pc/mold guide
pc/mold guide
PC/MOLD C A D D A T A B A S E INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS & USER’S GUIDE PROGRESSIVE C O M P O N E N T S 1-800-269-6653 • Fax: 1-800-462-6653 Progressive Components is providing these materials to you on the expressed condition that you agree to this license agreement. By using PC/MOLD, the user agrees to the following provisions: 1. Progressive Components hereby grants to you a non-exclusive license to use our PC/MOLD CAD Database and related materials. 2. You agree to not transfer or modify the software with the intentions of selling or marketing as a CAD database (or similar). COPIES OF PC/MOLD MAY BE DISTRIBUTED AND SHARED WITHIN THE REGISTERED SITE ONLY. 3. All warranties and representations of any kind with regard to the software are hereby disclaimed. Under no circumstances will Progressive Components be liable for any consequential, incidental, special, or exemplary damages. Progressive Components reserves all rights to this material to the full extent as permitted by law. PC/MOLD® is a registered trademark of Progressive Components. © 2000 Progressive Components • 140020 I-11 PC/MOLD GUIDE GENERAL HARDWARE & SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS • Windows 95 or higher • CD-Rom drive • Disk space required for each version installed: • AutoCAD R12 10 MB • AutoCAD R13 40.2 MB • AutoCAD R14 & up 39 MB • Cadkey (All) • IGES • DXF 14 MB 28 MB 31.2 MB To receive PC/MOLD on 3.5” disks (if no CD-Rom is available), please fill out the request form on Page I-26. PC/MOLD geometry consists of 2-D drawing files in the following formats, with the software compatibility listed: .DWG AutoCAD 13 and higher, Mechanical Desktop 1.2 and higher. Users can access the drawing files in AutoCAD Lite and12 via the “Insert” command. .PTN Cadkey 7.5 and higher (DOS or Windows versions) .IGS .DXF These are universal filetypes. Consult your software manual for compatibility. UPGRADING FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION OF PC/MOLD Prior to installing the software, if installing 4.1 over an existing version of PC/MOLD where the original files have been modified to suit user specifications, it is suggested that the files be backed up. The installation program will create a directory called PCMOLD which exists in the 4.0 release, but is new to older versions of PC/MOLD. If the directory already exists the update will write over any existing files. However, if your modified files are the ones you want to use, please make a copy of the files, run the installation, and then replace the new PC/MOLD files with the modified versions. Please note: Some drawing files have changed due to enhancements of the products, so verification of geometry is strongly suggested before over writing any 4.1 drawing files. INSTALLATION OVERVIEW For AutoCAD and Cadkey users, a PCMOLD directory will be created as a subdirectory of the main AutoCAD or Cadkey program. If more than one version of the CAD software is on your system, it is suggested that the different versions be installed separately as the menu program is version-specific. Please ensure that hard drive space is available prior to installing second or third versions. For AutoCAD, all supporting menu files are placed in the created PCMOLD directory. For Cadkey, the files are placed into the default directories of the filet ype. For example, PCMOLD.cde is placed in the C:\CADKEY\CDE directory, etc... It is important that no modifications be done to these files or the menu system will not function properly. For IGES & DXF users, a PCMOLD directory will be created as a subdirectory of any folder specified during the installation. 