09/25/2014 Collegiate FYI
09/25/2014 Collegiate FYI
September 25, 2014 Volume 2014, 12/20/2012 Issue 7 The CollegiateFYI FYI Collegiate Volume 1, Issue 15 Dear Collegiate Families, A special thanks to the parents who attended our first “Coffee with the Principals” of the year this morning! It was great to chat in a small and more intimate setting about information we want our parents to know. Mr. Johnson and I genuinely value your input and these feedback sessions are a great venue for us to hear your thoughts on educational issues in our nation, state and local community. We also recognize that some parents could not attend a session at this time, and we plan to vary the scheduling of these casual quarterly meetings to accommodate as many parents as possible! High School parents, be sure to ask your students about the new Dual Credit opportunity with CCU. Students received informational handouts yesterday including details on how to sign up for this program. This fall, students in eight Advanced Placement courses will have the opportunity to earn the GPA advantage of AP while also earning highly transferable college credit. While students will still need to take the AP exam to earn the AP designation on transcripts and to receive the GPA boost associated with Advanced Placement, by enrolling in the Dual Credit program they will earn college credit by receiving a grade of “C” or above in each course. This is great news for students who struggle with test anxiety and might perform very well in college level coursework, but struggle to pass a single high stakes exam. See page 10 for details on registration, and feel free to contact me with any questions! This weekend is shaping up to be a busy one at Collegiate Academy. Tomorrow (Friday) night, our Middle and High School Student Councils are teaming up to offer a free Movie Night for all ages. They will be showing Lady and the Tramp, and offering an (optional) Spaghetti Dinner in honor of the film for a nominal fee of $5.00. Parents can drop their student off and enjoy some adult time, or join their child and make it a family evening. Please rsvp for the dinner portion. The weekend’s big event, of course, is the 9-11am Pancake Breakfast on Saturday. These mornings have become a bit of a tradition at Collegiate as staff chefs face off in some intense competition the for “best pancakes” award. As a past Champion Chef myself, I understand the deep sense of honor and accomplishment which comes with this recognition! Mrs. Hillan is determined to reclaim her position as top chef, but she will face some tough competition from first time chefs Mrs. Ballengee and Mr. Gitner. All joking aside, this really is a fun event for all ages and we hope to see you there! The event is free, but you will have the opportunity to vote for top chef with your tip dollars. The proceeds will be used by the School Improvement Team to add Core Values signage in our Elementary and Middle School hallways. Finally, following the Pancake Breakfast, head to the gym for “Minute to Win It” style games for the whole family. There is no fee to participate, and we hope to see some stiff competition between families and among family members. It’s a great way to bond as a family after eating and voting on great pancakes! Chris Becker Principal INSIDE THIS ISSUE Letter from Mr. Becker ......... 1 CORE Value Awards............. 2 The Foundation .................... 3 Student Council…....….…...4 School News/Menu………...5 Iron Chef Pancakes………...6 Community News…….….....7 Jeep Raffle…………………….8 Jeep Raffle Office Flyer….…9 Please remember that it is illegal to park in handicapped spots if you do not have a handicap placard! CORE VALUE AWARDS Integrity • Perseverance • Quality • Ownership ~Ownership~ Asher Roberts received this award from Ms. Smith for showing ownership by telling her that something was bothering him independently without any assistance from his mom. Nora Schoenfeld received this award from Mrs. Casassa for being honest about needing to complete her work and then getting it all done. Hannah Espinoza received this award from Mrs. Bryson for sticking to her choice, even when everyone around her changed their minds to follow what their neighbor did. Michael Lemonis received this award from Mrs. Hillan for taking responsibility for his actions and earning the most Dojo points in one day so far this year. Bailey Bagwell received this award from Mrs. Weber for choosing to take responsibility for her personal belongings. She is organized, neat, and overcoming the challenge of turning in her work on time. Anthony Matson-Moralas received this award Mr. DeVries for taking responsibility for his choices, positive and negative and is overcoming the challenge of getting his homework in on time. Ian Knight received this award from Mrs. Ballengee for taking ownership of his behavior this week. MaKayla Southam received this award from the MS team for taking responsibility for her actions and correcting her mistakes even without being prompted. Jenna Misik received this award from the MS Team for not only taking on the responsibility of gathering her missed work after being sick, but also for completing that work with quality and diligence. Claire Steinhauer received this award from Mrs. Ziegler for always filling out a prearranged absence form, even for one day. It is our choices... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. ~ J. K. Rowling Applebee’s Breakfast has been postponed to a later date. Monthly Meetings The Foundation Meetings occur on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 but there is no need to wait until then to become involved! Current Opportunities: Director Positions Event leadership and support Financial Support Create Flyers Donations Advertising Events Shop With a Purpose! Thank you to the 2014-2015 Foundation Board for your commitment to serving our school over the next year! President - Niccole Board Co-Vice Presidents - Elizabeth Miller & Mary Minger Secretary - Terry Usry Treasurer - Lisa Ferency Directors - Melanie Linnebur, Barbora Meese, Tylor Sherman Four additional Director positions are available! We have Albertson’s cards which are used in conjunction with your personal Albertson’s card and the system automatically tracks the total dollars spent by Collegiate families and we get a percentage back. There are also reloadable King Soopers gift cards available for purchase for $5. Each time you reload the card for groceries or gasoline purchases, we receive a percentage back. You can designate Collegiate as the recipient of a percentage of your Target Red Card spending, learn more by clicking here. Our school receives significant funding from Labels for Education and Box Tops for Education. For complete lists of participating products and manufacturers, click here for labels and click here for box tops. TerraCycle®, Capri Sun®, and Honest Kids® have partnered to create the Drink Pouch Brigade®, a free recycling program for drink pouches and fundraising opportunity. We have containers at the elementary front desk and in the cafeteria for drink pouches. Shoparoo, an app available for iOS and Android, gives money back to our school based on your grocery shopping patterns. You take snapshots of your grocery receipts from any store that sells grocery products. Shoparoo reports back product data to major retailers and manufacturers and they provide the funds for our school. Click here for an FAQ. Please contact Niccole Board at [email protected] for more information. Book Fair Thank-you! to all of the fantastic volunteers who kept the book fair running smoothly last week. We sold $2635.98 in books and accessories and brought in over $1300 for the school. Plus, we purchased some new books for our students to check out! 3 Our orders are here two weeks early! Please plan to come to school any time after noon on Monday to assist your child if they have a large order. Thank-you! Lady and the Tramp Come join the Collegiate community (kids with or without parents) for a Spaghetti dinner and an amazing movie! Tomorrow (Friday) Dinner 5:30 pm $5/each Student Council Movie 6-7:30 pm Popcorn $1 Candy Bars $1 Licorice 10 for $1 Soda $1 Elementary Student Council October 2nd, 3-4 pm All 3-6th grade students are invited to join! Elementary Spirit Week September 29-October 3 Monday: Western Day—Let the cowboy/cowgirl in you shine. Tuesday: Sports Day—Support your favorite sports team. Wednesday: Mix-matched/Nerd Day—Who says stripes & plaid don't go? Thursday: Career Day—What do you want to be when you grow up? A BIG thank you to all of our parents and students who provided delicious meals during conferences to the staff. We are also very appreciative of the wonderful babysitting! There were a few crock pots and a cake pan left that can be claimed in the HS teacher's lounge. Thank you! We are looking for someone inter- ested in building a miniature library for a "Free Little Library" project for Collegiate. If you are good with tools and have some time, please contact Mrs. Ballengee @ [email protected]. 4 The Collegiate Academy Ultimate Frisbee Team School News School Improvement Team Our School Improvement Team (SIT) will be meeting the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 8:30 am. This team evaluates our facility to determine which urgent needs and other improvements exist, as well as which improvements would best enhance the educational process. Please consider joining our team! Our team is 2-0 so far this year! They beat Heritage and Colorado Academy. Please consider coming out to support our team! Upcoming game schedule: 9/25 Arapahoe HS 10/2 Littleton HS 10/9 @ Lakewood HS 10/16 Jeffco Open School HS 10/23 Heritage HS 10/30 @Littleton HS October 22 & 23 8 am—Noon We need volunteers for hearing and vision testing. Training will occur just prior to testing on the 22nd and the 23rd. Please contact Melanie in the clinic if you have questions. Her email address is [email protected]. Hungry to Win! Earn College Credit in High School! Registration Deadline: October 15 Registration Fee: $200/course Register online: https://secure.ccu.edu/dualcredits 2014 Course Equivalency: AP Lang and Comp = ENG-102, 3 CR AP Microeconomics = ECO-222, 3 CR AP US Government = POL-207, 3 CR AP US History = HIS-205, 3 CR AP World History = HIS-201, 3 CR AP Calculus AB = MAT-141, 4 CR AP Calculus BC = MAT-241, 4 CR AP Computer Science = CIS-130, 3 CR 5 Italicized items are only available to secondary students Monday Entréé Salad / Hot Dog & Chili / Macho Nachos / Frénch Friés Black Jack Pizza Tuésday Ham & Chéésé Sandwich / Chickén Sandwich / Chéésé Ravioli / Pintos & Chéésé Chicken Tamales Wédnésday Entréé Salad w/ Roll / Galaxy Pizza / Chickén Fajitas / Oriéntal Véggiés Black Jack Pizza / Sweet n Sour Chicken Thursday Turkéy & Chéésé Sandwich / Chickén or Chéésé Quésadilla / Hamburgér / Chééséburgér / Stéaméd Véggiés Pasta Bar Hearing and Vison Testing CCU Dual Credit Program Next Week’s Menu Simply eat school lunch during the month of October and be automatically entered into a drawing to win prizes! If you’ve thought about trying school lunches, now would be the perfect opportunity. We offer numerous healthy choices, convenience, reasonable cost, and now chances to win prizes. We are all in a hurry and struggle with not having enough time, let us save you time and provide a convenient, nutritious, well balanced meal right here at your student’s school. The club will last four weeks and will be free, other than the cost of your child’s rocket. Friday Entréé Salad w/Roll / Big Daddy’s Pizza / Orangé Chickén w/Friéd Ricé / Honéy Glazéd Carrots Black Jack Pizza / Deli Sandwich Daily (Secondary Only) Pretzel, Cheese, Sunflower Seeds CAC Library Calling all library volunteers! Our library is now up and running after our wonderful volunteers spent many hours reorganizing and upgrading shelving systems. Thank you Wendy and team! We are now seeking volunteers to check in/check out books, shelve books, create displays, and coordinate future book fairs. Volunteer orientation will take place next Monday, 9/19 from 8-8:30am and next Thursday, 10/2 from 2:202:50pm in the library. Can't make it to an orientation but still interesting in helping out? Email Wendy at [email protected]. Iron Chef Collegiate~ Pancake Breakfast with Our Champions! Saturday, September 27th 9-11am Join our community for a delicious and FREE breakfast AND fabulous entertainment as Collegiate staff members compete for tips by making you their very own gourmet pancakes! Chef Ballengee, Chef Hillan, and Chef Gitner will be competing for the title of “Iron Chef!” You will not want to miss this event! Just remember to break open your piggy bank so that you can tip the chef with the most spectacular pancakes! Followed by… Minute to Win It! Immediately following the pancake breakfast our Foundation will be hosting a family version of Minute to Win It based on the hit TV show! Parents will compete against children in silly games from 11-1. Please consider volunteering for this incredibly fun event! Iron Chef Bios Chef Gitner After a long night of fasting, Chef Gitner was ready to break something. Fortunately, he decided it should be eggs, milk, and several dry ingredients into a bowl for breakfast. This is how he started his career on the amateur circuit in college. He prepared breakfast most Sunday mornings for his three roommates and whomever else happened to be there. He named this dive The Bad Ideas Club: a whimsical twist on his creative recipes utilizing whatever happened to be in the pantry that morning, plus a strict invite-only policy. The kitchen flourished, and enjoyed a small but dedicated client base. Although omelets are his staple, Andrew experimented with various ingredient combinations and breakfast tidbits before ultimately deciding that simplicity best suited his house's sparse pantry. He is nonetheless excited to bring an exotic American-Pacific twist to Iron Chef Collegiate. Chef Hillan Defending her title from last fall, Chef “Hotcakes” Hillan was born an orphan in Bydgosczc, Poland. After running away from an orphanage at the age of 5, she earned enough money to sustain herself by selling nalesniki (polish pancakes) door-to-door in the surrounding villages. Rumors of her impressive young talent began to spread and she was recruited as an apprentice for Chef Karol Okrasa at the renowned Manekin Restaurant in nearby Torun. There she spent 10 years working in the kitchens, until, at the age of 18, she became known locally as Nalesniki Gotacy, or “Hot Cakes” in English. Her talent was sought after by several Polish dignitaries and she baked for local events, including catering the wedding brunch for Prince Stanislaw Radziwill’s daughter, Anna Christina. In fact, Anna had adored dining on Chef’s delicacies and in particular her pancakes so much that she hired her as her personal chef. Arriving in the United States with her employer, Chef Hillan was able to hone her craft in pancake-making by adding American flavors and ingredients to her repertoire. Now known as Hotcakes Hillan, Chef is honored to be competing in such a prestigious event at Collegiate Academy, and eager to win back the Pancake trophy after having to drop out of the spring event due to a deep-sea bass fishing accident. Chef Ballengee It was a historically hot summer in 1986 and Chef Ballengee was living in New Mexico training for her first Iron Man Competition. The rigors of the