let`s do it again in 2010


let`s do it again in 2010
University of Windsor Alumni Magazine
Fall 2010
Giving to UWindsor surpassed its 2009 target
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Dear Viewer
weighing in
Connecting children’s health, nutrition
and obesity.
alumni Profile:
nursing graD on the front lines
of health care
making a Difference:
UWindsor expands outreach to Alumni
and prospective students in the GTA.
DistinguisheD Visitor
in women’s stuDies
10th anniVersary
coVer: let’s Do it again in 2010
The importance of giving to the
University of Windsor.
2009-10 stewarDshiP rePort
lancer news
alumni news
alumni eVents
class news
on the coVer:
Last year, $2.4 million was raised for student
scholarships. That’s just one part of how donors
support UWindsor.
view . fall 2010
Jennifer Barone
Design & layout
Ida Hary
alumni office liaison
Trevor Dinham
John Carrington, Stephen Fields, Susan
Lester, Elisa Mitton, Paul Riggi, Alan
Kevin Kavanaugh
VieW is published three times per year
by Public Affairs and Communications,
University of Windsor.
Editorial Correspondence:
Public Affairs and Communications,
400 Huron Church Road,
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4
Phone: 519.253.3000 ext. 3240
E-mail: [email protected]
Class News/address changes:
Alumni Affairs
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Online: www.uwindsor.ca/alumni
The views expressed or implied here do
not necessarily reflect those of the Alumni
Association or the University of Windsor.
For more UWindsor info, visit
www.uwindsor.ca or
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view . fall 2010
dear viewer
The Fall 2010 semester marks the beginning of the year when the
University of Windsor will pass a milestone. It is the year we will see
the one hundred thousandth student graduate. While this is a milestone
for the University, and an occasion to celebrate the efforts of students,
faculty and staff, we recognize we have not done it alone. It has also been
made possible by our alumni and friends who donate their money and
volunteer their time; our community and partners who provide a variety
of supports such as study placements for students in a wide range
of academic programs; and of course our governments who provide
funding for our country’s excellent postsecondary education system.
Given the number of stakeholders involved with postsecondary
education, there is no shortage of analysis of universities and how
Dr. Alan Wildeman
they are changing. There is debate about the influence of the private
sector on university research, about the impact of the internet
and technology on how courses are delivered, about the cost of
a university education - only to name a few. Universities are large
public institutions, so it is no surprise that there is great discussion
about what they are doing and how they run.
In a 2009 study by the Canadian Millenium Scholarship Foundation,
an analysis of aggregate numbers across all disciplines and occupations
suggested that people with a university education have lifetime
earnings that are close to three quarters of a million dollars higher
than those with only high school education. Furthermore, university
based research contributes ideas and innovations to all sectors of the
economy. And a university education is also a window of time when
you can broaden your knowledge in anything from history to literature,
mathematics to biology, or physics to philosophy. It has been said that
an educational system isn’t worth a great deal if it teaches people how
to make a living but doesn’t teach them how to make a life.
But as universities are changing and debated, one thing that
is constant for the University of Windsor is our mission to enable
people to make a better world. A milestone of one hundred thousand
graduates lets us pause and think about just how much our own
University has meant for the lives of so many people and for the
world. This issue of VieW lets us connect the fulfilling of our mission
back to the contributions of our alumni and friends. By the time
the incoming class of 2010 graduates, there will have been over
one hundred and ten thousand people holding one of our degrees.
Through investments in scholarships for students, facilities, and
programs outside of the classrooms, our donors and volunteers are
lining the track as each new student crosses the finish line.
On behalf of the University of Windsor, I thank all of our
supporters. You deserve to share the limelight and share the pride.
alan wilDeman
President and Vice-Chancellor
view . fall 2010
Connecting children’s health,
nutrition and obesity.
by stePhen fielDs
Sarah Woodruff is concerned about “HealtH promotion strategies
“There’s actually very little local data
what some call an epidemic of
that would show us what’s going on in
Have to focus on HealtHy
childhood obesity.
Windsor-Essex,” she said, “so we’re really
However, the kinesiology professor
excited to be doing this. Without that local
beHaviour ratHer tHan just
disagrees with those who jump to the
data it makes it very difficult to plan for
conclusion that every child who is
any kind of health promotion. And the
weigHt.” SArAh WOODruff
overweight isn’t healthy.
timing of it is perfect.”
“I think people can be healthy at any
Ontario’s provincial government has
size,” said Woodruff, whose research program focuses on the complex banned the sale of junk food in schools beginning in the fall of 2011,
relationships between health, nutrition behaviour and physical activity.
so the survey will give researchers a base line of data before the ban
“You can have an overweight child who eats healthy and is physically goes into effect. It will also allow them to go back several years from
active. It might just be genetics working against them. Not everyone
now, survey another sample of seventh graders and measure whether
can be skinny. When children try too hard to be skinny, that’s when
children are getting any healthier as a result of that ban.
they end up having health problems.”
In addition, Woodruff, along with colleagues from the University
That’s not to suggest, however, that she doesn’t believe there are of Waterloo and Mount St. Vincent University in Halifax, is using a
a significant number of children out there whose weight issues are
data set from Statistics Canada to develop a healthy eating index that
attributable to poor nutrition and a lack of physical activity. She just
would provide a snapshot of how closely Canadians are following
doesn’t know how many, which explains why she’s launching an
the Canada Food Guide. The index would result in an easy-to-use
ambitious new survey to get a better sense of the nutrition and
composite score that would help people determine if they’re getting
health levels of children in Windsor and Essex County. It provides
the right amount of nutrients. “Instead of looking at each nutrient
another example of how the University is working to improve the
individually, we’re trying to put the whole diet together in a complete
community as part of its strategic plan.
picture,” she said.
Beginning this fall, Woodruff will team up with Faculty of Nursing
A certified exercise physiologist, she’s also working with the Lancer
researchers Katherine Fryer and Mary Cole, the Windsor-Essex County
women’s varsity volleyball team conducting a study to determine
Health Unit, the Bulimia and Anorexia-Nervosa Association (BANA)
whether players are consuming enough calories for the energy they
and a variety of graduate and undergraduate students to conduct a
expend. Players are required to fill out food logs and wear armbands
nutrition and physical activity survey of about 900 seventh grade
that record the amount of energy they exert over a 24-hour period.
students at 30 local schools.
“We need to make sure they’re eating enough of the right types
The 30-40 minute survey will give researchers data about the
of food for their athletic performance,” she said.
student’s diet, physical activity and health behaviour, while the nurses
The common goal of all these projects, she said, is to provide some
will measure their height, weight, blood pressure and waist sizes. The
empirical evidence that will help create a more balanced awareness
survey will include questions about how often they eat breakfast,
among average Canadians about what it really means to be healthy.
whether they consume fruits and vegetables, how often they eat fast
“Health promotion strategies have to focus on healthy behaviour
food or from convenience stores and vending machines, with whom
rather than just weight,” she said. “Weight shouldn’t be the main
they eat their meals, their involvement in organized sports, if they
focus. It’s physical activity and nutrition behaviour that we should be
play active video games and their sleep behaviour.
focusing on.” n
Dr. Sarah Woodruff, at left, is part of a team which will survey 900
7th grade students this fall about nutrition and physical activity.
view . fall 2010
alumni Profile
view . fall 2010
on the front lines of
The victims arrived on the backs of family members, in
their professional or personal life.
wheelbarrows, or dragged along the ground, with broken femurs,
Rankin’s “character and humanitarian work around the world are
skull fractures, serious infections and painful burns.
wonderful examples of what this award represents,” says Jim Minello,
A devastating 7.0-magnitude quake hit Haiti in early 2010 and left
chair of the Alumni Association’s Awards Committee. “Rankin credits
death, devastation and pain in its wake.
the learning he enjoyed at the University
Aric Rankin BScN ’05 and his other
of Windsor and the people associated
“because of my personal
volunteers on the Canadian Medical
with this community as being major
experiences, i tHink tHat i can influences on his philosophy and
Assistance Team – first responders
following the earthquake – saw about 300
achievements in life.”
better Help otHer people get
patients a day during their three-week stay
Rankin says he had an “excellent
in Haiti. Their first patient, however, remains tHrougH difficult times.”
experience” at UWindsor and that its
one of his most powerful memories.
nursing faculty is “second to none.” He
ArIc rANkIN BScN ’05
A pregnant woman arrived at their
feels honoured and humbled to receive
camp in Leogane, the area closest to the
the Odyssey Award and says he learned
epicentre of the quake, complaining that she couldn’t feel her baby.
in July that he also received the UCBeyond Scholarship, awarded to
Rankin and his team feared the worst.
people with Crohn’s Disease through the Crohn’s & Colitis
Six hours later, he says, “We delivered a very healthy baby boy.
Foundation of Canada.
It was just a good omen for the weeks to come.”
In Africa, he worked at a busy HIV/AIDs clinic in an area that
The story serves as hope in a land where the mortality rate is so
suffers the third-highest incident rate of the disease on the continent.
high parents hold off naming their babies for weeks or months.
Rankin assessed patients, drew blood, triaged, created a manual for
Hope and humanitarian work have become a hallmark of Rankin’s
orientation and assisted other nurses in clinical procedures. Months
early, active years in his nursing career. In addition to the Haiti mission,
later, he got the call to go to Haiti.
he was a volunteer registered nurse at the Tsepong “Place of Hope”
“I went from one disaster to another.”
HIV/AIDS clinic in the Kingdom of Lesotho, Africa for four months
The earthquake hit the island January 12, 2010. Four days later,
in the summer of 2009. He also did his clinical practicum in 2004 in
he was in Haiti. “I had literally 48 hours to make a decision, pack
the Nursing Externship Program in the northwestern Ontario town
and be on a plane in Toronto.”
of Sioux Lookout, where he cared for the First Nations community.
His team set up a mobile clinic in a field between two schools
He has volunteered at an HIV/AIDS camp for adults and
and went to work. They classified patients through colour codes,
children on Lake Huron and helped out in the bush of Australia. He
and worked with only a few hours sleep each night, even during
has done extensive work with the College of Nurses of Ontario,
aftershocks that registered 5.3 on the Richter scale.
Canadian Nursing Students Association and is past-president of the
Rankin remembers inserting an IV into one small child when the
Middlesex-Elgin chapter of the Registered Nurses Association of
ground shook, comparing it to trying to stay steady on a surfboard.
Ontario (RNAO).
“It’s the most bizarre feeling that you could ever imagine.”
For all of that – and more – he will receive an Odyssey Award
He works as a full-time RN at Children’s Hospital of London Health
this fall from the University of Windsor Alumni Association. It
Sciences Centre and is a part-time clinical instructor at University
recognizes alumni who are in the early years of their career for
of Western Ontario School of Nursing. This fall, he begins part-time
having distinguished themselves through successes in various
nurse practitioner work at UWindsor, commuting from his home in
endeavours, notable achievements in their local community or the
Hamilton where his wife Michelle Ross works as a teacher. n
university, or through a significant or innovative achievement in
Opposite page: Nursing grad Aric Rankin willingly volunteers in places of pain and heartache to help heal.
He is shown at left in Haiti earlier this year.
view . fall 2010
by Paul riggi
10th Anniversary
A commiTmenT To Working WiTh And on behAlf of Women
When the seeds of the Distinguished Visitors in Women’s
Studies at UWindsor were first sown in 1996, “it was small in its
funding, small in its visibility, small in its uptake, small in every
possible way,” says Women’s Studies director Anne Forrest.
So it is with a measure of great satisfaction that, 10 years
later, she considers the program’s far-ranging impact.
In particular, Forrest is proud of the legacies that the
visitors leave behind after their short stay in Windsor. For
example, she says the program helped inspire the important
gains made to protect Ontario workers against violence and
harassment following the Lori Dupont inquest. It also served
as the launching point for a local “Women in Black” group
that takes on social justice issues.
“We’re not saying that the Distinguished Visitor did this,”
says Forrest. “We’re saying that it was the germination of
other things.”
The Distinguished Visitor program was devised to bring
visibility to the University’s Women’s Studies degree program
introduced in 1996. Generous support from local
businesswomen and philanthropists Mary Lambrose and Anne
Winterbottom put the program on sound financial footing, as
members of original Friends of Women’s Studies.
The Distinguished Visitor addresses the issue in feminist
politics that “ideas are not of very much use, or even of very
much interest, if all they do is circulate around the University,”
view . fall 2010
Forrest says. “You want ideas that are meaningful to people
in their everyday lives, whether they’ve been at university
or whether they haven’t.”
The Distinguished Visitor is a Canadian feminist activist
or scholar honoured for her life’s work and who shares it with
members of the University and wider community. The goal of
the program is to provide her with a platform to engage with
the communities on issues surrounding women’s rights and
involvement of women in society.
During their stay in Windsor in October, Distinguished
Visitors participate in Women’s Studies classes, meet
community members in large and small group settings and
deliver a keynote address at a community dinner, Windsor’s
largest annual university-community event.
Former MP Monique Bégin served as the very first
Distinguished Visitor in Women’s Studies in 2001.
Lee Lakeman, the 2006 Visitor, is known for speaking out
on the issue of violence against women.
“Lakeman enabled us to think and talk openly, publicly and
even angrily, about the issue of violence against women and,
yes, violence against women in our own community,” says
Carol Libby, a Friends of Women’s Studies member. “Indeed,
she called us to action.”
After Lakeman’s visit, the provincial government called
for an inquest into the 2005 murder of Hôtel Dieu-Grace
Hospital nurse Lori Dupont by a former boyfriend and
co-worker. An Inquest Action Group, in support of the
Dupont family, advocated for changes to Bill 168, the
Occupational Health and Safety Act regarding Violence and
Harassment in the Workplace, as recommended by the
inquest jury. The government responded on June 15, 2010
by passing Bill 168. In celebration and in living memory of
the nurse, the group raised $13,000 for a University of
Windsor Lori Dupont Scholarship in Nursing that was
presented to her mother, Barbara on June 15.
Similarly, Mary Jo Leddy’s visit in 2002 inspired a
Women in Black silent vigil against war and violence, part of
an international movement founded in 1988 by Israeli
women. Pat Noonan, who was part of that group, said
Windsor women have stood in solidarity with those women
every week for the past eight years. “Women in Black has
become a forum for local activists to share issues and visions
leading to a better community and a better world,” she says.
The milestone 10th annual visitor, 24-year-old Jessica
Yee, founded the Native Youth Sexual Health Network. She
represents a movement toward youthful, ‘third-wave’
feminism, says Forrest whose generation is regarded as
‘second-wave’ feminists.
“We second-wavers are entrusting younger women with
“a gift” that we hope takes the movement forward.” n
2010 Jessica Yee
2009 Nettie Wiebe
2008 Uzma Shakir
2007 Lee Maracle
2006 Lee Lakeman
2005 Akua Benjamin
2004 Shawna Dempsey and Lori Millan
2003 Michele Landsberg (Photo courtesy of York University)
2002 Mary Jo Leddy
2001 The Honourable Monique Bégin (Photo by Robert Lacombe)
view . fall 2010
The impact of giving
IN 2010
at $1.5 for each $1, for a combined total of $2.4 million
“Scholarships provide opportunities – opportunities to
focus on my studies, to volunteer in the community and to get towards endowed scholarships.
In addition, donors established 30 new endowed
involved in campus. It’s really that simple,” said fourth-year
business administration student Christina Hamilton-Yeboah. scholarship funds in 2009-10, 28 of which were able to take
advantage of the OTSS match.
She is one of the many University
The University has set a goal
of Windsor students who have
“we need to ensure tHat
of $1 million for this year’s OTSS
benefitted from a scholarship
sucH programs are
campaign, which would then be
or bursary, receiving just over
available to all of ability eligible for a government match.
$5,000 for her education.
“Our theme is ‘Let’s do it
Such scholarships underscore
not just tHose witH tHe
again in 2010,’” says Mona
the importance of supporting the
ability to pay.”
Dosen, UWindsor’s annual fund
University. They allow exceptional
development officer.
students to continue their studies,
Dr. GrAhAm rEADEr
Providing support for students
and pursue careers that benefit
society such as doctors, teachers, social workers or researchers, to pursue their studies remains a critical element of annual
giving. Dina D’Andrea, a fourth-year English and Philosophy
in keeping with the University’s vision of enabling people
honours student has a Ron W. Ianni Scholarship Award.
to make a better world through education, scholarship,
She says the funding has allowed her to devote time to her
research and engagement.
academic studies as she prepares to apply to law school
Support grew for the University in 2009-10, exceeding
and for prospective jobs.
the previous year despite a challenging economy. “We did
“This scholarship encourages me to strive higher than
very well, thanks to many major donors, the Annual Fund,
average,” she says.
and legacy giving,” says John Bergolz, vice president,
Scholarships for students who are involved in graduate
University Advancement.
One particular bright spot was the success of the Ontario studies and research have become increasingly important as
their numbers swell. Dr. Jim Frank, dean of Graduate Studies
Trust for Student Support (OTSS) campaign, he says.
For 2009-10, the $926,000 raised in scholarship donations at UWindsor, says the University’s grad population stands at
1,550 students. This includes 500 international students who
exceeded the provincial government’s $840,000 ceiling set
cannot access many government grant programs. “It is crucial
for UWindsor. This meant the University total was matched
view . fall 2010
that they also receive support from donors,” says Frank.
“Overall, graduate scholarships allow the University to attract
the best talent.”
PhD candidate Abou Gharam, vice president of the
Graduate Student Society (GSS), UWindsor, says the GSS
has allocated $5,000 to help grad students in need through
a scholarship program started by previous president Sajid
Ahmad. With contributions from several departments, it has
budgeted $10,000 this year and hopes to receive additional
funds from alumni and friends of the University.
For Katie Facecchia, a biochemistry grad student in
Dr. Siyaram Pandey’s lab, donations to the University of
Windsor are helping in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.
For instance, a $50,000 donation from former Titan
Tool and Die Ltd. owner Joseph Szcesei in 2009, along
with matching funds from the University’s research office,
meant the purchase of a new microscope, software and
research material. The lab has also been invited to submit
an application to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for funding.
Pandey says the money was a “leap forward” for the
department’s research.
A key part of this year’s University fundraising effort is
support for the new $112-million Centre for Engineering
Innovation (CEI). Dr. Graham Reader, special advisor to
University President Alan Wildeman for the CEI, says the
University has been able to hit its ambitious fundraising target
of $80 million through a $40-million grant from the federal
government and another $40 million from the provincial
government. However, the building cost gap is still at least
$32 million.
As well, operating and maintenance costs for the building
will be $5 million and, as the student population increases
to 1,800 and more, scholarships and bursaries will increase
in importance.
“We need to ensure that such programs are available to
all of ability, not just those with the ability to pay,” says Reader.
While large donations can have a dramatic impact, it is
important to remember that all donations are welcomed, no
matter what the amount.
“Large or small, these donations work together to help the
University of Windsor make a real difference,” says Dosen.
to make a contribution to the university of windsor,
please call 519-253-3000 ext. 3255 or
visit www.uwindsor.ca and click “giving”.
for more information on gifts of stock or legacy giving,
e-mail [email protected]
view . fall 2010
The future of our community is right here on our campus.
You can see it in the medical education building, in the plans for the
new Centre for Engineering Innovation, in research labs, classrooms
and study halls, and you can feel it in the enthusiasm, optimism and
achievements of our students. Our alumni and friends share in these
students’ successes through their generosity listed on the pages that
follow and on our website.
Each year, the University hosts celebrations to recognize the many
alumni, partners and friends whose donations make such an important
contribution to the success of our students. Donors enjoy meeting
each other, hearing first-hand from students about the impact of their
gifts, and the opportunity to see their contributions at work such as the
July 2009 reception celebrating donor recognition in the Medical
Education Building. The construction of the new Centre for Engineering
Innovation at Wyandotte and California Ave. is progressing well, and
we look forward to inviting supporters to gather there and celebrate
with us after Phase I of the facility opens in March 2011.
This annual Stewardship Report is another part of our efforts to
recognize donors and to demonstrate the appreciation of students
and our campus community.
We present this year’s report against a backdrop of news that is
particularly gratifying.
The recent economic downturn affected returns on the University’s
endowments, and we reported last year how a reserve fund was being
used to maintain our student support programs. University of Windsor
supporters rallied and gifts to raise the University’s endowment fund
increased in the past year, in both number and total dollars.
The University’s total endowment has also bounced back above
$59 million, where it was before the economic downturn. This year,
the portion of the endowment earmarked for scholarships is actually
at its highest ever.
Contributing to this was both the generosity of supporters, and the
diligent and steady management of the fund through the Investment
Committee of the Board of Governors.
view . fall 2010
Gifts for needs-based scholarships, eligible for the dollar-for-dollar
match from the Ontario Trust for Student Support exceeded the
government ceiling for the first time in many years. Response to the
University’s annual phonathon provided a 29 percent increase in funds
donated and a 12 percent increase in the number of supporters who
made donations.
Donations and matching dollars through the OTSS totalling more
than $2.4 million boosted the University’s scholarships endowment in
2009-10. Donors established 30 new endowed scholarships as well,
28 of which were eligible for government matching.
In the year ahead, we expect more donors to utilize our new
on-line donor card (www.uwindsor.ca/giving) which now offers
payment by credit card.
Also new is our US foundation, chaired by alum Frank Ewasyshyn a
former executive vice president of the Chrylser Group. The foundation
will allow our American alumni and friends to take full advantage of
tax benefits available for such actions as donations of stocks.
The University of Windsor has also opened a business office in
Toronto for the convenience of alumni and friends in the GTA, thanks
to a donation from Shibley Righton. Expect to see greater activity in
Toronto with this new office. Couple with this is an increased financial
commitment from the Alumni Association to fund greater outreach.
please note: this report includes only those gifts received between
january 1, 2009 and april 30, 2010.
*donations of less than $100 appear in the online edition of view.
