August 2012 - Pacific Mariner`s Yacht Club


August 2012 - Pacific Mariner`s Yacht Club
1 Official Publication Of The
August 2012
Pacific Mariners Yacht Club
Cat Harbor photo courtesy of Karen Otterbein
The Log
2 Tom Hall - Commodore
Good Times at PMYC!
There seems to be nothing but Good Times at PMYC this Summer!
July was busy, fun, and occasionally darn right HOT!
The Islander Sea Scouts had both a spaghetti dinner and an official
ceremony on PMYC’s Big Deck as well as a visit by their beautiful ship
Manta to our Guest Dock.
As always, PMYC Rock’d the 4th of July, with our Annual DinghyRama & BBQ. Thank you Gonzo for hosting. The Marina welcomed
back an amazing fireworks display later that night. A great time was
had by all!
If you missed our “All You Can Eat” Crab Night, hosted by Jeff Jeffries with Guest Cook
Ted Woolery, you will have to cry in your Chowder till next Year! Oh, and the Clam Chowder by
Candy Brown – was to die for…
As you may have heard, PMYC is hosting a Pacific Mariners Yacht Club Stand Up Paddleboard
Regatta & Sunday Brunch every other Sunday. Our kickoff Regatta was a huge success & the
Brunch was a sellout! Don’t miss the Sunday August 5th & August 19th Regattas & Brunch. Race
starts at 10am and the Brunch around 11am.
We had a super fun London Olympics Opening Ceremonies Pot Luck. Thank you MD3 for organizing. We are all looking forward to the Olympics Closing Ceremonies Pot Luck on Sunday, August
PMYC’s Birthday Party “A Casino Night In Havana” was Fantastico! The Cuban food was amazing
as was the Salsa Music and Mojitos. Special thanks goes out to Kia & Kent Andersson, Deborah &
Gary Panas, and Roxann & Curt Bersche for making the evening so special.
Some quick PMYC business, the far western table on the Big Deck has been designated a NonSmoking table. This will allow non-smokers to enjoy the deck, but avoid the smoke. Talking about
smoking, PMYC Director Curt Bersche is quitting smoking on August 1st. Please support our
Get ready for the Amazing Luau Cruise August 3 thru 5th. By the time you read this you may
already be in Cat Harbor!
There is a General Membership Meeting Friday, August 10th. Please come on by. We have lots to
discuss! August 18 is the Chuck Stein Race & after party & PMYC is also hosting Women on the
Water Race After Party on Sunday August 26th. Music by Good Cop Bad Cop on the Big Deck.
Lots of fun & food!
And Last but Not Least - Church Mouse Marlin Invitational will be held August 27 & 28th in Avalon!
For more information please go to Don’t miss it!
3 Larry Koch - Vice Commodore
PMYC -- OUR place for fun, parties, and special events. July was
filled with so many events at our clubhouse. We had a fundraiser
event hosted by the Sea Scouts of Marina Del Rey which was a great
success. On the fourth of July, we had our annual dinghy raft-up and
jello shot distribution event in D basin. We were visited by the Sheriff's
boat and threatened with a soaking by the Fire Dept's boat. What a fun
On July 7th, we hosted the Women on the Water event and after race
party. On Friday the 13th, we got lucky and were visited by long lost
cruising members Sue and Lex Herron. It was good to visit with them
and catch up. An excellent dinner was prepared by Mike Elia.
On July 16th, a few of us met with our landlord to get an update on the progress of the new club
facility. They are still working on entitlements but hope to break ground on phase one of the
redevelopment, by the end of the year. We'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, we have
obtained a proposed floor plan of the facility and have begun the process of review and presentation of requested changes, to make it better fit our needs. As this process is a long and complicated one, the best we can do is keep the membership advised as we learn of any progress. If
anyone has an idea for our new home, please let someone on the board know.
On July 21st, 36 members consumed 70 pounds of king crab legs. Thanks to Jeff Jeffries and Ted
Woolery for their help cooking all those rascals and to everyone else for getting the event organized. It was nice to remember and recognize Steve Cordova, who initiated this event. Our Yacht
Club's 49th Birthday bash was held on July 28th and it was a fun night for all who attended. Gary
Panas mixed up the mojitos and Kent Andersson cooked up all the food. Lots of others helped. I
don't know who was the big winner at the tables, but I can say with certainty, that John Terrance
was the best dressed.
