Winter got you down?
Winter got you down?
Vendor Spotlights t Dealer Profiles t Great Products Sundry Scene WINTER 2015 t PUBLISHED BY LANCASTER FUN SUN IN THE Winter got you down? Warm up at Disney in Orlando, Florida, with Lancaster’s second trade show of 2015. Between Us Contents Winter 2015 New Year, New Possibilities 3 Between Us A letter from Geff Lynch. 4 Under One Concise Roof New Jersey-based Siperstein’s Fords Paints is a one-stop shop. Geff Lynch senior vice president of sales and marketing at Lancaster M ost of us approach the New Year with the anticipation of a fresh start and a commitment to setting new goals and resolutions. This usually includes looking back over the past year, taking stock of all the areas in which we want to improve and creating a plan for accomplishing things in the year ahead. We usually are thinking about our personal lives when we go through this process, but I would suggest to you it is also an opportune time to do this for your business. This is the perfect time, before the busy paint season, to take a fresh look at your store and ask yourself some questions that will get you thinking about ways to improve the shopping experience and increase sales from your existing customer base. 6 Destination Discovery A look at the highlights and EHQHÀWVRI/DQFDVWHU·V2UODQGRVKRZ ,VP\VWRUHDQLQYLWLQJDQGSOHDVLQJSODFHWRVKRS" ,VP\VWRUHPHUFKDQGLVHGZHOODQGDUHSURGXFWVHDV\WRÀQG" 'R,KDYHSURSHU323DQGOLWHUDWXUHIRUWKHSURGXFWV,VWRFN" $P,RIIHULQJQHZDQGH[FLWLQJEUDQGVDQGSURGXFWV" $P,RIIHULQJWLPHO\VDYLQJVDQGSURPRWLRQDOEX\V" If you have asked yourself these questions, you’ve most likely found some areas that could use improvement. If so, we think this issue of Sundry Scene magazine paints a compelling picture of how our upcoming shows can be the perfect source for ideas and tools that can help you with the above and more. 2QSDJH\RXZLOOÀQGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWRXUXSFRPLQJVKRZLQ2UODQGR LQFOXGLQJSHUVSHFWLYHVRIFXVWRPHUVDQGYHQGRUVRQWKHEHQHÀWVWKH\KDYH gotten from attending these shows in the past. With more than a hundred vendors on hand, there is no better venue at which to see new products and get huge savings. 2QHRIWKHPRVWYDOXDEOHDVSHFWVRIDWWHQGLQJRXUVKRZVLVWKHIDFHWRIDFH interaction with hundreds of people who can help you grow your business. 6RQ\D5XII-DUYLVKDVDJUHDWDUWLFOHRQSDJHWKDWH[SODLQVKRZJHWWLQJ back to interacting with people in person, instead of through technology, can have a positive impact on your business. $QGÀQDOO\ZHDJDLQSURÀOHWZRLQGHSHQGHQWGHDOHUVIURPYHU\GLIIHUHQW parts of the country that are innovating and adapting in unique ways to keep XSZLWKRXUHYHUFKDQJLQJPDUNHW7KHLQGHSHQGHQWGHDOHULVDOLYHDQGZHOO and we look forward to sharing more success stories in future issues. See you at the shows! ʕ 14 Clayton Paint and Flooring Center Survives, Then Thrives This Georgia-based Lancaster dealer managed to expand during the downturn. 26 The Power of Face-to-Face Interaction A column on retailing best practices by consultant Sonya Ruff Jarvis Sundry Scene magazine. Published three times a year by Lancaster Distributing, 1310 Union Street, Spartanburg, SC 29302. Sundry Scene W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 3 Under One Concise ROOF Dealer Winter 2015 Profile Siperstein’s brings together convenience, experience. Owner Barbra Siperstein with CFO Jana Siperstein-Szucs. By Julianne Will Y ou have to hand it to WKHIRONVDW6LSHUVWHLQ·V )RUGV3DLQWV7KH\·YH LGHQWLÀHGWKHLUQLFKH DQGWKH\·YHHYHQ PDGHLWUK\PH´*UHDWSULFH *UHDWDGYLFHµ,WUROOVRIIWKH tongue, and it has stuck in the memories of customers since &)2-DQD6LSHUVWHLQ6]XFV·V great-grandfather and greatgrandmother Nathan and /RWWLH6LSHUVWHLQODXQFKHGWKH EXVLQHVVLQ 4 W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 Sundry Scene Nathan Siperstein started as a painter, paperhanger, decorator DQGJUDLQHUDNDDIDX[ÀQLVKHU%XWKHGHFLGHGKHFRXOGEHWWHU serve customers if he were in charge, so he and Lottie opened a VWRUHIURQWLQGRZQWRZQ-HUVH\&LW\1HZ-HUVH\%DUU\6LSHUVWHLQ JUDQGVRQRIWKHIRXQGHUVDQGKLVZLIH&DUROPRYHGWKHVWRUH WRLWVFXUUHQWORFDWLRQDW1HZ%UXQVZLFN$YHLQWKH)RUGV VHFWLRQRI:RRGEULGJHLQ 7RGD\SHUFHQWRIWKHVWRUH·VFXVWRPHUVDUHFRQWUDFWRUV SHUFHQWDUHKRPHRZQHUV´7KH\FRPHWR6LSHUVWHLQ)RUGV 3DLQWVIRUWKHVHUYLFHWKHSULFHVDQGWKHVSHFLDOW\SURGXFWVµ VD\V6LSHUVWHLQ6]XFV7KRVHVSHFLDOW\LWHPVLQFOXGHFRDWLQJVIRU LQGXVWULDOFRQWUDFWRUVDQGEXVLQHVVHVDQG6LSHUVWHLQ·VLVDOZD\V ORRNLQJIRUQHZDQGLQQRYDWLYHSURGXFWVVKHVD\V /DQFDVWHU'LVWULEXWLQJ·V´H[FHOOHQWµVDOHVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHKDV EHHQNH\LQWKDWVHDUFKVD\V6LSHUVWHLQ6]XFV´:KHQ\RXWUXVWD SHUVRQ\RXFDQSDUWQHUZLWKWKHP,QWKLVSDUWQHUVKLSZHERWK ZDQWWKHVDPHRXWFRPHJURZWKDQGVXFFHVVµ 7KH6LSHUVWHLQ·VVWRUHZDVUHFHQWO\UHPRGHOHGRQHKDOI LQFOXGHVDGHFRUVHFWLRQZLWKZLQGRZWUHDWPHQWVSDLQWFRORUV ODPSVIDEULFVDQGPRUH:DOOFRYHULQJVIURP5DOSK/DXUHQDQG Waverly are a new addition. Siperstein’s also offers free in-store decorating services. But the most popular