the village of indian hill, ohio
the village of indian hill, ohio
OFFICIAL PUBLICATION of the VILLAGE OF INDIAN HILL, OHIO Village Website All Village Bulletins available on our website Volume No. LXVII COUNCIL ACTIONS REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 2008 • Emergency passage of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1-08 and making appropriations for the expenses of the Village of Indian Hill for the Fiscal Year 2008. (This ordinance was necessary to account for a paper loss on the sale of investments held in the Rowe Arboretum Fund. A copy of this ordinance is available on the Village Website • Emergency passage of an ordinance amending Section 112.99 Penalty for Soliciting Without a Permit and Section 135.11 Selling and Serving Alcohol to Minors of the Indian Hill Code of Ordinances. (A copy of this ordinance is available on the Village Website November 26, 2008 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ACTIONS NOVEMBER 18, 2008 • Due to the lack of agenda items, the Planning Commission did not meet on November 18, 2008. The Commission is next scheduled to meet on December 16, 2008. ALL VILLAGE OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED ON WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 24 1/2 DAY FOR CHRISTMAS EVE AND THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 FOR CHRISTMAS DAY DECEMBER MEETINGS: Recreation Commission at Phinney House Annex 7:30 p.m. Dec. 1, 2008 Green Areas Advisory Phinney House Annex 5:30 p.m. Dec.5, 2008 Mayor’s Court at Firehouse 6:30 p.m. Dec. 15, 2008 Council at Firehouse 7:30 p.m. Dec. 15, 2008 Planning Commission at Firehouse 7:30 p.m. Dec. 16, 2008 Due to construction beginning November 19, 2008 on the Ranger/Administration building expansion, The December Mayor’s Court, Council, and Planning Commission meetings will be held in the Fire Department Training Room at 6475 Drake Road. Meeting times remain the same. This will continue throughout the building project Meeting location changes for Green Areas and Recreation meetings will be held at the Phinney House Annex at 8260 Shawnee Run Road. Meeting times will remain the same for these meetings also throughout the building project. Number 32 CHECK OUT THE BULLETIN You can find The Indian Hill Bulletin on our website at www.ihill. org, click on Bulletin and start reading. You will find the most recent Bulletin and past Bulletins. You will find information on all of our departments, Minutes and Schedules for Council, Planning Commission and Green Areas meetings. Schedules for recycling and trash pick up, You can fill out forms for Building & Zoning, Rangers, Public Works & Taxes.There are also links to Community, Schools and Indian Hill churches and information on Recreation Commission & Grand Valley POINTS OF INTEREST Pg. 3 Consideration of Anderson Twp. mine proposal extended to additional hearings Pg. 4 Ranger Chat Pg. 5 Public & Water Works Info. Pg. 6 Green Areas Gifts & Greenacres program Pg. 7 Scout emergency response team Pg. 13 Historical Soc. Christmas party Pg. 15-21 Bits & Pieces Pg. 22 & 23 Historical Society Info. COPY DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE DECEMBER 5, BY 4:30 PM NOVEMBER 26, 2008 INDIAN HILL BULLETIN – PAGE 2 THE VILLAGE OF INDIAN HILL, OHIO CHURCHES ARMSTRONG CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 5125 Drake Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45243 - 561-4220 Greg Stover, Senior Pastor Nathan Custer, Associate Pastor Stanley Lawrence, Associate Pastor Melanie Stearns, Dir. Ed & Spiritual Formation 8:20 a.m. Traditional Worship in Old Chap 9:40 a.m. Traditional Worship in Sanctuary 10:11 a.m. Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary Adult Christian Education at 8:20, 9:40, 10:00, and 11:00 Student Christian Education at 9:40 Children’s Christian Education at 9:40 and 11:00 Nursery care provided at 9:40 and 11:00 Student Ministries on Wed. at 7:00 p.m. THE INDIAN HILL CHURCH Episcopal-Presbyterian 6000 Drake Road Telephone: 561-6805 Reverend Anne Wrider, Episcopal Rector David Hawley, Presbyterian Pastor Michelle Metcalf, Youth Director Ann Pardue, Christian Education Director Worship Schedule 8:00 a.m. Episcopal Holy Eucharst 10:30 a.m.Morning Worship (Presbyterian and Episcopal services on alternating Sundays) Education for Children Childcare CINCINNATI FRIENDS MEETING 8075 Keller Road - 791-0788 Donne Hayden Interim Pastor SUNDAY: Meeting for Worship 11:00 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 11:00 a.m. (Carry-in lunch every first Sunday of the month; business meeting every second Sunday) Nursery and childcare provided SONRISE COMMUNITY CHURCH Office: 203 Mill Street Milford, OH 45150 Ph# 576-6000 Church Services Located at Mariemont High School 3812 Pocahontas Avenue Mariemont, Ohio Jeff Arington, Pastor Schedule of Sunday Services 10:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship and Children’s Program Childcare Provided For all Services HORIZON COMMUNITY CHURCH 6905 Given Road Cincinnati Country Day High School Theater 272-5800 Office: 7800 Laurel Avenue, Madeira Chad Hovind, Teaching Pastor Schedule of Sunday Service 9:15 a.m.Worship Service 10:30 a.m Horizon Classic Service - Separate programs specifically designed for newborn through high school seniors GREENACRES ARTS CENTER 8400 Blome Road, 45243 513-793-2787 AUDIT REVIEW COMMITTEE Mayor Eppa Rixey George M. Gibson Edward Dohrmann Robert Stautberg Paul C. Riordan OFFICIAL DIRECTORY VILLAGE COUNCIL 6525 Drake Road Eppa Rixey IV, Mayor David T. Ottenjohn, Vice Mayor Joseph Beech, III Susan K. Holzapfel Lindsay B. McLean Keith M. Rabenold Mark E. Tullis VILLAGE STAFF Michael W. Burns, City Manager 561-6500 David M. Couch, Assistant City Manager Paul C. Riordan, Clerk/Compt. Donald L. Crain, Solicitor Connie Eberhart, Tax Comm. Chuck Schlie, Chief of Police Police – 561-7000 John Davis, Supt. Water Works and Public Works Dept. 831-3712 Will McQueen Manager/Park Ranger of Grand Valley Preserve 979-6221 Steve Ashbrock, Fire Chief 561-7926 – Business 911 – Fire Call Tim Ingram, Health Commissioner PLANNING COMMISSION Paul F. Madden, Chairperson Jane Koppenhoefer David T. Ottenjohn Abbot A. Thayer Richard C. Wiggers GREEN AREAS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Noah Fleischmann, Chairman Mr. T. J. Ackermann Mrs. Robin Armstrong Mr. Luke Boswell Mr. William H. Chatfield Mrs. Missy Cowan Mr. Frank Hamilton Mr. John Hassan Mrs. Carolyn Jones Mrs. Kathy Kranbuhl Mrs. Beth Karp Mrs. Natalie Nesbitt Mrs. Linda Parlin Mrs. Carol Scallan John A. Bentley, Consultant STANLEY M. ROWE ARBORETUM 4600 Muchmore Road - 561-5151 Christopher P. Daeger Horticulturist-Green Areas Manager GUN CLUB REPRESENTATIVE Thomas Kanis, Range Supervisor 831-0994 Peter Tsipis, Assistant Supervisor 831-0994 John E. Gross, Jr., Village Representative 561-0696 PERSONNEL ADVISORY & APPEALS BOARD Eric Holzapfel George Glover Kim Burke, Chairman MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Edward H. Miller, M.D. Mrs. Patricia Timperman, R.S. Thomas J. Clarke, Jr., D.V.M. INDIAN HILL EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION 6855 Drake Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45243 Barbara A. Hopewell, President Ted Jaroszewicz Vice President Molly Barber Elizabeth Johnston Timothy Sharp Dr. Jane Knudson, Supt. 272-4500 Julia J. Toth, Clerk-Treas. 272-4522 Indian Hill High School 272-4550 Indian Hill Middle School 272-4642 Indian Hill Elementary 272-4703 Indian Hill Primary School 272-4754 RECREATION COMMISSION Tom Bolser Chairman 891- 4447 Program Coordinator, JackAlley 979-6212 INDIAN HILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY 891-1873 Mrs. Andrew C. Hauck III, President Mrs. Donald C. Harrison, Vice President Mrs. Frank Welsh, Vice President Mr. Stephen Schultz, Secretary Mr. Otto Hausknecht, Treasurer BULLETIN EDITOR Joyce Holder All questions concerning copy for the Bulletin should be directed to the Village office at 561-6500. or [email protected] NEXT ISSUE OF BULLETIN DECEMBER 26, 2008 Please note that all copy for that issue must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. Friday, December 5 ST. GERTRUDE PARISH Miami Ave. & Shawnee Run Rd. Church (513) 561-5954 School (513) 561-8020 Religious Education (513) 561-8369 Fr. Ken Letoile, Pastor Sister Mary Sheila O.P., Principal Shari Siebert, Director of Religious Education Mass Schedule: Daily: 7:00, 8:00 & 11:30 AM Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM 12:30 & 6:00 PM THE INDIAN HILL CLUB SWIM & TENNIS Dot Lane off Shawnee Run Rd. across from St. Gertrude’s NOVEMBER 26, 2008- INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION OF ANDERSON TOWNSHIP MINE PROPOSAL EXTENDED TO INCLUDE MORE HEARINGS Village officials attended the November 6, 2008 and November 19, 2008 Anderson Township Board of Zoning Appeals (ATBZA) hearings regarding a request for a conditional use permit and related variances required to allow Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. to operate a deep limestone mine in the vicinity of Round Bottom Road and Broadwell Road in Anderson Township. These hearings, which were continuations of several earlier hearings, each lasted at least 5 hours, and the ATBZA adjourned still not having completed the proponent testimony from Martin Marietta Materials. The November 6th meeting involved testimony by Martin Marietta expert witnesses on the above ground processing operation and site hydrology, and cross examination by attorneys representing the neighboring communities of the Village of Indian Hill, Terrace Park, Newtown, and attorneys representing residents of Anderson Township. The November 19th hearing was mainly dedicated to continued testimony by the applicant’s hydrology expert, proponent testimony by Little Miami Incorporated, and cross examination. The meeting was adjourned with Martin Marietta still scheduled to put on 4-5 more expert witnesses before any opposing testimony will be considered by the ATBZA. The ATBZA has set four additional hearing dates in order to hear the rest of the Martin Marietta presentation, other proponent testimony, and opponent testimony. Given the level of interest in the case, and the pace of the presentations and cross examinations, it is anticipated that a decision on the requests will not be made until sometime early in the 2009. The additional hearing dates are December 4, 2008 (8:00 p.m.), December 17, 2008 (3:00 p.m.), January 8, 2009 (5:30 p.m.), and January 21, 