Cycle experiences


Cycle experiences
Cycle experiences
in the land of the Brothers Grimm
Tours, tips and more …
Welcome to
North Hesse …
… the land of the Brothers Grimm
Take a break from the daily grind. Tour Germany’s loveliest
and most varied low- mountain region on a bicycle. If lowland
cycling is too boring and mountain biking too strenuous for
you, you’ll find your cycle paradise right here, in the heart of
Captivating river valleys and
clear lakes, rolling hills and deep
forests, picturesque timber-framed
towns and enchanted castles
form a fairytale backdrop for an
interesting and varied tour on two
wheels. A host of local cycle paths
link up with Hesse’s major longdistance cycle trails to form a
dense and diverse route network,
every kilometre of which has plenty
to offer. Explore your favourite
stretch with the help of information
maps and well-signposted routes.
mountain and the Schwalm region,
the land of Little Red Riding Hood,
and up to Snow White’s village of
Or book an attractive package
Fulda Cycle Route
North Hesse
Arrive, switch off –
finally you’re on holiday!
Buses and trains offer a carry-on
service for bicycles! Or why not
take advantage of the special
cycle-bus offers available … for
limitless explorer pleasure!
Werra Valley Cycle Route
Diemel Cycle Route
Herkules-Wartburg Cycle Route
Weser Cycle Route
All around, you’ll find traces of
the Brothers Grimm, who compiled
their world-famous fairytales here.
Our tips:
Have more fun on your trip!
Eder Cycle Route
Or book an attractive package
with accommodation in specially
selected hostelries offering optimal
service and warm hospitality.
From the Grimm Museum in Kassel
to the Märchentheater [fairytale
theatre] on the Märchenlandweg.
From the Frau-Holle [Mother Hulda]
pond to the Hoher Meissner
Package deals (p. 18 – 27)
The Fulda Cycle Trail
Overall length: 245 km. Runs from Gersfeld (Rhön)
via Fulda, Bad Hersfeld, Rotenburg a. d. Fulda,
Melsungen, Kassel to Hann. Münden
En route from
the 950 m high Wasserkuppe,
the highest peak in the Rhön mountains to the
river estuary at Hann. Münden, the Fulda flows through a unique
landscape. Gently rolling hills, tree-covered mountain peaks and
picturesque, timber-framed towns and villages form the backdrop for
a rich cultural area, marked by a turbulent history. On your tour of the
Fulda Valley discover almost forgotten crafts. Explore towns like Bad
Hersfeld, Melsungen, Rotenburg a. d. Fulda and the three-river town
of Hann. Münden. Enjoy Kassel’s shopping facilities and cultural events
or take a break in the countryside, in sun-kissed meadows or at cosy
restaurants serving local specialities.
Sightseeing attractions
Insider tip
Bad Hersfeld, with its
cathedral chapter ruins, the
biggest Roman edifice north of
the Alps, the annual venue for
the famous festival plays.
Melsungen and Rotenburg
a. d. Fulda, with their historic
timber-framed buildings.
Kassel, with its Bergpark,
Europe’s largest hillside park,
Hercules monument and
Wilhelmshöhe Castle home to
the “Old Masters” collection.
The romantic, three-river town
of Hann. Münden where the
Fulda and the Werra meet to
form the Weser.
Every year, in early October, the
“NordHessische Spezialitätenfestival” in Melsungen serves
up homemade specialities
prepared to traditional recipes.
Try an “Ahle Wurscht” sausage,
apple champagne, goat cheese
or bread baked in a woodburning stove. Bon appetit!
The Diemel Cycle Trail
Overall length: 110 km, from Willingen-Usseln via Diemelsee,
Marsberg, Diemelstadt, Liebenau, Trendelburg
to Bad Karlshafen
This cycle trail, marked with an
ammonite, is approximately 100 km in length and runs from the source of
the Diemel in the Upland of Willingen (660 m altitude) to its confluence
with the Weser in Bad Karlshafen. Enjoy an authentic, nature experience
at Diemelsee Nature Park, in the fairytale Reinhardswald forest or on a
side-trip to the nearby Sababurg Animal Park. On many occasions, all
along the Diemel cycle route, you’ll find a host of surprises just waiting to
be discovered, which makes this cycle trail a real experience, especially
for families. Inviting farmhouse cafés and rural hostelries in idyllic
timber-framed towns and villages serve homemade
food for the body and soul.
