Turning the page to another 50 years


Turning the page to another 50 years
Turning the page to another
50 years...
Meet Our New Principal page 3 | Capital Campaign Update page 6
Honor Roll of Donors page 9 | Triangle...Alumni News page 29
Most Reverend Ronald W. Gainer
The Most Rev. Ronald W. Gainer was installed as the
11th bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg on March 19,
2014 at St. Patrick Cathedral in Harrisburg. Born and
raised in Pottsville, he graduated from Saint Charles
Borromeo Seminary, attended the Pontifical Gregorian
University in Rome and was ordained to the priesthood
for the Diocese of Allentown in 1973. He was named a
Prelate of Honor by Pope John Paul II in 1991, named
second bishop of Lexington by Pope John Paul II in
202, ordained to the episcopacy by Archbishop of
Louisville, and solemnly installed as Bishop of
Lexington in 2003.
Bishop Gainer fills the vacancy left by the death of
the Most Rev. Joseph P. McFadden on May 2, 2013.
Trinity High School welcomes Bishop Gainer to the
Diocese of Harrisburg.
Our Mission
To develop habits of mind, body, and spirit, rooted in the
Catholic tradition, so as to attain the highest good.
Trinity High School Board of Directors
Todd Long ’87, Chair
Dr. Jeffrey Conforti
Rev. William Forrey, Jr.
Rev. Michael Grab
Rev. Paul Helwig
Brian Jackson ‘85
Msgr. William King ‘75
Rev. J. Michael McFadden
Rev. Louis P. Ogden ‘76
Rev. Michael Reid II
Steve Sherman
Kevin Shook ‘87
Lisa Taglang
Rev. John Trigilio
Ronald Uroda
Susan Vodzak
Office of Development
3601 Simpson Ferry Road • Camp Hill, PA 17011
(717) 761-2228 • www.thsrocks.us
Janet A. Quigley, Director of Development
Lisa Wolfe, Alumni Relations Coordinator
2 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
Dear Trinity High School Community,
This first year of my presenting this report to you is an extremely exciting
moment. We are happy to present to you our Annual Report for the 2013/2014
school year. As you will see, Trinity High School has many generous and loyal
supporters who make great sacrifice to allow us to continue our mission to
develop habits of mind, body, and spirit, rooted in the Catholic tradition, so as
to attain the highest good.
Over the years, the spirit and tradition that is Trinity High School has played
a key role in shaping the educational experience. Each class profits from the
example of those who have gone before them. Ours has been a tradition of
students committed to the proposition that the privilege of coming to school
carries with it the obligation to do the best they can. These are important years,
and it is reassuring to know your help gives them these opportunities.
In this report you will find valued supporters of our Annual Fund Campaign,
established and endowed scholarships, our spring gala event, and our ongoing
Capital Campaign. Take a moment to find your place in this Annual Report.
Take a moment to see your name and understand how grateful we are for your
support. Try to imagine, in some small way at least, the profound difference
you have made in the lives of our current students. If your name is not listed,
consider making your commitment this year to become part of Trinity High
School with your financial support. Watch the difference you will make as the
2014/2015 Shamrocks excel in their learning, their work, and their service.
As I invite you to support Trinity High School, I also invite you to visit, to
become involved, and in the words of the Alma Mater once again live the saying, “we pledge our loyalty forever”.
Pax et bonum,
E. Gressock
Trinity High School
The Diocese of Harrisburg
and Trinity High School are
pleased to welcome Joseph
E. Gressock, an educator
with 35 years of experience
in Catholic education, as the
school’s new Principal. Mr.
Gressock served as Principal
at Benedictine High School
in Cleveland since 2008. He
previously served as principal
at Oldensburg Academy in
Indiana. Prior to becoming
a high school administrator,
Mr. Gressock was a teacher at
the high school level for over
20 years, served as a campus
minister, and was a football,
baseball, and basketball
coach. Mr. Gressock earned
a Bachelor of Science in
Education from Bowling
Green State University, an
M.B.A. from Lake Erie College, and a Master of Arts
in Theology from St. Mary’s
University of Minnesota.
Mr. Gressock was appointed
by Father Edward J. Quinlan,
the Secretary for Education of
the Diocese of Harrisburg. He
was recommended to Father
Quinlan by a search committee that was formed by the
Trinity School Board.
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 3 THE YEAR IN RETROSPECT…
63 Trinity students and 250 feeder school students,
starring as the munchkins, performed The Wizard of
Oz to a captivated audience.
Donkey Basketball
returned to Trinity.
Jude Olivetti ’93
celebrates the win
in the faculty v.
students contest.
History Bowl
debuted and went on
to win Northeast PA
Regional, 3rd in
States and participated in
National History Bowl
competition in
Washington, DC.
K-3 students from
Harrisburg Christian
Elementary School
treated to Christmas
cookies, crafts and
activities by
Trinity students.
Coaches and
members of the girls’
basketball team
wrapped gifts for
homeless women and
children at the Holiday
Giving Program at
the YWCA.
Respect Life Club
held its second annual
baby shower for
Morning Star
State champs, Hannah Durbin, Emily
Dethlefs, Shannon Quinn and Emily
D’Amico with Coach T at the Capitol.
Miss Susan Sweeney and her
Biology I classes donated $125.00
to the International Wolf Center,
after the death of Malik (pictured
above), a male resident artic wolf
at the IWC. He and his fellow pack members educated
visitors to the Center’s exhibits and to hundreds of individuals, including Miss Sweeney’s students, through
the Center’s live feeds. Miss Sweeney’s classes will be
recognized in the fall issue of International Wolf.
4 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
Marissa Angino, Meaghan Cherewka and
Darby Fly participated in the Wreaths for a
Reason event to benefit Shalom House.
Members of the Class of 2017 enjoyed a day
at the park at the first Freshman Picnic.
Pictured are legacy freshmen and their alumni parents.
Trinity Chaplain Fr. David Hereshko and Diocesan Secretary
of Education, Fr. Edward Quinlan bless the new Trinity High
School Fitness Center.
Megan Berg
named a National
Merit Finalist, placing
her in the top 1% of
students who took the
during junior year.
Maura Vrabel,
Jae Lee, Mark
Hergenroeder, Maddie
O’Neil, Nathan Mirando,
and Nicole Bohn
among champions
at Capital Area Science
and Engineering Fair.
More than
10,680 hours
of service to school,
church and community
performed by
THS students.
Student-athletes sign their letters of intent
Alexandra Basom: Colorado College - soccer
Mike Boguski: Bryant University - football
David Bricker: UNC Wilmington - track
Tim Hickey: Holy Cross - lacrosse
Andrew Scarpelli:
James Madison University - baseball
Absent from photo:
Samantha Shirtliff: Seton Hall - Swimming
Brianna Betz-White: Loyola - basketball
Lacrosse is a family affair! There are nine pairs of
brothers on the lacrosse team this year and one set
of cousins! Some are even second generation THS
(l-r) Sean and Kyle Scott, Jacob and Jason Endress,
Reilly and Vincent Oliverio, Austin and Connor
Bailey, David and Jack Shook, Garrison and Griffin
Smith, John and Patrick Kline,Jack and Matt
Dailey, Jordan and Jesse Altmeyer.
Absent from photo: Mark and Steve Hergenroeder.
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 5 THE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN
Through careful, creative planning and
the generosity of parents, grandparents,
alumni, and friends, Trinity is confidently
charting its course for its future.
As Trinity begins its 51st year, we write
a new chapter in our illustrious history
and plan for a future that builds upon our
proud legacy. It is an exciting time as we
embark on an ambitious $12 million capital campaign to renovate the campus, and
establish an endowment for tuition assistance. Although our facilities have been
well maintained, they have become worn
with time. In addition, accessibility and
affordability have always been important
strategic goals for us.
Projects include:
• E nergy efficient, exterior facade
• Centralized HVAC
• Stadium and auditorium renovations
• Safety and ADA modifications
Naming opportunities exist for individuals, families, businesses, and organizations
wishing to be recognized. The details of
each naming requested will be coordinated
on a case-by-case basis. For information,
please contact [email protected]
We have a large task ahead of us, but we
are encouraged by the amount of support
we have already seen from the community. Brad Hollinger and his company, Vibra
Healthcare, have generously donated the
lead gift of $1.5 million to the campaign.
In addition, another friend of Trinity provided a $1 million matching gift challenge
where you have an opportunity to double your support! Each gift at or below
$45,000 received by December 31, 2014
will be matched dollar for dollar!
Your gift or pledge to support the Faith
in Our Future campaign is greatly appreciated and the methods of giving are numerous. Some of the most common ways of
giving are:
• A pledge for up to 3 – 5 years
• A gift of cash
• A gift of securities
• A gift of real estate
• A gift through a charitable remainder
• A company matching gift or pledge
through your local United Way
• Include Trinity High School in your
Donor recognition levels for the Wall of
Appreciation to be located within the
main entrance.
Founders Club: $500,000 and above
Leadership Gifts: $100,000 - $499,999
Major Gifts: $50,000 - $99,999
Principal’s Gifts: $25,000 - $49,999
Shamrocks: $10,000 - $24,999
Green & White: $1,000 - $9,999
Thank you to our friends for
their generous support.
Anonymous (2)
John ’67 and Laurie Abiuso
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alford
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Anastasio
Mrs. Patricia Anastasio
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bahret
Mrs. Margaret M. Balaban
Pamela J. Barbush ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Buckley
Brian J. Britt ‘76
Col. (ret.) and Mrs. Kevin T. Connelly
Faith Curran ’79 and Peter Shelly
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Deja
Dr. James F. Daly, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Diminick
Mr. and Mrs. Ricman Fly
Rev. William C. Forrey
Thomas ‘75 and Rose French
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glessner
Dr. and Mrs. Everett Hills
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Hilton
George and Mary Holder Family
Mr. Brad Hollinger
Brian F. Jackson ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Joyce
Stephen ‘79 & Kathleen Kostelac ‘78 Kindler
Knights of Columbus #10474
L.B. Smith Educational Foundation
Rev. Michael C. Mahone ‘71
Mary Ann Haselhuhn Mohr ‘74
Brian J. Oliger ‘82
Nathan Patterson ‘76
Ms. Janet A. Quigley
Drs. Vincent and Karen Rogliano
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sandri
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seitz
Kevin ‘87 and Karen Shook
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shriver
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Stine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tribeck
THS Alumni Association
Ronald A. Turo ‘73 and Claire
Fetterman ‘74 Turo
Vibra Healthcare, Inc
Warrell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Weaver
Michael ’85 and Lisa Wolfe
Thank you to the following
individuals who contributed
to the $50 for 50 Appeal:
Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews
Dr. and Mrs. R. George Azizkhan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charlton
Michele Robinson Cherewka ‘75
Michael Cherewka ‘05
Matthew Cherewka ‘08
Meaghan Cherewka ‘14
Michael V. Ciccocioppo ‘70
Mr. Michael Devlin
Mrs. Mary Ellen DiMasico
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Donlevy
Ms. Frances M. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. James Facius
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fanucci
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Fencel
Mr. James Fickes
Mr. and Mrs. Ricman Fly
Rev. William C. Forrey
Mr. and Mrs. William Forrey
Mr. Frederick Futchko
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glessner
Mr. John Henn
Mr. and Mrs. William Holjes
Ms. Mary E. Isele
Mrs. Nancy Kindness
Lisa M. Kokoski
Dr. Susan M. Korch
Robert E. Mott, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nestor
Mr. and Mrs. August J. Pfeifer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shriver
Thomas J. Stewart
Mr. Richard Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas
Ms. Joan K. Willits
Col. (Ret.) Walter J. Wood
For additional information, please visit www.THSCapitalCampaign.com or
contact Janet Quigley at [email protected] or 717-761-2228.
