and unlock your festival fun in Ardmore


and unlock your festival fun in Ardmore
Ardmore, Co. WAterford
féile Pátrúin na hAirde móire
18th-24th July 2016
(including Festival lead-up events)
Fun-packed entertainment
and activities
for a the family
t’s hard to believe that ten years of festival fun have come and gone, having grown from humble beginnings
in 2007 to the fantastic family event it is today. It’s been an incredible journey for us and we are grateful
for your continued support as we grew. The success of the festival would not be possible without our
sponsors, our festival friends, the businesses and individuals who donate prizes and the valuable contribution
of former members of the Committee, huge thanks to our stewards, volunteers and helpers and of course the
whole community of Ardmore, together we built the Ardmore Pattern Festival. We are blessed with a vibrant
community spirit where help and co-operation are the natural course of what we do and this is what sets the
Ardmore Pattern Festival apart and makes it as special as it is.
This year’s festival marks a sterling 10 year
contribution by two committee stalwarts, John
Supple, who had the foresight, the heart and
determination to revive the celebration of the
Pattern Day of St Declan and steer it forward
successfully and Maurice Power who grappled
hard with dilemmas, banners and cable ties and
held the festival together with his positive and
humorous spirit. It also marks an emotional time
for us as it signals the end of an era as all of us
step down from the mantle of ‘the Committee’.
After many years of commitment we’re now ready
to pass on that mantle to like-minded individuals
with the vision and enthusiasm to carry it forward
into the future and we invite you to express your
interest to us over the coming weeks and together
we will guide it through to the next phase.
many events as possible completely free, however,
you are welcome to make a contribution to our
donation boxes, just make sure that it has the
Ardmore Pattern Festival logo on it!
In the meantime, there is an exciting and action
packed programme of events planned for you to
enjoy! As always we have endeavoured to keep as
Chris, Ciara, Claire, Denise,
John, Louise, Maurice & Rosie
aka ‘The Coi.’
If you need any information just call to us at the
Festival Office located at Halla Dhéagláin and we
will be happy to help you out and please support
those who help to make the magic happen, their
businesses really deserve your support for their
Now all is left for you to do is go and enjoy the
10th Anniversary of the Ardmore Pattern Festival,
go and have fun in our glorious village and make
unforgettable memories with your families and
friends that you will cherish for a lifetime.
Go raibh mile maith agaibh go léir !
Why ‘Pattern’ Festival?
Who was St. Declan?
‘Pattern’ is derived from the Irish word ‘Patrún’
meaning ‘Patron’. The Patron Saint of Ardmore is St
Declan, and it is in Declan’s honour that we
celebrate the Pattern Festival.
The modern festival was established in 2007 by
a group of volunteers who thought it might be a nice
idea to put a fun, family twist on an old tradition.
Since then it has gone from strength to strength,
attracting more and more visitors every year.
For hundreds of years before its revival in 2007
however, Pattern Day was celebrated annually in
the village on the 24th July - mainly as a day of
religious devotion.
St Declan was a bishop who established one of the
country’s earliest Christian settlements right here in
Ardmore. His time in Ireland actually predates that
of St Patrick.
Born in Dromroe, near Cappoquin, Declan
travelled to Rome during the reign of Pope Hilary
(461 to 468AD) where he was ordained bishop. On
his return to Ireland, the legend tells us, a bell which
had been sent to him from heaven was forgotten.
After praying for its safe return, the bell was seen
floating on a rock. Declan and his devotees followed
the rock which came to rest on a headland on the
south-east coast.
It was here, where the bell came to rest, that
Declan decided to found his holy city. One of his
followers questioned his decision, asking Declan how
such a small hill could support all of his people.
Declan replied, ‘Do not call it a small hill, but a Great
Height’ or ‘Aird Mhór’ and so Ardmore got its name.
St Declan’s Stone, St Declan’s Well and St Declan’s
Oratory (An Beannachán) are all marked on the map
at the end of this booklet. Be sure to pay them a visit.