One issue does make me wonder. With all the fun events we had in the last month, I can't help
but wonder why more members don't turn out for these events. They are inexpensive, fun, and
definitely support the club. Now I'm the first to admit that no member can attend every event as
we all travel at times or have other events with friends and family. But I can think of lots of long
time members and some newer members who NEVER, EVER attend a club event and I can't
figure out why. The club would love for everyone to participate in these events and help make
them a success. This is YOUR club. We need fresh ideas for future events. I for one would like to
encourage every member to attend these activities. If you have an idea on how to change or
improve an existing event, or if you have ideas for never done before events, let us know. Be
assured that any new idea will be considered.
PMYC is here for all of its members and we need everyone to help make it bigger and better.
Darlene and I hope we'll see you soon at the club.
4 Michael Donovan - Membership Chairman
Meet Your New Friends! The Membership Committee continues to attract New PMYC Members. Meet our July 2012 new Members: Lee Snook Robert "Eddie" Offermann Nancy & Richard Strick Dawn & Tommy Vasquez Marina Del Rey Marina Del Rey Santa Monica Bakersfield Real Estate Development Software Development Retired Educator & Dermatologist Education & Oil Production We are all very excited about the future potential growth of our PMYC and you can and should play an active role in that new membership development. We never want to lose sight of who we are, but we all need to acknowledge that without change, we die, thus growth via new memberships is the key to our future success and we want EVERYONE to be a part of that and play a role… Get Recognized! As you already know, YOU as a PMYC Member, have already been part of a Membership Drive since January of this year, to add more qualified Members to our Wonderful Club and you have been doing a great job! Our PMYC Membership Committee wants to recognize your future efforts! If you recruit or bring in a potential PMYC Member we want to give you a PRIZE! We want to reward those Members among us that go that extra mile and actively talk about the fun and events at YOUR Yacht Club to others outside of our walls. Solely signing up as a Sponsor is not what we are looking for but rather spread the Good Word outside our Club and invite them for a visit! Make PMYC a Better Place by sharing Your Story… Michael “MD3” Donovan III [email protected] (310) 437‐9716 mobile 5 Greetings from the Board
of Directors,
There is a lot happening at the club and the
Board is working hard to help in anyway
they can. I must say that Crab Night was
one of the highlights. Thank you Jeff
Jeffries, Ted Woolery, Candy, Mike “the
Chef” and everyone else who helped.
Although $50 seemed like a lot of money,
Deborah and I walked away realizing what a
great deal it actually was. The crab was as good, if not better than any lobster we have had. The
wine selection was equally impressive as was the clam chowder, biscuits and baby arugula salad.
Thanks to Maggie’s Farm for providing the arugula.
The Board is also working to make sure that the new paddleboard activity is safe and does not
interfere with our general membership’s access to the club and the docks. We will keep you
Remember, the Board of Directors is here to serve you, the club membership. If you have a
concern or an idea to make our club better, please email [email protected] and we will bring
the matter up at our next meeting.
Don’t forget that all guests need to be accompanied by a member and are required to have a
guest name badge on. If your guests park in our lot, their cars need to be identified as well or risk
being towed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Keep safe on the water and enjoy!
Warmest regards,
Gary Panas
I want to give credit to Larry Laurino and Steve Rodgers for identifying some mystery burgees
from last month, here are 15 more!
(see next page)
If you have any actual Burgees laying around, that you would like to donate to PMYC, Please
share them with me. As you know, I am documenting them all and compiling a record of them that
will become an official PMYC Burgee Binder for everyone’s use at the club. This has been very
time consuming but it is truly a labor of love.
We encourage any Member who is traveling and visits a fellow yacht club to exchange a PMYC
burgee with them and get one in return. This past year I am aware of the following members that
have done so: Curt & Roxann Bersche, Larry & Darlene Koch and John & Brenda Grote.
If I have forgotten anyone, please advise.
Michael “MD3” Donovan III 2012 Port Captain PMYC Membership Chairman PMYC Burgee Historian Pacific Mariners Yacht Club Marina Del Rey (310) 437‐9716 mobile Congratulations!
Chloe Myoko Donovan won Most Photogenic in the 2012 Nisei Week Baby Show
Pageant in Little Tokyo this past Saturday. 7 8 PMYC July 4th Dinghy-Rama!