P h O N AT hO N : I m P O rTA NT
PA r T Of G I v I N G
for information on giving to the university of Windsor:
e-mail: [email protected]
online donation form: www.uwindsor.ca/giving
or call: 519-253-3000 ext. 3255
for information on legacy giving or gifts of stock:
e-mail: [email protected]
or call: 519-253-3000 ext. 4056
for information on giving to the friends of the
university of Windsor uS foundation:
e-mail: [email protected]
or call: 519-253-3000 ext. 4056
for information on becoming involved with the Alumni
e-mail: [email protected]
or call: 519-253-3000 ext. 3618
All other questions regarding giving to the university
of Windsor
e-mail: [email protected]
or call: 519-253-3000 ext. 3229
Looking to get a 100 percent return on your
investment? when a uwindsor volunteer calls
you this fall to donate to the university, say “yes.”
the phonathon is one part of the annual giving
that also includes direct mail to select groups and
a faculty and staff fundraising campaign. last year,
the calling campaign generated a 29 percent
increase in dollars raised and the previous year
12 percent more donors.
anannya biswas helped make that happen. the
fourth-year bcomm honours with economics
student says that canvassing alumni last year “was
one of the most exhilarating tasks i have ever done.”
most alumni responded positively and even those
with “rigid responses” could be convinced to
support their alma mater. “it makes you realize
that our alumni support is an undying spirit which
will continue to prevail with great pride.”
for volunteer canvasser Jess Dixon mhk ‘03, an
assistant professor in kinesiology, helping in the
fundraising efforts is “just another way to give back.
“i’m proud to be a graduate of the university of
windsor,” he says. “i wouldn’t be where i am in
my career if i hadn’t come here for my master’s
mona Dosen, uwindsor development officer,
notes that canvassing is never outsourced so
alumni always know they are talking to current
students, alumni volunteers or uwindsor staff
when they are on the phone. that tends to lead to
discussion about former professors and students,
with Dosen’s office sometimes helping them get in
touch with old friends and faculty.
“there’s no better way to connect than through
this phonathon,” she says, “we have current
students on the phone contacting past students
in support of future students. it’s a perfect circle
of support.”
the phonathon will run for approximately 8 weeks
starting at the end of september.
vice president, university advancement ...........john bergholz
director of development .......................................... mike clark
director of alumni affairs ....................................susan lester
manager, alumni & donor records ...................... mike fisher
development officer, annual giving ..................... mona dosen
view . fall 2010
Support for the University of Windsor is growing because of
the generosity of our alumni and friends. Thank you!
This year, you will see a few changes to the roll. The following
list includes all donors who have contributed to the University over
a 16-month period, January 2009 to April 2010.
The 16-month list is a one-time initiative that will allow us to
dovetail the reporting of philanthropic gifts and the growth of our
endowment funds with the University’s fiscal year, which is May 1 to
April 30. To be clear and accurate, all future financial reports will be
based on the University’s fiscal year.
Also this year, due to the growing number of donors, the
Stewards’ Club, for gifts of $99 and less, was not able to be included
in the print version of VIEW due to cost constraints. We are proud
to include it here as an added bonus however, because the Stewards’
Club is the foundation of support for students and the generosity of
these donors is especially appreciated and valued.
Patrick & arlene goggins
robert f. govaerts
geoffrey graham
robert o. gutwein
Jamie haggarty
wilma & brian hannon
w. Jason m. hanson
John & carol harcarufka
Dennis & Judy-lynn hastings
Pat hayes
malcolm heins
kai hildebrandt & susan
margery J. holman
michael g. & margaret
michael c. houston
Paul m. huschilt
sushil & christine Jain
andrew James
marica & David Janisse
george & kimberly king
mary c. kirley-schiller
thomas & Jan knowlton
Joshua h. e. leeman
hsien c. liang
carol b. libby
frank J. liburdi
Jaimie loaring & hugh
rand a. & lynda lomas
alistair & anita macleod
barbara manera
James g. marsh
rowland & margo marshall
karen l. mccleave
ann marie mcghee-stewart
marg mckillop
Debbie mcmahon
ronald b. melvin
michael J. morand
richard & mary moriarty
Jerome r. morse & catherine
m. lawrence
calvin w. & kim l. moore
michael e. murphy
John & charlene murray
Peter J. & Dianne neubauer
Donna m. nielsen
brian & anneliese o’malley
edward r. orsini
francis Pang
thomas r. Porter
ken& christine Pugsley
John Purcell & kathy harvie
James Purvis
stuart m. Quick
harold remark
frank w. ries
christine a. riley
Patricia rogers
kevin l. ross
Jack & barbara goodman
richard a. Peddie
estate of gail sheard
$50,000 - $99,999
Joseph & magdalena szecsei
& Darlene szecsei-albano
$20,000 - $49,999
estate of florence Penington
angeline Vitocco
estate of ernest waddell
mary weingarden
robert weingarden
$10,000 - $19,999
martin abbott
David w. cornhill
c. eaves
John t. fancsy
anne forrest
John e. hall & heather
izzy, harry & sol sigal
apollonia steele
robert k. & katherine little
ron morris
wayne g. Paprosky
larry stout
alan wildeman & Debra
$5,000 - $9,999
John & norma brockenshire
John brussa
brian & Jennifer burke
leonard cappe
stephen m. & barbara l.
terrance f. connoy
Janet m. Davidson
e. Peter & terry farmer
ted farron
timothy P. gleason
carl & Viola glos
Jerry & geraldine glos
estate of Dorothy gray
ed & Pat lumley
Paul m. mingay
James molnar
linda l. molnar
karen a. momotiuk
michael & margaret mueller
Patrick a. Palmer
ross Paul & Jane e. brindley
barb & Phil Payne
thomas c. & meg Peddie
graham & carol reader
larry ruskin
Peg & stan soteros
maryhelen m. m. tso &
tzy-Ping lin
allan g. Vinni
David a. wilson
ondina Zanini
$2,500 - $4,999
Philip & Pam bezaire
Jane boyd
John James cowin
william l. crosby
robert & bonita Drago
gordon w. & mary louise
bruce & nancy elman
John D. ferguson
lenora & ivor fleming
amanda & mitch gellman
neil & mary gold
mina grossman ianni
harold P. hands
gregory & Dawna harrison
cecil houston
robert e. krivoshein
Peter & mary kryworuk
rosemary legris
marilee a. marcotte & marc
s. katzman
brian m. mazer & candice l.
sharon mcmahon
gregory monforton
geoff owen
David & alonna Palmer
lionel J. Peltier
michael & mitzi Pohanka
steven & shari radovich
robert & betty sellars
Jean e. sonnenfeld
Julie, Jay, cynthia & brittany
william & rochelle tepperman
mark r. thibert
lynn J. tisdale
bruce tucker & christina
aida m. Van wees
Juanita westmoreland-traore
william & Jean wright
martin wunder
lucia yiu (matuk)
$1,000 - $2,499
stephen & Vicki adams
suzanne allison
Paul s. alofs
william e. baylis
view . fall 2010
Vincent c. & Patricia h.
norbert becker
william & marion bernath
robert c. bisnaire
niven & Deborah brooks
alexandra k. brown
graham & Denise brown
Jared brown
andrew & elaine buckstein
w. sheila cameron
angela g. capannelli-bates
& mark bates
mike & laura bates
richard & wendy caron
chris caruana
connie & william casanova
Jeffrey s. casey
lynda casey
om P. chandna
Dorothy V. chee
wing-keung cheung
Jan ciborowski & lynda
anna clark
william t. clark
David m. cohn
graham connaugton
h. allan conway
David s. cooke
mark crestohl
Darryl & yvonne currie
carole curtis
michael & Jacqueline Da
Patricia Deguire
gina Delicata
olga & glen w. J. Delvecchio
frank & mary Demarco
Demarco family
Paul Demarco
Peter & laura Dobrich
sharon Doyle
cyril r. Drabinsky
John J. Drohan
Jeanne m. Drouillard
brian c. Ducharme
robert i. Duddy
Denis Dwyer
Denise r. Dwyer
george P. Dzuro
Janice l. elder
murray a. elder
elaine m. elliott
helen ellis-govette &
stephen J. govette
Patricia fagan
Dennis & Janet fairall
william & anna fisher
mary margaret fox
leona fracas
robert g. gaspar
nancy ross
katherine roth & maurice
carolyne J. & byron P. rourke
sean D. sadler
angela & michael safranyos
James & Joann scarfone
michael J. scime
george & margaret short
James m. singh
lois k. smedick
sherrianne smith
nanci & walter soderlund
Josephine stark
michael r. stoddart
John c. & gisele m. sullens
roger & audrey thibert
melissa & rob trdina
gilles Vallee
Dina Van roosmalen
rosemary a. Venne
rudolph r. Vezer
blair Voyvodic
ronald h. wagenberg
christopher g. walsh
trevor whaling
J. brooke & steven white
sandy wilson
clare & anne winterbottom
sheila wright
carl Zalev
$500 - $999
Philip adamson
betty ainslie
kenneth alexander
brian & Penny allen
David m. amyot
kenneth w. andreas
Peter J. arpin
karl & Penny arvai
sandra n. & tony J. aversa
adam J. bain
Patricia baldwin
barbara barone
marianne e. barrie
tom bass
David m. beare
robert beaudoin
Paul e. begin
James h. bennett
Dawn benson
kathryn bernard
John bernik
David a. bertschi
adrien & Diane bezaire
John & eleanor birch
gordon D. boggs
gabriella bonn
larry bookman
gerald V. booth
John & Deborah boots
helena m. borges
Pierre J. boulos
Peter J. bowers
hana bruhova
christopher r. busch
David bussiere
Paschal J. calarco
anthony a. campagna
thomas J. carey
kim a. carpenter-gunn
barbara J. caruso
Danny a. & rita castellan
John t. clark
Dennis & Jane collison
william e. conklin
curtis m. cusinato & carla
tony D’aloisio
Joan t. Dalton
gary a. Daniels
Paulah J. Dauns
Justin w. de Vries
Judith a. Decou
brian Delaney
guy f. Demarco
noel d’eon
Veronica Didoszak
Dante a. DiPonio
mike Drouillard
adele l. Duck
richard a. Dumala
Joyce h. eaton
John f. & mary a. ellis
lynda r. ellis
anthony n. ezeife
louise ferrie-blecher
David m. fisher
ronald g. fisher
simone r. fisher
michelle fitzgerald
craig fleisher
James & Jacqueline frank
laurie freeman-gibb
Peter & chathie frise
charles f. george
Vincent georgie
andrea gignac
Deborah k. glatter
tzen-yi goh
william & karen gordon
gordon grace
Daniel green
Douglas J. green
edward greenspan
sander grieve
mary Jo haddad-forster
rosemary halford
alan hall
laura & David handsor
David a. & maria harris
adrian & Deborah hartog
wilhelm (bill) haust
mike havey
eric b. heath
robert hedrick
catherine m. heffernan
glenna m. hemphill
francine a. herlehy
eve s. herman
ed hiutin
myron hlynka
Peter b. hockin
Jeffrey & sherri hoffman
carolyn & bill horkins
william howison
Peter & Denise hrastovec
Peter hui
carrie & robert hunting
cindy m. hutnik & marc st.
gary ing
sarkis isaac
rena isenberg
susan Jolliffe
James & elisabeth kanasy
Valerie kasurak
Jane kerrigan-brownridge &
gordon brownridge
fred P. khoury
garth kidd
David m. kiss
Paul n. klie
frederick w. & beverly-mae
nestor & catharine
Peter & barb kuker
camillo lacivita
kathryn D. lafreniere
ted laurendeau
roger c. & elia lauzon
mel s. leiderman
charles w. leonhardt
gerald & barbara levine
Jack n. logan
brett D. lumley
adam t. macmillan
timothy D. mann
greg maxwell
margrette mccaffrey-Piche
kathleen e. mccrone
David a. & kathleen i. mcewen
anita m. mckernan
robert mcnally
gerry mcPhail
alan & heather metcalfe
John r. meyer
Dan miller
frank miller
mark w. monaghan
matthew moroun
John r. mountain
harold D. & elizabeth a.
blair V. mutch
bulent mutus
graziano l. nazzani
rosemary a. newman
ernest ng
barbara niewitecka
elizabeth a. oakley
maurice o’callaghan
Paul ocheje
John g. ohler
karen & Dan omahen
sandro l. orlando
marion e. overholt
sheri overholt
anthony J. Paniccia
michael & irene Paraschak
nancy Parker
chris Paterson
iva Peklova
anna Petrozzi
kathy a. Pfaff
James r. Pfafflin
lynne P. Phillips
David a. Piche
Dathathry t. Pillay
lorna Pominville
John & marga Pomponio
katherine m. Quinsey
leela c. ramaswamy
Diane m. rawlings
Duncan P. read
tom reaume
erika rebello
laurie s. redden
carlos r. redfern
margurite reid
lucas reindler
aiden & marilyn renouf
saverio rinaldi
stephen c. roberts
steven rogin
Jonathan D. ross
stephen b. salter
charlene y. senn
michael t. & Jacqueline k.
meaghan sherriff
nancy m. siew
albertina simone
James h. smellie
kevin & marilyn smith
karrie-beth & martin sobocan
$250 - $499
mark & kelly-lynn abraham
Joseph abramson
barry D. adam
sandy s. adelsberg
stephen m. aidelbaum
David ainslie
brigitte ala
Jack c. albert
Dana allen
g. brent angell
John & ria ansems
robert arnold
Donald e. arpin
Daniel w & erin atkinson
David a. avard
raymond o. bailey
anne baird
lesley m. baldwin
katharine m. ball
Deborah banks
edward e. & lynn k. barber
betty barrett
tanya basok
michael J. byrne
Patrick s. caines
John w. callahan
gregory a. campbell
Philippe m. capelle
Jeramie c. carbonaro
John m. carron
Paul & sandy carter
Jane e. caspers
william & marisa chang
william c. chapman
kin Ping Vincent cheung
terry s. chow
alan k. chun
lee chute
antoni P. cimolino
michael a. clark
raymond & charlotte colautti
Vicki & Paolo collavino
Joseph & maureen comartin
John & nadine condon
Penny craig
Jamie & tim crawley
cathy a. crowley
floro culmone
bruce J. frazer
gregory w. frederick
Jack freeman & maxine
Quinlan freeman
melanie a. gardin
marisue c. gardonio
gordon f. gauthier
James s. gauthier
thomas & christina gelinas
geraldine general
John giffen
mark s. glazewski
wilfred & margaret gobert
anna m. godo
Jeff gordon
Jefferey gordon
James gravelle
anna gupta
linda habros
kenneth J. hale
rebecca l. halko
bill & Janet hallett
Dennis harloff
Janet harris
gisele c. harrison
“i’m from harrow, which is not too far away, and
i could have gone out and bought a car and done
more part-time work, like some others i know,”
she says. “but i wanted to take advantage of
campus life, so i used the residence award to
keep living costs down. and i did get a job, but
the award let me work less and study more.”
Lauren mcDonald, Bcomm ‘10
chris soteros
egidio & liliana sovran
Jerry sovran
krishnaswamy sridhar
linda e. staudt
william b. stead
andrea r. steen
Voy t. & boguslawa
Paul w. stewart
keith & barbara taylor
lynn teahan
allan a. techko
nelly tedesco
nick c. torchetti
gary m. travis
tim e. traynor
brian & cynthia trudell
mark a. trudell
william m. trudell
chantal Vallee
gary J. Van hooren
richard n. Vennettilli
Drew Verdam
Victor & bonnie Vogel
elizabeth waghorn
sid walman
lionel r. walsh
James & annette watson
gary J. weir
robert weir
tina & graham wilson
ted h. wong
alan wright & marie-Jeanne
bob & Peggy wright
george e. yee
John & bertha yuan
John r. & nicole Zangari
Joyce e. Zuk
christine m. beaudin
Daniella a. beaulieu-scarano
& luciano scarano
David bechard
adele & alfred beitler
sally s. bennett Politidis
eva D. bernachi
Jeffrey b. berryman & carol
a. mcDermott
raymond J. & sandra
irene k. bianchi
rudy a. bianchi
sally bick
barbara biggar & richard
Paul billing
ranjana bird
John J. bisetto
niharendu biswas
Dean J. blain
mansell & anita blair
Jules b. bloch
henry bohm
kelly & art bondy
Veronica a. boretsky
Peter J. brennan
Paige brodie
george brotea
brian e. brown
beth brown
louise a. brown
tammy brown
Donald & monika bruner
lisa m. brush
roger D. bryan
yvette m. bulmer
stephen D. burks
David J. & Valerie butcher
Dominic a. buttazzoni
bernard J. cummins
todd & Jennifer Davidson
James Dawson
christine De santis
alicia t. De souza
Jean Dean
michael P. Deans sr.
anna maria Decia-gualtieri
richard m. Degroat
Joseph D. & kimberly J.
Dan & brenda Devin
mario c. & Joan Di salle
Joseph J. Dibattista
Dino & Joan Digiuseppe
mark & emily Dimmell
Veselin Dobrota
richard h. Donald
Janice Drakich
Jonathan l. Dye
Donna-marie eansor
susan a. & robin easterbrook
mark egbedeyi
eahab m. elsaid
brian D. etherington
william e. everitt
christie ezeife
rose a. faddoul
Jean fancsy
george D. & Diane t. faught
Patricia a. fawcett
george & Vicki fiddler
stephen fields
Janet D. finlay
kevin flood
kenneth l. & kathryn J. foley
David J. fortin
thomas e. foster
David foulds
Douglas r. fox
michael r. harrison
thomas & margaret hayes
ingrid a. helbing
christine b. henderson
Paul D. herage
grant D. hernden
sherrill l. hext
emanuela & Joseph heyninck
J. michael hickey
James higginson
charles m. & mary hillier
carl w. hiltz
David & lynn hoath
mona may & richard
bruce hough
richard f. & sheilagh i.
aase e. houser
robert D. howe & lynda g.
Jason P. howie & lia r.
leslie howsam
thomas r. & michelle m. hunt
bob & Danielle istl
John t. Jackson
Patricia Jacob
usha J. & satish c. Jacob
lea a. & brian Janisse
Jennifer e. Jones
Purna kaloni
betsy r. kane
John P. kerr
anna-maria & David kirby
lawrence J. klein
margaret klie
christopher g. knowles
marlys koschinsky
eugene s. kosziwka
aruna s. koushik
bogdan J. kowalczyk
marianne P. kroes
heather k. krohn
Jane ku
Jennifer l. kuta
rita & claudo lacivita
tammy l. lalonde
maurice g. lamarre
edward k. lanktree
ray lappan
brian g. laragh
Della m. latella
william s. laughland
Pat leblanc
Peter lemon
Joseph e. leonard & honi
r. huyck
gerald & suzanne lesa
susan c. lester
Paul r. levac
richard f. lewis
kevin w. li
scott w. linnell
martin f. lowman
mary-kaye & Dale lucier
Joanna luft
rosita lugosi
yonghui a. luo
ken & Pat maaten
Drew r. macaulay
george r. macDonald
bob macDonald
Donald J. macgregor
craig D. mackay
cathryn e. mackel
franco & Jelena magliaro
kevin macnaughton
Diana mady kelly
linda a. makuch
t. craig mallender
gary malloy
elias kurian manavathu
richard J. marcotte
nicole markotic
george & brenda marshall
Jorge D. & Joan hurstmarzetti
lori marzinotto-spyropoulos
& Vassili sypropoulos
gail a. matte-leach
griffith w. maxwell
mike J. mayer
rosa mayer
timothy t. mccullough
m. elizabeth mcDermott
greg & rose mcDonough
bruce r. & mathilde mcgarvey
Paul D. mcgarvey
edward & erma mcguire
kevin P. mcguire
susan a. mckee
John P. mclaren
bruce J. mclean
george & Dorothy J. mcmahon
gary & kaye mcmann
Virginia mcrae
Paul t. & mary J. meanwell
karl g. melinz
linda J. menard-watt &
Daniel f. watt
karen a. metcalfe
wendy l. miller
wilbur t. miller
win V. miller
tom mitchinson
helen mogyorody
Veronika a. mogyorody
Denis & martha moher
fatima mohideen
irene moore Davis
michael g. moosberger
antonio m. morga
a. sandy morgan
Daniel m. moriarty
kathleen a. moriarty
sean & Jacqueline moriarty
maureen f. morkin
simon e. mortimer
sheila e. mosley
view . fall 2010
michael mugan
maureen h. muldoon
rita mullins
roberto muscedere
brian r. mutterback
fay neil
stephen neil
margaret nicoletti
mary Jo & brian nolan
erwin w. novac & e. adele
Zahra nurmohamed
David & carol nussey
kevin J. o’connor
bradley s. o’hara
stanley oleksiuk
larry & Joan oliver
neil ouditt & carrie lotenero
David s. owen
Jonathan r. Palmer
Victoria Paraschak
h. richard & anna m.
sudhir r. Paul
John r. Peddle Jr.
Jeff P. Pellarin
thien t. Phan
william & kelly Pinnell
garnet t. & mary-lou Plant
Paulette Pommells
curtis Pope
Paula Pope
edward J. Posliff
kristina e. Potapczyk
Judith m. & ronald Potter
allan D. Powell
norman P. Presello
barbara a. Priest
robert a. Prince
fred & lisa Quenneville
Janis e. radford
Dale rajacich
michael c. ray
Pauline reaney
arlene reaume
Donna reaume
larry reaume & lee ann
tylene l. reaume
christopher P. reid
rolf & helga reidel
John a. renaud
Daniel s. renner
Donald w. reynolds
alistair t. riswick
mary e. robb
michael t. robert
Paul D. & katherine m.
sadiki J. robertson
David l. robins
Dexter robinson
Peter a. rudakas
harold a. saffrey
boro samcevic
timothy samson
Zora sanson
John h. sarnovsky
mark w. sazio
richard w. schauer
charles a. schiano sr.
leneo sdao
rahul shastri
raymond l. shaw
kelly a. sheardown
katherine & adam simon
Jerry slavik
arpa smith
meredith smye
David & noella smyth
gemma e. smyth
ken snowdon
Joan t. soulliere
Denise l. spadotto
kimberley m. & christos spirou
andrew sprague
ann m. sprague
colvin springer
margaret w. squire
Janee J. stallard-cogliati
Joseph & nancy stasko
John e. stein
mary ellen stein
Dennis steinberg
lorna & ed stolarchuk
John l. stout
David l. strelchuk
oleh w. stupnyckyj
kathleen sturba
John m. susko
george & maddie szczepski
william V. szeverenyi &
kaitlyn D. mccabe
michele m. & Daniel tarailo
myra J. tawfik
richard g. taylor
thoi moon J. tham
cheryl D. thomas
cynthia a. thrasher
Jacob & bernadette thun
michael & susan tilka
anastasia timakis
mark D. tims
John J. tir
robin toffolo & michael arnold
$100 - $249
Jack e. abbruzzese
lisa k. abe
george D. adamidis
Joanne V. adamson
raymond adkin
tammy m. adkin
robert & elizabeth adlam
richard a. adler
Paul s. ahima
carol ahpin
charles g. & Pat ainslie
Daniel & monique aitken
robert c. ajersch
s. Zafar akber
luigi alborino
Patricia m. aldighieri
stephen alexander
louise r. alexitch
abdo alfakih
heather b. allan
cynthia l. allen
Paul allen
sharon a. allen
marvin D. aulthouse
monique a. aversa
robert h. aylesworth
mary-susan bachmeier
scott a. bacik
reem bahdi
robert h. bain
richard J. baird
Vladimir & audrey bajic
ilse bajin
thomas P. & georgina baker
Douglas bakes & Joni heard
miss shelley l. balanko
gabriel balassone
linda l. balazs
lauren bale & Paulo silva
James k. ball
michael J. balogh
roderick banks & Pearl
Pearce bannon
maria D. bannon turvey
James s. barbour
margaret & thomas barlow
Jennifer l. barone
catherine h. bickerton
william J. bies
r. Johnson & barbara
Judith a. birchall
gerald J. black
matthew blain
Derek s. blair
ronald blizchuk
brian w. blommaert
michael blondeau
ronald e. blumas
Joan P. boase
mary-ellen bolt
Jack a. bolzan
David s. bond
Douglas & marjorie bondy
Patricia bondy
Paulette m. bondy
rosaire bondy
ulysses & mary bondy
cynthia l. boogaart
claire borders
matthew w. borowiec
Danny J. bortolin
“as a former student, i know how hard it can be
to make ends meet. i work with students from
all levels of achievement and all program areas,
and i see how worrying about finances can be
distracting from academic projects. i am happy
to be able to contribute to students’ success in
my work and my donation. the otss matching
makes my gift doubly gratifying.”
