student guide 2015 / 2016 - Università degli Studi della Tuscia
student guide 2015 / 2016 - Università degli Studi della Tuscia
STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 THE RECTOR’S WELCOME Prof. Alessandro Ruggieri Rector of the University of Tuscia T his guide has been thought and designed in collaboration with the students and it represents a useful tool to orientate in the University world and to fully grasp all the opportunities available in our University. Clearly and straightforwardly this Guide provides you with the information on all the services offered by our University, and among them, those available online: enrollment/inscription, consultation of administrative and university career, management of the study plan, exam booking, digital certificates, teaching material and evaluation of the teaching, besides the wifi coverage and the institutional mail. These pages will also offer you the general description of the teaching activities and how they are organized, the main research line of the Departments and all the useful information to enroll in our degree courses. Moreover, you will be informed about the procedures to obtain grants, to study abroad (with the Erasmus+ programme) and to use our sport center (CUS) and study facilities (libraries). You will also discover the story of the historical buildings that host our University, the beauty and richness of our botanic garden, the peculiarity of our research centers and the different supporting specialized services (counseling, disability, ombudsman). Finally you will find contacts details useful during your stay and, after graduation, to support you in the delicate step of entering the job market. For details about departments, please refer to the Guides of each single Department which are specifically focused on the teaching activities. My best wishes to you all for a fully satisfying study period. INDEX The university city: Viterbo as Unitus Map The seats How to reach us Shuttle bus 6 The centers 11 Students offices 14 Services Guidance and tutoring Counselling Ombundsman 14 On line services Students’ portal The teachign teaching platform Unitus webmail Wifi 15 Erasmus Erasmus + International mobility programme Language certificate 17 The libraries The library poles Master I and II level master 22 Living the university, living the city 23 Adisu Cus Part time employment Unitus events 25 Students’ association 26 The departments, the course list and the research DAFNE 27 Science and technology for agriculture, forests, nature and energy DEB Ecological and Biological Sciences 31 DEIM Economy and Enterprise 35 18 Disable support Welfare office 19 DIBAF 39 Innovation in biological systems, food and forestry Post – graduate services Job placement Almalaurea 20 DISBEC Science of cultural heritage PhD Courses 21 DISTU 47 Linguistic and literary, historical, philosophical and legal studies Diploma supplement 22 DISUCOM Humanities, communication and tourism 43 51 THE UNIVERSITY CITY 6 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 VITERBO AS UNITUS A t the center of the ancient region of Tuscia, Viterbo is the northernmost of the Lazio provinces. Located about 100 km from Rome and just over 200 from Florence, the town is placed at the foot of the Cimini mountains, surrounded by the lakes Vico and Bolsena, at short distance from the Tyrrhenian Sea. Its size and location have contributed to preserve the city’s typical medieval Italian character, now enriched by modern services. The University of Tuscia was then founded in this context in 1979; since then it has quickly developed becoming the cultural center of Viterbo’s province, promoting yearly a course offer capable of responding to education needs of local, commuters and students coming from the surrounding area. The synergy between the 7 University and the local institutions has allowed four university centers to grow; some of them are located in the historical city center and result from a remarkable monument recovery campaign, such as the Church of San Carlo, the Church of Santa Maria del Paradiso and the Dominican convent of Santa Maria in Gradi, which houses the Rector and the central offices. The University structures are enriched by the branch offices of Cittaducale (RI) and Civitavecchia (RM). The education activities are managed by seven Departments which offer 15 undergraduate programs, 14 *master degree courses and 2 single-cycle courses. They provide study courses suitable to face the job market and preparing to different professions, with a European and international dimension. The whole education program is completed by 6 PhD course and several first and second master courses. The University of Tuscia has also become an important cultural and educational partner of the Italian Army offering a degree program primarily aimed to educate students of the NCOs School of the Italian Army and the Air Force. The University particularly cares the orientation service helping students to choose their educational/ training programme, planning meetings and joined activities with high schools. Finally, the small dimension of the University allows a direct relationship between students and the teaching staff, or accessing any other university facilities and services. THE SEATS 3 2 4 1 5 8 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 9 1 Via Santa Maria in Gradi, 4 2 Via San Camillo de Lellis, snc 3 Largo dell’Università 4 Via del Paradiso, 47 5 Via San Carlo, 32 Rectorate Humanities { Communication, technology and digital culture { Modern Philology { Political Science and International Relations { { Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Science and technology for the conservation of forests and nature { Mountain Sciences (Cittaducale seat) { Food technology and oenology { Biotechnology for Agriculture, environment and health { Agricultural and Environmental Sciences { Landscape Planning and environmental design { Safety and food quality { Conservation and restoration of forests and soil conservation { { Biotechnology Biological Sciences { Environmental Sciences (Civitavecchia seat) { Science of Cultural heritage { Archaeology and History of Art. Protection and enhancement { Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (single cycle) { Industrial Engineering { Mechanical Engineering { Cell and Molecular Biology { Biology and Marine Ecology (home teaching Civitavecchia) { { Business Administration (teaching sites Viterbo and Civitavecchia) Administration, Finance and Control { Marketing and Quality { { Law Modern Languages and Cultures { Public, political and institutional communication { Languages and cultures for international communication { { How to reach us The listed below below allow allowtotoreach reachthe theRectorate/ Rectorate/ The routes routes listed Administrative Offices in Via Santa Maria in Secretarial Offices in Via Santa Maria in Gradi,Gradi, 4. 4. From there by local bus lines other From there by local bus lines other campus can be be reached. reached. campus locations locations can By train From Rome Termini station Take the line lineAAmetro metroand andget getoffoffValle at Valle Aurelia station stationororline lineBBmetro metrountil untilOstiense. Ostiense. Take the train trainRoma RomaOstiense Ostiense- -Viterbo ViterboPorta PortaRomana Romana (every hour on on weekdays) weekdays) From Rome station – Piazzale Flaminio Take the train Roma SaxaRubra - Viterbo Roma Nord. From Orte Scalo station Take the train Orte - Viterbo Porta Fiorentina. By bus From Rome station in Saxa Rubra Bus COTRAL to Viterbo (every 30 minutes), Porta Romana stop. From Orte Scalo station Bus COTRAL to Viterbo, and get off at Riello. Take bus A to Barco – University stop. By car Exit from the A1 motorway at continuing Orte, continuing the From the highway A1 exit Orte, on the on OrteOrte-Viterbo main road. Viterbo main road. Exit at Viterbo ViterboNord. Nord.Go Gostraight straightonontotothethe center, center, towards the themedieval medievalwalls. walls. Pass along the thecity citywalls wallsupuptotoVia ViaS.S.Maria Mariain in Gradi. Gradi. Parking isisavailable availableoninthe ViaUniversity Via Sabotino. FREE SHUTTLE BUS The service is free and connects the Rectorate with the departments, the train station, the canteen and the ADISU residence. The shuttle bus is available from Monday to Friday, according to route published on, “student services”. 10 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 THE CENTERS Center for innovation and territorial development C.IN.TE.ST Established by R.D. 28.12.2005 the Center is made up of economists and engineers and it deals with research and development of technological innovation. The thematic areas are: mechanical engineering, design, prototyping and rapid prototyping by means of purchased implants in “additive manufacturing”, energy systems, alternative energy sources, finance and economics, technology transfer and organizational systems. The Center carries out its activities with its own scientific equipment, collaborating with research team at universities and affiliated organizations besides several professionals. Administrative base Department Deim Via del Paradiso, 47-01100 Viterbo Chairman Prof. Enrico Mosconi Contact email [email protected] Alpine studies center CSALP Since 1991 the University of Tuscia has its own Alpine Study Center, an interdepartmental unit, located in Pieve Tesino (Trento). Its aim is to carry out teaching and research activities according to interdisciplinary models and particular caring the agronomic, biological, economic, forestry, legal, linguistic, natural, historical sectors, together with the cultural heritage and rural tourism. 