Quiz List—Reading Practice - International School of Minnesota
Quiz List—Reading Practice - International School of Minnesota
Page 1 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 43213 EN 1 Is for One Wheatley, Nadia LG 1.5 0.5 91 F 74705 EN 100th Day of School Schiller, Melissa LG 1.8 0.5 253 NF 41025 EN 100th Day of School, The Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 1.4 0.5 189 F 114534 EN Dugan, Joanne LG 1.3 0.5 197 NF 4145 EN 123 NYC: A Counting Book of New York City 2 of Everything Noonan, Diana LG 1.9 0.5 218 F 4146 EN 3...2...1...Blast-Off! Noonan, Diana LG 1.6 0.5 287 F 68113 EN Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.0 0.5 123 NF 72205 EN 3, 2, 1 Go! A Transportation Countdown 3 Little Firefighters Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.7 0.5 307 F 123906 SP ¡A comer! Mora, Pat LG 1.8 0.5 109 F 45742 SP Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 196 NF 45760 SP Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 140 NF 46082 EN ¡A comer sanamente! (Limpieza y salud todo el día) ¡A hacer ejercicio! (Limpieza y salud todo el día) A-Hunting We Will Go! Kellogg, Steven LG 1.6 0.5 383 F 45790 SP Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 135 NF ÷ 26362 SP ¡A lavarse las manos! (Limpieza y salud todo el día) ¿A qué jugamos hoy? Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 355 F ÷ 36909 EN Aa Doudna, Kelly LG 0.5 0.5 37 NF ÷ 36928 EN Aa Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 114 NF ÷ 83128 EN Aaaarrgghh! Spider! Monks, Lydia LG 0.8 0.5 199 F 121825 SP abeja perdida, Una Ford, Ron LG 1.2 0.5 150 F 51004 EN About Birds: A Guide for Children Sill, Cathryn LG 1.2 0.5 78 NF 51005 EN About Insects: A Guide for Children Sill, Cathryn LG 1.7 0.5 101 NF 83361 EN Abraham Lincoln Walker, Pamela LG 1.5 0.5 110 NF 31714 SP abrigo lleno de burbujas, Un Shahan, Sherry LG 1.4 0.5 85 120034 EN Abyssinian Cats Perkins, Wendy LG 1.5 0.5 133 NF 81794 EN Abyssinian (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 0.9 0.5 61 NF 85988 SP Acampar Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.7 0.5 115 F 35555 EN Accidents Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.9 0.5 35 F 46158 SP Acerca de los animales bebés Kuchalla, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 198 F 66340 EN -ack as in Snack Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.6 0.5 131 NF 7201 EN Across the Stream Ginsburg, Mirra LG 1.7 0.5 93 76562 EN Acting with Kindness Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.4 0.5 133 NF 66316 EN -ad as in Dad Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 146 NF 121344 EN Adam and Eve in the Garden Pulley, Kelly LG 1.7 0.5 326 F ÷ 6101 EN Addie Meets Max Robins, Joan LG 1.7 0.5 416 F ÷ 44185 EN Addie's Bad Day Robins, Joan LG 1.8 0.5 559 F 120641 EN Adding and Subtracting at the Lake Rauen, Amy LG 0.8 0.5 105 NF ÷ 79276 EN Adding Arctic Animals Bauer, David LG 1.9 0.5 134 NF ÷ 9301 EN Addition Annie Gisler, David LG 1.1 0.5 55 F 104335 SP Adela y Alberto Camarena, Cathy LG 1.2 0.5 48 NF 103302 EN Adell and the Secret Well Hanson, Anders LG 0.9 0.5 123 F 73349 SP Adivina quién atrapa Gordon, Sharon LG 1.2 0.5 124 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F F Page 2 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 73347 SP Adivina quién cambia Gordon, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 135 NF 73348 SP Adivina quién se zambulle Gordon, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 136 NF 56638 EN Adjectives Doudna, Kelly LG 0.8 0.5 79 NF 61770 EN Admitting Mistakes Amos, Janine LG 1.6 0.5 334 NF 52579 EN Adventures of Bert, The Ahlberg, Allan LG 1.3 0.5 306 F 88750 EN Adventures of Cow Korchek, Lori LG 1.3 0.5 148 F 56639 EN Adverbs Doudna, Kelly LG 0.9 0.5 75 NF 32118 EN Afraid Riley, Susan LG 1.9 0.5 187 NF 46817 EN African Dancing Thomas, Mark LG 1.3 0.5 121 NF 74734 EN African Elephant Eckart, Edana LG 1.7 0.5 137 NF 35919 EN African Grasslands Costain, Meredith LG 1.9 0.5 207 NF 27199 EN After the Flood Giles, Jenny LG 1.1 0.5 209 F 61847 EN After You Amos, Janine LG 1.5 0.5 260 NF 66317 EN -ag as in Flag Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 142 NF 42154 SP ¡Agarren a ése! Douglas, Erin LG 0.9 0.5 169 F 107414 EN Aggie and Ben Ries, Lori LG 1.5 0.5 707 F 26911 EN Aggie and Will Brimner, Larry Dane LG 1.2 0.5 106 F 56554 SP Agrupemos alimentos Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 263 NF 103648 SP ¡Agua, agua y más agua! Taylor-Butler, Christine LG 1.7 0.5 108 F ÷ 32773 SP agua como gas, El Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 153 NF ÷ 32774 SP agua como líquido, El Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 173 NF ÷ 32775 SP agua como sólido, El Frost, Helen LG 1.3 0.5 158 NF 59460 EN Ah-choo! Samuels, Aurora LG 1.4 0.5 291 F 34256 SP ¡Ahí viene el malvado topo! Waddell, Martin LG 1.0 0.5 69 F 50510 EN Ahoy, Uncle Roy! Albee, Sarah LG 1.8 0.5 168 F 40489 EN ai Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 104 NF 66352 EN -ain as in Train Molter, Carey LG 1.3 0.5 113 NF 104800 EN Air Parker, Vic LG 1.9 0.5 297 NF 115667 EN Airedale Terriers Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.9 0.5 128 NF 121802 EN Airplane Jane Saviola, Erin LG 1.5 0.5 350 F 113669 EN Airplanes Lindeen, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 96 NF 34541 EN Airplanes Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.5 0.5 61 NF 121555 EN Hubbell, Patricia LG 1.5 0.5 162 F 66353 EN Airplanes: Soaring! Diving! Turning! -ake as in Cake Molter, Carey LG 1.0 0.5 106 NF 45785 SP Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 176 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ 26345 SP ¡Al agua patos! (Limpieza y salud todo el día) Al zoológico saltando llegamos Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 416 F 116291 SP Alas Leake, Diyan LG 1.3 0.5 183 NF 121843 SP álbum de Carmen, El Shea, Therese LG 0.8 0.5 79 F 26753 SP alegría de ser tú y yo, La Nikola-Lisa, W. LG 1.8 0.5 348 F 80168 EN Minden, Cecilia LG 1.0 0.5 116 NF 59461 EN Alex and the Box Shop: The Sound of X Alexander Ant Cools Off Bloksberg, Robin LG 0.8 0.5 74 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 3 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title ÷ 2307 SP ÷ 2307 EN Alexi Lalas: Sensación del fútbol soccer Alexi Lalas: Soccer Sensation Word Count F/NF 0.5 150 NF 1.1 0.5 135 NF Author IL ATOS BL Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.1 Kirkpatrick, Rob LG Points 116719 EN Alf Saves the Day Peet, Mal LG 1.7 0.5 263 F ÷ 32992 EN Alfonse, Where are You? Wikler, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 298 F ÷ 11651 EN Ali's Story Wells, Jan LG 1.1 0.5 235 F 48530 EN Alice and Aldo Lester, Alison LG 0.9 0.5 113 F 68047 EN Alicia Has a Bad Day Jahn-Clough, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 247 F 68406 EN Alicia's Best Friends Jahn-Clough, Lisa LG 1.2 0.5 297 F 31846 EN Alien at the Zoo Cutting, Brian LG 0.7 0.5 86 86811 EN Alien Invaders Huggins-Cooper, Lynn LG 1.4 0.5 113 F 50691 EN Aliens Eggleton, Jill LG 1.6 0.5 223 F 53409 SP Alimentos Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 0.5 0.5 196 NF 56555 SP Alimentos amarillos Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 277 NF 73076 SP Alimentos anaranjados Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 282 NF 56556 SP Alimentos blancos Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 302 NF 73066 SP Alimentos de color café Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 351 NF 56557 SP Alimentos rojos Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 291 NF 56558 SP Alimentos verdes Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 273 NF 122506 EN Alistair and Kip's Great Adventure! Segal, John LG 1.6 0.5 219 F 15251 EN All About Bats Jacobson, Jennifer LG 1.6 0.5 253 NF 77323 EN All About Heat Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 270 NF 77324 EN All About Light Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 265 NF 77325 EN All About Sound Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 271 NF 70105 EN All Alone Henkes, Kevin LG 1.8 0.5 140 F 86985 EN All Around Me, I See Steinberg, Laya LG 1.4 0.5 156 F 45232 EN All by Myself! Aliki LG 1.1 0.5 160 F ÷ 7202 EN All by Myself Mayer, Mercer LG 1.3 0.5 157 F ÷ 50692 EN All Clean Windsor, Jo LG 1.3 0.5 129 F 110944 EN All for Pie, Pie for All Martin, David LG 1.3 0.5 252 F 111061 EN All I Want for Christmas Gómez, Rebecca LG 1.6 0.5 342 F 70106 EN All in One Hour Crummel, Susan Stevens LG 1.6 0.5 254 F 27283 EN All Kinds of Eyes Gibbs, Bridget LG 1.8 0.5 213 NF 79277 EN All Kinds of Farms Shepard, Daniel LG 1.3 0.5 146 NF 85802 EN All Sorts of Clothes Reidy, Hannah LG 1.7 0.5 91 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 85804 EN All Sorts of Numbers Reidy, Hannah LG 1.4 0.5 169 F ÷ 9563 EN All Stuck Up Hayward, Linda LG 1.9 0.5 358 F ÷ 11153 EN All Tutus Should Be Pink Brownrigg, Sheri LG 1.8 0.5 242 F 108994 EN Allie's Bike Blackaby, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 145 F 116840 EN Alligators Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.4 0.5 118 NF 84764 EN Allosaurus Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 143 NF 83198 SP almuerzo con ponche, Un Kittinger, Jo S. LG 1.5 0.5 67 F 55671 SP almuerzo sorpresa, El Maccarone, Grace LG 1.2 0.5 159 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 4 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 64652 EN Aloha! Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.3 0.5 286 F 35439 EN Alphabet Game, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.7 0.5 296 F 77645 EN Alphabet Party Creasy, Mary-Anne LG 1.3 0.5 168 NF 48091 EN Altoona Baboona Bynum, Janie LG 1.7 0.5 142 F 66318 EN -am as in Ham Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 124 NF 63139 EN Alexander, Linda LG 0.9 0.5 60 NF 4134 EN Amanda at the Park: The Letter A (a) Amanda's Bear Joyce, Jennifer Leigh LG 1.3 0.5 152 F 62823 EN Amazing Animals Franco, Betsy LG 1.7 0.5 125 NF 27280 EN Amazing Eggs Llewellyn, Claire LG 1.6 0.5 153 NF 25302 EN Amazing Fish, The Price, Christine LG 1.8 0.5 170 F 76636 EN Amazing Machine, An Leaney, Cindy LG 1.9 0.5 135 F ÷ 31728 EN Amazon Sun, Amazon Rain de la Piedra, Ximena LG 1.3 0.5 107 F ÷ 31765 EN Ambulances Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.6 0.5 117 NF ÷ 10503 EN Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping Parish, Peggy LG 1.8 0.5 1,351 83362 EN Amelia Earhart Abraham, Philip LG 1.5 0.5 100 NF 121529 EN Amelia Makes a Movie Milgrim, David LG 1.7 0.5 408 F 39710 SP amistad, La Malone, Marsha LG 1.9 0.5 116 NF 63140 EN Amy Plays: The Letter A (long a) Alexander, Linda LG 0.7 0.5 48 NF 66319 EN -an as in Fan Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 148 NF 53704 SP Ana cultiva manzanas Wellington, Monica LG 1.8 0.5 139 F 11154 EN Anansi's Narrow Waist Cabral, Len LG 1.2 0.5 158 F 39921 EN And Billy Went out to Play Scarffe, Bronwen LG 1.9 0.5 221 F 80844 EN Llewellyn, Claire LG 1.8 0.5 403 NF 77504 EN And Everyone Shouted, "Pull!" A First Look at Forces and Motion And Here's to You! Elliott, David LG 1.9 0.5 365 F ÷ ÷ ÷ F 7203 EN And I Mean It, Stanley Bonsall, Crosby LG 0.9 0.5 184 F 100627 EN And You Can Come Too Ohi, Ruth LG 1.5 0.5 225 F 32133 EN Andy Thats My Name De Paola, Tomie LG 0.8 0.5 96 F 40993 EN Angel Baby Cummings, Pat LG 1.5 0.5 231 F 115501 EN Angels Watching Over Me Durango, Julia LG 1.5 0.5 174 F 111283 EN Angry Bingham, Jane LG 1.9 0.5 299 NF 107209 EN Animal Art Holden, Pam LG 1.5 0.5 210 F ÷ 9302 EN Animal Babies Hamsa, Bobbie LG 1.0 0.5 114 NF ÷ 35844 EN Animal Babies Sloan, Peter LG 0.9 0.5 49 NF 35447 EN Animal Fair, The Daniel, Alan/Lea LG 1.8 0.5 54 F 50273 EN Animal Feet Pyers, Greg LG 1.6 0.5 168 NF 35839 EN Animal Habitats Sloan, Peter LG 0.4 0.5 73 NF 50734 EN Animal Homes Smith, Annette LG 1.6 0.5 195 NF 25317 EN Animal Homes Tucker, Natalie LG 1.8 0.5 257 NF 42064 EN Animal Hours Manning, Linda LG 1.8 0.5 268 F 31697 SP animal más fuerte, El Boland, Janice LG 1.2 0.5 55 F 35600 EN Animal Music Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.9 0.5 278 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 5 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 31730 EN Animal Picnic, The Perkins, Leslie D. LG 1.7 0.5 103 F 121565 EN Animal Poems & Family Poems Foster, John LG 1.5 0.5 296 F 35505 EN Animal Sounds Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.2 0.5 21 F 62341 EN Animal Talk McDaniel, Melissa LG 1.5 0.5 222 NF 58082 SP Animales acorazados 123 Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 119 NF 56559 SP Animales de circo Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.6 0.5 268 NF 112649 SP Animales de la granja 1.4 0.5 217 NF 74281 SP Animales espinosos 1 2 3 Lambilly-Bresson, Élisabeth LG de Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.5 0.5 154 NF 3620 SP Barrett, Judi LG 1.9 0.5 123 F 34246 SP Edwards, Frank B. LG 1.0 0.5 57 F 58085 SP animales no deben actuar como la gente, Los Animales perdidos en lugares desconocidos Animales resbalosos 123 Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 118 NF 39718 SP animales y sus crías, Los Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.8 0.5 222 NF 112647 EN Animals Around the House Lambilly, Elisabeth de LG 1.6 0.5 211 NF 40742 EN Animals at the Mall Ross, David W. LG 1.1 0.5 39 112648 EN Animals at the Pond 1.9 0.5 243 NF 77732 EN Animals Build Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Betz, Adrienne LG 1.4 0.5 129 NF 82706 EN Animals Can Help Gibson, Brylee LG 0.9 0.5 125 NF 115416 EN Animals in Fall Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.2 0.5 111 NF 116836 EN Animals in Polar Regions 1.9 0.5 245 NF 116838 EN Animals in the Desert Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.8 0.5 232 NF 1.1 0.5 35 NF LG 1.9 0.5 248 NF LG 1.5 0.5 242 NF LG 1.9 0.5 243 NF LG 1.7 0.5 232 NF LG F 32077 EN Animals in the Fall 112652 EN Animals in the Field 116837 EN Animals in the Forest 112653 EN Animals in the Garden 116834 EN Animals in the Jungle 123650 EN Animals in Winter Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth de Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth de Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth de Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth de Rustad, Martha E.H. 1.9 0.5 148 NF 4290 EN Animals of the Forests Gareth Stevens Editors LG 1.9 0.5 55 NF 116835 EN Animals of the Mountains 1.9 0.5 237 NF 112650 EN Animals of the Night 1.6 0.5 245 NF 116839 EN Animals of the Ocean Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.9 0.5 273 NF 4291 EN Animals of the Plains Gareth Stevens Editors LG 1.7 0.5 59 NF 4292 EN Animals of the Polar Regions Gareth Stevens Editors LG 1.8 0.5 55 NF 119658 EN Animals on Board Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.6 0.5 202 F 112649 EN Animals on the Farm 1.3 0.5 220 NF 41846 EN Animals on the Go Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Brett, Jessica LG 1.6 0.5 199 NF 4048 EN Ann and the Hat Hofmeister, Alan M. 1.1 0.5 230 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz LG Page 6 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 4000 EN Ann Is Sad Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.4 0.5 110 F ÷ 85605 EN Ann Plants a Garden Blackaby, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 104 F 71767 EN Anna and the Letter A Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 252 NF 76231 EN Anna's Book Baker, Barbara LG 0.7 0.5 91 F 76230 EN Anna Shares Baker, Barbara LG 0.7 0.5 95 F 31112 EN Annabelle's Big Move Golembe, Carla LG 1.9 0.5 336 F 54438 EN Annie and Bo and the Big Surprise Partridge, Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 1,168 F 54699 EN Annie Ant, Don't Cry! Sullivan/Brouwer LG 1.3 0.5 316 F 108358 EN Annie's Chair Niland, Deborah LG 1.4 0.5 278 F 75229 EN Annie Was Warned Krosoczka, Jarrett J. LG 1.6 0.5 211 F 121840 SP año con Carmen, Un O'Mara, Blanche LG 1.2 0.5 153 F 28527 SP año con su mamá, Un Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.3 0.5 164 NF 65083 EN Another Perfect Day MacDonald, Ross LG 1.5 0.5 231 F 108995 EN Another Pet Shaskan, Trisha Speed LG 1.7 0.5 240 F ÷ 4025 EN Ant and the Bee, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.7 0.5 158 F ÷ 72161 EN White, Mark LG 1.9 0.5 200 F ÷ 18603 EN Ant and the Grasshopper: A Retelling of Aesop's Fable, The Ant Plays Bear Byars, Betsy LG 1.6 0.5 1,214 F ÷ 82629 EN Anteater's Tongue, The Eggleton, Jill LG 0.9 0.5 132 F 105211 EN Anthony and the Girls Könnecke, Ole LG 0.6 0.5 95 F 89727 EN Ants Cooper, Jason LG 1.9 0.5 310 NF 31769 EN Ants Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.0 0.5 51 NF 108220 EN Ants Green, Emily K. LG 1.3 0.5 158 NF 79526 EN Ants Hall, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 93 NF 76187 EN Ants Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 307 NF 44841 EN Ants Young, Christine LG 1.6 0.5 91 NF 102893 EN Ants and Other Insects Schulte, Mary LG 1.8 0.5 185 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 75253 EN Ants and Their Nests Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.8 0.5 158 NF 103963 EN Dahl, Michael LG 1.6 0.5 230 F 103578 EN Ants at the Picnic: Counting by Tens Ants in My Pants Vantrease, Norma LG 1.2 0.5 153 F 72174 EN Any Day but Today! Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 86 31622 EN Any Kind of Dog Reiser, Lynn LG 1.7 0.5 310 F 66320 EN -ap as in Cap Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 161 NF 46638 SP ¡Apágala! Marx, David F. LG 0.8 0.5 67 89528 EN Apatosaurus Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.6 0.5 144 NF 112656 EN Apatosaurus Mattern, Joanne LG 1.9 0.5 190 NF 70547 EN Apollo Grégoire, Caroline LG 1.4 0.5 187 F 56659 EN Apostrophe Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 111 NF 81795 EN Appaloosa (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.3 0.5 62 NF 53704 EN Apple Farmer Annie Wellington, Monica LG 1.8 0.5 150 F 79561 EN Apple Orchard, The Murphy, Patricia J. LG 1.7 0.5 114 NF 42378 EN Apple Pie Family, The Thompson, Gare LG 0.8 0.5 72 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF F F Page 7 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 28563 EN Apple Pie Tree, The Hall, Zoe LG 1.9 0.5 277 NF F 121790 EN Apple Tree, The Leigh, Autumn LG 0.9 0.5 123 ÷ 32069 EN Apple Trees Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.3 0.5 70 NF ÷ 48209 EN Apples Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.0 0.5 85 NF 75813 EN Apples Snyder, Inez LG 1.5 0.5 107 NF 2297 EN Apples Ward, Kristin LG 1.1 0.5 84 NF 74419 EN Apples and How They Grow Driscoll, Laura LG 1.2 0.5 205 NF 25301 EN Apples and More Apples Smith, Michael K. LG 1.5 0.5 97 NF 103593 EN Apples to Applesauce Snyder, Inez LG 1.3 0.5 92 NF 53059 EN April Fool! Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.1 0.5 185 F 49442 SP Apúrate, Molly Morton, Lone LG 1.4 0.5 161 F 85094 EN Aquarium, The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.4 0.5 156 NF 81796 EN Arabian (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.1 0.5 60 NF 36015 SP araña muy ocupada, La Carle, Eric LG 1.3 0.5 261 F 46032 SP Arañas por todas partes Baker, Betty L. LG 1.0 0.5 49 F 56776 SP arco iris de Rubén, El Harrison, Carlos LG 1.9 0.5 414 F ÷ 74825 EN Arctic Foxes Townsend, Emily Rose LG 1.9 0.5 107 NF ÷ 108369 EN Arctic Hares Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 131 NF 64653 EN Arctic Year, An Nichols, Catherine LG 1.6 0.5 178 NF 40743 EN Are We There Yet? Crivello, Kathy LG 1.3 0.5 128 F 70830 EN Are We There Yet? Mackall, Dandi Daley LG 1.2 0.5 223 F 31847 EN Are You a Ladybug? Cutting, Brian LG 0.4 0.5 117 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 5456 EN Are You My Mother? Eastman, P.D. LG 1.6 0.5 699 F 70492 EN Are You Still Mad? Weiss, Ellen LG 1.5 0.5 312 F 40744 EN Are You the New Principal? Taub, Evelyn Jahn LG 1.4 0.5 122 F 81121 EN Armadillos Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 262 NF ÷ 70342 EN Armadillos Townsend, Emily Rose LG 1.6 0.5 100 NF ÷ 82720 EN Armadillos Wright, Lee-Ann LG 1.8 0.5 199 NF 68940 EN Arms, Elbows, Hands, and Fingers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 285 NF 82721 EN Army Ants Krueger, Carol LG 1.7 0.5 216 NF 52385 EN Arnold Inkpen, Mick LG 1.6 0.5 166 F 41178 EN Around-the-World Lunch, The Canetti, Yanitzia LG 1.8 0.5 256 F 32228 SP Arriba y abajo Nelson, May LG 1.0 0.5 88 F 47617 EN Art DeStefano, Tanya LG 1.8 0.5 163 NF 85082 EN Art Classes Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.2 0.5 143 NF 103303 EN Art from the Mart Doudna, Kelly LG 1.2 0.5 101 F ÷ 102063 EN Arthur and the Big Snow Brown, Marc LG 1.5 0.5 320 F ÷ 106323 EN Arthur and the Dog Show Brown, Marc LG 1.6 0.5 286 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 80153 EN Arthur and the New Kid Brown, Marc LG 1.9 0.5 421 F 109769 EN Arthur Jumps into Fall Brown, Marc LG 1.8 0.5 289 F 75357 EN Arthur's Heart Mix-Up Brown, Marc LG 1.8 0.5 453 F 41956 EN Arthur's Lost Puppy Brown, Marc LG 1.9 0.5 464 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 8 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 82152 EN Arthur's Mystery Babysitter Brown, Marc LG 1.9 0.5 288 F ÷ 16970 EN Arthur's Nose Brown, Marc LG 1.6 0.5 281 F ÷ 21260 EN Arthur's Reading Race Brown, Marc LG 1.5 0.5 311 F 114243 EN Arthur's Tree House Brown, Marc LG 1.6 0.5 235 F ÷ ÷ 88499 EN Arthur Tells a Story Brown, Marc LG 1.8 0.5 333 F 107549 EN Arthur to the Rescue Brown, Marc LG 1.7 0.5 286 F 68701 EN Artist Miller, Heather LG 1.9 0.5 275 NF 31687 EN Artist, The Podoshen, Lois LG 1.4 0.5 84 68701 SP Artista Miller, Heather LG 1.9 0.5 269 NF 56560 SP Artistas de circo Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.9 0.5 288 NF 6102 SP Arturo y los terribles gemelos Brown, Marc LG 1.6 0.5 921 F 85029 EN As You Wish Lagonegro, Melissa LG 1.1 0.5 132 F 66341 EN -ash as in Trash Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 107 NF 22087 SP Así son las tortugas Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.5 0.5 215 NF 45961 SP ¡Así soy yo! Avalos, Cecilia Orosco LG 1.6 0.5 153 F 78931 EN Asleep Under the Stars Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 1.9 0.5 559 F 112196 EN Astronauts Adamson, Thomas K. LG 1.9 0.5 148 NF 72107 EN Astronauts Levin, Amy LG 1.8 0.5 168 NF 66321 EN -at as in Cat Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 129 NF 35513 EN At Christmas Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.6 0.5 26 F F 70329 EN At Grandma's Greene, Rhonda Gowler LG 1.2 0.5 143 F ÷ 30742 EN At Grandma's House Kirschner, Laura LG 1.4 0.5 67 F ÷ 101988 EN At Home by the Ocean Gordon, Sharon