Biography of Mohammad Ali Taheri - Interuniversal Mysticism Center


Biography of Mohammad Ali Taheri - Interuniversal Mysticism Center
Chapter 1
Part 1:
Mohammad Ali Taheri was born in March 21, 1956 in Kermanshah, Iran. In his childhood he was very
curious about his environment. There were so many questions in his mind and he was following up
the answers eagerly; but the infinite space and the stars were attacked his astonished mind more
than anything else, so that he used to staring at the stars at nights and name each of them according
to the special meaning that they had for him. He had an indescribable desire for discovering the
stars and their cause, so that it led to designing and making airplanes to get closer to the stars when
his was a teenager.
After his primary school he moved to Tehran to continue his studying. At the same time his
enthusiasm for designing airplanes was growing on and on. For this purpose he began to study the
limited scientific books and journals to find a solution for his burning desire and an answer for the
questions which his teachers could not give the answer.
His interest in aircraft industry led to designing a controlled aircraft while he was only 13 years old
and to be encouraged by his relatives and friends. Since then, he intensified his efforts on the
aircraft making and he successfully made a helicopter in the yard of his house when he was 16. This
invention created some troubles for his family related to the Security and Intelligence Service of Iran
(SAVAK) which they believed that it is impossible that a school boy design such a precise and
detailed scheme. Consequently, they called his mother for some explanation and interrogated her to
understand the purpose of making this aircraft and make clear that if there is any foreign country
behind this incidence. Finally, after long investigation and presenting the “Dictionary of Aviation
Technical Terms” written by him, the SAVAK experts have convinced that he has a special ingenuity.
Therefore, he was able to continue his research and as a result, he built a kite and experienced
several flights.
In 1976, he participated in the first National Exhibition of Youth Innovators and Inventors by
designing and making remote controlled airplane which merely needed fuel for take-off and landing,
and several scheme of aircrafts including the world’s first vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft
and won the first prize of the competition in technology and inventions.
The first National Exhibition of Youth Innovators and Inventors
Mohammad Ali Taheri with his schemes and remote controlled airplane – 1976
Next year (1978), he participated in the same exhibition by presenting a single flyer plane, some
more aircraft schemes and his “Dictionary of Aviation Technical Terms”, which its draft has just been
finished. For the second time, he won the first prize of the competition in technology and received
some scholarship from different international universities, but for some seasons he rejected all of
He had many interviews on national presses and TV about his work, inventions and researches in
mathematics. Following you can see his interview on Mehr magazine and parts of his book,
Dictionary of Aviation Technical Terms.
Some pages from the draft version of Dictionary of Aviation Technical Terms By Mohammad Ali
Taheri 1970-1975
Mohammad Ali Taheri
Making his single flyer in his house yard
Mohammad Ali Taheri and his brothers
with his hand-made airplane
Interview with Mehr Magazine The first winner of Inventions
Part 2: Mohammad Ali Taheri’s life after the realm of mysticism (October 1978)
During this period, he was trying to understand the universe and the mystery of the existence.
Additional to aircrafts and research on mathematics, he was studying the stars and cosmology by
making handmade telescopes.
Over time, he became more and more astonished about the formation of the universe. This
continued until October 1978 that a new incidence occurred in his life. He faced with an inner
evolution; thereupon, a widow from another world has opened to him which he called it the world
of enthusiasm and love. Consequently, he perceived this fact that science is not the only way to
discover the mystery of the universe, and there is another way. With passion, virtu, enthusiasm and
astonishment, by the path of love and with enlightenment and intuition, one can obtain knowledge
of the universe. In fact, our great mystics have reached the same truth as Rumi says:
‫ﻣﺎ را ﺑﮫ ﭼﺷم ِﺳر ﺑﺑﯾن‬
‫ﺳر ﻣﺑﯾن‬
َ ‫ﻣﺎ را ﺑﮫ ﭼﺷم‬
Entering into the world of spirituality and finding the answers of unanswered questions did not
reduce his enthusiasm for perceiving the universe, and just changed its form. Since then, he
continued his investigations in both science and spirituality tireless. However, his spiritual
impression and thoughts was not intelligible for others, but the results and application of those
researches was amazing for them.
Whether before or after mysticism, he was hardly sleeping more than 3 hours. Even though he was
only a child, he was always working and studying. This was really surprising for his family and friends
when they saw that he doesn’t get tried.
These uninterrupted efforts have continued after Islamic Revolution and during the first years of the
Iran’s war our government used his technical skills and ingenuity in offering services and military
purposes. He designed two types of submachine guns named, Shahab and Shafagh and prepared
them for manufacturing which they had much higher quality than those day’s guns. Mr. Hashemi
Rafsanjani, Iranian politician, also has been taking about him in his autobiography.
