
1, 2 011 E’s Programs
and GLID d T h e a t r e
t for Mo’s o r a t t h e W a r f
A Music
for the
Jam Se
Thank you for providing care and compassion to the poor and homeless for over five decades.
Congratulations for the GLIDE Annual Holiday Jam gala celebrating The Love Groove!
Joan Baez, Richard Blum, Pete Escovedo, Huey Lewis, Bobby McFerrin, Janice Mirikitani,
Cindy and Carlos Santana, SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK,™ Paula West and Cecil Williams present
Richard C. Blum and the Honorable Dianne Feinstein
ARRIVAL S —6 :0 0 PM
Mistress of Ceremonies
Renel Brooks-Moon
Live jams in tribute to Nick Ashford
with a special guest appearance by Valerie Simpson
Performances by Sheila E., Pete Escovedo, Tom Johnston from
the Doobie Brothers, Maze Daiko, POPLYFE, Jaz Sawyer, Paula West,
GLIDE Ensemble and the Change Band and other surprise musical guests!
RECEP T ION—8 :3 0 P M (after the performance)
Post-performance eats and drinks
No matter what comes our way or what we go through, I’ll be there for you
Welcome to The Love Groove! We are honored to participate in the GLIDE Annual Holiday Jam, a Jam Session for the Poor, to benefit GLIDE’s
many programs and Mo’s Kitchen. We are inspired by the legacy of unconditional love, acceptance and compassion created by Cecil Williams
and Janice Mirikitani for nearly five decades. We thank all of you for supporting GLIDE’s efforts to alleviate suffering and transform lives.
It is with sadness, joy and gratitude that we remember the life of the late, great Nick Ashford. The gifts of his love and creativity will live on in
his immortal music.
Happy Holidays!
The Honorary Co-Chairs of The Love Groove, GLIDE Annual Holiday Jam
(Top Row left to right) Joan Baez, Richard C. Blum, Pete Escovedo, Huey Lewis
(Bottom Row left to right) Bobby McFerrin, Carlos and Cindy Santana, SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK,™ Paula West
Nick Ashford, musician, composer, humanitarian, friend, and brother to all of us, brought so much joy, so many blessings to the world. He
understood that the universal language of music spoke not only across borders and continents, not only to the ears but to the heart and the soul
of people. He and Valerie Simpson, his life and artistic partner, have created lyrics and melodies that are timeless—sung, hummed, shouted
through the decades, and will continue as immortal classics. Nick and Val have created the emotional soundtrack to love, to hope, to the power
of the human spirit to rise above any & all challenges, no matter how “high the mountains or low the valleys”, their music prevails as part of our
American culture. Nick Ashford will be forever remembered, forever treasured. The creative partnership of Ashford & Simpson has presented us,
the world, with the real thing…the gift of romance, of authenticity, of spirit. We pay loving tribute to Nick Ashford.
I read your letters when you’re not near
But they don’t move me
And they don’t groove me like when I hear
Your sweet voice whispering in my ear
Ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby
Ain’t nothing like the real thing
You must know this through your tears and fears…
I care and there ain’t nothing we can’t share
December 1, 2011
December 1, 2011
Reverend Cecil Williams and Janice Mirikitani
GLIDE Foundation
330 Ellis Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
The Love Groove
GLIDE Annual Holiday Jam
San Francisco, California
Dear Friends,
Dear Cecil and Jan,
I am delighted to have the opportunity to join your friends, family and the
San Francisco Bay Area in celebrating the GLIDE Annual Holiday Jam, “The
Love Groove”. I am sorry that Richard and I could not be there to enjoy this
momentous occasion; however, please know that our well wishes and good
thoughts are with you.
This event that features music performances from Sheila E., Pete Escovedo, Tom
Johnston of the Doobie Brothers, POPLYFE and other special guests will benefit
countless people. It is particularly touching to pay tribute to the late Nick Ashford.
He and his lifetime partner and co-songwriter Valerie Simpson have provided the
world with unforgettable songs and lyrics which will be long treasured.
GLIDE’s years of service and the many programs it provides have enriched the
community. By sponsoring various public service works such as the daily free
meals program, health services, drop in center and emergency services, family,
youth and childcare services, the women’s center, and the youth education and
workforce development program you have truly made a profound difference
in the lives of many. Through compassion and dedication GLIDE has done
wonderful things and made a profound difference in the community and I
celebrate its efforts.
As a United States Senator representing the people of California, I commend
you for your outstanding service and extend my best wishes for many more
years of success. Again, I also wish for you a very successful event.
Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
When the world is closing in and there’s no one you can turn to, I’ll be there for you
I am delighted to join in celebration of the Love Groove, GLIDE’s Annual Holiday
Jam benefitting Mo’s Kitchen and GLIDE’s programs.
GLIDE fills an urgent gap in our community, providing meals and other services
to individuals and families in need. For over five decades, GLIDE empowers
San Francisco’s poor and marginalized populations to overcome the barriers of
poverty, violence, and dependency to get their lives back on track. The respect
and dignity with which you treat the most vulnerable members of our society
reflects GLIDE’s message of unconditional love, peace, and justice for all.
It is time to rebuild our economy in a way that’s consistent with our values – an
economy that rewards hard work and responsibility. We will continue to create
and save jobs while investing in clean energy, education, and affordable health
care to ensure a full economic recovery that will last for generations to come
and set us on a course of economic prosperity and growth.
San Francisco has been blessed by GLIDE – its wonderful staff, volunteers, and
visionary leaders, Cecil and Jan. As part of the ever-widening GLIDE family we
have much to celebrate and be thankful for.
Best wishes for a wonderful evening of music and celebration.
Warm Regards,
Dear Friends and GLIDE Family Members,
December 1, 2011
It is with great excitement that we join the GLIDE Family and the people of
San Francisco to welcome you to the GLIDE Annual Holiday Jam, the Love
Groove. San Francisco has been blessed with an extraordinary vision of the
beloved community as created by its Founders, Rev. Cecil Williams and Janice
Mirikitani. For nearly five decades, GLIDE has been providing comprehensive
services to the poor and marginalized in San Francisco.