product, of course, is paint, says Siperstein-Szucs. Streamlining the shopping experience to put more— but not too much—under one roof has been a powerful point of differentiation for the business, according to Siperstein-Szucs. “Competing with the big boxes and chains is our greatest challenge. We need a way to stand out as being different and better than anyone else,” she says. “What we have seen change in the past 50 to 100 years is that people want a more convenient way to shop. They don’t want to have to run around to 10 different stores all day. We want to make it easier on our customers, but avoid WKDWHQRUPRXVER[VWRUHIHHODQGJLYHWKHPFRQÀGHQFH that they will have a superior experience.” To that end, Siperstein’s is an authorized service center for spray equipment and also carries a full line of apparel for paint crews to better serve their contractor customer base. For DIY homeowners, the store’s website,, features Sip’s Tips, which outlines the basic steps for painting, staining, stenciling and more, advice gleaned from the business’s 110-plus years of experience. Word-of-mouth and personal contact with customers also come into play for Siperstein Fords Paints. “It is H[WUHPHO\GLIÀFXOWWRFRPSHWHDJDLQVWDPLOOLRQGROODU marketing budget,” notes Siperstein-Szucs. So they take “Great price. Great advice” to heart. Siperstein’s has committed to social media as well as Web-based advertising, and also sends out a monthly newsletter that shows their customers all the “new that they can do.” Next up is a series of educational classes and JDWKHULQJVRQVLWHLQWKHVWRUH´,GHÀQLWHO\VHHJURZWK and expansion,” says Siperstein-Szucs. “We have already started expanding our products to new and different items. I would say the next thing on our agenda would be expanding our customer base. We want to reach out and educate customers about what makes us so special.” ʕ Sundry Scene W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 5 DESTINATION DISCOVERY 6 W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 Sundry Scene O rlando is known as a happy family destination, a place where the phrase “fun for all ages” is amply proved day after day. But a trade show presented by the nation’s largest paint sundry GLVWULEXWRULVPRVWGHÀQLWHO\EXVLQHVVRQWKHFXWWLQJ edge. One of Lancaster’s East Coast buying shows takes place February 14 and 15 at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort, in Orlando, Florida. Of course, at a show for the paint and decorating retail industry, the cutting edge sometimes involves an actual edge designed for cutting. Or a paint roller. Darrell Campbell, of Anderson Paint in Anderson, South Carolina, recalls that one of the hottest items LQKLVVWRUHLQUHFHQW\HDUVZDVÀUVWGLVFRYHUHGDWD Lancaster show. It was a 14-inch paint roller cover, and it put the traditional 9-inch roller cover to shame. The 14-inch paint roller cover wasn’t exactly unheard of at the time, Campbell says. But it was getting a new and overdue marketing push. It really appealed to the contractors who came into his store, he says. It goes to VKRZWKDWDQLQQRYDWLRQGRHVQ·WKDYHWREHÁDVK\RU complicated to become a hit at a store. Jim Wolcott, of Sioux City Paint in Sioux City, Iowa, says one of the biggest impulse items at his store these days is a rubber paint-can spout. “It’s this rubber deal WKDWÀWVLQVLGHWKHSDLQWFDQµKHVD\V´,WÀWVDOOFDQVµ 2QHRIWKHEHQHÀWVRIHQFRXQWHULQJDQHZSURGXFW at a show versus seeing a video about it on YouTube, Campbell says, is the opportunity to hold it and heft it This year’s Lancaster East Coast show holds the promise of exciting new products and Disney magic. B Y S T EV E PEN HOLLO W Sundry Scene W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 7 and watch someone demonstrate it. “I have gone to the show and been really impressed with an item I didn’t think I’d be impressed by,” says Campbell. “And then there have been times I’ve gotten there and thought, Yeah, that’s really overpriced for what it is.” Shannon Partin, of Tuscaloosa Paint in Alabama, said there really is no substitute for talking one-onone with a vendor. “You get insights into products that you wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else,” he says. And Jim Smith, of PPG Architectural Coatings, says he values personal interaction from the vendor side of things. “In the store environment, it is understandably difÀcult for our customers to keep their minds focused on purchasing. Here they can see new products, and we can solve their problems,” says Smith. “Also, as a sales manager who communicates by phone and email, I don’t always get much face-toface time.” Rust-Oleum’s Donovan Lee is one of the guys who will be on site providing insights into products. “The Lancaster show is a great platform for RustOleum to showcase new and innovative products,” he says. Lee says Rust-Oleum introduced 350 new products over the past 12 months alone. He’s particularly proud this year of the