Sightseeing attractions
Insider tip
Every summer, the
“Märchentheater” on the
Märchenlandweg near Kassel
attracts thousands of visitors
to performances at unusual
venues. Pure enjoyment and
not just for the kids.
… Willingen with its various
leisure facilities and extensive
mountain bike park, which
caters to every requirement.
The Sababurg Primeval Forest,
the oldest nature conservation
area in Germany and nearby
Dornröschen Castle [Snow
White’s Castle] and Animal Park.
The 12th century, moated castle
of Wülmersen, situated on a
plateau, with the Landmuseum
[Museum of Rural Life] and
Museum Kiosk, is an inviting
place to visit. The Baroque town
of Bad Karlshafen’s historic city
centre, home to the Huguenot
Museum, is great for walkers.
Herkules-Wartburg Cycle Trail
Length: 225 km. Starting point: Kassel (Herkules).
Runs through Kaufungen, Helsa, Hessisch Lichtenau, Waldkappel,
Ringgau, Ifta, Creuzburg and Eisenach.
An alternative route extends from Hessisch Lichtenau via
Grossalmerode, Witzenhausen, Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Meinhard,
Eschwege, Wanfried, Treffurt and Mihla to Creuzburg.
Along its 225 km route, this truly unique cycle trail links together
the landmarks of North Hesse with those of Thuringia. The tour starts
from the foot of the Hercules Monument, which watches over Kassel’s
Baroque Bergpark and Wilhelmshöhe Castle. Cycle through the heart
of Kassel, along quiet by-roads, exploring the impressive fluvial
landscapes of the Losse, Wehre and Werra. Time and again, picturesque timber-framed towns and villages en route invite you to linger for
a while.
At Ringgau, the route crosses the state border
into Thuringia, where your tour ends at the
Wartburg, high above Eisenach. Here, an extremely varied combination
presents itself, namely to add on the Werra-Fulda Cycle Tour, which
links the loveliest sections of the Werra Valley with the Fulda cycle trail
to form a 190 km-long circular tour.
Sightseeing attractions
The “documenta-Stadt” of Kassel
[the name given to Kassel after
it hosted the world’s biggest
exhibition of modern art] offers an
impressive and diverse selection
of cultural attractions, from the
“Old Masters” collection to the
Brothers Grimm Museum, as
well as numerous walking and
shopping opportunities. At the
Meissner-Kaufunger Forest Nature
Park deep, silent forests await the
visitor. Hessisch-Lichtenau, the
gateway to Mother Hulda country,
welcomes the visitor. Legend has
it that the fabled figure lives on
the Hoher Meissner.
The timber-framed charm of
Grossalmerode takes visitors back
to a time long ago. The fortified
castle in the little, medieval town
of Creuzburg is another attractive,
sightseeing destination and
Eisenach, the place of birth of
Johann Sebastian Bach, has far
more to offer than just the city’s
landmark, the Wartburg.
Insider tip
Kassel is the capital of Germany’s
“Märchenstrasse” [fairytale road].
At the Grimm Museum and
Grimm Festival, plus a host of
other city locations, there is still
evidence of the impact made
by the famous Brothers Grimm.
Savour the fairytale atmosphere
at Wilhelmshöhe Castle and
Bergpark, at Karlsaue Park or
the Castle of Wilhelmsthal near
Historic Town Hall,
Hessisch Lichtenau
The Werra Valley Cycle Trail
Length: 276 km. Starts at the source of the River Werra in
Thuringia’s Schiefergebirge mountains near Neuhaus and,
in North Hesse, runs through Heringen,
Herleshausen, Wanfried, Eschwege,
Bad Sooden-Allendorf and
Witzenhausen to Hann. Münden
he Werra Valley Cycle Trail
stretches for over 276 km, from the source of the Werra in Thuringia’s
Schiefergebirge mountain range to the mouth in the three-river town of Hann.