2009 (5:30 p.m.). All the ATBZA meetings are held in the Anderson Center, 7850 Five Mile Road, Anderson Township 45230. Village officials and our legal counsel will continue to attend the hearings and express our concerns about noise, truck traffic, light pollution, and dust pollution. We will also continue to advise residents of the status of the case and any related Village actions in direct mailings to south Indian Hill neighborhoods, future Bulletin articles, and on the Village webpage: Any questions about the current status of the case may be directed to the City Manager’s office, 561-6500. Robert Carl Vogt 1898-1985 Today, November 9, 2008, would have been my Dad’s 110th Birthday. My Dad died in 1985. He lived each day fully accomplishing so many things in his life. He was a graduate of the University of Michigan in 1922, as a Civil Engineer. He came to Cincinnati immediately after the 1937 flood. He was the chief engineer for the U. S. Corps of Engineer. He was in charge of planning, design, and construction of flood control projects along the Ohio River and its tributaries; which included 4-5 states, reaching from Louisville, Kentucky to Parkersburg West Virginia. After W.W. II he started a consulting engineering firm which evolved across the United States; offices were nation wide and from coast to coast. His practice was heavily involved in the planning and design of the nation wide interstate highway system that we use today. At the height of the cold war, his firm was hired by the Federal Government to locate inter continental ballistic missiles in mid-western states (Minuteman Missile Program.) His firm was part of the design team for the new Federal building located on 6th Street in Cincinnati. He was married to Gladys Schwartz Vogt for 56 years and they had two children, Bob and Marian Vogt Savage. He retired to his beloved home on Park Road where he raised pheasant, raspberries, asparagus and tomatoes. My Dad, Robert Carl Vogt, was a man of many dimensions. He enjoyed business, family, and hosting dinner parties at the University Club with friends. In addition to his children, he had eight grandchildren all college graduates, and eighteen great grandchildren. By Marian V. Savage NOVEMBER 26, 2008- INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 4 RANGER CHAT Holiday Safety Tips From The Rangers The holidays are rapidly approaching and the Rangers would like to remind everyone to stay safe during this bustling season. Please take a moment to review the following reminders that are so important to keeping your home and family safe. The tips cover several topics, such as home security, driving safety, and general information. • Use your alarm system, not just during the Holidays, but throughout the year • Be ALERT – report any suspicious people or vehicles to the Rangers • Fill out a vacation report and drop it off at the Ranger Station – even for short trips and PLEASE try to avoid last minute phone calls to make these reports. The dispatchers are busy with their regular duties and are sometimes deluged with calls. You can fax a vacation report to the station at 561-9459. • Remind children to keep doors locked at all times and not to answer the door for strangers. If they are not sure, call the Rangers. Remember – don’t scare, educate! • Use interior and exterior lighting when away for the evening. • The Holidays are the time for parties, PLEASE DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE. • Drive defensively; remember everyone doesn’t listen to the above rule. • USE YOUR SEATBELT – that’s what it’s there for! • Be aware of road conditions, they can change in an instant. • Take a minute to speak to your teenage drivers and remind them of the importance of driving safely. In the past year we have had many local teens injured in traffic accidents. The Rangers would like to wish everyone a festive and joyous Holiday Season. Post the above guidelines on the refrigerator or the family note board, where everyone sees them on a daily basis. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call the Ranger Station. Lt. Mike Dressell Indian Hill Rangers HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM THE RANGERS!!! A NOTE FROM SANTA HI BOYS AND GIRLS! I THOUGHT I WOULD LET YOU KNOW THAT I AM WORKING HARD TO GET ALL OF THE CHRISTMAS GIFTS READY TO DELIVER RIGHT ON TIME. I HAVE BEEN WATCHING AND I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN VERY GOOD. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO GETTING LETTERS FROM SOME OF YOU AND SEEING YOU AROUND TOWN. I HOPE THAT EVERYONE HAS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. SANTA CLAUS NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 5 PUBLIC WORKS Waste and Recycling Schedule Changes for the Holidays Friday, November 28th Collection is rescheduled for Monday, December 1st Thursday, December 25th Collection is rescheduled for Monday, December 22nd. Thursday, January 1st Collection is rescheduled for Monday, December 29th PUBLIC WORKS WINTER WEATHER DRIVING TIPS The winter season is nearly upon us and the cold, snowy weather is surely not far behind. The Public Works would like to take this opportunity to provide a few winter weather driving tips. When traveling in inclement weather, there are a few things you can do to keep you and your family safe. Reducing speed and increasing following distance will allow you increased time to stop your vehicle or to maneuver around an accident or obstacle in your lane of travel. Also, be aware of shaded areas on the roadways. There are many tree canopies throughout the Village that don’t allow enough sunlight to get to the pavement. The lack of sunlight keeps the surface temperature low and is an optimal location for “black ice” to form. These areas are particularly dangerous on hills and curves. Finally, pay special attention to the Village salt trucks when they are out treating the roadways. We ask that you give us plenty of room and reduce your speed when passing an oncoming truck. When following a salt truck, increase your following distance to keep the road salt from bouncing on to your vehicle. Also, if you can’t see the mirrors on the truck, we can’t see you. If you have any questions or areas that need the attention of the Public Works department, we encourage you to call us at 831-3712. Thank You! Winterizing Your Irrigation System From Village Water Works Lawn irrigation systems are a great way to help keep your yard and flowers vibrant throughout the summer season. However, once cold weather arrives these systems require some general maintenance. In Ohio the freeze zone is approximately 24 inches deep, and most irrigation lines are only buried 18 inches deep. In order to properly maintain your irrigation system so the lines won’t freeze, you will need to have the irrigation lines blown out annually. Also, if your backflow preventer is located outside, then it will need to be placed in indoors this winter. All of these services can typically be provided by the irrigation company responsible for the installation of your system. NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 6 GREEN AREAS ADVISORY COMMITTEE The end of the year is rapidly approaching and as the year draws to a close we are hoping that residents will again remember our green spaces and how we attained this wonderful asset. Indian Hill has more than 2500 acres of green space. These thousands of acres of woods, meadows, wetlands and riding trails were given by residents who wished Indian Hill to remain a rural agricultural community. The Green Areas Advisory Committee would like to remind residents that year end contributions of land, cash or securities are most welcome. Such donations will have a beneficial tax consequence as well as protecting our rural community. Please Contact Dave Couch at the Village Office (561-6511) for more information. GREENACRES WOODLAND PIXIIES FAMILY PROGRAM Join Greenacres staff in making holiday ornaments from natural materials at Greenacres Woodland Pixies Family Program on Saturday, Dec. 13 from 10:00 - 11:30 am at Greenacres Old Church, 8680 Spooky Hollow Road. This free program is appropriate for children ages six and up. Children under nine should be accompanied by an adult. Space is limited to 16 participants, and reservations are required. Contact Patty Harrington at (513) 891 4227 Ext. 228 or email her at: [email protected] to reserve your spot! MARTIN LAWRENCE LEONARD Martin Lawrence Leonard, CCDS Class of 2003, graduated from the United States Naval Academy on May 23, 2008. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Naval Architecture and was commissioned as an officer in the US Navy. Ensign Leonard is assigned to the guided missile cruiser USS Princeton, based in San Diego, CA. Martin played football, basketball and rowed for CCDS. He also rowed in the Naval Academy’s top heavyweight boat all four years. Martin and his parents, Mimi and Larry, were residents of Indian Hill until they relocated to Connecticut in 2003. NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 7 Introducing The Indian Hill/Kenwood/Camp Dennison Scout Emergency Response Team (SERT) What is a SERT? The Scout Emergency Response Team (SERT) is a group of qualifying and trained senior Boy Scouts and Venture Crew members who respond in an organized fashion to emergencies and disasters in their own home town or neighborhood. What will a SERT Member Do? It will vary with the nature of the emergency. In general the SERT Team members will execute a pre-planned effort in their own neighborhood to assist and support the elderly and disabled who may have difficulty coping with the effects of extreme weather or unexpected disaster. SERT Team members will have a list of elderly or disabled individuals in their own neighborhoods to check on and assist (deliver food, drinking water or blankets) in a crisis or assist in cleanup after a crisis. The SERT Team member may also be responsible for reporting on conditions to the local emergency responders when the situation warrants additional expertise or attention. Why form or join a SERT? Because it’s the right thing to do. As we have seen over and over whether it’s the Blue Ash Tornado of the late 1990’s or Hurricane Katrina. Our local first responders (fire fighters, police and EMT’s) will likely need help in a large-scale crisis. I ask who would be better positioned than a group of senior scouts? They are trained in first aid, dealing with hazardous outdoor conditions, and dedicated