meyer Tenenbaum
Marcy Sprechman-in memory of Jules Lawrence
Elinor Roosth-in memory of her father, William Marks
Natalie & Mort Siegel-in memory of Barbara Gordon
Carole Levine-in memory of Charlotte Levine
David & Barbara Levy-in appreciation to Rabbi Alon
Linda Sandler-in memory of Lillian Sandler
Gary Starkand-in memory of Henry Starkand
Kenneth Roosth-in memory of Dr. Hyman Roosth
Win Gerson-in memory of Charlotte Gerson
Lisa Black-in memory of Carol Goodman
Maxine & Ted Essinger-thanking Carol Sleeper and her
committee for making TBA such a wonderful seder and
in honor of Debbie Baseman’s unselfish volunterism
Peter Sandquist-in memory of Sally Sandquist
Ted Essinger-in memory of Bernard Essinger
Jerry Weiner-in memory of Julius Weiner
Ruth Stavisky-in memory of Kenneth Gordon
Charlotte & Irving Markowitz-in memory of Harry Dubick
Doris & Howard Ornstein-in memory of William K. Erlanger
and Leo Ornstein
Robert Hochman-in memory of Helen Hochman
Irma Meyer-in memory of Harry Marks
David Miller-in memory of James Miller
Lacie, Brett & Jeneane Greenwald-in appreciation to
Rabbi Alon for Lacie’s Bat Mitzvah
David Miller-in memory of Sharon Miller
Shirley Grangard-in memory of Lillian Chomsky
Joseph Isenstein-in memory of Stanley Isenstein
Shirley Grangard-in memory of Rabbi Aaron Chomsky
Carol Weiner-in memory of Jeffrey Weiner
Harriet Vogel-in memory of Ruth Schwartz & Milton Vogel
Steve Miller-in memory of Sidney M. Miller
Charlotte Markowitz-in memory of Max Shimmerman
Jill & Steve Fried-in memory of Harvey Brownrout &
Stuart Fried
Craig Vogel-in memory of Milton Vogel
Barry Goldstein-in memory of Kate Goldstein
Ed Hochman-in memory of Frieda Hochman
Peter Sandquist-in memory of Elroy Sandquist
August 2014
Rabbi’s Education & Programming Fund
Wendy & Barry Cohn
Liz & Brian Cohn
Elliot Hochman-in memory of Max Hochman
Roz & Dena Gitltiz-in appreciation for their husband
and father’s unveiling
Herb Zucker-in appreciation to Rabbi Alon and in memory of his
sister Edna Janoff
Jessi & Max Rubenstein-in honor of their son Max’s Bar Mitzvah
Jo Klein-in memory of Moses Goldenson
Mark Slifkin-in memory of Ethel Slifkin
Barbara Goldman-in memory of Evelyn Goldman
Carole Meshil-in memory of Tina Koenigsberg
Ed Hochman-in memory of Frieda Hochman
Carole Meshil-in memory of Chaim Garber
Social Action Fund
Janet Erony-Kahan-in memory of Dolores Erony
Amy Pepper-in memory of Harry Bogner
Lois & Richard Remick-in honor of Piko Madanick’s
15th birthday
Dyann Gormezano-in memory of Sara Halfon
Richard Remick-in memory of Rose Remick
Religious School Fund
Sara & Robert Ward-in memory of Irma Sherman
Eleanor Titelbaum-in memory of Sandra Wexler
Fredda & Paul Steidle-in memory of Irma Sherman
Susan & Ross Federgreen-in memory of David Shmaefsky
Krista & Eric Alterman
Tracie & Gary Krieger
Harriet & Don Schaffer-in memory of Mrs. Mildred Krasner
Carole Levine & Jose Alvarez-in honor of Piko Madanick’s
15th birthday
Ed Hochman-in memory of Frieda Hochman
Ricky Fischer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Leona Usher-in memory of her son Ricky Fischer
Leona Usher-in honor of Piko Madanick’s 15th birthday
Rabbi’s Inreach Fund
Gladys Gottlieb & Joel Weinstein-in honor of Piko Madanick’s
15th birthday
Lauren Abrin Volunteers To Package Food For Israel’s Poor
This June, our congregant, Lauren Abrin, was on a Jewel ( summer program in Israel.
One of the highlights of the trip was the time she spent volunteering at Yad Ezra V’Shulamit. Yad Ezra is a charity
organization that distributes 2,500 food baskets a week to poor families all over Israel, and operates children’s centers to
which hundreds of children come to receive daily hot meals. Lauren and her friends helped package the food baskets for
distribution and all reported what a rewarding experience it was.
Many were also shocked to learn about the poverty that exists in Israel – it’s not what you usually see when you go on a
guided tour. But the volunteers felt great knowing that they had helped in their own way, and many expressed hopes to
return to Israel and volunteer there again.