Since his efforts to manufacturing the guns remained inconclusive, he decided to continue his
education out of Iran. After visiting many European counties and Japan finally he stopped at Ankara,
Turkey and studied at Middle East Technical University (METU) for a while.
The remarkable point is that according to his experience
and interest he was expected to continue his studying on
aircraft industry and mechanical engineering, but he
chose environmental engineering as his study field. The
reason for this choice was that he was trying to discover
the macrocosm by creating telescopes before; while, it
was a great opportunity for him to search in microcosm
this time and find the answers for his countless questions.
After going back to his country, he founded Tiva Kian
Engineering and Design Company (Registration No.
139330) with his sister and brother in law. He began to
work as a creative and skilled CEO and designed and made
several machines for industrial use such as mushroom
production factory, wheat flour, poultry foods and so on.
During this period, he designed and produced some machines that could transport wheat flour and
the poultry foods from storepit, weigh and pack them automatically for the first time in the country.
Manufacturing, sale and installation cost of this device was much cheaper than those were
importing to Iran from foreign countries.
In this period, after the daily works and along with managing the Tiva Kian Company, he was
investigating on spirituality and it resulted in founding a spiritual path called Interuniversal
Mysticism (Persian: Erfan-e-Keyhani) or Halqeh Mysticism and two complementary medicine of
Faradarmani and Psymentology.
Part 3:
Mr. Taheri represented the results of his spiritual investigation to public in 2000s; and in summer of
2006 he founded an institute called Interuniversal Mysticism Institute of Art and Culture (Halqeh) to
teach Interuniversal Mysticism and two complementary medicines of Faradarmani and
Psymentology. Many people, especially university students, doctors and psychologists, showed
interests in this course and they welcomed it unexpectedly. Soon the small classes changed to
crowded ones with over 500 students in each class and also considered by government-based
organizations. After a while it expanded and registered as “Centre of Interuniversal Mysticism” in
National Youth Organization of Presidential Institution.
According to his own demand, all his training courses were recorded in audio-visual form and in
addition, the subjects of the course published as different books with official license from Iran’s
These courses expanded to highly credited universities of Iran such as Tehran University with FaraPezeshki courses in which hundreds of Medical doctors, psychiatrist and psychologist participated.
Total participant for this short course were over 3500 person who received certification from Tehran
Tehran University by the officials of the Ministry of Health
Moreover, in 2009 his Psymentology short courses were held in Iran Medical School with over 1100
students in each class. It should be noted that the subject of Psymentology is the study of the
human’s mind, psyche and the related problems in order to heal those disorders. In this therapeutic
method medications or psychotherapy techniques are not used and the healing happens by the
inner revolution of the individual.
Parallel with the training classes, researches were taken place inside and outside of Iran on
complementary medicine and his theories. All theses researches have been done in credited
research institutions which led to valuable achievements and results.
Chapter 2
The published books are:
--‐ "Erfan-e-Keyhani [Halqeh]" (Interuniversal Mysticism) in which has been republished 7 times;
each time 5 to 10 thousand copies by now.
--‐ Human From Another Outlook" in which has been republished 9 times; each time 10 thousand
copies in Iran, and also in Lebanon by now. This book focuses on presenting the basis of the
complementary medicine of "Faradarmani" and has been translated and published in English [In two
different versions] two times, also an Arabic copy of it is available. Russian, French and German
translations are in progress.
--‐ "The Human Comprehensive View on the World" which has recently been published and the
English, Arabic and Russian translations are under publication.
Alongside the publication of books, some of the reports and research papers of complementary
medicines of "Faradarmani" and "Psymentology" have been published in Farsi and English via seven
supplements of "Holistic Medicine" and "The Science of Medicine" Journals, which can provide a
primary introduction to the functions of "Faradarmani" and "Psymentology" sciences. The first three
volumes of these publications are allocated to the Case Reports about the effect of Faradarmani on
different kinds of diseases and different body organs, and such presented reports are only selected
samples from the vast reported results. The forth publication is a clinical study about Faradarmani
effect on "Bronchiectasic patients who are candidates for lung transplant" which was performed in
Masih Daneshvari Hospital in 2009-2010. The fifth publication is allocated to the Faradarmani effect
on "Infertility" which is again presented as selected samples from the numerous cases. The sixth
publication studies the Faradarmani effect on Cell proliferation in Laboratory conditions [in vitro] in
one chapter and also Faradarmani effect on plants in another chapter. The seventh publication is
considered as the first specialized Psymentology ['Psyche' + 'Mental' +Logy] supplement and studies
the effect of Psymentology on behavioural disorders.