RockSolid Áoor coatings, a concrete 8 W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 Sundry Scene coating system that he says is stronger than epoxy. It was a Rust-Oleum–owned product that unexpectedly brought a lot of new customers into Wolcott’s store: a line of cleaners called Krud Kutter. “We do these live radio ads where the DJ calls us and says, ‘What’s going on in the store?’” says Wolcott. “So we’ll talk about stuff like Krud Kutter. Suddenly, we had older ladies coming in, and people who clean for a living, saying, ‘I think I’d like to give that a try.’” But being attentive to the cutting edge isn’t just about gawking at gewgaws, Lee says. “Staying ahead of the innovation curve is key to longterm success in this industry,” he explains. “Coatings technology has come a long way in the past decade, and WKHUHDUHQRZFRDWLQJVDQGÀQLVKHVWKDWZHUHQRWSRVVLEOH before. Attending the Lancaster show is a great way for dealers to keep abreast of these new developments so that when their customers come into their stores looking for these new products, they know they can go to Lancaster to get what their customers want.” Paul Engman, sales administrator at Wooster Brush Company, says Wooster sees the Lancaster show as an opportunity to present a “living catalog,” to arrive with a lot of product and full merchandising displays for that product. “You go to a car show to see a car,” he says. “Watching a video of a car is not the same thing as seeing a car. You go to a dealer show to see a paintbrush, to see how it feels and how it looks in a display.” For 3M’s Jim Heeg, the right way to do a show is solo. “I know some vendors send three guys,” he says, “but I prefer to do it by myself. Does that mean I sometimes have a line? Yes, it does. But I am always busy. That’s just sort of how I am. When I do it myself, I know exactly what happens. I am sort of a control freak when it comes to that stuff.” Lancaster is in its 21st year of doing trade shows, according to Adrienne Melton, marketing logistic manager for the company. The company now presents three shows annually—one in Las Vegas (where it teams up or co-locates with the National Hardware Show), one in Connecticut and one in another Eastern locale that changes each year. This year, that locale is Orlando. The Orlando show will feature 100-plus vendors and 400 to 500 attendees, says Melton. /HHVD\VWKH/DQFDVWHUVKRZVHVSHFLDOO\WKHÁRDWLQJ East Coast one, are unique among the trade shows he attends. “The Lancaster shows are among the few shows out there that focus just on paint and sundries,” he says. “I think this appeals to traditional paint-store owners Sundry Scene W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 9 because it allows them to go to a show that is focused on their needs while not overwhelming them with too many vendors selling products that are not paintrelated.” Jon Cox, of Proform Technologies, says Lancaster is “one of the few distributors out there that still presents multiple shows.” He says participation in these shows is “vital” to Proform. “Obviously, we do give them a decent discount, a good discount, so that when the dealers come down, they’re not wasting their money,” he says. The attendees come to do business—lots of it. But the way they talk about business sure makes it sound like pleasure. There are many explanations for this. For one thing, there are the aforementioned deep discounts available at Lancaster trade shows. Many UHWDLOHUVOLNH'RQQD/HEHURI:HVWÀHOG/XPEHU +RPH&HQWHULQ:HVWÀHOG1HZ-HUVH\RUGHUPRQWKV· worth of inventory at each show. Leber says she also takes advantage of policies that allow her to “buy now, pay later” and set separate shipping dates for portions of orders. There are also instant cash rebates on large orders and SPIFs, another sort of cash incentive. Wolcott says there is even expense reimbursement IRUSHRSOHZKRIXOÀOOFHUWDLQRUGHUUHTXLUHPHQWV3UL]HV are always given away at Lancaster trade shows, and on a scale far larger than boxes of commemorative paint stirrers. Wolcott says he won a Segway one year. He says he knows a guy who won a car. For most of the attendees, a Lancaster trade show GHÀQLWHO\TXDOLÀHVDVDZRUNLQJYDFDWLRQ “We really do [see it that way],” says Campbell. “My wife no longer works in the store. She’s a stay-at-home mom. So we’ve always taken full advantage of the show.” Fun is all well and good, but a Lancaster trade show is an opportunity to get a lot of work done, and attendees take full advantage of that. Leber says it is unwise to go into the show unprepared. 1 0 W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 Sundry Scene “People laugh at me,” she says. “I am always so prepared. I go into the show like a storm, and I’m out. I have stickers on all of my pages. They get a good laugh RXWRIWKDWµ/HEHUJRHVVRIDUDVWRUHTXHVWDÁRRUSODQ of the venue where the show is being held. Wolcott says a “pretty nice point-of-sale system” at WKHVKRZVKHOSVDZHOOSUHSDUHGSHUVRQPRYHTXLFNO\ And yet some people come to the show cold, Campbell says. ´,VHHWKHPÁ\WKURXJKRQWKH6DWXUGD\LQVL[KRXUV DQG,FDQQHYHUÀJXUHRXWKRZWKH\GRLWµKHVD\V´, come prepared and still need the whole weekend.” 