to community service? How will first responders and community members recognize a SERT member? SERT members will carry out their duties in Class-A uniforms and may be issued special SERT team caps, windbreakers and/or armbands. If you are interested in being included on a list of local residents who like the help of local Boy Scouts during the next weather related or general community emergency please call the number below. We will then arrange a “fair weather” introduction to the Boy Scout(s) who are likely to assist you in a crisis so you can become familiar with one another before the need for support arises. Dave Turner Troop 243 Scoutmaster (513)314-6027 NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 8 Anne Courtney Wenker/Ryan John Landefeld Wedding Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Wenker of Indian Hill are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter Anne Courtney Wenker to Ryan John Landefeld, son of Mr. & Mrs. John Landefeld of Royal Oak, Michigan. The September sixth wedding took place at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Madisonville. The Reverend Len Wenker officiated. A reception followed at the Kenwood Country Club. Corrigan Browne, sister of the bride, was the matron of honor. Other bridesmaids were Wendy Steuerwald & Mimi Dierker, sisters of the bride, Lisa Greene & Deanna Yanke, friends of the bride. J. Scott Landefeld, brother of the groom, was the best man. Other groomsmen were Tommy Wenker, brother of the bride, Jason Hooks & Jim Wallace friends of the groom. Sarah Dierker, niece of the bride, was the flower girl. Jack & William Steuerwald, nephews of the bride, were the ring bearers. Randy, Matt, & Ben Wenker, brothers of the bride were the ushers & readers. Nicholas Chute, nephew of the bride, was the program distributor. Annie is a 1999 graduate of Indian Hill High School and a 2003 graduate of the University of Dayton. She is currently working as a Specialty Sales Representative for Abbot Immunology in Scottsdale, Arizona. Ryan is a 1992 graduate of Sherman High School and a 1997 graduate of Texas A & M University. He is currently working as a business Consultant for Wells Fargo in Scottsdale, Arizona. Following their honeymoon in Hawaii, the couple resides in Scottsdale, Arizona. INDIAN HILL WOMEN’S CIVIC CLUB Our program and activities for December 3rd is the big Christmas Auction in the home of Anne Berger to raise money for our favorite charities and organizations. Be sure to remember that on January 21st there will be a huge event at the home of Rose Topping with a pot luck luncheon at 12:00 noon, and then, Will McQueen, Manager/Park Ranger of Grand Valley Preserve will be there to share information about the Grand Valley. So ladies, Consider your self invited. call 271-8681 for more information. More news for February 18th; Home of Maxine Blotter. Pam Allagher will be our the speaker and will be speaking about “Seeing your Spiritual DNA through the Ancient System of the Stars.” Time, 12:00 Noon. Join us for lunch and a fascinating presentation. Call 271-8681 and Rose Topping will gladly take your calls. NOVEMBER 26- INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 9 INDIAN HILL PRIMARY AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS OPEN THEIR DOORS FOR PARENTS OF PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS Indian Hill Primary and Elementary Schools will hold open houses for parents of prospective students on Thursday, January 8, 2009. These opportunities are for those considering transferring their children from private or parochial schools or other public school districts to the Indian Hill Exempted Village School District. The Primary School will welcome parents 9:00-10:00 AM, and the Elementary School, 10:00-11:00 AM. It is not necessary to make a specific appointment. This is an important time for parents to meet the principals, faculty, and staff; ask questions; tour the buildings; and learn as much as possible about the schools and District. It is suggested parents attend the January 8 open houses without their children in order to take full advantage of the occasions. Indian Hill Primary School, grades K-2 6207 Drake Road Phone: 272-4754 Indian Hill Elementary School, grades 3-5 6100 Drake Road Phone: 272-4703 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: featuring songs from the television classic Kenwood resident featured in the cast The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati is bringing back a holiday favorite: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: featuring songs from the television classic. The show will be flying high at the Taft Theatre as part of the company’s 85th MainStage season, December 5-7 and 13th, 2008. Don’t be surprised if you see reindeer tap dancing! MICHAEL RICHART plays an Elf – Michael is in the seventh grade at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy. This is his fourth season with The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati. Michael has appeared in Seussical, Jr. (Young Kangaroo), Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Elf), and Hansel and Gretel (The Sheep). He participated in the STAR Program the last four summers and has enjoyed singing and acting in numerous school and church productions. Unforgettable songs written by Johnny Marks and featured in the 1964 Rankin/Bass stopmotion animated television program like Silver and Gold, Have a Holly Jolly Christmas, and We Are Santa’s Elves are wrapped together with a brand NEW story! The production is being directed by Jack Louiso, Artistic Director of The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati. Music and lyrics by Johnny Marks. Story adapted by Chris Casazza and Kelly Germain. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: featuring songs from the television classic is ideal for family with children ages 4+. It will be presented for the public at the Taft Theatre on Friday, December 5 at 7:30 PM.; Saturday, December 6 at 2 PM and 5 PM; and Sunday, December 7 at 2 PM and 5 PM, and Saturday, December 13 at 2 PM at the Taft Theatre, 5th and Sycamore Streets, in downtown Cincinnati. Single tickets for each production are $20, $18, and $7 and are available Michael Richart at all Ticketmaster outlets including Kroger locations, by calling 513-5624949, or online at Enjoy the Arts/START and 20/20 Passport Discounts are available. For subscriptions and group sales call The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati Box Office at 513-569-8080 ext. 10. The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati also presents an additional 10 performances of Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer: featuring songs from the television classic for elementary and middle school students. Ticket prices are $7 per student with one free adult admission for every 15 students. School performances are during the daytime hours December 5 and 9-12. Call Pam Young, at The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati at 513-569-8080 ext. 13 for details. Free proficiency test-focused Study Guides are available online at Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: featuring songs from the television classic is sponsored by The Macy’s Fund of the Federated Department Stores Foundation, with support from the Fine Arts Fund and the Ohio Arts Council. The Children’s Theatre’s 2008-2009 Season Sponsor is the Charles H. Dater Foundation. Media sponsors are The Cincinnati Enquirer, Insight Communications and LOCAL 12. Time Warner Cable is the Education Sponsor. NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 10 HOLIDAY FAMILY EVENT Envision a holiday family event celebrating a surprise birthday party with dolls coming to life on stage. Come and be mystified by the traditional story of The Steadfast Tin Soldier - A Retelling of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker. Ballet Theatre Midwest’s production relives the classic tale of the noble Steadfast Tin Soldier as he battles a battalion of mice under a giant Christmas tree. Then the soldier is transported to the Kingdom of Toys where he is reunited with his young friend, Alexander, and finds the beautiful Ballerina Doll. This year’s production features Principal Guest Artists: Eliza Kelley-Swift and David Goud. Ms. KelleySwift danced professionally with Cincinnati Ballet having studied at the acclaimed American Ballet Theatre School in New York, the San Francisco Ballet School and graduated from the Budig Academy of Cincinnati Ballet. A graduate of Walnut Hills High School, she is currently a Biochemistry student at Yale University and is co-president, dancer and choreographer with the Yale Dancers. Mr. Goud is a former principal dancer from the Louisville Ballet. He is currently a freelance guest artist throughout the country and is associated with New Performing Arts in Kentucky. Performances will be held at St. Xavier High School, 600 W. North Bend Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Friday, December 12 7 PM Saturday, December 13 2 PM Sunday, December 14 2 PM Tickets will be $18 adults; $15 children/seniors You can order tickets on line at ballettheatremidwest@ or call 513-520-2334 Several area residents are dancing in this year’s performance. Indian Hill resident Grace Harris is performing as an angel and a mouse. Christina Lauck is dancing the role of Alexander’s sister, Marguerite. Christina is also a militia and performing in a new variation entitled Dance Orientale Characterique. From Mariemont the cast of performers include: Analise Hinebaugh as a Mouse and an Angel; and Hailey Spaeth as a Party Girl and Militia. Madiera residents Maris Ryan is dancing the role of Grandmother Stahlbaum, and Hannah Tucker is performing the dance of the Flowers, the Snowflake and the role of the Maid. The exciting production is directed by Daniel R... Simmons, an internationally acclaimed choreographer, and Artistic Director of Ballet Theatre Midwest. Simmons has matched his choreographic talents to the professionally designed costumes, scenery and lighting. Together with Director Nancy E. Fountain the production of The Steadfast Tin Soldier comes to life with brilliant entertainment. Artistic Director, Mr. Daniel Simmons has choreographed and taught both nationally and internationally. His performances include soloist and principal roles with San Francisco Ballet, Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Ballet Del Nuevo Mundo-Caracas, Deutsche Oper Berlin and Les