History of Imprisonment of Mr. Taheri
History of Imprisonment of Mr. Taheri
© Faralogy INC, February 2015 History of Imprisonment of Mr. Taheri Table of Contents About Erfan Keyhani (Halgheh) .......................................................................................... 2 History of Imprisonment of Mr. Taheri ............................................................................ 3 Mr. Taheri’s Unfair and Unjust Sentencing ..................................................................... 6 Insulting Islamic Sanctities (5 Years Sentence) ..................................................................... 7 Conducting Classes Illegally .......................................................................................................... 7 Conducting a forbidden Islamic act (74 Lashes) .................................................................... 8 Human Rights Violations ....................................................................................................... 8 His Life in Danger ................................................................................................................. 10 Background: His Current Open Court Cases .......................................................................... 10 Corruptor on Earth ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Apostasy ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 Disruptor of National Security ............................................................................................................... 11 Leaked Letter from Taheri ................................................................................................ 11 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix: ................................................................................................................................ 13 Honorary Doctorates ..................................................................................................................... 14 Honorary Doctorate Issued by University of Traditional Medicine of Republic of Armenia ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 Honorary Doctorates from the International Eco-‐energy Academy of the Republic of Azerbaijan ....................................................................................................................................................... 21 Research Projects ........................................................................................................................... 23 Research Contracts Signed with Accredited Universities .......................................................... 24 A sample of Psymentology and Faradarmani Certificates issued by the University of Traditional Medicine of Armenia to students who took Mr. Taheri’s class ........................ 24 Scientific contract with International Ecoenergy academy of Republic of Azerbaijan .. 25 International Recognition ........................................................................................................... 28 Arrest of his Students .................................................................................................................... 35 Human Rights Reports and Activities in support of Mr. Taheri ...................................... 37 This document attempts to raise awareness and shed light on the unfair and inhumane treatment of an internationally celebrated spiritual teacher, researcher, and theoretician. Mr. Mohammad Ali Taheri was born on March 21, 1956 in Kermanshah, Iran. From childhood he was curious about the cosmos and the universe. Today he is a revered spiritual teacher, researcher, theoretician, and the founder of two Complementary, and Alternative Medicine branches of Faradarmani and Psymentology. www.faralogy.com 1 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Threatened by his popularity, the Iranian authorities targeted him and devised a well-‐crafted plan to eliminate him, his students, his spiritual practice, and his discoveries in the areas of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM.) He was arrested numerous times, but released due to unsubstantiated charges and lack of evidence. He is currently serving a 5-‐year sentence on false charges in the notorious Ward 2a1 of Iran’s Evin Prison. He has been in solitary confinement since May 4, 2011, was tortured physically, emotionally, and psychologically. He was driven to go on 12 hunger strikes and attempt suicide 4 times. The latest development on his case is as follows: The Iranian authorities are now pursuing the charge of “Spreading Corruption on Earth.” They had set a court date of February 25, 2015 to present their case against him. This charge carries significant sentencing such as Capital punishment so there was a lot of international attention. At 9am February 25, 2015 Mr. Taheri’s lawyer and family showed up at the court only to discover that the court date has been delayed yet again. Over 3000 students of Mr. Taheri appeared outside the court to object to this trial proceeding as a private case. They were silent and respectful yet present to show their solidarity with their teacher. Riot police attempted to scare the crowd by beating up a few of the protestors. Since they were not successful they released tear gas into the crowd2. We are writing to request your assistance in any way possible. We would like to ask that the international community rally for our cause and write to the Iranian government requesting the closure of this baseless court case, release him unconditionally, and put an end to the ongoing harassment of his students. Mr. Taheri’s life is in danger. Help us free this teacher of love, unity, and peace. About Erfan Keyhani (Halgheh) On September 3, 2006 Mr. Taheri established an organization called the Institute of Erfan Keyhani (Halgheh) with the scope of teaching spiritual mysticism, as well as, the two complementary and alternative medicine practices founded by him: Faradarmani and Psymentology. The classes started very small, but due to their efficacy, were fast growing especially amongst medical and psychological professionals. The popularity of these classes made the Iranian authorities suspicious and concerned. 