Münden. The trail is one of the ten most popular long-distance cycle trails in
Germany. A former frontier, the Werra has preserved its original beauty, which
promises a unique nature experience. In the Werra Valley, the cycle trail winds
through pleasant timber-framed towns like Herleshausen, Wanfried, Eschwege,
Meinhard, Bad Sooden -Allendorf and Witzenhausen.
Art along the cycle trail - between
Wanfried and Witzenhausen, the
Werra Valley cycle trail turns into
a unique open-air gallery.
An innovative time-trials course
awaits the ambitious sports
cyclist on the Hoher Meissner.
One of only six StoppOmates in
total in the whole of Germany.
Sightseeing attractions
The Schifflersgrund Grenzmuseum [Frontier Museum] at Bad
Sooden-Allendorf is an impressive
reminder of when Germany was
divided. A lake-side leisure paradise for young and old beckons
at the Werratalsee in Eschwege.
In Heringen, the imposing sight
of the 'Monte Kali', the symbol of
the Werra Potash Mining Museum, is visible from far and wide.
The whole family will enjoy learning about the history of local
potash mining at the Museum.
So feet on the pedals,
get ready, go…
Insider tips
Every year, in spring, the cherry
blossom in the Werra Valley,
around the cherry-growing
town of Witzenhausen, is an
unforgettable sight. Information:
Every year, in April, Bad SoodenAllendorf celebrates “Märchenwoche” [Fairytale Week] with a
colourful programme of fairytale
enactments, concerts and a host
of local specialities.
Eder Cycle Trail
Insider Tips
Length: 180 km. Starts at the source of the Eder in
Lützel near Siegen and, in North Hesse, runs through
Hatzfeld, Battenberg, Allendorf, Frankenberg, Edersee-Region,
Bad Wildungen, Fritzlar and Edermünde.
The 180 km long, well-signposted Eder Cycle Trail runs, mainly
along quiet cycle paths or farm tracks, alongside the Eder from its
source in Siegerland to its confluence with the Fulda at Edermünde.
Without any gradients to speak of, the trail leads through woodcovered, low-mountain landscapes and green river meadows and the
Edersee lakeland area, home to many leisure attractions, providing
repeated opportunities to explore historic, timber-framed towns and
ancient castle ruins. Cycling along the River Eder is unadulterated
Sightseeing attractions
Frankenberg, with its ten-turret
town hall in the heart of the
picturesque old town. Bad
Wildungen, a chic spa town
with attractive spa gardens
and numerous walking and
entertainment facilities. The
Edersee, one of Germany’s
biggest reservoirs, a paradise
for bathing belles, sailors,
anglers, divers and many other
leisure enthusiasts. Fritzlar,
with its historic market square
and venerable old cathedral and
ruins of Heiligenberg Castle,
from where you get an
incomparable panoramic view
of the Kurhessian mountains.
The Kellerwald-Edersee National
Park contains one of the biggest
collections of beech trees in
Europe. At the Nationalpark
Center, a combination of
imaginative presentations and
high-tech offer a marvellous
insight into the wilderness of
the Kellerwald, which would
otherwise remain hidden from
human view.
The Edersee Adventure
The Edersee is one of Germany’s
loveliest reservoirs and, over
the course of the years, has
become an incomparable holiday
paradise. Unique landscapes,
plus a host of leisure facilities,
provide a plethora of holiday
activities for active sportsmen
and -women and families alike.
Cycling pleasure @
… off the beaten track
Cycling along the river is one of the most
popular leisure pursuits but there’s plenty to
experience in North Hesse off the beaten track.
Here is an overview of the most attractive
cycle routes.
Hessencourrier Cycle Trail
A 47-km cycle trail tracking the history of the railway an enjoyable experience and a sporting challenge.
Reinhardswald Cycle Trail
A tour through the fabled world of the Reinhardswald forest see nature and enjoy fantastic views at 55 km.