6 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
Steering Committee
Mark X. DiSanto
John ‘81 and Colleen Hickey
Brian Jackson ‘85
Kathleen Kostelac Kindler ‘78
Paige MacDonald-Matthes
Rory Ritrievi
Kevin ‘87 and Karen Shook
Joseph E.Gressock, Principal
Janet A. Quigley, Director of Development
August 18, 2014
Dear Friends,
I am pleased to be able to report that the “Faith in Our Future” capital campaign is advancing on schedule. Thus far, we have
received more than $2.9 million in gifts and pledges against our campaign goal of $12 million.
Much needed facility improvements were completed this summer including an improved security system, upgraded electrical
system, and newly surfaced tennis courts and gymnasium floor.
Projects have been developed, grouped, and prioritized in a manner that will optimize available finances and eliminate duplication of work and reflect Trinity’s priorities based on need. If you wish for your gift to be directed to a certain area or project, we
will honor your desire. In addition, numerous naming opportunities exist for these projects.
One of the best things from these past few months has been seeing our community come together in support of Trinity High
School. Brad Hollinger and his company, Vibra Healthcare have generously donated the lead gift of $1.5M to our campaign. In
addition, another friend of Trinity provided a $1M matching gift challenge where each gift at or below $45,000 will be matched
dollar-for-dollar if received by December 31, 2014.
I hope that you will join us and other friends in helping Trinity now to address these pressing needs of the school. Left unaddressed, faculty and students will be working from a significant disadvantage. Our hope and prayer is that you will favorably
consider this request for your participation in the campaign. Your gift– in any amount – will ensure the “Trinity Experience”
continues for years to come.
As we move forward with this special appeal, I will keep you informed on our progress. In the meantime, I ask for your prayers
for the success of our campaign.
Thank you for your support of Trinity High School.
Sincerely yours,
Joseph E. Gressock
Athletics$56,851.00 Fundraising$45,785.00 Endowments
$15,000.00 Athletic Association
$200.00 50th Gala
$33,193.00 New
$10,000.00 COBO Athletics
$28,463.00 Panel Banners
$4,182.00 Existing
Basketball - Boys All Class Reunion
$5,395.00 $330.00 BGG
$3,015.00 Day Fund
Basketball - Girls
$20,297.00 Football
$247.00 General Development $109,769.00 Special Appeals
$855,978.00 LAX - Boys
$1,390.00 Tuition Assistance
$533,713.00 Capital Campaign $670,430.00 Swim Team
$2,269.00 EITC Fitness Center
$170,000.00 Track/XC
$3,115.00 Neumann
$317,832.00 Scholarships/Awards $5,500.00 Volleyball
$540.00 Bridge
$35,000.00 Wish List (Faculty)
$6,986.00 Bravo
$10,000.00 Fine Arts
$4,800.00 Angels
$36,692.00 Miscellaneous
$3,062.00 Art Dept.
$66.00 General T.A.
$134,189.00 (Kairos, Library, Clubs)
$4,134.00 Drama
$550.00 In-Kind Gifts
$50.00 7/1/13 - 6/30/14
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 7 From the Director of Development
Dear Friends,
On behalf of Trinity High School, I would like to thank our alumni, parents, friends, and businesses whose generous support for
this outstanding Catholic institution has earned a place in this Annual Report.
This past year has been one of excitement as we celebrated Trinity’s 50th anniversary, and one of success in many ways. The
additional levels of financial aid, technological and physical improvements, and the outstanding accomplishments of our students
– on the field, stage, and in our community, directly correlate to the support received from each of you.
As we open our doors this fall for the 51st year, we realize that our mission would not be possible without the loyal partnership
and generosity of our friends. We look forward to continuing the tradition of excellence that defines Trinity High School.
May God continue to bless you and your families in the coming year.
1966$ 1,940
1980 $ 3,085
1967$ 5,730
1981 $ 6,708
1968$ 4,279
1982 $ 12,561
1969$ 3,240
1983 $ 1,120
1984 $
1985 $ 4,330
1986 $ 1,485
1987 $ 29,585
1970$ 6,623
1988 $ 6,345
1971$ 2,365
1989 $
1972$ 8,325
1973 $ 3,585
1974 $ 5,420
1975 $ 2,579
1976 $ 48,183
1977 $
1978 $ 25,595
1979$ 5,050
Total $107,775
1990 $ 2,230
1991 $
1992 $
1993 $
1994 $ 11,000
1995 $
1996 $
1997 $
1999 $
Total $ 15,580
2000 $ 200
2001 $ 165
2002 $
2003 $ 2,100
2004 $ 550
2005 $ 640
2007 $
2008 $ 100
2009 $ 100
Total $ 3,910
2010 $ 100
2011 $
2012 $ 273
2013 $ 395
2014 $ 200
2016 $ 25
Total$ 1,033
1976 $ 48,183
1987 $ 29,585
1978 $ 25,595
1982 $ 12,561
1994 $ 11,000
Girls Soccer
Division Co-Champion
State Runner-up
Ali Basom - All State
Boys Soccer
David Bricker - All-State
Girls Cross Country
Division Champion
Brandon Kuntz - First Team All-State
Boys Basketball
District III AA Champion
Dom Antonelli - All-State
Josh Trumpy - All-State
Boys Swimming
Division and District III Champions,
State Runner-up
Boys 200 Medley Relay State
Gold Medalist
Brad Buchter
District and State Champion
8 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
Girls Track & Field
Division Champions
Shannon Quinn 800m district III
champion, state silver medalist
3200m Relay-District and
State Champions
Amanda Knaub - All-State Selection
Boys Lacrosse
Tim Hickey - All-American
Trinity High School honors the generosity of those who support Catholic education and our mission.
The Annual Report lists all donations from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of
all contributions during this time frame. Please contact the Office of Development should you note an omission or error.
($25,000 and above)
Bridge Educational Foundation
Carlisle SynTec, Inc.
Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co., Inc.
Daily Express, Inc.
Dr. James F. Daly, Jr.
Eastern Alliance Insurance Co.
Mr. Brad Hollinger
Joyner Sportsmedicine Institute, Inc.
Keystone Tax Associates, LLC
Nathaniel J. Patterson ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sandri
Vibra Health LLC
($10,000 - $24,999)
Todd ‘87 and Katie Long
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross
Kevin ‘87 and Karen Shook
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shriver
The Warrell Foundation
Aegis Security Insurance
Aetna Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Anastasio
Anonymous (3)
Bravo Educational Foundation
Patrick ‘76 and Jennifer Hewitt
($5,000 - $9,999)
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Bloschichak
Denice Petro Brown ‘72
Henry L. Charlton III ‘88
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Diminick
Enola Sportsmen’s Association
Freysinger Auto Group
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glessner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Green
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Hilton
Mrs. Mary Holder
Martin and Marianne Minnaugh ‘82 Jackson
Stephen ‘79 and Kathleen Kostelac ‘78
Knights of Columbus #869
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Long
M & T Bank
NRG Controls, Inc.
Riley, Hewitt, Witte & Romano
Drs. Vincent and Karen Rogliano
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Stine
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Weaver
Waste Management
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 9 TRINITY SILVER
($2,500 - $4,999)
ACS Claim Service, Inc.
Ahold Financial Services
Mrs. Patricia Anastasio
Anonymous (3)
Brian J. Britt ‘76
Faith Curran ‘79 and Peter Shelly
Lauren and Spencer Day Foundation
R. F. Fager
Kathleen Marshall Gillespie ‘81
Mr. Raymond T. Hironimus
John ‘81 and Colleen Hickey
Thomas ‘70 and Robyn Holder
Mrs. Patricia Kammerer
Margaret DeFrank Kieff ‘67
L B Smith Educational Foundation, Inc.
Mid Penn Bank
St. Katharine Drexel Parish
Tanner Furniture
Triple Crown Corporation
Ronald ‘73 and Claire Fetterman ‘74 Turo
($1,000 - $2,499)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alford
Mr. and Mrs. John Altmeyer
Anonymous (3)
Assured Claimant Transport Services, Inc.
BBEC Electrical Contractors
Mrs. Margaret Balaban
Pamela J. Barbush ‘76
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Bouton
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brewer
Dr. Nancy Burke
Gerard M. Burton ‘80
Thomas Carocci ‘88
Mr. and Mrs. James Comitale
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Kevin T. Connelly
Dr. and Mrs. John Dailey
Matthew ‘87 and Marla DeFrank
John ‘78 and Pat Devlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dietz
Thomas ‘82 and Christine Klutz ‘82 Dunleavy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Dunleavy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Estok
Foundation for Enhancing Communities
Mr. and Mrs. Ricman Fly
David W. Forti ‘88
Thomas ‘75 and Rose French
Timothy J. Gilfoyle ‘74
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Grady
HMMS Soccer
Hempt Brothers, Inc.
Hershey Creamery Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Everett Hills
Hilton-Diminick Orthodontic Associates, PC
JFC Staffing
Jump Street
10 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
Miss Janice Kiker
Knights of Columbux #8921
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Jerome Koerner
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kosman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krzywicki
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kukay
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Long
Rev. Michael Q. Mahone ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. F. Stephens Matthes
Melodee Dunleavy McKelvey ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Migash
Christopher Miorin ‘03
Nikoli’s Pizza and Catering
Mr. and Mrs. Louis O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Oszustowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paduano
Paul S. Potok ‘82
Mr. Timothy K. Ravey
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Richards
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Shirtliff
Joseph T. and Helen M. Simpson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Staub
Sutliff Chevrolet
Melissa M. Trouton ‘90
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vinarski
Mark ‘68 and Lorie Walker
M.C. Walker Realty
Waveline Direct, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Werwinski, Sr.
Michael ‘85 and Lisa Wolfe
Dr. and Mrs. John Zornosa
($500 - $999)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bahret
Bahret Church Interiors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Barbush
Mr. John Bordlemay, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Buckley
Mr. John C. Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dickey
Diocesan Publications, Ltd.
Durbin Associates
Mr. and Mrs. James Ferraro
Rev. William C. Forrey
Mr. John Gareis
Giant Foods
Good Shepherd Church
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hudock
Independent Auto Auction
Janney Montgomery Scott
Knights of Columbus #4068
Knights of Columbus #10474
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Lewis, III
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Lyng
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McKendry
Mrs. Nancy Montgomery
Mountz Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. James Nixon
Dr. and Mrs. James Oliverio
Poole Anderson Construction
Ms. Janet A. Quigley
St. Patrick Church
St. Theresa Catholic Church
St. Theresa School
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seitz
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stefanic
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Taglang
Target Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. A. Andrew Tignanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tribeck
WSLR Dentistry
Class of 1966
Michelle Calabrese Koons
Class of 1967
William J. Peteritas
John W. Abiuso
Class of 1968
Walter S. Holder
Class of 1969
David C. Harris
Class of 1970
Michael Ciccocioppo
Class of 1971
Michael G. Bennett
Class of 1972
Mark J. Curran
Brian P. Harris, Esq.