11 Headquarters Via Rovigo, 7-38050 Pieve Tesino (Trento) Administrative seat Department DIBAF, Largo University - 01100 Viterbo [email protected] Chairman Prof. Luigi Portoghesi, DIBAF Department Interdepartmental centre for research and distribution rf renewable energy CIRDER The CIRDER is a unit of the University of Tuscia which promotes the use of renewable energy sources (RES) providing an important scientific and technical support to their development. It offers training and professional activities also for larger public. The CIRDER is a connecting point between universities, school, business companies, national and international bodies. Headquarters Via Cavour 23, 01028 Orte (VT) - 0761-401343 Administrative seat Department Deim, Via del Paradiso, 01100 Viterbo (VT) [email protected] Chairman Prof. Enrico Maria Mosconi, Department Deim Great equipment center The Centre, funded in 2008, manages the use of complex technical and scientific equipment, providing a highly qualified service for research and teaching activities of the University Departments and of requiring external structures. The Centre promotes cooperation and technology transfer between research structures and business companies. Since 2012,the theAzienda AziendaAgraria Agrariahas is Since July 2012 also charge of managing the Botanic also in been in charge of managing the Botanic Garden: Garden: Headquarters GEC building Largo dell’Università - 01100 Viterbo Administrative seat DEB Department, Largo dell’Università 01100 Viterbo [email protected] Chairman Prof. Nicolò Merendino, DEB Department “Angelo Rambelli” BOTANIC GARDEN is a University unit in charge of teaching, researching, ex situ and in situ conserving and disseminating scientific knowledge. It promotes thematic courses, events and exhibitions to provide a basic knowledge of the vegetable world by building up a “naturalistic awareness”. The Garden is located about 300 m on sea level and it covers an area of about 6 hectars, westward Viterbo. The area is divided into plots and the plants are taxonomically, accompanied by phytogeographical and environmental reconstructions, compatibly with the climatic and soil conditions of the area. Teaching experimental farm “Nello Lupori” and Botanic garden Born in 1981 as a research and teaching center of the Faculty of Agriculture the Farm is located in Viterbo, 500 meters off the Departments in Riello Campus (Largo dell’Università). It covers about 30 hectares and its institutional duties are designed to allow students to integrate their knowledge in any subject of the degree courses of DAFNE DIBAF and DEB Departments, besides ensuring teachers of the several Departments to carry out institutional research, also in collaboration with other research and experimental institutes. Events and guided tours with scientific and educational aim are organized by researchers, teachers and Italian and foreign students within conferences, workshops, study visits and institutional courses. Operational and administrative headquarters Largo dell’Università - 01100 Viterbo, Phone: 0761 357057-8 [email protected] Director Prof. Francesco Rossini, DAFNE Department 12 Headquarters Strada Bullicame snc- Viterbo 01100 Phone/Fax: +39 0761 357028 [email protected] Director Prof. Francesco Rossini, Dafne Department Scientific Coordinator Prof. Laura Zucconi Curator Dr. Monica Fonk UMS University museum system The University Museum System University supports and promotes the protection and enhancement of the architectural heritage of the University and of its historical, demo-anthropological, scientific and artistic collections. Its aim STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 is to foster the carrying out of the institutional duties, scientific research, cultural promotion, conservation, restoration, cataloging, increasing, displaying and development of these collections as well as exhibitions to support the teaching activities of the University. The following units belong to the University Museum System: {Farm “N. Lupori”; {Department of ecological and biological sciences (DEB); {Department of Sciences and Technology for agriculture, forest, nature and energy (DAFNE); {Department of Cultural Heritage (DISBEC); {University (Central Administration). List of the University Cultural Heritage: Museum Herbarium of Tuscia (Farm); {Botanic Garden (Farm); {Germplasm Bank (Farm); {Antarctica Museum (Department of Biological { 13 and Ecological Sciences - DEB); {Collections of DAFNE (Department of Science and Technology for Agriculture, Forestry, Nature and Energy - DAFNE); {Collection of comparative anatomy and zoology (Department of Biological and Ecological Sciences DEB); {Entomological collection (Department of Science and Technology for Agriculture, Forestry, the Nature and Energy DAFNE); {Xylarium (Department of Science and Technology for Agriculture, Forestry, Nature and Energy DAFNE); {Museum of the City and the Territory, Vetralla (UNIVERSITY); {Archaeological Collection (Department of Science of Culture DISBEC); {Network of Contemporary Art of Tuscia (UNIVERSITY); {Network of the historical - artistic real estate of the University (UNIVERSITY). THE OFFICES At the University there are two different types of secretarial offices: {student office; {department education secretariat; STUDENT OFFICE It is the administrative office where information about enrollment in undergraduate or graduate program are available. In addition, the staff helps for online application. The Student Secretariat cares the information and requirements related to: Scheduled classes and rooms; Pre-enrollment degree application; {Exam dates {Teaching staff consulting hours {Degree course educational initiatives {Training activities {Pre-enrollment to degree courses { { Times and locations of educational Secretariats are indicated in the Department pages. SERVICES GUIDANCE AND TUTORING - area students - student services enrolment {enrolment to years after the first {Transfers/Changing of Course {issues/duplication of University booklets {Renunciation studies; {fees, exemptions and refunds {applications for graduation - single courses { [email protected] Phone: 0761-357798 Location Via Santa Maria in Gradi, 4 Viterbo Opening time Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri: 09:30 to 12:30 Tuesday 14: 30-16: 30 DEPARTMENT EDUCATION SECRETARIAT These Secretariats perform functions related to degree courses and provide information on: {Orientation and mentoring {Course Programs {filling in online curricula; 14 The Guidance service is designed for high school students and it helps them choosing their future university career; all the activities are coordinated by the Educational Programme Service and Student Office and are divided as follows: Guidance meetings at the University, scheduled during the year, to get the students to know the University courses, teaching facilities, the services and the opportunities planned for them; {Guidance meetings, organized on demand by high education Institutes; {Participation in events and exhibitions for Guidance; {Designing of brochures presenting the course listing and job opportunities; {Organization of the entry test. According to the Ministerial Decree 270/04 it is mandatory to test the entry competences of the students enrolling in any degree course; the aim is to have them acquire a greater awareness of their { GUIDA DELLO STUDENTE A.A. 2015 / 2016 skills and competences. Entry tests are regularly offered all the year through, not preventing from enrollment. The tutoring service includes a set of activities designed to support the student’s participation in the university life so to facilitate his progressive integration alongside his learning and training process. Therefore the service offers a wide range of information, tips and advice so that students can fully benefit of the services offered by the university. The tutors are students enrolled in a master degree or PhD; they make their university experience available to younger students and are a reference point to acquire information to face the university life and to solve difficulties and problems met during their training/educational period. Moreover, tutors take part in the Guidance meeting and events organized by the University and Departments. Additional information about the tutoring service are published on the departments’ web pages. [email protected] - [email protected] Phone: 0761-357912-939 Location Via S. Maria in Gradi, 4 – Viterbo Opening time Mon - Fri 9:00 to 13:00; Mon Tue Wed 14:30 to 16:30. COUNSELLING Biggio, psychologist and professor of the Disucom Department. Write to [email protected] to arrange a meeting. Location Via Santa Maria in Gradi, 4 Viterbo (1st floor) OMBUDSMAN - area students - student services The University of Tuscia offers students free legal advice, designed to solve problems related to the University period. The ombudsman assists students in exercising their rights and receives their complaints. The Ombudsman is an attorney who collects students’ reports, then inquires and scrutinizes, reporting to the Rector who, from case to case, calls the Senate, and adopts suitable provisions. Students can remain anonymous. The actual Ombudsman is attorney Elisabetta Centogambe. The account “” is required when emailing. Att. Elisabetta Centogambe [email protected] Location Via Della Sapienza, 19– Viterbo ONLINE SERVICES THE STUDENT PORTAL - area students - student services The psychological counseling is available to support students during their critical moments at the University. The counseling is free and held by Prof. Gianluca 15 It is the web system students can use without personally going to the secretariat; in a simple, interactive and independent way, different services can be managed. The