David Owen, Academic Writing centre, university of Windsor
iuna tomasini & walter
brian l. tomsich
remi tosti & kelly remi
wayne J. tousignant
rhys w. trenhaile
evelyn & raymond tronchin
Paul tushinski
michael D. urban
helen Vasilic
Pina Vasko
John Verhaegen
kristina l. Verner
roger Vidamour
chau l. Voo
David Voyvodic
george Vuicic
william J. waldron
irene walsh
gwyneth J. & kenneth watts
lynne watts
Janet leigh west
gary westfall
John w. whiteside
e. irene & albert wigle
betty f. wilkinson
Joanne wills
Jerry & sheila wisdom
gerri l. wong
ann m. wright
charlene m. & shawn e.
Jennifer r. yee & albert
lauren yee & Jerry tan
martha b. young
rick & Josie Zannese
Danilo & margaret Zannier
bernice Zub
Joanne D. Zuk
view . fall 2010
Pat a. allevato
rich allin
bill & sylvia m. allison
D. miller alloway Jr.
christina allsop
Duncan & almond
olga s. almond
william & andrea altenhof
mark s. alzner
mohammad aminzadeh
hans P. andersen
barbara anderson
John l. anderson
regan e. anderson
sandy l. anderson
David m. andrews
mary-ann-kate andrews
gerry P. angus
emmanuel e. ankrah
Peter g. antaya
sherry antic
george m. antinori
biagio & antogiovanni
susan m. anzolin
wissam J. aoun
rachel m. arbour
Peter J. archambault
samuel & elsie archer
Douglas J. armstrong
louise armstrong
todd a. armstrong
thomas w. arndt
isabelle l. arnoff
harrison s. arrell
Juhachi asai
brent & kelly ashby
Joan & richard atchison
michael J. atkins
siu-hung a. au
andreas J. auch
Jennifer a. barranger
sheila e. barron
Joseph c. barrows
michael g. barry
c. fred barth
claude l. bastien
maunzer batal
nancy battagello
Doriano & carmela g. battisti
susan baxter
carolyn beacroft
robert w. beattie
mary anne beaudoin
ron becht
margaret beddoe-lawrence
barbara l. bedford
Jean-claude c. begin
Peter beglaubter
lamont c. begole
thomas e. behr
elizabeth m. behrens
susan m. bell yester
arie benaich
george a. benak
winfred g. benedict
richard & linda benson
fabian c. bento
Joseph & anita berecz
fay c. berlie
mary l. berry
reno & Joan bertoia
ornella bertoni-liburdi &
nick liburdi
mohan & bethur
Joseph bevacqua
lewis bevan
marlene bezaire
Patricia a. bezaire
sanjive k. bhatia
nadia r. bhatti
susan bortolin
sheila c. boss
Peter D. bouroukis
elizabeth J. bower
helen w. bowie
elizabeth boyd
beverley a. & george bradley
Donald J. bradley
Douglas & Jean branch
richard P. & lorna bray
David & suzanne brescacin
Jolaine n. breton
James D. bricker
lori brienza
f. wayne & Purita bristow
Daniel J. britten
robert V. britton
klaus m. brixa
John brkljacic
kendall brockbank
David & frances brokenshire
Jennifer & mark brockington
ann & andy broderick
marten h. brodsky
David s. brombal
Doug n. brombal
Donna m. brooks
Jacqueline brooks
robert J. brooks
constance J. brown
David c. & sherrill a. brown
iris e. brown
Jodi l. brown
John & helen brown
lucia a. brown
David & anna maria brownlow
Patricia m. bruckman
Patricia a. brunelle
Joyce l. bruner
susanne & Dwayne brunet
Joel g. brush
herbert D. bryant
fiona m. bryden
lori buchanan
steven budinsky
roy bull
karen P. bunegra
michael P. burger
lisa & michael burke
ralph burke
John burkhart
sally J. burkhart
bradd burningham
ann burns
Denis burns
Peter J. burns
John burrows
howard burshtein
bruce e. burton
Diane b. & brian burton
brian & mary burtt
Donald J. burwell
Dennis buset
John & Diane busser
Jordan l. butcher
Donald b. butler
eileen butler
brian s. buttrey
Julia & John byrne
mary louise byrne
rosemarie c. caille
Derek m. cairns
Denise callaghan
nancy J. camack
lynn & robert cameron
susan m. campeau
Jacqueline t. campigotto
John f. cappucci
emily f. carasco
ronald f. & madelaine
kristine & stephen carey
Peter w. g. carey
richard & susan carey
John carlan
michael & Jill carlone
laura r. carmichael
lucile caron
eric l. carr
bob carr
John P. carrico
John & Joan carrington
hugh J. carroll
Diana & James carter
gregg t. carter
irene m. carter
Patricia carter (hunt)
Joseph w. carty
graham a. carver
D. rosemary cassano
stanley b. cassin
irene catford
Patrick & bette catton
Jacqueline & ed caulfield
nelson e. cavalheiro
craig r. cavanagh
kelley m. cavanagh
kevin t. cavanagh
karen e. ceman
nino V. cervini
Judy m. chaif simko
shil chakrabarti
hing-Poon chan
frank & katherine chan
mark s. chandler
gilbert b. chapman ii
neil s. chapman
Paul J. charko
christine a. charlebois
Joseph charron & connie
eva l. charsley
Prad m. & gale m. chaudhuri
Doreen a. chaulk
Jeannette c. chauvin
stephen a. cheeseman
Diana & winston cherry
barbara m. chery
thomas J. cheslea
raphael m. cheung
catherine l. chevalier &
David a. burnie
steven J. chevalier
conrad J. chiarcos
rodney w. child
eddi chittaro
Pamela J. chittim
william s. chng
Dennis choptiany
benjamin chow
mamun chowdury
marcela m. ciampa
ernest b. cicchi
stephen P. cipkar
brian ciuciura
elaine clark
heather J. clark
Joseph e. clark
karen e. clark-lauzon & rob
Donald e. clarkson
scott w. clements
John e. clifford
Joe cohoon
John & Patricia cole
margaret l. cole
wilfred J. collacott
kimberly a. collavino
william a. collins
sharon l. colman
catherine a. comiskey
mary lynne compton
andrew g. confente
albert m. conforzi
katherine conrad
evan a. cooke
robin a. cooper
Dennis g. copeland
ryan m. coristine
John cormack
christopher, lindsay & audra
Joan & robert cornwall
melora-lynne correa
christopher J. corrigan
Jack & uta costello
bruno & kathy cote
william J. cotnam
w.brent cotter
richard & renee coughlin
David coulson
Patricia cousins
isabel cowan
c. bruce cowen
fred n. cowlin
tijuana cox
James coyle
timothy c. coyle
gerald cradock
lillian & cragg
susanne reeves craig
erin k. crawford
Jean a. crawford
todd t. crawford
mary crnkovich
bette crnkovich-grant
Debbie crouch
Don crowder
stan & barbara cunningham
raymond J. curran
maureen e. curtis
anthony e. cusinato
edward J. czilli
Denis DaDalt
James g. & wendy e. Dade
nella & D’agostini
erwin & Janis Daichendt
Joan Dale
Patricia m. Dale
Jack f. Dalgleish
andrew Dallabona
liana a. Daltoe
beth a. Daly
Paul V. & rita D’amico
esther n. Daniel
chris D’annunzio
hilda f. Davenport
alex s. Davidson
william r. Davie
shavonne n. Davis
margaret a. Davison
elizabeth Dawson
Deborah & frank Dayus
Joseph r. De angelis
willem De lint
tyrone Deacon
christian Deane
Donald g. Deathe
martin Deck
michael J. Deck
colleen Decou-Jones & Joe
everett P. DeJong
remo Del col
lynn D. Delabarre
michael m. Delgobbo
D. Jeffrey & anne Dello
f. leroy Delmore
armando & bianca Deluca
frank s. Demarco
george Demarco
annette l. Demers
anne Dennahower
Patrick & wendy Dennis
thomas a. Dennison
mary a. Dryden
Paul J. Dubois
catherine l. Duboisson
mary anne Ducharme
Dale f. Dudley
elizabeth c. Dufour
roger b. Dufour
monique l. Dugal
Doreen Dulmage
michele Dumoulin
gary s. Dunlop
Perry & gillian Dunmore
michelle & neil Dunn
Diane Dupuis
Jesse n. Dupuis
leon & rhonda Dupuis
eric s. Duquette
stefanie kirsten Duri
Dwayne e. Durocher
marie l. Durocher
Vincent Duronio
gregory k. & margaret Durst
sheona Duthie & Patrick
Dennis c. & susan h. Dutry
mary-ellen fitzpatrick
Jeff flacks
karen & ryan flannagan
Dianna g. flannery
karen a. fleming
leslie m. flemming
mary J. fletcher
alan c. & frances flint
gerald r. flynn
angela l. folino
John J. fontaine
scott forbes
michael a. forcier
Janice e. forsyth
Johanna m. foster
bert a. fournier
susan fox
stan francic
mervyn franklin
gino m. fracas
theresa e. francis
lisa m. fransen
Paul r. frasca
gerald l. fraser
Julian & Jody fraser
John gibbs
frank giblin
susan gibson
Peter gietz & cynthia l.
kate giffin
ernest & rosalie gignac
shelley gilbert
John & mary gilbride
calum i. gillespie
marlene gillis
r. Paul gilmor
timothy & lise gilmor
clifford m. girard
gerry girard
rich girdler
Danielle c. giroux
robert J. girvan
sasha e. gladwish
larry & twyla glassford
christopher f. & andrea
a. glos
michael J. gloster
shirley glover-ludwig
Jeremie r. gobbo
“my husband and i have been donating to our undergraduate Programs of study,
human kinetics and mathematics, every year since we graduated in 2001.
last year, we decided to change that and donate to the faculty of education,
seeing as we are both graduates of this program as well. we both attended the
university of windsor for our undergraduate degrees and second degrees. we
truly believe that education is important and we think that it is time to invest in
our future teachers now that we have the means to do so.“
rob (BSc’00, BEd ‘01) and Beth Adlam (Bhk ‘99, BEd ‘01, mEd ‘07)
carol Derbyshire
Peter s. Desimio
martin w. Desjardine
J. lloyd & bernice Deslippe
michael l. Deslippe
frances Devereux
m. Jan Devereux
shirley b. Dewolfe
kristian Dexter
luigi & elena Difazio
rita Di Ponio
brian r. Dickie
John r. Dickinson
roy r. Diklich
maria s. Dimartino
richard & marilyn Dinham
trevor & shannon Dinham
santino DiPasquale
Donald Diubaldo sr.
edward a. Dixon
Jess Dixon
mildred Dmowski
robin r. Dobson
anne Donald
candy Donaldson
John & kathryn Donnelly
neil a. & carolyn f. Donnelly
gerald & rosemary Doran
John e. Dorion
milan & mona Dosen
James b. Douglas
James m. Douglas
marilyn J. Douglas
rose mary Dowhaniuk
kurt m. Downes
eric h. Downing
Janet g. Downing
Diane & mike Doyle
John e. Drake
edward a. Drouillard
John r. Dryden
Janet & stanley Dwyer
edward J. Dydo
carmen r. eaton
gwendolyn ebbett
Jean D. echlin
yodit edemariam
terrence g. edgar
Daniel t. edgeworth
claire m. ehman
howard P. eisenberg
Jacqueline eisenberg
Jiku J. elamathail
robert & elizabeth ellis
catherine & Donald emerson
g. scott essery
Joseph h. t. evans
leonard f. everett
todd eyolfson
Jason facey
colleen haywood falls
margaret l. fanella
catherine a. farnham
marilyn k. farnworth
Dorothy m. faulkner
thomas c. faulkner
Paul fazio
gerald fedchun
blaine e. fedson
elizabeth s. felet
John fellows
Dan feniak
garnet & maryellen fenn
Judi (Paterson) ferne
gemma ferranti
eros g. fiacconi
sharon J. fieghen
ronald & elaine filipowitz
mary Jane finn
Joan r. fisher
michael b. fisher
shannon e. fisher
stephen & claudia freeman
michelle freeman
John b. friedrichsen & tracy
l. cooper
Jason r. l. frost
michael c. frost
Paul a. fruitman
John & louise fry
adrienne e. fulford
singchung fung
John r. funnell
felice gabriele
ronald P. gagel
Pierre & Janis gagne
Jane e. gagnon
Joyce & gabriel gagnon
rodney a. gagnon
christopher m. galati
gasper galati
michael galego
morgan J. gallagher
kimberly a. gamble
Patricia a. gangnon
margaret a. garabon
marnie garett
Victoria l. garlatti
crystal J. garrett &
alexander macleod
katherine gatti
Dennis t. gazarek
Judith u. gedye
william e. gelinas
alexander george
margaret a. george
Paul l. george
James georgiou
matthew gervais & blaire
Denise c. ghanam
anthony l. giannotti
Justin goggins
irvin goldman
roger h. goldson
brian r. & susy m. goldstein
ruth e. goldstein
kenneth w. golish
Peter f. & Jacqueline gomes
robert w. goodearle
Don gordon
Donald m. gordon
marie gorman
krystyna g. gorzelska
Daniel a. gosselin
mr. James m. gosselin
Deb goulding
maureen gowing
izzy grafstein
frances m. graham
william t. graham
bob grandmaitre
Jill grant
brian P. gray
gia c. gray
ken w. gray
george g. grayson
edna greco
Donald b. & Janice green
David g. greenaway
James l. gretes
leo groarke
eleanor m. groh
Joann t. grondin
roger & lorraine grondin
Judy grossutti
randolph c. groundwater
christine a. gudas-murphy
antonietta a. guidolin
Drew s. gunsolus
John m. guthrie & marie
lynn guthrie
nadia a. hachem
Joseph & mary-lou haddad
Dawn & chris hadre
g. Douglas haffner
andrew m. hahn
linda c. haist
christopher c. hales
stacey haliday
c. kim hall
imogen e. hall
Jeffrey s. haller
Jim & lee ann halpin
helen r. hanak
Paul w. hancock
arthur handscomb
michele e. handsor
brian & wilma hannon
mary e. hansen
Jens hanson
Jaynelle harding
mary anne e. harding
gail D. & Paul hargreaves
kerry l. harman
June e. harris
m. heather hartley
mark hartman
norbert hartmann
Drew harvie
rita hasse
william J. hassett
lawrence w. hatfield
brad haughey
Jeffrey b. hawkins
Jeanne D. hays
craig e. hebert
Daniel J. hebert
Denise m. hebert
gail f. hebert
gilles hebert
timothy & Joan hebert
Victor J. hebert
Doris b. & andrew hellenbart
Jamie l. henderson
ruthanne l. henderson
kathryn a. hengl
roderick g. henning
brian t. henry
terry henry
mary hernandez
alan e. herron
Douglas r. hertz
Julie a. hess
Jeffrey J. hewitt
robert & margaret hewitt
calvin h. hewlett
carolyn m. hicks
olive D. hicks
frank Z. hidi
tracy l. higgs
marian hines
Pamela g. hines
David hitchcock
keven & laurie hockley
charles e. hoffer
cathy a. hoffman
timothy J. & wendy hoffman
brian & cindy hogan
James & karey hogan
richard & kelly hogan
shelley hogan-suffield
elizabeth f. holden
susan holiga
ian holloway
reta holmes-Desmarais
george r. holovaci Jr.
John r. hope
Paul r. horbal
Darlene s. horn
ralph & elizabeth horne
irene & adrian hornich
David s. hornstein
Pat horstead
mark houghton
murray b. howard
sandy howe
gary & marion howell
John a. hoy
karen l. hoyland
elizabeth hoyle
Peter hradowy
view . fall 2010
taras & hrycyna
Zhiguo hu
barbara hughes-smith
brian a. hunt
heather hunt
brenda J. hunter
Paul g. hunter
wendy c. hunter
n.s. huq
John & corneila huschilt
mary Jane hutchinson
Dorothy a. huynh
David e. hyttenrauch
c. idler
charlotte a. innerd
Jane e. innerd
lucy e. intihar
maureen f. irish
michael e. irwin
Jessie iwasiw
william a. Jacko
anne m. Jackson
carol e. f. Jackson
herbert o. Jackson
harold le boeuf & shirley
Diana Jacob
karen & kevin Jacques
christopher J. Jaglowitz
kalifa asha James
kerry a. Jameson
nancy k. Jammu-taylor
Dolores Janisse
mark & karen Janisse
raymond l. Janisse
robert h. Janzen
robert & maureen Jaques
Pinkas Jarcaig
sheldon Jarcaig
brian & bev Jeffray
ronald & Joanne Jeffrey
steven Jelich
Deborah a. Jestin
howard P. Jobin
carl a. Johannsen
george g. John
harold r. Johnson
James & Julia Johnson
linda m. Johnson
stephanie Johnson
ross & norma Johnston
terry & barbara Johnston
brian Jones
Don Jones
russ & Jan Joseph
mike & edie Jubenville
Joseph kadman
Deborah J. kane
Diana kao
Peter f. kappel
Diane l. & s. karnay
mohammed a. kashem
Donald l. kasta
nancy s. kastner
gregory P. katchin
navin katyal
michael e. kaye
James D. kearney
gerald keller
Jeff kelly
lawrence kelly
kathleen m. kelm
elizabeth J. kendall
Deborah f. kennedy
linda J. kennedy
stephen J. kennedy
warren D. kennedy
francis w. kennette
michael g. kenney
kenji & claire kenno
Darlene kenny
lawrence P. keogh
claude r. kerr
alan kester
sherry ketterer
D. stephen keys
boen t. khouw
arthur D. kidd
richard kidd
alice k. kielly
suzette r. killen
bo Jeong & okja kim
J. norman & lorraine a. king
Jay f. king
randy J. king
barbara e. kingdon
Jason kinnear
Peter g. kirby
richard a. kish
andy kizik
Pauline a. kniaziew
ray a. knight
shirley knight
kevin knox
akira kobasigawa
isabelle kolodziej
mary c. kolowicz
norman h. kondo
stanley & colette korosec
Peter J. koshulap
thomas a. kosnik
Joseph J. kostroman
richard s. kosty
randal e. kott
carol a. & mijo kovacevic
frank kovacic
edward kovarik
Paul kozak
lucjan krause
ronald J. krawczyk
irene kremer
christopher r. kruba
Diane m. kruger
mary e. kuchta
william & kim kulchycki
lynne J. kuntz
s. leonard kupisz
tom & Judith kurtz
erika kustra
steve kuziw
aaron kwinter
karl laasanen
John P. labute
sherry a. labute
mark s. lacasse
robert & wanda lacey
lisa m. lafond
James b. laforet
Patricia f. laing
chak-kwong lam
michael r. lambert
george P. lan
glenna c. lane
richard m. & lenore k.
eric a. lansdell
richard lanspeary
nelson D. laporte
nick laPosta
frederick k. larkin
suzanne J. latouche
len laurin
michael J. lavelle
calvin P. lawhead
benjamin V. lawton
Jo-anne c. lazarus
Phuc hong michael le
Joan e. leach
mark D. leach
anthony r. leardi
catherine g. leatherdale
larry & helen leDuc
brent lee & beverley
lana lee
martha f. lee
wai-nar lee
eugene & Valerie lefebvre
robert b. leggat
steven & sylvia lesiuta
wayne a. lesko
Donald & maxine leslie
Philip w. lesperance
wayne r. lessard
charlene e. lester
Vicki leung
gerard & simone levesque
stan levesque
ian levstein
John f. lewis
view . fall 2010
John & lori lewis
trevor & Victoria lewis
eric n. libman
angela liburdi
John D. liddle
colin a. lightbody
karen lim
richard limoges
Patricia l. lindsey
albert w. linnell
linda linnell
aaron J. linton
min liu
snjezana ljeti
anna ljulj
hing y. lo
Phyllis t. lockrey
lawrence & Patricia loebach
manuel m. lolarga
alexander P. lolua
armand J. & cathy losier
robert w. love
stephen J. lozinski
arie lubienietzky
Jeff t. lucassen & martha m.