If anyone is interested in volunteering or donating, please contact [email protected]. Or visit Jewel’s website at
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Emily Amsden
Jeremy Ben-Israel
Maureen Cohen
Marc Golden
Sarrie Katz
Allison Kleinfeld
Robert Ashkins
Marjorie Gildenhorn
Bryan Pepper
Marissa Roosth
Kimberly Denenberg
Sharon Rosen
Harriet Schaffer
Alle Colen
Foster Colodny
Stuart Katz
Brandon Manoff
David Rosenberg
Jarrett Simon
Rochelle Abrams
Marc Alintoff
Russell Colodny
Howie Levin
Brian Hass
Madeline Black
Shirley Cole
Joan Weinberger
Daniel Abrams
Jason Coleman
Marcey Murray
Allen Schultz
Aden Vargas
Robert Daniels
Jacquelyn Halderman
Mia Isdaner
Maya Levkovitz
Steve Carp
Sanford Edelstein
Sydney Fox
Jonathan Rubin
Sheryl Stewart
Melissa Berenson
Ashley Slifkin
Richard Gordon
Natalie Lango
Arline Slifkin
Andrea Brody-Barre
Dylan Copple
Sara Ward
Arthur Bobrow
Craig Goldenfarb
Sam Lichtenstein
Melissa Marcus
Alan Schafler
Jonah Cohn
Temple Beth Am
Jamie Spungin
Gregory Taylor
Jacob Weinberg
Jane Choate
Heidi Reiff Kopit
Ruth Rosenberg
Jill Dooley
Michael Holmes
Pamela Friedman
Charlie Spungin
Robin Schafler
Sharon Bournes
Lianne Deitch
Benjamin Lubarsky
Jason Short
Alexander Starkand
Samantha Clayman
David Colton
Gregory Nathan
Debbie Schmidt
Jack Amsden
Melisa Bratcher Soule
Sabrina Freeman
Cal Friedman
Michael Shuldiner
Jessica Cherner
Dylan Hoffman
Ephram Jacob
Elijah Sandquist
Bryce Weisser
Mim Davis
Ruth Stavisky
Barry Cohn
Zoe Denmark
Carly Gans
Herbert J. Hartman
Mike Hochman
Maura Miller
Sophia Mulvaney
Daniel Gormezano
Nada Imbriale
Dean Sandquist
Stephanie Shaya
Philippe Bois
Enid Kaufman
Rachel Bell
Samantha Bell
Debbie Carr
Bruce Frank
Ethan Schwab
Daniel & Rochelle Abrams
Marshall & Laurel Teitelbaum
Ilia & Natalia Mogilevsky
Bill & Beth Goldman
Rick & Sheryl Stewart
Mort & Donna Wexler
Brian & Liz Cohn
Chuck & Enid Kaufman
Roger & Marcia Beutner
Thom & Janet Dwork
Elliot & Jan Hochman
Rob & Mindy Wenst
Larry & Andrea Alintoff
Stuart & Kristine Cohn
Len & Linda Tylka
Matthew & Susan Lane
Norm & Judy Skurnick
Ken & Marcy Sprechman
Stephan & Sandy Hilcoff
Stan & Sandy Goldberg
Rich & Mary Ellen Levin
Jonathan & Carrie Pincus
Bruce & Hagit Hoffman
Herbert & Cindy Hartman
Norman & Ruth Stavisky
Gary & Tracie Krieger
Craig & Melissa Kelley
David & Myrna Leven
Ken & Caryn Meinbach
Ryan & Tana Copple
Nada Imbriale & family on the loss of
her brother, Lee Shade.
Lorrie Garfinkel & family on the loss of
her brother, Seymour Plawsky.
Peter Grzybowski & family on the loss of
his father, Walter Gryzbowski.
Steve Denmark & family on the loss of his
uncle, Meyer Denmark.
May God send comfort to those in
August 2014
Calendar subject to change. Check our website at for updates.
10:00 TBA
Annual Pool
The One School
(TOS) Summer
TOS Summer
TOS Summer
TOS Summer
Camp - Last Day
9:15 Baby Sign
9:15 Toddler
TOS Summer
7:00 Shabbat
TOS Intersession
Last Day of
Summer VPK
TOS Intersession
TOS Intersession
5:30 Executive
5:30 Kids
Camp Shabbat
at Cool Beans
7:00 Shabbat
TBA hosts
Family Promise
TBA hosts
Family Promise
TBA hosts
Family Promise
6:30 Men’s Club
6:00 The One
School Ice Cream
Social for parents
& children
TBA hosts
Family Promise
TBA hosts
Family Promise
TOS 1st Day
9:00 Board
7:00 Shabbat
8:00 Next Gen
3rd Friday at
22 Fam. Promise
Spirited Shabbat
10:00 Morning
Service &
Bar Mitzvah
Cal Friedman
TBA hosts
Family Promise
7:00 Shabbat
Service/ b’day
5:00 St. George’s
Soup Kitchen
reading & Open
8:30 Sweet &
TBA hosts
Family Promise
The One School
11:00 Open
Temple Beth Am
————————Labor Day
Office & The One
School closed
7:00 Shabbat
10:00 Morning
Service &
Bat Mitzvah
August 2014
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Temple Beth Am
August 2014
Temple Beth Am
2250 Central Blvd.
Jupiter, FL 33458
PERMIT # 1978
Current resident or