Margaret M. Straub
Class of 1974
Mary Ann Haselhuhn Mohr
Christine M. Purcell
Class of 1976
Patrick Hosey
Class of 1978
Michael F. Britt
Class of 1985
Brian F. Jackson
Class of 1987
Timothy Seeley
Class of 1992
Roxanne D. Raymundo
Class of 1993
Marc Fassano
Class of 1994
Tara C. Long
Donald A. Montgomery
Class of 2005
Green and White
($250 - $499
Anonymous (2)
Alba Orthodontics
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Alexandre
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Amos
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey
Mrs. Filomena M. Baker
Edward Batista, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bianchi
Bob Ruth Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boguski
Mr. and Mrs. John Brosious
Bryn Mawr Trust Co.
Capital Business Systems
Central Pa. Auto Auction, Inc.
Class of 1968
Class of 1983
Class of 1984
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D’Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Corey A. Diebler
Mrs. Mary Ellen DiMasico
Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Finegan
Flynn & O’Hara
Mr. Dale Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Katterman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keller
Mr. Paul Killion, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leandri
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leigh
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy MacLean
Malpezzi Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Marion
Rev. J. Michael McFadden
Members 1st Federal Credit Union
Modjeski & Masters, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Orbach
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Placey
Planet Fitness
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Resavy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sajer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Shook
R. Adm. and Mrs. F. Neale Smith
Col. and Mrs. Stephen Sobotta
Mr. and Mrs. David Spishock
Dr. and Mrs. Samir J. Srouji
St. Theresa Athletic Association
Mr. and Mrs. Ty Strohl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Studer
Sun Motor Cars, Inc.
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wentzel
West Shore Elks Lodge
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whiteman
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Williams
Wolf Furniture
Class of 1966
Maureen Williams Papp
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 1 Class of 1967
Regis F. Magni
Class of 1994
Richard Warrell
Class of 1968
Kathleen Wasiele Bach
Barry E. Grandon
Class of 1995
Matthew J. Fenwick
Class of 1969
Mary Theresa Holder Holtzman
Anita Strine Thompson
Class of 1970
Gary Christie
John R. Povilaitis
Class of 1972
Norene Jefferson-Koeppel
Michael R. Matalonis
Maureen Holder Ryan
Class of 1974
Mary M. Balaban
Marguerite Elden Ryan
Class of 1975
Mary Mizdail Allinson
John J. Giannelli
Class of 1980
Daniel T. Buckley
Thomas A. Placey
Class of 1983
Christopher J. Bahret
Class of 1985
Theresa Menke Ford
Class of 1986
Rita Balaban
Class of 1987
Karen Schwab McDermott
Class of 1990
Randall W. Bostick
Class of 1993
Patrick S. Cawley
Class of 2004
Samuel J. Giannelli
Parents & Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alexander
Mrs. Rosemary A. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Archfield
Nader Karimi Ardekani
Dr. and Mrs. R. George Azizkhan
Baker Door Company
Ms. Stacy Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baughman
Ray Barton Racing Engines, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Beatty, Sr.
Sr. Mary Birster, IHM
Black Book
Boshinski Eye Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bowker
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Ms. Jennifer Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Buchter
Camera Box
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Capper
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Carocci
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charlton
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Connellan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coyne
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Crane
Cropf Brothers, Inc.
Dailey Eye Associates
Mrs. Inaclaire Darby
The DeBruhl Family
Mr. Michael Devlin
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. John Durbin
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Eisenhauer
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Fencel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Finkbeiner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Finnerty
Rev. Andrew J. Fontanella
Mr. and Mrs. William Forrey
Mr. Arnold Forte
Fragnito & Mariotti Families
Mrs. Marge Frantz
Ms. Linda Freestone
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. French, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gabler
Dr. Francine Gagne
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gingrich
12 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
Griffith, Strickler, Lerman, Solymos
& Calkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gustin, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haberman
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Hadley
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haines
Mr. and Mrs. C. Jeffrey Hanger
Mrs. Angela Heinick
Rev. Paul C. Helwig
Mr. and Mrs. William Hennrikus
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hnatuck
Ms. Dolores Hoynitski
Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter
Immaculata University
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Karli, Jr.
Mrs. Catherine J. Kelly
Kirby Smith Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kirkpatrick
Knouse Foods
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kusztos
Mac and Carolyn Lott
Sarah M. Lynch, DMD
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Malpezzi
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mandak
Ms. Patricia A. McAdams
Mr. Robert McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. William McDougall
Mr. James McGovern
McNamara & Carver, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nestor
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. David Overstreet
Dr. Alan Perantoni
Mrs. Matilda Perry
Mr. and Mrs. August J. Pfeifer
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Piotrowski
Dr. and Mrs. Julian Potok
Pronto Plumbing
Joe and Charlotte Pyle
Radisson Penn Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Reeves
Reist Auctioneers
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rhoades
Ricke Bros. Auto Sales & Services
Ms. Marian Rohm
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ruminski
St. Joseph Athletic Association
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scott
Mr. Stanley Seese, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Shadle
Miss Lisbeth Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sniscak
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spadea
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Spahr, Jr.
Mrs. Michele Stager
Class of 1968
Diane Priar Butina
Sharon Hernjak Caba
Rosemary Yakimoff Cappelli
Colleen Fitzgerald Gaumer
Joseph P. Klutz, MD
Brian A. McCoola
Class of 1969
Henry B. Brown III
Paul S. Dlugolecki
Rosanna Mancini Ellis
Joan Grimm Lenker
Class of 1966
Thomas C. Buckley
Dennis J. McCann
John Mitchell
Nancy Burke Sanow
John F. Shovlin
William F. Starr
Mary Ann Winters
Class of 1967
Loudon L. Campbell, Esq.
Joseph M. Chyr
Joseph L. Hood
John F. Martin
Mary Schrecengost Martin
Robert Priar
Class of 1980
Andrew J. O’Brien
Andrea Nicotera Lyden
Laurie Forsythe O’Neil
Henry J. Straub
Class of 1981
Anita Hobaugh Connors
Class of 1982
Dr. Mary Ann Knovich
Brian J. Oliger
Class of 1970
Linda Roscoe Jameson
Debra Semyan Mihalich
Eileen Herwig Westenheffer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Staub
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Stepter
Mr. and Mrs. William Strouse III
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan
Sunset Auto Sales
T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation
Theo’s Bar & Grille
THS Sports Marketing Class
Mrs. Kim Tropp
Tyco Electronics Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vrabel
Sr. Carol Marie Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Weaver
Ms. Carolyn Wertz
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wojcikiewicz
Wood, Myers & Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Zemba
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zogby
Thomas McNamara
James P. Scholz
Michael H. Sherman
Theresa Wojcikiewicz Sherman
Class of 1983
Edward J. Ford
Suzanne Boyd Lynch
Class of 1971
Karen M. Balaban
Janet Bischof Giallo
Kathryne McGrath Speaker
Mark D. Speaker
Susan Schrecengost Sposato
Class of 1984
Anne McDonald Black
Lisa Cairo O’Brien
Joseph Leighton
Diane Crowe Petrella
Class of 1972
Jean Sral Cardinal
Leslie Platt Chyr
Dr. John S. Kauffman
Donald A. McGrath
Kathleen Ryan Reed
Sandra Risner Smith
William J. Weiss
Class of 1985
Joseph M. Centurione
Maria DiMascio Centurione
Pamela Barrett Simpson
Class of 1986
Patricia E. Carocci
Meghan Finegan
Michela Zangari Rozman
Emily Vergara Shokes
Jeanne Hein Thurber
Class of 1973
Patricia Sloand Epple
William M. Jones
James M. Robinson, Esq.
Class of 1974
Cynthia Yucha Kostelac
Gerald M. Kostelac
Desiree Holubowicz Magney
Michael Saidis
Christine Cairo Wirt
Class of 1987
James Reagan
Erin Stewart Verano
Jill Wharton
Class of 1989
Robert A. Ranieri
Class of 1975
Maureen Murphy Andres
Lisa E. Monihan
Maureen R. O’Brien
Meg O’Donnell
Class of 1976
Leslie Acri Menear
Class of 1978
M. Neil Brownawell II
Class of 1979
Denise Hein Bailey
Christine Mitchell McCleery
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 3 Class of 1990
Antoinette Schaedler Mandich
Derrick T. Rosenstein
Class of 1992
David A. Czarnecki
Class of 1995
Mary Dornisch Heimbuch
Class of 1996
James H. Steeley
Class of 1997
Benjamin R. Walker
Class of 1999
Christine Walker Skozilas
Class of 2000
Andrew R. Kostyal
Class of 2001
Maggie Kitzmiller McBride
Class of 2002
Terrence J. Mull
Class of 2003
Ian Brown
Class of 2004
Mary H. Binker, Esq.
Shane Delaney-Lazar
Kathryn Theis
Class of 2009
John P. Giannelli
Class of 2010
Michael Rohm
Class of 2012
Molly E. Grady
Margaret A. Rash
Class of 2013
Ryan D. Grady
Caroline H. Nichols
Class of 2014
Constantina Kalathas
($1 - $99)
Parents and Friends
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Agnew
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Aigeldinger
Miss Janice Albright
American Legion 998
Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews
Mrs. Henry J. Aschenbrenner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Balascio
Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett
Mr. Brendan Bayer
Mr. and Mrs. John Berry
Mr. and Mrs. James Bierowski
Ms. Judith Bitner
Mr. Alan Blackledge
Mr. Bill Boia
Bon Ton Stores Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Boucek
Dr. William Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. F. Wayne Brewster
Mr. Gary Bricker
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bricker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bricker
Mrs. Bernard Britt
Buffalo Wild Wings
Mrs. Connie L. Burket
Ms. Elizabeth Cairo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Capper
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Connolly
Ms. Sharon L. Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Decker
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Delaney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Delso
Mr. Mark Dolheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Donlevy
Ms. Frances M. Dougherty
Mrs. John Drennan
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Donald G. Easton
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Elter
Mr. and Mrs. James Facius
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fanucci
Ms. Judi A. Fejar
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ferriman
Mr. James Fickes
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fitzgerald
Mrs. Virginia Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold G. Forte
Mr. and Mrs. James Fox
Ms. Judith Fruhwirth
Mr. Frederick Futchko
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Gallucci
Mrs. Anna Murray Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Donato D. Giusti
Good Search
Mr. Stephen Gotwols
Mr. and Mrs. James Grandon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Gouhin
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Grabowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Grasser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Grogan
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Gronkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gryboski
Ms. Holly Hanevich
14 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
Mr. John Henn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Herweg
Mr. and Mrs. James Hoellman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Holjes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hubler
Ms. Mary E. Isele
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kamnikar
Mr. and Mrs. James Keiser
Mrs. Margaret A. Kelly
Mrs. Miriam Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kendra
Mr. Shawn Kenny
Mrs. Jeanne Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kilcoyne
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kilroy
Mrs. Nancy Kindness
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Klingensmith
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Klutz
Dr. Susan M. Korch
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kosenske
Mrs. Joanne Kostelac
Sr. Susan Kuk, IHM
Mr. and Mrs. Knovel Lamberti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Landis
Mrs. Jean Lindholm
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Manweiler
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marazas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Markowski
Mr. Louis G. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John Maurer
Ms. Tara Mayes
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Miekley
Mrs. W. Dale Moritz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mott
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Mosher
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Nazal
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Newmaster
Ohiopyle Prints, Inc.