1 Ward 2a is the Iranian version of Guantanamo Bay 2 www.facebook.com/healingcosmic www.faralogy.com 2 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Erfan Keyhani spreads the message of love and peace. This movement has found great momentum in Iran. The basic tenets of this practice are as follows: • Every human being is lovable and respectable and equal in the eyes of God. • We are all connected and in fact form one universal entity. We are one “human family.” When we hurt one another we are in fact hurting our own flesh and blood of our own kind. Therefore we must think about “unity of humanity” rather than “hating those we don’t understand”. • His messages were accompanied by an award winning spiritual mindfulness practice that he established, which helped with healing and relaxation. When people’s minds calm down and relax all of a sudden the message of love and peace sinks in much better. This is the opposite of what the Iranian government has been doing. They have created an environment where people are in duress and once a person is in duress it is easier to hate than love. History of Imprisonment of Mr. Taheri In Sep 2007, Taheri was summoned twice by the security police. After being interrogated for several hours he was released on bail. His charges were unknown. In November 2007, Taheri was taken from his class and arrested for the third time. After a few hours with the mediation of Mr. Lohrasbi, (an official judge and a member of the legal committee of Erfan Keyhani) Taheri was released. Motivated by the Revolutionary Guard’s Lobby, the Iranian Parlimenent’s Committee on National Security created an urgent agenda item to deactivate this organization and their leader. What followed was a meticulous and carefully devised plan to eliminate Mr. Taheri and his practice. Following this agenda the authorities began putting their plan into action: 1. In 2008, the authorities issued a warning to Mr. Taheri requesting that he close the institute. Their reasoning was that there were too many students and it was creating a parking problem for the local residential community. This put an end to all of the Institutes activities and resulted in the closure of their facility. 2. In 2009, Tehran University invited Mr. Taheri to work with them. He was invited to teach his material under the category of “FaraPezeshki,” which translates to “Beyond Medical Sciences.” Attendees ranged from Medical Students to Psychology Students to those studying Pharmacological Sciences. At the same time University of Medical Science of Iran invited Mr. Taheri to teach his material under the umbrella of Psymentology (Analysis of ailments associated with the mind and the Psyche from a software perspective.) More than 3500 students attended these classes. On June 12, 2009 Security departments at both www.faralogy.com 3 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Universities shut down the classes citing the high number of attendees as a security and public safety concern. Figure 1 -‐ A sample of student registration for FaraPezeshki classes issued by Tehran University www.faralogy.com 4 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Figure 2 -‐ A certificate of completion of Psymentology issued by University of Medical Sciences of Iran 3. Iran’s Supreme Leader has a special representative responsible for ensuring universities adhere to the proper Islamic guidelines. In March 2010, he organized a meeting with various other Ayatollahs where it was decided that Mr. Taheri’s classes and teachings must be eliminated. Therefore, on April 18, 2010 Mr. Taheri was detained by the Intelligence department of the Revolutionary Guard charged with the crime of “National Security Threat.” He spent 66 days in solitary confinement without access to a lawyer or contact with family, completely cut off from the world. However, due to lack of substantial evidence they dropped all charges against him and discharged him following the payment of a 100 million Iranian toman fine. However, while he was in prison the media that is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard begun besmirching his character to pave the way for additional charges that would come in the near future. 