2QHFDQFRPHSUHSDUHGDQGVWLOOÀQGXQH[SHFWHG things that change their business for the better. For example, Campbell did not expect to be offered a chance to launch his own private paint label. “That private-label thing totally caught me off guard, being just one store,” he says. “I’m not Home Depot. Why would anyone approach me to start my own privatelabeling program?” But as it turned out, Campbell was able to start his own private label at a cost and on a scale that made sense for his business. For retailers, getting the most out of the shows isn’t just about talking to vendors. It’s also about talking with fellow retailers. Lora Toller, of Clayton Paint and Flooring Center in Clayton, Georgia, cites a particular reason for wanting to touch base with other retailers across the country at Lancaster’s trade shows: She wants to hear about their struggles and learn how they’ve weathered—and still are weathering—them. “When you think about all you’re getting from it,” she says, “the chance to network, to meet a lot of different store owners from different locations, to hear about what’s going on in different places, to get ideas, to get a feel for what the economy is doing—it would be a shame to miss it.” Toller says she and her husband don’t necessarily look for the hottest items. They look for things that can’t easily be found at big-box stores. “It helps distinguish us,” she says. “It sets us apart from them.” New products aren’t all they take home with them, however. “We always come back with fresh ideas,” she says. “Just walking around the show sparks up ideas. We never leave disappointed.” Unfailing friendliness and courteousness is how Leber would characterize the demeanor of the vendors, even under the most stressful of circumstances. “They’re just a lot of nice people,” she says. “They’ve been known to come into my store and set things up. It’s just a great show and a good group. They’re all very helpful, in my experience.” Lancaster “just has wonderful shows,” says Heeg. “There really is no better place to introduce and promote a product.” Engman likens a Lancaster trade show to a family reunion. “I am serious about that,” he says. “I am all about dealer shows. People buy for people. I see dealers come to these shows who I have known for 30 years. I shake their hands, tell them it’s good to see them again, ask them how business is. For building great relationships, there’s nothing like a dealer show. I hope they never go away.” ʕ G O F O R T H E S H O W, S T A Y F O R T H E F U N H aving the show in Orlando provides extra opportunities for fun. Kemper Bushnell, catering and convention services manager for Disney Destinations, identified the highlights of the many perks for Lancaster show attendees: t4QFDJBMMZQSJDFE$POWFOUJPO"ENJTTJPO5JDLFUTUP%JTOFZ5IFNF1BSLT"EWBODF purchase lets you skip the lines at the theme-park ticket windows, save money and customize your free time to suit your individual agenda. t"EWBODFQVSDIBTFTBWJOHTPOBMMGVMMEBZ.VMUJ%BZUJDLFUT t0OFCPOVTWJTJUUPBOBEEJUJPOBM%JTOFZ&YQFSJFODFPOTFMFDUUJDLFUT t5IFTBNFHSFBUHSPVQSPPNSBUFGPSQSFBOEPSQPTUTUBZTVCKFDUUPBWBJMBCJMJUZ t.Z%JTOFZ&YQFSJFODF/FXPOMJOFBOENPCJMFUPPMTUPIFMQZPVNBLFUIFNPTUPG ZPVSGSFFUJNFQMVTBMMUIFCFOFGJUTPGTUBZJOHBUB8BMU%JTOFZ8PSME® Resort hotel t&YUFOEFEIPVSTGPS8BMU%JTOFZ8PSME® Resort hotel guests t%JTOFZ.BHJDBM&YQSFTT®4FSWJDF$PNQMJNFOUBSZNPUPSDPBDIBOEMVHHBHFEFMJWFSZ TFSWJDFCFUXFFO8BMU%JTOFZ8PSME®3FTPSUBOE0SMBOEP*OUFSOBUJPOBM"JSQPSU t$PNQMJNFOUBSZQBSLJOHBOEUSBOTQPSUBUJPOUISPVHIPVUUIF8BMU%JTOFZ8PSME® Resort t$PNQMJNFOUBSZ8J'JBDDFTTJO8BMU%JTOFZ8PSME®3FTPSU1BSLTHVFTUSPPNTBOE common areas t/PSFTPSUGFFT "EEJUJPOBMMZUIFSFXJMMCFBQSJWBUFEJOOFSBOETIPXGPS-BODBTUFSBUUFOEFFTPO 4BUVSEBZ'FCSVBSZBUUIF*OEJBOB+POFT&QJD4UVOU5IFBUFSBU%JTOFZT)PMMZXPPE 4UVEJPT(VFTUTXJMMFOKPZMJWFFQJDTDFOFTGSPN*OEJBOB+POFTBOEUIF5FNQMFPG DoomUIFOEJOFPOTUBHFXJUIFYPUJDFOUFSUBJONFOUi5IJTJTBOJHIUOPUUPNJTTBOE XIBUBHSFBUXBZUPTQFOE7BMFOUJOFT%BZXJUIUIBUTQFDJBMTPNFPOFwTBZT#VTIOFMM +FOOJGFS+VFSHFOTNBOBHFSPGHMPCBMDPOWFOUJPODPNNVOJDBUJPOTGPS7JTJU 0SMBOEPTBZTBUUFOEFFTTIPVMECFBXBSFUIBU%PXOUPXO%JTOFZJTJOUIFQSPDFTTPG CFJOHUSBOTGPSNFEJOUP%JTOFZ4QSJOHT5IFQPQVMBSTIPQQJOHBOEFOUFSUBJONFOUTUPQ IPNFUPUIF)BSE3PDL$BGFUIF)PVTFPG#MVFTBOE$JSRVFEV4PMFJM JTTUJMMPQFO CVUBSFBTPGJUXJMMCFVOEFSDPOTUSVDUJPO "UUFOEFFTDBOMPPLGPSXBSEUPBMMPG0SMBOEPTDFMFCSJUZPXOFESFTUBVSBOUT +VFSHFOTTBZT&NFSJM-BHBTTF5PEE&OHMJTI8PMGHBOH1VDL/PSNBO7BO"LFOBOE Roy Yamaguchi all have eateries in town. 5IFSFTQMFOUZUPEPPO*OUFSOBUJPOBM%SJWFJODMVEJOH4FB8PSME0SMBOEP%JTDPWFSZ $PWF"RVBUJDB4FB8PSMET8BUFSQBSL8FUO8JME*TMBOETPG"EWFOUVSF1PJOUF 0SMBOEP8POEFS8PSLT3JQMFZT#FMJFWF*UPS/PUBOE6OJWFSTBM4UVEJPT'MPSJEB /FXUP6OJWFSTBM4UVEJPT'MPSJEB+VFSHFOTTBZTJTUIF)BSSZ1PUUFS-themed %JBHPO"MMFZ Clayton Paint and Flooring Center Survives, Then Thrives Dealer Profile A family move spared the owners the Vegas bust. The Clayton store and owner Keith Toller. By Steve Penhollow L ora Toller and her family didn’t move away from Las Vegas to escape an economic downturn. They moved away to escape a boom. Vegas was hit particularly hard during the most recent recession. But the decision to leave was made a decade earlier, when the population of Las Vegas was exploding. 