Quiz List—Reading Practice - Appomattox County Public Schools
Quiz List—Reading Practice - Appomattox County Public Schools
Page 1 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Word Count F/NF 0.5 224 NF 1.4 0.5 189 F Author IL ATOS BL Davis, Rebecca Fjelland LG 2.2 Medearis, Angela Shelf LG Points 107946 EN 41025 EN 10, 9, 8 Polar Animals! A Counting Backward Book 100th Day of School, The 67305 EN 17 Kings and 42 Elephants Mahy, Margaret LG 3.7 0.5 207 F 28085 EN 18 Penny Goose, The Walker, Sally M. LG 2.7 0.5 1,067 F 7351 EN Buller, Jon LG 2.6 0.5 3,796 F 68113 EN Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.0 0.5 123 9001 EN Seuss, Dr. LG 3.9 1.0 3,800 36909 EN 20,000 Baseball Cards Under the Sea 3, 2, 1 Go! A Transportation Countdown 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, The Aa Doudna, Kelly LG 0.5 0.5 37 NF 36928 EN Aa Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 114 NF 61510 EN Abe Lincoln and the Muddy Pig Krensky, Stephen LG 3.7 0.5 982 NF 45400 EN Abe Lincoln Remembers Turner, Ann LG 4.1 0.5 738 NF 11151 EN Abe Lincoln's Hat Brenner, Martha LG 2.6 0.5 1,203 NF 86635 EN Dadey, Debbie LG 4.0 1.0 6,644 F 14931 EN Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 3.0 20,596 F NF F 4181 EN Abominable Snowman Doesn't Roast Marshmallows, The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena, The About 100 Years Ago Trumbauer, Lisa LG 2.0 0.5 280 25954 EN Abracadabra Case, The Dixon, Franklin W. LG 2.0 1.0 8,634 55505 EN Abraham Lincoln Devillier, Christy LG 3.0 0.5 773 17651 EN Absent Author, The Roy, Ron LG 3.4 1.0 8,535 F 17501 EN Abuela Dorros, Arthur LG 4.5 0.5 636 F 120034 EN Abyssinian Cats Perkins, Wendy LG 1.5 0.5 133 NF 66340 EN -ack as in Snack Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.6 0.5 131 NF 7201 EN Across the Stream Ginsburg, Mirra LG 1.7 0.5 93 76562 EN Acting with Kindness Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.4 0.5 133 NF 66316 EN -ad as in Dad Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 146 NF 1 EN Adam of the Road Gray, Elizabeth Janet MG 6.5 9.0 57,357 F F NF F NF F 6101 EN Addie Meets Max Robins, Joan LG 1.7 0.5 416 56638 EN Adjectives Doudna, Kelly LG 0.8 0.5 79 NF 57942 EN 5.1 0.5 1,776 NF EN Frankenhuyzen, Robbyn Smith van Ahlberg, Allan LG 52579 Adopted by an Owl: The True Story of Jackson the Owl Adventures of Bert, The LG 1.3 0.5 306 F 17652 EN Adventures of Laura & Jack, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 3.5 1.0 8,128 F 11152 EN Adventures of Snail at School, The Stadler, John LG 2.5 0.5 938 F F 9562 EN Adventures of Taxi Dog, The Barracca, Debra LG 2.1 0.5 500 56639 EN Adverbs Doudna, Kelly LG 0.9 0.5 75 NF 115957 EN Dolphin, Colleen LG 4.3 0.5 1,017 NF 13552 EN Advisories to Zero Degrees: Weather from A to Z African-American Holidays Winchester, Faith LG 3.8 0.5 1,230 NF 5201 EN After the Goat Man Byars, Betsy LG 4.7 4.0 27,211 F 14651 EN Afternoon on the Amazon Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.4 1.0 6,242 F 66317 EN -ag as in Flag Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 142 28478 EN Agapanthus Hum and the Eyeglasses Cowley, Joy LG 3.5 0.5 1,499 NF F Page 2 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 19963 EN 26911 EN Agatha's Feather Bed: Not Just Another Wild Goose Story Aggie and Will Points Word Count F/NF 3.5 0.5 1,100 F LG 1.2 0.5 106 F F Author IL Deedy, Carmen Agra LG Brimner, Larry Dane ATOS BL 11401 EN Agnes the Sheep Taylor, William MG 4.7 4.0 28,442 115958 EN Ahi to Ziti: Food from A to Z Kompelien, Tracy LG 3.6 0.5 1,165 17502 EN Ahoy There, Little Polar Bear Beer, Hans de LG 3.0 0.5 958 F 40489 EN ai Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 104 NF 66352 EN -ain as in Train Molter, Carey LG 1.3 0.5 113 NF NF 84785 EN Aircraft Carriers (Capstone) Doeden, Matt LG 2.7 0.5 136 NF 127837 EN Airmen of the U.S. Air Force Simons, Lisa M. Bolt LG 2.2 0.5 183 NF 34541 EN Airplanes Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.5 0.5 61 NF 2050 EN Airplanes Schaefer, Lola M. LG 3.0 0.5 413 NF 116256 EN Airplanes Tatge, Cathy LG 2.8 0.5 530 NF 66353 EN -ake as in Cake Molter, Carey LG 1.0 0.5 106 NF 117639 EN Albert and Sarah Jane Doyle, Malachy LG 2.9 0.5 535 F 18601 EN Albert's Christmas Tryon, Leslie LG 1.8 0.5 626 F 69623 EN Albert's Impossible Toothache Williams, Barbara LG 2.8 0.5 717 F 42917 EN Albert's Thanksgiving Tryon, Leslie LG 3.3 0.5 677 F 6251 EN Aldo Peanut Butter Hurwitz, Johanna LG 4.9 3.0 20,134 F 5202 EN Alex Fitzgerald, TV Star Krull, Kathleen LG 3.9 1.0 7,000 F 5451 EN Viorst, Judith LG 3.7 0.5 741 F 17503 EN Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse Lionni, Leo LG 3.4 0.5 839 F 12751 EN Viorst, Judith LG 3.2 0.5 1,228 F 7301 EN Viorst, Judith LG 3.5 0.5 883 F 10651 EN Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going To Move Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday Aliens Don't Wear Braces Dadey, Debbie LG 3.7 1.0 6,860 F 24934 EN Aliens for Dinner Spinner, Stephanie LG 2.8 1.0 9,322 F 5203 EN Aliens for Lunch Etra, Jonathan LG 3.6 1.0 7,000 F 11402 EN Alison Goes for the Gold Connor, Catherine MG 5.5 1.0 8,944 F 11403 EN Alison on the Trail Connor, Catherine MG 4.3 1.0 8,719 F 11404 EN Alison Saves the Wedding Connor, Catherine MG 4.9 1.0 9,120 F 14652 EN Alison Walks the Wire Sinykin, Sheri Cooper MG 4.7 2.0 14,912 F 45232 EN All by Myself! Aliki LG 1.1 0.5 160 F 7202 EN All by Myself Mayer, Mercer LG 1.3 0.5 157 F 56825 EN All Fall Down Conrad, David LG 2.9 0.5 460 NF 62847 EN Waters, Jennifer LG 2.3 0.5 264 NF 251 EN All Kinds of People: What Makes Us Different All New Jonah Twist, The Honeycutt, Natalie MG 4.0 3.0 20,540 F 2 EN All-of-a-Kind Family Taylor, Sydney MG 4.9 5.0 32,006 F 17301 EN Schwartz, Alvin LG 2.4 0.5 1,342 F 31128 EN All of Our Noses Are Here and Other Noodle Tales All-Star Fever Christopher, Matt LG 4.2 1.0 7,157 F 9563 EN All Stuck Up Hayward, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 4,000 F 20374 EN All the Colors of the Rainbow Fowler, Allan MG 3.6 0.5 513 NF Page 3 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 11351 EN All the Places to Love MacLachlan, Patricia LG 3.9 0.5 646 F 5351 EN All Together Now Hughes, Dean LG 3.7 1.0 7,299 F 11153 EN All Tutus Should Be Pink Brownrigg, Sheri LG 1.8 0.5 242 F 19934 EN Alligator Baby Munsch, Robert N. LG 3.3 0.5 889 F 114552 EN Landau, Elaine LG 4.1 0.5 1,401 NF 84764 EN Alligators and Crocodiles: Hunters of the Night Allosaurus Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 143 NF 18656 EN Always My Dad Wyeth, Sharon Dennis LG 3.1 0.5 1,032 F 27477 EN Always Room for One More Leodhas, Sorche Nic LG 4.3 0.5 552 F 66318 EN -am as in Ham Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 124 NF 49475 EN Neuschwander, Cindy LG 2.7 0.5 926 F 31413 EN Van Leeuwen, Jean LG 2.3 0.5 1,589 F 9251 EN Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream: A Mathematical Story Amanda Pig and Her Big Brother Oliver Amanda Pig on Her Own Van Leeuwen, Jean LG 2.0 0.5 2,500 F F 18602 EN Amanda Pig, Schoolgirl Van Leeuwen, Jean LG 2.0 0.5 1,603 116491 EN Amazing Dinosaur Facts Bennett, Leonie LG 2.5 0.5 324 NF 56820 EN Amazing Egg, The James, Susan LG 2.2 0.5 266 NF 5452 EN Amazing Grace Hoffman, Mary LG 3.5 0.5 689 F 11145 EN Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon Danziger, Paula MG 3.7 1.0 7,873 F 12760 EN Amber Brown Wants Extra Credit Danziger, Paula MG 3.7 2.0 12,060 F 12472 EN Amber on the Mountain Johnston, Tony LG 3.0 0.5 1,165 F 31765 EN Ambulances Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.6 0.5 117 NF 43958 EN Ambulances Hanson, Anne E. LG 3.6 0.5 540 NF 77029 EN Ambulances Levine, Michelle LG 2.6 0.5 379 NF 84786 EN Ambulances Lindeen, Carol K. LG 2.0 0.5 128 NF 5453 EN Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy LG 2.5 0.5 1,039 F 10501 EN Amelia Bedelia and the Baby Parish, Peggy LG 3.2 0.5 2,500 F 10502 EN Parish, Peggy LG 3.3 0.5 2,500 F 10503 EN Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping Parish, Peggy LG 2.1 0.5 2,500 F 20001 EN Amelia Bedelia Helps Out Parish, Peggy LG 2.3 0.5 1,735 F F 9584 EN Amelia Bedelia's Family Album Parish, Peggy LG 3.9 0.5 2,500 55508 EN Amelia Earhart Devillier, Christy LG 3.0 0.5 959 NF 72092 EN American Heroes Albee, Jo LG 2.2 0.5 217 NF 89527 EN American Mastodon Lindeen, Carol K. LG 2.2 0.5 147 NF 119309 EN American Shorthair Cats Perkins, Wendy LG 2.0 0.5 141 NF 5454 EN Amigo Baylor, Byrd LG 3.6 0.5 2,257 F 5501 EN Amos & Boris Steig, William LG 4.7 0.5 1,813 F 3 EN Amos Fortune, Free Man Yates, Elizabeth MG 6.5 5.0 32,679 NF F 5325 EN Amusement Park Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.4 2.0 14,925 66319 EN -an as in Fan Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 148 NF 125344 EN Anacondas De Medeiros, James LG 4.3 0.5 1,338 NF 53902 EN Anansi and the Magic Stick Kimmel, Eric A. LG 2.4 0.5 886 F 13943 EN Anansi and the Talking Melon Kimmel, Eric A. LG 2.6 0.5 1,017 F Page 4 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 3.6 0.5 1,170 F LG 2.3 0.5 1,149 F Author IL Aardema, Verna LG Kimmel, Eric A. ATOS BL 17504 EN 10216 EN Anansi Does the Impossible! An Ashanti Tale Anansi Goes Fishing 11154 EN Anansi's Narrow Waist Cabral, Len LG 1.2 0.5 158 F 32896 EN McDermott, Gerald LG 2.8 0.5 591 F 80071 EN Osborne, Mary Pope LG 4.4 1.0 5,411 7203 EN Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti Ancient Greece and the Olympics: A Nonfiction Companion to Hour of the Olympics And I Mean It, Stanley Bonsall, Crosby LG 0.9 0.5 184 F 4 EN And Now Miguel Krumgold, Joseph MG 4.8 8.0 56,043 F 9002 EN Seuss, Dr. LG 3.5 0.5 2,500 F 28782 EN And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street Andy and the Lion Daugherty, James LG 3.6 0.5 561 F 32133 EN Andy Thats My Name De Paola, Tomie LG 0.8 0.5 96 F 40993 EN Angel Baby Cummings, Pat LG 1.5 0.5 231 F 5455 EN Angel Child, Dragon Child Surat, Michele Maria LG 2.8 0.5 1,291 F F NF 5204 EN Angel's Mother's Baby Delton, Judy MG 4.3 3.0 20,979 120437 EN Angeles Lakers, Los Frisch, Aaron LG 2.6 0.5 399 NF 47318 EN Angelina's Christmas Holabird, Katharine LG 4.0 0.5 727 F 115959 EN Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 4.0 0.5 956 NF 43601 EN Angling to Zorbing: Sports from A to Z Angus Lost Flack, Marjorie LG 2.3 0.5 339 F 10504 EN Animal Cafe Stadler, John LG 3.8 0.5 2,500 F 130492 EN Animal Camouflage in the Desert Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 2.4 0.5 158 NF 130493 EN Animal Camouflage in the Forest Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 159 NF 130494 EN Animal Camouflage in the Ocean Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.9 0.5 147 NF 130495 EN Animal Camouflage in the Snow Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.9 0.5 145 NF 4175 EN Animal Ears Trumbauer, Lisa LG 2.4 0.5 272 NF 56826 EN Animal Senses Scott, Janine LG 3.0 0.5 329 NF 5322 EN Animal Shelter Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.0 2.0 15,385 112647 EN Animals Around the House Lambilly, Elisabeth de LG 1.6 0.5 211 NF 112648 EN Animals at the Pond 1.9 0.5 243 NF 115416 EN Animals in Fall Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.2 0.5 111 NF 116836 EN Animals in Polar Regions 1.9 0.5 245 NF 116838 EN Animals in the Desert 1.8 0.5 232 NF 32077 EN Animals in the Fall Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.1 0.5 35 NF 112652 EN Animals in the Field LG 1.9 0.5 248 NF 116837 EN Animals in the Forest LG 1.5 0.5 242 NF 112653 EN Animals in the Garden LG 1.9 0.5 243 NF 116834 EN Animals in the Jungle LG 1.7 0.5 232 NF 123650 EN Animals in Winter Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth de Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth de Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth de Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth de Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.9 0.5 148 NF F Page 5 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 116835 EN Animals of the Mountains 112650 EN Animals of the Night 116839 EN Animals of the Ocean 112649 EN Animals on the Farm 41846 EN 56949 EN 19102 9452 Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.9 0.5 237 NF 1.6 0.5 245 NF 1.9 0.5 273 NF 1.3 0.5 220 NF Animals on the Go Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Brett, Jessica LG 1.6 0.5 199 NF Animals on the Move Fowler, Allan LG 2.5 0.5 263 NF EN Animals Under the Ground Fowler, Allan LG 3.6 0.5 524 NF EN Anna Banana and Me Blegvad, Lenore LG 2.9 0.5 500 F 31112 EN Annabelle's Big Move Golembe, Carla LG 1.9 0.5 336 F 30897 EN Annabelle Swift, Kindergartner Schwartz, Amy LG 2.8 0.5 1,328 F 54438 EN Annie and Bo and the Big Surprise Partridge, Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 1,168 F 20668 EN Annie Bananie and the Pain Sisters Komaiko, Leah LG 3.0 1.0 7,711 F 24972 EN Komaiko, Leah LG 3.0 1.0 7,514 F 44241 EN Annie Bananie Best Friends to the End Annie's Gifts Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 3.6 0.5 877 F 110238 EN Ant King Hanson, Anders LG 3.7 0.5 401 F 18603 EN Ant Plays Bear Byars, Betsy LG 1.2 0.5 1,276 F 29787 EN Anteater Named Arthur, An Waber, Bernard LG 2.4 0.5 1,163 F 31769 EN Ants Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.0 0.5 51 NF 75253 EN Ants and Their Nests Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.8 0.5 158 NF 52561 EN Ants in My Pants Mould, Wendy LG 2.6 0.5 605 F 66320 EN -ap as in Cap Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 161 NF 36846 EN Apatosaurus Cohen, Daniel LG 3.2 0.5 336 NF 89528 EN Apatosaurus Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.6 0.5 144 NF 115960 EN Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 3.9 0.5 837 NF 56659 EN Apologies to Zs: Manners from A to Z Apostrophe Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 111 NF 9754 EN Appelemando's Dreams Polacco, Patricia LG 3.8 0.5 1,173 F 53704 EN Apple Farmer Annie Wellington, Monica LG 1.8 0.5 150 F 24959 EN Apple Picking Time Slawson, Michele Benoit LG 3.4 0.5 1,075 F 28563 EN Apple Pie Tree, The Hall, Zoe LG 1.9 0.5 277 F 48046 EN Apples Gibbons, Gail LG 4.0 0.5 664 NF 48209 EN Apples Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.0 0.5 85 NF 121153 EN Apples and Pumpkins Rockwell, Anne LG 2.1 0.5 183 F 137983 EN Koontz, Robin LG 1.7 0.5 257 NF 7655 EN Apples, Apples Everywhere! Learning About Apple Harvests Apt. 3 Keats, Ezra Jack LG 2.6 0.5 684 F 5456 EN Are You My Mother? Eastman, P.D. LG 1.6 0.5 699 F 33078 EN Are You There, Baby Bear? Walters, Catherine LG 2.8 0.5 478 F 11155 EN Armadillo Rodeo Brett, Jan LG 3.4 0.5 861 F 41941 EN Armadillo Tattletale Ketteman, Helen LG 4.1 0.5 946 F 115961 EN Dolphin, Colleen LG 3.0 0.5 890 NF 115962 EN Armadillos to Zorillas: Animals from A to Z Armpits to Zits: The Body from A to Z Dolphin, Colleen LG 3.0 0.5 767 NF Page 6 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 55675 EN Around the Year Tudor, Tasha LG 2.2 0.5 Word Count F/NF 129 NF 5341 EN Arrow to the Sun McDermott, Gerald LG 2.7 0.5 397 F 47730 EN Art Lesson, The De Paola, Tomie LG 3.6 0.5 1,019 F 20002 EN Arthur Accused! Brown, Marc LG 2.9 1.0 4,961 F 20003 EN Brown, Marc LG 2.3 1.0 5,099 F 32080 EN Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest Arthur and the Lost Diary Krensky, Stephen LG 3.2 1.0 4,956 F 39790 EN Arthur and the Perfect Brother Krensky, Stephen LG 3.3 1.0 4,730 F 49397 EN Arthur and the Race to Read Krensky, Stephen LG 3.4 1.0 4,955 F 20004 EN Brown, Marc LG 2.7 1.0 5,004 F 16965 EN Arthur and the Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club Arthur and the True Francine Brown, Marc LG 2.3 0.5 472 F 6102 EN Arthur Babysits Brown, Marc LG 2.4 0.5 878 F 1948 EN Arthur, Clean Your Room! Brown, Marc LG 2.4 0.5 488 F 204 EN Arthur, for the Very First Time MacLachlan, Patricia MG 4.2 3.0 20,630 F 16966 EN Arthur Goes to Camp Brown, Marc LG 2.9 0.5 733 F 34903 EN Arthur Lost and Found Brown, Marc LG 2.6 0.5 833 F 20005 EN Arthur Makes the Team Brown, Marc LG 2.1 1.0 5,268 F 6051 EN Arthur Meets the President Brown, Marc LG 3.2 0.5 993 F 32920 EN Arthur Rocks with Binky Krensky, Stephen LG 3.4 1.0 5,097 F 10451 EN Arthur's April Fool Brown, Marc LG 2.7 0.5 715 F 16967 EN Arthur's Baby Brown, Marc LG 2.2 0.5 573 F 16968 EN Arthur's Birthday Brown, Marc LG 2.3 0.5 765 F 9105 EN Arthur's Camp-Out Hoban, Lillian LG 2.9 0.5 1,515 F 9106 EN Arthur's Chicken Pox Brown, Marc LG 2.9 0.5 793 F 10452 EN Arthur's Christmas Brown, Marc LG 3.0 0.5 884 F 11156 EN Arthur's Christmas Cookies Hoban, Lillian LG 2.6 0.5 1,479 F 16973 EN Arthur's Computer Disaster Brown, Marc LG 2.4 0.5 866 F 9755 EN Arthur's Eyes Brown, Marc LG 2.2 0.5 537 F 9051 EN Arthur's Family Vacation Brown, Marc LG 2.7 0.5 786 F 2509 EN Arthur's Fire Drill Brown, Marc LG 2.4 0.5 559 F 49398 EN Arthur's First Kiss Brown, Marc LG 2.3 0.5 508 F 12759 EN Arthur's First Sleepover Brown, Marc LG 2.9 0.5 803 F 28221 EN Arthur's Funny Money Hoban, Lillian LG 3.1 0.5 1,757 F 105696 EN Arthur's Great Big Valentine Hoban, Lillian LG 2.9 0.5 1,533 F 16969 EN Arthur's Halloween Brown, Marc LG 2.8 0.5 739 F 7302 EN Arthur's Halloween Costume Hoban, Lillian LG 2.4 0.5 1,866 F 7303 EN Arthur's Honey Bear Hoban, Lillian LG 2.6 0.5 1,566 F 7304 EN Arthur's Loose Tooth Hoban, Lillian LG 2.5 0.5 1,923 F 41956 EN Arthur's Lost Puppy Brown, Marc LG 1.9 0.5 464 F 20006 EN Arthur's Mystery Envelope Brown, Marc LG 2.5 1.0 4,972 F 11157 EN Arthur's New Puppy Brown, Marc LG 2.7 0.5 968 F 16970 EN Arthur's Nose Brown, Marc LG 1.6 0.5 281 F 44362 EN Arthur's Perfect Christmas Brown, Marc LG 2.4 0.5 1,781 F 16971 EN Arthur's Pet Business Brown, Marc LG 2.4 0.5 862 F Page 7 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 3,799 F 7305 EN Arthur's Prize Reader Hoban, Lillian LG 2.5 0.5 21260 EN Arthur's Reading Race Brown, Marc LG 1.5 0.5 311 F 44363 EN Arthur's Teacher Moves In Brown, Marc LG 2.4 0.5 1,095 F 13948 EN Arthur's Teacher Trouble Brown, Marc LG 2.7 0.5 822 F 10453 EN Arthur's Thanksgiving Brown, Marc LG 3.1 0.5 950 F 5502 EN Arthur's Tooth Brown, Marc LG 2.8 0.5 702 F 46972 EN Arthur's Truck Adventure Brown, Marc LG 2.7 0.5 333 F 16972 EN Arthur's TV Trouble Brown, Marc LG 2.6 0.5 759 F 34597 EN Arthur's Underwear Brown, Marc LG 2.9 0.5 869 F 10454 EN Arthur's Valentine Brown, Marc LG 2.5 0.5 487 F 21245 EN Arthur Tricks the Tooth Fairy Brown, Marc LG 2.3 0.5 450 F 16974 EN Arthur Writes a Story Brown, Marc LG 2.6 0.5 629 F 66341 EN -ash as in Trash Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 107 NF 13555 EN Asian Holidays Winchester, Faith LG 3.7 0.5 1,348 NF 72107 EN Astronauts Levin, Amy LG 1.8 0.5 168 NF 138410 EN Astronauts Working in Space Royston, Angela LG 3.3 0.5 659 NF 66321 EN -at as in Cat Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 129 NF 4162 EN At School Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.9 0.5 262 NF 9252 EN At the Ball Game Kramer, S.A. LG 3.1 0.5 2,500 F 5457 EN At the Crossroads Isadora, Rachel LG 1.9 0.5 443 F 121506 EN At the End of the Garden Dolan, Penny LG 1.5 0.5 85 F 66354 EN -ate as in Skate Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 100 14932 EN Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 2.0 18,246 F F NF 9601 EN Attack of the Mutant Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 3.0 24,904 104135 EN ATVs Marx, Mandy R. MG 3.0 0.5 355 NF 7352 EN Aunt Eater Loves a Mystery Cushman, Doug LG 2.4 0.5 475 F 6052 EN Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald LG 2.4 0.5 920 F 6490 EN Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later) Aunt Lulu Pinkwater, Daniel LG 2.9 0.5 1,267 F 18249 EN Aunt Nancy and Old Man Trouble Root, Phyllis LG 4.2 0.5 1,029 F 15151 EN Australia Dahl, Michael LG 3.3 0.5 991 NF 66033 EN Heiman, Sarah LG 4.2 0.5 1,776 NF 16613 EN Australia ABCs: A Book About the People and Places of Australia Autumn Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 2.5 0.5 170 NF 123577 EN Autumn Leaf, The Emerson, Carl LG 1.8 0.5 270 F 66008 EN Finnegan, Mary Pat LG 3.1 0.5 592 NF 66355 EN Autumn: Signs of the Season Around North America -aw as in Paw Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.5 0.5 119 NF 76417 EN Away We Go Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.2 0.5 511 F 66356 EN -ay as in Clay Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 167 NF 5 EN "B" Is for Betsy Haywood, Carolyn MG 4.3 2.0 16,555 F 7353 EN Babar and the Ghost Brunhoff, Laurent de LG 1.4 0.5 780 F 7306 EN Babar Learns to Cook Brunhoff, Laurent de LG 3.9 0.5 3,359 F 7204 EN Babar's Little Circus Star Brunhoff, Laurent de LG 1.5 0.5 295 F 7205 EN Babar's Picnic Brunhoff, Laurent de LG 1.2 0.5 198 F Page 8 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 128640 EN Baboons Walden, Katherine LG 1.9 0.5 149 5343 EN Babushka Baba Yaga Polacco, Patricia MG 4.4 0.5 1,200 F 11158 EN Babushka's Doll Polacco, Patricia LG 2.4 0.5 785 F 112657 EN Baby Animals 1.2 0.5 187 NF 68118 EN 2.1 0.5 164 NF 31746 EN Baby Animals: A Counting Book of Animal Offspring Baby Birds Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Knox, Barbara LG Frost, Helen LG 1.0 0.5 52 NF 9351 EN Baby Bunny, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 2,500 F 20239 EN Baby Duck and the Bad Eyeglasses Hest, Amy LG 1.9 0.5 437 F 10505 EN Baby Moses Hayward, Linda LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 6103 EN Baby Sister for Frances, A Hoban, Russell LG 3.4 0.5 1,358 F 10506 EN Baby Sister Says No Mayer, Mercer LG 2.4 0.5 2,500 F 45234 EN Baby Steps McCarty, Peter LG 1.9 0.5 297 F 34550 EN Back and Forth Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.5 0.5 55 NF 5205 EN Back to School with Betsy Haywood, Carolyn LG 2.5 3.0 20,790 79554 EN Backhoes Williams, Linda D. LG 1.5 0.5 121 F 5352 EN Backup Goalie Hughes, Dean LG 3.3 1.0 7,519 F 41934 EN Backyard Time Detectives, The Suzuki, David LG 3.0 0.5 809 F 27685 EN Bad Case of Stripes, A Shannon, David LG 3.8 0.5 1,428 F 13788 EN Bad Day at Riverbend Van Allsburg, Chris LG 4.2 0.5 1,029 F 25944 EN Bad Day for Ballet Keene, Carolyn LG 2.5 1.0 9,498 F 14933 EN Bad Hare Day Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 3.0 19,931 F 43604 EN Bailey Goes Camping Henkes, Kevin LG 1.8 0.5 271 F 17657 EN Bald Bandit, The Roy, Ron LG 3.2 1.0 6,566 F 9352 EN Ball Book, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 2,500 F 134850 EN Ballet Dancing Clay, Kathryn LG 2.0 0.5 133 6 EN Bambi: A Life in the Woods Salten, Felix MG 4.9 6.0 40,680 48210 EN Bananas (Child's World) Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.2 0.5 82 NF 43960 EN Bank Tellers Bagley, Katie LG 3.5 0.5 484 NF 29548 EN Banza, The Wolkstein, Diane LG 3.3 0.5 1,103 NF 116058 EN Bar Graphs Bodach, Vijaya Khisty LG 2.1 0.5 348 NF 21206 EN Edwards, Pamela Duncan LG 4.0 0.5 690 F 6252 EN Barefoot: Escape on the Underground Railroad Bargain for Frances, A Hoban, Russell LG 2.5 0.5 2,221 F 4550 EN Barges Schaefer, Lola M. LG 3.3 0.5 461 NF 36594 EN Bark, George Feiffer, Jules LG 1.3 0.5 223 F 14934 EN Barking Ghost, The Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 2.0 17,755 F 9756 EN Barn Dance Martin Jr., Bill LG 3.4 0.5 476 F 7251 EN Barney's Horse Hoff, Syd LG 2.2 0.5 444 F 9003 EN Bartholomew and the Oobleck Seuss, Dr. LG 3.7 1.0 3,800 F 48211 EN Baseball Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.1 0.5 91 7354 EN Baseball Ballerina Cristaldi, Kathryn LG 2.4 0.5 3,840 F 11159 EN Baseball Birthday Party, The Prager, Annabelle LG 2.9 0.5 1,613 F 134875 EN Baseball by the Numbers Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.8 0.5 635 NF NF F NF NF Page 9 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 2.2 0.5 2,511 F MG 4.9 2.0 13,423 F Author IL Buller, Jon LG Hurwitz, Johanna ATOS BL 20007 EN 5353 EN Baseball Camp on the Planet of the Eyeballs Baseball Fever 10652 EN Baseball Flyhawk Christopher, Matt MG 3.6 2.0 13,185 F 6253 EN Baseball Pals/Power Pitcher Christopher, Matt LG 3.8 2.0 14,493 F 9253 EN Baseball's Greatest Pitchers Kramer, S.A. LG 3.5 1.0 7,500 NF 10507 EN Baseball Star, The Arrigg, Fred LG 3.3 0.5 2,500 F 6641 EN Basket Lyon, George Ella LG 3.0 0.5 381 F F 5354 EN Basket Counts, The Christopher, Matt MG 4.7 2.0 13,605 48212 EN Basketball Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 90 NF 134876 EN Basketball by the Numbers Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 3.0 0.5 684 NF 56641 EN Bass Cannot Play Bass Molter, Carey LG 1.2 0.5 139 NF 19920 EN Bat Bones and Spider Stew Poploff, Michelle LG 2.3 0.5 1,363 56635 EN Bat Hangs from the Bat, A Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 199 NF 19552 EN Bat in the Boot, The Cannon, Annie LG 2.5 0.5 742 F 27484 EN Bathtime for Biscuit Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.1 0.5 149 F F F 5206 EN Bathwater Gang, The Spinelli, Jerry LG 2.9 1.0 7,500 72108 EN Bats Boynton, Bibi LG 1.3 0.5 191 20404 EN Bats About Baseball Little, Jean LG 2.9 0.5 1,117 36910 EN Bb Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 37 NF 62848 EN Be a Good Friend! Waters, Jennifer LG 2.0 0.5 216 NF 62849 EN Be a Good Sport! Waters, Jennifer LG 2.5 0.5 291 NF NF F 9602 EN Be Careful What You Wish For Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 25,263 F 125715 EN Be Nice Tym, Kate LG 3.3 0.5 582 F 2489 EN Be Quiet, Pooh! Gaines, Isabel LG 2.3 0.5 446 F 104831 EN Davis, Rebecca Fjelland LG 2.2 0.5 345 NF 6053 EN Beaches and Bicycles: A Summer Counting Book Bear Schoenherr, John LG 3.7 0.5 610 F 154 EN Bear Called Paddington, A Bond, Michael LG 4.7 4.0 24,560 F 141251 EN Bear Cubs Elora, Grace LG 0.9 0.5 78 9004 EN Bear Detectives, The Berenstain, Stan LG 2.5 0.5 2,500 F 118472 EN Bear Feels Sick Wilson, Karma LG 1.8 0.5 354 F 42919 EN Bear's Christmas Star d'Allancé, Mireille LG 1.4 0.5 327 F 106024 EN Bear's New Friend Wilson, Karma LG 1.9 0.5 395 F 72091 EN Bear's Year, A Levin, Amy LG 1.9 0.5 242 NF 9005 EN Bear Scouts, The Berenstain, Stan LG 2.4 0.5 2,500 131503 EN Bearded Dragons Sirota, Lyn A. LG 2.1 0.5 175 NF 19489 EN Beardream Hobbs, Will LG 3.6 0.5 796 F 55435 EN Bears Molter, Carey LG 0.6 0.5 39 NF 75256 EN Bears and Their Dens Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.8 0.5 137 NF 9006 EN Bears' Christmas, The Berenstain, Stan LG 2.5 0.5 2,500 F 252 EN Bears' House, The Sachs, Marilyn MG 4.0 2.0 14,600 F 17302 EN Bears Odd Bears Even Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 231 F 9008 EN Bears' Picnic, The Berenstain, Stan LG 2.5 0.5 2,500 F 9007 EN Bears' Vacation, The Berenstain, Stan LG 2.5 0.5 2,500 F NF F Page 10 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 2.5 0.5 1,340 F LG 4.2 0.5 1,215 F Author IL Waber, Bernard LG Freeman, Don ATOS BL 48404 EN 21752 EN Bearsie Bear and the Surprise Sleepover Party Bearymore 14935 EN Beast from the East, The Stine, R.L. MG 2.7 2.0 17,781 F 5207 EN Beast in Ms. Rooney's Room, The Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.1 1.0 8,264 F 12066 EN Beast in the Bathtub, The Stevens, Kathleen LG 3.1 0.5 764 F 141323 EN Beastly Beetles Roza, Greg LG 0.9 0.5 51 42381 EN Beasty Story, A Martin Jr., Bill LG 1.6 0.5 295 F 85665 EN Jones, Christianne C. LG 2.9 0.5 484 F 138215 EN Jones, Christianne C. LG 2.5 0.5 371 F 79540 EN Beauty and the Beast: A Retelling of the Classic Fairy Tale Beauty and the Beast (My 1st Classic Story) Beavers and Their Lodges Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 2.1 0.5 128 NF 9652 EN Beavers Beware! Brenner, Barbara LG 2.3 0.5 576 F 65302 EN Stone, Rosetta LG 2.2 0.5 338 F 36422 EN Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo! Bed Full of Cats, A Keller, Holly LG 2.1 0.5 349 F 5208 EN Bedtime for Frances Hoban, Russell LG 2.5 0.5 1,309 F 7252 EN Bedtime Mouse Stoddard, Sandol LG 2.7 0.5 395 F 19930 EN Bee My Valentine! Cohen, Miriam LG 2.9 0.5 686 F 71285 EN Bee Tree, The Polacco, Patricia LG 3.9 0.5 1,151 F 7206 EN Beef Stew Brenner, Barbara LG 1.8 0.5 408 F NF 75257 EN Bees and Their Hives Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.5 0.5 115 NF 127868 EN Bees Buzz! Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.5 0.5 293 NF 110239 EN Beetle Mania Hanson, Anders LG 3.2 0.5 367 F 31777 EN Beetles Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.4 0.5 40 NF 116231 EN Beetles Helget, Nicole LG 2.6 0.5 506 NF 88534 EN Schwartz, Amy LG 3.0 0.5 812 F 26753 EN Begin at the Beginning: A Little Artist Learns About Life Bein' with You This Way Nikola-Lisa, W. LG 1.8 0.5 348 F 76563 EN Being a Peacekeeper Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.1 0.5 163 NF 76564 EN Being Active Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.3 0.5 145 NF NF 56660 EN Bella Blew Blue Bubbles Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.4 0.5 116 121508 EN Ben and the Big Balloon Graves, Sue LG 0.4 0.5 76 59781 EN Ben Franklin and His First Kite Krensky, Stephen LG 2.5 0.5 453 NF 48213 EN Ben's Pens: The Sound of Short E Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.1 0.5 56 NF 50964 EN Benjamin Franklin Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 2.3 0.5 246 NF F 5355 EN Benjy the Football Hero Van Leeuwen, Jean MG 4.6 5.0 34,247 F 27483 EN Benny Goes into Business Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.3 0.5 742 F 25090 EN Benny's New Friend Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.1 0.5 873 F 46451 EN Benny's Saturday Surprise Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.1 0.5 844 F 5319 EN Benny Uncovers a Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.4 2.0 14,925 F 14653 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.0 2.0 11,578 F 14654 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.4 2.0 11,784 F 21841 EN Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Coughing Catfish, The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Humongous Pumpkin, The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Ice Monster, The Berenstain, Stan LG 3.8 2.0 10,963 F Page 11 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 20666 EN 20008 EN 12764 EN 12765 EN 14655 EN 14656 EN 14657 EN 20667 EN 7451 EN 7452 EN 17553 EN 7453 EN 7454 EN 20009 EN 7169 EN 7455 EN 17505 EN 7456 EN 7174 EN 7457 EN 10653 EN 7458 EN 66061 EN 7459 EN 9254 EN 7460 EN 9255 EN 66062 EN 17506 EN Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Really Big Disaster, The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Run-Amuck Robot, The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Sci-Fi Pizza, The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Sinister Smoke Ring, The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Terrible Talking Termite, The Berenstain Bear Scouts in Giant Bat Cave, The Berenstain Bear Scouts Meet Bigpaw, The Berenstain Bear Scouts Scream Their Heads Off, The Berenstain Bears Accept No Substitutes, The Berenstain Bears and Mama's New Job, The Berenstain Bears and Queenie's Crazy Crush, The Berenstain Bears and the Bad Dream, The Berenstain Bears and the Bad Habit, The Berenstain Bears and the Big Date, The Berenstain Bears and the Big Election, The Berenstain Bears and the Big Road Race, The Berenstain Bears and the Blame Game, The Berenstain Bears and the Bully, The Berenstain Bears and the Dinosaurs, The Berenstain Bears and the Double Dare, The Berenstain Bears and the Dress Code, The Berenstain Bears and the Drug Free Zone, The Berenstain Bears and the Excuse Note, The Berenstain Bears and the Female Fullback, The Berenstain Bears and the Galloping Ghost, The Berenstain Bears and the Ghost of the Forest, The Berenstain Bears and the Giddy Grandma, The Berenstain Bears and the Green-Eyed Monster, The Berenstain Bears and the Homework Hassle, The Points Word Count F/NF 3.9 2.0 10,888 F LG 3.9 2.0 10,808 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 1.0 9,982 F Berenstain, Stan LG 4.5 2.0 12,839 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.1 2.0 11,753 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.9 2.0 11,695 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.9 2.0 11,689 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.7 2.0 10,975 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 2.0 14,502 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.5 0.5 3,600 F Berenstain, Stan LG 4.3 1.0 8,736 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.7 0.5 3,793 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.6 0.5 3,796 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.7 2.0 10,996 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.3 0.5 564 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.3 0.5 3,840 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.5 0.5 754 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.3 0.5 3,575 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.4 0.5 583 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.1 0.5 3,681 F Berenstain, Stan LG 4.2 1.0 8,569 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.5 0.5 882 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.3 2.0 14,000 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.4 0.5 3,840 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.4 2.0 14,000 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.2 0.5 1,115 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.4 0.5 1,147 F Author IL Berenstain, Stan LG Berenstain, Stan ATOS BL Page 12 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 2.8 0.5 3,790 F LG 3.7 2.0 10,988 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.5 0.5 3,570 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.3 0.5 2,500 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.0 0.5 3,941 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 2.0 10,838 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.7 0.5 3,464 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.5 0.5 3,799 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.5 0.5 3,570 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.2 0.5 2,500 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.7 0.5 3,464 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.6 0.5 3,467 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.9 0.5 3,687 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.6 0.5 3,565 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.3 0.5 562 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.8 0.5 3,790 F Berenstain, Stan LG 4.0 0.5 1,135 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.8 0.5 3,462 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.6 0.5 1,095 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.8 0.5 3,462 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.3 2.0 14,000 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.6 0.5 3,796 F Author IL Berenstain, Stan LG Berenstain, Stan ATOS BL 7461 EN 20010 EN 7462 EN 9009 EN 7463 EN 7464 EN 7465 EN 24966 EN 7466 EN 7467 EN 7468 EN 7469 EN 7470 EN 9046 EN 7471 EN 7472 EN 7473 EN 7474 EN 7475 EN 7173 EN 7476 EN 5503 EN 7477 EN 17507 EN 7478 EN 9257 EN 7479 EN Berenstain Bears and the In-Crowd, The Berenstain Bears and the Love Match, The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room, The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone, The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Honey, The Berenstain Bears and the Nerdy Nephew, The Berenstain Bears and the New Girl in Town, The Berenstain Bears and the Perfect Crime (Almost), The Berenstain Bears and the Prize Pumpkin, The Berenstain Bears and the Red-Handed Thief, The Berenstain Bears and the School Scandal Sheet, The Berenstain Bears and the Sitter, The Berenstain Bears and the Slumber Party, The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree, The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble with Friends, The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble with Grownups, The Berenstain Bears and the Truth, The Berenstain Bears and the Week at Grandma's, The Berenstain Bears and the Wheelchair Commando, The Berenstain Bears and the Wild, Wild Honey, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Birthday, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Pressure, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Vacation, The Berenstain Bears at Camp Crush, The Berenstain Bears Blaze a Trail, The 32426 EN Berenstain Bears by the Sea, The Berenstain, Stan LG 1.5 0.5 298 F 36413 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 1.6 0.5 276 F 17508 EN Berenstain Bears Catch the Bus, The Berenstain Bears Count Their Blessings, The Berenstain, Stan LG 3.7 0.5 878 F Page 13 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 0.5 998 F/NF F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.8 0.5 3,462 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.1 0.5 3,681 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.7 0.5 3,793 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.3 0.5 3,575 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.5 0.5 3,570 F Berenstain, Stan LG 4.0 0.5 1,186 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.1 0.5 677 F Berenstain, Stan LG 3.0 0.5 3,657 F 47825 EN 7480 EN 7481 EN 7482 EN 7483 EN 7484 EN 19206 EN 7171 EN 7485 EN 25834 EN Berenstain Bears Dollars and Sense, The Berenstain Bears Don't Pollute (Anymore), The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners, The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight, The Berenstain Bears Get Stage Fright, The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies, The Berenstain Bears Get Their Kicks, The Berenstain Bears Go Fly a Kite, The Berenstain Bears Go Out for the Team, The Berenstain Bears Go Platinum, The Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 2.0 10,862 F 7486 EN Berenstain Bears Go to Camp, The Berenstain, Stan LG 3.0 0.5 3,684 F 7487 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.2 0.5 3,578 F 7488 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.1 0.5 3,681 F 7489 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 F 7490 EN Berenstain Bears Go to School, The Berenstain Bears Go to the Doctor, The Berenstain Bears Gotta Dance!, The Berenstain Bears in the Dark, The Berenstain, Stan LG 3.5 0.5 3,570 F 7491 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.5 0.5 3,570 F 10654 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 4.4 1.0 9,142 F 7492 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.6 0.5 3,467 F 7493 EN Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers, The Berenstain Bears' Media Madness, The Berenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear, The Berenstain Bears' Moving Day, The Berenstain, Stan LG 2.8 0.5 3,790 F 6054 EN Berenstain Bears' New Baby, The Berenstain, Stan LG 3.4 0.5 671 F 9256 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.3 0.5 2,500 F 7494 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.4 0.5 2,300 F 7495 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 2.0 0.5 3,941 F 27522 EN Berenstain Bears' New Neighbors, The Berenstain Bears: No Girls Allowed, The Berenstain Bears on the Job/The Berenstain Bears Jobs Around Town, The Berenstain Bears on the Moon, The Berenstain, Stan LG 1.9 0.5 437 F 7239 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 1.2 0.5 252 F 66066 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.8 0.5 1,316 F 31594 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 0.6 0.5 74 F 7170 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.4 0.5 732 F 7175 EN Berenstain Bears Ready, Get Set, Go!, The Berenstain Bears' Report Card Trouble, The Berenstain Bears Ride the Thunderbolt, The Berenstain Bears Shoot the Rapids, The Berenstain Bears' Soccer Star, The Berenstain, Stan LG 3.8 0.5 696 F 7172 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 3.7 0.5 582 F 7496 EN Berenstain Bears to the Rescue, The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat, The Berenstain, Stan LG 2.5 0.5 3,799 F Page 14 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 7497 EN 7498 EN 7499 EN 7500 EN Points Word Count F/NF 3.6 0.5 3,467 F LG 2.7 0.5 3,793 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.9 0.5 3,687 F Berenstain, Stan LG 2.8 0.5 3,790 F Author IL Berenstain, Stan LG Berenstain, Stan ATOS BL 6104 EN Berenstain Bears' Trouble at School, The Berenstain Bears' Trouble with Money, The Berenstain Bears' Trouble with Pets, The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist, The Berlioz the Bear Brett, Jan LG 3.0 0.5 712 F 34854 EN Bernard's Bath Goodman, Joan Elizabeth LG 2.2 0.5 466 F 105497 EN Best Best Friends Chodos-Irvine, Margaret LG 2.0 0.5 294 F 7207 EN Best Castle Ever, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.0 0.5 174 F 253 EN Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Robinson, Barbara MG 5.7 2.0 15,812 F 69967 EN Best Easter Eggs Ever!, The Smath, Jerry LG 3.5 0.5 711 F 7355 EN Best Friends Kellogg, Steven LG 3.9 0.5 3,359 F 28560 EN Best Friends Club, The Winthrop, Elizabeth LG 2.3 0.5 950 F 5458 EN Hoban, Russell LG 3.4 0.5 1,671 F 9564 EN Best Friends for Frances (Unabridged) Best Friends Wear Pink Tutus Brownrigg, Sheri LG 1.5 0.5 4,000 F 52872 EN Best Halloween of All, The Wojciechowski, Susan LG 3.7 0.5 669 F 7356 EN Standiford, Natalie LG 2.2 0.5 3,940 F 19847 EN Best Little Monkeys in the World, The Best Nest, The Eastman, P.D. LG 2.1 0.5 719 F 63355 EN Best Snowman, The Nash, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 200 F 9053 EN Best Trick of All, The Dale, Nora LG 2.1 0.5 367 F 17303 EN Best Vacation Ever, The Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.8 0.5 199 F 14658 EN Best Worst Day, The Graves, Bonnie LG 2.7 1.0 4,075 F 59782 EN Betsy Ross and the Silver Thimble Greene, Stephanie LG 2.3 0.5 491 NF 7 EN Betsy-Tacy Lovelace, Maud Hart MG 4.0 3.0 18,380 F 18604 EN Better Than TV Miller, Sara Swan LG 1.6 0.5 742 F 6642 EN Beware of Boys Blundell, Tony LG 3.6 0.5 1,020 F 20011 EN Beware the Alien Invasion! Duey, Kathleen LG 2.9 0.5 1,882 F 5504 EN Beware the Dragons! Wilson, Sarah LG 3.4 0.5 1,144 F 14936 EN Beware, the Snowman Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 2.0 18,283 F 6055 EN Beyond the Ridge Goble, Paul LG 3.9 0.5 1,016 F 5315 EN Bicycle Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.4 2.0 14,925 F 45739 EN Bicycle Stunt Riding: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.9 0.5 136 NF 2049 EN Bicycles (Capstone) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.8 0.5 430 NF 6254 EN Big Al Clements, Andrew LG 3.2 0.5 3,678 F 57402 EN Big and Noisy Simon Wallace, Joseph LG 3.6 0.5 875 F 36765 EN Big and Small Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 82 51655 EN Big Anthony and the Magic Ring De Paola, Tomie LG 3.3 0.5 1,346 F 19553 EN Big Bad Bruce Peet, Bill LG 4.7 0.5 1,893 F 44048 EN Big Bad Rumor, The Meres, Jonathan LG 1.8 0.5 242 F NF 7357 EN Big Balloon Race, The Coerr, Eleanor LG 2.5 0.5 3,739 F 50094 EN Big, Big Wall, The Howard, Reginald LG 0.6 0.5 91 F 7208 EN Big Bird's Copycat Day Lerner, Sharon LG 1.7 0.5 220 F Page 15 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 316 NF 3998 EN Big Birds Penner, Lucille Recht LG 1.8 0.5 31584 EN Big Brown Bear McPhail, David LG 0.4 0.5 99 F 41973 EN Big Bug Ball, The Lillegard, Dee LG 1.4 0.5 310 F 130496 EN Big Bugs Ipcizade, Catherine LG 1.8 0.5 194 NF 130582 EN Suen, Anastasia LG 1.5 0.5 337 F 113706 EN Big Catch: A Robot and Rico Story, The Big Cats: Hunters of the Night Landau, Elaine LG 3.6 0.5 1,430 6056 EN Big Dog...Little Dog Eastman, P.D. LG 1.7 0.5 365 F 36573 EN Big Egg Coxe, Molly LG 0.4 0.5 99 F 7177 EN Big Green Pocketbook, The Ransom, Candice F. LG 1.8 0.5 3,500 F 9010 EN Big Honey Hunt, The Berenstain, Stan LG 2.3 0.5 2,500 F 5356 EN Big-League Break Freeman, Mark MG 5.1 4.0 26,490 F 7307 EN Big Max Platt, Kin LG 3.0 0.5 3,684 F 87498 EN Platt, Kin LG 2.2 0.5 1,699 F NF 7209 EN Big Max and the Mystery of the Missing Giraffe Big Mile Race, The Kessler, Leonard LG 1.7 0.5 965 F 35994 EN Big Old Bones: A Dinosaur Tale Carrick, Carol LG 2.8 0.5 347 F 46452 EN Big Pig and Little Pig McPhail, David LG 0.9 0.5 86 F 