4. As a condition of his release Mr. Taheri was not to teach the classes anymore, but was given verbal permission to continue his research in his complementary medicine branches. The medical institutions that were involved in Mr. Taheri’s research received letters banning them from continuing the work. This was a well-‐crafted trap to create a paper trail for detaining Mr. Taheri again. The medical professional involved in the research was stopped by their employers www.faralogy.com 5 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 and therefore the research came to a halt. However, these medical professionals who were seeing great results in their research did not stop. Instead they began an outreach to neighboring countries where these CAM branches were introduced. This outreach resulted in 3 honorary doctorates and 8 international awards issued to Mr. Taheri. (see appendix) Unfortunately, these awards and international recognition worked against Mr. Taheri. The authorities claimed that these awards were a clear violation of his release criteria. This overwhelming reaction resulted in harassment of Mr. Taheri by the Revolutionary Guard yet again. On April 12, 2011 he was detained again for 24 hours. The purpose was to scare and threaten him. 5. Following his discharge the same Revolutionary Guard controlled media resumed their activities around besmirching Mr. Taheri’s character. They created a false report and spread lies about him through the media. After 22 days of spreading such false information the Revolutionary Guard and the National Security Prosecutor of Iran requested a religious ruling from 15 of Iran’s High Clergy about such a character as described in the media. The 15 of Iran’s High Clergy Ayatollahs gave a fatwa that a person with such a character is considered a heretic (apostate). Once someone is declared a heretic by the High Clergy of Shia Islam, all are encouraged to find and kill that person without fear of legal consequences. This fatwa made it possible for his final detention. On May 4, 2011 Mr. Taheri was summoned at Evin prison where he was detained on the following charges: a. Insulting Islamic Sanctities (insults to prophet Muhammad, Qu’ran, etc) b. Obtaining illegitimate income due to having illegal classes c. Conducting a forbidden Islamic act by touching a woman’s hand while performing therapy d. Heresy (apostasy) e. Spreading Corruption on Earth f. Threatening the National Security Clearly the authorities were well on their way of achieving their ultimate goal of completely eliminating Mr. Taheri. Mr. Taheri’s Unfair and Unjust Sentencing Following his latest arrest on May 4, 2011 no one heard from Mr. Taheri, until October 2011 (almost 6 months). He had no contact with a lawyer or his family members. No one even knew if he was alive or dead. Towards the end of October 2011 the authorities formed a private (non-‐public) court hearing. Without having any contact with her client for the 6 months preceding the court date, Mr. Taheri’s www.faralogy.com 6 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 lawyer, Ms. Shadi Rassavi, was allowed to attend the court hearing. The court was formed at branch 26 of the Islamic Republic’s court. The judge was Mr. Pirabbasi. He was one of three judges in the Iranian judicial system dubbed as the “Judges of Death.” All high profile and infamous court cases were handled by the Judges of Death. Notable amongst these cases were Yusuf Nazarkhani, a Christian pastor who was sentenced to death. After 3 short court hearings Mr. Taheri was convicted and sentenced without having a chance to defend himself. Even Iranian law states that there must be 22 days between the date of the first hearing and the sentencing. Not even their own law was respected. He was convicted immediately for the first three charges: a. Insulting the Islamic Sanctities b. Conducting Illegal Classes c. Conducting a forbidden Islamic act Insulting Islamic Sanctities (5 Years Sentence) This is an unwarranted charge and conviction. Mr. Taheri has written two books in Iran: “Human from Another Outlook” and “Erfan Keyhani.” Both of these books were reviewed and approved by the ministry of Islamic guidance of Iran. The job of the ministry is to ensure no publications are against Islamic teachings and values. If there were insults to Islamic sanctities, neither of these books would have received permission for print. Instead both books were approved by this ministry. Moreover, all of Mr. Taheri’s teachings followed the material written in these books. There has been no proof provided by the Islamic Republic of Iran that Mr. Taheri insulted Islamic Sanctities and the 5-‐year sentence that he is currently serving is baseless and wrong. Conducting Classes Illegally Again this is another false charge and conviction. Mr. Taheri established his cultural institute, Institute of Erfan Keyhani (Halgheh) officially in Iran on September 3, 2006. When an organization is approved to operate legally in Iran, the Iranian government issues an announcement in the official newspaper of Islamic Republic of Iran. Unless an institute is announced in this newspaper, which belongs to the Iranian Judicial Branch, it is not recognized as a formal institute. See below as proof of formal announcement: www.faralogy.com 7 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Mr. Taheri has been teaching his classes legally according to the permit issued and announced in the above-‐mentioned publication. In addition to teaching classes at his legal institute he was invited by two of Iran’s prestigious universities to teach. One of those was Tehran University. The other was University of Medical Sciences of Iran. Both of these institutions are legal institutions and his teaching of classes has been legal as well. The Islamic Republic of Iran did