In addition to the above mentioned publications, the Interuniversal Mysticism foundation has
presented three other publications on the concepts of Ideology and insights:
-" Anthology of Articles" publication in the periodical "The Culture of Education" which includes the
published articles by Dr Mohamad Ali Taheri through Iran's national publications during 2009.
-" Human Worldview" 2010 April publication of the monthly "Rah-e-Kamal (The way to the human
spiritual growth)" journal.
-"Erfan[Mysticism] from another Outlook" 2010 June paper of the monthly "Rah-e-Kamal (The way
to the human spiritual growth)" journal.
Research Projects
Members of research groups of this organization with the necessary scientific and executive
eligibility, have done extensive researches by benefiting from the teachings of "Faradarmani" and
"Psymentology" founder -Dr Master Mohamad Ali Taheri- and in recent years; by focusing on these
complementary and alternative medicines have been outstandingly active in presenting articles in
medical and para-medical [medical related healthcare] seminars and congresses including the
second national congress of complementary and alternative medicine. The Research groups
welcome any cooperation in any scientific and formal research project that would evaluate these
treatment methods and their range of applications.
Examples of performed researches on Faradarmani
- A research with the title of "The Study of Faradarmani Effect on the Course of
“Asthma Treatment" was done as a thesis for a Medical Degree Doctorate Award; at Shahed
University which was defended in summer of 2009 (Registration number P 389/77).
-Project of "The effect of Faradarmani on pain relief in patients who have had a surgical operation"
in surgery ward of Tehran Imam Khomeini Hospital in 2008- 2009. The results indicate the general
satisfaction of 110 patients of this ward and the decrease of Morphine demand in 70% of patients.
- Project of "The study of Faradarmani effect on "Bronchiectasic" patients who are candidates for
lung transplant" which was performed in Masih Daneshvari Hospital in 2009-2010. Outstanding
results were achieved and the statement of the director of the transplantation ward along with
some recovery reports on patients who took part in this project; are published in the fourth
specialized Faradarmani supplement by "Holistic Medicine" and "The Science of Medicine" Journals
- The project of "Faradarmani effect on the proliferation of skin tissue primary cell culture" in
Laboratory conditions (in vitro) in "Iran National Centre of Genetic and Bioresources Bank" was
performed in 2010. The results indicate the positive effect of Faradarmani on cells proliferation of
the tissue under the experiment, and take in to account the application of this treatment method in
human and animal skin repair.
Examples of ready and ongoing research projects of "Medicine" and "Psychology, Psychiatry"
specialist groups
-Medical research projects of "Study the Effect of Faradarmani" on:
Patients who undertake Dialysis, respiratory complications in patients who are affected by chemical
weapons in war, type 1 and 2 Diabetes, fatty liver, Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism, Asthma,
MS, Essential Hypertension, Pulmonary Fibrosis, COPD, PPH, AIDS and several other cases.
-Psychology and Psychiatry research projects of "Study the Effect of Psymentology" on:
Patients with positive signs of Schizophrenia in selected hospitals of Tehran in 2010, signs of primary
depression, signs of social phobia, signs of hyperactivity disorder ADHD in city of Karaj clinics in
2010, signs of hyperactivity disorder ADHD in male students of city of Karaj in 2010 and several other
Scientific and Academic Bases of "Faradarmani" and "Psymentology"
Upon signing an agreement for scientific cooperation with "The office of open educations in Tehran
University", "Iran University of Medical Sciences", " University of Traditional Medicine of Armenia
"and" The International Academy of Eco-Energy of Azerbaijan Republic "; and holding Faradarmani
and Psymentology courses in these centers, certificates have been awarded to the participants. Such
courses are examples of delivery of such treatment methods in scientific and academic centers.
A. Signing a contract for scientific cooperation for delivery of Faradarmani and Psymentology
complementary medical courses in the centre of open educations of Tehran University (according to
an official agreement) and issuing participation certificates to the pupils.
B. Signing a contract for research, scientific and educational cooperation with The University of
Medical Sciences and Tehran Health and Treatment Services (previously known as 'Iran' University)
and issuing certificates for taking part in open education of these complementary medical courses
and also awarding Master of Faradarmani Certificates from this university.
C. A contract signed between Interuniversal Erfan (Halqeh) Institute and the University Of
Complementary Medicine Of Armenia. After three years of continual studies in this university which
is a member of the European Union, these two subjects were recognized as Iranian complementary
medicine. Currently, this university has established faculties for these subjects and has began
educational and research activities, and also issuing certificates, registering students and issuing
degrees in this field.