LG 1.4 0.5 166 NF ÷ 101989 EN At Home in the City Gordon, Sharon LG 1.2 0.5 147 NF ÷ 101990 EN At Home in the Desert Gordon, Sharon LG 1.6 0.5 182 NF 101991 EN At Home on the Farm Gordon, Sharon LG 1.1 0.5 155 NF 101992 EN At Home on the Mountain Gordon, Sharon LG 1.4 0.5 168 NF 101993 EN At Home on the Ranch Gordon, Sharon LG 1.4 0.5 172 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 4162 EN At School Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.9 0.5 262 NF 121853 EN At the Aquarium King, Kerrigan LG 0.8 0.5 102 F 32857 EN At the Barber Sirimarco, Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 326 NF 35558 EN At the Barbershop Porter, Gracie R. LG 1.6 0.5 171 F 80806 EN At the Beach Stockland, Patricia M. LG 0.8 0.5 144 F 35539 EN At the Car Wash Porter, Gracie R. LG 1.2 0.5 140 F 62237 EN At the Carnival Hall, Kirsten LG 0.4 0.5 68 F 88308 EN At the Carnival Valdes, Leslie LG 1.9 0.5 427 F 5457 EN At the Crossroads Isadora, Rachel LG 1.9 0.5 443 F 121506 EN At the End of the Garden Dolan, Penny LG 1.5 0.5 85 F 35841 EN At the Fair Sloan, Peter LG 1.4 0.5 116 F 26702 EN At the Fire Station Greene, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 286 NF 26705 EN At the Library Greene, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 321 NF 121823 EN At the Luau Shea, Therese LG 0.9 0.5 146 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 9 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 32853 EN At the Orchard Sirimarco, Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 281 NF ÷ 79278 EN At the Park Cipriano, Jeri LG 1.0 0.5 127 NF ÷ 57426 EN At the Park Granowsky, Alvin LG 1.7 0.5 337 F ÷ 35842 EN At the Park Sloan, Peter LG 0.3 0.5 85 F ÷ 40745 EN At the Park Young, Carol LG 1.5 0.5 74 F ÷ 35506 EN At the Playground Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.5 0.5 25 F 26707 EN At the Post Office Greene, Carol LG 1.9 0.5 349 NF 26708 EN At the School Greene, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 337 NF 66354 EN -ate as in Skate Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 100 NF 56100 SP Atletismo Otten, Jack LG 1.9 0.5 242 NF 66365 EN August Brode, Robyn LG 1.9 0.5 194 NF 76164 EN Aunt Lucy Went to Buy a Hat Low, Alice LG 1.7 0.5 283 F ÷ 11652 EN Auntie Maria and the Cat Cowley, Joy LG 0.9 0.5 217 F ÷ 31821 EN Aunts Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.9 0.5 50 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 82085 EN Aunts Go Marching, The Manning, Maurie J. LG 1.9 0.5 559 119311 EN Aunts (Revised Edition) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.0 0.5 49 F NF 56083 SP Autos del pasado Beyer, Mark LG 1.3 0.5 168 NF 56116 SP Autos low rider Werther, Scott P. LG 1.5 0.5 106 NF 113575 SP Autos y camiones Ellis, Catherine LG 1.8 0.5 146 NF 123577 EN Autumn Leaf, The Emerson, Carl LG 1.8 0.5 270 F 55664 EN Autumn Leaves Are Falling Fleming, Maria LG 1.1 0.5 98 F 120001 EN Ava the Angelfish Shaskan, Trisha Speed LG 1.4 0.5 178 F 113576 SP Aviones Ellis, Catherine LG 1.9 0.5 171 NF 66355 EN -aw as in Paw Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.5 0.5 119 NF 76417 EN Away We Go Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.2 0.5 511 F 66356 EN -ay as in Clay Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 167 NF 42739 SP ¡Ay, qué lío! (La Torre de Babel) Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.0 0.5 153 F 123835 EN Aye-Aye, The Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.9 0.5 163 NF 87927 EN Babar's Busy Year Brunhoff, Laurent de LG 1.9 0.5 342 F 7204 EN Babar's Little Circus Star Brunhoff, Laurent de LG 1.5 0.5 295 F 7205 EN Babar's Picnic Brunhoff, Laurent de LG 1.2 0.5 198 F 115341 EN Babies Can't Eat Kimchee! Patz, Nancy LG 1.5 0.5 207 F 67705 EN Babies on the Go Ashman, Linda LG 1.4 0.5 140 NF 75254 EN Baboons and Their Infants Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 104 NF 58093 SP babosa, La Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 296 NF 46158 EN Baby Animals Kuchalla, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 183 F 112657 EN Baby Animals 1.2 0.5 187 NF 57427 EN Baby Animals Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Schlepp, Tammy J. LG 1.9 0.5 509 NF 34532 EN Baby Animals Tuxworth, Nicola LG 1.0 0.5 153 NF 54700 EN Baby Ant Has Stinky Pants Sullivan/Brouwer LG 1.7 0.5 208 F ÷ 50735 EN Baby Bear Climbs a Tree Randell, Beverley LG 1.1 0.5 131 F ÷ 32105 EN Baby Bear Goes Fishing Randell, Beverley LG 0.9 0.5 114 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 10 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 77657 EN Baby Bear Goes Visiting Feely, Jenny LG 1.8 0.5 299 F ÷ 50736 EN Baby Bear's Hiding Place Randell, Beverley LG 1.4 0.5 160 F ÷ 27223 EN Baby Bear's Present Randell, Beverley LG 1.1 0.5 206 F 31746 EN Baby Birds Frost, Helen LG 1.0 0.5 52 35481 EN Baby Bumblebee Daniel, Alan/Lea LG 1.3 0.5 197 F 9351 EN Baby Bunny, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 274 F ÷ NF 80666 EN Baby Danced the Polka Beaumont, Karen LG 1.5 0.5 335 F ÷ 40994 EN Baby Dreams Fernandes, Eugenie LG 1.9 0.5 216 F ÷ 20239 EN Baby Duck and the Bad Eyeglasses Hest, Amy LG 1.9 0.5 437 F 107210 EN Baby Elephant's Trunk Holden, Pam LG 1.4 0.5 164 F 32111 EN Baby Hippo Randell, Beverley LG 1.0 0.5 119 F 117165 EN Baby, I'm Bigger! Nishimura, Kae LG 0.8 0.5 173 F ÷ 46616 EN Baby in the House Marx, David F. LG 1.2 0.5 106 F ÷ 32075 EN Baby Lamb's First Drink Randell, Beverley LG 0.4 0.5 51 F ÷ 10505 EN Baby Moses Hayward, Linda LG 1.8 0.5 187 F ÷ 82618 EN Baby Owl Goes Away Eggleton, Jill LG 0.7 0.5 147 F 82739 EN Baby Owl Is Scared Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 204 F 50776 EN Baby Panda Randell, Beverley LG 1.0 0.5 99 F 72786 EN Baby Radar Nye, Naomi Shihab LG 1.8 0.5 382 F 111017 EN Baby Shoes Slater, Dashka LG 1.9 0.5 275 F 10506 EN Baby Sister Says No Mayer, Mercer LG 1.8 0.5 244 F 45234 EN Baby Steps McCarty, Peter LG 1.9 0.5 297 F 46554 EN Baby Talk Hiatt, Fred LG 1.7 0.5 434 F 45084 EN Baby Wild Animals Pfloog, Jan LG 1.7 0.5 149 F 120806 EN Babymouse: Puppy Love Holm, Jennifer L. LG 1.8 0.5 1,649 F 110444 EN Babymouse: Rock Star Holm, Jennifer L. LG 1.9 0.5 1,450 F 100467 EN Babysitter, The Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.2 0.5 90 F 27195 EN Babysitter, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.1 0.5 236 F 34550 EN Back and Forth Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.5 0.5 55 88987 EN Back to School Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.1 0.5 120 108334 EN Backhoes McClellan, Ray LG 1.4 0.5 99 NF 56054 EN Backhoes Randolph, Joanne LG 1.7 0.5 108 NF ÷ 79554 EN Backhoes Williams, Linda D. LG 1.5 0.5 121 NF ÷ 109052 EN Nickel, Scott LG 1.8 0.5 367 F 104435 EN Backyard Bug Battle: A Buzz Beaker Brainstorm Bad Baby MacDonald, Ross LG 1.7 0.5 234 F 40767 EN Bad Day, The Vaughn, Kathy LG 0.8 0.5 93 F 115777 EN Bad Dog Max! Windsor, Marina LG 1.6 0.5 198 F 32040 EN Bad Dream, The Herbruck, Dozie LG 1.2 0.5 89 F 76232 EN Bad Hair Day Hood, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 233 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF F 32043 EN Bad Hair Day Nichols, Kay LG 1.0 0.5 114 F 121507 EN Bad Luck, Lucy! Graves, Sue LG 0.8 0.5 73 F 4017 EN Bad Men, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 131 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 11 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 69152 EN Bad News! I'm in Charge! Ingman, Bruce LG 1.9 0.5 294 F 74826 EN Badgers Murphy, Patricia J. LG 1.6 0.5 111 NF 64280 EN Baghead Krosoczka, Jarrett J. LG 1.8 0.5 238 F 43604 EN Bailey Goes Camping Henkes, Kevin LG 1.8 0.5 271 F 120284 EN Bailey's Bike Mortensen, Lori LG 1.3 0.5 169 F 35707 EN Baked Potatoes Gaw, Robyn LG 1.2 0.5 73 F 56917 EN Baker, Baker, Cookie Maker Hayward, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 161 F 26673 EN Bakers Make Many Things Greene, Carol LG 1.9 0.5 374 NF ÷ 35877 EN Baking a Cake Sloan, Peter LG 1.2 0.5 115 NF ÷ 49480 EN Balcony Garden Weber, Rebecca LG 1.9 0.5 259 NF ÷ 9352 EN Ball Book, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.0 0.5 342 F ÷ 50272 EN Ball Called Sam, A Strachan, Linda LG 0.7 0.5 123 F ÷ 31602 EN Ball Game, The Packard, David LG 0.4 0.5 47 F 46818 EN Ballet Dancing Thomas, Mark LG 1.4 0.5 129 NF 115033 EN Ormerod, Jan LG 1.6 0.5 334 F 122484 EN Ballet Sisters: The Duckling and the Swan Ballet Sisters: The Newest Dancer Ormerod, Jan LG 1.6 0.5 267 F 35423 EN Ballyhoo! Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 217 F 85606 EN Bamboo at Jungle School Papineau, Lucie LG 1.6 0.5 235 F ÷ ÷ 85691 EN Bamboo at the Beach Papineau, Lucie LG 1.6 0.5 248 F ÷ 4117 EN Banana Monster, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.8 0.5 55 F ÷ 35682 EN Banana Shake Cartwright, Pauline LG 0.7 0.5 44 F ÷ 48210 EN Bananas (Child's World) Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.2 0.5 82 NF ÷ 78528 EN Bananas (Sundance) Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.1 0.5 79 NF NF ÷ 56102 EN Band Emmer, Rae LG 1.0 0.5 87 103387 EN Band in the Sand, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.1 0.5 106 56102 SP Banda Emmer, Rae LG 1.0 0.5 88 119337 EN Barbie: A Day at the Fair Pugliano-Martin, Carol LG 1.5 0.5 327 F 117209 EN Barbie as the Island Princess Alberto, Daisy LG 1.8 0.5 366 F 106065 EN Barbie: Fairytopia Landolf, Diane Wright LG 1.4 0.5 260 F F NF 80637 EN Barbie: Lost and Found Pugliano-Martin, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 383 F 112960 EN Barbie: Love Is in the Air Jordan, Apple LG 1.0 0.5 112 F 106242 EN Barbie: On Your Toes Jordan, Apple LG 1.2 0.5 139 F 86315 EN Barbie: School Days Jordan, Apple LG 0.9 0.5 141 F 36594 EN Bark, George Feiffer, Jules LG 1.3 0.5 223 F 45859 EN Barn Cat: A Counting Book Saul, Carol P. LG 1.8 0.5 319 F 65439 EN Barn Owls Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 270 NF 121345 EN Barnabas Goes Swimming Lepp, Royden LG 1.3 0.5 261 F 121346 EN Barnabas Helps a Friend Lepp, Royden LG 1.6 0.5 333 F 50694 EN Barnaby Eggleton, Jill LG 0.7 0.5 82 F 58072 EN Barnacles Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 266 NF 42211 EN Barns of Barley Courtney, Claudia LG 1.5 0.5 193 F 115699 EN Barracudas Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 1.3 0.5 94 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 12 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 60056 EN Barry and Bennie Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 1.2 0.5 241 F 72218 EN Base + Ball = Baseball Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.7 0.5 112 NF 48211 EN Baseball Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.1 0.5 91 NF 56079 EN Baseball Otten, Jack LG 1.9 0.5 257 NF ÷ 48212 EN Basketball Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 90 NF ÷ 35518 EN Basketball Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.6 0.5 23 F 56641 EN Bass Cannot Play Bass Molter, Carey LG 1.2 0.5 139 NF 56635 EN Bat Hangs from the Bat, A Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 199 NF 4019 EN Bat Rat, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.4 0.5 108 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 4026 EN Bat, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 128 F 35855 EN Bath Day for Brutus Sloan, Peter LG 1.9 0.5 347 F 117164 EN Bath for a Princess, A Haley, Amanda LG 1.6 0.5 207 F 104465 EN Bath, The Dougherty, Terri LG 1.6 0.5 214 F 27484 EN Bathtime for Biscuit Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.1 0.5 149 F 72881 SP Batley necesita anteojos Sargent, Dave LG 1.0 0.5 169 F 72881 EN Batley Needs Glasses Sargent, Dave LG 1.0 0.5 184 F 72108 EN Bats Boynton, Bibi LG 1.3 0.5 191 NF 65440 EN Bats Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 264 NF 74448 EN Bats Wilson, Natashya LG 1.1 0.5 92 NF 102779 EN Labella, Susan LG 1.7 0.5 275 NF ÷ 42702 EN Bats and Other Animals with Amazing Ears Bats, Bats, Bats Olearczyk, Erin A. LG 0.3 0.5 28 NF ÷ 36910 EN Bb Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 37 NF 59115 EN Be Gentle, Python! Willis, Jeanne LG 1.6 0.5 252 F 42373 EN Beach Creatures Smith, Michael K. LG 1.1 0.5 229 NF 75116 EN Beach Day! Lakin, Patricia LG 1.2 0.5 245 F 66242 EN Beach Day Mayer, Mercer LG 0.6 0.5 45 F 49481 EN Beach Day Roosa, Karen LG 1.8 0.5 139 F 50758 EN Beach House, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.1 0.5 167 F 35683 EN Beach, The Depree, Helen LG 1.1 0.5 38 F 89947 EN Beaches Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.6 0.5 167 NF 81776 EN Beagle (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 0.9 0.5 56 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 47618 EN Beaks and Feet O'Neil, Sarah LG 1.6 0.5 239 NF ÷ 86571 EN Bean Spilsbury, Louise LG 1.9 0.5 306 NF ÷ 11375 EN Beans Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 0.8 0.5 36 NF ÷ 35603 EN Bear About Town Blackstone, Stella LG 1.3 0.5 67 F 80667 EN Bear at Home Blackstone, Stella LG 1.8 0.5 109 F 49501 EN Bear Came over to My House, The Walton, Rick LG 1.6 0.5 296 F 102773 EN Bear Cub Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam LG 1.7 0.5 286 NF 110313 EN Bear Dreams Cooper, Elisha LG 1.1 0.5 107 F 118472 EN Bear Feels Sick Wilson, Karma LG 1.8 0.5 354 F 106035 EN Bear Hug, The Callahan, Sean LG 1.7 0.5 238 F 80668 EN Bear in Sunshine Blackstone, Stella LG 1.5 0.5 85 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 13 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 44245 EN Bear Play Ford, Miela LG 0.3 0.5 59 F 43243 EN Bear's Bicycle, The McLeod, Emilie Warren LG 1.9 0.5 185 F 46590 EN Bear's Busy Family Blackstone, Stella LG 1.3 0.5 74 F 42919 EN Bear's Christmas Star d'Allancé, Mireille LG 1.4 0.5 327 F 122965 EN Bear's Day Out Rosen, Michael LG 1.3 0.5 384 F 106024 EN Bear's New Friend Wilson, Karma LG 1.9 0.5 395 F 72091 EN Bear's Year, A Levin, Amy LG 1.9 0.5 242 NF 102076 EN Bears! Editors of Time for Kids LG 1.8 0.5 288 NF 62060 EN Bears Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.2 0.5 119 NF 55435 EN Bears Molter, Carey LG 0.6 0.5 39 NF 116828 EN Bears Twine, Alice LG 1.9 0.5 158 NF 74449 EN Bears Wilson, Natashya LG 1.0 0.5 102 NF 50851 EN Bears and the Magpie, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.3 0.5 210 F 75255 EN Bears and Their Cubs Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.7 0.5 116 NF NF 75256 EN Bears and Their Dens Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.8 0.5 137 ÷ 9303 EN Bears, Bears, Everywhere Milios, Rita LG 0.8 0.5 72 F ÷ 9006 EN Bears' Christmas, The Berenstain, Stan LG 1.9 0.5 494 F ÷ 17302 EN Bears Odd Bears Even Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 231 F 104387 EN Bears on Ice Kalz, Jill LG 1.5 0.5 155 F 9008 EN Bears' Picnic, The Berenstain, Stan LG 1.9 0.5 563 F 42381 EN Beasty Story, A Martin/Kellogg LG 1.6 0.5 295 F 74838 EN Beavers Hall, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 119 NF 82722 EN Beavers Krueger, Carol LG 1.6 0.5 191 NF 52210 EN Becoming a Butterfly Kij, Krysia LG 1.9 0.5 83 NF 72219 EN Bed + Time = Bedtime Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.8 0.5 118 NF 84437 EN Bed Time Dewan, Ted LG 1.0 0.5 180 F 89212 EN Bedtime! Anderson, Christine LG 1.9 0.5 365 F 50777 EN Bedtime Smith, Annette LG 0.6 0.5 84 F 57899 EN Bedtime at Aunt Carmen's Nicholson, Carrie LG 1.3 0.5 242 F 4024 EN Bee, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.8 0.5 122 F ÷ 7206 EN Beef Stew Brenner, Barbara LG 1.8 0.5 408 F ÷ 82630 EN Beeman, The Eggleton, Jill LG 0.7 0.5 161 F 75749 EN Bees Ashley, Susan LG 1.9 0.5 270 NF 100998 EN Bees! Editors of Time for Kids LG 1.9 0.5 329 NF 75257 EN Bees and Their Hives Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.5 0.5 115 NF 87272 EN Bees Live in Hives Berger, Melvin LG 1.7 0.5 166 NF 31777 EN Beetles Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.4 0.5 40 NF 74735 EN Beetles Eckart, Edana LG 1.4 0.5 84 NF ÷ 89529 EN Beetles Hall, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 115 NF ÷ 26753 EN Bein' with You This Way Nikola-Lisa, W. LG 1.8 0.5 348 F 59841 EN Being Friends Beaumont, Karen LG 1.4 0.5 255 F 61772 EN Being Helpful Amos, Janine LG 1.3 0.5 242 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 14 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 61773 EN Being Kind Amos, Janine LG 1.2 0.5 241 NF 105706 EN Being Me Broski, Julie LG 0.9 0.5 129 F 88947 EN Small, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 226 NF 56079 SP Being Trustworthy: A Book About Trustworthiness Béisbol Otten, Jack LG 1.9 0.5 238 NF 56660 EN Bella Blew Blue Bubbles Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.4 0.5 116 NF 58072 SP bellota de mar, La Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 341 NF 105275 EN Below Crews, Nina LG 1.9 0.5 249 F 22519 EN Ben and the Bear Riddell, Chris LG 1.3 0.5 168 F 121508 EN Ben and the Big Balloon Graves, Sue LG 0.4 0.5 76 F 34522 EN Ben Ate It Herbruck, Dozie LG 0.9 0.5 131 F 80169 EN Minden, Cecilia LG 1.0 0.5 134 NF 101541 EN Ben, Billy, and the Birdhouse: The Sound of B Ben Over Night Ellis, Sarah LG 1.8 0.5 394 F 32103 EN Ben's Dad Randell, Beverley LG 0.9 0.5 104 F 60088 EN Ben's New Trick Farber, Rachel LG 1.1 0.5 219 F 48213 EN Ben's Pens: The Sound of Short E Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.1 0.5 56 NF ÷ 31819 EN Ben's Red Car Randell, Beverley LG 0.8 0.5 50 F ÷ 27206 EN Ben's Tooth Randell, Beverley LG 1.1 0.5 197 F ÷ 32086 EN Ben's Treasure Hunt Randell, Beverley LG 0.8 0.5 73 F ÷ 4023 EN Ben the Ant Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.8 0.5 139 F 74736 EN Bengal Tiger Eckart, Edana LG 1.4 0.5 105 NF 69624 EN Benny Posthuma, Sieb LG 1.7 0.5 320 F 121598 EN Benny and Penny in Just Pretend Hayes, Geoffrey LG 1.1 0.5 333 F 58872 EN Benny and the Binky Lindgren/Dyssegaard LG 1.9 0.5 353 F 112686 EN Benny and the Birthday Gift Donahue, Jill L. LG 1.9 0.5 263 F ÷ ÷ 25303 EN Benny's School Trip Thompson, Gare LG 1.7 0.5 226 F ÷ 7455 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 1.7 0.5 414 F ÷ 9009 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 1.8 0.5 330 F ÷ 9046 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 1.1 0.5 206 F 57578 EN Berenstain Bears and the Big Road Race, The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone, The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree, The Berenstain Bears are a Family, The Berenstain, Stan LG 1.4 0.5 242 F 57579 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 1.8 0.5 234 F 32426 EN Berenstain Bears at the Super-Duper Market, The Berenstain Bears by the Sea, The Berenstain, Stan LG 1.5 0.5 298 F 36413 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 1.6 0.5 276 F ÷ 86992 EN Berenstain Bears Catch the Bus, The Berenstain Bears' New Pup, The Berenstain, Stan LG 1.8 0.5 421 F ÷ 27522 EN Berenstain Bears on the Moon, The Berenstain, Stan LG 1.9 0.5 437 F ÷ 84923 EN Berenstain Bears Play T-Ball, The Berenstain, Stan LG 1.9 0.5 450 F ÷ 7239 EN Berenstain, Stan LG 1.2 0.5 252 F ÷ 31594 EN Berenstain Bears Ready, Get Set, Go!, The Berenstain Bears Ride the Thunderbolt, The Berenstain, Stan LG 0.6 0.5 74 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 15 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Berenstain, Stan LG 1.4 0.5 238 F/NF F Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 174 NF 57580 EN 71768 EN Berenstain Bears Say Good Night, The Bernard, Me, and the Letter B 103594 EN Berries to Jelly Snyder, Inez LG 1.4 0.5 103 NF 69216 EN Berry Best Friends' Picnic, The Glassman, Jackie LG 1.6 0.5 204 F 69217 EN Berry Big Storm, The Bryant, Megan E. LG 1.3 0.5 152 F 81284 EN Berry Thankful! Bryant, Megan E. LG 1.7 0.5 166 F 5520 SP beso para osito, Un Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 1.4 0.5 298 F ÷ 85607 EN Bess and Tess Blackaby, Susan LG 0.4 0.5 41 F ÷ 85607 SP Bess y Tess Blackaby, Susan LG 0.4 0.5 46 F 4147 EN Best Birthday Gift Ever, The Noonan, Diana LG 1.7 0.5 250 F 60106 EN Best Birthday Mole Ever Had, The Robinson, Fay LG 1.4 0.5 251 F ÷ 27231 EN Best Cake, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.1 0.5 162 F ÷ 7207 EN Best Castle Ever, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.0 0.5 174 F 118473 EN Best Dad in the Sea Tyler, Amy J. LG 0.9 0.5 194 F ÷ 65669 EN Best Fall of All, The Godwin, Laura LG 0.8 0.5 154 F ÷ 31848 EN Best Friends Leonard, Marcia LG 0.7 0.5 106 F 78831 EN Best Friends Michaels, Anna LG 1.6 0.5 310 F 42703 EN Best Friends Wrazen, Shanna LG 1.1 0.5 43 ÷ ÷ NF 50759 EN Best Hats, The Smith, Annette LG 1.3 0.5 204 F 104396 EN Best Lunch, The Dougherty, Terri LG 1.6 0.5 269 F 109980 EN Best Mouse Cookie, The Numeroff, Laura LG 1.6 0.5 77 F 62831 EN Best Mud Pie, The Quinn, Lin LG 1.1 0.5 83 F 59472 EN Best Place, The Miranda, Anne LG 1.3 0.5 115 F 50310 EN Best Present, The Andrew, Moira LG 0.8 0.5 145 F ÷ 63355 EN Best Snowman, The Nash, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 200 F ÷ 85615 EN Best Soccer Player, The Blackaby, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 41 F 105818 EN Best Thanksgiving Ever!, The Slater, Teddy LG 1.9 0.5 217 F 57056 EN Best Thing About a Puppy, The Hindley, Judy LG 1.6 0.5 188 F 17303 EN Best Vacation Ever, The Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.8 0.5 199 F 119659 EN Betcha! Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.4 0.5 268 F 104336 SP Betina y Benito Camarena, Cathy LG 0.3 0.5 53 110841 EN Beware of Tigers Horowitz, Dave LG 1.8 0.5 158 F 65419 SP Bibliotecario Miller, Heather LG 1.9 0.5 308 NF 62069 SP Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.8 0.5 131 NF 112209 EN bibliotecario (La gente de mi comunidad), El Bichons Frises Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.9 0.5 163 NF 69253 SP Bicicletas Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 293 NF 45739 EN Bicycle Stunt Riding: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.9 0.5 136 NF 69253 EN Bicycles (Heinemann) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 300 NF 56552 SP ¡Bienvenidos al circo! Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.5 0.5 284 NF 4089 EN Big and Little Cowley, Joy LG 0.7 0.5 93 F 57428 EN Big and Small Granowsky, Alvin LG 1.4 0.5 338 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 16 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 102847 EN Big and Small Nieker, Diane LG 1.6 0.5 281 NF 15752 EN Big and Small Theodorou, Rod LG 1.8 0.5 271 NF 36765 EN Big and Small (Opposites) Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 82 NF 121154 EN Big Bad Bunny Billingsley, Franny LG 1.5 0.5 467 F 44048 EN Big Bad Rumor, The Meres, Jonathan LG 1.8 0.5 242 F 87440 EN Big Bad Wolf Masurel, Claire LG 1.8 0.5 236 F 109531 EN Big Bad Wolf and Me, The Perret, Delphine LG 1.7 0.5 993 F 107198 EN Big Bad Wolf, The Holden, Pam LG 1.7 0.5 283 F 50878 EN Big Bad Wolf, The McMillan, Dawn LG 1.7 0.5 357 F 40768 EN Big Barn, The Rastetter, Nannette LG 1.7 0.5 81 F 59734 EN Big Bear Ball Ryder, Joanne LG 1.7 0.5 257 F 46592 EN Big Bears Can! Bedford, David LG 1.5 0.5 329 F 54828 EN Big Ben Ellis, Sarah LG 1.8 0.5 347 F ÷ 31854 EN Big Ben Leonard, Marcia LG 1.0 0.5 101 F ÷ 50094 EN Big, Big Wall, The Howard, Reginald LG 0.6 0.5 91 F ÷ 82707 EN Big Bill's Bed Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 132 F ÷ 7208 EN Big Bird's Copycat Day Lerner, Sharon LG 1.7 0.5 220 F ÷ ÷ 3998 EN Big Birds Penner, Lucille Recht LG 1.8 0.5 316 NF 42704 EN Big Black Bears Roza, Greg LG 1.2 0.5 43 NF 31856 EN Big Box, The Clammer, Virginia Grant LG 0.6 0.5 111 F 3057 EN Big Brother Little Brother Dale, Penny LG 1.1 0.5 139 F 116190 EN Big Brother Piggley Huelin, Jodi LG 1.8 0.5 360 F ÷ 31584 EN Big Brown Bear McPhail, David LG 0.4 0.5 99 F ÷ 41973 EN Big Bug Ball, The Lillegard, Dee LG 1.4 0.5 310 F 60066 EN Big Chief of the Neverwoz, The Krueger, Carol LG 1.6 0.5 185 F 108090 EN Big City Song Pearson, Debora LG 1.5 0.5 276 F 6056 EN Big Dog...Little Dog Eastman, P.D. LG 1.7 0.5 365 F 47644 EN Big Dog, The Carr, Roger LG 1.6 0.5 319 F ÷ 36573 EN Big Egg Coxe, Molly LG 0.4 0.5 99 F ÷ 42705 EN Big Elephants Braidich, Shelby LG 1.1 0.5 41 NF ÷ 35523 EN Big Enough Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.6 0.5 57 F 32392 EN Big Family, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.6 0.5 281 F 104928 EN Big Fat Enormous Lie, A Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman LG 1.7 0.5 409 F ÷ 50811 EN Big Hit, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.0 0.5 123 F ÷ 9010 EN Big Honey Hunt, The Berenstain, Stan LG 1.7 0.5 709 F ÷ 32084 EN Big Kick, The Randell, Beverley LG 0.7 0.5 70 F 82617 EN Big Laugh, A Eggleton, Jill LG 0.8 0.5 170 F 103579 EN Big Machines Jones, Melanie Davis LG 0.8 0.5 59 F ÷ 35883 EN Big Machines Sloan, Peter LG 1.3 0.5 78 NF ÷ 7209 EN Big Mile Race, The Kessler, Leonard LG 1.7 0.5 965 F ÷ 12067 EN Big Mistake, A Rinder, Lenore LG 1.9 0.5 120 F ÷ 46452 EN Big Pig and Little Pig McPhail, David LG 0.9 0.5 86 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 17 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 123339 EN Big Pig on a Dig Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 0.8 0.5 173 F 82723 EN Big Red and the Car Wash Eggleton, Jill LG 1.1 0.5 243 F 87982 EN Big Red Blanket, The Jacobson, David LG 1.2 0.5 178 F 82740 EN Big Red Comes to Stay Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 186 F 112459 EN Big Red Farm Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.8 0.5 163 NF 113157 EN Big Red Stop Sign, The Delaney, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 427 F 86019 EN Big Red Tub Jarman, Julia LG 1.5 0.5 317 F ÷ 56103 EN Big Rigs Werther, Scott P. LG 1.6 0.5 113 NF ÷ 35215 EN Big Roundup, The Noonan, Diana LG 1.4 0.5 141 F ÷ 27988 EN Big Sale, The Riley, Kathryn LG 1.8 0.5 486 F ÷ 35508 EN Big Sister Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.0 0.5 44 F 110314 EN Big Sister, Little Sister Pham, LeUyen LG 1.2 0.5 213 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 82891 EN Big Sleepover, The Herman, Gail LG 1.9 0.5 784 F 121791 EN Big Storm, The Davis, Ashley LG 1.3 0.5 211 F 74295 EN Big Sweep, The Dubowski, Cathy East LG 1.8 0.5 386 F 77394 EN Big Week for Little Mouse Fernandes, Eugenie LG 1.5 0.5 242 F 69557 EN Big Wheels Rockwell, Anne LG 1.8 0.5 132 NF 83090 EN Big White Ghost, The Herman, Gail LG 1.8 0.5 422 F 50812 EN Big Yellow Castle, The Smith, Annette LG 1.3 0.5 135 F 104614 EN Bigger Than Daddy Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.8 0.5 428 F 60067 EN Biggest Bear in the Woods, The Noonan, Diana LG 1.7 0.5 274 F 27257 EN Biggest Fish, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 254 F 104278 EN Biggest Job of All, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.7 0.5 264 F 18409 EN Biggest Sandwich Ever, The Gelman, Rita Golden LG 1.7 0.5 365 F 121810 EN Biggest Snowball, The Downey, Tika LG 1.6 0.5 316 F 104536 EN Bighorn Sheep Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 210 NF 50864 EN Bike for Alex, A Nelley, Elsie LG 1.7 0.5 305 F 9011 EN Bike Lesson, The Berenstain, Stan LG 1.6 0.5 614 F 121833 EN Bike Race, The Dow, Suzanne LG 1.1 0.5 166 F 85083 EN Bike Riding Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.3 0.5 187 NF NF 48214 EN Biking Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 152 ÷ 4099 EN Bill and Ted at the Store Cowley, Joy LG 1.0 0.5 52 F ÷ 63340 EN Bill's Baggy Pants Gates, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 167 F ÷ 4082 EN Bill's Trip Shook, Rebecca E. LG 1.7 0.5 81 F 50737 EN Billy at School Giles, Jenny LG 1.2 0.5 165 F 103362 EN Billy Goat Can Float Doudna, Kelly LG 1.2 0.5 119 F 50778 EN Billy Is Hiding Smith, Annette LG 0.7 0.5 105 F 115391 EN Billy Tartle in Say Cheese! Townsend, Michael LG 1.7 0.5 780 F 42731 EN Bing! Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.3 0.5 174 F 42731 SP ¡Bing! (David y Goliat) Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.3 0.5 173 F 50738 EN Bingo Goes to School Smith, Annette LG 1.1 0.5 171 F 50779 EN Bingo's Birthday Smith, Annette LG 0.9 0.5 118 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 18 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 50780 EN Bingo's Ice-Cream Cone Smith, Annette LG 1.1 0.5 90 F ÷ 31747 EN Bird Eggs Frost, Helen LG 1.3 0.5 51 NF ÷ 31748 EN Bird Families Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 61 NF 49502 EN Bird Feeder, The Waters, Jennifer LG 0.9 0.5 31 F 50695 EN Bird Hotel Eggleton, Jill LG 1.7 0.5 289 F ÷ 82784 EN Bird Is a Bird, A Eggleton, Jill LG 0.6 0.5 108 F ÷ 31745 EN Bird Nests Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 79 22094 EN Bird Song Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.6 0.5 102 F 35721 EN Bird Table, The Cartwright, Pauline LG 1.2 0.5 156 F 36784 EN Birds Frost, Helen LG 0.6 0.5 39 NF 83310 EN Birds Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.7 0.5 308 NF 75258 EN Birds and Their Nests Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.7 0.5 175 NF 81764 EN Birds (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.8 0.5 93 NF 40746 EN Birds Need Trees Bayer, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 63 F 44844 EN Birds' Nests Noonan, Diana LG 1.7 0.5 111 NF 31709 EN Birds on Stage Romay, Saturnino LG 1.0 0.5 154 F 122881 EN Birman Cats Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.4 0.5 110 NF ÷ 27217 EN Birthday Balloons Randell, Beverley LG 1.1 0.5 182 F ÷ 50274 EN Birthday Balloons! A Play Hughes, Monica LG 0.8 0.5 104 F ÷ 31692 EN Birthday Bird, The Podoshen, Lois LG 1.2 0.5 83 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 35708 EN Birthday Book, The Beck, Jennifer LG 1.4 0.5 86 F 114208 EN Birthday Box, The Patricelli, Leslie LG 0.8 0.5 164 F 32089 EN Birthday Cake for Ben, A Randell, Beverley LG 0.7 0.5 60 F 47575 EN Birthday Cakes Feely, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 95 F 9353 EN Birthday Car, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.5 0.5 171 F 32393 EN Birthday Dog Cowley, Joy LG 1.5 0.5 283 F 120543 EN Birthday for Cow!, A Thomas, Jan LG 0.8 0.5 121 F 64281 EN Birthday Mice! Roberts, Bethany LG 1.0 0.5 155 F 31683 EN Birthday Present, The Smith, Mavis LG 0.4 0.5 26 F 50739 EN Birthday Presents McMillan, Dawn LG 1.3 0.5 164 F 64732 EN Birthday Surprise, The Brooks, Felicity LG 1.7 0.5 410 F 123914 EN Birthdays in Many Cultures Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.9 0.5 115 NF ÷ 31587 EN Biscuit Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.4 0.5 133 F ÷ 84976 EN Biscuit and the Baby Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 0.9 0.5 153 F ÷ 43663 EN Biscuit Finds a Friend Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 0.8 0.5 123 F ÷ 61032 EN Biscuit Goes to School Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 0.9 0.5 109 F 78086 EN Biscuit Loves Father's Day Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.1 0.5 209 F 77507 EN Biscuit Loves Mother's Day Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.1 0.5 209 F 70783 EN Biscuit's Big Friend Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 0.8 0.5 141 F 64992 EN Biscuit's Christmas Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.2 0.5 155 F 89479 EN Biscuit's Graduation Day Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.5 0.5 196 F 49399 EN Biscuit's New Trick Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.0 0.5 122 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 19 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 2486 EN Biscuit's Picnic Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.1 0.5 149 F 64471 EN Biscuit's Valentine's Day Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.5 0.5 130 F ÷ 106265 EN Biscuit Visits the Big City Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.0 0.5 151 F 64470 EN Biscuit Visits the Farm Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.0 0.5 169 F ÷ 45490 EN Biscuit Wants to Play Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 0.9 0.5 117 F ÷ 75643 EN Biscuit Wins a Prize Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 0.9 0.5 162 F 65362 EN Bit More Bert, A Ahlberg, Allan LG 1.5 0.5 380 F 48000 EN Bitty Fish deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.3 0.5 277 F 31587 SP Bizcocho Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.4 0.5 170 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 63155 EN Black Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 79 NF 123299 EN Black Stockland, Patricia M. LG 1.2 0.5 151 NF 69611 EN Black All Around! Hubbell, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 286 F 32225 EN Black and White Avery, Dorothy LG 0.6 0.5 78 NF 31751 EN Black Bears Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.1 0.5 51 NF 85084 EN Black Bears Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.7 0.5 211 NF 72948 EN Black Dog Gets Dressed Boyd, Lizi LG 0.6 0.5 124 F 82969 EN Black Foods Thomas, Isabel LG 1.9 0.5 297 NF 81765 EN Black Mamba (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.3 0.5 61 NF 35692 EN Black Swan's Breakfast Birchall, Brian LG 1.3 0.5 147 F 32099 EN Blackberries Randell, Beverley LG 1.2 0.5 108 F 39699 SP Blanco y negro Avery, Dorothy LG 1.1 0.5 64 121824 EN Blast Off! Taylor, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 163 NF F 82684 EN Blat, the Alley Cat Eggleton, Jill LG 1.7 0.5 265 F 53652 EN Blessings: Jesus and the Children Courtney, Claudia LG 1.6 0.5 120 F 44402 EN Bling Blang Guthrie, Woody LG 1.8 0.5 179 F 51656 EN Blizzard Gerber, Carole LG 1.7 0.5 170 F 122402 EN Block Mess Monster, The Howie, Betsy LG 1.4 0.5 327 F 112210 EN Bloodhounds Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.8 0.5 157 NF 42214 EN Blow! Courtney, Claudia LG 0.9 0.5 116 F 63156 EN Blue Alexander, Linda LG 1.1 0.5 78 NF 101149 EN Blue Anderson, Moira LG 1.7 0.5 306 NF 123300 EN Blue Stockland, Patricia M. LG 1.1 0.5 177 NF 78223 EN Millen, C.M. LG 1.8 0.5 266 F 120461 EN Blue Bowl Down: An Appalachian Rhyme Blue Goose Tafuri, Nancy LG 1.9 0.5 191 F 69643 EN Blue Horse Stephens, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 277 F 46380 EN Blue in My World Winne, Joanne LG 1.1 0.5 122 NF 44473 EN Blue Jay, The Cleveland, Margaret LG 1.9 0.5 172 F 78451 EN Blue Kangaroo at the Zoo, The Flynn, Mary Jane LG 1.7 0.5 129 F 78450 EN Blue Kangaroo, The Flynn, Mary Jane LG 1.9 0.5 160 F 78743 EN Blue's Beach Day Borkin, Jeff LG 0.7 0.5 67 F 49898 EN Blue's Clues: Blue Is My Name! Santomero, Angela C. LG 0.9 0.5 122 F 49903 EN Blue's Clues: Magenta and Me Reber, Deborah LG 1.8 0.5 232 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 20 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 49904 EN Blue's Clues: Meet My Family Reber, Deborah LG 1.7 0.5 251 F 49906 EN Blue's Clues: My Favorite Letters Reber, Deborah LG 1.7 0.5 252 F 116202 EN Silverhardt, Lauryn LG 1.7 0.5 402 F 60099 EN Blue's Fall Day: A Lift-the-Flap Story Blue Sue McCoy, David LG 1.5 0.5 121 F 77288 EN Blue with Other Colors Parker, Victoria LG 1.5 0.5 166 NF 13953 EN BMX Billy Beck, Jennifer LG 1.6 0.5 93 F 72882 EN Bo Bo's Big Imagination Sargent, Dave LG 1.3 0.5 159 F 56264 EN Boa Constrictors Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 90 114391 EN Boat in the Tree, The Wynne-Jones, Tim LG 1.8 0.5 463 NF F ÷ 46340 EN Boat Rides Walker, Pamela LG 1.0 0.5 139 NF ÷ 32064 EN Boats Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.7 0.5 101 NF ÷ 26929 EN Bob's Vacation Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.2 0.5 105 F 50275 EN Bobbie and the Play Hughes, Monica LG 1.4 0.5 180 F 50276 EN Bobbie Goes on Vacation Hughes, Monica LG 1.3 0.5 240 F 50277 EN Bobbie's New Coat Hughes, Monica LG 1.1 0.5 190 F 63141 EN Bobby Is Big: The Letter B (b) Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 80 ÷ 9304 EN Bobby's Zoo Lunn, Carolyn LG 1.1 0.5 100 ÷ 62087 SP Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.1 0.5 69 NF 110575 SP Boca (Conozcamos nuestro cuerpo) Bocas Nunn, Daniel LG 1.7 0.5 192 NF 68941 EN Body Pairs Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 214 NF 11655 EN Bogle's Card Cowley, Joy LG 1.6 0.5 243 F ÷ NF F 32394 EN Bogle's Feet Cowley, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 280 F ÷ 65418 SP Bombero Miller, Heather LG 1.9 0.5 338 NF ÷ 62066 SP Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.6 0.5 144 NF 109898 EN bombero (La gente de mi comunidad), El Bone for Buddy, A Gabolinscy, Jack LG 1.4 0.5 327 F ÷ 9305 EN Bonk! Goes the Ball Stevens, Philippa LG 0.5 0.5 100 F 54581 EN Bonkers Fellini Titherington, Jeanne LG 0.9 0.5 62 F 44443 EN Bonnie on the Beach McCloskey, Susan LG 1.3 0.5 198 F 121841 EN Bonnie's Bakery Thomas, Mary Ann LG 1.0 0.5 135 F 65660 EN Boo and Baa at Sea Landström, Olof LG 1.0 0.5 130 F 45425 EN Boo and Baa Get Wet Landström, Olof LG 1.5 0.5 218 F 110250 EN Boo and Baa Have Company Landström, Lena LG 1.9 0.5 335 F 54582 EN Boo and Baa in a Party Mood Landström, Olof LG 1.2 0.5 157 F 45426 EN Boo and Baa in the Woods Landström, Olof LG 1.4 0.5 194 F 54583 EN Boo and Baa in Windy Weather Landström, Olof LG 1.3 0.5 176 F 65661 EN Boo and Baa on a Cleaning Spree Landström, Olof LG 1.0 0.5 128 F 59556 EN Boo Hoo Boo-Boo Singer, Marilyn LG 0.8 0.5 133 F 116966 EN Boo! Made You Jump! Child, Lauren LG 1.8 0.5 336 F 110399 EN Boo's Dinosaur Byars, Betsy LG 1.8 0.5 1,177 F 83075 EN BooBoo Dunrea, Olivier LG 1.2 0.5 182 F 64284 EN Book of Mean People, The Morrison, Toni/Slade LG 1.5 0.5 212 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 21 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 11161 EN Bookstore Cat Wheeler, Cindy LG 1.4 0.5 204 F ÷ 25276 EN Bookstore Ghost, The Maitland, Barbara LG 1.9 0.5 526 F ÷ 101621 EN Boots Schreiber, Anne LG 1.3 0.5 58 F 58125 EN Boots for Beth Moran, Alex LG 0.8 0.5 100 F ÷ 58126 EN Boss for a Day De Paola, Tomie LG 1.7 0.5 380 F ÷ 63356 EN Bossy Rooster, The Nash, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 199 F 61610 EN Boston Tea Party, The Lilly, Melinda LG 1.4 0.5 94 NF 44642 EN Boswell Wide Awake Day, Alexandra LG 0.8 0.5 66 F 74737 EN Bottlenose Dolphin Eckart, Edana LG 1.5 0.5 83 NF 116210 EN Bounce Cronin, Doreen LG 1.9 0.5 183 F 42137 EN Bounce, Tigger, Bounce Gaines, Isabel LG 1.8 0.5 632 F 40996 EN Bouncing Time Hubbell, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 197 F ÷ ÷ 72234 EN Bow Wow Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 104 NF ÷ 26912 EN Box Can Be Many Things, A Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.7 0.5 107 F ÷ 82679 EN Box House, The Eggleton, Jill LG 0.9 0.5 190 F 81767 EN Boxer (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.5 0.5 58 NF 12314 EN Boxes Griffiths, Rose LG 1.8 0.5 218 NF ÷ 86020 EN Boy Mayhew, James LG 1.6 0.5 333 F ÷ 9354 EN Boy and the Goats, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.0 0.5 342 F ÷ 35722 EN Boy and the Wolf, The Birchall, Brian LG 0.8 0.5 200 F 122234 EN Boy Who Cried Wolf, The Wildish, Lee LG 1.9 0.5 387 F 108982 EN Boy Who Loved Trains, The Kalz, Jill LG 1.4 0.5 193 F 22100 EN Boy Who Tried to Hide, The Pacheco, Lourdes LG 1.8 0.5 230 F 35216 EN Bozo Cummings, Phil LG 1.9 0.5 93 F 103580 EN Braces for Cori Florie, Christine LG 1.8 0.5 156 F ÷ ÷ 89530 EN Brachiosaurus Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.9 0.5 156 NF 114477 EN Brachiosaurus Nunn, Daniel LG 1.4 0.5 101 NF 35519 EN Braids Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.9 0.5 28 F 114477 SP Braquiosaurio Nunn, Daniel LG 1.5 0.5 141 ÷ 32100 EN Brave Father Mouse Randell, Beverley LG 0.8 0.5 93 NF F ÷ 26913 EN Brave Mary Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.9 0.5 75 F ÷ 27187 EN Brave Triceratops Randell, Beverley LG 1.3 0.5 178 F 68940 SP Brazos, codos, manos y dedos Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 304 NF 116846 EN Bread and Cereal Benduhn, Tea LG 1.9 0.5 203 NF 62077 EN Bread and Cereal Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 118 NF 82135 EN Levenson, George LG 1.9 0.5 324 NF 50781 EN Bread Comes to Life: A Garden of Wheat and a Loaf to Eat Bread for the Ducks Randell, Beverley LG 0.9 0.5 113 F 39925 EN Breathing Andersen, Honey LG 1.7 0.5 106 NF 104337 SP Brenda y Bruno Camarena, Cathy LG 0.4 0.5 53 NF 103304 EN Bret and His Pet Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 102 F 103294 EN Bride and the Slide, The Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 120 F 56402 EN Bring on That Beat Isadora, Rachel LG 1.7 0.5 117 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 22 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Dahl, Michael LG 1.8 0.5 305 F/NF F 73191 EN 50760 EN Bring Us Water, Molly Pitcher! A Fun Song About the Battle of Monmouth Broken Flower Pot, The Smith, Annette LG 1.4 0.5 205 F 46245 EN Brooms Are for Flying! Rex, Michael LG 1.2 0.5 56 F 31815 EN Brothers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.8 0.5 37 NF 119984 EN Brothers (Revised Edition) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 68 NF 63157 EN Brown Alexander, Linda LG 1.3 0.5 75 NF 65453 EN Brown Bear Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 317 NF 31752 EN Brown Bears Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.1 0.5 48 NF 73066 EN Brown Foods Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 292 NF ÷ 50740 EN Brown Mouse Gets Some Corn Giles, Jenny LG 1.2 0.5 164 F ÷ 50741 EN Brown Mouse Plays a Trick Giles, Jenny LG 1.0 0.5 155 F 61182 EN Bruises Gordon, Sharon LG 1.7 0.5 238 NF 31764 EN Brushing Well Frost, Helen LG 1.2 0.5 43 NF 68810 EN Bubble Bath Pirates! Krosoczka, Jarrett J. LG 1.6 0.5 176 F 78224 EN Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum Wheeler, Lisa LG 1.6 0.5 352 F 26927 EN Bubble Trouble Hulme, Joy N. LG 0.6 0.5 66 F 110677 EN Bud and Gabby Davis, Anne LG 1.7 0.5 197 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 4035 EN Bud and the Tree Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 97 F 41169 EN Buddy Butterfly and His Cousin Burke, Melissa Blackwell LG 1.8 0.5 233 F 49446 SP Buenas noches a todos Morton, Lone LG 1.6 0.5 114 F 7218 SP Buenas noches, Luna Brown, Margaret Wise LG 1.8 0.5 131 F 72968 SP Buenas noches Samuel Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.9 0.5 311 F 68181 SP Buenos días Samuel Gay, Marie-Louise LG 0.7 0.5 198 F 73529 EN Buffy's Haircut Sargent Jr., David M. LG 1.8 0.5 227 F ÷ 40699 EN Bug, a Bear, and a Boy, A McPhail, David LG 1.3 0.5 289 F ÷ 40700 EN McPhail, David LG 1.6 0.5 343 F 36717 EN Bug, a Bear, and a Boy Go to School, A Bug Alert! Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.9 0.5 363 F 55900 EN Bug Dance Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.9 0.5 350 F 122719 EN Bug Race! Meister, Cari LG 1.3 0.5 183 F ÷ 12006 EN Buggly Bear's Hiccup Cure Kelley, True LG 1.9 0.5 373 F ÷ 9306 EN Bugs! McKissack, Patricia C. LG 0.4 0.5 69 F ÷ 39796 EN Bugs, Beetles, and Butterflies Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 248 NF 50742 EN Bugs for Breakfast Smith, Annette LG 1.2 0.5 158 F 50743 EN Building a House Smith, Annette LG 1.9 0.5 197 NF 120125 EN Building a Road Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 116 NF 31836 EN Building Things Cutting, Brian LG 1.3 0.5 25 NF 63596 EN Building Tools Snyder, Inez LG 1.5 0.5 153 NF ÷ ÷ 81768 EN Bulldog (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.1 0.5 54 NF 115669 EN Bulldogs Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.7 0.5 142 NF 108335 EN Bulldozers Martin, M.T. LG 1.5 0.5 83 NF 56055 EN Bulldozers Randolph, Joanne LG 1.9 0.5 113 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 23 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 50278 EN Bully Bear Jarman, Julia LG 1.3 0.5 139 F 82741 EN Bully Cat and the Birds Eggleton, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 181 F 82742 EN Bully Cat's Mistake Eggleton, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 185 F 31778 EN Bumble Bees Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.5 0.5 57 NF 84787 EN Bumble Bees Howard, Fran LG 1.8 0.5 135 NF 36758 EN Bunnies Doudna, Kelly LG 0.8 0.5 64 NF 121287 EN Bunnies Sexton, Colleen LG 1.0 0.5 101 NF 45089 EN Bunny Book, The Scarry, Richard LG 1.9 0.5 114 F 35475 EN Bunny Hop Nesheim, Lindsay LG 1.5 0.5 229 F ÷ 7254 EN Bunny Hop, The Slater, Teddy LG 1.0 0.5 223 F ÷ 62061 EN Bus Driver Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.9 0.5 137 NF 32237 EN Bus Ride, The Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.1 0.5 109 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 54584 EN Bus Stop, Bus Go! Kirk, Daniel LG 1.4 0.5 282 F 119712 EN Bus Stop, The Stoeke, Janet Morgan LG 1.4 0.5 121 F 4022 EN Bus, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 135 F 48413 EN Buses Rogers, Hal LG 1.9 0.5 250 NF 58316 EN Business in Bangkok Westerhout, Lynn LG 1.4 0.5 263 F ÷ 14252 EN Buster and the Dandelions Madokoro, Hisako LG 1.5 0.5 216 F ÷ 14253 EN Buster and the Little Kitten Madokoro, Hisako LG 1.5 0.5 258 F ÷ 14254 EN Buster Catches Cold Madokoro, Hisako LG 1.6 0.5 240 F ÷ 32255 EN Buster McCluster Corbet, Ruby LG 0.8 0.5 71 F 35206 EN Buster McCluster Has Chicken Pox Corbet, Ruby LG 1.1 0.5 78 F ÷ 88504 EN Buster on the Town Brown, Marc LG 1.9 0.5 303 F ÷ 14255 EN Buster's Blustery Day Madokoro, Hisako LG 1.7 0.5 249 F ÷ 14256 EN Buster's First Snow Madokoro, Hisako LG 1.6 0.5 234 F ÷ 14257 EN Buster's First Thunderstorm Madokoro, Hisako LG 1.8 0.5 251 F 35466 EN Busy Bees Gentner, Norma L. LG 1.8 0.5 190 F 42706 EN Busy Bees Lalley, Kristine LG 1.7 0.5 174 NF 77749 EN Busy Bird Ind, Lynette LG 1.7 0.5 309 F 74423 EN Busy Bugs: A Book About Patterns Harvey, Jayne LG 1.5 0.5 261 F ÷ 62342 EN Busy Builders McDaniel, Melissa LG 1.8 0.5 209 NF 105705 EN Busy Day, A Sargent, Brian LG 1.8 0.5 278 NF 77780 EN Busy Harvest, The Mooney, Margaret LG 1.9 0.5 181 NF 55981 EN Busy Little Mouse Fernandes, Eugenie LG 1.3 0.5 208 F 118900 EN Busy Little Squirrel, The Tafuri, Nancy LG 0.9 0.5 128 F 123578 EN Busy Spring, The Emerson, Carl LG 1.7 0.5 283 F 101514 EN Busy Week, A Graves, Sue LG 1.5 0.5 62 F 58462 EN But I Want To! Ruhmann/James LG 1.8 0.5 292 F 75750 EN Butterflies Ashley, Susan LG 1.7 0.5 208 NF 118031 EN Butterflies Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.9 0.5 194 NF 32074 EN Butterflies Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.4 0.5 42 NF 52389 EN Butterfly Inkpen, Mick LG 1.3 0.5 172 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 24 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 53 NF ÷ 31803 EN Butterfly Colors Frost, Helen LG 1.6 0.5 ÷ 31805 EN Butterfly Eggs Frost, Helen LG 1.5 0.5 58 NF 41164 EN Butterfly's Life, A Burke, Melissa Blackwell LG 1.9 0.5 197 NF 13779 EN Buz Egielski, Richard LG 1.4 0.5 165 F 121825 EN Buzz Gets Lost Ford, Ron LG 1.0 0.5 148 F 9307 EN Buzz Is Part of a Bee, A Lunn, Carolyn LG 1.4 0.5 162 NF 80155 EN Buzz's Backpack Adventure Jordan, Apple LG 1.3 0.5 252 F 31612 EN "Buzz," Said the Bee Lewison, Wendy Cheyette LG 1.4 0.5 163 F 104615 EN Buzzy's Big Beach Book Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.1 0.5 236 F 121384 EN Bye-Bye, Crib McGhee, Alison LG 1.5 0.5 354 F 58091 SP caballito de mar, El Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 335 NF 84768 SP Caballitos de mar Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.6 0.5 132 NF 22104 SP caballo tenía hipo, El Meharry, Dot LG 1.3 0.5 88 68945 SP cabeza, La Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 295 NF 48252 EN Cabin: The Sound of C, The Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 86 NF 49447 SP Cachorrito encuentra un amigo Bruzzone, Catherine LG 1.0 0.5 98 F 72880 SP cachorro para Robertito, Un Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 1.0 0.5 196 F 71007 EN Caillou: At the Amusement Park Johnson, Marion LG 1.8 0.5 390 F 71011 EN Caillou: Day Care L'Heureux/Légaré LG 1.8 0.5 382 F 71018 EN Caillou: Good Night! L'Heureux, Christine LG 1.8 0.5 364 F 71022 EN Caillou: Just Like Daddy L'Heureux, Christine LG 1.8 0.5 347 F 71026 EN Caillou: Play With Me L'Heureux, Christine LG 1.7 0.5 354 F 71032 EN Caillou: The Babysitter Nadeau, Nicole LG 1.9 0.5 315 F 78050 EN Caillou: The Broken Castle Sanschagrin, Joceline LG 1.8 0.5 305 F 71035 EN Caillou: The Shopping Trip Nadeau, Nicole LG 1.8 0.5 340 F 71036 EN Caillou: The Wolf Sanschagrin, Joceline LG 1.9 0.5 352 F 71038 EN Caillou Watches Rosie Johnson, Marion LG 1.9 0.5 418 F 4127 SP calcetín, dos calcetines, Un Owens, Judy LG 1.3 0.5 299 F 121826 EN Caleb's Car Wash Hoffman, Mary Ann LG 1.0 0.5 161 F 112688 EN Caleb's Race Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.8 0.5 302 F 67308 EN Calico's Curious Kittens Tildes, Phyllis Limbacher LG 1.6 0.5 257 F 74738 EN California Condor Eckart, Edana LG 1.2 0.5 90 ÷ 18302 SP Calor (Spanish) Alba, Juanita LG 1.5 0.5 216 ÷ 36756 EN Calves Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 75 3619 SP cama de mamá, La Carlin, Joi LG 1.9 0.5 147 F 31702 SP cambios de la oruga, Los Shahan, Sherry LG 1.6 0.5 65 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ F NF F NF 62062 EN Camels Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.4 0.5 114 NF ÷ 84740 EN Camels Ripple, William John LG 1.8 0.5 119 NF ÷ 82663 EN Camels Windsor, Jo LG 1.3 0.5 108 NF 46033 SP Caminando por la noche Kenny, Ann LG 1.6 0.5 57 56103 SP Camiones de 18 ruedas Werther, Scott P. LG 1.6 0.5 129 NF 69256 SP Camiones de bomberos Miller, Heather LG 1.9 0.5 329 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 25 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 56117 SP Camionetas gigantes Werther, Scott P. LG 1.8 0.5 131 ÷ 13858 EN Camp Knock Knock Duffey, Betsy LG 1.8 0.5 1,449 F ÷ 11657 EN Camping Cutting, Brian LG 1.1 0.5 264 F ÷ 77646 EN Camping O'Neil, Sarah LG 1.0 0.5 200 NF ÷ ÷ 35557 EN Camping Out Porter, Gracie R. LG 1.5 0.5 137 F 108990 EN Camping Scare, The Dougherty, Terri LG 1.3 0.5 191 F 101515 EN Camping Trip Chancellor, Deborah LG 1.1 0.5 77 F 88988 EN Camping Trip Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.3 0.5 108 F 121842 EN Camping with Colleen Carson, Janet LG 0.7 0.5 90 F 57429 EN Can I Help? Granowsky, Alvin LG 1.6 0.5 371 F 53528 EN Can't You Sleep, Dotty? Warnes, Tim LG 1.8 0.5 287 F 76026 EN Can You Cuddle Like a Koala? Butler, John LG 1.8 0.5 147 F 47674 EN Can You Find Us? Holmes, Anita LG 1.3 0.5 215 NF 79279 EN Can You Guess? VanVoorst, Jennifer LG 1.9 0.5 202 NF 56642 EN Can You Hear Me from Here? Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.4 0.5 191 NF 105359 EN Can You Play? Bolam, Emily LG 0.5 0.5 150 F 7255 EN Can You Play? Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.5 0.5 144 F 72434 EN Can You See It? Blevins, Wiley LG 0.9 0.5 109 NF ÷ 32062 EN Can You See the Eggs? Giles, Jenny LG 1.0 0.5 88 NF ÷ 82664 EN Canals Mataira, Ratu LG 1.8 0.5 228 NF 116281 EN Canals Mayer, Cassie LG 1.8 0.5 123 NF 79388 SP canasta pascual de Dora, La Willson, Sarah LG 1.9 0.5 529 F 56563 EN Candle Time 123 Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.4 0.5 142 NF 27191 EN Candlelight Randell, Beverley LG 1.5 0.5 231 F 50830 EN Candy, the Old Car Smith, Annette LG 1.3 0.5 240 F 58073 SP cangrejo de río, El Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.6 0.5 360 NF 65458 SP canguro, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 335 NF 112662 SP Canguros Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.8 0.5 169 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 4050 EN Cans and Drums Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 1.8 0.5 510 F 31829 EN Captain B's Boat Cutting, Brian LG 1.4 0.5 159 F 31591 EN Car Care Cowley, Joy LG 1.8 0.5 214 F 46341 EN Car Rides Walker, Pamela LG 1.2 0.5 150 NF 108983 EN Car Shopping Donahue, Jill L. LG 1.9 0.5 211 F 35872 EN Car That Stopped, The Sloan, Peter LG 0.6 0.5 31 36705 EN Card For Dad, A Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.1 0.5 190 F 50696 EN Cargo Cat Windsor, Jo LG 1.5 0.5 239 F 116268 EN Caribbean Dream Isadora, Rachel LG 1.6 0.5 104 F 35928 EN Caring for Our Pond Costain, Meredith LG 1.5 0.5 207 F 72148 EN Owen, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 217 NF 103672 EN Caring for Your Pets: A Book About Veterinarians Carl's Sleepy Afternoon Day, Alexandra LG 1.6 0.5 236 F 63142 EN Carla Colors: The Letter C (c) Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 68 15252 EN Carla Gets a Pet O'Brien, Robert R. LG 1.8 0.5 504 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF NF F Page 26 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count 46862 SP Carlitos friolento Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.2 0.5 51 F/NF F 71769 EN Carmen and the Letter C Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 201 121843 EN Carmen's Photo Album Shea, Therese LG 0.6 0.5 75 NF F 104338 SP Carmen y Carlos Camarena, Cathy LG 0.3 0.5 44 NF 26915 EN Carousel Ride, The Bowdish, Lynea LG 0.9 0.5 102 F 121833 SP carrera de bicicletas, La Dow, Suzanne LG 1.8 0.5 171 F 52756 SP carrera, La Anónimo LG 1.8 0.5 156 F 80170 EN Meier, Joanne LG 1.3 0.5 175 NF 69255 SP Carrie's Surprise: The Sound of Hard C Carros Miller, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 272 NF 29233 EN Carrot Seed, The Krauss, Ruth LG 1.9 0.5 101 F F 105213 EN Carrot Soup Segal, John LG 1.8 0.5 251 ÷ 34543 EN Carrots Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.2 0.5 52 NF ÷ 75814 EN Carrots Snyder, Inez LG 1.2 0.5 99 NF ÷ 15253 EN Carrots Don't Talk! Lewis, Kathryn E. LG 1.7 0.5 353 F ÷ 49270 EN Carrying Swain, Gwenyth LG 1.8 0.5 126 NF 69255 EN Cars Miller, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 293 NF 1417 EN Cars Stickland, Paul LG 1.9 0.5 125 NF 56083 EN Cars of the Past Beyer, Mark LG 1.3 0.5 176 NF ÷ 65407 SP casa flotante, La Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 316 NF ÷ 65406 SP casa, La Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 328 NF ÷ 15254 EN Case of the Furry Thing, The Floyd, Lucy LG 1.1 0.5 267 F 103383 EN Cash for Trash Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 124 F 58463 EN Cassie's Word Quilt Ringgold, Faith LG 1.2 0.5 234 F 104497 EN Castaways! Inches, Alison LG 1.2 0.5 307 F 121836 SP castillo de arena, El Wood, Ira LG 1.7 0.5 152 F 111487 EN Castle Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.4 0.5 135 NF 72220 EN Cat + Fish = Catfish Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.7 0.5 130 NF 51653 EN Cat and a Dog, A Masurel, Claire LG 0.8 0.5 134 F 21347 EN Cat and Dog Coplans, Peta LG 1.9 0.5 354 F 101627 EN Cat and Dog Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 0.8 0.5 204 F 70109 EN Cat and Mouse: A Delicious Tale Oh, Jiwon LG 1.9 0.5 307 F 55947 EN Cat and Mouse: The Hole Story Fox, Christyan/Diane LG 1.2 0.5 128 F 40723 EN Cat at Bat Schade, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 199 F 60033 EN Sandford, John LG 1.6 0.5 212 F 49401 EN Cat Came Back: A Traditional Song, The Cat Games Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.0 0.5 236 F 50512 EN Cat Hat Knudsen, Michelle LG 0.5 0.5 70 F 46617 EN Cat in the Bag Miller, Sara Swan LG 0.8 0.5 83 F 118055 EN Cat Jumped In! Weaver, Tess LG 1.6 0.5 397 F 46455 EN Cat on Ice Schade/Buller LG 1.3 0.5 282 F ÷ 40724 EN Cat on the Mat Schade/Buller LG 1.2 0.5 275 F ÷ 68456 EN Cat Show Harvey, Jayne LG 1.4 0.5 327 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 27 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points ÷ 15255 EN Cat That Broke the Rules, The Dobeck, Maryann LG 1.4 0.5 ÷ 86010 EN Cat Traps Coxe, Molly LG 0.4 53529 EN Cat, What Is That? Johnston, Tony LG 1.7 50332 EN Cat Whispers Donaldson, Julia LG 72887 EN Cat Who Barked, The Sargent, Dave 31792 EN Cat with No Tail, The Teeters, Peggy ÷ 7256 EN Catch Me, Catch Me! ÷ 36423 EN Catch Me If You Can! 63319 EN 60019 68553 ÷ ÷ Word Count F/NF 192 F 0.5 95 F 0.5 325 F 1.4 0.5 257 F LG 0.6 0.5 157 F LG 1.9 0.5 137 F Awdry, W. LG 0.7 0.5 197 F Most, Bernard LG 1.7 0.5 178 F Catch That Goat! Alakija, Polly LG 1.1 0.5 293 F EN Catch the Cookie Vaughan, Marcia LG 1.5 0.5 528 F EN Catilda Stadler, John LG 0.8 0.5 128 F 46618 EN Cats! Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.3 0.5 49 F 118097 EN Cats Endres, Hollie LG 1.0 0.5 98 NF ÷ 36785 EN Cats Frost, Helen LG 0.6 0.5 43 NF ÷ 83311 EN Cats Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.4 0.5 287 NF ÷ 28427 EN Cats Harper, Clive LG 1.6 0.5 295 NF 55337 EN Cats Keller, Sarah J. LG 1.8 0.5 216 NF ÷ 48088 EN Cats Meadows, Graham LG 1.4 0.5 141 NF ÷ 74447 EN Cats Ruffin, Frances E. LG 1.5 0.5 114 NF ÷ 29416 EN Cats Are Like That Weston, Martha LG 1.9 0.5 687 F 112668 EN Cats Are Night Animals Mattern, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 201 NF 49422 EN Cats' Burglar, The Parish, Peggy LG 1.7 0.5 1,070 F ÷ 35424 EN Cats, Cats, Cats Cowley, Joy LG 1.2 0.5 217 F ÷ 68090 EN Cats on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.0 0.5 71 NF 48215 EN Cats: The Sound of Short A Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.6 0.5 61 NF ÷ 7210 EN Cave Boy Dubowski, Cathy East LG 1.2 0.5 296 F ÷ 35686 EN Cave, The Krueger, Carol LG 0.7 0.5 67 F 109913 EN Caves Mayer, Cassie LG 1.5 0.5 184 NF 112236 SP Cazaremos un léon Axtell, David LG 1.0 0.5 271 F 36911 EN Cc Doudna, Kelly LG 0.4 0.5 38 NF 65463 SP cebra, La Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 280 NF 34058 SP Cebra tiene hipo McKee, David LG 1.6 0.5 791 F 79280 SP Celebraciones Cipriano, Jeri LG 1.9 0.5 221 NF 113946 EN Celebrate! It's Cinco De Mayo Levy, Janice LG 1.5 0.5 273 F 49271 EN Celebrating Swain, Gwenyth LG 1.7 0.5 125 NF 79280 EN Celebrations Cipriano, Jeri LG 1.9 0.5 203 NF 22109 EN Celebrations Williams, Tom LG 1.4 0.5 107 F 68049 EN Celeste Sails to Spain Lester, Alison LG 1.8 0.5 307 F 80171 EN Minden, Cecilia LG 1.3 0.5 146 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 35238 EN Celine and Cedric Go to the Circus: The Sound of Soft C Cells Petro, Eva LG 1.5 0.5 95 103914 EN Centipedes Dickmann, Nancy LG 1.4 0.5 172 NF 104888 EN Centipedes Hall, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 152 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 28 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 58263 EN Central Park Serenade Godwin, Laura LG 1.9 0.5 247 ÷ 36924 EN ch Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 81 NF ÷ 26926 EN Chairs, Chairs, Chairs! Cappetta, Cynthia LG 0.8 0.5 70 F 49482 EN Chalk Talk Weber, Rebecca LG 1.7 0.5 69 F 102781 EN Labella, Susan LG 1.9 0.5 284 31702 EN Chameleons and Other Animals with Amazing Skin Changing Caterpillar, The Shahan, Sherry LG 1.6 0.5 52 80902 EN Changing Shape Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 253 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ F NF F 27319 EN Chano LaMann, Angela LG 1.9 0.5 124 F 103388 EN Chap and the Cap, The Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.0 0.5 102 F 84749 EN Charles M. Schulz Carlson, Cheryl LG 1.9 0.5 187 NF 116727 EN Chatterbox Turtle, The Rider, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 324 F 56104 EN Cheerleading Emmer, Rae LG 0.8 0.5 56 NF 87067 EN Cheetah Eckart, Edana LG 1.2 0.5 96 NF 56121 EN Paige, Joy LG 0.9 0.5 98 NF 120039 EN Cheetah: World's Fastest Land Animal, The Cheetahs Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 1.5 0.5 150 NF 116844 EN Cheetahs Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.3 0.5 123 NF 56056 EN Cheetahs Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 114 NF 113432 EN Cheetahs Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.7 0.5 146 NF 104339 SP Chela y Chuy Camarena, Cathy LG 0.7 0.5 43 NF 7211 EN Chester Hoff, Syd LG 1.9 0.5 672 F 116744 EN Chester Watt, Mélanie LG 1.8 0.5 342 F 35068 EN Chicago Winds Nicholas, Evangeline LG 1.9 0.5 176 F 31623 EN Chick and the Duckling, The Ginsburg, Mirra LG 1.3 0.5 112 F 45090 EN Chick Book, The Muldrow, Diane LG 1.9 0.5 234 F 102774 EN Chick Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam LG 1.6 0.5 273 NF 103389 EN Chick on the Thick Brick, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 130 F 36424 EN Chick That Wouldn't Hatch, The Daniel, Claire LG 1.0 0.5 170 F ÷ 4107 EN Chicken Feed Cowley, Joy LG 0.8 0.5 68 F ÷ 44444 EN Chicken Pox! McDuff, Dona LG 1.3 0.5 220 F 113645 EN Chickens Green, Emily K. LG 1.3 0.5 100 NF 48216 EN Chickens Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 173 NF 81088 EN Chickens Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.6 0.5 146 NF 34542 EN Chickens Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.0 0.5 25 NF 39929 EN Chickens Snowball, Diane LG 1.5 0.5 102 NF 50967 EN Chickens on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.4 0.5 63 NF 110400 EN Chickens to the Rescue Himmelman, John LG 1.7 0.5 161 81769 EN Chihuahua (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.1 0.5 57 NF 108395 EN Chihuahuas Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.8 0.5 168 NF 26327 EN Child's World of Carefulness, The Riehecky, Janet LG 1.9 0.5 110 NF 26330 EN Davis, Jennie LG 1.8 0.5 113 NF 34539 EN Child's World of Helping (The Child's World), The Children Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 0.6 0.5 46 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 29 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 81549 EN Children Around the World Wilkins, Verna LG 1.8 0.5 400 NF 32195 EN Children of Sierra Leone, The Christiana, Arama LG 1.9 0.5 108 F 47733 EN Chili-Chili-Chin-Chin Yang, Belle LG 1.2 0.5 122 F ÷ 46862 EN Chilly Charlie Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.2 0.5 43 F ÷ 62744 EN Chimpanzees Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 95 NF 82665 EN Chimpanzees Gabolinscy, Jack LG 1.6 0.5 160 NF 72361 EN Chip Wants a Dog Wegman, William LG 1.3 0.5 267 F 50335 EN Chloe the Chameleon Warren, Celia LG 1.6 0.5 319 F 35524 EN Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.6 0.5 104 F 42218 EN Choose! Courtney, Claudia LG 1.6 0.5 180 F 4128 EN Choose Me! Siamon, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 205 F 32112 EN Choosing a Puppy Giles, Jenny LG 0.9 0.5 159 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 56105 EN Chorus Emmer, Rae LG 1.0 0.5 77 NF 123652 EN Christmas Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 137 NF 50968 EN Christmas Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.9 0.5 134 NF 79931 EN Christmas Gifts O'Keefe, Susan Heyboer LG 1.6 0.5 120 F 117167 EN Christmas Is Coming! Nitzberg, Chuck LG 0.8 0.5 127 F 105768 EN Christmas is Here! Ciminera, Siobhan LG 1.8 0.5 227 F 42922 EN Christmas Mice! Roberts, Bethany LG 1.0 0.5 152 F 82599 EN Christmas Story, A Grosset & Dunlap Editors LG 1.5 0.5 217 F 27208 EN Christmas Tree, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.6 0.5 163 F 74614 EN Christmas Wish, A Sedgwick, Marcus LG 1.2 0.5 81 F NF 83363 EN Christopher Reeve Abraham, Philip LG 1.3 0.5 94 103384 EN Chuck Has a Big Truck Hanson, Anders LG 1.4 0.5 115 F 27219 EN Chug the Tractor Giles, Jenny LG 1.1 0.5 207 F 43908 EN Cicadas Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 87 NF 104889 EN Cicadas Hall, Margaret LG 1.8 0.5 125 NF 113671 EN Cicadas Sexton, Colleen LG 1.9 0.5 188 NF 32233 SP cielo se está cayendo, El Johns, Edwin LG 1.0 0.5 197 F 9355 EN Cinderella at the Ball Hillert, Margaret LG 0.7 0.5 269 F 104340 SP Cindi y César Camarena, Cathy LG 0.9 0.5 54 121781 EN Cindy's Backyard Circus Ford, Ron LG 1.3 0.5 269 F 11154 SP cinturita de Anansi, La Cabral, Len LG 1.2 0.5 158 F NF 2497 EN Circle Dogs Henkes, Kevin LG 1.7 0.5 385 F ÷ 42061 EN Circle Is Not a Valentine, A Zimmermann, H. Werner LG 1.4 0.5 175 F ÷ 12317 EN Circles Griffiths, Rose LG 1.8 0.5 184 NF ÷ ÷ 46342 EN Circles Kottke, Jan LG 1.6 0.5 150 NF 115971 EN Circles Lorbiecki, Marybeth LG 1.6 0.5 201 NF 56562 SP circo 123, El Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.3 0.5 126 NF 121781 SP circo de Cindy, El Ford, Ron LG 1.9 0.5 309 F 34546 EN Circular Movement Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 44 NF 56562 EN Circus 123 Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.3 0.5 145 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 30 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 56559 EN Circus Animal Acts Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.6 0.5 263 NF 56804 EN Circus Clown ABC Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.8 0.5 204 NF 56568 EN Circus Clowns Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.5 0.5 257 NF 9356 EN Circus Fun Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 277 F 31911 EN Circus Fun Jakab, Cheryl LG 1.7 0.5 220 F 100000 EN Circus Parade Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.7 0.5 244 F 56560 EN Circus Performers Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.9 0.5 291 NF 76646 EN Circus, The Leaney, Cindy LG 1.4 0.5 158 F 56661 EN Cities Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.0 0.5 49 NF 35929 EN City Animals Costain, Meredith LG 1.9 0.5 297 NF ÷ 9357 EN City Fun Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 293 F ÷ 40490 EN ck Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 83 NF 80893 EN Claire's Bear Scare Hanson, Anders LG 1.9 0.5 215 NF ÷ 103673 EN Clara and Asha Rohmann, Eric LG 1.0 0.5 126 F 32251 EN Clara Ann Cookie Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.9 0.5 188 F 44404 EN Clara Ann Cookie, Go to Bed! Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.7 0.5 230 F 103673 SP Clara y Asha Rohmann, Eric LG 1.3 0.5 127 F 68554 EN Clarabella's Teeth Vrombaut, An LG 1.5 0.5 202 F 22112 SP clase de esquí, La Gracestone, Katherine LG 1.0 0.5 154 F ÷ 76061 EN Class Clown: The Sound of CL Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.1 0.5 71 ÷ 87270 EN Thaler, Mike LG 1.2 0.5 249 F ÷ NF 41847 EN Class Pet from the Black Lagoon, The Class Picture Day Buckless, Andrea LG 1.6 0.5 204 F 101293 EN Class Picture Day Wax, Wendy LG 1.0 0.5 185 F 44474 EN Class Play, The Newell, Robert LG 1.6 0.5 371 F 56915 EN Class Play with Ms. Vanilla, A Ehrlich, Fred LG 1.8 0.5 234 F 121834 EN Class Surprise, The King, Zelda LG 0.8 0.5 126 F ÷ 66199 EN Class Trip Mayer, Mercer LG 1.9 0.5 281 F ÷ 41881 EN Class Trip, The Maccarone, Grace LG 1.0 0.5 213 F 36716 EN Class Trip, The Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.8 0.5 411 F 50280 EN Clay Creatures Vogelnest, Laura LG 1.7 0.5 230 NF 35912 EN Clean Air Costain, Meredith LG 1.1 0.5 70 NF 53706 EN Clear Moon, Snow Soon Johnston, Tony LG 1.3 0.5 128 F 63542 EN Cleo and Caspar Blackstone, Stella LG 0.7 0.5 78 F 63342 EN Cleo and Leo Cassidy, Anne LG 1.4 0.5 179 F 67707 EN Cleo in the Snow Blackstone, Stella LG 0.8 0.5 73 F 65065 EN Cleo on the Move Blackstone, Stella LG 0.7 0.5 68 F 45429 EN Cleo the Cat Blackstone, Stella LG 0.6 0.5 69 F 50831 EN Clever Brown Mouse Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 199 F 50853 EN Clever Crow, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.5 0.5 223 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 50782 EN Clever Fox Randell, Beverley LG 0.7 0.5 116 F ÷ 32234 EN Clever Little Bird Douglas, Ian LG 0.8 0.5 74 F ÷ 27198 EN Clever Penguins, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.1 0.5 173 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 31 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 31703 SP ¡Clic! Cox, Rhonda LG 1.0 0.5 44 F ÷ 104090 SP Clic, Clac, Plif, Plaf Cronin, Doreen LG 1.8 0.5 86 F ÷ 31703 EN Click! Cox, Rhonda LG 0.7 0.5 42 F ÷ 104090 EN Cronin, Doreen LG 1.0 0.5 76 F ÷ 59499 EN Click, Clack, Splish, Splash: A Counting Adventure Clifford and the Halloween Parade Bridwell, Norman LG 0.9 0.5 98 F ÷ 7258 SP Clifford, el cachorrito Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 316 F ÷ 6059 SP Clifford el gran perro colorado Bridwell, Norman LG 1.2 0.5 236 F 41848 EN Clifford Gets a Job Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 392 F 73309 EN Clifford Goes to Dog School Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 356 F 42139 EN Clifford Grows Up Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 317 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 41850 EN Clifford Makes a Friend Bridwell, Norman LG 0.4 0.5 67 F 119053 EN Clifford Makes a Splash Lee, Quinlan B. LG 1.5 0.5 279 F 59500 EN Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 282 F 119054 EN Clifford's Best Friend: A Story About Emily Elizabeth Clifford's Best School Day Lee, Quinlan B. LG 1.5 0.5 320 F ÷ 7257 EN Clifford's Christmas Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 331 F ÷ 17515 EN Clifford's First Autumn Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 320 F ÷ 9566 EN Clifford's First Christmas Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 294 F ÷ 17516 EN Clifford's First Halloween Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 278 F ÷ 41851 EN Clifford's First Snow Day Bridwell, Norman LG 1.7 0.5 337 F ÷ 10460 EN Clifford's Halloween Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 303 F ÷ 10514 EN Clifford's Happy Easter Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 333 F ÷ 53062 EN Clifford's Happy Mother's Day Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 334 F ÷ 59501 EN Clifford's Hiccups Weyn, Suzanne LG 1.6 0.5 267 F ÷ 11164 EN Clifford's Kitten Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 336 F ÷ 64099 EN Clifford's Loose Tooth Lewison, Wendy Cheyette LG 1.7 0.5 311 F ÷ 9567 EN Clifford's Manners Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 292 F ÷ 7258 EN Clifford's Puppy Days Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 307 F ÷ 42143 EN Clifford's Riddles Bridwell, Norman LG 1.4 0.5 243 F ÷ 14613 EN Clifford's Sports Day Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 259 F ÷ 17518 EN Clifford's Tricks Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 371 F ÷ 59502 EN Clifford's Valentines Bridwell, Norman LG 0.8 0.5 96 F ÷ 41852 EN Clifford's Word Book Bridwell, Norman LG 1.2 0.5 180 F ÷ 6059 EN Clifford the Big Red Dog Bridwell, Norman LG 1.2 0.5 236 F ÷ 36693 EN Clifford to the Rescue Bridwell, Norman LG 1.6 0.5 239 F ÷ 31629 EN Clifford, We Love You Bridwell, Norman LG 1.6 0.5 354 F 10460 SP Clifford y el día de Halloween Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 339 F 10514 SP Clifford y el Día de Pascua Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 333 F 114620 EN Climbing Orangutans Knudsen, Shannon LG 1.7 0.5 307 NF 72235 EN Clink Clank Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 84 NF 122695 EN Close Shave, The Awdry, W. LG 0.8 0.5 139 F 9327 SP clóset de Bessey, la Desordenada, El McKissack, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 171 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 32 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 57609 EN Clothes in Colonial America Thomas, Mark LG 1.8 0.5 108 NF 121568 EN Clothes Poems & Weather Poems Foster, John LG 1.2 0.5 232 F 77352 EN Clouds Bauer, Marion Dane LG 1.8 0.5 237 NF ÷ 31838 EN Clouds Cutting, Brian LG 1.1 0.5 109 F ÷ 67983 EN Clouds Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.7 0.5 100 NF ÷ 31583 EN Cloudy Day Sunny Day Crews, Donald LG 0.7 0.5 107 F ÷ 46381 EN Cloudy Days Burke, Jennifer S. LG 1.4 0.5 164 NF ÷ 50697 EN Clown Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 119 F 45162 EN Clown Around Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.7 0.5 67 F ÷ 12013 EN Clown-Arounds Have a Party, The Cole, Joanna LG 1.8 0.5 247 F ÷ 79527 EN Clown Fish Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.8 0.5 132 NF 113651 EN Clown Fish Sexton, Colleen LG 1.8 0.5 199 NF ÷ 53063 EN Clown Games Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.3 0.5 115 F ÷ 82619 EN Clown Paints His House Eggleton, Jill LG 0.7 0.5 138 F 82620 EN Clown's Pants Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 115 F 82785 EN Clown's Party Eggleton, Jill LG 0.6 0.5 96 F 56108 SP Club de teatro Emmer, Rae LG 1.0 0.5 65 NF 58783 EN Clubhouse, The Keats/Suen LG 1.9 0.5 624 F 77408 EN Cluck, Cluck Who's There? Mayhew, James LG 1.0 0.5 142 F 81797 EN Clydesdale (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.1 0.5 65 NF 31714 EN Coat Full of Bubbles, A Shahan, Sherry LG 1.4 0.5 80 F 2310 SP Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.6 0.5 139 NF 2310 EN Cobi Jones: Estrella del fútbol soccer Cobi Jones: Soccer Star Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.6 0.5 102 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 52392 EN Cock-a-Doodle-Moo! Most, Bernard LG 1.9 0.5 223 F 112211 EN Cocker Spaniels Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.8 0.5 155 NF 103915 EN Cockroaches Dickmann, Nancy LG 1.3 0.5 163 NF 82725 EN Cockroaches Gabolinscy, Jack LG 1.7 0.5 242 NF 108222 EN Cockroaches Green, Emily K. LG 1.4 0.5 158 NF 68091 EN Cockroaches Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 0.8 0.5 60 NF 78461 EN Coco and Cavendish: Fire Dogs Sierra, Judy LG 1.9 0.5 855 F 104459 EN Coco on the Go Blackaby, Susan LG 0.8 0.5 65 F 50832 EN Coco's Bell Kelly, Andrew LG 1.4 0.5 223 F 61850 EN Coco's Surprise van Holst Pellekaan, Karen LG 1.9 0.5 492 F 116290 SP Colas Leake, Diyan LG 1.6 0.5 197 NF 11165 SP colcha de retazos, La Avery, Kristin LG 1.6 0.5 148 F 32766 EN Cold Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.3 0.5 72 NF 46382 EN Cold Days Burke, Jennifer S. LG 1.5 0.5 167 NF 123579 EN Cold Winter Day, The Emerson, Carl LG 1.9 0.5 301 F 56123 SP Paige, Joy LG 1.2 0.5 142 NF 115670 EN colibrí: El pájaro más pequeño del mundo, El Collies Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.9 0.5 130 NF 77770 EN Colonial Williamsburg Ring, Susan LG 1.8 0.5 118 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 33 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 26339 EN Color Clown Comes to Town, A Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.7 0.5 411 F 47826 EN Color Wizard, The Brenner, Barbara LG 1.9 0.5 331 F 121855 SP colores del zoológico, Los Scanlon, Jack LG 1.3 0.5 72 F 84997 SP colores y el número 1, Los Sargent, Daina LG 0.4 0.5 70 F 84998 SP colores y el número 10, Los Sargent, Daina LG 0.4 0.5 70 F 84999 SP colores y el número 2, Los Sargent, Daina LG 0.5 0.5 70 F 85000 SP colores y el número 3, Los Sargent, Daina LG 0.4 0.5 70 F 85001 SP colores y el número 4, Los Sargent, Daina LG 0.6 0.5 70 F 85002 SP colores y el número 5, Los Sargent, Daina LG 0.6 0.5 70 F 85003 SP colores y el número 6, Los Sargent, Daina LG 0.4 0.5 70 F 85004 SP colores y el número 7, Los Sargent, Daina LG 0.7 0.5 70 F 85005 SP colores y el número 8, Los Sargent, Daina LG 0.5 0.5 70 F F 85006 SP colores y el número 9, Los Sargent, Daina LG 0.3 0.5 70 112651 EN Colorful Animals 1.8 0.5 270 NF 83272 EN Colorful Days Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Lock, Deborah LG 1.5 0.5 134 F 105676 EN Colorful Peacocks Underwood, Deborah LG 1.9 0.5 333 NF 1446 EN Colors Dena, Anael LG 1.6 0.5 148 F 57430 EN Colors Granowsky, Alvin LG 1.5 0.5 326 F F 121297 EN Colors! Luján, Jorge LG 1.8 0.5 146 ÷ 35838 EN Colors Sloan, Peter LG 0.4 0.5 29 NF ÷ 84997 EN Colors and the Number 1 Sargent, Daina LG 0.4 0.5 81 F ÷ 84998 EN Colors and the Number 10 Sargent, Daina LG 0.4 0.5 81 F ÷ 84999 EN Colors and the Number 2 Sargent, Daina LG 0.5 0.5 81 F ÷ 85000 EN Colors and the Number 3 Sargent, Daina LG 0.5 0.5 81 F ÷ 85001 EN Colors and the Number 4 Sargent, Daina LG 0.4 0.5 81 F ÷ 85002 EN Colors and the Number 5 Sargent, Daina LG 0.4 0.5 81 F ÷ 85003 EN Colors and the Number 6 Sargent, Daina LG 0.4 0.5 81 F ÷ 85004 EN Colors and the Number 7 Sargent, Daina LG 0.5 0.5 81 F ÷ 85005 EN Colors and the Number 8 Sargent, Daina LG 0.5 0.5 81 F ÷ 85006 EN Colors and the Number 9 Sargent, Daina LG 0.4 0.5 81 F ÷ 59462 EN Colors at the Zoo Henderson, Phoebe LG 0.4 0.5 59 F 42086 EN Colour of Spring, The Zimmermann, H. Werner LG 1.3 0.5 210 F 29512 EN Come Along Daisy Simmons, Jane LG 1.3 0.5 168 F 121803 EN Come Back, Zack! Amico, Sal LG 1.4 0.5 258 F 121728 EN Come Fly with Me Ichikawa, Satomi LG 1.8 0.5 377 F 46456 EN Come Here, Tiger! Moran, Alex LG 0.3 0.5 63 F 72175 EN Come Home with Me! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 76 NF 104314 EN Come On, Baby Duck! Ward, Nick LG 1.7 0.5 386 F 27227 EN Come on, Tim Giles, Jenny LG 1.1 0.5 198 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 9358 EN Come Play with Me Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 440 F 26917 EN Come! Sit! Speak! Simon, Charnan LG 1.1 0.5 82 F 4098 EN Come to My House Cowley, Joy LG 1.2 0.5 57 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 34 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 9054 EN Come to My Party Richardson, Judith Benet LG 1.5 0.5 260 F 9359 EN Come to School, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 1.0 0.5 307 F 71235 SP Comemiedos Zentner, Jorge LG 1.7 0.5 382 F 56662 EN Comma Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 118 NF ÷ 32058 EN Communities Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.0 0.5 43 NF ÷ 56106 EN Community Service Emmer, Rae LG 1.0 0.5 80 NF 22089 SP Johns, Edwin LG 1.1 0.5 169 18380 SP ¿Cómo aprendió a volar el murciélago? Cómo crecen los perritos Selsam, Millicent E. LG 1.9 0.5 1,000 NF 89565 SP Cómo cuidar mi pelo DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.4 0.5 139 NF 89567 SP Cómo cuidar mi piel DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.8 0.5 141 NF 89568 SP Cómo cuidar mis dientes DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.9 0.5 158 NF 89566 SP Cómo cuidar mis manos y pies DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.4 0.5 130 NF 89564 SP Cómo cuidar mis ojos DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.6 0.5 156 NF 43230 SP Yolen, Jane LG 1.6 0.5 156 F 41985 SP ¿Cómo dan las buenas noches los dinosaurios? Como en mi tierra Miller, Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 368 F 68813 SP ¿Cómo se curan los dinosaurios? Yolen, Jane LG 1.7 0.5 171 F 103643 SP Como siempre Perry, Anne M. LG 1.5 0.5 133 F 62795 SP Como yo Neasi, Barbara J. LG 0.7 0.5 131 F 77681 EN Pilkey, Dav LG 1.8 0.5 458 F 50311 EN Complete Adventures of Big Dog and Little Dog, The Computer Game, The Mitchelhill, Barbara LG 0.8 0.5 74 F 26339 SP Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.7 0.5 411 F F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ F 115723 EN Con el payaso de los colores las cosas lucen mejores Conceited Little Rat, The Orihuela, Luz LG 1.8 0.5 239 ÷ 108336 EN Concrete Mixers McClellan, Ray LG 1.7 0.5 92 NF ÷ 104537 EN Condors Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.6 0.5 193 NF 62061 SP Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.9 0.5 139 NF 105810 EN conductor del autobús (La gente de mi comunidad), El Conejito: A Folktale from Panama MacDonald, Margaret Read LG 1.8 0.5 942 F 72888 SP conejito velloso, El Sargent, Dave LG 1.3 0.5 177 F 76177 SP conejo, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 301 NF 79225 EN Construction Countdown Olson, K.C. LG 1.9 0.5 70 NF 120128 EN Construction Tools Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.9 0.5 119 NF 117197 SP Contando por la ciudad Sharp, Jean LG 1.3 0.5 147 NF 117461 SP Contar: De cinco en cinco Sarfatti, Esther LG 0.9 0.5 71 NF 117462 SP Contar: De diez en diez Sarfatti, Esther LG 0.7 0.5 70 NF 117464 SP Contar: De dos en dos Sarfatti, Esther LG 0.6 0.5 67 NF 117463 SP Contar: De tres en tres Sarfatti, Esther LG 0.9 0.5 68 NF 30034 SP Contento Juan Peters, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 181 F 31693 EN Coo Coo Caroo Mitchell, Marianne LG 1.4 0.5 80 F 63597 EN Cooking Tools Snyder, Inez LG 1.4 0.5 126 NF ÷ 74854 EN Cooking with the Cat Worth, Bonnie LG 0.6 0.5 135 F ÷ 82726 EN Cool Crabs Krueger, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 216 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 35 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 43180 EN Cool Off Diaz, Nellie LG 0.8 0.5 37 NF 80903 EN Cooling Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 250 NF 81771 EN Copperhead (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.9 0.5 56 NF 12480 EN Copycat Brown, Ruth LG 1.7 0.5 179 F 77745 EN Coral Reef, The Economos, Christine LG 1.7 0.5 186 NF ÷ 89948 EN Coral Reefs Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.6 0.5 183 NF ÷ 75358 EN Corduroy Makes a Cake Inches, Alison LG 1.7 0.5 652 F ÷ 67286 EN Corduroy's Garden Inches, Alison LG 1.6 0.5 598 F ÷ 59786 EN Corduroy's Hike Inches, Alison LG 1.8 0.5 621 F 112699 EN Corduroy's Sleepover Hennessy, B.G. LG 1.9 0.5 244 F 103581 EN Cori Plays Football Florie, Christine LG 1.7 0.5 158 F ÷ 86806 EN Cork & Fuzz Chaconas, Dori LG 1.9 0.5 896 F ÷ 109806 EN Cork & Fuzz: Good Sports Chaconas, Dori LG 1.8 0.5 985 F 56105 SP Coro Emmer, Rae LG 1.0 0.5 64 ÷ 45962 SP ¡Corre, perro, corre! Eastman, P.D. LG 1.0 0.5 488 F ÷ 79282 SP cosecha, La Cipriano, Jeri LG 1.9 0.5 205 NF 81909 EN Cosmetologist (K-1) Moon, Maria Criazzo LG 1.9 0.5 138 NF 36711 EN Costume Party, The Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.9 0.5 350 F 34544 EN Costumes Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.5 0.5 37 NF 81773 EN Cottonmouth (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.5 0.5 57 NF ÷ 104538 EN Cougars Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.8 0.5 195 NF ÷ 35047 EN Count on Clifford Bridwell, Norman LG 1.5 0.5 393 F ÷ 79281 EN Count Your Chickens Jacobs, Daniel LG 1.1 0.5 121 NF 64473 EN Countdown to Thanksgiving Huelin, Jodi LG 1.8 0.5 275 F 74875 EN Counting at a Birthday Party Bruce, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 173 NF 117461 EN Counting By: Fives Sarfatti, Esther LG 0.7 0.5 57 NF 117462 EN Counting By: Tens Sarfatti, Esther LG 0.8 0.5 57 NF 117463 EN Counting By: Threes Sarfatti, Esther LG 1.0 0.5 55 NF 117464 EN Counting By: Twos Sarfatti, Esther LG 0.7 0.5 57 NF 73493 EN Counting Christmas Katz, Karen LG 1.8 0.5 76 F 117197 EN Counting in the City Sharp, Jean LG 1.1 0.5 163 48698 EN Counting on the Woods Lyon, George Ella LG 1.4 0.5 70 F 70593 EN Counting Race, The McNamara, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 236 F ÷ 51892 EN Counting Sheep: A Math Reader Glass, Julie LG 0.8 0.5 174 F ÷ 54326 EN Country Bear's Good Neighbor Brimner, Larry Dane LG 1.0 0.5 141 F ÷ 66200 EN Country Fair Mayer, Mercer LG 0.5 0.5 53 F ÷ 28574 EN Country Far Away, A Gray, Nigel LG 1.2 0.5 140 F ÷ 34538 EN Cousins Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.4 0.5 42 NF NF ÷ NF NF 119313 EN Cousins (Revised Edition) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.5 0.5 61 ÷ 18606 EN Cow in the House, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.6 0.5 403 F ÷ 9360 EN Cow That Got Her Wish, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 419 F 103390 EN Cow with a Plow, The Hanson, Anders LG 1.1 0.5 101 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 36 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 65416 EN Cowboy Miller, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 272 NF 47799 EN Cowboy Roy Dubowski, Cathy East LG 1.6 0.5 484 F 76761 EN Cowboy Small Lenski, Lois LG 1.6 0.5 273 F 26928 EN Cowboy Up! Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.6 0.5 44 F 113781 EN Cowlick! Ditchfield, Christin LG 1.4 0.5 141 F 42383 EN Cowpokes Stutson, Caroline LG 1.9 0.5 192 F 113646 EN Cows Green, Emily K. LG 1.2 0.5 100 NF 48217 EN Cows Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.4 0.5 166 NF 81089 EN Cows Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.4 0.5 144 NF 70380 EN Cows and Their Calves Hall, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 113 NF ÷ 27211 EN Cows in the Garden Randell, Beverley LG 1.1 0.5 162 F ÷ 50970 EN Cows on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.0 0.5 60 NF 65441 SP coyote, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 291 NF 89925 EN Coyotes Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.4 0.5 172 NF 74827 EN Coyotes Murphy, Patricia J. LG 1.9 0.5 113 NF 65441 EN Coyotes Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 267 NF 112667 EN Coyotes Are Night Animals Mattern, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 199 NF 103596 EN Crab Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.5 0.5 97 NF 31705 EN Crabbing Time Smith, Rebecca LG 0.6 0.5 77 F 121509 EN Crabby Gabby Graves, Sue LG 1.1 0.5 70 F ÷ 31758 EN Crabs Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 47 NF ÷ 89559 EN Crabs Sullivan, Jody LG 1.6 0.5 111 NF ÷ 108338 EN Cranes Martin, M.T. LG 1.6 0.5 88 NF 56058 EN Cranes Randolph, Joanne LG 1.9 0.5 119 NF 79557 EN Cranes Williams, Linda D. LG 1.9 0.5 105 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 58073 EN Crayfish Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.6 0.5 267 NF 121812 SP crayola está triste, La Chapman, Joan LG 1.8 0.5 262 F 105327 EN Crazy Cat Bowman, Eddie LG 1.7 0.5 177 F 11165 EN Crazy Quilt, The Avery, Kristin LG 1.6 0.5 148 F 74300 EN Creation McDermott, Gerald LG 1.5 0.5 224 NF 72275 EN Creepy Things Are Scaring Me Pumphrey, Jerome/Jarrett LG 1.4 0.5 165 F 112657 SP Crías de animales 1.4 0.5 174 NF 115102 EN Cricket at the Manger Lambilly-Bresson, Élisabeth LG de Fine, Edith Hope LG 1.9 0.5 763 F 31772 EN Crickets Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.5 0.5 49 NF 108223 EN Crickets Green, Emily K. LG 1.9 0.5 166 NF 79528 EN Crickets Hall, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 91 NF 104341 SP Crisma y Cristián Camarena, Cathy LG 0.6 0.5 53 NF 47675 EN Critter Day Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.5 0.5 318 F 62343 EN Critter Sitters Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.4 0.5 258 F 50774 EN Crocodile and a Whale, A Smith, Annette LG 1.0 0.5 132 F 59223 EN Crocodiles Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.4 0.5 65 NF 112663 EN Crocodiles Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.7 0.5 159 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 37 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 11658 EN Crocodiles (Sunshine Level 2) Cutting, Brian/Jillian LG 1.5 0.5 183 NF 103391 EN Crook Can Cook!, The Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 102 F 27185 EN Cross-Country Race, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.9 0.5 245 F ÷ 11659 EN Crossing the Road Cowley, Joy LG 1.7 0.5 306 F ÷ 41911 EN Crowded Ride in the Countryside, A Edwards, Frank B. LG 1.4 0.5 104 F 39932 EN Crunchy Munchy Parkes, Brenda LG 1.3 0.5 190 F ÷ 18607 EN Cry Baby Brown, Ruth LG 1.9 0.5 265 F ÷ 63357 EN Crying Princess, The Cassidy, Anne LG 1.7 0.5 189 F 85611 SP cuadro de Mary, El Blackaby, Susan LG 0.2 0.5 78 F 42561 SP Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.1 0.5 86 NF 42545 SP Cuando voy a chapalear en la laguna Cuando voy a escalar una montaña Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.8 0.5 78 NF 42546 SP Cuando voy a explorar una caverna Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.0 0.5 92 NF 42567 SP Cuando voy a pasear al bosque Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.0 0.5 80 NF 42566 SP Cuando voy a pasear al desierto Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.0 0.5 90 NF 42562 SP Cuando voy a pasear al mar Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.3 0.5 75 NF 3618 SP Clarke, Gus LG 1.8 0.5 229 68591 SP ¿Cuántos días faltan para mi cumpleaños? ¿Cuántos peces? Rubin, Alan LG 1.1 0.5 94 NF 110704 SP ¿Cuántos son? Cleland, Joann LG 1.9 0.5 145 NF 100466 SP cuarto para dos, Un Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.2 0.5 94 F 57900 EN Cubby's Gum Eaton, Deb LG 1.7 0.5 320 F 85585 EN Cuddle Book, The Genechten, Guido van LG 1.9 0.5 72 F 83481 EN Cuddle Time Gleeson, Libby LG 1.9 0.5 115 F 68946 SP cuello y los hombros, El Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 288 NF ÷ 35047 SP Cuenta con Clifford Bridwell, Norman LG 1.7 0.5 208 F ÷ 79281 SP Cuenta tus gallinas Jacobs, Daniel LG 1.1 0.5 115 NF 45784 SP cuidado de tu cabello (Limpieza y salud todo el día), El Cuidador del zoológico Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 176 NF Miller, Heather LG 1.8 0.5 286 NF Berry, Lynne LG 1.9 0.5 428 F ÷ ÷ F 65423 SP 108599 EN 114244 EN Curious Demise of a Contrary Cat, The Curious George Cleans Up Krensky, Stephen LG 1.6 0.5 224 F 115331 EN Curious George Finds a Friend Krensky, Stephen LG 1.6 0.5 280 F 115181 EN Curious George Plants a Seed Zappy, Erica LG 1.9 0.5 278 F 117210 EN Curious George Roller Coaster Perez, Monica LG 1.9 0.5 320 F 118887 EN Curious George Takes a Trip Moscovich, Rotem LG 1.8 0.5 368 F 122687 EN Curious George: The Boat Show O'Sullivan, Kate LG 1.7 0.5 285 F 111261 EN Curious George: The Dog Show Perez, Monica LG 1.3 0.5 236 F 111263 EN Curious George: The Kite Perez, Monica LG 1.7 0.5 311 F 50281 EN Curly to the Rescue Mitton, Tony LG 1.3 0.5 107 F 50282 EN Rider, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 224 F 50698 EN Curlylocks and the Three Bears: A Play Custard's Cat Flap Eggleton, Jill LG 1.7 0.5 197 F 86040 EN Custodians Nelson, Robin LG 1.9 0.5 304 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 38 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 16975 EN D.W. All Wet Brown, Marc LG 1.4 0.5 218 F ÷ 16976 EN D.W. Flips Brown, Marc LG 1.5 0.5 239 F ÷ 83078 EN D.W.'s Perfect Present Brown, Marc LG 1.5 0.5 282 F ÷ 89481 EN D.W. the Big Boss Brown, Marc LG 1.9 0.5 364 F 121782 EN Dabby's Pond Elizabeth, Shelby LG 1.2 0.5 208 F 81774 EN Dachshund (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.0 0.5 54 82685 EN Dad and the Cake Eggleton, Jill LG 1.5 0.5 298 F 82686 EN Dad and the Go-Cart Eggleton, Jill LG 1.6 0.5 279 F ÷ 82687 EN Dad and the Grizzly Bear Eggleton, Jill LG 1.6 0.5 251 F ÷ 82743 EN Dad and the Skateboard Eggleton, Jill LG 1.1 0.5 182 F ÷ 82786 EN Dad at the Park Eggleton, Jill LG 0.7 0.5 103 F 115332 EN Dad Goes to School McNamara, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 230 F ÷ NF 70852 EN Dad's Big Idea Goldowsky, Jill L. LG 0.8 0.5 155 F ÷ 82621 EN Dad's Dinner Eggleton, Jill LG 1.1 0.5 157 F ÷ 7553 EN Dad's Dinosaur Day Hearn, Diane LG 1.8 0.5 264 F ÷ 4087 EN Dad's Shirt Cowley, Joy LG 0.9 0.5 39 F 112008 EN Dad's Shirt Donahue, Jill L. LG 1.7 0.5 187 F 54703 EN Daddy Ant, You Never Listen! Sullivan/Brouwer LG 1.1 0.5 186 F 68875 EN Daddy Calls Me Man Johnson, Angela LG 1.1 0.5 117 F 39866 EN Daddy Is a Doodlebug Degen, Bruce LG 1.5 0.5 171 F 85654 EN Daddy's a Busy Beaver St-Aubin, Bruno LG 1.8 0.5 222 F 85655 EN Daddy's a Dinosaur St-Aubin, Bruno LG 1.6 0.5 189 F 78225 EN Daddy's Little Boy Collins, Billy LG 1.7 0.5 134 F 78226 EN Daddy's Little Girl Burke, Bobby LG 1.8 0.5 122 F 58873 EN Daddy's Lullaby Bradman, Tony LG 1.4 0.5 209 F 86224 EN Daddy's Scratchy Face Kunhardt, Edith LG 1.5 0.5 255 F 32175 EN Daddy Will Be There Grambling, Lois G. LG 1.6 0.5 341 F 77089 EN Daisy 1, 2, 3 Catalanotto, Peter LG 1.9 0.5 191 F 40586 EN Daisy and the Beastie Simmons, Jane LG 1.6 0.5 192 F 