Grand Ballet Canadiens. He brings an international breadth of experience and knowledge to the Tri-state region. Simmons graduated with honors from the Royal Academy of Dancing, Professional Dancers Teachers’ Course, England, NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 11 and holds a teacher’s certificate from the Vaganova Choreographic Institute. Simmons has worked with Kenneth MacMillan, Sir Frederick Ashton, Rudolph Nureyev, Vahktang Chabukiani, Lew Christensen, George Balanchine, John Cranko, Michael Smuin and Agnes Demille. Mrs. Nancy Fountain, Director of Ballet Theatre Midwest, has taught ballet for 18 years with CCM’s Preparatory Dance Division, the Connie Dow Dance Center and the Wyoming Fine Arts Dance Program. She has been a guest instructor for the School for Creative and Performing Arts, the Performing Arts Medicine Symposium in Cincinnati and the University of Louisville Dance Academy. Fountain has performed professionally with The Louisville Ballet, Tulsa Ballet Theatre, Milwaukee Ballet, Utah Opera Ballet and the Philadelphia Opera Company. Her background also includes three pedagogical training courses on the Vaganova Syllabus for teachers of classical ballet as well as a seminar by the School of the Paris Opera Ballet. Ballet Theatre Midwest is a 510 (c) (3) non-profit organization enriching the community through excellence in educational partnerships, classical dance training and professional level performances. Ballet Theatre Midwest’s Professional Performance Ensemble includes several dancers from University of Cincinnati’s CCM Dance Division as well as performers from age 6 through adult. JOIN THE VOCAL ARTS ENSEMBLE FOR AN “OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS” Warm your holiday spirits with an traditional Holiday Concert led by VAE Founding Director, Elmer Thomas. The program includes works from the Renaissance to the present day, including Tomás Luis de Victoria’s O Magnum mysterium, Jan P. Sweelink’s Hodie Christus natus est, Anton Bruckner’s Ave Maria, Gustav Holst’s Lullay my Liking as well as new carol setting by American composers David Conte, Stephen Paulus and Alice Parker (VAE Visiting Composer in March 2009). The program’s centerpiece is Benjamin Britten’s well-known A Ceremony of Carols with Elizabeth Motter, harp. Since its completion in 1942, A Ceremony of Carols has been one of the world’s best-loved seasonal choral works. Britten composed it during a sea voyage from America to England; the strong religious element that had developed in Britten over the years reached its maturity in this reflection on the spiritual qualities of the traditional English Christmas. The final part of the program includes local children’s choirs and a delightful medley of carols, both known and unknown. Filled with delightful medieval English texts and invigorating dance rhythms, this celebration of the holiday season is sure to heighten the audience’s spirits! PERFORMANCE SPECIFICS Friday, December 12, 8:00 p.m. St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church 8101 Beechmont Ave., Anderson Guest Choir: New Richmond High School Troubadours Saturday, December 13, 8:00 p.m. St. Boniface Catholic Church 1750 Chase Ave., Northside Guest Choir: Winton Woods High School Varsity Ensemble Sunday, December 14, 3:00 p.m. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, Downtown 8th & Plum Streets, Downtown Guest Choirs: Lyric and Jubilate Choirs of the Cincinnati Children’s Choir Guest Conductor: Elmer Thomas Guest Artist: Elizabeth Motter, harpist Tickets: $20 Adults, $10 Students and ETA/Start Members For ticket purchases or for more information call 513-5590000, email [email protected] or visit NOVEMBER 26, 2008- INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 12 CELEBRATE THE ENVIRONMENT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON - Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services Music, decorations, an abundance of sweets: while some things about the holidays will never change, there are still plenty of ways to make old family traditions a bit more eco friendly. The Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services would like to offer a few simple and creative suggestions to help you and your family reduce waste and make this holiday season a little greener. Reduce vehicle emissions by shopping smart Develop a strategy to keep air pollution down and shopping on track. First, create a list of those you need to buy for and use it to search the Web or Sunday paper for gift ideas. By determining what you need and where to shop ahead of time, you can find the best deals, consolidate trips and skip the unnecessary pit stops that keep you on the road. Also, try to plan group shopping trips. Carpooling with family and friends is a sensible way to save on gas and reduce air pollution at the same time. Think outside the gift box Each year, an extra 25 million tons of waste is produced between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. To cut back on your waste this season, consider handmade, vintage or alternative gifts—a gift card, for example, or a membership to a local gym or pool. If greeting cards are your thing, try looking for cards made from recycled materials. You can also send out electronic greeting cards: they are fun, instant and—best of all—waste free. Creative gift wrapping is another easy way to go green. Use recyclable and reusable materials such as newspaper, magazines or pretty tins and containers to wrap gifts. You can accent the wrapping with reusable decorations such as beads or ribbons, or incorporate a unique artistic flair by drawing your own patterns and designs on recycled paper. Eliminate waste by giving back The holidays leave behind plenty of leftovers that can be used resourcefully. If you’re hosting a get-together this year, remember to portion food carefully before the party and send guests home with any excess food. You can also recycle bottles, cans and other holiday waste, including wreaths and trees, and compost any other organic materials. BULLETIN INSERTS Bulletin inserts are only for village-associated organizations such as churches, scouts, schools, clubs, committees, Historical Society, VILLAGE OF INDIAN HILL 2008 BULLETIN SCHEDULE and Greenacres. They are not for personal or business advertising. Because the printer has to collate all the flyers and insert them by COPY PUBLICATION hand, they must be printed on 20 lb. paper. Please send no more than DEADLINE DATE one insert per publication. Also, consider putting in an ad instead of an insert. We can do a page or ½-page ad. The deadline for getting a FRIDAY – DECEMBER 5 FRIDAY –DECEMBER 26 flyer in the Bulletin is the same as the deadline for articles. We need REMEMBER TO LET US KNOW IF YOU WANT TO to receive 2,200 copies of the insert. The cost for putting an insert in the Bulletin is $90.00 For more information, call Joyce Holder at CONTINUE YOUR BULLETIN AD We have Bulletin ads that have been running for several the Village office at 561-6500 or email [email protected] months. Please remember that you need to contact us before each new issue of the Bulletin to let us know whether or not you want DELIVERY NOTICE your ad to run again. Bulletin readers and advertisers are advised that the We need to eliminate ads that have been in for some time without any contact from the person who requested it be put in. Bulletin is delivered via bulk mail, which may be subject Please let us know by email [email protected], phone 561-6500 to delays. The Village cannot assume responsibility for the delivery of time sensitive material or Fax 561-8137 JOHN RUTHVEN PAINTING LIMITED EDITION PRINT AVAILABLE TO PUBLIC The Grand Valley property, purchased by the Village, inspired noted wildlife artist John Ruthven to paint a picture entitled “The Great Blue Heron of Grand Valley.” Mr. Ruthven donated the painting to the village to help raise funds to support the Grand Valley preserve area through a print program. The Village has purchased a limited edition of 200 signed and numbered prints that are being sold unframed for $75.00 each available on a first come first serve basis. The prints can be purchased at the Village Administration office, 6525 Drake Road. Payment for the prints should be made by cash or check, made out to the Village of Indian Hill. Please call 561-6500 for more information or questions. NOVEMBER 26, 2008 – INDIAN HILL BULLETIN – PAGE 13 You’re invited! Join your neighbors at the Annual VILLAGE CHRISTMAS PARTY Sponsored by the Indian Hill Historical Society “The Twelve Days of Christmas” 12 TABLES of homemade holiday goodies … one for each “day”! Schoolhouse Grog – spicy & warm Creamy Egg Nog – luscious & rich Icy Punch – red and fruity BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND… The Magician! The Juggler! The Ice Carver! Crafts! Sing-a-long! Sunday, December 7, 2008 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. The Little Red Schoolhouse 8100 Given Road 4:15 - Santa arrives in Turner Farm’s horse-drawn carriage! Bring the Family – Be Our Guest! (don’t forget your camera) NOVEMBER 26, 2008 – INDIAN HILL BULLETIN – PAGE 14 CCDS US Chemistry and Pre-K Students Celebrate Mole Day CCDS Upper School (grades 9-12) chemistry students invite Pre - Kindergarten students to participate in the annual Mole Day celebration. On Tuesday, October 21st, CCDS Chemistry teacher Paula Butler (Mariemont) and her students gave a helping hand to CCDS Pre-K students in the classes of Nancy Mendelson (Symmes) and Vanessa Hall (Hyde Park) as they all made tie dyed t -shirts. The younger children are studying colors as part of their curriculum, and the older students are preparing for their annual national Mole Day celebration. The T-shirts are a yearly tradition. Mole Day is celebrated annually on October 23 from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m., Mole Day commemorates Avogadro’s Number (6.02 x 10^23), which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry. Mole Day was created as a way to promote interest in chemistry. Jr. Isaac Guttman and Throughout the United States and around the world, Schools celebrate Mole Day with Pre-K student JordanBell various activities related to chemistry and/or moles. Mole Day is eagerly awaited every year by the students. The younger children have a great time working with the chemistry students. Pre-K student Ellie Conner & junior Mariah Reed Pre-K student Zola Hofmeister and junior Mariah Reed Junior Anna Lemen and Pre-K