PPG Industries Foundation
Mr. Edward J. Patrick
Mr. Scott Root
Mrs. Helen Saintz
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent N. Santucci
Mr. and Mrs. John Satterlee
Mr. Donald Shanebrook, Sr.
Ms. Karen Skotnicki
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Silva
Mr. Dick Sneeringer
Mr. Richard Sullivan
Sunshine Motors
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Talarico
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Terz
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton TImmins
Mrs. John Turo
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Vice
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wasko
Mr. Robert Waeger
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wentz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Wigger
Mr. and Mrs. George Williams
Ms. Joan K. Willits
Ms. Virginia Winderman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wise
Col. (Ret.) Walter J. Wood
Mr. David Zawisa
Class of 1966
Walter D. Atchley
J. Thomas England
Florence Riordan Hess
Dr. M. Margaret Juliana
Dr. Michael J. Kinney
Judith Sprigg Kinney
Sheila Fahey Krape
Ellen Moeslin Panrock
Margaret Moleski Price
David B. Smolizer
Class of 1967
Charles G. Algier
Thomas J. Blackburn
Susan M. Fletcher
Joanne Larche Getz
Lester G. Kissinger, Jr.
Barbara Carraher Kraemer
Shirley Wolf Morrison
Edward J. Murtha, Jr.
Elaine Madara Scholz
William R. Schultz
Class of 1968
Douglas L. Biden
Susan Cronin, IHM
Virginia Ball Duncan
Lee F. Esser
Diann Schneider Esser
Rosemary Lange Hill
Albert F. Leo
Mark C. Miner
Thomas Olsen
Susan Eichelberger Rodrigo
Thomas Rodrigo
Janice Acri Sherer
Class of 1972
James M. Balaban
Ann P. Berger
Valerie Ascani Biden
JoEllen Prestia Carnathan
Kathleen Casey
Erin Marcy Devlin
John A. Gillis
Kathleen Geppi Jones
Patricia Sullivan Koch
Kathy Viani Moore
Richard L. Mulroy
Anne Kellagher Rakszawski
Joan Burger Shambaugh
MaryAnn Roscoe Vespignani
Class of 1969
Catherine Mizdail Atchley
Stephen Balaban
Joan Marie Scheffey Benning
Linda M. Brunski
William Cullen
Margaret Moselein Harder
Nancy Olshefsky Harry
Denise Martin Hobbie
Susie Kuhn Kapp
Diane Clement Kemeny
Mary Schuler Kross
Thomas E. Miceli
Cindy Hernjak Petroski
Gary E. Siegfried
Edna Neyhart Smith
Martha O’Donnell Solomon
Kathleen Nelson Stees
Marian Konetski Walter
Rev. William M. Weary
Class of 1970
James A. Acri
Mary D. Bohenick
Linda Ivanoff
Nicholas Lamberti
Robert J. Peregrin
Michael J. Pinamonti
Theresa Bixler Pinamonti
George M. Savidge
Lawrence M. Wagner
Sharon Devine Wilmarth
Class of 1971
Joanne Elden Beale
Dennis G. Cronin
Gordon A. Grandon
Delmar Reynolds
Class of 1973
Stephen J. Devlin
Jaime Imgrund Fry
Dr. Kevin Hensel
Rebecca Lewis Jackson
Donald R. Scholz
Caroleanne Barnhart Snitger
Class of 1974
Donna Velozo Abriola
Kathleen Zalesky Albright
Ricardo E. Andreoli
Jodean A. Biss
William J. Bowker
Theresa M. Crawford
Alexandra Sutherland Crisci
Karen Saintz Fazzolari
Teresa Wineke Ford
Robert T. Fuhrman
Paul N. Garcy
Phillip B. Gillis
Renee Cairo Iocco
Kim Klingensmith Lewis
Mary Restagno Lutz
Cheryl Krouch McMahon
Shawn T. Norton
Nancy Melodini O’Hara
Nancy Butchko Pcsolyar
Michele Alexandre Persak
Missy O’Donnell Rinesmith
Thomas J. Ruback
Dr. Andrea M. Saxon
Brian D. Stephenson
Dale E. Stipe, Jr.
Victoria Homcheck Weger
Barbara Yandrasitz Bailey
Class of 1975
Kevin J. Buckley
Michele Robinson Cherewka
Theresa A. Sears
Class of 1976
Kyle A. Connolly
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 5 Joan C. Curley
Louann Metallo Miller
Class of 1978
Mary Werzinsky Best
Mary Beth Wolfe Hamacher
Carolyn Porr
Class of 1979
Susan Purgert Hewitt
Thomas A. Hewitt
Carolyn Bahret Holencik
Kenneth L. Kostelac
Susan Sullivan Kostelac
Mary Lou Curran Quinlan
Class of 1980
Margaret Smith Bacon
Edmund T. Bresnahan
David L. Burger, Jr.
Gregg M. Cook
William D’Happart
John B. Goedecke, Jr.
Michael J. Johnston
Andrew J. O’Brien
Michael A. Perry
Amy Mitchell Steiner
Diane M. Velozo
Class of 1981
Julia Kent Hardenstine
Maryellen Sheehan Martin
Lisa Nicotera Reisteter
Class of 1982
JoAnn Yakoboski McNally
Richard G. McNally
Kelly McHugh Reagan
Class of 1983
Robert L. Cheeka, Jr.
Rose Bellanca Dethlefs
Eric Dethlefs
Matthew J. Fortino
Angela O’Connor Furtaw
Richard L. Hoak
Sharon A. McLaughlin
Gregory T. Meeks
Carolyn Kramer O’Kane
Kathleen Harcarik Ripp
Roger C. Sattler, Jr.
Lisa Gally Schock
Class of 1984
Christopher M. Fencel
J. Timothy Radcliff
Richard Roswog
Vincent R. Vergara, Jr.
Alessandro Zangari
Class of 1985
Debora Bahret Bangs
David K. Brennan
Theresa Sommers Carroll
Mary Drennan Drabik
Jennifer Smith McVeigh
Aileen Kelly Minium
Mark T. Reilly
Katherine Patterson Rushing
Thomas Stewart
Linda Cheeka Weaver
Class of 1995
Tanya Zelger Amme
Steven Aschenbrenner
Class of 1986
Patricia Drennan Anthony
Tricia Irvine Conrad
Christine Dornisch Geisel
Julie Hayman
Maryann Golesh Karli
Christine Barbush Kozsuch
Sharon Shanebrook Lountzis
Maureen Hickey Lowther
Kimberly Giordano Myler
Hung Q. Nguyen
Gregory F. Scott
Thomas Stewart
William Wallace
Mischelle Dobbie White
Angela Wilson Zeiner
Class of 2002
Lee Nedrow-Wilson
Class of 1987
Mary McDonald Smith
Class of 1988
Thomas C. Karli
Tracey Spahr Wingold
Class of 1989
Kristi Dunleavy Britten
Ann R. Burk
Michael A. DiMascio
Lisa M. Kokoski
Michael E. May
Class of 1990
Charles D. Daly
Patrick O’Brien
Christopher J. Woltcheck
Class of 1991
Patricia Kopfinger Pfeffer
Class of 1992
James W. Urban
Class of 1993
Jennifer L. Delisanti
Jude Olivetti
Patrice Waeger Urban
16 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
Class of 1997
Christopher C. Spahr
Class of 1999
John Diehl
Class of 2001
Laura Leimbach Rowe
Class of 2004
Caroline Oszustowicz Jarrett
Britney Satterlee
Class of 2005
Michael Cherewka
Andrew T. Gess
Class of 2007
Allison McKelvey
Class of 2008
Margaret Burton
Matthew Cherewka
Meghan Count
Class of 2011
James Maffey
Brian F. Quigley
Class of 2012
Mark W. Wolfe
Class of 2013
Robert E. Mott, III
Blaine E. Wolfe
Class of 2014
Meaghan Cherewka
Class of 2016
Kyle Bower
Families find comfort in honoring the life of those they have lost by requesting memorial contributions. Through these memorial
contributions, family, friends and acquaintances can express their condolences by contributing to our school. These contributions are
used to improve our facilities and teaching resources, thus having a direct impact on our students and faculty.
When a memorial contribution is received, we send a thank you letter to the contributor and notify the deceased’s family of the donations
made in memory of their loved one.
If you wish to send a memorial contribution, please make your check payable to: Trinity High School, c/o the
Development Office and include the name of your loved one in whose memory the contribution is being made.
Thank you to the following individuals for choosing this very special way to honor their friend or family member.
In Memory of Ryan Bostick ‘86
Rita Balaban ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Balascio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scott
In Memory of Winifred Caulfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bricker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark
Ms. Anna Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kamnikar
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Lott
Delores and Ralph Manweiler
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Smith
In Memory of Caroline Cawley
Mr. and Mrs. John Oszustowicz
In Memory of Lauren and Spencer Day
John ’75 and Maggie Giannelli
Samuel J. Giannelli ‘04
John P. Giannelli ‘09
In Memory of Dominic Geraci ‘02
Terrence J. Mull ‘02
In Memory of Alexander Hoynitski
(Class of 2014)
Mr. and Mrs. John Altmeyer
Nader Karimi Ardekani
Ms. Stacy Baker
Black Book
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Bloschichak
Central PA Auto Auction, Inc.
Dealer Goodies
Mr. and Mrs. David DeBruhl
Mr. and Mrs. John Delso
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dugan
Ms. Judi A. Fejfar
Fragnito & Mariotti Families
Griffith Strickler Lerman Solymos
& Calkins
Ms. Dolores Hoynitski
Independent Auction Group
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pyle
Mr. Timothy K. Ravey
Ray Barton Racing Engines, Inc.
Reist Auctioneers
Ricke Bros. Auto Sales & Services
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sherman &
Miss Lisbeth Shoemaker
Mr. Dick Sneeringer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stepter
Sun Motor Cars, Inc.
Sunset Auto Sales
Sunshine Motors
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Timmins
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Weaver
Ms. Virginia Winderman
Yelk Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zogby
In Memory of Lisa M. Rhoades SilvaMonroy ‘04
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rhoades
In Memory of Sue Nissley
Ms. Judi Fejfar
In Memory of Michael Paduano ‘88
Thomas Carocci ‘88
Henry Charlton III ‘88
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paduano, Sr.
Timothy Seeley ‘87
In Memory of Aaron Rovegno
Ms. Judi Fejfar
In Memory of John Scholz
James P. Scholz ‘79
In Memory of Joseph Shriver ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shriver
In Memory of Peyton Walker ‘12
Ms. Judi Fejfar
John P. Giannelli ‘09
In Memory of Julie Walker Witmer ‘97
Mark and Sarah Hubler
Debra Semyan Mihalich ‘70
Miss Lisbeth Shoemaker
United Way/SECA/CFC
Trinity High School participates in the annual campaigns for the United Way of the Capital Region.
Trinity’s code with UWCR is 10153. Trinity is also listed in the State Employee Combined Appeal
(SECA) campaign brochure. Trinity’s code is 4401-0060. Trinity’s code for the Combined Federal
Campaign (CFC) is 93628.
Thank you to all of our alumni, parents and friends who choose Trinity High School as the recipient of your gift.
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 7 TODAY, TOMORROW, TOGETHER
Throughout its history, Trinity High School has maintained a
deep commitment to providing a quality Catholic education to
Tuition at Trinity is set approximately $2,000 below the full
cost to educate a student. However, for many families who
believe in Catholic education and are willing to make the sacrifice
of tuition, they still struggle to fully meet the need. Thanks to the
generosity of our alumni, parents, businesses and friends, Trinity
is accessible to families regardless of social-economic realities.
