Board Members
Board Members
January 2011 Bulletin Board Members President-Mike Jacobs Vice President-David Fosmire Secretary-Sue Cox Treasurer-Pat French Activities-Ken Beres Building and RemodelRobert Allen Clubhouse-Harley O’Neil Grounds-Kathi Peterson INNIS ARDEN 2011 ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 19, 2011 Reserves-Scott Reid The 2011 Annual Meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM after it had been determined a quorum of 270 had been met. Inside this issue: 2011 Annual Meeting 1 New Neighbors 2 Boeing Creek Salmon Report 2 January Meeting Minutes 3 2011 Directory 5 Marine Traffic 5 Board members present: Mike Jacobs, Harley O’Neil, Kathi Peterson, Rick Leary, Dave Fosmire, Bob Allen, Leslie Flohr and Sue Cox. Absent: Pat French A motion carried approving the minutes of the January 20, 2010 Annual Meeting. Nominations from the floor were opened. Hearing none, the nominations were closed. Each candidate was introduced and made a statement to the shareholders, including Ken Beres, Activities Committee Co-Chairman, whose position on the Board required ratifying by shareholders. There were questions and discussion on the proposed 2011 budget and 2011 dues. A motion carried to proceed with the collection of the ballots. Activities Announcements 6 Rummage Sale Schedule 7 While the ballots were being tallied, the Treasurer’s report was read by Sue Cox, and the chairs of Activities, Clubhouse, Reserves, Grounds and Building & Remodels gave a report on the past year of activity for their committee. Blast from the Past 8 Several individuals voiced concerns or asked questions of the Board during the Community Comments portion of the meeting. 1 (Continued on page 3) Agenda for the February 8, 2011 7:00 PM Board Meeting Do you have any new neighbors? 1. Approve minutes 2. Committee Reports A. Treasurer B. President/Vice President C. Secretary D. Building and Remodels — None Scheduled E. Activities F. Grounds G. Clubhouse H. Reserves 3. Board Agenda 4. Community Comments 5. Adjourn Boeing Creek Salmon Report by Ed Barnes If so, please contact Lella Norberg 542-4949 Innis Arden Welcomes New Residents! Jesse & Janet Boyett Springdale CT NW Marcy Bloom & Domenick Dellino NW Richmond Beach RD Dorothy & Calvin Echodu NW Springdale PL This is not to say that no adult salmon returned, only that I personally didn't see any. This has not happened to me before since I started working in Reserve 'O' back in the mid-90's. Otto R. Enger 10TH AVE NW John-Paul Gustad 16TH AVE NW John & Robin Hillistad NW 186TH ST The lack of returning coho and chum salmon is consistent with what has happened in local Puget Sound streams this fall. It is not clear as to what caused this but likely suspects are floods from 2-3 years ago (that killed young frye and egg nests) along with unfavorable ocean conditions. Steve R. Johnston NW Innis Arden DR Dan & Barbara Koval 8TH AVE NW Thomas & Laurie Likai 14TH AVE NW George & Regina Morris 14TH AVE NW Scott and Rose Peterson 16TH AVE NW Such high hopes......... faded as I was not able to count any returning adult salmon to Boeing Creek this past season. During this three month period at the end of 2010 had me depositing about 30 coho carcasses from the Wallace Falls hatchery just below the Seattle Golf dam. This is a state permitted process with the intent of provided nutrients for the food chain that young salmon in the creek will feed on. As usual...thanks for the opportunity to restore and enhance a salmon run into Boeing Creek. Michael & Virginia Pigott NW 175TH ST Fred & Mary Romvari NW 190TH ST Pat Tillman 12TH AVE NW 2 (Continued from page 1) The Secretary thanked the many volunteers who helped with the elections this year: Lael Call, Betty Ward, Bill Schnall, Judy Allen, Allen Schwarz, Sue Akers, Kimber Bang, Lee and Roger Lageschulte, Carol Solle, Phil Friend, Anne Beres and Jon Howe. Thanks were also expressed to the two Activities Committee representatives, Maggie Taber and Neale Obedin, for providing refreshments. There were 323 shareholders who voted; the results of the election were announced: ELECTION RESULTS: 2011 Budget: 160 yes; 126 no 2011 Dues: 156 yes; 151 no Ken Beres was ratified as the Activities Committee Board member: 232 yes; 37 no Election of Board members for a three-year term (2011-2013): *555 Scott Reid ` *245 David Fosmire *213 Harley O’Neil *133 