ETISplus D2 Annex report ITS pilot definition on usability for
ETISplus D2 Annex report ITS pilot definition on usability for
ETISplus D2 Annex report ITS pilot definition on usability for European data modelling ETISplus D2 Annex report ITS pilot definition on usability for European data modelling Riccardo Enei, Adele Vendetti (ISIS), Eckhard Szimba, Jan Ihrig (IWW), J.C. van Meijeren, D.M. Vonk Noordegraaf (TNO), Sofia Esteves, Ana Gama (TIS), Sylvie Gayda, Matthieu Bogaert (STRATEC), Benedikt Mandel, Oliver Schnell (MKm), Christian Reynaud, Martine Poincelet (NESTEAR), Tom Voge (TML) This report has been financed by European Commission. Reference R20100233/30806000/MCH/RLO Version 2 Rome, November 2010 Project acronym: ETISplus Project full title: European Transport policy Information System- Development and implementation of data collection methodology for EU transport modelling. Call Identifier: FP7-SST-2008-TREN-1 Duration: 32 Months Start Date: 1 st September 2009 ETIS PLUS Consortium 1. Beneficiary name Acronym NEA Transport research and training NEA Country Netherlands (NL) 2. ISIS Institute of Studies for the Integration of ISIS Italy (IT) TRT Italy (IT) Systems 3. TRT Trasportieterritorio Trasportieterritorio 4. MKmetric Gesellschaft fuer Systemplanung mbH MKmetric Germany (D) 5. NESTEAR NESTEAR 6. IWW, Institute for Economic Policy Research IWW France (FR) Germany (D) 7. TML, Transport & Mobility Leuven NV TMLeuven Belgium (B) 8. STRATEC STRATEC Belgium (B) 9. NTU Strategic Development and Consulting NTU Denmark (DK) 10. STRATA Gesellschaft für Daten- und STRATA Informationsmanagement mbH 11. - Consultores em Transportes, Inovação e Sistemas, s.a. 12. TNO Germany (D) Portugal (PT) TNO Netherlands (NL) 13. TETRAPLAN TETRAPLAN Denmark (DK) 14. NTUA National Technical University NTUA Greece (GR) 15. OBET, Research Institute for Transport Economics OBET Poland (PL) 16. ITC,Institute of transport and Communications ITC Bulgaria Ltd. 17. DEMIS B.V. (BG) DEMIS Netherlands (NL) 18. UNIZA University of Žilina, Department of Highway UNIZA University of Slovakia Engineering Zilina (SK) ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 IDENTIFICATION OF ITS AND THEIR USABILITY TO SOLVE CURRENT DATA PROBLEMS 11 17 1.1 Data problems: the insights from ETIS BASE 17 1.1.1 Socio economic data 17 1.1.2 Freight demand 18 1.1.3 Passenger demand 19 1.1.4 Network data 20 1.1.5 Freight services and costs 21 1.1.6 Passenger services and costs 22 1.1.7 External effects 23 1.1.8 Conclusions 23 1.2 Overview of ITS applications 25 1.2.1 Technologies on the transport infrastructure 27 1.2.2 Technologies on the transport infrastructure and in the vehicle 28 1.2.3 Technologies in the vehicle 30 1.2.4 Extended Floating Car Data (XFCD) 34 1.2.5 Data information architecture 36 1.2.6 Conclusions 36 1.3 Potential use of data of ITS applications for the development of network models 38 1.3.1 Technologies on the transport infrastructure 39 1.3.2 FCD techniques 41 1.4 Conclusions 42 2 ASSESSMENT OF BARRIERS TO THE EXPLOITATION OF ITS DATA FOR EUROPEAN TRANSPORT MODELLING PURPOSES 45 2.1 Framework for Assessing Barriers 2.1.1 The Development of a Barrier 46 2.1.2 The core dimensions of a Barrier 48 2.1.3 The Context 51 2.2 Barrier to the exploitation of data collected by deployed ITS 51 2.2.1 Barriers in the legal & regulatory field 53 2.2.2 Barriers in the organizational field 55 2.2.3 Barriers in the technical field 55 2.2.4 Economic & Finance 56 2.3 Barriers to ITS deployment for planning purposes 56 2.3.1 Legal and Regulatory 57 2.3.2 Organizational 59 2.3.3 Technical 60 2.3.4 Economic & Finance 60 2.3.5 Education 61 2.3.6 Subjective 61 2.4 Conclusions 62 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 45 7 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 3 APPRAISAL OF POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS AND STRATEGIES TO FULLY EXPLOIT ITS DATA FOR EUROPEAN MODELLING PURPOSES 65 3.1 The potential of Floating Car Data (FCD) applications 66 3.1.1 Introduction 66 3.1.2 Relevance for transport modelling 70 3.2 Emerging business models 70 3.2.1 The traditional business models 70 3.2.2 The new business models 72 3.3 A real world application: the Telematics fleet 73 3.4 Conclusions 75 3.5 Possible solutions for exploitation of ITS data for the development of (road) network models 76 3.5.1 Traffic data collection methods 76 3.5.2 Roadmap to exploit vehicle tracing techniques 81 3.6 Possible solutions and strategies to fully exploit ITS data for European air transport modelling 82 3.6.1 Automatic raw data collection at airports for demand modelling 83 3.6.2 Usability of air navigation data for supply modelling and air transport indicators 3.6.3 86 Intelligent use of Eurostat data and heuristics for an automatic update of the air transport network 3.7 86 Investigation of ITS applications that could be used for transport data collection 87 3.7.1 Introduction 87 3.7.2 ITS applications investigated for collection of transport data 87 3.7.3 Running and planned projects with ITS applications that might deliver transport data 3.7.4 88 Identified problems concerning the use of data collected with ITS applications 91 3.8 Floating Car Data/ Cellular Systems 92 3.8.1 User Groups 92 3.8.2 Overview 94 3.8.3 Details 95 3.8.4 Data Sources 3.9 Discussion and Analysis 4 DESIGN OF PILOT EXPERIMENTS OF NEW ITSBASED DATA COLLECTION METHODS 4.1 Pilot 1: 97 100 Gathering of origin to destination transport data by GPS 4.2 103 103 Pilot 2: Tracking and tracing of goods transports by using fleet management systems 104 4.3 Pilot 3: Data from electronic travel card 105 4.4 Pilot 4: Data on transport behaviour based on existing surveys 106 4.5 Pilot 5: Data on road travel movements based on odometer readings at roadworthiness tests 5 8 REFERENCES 107 109 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report ANNEX 1: DATA COLLECTION TECHNOLOGIES 113 ANNEX 2: ASSESSMENT OF BARRIERS TO THE EXPLOITATION OF ITS DATA FOR EUROPEAN AIR TRANSPORT MODELLING PURPOSES 115 ANNEX 3: ELECTRONIC REPORTING IN INLAND WATERWAYS TRANSPORT AND POTENTIAL USE FOR DATA COLLECTION 119 ANNEX 4: RAIL FREIGHT MODELLING 133 ANNEX 5: STUDY OF BARRIERS TO ROAD TRANSPORT ITS 141 ANNEX 6: FLOATING CAR DATA AND CELLULAR SYSTEMS 157 ANNEX 7: MULTI CRITERIA ANALYSIS 167 ANNEX 8: DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES 177 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 9 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report INDEX OF TABLE Table 1: Data requirement – passenger demand - 19 Table 2. Relationship between the identified main barriers and requirements to the effective exploitation of deployed ITS 53 Table 3: Examples of characteristics of delivery of traffic count data by national authorities 78 Table 4: Major data areas from task 2.1 168 Table 5: Scoring of the technologies for the 6 categories 173 Table 6: Total scoring creates the following ranking of Technologies 174 Table 7: Scoring for criterion proven technology 175 INDEX OF FIGURES Figure 1 Classification of technologies (based on Vonk Noordegraaf et. al., 2009) 26 Figure 2: Communication from GPS 32 Figure 3: Communication from cellular phone 33 Figure 4: Schematic view of the use of traffic data 38 Figure 5: Availability of road traffic data from UN/ ECE (year 2005) 40 Figure 6: Examples of time variation curves for different road types and time aggregation level 41 Figure 7: Road choice behaviour under road charging 42 Figure 8: Relationships between the ITS applications and data problems 44 Figure 9: The proposed framework for Barriers Assessment 45 Figure 10: The process of development of a Barrier 46 Figure 11: Main Purposes for ITS deployment 47 Figure 12: The core dimensions of a Barrier 48 Figure 13: The Stage Dimension 48 Figure 14: The Agent Dimension 49 Figure 15: The Field Dimension 50 Figure 16. Requirements for an effective exploitation of deployed ITS 52 Figure 17. Main barriers to the effective exploitation of deployed ITS 52 Figure 18. Main barriers to ITS deployment 57 Figure 19: Comparison of networks – modelling network versus UN/ECE network 77 Figure 20: Roadmap for data consolidated processing of traffic count data 80 Figure 21: Accessing GPS tracing data 81 Figure 22: Structure of the ITS platform. Illustration based on (ITS Platform Northern Jutland, 2010) Figure 23: Overall structure of the Track based system (ghTrack Platform, 2010) 10 104 TM 105 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Executive summary This Deliverable combines the two Deliverables of the WP2 “Innovative data collection concepts; use of ITS” of the ETIS PLUS project. In particular, this Deliverable summarises the conclusions of the four tasks in which the WP2 is structured. Namely: Task 1: The identification of ITS applications and their usability to solve current data problems Task 2: The assessment of barriers to the exploitation of ITS data for European transport modelling purposes Task 3: Appraisal of possible solutions and strategies to fully exploit ITS data Task 4: Design of Pilot experiments of new ITS-based data collection for European modelling purposes. Hence, the structure of this Deliverable is based on the four tasks above mentioned, of which in turn the key results are described as follows: • The chapter 1 summaries the findings of the Task 1, aiming at identifying the promising ITS applications and their potential usability to solve the current data problems. After having reviewed the main problems encountered in developing transport data set for transport models, the review of ITS applications has been carried out with the aim to identify the most promising applications that are potentially able to address the main problems emerged during the analysis of the transport data sets. The most promising ITS applications can be classified in three categories: 1. the technologies on the transport infrastructure, 2. the technologies on the transport infrastructure and in the vehicle and 3. the technologies in the vehicle. More specifically, the ITS applications that are highly promising with reference to the freight, passenger and network data sets are the following: • Technologies on the transport infrastructure, e.g.. road sensors, cameras, etc, that can provide useful information concerning traffic flows along specific O/D, addressing in such a way the need to have detailed data at lower geographical scale • Technologies on the transport infrastructure and in the vehicles, e.g., RFID, an OBU with DSRC, that provide information apt to fill the gaps in O/D on a small scale and some routes information • Technologies in the vehicle, e.g.. mobile devices, GPS/ GPRS applications, etc and floating car data tools, which can provide real-time information on congestion, vehicle speed and direction, addressing in such a way the lack of data at O/D and route information, network level and improving considerably the calibration of assignment models • The chapter 2 summarises the results of Task 2 on the assessment of barriers to the effective exploitation of the promising ITS applications identified in the Task 1. The assessment of barriers has been based on a general framework that has taken into account the systemic nature of the R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 11 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report process of development of barriers and its core dimensions. Some important barriers have been reviewed, e.g. legal & regulatory, organizational, technical and economic & financial, and analysed through case studies (in annex to this report). The following conclusions can be drawn: • Annex 2 – Assessment of barriers to the exploitation of ITS data for European air transport modelling purposes: In this paper, prepared by MKmetric, the sources and the barriers concerning air transport are described according to the demand and supply, passenger and air cargo points of view. The lack of a common regulatory framework to oblige member states to report the required data according to pre-defined requirements ensuring good quality of data and facilitating the integration and comparison of data arriving from different sources has been identified as one of the main barriers to overcome. • Annex 3 – Electronic reporting in inland waterways transport and potential use for data collection: This paper prepared by STRATEC focuses on the collection of freight data for inland navigation, namely the implementation of the electronic reporting that has been implemented by European State members in the context of the River Information Services directive, and how this information can be used in the Transtools1 model (barriers and drivers). It presents case studies from France, Belgium and Holland describing how the electronic reporting has been put in place, as well as an overview of its implementation status of several countries. Again, the lack of a common regulatory framework hampers data availability and data quality. Furthermore, the case study shows how privacy issues may hinder the effective exploitation of collected data. Fragmentation of data holdings (enforced by privatization trend) leads to both institutional and operational difficulties in accessing and fully exploiting the existing data. • Annex 4 – Rail freight modelling: This paper carried out by NESTEAR focuses on the new technologies that open new perspectives in the domain of modelling tools for rail freight: GIS framework and Geo localization of mobiles. • Annex 5 – Study of barriers to road transport ITS: The main objective of this paper prepared by TIS is to identify some examples of road data collection technologies that are being implemented, or have been already implemented, focusing on the principal barriers to the implementation/development of those technologies. In particular, it has been stressed the lack of a supportive organizational structure, bridging public (data users) and private sector (data provider). The establishment of public-private partnerships could be very important for the success of ITS deployment for several reasons, ranging from technical requirements to finance restrictions. Unclear benefits may also arise when the main stakeholders of the project are not sufficiently informed about the aims of the project, its costs and expected benefits for the society and for themselves and are not called to express their opinions and concerns to have an active participation on the decisions taking during all the stages of the project. • Annex 6 – Floating Car Data and Cellular Systems: This paper prepared by TML describes case studies of three companies that have implemented floating car data and cellular systems: TOMTOM, ITIS, and PTV, and a case 1 Transtools is a network model developed by cooperation projects initiated by European Commission, the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) and DG TREN 12 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report study of OPTIS project, which is a project that uses the floating car data technology to provide travelers information in Sweden. As a result, potential deployment barriers in the context of floating car data/ cellular systems are described; i.e. privacy issues barriers, that may still arise even if the ITS does not the identification of a vehicle or individual but enables the creation of a record that may be accessed later for potentially controversial purposes • Annex 7– Multi criteria analysis: The main focus of this paper carried out by TNO is to describe an assessment methodology that identifies the most promising applications based on the ITS technologies presented in task 2.1. This methodology sets the criteria on the aspects that were previously identified and presents the main conclusions and recommendations of this analysis. Standards and Interoperability aspects, i.e. how well does the technology cooperate with other relevant methods, have been identified as important barriers. Furthermore, poor business cases and models may not only hinder the participation of the private sector but also compromise the potential benefits of the deployment because of lack of funds for proper maintenance and repair of ITS systems • Annex 8 – Data Collection Techniques: this paper prepared by TIS presents some examples of national transport models, which may or may not have models for traffic simulation. Since it is not yet possible to obtain real traffic information for all sections of the road network on a national scale, some countries have simulation models to estimate traffic across all the sections of their road networks. These models can also be linked to a National Transport Model, which aggregates other information such as the road infrastructure characteristics and socio-economic data. • The chapter 3 summarises the possible solutions and strategies to overcome the barriers identified in the task 2. The first contribution (carried out by ISIS) stresses the potential relevance for transport modelling arising from Floating Car Data (FCD) applications, with particular reference to the telematic fleets, originally developed for business applications within the insurance system (according to which the insurer installs an OBU consisting of a GPS receiver, and a GPRS transmitter to the insured car, in change of discount fees to the insured). The OBU detects speed, guiding styles and represents a key instrument to avoid frauds, but can also provide the key data for transport modelling. Namely: o evaluating and projecting traffic correlations (origin-destination matrices) from current and historical traffic flows. o calculating the current traffic condition on the basis of O/D-matrices as well as statistical analysis of traffic data surveyed online. The strategy to overcome the main barriers to fully exploit the FCD source data is based on two steps: 1. Identification of data processing and data needed. In order to overcome aspects), the is technical necessary barriers to identify (standards the data and interoperability needed from FCD applications, providing an overview of the data processing steps used to prepare the data needed for transport modelling, including pre- processing, data quality checking, and aggregation to a common data standard, and finally the mobility and reliability analysis. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 13 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 2. Involvement of data provider. In order to overcome the growing presence of private data providers which may arise barriers of accessibility to FCD data, is necessary to design win-win strategies with private data providers, e.g. data acquisition, providing access to transport data, identifying potential customers for data providers, etc. • • With reference to the strategies to ensure the exploitation of ITS data for the development of road network data (providing traffic count data), the second contribution (developed by IWW) suggests to address the institutional barriers, establishing common standards for data exchange at EU level, and obliging EU Member States and private data to provide data. An overview of possible potential ITS applications for the air sector data has been provided in the third contribution (Mkmetric). The contribution stresses the potential benefits from the automatic raw data collected in airports during check in procedures (all data potentially useful for tracking O/D destination). Other potential applications arise from the use of navigation data for supply modelling and air transport indicators. A focus on the use of GPS data and Bluetooth technologies has been provided by TNO in the fourth contribution. Concerning the strategies to overcome the barriers, with particular reference to data confidentiality, contractual agreements have to be established with private data providers, i.e. a trusted party receives the data and only delivers aggregate results for other purposes that cannot be traced back to specific companies. An overview on potential implementation strategies to fully exploit the use of floating car data/ cellular systems has also been developed by TML. Among the suggested strategies, it is worthwhile to stress the following ones, that have already been stressed in the previous contributions: o To agree on European rules for access to public data in affordable manner; o To specify quality level recommendations aiming at optimal data quality; o To explore, develop and demonstrate new and innovative business models The fourth chapter describes the five Pilot studies that have been planned to test the promising ITS applications. These are covering the following areas: 1. Gathering of origin to destination transport data by GPS 2. Tracking and tracing of goods transports by using fleet management 3. Data from electronic travel card 4. Data on transport behaviour based on existing surveys 5. Data systems on road travel movements based on odometer readings at roadworthiness tests The first two Pilot studies address the main conclusions drawn in the chapter 3, summarising the possible solutions and strategies to fully exploit ITS data, through the potential relevance for transport modelling arising from Floating Car Data (FCD). In particular, the first two Pilot studies will test the capability to integrate in the ETIS database data and traffic information coming from 500 GPS devices installed in cars of private households and/or in trucks of selected transport companies 14 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report The other Pilots have been designed to meet the ETISplus project WP4 tasks. Namely: • For Task 4.2 – Use of already existing data basically collected with another purpose than giving input to a statistically based description of transport behaviour, we have defines the Pilot 3 Data from electronic travel card. In order to carry out this Pilot, contact has been established to the Danish Travel Card Agency, which will assist NTU when making an overview of how data collected from electronic travel cards, possibly can supplement and complement data in the ETIS database. • For Task 4.3 – Demonstration of the chain approach, we have defines the Pilot 4: Data on transport behaviour based on existing surveys. In such a case, the examination will be based on interviews with researchers at DTU / Transport who has worked with ETIS through TRANSTOOLS and with data from the transport surveys. • For Task 4.4 – Possibilities related to use of data obtained as part of the regular EU inspection of vehicles is addressed, we have defines the Pilot 5: Data on road travel movements based on odometer readings at roadworthiness tests. Calculations will be based on odometer readings from the total vehicle fleet or from a sample. Data collected by this method will be used to calibrate/validate figures for external effects concerning emissions level and energy consumption from road transport. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 15 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 1 Identification of ITS and their usability to solve current data problems 1.1 Data problems: the insights from ETIS BASE The insights from the ETIS BASE project represent the natural background for the review of the ITS applications. The ETIS BASE pilot was in fact designed to support the TENT policies, in particular through the capability to provide a harmonised transport database and a tool for policy assessment able to be used at EU policy level. This implies that the problems in data availability analysed in ETIS BASE were strictly relevant for the ETIS PLUS objectives, to the extent that they addressed the key data areas (or themes), included in the TRANS-TOOLS model. Namely: 1 Socio Economic Data Household data, vehicle stocks, GDP, Value Added. Mainly on NUTS2 level. 2 Freight Demand A base matrix with Freight Transport Chain Data on NUTS2 level. From this base matrix a number of matrices are available on a more aggregate level that are less complex (without transport chain data). 3 Passenger Demand Origin-destination database, at NUTS2 level, for road, rail and air. 4 Network Data Four network databases, for road, rail, airports, and inland waterways. 5 Freight Services and Costs O/D database of transport costs, distances and journey times, for road, rail and sea networks. On NUTS2 level. 6 Passenger 7 Services and O/D database of passenger transport costs and Costs journey times for road, rail, and air. External Effects Emissions (also included in Network Links), and Airport emissions. The review of the main problems in data availability and quality identified in ETIS BASE allows to set the scene for the identification of the key areas where potential improvements from the ITS applications are needed. The following sections summarises the main problems identified for each data area: 1.1.1 Socio economic data The problems with socio-economic data mainly relate to the different spatial dimensions and data availability across the European countries with reference to the three basic levels with which they are used in modelling: • national level • regional level • local level R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 17 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report The national level is well defined in national statistics with a fairly good harmonisation at European level as well as at the world level, although the details available are much more limited for non EU countries. The regional level is more difficult to define; in fact, only as a first approximation the European NUTS II level can be considered as regional level. In fact, the NUTS II level does not always correspond to what is called the administrative region, implying different dimensions according to the history of the countries. The reference to the NUTS III level in some case may be used as to derive regional data. The third level, which is the “local” level, is also sometimes difficult to define rigorously. In some case the reference to NUTS IV or NUTS V level may be a possibility, in other case, as for NUTS V, the definition does not exist in all countries and then the reference to “urban database” can be useful to made. However, data gaps are likely to be faced. As attention turns towards climate change impacts of transport, local transport, which is the largest passenger sector, starts to acquire greater significance from a European perspective. The problems in having homogenous definition of spatial level may be higher to the extent we move from the EU 27 level to the neighbouring countries, e.g. Mediterranean and Balkans countries, etc. In general, it should be considered that information at NUTS II level are subdivision of details provided at NUTS III level and this property of “embedded” definition of information can be useful where some data are missing, because the NUTS II estimations can always be extended to NUTS III level as a first approximation. Furthermore, when facing the difficulty of obtaining data combining different information with different area, the techniques of “raster” cells can be used so that an estimation of local spatial distribution of activity can be made in correlation with local spatial distribution of population or employment. In fact, the “raster” cells represent grids of geographical areas for which the local spatial distribution of activity is available, e.g. the population distribution at NUTS II. This information can be used as proxy of socio-economic data at narrow geographical levels, e.g. passenger demand at NUTS III level. 1.1.2 Freight demand The approach and the overall philosophy of the “transport chain principle” implies that the transport flows implicitly related via multi-modal sequences. This means that, besides the ultimate origins and destinations, the location of transhipment points (e.g. ports, terminals and distribution centres) and the mode sequences before and after transhipment would ideally be known. In practice, these chains can be constructed from survey data or inferred from models. Methods of estimation uses a top down approach, which means that we take the rough country to country trade information and refine this, step by step, using various national data sources. The phases in the top down approach are the following: 1. The building of a country to country matrix 2. Including transhipment regions on the basis of transhipment statistics 3. Regional division of country to country totals 18 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 4. Incorporating domestic transport The relevant data required for the implementation of the top down approach described above are the following: a. International region to region trade and transport flows b. Transport mode on the European territory of intercontinental flows c. Port transhipment data d. Inland terminal transhipment data e. Intermodal transport statistics f. Container transport data g. Commodity characteristics h. Transport performance data (number of transport units, loading factors, number of loaded/empty trips) In general, the main problems (data gaps) may be summarised in two main categories: 1. Problems in the coverage of geographical scale at intra-zone level, i.e. from NUTS II level to NUTSIII and local level. 2. Problems in data knowledge: the lack of detail found in intra-EU trade and transport statistics, e.g. region to region flows, containerisation, transport mode and handling characteristics. 1.1.3 Passenger demand Passenger origin/destination data is typically estimated, since there are no European trip matrices being collected directly. The trip matrix estimation approach addresses the first three steps of the classic four-step-approach, which is trip generation, trip distribution and modal split. For each step different data are needed for the use of the model and for calibration. The data requirements of the passenger model are listed in the following table. Table 1 Data requirement – passenger demand Item Definition Unit of measurement Scope/Segmentation Passenger matrix Number of passenger trips between zones Pass/year Geo: EU25+CH+NW at NUTS 3 level; neighbouring countries at aggregate level; Modes: Car, Train, Plane. Population Amount of inhabitants Individuals Geo: EU25+CH+NW at NUTS 3 level; neighbouring countries at aggregate level; Employment Amount of employed persons Individuals Geo: EU25+CH+NW at NUTS 3 level; neighbouring countries at aggregate level; Car ownership Level of private motorisation Cars/1000 inhabitants Geo: EU25+CH+NW at NUTS 3 level; neighbouring countries at aggregate level; Travel distances Distance between origindestination pairs Km NUTS 3 O/D pairs Travel times Time required to travel on origin/destination pairs Hour NUTS 3 O/D pairs Travel costs Cost of travelling on origin/destination pairs Euro/passenger Geo: NUTS 3 O/D pairs Modes: Car, Train, Plane Demand segments: Business – Non business. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 Euro/vehicle 19 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Item Definition Unit of measurement Scope/Segmentation Car occupancy factors Average number of passengers on cars (including driver) Ton/veh Business – Non business. Value of travel time Monetary value attached to travel time EURO/h Business – Non business. Calibration/Validation data Amount of demand Trips in the reference year Trips/year Geo: NUTS 2 O/D pairs Modes: Car, Train, Plane. Traffic performance Performance of passenger transport modes in the reference year Pass*km/year Veh*km/year Geo: NUTS 2 O/D pairs Modes: Car, Train, Plane. It can be observed that for the trip generation mainly socio-economic data like population, employment, car ownership rates are needed to generate the number of annual journeys per individual per region. Concerning the trip distribution, the attractiveness of a destination and region-specific socio-economic indicators are needed. Additionally information about the travel like time, distance and costs are used, too. In the third step the mode for the travel is chosen. Travel costs and time and information about the trip itself like frequencies and number of transfers are used to split the trips between the modes. In terms of calibration, the model is calibrated with data from transport statistics and feedback from the economics and assignment model. 1.1.4 Network data The following networks are included in the TRANS-TOOLS model: • Road; • Rail (passenger and freight); • Air (passenger and freight); • Inland waterway (freight only); • Maritime transport (freight only) The road network contains 38,000 road segments covering the whole of Europe and includes attributes such as: segment length, segment type (road or ferry), no. of lanes, speed flow function, and traffic counts on selected segments. Updating has been done (in TEN CONNECT) to achieve a proper treatment of : • Segments e.g. motorways are not connected as they should be (dangling links). • Coverage e.g. Some important roads particular around the major cities are missing. • Ferry lines are in many cases not correct and outdated. • Attributes e.g. Information on no. of lanes is missing on a few segments. The rail networks, freight and passengers, (17,600 links) originates from the UIC network and includes comparable detailed attributes necessary for assignment: link length, passenger travel time, time for freight carriage, max speeds for passenger and freight trains, line type, no. of tracks, and for selected links passenger and tonnes carried. Data are not available at line level and so it is impossible to differentiate between line competing services with respect to fare and travel time, and frequency (waiting times) will not enter the assignment and assessments. The number of attributes is limited to link length, type and 20 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report observed data on passengers and tonnes making it necessary to estimate attributes e.g. travel time on secondary rail links. The maritime network includes the list of main ports. Inland waterways includes about 800 links in Middle and East Europe. The data source includes attributes like length and travel time but misses cost data. The air network includes a detailed list of airports in Europe (419 nodes) and links between airports describing distance, travel time and costs (4,800 links). The preferably line service attributes to include competing air services and calculation of waiting times are not provided by the network. In general, it can be said that in many cases it is not possible to distinguish the vehicles on a specific link, by the trip purpose of the users or the distance of respective journey. In order to fill this gap an estimation using transport models is often necessary. In fact, the models can estimate the demand according to different user groups, assigning demand by origin and destination zones and distinguishing the traffic load on a link by distance class and user segment. In particular, the share of international traffic can be estimated, which is an important indicator for the relevance of a project, concerning the European dimension. The shortest paths between two network nodes can be calculated through the network, which reflect the users’ route choice in real transportation networks. Hence, the generalised costs for each network link can be estimated, reflecting the users cost for passing this link. The network links have to carry attributes, which allow an estimation of the link travel times, under realistic conditions (e.g. congestion). After the freight OD matrix has been made available additional information that is not available in data sources can be added relatively easy by applying estimation procedures. For instance when the transport volume between an origin and a destination is known, transport performance information (expressed in tonne kilometres) can be calculated by multiplying the volume by the distance between the regions. 1.1.5 Freight services and costs Supply side data is typically concerned with transport costs (freight rates), freight services, network impedances, capacities and performance criteria e.g. punctuality. The freight services and costs include the components of the transport Level of Service (LOS), time and costs. Data relate to a wide series of indicators overlapping in some cases with the network data. Examples: • Current level of application of rail interoperability recommendations and standards (%) (track gauge, electric power supply, train safety) • Travel times by road, by origin and destination • Travel times by rail, by origin and destination • Travel times by air, by origin and destination • Travel times by short sea shipping and inland waterway, by origin and destination • Freight and passenger service frequency (including intermodal) • Rail transport delays • Travel cost by road, by origin and destination • Travel cost by rail, by origin and destination • Travel cost by short sea shipping, by origin and destination R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 21 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Data are estimated by the assignment module and the availability of data at network level, e.g. traffic counts, travel time, could help to calibrate the model calculation. 1.1.6 Passenger services and costs As for the freight transport, passenger models produce yearly demand which need to be distributed into time periods before assignment to include congestion effects and differences in level of service. Concerning road passenger, it applies three types of days: weekdays, weekdays within a holiday period and Sundays. The passenger model originally included three trip purposes: business (commuting and work related trips), tourism, and other private trips (e.g. shopping, visits) which should be distributed according to the type of day by different shares of AADT. For instance, business trips are mainly done on weekdays. After the improvements in the TRANSTOOLS Model, the trip purposes applied for passenger trips include the following: • Home-Business (HB) • Home-Private (HP) • Home-Vacation (HH) • Home-Work (HW) The Home-Work purpose is new, and is taken out of the Home-Business segment. The reason is that Home-Work has other characteristics, particularly another value of time, than Home-Business, and this makes it difficult to forecasts the two segments under one umbrella. The methodology for generation of travel times of passenger cars implies the application of a modelling approach, which relies on information from other work packages as follows: • capacity, maximum speed, distance • passenger flows The calculations of road travel costs refer to the fastest paths between a certain O/D pair and represent the “out of pocket costs”. Hence, the most important cost components are fuel costs and road charges. Furthermore, in order to derive the costs per passenger an average passenger car occupancy rate is taken into account. A country specific differentiation of values for the latter variables would be envisaged, but is subject to further analyses on data availability. Rail travel times between two O/D zones are defined as the travel time from the NUTS2 centroid to the nearest main train station, plus the travel time between main stations. Concerning air transport, passenger travel time, costs and frequencies are collected on specific O/D pairs. In general, at present, the databases have very limited information on travel costs, whereby this is assumed only based on services (speed of rail, and some knowledge on the low versus other air companies). No information is available concerning frequencies, therefore this is estimated based on traffic volumes and 22 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report geographical areas. As for the freight services and costs, the availability of real data about the variation of the OD pattern between day types could be needed to improve estimation of congestion effects, costs and LOS of passenger transport. 1.1.7 External effects The external effects concern emissions level and energy consumption. According to the framework adopted in the model, the following data are required with respect to emission and fuel consumption: Input data • Emission factors (g/veh-km), i.e., parameters used to compute the amount of several pollutants emitted by vehicles, segmented by pollutant (CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, PM, VOC), by country, and by mode (car, LDV, HDV, bus/coach, train, ship, plane). • Fuel consumption factors (liters/veh-km), i.e., parameters used to compute the amount of fuel consumed by road vehicles, segmented by fuel type (gasoline, diesel, LPG), by country, and by road mode (car, LDV, HDV, bus/coach). Calibration/validation data • Total emissions (tons*1000/year), i.e., total amount of greenhouse gases and pollutant emitted by transport in a given period, segmented by pollutant (CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, PM, VOC), by country, and by mode (car, LDV, HDV, bus/coach, train, ship, plane). • Total fuel consumption (million litres/year), i.e., total amount of fuels consumed by road transport in a given period, segmented by fuel type (gasoline, diesel, LPG), by country, and by road mode (car, LDV, HDV, bus/coach). Current updates are being carried out in order to improve data availability, e.g. vehicle technology, geographical coverage, etc of the TREMOVE model, this is the model that is now commonly used in European policy studies for assessing emissions and energy consumption. 1.1.8 Conclusions In current databases, such as ETIS (European Transport policy Information System) BASE, that are being used as input for transport models (e.g. TRANSTOOLS), there are general problems regarding data availability and data quality and there are specific gaps. The main problems assessed in the current data bases can be summarised as follows: Road count data is too limited The databases include data from the UNECE European road census (E-Road) which is held every five years. This census focuses on motor traffic on main international traffic arteries in thirty-seven European countries. Data is collected on the road traffic flows (average annual daily traffic, AADT) over a road section by vehicle category, as well as breakdowns of vehicle flows by night, peak-hour and holiday traffic. The AADT is the average calculated over a year of the R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 23 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report number of vehicles passing a point in a given counting section each day (usually expressed in vehicles per day). This can be measured by continuous traffic counts for the entire year, short-term traffic counts or a combination. The data for the UNECE European road census is only collected at a limited number of locations in Europe. Moreover, not much is known on the vehicle characteristics (e.g. weight, emission class) and type of passenger transport (e.g. business, leisure) or freight transport (e.g. containers, bulk). Region to region transport data is limited For passengers, comprehensive region to region data does not exist. For freight, the data that is currently collected on interregional transport is mostly aggregated at the NUTS 2 or 3 levels. For some countries the data is even aggregated at the national level resulting in region to country data or only data on the incoming/outgoing flows. In addition, there is also a lack of data on intrazonal traffic. Most data is aggregated at the NUTS 2 level. This implies there is hardly information available on local traffic. Last, for countries outside Europe holds that the data is most aggregated. Mode to Mode transhipment data at interchange points (e.g. seaports) is lacking In case of transhipments the region to region information is currently not aligned with the origin destination information. For example, a freight flow can origin from the Unites States and can be transhipped in Antwerp before continuing the journey to the final destination in Germany. In this case the region to region information would indicate a freight flow from the Unites States to Antwerp and a separate freight flow from Antwerp to Germany. Hence, currently only the transport legs are registered. No registration of the use of distribution centres in freight data Freight is often transported over long distances including multiple transhipments. Not only the registration in seaports is lacking, also information on the use of distribution centres within the supply chain is lacking. This information gap makes reconstruction of the complete transport chain, including the origin and destination and route followed, almost impossible. Freight Mode Share Data Another example of a problem in the current data bases includes the lack of detail (e.g. port and mode) in intra-EU trade statistics since 1992. This lack of statistics makes the calibration of freight data in the transport models less reliable. In addition, some categories of freight transport are not consistently defined. For example, the share of containerisation and the types of goods being containerised differ between various countries. Network Performance and Bottlenecks The most important problems concern the collection of more data on specific network points, on specific links and on specific routes chosen. This emerges in the databases for passenger and freight transport and regardless of the mode of transport. If the quality of the data from these data bases would significantly increase, it would benefit all transport studies that make use of this data. If there is more detailed, accurate, reliable and complete information on passenger and freight transport, for example the analyses of bottlenecks in the network, the prediction of growth in transport demand and the options for modal shifts can become much more accurate. Hence, this would improve the transport policy making processes. 24 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report In recent years more and more traffic data collection methods have become available. These methods support measuring real-time data. This paper analyses the options of using ITS technologies for data collection. We specifically focus on the options to increase the number of road counts, to improve the quality of the road count information and to collect region to region transport information. It is not expected that through the use of ITS applications all data problems will be solved. However, it is expected that the use of ITS applications will contribute substantially to the improvement of data availability and the improved possibilities to estimate data gaps. The rapid developments in ITS methods do not allow giving an exhaustive review of all available methods. In this paper we provide the ITS classification and review the most promising data collection methods. For innovative technologies we also anticipate the discussion on the bottlenecks that need to be overcome before these technologies could be applied in practice, which will be analysed in detail in the task 2.2 and 2.3. 1.2 Overview of ITS applications The use of ITS technologies has largely increased in the last years providing significant contributions to the transportation system performance; this is particularly evident in the road transport where the benefits of ITS applications are different varying from increased safety and travellers mobility convenience, reduced congestion, delivered environmental benefits. It is worth noting how the ITS deployment in the last years has been helpful and successful in improving traffic management (i.e. traffic control, driver information, travel demand management) and transportation operations, for both public and commercial services (i.e. public transport management, commercial fleet management ) and accordingly increasing intermodality for transport modes, in increasing safety of vehicles and pedestrians, the related emergency system as well as electronic payment management. On the other side, data analysis and management is a key issue of the ITS implementation as the amount of data to be collected, analyzed and translated into information to be distributed to the users is significant and requires ITS expertise and professionals. It should be stressed that ITS technologies are expected to further contribute to the traffic data collection and to improve the level and quality of networks information as they are becoming an important way to overcome some of the most important barriers of the traditional approaches. Therefore, this chapter mainly focuses on the deployment of ITS technologies to gather traffic data and transport information with particular reference to road transport. An important classification criterion, described in turn in the next sections, is the position of the measurement equipment. Measurement equipment can be placed: a) on a fixed location on the transport infrastructure, e.g. next to the transport link (e.g. roadside), b) on a fixed location next to the transport link and in the vehicle, c) only in the vehicle. Methodologies that make use of equipments next to the transport link and in the vehicle to detect the vehicle are called beacon transponder systems. Data specifically collected through the use of the vehicle location are called Floating Car Data. In order to provide an overview of ITS technologies and applications it R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 25 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report can be useful to adopt the distinction between the measurement of traffic indicators and the data communication needed to further process the information. The figure below shows an overview of the different technologies available. Figure 1 Classification of technologies (based on Vonk Noordegraaf et. al., 2009) Point data "In-situ" technologies provide traffic data by the use of detectors located on the transport infrastructure, e.g. alongside the road; notably, they measure vehicle speeds only for a given point of geography or a given point of time. These techniques have been employed for many years reaching a certain level of maturity and they are well recognised to provide precise and relevant data on the current traffic situation. In this context, intrusive sensors, those that involve placement of the sensors on top of or in the lane to be monitored, represent the most usual devices used (i.e. inductive loops, piezo-electric sensors, and pneumatic rubber road tubes). On the other hand, non-intrusive sensors (i.e. passive acoustic sensors and video image detection devices) seem to be also particularly efficient also due to the fact that they do not interfere with traffic flow either during installation or operation. It is important to say that public services mainly rely on these data to assess and predict traffic situations. In fact, on-road measurements are considered essential and therefore to be kept in the future. The annex 1 shows brief descriptions to the most basic technologies (sensors that detect a vehicle combined with equipment for data storage), commonly used to collect point data. Point-to-point data In this overview we distinguish two different methods to collect point-to-point data. The first method only uses technology on the transport infrastructure. The most common technology is based on cameras. The second method combines technology on the transport infrastructure and technology in the vehicle. Floating car data A method that only makes use of technology in the vehicle is referred to as floating car data. Satellite positioning by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is used to determine the vehicle locations. Often this positioning technology is built in the vehicle. This is combined with a wireless communication technology. 26 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Mobile A second method that only makes use of technology in the vehicle is using a mobile phone. This positioning technology is often not build in the vehicle given the primary functionality of a mobile phone. 