Sun 17th 12 noon to 5.30pm Halla Dhéagláin
annual anTiQue fair & afTernoon Tea Hosted by Ardmore/Grange ICA Guild
Sun 17th - Sun 24th 11am-6pm Carleton Gallery, No. 6 Main St.
CarleTon arT eXHiBiTion with Anne, Lee and Julie Anne Carleton
food & supplies
Ardmore Gallery & Tearoom
Matt's Takeaway
Quinns Foodstore
Round Tower Hotel
9.00am - 11.00pm
Mon 18th - Fri 22nd 10.30am-3pm Dysert Park Ardmore
fai suMMer soCCer sCHools hosted by Ardmore A.F.C.
Cost €65 for week. Contact Local Co Ordinator Tom Power on (087) 8789036
Mon 18th - Fri 22nd 11am-1pm & 1.30pm-3.30pm
Ardmore Gallery and Tea Room
dailY CHildren's arT WorksHops with Artist Maria Dowling in Gallery Studio.
Call Breda 087 - 6975014 to book
Mon 18th 8.30pm Halla Dhéagláin
Back by popular demand seaMus o' rourke is Teddy the Mucker Tucker in
John McManus' latest production ’danger MoneY’. Tickets €15 - Call (086) 2330810
9.30am - 9.00pm
9.00am - 10.00pm
12 noon - midnight
8.00am - 8.00pm
The Cliff House Hotel
Bar Restaurant:
8.30am - 10.30pm (Sun 10.00am)
12.30pm - 2.30pm
6.30pm - 8.30pm
House Restaurant:
Evening (Tues-Sat)
12.30pm - 5.00pm
6.00pm - 9.00pm
6.30pm - 10.00pm
White Horses Restaurant
11.00am - 11.00pm (Closed on Monday)
MonsTer Bingo with great cash prizes
During the Festival, it is essential to use the supervised car parking facilities provided on the
approach road from the Dungarvan side to the village. This large, well signed car park is free
of charge and only a few minutes walk to our main events. We would recommend that our visitors
over the Festival weekend use the Festival car park provided as there is very limited parking in the
village, congestion and delays will be caused by drivers who do not avail of the parking facilities
on approach. Car-park will be open at the following times: Saturday 12.00pm-6.00pm.
Sunday 12.00pm-9.00pm. Gates will be locked strictly on time both days
Thurs 21st 8pm St. Declan's Church
CoMMuniTY radio YougHal
will broadcast from the village throughout the weekend on 104fm.
Tues 19th 8.30pm St. Declan's Church
Come and enjoy a memorable evening with kilkennY gospel CHoir as they enliven
St. Declan's Church with uplifting and heartfelt gospel music. free eVenT.
Wed 20th 8pm Halla Dhéagláin
MarY BlaCk Live in St. Declan's Church. sold ouT
The Ardmore Pattern Festival is an open, free, public event. An official photographer contracted by
the organisers will be taking pictures throughout the festival. These pictures may be used without
further notification for marketing purposes both in print and online. If you have any issues with
your or your family’s picture being taken during the festival, please inform
the photographer or one of our event stewards.
Please note that events, times and locations are all subject to change. Please check the website: or the Festival Office in Halla Dhéagláin for latest updates
Friday 22nd July
Come and volunteer with the Ardmore Grange Heritage group as they
explore and survey the Round Tower Graveyard
See Ardmore Grange Heritage Group Facebook page
Round Tower
Stand-Up Comic deirdre o' kane
Live in St. Declan's Hall. Tickets available at Round Tower Hotel
& Ardmore Gallery & Tearoom, or call (087) 9382001
Halla Dhéagláin
S p e a k e r S
a t
St. pauls
Sponsored by
Round Tower Hotel
Books on sale at venue, supplied by
Readers Choice Dungarvan
SATuRdAy 23Rd July
MariTa Conlon MCkenna
Author of 'Rebel Sisters' the number one bestselling irish novel about the 1916 Easter Rising.