student Dylan Rumpke Pre-K student Bella Cioffi and junior Alyssa Magarian Pre-K student Skylar Lundeen and junior Todd Legette Pre K-student Aidan McGivern and junior Brian Cofer NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN PAGE 15 BITS AND PIECES PAINTING Painting & Construction, interior & exterior renovations, historical restorations, custom painting & staining, roof restoration. Insured & no smoking policy. I. H refs. on request Call Tim Bowman at: 812-6896771 or cell phone 512-756-1351 Painting, Wallpapering, Painting, inside and out 45 yrs. expr. Wallpaper hanging. Great Prices. Free estimates Call C.D. Marshall now at 7319298 Painting & Construction Interior & exterior renovations. Historical restorations, custom painting & staining, roof restoration. Insured & no smoking policy, free estimates I. H. refs. on request call Tim Bowman at 812-689-6771 or Cell: 812-756-1351 Spruce up for the Holidays Interior & exterior painting, siding, drywall, etc. over 30 yrs expr. I. H. refs on request Call Tom Mathes 513-646-1837 Ready for the Holidays? Interior painting, specializing in residential homes. Painting done in a neat & professional manner. Color matching, wood refinishing, dry wall repairs, quality service competitive prices. Refs. upon request Call Robert Beckler 625-0166 planting, tree trimming and removal. Home painting interior/exterior, carpentry work, fix odds & ends, and recaulk tubs & showers. Fix & replace sinks & toilets. Call Jeff Kolkema in Loveland 513-382-4755 solid colors. Ideal for basements, garages & around pools and most concrete surface. Other services include concrete sealing, non-slip coatings paver sealing 513-7210631 Tree Service Trimming, topping, tree removal, insured and no smoking policy Free Estimates, I. H. refs.on request call Tim Bowman at (812) 689-6771 or Cell 812-756-1351 Construction. We combine second & third generation craftsmanship with modern technology. Our goal is to achieve a job that is done right the first time with service at the speed of sound. Please contact Anthony W. Steffen at W (859) 750-2579 Landscape Consultation/Design/Project Management Services Martha Wassermann LLC. 32 yrs. in garden/ construction design & teaching landscape architecture. Info for do-it-yourselfers or installation provided. Discounted plant sales. Numerous awards & refs. 631-3724 or email through website at www. Landscaping and outdoor living environments. Well defined edge on all landscape beds. Several choices of mulch & decorative stone. Manicuring of all plants, trees & shrubs. Weed removal & prevention. Water features & stone work. call 791-4666 email [email protected] Pressure Washing and deck sealing, pools, decks, driveways, & walks. Call Gary 658-5092 HOUSE & YARD MAINTENANCE Tree Care and Consulting B.S. Forestry 30 yrs. arborist expr. deep root tree feeding, pruning, tree, & stump removal. Call Gary at 658-5092 Rich’s Pest Control Termite, General Pest, and Mole Eradication, fully insured. Contact Rich Rodier 293-0052 I. H. Employee Beautiful Evergreens planted in your yard. Norway Spruce, white pine, Colorado blue spruce etc. Call 658-5092 Lightscapes Lighting Designer, System design, system installations, system maintenance, fully insured & licensed, all work guaranteed Call Justin D. Smith at 513-560-3754 or email- [email protected] Professional Home Repair Service. Carpentry, Electrical, Drywall, Painting, Tile, Plumbing, Gas Fireplace Serv. Serving I.H. for 15 yrs. I.H. refs. Insured BBB. Call Doug Baker at (513) 490-8DBA (8322) Home & Lawn Services Lawn mowing, mulching, trimming shrubs, Decorative Concrete Coatings Epoxy Floors-epoxy quartz, epoxy chip, & Masonry Work Brick, block, stone, pavers, walkways, cultured stone-patios, (specialize in repairing & matching mortar) Allen Block –wall systems - Retaining walls, chimneys, fireplaces, Snow Removal - 30 yrs. expr. Call Rick at (513) 283-4809 Hauling & Handyman Inside and Out Call Dave Montgomery 502-7465 Lawn Care Service Professional full service property maintenance. Mowing, trimming, plant bed mulching, pruning, etc. fully insured-free estmts. I. H. refs. call Ken at 617-6787 Landscaping, mowing, maintenance, tree removal, leaf clean-up, etc. 25 yrs. expr. Now offering services in I. H. fully insured call Benjy Caton 513-752-9024 Full service lawn care. Mowing, trimming, weed eating, bed mulching & more. Fully bonded & insured. Call Jerry for free est. phone 575-1098 Lawn Service Quality & competitively priced lawn service. Operate out of central location in Norwood. Owner/operator w/college degree & raised in Montgomery Insurance & workers compensation 513248-2568 Landscaping & Lawn Care 20 yrs. expr. In I. H. Lawn renovation, slice seeding, sodding, aeration, de-thatching, grass cutting, planting, mulching, full tree NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 16 service, lot cleaning. Call Gary at 5283668. Small Jobs Specialist Handyman work-yard work, building maintenance-quality work, competitive rates, licensed & insured looking for long term clients. Non smoker, Chamber of Commerce, Credit cards accepted. Call Roger Simon at 513-321-1419 Landscape Maintenance We have been providing lawn & landscape services for 27 yrs. in eastern Cincinnati. We specialize in the maintenance of residential properties’ with scheduled visits you can count on & staff trained in proper pruning & disease & insect mgmt. Call Peter Wimberg at 271-2332 ext. 12 to set a time to review your properties needs. Mulching, Spring Clean Up, Pressure Washing, Mowing, Chainsaw work, Retaining walls/Paver patios and walks Call 513-505-3652 Lawn Care, Spring & Fall cleanup, mulching, small tree pruning. Leaf removal, local refs. avail. Call 677-0860 or cell 4048911 Snow Removal Call now to secure your place for winter. Call Gary 528-3668 BUY/SELL/RENT Violin For Sale Like new, in mint condition, full size 4/4, set up with (D’Addario) super sensitive strings & four adjusters, brazil wood bow with horsehair, high quality rosin, & case with strap. Call 513-561-7365 Piano, beautiful Kimball console for sale, $1150 or best offer. Late ‘60s Kimball console piano and bench bought three years ago reconditioned by and bought at Henderson Music. It’s got some physical wear and tear as one might expect, but it would look handsome in most rooms. Musically it is top notch. I bought it for my daughter, now 10, who has moved on to another instrument. Make a fair offer and it is yours! Jon Entine, at 319-8388 Piano for Sale Baldwin Acrosonic upright piano and bench, cherry finish, excl. very gently used. Call 513-561-7365 Norris Lake – Lakefront Home for Sale Deerfield Resort. 4 bdr. 4 bath. Fully furnished. 2-slip dock with sundeck and hydrohoists. Gazebo. More information at (513) 831-9168. Hilton Head Island 2 Br., 2.5BA Golf Course Villa located on the first tee of the World Famous Harbourtown Golf Course in Sea Pines Plantation. Walk or bike to the ocean; great rental history. Call for details on assumable loan with incredibly low interest rate Monique Curtis-Associate Broker. Call 843-785-5252 for information Milford Historic Downtown. 224 Water St.Very nice 2nd floor apt. w/AC 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath. $775.00/Month. 513-766-3770. Kiawah Island, S.C. 2 BR. 2 BA cottage. Close to beach, on golf course. Reasonable 513-259-6692 Home for Sale Tudor architectural gem in central village location. Walk to parks & schools. Home recently upgraded to 12 rooms, 4 bdrms. 3 full bthrms. And 3 fireplaces. Includes barn situated on property surrounded by green belt. Call 315-2996 Container Gardening. Unusual & Unique. Window boxes & planters filled w/color. Call for free consultation. Lisa Gross 259-4243 seen in Cincy Magazine. Enquirer & Q102 radio. For Rent in Foster/Maineville area: Secluded country cottage, 4 bedroom, one bath, simple kitchen, covered porch and balcony, fireplace, fully furnished. Overlooks the Little Miami River on 4 1/2 acres, and near bike trail. $850 a month + utilities. Call Polly at 321 - 1884 Naples Florida Villa Home Rental. Available immediately.3 brm. 3½ bath, Deluxe Villa home in upscale Mediterra with pool & spa, close to beaches, Golf, and Shops. Email: www.wor@mricinci. com or www.visual tour #331193 Call I. H. owner Bill at 271-3385 or 7694747 ext, 108 today For Lease: Beautifully updated 5 bdrm., 5 bth. home w/ old world feeling, very spacious. Large flat yrd. w/beautiful inground pool. Gourmet eat in kit, opens to hearth rm. w/fireplace. This home offers a first fl. Master. Please contact 513-623-4648 Lv. Message. Madeira Professional office space for rent. 733 Sq. Ft. Call 513-271-3385 Have the best skin of your life. on your wedding day. See results with pure Swiss formulated Anti-Aging skincare Call to schedule an individual consultation, or group/shower. Ask about a free gift. Call Kaaren at 513-502-5995 Baking Homemade cookies, brownies, buckeyes, and pies. Great for care packages, parties, and office treats. Call Cindy at 275-2041. Dwarf & Miniature Conifers Unusual trees & shrubs for the collector, rock gardens, and garden railways. Evening & weekend hours by apt. Call for current list 724-9032 or email [email protected] Destin FL. Tradewinds 2 Br. 2 Baths 45 ft from beach. Swimming pool, court yrd. With BBQ grills. Renovated 2007. Take a look Call Dee 561-4683 Destin FL Condo. Located on scenic Gulf Dr. 2 Br. 2 Bath Beautiful View of the Gulf– 2 pools- exercise rm. Golf coursegated community. Local I.H.owner. Check website at Call Dee for discounted rates 513-561-4683 Gatlinburg TN. Beautiful Chalet 3 bdrm., 3 bth. Chalet has 5 TV’s, 5 DVD’s, & VCR’s stereo, 2 gas fireplaces, trails, 4 ponds, small water fall, and hot tub on your private deck. Seasonal swimming pool. 2 minutes to downtown, www. click on a black bear hideaway call Dee at 561-4683 & get $10. discount NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN PAGE 17 For Sale or Lease Stunning river view, 3 bdrm. Condo, high end bldg. 616-2001 For Sale or Lease Breathtaking river view 1 bdrm. Condo, high end bldg. 616-2001 For Sale Int. Cub Cadet mower with vacuum, needs work call 513-831-1575 48” blade Artwork Tropical harbor setting oil paintings by Marko Mavrovich. Pastel colors. Beautiful. Two paintings are 37X38. limited edition, signed lithographs by McKenzie Thorpe. Delightful prints, little boy with a big head, hearts & love. Whimsical & a joy. Call 604-8111 if interested Everything Thomas! A package combo available for the child or grandchild who loves trains, and Thomas the train. I have over 50 trains (mostly Thomas brand), lots of track, books, video tapes, and train accessories including the giant wooden train platform station. If interested call Paula @ 604-8111. Being offered for $600. (trains alone are worth more than asking price!) Naples Florida Timeshare On the Bay off 5th Avenue available Call Bob 616-2001 Older saddles: Passier 18” and Thorobred 17”, dressage; Steuben Sigfried 17”, 20th century closed contact 18” all in excellent condition- reasonably priced. Call 5611486 Thoroughbred Horses for Sale. Competent riders only. Call Greg at 5433520 for more information. Marina front, ground floor, garden condo. 