1.2.1 Technologies on the transport infrastructure Sensor networks Road sensors are considered a common technology. A new development in this field is wireless sensor networks in the asphalt. An example is the Traffic Infrastructure Sensor Network as being developed by TNO. The concept is based on wireless networks of cheap and low-maintenance miniature sensors, with four sensors per square meter. The sensors form a real-time monitoring system that communicates the collected data wireless with the road side unit. Algorithms are used to translate detections into individual vehicle tracks (position and speed) and determine road parameters as (capacity, location of traffic jams). The algorithms are developed and measurement experiments have been carried out. Future research will focus on energy supply, sensor casing and enlarging the communication range. Cameras and ANPR Cameras are used to register the vehicles. With Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) software the number plates are extracted from the video images, making it possible to identify unique vehicles at one location or at multiple locations to determine a vehicle trajectory. This system is also called a Video-based license-plate recognition system. These systems often use additional sensors for the detection of vehicles, such as loops, magnetic loops and radar. The highest accuracy is obtained when the cameras are positioned on gantries above the roads, with pictures being taken of the front and back number plates. Cameras positioned above roads are more expensive than roadside cameras. The percentage of pictures that can be used for identification ranges between 96.6% and 98.6% when double-sided pictures are taken. Driving between high trucks and in bad weather can affect the accurate reading of number plates. Foreign number plates can also be more difficult to read. It is estimated that for between 2.8 % to 4.5% of the cases, the pictures cannot be processed fully automatically; therefore, the plates must be read manually. Manual reading results in high operational costs. In addition, the maintenance cost can also result in high costs, especially when the system is applied on a large scale. Cameras and ANPR are the most common technology for enforcement. Video based monitoring A new development is the use of video cameras to detect vehicles at one point, over a short section (using a single camera) or over a longer section (using a series of cameras). This technology does not make use of ANPR. The video images are used to identify unique features of the vehicles (sizes, towing hooks) and are capable of detecting unique vehicles without linking this to the number plate. This can be used to detect different types of vehicles and follow unique vehicles without running into privacy issues. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 27 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Satellite for snapshot of traffic TNO and DLR have executed a field test in 2009 to investigate the options of using satellites combined with radar technology to detect traffic. DLR has access to the TerraSar X satellite that, using synthetic radar technology, can create a three-dimensional image of the observed earth surface. Moving objects can be identified by applying this technology and it is possible to determine the position and speed of the vehicles. The detection is quick. Hence, a snapshot of the traffic situation is made. The maximum corridor that can be covered this way is 7 kilometers. Earlier tests have shown that the satellite can detect 65% of the trucks and 30% of the passenger cars. The accuracy of determining the speed of the detected vehicles is 2 to 3 km/h. Future research is needed to overcome problems from differentiations with road side objects and the limited satellite availability - this specific satellite can only take a snapshot at a fixed time slot (sunrise/sunset) once in every 2 days. 1.2.2 Technologies on the transport infrastructure and in the vehicle OBU and DSRC Beacon transponder systems are characterized by their On-Board-Unit (OBU) and type of communication. Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is a combination of measurement and data communication. Other types of data communication are radio waves, infrared, and Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC). Both RFID and OBUs with DSRC are often applied in commercial operation. However, as RFID can be seen as a simplified form of an OBU with DSRC as the latter has more functionality. AVI technologies (Automatic vehicle identification) can be used to identify vehicles at fixed location by means of electronic transponders (tags) as the vehicle pass the sensors: in fact each reader senses vehicles as they pass a reader station and transmits the time and location to a central controller. As the vehicles pass through successive tag readers, software calculates average travel times and speeds for a roadway segment. AVI technologies are most commonly applied for electronic toll collection (ETC). It is important to highlight that one of the most important advantage of this technique is its ability to continuously collect large amounts of data with minimal human resource requirements. AVI technology has demonstrated itself as highly accurate. On the other side, data collection process is constrained primarily by sample size characteristics and the coverage area of the AVI infrastructure (i.e. antenna readers or ETC booths). In particular, in AVI systems, especially systems with many antenna locations and probe vehicles, a large amount of data storage space is needed. Moreover, privacy issues are of a certain importance. The technology requires that unique tag IDs are tracked between sequential antennas to determine travel times. The IDs correspond to individual drivers of probe vehicles, as the drivers are often registered to use an ETC system. The technology may allow individual vehicles to be tracked along the system. ETC is fast becoming a globally accepted method of toll collection, a trend greatly aided by the growth of interoperable ETC technologies. ECT technology is implemented in the following European countries: 28 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report • Austria - Videomaut for motorways and expressways in Austria subject to special tolls ( and Ggo-maut for the national Autobahn network in Austria • Germany - LKW-MAUT for trucks on Autobahns • Italy - TELEPASS on Autostrade motorways in Italy • France - Télépéage usually branded liber-t on French motorways (run by the Federation of French Motorway Companies)(ASFA). • Czech Republic – Premid for trucks on highways (2007) • United Kingdom and Ireland: • Ireland - Eazy Pass on national toll roads in Ireland • United Kingdom - DART-tag for the Dartford Crossing • United Kingdom - London congestion charge in London • United Kingdom - Fast tag Mersey tunnels: Queensway Tunnel and Kingsway Tunnel • United Kingdom - M6 Toll tag in the Midlands • United Kingdom - Severn TAG for the Severn Bridge crossing and Second Severn Crossing • United Kingdom - Tamar Bridge planned for 2006 • Norway – AutoPASS in most of the country ( • Oslo • Denmark/Sweden: BroBizz for the Øresund and Great Belt bridges • Sweden - Stockholm congestion tax in Stockholm • Portugal - Via Verde (all tolls) - • Turkey - OGS • Slovenia – ABC - • Spain - VIA-Tor Telepeaje • Malta, Valletta The European Commission is currently studying the creation of a trans-nationally compatible electronic toll system throughout the Europe. difficulties associated with this potential There are many implementation and technical interoperability 1. The combination of an electronic toll collection system and a traffic information and management system can be referred to as an electronic toll and traffic management (ETTM) system. This combination offers an expanded utility for vehicles equipped with electronic tags to not only process tolls, but also service ITS applications. Electronic toll collection systems can provide useful travel time data, particularly on systems with a large percentage of motorists using ETC. Some system adjustments will most likely be necessary to provide an effective data collection effort. Mobile device with Bluetooth About 15% of the Dutch people always have their Bluetooth of their cell phone (or other mobile device) turned on. This percentage is much higher in cars, being 40-48% as Bluetooth is commonly used for car kits. There is a good distribution among different groups. With the use of sensitive antennas it is possible to detect a Bluetooth signal. As each Bluetooth signal is unique, it offers options to detect individual road users. As the signal is not linked to the individual who 1 Directive 2004/52 - Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) Interoperability Directive1 developed by the European Commission R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 29 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report owns the device with the Bluetooth signal, it does not invade privacy. If the antennas are placed along road, it would possible to detect road users and to determine their speed. With sufficient antennas in a network, even origin destination data can be collected. Another option is to send a text message to the road user (which he needs to accept before opening) which could for example include an invitation to participate in a study. The first tests with this technology for traffic applications will take place in 2010. 1.2.3 Technologies in the vehicle Nowadays, fixed sensors represent mature technologies that are able to provide accurate and relevant information (i.e. traffic flow, vehicles speed) with a low point location’s error. For this reason, they will continue to be largely used by public service for estimating traffic flows. On the other side, it is important to highlight that fixed sensors are featured by different weaknesses that influence their overall implementation. In particular, high costs of implementation and maintenance as well as the limited local area of use that entails the installation of many devices to record traffic flow related to large area. In this section the ITS technologies that support in-vehicle techniques, specifically the Floating Car Data techniques (FCD) or probe vehicle technique, are analyzed. FCD has a key role in developing as well as implementing new Intelligent Transportation System. FCD represents a consistent and effective source for collecting traffic data less costly than the traditional methodologies for which implementation and maintenance costs are considerable. FCD allows to collect real-time traffic data by locating the vehicle via for example a mobile phone/ device or GPS/ GPRS over the entire road network. In this way the vehicle is equal to a sensor being able to transmit information to a central server (i.e. location, speed, direction of travel, etc.). More in detail, the average travel time is analyzed by statistical methods like the Kalman filter focusing on the temporal/spatial dispersion. Accordingly, for the coming years they are expected to represent an alternative or complementary source to existing techniques as these technologies will become much more available, largely widespread and easily to be used. Notably, this section investigates two key FCD technologies: GPS based system and Cellular based system. Satellite positioning with GPRS/UMTS/Wimax/LTE Satellite positioning by using a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for determining the location is often applied. This is commonly referred to as GPS. GPS devices are widespread in navigation systems, taxi fleets, freight transport fleets and as security device in passenger cars. It must be noted however, that there are other GNSS are available than GPS and the European Galileo is expected to become available in the coming years. In a study of TRL the accuracy and reliability of GPS was tested on several routes representative of overall driving behavior. The distance accuracy of GNS-based OBUs is high: less than 1% is achievable with additional sensors. These can be in-vehicle sensors, such as the odometer, speedometer, gyroscope, or accelerometer. Map matching and smoothing methods to minimize errors are other options to enhance the accuracy of GPS. Without these additional sensors, the distance errors are 1,2% 30 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report and 4,5%. The positional accuracy of GNSS-only and enhanced solutions was less than 5 meters. Methods that only make use of technology in the vehicle can use wide-area communications-based systems, such as (General Packet Radio Service) GPRS (in addition to GSM) and Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). The latter is more accurate, because the cell dimensions are smaller. Successors are Wimax and LTE. Notably, Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based global navigation satellite system consisting of a constellation of satellites and a network of ground stations used for monitoring and control. It provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous basis in all weather conditions, timeframe (i.e. day and night), anywhere on or near the Earth which has an unobstructed view of four or more GPS satellites. Between 24 and 32 GPS satellites (called NAVSTAR) orbit the Earth at an altitude of approximately 11.000 miles. These act as reference points from which receivers on the ground compute positions. In particular, by measuring the travel times of signals transmitted from the satellites, distance measurements of GPS receiver from four different satellites can be determined, then through some mathematical computations the receiver can calculate its position. GPS system has been applied for many civil, commercial, and research applications of technology including recreational (e.g., backpacking, boating), maritime shipping, international air traffic management, and vehicle navigation. Each data point recorded by the GPS device includes the vehicle position, speed, time, and the distance between the current and the last time points. GPS data can also be used to estimate other traffic values including average travel speeds, traffic delays and congestion level of particular motorways. The length of a vehicle queue can be estimated through the values of traffic flow rates and road section capacity. However, with the GPS recorded data, a vehicle queue can be identified on the speed profile curve. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 31 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Figure 2 Communication from GPS Source: “Travel Time Data Collection Handbook” - FHWA report As far as satellite Galileo is concerned, in the medium-long term satellite-based technologies are expected to improve the advantages compared to existing traditional systems, notably by making use of a direct and bidirectional connection between satellite and vehicle (satellite network) and bypassing mobile cell network. Galileo aims to set up the EGNOS service “European Geostationary Satellite Navigation Service” as competitive alternative to the American GPS. Galileo is intended to provide more precise measurements than available through GPS or GLONASS (Galileo will be accurate down to the metre range) including the altitude above sea level, and better positioning services at high latitudes. The political aim is to provide an independent positioning system upon which European nations can always rely on. The most important advantages are: • A higher precision of the geo-position (3-5 m) compared to the current GPS information • An increased global coverage of the satellite, in particular for the mountains regions and for the urban areas • More reliability of the signals and more bi-directional communications On the other side, the most critical weakness is the high implementation and maintenance costs that indeed have already delayed the expected execution. Galileo should be operational in 2013. Finally, it should be mentioned the contribution that the combined use of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) technology and ETC systems may provide in reducing infrastructure costs and facilitate regional tolling variations such as pollution-tax for highly polluted areas. A GPS allows a vehicle to locate itself within a given charge area or network. As the on-board unit contains both the appropriate charging structure and information concerning when the vehicle should be charged. 32 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Charges are applied using the position information provided by the GPS system. Then the charge is subtracted directly from a smart card located in the on-board unit or stored in the customer’s account. Charged corridors can be defined around specific zones in urban or rural areas where all vehicles (or specific categories) using the roadway will be subject to charges. Two important examples are the Germany and in Switzerland cases. The former truck tolling system uses GPS information to identify when a vehicle is located on a tolled Autobahn. Vehicle location pricing technology is also being used for truck tolling systems in Switzerland. The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is carrying out a pilot project with the aim to determine traveler response to value pricing and the effect of pricing on traveler decision making, and a potential implementation. Cellular positioning of mobile devices and GPRS/UMTS/Wimax/LTE Cellular positioning is based on triangulation, time advance, time of arrival and angle of arrival, which uses the signals of three antennas. The mobile device is used as sensor to determine the location. The main distinction is between mobile phones in active or idle modes. There are new developments in which the mobile phone is used as a sensor instead of the network. Higher accuracies can be obtained using several triangulation methods, this is particularly true for the last generation of mobile UMTS technology (£G). A test by TNO demonstrated a positional accuracy of 25 to 150 meters in the longitudinal direction of the road, with an accuracy of 95 to 99% in a semi-urban area. The advantage is that this offers potentially better coverage than GPS, because tunnels and high buildings do not present problems, in fact it is particular efficient in urban areas where the lower distance between antennas makes easier monitoring data. Furthermore, it is more difficult to tamper with the signals, because the position is calculated from the network on which communication also takes place. Therefore this technology can be used as an independent and reliable enforcement and backup option to validate the positioning. Figure 3 Communication from cellular phone Source: “Travel Time Data Collection Handbook” - FHWA report R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 33 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report This technique represents a cheap device compared to the others system (i.e. stationary traffic detectors and GPS-based system) as any hardware/device is needed for transmitting data that are collecting continuously. On the other side, sophisticated algorithms are necessary to transform high quality data. Some drawbacks related to cellular based system are however to be faced: • Complex processing data: extraction methodologies requires the reconstruction of the road and cellular network within a digital mapping system and the handling of a large volume of information that should be filtered in some way. • Accuracy and sampling issues: determination of sample size, sample timing and statistical significance (i.e. level of standard deviation) to get reliable and accurate information. Accordingly further R&D efforts are still needed • Privacy concerns: protection ensuring that all the data collected are anonymous. • Data ownership: this is a critical issue that has to be tackled in the shortterm given the impressive deployment of the market Mobile device with Wifi Wifi, when enabled, can be used for positioning. Several companies are investigating the options such as Skyhook en Google. The accuracy is in the range of 200 meters. 1.2.4 Extended Floating Car Data (XFCD) It is important to highlight that the new vehicles and the latest related technologies allow to have more precise information useful to improve the assessment of traffic conditions. In particular, in-vehicle information can be useful to monitor traffic jams, detect weather conditions (e.g. data from the activation of windshield wipers, temperature sensors and headlights), road surface state (e.g. the operation of ABS system can be used to detect slippery road conditions, risk of aquaplaning or black ice). Many potential information based on on-board computer systems can be available both to the road managers and users. Any hardware installed into the vehicle is necessary while a software, easily installed, is required. The data can be transmitted to the traffic centre or directly exchanged between vehicles. XFCD is being tested and validated in the frame of several demonstration projects worldwide. Compared to FCD, XFCD is a more cost-effective way of collecting data due to the fact that only the most relevant data are sent to the road managers. Travel Diaries The recent developments made in carrying out household travel survey are of great importance. The current data collection techniques allow investigation of the travellers’ behaviour based information (i.e. trip purpose, trip frequency, speeds, etc.) that are necessary in developing travel demand models and estimating traffic volumes on different corridors. Travel diaries are the standard methods to gather household travel activity information. Survey methods have evolved from PAPI method (Personal and Pencil Interview) through CAPI method (ComputerAssisted telephone Interview) to Electronic Travel Diary (with or without GPS). 34 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Moreover, CASI (Computer-Assisted Self-Interview) have become widely used. Using GPS implies that respondents are equipped with a GPS receiver. The surveys using GPS system carried out so far have shown great potential in improving data accuracy and minimizing the respondents burden compared to the other type of techniques. In fact, this method is able to get more information not feasible with standard approaches, and anyway it has advantages compared to traditional methods: • the burden on the respondent is reduced. Compared to manual method no passenger is needed for writing (recording) information • the quality of the data is increased: reduction in human error, including missed checkpoints or incorrectly recording information • Data collection is automated, moreover data are stored in digital formats, facilitating the direct analysis of the data; • more and better detailed information becomes available (i.e. route choice, path and speed profile, more precise travel times, congestion level: detail traffic delay and the exact queue length) e.g.: registration of the travel distance) and continuously collected along the entire travel time corridor On the other side, the main disadvantages of the vehicle data collection with a GPS unit are: • Large amount of data collected and storage requirements; • Losing signals from the satellites due to urban canyons, tunnels, trees, and power lines; • Building or retrieving the base map; • not user-friendly equipment : sometimes some assembly is usually required; • kind of equipment easily updates; • setting up the geographic information system (GIS) to use the incoming data is time consuming. GIS software is an integral part of using the GPS system for travel time data collection efforts. GIS software is often used to display the GPS positional data on a roadway network. In addition, GIS software packages are a valuable tool for the calculation of desired measures (e.g., travel time, average speed). GPS travel diaries used in the past surveys may be classified into two types: interactive and passive. In the first case the respondent is responsible to interact with the hand-held computer to input some survey information (i.e. trip start and end, trip purpose, etc.) while in the second case the respondent is responsible to carry and turn on the device whenever he travels with no other interactions needed. Other important information like the purpose of the trip are collecting in other ways (i.e. paper survey, phone call, computer-aided software estimation). Generally a GPS receiver was connecting to a data logger or a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) hand-held computer. It should be said that the GPS-aided electronic travel diaries and loggers used in the last years have shown some drawbacks (e.g. hardware failure, software bugs, no use of the unit, loss of GPS signal, improper GPS antenna orientation) that can be adequately solved by using the latest technologies; notably, recent studies and applications have shown that different solutions can be applied to overcome such drawbacks. In particular by: • using more efficient, easier and better set up systems and devices, • adding sensors and long lasting backup batteries, improving antennas system, • increasing onboard processing power and intelligence, R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 35 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report • implementing wireless communications, • improving high-speed internet. New developments have improved the accuracy of the GPS system by fixed ground GPS monitoring stations. To this end, newly developed class of GPS receivers (High Sensitivity GPS) aim to improve point precision and data accuracy also in the narrow street canyons of urban areas. Further improvements are needed to develop a more user friendly system and more accurate data collection. In the near future, GPS mobile phone-based survey could be used to complement or substitute the conventional paper-based or PCbased activity diary survey methods. It is expected that the graphical representation of the current position and travel trajectory on the mobile phone monitor display using GIS map could contribute to increasing respondents’ interest, motivation and willingness to participate in the survey. The main service providers involved are smart phone and navigation device producers, car manufacturers operators, (e.g. satellite Fiat: “Blue&Me”solution network operators (e.g. by Bluetooth), Galileo). In mobile particular, phone some references are provided below: • TomTom ( • Cellint ( • Airsage ( • IntelliOne ( • ITIS Holdings plc ( • Mediamobile ( • INRIX ( 1.2.5 Data information architecture Furthermore, it should also be mentioned the role of the open systems and architecture that have a key role in the use of ITS for traffic monitoring and data collection. Open architecture: is a type of computer architecture or software architecture that allows adding, upgrading and swapping components. Typically, an open architecture publishes all or parts of its architecture that the developer or integrator wants to share. Open architectures generally require license agreements between entities sharing the architecture information. Concerning transport and mobility sector, the open architectures represent a key technology for mapping and data collection due to the easy integration with position systems like GPS. Google and Microsoft are two of the most important private cartographic developers. While public programs are still unsuitable both at international and national level, universities and research centers are quite active in this contest (i.e. Open street map). 1.2.6 Conclusions In general, FCD is likely to improve traffic modelling mostly due to the fact that it can be very useful to provide real time calibration of historical traffic models and also because of the intelligent combination of FCD with on-road sensors represents the perfect inputs to dynamic traffic models. The integration of different data needs new algorithms providing optimal solutions for traffic management problems. 36 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report In conclusion, the main advantages and disadvantages in using such technologies are the following: • Low cost per unit of data – data may be collected simply and at low cost as any operation is needed once the equipment has been set up; • Continuous data collection - Travel time data may be collected continuously (e.g. 24 hours per day). If the infrastructure is permanently installed, data are collected as long as probe vehicles continue to travel. • Automated data collection - Data can be collected electronically. Probe vehicle systems are electronic, and data are automatically transmitted from the probe vehicle to the ITS control facility. • Data are in electronic format - Collected data are already in an electronic format. This is a key issue in the transformation of raw travel time data into a useful format for analysis. • No disruption of traffic - The traffic is not influenced by the experimenter as data are collected by probes within the traffic stream. Moreover, probe vehicles are often driven by persons not directly involved with the data collection effort, thus data are not biased towards test vehicle driving styles. • Conversely, the main disadvantages are: • High implementation cost - High initial cost for equipment, installation and training of personnel to operate the system and collect data. • Fixed infrastructure constraints - Data can be collected only inside the coverage area of the probe vehicle system, further expensive infrastructure should be placed for enlarging the area. Therefore, the coverage area of a probe vehicle system, including locations of antenna sites, should be accurately studied before the implementation to ensure that data will be collected at strategic locations. • Requires skilled software designers - Software built for the data collection are complex programs generally designed in-house or by a consultant. The software is typically customized for a particular probe system. • Privacy issues - Probe vehicle techniques involve tracking vehicles as they travel the freeway and arterial street system. This raises concerns that motorists may be more likely to receive traffic citations or have their travel habits monitored. • Not recommended for small scale data collection efforts - Probe vehicle systems are most cost-effective for collecting data within a large study area due to their large implementation costs. It should also be mentioned the criteria under which the sample is built. In fact, in traditional travel time studies, the sample sizes are established by the test conductors prior to data collection based on the level of accuracy expected and on the budgetary constraints as well. Conversely, due to the fact that probe vehicle systems are designed to collect data for real-time traffic monitoring, fleet monitoring, or electronic toll collection (ETC), the sample sizes are determined by availability of instrumented probe vehicles in the traffic stream. Moreover, it is important to highlight another aspect that should be taken into consideration when collecting and analyzing probe vehicle data: the driver or vehicle composition of the sample, that is the type of vehicles or type of drivers that may compose the sample. In fact the sample may be biased if the data were collected by transit vehicles. The following traffic composition characteristics should be considered when composing or evaluating probe vehicle samples: • vehicle type - automobile, truck, transit vehicle, or other; • driver type - depends on vehicle type; and R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 37 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report • travel lane representation - certain vehicles may primarily use certain travel lanes. Finally, it should be said that due to the wide implementation of intelligent transportation system (ITS) projects it seems to be clear the necessity to establish standards compatibility, and and protocols in interchangeability order to between provide various interoperability, technologies. Interoperability can allow probe vehicles to travel all over the country and still provide valuable data collection or receive traveler information. Compatibility can allow different manufacturers’ equipment to communicate without interference. Interchangeability allows one manufacturer’s device to be replaced with a device from a separate manufacturer. The following figure shows the potentials in combining the available technologies. Figure 4 Schematic view of the use of traffic data Source: JRC “Road Traffic Data: Collection Methods and Applications” 1.3 Potential use of data of ITS development of network models applications for the The current chapter deals with the way how data stemming from ITS applications can – potentially – be used for the development of the network models within ETISplus. In the framework of ETISplus, the development of network models also embraces traffic assignment. 38 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report In general, ITS applications are applied for all modes of transport. However, the most reasonable usage for the purposes of ETISplus can be expected for the development of the road network model. Thus, the current chapter focuses on how data of ITS applications could be used to enhance the development of the road network model, including assignment. As far as assignment is concerned, the current chapter refers to assignment of passenger cars. The application potential is elaborated with regard to following two data collection methods: 1 Technologies on the transport infrastructure 2 FCD techniques (or vehicle tracing techniques) 1.3.1 Technologies on the transport infrastructure This kind of applications allows for surveying • the number of vehicles, differentiated by types of vehicles, • and the point of time a vehicle crosses on a certain section of the road network If such data were available for ETISplus, data gaps in traffic count data could be bridged. In the following figure the availability of UN/ECE traffic count data for the year 2005 is shown. The map illustrates that there are not any traffic count data available for countries such as Italy, the Netherlands, Greece or Ireland. Furthermore, for those countries for which data are available, only the trunk road network is covered. On top of that, the UN/ECE traffic count data do not distinguish between the types of vehicles. Thus, a wider use of traffic data provided by technologies located on the infrastructure can substantially help to fill these data gaps. Given the importance of traffic count data for the calibration and the validation of modelled assignment results, a wider use of data by ITS traffic data collection may well improve the quality of assignment models. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 39 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Figure 5 Availability of road traffic data from UN/ ECE (year 2005) Moreover, since traffic data collection is performed under consideration of the temporal dimension, the traffic flows (by types of vehicles) can be observed over the period of time of a day, week or a year. Thus, time variation curves (see the next figure as an example) can be generated, which inform on the distribution of traffic volumes over a certain period of time (day, week, year). A consideration of such data could be used to further improve the assignment in terms of finer and more link-specific consideration of capacity bottlenecks and congestion effects. 40 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Figure 6 Examples of time variation curves for different road types and time aggregation level 1.3.2 FCD techniques FCD techniques permit more detailed conclusions on the behaviour of car drivers on route choice. Following information can be exploited by vehicle tracking techniques: • origin and destination; • time of travel and trip duration; • route choice. If this information is surveyed together with the socio-demographic environment of the users, the obtained data can be exploited with regard to different demand segments. Furthermore, if the geographical coordinates of the surveyed origin and destination can be interrelated to a spatial context of origin and destination, also a trip purpose-specific exploitation of the obtained data is feasible. The relevance of the data raised by FCD techniques is due to the fact that the method delivers information on drivers’ route choice, potentially differentiated by demand segment and trip purpose. Thus, by exploiting these data, the model parameters of the generalised cost function applied for road assignment – which contains variables such as travel time, maintenance costs, fuel costs, or toll costs –, can be estimated in an accurate manner. As far as data availability and data concept allows, the parameters can be estimated specifically for individual demand segments and trip purposes. Thus, in case the data sample is large enough, the data surveyed by FCD techniques allow for an estimation of model parameters of the generalised cost function underlying the assignment routine, or, at least, for validation of the road assignment. A more specific example of exploitation of such data is to obtain insights in drivers’ preferences if road charges are applied (see the figure below). R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 41 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Figure 7 Road choice behaviour under road charging Furthermore, FCD data may be used to compile and apply information on multipurpose trip chains, whose consideration for assignment may well enhance the level of accuracy and degree of detail. Finally, like the use of traffic data collection methods, the application of FCD data may be used to enhance the depiction of congestion effects in the road network. 1.4 Conclusions The Figure 8 summarises the conclusions that can be drawn concerning the identification of the most promising ITS applications in terms of their contribution to solve data problems in modelling. The starting point of the analysis has been the analysis of the problems encountered in developing transport data set for transport models. Socioeconomic data, freight and passenger demand, network data, freight and passenger costs and level of services, external effects (emissions and energy consumptions) have been reviewed in order to stress the main data gaps. The findings of the ETIS BASE projects have represented the knowledge base upon which the analysis has been carried out. The review of ITS applications has been the further step, with the aim to identify the most promising applications that are potentially able to address the main problems emerged during the analysis by transport data set. In particular, keywords like data gaps, missing information on trips destination, type of goods, travel time, have been taken into account in order to steer the ITS review. A particular useful ITS classification has been: i) the technologies on the transport infrastructure, ii) the technologies on the transport infrastructure and in the vehicle and iii) the technologies in the vehicle. As shown in the Figure 8, combining the two streams of research, i.e. main data problems and ITS categorization, it can be shown that socio-economic data and external impacts are the data sets for which the ITS applications may have potentially the lower relevance, in particular in terms of a direct relevance. In fact, concerning the estimation of emission level and energy consumption, having better traffic data through ITS applications could improve for example the 42 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report assessment of energy consumption and emissions, i.e. through the availability of robust data on fleet composition and type of vehicles along the routes; but this could be an indirect, second order effect, of the assessment of traffic flows. Concerning socio-economic data it can be said that the most promising applications must basically rely on the use of GIS data for filling the gaps, i.e. through the provision of detailed data at a lower geographical scale, or supporting the application of raster and buffer techniques for the estimation of the missing data. On the other hand, the ITS applications are highly promising with reference to the freight, passenger and network data sets. In particular: • Technologies on the transport infrastructure, e.g.. road sensors, cameras, etc, can provide useful information concerning traffic flows along specific O/D, addressing in such a way the need to have detailed data at lower geographical scale • Technologies on the transport infrastructure and in the vehicles, e.g.,RFID, an OBU with DSRC, providing information apt to fill the gaps in O/D on a small scale and some routes information • Technologies in the vehicle, e.g.. mobile devices, GPS/ GPRS applications, etc and floating car data tools, which can provide real-time information on congestion, vehicle speed and direction, O/D, route information addressing in such a way the lack of data at network level and improving considerably the calibration of assignment models This improvements in data collection are basically cross cutting among transport modes and type of transport (passenger and freight), even if road transport (passenger and freight) appears to be the transport mode with the higher benefits, at least in the short term. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 43 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Figure 8 Relationships between the ITS applications and data problems DATA PROBLEMS Socio economic Freight demand Passenger demand Network data External effects - Data harmonization among NUTS levels - Intra-zone traffic flows - Road count data - Container transport - Commodity type - Transhipment data - - Data gaps in links by attributes, e.g. type of traffic, type of vehicles, etc - Emission level - Energy consumption Traffic flows Travel Time Intra-zone traffic flows Distance of trips Congestion Travel time Costs and LOS Vehicle speed Direction ITS APPLICATIONS 44 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 2 Assessment of barriers to the exploitation of ITS data for European transport modelling purposes 2.1 Framework for Assessing Barriers For the purpose of the present report, a 'barrier' is defined as something that delays or hinders the development and/or realisation of the process of using Intelligent Transport Systems to improve the collection of data for the purpose of European transport modelling. In this context, a ‘barrier’ hinders either the effective exploitation of data collected by deployed ITS or the implementation and deployment of ITS for data collection purposes. A barrier is not merely a problem, it is an obstacle to the development and/or realization of process that may lead to its premature ending. Behind each barrier usually stands a resistance to change, a conflict. Barriers are usually a negative reaction from one, or more, agents to a process developed, or carried out, by agents (other or even the same) and can occur at different stages of the process for a variety of reasons (or motivations) given the underlying context (political, cultural, social, legal, etc.). Notably, the influence of the context on the occurrence of barriers is very significant; while in one context a process might face a set of barriers, in a different context the barriers faced by the same event may very well be different or even nonexistent. For these reasons, the assessment of barriers must take into account the systemic nature of the process of development of barriers and its core dimensions. However, given the myriad of possible contexts and scenarios, the proposed approach for the assessment of the barriers is to analyse the possible barriers (supported on a literature review, case studies and expert opinion) and give indication regarding the possible influence of the context to the “expression” of those barriers (by performing and analysing case studies). Figure 9 The proposed framework for Barriers Assessment Source: TIS R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 45 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report The assessment of the barriers in the context of this report is supported on the framework detailed below and depicted in the previous figure. The proposed framework is designed to accommodate the European, National, Regional and Local Levels and to allow the consideration of all transport modes. It is based on the approaches proposed by the projects TENASSESS and MARETOPE and on the framework for ITS deployment developed by Lin (2003). 2.1.1 The Development of a Barrier The development of a barrier starts with an event triggered by or carried out within the process of change. This event may be an action or the release of information on intentions regarding future actions. Agents assess either the observed impact of the event or the impact they expect in the future. After that assessment, agents may be motivated for behavioural reactions or not. If they do decide to react, by actually doing something against the process of change (attack and be actively offering resistance) or by not supporting it (escape and be passively offering resistance), then that reaction may raise a barrier to the process by delaying or cancelling it. The described process of development of a barrier is depicted in the following figure. Figure 10 The process of development of a Barrier Source: adapted from the MARETOPE project As the MARETOPE project stresses, sometimes some impacts are deferred in time which may lead to barriers to appear long after the occurrence of the event that triggered them. This is especially risky because barriers may only appear in the implementation or operation phases and not on early stages of the process. P e rc e p ti on s a n d E x pe c t at i o n s Agents may offer resistance to a process due to because of lack of knowledge or lack of will, or better: 1) They not understand the aims and backgrounds; or 2) They do understand the aims and backgrounds but: a) do not believe them; b) do not will (to support the process) because they do not have benefits; or 46 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report c) are expecting/experiencing negative consequences. The way an agent perceives an event or builds expectations regarding the future impacts of that event may be very different from how other agent might do it. This happens because of “information asymmetry” or, very often, because agents have different sets of beliefs, values, etc. conditioned by past experiences and the social, political and cultural context, which shape the way they “see the world”. Function Creep Sometimes the barriers raised are not directly related to the process/event in question but with expectations regarding the phenomena of “function creep”, in the sense that agents may expect the project to be used for different purposes or aims than the ones announced or as a way of paving the ground for, or making possible, the implementation of other projects. Figure 11 Main Purposes for ITS deployment Source: TIS For example, ITS deployment may serve many different purposes, including: electronic toll collection, real-time traffic management, travellers and freight information, incident and hazard response, law enforcement and planning (medium and long-term). There are some evidences that the purpose for ITS implementation influence the barriers, mostly in the subjective field, that the process faces. The problem of function creep is that even if the ITS deployment has a specific purpose, agents may think that there are other hidden purposes behind that decision and may raise barriers because of those other purposes. As an illustration, a government decides to implement APNR for planning reasons but travellers may think that the data may be used to speeding check (law enforcement) and raise barriers to the process because of that. Interdependent Barriers Barriers may be functionally interdependent (TENASSESS, MARETOPE) either because they are complementary (TENASSESS) or because of what might be designated by cascade effects (MARETOPE). Complementary barriers are barriers R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 47 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report that occur in parallel and have a common genesis or one is supporting the other. Therefore, a tool to overcome one barrier may very likely abolish the other dependent barriers. Sometimes, like a cascade effect, a new barrier occurs as the result of the process of overcoming another barrier, in this sense the first barrier is substituted or replaced by another barrier (substitution barriers, TENASSESS). 2.1.2 The core dimensions of a Barrier As proposed in the Barriers Model developed by the TENASSESS project, three core dimensions are adopted (see Figure 12) stage, agent and field. Figure 12 The core dimensions of a Barrier Source: TIS The Stage dimension refers to the phase of the development and/or realisation process at which the barrier occurs and which (as well as the subsequent phases) is hinder by the occurrence of that barrier. The Agent dimension is related to the type of actor that imposes the barrier as a result of its (lack of) reaction to the perceived impact of the events triggered, or carried out, at a given stage. As already mentioned, the barriers may appear on stages subsequent to the stage that caused the event that was in the genesis of the barrier. The Field dimension regards the type of problem area to which the barrier relates. Stages Based on the proposals of the MARETOPE and TENASSESS project, four temporal stages are adopted (see Figure 13): the Design Stage, the Decision Stage, the Implementation Stage and the Operational Stage. Figure 13 The Stage Dimension Source: TIS 48 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report The Design Stage comprises the conception and planning phases and requires the coordination of various opinions (TENASSESS). This stage starts with the identification of a need for the changing process and finishes with the final design of the process; The Decision Stage starts after the design stage and finishes with the approval of the design of the process (output of the Design Stage). Usually, achieving a final decision requires the contribution of several agents each one with private incentives to integrate their interests into the final design, therefore, this stage involves significant efforts for coordinating and making agents cooperate. The Implementation Stage: after the final decision is taken, the implementation stage starts, which carries out all actions required to the implementation of the final plans. The Operational Stage begins with the conclusion of the implementation of the project and respects the time span during which the project starts producing results. Depending on the project, this stage may require maintenance actions and involve or not several players. Agents In the context of this report, agents may be part of the informal politics arena, of the official politics arena; of the Public Administration or be a Market player. An agent may belong to more than one category depending on the process of change (e.g. social partners). The following figure presents the four main categories adopted to distinguish type of agents as well as their most relevant subcategories. Figure 14 The Agent Dimension Source: TIS Agents consider that part of the informal politics are the public opinion in general, and more organized movements or “forces of pressure”, namely the citizens associations, lobbying or interest groups and social partners. Public opinion manifests itself in several ways and the most fundamental is by voting (for local, national and European elections). Its power is directly connected to what Lin (2003) designates by “turnover rate”, which refers to how much the situation is likely to affect the next election’s results and, consequently, the elected parliament members and the government in charge. The citizens and labour movements have usually much attention from the media (especially the social partners and citizens associations and movements) and, therefore, are able to largely influence public opinion. Generally, lobbying groups opt for less “perceptible” means to influence a process. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 49 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report In the context of this report, agents belonging to the official politics are the European Union and the Member States, which are evidently interrelated. Within each Member State, the most relevant agents are: the government in charge, the national parliament, the regional and local authorities and the national parties represented in the parliament and that may constitute opposition forces to the government in charge. The public administration agents are the ones normally responsible for the implementation of European and national policies at the national, regional or local levels which comprises the coordination among other relevant agents and the supervision of the all process. Thus, the agents in this category are: national, regional and local administration bodies and regulators. In the context of ITS and data collection, market players have a significant role. These agents are travellers (driver of a private transport or passengers), transport operators, freight operators, network managers, infrastructure operators, equipment providers, value added services providers and other providers relevant for ITS deployment. Agents are usually interrelated and their reactions to a process influence the reactions of other agents. One example, already brought up, is the power of public opinion reactions (perceived or expected) to constraint the reactions of a government. Field The field to which a barrier is related may be distinguished as an objective field or a subjective field (see Figure 6). The subjective field includes the problems raised by subjective reasons usually related with the social, cultural and political beliefs of agents. The problems or matter part of the objective field are ones associated with tangible aspects, assessments or reasons and are related to organizational, legal and regulatory, economic and finance, technical and educational matters. Figure 15 The Field Dimension Source: TIS The organizational field relates to collaboration problems within three dimensions (Lin, 2003): horizontally (between public agents within the same organizational level), vertically (within agents at different organizational levels) and between agents from the public sector and agents from the private sector. Usually, a process, especially in the decision and implementation stages, requires the participation, coordination and cooperation of a plurality of agents. Problems may arise within the organizational structure of an agent but also because of unclear, ineffective or even inexistent institutional arrangements that pave the ground for the collaboration among agents. The legal and regulatory field relates to the regulations or laws established or in force in the European context or in a specific national context that may work, directly or indirectly, as a constraint to the process in question. 50 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report The economic and finance field includes problems related with the economic and financial viability of the project. The economic viability is not only related to the assessment of the attractiveness of the project by comparing the expected benefits to the estimated costs (efficiency aspects), but also to the distribution of costs and benefits within agents at the European, national, regional and local levels (equity aspects). The financial viability concerns three important aspects: the expected financial return of the project, budget constraints and costs allocation or financial responsibility. The technical field comprises issues related to the standardization and technical interoperability of systems, and, in this particular context, questions like accuracy, space coverage, deployment time and requirements, scalability, robustness and reliability, etc. The educational field relates both with public and human resources “technologic literacy”. The more familiar the public is regarding “new technologies” the easier is for them to understand and be aware of the benefits that may arise from their use and, therefore, offer less resistance to the process of change. When human resources have an important role in the process of change they must have the required competences or training to be able to deal with the new reality. If that is not the case, a process usually i) faces a great resistance to change within the organizations, and ii) might not have the required competences for its implementation. 2.1.3 The Context As already stressed, the context for which the process is designed and where is being implemented greatly influences the barriers that the process is going to face as well as the strength of their effects. The framework for the assessment of barriers and the analysis carried out attempt to capture the main barriers to the development and/or realisation of the process of using ITS to improve the collection of data for the purpose of European transport modelling. The particulars for each specific project will be different, especially because the process under analysis involves different countries with different objectives and attitudes regarding the European vision, and a diversity of social, political, economical and cultural framework. 2.2 Barrier to the exploitation of data collected by deployed ITS Sound transport research and policy making depend upon the availability and accessibility of appropriate, high quality and up to date information (Wigan et al., 2003). Deployed ITS constitute a promising solution to fill the current data gaps and solve data problems encountered in developing transport data sets for European transport models. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 51 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Figure 16 Requirements for an effective exploitation of deployed ITS However, the implementation and realization (operational stage) of the process of exploiting data collected by deployed ITS applications for the purpose of European transport modelling is not clear-cut, facing some important barriers. As depicted below, the identified barriers can be classified as legal & regulatory, organizational, technical and economic & financial Figure 17 Main barriers to the effective exploitation of deployed ITS The identified barriers essentially influence the (see the table presented below): • data availability: barriers that prevent the collection or storage of the relevant data; • data accessibility: even when data is available it might not be accessible for the purpose of European transport modelling as a consequence of existing barriers to access and use of collected data; • data quality: some barriers may impair data quality or, in other words, the reliability, completeness, consistency and accuracy of the obtained data as 52 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report well as the adequacy of data to the requirements for its effective exploitation for the purpose of European transport modelling. Table 2 Relationship between the identified main barriers and requirements to the effective exploitation of deployed ITS 2.2.1 Barriers in the legal & regulatory field The main barriers in the legal and regulatory field that the effective exploitation of data for the purpose of European transport modelling faces are described below. Lack of a regulatory framework to oblige member states to report the required data according to pre-defined requirements (e.g. European reference network model, data structure): This can be considered the main barrier due to the fact that the other barriers are relatively dependent on this one and, therefore, they could be overcome or at least addressed if the EU member states would be obliged by the European Union to submit the required data. However, overcoming this barrier is not an easy task given that member states might hinder the approval of such a regulatory framework as a result of the barriers to its implementation they expect to face at the national level. The lack of a regulatory framework at a European level leads to several problems. The first is that the required data might not be collected because the entities that could gather it have no incentives to do it. The second problem is related to difficulties to access the collected data which can result from unawareness that the required data is available or from the barriers that influence the data accessibility (see below). The third important problem is the poor quality of data and particularly the integration and comparison of data arriving from different sources, with different structures and level of detail (see for example the Annex 3 - Electronic reporting in inland waterways transport and potential use for data collection and the Annex 2 – Assessment of barriers to the exploitation of the ITS data for European air transport modelling purposes, both in the annexes to the report). Ownership: The privatisation of transport bodies is imposing some changes in data collection processes. While in the past, data was collected, owned and used mostly by public entities through a much centralised process, currently data R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 53 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report collection processes have been increasingly privatised and decentralised. The lack of clear contract clauses to set the data ownership to public entities (e.g. regulator) or to oblige private entities to share data with public entities together with the increasing awareness of the value of “reducing access to data for competitive reasons” and of using the collected data to provide value-added services, have led to problems in accessing collected data for public purposes, which is definitely a barrier to the effective exploitation of data for European transport modelling. Privacy Issues: Privacy concerns abound in the deployment of ITS. While most of them have been addressed by the ITS professional, the two main groups that are potentially affected by privacy issues in ITS (the general public and commercial freight carriers and shippers) may not perceive or trust that their privacy is guaranteed. In fact ITS allow the collection and storage of large amounts of data including potentially sensitive information about specific individuals and businesses, raising concerns about possible uses of this information (data creep and secondary use of data), such as law enforcement and litigation. The public usually fears that details about their lives are record and used for purposes that will harm their privacy. Moreover, some individuals are conceptually against what they consider a “big brother” society where their movements are being watched and traced. Freight carriers and shippers are mostly concerned about the disclosing of core business information (e.g. travel routes and cargo) for competitive reasons. For these reasons, ITS implementers usually have to balance privacy protections with potential benefits that could be derived from the data. To allay concerns about the collection of information, ITS implementers may decide to: not collect what can be considered sensitive information, reduce the duration of storage or not allow third parties to access the data. Therefore, measures pertaining the overcoming of barriers related to privacy concerns may lead to a situation where deployed ITS are not used to collect, store and disclose relevant information for European transport modelling when they could effectively be used for that. One example of how privacy issues may hinder the effective exploitation of collected data is detailed in the Annex 3 – Electronic reporting in inland waterways transport and potential use for data collection. In this case, data about traffics is aggregated to ensure the privacy of companies. Another example of this barrier is identified in the Case Study – Assessment of barriers to the exploitation of the ITS data for European air transport modelling purposes (see annexes). Secondary use of information: ITS can be used for several purposes, some of which might raise questions concerned to privacy issues. As mentioned, one way of system managers to safeguard private information is to ensure the general public and freight carriers and shippers that data will only be used for a specific goal and that secondary use of data (i.e. the use of data for a different purpose or goal) is forbidden or that they have the possibility to opt-out. These measures can be considered a barrier to the full exploitation of the data collected by deployed ITS for the purpose of European transport modelling. The Annex 3 – Electronic reporting in inland waterways transport and potential use for data collection identifies this as a barrier to access all data reported electronically by European waterways authorities. 54 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 2.2.2 Barriers in the organizational field The organizational barriers are often the hardest to overcome. For the purpose of European transport modelling the main organizational barriers are two – the fragmentation and the lack of collaboration between organizations. A description of each barrier is provided below. Fragmentation: Data holdings are frequently fragmented, both physically and institutionally (within and between organizations), which is mostly a consequence of: the recent trend towards the privatisation and decentralisation of transport bodies; of incomplete contracts regarding data reporting obligations to the regulator or a centralised agency; of limited resources to store the large amount of data that current ITS can collect and of legal requirements that impose that certain type of data cannot be store in the same database and/or managed by the same entity. This fragmentation leads to both institutional and operational difficulties in accessing and fully exploiting existing data. The Annex 3 – Electronic reporting in inland waterways transport and potential use for data collection (see annexes) identifies this as a problem and proposes actions to overcome it. This barrier is also identified in the Annex 2 – Assessment of barriers to the exploitation of the ITS data for European air transport modelling purposes (see annexes). Lack of collaboration between entities: The effective exploitation of the potentialities of deployed ITS demands a supportive organizational structure and, therefore, the horizontal (agencies are independent from one another and have relatively the same level of influence, such as the national organizations responsible for each transport mode), vertical (agencies at different government levels, such as local, regional, national and European) and public-private collaboration and cooperation (or even integration) are of crucial importance to the European transport modelling purpose. However, the collaboration and cooperation between entities (from different countries and within the same country) is sometimes difficult for the most varied reasons ranging from institutional culture to competition, and the frequent lack of institutional arrangements to promote collaboration and cooperation between the several involved entities does not facilitate it either. Consequently, accessing data is generally limited and an extremely resource consuming activity, and the integration of data is often very complicated (if not impossible) especially when it refers to cross geographical borders trips or trips that involve several modes. 2.2.3 Barriers in the technical field For the reasons presented below, the lack of data standards and the poor integration and interoperability of ITS are important technical barriers to the effective exploitation of data for the purpose of European transport modelling. Lack of data standards: Data standards are established conventions and documented agreements on definitions, representations, formats and structure of all data layers and elements, which ensure correctness, consistency, completeness and comparability across different data sources. Data standards are fundamental to the seamless share of data efficiently and accurately since they help data users to understand, interpret, and use data appropriately. The lack of appropriate data standards hinders the process of establishing relationships between the various data sources, especially when proper data documentation is frequently not available. Moreover, without appropriate data standards the obtained data may not be complete or reliable (given that, for R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 55 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report example, having model outputs embedded in ‘data’ is not unusual), which leads to poor data quality and usability. The lack of common standards both at national and EU level is especially relevant in the context of European transport modelling, given that poses serious barriers to the integration of data arriving from several sources, including different organizations within the same country (fragmentation) and from all countries. Integration information and Interoperability: systems to work Interoperability together within and is the across capability of organizational boundaries, which includes the ability of systems to communicate efficiently and effectively. Integration is the arrangement of information systems so that related parts are brought together into a single system. The lack of interoperability and integration between currently deployed ITS is definitely a barrier to European transport modelling since it hinders the collection of data and the quality of available data related to cross geographical borders trips, to trips that involve several modes and to trips that involve different operators within the same mode. 2.2.4 Economic & Finance The lack of financial resources and of incentives is the main barrier to be considered in the Economic and Finance field. Lack of resources and incentives: The lack of financial resources within organizations, in particular for having skilled human resources and enough storage and processing capacity, may lead to their inability on the one hand to collect, store and process all the relevant data to the European transport modelling purpose, and on the other hand to properly respond to data requests. The lack of private financial and economic incentives for allocating resources on collecting, making data accessible and improving data quality for the purpose of European transport modelling also delays and hinders the full exploitation of deployed ITS for that purpose. 2.3 Barriers to ITS deployment for planning purposes Recently, ITS have been implemented for the most diverse reasons, such as toll collection, congestion management, law enforcement. Nevertheless, ITS deployment faces important barriers which slow down or even hinder the wider adoption of ITS. The aim of this section is to assess the main barriers to ITS deployment for planning purposes, which are drawn from the performed case studies and relevant literature. Once again, these barriers are classified according to the field they belong to (see figure presented below). 56 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Figure 18 Main barriers to ITS deployment 2.3.1 Legal and Regulatory The main legal and regulatory barriers to the implementation and deployment of ITS are presented below. Intellectual property: Intellectual property (IP) refers to inventions, copyrights, trade secrets, and data that is patentable or considered proprietary technology (Lin, 2003). IP rights and their proper assignment are an issue when implementing ITS and present a continual challenge to ITS project. There are two main reasons for IP to constitute a barrier to ITS deployment both associated to the participation of the private sector on ITS projects. The first is related to the unwillingness of private companies to bid on contracts that require public sector licensing and/or public disclosure as a consequence of as a result of their interesting in retaining IP rights in order to make profits and gain competitive advantage. The second is related to private companies’ unwillingness to share of proprietary information preventing the adoption of commons standards which poses barriers to the widespread of some ITS, including built in vehicle ITS. Privacy Issues: Privacy issues are one of the main barriers to the implementation and deployment of ITS, and are directly associated to the purpose underlying the ITS project and to the specific characteristics of the ITS to be implemented. The purpose underlying the ITS deployment defines which data is going to be collected, how data is going to be used and if the collected data is going to be linked to other data. If the purpose requires the collection of disaggregated R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 57 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report sensitive information (non-anonymous) about users, vehicles or cargo then privacy concerns are more likely to arise. Similarly, privacy issues are greater if, for example, the defined data uses require storing data for long periods or entail data mining or risk profiling. Finally, linking the collected data with data stores in other databases is also likely to encounter great resistance from the privacy advocates. For example, ITS deployment for the purpose of automated law enforcement usually faces important barriers related to privacy concerns since it requires the release of identifying driver information to law enforcement either through using ITS to identify the driver or by linking the data collected about the vehicle to its owner through the use of other databases. Another example of a purpose that usually raises privacy concerns is the use of ITS for electronic road charging schemes or toll collection, given that it requires to indentify and link vehicles to bank accounts. Even if the purpose does not raise many privacy concerns, if the ITS application enables (a) tracing or identifying a specific vehicle or occupant and/or (b) to collect and store proprietary information about a vehicle or individual, then it is likely privacy concerns to arise. According to Briggs, V. et al (2000) the following ITS application meet or potentially meet at least one of the mentioned criteria: cellular phone geolocation (see the Annex 6 – Floating car data and Cellular Systems” in annex), vehicle probe applications, automatic vehicle identification (AVI), video license plate reading, global positioning systems (GPS). The deployment of ITS that do not meet none of the mentioned criteria are likely to raise few, if any, privacy issues. However, as Briggs, V. et al (2000) emphasise privacy issues may still arise even if the ITS does not the identification of a vehicle or individual but enables the creation of a record that may be accessed later for potentially controversial purposes, as for example on-board safety data systems. These issues have been addressed in the Case Study F – Multi criteria analysis” (see annexes). For these reasons, the implementation and deployment of ITS can be severely hindered by the lack of a proper legal framework for ITS deployment that addresses and minimizes privacy issues by defining clear rules for the collection, dissemination, and protection of the information gathered through ITS technologies. Procurement: The lack of flexibility and strictness of the traditional approach to procurement together with the aversion of the public sector to take risks can impede the progress of ITS deployment. This is especially relevant when the contract refers to rapidly evolving technologies and systems and when the requirements for projects often cannot be completely specified at an early stage of the project. Among others, these factors hinder the bidding process since potential bidders cannot make accurate prediction regarding costs and product quality to submit bids. Liability: Liability can be a major barrier to ITS deployment, particularly for ITS applications that require in-vehicle devices since drivers can allege that those devices distracted them, leading to an incident. Moreover, liability problems can arise as a result of the failure of a technology or the provision of inaccurate information. Given the serious its financial implication, liability issues can significantly delay or prevent the deployment of certain ITS. 58 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 2.3.2 Organizational The main organizational barriers to the implementation and deployment of ITS are the following ones. Lack of a supportive organizational structure: The establishment of a supportive organizational structure to deploy ITS is a challenge to its success, especially because ITS program must not be imprisoned by jurisdictional boundaries and its deployment calls for an interregional approach. Deploying ITS requires strong working multi-organizational relationships in three dimensions - horizontally, vertically, and between the public and private sectors. Differing agendas between public sector agencies and between the public and private sectors may prevent the effective and efficient coordination and cooperation between the myriad of organizations (including agencies at a single organizational level and agencies at different government levels and private agencies) that are or should be involved in deploying ITS1. Historically, different governmental agencies usually do not interact closely and communication between them is often limited. This can be a barrier to the deployment of ITS since both horizontal and vertical integration are important for coordinate ITS deployment, especially when it requires the involvement of organizations from more than one country/region. Although there is a potential for integration from the local to international levels2, achieving the desired level of integration is not a simple task, in particular because the nature of ITS suggests a central command over facilities and services which might be viewed by agencies as a threaten to their institutional autonomy and importance. The establishment of public-private partnerships is also very important for the success of ITS deployment for several reasons, ranging from technical requirements to finance restrictions. However, setting up an arrangement that satisfies both sides (public and private) may prove to be difficult. The failure of involving the private sector can be a barrier to the deployment of ITS. The Annex 5 – Study of barriers to road transport ITS” (see annexes) identifies this as a potential barrier to the implementation of the “Kilometerprijs” project in The Netherlands. Lack European and national ITS architectures: European and national ITS architectures can guide ITS implementation and deployment by defining the set of services to be implemented, how these services should work together, and how data is shared. Importantly, they should also include not only the relationships between the organizations that are expected to play a role in the process with a focus on the ones responsible for data collection and sharing. The lack of such ITS architectures can delay or even prevent the process of implementing and exploiting ITS. Organizational readiness: According to Professor Joseph Sussman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (in Lin, 2003) organizational readiness for ITS requires an intermodal, integrated, and customer-centered approach to ITS deployment. Problems in this area may be manifested in several ways and can be crucial barriers to the successful implementation and exploitation of ITS. First, agencies may not be able to train, acquire and retain talented employees with 1 2 Within the scope of an ITS project, there are typically elements relating to the environment, land use planning, traffic, transportation, and law enforcement departments, etc. One example of international cooperation is the High-Level Group on Road Transport Telematics, consisting of representatives from each country in the European Union. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 59 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report the technical skills not only in communications and information systems but also in the traditional infrastructure maintenance. Secondly, frequently the culture and organizational structure of agencies may be somehow inflexible and employees may resist to changes by not accepting new technologies or by developing new ways of doing business. Finally, installing new technologies may raise labour issues because of expected or effective effects to employees, such as the reduction the number of employees and changes in workloads and in the way jobs are performed (see the Portuguese example in the Case Study D – Study of barriers to road transport ITS in annex). 2.3.3 Technical The Annex 7 – Multi criteria analysis (see annexes) identifies several technical aspects that can be relevant when choosing the ITS to be deployed, including the system accuracy, the amount of information that the technology allows to collect, spatial coverage of the technology, time to deployment, how easy is to implement, ability to adapt and scalability. One of the identified ITS aspects – How well does the technology cooperate with other relevant methods - is effectively one of the main barriers to the ITS implementation and deployment, as detailed next. Standards and Interoperability: Developments in ITS have been very rapid and usually technology driven, frequently evolving ahead of standards. Nevertheless, a lack of common standards and system interoperability may act as barrier to the ITS deployment for two main reasons. Firstly, it may hinder the use of such systems by private, commercial and public sector entities because it implies spending more time and resources to adapt to all the different deployed ITS, such as learning to use several new systems and using different in-vehicle equipment to interact with charging or vehicle location systems in different areas. Secondly, without common standards and system interoperability the deployment of ITS is more risky (because their investment may become easily obsolete) and less interesting (less demand for the reasons just presented) to the private sector, which implies less private investment in ITS. 2.3.4 Economic & Finance The main barrier to the implementation and deployment of ITS in the Economic and Finance field is described below. Poor business cases and models: ITS deployment may serve different purposes. The cost effectiveness of ITS projects is clearly dependent on the products and services that the ITS will offer. While there are no clear evidences that ITS deployment for long-term planning purposes is cost-effective, benefit/cost ratios for ITS are typically very favourable when complementary uses for ITS are considered, such real-time traffic management, travellers and freight information, incident and hazard response and law enforcement. Costeffectiveness shows that society is expected to experience net benefits with the project and, therefore, that the project is interesting from the perspective of the public sector. However, some of the benefits are usually not possible to capture in the form of money, such as cleaner air, fewer vehicle accidents, and increased road efficiency. For this reason, cost-effective projects do not necessarily pay themselves. The transportation agencies and the public sector in general must address funding issues and carefully design the business model to involve private companies in the implementation and deployment of ITS, adopting a long-term 60 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report perspective. The business model must ensure that both parties benefit from the partnership and should define and clarify the role of each one in the maintenance, repair and upgrading of the system, establish a revenue sharing arrangement, and address issues such as the reliability and ownership of the system, use of data, and liability in the event of failure. Poor business cases and models may not only hinder the participation of the private sector but also compromise the potential benefits of the deployment because of lack of funds for proper maintenance and repair of ITS systems (ITS projects have less up-front costs – typically around 2-3% of the cost of the entire project – and more in the out years). As the Annex 7 – Multi criteria analysis (see annexes) this aspects should be taken into account when selecting the specific ITS to be deployed. As an example, this barrier is identified in the Annex 6 – Floating car data and cellular systems” (see annexes) as a potential problem to the deployment of floating car data and cellular Systems. 2.3.5 Education The lack of awareness and perception of ITS is the main barrier to the implementation an deployment of ITS in the educational field. Awareness and perception of ITS: The implementation and deployment of ITS is very much dependent on the ability of public authorities to understand the transportation needs in their area and be aware of how ITS can help to improve the transportation system. If policymakers and public authorities are not familiar with the ITS concept and with the potential benefits of these systems, they will not be able to consider or encourage the implementation and deployment of ITS products and services. This is a relevant barrier to the widespread acceptance of ITS since the public sector is a key player in promoting ITS projects, for example by providing funding or by garnering public awareness and support to ITS through education initiatives or public marketing campaigns. 2.3.6 Subjective The main subjective barriers to ITS implementation and deployment are described below. Unclear benefits: Barriers to the implementation and deployment of ITS may arise when the main stakeholders of the project are not sufficiently informed about the aims of the project, its costs and expected benefits for the society and for themselves and are not called to express their opinions and concerns to have an active participation on the decisions taking during all the stages of the project. Additionally, stakeholders that expect to experience costs (monetary or non-monetary) may raise barriers if measures to compensate them are not defined. This problem was identified as a potential barrier to the London and Stockholm project of using ITS for the purpose of congestion charging schemes in the Annex 5 – Study of barriers to road transport ITS in annex. When the project requires public funding, some barriers may arise because public opinion in general, or some interest groups in particular, might not see the project as a priority or the best way to use tax payers money. Once again, the Annex 5 – Study of barriers to road transport ITS (see annexes) identifies this issue as a barrier to the attempt to impose a mandatory electronic vehicle registration ship in Portugal. Function creep and privacy issues: Public opinion may still have privacy concerns and raise barriers to ITS deployment even when a proper legal R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 61 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report framework for ITS deployment that ensures the data privacy is on force and the ITS will not be used to collect, store or use sensitive information. This phenomenon is related to the concerns that the project can be a mean to pave the way for using the deployed ITS for other purposes (function creep) different from the ones announced and that in the future the legal framework may be changed to allow the collection of additional information. For example, in London the cameras initially deployed for the purpose of congestion charging, in 2007 became also a mean to gather information for security purposes (see Annex 5– Study of barriers to road transport ITS” in annex). 2.4 Conclusions Sound transport research and policy making depend upon the availability and accessibility of appropriate, high quality and up to date information (Wigan et al., 2003). ITS constitute a promising solution to fill the current data gaps and solve data problems encountered in developing transport data sets for European transport models. This report presents the results of task 2 of the WP2 of the ETIS plus project. The main objective of this task is to contribute for the achievement of the main objectives of the WP2, by assessing the main barriers to the effective exploitation of ITS data for the European transport modelling purposes. The assessment of barriers was based in a proposed framework that takes into account the systemic nature of the process of development of barriers and its core dimensions. The identification of the main barriers was based on literature review, case studies and expert opinion. For the purpose of the present report, a 'barrier' is defined as something that delays or hinders the development and/or realisation of the process of using Intelligent Transport Systems to improve the collection of data for the purpose of European transport modelling. In this context, a ‘barrier’ hinders either the effective exploitation of data collected by already deployed ITS or the implementation and deployment of ITS for data collection purposes. A barrier is not merely a problem; it is an obstacle to the development and/or realization of process that may lead to its premature ending. Recently, ITS have been implemented for the most diverse reasons, such as toll collection, congestion management, law enforcement. Nevertheless, the effective exploitation of data from deployed ITS and the ITS implementation and deployment, face important barriers which may slow down or even hinder the European transport modelling. The effective exploitation of data from deployed ITS faces the following main barriers: • • 62 Legal & Regulatory o Obligation to report o Ownership o Privacy issues o Secondary use Organizational o Fragmentation o Cooperation and coordination between agencies R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report • • Technical o Lack of data standards o Integration and interoperability Economic & Finance o Lack of resources and incentives The main barriers to the ITS implementation and deployment are the following: • • • • Legal & Regulatory o Intellectual Property o Privacy Issues o Procurement o Liability Organizational o Supportive organizational structure o European & national architectures o Organizational readiness Technical o Standards & interoperability • Economic & Finance o Poor business models and cases Educational o • Awareness and perception of ITS Subjective o Unclear benefits o Function creep and privacy issues The first step to overcome the barriers to a process is to identify them and understand them. This is what was done in the present report. In the task 3 of WP2 the possible solutions, strategies and business models to overcome the described barriers will be analysed and deployed, taking into account different time horizons for their possible implementation. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 63 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 3 Appraisal of possible solutions and strategies to fully exploit ITS data for European modelling purposes This report presents the results of task 3 of the WP2 of the ETIS plus project. The main objective of this task is to appraise possible solutions and strategies to fully exploit ITS data for European transport modelling purposes. The first contribution (carried out by ISIS) stresses the potential relevance for transport modelling arising from Floating Car Data (FCD) applications, with particular reference to the telematic fleets, originally developed for business applications within the insurance system, according to which the insurer installs an OBU consisting of a GPS receiver, and a GPRS transmitter to the insured car, in change of discount fees. The OBU detects speed, guiding styles and represents a key instrument to avoid frauds, but, can also provide the key data for: • evaluating and projecting traffic correlations (origin-destination matrices) from current and historical traffic flows. • calculating the current traffic condition on the basis of O/D-matrices as well as statistical analysis of traffic data surveyed online. The second contribution (by IWW) examines how the exploitation of ITS data could be optimised for the purposes of the (road) network model development, focusing on vehicle tracing techniques using GPS. An overview of possible potential ITS applications for the air sector data has been provided in the third contribution (Mkmetric). The contribution stresses the potential benefits from the automatic raw data collected in airports during check in procedures (all data potentially useful for tracking O/D destination). Other potential applications arise from the use of navigation data for supply modelling and air transport indicators. A focus on the use of GPS data and Bluetooth technologies has been provided by TNO in the fourth contribution. The contribution starts with a brief description of these two ITS applications. Then an overview of running or planned projects is given of ITS applications in the Netherlands that will or might results in the availability of useful additional transport data which is missing in the currently available transport statistics. TNO also made an investigation of the feasibility to collect data from the ITS applications in these projects. Finally an overview is given of the main problems identified for the use of the data collected in the ITS applications for general use in transport modelling in projects like ETISplus. A focus on definitions, stakeholders and user groups and type of data sources, has been provided by TML with reference to floating car data/ cellular systems. An overview of potential implementation strategies in the context of transport modelling has been also provided. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 65 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 3.1 The potential of Floating Car Data (FCD) applications 3.1.1 Introduction The review of the promising ITS applications for data collection carried out in the task 2.1 has stressed among the others the potential role of the Floating Car Data (FCD) applications. This family of applications belongs to the Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS), providing drivers with real-time travel and traffic information, such as transit routes and schedules; navigation directions; and information about delays due to congestion, accidents, weather conditions, or road repair work. In the most effective type of applications, the ATIS information systems are able to inform drivers in real-time of their precise location, inform them of current traffic or road conditions on their and surrounding roadways, allowing them with optimal route selection and navigation instructions, ideally making this information available on multiple platforms, both in-vehicle and out. As shown in the table below, the Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS), the first family in the overall context of the ITS taxonomy, includes the following main applications: • Real Time Traffic Information Provision • Route Guidance/Navigation Systems • Parking Information • Roadside Weather Information Systems Source: Ezell, S (2010) Real Time Traffic Information Provision Real-time traffic information provision system and its services were launched in metropolitan areas and main networks. This service-area is rapidly expanding across countries in several industrialized countries. The following picture related to an application implemented in Japan (Oki, 2003) shows effectively the manifolds applications and services provided under this type of application. 66 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report It has been shown (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2008) that the evaluation of traveller information services are well received by those that use them. Benefits are found in the form of improved on-time reliability, better trip planning, and reduced early and late arrivals. Drivers who use route specific travel time information instead of area-wide traffic advisories can improve ontime performance by 5 to 13 percent. It has been stressed that although the overall number of people who use traveller information on a daily basis represents a relatively small portion of travellers in a region, demand can be extremely high during periods of severe weather, emergencies, or special events. In fact, traveller information systems during these periods have recorded extremely high usage. Summing up, traveller information systems have demonstrated the ability to improve mobility for travellers using them. The systems can also enhance network traffic distribution, modestly improving effective capacity and reducing fuel consumption and related emissions. Route Guidance/Navigation Systems Route guidance applications are used in many contexts: • in transit and commercial fleets that track vehicles and dispatch drivers using wireless location technologies such as beacons, microwave signals or satellites; • on talking buses and trains that announce destinations automatically; • in platform and station signs that give riders real-time information; and in train dispatch and control systems. In particular, however, one of the widespread and popular applications is route guidance that communicate information about a route to the driver of a vehicle, usually through an on-board device. It is comprised of: a digital map database; a system that synthesizes signals or sensor data to locate the vehicle on a map; a route planning function that R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 67 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report designs a path before or during a trip, according to pre-selected criteria or preferences; a route guidance function, which directs the driver along the planned route; a device or devices that serve as an interface between the human user and the system; and a one- or two-way wireless communication system. Systems can use either static or dynamic databases. In static systems, the information is usually pre-loaded on a high-capacity storage device, such as a CD-ROM or DVD, that can be accessed by the driver. In dynamic systems, information is conveyed over a continuous, two-way communications link to an on-board device that recommends to the driver a "best" route, according to preselected criteria. Route guidance can be either pre-trip, usually in the form of a printout or map, or en-route. En-route guidance requires substantial computational power, along with a navigable map database, a positioning system and location and route planning capabilities. A real-time route guidance system must continually update the vehicle's position, its speed, direction and location as compared to the map of the route network in the immediate vicinity. It also must continually calculate and communicate the procedures the driver must make to follow the planned route. If a route guidance system uses dynamic information—not just data from a library that is stored on-board—it needs to communicate with outside information sources such as a traffic information center, a concierge desk (in the case of a Mayday system), roadside beacons or even other vehicles. These communications systems, which are wireless, are usually either ground-based or satellite-based. The ground-based systems are: • paging and other personal communications services, private mobile radio systems (such communications, as those used to dispatch fleets), and cellular radio data networks (RDNs), which use unassigned radio frequencies to broadcast data, broadcast subcarriers, which use space left over on an allocated frequency and are received by special equipment (commonly used for subscription services such as background music, weather and soundtracks), • radio data systems (RDS), which broadcast data on an inaudible subcarrier which can be picked up by low-cost receivers (common in Europe), • the radio broadcast data system (RBDS), a U.S. variant on RDS, that includes RDS and extends it, which is proving popular in Europe and Japan, • short-range beacons for vehicle-to-roadside communication in which microwave or infrared beacons transmit short bursts of data at high speeds over short distances, typically from roadside furniture and signs; they can be location beacons, which transmit their own location and identifying number; information beacons, which also relay current traffic information that they receive via cable; and communications beacons, which can collect data from the vehicle as well. Satellite-based systems have earth stations for transmitting or receiving signals. Geosychronous (GEO) satellites, remain over the same spot at very high altitudes (more than 22,000 nautical miles), which requires their earth stations to have large antennas. Low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellites orbit in circular or elliptical patterns at altitudes that rarely are greater than 1,000 nautical miles 68 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report and require much smaller antennas. GEO satellites are the most widely used, but LEOs may gain in popularity as technology is developed to more fully exploit their advantages. Parking information Advanced parking systems (APS) integrate one or more electronic and construction tools in order to best utilize a parking structure or parking lot. The most common advanced parking systems assist drivers in finding parking facilities with available space. They do this by obtaining information about available parking spaces, processing it, and presenting it to drivers. Information may be presented via static or changeable message signs, phone, the Internet, or in-vehicle navigation systems. The first systems were implemented in European cities in the late 1970's. Among European and Asian cities with these systems are Frankfurt am Main and Koeln, Germany; Bristol, UK; Ghent, Belgium; and Yokahama and Toyota, Japan. In the US, systems have been implemented in St. Paul, Minnesota, Pittsburgh, and Baltimore. Like toll roads, some parking facilities are introducing electronic payment. It works in the same way as electronic toll collection; drivers have a transponder in their car that is read as they enter and leave the parking facility. This reduces queues at the entrance and exit to the facility and reduces money handling costs. The wireless transmission of parking fees sent via mobile phones is also becoming an alternative to cash payments at meters. Advanced Parking Meters can provide real-time information regarding whether the parking place is occupied and if the meter has expired or not. This information is transmitted by wireless modem to a server where parking enforcement staff can see which spaces contain vehicles with parking violations. These meters can also verify parking permits for special classes of vehicles, such as disabled people or adjacent residents. Such meters can reduce violations and increase revenues. A cost benefit assessment by the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) Roadside weather information systems Bad weather causes delays as traffic slows in response to decreased visibility, loss of traction and reduced vehicle manoeuvrability. It also imposes costs on regional economies, in terms of commerce lost due to difficult-to-navigate roads and the operating and materials costs of preventing or removing ice and snow buildup. Intelligent technologies are used: • for snow and ice removal, including monitoring pavement surfaces for snow and ice to assure efficient and timely treatment with the most appropriate materials and aiding snow and ice removal equipment operators through automated or assistive technologies • to process weather detection information to guide maintenance decisions • to manage traveler information systems to warn road users during extreme weather conditions and to direct traffic control systems to smooth traffic flow. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 69 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 3.1.2 Relevance for transport modelling Floating Car Data (FCD) applications may provide a new source for a comprehensive and continuous monitoring of travel behaviour and supply quality. Data from real time information services, mobile phones and extended map may succeed to identify mobile and immobile vehicles, to recognize the mode of transport, and to reconstruct at least the core elements of the routes from origin to destination. In principle, it could be possible: • to gain a better understanding of route choice in the context of the current traffic situation, • to continuously observe travel times in the network as one major indicator for service quality, • to generate more reliable trip tables by mode, type of day, and time of day, • to evaluate the impacts of specific traffic control measures on the traffic flow. Travel time measurements from Floating Car Data on the level of road links could provide a better source for calibrating network models with time dependent values for speed of links and intersection delays. Floating vehicle data may become an accessible source for such measurements also in urban networks and at regional level, usually the weaker chain of transport modelling. 