Kathi Peterson (129 Rick Leary, not re-elected) Meeting adjourned at 10:45 PM. Sue Cox, Secretary Reminder Blockwatch Reminder Please report criminal activity to police at 911 (emergency) or 296-3311 (non-emergency) as well as to [email protected] January 11, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes If you plan on changing or adding any structure on your property (deck, garden shed, patio, remodel/addition) contact the Building and Remodels chair Robert Allen at 5423219. This is your responsibility and obligation as a member of a covenanted community! sought for Bear Reserve, but has received no response to date. The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by President Mike Jacobs. Bear Reserve: The City of Shoreline Planning Department was sent supplemental information for the Bear Reserve AppliBoard members attending: Mike Jacobs, Dave Foscation on January 4th. The Planning Department esmire, Rick Leary, Pat French, Leslie Flohr, Bob Allen, timates that they will complete their review of this maHarley O’Neil and Kathi Peterson. Absent: Sue Cox terial by the end of third week of January. The SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) process will Approval of December Board meeting minutes: take somewhat longer since a newspaper publication Bob made a motion to approve the Minutes of the De- and comment period will require up to four more cember Board meeting. The motion was seconded by weeks. The Planning Department estimates that a Harley O’Neil. Pat moved to amend the December final SEPA and permit decision will be issued towards Minutes to read “The financial Reserves should be the end of February maintained at a minimum of $125,000 to $150,000.” The motion to amend was approved 8-0. The Frazier Cook: amended main motion to approve the Minutes was Dave Fosmire moved and it was seconded by Pat approved 8-0. French that the President respond to Mr. Frazer Cook's letter of December 19, 2010, restating the President’s Report: Board's directive that he bring his trees into compliTronsen: ance within 30 days of December 31, 2010. Harley In the Tronsen matter, the Club has scheduled a sum- moved and Dave seconded an amendment to the momary judgment hearing for Friday, January 14th, to tion giving Frazier Cook until February 15, 2011 to enforce the compliance order Mr. Tronsen has igcomply, after which fines would commence. The monored and to recover the Club's attorney fees. tion carried 8-0. Right-of-Way Lawsuit Against City: The Club recently proposed an early mediation in the right-of-way suit against the City, but has not received a response. The Club submitted additional information to the City as requested regarding the permit Martsolf vs Wright: The Board has scheduled a hearing for Tuesday, February 9th, at 7:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse concerning Art Wright's request to cancel the fines levied in (Continued on page 4) 3 (Continued from page 3) the Martsolf vs. Wright matter. down to a dumpster located on site. Coffee and snacks provided. Come for 1 hour or the entire time. Vice-President’s Report: Activities: Dave reported that there were no compliance matters The last Activities meeting was held on January 3rd at to be considered by the Board at this meeting. the Clubhouse. Buildings and Remodels: The group discussed the Basketball court project and Bob reported that there were no B & R applications to various fundraising ideas to upgrade the surface beconsider at this meeting. yond just asphalt. Everybody is looking forward to getting this project done this spring. Clubhouse: Harley reported the income for December was $2,350 The Rummage Sale is scheduled for March 19th-20th and expenses were $1,066. The expenses seem un- and collections are ongoing. usually high this month because the custodial bills are received and paid every 2-3 months. The cleaning is At last evening's executive meeting, the budget was done by Annie Zumwalt who charges $15.00/hr. with set for 2011 and most of the dates were planned for a three hour minimum. Most cleaning costs $45.00 the upcoming year's events. after events, so it is billed out once every two to three months. Harley also mentioned that the Board might The next event is the wine-tasting which will be held want to consider charging some fees to the Swim March 4th. (Note: The wine tasting has since been Club and to