100 yrds. To beach, bike to downtown Naples. 2 bdrms, 2 bths. plus lanai. Beautifully furnished. 3 month minimum lease. Pool, guarded community. Available April on. I. H. owner 831-0293 For Rent Delightfully charming 6 rm, 3 bdrm. Home on beautiful, quiet, and conveniently located street in picturesque Mariemont community. Off st. parking garage, central air, and full bsmnt. $1,600.00 per month. Mariemont school district. Call Teresa Tolintino at 319-6640 for info. Refs. required. or Sale or Lease for more information. For Sale by Owner: Beautiful I. H. Central Village 2 story home for sale, 5 bedrm. 1st flr. Mstr. w/sauna & Turn of the Century (1900) gem! In steam rm. 7 full bths. 6 frpl... 4 car detached Indian Hill Charming, updated Victorian 3 Heated grg. w/lrg. Strg. area upstairs. w/ BR. New hardwood floors, custom made atchd. grg. concrete 22x55 pool w/6x12 windows, large master. Pristine condition! sun dk. & 8x8 spa w/a vanishing electric Beautiful park like lot. High ceilings, safety cover. Completely renovated 3 stall warm paneled family room, 4 fireplaces, heated barn with feed rm., bedding area. central air, gas heat. Great location. Call Hay storage, tack rm., paddock & pasture. Alex at 513-519-2121. Many trails. All new fencing. Completely remodeled (down to studs) in 2002, Walton Creek Condo for sale by owner. including all plumbing, wiring, landscape, 1st floor master suite + study….1st floor etc… and additions added. Re-circulating laundry, 3 bdrms., 3 full baths, 2 fireplaces, hot wtr systm. 6000 sq. ft. plus finished new hardwood floor, updated kitchen & lower level w/beautiful bar. 3 laundry areas. baths, 2 car garage on large corner lot. Call Laundry chute. Complete in/out audio 561-5737 systems. Security system w/cameras. 5.33 acres. Backs up to green belt. $2,545,000. New Condominium Occupancy negotiable Email willi1264@ 4 bdrms. 2 full bths. Full kitchen, lrn, drm, if interested. No realtors please. 2 car garage. Within walking distance of the Deerfield Towne Center (next to long Horse Boarding on I.H. Trails Cove) site of 3 Homeramas. Available for Glengarith Farm & pasture board for one rent or sale immediate occupancy. Call gelding now available. Call 831-0277 561-6280 Ranch Mink w/Fox Collar Best Buy! .36 acre –I. H. Schools, Absolutely beautiful. One yr. old, size large. Kenwood. $149,000, new roof, 2 bdrm. Appraised for $5000 will sell for $2500 1 bth. Bungalow, great room with brick Moved to Florida, no need for so much fireplace, attached one-car garage, cathedral warmth. Please call 61-9288 if interested. ceiling, built in redwood bookcases and corner cupboard, central air & heat, ready Porsche Snow Tires for Sale to go or add onto for more living space. Porsche snow tires on aluminum alloy Beautiful wooded oasis. Owner, 513-407- wheels. Set of 4 Bridgestone Winter Radial 1564, (513) 791-5177 WT-05 tires on German-made Borbet 5 spoke wheels. Should fit 1992-2001 Porsche John Ruthven prints for sale, 911, possibly others 2 255/40/R17 tires on Red Fox & Snowy Owl. Both signed 9Jx17H2 wheels; two 205/50/R17s on 71.2 & numbered Call 791-1364 for more Jx17H2s. Call Clayt at 513 271-5980 information. Scottsdale AZ Home for Rent Milford house & land for lease. 3 bdrm. Scottsdale, AZ 3br, 2 ba. Home on 3 bth. Cape Cod on private 5.25 acres. golf course. Private pool & spa. Gated Hardwood & Ceramic tile flrs. Fireplace, community. Rental by the month only. 480central air/heat. Detached grag. & workshop 358-0535 w /extra storage space. Beautiful setting, old trees, walking trl. Minutes from I. H. Home Entertainment Systems lots more to see $1,460 pr. Mnth. Call 470- Sales & service of home theater systems, 0189. Available for purchase. whole house audio/video etc. Can up-date a new system that fits your life style. Also Barn Sale computer calibration of home theater & Hay, alfalfa cubes, lime, tack, halters, new video equipment. Certified & insured Call saddles, new double saddle, used synthetic Glenn Bladh Wrk: 697-8829 or Cell: 484saddle, etc… Email [email protected] 1527 NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN PAGE 18 Home for Rent On beautiful 5 acre Indian Hill property, country setting in the heart of the village. 4 bdrms., 3.5 baths, 3,500+ finished square ft. Includes a guest apartment & 2 car garage Call513-225-5442 PERSONAL Courage Workshop! Day long physical Self-Defense courses for students taught by nationally recognized experts Debbi & Mike Gardner, Survive Institute. fun, updated simple life-saving choices (with practice) … that work! Live with COURAGE, not fear! Call 513-7917453 Gas cutting Rates Call Ken Heile anytime at 375-3552 for 1015% below market rates on lawn mowing. We are a small, fully insured, local company. Indian Hill References are available. Archery Instruction Target, 3D Call Bob West at 509-0051 Be a guest at your own Festive Occasion Over 50 yrs. combined culinary & food service experience. Full service & clean up. Cocktail parties & wine tastings. Weekly personal chef service. Intimate pan to plate dinners for up to 10 people. Refs. available. Kate Jansen 513-673-5385 Sandra High 513-631-5660 For Sale/Rent Apartments in PuntaDelEste Uruguay + B.A. Argentina-contact I. H. Grad Ariel Gruber [email protected] Award winning Tutoring In-your home; Math, Science, language Arts, etc. Call John McCarthy 271-1362 Destin Florida Condo Available on beautiful Holiday Isle. Beach front family rental resort with white sandy beaches, two pools, hot tubs & tennis courts. Hi speed internet, movies, games & more. 2 Br., 2 Bth... Upgraded in 2007. Stunning sunset view of Destin Pass. Low rates, last minute deals. Indian Hill owner, 513-272-6437 ESL Tutor (English-as-a-second-language) Adult students only. Grammar, listening comprehension, writing, conversation, cultural situations, TOEIC & TOEFL preparation. Private lessons in your home, office, or at Madeira Library. Contact Linda Pavey for information, rates, and résumé́ of 16 yrs. expr. 513-561-5251 or lindasp62@ Houseman Housekeeping-cooking-run errands home care aide & C.P.R. certified. Light maintenance, pet care or whatever you need Affordable part or full time 20 yrs. expr. I. H. refs. Call 513-484-2426 Relocations, Home Organizing, Senior Moving & Estate. Busy professionals & Seniors Relocation, coordinate & meet phone, internet, cable, movers, and contractors, unpack & organize, install organizer systems. De-clutter – organize home or home office. Senior Moving and unpacking Call 513-253-9824. Cleaning Done Professionally, Honest, reliable, dependable, fully bonded & insured. For free est. call Carol at 575-4930 or cell at 967-3837 Private Home Care provider Have good refers. In school for L. P. Nurse. Please call nurse patty 252-4743 I’ll do the job. Upholstering Quality craftsmanship since 1965. James & Mary Harris Ph. # 575-0289 fax 575-0793 Dependable, non-smoking housekeeper with 23 yrs. exper. Reliable with reasonable rates & excl. refs. Willing to do laundry & ironing. Jessie Wehrmann Call Home 7344125, Cell 673-5993 Mole Control Professional mole trapping service. Quick results. 50+ satisfied IH clients. BBB Member Refs. avail.513-252-MOLE www. Animal Removal. We catch it all, bats, chipmunks, coyotes, moles, muskrats, rabbits, raccoons, skunks, squirrels. Licensed by the O.D.N.R. 24 hr. emergency service call (513) 797-8727 Housekeeper Service Dependable & reliable, please call Kathy at 513-288-6754 Childbirth Classes Bradley method, husband coached. Call Linda at 513-271-3417 Spanish Tutoring A nice and easy way to learn Spanish. All ages are welcome!!! It never is too early or too late. Call Alexandra Cadenas (513) 272-1270 [email protected] Cleaning: appliances, kitchen sinks, floors, countertops, toilets, tubs, floors & showers, cobwebs, windowsills, ledges, vacuuming, carpets, stairs & blinds, vents & ceiling fans. We are dedicated to achieving customer satisfaction Call Katrina at 513-731-5415 or cell 368-5696 or Pam at 641-1113 Handyman Work, Yard work, Housework - building, maintenance red brick repairs, small jobs specialist. Quality work, competitive rates, licensed, & insured. Looking for long term clients. Non-smoker, Chamber of Commerce. Credit cards accepted. Call Roger Simon, at 513-321-1419 Cleaning Done Right. Cleaning, detail oriented, reliable 3 hrs. minimum. Great pricing. Call Brenda & Vanessa at 724-2338 or 625-3529 Reliable Pet Care I will take care of your pet in your own home. I am an Indian Hill resident and student, I’m very reliable, excl. refrs. Comfortable with all types of pets, even snakes & horses. Contact Austin at 5614941 Beginner French lessons Call 521-2811 Drum Lessons Indian Hill and C.C.M. Prep student available to give drum lessons in my home. I have 6 yrs. experience. Call Garrett at 561-4941 Errands, etc. An Elderly Service-transportation – Fully Insured Dr’s apt., Hair Apts. Pet service, grocery shopping, laundry, dry cleaning NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 19 pick up & companionship Call Pat Sinclair 513-891-2367 Cleaning Service Work, games, holidays, entertaining & cleaning. Call us and we’ll help take care of some of the load. Weekly - bi-weekly – one time cleans. We guarantee quality. References available Michelle 513-4901451 cell 513-625-0560 Mother & Daughter at your Service over 20 yrs expr. Cleaning, laundry, cooking, shopping, errands & companionship care. Contact today 513-371-1198 or Cell 513418-3844. References Home Healthcare Will care for your loved one, light housekeeping & laundry, transport to & from physician, etc. reasonable, references. Call Mary (513)831-3188 Single Female caregiver Seeking a live-in person who may be lonely and likes older people. Position entails looking after very congenial, elderly mother who lives in Madeira. Mother is physically very healthy and takes daily walks, enjoys her