Peter lukasewych
felix c. luppke
John c. luxat
John l. lynch
mary & thomas lynd
mike h. lyster
tri D. ma
Zhen Zhong ma
Dayna l. maaten
Pat & ken maaten
cheryl a. macdonald
george & susan macDonald
John a. macDonald
John & Dihah macDonald
mark g. macDonald
James n. macfarlane
Julie m. macfarlane
heather macivor
maureen mackay
william r. mackenzie
Paul h. & Joan macklin
h. angus maclachlan
sandra J. maclean
alexander macleod & crystal
leslie macleod
borden D. macmillan
loris macor
bruce e. macPhee
Donald c. mactavish
charles mady
raymond m. mady
kathy m. & mark a. magee
shirley D. magee
John a. mahood
mabel mak
Peter & contance yuen fan
ruth f. malenda
craig malendar
Dennis l. malette
Jacqueline r. malette
richard e. malicki
ronald m. manchen
gina a. mancini
karin P. manley
andrea e. manning-kroon
bruce & laurie manzer
ilija maodus
caryl marcellus rosenberg
robert h. marchand
tom marcocchio
gina marcon
Dawn m. marcotte
Vincent & barbara marcotte
george marino & nancy
gordon t. markham
cornelia & randy marko
Dimitri markoulakis
Donald g. marshall
william h. marshall
catherine a. & harvey
Donald e. martin
James e. martin
sheelagh martin
tyler r. martin
wayne & allison martins
Peter marval
robert J. masino
Jody maskery & Jaysyn st.
gary t. & heather maslen
marilyn a. mason
richard J. masse
rommel g. masse
ernest e. massicotte
christopher J. masterson
Daniel m. masterson
margaret a. & kevin b.
giovanna mastroianni
Jojo P. mathai
george mather
b.J. matheson-bodnar
richard & ruth matthews
Douglas J. matton
richard J. mattson
camillia matuk
ronald may
tom maynard
evelyn J. & robert mayo
wayne r. mcallister
moira e. mccarney
Donnalyn e. mcclymont
mark w. mccomb
tina a. mccomb
J.william mcconkey
susan c. mccracken
colin mcDonald
John e. mcDonald
John f. mcDonald & elizabeth
D. keen
scott a. mcDowall
kandi J. mcelary
sarah & robert mcelwain
Patti mcgarroch
mathilde & bruce mcgarvey
michael mcgarvey
Debbiel & wayne c. mcgill
t. michael mcginn
maureen e. mcgrath
kathryn J. mcilwaine
Patricia mckay
wayne w. mckay
James r. mckechnie
mary & Douglas mckeen
sharon mckenna
John mckeown
robert D. mckerrow
David a. & Vicki l. mclean
J. todd mclean
george & stephanie
nancy mcmahon
Virginia h. mcmanus
mary & edmond mcmath
matthew J. mcmillan
robert & mcnichol
william m. mcrae
karen e. mcrorie
scott D. mctaggart
michael s. mcteague
David c. mcwha
Paul h. f. meier
reno & lena melatti
kathy J. meloche
Julio r. menezes
mary s. mercer
antonio meriano
richard merlo
george merrett
scott & s. Patricia merrifield
alisa m. metcalfe-haggert
graeme s. mew
michelle miglietta
mr. Philip & beverley miles
John & cathy millar
margaret miller
margaret a. millican
loretta & David millinoff
Delores J. millman
Pamela J. milne
James a. & Patty minello
kenneth & lisa minello
martha a. mingay
Vaughan minor
henry minton
cheryl lynne mitchell
Joseph P. mokanski
noelle mollard
nancy & steven monaghan
Deborah a. monk
ronald s. montelpare
lance J. montigny
melissa l. montovani
Douglas c. montrose
kenneth i. moon
bonnie elizabeth moore
Dianne e. moore
christopher & mary morand
andre & marisa morassutti
lawrence l. morton
michele mosca
gene moscicki
maggie moser
garvin s. moses
godfrey c. moses
roger a. mousseau
John J. muirhead
mary a. mulhern
Paul l. mullins
Vincent & connie mullins
lori a. multari
kevin & Patricia mulvey
David e. murdoch
Paul t. murphy
george g. murray
glenn J. & sara murray
hugh a. murray
Jane a. murray
Jeff r. murray
Paul murray
stuart mutch
ermes D. muzzin
Peter m. myers
eugene J. P. nadeau
Jason nagy
abby nakhaie
gediminas a. namikas
Philip t. nantais
alessandro V. & Joyce l.
rosemary l. nash
John J. nassr
robert a. navetta
leisha c. nazarewich
king f. nee
eric w. neill
Vic neufeld
cary sze-cheuk ng
Johnson ng
oliver k. t. ng
Jim nicell
Douglas g. nickleson
babak niri
Verne nishizaki
John noel
michael b. nolan
Patricia a. noonan
susan & John novosad
maureen c. nye
Dena oberman
Virginia marie obierski
milan mitch obradovic
richard o’callaghan
David a. ogilvie
timothy & norma o’hagan
myron n. oleksyshyn
chris oliver
gary b. oliver
rachel olivero
louise m. olsen
Peter J. o’marra
Patricia m. o’neill
thomas w. orchard
ruth P. orton-Pert
lisa osak
claude b. ouellette
t m. ouellette
David m. owen
Jerrold owen
melchior Pace
theodore & Denise Pageau
Dante & elizabeth a.
cheryl & carmen Paglione
& family
svetlana & michael
michael s. Palenchar
ernest Paliy
Julie m. Pallot
laura Palmer
siyaram Pandey
gabriel Pannunzio
Dan g. Papineau
Patricia & michael
Jacques Parent
leonard e. Parent
carol a. Park
wansoo Park
claude l. Parker
Jasbir k. Parmar
John V. Parr
edward w. Paschin
angela J. Pastorius
susan a. Paterson
bonnie Patrick & greg
linda J. Patrick
barbara P. Paul
roderick m. Paulin
Joseph m. Pavelich
Vlad & noelle Pavlovic
margaret a. Payne
wolfgang J. Pazulla
terry Pearce
John c. Pearson
robert c. Pearson
ann m. Pekaruk
brenda Pelkey
richard & kelly Pellow
John & Patricia Peloso
scott D. Perdu
kurt k. Pereira
Don Perry
robin e. J. Perry & marcia h.
adrian J. Peters
susanne Peters
Phillip todd Peters
rosemary c. Petrakos
David & ivana Petricone
helen Petrimoulx
Jason & heidi Petro
Patrick J. Petro
edward l. Petryschuk
edward e. Petryshyn
richard c. & karen Pettit
ronald g. Pfaff
John r. Phillips
allan Phomin
Donna J. Piccinin-craig
mario Piccioni
David & Janice Piche
bruce Pickering & Diana
ken Pickthall
sukanya Pillay
John Pilutti
meaghan n. Pinkerton
thomas Pister
marian & Donald Pitters
george Plantus
frederick & anne Plexman
stewart & sandra Plotnick
marilyn J. Plotzke
Dawn w. Pocock
Donna r. Pollock
Peter & wendy Pomponio
Donald & Poole
lucian Pop
steve Poredos
brenda l. Porter
estate of frances thomas
michael Potter
kathleen Poupard
John Powell
rosalyn m. Power
sandra D. Power
andrew l. Precop
michael J. Pretli
leonard J. Price
cheryl J. Prince
eric Proppe
les u. Protopapas
louanne Provost
David w. & mary Prpich
steve f. Prsa
kenneth & kathleen Pryke
assunta t. Pugliese
marcin Pulcer
norman J. & eileen Purdie
thomas J. Puskas
asma Qadri
Jody e. Quenneville
luc mark m. Quenneville
Peter c. Quick
kenneth rachner
anna m. radon
Victor radovich
Joseph angela raheb
Jagminder s. rai
charles m. ramin
glenn P. & lisa ramsumair
brad randall
ronald g. randall
chitra rangan
Doris rau
louise & Victor rea
andrea r. read
Derek & kimberley reckin
laurie & James regan
henry e. regts
James h. reid
wayne & kathryn reid
Jane s. reiha
irvine g. reilly
robert w. & heidi l.
ralph c. reiser
hildegarde reis-smart
Debbie a. remekie-maxey
gregory renaud & nora
Jeannine m. renaud
brett & sarah renaud
heather a. rennalls
mary-ann & tom rennie
adriana J. & george
gregory & barbara reynolds
hilary & michael reynolds
rachel reynolds
william c. reynolds
John P. riberdy
Joanne rice
Jean Paul richard
mary h. ricketts
michael m. ricketts
David riddick
glenn w. rideout
fritz rieger
robin rilett
ginetta & robert riley
Victor P. rivest
sandra J. rizzetto
gregory w. roberts
Patricia & kevin roberts
James D. robertson
keith m. robertson
christopher g. robillard
Janine & Daniel robillard
betty Jean & Donald
kyle r. robinson
mark m. robinson
william J. roddy
marcia i. rodney-milne
eleanor J. roe
edward & nancy rooney
Peter root & nancy Johnsroot
Jeanne rosati
edward rosenbaum
Janet n. rosenbaum
robert ross
Peter J. roth
Darwin n. rounding
John h. rowland
Dino rubli
Deborah & christopher rudy
ronald f. runstedler
madhushika h. rupasinghe
Vincent f. ruscitto
lisa ruttle-maavara
robert m. ryall
bridget l. ryan
garnet e. ryan
kevin b. ryan
sean m. ryan
elizabeth a. sabara
francine b. saby
geraldine sadoway
m. saliba
geri salinitri
stuart a. salonen
gwendolyn f. salter
James w. sanderson
Paul & sandy sasso
tony n. sauro
tanya a. sawyers
sabatino s. sbrocca
Joseph & margaret scarfone
annetta schaafsma
John simes
william J. simmonds
lyla simon
bert simpson
Patricia h. simpson
Jonathan sinasac
Jang b. singh
anthony sirizzotti
karen & michael sklash
mirdza m. skulte
nancy a. & s. b. sleightholm
allison l. small
Deryck e. small
clayton smith
Dave smith
mary ann smith
robert c. smith
robin smith
timothy & elaine smith
trevor k. smith
margaret smole
fred smythe
william snelgrove
anne w. snowdon
eric soderlund
george r. stewart
whilna a. stewart
kathleen & Douglas stocco
Josephine stomp
David m. & Jane e. stone
michael J. stone
raymond g. stone
David s. stoute
melissa D. strange
Pauline c. strong
Jay s. strosberg
william & sheila strybosch
hong su
siona V. sullivan
enio P. & linda sullo
shagufta k. sultan
David susko
John sutcliffe
marilyn a. sutton
stuart J. sutton
susan sverdrup-Phillips
maryellen symons
norman l. synnott
yvette c. sztorc
arthur s. tai
Donald r. towsley
shelagh m. towson
lisa D. trabucco
raymond J. tracey
william & karen traynor
Judith trealout
richard i. J. tremain
alan & susan trenhaile
lisa m. tripp
curtis g. trothen
sandra trott
wendy e. truant
Janet i. tsai
irene s. tse
michael h. turk
george s. & marjorie turton
Debbie l. & James tyler
anne-marie tymec
brian & linda urquhart
caroline ursulak & Joncarlos tsilfidis
marilyn ursulak
lawrence e. Vadori
Jennifer l. Valente
Paul Valentine
nearly 100 donors to the university’s scholarship
funds accepted formal thanks from grateful
students and the institution as a whole at a
reception in their honour in June 2010 at the
medical education building. katie Putnam
(left), a third-year double major in mathematics
and music, expressed appreciation for the
scholarship support she has received.
Jeffrey l. schaafsma
gisela schartner
linda scheer
irene schen
mary c. schisler
francine & greg schlosser
reuben l. schnayer
christopher J. schnurr
Doris schroeder
Valerie schulz
randy scotland
e. a. margaret scott
kevin scott
murray scott
corrinne & rob scullion
cordell seaby
beverly & robert searcy
linda a. seewald
anthony J. segreto
kuldip D. sehgal
susan sellick
olga Z. semeniuk
mary senese
thomas l. seymour
farrel a. shadlyn
Phillip s. shaer
Piratheep shanmuganathan
leo raymond shapiro
John f. shaw
stuart & sandra shaw
Joseph sheehan
lillian a. shery
Jennifer l. shilson
David shum
mark g. shuren
michael m. a. shust
Peter-John sidebottom
Vito m. signorile
celia c. silva
murray D. silverberg
hermohinder s. sodhi
John a. solarski
eugene somerville
sanjay soni
Derrick c. soong
gino sovran
James sparrow
John m. speirs
charlie spence
richard c. spencer
claire o. splint
michael D. spohn
Peter t. m. haney & elizabeth
l. sproule
Deborah r. squires
Patricia st. Pierre
Vincent stabile
eve m. stacey
Daniel & Jacqueline stagner
oswald w. stahl
Dawn stallard
marilyn i. stawecki
ihor & anne stebelsky
michael D. & adele stebila
ian m. steel
James & margaret steel
brian steer & suzanne m.
michael b. steer
ron & millie steer
sandra e. & richard s.
Peter steeves
David k. steffen
colleen stein
Joseph m. steiner
harold s. stephen
gloria m. stephenson
helen c. & b. ernest stevens
alexandra J. stevenson
marijke taks
matt g. tales
edwin tam
Joel tamblyn
eric a. tamm
John tanasychuk
Daniel tang
sophia tanninen
David tanovich
mark & Pam tarbush
caroline taylor
gwen h. taylor
kevin s. taylor
kim taylor
blanche teahen
nicole D. tellier
christopher h. telschow
karl J. & lesly a. temesvari
robert e. temmerman
murray & anna temple
liana m. tesan
rita marion thachuk
suzanne f. thibeault
Donald r. thibert
norman e. thibert
Donovan & barbara thomas
stanley J. thomas
Zelda b. thomas
robert g. thompson
william b. thompson
Donald & Joanne thomson
charles & lois thurgood
christopher tindale
Deborah & settimo tocco
nicholas toltl
robert tomovski
Pong-choi D. tong
c. tortorice
ken towers
chris & natalie towne
regi Valentinuzzi
marcia Valiente
laura J. Van Dam
Joanne l. Van de wielekimura
christine & trent Van
thomas & susanne Van
ed Van Veen
Janice Vansickle
leonard Varrasso
John J. Veljanovski
elaine Venne-Dufault
Perry Verdecchia
Quinn r. Verhaegen
karen & marc Verhoeve
Dorothy J. Vermeulen
margaret & James Vickery
terry Vida
carey r. Vigneux
maria Vitale
steven Vlachodimos
ann Vlasschaert
robert J. Vodarek
carolyn & Vogt
rokus r. Voogt
steven Vorkapich
robert P. Voyvodic
kornel Vuia
evelyn m. walker
John g. walker
trevor walker
ronald m. wallace
leila wallenius
Duncan e. walton
robert J. walton
John r. warbick
lyle ward
scott wark
alden h. warner
rafid m. warsalee
ruth a. wass
James & constance watson
r. michael watt
michael V. watters
giselle k. watts
william & Jeanette
James m. wear
thomas r. weber
norman J. webster
william J. weese
gary f. wegener
barb weinberg
christian & sara weinberg
fern m. weinper
ivan m. weis
marc s. weisz
John h. wellington
gary m. & carmelina m.
James c. wesenberg
mike west
eugene whalen
susan e. whelan
theresa whelan
Duncan s. white
gloria m. white
Joseph c. white
Paul J. white
lee n. whitwell
garnet J. wigle
michael k. wilcox
Joanne wildgoose
mark J. wilk
mary J. wilk
ed & constance wilkinson
Jeffery t. wilkinson
mary c. wilkinson
Dennis e. will
stephen & cheryl willetts
Jane e. williams
sue m. williams
karen williamson
raymond f. willick
Janet m. willoughby
Donald b. wilson
James b. wilson
kenneth r. wilson
larry wilson
margaret & roger wilson
Peter wilson
sheri & robert wismer
Jan e. wojcik
David w. wolanski
elaine m. woloschuk
tony wong
roland wood
t. robert & Josephine
Paul l. wright
grace e. wyatt
shi Jing Xu
william k. yee
howard yeung
william c. yeung
Powfoo yong
grant P. youdelis
Douglas young
brian & susan yuskow
barbara a. Zakoor
beatrice Zalev
nader g. Zamani-kashani
Joanne Zamparo
nadia Zanini-forget & Jason
sonia Zanini-hamilton
lia Zannier
mike c. Zenteno
Zouchen Zhang
guogiang Zhou
barbara s. Zielinski
David Ziriada
bessie Zivanovich
thomas a. Znotins
kerri Zold
suzanne lepine Zonneveld
John J. & colleen m. Zubyck
lorne P. Zwaresh
view . fall 2010
$1 - $99
P. carlo & nancy abati
april J. abbott
frank & carmela abbruzzese
melissa l. abdellah
shaun abushar
maureen h. abu-Zahra &
hakam abu-Zahra
sarah f. ackert ferguson
John D. k. & Johanne acton
anthony & mary aczel
sherry lee c. adamo
sandra e. adie
ryan J. adlam
anna l. agasse
celina g. l. aguero
majid ahmadi
Vincenzo aiello
John D. ajersch
macit aktas
hani al sabawi
elfreide & John alb
natalie albani
Daniela a. alberelli
sari anne h. albert
barbara s. alderman
armand aldighieri
giorgio g. aldighieri
ann w. alexander
David w. alexander
george alexander
Jacob c. alexander
mary e. alexander
heather algudady
salman a. ali
beth m. allan
george b. allan & Dorothy allan
katherine & craig allan
travis D. allanson
candice allen
helen & hugh allen
James s. allen
larry w. allen
lillian allen
gregory allin
e. merilyn allison
ethel i. allison
marjorie J. allison
Dan almas
angel a. aloma
raymond b. altman
margaret alton
mary t. amato
Donald g. ames
bernard P. amlin
lorelei m. amlin
alan J. anderson
alfred J. anderson
sandra e. anderson
brenda r. andreatta
monica l. andreatta
carla andreola
catherine V. andrew
Devin k. andrews
kimberley mcbean
michael l. ansty
mark e. antaya
maria antinucci
karla i. arauz
helen arbour
Judith a. archer
r. scott archer
laurel a. archibald & andrew
stacey l. arenburg
timothy J. armaly
edouard f. armour
shirley i. armour
andrew armstrong
Janet m. arnold
wesley g. arthur
ashley artopoulo
baskaran arunasalam
John D. ascott
bruce f. ashton
Paula & Vince asschert
elaine astles
kerry J. atherton
constance l. atkinson
mary t. atkinson
Judith m. atwood
erika g. auer
angela s. au-yeung
elisa t. aversa
glynnice V. avery-cappellani
Diane e. awram
nadia azar
hanieh azimi
md. anwarul aziz
Dennis & c. elaine babcock
biljana babic
shelley D. babin
Dorothy a. baby
sandra m. bacchus
Joshua m. & Vicky bach
antonella bachetti
helen & Donald badder
richard badowski
eugene & sandra baggio
kenneth c. bahen
Dylan o. bailey
robert J. & helga bailey
mandy m. n. bailey
giselle m. baillargeon
scott a. g. bastien
Paul & monica Joanne bateman
michael & laura bates
John P. & mary-Jo battaglia
melanie t. battaglia
Dario battel & lisa m. cittonbattel
Victoria r. batters & Paul
J. oliver
rita battocchio
cassandra l. bauer
charlotte bautista
anne e. bawtenheimer
cheryl-ann baxter
gillian baxter
Joy m. baxter
wayne baxter
maryellen bayer
Judith m. beale
thomas & alison beale
catherine J. beattie-chittle
Judith & gregory beatty
Darlene s. beaudet
John c. beaudoin
barb beaulieu
andrea r. bergman
Dianne & berkeley-frenette
helen e. berklan
thomas m. bernard
alan b. bernick
bruno & kathy bertucci
mary alice beyer gammon &
richard gammon
michael & ann bezaire
larry & rose bezaire
noel bhumgara
Josef J. bialobrzeski
antonio bietola
John bietola
brian & Valerie bigelow
margaret m. biggs
carolyn a. bilbie
carolyn r. binder
karen m. bingham
timothy bingham-wallis
claire h. birch
Dawn birchard
David m. bird
michael e. biro
rita m. bison
Patricia l. borrowman
louis J. bortolin
amanda b. borysowytsch
shirley & bott
robert D. bouchard
michelle e. bourdeau
ronald & linda bourdeau
brenda l. bourque
ryan bourque
Donald g. boutette
amber a. bouw
Dawn bowsher
anne boyko
Dena bozetto
evano bozetto
lucy bradacs
Pearl a. bradd
chris bradt & andrea lukosbradt
Deirdre a. braganca
nikolaos braiannis
gary brancaleone
michael branton
David b. bravo
laurie J. bray
our $1-$99 group are by far the largest
segment of our donors and a very significant
part of our overall campaign. often, these are
new grads who are excited to contribute back
their alma mater once they are able. these
donors are proof that – no matter how much
you are able to give – your contribution is
important to the university of windsor. it is the
act of giving that has meaning and builds pride.
alastair w. baird
Diane e. baker
matthew w. baker
robert e. baker
william baker & shelly
amy & bakos
robert w. baksi
carroll a. baldwin
Jeri V. baldwin
t.lance balkwill
bokyung bang
ted & Pat banks
cecilia m. bannon
keith a. bannon
irvine & barat
simmerdeep baraya
Paul e. barbisan & alison
charles w. barclay
linda l. barei-lister
michael J. barichello
theresa m. barichello
Donna i. barisic
tracy l. barker
Vera barker
James & ruth barlow
marian & kevin barltrop
gerald barnes
f. gavin barnett
Pamela J. barnett
sharon baron
courtney w. barrett
alice s. barron & richard g.