not provide any proof that he was holding his classes illegally, but proceeded with charging him with a 967 Million Iranian toman fine (At that time 967 million Iranian toman fine was equivalent to about $900,000.) Conducting a forbidden Islamic act (74 Lashes) In one of his classes, Mr. Taheri was forced to hold the hand of one of his students, while performing a therapy service. This was to protect her from falling and injuring herself. For this he has been given the sentence of 74 lashes. For a humane action by Mr. Taheri, he has been given an inhumane and savage sentence. Human Rights Violations From May 4, 2011 until now he has been in solitary confinement in the infamous ward 2a of Evin prison in Iran. Ward 2a is Iran’s version of Guantanamo Bay. It is the www.faralogy.com 8 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 section of the prison controlled by Revolutionary Guard Intelligence3 (equivalent of CIA.) While he serves his 5-‐year sentence he is being interrogated by Iran’s version of the CIA daily to get him to confess to crimes he did not commit so this information can be used against him as evidence in the open cases (since there is otherwise no evidence to convict him with). Mr, Taheri’s has experienced numerous cases of Human Rights violations during his time in Ward 2a: • For the first 6 months he had no contact with anyone on the outside including his lawyer and family. • Many times he was given false verdicts of “execution” to scare him into confessing to crimes he did not commit. Mr. Taheri was taken to the execution site and had the noose thrown around his neck 17 times as a means of psychological torture. • The lives of his family members were threatened. The interrogators threatened to assassinate his family members including his children. • During harsh interrogations he endured physical torture, psychological torture, and verbal assault. Shadi Rasadi, his lawyer, was once permitted to meet him. After this short session, Shadi reported serious concern regarding his physical condition due to torture. According to her statement physical injuries were evident on Mr. Taheri’s left arm and head. In order for him to get any of his basic rights he had to go on 12 hunger strikes. For example to be allowed to see his lawyer and his family or to be allowed to see a doctor he would have to go on hunger strike. As a response to the serious threats against his family Mr. Taheri told the authorities that he would kill himself so that there was no longer any reason for his family to be harmed. Given the serious nature and continued recurrence of these threats, Mr. Taheri actually attempted suicide four times. On March 20, 2013 after 22 months in solitary confinement he was released from prison for 6 days for a dental surgery. During those 6 days his family found out about his hunger strikes, and the physical torture, and the dyer physical state he was in. 3 In Iran there are three branches of judicial system: judiciary (regular court), intelligence department (homeland security), and the Revolutionary Guard’s Intelligence (equivalent to CIA) department. The Revolutionary Guard’s intelligence department is the highest and most complicated and serious branch of judiciary. Their job is to address the greatest national security threats. www.faralogy.com 9 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 On December 6, 2014 he went on his 12th and final hunger strike to object to his open cases, which are the motivators of his continued torture. He wanted his open cases to either be tried or be closed. His health condition was worsening and his digestive system was failing. After 21 days on hunger strike, on December 27, 2014 he was summoned to court. Judge Ahmadzadeh in charge of his open cases allowed him to appropriate a lawyer (sign the papers that assigns a lawyer to his case). Because he was finally given permission to be represented by a lawyer he ended his 12th hunger strike. After 22 months of not having access to legal counsel he finally met with his lawyer on Jan 12, 2015. His Life in Danger On Feb 4, 2015 there was a court hearing for 16 of Mr. Taheri’s prior students. All 16 were sentenced to insulting the “moghadassai”. Combined they were sentenced to 37 years in prison and 130M Iranian toman. On the same day it was decided that Mr. Taheri would have a court hearing regarding one of his open cases, corruption on Earth, on February 25, 2015. Given that in the first court hearing a judgment and a verdict can be issued. The typical sentence for corruption on Earth is a death sentence. On February 9, 2015 Mr. Taheri requested a visit from his family members. On February 11, 2015 Mr. Taheri met with his wife, son, and daughter where he told them that “this would be their final visit.” He also requested that his wife buy him a grave. This was to send a message to the authorities that he is not afraid of death. His wife also purchased graves for herself and the children as they said that if he is killed then they will all commit suicide and be buried next to him. Background: His Current Open Court Cases The Iranian Government has kept three cases open. Their hope is that he would either die in prison under torture, commit suicide, or confess under duress. If none of these events come true they would pursue the following charges: 1. Corruption on Earth 2. Apostasy 3. Disruptor of National Security Due to lack of insufficient