portal can be accessed from any Internet connected PC by means of the tax code and Pin issued by the Student Admission Office when enrolling. Through the portal it is possible to access: first enrolment or in following years after first; {modification of personal details (address, phone number, email...); {filling in and submission of curriculum (for degree programs provided); {checking administrative situation (tuition fees, etc...); {checking out the university career (examinations passed, average marks...); {filling and submitting the study plan; {printing installment payment bill (MAV) or access home banking services; {printing digital certificates (enrollment and graduation); {booking exams. {booking for entry tests to the University; {taking the entry tests online; {checking the electronic booklet for educational activities to keep up with the topics explained during the class; {consulting educational supporting material uploaded by the teachers; {carrying out self-correctable exercises created by the teacher. { DEPARTMENT’S SITES This is a public official website with all the information about the study courses at the University of Viterbo. It includes all the details about a degree program: the general news, the entrance require16 ments for admission and examinations, the teacher list, objectives and training programme, career opportunities, the regulations, the academic calendar, the dates of final degree exams, the teaching guidelines. Through the platform, from any Internet station it is possible: {to access the class and examination timetable; {to read the examination program. WEBMAIL Unitus The University of Tuscia, offers its students during the whole enrollment period and beyond, an email patterned “@”. After receiving the booklet at the Student Admission Office you will receive your credentials, ie user name and password (or the same PIN of the Student Portal and Platform UniTusMoodle). The user name, which is also your e-mail, is provided according to the name.surname@studenti. pattern (in case of homonymous the pattern will be name,surname.1 @... @ name.surname.2...). With email you can have as many as 30 GB of storage space for your mail messages and in addition you can use for your video conferencing sessions, “Hangout”, the powerful instant messaging and audio-video chat. In addition to the “institutional” email account and “Hangouts” you can find other apps such as: “Calendar” to organize your study engagements with an almost unlimited (10 TB!) Cloud space on “Google Drive”, for storing all your files, “Document” for the creation and management of online file and many other Apps. With “@” also web accessibility and usability of the tools STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 offered in the “Google Apps for Education” package have been cared of; many other information can be found at WIFI The network Unitus-WIFI is a wireless infrastructure that provides connectivity and access to network services for University students and staff endowed with mobile devices with wireless card including the latest smartphones. Unitus-WIFI offers connectivity through a number of hotspots in all the University locations. The staff is authenticated through login credentials, that is the same to access the email service. ERASMUS INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY PROGRAM ERASMUS+ The Erasmus+ Programme is an important opportunity offered by the University to any student. Going to classes at a foreign university and taking exams that are recognized and become an integral part of the student’s education programme, or preparing the final, helps young people to perceive and acquire the European dimension. Erasmus+ is part of the European Community programs for the mobility of students among the 28 EU member states (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Por17 tugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Hungary), the countries of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and candidate countries (Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). Students can spend a study period abroad (from three to twelve months), while receiving have a monthly grant provided by the European Commission. It is an amount related to the hosting country and calculated on the base of the real period spent abroad. Grants are divided into three groups of destination countries (defined by the European Commission) according to the cost of living; amounts ranging from a minimum of Euro 230 to a maximum of Euro 280. In addition there is a further financial contribution by the University (in 2013/2014 was Euro 142.00 monthly). It is important (to score for the ranking) to have good skills in the foreign language required by the university of the hosting country: the Erasmus+ mobility must be planned attending language courses (external or within the University) so as to acquire a certification useful for the mobility. Erasmus+ also includes a specific student mobility for traineeship in enterprises, institutions or organizations located present in one of the European countries participating in the program. In this case the monthly grant ranges from 430 to 480 according to the hosting country. [email protected] [email protected]. Phone: 0761-357917 - 0761-357918 Location Via S. Maria in Gradi, 4 01100 Viterbo Opening time Mon-Wed-Thu: 9:00-12:00 UNITUS | SERVIZI ON LINE LANGUAGE CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATES have a modular structure in order to guar- The language and certificates are authorized issued by organizations institutions, The language certificates are issued by foreign authorized by ALTE (Asby ALTEentities (Association of Language Testers in foreign entities authorized by ALTE (Association of accredited Language Testers in Europe) Europe) and by the MIUR (Italian sociation of Language Testers in Europe) and accredited by the MIUR (Ministry of Ministry of Education, University and and accredited by the MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research), afResearch), after successfully completing Education, University and Research), after passing and oral tests aimed written and written oral tests aimed at assessing ter passing written and oral tests aimed theassess proficiency level achieved by achieved language to the proficiency level to assess the proficiency level achieved learners in four basic language skills: in the four skills: writing, listening, speakin the four skills: writing, listening, speakwriting, listening, speaking and reading. ing and reading. They are not linked to a ing and reading. They are or notexams linked to a International language certificates in particular study course are particular study course or exams are English, Spanish, and Portuguese can be publicly recognized. At the Language publicly recognized. At the Language obtainedUnit by passing exams organized by Service of the DISTU Department Service Unit of the DISTU Department the University Language Services located International language certificates the International certificates at:English, DISTU Department, San Carlocan 32. in Spanish,language andVia Portuguese in English, Spanish, and Portuguese can After booking an examination date and be obtained. After selecting the date be obtained. selecting the date submitting required documentation, and sent in all allAfter the required documents, and sent in all the required documents, students may sit the test, with results it is possible to be tested and obtain the it is possible to be tested and obtain the released shortly after. In some cases, results shortly afterwards. For some exresults shortly afterwards. For some exstudents of the University of Tuscia may ams, students of the University of Tuscia ams, students of the University of Tuscia be granted an examination fee reduction. have a cost reduction. have a cost reduction. [email protected] [email protected] Phone: 0761-357897 [email protected] Phone: 0761 357897 LOCATION: Phone: 0761 357897 Location DISTU Language Services Unit University Language ServicesServices Unit - Department DISTU Location DISTU Unit Via San Carlo, 32 Language 01100 Viterbo 01100Viterbo – Viterbo Via San Carlo, 32 01100 antee accessibility efficiencylanguage of times. The rooms and and multimedia The rooms and multimedia language labs increase the excellence of the offer. labs increase the excellence of the offer. have a modular structure in order to guarLANGUAGE CERTIFICATE Language certificates are issued by foreign antee accessibility and efficiency of times. OTHER RELATED SERVICES OTHER RELATED SERVICES Preparation Courses Preparation In order to getCourses ready for the selected cerIn order toand get to ready the selected tification get for a better result, certhe tification and to get a better result, the Language Services Unit organizes preparLanguage Services Unit organizes preparatory courses preceded by an assessment atory preceded by an assessment test tocourses check the language proficiency of test to check the language proficiency of the applicant. Depending on the test, the the applicant. Depending on the test, the candidate will be placed in a convenient candidate placed in a convenient level class.will ThebeStaff Linguistic Experts level class. The Staff Linguistic Experts and Language Trainers are native speakers and Language Trainers are native speakers highly competent in preparing students highly competent in preparing students to achieve international certifications. to achieve international certifications. The lessons are in different shifts and The lessons are in different shifts and 18 18 Exams and credits recognized Exams and creditsofrecognized At the University Tuscia in some deAt the University of Tuscia some de-a