From free meals, healthcare, shelter, counseling, and childcare, GLIDE cares
for the total needs of an individual to help them overcome their struggles and
transform their lives. Through unconditional love and acceptance, GLIDE has
created change in the lives of thousands, and we celebrate these efforts.
As the Governor and First Lady representing the people of California, we
recognize your outstanding service and extend our best wishes for many more
years of success. Together, we join Cecil, Janice and the GLIDE community as
they walk the walk!
Nancy Pelosi
Democratic House Leader
Hon. Jerry Brown
Governor of California
Hon. Anne Gust Brown
First Lady of California
Welcome to GLIDE’s 2011 Annual Holiday Jam! This year’s theme of The Love
Groove is so appropriate given how GLIDE lifts up the lives of those who are
marginalized and poor. Each year GLIDE provides comprehensive services to
thousands of people. GLIDE has always been there to help people overcome their
struggles and most important find joy in their lives on a daily basis. GLIDE stands
for practicing unconditional love, honoring diversity and taking care of the poor
and marginalized in a holistic approach that creates a sense of belonging in the
world—a sense of humanity.
Tonight we also will be remembering the life of the late, great Nick Ashford. The
gifts of his love and creativity will live on in his amazing music.
We are honored that you are here to celebrate with us in this great time of need.
My fellow board members and I are committed to work with the deeply dedicated
and talented staff at GLIDE to provide opportunities for an enormous number
of individuals and families to break the cycles of poverty. Our donations and
funding sources have decreased substantially over the last few years and at the
same time demand is at historic levels. Simply put—we need your help. Your
attendance here tonight is a great gift to us, we are grateful for that and we urge
you to try to give more. Whether it is financial support or volunteering, we need
you more than ever.
We hope you enjoy tonight, take in the music and celebrate the incredible
community that is here. For over 50 years, GLIDE has created a community
that is unconditional, accepting and loving. I have witnessed the miracles that
occur at GLIDE every day. Those miracles can continue to change the world in
real ways.
With deep gratitude,
Amy Errett and the GLIDE Foundation Board of Directors
You’re gonna need somebody you can lean on and be sure of
Thank you, Valerie Simpson…
For making “this world a better place.” Your love expressed in lyrics and music
with your partner, Nick Ashford, have become classics for decades past and future.
Because you “reach out and touch” everyone’s heart, with your personal love
for Nick, with your genuine care and commitment to transform the lives of
those who suffer, you have inspired the entire music industry. Your creative and
humanitarian vision has reached out to those who can “make this world a better
place” for others and caused us to realize we can truly be a beloved community.
We are blessed to have you, Valerie, in our lives, and we are grateful for the
gift of life and love shared by Ashford and Simpson.
Thank you for awakening us all to
Take a little time out of your busy day
To give encouragement
To someone who’s lost the way…
Or would I be talking to a stone
If I asked you
To share a problem that’s not your own.
Reach out and touch somebody’s hand,
Make this a better place if you can..
Reach out
Reach out…”
(Ashford and Simpson)
Thank you for touching all our lives.
We love you,
Janice, Cecil and the GLIDE Family
Though seasons may change, my love remains new and I’ll be there for you
Holiday Jam 2011
Welcome to GLIDE’s Annual Holiday Jam!
What a joyous time to come together to JAM…
To raise our voices and expressions together in harmony,
bringing Hope this Season
for the poor, for all who are marginalized…
those who are suffering from the uncertainty of the economy,
the rising numbers of hungry and homeless families.
We come together with our drums and cymbals,
our brass and reed,
our percussion and keyboards,
our tambourines and clapping hands
to beat out the rhythms of life …
At GLIDE for almost 50 years, we have worked to build a Home, a village for all
people, a beloved community where all are unconditionally loved and accepted.
With its 87 comprehensive service entities and programs, three buildings
of permanent housing for homeless individuals and working families, and a
family, youth, child care center, GLIDE has become a place of unique service
and support for the poor, for the sick and the sick at heart. But GLIDE is also a
movement that continues to fight for social justice and equal rights for all people.
We believe that transformation of lives and communities can happen if we
believe enough, give enough, love enough.
We are so pleased you have joined us this year for our annual celebration of
life and service.
Spiritual leader Hazrat Inayat Khan once said, “Whatever means be chosen to
bring the different minds of people together, there cannot be a better means of
harmonizing them than music.” GLIDE is all about bringing people together, so
let’s get this party started!
At GLIDE, our work is grounded in social justice and unconditional love.
Our work is about bringing together the radical differences found in our
communities through an integrated approach that encompasses all aspects of
the individual and community – spirituality, family, health, nutrition, shelter and
recovery. We work to alleviate suffering and to help our communities and our
staff move toward wholeness and empowerment. Your generous donations of
time, skills and financial gifts have helped GLIDE remain a steady beacon of
hope throughout the years and we are thrilled to be able to celebrate with you.
We look forward to expressing our gratitude tonight through the beauty of
sound, rhythm, and melody.
Welcome to “The Love Groove”! For nearly 50 years, GLIDE has been an oasis
of love in San Francisco, where a song of hope, new life and liberation has
been sung with the poor, the vulnerable, and the marginalized.
With a toe-tapping, hand-clapping, soul-stirring rhythm of justice and
compassion, GLIDE’s song provides food for the hungry, compassionate care
for the sick, support services for families and children, recovery for those with
addictions, and spirit-filled Celebrations that deepen the bonds of community.
This song—rooted in unconditional love and acceptance—has touched and
changed the lives of thousands. You and I are here tonight because that song
has found a place in our hearts.
Without you, the song could not continue. We are grateful for your generosity
and love which keeps GLIDE a powerful presence in our community.
Dr. Karen Oliveto
Rita Shimmin and Kristen G. Yamamoto
Co-Executive Directors
Thank you, all of you, who make possible the music of love and compassion so
all may dance the dance of life.