D. In an agreement between Interuniversal Mysticism (Halqeh) Institute and the International
Ecoenergy Academy of Azerbaijan, a contract was signed with the
Scientific Manufacturing Association (Gunesh) with the aim of more cooperation in research in the
complementary and alternative treatment methods of Faradarmani and Psymentology (mentalpsychology). According to the scope of this contract, the two sides agree to have extensive research
cooperation which will lead to issuing educational degrees in various stages and up to PhD.
The Scientific Theories of Mohammad Ali Taheri
Mohammad Ali Taheri has offered novel theories in the past 3 decades of research in various fields
which have proved useful to researchers all across the world. Some of his theories include:
1. Interuniversalism (the basis of his theories on insight, treatment and science)
2. “Consciousness Bond” or the “Consciousness Bond of the Parts” theory (the basis of Iranian
complementary treatment methods of “Faradarmani” and “Psymentology”)
3. Consciousness Field Theory
4. Consciousness Field Behavior Theory
5. Consciousness Immunity Theory
6. Consciousness Pollution Theory
7. Disproving the role of genetics in incurability
8. Reparability Theory
9. Brain Function Theory
10. Consciousness Illnesses Theory
11. Consciousness Copy Theory
12. Consciousness Metastasis
13. Vital Force Sub-DNA Reactors
14. Information Transfer Theory
15. Universal Internet, Switching and Recovery Theory
16. Theory of Faradarmani and Consciousness Repair in the body’s software which has been proven
by medical research.
17. Theory of Consciousness Coherence and its effect on organ transplant acceptance.
18. Theory of Inorganic Viruses as agents of mental and psychological illnesses.
19. Theory of Psymentology or mental-psychology with an Interuniversalist viewpoint which is a
complementary medicine for treatment of mental and psychological illnesses.
20. Adjacent Worlds Theory
21. Universal Coherence Theory and defining illnesses that arise from incoherence
22. Corporeal Coherence Theory and defining illnesses that arise from incoherence
23. Secondary Nervous System Theory
24. Parallel, Identical and Non-Identical Worlds Theory
25. Zehni (Mind) and Farazehni (Meta-Mind) Receptors Theory
26. Theory of distinguishing between IQ (intelligence quotient), MQ, and WQ (wisdom quotient) and
defining the core of intelligence, logic and memory.
27. Theory of Consciousness and Anti-Consciousness, Axis of Existences and identifying it through
reverse playback of the voice.
28. Theory of Ion and Electron Exchange in the human body.
29. Theory of the body of the Collective Soul and the positive effects in the Collective Soul.
30. Theory of Addiction and Rehabilitation
31. Theory of Behavioural Pathology and practical methods of solving classical family and social
32. Mono-Form Universe Theory
Honorable Science Degrees
1. After
three years of research on Iranian complementary and alternative medicine (Faradarmani and Psymentology), the University of Traditional Medicine of Armenia has conferred an honorary doctorate degree in the field of complementary medicine to the founder
of these subjects Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri (20/10/2010).
2. In an unprecedented move, the International Eco-energy Academy of the Republic of Azerbaijan
has conferred upon the founder of Iranian complementary medicine (Faradarmani and
Psymentology) two Honorary PhD Degrees in Complementary and Alternative Medicine and
Mysticism in two consecutive years (2009 and 2010, respectively). He is the first person in the world
to receive honorary degrees from this university in two consecutive years.
Honorable Doctor of Philosophy in Complementary and Alternative Medicine
3. Medal of scientific research and the degree of “OFFICER” were rewarded by the Royal Palace of
the capital of the European Union (Brussels, Belgium) and the Mayor of Brussels to Master Dr.
Mohammad Ali Taheri for founding the Iranian complementary and alternative medicines,
Faradarmani and Psymentology. (It is noted that the degree of OFFICER is ranked higher than the
degree of KNIGHT at the Royal Palace of the European Union capital.)
opean Innovation Award and “Officer” Degree from Belgium Brussels’ Innova (European
Innovation World Exhibition on inventors, research and new technologies) 19/11/2010
4. The gold medal, the special prize, and a cup were awarded to Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri by
the Romanian Delegation of Education and Research for the founding of the Iranian complementary
and alternative medicines, Faradarmani and Psymentology.
Gold Medal and Cup from Romanian Delegation (Romanian Teaching & Research Ministry) in
Brussels’ Innova International Exhibition
5. The gold medal, the special prize, and a cup were awarded to Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri by
the Patent Office of Inventions and Innovative Research of the Russian Federation for the founding
of the Iranian complementary and alternative medicines, Faradarmani and Psymentology.
6. The gold medal, the special prize, and a cup were awarded to Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri by
the International Trade Fair of Brussels Innova (Belgium) for the founding of the Iranian
complementary and alternative medicines, Faradarmani and Psymentology.