130497 EN Big Predators Ipcizade, Catherine LG 1.9 0.5 205 NF 11353 EN Big Pumpkin Silverman, Erica LG 2.8 0.5 685 F 106339 EN Big Red Barn, The Bunting, Eve LG 3.1 0.5 1,435 F 78806 EN Big Rigs/Big Rigs on the Move Ransom, Candice LG 2.5 0.5 488 NF 130498 EN Big Roller Coasters Ipcizade, Catherine LG 2.3 0.5 233 NF 114553 EN Big Snakes: Hunters of the Night Landau, Elaine LG 4.0 0.5 1,630 NF 7358 EN Big Snow, The Hader, Berta LG 3.9 0.5 3,335 F 130499 EN Big Trucks Ipcizade, Catherine LG 2.3 0.5 252 NF 5209 EN Big Wave, The Buck, Pearl S. LG 4.8 1.0 6,757 F 10204 EN Bigger Calvert, Patricia MG 5.7 6.0 35,743 F 29774 EN Biggest Bear, The Ward, Lynd LG 3.9 0.5 973 F NF 7253 EN Biggest Dinosaurs, The Berenstain, Michael LG 3.2 0.5 451 43528 EN Biggest Fish in the Lake, The Carney, Margaret LG 4.4 0.5 1,518 F 29362 EN Biggest House in the World, The Lionni, Leo LG 4.0 0.5 577 F 11160 EN Biggest Pumpkin Ever, The Kroll, Steven LG 3.5 0.5 985 F 12004 EN Biggest Shadow in the Zoo, The Kent, Jack LG 3.0 0.5 891 F 6057 EN Bigmama's Crews, Donald LG 2.8 0.5 643 F 9011 EN Bike Lesson, The Berenstain, Stan LG 2.3 0.5 2,500 F 48214 EN Biking Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 152 NF 63340 EN Bill's Baggy Pants Gates, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 167 F 15797 EN Billy the Ghost and Me Greer, Gery LG 2.3 0.5 1,892 F F 5505 EN Bionic Bunny Show, The Brown, Marc LG 2.8 0.5 896 31745 EN Bird Nests Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 79 NF 101661 EN Bird Watch Jennings, Terry LG 3.0 0.5 505 NF 36784 EN Birds Frost, Helen LG 0.6 0.5 39 NF 75258 EN Birds and Their Nests Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.7 0.5 175 NF 122881 EN Birman Cats Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.4 0.5 110 NF Page 16 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 9353 EN Birthday Car, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 40716 EN Birthday for Frances, A Hoban, Russell LG 3.6 0.5 1,912 F 17509 EN Birthday Present, The Glyman, Caroline A. LG 3.9 0.5 801 F 73190 EN Birthdays Haugen, Brenda LG 3.0 0.5 426 NF 31587 EN Biscuit Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.4 0.5 133 F 43663 EN Biscuit Finds a Friend Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 0.8 0.5 123 F 907 EN Biscuit Goes To School Capucilli, Alyssa LG 0.9 0.5 102 F 905 EN Biscuit's New Trick Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.0 0.5 122 F 2486 EN Biscuit's Picnic Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.1 0.5 149 F 45490 EN Biscuit Wants to Play Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 0.9 0.5 117 F 14793 EN Bit by Bit Sanfield, Steve LG 3.9 0.5 736 F 11405 EN DeClements, Barthe MG 4.0 1.0 8,671 F 44136 EN Bite of the Gold Bug: A Story of the Alaskan Gold Rush, The Black and White Macaulay, David LG 3.4 0.5 1,032 F 31751 EN Black Bears Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.1 0.5 51 8 EN Black Beauty (Unabridged) Sewell, Anna MG 7.7 11.0 59,635 F 13767 EN Black-Eyed Susan Armstrong, Jennifer MG 5.1 2.0 15,199 F 655 EN Black Snowman, The Mendez, Phil LG 3.7 0.5 2,717 F 17510 EN Blaze and the Gray Spotted Pony Anderson, C.W. LG 3.7 0.5 682 F NF 44402 EN Bling Blang Guthrie, Woody LG 1.8 0.5 179 F 109522 EN Blizzard of the Blue Moon Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.9 2.0 12,481 F 14937 EN Blob That Ate Everyone, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 2.0 17,395 F 5506 EN Blow Me a Kiss, Miss Lilly Carlstrom, Nancy White LG 3.6 0.5 859 F 5306 EN Blue Bay Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.4 3.0 20,288 F 60399 EN Blue Spruce, The Cuomo, Mario LG 4.1 0.5 1,425 F 9 EN Blue Willow Gates, Doris MG 6.5 6.0 38,350 F 5459 EN Blueberries for Sal McCloskey, Robert LG 4.1 0.5 1,042 F 51120 EN BMX Bikes Deady, Kathleen W. MG 4.2 0.5 1,898 NF 109965 EN BMX Bully Maddox, Jake MG 3.2 1.0 4,646 F 116109 EN BMX Park Miller, Connie Colwell MG 3.0 0.5 352 NF 32064 EN Boats Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.7 0.5 101 NF 116257 EN Boats Tatge, Cathy LG 2.6 0.5 552 NF 24957 EN Body Snatcher, The Kulling, Monica LG 3.2 1.0 10,542 F 80072 EN De Paola, Tomie LG 3.0 0.5 958 F 32570 EN Bonjour, Mr. Satie/Mr. Satie and the Great Art Contest Bony-Legs Cole, Joanna LG 2.5 0.5 880 F 20012 EN Boogeyman in the Basement! Duey, Kathleen LG 2.4 0.5 1,123 F 68103 EN Booker T. Washington Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.1 0.5 209 NF 55257 EN Bookstore Burglar, The Maitland, Barbara LG 2.1 0.5 498 F 11161 EN Bookstore Cat Wheeler, Cindy LG 1.4 0.5 204 F 25276 EN Bookstore Ghost, The Maitland, Barbara LG 1.9 0.5 526 F 66577 EN Bookstore Valentine, The Maitland, Barbara LG 2.2 0.5 862 F 34658 EN Boom Town Levitin, Sonia LG 3.7 0.5 1,919 F 19918 EN Bootmaker and the Elves, The Lowell, Susan LG 5.1 0.5 1,384 F 44189 EN Bootsie Barker Ballerina Bottner, Barbara LG 2.3 0.5 753 F Page 17 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7178 EN Bootsie Barker Bites Bottner, Barbara LG 2.6 0.5 3,500 F 125704 EN Born to Read Sierra, Judy LG 3.4 0.5 547 F 7659 EN Borreguita and the Coyote Aardema, Verna LG 3.1 0.5 832 F 10 EN Borrowers, The Norton, Mary MG 5.3 5.0 34,792 F 58126 EN Boss for a Day De Paola, Tomie LG 1.7 0.5 380 F 130973 EN Boss of the World Manushkin, Fran LG 2.1 0.5 455 F 63356 EN Bossy Rooster, The Nash, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 199 F 120431 EN Boston Celtics Frisch, Aaron LG 3.0 0.5 414 NF 44217 EN Boston Coffee Party, The Rappaport, Doreen LG 2.7 0.5 1,253 F 52562 EN Boston Tea Party Edwards, Pamela Duncan LG 5.4 0.5 731 F 44642 EN Boswell Wide Awake Day, Alexandra LG 0.8 0.5 66 F 116210 EN Bounce Cronin, Doreen LG 1.9 0.5 183 F 42137 EN Bounce, Tigger, Bounce Gaines, Isabel LG 1.8 0.5 632 F 40996 EN Bouncing Time Hubbell, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 197 F 101707 EN Bouncing with the Birdie Warren, Celia LG 4.0 0.5 680 F 72234 EN Bow Wow Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 104 NF 5301 EN Boxcar Children, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.8 3.0 19,625 F 9354 EN Boy and the Goats, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 2,500 F 6105 EN Boy in the Drawer, The Munsch, Robert N. LG 2.7 0.5 538 F 14659 EN Boy Named Boomer, A Esiason, Boomer LG 2.6 0.5 2,800 F 5460 EN Boy of the Three-Year Nap, The Snyder, Dianne LG 3.7 0.5 1,673 F 9653 EN Boy Who Cried "Wolf!", The Schecter, Ellen LG 2.8 0.5 645 F 17511 EN Clifton, Lucille LG 2.9 0.5 1,096 F 24971 EN Boy Who Didn't Believe in Spring, The Boy with the Helium Head, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds LG 3.8 0.5 2,506 F 76574 EN Boys and Girls Around the World Doudna, Kelly LG 2.1 0.5 209 NF 89530 EN Brachiosaurus Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.9 0.5 156 NF 20013 EN Brad and Butter Play Ball! Hughes, Dean LG 2.1 1.0 7,434 F 17512 EN Brave Irene Steig, William LG 3.9 0.5 1,815 F 16878 EN Brave Little Bunny, The Jennings, Linda LG 3.4 0.5 712 F 10655 EN Brave Maddie Egg Standiford, Natalie LG 2.8 1.0 5,444 F 58262 EN Bravery Soup Cocca-Leffler, Maryann LG 2.8 0.5 855 F 6255 EN Standiford, Natalie LG 2.1 0.5 3,941 NF 34620 EN Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto, The Bravo, Amelia Bedelia! Parish, Herman LG 2.5 0.5 1,229 F 16865 EN Hoban, Russell LG 3.4 0.5 1,720 F 76078 EN Blair, Eric LG 2.9 0.5 713 F 5507 EN Bread and Jam for Frances (Unabridged) Bremen Town Musicians: A Retelling of the Grimms' Fairy Tale, The Bremen-town Musicians, The Gross, Ruth B. LG 2.2 0.5 719 F 44925 EN Dadey, Debbie LG 4.2 1.0 7,343 F F 11 EN Bride of Frankenstein Doesn't Bake Cookies, The Bridge to Terabithia Paterson, Katherine MG 4.6 5.0 32,888 56807 EN Bright Lights and Shadowy Shapes Waters, Jennifer LG 2.2 0.5 292 12 EN Brighty of the Grand Canyon Henry, Marguerite MG 5.6 7.0 42,328 NF F Page 18 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 9758 EN Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain Aardema, Verna LG 4.6 0.5 717 F F 13 EN Bronze Bow, The Speare, Elizabeth George MG 5.0 10.0 68,215 31752 EN Brown Bears Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.1 0.5 48 NF 50965 EN Brush Well: A Look at Dental Care Bagley, Katie LG 3.3 0.5 458 NF 31764 EN Brushing Well Frost, Helen LG 1.2 0.5 43 NF 26927 EN Bubble Trouble Hulme, Joy N. LG 0.6 0.5 66 F 7359 EN Buck-Buck the Chicken Ehrlich, Amy LG 2.7 0.5 3,739 F 128726 EN Bucket Trucks Zobel, Derek LG 1.5 0.5 96 29554 EN Bud, Not Buddy Curtis, Christopher Paul MG 5.0 8.0 52,179 F 31058 EN Buffalo Before Breakfast Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.3 1.0 5,579 F 14606 EN Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express Coerr, Eleanor LG 2.7 0.5 1,311 NF 19555 EN Buford the Little Bighorn Peet, Bill LG 5.2 0.5 2,209 F 40699 EN Bug, a Bear, and a Boy, A McPhail, David LG 1.3 0.5 289 F 40700 EN McPhail, David LG 1.6 0.5 343 F 104241 EN Bug, a Bear, and a Boy Go to School, A Bugs Hughes, Monica LG 2.0 0.5 273 NF 101708 EN Bugs and Slugs Jennings, Terry LG 3.0 0.5 347 NF 39796 EN Bugs, Beetles, and Butterflies Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 248 NF 127852 EN Building a Bridge Macken, JoAnn Early LG 2.3 0.5 157 NF 127853 EN Building a House Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.7 0.5 120 NF 120125 EN Building a Road Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 116 NF 120126 EN Building a Skyscraper Macken, JoAnn Early LG 2.0 0.5 117 NF 123651 EN Bull Shark Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 2.0 0.5 140 NF 79555 EN Bulldozers Williams, Linda D. LG 2.0 0.5 94 NF 48269 EN Bully Caseley, Judith LG 3.2 0.5 1,326 F 7360 EN Bully Trouble Cole, Joanna LG 2.4 0.5 3,840 F 125206 EN Bullying Hewitt, Sally LG 3.4 0.5 2,488 NF 31778 EN Bumble Bees Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.5 0.5 57 NF 254 EN Howe, Deborah MG 4.5 2.0 15,500 36758 EN Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery Bunnies Doudna, Kelly LG 0.8 0.5 64 NF 141252 EN Bunnies Elora, Grace LG 0.8 0.5 74 NF 121287 EN Bunnies Sexton, Colleen LG 1.0 0.5 101 NF 7254 EN Bunny Hop, The Slater, Teddy LG 1.0 0.5 223 F 43023 EN Bunny Who Found Easter, The Zolotow, Charlotte LG 4.1 0.5 883 F 20343 EN Burnt Toast on Davenport Street Egan, Tim LG 3.5 0.5 1,227 F 56828 EN Burps, Boogers, and Bad Breath Conrad, David LG 3.1 0.5 435 NF F NF 5318 EN Bus Station Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.9 2.0 15,504 F 54584 EN Bus Stop, Bus Go! Kirk, Daniel LG 1.4 0.5 282 F 2052 EN Buses Lassieur, Allison LG 2.9 0.5 442 NF 80439 EN Buses Zuehlke, Jeffrey LG 2.1 0.5 403 NF 6106 EN Buster Gets Braces Zalben, Jane Breskin LG 3.2 0.5 706 F 25213 EN Buster's Dino Dilemma Brown, Marc LG 2.9 1.0 4,983 F 137984 EN Busy Animals: Learning About Animals in Autumn Bullard, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 286 NF Page 19 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Word Count F/NF 0.5 755 NF 1.7 0.5 283 F Author IL ATOS BL Loewen, Nancy LG 3.5 Emerson, Carl LG Points 72135 EN 123578 EN Busy Buzzers: Bees in Your Backyard Busy Spring, The 104242 EN Busy Trucks Hughes, Monica LG 2.2 0.5 229 NF 83766 EN But Names Will Never Hurt Me Waber, Bernard LG 2.4 0.5 890 F 9012 EN Butter Battle Book, The Seuss, Dr. LG 3.6 1.0 3,800 F 32074 EN Butterflies Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.4 0.5 42 NF 117484 EN Butterflies and Caterpillars Ganeri, Anita LG 2.7 0.5 380 NF 124874 EN Butterfly Huseby, Victoria LG 2.6 0.5 351 NF 31803 EN Butterfly Colors Frost, Helen LG 1.6 0.5 53 NF 31805 EN Butterfly Eggs Frost, Helen LG 1.5 0.5 58 NF 19841 EN Button Box, The Reid, Margarette S. LG 2.4 0.5 389 F 9654 EN Button Soup Orgel, Doris LG 2.6 0.5 646 F 13779 EN Buz Egielski, Richard LG 1.8 0.5 150 F 10508 EN Buzby to the Rescue Hoban, Julia LG 2.2 0.5 2,500 F 137216 EN Meister, Cari LG 2.4 0.5 526 F 137217 EN Meister, Cari LG 2.2 0.5 487 F 137218 EN Meister, Cari LG 2.0 0.5 520 F 137219 EN Buzz Beaker and the Cave Creatures Buzz Beaker and the Outer Space Trip Buzz Beaker and the Putt-Putt Contest Buzz Beaker and the Speed Secret Meister, Cari LG 2.0 0.5 499 F 31612 EN "Buzz," Said the Bee Lewison, Wendy Cheyette LG 1.4 0.5 163 F 212 EN By the Shores of Silver Lake Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.3 9.0 57,240 F 48252 EN Cabin: The Sound of C, The Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 86 NF 2048 EN Cable Cars Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.8 0.5 405 NF 5311 EN Caboose Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.0 2.0 16,667 F 19556 EN Caboose Who Got Loose, The Peet, Bill LG 4.9 0.5 1,333 F 14 EN Caddie Woodlawn Brink, Carol Ryrie MG 6.0 8.0 51,659 F 16876 EN Calico Cows Dubanevich, Arlene LG 2.7 0.5 332 F 15 EN Call It Courage Sperry, Armstrong MG 6.2 3.0 19,326 F 14938 EN Calling All Creeps! Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 3.0 19,417 F 36756 EN Calves Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 75 20777 EN Adler, David A. LG 2.5 1.0 5,325 F 14660 EN Adler, David A. LG 2.8 1.0 6,128 F 17663 EN Adler, David A. LG 3.5 1.0 5,408 F 5210 EN Adler, David A. LG 2.4 1.0 6,120 F 17660 EN Adler, David A. LG 3.8 1.0 4,980 F 7606 EN Adler, David A. LG 3.8 1.0 5,186 F 14661 EN Adler, David A. LG 2.7 1.0 6,141 F 118714 EN Cam Jansen and the Catnapping Mystery Cam Jansen and the Ghostly Mystery Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Haunted House Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Monkey House Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Babe Ruth Baseball Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the U.F.O. Camouflage for Hiding O'Hare, Ted LG 2.9 0.5 275 5327 EN Camp-Out Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.1 2.0 15,267 NF NF F Page 20 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 113602 EN Can a Giraffe Cry or Laugh? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.3 0.5 169 NF 14747 EN Grambling, Lois G. LG 2.8 0.5 641 F 9113 EN Can I Have a Stegosaurus, Mom? Can I? Please!? Can't You Sleep, Little Bear? Waddell, Martin LG 3.3 0.5 975 F 113603 EN Can You Go Fast or Slow? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.2 0.5 186 NF 56642 EN Can You Hear Me from Here? Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.4 0.5 191 NF 7255 EN Can You Play? Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.5 0.5 144 F 72434 EN Can You See It? Blevins, Wiley LG 0.9 0.5 109 NF 32834 EN Can You See the Wind? Fowler, Allan LG 3.1 0.5 447 NF 16355 EN Canada Dahl, Michael LG 3.6 0.5 1,201 NF 6256 EN Canada Geese Quilt, The Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie MG 4.6 2.0 13,699 F 20014 EN Canary Caper, The Roy, Ron LG 2.3 1.0 8,323 F 5211 EN Candy Corn Contest, The Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.3 1.0 8,445 F 7361 EN Cannonball Chris Marzollo, Jean LG 3.2 0.5 3,537 F 9258 EN Canoe Trip Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.8 2.0 14,777 F 5461 EN Caps for Sale Slobodkina, Esphyr LG 3.1 0.5 672 F 53486 EN Captain and Matey Set Sail Laurence, Daniel LG 3.0 0.5 1,515 F 9586 EN Captain Cat Hoff, Syd LG 1.9 0.5 2,500 F 105051 EN Schonberg, Marcia MG 5.0 0.5 2,726 NF 36836 EN Cardinal Numbers: An Ohio Counting Book Cargo Ships Richardson, Adele D. LG 3.4 0.5 491 NF 24839 EN Caring for Young Butler, Daphne LG 3.3 0.5 557 NF 72148 EN Owen, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 217 NF 86191 EN Caring for Your Pets: A Book About Veterinarians Carnival at Candlelight Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.9 2.0 11,833 56343 EN Carpenters Yanuck, Debbie L. LG 2.8 0.5 363 16 EN Carry on, Mr. Bowditch Latham, Jean Lee MG 4.1 8.0 56,714 16356 EN Cars Ready, Dee LG 2.1 0.5 344 NF 116258 EN Cars Tatge, Cathy LG 2.5 0.5 525 NF 34924 EN Preller, James LG 2.9 1.0 6,591 F 53074 EN Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster, The Case of the Bicycle Bandit, The Preller, James LG 2.9 1.0 5,821 F F NF F 7661 EN Case of the Cat's Meow, The Bonsall, Crosby LG 2.3 0.5 1,293 F 109306 EN Masters, M. MG 4.0 1.0 8,939 F 34921 EN Case of the Chocolate Snatcher, The Case of the Christmas Snowman, The Case of the Class Clown, The Preller, James LG 3.0 1.0 6,554 F Preller, James LG 2.8 1.0 6,080 F Case of the Clever Computer Crooks, The Case of the Cool-Itch Kid, The Masters, M. MG 4.3 2.0 10,533 F Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.2 1.0 8,197 F Case of the Detective in Disguise, The Case of the Disappearing Dinosaur, The Case of the Double Bumblebee Sting, The Case of the Double Cross, The Preller, James LG 3.2 1.0 5,860 F Preller, James LG 3.2 1.0 6,494 F Erickson, John R. MG 4.8 3.0 19,518 F Bonsall, Crosby LG 2.3 0.5 3,840 F 53075 EN 109307 EN 6257 EN 53076 EN 62262 EN 10656 EN 7308 EN Page 21 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.2 1.0 9,511 F LG 2.9 1.0 5,652 F Preller, James LG 3.1 1.0 5,812 F Preller, James LG 2.9 1.0 5,730 F Preller, James LG 3.0 1.0 6,216 F Bonsall, Crosby LG 2.3 0.5 500 F Preller, James LG 2.8 1.0 5,718 F Author IL Case of the Famous Chocolate Chip Cookies, The Case of the Ghostwriter, The Masters, M. MG Preller, James Case of the Glow-in-the-Dark Ghost, The Case of the Great Sled Race, The Case of the Haunted Scarecrow, The Case of the Hungry Stranger, The ATOS BL 109308 EN 53077 EN 84400 EN 34920 EN 54817 EN 10509 EN 53078 EN 10657 EN Case of the Marshmallow Monster, The Case of the Midnight Rustler, The Erickson, John R. MG 5.5 3.0 19,822 F 34926 EN Case of the Mummy Mystery, The Preller, James LG 3.1 1.0 5,932 F 109309 EN Masters, M. MG 4.2 1.0 9,079 F 78987 EN Case of the Mysterious Dognapper, The Case of the Perfect Prank, The Preller, James LG 3.2 1.0 5,335 F 34925 EN Case of the Runaway Dog, The Preller, James LG 3.1 1.0 6,014 F 11162 EN Case of the Scaredy Cats, The Bonsall, Crosby LG 2.0 0.5 1,007 F 34922 EN Case of the Secret Valentine, The Preller, James LG 2.9 1.0 6,510 F 34923 EN Case of the Spooky Sleepover, The Preller, James LG 2.8 1.0 6,229 F 35389 EN Preller, James LG 2.9 1.0 5,770 F 5908 EN Preller, James LG 3.1 1.0 5,886 F 109310 EN Masters, M. MG 4.7 2.0 12,212 F 10658 EN Case of the Stinky Science Project, The Case of the Stolen Baseball Cards, The Case of the Toilet Paper Decorator, The Case of the Vampire Cat, The Erickson, John R. MG 5.0 3.0 20,068 F 84401 EN Preller, James LG 3.2 1.0 6,465 F 109311 EN Case of the Vanishing Painting, The Case of the Video Game Smugglers, The Cashiers Masters, M. MG 4.1 1.0 8,594 F Bagley, Katie LG 3.5 0.5 472 NF Kompelien, Tracy LG 2.4 0.5 209 NF 43963 EN 113621 EN 9259 EN Castle Is Cold, Ancient and Old!, The Castle Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.8 2.0 14,492 124875 EN Cat Huseby, Victoria LG 2.6 0.5 321 NF 101627 EN Cat and Dog Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 0.8 0.5 204 F 9013 EN Cat in the Hat Comes Back, The Seuss, Dr. LG 1.9 0.5 2,500 F 6107 EN Cat in the Hat, The Seuss, Dr. LG 2.1 0.5 1,621 F 9014 EN Cat's Quizzer, The Seuss, Dr. LG 2.0 0.5 2,500 F 68456 EN Cat Show Harvey, Jayne LG 1.4 0.5 327 F 15798 EN Cat Who Lost His Purr, The Coxon, Michèle LG 3.1 0.5 627 F F 17 EN Cat Who Went to Heaven, The Coatsworth, Elizabeth MG 5.9 2.0 11,140 F 7256 EN Catch Me, Catch Me! Awdry, W. LG 0.7 0.5 197 F 36423 EN Catch Me If You Can! Most, Bernard LG 1.7 0.5 178 F 5357 EN Catch That Pass! Christopher, Matt MG 5.4 2.0 12,987 F 25209 EN Catcher's Mask, The Christopher, Matt LG 3.6 1.0 6,460 F 11406 EN Catcher with a Glass Arm Christopher, Matt MG 3.7 2.0 14,106 F 31802 EN Caterpillars Frost, Helen LG 2.1 0.5 55 NF Page 22 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 46618 EN Cats! Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.3 0.5 Word Count F/NF 49 F 36785 EN Cats Frost, Helen LG 0.6 0.5 43 NF 117485 EN Cats and Kittens Ganeri, Anita LG 2.7 0.5 492 NF 49422 EN Cats' Burglar, The Parish, Peggy LG 1.7 0.5 1,070 127869 EN Cats Meow! Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.1 0.5 260 NF 48215 EN Cats: The Sound of Short A Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.6 0.5 61 NF 5212 EN Catwings Le Guin, Ursula K. LG 3.9 1.0 6,900 F F F 7210 EN Cave Boy Dubowski, Cathy East LG 1.2 0.5 296 36911 EN Cc Doudna, Kelly LG 0.4 0.5 38 134081 EN Cecily G. and the Nine Monkeys Rey, H.A. LG 3.7 0.5 1,502 F 32711 EN Cello of Mr. O, The Cutler, Jane LG 3.8 0.5 1,499 F 18 EN McCloskey, Robert MG 6.0 5.0 33,953 F 7148 EN Centerburg Tales: More Adventures of Homer Price Centerfield Ballhawk Christopher, Matt LG 3.7 1.0 6,748 F F NF 5213 EN Certain Small Shepherd, A Caudill, Rebecca LG 3.3 1.0 7,500 36924 EN ch Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 81 NF 26926 EN Chairs, Chairs, Chairs! Cappetta, Cynthia LG 0.8 0.5 70 F 255 EN Chalk Box Kid, The Bulla, Clyde Robert LG 2.0 1.0 8,700 F 11407 EN Challenge at Second Base Christopher, Matt MG 3.8 2.0 13,116 F 131504 EN Chameleons Sirota, Lyn A. LG 1.9 0.5 176 5214 EN Championship Game Hughes, Dean LG 3.4 2.0 14,925 F 118239 EN Changes for Julie McDonald, Megan MG 4.6 2.0 13,130 F 132088 EN Changes for Rebecca Greene, Jacqueline Dembar MG 4.9 2.0 12,564 F 51192 EN Changing Earth, The Olien, Becky MG 4.5 0.5 1,301 NF 84749 EN Charles M. Schulz Carlson, Cheryl LG 1.9 0.5 187 NF 20 EN Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald MG 4.8 5.0 30,644 F 27108 EN Charlie Anderson Abercrombie, Barbara LG 2.5 0.5 524 F 80073 EN Charlie Needs a Cloak De Paola, Tomie LG 2.3 0.5 120 F 19 EN Charlotte's Web White, E.B. MG 4.4 5.0 31,938 F 113432 EN Cheetahs Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.7 0.5 146 NF 14510 EN Cherry Tree Bond, Ruskin LG 3.9 0.5 828 F 7211 EN Chester Hoff, Syd LG 1.9 0.5 672 F NF 6058 EN Chester the Out-of-Work Dog Singer, Marilyn LG 3.4 0.5 1,191 F 19558 EN Chester the Worldly Pig Peet, Bill LG 5.3 0.5 3,075 F 100143 EN Chicago Bears Frisch, Aaron LG 2.5 0.5 316 NF 120432 EN Chicago Bulls Frisch, Aaron LG 2.9 0.5 405 NF 31623 EN Chick and the Duckling, The Ginsburg, Mirra LG 1.3 0.5 112 F 36424 EN Chick That Wouldn't Hatch, The Daniel, Claire LG 1.0 0.5 170 F 124876 EN Chicken Huseby, Victoria LG 2.6 0.5 344 NF 14939 EN Chicken Chicken Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 2.0 18,774 F 138216 EN Jones, Christianne C. LG 2.0 0.5 327 F 43227 EN Chicken Little (My 1st Classic Story) Chicken Soup with Rice Sendak, Maurice LG 3.2 0.5 358 F 6108 EN Chicken Sunday Polacco, Patricia LG 3.7 0.5 1,361 F 48216 EN Chickens Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 173 NF Page 23 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 10510 EN Chickens Aren't the Only Ones Heller, Ruth LG 3.6 0.5 2,500 NF 50967 EN Chickens on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.4 0.5 63 NF 46862 EN Chilly Charlie Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.2 0.5 43 F 69800 EN Wallace, Ian LG 4.3 0.5 1,645 F 16359 EN Chin Chiang and the Dragon's Dance China Dahl, Michael LG 3.3 0.5 1,156 NF 51169 EN Chinese Immigrants, 1850-1900 Olson, Kay Melchisedech MG 6.4 1.0 3,760 NF 5508 EN Chinese Mirror, The Ginsburg, Mirra LG 3.4 0.5 551 F 36794 EN Chinese New Year Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.2 0.5 177 NF 5462 EN Chita's Christmas Tree Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald LG 2.5 0.5 1,114 F 16858 EN Choco-Louie Kindley, Jeff LG 2.7 0.5 599 F 5215 EN Chocolate Fever Smith, Robert Kimmel MG 4.5 2.0 13,793 F 256 EN Chocolate Touch, The Catling, Patrick Skene MG 3.5 2.0 12,501 F 101392 EN Choppers Marx, Mandy MG 2.7 0.5 291 NF 257 EN Christina's Ghost Wright, Betty Ren MG 3.4 3.0 22,700 73192 EN Christmas Haugen, Brenda LG 2.7 0.5 386 F NF 123652 EN Christmas Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 137 NF 50968 EN Christmas Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.9 0.5 134 NF 5216 EN Christmas Coat, The Bulla, Clyde Robert LG 2.7 0.5 3,793 F 51326 EN Christmas Cobwebs, The Bodkin, Odds LG 3.3 0.5 999 F 58025 EN Christmas in Camelot Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.7 2.0 11,153 F 2042 EN Christmas in England Enderlein, Cheryl L. LG 3.5 0.5 1,222 NF 2038 EN Christmas in France Thoennes, Kristin LG 3.4 0.5 1,142 NF 2040 EN Christmas in Germany Thoennes, Kristin LG 3.4 0.5 1,125 NF 2044 EN Christmas in Italy Thoennes, Kristin LG 3.6 0.5 1,052 NF 2045 EN Christmas in Mexico Enderlein, Cheryl L. LG 3.2 0.5 1,190 NF 2039 EN Christmas in Norway Thoennes, Kristin LG 3.5 0.5 1,111 NF NF 2041 EN Christmas in Sweden Enderlein, Cheryl L. LG 3.3 0.5 1,149 82885 EN Christmas in the Barn Brown, Margaret Wise LG 3.2 0.5 246 F 11163 EN Christmas in the Big Woods Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 3.8 0.5 547 F 2043 EN Christmas in the Philippines Enderlein, Cheryl L. LG 3.4 0.5 1,146 NF 14887 EN Wojciechowski, Susan LG 4.5 0.5 2,859 F 18605 EN Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, The Christmas Star Called Hannah, A French, Vivian LG 2.7 0.5 657 F 17513 EN Christmas Star, The Pfister, Marcus LG 4.7 0.5 760 F 82599 EN Christmas Story, A Grosset & Dunlap Editors LG 1.5 0.5 217 F 16880 EN Christmas Teddy Bear, The Gantschev, Ivan LG 3.6 0.5 732 F 55513 EN Christopher Columbus Devillier, Christy LG 3.0 0.5 872 NF 6258 EN Christopher Columbus Krensky, Stephen LG 2.4 0.5 3,940 NF 69208 EN Krensky, Stephen LG 3.1 0.5 1,521 F 31082 EN Christopher Robin Leads an Expedition Christopher the Holy Giant De Paola, Tomie LG 4.0 0.5 849 F 6109 EN Chrysanthemum Henkes, Kevin LG 3.3 0.5 1,141 F 43908 EN Cicadas Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 87 NF 36795 EN Cinco de Mayo Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.3 0.5 144 NF Page 24 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 28787 EN Cinderella Brown, Marcia LG 5.1 0.5 2,302 F 12707 EN Cinderella Perrault, Charles MG 5.5 0.5 2,392 F 63341 EN Cinderella Wade, Barrie LG 2.3 0.5 258 F 9355 EN Cinderella at the Ball Hillert, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 17514 EN Cinderella Bigfoot Thaler, Mike LG 3.6 0.5 660 F 21203 EN Perlman, Janet LG 4.0 0.5 1,159 F 27491 EN Cinderella Penguin or, The Little Glass Flipper Cinderella's Rat Meddaugh, Susan LG 2.5 0.5 566 F 2497 EN Circle Dogs Henkes, Kevin LG 1.7 0.5 385 F 115971 EN Circles Lorbiecki, Marybeth LG 1.6 0.5 201 NF 34546 EN Circular Movement Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 44 NF 16959 EN Circus Adventures Wolter, Lindsey LG 2.4 0.5 811 F 9356 EN Circus Fun Hillert, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 56661 EN Cities Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.0 0.5 49 NF 84558 EN Citizenship Riehecky, Janet LG 3.0 0.5 470 NF 9357 EN City Fun Hillert, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 44894 EN Civil War on Sunday Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.4 1.0 5,991 F 40490 EN ck Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 83 7309 EN Clara and the Bookwagon Levinson, Nancy Smiler LG 2.7 0.5 3,793 F 49837 EN Clara Caterpillar Edwards, Pamela Duncan LG 3.2 0.5 614 F 41847 EN Class Picture Day Buckless, Andrea LG 1.6 0.5 204 F 41881 EN Class Trip, The Maccarone, Grace LG 1.0 0.5 213 F 19931 EN Clay Boy Ginsburg, Mirra LG 2.8 0.5 597 F 63342 EN Cleo and Leo Cassidy, Anne LG 1.4 0.5 179 F 122882 EN Cleopatra Adil, Janeen R. LG 3.2 0.5 708 NF 10511 EN Clifford and the Big Storm Bridwell, Norman LG 1.5 0.5 200 F 41848 EN Clifford Gets a Job Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 392 F 42139 EN Clifford Grows Up Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 317 F 41850 EN Clifford Makes a Friend Bridwell, Norman LG 0.4 0.5 67 F 7257 EN Clifford's Christmas Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 331 F 70785 EN Clifford's Class Trip Bridwell, Norman LG 2.1 0.5 347 F 9565 EN Clifford's Family Bridwell, Norman LG 2.0 0.5 4,000 F 17515 EN Clifford's First Autumn Bridwell, Norman LG 2.3 0.5 343 F 9566 EN Clifford's First Christmas Bridwell, Norman LG 2.0 0.5 200 F 17516 EN Clifford's First Halloween Bridwell, Norman LG 2.5 0.5 180 F 41851 EN Clifford's First Snow Day Bridwell, Norman LG 1.7 0.5 337 F 12758 EN Clifford's First Valentine's Day Bridwell, Norman LG 2.7 0.5 325 F 10513 EN Clifford's Good Deeds Bridwell, Norman LG 1.5 0.5 300 F 10460 EN Clifford's Halloween Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 303 F 10514 EN Clifford's Happy Easter Bridwell, Norman LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 53062 EN Clifford's Happy Mother's Day Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 334 F 11164 EN Clifford's Kitten Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 336 F 9567 EN Clifford's Manners Bridwell, Norman LG 2.0 0.5 4,000 F 10515 EN Clifford's Pals Bridwell, Norman LG 1.7 0.5 2,500 F NF Page 25 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7258 EN Clifford's Puppy Days Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 307 F 14613 EN Clifford's Sports Day Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 259 F 17517 EN Clifford's Spring Clean-Up Bridwell, Norman LG 2.6 0.5 376 F 7259 EN Clifford's Thanksgiving Visit Bridwell, Norman LG 2.1 0.5 433 F 17518 EN Clifford's Tricks Bridwell, Norman LG 2.5 0.5 343 F 6059 EN Clifford the Big Red Dog Bridwell, Norman LG 1.2 0.5 236 F 10512 EN Clifford the Firehouse Dog Bridwell, Norman LG 2.0 0.5 500 F 36693 EN Clifford to the Rescue Bridwell, Norman LG 1.6 0.5 239 F 31629 EN Clifford, We Love You Bridwell, Norman LG 1.6 0.5 354 F 72235 EN Clink Clank Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 84 44192 EN Clipper Ship Lewis, Thomas P. LG 3.2 0.5 1,647 F 17307 EN Cloak for the Dreamer, A Friedman, Aileen LG 4.8 0.5 1,483 F 11408 EN Weaver, Lydia MG 3.7 1.0 8,017 NF 76575 EN Close to Home: A Story of the Polio Epidemic Clothing Around the World Doudna, Kelly LG 2.6 0.5 222 NF 27466 EN Cloud Book, The De Paola, Tomie LG 3.7 0.5 678 NF 31787 EN Clouds Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 2.0 0.5 250 NF 31583 EN Cloudy Day Sunny Day Crews, Donald LG 0.7 0.5 107 F 5463 EN Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Barrett, Judi LG 4.3 0.5 1,231 F 89983 EN Clown Fish Finds a Friend Johnson, Rebecca LG 2.6 0.5 215 F 53063 EN Clown Games Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.3 0.5 115 F 58783 EN Clubhouse, The Suen, Anastasia LG 1.9 0.5 624 F 6259 EN Clue at the Zoo, The Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.0 1.0 8,333 F 1936 EN Clumsy Clown Willie Hansson, Peter LG 3.3 0.5 1,004 F NF 2310 EN Cobi Jones: Soccer Star Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.6 0.5 102 NF 116232 EN Cockroaches Helget, Nicole LG 2.6 0.5 495 NF 32766 EN Cold Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.3 0.5 72 NF 123579 EN Cold Winter Day, The Emerson, Carl LG 1.9 0.5 301 F 49248 EN Color of His Own, A Lionni, Leo LG 2.3 0.5 239 F 47826 EN Color Wizard, The Brenner, Barbara LG 1.9 0.5 331 F 112651 EN Colorful Animals 1.8 0.5 270 NF 7310 EN Come Back, Amelia Bedelia Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Parish, Peggy LG 1.8 0.5 1,000 F 46456 EN Come Here, Tiger! Moran, Alex LG 0.3 0.5 63 F 9358 EN Come Play with Me Hillert, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 9359 EN Come to School, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 2,500 F 9260 EN Comeback! Four True Stories O'Connor, Jim LG 3.5 1.0 7,500 NF 14997 EN Comet's Nine Lives Brett, Jan LG 3.5 0.5 850 F 116680 EN Comin' Through Slater, David Michael LG 3.2 0.5 906 F 2903 EN Coming of Night, The Riordan, James LG 4.0 0.5 715 F 56662 EN Comma Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 118 NF 4184 EN Communities Trumbauer, Lisa LG 2.0 0.5 297 NF 84029 EN Miller, Jake LG 3.6 0.5 908 NF 84030 EN Community Needs: Meeting Needs and Wants in Communities Community Plans: Making Choices About Money in Communities Catalano, Angela LG 4.4 0.5 902 NF Page 26 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Word Count F/NF 0.5 906 NF 4.4 0.5 835 NF LG 4.6 0.5 932 NF Catalano, Angela LG 4.9 0.5 882 NF Author IL ATOS BL Catalano, Angela LG 4.4 Miller, Jake LG Catalano, Angela Points 84031 EN 84032 EN 84033 EN 84034 EN 20664 EN Community Resources: The Land and the People in Communities Community Rules: Making and Changing Rules and Laws in Communities Community Space: How Land and Weather Shape Communities Community Spirit: Symbols of Citizenship in Communities Computer Clues Delton, Judy LG 2.9 1.0 11,545 79556 EN Concrete Mixers Williams, Linda D. LG 2.5 0.5 110 NF F 84559 EN Consideration Schuette, Sarah L. LG 3.1 0.5 442 NF 120127 EN Construction Crews Macken, JoAnn Early LG 2.1 0.5 123 NF 120128 EN Construction Tools Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.9 0.5 119 NF 62855 EN Continents, The Waters, Jennifer LG 2.7 0.5 409 NF 137666 EN Cool Baseball Facts Clay, Kathryn LG 2.3 0.5 199 NF 137667 EN Cool Basketball Facts Czeskleba, Abby LG 2.6 0.5 207 NF 62808 EN Cool Customs Scott, Janine LG 2.6 0.5 410 NF 137668 EN Cool Football Facts Clay, Kathryn LG 2.7 0.5 194 NF 137669 EN Cool Hockey Facts Clay, Kathryn LG 2.5 0.5 183 NF 137670 EN Cool Soccer Facts Czeskleba, Abby LG 2.4 0.5 192 NF 56829 EN Cool Tools Auch, Alison LG 2.8 0.5 292 NF 84560 EN Cooperation Riehecky, Janet LG 2.8 0.5 482 NF 76565 EN Coping with Anger Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.4 0.5 190 NF 5464 EN Corduroy Freeman, Don LG 3.5 0.5 704 F 75358 EN Corduroy Makes a Cake Inches, Alison LG 1.7 0.5 652 F 59786 EN Corduroy's Hike Inches, Alison LG 1.8 0.5 621 F 34544 EN Costumes Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.5 0.5 37 9656 EN Could It Be? Oppenheim, Joanne LG 2.4 0.5 343 F 35047 EN Count on Clifford Bridwell, Norman LG 1.5 0.5 393 F F NF 11409 EN Counterfeit Tackle, The Christopher, Matt MG 3.9 2.0 15,568 107947 EN Counting Pets by Twos Davis, Rebecca Fjelland LG 2.4 0.5 231 NF 70593 EN Counting Race, The McNamara, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 236 F 80074 EN Country Angel Christmas De Paola, Tomie LG 3.1 0.5 781 F 7610 EN Heyward, Du Bose LG 4.5 0.5 2,501 F 28574 EN Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes, The Country Far Away, A Gray, Nigel LG 1.2 0.5 140 F 62628 EN Courage Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.0 0.5 168 NF 84561 EN Courage Thoennes Keller, Kristin LG 3.0 0.5 501 NF 21 EN Courage of Sarah Noble, The Dalgliesh, Alice MG 3.9 1.0 6,715 F 7181 EN Cow Buzzed, The Zimmerman, Andrea LG 2.9 0.5 3,500 F 18606 EN Cow in the House, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.0 0.5 400 F 9360 EN Cow That Got Her Wish, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 2,500 F 19560 EN Cowardly Clyde Peet, Bill LG 4.5 0.5 1,662 F 89240 EN Johnston, Tony LG 3.6 0.5 1,309 F 26928 EN Cowboy and the Black-Eyed Pea, The Cowboy Up! Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.6 0.5 44 F Page 27 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF F 11410 EN Cowgirl Megan Magraw, Trisha MG 4.9 1.0 9,037 48217 EN Cows Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.4 0.5 166 NF 127870 EN Cows Moo! Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.7 0.5 188 NF 50970 EN Cows on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.0 0.5 60 NF 7126 EN Coyote Steals the Blanket Stevens, Janet LG 2.8 0.5 1,012 F 110240 EN Crab Cakes Doudna, Kelly LG 2.9 0.5 397 F 121509 EN Crabby Gabby Graves, Sue LG 1.1 0.5 70 F 31758 EN Crabs Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 47 NF 18660 EN Cranberry Christmas Devlin, Wende LG 4.0 0.5 1,300 F 75454 EN Cranberry Halloween Devlin, Wende LG 4.0 0.5 1,466 F 18663 EN Cranberry Thanksgiving Devlin, Wende LG 3.7 0.5 1,251 F 79557 EN Cranes Williams, Linda D. LG 1.9 0.5 105 NF 89990 EN Cranky Crocodile, The Johnson, Rebecca LG 2.1 0.5 208 F 30945 EN Crawl Low Under Smoke Raatma, Lucia LG 2.4 0.5 386 NF 116040 EN Crawling Crabs Lunis, Natalie LG 3.5 0.5 559 NF 31559 EN Crayon Box That Talked, The DeRolf, Shane LG 2.2 0.5 221 F 11165 EN Crazy Quilt, The Avery, Kristin LG 1.6 0.5 148 F 5465 EN Thaler, Mike LG 2.7 0.5 562 F 101716 EN Bevan, Clare LG 2.8 0.5 518 F 115973 EN Cream of Creature from the School Cafeteria Creature in the Wide-Mouth Cave, The Crescents Vogel, Julia LG 2.1 0.5 192 NF 22 EN Cricket in Times Square, The Selden, George MG 4.9 4.0 25,278 F 31772 EN Crickets Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.5 0.5 49 110241 EN Crocodile Tears Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.9 0.5 420 NF F 7552 EN Crow Boy Yashima, Taro LG 3.9 0.5 811 F 65363 EN Crow's Journey, A Cunningham, David LG 2.8 0.5 135 F 18607 EN Cry Baby Brown, Ruth LG 2.4 0.5 264 F 63357 EN Crying Princess, The Cassidy, Anne LG 1.7 0.5 189 F F 9603 EN Cuckoo Clock of Doom, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 24,874 76576 EN Cultures Around the World Doudna, Kelly LG 2.2 0.5 178 10659 EN Cupid Doesn't Flip Hamburgers Dadey, Debbie LG 3.6 1.0 6,973 F 5509 EN Curious George Rey, H.A. LG 2.6 0.5 918 F 6110 EN Curious George and the Pizza Rey, Margret LG 2.4 0.5 347 F 7212 EN Curious George at the Beach Rey, Margret LG 2.2 0.5 361 F 409 EN Curious George Flies a Kite Rey, Margret LG 2.7 0.5 2,348 F 7611 EN Curious George Gets a Medal Rey, H.A. LG 4.1 0.5 1,807 F 27521 EN Rey, Margret LG 3.5 0.5 666 F 18665 EN Rey, Margret LG 3.4 0.5 2,003 F 41855 EN Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory Curious George Goes to the Hospital Curious George in the Snow Rey, Margret LG 3.0 0.5 758 F 42147 EN Curious George Plays Baseball Rey, Margret LG 2.0 0.5 299 F 40191 EN Curious George Takes a Job Rey, H.A. LG 3.6 0.5 1,376 F 67819 EN Curious George Takes a Train Rey, Margret LG 2.5 0.5 572 F 67820 EN Curious George Visits a Toy Store Rey, Margret LG 2.6 0.5 517 F NF Page 28 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7213 EN Curious George Visits the Zoo Rey, Margret LG 2.6 0.5 388 F 14940 EN Curse of Camp Cold Lake, The Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 2.0 18,420 F 9604 EN Curse of the Mummy's Tomb, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.6 3.0 24,500 F 115963 EN Cutting in Line Isn't Fair! Suen, Anastasia LG 2.1 0.5 740 F 16975 EN D.W. All Wet Brown, Marc LG 1.4 0.5 218 F 16976 EN D.W. Flips Brown, Marc LG 1.5 0.5 239 F 36595 EN D.W., Go to Your Room! Brown, Marc LG 2.4 0.5 481 F 16978 EN D.W. Rides Again Brown, Marc LG 2.2 0.5 435 F 25266 EN D.W.'s Lost Blankie Brown, Marc LG 2.6 0.5 512 F 16977 EN D.W. the Picky Eater Brown, Marc LG 2.9 0.5 718 F 16979 EN D.W. Thinks Big Brown, Marc LG 2.4 0.5 599 F 7553 EN Dad's Dinosaur Day Hearn, Diane LG 1.8 0.5 264 F 39866 EN Daddy Is a Doodlebug Degen, Bruce LG 1.5 0.5 171 F 36812 EN Dairy Group, The Frost, Helen LG 2.1 0.5 97 NF 124877 EN Daisy Huseby, Victoria LG 2.7 0.5 293 NF 19944 EN Daisy Is a Mommy Kopper, Lisa LG 1.0 0.5 122 F 6260 EN Dakota Dugout Turner, Ann LG 3.8 0.5 3,545 F 2306 EN Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.5 0.5 130 NF 84933 EN Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Schaefer, A.R. MG 4.1 0.5 1,396 NF 100144 EN Dallas Cowboys LeBoutillier, Nate LG 2.7 0.5 318 NF 46619 EN Dance, Annie Friedman, Dawn LG 0.8 0.5 40 F 11166 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 3.7 0.5 501 F 6491 EN Dance at Grandpa's: Adapted from the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder Dance Away Shannon, George LG 3.5 0.5 502 F 59934 EN Dance, Tanya Gauch, Patricia Lee LG 3.8 0.5 569 F 28138 EN Dancing Drum: A Cherokee Legend Cohlene, Terri LG 4.8 0.5 2,074 F 59596 EN Dancing with the Indians Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 3.3 0.5 431 F 17519 EN Dandelion Seed, The Anthony, Joseph LG 3.4 0.5 250 F 23 EN Daniel Boone Daugherty, James MG 7.7 4.0 19,852 5510 EN Daniel's Dog Bogart, Jo Ellen LG 2.6 0.5 814 F 7362 EN Daniel's Duck Bulla, Clyde Robert LG 1.8 0.5 1,312 F 50081 EN Daniel's Mystery Egg Ada, Alma Flor LG 1.6 0.5 282 F 6060 EN Danny and the Dinosaur Hoff, Syd LG 2.3 0.5 836 F 27486 EN Hoff, Syd LG 1.8 0.5 286 F 45407 EN Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp Danny, the Angry Lion Lachner, Dorothea LG 2.6 0.5 538 F NF 16960 EN Darius, the Lonely Gargoyle Estlack, Micha LG 3.9 0.5 3,004 F 121639 EN Dark Day in the Deep Sea Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.8 2.0 11,676 F 7260 EN David and the Giant Little, Emily LG 1.5 0.5 332 F 34636 EN Day Gogo Went to Vote, The Sisulu, Elinor Batezat LG 4.0 0.5 1,634 F 35988 EN Bonsall, Crosby LG 0.5 0.5 139 F 5358 EN Day I Had to Play with My Sister, The Day in the Life of a Ballet Dancer, A Martin, John MG 4.7 0.5 3,200 NF 75214 EN Day in the Life of a Child Care Worker, A Adamson, Heather LG 2.7 0.5 413 NF Page 29 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Word Count F/NF 0.5 458 NF 2.9 0.5 422 NF LG 2.7 0.5 454 NF Author IL ATOS BL Adamson, Heather LG 3.2 LeBoutillier, Nate LG Monroe, Judy Points 75215 EN 79452 EN 79453 EN Day in the Life of a Construction Worker, A Day in the Life of a Garbage Collector, A Day in the Life of a Librarian, A 79454 EN Day in the Life of a Nurse, A Fluet, Connie LG 2.7 0.5 416 NF 75217 EN Adamson, Heather LG 3.0 0.5 438 NF 6643 EN Gross, Virginia T. MG 4.2 1.0 7,611 F 5466 EN Noble, Trinka Hakes LG 2.2 0.5 402 F 20015 EN Day in the Life of an Emergency Medical Technician, A Day It Rained Forever: A Story of the Johnstown Flood, The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash, The Day of the Dragon King Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.3 1.0 5,422 F 41882 EN McPhail, David LG 1.8 0.5 341 F 41883 EN Day the Dog Said, "Cock-a-Doodle-Doo!", The Day the Sheep Showed Up, The McPhail, David LG 1.7 0.5 306 F 16197 EN Howe, James LG 1.8 0.5 217 F 104239 EN Day the Teacher Went Bananas, The Day with an Airplane Pilot, A Bennett, Leonie LG 1.8 0.5 288 NF 104240 EN Day with Animal Doctors, A Bennett, Leonie LG 1.5 0.5 251 NF 56663 EN Days Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.2 0.5 49 NF 6061 EN Days with Frog and Toad Lobel, Arnold LG 2.5 0.5 2,075 F 17520 EN Dazzle the Dinosaur Pfister, Marcus LG 4.2 0.5 1,272 F 36912 EN Dd Doudna, Kelly LG 0.5 0.5 41 20016 EN Deadly Dungeon, The Roy, Ron LG 2.2 1.0 8,354 NF F 76566 EN Dealing with Bullies Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.9 0.5 171 NF 139923 EN Dear Dragon Goes Camping Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 272 F 139924 EN Dear Dragon Goes to the Carnival Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 273 F 139925 EN Dear Dragon Goes to the Firehouse Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 271 F 139926 EN Dear Dragon Goes to the Market Hillert, Margaret LG 0.7 0.5 211 F 139927 EN Dear Dragon Goes to the Zoo Hillert, Margaret LG 0.7 0.5 203 F 139928 EN Dear Dragon's Colors 1, 2, 3 Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 248 F 24 EN Dear Mr. Henshaw Cleary, Beverly MG 4.9 3.0 18,145 F 7182 EN Dear Rebecca, Winter Is Here George, Jean Craighead LG 2.5 0.5 3,500 F 35032 EN Dear Willie Rudd Gray, Libba Moore LG 3.5 0.5 557 F 46457 EN Death Valley: A Day in the Desert Levinson, Nancy Smiler LG 2.2 0.5 314 NF 20584 EN Death Valley National Park Petersen, David LG 5.9 0.5 1,310 NF 5217 EN December Secrets Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.0 1.0 8,333 F 9605 EN Deep Trouble Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 24,987 F 14941 EN Deep Trouble II Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 2.0 16,246 F 11167 EN Deer in the Wood: Adapted from the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Defense Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 3.2 0.5 472 F Hughes, Dean LG 3.6 1.0 7,353 F Owen, Ann LG 2.3 0.5 137 NF Richardson, Adele D. LG 3.2 0.5 424 NF Macken, JoAnn Early LG 2.0 0.5 125 NF 5359 EN 72149 EN 36837 EN Delivering Your Mail: A Book About Mail Carriers Delivery Trucks 120129 EN Demolition Page 30 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 104136 EN Demolition Derby Cars Marx, Mandy R. MG 2.9 0.5 332 NF 43964 EN Dental Hygienists Hodgkins, Fran LG 3.6 0.5 438 NF 100145 EN Denver Broncos LeBoutillier, Nate LG 2.7 0.5 317 NF 7363 EN Deputy Dan and the Bank Robbers Rosenbloom, Joseph LG 1.5 0.5 1,501 F F 7364 EN Deputy Dan Gets His Man Rosenbloom, Joseph LG 1.7 0.5 1,147 45741 EN Derek Jeter: Baseball's Best Feldman, Heather LG 1.3 0.5 108 5321 EN Deserted Library Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.0 2.0 15,385 118629 EN Deserts O'Hare, Ted LG 3.1 0.5 327 NF 27487 EN Detective Dinosaur Skofield, James LG 2.8 0.5 831 F NF F 44193 EN Detective Dinosaur Lost and Found Skofield, James LG 2.6 0.5 930 F 120434 EN Detroit Pistons Frisch, Aaron LG 2.9 0.5 422 NF 6698 EN Goode, Diane LG 4.3 1.0 4,885 F 9015 EN Seuss, Dr. LG 3.6 0.5 2,500 F 113604 EN Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.1 0.5 180 NF 31655 EN Diane Goode's Book of Silly Stories and Songs Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? Did I Hear a Hello from Above or Below? Different Just Like Me Mitchell, Lori LG 3.5 0.5 853 F 50630 EN Sayre, April Pulley LG 2.1 0.5 454 F 16855 EN Dig, Wait, Listen: A Desert Toad's Tale Digby Hazen, Barbara Shook LG 1.2 0.5 268 F 18608 EN Baker, Barbara LG 1.3 0.5 1,221 F 125716 EN Digby and Kate and the Beautiful Day Digger and Lew Doyle, Malachy LG 2.4 0.5 402 F 42149 EN Digger Pig and the Turnip Cohen, Caron Lee LG 1.4 0.5 195 F 128727 EN Diggers Zobel, Derek LG 1.4 0.5 103 NF 106624 EN Diggers and Dumpers Wilding, Valerie LG 1.7 0.5 727 F 78733 EN Digging for Dinosaurs Waite, Judy LG 3.1 0.5 845 F 6981 EN Digging to China Rawlins, Donna LG 3.9 0.5 897 F 120130 EN Digging Tunnels Macken, JoAnn Early LG 2.2 0.5 149 NF 35832 EN Dingoes at Dinnertime Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.2 1.0 5,530 F 102065 EN Dinos in the Snow! Wilson, Karma LG 1.4 0.5 308 F 116493 EN Dinosaur Babies Bennett, Leonie LG 2.2 0.5 309 NF 7261 EN Dinosaur Babies Penner, Lucille Recht LG 2.1 0.5 387 NF 112607 EN Joyce, William LG 3.5 0.5 1,413 F NF 7365 EN Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo Dinosaur Days Milton, Joyce LG 2.8 0.5 3,783 53201 EN Dinosaur Deals Murphy, Stuart J. LG 3.3 0.5 753 F 25952 EN Dinosaur Disaster Dixon, Franklin W. LG 2.5 1.0 8,564 F F 48160 EN Dinosaur Dream Nolan, Dennis LG 4.3 0.5 1,680 101709 EN Dinosaur Explorer Dixon, Dougal LG 2.6 0.5 325 NF 116494 EN Dinosaur Fossils Bennett, Leonie LG 2.4 0.5 293 NF 7262 EN Dinosaur Garden Donnelly, Liza LG 0.7 0.5 131 F 116495 EN Dinosaur Hunting Bennett, Leonie LG 2.7 0.5 318 NF 10660 EN Dinosaur Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 4.2 3.0 17,912 F 7263 EN Dinosaur Who Lived in My Backyard, The Hennessy, B.G. 2.7 0.5 320 F LG Page 31 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 5.0 1.0 4,272 NF LG 2.0 0.5 296 F F Author IL Osborne, Will LG Hartmann, Wendy ATOS BL 57569 EN 21346 EN 6311 EN Dinosaurs: A Nonfiction Companion to Dinosaurs Before Dark Dinosaurs Are Back and It's All Your Fault Edward!, The Dinosaurs Before Dark Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.6 1.0 4,737 7214 EN Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs Barton, Byron LG 2.9 0.5 96 NF 104243 EN Dinosaurs That Ate Meat Bennett, Leonie LG 1.5 0.5 240 NF 104244 EN Dinosaurs That Ate Plants Bennett, Leonie LG 1.9 0.5 278 NF 104876 EN Diplodocus (Capstone Press) Riehecky, Janet LG 1.7 0.5 151 NF 100893 EN Skrepnick, Michael William LG 2.9 0.5 439 NF 5360 EN Diplodocus--Gigantic Long-Necked Dinosaur Dirt Bike Runaway Christopher, Matt MG 5.1 5.0 33,113 79465 EN Dirt Bikes Doeden, Matt MG 2.5 0.5 294 NF 51126 EN Dirt Bikes Parr, Danny MG 4.2 0.5 1,730 NF 65996 EN Dirt: The Scoop on Soil Rosinsky, Natalie M. LG 3.9 0.5 978 NF 9261 EN Disappearing Friend Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 56831 EN Discovering Dinosaurs Scott, Janine LG 3.4 0.5 396 NF 65984 EN Loewen, Nancy LG 4.2 0.5 2,892 NF F F F 6492 EN Do I Have To? Kids Talk About Responsibility Do Not Open Turkle, Brinton LG 3.2 0.5 1,025 56643 EN Do Not Squash the Squash Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 204 NF 76577 EN Do Something in Your City Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.0 0.5 182 NF 76578 EN Do Something in Your Community Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.3 0.5 198 NF 76579 EN Do Something in Your Country Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.8 0.5 221 NF 76580 EN Do Something in Your Family Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.0 0.5 183 NF 76581 EN Do Something in Your State Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.4 0.5 197 NF 76582 EN Do Something in Your World Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.4 0.5 210 NF 56644 EN Do We By, Buy, or Bye Tickets? Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.5 0.5 199 NF 5511 EN Doctor De Soto Steig, William LG 3.6 0.5 1,114 F 6062 EN Doctor De Soto Goes to Africa Steig, William LG 4.1 0.5 1,154 F 69626 EN Does Anybody Love Me? Lobel, Gillian LG 2.8 0.5 714 F 113605 EN Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 173 NF 18609 EN Does It Fly Away in the Night or Day? Dog and Cat Make a Splash Spohn, Kate LG 1.4 0.5 1,089 F 15799 EN Dog and Cat Shake a Leg Spohn, Kate LG 1.3 0.5 615 F 13768 EN Dog Friday McKay, Hilary MG 5.0 5.0 31,191 F 14662 EN Dog-Gone Hollywood Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman LG 2.3 1.0 5,648 F 14614 EN Dog Named Sam, A Boland, Janice LG 2.2 0.5 813 F 16857 EN Dog's Tale, A Reit, Seymour LG 2.7 0.5 551 F F 6261 EN Dog Who Had Kittens, The Robertus, Polly LG 2.5 0.5 3,900 36786 EN Dogs Frost, Helen LG 0.5 0.5 44 NF 48218 EN Dogs Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.8 0.5 73 NF 117487 EN Dogs and Puppies Ganeri, Anita LG 2.8 0.5 516 NF 127871 EN Dogs Bark! Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.0 0.5 230 NF 56266 EN Dogs on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.3 0.5 85 NF Page 32 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 48219 EN Dogs: The Sound of D Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.0 0.5 63 61509 EN Doll Named Dora Anne, A McDonough, Yona Zeldis LG 2.7 0.5 2,603 F 10516 EN Doll Party Albert, Shirley LG 1.6 0.5 2,500 F 3996 EN Dollar for Penny: A Math Reader, A Glass, Julie LG 1.4 0.5 226 F F 258 EN Dollhouse Murders, The Wright, Betty Ren MG 5.0 5.0 33,600 61038 EN Dolores and the Big Fire Clements, Andrew LG 2.2 0.5 481 NF 7366 EN Dolphins! Bokoske, Sharon LG 2.4 0.5 3,840 NF 125345 EN Dolphins De Medeiros, James LG 4.3 0.5 1,308 NF 55436 EN Dolphins Molter, Carey LG 1.3 0.5 40 NF 43909 EN Dolphins Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.9 0.5 44 NF 73009 EN Osborne, Mary Pope LG 5.1 1.0 5,072 NF 17563 EN Dolphins and Sharks: A Nonfiction Companion to Dolphins at Daybreak Dolphins at Daybreak Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.1 1.0 4,663 F 30617 EN Don't Be My Valentine Lexau, Joan M. LG 2.6 0.5 1,719 F 17521 EN Don't Bug Me! McHale, Gillian LG 2.6 0.5 3,635 F 11412 EN Wojciechowski, Susan LG 4.2 1.0 7,318 F 66400 EN Don't Call Me Beanhead!/Beany (Not Beanhead) Don't Do That! Amos, Janine LG 1.7 0.5 314 NF 11358 EN Don't Fidget a Feather! Silverman, Erica LG 2.3 0.5 853 F 14942 EN Don't Go to Sleep! Stine, R.L. MG 2.7 2.0 18,148 F 44367 EN Don't Need Friends Crimi, Carolyn LG 2.6 0.5 947 F 66401 EN Don't Say That! Amos, Janine LG 1.6 0.5 302 NF 52564 EN Don't Step on the Crack! McNaughton, Colin LG 1.8 0.5 251 F 101662 EN Don't Wake Stanley Petty, Kate LG 2.1 0.5 483 F 43014 EN Christelow, Eileen LG 1.9 0.5 374 F 9659 EN Don't Wake Up Mama!/Five Little Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake Donkey's Tale, The Oppenheim, Joanne LG 2.2 0.5 438 F 25 EN Door in the Wall, The De Angeli, Marguerite MG 6.2 4.0 27,565 F 28791 EN Doorbell Rang, The Hutchins, Pat LG 1.9 0.5 282 F 7264 EN Double-Header Herman, Gail LG 1.5 0.5 450 F 120634 EN Doubles Fun on the Farm Freese, Joan LG 2.0 0.5 485 NF 11168 EN Down by the Bay Drescher, Henrick LG 2.1 0.5 120 F 49483 EN Down on the Farm Lascaro, Rita LG 0.5 0.5 59 F 7367 EN Down on the Funny Farm King, P.E. LG 2.5 0.5 3,899 F 105558 EN Down the Back of the Chair Mahy, Margaret LG 3.0 0.5 469 F 14406 EN Down the Road Schertle, Alice LG 2.5 0.5 1,640 F 11413 EN Downhill Megan Magraw, Trisha MG 5.2 2.0 10,283 F 7215 EN Dozen Dogs, A Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.0 0.5 236 F 40491 EN dr Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.1 0.5 78 NF 84750 EN Dr. Seuss Carlson, Cheryl LG 2.0 0.5 193 NF 9016 EN Dr. Seuss's ABC Seuss, Dr. LG 2.9 0.5 2,500 F 9017 EN Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book Seuss, Dr. LG 3.3 1.0 5,380 F 10689 EN Dracula Doesn't Drink Lemonade Dadey, Debbie LG 3.6 1.0 5,956 F 19846 EN Dragon Gets By Pilkey, Dav LG 2.6 0.5 614 F Page 33 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 14663 EN Dragon in the Family, A Koller, Jackie French LG 3.0 1.0 5,000 F 113579 EN Dragon of the Red Dawn Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.9 2.0 11,384 F 19845 EN Dragon's Fat Cat Pilkey, Dav LG 2.8 0.5 912 F 31774 EN Dragonflies Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.0 0.5 40 NF 116233 EN Dragonflies Helget, Nicole LG 2.8 0.5 504 NF 51127 EN Dragsters Deady, Kathleen W. MG 4.0 0.5 2,041 NF 36576 EN Dream Weaver London, Jonathan LG 2.4 0.5 306 F 28575 EN Dreamcatcher Osofsky, Audrey LG 4.7 0.5 602 F 106612 EN Dreams Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.5 0.5 241 F F 259 EN Drinking Gourd, The Monjo, F.N. LG 2.0 1.0 8,700 36806 EN Drinking Water Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 79 84446 EN Drop of Rain, A Yee, Wong Herbert LG 2.5 0.5 384 F 121288 EN Ducklings Sexton, Colleen LG 1.3 0.5 111 NF 117488 EN Ducks and Ducklings Ganeri, Anita LG 2.8 0.5 435 NF 17522 EN Ducks Disappearing Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds LG 3.7 0.5 1,071 127872 EN Ducks Quack! Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.2 0.5 207 NF 19936 EN Dumb Bunnies Go to the Zoo, The Pilkey, Dav LG 2.7 0.5 585 F 79558 EN Dump Trucks Williams, Linda D. LG 1.8 0.5 115 NF 58937 EN Jango-Cohen, Judith LG 2.0 0.5 356 NF NF F 9122 EN Dump Trucks/Dump Trucks on the Move Dumpling Soup Rattigan, Jama Kim LG 3.4 0.5 1,682 F 32995 EN Duncan the Dancing Duck Hoff, Syd LG 2.6 0.5 400 F 11169 EN Dust for Dinner Turner, Ann LG 2.4 0.5 1,272 F 40492 EN ea Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 108 NF 66357 EN -eam as in Ice Cream Molter, Carey LG 1.5 0.5 117 NF 56640 EN Ear Is Not an Ear, An Doudna, Kelly LG 1.6 0.5 176 NF 6111 EN Earrings! Viorst, Judith LG 2.8 0.5 609 F 66877 EN Earth Day Nelson, Robin LG 2.6 0.5 247 NF 4183 EN Earth's Land and Water Beers, Bonnie LG 2.0 0.5 235 NF 79559 EN Earthmovers Williams, Linda D. LG 1.8 0.5 136 NF 58938 EN Hill, Lee Sullivan LG 2.1 0.5 377 NF 9262 EN Kudlinski, Kathleen V. LG 4.4 1.0 7,500 F 51896 EN Earthmovers/Earthmovers on the Move Earthquake! A Story of Old San Francisco Earthquake in the Early Morning Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.3 1.0 5,882 F 73193 EN Easter Haugen, Brenda LG 2.9 0.5 435 10465 EN Easter Bunny That Overslept, The Friedrich, Priscilla LG 3.9 0.5 1,548 F 14664 EN EAT! Kroll, Steven LG 3.1 1.0 3,905 F 50971 EN Eat Right: Tips for Good Nutrition Bagley, Katie LG 3.8 0.5 512 NF NF 9310 EN Eat Your Peas, Louise! Snow, Pegeen LG 0.7 0.5 82 68119 EN Schuette, Sarah L. LG 2.5 0.5 222 NF 36807 EN Eating Pairs: Counting Fruits and Vegetables by Twos Eating Right F Frost, Helen LG 2.2 0.5 151 NF 76567 EN Eating Right Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.1 0.5 139 NF 66322 EN -ed as in Bed Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.3 0.5 117 NF 26 EN Eddie and Gardenia Haywood, Carolyn MG 3.8 3.0 22,871 F Page 34 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 27 EN Eddie and the Fire Engine Haywood, Carolyn MG 4.2 3.0 22,106 F 28 EN Eddie's Green Thumb Haywood, Carolyn MG 3.7 3.0 21,542 F 12073 EN Educating Arthur Graham, Amanda LG 2.8 0.5 254 F 36913 EN Ee Doudna, Kelly LG 0.5 0.5 42 NF 36929 EN Ee Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 95 NF 40493 EN ee Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 106 NF 14617 EN EEK! Stories to Make You Shriek O'Connor, Jane LG 2.0 0.5 1,168 F 84450 EN Yee, Wong Herbert LG 1.2 0.5 206 F 6687 EN EEK! There's a Mouse in the House Eenie, Meanie, Murphy, NO! LG 4.3 4.0 30,807 F 14943 EN Egg Monsters from Mars McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 2.0 18,976 F 122235 EN Egg Tree, The Milhous, Katherine LG 3.5 0.5 2,144 F 68508 EN Eggs Mark the Spot Auch, Mary Jane LG 3.4 0.5 1,304 F 36854 EN Egypt Deady, Kathleen W. LG 3.9 0.5 1,160 NF 66034 EN Heiman, Sarah LG 4.2 0.5 1,463 NF 63343 EN Egypt ABCs: A Book About the People and Places of Egypt Eight Enormous Elephants Dolan, Penny LG 2.2 0.5 190 F 260 EN Einstein Anderson, Science Sleuth Simon, Seymour MG 3.0 2.0 15,700 F 13547 EN Eleanor Cooney, Barbara LG 4.7 0.5 2,008 NF 137492 EN Eleanor Roosevelt Lee, Sally LG 2.4 0.5 301 NF 79515 EN Eleanor Roosevelt Trumbauer, Lisa LG 2.2 0.5 230 NF 45091 EN Elephant Book, The Golden Books Editors LG 1.8 0.5 159 F 118590 EN Elephants Cleland, JoAnn LG 2.2 0.5 230 NF 55437 EN Elephants Molter, Carey LG 0.9 0.5 41 NF 113431 EN Elephants Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.9 0.5 133 NF 45863 EN Rey, H.A. LG 3.0 0.5 371 F 66323 EN Elizabite: Adventures of a Carnivorous Plant -ell as in Well Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 150 NF 113620 EN Ella Is Right, Smart and Bright! Kompelien, Tracy LG 2.4 0.5 202 NF 10517 EN Ellen and Penguin Vulliamy, Clara LG 2.5 0.5 2,500 F 32130 EN Elliot Bakes a Cake Beck, Andrea LG 2.5 0.5 799 F 53351 EN Elliot Digs for Treasure Beck, Andrea LG 2.9 0.5 790 F 45578 EN Elliot's Bath Beck, Andrea LG 2.8 0.5 731 F 6112 EN Elmer Blunt's Open House Novak, Matt LG 2.2 0.5 120 F 10608 EN Elmer the Grump Haidle, Elizabeth LG 5.0 1.0 4,550 F 45890 EN Elves and the Shoemaker, The Littledale, Freya LG 3.0 0.5 723 F 14665 EN Elves Don't Wear Hard Hats Dadey, Debbie LG 2.8 1.0 7,744 F 78586 EN Cazet, Denys LG 2.3 0.5 1,052 F 9263 EN Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.6 1.0 7,500 F 6262 EN Elvis the Rooster and the Magic Words Emily Arrow Promises to Do Better This Year Emily's Runaway Imagination Cleary, Beverly MG 4.7 4.0 27,211 F 7265 EN Emma Kesselman, Wendy LG 2.9 0.5 584 F 21381 EN Emma's Lamb Lewis, Kim LG 2.0 0.5 367 F 29295 EN Emma's Rug Say, Allen LG 3.1 0.5 860 F 82268 EN Emmett's Pig (I Can Read) Stolz, Mary LG 2.6 0.5 1,747 F Page 35 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF F 6113 EN Emperor and the Nightingale, The Andersen, Hans Christian LG 4.4 0.5 1,215 36328 EN Emperor's Egg, The Jenkins, Martin LG 4.1 0.5 941 NF 72162 EN Emperor's New Clothes, The Blackaby, Susan LG 2.9 0.5 631 F 6263 EN Emperor's New Clothes, The Metaxas, Eric LG 3.9 1.0 7,194 F 36441 EN Empress and the Silkworm, The Hong, Lily Toy LG 4.4 0.5 1,077 F 24939 EN Empty Envelope, The Roy, Ron LG 2.1 1.0 6,606 F 36544 EN Empty Pot, The Demi LG 3.8 0.5 670 F 66324 EN -en as in Pen Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 106 NF 10661 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.3 1.0 8,634 F 14666 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 3.7 1.0 6,854 F 10662 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.4 2.0 10,447 F 10664 EN Sobol, Donald MG 5.3 3.0 16,791 NF 10663 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.2 1.0 9,364 F 19932 EN Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Dead Eagles Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Disgusting Sneakers Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Secret Pitch Encyclopedia Brown's Book of Strange but True Crimes Encyclopedia Brown Takes the Case Engelbert Joins the Circus Paxton, Tom LG 3.4 0.5 469 F 11170 EN Engelbert Moves the House Paxton, Tom LG 1.5 0.5 153 F 36855 EN England Deady, Kathleen W. LG 3.7 0.5 1,197 NF 66325 EN -ent as in Cent Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 111 NF 63489 EN Epossumondas Salley, Coleen LG 3.9 0.5 1,082 F 34567 EN Erandi's Braids LG 3.5 0.5 1,270 F 51171 EN Erosion Madrigal, Antonio Hernandez Olien, Becky MG 4.4 0.5 1,344 NF 66326 EN -est as in Nest Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.5 0.5 154 NF 47735 EN Estelle and Lucy Alter, Anna LG 1.8 0.5 218 F NF 66327 EN -et as in Jet Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 105 125558 EN Eve of the Emperor Penguin Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.7 2.0 12,547 F 17309 EN Even Steven and Odd Todd Cristaldi, Kathryn LG 3.3 0.5 1,654 F 6264 EN Every Dog Has His Day Erickson, John R. MG 4.8 4.0 27,027 F 4164 EN Everyone Is a Scientist Trumbauer, Lisa LG 2.9 0.5 197 NF 45434 EN Paul, Ann Whitford LG 1.7 0.5 421 F 73482 EN Everything to Spend the Night from A to Z Evie and Margie Waber, Bernard LG 3.2 0.5 1,565 F 56664 EN Exclamation Point Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 115 NF 55438 EN Excuse Me Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 129 NF 122883 EN Exotic Cats Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.8 0.5 119 NF 10665 EN Hanel, Wolfram MG 4.0 0.5 1,769 F 18669 EN Extraordinary Adventures of an Ordinary Hat, The Extraordinary Egg, An Lionni, Leo LG 3.4 0.5 687 F 85781 EN Thomas, Rick LG 3.6 0.5 806 NF 10227 EN Eye of the Storm: A Book About Hurricanes Eyes of Gray Wolf, The London, Jonathan LG 3.1 0.5 373 F 40318 EN Fables Lobel, Arnold MG 4.2 1.0 5,455 F 28028 EN Fabulous Song, The Gillmor, Don LG 4.0 0.5 1,032 F 12318 EN Facts and Figures Griffiths, Rose LG 1.9 0.5 220 NF Page 36 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 72106 EN Fair Is Fun, A Tu, Alice LG 0.9 0.5 100 12376 EN Faithful Friend, The San Souci, Robert D. MG 5.2 0.5 2,269 F 25211 EN Falcon's Feathers, The Roy, Ron LG 2.1 1.0 7,267 F 108933 EN Fall Herriges, Ann LG 1.6 0.5 167 NF 48221 EN Fall Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 181 NF 117370 EN Falling Freddy the Fainting Goat Emerson, Carl LG 2.5 0.5 978 F 4159 EN Families Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.5 0.5 160 NF 103067 EN Fancy Nancy O'Connor, Jane LG 2.1 0.5 418 F 77841 EN Fantastic Drawings of Danielle, The McClintock, Barbara LG 2.3 0.5 598 F 56808 EN Farm Friends Scott, Janine LG 1.8 0.5 355 NF 44407 EN Farm Morning McPhail, David LG 1.6 0.5 312 F 85527 EN Farm Tractors Tieck, Sarah LG 2.9 0.5 617 NF 58940 EN Nelson, Kristin L. LG 2.6 0.5 416 NF 112 EN Farm Tractors/Farm Tractors on the Move Farmer Boy Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.2 9.0 57,504 F 20017 EN Farmer Boy Days Peterson, Melissa LG 2.8 1.0 7,797 F 116552 EN Farmer Cap Kalz, Jill LG 3.4 0.5 922 F 53910 EN Fast Food! Gulp! Gulp! Waber, Bernard LG 1.7 0.5 373 F 16856 EN Fat Cat Sat on the Mat, The Karlin, Nurit LG 1.9 0.5 552 F 7311 EN Father Bear Comes Home Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 2.3 0.5 3,840 F 87322 EN Father's Day Rockwell, Anne F. LG 2.9 0.5 650 F 36808 EN Fats, Oils, and Sweets Frost, Helen LG 2.3 0.5 190 NF 116553 EN Fawn Braun's Big City Blues Healy, Nick LG 3.6 0.5 918 F 9662 EN Feed Me! Hooks, William LG 1.9 0.5 577 F 50974 EN Feeney, Kathy LG 2.7 0.5 415 NF 62850 EN Feel Good: Understand Your Emotions Feel the Power: Energy All Around Weber, Rebecca LG 2.3 0.5 226 NF 5218 EN Felita Mohr, Nicholasa LG 4.3 3.0 20,979 F 63344 EN Felix on the Move Friel, Maeve LG 1.6 0.5 158 F 261 EN Wallace, Bill MG 4.0 5.0 36,000 F 2047 EN Ferret in the Bedroom, Lizards in the Fridge Ferries Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.8 0.5 343 NF 36914 EN Ff Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 40 NF 6114 EN Fievel's Big Showdown Herman, Gail LG 1.4 0.5 399 F 9663 EN Fight, The Boegehold, Betty LG 3.4 0.5 344 F 84789 EN Fighter Planes Doeden, Matt LG 1.9 0.5 126 NF 116496 EN Fighting Dinosaurs Hughes, Monica LG 2.3 0.5 320 NF 69420 EN Filbert Flies Rühmann, Karl LG 2.4 0.5 407 F 68509 EN De Paola, Tomie LG 4.1 0.5 1,374 F 50486 EN Fin M'Coul: The Giant of Knockmany Hill Finders Keepers Will LG 2.8 0.5 759 F 18610 EN Finders Keepers for Franklin Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.9 0.5 637 F 5361 EN Finding Buck McHenry Slote, Alfred MG 5.3 7.0 45,752 F 16861 EN Avi LG 3.3 0.5 1,671 NF 24840 EN Finding Providence: The Story of Roger Williams Finding Shelter Butler, Daphne LG 2.5 0.5 377 NF Page 37 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF F 14667 EN Finding the Titanic Ballard, Robert D. LG 3.3 0.5 3,333 31768 EN Fire Boats Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.9 0.5 189 NF 4935 EN Fire Engines Budd, E.S. LG 1.9 0.5 245 NF 31767 EN Fire Engines Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.9 0.5 185 NF 43969 EN Fire Engines Hanson, Anne E. LG 3.2 0.5 579 NF 14411 EN Fire! Fire! Said Mrs. McGuire Martin Jr., Bill LG 0.8 0.5 94 F 73483 EN Fire Storm George, Jean Craighead LG 3.8 0.5 1,236 F 84790 EN Fire Trucks Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.6 0.5 137 NF 117635 EN Fire Trucks and Rescue Vehicles Coppendale, Jean LG 4.5 0.5 704 NF 58941 EN Jango-Cohen, Judith LG 1.8 0.5 327 NF 26676 EN Fire Trucks/Fire Trucks on the Move Firefighters Fight Fires Greene, Carol LG 1.1 0.5 256 NF 7368 EN Fireflies! Brinckloe, Julie LG 2.5 0.5 3,899 31773 EN Fireflies Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.2 0.5 50 NF 116234 EN Fireflies Helget, Nicole LG 2.6 0.5 514 NF 44247 EN Fireman Small Yee, Wong Herbert LG 3.2 0.5 504 F 25950 EN First Day, Worst Day Dixon, Franklin W. LG 2.1 1.0 8,140 F 16862 EN Shea, George LG 2.9 0.5 1,868 NF 123698 EN First Flight: The Story of Tom Tate and the Wright Brothers First Grade Takes a Test Cohen, Miriam LG 2.9 0.5 765 F 32011 EN First Grade Valentines Ryder, Joanne LG 2.6 0.5 773 F 6115 EN First Night of Hanukkah, The Weiss, Nicki LG 2.5 0.5 794 F 9579 EN First Strawberries, The Bruchac, Joseph LG 2.9 0.5 3,000 F F 7369 EN First Thanksgiving, The Hayward, Linda LG 3.4 0.5 3,567 NF 36787 EN Fish Frost, Helen LG 0.5 0.5 34 NF 48222 EN Fish Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.4 0.5 83 NF 5219 EN Fish Face Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.0 1.0 9,292 F 18611 EN Fish Is Fish Lionni, Leo LG 3.8 0.5 583 F 49392 EN Fish out of Water, A Palmer, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 1,086 F 10214 EN Five-Dog Night Christelow, Eileen LG 3.0 0.5 1,205 F 43228 EN Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree Christelow, Eileen LG 1.7 0.5 204 F 86409 EN Five Little Pumpkins Van Rynbach, Iris LG 1.5 0.5 71 F 55457 EN Five Senses, The Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 82 NF 7216 EN Five Silly Fishermen Edwards, Roberta LG 1.5 0.5 343 F 121510 EN Five Teddy Bears Adeney, Anne LG 0.8 0.5 71 F 72136 EN Sherman, Josepha LG 3.6 0.5 564 110856 EN Flakes and Flurries: A Book About Snow Flannel Kisses Brennan, Linda Crotta LG 1.9 0.5 69 F 49404 EN Flap Your Wings Eastman, P.D. LG 2.0 0.5 659 F NF 909 EN Flat Stanley Brown, Jeff MG 4.0 1.0 4,247 F 44644 EN Fledgling Blake, Robert J. LG 0.6 0.5 121 F 31770 EN Flies Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.3 0.5 57 20775 EN Flimflam Man, The Beard, Darleen Bailey LG 3.6 1.0 9,617 F 7565 EN Flip Dennis, Wesley LG 3.8 0.5 666 F 5362 EN Flip City Hermann, Spring MG 6.2 11.0 67,901 F NF Page 38 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 87828 EN Flora the Fairy Bradman, Tony LG 2.7 0.5 Word Count 537 F/NF F 56665 EN Flour Does Not Flower Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.9 0.5 78 116681 EN Flour Girl: A Recipe for Disaster Slater, David Michael LG 3.2 0.5 1,049 NF 101710 EN Flowers Matthews, Rachel LG 2.2 0.5 239 NF F 31799 EN Flowers Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 2.4 0.5 271 NF 104832 EN Davis, Rebecca Fjelland LG 2.4 0.5 341 NF 32576 EN Flowers and Showers: A Spring Counting Book Fluffy Goes to School McMullan, Kate LG 2.2 0.5 891 F 62240 EN Fluffy Grows a Garden McMullan, Kate LG 2.2 0.5 991 F 73311 EN Fluffy's Lucky Day McMullan, Kate LG 2.0 0.5 1,100 F 902 EN Fluffy's Silly Summer McMullan, Kate LG 2.2 0.5 1,216 F 901 EN Fluffy's Spring Vacation McMullan, Kate LG 2.2 0.5 1,161 F 62247 EN Fluffy's Valentine's Day McMullan, Kate LG 2.2 0.5 1,098 F 6063 EN Fly Away Home Bunting, Eve LG 2.7 0.5 1,107 F 56636 EN Fly Can Fly, A Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 196 NF 110242 EN Fly Paper Kompelien, Tracy LG 3.0 0.5 373 F 122360 EN Fly Went By, A McClintock, Mike LG 1.9 0.5 1,538 F 116497 EN Flying Giants Hughes, Monica LG 1.9 0.5 279 NF 36755 EN Foals Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 72 NF 141253 EN Foals Elora, Grace LG 0.8 0.5 71 NF 16864 EN Follow Me! Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 291 F 7217 EN Follow the Monsters! Lerner, Sharon LG 1.4 0.5 154 F 70578 EN Follow Those Feet! Ricci, Christine LG 1.5 0.5 245 F 31763 EN Food for Healthy Teeth Frost, Helen LG 1.3 0.5 41 NF 4173 EN Food for Thought Trumbauer, Lisa LG 3.0 0.5 259 NF 56833 EN Food Found All Around Scott, Janine LG 2.6 0.5 410 NF 62648 EN Food Pyramid, The Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.3 0.5 225 NF 56347 EN Food Service Workers Yanuck, Debbie L. LG 3.2 0.5 366 NF 9018 EN Foot Book, The Seuss, Dr. LG 1.6 0.5 2,500 134877 EN Football by the Numbers Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 3.1 0.5 752 F NF 5363 EN Football Fugitive Christopher, Matt MG 3.9 2.0 14,388 104833 EN Davis, Rebecca Fjelland LG 2.1 0.5 330 NF 43668 EN Footballs and Falling Leaves: A Fall Counting Book Forest F Godwin, Laura LG 2.0 0.5 953 F 41664 EN Forest in the Clouds, The Collard III, Sneed B. MG 5.2 0.5 1,226 NF 27724 EN Forever Amber Brown Danziger, Paula MG 3.8 1.0 9,726 F 77032 EN Piehl, Janet LG 2.3 0.5 498 5364 EN Formula One Race Cars/Formula One Race Cars on the Move Forward Pass Dygard, Thomas J. UG 6.3 7.0 42,945 F F NF 9587 EN Four Dollars and Fifty Cents Kimmel, Eric A. LG 2.9 0.5 2,500 48223 EN Four Fish: The Sound of F Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.7 0.5 50 79932 EN Four Friends in the Garden Heap, Sue LG 1.7 0.5 310 F 9361 EN Four Good Friends Hillert, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 2,500 F 7312 EN Four on the Shore Marshall, Edward LG 2.6 0.5 500 F 17523 EN Fox and His Friends Marshall, Edward LG 1.8 0.5 831 F NF Page 39 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 36425 EN Fox and the Stork, The McDermott, Gerald LG 1.8 0.5 277 F 17524 EN Fox at School Marshall, Edward LG 2.2 0.5 1,288 F 40703 EN Fox Be Nimble Marshall, James LG 2.0 0.5 802 F 10518 EN Fox in Love Marshall, Edward LG 2.4 0.5 2,500 F 9019 EN Fox in Socks Seuss, Dr. LG 2.7 0.5 2,500 F 9588 EN Fox on Stage Marshall, James LG 2.5 0.5 2,500 F 7313 EN Fox on the Job Marshall, James LG 2.2 0.5 3,840 F 31415 EN Fox on Wheels Marshall, Edward LG 1.9 0.5 920 F 23868 EN Fox Outfoxed Marshall, James LG 2.2 0.5 1,036 F 48207 EN Fox: The Sound of X, A Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.6 0.5 63 7266 EN Spier, Peter LG 2.7 0.5 330 F 12015 EN Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night, The Fox with Cold Feet, The Singer, Bill LG 1.9 0.5 655 F 79544 EN Foxes and Their Dens Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 152 NF 43994 EN Fractions: Making Fair Shares Koomen, Michele LG 2.3 0.5 301 NF 11171 EN Fraidy Cats Krensky, Stephen LG 2.0 0.5 491 F 24084 EN France Dahl, Michael LG 3.5 0.5 1,011 NF 43118 EN Francine the Superstar Krensky, Stephen LG 3.6 1.0 5,001 F 10666 EN Dadey, Debbie LG 3.7 1.0 4,764 F 45579 EN Frankenstein Doesn't Plant Petunias Franklin and Harriet Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.5 0.5 780 F 69326 EN Franklin and the Computer Jennings, Sharon LG 2.4 0.5 793 F 24969 EN Franklin and the Thunderstorm Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.5 0.5 624 F 18612 EN Franklin and the Tooth Fairy Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.0 0.5 781 F 18613 EN Franklin Fibs Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.1 0.5 592 F 18614 EN Franklin Goes to School Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.6 0.5 828 F 18615 EN Franklin Has a Sleepover Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.6 0.5 722 F 18616 EN Franklin in the Dark Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.5 0.5 592 F 18617 EN Franklin Is Bossy Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.0 0.5 675 F 18618 EN Franklin Is Lost Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.5 0.5 760 F 18619 EN Franklin Is Messy Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.9 0.5 708 F 18620 EN Franklin Plays the Game Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.8 0.5 875 F 16877 EN Franklin Rides a Bike Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.6 0.5 708 F 18622 EN Franklin's Blanket Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.9 0.5 853 F 30709 EN Franklin's Class Trip Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.5 0.5 517 F 18623 EN Franklin's Halloween Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.7 0.5 795 F 32132 EN Franklin's Neighborhood Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.9 0.5 840 F 18624 EN Franklin's New Friend Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.2 0.5 742 F 18625 EN Franklin's School Play Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.8 0.5 729 F 53353 EN Franklin's Thanksgiving Jennings, Sharon LG 3.2 0.5 804 F 18621 EN Franklin Wants a Pet Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.1 0.5 707 F 141324 EN Freaky Flies Roza, Greg LG 0.8 0.5 62 NF NF 262 EN Freckle Juice Blume, Judy MG 2.0 0.5 4,078 F 119502 EN Freckleface Strawberry Moore, Julianne LG 2.1 0.5 574 F 56666 EN Fred Read the Red Book Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.8 0.5 75 NF Page 40 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 63345 EN Freddie's Fears Robinson, Hilary LG 1.9 0.5 Word Count F/NF 150 F 7267 EN Freddie's Spaghetti Doyle, Charlotte LG 1.1 0.5 147 F 18371 EN Freddy the Detective Brooks, Walter R. MG 5.5 6.0 39,431 F 6064 EN Frederick Lionni, Leo LG 3.1 0.5 517 F 62629 EN Freedom Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.0 0.5 164 NF 36838 EN Freight Trains Richardson, Adele D. LG 3.2 0.5 428 NF 121065 EN Friday Lindeen, Mary LG 1.8 0.5 182 NF 118884 EN Friend for All Seasons, A Hubery, Julia LG 2.9 0.5 647 F 9362 EN Friend for Dear Dragon, A Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 2,500 F 18626 EN Friend for Minerva Louise, A Stoeke, Janet Morgan LG 1.6 0.5 178 F 84562 EN Friendliness Thoennes Keller, Kristin LG 2.5 0.5 416 NF 116656 EN Friends and Flowers Gunderson, Jessica LG 3.0 0.5 1,154 NF 120175 EN Fright Before Christmas, The Howe, James LG 2.8 0.5 1,773 F 6493 EN Fritz and the Beautiful Horses Brett, Jan LG 3.4 0.5 573 F 124878 EN Frog Huseby, Victoria LG 2.5 0.5 330 NF 71648 EN Frog Watts, Barrie LG 3.5 0.5 924 NF 5512 EN Frog and Toad All Year Lobel, Arnold LG 2.6 0.5 1,727 F 6116 EN Frog and Toad Are Friends Lobel, Arnold LG 2.9 0.5 2,281 F 5467 EN Frog and Toad Together Lobel, Arnold LG 2.9 0.5 1,942 F 76084 EN Blair, Eric LG 2.9 0.5 899 F 6065 EN Frog Prince: A Retelling of the Grimms' Fairy Tale, The Frog Prince Continued, The Scieszka, Jon LG 3.2 0.5 1,089 F 138224 EN Frog Prince (My 1st Classic Story), The Frog Prince, The Blair, Eric LG 2.6 0.5 472 F Tarcov, Edith LG 2.8 0.5 973 F Billout, Guy LG 4.3 0.5 1,204 F Perera, Hilda LG 2.9 0.5 912 F 5513 EN 127222 EN 17525 EN Frog Who Wanted to See the Sea, The Froggie Froggette 53911 EN Froggy Eats Out London, Jonathan LG 2.5 0.5 640 F 17526 EN Froggy Gets Dressed London, Jonathan LG 1.3 0.5 458 F 43610 EN Froggy Goes to Bed London, Jonathan LG 2.0 0.5 489 F 15805 EN Froggy Goes to School London, Jonathan LG 2.2 0.5 570 F 53912 EN Froggy's Best Christmas London, Jonathan LG 2.4 0.5 655 F 19844 EN Froggy's First Kiss London, Jonathan LG 2.6 0.5 516 F 25264 EN Frogs Driscoll, Laura LG 1.8 0.5 372 NF 32067 EN Frogs Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.3 0.5 29 NF 117489 EN Frogs and Tadpoles Ganeri, Anita LG 2.6 0.5 409 NF 32061 EN From Bud to Blossom Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.2 0.5 41 NF 72093 EN From Farm to Store Boten, Wallace LG 1.9 0.5 216 NF 29 EN Konigsburg, E.L. MG 4.7 5.0 30,906 101711 EN From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Fruit Matthews, Rachel LG 1.8 0.5 205 NF 36809 EN Fruit Group, The Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 96 NF 56645 EN Fruit Trees Produce Produce Molter, Carey LG 1.6 0.5 136 NF 62630 EN Fruits Are Fun Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.1 0.5 186 NF 5220 EN Fudge-a-Mania Blume, Judy LG 4.6 4.0 27,397 F F Page 41 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 2,500 F 9363 EN Fun Days Hillert, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 48224 EN Fun! The Sound of Short U Ballard, Peg LG 0.6 0.5 56 76424 EN Fun with Dick and Jane Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.5 0.5 841 F 9364 EN Funny Baby, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 2,500 F 101393 EN Funny Cars Kaelberer, Angie Peterson MG 2.1 0.5 293 NF 7568 EN Funny Little Woman, The Mosel, Arlene LG 3.6 0.5 845 F 7370 EN Galimoto Williams, Karen Lynn LG 3.9 0.5 3,459 F NF 12320 EN Games Griffiths, Rose LG 1.6 0.5 239 NF 138411 EN Games Around the World Levete, Sarah LG 2.7 0.5 701 NF 35365 EN Garbage Collectors Bourgeois, Paulette LG 3.8 0.5 893 NF 6265 EN Garbage Juice for Breakfast Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.1 1.0 8,264 78809 EN Garbage Trucks Brill, Marlene Targ LG 2.6 0.5 444 NF 118100 EN Garbage Trucks Lindeen, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 87 NF 53942 EN Garden of Abdul Gasazi, The Van Allsburg, Chris LG 4.0 0.5 1,117 F 14668 EN Dadey, Debbie LG 3.2 1.0 7,828 F F F 30 EN Gargoyles Don't Drive School Buses Gay-Neck: The Story of a Pigeon Mukerji, Dhan Gopal MG 6.5 6.0 38,724 131505 EN Geckos Mattern, Joanne LG 1.9 0.5 191 10667 EN Genies Don't Ride Bicycles Dadey, Debbie LG 3.6 1.0 6,387 F 55951 EN Geoffrey Groundhog Predicts the Weather George and Martha Rise and Shine Koscielniak, Bruce LG 2.9 0.5 471 F Marshall, James LG 2.8 0.5 3,000 F Marshall, James LG 2.6 0.5 775 F Marshall, James LG 2.7 0.5 626 F NF 9568 EN 43670 EN 5468 EN George and Martha Round and Round (Unabridged) George and Martha (Unabridged) 29748 EN George the Drummer Boy Benchley, Nathaniel LG 3.3 0.5 1,044 F 1402 EN Cohen, Daniel MG 5.8 1.0 5,928 NF 55518 EN George W. Bush: The Family Business George Washington Devillier, Christy LG 3.7 0.5 893 NF 50975 EN George Washington Carver Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 2.2 0.5 228 NF 7268 EN Geraldine's Blanket Keller, Holly LG 1.7 0.5 233 F 135258 EN Geraldine, the Music Mouse Lionni, Leo LG 3.5 0.5 759 F 51173 EN German Immigrants, 1820-1920 Frost, Helen MG 6.6 1.0 3,264 NF 15161 EN Germany Dahl, Michael LG 3.5 0.5 888 NF 66035 EN Heiman, Sarah LG 4.1 0.5 1,228 NF 50976 EN Germany ABCs: A Book About the People and Places of Germany Get Moving: Tips on Exercise Feeney, Kathy LG 3.3 0.5 473 NF 61515 EN Danziger, Paula LG 3.0 0.5 1,488 F 9058 EN Get Ready for Second Grade, Amber Brown Get Set and Go Feldman, Eve LG 1.6 0.5 607 F 42154 EN Get That Pest! Douglas, Erin LG 1.0 0.5 182 F 46610 EN Gray, Kes LG 1.5 0.5 133 F 24842 EN Get Well Soon Book: Good Wishes for Bad Times, The Getting Around Butler, Daphne LG 2.7 0.5 463 NF 76568 EN Getting Enough Sleep Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.0 0.5 165 NF 263 EN Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman MG 5.0 2.0 13,600 36915 EN Getting Something on Maggie Marmelstein Gg Doudna, Kelly 0.7 0.5 40 LG F NF Page 42 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 11172 EN Ghost and Pete Dodds, Dayle Ann LG 1.8 0.5 1,093 F 9606 EN Ghost Beach Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 3.0 24,965 F 14944 EN Ghost Camp Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 19,527 F 7314 EN Ghost Named Fred, A Benchley, Nathaniel LG 2.0 0.5 3,941 F 9607 EN Ghost Next Door, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 25,769 F 10668 EN Ghost of Popcorn Hill, The Wright, Betty Ren LG 3.5 1.0 8,136 F 104729 EN Ghost's Hour, Spook's Hour Bunting, Eve LG 2.5 0.5 819 F 9264 EN Ghost Ship Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.7 2.0 14,777 F 139440 EN Ghost Tale for Christmas Time, A Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.6 2.0 13,479 F 17566 EN Ghost Town at Sundown Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.0 1.0 6,367 F 10669 EN Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips Dadey, Debbie LG 3.4 1.0 6,240 F 20018 EN Ghouls Don't Scoop Ice Cream Dadey, Debbie LG 3.2 1.0 5,470 F 40494 EN ght Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.5 0.5 76 NF 127786 EN Giant Ground Sloth Riehecky, Janet LG 2.0 0.5 149 NF 6117 EN Giant Jam Sandwich, The Lord, John Vernon LG 3.8 0.5 526 F 31749 EN Giant Pandas Freeman, Marcia S. LG 2.0 0.5 73 NF 127787 EN Giant Rhinoceros Riehecky, Janet LG 2.0 0.5 155 NF F 9768 EN Gift of the Sacred Dog, The Goble, Paul MG 4.2 0.5 983 48225 EN Gifts for Gus: The Sound of G Ballard, Peg LG 0.4 0.5 48 NF 127788 EN Giganotosaurus Riehecky, Janet LG 1.6 0.5 144 NF 131506 EN Gila Monsters Mattern, Joanne LG 2.3 0.5 197 NF 7569 EN Gilberto and the Wind Ets, Marie Hall LG 2.8 0.5 618 F 31 EN Ginger Pye Estes, Eleanor MG 6.0 9.0 56,876 F 37036 EN Gingerbread Boy, The Galdone, Paul LG 3.2 0.5 1,090 F 51923 EN Gingerbread Boy, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.9 0.5 406 F 6066 EN Gingerbread Man, The Schmidt, Karen LG 2.6 0.5 768 F 9265 EN Giraffe and the Pelly and Me, The Dahl, Roald LG 2.8 1.0 7,500 F 14669 EN Girl Named Helen Keller, A Lundell, Margo LG 2.5 0.5 2,800 F 9608 EN Girl Who Cried Monster, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.7 3.0 24,042 F 6266 EN Girl Who Loved Caterpillars, The Merrill, Jean LG 4.4 1.0 6,944 F 5221 EN Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, The Goble, Paul MG 3.9 0.5 3,137 F 42168 EN Giving Bear, The Gaines, Isabel LG 2.3 0.5 391 F 5469 EN Giving Tree, The Silverstein, Shel LG 2.6 0.5 621 F 65665 EN Glasses for D.W. Brown, Marc LG 2.2 0.5 329 F 66403 EN Go Away! Amos, Janine LG 1.8 0.5 327 NF 76425 EN Go Away, Spot Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.2 0.5 372 F 9609 EN Go Eat Worms! Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 3.0 25,430 F 6267 EN Go Fish Stolz, Mary LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 F 69041 EN Go, Fractions! Stamper, Judith Bauer LG 2.8 0.5 2,129 F 9365 EN Go to Sleep, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 2,500 F 16387 EN Go West, Swamp Monsters! Christian, Mary Blount LG 2.1 0.5 1,256 F 9312 EN Go-with Words Dobkin, Bonnie LG 1.1 0.5 134 NF 56269 EN Goats on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.0 0.5 67 NF 127838 EN Goblin Shark Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 2.1 0.5 137 NF Page 43 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Word Count F/NF 0.5 677 NF 1.8 0.5 328 F Author IL ATOS BL Adil, Janeen R. LG 3.5 Keats, Ezra Jack LG Points 122884 EN 45240 EN Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Goggles! 