Happy Holidays,
Janice Mirikitani and Rev. Cecil Williams
I know it’s hard to talk about emotions locked inside
H O N O R A RY C O - C H A I R S
Joan Baez, Richard Blum, Pete Escovedo, Huey Lewis, Bobby McFerrin, Janice Mirikitani,
Cindy and Carlos Santana, SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK,™ Paula West and Cecil Williams
Amelia Ashley Ward
Amy J. Errett and Clare E. Albanese
Paul Pelosi
Pam and Larry Baer
Senator Dianne Feinstein
Craig and Maja Ramsey
Susan K. Barnes and Guy L. Tribble
Robert and Michelle Friend
Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock
Ron and Ellie Berman
Nicole Harris
Wade Rose
Michael Billeci
Nancy Hom
Jaz Sawyer
Benjamin Bowser
Sean and Jennifer Jeffries
Carrie Schwab Pomerantz
Senator Barbara Boxer
Judi and Buz Kanter
Irene S. Scully
Renel Brooks-Moon
and Tommie L. Moon
Phyllis Kaplan and Michael Ballingall
Bishop Warner H. Brown. Jr.
Mike Kim
The Honorable Willie L. Brown, Jr.
Alonzo King
Ann Moller Caen
Barbara Lee, Member of Congress
Anni Chung
Senator Mark Leno
John Philip Coghlan and Tina Vindum
Coltrane and Christopher Lord
Paula and Chuck Collins
Susan Lowenberg and Joyce Newstat
Jeannine Kay and Michael Rugen
Elizabeth Colton
Chip Conley
Charles Cordes
Mary Coughlin
Belva Davis and William Moore
Lloyd H. Dean
Catherine Dodd and Mary Foley
Yongping Duan and Xin Liu
Rita Shimmin
Charlotte and George Shultz
Mimi Silbert
Congresswoman Jackie Speier
Don Tamaki
Tad and Dianne Taube
Paula Todd
Beckie Masaki
John Turk
Nancy Milliken, M.D.
Jerry and Karin Vallery
Jeff and Sandy Mori
Michael E. Willis
Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom
and Jennifer Siebel-Newsom
Dede Wilsey
Rev. Dr. Karen Oliveto
and Robin Ridenour
Kristen G. Yamamoto and Ron Yamamoto
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi,
House Democratic Leader
Brenda Wright
Phillip Zackler
* list as of October 11, 2011
Amy J. Errett, Board Chair
Richard C. Blum • Warner H. Brown, Jr. • John Philip Coghlan • Charles Cordes • Mary Coughlin
Lars Dalgaard • Stephen J. Davis • Catherine Dodd • Nicole Harris • Phyllis Kaplan • Mike Kim • Christopher Lord • Janice Mirikitani
Angela Padilla • Craig Ramsey • Donald Tamaki • Jerry Vallery • Michael L. Warren • Cecil Williams • Phillip Zackler
The Koret Foundation is proud to celebrate 30 years of partnership with the GLIDE Foundation,
strengthening the community by serving those in need.
Tad Taube, President
Robert Friend, Director
Cecil Williams, Founder** • Janice Mirikitani, Founding President • Rita Shimmin, Co-Executive Director
Kristen G. Yamamoto, Co-Executive Director • Karen Oliveto, Pastor
**GLIDE was established by Lizzie Glide in 1929
You’ve got to be free enough with me to share and in the time of need I swear, I’ll be there for you
But when everything goes wrong and the night is cold, hold on
RockRose Institute honors our friend and colleague Maha ElGenaidi. She is Founder, President and Executive Director of the
non-profit organization Islamic Networks Group (ING). As a national educational outreach organization with affiliates and partners in
16 states, ING promotes interfaith dialogue and education about world religions and their contributions to civilization. With this focus,
ING annually delivers thousands of presentations and educational programs in schools, universities, law enforcement agencies,
corporations, healthcare facilities and community centers.
Macy’s is proud to honor Marcel Miranda and GLIDE HIV Services
A social justice activist focused on HIV and AIDS, Marcel Miranda’s commitment through his work with GLIDE Health Services,
NAMES Project Foundation, The STOP AIDS Project, and the SFDPH has left a strong legacy in the City of San Francisco.
Macy’s honors GLIDE’s dedication to the fight against HIV and AIDS in the City of San Francisco.
We are grateful to Maha for her vision and courage in founding ING in 1993 and for her dedication and hard work in developing
intercultural understanding, which we believe to be a foundation of peacebuilding.
Thank you, Maha, for furthering RockRose Institute’s mission of supporting, promoting and advancing non-violent conflict resolution
and for your participation in our World Forum 2007, Justice, Religion and Conflict Resolution.
Knowledge is Power. Know Your Status.
Don’t need no luck, ifs, ands or buts, anytime, anyplace, anywhere, I’ll be there for you
Whatever it is, love will fix it, found a cure
The Irene S. Scully Family Foundation is proud to honor Juliet Schiller at this year’s annual event. We are so fortunate to
collaborate with a consultant and partner whose deeply-rooted compassion informs all aspects of her work. As an advocate,
researcher, and educator, Juliet’s commitment to social justice, human rights, and educational equity truly stems from empathy and
honest concern for oppressed, marginalized, and under-resourced people and communities. We are inspired by Juliet’s passion and
dedication and thank her for playing such an important role in our philanthropy.
For all your hopes and all your empty dreams, coming at you is a sure thing, found a cure, oh, try it
Clear Channel Radio, San Francisco would like to acknowledge GLIDE for their continued support and dedication to uplifting the community.
It’s by far better than any kind of medicine cause it’ll take away the pain
Target salutes our friend and hero, Tony Smith, Ph.D., Superintendent of Oakland Unified School District.
His leadership and vision for Oakland schools is helping put more students on the path
to high school graduation—college and career ready.
The Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation is proud of our partnership with GLIDE to empower children, youth and
families through education, literacy programs, licensed child care, after school programs, and family support programs.
Thank you, Janice, Cecil and the GLIDE family for your vision and work to help break the cycles of poverty and provide hope,
joy and unconditional love to all people.
“This is what I believe in, whether I was the superintendent or not. It is extremely destructive of human capacity and talent to lose
some of our children by not helping them learn. I will be relentless in the creation of a strategy to bridge the gap between the current
reality and our aspirations. Hope isn’t a strategy; having a high-quality plan is what gives us hope.”—Tony Smith
The Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation is a supporting foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund.
And here’s the big surprise, whenever it rains, you’ll have blue skies
And for love’s sake, each mistake you forgave.
Jerry Lee has brought caring and compassion to our organization through “Leading By Example.” He demonstrates his
commitment to the community through his service as a volunteer and as a member of many local non-profit boards.
During the past 10 years, Jerry has been the campaign chair of the Northern California UPS United Way
campaign. Because of his active engagement with many non-profit agencies, Jerry has been very successful in
encouraging UPS employees to give back to the community.
And soon both of us learn to trust, not run away, it was no time to play
Maggie Mui is deeply committed to building business practices that address the needs of the
diverse segments within our communities. Maggie is a celebrated team member and ambassador for our company,
working daily to make a difference in people’s lives. Her strategic agility coupled with her deep ties in the
community make her a perfect role model for the rest of the team.
Maggie is a well-regarded civic leader and recognized among friends and colleagues for her contributions and leadership
roles in the community. She currently sits on the Board of Directors at the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation,
the Asian Business League of San Francisco and the Chinese Culture Foundation. Each day, Maggie lives out Wells Fargo’s
vision which is to satisfy all of our customers’ needs and help them succeed financially.
We build it up and build it up and build it up, and now it’s solid, solid as a rock.
Richard C. Blum
Coltrane and Christopher Lord
Amy J. Errett
and Clare Albanese
Tad Taube, President
Robert Friend, Director
Maja and Craig Ramsey
1300 Fillmore ■ Aidells Sausage Company ■ Anthony’s Cookies ■ Cabot Creamery ■ Chenery Park Restaurant & Eureka Restaurant & Lounge ■ Ciao Bella Gelato
Diamond Foods ■ GLIDE Daily Free Meals Program ■ GreenLeaf ■ Gussie’s Chicken and Waffles ■ Hilton ■ John’s Grill ■ Judy’s Breadsticks
KIND Healthy Snacks ■ La Boulange Bakery ■ Marin French Cheese ■ Oola Restaurant & Bar ■ popchips ■ Sukhi’s Natural Authentic Indian Cuisine ■ Waterbar
Alexander M. and June L.
Maisin Foundation
Adella Vineyards
The Friend Family, Robert and Michelle Friend, Don and Janie Friend ■ Ambassador James C. Hormel and Michael P. Nguyen
Millennium Partners ■ Nancy Milliken, M.D. ■ Pacific Gas and Electric Company ■ Guy L. Tribble and Susan K. Barnes
Hotel Nikko ■ Jeannine Kay and Michael Rugen ■ Kentucky Fried Chicken, Harman Management ■ Bob A. Ross Foundation ■ Safeway
Union Street Goldsmith ■ Warfield Theatre ■ Willis Insurance ■ Mary Wohlford Foundation
AAA Insurance ■ Aspiriant ■ Bay Area Divas ■ Richard Beleson and Kim Lam Beleson ■ Ron and Ellie Berman ■ Janine Boneparth
Coupage Design ■ Elizabeth Funk, The Dignity Fund ■ Kiki Goshay ■ John’s Grill ■ Margie King ■ The David Mantel Family
Minami Tamaki LLP ■ Morongo Band of Mission Indians ■ Nibbi Brothers General Contractors ■ Bill Nothman ■ Barbara and Bryn Ostby
Angela A. Padilla and Amy L. Silverstein ■ Recology ■ Saint Francis Memorial Hospital ■ Sabina Shaikh ■ Teamsters Joint Council No. 7
Weigh of Life ■ Westfield San Francisco Centre ■ Dede Wilsey
David Addington ■ Ana Mandara ■ ■ Renel Brooks-Moon & Tommy Moon ■ Peter William Cannarozzi ■ Betty Cantor Jackson
The Change Band ■ Bruce Cohn ■ Edward and Della Dobranski ■ Joseph Driste ■ Chris Duffy ■ Ferrari Color ■ The Galivant Group
The GLIDE Ensemble
GLIDE Staff ■ The GLIDE Volunteer Program ■ Kathleen Gross, Studios of Kathleen Gross ■ Ron Halbert ■ Cole Jackson ■ JC Decaux
Joe Kowall ■ Dan McGonagle ■ Bruce McKinney and the GLIDE Daily Free Meals Program Staff ■ Alain McLaughlin ■ Visual Presentation
Steven Addis and Joanne Hom ■ Miles Amen and Christopher Magan ■ Benjamin & Company Consulting ■ Leonard Berry
Gary Cavalli ■ Elizabeth Colton ■ Helen Cooluris and Richard Ditzler ■ Mark Duval and Darren Day ■ Goldfarb & Lipman LLP
Phyllis Kaplan and Michael Ballingall ■ Scott Miller Executive Search ■ Paul O’Grady ■ Paragon Real Estate Group ■ Nancy Rothman
San Francisco Federal Credit Union ■ Jim and Liz Steyer ■ Lena Sullivan ■ Layne and Susan Yonehiro ■ Anonymous
That’s what this love is, that’s what we’ve got, solid, solid as a rock
*list as of November 18, 2011
Dori Caminong, GLIDE ■ Janice Gow Pettey, GLIDE ■ Denise Lamott, Denise Lamott Public Relations ■ Sara Matson, GLIDE
Curtis Maughlin, Winslow & Associates ■ Cindy Mendoza, GLIDE ■ Janice Mirikitani, GLIDE ■ Lena Sullivan, KPIX
Jean Tsang, Jean B. Tsang Design ■ Rev. Cecil Williams, GLIDE ■ Lynne Winslow, Winslow & Associates
You didn’t turn away when the sky went gray.