the Activities Committee for use of the changed to May 6th.) Clubhouse when fees are charged to members. The fee should be small but used to cover the cost of The next meeting will be at Randi's house on Februheat, paper products used and for the cost of cleanary 7th at 7pm. ing. Grounds: Harley expressed his gratitude to Susan Lundli who Entrance: did such an outstanding job for the club for many The piles of clay and rocks left at the Innis Arden enyears. Harley said he’s spoken with Shannon Marttrance have been removed. We have a planting plan solf, the only individual who applied to replace Susan, ready to begin implementing beginning in early about the duties expected of the Clubhouse manager. spring. We’ll be following the planting procedures recShannon wants to work with Carol Solle in providing a ommended by local nurseries including adding addicalendar on the Association’s website so that protional top soil and fertilizers. The landscape designer spective renter can see what dates are available for Jeremy Reding is getting bids for a new entrance renting the Clubhouse. The website would also pro- sign which will be back-lit and installed as soon as it's vide an opportunity for the prospective tenant to fill ready. Also, early this spring, we'll be installing new out an application and pay the deposit on the website. pavers around the three new light poles and placing Pat French said that he would be happy to work with large stones around the landscape per the landscape Shannon and Carol to see how this could be done. design plan. The plan also calls for seeded concrete pathways which will be poured above the crushed Reserves: rock. Within the seeded concrete will be bluestone No report. pavers placed approximately 12 feet apart. In an atRick did make an announcement however. tempt to more personalize the entrance project, our Date of events: Saturday, January 22nd, and 29th, committee would like to provide an opportu2011 10am to 2pm nity for individual Innis Arden residents to purchase one of the pavers which could then be engraved with Name of nonprofit organization: City of Shoreline, individual names or family names as a type of dedicain Partnership with the UW Restoration Ecology Net- tion or in memory of a loved one. Details will be forthwork coming in future newsletters. On Reserve A we'll be constructing a Memory Wall on which we hope to also A short description of duties: Come help the envi- include dedication pavers. Our plans also call for 12ronment by participating in a restoration ecology pro- 15 bird houses to be placed in the newly planted birch ject! You will use loppers and shears to cut down trees. Innis Arden residents will be invited to design scotch broom of various sizes as well as remove and build a bird house (within size parameters pro(Continued on page 5) other invasive plants by hand and transport them 4 times causes them frustration as they don’t have all the answers. If there are questions regarding the project, please call Harley or Kathi. (Continued from page 4) vided us by Jeremy for consistency) and painted with a same consistent paint color, also selected for us by Jeremy. Our committee has received many, many wonderful comments about the entrance landscaping project which we sincerely appreciate. Even though the treasurer's report shows we went over budget last year, we also saved shareholders tens of thousands of dollars by taking the time to research and obtain bids from the best contractors for the most reasonable prices. They, in turn, donated many, many hours and materials to the entrance project at no additional cost to the Club. Harley also donated his own valuable professional time, his workers, their time and skills from his company, saving us a lot of money in labor. Harley also took the time to go find workers temporarily living in the Tent City at the R.B. Presbyterian Church who provided us very inexpensive labor and we provided them some modest income. He did the same with workers from the Millionaires Club. The Board encouraged us to get as much construction done as possible this past year which we sincerely tried to accomplish for the community. Those shareholders who've landscaped or re-landscaped their properties lately are painfully aware of the escalating costs. Because the entrance had been neglected and become overgrown for much of the past fifty years, we