Lossetal Cycle Trail
A leisurely, uphill cycle ride along farm tracks and cycle paths
through the historic Losse Valley, an interesting location for
nature lovers. Length 33 km.
Grosse Meissner Circular Cycle Tour
This 95-km tour leads from Eschwege and the artists’ village of
Bischhausen, through the magical Meissner foothills to
Witzenhausen, returning to Eschwege via Bad SoodenAllendorf, with an uphill stretch (160-425 m) en route.
The R7 extends for a total distance of 215 km in North Hesse,
running from the Lahn to the Werra, meandering through the
Fulda Valley past Bad Hersfeld and Philippstal.
R8 Hessian Long-Distance Cycle Trail
The Westerwald-Taunus-Bergstrasse route starts in
Frankenberg/Eder and criss-crosses the Eder mountains
in a southerly direction before ending up in Heppenheim.
Cycle trails in the Edersee area
A modern network of cycle trails for ambitious
cyclists and families alike provides access to
the Edersee area..
R4 Hessian Long-Distance Cycle Trail
Cycle trail network
Kurhessian Mountain Region
This trail leads from Bad Karlshafen in the north across North
Hesse via Wolfhagen, Fritzlar and Alsfeld.
500 km of sign-posted cycle trails,
which are linked to a varied network
of cycle routes.
R5 Hessian Long-Distance Cycle Trail
The North Hesse Eder-Fulda-Werra trail starts at the winter
sports resort of Willingen in Upland and runs mainly on
tarmac roads along the southern shore of the Edersee via
Bad Wildungen, the timber-framed towns of Homberg (Efze)
and Rotenburg a.d. Fulda to Wanfried and the Werra.
R6 Hessian Long-Distance Cycle Trail
This 389-km-long cycle trail from Waldecker Land to the
Rhine Valley runs from Rimbeck via Waldeck (Edersee),
Vöhl (Edersee) to Sandhoffen.
R7 Hessian Long-Distance Cycle Trail
Mountain bikers welcome
Werratal Mountain Bike Park: 20 mountain bike trails
covering 780 km in total featuring some Alpine-like
Willingen, one of the top mountain bike parks
offering trails and fast downhill runs.
Am Silbersee Mountain Bike Park – next to the
Am Silbersee Holiday Park in Frielendorf.
The travel portal
for your holiday in North Hesse!
Featuring a host of information and interesting links for
your holiday in the heart of Germany from the Edersee
to Little Red Riding Hood country, from the Hoher Meissner
to the cultural and shopping metropolis of Kassel and
the Reinhardswald fairytale region.
A comprehensive overview of cycling events
The calendar of events allows you to perform a targeted
search for cycling events, whether it’s cultural highlights
or exciting, guided city and nature tours.
Search the extensive database of hotels and guesthouse
or book direct online.
Sightseeing attractions and
leisure activities
The interactive map provides a regional overview and takes
you straight to your holiday destinations.
A walking or cycling
tour of Ederbergland
Experience two
valleys and three
rivers on a bike
Cycle tour along the River Fulda, Weser and Werra
plus or minus baggage
Through the Werra and Fulda Valley with its many castles, past the former border
between East and West Germany, this 190 km cycle tour winds through romantic
timber-framed towns and a delightful low-mountain landscape. The focus of this
tour is not just on cycling – you’ll also have time to take in the idyllic towns and
variety of events on offer!
The package includes
■ 5-day tour (up to 70 km a day)
■ 4 nights’ accommodation in
hotels en route incl. breakfast
■ Welcome drink and information
■ Detailed maps
available all year round
Kultur- und Tourist-Info Melsungen
Kasseler Str. 44
34212 Melsungen
at least two weeks before arrival
baggage transfer on request
(surcharge applies)
■ also available as a leisurely
8-day tour
Fon +49 (0)5661.921100
Fax +49 (0)5661.921112
[email protected]
Tourist-Information – Verkehrs- und
Kulturamt Rotenburg a. d. Fulda
Weingasse 3
36199 Rotenburg a.d. Fulda
Fon +49 (0)6623.5555
Fax +49 (0)6623.933153
[email protected]
from € 225.00 p.p.