Cal Troupe (aka Uncle Sam)
9 July 10
Sea Scout Ship 16 - “Islander”
Arrival Ceremony
Sea Scouts vessel Manta
(a WWII AVR, built in 1944)
July 22
PMYC Stand Up Paddle Board
Regatta & Brunch
July 21
Terry Stephens & his crabby t-shirt
Wine Sommelier: Cheryl Schmitz
The Chefs: Candy, Ted & Jeff
Get back in the pot!
Happy Crabby People
Jeff & his tray o’crab
11 PMYC’s 49th Birthday Day Party!
A Casino Night In Havana
Nice watch!
Dr. John (aka Bat Masterson)
doubling down
Tom, Darlena & Melissa
Nancy & Richard Strick
Nancy Strick has recently retired from teaching for LAUSD for
41 years, for the last 31 years she has been teaching parenting
in the adults division. She and Richard met on a blind date 42
years ago and have been happily married for 41 years, so far.
Her hobbies include kayaking, playing soccer, pottery, photography, roller blading, scuba diving, mah jong, tennis, and she plays
golf if she cannot avoid it.
Richard is a dermatologist practicing in Santa Monica after many
years at UCLA. His main hobby is golf and he is a tournament
scrabble player. He has been a Dodger fan, since moving to LA from the Midwest. He played in
a baseball league until he was 62 and still plays tennis and kayaks with Nancy. He has enjoyed
playing the piano for many years.
They have 2 children: a son who is a lawyer and a daughter who is a biomedical engineer still
training in Europe, two grandchildren ages 3 and 5, who are not yet employed, and a dog named
Bailey, who loves to watch TV.
Richard and Nancy love to travel, and have been to over 70 countries. They are happy to be new
members on PMYC, they look forward spending time at the club and meeting more members.
Dawn & Tommy Vasquez
Tommy and I, Dawn Vasquez (avid ocean/sailboat lovers) are
thrilled to learn of our new membership with PMYC! Tommy and
I began our sailing careers with a small 22’ Catalina and then
moving to a 27’ Hunter. Our lives have always been tied to the
ocean, in one way or another in the 28 years of marriage and
after we discovered sailing over 14 years ago, we found a sense
of peace indescribable in any language. After a 5 year hiatus
this peace has found its way into our lives in the form of a 32’
deal in our new-to-us Hunter appropriate named “SOMEDAY… .
For those five years we would sit in ocean side parks watching
sailboats saying to each other, “Someday baby, we will be back
on the water….Someday”. That Someday is now. Our two
wonderful Daughters, Samantha 22 and Danyelle 21, have
brought us through many adventures, but not one can compare
to the second day of ownership of SOMEDAY while during gale
force winds and a small craft advisory, we lost our rudder at sea.
Tommy is a Chief Operator for a fractionating Plant near our home in Bakersfield and I work for
the High School District as a Buyer Coordinator. We were grateful to quickly get her fixed and get
her to her new home in Dolphin Marina in Marina Del Rey. We love our jobs because they
support our much needed boating habit and we look forward to being able to share more colorful
moments of our life with all of our new yachting club family.
14 Eddie Offermann
Since he was born in Florida and spent some
of his childhood in East Tennessee before
moving back to Orlando, Florida, you'd think
that Eddie Offermann might have been
around boats for most of his life. Oddly it
wasn't until he moved to Los Angeles in his
30s that he started sailing. After a year of
staring out at the sea at lunchtime, he bought
a small sloop, a 20' Newport, and hopped on
board and took her out. It was the first time
he had ever even been *on* a sailboat.
Eddie figured that if he couldn't sort out how
to make her sail, he would motor back to the slip and get someone to show him. Turns out, while
you never stop learning about it, he decided that sailing wasn't brain surgery. Now, a few years
later he predominantly sails his 1959 Ackerman Newporter - a 50ft ketch named So Nice, and
takes her far away from land as often as possible. That is, of course, when he's not varnishing,
painting, cleaning, rewiring, modifying, beautifying or otherwise taking care of her!
By day, Eddie works as the staff software pipeline developer for Mirada Studios, an end-to-end
production and visual effects studio.
Teeny Johnson
Christina, or "Teeny" grew up in North Carolina, and learned to do many of the things that make
her a great First Mate at an early age. Though she and Eddie both lived in Orlando and shared
many of the same friends in the area, they didn't meet until after she relocated to Los Angeles in
early 2011. Her immediate love for sailing made them a perfect fit.
