Morro de São Paulo


Morro de São Paulo
Table of Content
Morro de São Paulo
Points of interest
Fazenda Alambique
Description of the Property
Topographical assessment
Documents – Patrimônio
1. Plan of the property
2. Eco – Resort
How to get there
Morro de Sao Paulo, is located on the island of Tinhare, along the Dende Palm Coast, 60
Kilometers (..miles) from Salvador, the Capital city of Bahia, Brazil.
From Salvador, Bahia there are three ways of arriving to Morro: by plane, boat or by land.
Air Travel:
There are today two airline companies which fly in small planes to Morro de Sao Paulo. They
leave from the main airport if Salvador: Airport Luiz Eduardo Magalhaes.
The flight is approximately 20 minutes long and has wonderful views of the beaches of Salvador,
the Island of Itaparica and Morro de Sao Paulo. These flights do not have definite departure
times, but vary depending on the season and demand.
Over Land
Leaving Salvador over land, there are two ways to arrive at Morro de Sao Paulo.
One of them is, by car, taking the BR 101 or 324 which is about 300 kl (..miles) from Salvador to
the town of Valenca. The other route is by bus and the buses leave regularly from the Main Bus
Station of Salvador.
Transportation from Valenca to Morro de Sao Paulo are varieties of boats with varying travel
times between aproximately 30 minutes to 1/12 hours.
By Boat:
Boats are making a direct voyage to Morro from Salvador , usually from miday on with an
average traveling time of 2-3 hours. There are several companies which offer this service. The
boats leave from the Terminal Maritima de Salvador which is located near the Mercado de
The coast of Bahia, Brazil was inhabited originally by the Aimoré Indians.
Pedro Avares Cabral was the first to arrive on the coast of Dendé at Porto
de Seguro and continued to travel along the Bahia coast. The first European
to actually set foot at Morro was Martin Afonso de Souza in 1531, he was on
a mission to explore the coast of the newly discovered “Colony”. He gave
the island it’s original name, Tynharea. This evolved rapidly into the name,
The Island was baptized by the Spaniard, Francesco Romero, who founded
the village of Morro de Sao Paulo. The village is situated north of the
Arquipêlago da Bahia de Camamu, in the southern part of Bahia .Its
important geographical location it was an area made it a point of dispute by
the French and Dutch which is called Tabulation Valencia no or the Dendé
Coast. It was a real area of lawlessness and pirates during the Colonial
period .
Morro de Sao Paulo protected the entrance to the Bahia of Todos os Santos
which was a strategic canal between Itaparica amd the Fort of Santo Antonio
(today the Farol da Barra ) in Salvador. The Channel of Tinharé was essential
to the transport of primary goods to the capital, Salvador. The geographical
importance of the Island during this colonial period justifies the number of
historical monuments and today is protected as a
National historical treasure.
The above Photo is of Morro de Sao Paulo.
The Fort was constructed in 1630 and is
one of the major fortifications of Brazil. In the
Colonial period, it had as many as 52 artillery
sites and the villa housed up to 183 soldiers.
The Island has developed into a very important, frequently visited and beloved
Tourist area. Although it has a very up to date infrastructure it has maintained
its spectacular natural beauty.
You find Morro de São Paulo on the island of Tinharé south of the capital city of Bahia,
Salvador. It is a piece of a lost paradise on earth. Because it is prohibited to enter the
island with automobiles, the principal form of transportation is by foot.
It is one of most popular resorts of the total Dendé Coast. “The Morro”, as it is called
has people who love it all over the world. Its beaches, with crystal clear water are
perfect for diving and swimming. The fourth beach has wonderful small swimming
pools during low tide. The hills which go up from the beach provide spectacular views
which take your breath away and are like spectacular post card pictures.
During the entire year there is a lot of movement on the island and this has contributed
to the economies of Nazaré and Valença. During peak tourist season the island is full
of tourists, largely younger people, but also families and some seniors. There are a lot
of evening activities and a general atmosphere of flirting and couples having a good
time together.