ToMi reiCHenTal
RTE International Person of the Year 2014, Author,
Holocaust Survivor & producer of the award
winning documentary "Close to Evil"
ronnie delanY
Olympian Gold Medalist and author of
'Staying the Distance'.
SundAy 24TH July
lorna BYrne
Peace Ambassador & International bestselling
author of "Angels in my Hair"
& "Stairway to Heaven".
Sat 23rd
Sat 23rd
Sun 24th
Sun 24th
The Service
an Tobar
Fri 22nd
Sat 23rd
Sun 24th
Bakers Street
keevers Bar
Fri 22nd
Sat 23rd
Ray Barron & Hank Wedel
The Mighty Ghosts of Erin
round Tower Hotel
Fri 22nd
Sat 23rd
Sun 24th
Sun 24th
Will O Connor Full Circle
Triskelle (Gig in Garden)
Out the Gap
The Wine Bar
Fri 22nd
Sat 23rd
Sun 24th
Trad Session
Jimmy & Pheobe
street Bands
(Beach Car Park)
dr. eddie MurpHY
RTE’s Operation Transformation clinical
psychologist, mental health expert, author, teacher
and life coach speaks on "Becoming your real self
and living a life of meaning and engagement"
MarY kennedY
Well known & much loved RTE personality, author
of five books, 'Paper Tigers', 'Line I Love' which was
shortlisted in the Irish Book Awards in 2008, 'Lines
for Living' and 'What Matters'.
Ardmore PAttern
FestivAl rAFFle
1st prize Ballymaloe Cookery School afternoon
demonstration and Lunch for 2 people.
2nd prize Meal for 4 in Franchinis Restaurant Castlemartyr Resort.
3rd prize Meal voucher for
Crews Restaurant, Dungarvan
€2 per line available at Festival Office and
St. Declan's National School on Saturday & Sunday.
Saturday 23rd July
9am Wildlife Walk Explore Ardmore's bird wildlife
with Seán Hogan. Bring your own binoculars!
10am fun road BoWling Meet at the Round Tower/Cathedral
10-6pm Brenda Harris Open Studio and Art Sale
10.30-11am learn iT lego WorksHop Early Engineers. Ages 4-6.
See school events programme
Saturday 23rd July
Round Tower Hotel
12 -1pm
lanTern House WorksHop with Tom Meskell create and
breathe light into your very own lantern. Ages 6-12
(Children under 6 can participate if parent present)
See school events programme
Ardmore School
TeddY Bear's piCniC on school lawn with magic & puppet
shows, songs, games and a GIANT teddy bear! Bring your
own picnic and join in the fun
Ardmore School
sand arT MagiC enjoy creating a beautiful and vibrant
picture using coloured sand. See school events programme
Ardmore School
ron THe poTTer Create your own pottery masterpiece.
See school events programme
Ardmore School
skill & BalanCe, do You HaVe iT?
Track Zorbing & Human Pool Game
Beach Car Park Field
THe dunk Tank Fancy a quick dip?
Ardmore Beach
an audienCe WiTH MariTa Conlon MCkenna
Author of "Rebel Sisters" the number one best-selling Irish
novel about the 1916 Easter Rising
St Paul's Church
learn iT lego WorksHop WeDo® Junior Robotics.
Ages 6-9. See school events programme
Ardmore School
CoasTguard sTaTion Guided Tour
Coastguard Station
THe arT Hand come along and see this beautiful display
on Ardmore Beach by sand artist Sean Corcoran
Ardmore Beach
aniMal MagiC presents beautiful birds of prey, hawks,
falcons & owls along with other interesting wildlife
Beach Car Park Field
sTreeT enTerTainMenT presented by Wobbly Circus
Main Street
CroJaYn dynamic alternative Blues-Rock four piece band
from Cork perform live
Beach Car Park
daBBledooMusiC come explore music in a fun & creative
workshop; drum, dance, sing & play. Ages 5-12.
See school events programme
Ardmore School
Ardo - Whiting Bay
Whiting Bay
Ardmore School
10.30-11.30am Author MariTa Conlon MCkenna will talk on her well loved
children's books including 'Under the Hawthorn Tree'.