Currently, one-third of the student body receives some form of
tuition assistance. In fact, more than $550,000 was distributed
during the 2013-14 academic year. While the annual Trinity
appeal helps support the operational budget, gifts to the following
scholarship programs provide direct tuition assistance for families
in need.
Denice Petro Brown ‘72 Scholarships – Established by alumnus
Denice Petro Brown, these scholarships assist students who are
members of St. Joseph Parish in Mechanicsburg,
Martha D. Hempt Scholarship, Max C. Hempt Memorial
Scholarship, George F. Patterson Memorial Scholarship,
and Rita C. Patterson Memorial Scholarship – Established by
Lyn and Gerry Hempt in honor of their parents, these scholarships
assist families from St. Theresa Parish.
Trinity High School provides an opportunity to donors to designate a scholarship that recognizes and acknowledges a specific
source, whether it be the donor, an individual or institution they
wish to honor.
For a donation of $1,000 you can participate and designate the
recipient to be from a particular school or parish, or be involved
in a specific activity.
Thank you to the following parents, alumni, and friends who
have supported this financial assistance program:
John R. Dietz Memorial Scholarship – Established by
Robert and Ellen Dietz, this scholarship assists students who have
a strong interest in Math and are interested in pursuing a career
in engineering.
Daly/Donnelly Families Memorial Scholarship – Established
by Dr. James Daly, Jr. in memory of his parents and his wife’s
parents, this scholarship assists a student in good academic
James Cabell Memorial Scholarship – Established by friends of
James Cabell, Class of 2011, this scholarship assists students from
St. Catherine Laboure and/or who participate in football.
Lewis Bowker Memorial Scholarship – Established by friends
of beloved teacher Lewis Bowker, this scholarship assists a student in good academic standing.
Jane Daly Memorial Scholarship – Established by Dr. James
Daly, Jr., in memory of his wife, this scholarship assists a student
in good academic standing.
Patriotic Scholarship – Established by Henry Charlton ’89 and
friends, this scholarship assists students whose family members
currently or have previously served in the military.
Elizabeth & Joseph Vavra Memorial Scholarship – Established by Dr. Nancy Burke, this scholarship assists a student who
is in good academic standing.
Dorothy Gilfoyle Memorial Scholarship and Joseph Gilfoyle
Memorial Scholarship – Established by Timothy J. Gilofyle ‘74
in honor of his parents, these scholarships assist students from St.
Joseph Parish and/or St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish.
John Francis Klenk ‘00 Memorial Scholarship – Established
by Mark and Sue Glessner, this scholarship assists students who
are members of Good Shepherd Parish.
Mary and Byron Peebles Memorial Scholarship – Established
by Michael and Kathy Green, this scholarship assists students
who graduated from St. Joseph’s School and are interested in the
performing arts.
Hilton-Diminick Orthodontic Associates Scholarship –
Established by Dr. Edward Hilton and Dr. Kenneth Diminick,
this scholarship assists students who are members of St. Theresa
Church or Good Shepherd Church.
William H. Montgomery Memorial Scholarship – Established
by Nancy Montgomery and Donald Montgomery ’93 in memory
of husband/father, this scholarship assists a student from St.
Joseph Church who participates in basketball.
William and Rose Peteritas Scholarship – Established by
Bill Peteritas ’67, this scholarship assists a student from Good
Shepherd Parish.
Clara D. Paul Memorial Scholarship and Paul E. Paul
Memorial Scholarship – Established by Bernadette Paul ‘77,
Gregory Paul ‘84, and Emmanuel Paul ‘73†, this scholarship
assists a student in good academic standing and is a member of
St. Theresa Church.
Thomas and Montienne Trouton Scholarship – Established
by daughter, Melissa ’90, this scholarship assists a student who
participates in marching band, concert band, or choir.
“I am so grateful to Trinity for the wonderful education my child received. Trinity
is so much more than a school…it is a place to grow and observe our faith.”
—a grateful parent
18 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
continued on page 19
THS 50th Anniversary Honorary Scholarship – Established by
the Class of 1972 in honor of their Alma Mater, this scholarship
assists a student in good academic standing.
Dan Sims ‘97 Memorial Scholarship – Established by Richard
and Cheryl Long, this scholarship assists a graduate of St. Theresa
Kyle Ford Memorial Scholarship – Established by friends of
Kyle Ford, Class of 2012, this scholarship assists a student from
Holy Name Parish and/or who participates in baseball.
Bill McLamb Memorial Scholarship – Established by John
and Susan Zornosa, this scholarship assists a student interested in
math and/or science.
Endowments create a gift that keeps on giving – they ensure
secure, perpetual income for schools. Each gift is invested, never
spent, and a distribution, like dividends on a mutual fund account,
is made to the chosen area annually.
With a minimum contribution of $5,000, you can establish
an endowment in memory or honor of a friend or loved one. In
addition, you may add to any of the endowments listed below
which provide tuition assistance to Trinity families.
Mary & Byron Peebles Memorial Fund – Established in 2012
by Michael and Kathy Green, this fund provides tuition assistance
to a Trinity student involved in performing arts whose family has
demonstrated financial need.
Walter G. and Cecilia O’Connor Memorial Fund – Established
in 2009 by J. Thomas O’Connor ‘66, this fund provides tuition
assistance to a Trinity student of any grade whose family has
demonstrated financial need and is a member of Good Shepherd
J. Thomas O’Connor Scholarship Endowment Fund – Established in 2013 per the Last Will and Testament of J. Thomas
O’Connor ’66, this fund is restricted for tuition assistance for students or former students of Good Shepherd Catholic School that
attend Trinity High School.
Harry F. DeFrank Sr. Scholarship Fund – Established in 2008
by Vincent P. Carocci, this fund provides tuition assistance to a
student who is in good academic standing and whose family demonstrates financial need.
Dominic M. Geraci ’02 Memorial Scholarship Fund – Established in 2008 by the Gaspere Geraci Family, this fund provides
tuition assistance to a male graduate of Good Shepherd School
whose family demonstrates financial need.
Tibor and Doris Kurucz Scholarship Fund – Established in
2008 by Mark and Susan DiSanto, this fund provides tuition assistance to a student who is in good academic standing and has
demonstrated financial need.
David Grady ’76 Memorial Scholarship Fund – Established
in 2004 by family and friends of David Grady, this fund provides
assistance to students whose family demonstrates financial need.
In addition, a fund was established in 1991 with the Greater Harrisburg Foundation (currently Foundation for Enhancing Com-
Andrew and Kathryn Lynch Memorial Scholarship Fund –
Established in 2002 by Ms. Ellen Lynch, this fund provides tuition assistance to a student from Good Shepherd Parish who is
in good academic standing and has demonstrated financial need.
Walter F. Zielonis and Bruno F. Paladino Memorial Scholarship Fund – Established in 2001 by Mr. Kenneth ’77 and Mrs.
Rita Zielonis, this fund provides tuition assistance to a student
who is in good academic standing and has demonstrated financial
Lawrence L. Kostelac, Sr. Scholarship Fund – Established in
2001 by the Trinity High School Class of 1978, this fund provides
tuition assistance to a student who is in good academic standing
and has demonstrated financial need.
Hewitt Family Scholarship Fund – Established in 2014 by
Patrick A. ‘76 and Jennifer Hewitt, this fund provides tuition assistance to an incoming freshman from St. Theresa School who is
in good academic standing and has demonstrated financial need.
The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program,
administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community
and Economic Development, provides tax credits to companies
that donate to non-profit scholarship or educational improvement
organizations. Business owners can designate their tax credits for
Trinity High School through the Neumann Scholarship Foundation of the Diocese of Harrisburg, Bravo Educational Foundation,
or Bridge Educational Foundation.
Approved businesses are eligible to receive a 90% tax credit for
a two year commitment, or a 75% tax credit for those who choose
to participate for one year.
Through the generosity of our business friends, Trinity received
more than $310,000 to benefit our families for the upcoming academic year.
Thank you to the following businesses who generously gave
to the Neumann Scholarship Foundation to benefit Trinity High
School students for the 2014-2015 academic year:
ACS Claim Service, Inc.
Carlisle SynTec, Inc.
Assured Claimant Transport Service, Inc.
Daily Express, Inc.
Eastern Insurance Holdings, Inc.
Freysinger Auto Group
JFC Staffing Associates
Keystone Tax Associates, LLC
NRG Controls, Inc.
Riley, Hewitt, Witte & Romano
Select Specialty Hospital
Sutliff Chevrolet
Triple Crown Corporation
Mid Penn Bank
Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co., Inc.
continued on page 20
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 9 Today, Tomorrow, Together continued on page 20
Thank you to the following businesses who generously gave
to the Bravo Educational Foundation and Bridge Educational
Foundation to benefit Trinity High School students for the 20132014 academic year:
Bravo Educational Foundation:
Aetna Inc.
Bridge Educational Foundation:
Aegis Security Insurance
Waste Management
M & T Bank
Healy Group
Would you be willing to help a family give their children the
gift of a Catholic education at Trinity? If so, become a tuition
angel. Individuals, often anonymous, choose a particular student/
family to assist during their years at Trinity High School. Assistance can be in any amount. Thank you to our “angels”
during the 2013-14 academic year.
Why support Trinity’s Tuition Assistance
• To ensure that young men and women from all economic backgrounds have the opportunity to benefit from and contribute to the
Trinity experience.
Did you know…
• 96% of our graduates choose to continue their educations after
high school at excellent state, regional, and national colleges and
• Our performance statistics illustrate the value of a Trinity education:
SAT Averages
2013 Critical Reading
Students leave Trinity prepared to go out and impact their
community, their workplace, and our world.
“In a time when families are financially constrained due to economic reasons, Trinity has offered many
families grants and scholarships making it possible for children to receive a Catholic education.”
—current Trinity parent
7th Annual Harry DeFrank Golf Classic
Date: September 27, 2014
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Place: Armitage Golf Club
For more information, please contact Coach Britten at [email protected]
20 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
Congratulations!SENIOR AWARDS
The senior awards ceremony each May always brings great
pride to our school community as many students are recognized
for their achievements over the past four years. This year was no
Awards and scholarships from numerous clubs and organizations were presented to our very talented seniors. The following
awards and scholarships were established by alumni and parents
of alumni:
Christopher D. Miorin Leader-Scholar Award – 2003 graduate
Christopher Miorin established this award in 2010. Chris states,
“My objective has been
to identify and reward a
student that exemplifies
personal and professional
characteristics that reflect
what our country needs
to promote moral, ethical,
and competitive standards
in the global landscape.”
Chris is currently enrolled
in the MBA program at
Senior Matthew Gregiore accepts
award from Chris.
Friends of Michael Paduano Award and Scholarship –
This scholarship was established by friends and classmates of
Michael (Trinity class of 1988) in honor of his memory and selflessness, and will assist with the post-secondary education of a
graduating THS senior. One such friend, Tom Carocci ’88, said “we
want to recognize a senior
who best exemplifies
Michael’s Christian values
and kindness and was
active in Trinity extracurricular activities.”
Donations for this annual
scholarship may be sent
to Trinity High School,
Office of Advancement.