Experience the beautiful attractions of the Frankenberg area!
The package includes
■ Two nights’ accommodation in a
room in the category selected
■ Fresh fruit in the room
■ Generous breakfast buffet
■ Welcome cocktail in the
Philippo Bar
■ Dinner (half board package)
■ Lunch pack to take on your trip
Hotel „Die Sonne Frankenberg“
Bookings available for any time of
the year
From € 176.00 per person in a double
Extra days available from € 78.00
Per person, per day including half board
Marktplatz 2-4
35066 Frankenberg
Fon +49 (0) 6451.7500
Fax +49 (0) 6451.750500
[email protected]
Information and bookings can be made through
Touristik Naturpark Münden e.V.
Rathaus, Lotzestraße 2
34346 Hann. Münden
Fon +49(0)5541.75-313 bis 315
Fax +49(0)5541.75
[email protected]
kassel tourist GmbH
Obere Königstrasse 15
34117 Kassel
Tourist-Information im Rathaus
Fon +49(0)561.7077-07
Fax +49(0)561.7077-169
[email protected]
Verkehrs- und Kulturamt
Weingasse 3
36199 Rotenburg a.d. Fulda
Fon +49(0)6623.5555
Fax +49(0)6623.933153
[email protected]
Pro Witzenhausen GmbH
-Tourist-Information- Ermschwerder Straße 2
37213 Witzenhausen
Fon +49(0)5542.6001-1
Fax +49(0)5542.6001-23
[email protected]
Hospitalplatz 16
37269 Eschwege
Fon +49(0)5651.331985
Fax +49(0)5651.50291
[email protected]
Kultur- & Tourist-Info Melsungen
Kasseler Strasse 44
34212 Melsungen
Fon +49(0)5661.921100
Fax +49(0)5661.921112
[email protected]
Up hill and down
dale by bike
Experience landscape
and agriculture
Discover the Central Fulda Valley on a bike
Three-day Weser and Diemel Cycle Trail cycling tour
The different stages, which range from easy to medium in terms of difficulty,
lead through the Fulda, Eder and Beise Valleys. Naturally you’ll have enough
time to take a look at idyllic timber-framed towns and villages ...
A number of businesses in the fairytale area of Reinhardswald have joined
together to form the “Weser-Diemel Radpool”. The Radpool has developed a
tailor-made package for cyclists. In addition to high-quality loan bikes, repair kits,
storage facilities, etc. the Radpool are happy to assist with the planning of your
cycling tour.
The package includes
Erlebnisregion „Mittleres Fuldatal“
c/o Kultur- und Tourist-Info Melsungen
Kasseler Str. 44
34212 Melsungen
3 nights’ accommodation/breakfast
3 evening meals
Information pack
Welcome drink
City tour
Availability: May to October
Prices: Guest house category
Fon +49 (0)5661.921100
Fax +49 (0)5661.921112
[email protected]
€ 136.00 p.p. in a double room
€ 166.00 p.p. in a single room
Bookings available for individuals
and small groups
We will be happy to provide a travel
manager/tour guide on request
(surcharge applies)
Cycling experience in the Central
Fulda Valley Adventure Area
The Central Fulda Valley Adventure Area
offers a terrific cycling experience. In
addition to the R1 Fulda Cycle Trail, the
holiday region also boasts a network of
cycle routes and beautiful circular tours
for all ages. Mountain bikers will also
have a great time enjoying the pure,
forest air, riding along fantastic trafficand industry-free cycle paths.
Erlebnisregion „Mittleres Fuldatal“
c/o Verkehrsamt Ronshausen
Eisenacher Straße 20 – 22
36217 Ronshausen
Fon +49 (0)6622.923119
Fax +49 (0)6622.923120
[email protected]
The package includes
■ 3 nights’ accommodation incl.
■ Welcome drink and film show
■ 2 guided cycling tours through
the Fulda and Werra Valleys
■ 1 guided mountain bike tour
(choice of distance available)
Category: holiday apartment incl. breakfast
Spring and autumn
from € 104.00 p.p.