See school events programme
Ardmore School
10.30-11.30am Tissue sTained glass WorksHop with Tom Meskell create
your own souvenir masterpiece using coloured tissue paper.
Ages 6-12 (Children under 6 can participate if parent present)
See school events programme
Ardmore School
10.30-4.30pm lifeTiMe laB are bringing some of their popular STEM activities
for great family fun & interaction. See school events programme
Ardmore School
11am poTTerY deMonsTraTion with Mary Lincoln
Ardmore Pottery
11am MCkenna's CasTle guided Walk with Liam Suipéil
Halla Dhéagláin
11-11.45am daBBledooMusiC come explore music in a fun & creative
workshop; drum, dance, sing & play. Ages 5-12.
See school events programme
Ardmore School
11am-3pm Car BooT sale €10 entry per car, €15 entry per van
Beach Car Park Field
11am-3pm ardMore farMers MarkeT
Beach Car Park Field
11am-5pm Come and discover some surprises on THe asTro Turf
for everyone to enjoy, parents included!!
Ardmore School
11.30am-12pm learn iT lego WorksHop Early Engineers. Ages 4-6.
See school events programme
Ardmore School
11.30am-1pm arT deMonsTraTion with Brigid Shelly
Brigid Shelly Gallery
12pm onwards speCial BranCH CarVing with John Hayes who has been
commissioned to carve a wooden sculpture using chainsaws to
mark our 10th Anniversary. Come and watch John breathe life
into his carvings and create something unique for Ardmore
Thatched Cottages
12-12.45pm daBBledooMusiC come explore music in a fun
& creative workshop; drum, dance, sing & play. Ages 5-12.
See school events programme
Tissue sTained glass WorksHop with Tom Meskell create Ardmore School
your own souvenir masterpiece using coloured tissue paper.
Ages 6-12 (Children under 6 can participate if parent present)
See school events programme
Balloon Modelling with Victor the Balloon Man
Ardmore School
Beach Car Park
Saturday 23rd July
Sunday 24th July
faCe painTing
Storm Wall
gliTTer TaTToos
Halla Dhéagláin
an audienCe WiTH ToMi reiCHenTal RTE International
Person of the Year 2014, Author, Holocaust Survivor & Producer
of the award winning documentary “Close To Evil”
St Paul's Church
fire sTaTion Guided tour
Fire Station
daBBledooMusiC come explore music in a fun & creative
workshop; drum,dance, sing & play Ages 5-12.
See school events programme
Ardmore School
learn iT lego WorksHop Machines & Mechanisms.
Ages 8+. See school events programme
Ardmore School
penalTY sHooT-ouT CoMpeTiTion followed by a barbeque. Round Tower Hotel
Organised by Ardmore Soccer Club
9am Walk doWn sT. deClan's WaY Bus departs Round Tower
From Grange Church
Hotel at 8.45am, walk starts at 9.00am from Grange and finishes to St. Declan's Well
at St. Declan's Well where refreshments will be served
10am angliCan euCHarisT serViCe
St Paul's Church
10am Join Éanna ni laMHna biologist, environmental consultant,
radio and television presenter as she explores St. Declan's Well
and all it's inhabitants
St. Declan's Well
11am-1pm sTreeT enTerTainMenT Can you spot the Copper Gent?
Church Car Park
11am-3pm ardMore open farM at Farmers Market. Meet many
rare animal breeds as well as all the farmyard favourites
Beach Car Park Field
11am-3pm Car BooT sale €10 entry per car, €15 entry per van
Beach Car Park Field
11am-3pm ardMore farMers MarkeT
Beach Car Park Field
11am-4pm Mind, BodY & lifT Your spiriT eXHiBiTion Includes
Reflexology, Angel Card Readings, Mental Health, Meditation
and much more. See Sunday school events programme
Ardmore School
lanTern House WorksHop with Tom Meskell create and
breathe light into your very own lantern. Ages 6-12
(Children under 6 can participate if parent present)
See school events programme
Ardmore School
QuangodeliC high energy wonky funk band with
bestial headgear and lots of brass perform live
Beach Car Park
11:30am MaYfield Birds of preY presents you with an opportunity
-3.30pm to meet and handle a variety of wonderful birds of prey
Astro Turf
Éanna ni laMHna Explore rock pools with a renowned
botanist. Bring buckets, nets, and well peeled eyes!