1-800-269-6653 P C / M O L D I-13 PC/MOLD GUIDE INSTALLATION Place the CD in CD-Rom drive. The CD has AutoRun Feature but if the Installation Program does not automatically start then, using the START menu, select RUN. When prompted to enter a path, browse to the X: Drive (where X: is your CD-Rom drive) and select “INSTALL.EXE” from the root folder. Or, simply type X:INSTALL within the box (as shown at right). When returned to the Run dialog box, hit OK to start the installation. Follow the directions on the screen for the remainder of the installation. Note that the installation varies for each format installed, and the user should take care in selecting the appropriate version of PC/MOLD for the CAD software used. •••When asked for the folder where the PCMOLD directory will be placed, select the ROOT DIRECTORY/FOLDER for the software (ie AUTOCAD R14, CADKEY97, etc...)••• AutoCAD and Cadkey users should take note of this path as AutoCAD and Cadkey require these paths when setting up PC/MOLD within the specific software. For IGES & DXF users, the PC/MOLD directory will be created as a subdirectory or folder off of the specified directory/folder. It can be installed within the root directory (ie C:\PCMOLD). If any files already exist in the PCMOLD directory they will be overwriten. It is suggested that you abort installation and move and/or back up the files as discussed on the previous page. This will also ensure that you do not overwrite any modified files. I t is also suggested that a printed copy of this User’s Guide should be inserted into your catalog, within the Software & Literature section, for quick reference. CADKEY MENU SETUP The Cadkey menus are executed via a CDE program, which, in turn, executes individual CDX (CADL) programs. The menu is accessed via toolbar icons, which can be relocated like other toolbars used in Cadkey. The DOS version is executed by a single CADL program, and accessed by buttons on the top of the screen. P C / M O L D Setup for Cadkey 7.5 (Windows) and Cadkey 97 R1 & R2 and Higher: •After installing PC/MOLD, start Cadkey. At the top of the screen, select APPLICATIONS. •Select CDE Load, and the dialog box will default to the CDE folder. •Click on PCMOLD.CDE and select “open” at the right. •Select APPLICATIONS again, and a PC/MOLD option will appear below the CADKEY option. Please note that location may vary with other CDE programs loaded. •Select PC/MOLD, and twelve icons will appear on the left side of the screen. CADKEY 7.5 (DOS) •After installing PC/MOLD, start Cadkey. At the top of the screen, select FILES-CADL -LIST/EXE (F5-F4-F4). •Click on PCMOLD.CDX and select “open” at the right. I-14 PROGRESSIVE C O M P O N E N T S PC/MOLD GUIDE USING THE PC/MOLD MENU FOR CADKEY: In all Windows versions of Cadkey, the twelve icons correspond to the different sections of the catalog as follows: Pins UniLifters Fasteners Mold Bases Leader Pins & Bushings Mold Actions Cooling Items ElectriConnect Locks Components Rapid Tooling Inserts Misc Items Select any of the icons, and buttons will appear within the conversation toolbar, which is at the default location at the top of the screen. The Cadkey 7.5 for DOS menu works the same way, just with buttons at the top of the screen instead of icons. Scroll through the different selections to get to the specific component required. The final selection in any product category is for the view. After selecting the view, the standard Cadkey toolbar for item selection will appear. The text below this toolbar prompts for the location of the specific component and its view. Simply indicate the location as you would indicate other entities within Cadkey, and the geometry will be placed into your design. All geometry is colored red to allow for easy manipulation of layers, linetypes, or groups. At the bottom of the Cadkey screen, Cadkey shows the last few commands used, and the PC/MOLD button should be present as well. (If not, select PC/MOLD under the applications menu again.) For quick access, this button can be dragged to another toolbar. To do this, hold down the SHIFT key and click on the PC/MOLD button. Then, while still depressing the SHIFT key, drag the button to another toolbar. It’s suggested to put it in the general Cadkey toolbar at the top of the Cadkey screen so PC/MOLD is always accessible. Once finished with PC/MOLD components, the regular Cadkey menu can be brought back by selecting APPLICATIONS and CADKEY from the menu. The next time PC/MOLD products are needed, simply select the button that was added to the