acid taste
acid taste
Acceptability of improved hibiscus drinks by Senegalese consumers Monteiro, M.J.P. a, Cisse, M. b , Fliedel, G. c, Bechoff, A. d, Costa, A.I.A. Boucher, M. c, Ayessou, N. b, Pallet, D. c, K.Tomlins d, Pintado, M.M. a a CBQF Laboratório Associado, ESB UCP - Porto, Portugal. C CIRAD - Montpellier, France. D NRI, University of Greenwich - Chatham, United Kingdom a,e, B ESP, Université Cheik Anta Diop - Dakar, Senegal. e CUBE - Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics - Lisboa, Portugal. . Results and discussion Summary • Infusions and syrups made from calyces of Hibiscus var. sabdariffa are commonly consumed in West African countries, particularly in Senegal, where they are broadly known as jus de bissap. • Consumer acceptance was positive for all samples, but differed significantly (p ≤ 0.01) between them. Mean overall liking ratings show that all new drinks were liked slightly to moderately, as well as better appreciated than the traditional infusion. • The sensory quality of a traditional Senegalese hibiscus infusion (CTi) and three new hibiscus drinks developed by the African Food Tradition Revisited by Research (AFTER) project – an ultra-vacuum concentrate (UVc), an improved syrup (REs) and an improved infusion (REi) - was evaluated by a consumer sample (n=150) in Dakar in October and November 2013. • Three clusters of Senegalese consumers were identified based on overall liking ratings: C1 Traditional infusion dislikers (19%), C2 - Improved infusion dislikers (25%), C3 - Overall likers (56%). Cluster 3 size can be explained by the popularity of hibiscus drinks in Senegal and the effectiveness of the new production processes developed by AFTER. • Mean overall liking ratings show that all new drinks were liked slightly to moderately, as well as better appreciated than the traditional infusion. Derived clusters were highly related to participants’ evaluations of sensory attributes, namely of sweet, acid and bissap taste intensities. New drinks were also characterized as traditional, healthy and nutritious. Materials and Methods C1-Traditional infusion dislikers (19%) 9 8 7 7.07a 7.07a 6.65b 6.68a 6.96a C2-New Infusion dislikers (25%) C3-Hibiscus drinks likers (56%) 7.17a 7.01a 6.85a,b 6.52b 6.87a 6.21a 6.19c 5.65d 6 Overall liking • Multi-Factorial Analysis (MFA) plot shows a good agreement between Just-About-Right (JAR) ratings and Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) descriptor choices across all samples. All respondents 5.08b 5 3.82b Mean consumer acceptance of Hibiscus drinks. Error bars represent the confidence interval of the mean (p=0.95). Different superscripts within a cluster indicate significant differences according Tukey’s HSD (p ≤ 0.05). 3.79c 4 3 2 1 • Consumers of hibiscus drinks were non-probabilistically recruited at four Dakar locations, according to their willingness and availability to participate in the study (n=150). Their ages ranged between 18 and 73 years old (average 34); 61% were male, 88% were Senegalese or long-term Senegal residents and 81% consumed hibiscus drinks at least several times/month. • Tasted samples were prepared from a mixture of dried calyces (50:50 ‘Koor’:’Vimto’ Hibiscus cultivars) grown locally. UVc REs REi CTi UVc REs REi CTi UVc REs REi CTi UVc REs REi CTi • Clusters were highly related to participants’ evaluations of sensory attributes, namely the sweet, acid and bissap taste intensities of different samples. Significant age and gender effects on JAR ratings were uncovered, indicating a penalty for weaker sweet and stronger acid taste intensities by women and younger participants. REi Acid taste REi Sweet taste REi Bissap taste REi Bissap odour REi Colour • Sample acceptability was assessed by overall liking ratings provided on a 9-point hedonic scale. Hierarchical cluster analysis (Ward’s method) was used to segment consumers accordingly. Sensory attributes’ - colour, bissap odour, bissap, sweet and acid taste – intensities, relatively to participants’ ideal level, were measured by attribute ratings provided on a 3-point JAR scale. These ratings were related to overall liking using a Weighted Penalty analysis. XLSTAT (Addinsoft) software was used to analyse data. RES Acidity TW Bissap taste TW Bissap odour TW Red colour TW Swetness TS CTi Acid taste CTi Sweet taste CTi Bissap taste CTi Bissap odour CTi Colour • Sensory profiles were obtained with CATA questions. These entailed 21 sensory or hedonicoriented descriptors drawn from two previous focus groups with Senegalese hibiscus drinkers. Seventeen terms discriminated significantly (p ≤ 0.05) between samples and were subsequently submitted to Correspondence Analysis (CA). Individual discriminant term choices were also related to overall liking by a Penalty-Lift analysis. REi Swetness TW Acidity TS Bissap taste TS Bissap odour TS Red colour TS REs Acid taste REs Sweet taste REs Bissap taste Res Bissap odour REs Colour CTi Acidity TW Swetness TW Bissap taste TW Bissap odour TW Red colour TW Acid taste TS Bissap taste TS Bissap odour TS UVc Acid taste Uvc Sweet taste UVc Bissap Taste UVc Bissap odour UVc Colour • MFA was used to relate sample acceptability, sensory attribute intensity and sensory profiles. 0% Too weak (TW) 50% Just-about-right (JAR) 0.2 100% 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Too strong (TS) Weighted Penalties JAR evaluations • CATA CA results show that the four hibiscus drinks were perceived to have highly distinct sensory profiles. While the traditional drink was mainly described as bitter and acid, and the improved infusion as astringent and strong in bissap, the improved syrup was mostly characterised as light in bissap, diluted and syrupy. UVc, the preferred drink, was thought to have a balanced taste and to be sweet, dark red, appealing, natural and refreshing. • Hedonic-oriented descriptors’ choices were positively related to overall liking ratings. A negative penalty-lift was observed for negative sensory descriptors like bitter, astringent and light in bissap taste. • The partial representation of samples and centroids in the first two dimensions of the MFA plot shows a good agreement between JAR ratings and CATA descriptor choices across all samples. Conclusions 3 0.6 CTi Acidic Bitter JAR Light Red • Further studies are needed to assess consumer acceptability and sensory profiling of improved hibiscus drinks among consumers who are yet unacquainted with such products. AFTER is currently exploring the market potential of these and other African-tradition based products in Europe, with encouraging results. UVc Sharp odour CATA Light Bissap Diluted Astringent Strong Bissap REi REs Syrup Taste Appealing O.Liking 0 0 Stimulating O.Liking CATA Natural Refreshing JAR CTi Good Taste UVc REs O.Liking Sweet Dark Red O.Liking REi F2 (33.8 %) • Moreover, the employment of JAR and CATA techniques uncovered important drivers for further sensory optimization of the new hibiscus infusion and syrup. CATA F2 (25,6%) • Overall liking assessment were complemented by attribute intensity evaluations and sensory profiling to provide important insights about hibiscus drinks’ perception and acceptability by consumers in Senegal. In spite of their varying sensory characteristics, the new drinks developed by AFTER were all well-liked, also when compared to a traditional local infusion. JAR CATA Balanced Taste .JAR -3 -0.6 -1 0 F1 (71.1 %) 1 Projection of Hibiscus drinks and CATA descriptors on the CA plot This work was supported by National Funds from FCT through project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0016/2013 -3 0 F1 (58,9 %) MFA plot partial representation 3