DR . R E N E L B R O O K S - M O O N
Bay Area media personality Renel Brooks-Moon brings excitement and
enthusiasm to everything she does. Born in Oakland, she’s a graduate of Mills
College. Renel’s early broadcasting experiences with KCBS and KFRC led to
her breakthrough in 1986 as an on-air personality on 106 KMEL’s “Morning
Zoo”. From 1997 to 2009, she was host of the “Renel in the Morning Show”
on 98.1 KISS-FM.
The internationally renowned GLIDE Ensemble and the Change Band are
featured at GLIDE’s Sunday Celebrations, which were created by Reverend
Cecil Williams in 1963. Offering a joyous experience of community, music and
spirituality, GLIDE Celebrations are reflective of the richly diverse world in which
we live. Featuring a 100-voice choir of dedicated singers, GLIDE’s music and
spiritual community have gained fame around the globe. John Turk, Jr. is the
musical director of the GLIDE Ensemble and the Change Band. John has been
leading the music for GLIDE celebrations for 30 years, bringing his unique
mix of blues, gospel and jazz music both as a Composer and as a Musician.
Renel’s television experience includes host of “A’s Inside Pitch”, co-host of the
“San Francisco Giants Pre-Game Show” on Fox Sports Net Bay Area, and host
of “GMag”. As an entertainment correspondent for CBS-5, Renel has covered
the Grammy Awards and interviewed many celebrities and she has contributed
features to CBS-5’s “Evening Magazine,” “Eye on the Bay,” and “Eyewitness News.”
John Turk, Musical Director, Howard Wiley, Saxophone, Dave Scott, Trumpet,
Joel Behrman, Trombone, Tim Landis, Guitar, Glenn Howell, Bass Guitar,
Eddie Hall, Drums.
A Bay Area native, Sheila E. is the daughter of renowned Jazz musician Pete
Escovedo (also performing at the GLIDE Holiday Jam). In 1983, Sheila E. made
her big splash on the music scene with “A Glamorous Life,” an album she
produced with help from Prince, a big early admirer of Sheila E.’s percussion
and singing talents. The following year, she performed on Prince’s sold out
“Purple Rain” tour and eventually joined his band in 1987 for his “Sign o’
the Times” tour. Over the last two decades, Sheila has played percussion for
dozens of the world’s most notable musicians, including Whitney Houston,
Mariah Carey, Gloria Estefan, and Jennifer Lopez to name just a few. Her
production company arranges, produces and performs music for events all
over the world, including the ALMA Awards and the MTV Music Awards. A
dedicated philanthropist, Sheila founded the Elevate Hope Foundation which
helps abused and abandoned kids with music therapy.
Bay Area native Pete Escovedo is a world-renowned, sought-after percussionist
who, with his brother Coke, toured for years with Carlos Santana and played
on some of Santana’s most important albums, including “Moonflower.”
Escovedo left Santana’s band to further his own musical career. His versatility
as a percussionist has been featured in performances and recordings by the
world’s best artists, including Tito Puente, Herbie Hancock, Bobby McFerrin,
Stephen Stills, Anita Baker, George Duke, Boz Scaggs, Barry White, Chick
Corea, Prince and, of course, with his own family, including daughter Sheila E.
In 2000, Renel was chosen as the Announcer for the San Francisco Giants at
AT&T Park. Renel became the first female announcer of a championship game
in any professional sport. Renel continued to make history in July 2007, when
she became the first woman ever to announce Major League Baseball’s annual
All-Star Game.
Renel was inducted into the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame in 2008. Her goal is
to inspire, inform and entertain.
Somehow we managed, we had to stay together
We knew down the line, we would make it better.
Guitarist and vocalist Tom Johnston co-founded
the Doobie Brothers in the 1970s, and went on to
become one of the defining bands of that decade.
Johnston helped co-write and perform the Doobie
Brothers greatest hits, including “Listen to the
Music,” “Rockin’ Down the Highway,” “China
Grove,” and “Long Train Running.” The Doobie
Brothers have sold more than 30 million records
in their long, successful career, and garnered
numerous Grammy awards and nominations.
The Oakland-based youth sensation that scored 4th
place on this summer’s “America’s Got Talent” is leading
the next generation of gifted musicians and artists from
the Bay Area. Comprised of six teen musicians ranging
in age from 14–17 years of age, POPLYFE performs
current pop titles as well as favorite R&B hits from
the past decades. In the finale of America’s Got Talent,
POPLYFE performed “Higher Ground” with Stevie Wonder.
In Japanese, maze means mix and daiko means
drum. Maze is known as a pioneer, mixing global
instrumentation and grooves with the physical
elegance of taiko to create a unique style. Maze
Daiko is based in Alameda at Rhythmix Cultural
Works. Last year Maze collaborated with Kodo
vocalist Yoko Fujimoto, and in 2011 Kodo dancer
Chieko Kojima and fue player, Kaoru Watanabe.
Maze also collaborated with First Voice (Mark Izu
and Brenda Wong Aoki) on “the Legend of Morning
Glory,” combining performance art, jazz and taiko.
Jaz Sawyer was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. He began
playing drums at age 2, and learned to play the trumpet and bass before
beginning music studies at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music/
Preparatory Division. He has performed at many of the world’s premier
venues including in New York City, San Francisco, Paris, Amsterdam,
Eilat, Israel, and The Hague. Sawyer has worked with such luminaries as
Wynton Marsalis, Abbey Lincoln, George Benson, Irvin Mayfield, Bobby
Hutcherson, Jacky Terrasson, Mose Allison, Phil Lesh & Friends, the
Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra,
Dee Dee Bridgewater and M’lumbo. He is a versatile musician, performing
and producing in genres including Jazz, Afro-Cuban-Caribbean, Hip
Hop, and has studied the origins of various percussion instruments.