yard but is lonely and can use some guidance in daily living due to memory issues. Please contact Sue @ 600-6340 Nanny Care Assist with children, transporting children to & from activities. Light housekeeping & laundry. Mary Catherine (513) 831-3188 references Landscaping Install, removal, maintenance. Fence installation & repair. Contact Jason at 513-265-6065. I. H. Village employee also I. H. references Neatly done housekeeping, bonded insured, free estimates –BBB member Call 513-403-9293 Tracey House Cleaning Honest, reliable person looking to clean your home. Laundry, ironing, etc. great references. Weekly, bi-weekly, Call Sandra at 513-238-5637 Cleaning Service Kindergarten-grade 7 experienced teacher/tutor I offer organization & study skill development in addition to: reading, language arts, and math tutoring. Let me help your child soar to new heights. Resume upon request Call 984-0729 Learn self defense in comfort of your own home by the student of a 23 time world champion kickboxer Jean-Yves Theriault. Call Max at (513) 482-1850 In Home Personal Training Nationally certified personal trainers bring the gym to you! Lose weight, tone muscle, and get into the best shape of your life. Contact Greg Leader at 247-9242 or greg@ Self Defense for Women Learn basic self defense for women with crucial pressure points on the human body. Learn how to escape from choke holds, bear hugs, wrist grabs and much more call max aubry and learn how to defend yourself Call 513-482-1850 Cleaning Professional and thorough cleaning, ask for us. We have an eye for detail. Our service specializing in residential and commercial cleaning. If you would like more information or want an estimate call Michele at (513) 478-5296 Nurse seeking work Care of elderly, excellent refs. Bond. Please call 513-546-0291 House Cleaning High Quality, personalized, professional house cleaning done to your satisfaction. Local refs. available, 19 yrs. expr. free estimates. Call: 528-1249 or 746-0584 Caged Pet Care: Going on vacation? I offer pet care services for any caged pet. From rats to fish, I have done it. I am ten yrs. old and have been a 4-H member for three yrs. I will provide general care and lots of attention. Very reasonable rates. Call Grace Hackett 9845225 Mother’s Helper Need a hand with little ones? I am 10 yrs. old and the oldest of three. I am good with crafts, games, & fun stuff for little kids. I have expr. as a mother’s helper & would love to help you out. Very reasonable rates, call Grace Hackett 984-5225 Housecleaning Over 5 yrs. cleaning expr. in Indian Hill & Hyde Park area. Please call for free estimate. Amanda 513-557-6120 ACE Certified Personal Trainer. Train in your own home. Resistance training, toning and flexibility. Call Cindy 513-793-0425 Private Kickboxing lessons Burn 1000 calories/hour, get in great shape. Housekeeper Honest, reliable and experienced. Available upon request. Call Sandi 625-0949 or 5023905 Cleaning We offer dependable, reasonable & professional service, & free competitive estimates. Weekly, Bi-Weekly- Monthly & on time cleaning. Quality guaranteed. Fully insured. Locally owned & operated. Call Michelle Welch @490-1451 Pet Sitter Going on vacation, need a pet sitter? Professional elementary school teacher in Madeira/Indian Hill will watch your pets in your home. Very Experienced with many different types of pets. Refs. available upon request. Will also water plants & bring in mail, etc. Call 513-561-6280 Cleaning professionals Honest, dependable & thorough residential cleaning. Move in, move out, weekly, biweekly, pre & post event. Call Beverly Hills today 513-315-4503 Refs. Pet Nanny & Personal Assistant Dog walks/pet socializing for mid-day breaks or long days away, overnight visits, staying in your home while you travel, so your pet can stay comfortable in their home while providing crime deterrent. My personal assistant services for your home or office provides help in getting your home or office organized, or save you time running errands. Call 513-235-7787 Growing. reputable pet sitting company seeking self-motivated dependable animal lovers to join our team. Must have reliable insured transportation. Animal care experience or ownership preferred. Hours NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 20 are flexible as you grow into a key team member position. Call 513-404-5702 Pet Care in your home or ours We provide customized care to meet the needs of your pets and your home. We also care for horses. We are bonded and insured and a member of Pet sitters international league for animal welfare & Angie’s List. I. H. refs available call 513-753-3777 or Cleaning Specializing in cleaning with a touch of perfection. beauty is in the details. We service homes, apartments & offices, Call Cindy at 513-300-5836 for free in-home quote Cleaning Personal, professional, 20 yrs experience, local refs. reasonable rates. 578-2568 or 746-0584 Piano Tuning & repair Experienced & professional call Bryan Edington 513-231-0539 makes a great gift. Entertainment for your event Guitarist-singer Bryan Edington booking holiday parties Call 513-231-0539 now House Cleaning Honest, reliable, hard working experienced Christian woman with good references. Call Monaliza Q. Gabbard 513-875-2769 or 513-405-6482 Outstanding care for Animals Horses and other farm animals on your premises. Stall cleaning, feeding, turn out, exercising, training, transport horses. Riding lessons care of other farm animals. Small landscaping projects, barn maintenance, winter –spring cleaning barn-vacation care full time management of barn. Refs. Provided. Call Sharon Peredo at cell 2059993 or home 677-0180. Speaking Easy English lessons with Bonny Dyer. M.A. fees according to your ability Madeira downtown location Hablo Espanol---Gracias and Feliz Ano Nueo! 513-407-1564 House cleaning, Ind. Hill & Hyde Prk. Refs. Call 876-0735 Honest & dependable Personal Training: Exercise physiology with a master’s degree and 20 yrs. of expr. Certified by the National Strength and conditioning Assoc. Offers programs to increase strength, lose weight, & improve balance. Moving to a convenient, new location in January. Call David Wernick, M.A., CSCS at 513-3281768 Refs. available. For more info. General House Cleaning by an experienced and dependable housekeeper? Call Denotra at 885-0724 Personal Assistant/house manager/ companion lite housework meal preparation/transportation/house & pet sitting/available to travel. Call Laurie @ 379-4292 Jumping on a miniature trampoline is fun, safe & will dramatically change your shape & health. Call Laurie @379-4292 & I’ll show you how. Wanted To Buy Double white porcelain washtub for laundry room Call: 513-377-5586 House Cleaning with a spring cleaning touch! Honest, reliable, thorough & experienced house cleaning with attention to details excellent references. call Rachel at 513-583-5083 or cell at 859-380-5937 Adoption Fundraiser If you would like to donate to the Adoption Fundraiser, we can pick up your gently used items on Mondays or Tuesdays. Please call Rachel at 513-583-5083 or Cell at 859380-5937 Travel Companion Christian woman who enjoys traveling would like to assist a woman or couple for traveling the U.S. and/or abroad. Resume upon request. Call Pat at 513-624-9566 Need a Babysitter? Kenyon College graduate interested in baby sitting, house sitting, and running errands Call 521-2811 22 yr. old female interested in babysitting, house sitting, and chauffeuring to Doctor’s appts., the airport & venues for the arts. If interested call 521-28911 House cleaning done professionally, the way it should be. Honest, reliable, dependable, fully bonded, & insured. Free est. call: Carol at 575-4930 or cell 9673837 Care of Elderly Years of experience, excellent references Call 513-829-4191If no answer leave number will call back House Cleaning Bonded & Insured, residential, commercial, & Post construction cleaning. Call Annie 513-520-3906 or Becky 513-919-0750 or [email protected] Seeking Odd Jobs Seeking odd jobs, clerical, light house work. Help you out in a pinch. Johnny on the spot; very reasonable rates call Barbara at 45-7804 or 885-7331 for short tern or regular work. House Keeping or Child Care Will do housekeeping or child care. Need transportation. 513-891-9939 House Cleaning and Yard Work House cleaning, decluttering & yard work. Something else you need help with? Call Terri Burchain (513) 407-5488 or email: [email protected] Non smoking Christian, Excl. refs. Professional Housekeeper Caregiver 25 yrs. expr. Non smoker. Call Barbara Ogden 513-875-2478 or cell: 513-3487785 Refs. Avail. Cleaning Service 20 plus yrs. expr. Free estimates, references, dependable. Call Vicki at 576-0833 or Shelly at 831-3181 Maid Service Maid service. 513-919-0750 or 513-5203906 My Girl Friday-My Man Godfrey – Interested in hiring someone for “in home” pet setting. Comfortable surroundings, NOVEMBER 26, 2008 - INDIAN HILL BULLETIN - PAGE 21 great pets, 1 adorable dog, and 3 sweet cats. Some errand running, about 10 hours per week. Email resume to Jane-hhinfo@, or call Jane 479-1193 Nurse, wants work Care of elderly, who are special care person. Best of references, Years of experience. Very dependable, Please call 513-829-4191 No answer? Please leave phone # I will call you back. weather checks. Please call Katie Slattery H 272-6272 or Cell 703-6113 Baby, House & Pet Sitter Recent Mt. St. Joseph graduate will transport & stay overnight with children and for care of home and pets. Call Leigh at 708-0547 [email protected] Car Care and Detailing Full car detailing includes 3 step process of paint, cleaning, polishing, & wax. Interior includes leather cleaning & conditioning, & optional carpet cleaning. Under the hood includes standard cleaning & polishing where necessary. Take care of your car before winter weather hits. Call Andy Gerhard 513-340-4522 Licensed Massage Therapist Certified Reflexologist since 1991; also trained in crainiosacral, La Stone Massage & Reiki. Call Mary Whalen at 561-8246 Bagpiper for Hire Will do any special occasion. Have played with pipe and drum band for 8 years. For inquiries [email protected]. Retired Indian Hill Employee available to do weekly yard & tree maintenance at an hourly rate. Please call Walt Stewart at 513-283-4725 Discover the Joy of Music Piano lessons in my Madeira home, Shireen Ardeshir McKenzie M. M. Nationally Certified teacher and performer. Trained in India, Italy & US. Call 561-6061 Licensed Massage Therapist In office or your home. Will make