57973 EN Daisy Dare Jeram, Anita LG 1.8 0.5 203 F 19944 EN Daisy Is a Mommy Kopper, Lisa LG 1.0 0.5 122 F 23894 EN Daisy & Jack in the Garden Theobalds, Prue LG 1.9 0.5 156 F 48095 EN Daisy Knows Best Kopper, Lisa LG 1.6 0.5 133 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 71770 EN Daisy, My Dad, and the Letter D Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 216 NF 110364 EN Dale Earnhardt Braidich, Victoria LG 1.9 0.5 142 NF ÷ 2306 EN Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.5 0.5 130 NF ÷ 2306 SP Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.5 0.5 153 NF 110365 EN Dale Earnhardt, Jr.: Piloto de NASCAR Dale Jarrett James, Lincoln LG 1.6 0.5 117 NF 104342 SP Dalila y Diego Camarena, Cathy LG 0.5 0.5 50 NF NF 80172 EN Dalton's Darn Dog: The Sound of D Meier, Joanne LG 1.1 0.5 155 ÷ 31866 EN Dan and Dan Leonard, Marcia LG 0.6 0.5 98 F ÷ 85608 EN Dan Gets Set Blackaby, Susan LG 0.8 0.5 46 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 39 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 35440 EN Dan Goes Home Cowley, Joy LG 1.4 0.5 154 F 85608 SP Dan pone la mesa Blackaby, Susan LG 0.3 0.5 51 F 106786 EN Dan the Ant Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 0.7 0.5 75 F 46619 EN Dance, Annie Friedman, Dawn LG 0.8 0.5 40 F 35060 EN Dancin' Down Nicholas, Evangeline LG 1.8 0.5 193 F 111018 EN Dancing Class Haley, Amanda LG 1.8 0.5 181 F 43218 EN Dancing Dragon, The Vaughan, Marcia LG 1.8 0.5 236 F 31830 EN Dandelion, The Cutting, Brian LG 1.1 0.5 100 NF 103582 SP Dando de comer a las gaviotas Calvert, Deanna LG 1.6 0.5 92 F 121347 EN Daniel and the Lions Pulley, Kelly LG 1.6 0.5 295 F 42219 EN Daniel Blessed Courtney, Claudia LG 1.8 0.5 238 F 50081 EN Daniel's Mystery Egg Ada, Alma Flor LG 1.6 0.5 282 F 64100 EN Daniel's Pet Ada, Alma Flor LG 0.5 0.5 77 F 64100 SP Daniel y su mascota Ada, Alma Flor LG 0.8 0.5 78 F 27486 EN Hoff, Syd LG 1.8 0.5 286 F 108984 EN Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp Danny's Birthday Donahue, Jill L. LG 1.4 0.5 111 F 119660 EN Danny's First Snow Gore, Leonid LG 1.8 0.5 368 F 54327 EN Dappled Apples Carr, Jan LG 1.3 0.5 112 F 115407 EN Dark Fire of Doom, The Lancett, Peter MG 1.6 0.5 236 F 115408 EN Dark Never Hides, The Lancett, Peter MG 1.7 0.5 231 F 4045 EN Dash Has Fun Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.7 0.5 143 F 56005 SP ¡Date Prisa! (Domingo de Ramos) Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.6 0.5 77 F 22092 EN Daughter of the Sun Jernigan, E. Wesley LG 1.7 0.5 207 F 7260 EN David and the Giant Little, Emily LG 1.5 0.5 332 F 121348 EN David and the Giant Pulley, Kelly LG 1.2 0.5 208 F 36596 EN David Goes to School Shannon, David LG 0.9 0.5 74 F 110387 EN David Ortiz: Baseball Star Hoffman, Mary Ann LG 1.9 0.5 159 NF 55114 EN David's Drawings Falwell, Cathryn LG 1.9 0.5 384 F 36596 SP David va al colegio Shannon, David LG 1.0 0.5 90 F 67708 EN Dawdle Duckling Buzzeo, Toni LG 1.7 0.5 252 F 84746 EN Day, A Murphy, Patricia J. LG 1.3 0.5 141 NF 108396 EN Day and Night Hall, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 198 NF 66241 EN Day at Camp, A Mayer, Mercer LG 1.6 0.5 170 F 32031 EN Day at Seagull Beach, A Wallace, Karen LG 1.9 0.5 377 F 77567 EN Day at the Lake, A Sims, Matt MG 1.7 0.5 888 F 121799 EN Day for Dad, A Roza, Greg LG 1.0 0.5 215 F ÷ 35988 EN Bonsall, Crosby LG 0.5 0.5 139 F ÷ 14009 EN Day I Had to Play with My Sister, The Day in the Desert, A Robert-Taylor-Elementary LG 1.7 0.5 159 F ÷ 70143 EN Day in the Life of Murphy, A Provensen, Alice LG 1.7 0.5 610 F ÷ 103438 EN Day Mom Finally Snapped, The Temple, Bob LG 1.6 0.5 597 F ÷ 89180 EN Day of the Bad Haircut, The Moore, Eva LG 1.9 0.5 605 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 40 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 108360 EN Day out with Daddy Cook, Stephen LG 1.8 0.5 156 F ÷ 41882 EN McPhail, David LG 1.8 0.5 341 F ÷ 41883 EN Day the Dog Said, "Cock-a-Doodle-Doo!", The Day the Sheep Showed Up, The McPhail, David LG 1.7 0.5 306 F ÷ 16197 EN Howe, James LG 1.8 0.5 217 F 46376 EN Day the Teacher Went Bananas, The Day with a Bricklayer, A Thomas, Mark LG 1.7 0.5 147 NF 46377 EN Day with a Carpenter, A Winne, Joanne LG 1.1 0.5 113 NF 46334 EN Day with a Doctor, A Kottke, Jan LG 1.4 0.5 146 NF 46335 EN Day with a Librarian, A Kottke, Jan LG 1.4 0.5 161 NF 46336 EN Day with a Mail Carrier, A Kottke, Jan LG 1.4 0.5 136 NF 46378 EN Day with a Mechanic, A Winne, Joanne LG 1.1 0.5 142 NF 46815 EN Day with a Plumber, A Thomas, Mark LG 1.4 0.5 129 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 46816 EN Day with Air Traffic Controllers, A Winne, Joanne LG 1.6 0.5 145 NF 104239 EN Day with an Airplane Pilot, A Bennett, Leonie LG 1.8 0.5 288 NF 46379 EN Day with an Electrician, A Thomas, Mark LG 1.1 0.5 145 NF 104240 EN Day with Animal Doctors, A Bennett, Leonie LG 1.5 0.5 251 NF 108901 EN Day with Daddy, A Grimes, Nikki LG 1.9 0.5 280 F 46337 EN Day with Firefighters, A Kottke, Jan LG 1.0 0.5 124 NF 69263 EN Day with May, A Gabriel, Nat LG 0.5 0.5 108 F 65144 EN Day with Nellie, A Jocelyn, Marthe LG 1.8 0.5 142 F 46338 EN Day with Paramedics, A Kottke, Jan LG 1.3 0.5 146 NF 46339 EN Day with Police Officers, A Kottke, Jan LG 1.4 0.5 164 NF 56663 EN Days Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.2 0.5 49 NF 39933 EN Days of Adventure Swanson-Natsues, Lyn LG 0.8 0.5 47 F 104460 EN Days of the Week Dougherty, Terri LG 1.4 0.5 150 F F 122689 EN DC Super Friends: Flying High Eliopulos, Nick LG 1.2 0.5 139 ÷ 36912 EN Dd Doudna, Kelly LG 0.5 0.5 41 ÷ 32227 SP De compras Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.0 0.5 115 F 7279 SP De compras con mamá Mayer, Mercer LG 1.7 0.5 397 F 3056 SP De paseo por la selva Harter, Debbie LG 1.5 0.5 204 NF ÷ 85609 SP De pesca Blackaby, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 59 F ÷ 46161 SP ¿De quién eres, ratoncito? Kraus, Robert LG 1.0 0.5 119 F 121853 SP De visita en el acuario King, Kerrigan LG 1.0 0.5 99 F NF 76566 EN Dealing with Bullies Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.9 0.5 171 NF 121036 EN Dear Dragon's A Is for Apple Hillert, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 435 F 121037 EN Dear Dragon's Day with Father Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 309 F 28528 EN Dear Grandma Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.5 0.5 232 NF 60021 EN Dear Mabel! Cummings, Pat LG 1.7 0.5 138 F 35222 EN Dear Tom Noonan, Diana LG 1.3 0.5 253 F 61611 EN Declaration of Independence, The Lilly, Melinda LG 1.6 0.5 78 ÷ 15256 EN Dee and Me Bick, Lois LG 1.3 0.5 189 F ÷ 15257 EN Deep Sea, The Lynch, Patricia Ann LG 1.2 0.5 153 NF ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 41 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 85085 EN Deer Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.9 0.5 244 NF 81124 EN Deer Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 269 NF 74839 EN Deer Townsend, Emily Rose LG 1.8 0.5 87 NF 13957 EN Deer and the Crocodile, The Traill, Leanna LG 1.8 0.5 178 F 42243 EN Defiant Giant, The Courtney, Claudia LG 1.4 0.5 133 F 35441 EN Definitely, Positively, Absolutely No! Cowley, Joy LG 1.7 0.5 147 F 42919 SP Déjame decorar el árbol de Navidad d'Allancé, Mireille LG 1.4 0.5 281 F 68590 SP Del árbol a la mesa Ring, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 78 NF 63143 EN Della's Dolls: The Letter D (d) Alexander, Linda LG 0.8 0.5 57 NF 79562 EN Dentist's Office, The Murphy, Patricia J. LG 1.9 0.5 116 NF 28402 EN Dentist, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.6 0.5 204 NF 120705 SP Dentro de la caja Giorgi, Paula LG 1.4 0.5 68 ÷ 45741 EN Derek Jeter: Baseball's Best Feldman, Heather LG 1.3 0.5 108 NF ÷ 45741 SP Derek Jeter: Estrella del béisbol Feldman, Heather LG 1.3 0.5 125 NF 21391 EN Derek's Dog Days Charlton, Nancy Lee LG 1.6 0.5 163 F 46034 SP desayuno con Juan, El Boland, Janice LG 1.0 0.5 35 F 32236 SP desayuno de Lili, El Upson, Helen LG 1.4 0.5 196 F 39703 SP desayuno en la granja, El Elliot-Reep, Tracey LG 1.0 0.5 87 76637 EN Desert Dream Leaney, Cindy LG 1.5 0.5 168 F ÷ 18305 EN Desert Is My Mother, The Mora, Pat LG 1.5 0.5 132 F ÷ 35913 EN Desert Life Costain, Meredith LG 1.1 0.5 81 NF 59224 EN Deserts Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.9 0.5 177 NF 18305 SP desierto es mi madre, El Mora, Pat LG 1.8 0.5 132 F 71132 SP Deslizar Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 236 NF 115403 EN Destiny in the Dark Lancett, Peter MG 1.4 0.5 234 F 59846 SP día de lluvia, Un Gorbachev, Valeri LG 1.5 0.5 313 F 51668 SP Día de mercado Ehlert, Lois LG 1.6 0.5 174 F 6092 SP día de nieve, Un Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.8 0.5 4,023 F ÷ ÷ ÷ F NF 121799 SP Día del Padre Roza, Greg LG 1.8 0.5 240 F ÷ 14613 SP día deportivo de Clifford, El Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 259 F ÷ 26350 SP día especial para Ratoncita, Un Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 392 F ÷ 41883 SP día que apareció la oveja, El McPhail, David LG 1.7 0.5 313 F 41882 SP McPhail, David LG 1.0 0.5 341 F ÷ 83272 SP día que el perro dijo, "¡Quiquiriquí!", El Días llenos de color Lock, Deborah LG 1.5 0.5 182 F ÷ 27987 EN Did You Hear About Jake? Tidd, Louise Vitellaro LG 1.7 0.5 383 F 59463 EN Did You Know? Winter, Max LG 1.9 0.5 122 F 75985 EN Did You See Chip? Yee, Wong Herbert LG 1.2 0.5 279 F 72176 EN Did You See One Jump? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 80 55949 EN Didi and Daddy and the Promenade Singer, Marilyn LG 1.6 0.5 403 F 120683 EN Diego's Buzzing Bee Adventure Inches, Alison LG 1.6 0.5 370 F 114577 EN Diego Saves a Butterfly Bergen, Lara LG 1.4 0.5 285 F 112030 EN Diego Saves the Tree Frogs Willson, Sarah LG 1.0 0.5 214 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 42 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 22096 SP diente que silba, El Trussell-Cullen, Alan LG 1.0 0.5 212 F 45967 SP diente suelto de Carlitos, El Hawley, Bill LG 1.9 0.5 87 F 32897 SP Diez, nueve, ocho Bang, Molly LG 1.3 0.5 75 F 52834 SP Diez perros en la tienda Masurel, Claire LG 1.4 0.5 232 F 79277 SP Diferentes clases de granjas Shepard, Daniel LG 1.3 0.5 167 NF 50283 EN Different Homes Around the World Rushby, Pamela LG 1.4 0.5 200 NF 16855 EN Digby Hazen, Barbara Shook LG 1.2 0.5 268 F 86836 EN Digby and Kate Baker, Barbara LG 1.9 0.5 1,146 F ÷ 74910 EN Digby and Kate 1, 2, 3 Baker, Barbara LG 1.8 0.5 1,008 F ÷ 18608 EN Baker, Barbara LG 1.9 0.5 1,061 F 73448 EN Digby and Kate and the Beautiful Day Digger Man Zimmerman, Andrea LG 1.7 0.5 160 F 42149 EN Digger Pig and the Turnip Cohen, Caron Lee LG 1.4 0.5 195 F 106624 EN Diggers and Dumpers Wilding, Valerie LG 1.7 0.5 727 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 32186 EN Digging to China Goldsby, Katherine LG 1.9 0.5 109 F 113128 SP ¡Digo la verdad! Parker, David LG 1.5 0.5 112 F 50783 EN Dilly Duck and Dally Duck Smith, Annette LG 1.2 0.5 144 F 77090 EN Dilly Duckling Freedman, Claire LG 1.9 0.5 478 F 51659 EN Dim Sum for Everyone! Lin, Grace LG 1.3 0.5 66 F 87086 EN Dimes Hill, Mary LG 1.7 0.5 101 NF 107352 EN Dimity Duck Yolen, Jane LG 1.9 0.5 265 F 15258 EN Dinner by Five Daniel, Claire LG 1.1 0.5 215 F 87190 EN Dinnertime! Williams, Sue LG 1.2 0.5 224 F 102065 EN Dinos in the Snow! Wilson, Karma LG 1.4 0.5 308 F 102719 EN Dinos on the Go! Wilson, Karma LG 1.6 0.5 296 F ÷ 70493 EN Dinosaur Ed Schade, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 99 F ÷ 21345 EN Dinosaur Encore Mullins, Patricia LG 1.4 0.5 104 F 42374 EN Dinosaur Fun Facts Keller, Ellen LG 1.4 0.5 84 7262 EN Dinosaur Garden Donnelly, Liza LG 0.7 0.5 131 F 50312 EN Dinosaur Hunt, The Doyle, Malachy LG 1.0 0.5 187 F 107193 EN Dinosaur Hunters Holden, Pam LG 1.7 0.5 256 F 25304 EN Dinosaur Show and Tell Keller, Ellen LG 1.7 0.5 214 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 4116 EN Dinosaur, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.1 0.5 132 F 64199 EN Dinosaur Train Gurney, John Steven LG 1.0 0.5 116 F 30105 SP dinosauro en peligro, Un Gordon, Sharon LG 1.6 0.5 114 F 31832 EN Dinosaurs Cutting, Brian LG 1.3 0.5 119 NF 56939 EN Dinosaurs Meet Dr. Clock, The Weston, Martha LG 1.7 0.5 377 F 104243 EN Dinosaurs That Ate Meat Bennett, Leonie LG 1.5 0.5 240 NF 104244 EN Dinosaurs That Ate Plants Bennett, Leonie LG 1.9 0.5 278 NF 103385 EN Dip the Chip! Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 101 F 114478 SP Diplodoco Nunn, Daniel LG 1.5 0.5 139 NF 114478 EN Diplodocus Nunn, Daniel LG 1.3 0.5 99 NF 104876 EN Diplodocus (Capstone Press) Riehecky, Janet LG 1.7 0.5 151 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 43 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 82120 EN Dirty Bertie Roberts, David LG 1.6 0.5 195 F 53533 EN Dirty Birdy Feet Winter, Rick LG 1.3 0.5 336 F ÷ 9309 EN Dirty Larry Hamsa, Bobbie LG 0.8 0.5 53 F ÷ 35431 EN Dishy-Washy Cowley, Joy LG 1.0 0.5 99 F 120634 SP Diversión con dobles en la granja Freese, Joan LG 1.8 0.5 540 NF 56561 EN Diwali Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.9 0.5 285 NF 56561 SP Diwali Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.9 0.5 293 NF 70575 EN Dizzy's Bird Watch Inches, Alison LG 1.4 0.5 217 F 72883 EN Do All Ducks Quack? Sargent, Dave LG 0.9 0.5 159 F ÷ 43607 EN Do Donkeys Dance? Walsh, Melanie LG 0.8 0.5 72 F ÷ 72884 EN Do Frogs Have Tails? Sargent, Dave LG 0.9 0.5 178 F ÷ 35537 EN Do Ladybugs Go to School? Porter, Gracie R. LG 0.9 0.5 75 F 57718 EN Do Like a Duck Does! Hindley, Judy LG 1.6 0.5 420 F 56643 EN Do Not Squash the Squash Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 204 NF 68964 EN Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots? Coyle, Carmela LaVigna LG 1.9 0.5 196 F 56644 EN Do We By, Buy, or Bye Tickets? Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.5 0.5 199 NF 122547 EN Do You Know the Cucuy? Galindo, Claudia LG 1.9 0.5 219 F 43013 EN Do You Know What I'll Do? Zolotow, Charlotte LG 1.9 0.5 248 F 71978 EN Leaney, Cindy LG 1.3 0.5 286 F 81775 EN Do You Smell Smoke? A Story About Safety with Fire Doberman Pinscher (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.3 0.5 71 NF 65417 EN Doctor Miller, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 252 NF 60093 EN Doctor Has the Flu, The Clark, Carolyn LG 0.8 0.5 106 F 28401 EN Doctor, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.6 0.5 181 NF 63598 EN Doctor Tools Snyder, Inez LG 1.2 0.5 106 NF 50284 EN Does a Penguin Have Fur? Loughrey, Sophia LG 0.5 0.5 74 NF 101001 EN Does a Yak Get a Haircut? Ehrlich, Fred LG 1.8 0.5 250 F ÷ ÷ 31867 EN Does it Bounce? Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 1.3 0.5 239 NF 113605 EN Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 173 NF 114233 EN Seeger, Laura Vaccaro LG 1.3 0.5 334 F Seeger, Laura Vaccaro LG 1.6 0.5 309 F 120547 EN Does It Fly Away in the Night or Day? Dog and Bear: Two Friends, Three Stories Dog and Bear: Two's Company ÷ 35416 EN Dog and Cat Cowley, Joy LG 0.4 0.5 73 F ÷ 15799 EN Dog and Cat Shake a Leg Spohn, Kate LG 1.8 0.5 900 F 80726 EN Dog Blue Dunbar, Polly LG 1.5 0.5 267 F 21412 EN Dog Brain Milgrim, David LG 1.8 0.5 199 F 61738 EN Dog Eared Harvey, Amanda LG 1.8 0.5 248 F 103577 EN Dog for Each Day, A Bowdish, Lynea LG 1.5 0.5 106 F 117081 EN Dog Needs a Bone!, A Wood, Audrey LG 1.7 0.5 206 F 57163 EN Dog's Colorful Day Dodd, Emma LG 1.9 0.5 354 F 68481 EN Dodd, Emma LG 1.4 0.5 347 F 15864 EN Dog's Noisy Day: A Story to Read Aloud Dog, The Ward, Laura LG 1.4 0.5 135 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 44 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 102601 EN Dog Who Cried Wolf, The Kasza, Keiko LG 1.8 0.5 349 F 89033 EN Dog Who Cried "Woof!", The Barkly, Bob LG 1.7 0.5 405 F 116212 EN Dogku Clements, Andrew LG 1.1 0.5 247 F 118098 EN Dogs Endres, Hollie LG 1.2 0.5 100 NF ÷ 36786 EN Dogs Frost, Helen LG 0.5 0.5 44 NF ÷ 83312 EN Dogs Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.6 0.5 312 NF ÷ 28428 EN Dogs Harper, Clive LG 1.7 0.5 425 NF ÷ 74450 EN Dogs Khu, Jannell LG 1.3 0.5 142 NF 48218 EN Dogs Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.8 0.5 73 NF ÷ 36602 EN Dogs Madden, Nancy LG 0.8 0.5 91 F ÷ 20397 EN Dogs Meadows, Graham LG 1.8 0.5 284 NF 75259 EN Dogs and Their Puppies Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.4 0.5 86 NF 32085 EN Dogs at School Hardin, Suzanne LG 1.5 0.5 96 F 36607 EN Dogs in Hats, Dogs in Bows Slavin, Robert LG 1.5 0.5 258 F ÷ 56266 EN Dogs on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.3 0.5 85 NF ÷ 48219 EN Dogs: The Sound of D Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.0 0.5 63 NF ÷ 10516 EN Doll Party Albert, Shirley LG 1.6 0.5 416 F ÷ 3996 EN Dollar for Penny: A Math Reader, A Glass, Julie LG 1.4 0.5 226 F 121854 SP Dolly sale de paseo Kernan, Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 86 F 121854 EN Dolly Takes a Drive Kernan, Elizabeth LG 0.7 0.5 85 F 87273 EN Dolphins Berger, Melvin LG 1.7 0.5 143 NF ÷ 108339 EN Dolphins Herriges, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 179 NF ÷ 79529 EN Dolphins Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.5 0.5 91 NF ÷ 55436 EN Dolphins Molter, Carey LG 1.3 0.5 40 NF 112664 EN Dolphins Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.7 0.5 165 NF ÷ 44845 EN Dolphins Rego, Marion LG 1.3 0.5 111 NF ÷ 43909 EN Dolphins Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.9 0.5 44 NF 107334 EN Don't Be a Chicken! Lagonegro, Melissa LG 1.3 0.5 155 F ÷ 31723 EN Don't Be Late Gibson, Akimi LG 1.4 0.5 112 F ÷ 9157 EN Don't Cry, Big Bird Roberts, Sarah LG 1.9 0.5 542 F ÷ 42150 EN Don't Cut My Hair! Wilhelm, Hans LG 0.6 0.5 74 F 66400 EN Don't Do That! Amos, Janine LG 1.7 0.5 314 NF 44405 EN Don't Do That, Kitty Kilroy! Cowell, Cressida LG 1.8 0.5 221 F 69666 EN Don't Grown-Ups Ever Have Fun? Harper, Jamie LG 1.4 0.5 207 F 89149 EN Don't Hit Me! Ford, Bernette G. LG 1.4 0.5 305 F 103305 EN Don't Hop with Pop! Hanson, Anders LG 0.9 0.5 112 F 107753 EN Don't Laugh at Me Seskin, Steve LG 1.6 0.5 198 F ÷ 72788 EN Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Willems, Mo LG 0.9 0.5 161 F ÷ 106284 EN Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! Willems, Mo LG 1.1 0.5 197 F 75759 EN Don't Make a Sound Packard, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 228 F 35695 EN Don't Panic! Depree, Helen LG 1.3 0.5 119 F 66401 EN Don't Say That! Amos, Janine LG 1.6 0.5 302 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 45 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 52564 EN Don't Step on the Crack! McNaughton, Colin LG 1.8 0.5 251 F 123357 EN Don't Tell Lies, Lucy! Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 1.4 0.5 258 F 35207 EN Don't Throw It Away! Noonan, Diana LG 0.7 0.5 89 67067 EN Don't Touch! Kline, Suzy LG 1.4 0.5 178 F 43014 EN Christelow, Eileen LG 1.9 0.5 374 F NF 77751 EN Don't Wake Up Mama!/Five Little Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake Don't Worry! Stitt, Christopher LG 1.8 0.5 352 F 122595 EN Don't Worry Bear Foley, Greg LG 1.6 0.5 181 F ÷ 36610 EN Don Wants a Dog Madden, Nancy LG 1.7 0.5 374 F ÷ 68592 SP ¿Dónde? Ring, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 122 NF 52840 SP ¿Dónde está? Jeunesse, Gallimard LG 1.8 0.5 215 NF 42764 SP Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.8 0.5 96 F 46865 SP ¿Dónde está Jesús? (Pascua de Resurrección) ¿Dónde está Max? Pearson, Mary E. LG 0.3 0.5 74 F 50854 EN Donkey in the Lion's Skin, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 213 F 73496 EN Donkey's Christmas Song, The Tafuri, Nancy LG 1.6 0.5 173 F 44876 EN Donkey Work Noonan, Diana LG 1.0 0.5 129 NF 101047 EN Doodle Dog Seltzer, Eric LG 1.2 0.5 221 F 103158 EN Doodle Dog in Space Seltzer, Eric LG 1.4 0.5 205 F 28791 EN Doorbell Rang, The Hutchins, Pat LG 1.9 0.5 282 F 122619 EN Dora and the Baby Crab Larsen, Kirsten LG 1.5 0.5 270 F 120684 EN Dora and the Rainbow Kite Festival Ricci, Christine LG 1.6 0.5 323 F 114579 EN Dora Helps Diego! Driscoll, Laura LG 0.9 0.5 205 F ÷ ÷ 75359 EN Dora in the Deep Sea Ricci, Christine LG 1.3 0.5 220 F 104919 EN Dora's Big Dig Inches, Alison LG 1.8 0.5 359 F 79388 EN Dora's Easter Basket Willson, Sarah LG 1.9 0.5 546 F 121156 EN Dora's Magic Watering Can Rao, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 330 F 119850 EN Ricci, Christine LG 1.6 0.5 297 F 116191 EN Dora's Mystery of the Missing Shoes Dora's Perfect Pumpkin Larsen, Kirsten LG 1.5 0.5 298 F 70576 EN Dora's Picnic Ricci, Christine LG 1.4 0.5 238 F 116192 EN Dora's Sleepover Bergen, Lara LG 1.5 0.5 292 F 66240 SP Dormir en otra parte Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.5 0.5 310 NF 69954 EN Dot, The Reynolds, Peter H. LG 1.9 0.5 326 F 35517 EN Double Dutch Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.6 0.5 191 F ÷ 7264 EN Double-Header Herman, Gail LG 1.5 0.5 450 F ÷ 2311 SP Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.2 0.5 134 NF ÷ 2311 EN Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.2 0.5 137 NF ÷ 35451 EN Doug Flutie: Estrella internacional del fútbol americano Doug Flutie: International Football Star Down by the Bay Daniel, Alan LG 1.4 0.5 103 F 50744 EN Down by the Sea Jarden, Joan LG 1.3 0.5 173 F 45433 EN Down in the Woods at Sleepytime Schaefer, Carole Lexa LG 1.8 0.5 194 F 77833 EN Down on the Farm Kutner, Merrily LG 1.2 0.5 208 F 49483 EN Down on the Farm Lascaro, Rita LG 0.5 0.5 59 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 46 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 14011 EN Downey and Buttercup Bowdish, Lynea LG 1.9 0.5 417 F ÷ 9660 EN Dozen Dizzy Dogs, A Hooks, William LG 1.7 0.5 157 F ÷ 7215 EN Dozen Dogs, A Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.0 0.5 236 F 113882 EN Dozen Dozens, A Kido, Yukiko LG 1.9 0.5 242 F ÷ 19219 EN Dozen Dozens, A Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.8 0.5 209 F ÷ 40491 EN dr Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.1 0.5 78 80727 EN Dr. Clock-sicle Weston, Martha LG 1.8 0.5 621 F 44446 EN Dr. Green Carelli, Dawn LG 0.9 0.5 141 F 110628 EN Dragon Dancing Schaefer, Carole Lexa LG 1.5 0.5 155 F 117212 EN Dragon Egg Loehr, Mallory LG 1.0 0.5 116 F 32190 EN Dragon Feet Jackson, Marjorie LG 1.9 0.5 154 F 47647 EN Dragon, The Carr, Roger LG 1.9 0.5 395 F NF 31774 EN Dragonflies Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.0 0.5 40 NF 108224 EN Dragonflies Green, Emily K. LG 1.5 0.5 154 NF ÷ 89531 EN Dragonflies Hall, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 133 NF ÷ 82727 EN Dragonflies Windsor, Jo LG 1.5 0.5 199 NF 31793 EN Rice, R. Hugh LG 1.4 0.5 54 NF Hartley, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 178 NF 14164 EN Dragonflies (Books for Young Learners) Dragonfly