gree courses students whoin possess gree courses students language certificate canwho be possess exempteda language can be exempted from takingcertificate the foreign language examifrom taking the foreign language examination and/or those credits can be recnation and/or those credits can be recognized. For some students the language ognized. For some students the language competences and certificates can be reccompetences andcredits” certificates can be recognized as “free “or “Additional ognized as “free credits” “or “Additional Language skills”. Language skills”. LIBRARIES LIBRARIES THE LIBRARY POLE LIBRARIES THE LIBRARY POLE The ULS, University Library System, The ULS, University Library System, The LIBRARY Hubs gathers five libraries in two distinct poles: gathers five libraries in two distinct LIBRARY TECHNICAL SCIENTIFICpoles: The University Library SystemSCIENTIFIC (USL) is made up of LIBRARY LIBRARY TECHNICAL POLE five branch libraries, organized in two main hubs: LIBRARY POLE Opening times Opening Reading times room TECHNICAL and SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY HUB Reading Mon-Thuroom 09: 00/19: 00 Fri 09: 00/17: 00 Mon-Thu 09: 00/19: 00 Fri 09: 00/17: 00 OPENING Loan and HOURS distribution Loan and distribution Mon-Thuroom 09: 00/17: 00 Fri 09: 00/13: 00 Reading Mon-Thu 09: 00/17: 00 Fri 09: 00/13: 00 Mon-Thu 09: 00/19: 00 Fri 09: 00/17: 00 SOCIAL HUMANISTIC SOCIAL Borrow and return SOCIAL HUMANISTIC SOCIAL LIBRARY POLE Mon-Thu 00/17: 00 Fri 09: 00/13: 00 LIBRARY09: POLE Opening times of four seats Opening times of four seats { Riello seat HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES { Riello seat Reading room LIBRARY HUB (OPENING HOURS) Reading Mon-Thuroom 09: 00/19: 00 Fri 09: 00/17: 00 Mon-Thu 09: 00/19: 00 Fri 09: 00/17: 00 Loan andbranch distribution • Riello Loan and distribution Mon-Thu 09: 00/17: 00 Fri 09: 00/13: 00 Reading room Mon-Thu 09:in 00/17: 00 Fri00 09:Fri 00/13: S. Maria Gradi { Mon-Thu 09: 00/19: 09: 00 00/17: 00 { S. Maria in Gradi Reading room Borrow and return Reading Mon-Thu 00/17: 09: 00 00/13: 00 Mon-Thuroom 09:09: 00/19: 00 Fri0009:Fri 00/13: Mon-Thu 09: 00/19: 00 Fri 09: 00/13: 00 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 • Access Access to and theses Loan and distribution { todissertations on - line catalog (OPAC); S. Maria in Gradi branch Mon-Thu 09: 00/17: 00 Fri 09: 00/13: 00; { Access to the electronic library Reading room • Access to CD-ROMs, DVDs, VHS tapes, from remotely (AtoZ) S. Maria del Paradiso Mon-Thu 09: 00/19: 00 Fri 09: 00/13: 00 resources microfilmseven and microfiches Reading room, loan and distribution { Open archives support Borrow and return Mon-Thu 09:09: 00/17: 00 Fri00 09:Fri 00/13: 00; University Library Poles countof more The University Library holds a collection over Mon-Thu 00/17: 09: 00/13: 00 The than 180.000 bibliographic paper vol{ San Carlo 180,000 books; they are mainly monographic • S. Mariaroom del Paradiso branch umes; are mainly monographies, Reading studies,they journals, book series. Access to Reading borrow and return periodicals, series; access to databases Mon-Fri 09:room, 00/19: 00 databases and electronic journals is provided. electronic journals of the leading sciLoan and distribution Mon-Thu 09: 00/17: 00 Fri 09: 00/13: 00 and Applicants are required to register at one of entific and humanists publishers is also Mon-Thu-Fri 09: 00/13: 00 the Library’s Issue Desks. Registrations and • San Carlo provided. Users can avail themselves of Tue-Wed 09: branch 00/13: 00 and 15: 00/17: 00 book renewals can be completed whenever Reading room the consultation and loan service, afthe Library Assistance Desks are open Mon-Fri 09: 00/19:00 ter registering at the competent library The libraries offer the following Borrow and return while accessing to electronic resources services: Mon-Thu-Fri 09:00/13: 00 on line is guaranteed even remotely. Tue-Wed 09: 00/13:00 and 15: 00/17:00 • { Opening to inside and outside users; Access to online catalogue;(OPAC); { Access to digital bibliographical All library branches offer the following: resources (AtoZ), even remotely; { Consult of bibliographical paper and • digital Membership and to students material onservices dedicated servers; { loan of authorized material; • Book Access to members of the public to Interlibrary consult collections { loan (ILL) e documents • provision Search of (DP); the online catalogue and Reference; access to OPAC { { web sitetoand open archive (A Unitus • Access digital resources to Z), DSpace; including off campus access { Guidance, user training and reading • Access to digital collections and promotion; repositories { Teaching activity within the course • In-library consultation catalogues. • Consultancy, Book loan { information and • guidance Interlibrary(reference); loan (ILL) and document Loan delivery { and(DD) distribution of library material; • Access to reference works { Interlibrary loan (ILL) and document • Access to the open archive ‘Unitus delivery (DD); DSpace’ { Consultation of thesis on computer • Support activities, user training devices and of electronic bibliographic sessions and reading promotion resources on dedicated servers; • On Access dissertationsofand theses { siteto Consultation CD-ROMs, DVDs, VHS, microfilms and • Access to CD-ROMs, DVDs, VHS tapes, microfiche; microfilms and microfiches { { 19 SERVICES FOR DISABLED SERVICES STUDENTS FOR DISABLED – area students – student services The University of Tuscia offers a caring service for all disabled students. This service may consist either in accompanying of the disabled student, or in supporting the disabled student, or in supporting the disabled student when attending classes, consulting teachers and carrying out the final thesis. This service is coordinated by the Deputy Rector for disabled students. He is also supported by a working table that helps in the definition and implementation of intervention programs. Each department has its own representative. Deputy rector Prof. Saverio Senni [email protected] [email protected]. Phone: 0761 357278 UNITUS | ERASMUS E CERTIFICAZIONI LINGUISTICHE SERVICES Attendance support inside departments, at classes and consultancy with teachers. Supply of computer equipment Disable students requiring computer devices, can receive them from the University of Tuscia at home to participate in the University initiatives and for contacting the Teachers (pcs, laptops), and specialized equipment for the better fruition of university activities. { { Psychological counseling (see section) Other services on demand DISBEC Maria Ida Catalano - [email protected] DISTU Daniela Di Ottavio - [email protected] DISUCOM Stefano Pifferi - [email protected] Ms Silvia Pietrangeli - [email protected] [email protected] Phone: 0761-357968 Mon-Fri 10: 00-12: 00 POST GRADUATE SERVICES - area students - student services Social services department JOB PLACEMENT The following services are offered: { { { { { { Support activities to University Welfare; Services for students with disabilities Administrative support for psychological counseling Administrative support for Ombudsman Support to the Unique Committee of Guarantee for equal opportunities, enhancement of the welfare of working staff and against discrimination Organization Welfare DAFNE Angela Lo Monaco - [email protected] DEB Daniela Willems - [email protected] DEIM Enrico Maria Mosconi - [email protected] DIBAF Riccardo Massantini - [email protected] 20 Unitusjob is the front front desk that accomaccomUnitusjob is the desk that panies graduates and undergraduates panies graduates and undergraduates along the phase of of entering the along thedelicate delicate phase entering job market. It supports for external orithe job market. It supports for external entation helping ininthe the orientation helping thebuilding building up up the curriculum vitae, terms of employability, curriculum vitae, terms of employability, the professional project and the professional project and the the analysis analysis of potential training needs. It provides provides of potential training needs. It companies for jobjob offers, apcompanies forrecruitment, recruitment, offers, prenticeship contracts, internships manapprenticeship contracts, internships agement, mentoring, project work andand all management, mentoring, project work the activities aimed at professional start. all the activities aimed at professional start. It organizes organizes annual annual meetings meetingsto It to foster foster the the matching between matching between companies, companies, students students and recent recent graduates graduates(Career (CareerDay). Day). It ofand It offers fers a real opportunity enterthe the job job a real opportunity totoenter market through www.jobsoul.itUniversity Univermarket sity Labor OrientationService Service (SOUL) (SOUL) Labor Orientation which harmonizes harmonizes the the job/internship job/internship which supplyand anddemand. demand.It isIt possible is possible to disupply to directly rectly apply to the Unitusjob FrontDesk Desk apply to the Unitusjob Front the Research Research Office Office and and Relations Relations of the STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 with the Company or e - mail to the address indicated. The assistance is aimed at: building up the CV, defining the action plan leading the user to explore the job and training opportunities offered by the market, outlining a professional project and informing about the existence of relevant instruments for applicants. [email protected] Phone: 0761-357991 Location Via S. Maria in Gradi, 4 - Viterbo. Opening time Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri: 9:00 to 12:00 Tue 15:00-16:30 ALMALAUREA It is a