toolbar, or choose PC/MOLD from the APPLICATIONS pull-down again. The PC/MOLD toolbar can be moved to any part of your desktop. Refer to Cadkey Help or documentation for more information. Cadkey 7.5 DOS users cannot manipulate the menu buttons. AUTOCAD MENU SETUP The AutoCAD menu is executed as a supplementary menu via LISP programming. It is driven by icons and pulldown menus at the top of the screen. Specific instructions are given for each version. Setup for AutoCAD 12 AutoCAD 12 users and AutoCAD Lite users may insert the component files by typing “INSERT” at the command prompt. Filenames are as close as possible to the catalog numbers, limited to eight characters. The batch file used to start AutoCAD 12 must be modified to include the path for the PC/MOLD components to avoid entering the path each time. If upgrading from a previous version of PC/MOLD, your path may already be set. 1-800-269-6653 P C / M O L D I-15 PC/MOLD GUIDE Using a word processor, edit the batch file (*.bat) which executes AutoCAD 12. Add the ACAD12\PCMOLD directory in the “SET ACAD= “ line so that AutoCAD includes the PC/MOLD directory in its search path. For additional information, refer to the AutoCAD 12 documentation. Setup for AutoCAD 13 •If this is an update to PC/MOLD 4.0 disregard this step. If this is a first time installation of PC/MOLD: copy the acad.lsp file from the CD located in the directory “r13_file” into the support directory. If you are prompted to overwrite the existing, select “NO” to abort. Instead, the contents of the file must be added to the bottom of the existing acad.lsp using a word processor. •Start AutoCAD. At the top of the screen, select OPTIONS and then the PREFERENCES option. (This is where the screen menu option is located, and you may turn it off now.) •Select the ENVIRONMENT tab, place the cursor within the SUPPORT: line. At the end of the line, add the path for the PC/MOLD files, as noted from the installation. The default is usually C:\R13\PCMOLD, but may vary. (Use the “browse” option to locate the correct directory/folder.) •Close out the windows by selecting the “OK” option. •Next, the toolbar must be loaded by selecting TOOLS, then CUSTOMIZE MENUS from the pull-downs. Use the “browse” option to locate the PCMOLD.MNS file, which is in the same PCMOLD directory or folder that was specified within the search path. •Hit the “Load” button to load the menu, and it will appear in the upper dialog box. •You are presently in the “Menu Groups” tab; click on the “Menu Bar” tab. Pull down the list of “Menu Groups” (ACAD is probably present in the box), and choose pcmold.mns. The PC/MOLD option will appear in the left window, and you are being prompted to choose where the PC/MOLD command will be located within the pull-downs. Choose the location by highlighting a name in the right box, and hitting the INSERT button. It is suggested to have the PC/MOLD option before the HELP option, to keep “Help” at the right most pick. •Select “Close” to close the dialog box. •If the toolbar does not appear at the top of the screen, the toolbar may be “hidden” as a default. To change this, select TOOLS, CUSTOMIZE TOOLBARS. At the bottom of the left window, highlight the “pcmold.mns.PC/Mold” option and click “Properties” at the right. In the next window, uncheck the “Hide” option. Select “Apply” to close the window. • Select “Close” to exit the Customize Toolbars section. The menu can be accessed by either the toolbars or pull-down menus. The toolbars can be relocated; refer to the AutoCAD Help or documentation. To use the menu, refer to the following page. Setup for AutoCAD 14 and Higher P C / M O L D I-16 •After installing PC/MOLD, start AutoCAD. AutoCAD 14, select TOOLS and then the PREFERENCES option; AutoCAD 2000, select TOOLS, OPTIONS, and the FILES tab; Mechanical Desktop, select ASSIST, PREFERENCES. •Locate the “Support File Search Path” and expand the tree by clicking on the “+” sign. Click on the “Add” button at right, and you may choose the “browse” option to locate the correct directory/folder. •Locate the PCMOLD folder, which would be a subdirectory of the