3.2 Emerging business models 3.2.1 The traditional business models The traditional business model in the traveller information business was characterized as follows: there was a distinct emphasis on urban area, regional traveller information services; in fact, these were the areas that were likely to have data available from the public sector, as well as a target market of commuters that would find value in accurate, timely, and relevant information about road and travel conditions. The following table describes roles and responsibilities for various partners under the different partnering arrangements: 70 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Source: US Department of Transportation (2007) It can be observed that the public sector support was essential to successful traveller information service implementation, to the extent that sustaining traveller information systems needed a significant involvement from the public sector in data collection as well as fusion. Furthermore, business models that relied on the private sector generating revenue to offset public costs or sustain operations of a regional traveller information service had not proved to be successful. Ina general way customer willingness to pay for traveller information was not yet proven. At that time the challenge was that there were limited case studies and material available. Regional traveller information programs and systems were just emerging, as were the various partnerships among the public and the private sector. In general, the private sector involvement in market undertakings was also somewhat emerging, relied on a ‘traditional’ relationship with the public sector, i.e. the public sector technology, resources collecting data and the private sector having the and interest in performing the data fusion and dissemination functions. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 71 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 3.2.2 The new business models The turning point in traveller information business model is the technological development, allowing technology and applications emerging at a fast pace, and with them increasing the number of ‘potentials’ new entrants. The private sector can now rely on a level of enhanced information, detail, ability to customize or personalize information as well as delivery methods (such as via cell phone) as a means of providing a value-added service for which subscribers would be willing to pay. Furthermore, the Internet provided the technology and platform to allow public and private sectors to be more innovative with the types of information they could provide – map visuals, camera views, integrating multiple data sources, and the ability to select Point A and Point B segments allow users to select specific information they wanted to receive, even via the public-sector operated Web sites. The following trends favouring private business models can be observed: Sensor data collection The most important limitation with traffic sensors, generally installed by the public sector, is their cost. They are in general expensive to install and expensive to maintain. However, there is a trend toward non-intrusive sensors, such as radar and acoustic sensors, always collecting the same type of data: speed, volume and occupancy, but at lower costs. In some cases, they can use solar power and wireless communications to reduce infrastructure costs. However, the main barrier is institutional: in fact, a significant challenge in the infrastructure-based private sector data collection arena is working through the necessary permitting processes to be able to install infrastructure in the public sector right-of-way. While a contract may be negotiated for the data exchange, the permitting processes are often cumbersome and time consuming. Probe Vehicle Data Collection The sensors data collection, independently from the technological development, has an intrinsic limitation: there is a limit to how many miles of coverage over which sensors can be deployed and maintained. In addition, point sensors lack of accuracy in measuring traffic conditions on arterial streets with traffic signals. These limitations are leading both the public and private sectors toward non infrastructure- based probe data collection. A proliferation of wireless communications and wireless is enabling mobile devices in using this data to track vehicles. Depending on the market penetration, a sample of the available data could depict traffic speeds over a broad area, including freeways and arterials. The trend toward the use of probe vehicle data collection by the private sector is also being driven by the development of telematic industry and the demands of auto companies, as shown in the next chapter. Given the extraordinary market penetration of cellular phones, if even a small percentage of cellular phones in moving vehicles could be tracked, this could be a rich source of traffic data. As a result, there has been a growing amount of efforts given to this potential data source. 72 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report However, the application of cell phone tracking is not exempted by limitations: Cellular bandwidth is very expensive and carriers go to great lengths to conserve it by minimizing the amount of time two cell towers communicate with the same phone. As a result, the location of a phone can rarely be determined by triangulation. Furthermore, in rural areas where towers are sparse, a phone is under the coverage area of the same tower for a long time, making the specific location of that vehicle difficult to pinpoint. Furthermore, institutionally, wireless carriers are extremely hesitant to share information on their subscribers that could compromise trust with their customers. Summing up, some of the factors that have influenced the emerging private business models in the market for navigation systems with real-time traffic are: • Quality of devices have improved while hardware costs have come down; • Costs of GPS has decreased while quality has increased significantly; • Wireless coverage has improved; • Map data has improved. 3.3 A real world application: the Telematics fleet An example of real world application concerning FCD is the so called telematics fleet, implemented in Italy by OCTOTelematics 1 (, a private company that is among the European leaders for development and deployment of Telematics for Insurance application, with approximately 1,000,000 On Board Units (OBU) installed on private vehicles at 2010. Other than performing the “conventional” telematic functions as antitheft satellite tracking and fleet management, the OCTOTelematics is providing services to 32 insurance companies in Europe, through the installation of on board units able to collect statistics on driver behavior, mileage, accident detection and reconstruction, traffic detection and estimation, road user charging data and remote automotive diagnostics. The application of board unites also plays an important role supporting road safety and reducing the number of accidents in compliance with European eCall regulation. The OBU consists of a GPS receiver, a GPRS transmitter, a 3-axis accelerometer sensor, a battery pack, a mass memory, processor and RAM. The OBU has a dimension of 13.5 x 8.5 x 3 cm. The OBU stores GPS measurements (position, heading, speed, quality) and periodically transmits (on request or automatically) the recent accumulated measurements to the central data system. Transmission occurs every 100 Km Traveled or every 12 minutes when the equipped car is running along predefined motorways or crossing city centres. It should be considered that at present OCTOTelematics has about 1.000.000 on board units, mostly installed in Italian private cars, with an average increase of about 30.000 units per month. This could provide interesting information, as far as traffic flows are concerned. In fact, one the most promising applications arising from the OBU is the Large Scale Floating Car System: the Central Data System tracks the received data 1 The information contained in this chapter are based on C. de fabritiis, R.Ragone, G.Valenti (2008) R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 73 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report along the travelled routes by matching the related trajectories data to the road/street network in order to estimate link travel speeds. Currently, through WEB pages data are presented in 6 speed categories (, updated every 3 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, showing the circulating number of vehicle with OBU installations and the corresponding estimates of average speed. An example, shown in the next figure, is derived from the Rome Ring Road (GRA), which has 33 numbered entry / exit junctions (starting from “Aurelia” junction and proceeding in the clockwise direction) and represents the major city traffic artery distributing traffic on radial routes and handling circumferential traffic in the city. Traffic on the GRA is significant for most of the day and frequent delays and traffic-jams are experienced, due to accidents or queue spillbacks from the exit ramps or the adjacent radial arterial streets leading into the city centre. In an average working day, it has been estimated that about 15.000 floating cars pass through the GRA. The average distances travelled by a floating car on the GRA is about 10 km. During the peak period, an average of more than 2000 floating cars per hour travel on the GRA. The next figure shows the number of vehicles (floating cars equipped with the OBU) crossing the infrastructure and the simulated real time traffic conditions (average speed) by segments. From the point of view of the relationships with transport models, among the most useful information that FCD technique provide is the capability to determine Origin-Destination traffic flow patterns. An example of the potential relevance of 74 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report these applications for transport modelling purposes comes from the VISUM transport model. The VISUM transport model, developed by PTV (DE), integrates all relevant modes of transportation (i.e., car, car passenger, truck, bus, train, pedestrians and bicyclists) into one consistent network model. The transport model provides a variety of assignment procedures and 4-stage modelling components which include trip-end based as well as activity based approaches. Recently, the VISUM transport model has integrated detector data, floating car data (FCD) and incident reports. The data have been maintained in the software and used for area wide calculations of current traffic conditions and forecasts. In particular, the following improvements and utilities have been made possible using FCD floating car data: • Method for evaluating and projecting traffic correlations (origin-destination matrices) from current and historical traffic flows. • Propagation methods for calculating the current traffic condition on the basis of O/D-matrices as well as statistical analysis of traffic data surveyed online. • Statistical and dynamic assignment methods based on O/D-matrices (e.g. hourly calculation). The stakeholders involved in the OCTOTelematics business model are the following: • Public agencies operating traffic management centres and complex traffic control systems • Metropolitan planning organizations, aiming at implementing and monitoring mobility policies towards the development of sustainable transport policies, reducing congestion and environmental costs 3.4 Conclusions The information resulting from probe vehicles and telematics fleet was found to be accurate and reliable. As stressed in Leduc (2008), even if there is still a lack of independent evaluations regarding the quality of data, it can be said that the growing real world business applications and technological developments allow to answer positively to the questions usually raised about FCD applications: "How good the quality of the traffic data is? To which extent city areas with small roads can be covered? To which extent irrelevant data can be filtered out? Floating Car Data (FCD) as well as Floating Phone Data (FPD) from mobile phones may provide a new source for a comprehensive and continuous monitoring of travel behaviour and supply quality. Examples of integration between transport models and FCD applications, e.g. the PTV VISUM transport model and the OCTOTelematics telematics fleet, have shown that it is possible to reconstruct the core elements of the routes from origin to destination. In particular, it has been proved to get: • a better understanding of route choice in the context of the current traffic situation, • an accurate estimate of travel times in the network as one major indicator for service quality, • more reliable trip tables by mode, type of day, and time of day, R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 75 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report • an evaluation of the impacts assessment of specific traffic control measures on the traffic flows Furthermore, travel time measurements from Floating Car Data at the level of road links could also provide a better source for calibrating network models with time dependent values for speed of links and intersection delays. The steps to make the best advantage from the potential benefits of FCD in transport modelling, i.e. • to reduce manual data entry and the potential of errors and inconsistencies through the inclusion of real-time traffic data into the planning process, • to validate modelling outcomes in terms of transport flows and O/D flows, could be the following: 1. Identification of data processing and data needed. To identify the data needed from FCD applications, providing an overview of the data processing steps modelling, including used to prepare the pre-processing, data data needed quality for transport checking, and aggregation to a common data standard, and finally the mobility and reliability analysis. 2. Involvement of data provider. In order to overcome the growing presence of private data providers which may arise barriers of accessibility to FCD data, is necessary to design win-win strategies with private data providers, e.g. data acquisition, providing access to transport data, identifying potential customers for data providers, etc. In the light of this strategy, the Pilot study and the WP4 carried out in ETIS-PUS will play a crucial role. In fact, once the potential ITS applications have been identified, as the FCD applications, the ETIS Pilot study and the WP4 will show examples of how new type of data, e.g. data stored on On-Board Unite, can be stored and integrated in the ETIS-BASE transport information tool. 3.5 Possible solutions for exploitation of ITS data for the development of (road) network models The current chapter examines how the exploitation of ITS data could be optimised for the purposes of the (road) network model development. In the framework of ETISplus, the development of network models also embraces traffic assignment. The application potential is elaborated with regard to following two data collection methods: 1 Traffic data collection methods; 2 Vehicle tracing techniques. 3.5.1 Traffic data collection methods The importance of traffic count data for calibration and validation purposes has already been discussed in the Task 2.1. Traffic data collection methods allows for surveying the number of vehicles, differentiated • by types of vehicles, • and the point of time. 76 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Current situation and challenges With respect to data availability for modelling purposes, the situation in Europe reveals a differentiated picture: Whereas some European countries provide traffic count data with further information on the geographical position of counting stations (e.g. with an underlying road map), other countries only offer an annual report. The latter one makes it hardly possible to refer all traffic volumes data to their correspondent link in the network which is used for modelling. The only institution providing traffic count data at pan-European level is the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) that publishes consolidated traffic count data every five years. This data can be used directly as input for modelling, because the traffic count data are referred to links in a network. However, the UN/ECE networks differ from those network models applied for transport demand modelling on behalf of the European Commission, particularly TRANS-TOOLS (see Figure 19). The maps, which show the TRANSTOOLS and the UN/ECE road networks, illustrate that there is not a clear geographical correspondence of both networks. In some cases, it is not possible to allocate (a) certain link(s) of the UN/ECE road network model to certain link(s) of the TRANS-TOOLS network model in an unambiguous way (see map on the right hand side of Figure 19). Further limitations of the UN/ECE traffic count data are as follows: • yearly averaged AADT, without any differentiation by passenger and freight vehicles; • data gaps for specific countries; • coverage of the trunk networks only; • provision of traffic count data with a considerable time lag of around four years. Figure 19 Comparison of networks – modelling network versus UN/ECE network National authorities usually provide more detailed traffic count information e.g. differentiation by average traffic/ peak load or differentiation by vehicle type. However, survey techniques and aggregation level are not comparable across all European countries (see 3). Therefore, raw data has to be consolidated manually before it can be applied to modelling purposes. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 77 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Table 3 Examples of characteristics of delivery of traffic count data by national authorities Country Sources Data available/ comments Austria Asfinag I AADT by vehicle type (at least car/ lorry); only in German language 1 Estonia Germany Estonian Road Administration AADT published annual report Federal Highway Research Institute AADT by vehicle type (at least car/ within lorry) for major and minor roads; several aggregations e.g. for working days or for Sunday/ public holidays; interactive map historical data; German language The UK and and only in 2 Traffic 4 by Department for Transport AADF 3 vehicle type (11 types) Transport Scotland for roads; count and major and interactive historical hourly and traffic variation minor map data; seasonally only offered by some regional authorities Roadmap for consolidation an efficient exploitation of traffic count data As mentioned above, differences in national survey methodologies and differences in level of detail of national statistics are a challenge for data consolidation. The conventional procedure, i.e. the manual implementation of traffic count data from UN/ECE or national sources to the modelling networks, is a very time consuming and laborious task. In order to allow a more efficient approach to exploit traffic count data for modelling purposes at European level following procedure could be implemented: the central point is a European reference transport model, such as the ETISplus network model, which is also applied for the European reference transport model 1 2 3 4 zaehl__node.html Annual Average Traffic Flow Traffic in vehicle kilometres, as derived measure – AATF × length of network road link 78 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report TRANS-TOOLS. The EU member states could be obliged by the European Union to submit their national traffic count data on the basis of the European reference network model and according to a clearly pre-defined data structure. Thus, all countries are obligated to deliver data at the same level of detail, such that data comparability can be guaranteed. A minimum data request embraces traffic count volumes • differentiated by types of vehicle (passenger cars, busses, heavy good vehicles), • and differentiated by time. Once, all counting stations ‘connected’ to correspondent link of ETISplus network model, the submitted traffic count data can be stored in the associated database. If the system has been installed successfully, monthly update processes might happen totally unsupervised – for instance, via Internet –, as most surveying techniques are computer-based. The interface used for updating processes can also be applied to make traffic count data available for transport models such as TRANS-TOOLS. Such consolidated, accurate and highly differentiated data provision would considerably simplify calibration of any European assignment model and will substantially improve model accuracy. In order to improve human readability, an interactive map accessible via web browser could be installed to enable a visualisation of the traffic count data in a user-friendly way. Figure 20 illustrates the way how an automated collection and consolidation of traffic count data for the purposes of European transport modelling could be organised. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 79 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Figure 20 Roadmap for data consolidated processing of traffic count data In addition, also operating companies of toll collect systems could be enforced to integrate their surveyed traffic volumes in this information system. Vehicle tracing techniques As discussed earlier, exploiting data surveyed by vehicle tracing techniques may allow for estimation of the model parameters of the generalised transport cost function (GTC) underlying the assignment routine in a more accurate manner. As far as data availability and data concept allows, the parameters can be estimated specifically for individual demand segments and trip purposes. GTC function for road assignment contains model parameters like: • travel time, • fuel costs, • maintenance costs, • toll costs. Current situation and challenges By conventional household survey techniques a logbook is used in which participants meticulously record all information for each of their trip according to • origin and destination, trip length and trip time, • trip purpose and mode. 80 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Furthermore, socio-demographic characteristics such as car availability, household size/ income or spatial location of residence may be raised within a travel survey. Most national travel surveys do not provide information on the route choice of road travellers. Thus, it is hardly possible to understand decision-making of road users in terms of route choice, and, therefore, model parameters of correspondent generalised transport cost (GTC) functions cannot be estimated accurately. Vehicle tracing techniques provide additional information on the route choice. Having information on origin, destination and route choice allows the estimation of GTC functions in a more sophisticated way, which could considerably improve the current situation. 3.5.2 Roadmap to exploit vehicle tracing techniques The most promising vehicle-tracing technique is using GPS, since satellite systems are becoming increasingly widespread in cars anyway. In recent years, the distribution of small GPS tracing systems which are mostly used for outdoor activities like hiking or cycling has increased, too. GPS systems show the current position defined by the geographical coordinates. The geographical coordinates can be recorded in a specific time interval such as every five seconds. By applying the sequence of coordinates to a road map afterwards, the routing of the whole trip can be traced back. In a second step real routing has to be allocated to ETISplus network model. Finally, GPS tracing data are linked to the road network, which is applied for modelling. By comparing modelled and observed routing the weighting factors for the components of GTC function can be adjusted. As far as sample size allows, the weighting factors applied by individuals’ route choice can be estimated per trips and user characteristics such as trip purpose, socio-economic cluster of the traveller, or point of time. Moreover, the velocity distribution, which can be derived from GPS tracks easily, allows conclusions on capacity utilisation rate and could be used as an additional measure to identify infrastructure bottlenecks. The proposed concept is illustrated by 21. Figure 21 Accessing GPS tracing data R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 81 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report In order to collect the GPS tracing data, participants of mobility surveys could be equipped with GPS applications, which significantly enrich the information gathered by logbooks. Clearly, such approach has to be assessed from the viewpoint of data privacy protection. Doubtless, full benefits of vehicle tracing techniques can only be obtained, if raw data is not made anonymous completely, such that all information on origin, destination and routing becomes available to the modeller. For instance, a possible trade-off could be to cut off the beginning and end of every trip to ensure privacy. 3.6 Possible solutions and strategies to fully exploit ITS data for European air transport modelling For air transport information on passenger flows between airports is available from / to all airports within EU25, including flights connecting them with airports outside this area, according to the reporting guidelines of EUROSTAT, which are compulsory for all airports in the EU member states. As these information consists only in the number of passengers (or the air cargo volume in tonnes respectively) using the flights between a distinct pair of airports, there is neither information available on passengers who change planes at airports (or transhipment of air cargo) nor concerning their true origin and destination on base of regions within the NUTS-nomenclature. So one potential field for a case study to overcome this lack of information (irrespective that data on passenger flows in air transport are already much better than for all other modes) could focus on the usage of mobile telephones as sensor to determine the location of a passenger and allowing to investigate true OD-information, including the feeder modes rail or road. The only difference to use that technology when dealing with air transport instead of surface transport is, that one has to work on an international (or even worldwide) coverage, as the majority of air travel is international. However often there are administrative barriers and legal obstacles so that new solutions are not possible to be executed with a reasonable effort. In consequence to face the target of timely availability of supply and demand data for the EU model TRANSTOOL as well as having relevant information at hand to produce up to date transport indicators we decided to suggest three different case studies based on the unique principle in commercial air transport, which distinguishes air transport from all other modes as all transport activities are well observed without ‘any major’ exception. While one case study focuses on passenger demand, the second deals with the supply side i.e. aircraft movements. Finally the third one combines information available for demand and supply from one source. All case studies base on an already available pool of data allowing with the help of complex ITS routines to build automatically IPR free ready to use data sets for modelling. It has been pointed out that in air transport there are already plenty of information collected and available in electronic way which could be used for transport modelling. The largest barrier is the missing access to the data as the existing regulations do not include some of the sources and do not make use of an automatic ITS data collection allowing for more precision, up to date figures and economic data collection respectively handling. Here we show some options for the future data collection which might find their way to implementation. 82 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 3.6.1 Automatic raw data collection at airports for demand modelling All air passengers have to check in at an airport and have to provide information on their full path of travel, covered by their ticket, including intermediate airports and the specific flight(s) they use. So the airport of origin of an air travel collects all these information for multiple purposes of his own business (e.g. passenger charges, capacity allocation, security). Furthermore also the airport of destination has to be informed about the flight arriving. The information exchanged due to technical reasons are already treated electronically so that these information can be used further on for modelling purposes when cleared by the individual characteristics. A case study could elaborate which of the available passenger and cargo data can be used without violating security and data safety rights and how they can be incorporated into the data generation process to enhance modelling of longdistance (air) transport flows in improved quality. To provide insight we suggest to line up with a software provider already engaged into this type of business at airport level. Several airports are already using a distinct commercial software to collect, aggregate and analyze such data concerning passengers. The second question to be elaborated concerns the simple use of the technique to apply it Europe wide. Finally the benefits for modelling and the computation of indicators as well as the costs and efforts (for the data provider and the EU) have to be worked out. As there are as well legal issues concerned which most likely will not be solved within the time frame of the project the case study might end up without a real test case implementation so that just on a voluntary base an airport would make accessible the data he collects with the system as an example respectively proofof-concept. Concrete example: As outlined before we are interested to identify the real origin and destination of the traveller for the modeller. Despite some trips in the business aviation sector with quite small own, chartered or shared aircrafts all other commercial flights take place such that passengers boarding and embarking is monitored electronically. The volume of passengers and aircrafts handled usually just does not allow to handle all information by hand and as the aviation business is mostly an international one standards must be introduced allowing a smooth operation at each end. Furthermore the airports / institutions need a system, which is able to gather real reliable detailed flight event data from airlines for each movement in order to improve the marketing research, the billing (passenger fees, landing charges) and the operational controlling for the platform’s major participants of government, airport, handling agent and at least airline. The collected and validated information is available within 24h to 48h for all flights of an airport. So the information is already used widely but not for the purpose of European transport modelling. Therefore the airports collect a lot of data which are just used for the operation at the own airport but they exchange information as well like the passenger transfer manifest (PTM). To handle such data there are IT systems in place collecting and consolidating data in real time like the one called FLIRT provided R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 83 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report by Fiplan GmbH, whereto we refer in the following as best practice example. The FLIRT-System is already successfully in place at German (FRA, MUC, HAM, STR a.o.), European (BRU, CPH, LUX, ZRH) and airports outside Europe (Middle East and South East Asia) as well as airlines and Ministries respectively national statistical offices are using detached applications for data handling and air transport monitoring or analyses. As depicted by the references the system is scalable to handle airports with a number of movements from 30.000 up to 500.000 and for passengers from 250.000 to 50.000.000. Interesting as well is the flexibility of the system to cope with local circumstances or national regulations so that it is adjustable for different data elements, features, processes and plausibility checks. Important to note is that the system is in operation for more than 15 years and therefore already proofed successfully the implementation of such procedures to handle large electronic data collection and consolidation automatically based on the existing data pool at airports. Under technical perspective local server solutions or the accessibility via Internet Browser are feasible. There are no restriction concerning interfaces and transportation mode of data and the data storage just depends on the size of available disk space. As minimum information the FLIRT System covers for each flight event the real: • load information per stop (volume of passengers per class and age category, cargo, mail, baggage) • transfer information on passengers with a connection airport from an origin airport to a destination airport (volume of transfer passengers, connecting stops) HEL TXL CDG FRAVIE Distribution on Passenger Streams embarked in AUH to FRA • AUH transfer information on passengers, which embarked in an airport and having a connection at post departure routing stops to a destination (volume of transfer passengers, connecting stops) 84 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report FRA Distribution on Passenger Streams embarked in FRA to AUH AUH PEW DEL KHI BKK The implementation of the ITS takes place in such a way that later on enhancements of data elements have no impact on the implemented data collection process. As well it is ensured by the introduced process that the completeness is given and the data are timely validated available. In fact there is no risk to disturb existing procedures or to violate data handling processes. The implementation of the system itself will take approximately four months. Now the FLIRT system would not necessarily be installed at each European airport, one can as well centralise the data collection easily. Assuming the regulation 437/2003 would be extended such that the airports have to provide automatically a copy of the e.g. PTM to an electronic address of the EC at the time the airports exchange information (comparable to a copy of an email sent to the EC), then one can collect the information at one server which can store and consolidate the information with the help of a small computer cluster attached. To cover the inbound traffic to Europe and passengers from small airports also the incoming messages should be monitored at the large airports. The costs of the data submission would be negligible for the airports and the data collection process could even be streamlined and the EC could reduce the existing data collection process at the airports to a minimum. For the EC costs to purchase FLIRT and to run different server would emerge but in return the data quality would increase, timely delivery is ensured and up to date figures are available allowing: • comprehensive analysis of the common database for the development of the European airport system, • in depth market view, • benchmark airports, • data resource for horizontal air service agreements, ‘open sky’, monitoring and reporting, • timely intervention on air service breaches, like exceeding seat offer or frequency, • monitoring gentle usage of resources, • easy reformatting of data for dissemination purposes (ICAO, nat. authorities or ACI), • and other issues .... R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 85 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report The case study outlined would focus on the passenger side as on the cargo side there are additional barriers to be circumvented and another source ‘the custom’ should be added to cover as well access to the large logistic centres of the express services (e.g. FedEx, TNT, DHL) and the information attached to the cargo by integrators and trucked air cargo can be considered as well. Finally it has to be mentioned that the data collected do not contain information about the region the traveller is starting or ending the trip 3.6.2 Usability of air navigation data for supply modelling and air transport indicators All aircraft movements of commercial air transport nowadays have to be declared before a flight takes place. This applies to all kind of scheduled flights as well as for charter-, taxi-, positioning flights etc. These data are all collected and monitored at EUROCONTROL with the flight schedule planned as well as with actual timings for each and every flight including the explicit routing a flight has taken. Based on the ‘Memorandum concerning a framework for cooperation between the EUROCONTROL and the EC; 22.09.2003’ a case study could elaborate what kind of information is available in detail without violating data ownership and data safety issues but pointing out legal and administrative barriers. Furthermore it has to be investigated which parts of the data set can be used to feed the European passenger and freight transport model. While one aspect would be the supply side another aspect would be in the field of data supply for calculating environmental impacts of air transport. As single activities such as a certain flight is monitored in a detailed way as well indicators to the service quality and even safety can be produced. Finally the data can be used to build semi automatically an air network using ITS in an intelligent way. 3.6.3 Intelligent use of Eurostat data and heuristics for an automatic update of the air transport network As already mentioned above all commercial movements of passengers as well as of aircraft are observed according to regulation 437/2003. Beside the number of passengers and freight carried, there is also the number of flights, the number of seats offered and the type of aircraft reported. Furthermore from 2007 onwards national authorities have to observe the development of costs in air transport by providing an air transport cost index according to regulation 1158/2005. This means the first steps necessary, i.e. collecting necessary base data, to build an air transport network for strategic policy purposes covering EU25 have already been undertaken. The starting point of the case study would be the statistics and the cost index available at Eurostat. Based on rules and heuristics the data would be assembled such that an air transport network, containing all necessary core information like, time, costs (index), frequency, etc. which is needed for a transport model with European focus evokes. The rules and heuristics need to be developed and the network would lack services which are not reported due to national data privacy issues. As well the 86 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report very small services from small airports with reporting exceptions would not be present. But the majority of services and the backbone network would be available automatically and timely repeatable in line with the available statistics. Furthermore the sources would be IPR-free without any legal, safety and royalty barriers and are fully under control of EUROSTAT or DG TREN / DG MOVE respectively the dedicated observatory. Therefore we suggest to undertake the attempt to provide an air transport network which can be enriched in addition by some base information like geographic position of airports 3.7 Investigation of ITS applications that could be used for transport data collection 3.7.1 Introduction In many cases transportation data sources contain gaps, errors and inaccuracies. These can occur due to problems with data collection, unavailability of data, registration problems, confidentiality of data, etc. In order to still use this data these ‘data-problems’ are solved using different techniques for data estimations. Using statistical methods and modelling techniques data are corrected or created. In case no real data is available, the statistical methods and modelling techniques are the best way to “guestimate” the missing data. However, it would be better to collect the right data with the right level of detail in the right format and use these results to improve the quality of available transport data. In the scope of this project methods are investigated to collect additional transport data. It concerns the use of ITS applications to collect transport data (as a main result or as a side product). A previous report generated in this project “Task 2.1 Identification of ITS and their usability to solve current data problems” has shown two methods which are of particular interest: • The use of GPS data; • The use of Bluetooth data. This document starts with a brief description of these two ITS applications. Then an overview of running or planned projects is given of ITS applications in the Netherlands that will or might results in the availability of useful additional transport data which is missing in the currently available transport statistics. TNO made an investigation of the feasibility to collect data from the ITS applications in these projects. Finally an overview is given of the main problems identified for the use of the data collected in the ITS applications for general use in transport modelling in projects like ETISplus. 3.7.2 ITS applications investigated for collection of transport data As described before, two ITS applications have been investigated: GPS and Bluetooth. GPS data The notion GPS data refers to data collected by on board unit R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 87 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report (OBU) using GPS technology. This enables tracking of vehicles as often as the GPS signal is measured and recorded by the OBU. Using a track-and-trace system (OBU’s linked via a central system) is common practice in commercial operation of transportation which would imply a large number of possible data sources. Bluetooth data As bluetooth communication technology is often used in cars and trucks as communication between cell-phones (or other mobile devices) and car kits, cars and trucks can be recorded along the side of the road with the use of antennas. Each bluetooth signal is unique, making detection and tracking of single cars and trucks possible. This offers a wide range of data collection possibilities at specific points. Combining data from these specific points will give information on the movements of vehicles and the routes in the network they have chosen. It is estimated that 40-48% of drivers – especially for private cars, not so much for trucks – use bluetooth communication which implies that a fairly good measurement of traffic flows can be obtained. Combining these techniques with measurements along the road such as measurements of the weight of cars and trucks would generate good data. Also note that measuring bluetooth activity does not harm privacy as it measures a broadcasted signal. 3.7.3 Running and planned projects with ITS applications that might deliver transport data A number of running and planned projects where ITS applications are used have been investigated. In this investigation projects have been selected that can potentially deliver useful results for ETISplus based on ITS applications. The purpose of this investigation is to analyze what kind of data is collected within these projects, to check how feasible it is to collect data from these projects for use in other projects and to list the problems concerning data quality, completeness, level of detail and availability. TNO has made this inventory for projects running or planned in the Netherlands. ThinObu - TNO In this project a selected group of drivers was equipped with a ThinObu, which essentially was a small GPS tracker. With this ThinObu, all the movements of these vehicles have been tracked in such a way that their entire routes are logged and can be analysed. This enables a number of possibilities for using the data such as route choice calibration. As the origin and destination of a route are known the routing of the truck can be investigated and used to calibrate/validate route choice models as the data delivers a direct match between OD-pairs and selected routes. In this project the technical aspects of the ThinObu technique were of main interest and as such the data set is not very large, 70 trucks have been tracked. Because of the limited number of vehicles equipped with the ThinObu, the dataset cannot be used to calibrate a model. However, it does show which data can be derived from such an ITS application. If the scale of this project would be enlarged, it would be possible to use the collected data to fill data gaps and to calibrate and validate route choice models. 88 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report In this application, all details about the origin, destination and actual route chosen are stored. Relevant information in transport models such as characteristics of vehicles, commodities of the goods for freight or motives for passenger transport are not stored in the data. Therefore, it might be difficult to link the GPS data stored in this ITS application with this kind of data in already available transport statistics. Sensor city Assen - TNO Early 2010, the prestigious research project Sensor City Assen started. In this project a consortium under chairmanship of TNO conducts research on an intelligent traffic system based on sensor technology. This system must provide motorists on the road with all relevant information for their trip. With this information they can reach their destination as efficiently as possible, but it also saves the environment. The name says it all: Sensor City Assen is a project in which the city of Assen and the province of Drenthe set up a vast measurement network around town. With two hundred measuring points Assen will become a testing ground for various practical applications of complex sensor systems. In numerous consortia over twenty companies and organizations carry out research projects in three fields: noise, (living) climate and mobility. A consortium under chairmanship of TNO conducts research on an intelligent traffic system that monitors traffic flow with sensor technology and makes accurate traffic predictions thanks to smart algorithms. The goal is to provide motorists pro-actively with travel information, for example about the fastest route to their destination and about parking possibilities. The system must even offer motorists the opportunity to make a reservation for a parking lot or a public transportation ticket when they are still fifteen minutes away from Assen. Insight into traffic streams With this intelligent traffic system the city wants to lead travellers to their destination in Assen as efficiently as possible and save the environment. Better traffic light management should also contribute to that. By combining information from traffic loops in the road surface, camera's beside the road, navigation systems in cars and cell phones, the system gets a clear insight into traffic flow. With this information the system can adjust traffic light function exactly to the expected traffic supply. It can also inform motorists about expected travel time and if necessary about faster alternative routes. With this TNO and its research partners expect the traffic flow to improve by 25 percent and the traffic emissions to decrease with 20 percent. Furthermore, the researchers look at the traffic management around large-scale events, like the TT Assen. They intend to provide the large amounts of visitors, coming from all over the country and even from across the border, with individual advice on routes, parking and public transportation when they leave home for Assen. This advice can be adjusted during the trip. International novelty Lots of research is necessary to enable this. For the upcoming three years the organizations involved have formulated three focal points in their research activities. Firstly, to generate reliable 'floating car data' from the measurement network, cell phones and in-car devices. Secondly, travel time predictions based on floating car data joined with complex traffic models. And thirdly technology for future information and payment services to public transportation users as R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 89 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report well as transporters, based on improved arrival time expectations and personal travel profiles. Testing of ITS applications In this project several methods for data collections will be tested such as ThinOBU (GPS), Bluetooth and cameras to collect data on origins, destinations and routes for passenger and freight transport. Main goal in this project is to test the application of this data in improved travel time predictions and improving traffic management measures (anticipate instead of react). This project is potentially very relevant for testing the collection of transport data within the ETISplus project. However, the project just started and it will run for three years. Therefore, first results are not available right away. Carrier Web - TNO The main goal of the Carrier Web project is to add functionality to the onboard unit such that it influences the behaviour of the driver and decreases fuel consumption. In this project it is not intended to collect data for use in transport modelling. However, the project does create a link between TNO and a manufacturer of OBUs. Carrier Web is one of the top five manufactures of OBUs in Europe. In this position Carrier Web stores large quantities of data on transportation which can potentially be used for ETISPLUS. This data will give information on OD pairs and route choice. These results can be used to check route choice algorithms, but as it is a significant large sample it can probably also be used to calibrate transportation flows. Also in this project, relevant information in transport models such as characteristics of vehicles, commodities of the goods for freight or motives for passenger transport are not stored in the data. It should be investigated whether it is possible to get an idea about the commodities for freight based on the type of company and whether it is allowed – given confidentiality of data – to make such a link. RITS – De Rijke transport/ORTEC/TNO Most transportation planning software use fixed travel times to plan a route. These fixed travel times are often daily averages. A problem with these daily averages is that congestion, other delays and assumptions on maximum driving speeds are not taken into account in the prediction of actual travel times. Together with ORTEC TNO is developing a method that makes it possible to use live travel times within the transportation planning tools. On the basis of more accurate predicted travel times the calculated routes are adjusted and a better and more realistic planning is constructed. Within the scope of this project it has been discussed with ORTEC (company developing and selling transport planning tools) to use the data recorded in these transportation planning systems of transport companies and logistic service providers for use in other project such as the ETISplus project. First discussions with ORTEC on this possibility were not positive due to confidentiality restrictions on the use of the data. TransMission TransMission is the largest cooperation of independent transport and distribution companies in the Netherlands and Belgium. With 1100 employees and 460 lorries, seventeen partners collectively handle a total of 12,000 shipments every day. The TransMission partners barcode all of the shipments for tracking and 90 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report tracing purposes. This method is unique for a cooperation within the Netherlands and Belgium. Employees track the shipments using the TMS reporting system. Customers receive detailed information on the status, or can even view this data themselves using the special TransmIT application. This tracking and tracing system offers potentially a possibility to analyse origins, destinations and routes of a very large number of shipments. With TransMission it has been discussed whether it is possible to use this data for other projects such as the ETISplus project. So far, the request is too general according to TransMission. Once more specific questions concerning data requests are defined, this can be discussed with TransMission. National Data Warehouse The National Data Warehouse for Traffic Information (NDW) is a joint project in the Netherlands which records data on the traffic situation in the Netherlands. It records the actual traffic situations on highway level, city roads and main roads of cities that are involved in the project. The project was started in 2009 and the databank is continuously updated till 2012. The main goal of this project is to supply other parties with accurate data on the current traffic situation. The NDW has very high standards for quality of data and can deliver per minute information on intensities (number of vehicles), recorded travel times (seconds), estimated travel time (seconds), point speeds (km/h) and truck categories (meter). Potentially this can be used for the ETISplus project. 