Please note “Michael Senior Anne Maffey accepts the
Paduano Scholarship”.
award from Timothy Seeley ‘87.
Senior Christopher Rozman accepts
award from John Hickey ‘81.
Renaissance Award –
This award was established in 2003 by friends
of Trinity. In 2010, the
Trinity Alumni Association began sponsoring
the annual award which
commends a graduating
senior for displaying
his or her best academic
performance during senior
Mrs. Kathy Green, Mrs. Terri
Kenski & Austin Auriemma
Vocal Music Award –
This award was established by Michael and
Kathy Green and children,
Theresa Green Kenski ‘88
and Christopher Green
‘97 and honors a senior
student who excels in
the performing arts. This
year’s award was presented to Austin Auriemma.
The Alex Hoynitski
Memorial Scholarship –
through donations received from friends of
Trinity following the
death of senior Alex
Hoynitski in September
2013. This award is presented to a senior who Steve and Marsha Sherman, along
plans on studying music with their son Matthew (friend of
Alex) presented the award to Austin
in college.
The following awards were established by parents in memory of
their sons:
Mrs. Narvia Bostick and Preston
Ryan Bostick Memorial
Scholarship – Ryan was
a graduate of Trinity’s
Class of 1986. When he
died in 1997, his classmates, family, and friends
established the scholarship to benefit a graduating senior who intends on
studying engineering in
St. Francis Award in Memory of Michael A. Paduano –
This award was established in 2013 by Mr. and Mrs. Paduano,
parents of Michael, Class
of 1988, and is presented
to a member of the senior
class who is a graduate of
Good Shepherd School,
who plans on attending a
Catholic college, and, in
the judgment of the faculty, embodies simplicity,
humility, charity, love, Mike and Lori Paduano and senior
and compassion.
Constantina Kalathas
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 1 Sixth Annual Lauren and Spencer Day Memorial Golf Tournament
The Sixth Annual Lauren and Spencer Day Memorial Golf Tournament and Walk was held on June 14 at Rich Valley Golf Course.
On Friday, June 13, the second annual City Dwelling Nature Seekers concert was held at the West Shore Elks featuring Michael
McCormick ‘04. Proceeds from the tournament benefit the Day Foundation.
The Lauren and Spencer Day Foundation was founded to assist families in our community who need financial assistance during a
major medical crisis. The Foundation was started by friends of the Day family to assist them while Lauren was battling Leukemia. Lauren lost her battle in 2000, but the Foundation continued. When Lauren’s brother Spencer died in an automobile accident, his name
was added to the Foundation. Trinity High School disperses the funds to needy families. For information, please contact Janet Quigley
at [email protected] or 761-2228.
Thank you to the following individuals and businesses who generously donated to both events:
2 Pines Bar and Grille
Hershey Theatre
Robin Marzella Tillman
ADA Marketing Group
Hilton Harrisburg
Rock Bass Grill
J & W Music
Royers Flowers Carlisle
Allenberry Jerry Day
Rustic Tavern
Angies Dog Bark Ave.
JoAnn Schopman
Ruth N Rode
Baums Service Center
John & Maggie Giannelli
Sam Giannelli
Boiling Springs Tavern
John Moritz / Nationwide
Shenk Company
Bonefish Grill
Joseph Cocciardi & Associates
Shultz Family
Bonita Zuvich
Stocks on 2nd
Brewhouse Grille
Studio 7
L B Smith
Buddha Buddha
Sutliff Chevrolet
Lancaster Brewing Company
Caddy Shack
T. J. Rockwell’s
Lawns Unlimited
Calabrese Drywall
The Burton Family
LBB Estates / Laurie Bushnell
Carlisle Barricks Golf Course
The Calabrese Family
LEER Electric
Cassell’s Grille
The Colleen Ranney Family
Lyn Hempt
Cedar Ridge Golf Course
The Daniel C Calabrese Family
M. C. Walker Realty
Center Street Grille
The Day Family
Maggie McBride
Chuck Cavanaugh, Gunn Mower
The Farrell Family
Malpezzi Funeral Home
City Dwelling Nature Seekers
The Golf Warehouse
Market Cross Pub & Brewery
The Hall Foundation
McClure Company
Colin Day
The Harbilas Family
McGraths Pub
Daniel C. Calabrese & Family
The Jeffery Davis Family
Members First
Dieners Restaurant
The Kelly Family
Michael McCormick
Dockside Willies
The Krause Family
Mike Cherewka
Dukes Bar and Grille
The McCormick Family
Mike Kempf / Morgan Stanley
Eagle Crossing Golf Club
The Morris Family
Molly Brannigans
Feniccis of Hershey
Trindle Bowl
Mumma Jewelery Store
Fetrow Insurance Associates LLC
Trinity High School
Nicholson Family
Fiddlers Bar and Grille
Valley Green Golf Course
Nikoli’s Pizza
Wenger Meats
Fireside of New Cumberland
Norma Moritz
West Shore ELKS
Friends of Spencer
Philadelphia 76ers
William H. Wessel Used Cars
Gary and Corby Rambler
Philadelphia Eagles
Winsor Cleaners
Harrisburg Senators
Pizza Grille
Yale Electric
Hellenic Greek Café
York Volkswagen
Hempt Bros. Inc.
Rich Valley Golf Course
Be sure to join us next year on Saturday, June 20, 2015! Schedules permitting,
we look forward to having City Dwelling Nature Seekers back on June 19 at the Elks!
22 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
Trinity High School
Celebrates 50 Years of Excellence
In honor of Trinity’s 50th Anniversary, alumni, families, and friends showed their
Shamrock pride by sponsoring panels displayed on the front of the school.
Thank you to the following for your support:
Bahret Church Interiors
Class of 1986
The Glessner Family
The Bahret Family
The D’Amico Family
The Grady Family
Bahret Religious Goods
In Memory of Coach & Mrs. Harry
The Hollinger Family
The Balaban Family
Bob Ruth Ford
The DiMascio & Centurione Families
The Kindler Family
John and Pat Brosious
The Finegan Family
Norene Jefferson-Koeppel ‘72
The Burton Family
The Ford Family
The Lawrence L. Kostelac, Sr. Family
Carly & Bryce
The MacLean Family
Cherewka Law
The Magni Family
Ciccocioppo Graduates
Members 1st Federal Credit Union
Class of 1968
The Placey Family
Class of 1972
The Povilaitis Family
Class of 1974
The Quigley Family
Class of 1978
THS Squire Circle 5645
Class of 1980
Trinity Music Students & Teachers
Class of 1983
The Vergara Family
Class of 1984
West Shore Academy Martial Arts
Class of 1985
The Wolfe Family
Proceeds from the sales of the banners benefitted the Trinity Faith in Our Future Capital Campaign.
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 3 CELEBRATIONS
Saturday, September 14, 2013 marked a very special day in
Trinity High School’s history as Rev. Louis P. Ogden, Class of
1976 and Pastor of St. Joseph Parish, celebrated Mass along with
eight concelebrants in honor of Trinity’s 50th Anniversary. Rev.
Chester Snyder was the homilist.
Hundreds of alumni, parents and friends gathered to pray as a
community to give thanks and praise to God our Father and for
the religious and lay faculty and staff, students, alumni, parents
and friends who have left an indelible mark in the name of Catholic education at Trinity High School.
24 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
Special thanks to those who participated in this special Mass:
Patti Grady, 50th Anniversary chair, Robert Butchko ‘66, Elizabeth
Vinarski ‘15, Christopher Giordano ‘14, Martin Carr, Rosanna
Mancini Ellis ‘69, Michael Ciccocioppo ‘70, Gerard Burton ‘80,
Christine Walker Skozilas ‘99, Michael Cherewka ‘05 and Maria
Marinelli ‘10. Remarks were given by Rev. Edward J. Quinlan,
Brother Andrew Bartley, Rev. William Sullivan, and Dr. David
Following Mass, a social was held in the gymnasium where
friends, old and new, reminisced and shared in the joy of a truly
memorable evening.
Trinity High School Celebrates in Style
Trinity High School
culminated its celebration
of 50 fabulous years on
Saturday, May 17 at the
West Shore Country Club.
It was truly a golden evening as the Trinity community came together to
share this milestone in the
school’s illustrious history.
The event began with
Jim Robinson ‘73, Ron Turo ‘73 and
cocktails, hors d’oeuvres,
Deputy Secretary Bill Burns ‘73
mingling and an opportunity for guests to browse and bid on more than 150 auction
items, including gift certificates, artwork, jewelry, and more.
Cocktails were followed by a sumptuous cuisine the West Shore
Country Club is so famous for. More than 250 guests enjoyed
chicken marsala with filet mignon, and a special Gold Brick
Sundae for dessert.
Trinity alumnus Ron Turo ’73 served as emcee. After recognizing the 50th Committee, and special guests, he had the pleasure
of introducing his classmate and the Deputy Secretary of State
William Burns as our guest speaker. “We were proud and honored to have Deputy Secretary Burns speak about his years here at
Trinity in the early 70’s and how he took what he learned here to
become an amazingly talented individual”, said Eileen Poplaski,
Vice Principal.
“At Trinity, I learned that service to a greater good, shaped by a
Catholic education and Catholic values, can make life enormous-
ly rewarding”, Burns remarked. Secretary Burns related how he
has had the chance to “work hard at work well-worth doing” since
he graduated from Oxford. Serving in the U.S. Foreign Service,
Burns intonated “that our prosperity and security depend more
than ever on engaging with the world around us” …a world in
which America enjoys many strengths. He closed by thanking
the committee for the invitation to speak and for Trinity’s role in
teaching him valuable lessons above service. “I know that tradition will endure for many more years to come, and I applaud
everything you’re doing to sustain it”, concluded Burns.
The live auction was conducted by Auctioneer B. J. Jennings.
Many one-of-a-kind and exciting items were available for bidding, and those who had the winning bid were excited to take
home their treasure. Along with the auction items, Jennings introduced a special “Fund our Future” Trinity appeal; soliciting donations for the school’s security system project. $15,000 was raised
through this ask and, with a generous offer to match the amount
raised dollar-for-dollar, $30,000 was collected for the project.
A video presentation of The Rock, a song composed and arranged by Christine M. Purcell ’74, with lyrics by Cindy Rock
Dlugolecki, and performed by the Trinity High School Concert
Choir featuring Chris Gassaway ’13, was introduced. “The pictures and the words really express why Trinity is so special to all
of us”, said recent alum Mark Wolfe ’12.
Trinity sincerely appreciates the countless hours of time, treasure,
and talent of the members of the 50th Gala Committee: Patti Grady,
Chair, Lisa Wolfe, Lisa MacLean, Janet Quigley, Mary Dornisch
Heimbuch ’95, Anne McDonald Black ’84, Mary Balaban ’74,
Kathy Kostelac Kindler ’78, Pam Whiteman, Anita Hobaugh
Connors ’81, Michael Ciccocioppo ’70, and Christine Purcell ’74.
Special “thanks” to our sponsors for their generous support:
Bahret Church Interiors
Baker Door Company
Capital Business Systems
Dailey Eye Associates, PC
Flynn & O’ Hara Uniforms
Immaculata University
Kirby Smith Associates
Malpezzi Funeral Home
McNamara &
Mid Atlantic Realty
Poole Anderson Construction
Pronto Plumbing
Radisson Hotel Harrisburg
Sarah M. Lynch, DMD, PC
Secco, Inc.