matt barry
katie bartelds
Janis m. bartlett
Victoria l. J. bas
malik saad bashir
view . fall 2010
Danielle J. beauvais
linda J. bebout
mary c. bechtold
lawrence a. beck
mary l. becker
roger f. beckley
bryan & Joanne bedard
Donna c. bedard
robert a. bedard
wendy bedard
ann beer
natalie beer
raquel l. beesley
carol a. begg
edward a. beharry
manfred & carole behrens
Jason s. beitchman
alfred & adele beitler
marlene r. beitz
mary m. beland
carol ann belanger
gerald r. belanger
sally bell
shannon bell
brian h. bellaire
marcella (karaczyn) beneteau
richard m. beneteau
mark w. benner
Denise benning-reid
marianna beno
b. lynn benoit
Janet e. & william J. benson
matthew c. benson
Patricia a. benson
robert m. benson
karen benzinger
sylvie berardi
eric D. berdan
randolph & elizabeth berends
Donna m. bergamin
barbara g. bjarneson
Jennifer r. black
brenda J. blair
Dennis J. blonde
alan & margo blostein
fred w. blowes
carolyn e. bloxham
george bociurko
christopher J. bodegraven
michael boffa
barry & barbara boghean
John J. boglitch
sandra m. boglitch
sandra bohn
Paul boin
angela P. bondy
beverly a. bondy
Dale c. bondy
David e. bondy
Dawne m. bondy
gerald J. bondy
Jessica a. bondy
John h. bondy
Julie a. bondy
marlo m. bondy
mary b. bondy
simha bondy-teshuba
James & Dianne boniferro
thomas J. boniferro
karla b. bonilla-castro
rosina bonofiglio
Paul a. bonsignore
henry l. boon
Joshua a. booth
Jaimie m. bordman
nancy l. bork
bryan J. bornais
Judy a. bornais
Pauline & Paul bornais
belinda clara borrelli
Peter f. breault
Jo-anne brecka
michael l. bredeson
ryan a. brelich
stephen J. brennan &
kathryn J. brennan
samuel & Joan brescia
gregory J. bridgeman
william J. bridgeman &
annette bridgeman
anna maria & frank brieda
carol J. briglio
cameron a. britt
tracey l. britton
michael brkljacich
James a. brock
Patrick & maureen brode
thomas e. broderick
mary r. bromley
Deborah J. brooks
Dale h. brown
David s. brown
Jay m. brown
Jennifer n. brown
Jenny l. brown
Judy a. & John brown
kimberly e. brown
m. catherine brown
marianne brown
marianne e. brown
michael r. brown
randle w. brown
scot a. brown
Paul brownlie
elaine bruce
James J. brunet
tim & ann marie brunet
frank J. brunetti & margaret
tom & brenda brunt
margaret a. bryant & wayne
lisa-marie buccella
lucy buccella
howard f. buchan cPa
David buchner
mary l. buckridan
bernard l. buhlman
Dorothy bulat
lisa m. bullock
Jill l. bundun
linda g. bunn
lubica bunoza
sharon a. bural
Jeffrey b. burdon
sean r. g. burgess
arthur burggraaf
catherine J. burgoyne
Patricia J. burke
christopher e. burkett
marie c. burns
wanda D. burse
michelle m. bussiere
wendy e. butt
Jane s. buttery
christopher l. byers
Doreen J. byrde
christa l. byrne
haiyan cai
Vanessa a. cain
charmaine J. caldwell
olga & alexander calich
naomi e. calla
bernard J. callaghan
christina m. campagna
John campagna
claudio & campagner
teresa campanaro
David campbell
tracey l. campbell
Paul l. campeau
barbara J. canniff
lorraine cantin
steven g. canto
rosalie & Joe capaldi
Valeri cappussi
tony capuano
Jennifer l. cardella
Jane m. carere
James f. caron
Jean r. caron
catia carreira
cristovao carreira
Patricia J. carroll
laurie carty
giuseppe a. & mary-lou caruso
michael s. casasola
anne m. cascadden
brent case
rosemary cattai
r. Julian cattaneo
corbin f. cawkell
lynn & guy cayen
Joy cecile
Peter J. cerra
brian m. cerutti
angela a. cervi-hanes
enrique chacon
ali a. chahbar
David r. chalcraft Jr.
gary l. & mary champ
chin lei chan
frederick c. chan
hon c. chan
margaret fellows chan
richard chan & sheryl inns
ivor a. chandler sr.
robert g. chandler
maryanna P. l. chang
Jennifer l. chapman
annette J. m. charlebois
grace chau
tom D. chau
melissa J. chausse
ernest J. chauvin
thomas e. check
khaled chekiri
youcef chekiri
David w. chen
Jessica X. chen
stephen D. cheong
christopher & lisa chevalier
randy r. chevalier
Dorinda l. chiang
Patrick J. chiarelli
David J. chiesa
spyros chionos
sanjay P. chitte
nancy e. chittim
Joan chivot
karen P. chomniak
elizabeth m. christie
glenn f. church
royal r. church
Joe s. ciaravino
stephanie J. cichon
guy cipriani
Janet D. claridge
brenda s. clark
Diane h. clark
steven w. clark
Don clarke
gayle s. clarke
J. l. clarke
lisa m. clarke
walter J. clemens & marina
anne clendinning
sharon & robert clifford
stephanie coccimiglio
theresa coccimiglio
ian coffin
Paul & colleen cogghe
Donald g. coghill
Jerome s. cohen
miriam cohen
michael J. colautti
David r. cole & sharon cole
mary margaret cole
luisa l. colella
charles collins
sandie a. collins
Vivienne r. collinson
ned colovic
Val r. colusso
gerilynne l. colwell
karla e. comartin
angela l. comella
rosemari comisso
Judith e. cond
David J. conforti
margaret a. connelly
Doug & sue connolly
P. w. conway
John m. cooke
lloyd a. cooke
constance m. cooper
edwin a. cope
m. caroline & John corbett
martha m. corcoran
helen cornett
Derek P. coronado
lise s. corsini
kenneth P. cossoy
John & sylvia costella
Daniel J. costigan
brian D. cote
nicole m. cote
David a. cotter
robert a. coulas
sherrilyn l. coulter
connie D. courtney
Jennifer l. cowan
Donna g. cowie
charlene c. cox
raymond a. cox
brenda l. coxon
amanda coyle
Jim & chelly coyle
Joe V. craddock
barry g. craig
Dale & Janet craig
mary craig
rochelle c. craig
w. cramp
Jacqueline crandall
John r. craven & Debbie
linda J. crawley
Valerie e. creech
Janice e. creighton
christine a. crouch
carey & lisa crowder
Dan & leona crowder
tini & Zora crowder
george & Donna crowell
Pamela k. crowley & michael
P. grant crozier
Vera s. cruise
eleonora m. csepregi
agnes k. cudmore
gina cuglietta
gligor cukarski
Joanne marie culley
Dubravko culumovic
mary cummings
lisa cunningham
marie J. curran
Darryl & yvonne currie
katherine J. curry
amy m. curtis
nancy a. curtis
elsa a. cusinato
Peter cusumano
sharon & Joseph czikk
teresa Da costa
laura Da fre
andre Dafesh
salvatore Dagostino
stella r. Dale
John D’alessandro
carlinda D’alimonte
barry w. Dalley
mary t. Dalton
gabriel D’amore
catherine & andre
claudio D’andrea
John l. Danesi
elise b. Daragon & robert g.
nello Dario
sherry l. Dasilva
rahma h. Daud
sheila Daudlin
carole a. Davidson
kristy Davidson
linda m. Davies
Dorothy m. & ken Davis
sandra Davis
carol Davison
anne Dawson
Janice l. Dawson
mark a. De cesare
constantinus f. de Deckere &
mary-ellen de Deckere
Douglas J. De gelder
Joanne g. m. De gurse
sarah De laurier
anna & fabio De menech
frederick De Vriendt
Joshua J. Death
thomas & melissa Debevc
arlene & gord Deeming
mary Degoey
gail b Degroot
christopher Deir
Peter m. deJong
franco f. Del Papa
marisa Del rizzo
Joseph a. & marian DelDuca
enrico r. Delpercio
anita Deluca-carlini
gilbert f. Demaeyer
Joe & nancy Demarco
kerry l. Demeda
corry Demeris
susan m. Demers
alice m. Demore
shawn a. Den hartogh
edward Denduk
howard a. & Judith Dennison
Dorothy c. Denomme
elizabeth Denomme
so-mee Denommee
Pauline a. Denouden
gary & linda Denys
mary l. Derbecker
katie l. Derbowka
anita c. Derkatz
anthony Derro
Paul t. Dertinger
alan & anne Deshield
katie l. Desjardins
Jeanne & Deslippe
claire m. Desrosiers
Patricia a. Devin-Doan
michael r. P. Devoy
Diana m. Dewar
sharon m. Dewit
aalisha Dhalla
irene m. Di Domenico
irma Di loreto
Paola m. Di menna-aiello &
Joseph aiello
Patricia a. Di Veto-ackland
antonio Dibacco
John Dibiase
lavinia J. Dickenson
cameron f. Dickie
leslie g. Dickirson
maria r. Dicocco
Jennifer D. Dietrich suzor
louis a. Diflorio
Diana Digirolamo
sheila Dinnendahl
sophia DiPaolo
kae ann DiPietro
roger f. Dittburner
Donald V. Diubaldo
tom D. Dixon
adrian Dobos
mira Dobric
lois Dobson
antonio & bernarda Doctor
sue-ann m. Doher-squazzin
marian Doll
althea Donaldson
maureen Donohue
Josh Dorion
John n. Dorner
Patricia a. Dos santos
Victor dos santos
tanya Dottor
Jonathan J. Douglas
melanie l. Douglas
miss melanie r. Douglas
Diantha & leslie Dowdell
mary anne Dowell
mary Jo a. Dowie
Julia m. Downes
Pierre c. Doyon
ed Dragan
Vince Dragovic
anne-marie Drapeau
Jeffrey P. Drexler
mr. & mrs. Drobitch
bernadette r. Drogosz
barbara Drouillard
Jerome J. & rebecca Drouillard
samuel Drouillard
howard s. Drukarsh
sheila m. Drummond &
Donald P. flaming
richard J. Du Perron
anne Dube
renee l. Dube
gregory J. Ducharme
Drew J. Dudgeon
ed h. Duklas
kenneth w. Dunbar
Patrick J. Dunn
greg Dunning
Daniel D. Dupuis
leon & rhonda Dupuis
Jennifer l. & bruce Durfy
gino D. Duri
claire m. Durocher
stephanie Durocher
David Duronio
Debashis Dutta
Philip Dutton & lisa sylvestre
rita Dwornik
ronald a. Dywelska
frances D. eagleson
lawrence g. eansor
simone ebbinghaus
sue eberlie
adam eckert
Joyce D. edmonds
afsaneh edrisy
katherine m. edwards
elizabeth m. edwardson
michael J. egan
steven P. ehrlick
leroy k. eid
mary r. eidukas
alexander J. eisenberg
laurie eisenberg
David e. ekblad & lisa J. ekblad
karen elash
stephanie l. elder
audrey i. elford
ramy eljawhary
James w. & shirley e. elliot
bonita & robert elliott
laureen g. elliott
Phyllis P. elliott
ryan w. elliott
Vanessa elliott
David & barbara ellis
Derek m. ellis
rida el-wazni
winson elzinga
John f. emery
laura emmett
mr. & mrs. george f. england
susan m. enns
colleen & John enright
sergei eskin
nancy c. esposito
mervin c. & marilyn essery
Jamey essex
charles a. estridge
noreen c. etto
sheila V. evans
susan e. evans
catherine evanyk
sandra evers
mary e. ewer
Janice & anthony facecchia
amanda facey
mark & fedela falkner
adam e. fallenbuchl
angelo fallone
wei b. fann
Patricia fantin
Paul a. farah
Peter r. farah
nelly fargeon
anthony J. faria
lydia J. farina
David g. farwell
mark fathers
mary ann l. fathers
Paul g. faucher
John & margaret faust
frank favot
Jonathan k. favre
kelly g. fawcett
Diana febbraro
karin k. fedak
malcolm m. feeley
lynn J. fehr
nancy c. fejes
irene fejes smith
george a.and laurette m.
adelaine h. fenech
mary lou fenos
gary J. fera
Diana feregotto
ethel ferguson
fran ferguson
elvio e. ferranti
emidio ferrelli
John f. & carolyn fetter
clare s. fiaschetti
alexandra & figaro
anne marie V. filbey
Douglas a. fillion
kenneth h. filson
allison h. findlay orihuela
lyle finlay
michael f. finn
nicholas & kathleen finney
missy & fiorino
Dale w. fischer
ralph m. fish
george w. fisher
william fisher & Deanna m.
susan l. fishwild
aaron t. fisk
christine s. fitchett
amy J. fitzgerald
larry fitzhenry
Joan fitzpatrick
melody l. fitzpatrick
Diane l. fizzell
Donald flaming & sheila
henry D. flaming
lidija flanjak
Judith a. fleet
robert w. flewelling
nancy J. flickinger
marc a. flisfeder
ryan flynn
David fogel
John n. foglia
Joseph s. foglia
heather s. fogo
laura fogolin
carol a. folkeringa
hoyin raymond fong
wilson fong
John c. fooks
colleen ford
greg & laurie ford
James ford
rosanne t. ford
sandra ford
Donald b. forsey
florence h. fortune
Jonathan b. foster
Janet J. fostey
Jason a. foulds
Judith a. fowler
ron l. fox
John frabotta
mark s. fracas
kirsten francescone
robin francis
alan J. frank
Jennifer m. franklin-mcinnis
edith f. frankum
John D. fraser
karen m. fraser
Paul a. fratesi
beatrice freeman
Douglas D. freeman
kathy m. freeman & frank
Patrick s. freeman
scott t. frew
Jennifer friedl
Jacqueline l. friest
maureen & John friest
susan e. friest & larry
andrea m. frossard
celia a. fuerth
Daphne & Douglas fuerth
mitzi m. fujs
murray D. fulmer
mark w. fulton
ming h. fung
nikola fviec
maria l. gabriele
sandra gabriele
sandra gage
gary & heidi gagnier
Judy gagnon
cynthia l. gall
Peter gallo
edward gamrot
eric w. gangbar
shan gao
gregory D. garant
kelly a. garbe
linda garbutt
Penny a. garcia
David m. gardner
andrew garlatti
hartley a. garshowitz
Joan m. & John garside
Doris a. gaspar
wendy D. gatis Volpe
stephanie gaudet
claude & Debbie gauthier
laura m. gavin
Patricia gehl
teri-lynn l. gelinas
lily gen
glenn h. & angela genik
mary s. george
stacy g. george
frances a. georgeff
rita georgeff
lucy gerardi
catherine m. gernaey
Patricia gertsakis
gregory J. gertz
gilbert gervais
Pierre l. gervais
Paige l. giardina
albert r. giardini
adrianne c. gibbons
Joanne gibbs
cynthia m. gibney
ashley gibson
Patricia m. giesler
David w. gifford
christine gignac
cynthia c. gignac
Danielle & gignac
nancy J. gignac
nicole m. gill
olga & gill
Janet gillespie
Peter o. gilmore
Patrick e. gilson
anna m. girard
elaine m. girard
Dennis e. girardin
richard h. giroux
berna glenn
Darlene f. gobbo
renee l. godin
nitish goel
Jeannine golanch
marlene s. gold
Pamela J. gold
sally goldhar
esther goldstein
kenneth D. & miriam goldstein
Patricia m. goll-tesolin
christine a. goodchild
t. earl goodeve
lorretta l. goos
carol l. gordon
Patricia & Jeff gordon
elizabeth gowanlock
Jonathan D. gowing
alexis V. a. graefin von
linda l. grant
robin gras
robert g. gratto
barbara gray
Diane gray
John m. gray
leon a. gray
leroy l. gray
Penelope J. gray
Jason & renee grech
aldo greco
angela a. green
brian J. green & marlene t.
Joann r. green
mary e. green
thomas w. green
Douglas g. greenfield
melissa a. greenham
capt. John greenway
cathy greenwell
angeline l. grenier
steven r. grenier
John r. greven
Darren & Dorian grey
krista m. groen
claire m. grondin
lorraine grondin
m. shirley grondin
h. gail grosjean
ada gualtieri
urmi guhathakurta
view . fall 2010
erdal gunay
kendra s. gunn
gurpal s. guram
edward & Jean gut
hillery guttman
frederick o. gutz
maxine e. guyitt
angeline gyetvai
sylvia a. haak
waseem habash
wilda m. haddock & george
frederick f. hafner
andrew & catharine haggert
fariborz haghighatjou
stephanie burlein-hall &
eric hall
mildred b. hall
terrance h. hall
elizabeth a. & robert halliday
linda P. hallinan
louis J. hamel
michelle D. hamelin
beverley hamilton
Patricia m. hamilton
gerald l. handsor
kim l. handysides
anwar a. haque
michael harber
Jeanne harding
marylou a. harding
mary l. hargreaves
frances J. & ralph harper
James w. harrington
ernest & c.catherine harris
eva m. harris
ken harris & karen watersharris
sylvia harris
brian k. harrison
grant D. harrison
k. David harrison
chris t. harvey
marilyn a. harvey
ida hary
seyed mohammad hashemi
michael hastings-trew
David hateley
christine a. hatt-Pyne
gordon w. hau
allison D. hawkins
marie a. hawkins
lisa e. hay
caroline g. hayes
David m. hayes
trevor a. hayes
richard J. haynes
corey J. hayter
James J. hayward
maria V. hayward
lisa headley
Peter J. healy
David l. hearn
Janice l. hearn
mary r. heath
linda & mark heavens
Paul D. hebert
ronald g. hebert
camilla J. heckadon
Violet r. hecnar
edward & Joyce hedges
kevin hedges
margaret V. heinz
ruth a. henault
m. lynne hendershot
alex henderson
ronald D. henderson
mary catherine hendrican
brion t. hendry
kelly a. henriques
Judy lynn henry
lisa l. henry
Patrice t. henry
anna henshaw
nick herberholz
Donna l. hered
sherri l. a. hered
tracey l. heslop
ronald & Vicky hetzel
Jeffery s. hewitt
mary e. hickling
John & linda higgins
Jennifer a. hill
nancy l. hill
Donna J. hiller
constance c. hillgartner
nicole e. hind
h. richard & nancy hird
eugene t. hirt
benjamin J. hiscock
Vivian ho
nancy J. hoberg
brenda l. hobson
Jennifer l. hobson
orval w. hodgkin
brian & hodgson
Jean hodolich
lorraine g. hoffman
mary l. hoffmann burton
David w. hofford
robert Veteri & kathleen
angela hogan
mary kay k. hogan
irene h. & larry s. hurajt
David hurren
laurie a. hurst
thomas & Peggy hurst
christopher J. hutchison
Janice l. hutchison
heather & Dareen hutton
scott m. hyland
clementina iampietro
bret ifill
suzan ilcan
ryan g. iler
catherine m. iles-Peck
sheema inayatulla
edward a. inkmann
sau m. ip
steve ivanisko
maryann ivanschitz
annette ivosevich
kalid Jaboo
David t. Jack
william & nancy Jacko
John k. Jackson
Qadira c. Jackson
robert D. Jackson
Jennifer, george & Jonathan
John f. Jolie
frances P. Jones
Peter V. Jones
Perry Jongsma
angela m. Juba
gloria & Jung
rebecca a. kacaba
wasim kadri
michael D. kainz
tanya l. kainz
Dzana kalajdzic
Jasminka kalajdzic
Dorothy i. kamp
Patricia k. kangas
francis P. kapasi
robert & laura kapetanov
ali karaki
louise & mark karch
katherine karoulis-newman
ian P. katchin
kevin c. kavanaugh
laurent kayumba & marieclaudine mukarugwiza
lisa kiritsis
kelly kirkland
eric r. kirshenblatt
Diane l. kitowski
morrie kleinplatz
claudette marie klimes
chris knack
Donna J. knight
ian l. & nicole knowles
sara knowles
michael e. knowlton
terrence J. knuckle
sandy kobarda
angela m. kochan
adrian kokthi
sandra l. konyu
mary clare koopman
Paula m. koppert
katherine korenich
myron korpan
arie l. korteweg
John r. kosanovic
John kosnik
reena kotecha
stacy koumarelas
scholarship recipient
samantha molinaro (centre)
speaks with bud leonard
and Don brown (ba 1969),
organizers of an annual
fundraising basketball
tournament, at a reception
for donors to the university’s
scholarship endowments.
theresa e. hogan
Joy a. & bill hogarth
mary l. hogg
kenneth P. holk
susan holloway
carol (eshoo) holm
casey J. homick
gary r. hong & nicole huynh
seungwoo hong
roger l. honsberger
Joan e. hope
Pamela a. hornby
bill horne
a. Dale & Paula horniachek
stefan horodeckyj
shannon m. hoskins
allan J. hotchkiss
Donald w. hotchkiss
timothy w. houck
carol a. hough
michael & stephanie houlahan
lori e. house
kelly J. houston
k. shelley hoye
marisa hrvatin
robert a. hrvatin
youfong hsieh
Xuemin huang
bunny hubbard
louise hudak
shane w. hudson & mary-ann
tracy s. huff
theresa a. hughes
John w. humphries
elizabeth J. huneault
kristina huneault
Julie c. hunt gibbons
martin hunt
thomas s. hunt
mark s. hunter
view . fall 2010
Joanne l. Jacobs
yvonne m. Jacobs
mary f. Jaffray
Jo-ann f. Jamail
Deborah J. James
lauren h. James
r. c. James & frances James
tory l. James
william g. James
holly e. Jamieson
albert & stephanie Janisse
cathie Janisse
rasma Jankovskis
lena Janosik
P. edward e. Janzen
robert P. Jaques
yasmeen Jasey
gary l. Jean
frank Jeney
margaret i. Jennings
chunjiao Ji
guoli Jian
tasneem a. Jivanji
elizabeth a. Johns
allan Johnson
Deana s. Johnson
Douglas s. Johnson
eric w. i. Johnson
Jen a. Johnson
Jody e. Johnson
margaret k. Johnson & ralph
h. Johnson
anthony J. Johnston
Jamie Johnston
kimberley a. Johnston
leah m. Johnston
s. beth Johnston
spencer r. Johnston
terence Johnston & Jacqueline
timothy c. Johnston
elayne kazlauskas
John P. keating
carolyn m. keegan
william D. s. keele
wanda keeling-walter
Patricia a. keenan
ruth keenan
robert D. kefgen
lisa s. keith
sonny kekelj
norbert & anna marie keller
carol m. & kenneth kelly
Patricia n. kelly
graham a. kemp
richard b. kendrick
ernest kenette
Darlene a. kennedy
michelle kennedy
r. lloyd kennedy
ronald P. kennedy & nina r.
marjorie m. kennette
ryan & Jennifer kenney
John D. kent
Pamela keppie
nick & marilyn keren
gordon e. kerluke
kristine kern fox
gertrude w. kerr
Josette m. kett
layla n. khasrou
sotheary khiev
allan w. kidd
Joseph l. kieczor
Diane e. kierstead
mercedes a. kieswetter
Jaimie l. killingbeck
Donna c. kimball
richard e. king & margaret
heather a. & ronald kingham
sasha kovacevic
lucy kovacevich
kathryn m. kozell
John i. kozolanka & heather
i. kozolanka
Peter a. krayacich
lidwina m. krieger
ann V. kristo
Justin D. kritikos
mikael D. kriz
bernhard J. & lucy a. kroeker
Judy a. krol
Peter & barb kuker
ramanie h. kumara
teliang & beth kung
andrew kuntz
anthony J. kurecka
martina kusi-mensah
shirley & arthur kussner
nana kwarteng
michael D. kyryliuk
nickolas J. kyser & mary
cathy & tony la tona
angela a. la Viola
Diane labonte
David l. labute & gina m.