service that plays as a meeting point between universities and companies. It intends facilitating the entry and integration of young people in the job market, helping companies in recruiting staff while reducing the matching time between demand and supply of skilled workers. The students of the collaborating universities have complimentary access to many services geared to the working world and postgraduate studies. The services can be accessed filling out the questionnaire proposed by Almalaurea at the end of the study course. Almalaurea offers undergraduates and graduates the opportunity to publish their curriculum vitae on the Internet besides the following services: { { { 21 Check, correct and update the CV; Check the job offers posted on Almalaurea web site; Respond on line to job offers by sending the CV; { { { { Consult post-graduate training opportunities within the Italian and foreign university system; See the annual report on graduate profile; See the annual report on graduate employment; Use an editorial web area that deals with issues related to the world of education and work. PHD RESEARCH - area students - student services The PhD PhDis is third of university The thethe third levellevel of university edueducation, which educacation, which tightlytightly blendsblends education and tion and research, twoelements basic elements research, the two the basic of the of the European of universities. European conceptconcept of universities. PhD are arethree threeyear yearprogram programcoursesthat coursesthat PhD beaccessed accessedafter aftera master a master graduacan be graduation tion or equivalent qualification obtained or equivalent qualification obtained abroad, abroad, with prior recognition by the with prior recognition by the academic academic authorities, alsoframework within the authorities, also within the of framework of inter-university inter-university cooperation andcooperamobility tion and mobility agreements. agreements. Applicantsgraduated graduated before the minApplicants before the ministerial isterial n. decrees n. and 509/1999 andcan n. decrees 509/1999 n. 270/2004 270/2004 can also access PhD courses. also access PhD courses. Thestudy studyprogramme programmeprovides for outThe provides for outlining a training plana research and a research alining training plan and projectprosuject supervised by by a tutor, means of pervised by a tutor, meansby of advanced advanced educational programs, educational programs, individual studyindiand vidual study and ends periods abroad;it endsa periods abroad;it with defending with defending thesis carried out with thesis carried out awith scientific method and scientific method andAwith originalallows conwith original contents. PhD degree tents. PhDthe allows theresearch, world of to access worldtoofaccess scientific scientificatresearch, primarily primarily Universities, but alsoat in Universiadvanced ties, but centers also in advanced research centresearch and production factories, ers andhigh production factories, where high where professional competence are professional competence are required. required. UNITUS | SERVIZI PER LA DISABILITÀ COURSES (Ph.D. cycle XXXI) DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT ECOSYSTEM AND PRODUCTION SYSTEMS Coordinator Prof. Alessandro Sorrentino The Diploma Supplement is issued DepartmentScience and Technology for Agriculture, to graduates of higher education in Forestry, Nature and Energy - DAPHNE stitutions along with their degree or diploma. The D.S. increases the transparency of the graduation obtained; CROP AND ANIMAL SCIENCES being integrated with the description Coordinator Prof. Domenico Lafiandra DepartmentScience and Technology for Agriculture, of the study course it actually makes it Forestry, Nature and Energy - DAPHNE easier also for international employers to identify the competences and skills of the graduates holding new academic ECOLOGY AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES qualification. Coordinator Prof. Daniele Canestrelli DepartmentBiological and Ecological Sciences - DEB MASTER SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABILITY Coordinator Prof. Mauro Moresi DepartmentInnovation of Biological Systems, Agri and Forestry University Partnership University of Molise HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE Coordinator Prof. Luciano Palermo DepartmentCultural Heritage EUROPEAN AND GLOBAL MARKET LAW. CRISIS, RIGHTS, REGULATION Coordinator Prof. Mario Savino DepartmentLinguistic - Literary, communicational and Historical - Legal European Institutions [email protected] Phone: 0761 357912 - 0761 357961 [email protected] Location Via S. Maria in Gradi, 4 - Viterbo Opening time Mon - Fri 9:00 to 13:00; Mon Tue Wed 14:30 to 16:30 22 - educational area – postgraduate offer Universities can open scientific advanced and high continuing learning courses, to be attended after bachelor or master graduation; upon their completion first and second level master diploma are issued. The Master courses are yearly renewed. The course starts only if the minimum number of eligible candidates is reached. Bachelor graduates can only enroll at I level Master courses while master graduates can attend I o II master courses. The Master courses include front lectures and other forms of tutored study and interactive teaching, usually distributed along a year’s time and alternating a compulsory traineeship period and/or the writing of a project or a paper as core part of the training project. The above mentioned activities are joined by individual study for 1,500 hours on the whole, and at least 60 credits are awarded. STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 MASTER I AND LEVEL II LEVEL DEIM { { Economics and Management of the Supplementary Pension ADISU (MASTER PREVMANAGEMENT) Public and Private Welfare and Welfare Funds for Professionals (MASTER PREVICASSE) DEB { Online Master in Management for Complex Organizations. Government, Innovation and Humanization of Social Health Facilities. The Master course are yearly The Master courses arerenewed. yearly renewed. LEVEL II DEIM { Economics and Law of the Supplementary Pension (MASTER PREVOCOMP) DISTU { Food Law [email protected] Phone: 0761-357824/825 Location Via S. Maria in Gradi, 4 - Viterbo Opening time Mon - Fri 10:00 to 12:00; Mon Tue Wed 14:30 to 16:30. 23 LIVING THE UNIVERSITY, LIVING THE CITY Laziodisu, the Regional Agency for the Right to Education, has the institutional duty to ensure capable and meritorious students with low income access to University. The organization offers individual supporting measures by public call and provides services for the benefit of all students. ADISU in Viterbo is devoted to students enrolled at the University of Tuscia and the Academy of Arts “Lorenzo da Viterbo”. The main services offered by the public calls are: { Scholarships, with differentiated amount relating to the personal situation of the applicant (on-site, off-site, commuter), resulting in tuition fee exemption. All eligible applicants are also exempted from fee payment; { The Housing Service at the University Residences in Viterbo in Piazza San Sisto, 8 (65 beds) and in Via Cardarelli, 77 (162 beds). Only eligible students living outside the Province of Viterbo can benefit of the housing. Erasmus+ incoming students can also benefit of this accommodation since 68 beds are reserved for them. Paying accommodations are also available in compliance with the General Regulation; { Contribution to International Mobility which is granted exclusively if the applicant student has been awarded the Adisu scholarship in the same year; UNITUS | DOTTORATI DI RICERCA the contribution depends on the actual costs incurred by the student when abroad; Services devoted to all students (and not under competition) are: { { { { The Catering Service, in Viterbo, near the canteen of the Student House, Piazza S. Sisto, 8. It offers a daily free meal to students holding the scholarships; also free for all eligible students and on payment for the in relathe and on payment for others, the others, in tion to the level;level; relation to income the income free of charge health care service, at the University Student Residence in Via Cardarelli, 77 - Viterbo, every Monday from 15:00 to 17:00; Two computer rooms with free Internet access at the University Student Residence in Via Cardarelli and Piazza San Sisto; Fitness room, reserved for students housed in Via Cardarelli and Piazza San Sisto; Phone: 0761 270610 - 11 Fax 274 666 0761 [email protected] Location Via Cardarelli, 75-01100 Viterbo Opening time Mon - Thu - Fri: 9:00 - 13:00 Tue-Thu 15:00 to 17:00 CUS (UNIVERSITY SPORTS CENTRE) It is the largest sports center in Viterbo serving students of the University of Tuscia and offers the possibility to play over 30 different sports, whether at professional or amateur level. In par24 ticular, CUS VITERBO organizes sport activities for all students by promoting the concept of physical education and the organization of the spare time. The CUS directly runes the sport facilities located at the University Campus: { { { { { { 1 football ground; 1 synthetic eight-a-side football pitch; 2 indoor multi-use multi-usegames gamesareas; area; 3 outdoor tennis courts 1 large recreation room with table football, table tennis and darts. 