evidence the remaining three charges were returned to the prosecutor’s office for further evidence gathering. Even though the prosecutor’s office could not gather enough evidence, these 3 cases were kept open so they could be used as a tool to scare him and his family into behaving. These cases were kept until now (4 years). www.faralogy.com 10 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Corruptor on Earth This is a charge reserved for anyone who is endangering the lives of other citizens, such as releasing deadly chemicals (e.g., Anthrax). Mr. Taheri has done nothing but teach his pre-‐approved and legal philosophical classes. Just as there was no evidence of him insulting the Islamic sanctities, there is no evidence against him for this absurd charge either. He is only imprisoned for his spiritual beliefs of peace and love for humanity. This court case formally begins on February 25th. We ask that the international community write to the Iranian authorities in objection to this sham court proceeding and request the immediate closure of this case and the unconditional release of Mr. Taheri. Apostasy Iranian authorities have managed to obtain three fatwas from three Ayatollahs confirming Mr. Taheri as an apostate. As you know once there is a fatwa issued all legal evidence and proceedings can be circumvented. Disruptor of National Security During his time in prison, Mr. Taheri’s students began demonstrations outside of Evin prison in opposition. The Iranian authorities arrested about dozens of his students and accused them of disrupting social security. In addition the authorities asserted that Mr. Taheri was to blame for these demonstrations and disruptions. Recently Tasnim News, one of the news agency associated with the revolutionary guard of Islamic Republic, conducted an interview with Mr. Taheri’s lawyer. In that article Mr. Taheri denied having any knowledge of these demonstrations. Moreover, he clearly said that he does not approve of these demonstrations. Despite his formal statements condemning these demonstrations, the authorities have not given up on trying to affix a charge of Disruptor of National Security to him. As a response to this serious threat Mr. Taheri told the authorities that he would kill himself so that there was no longer any reason for his family to be harmed. Given the serious nature and continued recurrence of these threats, Mr. Taheri actually attempted suicide four times. Further Mr. Taheri was taken to the execution site and had the noose thrown around his neck 17 times as a means of psychological torture. Mr. Taheri was not allowed to see his lawyer for 22 months. He was forced to respond to court proceedings without being able to consult his lawyer. Leaked Letter from Taheri www.faralogy.com 11 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Dr. Taheri found a rare opportunity to somehow write a letter to Ahmad Shaheed, the UN repertoire in charge of watching human rights violations in Iran, where he described in detail what he has witnessed: • Inmates being taken off premises to be tortured, so it is off the record. • In these illegal off premises (and even onsite) interrogation sessions inmates have been desecrated sexually. • Inmates are threatened with the safety of their family in order to confess to untrue charges. In the case of Dr. Taheri, once his secret letter to the UN was published, his wife was arrested and taken to Evin prison for two weeks. • Hostage-‐taking and kidnapping of the family members of the accused to coerce cooperation. • Using unproven accusations to keep the inmate’s case open, this allows them to keep the inmates indefinitely. Currently, Dr. Taheri is serving his 4th year of a 5 year sentence, but they have brought new false charges against him to keep his case open indefinitely. The most recent charges (corrupter of the Earth!) carry the death penalty. • False reports and accusations are told the inmate’s family. For example a common one is to tell the inmate’s spouse that the inmate has been unfaithful and they have proof of him sleeping with someone else. This is used to isolate the inmate further. • No permission to visit or maintain contact with any lawyer (whatsoever) throughout the detention and interrogation period, nor for preparation of the court hearings. However, they lie in all process documents that the defendant’s lawyer was present so that their documentation looks legal. The absurdity of all this goes beyond all of this. Dr. Taheri was arrested due to a personal vendetta. If you remember Reyhaneh Jabbari was also wrongfully hanged because she happened to be the target of rape by someone who worked for the Iranian intelligence agency. She gave her life for defending herself. Our spiritual teacher was also arrested with false charges due to a personal vendetta of a man whose wife left him for which he blames Dr. Taheri’s spiritual practice. Dr. Taheri was asked to pay a bribe and when he refused he was told by this individual, who happens to be an important figure in “Sepah” (a military branch called the “guardians of the republic”) that he would personally make sure Dr. Taheri would never see the outside of a prison wall ever again. It is quite absurd that one individual can have so much power and can throw a person in hell and jail him in solitary confinement for 4 years and violate all of his basic human rights including his right to see his lawyer. Conclusion