1 4 W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 Sundry Scene Winter 2015 Toller, who had grown up in the area, wasn’t so sure anymore that it was a good place to raise her children. “It was growing so quickly,” she says. “At the time, we had a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old. We were concerned about our kids growing up there.” In Vegas, Toller’s husband, Keith, had been vice president of three Benjamin Moore stores owned by her brother. The family made its way to Georgia, where Keith Toller found ZRUNDWDÁRRULQJFRPSDQ\7KH7ROOHUVHYHQWXDOO\HQWHUHG into an agreement to manage and then purchase a paint store in Clayton. They got the keys in 2007. A year later, Atlanta—a couple of hours south of &OD\WRQ³VWDUWHGH[SHULHQFLQJVHULRXVÀQDQFLDOGLVWUHVV In 2010, the impact was felt in Clayton, Toller says. Asked how the store (now stores) had survived, Toller responds, “We’re still surviving. We were fortunate to have had good business up to that point. But it was rough.” The Tollers will be buying for two stores when they visit the show in Orlando on February 14 and 15. Even in the midst of the recession, they were able to acquire a second store under unusual and unusually favorable circumstances in nearby Cornelia. Because of how the economic downturn was affecting Cornelia at the time, “we were able to do it creatively, without a lot of expense and with support from Benjamin Moore,” says Toller. 6KHVD\VDEDQNLQWRZQWKDWKDGÀQDQFHGDORWRI different businesses suddenly started calling everyone’s notes, wreaking havoc. “[The paint store in Cornelia] was a business that had actually gone under,” she says. “If we didn’t do something, someone else would have. “The clientele was there,” says Toller. “The business had been there for 16 years. They had a very good IROORZLQJµ%XVLQHVVZDVQ·WERRPLQJDWÀUVWE\DQ\VWUHWFK of the imagination, she says, but “customers eventually started coming back.” Clayton is a lower- and middle-class community with a smattering of vacationing millionaires, Toller says, and Cornelia is larger and more solidly middle class. Toller says the population in Rabun County, where Clayton is the county seat, doubles in the summer thanks to wealthy Atlantans on holiday. So the Tollers’ marketing strategies have to be unique to each store. Because Clayton is a second-home market, the marketing there must focus a great deal on contractors. “We do that through the [Georgia Mountain] Home Builders Association and also through the [Georgia] Association of Realtors,” she says. “So we have really good relationships with them.” Part of the marketing concept in Clayton involves reaching part-time residents, many of whom have more money, or more money to work with, than the full-timers. So Clayton-oriented ads run in higher-end magazines, on billboards and on radio stations favored by the parttimers. The Tollers depend even more on billboards in “They might not have even planned on using our store, but because we went above and beyond the call of duty, they’ve decided to do business with us.” Cornelia, which has more of a small-town feel. Because of the store’s history, some people in the area still don’t know it has reopened under a new name and new management, Toller says. Toller says they enlisted the aid of the Habersham County Chamber of Commerce in Cornelia to generate word of mouth regarding the rebirth of the store. The chamber helped make an event of the return of a paint store to Cornelia by hosting a grand reopening and a ribbon cutting. However, getting the word out is still a work in progress, she says. 7KH7ROOHUVDUHGHDOHUVRIRIÀFLDO+*79EUDQGHG merchandise, and those items seem to sell better at the Cornelia store. “More people are watching those shows and doing those projects down there,” she says. Sundry Scene W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 1 5 But the Cornelia store also offers a line of items with a lower price point, because its clientele tends to be middleclass homeowners—not contractors representing upperclass homeowners. As for competition, it works a little differently in the sort of rural region where both stores are located than it would in a city. “Even if something’s 10 miles down the road, it’s competition for us,” says Toller. Service is the differentiator, she says. In-home consultations and a three-layer recordkeeping system (two electronic methods and one card-based method) are two ways they deepen customer loyalty. 