nursing home visits. Insured-references. National Certification. Gift certificates available. Call Gary 658-5092 Zak Home Fitness LLC Offers affordable in home exercise training. Personalized meal plans to fit your metabolism. One hour detox reduces water retention and boost energy. Mention this ad & receive two free exercise sessions. www. Or 513-623-8422 Gas Fireplace Service Complete Gas Fireplace service since 1992. Conversion to vent-free gas log set. Serviced over 4,000 units in Cincinnati. Fully insured, carry workers comp. BBB member. call Doug Baker (513)248-8DBA (8322) While You’re Away I. H. resident willing to provide a variety of services while you are away from your home. Including, but not limited to the following: Security checks, plant care, pet care, coordinating maintenance services, lawn, leaves, gutters, furnace, and snow removal – Control of contractor access for projects, mail & pkg. forwarding. Message retrieval, weekly auto starting, transportation services, emergency support, Don’t Be Late for a Very Important Date Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati presents Family-Friendly Holiday Musical, Alice in Wonderland, December 3-January 4 In celebration of over ten years of creating holiday musicals specifically written with multigenerational appeal, one of Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati’s (ETC) most popular family-friendly holiday productions, Alice in Wonderland hops back on stage December 3 through January 4. In the tradition of ETC’s “fractured fairytale” holiday productions, Alice in Wonderland is a modern spin on the classic fairytale by Lewis Carroll. This sassy version is the toe-tapping tale of a lost girl, a cool cat, a wild hare, and the original “dancing queen.” Moreover, this year’s version features several new songs along with the return of several Cincinnati’s favorite actors reprising their roles for returning and new audiences alike. ETC will offer a convenient performance schedule for families with many weekend matinees, Sunday early evening shows, and 7 p.m. evening shows throughout the holiday season. ETC’s Producing Artistic Director D. Lynn Meyers says, “What’s so great about David and Joe’s fairytale creations is that the lessons are timeless and will always appeal to and engage new audiences, especially all the children who get to explore this revamped Alice in Wonderland for the first time. Alice needs to learn a lesson and each of the show’s characters, as well as the audience, become part of her learning this lesson.” Box Office & Ticket Information Tickets may be purchased online at, by calling the ETC box office at (513) 421-3555, or in person at the ETC box office at 1127 Vine Street. Single ticket prices range from $29 to $38 for adults and vary upon day of the week; $16 for children ages 12 and under; senior/student, Enjoy the Arts, and Fine Arts Fund Card discounts available. The 2008-2009 Season Sponsor is the Otto M. Budig Family Foundation. Additional support provided by The Charles H. Dater Foundation, the Fine Arts Fund, the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr/U.S. Bank Foundation, the Merten Company, National Endowment for the Arts, Ohio Arts Council, Procter & Gamble, and the Lois and Richard Rosenthal Foundation. Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati is a City of Cincinnati Arts Grant Recipient. ALL VILLAGE OF INDIAN HILL OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED 1/2 DAY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 FOR CHRISTMAS EVE AND THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 FOR CHRISTMAS DAY NOVEMBER 26, 2008 – INDIAN HILL BULLETIN – PAGE 22 IMAGES •••THEN AND NOW From the Indian Hill Historical Society The Story of Kroger Hills Park Buckingham Lodge 1861 In June 1914, B. H. Kroger generously gifted the Cincinnati Park Board an 82 acre parcel of land with the provision that the property be used for a park “for the benefit of the citizens of Cincinnati”. Located in Columbia Township, the land extended from Indian Hill Road to Wooster Pike and was roughly between Willow Hills Lane and Indian Ridge Road/ Councilrock Lane. That summer the Anti-Tuberculosis League started Kroger Hill Camp, using the property during June, July, August, and September to house and care for anemic children. Two years later the League made improvements to the camp, enabling it to accommodate more children and perform its mission more effectively. Eventually five buildings were constructed, as well as two or three swimming pools, with an entry road from Wooster Pike. Here youths from poor neighborhoods were sent to camp, where they played in the country, ate wholesome foods, were exposed to fresh air, and had respite from crowded unhealthy inner city conditions common in the meat packing and industrial areas. The belief was that by building up children’s resistance in the summer, fewer would be afflicted with tuberculosis in the winter. The Anti-Tuberculosis League was engaged in preventative health care and charity. Christmas Seals were sold to help sponsor some campers. Kroger Hill Camp was active for 27 years, with about 80 children attending each session, until it closed in 1942. Then Camp Joy, which initially began as a church sponsored summer camp in 1938, moved to Kroger Hills Park from 1946 -1956. They did not pay any rent. Though Camp Joy sought funds from the Park Board to improve the depreciated buildings and facilities, the Board declined. Still Camp Joy appreciated using Kroger Hills Park for a decade. From the late 1960s to the 1980s, the status of Kroger Hills Park was deliberated. First the Village of Indian Hill sought to swap land in Madisonville for the park; then it considered buying it from the Park Board. After years of discussion, a plan emerged. The City of Cincinnati conveyed the park to the B. H. Kroger heirs, who then turned it over to the Nature Conservancy, which held it in trust until matching funds were given for the development of a Little Miami River park, at which time the Nature Conservancy transferred the property to the state. This complicated transaction was completed in 1973, and Kroger Hills became the first state park in Hamilton County. By 1990 the park has expanded to 214 acres, as additional land was acquired between Wooster Pike and the Little Miami River. Currently the Hamilton County Park District has a long term lease on Kroger Hills Park from the ODNR, and it manages the property. The original portion is a nature preserve, while the newer eastern portion across Wooster Pike is seasonally mowed. There are no trails at Kroger Hills Park, however it is managed and has been protected from development. A current seasonal project is the removal of Amur Honeysuckle. The entire park has been mapped, and data compiled about the plants, reptiles and amphibians within its boundaries. Since 2004, a controlled bow hunting program has occurred in the original portion of the park. Hunters must qualify before they are permitted access for a two week period between late September and February 1. The long term goal is to promote native habitat, to entice grassland birds to the flat bottom eastern portion, and maintain a high diversity of flora and fauna on the wooded western hillside. The most unique feature of the park is the quality of its trees. It is mature woodland comparable to a near climax forest, containing beech, maple, oak and hickory, some of which are over 200 years old. Kroger Hills Park is a beautiful but little known local nature preserve with a fascinating history. NOVEMBER 26, 2008 – INDIAN HILL BULLETIN – PAGE 23 THE INDIAN HILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY TRIM-A- TREE THINK CHRISTMAS THINK ANNIVERSARIES THINK BIRTHDAYS THINK ABOUT NEW NEIGHBORS THINK ABOUT FRIENDS AND FAMILIES WHO LIVE OUT OF TOWN Busy Elves, aka Trustees of the Indian Hill Historical Society and their families gathered on December 1, for the annual Trim-A-Tree party to decorate the Little Red Schoolhouse for the Holiday Season. Partridges in Pear Trees, Pipers Piping, Drummers Drumming, and Turtle Doves express this year’s “Twelve Days of Christmas” theme. The Schoolhouse was now ready to welcome Indian Hill families to the annual Village Christmas Party, scheduled this year for Sunday, December 7. Hi-lights of the party are traditionally the magician, the juggler, the ice carver and the wonderful piano playing of Pete Michael. NOW, THINK ABOUT PURCHASING A COPY OF Indian Hill - A Point of View. This delightful book is now available for sale at the Indian Hill Historical Society at the Buckingham Lodge, 8650 Camargo Road Or, please call the Office at 891-1873 for ordering and mailing information. The IHHS will be happy to gift wrap and send books to loved ones or business associates both near and far. Indian Hill -A Point of View is also available at: Adrien’s Pharmacy The Book Shelf Camargo Trading Company Laurel House Shops Gilson’s Engraving Khaki’s La Silhouette Romualdo’s The Wardrobe Cincinnati Art Galleries The Indian Hill Historical Society appreciates the support of these community merchants. BECOME A PATRON Every January the Indian Hill Historical Society traditionally says “THANK YOU” to its Patrons and to all those who have contributed to the success of its projects and programs in the past year. An appreciation party is held at one of the lovely private homes in the Village. Wine, fruit, cheeses and gourmet hors d’oeuvres are served to the guests. There are several levels of membership to the Historical Society. They include Individual, Family, Sustaining, Patron and 1873 Club. All members are welcomed and appreciated. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the IHHS may phone the Society at 891-1873 for details. And remember, becoming a Patron Member includes an invitation to the special Patron Party! one stop shopping at buckingham lodge Of course, Santa Claus is always the star of the day, arriving in style by horse and carriage driven by Village resident, Bonnie Mitsui. This Season you will be able to save travel time and money by shopping right there in Indian Hill! Visit the Indian Hill Historical Society at Buckingham Lodge where you will find unique gifts for your family and friends THIS SEASON’S SPECIAL “From Camargo to Indian Hill” and “Treasured Landmarks of Indian Hill” TOGETHER ONLY $75.00 RETURN TO: INDIAN HILL BULLETIN 6525 DRAKE ROAD CINCINNATI OH 45243 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Cincinnati, Ohio PERMIT NO. 6263