It is not selfishness, but rather, a growing awareness We change first, from docile citizens to headstrong makes us focus more and more on what really suits it easier to find like-minded people, we change to that we are responsible for our own happiness, that us. In addition, this whole “disposable society” issue is called into question. Many people choose a product for a longer term, considering quality to be important, but also weighing their decision on the fact that a product really suits you. Add to this, the fact that “one-person” households are increasing. This is partly due to aging [people remain alone] and partly because people decide to live together individuals. Now, partly because the internet makes clearly present groups of individuals. We go from “ME” to “WE”, just as if the back garden was planted with clearly present plant groups, each with their own scent, growth, and inflorescence. Even cities will look more like New York City, with a Chinatown, Little Italy, etc. and each district having its’ own unique charm. later in life, and more relationships are broken. In 2050, the Netherlands alone, will have one million more “one-person” households than now. In short, the given “individuality” runs rampant. The uniqueness of each individual is also reflected in the individuality of groups. Those present are more specific than before, whether it be a nationality, a religion, a sports club, or a school. See also previous Co-okbooks: 04 FROM ME TO WE SS 09: Equal SS 10: Together SS 11: Together Ground: Socialization Vegetation: Sharing Fruit: Groups of individuals “Stand-Up-Reality” is not an open stage show, or comedy. But it provides a place for people with spe- cial stories that really happened. Exciting, witty, and compelling stories about different subjects: a tentative childhood sweetheart, a gun to your head, an unlikely chance at a long journey, or a life in prison. Additionally, during each edition of the show, Echt Gebeurd, [Really Happened] someone reads from his or her old adolescent diaries. The storytellers come from everywhere. Maybe a famous actor, or the baker on the corner, a war journalist, a retired private investigator. Anyone with a good story that they themselves have experienced will qualify. We share our weaknesses and mistakes more easily than before. Nobody is perfect, and we do not pre- tend to be. What we DO derive status from, is the search for who we are and what makes us happy. This is also reflected in the extent to which the visits to the psychologists increase. A few years ago you might have been embarrassed by that. But now, the visiting coach or psychologist is almost a sign of selfassurance...”because I’m worth it”. Knowing who you are, and what you stand for, is a new form of status! FROM ME TO WE 05 Online, it is also important to know who you are, and what you stand for. Many people have started to have a more conscious way of dealing with social networking sites, including “de-friending.” [the removal of people you only the ritual grooming of monkeys. I think you are nice, so I send you a message about my daily life, and if you like me, you react as fast as you can. There is also increasing business use of such sites. For example, many people answer internet forums. This enables them to include their company name or link to their company website, and is a kind of free advertisement for them. know vaguely] to be able to be more conscious about We have a digital lifestyle. We are nothing without the masses, and creating a very exclusive feeling. are so convenient and easy, and connect us not privacy, more “invitation-only” sites are keeping out Yet, the presence of the internet has become an inte- gral part of our existence. [I’m connected, therefore I AM] You could compare the “talk about nothing” on twitter and other social networking sites, with See also previous Co-okbooks: 06 ONLINE LIFESTYLE our electronic gadgets..gps, Iphone, etc. The devices only with the rest of the world, but especially with our friends, family, and partners. We literally feel crippled when we forget our electronics. SS 09: Home WX 09|10: Swarm SS 10: Clarity WX 10|11: Guide me, Involve me Ground: Connected Vegetation: Networking Fruit: Vanity ring The more hits on Google your name shows, the higher the number appearing on the Digital Vanity Ring. On-line presence is now more valuable than diamonds. This electronic ring shows the number of Google hits when searching for the name of the person wearing it. Every night, when the ring is inserted into its’ docking station, the ring is reloaded and updated, to the objective popularity and importance measure of one’s personality. ONLINE LIFESTYLE 07 Bottom Up Creation. In the past, Ratan Tata made a Perhaps the biggest change in the past 10 years, is promise. The one-lakh car! A lakh is 100,000 Indian Through co-creation people can co-determine what of great symbolic value. With the Tata Nano director producer and consumer is getting smaller, and the Nano, the cheapest car in the world, that fulfills all control, making producers seem more like a facili- the gap between motorcycles and mini cars. A break- that consumers are gaining more and more control. Rupees, which is about 1700 euro. This is an amount new products will look like. The distance between and owner, Tatan Tata has kept his promise. The Tata consumer, growing even stronger, is increasingly in Indian safety and environmental requirements, fills tatior or provider. through for “the people”. Ground: Connected Vegetation: Prosumer Fruit: Co-created products See also previous Co-okbooks: 08 CO-CREATION SS 09: Pro-Am WX 09|10: DIYT Not every consumer will begin instantly designing everything himself. On You-tube for example, only 12% of the visitors are actually posting new things themselves. And on Twitter, there will be more “fol- lowers” than people who actually contribute things. Often, these posts are done by young influentials, who suddenly become Super-influentials