7. “Moscow’s International Medical Forum” award for new educational methods in the field of
8. “Moscow’s International Medical Forum” award for the founding of the Iranian complementary
and alternative medicine, Faradarmani
9. “Moscow’s International Medical Forum” award for the founding of the Iranian complementary
and alternative medicine, Psymentology
10. The gold medal of the International Cyber Genius Inventor Fair of South Korea (CIGIF-2010) was
awarded to Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri for the founding of the complementary medicine,
Gold Award by 2010 International Cyber Genius Inventor Fair (CIGIF 2010) in Korea
11. The gold medal of the International Cyber Genius Inventor Fair of South Korea (CIGIF-2010) was
awarded to Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri for the founding of the complementary medicine,
12. The Edison grand cup award was presented to Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri by the Academy
of Cyber Genius Inventor Fair of South Korea for the founding of the two Iranian complementary and
alternative medicines, Faradarmani and Psymentology.
Special Award of Edison Cup by 2010 International Cyber Genius Inventor Fair (CIGIF
2010) in Korea
13. The grand cup award was presented to Master Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri by the AIA (Asia
Innovation Association) for the founding of the two Iranian complementary and alternative
medicines, Faradarmani and Psymentology.
Special AIA Award by Asia Invention Association in 2010 International Cyber Genius Inventor Fair
Two Special Prizes from CIGIF 2010 & AIA(Asia Invention Associatin) with two Gold Medals to two
complementary medicines of “Faradarmani” and “Psymentology” by Dr Master Mohamad Ali Taheri
from Iran.
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It is more than three decades since the foundation of Inter universal Gnosticism (Erfan
Halqeh) and its subdivisions including the two complementary medicines of “Faradarmani”
and “Psymentology” by Dr Master Mohamad Ali Taheri in Iran. Currently about 20000
trainers are teaching the concepts of this pathway worldwide and there are millions of
people who are familiar with and users of its practical applications.
Experience gained through the practical part of this Gnosticism -specially the
complementary medical methods of “Faradarmani” and “Psymentology”- has brought
about outstanding results, and due to the unique effectiveness of these methods among
different types of complementary medicines; it has attracted the attention of many
medical doctors and health service professionals through the past decade.
Currently extensive research is going on by the professional groups of scientists, medical
doctors, and psychologists about the effects of these two complementary medical
branches on humans, animals, and plants even in Laboratory environment and at the
cellular molecular level. Numerous scientific articles and reports have been published
about the research results and the effectiveness of these methods on different kinds of
diseases. Now, Faradarmani and Psymentology fields of activity have expanded to research
groups of “Cellular- Molecular” , “Veterinary” and “Dentistry”.
In Faradarmani: treatment of physical, psychological, and psychosomatic (involves both
psych and „soma=body‟) diseases are considered, whilst Psymentology considers the
treatment of mental, and mentosomatic („involves both mental =mind‟ and‟ soma=body‟)
illnesses in an exceptional way. These methods are described based on the theory of “The
Consciousness Bond” or “Parts having consciousness in common”. According to this
theory, when a link is established between the “whole” consciousness (The Inter universal
Consciousness) and the consciousness of a “part” [of human being]; the whole
consciousness –via the consciousness of the mind- is capable of correcting, repairing and
curing the mind, psyche and body thus healing and recovery will take place. Consciousness
of the “parts” includes the consciousness of countless different components which
comprise human being. The “whole” consciousness is the awareness and intelligence
leading the universe.
It is necessary to note that research fields and activities of this organization are not
limited to Complementary and Alternative Medicine; and also in other fields such as
Gnosticism, Philosophy, Social sciences, Physics and Astronomy intensive researches are
taking place on the proposed theories in such areas. Master Mohamad Ali Taheri has
introduced these methods and education publishing books and articles, holding
educational classes and also training instructors for this science through the past two
14. The below awards were presented by the European exhibition of creativity and innovation
(Euro Invent 2011) of Romania, held by Gheorghe Asachi Technical University, Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University and FIR:
• Gold medal of Euro Invent 2011 for the foundation of Faradarmani and Psymentology
• Special award of inventors (FIR) for the foundation of Faradarmani and Psymentology
• Special diploma and scientific order of Leonardo Da Vinci for the promotion of creativity in
Special award of inventors (FIR) for the foundation of Faradarmani
Gold medal of Euro Invent 2011 for the foundation of Psymentology
Gold medal of Euro Invent 2011 for the foundation of Faradarmani
Special award of Euro Invent 2011 for the foundation of Psymentology
Special diploma and scientific order of Leonardo Da Vinci for the promotion of creativity in
Participation in Scientific Conferences
1- Faradarmani Seminar – Faculty of Psychology, Tehran University
2- Complementary & Alternative Medicine Conference – Isfahan University of Medicine. Four
speeches and 18 posters on Faradarmani and Psymentology researches were accepted and
published in media
3- Joint conference of Seminaries and Co-operation Head Quarters of Ministry of Education
4- International Congress of Supportive & Palliative Cancer Care – Faculty of Medicine, Shahid
Beheshti University. The posters were accepted and the research was presented for defense.