53934 EN Goin' Someplace Special McKissack, Patricia C. LG 4.3 0.5 1,593 F 51178 EN Sateren, Shelley Swanson MG 5.7 1.0 3,742 NF 51179 EN Going to School in Colonial America Going to School in Pioneer Times Graves, Kerry A. MG 5.9 1.0 3,770 NF 31762 EN Going to the Dentist Frost, Helen LG 2.1 0.5 123 NF 117659 EN Going to the Dentist Petty, Kate LG 2.4 0.5 496 F 11173 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 3.7 0.5 668 F 41423 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 3.6 0.5 512 F 14670 EN Going to Town: Adapted from the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder Going West: Adapted from the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder Gold Fever! McMorrow, Catherine LG 2.9 0.5 2,500 F 9366 EN Golden Goose, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 2,500 F 63346 EN Goldilocks and the Three Bears Wade, Barrie LG 2.2 0.5 275 F 12021 EN Golly Gump Swallowed a Fly Cole, Joanna LG 3.4 0.5 684 F 41446 EN Golly Sisters Go West, The Byars, Betsy LG 2.1 0.5 1,288 F 14618 EN Golly Sisters Ride Again, The Byars, Betsy LG 2.7 0.5 1,251 F 61253 EN Gone Again Ptarmigan London, Jonathan LG 4.6 0.5 908 NF 6494 EN Gone Fishing Long, Earlene LG 0.9 0.5 180 F 6067 EN Good-Bye Book, The Viorst, Judith LG 1.9 0.5 335 F 13395 EN Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Herman LG 2.1 0.5 1,111 F 7183 EN Good-For-Something Dragon, The Enderle, Judith LG 2.9 0.5 3,500 F 10519 EN Good Hunting, Blue Sky Parish, Peggy LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 32 EN Good Master, The Seredy, Kate MG 4.4 5.0 37,665 F 7269 EN Good Morning, Chick Ginsburg, Mirra LG 2.2 0.5 257 F 61516 EN Good Morning, Gorillas Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.3 1.0 6,129 F 7315 EN Good Morning, Miss Gator Kraus, Robert LG 1.9 0.5 4,020 F 21402 EN Good News Brenner, Barbara LG 2.1 0.5 419 F 131643 EN Good Night for Ghosts, A Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.6 2.0 13,010 F 20019 EN Good Work, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy LG 2.4 0.5 1,226 F 7218 EN Goodnight Moon Brown, Margaret Wise LG 1.8 0.5 131 F 116042 EN Gooey Jellyfish Lunis, Natalie LG 3.7 0.5 548 NF 28321 EN Goose's Gold, The Roy, Ron LG 3.3 1.0 7,273 118591 EN Gorillas Cleland, JoAnn LG 2.4 0.5 258 46621 EN Got You! Hines, Anna Grossnickle LG 1.2 0.5 86 F 30017 EN Gracias the Thanksgiving Turkey Cowley, Joy LG 2.8 0.5 1,282 F 118102 EN Graders Lindeen, Mary LG 1.2 0.5 77 NF 36810 EN Grain Group, The Frost, Helen LG 2.2 0.5 108 NF 84956 EN Grain of Rice, A Pittman, Helena Clare LG 4.9 0.5 3,074 62631 EN Grains Are Good Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.2 0.5 218 68340 EN Grandaddy's Place Griffith, Helen V. LG 2.9 0.5 1,601 F 7570 EN Grandfather's Journey Say, Allen LG 3.6 0.5 568 F F NF F NF Page 44 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 19842 EN Grandma Mooner Lost Her Voice! Edwards, Frank B. LG 2.8 0.5 420 F 52145 EN Grandma's Records Velasquez, Eric LG 4.4 0.5 965 F 46140 EN Grandma Summer Jessup, Harley LG 3.2 0.5 961 F 10520 EN Grandmas at Bat McCully, Emily Arnold LG 2.2 0.5 2,500 F 53487 EN Grandmas Trick-or-Treat McCully, Emily Arnold LG 2.4 0.5 794 F 87500 EN Grandpa Loves Dotlich, Rebecca Kai LG 1.7 0.5 195 F 58957 EN Grandpa's Face Greenfield, Eloise LG 3.5 0.5 1,051 F 81199 EN Granny and the Indians Parish, Peggy LG 2.2 0.5 1,084 F 48226 EN Grapes Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.2 0.5 71 NF 120638 EN Graphing Favorite Things Marrewa, Jennifer LG 3.3 0.5 784 NF 116662 EN Grass Patch Project, The Blaisdell, Molly LG 3.1 0.5 1,117 NF 7371 EN Grasshopper on the Road Lobel, Arnold LG 2.8 0.5 3,789 F 116235 EN Grasshoppers Bodden, Valerie LG 2.5 0.5 484 NF 31775 EN Grasshoppers Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.6 0.5 51 NF 9020 EN Great Day for Up! Seuss, Dr. LG 1.8 0.5 2,500 F 264 EN Great Ideas of Lila Fenwick, The McMullan, Kate MG 4.0 4.0 28,900 F 6216 EN Great Kapok Tree, The Cherry, Lynne LG 3.8 0.5 911 F 62856 EN Great Ocean, The Waters, Jennifer LG 2.8 0.5 347 NF 6118 EN Great Pumpkin Switch, The McDonald, Megan LG 2.9 0.5 1,322 F 11414 EN Great Quarterback Switch, The Christopher, Matt MG 4.2 2.0 16,143 F 26992 EN Goble, Paul LG 3.7 0.5 845 F 14619 EN Great Race of the Birds and Animals, The Great Snake Escape, The Coxe, Molly LG 2.3 0.5 858 F 5365 EN Great Summer Olympic Moments Aaseng, Nathan MG 6.9 3.0 17,751 F 6068 EN Mahy, Margaret LG 4.8 0.5 1,005 F 123653 EN Great White Man-Eating Shark, The Great White Shark Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 2.2 0.5 169 5366 EN Great Winter Olympic Moments Aaseng, Nathan MG 6.9 3.0 17,751 36852 EN Greece Riehecky, Janet LG 4.4 0.5 1,149 NF F NF 17316 EN Greedy Triangle, The Burns, Marilyn LG 3.9 0.5 952 F 100146 EN Green Bay Packers Frisch, Aaron LG 2.7 0.5 330 NF 9021 EN Green Eggs and Ham Seuss, Dr. LG 2.6 0.5 2,500 F 35660 EN Greetings, Sun Gershator, Phillis LG 1.6 0.5 162 F 67965 EN Gregory and Alexander Barringer, William LG 3.6 0.5 1,092 F 7372 EN Gregory, the Terrible Eater Sharmat, Mitchell LG 3.3 0.5 944 F 10670 EN Gremlins Don't Chew Bubble Gum Dadey, Debbie LG 3.7 1.0 7,489 F 33 EN Grey King, The Cooper, Susan MG 6.2 9.0 55,841 F F 7316 EN Grizzwold Hoff, Syd LG 1.7 0.5 4,027 26677 EN Grocers Sell Us Food Greene, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 324 25948 EN Gross Ghost Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. LG 1.6 1.0 8,421 F 5514 EN Grouchy Ladybug, The Carle, Eric LG 2.8 0.5 794 F 9168 EN Grover Sleeps Over Winthrop, Elizabeth LG 3.1 0.5 794 F NF 9569 EN Growing Vegetable Soup Ehlert, Lois LG 1.7 0.5 100 F 20020 EN Growling Bear Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.2 2.0 17,526 F 9665 EN Gruff Brothers, The Hooks, William 2.8 0.5 741 F LG Page 45 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 20235 EN Guess How Much I Love You McBratney, Sam LG 2.8 0.5 375 F 44629 EN Guess What? Fox, Mem LG 0.6 0.5 124 F 76426 EN Guess Who Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.6 0.5 864 F 83457 EN Guess Who Bites Gordon, Sharon LG 1.1 0.5 162 NF 73348 EN Guess Who Dives Gordon, Sharon LG 1.2 0.5 152 NF 73349 EN Guess Who Grabs Gordon, Sharon LG 0.8 0.5 129 NF 73350 EN Guess Who Hides Gordon, Sharon LG 1.0 0.5 150 NF 83458 EN Guess Who Hisses Gordon, Sharon LG 0.9 0.5 169 NF 83459 EN Guess Who Hops Gordon, Sharon LG 0.9 0.5 151 NF 73351 EN Guess Who Roars Gordon, Sharon LG 1.0 0.5 150 NF 83460 EN Guess Who Runs Gordon, Sharon LG 0.9 0.5 141 NF 83461 EN Guess Who Snaps Gordon, Sharon LG 1.1 0.5 155 NF 83462 EN Guess Who Spins Gordon, Sharon LG 1.1 0.5 174 NF 73352 EN Guess Who Swoops Gordon, Sharon LG 0.8 0.5 125 NF 50978 EN Guinea Pigs Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.3 0.5 52 NF 16386 EN Gumshoe Goose, Private Eye Kwitz, Mary DeBall LG 2.7 0.5 1,218 F 19848 EN Gus and Grandpa Mills, Claudia LG 2.5 0.5 1,045 F 19850 EN Mills, Claudia LG 3.2 0.5 1,026 F 19849 EN Gus and Grandpa and the Christmas Cookies Gus and Grandpa Ride the Train Mills, Claudia LG 2.7 0.5 1,191 F 117641 EN Gus Goes to School Petty, Kate LG 2.7 0.5 546 F 72137 EN Sherman, Josepha LG 3.4 0.5 472 NF 12754 EN Thaler, Mike LG 2.7 0.5 341 F 13785 EN Gusts and Gales: A Book About Wind Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon, The Hallo-wiener, The Pilkey, Dav LG 3.2 0.5 621 F 20021 EN Halloween Helpers Delton, Judy LG 2.5 1.0 11,117 F 19933 EN Halloween House, The Silverman, Erica LG 2.8 0.5 405 F 45436 EN Halloween Mice! Roberts, Bethany LG 1.6 0.5 141 F 123654 EN Hammerhead Shark Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 1.8 0.5 157 NF 49408 EN Hamster Chase Suen, Anastasia LG 2.0 0.5 470 F 36788 EN Hamsters Frost, Helen LG 0.7 0.5 39 NF 48227 EN Hamsters Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.3 0.5 82 NF 5367 EN Hang Tough, Paul Mather Slote, Alfred MG 3.7 5.0 36,496 47506 EN Hank Aaron: Brave in Every Way Golenbock, Peter LG 4.8 0.5 1,318 F NF 6069 EN Hansel and Gretel Lesser, Rika LG 4.3 0.5 1,703 F 36796 EN Hanukkah Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.4 0.5 206 NF 17527 EN Hanzel and Pretzel Thaler, Mike LG 3.3 0.5 669 F 45497 EN Happy and Honey Godwin, Laura LG 0.5 0.5 111 F 7219 EN Happy Birthday, Cookie Monster! Haus, Felice LG 1.1 0.5 212 F 44313 EN Hoff, Syd LG 1.9 0.5 278 F 44256 EN Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur! Happy Birthday, Davy! Weninger, Brigitte LG 3.0 0.5 748 F 9367 EN Happy Birthday, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 2,500 F 41856 EN Happy Birthday, Eeyore! Gaines, Isabel LG 1.8 0.5 391 F 5515 EN Happy Birthday, Moon Asch, Frank LG 2.6 0.5 445 F Page 46 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 36000 EN Happy Birthday, Sam Hutchins, Pat LG 2.8 0.5 7220 EN Happy Birthday, Thomas! Awdry, W. LG 1.1 9022 EN Happy Birthday to You! Seuss, Dr. LG 3.5 61757 EN Happy Birthday, Word Bird! Moncure, Jane Belk LG Word Count F/NF 223 F 0.5 213 F 0.5 2,500 F 1.5 0.5 214 F 9368 EN Happy Easter, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 112709 EN Happy Lion, The Fatio, Louise LG 3.9 0.5 978 F 7270 EN Happy Mother's Day! Hautzig, Deborah LG 1.4 0.5 232 F 7317 EN Happy Mother's Day Kroll, Steven LG 3.0 0.5 3,684 F 18627 EN Happy Valentine's Day, Miss Hildy! Grambling, Lois G. LG 3.5 0.5 797 F 44904 EN Happy Valentine's Day, Pooh Gaines, Isabel LG 1.8 0.5 272 F 11415 EN Hard Drive to Short Christopher, Matt MG 3.9 2.0 15,620 F 11416 EN Antle, Nancy MG 3.4 1.0 7,506 F 19123 EN Hard Times: A Story of the Great Depression Hard-to-See Animals Fowler, Allan LG 3.3 0.5 431 NF 72094 EN Hard Workers Levin, Amy LG 1.8 0.5 226 NF 7318 EN Harold and the Purple Crayon Johnson, Crockett LG 1.9 0.5 4,020 F 7319 EN Harold's Runaway Nose Sonnenschein, Harriet LG 2.1 0.5 3,941 F 46502 EN Harp O'Gold Bateman, Teresa LG 4.8 0.5 1,490 F 10671 EN Harriet's Hare King-Smith, Dick LG 4.1 2.0 14,634 F 4200 EN Harriet's Recital Carlson, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 196 F 50980 EN Harriet Tubman Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 2.4 0.5 242 NF 42155 EN Harry Gets Ready for School Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.4 0.5 160 F F 7271 EN Harry Goes to Day Camp Ziefert, James LG 1.5 0.5 337 56667 EN Harry Is Not Hairy Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.7 0.5 78 31600 EN Harry Takes a Bath Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.0 0.5 126 F 17528 EN Harry the Dirty Dog Zion, Gene LG 2.3 0.5 452 F 56834 EN Harvest Time Waters, Jennifer LG 3.4 0.5 324 NF 118720 EN Hatched from an Egg O'Hare, Ted LG 1.9 0.5 217 NF 11411 EN Hatchling Snyder, Midori MG 5.0 5.0 34,779 F 47955 EN Hattie and the Fox Fox, Mem LG 1.8 0.5 321 F 7221 EN Hattie Rabbit Gackenbach, Dick LG 2.5 0.5 488 F 5320 EN Haunted Cabin Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.1 2.0 15,267 F 74667 EN Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.6 1.0 10,871 F 31059 EN Haunted Hotel, The Roy, Ron LG 3.4 1.0 8,287 F 14945 EN Haunted Mask II, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 3.0 21,361 F NF 9610 EN Haunted Mask, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.6 3.0 25,007 F 14946 EN Haunted School, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 3.0 19,670 F 14947 EN Headless Ghost, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 2.0 17,827 F 32752 EN Hearing Frost, Helen LG 1.4 0.5 108 50636 EN Heart of Cool, The McEwan, Jamie LG 3.2 0.5 1,784 F 11417 EN Heather at the Barre Sinykin, Sheri Cooper MG 4.5 1.0 8,368 F 11419 EN Heather, Belle of the Ball Sinykin, Sheri Cooper MG 4.1 1.0 7,934 F 11418 EN Heather Takes the Reins Sinykin, Sheri Cooper MG 4.6 1.0 9,221 F 9666 EN Hedgehog Bakes a Cake Macdonald, Maryann LG 2.2 0.5 613 F NF Page 47 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 80441 EN 55439 EN Helicopters/Helicopters on the Move Hello Word Count F/NF 0.5 294 NF 1.0 0.5 116 NF Author IL ATOS BL Zuehlke, Jeffrey LG 2.2 Doudna, Kelly LG Points 1958 EN Hello, Biscuit! Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.0 0.5 180 F 49845 EN Hello, Cat You Need a Hat Gelman, Rita Golden LG 1.1 0.5 287 F 46623 EN Hello, Doctor Marx, David F. LG 0.2 0.5 44 F 265 EN Hello, My Name Is Scrambled Eggs Gilson, Jamie MG 4.0 5.0 36,000 F 46566 EN Hello Ocean Ryan, Pam Muñoz LG 3.9 0.5 302 F 32996 EN Hello Toes! Hello Feet! Paul, Ann Whitford LG 1.5 0.5 214 F 10521 EN Hello, Two-Wheeler! Mason, Jane B. LG 1.8 0.5 2,500 F 9369 EN Help for Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 115964 EN Helping Sophia Suen, Anastasia LG 2.4 0.5 693 F 72150 EN Wohlrabe, Sarah C. LG 1.9 0.5 145 NF 72151 EN Wohlrabe, Sarah C. LG 1.8 0.5 176 NF 39899 EN Helping You Heal: A Book About Nurses Helping You Learn: A Book About Teachers Henny Penny Galdone, Paul LG 3.2 0.5 538 F 266 EN Henry and Beezus Cleary, Beverly MG 3.0 4.0 31,100 F 24965 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.3 0.5 599 F 35182 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.3 0.5 589 F 6070 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.6 0.5 617 F 17529 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.5 0.5 532 F 16390 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.1 0.5 1,165 F 14999 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 500 F 6119 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.7 0.5 904 F 13396 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.4 0.5 985 F 17530 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.3 0.5 437 F 32441 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.5 0.5 639 F 19222 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.2 0.5 470 F 9477 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.3 0.5 782 F 17531 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.2 0.5 500 F 7320 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.2 0.5 3,940 F 17532 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.3 0.5 492 F 15000 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 560 F 12752 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 1.9 0.5 650 F 12753 EN Henry and Mudge and Annie's Good Move Henry and Mudge and Annie's Perfect Pet Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble Henry and Mudge in the Family Trees Henry and Mudge in the Green Time Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.1 0.5 650 F Page 48 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.7 0.5 815 F/NF F Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.3 0.5 2,500 F Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.0 0.5 218 NF 7572 EN 10522 EN 36818 EN Henry and Mudge: The First Book of Their Adventures Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon Henry Ford 19943 EN Henry & Horace Clean Up Mennel, Wolfgang LG 3.3 0.5 727 F 34 EN Henry Huggins Cleary, Beverly MG 4.7 3.0 21,897 F 35 EN Henry Reed, Inc. Robertson, Keith MG 5.5 8.0 51,608 F 36 EN Henry Reed's Baby-Sitting Service Robertson, Keith MG 5.1 6.0 40,538 F 116554 EN Henry Shortbull Swallows the Sun Kalz, Jill LG 3.4 0.5 850 F 29260 EN Henry the Fourth Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.5 0.5 142 F 6268 EN Her Seven Brothers Goble, Paul MG 4.6 0.5 3,242 F 20022 EN Hercules Doesn't Pull Teeth Dadey, Debbie LG 3.3 1.0 5,955 F 44410 EN Here Come Poppy and Max Gardiner, Lindsey LG 1.0 0.5 67 F 9062 EN Here Comes Kate! Carlson, Judy LG 2.2 0.5 536 F 46459 EN Here Comes Kate Chorao, Kay LG 1.6 0.5 429 F 11174 EN Hey, Al Yorinks, Arthur LG 2.1 0.5 505 F 5470 EN Hey! Get Off Our Train Burningham, John LG 2.4 0.5 434 F 36916 EN Hh Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 42 31673 EN Hi, Cat! Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.8 0.5 305 F 77835 EN Waddell, Martin LG 1.0 0.5 245 F 58131 EN Hi, Harry! The Moving Story of How One Slow Tortoise Slowly Made a Friend Hide-and-Seek All Week De Paola, Tomie LG 2.3 0.5 480 F 7373 EN Hide and Seek Fog Tresselt, Alvin LG 3.9 0.5 3,459 F NF 32872 EN Hide-and-Seek Word Bird Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.2 0.5 219 F 122885 EN Hieroglyphs Spengler, Kremena LG 3.6 0.5 613 NF 66487 EN Higgins Bend Song and Dance Martin, Jacqueline Briggs LG 4.1 0.5 1,051 F 37 EN High King, The Alexander, Lloyd MG 6.1 11.0 65,470 F 6269 EN Willard, Nancy LG 3.7 1.0 7,299 F 68287 EN High Rise Glorious Skittle Skat...Angel Food Cake, The High Tide in Hawaii Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.4 1.0 6,222 F 7374 EN Hill of Fire Lewis, Thomas P. LG 2.4 0.5 2,940 F 19459 EN Hip Cat London, Jonathan MG 3.3 0.5 733 F 134859 EN Hip-Hop Dancing Clay, Kathryn LG 1.7 0.5 158 NF 113433 EN Hippos Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.6 0.5 144 NF 13566 EN Hispanic Holidays Winchester, Faith LG 3.6 0.5 1,371 NF 5223 EN Hit-Away Kid, The Christopher, Matt LG 3.3 1.0 7,300 F 38 EN Hitty: Her First Hundred Years Field, Rachel MG 7.1 11.0 63,431 F 5224 EN Hobie Hanson, You're Weird Gilson, Jamie LG 3.5 6.0 44,444 F 36428 EN Hockey Hero Marzollo, Jean LG 2.7 0.5 1,332 F 5368 EN Hockey Machine, The Christopher, Matt MG 4.9 2.0 13,423 F 14748 EN Hog-Eye Meddaugh, Susan LG 3.1 0.5 864 F 46718 EN Home at Last: A Song of Migration Sayre, April Pulley LG 2.0 0.5 342 F 30946 EN Home Fire Drills Raatma, Lucia LG 2.7 0.5 419 NF 6120 EN Home Place Dragonwagon, Crescent LG 4.4 0.5 824 F Page 49 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 125718 EN Home, Sweet Home Pitcher, Caroline LG 2.7 0.5 599 F 39 EN Homer Price McCloskey, Robert MG 6.6 4.0 21,328 F 110243 EN Homing Pigeon Doudna, Kelly LG 3.6 0.5 392 F 35034 EN Honest-to-Goodness Truth, The McKissack, Patricia C. LG 3.8 0.5 1,468 F 113637 EN Honestly! Doudna, Kelly LG 2.5 0.5 344 NF 84563 EN Honesty Thoennes Keller, Kristin LG 3.0 0.5 505 NF 31785 EN Honey Bees Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.9 0.5 42 NF 31783 EN Honey Bees and Flowers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 68 NF 31782 EN Honey Bees and Hives Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.3 0.5 59 NF 31784 EN Honey Bees and Honey Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.4 0.5 58 NF 45501 EN Honey Helps Godwin, Laura LG 0.6 0.5 121 F 61040 EN Hooray for Reading! Hall, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 348 F 5471 EN Hooray for the Golly Sisters! Byars, Betsy LG 2.4 0.5 1,118 F 31662 EN Hooway for Wodney Wat Lester, Helen LG 3.1 0.5 776 F 9023 EN Hop on Pop Seuss, Dr. LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 87829 EN Hoppy Birthday, Jo-Jo! Goodhart, Pippa LG 1.5 0.5 514 F 131507 EN Horned Lizards Sirota, Lyn A. LG 2.3 0.5 179 NF 6270 EN Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion Kline, Suzy LG 2.5 1.0 5,118 F 6271 EN Kline, Suzy LG 2.9 1.0 4,107 F 20023 EN Kline, Suzy LG 2.3 1.0 4,272 F 15298 EN Horrible Harry and the Christmas Surprise Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom Horrible Harry and the Dungeon Kline, Suzy LG 3.1 1.0 4,511 F 6272 EN Horrible Harry and the Green Slime Kline, Suzy LG 2.3 1.0 4,949 F 20024 EN Kline, Suzy LG 2.5 1.0 4,099 F 18725 EN Kline, Suzy LG 2.9 0.5 3,228 F 44204 EN Horrible Harry and the Kickball Wedding Horrible Harry and the Purple People Horrible Harry Goes to the Moon Kline, Suzy LG 2.9 1.0 4,301 F 487 EN Horrible Harry in Room 2B Kline, Suzy LG 3.2 0.5 3,614 F 20665 EN Kline, Suzy LG 2.5 1.0 4,948 F 6273 EN Horrible Harry Moves up to Third Grade Horrible Harry's Secret Kline, Suzy LG 2.7 1.0 4,834 F 10523 EN Horrible Holidays, The Wood, Audrey LG 1.9 0.5 2,500 F 14948 EN Horror at Camp Jellyjam, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 21,572 F 7222 EN Horse in Harry's Room, The Hoff, Syd LG 2.3 0.5 425 F 45910 EN Horse Show Hayden, Kate LG 3.1 0.5 972 NF 48228 EN Horses Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 167 NF 50981 EN Horses Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 0.8 0.5 44 NF 56271 EN Horses on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.5 0.5 116 NF 5472 EN Horton Hatches the Egg Seuss, Dr. LG 3.1 0.5 1,421 F 9024 EN Horton Hears a Who! Seuss, Dr. LG 3.8 1.0 4,380 F 6695 EN Hot-Air Henry Calhoun, Mary LG 3.6 0.5 1,389 F 87582 EN Priceman, Marjorie LG 2.9 0.5 324 F 267 EN Hot Air: The Mostly True Story of the First Hot-Air Balloon Ride Hot and Cold Summer, The Hurwitz, Johanna MG 4.0 4.0 28,900 F 32767 EN Hot Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.0 0.5 62 NF Page 50 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 48229 EN Hot Pot: The Sound of Short O Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.0 0.5 69 25835 EN Hour of the Olympics Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.3 1.0 5,087 F 9370 EN House for Little Red, A Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 2,500 F 40 EN House of Sixty Fathers, The De Jong, Meindert MG 5.5 6.0 40,922 F 6368 EN House on Maple Street, The Pryor, Bonnie LG 3.8 0.5 1,104 F 5312 EN Houseboat Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.2 2.0 15,152 F 12026 EN Housekeeper's Dog, The Smath, Jerry LG 2.8 0.5 1,059 F 120435 EN Houston Rockets Frisch, Aaron LG 2.9 0.5 404 NF 36771 EN How? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 119 NF 72109 EN How a Frog Grows Benton, Celia LG 1.5 0.5 179 NF 13867 EN How Big Is a Foot? Myller, Rolf LG 4.0 0.5 774 F 65985 EN Loewen, Nancy LG 3.9 0.5 2,411 NF 9064 EN How Could You? Kids Talk About Trust How Do Plants Get Food? Goldish, Meish LG 1.8 0.5 296 NF 101664 EN How Do We Move? Morgan, Sally LG 3.0 0.5 529 NF 138684 EN Adamson, Thomas K. LG 2.8 0.5 609 NF 138685 EN How Do You Measure Length and Distance? How Do You Measure Liquids? Adamson, Thomas K. LG 3.2 0.5 788 NF 138686 EN How Do You Measure Time? Adamson, Thomas K. LG 2.8 0.5 604 NF 138687 EN How Do You Measure Weight? Adamson, Thomas K. LG 3.5 0.5 695 NF 19570 EN Peet, Bill LG 4.6 0.5 2,396 120633 EN How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head How Far Away? Comparing Trips Marrewa, Jennifer LG 2.6 0.5 744 14949 EN How I Got My Shrunken Head Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,637 F 14950 EN How I Learned to Fly Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 3.0 20,013 F 17533 EN How I Spent My Summer Vacation Teague, Mark LG 2.5 0.5 354 F 6274 EN How Lazy Can You Get? Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.9 1.0 6,711 F 26923 EN How Many Ants? Brimner, Larry Dane LG 1.1 0.5 93 F 18678 EN Bunting, Eve LG 3.1 0.5 1,016 F 116271 EN How Many Days to America? A Thanksgiving Story How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? McNamara, Margaret LG 3.2 0.5 1,153 F 5516 EN How My Parents Learned to Eat Friedman, Ina LG 2.9 0.5 1,242 F F NF 9065 EN How Spider Tricked Snake Benitez, Mirna LG 2.3 0.5 956 F 138217 EN How the Camel Got Its Hump (My 1st Classic Story) How the Grinch Stole Christmas Jones, Christianne C. LG 2.0 0.5 311 F Seuss, Dr. LG 3.7 1.0 3,800 F Zimelman, Nathan LG 5.4 0.5 1,040 F 9025 EN 44631 EN 4168 EN How the Second Grade Got $8,205.50 to Visit the Statue of Liberty How Things Move Curry, Don L. LG 1.9 0.5 215 14951 EN How to Kill a Monster Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 2.0 17,335 F 17989 EN Priceman, Marjorie LG 3.1 0.5 489 F 13817 EN Lauber, Patricia LG 3.6 0.5 1,228 NF NF 268 EN How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World How We Learned the Earth Is Round How Yossi Beat the Evil Urge Chaikin, Miriam MG 3.0 1.0 8,000 F 14671 EN Howling for Home Carris, Joan LG 3.4 1.0 3,813 F 269 EN Hugh Pine Van de Wetering, Janwillem MG 4.0 2.0 14,600 F Page 51 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 110244 EN Humming Hummingbird Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 3.1 0.5 9026 EN Hunches in Bunches Seuss, Dr. LG 3.0 41 EN Hundred and One Dalmatians, The Smith, Dodie MG 5.4 42 EN Hundred Dresses, The Estes, Eleanor MG Word Count F/NF 438 F 0.5 2,500 F 7.0 44,347 F 5.4 1.0 7,329 F 6275 EN Hungry, Hungry Sharks Cole, Joanna LG 2.0 0.5 3,941 NF 100819 EN Elliott, Laura LG 3.2 0.5 1,067 F 61137 EN Hunter and Stripe and the Soccer Showdown Hunter's Best Friend at School Elliott, Laura Malone LG 3.2 0.5 1,039 F 7185 EN Hurricane City Weeks, Sarah LG 2.4 0.5 3,500 F 34936 EN Hurricanes! Hopping, Lorraine Jean LG 3.8 0.5 1,882 NF 43 EN Hurry Home, Candy De Jong, Meindert MG 5.0 7.0 43,979 F 18628 EN Hurry Up, Franklin Bourgeois, Paulette LG 2.4 0.5 997 F 80780 EN Stille, Darlene R. LG 3.4 0.5 966 NF 62632 EN I Am a Dolphin: The Life of a Bottlenose Dolphin I Am a Good Citizen Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 183 NF 62633 EN I Am Caring Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 155 NF 62634 EN I Am Fair Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 137 NF 62635 EN I Am Honest Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.0 0.5 163 NF 9668 EN I Am Not Afraid Mann, Kenny LG 2.5 0.5 607 F 9027 EN I Am Not Going to Get Up Today! Seuss, Dr. LG 2.2 0.5 2,500 F 9589 EN I Am Really a Princess Shields, Carol Diggory LG 3.0 0.5 2,500 F 62636 EN I Am Respectful Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 136 NF 62637 EN I Am Responsible Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 140 NF 55440 EN I Am Sorry Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 121 NF 81692 EN I Am the Turkey Spirn, Michele Sobel LG 2.0 0.5 1,174 81098 EN I Can Accept Others Guntly, Jenette Donovan LG 1.2 0.5 87 NF 81099 EN I Can Be Responsible Guntly, Jenette Donovan LG 1.2 0.5 96 NF 65986 EN Loewen, Nancy LG 3.9 0.5 2,683 NF 9028 EN I Can Do It! Kids Talk About Courage I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today Seuss, Dr. LG 3.5 1.0 4,380 F 9029 EN I Can Read with My Eyes Shut! Seuss, Dr. LG 2.6 0.5 2,500 F 81102 EN I Can Share with Others Guntly, Jenette Donovan LG 1.1 0.5 84 NF 81103 EN I Can Show I Care Guntly, Jenette Donovan LG 0.7 0.5 82 NF 18629 EN I Can't Take You Anywhere! Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds LG 3.4 0.5 805 F 81104 EN I Can Tell the Truth Guntly, Jenette Donovan LG 1.2 0.5 108 NF 106626 EN I Can, You Can, Toucan! Mayfield, Sue LG 1.8 0.5 588 F 36773 EN I Feel Angry Doudna, Kelly LG 1.7 0.5 119 NF 36776 EN I Feel Brave Doudna, Kelly LG 1.7 0.5 103 NF 36774 EN I Feel Happy Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 105 NF 36775 EN I Feel Sad Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 113 NF 36777 EN I Feel Safe Doudna, Kelly LG 1.7 0.5 115 NF 36772 EN I Feel Scared Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 109 NF 9030 EN Seuss, Dr. LG 3.4 0.5 2,500 F 7223 EN I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew I Hate Boots Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.1 0.5 176 F 41010 EN I Hate to Go to Bed! Davis, Katie LG 1.8 0.5 377 F F Page 52 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 41859 EN I Have a Cold Maccarone, Grace LG 0.8 0.5 135 F 5473 EN I Have a Sister - My Sister Is Deaf LG 3.3 0.5 940 NF 10524 EN I Have to Go! Peterson, Jeanne Whitehouse Munsch, Robert N. LG 2.5 0.5 2,500 F 44 EN I, Juan de Pareja de Treviño, Elizabeth Borton MG 6.5 7.0 44,454 F 7272 EN I Just Forgot Mayer, Mercer LG 2.0 0.5 309 F 36860 EN I Like Animals: What Can I Be? Dubois, Muriel L. LG 2.5 0.5 333 NF 36861 EN I Like Computers: What Can I Be? Dubois, Muriel L. LG 3.2 0.5 293 NF 7273 EN I Like Ketchup Sandwiches Conway, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 111 F 31849 EN I Like Mess Leonard, Marcia LG 0.6 0.5 76 F 36862 EN I Like Music: What Can I Be? Dubois, Muriel L. LG 2.8 0.5 304 NF 36863 EN I Like Sports: What Can I Be? Dubois, Muriel L. LG 2.7 0.5 311 NF 9371 EN I Like Things Hillert, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 18631 EN I'll Always Love You Wilhelm, Hans LG 3.7 0.5 311 F 9316 EN I Love Cats Matthias, Catherine LG 1.3 0.5 116 F 46624 EN I Love Rocks Meister, Cari LG 0.9 0.5 94 F 32984 EN I Love to Cuddle Norac, Carl LG 2.4 0.5 316 F 9669 EN I Love to Sneeze Schecter, Ellen LG 2.2 0.5 300 F 9372 EN I Love You, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 2,500 F 21256 EN I Love You the Purplest Joosse, Barbara M. LG 3.4 0.5 627 F 21399 EN I Love You with All My Heart Kern, Noris LG 2.7 0.5 435 F 46460 EN I'm Sorry Mayer, Gina LG 2.1 0.5 382 F 9373 EN I Need You, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 2,500 F 31598 EN I See, You Saw Karlin, Nurit LG 0.4 0.5 112 F 41860 EN I Shop with My Daddy Maccarone, Grace LG 0.7 0.5 131 F 270 EN I Should Worry, I Should Care Chaikin, Miriam MG 3.0 3.0 23,400 F 67482 EN I Want to Be a Librarian Liebman, Dan LG 2.1 0.5 189 NF 67483 EN I Want to Be a Mechanic Liebman, Dan LG 2.5 0.5 235 NF 67484 EN I Want to Be a Zookeeper Liebman, Dan LG 2.0 0.5 233 NF 80702 EN I Was a Second Grade Werewolf Pinkwater, Daniel LG 2.2 0.5 539 F 10525 EN I Was So Mad Mayer, Mercer LG 2.6 0.5 2,500 F 45873 EN I Wish I Were a Butterfly Howe, James LG 3.4 0.5 1,235 F 18630 EN I Wish My Brother Was a Dog Shields, Carol Diggory LG 3.1 0.5 517 F 36426 EN I Wonder Hoban, Tana LG 1.6 0.5 189 NF 6071 EN Ice-Cold Birthday Cocca-Leffler, Maryann LG 1.6 0.5 411 F 25946 EN Ice Cream Scoop, The Keene, Carolyn LG 2.8 1.0 8,732 F 7224 EN Ice Cream Soup Herman, Gail LG 1.1 0.5 161 F 134878 EN Ice Hockey by the Numbers Dolphin, Colleen LG 3.5 0.5 712 NF 9318 EN Ice Is...Whee! Greene, Carol LG 0.3 0.5 59 66342 EN -ick as in Kick Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.5 0.5 103 F NF 46159 EN Icky Bug Counting Book, The Pallotta, Jerry LG 4.1 0.5 1,046 NF 66328 EN -id as in Squid Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 86 NF 66358 EN -ide as in Tide Molter, Carey LG 1.5 0.5 123 NF 9031 EN If I Ran the Circus Seuss, Dr. LG 3.8 1.0 3,800 F Page 53 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 9032 EN If I Ran the Zoo Seuss, Dr. LG 3.9 1.0 3,800 F 7225 EN If the Dinosaurs Came Back Most, Bernard LG 2.9 0.5 271 F 6072 EN If You Give a Moose a Muffin Numeroff, Laura LG 2.4 0.5 306 F 9570 EN If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Numeroff, Laura LG 2.1 0.5 400 F 42602 EN If You Take a Mouse to the Movies Numeroff, Laura LG 2.1 0.5 230 F 131257 EN If You Were a Circle Blaisdell, Molly LG 2.5 0.5 311 NF 127912 EN If You Were a Divided-By Sign Shaskan, Trisha Speed LG 3.5 0.5 516 NF 123596 EN If You Were a Fraction Shaskan, Trisha Speed LG 3.1 0.5 514 NF 123597 EN If You Were a Minus Sign Shaskan, Trisha Speed LG 2.5 0.5 437 NF 127913 EN If You Were a Minute Shaskan, Trisha Speed LG 3.0 0.5 475 NF 123598 EN If You Were a Plus Sign Shaskan, Trisha Speed LG 3.3 0.5 515 NF 127915 EN If You Were a Pound or a Kilogram Aboff, Marcie LG 4.1 0.5 560 NF 127916 EN If You Were a Quart or a Liter Aboff, Marcie LG 4.0 0.5 568 NF 123599 EN If You Were a Set Aboff, Marcie LG 3.5 0.5 539 NF 127918 EN If You Were a Times Sign Shaskan, Trisha Speed LG 3.4 0.5 525 NF 131261 EN If You Were a Triangle Aboff, Marcie LG 2.9 0.5 397 NF 123600 EN If You Were an Even Number Aboff, Marcie LG 2.7 0.5 434 NF 127921 EN Aboff, Marcie LG 3.9 0.5 503 NF 123601 EN If You Were an Inch or a Centimeter If You Were an Odd Number Aboff, Marcie LG 2.9 0.5 469 NF 18632 EN If You Were Born a Kitten Bauer, Marion Dane LG 2.5 0.5 367 F 66329 EN -ig as in Pig Doudna, Kelly LG 1.2 0.5 107 NF 84595 EN Igloos Preszler, June LG 3.7 0.5 776 NF 110245 EN Iguana Mama Hanson, Anders LG 3.0 0.5 466 F 104877 EN Iguanodon (Capstone Press) Riehecky, Janet LG 1.9 0.5 153 NF 36917 EN Ii Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 42 NF 36930 EN Ii Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 113 NF 28579 EN Iktomi and the Boulder Goble, Paul LG 3.3 0.5 984 F 66330 EN -ill as in Grill Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 106 NF 5517 EN Imogene's Antlers Small, David LG 2.6 0.5 291 F 55441 EN In a Valley Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 70 NF 66331 EN -in as in Twin Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 102 NF 25299 EN In Aunt Lucy's Kitchen Rylant, Cynthia LG 3.4 1.0 3,974 F 46089 EN Steptoe, Javaka LG 3.1 0.5 805 F 48230 EN In Daddy's Arms I Am Tall: African Americans Celebrating Fathers In-Line Skating Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 224 NF 45753 EN In-Line Skating: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.6 0.5 138 NF 42603 EN In November Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.6 0.5 310 F 116184 EN In the Cattle Yard Stockland, Patricia M. LG 2.5 0.5 414 NF 116185 EN In the Chicken Coop Stockland, Patricia M. LG 2.3 0.5 415 NF 55442 EN In the Desert Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 70 NF 5225 EN In the Dinosaur's Paw Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 1.9 1.0 8,000 F 55443 EN In the Forest Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 74 NF 116186 EN In the Horse Stall Stockland, Patricia M. LG 2.7 0.5 448 NF 55444 EN In the Ocean Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 77 NF Page 54 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 116187 EN In the Pig Pen Stockland, Patricia M. LG 2.5 0.5 429 NF 14980 EN In the Rain with Baby Duck Hest, Amy LG 1.9 0.5 364 F 116188 EN In the Sheep Pasture Stockland, Patricia M. LG 2.5 0.5 427 NF 11175 EN In the Small, Small Pond Fleming, Denise LG 2.0 0.5 64 F 7857 EN In the Tall, Tall Grass Fleming, Denise LG 1.6 0.5 3,500 F 35298 EN In the Woods: Who's Been Here? George, Lindsay Barrett LG 1.9 0.5 347 F 50142 EN In the Yard Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.3 0.5 42 F 17322 EN Inch by Inch Lionni, Leo LG 1.8 0.5 160 F 13567 EN Inclined Planes Dahl, Michael LG 3.0 0.5 328 NF 17534 EN Incredible Jelly Bean Day, The Maw, Taylor LG 2.8 0.5 795 F 36814 EN Independence Day Frost, Helen LG 2.8 0.5 186 NF 66878 EN Independence Day Nelson, Robin LG 2.8 0.5 219 NF 16365 EN India Dahl, Michael LG 3.2 0.5 1,175 NF 101395 EN Indy Cars Braulick, Carrie A. MG 2.5 0.5 326 NF 66343 EN -ing as in King Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.4 0.5 141 NF 66344 EN -ink as in Drink Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 118 NF 69961 EN Inspector Hopper's Mystery Year Cushman, Doug LG 2.6 0.5 1,550 F 31060 EN Invisible Island, The Roy, Ron LG 3.6 1.0 8,689 F 14672 EN Invisible Stanley Brown, Jeff LG 2.6 1.0 4,097 F 66332 EN -ip as in Ship Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 111 29240 EN Ira Says Goodbye Waber, Bernard LG 2.6 0.5 1,994 F 5474 EN Ira Sleeps Over Waber, Bernard LG 2.2 0.5 1,187 F 43971 EN Ireland Deady, Kathleen W. LG 4.1 0.5 1,061 NF 11369 EN Irene and the Big, Fine Nickel Smalls, Irene LG 4.1 0.5 2,048 F 51181 EN Irish Immigrants, 1840-1920 O'Hara, Megan MG 6.5 1.0 4,079 NF 53702 EN Tudor, Tasha LG 2.1 0.5 226 F 113606 EN Is for Annabelle: A Doll's Alphabet, A Is It a Day for Work or Play? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 129 NF 21334 EN Is That You, Winter? Gammell, Stephen LG 1.6 0.5 192 F 113607 EN Is the Treat Sour or Sweet? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.0 0.5 139 NF 6121 EN Is Your Mama a Llama? Guarino, Deborah LG 1.6 0.5 344 F 7321 EN Isabelle's New Friend Brunhoff, Laurent de LG 2.5 0.5 3,799 F 26554 EN Island Boy Cooney, Barbara LG 4.7 0.5 2,130 F 45 EN Island of the Blue Dolphins O'Dell, Scott MG 5.4 6.0 40,531 F 5475 EN Island of the Skog, The Kellogg, Steven LG 3.5 0.5 1,013 F 30935 EN Israel Thoennes, Kristin LG 3.5 0.5 1,042 NF 66333 EN -it as in Sit Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 116 NF 9611 EN It Came from Beneath the Sink! Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 25,000 F 11420 EN It Goes Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Gilson, Jamie MG 2.9 1.0 10,226 F 62638 EN It Is Cloudy Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 66 NF 62639 EN It Is Raining Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 62 NF 62640 EN It Is Snowing Doudna, Kelly LG 0.9 0.5 58 NF 62641 EN It Is Stormy Doudna, Kelly LG 1.6 0.5 83 NF 62642 EN It Is Sunny Doudna, Kelly LG 0.9 0.5 65 NF NF Page 55 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 54 NF NF 62643 EN It Is Windy Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 134906 EN It's A! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 224 55323 EN It's a Fair Day, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula LG 2.8 0.5 2,007 134879 EN It's a Thunderstorm! Higgins, Nadia LG 3.1 0.5 734 NF 134880 EN It's a Tornado! Higgins, Nadia LG 3.1 0.5 659 NF 134881 EN It's a Tsunami! Higgins, Nadia LG 2.9 0.5 624 NF 7856 EN Carlstrom, Nancy White LG 2.8 0.5 3,500 134907 EN It's About Time, Jesse Bear, and Other Rhymes It's B! Hengel, Katherine LG 2.0 0.5 216 NF 134908 EN It's C! Gaarder-Juntti, Oona LG 2.0 0.5 222 NF 9374 EN It's Circus Time, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 2,500 134909 EN It's D! Gaarder-Juntti, Oona LG 2.0 0.5 203 NF 134910 EN It's E! Dolphin, Colleen LG 2.1 0.5 266 NF 134911 EN It's F! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.4 0.5 243 NF 132594 EN It's Fall, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.7 0.5 232 F 34611 EN Burleigh, Robert LG 1.9 0.5 260 F 134912 EN It's Funny Where Ben's Train Takes Him It's G! Hengel, Katherine LG 2.0 0.5 242 NF 134913 EN It's H! Hengel, Katherine LG 2.0 0.5 238 NF 134882 EN It's Hailing! Higgins, Nadia LG 2.9 0.5 692 NF 9375 EN It's Halloween, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 2,500 134914 EN It's I! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.1 0.5 235 NF 134915 EN It's J! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 188 NF F F F F 49411 EN It's Justin Time, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula LG 2.8 0.5 1,776 134916 EN It's K! Doudna, Kelly LG 2.4 0.5 261 F NF 134917 EN It's L! Gaarder-Juntti, Oona LG 2.5 0.5 276 NF 46 EN It's Like This, Cat Neville, Emily Cheney MG 4.7 5.0 33,568 134918 EN It's M! Hengel, Katherine LG 2.5 0.5 244 F NF 66405 EN It's Mine! Amos, Janine LG 1.7 0.5 337 NF 134926 EN It's N! Gaarder-Juntti, Oona LG 2.4 0.5 282 NF 134927 EN It's O! Gaarder-Juntti, Oona LG 1.9 0.5 254 NF 6644 EN Gross, Virginia T. LG 3.6 1.0 6,720 134928 EN It's Only Goodbye: An Immigrant Story It's P! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.6 0.5 265 NF 58325 EN It's Pumpkin Time! Hall, Zoe LG 2.3 0.5 243 F 134929 EN It's Q! Hengel, Katherine LG 2.3 0.5 231 NF 134930 EN It's R! Hengel, Katherine LG 2.5 0.5 273 NF 134883 EN It's Raining! Higgins, Nadia LG 2.9 0.5 762 NF 14269 EN It's Raining, It's Pouring Eagle, Kin LG 1.9 0.5 171 F 134931 EN It's S! Gaarder-Juntti, Oona LG 2.3 0.5 249 NF 134884 EN It's Snowing! Higgins, Nadia LG 3.0 0.5 775 NF 132595 EN It's Spring, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 240 F 134932 EN It's T! Doudna, Kelly LG 2.4 0.5 259 NF 134933 EN It's U! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.2 0.5 227 NF 134934 EN It's V! Hengel, Katherine LG 2.4 0.5 238 NF F Page 56 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 134935 EN It's W! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 232 NF 132596 EN It's Winter, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 257 F 134936 EN It's X! Hengel, Katherine LG 2.0 0.5 239 NF 134937 EN It's Y! Gaarder-Juntti, Oona LG 2.1 0.5 237 NF 134938 EN It's Z! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.7 0.5 267 NF 66404 EN It Won't Work! Amos, Janine LG 2.0 0.5 343 NF 51182 EN Italian Immigrants, 1880-1920 Todd, Anne M. MG 6.3 1.0 3,386 NF 30936 EN Italy Thoennes, Kristin LG 3.6 0.5 1,052 NF 31613 EN Itchy, Itchy Chicken Pox Maccarone, Grace LG 0.7 0.5 131 F 6122 EN Jack and the Beanstalk Kellogg, Steven LG 4.1 0.5 1,572 F 63347 EN Jack and the Beanstalk Moore, Maggie LG 2.5 0.5 322 F 34545 EN Jack-o-Lanterns Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.9 0.5 48 106627 EN Jack's Bed Rickards, Lynne LG 2.7 0.5 598 F 63348 EN Jack's Party Bryant, Ann LG 1.7 0.5 194 F 7616 EN Jack the Giant Chaser Compton, Kenn LG 4.1 0.5 1,581 F 64367 EN Jackalope Stevens, Janet LG 2.8 0.5 2,231 F 14673 EN Jackie Robinson Rudeen, Kenneth LG 2.9 0.5 3,600 NF 61705 EN Jackie Robinson Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.4 0.5 235 NF 271 EN Richler, Mordecai MG 4.0 2.0 14,600 137493 EN Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang Jacqueline Kennedy Raatma, Lucia LG 2.2 0.5 250 NF 4206 EN Jafta Lewin, Hugh LG 2.6 0.5 175 F 44930 EN Jaguar's Jewel, The Roy, Ron LG 3.5 1.0 8,751 F 75456 EN Jaguarundi Hamilton, Virginia LG 3.0 0.5 1,839 F 19921 EN Jake and the Copycats Rocklin, Joanne LG 2.2 0.5 1,397 F 65699 EN Jam & Jelly by Holly & Nellie Whelan, Gloria LG 3.2 0.5 1,339 F 10526 EN Jamaica's Find Havill, Juanita LG 3.7 0.5 1,500 F 51204 EN Japan Boraas, Tracey MG 6.8 1.0 5,683 NF 66036 EN Heiman, Sarah LG 4.3 0.5 1,785 NF 51183 EN Japan ABCs: A Book About the People and Places of Japan Japanese Immigrants, 1850-1950 Wallner, Rosemary MG 6.6 1.0 3,564 NF 14674 EN Jasmine & Rex Hanel, Wolfram LG 3.5 0.5 2,500 F 63349 EN Jasper and Jess Cassidy, Anne LG 1.5 0.5 192 F 134860 EN Jazz Dancing Clay, Kathryn LG 1.7 0.5 151 NF 56870 EN Jeb Scarecrow's Pumpkin Patch Dillon, Jana LG 3.4 0.5 996 F 75407 EN Jeff Gordon Leebrick, Kristal MG 4.3 0.5 1,673 NF 2313 EN Jeff Gordon: NASCAR Champion Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.0 0.5 117 NF NF F 272 EN Jelly Belly Smith, Robert Kimmel MG 4.0 5.0 36,000 F 110246 EN Jellyfish Role Doudna, Kelly LG 3.5 0.5 428 F 36005 EN Jennie's Hat Keats, Ezra Jack LG 2.9 0.5 521 F 14675 EN Jennifer, Too Havill, Juanita LG 2.7 1.0 4,088 F 6276 EN Jenny Archer, Author Conford, Ellen LG 3.5 1.0 7,407 F 17535 EN Jenny's Journey Samton, Sheila White LG 2.3 0.5 342 F 89584 EN Jesse Owens Braun, Eric LG 2.5 0.5 260 NF 79317 EN Jets Hill, Lee Sullivan LG 1.9 0.5 337 NF Page 57 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 19924 EN Jim Meets the Thing Cohen, Miriam LG 2.5 0.5 627 F 19926 EN Jim's Dog Muffins Cohen, Miriam LG 2.3 0.5 550 F 7375 EN Noble, Trinka Hakes LG 3.1 0.5 411 F 21356 EN Jimmy's Boa and the Big Splash Birthday Bash Jimmy's Boa Bounces Back Noble, Trinka Hakes LG 2.7 0.5 495 F 36918 EN Jj Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 38 NF 101665 EN Jobs People Do Ganeri, Anita LG 3.0 0.5 486 NF 79229 EN John Philip Duck Polacco, Patricia LG 4.3 0.5 2,480 F 6073 EN Johnny Appleseed Kellogg, Steven LG 4.4 0.5 2,976 NF 45502 EN Johnny Lion's Bad Day Hurd, Edith Thacher LG 2.2 0.5 1,190 F 7322 EN Johnny Lion's Book Hurd, Edith LG 2.5 0.5 3,799 F 45503 EN Johnny Lion's Rubber Boots Hurd, Edith Thacher LG 2.1 0.5 1,023 F 47 EN Johnny Tremain Forbes, Esther MG 5.9 13.0 83,124 F 14984 EN JoJo's Flying Side Kick Pinkney, Brian LG 3.2 0.5 758 F 10527 EN Josefina Story Quilt, The Coerr, Eleanor LG 2.2 0.5 1,372 F 18633 EN Kassirer, Sue LG 1.8 0.5 351 F 35829 EN Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors Joseph Had a Little Overcoat Taback, Simms LG 1.7 0.5 182 F 10614 EN Joshua Disobeys Vollmer, Dennis LG 3.0 0.5 710 F 6074 EN Segal, Sheila LG 4.2 0.5 961 F 48 EN Joshua's Dream: A Journey to the Land of Israel Journey from Peppermint Street De Jong, Meindert MG 5.0 8.0 52,834 F 273 EN Julian's Glorious Summer Cameron, Ann LG 2.3 1.0 5,984 F 118244 EN Julie and the Eagles McDonald, Megan MG 4.6 1.0 9,986 F 49 EN Julie of the Wolves George, Jean Craighead MG 5.8 6.0 36,049 F 7323 EN Julius Hoff, Syd LG 1.6 0.5 3,130 F 5518 EN Julius, the Baby of the World Henkes, Kevin LG 3.0 0.5 1,087 F 5519 EN Jumanji Van Allsburg, Chris LG 3.9 0.5 1,800 F 25951 EN Jump Shot Detectives Dixon, Franklin W. LG 2.4 1.0 7,901 F 35589 EN Jumping Day Esbensen, Barbara Juster LG 1.0 0.5 132 F 7180 EN June 29, 1999 Wiesner, David LG 4.2 0.5 400 F 56835 EN Jungle Life Scott, Janine LG 3.0 0.5 433 NF 106628 EN Jungle School Laird, Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 677 F 57153 EN Junie B., First Grader (at Last!) Park, Barbara LG 2.6 1.0 6,276 F 9266 EN Park, Barbara LG 2.1 1.0 7,500 F 14676 EN Park, Barbara LG 2.4 1.0 6,438 F 14677 EN Park, Barbara LG 2.2 1.0 6,482 F 14678 EN Park, Barbara LG 2.4 1.0 6,461 F 44907 EN Park, Barbara LG 2.9 1.0 5,836 F 24936 EN Park, Barbara LG 2.1 1.0 5,809 F 49412 EN Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket Junie B. Jones Is a Beauty Shop Guy Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl Park, Barbara LG 3.0 1.0 6,622 F 31061 EN Junie B. Jones Is (Almost) a Flower Girl Park, Barbara LG 2.7 1.0 6,351 F Page 58 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 44908 EN Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day Park, Barbara LG 2.8 1.0 6,241 F 28323 EN Park, Barbara LG 2.6 1.0 5,749 F 36417 EN Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy Just a Bully Mayer, Gina LG 2.6 0.5 429 F 7226 EN Just a Daydream Mayer, Mercer LG 2.5 0.5 362 F 6075 EN Just a Dream Van Allsburg, Chris LG 3.6 0.5 1,670 F 7274 EN Just a Mess Mayer, Mercer LG 1.5 0.5 206 F 36418 EN Just a New Neighbor Mayer, Gina LG 1.2 0.5 184 F 53913 EN Just a Piggy Bank Mayer, Gina LG 2.3 0.5 448 F 41499 EN Just a Thunderstorm Mayer, Gina LG 2.1 0.5 326 F 41500 EN Just a Toy Mayer, Gina LG 2.5 0.5 481 F 78571 EN Just Another Morning Ashman, Linda LG 2.6 0.5 293 F 9571 EN Just Camping Out Mayer, Mercer LG 2.2 0.5 4,000 F 7227 EN Just for You Mayer, Mercer LG 2.0 0.5 160 F 7228 EN Just Going to the Dentist Mayer, Mercer LG 2.4 0.5 407 F 36421 EN Just Grandma and Me Mayer, Mercer LG 1.9 0.5 186 F 7275 EN Just Grandpa and Me Mayer, Mercer LG 1.9 0.5 205 F 11176 EN Just Lost! Mayer, Gina LG 2.6 0.5 447 F 7229 EN Just Me and My Babysitter Mayer, Mercer LG 1.3 0.5 182 F 9573 EN Just Me and My Cousin Mayer, Mercer LG 1.9 0.5 4,000 F 7276 EN Just Me and My Dad Mayer, Mercer LG 1.4 0.5 160 F 7230 EN Just Me and My Little Brother Mayer, Mercer LG 2.5 0.5 242 F 7231 EN Just Me and My Little Sister Mayer, Mercer LG 1.8 0.5 176 F 7277 EN Just Me and My Puppy Mayer, Mercer LG 1.6 0.5 190 F 11177 EN Just My Dad & Me Komaiko, Leah LG 2.1 0.5 280 F 7278 EN Just My Friend and Me Mayer, Mercer LG 1.9 0.5 278 F 7279 EN Just Shopping with Mom Mayer, Mercer LG 1.7 0.5 397 F 20231 EN Just So Stories (Unabridged) Kipling, Rudyard MG 6.4 5.0 33,373 F 18634 EN Just You and Me McBratney, Sam LG 1.9 0.5 786 F 62644 EN Justice Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.2 0.5 169 NF 28139 EN Cohlene, Terri LG 4.4 0.5 2,331 F 89992 EN Ka-ha-si and the Loon: An Eskimo Legend Kangaroos' Great Escape, The Johnson, Rebecca LG 2.5 0.5 239 F 25949 EN Karate Clue, The Dixon, Franklin W. LG 2.1 1.0 8,355 F 19281 EN Karen's Accident Martin, Ann M. MG 2.8 2.0 12,917 F 19268 EN Karen's Angel Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,346 F 9401 EN Karen's Baby-Sitter Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F 19279 EN Karen's Big Fight Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 1.0 11,123 F 19284 EN Karen's Big Job Martin, Ann M. MG 3.5 2.0 11,303 F 9402 EN Karen's Big Joke Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 9403 EN Karen's Big Lie Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 19296 EN Karen's Big Move Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 12,697 F 19269 EN Karen's Big Sister Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 1.0 10,468 F 19251 EN Karen's Big Top Martin, Ann M. MG 3.0 1.0 10,686 F 9404 EN Karen's Big Weekend Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F Page 59 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 9405 EN Karen's Birthday Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 2.0 11,500 F 9406 EN Karen's Brothers Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 9407 EN Karen's Bully Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 19283 EN Karen's Bunny Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 13,246 F 19254 EN Karen's Candy Martin, Ann M. MG 2.9 2.0 11,648 F 9408 EN Karen's Carnival Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 9409 EN Karen's Cartwheel Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 19280 EN Karen's Christmas Tree Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 1.0 10,629 F 19293 EN Karen's Cooking Contest Martin, Ann M. MG 3.6 2.0 12,195 F 19275 EN Karen's County Fair Martin, Ann M. MG 3.0 1.0 11,129 F 19273 EN Karen's Dinosaur Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 12,102 F 9410 EN Karen's Doll Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 9411 EN Karen's Doll Hospital Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 2.0 11,500 F 9412 EN Karen's Ducklings Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F 19298 EN Karen's Fishing Trip Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 2.0 14,342 F 9413 EN Karen's Ghost Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F 9414 EN Karen's Goldfish Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 9415 EN Karen's Good-Bye Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 19270 EN Karen's Grandad Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 1.0 10,968 F 9416 EN Karen's Grandmothers Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F 9417 EN Karen's Haircut Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 