3.7.4 Identified problems concerning the use of data collected with ITS applications During the investigation of projects that might deliver useful results from ITS applications for the ETISplus project, several potential problems which hinder the data availability have been identified. The main problems are: • Confidentiality of data: When the data of transportation can be linked back to a company, sensitive information on their business is potentially exposed, e.g. customer locations or delivery frequencies. As a consequence of this, many data is available from ITS applications, but because of confidentiality reasons it is not allowed to use them for any other purpose. Companies are very aware of the potential risks associated with disclosing their transportation data and as such this problem must be treated with the upmost of care. A solution for this problem could be that a trusted party receives the data and only delivers aggregate results for other purposes that cannot be traced back to specific companies. • Data logging: Many companies can potentially supply the data required. A problem is that companies do not store all the data, especially they don’t keep data that is not important for their primary processes. Many companies outsource the tracking and tracing to companies which then often don’t provide the actual data but only business reports. Thus data acquirement can be hard. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 91 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report • Operational systems: When data is logged it is often logged within the system that has to perform operational. Therefore extracting data from these systems must not hinder the actual process it is handling. • Completeness of the data: There are opportunities to collect data from specific single companies or even from IT companies that collect data from a large number of transport operators and logistics service providers. However, the data will not be complete. Even if data can be collected through ITS applications from a large number of companies or on a large number of locations, the result will stay a selection of total transport. Before using this kind of data, it has to be checked whether the data is complete enough in order to fill data gaps in existing available transport data sources. • Level of detail of the data: The data provided by the above mentioned techniques are mostly very detailed for specific purposes, i.e. Bluetooth applications are very detailed on a specific lane, GPS data on route choice. They are not very detailed in a broader sense as they most often do not log type of goods, the total number of cars on a lane etc. Before using this kind of data, it has to be checked whether the data is detailed enough in order to fill data gaps in existing available transport data sources. Solutions have to be found to deal with these problems in order to make it possible to use data collected by ITS applications for general use in transport modelling in projects like ETISplus. 3.8 Floating Car Data/ Cellular Systems 3.8.1 User Groups Definitions Information needs to be delivered to a wide range of user groups. For the purpose of this analysis the following user groups and the corresponding definitions will be used: Infrastructure Owners and Managers: Those who provide infrastructure require information in order to monitor the performance of the infrastructure provided, to plan new infrastructure and to schedule maintenance. The information needed for this will generally be based on off-line historic data. Depth and subtlety of understanding is increasingly necessary to support sophisticated evaluation processes. These may include origin and destination data, and behavioural understandings may be derived and delivered using new technologies related to people, systems or vehicles. Infrastructure is expensive to provide and credible information is needed to convince public and/or private decision makers of the viability of economic or financial options. Those who manage infrastructure generally require more detailed information to measure performance and to make off-line and on-line decisions for future operations. Information may be stored to monitor trends or 92 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report be used for ex-post analyses to understand the outcomes of situations and what, if any, mitigating measures should be adopted in similar circumstances in the future. Information may be used for on-line management, such as providing bus priority in an urban traffic control system or to initiate speed controls on a motorway, and may involve control algorithms or modelling processes. Information may be general in nature such as traffic flow or passenger counts, or it may involve the specific identification of people, vehicles or goods for charging, security or enforcement purposes. Information may be an essential requirement for financial viability as, for example, third party payments may depend on the numbers of end users. However, in a managed system data will always be sought against specifications, as information collection and delivery will always be a cost which must be measured against benefits. The integration of information between system operators is generally market driven, particularly where the systems relate solely to the provision of traveller information and are not part of a transport service itself. Technology is at the heart of timely delivery of information for management and between service providers. Public Transport Users: Individuals who, as end users, make travel decisions for themselves, friends, family and colleagues using public transport. They may have a wide range of special requirements, and information sought or given may be general in nature or bespoke and tailored to their specific needs. The information may be limited by, for example, mode, timeliness, accuracy or relevance. It may be available as general information to be searched through, or travel solutions may be presented. Travel and transport decisions to meet specific requirements will be made on a wide range of factors which will include time, cost, convenience and reliability, and will be driven by individual choices and preferences. Car Drivers: Individuals who choose to drive have been identified as a separate user group because the information collection and delivery processes have been very different from those of other modes. Also, for other than very short trips, the car is the dominant mode of transport. Often groups, such as families, will travel together on a car trip and, whilst all passengers may have an influence on the decisions, for the purpose of this paper we refer to the driver as the end user for car trip. Public Transport Service Providers: Public transport service providers need information to manage their services efficiently with either on-line or off-line decision processes, and to determine changing services and payment processes. As individuals only use public transport services because of their knowledge of the services on offer, the delivery of such knowledge is a key aspect of service provision. Freight/ Goods Services Providers: Decisions on the movement of freight or goods will be made by individuals, albeit in the context of company policies. Cost, timeliness, reliability and security of delivery are key factors. The emphasis will depend on the goods being moved and condition monitoring. The characteristics of the information needed and its delivery for management may vary with the ownership of the service. A range of other groups are interested in the provision and delivery of information. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 Such groups include vehicle manufacturers, internet service 93 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report providers, location and communication service industries and those manufacturing information collection or delivery equipment such as roadside detectors or display boards. These groups service the information industry and deliver the technology push which influences the quality and delivery of the information itself. 3.8.2 Overview The ITS applications that are evolving to meet user needs cover a broad range of information and telecommunications technologies to detect people, drivers, vehicles, goods, traffic and environmental conditions, and communicate information to a variety of user groups. User needs are complex, vary between users and are influenced by factors such as levels of system development and deployment and social and economic trends. A simple overview of the relationships between applications and information services is given in the following table, with additional discussion for user groups in the following sectors. User groups User applications Infrastructure owners and managers Types of Information information sources Network monitoring Network state Point detection by Performance estimation, e.g. sensors to identify monitoring flows, capacity, vehicle type, New infrastructure delays, accidents, pedestrians. planning congestion, Specific Maintenance environment, identification, e.g. planning vehicles, train, buses. Vehicle tracing passengers, goods. Section speed Emergency Control strategies characteristics response Probe vehicle data Enforcement Integration of CCTV Control Manual information Forecasting External sources, Safety monitoring e.g. weather forecast Environment monitoring Public Pre-trip decisions Static data, e.g. Public transport transport Within-trip timetables service suppliers users confirmation and Dynamic data, e.g. Public and private recovery display screens, traveller information PDAs. service suppliers, Time, cost, e.g. Transport location director Route optimisation Route and journey Highway/road Destination findings time estimations authority data Route following Dynamic rerouting Traffic information Dynamic route Related suppliers, e.g. guidance information, e.g. TrafficMaster, ITIS Car drivers 94 parking, garages Motoring organisation Road Media characteristics, Other people e.g. speed limit Traveller information Multimodal links suppliers R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Public Fleet monitoring Vehicle location Vehicle sensors transport Relevant network Capacity/control Roadside/trackside service condition monitoring conditions sensors providers Setting provision Passenger demand Operating staff (on-line/off-line) Planning service Incident recovery Freight/goods Fleet/cargo Vehicle/cargo Vehicle sensors service monitoring location Container sensors providers Network route Demand Warehouse/delivery planning characteristics data Service demand Storage options Infrastructure and Efficient delivery Network conditions information service Incident recovery managers Staff 3.8.3 Details Infrastructure owners and managers The provision of new transport infrastructure for any mode or modal interchange is expensive and may be subject to constraints such as those imposed by planning processes. Therefore, increasing the efficiency of management of existing infrastructure is important and requires the delivery of information for effective control and management decisions. In some transport systems, such as rail, elements of the system are largely under the control of the infrastructure manager, whereas for others, such as the road network, the actions of users are largely outside the control of the infrastructure manager. In recent years, transport management schemes have been developed for cities and regions to increase transport efficiency, reduce congestion and improve performance of road transport. However, the real-time implementation of many of these plans is hampered monitoring by of infrastructure lack of appropriate the transport management information. system and is mangers a Real-time fundamental should expect and long-term requirement for coherent and comprehensive information. Public transport users Traffic and traveller information services have been one of the fastest and most visible areas of growth in transport telematics in recent years. For travellers, an ITS system should deliver information in a straightforward and clear way which reflects the needs of the individual. In additional to the more traditional ways of obtaining travel information, there is a proliferation of Internet websites offering support for journey planning, including services such as routing, ticketing and traffic or travel news. At present, some information provision is expensive, inaccurate, unreliable, has limited functionality, a lack of integration and is intrusive. Policy makers often see the provision of traveller information as a way to influence transport mode choice in order to encourage the use of public transport and reduce car journeys, but travellers are more likely to have information about satisfaction of time, cost, reliability, convenience, security and comfort. While cost and travel time can be quantified, this is less true for reliability, convenience, security and comfort, although reliability is increasingly seen to be a key factor. User perceptions of service do not always reflect the performance of the service itself. For example, surveys on several real-time R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 95 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report passenger information systems found that travellers have perceived a service to improve in terms of reliability after the delivery of on-line traveller information. Many studies have been undertaken to understand what traveller information should be delivered. Traveller needs are not uniform and vary with individual and service characteristics as well as by journey purpose and type. For example, the expectation of an international business traveller will be very different to that of a local commuter, and individuals with different lifestyles, income or expenditure will have different priorities and expectations. Issues of social inclusion are of increasing importance, and the needs of an aging population increasingly require additional information which relates to a range of disabilities. In general, traveller information should: • • Be accurate and reliable to give travellers full confidence in its use; Cover multimodal options, so that travellers are fully aware of public transport and non-road mode; • Provide updates on delays, service disruptions, etc., to give ‘early warning’ to travellers of potential problems and facilitate any necessary change of plan; • Deliver the information effectively to make messages easier to understand and available via multiple channels. Car Drivers The fundamental characteristics described above also apply to car drivers. However, as a driver, information needs to be delivered in a way which does not cause additional risk during the driving process. More accurate routing should result in less route mileage. Also, dynamic information systems can warn of problems ahead and hence reduce exposure to accident risk. Public Transport Service Providers Public transport service providers need information to monitor the position and status of their vehicles to improve efficiency of management. Such management decisions may be on-line or off-line and will relate to network conditions and characteristics of passenger demand. Longer term decisions to plan services for normal or event situations will also be needed. Freight/ Goods Service Providers It is evident that a large information market exists for business applications (the management of the ‘mobile’ workforce). The range of information needed included: • location reference • status of vehicles and cargo • network status • cost, road charging and payment • market and customer needs Communication technologies, especially the Internet, have enabled data sharing between operators and fleets, operators of different modes and in different regions. Data sharing covers a wide range from real-time monitoring of cargos to seamless e-ticketing and payments. Issues of security and privacy are critical. 96 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 3.8.4 Data Sources Types of Information Information may be considered to relate either to static situations such as fixed timetables which change infrequently, or to dynamic conditions where changes occur in response to prevailing circumstances. For example, dynamic information can enable real-time decisions to be made by system managers, the systems themselves, or by end users to optimise system operations and/or personal decisions. Whilst the boundaries between static and dynamic information may often be blurred, the following gives an indication of the ranges of information which may be available. Static Information: • maps and geographical information • navigational instructions • route of public transport and logistics • historical travel times by location, time of day, day of the week and season • planned events, construction and maintenance activities • tolls and payment options; • transport timetables and fares; • intermodal connections; • transport vehicle/system characteristics such as comfort, convenience, accessibility and reliability • vehicle regulations. Dynamic Information: • network conditions, including congestion and incident information; • weather information, including road surface condition and visibility; • real-time journey time to a destination; • real-time location of transport vehicles; • alternative routes, modes or timing recommendations ; • whether public transport and freight vehicles are on schedule; • the availability of spaces at warehouses, parks and garages; • the identification of the next stop on a train or bus; • the location or arrival time of the next train or bus. State-of-the-Art The importance of information for an efficient and well run transport network has been identified for many years. Information and communication technologies in a variety of forms have been a central concern in much of the debate over solutions to transport problem. Technological advances in sensors, image processing, acoustics and navigation have been applied to collect ever more detailed, accurate and comprehensive traffic and transport data. Advanced computer and communication technologies have been developed in parallel to maximise the use and benefits of the information collected. Governmental and commercial private investments have been made to develop information systems and services which operate for public and private users at individual, company, local, regional and national/trans-national levels. These services have produced significant social and economic impacts in terms of safety, environment and quality of life. The U.S. FHWA Freeway Management and Operations handbook states that “alerts via VMS, Internet sites showing realR20100233.doc November 26, 2010 97 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report time traffic conditions are all benefits that do not require a benefit/cost ratio to be understood”. Public agencies or transport operators monitor the network for which they are responsible. Network monitoring is not an end in itself, but usually supports management and control services, user information in its broadest sense, and provides off-line data for statistical and planning purposes. In some cases, data from public agencies and local authorities are often shared with other operators and service providers. Single service providers collect data for their own interest or for selling the information. There are two main forms: 1 Transport service operators: logistics companies, public transport providers, airlines, ports and railway owners. They collect data for business applications, for example workforce management, fleet route planning and public transport scheduling. Some of the data is used to provide information services to meet customers’ needs, e.g. real-time passenger information. Otherwise, information is often considered to be company confidential. 2 Information providers, e.g. TrafficMaster and ITIS Holdings in the UK. They generate data content and sell the information to customers such as individual travellers, public agencies and fleet managers. The information normally addresses specific market segments or personalised requirements. Technologies Both public and private data providers claim their respective data collection/ monitoring technologies are mature and sufficiently accurate for the specified tasks. In most cases, several technologies are capable of providing these data, with specific implications for accuracy, costs, scalability or multi-functionality. Some techniques are well established in practice, some are more like pilot applications, and many are expected to be improved in cost and quality. Rapid advances in technologies and computing power have left a wide mixture of monitoring devices, communication lines and hardware platforms on the networks and in the monitoring centres. Public agencies and local authorities have invested considerable funds in the implementation of fixed, roadside monitoring equipment, mostly inductive loops. Loops have been used successfully for many years and the increasing cost of loop detectors, both the direct cost of installation and indirect cost of traffic delay during installation and maintenance, has caused a shift toward alternatives. More recently, microwave overhead radar and infrared detectors have become more common, although a wide range of other detectors such as acoustic detectors are available . In recent years, video technology has become increasingly popular because of advances in technology which have improved performance and reduced costs. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras are commonly used for visual incident detection and traffic quality assessment by traffic control staff or using automatic image processing software. Video image detection systems can use imaging processing to collect, analyse vehicle length and classifications, speed, lane occupancy, headways and volume. These data can be used for congestion monitoring and automatic incident detection. 98 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Inductive loop detectors will remain the main source of road traffic information for some time into the future. They are a proven technology which can provide accurate information on a range traffic measures. However, installations requires lane or road closure and in some situation, radar or ultrasonic detectors are more appropriate and will continue to be used although their performance varies more with environmental factors. Increasingly, the low cost of video technology with improving video image detector systems, which can have the added value of visual interpretation of a situation by control room staff, will become more common. Other sensor systems, particularly those measuring air quality by sampling at roadside locations, are being used increasingly to provide information to address local air quality issues. Other sources of data such as information from police, motoring organisations, motorists themselves or others such as event organisers will remain valuable. In particular, police reports and their forecasts of when accidents will be cleared will remain critical to effective online control decisions when an incident occurs on the road network. The main growing source of road traffic information is that derived from vehicles, whether externally using ANPR or from the movement profile of individual vehicles, i.e. as probe vehicles. It is very likely that there will be a rapid increase in the number of vehicles which are fitted with location and communication devices. This will be driven by a mixture of navigation, emergency call, road user charging, insurance, intelligent speed adaptation, and other related applications, and sufficient probe vehicles will provide comprehensive understandings of network conditions. Schemes of road user charging according to distance travelled have been proposed for years. Systems have been developed and used for heavy goods vehicles in Switzerland and Germany. These are dependent on autonomous vehicle location (normally obtained via GNSS), in-vehicle trip logging, and communication with a service centre which calculates the fee and does the billing. One technological shortcoming of such a charging scheme is the lack of precision and robustness of satellite positioning in some circumstances, e.g. some urban areas. Galileo will shortly offer significant increase in performance and integrity over GPS. This will increase confidence in the charging mechanism. Such charging schemes with proper software and privacy protection policies will enable full coverage of the road network with probe vehicles and cost-effective monitoring of all vehicles on the road. Via the vehicle management systems, data may also include information on factors such as rain, road surface, skidding resistance, adherence to speed limits, and engine performance. As probe vehicle information is generated by the individual vehicles, there are issues of access, costs of collection and transmission, and reliability which need to be addressed to ensure a future database for network management and control. This will include issues of security and privacy which may encourage network managers to continue to search for cheaper, more accurate non-vehicle based information. An area which is receiving more interest and research is that of data fusion, where new software can be used to provide better understandings from a range R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 99 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report of data sources than could be obtained from the data sources separately. Other areas of recent research relate to grid systems of sensors which can be intergraded to form a comprehensive picture of movement within the grid. This may or may not include nanotechnologies. Many of the on-line control functions such as UTC or ramp metering rely on algorithms based on point measurement. These will need to be radically altered to benefit from the increasing richness of information available. Road traffic accidents remain a problem and it is likely that new vehicle technologies of driver support and control will change accident patterns. This will also provide new data to enable casualties and remedial measures to be better identified. Vehicle-based collision warning and collision avoidance systems may not be adequate in the foreseeable future. For freight operations the development of radio frequency identification (RFID) systems for goods and vehicles and the associated management processes are likely to become more universal and provide significant benefits in efficiency. 3.9 Discussion and Analysis Potential implementation strategies in the context of floating car data/ cellular systems might include the following: • Agree on European rules for access to public data in affordable manner • Specify quality level recommendations aiming at optimal data quality • Explore, develop and demonstrate new and innovative business models • Support the key activities defined in EU ITS Action Plan and eSafety Forum • Carry out systematic evaluation and assessment studies • Maintain and develop benefit and cost databases of ITS applications • Utilise the code of practice approach to solve the liability issues • Always define solutions to privacy and security issues at the beginning • Mandate interoperable interfaces in Europe and globally to give room for economic of scale • Make further analysis on user behaviour, interest, needs and requirements • Devote adequate and detailed efforts on user tests and stakeholder analysis • Devote sufficient efforts to user awareness and customer oriented thinking when defining the service concept and business model • Introduce a recommendation on European Minimal Data Sets • Solve the problems of data integration and harmonisation to be able to use effectively versatile and gross-border data • Speed up efforts to find new and innovative ways of data collection (V2I, I2I, etc.) • Develop effective and innovative methods and models to be used in information formulation • Open the European markets for effective business development by removing the barriers of re-use and financing of data especially weather related data • Devote additional resources on innovative business model development solving the problems of cooperation, financing, revenue sharing, user interest and stakeholder cooperation • Enhance support to public sector commitment by making recommendations on viable models of cooperation and procurement Example for standardisation in the context of floating car data/ cellular systems: 100 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report ISO TC204 Working Group 16 addresses ITS Communications. Sub-workinggroup 16.3 is developing a standard for Probe Data Communications. As probe vehicle systems have to collect probe data from various vehicles of different vehicle manufacturers, the standardization of probe data is essential. In order to standardise probe data, in the situation stated above, TC204 sees it as necessary to share a common framework for probe data definition. The purpose of this project is to give the reference architecture for probe vehicle systems and probe data, the basic data framework for defining probe data elements and probe data messages, and concrete definition of core data elements, additional data elements, and messages of probe data. The project aims to standardise the following: • the reference architecture for probe vehicle systems and probe data • the basic data framework for defining probe data elements/ messages • the definition of core data elements • the definition of an initial set of additional data elements • the definition of an initial set of probe data messages The work allows developers and operators of probe vehicle systems to specify probe data, develop probe vehicle systems and collect probe data. Probe data may be collected from various vehicles of different vehicle manufactures. The standard gives the common framework of handling probe data elements/messages and concrete definition of major probe data elements that help collecting probe data. The standard provides a common framework for defining probe data elements and messages to facilitate description of the specification and the design of probe vehicle systems. The standard provides concrete definition of major probe data elements including core data elements. It is not intended to be an exhaustive listing of probe data elements. This means each probe vehicle system may require other probe data elements than core data elements and basic data elements. Data elements defined in this standard do not contain information that identifies the driver or vehicle. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 101 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 4 Design of Pilot experiments of new ITSbased data collection methods This chapter outlines methods and results of the Pilot experiments exploiting ITS data, to be further developed in the ETIS Work Package 4, in the light of the results of the following ETISplus project tasks: • identified the ITS applications and their usability to solve current data problems (developed in the chapter 1) • assessed barriers to the exploitation of ITS data for European transport modelling purposes (developed in the chapter 2) • suggested possible solutions and strategies to fully exploit ITS data for European modelling purposes (developed in the chapter 3) Five Pilot studies have been planned at this purpose. These are covering the following areas: 1 Gathering of origin to destination transport data by GPS 2 Tracking and tracing of goods transports by using fleet management systems 3 Data from electronic travel card 4 Data on transport behaviour based on existing surveys 5 Data on road travel movements based on odometer readings at roadworthiness tests 4.1 Pilot 1: by GPS Today one of Gathering of origin to destination transport data the main criticisms of tracking experiments is their comprehensiveness and quantitativeness and the fact that the experiments often are unable to address the needs of the end users. It is therefore a task to develop a generic way of ensuring that collected data can be utilized by geographers, urban planners and social scientists in their work and studies. In our case via integration into the ETIS database. In cooperation with ITS platform Northern Jutland in Denmark, ETISplus Work Package 4 will participate in an experiment where 500 GPS devices are installed in cars of private households and/or in trucks of selected transport companies. The data will be stored at a device in the car, which will be able to encompass several applications, from which information’s can be sent to the driver of the vehicle or retrieved for other purposes e.g. transport data analysis. One of the applications will thus make it possible to store origin and destination data for the vehicle at NUTS2, NUTS 3 or at lower levels like NUTS4 or NUTS 5, dependent on the purpose of the following data analysis. The pilot study will as a new thing, give data access to local transport data, which at present stage are missing in the ETIS database. The methods to collect data for the ETIS database and how these data afterwards are transformed into a format with a spatial reference, so they can be projected in TRANSTOOLS, is one of the key research questions of this pilot study. Many interesting tracking experiments are now underway, and there is a need for a way to ensure that such data are continuously incorporated in the R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 103 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report ETIS database, whereby the database automatically are updated with the latest transport data. Where possible the collected data should fill the data gaps of the ETIS database, as identified in WP2. This study will look into and describe possible ways of doing this update of the ETIS database, and at the same time ensuring that the data is uploaded with a special reference. An illustration of how the platform works is given in the Figure 22 below. Figure 22 Structure of the ITS platform. Illustration based on (ITS Platform Northern Jutland, 2010) The purpose of the data collection is not to see specific individual behaviour on a micro level, but rather to show traffic flows on an inter-regional or intermunicipal level where it would be possible, e.g. to obtain information on the vehicle used, bottlenecks on the roads and simultaneously establish an overall OD matrixes showing transport flows. A specific task is therefore to tailor-make the application so the information is not misused. The Danish Region - Northern Jutland along with several partners under the ITS platform Northern Jutland will participate in the pilot project. NTU will also coordinate with TNO on the experiences from the Netherlands. 4.2 Pilot 2: Tracking and tracing of goods transports by using fleet management systems In cooperation with partners of ITS platform Northern Jutland another pilot study is planned to be undertaken under Work Package 4. In a similar way to the first study, (see figure 1) this second study will store data on goods transport flows. The main difference is that data will be stored through an extra application for a 104 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report fleet management system. A user’s access to the modelling features can be strictly controlled, ensuring that only some information’s are able to be managed or modified. As the freight transport companies using the fleet management system are very cautious in handing out transport data, this pilot study will mainly focus on a description of the possibilities for retrieving transport data useful for TRANSTOOLS when using this fleet management system. As in the pilot study above, the purpose is not to follow transport behaviour of a specific vehicle, but rather to give an overview of overall transport patterns, modes of transport, type of goods, travel time, bottlenecks and more – all data which can be retrieved from the fleet management system. The Danish company Gatehouse along with one or two international oriented transport companies will participate in the pilot project. An overview of the generic track based system, on which the activities are planned to be based, is shown on Figure 23. Figure 23 Overall structure of the Track based system (ghTrack TM Platform, 2010) The track model is equipped with a powerful integration mechanism (adapter), which makes it possible to perform tracking of components, which are part of a larger application context, thus ensuring maximum operability for the system. By using this platform adaption to new tracking technologies and to changes in business logic, can be easily incorporated in the already established platform. Finally an introduction to other examples of fleet management systems from other EU countries will be given under this pilot study number 2. 4.3 Pilot 3: Data from electronic travel card As part of the reviewed TEN-T network policy, ITS services are planned to play a more important role. Increased focus will be given to travel and traffic R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 105 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report information; traffic management and efficiency-related measures; hereunder applications interconnecting the different modes and ensuring connection to public transport systems and related transport services are in focus. Figure 24 Illustration of travel card equipment at a train station Data from an electronic travel card system can provide a very accurate picture of traffic flows and travel patterns. This will enable bus and train companies to better address peak periods or decreases in traffic and will allow an insight into how bus and train modal shift customers makes the between busses and trains on their journey from A to B via C. Contact has been established to the Danish Travel Card Agency, which will assist NTU when making an overview of how data collected from electronic travel cards, possibly can supplement and complement data in the ETIS database. Furthermore the travel card will allow the transport planner to get an overview of needed improvements for frequency of the busses and trains, improve the opportunity to better plan for modal shifts between two transport modes and give insight into the need for accessibility improvements as well as a number of other factors. Experiences with data collection from electronic travel cards in other European countries will be analyzed, among other the nationwide travel card system in the Netherlands. When following peoples transport behavior the EU objectives in the field of privacy and security of data, collected as part of the travel card applications, need to be followed strictly. 4.4 Pilot 4: Data on transport behaviour based on existing surveys Many EU countries collect ongoing data about people's travel behavior through so-called transport surveys. These studies are often based on traditional interviews, but in some countries these supplemented with questionnaires on the Internet, as respondent themselves fills in. The results of the studies are found in databases, which in varying degrees are available to stakeholders with special needs within the area. - In some cases just for transportation researchers. In this pilot project we will examine how the data from the national transport surveys can supplement existing data in ETISplus databases. 106 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report First we will examine data shortcomings in ETISplus and how transport surveys can be expected to overcome these. The examination will be based on interviews with researchers at DTU / Transport who has worked with ETIS through TRANSTOOLS and with data from the transport surveys. Based on the national transportation surveys from 17 European countries, we will undertake a comparative analysis with a focus on data demanded in ETISplus. The analysis will focus on: • which body is responsible for data collection • collection procedures • who is included in the study • what data are collected Other objectives are how the collected data can be accessed and the conditions that are doing so. Results of inspections are documented in a series of tables comparing transport habit data from different countries. As a pilot, a number of national transport surveys are selected for further analysis. The analysis will focus on • How data is structured in tables and databases • Whether the data are compatible across national borders The results of the study will be partly to describe the common basic features which are present in all transport studies and also make recommendations on how a common standard of minimum requirement for this kind of analysis can look like. 4.5 Pilot 5: Data on road travel movements based on odometer readings at roadworthiness tests Under EU Directive 96/96, periodical roadworthiness tests are mandatory in all Member States. This has been in force since 1998 for personal cars. In some countries an odometer reading is part of the test, and the readings are often kept in a database for various statistical purposes. These are the key data for the calculations of yearly average distance per vehicle and yearly amount of traffic. The total volume of traffic generated by national road vehicles can be calculated from odometer readings taken at roadworthiness tests. The basic calculations are very simple: the average distance travelled by the vehicles inspected is determined and then multiplied by the number of road vehicles. The main features of the calculations are as follows: For each vehicle the kilometers driven in a specific period are calculated and this figure is then converted into kilometers driven per day. If possible, the period between two tests is used; otherwise the age of the vehicle is used. The average kilometers per day for all vehicles in question are calculated, and this figure is multiplied by the number of registered vehicles of the same type. This gives the daily traffic volume (vehicle-kilometers per day) which is easily converted to yearly traffic volume. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 107 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Since official vehicle data are essential for the calculations it is possible to break the data down by vehicle characteristics to a very detailed level (type of vehicle, vintage, gross vehicle weight and type of fuel and use of vehicle). Furthermore, if all vehicle-kilometers are included in the calculations, a high level of accuracy can be anticipated. But results from odometer readings give no geographical information. Hence, it is not possible to attribute the kilometers driven to specific roads, regions or even countries. There are two essential data sources for calculating the total vehicle-kilometers from odometer readings: • regular odometer readings from roadworthiness tests • the number of vehicles in the fleet at a given time Calculations can be based on odometer readings from the total vehicle fleet or from a sample. Data collected by this method can be used to calibrate/validate figures for external effects concerning emissions level and energy consumption from road transport. Danish Road Directorate will participate in a pilot project concerning calculation yearly average distance per vehicle and yearly amount of traffic based on odometer readings. 108 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 5 References A J Richardson (Transport Research Centre) “GPS/GIS application to urban freight surveys” - – S. Taylor (Monash University Australia) B. Rutten (LogicaCMG); M. var der Vlist (Goudappel Coffeng); P. Wolff (Province of Noord-Brabant) “GSM as the source for traffic information” Briggs, Valerie Annette; Walton, C. Michael (May 2000) “The Implications of Privacy Issues for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Data”; Southwest Regional University Transportation Center; Center for Transportation Research; the University of Texas at Austin. 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TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD, NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL “ Collecting, Processing, and Integrating GPS Data into GIS” – Transport Research Centre of Dutch Ministry of Transport “Possible application of GPS for collecting travel data” TNO (2010). Traffic Infrastructure Sensor Network. Vonk Noordegraaf, D.M., Heijligers, B.M.R., Riet, van de O.A.W.T., en Wee, van G.P. (2009). Technology options for distance-based road user charging schemes. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 88th Annual Meeting Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2009. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 111 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report U.S. Department of Transportation (2007) “Real time Traveller Information Services Business Models” U.S. Department of Transportation (2008) “Intelligent Transportation Systems Benefits, Costs, Deployment, and Lessons Learned: 2008 Update Wigan, Marcus; et all; (2003) “Addressing gaps in the availability of travel behavior data”; Association for European Transport. Wunnava, Subbarao; et all; (2007) “Travel Time Estimation Using Cell Phones (TTECP) for Highways and Roadways”; Final report prepared for The Florida Department of Transportation. Yi Jiang “Measuring and analyzing vehicle position and speed data at work zones using global positioning system” - 112 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Annex 1: Data collection technologies Ludec (2008) describes the following technologies: Pneumatic road tubes Rubber tubes are placed across the road lanes to detect vehicles from pressure changes that are produced when a vehicle tire passes over the tube. The pulse of air that is created is recorded and processed by a counter located on the side of the road. The main drawback of this technology is that it has limited lane coverage and its efficiency is subject to weather, temperature and traffic conditions. This system may also not be efficient in measuring low speed flows. Piezoelectric sensors The sensors are placed in a groove along roadway surface of the lane(s) monitored. The principle is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Indeed, mechanical deformation of the piezoelectric material modifies the surface charge density of the material so that a potential difference appears between the electrodes. The amplitude and frequency of the signal is directly proportional to the degree of deformation. This system can be used to measure weight and speed. Magnetic loops It is the most conventional technology used to collect traffic data. The loops are embedded in roadways in a square formation that generates a magnetic field. The information is then transmitted to a counting device placed on the side of the road. This has a generally short life expectancy because it can be damaged by heavy vehicles, but is not affected by bad weather conditions. This technology has been widely deployed in Europe (and elsewhere) over the last decades. However, the implementation and maintenance costs can be expensive. Manual counts It is the most traditional method. In this case trained observers gather traffic data that cannot be efficiently obtained through automated counts e.g. vehicle occupancy rate, pedestrians and vehicle classifications. The most common equipments used are tally sheet, mechanical count boards and electronic count board systems. Passive and active infra-red The presence, speed and type of vehicles are detected based on the infrared energy radiating from the detection area. The main drawbacks are the performance during bad weather, and limited lane coverage. Passive magnetic Magnetic sensors are fixed under or on top of the roadbed. They count the number of vehicles, their type and speed. However, in operating conditions the sensors have difficulty differentiating between closely spaced vehicles. Microwave radar This technology can detect moving vehicles and speed (Doppler radar). It records count data, speed and simple vehicle classification and is not affected by weather conditions. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 113 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Ultrasonic and passive acoustic these devices emit sound waves to detect vehicles by measuring the time for the signal to return to the device. The ultrasonic sensors are placed over the lane and can be affected by temperature or bad weather. The passive acoustic devices are placed alongside the road and can collect vehicle counts, speed and classification data. They can also be affected by bad weather conditions (e.g. low temperatures, snow). Video image detection video cameras record vehicle numbers, type and speed by means of different video techniques e.g. trip line and tracking. The system can be sensitive to meteorological conditions. 