5- International Psycology Conferences – Antalya, Turkey
6- Introducing Erfan Keyhani & Faradarmani – Imam Khomeini Research Center- 2007
7- 5th Middle East Cardiovascular Congress – Providing posters, holding workshop and
managing booth in congress exhibition.
8- 17th Domestic congress & 2nd International Congress of Fertility & Infertility SpecializedAcademic Association of Iran
9- “Life Quality & Health Promoting” Conference – Zahedan Medical University
Chapter 3
In 2009, while Mr. Taheri's works were appreciated by Iranian government, media and high ranking
Ministry of Health officials, a group connected to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was
suspicious of his popularity and considered him a threat to the national security, should he decide to
establish an opposing political movement. Henceforth they decided to counter his activity.
In June 2009 his classes held in Iran's medical science university was coincided with the presidential
election in which the security forces were monitoring every large gathering.
Since Mr. Taheri's classes had more than 1000 participating students, the university security
department (under control of Security Services (IRGC) complained of not being able to guarantee
security of the classes and therefore a decision was made to stop his classes and resume after the
election. However, after the presidential election, the security forces never allowed the classes to
resume. Nevertheless, Mr. Taheri started his research with his small team but did not hold any
classes there after
In March 2010 in a discussion session which was held among some Islamic clergies including Dr.
MansouriLarijani, an expert in Islamic mysticism and commander of the IRGC at the time and Mr.
SharifiDoost, representative of the Supreme Leader in universities; a decision was clearly made to
get rid of (eliminate) Mr. Taheri.
Following this meeting, IRGC intelligence service arrested Mr. Taheri for 67 days and kept him in
solitary confinement on the wrongful charge of acting against national security.
With valuable efforts of his lawyer, Ms Shadi Rasadi, it was proved that he was wrongfully accused
and Mr. Taheri was released with 100 million Toman bail and condition of neither him nor his
students can teach the Interuniversal Mysticism courses. However, he was granted the permission
medicine: Faradarmani and Psymentology. Despite their legal right, when the researchers visited
hospitals, academic and research centres, they could not carry their granted right; they were warned
and prohibited by a certain group and/or authorities not to continue further collaboration with Mr.
Taheri and his associates, and consequently denied access to these facilities.
As a result, Mr. Taheri ‘s students only could continue their research on various branches
of Faradarmani and Psymentology outside of Iran, resulting in three Honorary Doctorates degrees,
and several international awards and medals, presented to Mr. Taheri in April 2011 which was
broadcasted by national TV channels (IRIB) and covered in several newspapers in Iran. Such media
attention angered Iran’s IRGC and lead to the arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Taheri within 24
hours on 12 April 2011 based on no legal grounds. However, they verbally and unofficially stated the
reason of his arrest is: “What do we have to do if we do not want you to get awards for this
Afterward, within 22 days and through national television and public media (which are under the
control of revolutionary guards), they started his character assassination by tarnishing his
reputation through false accusation and finally created a warrant for his arrest based on a threat to
National Security, heresy, corruption, blasphemy, acquiring illegal wealth and the illegal usage of
academic titles.
The method and the process of interrogation of Mr. Taheri by prison’s intelligence unit of IRGC, has
been against the human rights law. Prime examples can be: no right of visitation or calls to his
lawyer or family members for months at a time, solitary confinement, taking him to the execution
chamber at midnight or early morning and threatening him with immediate execution based on false
court orders. By this method of torture they tried psychological warfare in order to take a force
confession of him. At the same time they were harassing and threatening his family members,
children, and siblings for the purpose of confession. Continuous threat and psychological pressure
on family members has resulted in him blaming himself for his family safety and wellbeing and
consequently attempting suicide on numerous occasions.
These thousands (1000s) of interrogation sessions in the form of psychological torturing have
been physically violent to the point of damaging his eyesight, with no doctor visitation rights for
months at end.
On October, 30th 2011, through three closed-door court sessions at the 26th Division of Islamic
Revolutionary court, under the ruling of the judge Pir Abbassy, Mr. Taheri was convicted of:
1. Insulting to Islamic values.
2. Committing “harm” (sinful) act which is considered a crime against public prudency and morality
in the Islamic penal code.