Returns ÷ 56107 EN Dragsters Werther, Scott P. LG 1.1 0.5 113 NF ÷ 56107 SP Dragsters (Spanish) Werther, Scott P. LG 1.1 0.5 105 NF 56108 EN Drama Club Emmer, Rae LG 1.0 0.5 60 NF ÷ ÷ 68877 EN Draw Me a Star Carle, Eric LG 1.4 0.5 213 F 100834 EN Drawing Thomas, Isabel LG 1.9 0.5 319 NF 100671 EN Dream for a Princess, A Lagonegro, Melissa LG 1.5 0.5 223 F 69669 EN Dreaming: A Countdown to Sleep Greenstein, Elaine LG 1.3 0.5 67 F 35696 EN Dreams Beck, Jennifer LG 1.4 0.5 93 F 31840 EN Dreams Cutting, Brian LG 1.3 0.5 99 F 106612 EN Dreams Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.5 0.5 241 F 61756 EN Dreams: The Sound of DR Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.1 0.5 57 F ÷ 31855 EN Dress-Up Leonard, Marcia LG 0.6 0.5 104 F ÷ 8008 EN Dressed Up Book, The Stinson, Kathy LG 1.4 0.5 309 F ÷ ÷ 35687 EN Dressing-Up Box, The Cartwright, Pauline LG 0.3 0.5 61 F 103306 EN Drew and the Crew Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.6 0.5 108 F 36806 EN Drinking Water Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 79 42735 EN Drip Drop Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.6 0.5 113 F 42151 EN Drip, Drop Weeks, Sarah LG 1.3 0.5 284 F 120585 EN Drive Clement, Nathan LG 1.2 0.5 65 F 106613 EN Driving Buddies Jordan, Apple LG 1.4 0.5 270 F 69153 EN Driving Daddy Vestergaard, Hope LG 1.1 0.5 189 F 61959 EN Drums Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.9 0.5 79 NF 35709 EN Dry and Snug and Warm Cartwright, Pauline LG 1.0 0.5 64 F 64651 EN Dry Place, A Nichols, Catherine LG 1.6 0.5 210 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF NF Page 47 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 86573 EN Duck Spilsbury, Louise LG 1.8 0.5 311 NF 103159 EN Duck and a Book Shannon, David LG 1.0 0.5 150 F ÷ 82744 EN Duck and Rooster Go Out Eggleton, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 179 F ÷ 82688 EN Duck and Rooster Go to School Eggleton, Jill LG 1.5 0.5 288 F 82745 EN Duck and Rooster in Trouble Eggleton, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 181 F 76670 EN Beaumont, Karen LG 0.6 0.5 136 F 122390 EN Duck, Duck, Goose! (A Coyote's on the Loose!) Duck Dunks Berry, Lynne LG 1.5 0.5 266 F 103148 EN Duck Skates Berry, Lynne LG 1.8 0.5 295 F 120427 EN Duck Who Played the Kazoo, The Sklansky, Amy E. LG 1.8 0.5 333 F 27220 EN Duck with a Broken Wing, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.2 0.5 166 F 43666 EN Duckling Days Wallace, Karen LG 1.8 0.5 392 NF 47648 EN Duckling, The Carr, Roger LG 1.7 0.5 398 F 121288 EN Ducklings Sexton, Colleen LG 1.3 0.5 111 NF 118099 EN Ducks Endres, Hollie LG 1.1 0.5 102 NF 66863 EN Ducks Mitchell, Melanie LG 1.9 0.5 266 NF 116829 EN Ducks Twine, Alice LG 1.9 0.5 169 NF 70381 EN Ducks and Their Ducklings Hall, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 119 NF 121871 EN Ducks Don't Wear Socks Nedwidek, John LG 1.7 0.5 300 F 68092 EN Ducks on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.0 0.5 91 NF 31682 SP dulcería de Abuelo, La Podoshen, Lois LG 1.5 0.5 56 F 9344 SP Dulces sueños Neasi, Barbara LG 1.4 0.5 116 F ÷ 26594 EN Dump Trucks Eick, Jean LG 1.8 0.5 163 NF ÷ 108932 EN Dump Trucks McClellan, Ray LG 1.3 0.5 75 NF ÷ 56059 EN Dump Trucks Randolph, Joanne LG 1.6 0.5 125 NF ÷ 79558 EN Dump Trucks Williams, Linda D. LG 1.8 0.5 115 NF 77951 EN Dumpy's Apple Shop Edwards, Julie Andrews LG 1.3 0.5 239 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 77950 EN Dumpy to the Rescue! Edwards, Julie Andrews LG 0.7 0.5 180 F 103386 EN Dunk-Tank Frank Hanson, Anders LG 1.6 0.5 121 F 34245 SP durmientes de Lola Fuentes, Los Edwards, Frank B. LG 1.0 0.5 73 F 88989 EN Dust Bunnies Dahl, Michael LG 1.8 0.5 175 F 61612 EN Dutch in New Amsterdam, The Lilly, Melinda LG 1.6 0.5 128 NF 80923 EN Dwight and the Magic Kite Kompelien, Tracy LG 1.9 0.5 227 NF 119079 EN E-mails Home Berry, Shilo LG 1.8 0.5 356 NF ÷ 40492 EN ea Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 108 NF ÷ 15260 EN Eagle Flies High, An Pernick, Alice LG 1.3 0.5 145 NF 66357 EN -eam as in Ice Cream Molter, Carey LG 1.5 0.5 117 NF 56413 EN Ear Book, The Perkins, Al LG 0.7 0.5 144 F 56640 EN Ear Is Not an Ear, An Doudna, Kelly LG 1.6 0.5 176 NF 74711 EN Earaches Gordon, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 285 NF 70033 EN Earl's Too Cool for Me Komaiko, Leah LG 1.8 0.5 223 F 30717 EN Early Bird, The Scarry, Richard LG 1.8 0.5 359 F 47619 EN Early One Morning Lang, Greg LG 1.4 0.5 240 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 48 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 62078 EN Ears Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.8 0.5 81 NF 82666 EN Ears Krueger, Carol LG 1.4 0.5 134 NF 110573 EN Ears Nunn, Daniel LG 1.1 0.5 192 NF ÷ 50285 EN Ears Pritchett, Jan LG 1.0 0.5 74 NF 80017 EN Earth (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.6 0.5 145 NF ÷ 108340 EN Earth Movers Martin, M.T. LG 1.2 0.5 75 NF 4936 EN Earthmovers Rogers, Hal LG 1.7 0.5 201 NF ÷ 79559 EN Earthmovers Williams, Linda D. LG 1.8 0.5 136 NF 58074 EN Earthworms Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 262 NF 61698 EN Easter Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.8 0.5 127 NF 68253 EN Easter Mice! Roberts, Bethany LG 1.3 0.5 202 F 77071 EN "Eat!" Cried Little Pig London, Jonathan LG 1.6 0.5 375 F 87518 EN Eat Your Peas, Ivy Louise Landry, Leo LG 1.9 0.5 246 F ÷ 9310 EN Eat Your Peas, Louise! Snow, Pegeen LG 0.7 0.5 82 F ÷ 49274 EN Eating Swain, Gwenyth LG 1.1 0.5 122 NF 45742 EN Eating Right Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 186 NF 108314 EN Truss, Lynne LG 1.6 0.5 184 NF 41340 EN Eats, Shoots & Leaves: Why, Commas Really Do Make a Difference! Ebb & Flo and the Greedy Gulls Simmons, Jane LG 1.7 0.5 224 F 74273 EN Echidnas Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 284 NF 11660 EN Echo, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.7 0.5 293 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 4001 EN Ed and the Sheet Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.7 0.5 122 F 66322 EN -ed as in Bed Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.3 0.5 117 NF 80862 EN Eddie the Raccoon Friend, Catherine LG 1.5 0.5 281 F 64996 EN Edna Elephant Bridges, Margaret Park LG 1.6 0.5 277 F 63144 EN Alexander, Linda LG 1.1 0.5 80 121783 EN Edna Is a Redhead: The Letter E (e) Edwin Visits Earth Levy, Janey LG 1.3 0.5 223 36913 EN Ee Doudna, Kelly LG 0.5 0.5 42 NF 36929 EN Ee Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 95 NF 40493 EN ee Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 106 NF 84450 EN Yee, Wong Herbert LG 1.2 0.5 206 F ÷ 82667 EN EEK! There's a Mouse in the House Eels Gabolinscy, Jack LG 1.6 0.5 161 NF ÷ 108572 EN Eels Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.6 0.5 124 NF 35449 EN Eensy Weensy Spider, The Daniel, Alan LG 1.8 0.5 38 85806 EN Eggs and Legs: Counting by Twos Dahl, Michael LG 1.6 0.5 115 NF 32063 EN Eggs for Breakfast Smith, Annette LG 0.8 0.5 127 NF 85540 EN Eggs for Everyone! Driscoll, Laura LG 1.3 0.5 206 F 63185 EN Eight Alexander, Linda LG 1.1 0.5 70 ÷ ÷ ÷ NF F F NF 65620 EN Eight Animals on the Town Elya, Susan Middleton LG 1.9 0.5 335 F 121827 SP ¡El pan! Kernan, Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 278 F 121844 SP Elbert sale de viaje Hoffman, Mary Ann LG 0.9 0.5 86 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 49 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 121844 EN Elbert Takes a Trip Hoffman, Mary Ann LG 0.8 0.5 101 F ÷ 81240 EN Election Day McNamara, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 268 F ÷ 14621 SP Elefante tiene hipo Preller, James LG 1.8 0.5 140 F 45091 EN Elephant Book, The Golden Books Editors LG 1.8 0.5 159 F 11661 EN Elephant's Trunk, The Cutting, Brian LG 1.9 0.5 309 NF 62065 EN Elephants Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 117 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 55437 EN Elephants Molter, Carey LG 0.9 0.5 41 NF 113431 EN Elephants Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.9 0.5 133 NF 70382 EN Elephants and Their Calves Hall, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 108 NF 120589 EN Elephants Never Forget! Ravishankar, Anushka LG 1.7 0.5 350 F 46563 EN Elephants on Board MacDonald, Suse LG 1.1 0.5 137 F 44117 EN Elephants Swim Riley, Linda Capus LG 1.5 0.5 108 NF 58923 EN Elf Night Wahl, Jan LG 1.3 0.5 193 F 80942 EN Eli and the High Pie Hanson, Anders LG 1.8 0.5 289 NF 104539 EN Elk Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.8 0.5 209 NF 66323 EN -ell as in Well Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 150 NF 83364 EN Ellen Ochoa Walker, Pamela LG 1.5 0.5 85 NF 117213 EN Elmo Says Achoo! Albee, Sarah LG 0.9 0.5 133 F 115023 EN Eloise and the Big Parade McClatchy, Lisa LG 1.1 0.5 223 F 120464 EN Eloise and the Dinosaurs McClatchy, Lisa LG 1.4 0.5 183 F 112097 EN Eloise and the Snowman McClatchy, Lisa LG 1.3 0.5 232 F 115486 EN Eloise and the Very Secret Room Weiss, Ellen LG 1.5 0.5 257 F 121386 EN Eloise at the Ball Game McClatchy, Lisa LG 1.3 0.5 350 F 106277 EN Eloise at the Wedding McNamara, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 247 F 84634 EN Eloise Breaks Some Eggs McNamara, Margaret LG 1.0 0.5 223 F 120167 EN Eloise Decorates for Christmas McClatchy, Lisa LG 1.3 0.5 217 F 84635 EN Eloise Has a Lesson McNamara, Margaret LG 1.0 0.5 183 F 115626 EN Eloise's New Bonnet McClatchy, Lisa LG 1.3 0.5 238 F 120168 EN Eloise's Pirate Adventure McClatchy, Lisa LG 1.5 0.5 238 F 115024 EN Eloise's Summer Vacation McClatchy, Lisa LG 1.1 0.5 212 F 108648 EN Elusive Moose Gannij, Joan LG 1.7 0.5 133 F 104343 SP Ema y Eduardo Camarena, Cathy LG 0.6 0.5 52 58924 EN Emergency! Mayo, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 250 F 106237 EN Emily's Balloon Sakai, Komako LG 1.0 0.5 180 F 108997 EN Emily's Pictures Dougherty, Terri LG 1.7 0.5 245 F 84451 EN Emma Stevenson, James LG 1.9 0.5 687 F 89206 EN Emma in Charge McPhail, David LG 1.2 0.5 169 F 73530 EN Emma's Law Sargent Jr., David M. LG 1.3 0.5 118 F 89122 EN Emma's Pet McPhail, David LG 1.6 0.5 217 F 71130 SP Empujar Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 254 NF 66324 EN -en as in Pen Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 106 NF 73943 SP En camino a comprar huevos Chen, Chih-Yuan LG 1.4 0.5 305 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 50 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 121826 SP En el auto lavado Hoffman, Mary Ann LG 1.7 0.5 157 F 43446 SP En el baño LG 1.5 0.5 133 F 53410 SP En el campo Wayne von Königslöw, Andrea Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 0.9 0.5 174 NF 20953 SP En el Desván Oram, Hiawyn LG 1.8 0.5 130 F 79278 SP En el parque Cipriano, Jeri LG 1.0 0.5 136 NF 32232 SP En invierno Weber, Rebecca LG 1.4 0.5 166 F 53411 SP En la ciudad Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 1.0 0.5 178 NF 53412 SP En la granja Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 1.8 0.5 177 NF 53413 SP En la playa Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 1.2 0.5 171 NF ÷ 80806 SP En la playa Stockland, Patricia M. LG 1.6 0.5 141 F ÷ 11170 EN Engelbert Moves the House Paxton, Tom LG 1.5 0.5 153 F 60023 EN Engelbert the Hero Paxton, Tom LG 1.8 0.5 190 F 112212 EN English Springer Spaniels Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.8 0.5 149 NF 47620 EN Enjoy! Enjoy! Prince, Sarah LG 1.5 0.5 263 F 29960 EN Enormous Potato, The Davis, Aubrey LG 1.7 0.5 364 F 66325 EN -ent as in Cent Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 111 NF 42743 SP Envía un nene Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.0 0.5 148 F 74273 SP equidna, El Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 329 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 5456 SP ¿Eres tú mi mamá? Eastman, P.D. LG 1.6 0.5 699 F 88990 SP Eric no juega Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.4 0.5 68 F 88990 EN Eric Won't Do It Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.3 0.5 83 F 60110 EN Erik and the Three Goats Clifford, Gale LG 1.8 0.5 247 F 74280 SP erizo de mar, El Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 344 NF 9160 EN Ernie's Big Mess Roberts, Sarah LG 1.6 0.5 621 F 66405 SP ¡Es mío! Amos, Janine LG 1.7 0.5 350 NF 79283 SP Es tiempo Cipriano, Jeri LG 1.6 0.5 169 NF 115404 EN Escape from the Dark Lancett, Peter MG 1.7 0.5 379 F 56012 SP Esconde al nene Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.4 0.5 76 F 9325 SP Escúchame Neasi, Barbara LG 1.6 0.5 114 F 53588 SP ¡Espera un momento! Kranendonk, Anke LG 1.0 0.5 75 F 66326 EN -est as in Nest Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.5 0.5 154 NF 18308 SP Esta casa está hecha de lodo Buchanan, Ken LG 1.8 0.5 269 F 34241 SP ¿Está listo el espagueti? Edwards, Frank B. LG 1.6 0.5 82 F 121782 SP estanque de Paco el Pato, El Elizabeth, Shelby LG 1.2 0.5 220 F 55974 SP Estela, hada del bosque Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.8 0.5 632 F 43341 SP Estela, la estrella del mar Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.7 0.5 341 F 79642 SP Estela, princesa de la noche Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.0 0.5 591 F 41724 SP Estela, reina de la nieve Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.7 0.5 444 F 47735 EN Estelle and Lucy Alter, Anna LG 1.8 0.5 218 F 121349 EN Esther and the King Pulley, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 271 F 42156 SP ¡Estoy perdido! Wilhelm, Hans LG 0.9 0.5 65 F 32188 SP estrella de mar tiene hambre, La Shahan, Sherry LG 1.6 0.5 62 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 51 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 66327 EN -et as in Jet Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 105 NF 64998 EN Ethan out and About Hurwitz, Johanna LG 1.5 0.5 295 F 63145 EN Eva Eats: The Letter E (long e) Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 66 NF ÷ 2308 SP Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.4 0.5 125 NF ÷ 2308 EN Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.4 0.5 109 NF 115192 EN Evander Holyfield: Campeón de los pesos pesados Evander Holyfield: Heavyweight Champion Every Friday Yaccarino, Dan LG 1.4 0.5 148 F 9311 EN Everybody Says Dobkin, Bonnie LG 1.2 0.5 115 F 27307 EN Everyday Forces Byrne, David LG 1.6 0.5 283 NF 70577 EN Everyday Heroes Schoberle, Cecile LG 1.2 0.5 171 F 71979 EN Leaney, Cindy LG 1.7 0.5 367 F ÷ 50287 EN Everyone Makes a Difference: A Story About Community Everyone Says Sh-h-h-h! Hawes, Alison LG 0.9 0.5 93 F ÷ 4154 EN Everyone Uses Math Beers, Bonnie LG 1.9 0.5 223 NF 27282 EN Everything Changes Moorcroft, Christine LG 1.9 0.5 251 NF 79289 EN Everything Is Matter! Bauer, David LG 1.8 0.5 241 NF 45434 EN Paul, Ann Whitford LG 1.7 0.5 421 F 56664 EN Everything to Spend the Night from A to Z Exclamation Point Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 115 NF 55438 EN Excuse Me Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 129 NF 63006 EN Exercise Gordon, Sharon LG 1.6 0.5 254 NF 122883 EN Exotic Cats Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.8 0.5 119 NF 44926 EN Eye Book, The Seuss, Dr. LG 0.8 0.5 152 F 87976 EN Eye Guess Tildes, Phyllis Limbacher LG 1.5 0.5 280 NF 62079 EN Eyes Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.2 0.5 91 NF 110574 EN Eyes Nunn, Daniel LG 1.1 0.5 193 NF 57164 EN Hindley, Judy LG 1.8 0.5 305 F 115193 EN Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes: A First Book All About You Fabian Escapes McCarty, Peter LG 1.4 0.5 173 F 88991 EN Fable's Whistle Dahl, Michael LG 1.6 0.5 204 F 4558 EN Fabulous Frogs Glaser, Linda LG 1.8 0.5 267 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 115409 EN Face in the Dark Mirror, The Lancett, Peter MG 1.9 0.5 383 F ÷ 35209 EN Face Painting Slack, Paula LG 1.6 0.5 90 F ÷ 12318 EN Facts and Figures Griffiths, Rose LG 1.9 0.5 220 NF 72106 EN Fair Is Fun, A Tu, Alice LG 0.9 0.5 100 NF 108933 EN Fall Herriges, Ann LG 1.6 0.5 167 NF 48221 EN Fall Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 181 NF 58939 EN Fall Thayer, Tanya LG 1.7 0.5 239 NF 65403 EN Fall Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 290 NF ÷ 32057 EN Families Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.5 0.5 61 NF ÷ 4159 EN Families Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.5 0.5 160 NF ÷ ÷ 50833 EN Families and Feasts Smith, Annette LG 1.7 0.5 208 NF 115183 EN Families in Many Cultures Adamson, Heather LG 1.6 0.5 127 NF 115943 EN Family Lullaby Shapiro, Jody Fickes LG 0.7 0.5 178 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 52 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count 40769 EN Family on Lake Street, The Scheving, Chris LG 1.8 0.5 147 F/NF F 31818 EN Family Pets Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.7 0.5 38 NF 119986 EN Family Pets (Revised Edition) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.9 0.5 71 NF 109711 EN Family Photo Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.3 0.5 136 F 15261 EN Family Tree, The Eaton, Deborah LG 0.7 0.5 213 F 103392 EN Fan in the Can, The Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 0.8 0.5 99 F 121234 EN O'Connor, Jane LG 1.9 0.5 639 F 121148 EN Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris Fancy Nancy at the Museum O'Connor, Jane LG 1.8 0.5 447 F 36718 EN Fang Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.4 0.5 302 F 4115 EN Fans and Umbrellas Cowley, Joy LG 1.4 0.5 108 F 50313 EN Fantastic Pumpkin, The Atkins, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 215 F 105678 EN Faraway Farm Whybrow, Ian LG 1.6 0.5 171 F 113179 EN Farley Found It! Van Patter, Bruce LG 1.8 0.5 239 F ÷ 83471 EN Farm Leeper, Angela LG 1.5 0.5 254 NF ÷ 32778 EN Farm Animals Tuxworth, Nicola LG 1.4 0.5 110 NF 45092 EN Farm Book, The Pfloog, Jan LG 1.6 0.5 152 F 56808 EN Farm Friends Scott, Janine LG 1.8 0.5 355 NF 57165 EN Farm Friends Clean Up Garelli, Cristina LG 1.9 0.5 378 F 31820 EN Farm in Spring, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.5 0.5 77 F 44407 EN Farm Morning McPhail, David LG 1.6 0.5 312 F 9454 EN Farm Noises Miller, Jane LG 1.3 0.5 95 F 75264 EN Farm, The Hoena, B.A. LG 1.5 0.5 116 NF 58129 EN Farmers Market Parks, Carmen LG 1.5 0.5 165 F ÷ 35725 EN Farmyard Fiasco, A Butler, Dorothy LG 1.2 0.5 183 F ÷ 46863 EN Hamsa, Bobbie LG 0.5 0.5 49 F ÷ 22115 EN Fast-Draw Freddie (Revised Edition) Fast Food for Butterflies Johns, Edwin LG 1.9 0.5 171 NF 53910 EN Fast Food! Gulp! Gulp! Waber, Bernard LG 1.7 0.5 373 F 123340 EN Fat Cat on a Mat Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 1.1 0.5 204 F ÷ 16856 EN Fat Cat Sat on the Mat, The Karlin, Nurit LG 1.9 0.5 552 F ÷ 32087 EN Father Bear Goes Fishing Randell, Beverley LG 1.0 0.5 99 F ÷ 27203 EN Father Bear's Surprise Randell, Beverley LG 1.4 0.5 225 F ÷ 31833 EN Fathers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.6 0.5 27 NF 119987 EN Fathers (Revised Edition) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.6 0.5 52 NF 80173 EN Meier, Joanne LG 1.2 0.5 140 NF 62080 EN Fatima and Fay Find a Bird: The Sound of F Fats and Sweets Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 117 NF 50855 EN Fawn in the Forest, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.7 0.5 225 F 107148 EN Feast, The Anderson, Moira LG 1.9 0.5 266 F 50700 EN Feathered Friends Windsor, Jo LG 1.2 0.5 154 F 35455 EN Fee-Fie-Foe-Fum Rohman, Cricket LG 1.7 0.5 122 F 9662 EN Feed Me! Hooks, William LG 1.9 0.5 577 F 103582 EN Feeding the Gulls Calvert, Deanna LG 1.2 0.5 88 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 53 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 50834 EN Feeding the Lambs Smith, Annette LG 1.0 0.5 61 NF 36790 EN Feeling Angry Frost, Helen LG 1.6 0.5 70 NF ÷ 36791 EN Feeling Happy Frost, Helen LG 1.2 0.5 57 NF ÷ 36792 EN Feeling Sad Frost, Helen LG 1.3 0.5 62 NF ÷ 36793 EN Feeling Scared Frost, Helen LG 1.5 0.5 62 NF 45254 EN Feelings Book, The Parr, Todd LG 1.8 0.5 180 F 35726 EN Feet Cartwright, Pauline LG 1.4 0.5 76 F 62081 EN Feet Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.6 0.5 59 NF 116282 EN Feet Leake, Diyan LG 0.9 0.5 172 NF 81475 EN Feet Sideri, Simona LG 1.6 0.5 110 NF 63344 EN Felix on the Move Friel, Maeve LG 1.6 0.5 158 F 121830 SP ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Roza, Greg LG 1.9 0.5 168 F 56553 SP ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.9 0.5 304 NF 49437 SP ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Risk, Mary LG 1.0 0.5 116 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 7220 SP ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Tomás! Awdry, W. LG 1.1 0.5 199 F 82746 EN Fern Goes Away Eggleton, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 193 F 46343 EN Ferry Rides Walker, Pamela LG 1.6 0.5 136 NF 39708 SP festival, El Malone, Marsha LG 1.8 0.5 103 NF 22109 SP Festividades tradicionales Williams, Tom LG 1.4 0.5 107 F 104357 SP Fey y Félix Camarena, Cathy LG 0.7 0.5 49 NF ÷ 36914 EN Ff Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 40 NF ÷ 14259 EN Fibber E. Frog Newman, Al LG 1.7 0.5 166 F ÷ 66243 EN Field Day Mayer, Mercer LG 1.1 0.5 94 F 71980 EN Field Trip: A Story About Sharing Leaney, Cindy LG 1.6 0.5 300 F 36713 EN Field Trip, The Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.9 0.5 359 F 115116 EN Fiesta Fiasco Paul, Ann Whitford LG 1.9 0.5 684 F 121848 SP fiesta muy especial, Una Roza, Greg LG 0.9 0.5 75 F 56563 SP Fiestas con velas 123 Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.4 0.5 142 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 6114 EN Fievel's Big Showdown Herman, Gail LG 1.4 0.5 399 F 44408 EN Fifteen Flamingos Murphy, Elspeth Campbell LG 1.2 0.5 207 F 84789 EN Fighter Planes Doeden, Matt LG 1.9 0.5 126 NF 117467 SP Harris, Nancy LG 1.9 0.5 144 NF 36615 EN Figuras y patrones que conocemos: Un libro sobre figuras y patrones Fin in the Water, The Slavin, Robert LG 1.5 0.5 304 F 35697 EN Find a Caterpillar McPherson, Jan LG 0.6 0.5 102 F 46344 EN Find the Bird Foley, Cate LG 1.0 0.5 110 NF 46345 EN Find the Fish Foley, Cate LG 1.2 0.5 134 NF 46346 EN Find the Insect Foley, Cate LG 1.2 0.5 125 NF 46347 EN Find the Polar Animal Foley, Cate LG 1.6 0.5 142 NF 46348 EN Find the Snake Foley, Cate LG 1.1 0.5 107 NF 46349 EN Find the Wild Animal Foley, Cate LG 1.4 0.5 108 NF 35554 EN Find Yourself a Friend Porter, Gracie R. LG 1.7 0.5 261 F 120637 EN Finding Shortest and Longest Rauen, Amy LG 0.8 0.5 85 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 54 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 78163 EN Finding the Moon Delta Education Editors LG 1.6 0.5 252 NF 104461 EN Finny Learns to Swim Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.2 