His entire charge and sentencing is baseless and not even sanctioned by Iran’s own laws. None of the facts mentioned above were taken seriously, and no evidence has been submitted to the contrary. The conviction has entirely lacked evidence. www.faralogy.com 12 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 He has been treated inhumanely including threats against his children’s lives. To protect his family from harm he attempted suicide 4 times so that there is no longer a reason for them to be harmed. He was not allowed to see his lawyer for 22 months, because the Iranian authorities did not deem it necessary. His open cases all carry significant sentences, such as the death penalty. I hereby ask that the international community write to the Iranian Authorities before February 25, 2015 and request that: • All of the open cases against Mohammad Ali Taheri be closed and all open charges dropped without condition • Mr. Taheri be released from solitary confinement and admitted into the public ward • Mr. Taheri be released from prison unconditionally as all the charges against him have been baseless and unjust The latest UN report shows there are 900 prisoners of conscience, 300 of which are religious minorities. Appendix: www.faralogy.com 13 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Honorary Doctorates Honorary Doctorate Issued by University of Traditional Medicine of Republic of Armenia www.faralogy.com 14 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 11 www.faralogy.com 15 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 www.faralogy.com 16 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Unfortunately after Taheri’s last arrest, the University Of Traditional Medicine of Armenia cancelled their cooperation contract and removed the links related to Faradarmani and Psymentology courses. However, below is a screen shot from the University’s website prior to it being taken down: http://en.unitradmed.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2&Ite www.faralogy.com 17 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 mid=2 www.faralogy.com 18 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 See below for proof of cancellation of contract from the University of Traditional Medicine of Armenia’s side after Taheri’s arrest www.faralogy.com 19 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 www.faralogy.com 20 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Honorary Doctorates from the International Eco-‐energy Academy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Taheri is the first person in the world to receive two honorary degrees from this university for two years in a row: 1. Honorable Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of “Complementary and Alternative Medicine” in 2009 2. Honorable Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) in “Mysticism in 2010”. www.faralogy.com 21 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 www.faralogy.com 22 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Research Projects Members of research groups of this organization with the necessary scientific and executive eligibility, have done extensive researches by benefiting from the teachings of "Faradarmani" and "Psymentology" founder -‐ Dr Master Mohamad Ali Taheri-‐ and in recent years; by focusing on these complementary and alternative medicines have been outstandingly active in presenting articles in medical and para-‐ medical [medical related health care] seminars and congresses including the second national congress of complementary and alternative medicine. Examples of performed researches on Faradarmani are: 1. A research with the title of "The Study of Faradarmani Effect on the Course of Asthma Treatment" was done as a thesis for a Medical Degree Doctorate Award; at Shahed University which was defended in summer of 2009. (Registration number P 389/77) 36 2. A study titled "The effect of Faradarmani on pain relief in patients who have had a surgical operation" was conducted in the surgery ward of Tehran Imam Khomeini Hospital in 2008-‐2009. The results indicate the general satisfaction of 110 patients of this ward and the decrease of morphine demand in 70% of www.faralogy.com 23 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. patients. Project of "The study of Faradarmani effect on "Bronchiectasic" patients who are candidates for lung transplant" which was performed in Masih Daneshvari Hospital in 2009-‐2010. Outstanding results were achieved and the statement of the director of the transplantation ward along with some recovery reports on patients who took part in this project; are published in the fourth specialized Faradarmani supplement by "Holistic Medicine" and "The Science of Medicine" Journals publications. The project of "Faradarmani effect on the proliferation of skin tissue primary cell culture" in Laboratory conditions (in vitro) in "Iran National Centre of Genetic and Bioresources Bank" was performed in 2010. The results indicate the positive effect of Faradarmani on cells proliferation of the tissue under the experiment, and take in to account the application of this treatment method in human and animal skin repair. Medical research projects of "Study the Effect of Faradarmani" on patients who undertake Dialysis, respiratory complications in patients who are affected by chemical weapons in war, type 1 and 2 Diabetes, fatty