gerard J. labute
trudy m. ladanchuk
Paul l. ladouceur
maria laface
michel laferriere
Dorey lafreniere
michael & ann lafreniere
John J. lagaipa
ka-cheong g. lai
Diane a. lajoie
sridatt lakhan
bon & cynthia lam
mason c. h. lam
marnie & lamb
lynn lambert
sean c. lambert
angela y. lambing
nancy a. lamont
gary l. & antoinette lamphier
lei lan
kenneth l. P. lancaster &
monica lancaster
catherine i. landeryou
robert f. landgraff
Joseph & heather landon
carolyn J. langan
christine a. langlois
Joseph g. langlois
graeme k. langmaid
lenore k. langs & richard
m. langs
anna lanoszka
chris & enza lanoue
richard w. lanspeary &
Patricia lanspeary
Jinneane l. lapczuk
James e. laramie
wendy l. a. laramie
allison lariviere
Judy a. lariviere
ingrid t. larking
andrew J. larmand
David J. c. larose
heidi J. lasi
kathleen n. lasoski
Donald lassaline
mary-evelyn lather
edward c. lau
Pui yan b. lau
thomas a. laube
tina lausch
rob lauzon
carl laverriere
Doreen lazar
brian lazarus
annie lazurek
franco lazzarin
randy s. le clair
John c. lea
aristoteli lebedev
elaine m. leblanc
lynda & leckie
rob leclerc
susanne c. leddy
edna & James lee
Julia lee
marta lee
Peter & michelle lee
roy r. lee
sharon h. lee
lilian e. lee-shanok
Daniel g. lefaive
Jerome P. & Judy lafaive
raymond & rita legault
casey l. w. leger
benoit legouffe Jr.
laura J. lehmann
richard r. lehoux
kimberley m. leitch
marc lemieux
brian w. lemire
frank lemire
nada leonard
lynn m. leroux
Janice c. lesperance
claire-marie levesque
marc levesque & micheline
gerald J. & barbara levine
batya m. levy
Jo-anne m. lewicki
harvey m. lewin
grace l. lewis
Jamie lewis
michael w. lewis
andrea m. lewis-longmuir
annie li
nick li wan Po
evangelos liasi
lynda a. lieberman
andrea r. lim
sylvia m. lindquist
lois a. lindsay
John r. linn
James w. linton
corona & lawrence liscio
michelle lisinski
helle little
David t. y. liu
maureen e. livingston
kim catherine livingstone
scott J. livingstone
Deborah livneh
Dennis locke
Patricia a. loebach
Jewell D. lofsky
Joanne & bill lombardo
Janette l. long
Donna m. longmoore
gary k. & marilynne lonnee
richard & carol loreto
lisa m. lortie
aurelia loschiavo
lisa lostracco
Denny b. loucao
Debra g. loughlin
alexandra loukas
mary & Joseph louric
mary-Jo love
sharon & christopher lozinski
keith g. lozon
carole a. lucier
richard m. lumley
Dianne l. lussier
susan l. lutfallah
Diane luu
cathy a. lynd
nancy lynk
Jane k. lyons
Joan h. lyons
Janna maaten
leslie J. macadams
Peter J. macaulay & bav
allen & sheila maccara
John maccarone
melanie macchione
a. hughene macDonald
catherine m. macDonald
elizabeth m. macDonald
Patricia macDonald
Philip a. macdonald
Vincent a. macDonald &
Victoria n. hlady-macDonald
ray f. macDonell
cyndra macDowall
gordon a. macgibbon
ian macgregor
mairi e. macgregor
Zygmunt J. machelak
lee f. macisaac
alison mackenzie
ryan t. mackenzie
sandra mackenzie
Drew l. macklin
beverley a. maclean-lindsay
tracy a. macleod
Jeremy b. macmillan
maria t. macneil
leslie macPherson
brijesh k. madaan
geralyn a. mady
bharat maheshawari
gregory J. & Dorothy a.
kerry anne mahoney
mary f. mahovilich
David J. mahr
David t. mailloux
Jeanine l. mailloux
martin D. mailloux
sharron & mailloux
francesca m. maio
george mak
Victoria makel
edward J. maksimowski
michael malkoun
bertrand r. malo
steven malone
sanchita mal-sarkar
karen l. mammonas
Dino mancini
harry g. l. mancini
alex J. mangiola
karen e. mangotich
grace m. manias
tamara & Dave manicom
James manser
nazreen-Jahan mansur
Donald & gianna manzerolle
John & sandra manzig
John P. marchand
mary a. marchand
wayne t. marchand
Pierre & ellen marchildon
Donald beaudoin & ann
margaret a. marcotte
Paul J. marcotte
Donna & raymond marentette
frederick marentette
Jean-Paul w. marentette
keith a. marentette
leo b. marentette
monique J. marentette
Paul s. marentette
raymond V. marentette
Viola marentette
amir mazinani
carolynn l. & o. m. mazuryk
anthony mazza
David mazza
rodrigo a. mazza
lucia mazzocca
terry m. mcalinden
claire & James mcallister
kirby k. mcardle
Dan f. mcarthur
Peter mcbean
emily m. mcbride
sheila a. mccabe
David a. & linda mccallum
edward & Janet mccarron
marilyn D. mccarthy
molly a. mccarthy
sandra m. mccarthy &
thomas mccarthy
ryan c. mccauley-brown
Daniel & suzanne mcclean
ron mccloskey
brian D. mccoll
Patricia a. mccoll
stephen J. mccombe
charles w. mclean
robert i. mclean
mary-anne mclellan
Donald w. mcleod
lynn mcleod
neil e. mcleod
charlene mcmahon
Dawn l. mcmahon
Deborah a. mcmahon
george & Dorothy mcmahon
marie mcmahon
rita c. mcmahon
stephanie a. mcmath
kathy mcmillan
nicole mcmillan
edward a. mcnabb
terry w. mcnally
margaret s. mcnamara
brian g. mcnichol
lynda m. mcQueen
malcolm D. mctaggart
Pat mctaggart
Jacqueline mcVittie
gino P. medina
lori & Paul medved
stacey V. h. mitchell-huxtable
ilana l. mizel
edward mock
kay moderwell
barbara D. modesto
Juliet s. mohammed
rosemarie moher
serge mokri & sandra mokri
robyn k. molyneau
clifton & Diane molyneaux
catherine a. mombourquette
mehdi monfared
Jean c. mongenais
kevin P. mongeon
maureen a. monk
anthony monteith
Jean monteith
cherilyn m. montminy
kenneth c. moon
sandra g. moore
terry moore
maurina u. morabito
Pasquale morabito
Pauline m. morais
Denis & catherine morand
“the industrial engineering program at the university of windsor is as good as
any program in the world. in my work, i see connect with a lot of engineering
programs in north america and overseas, and there is none better than the
one where i studied. i like to give a little back to my program each year, it adds
up over the years.”
frank Liburdi, BASc Industrial ‘82
Jerome e. marion
anthony r. mariotti
marija a. maritti
nancy m. market
stan J. markiewicz
keith D. marlowe
kathleen marsich-fioret &
Patrick s. fioret
Deborah a. martel
charlyne a. martin
erin r. martin
helen e. martin
maxine g. martin
Vicky l. martin
Jose martinez Quijada
francesca s. martino
carol-lee martinos
frances martino-soulliere
wayne n. martinuik
mary martyniuk
Jane a. marum
anthony & kristina mascaro
kevin a. masse
Paul b. masse
wayne J. masse
Denise m. masse-tetreault
remo a. mastrodicasa
Dolores mastromattei
m. mataija
nawal mathkoor
karen m. matsui
adel g. mattar
leslie & garrison matte
mark P. matteis
anne c. matthewman
andrew w. matthews
ian matthews
Denise l. matzold
steven m. maudsley
Janet n. max
frederick maxim
steve maxim
John r. mayhue
kevin a. maynard
brian & Joyce mayo
ian P. mayo
Janet m. mcconnell
h. kenneth mccorkle
Jill mccormack
linda r. mccormick
Julia mccrea
Joanne mccreery
charles e. mcDonald
edward & anne mcDonald
James & Deborah mcDonald
linda D. mcDonald
roderick & laurie mcDowell
neil & toni mceachrane
Janice c. mcfadden
linda J. mcfadden
tammy l. mcfadden
Jennifer D. mcfarling
Diane mcgary & Paul mcgary
James f. mcgee
christina m. mcgill
frank a. mcgilvery
James mcginlay
John e. mcginlay
Jeanette mcgrath
barbara a. mcgregor
Denise m. mcguire
lisa m. a. mcguire
marie t. mcguire
elizabeth m. mchugh
terrance e. mchugh
Jennifer k. mcintee
kathleen e. mcintosh-authier
Paul mcintyre
Johanna l. mckay
andrew & christine mckelvie
erica l. mckenzie
kieran mckenzie
Danielle m. mckibbon
connie a. mclaren & william
brenda e. mclaughlin
Jean e. mclaughlin
John J. mclaughlin
mary g. mclaughlin
beverly g. mclean & David
bonnie h. mclean
kathy f. melanson
Paola f. melconian
thomas e. meloche
tina meloche
tracy m. menard
gerry V. mendicino
hui meng
Donna menna
theodore c. mercado
carol l. merrett
mary a. merrett
Philip & betty mersch
Paul t. metzger
sabina mexis
brian a. meyer
Jeffery e. meyer
matthew robert michalik
andrew michalski
lloyd michaud
tayna michel
laurie a. m. michetti
Joyce e. middleton
mike Vincenza
Jerry J. mihoren
nicholas J. milanetti
cathy milec
cynthia l. miles
helga miletic
June & ana miletic
ursula i. miletic
a. therese miller
connie miller & Joseph charron
Doris & frank miller
henry g. miller
mary miller
Peter l. miller
sheryl a. miller & James miller
stephanie miller
amanda & milliquet
ada mio
maria a. miranda
charmaine m. miron
alane mischke
frederick w. mitchell
maria J. mitchell
Vivian l. mitchell
rita morbia
blake h. morden & Deborah
a. morden
kathleen V. moreland-layte &
brian layte
Janice m. moreside
maria i. g. morgado
lynda & Jim morgan
natalie a. morgan
robert n. morris
David & marla morrison
Judy morrison
karen (glenn) morrison
christine e. morton-elliott
Douglas & Jeannine mosey
louise e. mouradian
elzbieta mruczek
ann mueller
rolf w. mueller
nancy y. f. mui
James t. muldoon
marlene e. muldoon
bernard J. mulhern
bryan & marianne mulhern
bernadette m. mullen
beverly a. mullins
brenda mullins
Philip P. mullins
angus m. mumby
r. David & susan munford
John & lisa munger
kimberly & munro
melinda munro
robert a. munro sr.
maria a. muoio
Johnny m. murer
ian murphy
rosa m. murphy
walter J. murphy & Violet
barbara murray
stephen P. murray
susan l. murray
megan a. muscat
assuntina muscedere
Judy a. musgrove
edward J. & christine
mark g. mutterback
fernand f. myers
gino m. naccarato
Patricia a. nadasdi
tulsi naik
Vera najdovska
irene m. namespetra
timothy a. namespetra
Jill nardone
mena r. nargi
laura & natalizio
bichitra n. nayak
Damien c. neal
irene V. neal
robert w. nebel & carol nebel
Phyllis f. neilson
robert nelson
bohdan & Debra nemec
Jennifer k. nesbitt
John r. nettleton
howard s. neubauer
elsie l. neufeld
edith m. neufeldt
barbara e. newton
george t. ng
tah m. ngo & clara ngo
may nhan
heather a. niblock
susan l. nicholas
lori J. nicholls-car
Donald h. nicholson
laura k. nicholson
elizabeth nicodemo
Virginia nicol
Domenic n. nicoletta
karen l. nicoletti
steven b. nixon
Joe & noble
lisa m. noble
Jeff noonan
michael c. noonan
stace noppen
Philip b. norton
sabrina notarangelo
anne novak
Jeannine m. nunes
stephen J. nuspl
Joseph k. nwankpa
andrew t. s. o’brien
grace o’brien
Paula J. o’brien
sylvia o’brien
James o’connor
leo J. o’connor
Diane l. o’Dell
hisashi ogata
maureen & gerald oglan
margaret a. o’gorman & neil
Damian & ruth o’gorman
Vartan & ohanessian
m. susan o’hara
michael & kathleen o’kane
sam a. okkema
emily J. oldenburg
gay m. a. olesevich
lynn oliphant
christina m. oliveira-Picado
Jim oliver
tracey e. oliver
rosemarie h. olivero
marcella a. olivotto
katerina oller
shannon olson
carol a. o’mara
michael s. o’meara
kathryn o’neail Davies &
edward Davies
mary a. o’neail
barbara m. o’neil
Dennis m. o’neil
James m. o’neil
margaret a. o’neil
brian J. o’neill
James V. o’neill
andrea m. o’neil-lowe
nzenalu o. onuoha
olivia k. oppong
view . fall 2010
edward g. orendorff
michael r. orenstein
gordon t. orr
louise V. orr
David J. orshinsky
michael orsini
yvonne ortel
rebecca J. orton
lynda orton-hill
cynthia e. osborne
robert w. osborne & Debbie
chantel oshowy-carvallo
rita ossington
Janet & ken ouellette
Jane l. oulton
shona e. outridge
Jean m. overholt
kristyn owers
louis l. ozbolt
gerri & Vincenzo Pacecca
maria t. Palaikis
nicole Palameta
elio & edda Palazzi
laura k. Palazzolo
rainier n. Palma
christopher e. Palmer
mitch Palmer
rosamund Palmer
steven J. Palubiski
Pareshkumar Pandya
elaine a. Panikkar
Joanne Pannunzio
gina g. & Jeff Panopoulos
Donna J. Pantin
millie Panton
george Papas
carmela P. Papp
emilienne Paquette
angela m. Paradis
george Pardalis
Donald & marylou Pardo
steven r. Pardy
catherine Pare
andrea Parent & Peter yiannou
leslie c. Parent
Joseph & cynthia m. Paribello
Jenny a. Paris
gino P. Parisotto
grant J. Park
Joan m. Park
seongmin Park
Janice e. Parker
sally D. Parkinson
salvatore Parlatore
shauna J. Parr & brian J.
barbara m. Parrott
laurel c. Parson
Dan Pasic
Diane Pastorius
Dushyant P. Patel
John Paterson
kristen s. Paterson
lora f. Pattemore
J. kathryn Patterson
rick k. Patterson
stefan w. Patterson
katherine Pattillo
christopher c. Pattison
clifton & margarita Pattison
michelle D. Paulley
rusi D. Pavri
Zarine r. Pavri
geraldine Payne
hilary g. Payne
sharon & larry Pearson
susan Pedler
Jamie Peel
martin Peet
lillian e. Pegg & family
sarah a. Pegg
terry g. Pegler
anthony n. Pella
suzanne m. Pellarin
catherine Pelletier
Peter h. Pelletier
barbara i. Penhale
barry a. Pepper
Joan k. Pepper
andrea l. Percy
ruth anne Percy
katie & Jerry Perera
stanko Perica
carol a. Perkes
karen r. Perkin
conrad a. Perl
christine D. Perrault
marc Perron
shanna r. Perry
Valeria Perry
Dale & christine Perryman
arla l. & michael f. Peters
J. charles Peterson
carol ann Peterson-mcarthur
Dennis J. Petras
michael g. Petrunik
walter r. Petryshyn
Joanne & craig Pettipiece
gerald m. Pfalzer
Paul D. Pfeiffer
ian g. Phillips
John Philp
kelly a. Phipps
ornella Piccolo
christina m. Porretta
brian Porter
Vera Potocek
Debra anne Potter
kelly l. Potter
baden m. Powell
Deborah & Peter Powell
Jacqueline Power
michael P. Power
william P. Power
lily anne Powis
greta m. Poysa
heather Pratt
Deborah m. Pravlochak
edward m. Predki
marjorie g. Preston
Patricia a. Prete
theresa Pretzlav
manon s. Prevost-mullane
Paul Pribojan
David Price
sharon e. Price
monique Prieur
bob & cindy Prince
catharine a. Proctor
Vickash rampersad
marsha rampersaud
mike ramsay
shikha rana
robert J. ranahan
emily a. randle
lorie l. ranieri
David V. raniga
gary & Janice rankin
Donald g. ranson
surath rao
Dorothy & nick rapaich
Donald J. raper
idalia h. rappe
rashid rashidzadeh
susanne & larry rau
robert rea
David a. reaume
laura c. reaume
lois reaume
melisse k. reaume
Paul redmond
betty redpath
Jennifer l. reed
ray r. refcio
bonnie J. robinson
Douglas & Victoria robinson
kimberly a. robinson
michael P. robinson
richard n. robinson
robert m. robinson
rosemary a. robinson
stephanie m. robinson
monica roch
anne rocheleau
gary & emily rocheleau
mark a. rocheleau
aline m. rocks
karen rockwell
kevin rodkin
sharon m. roebuck
Jenny & brian roffel
bruce e. rogers
craig a. rogers
k. roland
J. owen romagnoli
thomas a. root
franklin b. rosar
trevor w. rosborough
irlma rose
attending the reception for donors to the medical education building in July
2009 from the united communities credit union were, from left, liz arkinstall,
manager community relations, cathy menard, VP information systems
and technology, Patti martin, senior manager business services, and cathy
mombourquette, senior manager marketing.
mary Picha
ranieri m. Picotti
Valerie D. Pierce
michael P. Piercell
beth Piet
adriaan t. Pieters
marianne i. Pieters
Janice l. Pillon c.a.
terry ann m. Pillon
Joanne m. Pinkalla
lynda Pinnington
Joseph Pintur
John J. Piruzza & teresa
teresa & Joseph Piskovic
teresa & Joseph Piskovic
Zoravko Piskovic
trevor Pittman
andrea l. Piunno
helene Plante
Zina m. Plantus
ivan & mary Pocrnic
sona i. Poddar
scott D. Pohanka
Donald l. Pohlman
marc w. Poirier
mary Jo Policella
linda & michael Polsinelli
Joanne & ronald Polsky
alicia m. Pomeroy
rose Pomicia
Victoria & David Ponterio
mary t. Poole
michael c. Poole
ugljesa Popadic
view . fall 2010
Joanne Profetto-mcgrath
marie c. Pronovost
lorne h. Propas
christoper m. Pudlak
carolyn e. Puklicz
les J. Pulchinski
marianna Pupulin
susan & rudy Pupulin
murray & gwen Purdy
franca Purificati
margaret & John Purslow
stephanie Pusic
trevor D. Pye
wayne & rosemary Pye
anthony Quan (ricerocker)
Jean Quattrini
angela D. Quenneville
camille l. Quenneville
marian & gerard Quenneville
therese a. Quenneville
Jeffrey r. Quinlan
James & imelda Quinn
nancy Quinn
rita Quinn
catherine Quinn-boroski
barbara rabidue
John b. radford
Jon radick
m. rafiquzzaman
yoni s. rahamim
s.s. ahmedur rahman
karthik rajendran
rita rajput
Jerry f. rakus
susan & evan ralyea
Janice reid
robert e. reid
raymond reimer
kristopher m. reiser
beth a. reitsma
roland J. renaud
sandra J. renaud
sherry a. renaud
christopher D. rennick
maria e. reuten
John c. & sheri l. revell
chris & liz revenberg
elizabeth g. revenberg
susan m. reynell
christine m. riberdy
m P. ricciatti-lenyre
mike richard
David P. richards
trevor a. richards
colin D. richardson
michelle l. richling
Delynne & christopher riddell
Vernon D. riediger
thomas & betsy riesz
liliana ripandelli
christy ritchie
heidi m. ritchie
martin & kathryn ritsma
Dennis m. rivard
larry m. robbins
wayne m. robbins
melody robens-Paradise
anika s. roberts
Jack w. robertson
susan robinet
melody g. rose-gauthier
eric h. rosenbaum
wanda rosicki
cheryl a. ross
susan e. ross
warren ross & beryl wang
garry rossi
sara J. roth
carolyne & byron rourke
Jennifer (cormack) rourke
ian rousseau
michelle e. rousseau
Janice l. & lee rowe
linda m. roy
louise roy
marguerite roy
carla gatti rozell
elaine ruba
linda ruccolo
emily a. ruch
nancy & william ruch
george J. rudanycz
Jocelyn k. m. rumble
a. June rummerfield
James b. rundle
lynda m. rush
nevi m. rusich
raoul rusich
susan i. rusk
lorne a. russ
gerald & beverley russette
kimberly l. ruston
Victor ruszczak
cheryl & John rutgers
elliot rutherford
thomas a. ruttan
will J. ruttinger
lora l. ruttle-moser
Patrick ryall
robert P. ryan
elizabeth ryzer
lauren J. saba
Judy & keith saby
frank J. saccucci
carmela D. salice
alan walter salmoni
mary l. salmoni
michael a. salter
J.marc samson
sheba samuels
Jennie l. sanders
todd sands
Joseph s. sanfilippo
Patricia m. sanford & robert
D. sanford
lori anne santamaria
gerry P. & Patricia santarossa
Julie m. santarossa
nithiyananthan saravanamuthu
John P. sarlo
Joanne f. sarrasin
Julia saruna
michel sassine
samuel J. sasso
barry c. saunders
Joseph e. sauve
kevin m. savard
Joseph savoni
luigi & carmela savoni
Peter & hilde swatzky
susan s. sawyer-beaulieu
David e. sayers
walter w. scase
candice l. schachter
carrie & Paul schaffner
sydney schatzker
bonnie & J. albert schepers
michael & kimberley harvey
richard a. schertzer
william m. schertzer
bruno l. & Pat schincariol
ernest s. schmidt
william l. schmidt
sonia i. schoebe
adrian schofield
catherine e. & charles
margaret g. schram
brenda schreiber
Diane l. schroeder
John m. schroeder
Jay & Patricia schroeder
cathy m. schulde
brent e. schultz
kimberly & kyle schultz
elizabeth J. schweitzer
wendy J. scilley
barbara scott
mary beth scott
ross & charlene scott
carolyn r. scoyne
merry ellen V. scully mosna
mary-alice searles
henry h. seewald
terry sefton
frances a. segedin
Jeffrey J. segeren
gabe & seguin
Jeffrey f. & Daniela seiler
stuart & suzanne selby
bryan sellan
James b. sellan
heather l. semchism
lisa m. senay-Zannese
love servey
ishiatu r. sesay
warren J. seton
mark a. seupersaud
fred f. & Jacqueline shady
grace b. shafran
michael w. shain
lorraine J. shalhoub
rana shamoon
robert J. shapiro
christopher m. sharland
heather i. sharp
andrew r. m. shaw
lyla c. shearon
francis & allison sheehan
frank V. sheehan
teresa D. sheehan
omer sheikh
richard shelson
robin & carol shepherd
brian J. sherman
laura shintani
Jeff m. & bev shnier
celina (seto) shoji
christopher r. shorts
sandi shoust
mary a. showell
stacey r. shuel
yat yee r. shum
monique a. siara
lynne a. sibley
gurkiran sidhu
thomas siegfried
walter n. sigmund
mildred a. sillett
brian simard
Dragica simic
michele P. simmons
barbara m. simpson
brian c. simpson
glen r. simpson
magda n. simpson
Judith sinanga-ohlmann
mevljud sinani
melissa sinasac
kimberly a. sinclair
mark n. sinclair
mandeep singh
John a. singleton
Jill singleton-Jackson
Daniel r. sionov
marina sionov
michael D. sirizzotti
Vera sitar
Jasna sivell
hoda skaff
toby c. sklash
krstina skocic
ronald J. slack
silvana & kevin slavik
Patricia & lyle sloan
michael sloboda
Jennifer n. sloszar
kim smallhorn
Dennis J. smart
michael smiles
amanda a. smith
arlene & Donald smith
constance l. smith
Dale a. smith
Diane J.smith
earl smith
kimberley a. smith
michael & hope smith
Philip a. smith
Violet J. smith
nancy l. smith-wilson
stephen smyth
eleanor snelgrove
Dalton & margaret snelling
Janis a. snider
Philip l. so
ahmed J. sobh
richard s. solcz
christopher J. solet
Vince trocchi
mario sonego
Xiaodong song
lloyd & carol sonnenburg
yvette m. souchereau
antonio spagnuolo
Dino & krista spagnuolo
barbara r. spence
marnie l. spence
robert s. spender
rita sperduti
Pamela e. spicer
gloria a. sprague
michael l. sprenger
anna i. sproule
george srdanov
catherine a. st. louis
David P. st. Pierre
evelyn st. Pierre
m. hazel st. Pierre
Patricia a. st. Pierre
evelyn stahlendorf
alexander J. stanat
marilyn stanciu
Darren stanley
kimberly J. stanley
kenneth r. stanton
louis J. stark
ellen starkiss
elizabeth starr
william & glynis steel
millie steer
Jennie & ross steeves
linda m. stefan Jones
etna stefani
emelie stephan
alanna c. stephen
roula stergianis
betty a. sterling
robert & margaret stevens
erica stevens-abbitt
sharare tabesh
ahad tahir
elly takaki
bruce tallon
kathy y. tang
arthur k. tanouye
robert V. tartaglia
mark & Donna-marie taylor
monica J. taylor
rosabel taylor
teresa m. taylor
thomas a. taylor
mulugeta a. tedla
audrey teofilovici
Daniel k. ternosky
kevin c. tetreault
sophy theam
alan m. thibert
mary e. thibert
Donovan & barbara thomas
mark l. thomas
ralph thomas
susan s. b. thomas
gordon h. thompson
h. ian thompson
neil travis
trealout family
sarah tregaskiss
candace & James tremblay
James V. tremblay
sue m. tremblay
eleanor tremonti
marcel a. trepanier
marianne & scott trepanier
kenneth g. trickett
kristina s. trim
leslea l. trudell
mark r. & bonnie l. trudell
Paul J. trudell
ian t. tuffley
mary & ted tukara
Perminder tung
Denise m. tunstall
ruslan & romanna turchyn
anne turgeon
carol & bob turner
christine & Jeff turner
william J. turner
richard f. tyas
alice h. tyler
ellen e. Vincent
Joseph l. Vindischman
Zina c. Vivier
Dennis m. Voakes
kenneth & bridget Vogan
michael Vogel
harold k. Vogt
mike & angela Vorkapich
millicent Vorkapich-hill
kathleen J. Vossen
David k. Voy
leslie a. waddell
helen m. & robert b. wade
kendall r. wadsworth
rafael w. wagner
christopher l. wainscott
James b. wakeman
linda wales
Jessica m. walker
marie walker
susan V. walker
Vicky a. walker
brian walsh
larry g. walsh
monika walsh
to third-year business student christina
hamilton-yeboah, scholarship support equals
opportunity to focus more on her studies,
volunteer in the community and get involved in
extracurricular activities on campus. “i would
like to extend my sincere appreciation to all
the generous supporters who have made this
possible for students like myself. thank you.”