1 refreshment point with vending machines Free registration to the CUS for Unitus students. Complimentary access to most of the facilities for CUS enrolled students. The CUS organizes tennis lessons by a certified tennis teacher (FIT), volleyball, basketball, roller skating, women’s self-defense courses, swimming lessons and free swimming in accordance with a swimming pool in Vitorchiano. An associated fitness gym is Gym Palace in via Rossi Danielli VT Winter holidays (Valzoldana) and summer weeks (Muravera) are organized in accordance with CUSI Many shops in the city have agreement with CUS and offer discounts. [email protected] Phone/Fax: 0761 352737 Location Via San Camillo De Lellis, snc 01100 Viterbo Opening time Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri: 10:00 to 12:30 - 15:00 to 5:30 p.m. STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 PART TIME EMPLOYMENT - educational area offer postgraduate Student employment allows students to carry out a job activity to support the services provided by the university (libraries for students, laboratories, information and guidance services for students; support activities for disables students; ADISU facilities etc.), and it is supervised by university personnel. This part time employment can range from minimum 50 to maximum 150 hours for each academic year. A 10-hour weekly commitment and a 3-hour daily commitment cannot be exceeded. The average part time employment consists of 120 hours. The ordinary payment is 930.00 ( 7.75 x 120 hours of regular remuneration). Students can be employed only once for each academic year and the activities must be completed within the same year. The funding for employment depends on the resources available in the University budget. This employment is intended for students enrolled in undergraduate and master degree of the University of Tuscia, and must meet the following requirements for merit and income, in the academic year of the employment, and prove eligible after special selection: { { { 25 Being enrolled in the second year of the course and not exceeding the first extra year, for undergraduate students; Being enrolled in the first or second year, for students of master courses; Having certain number of credits { (CFU) of the previous academic year’s degree course; not exceeding the higher income range identified annually by the Administrative Board on the basis of the tuition fees regulation. [email protected] Phone: 0761 357824 - 825 Location Via S. Maria in Gradi, 4 - Viterbo Opening hours Mon - Fri 10:00 to 12:00; Mon Tue Wed 14:30 to 16:30 UNITUS EVENTS Besides many events sponsored or in cooperation with the University of Tuscia, the University yearly organizes many events, with the aim of promoting cultural initiatives. BOTANIC GARDEN Angelo Rambelli Every year the Botanic Garden organizes sets of events aimed to create interest and foster the visitors’ curiosity towards the vegetable worlds, by means of thematic courses, exhibitions and expositions. CONCERT STAGIONESEASON CONCERTISTICA UNIVERSITY DI ATENEO Within the wonderful framework of Santa Maria in Gradi complex, house of the Rectorate of the University of Tuscia, yearly a public concert season is organized, now reaching its X edition. The concert season boasts an extraordinary variety of programs and several guests. This is a great chance to appreciate high quality music and great interpreters. Artistic Director Prof. Franco Carlo Ricci UNITUS | VIVERE L’ATENEO CAFFEINA The University participates yearly in this event which lasts for over ten days presenting meetings with writers and journalists, debates, theater performances, previews, readings, theater for children, concerts, videos, sound and exhibitions. The medieval heart of Viterbo is transformed into a cultural citadel. The old town animates during this event, and palaces, squares, streets, become the natural open air stage, a communicative beating heart. PERIOD: Late June/early July. EXPO 2015 Among the several initiatives aimed to valorize the knowledge about the EXPO 2015 themes, the University of Tuscia, in cooperation with the University ROMA III and Sapienza, will carry out an exhibition named Tuscia food valley: food culture and production from past, present and future. It will take place between July and October 2015. In a multimedia exhibition area, the output of scientific and anthropologic historical research of the three Universities will be shown in a synthetic and emotional key. The University of Tuscia with prof. Marco Esti will be also involved in coordinating two scientific events among the 18 of the Call4innovators promoted by Lazio Innova. They will be held at Ara Pacis on 6 July and 16 October 2015. The two meetings will focus on Sustainable agriculture and Food colors and smells. 26 STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS A.S.E.S. - E.S.N. Erasmus Students and Foreigners Association - Erasmus Student Network Viterbo Purpose Promote international exchange university programme. President Alessandro Scivola Headquarters Int. Cooperation and Mobility Office Phone: 0761 357520 - [email protected] AUCS - University Association for cooperation between the university and the countries in the developing world Purpose Promoting exhibitions, meetings, conferences, theses and traineeship with the aim of providing students with information, and experience on the reality of developing countries (LDCs). President IacopoGiorgi Headquarters: Students Class DAFNE DIBAF Phone: 357 232 0761 - [email protected] - AUSF - University Forestry Students Association Purpose Raising awareness and deepening the issues concerning the world of forestry. Chairman Manuel Humburg Headquarters Students Classa DAFNE DIBAF Phone: 357 232 0761 - [email protected] CUT - University Theatre Centre Purpose Developing issues related to the world of theater and entertainment. President Valentina Galdi Headquarters CUT – Santa Maria in Gradi Complex Phone: 0761 357087 - [email protected] Association Universo Giovani Purpose Increasing students’ cultural, social and professional skills, promoting activities designed to enhance success in the job market. President Daniele Proietti Headquarters Orte, Via Sasseta n. 34 [email protected] Association Univercity Viterbo Purpose Designing projects aiming to carrying out a permanent cultural interface between the territory and the University. President Giorgia Brilli Headquarters Via della Sapienza n. 9, Viterbo [email protected] Association Gioventù Protagonista Purpose Social promotion with cultural, sports, educational, recreational, charity and voluntary aim. The association intends to enhance, coordinate and promote the cultural, sport, educational, artistic, musical, recreational and social tourism activities. President Marco De Carolis Headquarters Viterbo, Via Dora Riparia n. 22 [email protected] STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 DAFNE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR AGRICULTURE, FORESTS, NATURE AND ENERGY Director Prof. Renato D’Ovidio Address Via S. Camillo de Lellis, snc Viterbo Phone: 0761 357581 Contacts [email protected] Dafne department is the unique University Department of Lazio for Agricultural Science, Forestry and Conservation of Nature and Agricultural Biotechnology. The educational activity is closely linked to research. This connection is more and more visible passing from three-year degrees to master course, reaching its highest level in the PhD. Degree courses 2015 / 2016 The degree courses offered by Dafne Department provide a first cycle education, consisting of a bachelor degree course (3 years), followed by two-year master level and graduation. 28 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 COURSES Agricultural and Environmental Sciences { L-25 Science and technology for the conservation of forests and nature { L-25 Mountain Sciences { (Cittàducale seat) Biotechnology for Agriculture, environment and health { LM-7 Agricultural and Environmental Sciences { LM-69 Conservation and restoration of forests and soil conservation { LM-73 29 DAFNE | COURSES RESEARCH DEPARTMENT The Department of Science and Technology for Agriculture, Forestry, Nature and Energy (DAFNE http:// is a teaching and research department that is nationally and internationally well known for its several skills in agricultural, forestry and agricultural biotechnology. The research activities comprehensively cover the areas of agricultural and environmental sciences, forestry and natural sciences, agricultural biotechnology and environmental, forest conservation and restoration, and are carried out by researchers and teachers who belong to the following 10 research groups: {Herbaceous and Ornamental Agro-Ecosystems; {Agricultural biotechnology; {Molecular and environmental botany and landscape preservation; {Agriculture, food, land and forest economics and politics, evaluation and accounting; {Agriculture and forestry engineering; {Innovations in wood and fruit tree cultivation, in nursery and forestry genetics; {Agro-forestry pathology, entomology and microbiology; {Land planning and management; {Forest planning, management and restoration; {Livestock production. Although distinct for their specific fields of investigation and expertise, the research groups interact closely creating a lively interdisciplinary environment. 30 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 DEB ECOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Director Prof. Giuseppe Nascetti Address Largo dell’Università Viterbo Phone: 0761 357109 Contacts [email protected] The Department prepares technicians and highly skilled professionals in the biological and environmental field. Graduates in Life Sciences can carry out productive and technological activities in various practical fields, besides numerous analysis services. Deb counts several laboratories, where many students carry out their graduation thesis and PhD final dissertation, endowed of the highest level equipment and supervised by researchers who have gained national and international recognition and publish on the best scientific journals. Degree courses 2015 / 2016 The courses offered by Deb Department provide a first cycle education, consisting of a bachelor degree course (3 years), followed by two-year master level and graduation. 