liver, Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism, Asthma, Multiple Sclerosis, Essential Hypertension, Pulmonary Fibrosis, COPD, PPH, AIDS and several other cases. Psychology and Psychiatry research projects titled "Study the Affect of Psymentology" on Patients with positive signs of Schizophrenia in selected hospitals of Tehran in 2010 Study of affects of Psymentology on patients with positive signs of depression, social phobia, ADHD in city of Karaj clinics in 2010 Research Contracts Signed with Accredited Universities Scientific and Academic Bases of "Faradarmani" and "Psymentology" were being studied at various educational institutions including: • • • • The office of open education in Tehran University University of Medical Sciences of Iran University of Traditional Medicine of Armenia The International Academy of Eco-‐Energy of Azerbaijan Republic A sample of Psymentology and Faradarmani Certificates issued by the University of Traditional Medicine of Armenia to students who took Mr. Taheri’s class www.faralogy.com 24 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 . Scientific contract with International Ecoenergy academy of Republic of Azerbaijan www.faralogy.com 25 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 www.faralogy.com 26 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 www.faralogy.com 27 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 International Recognition http://www.mataheri.com/Awards.html 1. Taheri was invited by the Mayor of Brussels to receive the medal of scientific research and the degree of “OFFICER” that were rewarded to him by the Royal www.faralogy.com 28 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 Palace of the capital of European Union (Brussels, Belgium) for the foundation of Iranian complementary and alternative medicines of Faradarmani and Psymentology. However, IRI Revolutionary Guard banned him from any trips abroad on March, 2011. After three years of research in Iranian complementary medicine (Faradarmani and Psymentology), the University of Traditional Medicine of Armenia which is the world’s third university for complementary and alternative medicine, has decided to www.faralogy.com 29 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 give an honorary degree in the field of complementary medicine to the founder of these subjects, Mohammad Ali Taheri 2. In an unprecedented move, the International Ecoenergy Academy of the Republic of Azerbaijan decided to give the founder of Iranian complementary medicine (Faradarmani and Psymentology) an honorary degree for PhD of “Complementary and Alternative Medicine” and “Mysticism” for two years in a row (2009 & 2010). He is the first person in the world to receive two honorary degrees from this university for two years in a row. 3. Medal of scientific research and the degree of “OFFICER” were rewarded by the Royal Palace of the capital of European Union (Brussels, Belgium) and the Mayor of Brussels to Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri for the foundation of Iranian complementary and alternative medicines of Faradarmani and Psymentology. (It is noted that the degree of OFFICER is ranked higher than the degree of knight at the Royal Palace of the European Union capital 39 www.faralogy.com 30 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 4. Gold medal, the special prize and a cup were awarded to Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri by Romanian Delegation of Education and Research for the foundation of Iranian complementary and alternative medicines of Faradarmani and Psymentology. www.faralogy.com 31 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 www.faralogy.com 32 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 5. Gold medal, the special prize and a cup were awarded to Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri by "the patent office of inventions and innovative research of the Russian Federation" for foundation of Iranian complementary and alternative medicines of Faradarmani and Psymentology. 6. Gold Medal, the special prize and a cup were awarded to Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri by the international trade fair of Brussels Innova (Belgium) for foundation of Iranian complementary and alternative medicines of Faradarmani and Psymentology. www.faralogy.com 33 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 7. Three official diplomas were awarded by "The International Medical Forum" of Moscow for: • Treatment approach of Psymentology • New techniques of treatment • New educational methods in the field of medicine www.faralogy.com 34 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 8. Gold medal of International Cyber Genius Inventor Fair of South Korea (CIGIF-‐ 2010) was awarded to Master Mohammad Ali Taheri for the foundation of complementary medicine of Faradarmani. 9. Gold medal of International Cyber Genius Inventor Fair of South Korea (CIGIF-‐ 2010) was awarded to Master Mohammad Ali Taheri for the foundation of complementary medicine of Psymentology. 10. Grand cup award of Edison was presented to Master Mohammad Ali Taheri by the Academy of Cyber Genius Inventor Fair of South Korea for foundation of two Iranian complementary and alternative medicines of Faradarmani and Psymentology. 