The main street is full of small hotels, bars and restaurants and its nick name is
Broadway. During carnival and on New Years Eve there are many parties on the
beaches and everyone takes advantage the relaxed party atmosphere to dance until
The picturesque style of the island takes you out of time even amidst the many tourists.
Thanks to the strict environmental laws and the business owners engagement there is
a strong consciousness with regard to preserving nature and the areas historical
At any time of the Day or night, Morro de São Paulo has many
activities of interest for everyone of all types and ages. In the
morning and in the afternoon there are groups of people on the
Second Beach where there is always a lot going on: young
people meet to play volleyball, soccer and racket ball. There
are many small beach bars that offer excellent lunches and snacks
with hammocks to relax in and there are circles of people
who do “capoeira”-a Brazilian martial art. For adventurers, there
are boat excursions and the possibility to feel like you are flying
by jumping on the “tirolesa”- which is a special adventure of its
The nights are to enjoy on the beaches and in the town. There are
fabulous eating options which include regional, national, and
international cuisine. You can also listen to live music in many
restaurants or in the middle of main street. Another option is to
eat good street food such as delicious fruit cocktails near the Main
Fountain and along the way to the First Beach. At the plaza of
Aureliano Lima, which is in the central portion of the village there
is a large handicraft market with sculptures, hand dyed t-shirts and
other crafts made by local artists.
When the clock strikes midnight the people start to move in the
direction of the Second Beach where there are nightly beach parties.
There is music for everyone: dance, axe, pagoda, pop rock, and music
from Bahia. On Wednesday evenings there is a presentation at the
theater. It is a jam session where locals get together with their
instruments and play jazz, blues, samba, rock, music from Bahia.
Morro de Sao Paulo is a town which has a number of
historical monuments and buildings that are registered as
National treasures in the history of Brazil and the state of
Bahia. They mark numerous conflicts between different
peoples and their civilizations: Wars, resistance and the
forming of communities. Between them are:
The town of Morro
The name Morro de Sao
Paulo is the name of a
group of people living at
the extreme north of the
island of Tinharé, but
the name of the town
became the name most
often used when
referring to the island.
So the island is
colloquially called
“Morro “.It is the commercial, as well as the
historical center ..
The Great Fountain
This fountain was built in
the 17th century by a French
architect in order to provide
water for the village
It was one of the most
advanced systems of water
treatment in colonial Brazil.
It captured the underground, as well as rain
water and channeled it in a
constant and fluid form.
Church of Our Lady of
The original building was
constructed in 1845, but the
sculptures are dated earlier.
The church was originally
built near the light tower. It
has survived various
assaults and is probably
one of the last churches in
Bahia to maintain
the tradition to bury famous
people in its interior.
The Fort:
The construction of the Fort began in 1630 and
was one of the largest fortifications in Brazil. During colonial
times there were 51 canons and the villa had a militia of over
183 soldiers. Today it is the most beautiful place on the
island to view sunsets
Portaló - The Entrance Gate to the Village
For those coming from the sea, it is the
first monument that you see. It is the entry
gate to the village and has been the point
of entry since the 17th century.
The Light House
The Light House is the most visible monument in Morro de Sao Paulo. A point of safety for those who are on the sea and those
who are on land, as well as those who are watching the calm night full of stars. You can arrive at the Light House by following a
path that originates in front of the church. There are two places with a fabulous view: one is facing north where you see the
Ponta do Curral, a little bit of Gamboa and over the sea the city of Salvador, and the other is facing south which offers you the
picture post card view of Morro and the first three beaches. It is from this place that one of the major “tirolesas” of Brazil is
Night Life
The night life begins in the villa with street musicians and
small stands selling drinks and with a concentration of
tourists in search of entertainment. At midnight the party
starts on the Second Beach and goes on until sunrise.
Beauty Bath with Clay
A very unusual erosion has produced a marvelous
attraction which leaves your skin soft and smooth like
that of a baby. Covering your skin with this special clay
is a must for the tourists passing by on their way from
Morro to Gamboa.