Boat Cove
11.30am paTTern daY Mass with guest speaker Dr. Stiofán Ó Cadhla
author of 'The Holy Well Tradition'
St. Declan's Church
sTreeT enTerTainMenT Come watch the highly skilled
and diverse trickery of the comedy juggler, Circus Fergus!
Storm Wall
an audienCe WiTH ronnie delanY Olympian Gold
Medalist and author of "Staying the Distance"
St. Paul's Church
5:30 -7:30pm
sTreeT enTerTainMenT Can you spot the Copper Gent?
Church Car Park
sTreeT enTerTainMenT Come watch the highly skilled
and diverse trickery of the comedy juggler, Circus Fergus!
Storm Wall
Mass in St. Declan's Church
St. Declan's Church
MusiCal deligHTs from bygone days with John Kennedy.
€5 admission, proceeds to St. Declan's Hall
Halla Dhéagláin
fireWorks speCTaCular over Ardmore Bay.
Sponsored by The Cliff House Hotel
Ardmore Bay
12.30-1:15pm sTreeT enTerTainMenT Come watch the highly skilled
and diverse trickery of the comedy juggler, Circus Fergus!
12-6pm ardMore gaa olYMpiCs 2016 Enter your team of 10 to
compete in several activities and be in with a chance to win, also
family events, live music, bar and food. Competition entry fee
applies, contact Pat for all the details on 086-3989400 or email
[email protected]
Organised by Ardmore GAA Club
12.30pm speCial BranCH CarVing with John Hayes who has been
onwards commissioned to carve a wooden sculpture using chainsaws to
mark our 10th Anniversary. Come and watch John breathe life
into his carvings and create something unique for Ardmore
12.30-5pm skill & BalanCe - do You HaVe iT? Wipeout Obstacle
Course & Track Zorbing
Storm Wall
Ardmore GAA
Thatched Cottages
Beach Car Park Field
Sunday 24th July
Sunday 24th July
faMilY fun Treasure HunT Solve the clues around the
village on foot within the specified time and be in with a chance
to win a weekend in Trabolgan Holiday Village. Registration
from 12.30pm at ICA Hall, kick off at 1pm sharp. Winner will
be announced at 3:30pm at Halla Dhéagláin
ICA Hall
an audienCe WiTH lorna BYrne Peace Ambassador
& International bestselling author of “Angels in My Hair”
& “Stairway to Heaven”
St. Paul's Church
duCk raCe Organised by Ardmore Tidy Towns, MC Brian Gleeson.
Prizes sponsored by Ardmore Open Farm
An Sruthán
anCienT ardMore guided HisTorY Walk with Liam Suipéil
Halla Dhéagláin
farriers aT Work Come watch and enjoy an age old tradition
Beach Car Park Field
WresTling Warriors on Tour Outdoor wrestling
shows on the hour all afternoon
Beach Car Park Field
MagiCian on THe sTreeT Award winning magician
Gerard Kearney will amaze with 'close-up' magic
The Village
fun dog sHoW with Clashmore Boarding Kennels
GAA Club
THe serViCe Cork ska band performing Live
sTreeT enTerTainMenT presented by Wobbly Circus
Main Street
THe arT Hand come along and see this beautiful display
on Ardmore Beach by sand artist Sean Corcoran
Ardmore Beach
faCe painTing
Halla Dhéagláin
gliTTer TaTToos
Storm Wall
sTreeT enTerTainMenT Come watch the highly skilled
and diverse trickery of the comedy juggler, Circus Fergus!