1 6 W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 Sundry Scene Toller says they can go back 20 years for some FXVWRPHUVWRÀQGRXWSUHFLVHO\ZKDWZDVXVHGIRUDMRE And they’re not averse to reopening a store after closing time to help someone out. “They might not have even planned on using our store,” says Toller, “but because we went above and beyond the call of duty, they’ve decided to do business with us.” Toller believes the customers in their region are less ÀFNOHWKDQFRPSDUDEOHFXVWRPHUVPLJKWEHLQFLWLHV brimming with big-box options. Lancaster’s Orlando show will be a “nice little vacation” for the Tollers. For most attendees, the Las Vegas show has the most obvious vacation potential. But having grown up there, the Tollers see things a little differently. It’s the Orlando show that will have the highest recreation quotient. Toller describes their Lancaster sales rep as incredible. ´:HUHDOO\HQMR\WKHVHUYLFHZH·YHJRWWHQIURPWKHPRYHU WKHSDVWIRXURUÀYH\HDUVµVKHVD\V´:H·UHH[WUHPHO\ happy with them.” Just because Clayton Paint is “one of the smaller stores” doesn’t mean they get smaller service, she says. The Tollers have two daughters graduating from FROOHJHWKLV\HDUDQGQHLWKHUKDVDQ\LQWHQWLRQRIMRLQLQJ WKHIDPLO\EXVLQHVV%XWWKH7ROOHUVDUHÀQHZLWKWKDW “Owning your own business is great,” says Lora Toller, “but it’s hard work.” ʕ B R I G H T Product highlights from * I D E A S Lancaster’s inventory Concrobium Mold Control ® F ight mold like a pro with Concrobium Mold Control®. Bleach-free formula eliminates and prevents mold with no harmful chemicals. Crushes mold right down to the roots as it dries and leaves an invisible antimicrobial shield to prevent mold from returning. EPA-registered solution works on any hard surface and fabrics too. Two Big Shows, One Big Location I n May 2015, the Lancaster Buying Show will be co-located inside the Las Vegas Convention Center along with the National Hardware Show. We’ll see you there! Go to for more information. ene Sundry Sc t PUB LISH FALL 2014 LAN ED BY CAST ER Excitingws Windo cor, Merit De s The new Window Exciting ps dealers hel venture business do better coverings. in window Pro du ct Hig hli gh ale r ts t De Pro file s t Lan cas ter Ne ws DecisionMakers Read Sundry Scene To reach them, email sundrysceneinfo@ and find out more about advertising in these pages. 1 8 W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 Sundry Scene EndRot Kit W hy replace when you can restore? There is a better way: the EndRot system for complete wood repair and restoration. With the EndRot system, you can: 1) Stop the progression of wood rot/decay fungi in your home 2) Restore rot- or insectdamaged wood 3) Protect your investment for many years. The EndRot Kit contains enough material to repair a window or door. For more details about the EndRot System, visit our website at UPC Code: 6-46697-00138-0 GE Max Stretch Sealant C ompare our stretch. Maximum Stretch: 800% elongation; spans up to a 2” gap. Paint Friendly: won’t cause paint to crack, fade or change sheen. Exceeds ASTM C920 class 35+/35% joint movement. Exceeds ASTM C834 – 18C for better flexibility in most temperatures. Indoor/ outdoor. Low VOC. SKU – M90044 White SKU – M90045 Clear SKU – M90047 Gray SKU – M90048 Woodtone NOW AVAILABLE IN ALL LANCASTER DISTRIBUTION CENTERS Stripe 3 Series Marking Paint A fast-drying marking paint designed to be sprayed in an inverted position. Uses a patented technology to cut the environmental impact in half (as compared to a standard solvent-based marking paint). Produces vivid marks, does not clog, and is safe for grass. Sundry Scene W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 1 9 Vendor By Julianne Will Old Masters Tackles the Tricky Questions They offer resources for retailers as well as retailers’ customers. W ith a name like Old Masters, it’s ÀWWLQJWKDWWKHVWDLQVDQGÀQLVKHV FRPSDQ\KHDGTXDUWHUHGLQ2UDQJH City, Iowa, would be the one to call with your trickiest cases. 7KHFRPSDQ\KDVJURZQVLJQLÀFDQWO\VLQFHSDLQW VDOHVPDQ5LFKDUG.HWFKHULQYHQWHGWKHÀUVW2OG 0DVWHUVJUDLQLQJDQGDQWLTXLQJIRUPXODDQGVROG LWIURPWKHWUXQNRIKLVFDULQ7RGD\2OG 0DVWHUV·SDUHQWFRPSDQ\'LDPRQG9RJHOKDVVHYHQ PDQXIDFWXULQJIDFLOLWLHVDQGHPSOR\VPRUHWKDQ SHRSOH,W·VNQRZQIRUSURGXFWVRIODVWLQJTXDOLW\DQGLWV H[WHQVLYHH[SHULHQFHLQWURXEOHVKRRWLQJ %H\RQGDFRPSOHWHOLQHRIVWDLQVÀQLVKHVDQG various other sundries, Old Masters provides a wealth RIUHVRXUFHVDW Its Learn section LVDWRROWKDWUHWDLOHUVFDQRIIHUWRFXVWRPHUVZKRDUH FRQVLGHULQJ',<SURMHFWVZLWKVWHSE\VWHSJXLGDQFH RQVXUIDFHSUHSDUDWLRQVWDLQLQJUHPRYLQJROGÀQLVKHV UHÀQLVKLQJDGUHVVHUDQGRWKHUWDVNV 7KH&RORU&RPSDVVDQG,QVSLUDWLRQ*DOOHU\SRUWLRQVRI WKHZHEVLWHDUHDOVRRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUUHWDLOHUV·FXVWRPHUV to dream about the potential within their homes. For retailers themselves, Old Masters provides H[WHQVLYHVXSSRUWLQFOXGLQJD92&&RPSOLDQF\0DSD Dealer Resource Center and online Technical Data and 0DWHULDO6DIHW\'DWD6KHHWV Old Masters is proud to sell exclusively