The First Beach
The First Beach or Prainha is the beach which was first
occupied by vacationers in the 1950’s and is the one of
the smallest beaches on the island. It has an extension of
approximately 300 meters along which are located private
houses, bed and breakfasts and small outdoor
restaurants (barracas).
The Second Beach
This is the place which attracts the most people and
which has become the most frequented beach on the
island. It is a place with a lot of shops and bars and where
everything is happening. The waves are big and it is the
idea beach for sports of all kinds. The mix between
bikinis, cangas and sungas all moving to the swing of the
music from the beach restaurants transmit the renown
magic of Bahia.
The Third Beach
The third Beach is one of the longest
on the island and is divided into two
parts: the first part is full of bed and
breakfasts and small hotels and rustic
restaurants at the Edge of the beach. It
is an excellent place to walk, or rent a
kayak or snorkel where you will
discover large varieties of marine
fauna. This is a good beach for families
and the second part of the beach offers
the possibility of riding horses or just
plain walking.
The Fourth Beach
The Fourth Beach is the Beach of
swimming pools which are formed
depending on the tides by the reefs
which form natural swimming pools full
of colorful fish that comprise a real
spectacle of colors and forms. This is
the longest beach of Morro de São
The Fifth Beach - The Enchanted
The Enchanted Beach, also called the
Fifth Beach is neighboring on the
village of Garapuá. It is the most
distant from the Villa of Morro de São
Paulo and has tourist infrastructure
including hotels and restaurants.
Beach of the Fort
This is a small maritime beach next
to the Fort at the northern point of the
island. It does not have any infrastructure, but you can watch beautiful
The Harbor Above (Porto de Cima)
This beach is about five minutes from
the Village of Morro de Sao Paulo, it
is excellent for diving, swimming and
watching the sunset. It is very calm
and is full of corral reefs which form
natural pools which are full of multicolored fish.
Gamboa is a small village located 3
km from Morro along the bay. It is the
village where the largest number of
local inhabitants is living and it is the
population of Gamboa which provide
the largest numbers of hand craftsmen, service personal and construction workers for Morro de Sao
Paulo and other communities located
near the Villa. The village has maintained its natural character and has a
peaceful atmosphere with a kind of
tranquility you find in the coastal
fishing villages of Bahia. The beach
of Gamboa is calm and is an ideal
place to harbor motor and sailing
boats, as well as Yachts.
Ponta da Pedra Beach: This is the beach where the
Fazenda Alambique is located. This beach is one of the
least frequented, therefore most quiet beaches on the
island. The beach does not have bars or other
structures because the tides have protected the beach
from this sort of tourism. It is beautifully bordered by
palm and fruit trees, charming European style summer
houses and natural swimming pools. It is a filet for
someone who wants to invest in property and construct
a beautiful summer house. Further in the direction of
Gamboa there is a “morro” of clay which has become a
tourist attraction in the last years. Everybody on the way
to Gamboa likes to stop and treat their skin with this
healing clay. This is the beach which connects Morro de
São Paulo with the community of Gamboa where one
can go and take advantage of restaurants which offer
delicious typical dishes of the region.
The Dende farm, Fazenda Alambique is located on the beach of Ponta da Pedra (The Point
of the Rock). It is the best place on the island, especially if you like to hear the lulling sound
of the waves and songs of the birds, as well as enjoy the constant breeze, clean delicious
well water, lack of mosquitoes, good swimming and plenty of shade. This is the place for
you if you want to feel isolated from the movement of the village and Second Beach, where
the party scene is happening and where there are wide varieties of restaurants offering
excellent International Cuisines and Boutiques. All of these attractions are only a short walk
away. When the tide is down, you cam walk there along a sandy beach and when the tide is
high the beaches along this side are empty and you have the luxury of feeling like you are
on a private beach. Boat movement in the summer is active, but so far there are no jet skis.
The high seasons are Jan-March and July- August. Most places are open all year around,
but during low season the general atmosphere is quiet. The Fazenda Alambique is located
west of Morro on the beach which links Morro to Gamboa, proximately in about the middle
of the two villages. Both villages have supermarkets and pharmacies and internet cafes
which provide all necessary infrastructure including a health clinic. The access between the
two villages can also be reached by boat from the peer of the Yate Club (Yacht Club) which
is a five minute walk from the Fazenda. This side of the island allows you to view
spectacular sunsets.