114 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Annex 2: Assessment of barriers to the exploitation of ITS data for European air transport modelling purposes Introduction In the following we identify potential sources and point out barriers concerning air transport. For the aviation sector we already have a quite different situation to the surface modes as nearly all aircraft movements are monitored by the air navigation entities and the passenger movements by the airports. Due to the international focus of air transport also procedures, formats and data interfaces are already well defined and harmonised so that organisational and technical barriers do mostly not exist. In general air transport is intermodal and not limited to trips between airports but trips between regions, e.g. door-to-door. Therefore all the data collection procedures, techniques and methods which concern the travellers by surface modes are of general applicability. But with respect of the air transport nature the techniques should consider cross border applicability. To cover a door-todoor trip the travellers’ complete path must be monitored which could include a whole set of mobile phone providers and just a national solution is not sufficient. Demand passenger side Demand data inclusive transfer information: Usually the path information (from airport to airport via airports) of a traveller is available at the airports during the check-in (using different tickets is an exempt). In case luggage has to be transported this information is as well available on the baggage tack. Finally a part of this information is exchanged between the airports by the passenger transfer manifest (PTM), usually done by SITA messages. All this information are documented electronically. Although these information are collected locally, e.g. used for operation or the book keeping, just the flight segment information are provided with often large delay to Eurostat in aggregated figures. A reasonable IT solution would be the centralised documentation at a server (redirect a copy of the SITA messages), where up to date figure can be generated and extracted automatically. This way of data collection would reduce costs and increase quality and actuality. Travel behaviour: To investigate the travellers behaviour access to surveys are a necessity. Civil aviation authorities, airports and airlines spend already a significant amount of money in the execution of passenger surveys. In addition the (bigger) airports more and more apply automatic plaid identification systems at their parking lots allowing to get information about their catchment area. At least the surveys partially financed by tax payers’ money, so called companies with public ownership, should make the raw data publicly accessible for modelling purposes and for other investigations like trip purpose and other traveller characteristics. A catalogue of available executed surveys should be made available by the R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 115 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report European Commission. Obviously passenger surveys can hardly be based on an automatic ITS application. Travel costs: Due to the liberalisation and deregulation in the aviation sector and the increasing use of new technologies like internet sales, integrators etc. the information about fares diminished nearly completely. A first step to overcome the information gap was the introduction of the air transport cost index according to regulation 1158/2005. But the collection of data is not validated on European scale thus the EC could follow the example in the US where of every flight a 10% sample of travellers’ tickets is withdrawn for investigation purposes. As the ticket and traveller data are already stored electronically these samples qualify perfectly for an ITS application. Just the transfer format has to be agreed on for the anonymous data, whereby the latter is the only legal obstacle which could be identified. Data privacy: Unfortunately the fragmented data privacy regulations prevent a common treatment of the data and the EC regulation 437/2003 does not incorporate this procedure. The data privacy protects not the individual traveller but the airlines’ and airports’ business. Data transparency would increase the competitiveness. Demand air cargo side Similar than in passenger transport on the cargo side tons transported on flight segments are reported. But the major differences are: • The true origin and destination of the cargo transported is neither known by airports nor by airlines. Only the custom and the shipping company have insight in the details. • The same holds for the more details about the shipment. Here the shippers’ documents state as well value, weight and cubic volume. • To investigate the routing the shipment takes the information is with the shipping company. The availability of this information is already given in electronic format to the customer as one can trace the way. • An unobserved issue concerns the trucking of ‘air’ cargo. Here the information is only with the shipping company. Given the data availability to the custom an IT solution could derive aggregated true OD and path information including commodity, value, weight and cubic volume. The path information is just available in fragmented manner and not applicable for an ITS. Concerning air cargo the cost issue is as well a very sensitive one where a 10% sample stating costs, commodity, value, weight and cubic volume for an OD would be very beneficial allowing insights one can not achieve by the existing statistics and cost index. In respect to the operational side of air cargo transport where pure air cargo flights are minor the majority of cargo transported is belly transport. 116 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Supply passenger and air cargo side The supply side can be monitored by the schedule information. Scheduled flights can be extracted from commercial data sources like OAG, HAFAS. DG MOVE owns a database called ICARE which contains all air schedules since 1989. Unfortunately these databases do not cover all flights, e.g. charter flights. But there is a single data source where all flights are monitored electronically. The air navigation service, EUROCONTROL, stores all necessary flight information in Europe. The information can be bounced and with intelligent systems the necessary schedule information for modelling purposes can be extracted such as time, aircraft, airline, flight number. In addition this information would allow investigating delays, actual versus planned departure / arrival time. Furthermore the emissions can be calculated exactly following the physical flight paths. To access these data one can quote the ‘Memorandum concerning a framework for cooperation between the EUROCONTROL and the EC; 22.09.2003’. A successful test bed was already executed, leaving apart the physical flight path information, in the EC project APRON. The legal barrier stated by EUROCONTROL concerning the data ownership, which is with the airlines, can easily be adjusted by a change of the air navigation regulation. The airlines contacted during the APRON project had no obstacles that their data can be used as anyhow they disseminate this information for advertising purposes. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 117 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Annex 3: Electronic reporting in inland waterways transport and potential use for data collection Context and objectives The present report is executed in the scope of the work package 2 of the ETIS+ study. The purpose of Work package 2 is to investigate on data collection methods that make use of Information Technology Systems (ITS). This case study will focus on the collection of freight data for inland navigation. In the framework of the RIS directive 2005/44/EC of the European Community which covers the IRIS1 projects, a lot of countries are implementing and testing the electronic reporting infrastructure and processes. The River Information Services (RIS) concept aims at the implementation of information services in order to support the planning and management of traffic and transport operations on inland waterways network. As European community website explains: The Directive aims at a Europe-wide framework for the implementation of the RIS concept in order to ensure compatibility and interoperability between current and new RIS systems at European level and to achieve effective interaction between different information services on waterways. The Directive applies to all waterways of class IV or higher across the European Union. The River Information Services comprises services such as: • traffic information services: these consist of tactical traffic information (display of the vessel characteristics and movements on a limited part of the waterway) and strategic traffic information (display of vessels and their characteristics over a larger geographical area, including forecasts and analyses of future traffic situations); • information for transport management: this information includes estimated times of arrival (ETAs) provided by boat masters and fleet managers based on fairway information making it possible to plan resources for port and terminal processes. The information on cargo and fleet management basically comprises two types of information: information on the vessels and the fleet and detailed information on the cargo transported; • statistics and customs services: the RIS will improve and facilitate the collection of inland waterway statistical data in the Member States. A leaflet (2008) edited by the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine (CCNR) summarizes the status, standards and procedures that have been 1 IRIS Europe 1 is a TEN-T co-financed project for the improvement and pilot implementation of River Information Services (RIS) in 8 countries (AT, BE, BG, FR, HU, NL, RO, SK). IRIS Europe II continues – from January 2009 until December 2011 – the expansion and enhancement of RIS within an extended geographical and functional scope. IRIS Europe II will contribute to establish safe, secure and efficient transport on the European waterway network bringing advantages to governmental users as well as users in the logistics sector R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 119 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report implemented and the status for every country involved in the inland navigation transport. The RIS Directive includes four major topics that European state members have to implement for waterways: • Electronic reporting which implies the dematerialization of manual paper procedure for freight transportation; • ECDIS1 cards, to help for navigation; • • Geo-localization of ships with AIS technology ; Information system/procedure to communicate to the ships on navigation problems, navigation status. In this case study, we will investigate on the implementation of the electronic reporting that has been implemented by European State members in the scope of the RIS directive. The objectives of the electronic reporting case study are multiple: we will describe the electronic reporting that has been put in place by several state members, we will analyze the quality of the information and finally we will evaluate the feasibility to access and centralize the freight data collected. Furthermore the objective is to identify whether traffic information that could be centralized through electronic reporting within databases could be used to feed the Transtools 2 model. Reporting procedure Objective of electronic reporting The electronic reporting is an ITS process. It includes three main objectives: it enables the inland navigation authority to manage more efficiently the toll the transporters have to be charged with; it allows all the actors of inland navigation to know in real time where a certain convoy is located; it provides European, national and local authorities with statistics on freight traffic. The CCNR explained the electronic reporting goals as: • to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) between partners in inland navigation as well as partners in the multi-modal transport chain involving inland navigation, • to avoid the reporting of the same information related to a certain ship several times to different authorities and/or commercial parties, • to provide rules and standards for the interchange of electronic messages between partners in the field of inland navigation. Public authorities and other parties concerned (ship owners, shippers, terminals, ports) shall exchange data in conformity with these standards and rules. The electronic procedures were implemented in every European state having waterways network, either by regional governments (Belgium) or by national governments (France, Netherlands …). 1 Electronic Charts Display Information System is a system that is able to display electronic chart information with automatic position updates that has built in redundancy. ECDIS is a complex system for shiphandling assisting the mariner in all aspects of navigation. 2 Transtools is a network model developed by cooperation projects initiated by European Commission, the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) and DG TREN 120 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Electronic procedure The transport notification message is used to inform the competent authorities of the intention to make a particular trip with a specific given ship. The transport notification can either originate from the skipper of the ship or from the shipper of the cargo on behalf of the skipper. Transport notifications shall be sent before the start of a voyage respectively before entering the jurisdictional area of a competent authority and subsequently after every significant change of the shipping data, e.g. number of crew on board or number of barges in the convoy. The electronic reporting procedure to notify freight transportation in the waterways managed by public authorities is processed either with a dedicated application 1 or via internet2. Reporting includes information on: • Freight weight • Freight type/classification (i.e. nature of the goods) • Freight hazard • • Freight origin Freight destination • Freight transit Transport notification message exchanges shall be sent asynchronous but within short time. Every authority shall accept messages delivered as secure E-mail (electronic mail) in accordance to the message specification preferably as attachment to the E-mail but where required the structured message can also be directly in the text of the message. The mailbox itself shall be reachable directly by public telephone (PSTN) and indirectly through the Internet. E R I NO T 3 s t a n d a r d s pe c i fi c a t i o n The standard for electronic reporting in Inland Navigation is based on internationally accepted trade and transport standards and recommendations. It complements these for inland navigation. The standard reflects the experiences that have been gained in European research and development projects and in the applications of reporting systems in different countries. The purpose of this Standard for Electronic Reporting in Inland Navigation is to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) between partners in inland navigation as well as partners in multi-modal transport with involvement of inland navigation. The standard describes the messages, data items, codes and references to be used in electronic reporting for the different services and functions of River Information Services (RIS). In 2010, ERINOT message specification has been validated by all regional/national inland navigation authorities. Standards specification policy has been published in all European state members. 1 2 3 IT Application like « BICS » in Holland Internet website :like ERINET in Holland, Belgium, France, … Electronic reporting international notification R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 121 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Message format ERINOT includes all relevant freight information for electronic reporting: • Freight weight • Freight type/classification • Freight hazard • Freight origin • Freight destination • Freight transit As Erinot message standards enable all traffic data to be consistent and harmonized, we can remark that it is relevant to feed the Transtools model with data collected with electronic reporting. We will check in this case study if information is accessible and aggregated in the same way as input data needed for the Transtools model. Implementation examples France Contact person: Jean-Rémi Garenaux Mail: [email protected] Tel: +33 3 21 63 29 63 Reporting procedure Voies Navigables de France1 (VNF) is in charge of the the management of the French inland waterways. At the present time, the procedure to notify every inland navigation transport requires paper processes. To exploit French waterways, skippers have to transmit a transport notification at the first lock that they come across. This notification includes all transport information on the freight itinerary. They process the same way at every lock they come across. Once skippers give the lock manager the transport notification, the lock manager sends it by mail post to the VNF administration centre in order to capture the notification electronically. This process includes a major inconvenient: the delay between paper notification and the electronic input in the central database leads to a non accurate and delayed ship tracking. The electronic procedure implemented in France matches the procedure explained in point 2.2. Skippers have to declare their freight by electronic report both via internet and via IT application. Erinot message is sent trough internet or IT application to the VNF freight database 2 platform. Every time skippers come across a lock, the lock manager check the boat information on the VNF “Cahier de l’éclusier” application3 which is connected to the freight database platform. As soon as the information is validated, the lock manager updates on the IT application the time of passage of the specific ship. Electronic reporting enables waterways actors to know the position of the ship and institutional actors to gather traffic information. In France, it is already forecast that this simple electronic procedure will more and more replace the fastidious paper procedure. 1 2 3 VNF: Manager of the French waterways networks Building of the central platform has been tendered « Cahier de l’éclusier » refers to the book of the lockkeeper 122 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Implementation of the first scope of electronic procedure is planned for end of 2010. Implementation scope The first perimeter of implementation targeted by VNF concerns the ports of Le Havre, of Rouen, of Dunkirk, and the Wallonia region in Belgium. The principle is that an electronic reporting is mandatory if one origin or destination of an inland navigation transport is located in one of these areas. The transporters, CEMEX (aggregates) and CFT (containers), are also involved in the first phase of the implementation. Ships were equipped in order to process the new electronic reporting. The second perimeter of implementation will try to emphasize on every crossborders areas and on other main actors of inland freight transport: Germany (Moselle), the CNR transporter (Compagnie de Navigation Rhénane), the PAP (Port Autonome de Paris) and the Flemish region in Belgium. In order to manage all transnational traffics, the IT platform of VNF must have the capacity to be linked with the IT platform of other countries. This is one of the tasks to be achieved for the second perimeter implementation. Since the Netherlands use a similar system for their reporting electronic as well, there will be in a long term prospect a standardized process including France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. IT systems The “Cahier de l’éclusier” is an information processing system developed by VNF. It is used by the lockkeepers directly to manage the follow up of the boats passing through the locks and indirectly to define the toll charges and to maintain a statistical database of the traffics. The transporters can declare each one of their transport in a Web application (ERI). An invitation to tender was launched at the end of 2009 for the building of the French data warehouse. It will centralize all information related to the river freight transport. Statistics Only loaded vessels have to record/report their freight. Statistics refer to the freight data but not to the movement reference. Gross statistics are based on the Erinot standard specifications. Data access A convention was established and signed concerning the exchange data maintained within the central data warehouse. It explains what are the data that will be collected, how they will be used and for which purposes. It was the subject of a declaration at the CNIL1. 1 National commission on information and liberty R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 123 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report In the document, it is specified that the data transmission can be carried out to improve the traffic but that it is a service provided by VNF which would be consequently invoiced. B e l g i u m – W a l l o o n Re g i o n Contact person : Pascal Moens Mail : [email protected] Tel : +32 4 220 87 50 Data and access contact person : Gianni Ferrara Mail : [email protected] Tel : +32 81 77 30 20 SPF économie: Steven Debaere Mail : [email protected] Tel : +32 2 277 95 88 Reporting procedure In Belgium, the reporting is slightly different from France. Skippers do not have to do a paper nor an electronic report to announce their convoy. The usual procedure consists in a declaration by Mariphone or by oral declaration at the lock offices. The lock manager captures the freight declaration directly in the electronic system called “GINA”. Gina is the central database. It is now the third version of the database. Erinot standard specifications are used for this data reporting. The information is stored in a data warehouse in a central administrative office. The ship freight information windows that are configured in the Gina application are represented here after. Format of the freight declaration message is also formatted following the Erinot standard. Information has the same specification as in France. Data information should be identical. Contrary to France, the electronic reporting procedure is not done in order to collect navigation charges because transport navigation is exonerated of charges. In fact, transport reporting is done for other goals: it is done in order to be compliant with the RIS policies especially for communication between countries/region for cross border traffics, it is done for statistical purposes, and it is also done for navigation rights recording. Reporting is leading more and more towards a full electronic process. A new procedure is in development. It will consist in a pre-declaration of the freight transport by the skippers or the freight manager. Pre-declaration can be made through Html format. Consequently, reporting won’t be uniquely authority to authority oriented, but also transporter to authority. 124 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Gina application windows Information on freight is keyed in this window of Gina application. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 125 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Information on the origin, destination and itinerary of the transport is keyed in this window. Statistics All traffics are captured in the database: inbound traffics and cross border traffics. Quality of information stored in the data warehouse is very good but some operational error in data key in process can occur. Since Erinot specifications have been implemented the errors have decreased. Gross data are stored in the data warehouse. Data are not aggregated at that stage. Belgium as all other European state members has to report on inland traffics to Eurostat. It is the SPF Economie1 that is in charge of the communication process in Belgium. Wallonia inland waterways authorities provide all gross data with the Erinot format to SPF Economie. Subsequently, SPF Economie aggregates the data in order to be compliant with the standards required by Eurostat. The Eurostat standards is described in the annexes. Their goal is to ensure privacy 1 Federal Department for Economy 126 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report for all private firms because the traffics can give a very good picture of their activity and profitability. However, in our contacts with SPF Economie, they have explained that gross data could be sent to public authorities if data on firm names and addresses are erased from the statistics. Statistics are also published on the Wallonia inland waterways website: Data access Data are sent to INS or to other inland navigation authorities by secured mail messages besides for France. Messages in between Wallonia region and INS, Police department, Flemish region (Wenz and Scheepvaart authorities) or Nederland (Rijkswaterstaat) are done through Xml messages. France authorities are not as easily attainable because they have developed a web service which is more difficult to be linked with. Centralization European centralization is not planned at the present time. A European work group is working on the accessibility of traffic information. In fact there is a lot of constraints concerning private life protection Netherlands Contact person : Jos van Splunder Tel : +31 10 402 68 21 Mail : [email protected] Reporting procedure The ERI standard and the BICS software have generally been implemented by parts of the Dutch inland river fleet. The reporting software and the possibilities for commercial links are commonly used and both are fulfilling a real need of both the involved authorities and the commercial users. Through a project called “Paperless Sailing” between Antwerp and Rotterdam the possibilities of electronic reporting have been further extended. IVS90 is the Dutch IT application process for navigation reporting on the main waterways of Rijkswaterstaat. the The Nederlands. IT It application is developed system can and maintained receive travel by and the cargo information from BICS and Erinet. Data access Through the privacy rules of the traffic registration system IVS90, all data provided by the ships are duly protected against any unauthorized usage, sharing or publication. Any operational data provided will only be kept for the limited period of 7 days. Scope of Electronic reporting implementation The electronic reporting procedure is implemented in a transnational scope. In cross-border transport, the reporting information shall be transmitted to the competent authorities of the neighboring jurisdictional area and any such R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 127 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report transmission shall be completed before arrival of the vessels at the border: Directive 2005/44/EC article 4.3 c1. The competent authorities shall be able, as far as ship reporting is required by national or international regulations, to receive electronic ship reports of the required data from ships. Besides France, Wallonia and Nederland implementation phases that have been presented here above, many other European state members are also in an ongoing execution process. Here is an overview of the 2008 implementation status for several countries described in the leaflet on electronic reporting edited by CCNR. Austria Reporting to the competent authority for traffic management is obligatory for the transport of dangerous goods according to the Austrian inland navigation act following the ADN agreement 2 of the UN ECE. Other reporting duties comprise cargo and trip reports to the Austrian statistics office for vessels in transit. Reports can be provided in written form, by FAX or by e-mail following standard forms. Electronic reporting in Inland Navigation according to the Directive 2005/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on harmonized river information services (RIS) on inland waterways in the Community is under implementation and testing. A fully operational electronic reporting infrastructure as part of the Austrian DoRIS3 and standardized electronic reports (e.g. provided by BICS) are in implementation. Belgium – Flemish Region Electronic reporting is fully operational between Flemish Waterway Authorities. Authority-to-authority reporting around the Scheldt estuary is also fully operational including Antwerp and Ghent sea ports and the Netherlands. Exchange between Flemish systems and GINA (i.e. the Walloon Region system) is also partly operational. Exchange with the French system is still in pilot phase due to communications problems (as for Wallonia). System will include mailbox for direct ship-to-authority reporting identification. Croatia Electronic reporting system in accordance with standard is also in implementation. Users will access ERI system through web application. Support for BICS application will be added afterwards. Germany Since the mid-1990’s in Germany the “Reporting and Information System Inland Navigation” (MIB) has been used on the Rhine river. With MIB transport data of 1 2 3 Leaflet on electronic reporting (CCNR) European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways Working together with Austria’s Supreme Shipping Authority, via donau came up with a concept, realized by an Austrian system supplier. via donau has been coordinating the implementation of DoRIS and acting as the RIS operator in Austria since the operational start of the system in the 1st quarter of 2006. All of DoRIS’ key system components and services are based on the standards of the European Union, the UN/ECE and the two river commissions, the Danube Commission and the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine. This makes DoRIS the world’s first comprehensive RIS installation compliant with European initiatives. 128 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report vessels, required according to § 12.01 Rhine Police Regulation to notify the authorities, are collected in order to pass them on in the case of an accident to the rescue services and the institutions responsible for calamity abatement. Vessels are able to provide their messages either via radio, fax, telephone or electronic messaging. For electronic messaging the BICS software, provided by the Netherlands free of charge, can be used. A new MIB version has been installed to support all mandatory data fields of the standard ERINOT 1.2. Hungary Hungary is also taking part in the “IRIS Europe” project that includes the definition, elaboration and testing of electronic reporting infrastructure and processes according to the Directive 2005/44/EC on RIS. This infrastructure is under development and testing. Romania A RIS system on the Romanian Danube stretch called RoRIS, fully in line with the RIS Directive and standards, is operational. Vessels sailing into or out of Romanian ports have to report and get permission from a Captaincy of the Romanian Naval Authority. These reports, currently on paper, are used to create electronic voyages in the RoRIS system. The system also allows for receiving electronic reports from BICS software, which are automatically converted in electronic voyages. Slovakia The electronic reporting infrastructure is developed in the frame of the pilot RIS implementation project called IRIS Europe as a part of the complex system for the RIS data exchange. Within the year 2008 the tests are executed, including the interconnection tests with other national / regional electronic reporting installations. The implemented system complies with the agreed technical concept for the international RIS data exchange, and the electronic reporting infrastructure itself makes use of standardized ERI messages and standardized reference tables. The data exchange infrastructure consists of following main modules: web based input form for entering electronic reports (in the first stage for the standardized ERINOT message), module for processing standardized messages from the electronic reporting software BICS with the mail server functionality and the gateway for data exchange with other RIS centres and users. Switzerland Switzerland is connected to the German MIB system and co-operates closely with competent German authorities regarding the adaptation of MIB to the ERI standard. A new MIB version has been installed to support all mandatory data fields of the standard ERINOT 1.2. The Swiss authorities can receive ERI messages and pass them on to the other involved authorities. Czech Republic At present in the context of the application of electronic reporting the current standard is not used. It is planned to introduce the current standard in the R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 129 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report context of the next project for RIS implementation. This should be completely at the end of 2011. The RIS index for the Czech Republic is available at present by downloading from Barriers and facilitators Barriers Data Aggregation Reporting on inland waterways traffic already exists to a certain extent. All European state members have to report on fluvial traffics following European regulation 1 published on Official Journal of the European Union. Though these statistics are aggregated to some extent and, as a consequence, disable to produce analysis that requests detailed information. The aggregation purpose is to ensure privacy of companies because the traffics can give a very good picture of their activity and profitability. Data access The public authorities take measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and security of information sent to them. They can use such information only for the purposes of the intended services, for example calamity abatement, border control, customs. Access to all data reported electronically by European waterways authorities is restricted. National and regional authorities either keep it confidential in commercial purposes or share/sell it. Following Belgian National Institute of Statistics, it seems that the gross data could be sent to public authorities such as Eurostat, if the information on firm names and addresses are erased from the statistics. In this case, if the lower level of detail can be accessible, it would be possible to collect it and make it available for the Transtools model. There are two ways to collect gross data: via a new procedure with the specific objective to feed the Transtools model or via the existing procedure (Eurostat regulation). The second process would have several advantages: data collection already exists, authority and contacts and operational processes are already in place. If a further analysis that would evaluate the possibility for European study to access to the whole non-aggregated information is implemented, it should anyway assess the privacy policy which acts as a barrier on the traffic data exploitation. Eurostat explains that a European regulation2 permits researchers to have access not only to macro-data but also to micro-data. Unfortunately micro-data are not 1 2 COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 425/2007 of 19 April 2007 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1365/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on statistics of goods transport by inland COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 831/2002 of 17 May 2002 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 on Community Statistics, concerning access to confidential data for scientific purposes 130 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report available for inland waterways traffics because they are aggregated in regional/national authorities before being sent to Eurostat. Facilitators Eurostat contact: Yves Mahieu Mail : [email protected] Tel : +352 4301 33098 Standardization Standardization of data format compilation is one of the most important steps of the European reporting process that has been implemented for inland waterways. Its goal is to have a comparable and sharable data for all European state members. Some IT applications that are implemented in European states are linkable. Moreover, some of them as BICS or ERINET-like systems can be used in several countries. Centralization At the present time, since a momentum has taken place in standardization and uniformization of inland waterways traffic reporting, a real opportunity can be identified to centralize traffic information in one single European database. Furthermore, this database could feed the Transtools model. For instance, some studies/pilot could perform a more detailed analysis concerning the implementation of European RIS reporting centralization and in this way, could analyze in a deeper approach whether a central database with detailed information on inland waterways is achievable. Following the Eurostat input, two main actions have to be taken in order to implement centralized detailed database that would be accessible for European researchers. • The first action is the modification of the European regulation: “COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 425/2007 of 19 April 2007 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1365/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on statistics of goods transport by inland” in order for Eurostat to collect non aggregated data (micro-data). This action would consist in 3 specific steps: Bring all European state members to an agreement to collect more detailed data; Propose the change in the regulation to the commission; and Propose to the European council the change in the regulation. According to Eurostat department, it should take 1 year for the first step and 3 years for the second and third steps. • The second action is the modification of the European regulation: “COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 831/2002 of 17 May 2002 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 on Community Statistics, concerning access to confidential data for scientific purposes”. This action would consist firstly in modifying the regulation 831/2002 in order to take into account the first action (modification of regulation 425/2007) and secondly in formerly identifying the Transtools researchers that will have access to these data. An experience sharing with the RIS European project manager and the Eurostat waterways manager could be forecasted in this manner. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 131 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Institutional environment Institutional environment represented by European directives and regulations, shows a real move towards access to traffic data, in particular: • COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 831/2002 of 17 May 2002 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 on Community Statistics, concerning access to confidential data for scientific purposes, • COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 425/2007 of 19 April 2007 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1365/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on statistics of goods transport by inland, • RIS directive 2005/44/EC of the European Community. It acts as a facilitator for the traffic data collection. However, the modification of the regulation concerning a more detailed data collection is a very long procedure. In this case it will also act as a barrier. Conclusions The electronic reporting could be a real opportunity to feed the Transtools model with European inland waterways data. A lot of progresses, implemented processes and advantages go in that direction: • Information is standardized, • Procedure has been implemented or will be implemented in short term period in all European state members that have waterways networks, • Macro-data is already reported to Eurostat and micro-data could be reported as well if the European regulation is adapted, • Another European regulation enables some researchers to have access to Eurostat micro-data. This regulation should be adapted to take include the inland waterways micro-data and to include the name of the researchers involved in Transtools. If barriers such are micro-data reporting and data access, are removed, this case study could be further analysed in Work package 5, Work package 7 and Work package 8. Indeed, the quality and the level of detail of data appear sufficient to be studied in the scope of the model database design and construction. In WP5, WP7 and WP8, we could look further in the compatibility of data between Erinot standards and Transtools standards, and analyse concretely how to proceed to build the database. The main barrier that remains and that is foreseen is the delay that represents the modification of the two European regulations. 132 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Annex 4: Rail freight modelling The general context New technologies open new perspectives in the domain of freight modelling and in particular rail freight modelling. However, in the same time, former information collected concerning rail freight traffic from national company are not available anymore because of commercial confidentiality. This means that the context of rail network opening to new entrants influences also the possibility to collect information. For example, station to station traffic, is not anymore available in many European countries because of commercial confidentiality and the collection of data relative to activity of new entrants are definitively difficult to achieve in good condition with more rapid changes intervene in the market situation. This means that the next context of availability of information: • With on one side the new opportunities to collect new types of information concerning in particular circulation of trains due to implementation of new technologies (and in particular geo localization), • And on the other side, the disparities of former information relative to O/D flows, point to point. Necessitate evolution in modelling tools for rail freight. From this point of view, the opening of the rail market, with increasing commercial confidentiality isn’t necessarily a “negative” evolution since new competition framework also means new regulations which guarantees transparency for adequate supply and demand. One of the best examples for this last point is the availability of slots which must be published by infrastructure manager in Rail Net Europe database; this database, constituted through informatics exchanges between infrastructure managers, becomes on the best sources to estimate available capacity of rail links. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 133 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report V sans arrêt rff catalogue V moyen max V moyen mini V Moyen Nestear St pierre zaragoza 49 31 56 Antwerpen Conflans 58 53 59 Conflans dijon 74 74 83 dijon Turin 57 53 64 Antwerpen Turin 61 57 66 Manheim Perpignan 61 55 71 Manheim Nîmes 72 68 70 Manheim Perigny 77 75 68 Manheim Metz 71 71 54 Metz Perpignan 80 68 77 Metz Nîmes 78 71 77 Metz Perigny 74 71 76 Perigny Perpignan 82 67 78 Perigny Nîmes 81 71 78 In the domain of rail freight (as well as in rail passenger) the question of capacity cannot be indeed treated in the same way than for road with flow / speed curves. 134 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report For road transport the speed reduces when the level of traffic approaches the maximum capacity of the link. For rail, this is not the same: the speed has no reason to decrease as long as slots are available. Other examples of this type can be given of access to new types of information to estimate rail speed using database of slots or database from monitoring the rail traffic used by rail managers companies. These rail manager companies are new type of stakeholders increasing their role with the opening of the rail market in Europe based the “separation” principle between rail operators and infrastructures managers. For modelling, this introduces definitively a new intermediate step with a new market, the market of “slots” between infrastructure managers and rail operators in addition to the “service market” between rail operators and final users. This new market produces new types of information for definition and simulation of a global freight model. At the level of services, provides the context is also changing with new demand requirements relative to tracking and tracing freight along the routes, and diversification of type of rail services in relation to development of intermodal services. The rail service cannot be considered anymore as a unique service, different operating systems provide different types of services. There are direct trains, wagon load trains, combined transport trains and rolling road (or rolling motorways): performances of the services can only be assessed as regards specific requirement of the demand relative to, speed, cost, terminal organization of transport, size of the shipment which differ from a market segment to on other (THINK-UP, FP4 and IQ, FP4). An “average” rail service with average “cost”, “speed” cannot reflect properly adequation between supply and demand and consequently conditions of competition between modes. Concretely, this will imply that new database of rail services must be introduced in the description of rail supply, point to point: • in order to have a more relevant description of services available; this is usually done by rail operators in services database open to public, • in order to assess competition between rail and road and to simulate the contribution of different modes in door to door transport (co-modality) chain. To conclude this first paragraph, it is important to stress that application of new technologies concentrated: • on access to new information relative to rail supply, from definition of slots along a route, to the type of rail operation, • on more precise description of train circulation on the network. Will also imply adaptation in the modelling approaches and that the consistency with the next context, new type of information available and modelling is really at the centre of the problematic of task 2.2. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 135 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report The next paragraph will detail the main lines of this adaptation. The global GIS framework The GIS framework is a tool which has also made big progresses in the recent years using new technologies for collecting information about circulation, choice of route and land use. At a first level, the network description is nowadays more and more frequently implemented in GIS framework, which allows improving the interface between transport and environmental impact. For a modelling transport point of view this means that “zone to zone” traffic estimation can be distributed between points of a zone, these points are in particular transshipment terminal, logistic zones and ports. Because of the increasing importance of terminal transport in the door to door chain performances, all these important nodes of the network cannot be concentrated anymore at the “barycenter” of the zone. In doing so two major advantages appear in the transport modelling process: • The possibility to provide as output information about local impact of transport on environment, • But also the opportunity to match network description with GPS information relative to the use of the rail network, • And also to include in the transport system description, “point to point” rail services competing with road. In the transport system analysis, to which modelling process must be consistent with, different stages or “layers” must be distinguished. (a) The infrastructure layers made of links and nodes. This infrastructure layer is “intermodal” and geocoded. Attributes of links and nodes are : • the physical descriptions (number of tracks, gauge, slopes) and eventually context (population living nearby, sensitive areas), • the speed of trains which can be obtained from observed speed (THOR database in France), or with estimated speed (though time schedule for freight in Germany, or RNE database at European level), • with distinction, for speed, between type of trains which corresponds to different services offered. (b) The operating layer which refer indeed to the type of trains operations For combined transport the operating layer must include terminal transport description from point of origin or destination to transshipment terminal; same type of information is considered for maritime transport of container from or to ports. For wagon load transport, it’s necessary to describe the “transport plan” with: • identification of route through marshalling yards, • information upon frequency of services between marshalling yard, • description of zones for consolidation and distribution of wagons. For direct trains, an assumption must be made upon the existence of private sidings at origin or destination. 136 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report At this stage, it is important to go back to precise identification of entry and exit points in the network, road and rail network. The traffic of a given zone will be distributed within this zone, across such entry and exit points. Several options are available using: • either direct geocoded database of entry points for rail networks (private sidings, freight stations, terminals), • or information relative to industrial and commercial zones which are privileged points of generation of traffic (emission and reception for freight). • In this case, the CORRINE LAND USE database might be very useful which details many types of zones, including commercial and industrial zones. • In France, there is a geocoded database called SITADEL which traces back information relative to stocking areas over more than 15 years, including size and year of construction. This information can be very useful to locate points of emission or reception for freight, • and finally, just main location of populations using database of the number of inhabitants in towns. In a specific work conducted at NESTEAR a correlation has been made between distributions within zones, • according to CORINNE LAND COVER information about commercial and industrial surfaces, • and according to distribution of population using population database. The correlation appeared rather satisfactory for distribution of freight within zones, to point of entries and exit of the networks, consequently the modelling exercise become a point to point simulation modelling. (c) the service layer Information about service layer can also be substantially improved with the use of service database. So far, these services database are mainly diffused through websites of operating companies and in particular of combined transport operators. Attempts to consolidate such information are rare, although they have been made in several EU projects. The most relevant one from this point of view are • SPIN project, • CESAR project concerning transalpine services with detailed information and time schedules, • NEW OPERA information project form for port dedicated and freight combined networks transport with operators, collection which of were members of the consortium. One major difficulty in such attempt is to properly include “relays” of services in rail “hubs”. Such “relays” increase significantly the number of services provided “point to point” without increasing necessarily the circulation of trains. Therefore, a proper analysis of such services database must be associated to structural analysis of the transport plan of combined transport trains. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 137 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report With this constitution of such GIS framework including geocoded description of network, and operating scheme of rail it is then possible to benefit completely form available information about geo localization of mobile in the modelling process. Geo localization of mobiles The mobiles are in our case the rail rolling stock, made of locomotives and wagons. But the same approaches could be used for truck with the information provided by road companies. In the case of rail, things are somehow different • because of the existence of infrastructure managers which are in charge of providing the product “slot” to service providers, • because of more important operating constraints in the case of the rail than in road operations: for security reasons management of traffic is more centralized, and slots must be predetermined in advance, in most cases, in order to have a better use of rail infrastructure, when use of motorways is much more flexible. The geo localization of mobile is then very important for assignment of traffic in network. The modelling process is traditionally divided in four steps, TRANSTOOL is structured along such a scheme. These four steps are: • generation of traffic, • distribution of traffic, • modal split, • network assessment. Most of the changes in the functioning of the rail systems have occurred at the level of modal split and network assignment because: • diversification of type of services with in particular development of different types of intermodal transport including all modes rail, road, inland waterways, maritime transport with different type of techniques (different types of units, swap bodies, maritime containers, semi-trailers with different transshipment techniques). Each of these new services might compete between each other creating an equivalent number “of modes”: the multiplication of available solutions makes it very difficult to build an adapted modal split model. This is why the idea to privilege the assignment in an intermodal network, where choice of route includes possible combination of modes become a very interesting approach in the modelling process: the contribution of modes (comodality) is then the consequences of the choice of an “optimal” route with intermodal network: • more competition between routes across Europe with for example competition between alpine corridors, • increasing importance of terminal transport, including what is called the “last mile”. The consequence for modelling: • 138 either that modal split and assignment must be achieved in only one step, R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report • or that two separate steps are maintained considering that but for intermodal solution a feedback must be made between the steps of traffic assignment and modal split modules. Such remarks can constitute a basis for improvement of TRANSTOOLS • concerning intermodal component which needs to be deepened, • or even, concerning integrating a new type of operating system such as “longer” or heavier trains, and introduce a completely different approach of infrastructure needs. In any case, the improvement of the network assignment step: • is possible using new types of information available concerning services and network performances (though “slots” analysis for example), • is relevant with the evolution of the transport system, and the increasing role played by infrastructure manager which must be integrated in the decision making process, • can benefit fully from existence of new sources of information which are georeferenced, relation to infrastructure, operations, services but also elative to routes of “mobile”. This last type of information, available through ITS technology will improve considerably one of the most critical steps of transport policy and modelling ie the “use of network”. For this 2.3. contribution two examples can be mentioned • a first one which should have important potential for modelling improvement but not have been really exploited: the utilization of data from GPS of locomotives, • a second one which is already in operation for follow-up sensitive products (perishable or dangerous product): this is again the utilization of GOP introduced in trucks, transport units or wagon. In the project CORRECT (Franco-German research program) a GPS has been introduced in several wagons (with authorization of shipping companies) for a follow-up which lasted several months. In doing so, length of time spent in the different components of the transport chain could be assessed, with in particular distinction of time spend in marshalling yards. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 139 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Annex 5: Study of Barriers to road transport ITS The examples presented below result from the collection of information on technologies that are being implemented regarding road traffic, or have been already implemented in several countries. The main objective of this task is to develop the case study focusing on the principal barriers to the implementation/development of those technologies (ITS). Through the following examples, it is intended to generically characterize some measures for the implementation of ITS and, where possible, identify the barriers that are directly related to the collection of traffic information. Many of the barriers are directly dependent on the purpose for which it is intended the ITS. For example, the implementation of tolls raises ever more protests from users of road infrastructure than the general collection of traffic data for statistical purposes or for planning and management of infrastructure. However, new technologies allow the tracing of the vehicle, and technologies such as Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) raise privacy issues that are barriers to the collection of traffic information. Case studies will focus on non-technical barriers, i.e. not directly linked to data and technical issues (technical barriers cut across all sites and will be analyzed in a separate chapter). These institutional/organizational are barriers environment, such as financial, political legal environment, and regulatory framework. United Kingdom Automatic Number Plate Recognition These devices help to monitor the average travel time on the English roads, with over 1000 ANPR cameras at 480 key locations across England1. After the vehicle passes the cameras, the vehicles registration number is recorded and then transformed into an electronic tag. Through the registration of these labels, it is possible to determine the travel time, and it also allows calculating the levels of congestion. This registration system is designed so that it is impossible to identify individual vehicles or their owners. All information is deleted after few hours. Due to these privacy concerns, the information collected cannot be used for any other purpose. The cameras are painted bright green and are usually mounted on bridges or on poles beside the road. These cameras use infrared lighting technology, that can operate at night or when weather conditions are severe. This system has the support of 250 operational partners to help co-coordinate traffic information nationwide, including the Regional Centres for control of the roads’ operators, police, local authorities and major traffic generators such as ports, airports, entertainment, football clubs and shopping centres. London Congestion Charging Since February 2003 motorists driving into central London on a weekday between 7am and 6.30pm have been charged. If the payment is made on the day of the travel, then the charge is £8, and in case the road user decides to pay 1 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 141 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report on the following day then the charge rises to £101. Fleet vehicles have discount, and there are also some annual and monthly charge discounts. Motorists are made aware of the charged zone by roadside signs and painted symbols on all access points. There are some vehicle categories that are exempt from charge: taxis, London licensed private hire vehicles, hybrid engine cars, motorcycles, pedal cycles and buses. Certain categories of vehicle users can register for discounts (residents, disabled persons drivers of certain alternative fuelled vehicles2). The scheme is enforced using a network of Automatic Number Plate Recognition Cameras (ANPR) within the zone. The data from the cameras is processed using optical character recognition (OCR) software to translate the images into a database of recognised vehicle number plates. According to the Transport for London, the main objective of this charging scheme is to reduce congestion, improve vehicle speeds, increase bus patronage, improve journey time reliability, make the distribution of goods more reliable, sustainable and efficient; and provide Transport for London with an income to be invested in transport, such as improving bus services. Several trials had to be made in order to ensure that the system is robust and reliable. The first trials sought to prove to the various stakeholders that the implementation of these technologies can efficiently serve the purpose of congestion charging. The Transport for London has demonstrated which technologies are worth further investigating, and four different groups of technologies were trialled: • Cameras and automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) technology - The main problems of this technology were related to the fact that the digital images can be easily manipulated, and therefore could not be used as evidence in case of infraction; the digital image can produce high volumes of information, being necessary to find viable alternatives to store and transmit data. The testing period was also used to evaluate the trade-off between the processing of the information through the image capture equipment and the transmission of such data to another location. • Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) - This technology has been discarded because it was considered too intrusive, and environmentally not acceptable within a London setting. • Satellite navigation (Global Positioning System - GPS) technology – The trial period revealed that, in some streets, the number of satellites visible wasn’t sufficient for the accuracy requested, as well as other technical issues. • Digital mobile phone technologies (GSM – Global System for Mobile) - As in satellite technology, the level of accuracy was considered inadequate for the congestion charging scheme. Therefore, the London Charging Zone uses ANPR in the infrastructure and the only on-vehicle element is the license plate, as it has proved to be the one that could more easily be implemented given the time and scale. However, it has some implementation barriers and operating issues, such as: • Political Environment - In 2007 Police was given real time access to London's congestion charge cameras - allowing them to track all vehicles entering and leaving the zone. The fact that the infrastructure of cameras 1 Transport for London ( Electrically propelled vehicles, certain alternative fuel vehicles meeting strict emissions standards, e.g. gas, electric and fuel cell vehicles 2 142 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report built to help manage congestion in London was going to be used for another purpose (in this case to surveillance by the police), might lead to some accusations regarding to function creep (e.g. technology is introduced to a determined function and is later used for an entirely different purpose)1. This might also raise some issues about privacy concerns. • Legal and Regulatory Framework - The digital images can be easily manipulated, and therefore could not be used as evidence in case of infraction. Also evasion appears to be more plentiful with this technology, by the use of false number plates. • Financial Barriers - The automated system is supported by staff that manually enters details for vehicles where the OCR software cannot interpret the number plate automatically, which requires a relatively high human intervention rate and therefore increases the level of operating costs. • User concerns - One of the major barriers associated with user concerns would be resistance to change, especially when the aim is to charge for the road service. A survey was conducted before and after the introduction of this measure (December 2002 to October 2003)2, to gather input from users about whether or not the measure has been effective as a way to reduce congestion and improve traffic. According to this survey, before charging, the percentage of people opposing the implementation of the measure was significantly higher than after charging (before charging, almost 40% of respondents were opposed to congestion charging scheme, and after charging decreased to less than 30%). • In the London charging scheme, users have several methods they can use to pay for entering the zone, including the internet, retail outlets and SMS text messaging. However, there is no facility to pre-pay before the journey. By introducing a degree of flexibility in the payment it would aid the travelling public and, at the same time, help to reduce the scheme’s operating costs. Sweden Project for SRA in Skåne Region (Southern Sweden) Cellint is the company responsible for providing real-time road traffic information for the Swedish Road Administration since July 2007 through Info24, its Swedish integration partner ( Through its webpage it is possible to purchase information such as floating car data, which can be used for various traffic related assessments and calculations, such as determining the traffic flows on specific roads over a period of time or the current situation on real-time. This project was requested by the Swedish Road Administration ( to deliver road traffic data in the region of Skåne, both on highways and arterials, including city streets in Malmö and Lund. Following the successful delivery, the Swedish Road Administration decided to extend the term of this project and to expand significantly Cellint’s scope by 60%, to most of the main roadways in that area. This significant expansion covers both rural and urban roadways, city streets and intersections, by connecting to cellular networks switching centres, and incorporating anonymous signalling data. The data collected provides an 1 (7/06/2010) Congestion Charging Central London - Impacts Monitoring Sixth Annual Report and Congestion Charging Central London - Impacts Monitoring Second Annual Report) (8/06/2010) 2 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 143 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report historical database of speed and volume estimations, continuous over weeks, months and years, as well as origin destination statistics.1 According to Cellints’ webpage, this is the first cellular-based traffic monitoring project in Europe to be positively evaluated and thus expanded by a European government agency, based on its successful results. Sweden: The Stockholm Congestion Tax System In 2003 the Swedish Parliament decided to do a full scale experiment on a Road Toll System for the Stockholm City area, with the aim of reducing the volume of vehicles and thus reducing travel times and improving the environment. This system applies different charges within the congestion charging zone depending on the hour of the day, and encourages the use of green vehicles by making them exempt from the tax payment on the first years of the implementation scheme. On the 17th of September 2006 a referendum on Road Tolls was held in the Stockholm area, and on the 1st of August 2007 the Road Toll system was permanently put into operation. In order to induce the public acceptability, the government decided to re-label the initially named Stockholm congestion charges to Environmental Charges, so that it could emphasise the benefits related to the reduction of environmental impacts such as noise and CO2 emissions, and therefore increase the acceptability of the charging system. The congestion charging system uses laser detectors that sense when a vehicle is passing through a control point. The laser then triggers cameras that take photographs of the vehicle's number plates, first from the front and then from the rear. The camera crops the image so that only the number plate and the area nearest to the plate are shown, and then the vehicle's registration number is identified in the camera using OCR technology (Optical Character Recognition)2. 1. 2. 3. The vehicle passes a laser detector (B) which triggers cameras (D) and (A). An antenna for identification using transponders (no longer used) (C). A camera takes a photograph of the vehicle's front number plate (D). A camera takes a photograph of the vehicle's rear number plate (A). The control points are well signalised with different signs displaying the tariffs and the current amount of the congestion tax. During weekends, holidays, 1 2 (8/06/2010) (8/06/2010) 144 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report evenings and at night, no congestion tax is charged, so these signs display the web address of the Swedish Transport Agency. The following vehicles are exempt from charge: • To and from the Lidingöislands (“Lidingo rule”) - No congestion tax is charged for vehicles that pass two different control points within 30 minutes, one of which must be a control point at Gasverksvägen, Lidingövägen or Norra Hamnvägen. • Emergency vehicles • Vehicles with disability permits • Foreign cars • Diplomat-registered vehicles • Military vehicles • Buses over 14 tons • Taxis • Motorcycles • Green vehicles (cars that are completely or partly on electricity or a gas other than liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), or on a fuel blend that predominantly comprises alcohol) - The rules regarding the exemption for green cars included in the Congestion Tax Act (2004:629) ceased to apply on the 1 st of January 2009 instead of 1st of August 2012, as initially planned. However, this exemption will continue to apply up until 1st of August 2012 for vehicles that were exempt from tax obligations prior to 1st of January 2009 and that prior to this were also entered in the Swedish Road Traffic Registry. For this reason, existing green cars are not affected by this amendment. The information is registered at control points (date, time, control point, registration number and amount) and the tax decisions made are stored until the tax has been paid and the processing of the matter is completed. According to the Government, although the vehicle's tax decision is a public document, the information about which control point the vehicle has passed and the time of the passage is classified. Classified information is only issued to the owner of the vehicle and may, following a special request, be sent by post to the population register address of the vehicle’s owner.1 A month after the control point passage, a bill is sent to the vehicle owner, and the owner has one month to pay the tax, otherwise a fee is charged. The bill can be delivered in three different ways: by default delivery by mail to the vehicle owner's registered address; electronic delivery to the vehicle owner's Internet bank; direct debit arrangement called Autogiro, that allows the tax to be automatically deducted from the vehicle owner's bank account when the bill is due. The toll system experiment was put into operation on the 3rd of January 2006 and finished on the 31st of July 2006, and during the summer of the same year, an evaluation report was published. During the test phase, transponders were used in order to strengthen the authentication when automatic payment was used as an extra precaution. It was also used for exempt vehicles such as the ones from Lidingo’s residents. However, in the current system the technology in the camera is reliable enough so the transponder is no longer needed. The trial period was important, so that the users could perceive the immediate impacts to the environment and 1 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 145 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report congestion resulting from this charging system, and also to break the resistance from the public that thought the system wouldn’t be effective. However, the charging scheme went through a complicated political and regulatory/legal process, with a referendum initially forced by the political opponents. After the trial period, a referendum on the implementation of congestion charges, in the City of Stockholm and in 14 other municipalities in the county of Stockholm, was held in conjunction with the general elections on the 17 th September 2006. In the City of Stockholm, the overall result was in favour for the road congestion charging system, but only for a small advantage (51% in favour versus 46% against). The results from the referendums taken in the other municipalities showed that a majority of these inhabitants were against (60% of the non blank voters were against the deployment of the congestion charging system). 1 Consequently, the government had to surpass the user concerns in order to implement this system. There were complaints from citizens and council members regarding the validity and legality of the decision, and also complaints by some of the bidders in the acquisition process that felt that the process was not conducted in a proper way and contributed to the delay of the system deployment. Considering privacy concerns, the only purpose of the collected information is no other than tax decisions. However, the information collected can be handed out to the police on suspicion of a criminal action. Once this information might be used for law enforcement, some privacy concerns are raised. Also because the payment bill is sent directly to the vehicle owner (the payment isn’t made anonymously like in the London Congestion Charging system), personal traffic data is collected and therefore also brings up issues related to privacy and the legacy of this system. Germany ANPR for Law Enforcement In several German states the police laws have been amended in order to allow automatic car number plate scanning. One main purpose of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is to detect stolen cars, to protect car owners property rights in case one’s car got stolen and to enable an investigation of the theft. Furthermore, ANPR is used to detect cars without permit to operate, in case the car tax or insurance rates were not paid. CCTV systems collect the number plate data and match it to a reference database of stolen cars or cars sought for another reason, for example because an arrest warrant was issued against the owner of the car. The data collected includes the number plate information, place of data collection, time of collection, and direction of travel, and in case the matching process turns out negative, the data is immediately deleted. However, this technology allows identifying the vehicle but not the driver. The owner of the vehicle is always associated with the crime, and can promote the theft of license 1 (7/06/2010) 146 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report plates for persons who wish to commit crimes, and therefore there are some legal and regulatory framework issues that have to be carefully considered. Heavy Vehicles Toll Collection in Germany In order to implement the toll collection in Germany, the Toll Collect (legal name; Toll Collect GmbH) consortium was funded in March 2002. It is a joint venture of Deutsche Telekom (45%), Daimler, and Cofiroute (Compagnie Financière et Industrielle des Autoroutes, 10%). Germany has introduced a distance-based toll for all trucks of twelve tonnes gross vehicle weight and above, in order to redistribute these costs to all users. As a service provider, acting on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany, Toll Collect has set up a toll system that is capable of calculating and collecting road use charges based on the distance travelled. Due to several technical problems regarding the complexity of the toll collection systems, the operation of Toll Collect started on the 1st January 2005 in a reduced set-up, 16 months later than scheduled, and became fully operational on the 1st of January 2006. The technology used for the charging of heavy vehicles is summarized in the following figure: Source: After registering, there are two ways to log-on the truck vehicles: 1 The automatic log-on – uses a combination of mobile telecommunications technology (GSM) and GPS, the satellite-based Global Positioning System, and requires the installation of an On-Board Unit (OBU). With the aid of GPS satellite signals and other positioning sensors, the OBU automatically determines how many kilometres have already been driven on the toll route, calculates the toll based on the vehicle and toll rate information that has been entered, and transmits this information to the Toll Collect computer centre for further processing. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 147 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report 2 The manual log-on – is most directed for truck drivers and transport companies that rarely use German motorways. With this alternative, the driver can use one of the 3,500 toll station terminals or over the internet to confirm the route and select the desired payment method. At the end of this procedure, the driver receives a log-on receipt upon payment, which should be kept in the vehicle. The receipt contains vehicle information, the selected route, length of the route, amount of the toll and period of validity. In addition to the toll checker gantries that are strategically located throughout the country, the Toll Enforcement also relies on mobile patrols, consisting of a fleet of 300 vehicles with 540 officers of the Federal Office of Freight (BAG) that are equipped with DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications) to check if the drivers have paid the toll or have the OBU installed. However, this toll collection data cannot be used for law enforcement purposes. Netherlands Kilometerprijs In the second half of 2009, the Ministry of Transport, Public Works & Water Management has drafted a law for the introduction of the kilometre price. This law, the Road Pricing Act, was sent to the Lower House of Parliament for discussion in November. This legislative proposal includes the proposed base tariffs and how the introduction, organisation, payment and enforcement will be regulated. According to the web page of the Dutch Government (, the deployment of the Kilometre pricing will proceed as described in this chapter. Every vehicle will have a registration unit that tracks the number of kilometres driven and the rate per kilometre. This on-board unit will be available with a number of additional options (such as a navigation system) or in a standard model. The data will be aggregated into the on-board unit by the service provider before the information is sent to the collection office. By this method it is expected to assure that privacy is protected. According to the governments’ webpage, there will be several certified providers of on-board units. In the future, there will be more providers offering equipment with various additional services, such as navigation or a comprehensive kilometre registration system for tax purposes (for people driving lease cars). The kilometre charging will use the GSM technology: the on-board unit will register the kilometres driven, and at what rate (base tariff or rush hour surcharge). The on-board unit sends information, via the provider, to the collection office (the Central Judicial Collection Agency), which will draft and send monthly invoices. There will be some check gates which will take a photo that will be checked for anything unusual. If it confirms that everything is ok, then the photo is immediately deleted. In order to avoid fraud, the on-board unit will include a ‘Trusted Element’ (TE), which is a chip analogous to the SIM card in a mobile telephone. This chip provides the security for the data sent. In addition, the Radiocommunications Agency (Agentschap Telecom) regulates signal quality and the production, 148 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report trafficking and sale of equipment that can disrupt the signals. Finally, roadside equipment scanning for fraud will be in place. The taxes will be phased-out, and the replacement of the vehicle taxes for the kilometre price will be gradually replaced, in order to avoid a sharp drop in prices of vehicles, as well as its’ loss of market value. The phase-out of the vehicle purchase tax began in 2008, by being phased out in increments of 5% per year. The deployment of this system is projected to take place in phases, with successive groups of approximately 100,000 motorists selected randomly, based on the first two characters of the car's registration plate. For technical and organizational reasons, mass introduction of the system in all cars would be impossible, as it would require installing the equipment in around 8,000,000 cars. Prior to the deployment of this system, several trial projects will be implemented. First, there will be a battery of technical tests to verify that all components, including the enforcement portals and administrative systems, function properly. This testing programme is expected to conclude with a largescale operational test in 2012, involving 60,000 cars. If the tests showed satisfactory results, the first group to switch to the kilometre price system will be the heavy goods vehicles. It is expected to take five years to switch all cars to the Kilometre price. After a vehicle owner starts paying the kilometre price, it has no longer to pay the vehicle tax. For those who have not yet switched) and the kilometre price (for those who have) will continue to increase slightly, while the vehicle purchase tax will get lower. The kilometre price system is expected to be fully implemented in 2018. Ahead of the implementation of the kilometre price, the most significant traffic bottleneck areas are already being dealt within mobility projects in six urban regions: Amsterdam, Haaglanden, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Brabant and ArnhemNijmegen. The mobility projects are intended to: • deal with traffic jams in the short term (decrease number of car kilometres in rush hours by a minimum of 5%). • make motorists and employers more aware of possible options (telecommuting, public transport, earlier/later working hours). • assess motorist behaviour. • provide operational experience with new ITS technologies (including satellite technology). • give the commercial sector the opportunity to gain experience with the system. Provinces, municipalities, over 150 major employers, trade unions and employer organizations are collaborating to organize and carry out the mobility projects. The arrangements that these organizations have made (for example, on flexible working hours) are set out by region in an agreement. The Ministry of Transport, Public Works & Water Management financially supports mobility projects and ensures that the results are measured and evaluated. All this data is placed in a database, accessible to all parties, to allow them to learn from the available information. There are several ongoing projects: R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 149 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Metropolitan region Amsterdam: paid driving trial - This trial was set up for 10,000 volunteers and is being conducted in phases. Participants pay for every kilometre driven (in the country) on weekdays, in a GPS-based system, and receive a monthly amount for this. In addition, the major roads to and from Amsterdam are subject to a rush hour surcharge. Urban region Arnhem-Nijmegen: Smart Prices - In order to reduce the rushhour traffic congestion at the Waalbrug outside of Nijmegen during the reconstruction of the N325/Prins Mauritssingel over 6,600 volunteers registered to avoid morning and evening rush hour. They are paid a fixed (fictive) amount to pay in case they decide to drive into the city during the morning or evening rush hour (deduction from balance). Urban region Eindhoven-'s Hertogenbosch - In the urban region Eindhoven's Hertogenbosch, a pilot is being conducted involving a maximum of 3,000 volunteers who pay if they drive during rush hours, and are paid if they avoid the rush hour. This project uses GPS technology. An additional project is being started in which participants receive travel and traffic advisories to enable them to choose the route with the least delay. Haaglanden - The Haaglanden region is starting a project for ‘Price incentives by companies for accessibility in Haaglanden.’ The goal of this project is to have a real and lasting effect on the behaviour of employers and employees to improve accessibility in the Haaglanden region. Companies are offered price incentives to encourage their employees to leave the car at home during rush hour (whether that means telecommuting, travelling by bicycle, travelling outside of rush hour or travelling by public transport). Rotterdam - Rotterdam has two trial projects in the works. The goal of the first project on the A15 (term: 2 years) is to decrease rush hour traffic by 530 vehicles. Participants receive a monthly compensation, the amount of which is reduced whenever the participants drive on the A15 during the morning or evening rush hour. The project is linked to the maintenance works on the A15, and is intended to improve traffic flow. In the second trial project, transporters and providers jointly investigate the options to build in a travel time function in existing planning systems. This type of function can help logistic planners to allow trucks to avoid traffic jams, and so to drive more efficiently. Utrecht - Three pilot projects are being set up in Utrecht. The first focuses on avoiding rush hour on several access roads to Utrecht, using two different technologies: the ANPR technology and a GPS-based system. Other - In Noord-Brabant, the first ‘experimental in-car projects’, on which the national and regional governments agreed in 2007, have started. In these projects, companies are testing aspects such as new technologies for traffic jamavoiding and kilometre-registering applications. The results of the projects are being included in the monitoring reports for the mobility projects. There have also been other projects focusing on improving accessibility during rush hour, both in public transportation and on the road. The following points summarize the main barriers and stakeholders concerns about the system feasibility: Privacy concerns have been raised about the kilometre price system. According to the Dutch government, the only information sent to the collection office is the number of kilometres driven and corresponding rate (it doesn’t allow to collect traffic data). So nobody can see where one has been, unless one explicitly gives his permission. Additionally, the on-board units are manufactured and installed by companies that must meet strict privacy requirements. 150 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Organisational and Institutional barriers – There is a great number of entities involved: social organizations, political groups, service providers. A great effort has to be done in order to hear and take into account the views of all stakeholders, otherwise the implementation of the system will fail. The creation of the Road Pricing Act involved extensive consultations with social organizations, looking forward to give response to users concerns and build consensus among the other stakeholders. However, this measure takes time and money. There is also the need for intensive consultation with regional authorities to identify and secure agreement on the highly-congested areas for the deployment of additional congestion charges. Political environment – Along the implementation period (which is expected to take five years) there will be at least one government election. An eventual political fragmentation would definitely be an important barrier to the deployment of the system, since some parties with relevant number of seats in the parliament are against the implementation of this road charging system. Financial barrier - pilot tests have been made to ensure that the system is robust and reliable, which implies high costs, these costs can not be charged to users (must be the government to bear). The financial return can have a much more extended period. To facilitate the accession by the users, the price charged for the service has to be lower in the initial phase, and then gradually increased (the price per kilometer will increase 5% per year). It has also been argued that operational costs will be much higher than expected, reaching almost 20% of revenues. Portugal Motorways electronic toll collection (Via Verde) The Portuguese motorways have currently a toll system, called the Via Verde, which uses Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) technologies. Via Verde was founded in the year 2000, and has since then been the company behind the service of electronic toll collection. Currently you can also pay through this service parking, fuel, and it is also used to control access to restricted urban areas (historic urban centres). Payment is made via radio link between the on-board unit (placed in the interior side of the vehicle’s windshield) and equipment installed on the road. This system is for now an optional way to pay for the road service in the toll charged Portuguese motorways, and therefore the membership from users raised, as it was gradually gaining acceptance, proving to be reliable and more convenient than the manual system, by avoiding waiting times at toll stations. However the generalization of the Via Verde equipment came only after some years of its implementation. The following figure shows the evolution of the number of operating devices (or clients) since it started until the year 2008. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 151 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Source: It is currently in discussion the deployment of mandatory electronic vehicle identification for all vehicles traveling on Portuguese roads, which will be based on the following: • The device will be read by antennae that can be installed in fixed or mobile gateways and mobile devices to be used by the police; • The electronic registration device should be similar to that which is currently used in Via Verde, based on a detection technology for microwave (DSRC); • The information is collected and processed by the appropriate authority through a back-office service to be developed for this purpose. In the operators’ case, additional data will only have information about the type of vehicle in question and never information about the owner or its user. The technology used is therefore projected to be similar to the one used by Via Verde, and so it is expected to take advantage of the wide dissemination of the Via Verde equipments, by allowing them to be used in this new system. The decision to implement this system elapsed after the publication of Law No. 60/2008 of September 16 th , which authorizes the Portuguese government to legislate for the mandatory installation of an electronic registration device in all motor vehicles, and by approval of a law on 12 th May 2009. In this law it is written that the electronic identification or detection of vehicles using the electronic registration device is intended for electronic toll collection in accordance with the European Electronic Toll Service. The deadline to purchase these devices will only be initiated after publication of a regulatory ordinance which will establish the technical specifications of this device. Only after the publication of this ordinance, which has no date set yet, there will be conditions for its manufacture and subsequent distribution. After the publication of this ordinance, it will begin a period of six months in which motorists can have free access to the electronic number plate device. If such a regulatory ordinance is published in June, the Portuguese car owners will have until December this year to get free new equipment. Therefore, only after 2010 will be compulsory to buy the 'chip', whose prices haven’t also been yet established. 152 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report According to this Law, the equipment identification or electronic detection of vehicles through the electronic registration, are endowed with a purely local scope and cannot, in any case, allow the general location and standing of vehicles throughout the electronic reading of the electronic registration device of vehicles in circulation. There is no change with regard to access to information owners and users of vehicles for purposes of supplementary supervision, which will be made such as in the previous legislation, or through interfaces with the system of registration of existing property. Shortly after the launch of these measures by the Portuguese government, several groups protested against the introduction of the system. A group of people put an online petition ( against the introduction of compulsory subscription of the electronic information system of vehicles (SIEVE), gathering until today around 4200 signatures. This petition presents the following counter arguments: • high operating costs and a unnecessary waste of taxpayers' money; • the real needs of implementation of this system are fragile and questionable; • the possibility that this technology could eventually be used for mandatory electronic collection is not legitimate, and it should be kept the current system (Via Verde) which has an optional subscription. The obligation to subscribe to this system and the possibility of this being used either for taxes or toll charging raises questions about individual liberty and eventual increase in tolls and fees associated with the road service. Also in October 2009 the workers of motorways protested in defense of the preservation of jobs and rights acquired by the workers of motorways, namely the toll areas workers. Source: They claim that the recent changes in the law doesn’t caution the defense of jobs and rights acquired by workers of motorways and might even endanger the survival of some companies, such as Via Verde. The motorway workers also call into question the system itself, saying that it doesn’t guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of data from existing customers of the Via Verde and that this control system of passages which will be managed by the SIEVE (System Electronic Vehicle Identification) is based on a type of video surveillance that raises issues concerning the privacy of users. Recently, the Government decided to introduce tolls in motorways that are now free of charge, by using the electronic vehicle identification system, with equipments that are similar to Via Verde and will be mandatory for all vehicles after 1st July 2010. These R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 153 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report equipments were strongly contested by the opposition, who voted down in Parliament the diploma that would enable this charging scheme, saying that “the Government wants the drivers to walk with the Government in the backseat of their cars”. Italy According to the National Association for Telematics for Transport and Safety (, Italy is one of the European Countries with highest traffic levels, having up to 975.992 million passengers/Km per year, and more than 90% chooses road transport. Forecasts show that transport demand will increase in the next years and the risk is that transport costs will become unsustainable. Therefore, it is crucial to promote the development and diffusion of ITS on a National level. In 2001, the former Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport promoted a strategic Framework Architecture providing the guidelines to make the different ITS applications integrated and interoperable. This system is called ARTIST (ARchitettura Telematica Italiana per il Sistema dei Trasporti) and has as a main purpose to define: • the necessary services for users; • the functional, logical and physical relationships among systems; • information flows. The organisational links among the Public and Private Institutions involved in the development and management of this system allows to identify the relevant stakeholders and also the strategies to be adopted in the whole process of data collection, processing and management, which are fundamental for ITS. This project aims to identify and take advantage of the most recent ITS technologies, such as services provided by Satellite, using Galileo. The motorway network in Italy is equipped with advanced systems for detecting data flows, including video-cameras, inductive loops and ultrasounds and microwave based systems, in order to provide real-time information as well as enable an active traffic management. Traffic Control Centres are connected among them and with the CCISS, the National Information and Road Safety Coordination Centre, through the protocol Datex. One of the key aspects of the Italian motorway network is the diffusion of toll payment systems, like the Telepass, which is operating in Italian motorways since 1990, which have already distributed more than 5 million OBU (on-board units). The Telepass system provides several services dedicated to different types of users (families, companies and traders, etc), and the main purpose is to reduce the waiting times of vehicles’ users and consequently motor emissions, in order to reduce the environmental impacts. In Italy, the company OCTO Telematics makes available on-line real-time speed and number of vehicles on the Italian motorways network ("autostrade") as well as in the areas of major cities, by using Floating Car Data. Highway traffic data are transmitted through satellite meters that receive information from hundred of thousands of anonymous customers equipped with GPS. The dataset may afterwards be used by navigation systems (TomTom and Garmin in Italy) and contribute to the route planning optimisation. 154 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report References • Custers, Bart; van der Wees, Leo; (2009) FIDIS - Future of Identity in the Information Society - D11.9: Study on Traffic Monitoring; European Information Society (EIS). • Gillian, William; RFID and Electronic Vehicle Identification in Road Transport; (2006) Report on the Seminar organised be the IET Automotive & Road Transport Systems Network; Newcastle. • (2008) Dutch RUC – on the way at last?; ITSS April 2008. • (2008) TTS Italia Handbook 2008; Telematica per iTrasporti e la Sicurezza. • Nissan, Albania, Bang, Karl L.; (2006); Evaluation of Impacts Of The Motorway Control System (Mcs) In Stockholm; Department of Transport and Economics Royal Institute of Technology (KTH); Association for European Transport and contributors. • Hugosson, Muriel Beser; et all; (2006) Facts and results from the Stockholm Trials; Stockholmsforsoket. • Dubbert, Jörg; Stenberg, Urban; (2007) Approaches to Floating Car Data Collection in the VIKING Area – Analysis and Comparison. • Eliasson, Jonas; Jonsson, Lina; (2009) The unexpected “yes!”: explanatory factors behind the positive attitudes to congestion charges in stockholm; 2009 European Transport Conference, Leiden, Netherlands. • Beser Hugosson, Muriel; Eliasson, Jonas; (2006) The Stockholm Congestion Charging System – An Overview of the Effects After Six Months; Association for European Transport and contributors. • Kearns, Steve; (2006) Congestion Charging Technology Trials in London; Transport for London; Association for European Transport and contributors. • Firth, Dan; (2005) Congestion Charging Technology Trials, Stage 1 Results; Transport for London; Association for European Transport and contributors. • (2008) Central London Congestion Charging Impacts monitoring, Sixth Annual Report; Mayor of London, Transport for London. • (2005) London Congestion Charging Technology Trials - Stage 1 Report; Transport for London. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 155 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Annex 6: Floating Car Data and Cellular Systems Introduction and Background Levels of traffic congestion, environmental pollution and safety are becoming increasingly unacceptable on roads in many regions in the Europe and worldwide. At the same time, our societies cannot function without adequate provision of transport to serve both the needs and the desires of individuals and essential business purposes. The introduction of new infrastructure is important but it is very clear that the construction of new roads will result in the generation of additional traffic and, of themselves, they will not necessarily lead to sustainable future transport situations. Thus, the general thrust of transport policy in the EU and other countries is to build essential highway capacity only, and to better manage available capacity for all modes so as to meet increasingly wide ranging policy objectives as effectively as possible. These policy objectives relate to curbing congestion, improving safety, addressing local and global environmental concerns and meeting broader social needs of access and mobility. Developing ways to reduce reliance on private cars is a key issue, whilst maintaining mobility and enhancing accessibility. The rapid development of new technologies in areas of location, communications, sensors and control are providing and will continue to provide ways to better achieve current policy objectives and to enable the evolution of new policies which reflect changing social, economic and environmental circumstances. The application of Information Technologies (IT) can revolutionise the way that people and goods move by reducing travel times, operating costs and environmental impacts, and by improving accessibility. Fundamentally, the transport is market driven, and individual travellers and those who move goods or parcels make decisions that best meet their own particular requirements, which may include time, cost, security, or reliability factors. Those who provide or operate transport infrastructure or offer transport services make decisions which best meet their financial, social, environmental, safety or economic objectives. All such decisions are based on information and where this is incomplete, incorrect, misunderstood or partially or wholly ignored, the transport outcomes may be far from optimal for the users, or for society as a whole. Also, as transport networks and systems become more congested, accurate, timely, and relevant information and its effective and coherent delivery is becoming increasingly important to enable individuals to make more informed decisions. In addition, the delivery of accurate information will expose shortcomings in the underlying transport systems and services and this should, in turn, drive up their quality through exposure to a more knowledgeable market. Overall, Intelligent Transport System (ITS) technologies are essential to the delivery of the information necessary for a successful and sustainable transport future. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 157 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Trends and Outlook The demand for the delivery of accurate, timely and relevant information will increase. This demand will be driven by the needs of all user groups, for the ranges of current and future objectives to be met more effectively and for new objectives to be set. The public, and perhaps private, objectives will incorporate greater emphasis on sustainability. However, whatever the directions towards which society moves in the future, the delivery of traffic and transport information will be critical. It may just be used differently to meet alternative user priorities. However, there is likely to be change in the funding arrangements and data collection processes depending on the extent to which future transport provision will be user driven or society driven. Advances in the field of information services have been substantial. Systems have been produced, prototypes demonstrated, and a variety of services delivered. However, an open overall framework has not been achieved. Most of the prototypes have been implemented directly by transport operators to support and market their respective operations. This has limited the penetration rate of interoperable multimodal personal and goods transport services. Research and development of technologies and a policy for information collection and dissemination is not currently part of the forthcoming GALILEO programme. Based on GALILEO, many location and navigation systems are expected to perform better and be less expensive than those based on GPS, resulting in increased market penetration. Research on the market, public acceptance and corresponding government policies towards Galileo-based systems should be further focussed. The emerging position and mobile communication technologies will also provide valuable information sources. How to use the new data sources and integrate them with existing transport controls system and information services should be addressed. Application of these technologies may significantly change individual life styles and the society. Understanding of such changes and the potential risks associated with of behavioural changes and privacy protection is needed and should be considered in the systems. Development of future information may focus on sustainability issues. Information systems which have potential benefits to safety (e.g. Mayday system) and to the environment should have priority to be encouraged. Transport services specific to the elderly and disabled must be provided in order to maintain mobility over a longer lifespan. Most transport operators (public transport, road, concessionaires, etc) deliver information on their services through various media, and Internet-based services are dominant. Transport and travel information services are moving to a “business” market. Travel and traffic information is increasingly more integrated into business applications, such as fleet and freight management and workforce management. This offers marketing opportunities for operators in the information market to sell their components (aggregated contents, specific services, applications, application interfaces) to the specific clients. The market is maturing and is moving from a “technology push” to being led by the requirements of users and companies. More complex requirements are emerging and the requirement of “integrated services” is important. That the supply side of the market is restructuring (companies are disappearing or changing roles, new ventures are being created) could also be used to support this trend. In terms of technology, the changes are toward more “interoperable applications”. The number of in-vehicle navigation 158 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report systems will continue increasing, and more personal navigation devices will continue to appear, able to interact with the user conducting a journey and provide updated support. Low cost wireless connection will be a fundamental component of such devices. In order to serve as a basis for reliable and integrated travel information services, “telematic platforms” will have an important role to play in future. This would be in the interest both of the final users and of the transport operators. The users will have easier access to multi-modal and multi-network information. The operators will be able to share data through the platform, increase the visibility of the services, and co-operate better with each other. The level and extent of the development of systems and related services varies substantially across Europe and this is constraining the application of telematics to trip requirements. Existing data exchange systems will move forward to support the location reference services. Standard frameworks and information unification are therefore needed to enable travellers having the same level of service while travelling across borders. This is particularly important since information is more valuable in an unfamiliar environment. Traffic information systems are evolving from just road information to multimodal information. Data collected via in-vehicle navigation systems, i.e. probe vehicles, will increase its importance in traffic information provision. Data fusion and information integration will be a challenge to existing traffic control systems. The fused data is expected to enhance the flexibility and efficiency of transport management and operations. Algorithms for incident management and control strategies using the new data sources should be developed to maximise the use of such new information. Probe vehicle technology is likely to provide a substantial contribution to network state estimation, communication in devices which most installed vehicles for a wide are fitted range of with location applications. and Such applications are likely to include road user charging. There is a lack of regulation on competition which could delay the adoption of personal travel services. This would leave the user with a limited transport choice and the tendency to opt for the easy option, the private car. Recent experience indicates that a boost for information services could come from opening the market to a variety of operators. An information service market could be developed in the following stages: Firstly, transport operators should collect, structure and deliver their own information, as part of their normal operation. In a second stage, as discussed in the previous section, public administrations should foster the creation of “telematic platforms” capable of giving unique access to users for all transport data relative to specific territory. A third stage would be the development of Value Added Service Providers (VASPs) which can access specific needs of particular market segments. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 159 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Case Studies In the following 3 case studies will be carried out as part of the analysis of floating car data and cellular systems: the systems and applications provided by TOMTOM, ITIS, and PTV. TOMTOM TomTom has developed High Definition (HD) Traffic. HD Traffic is a revolutionary service that uses anonymous data on the direction and speed mobile phones are traveling in cars. This data is made available thanks to a cooperation with Vodafone. This works due to the fact that every active mobile phone transmits a signal to the mobile network from which it is possible to discern its location. Whenever a mobile phone is in motion at a certain speed and in a certain direction, reliable and useful traffic information becomes available. TomTom can access this anonymous data from millions of Vodafone customers, giving an accurate view of the traffic situation throughout the road network. This data is compared and merged with information from traffic authorities, road operators, and commercial third parties. A dedicated TomTom traffic centre and operations facility allows TomTom to monitor the quality of the service. The quality and accuracy of HD Traffic information is therefore very high. Thanks to the built-in SIM cards of the TomTom HD Traffic Receiver and the ONE XL HDT, drivers are constantly connected to the HD Traffic service. Both products include access to the HD Traffic service for a defined period, after which a yearly subscription can be purchased. The HD Traffic Receiver and the ONE XL HDT ensure an easy out-of-the-box experience with no hidden costs or complicated wireless internet connections. HD Traffic covers all ‘A’ roads and secondary roads. In the Netherlands that’s 22,000 kilometers of roads, ten times more than any other traffic information service. The data is processed and delivered faster than any other service. And as data comes from the actual speed of vehicles on the road network rather than lengths of traffic jams, the driver gets an accurate and up-to-date ETA that is constantly updated in line with the current traffic situation. The result of this solution is an easy to use and highly detailed and comprehensive traffic information service. Drivers using other services frequently receive out-of-date traffic incident reports and when choosing an alternative route risk getting stuck in traffic on secondary roads that aren’t covered by their service. Only with HD Traffic are drivers empowered to always make the right decision when it comes to selecting an alternative route. HD Traffic will initially be launched in the Netherlands. The service will then be extended to the UK, and later to more countries. ITIS TrafficScience is the software platform that ITIS has developed over several years to support diverse applications which ITIS and our partners develop. These applications deliver information through a variety of media (web, mobile phone voice messages, short message text, e-mail, radio, digital, phone) to enable users to get information about their journeys which is timely and accurate. TrafficScience produces reliable, high-quality real-time and historical traffic information, suitable for a range of applications and users. The patented FVD technology gives us a distinct advantage in providing detailed information that covers wide geographic territories - often nationally - at a lower cost than was 160 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report previously possible. To our partners, our software platform is the basis for their applications, generating new and increased revenue streams. Data about the movement of mobile phones and vehicles is sourced from cellular networks, vehicle fleets, fixed sensor networks and government agencies. ITIS pioneered the use of Floating Vehicle Data (FVD) from cellular networks, and it is key to us being able to offer traffic information with the greatest geographic coverage. The complex analysis performed within TrafficScience results in comprehensive high-quality information about traffic flows - both real-time and historical. Accurate prediction of traffic flows is vital in providing information that users trust. We work with public and commercial organisations to provide data to them in precisely the way they need to be able to further increase the value of the data in the applications those organisations build and use to deliver enhanced services to their customers. We work with partners to help them develop applications that use TrafficScience information, and in some cases develop applications directly for end customers. TrafficScience uses ITIS’ patented Floating Vehicle Data (FVD) technology, which collects anonymous location data from devices travelling within mobile phone networks and GPS enabled fleets. This data can be collected over a wide area – typically nationally - and allows road network operators to monitor real time traffic information over far greater geographic areas and monitor much smaller classes of road than can be done with fixed-sensor systems. While FVD technology is accurate enough to be used by itself, TrafficScience can combine FVD data from other sources such as traditional fixed sensor equipment and journalistic information from eye witness reports. This rich data set can be analysed to produce traffic information of great precision and accuracy. ITIS’ FVD data collection does not require any fixed roadside equipment and as a result, the cost to install and maintain TrafficScience is significantly reduced vs. fixed equipment. The timeliness and quality of traffic information for road users and road network operators is significantly improved. PTV PTV can use so-called floating car data (FCD) to calculate up-to-date traffic data. Vehicles that serve as mobile data collection devices provide information about the current traffic situation. Anonymised data is transmitted via mobile phone networks to the FCD control centre. The FCD data record contains the current geographic coordinates and information on the precise time. As a result, all driving conditions can be modelled, even queues of standing traffic on motorways or at traffic lights, for example. The data is geocoded on a map based on the communication between the vehicles and the FCD control centre. The FCD control centre notifies all FCD participants of alternative routes as soon as an incident occurs. PTV's TrafficPlatform not only uses stationary measurement data that is collected by means of conventional detectors, but also mobile measurement data that is included in numerous advanced traffic management systems. FCD helps planners to significantly improve the accuracy of analysis and forecast methods. The FCD harmoniser embedded in PTV's traffic platform ensures that the traffic management system can immediately use the data generated by each vehicle. In addition to data collection and import of position reports, it is possible to model R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 161 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report road network data. Traffic-related information can thus be calculated and then be aggregated. The PTV TrafficPlatform is based on a modular architecture and provides intelligent methods for traffic analyses and forecasts. It therefore builds the basis for a wide range of applications in the field of advanced, integrated and effective traffic and transportation management. The platform excels at accurately and dynamically modelling current and expected traffic conditions based on real-time data. Traffic reporters at traffic management centres can now access all static and dynamic traffic data and reports in real-time. The information can be edited, supplemented, displayed and analysed on maps. The PTV TrafficPlatform helps traffic planners to both manage and intelligently combine the data sets. The PTV TrafficPlatform allows traffic management centres to access information about the current traffic conditions on motorways and in cities. Additionally, it is possible to create short-term, medium- and long-term traffic forecasts. In order to receive valuable information about the current traffic condition it is essential to combine the data collected from different sources. This includes, for example, detector data, traffic count data, information about events, traffic data provided by mobile phone users and floating car data (FCD) as well as messages sent from onboard or mobile devices. Universal PTV technology and open interfaces: PTV's new software solution merges data from different sources. It helps the user to deal with overlapping data and conflicting data and supports all standard data formats. The intelligent platform also supplements PTV Vision, the software suite for transportation planning and traffic engineering. Existing dynamic data can be used for calibrating a static traffic model. The PTV TrafficPlatform is based on universal PTV technology, homogeneous data and data structure as well as open interfaces. OPTIS OPTIS stands for Optimized Traffic In Sweden. The project was initiated to develop a successful and cost effective method of collecting data on traffic in order to create good traveler information. The OPTIS project is part of the so called ”Green Car”, which is a joint venture project between the state and the car manufacturers, concerning the development of vehicles with improved environmental qualities (including reductions in emissions resulting from improved traffic information and reduced travel times). The parties signing the agreement were SAAB Automobiles, Scania Commercial Vehicles, Volvo Truck Corporation and Volvo Cars. During a period of six years starting in 2000, a total of 1.8 billion SEK (~$228M) has been spent in this program, of which the state contribution is 0.5 billion (~$63M). OPTIS is a joint venture between SAAB Automobiles, Scania Commercial Vehicles, Volvo Cars, Volvo Truck Corporation, and The Swedish National Road Administration. Peek Traffic and Telia participated in some of the subprojects. The field trial took place in April through September of the year 2002 – a total of six months. This proved the feasibility of the technical solution. The relatively small number of vehicles participating still provided valuable information on the conditions of the Gothenburg road network, where other data sources were lacking. 162 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report The objectives of the OPTIS project were to build a server solution for FCD – Floating Car Data and verify it by simulations, perform a field trial and a reference implementation in Gothenburg to verify the simulations and establish an action program for further application. Based on the project report, the OPTIS project hypothesis can be condensed into the following four statements: "Infrastructure in the vehicles” Within a few years a large number of vehicles will be potential probes. Newly manufactured cars will have the required IT platform already assembled from the factory. This platform also has other fields for application than traffic reporting, such as vehicle service, navigation, e-mail and internet/intranet. ”Free-floating FCD-probes provide totally covering measures” OPTIS should show that it is possible to obtain a quality picture of the traffic status in a metropolis with wide geographical coverage, given a reasonable number of free floating probe vehicles. ”FCD is a cost effective means to collect traffic data” OPTIS should show that FCD is a cost effective alternative to stationary sensors, and that FCD make it economically possible to collect data in more situations and locations than with other methods. An assumption was that GPRS could be used for communication. "FCD provide a picture of the traffic status that is commercially attractive to Service Providers” The project report notes that simplicity is a fundamental concept of the OPTIS project that applies to probe and server. The probe is to collect and wirelessly transmit positions to the server. Architectural features include: • No advanced calculations to be executed in the probe • No digital map in the vehicle • Geographically independent probe • No need to update map information • No advanced algorithms The OPTIS software should be small enough to fit in existing systems, which facilitate the use of available infrastructure of the vehicle and reduce costs. Simplicity in the probe at the expense of more intense communication between probe and server (compared to a more advanced probe calculating travel times directly). The server receives position reports from all vehicles and processes them accordingly. Travel times are calculated at link level for each probe by determining a position in the road network and identifying when a vehicle passes the beginning and end of a link. The difference in the two times is the measured travel time for the link. The probe concept within OPTIS is independent of positioning and wireless transmission of data. In the field trial GPS was chosen to determine position and GSM/SMS was used for transmission to the server. This choice was made as: GPS is very precise (with an accuracy of approximately 10 metres) with worldwide coverage. GSM/SMS is a system with good coverage of the studied area. It is simple and well-tried, although the cost for transmission is relatively R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 163 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report high. Volvo Cars market a product – Volvo OnCall – which contains these two components in a hardware designed for vehicle use. The OPTIS probe concept was realized by modifying the OnCall unit to collect and transmit positions to the server. The probe already performed the functions of GPS-positioning and communication via SMS. The OnCall hardware was not modified. The OPTIS field trial comprised 223 probe equipped vehicles in the city of Gothenburg. Criteria for selecting these probes were to receive the largest possible number of vehicle kilometres per day and probe in a geographically limited area. In addition, the OPTIS map was restricted to include arterials and secondary road network, and hence only vehicles frequently using this road were qualified. OPTIS evaluations indicate that: • High quality travel information can be produced using the OPTIS concept. • Alternative routes at major incidents can save as much as 25 minutes for those involved. • Major investments in OPTIS can reduce emissions if reliable information on alternative travel routes can be spread to the road users. However, more developed environmental strategies are required to achieve desired effects. • The illustrated actual travel time and travel speed produced by OPTIS facilitate more accurate traffic messages from the traffic radio and provide TIC with a better overall picture of the current traffic situation. Discussion and analysis Potential deployment barriers in the context of floating car data/ cellular systems might include the following: • Poor prerequisites for services, inferior access to data, inferior quality of data • Poor business models and business cases delivering services not meeting properly with user needs • Fragmented governmental policies resulting fragmented service markets unable to foster sustainable development • Problems with privacy, liability issues and trust of services • Lack of interoperable interfaces e.g. between nomadic/ aftermarket devices and vehicles; between vehicles and infrastructure Relevant issues for future standardisation can therefore include: • friction data detection and processing, • data models for traffic and road weather data, • floating-car data, etc. Creation of new standards can only follow the innovation process; however standards should be investigated at an early state. ITS system architecture related matters should identify where the application is planned to be adopted (e.g. Pan-European/National). When making incremental improvements system architecture might not be relevant. The OPTIS project report recommends the following within the field of FCD: • A large scale demonstration project should be executed using FCD in Gothenburg and Stockholm. The Swedish National Road Administration defined as final user (i.e., owner and administrator of the road network) is proposed to be in charge as project manager and financing. 164 The project R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report should be performed in close cooperation with the car manufacturers, telecom industry and the municipalities concerned. • The main task of the Swedish National Road Administration is to specify the need of traffic data in terms of contents, geographical coverage, interface to existing technical platforms in Traffic Management Centres and to develop required server unit and algorithms • The main task of the car industry is to specify the market need (SW/HW platforms for FCD in the vehicle) and to influence the development of a European standard for FCD via the organizations of ACEA and EUCAR. • The task of the telecom industry should be to facilitate suitable infrastructure for communication between vehicle and server unit and provide for an interface in the vehicles and VTC/TIC. • Vehicles equipped with FCD should be able to operate with no interference in both Gothenburg and Stockholm. In other words, full compatibility is required. • The server unit that is developed (client in Gothenburg and Stockholm) should be open to other contracted users for further developing and demonstrating of ITS applications. European actors should be invited and allowed to test their own applications in need of traffic data (i.e., FCD) • With the aim of influencing European standards, the large scale field trial with FCD in Sweden (two test sites in Gothenburg and Stockholm) ought to be marketed in Europe at full strength. • A total of 3% of all vehicles in Gothenburg and Stockholm should be equipped with FCD technique; the cost is estimated to about 30 - 35 million SEK (equipment in vehicle, server unit and project management included). R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 165 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Annex 7: Multi criteria analysis Introduction This paper addresses the WP2 “Innovative data collection concepts; use of ITS” of the ETIS PLUS project. The objectives of this WP are: • to solve some of the most relevant problems of the databases of freight and passenger transport information currently in use in the European network models (namely TRANSTOOLS and the follow-up projects TEN-CONNECT and WORLDNET); • to supply new sources of data useful to improve indicators of transport quality, safety, environmental and socio-economic impacts. More specifically, this paper summarises the conclusions of task 2.2, the second one of the four tasks in which the WP2 is structured. Namely: Task 1: The identification of ITS applications and their usability to solve current data problems Task 2: The assessment of barriers to the exploitation of ITS data for European transport modelling purposes Task 3: Appraisal of possible solutions and strategies to fully exploit ITS data for European modelling purposes. Task 4: Design of pilot experiments of new ITS-based data collection methods. The main focus of the task is to create a first selection of promising ITS applications that could address the current data limitations as identified in task 2.1. The paper is structured as follows: • • • Description of assessment methodology (Multi criteria analysis) o Short introduction on the ITS applications o Introduction to the criteria based on the aspects identified in 2.1 Results of methodology o Plain analysis o Selection of pilot technology Conclusions & recommendations Methodology To realise the selection of the most promising ITS applications a multi criteria analysis (MCA) has been performed. The goal of the MCA is to allow all relevant criteria to be taken into account and realise most promising applications from different stakeholder perspectives. The starting point of the MCA was the work performed in task 2.1 - identification of ITS applications. The ten applications that are used in the MCA are (for completeness sake) shortly described below. The criteria for the analysis are derived from the 7 key data areas that have been discussed in task 2.1. These themes are shortly repeated in table 1. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 167 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Table 4 1 Major data areas from task 2.1 Socio Economic Data Household data, vehicle stocks, GDP, Value Added. Mainly on NUTS2 level. 2 Freight Demand A base matrix with Freight Transport Chain Data on NUTS2 level. From this base matrix a number of matrices are available on a more aggregate level that are less complex (without transport chain data). 3 Passenger Demand Origin-destination database, at NUTS2 level, for road, rail and air. 4 Network Data Four network databases, for road, rail, airports, and inland waterways. 5 Freight Services and Costs O/D database of transport costs, distances and journey times, for road, rail and sea networks. On NUTS2 level. 6 7 Passenger Services and O/D database of passenger transport costs and Costs journey times for road, rail, and air. External Effects Emissions (also included in Network Links), and Airport emissions. Based on these 7 categories a total of 43 criteria were designed at first to be able to perform a multi criteria analysis on the mentioned ITS Technologies, described in paragraph 2.2. The process of the MCA is to match the criteria with the ITS technologies in a matrix, for every criterion the score of the specific technology is recorded. In the current situation the scoring was kept rather simple, just using numbers of 1 - 5, with 1 being the lowest score and 5 the highest. The next step is the weighing of the criteria where criteria which are more important than others are given higher weights, resulting in a stronger effect of the score for this specific criterion. The total for all criteria are summed up creating a ranking of the ITS technologies. The technology with the highest score is overall speaking the most promising application. Validation of results Methodologically speaking more robust results could be obtained if another person performed this analysis independently. Furthermore policy makes could, based on their specific questions and needs, vary the weights of the MCA. This could also influence the results. For now the weights are put down as 1, so all equally strong and the results for the criteria are given by the average of a couple of TNO persons. ITS technologies Sensor networks Road sensors are considered a common technology. A new development in this field is wireless sensor networks in the asphalt. Cameras and ANPR Cameras are used to register the vehicles. With Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) software the number plates are extracted from the video 168 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report images, making it possible to identify unique vehicles at one location or at multiple locations to determine a vehicle trajectory. Video based monitoring A new development is the use of video cameras to detect vehicles at one point, over a short section (using a single camera) or over a longer section (using a series of cameras). Satellite for snapshot of traffic TNO and DLR have executed a field test in 2009 to investigate the options of using satellites combined with radar technology to detect traffic. DLR has access to the TerraSar X satellite that, using synthetic radar technology, can create a three-dimensional image of the observed earth surface. Moving objects can be identified by applying this technology and it is possible to determine the position and speed of the vehicles. OBU and DSRC Beacon transponder systems are characterized by their On-Board-Unit (OBU) and type of communication. Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is a combination of measurement and data communication. Other types of data communication are radio waves, infrared, and Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC). Mobile device with Bluetooth With the use of sensitive antennas it is possible to detect a Bluetooth signal. As each Bluetooth signal is unique, it offers options to detect individual road users. As the signal is not linked to the individual who owns the device with the Bluetooth signal, it does not invade privacy. Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) This system relies on transponders that are attached to roadside signposts and a receiver on the vehicle to determine when the vehicle passes a checkpoint. Advanced Vehicle Identification (AVI) Probe vehicles are sampled at fixed location by means of electronic transponders (tags) as the vehicle pass the sensors. Each reader senses probe vehicles as they pass a reader station and transmits the time and location of the probes to a central controller. As the probe vehicles pass through successive tag readers, software calculates average travel times and speeds for a roadway segment. • Satellite positioning with GPRS/UMTS/Wimax/LTE Satellite positioning by using a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for determining the location is often applied. This is commonly referred to as GPS. GPS devices are widespread in navigation systems, taxi fleets, freight transport fleets and as security device in passenger cars. • Cellular positioning of mobile devicesand GPRS/UMTS/Wimax/LTE Cellular positioning is based on triangulation, time advance, time of arrival and angle of arrival, which uses the signals of three antennas. The mobile device is used as sensor to determine the location. The main distinction is between mobile phones in active or idle modes. GPS Travel Diary Based on the old-fashioned collection data through travel diaries an additional aspect can be added, the use of GPS. This would create some small advantages for the actual data collection. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 169 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Criteria that are used in the analysis For the Technologies a list of overall criteria has been made. Based on the information coming from the seven themes for data collection a total of 6 categories has been identified. Every criterion has been given a description of how the criterion should be interpreted. These descriptions are given below per category. Accuracy has been given a specific category since the information to be collected from the Technology needs to be an improvement to existing knowledge and needs to be one step forward. Accuracy has been subdivided into 5 criteria which all perform a specific role in the data collection process. Accuracy Location accuracy Description How good is the method at identifying at which locations a vehicle drove? Longitudinal accuracy Lateral accuracy Distance accuracy Route accuracy OD accuracy Target accuracy How exactly can the distance a vehicle has moved be measured/ computed? How exactly can the route of vehicle has moved be measured/ computed? How exactly can the origin and destination of vehicle and or passenger/load be measured/ computed? Are all of the, and only the, intended vehicles (or passengers/loads) measured? The second category is the collection of additional information about the vehicle, route or modality. Information in this category is mainly supporting the statistical analysis to be performed on the acquired data and there is a strong relation with the socio-economic data. This information category also consists of 5 criteria, knowingly: Information Insight in characteristics of load/ passenger Description It the method capable of collecting data on the characteristics of load/ passenger (type of goods, travel motive, preferences)? Vehicle How well can the technology differentiate between different differentiation types of vehicles, such as, weight class, emission class, etc.? Insight in activity pattern/ supply chain It the method capable of collecting data on the activity pattern/ supply chain over a period of time? Time How exactly can the time when a vehicle has used the differentiation infrastructure be recorded? Multimodal application Is the method applicable for several modes of transport? The third category is dealing with the actual deployment of the technologies. It is the goal to find the most promising technology including being realistic about the 170 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report actual deployment of such a technology, since a pilot project is also foreseen in the course of the project. The deployment category discusses besides the cost aspect the ease of implementation and related time scale. The cost aspect can be divided into another 5 sub-criteria. Deployment Description Technology costs Roadside infrastructure costs Vehicle infrastructure costs Operational costs Depreciation costs What are the costs for government, road users, and other actors? What are the costs for roadside infrastructure? What are the costs for vehicle infrastructure? What are the operational costs of the technology in terms of exploitation and maintenance? What are the depreciation costs (related to the lifespan of the technology)? What are the additional costs for other actors that support/ Transaction costs enable the data collection (for example the effort of road users to complete a travel diary)? Spatial coverage of the technology In which areas has the technology coverage? How large is the need for introducing and installing new New equipment (nonstandard) technology? Time to deployment Ease of How long time does it take to develop and deploy the technology? How much effort does it take to implement the technology? implementation To what extent could the technology be adapted to changing Ability to adapt requirements and can it be migrated with other technologies? How well does the technology handle large increases in the Scalability number of users, the road network, etc.? How easy is it to use the technology (e.g., in terms of the User friendliness manual procedures necessary, the installation and detection of errors)? From a policy perspective the possibility for competition is an important issue. In this retrospect two criteria have been identified which create the possibility for analyzing the potential of fostering competition of the various technologies. Competition Description Fostering To what extent does the technology offer incentives for a competition multitude of technology/ service providers? Support for How easy is it to add new services (to the basic measurement additional services or communication functionality)? The category technology deals with the technological aspects which are important when looking at the different technologies. The issues vary from operation aspects such as maintenance to the effort for updating and ease of implementation. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 171 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Technology Integration with other methods Interoperability Ease of data fusion Description How well does the technology cooperate with other relevant methods? How well can de gathered data through this technology be fused with other data sources? Technological lock- How well does the technology avoid technological lock-in with in: communication respect to communication technology? Technological lock- How well does the technology avoid technological lock-in with in: positioning respect to positioning equipment? Update effort Availability Maintainability System complexity How much effort is needed when new road sections are introduced, equipment update is needed etc.? How robust and reliable is the technology (for instance, is their a single point of failure)? How easy is it to maintain the technology? How complex is the system, e.g., in terms of number of and complexity of the equipment needed? Proven technology Has the technology proven itself elsewhere? Communication How much communication is needed, e.g., between vehicles, need roadside units and central servers? The last category of criteria is about risks for the actual deployment of the specific technology. Here aspects like protection for privacy or integrity are discussed, but also the risk of information theft and vandalism is taken into account here. Risks Description Visual intrusion Does the technology result in visual intrusion? Risk of destructiveness Risk of information theft Is the technology robust against destructiveness? How easy is it to steal information from the system? How well does the system protect reliable information (physical Integrity protection security of equipment, security of data communication and data access security)? Privacy protection How well does the system protect user sensitive information? Results and analysis In this chapter the results for the multi-criteria-analysis is presented. In the first paragraph the simple results including the ranking is presented. This is based on the totals from the categories and the grand-total score for the different technologies. Furthermore the paragraph discusses the interesting scorings for the different criteria. The second paragraph discusses the selection of one technology for the pilot project. 172 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Results of categories In the following tables the scores of the 10 technologies are shown for the 6 categories of criteria. Table x gives for overview purposes the total ranking for the 10 technologies. As mentioned in the introduction the maximum score per criterion was 5, the minimum score was 1. For a number of technologies a criterion was not relevant or not applicable, this indicates why for some technologies the scoring are lower than expected. Table 5 Scoring of the technologies for the 6 categories Category Sensor networks Accuracy Cameras and ANPR 7 Video based monitoring 14 Satellite snapshot traffic OBU and DSRC 9 18 13 Information 5 12 13 7 15 Deployment 17 26 23 19 27 Competition 2 3 3 3 6 17 26 18 15 29 9 7 7 8 7 Technology Risks Category Mobile and Bluetooth AVL (receiver road side) AVI Satellite AVI Cellular GPS travel diaries Accuracy 11 18 23 24 20 Information 11 15 19 20 23 Deployment 28 25 35 36 23 Competition 4 4 9 9 6 23 29 31 30 5 8 7 8 7 0 Technology Risks For the category accuracy there are two technologies that score significantly better compared to the other technologies. The AVI (based either on Satellite or Cellular networks) both are expected to be very accurate. For the information category the GPS Travel Diary scores the highest in comparison to the other technologies. Specifically low are the sensor network or video based monitoring which are unable to collect the additional information needed for further analysis once the data has been collected. The deployment category shows a number of technologies which look promising: • AVI (both satellite and cellular) • Mobile & Bluetooth • OBU & DSRC • Cameras and ANPR • AVL (roadside receiver) For almost all technologies described here technology has already been proven (or is being proven at this very moment). Furthermore the technologies focusing on already existing mobile devices are scoring good on the costs aspects, this is an explanation for the ranking in this category. In the competition category three technologies score better compared to the other technologies, the AVI systems as well as the OBU are easily implemented with different service providers. The other technologies, for example the cameras are less competitive oriented. Only the providers of the equipment foster competition, there are no actual services connected for which competition can be envisioned. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 173 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report In the technology category the technologies scoring the best are technologies which are easy to implement or are not expected to have major problems on interoperability or availability. The technologies which are based on proven technology are Cameras, OBU and AVL. For risks criteria the scores are divided equally over the different technologies, in other words it is expected that all technologies will have to deal with a number of risks, it being visual intrusion or risk for destructiveness. The total scores of all these categories are presented in table 2, with the ranking of the technologies based on their scores for the criteria. As can also be seen the scoring of the GPS diary is rather low compared to the other technologies for specific categories. This is due to the fact that this technology creates a need for a lot of interaction with the actual user of this technology and therefore makes it difficult to score this technology on a number of criteria. Table 6 Total scoring creates the following ranking of Technologies Technology Score AVI Cellular 126 AVI Satellite 125 OBU and DSRC 100 AVL (receiver road side) 98 Cameras and ANPR 88 Mobile and Bluetooth 85 Video based monitoring 77 GPS travel diaries 74 Satellite snapshot traffic 61 Sensor networks 57 This table provides the first basis for the selection of most promising technologies for a potential pilot project. Interesting is the fact that the top three consists of technologies which are based on an on-board unit of some sort. The communication with the surrounding environment apparently is not a critical issue. Furthermore the expectations are that OBUs are creating less barriers for deployment and will deliver the best results for the goal of the project, knowingly creating statistical data to be used in transportation modelling. Selection for a pilot project Another goal besides the actual ranking of the technologies is the selection of a specific technology for a pilot project. With respect to this aspect, one specific criterion for the pilot project is necessary to mention here: Proven technology. The scoring is given below: 174 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Table 7 Scoring for criterion proven technology Technology Scoring for proven technology Sensor networks 1 Cameras and ANPR 5 Video based monitoring 3 Satellite snapshot traffic 1 OBU and DSRC 5 Mobile and Bluetooth 3 AVL (receiver road side) 5 AVI Satellite 4 AVI Cellular 2 GPS travel diaries As can “be seen 3 technologies appear to be based on proven technology. If the results of the pilot project are to be actually used within further analysis this criterion is definitely necessary to take this into account together with the overall scoring of the criteria. Methodological recommendations As explained above, this analysis is based on the input from independent stakeholder. For validation purposes the excel table with the different scoring of the criteria could be filled again by another independent stakeholder. The scores of the two (or preferably more participants) could than be compared and would create a more sound result in terms of validation. One of the advantages of performing a MCA is the possibility to vary the weights of the different criteria. In other words what is the effect if a specific stakeholder with a specific interest, e.g. competition would increase the weights of these criteria. How will the ranking of the technologies be affected. This advantage could be furthermore used to identify the different ranking for different stakeholders allowing to identify possible similarities or differences and possibilities for cooperation. The last methodological recommendation is the need of information to be able to properly score the criteria for the different technologies. During the process of scoring the criteria for a number of criteria the absence of information caused the scoring to be kept empty. The criteria for which this goes are: Operational costs Depreciation costs What are the operational costs of the technology in terms of exploitation and maintenance? What are the depreciation costs (related to the lifespan of the technology)? What are the additional costs for other actors that Transaction costs support/ enable the data collection (for example the effort of road users to complete a travel diary)? Risk of information theft How easy is it to steal information from the system? How well does the system protect reliable information Integrity protection (physical security of equipment, security of data communication and data access security)? Privacy protection R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 How well does the system protect user sensitive information? 175 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report For these criteria more information is needed in order to be able to perform the MCA in a proper manner. Conclusions The analysis as discussed above has delivered a first ranking of the technologies. This ranking allows for a first selection of these technologies for a potential pilot project. The ranking reveals a main interest in On Board Unit (OBU) oriented technologies. The selection of the pilot project technology is not easy - based on proven technology could prove to be best for the following steps in the project Methodological recommendations The scoring of the criteria should be performed by another independent person for validation reasons. Furthermore a sensitivity analysis should be performed by varying the weights. This variation in weights could also assist specific stakeholders with a specific focus to see the effect on the ranking if their focus was to prevail. The last recommendation focuses on the need for information for a number of criteria in order to be able to properly score these criteria for the identified technologies. 176 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report Annex 8: Data Collection Techniques Most ITS are developed for operation and planning of traffic and road infrastructure, considering in particular security, charging and control traffic in real time. However, the major campaigns to collect traffic information are still performed with the most common methodologies, using equipment installed on its own infrastructure (piezometers and inductive loops with associated data collection devices), equipment for automatic counting of vehicles and manual counts. This is the case for example of England and Germany, where the traffic census is made based on these technologies. Therefore, for the sole purpose of gathering information for statistical purposes or road planning (not considering the dynamic management of demand), common methodologies are used, like the ones described above. The major innovations are thus associated to the processing of information, rather than to the collection methodologies. Since it is not possible to obtain traffic information for all sections of the road network on a national scale, some countries have simulation models to estimate traffic across all the sections of their road networks. These models can also be linked to a National Transport Model, which aggregates other information such as the road infrastructure characteristics and socio-economic data. The following paragraphs describe some examples of national transport models, which may or may not have models for traffic simulation. Germany The BISStra is a geographic information system, built on standard commercial software, developed to enable coordinated use of data for planning activities, management and R&D (research and development). The BISStra supports the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs and the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) in carrying out its various administrative functions and R&D. This system allows to store inventory data about national highways, bridges and tunnels, including age, loads exerted by traffic on roads and structures and number of people injured or killed in accidents. This system essentially consists of a central system with thirteen specialized cells, which are integrated into the global system in stages. All fields related to the national road network are integrated in one application. This application provides results in the form of statistics and reports that can be viewed geographically (against a map background) or in graphs. The core system saves all alphanumeric and geometric data on the national road network and can be used to geographically display the layout and geometry of motorways. The planning and development of main roads network is supported in two fields: the field of traffic information that provides data accumulated from the automatic counting stations and manual counts, and another consisting of a cell of data used to manage information stored centrally by BASt, relating to the physical conditions of the roads. The Annual Intervention Program on future extensions of interstate road network is one component of the National Highway Traffic. R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 177 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report The data in the cells of BISStra are compiled with the help of all the information on the TEN-T (Trans European Transport Networks) to prepare periodic reports of this network. Finally, there is a field to the annual review of the network of interstate highways. The options analysis and evaluation provided by this system makes it possible to obtain information relevant to ongoing support for research on transport projects. Road traffic simulation system in the Nordrhein-Westfalen region The traffic simulation model currently implemented in the region NordrheinWestfalen (North Germany) presents a picture of the current traffic situation in each section of the highways network, with a total length of 2250km, and presents traffic forecasts for the following 30 or 60 minutes, making also predictions of travel times for the following seven days. The traffic behavior is simulated based on a detailed representation of the road characteristics, and on real traffic data (2500 points with automatically detected real-time information ) measured on motorways is then reproduced in the model. Traffic data includes vehicle speed and average traffic speed. Source: France The traffic modelling is carried in France by TransCAD ® which is a module of transportation modelling that works on a Geographic Information System. The system has several features that allow doing analysis and diagnostics on the performance of the national road network and multimodal traffic modelling. Outputs from the TransCAD Model Source: This tool is displayed on the Calipers’ website: This software is currently used to assess the volumes of heavy traffic passing through France, representing rail services, carrying out accessibility studies and evaluating new road projects with SETRA modules implemented in the interface. This simulation system can also produce management scenarios resulting from changes in supply and demand for road transport in different scopes and in different time horizons. This makes it possible to define reference scenarios for socio-economic assessments and studies of economic profitability for specific projects. United Kingdom UK doesn’t have a road traffic simulation model. There is however a model for calculating the capacity of roads and transportation costs (Road Capacity and Costs Model - Forge) which is part of a National Transport Model that is used to evaluate the impact level of the road system policies and to demonstrate its results among road users. The model works on representative samples of the road network in 20 subregions, 10 types of area and up to seven road types, for 19 time periods and flow direction. The results for each sample (which has good coverage of main roads, but only a small number of secondary roads) are then extrapolated to the entire road network. 178 R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 ETISplus Del 2 Annex Report The Inputs to the road model and to costs assessment models are traffic growth (based on the growth of travel by passenger cars) and vehicle.mile growth in other categories of vehicles (heavy goods vehicles, buses, light goods vehicles). This traffic growth is applied on the traffic levels of the base year to determine future demand. The National Transport Model (NTM) has been developed over several years, and has been used by the Department for Transport to estimate road demand forecasting with horizons up to 10 years, but also for the preparation of the annual road traffic forecast, definition of policies and strategic analysis of alternatives, especially in England and Wales. During 2006 and 2007, a number of improvements and upgrades were made to further develop its functionality. Austria The ASFINAG - Autobahnen-und-Schnellstraßen Finanzierungs-AG is a company owned solely by the Federal Government (Roads Department), and is responsible for the construction, maintenance, operation and financing of motorways and "express roads". The funding, construction and maintenance of highways of national importance are also under the responsibility of ASFINAG. This company has currently implemented a traffic modelling system, covering the entire Austrian territory and its borders. There are at least two systems at national level: one under the ASFINAG responsibility and another which belongs to ÖBB (national railway authority). Besides these, there are several systems in the regional administration, including the management system of traffic counts of the German company PTV, which is used by the federal state of Tyrol ( R20100233.doc November 26, 2010 179