St. Joseph Church
Sun Motor Cars, Inc.
The Camera Box
TKS Architects
Wood, Myers & Hartman
Bahret Religious Goods
Diocesan Publications
Durbin Associates, Inc.
Fred J. Alba, DMD & Family
Freysinger Auto Group
Giant Food Stores
Good Shepherd Church
Hempt Bros., Inc.
In Loving Memory of Kevin J.
Schwab ’83 by his family
Thank you to the following families for individual patron ads:
The Werwinski Family
Happy 50th from the Ciccocioppo’s
Kathy and Mike Green
Pat, Mary Ellen & Matt Richards
Mark and Pamela Barrett Simpson
Janney Montgomery Scott
Mountz Jewelers
Planet Fitness
Smith Elliott Kearns & Co., LLC
St. Patrick Church
St. Theresa Parish
St. Theresa School
The Bennett Family
The Grady Family
The Taglang Family
The Alford Family
Walker Realty Co.
Daily Express, Inc.
Hershey Creamery Co.
Obermayer Rebmann
Maxwell & Hippel LLP
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
Kevin ’87 & Karen Shook
Paytime Harrisburg, Inc.
St. Katharine Drexel Church
Tanner Furniture
Paytime Harrisburg, Inc.
Vibra Healthcare
Bahret Church Interiors
Poole Anderson Construction
Janet and Brian ’11 Quigley
Michael ’85, Lisa, Mark ’12, Blaine ’13 and Mitch ’16 Wolfe
Jim ’73 and Brenda Robinson
The Brewer Family
Tom ’75 and Rose French
T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 5 Advertise your product or service…
Advertise through Banners
Thank you to the following for advertising their businesses
through Trinity’s Field & Gym Banner Program:
Fred J. Alba, DMD
Apicella Lorei Orthodontic
Brewhouse Grille
Capital Business Systems
Daily Express
Eastern Insurance Holdings, Inc.
Excel Interior Concepts
Hempt Bros., Inc.
Hershey Creamery Co.
Hilton-Diminick Orthodontic Associates
Keystone Tax Associates, LLC
Lawrence Chevrolet
Mid Penn Bank
Nikoli’s Pizza & Catering
Pavone Marketing Group
Pinnacle Health Cardiovascular
Quantum Imaging & Therapeutics
Sutliff Chevrolet
Walker Realty
Woods, Myers, & Hartman
For information on how you can participate, please contact
[email protected].
Holiday Cards and Gifts
that raise money for
Trinity High School
If you are ordering holiday cards, ornaments, notebooks, or other items this upcoming season, please
consider shopping at Give Back Greetings. With each
purchase you make, you can earn cash for Trinity High
School, and the money can be used for any of our school’s
educational needs.
Simply visit www.givebackgreetings.com, choose
your card (or other product), upload your family photo (or
order non-photo cards), and identify Trinity High School
as the beneficiary in your Profile or when you check out.
Our school earns: 5% back automatically; 7%
back if 25 families register their email addresses on or
before October 31, 2014
We receive the 7% back regardless of how many families actually place orders with Give Back Greetings, so
be sure to register your email address. It’s an easy way to
give back to your community, simply by doing what you
usually do - ordering holiday cards and gift items.
Farewell and Thank You
Thank you for your participation in the Giant A+ School
Rewards Program. Through this outstanding program,
Trinity earned $3,071.41 this year. This contribution
directly benefits both students and faculty alike. We are
grateful to Giant for their continued generosity through
this great program. Beginning October 2014 through
March 2015, Trinity will once again have the opportunity to earn cash through Giant A+ School Rewards
Program. It’s easy to participate! All you have to do is:
Log on to www.giantfoodstores.com/aplus to
designate our school online (Trinity Code –
01255) or send an e-mail with your Giant BONUSCARD number to [email protected]
Giant requires you to register each year. Thank you!!
26 T r i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l A n n u a l R e p o r t
As the 2013-14 academic year closes, Trinity High School bids
farewell to the following individuals who made an incalculable
impact on our school and the lives of all the students, faculty and
staff that had the opportunity to work with them.
Dr. David A. Bouton, Principal – 5 years
Mrs. Sue Aigeldinger – FCS – 13 years
Mrs. Grace Fong – Chinese – 4 years
Mrs. Marlynn Meyers – Media – 1 year
Mrs. Debra Mihalich – Social Studies – 30 years
Mrs. Denise Peiper – Administrative Support – 14 years
The entire Trinity family wishes them the best in their future
Welcome Aboard!
It is our pleasure to welcome these new members to our school
Mrs. Michelle Berrones (Communications)
Ms. Claire Lichty (Family & Consumer Science)
Ms. Lucy Hamilton (Spanish)
Ms. Suping Chen (Chinese)
Ms. Ashley Roman (Latin)
Eric Hocker (World History)
Jennifer Intrieri (Guidance Secretary)
“Our past set us up for the changes we would undergo in high
school, just as high school has prepared us for college and beyond.
If each of us were to think back to our freshman self, who was that
person? High School presented all of us with an opportunity to
experience friendships and achievements, whether academic, artistic, or athletic. Even the days that weren’t perfect (this is high
school after all): the break ups, failed tests, lost games, spread
rumors, have just contributed to completing us, giving perspective
and detail to our individual canvases. Trinity has contributed so
greatly to where each of us is now, as we look forward to what
is next on this Graduation day; let us not forget from where we
have already come, and take those next steps together as we move
Maura Vrabel ~ 2014 Valedictorian
“The lessons we learned and the connections we made, especially on KAIROS, will become the foundation of our moral decision making when we go out into the world. These thoughts
become our words, our words become actions, actions become
habits, and our habits will become our character. It will be the
strength of this character that will prove more important than either our physical or mental capabilities when we must make a
difficult decision. The choices we make are our destiny….
At the crossroads of the 50th Anniversary of Trinity High
School, we are reminded of how far we’ve come and how much
the future has in store for us ...Let us help each other along the
way and be a light for those in the darkness. Let us be those
words from our Alma Mater “Steadfast Christians loyal and true,
to change the world we dare to do”. Ad Summum Bonum . To
the Highest Good.”
Darby Fly ~ 2014 Salutatorian
T r i n i t y T r i a n g l e 2 7 Your Generosity + Their Talent = SUCCESS
Thanks to our donors, parents, teachers and staff and the hard work of our students,
the Class of 2014 is prepared for the next steps of their life.
These are the schools our students will be attending in the fall:
Bishop Gainer
Allegheny College
University of Akron
Bloomsburg University
Bryant University
Bryn Mawr College
Cabrini College
University of California-San Diego
Catholic University of America
Christopher Newport University
Colorado College
University of Delaware
DeSales University
Dickinson College
Drexel University
Elizabethtown College
Elon University
Florida Institute of Technology
Fordham University
Frederick Community College
Gannon University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Hampden-Sydney College
Harrisburg Area Community College
High Point University
College of the Holy Cross
Immaculata University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
James Madison University
Johns Hopkins University
Kutztown University
LaSalle University
Lafayette College
Lehigh University
Loyola University of Maryland
Messiah College
Millersville University
University of Minnesota-Duluth
Misericordia University
Mount Aloysius College
Mount Saint Mary’s University
New York University
University of North Carolina-Wilmington
University of Notre Dame
Ohio State University
Ohio University
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania State University:
Main Campus
Altoona Campus
Harrisburg Campus
Philadelphia University
University of Pittsburgh:
Main Campus
Bradford Campus
Greensburg Campus
Johnstown Campus
Roanoke College
Robert Morris University
Rochester institute of Technology
University of Scranton
Seton Hall University
Seton Hill University
Shenandoah University
Shippensburg University
St. Joseph’s University
St. Vincent College
Syracuse University
Temple University
US Coast Guard Academy
US Naval Academy
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest University
Washington & Lee University
West Chester University
Widener University
Wilkes College
York College
Military Scholarship recipients.
28 T r i n i t y T r i a n g l e
Alumni News: Did You Know…
Packer Brown ‘75 and
John Giannelli ‘75
Paris, France in October,
Jeanne Hein Thurber ‘86
established the EYES (Encouraging Youth to Excel
in Science) award in 2000.
Since then, students are
recognized each year for
their outstanding science
fair projects. “One of the
most influential building
blocks was my participation in the science fair [at
Trinity],” Jeanne remarked.
After receiving numerous
awards and winning several championships,
Jeanne felt the awards encouraged her to
pursue a life in science and medicine. Dr.
Thurber is an optometrist at Hooksett Family
Eyecare in Hooksett, New Hampshire, along
with her husband Ed, an optician. The couple
has two daughters. This year’s award was
presented to Madeline O’Neill.
Paul Markowski ‘92 received
the 2013 T. Theodore Fujita
Research Achievement Award
from the National Weather Association. The award is the NWA’s
only research related award and is
presented to a National Weather
Assocation member whose
research has made a significant
contribution to operational meteorology.
Patrick Cawley ‘93 was recently highlighted
by Pennlive in a “Best & Brightest–Where Are
They Now?” article. Patrick currently is legal
counsel to the Republican Caucus in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. To read
the article in its entirety go to pennlive.com.
Anthony (TJ) Budy ‘96 received his Master of Arts in Educational Administration from The Ohio State University in December 2013. He currently lives in Columbus, OH and teaches 5th
grade at Holt Crossing Intermediate School in South-Western
City Schools.
Adam Glessner ‘01 became a member of the Detroit Pistons
coaching staff as a team scout. He was previously with Charlotte
and Orlando.
Lindsay Horvath ‘02 graduated from Penn State University College of Medicine with a PhD in Genetics and has accepted a posi-
tion at Johns Hopkins University studying mobile DNA in human
Brian Osborne ‘05 was on The Bachelorette
on ABC and became a fan favorite.
Jill Glessner ‘03 joined the Northeastern University women’s basketball coaching staff in 2014 following four seasons at
Loyola as an assistant coach. Courtney Orbach ‘04 and Brian Beal were
married on May 24, 2014. Amanda Martin
‘04 was her maid of honor. Courtney
graduated from York College and is employed as a children’s mental health case
manager at the Dauphin County Case
Management Unit. The couple lives in
Amanda Martin ‘04 and Bryon Smeltz
were married on July 5, 2014. Courtney
Orbach Beal ‘04 was her matron of honor. Amanda graduated from St. Francis
University and is employed as a digital
consultant at Frasier AIS. The couple
lives in Enola.
Emilee Shine ‘10 graduated from
University of Pittsburgh ’14 and has
received a full ride to study at Yale
University as a PhD candidate. She
earned her BBS in the biological and biomedical science program microbiology track. She was a summer student at Albert
Einstein College of Medicine where she assisted Dr. Bill Jacobs
in his research studying bacteria causing Tuberculosis. Emilie
is also published in the journal Molecular Cell. She minored in
dance and continues with dance classes. She tutors high school
students in the Phage Hunter program.
Laura Murray ‘10 was
awarded Davidson College’s Rebecca E. Stimson Award- Presented to
a woman athlete in recognition of outstanding
dedication and contribution to intercollegiate
athletics.– Laura is the
program’s all-time leading scorer with 1,880
points and a three-time
All-SoCon First Team pick by the coaches as well as a three-time
all-league tournament first team pick.
continued on page 30
T r i n i t y T r i a n g l e 2 9 Alumni News
continued on page 29
Air Force Airman 1 Class (Ian) Chanmin Park ‘10 graduated
from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland,
San Antonio, Texas. He completed an intensive, eight-week
program that included training in military discipline and studies,
Air Force core values, physical fitness and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn credit
toward an applied science degree.