to the LQGHSHQGHQWGHDOHUVD\VPDUNHWLQJPDQDJHU$VKOH\ 6DUDV7KHFRPSDQ\KDVIRXQGLWVQLFKHLQSURYLGLQJ WKHGHHSSURGXFWNQRZOHGJHWKDWKHOSVUHWDLOHUV FRPSHWHDJDLQVWWKHELJER[VWRUHV 7KH\DOVRSXWWKHLUVWDNHLQWKHJURXQGZLWKSURGXFWV WKDWWKH\VD\ZLOOZRUNULJKWWKHÀUVWWLPHDQGODVW ORQJHUWKDQRWKHUEUDQGV2OG0DVWHUVOLNHVWRSRLQW out that “the most expensive product you’ll ever sell your customers is the one that doesn’t work.” Their 2 0 W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 Sundry Scene Winter 2015 Spotlight SHQHWUDWLQJZLSLQJDQGJHOVWDLQVDUHFRORUFRRUGLQDWHGVR WKDWREMHFWVRIGLIIHUHQWPDWHULDOVFDQEHPDGHWRPDWFK7KH SURGXFWVFDQDOVREHFXVWRPWLQWHGIRUHQGOHVVSRVVLELOLWLHV $QGLQDPRYHWKDWIXUWKHUFHPHQWVWKHLUGHDOHU VXSSRUWLIVRPHWKLQJLVQ·WVHOOLQJLQDUHWDLOHU·VVWRUH2OG 0DVWHUVZLOOFRPHDQGJHWLWDQGUHVWRFNZLWKWKHLUIDVW PRYLQJSURGXFWV 7KHSODQIRULVRQZDUGDQGXSZDUG´,QWKHXSFRPLQJ \HDUZHORRNIRUZDUGWRVHUYLQJWKHQHHGVRIRXUFXVWRPHUV FRQWLQXLQJWRFUHDWHH[FHSWLRQDOSURGXFWVDQGSURYLGLQJWKH KLJKHVWFXVWRPHUVHUYLFHLQWKHLQGXVWU\µVD\V6DUDV 7KHFRPSDQ\LVHDJHUO\DQWLFLSDWLQJ/DQFDVWHU 'LVWULEXWLQJ·VVKRZLQ2UODQGRLQ)HEUXDU\VD\V6DUDV ´:HORRNIRUZDUGWRWKH/DQFDVWHUVKRZHYHU\\HDUµVKH VD\V´7KHUH·VQRWKLQJEHWWHUWKDQVHHLQJFXVWRPHUVIDFHWR IDFH,W·VDJUHDWRSSRUWXQLW\WRXSGDWHRXUFXVWRPHUVDQG reps about what the next year holds.” ,W·VDOVRDJUHDWRSSRUWXQLW\IRUUHWDLOHUVWRSUHVHQWWKHLU WRXJKHVWFKDOOHQJHVZLWKSDLQWDQGÀQLVKHVDQGVHHKRZ 2OG0DVWHUVPLJKWVDYHWKHGD\ʕ Vendor Winter 2015 Spotlight Sashco Serves as Caulk Ambassador Since 1936, Sashco has been excited about caulking. We’re on a mission to get everyone else excited about it, too. A t Sashco, we’re driven by a passion to make products that ZRUNULJKWWKHÀUVWWLPH/LNH you, we get frustrated by the screwdriver that bends, the cutter that GRHVQ·WFXWRUWKHVWLFNHUWKDWGRHVQ·WVWLFN That’s why we only make highperformance, high-margin products GHVLJQHGWRZRUNEHVWIRUHDFKDSSOLFDWLRQ <RXZRQ·WÀQGDJRRGEHWWHUEHVWPLQG VHWDW6DVKFR:K\"2XUEUDQGVH[LVWWR be tops in consumer satisfaction&KHFN out the Internet star ratings!) They help build your store’s reputation and deliver KLJKHUJURVVSURÀWGROODUV:HOLNHWRFDOO it “delighting the customer with a better ZD\µ Sundry Scene W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 2 1 Our most popular product, Lexel®, is proof positive that FDXONLQJFDQEHGRZQULJKWH[KLODUDWLQJ:H·YH\HWWRÀQG another caulking product that sticks to just about anything (including wet surfaces), can be applied in temps from 0°F to 120°F, is paintable, is 19 times clearer than silicone and can stretch up to 800 percent of its original width, even when it gets a little nick in it. Features Are Boring. Happy Customers Aren’t. A list of fancy features doesn’t mean much unless those features make your life easier (and your caulking aisle more SURÀWDEOH)DFWLVKDYLQJWKRVHIHDWXUHVDOOFRQYHQLHQWO\ packaged in one product will make your contractors and DYLG',<HUV\HDUQIRUPRUH:KHQWKH\·YHÀQDOO\IRXQGD quality caulk that will likely survive a zombie apocalypse, as well as exceed their own exacting standards, they’ll use it time and time again. Then they’ll go looking for more products made by the same company, at the same store. Good news: Lexel isn’t alone. Sashco makes a full line of high-performance, high-margin products to keep you SURÀWDEOHDQG\RXUFXVWRPHUVKDSS\ This Is FLRP’n Awesome Have you heard of that caulking-aisle merchandising program that increased sales by 92 percent? We have. It’s called Sashco’s Fully Loaded Retail Partner program, and that number is no joke. A chain of hardware stores in the northeastern United States saw its sales of Sashco products increase 92 percent after implementing the FLRP program. There are thousands of caulk choices out there, enough to leave the most ardent caulking connoisseur confused and frustrated. The FLRP program takes a small piece of your caulking-aisle real estate and turns it into a powerful SUHPLXPVHDODQWVVHFWLRQÀOOHGZLWK6DVKFRSURGXFWVWKDW DUHHDV\WRÀQGHDV\WRXQGHUVWDQGDQGJXDUDQWHHGWR ZRUNULJKWWKHÀUVWWLPH7KHFDXONLQJDLVOHVDW)/53·G stores are transformed from confusing and frustrating into KLJKPDUJLQKHOSIXOGDUHZHVD\LQVSLUDWLRQDOSURÀW centers. Great Minds Think Alike For 20 years now, Sashco has been proud to partner with Lancaster to deliver high-performance products to our shared customers: contractors, DIYers and other caulking enthusiasts who demand great products with excellent service. Be sure to visit our booth at both the Connecticut and Florida Lancaster shows to learn a bit more about Sashco and exactly why we get so worked up about caulking. ʕ CHANGE THE WAY YOU ADVERTISE in time for the Lancaster Show at the National Hardware Show MAY 5-7, 2015 IN LAS VEGAS Vendor Spotlights t Dealer Profiles t Great Products Sundry Scene WINTER 2015 t PUBLISHED BY LANCASTER BONUS Distribution at SHOW! FUN SUN IN THE Winter got you down? Warm up at Disney in Orlando, Florida, with Lancaster’s second trade show of 2015. Ad deadline date is March 15, 2015 2 2 W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 Sundry Scene For more information email [email protected] LANCASTER Vendor By April Corbin Spotlight Pricing on painters’ tape a sticky issue But 3M knows deals at the show makes products go. I f you’ve ever wanted to feel like a superstar, just work the 3M booth at one of Lancaster’s three annual shows. 