had a lot of clearing out to do. Then we put in infrastructure in preparation for the new landscaping such as a new irrigation system, light poles, curved concrete stairs and dry creek beds) and also purchased and planted birch and Japanese Maple trees. Community members who've stopped by the entrance have had wonderful compliments regarding the new cleaned up look of the entrance. Cars have been stopping at the entrance with occupants asking the landscapers questions regarding their work. This takes away from their work and at 2011 Directory The Innis Arden Directory will soon be updated. Is your information correct in the 2010 directory? Clubhouse Grounds: The landscapers work around the clubhouse on the grounds almost every day. This past week they even pulled out the lawnmower and mowed the playfields. They’ve expressed concerns lately regarding dogs running around the playfields off-leash. They run and play near the lawnmowers and some owners haven't been faithful about picking up after their dogs. Community comment: John Hushagen raised concerns about remaining piles of dirt at the entrance. Judy Allen also raised concerns about the dirt at the entrance. Jon Howe asked about a plan and timeline regarding re-opening some or all of the Reserves. Leslie Flohr moved that the board allocate $2000 to the natural reserve's budget to begin the process of filing hazardous tree cutting requests.The motion was seconded by Harley and passed 8-0. Rick agreed to follow the arborist’s recommendations. Pat reported he called the phone number on the side of a book collection box located in Innis Arden on N.W. 177th and14th N.W. He got a recording and left a message to please have the container removed. (Container was removed 1/13/11.) John Hushagen asked Pat for informational statistics regarding attorney fees the Club accumulated this past year. The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m. Kathi Peterson for Sue Cox, Innis Arden Secretary Please contact Carol Solle by 2-25-11 at 542-4978 or [email protected] for corrections, youth employment entries, and paid advertising. Marine Traffic Neighborhood youth may wish to list their skills on the ‘Youth Employment’ page of the Directory free of If you wonder about the ship traffic charge. Skills may include animal sitting, babysitting, that passes by our community, this lawn mowing, plant care, car wash, party help, house- site provides live marine traffic inforcleaning, yard work, and/or all of the above. mation such as type of vessel, speed, destination etc. Would you like to advertise your business in the di rectory ($40 for the size of a business card)? 5 Activities Announcements (costume and real). Clothing items should be clean, meaning no major spots and freshly laundered. 2011 is shaping up to be an exciting year for the Activities Committee. So far the following events are planned. Stay tuned for more information about these events as they come closer. In the mean time, get your calendars out and reserve these dates. Also note that we cannot accept: computers, monitors, Rummage Sale, Saturday, March 19th – printers, TVs, steSunday March 20th reos, speakers, mat Ladies Night Out, Friday, April 1st tresses, box springs, Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 23rd bed pillows, bed Wine Tasting, Friday, May 6th frames, ski poles, adult skis, adult ski boots, 4 Corners Brew Fest, Saturday, August washers, dryers, sinks, toilets, microwaves, 13th encyclopedias, car batteries, and copy/fax Salmon Barbeque, Sunday, September 11th machines. Oktoberfest, Saturday, October 22nd or Saturday, October 29th Boxes: Holiday Party, Sunday, December 4th Please contact Janet Schnall or Karen Sando if you can donate boxes. Or, just drop a few Needed: Rummage! Volunteers! Boxes! boxes by during collection times. The 2011 Innis Arden Rummage Sale fundraiser will be held March 19-20, 2011. We Volunteers: need your rummage, volunteers, and empty We are ok with Saturday volunteers but are boxes. seeking rummage collection volunteers to collect and sort rummage on Monday, February (See back of Bulletin for Rummage Collec- 7th and Monday, March 7th from 10am to noon. tion Dates) What Rummage we collect: Please note these Rummage Sale Collection Dates and donate items and household goods in clean, sellable condition. We collect clothing (men's women's, children's, infants), bedding, linens, house wares, glassware, collectables, furniture, toys, games, books, stuffed animals, small working appliances, holiday items, tools, paintings, pictures, jewelry If you are willing to sort and box rummage on either of these collection dates, please contact Jan Schnall (5427774 [email protected]) or Karen Sando ([email protected]). Last year the rummage sale brought in approximately $12,000 to fund neighborhood events and updates to our common areas such as the tennis courts and playground. We appreciate your rummage and support! 