James stevenson
linda l. stevenson
clarissa J. stewart
ruth stewart
robert b. stezycki
mary r. stilinovich
John stoiko
Jill & matthew stoyanovich
marjorie stoyanovich
arthur a. stoyshin
Dana & Dan straus
barbara a. strauss
michael J. strik
stanley J. stromski
gerry strong
william & marilyn
larry o. & sharon a. suffield
gisele & John sullens
sheila m. sullivan
Don & christine summerfield
srinivasan sundaram
anne surlovich
leslie P. sussman
susan r. sutherland
craig e. sutton
John r. marchenkowsky &
lisa J. sutton
matthew J. sutton
susan m. svete
Jayson r. swain
cheryl m. swanson
David J. swift
marlyce swinnerton
catherine m. swyers
angele a. sylvester
Jeannette syroid
eva c. szabo
rosemarie s. szalich
kenneth J. szeto
kathryn l. thompson
marion r. thompson
mark thompson
micheline thompson
frances e. thomson
bradley thorne
Janet l. thorpe
Patricia thorpe
gregg m. h. thurlbeck
matthew J. thurlow
Dawn m. tiessen
Deborah l. tilden
gerard t. tillmann
Douglas r. tilson
elizabeth & Joseph
mariann c. timmers
Julie a. timms
Joan e. tinkess
Jimi s. tjong
Duane & todd
tiffanie todd
william r. todd
Diane e. tofflemire
gail a. tolmie
Prabhat tomar
anna tomaselli
luigi g. tomaselli
carla tomayer
margaret tomayer
Vivan tomayer
Peter tomicic
Josip & milia tomljenovic
andrew D. toms
enzo & gayle torcoletti
elizabeth a. tornabene
miroslav J. tot
laurie a. tousignant
mouhamad s. traboulsi
adam m. tracey
sandra l. tymczak
Daniel D. tymec
John J. ulicny
helene e. unger
christopher s. urban
Dallas e. urwin
christopher o. uwagboe
alice Vachon
otis Vacratsis
louis P. Valente & betty ann
Dawna m. Van boxmeer
robyn m. Van Damme
carol e. Van Der heide
Jacobus a. Van Der Park
ronald & mary Van koughnett
Judy-lynn Vandendool
edna Vander muren
marcia Vanderheyden
John f. Vani
lisa Vani
tracie a. Vanvrouwerff
shirley Varcoe
mark Varga
nick Vecchio
mireille m. Vegso
Valerie V. Veinotte
thomas a. Vella-Zarb
maria f. Ventura
annette Vermaeten
sharon a. Verniero-theis
emma Vernon
christopher s. Vertz
margaret a. Vicente
william f. Vickers
Jennifer c. Vieira
lillian D. Vignone
Julie m. Vikken
edgar s. Villanueva
nicolino & Paula Vincelli
keqin c. wang
shouye wang
Xiang wang
angela & timothy warnock
Donald t. warren
margie warren
marjorie i. wathy
Dave watkins
Diane l. watson
f. stuart & watson
scott watson
Judith a. watson
kim m. watson
Jacqueline wayner
carol c. weale
Dave & Diane weaver
cindy l. webb
catherine a. websdale
Deborah c. weeks
Jacquelyn b. welch
roland welker
william & christine
Jodi wells
mary e. welsh
J. Paul west
steve k. west
Jean westermann
b. Peter westfall
lyn t. westfall-tramble
leah whalen & renald richer
alexandra c. whately
David & norma wheatley
mark J. wheatley
Judith wheeler
michael J. white
kathryn m. whitehead
lisa white-Johnston
thomas P. g. whiteside
tammy l. l. whitlock
lisa m. wicks
nelzie c. wieden
Peter J. wigle
David J. wilbur
gordon k. & claire wilbur
David & letitia wilcox
allan r. wilkinson
robert h. wilkinson
wm. & f. wilkinson
Denise h. williams
frances a. williams
l. cameron williams
beverley a. willick
gail l. willoughby
larry r. willoughby
christopher wills
cynthia a. wills
Victoria r. wills
michael & wilma willson
leah k. wilson
mary & thomas wilson
melinda m. wilson
Patrick wilson
shirley wilson
Janet & michael wilton
kristen t. wilton
Daniel l. winbaum
John a. winchester
robyn s. winograd
Janet e. winter
Janice e. winters
Don winterton
Johannes P. winzinger
James wittebols
marian c. wolanski
kimberley J. wolfe
mark m. wolfe
mary b. wolfe c.a.
holly l. wolter
tony & Dung wong
David m. wood
Janice wood
Patrick w. wood
John & miriam woodall
glenda l. wootton
millicent J. wormald
laura w. wormsley
Douglas & Donna wright
elsie wright
Joseph J. wright
keith & susan wright
robert m. wright
Jeffrey wyatt
hao Xu
hui Xu
Jianzhou J. Xu
yonghong Xu
arthur h. yanamoto
Dilian yang
tie b. yang
stacey e. yannacopoulos
amir ali yazdanshenas
william & lise yee
elaine yee-howarth
stephen e. yoker
frank a. young
terence w. t. yu
Dennis J. yurke
adam Zacharjasz
sonya m. Zaidan
anniss Zakaria
John & Del Zangari
susan m. Zanin
John s. Zarebski
renee c. Zarebski
maxim Zavet
randall c. Zeagman
Joseph m. Zelicskovics
Joseph e. Zerafa
chi Zhang
yasheng Zhao
lawrence & eldred Zilli
J. terence Zinger
Zita Zinn-shamisa
alexandra Zioutis
Peter Zirnis
arthur & betty Zittlau
Patricia Zoch
martin Zorica
Diane Zuccato
view . fall 2010
legacy donations, usually made through wills and insurance
plans, are directed by the donor following much care and
consideration and often reflect a life of dedication to the University
of Windsor. Thanks to all members of the Legacy Circle who have
honoured this institution and its students with a planned gift.
each year, programs across campus receive gifts that are
greatly appreciated, yet whose value is difficult to quantify.
These are not gifts of cash or convertible equities. These are the
many particular goods or services that are extraordinarily helpful for
Gifts in-kind are items such as those the School of Dramatic Art
may receive that bring real authenticity to a University Players
production. These are the specialized electronics equipment or
software that enables a project in a technical program to go forward.
Other gifts may fulfill needs for a varsity team, the Odette School of
Business, the Paul Martin Law Library or even a group of graduate
students whose project takes them into a remote corner of our planet.
For Rino Marinelli of Omni Tool, gifts in-kind are an annual routine.
“We let students on the SAE Baja and Formula teams use our tooling,
under our guidance, to build components of their vehicles. This is a
different aspect of the students’ learning experience and we are happy
to help them learn the link between designing a part and being able to
manufacture it.
“These students may be future employees, or leaders in our
industry,” says Marinelli. “We feel it is important to give in this way
because it is important for all of us.”
mary ayris
*caroline margaret bradley
*guy ballard
*may Doreen beatty
*edith margaret bowlby
*lola e. buckley
bernard leo buhlman
kenneth calmenson
*henry John carmichael
*william John leonard carter
*liisa maria chappus
*J. robert charette
*manley chew
*willis lumgair clark
*anne cristescu
*eleanor J. cruickshank
*nellie anne Dagger
olga Delvecchio
bernarda c. camello-Doctor
robert & bonnie Drago
mary louise Drake
*rachel leary Drummond
*mary catherine evans
*harold Peter fast
gerald & miriam freed
*abram David froese
*mary margaret fuller
Pasquale J. & Janet e. galasso
*elizabeth gillespie
Janice o. goldman
*marie gott
austin J. gravelle
*Dorothy gray
bill hallett
*amanda i. hanson
howard J. haskings
richard & Donna hassard
robert & margaret evelyn
Paul huschilt
graeme hutchinson
leo anthony innocente
*agnes ireland
sushil & christine Jain
*nadia Jarkowiec
*lucie erika Joseph
*mervin m. katzman
*william kurry
*helen norma laframboise
*amrit lall
susan c. lester
*elena loaring
Paul J. liut
*george f. macdonald
*norma rose macdonald
*John arthur marsh
marilyn mason
kathleen mccrone
walter mcgregor
ian & sandra mcleod
george a. mcmahon
*stewart moore
austin mousseau
alan & Diana orman
*Joseph ozad
*michael l. Petras
*florence Pennington
*lily Pillon
*Joseph fabian Pollard
*francis Postill
*norman ramm
*robert spencer rayson
*gertrude alice rock
*seymour schott
anne sclater
Douglas schwegel
*gail sheard
*thomas shoyama
harry, izzy & sol sigal
Jean sonnenfeld
John stoiko
*bernice stone
*clarice fayil tapson
lynn teahan
*helen margaret tebbs
*william tovinsky
robert J. tschanz
*lady Deborah william umeh
kenneth J. Van meer
*helen isabel Vuckovich
*ernest william James
*marie mireille lydia whissell
*robert noel whitehurst
*Jerry clayton williams
*elizabeth Jane williamson
anne m. winterbottom
*a. maud woodall
*hilda woodall
sheila wright
*william mckay wright
*michael Zin
Phyllis Zin
§several individuals have
asked the university to
remain anonymous in
donor listings.
Penny Drivers: the pupils at
st. anne’s french immersion
school doubled their contribution
to the carl & gloria morgan
Alumni Association creates Jeanne morris memorial
scholarship in breast cancer
Scholarship: the alumni and friends golf tournament in
research this year. with pennies,
august 2009 culminated in a $20,000 donation supporting
nickels, and dimes raised in all
student scholarships in memory of long-time alumni
sorts of projects, the children
affairs staff member Jeanne morris, who died in 2008.
collected $3,131.70 and donated
uwindsor President alan wildeman and alumni
it to the university of windsor at
association President tom Porter celebrate the donation
an assembly in may 2010. the scholarship supports a graduate
student working on breast cancer research with biological
morris, Jason morris, wildeman, Porter, beth morris
sciences professor lisa Porter, at left. otss is matching the
‘99, ‘03, Darren soulliere, and kristen morris ‘02, ‘07.
student’s donation to double their contribution to the endowment.
with members of Jeanne morris’ family, from left, ron
view . fall 2010
manulife financial, canadian Division
osler, hoskin & harcourt llP
the canadian transit company
the toldo foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
alumni association
the chandisherry foundation
the Joan & clifford hatch foundation
the e. & g. odette charitable
$20,000 - $49,999
the morris & beverly baker
borden ladner gervais llP
Desrosiers automotive consultants
P & l odette charitable foundation
st. Paul’s canterbury
the wb family foundation
toronto chapter u of windsor
united communities credit union
windsor essex county real estate
$10,000 - $19,999
aarssen management services inc.
aDr chambers
blake, cassels & graydon llP
branscombe family foundation
c.a.w. canada
canadian association of crown
canadian education and research
institute for counselling
faculty association u of w
frank remark & son ltd.
friends u of w inv. b/ball
india canada association
katelyn bedard bone marrow assoc.
the Jackman foundation
mccague, Peacock, borlack,
mcinnis & lloyd llP
mccarthy tetrault foundation
mclean budden
ontario crown attorney’s association
oPseu (head office)
oPus (organization of Part-time
shoppers Drug mart
university of windsor students’
Victorian order of nurses
winclare management services inc.
$5,000 - $9,999
association of law officers of the
caw local 200 social Justice fund
caw local 444
circle of seven
enwin utilities
faculty of law
federation of chinese-canadian
Professionals (ont.)
formula one collision
foyston, gordon & Payne inc.
thomas f. gilman & Jo-anne machina
gilman family foundation
greater essex county District
school board
greycliffe consultants ltd.
hammond Power solutions inc.
honda of canada inc.
hub international
iona college
knights of columbus
mcmillan llP
meDa ltd.
miller canfield Paddock & stone llP
miller thomson llP
oasw southwestern branch
ogilvy renault
u of w track & field alumni club
$2,500 - $4,999
associazione Venti nel mondo
bartlet & richardes llP
the rotary club of chatham
canadian italian Professional &
business association
glenwood united church
great lakes energy inc.
greater essex county elementary
teachers’ federation
harold g. fox education fund
hub international ontario ltd.
human kinetics canada
hutchinson charitable fundstrategic charitable giving
hydro one networks inc.
the insolvency institute of canada
investors group financial services inc.
italian canadian handicapable assoc.
J.P. thomson associates ltd.
architects & engineer
Jewish community endowment
fund of windsor
essex law assoc.
essex-kent chartered accountants
the essex terminal railway company
fasken martineau Dumoulin llP
gowling lafleur henderson llP
grayson technical services
ground effects ltd.
halford foundation - strategic
charitable giving foundation
human resources Professionals
association of windsor
kempe chiropractic Professional
kPmg management services lP
liuna local 625
marta sebestyen Professional corp.
mayson machining
when Dennis Desrosiers chaired the investment committee of the
uwindsor board of governors, he saw first-hand the value of
endowment funds. this year, he made his own investment – a $25,000
donation toward scholarships for students of the auto industry.
Desrosiers’ gift brings his endowment contributions to date to $35,000
– with provincial matching, the scholarship fund totals $70,000.
Downtown Paper & metal recycling
essex Power corp.
fJD Disability management
greg monforton and Partners
holiday inn
hornick holdings ltd.
igbinosun, barrister & solicitor
ivanhoe cambridge
Jain family foundation - strategic
charitable giving
kirwin Partners, llP
koskie minsky llP
london life insurance company
mancini battisti savoni llP
marshall health facility ltd.
mousseau Deluca mcPherson
Prince llP
ojibway transportation inc.
oscar construction company ltd.
overview corporation ltd.
Pbl insurance ltd.
roth mosey & Partners llP
serbian community centre
stipic, arpino & weisman
sutts, strosberg llP
thunder selects basketball
windsor family credit union
windsor university retirees’ assoc.
windsor Valiants travel team
women’s enterprise skill training
$100 - $249
caw local 2458
criminal lawyers’ association
essex kent chartered accountants
students association
g. caboto club
international transportation &
logistics forum
lexis nexis canada
mercer (canada) ltd.
ontario Professional engineers
foundation for education
Patriot oil corp.
Pfizer canada
Phillips, hager & north
Polonia centre
the birks family foundation
rotary club of windsor
stantec consulting
windsor Port authority
windsor transportation club
$1,000 - $2,499
alumni association - Public affairs
barbados house canada inc.
bateman maintenance services inc.
the bellringer foundation
b’nai brith lodge 1011
canadian labour congress
canadian tire corporation ltd.
cassels brock & blackwell llP
cavalluzzo, hayes, shilton, mcintyre
& cornish
classic tool & Die (1986) inc.
cogeco cable canada inc.
Dayus register & grille
De francesca law office
Deloitte & touche foundation
Design systems canada ltd.
engineering week
faculty of arts & social science
faculty of nursing
franson ltd.
the guarantee company of north
walter kindiak fund - strategic
charitable giving foundation
lakeshore logistics ltd.
leddy library
maxims limited Partnership
mctague law firm llP
mJV management inc.
new star canada inc.
the northern trust company, canada
odette school of business
ontario Power generation
Pape salter teillet
Polish consulate
refine fitness studio
rotary club of windsor - roseland
rPchc Pathways to education trust
running factory
schukra of north america
scotiabank group
st. anne french immersion catholic
tD insurance meloche monnex
torkin manes llP
trend millwork and cabinets inc.
union gas limited, a spectra
energy company
the Valiant group
waterloo law association
windsor factory supply ltd.
windsor-essex county Development
$500 - $999
1443180 ontario ltd.
harry abbott-strategic charitable
bereskin & Parr llP
bondfield construction company ltd.
caw local 1120
cch canadian ltd.
certified general accountants
assoc. of ont.
collavino inc.
corporate immigration law firm
michael tool & mold (windsor) ltd.
national bank financial
o.s.s.t.f. District 9
ontario nurses association local 8
ontario reg. music teachers assoc.
Prestressed systems inc.
Pricewaterhouse coopers llP
Prince and associates ltd.
Professional engineers ontario
Quality safety systems company
s.i.g. mechanical services ltd.
social science society
stinson bus service
suede Productions
tecumseh st.clair beach basketball
V & l technical services
windsor curling club
windsor family credit union
windsor laser eye institute
windsor masonic coffee club
windsor Police services board
workers health & safety centre
yas it services
$250 - $499
1627038 ontario inc.
all saints church
ambassador Duty free store
bell canada
beta sigma Phi windsor city council
brightside tanning
c.u.P.e. local 1393
canadian computer Distributors
canadian finance & leasing assoc.
caw local 1285
caw local 240
checkfluid inc.
clarks law office
clarol the clown entertainment
D.c. mccloskey engineering ltd.
Dillon consulting ltd.
Dilomac holdings ltd.
1413441 ontario ltd.
1646235 ontario inc.
bello metal recycling
canadian Pacific
caw local 1075
caw local 1959
crescent electronics
Dance Zone/l.m.s.D. ltd.
everyday style inc.
forest machine & mfg. inc.
higher education Publications inc.
i.a.t.s.e. local 828
illinois tools works foundation
lally ford sales leasing & service
london Dairy farms ltd.
lyndon security services inc.
mady Dentistry, Professional corp.
riverside basketball association
royal canadian legion comber
branch 241
sss gracanica choir
trinidad and tobago association
women’s economic forum
yunkee laifatfur medicine
Professional corp.
$1 - $99
1672035 ontario inc.
amherstburg basketball club
border cities italian club
branalex financial group inc.
canadian federation of university
women (windsor)
caw local 1859
cfu lodge 638
fishfly Production
greater st. catharines community
health centre
royal canadian legion (branch 143)
royal oak Village retirement
speedy glass
sun life financial
the bright group inc.
united way of calgary
university of windsor
view . fall 2010
yo u r u ni V e r s i t y – UWindsor alumni, donors and friends together in support
Opening an office in the heart of Toronto has the potential
to be “transformational” for the University of Windsor, says
Vice-President University Advancement John Bergholz.
Shibley Righton LLP, a law firm with offices in both
Windsor and Toronto, donated space at the firm’s Toronto
office, located at 250 University Avenue. Bergholz says the
move will allow the University to engage alumni and friends
in a deeper way.
“This is about wearing out some shoe leather,” he says.
“It sends a clear message to our 16,000 alumni in the Toronto
area that we are serious about reaching our graduates there.”
He said the key was establishing a Toronto presence “at
the right price—and free is a very good price.”
Sheila MacKinnon, a partner in Shibley Righton and a
member of the University’s Board of Governors, co-ordinated
the donation of the space. She said the University will also
have access to meeting rooms and administrative support.