through the reach of the internet. For companies, it is important to realize that these co-creators want to be valued for their contributions, otherwise they will be gone in no time. This may be financial appreciation, but the cocreator is often also susceptible to things like having his name mentioned as a token of appreciation. On this website manufacturers can ask a question, On their website, YES, a Dutch girls’ magazine, called challenges you can earn RDM’s. On the same site is a article, you see whose idea this is. The co-creator is earned RDM for gifts. think that their article is a good idea. or assign a task regarding a new product. With these for readers to send in ideas for articles. Beside the shop, arranged so that co-creators can redeem their listed with photographs and the reasons why they CO-CREATION 09 Trust....The increasing transparency obtained through more likely to rely on that opinion. The strenght of come trapped. Our confidence is often damaged. Thus, made available for free to some people. In turn, the internet, causes individuals and companies to bewe are inclined to base our choices on the advice of family, friends, and acquaintances. If someone you know personally, recommends a product, you are much “word of mouth” is based on this fact. Products are these people are asked to share their honest experiences with both the manufacturers and with friends and acquaintances. Ground: Crisis Vegetation: Lack of trust Fruit: Word of mouth See also previous Co-okbooks: 10 WORD OF MOUTH WX 09|10: LOVE Volvo got the idea to design a car, for women, BY lunch, family visits, shopping, yogs, calls, prepar- you miss in a car, or how to reach the female con- and wants to do things HER way. For Eve, no fami- women. The team discussed questions like what sumer. And so “Eve” was created. An imaginary woman where lifestyle, not age is important. She crams everything into one day: hairdresser, ing dinner, etc. She has money, but little time, ly car, but rather, a smooth coupe, not small and feminine, but with plenty of storage space, easy to park and maintain, and with good ergonomics. Also, when it comes to charitable investing, we have that we suspect of “loosing” too much money within tance who helps a school in a poor country, then and personal. You see results from the money you more confidence in ourselves, or in an acquain- we do in large, unwieldy, and impersonal agencies, the system. 2.0 Development Corporation is small donate through blogs, photos, etc. WORD OF MOUTH 11 At first glance, the way we shop does not really change during crisis. Our life goes on. But actually, there are a few things that DO change. We prepare more meals ourselves instead of buying ready-made meals. We still choose for wellness, but take less expensive treatments. In a creative way, we ensure that our lifestyle is maintained. We solve this by frequently inviting friends to our home for a movie night, a dinner, or a party game, for example. Of course it has to do with whether or not you are personally feeling the consequences of the crisis. On one hand, we see an emerging brand of barter, where goods or property and|or services are exchanged. On the other hand, we see the growing practice of shopping behind closed doors, because obvious wealth sometimes has negative associa- tions. or are specialized, invitation only websites for fashion, and spe- cializes in home accessories. See also previous Co-okbooks: 12 CRISIS WX 09|10: Feel rich! SS 10: Anti design, Slowing down SS 11: Enough, Sober Ground: Crisis Vegetation: Sharing Fruit: Barter Actually, barter has moved into the background with the emergence of money. This is logical, because money facilitated the production and trade. But in this digital age, we do not always need money to buy or sell something useful. It is obvious that more people are going to exchange things or services. The social aspect plays a role. One who bakes a cake for a neighbour in exchange for tomatoes, has not only made a good bargain for both sides, but has also built a good mutual understanding. Transactions with money are often cold and impersonal, whereas bartering, is a contribution to a more social society. We have less free time, and therefore, would changed. For example, a dentist gives his gardener centers are still growing. People are taking In business, more products and services are ex- rather relax more in less time. The wellness a new crown, in exchange for the garden work. less expensive treatments, but the number of visitors is still increasing. CRISIS 13 It is noteworthy that the concepts of environment and sustainability have not yet been exposed to the crisis. Of course there are people who, although they would like to, can no longer afford the more expen- sive organic or fair trade products. More and more, people are aware that our consumer behaviour has brought us right here to our environmental and economical crisis. They are the ones who ensure that the overall interest in sustainability is still growing. More and more, companies see the benefits of producing sustainables not only because of the environment itself, but because sustainability is used as a marketing tool. In 2008, companies had invested 75% more in the environment than during the previous year. 14 ENVIRONMENTAL they produce is “calmer”, non-glaring, more glowing, and diffuse. The thin, flat nature of OLED’s also makes it possible to use and integrate light in ways that are not possible with LED’s, or any other replace LED’s because they have their own very specific and useful types of application possibili- Vegetation: Search for new & clean sources See also previous Co-okbooks: evenly over a complete surface. The illumination lighting source for that matter. OLED’s will never Ground: Ecological crisis Fruit: Plant-e Lumiblades are extremely flat panels that emit light ties. The two however, can complement each other very well, providing different options in a new type of digital