Known for her distinctive repertoire, Paula West adds her own depth and drama
to create a new framework for American favorites. Her critically acclaimed
CDs include Temptation, Restless and Come What May, which received The
California Music Award for Outstanding Jazz Album. In addition to international
performances, she has performed locally at venues such as Yoshi’s San
Francisco, Empire Plush Room, Herbst Theatre, and The Rrazz Room. Her New
York engagements include The Oak Room at the Algonquin Hotel and Feinstein’s
at the Regency, Jazz Standard, Birdland, Blue Note, The Iridium and Dizzy’s
Club Coca-Cola at Lincoln Center. With The Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, she
was a featured soloist with Wynton Marsalis. Ms. West has won three New
York Nightlife Awards for Outstanding Female Jazz Vocalist. Her new CD with
The George Mesterhazy Quartet, Live at the Jazz Standard, is due this winter.
Sawyer is the Chief Executive Officer of Pursuance Records (,
a groundbreaking record company dedicated to presenting fresh, exciting
talent from a wide spectrum of contemporary music, including jazz, hip-hop
and world music.
And for love’s sake, each mistake you forgave.
So against all odds we made a start, we got serious this wouldn’t turn to dust
Banneker Partners is a proud sponsor of the GLIDE Annual Holiday Jam. For nearly five decades, GLIDE has
helped San Francisco’s poor and marginalized communities make meaningful changes in their lives. We celebrate
GLIDE’s legacy of love, compassion and commitment to social good.
I had to learn, learn a lesson, never forget to count your blessings
San Francisco magazine is proud to be a longtime supporter of life-changing organizations like GLIDE
and Project Open Hand. Ruth Brinker, of blessed memory, recognized an unmet need as the AIDS/HIV epidemic hit our city
and founded Project Open Hand in response. Tom Nolan took the baton from Ruth and guided the organization to its current
level of excellence. Janice and Cecil share Ruth and Tom’s vision, passion, effectiveness and untiring commitment to community
change and supporting the most needy. We are honored to be able to recognize these remarkable leaders.
Simple things mean so much like when was the last touch
MissionFish, eBay’s long-time partner, has been instrumental in building and growing our charity fundraising platform, eBay Giving
Works. In May 2011, eBay acquired the D.C.-based non-profit, so we want to take this opportunity to officially welcome the MissionFish
team to the eBay family! We look forward to raising many more millions together for non-profits around the globe. We especially
acknowledge and thank MissionFish founders Sean Milliken, Clam Lorenz, Nannan Chen, and Oktay Dogramaci for their continued
dedication, which has contributed significantly to the $278 million the eBay community has raised to date for non-profits in the U.S. and U.K.
I almost lost the one I love, searching ‘round for something new
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. would like to honor John Philip Coghlan for his bold and visionary leadership in the San Francisco Bay
Area. Thank you for sharing your caring and compassion with the community.
Before you make the same mistake, oh, let me pass this on to you
ABC7 salutes Reverend Cecil Williams for his unwavering commitment to our community.
The Friend Family, Robert and Michelle Friend, Don and Janie Friend are
proud to honor Chef Carl Mosley for 20 years of caring and compassionate service
to Mo’s Kitchen and the Daily Free Meals Program. He has fed thousands of San
Francisco’s poor and hungry, a meal of unconditional love and acceptance. Chef Carl
Mosley, we appreciate your deep commitment to the legacy and culture of GLIDE.
Millennium Partners congratulates Rev. Cecil Williams, Janice Mirikitani and
the GLIDE family for nearly 50 years of outstanding service to the community.
Thank you for creating a home of unconditional love and acceptance, San Francisco
is a better place because of your innovation.
Susan K. Barnes and Guy L. Tribble are proud to honor the staff of GLIDE.
Every day and every way, you make the world better.
Though they don’t complain, doesn’t mean that there’s no pain
Millennium Partners is a proud sponsor of the GLIDE Annual Holiday Jam!
To forget is the worst, so always put them first…
The Bob Ross Foundation is pleased to be a sponsor of the GLIDE Annual Holiday Jam. We appreciate the
comprehensive programs of GLIDE that help break the cycles of poverty and alleviate suffering of the thousands
of people in our city who are forced to the margins. Congratulations on a job well done, GLIDE leadership and
staff. The City of San Francisco needs your unrelenting commitment to bring all of us together to celebrate as
one community.
UCSF National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health would like to honor
Judy Young for her heartfelt dedication to helping young women find their powerful
voices and healthy futures. Thank you for your courage and caring.
Safeway is a company of People, making a connection through Products that nourish a Community and support
a healthier Planet. We are proud to partner with GLIDE and provide these “ingredients for life.”
The San Francisco Business Times is proud to sponsor GLIDE’s Annual
Holiday Jam, The Love Groove.
Union Street Goldsmith honors Cecil Williams and Janice Mirikitani for over five decades of visionary
leadership to the entire San Francisco community. We deeply appreciate your legacy of unconditional love and
acceptance which inspires us all.
Thinking of their needs, make them the one you please
Ain’t no mountain high enough,
The Warfield Theatre, AEG Live SF and the Regency Center pay tribute to GLIDE’s continuous humanity
and compassion to the people of San Francisco.
AAA Insurance honors GLIDE volunteer Chandra Winters. Chandra is a dedicated AAA employee, volunteer, and leader who lives the GLIDE mission to be inclusive, just, and
loving. Chandra mobilizes her fellow AAA employees to assist organizations and causes dedicated to breaking the cycles of poverty.
The search for inspiration can start…and end…with Cecil and Jan. Each one of them brings a uniquely genuine compassion for all people and together they bring real care to
many of the most needy among us, with humor and grace. They challenge us to achieve more for all of our community. Aspiriant is in awe!
We honor Janice Mirikitani—a force of nature who makes great things happen. Jan has a limitless capacity for caring and truly making a difference for individuals and families in
our community despite any obstacles. With our love and respect, Bay Area Divas.