Bill Burns ‘73
Bill Burns graduated from Trinity High School in 1973. We
were very fortunate to have him return as our 50th Anniversary
guest speaker. As he prepares to retire from his post this
coming October, we would like to share some of his many
Bill Burns holds the highest rank in the Foreign Service, Career Ambassador, and became Deputy Secretary of State in July
2011. He is only the second serving career diplomat in history to
become Deputy Secretary.
Ambassador Burns served from 2008 until 2011 as Under Secretary for Political Affairs. He was Ambassador to Russia from
2005 until 2008, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs from 2001 until 2005, and Ambassador to Jordan from 1998
until 2001. Ambassador Burns has also served in a number of oth-
Selena Irvine ’12 took part in implementing new water treatment centers in Ghana.
The new center in Changyili now serves
400 people with healthy, clean water and
the group of centers as a whole serves about
4,000 people.
er posts since entering the Foreign Service in 1982, including: Executive Secretary of the State Department and Special Assistant
to Secretaries Christopher and Albright; Minister-Counselor for
Political Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow; Acting Director
and Principal Deputy Director of the State Department’s Policy
Planning Staff; and Special Assistant to the President and Senior
Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs at the National
Security Council staff.
Ambassador Burns earned a B.A. in History from LaSalle
University and M.Phil. and D.Phil. degrees in International Relations from Oxford University, where he studied as a Marshall
Scholar. He is the recipient of three honorary doctoral degrees.
Ambassador Burns is the author of Economic Aid and American
Policy Toward Egypt, 1955-1981 (State University of New York
Press, l985). He speaks Russian, Arabic, and French, and is the
recipient of two Presidential Distinguished Service Awards and a
number of Department of State awards, including the Secretary’s
Distinguished Service Award, two Distinguished Honor Awards,
the 2006 Charles E. Cobb, Jr. Ambassadorial Award for Initiative
and Success in Trade Development, the 2005 Robert C. Frasure
Memorial Award for conflict resolution and peacemaking, and the
James Clement Dunn Award. In 1994, he was named to TIME
Magazine’s list of the “50 Most Promising American Leaders
Under Age 40”, and to TIME’s list of “100 Young Global
Ambassador Burns and his wife, Lisa Carty, have two
Please complete and mail or fax to Trinity
3601 Simpson Ferry Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011
Fax: 717-761-7309 or E-mail: [email protected]
Name ______________________________ Maiden Name __________________________ Graduation Year __________
Address ________________________________________________ City _______________ State ________ Zip_________
Telephone _____________________________ E-mail_________________________________________________________
30 T r i n i t y T r i a n g l e
Li’l Shamrocks...Welcome to the Family!
Alumni are welcome to tell the Advancement Office about their new baby and a Li’l Shamrock tee shirt will be mailed at no charge.
Photographs of babies wearing the shirt will be published in the Triangle.
Recently some members of the Class of 1999 got their Lil’
Shamrocks together!
Mothers (bottomright to left) Jen
(Counsman) Brody,
Tara (Twomey)
Langel, Andrea
(Giusti) Caloiero,
Kelly (Fisher) Moyer
2nd row (left to
right) Katie
(Cawley) Dugan,
Kate (Garman)
Cashdollar, Chrissy
(Walker) Skozilas,
(Top) Meghan
(DiRosato) Finnerty
Kids (left to right)
Logan Langel, Keira Brody,
Luke and Jackson Langel,
Greyson Cashdollar, Maddie
DiRosato, James Caloiero,
Scarlet Skozilas, Fiona
DiRosato, Molly Dugan,
Brendan Dugan and
Lucia Skozilas
Kenli Grace Wilbur. She was born on
January 23,2014. She had open heart
surgery on June 6 and is doing beautifully! Kenli is the daughter of Samantha
(Marciel) Wilbur ‘04 and Joshua Wilbur.
Laura (Leimbach) Rowe ‘01 and
Jeffrey Rowe (MASH ‘01) welcomed
Lillian Elizabeth Rowe on July 1,
2014. The couple resides in Camp
Melissa (Turpin) Casey ‘96 and
James R. Casey, Sr. ‘93 welcomed
Savannah Michele Casey. She
was born on May 21, 2014 and
joins her siblings Jimmy and
T r i n i t y T r i a n g l e 3 1 Legacy Students = Educational Tradition
We are so proud and fortunate that 15% of our student
body this year was comprised of students whose parents
attended Trinity High School themselves. On April 16,
2014, families gathered for a Lenten Prayer Service and
a Continental breakfast afterwards. This year’s Legacy
event will be April 1, 2015.
32 T r i n i t y T r i a n g l e
HAN ho
Man umni w
ir ch
T r i n i t y T r i a n g l e 3 3 Reunion News
Class of 1974
On March 15, 2014, Trinity held its first ever ALL CLASS REUNION as part of the
50th Anniversary celebrations. The classes of 1969, 1974 and 1984 also celebrated their
milestone (45th, 40th & 30th) reunions during the event. It was a great success with alumni
coming from Florida, Wisconsin, Virginia and various other places. Over half of all the
graduating classes were represented and fun was had by all. The lobby had displays of
yearbooks, archived news and memory boards honoring all deceased alumni.
The ALL CLASS REUNION was a great way to get siblings and their friends together
to share stories of their time at THS. Classes will continue to have their own reunions, and
the ALL CLASS REUNION will be held every 3-4 years so different classes get the opportunity to celebrate their special milestones together. If anyone is interested in helping
with the ALL CLASS REUNION contact the Alumni Office at 761-2228.
Class of 1983
Class of 1983
Class of 1984
The evening before the All Class Reunion,
the Class of 1974 met at the Caddy Shack.
The Class of 1969 recently celebrated their 45th reunion (again!) at Duke’s Riverside Bar & Grille. In a private room overlooking the
river, nearly 40 classmates got together to reminisce and catch up.
The following classes are available for reunions this year, but most have no firm plans to date. If you have any information for
the Alumni Office to get out to people or need any help regarding these reunions contact the Alumni Office at 717-761-2228 or
[email protected]
Class of 1970:45th Reunion…contact Tom Holder at [email protected]
Class of 1975:40th Reunion…Keep checking with the Alumni Office for updates
Class of 1980: 35th Reunion…contact Gregg Cook at [email protected] or 576-2964
Class of 1985: 30th Reunion…contact Mark Reilly at [email protected]
Class of 1990: 25th Reunion… Keep checking with the Alumni Office for updates
Class of 1995: 20th Reunion…contact Mike Sabol at [email protected]
Class of 2000:15th Reunion…contact Tim Kotzman at [email protected] October 3rd (Homecoming game) come to the Alumni
tent for food and drinks then head out to Duke’s Riverside Bar & Grill-more info from Tim will be coming soon.
Class of 2005:10th Reunion…contact Amber (Breski)Sullenberger at [email protected]
Class of 2010:5th Reunion… Keep checking with the Alumni Office for updates
34 T r i n i t y T r i a n g l e
Trinity High School and
the Alumni Association
respectfully note the
passing of these Trinity
alumni and extend its
condolences to their
families and friends.
Janet Dougherty Schell ’67 died 7/24/13
Albert J. Porto ’68 died 7/6/13
Ellen R. Kelliher ’73 died 7/1/13
Emmanuel M. Paul ’73 died 10/29/13
William J. Beatty, Jr. ’78 died 11/17/13
Theresa M. Padamonsky ’87 died 6/8/14
Matthew C. Brown ’90 died 4/29/14
Julie Walker Witmer ’97 died 7/22/13
Daniel Lyons ’99 died 5/17/14
Peyton S. Walker ’12 died 11/2/13
Alexander S. Hoynitski ’14, died 9/10/13
Join us for an
evening of awareness,
fundraising, and fun
at the 6th Annual
Toni Clouse Myers
Sunflower Ball. Toni
Clouse Myers ‘81
died as a result of criminal homicide on July 15, 2006.
Since that day, Toni’s sisters (Shelly Clouse Morrow
’80 and Wendy Clouse Deibler ’83) have organized a
fundraiser in memory of Toni with proceeds going to
Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry
This year’s event will be held Saturday, October 18,
2014 at the St. Patrick Parish Activity Center in Carlisle
from 6:00p.m.–10:30 p.m. For tickets and more information
on how you can donate or sponsor the event, please visit
Show Your Shamrock Pride
With Some Bling!
These sterling beads were made
especially for Trinity. They fit all
bracelets or can be a charm on a
necklace. With THS on one side
and a 50 on the other, this bead
is available in green, antiqued or
polished. Cost $40.
Just because the 50th Anniversary is over
doesn’t mean the fun must stop…
Let’s ‘Rock the 51st year!
Please join us at the ALUMNI TENT
For food, beverages, raffles and fun!
Friday, October 3, 2014
5:30 pm-??
But the fun doesn’t stop there…A new tradition…
Work off Friday night’s festivities at our
2nd Annual
Saturday, October 4, 2014
9:00 am @THS
To register go to thsrocks.org or active.com
Your support of the Rocks Run 5K will
enable us to offer tuition assistance to deserving
students and their families.
Thank you to our sponsors:
Mid Penn Bank, Shelly Communications,
Freysinger Auto Group, Keystone Tax Associates,
Foot Locker and
Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania
This handcrafted
sterling silver
shamrock necklace is
simply a great way to
celebrate Trinity!
Cost: $40 without stone
$58 with stone
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Links at Gettysburg
10 am Shotgun Start
18 Hole Scramble
Dinner 5:00 p.m.
The Waeger C.U.P. Golf Tournament is a day dedicated
to support the National Collegiate Cancer Foundation
(NCCF) in its mission to provide services and support to
young adults who have been diagnosed with cancer.
Dan Waeger founded the National Collegiate Cancer
Foundation in 2005 shortly after he was diagnosed with
cancer. He battled the disease for almost 4 years before
passing away on March 16, 2009. If you’d like to read
about Dan’s journey with cancer, visit
T r i n i t y T r i a n g l e 3 5 Trinity High School
3601 Simpson Ferry Road
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Please…if your name does not appear correctly
on the mailing label or if you have changed
addresses or plan to move, please notify us.
Friday, Aug. 29
Join the
Shamrock Club!
HOME v. Delone Catholic
Saturday, Sept. 6 1:30
Away v. Wyomissing Area
@ Wyomissing Area HS
Friday, Sept. 12 7:00
Away v. Columbia Jr./Sr.
@ Columbia Jr./Sr. HS
Friday, Sept. 19
HOME v. Palmyra
Friday, Sept. 26 7:00
Away v. Boiling Springs
@ Boiling Springs HS
Friday, Oct. 3
HOME v. West Perry Senior
Friday, Oct. 10 7:00
Away v. Middletown
@ Middletown Area HS
Friday, Oct. 17 7:00
Away v. Steelton-Highspire
@ Steelton-Highspire HS
Friday, Oct. 24
HOME v. Camp Hill
Friday, Oct. 31
HOME v. Milton Hershey
➢ All Sports Season Pass
➢ Recognition in the Fall and Winter Program
➢ Access to all home sporting events without waiting in line
Single Pass (admits one): $75.00
Family Pass (admits family): $180.00
Additional single passes may be purchased for $5.00
with the purchase of a family pass
*** Card not applicable to home playoff events ***