The property consists largely of virgin palm forest (Dendé palms).
It is located between the ocean and the road to Gamboa. The total
area has an extension of 37.685 square meters (about 7.5 acres).
153 m are beach front and 279 m on the opposite side are on the
road to Gamboa. The Northern side has an extension of 142m, the
Southern 207 m.
The Fazenda Alambique has an elevation – at its
highest point - of 80 meters from sea level. In some situations, this
could be a disadvantage, but in this case the elevation offers
spectacular views and constant ventilation.
The photo on the left is the Fazenda Alambique as viewed from the
The photos below are taken during high tide.
Photos of the Fazenda Alambique.
The above photo is the view near the beach.
The above photos are views from the highest point of
the Fazenda Alambique (80 meters above sea level)
The photo at the side is a take from the property at its upper limit,
looking over the road from Morro to Gamboa at the other side of the
A topographical assessment was made by a
topographer who can be consulted by eventual
The available documents of the property consist in:
- Registro em Cartório de Imóveis Nada Consta
Valença, Bahia, 14 de agosto de 1989
- Contrato de Promessa de Compra e Venda
Valença, Bahia, 31 de julho de 1989
- Contrato de Compra e Venda
Valença, Bahia, 20 de outubro de 1989
- Certidão de Patrimônio da União
Salvador, Bahia, 7 de fevereiro de 1994
- Escritura Pública
Taperoá, Bahia, 27 de novembro de 2008
- Orientação Prévia da Secretaria de Meio Ambiente – SEMA
Salvador, 24 de abril de 2009
The Island of Tinare, where the town of Morro de São Paulo is located is protected by the Plano de Manejo de Area de Proteção
Ambiental (APA) - It is the state Environmental Protection Agency. The APA is one of the Environmental agencies established by the
Government. The APA determines how the land can be used and in areas of protection the laws of the APA respect the basic
principals of land conservation.
The areas which are included in the APA have specific characteristics and are protected by laws to insure the environmental quality
of the native population. The designation of land areas by the APA are determined by criterias whose intention is to preserve the
local and regional natural habitat in areas which are threatened or in serious risk of
damage to the Ecosystem.
An APA of the island of Tinharé and Boipeba was approved in the Resolution number 1.692 on the 19th of June of 1998 by the
Conselho Estadual de Meio Ambiente – CEPRAM - The State Commission of Environment.
Article 8 : Zone of Visual Protection (Zona de Proteção Visual – ZPV) is zoned for areas with dunes and small hills located near Morro
de São Paulo and Gamboa which are in the process of developing tourist infrastructure.
Paragraph 1 In the area of ZPV, there will be permitted ecological areas, and single family properties of at least 1,000 sq. meters
with one house of not more than 2 floors and tourist enterprises with a size of at least 5.000 sq. meters, where you can build
maximally 20 % of the area and not more than 2 floors. This zoning restricts the use of automotive vehicles on the dunes and the
construction of any permanent building which have equal to or superior to 45 degrees. There will be permitted, depending on the
approval of the indicated authority, the construction of structures considered to be temporary such as: view points which are
considered to have the goal of maintaining the scenic beauty of the beach front. The cutting down of palm trees (Dende Palm) is
subject to approval and subject to the conditions that for each tree cut down, three are planted on the area. All of the structures
should install water drainage systems which are compatible with the depth of the underground water networks.
Paragraph 2
The Public Municipal authorities should determine the extent of infrastructures contributing to the sustainable
development of tourism.
The Fazenda Alambique is in the area which is called the Zone of Visual Protection (ZPV).
We want to maintain the calm and the beauty of the place and preserve its environment.
For sale
1. Marvelous lot of 21000 m2 on the beach
Ideal for an eco resort / spa or condominium
2. Dream lots of 1000 and 2000 m2 on the beach
3. Lots of 1000 m2 with sea view, 60 to 80 m above sea level
Easy access – electricity and water