Minimum participants: 10
Holiday park house incl. breakfast
ategory: Guest house (shower/WC)
from € 135.00 p.p.
Category: 3-star hotel
from € 177.00 p.p.
from € 282.00 for two
We will be happy to arrange extra guides
(surcharge applies). Receive 17 cycling
tour ideas for free.
The package includes
Day 1:
Tour the historic old towns of
Hann. Münden and Weserstein. Cycle
through Gimte, Hemeln and Glashütte
Bursfelde, with stopover for a visit to the
historic abbey. Continue to Oedelsheim.
Day 2: Ride along the “Weserfernradweg” cycle trail to Lippoldsberg Abbey and
Bad Karlshafen.
Day 3: From Hofgeismar, the tour continues to Carlsdorf and from there via
Hombressen to the HombressenBeberbeck Nature Conservation Area. Then
it’s back on the bike for the ride to the
Sababurg Animal Park, “Jagdkundemuseum” [Hunting Museum] and “Alte Backstube“ [Old Bakehouse] and finally the
Sababurg [Snow White’s Castle]. The final
leg of the tour will take you to Reinhardshagen – Vaake.
Gasthaus „Zum Löwen“
Bodo Gaide
Essestr. 10
34369 Hofgeismar-Hümme
+49 (0)5675.481
[email protected]
■ 2 nights’ accommodation
(room with shower/WC)
■ Generous breakfast
■ Good, three-course menu
■ Welcome drink
■ Maps
■ Admission to the Heimatmuseum
and Sababurg Animal Park
■ Trout meal at the Dworak
Trout Farm
■ Tasting at the Henne
Bauernhof [Farmhouse]
Availability: April to October
3-day bike ride
(2 nights’ accommodation at the
Gaide Gasthaus)
€ 109.00 p.p. in a double room
€ 115.00 p.p. in a single room
€ 35.00 per day for a guide (optional)
We’ll be happy to discuss your requirements with you. Our packages are also
tailored to your needs.
Fahrradpool Weser-Diemel e.V.
„Indulgence Tour“
Little Red Riding
Hood Cycle Tours
Join us on an indulgence tour
of the Reinhardswald!
Enjoy the wonder of nature in Germany’s oldest nature conservation area –
the Sababurg primeval forest and let the magic of the Sababurg
(Snow White’s Castle) cast its spell on you.
The package includes
■ 2 nights’ accommodation on
a half board basis
(incl. generous breakfast)
■ 2 fantastic, four-course
indulgence menus
■ Welcome drink
■ Maps
Availability: April to October
Gasthaus „Zum Löwen“
Bodo Gaide
Essestr. 10
34369 Hofgeismar-Hümme
+49 (0)5675.481
[email protected]
Do your own thing and create your own schedule
3 days’ cycling
(two nights’ accommodation
at the Gaide guesthouse)
Exploring and feeling good are bywords for cycling through “Rotkäppchenland”.
Put together a weekend or extended cycling trip to suit your individual requirements We’ll give you all the help you need in the form of detailed descriptions
of the route.
€ 105.00 p.p. in a double room
€ 111.00 p.p. in a single room
The package includes
■ 2 nights B&B, 2 Little Red Riding
Hood picnics comprising local
specialities (“Ahle Wurscht” and
Farmhouse Bread)
■ Picnic bag for hot and cold weather
■ Little Red Riding Hood drink
■ Visit to the museum or swimming
pool, 1 cycle pass per booking
Prices: Private accommodation:
€ 79.00 p.p. in a double room
Guest house:
€ 89.00 p.p. in a double room
Hotel: € 99.00 p.p. in a double room
(Single supplement applies. Family
accommodation available on request)
Erlebnisregion Rotkäppchenland
Touristik Service Kirchheim
Hauptstr. 2a
36275 Kirchheim
Fon +49 (0)6625.919595
Fax +49 (0)6625.919596
[email protected]
… a generous portion of Hesse and Thuringia
Sporty tour from the source of the river to its estuary
Timber-framed buildings, castles,
turrets and meadows are the distinctive
features of this 85 km circular cycle
route, with its gentle inclines and
plethora of valley scenery. On the first
day, the tour takes you from Eschwege,
through Ringgau to Creuzburg from
where you return on day 2 to Eschwege
along the Werra via Treffurt and
290 km of enjoyable cycling along the
river to the former border of East and West
Germany from Neuhaus am Rennsteig in
Thuringia, to the river estuary in Hann.