32 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 COURSES Biological Sciences { L-13 Environmental Sciences { L-32 (Civitavecchia seat) Cell and Molecular Biology { LM-6 Biology and Marine Ecology { LM-6 (Civitavecchia seat) 33 DEB | COURSES RESEARCH DEPARTMENT The Department of Biological and Ecological Sciences brings together a group of teachers whose background and research interests deeply root in the areas of environmental science and biology; they do research which stuck in the international study panorama and with distinct characteristics of competitiveness. The wide range of disciplinary skills and techniques of the members of the Department has resulted in fruitful interdisciplinary collaborations, since the Department’s foundation. The research objectives of the Department can be traced to two main areas, among them highly interconnected. Research in the environmental and ecological field. They deal with the study and characterization, both physical-chemical and biological, of marine and coastal environment, inland water and terrestrial environments, including extreme environments. The specific research lines range from geology, green chemistry, to fundamental and applied ecology, with action research, monitoring and management of environmental resources. { Research in the field of Biological Sciences. They deal with the analysis of the genetic and molecular mechanisms of fundamental biological processes such as evolution, adaptation and biodiversity, origin of life, cell differentiation, nano-biotechnology, epigenetic inheritance, immunity, biochemistry of nutrients, mechanisms of carcinogenesis and neurodegenerative diseases, mutagenesis and toxicology, and -omics sciences (proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics), extraction, synthesis and biological characterization of natural substances. { 34 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 DEIM ECONOMY AND ENTERPRISE Director Prof. Alessandro Mechelli Address Via del Paradiso, 47 Viterbo Phone: 0761 357716 Contacts [email protected] The Deim Department blends into a single structure the research functions of the Department of Business and Qualitative Studies and the formative functions of the Faculty of Economics. The courses are tailored to the professional and business associations’ needs, in order to foster dedicated skills to the real world of work. This organization allows a high number of job experiences, i.e. project work and training, during the course of studies. Degree courses 2015 / 2016 The courses offered by Deim Department provide a first cycle education, consisting of a bachelor degree course (3 years), followed by two-year master level and graduation. 36 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 COURSES Business Administration { L-18 (teaching sites Viterbo and Civitavecchia) Industrial engineering { L-9 Political science and international relations { L-36 Marketing and Quality { LM-77 Administration, Finance and Control { LM-77 Mechanical Engineering { LM-77 37 DEIM | COURSES RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 38 Deim department is a hub of knowledge and innovation. Its 45 teachers and researchers carry out research in various fields: Economics and Statistics, Industrial Engineering, Legal Studies, Political and social Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, English Language, Historical Sciences. This activities range from basic to applied research to technology transfer and to research on behalf of third parties. The Deim can count on collaborations with other universities and national research centers (including ENEA) and with international partner as the University of Glamorgan (Wales, UK) and the Higher School of Economics National Research University (Russia), as well as with 45 European Institutions/Universities within the Erasmus+ mobility program. International These activities range applied research to techcollaborations reachfrom outbasic extratoEuropean and internanology transfer(including and to research tional bodies FAO). on behalf of third parties. Inside DEIm two other Units are active: the Center for Innovation and Development of the Territory that collaborates with the University of Tor Vergata and the Science and Technology Park of Lazio; and the “Studies on economic development.” The Deim participates in the Jean Monnet programme with a research laboratory on “Mediterranean Europe in European integration”. As for the post graduate activities, the Deim offers: { Two PhD courses named: “Ecosystems and production systems”, “Historical Sciences”; { Some external PhDs; { Three Master courses (“Welfare and Pension schemes for professionals”, “Economics and management of supplementary pensions”, “Economics and social security law”). STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 DIBAF INNOVATION IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS, FOOD AND FORESTRY Director Prof. Giuseppe Scarascia Mugnozza [email protected] Address Via S. Camillo de Lellis, snc Viterbo Phone: 0761 357583 Contacts [email protected] 40 The Dibaf is a research and teaching multidisciplinary laboratory for the scientific and technological innovation dedicated to the exploitation, safeguarding and management of biological systems and forest resources, of food processing and safety, of human health and chemistry for the environment and land, at large. Degree courses 2015 / 2016 The courses offered by Dibaf Department provide a first cycle education, consisting of a bachelor degree course (3 years), followed by two-year master level and graduation. STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 COURSES Biotechnology { L-2 Landscape Planning and environmental design { L-21 Food technology and oenology { L-26 Safety and food quality { LM-70 Forestry and Environmental Sciences { LM-73 41 DIBAF | COURSES RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 42 The Department for Innovation in Biological systems, food, agriculture and forestry is a multidisciplinary research and teaching unit that aims to promote scientific and technological innovation in agrofood, environment and forestry sector. They are different disciplines but they share scientific complementary and integrated approaches, from chemistry and biology to food, animal, industrial and environmental biotechnology, supporting ecosustainable management of biological systems, food and forestry. The DIBAF is a hub for knowledge and innovation, capable of tracing a path to meet the environmental and global economic challenges, with the ambition to contribute to the development of a more ecologically and economically sustainable society, with low greenhouse gas emission, based on the use of bio-resources. Within the ANVUR report 2013 on the quality of research in universities and Italian departments, the DIBAF w has assessed fourth out of over seventy agriculture and biotechnology departments of all the Italian universities, including the largest and the oldest. The scientific objectives of the Department are aligned with the strategic objectives of the University, above all: the improvement of research quality and excellence; the strengthening of the innovation degree and technology transfer of scientific outcome with the creation of spin-off companies. STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 DISBEC SCIENCE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE Director Prof.ssa Gabriella Ciampi [email protected] Address Largo dell’Università Viterbo Phone: 0761 357167 Contacts [email protected] The Disbec Department ensures high level historicalartistic and archaeological training for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. Graduates achieve theoretical, historical and critical-methodological advanced skills in various areas related to arts. Much of the practical training courses provided by the Department are carried out in laboratories and also in the field, thanks to specific equipment that supports teaching activities. Degree courses 2015 / 2016 The course list of the Disbec Department of University of Tuscia provides a bachelor course, consisting of a three-year course, leading to the degree, followed by two years of in depth studies after lead to the master degree. 