“I had heard that the University would like to have a
Toronto office, so I said, Why can’t this be Shibley Righton’s
contribution? and all of my partners agreed,” MacKinnon says.
“Everybody thought it was a great idea.”
Four lawyers in the firm’s Windsor office and two partners
in Toronto are Windsor law grads.
“We thought this would be an excellent way to give back
to the University of Windsor community,” says MacKinnon.
“UWindsor President Alan Wildeman exudes such enthusiasm
that it’s hard not to get behind him and his team.”
The project also drew a $180,000 contribution over three
years from the University of Windsor Alumni Association to
support alumni engagement in Toronto and in other key cities
and regions across the country. Alumni Association President
Tom Porter said the Toronto office will improve future efforts
in student recruitment and fundraising.
view . fall 2010
“The Toronto office will be one more way in which we can
reach out to prospective students, to tell them about the great
education and experience they can get in Windsor,” he said.
The building, at the intersection of University Avenue and
Queen Street, is directly across from the Four Seasons Centre
for the Performing Arts, and within blocks of Queen’s Park,
Toronto City Hall, and other landmarks.
Read the official announcement, UWindsor expands
outreach to alumni and prospective students in the GTA, on
the advancement web site.
for more information on the toronto office,
please contact [email protected]
for more information or donating to the us foundation,
please contact nancy Parker at [email protected]
519-253-3000 ext 4056.
get the latest on the lancers by visiting www.golancers.ca
by elisa mitton bcomm ’05
s co r e boar D – What’s been happening with your teams, events and celebrations.
GOrD G r AcE NAm ED P r E S IDE NT Of O N TAr IO uNIv E r S IT y AT h L E T Ic S
Gord Grace, director of Athletics at the University of Windsor,
has also now been named president of Ontario University
Athletics (OUA).
Grace served as OUA vice president and treasurer and
on the board of Canadian University Sport. He has served
as Windsor’s athletic director since 2002. During his tenure,
Lancer teams have captured 19 OUA provincial titles and
10 CIS national titles.
“I am very honoured and pleased to take over as the
president of Ontario University Athletics,” says Grace. “We
have made great strides in the OUA in recent years and I’m
excited to have the chance to play a key role in ensuring our
league’s growth and development moving forward.”
Grace oversees the operation of Lancer varsity athletics,
campus recreation, the St. Denis Athletic Centre and the
Green Shield Sports Therapy Clinic.
“Gord is a proven leader who will bring experience and
passion to the role of OUA President,” says OUA executive
director Ward Dilse. “I look forward
to working closely alongside Gord
to help strengthen our OUA brand
and our organization starting next
Prior to arriving in Windsor,
Grace was the director of
development at Mount Allison
University where he managed a
$25-million fundraising campaign.
He also spent three seasons as the head football coach at
Mount Allison, where he led the team to a conference
championship in 1997 and was named the AUS football
coach of the year in 1998.
“There are a lot of exciting things happening in Ontario
University Athletics right now and it will be our goal to ensure
that we continue to build momentum for our universities,
varsity teams and student-athletes going forward,” says Grace.
u NI vErSI Ty O f WI NDSOr NA m E D hO S T Of 2011 c IS WO mE N’ S
the university of windsor and Department of athletics have been named the official hosts of the
2011 cis women’s basketball championships at the st. Denis centre.
This will be the first time in Lancer program history that the University will host the national championships in Women’s
Basketball. The Lancers have successfully hosted the CIS Track & Field championships on a number of occasions, most
recently this past March at the St. Denis Centre.
“It is a tremendous honour to be chosen as the host of the 2011 Women’s Basketball Championships,” says Athletic
Director Gord Grace. “The University and the City of Windsor have a proven track record of hosting outstanding events,
and I am sure this will be no exception.
“With our recent success on the court and the fact that this is a very knowledgeable basketball community, it seems
like a natural fit to bring this championship to the St. Denis Centre,” Grace continues. “I look forward to large crowds and
entertaining competition as the women compete.”
view . fall 2010
ALum N I S PO rT S h AL L Of fAm E c E LE B r AT E S S I G N I f I cA N T m I LE S TO NE
this year marks the 25th anniversary of the alumni sports hall of fame. ceremonies will include the induction of
three new members in the athlete category – men’s basketball standouts bob navetta and marty kaye and
football all-star gary howell.
bob navetta
marty kaye
A new Alumni Sports Hall of Fame display will be unveiled
October 3 in the main lobby of the St. Denis Centre, featuring
the names of all inductees as well as photos and bios of the
most recent award winners.
“I’m delighted that we now have a permanent home where
we can showcase and boast of our membership growing to some
98 inductees,” says Eddi Chittaro, chair of the Alumni Sports
Hall of Fame’s Executive Committee. “During the past 25 years,
we have recognized and honoured outstanding athletes, builders
and coaches, and now they will continue to be honoured and
viewed year long by all who visit and use the athletic facilities.”
bob navetta BSc ’68 spent three seasons as a player for the
Lancer Men’s Basketball Team from 1965-68, winning CIAU
titles in 1966 and 1967. In his graduating season, he earned
the DeMarco Award as the student-athlete who best combines
academics and athletics, the Olympic Shield as male athlete
of the year, and was named to the OQAA all-star team.
marty kaye BComm ’68 played with the Lancer Basketball
team from 1964-67. As team captain in 1967, he averaged 16.8
points per game and 7.7 rebounds. He was an all-tournament
selection in 1966 and was named a CIAU all-star in 1967.
gary howell BPE ’76, BEd ’77, MHK ’79 played four seasons
with the Lancer Football team from 1972-1976 and was
named to the OUAA all-star team in 1974, 1975 and 1976. In
both 1974 and 1975, he took home the DeMarco Award as the
student-athlete who best combines academics and athletics.
In 1974 he was named team MVP.
view . fall 2010
gary howell
S PO r T Ac hIE v E m E NT AWA r D
Sam Sisco BComm ’57 spent more than 30 years as a hockey
official, having an on-ice hockey career as a referee from
1957-1990. Following retirement, he became a supervisor of
officials with the NHL until 1999. He officiated in virtually
every league in his area including the NCAA. Sisco was
inducted into the Windsor/Essex County Sports Hall of Fame,
named to the OHA “Honour Roll” and is a recipient of the
OHL’s Bill Long Award.
cheryl damphouse BA ’76, BComm ’84 is one of WindsorEssex’s most talented golfers. She won the 1989 Canadian
Ladies Amateur, qualified for the LPGA Du Maurier Classic
twice, participated in the 1990 British Amateur Championship,
and was a three-time member of the Canadian International
Amateur Team. This amateur golfer was a two-time Ontario
Match Play Champion in 1977 and 1982, a five-time member
of the Ontario Ladies Amateur Team, and six-time winner of
the Essex-Kent District Ladies Championship. In 2006, she
won the Ontario Senior Ladies Championship.
T E A m Ac hIE v E mE NT AWA r D
Men’s Curling OUAA Champions 1976-77
Men’s Curling OUAA Champions 1977-78
Men’s Curling OUAA Champions 1978-79
Women’s Curling Champions OUAA 1978-79
Join the online community visit www.uwindsor.ca/alumni
mESS AG E fr O m T h E P r E S I D E N T
Tom Porter BA ’74, LLB ’78
Past PresiDent
Jeff Flacks BHK ’96, MBA ’98
Vice PresiDent
Sue Williams BHK ’85, MHK ’88
John Renaud BComm ’01
This fall, your Alumni Association has planned numerous class
reunions and a 25th anniversary Alumni Sports Hall of Fame
celebration, in addition to our alumni communications and
sponsorship of many student and university initiatives. We have
worked with President Alan Wildeman in financially supporting the
development of a Toronto office for student recruitment and alumni
engagement. We are also organizing Alumni receptions in several
cities as well as a Toronto area golf tournament.
My term of office as president will end at our Annual General
Meeting in November of this year. It has been a pleasure and an
honour for me to serve as President of the Alumni Association. My life has certainly been
enriched through my education and experiences at the University of Windsor and my volunteer
efforts are an easy labour of love in gratitude. Through my involvement on your behalf in
campus events and alumni activities, I have enjoyed a flood of personal memories of my
undergraduate and law school years. I have also been impressed by the exceptional quality of
our students, staff, and educators and by the generosity of our alumni. Our graduates, close to
more than 100,000 people “making a difference” in 120 countries around the world, are true
measures of the importance and success of the University of Windsor. All of you are
contributing to the legacy of our University through your personal accomplishments. I would also
encourage you to be an advocate and supporter of your alma mater. You can contact our
Alumni Office to get more involved as a volunteer with our Board and committees in organizing
class reunions, special events, student recruitment and mentoring. Donate as generously as you
can in support of our Annual Giving Program and consider making an everlasting financial gift
through an award or scholarship fund. Your involvement and contributions ensure the continued
success and growth of our University for the benefit of the next generation of students.
All the best,
Michael Bates BHK ’95, MBA ’04
Don Bruner BComm ’70
Chris Busch MSc ’03, MBA ’07
Richard Dumala BA ’73, HonsBA ’74, MA ’88
Nancy Fejes BA ’81, BEd ’82, MEd ’90
Anna Godo BAS ’86, MAS ’90
Adam Hughes BA ’90
James Minello BA ’77, BEd ’78
Sarah Renaud BA ’03, BSW ’04
Saverio Rinaldi BSc ’77
Jennifer Simpson Rooke BA ’02, LLB ’05
Michelle Watters BA ’94, HonsBA ’04, MEd ’06
Elaine Whitmore BScN ’88
Jean Wright BA ’71, BEd ’72
Ex-OffIcIO mEmBErS
Dr. Alan Wildeman
President, University of Windsor
Brian E. Brown BFA ’74
President, Faculty Association
Laine McGarragle
President, UWSA
Dr. Ed King MA ’61, BEd ’76, MA ’91, MA ’01
President, OPUS
Michael Horrobin BComm ’86
Vince Bassman BComm ’70
President, Alumni Association
Mary Schisler BA ’88
Susan Lester
view . fall 2010
ALum N I ASSO c IAT I ON rE cO GN I z E S Th r E E W I T h h I G h E S T h O N O ur
the alumni association board of Directors is pleased to announce that three deserving individuals will be
presented with the alumni association’s most prestigious award, the alumni award of merit.
mary Jo haddad
Dr. william mcDermott
mary Jo haddad bscn ’84, llD ’05
Haddad was appointed president and CEO of Hospital for
Sick Children in 2004. Since joining the hospital in 1984, she
has served as executive vice-president and COO, chief nurse
executive, vice-president child health services, and director
of neonatology and critical care.
Haddad was recently named a member of the Order of
Canada and was a recipient of the Premier’s Award for
Outstanding Achievement by College Alumni in the Province.
She received Women’s Executive Network’s Canada’s Most
Powerful Women: Top 100 Award in 2007 and 2008. She was
awarded the Canadian Nurses Association “Nurse to Know”
Centennial Achievement Award in 2008 by Canada’s Prime
Minister. In 2009, Haddad received both the 2009 Leadership
Award from the Society of Graduates of University of Toronto’s
Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation,
and the Toronto Business Excellence Award for Leading CEO.
Haddad has volunteered with The Darling Home for Kids
and was a member of the Cabinet for United Way of Greater
Toronto as the leader of the Health Care Division. She is also
a proud supporter of International Children’s Circle of Care,
SickKids Foundation.
Dr. william mcDermott PhD ’77
Dr. McDermott is a celebrated trauma psychologist licensed in
Ontario, Michigan and Louisiana. He is director of McDermott
Associates, a consulting practice specializing in crisis counselling.
McDermott works internationally as a disaster relief worker.
Among his work, he has counselled relatives of some of the
2,819 victims of the 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade
Centre, and in the killing fields of Rwanda, Croatia and Bosnia/
view . fall 2010
Dr. James carl wesenberg
Herzegovina. He also served as citizen ambassador and
delegate-in-trauma in South Africa, Vietnam and Cambodia.
He spent 15 years as the executive director and clinical
co-ordinator at The Child’s Place in Windsor, was an adjunct
professor at the University of Windsor, and served on a
number of boards and organizations that service mental
health in the community.
The RCMP and OPP have recognized McDermott with
citations for outstanding service and he received a similar
honour from the National Organization of Victim Assistance.
Dr. James carl wesenberg PhD ‘77
Dr. Wesenberg is the regional director - laboratory services
for David Thompson Health Region, Red Deer Regional
Hospital. The clinical chemist is a noted scholar with a
number of studies and publications to his credit. He has held
academic appointments at the University of Windsor, Trent
University, and Wayne State University’s School of Medicine.
In 2009, he chaired a joint meeting of the American
Association of Clinical Chemists and the Canadian Society of
Clinical Chemists, where nearly 22,000 scientists participated.
Often recognized for his success, Wesenberg has been
awarded the CSCC Award for Outstanding Contributions to
his profession.
the award of merit will be presented to all three at
the alumni association’s annual general meeting &
awards Presentations on november 24. for more
information about the award and a list of previous
recipients, go to www.uwindsor.ca/alumni
A N N uA L G E N E r A L
notice is hereby given that the
university of windsor alumni association
annual general meeting and awards
Presentations will be held
alumni and friends are invited to surf the upgraded
uwindsor.ca/alumni website.
you can now more quickly navigate the site to learn
about benefits and services of membership, upcoming
Wednesday, November 24, 2010 at 5 pm
ambassador auditorium
(2nd floor caw student centre)
reunions and events, and view profiles of successful
all alumni and friends are invited to attend.
alumni and award recipients.
important: please rsVP alumni@uwindsor.
ca or call the office of alumni affairs at
browsing is now more visually appealing as well,
and we updated and expanded the popular alumni
achievement pages. award nomination forms are
available for download as well as links to the online
community and news archives.
Visit www.uwindsor.ca/alumni
for full details.
log on at www.uwindsor/alumni
Special thanks
to our alumni
thousands of alumni take advantage of the exclusive
group rates offered by the uwindsor partners. they
are helping your uwindsor alumni association raise
much needed funds to support the university and to
enhance the student experience. to count yourself
among those who are making a difference, visit
view . fall 2010
for your cONSIDErATION...
uPcoming alumni eVents anD reunions
ALumNI – mArk yOur cALENDArS!
for more information or to register for alumni events, please contact alumni affairs,
519-971-3618, e-mail [email protected], or visit www.uwindsor.ca/alumni.
october 2010
oakville, ont.
windsor, ont.
windsor, ont.
wednesday, october 20
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
glen abbey golf club, 1333 Dorval Drive
Bhk cLASS Of ’80
october 1, 2, 3
for more information please contact
Petra mcDonald, mcdonald7582@comcast;
rick shaban, [email protected];
Jim weese, [email protected]; or
cathy greenwell, [email protected]
windsor, ont.
mhk & Bhk cLASS Of ’85 25Th AND
cLASS Of ’80 20Th ANNIvErSAry
october 1, 2
for more information please contact
adriana Duquette, [email protected];
or cathy greenwell, [email protected]
windsor, ont.
sunday, october 3 – 1:30 pm
ambassador auditorium,
caw student centre
for more information please contact
alumni affairs, [email protected]
for more information please contact
katherine simon, [email protected]
ottawa, ont.
thursday, october 28
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
99 bank street
for more information please contact
katherine simon, [email protected]
noVember 2010
windsor, ont.
cLASS Of ‘75
november 5, 6
for more information please contact
Janice clement, [email protected]
windsor, ont.
classes of ‘75, ‘80, ‘85, ‘90, ‘95 & ‘00
saturday, november 13
reunion Weekend Luncheon – 11:30 am
ron. w. ianni law building
reunion Weekend Gala – 6 pm
ambassador auditorium,
caw student centre
for more information please contact
karen momotiuk, [email protected]
519-253-3000 ext. 2920
view . fall 2010
wednesday, november 24 – 5 pm
ambassador auditorium,
caw student centre
for more information please contact
alumni affairs, [email protected]
December 2010
windsor, ont.
sunday, December 5 – 10 am
ambassador auditorium,
caw student centre
special 50th anniversary of Presentation
for more information please contact
mary-ann rennie, [email protected]
519-253-3000 ext. 7059
class NEWS
for a full version of
class news, please visit:
John richels llb ‘78 president, ceo,
Devon energy corp., oklahoma city,
Peter rudakas bsc ‘77, ma ‘79 VP,
exploration and development, Vesta
capital corp., calgary, alta.
virginia vandall-Walker bsn ‘72
associate professor, athabasca
university, athabasca, alta.
Ernest Boone llb ‘81 high sheriff,
st. John’s, nfld.
David (kuan) Ding bcomm ’83 finance
professor, associate head of school,
school of economics & finance,
massey university, auckland, nZ.
ronald Witton bas ‘80 VP, trumbley
& hampton inc., mississauga, ont.
Jamie Bumbacco med ‘95
superintendent, hr, windsor-essex
catholic District school board,
windsor, ont.
colleen caza ba ‘95, ba ‘96, llb ‘00
president, essex law association,
windsor, ont.
Daniella Dimitrov llb ‘94 director
and vice chair, baffinland iron mines
corp., toronto, ont.
robert kaufman bcomm ’97
director, hr, global supply chain
central functions, schneider electric
industries, rueil-malmaison, france.
Antoinette Latour bfa ‘98 art
photograpy exhibit, the family
Project, buschien mowatt galleries,
may 3-31, ‘10, Vancouver, bc.
mark mcconnell bhk ‘90 partner,
flow experience inc., toronto, ont.
Linda Patrick bscn ‘90, msc ‘97
Nabil Grace mas ‘81, PhD ‘86 dean,
dean, faculty of nursing, university
college of engineering, lawrence
technological university, southfield, mi. of windsor, windsor, ont.
mary Jo haddad bscn ‘84, llD ‘05
order of canada, highest civilian
honour, ottawa, ont.
Wesley hicks bas ‘86, bcomm ‘10
senior manager, infrastructure and
transportation Planning, city of
windsor, windsor, ont.
Laurie Lauzon clabo bscn ‘80 dean
of nursing, mgh institute of health
Professions, boston, ma.
Ilija maodus bcomm ‘83 general
manager, essex-windsor solid waste
authority, windsor, ont.
Sean rourke bsc ‘87, ba ‘89 received
the henry Durost award for excellence
in creative Professional activity,
university of toronto, toronto, ont.
Lorraine Shalhoub ba ‘83, llb ‘86
canadian general counsel of the year
award, may 31, ‘10, toronto, ont.
David Simard ba ‘96 senior VP,
marnell Properties, las Vegas, nV.
holly Ward ba ‘95 executive director,
Public affairs and communications,
university of windsor, windsor, ont.
margaret Deneau bmus ‘04 owner,
sweetheart Diapers & more,
windsor, ont.
rochelle Dickenson ba ‘02 council
member, the college of midwives of
ontario, toronto, ont.
Eava-kay mcknight ba ‘07
supervisor, touchstone youth centre,
toronto, ont.
Jonathan mcNerney ba ‘08 behaviour
therapist, Peel behavioural services,
trillium health centre, toronto, ont.
to update your info, visit: www.uwindsor.ca/alumniupdate
e-mail: [email protected], fax: 519-973-7063
call: 519-971-3618, or toll free 1-888-561-5551
vikash Patel bcomm ‘06 assistant
VP, bank of america merrill lynch,
toronto, ont.
Jason Peetsma ma ‘03 senior
consultant, odgers berndtson,
toronto, ont.
Amanda Smith bhk ‘05, mhk ‘07
manager, culture & recreation
services, municipality of leamington,
leamington, ont.
cindy Stater-Drummond bhk ‘01
senior advisor, organizational
development, ministry of government
services, oPs Diversity office,
toronto, ont.
Nadia Azar bhk ‘01, mkh ‘04 and
Dory azar, a daughter, Juno frances,
march 30, ‘10, windsor, ont.
marlene kuri bscn ‘85 and frank,
adopted a daughter, kate, sept. ‘09,
Jiangxi, china. marlene is a mental
health outreach rn, mental health
addictions Program, chatham-kent
health alliance, chatham, ont.
Lori Piche bmus ‘04, mba ‘06 and
martin goulet, a daughter, marilyse,
may 16, ‘10, gatineau, Que.
Julie Auger ba ‘73, June 18, ‘10,
kitchener, ont.
robert Bisnaire ba ‘67, may 27, ‘10,
windsor, ont.
michael Bradacs bsc ‘75, bed ‘76,
may 14, ‘10, windsor, ont.
Brian cogliati ba ‘96, ma ‘98,
July 14, ‘10, windsor, ont.
Janee Dupuis ba ‘05, may 17, ‘10,
windsor, ont.
mervyn franklin former university
of windsor president and biology
professor, may 20, ‘10, windsor, ont.
John Girard ba ‘71, July 5, ‘10,
tilbury, ont.
rebecca hartt ba ’78, July 26, ’10,
windsor, ont.
Geoffrey hayman bsc ’67, llb ’83,
July 14, ’10, Vernon, bc.
Lawrence hughes mba ‘69,
april 29, ‘10, seminole, fl.
Sophia karloff Dte ‘71, may 15, ‘10,
windsor, ont.
Sarah kovosi bscn ‘10, July 2, ‘10,
barrie, ont.
michael Lauzon ba ‘76, bed ‘77,
June 20, ‘10, windsor, ont.
Anthony mazza bsc ‘97, bed ‘05,
June 27, ‘10, windsor, ont.
Oleksander mitzak ma ‘76, PhD ‘81,
may 25, ‘10, barrie, ont.
hugh murray ba ‘59, July 13, ‘10,
kingsville, ont.
Anita Notwell DPn ‘76,
June 28, ‘10, windsor, ont.
Elisabeth renard ba ‘85,
may 16, ‘10, windsor, ont.
Edna rutledge med ‘77, July 9, ‘10,
toronto, ont.
marie Sanderson llD ‘99 professor
emeritus, geography, university of
windsor, July 12, ‘10, toronto, ont.
John Simone bas ‘83, may 21, ‘10,
london, ont.
marion Telling ba ‘73, may 15, ‘10,
windsor, ont.
robert Weepers ba ‘62, July 6,’10,
windsor, ont.
John Whiteside ba ‘47, Dcl ‘01
professor emeritus, faculty of law,
university of windsor, July 20, ‘10,
windsor, ont.
conrad Wollocombe bscn ‘72,
June 8, ‘10, windsor, ont.
Pearl zimmerman ba ‘90,
June 20, ‘10, windsor, ont.
view . fall 2010
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TD Insurance is a trade-mark of The Toronto-Dominion Bank, used under license.
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