Münden. The 5-day ride (60 km a day)
takes you through a variety of scenery.
The package includes
■ 2 night’s accommodation
incl. breakfast
■ Maps and information materiall
■ Baggage transfer available on
request (surcharge applies)
Hotel/guest house
Rooms with shower/WC
The package includes
Hospitalplatz 16
37269 Eschwege
■ 6 nights’ accommodation
incl. breakfast
■ Cycle map of the Werra Valley
■ alternativ ist die Tour auch
ab Eisfeld buchbar
■ This tour is available
departing from Eisfeld
Fon +49 (0)5651.331985
Fax +49 (0)5651.50291
Hotel/guest house
Rooms with shower/WC
[email protected]
€ 273.00 p.p. in a double room
€ 358.00 p.p. in a single room
Tourist-Information Eschwege,
Meißner, Meinhard, Wanfried
€ 89.00 p.p. in a double room
€ 117.00 p.p. in a single room
In the footsteps
of Mother Hulda
The Meissner Circular Cycle Route
The Hoher Meissner is considered to be the home of Mother Hulda. The 95-km-long
circular route leads from Eschwege through the artists’ village of Bischhausen, in
a magical way, through the foothills of the Meissner to the Werra Valley Cycle Trail,
which will take you from the cherry town of Witzenhausen back to Eschwege via the
spa town of Bad Sooden-Allendorf. Magical views, picturesque towns and villages
and the river landscape make this cycling tour a real pleasure. One uphill stretch
(160–425 m), otherwise downhill all the way.
The package includes
■ 2 nights’ accommodation
incl. breakfast
■ Maps and information material
■ Baggage transfer available
(surcharge applies)
Tourist-Information Eschwege,
Meißner, Meinhard, Wanfried
Hotel/guest house
Rooms with shower/WC
[email protected]
€ 97.00 p.p. in a double room
€ 99.00 p.p. in a single room
Werratal Cycle Trail
Tourist-Information Eschwege,
Meißner, Meinhard, Wanfried
Hospitalplatz 16
37269 Eschwege
Fon +49 (0)5651.331985
Fax +49 (0)5651.50291
[email protected]
Row and pedal your way
through the Werra Valley
Travel by bike along the Werra Valley
Cycle Trail from the cherry town of
Witzenhausen to Bad Sooden-Allendorf
(15 km). After you’ve explored the timber-framed towns of Allendorf and Bad
Sooden, paddle a canoe back upstream
(21 km) getting to know the beautiful
scenery along the way from a different
perspective. End an adventurous day
with a barbecue around a camp fire.
Hospitalplatz 16
37269 Eschwege
Fon +49 (0)5651.331985
Fax +49 (0)5651.50291
The package includes
■ Rental fees for canoes and
bicycles incl. transfer
■ Maps
■ Admission and equipment
■ Picnic pack
■ Barbecue (three types of meat,
bread, two salads, sauces, etc.)
■ Camp fire
■ First drink
Availability: April to October
Tourist-Information Witzenhausen
Ermschwerder Straße 2
37213 Witzenhausen
Fon +49 (0)5542.60010
Fax +49 (0)5542.600123
[email protected]
€ 73.00 p.p. (min. group size: 11)
€ 74.00 p.p. (4 – 10 participants)
€ 82.00 p.p. (2 – 3 participants)
Welcome to the Edersee
Adventure Paradise!