3M account executive -LP+HHJKDVVRKH·VVHHQÀUVWKDQGKRZ attendees literally form a line and eagerly await speaking with him about products. “One of the sales guys walked up to me last year and told me there were some vendors who weren’t all that busy who asked him, ‘Who’s the sports entertainer or celebrity in that booth up front? The one with the line.’” Heeg retells WKLVVWRU\ZLWKDODXJKEXWKHLVWKHÀUVWWR acknowledge that the anecdote serves as proof SRVLWLYHRIWKHPXWXDOO\EHQHÀFLDOUHODWLRQVKLSKLV company has with Lancaster. 2 4 W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 Sundry Scene Winter 2015 “We do over a million dollars of business in those three conventions,” says Heeg, adding that the attendance at shows helps connect them directly with customers they might not otherwise reach. “It’s been a wonderful opportunity.” Headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, 3M is an international conglomerate behind tens of thousands of products sold in almost 200 countries around the world, resulting in global sales of $30.8 billion in 2013. With operations in more than 70 countries and an emphasis on innovation, 3M is involved with countless industries and types of products. For the paint and sundry industry, though, it’s all about the tape. Remember that $1 million in sales from the three conventions? A solid 75 percent of that is painters’ tape, says Heeg. He estimates that about 15 percent is made up of the safety products—namely two types of respirators that 3M offers. That leaves 10 percent for everything else, such as sandpaper sponges. When you have a price-sensitive product such as the popular blue painters’ tape, offering the best deals and incentives is the key to everyone’s success, says Heeg. He explained that this is why 3M offers SPIFs (sales performance incentive funds) on items such as these. “That’s what really brings those guys in,” he says. Lancaster conventions help make these connections possible and deliver good results, which is why 3M is a repeat visitor. In addition, says Heeg, it also comes down to how low-maintenance the partnership is. “Everyone I deal with at Lancaster is easy to work with,” says Heeg. “It’s just great, and the growth is going to be there. They’re getting into everything. We need distributors like those guys.” ʕ By Sonya Ruff Jarvis The Power of Face-to-Face Interaction T echnology has liberated us in so many ways, including the opportunity to be productive RXWVLGHRIRXURIÀFHVDQGVWRUHV%XW, believe that these modern-day conveniences KDYHDOVRFRQWULEXWHGWRRXUFRPSODFHQF\ We are complacent because we are relying too heavily on social media, emails and text PHVVDJHVWREXLOGRXUEXVLQHVVUHODWLRQVKLSVIRUXV,W·V hard work to get to know who your customers are— ZKDWWKH\OLNHDQGGRQ·WOLNH³DQGKRZWKHLUQHHGVDUH FKDQJLQJ While social media offers dynamic platforms through which to engage your customers and to have a continuous dialogue even when they are not shopping in your stores, the best time to build loyalty from your FXVWRPHUVLVZKHQWKH\DUHLQ\RXUVWRUHV<RXPD\EH so busy running the store that you sometimes forget WKHSRZHURIIDFHWLPH The best opportunity to create a loyal customer is ZKHQWKH\DUHVWDQGLQJULJKWLQIURQWRI\RX7KLQN about the last time you interacted with a customer and whether you took the time to make that customer feel JRRGDERXWWKHIDFWWKDWWKH\ZHUHLQ\RXUVWRUH+HUH are some simple interactions with customers that can leave a lasting impression, depending on how you or your team members handle the situation: $WFKHFNRXWZKHQDFXVWRPHULVVWDQGLQJULJKWLQ front of you ready to pay and the phone rings, do you pick up the phone and start taking care of the phone customer? Or do you ask the phone customer to kindly wait while you take care of the customer who was waiting well before the phone call? :KHQDFXVWRPHUDVNVIRU\RXUKHOSLQÀQGLQJDQ item, do you point in the general direction or take the time to walk them to the item? ,IWKHFXVWRPHUDVNV\RXDERXWDQLWHPWKDWLVRXW of stock on the shelf, do you immediately tell the customer that there is no more, or do you look it up in the system to see whether there are any left in the store or to determine the next date of delivery? 1H[WWLPH\RX·UHIDFH to-face with a customer, ask them how you are doing and whether you FRXOGGRDQ\WKLQJEHWWHU Take advantage of the face time you have with your FXVWRPHUVDQG,SURPLVH you it will lead to invaluable business relationships and H[WUHPHO\OR\DOFXVWRPHUVʕ Sonya Ruff Jarvis is managing member of Jarvis Consultants and has worked in the homeimprovement industry for nearly 20 years. 2 6 W i n t e r 2 0 1 5 Sundry Scene