Storm Wall
CHildren's fanCY-dress CoMpeTiTion
with the Mad Hatter
an audienCe WiTH dr. eddie MurpHY RTE’s Operation
Transformation clinical psychologist, mental health expert,
author, teacher and life coach speaks on "Becoming your real
self and living a life of meaning and engagement"
St Paul's Church
BanJo Band session Bring your own banjo and join in
Brigid Shelly Gallery
Balloon Modelling Victor is in action again!
Halla Dhéagláin
sandCasTle CoMpeTiTion Organised by Parent and Toddler
Group. Prizes sponsored by Youghal Pharmacy
Ardmore Beach
an audienCe WiTH MarY kennedY Well known and much
loved RTE personality, author of four books, 'Paper Tigers',
'Line I Love' which was shortlisted in the Irish Book
Awards in 2008, 'Lines for Living' and 'What Matters'
St Paul's Church
2016 fesTiVal finale WiTH aslan - one of Ireland’s favourite
bands who return to celebrate our 10th Anniversary
Please check the website:
or the Festival Office in Halla Dhéagláin for latest updates
The Festival may be over,
but don't mi…
dailY CHildren's arT WorksHops with artist Maria Dowling in Gallery Studio
Call Breda 087 6975014 to book. Mon 25th - Fri 29th July
annual irisH WaTer safeTY Classes Enquiries: (087) 2215991
Curragh end of Ardmore Beach. Mon 25th - Fri 29th July
ardMore TidY ToWns assoCiaTion disCo to celebrate 40th anniversary of
Youth Club, 29th July 2016 Halla Dhéagláin, 70's 80's music by WLR's John O Shea
dr Joe MeeHan inaugural fundraising Walk In 2016 our community lost a
gentleman and friend to many, Dr Joe Meehan. To honour Joe the local branch of SVP will
organise a charity 5k walk which will take place in Ardmore on Bank Holiday Monday 1st
August at 2pm. €10 per person/family. Come along and join us for this special event with
proceeds going to Marymount Hospice & our own St Declan's Conference of SVP.
JiMMY BuCkleY in ConCerT in St Declan's Church Ardmore on August 5th in aid of
Ardmore, Grange, Kinsalebeg SVP Conference. Tickets €20 contact 087 6256055
saTurdaY 23rd JulY - kids geT CreaTiVe
School Events Programme
Free Art, Craft, Engineering & Science Workshops
at Ardmore School
Sponsored by John & Bernadette Quinn
note - Places are limited and admission is on first come first served basis
learn iT lego eduCaTion WorksHops
Early Simple Machines Ages 4-6 10.30am-11.00am & 11.30am-12.00pm
Through the use of Duplo LEGO bricks; children build, test and explore ways in which familiar objects
work. They will experiment with concepts such as force, motion, balance, stability and buoyancy
Wedo® Junior Robotics Ages 6-9 1.00pm-2.00pm
Through the use of LEGO; children will build fun models with motors and sensors. They will connect
them to a computer to program behaviour and bring their models to life
Senior Engineering Machines & Mechanisms Age 8+ 3.00pm-4.15pm
Through the use of LEGO; students will deepen their understanding of how forces can affect motion
and explore concepts of energy. Students build complex mechanisms and use them to make
accurate observations, measure and record or even design their own solutions
daBBledooMusiC Ages 5-12
Come explore music in a fun & creative workshop; drum, dance, sing and play
Workshop 1 @ 11.00am-11.45am Workshop 2 @ 12.00pm-12.45pm
Workshop 3 @ 2.00pm-2.45pm
Workshop 4 @ 3.00pm-3.45pm
Tissue sTained glass WorksHop with Tom Meskell Ages 6-12
(Children under 6 can participate if a parent is present)
Using a 3ft diameter wire frame the children will cover the frame
using coloured tissue paper and when it's dry they can take it home
to hang in their window and admire
Workshop 1 @ 10.30am -11.30am
Workshop 2 @ 2.00pm-3.00pm
lanTern House WorksHop with Tom Meskell
Ages 6-12
(Children under 6 can participate if a parent is present)
Create 2 igloo like houses made with wire, decorated with
coloured tissue & watch the magic unfold as the room
becomes dark and the lanterns are lit from within
Workshop 1 @ 12.00pm-1.00pm
Workshop 2 @ 3.30pm-4.30pm
oTHer fun eVenTs in ardMore sCHool on saTurdaY
11am-5pm: Come and discover some surprises on The astro Turf for everyone to enjoy,
parents included!!