By bike through the Waldeck region
The package includes
■ Accommodation in a double room
with shower/WC and balcony
■ Generous, healthy breakfast buffet
■ Choice of half board menu
■ Daily lunch pack
■ 2 train tickets
(water-level dependent)
■ 1 combiticket for the cable car
(passenger and bike)
Explore one of the loveliest reservoirs
in Germany by bicycle. The captivating
Lakeland landscape guarantees a host
of attractions, sights and leisure parks
at 27 km.
New, family-friendly cycle paths, like
the Edersee Cycle Trail, close to the
riverbank leads to the attractions and
leisure facilities of the Edersee holiday
area. At the end of an eventful day,
you’ll find relaxation at our indoor pool
with a visit to the sauna* or revitalising
massage* in our beauty studio.
(*can be booked as an add-on)
Seeschlösschen***Hotel and
holiday apartment
Romantic cycling along the 13
Weser, Werra and Fulda
Enjoy three popular long-distance cycle routes
along the river valleys from Hann. Münden
Hann. Münden is the place where the long-distance Weser, Werra and
Fulda cycle trails meet so there’s cycling fun in every direction.
Max. distance per day: 55 km
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
3 days / 2 overnights
from € 135.00 p.p.
4 days / 3 overnights
from € 185.00 p.p.
Day 5
Arrive in Hann. Münden, 5.00
p.m. city tour
Fulda Valley: Hann. Münden –
Kassel – Melsungen (return journey
by train – ticket not included)
Weser Valley: Transfer to Bad
Karlshafen, cycle tour via
Lippoldsberg Abbey and
Bursfelder to Hann. Münden
Werra Valley: transfer to
Eschwege, cycling tour via
Bad Sooden-Allendorf and
Witzenhausen to Hann. Münden
Return home
■ 4 nights’ accommodation incl.
breakfast (room with shower/WC)
■ City tour of Hann. Münden
■ Transfers to Bad Karlshafen and
■ Maps and information material
Prices: min. 2 persons per booking
Guest house:
€ 225.00 p.p. in a double room
€ 30.00 p.p. single supplement
Hotel: € 290.00 p.p. in a double room
€ 49.00 p.p. single supplement
Private accommodation:
€ 185.00 p.p. in a double room
€ 16.00 p.p. single supplement.
Seeschlößchen Waldeck
Kirschbaumweg 4
34513 Waldeck
Tel.: +49 (0)5623.5113
[email protected]
Touristik Naturpark Münden e.V.
Rathaus/Lotzestr. 2
34346 Hann. Münden
Tel. +49 (0)5541.75-343
Fax: +49 (0)5541.75-404
[email protected]
Legal note
Informationen zur Erlebnisregion
Published by:
NordHessen Touristik
Regionalmanagement NordHessen GmbH
Ständeplatz 13
D-34117 Kassel
+49(0)561.970 62-12
+49(0)561.970 62-22
[email protected]
The package includes
Picture directory/Pages:
© Archiv Stadt Melsungen
© R. Ullenboom, PAC
4 top and centre © Fotograf: Tobias Kromke, Eisenach
5 top+bottom left © Archiv Stadt Melsungen
bottom right
© SRJ Gäste-Service
6 centre
© Region Kassel-Land e.V.
7 bottom
© SRJ Gäste-Service
8 top
© R. Ullenboom, PAC
9 top
© R. Ullenboom, PAC
9 bottom left
© Clemens Fröhlich, Hess. Lichtenau
© Tourist-Info Hann. Münden
© Werratal Torismus Marketing GmbH
© (Edersee) Eckhard K. Fissler
© Michael Wiedemann, Kassel
© Tourist-Information Willingen
16, 17
© SRJ Gäste-Service
© Hotel „Die Sonne Frankenberg“
© Eckhard Knauff
20 top
© Archiv Stadt Melsungen
© Fotograf Michael von Alm, Hofgeismar
© Region Kassel-Land e.V
23 top
© Eckhard Knauff
© Werratal Tourismus Marketing GmbH
24 and
© Tourist-Information Eschwege25 top
25 bottom
© Werratal Tourismus Marketing GmbH
26 top left
© Hotel Seeschlößchen
26 bottom right © Pitze Eckart
27 top
© Andrea Wüstenhagen