AutoCAD root directory. Close out the windows by selecting the “OK” option. PROGRESSIVE C O M P O N E N T S PC/MOLD GUIDE •Next, the toolbar must be loaded: AutoCAD 14, select TOOLS, then CUSTOMIZE MENUS; AutoCAD 2000, select TOOLS, then MENU GROUP; In Mechanical Desktop, select EDIT, CUSTOMIZE MENUS. Use the “browse” option to locate the PCMOLD.MNS file, which is in the same PCMOLD directory or folder that was specified within the search path. •Hit the “Load” button (OPEN in AutoCAD 2000)to load the menu, and it will appear in the upper dialog box. •You are presently in the “Menu Groups” tab; click on the “Menu Bar” tab. Pull down the list of “Menu Groups” (ACAD may be present in the box for R14, DESKBASE for Mech. Desktop), and choose pcmold.mns. The PC/MOLD option will appear in the left window, and you are being prompted to choose where the PC/MOLD command will be located within the pull-downs. Choose the location by highlighting a name in the right box, and hitting the INSERT button. It is suggested to have the PC/MOLD option before the HELP option, to keep “Help” at the right most pick. • Select Close to close the dialog box. The icons should appear at the top of the screen. The menu can be accessed by either the toolbars or pull-downs. The toolbars can be relocated, and it is suggested they be on the right side of the desktop; refer to the AutoCAD Help or documentation. USING THE PC/MOLD MENU FOR AUTOCAD: The twelve icons correspond to the different sections of the catalog as follows: Pins UniLifters Fasteners Mold Bases Leader Pins & Bushings Mold Actions Cooling Items ElectriConnect Locks Components Rapid Tooling Inserts Misc Items Select any of the icons, and buttons will appear within the conversation toolbar, which as a default location at the top of the screen. A 13th icon is present, and this is a REPEAT icon. Choose it to repeat the last component insertion. Each icon/pull-down brings up a dialog box where parameters can be set to select the correct product. On the left of the dialog box, the specific product or product series is listed. Select the appropriate product type, and the available catalog numbers/filenames will appear in the window. Highlight the size required and then select the view from the options at the bottom. Hit “OK” and the dialog box closes, showing the user the geometry. At the command line, general AutoCAD block insertion prompts are present, awaiting user input. Most items ask for rotation angles, but some, like Ejector Pins, do not. 1-800-269-6653 P C / M O L D I-17 PC/MOLD GUIDE IGES & DXF Filenames generally follow the Progressive Components catalog numbers, however, limited to the length of eight characters. For example: EP250 is a plan view of an 1/4” diameter ejector pin, while ES375S would be the side view of a 3/8” ID sleeve. Some of the proprietary items offered from Progressive Components are listed here to make translation into your 3-D software easier. Products are in catalog order. ALIGNMENT PRODUCTS SHOULDER STYLE QC BUSHINGS SIDE VIEW GUIDE LOCKS Page B-12 Page B-10 SL37 SL49 SL50 SL50C SL75 SL100 SL125 SL150 PLAN VIEW Page B-6 PLAN VIEW SIDE LOCKS QC75 QC87 QC10 QC12 QC15 QC20 SLMM50 SLMM75 SLMM100 SLMM125 PLAN VIEW GL100M GL150M GL200M GL250M PLAN VIEW SIDE VIEW QC75L87 QC75L137 QC75L187 QC75L237 QC75L287 QC12L137 QC12L187 QC12L237 QC12L287 QC12L337 QC87L87 QC87L137 QC87L187 QC87L237 QC87L287 QC15L387 QC10L187 QC10L237 QC10L287 QC10L337 QC20L337 QC20L437 QC15L137 QC15L187 QC15L237 QC15L287 QC15L337 QC10L137 QC20L137 QC20L187 QC20L237 QC20L287 QC20L387 QC20L487 SL37S SL49S SL50S SL50CS SL75S SL100S SL125S SL150S GL100 GL150 GL200 GL250 SLMM50S SLMM75S SLMM100S SLMM125S SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW SL37F SL49F SL50F SL50CF SL75F SL100F SL125F SL150F GL100S GL150S GL200S GL250S SLMM50F SLMM75F SLMM100F SLMM125F FRONT VIEW QC GUIDED EJECTOR BUSHINGS Page B-9 PLAN VIEW P C / M O L D I-18 GL100F GL150F GL200F GL250F TOP LOCKS GQC75 GQC87 GQC100 GQC125 GQC150 GQC200 Page B-13 PLAN VIEW TPL75 TPL112 TPL175 SIDE VIEW GQC75S GQC87S GQC100S GQC125S GQC150S GQC200S SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW TPL75S TPL112S TPL175S TPL75F TPL112F TPL175S PROGRESSIVE C O M P O N E N T S PC/MOLD GUIDE MOLD ACTION ITEMS X-SERIES SIDE LOCKS Page B-11 UNILIFTERS PLAN VIEW U-COUPLINGS & T-GIBS Pages C-1 through C-6 SL50X87 SL75X13 SL75X18 SL10X13 PLAN VIEW FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW SL50X87S SL75X13S SL75X18S SL10X13S CORE BLADES MINILIFTER SERIES TGM31 TGM100 MINILIFTER SERIES CB43DF CB37X25F CB50X25F CB75X37F UNILIFTER SERIES TGU25 TGU50 TGU100 TGU150 UNILIFTER SERIES CB75DF CB50X50F CB50X10F CB50X15F CB75X15F CB75X50F CB10X50F CB15X50F CB15X75F XL SERIES TGX50 TGX100 TGX250 XL SERIES CB125DF CB10X10F CB10X15F CB15X10F FRONT VIEW METRIC SERIES TGMM10 TGMM30 FRONT VIEW UNILIFTER SERIES TGU25AF TGU50AF TGU100AF TGU150AF METRIC SERIES CBMM15DF CBMM10XF CBMM15XF CBMM20XF SL50X87F SL75X13F SL75X18F SL10X13F SIDE VIEW XL SERIES TGX50AF TGX100AF TGX250AF MINILIFTER SERIES CB43DS CB37X25S CB50X25S CB75X37S UNILIFTER SERIES CB75DF CB50X50S CB50X10S CB50X15S CB75X15S CB75X50S CB10X50S CB15X50S CB15X75S MINILIFTER SERIES TGM31AF TGM100AF METRIC SERIES TGMM10AF TGMM30AF SIDE VIEW TGMS TGUS TGXS TGMMS XL SERIES CB125DS CB10X10S CB10X15S CB15X10S METRIC SERIES CBMM15DS CBMM10XS CBMM15XS CBMM20XS 1-800-269-6653 P C / M O L D D-10.2 I-19 PC/MOLD GUIDE SINGLE FLEXICORE ASSEMBLY FLEXICORE ACCESSORIES DOUBLE FLEXICORE ASSEMBLY Page C-7 PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW FC35X24 FC35X32 FC45X40 FC45X48 FC9X6 FC9X8 FC11X10 FC11X12 FCDA35 FCDA45 FCDA9 FCDA11 FCWB24 FCWB32 FCWB40 FCWB48 FCWB6 FCWB8 FCWB10 FCWB12 SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW FCWB24S FCWB32S FCWB40S FCWB6S FCWB8S FCWB10S FCDA35S FCDA4SS FCDA9S FCDA11S FC35X24S FC35X32S FC45S FC9X6S FC9X8S FC11S SIDE VIEW FCX08S FCX10S FCXM4S FCXM5S FRONT VIEW FRONT VIEW FCDA35F FCDA4SF FCDA9F FCDA11F FC35X24F FC35X32F FC45X40F FC45X48F FC9X6F FC9X8F FC11X10F FC11X12F P C / M O L D I-20 PROGRESSIVE C O M P O N E N T S PC/MOLD GUIDE CAMACTIONS SIDE VIEW Page C-14 to C-24 PLAN VIEW “B” RISER CAR100 CARM100 100 Series CA100S CAM100S PLAN VIEW 100 Series CA100 CAM100 SIDE VIEW 200 Series CA200S CAM200S CAR100S CARM100S 200 Series CA200 CAM200 300 Series CA300S CAM300S FRONT VIEW 300 Series CA300 CAM300 CAR100F CARM100F CAMACTIONS ACCESSORIES PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW FRONT VIEW 300 Series (A-Side) CA300T CAM300T FRONT VIEW 100 Series CA100F CAM100F y ; SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW CTG300S CTGM300S CAP187S CAP375S CAP50S CAP10S FRONT VIEW CTG300F CTGM300F PLAN VIEW “A” EXTENSION CAE100 CAEM100 200 Series CA200F CAM200F SIDE VIEW 300 Series CA300F CAM300F UL Adapter CTG300 CTGM300 CORE PINS CAP187F CAP375F CAP50F CAP10F 200 Series (A-Side) CA200T CAM200T CAE100S CAEM100S 1-800-269-6653 P C / M O L D I-21 PC/MOLD GUIDE GENERAL COMPONENTS RETAINER Page C-26 COUNTERVIEW PKO EXTENSIONS PLAN VIEW Page D-14 Page D-6 PLAN VIEW RET1 PLAN VIEW English Series CVPL1 CVIN1 CVEX1 CVEX1P SIDE VIEW HEX STYLE PH37 PH50 PH62 PH75 Metric Series CVPL2 CVIN2 CVEX2 CVEX2P RET1S PLAN VIEW FRONT VIEW English CVPL1F CVIN1F CVEX1F FRONT VIEW Metric CVPL2F CVIN2F CVEX2F RET1F ANGLE PINS 10˚ • 15˚ • 20˚ Metric CVPL2S CVIN2S CVEX2S AP7510S AP7515S AP7520S DATE STAMPS Page D-8 PLAN VIEW 1999 • 2000 • 2001 DS06-YR DS08-YR DS10-YR DS12-YR DS16-YR I-22 HEX STYLE PH37L10S PH37L15S PH50L10S PH50L15S PH62L10S PH62L15S PH75L10S PH75L15S PH75NTS SIDE VIEW PUCK STYLE PK37L10S PK37L15S PK50L10S PK50L15S PK62L10S PK62L15S PK75L10S PK75L15S PKNTS English CVPL1S CVIN1S CVEX1S AP3710S AP3715S AP3720S AP5010S AP5015S AP5020S AP6210S AP6215S AP6220S P C / M O L D SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW Page C-25 SIDE VIEW PUCK STYLE PK37 PK50 PK62 PK75 PKNT SIDE VIEW DS06S DS08S DS10S DS12S DS16S PROGRESSIVE C O M P O N E N T S PC/MOLD GUIDE COOLING WATER BLOCKER K.O. SWITCHES Page H- 6 SIDE VIEW SWSA1(Plan) SWSAXB (with block) PLAN VIEW Page E-8.1 SWSA1S (Side) SWSAXBS (with block) SWKO SWKOS1 PLAN VIEW Side Action Switch SWSA1F (Front-shown) SWSAXBF (with block) WB344 WB437 WB562 WB688 SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW SWKOS SWKOS11S SWKOS12S SWKOD11S SWKOD12S FRONT VIEW WB344F WB437F WB562F WB688F External Mount Switch SWXM (Plan) SWXMS (Side-sjown) SWXMF (Front) SIDE VIEW Adjustable Actuator FRONT VIEW SWXB2 (Plan) SWKOF SWKOS11F SWKOS12F SWKOD11F SWKOD12F SWXB2S (Side-shown) SWXB2F (Front) ELECTRICONNECT RECESSED CONNECTORS SWITCHES Page H- 8 through H-13 Page H- 4 FRONT VIEW PLAN VIEW ECRC1 ECRC2 ECRC38 (3-8) CamAction Switches SWCA (Plan) SWCAR HOT SPRUE BUSHINGS Page H- 16 PLAN VIEW MST SWCAS (Side) SWCARS SWCAF (Front-shown) SWCARF (Front-shown) SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW MSTS ECRC1S ECRC2S ECRC38S PLAN VIEW Plate Position Switch SWPPS (Plan-shown) FRONT VIEW SWPPSS (Side) ECRC1F ECRC2F ECRC38F SWPPSF (Front) 1-800-269-6653 FRONT VIEW MSTF P C / M O L D I-23 PC/MOLD GUIDE RAPID TOOLING ACCESSORIES Page F-18 MOLD BASES RTI LEADER PINS RTI SPRUE BUSHING Section G PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW RFS RLP50 RLP62 SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW RLP50S RLP62S Filenames: MB[SIZE] • Ex. MB0808, MB1518 All four views are within the file. RFSS RTI SUPPORT PILLARS RTI BUSHINGS PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW RTISP75 RTISP10 RTISP12 RSB50 RSB62 RAPID TOOLING INSERTS Section F SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW RSB50S RSB62S RTI GUIDE BUSHINGS PLAN VIEW RGEB50 Filenames: RT -[SERIES]-FRAME • Ex. RTL0810, RTT8490 All four views are within the file. P C / M O L D I-24 SIDE VIEW RGEB50S PROGRESSIVE C O M P O N E N T S RTISP75S RTISP10S RTISP12S PC/MOLD C A D D A T A B A S E PC/MOLD GUIDE We’re interested in your comments! PC/MOLD was created for the convenience of our customers. In an effort to maintain the quality of the drawing files and documentation, we would like to hear from PC/MOLD users. Please take the time to fill out the form below with your suggestions or tech questions and fax to 1-800-269-6653. Your input is greatly appreciated! Company: __________________________________ Name: ___________________________________ Please rate the PC/MOLD Release 4.1 Database below: Bad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Good Installation Procedures 1 2 3 4 5 Documentation 1 2 3 4 5 Drawing Files--Quality 1 2 3 4 5 Menu System (AutoCAD & Cadkey) 1 2 3 4 5 Overall Satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5 Components you would like to see in future versions: Comments/Suggestions: Technical Questions: Thank you for designing Progressive Components into your molds! 1-800-269-6653 • Fax: 1-800-462-6653 P C / M O L D D-10.2 I-25 PC/MOLD GUIDE PC/MOLD C A D D A T A B A S E Use the form below to request an additional copy of PC/MOLD for home designing or pass it along to a colleague. Each recipient receives PC/MOLD along with our current catalog. Plus, being on the Progressive mailing list ensures designers of product and PC/MOLD updates. Company Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Requested By: ______________________________________________________________________________ Title: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Shipping Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ (No PO Boxes) ____________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _____________ Zip _________________ Country __________________________________ E-mail Address ____________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ Please list the names and titles of the PC/MOLD users below. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please send 3.5” floppy disks instead. What does your company do? (Circle all that apply) Part Design Mold Design Mold Building Injection Molding Other: _______________________________________________ How many employees are at this location? P C / M O L D D-10.2 I-26 ______________ What CAD/CAM software is currently used at your company? (Include versions) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Do you design primarily in: ______ 2- D ______ 3-D Thank you! Please allow normal shipping times for UPS or overseas carrier. PROGRESSIVE C O M P O N E N T S