Willis honors GLIDE for providing caring and compassionate service for San Francisco’s poor and homeless for
nearly fifty years. Thank you for creating a home of unconditional love and acceptance for all people.
Richard Beleson and Kim Lam Beleson honor Dolph Shapiro, who for many years treated patients as a physician and who in retirement volunteers his time to teach
disadvantaged youths on Treasure Island.
In honor of my late father, Henry Berman, who had full belief in Cecil and Jan and what they could do for the community.
We also honor Deborah Whittle, Executive Director of GLIDE Community Housing, and her staff for helping to provide safety, hope, and home for our residents.
Ron and Ellie Berman
Mary Wohlford Foundation is honoring Kevin Murphy, who having lost beloved family members to incurable
diseases was thrilled to be able to donate a kidney to help his friend Cruz Nieves regain his life. The donation
would not have been possible without the support of Kevin’s family, friends and coworkers. When asked if he
would do it again, he answered, “yes”, but the surgeon replied, “Well, you can’t.”
Beloved African sister
FEARLESS REVOLUTIONARY, WHO TAUGHT US THAT THE WAY TO PEACE was through fiercely protecting our planet for future generations and that elders are part of the solution.
From Nairobi streets to the White House, the Professor made waves, unlikely alliances and international treaties as no African woman in history had dared.
Ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wide enough, baby
If you need me, call me
Coupage Design recognizes Beth Rubenstein. As Executive Director of Out of Site Youth Arts Center, where public high school youth experiment in the arts and find a place to be
themselves, Beth inspires underserved youth to find new mediums for self-expression and become members of a diverse, supportive community.
Bill Nothman honors Don Pologruto, Program Manager of the GLIDE Janice Mirikitani Family, Youth and Childcare Center for his outstanding commitment and
conscientious service in building an environment of love, respect and pride for the communities of children, youth and families served.
The Dignity Fund is pleased to honor Elizabeth Funk who dedicates her life to empowering women through Microfinance. On behalf of over 3 million women whose lives have
been graced with the dignity and optimism due to Elizabeth’s work, we say thank you.
Barbara and Bryn Ostby honor Larry and Joyce Stupski for their commitment to the work of GLIDE, their authenticity and their pursuit of excellence in everything they do. They
have been a tremendous force for love in the lives of people in need here and around the world.
John’s Grill celebrates Joanne Adams for over 13 years of loving service as the Lead Cook in the GLIDE Daily Free Meals program. We salute your strength and tireless
commitment to serving delicious and healthy meals filled with hope, compassion and great kindness.
Recology honors the GLIDE Graze the Roof program. Thank you for greening the Tenderloin, one roof at a time and teaching our community and its youth the life cycle of
urban farming.
Marjorie King thanks the staff of the GLIDE Daily Free Meals and Security programs for their tireless efforts in ensuring people in need are fed and treated with respect. Your
compassionate service to the community is appreciated.
Lily Lee is that “special someone” who supports Saint Francis Memorial Hospital’s partnership with GLIDE. It is because of her passionate work that GLIDE patients continue to
receive excellent, cost-effective pharmaceutical care. All our lives are enriched by Lily’s dedication and for that we say, thank you!
The Minami Tamaki law firm is proud to honor Amy Errett, Chair of GLIDE’s Board of Trustees, for her steady leadership in navigating GLIDE through challenging times, and
her behind-the-scenes contributions enabling GLIDE’s miracles to continue to happen. Thank you, Amy, for being one of our community’s most effective humanitarians!
Sabina Shaikh: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world,” Mahatma Gandhi. Thanks to my father for always reminding me the importance of giving back to my
community. I am so proud that you continue to dedicate your retirement to working with those in need. You truly walk the walk!
Morongo Band of Mission Indians recognizes Terry Gershon for her caring and compassionate service as a Volunteer in the GLIDE Daily Free Meals program. Nearly every day
for over three years, Terry comes to GLIDE and shares her generous spirit to help feed and meet the needs of those who are hungry.
Teamsters Joint Council No. 7 recognizes the outstanding contributions of the women and men of the Teamsters family. We celebrate your commitment to workers’ rights as
we fight for our future and our families. Teamsters Joint Council No. 7 is a proud sponsor of the GLIDE Annual Holiday Jam!
Nibbi Brothers General Contractors—When a San Bruno mother fell ill from cancer, shortly after her husband’s death, her two grown children tried to repair her dilapidated
house. “They were holding it together the best they could,” says Mike Nibbi. Nibbi and crew took on the difficult job and delivered a like-new home—including new roof, windows,
kitchen and driveway—to the family.
Westfield San Francisco Centre honors the Berhane Family, one of the hundreds of families served in the GLIDE Janice Mirikitani Family, Youth and Childcare Center, for their
courage and compassion. Tam Vu, from Saigon, Vietnam, met Mehari Berhane, from Asmara, Eritrea, in 1996 in San Francisco at the Alemany English School while they were both
learning English. Their family includes Tayech (25 years), Senait (21 years), Helen (10 years), and Jacob and Joseph (8 years). Tam and Mehari teach their children that it is important
to show compassion to all people of all cultures and to always support one another.
No matter where you are, no matter how far
My love is alive way down in my heart although we are miles apart
Founded by Rev. Cecil Williams and Janice Mirikitani nearly fifty years ago and under the leadership of Co-Executive
Directors Kristen Growney Yamamoto and Rita Shimmin and Pastor Karen Oliveto, GLIDE offers comprehensive
support services to San Francisco’s poor, homeless, and working poor communities to overcome the barriers of
poverty, violence, addiction, dependency and low self-worth.
A full-service, nurse-managed health clinic, GLIDE Health Services (GHS) in partnership with Catholic Healthcare
West, Saint Francis Memorial Hospital and UCSF School of Nursing provides over 15,796 health services annually
to over 3,000 uninsured and under-insured individuals. GHS offers a full range of traditional healthcare services,
as well as mental health, recovery, substance abuse, non-Western medicine, HIV testing and counseling, and the
treatment of diabetes. It will open a new door to health promotion, disease prevention and client empowerment with
the launch of the Wellness Center in February 2012.