44 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 COURSES Science of Cultural heritage { L-1 Archaeology and History of Art. Protection and enhancement { LM-2/LM-89 Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property { LMR-02 (single cycle) 45 DISBEC | COURSES RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 46 The Disbec Department develops five principal areas of research: {Archaeology {Art history {Philological and literary sciences {Historical and legal sciences {Sciences and technologies for the preserving and promoting the cultural heritage. Each sector is divided into research areas carried out at a local, national and international level. This main division integrates research activities blending ancillary cultural heritage topics related to conservation, documentation, archiving, restoration, museum display, exhibition communication, conservative techniques and diagnostics, thus overtaking the rigid disciplinary distinctions. STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 DISTU LINGUISTIC AND LITERARY, HISTORICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL AND LEGAL STUDIES Director Prof. Giulio Vesperini [email protected] Address Via San Carlo, 32 Viterbo Phone: 0761 357881 Contacts [email protected] TheDepartment Distu Department promotes that, on startThe research and teaching studies focus primarily the ing from issues-problems, contribute to the aspects andspecific the dynamics of the institutional, historical, linguistic understanding of the characters the dynamics of and cultural European identity through aand whole range of subjects, the new institutional, linguistic and cultural European methodologies and different and interpretative perspectives. space, also strongly enhancing the essential phases of the process with a historical perspective. To perform this program the variety of disciplinary methods together with an analysis of the institutional and the cultural European space and its dynamics, based on the multiplicity of investigation techniques and on differentiatedProgrammes interpretative perspectives; DEGREE for the the expansion of the internationalization of research, in line with academic 2015 -by2016 the initiatives year implemented department teachers over the years with the view of strengthening the The programmes offered by Distu Department relationships with research groups workinginclude on thea first cycle degree programme (Bachelor’s degree, three same directions in and outside Italy, are fundamental. years), followed by a two-year Master’s programme (second cycle degree programme). We also offer a Single Cycle Degree Programme in Law (5 years). Degree courses 2015 / 2016 The courses offered by Distu Department provide a first cycle education, consisting of a bachelor degree course (3 years), followed by two-year master level and graduation. 48 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 The programmes are: COURSES { { Modern Languages and and Cultures Modern Languages Cultures LL-11 - 11 Languages and cultures Cultures for international for Internationalcommunication Communication LM-37 LM - 37 { Public, political Political and and institutional Institutional Communication Communication LM-59 LM - 59 { 49 Law Law LMG-01 LMG - 01 DISTU | COURSES RESEARCH RESEARCH DEPARTMENT RESEARCH DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT DISTU department’s research focuses on four main At DISTU, research is organized into four areas: Modern Foreign Languages andonmain Literatures; DISTU department’s research focuses four areas: main Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures; Linguistics; Linguistics; Law and Legal sciences; History and areas: Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures; DISTU department’s research focuses on four main philosophy. Law and Legal Studies; History and Philosophy. Each Linguistics; Law and Legal sciences; History and areas: Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures; Each sector is divided into research lines, carried sector is divided into research lines, fostered by single philosophy. Linguistics; Law and Legal sciences; History and out bysector singleoris researchers or small workgroups, often Each divided into research lines, carried researchers small workgroups, whose widespread philosophy. involved in research projects financed by national and out by single researchers or small workgroups, often commitment a rangelines, of initiatives Each sector isis demonstrated divided into by research carried international funds (PRIN, FIRB, ERA). The individual involved in research projects byinternationally nationaloften and out by single researchers or financed small and workgroups, and activities, including nationally and collective research results inERA). translations, critical international funds (PRIN, FIRB, The individual involved in research projects financed by national and funded research projects (PRIN, FIRB, ERA). Research editions published in Italian and in foreign languages, and collective research results in translations, critical international funds (PRIN, FIRB, ERA). The individual outcomes include translations, critical editions (in Italian on international magazines orand books, also digitalized. editions published in Italian foreign languages, and collective research results inintranslations, critical and foreign languages), journal articles, books and ebooks. on international magazines books, also digitalized. editions published in Italianorand in foreign languages, The hub of the scientific activities of also the department on international magazines or books, digitalized. The hub of the scientific activities of the department focuses consists of the thescientific institutional and of cultural European The hub of activities the department on the institutional and cultural identity. DISTU’s space. scholars dealEuropean withof data and issues consists of the thescientific institutional and cultural European The hubDISTU’s of activities the department scholars work on economic, political and intellectual history, ranging from political and intellectual space. DISTU’s scholars deal withcultural data and issues consists of theeconomic, institutional and European on languages from diachronic and synchronic history, to languages in diachronic and perspectives, synchronic ranging from economic, political and intellectual space. DISTU’s scholars deal with data and issues on the literary and cultural production the the Middle Ages perspective, theeconomic, literaryin production from Middle history, to languages diachronic and synchronic ranging from politicalfrom and intellectual to contemporaneity, on the main trends ofphilosophical philosophical Ages toto contemporary times, the perspective, the literary from the Middle history, languages in production diachronic and synchronic elaborations, the institutions, theories thought, the European institutions and legal Ages tooncontemporary times, traditions, the philosophical perspective, the literary production from thepractices. Middle and legal practices. These topics are analyzed in All these are with both intraditions, their evolution inside elaborations, thedealt institutions, theories Ages toareas contemporary times, the philosophical their evolution inside Europe, but also broadening and legal practices. These topics are analyzed in European societies, and in the broadening of the geographical elaborations, the institutions, traditions, theories their geographical boundaries till embracing the evolution inside Europe, but also broadening boundaries Mediterranean European and legal embracing practices.theThese topics and are extra analyzed in Mediterranean area and theLatin extra European societies their evolution geographical boundaries till embracing the inside Europe, but also broadening societies and cultures, including America, Africa and Asia. and Mediterranean area and the extratill European societies theircultures. geographical boundaries embracing the and cultures. Mediterranean area and the extra European societies and cultures. 50 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 50 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 50 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 DISUCOM HUMANITIES, COMMUNICATION AND TOURISM Director Prof.ssa Elina Filippone Address Via Santa Maria in Gradi, 4, Viterbo Phone: 0761 357604 Contacts [email protected] The Disucom Department is a hub for promoting and coordinating research activities in the field of humanities and communication, as well as environment which is the base of tourism. The activity of the Department is aimed to integrate different research areas: on the one hand the area of literature, history and anthropology, on the other hand that of social sciences, sociology and communication. A route from ancient times to our time, with special attention to the development of modernity. Degree courses 2015 / 2016 The courses offered by Disucom Department provide a first cycle education, consisting of a bachelor degree course (3 years), followed by two-year master level and graduation. 52 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 COURSES Humanities { L-10 Communication, technology and digital culture { L-20 Modern Philology { LM-14 53 DISUCOM | COURSES RESEARCH DEPARTMENT DISUCOM Department was born in 2011 as a unit for promoting and coordinating the research activities in the field of humanities, communication, cultural tourism, technological and computer science competences. The Department is characterized by a multidisciplinary approach that promotes comprehensive research objectives, the development of new methodologies when carrying out original and innovative projects and functional strategies when disseminating their outcome at national and international level. The research areas inside the Department are: {Media Studies; {Computer Science; {Modern and Contemporary History; {Modern and Contemporary Literature; {Linguistics and Philological Studies; {Business and Legal studies; {Social Studies; {Historical and Art Studies. In order to strengthen the integration process of the different competencies, four lines of research have been recently identified in the Department involving researchers from different disciplines. They represent the main objectives of the DISUCOM research for the next two years and are: {Travels, meetings and memory in Central and Mediterranean Europe; {Massive data analysis in the social, economic, social, historical and geographical sciences; {Food, Nutrition, Culture, Society and Arts; {Institutions, Business and Law. 54 STUDENT GUIDE 2015 / 2016 Project by LABCOM Tuscia University Laboratory for Marketing and Communication Printed in June 2015 2015, June, by Tipolitografia Quatrini Graphic design Andrea Venanzi The pictures of the University are by cared by Cecilia Campaniello Cecilia Campaniello and Franco Sassara Archive photos drawn from Departement’s Collections Departmental Collections Translation by Felicetta Ripa WWW.UNITUS.IT
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