training schedule were brutal. Each day Chef was spending 7 hours training under the blazing sun biking, running, and swimming. Chef worked up an enormous appetite. She was well-known in those parts for being able to eat a dozen eggs, 16 hamburgers, 3 pizzas, and a glass of milk in one sitting as well as for completing grueling 36 hour bike rides. Over the course of these rides she would prepare her meals in the expansive New Mexican desert from whichever supplies and ingredients that were at her disposal. Chef quickly became an expert on preparing pancakes using flat rocks on the side of the road for a griddle. She acquired a taste for crushed bugs spread between cactus flesh and the occasional needle. Chef found that crushed beetle protein best increased her performance on her long rides. She has cleaned up her pancakes for this competition but be prepared for Chef Ballengee to throw in a natural twist as she flips at peak performance. Teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops. ~ Henry Brooks Adams Community News Jeffco Enrollment & School Choice Parent Survey The school district has launched a parent survey to help identify the district’s priorities for enrollment and school choice so that they may be addressed over the next 12 to 18 months. The survey asks parents about their experiences with enrollment, satisfaction with current curricular and extra-curricular offerings in Jeffco, desired curricular and extra-curricular offerings, and preferences for additional school choices (STEM, IB, school of arts, for example). Please use your Jeffco Connect username and password or the generic username, PARENT and password, CHOICE2014 to login. The survey will be available from Wednesday, Sept. 17 to Sunday, Oct. 5, 2014. The survey takes approximately seven minutes per level (preschool, elementary, middle and high). Parents with children in more than one level, should add an additional seven minutes to the completion time. Family Fire Muster Who Loves Brownies? Third grade Brownie Troop #2917 is meeting next Friday, October 3rd after school from 3:15-5 pm in the art room. If you think that your daughter might be interested in Girl Scouts, please contact Natalie Walter at 720-940-5643. Let your child be a firefighter for a day! Come join our local fire department at the West Metro Fire Rescue Training Center at 3535 S Kipling Street near US 285 & Kipling in Lakewood on Saturday, September 27th from 10 am—2 pm. Parking & shuttle service are available at D’Evelyn High School. Admission is free thanks to many local sponsors! More information is available here. 7 Jeep Raffle & Classroom Contest! Hello Collegiate Family, The Jeep raffle deadline is rapidly approaching! We have two months left to sell as many tickets as possible to reap the full benefit of this incredible fundraiser. Each ticket is $50 and is most easily purchased online by clicking here. Business cards with information about the raffle and the link are available at the elementary front desk. You are also encouraged to volunteer to sell raffle tickets at future events to be announced. We are asking each family to sell five tickets to meet our fundraising goal. You are welcome to sign out raffle tickets at the high school front desk but you will be liable for the amount of the tickets if they are not purchased or are lost. A maximum of 2500 tickets will be sold. Just to make things a little more exciting we are throwing in a contest between classrooms! The winning classroom will vote between a pizza party or an ice cream sundae party! All tickets sold between now and October 21st will count so be sure to tell individuals that purchase your tickets to add your name to the comments section of the website purchase form. On the next page you will find a flyer that can be hung in your office break room, your hairdresser, coffee shop, mechanic, etc. We would appreciate it if you asked friends and family to do so as well. Remind people to mention your name in the comments section of the on-line sales so that you get credit! Don't forget to email friends and family and share the news on Facebook. Thank you for your dedication to our school and to our incredible students! Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Jeep Wrangler Raffle ~ November 15 www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing $50 ticket (or 5 for $225) Buy a raffle ticket today! Drawing date: November 15, 2014 Tickets: $50 Or 5 for $225 Only 2500 tickets will be sold! Your participation will help to enhance and expand academic programs at Collegiate Academy of Colorado, a K-12 public charter school in Littleton, Colorado. 1st Prize: 2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (or $20,000 cash) 2nd Prize: Vision Photography Photo Package ($840 Value) 3rd Prize: Custom Watercolor by Artist Kevin Koemig ($300 Value) Drawing will be held at Collegiate Academy on November 15, 2014 at 6:00 pm Go to http://www.collegiateacademy.net/drawing for details, terms and conditions, and to buy tickets online. ~or~ Buy tickets at Collegiate Academy—East Entrance 8420S Sangre de Cristo Road, Littleton, CO 80127 Questions? Call 303-972-7433