19278 EN Karen's Half Birthday Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 1.0 10,012 F 19290 EN Karen's Haunted House Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 2.0 14,093 F 9418 EN Karen's Home Run Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F 19256 EN Karen's Ice Skates Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 1.0 10,790 F 9419 EN Karen's in Love Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 2.0 11,500 F 19271 EN Karen's Island Adventure Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,900 F 9420 EN Karen's Kite Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F 9421 EN Karen's Kittens Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 9422 EN Karen's Kittycat Club Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 19264 EN Karen's Lemonade Stand Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 1.0 11,031 F 19259 EN Karen's Leprechaun Martin, Ann M. MG 2.8 1.0 10,190 F 9423 EN Karen's Little Sister Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 9424 EN Karen's Little Witch Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 2.0 11,500 F 9425 EN Karen's Lucky Penny Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 19276 EN Karen's Magic Garden Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 12,649 F 19255 EN Karen's Magician Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 1.0 10,292 F 19252 EN Karen's Mermaid Martin, Ann M. MG 3.0 2.0 11,591 F 19266 EN Karen's Monsters Martin, Ann M. MG 3.0 1.0 10,966 F 19263 EN Karen's Movie Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 1.0 10,781 F 19262 EN Karen's New Bike Martin, Ann M. MG 3.0 2.0 11,894 F 9426 EN Karen's New Friend Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F 19272 EN Karen's New Puppy Martin, Ann M. MG 3.0 1.0 11,405 F 9427 EN Karen's New Teacher Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F Page 60 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 9428 EN Karen's New Year Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 9429 EN Karen's Newspaper Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F 19297 EN Karen's Paper Route Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 1.0 10,443 F 9430 EN Karen's Pen Pal Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 19291 EN Karen's Pilgrim Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 1.0 10,421 F 9431 EN Karen's Pizza Party Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 19300 EN Karen's Plane Trip Martin, Ann M. MG 2.8 1.0 11,258 F 19260 EN Karen's Pony Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 1.0 10,524 F 19287 EN Karen's Pony Camp Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 2.0 13,271 F 9432 EN Karen's Prize Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 19295 EN Karen's Promise Martin, Ann M. MG 4.2 1.0 10,402 F 9433 EN Karen's Pumpkin Patch Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 19288 EN Karen's Puppet Show Martin, Ann M. MG 3.0 1.0 9,966 F 9434 EN Karen's Roller Skates Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F 9435 EN Karen's School Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 19253 EN Karen's School Bus Martin, Ann M. MG 2.9 1.0 9,842 F 19257 EN Karen's School Mystery Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,368 F 9436 EN Karen's School Picture Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F 19277 EN Karen's School Surprise Martin, Ann M. MG 3.5 1.0 10,329 F 9437 EN Karen's School Trip Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 2.0 11,500 F 9438 EN Karen's Secret Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 19282 EN Karen's Secret Valentine Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,470 F 19258 EN Karen's Ski Trip Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 1.0 10,265 F 9439 EN Karen's Sleepover Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 19292 EN Karen's Sleigh Ride Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 2.0 12,788 F 9440 EN Karen's Snow Day Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 2.0 11,500 F 19294 EN Karen's Snow Princess Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 1.0 10,963 F 19274 EN Karen's Softball Mystery Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 1.0 10,603 F 9441 EN Karen's Stepmother Martin, Ann M. MG 3.4 2.0 11,500 F 9442 EN Karen's Surprise Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 19261 EN Karen's Tattletale Martin, Ann M. MG 3.0 2.0 11,670 F 9443 EN Karen's Tea Party Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 19286 EN Karen's Telephone Trouble Martin, Ann M. MG 3.2 1.0 11,269 F 9444 EN Karen's Toothache Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 19265 EN Karen's Toys Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 1.0 10,289 F 19285 EN Karen's Treasure Martin, Ann M. MG 3.0 2.0 13,501 F 9445 EN Karen's Tuba Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 19267 EN Karen's Turkey Day Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 1.0 11,383 F 9446 EN Karen's Twin Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 9447 EN Karen's Two Families Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F 19289 EN Karen's Unicorn Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 12,626 F 9448 EN Karen's Wedding Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 11,500 F 19299 EN Karen's Wish Martin, Ann M. MG 3.0 1.0 10,963 F 9449 EN Karen's Witch Martin, Ann M. MG 3.3 2.0 11,500 F Page 61 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 11,500 F 9450 EN Karen's Worst Day Martin, Ann M. MG 3.1 2.0 14625 EN Kate Skates O'Connor, Jane LG 1.6 0.5 650 F 66948 EN Katie and the Mona Lisa Mayhew, James LG 3.4 0.5 1,211 F 52149 EN Katie and the Sunflowers Mayhew, James LG 3.2 0.5 1,078 F 50 EN Katie John Calhoun, Mary MG 4.2 4.0 28,403 F 19575 EN Katy and the Big Snow Burton, Virginia Lee LG 2.9 0.5 707 F 50983 EN Keep Clean: A Look at Hygiene Bagley, Katie LG 2.9 0.5 444 NF 7150 EN Levy, Elizabeth LG 3.5 2.0 11,764 113638 EN Keep Ms. Sugarman in the Fourth Grade Keep Your Cool! Doudna, Kelly LG 2.3 0.5 340 NF 101712 EN Keeping Healthy Hewitt, Sally LG 2.8 0.5 337 NF 20677 EN Keeping Quilt, The Polacco, Patricia LG 4.4 0.5 927 F 72152 EN Owen, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 187 NF 72153 EN Owen, Ann LG 1.9 0.5 136 NF 76569 EN Keeping You Healthy: A Book About Doctors Keeping You Safe: A Book About Police Officers Keeping Your Body Clean Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.5 0.5 182 NF 11421 EN Keisha Leads the Way Reed, Teresa MG 5.0 2.0 10,043 F 11422 EN Keisha, the Fairy Snow Queen Reed, Teresa MG 4.9 1.0 9,271 F 14679 EN Keisha to the Rescue Reed, Teresa MG 4.5 2.0 14,628 F 42050 EN Kentucky Facts and Symbols Deady, Kathleen W. LG 3.8 0.5 1,041 NF 66037 EN Heiman, Sarah LG 3.9 0.5 1,415 NF 56810 EN Kenya ABCs: A Book About the People and Places of Kenya Kerplunk! Hammersmith, Craig LG 2.5 0.5 491 NF F 274 EN Kevin Corbett Eats Flies Hermes, Patricia MG 4.0 5.0 36,000 F 5226 EN Key to the Treasure Parish, Peggy MG 3.5 2.0 17,629 F 5369 EN Keystone Kids Tunis, John R. MG 6.4 8.0 48,780 F 14626 EN Kick, Pass, and Run Kessler, Leonard LG 1.7 0.5 1,054 F 5370 EN Kickoff Time Hughes, Dean LG 3.5 1.0 7,407 F 5371 EN Kid Comes Back, The Tunis, John R. MG 6.6 8.0 48,193 F 11423 EN Kid Who Only Hit Homers, The Christopher, Matt MG 3.9 2.0 15,304 F 44931 EN Kidnapped King, The Roy, Ron LG 3.4 1.0 8,710 F F 9033 EN King's Stilts, The Seuss, Dr. LG 3.9 1.0 3,800 122886 EN King Tut's Tomb Tourville, Amanda Doering LG 3.4 0.5 634 NF 21383 EN Kipper's Snowy Day Inkpen, Mick LG 3.1 0.5 641 F 5227 EN Kirsten Saves the Day Shaw, Janet MG 3.5 1.0 7,407 F 5520 EN Kiss for Little Bear, A Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 1.4 0.5 298 F 30793 EN Kissing Hand, The Penn, Audrey LG 2.7 0.5 492 F 10528 EN Kit and Kat De Paola, Tomie LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 36757 EN Kittens Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 64 NF 141254 EN Kittens Elora, Grace LG 0.9 0.5 88 NF 48231 EN Kittens Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.1 0.5 72 NF 121290 EN Kittens Sexton, Colleen LG 1.0 0.5 107 NF 7280 EN Kittens Are Like That Pfloog, Jan LG 2.6 0.5 326 NF 275 EN Kitty in the Middle Delton, Judy MG 3.0 3.0 23,400 36919 EN Kk Doudna, Kelly LG 0.3 0.5 37 F NF Page 62 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7885 EN Knick Knack Paddywack Moss, Marissa LG 1.5 0.5 3,500 F F 6327 EN Knight at Dawn, The Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.9 1.0 5,340 56678 EN Knight Waits at Night, The Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 92 6123 EN Hazen, Barbara Shook LG 4.5 0.5 736 57573 EN Osborne, Will LG 5.1 1.0 5,421 NF 20025 EN Knight Who Was Afraid of the Dark, The Knights and Castles: A Nonfiction Companion to The Knight at Dawn Knights Don't Teach Piano Dadey, Debbie LG 3.6 1.0 5,406 F 8532 EN Knights of the Kitchen Table Scieszka, Jon MG 3.8 1.0 6,203 F NF F 670 EN Knots on a Counting Rope Martin Jr., Bill LG 2.8 0.5 1,455 F 36578 EN Know-Nothing Birthday, A Spirn, Michele Sobel LG 2.2 0.5 871 F 16396 EN Know-Nothings, The Spirn, Michele Sobel LG 1.8 0.5 1,262 F 32839 EN Knowing About Noses Fowler, Allan LG 2.5 0.5 338 NF 89985 EN Koala Commotion Johnson, Rebecca LG 2.0 0.5 211 F 118593 EN Koalas Cleland, JoAnn LG 2.0 0.5 263 NF 32073 EN Koalas Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 0.9 0.5 50 NF 2303 EN Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.2 0.5 128 NF 5228 EN Kobe Bryant: "Slam Dunk" Champion Koko's Kitten Patterson, Francine LG 4.4 0.5 3,247 NF 131508 EN Komodo Dragons Mattern, Joanne LG 1.9 0.5 175 NF 7186 EN Korean Cinderella, The Climo, Shirley MG 4.1 0.5 1,799 36797 EN Kwanzaa Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.5 0.5 143 36453 EN Lad, a Dog: Best Dog in the World Lundell, Margo LG 3.3 0.5 1,721 F 36454 EN Lad, a Dog: Lad Is Lost Lundell, Margo LG 3.1 0.5 1,610 F 40717 EN Lad, a Dog: Lad to the Rescue Lundell, Margo LG 3.2 0.5 1,437 F 36452 EN Lad, a Dog: The Bad Puppy Lundell, Margo LG 2.8 0.5 1,465 F 44910 EN Lady Lollipop King-Smith, Dick LG 4.9 1.0 9,683 F F NF 1558 EN Ladybug's Life, A Himmelman, John LG 1.7 0.5 214 NF 125768 EN Lance in France MacEachern, Ashley LG 3.5 0.5 686 NF 135223 EN Lanie Kurtz, Jane MG 4.8 3.0 18,257 F 135224 EN Lanie's Real Adventures Kurtz, Jane MG 4.9 3.0 17,283 F 7376 EN Last Little Duckling, The Kennedy, Fiona LG 2.2 0.5 3,940 F 6277 EN Stanley, Fay MG 4.5 1.0 6,897 NF 16851 EN Last Princess: The Story of Princess Ka'iulani of Hawai'i, The Later, Rover Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.9 0.5 199 F 6278 EN Laura Charlotte Galbraith, Kathryn LG 3.1 0.5 3,681 F 20026 EN Laura & Nellie Peterson, Melissa LG 2.8 1.0 6,928 F 62851 EN Law and Order Conrad, David LG 3.1 0.5 429 NF 63358 EN Lazy Scarecrow, The Powell, Jillian LG 1.8 0.5 187 F 14981 EN Joyce, William LG 4.1 0.5 700 F 110247 EN Leaf Men and the Brave Good Bugs, The Leap Frog Kompelien, Tracy LG 3.3 0.5 382 F 110248 EN Leaping Lizards Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.9 0.5 448 F 72110 EN Learn About the Past Benjamin, Rachel LG 0.8 0.5 67 NF 76570 EN Learning About Differences Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.0 0.5 169 NF Page 63 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 31801 EN Leaves Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 2.3 0.5 237 NF 101713 EN Leaves Thomson, Ruth LG 1.7 0.5 266 NF 137985 EN Bullard, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 302 NF 115417 EN Leaves Fall Down: Learning About Autumn Leaves Leaves in Fall Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 0.9 0.5 96 NF 48232 EN Left: The Sound of L Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.8 0.5 55 NF 60401 EN Legend of Mackinac Island, The Wargin, Kathy-jo LG 5.2 0.5 1,558 F 5476 EN Legend of the Bluebonnet, The De Paola, Tomie LG 4.2 0.5 803 F 5521 EN De Paola, Tomie LG 4.4 0.5 904 F 67744 EN Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, The Legend of the Lady's Slipper, The Wargin, Kathy-jo LG 4.9 0.5 1,690 F 31101 EN Lunge-Larsen, Lise LG 4.6 0.5 1,214 F 60402 EN Legend of the Lady Slipper: An Ojibwe Tale, The Legend of the Loon, The Wargin, Kathy-jo LG 4.9 0.5 1,786 F 14953 EN Legend of the Lost Legend Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 19,826 F F 276 EN Lemming Condition, The Arkin, Alan MG 4.1 1.0 9,405 27507 EN Lemonade for Sale Murphy, Stuart J. LG 2.8 0.5 601 NF 5229 EN Lemonade Trick, The Corbett, Scott LG 4.0 3.0 21,429 F 79106 EN Lentil McCloskey, Robert LG 4.8 0.5 849 F 121511 EN Leo's New Pet Gowar, Mick LG 0.7 0.5 81 F 5522 EN Leo the Late Bloomer Kraus, Robert LG 1.2 0.5 164 F 45580 EN Leon the Chameleon Watt, Mélanie LG 2.7 0.5 365 F 43948 EN Leprechaun in the Basement, The Tucker, Kathy LG 3.5 0.5 1,098 F 10672 EN Leprechauns Don't Play Basketball Dadey, Debbie LG 3.8 1.0 7,000 F 24956 EN Les Misérables Kulling, Monica MG 2.5 2.0 12,370 F F 9580 EN Lester's Dog Hesse, Karen LG 4.5 0.5 3,000 62809 EN Let's Eat: Foods of Our World Scott, Janine LG 2.7 0.5 366 NF 62810 EN Scott, Janine LG 2.7 0.5 337 NF 9612 EN Let's Get Dressed: What People Wear Let's Get Invisible! Stine, R.L. MG 3.7 3.0 24,654 F 9376 EN Let's Go, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 2,500 F 16388 EN Let's Go, Froggy! London, Jonathan LG 1.9 0.5 543 F 10529 EN Let's Go Home, Little Bear Waddell, Martin LG 2.0 0.5 2,500 F 9377 EN Let's Have a Play Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 2,500 F 4167 EN Let's Make Butter Christian, Eleanor LG 1.8 0.5 256 NF 41012 EN Let's Play Rough! Jonell, Lynne LG 0.9 0.5 163 F 83747 EN Roop, Peter LG 3.6 1.0 6,221 NF 107653 EN Let's Play Soldier, George Washington! Let's Recycle! Mackenzie, Anne L. LG 2.6 0.5 163 NF 107654 EN Let's Reduce Garbage! Nelson, Sara Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 152 NF 107655 EN Let's Reuse! Nelson, Sara Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 131 NF 107656 EN Let's Save Energy! Nelson, Sara Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 143 NF 107657 EN Let's Save Water! Nelson, Sara Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 130 NF 9071 EN Let's Take the Bus Economos, Christine LG 1.8 0.5 477 F 62852 EN Let's Talk: How We Communicate Waters, Jennifer LG 2.7 0.5 361 NF 16852 EN Let's Trade Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.6 0.5 345 F Page 64 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 19155 EN Let's Visit Some Islands Fowler, Allan LG 3.6 0.5 548 NF 27506 EN Letter to Amy, A Keats, Ezra Jack LG 2.4 0.5 511 F 13569 EN Levers Dahl, Michael LG 2.7 0.5 334 NF 117515 EN Levers (Smart Apple Media) Oxlade, Chris LG 3.6 0.5 1,083 NF 55534 EN Lewis & Clark Devillier, Christy LG 3.3 0.5 936 NF 19922 EN Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Cohen, Miriam LG 2.7 0.5 616 F 18635 EN Thaler, Mike LG 2.9 0.5 456 F 16366 EN Librarian from the Black Lagoon, The Librarians Ready, Dee LG 2.5 0.5 344 NF 13777 EN Library Dragon, The Deedy, Carmen Agra MG 4.8 0.5 983 F 18636 EN Library Lil Williams, Suzanne LG 3.5 0.5 1,482 F 56280 EN Life Cycle of a Butterfly, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 94 NF 56281 EN Life Cycle of a Cat, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.3 0.5 108 NF 56282 EN Life Cycle of a Chicken, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.5 0.5 103 NF 56283 EN Life Cycle of a Dog, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.4 0.5 110 NF 56284 EN Life Cycle of a Frog, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 115 NF 56285 EN Life Cycle of a Whale, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 135 NF 101714 EN Life Cycles: From Tadpole to Frog Hewitt, Sally LG 2.4 0.5 317 NF 62811 EN Life Long Ago Scott, Janine LG 2.9 0.5 297 NF 36760 EN Light and Dark Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 80 NF 65997 EN Rosinsky, Natalie M. LG 3.7 0.5 783 NF 5308 EN Light: Shadows, Mirrors, and Rainbows Lighthouse Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.6 2.0 15,873 31790 EN Lightning Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 2.4 0.5 280 9267 EN Lights, Action, Land-Ho! Delton, Judy LG 2.4 1.0 7,500 F 14979 EN Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse Henkes, Kevin LG 3.5 0.5 1,300 F F F NF 5232 EN Line Drive Hughes, Dean LG 3.7 1.0 7,299 56646 EN Line Up on the Line Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 191 31592 EN Lion and the Mouse, The Herman, Gail LG 0.7 0.5 83 F 21672 EN Lion for Lewis, A Wells, Rosemary LG 1.7 0.5 355 F 14680 EN De Angeli, Marguerite MG 4.8 2.0 11,125 F 44912 EN Lion in the Box: A Christmas Story, The Lionel at School Krensky, Stephen LG 2.8 0.5 1,566 F NF 7324 EN Lionel in the Fall Krensky, Stephen LG 2.6 0.5 796 F 15802 EN Lionel in the Spring Krensky, Stephen LG 2.4 0.5 724 F 18727 EN Lions at Lunchtime Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.0 1.0 5,313 F 17536 EN Listening Walk, The Showers, Paul LG 1.7 0.5 576 F 6279 EN Little Bear Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 1.5 0.5 1,989 F 21426 EN Little Bear Brushes His Teeth Langreuter, Jutta LG 2.9 0.5 843 F 21425 EN Little Bear Goes to Kindergarten Langreuter, Jutta LG 2.9 0.5 796 F 7325 EN Little Bear's Friend Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 1.5 0.5 1,700 F 7326 EN Little Bear's Visit Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 1.5 0.5 1,623 F 48701 EN Little Bear Won't Go to Bed Langreuter, Jutta LG 2.5 0.5 873 F 48233 EN Little Bit: The Sound of Short I Ballard, Peg LG 0.6 0.5 54 7327 EN Little Chief Hoff, Syd LG 1.6 0.5 4,130 NF F Page 65 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 108089 EN Little Cloud Carle, Eric LG 1.9 0.5 175 F 9378 EN Little Cookie, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 2,500 F 9379 EN Hillert, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 2,500 F 9574 EN Little Cowboy and the Big Cowboy, The Little Critter at Scout Camp Mayer, Mercer LG 2.1 0.5 4,000 F 7294 EN Little Critter's This Is My Friend Mayer, Mercer LG 1.3 0.5 255 F 89986 EN Little Dolphin's Big Leap Johnson, Rebecca LG 2.7 0.5 248 F 10478 EN Little Drummer Boy, The Davis et al., Katherine LG 1.4 0.5 104 F 5477 EN Little Engine That Could, The Piper, Watty LG 3.5 0.5 1,167 F 28141 EN Little Firefly: An Algonquian Legend Cohlene, Terri LG 4.8 0.5 2,136 F 7232 EN Little Gorilla Bornstein, Ruth LG 2.6 0.5 165 F 32146 EN De Paola, Tomie LG 2.9 0.5 1,128 F 41410 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 3.6 0.5 539 F 53 EN Little Grunt and the Big Egg: A Prehistoric Fairy Tale Little House Birthday: Adapted from the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, A Little House on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 4.9 8.0 52,038 F 5230 EN Little House, The Burton, Virginia Lee LG 2.8 0.5 3,790 F 7377 EN Little Island, The Brown, Margaret Wise LG 3.6 0.5 3,567 F 63350 EN Little Joe's Big Race Blackford, Andy LG 1.5 0.5 175 F 43615 EN Little Louie the Baby Bloomer Kraus, Robert LG 1.8 0.5 292 F 6495 EN Williams, Linda LG 3.5 0.5 722 F 64282 EN Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything, The Little Penguin's Tale Wood, Audrey LG 2.7 0.5 512 F 10530 EN Little Polar Bear Beer, Hans de LG 3.6 0.5 600 F 10673 EN Beer, Hans de LG 2.2 0.5 998 F 41411 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 3.7 0.5 699 F 9380 EN Little Polar Bear and the Brave Little Hare Little Prairie House: Adapted from the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, A Little Puff Hillert, Margaret LG 1.8 0.5 2,500 F 76139 EN Little Quack's Hide and Seek Thompson, Lauren LG 1.7 0.5 355 F 104181 EN Little Quack's New Friend Thompson, Lauren LG 1.8 0.5 325 F 19227 EN Little Rabbit and the Sea Bishop, Gavin LG 1.9 0.5 242 F 7281 EN Little Rabbit, The Dunn, Judy LG 3.7 0.5 802 F 31098 EN Climo, Shirley LG 2.8 0.5 1,513 F 6124 EN Little Red Ant and the Great Big Crumb, The Little Red Hen, The Galdone, Paul LG 2.9 0.5 558 F 7328 EN Swift, Hildegarde Hoyt LG 3.9 0.5 3,435 F 9381 EN Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge, The Little Red Riding Hood Hillert, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 63351 EN Little Red Riding Hood Moore, Maggie LG 2.5 0.5 317 F 18240 EN Ernst, Lisa Campbell LG 4.2 0.5 1,132 F 44258 EN Halpern, Shari LG 1.5 0.5 65 F 9382 EN Little Red Riding Hood: A Newfangled Prairie Tale Little Robin Redbreast: A Mother Goose Rhyme Little Runaway, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 2,500 F 7329 EN Little Runner of the Longhouse Baker, Betty LG 1.8 0.5 4,023 F 25300 EN Little Shopping, A Rylant, Cynthia LG 3.9 1.0 3,886 F Page 66 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 63359 EN Little Star, The Nash, Deborah LG 1.4 0.5 175 F 6125 EN Little Toot Gramatky, Hardie LG 4.7 0.5 1,562 F 6986 EN Kesey, Ken LG 4.9 0.5 2,825 F 121512 EN Little Tricker the Squirrel Meets Big Double the Bear Little Troll Dolan, Penny LG 1.4 0.5 87 F 20027 EN Peterson, John LG 2.4 1.0 9,710 F 20028 EN Littles and the Great Halloween Scare, The Littles Give a Party, The Peterson, John LG 2.7 1.0 10,800 F 20029 EN Littles Go to School, The Peterson, John LG 2.4 1.0 7,937 F 5231 EN Littles, The Peterson, John LG 2.5 1.0 6,736 F 20030 EN Littles to the Rescue, The Peterson, John LG 2.6 1.0 10,449 F 125725 EN Littlest Lighthouse Keeper, The Howarth, Heidi LG 3.1 0.5 698 F 56647 EN Live Lions Live on Land Molter, Carey LG 1.7 0.5 132 NF 17278 EN Livingstone Mouse Edwards, Pamela Duncan LG 3.2 0.5 939 F 277 EN Lizard Music Pinkwater, Daniel MG 6.0 6.0 37,800 F 24960 EN Lizzie Logan, Second Banana Spinelli, Eileen LG 3.0 1.0 9,689 F 58276 EN Lizzy's Do's and Don'ts Harper, Jessica LG 1.9 0.5 411 F 36920 EN Ll Doudna, Kelly LG 0.8 0.5 36 25212 EN Locked in the Library! Brown, Marc LG 2.6 1.0 4,879 F 5523 EN Young, Ed LG 3.5 0.5 1,145 F 110249 EN Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China Lone Shark Hanson, Anders LG 3.2 0.5 423 F 54483 EN Lonesome Bear Carmichael, Clay LG 3.0 0.5 638 F 36763 EN Long and Short Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 81 5372 EN Long Shot for Paul Christopher, Matt MG 4.1 2.0 14,184 F 46637 EN Long Way Home, The Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.8 0.5 97 F 11424 EN Oneal, Zibby MG 3.7 1.0 8,126 F F NF NF 370 EN Long Way to Go: A Story of Women's Right to Vote, A Long Winter, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.3 10.0 67,928 84598 EN Longhouses Gibson, Karen Bush LG 3.7 0.5 765 NF 50959 EN Look at China, A Frost, Helen LG 2.1 0.5 179 NF 50960 EN Look at Kenya, A Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 161 NF 50961 EN Look at Mexico, A Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 160 NF 50962 EN Look at Russia, A Frost, Helen LG 2.0 0.5 162 NF 47813 EN Look! I Can Read! Hood, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 120 F 127839 EN Look Inside a Log Cabin Schuh, Mari LG 2.2 0.5 179 NF 127840 EN Look Inside a Pyramid Schuh, Mari LG 2.4 0.5 172 NF 127841 EN Look Inside a Tepee Schuh, Mari LG 2.1 0.5 175 NF 11425 EN Look Who's Playing First Base Christopher, Matt MG 3.9 2.0 14,054 113639 EN Look Your Best! Doudna, Kelly LG 2.4 0.5 298 F NF 4166 EN Looking at Ants Christian, Eleanor LG 1.9 0.5 264 NF 9034 EN Lorax, The Seuss, Dr. LG 3.7 1.0 3,800 F 10674 EN Loretta and the Little Fairy Scheidl, Gerda Marie LG 3.0 0.5 2,861 F 13762 EN Lost Johnson, Paul Brett LG 2.7 0.5 700 F 19928 EN Lost in the Museum Cohen, Miriam LG 2.3 0.5 604 F 25942 EN Lost Locket, The Keene, Carolyn LG 2.0 1.0 8,210 F Page 67 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 50143 EN Lots of Balloons Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.8 0.5 71 F 43617 EN Lottie's New Beach Towel Mathers, Petra LG 1.9 0.5 374 F 4190 EN Louanne Pig in the Perfect Family Carlson, Nancy LG 3.0 0.5 588 F 4191 EN Louanne Pig in the Talent Show Carlson, Nancy LG 2.0 0.5 302 F 4192 EN Carlson, Nancy LG 2.4 0.5 531 F 4196 EN Loudmouth George and the Big Race Loudmouth George and the Cornet Carlson, Nancy LG 2.5 0.5 460 F 4193 EN Carlson, Nancy LG 2.3 0.5 455 F 4194 EN Carlson, Nancy LG 1.9 0.5 336 F 4195 EN Carlson, Nancy LG 3.1 0.5 544 F 29299 EN Loudmouth George and the Fishing Trip Loudmouth George and the New Neighbors Loudmouth George and the Sixth-Grade Bully Louella Mae, She's Run Away! Alarcón, Karen Beaumont LG 1.4 0.5 270 F 73894 EN Louie Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.7 0.5 395 F 116556 EN Louie the Layabout Healy, Nick LG 2.7 0.5 943 F 19579 EN Lovable Lyle Waber, Bernard LG 3.8 0.5 1,947 F 46598 EN Love Me, Love You O'Keefe, Susan Heyboer LG 1.0 0.5 165 F 6280 EN Love You, Soldier Hest, Amy LG 4.5 2.0 13,793 F 48103 EN Low Song Merriam, Eve LG 1.6 0.5 120 F 51137 EN Lowriders Parr, Danny MG 4.5 0.5 1,771 NF 2504 EN Luckiest Leprechaun Korman, Justine LG 3.8 0.5 1,282 F 5233 EN Lucky Baseball Bat, The Christopher, Matt LG 2.2 1.0 7,518 F 7282 EN Lucky Bear Phillips, Joan LG 0.5 0.5 150 F 44932 EN Lucky Lottery, The Roy, Ron LG 3.8 1.0 8,386 F 17677 EN Lucky Stars Adler, David A. LG 2.9 1.0 5,163 F 13763 EN Lucy's Picture Moon, Nicola LG 2.9 0.5 525 F 24932 EN Lyle and the Birthday Party Waber, Bernard LG 3.5 0.5 1,999 F 27691 EN Lyle at Christmas Waber, Bernard LG 3.9 0.5 1,777 F 54248 EN Lyle at the Office Waber, Bernard LG 3.5 0.5 1,516 F 19582 EN Lyle Finds His Mother Waber, Bernard LG 3.6 0.5 2,058 F 20386 EN Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile Waber, Bernard LG 4.6 0.5 1,513 F 5942 EN Ma and Pa Dracula Martin, Ann M. LG 3.7 3.0 20,365 F 5478 EN Madeline Bemelmans, Ludwig LG 3.1 0.5 418 F 7378 EN Madeline and the Gypsies Bemelmans, Ludwig LG 3.5 0.5 3,567 F 7283 EN Madeline's Christmas Bemelmans, Ludwig LG 3.2 0.5 397 F 21259 EN Madeline's Rescue Bemelmans, Ludwig LG 3.2 0.5 594 F 7379 EN Maebelle's Suitcase Tusa, Tricia LG 3.6 0.5 3,567 F 78741 EN Magic Backpack, The Jarman, Julia LG 2.9 0.5 903 F 9383 EN Magic Beans, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 9268 EN Magic Finger, The Dahl, Roald LG 3.3 1.0 7,500 F 21261 EN Magic Fish, The Littledale, Freya LG 2.2 0.5 869 F 87834 EN Magic Footprints, The Balfour, Melissa LG 1.4 0.5 316 F 9384 EN Magic Nutcracker, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 16400 EN Magic Porridge Pot, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.9 0.5 374 F 10479 EN Magic Pumpkin Martin Jr., Bill LG 3.0 0.5 312 F Page 68 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 3.7 0.5 1,654 F LG 3.6 0.5 1,202 F Krulik, Nancy LG 3.9 0.5 1,350 F Weyn, Suzanne LG 3.6 0.5 2,910 F Author IL Cole, Joanna LG Herman, Gail ATOS BL 5479 EN 15107 EN 15108 EN 14630 EN 15109 EN Magic School Bus at the Waterworks, The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top, The Magic School Bus Butterfly and the Bog Beast, The Magic School Bus Gets All Dried Up, The Magic School Bus Gets Eaten, The Relf, Patricia LG 3.6 0.5 1,284 F 15110 EN Magic School Bus Going Batty, The Krulik, Nancy LG 3.6 0.5 1,271 F 8681 EN Relf, Patricia LG 2.7 0.5 2,028 F 10531 EN Beech, Linda LG 3.9 0.5 2,500 F 15114 EN Cole, Joanna LG 3.9 0.5 2,822 NF 5480 EN Cole, Joanna LG 3.6 0.5 1,572 F 5481 EN Cole, Joanna LG 4.6 0.5 2,156 F 5482 EN Cole, Joanna LG 3.7 0.5 2,546 F 6076 EN Cole, Joanna LG 4.0 0.5 2,378 F 15111 EN Posner, Jackie LG 3.7 0.5 1,303 F 11381 EN Relf, Patricia LG 3.1 0.5 2,524 NF 15112 EN Mason, Jane B. LG 3.6 0.5 1,284 F 15113 EN Relf, Patricia LG 3.3 0.5 1,310 F 25091 EN Magic School Bus Hops Home, The Magic School Bus in the Haunted Museum, The Magic School Bus Inside a Beehive, The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth, The Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body, The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System, The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor, The Magic School Bus out of This World, The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds, The Magic School Bus Ups and Downs, The Magic School Bus Wet All Over, The Magic Show Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.3 0.5 988 F 9581 EN Magic Spring Rhee, Nami LG 4.9 0.5 3,000 F 72111 EN Magnets Blevins, Wiley LG 1.0 0.5 116 NF 65998 EN Rosinsky, Natalie M. LG 3.8 0.5 692 NF 20671 EN Magnets: Pulling Together, Pushing Apart Mailing May Tunnell, Michael O. LG 3.6 0.5 1,091 119316 EN Maine Coon Cats Perkins, Wendy LG 1.8 0.5 128 5373 EN Make-Believe Ball Player Slote, Alfred MG 3.8 2.0 14,493 62812 EN Make It! Ship It! Scott, Janine LG 2.4 0.5 386 6281 EN Make Like a Tree and Leave Danziger, Paula MG 4.2 4.0 24,700 F 5524 EN Make Way for Ducklings McCloskey, Robert LG 4.1 0.5 1,149 F 120639 EN Making a Model with Solid Figures Marrewa, Jennifer LG 2.5 0.5 514 NF 123655 EN Mako Shark Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 1.9 0.5 133 NF 46719 EN Mama Cat Has Three Kittens Fleming, Denise LG 1.6 0.5 112 F F NF F NF 6077 EN Mama, Do You Love Me? Joosse, Barbara M. LG 2.3 0.5 284 F 21400 EN Mama's Perfect Present Goode, Diane LG 1.1 0.5 181 F 31713 EN Mama Zooms Cowen-Fletcher, Jane LG 1.9 0.5 176 F 11426 EN Mammoth Mix-Up, A Levy, Elizabeth MG 3.9 1.0 10,326 F 24954 EN Man in the Iron Mask, The Mantell, Paul MG 2.9 2.0 14,100 F Page 69 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 10330 EN 119317 EN Man Who Carried the Cross for Jesus, The Manx Cats ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Head, Constance LG 3.5 0.5 722 F/NF F Perkins, Wendy LG 1.7 0.5 143 NF 5483 EN Many Moons Thurber, James LG 4.5 0.5 3,122 31808 EN Maple Trees Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.4 0.5 120 F NF 62813 EN Mapping Our World Scott, Janine LG 2.6 0.5 363 NF 45147 EN Mapping Penny's World Leedy, Loreen LG 3.5 0.5 502 F 72112 EN Maps Blevins, Wiley LG 1.7 0.5 191 NF 46464 EN Marco's Run Cartier, Wesley LG 1.2 0.5 202 F 7380 EN Mare for Young Wolf, A Shefelman, Janice LG 3.7 0.5 3,564 F 7151 EN Greenwald, Sheila LG 4.7 3.0 23,650 F 89586 EN Mariah Delany's Author-of-the-Month Club Marian Anderson Braun, Eric LG 2.6 0.5 300 16395 EN Calmenson, Stephanie LG 2.5 0.5 1,239 127843 EN Marigold and Grandma on the Town Marines of the U.S. Marine Corps Reed, Jennifer LG 2.8 0.5 179 NF 45767 EN Marion Jones: World-Class Runner Feldman, Heather LG 1.1 0.5 137 NF NF F 2304 EN Mark McGwire: Record Breaker Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.2 0.5 126 NF 48738 EN Marsh Music Berkes, Marianne LG 1.8 0.5 304 F 48646 EN Marshmallow Kisses Brennan, Linda Crotta LG 1.3 0.5 78 F 44261 EN Martha and Skits Meddaugh, Susan LG 3.1 0.5 686 F 29514 EN Martha Walks the Dog Meddaugh, Susan LG 2.6 0.5 518 F 137494 EN Martha Washington Lee, Sally LG 2.1 0.5 260 NF 14681 EN Martians Don't Take Temperatures Dadey, Debbie LG 3.3 1.0 7,765 55536 EN Martin Luther King, Jr. Devillier, Christy LG 3.9 0.5 949 NF 47814 EN Ruffin, Frances E. LG 3.3 0.5 942 NF 36815 EN Martin Luther King, Jr. and the March on Washington Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Frost, Helen LG 2.0 0.5 153 NF 66879 EN Martin Luther King Jr. Day Nelson, Robin LG 2.1 0.5 240 NF 65999 EN Marvelous Me: Inside and Out Bullard, Lisa LG 2.3 0.5 366 NF 9035 EN Seuss, Dr. LG 2.4 0.5 2,500 F 43661 EN Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! Marvin Redpost: A Magic Crystal? Sachar, Louis LG 3.1 1.0 8,107 F 9269 EN Sachar, Louis LG 2.2 1.0 7,500 F 9270 EN Marvin Redpost: Alone in His Teacher's House Marvin Redpost: Is He a Girl? Sachar, Louis LG 2.0 1.0 7,500 F 36577 EN Marvin's Best Christmas Present Ever Mary and the Fairy Paterson, Katherine LG 2.3 0.5 840 F Dolan, Penny LG 1.4 0.5 215 F Donofrio, Beverly LG 3.5 0.5 560 F Kroll, Virginia LG 4.9 0.5 814 F F 63352 EN 118652 EN 7187 EN Mary and the Mouse, the Mouse and Mary Masai and I 31711 EN Masks Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 42 NF 17325 EN Atherlay, Sara LG 1.7 0.5 303 NF 17033 EN Math in the Bath (and Other Fun Places, Too!) Matthew and the Midnight Turkeys Morgan, Allen LG 4.0 0.5 1,233 F 6126 EN Matthew's Dream Lionni, Leo LG 3.1 0.5 485 F 84753 EN Maurice Sendak Braun, Eric LG 2.4 0.5 209 NF Page 70 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 116177 EN Max and Buddy Go to the Vet Klein, Adria F. LG 1.4 0.5 135 F 112506 EN Max and the Adoption Day Party Klein, Adria F. LG 1.7 0.5 149 F 112690 EN Max Celebrates Chinese New Year Klein, Adria F. LG 1.8 0.5 183 F 122721 EN Max Celebrates Cinco de Mayo Worsham, Adria F. LG 1.6 0.5 157 F 122722 EN Max Celebrates Groundhog Day Worsham, Adria F. LG 1.8 0.5 201 F 122723 EN Worsham, Adria F. LG 2.2 0.5 174 F 122724 EN Max Celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day Max Celebrates Ramadan Worsham, Adria F. LG 2.0 0.5 191 F 100460 EN Max Goes on the Bus Klein, Adria F. LG 1.0 0.5 119 F 100461 EN Max Goes Shopping Klein, Adria F. LG 1.1 0.5 103 F 112691 EN Max Goes to a Cookout Klein, Adria F. LG 1.6 0.5 119 F 100462 EN Max Goes to School Klein, Adria F. LG 1.0 0.5 91 F 100463 EN Max Goes to the Barber Klein, Adria F. LG 1.6 0.5 121 F 116178 EN Max Goes to the Doctor Klein, Adria F. LG 1.3 0.5 152 F 116176 EN Max Goes to the Farm Klein, Adria F. LG 1.4 0.5 103 F 127900 EN Max Goes to the Farmers' Market Klein, Adria F. LG 1.5 0.5 140 F 127901 EN Max Goes to the Fire Station Klein, Adria F. LG 1.6 0.5 191 F 116179 EN Max Goes to the Grocery Store Klein, Adria F. LG 1.7 0.5 148 F 100465 EN Max Goes to the Library Klein, Adria F. LG 1.3 0.5 72 F 127902 EN Max Goes to the Nature Center Klein, Adria F. LG 1.7 0.5 197 F 116180 EN Max Goes to the Playground Klein, Adria F. LG 1.2 0.5 132 F 127903 EN Max Goes to the Recycling Center Klein, Adria F. LG 2.3 0.5 163 F 116181 EN Max Goes to the Zoo Klein, Adria F. LG 1.9 0.5 186 F 15800 EN Max's Dragon Shirt Wells, Rosemary LG 2.7 0.5 402 F 112508 EN Max's Fun Day Klein, Adria F. LG 1.5 0.5 108 F 21380 EN Max's Wacky Taxi Day Grover, Max LG 2.8 0.5 614 F 112692 EN Max Stays Overnight Klein, Adria F. LG 1.4 0.5 177 F 55445 EN May I? Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 130 NF 5525 EN May I Bring a Friend? LG 2.7 0.5 550 F 9036 EN McElligot's Pool de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk Seuss, Dr. LG 3.7 0.5 3,500 F 7188 EN Me First Lester, Helen LG 2.8 0.5 800 F 39876 EN Me Tarzan Byars, Betsy MG 4.6 2.0 11,432 F 7284 EN Me Too! Mayer, Mercer LG 1.5 0.5 237 F 7580 EN Mean Soup Everitt, Betsy LG 1.7 0.5 234 F 19888 EN Meanest Thing to Say, The Cosby, Bill LG 2.2 0.5 758 F 9779 EN Meanwhile Back at the Ranch Noble, Trinka Hakes LG 3.5 0.5 845 F 56836 EN Measure It! Waters, Jennifer LG 2.7 0.5 349 NF 120635 EN Measuring on a Treasure Hunt Marrewa, Jennifer LG 3.0 0.5 934 NF 36811 EN Meat and Protein Group, The Frost, Helen LG 2.5 0.5 117 NF 21395 EN Medieval Feast, A Aliki LG 4.6 0.5 584 F 128645 EN Meerkats Walden, Katherine LG 2.0 0.5 167 NF 7682 EN Meet Addy Porter, Connie MG 4.0 1.0 9,220 F 7330 EN Meet Babar and His Family Brunhoff, Laurent de LG 3.3 0.5 615 F 62893 EN Meet Kaya: An American Girl Shaw, Janet MG 4.2 1.0 9,915 F Page 71 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF F 427 EN Meet Samantha Adler, Susan S. MG 3.8 1.0 8,089 139736 EN Meet the Bears Kennedy, Mike LG 3.0 0.5 617 NF 25088 EN Meet the Boxcar Children Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.3 0.5 772 F 139737 EN Meet the Colts Kennedy, Mike LG 3.1 0.5 634 NF 139738 EN Meet the Cowboys Kennedy, Mike LG 3.1 0.5 619 NF 25220 EN Meet the Friends Whalen, Sharla Scannell LG 4.7 2.0 10,227 F 10675 EN Meet the Molesons Bos, Burny LG 2.4 0.5 2,293 F 139739 EN Meet the Patriots Kennedy, Mike LG 3.1 0.5 625 NF 139740 EN Meet the Steelers Kennedy, Mike LG 3.2 0.5 636 NF 139741 EN Meet the Vikings Kennedy, Mike LG 3.1 0.5 587 NF 9271 EN Landon, Lucinda LG 3.3 1.0 7,500 F 9272 EN Landon, Lucinda LG 3.4 1.0 7,500 F 9273 EN Landon, Lucinda LG 3.3 1.0 7,500 F 104878 EN Meg Mackintosh and the Case of the Missing Babe Ruth Baseball Meg Mackintosh and the Mystery at Camp Creepy Meg Mackintosh and the Mystery in the Locked Library Megalodon Riehecky, Janet LG 1.6 0.5 136 NF 127789 EN Megalosaurus Riehecky, Janet LG 1.6 0.5 143 NF 127844 EN Megamouth Shark (Pebble Plus) Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 1.9 0.5 152 NF 14682 EN Megan's Masquerade Magraw, Trisha MG 4.4 2.0 14,444 36816 EN Memorial Day Frost, Helen LG 2.4 0.5 142 NF 66880 EN Memorial Day Nelson, Robin LG 2.5 0.5 197 NF 5526 EN Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy LG 2.1 0.5 1,542 F 9385 EN Merry Christmas, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 2,500 F 5430 EN Merry Christmas from Betsy Haywood, Carolyn LG 3.9 2.0 17,883 F 13940 EN Merry Christmas, Old Armadillo Brimner, Larry Dane LG 2.8 0.5 656 F 56351 EN Meteorologists Christian M.Ed., Sandra J. LG 2.8 0.5 333 NF 15167 EN Mexico Dahl, Michael LG 3.3 0.5 822 NF 66038 EN Heiman, Sarah LG 4.5 0.5 1,549 NF F 45776 EN Mexico ABCs: A Book About the People and Places of Mexico Mia Hamm: Soccer Superstar Feldman, Heather LG 2.1 0.5 183 NF 100147 EN Miami Dolphins LeBoutillier, Nate LG 2.6 0.5 320 NF 4999 EN Mice Are Nice Ghigna, Charles LG 1.2 0.5 202 F 10532 EN Mice at Bat Oechsli, Kelly LG 2.5 0.5 2,500 F 125102 EN Mice Twice Low, Joseph LG 2.7 0.5 930 F 137495 EN Michelle Obama Raatma, Lucia LG 2.2 0.5 278 NF 17578 EN Midnight on the Moon Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.8 1.0 5,683 F 28020 EN Mightiest Heart, The Cullen, Lynn LG 4.0 0.5 1,108 F 101666 EN Mighty Machines Oxlade, Chris LG 3.1 0.5 431 6127 EN Mike Fink Kellogg, Steven LG 4.9 0.5 1,271 F 5484 EN Burton, Virginia Lee LG 4.4 0.5 1,688 F NF 5305 EN Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel Mike's Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.3 2.0 16,260 F 20031 EN Mike Swan, Sink or Swim Heiligman, Deborah LG 2.0 0.5 1,075 F 84791 EN Military Helicopters Doeden, Matt LG 2.7 0.5 117 NF 62645 EN Milk Is Magnificent Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.2 0.5 228 NF Page 72 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 6128 EN Millions of Cats Ga'g, Wanda LG 3.5 0.5 965 F 15803 EN Milo's Toothache Luttrell, Ida LG 1.9 0.5 765 F 6129 EN Milton the Early Riser Kraus, Robert LG 1.2 0.5 146 F 17537 EN Mimi's Christmas Waddell, Martin LG 2.7 0.5 578 F 904 EN Mind Your Manners, Biscuit! Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.3 0.5 248 F 31542 EN Mine's the Best Bonsall, Crosby LG 0.5 0.5 106 F 16145 EN Minerva Louise at School Stoeke, Janet Morgan LG 1.7 0.5 200 F 11178 EN Ming Lo Moves the Mountain Lobel, Arnold LG 3.6 0.5 1,144 F 65666 EN Cazet, Denys LG 2.5 0.5 1,328 F 11427 EN Minnie and Moo: Will You Be My Valentine? Miracle at the Plate Christopher, Matt MG 4.1 2.0 14,815 F 5027 EN Mirandy and Brother Wind McKissack, Patricia C. MG 3.6 0.5 1,391 F 6335 EN Mirette on the High Wire McCully, Emily Arnold LG 3.6 0.5 1,166 F 278 EN Mishmash Cone, Molly MG 4.0 3.0 21,700 F 45439 EN Slate, Joseph LG 2.2 0.5 268 F 45440 EN Slate, Joseph LG 1.5 0.5 199 F 54249 EN Slate, Joseph LG 1.7 0.5 266 F 46094 EN Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten Miss Mouse's Day Ormerod, Jan LG 0.9 0.5 171 F 21393 EN Miss Nelson Has a Field Day Allard, Harry LG 3.0 0.5 738 F 6130 EN Miss Nelson Is Back Allard, Harry LG 2.7 0.5 906 F 5234 EN Miss Nelson Is Missing! Allard, Harry LG 2.6 0.5 3,796 F 5028 EN Miss Rumphius Cooney, Barbara LG 3.8 0.5 1,243 F 9975 EN Miss Tizzy Gray, Libba Moore LG 3.6 0.5 787 F 46571 EN Missing Mittens Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.9 0.5 260 F 41016 EN Missing Molly Jahn-Clough, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 401 F 46482 EN Missing Mummy, The Roy, Ron LG 4.0 1.0 7,599 F 7381 EN Missing Tooth, The Cole, Joanna LG 1.9 0.5 885 F 1598 EN Missouri Facts and Symbols McAuliffe, Emily LG 4.1 0.5 1,034 NF 116683 EN Missy Swiss Slater, David Michael LG 3.7 0.5 1,271 F 7331 EN Mitchell Is Moving Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman LG 2.7 0.5 3,793 F 100777 EN Tresselt, Alvin LG 3.9 0.5 859 F 6131 EN Mitten: An Old Ukrainian Folktale, The Mitten, The Brett, Jan LG 3.9 0.5 584 F 279 EN Mitzi's Honeymoon with Nana Potts Williams, Barbara MG 3.0 3.0 23,400 F 44052 EN Mixed-Up Chameleon, The Carle, Eric LG 1.8 0.5 296 F 36921 EN Mm Doudna, Kelly LG 0.5 0.5 38 NF 4169 EN Models Schaefer, Lola LG 2.1 0.5 232 NF 82543 EN Mole's Journey Igel, E.T.W. LG 3.1 0.5 783 F 7285 EN Molly Radlauer, Ruth Shaw LG 0.8 0.5 95 F 7286 EN Molly Goes Hiking Radlauer, Ruth Shaw LG 0.9 0.5 99 F 5235 EN Tripp, Valerie MG 3.5 1.0 10,481 F 7382 EN Molly Saves the Day: A Summer Story Molly the Brave and Me O'Connor, Jane LG 2.5 0.5 3,799 F 47510 EN Mom Pie Jonell, Lynne LG 1.8 0.5 513 F Page 73 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 9074 EN Momotaro Motomora, Mitchell LG 2.3 0.5 Word Count 885 F/NF F 31804 EN Monarch Butterflies Frost, Helen LG 2.7 0.5 57 110289 EN Monarch Butterfly Kompelien, Tracy LG 3.3 0.5 371 NF F 1592 EN Monarch Butterfly's Life, A Himmelman, John LG 2.8 0.5 317 NF 121066 EN Monday Lindeen, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 184 NF 116912 EN Monday with a Mad Genius Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.8 2.0 12,638 62814 EN Money Waters, Jennifer LG 2.1 0.5 191 41432 EN Money Troubles Cosby, Bill LG 2.7 0.5 1,657 F 48105 EN Monk Camps Out McCully, Emily Arnold LG 1.1 0.5 224 F 45511 EN Monkey Business Martin, David LG 1.5 0.5 243 F 7383 EN Monkey-Monkey's Trick McKissack, Patricia C. LG 2.5 0.5 3,899 F 45512 EN Monkey Trouble Martin, David LG 1.4 0.5 224 F 55446 EN Monkeys Molter, Carey LG 0.8 0.5 38 9613 EN Monster Blood Stine, R.L. MG 3.6 3.0 25,041 F 9614 EN Monster Blood II Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 25,009 F F NF NF 9615 EN Monster Blood III Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 3.0 24,500 F 54250 EN Monster Goose Sierra, Judy LG 4.0 0.5 1,028 F 46599 EN Monster Math Miranda, Anne LG 1.8 0.5 205 F 5947 EN Monster's Ring, The Coville, Bruce MG 3.9 2.0 14,266 F 121333 EN Monster Trucks Manolis, Kay LG 1.5 0.5 103 NF 51138 EN Monster Trucks Schaefer, A.R. MG 4.2 0.5 1,780 NF 85529 EN Monster Trucks Tieck, Sarah LG 3.4 0.5 696 NF 79468 EN Monster Trucks (Horsepower) Doeden, Matt MG 2.5 0.5 278 NF 108464 EN Monster Trucks (Mighty Machines) Doeden, Matt LG 2.1 0.5 144 NF 58942 EN Nelson, Kristin L. LG 2.2 0.5 354 NF 10676 EN Monster Trucks/Monster Trucks on the Move Monsters Don't Scuba Dive Dadey, Debbie LG 3.6 1.0 6,280 56668 EN Months Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.2 0.5 52 43121 EN Moo in the Morning Maitland, Barbara LG 2.0 0.5 305 F 9676 EN Moon Boy Brenner, Barbara LG 1.7 0.5 410 F 17538 EN Moon Lake Gantschev, Ivan LG 4.9 0.5 1,250 F 56286 EN Moon, The Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.4 0.5 126 NF 17539 EN Moonbear's Pet Asch, Frank LG 1.3 0.5 586 F 10677 EN Moonlight Madness Erickson, John R. MG 4.5 3.0 19,768 F 129309 EN Moonlight on the Magic Flute Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.7 2.0 11,797 F 129861 EN Moonshot: The Flight of Apollo 11 Floca, Brian LG 4.8 0.5 1,462 68817 EN Moonthief McGough, Roger LG 2.9 0.5 457 56679 EN Moose Is in the Mousse, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.9 0.5 81 F NF NF F NF 58834 EN Moosetache Palatini, Margie LG 3.0 0.5 790 F 121513 EN Mop Top Graves, Sue LG 0.9 0.5 73 F 108372 EN Davis, Rebecca Fjelland LG 3.1 0.5 525 NF 11179 EN More or Less: A Rain Forest Counting Book More Spaghetti, I Say! Gelman, Rita Golden LG 1.2 0.5 340 F 13844 EN More Than Anything Else Bradby, Marie LG 3.3 0.5 774 F 7332 EN Morris Goes to School Wiseman, Bernard LG 1.9 0.5 4,020 F Page 74 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 65001 EN Morris the Moose Wiseman, Bernard LG 1.6 0.5 354 F F 5485 EN Moses the Kitten Herriot, James LG 4.8 0.5 1,680 31771 EN Mosquitoes Coughlan, Cheryl LG 3.0 0.5 40 27504 EN Ericsson, Jennifer A. LG 1.6 0.5 376 F 7582 EN Most Beautiful Kid in the World, The Mother for Choco, A Kasza, Keiko LG 2.2 0.5 449 F 19935 EN Mother Hubbard's Christmas O'Brien, John LG 2.1 0.5 317 F 5486 EN Mother, Mother, I Want Another Polushkin, Maria LG 1.7 0.5 324 F 43618 EN Mothers Are Like That Carrick, Carol LG 1.4 0.5 87 F 43910 EN Moths Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 65 NF 116236 EN Moths Helget, Nicole LG 2.6 0.5 480 NF 116110 EN Moto X Freestyle Miller, Connie Colwell MG 3.3 0.5 377 NF 51139 EN Motocross Cycles Schaefer, A.R. MG 4.5 0.5 1,866 NF 115376 EN Motocross Double-Cross Maddox, Jake MG 3.7 1.0 4,917 F 131681 EN Motorcycles Zobel, Derek LG 1.5 0.5 107 NF 77036 EN Hill, Lee Sullivan LG 2.2 0.5 367 NF 116263 EN Riggs, Kate LG 2.9 0.5 528 NF 45778 EN Motorcycles/Motorcycles on the Move Motorcycles (My First Look at Vehicles) Mountain Biking: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.6 0.5 128 NF 50497 EN Mountain Dance Locker, Thomas MG 3.3 0.5 250 F 5309 EN Mountain Top Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.7 2.0 15,748 F 44651 EN Mouse in Love Kraus, Robert LG 0.9 0.5 151 F 68078 EN Mouse Makes Magic Heling, Kathryn LG 1.8 0.5 287 F 30846 EN Mouse Practice McCully, Emily Arnold LG 1.9 0.5 237 F NF 7333 EN Mouse Soup Lobel, Arnold LG 2.5 0.5 3,799 F 17540 EN Mouse Surprise Whitney, Alexandra LG 3.0 0.5 1,050 F 7334 EN Mouse Tales Lobel, Arnold LG 2.5 0.5 3,799 F 44055 EN Mouse That Snored, The Waber, Bernard LG 3.2 0.5 768 F 9677 EN Mouse Who Wanted to Marry, The Orgel, Doris LG 2.3 0.5 414 F 56837 EN Move It! Waters, Jennifer LG 2.6 0.5 384 NF 66406 EN Move Over! Amos, Janine LG 1.5 0.5 291 NF 120000 EN Moving Carnival, The Gunderson, Jessica LG 2.5 0.5 822 F 117660 EN Moving Day Petty, Kate LG 2.4 0.5 501 F 7233 EN Moving Day Szekeres, Cyndy LG 2.1 0.5 229 F 9037 EN Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? Seuss, Dr. LG 2.7 0.5 2,500 F 11647 EN Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.8 0.5 576 F 14426 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Bake the Cake Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.8 0.5 888 F 59517 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Catch the Cold Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.3 0.5 795 F 46467 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Feed the Fish Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.2 0.5 731 F 14427 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Fly the Plane Rylant, Cynthia LG 3.5 0.5 894 F 87711 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Make a Wish Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.5 0.5 726 F 35325 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Paint the Porch Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.8 0.5 622 F 14428 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Pick the Pears Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.7 0.5 836 F 14429 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Row the Boat Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.7 0.5 696 F Page 75 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 107766 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Spin the Yarn Rylant, Cynthia LG 3.0 0.5 847 F 68289 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Stir the Soup Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.5 0.5 831 F 32205 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Take the Train Rylant, Cynthia LG 3.0 0.5 674 F 19232 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Toot the Horn Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.6 0.5 653 F 12481 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Walk the Dog Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.8 0.5 711 F 78747 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book Rylant, Cynthia LG 3.1 0.5 785 F 16867 EN Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present Zolotow, Charlotte LG 2.3 0.5 799 F 11180 EN Mr. Sun and Mr. Sea Butler, Andrea LG 1.5 0.5 202 F 6132 EN Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree Barry, Robert LG 3.5 0.5 738 F 7335 EN Mrs. Brice's Mice Hoff, Syd LG 1.5 0.5 4,134 F 63 EN Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle MacDonald, Betty MG 5.2 3.0 22,135 F 34688 EN Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm MacDonald, Betty MG 4.9 4.0 27,914 F 17328 EN Much Bigger Than Martin Kellogg, Steven LG 2.5 0.5 430 F 18637 EN Mucky Pup Brown, Ken LG 3.3 0.5 365 F 5527 EN Mud Pony, The Cohen, Caron Lee LG 3.7 0.5 969 F 19843 EN Muddle Cuddle Gugler, Laurel Dee LG 2.9 0.5 517 F 5030 EN Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters Steptoe, John LG 4.3 0.5 1,588 F 122887 EN Mummies Spengler, Kremena LG 3.7 0.5 550 NF 46468 EN Osborne, Will LG 4.9 1.0 4,640 NF 138413 EN Mummies and Pyramids: A Nonfiction Companion to Mummies in the Morning Mummies Around the World Claybourne, Anna LG 3.5 0.5 656 NF 14683 EN Mummies Don't Coach Softball Dadey, Debbie LG 2.9 1.0 7,812 F 10644 EN Mummies in the Morning Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.7 1.0 5,105 F F 6496 EN Musical Max Kraus, Robert LG 2.3 0.5 366 13571 EN Muslim Holidays Winchester, Faith LG 3.7 0.5 1,396 NF 280 EN Mustard Graeber, Charlotte LG 2.0 1.0 5,994 F 121514 EN My Auntie Susan Bird, Sheila May LG 1.4 0.5 90 F 48169 EN My "b" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 309 F 35302 EN My Bear and Me Maitland, Barbara LG 1.6 0.5 125 F 14954 EN My Best Friend Is Invisible Stine, R.L. MG 2.8 2.0 17,438 F 121515 EN My Big, New Bed Nash, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 76 F 66000 EN My Body: Head to Toe Bullard, Lisa LG 2.6 0.5 414 16398 EN My Brother, Ant Byars, Betsy LG 1.7 0.5 1,067 F 27986 EN My Brother, the Pest Bernstein, Margery LG 1.7 0.5 459 F NF 7189 EN My Buddy Osofsky, Audrey LG 3.5 0.5 3,500 F 47513 EN My Bunny and Me George, Lindsay Barrett LG 1.7 0.5 99 F 48170 EN My "c" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 293 F 53208 EN My Car Barton, Byron LG 0.9 0.5 88 F 46820 EN My Cat Foley, Cate LG 0.9 0.5 114 NF 104245 EN My Cat's a Mommy! Bennett, Leonie LG 1.4 0.5 254 NF 48171 EN My "d" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 222 F 8028 EN My Dad Takes Care of Me Quinlan, Patricia LG 2.5 0.5 542 F 66001 EN My Day: Morning, Noon, and Night Bullard, Lisa LG 2.5 0.5 388 NF Page 76 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 56669 EN My Deer Is a Dear Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 112 NF 104246 EN My Dog's a Mommy! Bennett, Leonie LG 1.5 0.5 240 NF 66002 EN Bullard, Lisa LG 2.6 0.5 394 NF 49495 EN My Family: Love and Care, Give and Share My Friend and I Jahn-Clough, Lisa LG 1.4 0.5 322 F 107032 EN My Friend John Zolotow, Charlotte LG 2.4 0.5 213 F 281 EN My Friend the Vampire Sommer-Bodenburg, Angela MG 4.0 4.0 27,000 F 9464 EN My Friends Gomi, Taro LG 2.0 0.5 152 F 11181 EN My G-r-r-r-reat Uncle Tiger Riordan, James LG 2.8 0.5 593 F 6133 EN My Great-Aunt Arizona Houston, Gloria LG 4.0 0.5 937 NF 48175 EN My "h" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 307 F F 9616 EN My Hairiest Adventure Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 25,765 66003 EN Bullard, Lisa LG 2.8 0.5 466 NF 27703 EN My Home: Walls, Floors, Ceilings, and Doors My Life with the Wave Cowan, Catherine LG 4.2 0.5 783 F 9782 EN My Little Island Lessac, Frane LG 3.6 0.5 785 F 49258 EN My Little Sister Ate One Hare Grossman, Bill LG 2.1 0.5 395 F 31601 EN My Loose Tooth Krensky, Stephen LG 1.0 0.5 171 F 5236 EN My Mom Made Me Go to Camp Delton, Judy LG 1.7 0.5 4,027 F 48708 EN My Mother Is Mine Bauer, Marion Dane LG 0.9 0.5 100 F 48181 EN My "n" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 287 F 66004 EN Bullard, Lisa LG 3.2 0.5 536 NF 7234 EN My Neighborhood: Places and Faces My New Boy Phillips, Joan LG 1.0 0.5 256 F 74594 EN My Ol' Man Polacco, Patricia LG 3.7 0.5 2,019 F 26621 EN My One Book (My Number Books) Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 400 31864 EN My Pal Al Leonard, Marcia LG 0.6 0.5 81 125212 EN My Parents' Divorce Hewitt, Sally LG 3.7 0.5 2,356 48185 EN My "r" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 2.1 0.5 246 F 11383 EN Polacco, Patricia LG 3.3 0.5 1,308 F 26627 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 515 NF 11182 EN My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother My Seven Book (My Number Books) My Shadow Stevenson, Robert Louis LG 2.6 0.5 187 NF NF F NF 7153 EN My Sister, My Science Report Bechard, Margaret LG 3.2 2.0 16,688 125213 EN My Stepfamily Hewitt, Sally LG 3.3 0.5 2,356 F 21252 EN My Steps Derby, Sally LG 3.3 0.5 715 F 48187 EN My "t" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.7 0.5 276 F 31611 EN My Tooth Is About to Fall Out Maccarone, Grace LG 1.6 0.5 175 F 41864 EN My Tooth Is Loose! Silverman, Martin LG 1.7 0.5 302 F 15396 EN My Visit to the Aquarium Aliki LG 2.7 0.5 3,010 F 5528 EN My Visit to the Dinosaurs Aliki LG 3.2 0.5 797 NF 53920 EN My World Brown, Margaret Wise LG 0.8 0.5 193 F 16859 EN My Worst Days Diary Altman, Suzanne LG 3.2 0.5 1,553 F 141325 EN Mysterious Mantises Roza, Greg LG 0.7 0.5 68 19584 EN Mysterious Tadpole, The Kellogg, Steven LG 3.6 0.5 745 NF NF F Page 77 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 20032 EN Mystery at Peacock Hall, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.7 2.0 16,119 F 9274 EN Mystery at Snowflake Inn, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.0 2.0 14,000 F 11428 EN Mystery at the Ballpark, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.7 2.0 16,766 F 9275 EN Mystery at the Dog Show, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.8 2.0 14,492 F 14684 EN Mystery at the Fair, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.3 2.0 12,000 F 5317 EN Mystery Behind the Wall Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.8 2.0 15,625 F 5329 EN Mystery Cruise, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.3 2.0 15,038 F 5328 EN Mystery Girl, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.3 2.0 15,038 F 9276 EN Mystery Horse, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.8 2.0 14,492 F 5316 EN Mystery in the Sand Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.8 2.0 15,625 F 9277 EN Mystery in the Snow, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 F 9278 EN Mystery in Washington, D.C., The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.9 2.0 14,999 F 6822 EN Mystery of Smugglers Cove Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.1 5.0 31,535 F 6282 EN Mystery of the Blue Ring, The Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.0 1.0 5,616 F 9482 EN Kellogg, Steven LG 2.6 0.5 422 F 109312 EN Mystery of the Flying Orange Pumpkin, The Mystery of the Haunted House, The Masters, M. MG 4.0 1.0 8,389 F 9279 EN Mystery of the Hidden Beach, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.3 2.0 14,000 F 5324 EN Mystery of the Hidden Painting, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.1 2.0 15,267 F 20033 EN Mystery of the Lake Monster, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.0 2.0 15,092 F 9280 EN Mystery of the Lost Village, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.6 2.0 14,598 F 9281 EN Mystery of the Missing Cat, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.0 2.0 14,000 F 14685 EN Mystery of the Missing Dog, The Levy, Elizabeth LG 3.0 1.0 3,933 F 19234 EN Kellogg, Steven LG 1.8 0.5 250 F 5326 EN Mystery of the Missing Red Mitten, The Mystery of the Mixed-up Zoo Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.2 2.0 15,152 F 9282 EN Mystery of the Phantom Pony, The Hall, Lynn LG 2.7 1.0 7,500 F 7384 EN Mystery of the Pirate Ghost, The Hayes, Geoffrey LG 2.7 0.5 3,793 F 9283 EN Mystery of the Purple Pool, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.8 2.0 14,777 F 9284 EN Mystery of the Singing Ghost, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.9 2.0 14,388 F 5678 EN Mystery of the Spiral Bridge, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.5 5.0 33,097 F 109313 EN Mystery of the Star Ship Movie, The Masters, M. MG 4.2 1.0 9,140 F 25214 EN Mystery of the Stolen Bike, The Brown, Marc LG 2.6 1.0 5,028 F 9483 EN Kellogg, Steven LG 1.9 0.5 415 F 11429 EN Mystery of the Stolen Blue Paint, The Mystery of the Stolen Boxcar, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.6 2.0 15,851 F 10678 EN Mystery of the Stolen Music, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.7 2.0 13,670 F 7154 EN Mystery on October Road Herzig, Alison Cragin LG 3.0 1.0 8,203 F 10679 EN Mystery on Stage, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 4.2 2.0 16,334 F 9285 EN Mystery on the Ice, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.9 2.0 14,999 F 5304 EN Mystery Ranch Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.9 2.0 15,504 F 11183 EN N-O Spells No! Slater, Teddy LG 2.5 0.5 350 F 56670 EN Names Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.7 0.5 47 NF 26937 EN Nana's Hog Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.8 0.5 91 F 5529 EN Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs De Paola, Tomie LG 3.4 0.5 705 F Page 78 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5530 EN Napping House, The Wood, Audrey LG 2.8 0.5 268 F 330 EN Nate the Great Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman LG 2.0 0.5 1,594 F 7627 EN Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman LG 3.1 0.5 2,601 F 5237 EN Nate the Great and the Missing Key Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman LG 1.8 0.5 1,935 F 9286 EN Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman LG 2.2 0.5 2,500 F F 9287 EN Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine Nate the Great and the Stolen Base Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman LG 2.0 0.5 2,500 72095 EN Native American Baskets Cherrington, Janet LG 2.2 0.5 217 NF 6392 EN Ferris, Jeri LG 6.6 2.0 12,429 NF 72140 EN Sherman, Josepha LG 3.7 0.5 540 NF 63360 EN Native American Doctor:The Story of Susan LaFlesche Picotte Nature's Fireworks: A Book About Lightining Naughty Puppy, The Powell, Jillian LG 1.9 0.5 174 F 36761 EN Near and Far Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 85 116685 EN Ned Loses His Head Slater, David Michael LG 3.3 0.5 779 F 122888 EN Needs and Wants Olson, Gillia M. LG 1.6 0.5 164 NF 14686 EN Nelson in Love Smith, Janice Lee LG 3.3 2.0 11,323 16373 EN Netherlands, The Dahl, Michael LG 3.5 0.5 1,121 NF 6134 EN Nettie Jo's Friends McKissack, Patricia C. LG 3.1 0.5 1,444 F 5238 EN Nettie's Trip South Turner, Ann LG 3.0 0.5 3,684 F 13781 EN Johnson, Doug LG 3.2 0.5 570 F F NF F 6078 EN Never Ride Your Elephant to School Never Spit on Your Shoes Cazet, Denys LG 2.0 0.5 433 36762 EN New and Old Doudna, Kelly LG 0.5 0.5 77 27478 EN New Coat for Anna, A Ziefert, Harriet LG 3.5 0.5 1,036 F 18638 EN New Dog, The Hazen, Barbara Shook LG 3.5 0.5 965 F 100148 EN New England Patriots LeBoutillier, Nate LG 2.8 0.5 320 NF 9077 EN New Kid, The Economos, Christine LG 1.8 0.5 789 F 7190 EN New Shoes for Silvia Hurwitz, Johanna LG 2.4 0.5 3,500 F 2016 EN New York Facts and Symbols McAuliffe, Emily LG 3.5 0.5 1,068 NF 100149 EN New York Giants LeBoutillier, Nate LG 2.7 0.5 319 NF 120438 EN New York Knicks Frisch, Aaron LG 2.9 0.5 397 NF 56353 EN Newspaper Carriers Christian M.Ed., Sandra J. LG 3.5 0.5 356 NF 9682 EN Next Time I Will Orgel, Doris LG 2.7 0.5 708 F 40495 EN ng Molter, Carey LG 1.4 0.5 86 45250 EN Nice Try, Tooth Fairy Olson, Mary W. LG 1.7 0.5 337 F 32784 EN Nicky and the Big, Bad Wolves Gorbachev, Valeri LG 1.8 0.5 272 F 64117 EN Wing, Natasha LG 2.8 0.5 543 F 9288 EN Kudlinski, Kathleen V. MG 4.4 1.0 7,500 F 58138 EN Kramer, S.A. LG 2.5 0.5 979 9617 EN Night Before the Night Before Christmas, The Night Bird: A Story of the Seminole Indians Night Flight: Charles Lindbergh's Incredible Adventure Night in Terror Tower, A Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 3.0 25,000 F 9618 EN Night of the Living Dummy Stine, R.L. MG 3.7 3.0 25,294 F 14955 EN Night of the Living Dummy II Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 20,801 F 14956 EN Night of the Living Dummy III Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 21,013 F NF NF NF Page 79 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 105864 EN Night of the New Magicians Osborne, Mary Pope LG 4.0 2.0 11,651 F 10680 EN Night of the Ninjas Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.7 1.0 5,428 F 6079 EN Night Tree Bunting, Eve LG 3.3 0.5 761 F 282 EN Nighty-Nightmare Howe, James MG 4.0 2.0 14,600 F 53082 EN Ninth Nugget, The Roy, Ron LG 3.7 1.0 9,616 F 40496 EN Nn Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 43 11430 EN No Arm in Left Field Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 2.0 14,124 F NF 6283 EN No Dogs Allowed Cutler, Jane LG 4.4 3.0 20,833 F 17330 EN No Fair! Holtzman, Caren LG 1.4 0.5 440 F 65987 EN No Fair! Kids Talk About Fairness Loewen, Nancy LG 3.9 0.5 2,532 NF 5487 EN No Fighting, No Biting! Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 2.6 0.5 1,907 F 7235 EN No Good in Art Cohen, Miriam LG 2.8 0.5 781 F 16196 EN No Jumping on the Bed! Arnold, Tedd LG 4.5 0.5 816 F 7287 EN No Mail for Mitchell Siracusa, Catherine LG 2.0 0.5 495 F 7385 EN No More Monsters for Me Parish, Peggy LG 1.6 0.5 300 F 7236 EN No More TV, Sleepy Dog Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.9 0.5 210 F 61761 EN No! No! Word Bird Moncure, Jane Belk LG 0.6 0.5 178 F 59747 EN No One Told the Aardvark Eaton, Deborah LG 2.5 0.5 447 F 14687 EN No Room for Francie Macdonald, Maryann LG 2.8 1.0 4,041 F 17541 EN No Roses for Harry! Zion, Gene LG 2.1 0.5 546 F 6284 EN No Tooth, No Quarter! Buller, Jon LG 2.1 0.5 3,941 F 7288 EN Noah's Ark Hayward, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 279 F 51260 EN Nobody Asked Me! Henry, Steve LG 0.7 0.5 131 F 50089 EN McCain, Becky Ray LG 2.7 0.5 319 F 18639 EN Nobody Knew What to Do: A Story About Bullying Noisy Nora Wells, Rosemary LG 2.3 0.5 204 F 112110 EN Noodle Leaf, Munro LG 2.8 0.5 1,354 F 7386 EN Norma Jean, Jumping Bean Cole, Joanna LG 2.4 0.5 3,940 F 36011 EN Norman the Doorman Freeman, Don LG 5.2 0.5 1,329 F 1602 EN North Carolina Facts and Symbols Sateren, Shelley Swanson LG 4.0 0.5 1,103 NF 19160 EN North, South, East, and West Fowler, Allan LG 3.0 0.5 307 NF 51185 EN Norway Deady, Kathleen W. LG 3.7 0.5 1,138 NF 51186 EN Olson, Kay Melchisedech MG 6.4 1.0 4,086 NF 117371 EN Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish Immigrants, 1820-1920 Nosy Arnie the Anteater Emerson, Carl LG 2.4 0.5 977 F 9386 EN Not I, Not I Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 2,500 F 9684 EN "Not Now!" Said the Cow Oppenheim, Joanne LG 2.0 0.5 584 F 8542 EN Not-So-Jolly Roger, The Scieszka, Jon MG 3.8 1.0 6,829 F 65739 EN Not Until Christmas, Walter! Christelow, Eileen LG 2.6 0.5 936 F 11431 EN Nothing But Trouble Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.2 2.0 14,801 F 56648 EN Nouns Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 79 NF 72096 EN Now and Long Ago Blevins, Wiley LG 1.9 0.5 229 NF 53209 EN Now What Can I Do? Bridges, Margaret Park LG 2.2 0.5 484 F 20034 EN Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide! Duey, Kathleen LG 2.8 0.5 1,643 F 43972 EN Numbers: Counting It Up Koomen, Michele LG 2.9 0.5 513 NF Page 80 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 158 NF 127845 EN Nurse Shark Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 2.1 0.5 14977 EN Nuts to You! Ehlert, Lois LG 2.4 0.5 207 F 283 EN Nutty for President Hughes, Dean MG 5.0 4.0 27,000 F 40497 EN oa Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 108 NF 124879 EN Oak Tree Huseby, Victoria LG 2.8 0.5 321 NF 31809 EN Oak Trees Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.5 0.5 133 NF 100150 EN Oakland Raiders Frisch, Aaron LG 2.8 0.5 320 NF 66345 EN -ob as in Knob Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.7 0.5 140 NF 66346 EN -ock as in Block Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.4 0.5 129 NF 110290 EN Octopus's Garden Kompelien, Tracy LG 3.9 0.5 400 F 31760 EN Octopuses Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.5 0.5 49 29966 EN Odd Velvet Whitcomb, Mary E. LG 4.1 0.5 700 F 65069 EN Off to School, Baby Duck! Hest, Amy LG 2.0 0.5 619 F 66347 EN -og as in Dog Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.3 0.5 116 NF 113640 EN Oh Behave! Doudna, Kelly LG 2.5 0.5 325 NF 31586 EN Oh, Cats! Buck, Nola LG 0.4 0.5 94 F 9038 EN Oh Say Can You Say? Seuss, Dr. LG 3.4 0.5 2,500 F 9039 EN Oh, the Places You'll Go! Seuss, Dr. LG 3.3 0.5 2,500 F 9040 EN Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! Seuss, Dr. LG 2.1 0.5 2,500 F 21407 EN Oh, Tucker! Kroll, Steven LG 1.2 0.5 283 F NF 6080 EN Old Black Fly Aylesworth, Jim LG 1.4 0.5 333 F 56871 EN Lawlor, Laurie LG 2.8 0.5 680 F 6497 EN Old Crump: The True Story of a Trip West Old Ladies Who Liked Cats, The Greene, Carol LG 4.2 0.5 510 F 12034 EN Muntean, Michaela LG 3.5 0.5 1,122 F 10681 EN Old Man and the Afternoon Cat, The Old Man and the Bear, The Hanel, Wolfram LG 4.0 0.5 1,226 F 5323 EN Old Motel Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.2 2.0 15,152 F 53717 EN Old Mother Hubbard Cabrera, Jane LG 1.9 0.5 133 F 6081 EN Old Woman and Her Pig, The Kimmel, Eric A. LG 2.4 0.5 855 F 14431 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 3.4 0.5 1,214 F 7336 EN Old Woman Who Named Things, The Oliver Hoff, Syd LG 1.8 0.5 4,023 F 18640 EN Oliver & Amanda and the Big Snow Van Leeuwen, Jean LG 2.4 0.5 1,085 F 44915 EN Oliver and Albert, Friends Forever Van Leeuwen, Jean LG 2.3 0.5 1,393 F 51673 EN Oliver Button Is a Sissy De Paola, Tomie LG 2.9 0.5 683 F 284 EN Oliver Dibbs to the Rescue! Steiner, Barbara MG 5.0 4.0 27,000 F 9289 EN Oliver Pig at School Van Leeuwen, Jean LG 2.1 0.5 2,500 F 52402 EN Olivia Saves the Circus Falconer, Ian LG 1.9 0.5 310 F 42424 EN Omar on Ice Kovalski, Maryann LG 2.2 0.5 672 F 72097 EN On a Farm Chapman, Cindy LG 0.7 0.5 86 NF 55447 EN On a Mountain Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 68 NF 43122 EN On a Wintry Morning Chaconas, Dori LG 1.9 0.5 315 F 9041 EN On Beyond Zebra Seuss, Dr. LG 3.2 0.5 2,500 F 51318 EN On Monday When It Rained Kachenmeister, Cherryl LG 2.7 0.5 336 F Page 81 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count 206 F/NF 6082 EN On Mother's Lap Scott, Ann LG 2.0 0.5 F 48236 EN On My Boat: The Sound of Long O Noyed, Robert B. LG 0.8 0.5 69 67 EN On the Banks of Plum Creek Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 4.6 8.0 55,214 116189 EN On the Duck Pond Stockland, Patricia M. LG 2.7 0.5 413 NF NF F 4163 EN On the Go Trumbauer, Lisa LG 2.1 0.5 313 NF 55448 EN On the Prairie Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 70 NF 46601 EN On the Stairs Larios, Julie Hofstrand LG 1.5 0.5 284 F 105505 EN On the Way to the Pond Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 1.3 0.5 211 F 11184 EN On Top of Spaghetti Glazer, Tom LG 2.1 0.5 105 F 29236 EN Once a Mouse... Brown, Marcia LG 3.2 0.5 327 F 19236 EN Once There Were Giants Waddell, Martin LG 2.5 0.5 462 F 41865 EN Once Upon a Springtime Marzollo, Jean LG 2.3 0.5 426 F 66359 EN -one as in Stone Molter, Carey LG 1.2 0.5 118 NF 82985 EN One Dark and Dreadful Night Cecil, Randy LG 3.2 0.5 895 F 9619 EN One Day at HorrorLand Stine, R.L. MG 3.7 3.0 25,157 F 11432 EN One Day in the Alpine Tundra George, Jean Craighead MG 5.5 1.0 4,623 F 14688 EN One Day in the Desert George, Jean Craighead MG 5.1 1.0 6,653 F 14689 EN One Day in the Prairie George, Jean Craighead MG 5.0 1.0 6,463 F 59438 EN One Duck Stuck Root, Phyllis LG 1.4 0.5 386 F 5488 EN One Fine Day Hogrogian, Nonny LG 3.5 0.5 689 F 9042 EN Seuss, Dr. LG 1.4 0.5 1,143 F 679 EN Blume, Judy LG 2.5 0.5 1,482 F 41435 EN One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo, The One Lighthouse, One Moon Lobel, Anita LG 1.7 0.5 193 F 7585 EN One Morning in Maine McCloskey, Robert LG 4.4 0.5 2,632 F 5239 EN One of the Third Grade Thonkers Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds LG 4.9 5.0 33,557 F 6083 EN One of Three Johnson, Angela LG 2.4 0.5 308 F 14690 EN Onion Sundaes Adler, David A. LG 2.4 1.0 5,725 F 6285 EN Only One Woof Herriot, James LG 3.5 1.0 7,407 F 78736 EN Only Tadpoles Have Tails Clarke, Jane LG 2.0 0.5 767 F 40498 EN Oo Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 43 NF 36931 EN Oo (Long Vowels) Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 107 NF 40499 EN oo (Vowel Blends) Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 106 NF 66360 EN -ook as in Hook Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 163 NF 66361 EN -oon as in Spoon Molter, Carey LG 1.4 0.5 113 NF 18641 EN Oops! McNaughton, Colin LG 1.5 0.5 549 F 42161 EN Oops, Clifford! Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 381 F 66348 EN -op as in Top Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.5 0.5 128 NF 117372 EN Opie the Opossum Wakes Up Emerson, Carl LG 2.3 0.5 1,073 F 62265 EN Orange Outlaw, The Roy, Ron LG 3.6 1.0 7,603 F 104247 EN Orangutan Baby Hughes, Monica LG 1.5 0.5 260 NF 125346 EN Orangutans De Medeiros, Michael LG 4.3 0.5 1,265 NF 66362 EN -ore as in Core Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.5 0.5 114 NF 122889 EN Oriental Cats Lewis, Gail LG 1.6 0.5 116 NF Page 82 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 5222 EN 6286 EN Original Adventures of Hank the Cowdog, The Oscar, Cat-About-Town Points Word Count F/NF 4.6 4.0 27,397 F LG 3.9 1.0 7,194 F F Author IL Erickson, John R. MG Herriot, James ATOS BL 7337 EN Oscar Otter Benchley, Nathaniel LG 1.6 0.5 4,130 66349 EN -ot as in Knot Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.5 0.5 136 NF 47342 EN Other Dog, The L'Engle, Madeleine LG 4.0 0.5 904 F 40500 EN ou Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 106 NF 41242 EN Our Favorite Things To Do Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.4 0.5 241 NF 72113 EN Our Flag Benton, Celia LG 1.2 0.5 122 NF 32835 EN Our Living Forests Fowler, Allan LG 3.3 0.5 429 NF 77423 EN Our Nest Lindbergh, Reeve LG 3.2 0.5 407 F 125214 EN Our New Baby Hewitt, Sally LG 3.2 0.5 2,351 NF 65988 EN Mayr, Diane LG 3.3 0.5 609 NF 65989 EN Out and About at the Apple Orchard Out and About at the Bakery Ericsson, Jennifer A. LG 3.8 0.5 661 NF 65990 EN Out and About at the Dairy Farm Murphy, Andy LG 3.2 0.5 596 NF 65991 EN Out and About at the Fire Station Dubois, Muriel L. LG 3.5 0.5 622 NF 65992 EN Out and About at the Orchestra Turner, Barbara J. LG 4.1 0.5 724 NF 65993 EN Out and About at the Zoo Deady, Kathleen W. LG 3.4 0.5 604 NF 56815 EN Out in Space Conrad, David LG 3.1 0.5 445 NF 18783 EN Out of the Dust Hesse, Karen MG 5.3 3.0 19,756 115976 EN Ovals Vogel, Julia LG 1.7 0.5 194 11185 EN Over and Over Zolotow, Charlotte LG 3.9 0.5 1,049 F 74305 EN Over in the Meadow Keats, Ezra Jack LG 2.3 0.5 390 F 6135 EN Over the Green Hills Isadora, Rachel LG 2.9 0.5 906 F 66350 EN -ow as in Cow Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.7 0.5 155 NF 66363 EN -ow as in Crow Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 94 NF 55841 EN Owen Foote, Super Spy Greene, Stephanie LG 3.6 2.0 13,364 F 5531 EN Owl and the Pussycat, The Lear, Edward LG 2.5 0.5 221 F F NF 7387 EN Owl at Home Lobel, Arnold LG 2.2 0.5 3,940 F 23502 EN Owl Babies Waddell, Martin LG 2.4 0.5 325 F F 5532 EN Owl Moon Yolen, Jane LG 3.2 0.5 751 113200 EN Owls: Hunters of the Night Landau, Elaine LG 3.7 0.5 1,452 6084 EN Ox-Cart Man Hall, Donald LG 4.5 0.5 654 F 9575 EN P.J. Funnybunny Camps Out Sadler, Marilyn LG 1.6 0.5 4,000 F 7338 EN P.J. the Spoiled Bunny Sadler, Marilyn LG 3.0 0.5 3,684 F 42949 EN Paddington Abroad Bond, Michael LG 6.0 4.0 22,866 F 40202 EN Paddington Bear at the Circus Bond, Michael LG 3.8 0.5 1,247 F 5533 EN Pain and the Great One, The Blume, Judy LG 3.1 0.5 901 F 43996 EN Pakistan Deady, Kathleen W. LG 3.8 0.5 1,105 14641 EN Pal the Pony Herman, R.A. LG 1.3 0.5 224 F 56637 EN Palm in My Palm, A Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 199 NF 31806 EN Palm Trees Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.6 0.5 124 NF 62266 EN Panda Puzzle, The Roy, Ron LG 3.5 1.0 8,544 118595 EN Pandas Cleland, JoAnn LG 2.4 0.5 250 NF NF F NF Page 83 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 6085 EN Papa Lucky's Shadow Daly, Niki LG 3.5 0.5 529 F 9786 EN Paper Crane, The Bang, Molly LG 3.6 0.5 450 F 18642 EN Paperboy, The Pilkey, Dav LG 3.9 0.5 373 F 39842 EN Adler, David A. MG 4.0 2.0 15,259 F 48237 EN Parachuting Hamsters and Andy Russell Parakeets Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 75 110291 EN Parrot Crackers Doudna, Kelly LG 3.2 0.5 445 31753 EN Parrotfish Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 52 NF 72098 EN Parts of a Plant Blevins, Wiley LG 1.8 0.5 199 NF 2051 EN Passenger Trains Lassieur, Allison LG 3.2 0.5 417 NF 89505 EN Patience Olien, Rebecca LG 2.9 0.5 519 NF NF F 5489 EN Patrick's Dinosaurs Carrick, Carol LG 3.3 0.5 692 F 62646 EN Patriotism Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.3 0.5 193 NF 43997 EN Patterns: What Comes Next? Koomen, Michele LG 2.4 0.5 403 NF 34893 EN Patty's Pumpkin Patch Sloat, Teri LG 3.5 0.5 263 F 9134 EN Paul Bunyan: A Tall Tale Kellogg, Steven LG 5.7 0.5 1,004 F 9331 EN Paul the Pitcher Sharp, Paul LG 1.8 0.5 86 F 7587 EN Peace at Last Murphy, Jill LG 1.9 0.5 358 F 89506 EN Peacefulness Olien, Rebecca LG 2.9 0.5 483 NF 110292 EN Peacock Fan Scheunemann, Pam LG 3.1 0.5 415 F 7637 EN Peanut-Butter Pilgrims Delton, Judy LG 3.2 1.0 7,185 F 11433 EN Kudlinski, Kathleen V. MG 3.5 1.0 8,409 F 20035 EN Pearl Harbor is Burning! A Story of World War II Pedal Power Delton, Judy LG 2.8 1.0 10,296 F 10682 EN Peddler's Dream, A Shefelman, Janice Jordan LG 4.2 0.5 1,670 F 10683 EN Pee Wees on First Delton, Judy LG 3.5 1.0 8,554 F 7588 EN Peeping Beauty Auch, Mary Jane LG 3.1 0.5 1,008 F 110293 EN Pelican's Pouch Scheunemann, Pam LG 3.2 0.5 470 F 10533 EN Penguin Pete Pfister, Marcus LG 3.2 0.5 500 F 17543 EN Penguin Pete, Ahoy! Pfister, Marcus LG 2.6 0.5 666 F 17542 EN Penguin Pete and Little Tim Pfister, Marcus LG 2.7 0.5 838 F 10534 EN Penguin Pete's New Friends Pfister, Marcus LG 3.0 0.5 2,500 F 54239 EN Penguin Pup for Pinkerton, A Kellogg, Steven LG 2.9 0.5 547 F 55449 EN Penguins Molter, Carey LG 1.3 0.5 37 NF 125347 EN Penguins Whitfield, Dave LG 4.3 0.5 1,233 NF 7388 EN Penrod Again Christian, Mary Blount LG 1.3 0.5 1,040 F 7389 EN Penrod's Pants Christian, Mary Blount LG 1.2 0.5 1,040 F 4186 EN People and Places Weidenman, Lauren LG 2.3 0.5 255 NF 76583 EN People Around the World Doudna, Kelly LG 1.7 0.5 147 NF 115418 EN People in Fall Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.1 0.5 98 NF 123656 EN People in Winter Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.3 0.5 106 NF 4182 EN People Work Ecker, Debbie LG 1.7 0.5 233 NF 48106 EN Pepito the Brave Beck, Scott LG 1.4 0.5 190 F 48750 EN Peregrine's Journey: A Story of Migration, The Dunphy, Madeleine LG 4.4 0.5 1,275 NF Page 84 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF F 7390 EN Perfect the Pig Jeschke, Susan LG 3.8 0.5 3,456 56671 EN Period Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 114 NF 18643 EN Perrywinkle's Magic Match Madsen, Ross Martin LG 3.4 0.5 875 F 119318 EN Persian Cats Perkins, Wendy LG 2.0 0.5 142 NF 66881 EN Pet Frog Nelson, Robin LG 1.8 0.5 201 NF 66882 EN Pet Guinea Pig Nelson, Robin LG 2.2 0.5 246 NF 66883 EN Pet Hamster Nelson, Robin LG 1.5 0.5 173 NF 66884 EN Pet Hermit Crab Nelson, Robin LG 2.9 0.5 281 NF 29244 EN Pet Show! Keats, Ezra Jack LG 2.2 0.5 461 F 48208 EN Pet: The Sound of P, A Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.6 0.5 62 NF 56649 EN Pete Presents the Presents Molter, Carey LG 1.6 0.5 133 NF 16869 EN Peter's Chair Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.8 0.5 299 F 40604 EN Peter's Picture Gorbachev, Valeri LG 1.9 0.5 454 F 40501 EN ph Molter, Carey LG 0.9 0.5 67 10684 EN Phantom in the Mirror, The Erickson, John R. MG 5.1 3.0 19,219 F NF 9620 EN Phantom of the Auditorium Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 3.0 24,998 F 31075 EN Phantoms Don't Drive Sports Cars Dadey, Debbie LG 4.0 1.0 6,840 F 120439 EN Philadelphia 76ers Frisch, Aaron LG 2.8 0.5 409 9621 EN Piano Lessons Can Be Murder Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 3.0 25,348 F 12093 EN Picasso, the Green Tree Frog Graham, Amanda LG 2.3 0.5 206 F 137986 EN Koontz, Robin LG 1.8 0.5 271 NF 113622 EN Pick a Perfect Pumpkin: Learning About Pumpkin Harvests Pickle Is Dilly, Cool and Chilly!, The Kompelien, Tracy LG 2.0 0.5 198 NF 17544 EN Pickles to Pittsburgh Barrett, Judi LG 4.3 0.5 1,021 128728 EN Pickup Trucks Zobel, Derek LG 1.3 0.5 92 NF 78814 EN Zuehlke, Jeffrey LG 2.3 0.5 392 NF NF F 46260 EN Pickup Trucks/Pickup Trucks on the Move Picnic with Piggins Yolen, Jane LG 3.3 0.5 1,495 116059 EN Pictographs Bodach, Vijaya Khisty LG 2.1 0.5 370 NF 29428 EN Picture Book of Davy Crockett, A Adler, David A. LG 4.5 0.5 1,554 NF 29436 EN Picture Book of John F. Kennedy, A Adler, David A. LG 4.6 0.5 1,073 NF F F 7339 EN Picture for Harold's Room, A Johnson, Crockett LG 2.0 0.5 3,941 116060 EN Pie Graphs Bodach, Vijaya Khisty LG 2.5 0.5 431 NF 138226 EN Blair, Eric LG 2.1 0.5 337 F 7391 EN Pied Piper (My 1st Classic Story), The Pied Piper of Hamelin, The Hautzig, Deborah LG 1.5 0.5 1,456 F 44029 EN Pig Is Big, A Florian, Douglas LG 1.6 0.5 200 F 106266 EN Pig Little Thaler, Mike LG 3.3 0.5 713 F 29235 EN Pig Pig Grows Up McPhail, David LG 3.0 0.5 551 F 58139 EN Piggle Bonsall, Crosby LG 1.8 0.5 1,151 F 36759 EN Piglets Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 63 NF 141255 EN Piglets Elora, Grace LG 0.7 0.5 67 NF 121291 EN Piglets Sexton, Colleen LG 1.1 0.5 94 NF 48238 EN Pigs Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 181 NF 117493 EN Pigs and Piglets Ganeri, Anita LG 2.8 0.5 475 NF Page 85 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7192 EN Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore! McPhail, David LG 1.9 0.5 500 F 17290 EN Plourde, Lynn LG 1.3 0.5 279 F 17332 EN Axelrod, Amy LG 3.2 0.5 691 F 43232 EN Axelrod, Amy LG 3.2 0.5 926 F 50986 EN Pigs in the Mud in the Middle of the Rud Pigs in the Pantry: Fun with Math and Cooking Pigs on the Ball: Fun with Math and Sports Pigs on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.1 0.5 72 17334 EN Axelrod, Amy LG 2.7 0.5 515 F 9290 EN Pigs Will Be Pigs: Fun with Math and Money Piles of Pets Delton, Judy LG 2.3 1.0 7,500 F 11434 EN Pilgrim Village Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 4.2 2.0 15,867 F 27523 EN Pillow War, The Novak, Matt LG 1.6 0.5 200 F 31807 EN Pine Trees Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.6 0.5 139 NF NF 8685 EN Pink and Say Polacco, Patricia MG 3.8 1.0 3,913 F 44653 EN Pinkerton, Behave! Kellogg, Steven LG 1.5 0.5 241 F 17686 EN Pinky and Rex and the Bully Howe, James LG 3.2 0.5 2,188 F 16389 EN Howe, James LG 3.0 0.5 2,569 F 20036 EN Pinky and Rex and the New Neighbors Pinky and Rex and the School Play Howe, James LG 2.7 0.5 2,641 F 6696 EN Pinky and Rex and the Spelling Bee Howe, James LG 3.2 0.5 2,533 F 9387 EN Pinocchio Hillert, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 2,500 F 10535 EN Pioneer Bear Sandin, Joan LG 2.3 0.5 2,500 F 121516 EN Pirate Pete Benton, Lynne LG 1.0 0.5 69 F 51906 EN Osborne, Will LG 4.9 1.0 4,564 NF 10685 EN Dadey, Debbie LG 3.9 1.0 7,901 F 9291 EN Pirates: A Nonfiction Companion to Pirates Past Noon Pirates Don't Wear Pink Sunglasses Pirates Past Noon Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.2 1.0 7,500 F 6086 EN Willard, Nancy LG 4.0 0.5 453 F 100151 EN Pish, Posh, said Hieronymus Bosch Pittsburgh Steelers LeBoutillier, Nate LG 2.9 0.5 320 NF 9292 EN Pizza Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.7 2.0 14,598 56672 EN Places Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.2 0.5 50 F NF 135306 EN Plan B Potter, Noel Gyro LG 4.1 0.5 1,442 NF 11186 EN Plane Song Siebert, Diane LG 4.6 0.5 481 F 20037 EN Planet Pee Wee Delton, Judy LG 2.8 1.0 10,616 F 56287 EN Planets, The Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 142 NF 84599 EN Plank Houses Gibson, Karen Bush LG 4.2 0.5 967 NF 72114 EN Plants Grow from Seeds Mann, Rachel LG 1.8 0.5 190 NF 5375 EN Play Ball! Freeman, Mark MG 4.9 4.0 26,846 F 903 EN Play Ball Hillert, Margaret LG 0.5 0.5 200 F F 6087 EN Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy LG 2.3 0.5 1,380 48239 EN Play Day: The Sound of Long A Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.8 0.5 54 NF 113641 EN Play Fair! Doudna, Kelly LG 2.5 0.5 322 NF 72115 EN Play It Safe! Chapman, Cindy LG 1.0 0.5 129 NF 5376 EN Play-off Hughes, Dean LG 3.4 1.0 7,463 F 5377 EN Play-off Pressure Freeman, Mark MG 6.1 4.0 24,845 F Page 86 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 55450 EN Please Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 116 NF 43679 EN Please Let It Snow Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.1 0.5 197 F 5534 EN Pocket For Corduroy, A Freeman, Don LG 3.7 0.5 861 F 7237 EN Poky Little Puppy, The Lowrey, Janette LG 4.0 0.5 1,163 F 51187 EN Poland Dell'Oro, Suzanne Paul LG 4.0 0.5 1,146 NF 6088 EN Martin Jr., Bill LG 2.1 0.5 200 125348 EN Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? Polar Bears De Medeiros, Michael LG 4.5 0.5 1,381 NF 31750 EN Polar Bears Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.7 0.5 78 NF 18742 EN Polar Bears Past Bedtime Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.3 1.0 5,724 F 5240 EN Polar Express, The Van Allsburg, Chris LG 3.1 0.5 3,681 F 77038 EN Police Cars Braithwaite, Jill LG 2.8 0.5 466 NF 31766 EN Police Cars Freeman, Marcia S. LG 2.0 0.5 178 NF 84793 EN Police Cars Lindeen, Carol K. LG 2.1 0.5 135 NF 43976 EN Police Cars Olien, Becky LG 3.2 0.5 422 NF 26680 EN Police Officers Protect People Greene, Carol LG 1.9 0.5 413 NF 42162 EN Pooh and the Storm That Sparkled Gaines, Isabel LG 2.0 0.5 475 F 65210 EN Pooh Goes Visiting Krensky, Stephen LG 3.4 0.5 1,279 F 41867 EN Pooh's Christmas Gifts Gaines, Isabel LG 2.6 0.5 511 F 41869 EN Pooh's Graduation Gaines, Isabel LG 3.0 0.5 542 F 42163 EN Pooh's Halloween Parade Gaines, Isabel LG 2.3 0.5 483 F 41872 EN Pooh's Leaf Pile Gaines, Isabel LG 2.4 0.5 500 F 41873 EN Pooh's Pumpkin Gaines, Isabel LG 2.9 0.5 584 F 41874 EN Pooh's Scavenger Hunt Gaines, Isabel LG 2.3 0.5 446 F 41875 EN Pooh's Surprise Basket Gaines, Isabel LG 2.0 0.5 385 F 7289 EN Popcorn Asch, Frank LG 2.3 0.5 370 F 18686 EN Popcorn at the Palace McCully, Emily Arnold LG 3.7 0.5 1,415 F 27474 EN Popcorn Book, The De Paola, Tomie LG 4.3 0.5 712 NF 25092 EN Poppleton and Friends Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.6 0.5 772 F 25095 EN Poppleton Everyday Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.0 0.5 719 F 14795 EN Poppy Avi MG 4.5 4.0 26,555 F 10536 EN Porcupine's Pajama Party Harshman, Terry Webb LG 2.3 0.5 2,500 F 60634 EN Porcupining: A Prickly Love Story Wheeler, Lisa LG 3.1 0.5 708 F 6136 EN Possum Come a-Knockin' Van Laan, Nancy LG 2.4 0.5 443 F 6498 EN Possum Magic Fox, Mem LG 3.0 0.5 496 F 44121 EN Possum's Harvest Moon Hunter, Anne LG 2.7 0.5 564 F 6646 EN Potluck Shelby, Anne LG 2.6 0.5 221 F 6287 EN Powder Puff Puzzle, The Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.2 1.0 8,197 F 77039 EN Powerboats Bullard, Lisa LG 2.7 0.5 464 NF 40502 EN Pp Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 42 NF 41436 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 4.0 0.5 730 F 79546 EN Prairie Day: Adapted from the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder Prairie Dogs and Their Burrows Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 2.1 0.5 136 NF 118635 EN Prairies O'Hare, Ted LG 2.9 0.5 237 NF F Page 87 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 43911 EN Praying Mantises Frost, Helen LG 2.3 0.5 78 10537 EN Present for Big Pig, A Gliori, Debi LG 3.5 0.5 2,500 F 25089 EN Present for Grandfather, A Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.3 0.5 858 F 130533 EN President Barack Obama Marks, Jennifer L. LG 2.8 0.5 414 NF 110294 EN Presidential Seal Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 3.3 0.5 441 F 36817 EN Presidents' Day Frost, Helen LG 2.7 0.5 162 NF 66885 EN Presidents' Day Nelson, Robin LG 2.4 0.5 233 NF 11435 EN Pressure Play/Line Drive to Short Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 4.0 24,894 F 32991 EN Preston's Goal! McNaughton, Colin LG 1.6 0.5 284 F 7392 EN Pretty Good Magic Dubowski, Cathy East LG 1.5 0.5 607 F 102607 EN Pretzel Rey, Margret LG 3.0 0.5 529 F 116046 EN Prickly Sea Stars Lunis, Natalie LG 3.5 0.5 649 NF 56680 EN Prince Left His Prints, The Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.5 0.5 113 NF 7290 EN Prince's Tooth Is Loose, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 142 F 17545 EN Princess and the Pea-ano, The Thaler, Mike LG 3.7 0.5 336 F 10538 EN Princess and the Pea, The Andersen, Hans Christian LG 3.5 0.5 2,500 F 72167 EN Princess and the Pea, The Blackaby, Susan LG 2.3 0.5 440 F 31615 EN Princess and the Pea, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.8 0.5 306 F 57421 EN Princess and the Pizza, The Auch, Mary Jane LG 4.2 0.5 1,308 F 48712 EN Princess Dinosaur Kastner, Jill LG 1.9 0.5 327 F 66430 EN Princess Furball Huck, Charlotte LG 4.7 0.5 2,290 F 16399 EN Princess Lulu Goes to Camp Cristaldi, Kathryn LG 2.6 0.5 1,096 F 11436 EN Princess Megan Magraw, Trisha MG 5.3 1.0 8,607 F 15233 EN Princess Pooh Muldoon, Kathleen M. LG 3.4 0.5 1,593 F 12755 EN Thaler, Mike LG 2.5 0.5 420 F 12336 EN Principal from the Black Lagoon, The Printing Griffiths, Rose LG 2.0 0.5 159 NF 130580 EN Suen, Anastasia LG 1.4 0.5 272 F 51142 EN Prize Inside: A Robot and Rico Story, A Pro Stock Cars Dubois, Muriel L. MG 4.4 0.5 1,984 NF 10621 EN Problems at the North Pole Peters, Lauren LG 4.3 0.5 1,729 F F 5535 EN Promise Is a Promise, A Munsch, Robert N. LG 4.0 0.5 1,604 56650 EN Pronouns Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 77 NF 56651 EN Proper Nouns Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 69 NF 72155 EN Owen, Ann LG 1.7 0.5 116 NF 62647 EN Protecting Your Home: A Book About Firefighters Proteins Are Powerful Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.4 0.5 228 NF 89993 EN Proud Pelican's Secret, The Johnson, Rebecca LG 2.8 0.5 290 F 5378 EN Psyched! Hughes, Dean LG 3.1 1.0 7,634 F 36847 EN Pteranodon Cohen, Daniel LG 3.1 0.5 327 NF 104879 EN Pteranodon Riehecky, Janet LG 1.6 0.5 136 NF 25272 EN Puddle, The McPhail, David LG 1.7 0.5 325 F 9293 EN Pudmuddles York, Carol Beach LG 2.5 0.5 2,500 F 24108 EN Pueblo Indians, The Ross, Pamela LG 3.9 0.5 1,006 NF 84600 EN Pueblos Preszler, June LG 3.9 0.5 825 NF Page 88 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 13575 EN Pulleys Dahl, Michael LG 3.3 0.5 345 NF 117519 EN Pulleys (Smart Apple Media) Oxlade, Chris LG 3.9 0.5 1,070 NF 6697 EN Pulling My Leg Carson, Jo LG 2.9 0.5 597 F 52965 EN Pumpkin Blanket, The Zagwyn, Deborah Turney LG 4.5 0.5 1,135 F 63965 EN Pumpkin Day! Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth LG 2.7 0.5 874 F 55920 EN Pumpkin Fair, The Bunting, Eve LG 2.1 0.5 389 F 115420 EN Pumpkin Harvest Harris, Calvin LG 1.6 0.5 104 NF 46604 EN Pumpkin Moonshine Tudor, Tasha LG 3.7 0.5 425 F 72356 EN Pumpkin Patch, The McNamara, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 230 F 7238 EN Pumpkin Pumpkin Titherington, Jeanne LG 2.4 0.5 75 F 44376 EN Pumpkin Soup Cooper, Helen LG 3.1 0.5 750 F 48240 EN Pumpkins Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 86 10622 EN Punt, Pass & Point Leggat, Bonnie-Alise LG 4.8 1.0 4,511 36298 EN Puppies Doudna, Kelly LG 0.9 0.5 65 NF 141256 EN Puppies Elora, Grace LG 0.9 0.5 86 NF 121293 EN Puppies Sexton, Colleen LG 1.0 0.5 95 NF 7291 EN Puppies Are Like That Pfloog, Jan LG 2.3 0.5 338 NF 21484 EN Puppy Love King-Smith, Dick LG 4.0 0.5 771 NF 7340 EN Puppy Who Wanted a Boy, The Thayer, Jane LG 2.1 0.5 1,590 F 16879 EN Purple Pickle Juice Farber, Erica LG 2.9 0.5 792 F F NF F 9388 EN Purple Pussycat, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 2,500 34551 EN Push and Pull Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 37 NF 72116 EN Push or Pull? Blevins, Wiley LG 2.1 0.5 228 NF 138218 EN Blair, Eric LG 2.5 0.5 458 F 122890 EN Puss in Boots (My 1st Classic Story) Pyramids Spengler, Kremena LG 3.9 0.5 560 NF 40503 EN Qq Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 42 NF 10337 EN Greene, Carol LG 3.7 0.5 624 F 56673 EN Queen Who Saved Her People, The Question Mark Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 112 NF 16853 EN Quick, Quack, Quick! Arnold, Marsha LG 1.5 0.5 288 F 61526 EN Quicksand Question, The Roy, Ron LG 3.7 1.0 9,416 F 117090 EN Freeman, Don LG 2.5 0.5 520 F 28142 EN Quiet! There's a Canary in the Library Quillworker: A Cheyenne Legend Cohlene, Terri LG 4.1 0.5 2,437 F 56674 EN Quotation Marks Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 126 NF 18644 EN R Is for Radish Coxe, Molly LG 1.7 0.5 655 F 43681 EN Rabbit and Turtle Go to School Floyd, Lucy LG 0.7 0.5 85 F 5379 EN Rabbit Ears Slote, Alfred MG 3.7 3.0 21,898 F 41876 EN Rabbit Gets Lost Gaines, Isabel LG 2.2 0.5 646 F 9686 EN Rabbit's Birthday Kite Macdonald, Maryann LG 2.0 0.5 573 F 36789 EN Rabbits Frost, Helen LG 0.8 0.5 37 NF 48241 EN Rabbits Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.8 0.5 78 NF 75260 EN Rabbits and Their Burrows Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.9 0.5 136 NF 113707 EN Raccoons: Scavengers of the Night Landau, Elaine LG 3.6 0.5 1,386 NF Page 89 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 131682 EN Race Cars Zobel, Derek LG 1.3 0.5 118 14691 EN Racetrack Robbery Leroe, Ellen LG 3.3 1.0 3,907 F 36023 EN Martin, Ann M. LG 1.9 0.5 2,021 F 125215 EN Rachel Parker, Kindergarten Show-Off Racism Hewitt, Sally LG 3.8 0.5 2,280 NF 6089 EN Rag Coat, The Mills, Lauren LG 3.9 0.5 2,020 F 122891 EN Ragdoll Cats Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.6 0.5 127 NF 31788 EN Rain Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 2.0 0.5 264 NF 72117 EN Rain Forest Animals Leber, Nancy LG 1.5 0.5 199 NF 118636 EN Rain Forests O'Hare, Ted LG 3.0 0.5 286 NF 61523 EN Rain Forests: A Nonfiction Companion to Afternoon on the Amazon Rain Player Osborne, Will LG 4.8 1.0 4,911 NF Wisniewski, David LG 3.8 0.5 1,246 F Kurtz, Jane LG 1.7 0.5 309 F Pfister, Marcus LG 3.6 0.5 678 F Pfister, Marcus LG 3.3 0.5 619 F 6990 EN 64300 EN 30016 EN 14998 EN Rain Romp: Stomping Away a Grouchy Day Rainbow Fish and the Big Blue Whale Rainbow Fish, The 43240 EN Rainbow of My Own, A Freeman, Don LG 2.6 0.5 264 F 26932 EN Raindrops Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.8 0.5 70 F 32768 EN Rainy Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 53 NF 115965 EN Raising the Flag Suen, Anastasia LG 2.5 0.5 717 F 285 EN Ramona the Brave Cleary, Beverly MG 3.0 4.0 31,100 F 63504 EN Dillon, Leo LG 1.9 0.5 205 F 85674 EN Jones, Christianne C. LG 2.9 0.5 416 F 138219 EN Rap a Tap Tap: Here's Bojangles-Think of That! Rapunzel: A Retelling of the Classic Fairy Tale Rapunzel (My 1st Classic Story) Jones, Christianne C. LG 2.6 0.5 399 F 10686 EN Rats on the Range Marshall, James LG 4.0 1.0 8,410 F 9647 EN Rats on the Roof and Other Stories Marshall, James LG 3.7 1.0 5,882 F 43912 EN Rays Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.5 0.5 48 NF 100873 EN Read About Harriet Tubman Feinstein, Stephen LG 3.4 0.5 669 NF 80316 EN Read About Helen Keller Feinstein, Stephen LG 3.0 0.5 567 NF 100874 EN Read About Jackie Robinson Feinstein, Stephen LG 3.4 0.5 693 NF 286 EN Real Thief, The Steig, William MG 5.0 2.0 13,600 F F 40611 EN Real Winner, The Neugebauer, Charise LG 2.7 0.5 1,012 116500 EN Hughes, Monica LG 2.4 0.5 334 NF 9687 EN Really Big Dinosaurs and Other Giants Rebus Bears, The Reit, Seymour LG 2.6 0.5 622 F 55842 EN Recess Queen, The O'Neill, Alexis LG 3.0 0.5 552 F 9790 EN Rechenka's Eggs Polacco, Patricia LG 4.0 0.5 969 F 115977 EN Rectangles Hall, Pamela LG 1.7 0.5 196 NF 63353 EN Recycled! Powell, Jillian LG 2.3 0.5 227 F 68484 EN Red Dancing Shoes Patrick, Denise Lewis LG 2.5 0.5 932 F 44572 EN Red-Eyed Tree Frog Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 176 NF 48261 EN Red Flower Goes West Turner, Ann LG 3.8 0.5 957 F Page 90 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5536 EN Red Fox and His Canoe Benchley, Nathaniel LG 2.2 0.5 808 F 6137 EN Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf Ehlert, Lois LG 2.6 0.5 286 F 16147 EN Red Racer, The Wood, Audrey LG 2.9 0.5 601 F 32999 EN Regina's Big Mistake Moss, Marissa LG 2.8 0.5 591 F 5537 EN Relatives Came, The Rylant, Cynthia LG 4.1 0.5 523 F 76584 EN Religions Around the World Doudna, Kelly LG 1.6 0.5 160 NF 287 EN Grahame, Kenneth MG 4.0 1.0 7,400 F 68874 EN Reluctant Dragon (Unabridged), The Remainder of One, A Pinczes, Elinor J. LG 3.5 0.5 575 F 288 EN Remembering Box, The Clifford, Eth MG 4.2 2.0 11,535 F 141326 EN Repulsive Roaches Roza, Greg LG 0.9 0.5 55 NF 84794 EN Rescue Boats Lindeen, Carol K. LG 2.0 0.5 134 NF 43977 EN Rescue Helicopters Olien, Becky LG 3.5 0.5 436 NF 84565 EN Respect Riehecky, Janet LG 2.8 0.5 432 NF 84566 EN Responsibility Thoennes Keller, Kristin LG 3.0 0.5 469 NF 10687 EN Return of Rinaldo, the Sly Fox, The Scheffler, Ursel LG 3.4 0.5 2,781 F 11437 EN Return of the Home Run Kid Christopher, Matt MG 4.7 4.0 26,092 F 9622 EN Return of the Mummy Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 3.0 24,786 F 6138 EN Return of the Shadows Farber, Norma LG 4.7 0.5 525 F 14957 EN Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 3.0 19,641 F 43682 EN Revolutionary War on Wednesday Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.5 1.0 5,041 F 25050 EN Rex and Lilly Schooltime Brown, Laurie Krasny LG 1.6 0.5 591 F 15801 EN Rhino and Mouse Palmer, Todd Starr LG 1.5 0.5 728 F 128647 EN Rhinoceroses Walden, Katherine LG 1.8 0.5 150 NF 6647 EN Mollel, Tololwa M. LG 3.8 0.5 805 F F 6288 EN Rhinos for Lunch and Elephants for Supper! Riddle of the Red Purse, The Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.3 1.0 8,130 62853 EN Right at Home Waters, Jennifer LG 2.0 0.5 283 NF 113642 EN Right on Time! Doudna, Kelly LG 2.2 0.5 332 NF 89236 EN Riley and Rose in the Picture Gretz, Susanna LG 2.0 0.5 482 F 10688 EN Rinaldo, the Sly Fox Scheffler, Ursel LG 4.1 0.5 2,834 F 44210 EN Rip's Secret Spot Butler, Kristi T. LG 0.9 0.5 116 F 6090 EN Riptide Weller, Frances Ward LG 4.0 0.5 1,205 F 56817 EN Rising up, Falling Down Hammersmith, Craig LG 3.1 0.5 510 NF 85783 EN Thomas, Rick LG 3.7 0.5 798 NF 48653 EN Rising Waters: A Book About Floods River Atwell, Debby LG 1.7 0.5 295 F 40205 EN River of Life Miller, Debbie S. LG 3.4 0.5 572 NF 6238 EN River Ran Wild, A Cherry, Lynne LG 4.7 0.5 1,192 NF 131683 EN Road Rollers Zobel, Derek LG 1.8 0.5 107 NF 14692 EN Roberto Clemente Rudeen, Kenneth LG 2.9 0.5 3,600 NF 16963 EN Dunham, Montrew MG 3.5 3.0 22,000 NF 110295 EN Roberto Clemente: Young Ball Player Robin Hoods Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.9 0.5 445 F 48242 EN Rock Climbing Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 154 NF 30925 EN Rockets Vogt, Gregory L. LG 3.0 0.5 350 NF Page 91 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 29506 EN Rocking Horse Christmas Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.9 0.5 504 F 66005 EN Rosinsky, Natalie M. LG 4.3 0.5 826 NF 32573 EN Rocks: Hard, Soft, Smooth, and Rough Roller Skates! Calmenson, Stephanie LG 2.5 0.5 333 F 9590 EN Allen, Laura Jean LG 1.6 0.5 2,500 F 18645 EN Rollo and Tweedy and the Ghost at Dougal Castle Romulus and Remus Rockwell, Anne LG 3.3 0.5 988 F 5538 EN Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 1.9 0.5 803 F 5380 EN Rookie of the Year Tunis, John R. MG 6.5 7.0 42,424 F 17546 EN Rooster's Off to See the World Carle, Eric LG 3.1 0.5 522 F 14693 EN Rosa Parks Greenfield, Eloise LG 2.8 0.5 3,500 NF 56652 EN Rose Rose in the Garden, The Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 209 NF 19592 EN deGroat, Diane LG 3.4 0.5 946 F 6139 EN Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink Rosie and the Rustlers Gerrard, Roy LG 5.4 0.5 896 F 20038 EN Rosie's Big City Ballet Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 3.0 1.0 8,601 F 49857 EN Rotten Ralph's Trick or Treat! Gantos, Jack LG 2.5 0.5 454 F 6140 EN Rough-Face Girl, The Martin, Rafe LG 4.0 0.5 1,557 F 5539 EN Roxaboxen McLerran, Alice LG 4.0 0.5 853 F 40504 EN Rr Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 41 45448 EN Ruby and Fred Lent, Blair LG 1.3 0.5 269 F 6091 EN Ruby Mae Has Something to Say Small, David LG 5.0 0.5 873 F 51323 EN Rude Giants Wood, Audrey LG 3.4 0.5 810 F 11438 EN Rude Rowdy Rumors Levy, Elizabeth LG 3.5 1.0 8,810 F 41022 EN Rudi's Pond Bunting, Eve LG 2.9 0.5 807 F 109723 EN May, Robert Lewis LG 3.9 0.5 1,382 F 85784 EN Rudolph's Second Christmas/Rudolph to the Rescue Rumble, Boom! A Book About Thunderstorms Rumpelstiltskin Thomas, Rick LG 4.1 0.5 840 Zelinsky, Paul LG 4.0 0.5 1,042 F Blair, Eric LG 2.7 0.5 474 F Christopher, Matt MG 4.4 4.0 28,809 F 6141 EN 138220 EN 5381 EN Rumpelstiltskin (My 1st Classic Story) Run, Billy, Run NF NF 7292 EN Runaway Bunny, The Brown, Margaret Wise LG 2.7 0.5 404 F 121379 EN Ernst, Kathleen MG 4.5 4.0 26,808 F 65673 EN Runaway Friend: A Kirsten Mystery, The Runaway Racehorse, The Roy, Ron LG 3.6 1.0 8,364 F F 7240 EN Runaway Teddy Bear, The Hofmann, Ginnie LG 2.5 0.5 672 30939 EN Russia Thoennes, Kristin LG 3.5 0.5 1,011 NF 48243 EN Rusty Red: The Sound of R Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.3 0.5 84 NF 43623 EN Ruthie's Big Old Coat Lacome, Julie LG 1.8 0.5 261 9295 EN S-S-Snakes Penner, Lucille Recht LG 2.6 0.5 2,500 NF 84767 EN Sabertooth Cat Frost, Helen LG 2.0 0.5 136 NF 65668 EN Sacagawea and the Bravest Deed Krensky, Stephen LG 3.0 0.5 585 NF 5382 EN Safe at First Hughes, Dean LG 3.5 1.0 7,407 30941 EN Safety Around Fire Raatma, Lucia LG 2.5 0.5 373 F F NF Page 92 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Word Count F/NF 0.5 420 NF 2.6 0.5 386 NF Author IL ATOS BL Raatma, Lucia LG 2.6 Raatma, Lucia LG Points 24094 EN 24095 EN Safety Around Strangers (Capstone) Safety at Home 30942 EN Safety at the Swimming Pool Raatma, Lucia LG 2.4 0.5 389 NF 30944 EN Safety on the Internet Raatma, Lucia LG 3.1 0.5 412 NF 24096 EN Safety on the Playground Raatma, Lucia LG 2.4 0.5 318 NF 24097 EN Safety on the School Bus Raatma, Lucia LG 2.4 0.5 366 NF 30943 EN Safety on Your Bicycle Raatma, Lucia LG 2.4 0.5 344 NF 47517 EN Sail Away Crews, Donald LG 1.3 0.5 115 F 127846 EN Sailors of the U.S. Navy Reed, Jennifer LG 2.4 0.5 177 NF 5540 EN Saint George and the Dragon Hodges, Margaret LG 5.6 0.5 2,517 F 117373 EN Sally the Salamander's Lost Tail Emerson, Carl LG 3.2 0.5 1,072 F 47824 EN Sam and the Firefly Eastman, P.D. LG 1.7 0.5 1,220 F 686 EN Sam, Bangs & Moonshine Ness, Evaline LG 3.6 0.5 1,580 F 56675 EN Sam Has a Sundae on Sunday Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.9 0.5 78 58143 EN Sam Makes Trouble Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 1.9 0.5 777 F 121517 EN Sam's Sunflower Powell, Jillian LG 1.4 0.5 74 F 48244 EN Sam: The Sound of S Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.7 0.5 42 NF 5241 EN Tripp, Valerie MG 4.6 1.0 6,849 F 10539 EN Samantha Saves the Day: A Summer Story Samantha the Snob Cristaldi, Kathryn LG 1.9 0.5 2,500 F 121518 EN Sammy's Secret Nash, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 74 F 2302 EN Sammy Sosa: Home Run Hitter Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.0 0.5 124 NF NF 7341 EN Sammy the Seal Hoff, Syd LG 1.8 0.5 4,023 120441 EN San Antonio Spurs Frisch, Aaron LG 2.8 0.5 408 F NF 100152 EN San Francisco 49ers LeBoutillier, Nate LG 2.7 0.5 331 NF 101667 EN Sand Matthews, Rachel LG 1.8 0.5 257 NF 29413 EN Sarah's Unicorn Coville, Bruce LG 3.7 0.5 760 F 132050 EN Tieck, Sarah LG 3.9 0.5 1,440 63361 EN Sasha & Malia Obama: Historic First Kids Sassy Monkey, The Cassidy, Anne LG 1.5 0.5 176 F 121067 EN Saturday Lindeen, Mary LG 1.6 0.5 152 NF 25899 EN Save the Manatee Friesinger, Alison LG 2.6 1.0 7,037 F NF 9623 EN Say Cheese and Die! Stine, R.L. MG 3.6 3.0 25,550 F 14958 EN Say Cheese and Die - Again! Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 20,013 F 53071 EN Say Good Night! Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.9 0.5 156 F 125722 EN Say Please Tym, Kate LG 2.5 0.5 581 F 78988 EN Scarebird, The Fleischman, Sid LG 3.9 0.5 1,504 F 9624 EN Scarecrow Walks at Midnight, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 24,950 F 31845 EN Scarecrows Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 40 130583 EN Suen, Anastasia LG 1.5 0.5 313 F 34858 EN Scary Night: A Robot and Rico Story, The Scary, Scary Halloween NF Bunting, Eve LG 2.6 0.5 265 F 104248 EN Scary Snakes Hughes, Monica LG 2.0 0.5 285 NF 17547 EN Schmoe White and the Seven Dorfs Thaler, Mike LG 3.6 0.5 653 F Page 93 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 76585 EN School Around the World Doudna, Kelly LG 2.5 0.5 206 NF 16377 EN School Buses Ready, Dee LG 2.2 0.5 365 NF 12756 EN Thaler, Mike LG 2.8 0.5 496 F 6289 EN School Nurse from the Black Lagoon, The School's Out Hurwitz, Johanna LG 4.4 2.0 13,889 F 69219 EN School Skeleton, The Roy, Ron LG 3.7 1.0 8,690 F 11439 EN School Spirit Sabotage Levy, Elizabeth LG 3.9 1.0 8,671 F 5383 EN Schoolboy Johnson Tunis, John R. MG 6.4 6.0 36,585 F 5310 EN Schoolhouse Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.9 2.0 15,504 F 9294 EN Schoolyard Mystery, The Levy, Elizabeth LG 3.0 1.0 3,928 F 115966 EN Scissors, Paper, and Sharing Suen, Anastasia LG 2.3 0.5 651 F 135286 EN Scooby-Doo! and the Creepy Chef McCann, Jesse Leon LG 3.2 0.5 735 F 135452 EN McCann, Jesse Leon LG 3.8 0.5 1,168 F 114582 EN McCann, Jesse Leon LG 3.2 0.5 631 F 101082 EN McCann, Jesse Leon LG 3.3 0.5 746 F 130618 EN Scooby-Doo! and the Mummy's Curse Scooby-Doo! and the Rock 'N' Roll Zombie Scooby-Doo! and the Samurai Ghost Scooby-Doo and the Tiki's Curse McCann, Jesse Leon LG 3.0 0.5 719 F 83087 EN Scooby-Doo and the Werewolf McCann, Jesse Leon LG 2.7 0.5 959 F 122892 EN Scottish Fold Cats Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.7 0.5 130 NF 9043 EN Scrambled Eggs Super! Seuss, Dr. LG 3.7 1.0 3,800 131684 EN Scrapers Zobel, Derek LG 1.6 0.5 122 NF 117520 EN Screws (Smart Apple Media) Oxlade, Chris LG 4.2 0.5 1,045 NF F F 7342 EN Scruffy Parish, Peggy LG 1.9 0.5 4,020 112654 EN Sea Animals 1.9 0.5 220 NF 110296 EN Sea Horse Races Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.5 0.5 451 F 56806 EN Sea of Animals, A Scott, Janine LG 2.6 0.5 357 NF 89988 EN Sea Turtle's Clever Plan Johnson, Rebecca LG 2.7 0.5 279 F 43913 EN Sea Turtles Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.1 0.5 50 NF 121295 EN Seal Pups Sexton, Colleen LG 1.4 0.5 119 NF 19739 EN Search for the Snow Leopard, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.0 5.0 32,199 F 100034 EN Season of the Sandstorms Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.9 2.0 11,815 F 4179 EN Seasons Trumbauer, Lisa LG 2.3 0.5 348 NF 51681 EN Gibbons, Gail LG 2.6 0.5 359 NF 72100 EN Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree, The Seasons, The Cannon, Shannon LG 1.4 0.5 217 NF 53211 EN Seaweed Soup Murphy, Stuart J. LG 3.1 0.5 622 F 24937 EN Second Grade-Friends Again! Cohen, Miriam LG 3.6 1.0 8,579 F 6290 EN Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.3 1.0 8,130 F 49424 EN Secret at the Polk Street School, The Secret Garden, The Hautzig, Deborah LG 2.7 0.5 1,915 F 119999 EN Secret Matter, A Blaisdell, Molly LG 3.1 0.5 971 F 5242 EN Secret Moose, The Rogers, Jean LG 4.1 1.0 7,000 F 6291 EN Secret of Foghorn Island, The Hayes, Geoffrey LG 2.4 0.5 3,840 F 11440 EN Secret of the Attic, The Sinykin, Sheri Cooper MG 4.7 1.0 9,631 F Page 94 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.1 1.0 9,965 F MG 4.4 1.0 9,254 F Masters, M. MG 4.1 1.0 8,886 F Masters, M. MG 4.5 1.0 8,739 F Author IL Secret of the Long-Lost Cousin, The Secret of the Loon Lake Monster, The Secret of the Software Spy, The Masters, M. MG Masters, M. ATOS BL 109314 EN 109315 EN 109316 EN 109317 EN 19593 EN Secret of the Video Game Scores, The Secret Place Bunting, Eve LG 3.0 0.5 533 F 25943 EN Secret Santa, The Keene, Carolyn LG 2.6 1.0 8,244 F 46485 EN Secret Under the Tree, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.1 0.5 709 F 19929 EN See You in Second Grade! Cohen, Miriam LG 3.1 0.5 727 F 48655 EN See You Soon Moon Conrad, Donna LG 1.8 0.5 238 F 19923 EN See You Tomorrow, Charles Cohen, Miriam LG 2.3 0.5 663 F 101668 EN Seeds Matthews, Rachel LG 2.2 0.5 297 NF 31798 EN Seeds Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.6 0.5 211 NF 32753 EN Seeing Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 150 NF 89508 EN Self-Discipline Miller, Connie Colwell LG 3.0 0.5 485 NF 63354 EN Selfish Sophie Kelleher, Damian LG 1.5 0.5 160 F 55451 EN Sense of Hearing Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 76 NF 55452 EN Sense of Sight Molter, Carey LG 1.7 0.5 81 NF 55453 EN Sense of Smell Molter, Carey LG 1.3 0.5 83 NF 55454 EN Sense of Taste Molter, Carey LG 1.3 0.5 84 NF 55455 EN Sense of Touch Molter, Carey LG 1.4 0.5 74 NF 12044 EN Quin-Harkin, Janet LG 4.1 0.5 1,176 F F 5384 EN Septimus Bean and His Amazing Machine Series Showdown Freeman, Mark MG 6.5 4.0 24,242 43999 EN Sets: Sorting into Groups Koomen, Michele LG 2.7 0.5 457 NF 116686 EN Seven Ate Nine! Slater, David Michael LG 2.5 0.5 797 F 7592 EN Seven Blind Mice Young, Ed LG 1.9 0.5 269 F 289 EN Seven Kisses in a Row MacLachlan, Patricia MG 3.0 1.0 8,000 F 30134 EN Seven Magic Brothers Hao, Kuang-Tsai LG 3.8 0.5 778 F 24973 EN Seven Treasure Hunts, The Byars, Betsy LG 2.0 1.0 6,248 F 83750 EN Sew What, Betsy Ross? Roop, Peter LG 4.0 1.0 6,391 NF 6142 EN Jacobs, Francine LG 2.4 0.5 1,042 F 36926 EN Sewer Sam, the Sea Cow/Sam the Sea Cow sh Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 76 43525 EN Shadow Night Chorao, Kay LG 1.9 0.5 525 F 25208 EN Shadow over Second Christopher, Matt LG 3.1 1.0 6,291 F 290 EN Shadowmaker, The Hansen, Ron MG 4.0 1.0 7,400 F 54604 EN Shake Dem Halloween Bones Nikola-Lisa, W. LG 2.9 0.5 490 F F NF 9044 EN Shape of Me and Other Stuff Seuss, Dr. LG 2.5 0.5 2,500 44000 EN Koomen, Michele LG 2.4 0.5 343 NF 72142 EN Sherman, Josepha LG 3.5 0.5 502 NF 41877 EN Shapes: Discovering Flats and Solids Shapes in the Sky: A Book About Clouds Sharing Time Troubles Maccarone, Grace LG 1.1 0.5 160 F 43915 EN Sharks Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.5 0.5 42 NF Page 95 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 118723 EN Sharp Teeth O'Hare, Ted LG 2.6 0.5 234 116691 EN Sharpest Tool in the Shed, The Slater, David Michael LG 3.5 0.5 1,198 F 34634 EN London, Jonathan LG 1.6 0.5 371 F 6648 EN Shawn and Keeper and the Birthday Party Sheep in a Jeep Shaw, Nancy LG 1.0 0.5 82 F 45449 EN Sheep on a Ship Shaw, Nancy LG 1.1 0.5 117 F 50990 EN Sheep on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.3 0.5 66 10540 EN Sheep out to Eat Shaw, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 2,500 F 45450 EN Sheep Trick or Treat Shaw, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 205 F 12046 EN Quackenbush, Robert LG 2.6 0.5 607 F 12047 EN Sherlock Chick and the Giant Egg Mystery Sherlock Chick's First Case Quackenbush, Robert LG 2.3 0.5 554 F 78738 EN Sherman Swaps Shells Clarke, Jane LG 2.2 0.5 1,130 F 84937 EN Shifter Karts: High-Speed Go-Karts Doeden, Matt MG 2.4 0.5 258 6292 EN Shiniest Rock of All, The Patterson, Nancy Ruth LG 4.6 2.0 13,699 113675 EN Ships Lindeen, Mary LG 1.3 0.5 94 14959 EN Shocker on Shock Street, A Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 20,024 F 138227 EN Blair, Eric LG 2.3 0.5 362 F 11441 EN Shoemaker and His Elves (My 1st Classic Story), The Shoot for the Hoop Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 2.0 15,583 F NF NF F NF 6143 EN Shortcut Crews, Donald LG 1.4 0.5 230 F 10541 EN Shortest Kid in the World, The Bliss, Corinne Demas LG 2.0 0.5 2,500 F 11442 EN Shortstop from Tokyo Christopher, Matt MG 3.9 2.0 12,603 F 87833 EN Shout, Show, and Tell Agnew, Kate LG 2.3 0.5 631 F 27975 EN Show and Tell Hood, Susan LG 1.9 0.5 407 F 9690 EN Show-and-Tell Frog, The Oppenheim, Joanne LG 1.6 0.5 411 F 115967 EN Show Some Respect Suen, Anastasia LG 2.4 0.5 680 F 19532 EN Shrinking Mouse Hutchins, Pat LG 1.7 0.5 326 F 119319 EN Siamese Cats Perkins, Wendy LG 1.9 0.5 137 NF 48285 EN Sick Day, The MacLachlan, Patricia LG 2.5 0.5 1,002 F 291 EN Sidewalk Story Mathis, Sharon Bell MG 3.0 1.0 8,000 F 5243 EN Sachar, Louis MG 4.9 4.0 26,846 F 72236 EN Sideways Stories from Wayside School Silent B as in Lamb Molter, Carey LG 1.7 0.5 88 NF 72237 EN Silent GH as in Light Molter, Carey LG 1.4 0.5 77 NF 72238 EN Silent H as in Ghost Molter, Carey LG 1.2 0.5 109 NF 72239 EN Silent K as in Knot Molter, Carey LG 1.9 0.5 102 NF 72240 EN Silent L as in Chalk Molter, Carey LG 1.4 0.5 85 NF 11187 EN Silent Lotus Lee, Jeanne M. LG 3.9 0.5 704 72241 EN Silent W as in Wreath Molter, Carey LG 1.9 0.5 98 NF 16791 EN Major, John S. MG 6.7 0.5 1,787 NF F 5541 EN Silk Route: 7,000 Miles of History, The Silver Cow: A Welsh Tale, The Cooper, Susan LG 4.1 0.5 1,566 F 16393 EN Simpson Snail Sings Himmelman, John LG 2.1 0.5 1,292 F 101670 EN Sing a Song of Sixpence Faundez, Anne LG 3.6 0.5 775 F 53494 EN Singing Diggety Stern, Maggie LG 2.6 0.5 1,380 F Page 96 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7393 EN Singing Sam Bulla, Clyde Robert LG 2.1 0.5 1,670 F F 40219 EN Singing Snowbear, The Grigg, Carol LG 4.1 0.5 1,390 100898 EN Skrepnick, Michael William LG 3.2 0.5 498 NF 16379 EN Sinosauropteryx--Mysterious Feathered Dinosaur Sioux Indians, The Lund, Bill LG 3.7 0.5 1,304 NF 41651 EN Neuschwander, Cindy LG 4.3 0.5 1,528 F 7241 EN Sir Cumference and the First Round Table: A Math Adventure Sir Small and the Dragonfly O'Connor, Jane LG 1.7 0.5 368 F 41879 EN Six Silly Foxes Moran, Alex LG 1.3 0.5 157 F 43979 EN Size: Many Ways to Measure Koomen, Michele LG 2.9 0.5 460 NF 85786 EN Sizzle! A Book About Heat Waves Thomas, Rick LG 3.8 0.5 764 NF 130581 EN Suen, Anastasia LG 1.3 0.5 275 F F 5385 EN Skate Trick: A Robot and Rico Story Skateboard Tough Christopher, Matt MG 5.3 3.0 19,608 48245 EN Skateboarding Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 154 NF 116111 EN Skateboarding Big Air Miller, Connie Colwell MG 3.2 0.5 402 NF 45782 EN Skateboarding: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.5 0.5 118 NF 116112 EN Skateboarding Vert Miller, Connie Colwell MG 3.2 0.5 375 NF 10690 EN Skeletons Don't Play Tubas Dadey, Debbie LG 3.8 1.0 6,472 F 10691 EN Sky Babies Delton, Judy LG 3.4 1.0 8,687 F 40505 EN sl Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.2 0.5 84 10692 EN Slam Dunk Saturday Marzollo, Jean LG 3.2 1.0 8,175 50991 EN Sleep Well: Why You Need to Rest Feeney, Kathy LG 3.0 0.5 449 NF NF F 7242 EN Sleepy Dog Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.8 0.5 131 F 24976 EN Sathre, Vivian LG 2.8 0.5 1,310 F 5244 EN Slender Ella and Her Fairy Hogfather Slime Time O'Connor, Jim LG 3.8 1.0 7,246 F 116047 EN Slimy Sea Slugs Lunis, Natalie LG 3.5 0.5 584 NF 56819 EN Slip and Slide Waters, Jennifer LG 2.4 0.5 324 NF 14438 EN Johnston, Tony MG 2.5 0.5 730 F 76171 EN Slither McCreep and His Brother, Joe Slithery Jake Provencher, Rose-Marie LG 2.6 0.5 433 F 78739 EN Slow Magic Goodhart, Pippa LG 2.9 0.5 1,103 F 25941 EN Slumber Party Secret, The Keene, Carolyn LG 2.7 1.0 9,707 F 7343 EN Small Pig Lobel, Arnold LG 1.7 0.5 4,027 F 11188 EN Small Wolf Benchley, Nathaniel LG 2.9 0.5 1,447 F 32754 EN Smelling Frost, Helen LG 2.2 0.5 112 NF 48246 EN Smiles: The Sound of Long I Noyed, Robert B. LG 1.0 0.5 68 NF 30947 EN Smoke Alarms Raatma, Lucia LG 2.7 0.5 358 NF 18693 EN Schroeder, Alan LG 4.1 0.5 2,124 F 14694 EN Smoky Mountain Rose: An Appalachian Cinderella Snack Attack Mystery, The Levy, Elizabeth LG 3.0 1.0 3,930 F 107757 EN Snail Saves the Day Stadler, John LG 0.8 0.5 135 F 110297 EN Snake Charmer Doudna, Kelly LG 2.7 0.5 371 F 50992 EN Snakes Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 0.9 0.5 38 9045 EN Sneetches and Other Stories, The Seuss, Dr. LG 3.5 1.0 4,380 F 28079 EN Snow Shulevitz, Uri LG 1.6 0.5 156 F NF Page 97 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 9389 EN Snow Baby, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 32993 EN Snow Day! Joosse, Barbara M. LG 2.9 0.5 721 F 41748 EN Snow Is Falling Branley, Franklyn M. LG 2.7 0.5 597 NF 7344 EN Snow Lion McPhail, David LG 2.3 0.5 3,840 F 75804 EN Snow Music Perkins, Lynne Rae LG 1.6 0.5 256 F 122948 EN Snow Surprise Ernst, Lisa Campbell LG 1.6 0.5 338 F 12739 EN Grimm, Brothers MG 5.3 0.5 2,470 F 14750 EN Snow White and Rose Red (Creative Education) Snowballs Ehlert, Lois LG 1.8 0.5 110 F 116113 EN Snowboard Superpipe Miller, Connie Colwell MG 2.9 0.5 355 NF 83183 EN Snowboard Twist George, Jean Craighead LG 3.7 0.5 1,088 116114 EN Snowboarder X Miller, Connie Colwell MG 3.1 0.5 365 NF 45783 EN Snowboarding: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.1 0.5 138 NF 5313 EN Snowbound Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.4 2.0 16,129 123657 EN Snowflakes Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.4 0.5 119 NF 104834 EN Davis, Rebecca Fjelland LG 2.5 0.5 400 NF 18646 EN Snowflakes and Ice Skates: A Winter Counting Book Snowman Storybook, The Briggs, Raymond LG 3.5 0.5 224 F 102271 EN Snowmen at Christmas Buehner, Caralyn LG 3.5 0.5 384 F 84938 EN Snowmobiles Doeden, Matt MG 2.4 0.5 255 NF 51146 EN Snowmobiles Dubois, Muriel L. MG 4.3 0.5 1,978 NF 118105 EN Snowplows Lindeen, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 95 NF 32769 EN Snowy Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.3 0.5 55 NF F F 6092 EN Snowy Day, The Keats, Ezra Jack LG 2.5 0.5 316 F 10542 EN Snug Bug Dubowski, Cathy East LG 1.4 0.5 2,500 F 110949 EN So Few of Me Reynolds, Peter H. LG 2.0 0.5 291 F 9582 EN So Many Cats! LG 2.0 0.5 555 F F 46635 EN So Many Sounds de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.4 0.5 36 127220 EN So Said Ben McCurdy, Michael LG 6.0 0.5 1,584 7243 EN So Sick! Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.1 0.5 240 F 19925 EN So What? Cohen, Miriam LG 2.5 0.5 607 F 48247 EN Soccer Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 81 NF 134885 EN Soccer by the Numbers Dolphin, Colleen LG 3.0 0.5 649 NF 5386 EN Soccer Halfback Christopher, Matt MG 5.5 4.0 25,806 F 39891 EN Saltzberg, Barney LG 3.2 0.5 1,034 F 6293 EN Soccer Mom from Outer Space, The Soccer Sam Marzollo, Jean LG 2.0 0.5 2,982 F F NF 25945 EN Soccer Shoe Clue, The Keene, Carolyn LG 2.4 1.0 8,595 127847 EN Soldiers of the U.S. Army Simons, Lisa M. Bolt LG 2.4 0.5 166 NF 14976 EN Some Smug Slug Edwards, Pamela Duncan LG 4.9 0.5 200 F 7157 EN Somebody and the Three Blairs Tolhurst, Marilyn LG 2.2 0.5 404 F 7645 EN Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch Spinelli, Eileen LG 3.9 0.5 1,485 F 10240 EN Someday a Tree Bunting, Eve LG 3.0 0.5 1,293 F 47518 EN Someday We'll Have Very Good Manners Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.4 0.5 210 F Page 98 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 31096 EN Something Beautiful Wyeth, Sharon Dennis LG 2.5 0.5 Word Count F/NF 510 F 9974 EN Something from Nothing Gilman, Phoebe LG 3.3 0.5 630 F 20040 EN Levy, Elizabeth LG 3.4 0.5 1,655 F 20041 EN Something Queer at the Haunted School Something Queer at the Library Levy, Elizabeth LG 2.5 0.5 1,532 F 20042 EN Levy, Elizabeth LG 3.2 0.5 3,671 F 20039 EN Something Queer at the Scary Movie Something Queer in the Cafeteria Levy, Elizabeth LG 2.9 0.5 3,094 F 20043 EN Something Queer in the Wild West Levy, Elizabeth LG 2.7 0.5 3,785 F 20044 EN Something Queer Is Going On Levy, Elizabeth LG 2.1 0.5 1,874 F 36933 EN Sometimes Yy Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 119 46269 EN Huth, Holly Young LG 4.0 0.5 1,101 F NF 5490 EN Son of the Sun and the Daughter of the Moon, The Song and Dance Man Ackerman, Karen LG 4.0 0.5 834 F 14695 EN Song Lee and the Hamster Hunt Kline, Suzy LG 2.9 1.0 4,125 F 30632 EN Song Lee and the Leech Man Kline, Suzy LG 2.8 1.0 4,051 F 9296 EN Song Lee in Room 2B Kline, Suzy LG 2.9 1.0 4,441 F 106455 EN Song of the Flowers Noda, Takayo LG 4.2 0.5 476 F 24938 EN Sonny's Secret Delton, Judy LG 2.5 1.0 8,988 F 7394 EN Sophie and Lou Mathers, Petra LG 3.8 0.5 3,456 F 14987 EN Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Willard, Nancy LG 4.8 0.5 1,356 F 66006 EN Sound: Loud, Soft, High, and Low Rosinsky, Natalie M. LG 3.3 0.5 773 NF 72099 EN Sounds All Around Us Leber, Nancy LG 1.6 0.5 203 NF 292 EN Soup and Me Peck, Robert Newton MG 4.0 3.0 21,700 61525 EN Osborne, Will LG 5.1 1.0 6,709 NF 20045 EN Space: A Nonfiction Companion to Midnight on the Moon Space Dog and Roy F Standiford, Natalie LG 2.0 1.0 7,179 F 20046 EN Space Dog and the Pet Show Standiford, Natalie LG 2.0 1.0 7,356 F 25210 EN Space Dog in Trouble Standiford, Natalie LG 2.0 1.0 7,489 F 127780 EN Space Life Kortenkamp, Steve MG 3.6 0.5 429 NF 127781 EN Space Robots Kortenkamp, Steve MG 3.5 0.5 418 NF 30926 EN Space Robots Vogt, Gregory L. LG 3.4 0.5 363 NF 30927 EN Space Shuttles Vogt, Gregory L. LG 3.1 0.5 365 NF 30928 EN Space Stations Vogt, Gregory L. LG 3.2 0.5 324 NF 127782 EN Space Stations (Incredible Space) Kortenkamp, Steve MG 3.6 0.5 422 NF 127783 EN Space Tourism (Incredible Space) Kortenkamp, Steve MG 3.4 0.5 431 NF 127784 EN Space Travelers Kortenkamp, Steve MG 3.3 0.5 425 NF 127785 EN Spacecraft Kortenkamp, Steve MG 3.6 0.5 405 NF 107024 EN Burns, Marilyn LG 3.2 0.5 1,228 F 43980 EN Spaghetti and Meatballs For All! A Mathematical Story Spain Deady, Kathleen W. LG 4.1 0.5 1,273 NF 113643 EN Speak Up! Doudna, Kelly LG 2.4 0.5 306 NF 117374 EN Speed up, Sammy the Tree Sloth! Emerson, Carl LG 3.0 0.5 1,014 F 110298 EN Spelling Bee Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.9 0.5 399 F 122893 EN Sphynx Cats Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.5 0.5 137 NF 101717 EN Spick-and-Span Fairy, The Hewitt, Sally LG 2.6 0.5 313 F Page 99 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 2.0 0.5 2,500 NF LG 3.3 0.5 424 F Author IL Cole, Joanna LG Kompelien, Tracy ATOS BL 10543 EN 110299 EN Spider's Lunch: All About Garden Spiders Spider Web 75262 EN Spiders and Their Webs Tagliaferro, Linda LG 2.0 0.5 187 NF 46474 EN Splash! Dewey, Ariane LG 1.6 0.5 298 F 34568 EN Splash! Jonas, Ann LG 0.9 0.5 206 F F 9576 EN Splat! O'Connor, Jane LG 1.5 0.5 4,000 72242 EN Splish Splash Doudna, Kelly LG 1.2 0.5 88 NF 72143 EN Splish! Splash! A Book About Rain Sherman, Josepha LG 2.8 0.5 566 NF 135308 EN Spoiled Sport, The Potter, Noel Gyro LG 4.3 0.5 1,364 NF 11189 EN Spooky Halloween Party, The Prager, Annabelle LG 2.8 0.5 1,425 F 79473 EN Sports Cars Doeden, Matt MG 2.6 0.5 387 121392 EN Spotty Rey, Margret LG 3.2 0.5 2,107 16611 EN Spring Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 2.5 0.5 207 NF 108935 EN Spring Herriges, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 200 NF 48248 EN Spring Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 179 NF 56838 EN Spring Has Sprung Waters, Jennifer LG 2.6 0.5 388 NF 66009 EN Gerard, Valerie J. LG 3.1 0.5 665 NF 5387 EN Spring: Signs of the Season Around North America Spring Training Freeman, Mark MG 5.7 4.0 25,478 115978 EN Squares Hall, Pamela LG 1.7 0.5 203 NF F F NF 5388 EN Squeeze Play Freeman, Mark MG 4.9 4.0 26,846 79547 EN Squirrels and Their Nests Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 2.0 0.5 141 F NF 116048 EN Squirting Squids Lunis, Natalie LG 3.6 0.5 582 NF 116049 EN Squishy Sponges Lunis, Natalie LG 4.0 0.5 661 NF 40506 EN Ss Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 41 NF 36922 EN st Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 78 NF 100153 EN St. Louis Rams LeBoutillier, Nate LG 2.5 0.5 315 NF 73202 EN St. Patrick's Day Haugen, Brenda LG 1.9 0.5 372 NF 58030 EN Stage Fright on a Summer Night Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.3 1.0 6,219 F 20047 EN Stage Frightened Delton, Judy LG 2.8 1.0 8,582 F 10544 EN Stan the Hot Dog Man Kessler, Ethel LG 1.8 0.5 2,500 F 54446 EN Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon Lovell, Patty LG 3.5 0.5 441 F 113644 EN Stand Up! Doudna, Kelly LG 2.4 0.5 312 NF 908 EN Stanley Hoff, Syd LG 2.5 0.5 648 F 14696 EN Stanley and the Magic Lamp Brown, Jeff LG 2.8 1.0 3,987 F 30647 EN Stanley & Rhoda Wells, Rosemary LG 2.0 0.5 654 F 5542 EN Star Maiden, The Esbensen, Barbara Juster LG 3.0 0.5 1,155 F 19927 EN Starring First Grade Cohen, Miriam LG 2.9 0.5 625 F 4171 EN Stars Curry, Don L. LG 2.8 0.5 273 NF 7395 EN Stars for Sarah Turner, Ann LG 3.7 0.5 3,564 56288 EN Stars, The Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.4 0.5 102 NF NF 34547 EN Start and Stop Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.8 0.5 50 117661 EN Starting School Petty, Kate LG 2.1 0.5 511 56676 EN States Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.8 0.5 45 F F NF Page 100 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 435 NF 11190 EN Statue of Liberty, The Penner, Lucille Recht LG 2.3 0.5 7396 EN Stay Away from the Junkyard Tusa, Tricia LG 3.9 0.5 3,459 F 9625 EN Stay Out of the Basement Stine, R.L. MG 3.6 3.0 25,222 F 20048 EN Stay Out of the Graveyard! Duey, Kathleen LG 2.7 0.5 1,709 F 117662 EN Staying Overnight Petty, Kate LG 2.1 0.5 497 F 12742 EN Andersen, Hans Christian MG 5.1 0.5 1,647 F 72168 EN Steadfast Tin Soldier (Creative Education), The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Blackaby, Susan LG 2.8 0.5 668 F 113495 EN Burleigh, Robert LG 5.8 0.5 2,185 NF 36848 EN Stealing Home: Jackie Robinson: Against the Odds Stegosaurus Cohen, Daniel LG 3.1 0.5 335 NF 84770 EN Stegosaurus Frost, Helen LG 2.0 0.5 140 NF 41724 EN Stella, Queen of the Snow Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.7 0.5 412 F F 7193 EN Stellaluna Cannon, Janell LG 4.8 0.5 3,000 31800 EN Stems Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.8 0.5 232 17548 EN Stevie Steptoe, John LG 2.1 0.5 1,108 62854 EN Conrad, David LG 3.2 0.5 466 NF 77042 EN Stick to It! The Story of Wilma Rudolph Stock Cars Bullard, Lisa LG 2.9 0.5 514 NF 84939 EN Stock Cars (Horsepower) Doeden, Matt MG 2.7 0.5 299 NF NF F 293 EN Stone Fox Gardiner, John Reynolds MG 3.5 1.0 8,700 F 5491 EN Stone Soup Brown, Marcia LG 3.3 0.5 1,087 F 6499 EN Stonecutter, The McDermott, Gerald LG 3.2 0.5 419 F 30948 EN Stop, Drop, and Roll Raatma, Lucia LG 2.3 0.5 340 NF 5245 EN Stories Julian Tells, The Cameron, Ann LG 3.6 1.0 7,300 F 5543 EN Storm in the Night Stolz, Mary LG 3.2 0.5 1,611 F 120281 EN Stormy Surprise, A Gunderson, Jessica LG 2.6 0.5 810 F 5492 EN Story About Ping, The Flack, Marjorie LG 4.3 0.5 1,139 F 4226 EN Story of a Dolphin Orr, Katherine LG 4.8 0.5 1,710 F 5493 EN Story of Ferdinand, The Leaf, Munro LG 3.7 0.5 737 F 8677 EN Bryan, Ashley LG 3.9 0.5 1,918 44149 EN Bruchac, Joseph LG 3.8 0.5 689 F F 16392 EN Story of Lightning and Thunder, The Story of the Milky Way: A Cherokee Tale, The Story Snail, The NF Rockwell, Anne LG 2.8 0.5 1,467 141327 EN Strange Spiders Roza, Greg LG 0.9 0.5 47 NF 135307 EN Stranger Danger Potter, Noel Gyro LG 4.1 0.5 1,157 NF 6093 EN De Paola, Tomie LG 3.9 0.5 1,245 F 51919 EN Strega Nona: An Old Tale Retold and Illustrated Strike Four! Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.3 0.5 279 F 5389 EN Stroke of Luck Hughes, Dean LG 3.3 1.0 7,519 F 10626 EN Strong and Free Hagstrom, Amy LG 4.4 1.0 3,853 F 54490 EN Stuart at the Fun House Hill, Susan LG 2.1 0.5 483 F 55330 EN Stuart at the Library Hill, Susan LG 2.0 0.5 526 F 50951 EN Stuart Hides Out Hill, Susan LG 2.1 0.5 436 F 41886 EN Stubborn Pumpkin, The Geringer, Laura LG 2.4 0.5 785 F 11443 EN Submarine Pitch, The Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 2.0 16,179 F Page 101 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 2053 EN Subways Lassieur, Allison LG 2.8 0.5 409 NF 13764 EN Suddenly! McNaughton, Colin LG 2.2 0.5 164 F 56677 EN Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.2 0.5 104 NF 16614 EN Sue Threw the Goop Through the Hoop Summer Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 2.3 0.5 164 NF 108936 EN Summer Herriges, Ann LG 1.6 0.5 206 NF 48249 EN Summer Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 156 NF 56839 EN Summer Fun Waters, Jennifer LG 3.2 0.5 399 NF 76983 EN Summer of the Sea Serpent Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.8 1.0 10,730 F 123580 EN Summer Playground, The Emerson, Carl LG 1.8 0.5 322 F 66010 EN Gerard, Valerie J. LG 3.2 0.5 577 NF 41443 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 3.2 0.5 431 F 72435 EN Summer: Signs of the Season Around North America Summertime in the Big Woods: Adapted from the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder Sun and Rain Mann, Rachel LG 0.7 0.5 79 45256 EN Sun Is My Favorite Star, The Asch, Frank LG 1.9 0.5 154 F 19549 EN Sun & Spoon Henkes, Kevin MG 4.9 3.0 16,846 F 56289 EN Sun, The Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 135 NF 121068 EN Sunday Lindeen, Mary LG 2.1 0.5 182 NF 116665 EN Sunflower Farmer, The Gunderson, Jessica LG 3.0 0.5 1,309 NF 14440 EN Sunflower House Bunting, Eve LG 2.5 0.5 375 32071 EN Sunflowers Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 2.2 0.5 36 NF NF F 5544 EN Sunken Treasure Gibbons, Gail LG 4.2 0.5 1,154 NF 32770 EN Sunny Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.3 0.5 66 NF 14885 EN Sunset of the Sabertooth Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.0 1.0 4,926 31789 EN Sunshine Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 2.3 0.5 310 NF 72145 EN Sunshine: A Book About Sunlight Sherman, Josepha LG 3.5 0.5 687 NF F 5390 EN Supercharged Infield Christopher, Matt MG 5.0 3.0 20,000 54767 EN Supermarket Krull, Kathleen LG 4.8 0.5 1,309 F NF 31794 EN Supermarket, The Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 2.4 0.5 265 NF 5391 EN Superstar Team Hughes, Dean LG 3.4 1.0 7,463 F 16854 EN Surprise! Fine, Jane LG 1.1 0.5 165 F 5302 EN Surprise Island Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.9 4.0 28,282 F 70559 EN Surprise Party, The Hutchins, Pat LG 1.5 0.5 327 F 7397 EN Surprise Party, The Prager, Annabelle LG 2.3 0.5 2,018 F 116660 EN Surprising Beans Blaisdell, Molly LG 2.8 0.5 1,091 NF 50994 EN Susan B. Anthony Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 2.4 0.5 241 NF 36853 EN Sweden Riehecky, Janet LG 3.9 0.5 1,175 NF F 9960 EN Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt Hopkinson, Deborah LG 3.8 0.5 2,145 44656 EN Sweet Dreams: How Animals Sleep Kajikawa, Kimiko LG 1.4 0.5 104 NF 48250 EN Swimming (Child's World) Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.3 0.5 80 NF 116503 EN Swimming Giants Hughes, Monica LG 2.2 0.5 318 NF 17549 EN Swimmy Lionni, Leo LG 2.8 0.5 390 F 72243 EN Swish Swoosh Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 66 NF Page 102 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5494 EN Sylvester and the Magic Pebble Steig, William LG 4.0 0.5 1,425 F 65005 EN T-Rex Is Missing! De Paola, Tomie LG 1.6 0.5 406 F 51677 EN Tabitha's Terrifically Tough Tooth Middleton, Charlotte LG 2.3 0.5 263 F 54448 EN Table Manners Raschka, Chris LG 2.3 0.5 925 F 29507 EN Tacky in Trouble Lester, Helen LG 3.7 0.5 1,203 F 6500 EN Tailypo: A Ghost Story, The Galdone, Joanna LG 3.5 0.5 922 F 89011 EN Take a Giant Leap, Neil Armstrong! Roop, Peter LG 4.7 1.0 7,797 NF 9390 EN Take a Walk, Johnny Hillert, Margaret LG 1.9 0.5 2,500 F 7293 EN Take My Picture! Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.7 0.5 112 F 76571 EN Taking Care of Your Teeth Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.6 0.5 147 NF 76572 EN Taking Time to Relax Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.2 0.5 134 NF 52382 EN Tale for Easter, A Tudor, Tasha LG 3.4 0.5 294 F 19473 EN Tale of a Tadpole Porte, Barbara Ann LG 2.9 0.5 1,162 F 15793 EN Tale of Benjamin Bunny, The Potter, Beatrix LG 4.5 0.5 1,075 F 15794 EN Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck, The Potter, Beatrix LG 4.5 0.5 1,278 F 15795 EN Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher, The Potter, Beatrix LG 4.3 0.5 812 F 15796 EN Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Potter, Beatrix LG 4.4 0.5 956 F 5911 EN Tale of the Mandarin Ducks, The Paterson, Katherine LG 5.6 0.5 1,768 F 6294 EN Tales at the Mousehole Stolz, Mary MG 4.6 3.0 20,548 F 28076 EN Tales from the Home Place Burandt, Harriet MG 4.9 4.0 28,339 F 294 EN Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Blume, Judy MG 3.0 4.0 31,100 F 19247 EN Tales of Oliver Pig Van Leeuwen, Jean LG 2.3 0.5 2,008 F 7697 EN Talking Eggs, The San Souci, Robert D. LG 4.4 0.5 2,277 F F 74702 EN Talking T. Rex, The Roy, Ron LG 3.8 1.0 9,943 116062 EN Tally Charts Bodach, Vijaya Khisty LG 2.2 0.5 408 NF 56840 EN Tame and Wild Auch, Alison LG 2.8 0.5 537 NF 84795 EN Tanks Doeden, Matt LG 1.7 0.5 112 NF 57965 EN Tanya and the Red Shoes Gauch, Patricia Lee LG 3.0 0.5 585 F 134861 EN Tap Dancing Clay, Kathryn LG 1.6 0.5 127 NF 50956 EN Tapping Tale, The Giglio, Judy LG 0.6 0.5 105 F 6144 EN Tar Beach Ringgold, Faith LG 3.4 0.5 503 F 48251 EN Task Time: The Sound of T Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 56 295 EN Taste of Blackberries, A Smith, Doris Buchanan MG 3.0 2.0 15,700 32755 EN Tasting Frost, Helen LG 2.1 0.5 142 NF 48162 EN Tasting Party, A Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 370 F 54343 EN Tattered Sails Kay, Verla LG 2.4 0.5 195 F 65006 EN Tattle Tails Jones, Marcia Thornton LG 3.5 1.0 6,162 F 41374 EN Tawny Scrawny Lion Jackson, Kathryn LG 3.8 0.5 967 F 2046 EN Taxis Lassieur, Allison LG 2.8 0.5 404 NF NF F 7647 EN Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy LG 1.9 0.5 1,590 F 12757 EN Thaler, Mike LG 2.4 0.5 468 F 4161 EN Teacher from the Black Lagoon, The Teamwork Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.4 0.5 149 NF 125723 EN Teatime in Space Castle, Caroline LG 2.3 0.5 385 F Page 103 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 16863 EN Teddy Bear for Sale Herman, Gail LG 0.9 0.5 154 F 21490 EN Teddy Bear Tears Aylesworth, Jim LG 3.5 0.5 832 F 72244 EN Tee Hee Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 100 NF 910 EN Teeny Tiny Bennett, Jill LG 2.2 0.5 387 F 7244 EN Teeny Tiny Woman, The O'Connor, Jane LG 2.2 0.5 311 F 125724 EN Tell the Truth Tym, Kate LG 2.8 0.5 527 F 120636 EN Telling Time All the Time Sharp, Jean LG 2.2 0.5 512 NF 13765 EN Temple Cat Clements, Andrew MG 4.2 0.5 546 F 12051 EN Ten Furry Monsters Calmenson, Stephanie LG 2.1 0.5 261 F 32897 EN Ten, Nine, Eight Bang, Molly LG 1.3 0.5 69 F 41525 EN Ten Red Apples Hutchins, Pat LG 1.7 0.5 321 F 7886 EN Ten Sly Piranhas Wise, William LG 1.9 0.5 3,500 F 40577 EN Tennessee Facts and Symbols Feeney, Kathy LG 4.1 0.5 1,149 NF 84601 EN Tepees Preszler, June LG 3.5 0.5 732 NF 6145 EN Terrible EEK, The Compton, Patricia LG 3.9 0.5 867 F 20049 EN McGuire, Leslie LG 3.2 2.0 12,912 F F 900 EN Terrible Truth About Third Grade, The Test Test LG 2.0 0.5 350 2021 EN Texas Facts and Symbols McAuliffe, Emily LG 3.5 0.5 1,081 NF 36923 EN th Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 86 NF 55456 EN Thank You Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 125 NF 9141 EN Thank You, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy LG 2.6 0.5 1,063 F 66575 EN Thank You, Dr. King! Reid, Robin LG 2.6 0.5 471 F 27677 EN Thank You, Mr. Falker Polacco, Patricia LG 4.1 0.5 2,315 F 73203 EN Thanksgiving Haugen, Brenda LG 2.8 0.5 402 NF 50995 EN Thanksgiving Schuh, Mari C. LG 2.7 0.5 182 NF 64034 EN Thanksgiving on Thursday Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.3 1.0 6,131 56841 EN That's Hot! Auch, Alison LG 3.5 0.5 363 78740 EN That's Not Right! Durant, Alan LG 2.7 0.5 1,274 F 11444 EN Theater Shoes Streatfeild, Noel MG 5.8 11.0 69,545 F 7345 EN There Is a Carrot in My Ear and Other Noodle Tales There's A Hole In My Pocket Schwartz, Alvin LG 2.0 0.5 3,941 F Gibson, Akimi LG 0.6 0.5 56 F Rabe, Tish LG 3.2 0.5 989 NF Howe, James LG 1.8 0.5 491 F F NF 906 EN 65316 EN 45895 EN There's a Map on My Lap! All About Maps There's a Monster Under My Bed 5545 EN There's a Nightmare in My Closet Mayer, Mercer LG 2.3 0.5 153 F 9047 EN There's a Wocket in My Pocket! Seuss, Dr. LG 2.1 0.5 2,500 F 5546 EN Kent, Jack LG 3.3 0.5 657 F F 497 EN There's No Such Thing as a Dragon These Happy Golden Years Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.6 10.0 63,345 56654 EN They're There in Their Boat Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 178 9048 EN Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose Seuss, Dr. LG 3.6 1.0 4,380 F 117646 EN Thief of Bracken Farm, The Barnes, Emma LG 2.3 0.5 532 F 89181 EN This Is Our House Rosen, Michael LG 2.1 0.5 482 F 6699 EN This Place Is Cold Cobb, Vicki LG 5.6 0.5 3,049 NF NF Page 104 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 7295 EN Thomas and the School Trip Awdry, W. LG 1.1 0.5 66070 EN Thomas Edison to the Rescue! Goldsmith, Howard LG 2.2 10629 EN Maeda, Shintaro LG 3.6 Word Count F/NF 319 F 0.5 475 NF 0.5 1,646 F 8044 EN Thomas Raccoon's Fantastic Airshow Thomas' Snowsuit Munsch, Robert N. LG 3.5 0.5 545 F 12054 EN Those Terrible Toy-Breakers McPhail, David LG 3.1 0.5 1,037 F 9391 EN Three Bears, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 32038 EN Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Galdone, Paul LG 3.0 0.5 477 F 63362 EN Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Wade, Barrie LG 3.0 0.5 274 F 6094 EN Three Brave Women Martin, C.L.G. LG 3.4 0.5 1,659 F 6146 EN Croll, Carolyn LG 3.4 0.5 727 F 7346 EN Three Brothers: A German Folktale, The Three by the Sea Marshall, Edward LG 2.5 0.5 3,899 F 11445 EN Three Cheers for Keisha Reed, Teresa MG 4.9 1.0 9,418 F 9797 EN Williams, Vera B. LG 3.5 0.5 1,790 F 5495 EN Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe Three Ducks Went Wandering Roy, Ron LG 2.8 0.5 451 F 9392 EN Three Goats, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 9798 EN Three Hat Day, A Geringer, Laura LG 3.2 0.5 776 F 44665 EN Three Little Kittens Galdone, Paul LG 1.6 0.5 175 F 44123 EN Three Little Pigs, The Galdone, Paul LG 3.2 0.5 922 F 9393 EN Three Little Pigs, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 63363 EN Three Little Pigs, The Moore, Maggie LG 2.5 0.5 323 F 9583 EN Trivizas, Eugene LG 3.8 0.5 700 F 5547 EN Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig, The Three Names MacLachlan, Patricia LG 4.1 0.5 1,396 F 48718 EN Three Pigs, The Wiesner, David LG 2.3 0.5 532 F 88497 EN Three Silly Billies, The Palatini, Margie LG 3.2 0.5 1,089 F 65856 EN Three Silly Girls Grubb, The Hassett, John LG 3.2 0.5 512 F 10545 EN Three Sisters Wood, Audrey LG 1.9 0.5 2,500 F 11446 EN Three Terrible Trins King-Smith, Dick MG 5.1 2.0 15,427 F 7347 EN Three up a Tree Marshall, James LG 1.4 0.5 996 F 6246 EN Three Young Pilgrims Harness, Cheryl LG 4.4 0.5 1,724 F 7296 EN Turner, Ann LG 2.1 0.5 640 F 72172 EN Through Moon and Stars and Night Skies Thumbelina Blackaby, Susan LG 2.4 0.5 653 F 6014 EN Thunder Cake Polacco, Patricia LG 3.5 0.5 1,079 F F 46639 EN Thunder Doesn't Scare Me! Bowdish, Lynea LG 1.0 0.5 81 121075 EN Thursday Lindeen, Mary LG 1.7 0.5 183 NF 72245 EN Tick Tock Doudna, Kelly LG 1.2 0.5 101 NF 117647 EN Tickety Tale Teller, The Haselhurst, Maureen LG 3.9 0.5 505 F 70850 EN Tiger Called Thomas, A Zolotow, Charlotte LG 3.1 0.5 1,064 F 104249 EN Tiger Cub Hughes, Monica LG 2.0 0.5 279 NF 7297 EN Tiger Is a Scaredy Cat Phillips, Joan LG 0.9 0.5 219 F 123662 EN Tiger Shark (Pebble Plus) Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 2.0 0.5 146 NF 118598 EN Tigers Cleland, JoAnn LG 2.0 0.5 223 NF Page 105 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 125349 EN Tigers Watson, Galadriel LG 4.0 0.5 1,200 NF F 31073 EN Tigers at Twilight Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.0 1.0 5,136 127873 EN Tigers Roar! Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.2 0.5 210 65011 EN Tigger Comes to the Forest Krensky, Stephen LG 3.0 0.5 1,528 F 41887 EN Tiggers Hate to Lose Gaines, Isabel LG 2.2 0.5 413 F 6095 EN Tikki Tikki Tembo Mosel, Arlene LG 4.2 0.5 973 F 7348 EN Tillie and Mert Luttrell, Ida LG 2.7 0.5 3,793 F 7298 EN Tim and Jim Take Off Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.6 0.5 277 F 6295 EN Time of Wonder McCloskey, Robert LG 4.5 1.0 6,897 F 125726 EN Time to Share Tym, Kate LG 2.7 0.5 402 F 6147 EN Time Train Fleischman, Paul LG 2.3 0.5 287 F 16961 EN Timekeeper, The Riphahn, Anna LG 3.4 0.5 844 F 115968 EN Times Tables Cheat Suen, Anastasia LG 2.1 0.5 696 F 114601 EN Timmy's New Friend Dierssen, Andreas LG 2.7 0.5 594 F 32428 EN Tiny's Bath Meister, Cari LG 0.6 0.5 103 F 55264 EN Tiny the Snow Dog Meister, Cari LG 0.6 0.5 128 F 83774 EN Tiptoe into Kindergarten Rogers, Jacqueline LG 1.3 0.5 175 F 61528 EN Osborne, Will LG 5.1 1.0 6,272 NF 25274 EN Titanic: A Nonfiction Companion to Tonight on the Titanic To Market, To Market NF Miranda, Anne LG 1.7 0.5 257 F 104250 EN To the Rescue Hughes, Monica LG 1.8 0.5 271 NF 21469 EN Toad Brown, Ruth LG 3.4 0.5 124 F 11191 EN Toad Eats Out Schade, Susan LG 1.1 0.5 262 F 16391 EN Toady and Dr. Miracle, The Christian, Mary Blount LG 2.5 0.5 1,111 F 78938 EN Toby, Who Are You? Steig, William LG 1.9 0.5 358 F 89509 EN Tolerance Miller, Connie Colwell LG 3.0 0.5 479 NF 62649 EN Tolerance Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.2 0.5 183 NF 9092 EN Tom and Pippo on the Beach Oxenbury, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 125 F 11192 EN Tom the TV Cat Heilbroner, Joan LG 1.6 0.5 778 F 9394 EN Tom Thumb Hillert, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 80802 EN Blair, Eric LG 2.7 0.5 641 F 84756 EN Tom Thumb: A Retelling of the Grimms' Fairy Tale Tomie dePaola Braun, Eric LG 1.9 0.5 201 NF 31065 EN Tonight on the Titanic Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.1 1.0 5,301 F 11447 EN Too Hot to Handle Christopher, Matt MG 3.8 2.0 16,133 F 9345 EN Too Many Balloons Matthias, Catherine LG 1.2 0.5 180 F 9694 EN Too Many Mice Brenner, Barbara LG 2.0 0.5 487 F 10693 EN Tooter Pepperday Spinelli, Jerry LG 2.9 1.0 7,492 F 10546 EN Tooth-Gnasher Superflash Pinkwater, Daniel LG 3.9 0.5 2,500 F 27508 EN Top Cat Ehlert, Lois LG 1.1 0.5 182 F 56653 EN Top Is on Top, The Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 196 NF 11448 EN Top Wing Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 4.0 26,567 F 11397 EN Tops & Bottoms Stevens, Janet LG 3.2 0.5 777 F 10547 EN Tortoise and the Hare, The Stevens, Janet LG 3.4 0.5 2,500 F 18647 EN Tortoise Brings the Mail Lillegard, Dee LG 3.0 0.5 928 F Page 106 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5392 EN Total Soccer Hughes, Dean LG 3.3 1.0 7,519 F 11449 EN Touchdown for Tommy Christopher, Matt MG 3.3 2.0 13,985 F 32756 EN Touching Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 143 14442 EN Tough Boris Fox, Mem LG 1.7 0.5 71 NF F 4551 EN Tow Trucks Schaefer, Lola M. LG 3.3 0.5 452 16860 EN Schecter, Ellen LG 3.9 0.5 1,059 36927 EN Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The tr NF Molter, Carey LG 1.2 0.5 91 125707 EN Traction Man Meets Turbodog Grey, Mini LG 3.2 0.5 837 F 4552 EN Tractor Trailers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 3.1 0.5 438 NF 113676 EN Tractors Lindeen, Mary LG 1.3 0.5 96 NF 117636 EN Tractors and Farm Vehicles Coppendale, Jean LG 3.8 0.5 690 NF 5393 EN Trading Game, The Slote, Alfred MG 3.8 5.0 36,232 F 6296 EN Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.1 1.0 8,264 F 117637 EN Trail of the Screaming Teenager, The Trains Coppendale, Jean LG 3.4 0.5 674 NF 113677 EN Trains Lindeen, Mary LG 1.1 0.5 82 NF 116264 EN Trains Riggs, Kate LG 2.7 0.5 537 NF 85537 EN Trains Tieck, Sarah LG 3.2 0.5 712 NF 58946 EN Trains/Trains on the Move Hill, Lee Sullivan LG 1.8 0.5 339 NF 36839 EN Transport Helicopters Richardson, Adele D. LG 3.9 0.5 389 NF 6993 EN Aardema, Verna LG 3.9 0.5 1,125 F 19889 EN Traveling to Tondo: A Tale of the Nkundo of Zaire Treasure Hunt, The Cosby, Bill LG 2.5 0.5 730 F 7398 EN Treasure of the Lost Lagoon, The Hayes, Geoffrey LG 2.2 0.5 3,564 F 65994 EN Loewen, Nancy LG 4.3 0.5 2,688 NF 89994 EN Treat Me Right! Kids Talk About Respect Tree Frog Hears a Sound Johnson, Rebecca LG 2.5 0.5 291 F 5314 EN Tree House Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.0 2.0 15,385 F 10548 EN Tree in the Wood, The Manson, Christopher LG 3.1 0.5 2,500 F 16866 EN Tree Is Nice, A Udry, Janice May LG 2.2 0.5 358 F 44249 EN Treeful of Pigs, A Lobel, Arnold LG 3.4 0.5 838 F 115980 EN Triangles Lorbiecki, Marybeth LG 1.4 0.5 206 NF 36849 EN Triceratops Cohen, Daniel LG 3.2 0.5 361 NF 84771 EN Triceratops Frost, Helen LG 2.0 0.5 152 NF 100899 EN Skrepnick, Michael William LG 3.2 0.5 445 NF 62858 EN Weber, Rebecca LG 3.0 0.5 505 NF 50077 EN Triceratops--Mighty Three-Horned Dinosaur Tricky Insects: And Other Fun Creatures Trip to the Hospital, A Watson, Kim LG 2.7 0.5 856 F 68454 EN Trip to the Zoo, A Wallace, Karen LG 2.4 0.5 443 NF 16385 EN Troll Country Marshall, Edward LG 2.4 0.5 1,677 F 25947 EN Trouble at Camp Treehouse Keene, Carolyn LG 2.6 1.0 8,061 F 7595 EN Trouble with Trolls Brett, Jan LG 3.1 0.5 1,033 F F F NF 9577 EN Truck Book, The McNaught, Harry LG 3.5 0.5 3,000 117638 EN Trucks Coppendale, Jean LG 4.0 0.5 649 NF 32065 EN Trucks Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.2 0.5 28 NF Page 107 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 116265 EN Trucks Tatge, Cathy LG 2.8 0.5 552 NF 9585 EN True Story of Pocahontas, The Penner, Lucille Recht LG 2.1 0.5 2,500 NF 9506 EN True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, The Scieszka, Jon LG 3.0 0.5 863 40507 EN Tt Doudna, Kelly LG 0.9 0.5 45 15806 EN Tub Grandfather, The Conrad, Pam LG 2.9 0.5 936 F 11193 EN Tub People, The Conrad, Pam LG 3.9 0.5 920 F 121076 EN Tuesday Lindeen, Mary LG 1.5 0.5 164 NF 4553 EN Tugboats Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.9 0.5 412 NF 6096 EN Turkey for Thanksgiving, A Bunting, Eve LG 2.5 0.5 835 F 46299 EN Pollock, Penny LG 4.8 0.5 1,735 F 56291 EN Turkey Girl: A Zuni Cinderella Story, The Turkeys on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.4 0.5 94 NF 19183 EN Fowler, Allan LG 3.4 0.5 386 NF 46638 EN Turkeys that Fly and Turkeys that Don't Turn It Off! Marx, David F. LG 0.8 0.5 75 F 31604 EN Turnip, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.3 0.5 258 F 28145 EN Turquoise Boy: A Navajo Legend Cohlene, Terri LG 4.9 0.5 2,265 F 51931 EN Turtle and Snake Go Camping Spohn, Kate LG 0.8 0.5 84 F 50996 EN Turtles Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 0.7 0.5 41 NF 6297 EN Tut's Mummy: Lost...and Found Donnelly, Judy LG 3.2 0.5 3,578 NF 7245 EN Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bug Ross, Katharine LG 1.9 0.5 318 F 21498 EN Twinnies Bunting, Eve LG 2.4 0.5 689 F 47830 EN Twister on Tuesday Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.2 1.0 5,127 F 53512 EN Twister Trouble Schreiber, Ann LG 3.9 1.0 7,523 NF 85789 EN Twisters: A Book About Tornadoes Thomas, Rick LG 3.8 0.5 860 NF 73016 EN Osborne, Will LG 4.8 1.0 4,975 NF 9297 EN Twisters and Other Terrible Storms: A Nonfiction Companion to Twister on Tuesday Twits, The Dahl, Roald LG 4.8 1.0 7,500 F 5548 EN Two Bad Ants Van Allsburg, Chris LG 4.7 0.5 1,232 F 48116 EN Two Cool Coyotes Lund, Jillian LG 3.0 0.5 353 F 83091 EN Two Crazy Pigs Nagel, Karen Berman LG 1.8 0.5 298 F 54600 EN Two Homes Masurel, Claire LG 0.9 0.5 167 F 56681 EN Two Kids Got to Go, Too Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.6 0.5 79 9591 EN Two of Everything Hong, Lily Toy LG 2.5 0.5 2,500 F 296 EN Two Under Par Henkes, Kevin MG 5.0 3.0 20,300 F 10694 EN Ty Cobb: Bad Boy of Baseball Kramer, S.A. LG 3.8 1.0 3,671 58972 EN Tyrannosaurus Game, The Kroll, Steven LG 3.0 0.5 493 F 36850 EN Tyrannosaurus Rex Cohen, Daniel LG 3.4 0.5 346 NF F NF NF NF 84772 EN Tyrannosaurus Rex Frost, Helen LG 2.2 0.5 133 NF 100900 EN Skrepnick, Michael William LG 3.5 0.5 536 NF 123917 EN Doeden, Matt LG 1.8 0.5 156 NF 81678 EN Tyrannosaurus Rex--Fierce King of the Dinosaurs U.S. Air Force (Military Branches), The U.S. Air Force Special Operations Roberts, Jeremy MG 7.1 1.0 8,537 NF 79320 EN U.S. Air Force, The Donovan, Sandy MG 6.4 1.0 7,489 NF Page 108 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 123918 EN U.S. Army (Military Branches), The Doeden, Matt LG 1.9 0.5 133 NF 81679 EN Roberts, Jeremy MG 6.7 1.0 7,169 NF 79321 EN U.S. Army Special Operations Forces U.S. Army, The Benson, Michael MG 6.7 1.0 7,218 NF 81677 EN U.S. Coast Guard, The Benson, Michael MG 6.8 1.0 6,397 NF 123919 EN U.S. Coast Guard, The Doeden, Matt LG 2.1 0.5 151 NF 79322 EN U.S. Marine Corps, The Benson, Michael MG 7.1 1.0 6,650 NF 123920 EN U.S. Marine Corps, The Reed, Jennifer LG 2.5 0.5 157 NF 81680 EN U.S. Naval Special Warfare Forces Donovan, Sandy MG 7.1 1.0 7,871 NF 123921 EN U.S. Navy, The Reed, Jennifer LG 1.9 0.5 145 NF 80554 EN U.S. Navy, The Streissguth, Tom MG 7.3 1.0 7,664 NF 66334 EN -ub as in Tub Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.7 0.5 145 NF 66335 EN -uck as in Duck Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.9 0.5 133 NF 66336 EN -uff as in Cuff Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.6 0.5 156 NF 66337 EN -ug as in Bug Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 129 NF 6649 EN Ugh Yorinks, Arthur LG 2.7 0.5 599 F 72170 EN Ugly Duckling, The Blackaby, Susan LG 2.2 0.5 590 F 31588 EN Ugly Duckling, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.6 0.5 339 F 9695 EN "Uh-Oh!" Said the Crow Oppenheim, Joanne LG 2.3 0.5 557 F 66338 EN -um as in Drum Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.5 0.5 112 NF 7596 EN Umbrella Yashima, Taro LG 4.0 0.5 567 F 66339 EN -ump as in Jump Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 157 NF 16195 EN Unbeatable Bread, The Hoopes, Lyn Littlefield LG 4.0 0.5 827 F 7399 EN Uncle Elephant Lobel, Arnold LG 2.9 0.5 2,163 F 16394 EN Uncle Foster's Hat Tree Cushman, Doug LG 2.0 0.5 978 F 7194 EN Uncle Jed's Barbershop Mitchell, Margaree King LG 4.2 0.5 3,000 F 68120 EN Knox, Barbara LG 1.8 0.5 163 6650 EN Under the Sea 1, 2, 3: Counting Ocean Life Under the Sea from A to Z Doubilet, Anne LG 6.2 1.0 3,458 F 11450 EN Undercover Tailback Christopher, Matt MG 4.1 3.0 20,082 F 66351 EN -unk as in Skunk Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.5 0.5 141 NF 112655 EN Unusual Animals Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Roy, Ron LG 1.6 0.5 244 NF NF 77275 EN Unwilling Umpire, The 3.5 1.0 9,036 115565 EN Gonzales, Doreen LG 3.3 0.5 816 NF 6097 EN Up North and Down South: Using Map Directions Up North at the Cabin F Chall, Marsha LG 3.8 0.5 554 F 7400 EN Up North in Winter Hartley, Deborah LG 2.8 0.5 3,789 F 5394 EN Up to Bat Hughes, Dean LG 3.6 1.0 7,353 F 9395 EN Up, Up, and Away Hillert, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 2,500 F 120282 EN Up, up in the Air Blaisdell, Molly LG 2.9 0.5 966 F 118724 EN Useful Tails O'Hare, Ted LG 2.4 0.5 270 NF 120640 EN Using Math to Make Party Plans Freese, Joan LG 2.3 0.5 680 NF 120642 EN Using Money on a Shopping Trip Marrewa, Jennifer LG 2.6 0.5 678 NF 40508 EN Uu Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 41 NF 36932 EN Uu Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 95 NF Page 109 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 20050 EN Vacation Under the Volcano Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.1 1.0 5,839 F 10495 EN Valentine Bears Bunting, Eve LG 2.8 0.5 799 F 105358 EN Valentine for Ms. Vanilla, A Gradisher, Martha LG 2.1 0.5 273 F 73205 EN Valentine's Day Haugen, Brenda LG 2.9 0.5 399 NF 50997 EN Valentine's Day Schuh, Mari C. LG 2.3 0.5 110 NF 5246 EN Valentine Star, The Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 2.5 1.0 7,007 F 14960 EN Vampire Breath Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 2.0 18,251 F 80082 EN Vampire's Vacation, The Roy, Ron LG 3.5 1.0 8,500 F 36813 EN Vegetable Group, The Frost, Helen LG 2.0 0.5 87 NF 62650 EN Vegetables Are Vital Rondeau, Amanda LG 2.2 0.5 204 NF 36851 EN Velociraptor Cohen, Daniel LG 3.5 0.5 341 NF 89533 EN Velociraptor Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.7 0.5 140 NF 695 EN Velveteen Rabbit, The Williams, Margery LG 4.9 1.0 3,877 45788 EN Venus Williams: Tennis Champion Feldman, Heather LG 1.3 0.5 118 F NF 56655 EN Verbs Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 82 NF 297 EN Veronica Ganz Sachs, Marilyn MG 4.0 4.0 28,900 F 36427 EN Very Boastful Kangaroo, The Most, Bernard LG 1.7 0.5 229 F 36015 EN Very Busy Spider, The Carle, Eric LG 1.3 0.5 261 F 5496 EN Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Carle, Eric LG 2.9 0.5 221 F 13776 EN Very Lonely Firefly, The Carle, Eric LG 3.8 0.5 232 F 34890 EN Very Scary Johnston, Tony LG 1.9 0.5 231 F 10549 EN Very Special Critter, A Mayer, Gina LG 2.1 0.5 2,500 F 5395 EN Very Young Gymnast, A Krementz, Jill MG 3.8 0.5 3,462 NF 5396 EN Very Young Skater, A Krementz, Jill MG 3.3 0.5 3,575 NF 5397 EN Very Young Skier, A Krementz, Jill MG 3.3 0.5 3,575 NF 72101 EN Vet, The Levin, Amy LG 1.4 0.5 150 NF 26684 EN Veterinarians Help Animals Greene, Carol LG 1.6 0.5 383 NF 34548 EN Vibrations Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.7 0.5 39 NF 5398 EN Victory Goal Hughes, Dean LG 3.0 1.0 7,692 F 24110 EN Vietnam Dahl, Michael LG 3.5 0.5 1,000 NF 24935 EN Viking Ships at Sunrise Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.0 1.0 5,701 F 6098 EN Grifalconi, Ann LG 4.4 0.5 1,320 F 130969 EN Village of Round and Square Houses, The Village That Almost Vanished, The Brezenoff, Steve MG 3.1 1.0 6,147 F 14697 EN Viva Heather! Sinykin, Sheri Cooper MG 4.7 2.0 14,872 F 134886 EN Volleyball by the Numbers Dolphin, Colleen LG 3.1 0.5 730 NF 62651 EN Volunteering Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.7 0.5 117 NF 40509 EN Vv Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 42 NF 10695 EN Wacky Jacks Adler, David A. LG 4.3 1.0 5,929 F 101672 EN Wait for Me! Browne, Eileen LG 2.5 0.5 435 F 50506 EN Wait! No Paint! Whatley, Bruce LG 3.2 0.5 932 F 9346 EN Wait, Skates! Johnson, Mildred D. LG 0.8 0.5 58 F 58843 EN Wait Till the Moon Is Full Brown, Margaret Wise LG 3.2 0.5 917 F 10696 EN Waiting for the Whales McFarlane, Sheryl LG 4.7 0.5 1,040 F Page 110 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7246 EN Wake Up, Sun Harrison, David LG 1.2 0.5 301 F 45789 EN Wakeboarding: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.1 0.5 124 NF 43916 EN Walkingsticks Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 83 NF 32248 EN Wall, The Bunting, Eve LG 2.4 0.5 701 F 32247 EN Walter the Baker Carle, Eric LG 3.7 0.5 867 F 18254 EN Turner, Priscilla LG 3.5 0.5 549 F 24955 EN War Between the Vowels and the Consonants, The War of the Worlds, The Evans, Mary Ann MG 2.6 1.0 8,176 F F 298 EN War with Grandpa, The Smith, Robert Kimmel MG 4.0 4.0 28,900 40579 EN Feeney, Kathy LG 4.5 0.5 1,113 NF 100154 EN Washington, D.C. Facts and Symbols Washington Redskins LeBoutillier, Nate LG 2.6 0.5 319 NF 43917 EN Wasps Frost, Helen LG 1.6 0.5 59 NF 62859 EN Waste Not: Time to Recycle Weber, Rebecca LG 3.1 0.5 433 NF 141537 EN Watch Apple Trees Grow Hoffman, Mary Ann LG 0.9 0.5 86 NF 141538 EN Watch Corn Grow Rajczak, Kristen LG 0.8 0.5 52 NF 141539 EN Watch Grass Grow Rajczak, Kristen LG 0.9 0.5 54 NF 56842 EN Watch It Grow Hammersmith, Craig LG 2.4 0.5 408 NF 77425 EN Watch Out! Fearnley, Jan LG 2.4 0.5 619 F 61754 EN De Paola, Tomie LG 1.3 0.5 232 F F 7349 EN Watch out for the Chicken Feet in Your Soup Watch Out, Ronald Morgan! Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 1.7 0.5 604 141540 EN Watch Peas Grow Shea, Therese LG 0.9 0.5 78 NF 141541 EN Watch Pine Trees Grow Shea, Therese LG 0.9 0.5 64 NF 31589 EN Watch Runs Away Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.3 0.5 835 F F 10550 EN Watch the Stars Come Out Levinson, Riki LG 3.3 0.5 2,500 141542 EN Watch Tulips Grow Rajczak, Kristen LG 0.9 0.5 57 NF 101673 EN Water Matthews, Rachel LG 1.7 0.5 246 NF 32773 EN Water as a Gas Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 128 NF 32774 EN Water as a Liquid Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 142 NF 32775 EN Water as a Solid Frost, Helen LG 1.3 0.5 114 NF 43918 EN Water Bugs Frost, Helen LG 1.6 0.5 76 NF 4172 EN Water Cycle, The Curry, Don L. LG 3.0 0.5 266 NF 21366 EN Water Dance Locker, Thomas MG 1.9 0.5 290 F 66007 EN Water: Up, Down, and All Around Rosinsky, Natalie M. LG 3.2 0.5 575 NF 45792 EN Wayne Gretzky: Hockey Star Feldman, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 157 NF 5247 EN Wayside School Is Falling Down Sachar, Louis MG 4.9 5.0 33,557 F 9094 EN We Are Friends Feldman, Eve LG 2.4 0.5 790 F 56682 EN We Have a Wee Whale Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.4 0.5 120 NF 65995 EN Loewen, Nancy LG 4.1 0.5 1,706 NF 21424 EN We Live Here Too! Kids Talk About Good Citizenship We Love Them Waddell, Martin LG 1.6 0.5 284 36802 EN We Need Custodians Bauld, Jane Scoggins LG 1.3 0.5 33 NF 32762 EN We Need Mail Carriers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.0 0.5 62 NF 36804 EN We Need Principals Bauld, Jane Scoggins LG 1.9 0.5 53 NF 36805 EN We Need Teachers Bauld, Jane Scoggins LG 1.9 0.5 38 NF F Page 111 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 32777 EN We Need Water Frost, Helen LG 1.2 0.5 100 NF 76433 EN We Play Scott Foresman Editors LG 0.7 0.5 257 F 11194 EN We're Going on a Bear Hunt Rosen, Michael J. LG 1.3 0.5 410 F 50100 EN We're Going on a Ghost Hunt Vaughan, Marcia LG 1.5 0.5 511 F 76434 EN We See Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.4 0.5 441 F 76435 EN We Work Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.4 0.5 430 F 56823 EN Weather Watcher, The Conrad, David LG 2.8 0.5 400 NF 62860 EN Weather Wise Weber, Rebecca LG 2.3 0.5 277 NF 25979 EN Weave of Words, A San Souci, Robert D. LG 4.7 0.5 1,929 F 117522 EN Wedges and Ramps Oxlade, Chris LG 3.9 0.5 1,023 NF 121078 EN Wednesday Lindeen, Mary LG 2.3 0.5 209 NF 5248 EN Wednesday Surprise, The Bunting, Eve LG 2.9 0.5 3,687 F 82533 EN Wee and the Wright Brothers Gaffney, Timothy R. LG 4.4 0.5 1,696 F 129174 EN Wee Little Lamb Thompson, Lauren LG 2.2 0.5 156 F 11195 EN Wee Little Woman, The Barton, Byron LG 3.0 0.5 253 F 121074 EN Week, The Lindeen, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 212 NF 141328 EN Weird Walking Sticks Roza, Greg LG 1.0 0.5 73 NF 62815 EN Welcome to Brazil Auch, Alison LG 1.9 0.5 332 NF 9626 EN Welcome to Camp Nightmare Stine, R.L. MG 3.6 3.0 25,354 62816 EN Welcome to Canada Auch, Alison LG 2.2 0.5 360 F NF 9627 EN Welcome to Dead House Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 3.0 25,547 62817 EN Welcome to Japan Auch, Alison LG 2.4 0.5 389 F NF 62818 EN Welcome to Kenya Auch, Alison LG 2.1 0.5 342 NF 62819 EN Welcome to Mexico Auch, Alison LG 2.4 0.5 363 NF 62820 EN Welcome to Russia Auch, Alison LG 2.3 0.5 391 NF 54451 EN Well of the Wind, The Garner, Alan LG 3.9 0.5 2,039 F 9628 EN Werewolf of Fever Swamp, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.6 3.0 25,010 F 14952 EN Werewolf Skin Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 20,118 F 10697 EN Dadey, Debbie LG 3.8 1.0 9,827 F 83754 EN Dadey, Debbie LG 4.3 1.0 7,341 F 40580 EN Werewolves Don't Go to Summer Camp Werewolves Don't Run for President West Virginia Facts and Symbols Feeney, Kathy LG 4.2 0.5 1,152 NF 36764 EN Wet and Dry Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 78 NF 118639 EN Wetlands O'Hare, Ted LG 2.9 0.5 224 NF 36925 EN wh Molter, Carey LG 1.0 0.5 77 NF 6148 EN Whale Brother Steiner, Barbara LG 3.1 0.5 1,676 123663 EN Whale Shark (Pebble Plus) Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 2.0 0.5 147 NF 110300 EN Whale Tale Hanson, Anders LG 2.7 0.5 403 F 43919 EN Whales Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.4 0.5 45 NF 36769 EN What? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.0 0.5 100 NF 9578 EN What a Pest! Cocca-Leffler, Maryann LG 2.7 0.5 3,021 F 51936 EN What a Trip, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula LG 2.6 0.5 1,629 F 48255 EN What a Week: The Sound of Long E Klingel, Cynthia LG 2.0 0.5 81 F NF Page 112 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 56292 EN What Are Caves? Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.9 0.5 108 NF 50998 EN What Are Deserts? Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.5 0.5 108 NF 50999 EN What Are Forests? Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.9 0.5 117 NF 56293 EN What Are Lakes? Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.7 0.5 92 NF 51000 EN What Are Mountains? Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 73 NF 51001 EN What Are Oceans? Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 97 NF 56294 EN What Are Rivers? Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.6 0.5 111 NF NF 56295 EN What Are Volcanoes? Schuh, Mari C. LG 2.1 0.5 108 117375 EN Emerson, Carl LG 2.7 0.5 1,059 F 9095 EN What Are You, Patty? A Platypus Tale What Cat Is That? Searl, Duncan LG 2.1 0.5 686 F 42620 EN What Could Be Keeping Santa? Janovitz, Marilyn LG 1.9 0.5 170 F 31032 EN What Do Animals Do in Winter? Berger, Melvin LG 2.7 0.5 1,371 NF 41330 EN What Do Authors Do? Christelow, Eileen LG 4.2 0.5 1,087 NF 49867 EN Jenkins, Steve LG 4.0 0.5 402 NF 26363 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 2.2 0.5 357 F 19188 EN What Do You Do When Something Wants to Eat You? What Do You Do with a Grumpy Kangaroo? What Do You See in a Cloud? Fowler, Allan LG 3.1 0.5 359 NF 13766 EN What Faust Saw Ottley, Matt LG 1.9 0.5 176 F 26947 EN What Good Is a Tree? Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.8 0.5 96 F 4170 EN What Grows from a Tree? Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 256 NF 115355 EN What Has a Shell? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.7 0.5 285 NF 115356 EN What Has a Tail? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.0 0.5 260 NF 115357 EN What Has Claws? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.4 0.5 239 NF 115358 EN What Has Fur? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.5 0.5 295 NF 115359 EN What Has Hooves? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.4 0.5 282 NF 115360 EN What Has Horns? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.1 0.5 235 NF 115361 EN What Has Paws? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.4 0.5 302 NF 115362 EN What Has Scales? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.6 0.5 213 NF 115363 EN What Has Spots? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.3 0.5 275 NF 115364 EN What Has Stripes? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.5 0.5 243 NF 115365 EN What Has Webbed Feet? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.4 0.5 230 NF 115366 EN What Has Wings? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 2.1 0.5 221 NF 4174 EN What Hatches? Curry, Don L. LG 2.0 0.5 353 NF 21321 EN What Have You Done, Davy? Weninger, Brigitte LG 3.3 0.5 1,053 43902 EN What Is a Bird? Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.2 0.5 71 NF 62821 EN What Is a Family? Hammersmith, Craig LG 2.2 0.5 225 NF 43903 EN What Is a Fish? Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.2 0.5 77 NF 43904 EN What Is a Mammal? Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.4 0.5 70 NF 4185 EN What Is a Map? Weidenman, Lauren LG 1.9 0.5 266 NF 43905 EN What Is a Reptile? Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.4 0.5 67 NF 28840 EN What Is a Scientist? Lehn, Barbara LG 3.4 0.5 451 NF 48548 EN What Is a Teacher? Lehn, Barbara LG 3.1 0.5 474 F 43906 EN What Is an Amphibian? Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.9 0.5 85 F NF Page 113 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 57 NF NF 43907 EN What Is an Insect? Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.6 0.5 72102 EN What Is in the Sky? Chapman, Cindy LG 1.8 0.5 218 9396 EN What Is It? Hillert, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 41843 EN "What is That?" Said the Cat Maccarone, Grace LG 1.4 0.5 118 F 41750 EN What Is the World Made Of? Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner LG 3.7 0.5 1,076 NF 30524 EN What Mary Jo Shared Udry, Janice May LG 3.7 0.5 1,287 F 72103 EN What Plants and Animals Need Leber, Nancy LG 1.7 0.5 233 NF 35587 EN What's a Pair? What's a Dozen? Swinburne, Stephen R. LG 2.0 0.5 258 NF 137649 EN What's in Fox's Sack? Galdone, Paul LG 3.1 0.5 995 F 299 EN Kline, Suzy MG 2.7 2.0 17,000 F 25169 EN What's the Matter with Herbie Jones? What's the Weather Today? Fowler, Allan LG 2.2 0.5 258 NF 128729 EN Wheel Loaders Zobel, Derek LG 1.5 0.5 100 NF 13582 EN Wheels and Axles Dahl, Michael LG 2.8 0.5 321 NF 117523 EN Wheels (Smart Apple Media) Oxlade, Chris LG 3.7 0.5 986 NF 36770 EN When? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 123 NF 19192 EN When a Storm Comes Up Fowler, Allan LG 3.5 0.5 408 NF 6099 EN When Africa Was Home Williams, Karen Lynn LG 3.2 0.5 1,298 F 5497 EN When Bluebell Sang Ernst, Lisa Campbell LG 3.5 0.5 1,378 F 5549 EN When I Am Old with You Johnson, Angela LG 2.7 0.5 419 F 7247 EN When I Get Bigger Mayer, Mercer LG 2.2 0.5 203 F 106609 EN When I Was Little Igus, Toyomi LG 3.7 0.5 1,756 F 5498 EN Rylant, Cynthia LG 3.6 0.5 429 F 17745 EN When I Was Young in the Mountains When Jessie Came Across the Sea Hest, Amy MG 3.2 0.5 1,836 F 58489 EN When Mama Comes Home Tonight Spinelli, Eileen LG 2.9 0.5 189 F 125217 EN When People Die Hewitt, Sally LG 3.7 0.5 2,350 29508 EN Bang, Molly LG 1.4 0.5 166 F 11196 EN When Sophie Gets Angry--Really, Really, Angry When Spring Comes Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie LG 3.5 0.5 437 F 9298 EN When the Giants Came to Town Leonard, Marcia LG 2.7 0.5 2,500 F 11197 EN When the Wind Stops Zolotow, Charlotte LG 3.2 0.5 548 F 34618 EN When Tiny Was Tiny Meister, Cari LG 0.9 0.5 158 F NF 7248 EN When Will I Read? Cohen, Miriam LG 2.3 0.5 671 F 18648 EN When Will It Be Spring? Walters, Catherine LG 1.5 0.5 418 F 11198 EN When Will the Snow Trees Grow? Shecter, Ben LG 2.8 0.5 175 F 9097 EN When Winter Comes Neuman, Pearl LG 2.8 0.5 631 NF 36767 EN Where? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 109 NF 72104 EN Where Animals Live Cherrington, Janelle LG 1.0 0.5 100 NF 19919 EN Where Are the Bears? Winters, Kay LG 2.2 0.5 1,641 72105 EN Where Dinosaurs Walked Josephs, Ben LG 2.1 0.5 234 NF 56656 EN Where Do I Wear Water Wings? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 196 NF 65676 EN Koss, Amy Goldman LG 4.1 0.5 1,221 NF 46865 EN Where Fish Go in Winter: And Other Great Mysteries Where Is Max? Pearson, Mary E. LG 0.3 0.5 62 F 34573 EN Where is the Apple Pie? Gorbachev, Valeri LG 1.6 0.5 189 F F Page 114 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 153 NF NF 72118 EN Where Is Your Home? Chapman, Cindy LG 1.3 0.5 19194 EN Where Land Meets Sea Fowler, Allan LG 3.2 0.5 428 10698 EN Where's Molly? Waas, Uli LG 2.9 0.5 1,334 F 101719 EN Where's My Shirt? Hewitt, Sally LG 2.3 0.5 684 F 45263 EN Where's That Cat? Merriam, Eve LG 1.9 0.5 282 F 65650 EN Where's the Big Bad Wolf? Christelow, Eileen LG 2.6 0.5 1,151 F 35986 EN Where the Forest Meets the Sea Baker, Jeannie LG 3.0 0.5 360 F 5499 EN Where the Wild Things Are Sendak, Maurice LG 3.4 0.5 336 F 72119 EN Which Holiday Is It? Watson, Yolanda LG 1.3 0.5 141 NF 19597 EN Whingdingdilly, The Peet, Bill LG 4.9 1.0 3,424 F 17550 EN Whistle for Willie Keats, Ezra Jack LG 3.1 0.5 379 F 30649 EN White Snow Bright Snow Tresselt, Alvin LG 4.2 0.5 737 F 5249 EN White Stallion, The Shub, Elizabeth LG 2.0 0.5 1,206 F 17747 EN White Wave: A Chinese Tale Wolkstein, Diane MG 3.9 0.5 1,264 F 83391 EN White Wolf, The Roy, Ron LG 3.6 1.0 9,006 F 85790 EN Whiteout! A Book About Blizzards Thomas, Rick LG 3.7 0.5 907 NF 36768 EN Who? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 113 NF 48721 EN Who Bop? London, Jonathan LG 1.9 0.5 270 F 76436 EN Who Can Help? Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.3 0.5 651 F 9397 EN Who Goes to School? Hillert, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 2,500 F 66039 EN Longenecker, Theresa LG 3.7 0.5 1,117 NF 66040 EN Longenecker, Theresa LG 4.0 0.5 1,210 NF 66041 EN Longenecker, Theresa LG 3.9 0.5 1,038 NF 66042 EN Longenecker, Theresa LG 3.8 0.5 1,162 NF 66043 EN Longenecker, Theresa LG 4.1 0.5 1,241 NF 66044 EN Longenecker, Theresa LG 3.3 0.5 956 NF 4160 EN Who Grows up in the Desert? A Book About Desert Animals and Their Offspring Who Grows up in the Forest? A Book About Forest Animals and Their Offspring Who Grows up in the Ocean? A Book About Ocean Animals and Their Offspring Who Grows up in the Rain Forest? A Book About Rain Forest Animals and Their Offspring Who Grows up in the Snow? A Book About Polar Animals and Their Offspring Who Grows up on the Farm? A Book About Farm Animals and Their Offspring Who Is a Friend? Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.2 0.5 192 NF 31630 EN Who Is the Beast? Baker, Keith LG 1.2 0.5 206 F 87424 EN Who Loves Me? MacLachlan, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 305 F 72120 EN Who Needs Teeth? Cherrington, Janelle LG 1.8 0.5 167 NF 10634 EN Who Owns the Sun? Chbosky, Stacy LG 4.1 0.5 1,865 F 7350 EN Who Put the Pepper in the Pot? Cole, Joanna LG 2.3 0.5 3,840 F 49428 EN Who's Afraid of the Dark? Bonsall, Crosby LG 1.1 0.5 209 F 32918 EN Who's in Love with Arthur? Krensky, Stephen LG 3.0 1.0 4,994 F 56657 EN Who's on Whose Spot? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 132 NF 9098 EN Who's There? Gold, Porter LG 2.7 0.5 575 F Page 115 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 31603 EN Who Stole the Cookies? Moffatt, Judith LG 0.8 0.5 154 F 25953 EN Who Took the Book? Dixon, Franklin W. LG 2.0 1.0 8,118 F 7299 EN Who Wants an Old Teddy Bear? Hofmann, Ginnie LG 2.5 0.5 475 F 12105 EN Who Wants Arthur? Graham, Amanda LG 3.5 0.5 560 F 7249 EN Who Will Be My Friends? Hoff, Syd LG 1.4 0.5 202 F 7884 EN Whoo-oo Is It? McDonald, Megan LG 3.9 0.5 3,500 F 66011 EN Hall, Peg LG 3.3 0.5 962 NF 66012 EN Hall, Peg LG 3.3 0.5 1,021 NF 66013 EN Hall, Peg LG 3.2 0.5 873 NF 66014 EN Hall, Peg LG 3.6 0.5 1,040 NF 46161 EN Whose Ears Are These? A Look at Animal Ears - Short, Flat, and Floppy Whose Eyes Are These? A Look at Animal Eyes - Big, Round, and Narrow Whose Feet Are These? A Look at Hooves, Paws, and Claws Whose Legs Are These? A Look at Animal Legs - Kicking, Running, and Hopping Whose Mouse Are You? Kraus, Robert LG 0.8 0.5 105 66015 EN Kee, Lisa Morris LG 3.9 0.5 1,028 NF 66016 EN Hall, Peg LG 3.5 0.5 919 NF 66017 EN Kee, Lisa Morris LG 4.1 0.5 1,315 NF 66018 EN Hall, Peg LG 3.1 0.5 997 NF 36766 EN Whose Mouth Is This? A Look at Bills, Suckers, and Tubes Whose Nose Is This? A Look at Beaks, Snouts, and Trunks Whose Skin Is This? A Look at Animal Skin - Scaly, Furry, and Prickly Whose Tail Is This? A Look at Tails - Swishing, Wiggling, and Rattling Why? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 117 NF 113623 EN Why Are You Sad and Blue? Kompelien, Tracy LG 2.4 0.5 207 NF 7250 EN Why Can't I Fly? Gelman, Rita Golden LG 1.6 0.5 448 F 15299 EN Why Cowboys Need a Brand Knowlton, Laurie Lazzaro LG 2.8 0.5 1,000 F 68086 EN Why Do Horses Neigh? Holub, Joan LG 3.5 0.5 1,806 NF 68087 EN Why Do Rabbits Hop? Holub, Joan LG 3.8 0.5 2,111 NF 10699 EN Why Ducks Sleep on One Leg Garland, Sherry LG 4.1 0.5 1,419 F F 9629 EN Why I'm Afraid of Bees Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 3.0 24,653 F 21423 EN Why Is the Sky Blue? Grindley, Sally LG 3.2 0.5 1,056 F 113624 EN Why Is Today Cloudy and Gray? Kompelien, Tracy LG 2.2 0.5 216 5550 EN Aardema, Verna LG 4.0 0.5 1,219 F 18649 EN Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears: A West African Tale Why So Sad, Brown Rabbit? Cain, Sheridan LG 2.9 0.5 585 F 43698 EN Why the Frog Has Big Eyes Franco, Betsy LG 0.9 0.5 132 F F NF 9398 EN Why We Have Thanksgiving Hillert, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 2,500 84603 EN Wickiups Preszler, June LG 3.5 0.5 754 NF 6100 EN Wild Christmas Reindeer, The Brett, Jan LG 4.1 0.5 943 F 6298 EN Wild, Wild Wolves Milton, Joyce LG 2.3 0.5 3,840 NF 6700 EN Will and Orv Schulz, Walter LG 2.9 0.5 1,505 NF 7196 EN William and the Good Old Days Greenfield, Eloise LG 3.4 0.5 3,500 F 5500 EN William's Doll Zolotow, Charlotte LG 3.6 0.5 573 F 30641 EN William Tell Bawden, Nina LG 4.5 0.5 1,032 NF Page 116 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 89588 EN Wilma Rudolph Braun, Eric LG 2.2 0.5 243 NF 61676 EN Wind Blew, The Hutchins, Pat LG 2.9 0.5 169 F 32771 EN Windy Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.2 0.5 54 9508 EN Lattimore, Deborah Nourse LG 4.3 0.5 1,547 F 300 EN Winged Cat: A Tale of Ancient Egypt, The Winged Colt of Casa Mia, The Byars, Betsy MG 3.0 3.0 23,400 F NF 16612 EN Winter Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 2.0 0.5 92 NF 108938 EN Winter Herriges, Ann LG 1.7 0.5 229 NF 77842 EN Winter Hirschi, Ron LG 3.5 0.5 197 NF 48256 EN Winter Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 179 NF 11199 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 4.0 0.5 561 F 6149 EN Winter Days in the Big Woods: Adapted from the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder Winter Duckling, The Polette, Keith LG 2.8 0.5 797 F 82243 EN Winter of the Ice Wizard Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.8 2.0 11,217 F 35814 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls LG 3.9 0.5 571 F 66019 EN Finnegan, Mary Pat LG 3.4 0.5 608 NF 48291 EN Winter on the Farm: Adapted from the Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder Winter: Signs of the Season Around North America Witch Mama Caseley, Judith LG 3.2 0.5 600 F 9399 EN Witch Who Went for a Walk, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 2,500 F 10700 EN Witches Don't Do Backflips Dadey, Debbie LG 3.7 1.0 7,878 F 54924 EN With Love, Little Red Hen Ada, Alma Flor LG 4.8 0.5 2,166 F 14698 EN Wizards Don't Need Computers Dadey, Debbie LG 3.1 1.0 7,746 F 101671 EN Wobbly Wand, The Bevan, Clare LG 1.9 0.5 824 F 80801 EN Blair, Eric LG 2.8 0.5 674 F 21153 EN Wolf and the Seven Little Kids: A Retelling of the Grimms' Fairy Tale, The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids, The Grimm, Brothers LG 3.9 0.5 969 F 18650 EN Wolf Is Coming!, The MacDonald, Elizabeth LG 2.6 0.5 738 F 118601 EN Wolves Cleland, JoAnn LG 2.2 0.5 255 NF 7127 EN Wolpert, Tom MG 4.8 0.5 2,414 NF 5250 EN Duncan, Lois LG 3.8 1.0 7,246 F 32838 EN Wolves for Kids/Wolf Magic for Kids Wonder Kid Meets the Evil Lunch Snatcher Wonder of a Waterfall, The Fowler, Allan LG 3.5 0.5 416 14699 EN Le Guin, Ursula K. LG 3.5 1.0 5,521 F 5307 EN Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings Woodshed Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.1 3.0 20,677 F 84773 EN Woolly Mammoth Frost, Helen LG 2.4 0.5 149 NF 32864 EN Word Bird Makes Words with Cat Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.4 0.5 296 F 32868 EN Word Bird Makes Words with Duck Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 368 F 32866 EN Word Bird Makes Words with Hen Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.5 0.5 331 F 32867 EN Word Bird Makes Words with Pig Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.7 0.5 379 F 61767 EN Word Bird's Circus Surprise Moncure, Jane Belk LG 0.7 0.5 119 F 32873 EN Word Bird's Dinosaur Days Moncure, Jane Belk LG 2.5 0.5 617 F 61768 EN Word Bird's Hats Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.5 0.5 247 F 61769 EN Word Bird's Shapes Moncure, Jane Belk LG 2.0 0.5 201 F NF Page 117 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 62857 EN Work We Do, The Conrad, David LG 3.2 0.5 463 NF 76573 EN Working Together Scheunemann, Pam LG 2.2 0.5 174 NF 47531 EN Workshop Clements, Andrew LG 1.9 0.5 262 F 5399 EN World Series Tunis, John R. MG 5.5 8.0 51,613 F 34938 EN Worst Day of My Life, The Cosby, Bill LG 3.3 0.5 1,678 F 6299 EN Wretched Stone, The Van Allsburg, Chris LG 4.3 0.5 3,249 F 135309 EN Writing a Wrong Potter, Noel Gyro LG 4.2 0.5 1,218 NF 11200 EN Wrong-Way Rabbit, The Slater, Teddy LG 2.0 0.5 297 F 19599 EN Wump World, The Peet, Bill LG 5.3 0.5 1,542 F 40510 EN Ww Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 42 85882 EN X'ed-Out X-Ray, The Roy, Ron LG 3.8 1.0 8,793 F 9299 EN X-Men: Battle of the Sentinels Hautzig, Deborah LG 3.3 0.5 2,500 F F NF 9300 EN X-Men: Enter Magneto Weiner, Eric LG 3.4 0.5 2,500 40511 EN Xx Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 39 43754 EN Year of Miss Agnes, The Hill, Kirkpatrick MG 4.5 3.0 18,744 F 6996 EN Year of the Panda, The Schlein, Miriam LG 3.4 1.0 7,783 F 6300 EN Louie, Ai-Ling LG 4.5 1.0 6,897 F 113625 EN Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China Yell and Scream for Your Team! Kompelien, Tracy LG 2.1 0.5 220 9400 EN Yellow Boat, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 2,500 F 5303 EN Yellow House Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 2.5 3.0 25,403 F 86483 EN Yellow Yacht, The Roy, Ron LG 3.9 1.0 8,632 F NF NF 9049 EN Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Seuss, Dr. LG 3.6 1.0 4,380 F 22550 EN You and Me, Little Bear Waddell, Martin LG 2.0 0.5 405 F 9630 EN You Can't Scare Me Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 25,467 F 6150 EN You Hold Me and I'll Hold You Carson, Jo LG 3.2 0.5 762 F 56658 EN You're on Your Phone Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 196 NF 9050 EN You're Only Old Once! Seuss, Dr. LG 3.5 0.5 2,500 F 7300 EN You're the Scaredy-Cat Mayer, Mercer LG 1.6 0.5 180 F 15250 EN Adler, David A. LG 2.1 0.5 1,477 F 59802 EN Adler, David A. LG 2.5 0.5 1,122 F 49431 EN Adler, David A. LG 2.9 0.5 1,428 F 16397 EN Adler, David A. LG 2.4 0.5 1,288 F 5400 EN Young Cam Jansen and the Dinosaur Game Young Cam Jansen and the Double Beach Mystery Young Cam Jansen and the Library Mystery Young Cam Jansen and the Lost Tooth Young Razzle Tunis, John R. MG 5.9 6.0 37,736 F 10936 EN Young Wolf's First Hunt Shefelman, Janice Jordan LG 2.7 0.5 2,086 F 117669 EN Your Body Llewellyn, Claire LG 2.3 0.5 443 NF 117670 EN Your Food Llewellyn, Claire LG 2.2 0.5 426 NF 117671 EN Your Hair Llewellyn, Claire LG 2.4 0.5 504 NF 32757 EN Your Senses Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 139 NF 31761 EN Your Teeth Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 132 NF 117672 EN Your Teeth Llewellyn, Claire LG 2.7 0.5 481 NF 40512 EN Yy Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 43 NF Page 118 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 8, 2011 11:19:52 AM School: Appomattox Primary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 151 NF NF 127848 EN Zebra Shark (Pebble Plus) Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 2.0 0.5 55458 EN Zebras Molter, Carey LG 0.8 0.5 39 72800 EN Zee Gay, Michel LG 1.8 0.5 263 F 19600 EN Zella, Zack, and Zodiac Peet, Bill LG 4.5 0.5 1,391 F 34552 EN Zigzag Movement Schaefer, Lola M. LG 2.4 0.5 51 NF 48258 EN Zigzag: The Sound of Z Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.8 0.5 67 NF 13784 EN Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin Moss, Lloyd LG 4.9 0.5 349 F 87386 EN Zombie Zone, The Roy, Ron LG 3.8 1.0 8,662 F 14700 EN Zombies Don't Play Soccer Dadey, Debbie LG 3.0 1.0 7,814 F 7600 EN Zoo Gibbons, Gail LG 3.3 0.5 744 NF 108377 EN Zoo Animals 1, 2, 3 Davis, Rebecca Fjelland LG 2.7 0.5 379 NF 130971 EN Zoo with the Empty Cage, The Brezenoff, Steve MG 3.0 1.0 5,959 138420 EN Zoologists in the Field Spilsbury, Louise LG 3.0 0.5 723 NF 13783 EN Miller, William LG 4.3 0.5 684 F 40513 EN Zora Hurston and the Chinaberry Tree Zz Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 43 Number of Quizzes: 4,790 F NF
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