6 The Annual Innis Arden Rummage Sale - PLEASE HELP! Please help make our annual rummage sale a success and raise money for our community! The profits are used to fund Activities Committee projects and events. Past examples include re-surfacing the tennis courts, paving the track & parking lots & painting the clubhouse plus underwriting the Holiday party, Wine Tasting Evening, Oktoberfest, Easter Egg Scramble and more. SPECIFIC REQUESTS: * We need PICNIC BENCHES to use as shelving in all departments. Please label with your name and phone number underneath it to ensure safe return. Bring to the clubhouse Sat March 12th. * FOOD, FOOD, FOOD FOR THE WORKERS! Please call Sue Hoverson at 533-1224 or email ([email protected]) to offer a tray of food for those who are working during the set-up week and the sale weekend. * PAPER GROCERY SACKS – We can use PAPER(QFC) grocery sacks. Please deliver to the clubhouse during open hours. Our Sincere Thanks! For information, or to offer to help in any way please contact Karen Sando (546-6036 / [email protected]) DATE HELP NEEDED Saturday: March 12 TIME Set up Clubhouse Hang signs, Move tables and chairs, Lay out shelving, and set up Noon – 4:00pm departments. Please bring a hand-truck if you have one Sunday: Transfer and Move items from pool house to clubhouse. Please bring a March 13 hand-truck if you have one. GREAT time for the Mon-Fri employed to Noon – 4:00pm help. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: We need your help moving heavy objects, etc. If you need community service hours, this is the time and place! Mon – Fri Sort and set up all departments. We need lots of workers to lay-out and 9:30am - 5:00pm Mar 14 – Mar 18 price all the treasures in all the departments. Come for as long or short Evening hours available a time as you can. Call Karen 546-6036 Any time you can give is welcome! No experience needed! Tuesday March 15 EXTRA MALE HELP WANTED! 1:00-3:00pm In addition to regular volunteers, six to eight able-bodied men are needed to help assemble the tent for outdoor items. Please call Karen Sando (546 6036) if you are able to help. Mon – Th 10:00am - 5:00pm DONATIONS ACCEPTED EVERYDAY UNTIL MARCH 17th Mar 14– Mar 17 Please bring items to the front door of the clubhouse. Please stay to help sort them if you can! The last day we can accept your offerings is TH, March 17. Friday, March 7 VOLUNTEER LUNCHEON AND AUCTION AT 11:30am 9:30-11:30 Regular workday until11:30am. All workers who have previously Regular work day volunteered a minimum of 8 hrs are invited to attend the luncheon & 11:30 Lunch & auction. Auction! Saturday, March THE SALE – Cashiers, clerks, etc. are needed all day. The busiest Please arrive by 8:30am 19 time is 9:00-11:00. Many volunteers are needed inside/outside, front & If working in the back, and security. GREAT time for the Mon-Fri employed to help. morning Sale runs No previous rummage sale experience needed. Come one, come 9:00am – 4:00pm all! Sun Mar 20 THE ½ PRICE SALE – cashiers, clerks, etc. / $5 bag sale at 2pm Noon – 4:00pm Sun March 20 A fresh crew is really needed to take down, put away, & box for 4:00pm – 6:30pm charities If you can help, please contact 7 Karen Sando (546-6036 / [email protected]) INNIS ARDEN CLUB PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Seattle. WA Permit No. 12410 P.O. Box 60038 Richmond Beach, WA 98160 COMING EVENTS Activities Meeting February 7, 7 PM at Randi’s Board Meeting February 8, 7:00 PM At the Clubhouse ==>Rummage Collection<== Monday, Feb 7, 10 AM-noon Saturday, Feb 26, 2-4 PM Monday, March 7, 10 AM-noon Behind the Clubhouse Deadline for February Bulletin— February 13th Community Notices (no anonymous items) Carol Solle, 542-4978 [email protected] Remodels—Robert Allen 542-3219 Blast from The Past 8
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