GLIDE respects the dignity of each and every individual in our community, particularly during times of hardship.
No matter how many times a person falls, she or he is always welcome at GLIDE and given another chance at
recovering, rehabilitating, moving toward self-sufficiency and developing personally and spiritually.
GLIDE’s social services were launched in 1969 when a handful of volunteers began serving a Monday night meal to
street people. Since then, GLIDE has become one of San Francisco’s largest and most comprehensive providers of
innovative programs and services for the poor and marginalized.
The GLIDE/Wells Fargo Walk-In Center (WIC) provides immediate crisis intervention to individuals living on the
streets or in shelters and unstable housing. WIC provides referrals, fills basic needs including hygiene supplies,
clothing and food box vouchers and facilitates identification document replacements. It is also the only site in the
Tenderloin to offer bed reservations in the City’s shelter system. This year, WIC has served over 3,000 clients and
provided 6,884 units of service. WIC has made the most homeless shelter reservations in SF and as a result has
kept 2,260 individuals off the streets for 10,726 nights.
GLIDE’s Daily Free Meals Program is the only program in San Francisco that serves three nutritious meals per day,
364 days a year to the City’s poor, homeless and hungry in an atmosphere of respect, acceptance and love. The
current economic climate has brought a significant increase in the demand for this program and in the number
of families and individuals that we serve. This year, we have served 948,878 meals which average nearly 3,000
meals a day.
If you ever need a helping hand, I’ll be there on the double, as fast as I can
And they don’t groove me like when I hear, your sweet voice whispering in my ear
Ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby
Helping women on their road to recovery from domestic violence, oppression and isolation, the GLIDE/Wells Fargo
Women’s Center creates an atmosphere of safety, respect and community for women who face homelessness,
substance abuse, mental health issues and other challenges. The Center empowers women to transform their lives,
providing weekly drop-in support groups, a 6-week intensive group focused on getting to the root of risky behavioral
patterns, monthly HIV clinics, weekly activities and occasional field trips. This year, the Center served 410 women
and provided 2,583 units of service.
Through a vision of sustainable, affordable and compassionate living for the poor and the homeless, GLIDE Housing
offers a legitimate road out of poverty for those who have grown accustomed to life on the margins. We have three
housing developments in the San Francisco Tenderloin neighborhood that provide 189 affordable rental units for
working poor families and chronically homeless individuals: the Cecil Williams GLIDE Community House (CW House)
at 333 Taylor Street, the GLIDE Economic Development Corporation (GEDC) Family Housing facility at 125 Mason
Street, and the 149 Mason Street studios.
The Janice Mirikitani Family, Youth, and Childcare Center (FYCC) offers a holistic set of resources to help families
realize their potential at home, in school, and as leaders of the community, in a safe and welcoming environment.
We serve children from the ages of 2–12 with a continuum of licensed childcare and afterschool and summer
programs including tutoring, literacy enhancement, computer instruction, creative arts, counseling, advocacy, case
management, and nutrition education. Serving 410 program participants and providing 50,468 units of service,
FYCC also works closely with families to provide parenting and leadership skills, case management, and wellness
and peer support groups. FYCC provides 2,420 hours of licensed childcare annually.
Men In Progress is a violence intervention program run by men and designed for all men who are dedicated to
acknowledging their own violence and helping each other gain understanding and strength in their relationships
with themselves, partners, family, friends and community. Weekly drop-in groups work with men in straightforward
and practical ways on issues that affect their lives. Men in Progress Facilitators go through 208 hours of training.
I need the shelter of your arms to comfort me
GLIDE’s rooftop gardens teach the community the full circle of urban farming from planting seeds to harvesting
produce and cooking healthy meals, composting, and honey extraction from our very own beehives. Graze the Roof,
San Francisco Tenderloin’s first rooftop garden, is located on top of 330 Ellis Street and is integrated into the FYCC
afterschool curriculum. The resident-run Cecil Williams House Community Garden at 333 Taylor Street provides a
space for the community to meet and share, while promoting healthy lifestyles and helping the environment.
The internationally renowned Sunday Celebrations of GLIDE Memorial Church, created by Reverend Cecil Williams in 1963,
offer a joyous experience of community, music and spirituality. Filled to the rafters with Bay Area residents and visitors from
around the globe, GLIDE Sunday Celebrations are reflective of the richly diverse world in which we live. Clapping,
swaying and blasting out the spirit of empowerment, the 100-voice GLIDE Ensemble accompanies the extraordinary
Change Band. Whether the mood calls for jazz, blues, spirituals or gospel, the message is about acceptance, belief
and unconditional love. These jubilant sounds of transformation resonate every Sunday at 9 and 11am.
The GLIDE Board of Trustees honors the GLIDE staff
for their tireless service 24/7, 365 days a year in providing
unconditional love and acceptance for all people.
Through programs of recovery and wellness, and through
essential services such as meals, health, shelter, counseling,
education and empowerment for the poor, GLIDE’s staff
create a home of dignity and compassion.
We know that people’s lives are transformed daily
because of your commitment, talent, and passion.
Thank you GLIDE Staff and family.
Amy Errett, Chairperson, and the GLIDE Board of Trustees
No touch can do half as much to make me feel better, so let’s stay together
Hey, stop, stop and listen to the voice, good God alive, you always got a choice
It is with deep gratitude that we recognize all our year-round and holiday
partners from the corporate, private, public and the individual donor communities.
Your commitment to supporting GLIDE in its efforts to meet the needs of
our brothers and sisters is deeply appreciated. Without your monetary contributions
and the volunteer support of the thousands of individuals who bring the gift of joy,
love and compassion, we would not be able to do this critical work without you.
Together, we create hope, transform lives and celebrate humanity.
Happy Holidays!