3. Illegal Medical Practice.
4. Production and distribution of illegal audio-visual works and activities.
5. Illegal acquisition of properties.
6. Illegal use of academic titles.
Based on above mentioned false charges, the court sentenced him to five (5) years imprisonment,
seventy four (74) lashes, and 9,056,000,000 Rials fine (approximately $850000.00 with the exchange
rate at the time).
The verdict was appealed by Mr. Taheri and his lawyers (Mr. Ghanbari, Mr. Kazemi, Ms. Rassadi) but
the Appeal court rejected the appeal and reaffirmed the verdict. The appointed Judge for the
purpose of imposing further pressure on Mr. Taheri convicted him based on some other false
allegations to justify and extend the time to deny Mr. Taheri of access to a legal aid or a
lawyer. Therefore, until the next court hearing Mr. Taheri was still denied access to a lawyer. This
acquired method by the judge was for the purpose of giving the authorities some additional time,
since his ruling at the time was not justifiable for the conviction of “corruption o earth”. Therefore,
with the additional time, the authorities were in the position of further discussion among
themselves for buying false witnesses and further public humiliation of Mr. Taheri, who, by then had
more than 2 million supporters globally, and by then had started to have organized gatherings
through digital media condemning the Iran‘s injustice against their beloved mentor, peaceful
teacher, and fellow intellectual.
On March 20, 2013 after 22 months without any connection with the outside world, for the purpose
of dental surgery, Mr. Taheri was given a six (6) day conditional release. During that time it became
apparent to his supporters that due to his continuous physical torturing and violence and numerous
letters to the authorities in- and- outside of prison on the prisoners’ conditions, global human rights
office being one. Mr. Taheri went on a hunger strike shortly after, which along with the daily
torturing severely damaged his health.
During Mr. Taheri’s six days release from the prison for dental surgery, many of his supporters and
students visited him. This demonstration of his popularity put more pressure on him by IRGC in the
prison resulting to Mr. Taheri going on hunger strikes again and again in opposing to his treatment
and his fellow prisoners under constant torturing. The recognition of his unjustifiable sate by the
international community created another level of pressure on Mr. Taheri to the point of his wife
imprisonment for two weeks. Despite of these pressures, he refused to give false confession. At this
point which was January 2014, the Islamic Revolutionary court convicted him of the Capital Crime,
“corruption on earth” or” spreader of corruption that threatens social and political well-being of
the country and the enemy of God on Earth.
On December 2014, after four (4) years of suffering from psychological and physical torturing and
being convicted of the capital crime from the unjustifiable allegations, Mr. Taheri went on hunger
strike on 6 December 2014 for 12th time in order to be allowed to have a lawyer .On 26 December
2015 the government allowed him to hire a lawyer.He appointed Mr. Alizadeh Tabatabaei as a
lawyer and stopped his hunger strike.
On the court date of February 25, 2015, more than three thousand people had gathered in front of
the court house in silence, while being beaten and harassed by the IRGC outside of the court house
with metal bars, waiting for the ruling of the court by Mr. Ahmadzadeh, the appointed judge.
However, the judge decided to postpone the court ruling to a later date.
On March 11, 2015 the court resumed at the 26th Court Division with the same judge and the District
Attorney for only two hours and due to the excessive unsubstantiated allegations and multitude of
unsupported convictions, the court did not have enough time to investigate and rule accordingly.
Therefore the court was postponed once again.
On April 29, 2015, the third court was in session for the purpose of ruling only without the
justification or review of the facts. However, after 8 hours of well substantiated evidence and
arguments provided by Mr. Taheri’s Lawyer, the judge decided that due to the amount of facts at
hand and the strong arguments in favor of Mr. Taheri, the court could do his final ruling based on
written arguments, evidences, and the fatwas – the opinion of well-known and respected Islamic
Republic scholars about the claims and the teachings of Mr. Taheri.
On 1 August 2015, Mr. Taheri`s lawyer informed of Mr. Taheri`s death sentence for the charge for
the “corruption on earth” but Mr. Taheri has not been informed of the verdict himself.
On 8 August 2015 Mr. Saeed Khalili as a new lawyer joined the team of lawyers for the Appeal Court.
On 18 August
appeal court.
Mr. Taheri`s lawyers submitted the appeal letter to the court and waiting for the
On 13 August Mr. Taheri decided to go on hunger strike to express his dissatisfaction of the
1. He has not been informed of death sentence himself, only his lawyer has been informed.
2. The judges have not considered his defences for his case and have completely disregarded
his arguments.
3. The judges haven`t been able to prove a crime for Mr. Taheri and the death sentence has
merely been based on the verdicts (fatwas) of three high rank religious clergymen:
Ayatollah MakaremShirazi
Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani
Ayatollah AlaviGorgani
4. His lawyers are in need to visit him, but they are not permitted to do so.
5. He has not given a pen and paper to write his defence for the appeal court which would be his
last deem chance.