11. Grand cup award was presented to Master Mohammad Ali Taheri by the AIA (Asia Innovation Association) for foundation of two Iranian complementary and alternative medicines of Faradarmani and Psymentology. Arrest of his Students After Mr. Taheri’s arrest, some members of his institute and other academic researchers and therapists were also arrested in Tehran, Bam, Isfehan, Tabriz, Oroumiyyeh, Kerman, Chaloos, Saari, Araak, Azarbayjan and so on, all with atrocity accused of committing threat against national security, neo-‐mystical sectism, apostasy, insulting the Muslim holy prophet and sedition, each of which in terms of Shee’a traditions is penalized worth of execution. In addition, “Faradarmani” & “Psymentology” practitioners and researchers threatened and placed under security surveillance. www.faralogy.com 35 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 • • • • • • • • • • • Pedram Saeedi was arrested by IRI Revolutionary Guards at his home and transferred to 2A Evin prison in winter 2011. Ms. Jhale Taheri (Pedram’s mother) was also summoned and interrogated. On May 2nd, 2011 Ms Mehri Soleymani, Mr. Mahmoud Bayani and Mr. Yousef Eyvazadeh were arrested by IRI revolutionary guards and released on the day of Taheri’s last and most recent arrest. On May 16, 2011 Tabnak News announced that 4 teachers of Erfan Keyhani were detained in the city of Bam: Golnaz S., Sahar S., Mehdi M.,Shayan R. See: http://bit.ly/1BjTSr2 Dr. Soroosh Azemikhah (Physician), Dr. Sooshiant Azemikhah (Physician), Dr, Vida Pirzadeh (Physician), the medical research team associates of Erfan-‐e Halgeh, arrest was reported on BBC Persia , Rahana,.... 12 June 2011 http://www.rahana.org/archives/41219 On June 20, 2011 Hojatoleslam Seyyed Morteza Najafi, son of the late ayatollah Hojjat Kohkamarei, one of the Grand Ayatollahs of Ghom, was arrested. As “green revolution” reports, he is a Mojtahed and trusteeship of Qom Seminary School, and was involved in comparing Erfan Keyhani’s teachings with Islamic-‐ Shia texts. He was arrested on June 14, 2011 by the intelligence of revolutionary guard and was transferred to Evin prison. http://www.tahavolesabz.net/item/29731 Journalist, activist, and Student of Mr. Taher, Zahra Yazdani was arrested at her home on Tuesday, June 21st. After her home was searched and inspected the agents confiscated her personal possessions. http://www.rahana.org/en/?p=11302 On Aug 20, 2011 chief commander of security police of Gilan province announced the arrest of 14 Students of Erfan Keyhani On Aug 28, 2011 Parvin Baharzaadeh, a faculty member, professor, director of postgraduate theology department of Al-‐ Zahra University of Tehran was arrested for being a student of Mr. Taheri. She was transferred to Evin prison on the same day. http://www.rahesabz.net/story/41959/ On October 20, 2011 S.T. was arrested for the charge of designing the website of Erfan Keyhani On November 10, 2011 Bahareh Askari, who was in charge of Erfan Keyhani’s office in Tabriz province was arrested: http://bit.ly/1ELF9TD In addition to the above arrested members, other active members of Erfan Keyhani were arrested that include: Ms Sara Dehnavi, Mr. Mohammad Tajik Pazooki, Ms. Narges Farhaadi, Ms Jalili, Mr. Jalilzadeh, Ms Golnaz Saadat, Mr. Hamed Ghasemi, Mr. Saleh Pazooki, Ms. Gholamvand, Mr Mohammad Reza Afkhami. • Teachers of Erfan Keyhani in provinces other than Tehran were also arrested including Mr. Mehdi Moraadkhani, Mr. Shayane Roohbakhsh, Mr. Mohammad Ali Mohseni, Mr. Iraj Amidi, Mr. Keykhosro Harooni, Ms Bahare Askariyeh, Mr. www.faralogy.com 36 © Faralogy INC, February 2015 • Abolfazl Daneshvar. On Dec 27, 2011 Mr. Faryad Farahani, Mr. Pouya Ebrahimi, Mr. Ali Delavari, Mr. Hamid reza Farhanghi, Ms Adele Razmavar and Ms Mehri Soliemani (second arrest) were arrested for false accusation of terror of Bahram Roshanmanesh and Asadollah Ebrahimi-‐Tabaar by Ministry of Intelligence and were transferred to 209 Evin prison. They were held in solitary confinement for 30 days. The terror case was brought up by Erfan Keyhani opponents as a conspiracy to make Taheri’s case more complicated, problematic and hazardous. Human Rights Reports and Activities in support of Mr. Taheri 1. Letter from Dr. Taheri to Ahmed Shaheed detailing the unlawful and inhumane treatment of prisoners of conscience in Evin prison: http://bit.ly/159ZxCd 2. A report from Ahmad Shaheed describing the treatment of prisoners of conscience. In this report on page 10 he specifically names Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri and his students. March 2014 http://bit.ly/1myU0ek 3. Amnesty International calling for release of Dr. Taheri: http://bit.ly/1B08PLJ 4. Senator Dastiari of the Australian parliament speaks about Dr. Taheri. See youtube video beginning at minute 4:06: http://bit.ly/15aVBRI 5. The announcement from Mr. Taheri’s family about his deteriorated health: https://www.facebook.com/EzatTaheri 6. Video of protests in front of Evin prison. Students of Mr. Taheri were chanting: “the teacher of love must be freed” and “freedom of thought is our basic right”: https://www.facebook.com/rahro.hagh/posts/739183456173612 7. Video of protest in front of Iran’s Evin prison also on Facebook (http://on.fb.me/1uQVft8) and Youtube (http://bit.ly/11pE71Y) 8. Protests in Cologn, Germany: November 2014 http://on.fb.me/1C30qv4 9. Protests in Hamburg, Germany 11/8/2014 http://on.fb.me/1xpwbGI 10. Video about Mr. Taheri https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lhHehGWQz20 www.faralogy.com 37
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