lighting, that is becoming increas- ingly important in an energy conscious world. SS 09: Continue WX 09|10: Innovate WX 10|11: Eco money SS 11: Energy Cradle to cradle continues to grow. Nike considered producing shoes made of hennep, vege-tan leather, and vegetable glue. The River Rouge Factory of Ford car had to be abandoned because the ground was seriously polluted. In this same exact place there is now a new factory that cleans the river and purifies the ground, creating a habitat for birds, while the factory still makes cars. A car that could be made there is the Ford Model U. All materials in this car are biodegradeable or reusable, without loss of quality in technical products. As the tires of this car wear down, particles are released as fertilizer for the plants along the edge of the road. The new start-up Plant-e aims to develop products that produce electricity from living plants. The first product will be a green roof, producing electricity. The technology is based on the growth of plants. Under the influence of sunlight, organic compounds are used for growth, and part is excreted by the roots. The roots, grow naturally occuring bacteria that break down these organic compounds. This produces electrons. Since the bacteria are able to provide these electrons to an electrode, the electrons can be har“Carrotmob” is a method of activism that leverages consumer power to make the most socially responsible business practices also the most profitable choices. Businesses compete with one another to see who can do the most good. Then a big mob of consumers buys products in order to reward whichever businesses made the strongest commitment to improve the world. It’s the opposite of a boycott. vested and electricity can be produced. This means that electricity can be generated without impeding the plant’s growth, using the natural processes that occur in the soil. In theory then, it is possible to generate electricity at any place where plants grow. More information about the technology is available at ENVIRONMENTAL 15 Ultimately, it’s all about trust. Trust, which in recent combined with an irreversible globalization, we questionable trust: banks, business, and politics. The suit us. Spirituality is a personal experience, and years, is quite damaged. Most things are based on coming years are therefore known as the years in which there will be more need for spirituality and reli- gion. From our highly evolved sense of individuality, take different religions or spiritual philosophies that the answers come more from within ourselves, and less and less from the pulpit. But we do search for kindred spirits in the real world or on the internet. In a time when many people DO believe, but have Ground: Crisis, Globalization, Individuality Vegetation: Personal spirituality no more religious ties, there is still a need for cer- tain forms of spirituality. For this, you can now go to “RENT A PRIEST”. If you would like to give a religious touch, church related or not, to major events in your life, such as a blessing of relationships, marriage, or Fruit: Rent a priest funeral service, just rent a priest! The foundation has various pastors, priests, and other clergymen available. You can also go to them if you want to talk about faith and life questions. See also previous Co-okbooks: 16 RELIGION SS 10: Slowing down A lot is said about the year 2012. It is possible to and epidemics. Some people even move to France Mayan Calendar was reconstructed. It is shown also a more optimistic group who expects that explore various avenues. Twenty years ago, the that the current Mayan calendar ends in 2012, and a new one begins on December 21st of that year. Opinions about what this means are varied. There is one group, who assumes that a large part of humanity will be eradicated by disasters, wars, or South Africa to escape this disaster. There is this new period will be one where we will get new harmony and balance in many areas. This group sees the current interest in spirituality and Obama’s message of hope, as signs of this new age. RELIGION 17 We are available online, and this trend is far from complete. The extent to which our digital and our “real” lives are intertwined, is growing by the day. Tablet PC Digital reading through e-book is advancing. The question remains though, whether or not we prefer to have all-in-one. For example, the tablet PC, which is e-reader, computer, keyboard and wacom tablet in one. With the square it is possible for an individual to accept payments via credit card on your Iphone. Handy for a street market. See also previous Co-okbooks: 18 DIGITAL FUTURE WX 10|11: Guide me, Pop up Ground: Innovation Vegetation: Mobility Fruit: Real-time digital information With this technique, it is possible for objects that are not really there, to appear in 3D. The only thing you need for this, is a computer or phone with camera. Because almost everyone nowadays has a camera on his phone, the difference between the real world and the virtual one becomes smaller. Think of in- structions during complex operations on the spot, as soon as a doctor or a mechanic needs them. Or, think of information about tourist attractions as you walk through a city. The possibilities are endless. Google Wave “how e-mail would be if it were invented today” In 2010, Google Wave will become available for every- one. With Google Wave, it is possible for multiple people to work on the same project, such as documents and spreadsheets. Project partners can also respond via a special chat system on each others’ operations. A big advantage is that Google Wave is used within the browser, and nothing needs to be installed. You can login around the world on Google Wave, and continue working, and you can link to social networking sites, etc. Layar is a free application on your mobile phone which shows what is around you by displaying realtime digital information on top of reality through the camera or your mobile phone. DIGITAL FUTURE 19