Teeny enjoys reading, sewing and clothing design, designing and making jewelry, dancing, cooking and socializing with laid-back, down-to-earth people - and if these things can be done in combination with lounging on the boat in the marina or far out at sea, so much the better!
Teeny is still learning the ropes so to speak on sailing, but has been a quick study and is always
eager for a cruise!
Asterisk (*) indicates events that are ideas or have not yet been Hosted/Sponsored by a
PMYC member
Single Mariners
Luau Cruise (Fleet Captain)
Membership Meeting
Single Mariners
Killer Shrimp Dock Party
Church Mouse
Business Meeting
Labor Day BBQ*
Single Mariners
Chili Cookoff
Single Mariners
Business Meeting
End of Summer BBQ
Hor d’oeuvres Cruise (Fleet Captain)
Single Mariners
Membership Meeting
October Fest*
Single Mariners
Kid’s Fishing
Business Meeting
Halloween Party (Curt/Rox Bersche)
Single Mariners
Comedy Night
Single Mariners
Thanksgiving Pot Luck*
Business Meeting
Single Mariners
Changing of the Guard
Boat Parade / After Party*
Kids Christmas Party
(Nick Cecola)
Single Mariners
New Years Eve Party
(Curt/Rox Bersche)
August 2012
Friday 6-9
Saturday/Sunday 12-5pm
August 3 Lucas Willemse
August 4 Peter Breum
August 5 James Garrison
August 10 Dave Peterson
August 11 Brent Roske
August 12 MD3
August 17 Ted Woolery
August 18 Al Berry
August 19 Paul Delaney
August 24 Leslie Bond
August 25 Larry Koch
August 26 Curt Bersche
It is the obligation of every member of PMYC to serve as Officer of the Day at least two
sometimes three times a year.
Your associate is welcome to serve with you or take your place.
Remember it is up to you to schedule an alternate if you are unable to serve
Failure to serve your OD will result in a $50 assessment, as outlined in the standing rules.
Snacks are always welcome, but do not feel obligated to bring anything.
We will be honored by your presence!
Friday Night Dinners are one of Pacific Mariners Yacht Club's
great traditions.
Nearly every Friday night (exceptions include Cruise Weekends or
a big event Saturday) a PMYC member volunteers to host dinner
for the membership.
They cook the meal in our professional galley or bring in a meal created by a local
Prices run from $7 to $12 per person depending on the fare served.
Please wear your NAME TAG when you are in the Club House.
As a member you are entitled to invite guests to your club, but, you must be
present and issue a guest name tag.
Sign them into the guest register under your name as sponsor.
Don’t forget the parking pass.
Visitors from other yacht clubs should also be signed in and issued a name
Goal: To publish The Log on or as soon after the 1st of
each month
Deadline: 5 days before end of the month
1. (See deadline)
2. Pictures must be accompanied by description or written article.
3. CDs left in glass box will be ignored, unless you make prior
arrangements with the editor.
4. Pictures left on disc in Internet Work Station will be ignored.
5. Submit articles inside e-mail or in WORD format.
Submit to: [email protected]
18 Did You Know…
This is a great way to get to know your fellow club members! This is just to give everyone a quick
snippet of something they may or may-not already know about you or a service or advice you may
need. You may find that you have something in common with a hobby or a member that
has an auto mechanic shop and you have a car that needs work. It is just a fun
page to promote conversation and maybe send a little business to your fellow
members way. If you are interested in posting a snippet, please send them to
[email protected].
Thanks for participating!
PMYCPICS is a website created on to display
pictures of club events and other club related photos. This is a
private site for PMYC members only and access is granted to
members by request. Once connected to the site, you will receive
email alerts whenever new pictures are uploaded. The site
includes a calendar of upcoming club events and a link to the
PMYC website, so staying "in the know" is easy.
Follow the steps below to gain access to the site.
1. If you don't already have one, sign up for a free Shutterfly account.
2. Request to be granted access to the site by sending an email to [email protected] stating
the email address associated with your Shutterfly account.
3. When you receive the invitation to join PMYCPICS, simply click on the link included in the
invitation. Once you sign in, you will be directed to the PMYCPICS homepage.
4. Browse and enjoy!
We'd love to add your pictures! If you have pictures to add, please send them via email to
[email protected], or, for a large number of pictures, load them on a CD or thumb drive and
leave them at the club for Roxann Bersche.
If you have a suggestion for improving the site please email [email protected].
19 Pacific Mariners Yacht
13915 Panay Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292