10.30-11.30am : Author Marita Conlon Mckenna speaks on why she started and how she got into
writing. She will talk and answer questions on any of her well loved children's books including 'Under
the Hawthorn Tree', 'Wildflower Girl' and 'Fields of Home'. Remember to bring your books for her to sign
10.30am-4.30pm: lifetime lab are bringing some of their popular STEM activities to Ardmore Pattern
Festival, plenty of hands on fun for parents and children to enjoy together. Fancy some time as a robotic
driver, think you have the skills for our VEX IQ bankshot challenge? Test your problem solving skills
through a series of fun maths based activities using sight, sound, touch and movement
12pm-4.30pm: ron the potter Create your own pottery masterpiece on real potter's wheels and
decorate with lovely jewels
12pm-2pm: Teddy Bears picnic Magic, puppetry, songs, games and a GIANT teddy bear!
All in all the perfect picnic atmosphere. Bring your own picnic!
12pm-4pm: sand art Magic for kids Enjoy creating a beautiful and vibrant picture using coloured
sand. Take home your masterpiece as a souvenir of a great day spent at Ardmore Pattern Festival 2016
sundaY 24TH JulY - 11aM To 4pM
sponsored BY YougHal CrediT union
Mind, BodY & lifT Your spiriT @ ardMore sCHool
CoMe along and MeeT THe folloWing inspiring praCTiTioners:
ed flavin Reiki / Shamanic practitioner.
susan foley Pranic Healing,
Caroline Caffrey Angel Card Readings.
Shamanic Healing.
orla gleeson AZebo gifts
elizabeth stepney power “We Love Little
natalie Jay Art Pad
Things” Handmade Crafts.
nicola Hynds Ambassador for "See Change"
anne ross, ardmore Medical Centre
Mental Health Awareness.
Free blood pressure & blood sugar checks.
Tanya Cliffe Zumba & Keep Fit.
eleanor Carlton Reflexology.
peter Cody Fitness Instructor.
The Well spa, Cliff House Hotel Mini hand
dungarvan encore stage
treatments and special promotional offers.
academy/The rehearsal Hub
Maggie Burns Slainte Acupuncture.
TrY our free TasTer Classes:
11.30am-12pm drama and dance Class for children with Dungarvan Encore
Stage Academy/The Rehearsal Hub
12pm -1pm Zumba & keep fit with Tanya Cliffe If you've always wanted to try Zumba
this is your opportunity
1pm-2pm Circuit Training with Peter Cody
2pm-3pm Nicola Hynds Mental Health awareness talk presented in a light hearted
but profound manner
3pm-3.30pm Ed Flavin Meditation Class come and experience the relaxation -
Water f
r van &
eVenTs Map indeX
Halla Dhéagláin - Office & Lost Children
St Declan’s Church
St Paul’s Church
ICA Hall
St Declan’s National School
An Tobar
Keevers’ Bar
Round Tower Hotel
Coastguard Station
Fire Station
Ardmore GAA Pitch
The Boat Cove
Ardmore Farmers Market
Ardmore Beach & Car Park
Public Toilets
Festival Car Park - Dungarvan Road
Ardmore Seaview Motorhome Park
Tel: 086 389 5755
Storm Wall
Children’s Playground
An Sruthán
Rocky Road
sT. deClan’s MonuMenTs
Round Tower & Cathedral
St Declan’s Oratory
St Declan’s Well
St Declan’s Stone
arTisTs’ sTudios
Carleton Gallery
The Ardmore Gallery & Tea Room
Ardmore Pottery & Craft Shop
Judy Shinnick’s Windy Ridge Studio
Brigid Shelly Gallery / Wine Bar
Brenda Harris Gallery, Whiting Bay
For any queries contact:
086 233 0810 or 085 174 1614
or see the Festival website
22 23
m F
donaTion BoXes
We will have official Pattern Festival Donation Boxes located at most of our free events
and activities during the Festival weekend. We always try to provide the vast majority of
events free of charge. Therefore, we are almost totally dependant on sponsorship and
fundraising to fund the Festival & would encourage you to contribute to our Donation Boxes.