6. His prosecutor Mr. Rahimi has not submitted Mr. Taheri`s 250 pages defence to his file.
Many international authorities and organizations have condemned this death sentence including Mr.
Ahmed Shaheed, The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran:
“It is unacceptable and a clear violation of international law for an individual to be imprisoned and
condemned to death for peacefully exercising his rights to freedoms of religion and of expression.
Mr. Taheri has been handed a death sentence for his spiritual beliefs and teachings.”
The Special Rapporteur noted that the UN opposes the use of death penalty in all circumstances, and
recalled that Iran is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. “The Covenant
protects freedom of religion or belief and provides that countries which have not abolished the
death penalty may only impose it for the most serious crimes, that is, those involving intentional
killing, and only after a fair trial, among other safeguards,” he explained. “Mr. Taheri’s actions were
peaceful and constitute protected activities under international human rights law,” the human rights
expert said. “The rights protected by international law encompass the right to have and express any
belief that one chooses, regardless of whether that expression is through private actions or public
teachings,” he stated. “Condemning a person to death for expressing their beliefs is unacceptable.”
The Canadian Association for Rights and Truth called this death sentence “an institutionalized hate
for science, knowledge, and freedom in Iran”.
US Department of State also published a press statement calling the death sentence “an extreme
violation of Taheri’s rights”:
“It is our understanding that Taheri, who has been held in Evin Prison in solitary confinement since
his October 2011 conviction on charges of “insulting Islamic sanctities,” received this sentence in
response to his peaceful exercise of his rights to freedom of religion and freedom of expression. To
sentence a citizen to death for exercising these freedoms represents an extreme violation of his
rights. We call on the Iranian Government to rescind Taheri’s death sentence and accord him full due
process and to uphold freedom of expression and belief for its citizens.”
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, Mr. Ahmed Shaheed,
urged Iranian authorities to immediately commute the death penalty handed down to Mr. Taheri:
“It is an unacceptable and a clear violation of international law for an individual to be imprisoned
and condemned to death for peacefully exercising his rights of freedoms of religion and expression.”
Mr. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said:
“I call on the Iranian authorities to immediately withdraw the charges against Taheri and ensure his
unconditional release. For an individual to be sentenced to death for peaceful exercise of freedom of
expression, religion or belief is an absolute outrage – and a clear violation of international human
rights law.”
Lord Carlile of Berriew CBE QC, a Liberal Democrat member of the House of Lords and co-chair of the
British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom called this death verdict “a political tool designed
to create an atmosphere of fear”
Other authorities condemning Taheri’s death sentence include: Andrew Saxton (Member of
Parliament of Canada, North Vancouver, CPC); Amnesty International; Helmut Gabel (human rights
activist in Germany); Sam Dastyari (Australian senator, representative of New South Wales); Nasrin
Sotoudeh (Iranian human right activist and lawyer); Canadian center for victims of torture.
Canadian Association of Rights and Truth (CART) called this death sentence “an institutionalized hate
for science, knowledge, and freedom in Iran”: Canadian Association of Rights and Truth expresses
the profound indignation of its members against the death verdict handed down to Mohammad Ali
Taheri, because the death penalty not only represents an abomination in itself, as well as a
perversion of the justice system, but also, in view of this particular verdict, an institutionalized hate
for science, knowledge, and freedom in Iran. We, at the Canadian Association for Rights and Truth,
urge the Iranian authorities to put an end to the suffering of innocent citizens in Iran, to release all
prisoners of conscience in that country, and to act in accordance with international standards on
human rights issues.”
Amnesty International in its recent letter calls for urgent action to quash death penalty for Mr.
Taheri. It is the third call from Amnesty International about Mohammad Ali Taheri’s case since 2014.
It is important to point out that at this moment the faith of Dr. Taheri and his life is in the hand of
the Supreme Court of Iran. Unfortunately the Supreme Court of Iran doesn't have an email account
and the only way to communicate with them is through sending regular mail. To assist and help in
saving Dr. Taheri's life, Amnesty International Canada, has prepared a petition to be signed by
citizens of communities around the world. Amnesty International Canada then will gather all mail
and will send it directly to the Supreme Court of Iran.
If you are interested in saving this Inventor, researcher and author’s life, please follow the link below
and where you can find a printable version of the petition which has to be filled out and sent to the
given address as soon as possible:
Amnesty International
312 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, ON K1N 6P8
*Please note for the purpose of this petition only your name, city, country, and signature are needed
and your email and phone number are to be given if you want Amnesty International Canada to
contact you about its updates or its news.