Thank you very much for your support.
Main Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
JoHn & BernadeTTe Quinn
Silver Sponsors
an Tobar
ardmore gallery & Tea room
ardmore open farm
ardmore shipping
Cg lisarow
dungarvan shopping Centre
White Horses restaurant
Mari Mina pharmacy, ardmore
Cornstore restaurant
Bronze Sponsors
AF Roofing Ltd
Ardmore Adventures
Ardmore Farmers Market
Aura Leisure Centre, Youghal
Beach Caravan Park
Brenda Harris
Brian Gleeson Auctioneers
Carleton Gallery
Curragh Caravan Park
Dingle Skellig Hotel
East Cork Oil
Edward Cotter Partnership Chartered Surveyors
Faherty Buses, 087 6655291
Judy Shinnock
Keevers Bar
Lisa McGrath, Clashmore Boarding Kennels
McCourt Mullane & Co. Solicitors
Munster Sign & Print
O'Connor Dental Practice, Youghal
Raddison Sligo
Supporting Waterford Communities Fund
Tom Healy & Amanda Garcia
Trabolgan Holiday Village
Youghal Pharmacy
The ardmore pattern festival Committee would like to sincerely thank all our
sponsors for their continued support. go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir.
Festival Friends
AIB, Youghal
Alan Dalton Goldsmith
Albert Muckley Jewellery
An Seanachai Bar & Restaurant
Ardmore B&B
Ardmore Equine Nutrition Ltd
Ardmore Farm Supplies Ltd
Ardmore Physical Therapy
Ardmore Pottery & Craft Shop
Ardmore Vegetable Growers
Avonmore, Milk Agent - Sharon Flynn
Ballymaloe Cookery School
Barlo Motors, Clonmel
Blackwater Garden Centre
Bounce Waterford
Brigid Shelly Art Gallery
Brookes SuperValu, Youghal
C.G. Motherway & Co Chartered Accountants
Castlemartyr Resort
Crew's Steak & Seafood Restaurant
Currans Topline, Dungarvan
Cush B&B
Daly Travel
Damien Gleeson
David Walsh Office Supplies
Denis Broderick Hardware
Doyles Takeaway
Duncrone B&B
Eachtra Archaeological Projects
Exigent Networks
Flavins Topline, Youghal
Fota Wildlife Park
Fountain House B&B
Garryvoe Hotel
Ger Wyley
Harty & Co Auctioneers
Holiday Inn, Killarney
Jennifer Maher Solicitors
Joe O'Callaghan Landscaping
John Beresford Motor Service & Repairs
Jungle World, Midleton
Kay's Flowers at Clarkes, Youghal
Kiely's Cross Pub
Kieran Foley Building Contractor
Lawlors Hotel, Dungarvan
Matt & Sheila Budds, Summerhill
Matt's Takeaway
Maurice Hennessy Painting & Decorating
Mike Foley Building Contractor
Ned O'Connell Home Furnishings
Newtown Farm Guesthouse
O'Sullivan Dental Practice, Clonmel
Perks Entertainment Centre
Permanent TSB, Dungarvan
Power's Caravan Park
Prendergast Agricultural Contractors
SGC Dungarvan
Shane Curran Home Company
Stepping Stones Preschool
Suir Valley Railway
The Park Hotel, Dungarvan
TNC Marine, Pat Waide & Gavin Tivy
Tom Trihy Sawmills
Tomas Murray Dental Practice
Tony & Shivie O'Meara
Wood Group PSN