0.5 111 F 31768 EN Fire Boats Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.9 0.5 189 NF 80804 EN Fire Drill with Mr. Dill, A Blackaby, Susan LG 1.9 0.5 421 F 49860 EN Fire Engine Book, The Golden Books Editors LG 1.0 0.5 140 F 114979 EN Fire Engine Man Zimmerman, Andrea LG 1.7 0.5 186 F 4935 EN Fire Engines Budd, E.S. LG 1.9 0.5 245 NF ÷ 31767 EN Fire Engines Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.9 0.5 185 NF ÷ 32110 EN Fire! Fire! Randell, Beverley LG 0.8 0.5 165 F 69559 EN Fire! Fire! Hurry! Hurry! Zimmerman, Andrea LG 1.8 0.5 532 F 14411 EN Fire! Fire! Said Mrs. McGuire Martin Jr., Bill LG 0.8 0.5 94 F 50761 EN Fire on Toytown Hill, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.5 0.5 171 F 75265 EN Fire Station, The Hoena, B.A. LG 1.7 0.5 123 NF 82794 EN Fire, The Eggleton, Jill LG 0.6 0.5 88 F 64999 EN Fire Truck Sis, Peter LG 1.8 0.5 117 F 58941 EN Fire Trucks Jango-Cohen, Judith LG 1.8 0.5 327 NF 84790 EN Fire Trucks Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.6 0.5 137 NF 113672 EN Fire Trucks Lindeen, Mary LG 1.2 0.5 93 NF 69256 EN Fire Trucks Miller, Heather LG 1.9 0.5 316 NF 102605 EN Firebears: The Rescue Team Greene, Rhonda Gowler LG 1.7 0.5 242 F ÷ 62066 EN Firefighter Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.6 0.5 141 NF ÷ 65418 EN Firefighter Miller, Heather LG 1.9 0.5 303 NF 41942 EN Firefighters A to Z Demarest, Chris L. LG 1.7 0.5 217 F 26676 EN Firefighters Fight Fires Greene, Carol LG 1.1 0.5 256 NF 113265 EN Hubbell, Patricia LG 1.4 0.5 213 F 81293 EN Firefighters! Speeding! Spraying! Saving! Firefighters' Thanksgiving, The Boelts, Maribeth LG 1.8 0.5 245 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 31773 EN Fireflies Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.2 0.5 50 NF 103916 EN Fireflies Dickmann, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 173 NF 108225 EN Fireflies Green, Emily K. LG 1.7 0.5 165 NF NF 89532 EN Fireflies Hall, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 144 ÷ 26920 EN Firehouse Sal Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.9 0.5 76 ÷ 27143 EN First Book About Colors, A Tuxworth, Nicola LG 1.8 0.5 388 NF ÷ 27142 EN First Book About Growing, A Tuxworth, Nicola LG 1.7 0.5 249 NF ÷ 74876 EN First Brother or Sister Hughes, Monica LG 1.3 0.5 178 NF 71619 EN First Day Mackall, Dandi Daley LG 1.6 0.5 315 F 74877 EN First Day at School Hughes, Monica LG 1.4 0.5 197 NF 120846 EN First Day at School Joyce, Melanie LG 1.7 0.5 344 F 88756 EN First Day of School, The McNamara, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 226 F 81563 EN Smith, Ian LG 1.6 0.5 206 NF 85541 EN First Experiences: Going to the Doctor First-Grade Bunny McNamara, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 219 F 40747 EN First in Line Edwards, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 77 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 55 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.8 0.5 175 F/NF F Joyce, Melanie LG 1.7 0.5 305 F F 34574 EN 120847 EN First Night/Amanda Dade's New Year's Parade First Plane Trip 75630 EN First Snow McCully, Emily Arnold LG 0.7 0.5 91 50288 EN First, Take the Flour Bissett, Isabel LG 1.5 0.5 186 NF 76651 EN First Time 123 Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.3 0.5 148 NF 76652 EN First Time ABC Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.8 0.5 302 NF 74878 EN First Vacation Hughes, Monica LG 1.8 0.5 196 NF ÷ 36787 EN Fish Frost, Helen LG 0.5 0.5 34 NF ÷ 48222 EN Fish Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.4 0.5 83 NF 4138 EN Fish Swartz, Stanley L. LG 1.8 0.5 299 NF 4056 EN Fish and Fires Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 1.9 0.5 570 F 76638 EN Fish Can Fly Leaney, Cindy LG 0.9 0.5 135 F ÷ 11360 EN Fish Faces Wu, Norbert LG 1.5 0.5 148 NF ÷ 49392 EN Fish out of Water, A Palmer, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 1,086 26240 EN Fishing Bears Berman, Ruth LG 1.9 0.5 321 85609 EN Fishing Trip Blackaby, Susan LG 0.6 0.5 52 83275 EN Fishy Tales Lock, Deborah LG 1.4 0.5 117 NF 88991 SP Fito y el pito Dahl, Michael LG 1.9 0.5 154 F 63186 EN Five Alexander, Linda LG 1.3 0.5 75 48640 EN Five Creatures Jenkins, Emily LG 1.6 0.5 200 F 4112 EN Five Ducks Cowley, Joy LG 1.2 0.5 90 F 104499 EN Five Little Chicks Tafuri, Nancy LG 1.7 0.5 168 F 3052 EN Five Little Ducks Raffi LG 1.8 0.5 161 NF 39941 EN Five Little Monkeys Hanzl, Anne LG 1.6 0.5 81 F 83768 EN Christelow, Eileen LG 1.6 0.5 523 F ÷ 43228 EN Five Little Monkeys Play Hide-and-Seek Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree Christelow, Eileen LG 1.7 0.5 204 F ÷ 86409 EN Five Little Pumpkins Van Rynbach, Iris LG 1.5 0.5 71 F 101516 EN Five Naughty Kittens Beardsley, Martyn LG 0.8 0.5 65 F 55457 EN Five Senses, The Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 82 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ F NF F NF 7216 EN Five Silly Fishermen Edwards, Roberta LG 1.5 0.5 343 F 121510 EN Five Teddy Bears Adeney, Anne LG 0.8 0.5 71 F 47503 EN Five Trucks Floca, Brian LG 1.9 0.5 113 F 59505 EN Fix-It McPhail, David LG 1.1 0.5 169 F 50337 EN Fizzkid the Inventor Strachan, Linda LG 1.7 0.5 276 F 104600 EN Flag Day Dean, Sheri LG 1.7 0.5 127 NF 77771 EN Flags Flying Mooney, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 125 NF 65455 SP flamenco, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 349 NF NF 65455 EN Flamingo Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 304 110856 EN Flannel Kisses Brennan, Linda Crotta LG 1.9 0.5 69 F ÷ 59433 EN Flap Your Wings and Try Pomerantz, Charlotte LG 1.3 0.5 166 F ÷ 82708 EN Flea and Big Bill Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 119 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 56 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 82668 EN Flea and Robber Cat Eggleton, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 176 F 82728 EN Flea at the Football Game Eggleton, Jill LG 1.4 0.5 236 F ÷ 82787 EN Flea Gets Wet Eggleton, Jill LG 0.6 0.5 97 F ÷ 82622 EN Flea Goes Out! Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 144 F ÷ 11662 EN Flea Market, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.1 0.5 230 F 77654 EN Flea's Plan, The Feely, Jenny LG 1.8 0.5 207 F ÷ 44644 EN Fledgling Blake, Robert J. LG 0.6 0.5 121 F ÷ 31770 EN Flies Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.3 0.5 57 NF 104890 EN Flies Hall, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 129 NF 31696 EN Flip Flop Rice, R. Hugh LG 1.5 0.5 71 F 31696 SP Flip Flop (Spanish) Rice, R. Hugh LG 1.5 0.5 78 F 60100 EN Flip's Trick Eaton, Deborah LG 0.8 0.5 134 F 78236 EN Float and Sink Nelson, Robin LG 1.8 0.5 212 NF 71122 EN Floating Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.3 0.5 216 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 47621 EN Floating and Sinking O'Neil, Sarah LG 1.5 0.5 221 NF 103309 EN Flock on the Dock, The Doudna, Kelly LG 1.2 0.5 102 F 35231 EN Flood, The Boon, Kevin LG 1.9 0.5 137 F F 27188 EN Flood, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 232 104358 SP Florinda y Flavio Camarena, Cathy LG 0.1 0.5 54 NF 119314 EN Flossing Teeth Schuh, Mari LG 1.8 0.5 147 NF 71122 SP Flotar Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.3 0.5 235 NF 56665 EN Flour Does Not Flower Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.9 0.5 78 NF 47802 EN Flower Girl Herman, Gail LG 1.8 0.5 763 F 32090 EN Flower Girl, The Giles, Jenny LG 0.8 0.5 91 F 82753 EN Flower Robber, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 162 F 121811 EN Flowerpot, The Flaherty, Finn LG 1.5 0.5 351 F 108407 EN Flowers Bodach, Vijaya Khisty LG 1.6 0.5 130 NF 45744 EN Flowers Dwyer, Jacqueline LG 1.6 0.5 170 NF 58075 EN Flowers Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 268 NF 47676 EN Flowers and Friends Holmes, Anita LG 1.7 0.5 266 NF 35710 EN Fluffy Chicks Gaw, Robyn LG 1.2 0.5 50 14168 EN Fly Away, Ladybug Hartley, Linda LG 1.7 0.5 223 NF 56636 EN Fly Can Fly, A Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 196 NF 122340 EN Fly High, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd LG 1.4 0.5 284 F 122360 EN Fly Went By, A McClintock, Mike LG 1.9 0.5 1,538 F 108843 EN Flying Fish, The Dougherty, Terri LG 1.7 0.5 326 F F 27202 EN Flying Fish, The Smith, Annette LG 1.2 0.5 201 F 116497 EN Flying Giants Hughes, Monica LG 1.9 0.5 279 NF 35885 EN Flying Machines Sloan, Peter LG 1.5 0.5 122 NF 82788 EN Flying Spider Eggleton, Jill LG 0.8 0.5 103 F 104388 EN Flying with Oliver Kalz, Jill LG 1.1 0.5 103 F 14169 EN Foal's Seasons, The Hartley, Linda LG 1.5 0.5 146 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 57 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 36755 EN Foals Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 72 NF ÷ 84769 SP Focas Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.4 0.5 151 NF 56404 EN Foggy Friday Root, Phyllis LG 1.7 0.5 157 F 16864 EN Follow Me! Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 291 F 115497 EN Follow Me, Mittens Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.6 0.5 170 F 120590 EN Follow That Egg! Lukas, Catherine LG 1.7 0.5 358 F 40748 EN Follow the Leader Corsetti, Jacqueline LG 0.6 0.5 75 F 45239 EN Follow the Leader Silverman, Erica LG 1.2 0.5 246 F 49900 EN Follow the Lemming Thorpe, Kiki LG 1.9 0.5 558 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 7217 EN Follow the Monsters! Lerner, Sharon LG 1.4 0.5 154 F 107030 EN Follow the Polar Bears Black, Sonia W. LG 1.4 0.5 254 NF 70578 EN Follow Those Feet! Ricci, Christine LG 1.5 0.5 245 F 104801 EN Food Parker, Vic LG 1.8 0.5 305 NF ÷ 34533 EN Food Tuxworth, Nicola LG 0.9 0.5 121 NF ÷ 31763 EN Food for Healthy Teeth Frost, Helen LG 1.3 0.5 41 NF ÷ 50289 EN Food from Plants Sinnatt, Chloe LG 0.4 0.5 67 NF 61190 EN Food Safety Gordon, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 288 NF 72221 EN Foot + Stool = Footstool Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.9 0.5 116 NF 9018 EN Foot Book, The Seuss, Dr. LG 0.6 0.5 132 F 46723 EN For Pete's Sake Walsh, Ellen Stoll LG 1.2 0.5 176 F 82709 EN For the Feet Eggleton, Jill LG 0.8 0.5 110 NF 59225 EN Forests Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 177 NF 63187 EN Four Alexander, Linda LG 1.4 0.5 72 NF 48223 EN Four Fish: The Sound of F Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.7 0.5 50 NF 79932 EN Four Friends in the Garden Heap, Sue LG 1.7 0.5 310 F 73890 EN Four Friends Together Heap, Sue LG 1.4 0.5 223 F 9361 EN Four Good Friends Hillert, Margaret LG 0.7 0.5 274 F 80944 EN Four Soar and Roar Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.9 0.5 196 NF 78611 EN Fourth of July Mice! Roberts, Bethany LG 0.9 0.5 173 F 60117 EN Fourth of July, The Clifford, Gale LG 0.9 0.5 153 NF 61973 EN Fourth of July, The Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.9 0.5 181 NF 15262 EN Fox and the Crow, The Eaton, Deborah LG 1.8 0.5 362 F 72163 EN White, Mark LG 1.9 0.5 169 F 77666 EN Fox and the Grapes: A Retelling of Aesop's Fable, The Fox and the Snail, The Wignell, Edel LG 1.3 0.5 184 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 36425 EN Fox and the Stork, The McDermott, Gerald LG 1.8 0.5 277 F 101523 EN Fox and the Stork, The Nash, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 107 F 10518 EN Fox in Love Marshall, Edward LG 1.8 0.5 935 F 15263 EN Fox Lives Here, A Fear, Sharon LG 1.2 0.5 160 NF 123341 EN Fox on a Box Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 1.0 0.5 115 F ÷ 82623 EN Fox on the Wall Eggleton, Jill LG 0.7 0.5 115 F ÷ 31415 EN Fox on Wheels Marshall, Edward LG 1.9 0.5 920 F ÷ 4084 EN Fox's Box Shook, Rebecca E. LG 0.9 0.5 73 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 58 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 48207 EN Fox: The Sound of X, A Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.6 0.5 63 ÷ 40729 EN Fox Trot Coxe, Molly LG 0.7 0.5 127 F ÷ 27190 EN Fox Who Foxed, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.3 0.5 207 F ÷ 12015 EN Fox with Cold Feet, The Singer, Bill LG 1.9 0.5 655 F 79544 EN Foxes and Their Dens Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 152 NF 48009 EN Foxy Fox deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.4 0.5 278 F 14261 EN Fraid E. Cat Newman, Al LG 1.9 0.5 165 F 41003 EN Fran's Flower Bruce, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 192 F 70150 EN Fran's Friend Bruce, Lisa LG 1.4 0.5 294 F 115944 EN Graves, Keith LG 1.5 0.5 180 F 117158 EN Frank Was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance Franklin and the Duckling Jennings, Sharon LG 1.6 0.5 624 F 61286 EN Franklin and the Magic Show Jennings, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 583 F 117159 EN Franklin and the Stopwatch Jennings, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 692 F 104199 EN Franklin Has the Hiccups Jennings, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 573 F 86673 EN Franklin's Library Book Jennings, Sharon LG 1.8 0.5 596 F 73417 EN Franklin's Surprise Jennings, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 532 F 69328 EN Franklin Stays Up Jennings, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 689 F 88049 EN Fred and Ted Go Camping Eastman, Peter LG 1.2 0.5 288 F 115343 EN Fred and Ted Like to Fly Eastman, Peter LG 1.2 0.5 254 F 63146 EN Fred Goes Fishing: The Letter F (f) Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 68 NF 71772 EN Fred, Me, and the Letter F Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 208 NF NF ÷ ÷ 56666 EN Fred Read the Red Book Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.8 0.5 75 121827 EN Fred's Bread Kernan, Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 275 F 115335 EN Fred Stays with Me! Coffelt, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 352 F ÷ 63345 EN Freddie's Fears Robinson, Hilary LG 1.9 0.5 150 F ÷ 7267 EN Freddie's Spaghetti Doyle, Charlotte LG 1.1 0.5 147 F 62344 EN Freddy Bear Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.4 0.5 292 F 60111 EN Freddy Frog's Note Bick, Lois LG 1.5 0.5 246 F 118907 EN Frederick Douglass Mayer, Cassie LG 1.9 0.5 229 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 31721 EN Fresh Fall Leaves Franco, Betsy LG 1.5 0.5 51 F 104359 SP Frida y Franco Camarena, Cathy LG 0.7 0.5 49 NF 121065 EN Friday Lindeen, Mary LG 1.8 0.5 182 NF 122485 EN Friday My Radio Flyer Flew Pullen, Zachary LG 1.7 0.5 72 F 9362 EN Friend for Dear Dragon, A Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 279 F 50828 EN Friend for Max, A Smith, Annette LG 1.2 0.5 228 F 18626 EN Friend for Minerva Louise, A Stoeke, Janet Morgan LG 1.2 0.5 181 F 69322 EN Friend for Sam, A Labatt, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 475 F 39943 EN Friends Hong, Min LG 0.4 0.5 57 F 39710 EN Friends Malone, Marsha LG 0.8 0.5 134 F 122507 EN Friends and Pals and Brothers, Too Wilson, Sarah LG 1.0 0.5 222 F 76763 EN Friends for a Princess Lagonegro, Melissa LG 1.2 0.5 117 F 15264 EN Friends Forever Peterson, Polly LG 1.9 0.5 405 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 59 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 18506 EN Fright in the Night, A Hunt, Roderick LG 1.8 0.5 480 F 86574 EN Frog Spilsbury, Louise LG 1.6 0.5 282 NF 101517 EN Frog Wade, Barrie LG 0.7 0.5 60 NF 103310 EN Frog in the Clog, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.1 0.5 118 F 115452 EN Frog in the Pond, The Mara, Wil LG 1.5 0.5 173 F 123342 EN Frog on a Log Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 1.2 0.5 183 F 35467 EN Frog on a Log Gentner, Norma L. LG 1.9 0.5 167 F 60112 EN Frog or Toad? Lynch, Patrica Ann LG 1.5 0.5 239 NF 88992 EN Frog Pajama Party Dahl, Michael LG 1.9 0.5 250 F F 31722 EN Frog's Lunch Lillegard, Dee LG 1.0 0.5 90 123836 EN Frogfish, The Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.6 0.5 142 NF ÷ 17526 EN Froggy Gets Dressed London, Jonathan LG 1.8 0.5 428 F ÷ 75093 EN Froggy's Baby Sister London, Jonathan LG 1.7 0.5 638 F 17526 SP Froggy se viste London, Jonathan LG 1.8 0.5 428 F 78935 SP Froggy y su papá London, Jonathan LG 1.9 0.5 714 F 49841 EN Frogs Dexter, Robin LG 1.2 0.5 194 NF ÷ 25264 EN Frogs Driscoll, Laura LG 1.8 0.5 372 NF ÷ 32067 EN Frogs Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.3 0.5 29 NF 49842 EN Frogs Williams, Tom LG 0.8 0.5 94 NF 35711 EN Frogs Can Jump Cartwright, Pauline LG 0.3 0.5 40 F 87274 EN Frogs Live on Logs Berger, Melvin LG 1.7 0.5 192 NF 46350 EN From Acorn to Oak Tree Kottke, Jan LG 1.6 0.5 135 NF 32060 EN From Blossom to Fruit Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.1 0.5 45 NF 32061 EN From Bud to Blossom Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.2 0.5 41 NF 46351 EN From Caterpillar to Moth Kottke, Jan LG 1.7 0.5 168 NF 58747 EN From Egg to Butterfly Zemlicka, Shannon LG 1.5 0.5 262 NF 68014 EN From Egg to Chicken Nelson, Robin LG 1.7 0.5 268 NF 46352 EN From Egg to Robin Kottke, Jan LG 1.3 0.5 127 NF 72093 EN From Farm to Store Boten, Wallace LG 1.9 0.5 216 NF 58748 EN From Flower to Honey Nelson, Robin LG 1.8 0.5 274 NF 35873 EN From Grass to Milk Sloan, Peter LG 1.5 0.5 72 NF 68015 EN From Grass to Milk Taus-Bolstad, Stacy LG 1.7 0.5 300 NF 82347 EN From Head to Toe Carle, Eric LG 1.0 0.5 207 NF 46353 EN From Seed to Dandelion Kottke, Jan LG 1.5 0.5 114 NF 78177 EN From Seed to Plant Delta Education Editors LG 1.4 0.5 215 NF 46354 EN From Seed to Pumpkin Kottke, Jan LG 1.6 0.5 148 NF 58751 EN From Shoot to Apple Taus-Bolstad, Stacy LG 1.7 0.5 271 NF 61581 EN From Slavery to Freedom Lilly, Melinda LG 1.9 0.5 117 NF 46355 EN From Tadpole to Frog Kottke, Jan LG 1.1 0.5 130 NF 58752 EN From Tadpole to Frog Zemlicka, Shannon LG 1.7 0.5 327 NF 58753 EN From Tree to Paper Marshall, Pam LG 1.9 0.5 276 NF 68590 EN From Tree to Table Ring, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 89 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 60 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 104980 EN Frosty's New Friends Nelson, Steve LG 1.6 0.5 243 F 116842 EN Fruit Benduhn, Tea LG 1.7 0.5 195 NF 62082 EN Fruit Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.3 0.5 103 NF 101711 EN Fruit Matthews, Rachel LG 1.8 0.5 205 NF 42707 EN Fruit Facts Taylor, Steve LG 1.3 0.5 98 NF 36809 EN Fruit Group, The Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 96 NF 56645 EN Fruit Trees Produce Produce Molter, Carey LG 1.6 0.5 136 NF 108408 EN Fruits Bodach, Vijaya Khisty LG 1.6 0.5 125 NF 45745 EN Fruits Dwyer, Jacqueline LG 1.7 0.5 149 NF 32120 EN Frustrated Tester, Sylvia Root LG 1.8 0.5 167 NF 9323 SP Fue Carmelita McDaniel, Becky LG 1.2 0.5 105 F 57611 EN Thomas, Mark LG 1.6 0.5 116 NF 76639 EN Fun and Games in Colonial America Fun at the Fair Leaney, Cindy LG 1.6 0.5 178 F ÷ 9363 EN Fun Days Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 327 F ÷ 4021 EN Fun Fish, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 132 F 117172 EN Fun Land Fun! Kido, Yukiko LG 1.0 0.5 176 F 48224 EN Fun! The Sound of Short U Ballard, Peg LG 0.6 0.5 56 76424 EN Fun with Dick and Jane Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.5 0.5 841 F NF 59506 EN Fun with Mo and Ella Sutherland, Tui T. LG 1.0 0.5 221 F ÷ 4015 EN Fun with the Sheet Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.8 0.5 140 F ÷ 82669 EN Funky Flamingos Krueger, Carol LG 1.4 0.5 176 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ 9364 EN Funny Baby, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.6 0.5 213 F 59465 EN Funny Bugs Rothman, Cynthia LG 1.3 0.5 59 F 57482 EN Tuxworth, Nicola LG 0.5 0.5 58 NF 121839 EN Funny Faces: A Very First Picture Book Funny First Day, A Mangieri, Catherine LG 0.4 0.5 95 F 121041 EN Funny Ride, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 302 F 54329 EN Funny Ruby Friend, Catherine LG 1.4 0.5 248 F 77735 EN Fur, Feathers, Scales, Skin Economos, Christine LG 1.6 0.5 174 NF 72888 EN Fuzzy Bunny, The Sargent, Dave LG 1.3 0.5 182 F 104360 SP Gaby y Gastón Camarena, Cathy LG 0.8 0.5 58 104389 EN Galen's Camera Kalz, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 111 F 52567 EN Galileo's Treasure Box Brighton, Catherine LG 1.3 0.5 224 F 22111 SP gallinita roja, La Algie, Amy LG 1.4 0.5 264 F 36709 EN Game of Tag at the Farm, A Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.4 0.5 274 F 12320 EN Games Griffiths, Rose LG 1.6 0.5 239 NF F 57434 EN Games I Play Schlepp, Tammy J. LG 1.7 0.5 447 118100 EN Garbage Trucks Lindeen, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 87 NF NF 83276 EN Garden Friends Lock, Deborah LG 1.2 0.5 115 F 103558 EN Garden Full of Sizes, A Ribke, Simone T. LG 1.7 0.5 309 NF ÷ 53498 EN Garden That We Grew, The Holub, Joan LG 1.9 0.5 173 F ÷ 63599 EN Gardening Tools Snyder, Inez LG 1.2 0.5 103 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 61 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 50701 EN Gardens of the Sea Windsor, Jo LG 1.9 0.5 181 NF 80174 EN Meier, Joanne LG 1.3 0.5 161 NF 43190 EN Gary Gets a Gift: The Sound of Hard G Gasp! Denton, Terry LG 1.9 0.5 498 F 61742 EN Gaspard in the Hospital Gutman, Anne LG 1.9 0.5 314 F ÷ 46617 SP gatita en la maleta, La Miller, Sara Swan LG 0.8 0.5 97 F ÷ 46618 SP ¡Gatitos! Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.3 0.5 51 F 43444 SP gato de las mil narices, El Robleda Moguel, Margarita LG 1.0 0.5 129 F 72885 SP Gato Pequeño y Grande Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.6 0.5 175 F 72887 SP gato que ladró, El Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.6 0.5 160 F 51653 SP gato y un perro, Un Masurel, Claire LG 0.8 0.5 134 F 74447 SP Gatos Ruffin, Frances E. LG 1.5 0.5 131 NF 31786 EN Gecko's Story Moeller, Kathleen Hardcastle LG 1.1 0.5 61 118101 EN Geese Endres, Hollie LG 1.2 0.5 101 NF 68093 EN Geese on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.2 0.5 70 NF 80175 EN Meier, Joanne LG 1.6 0.5 132 NF 102895 EN Gena and the Magic Bear: The Sound of Soft G George Washington Carver Kittinger, Jo S. LG 1.9 0.5 249 NF F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ F 7268 EN Geraldine's Blanket Keller, Holly LG 1.7 0.5 233 81779 EN German Shepherd (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.9 0.5 70 NF 54804 EN Germs! Germs! Germs! Katz, Bobbi LG 1.8 0.5 442 NF 9058 EN Get Set and Go Feldman, Eve LG 1.6 0.5 607 F 42154 EN Get That Pest! Douglas, Erin LG 1.0 0.5 182 F ÷ 31853 EN Get the Ball, Slim Leonard, Marcia LG 0.6 0.5 95 F ÷ 58279 EN Get to Work Trucks! Carter, Don LG 0.9 0.5 118 F 46610 EN Gray, Kes LG 1.5 0.5 133 F 66236 EN Get Well Soon Book: Good Wishes for Bad Times, The Getting a Haircut Radabaugh, Melinda LG 1.6 0.5 273 NF 31882 EN Getting Around Odgers, Sally LG 1.5 0.5 211 NF ÷ 36915 EN Gg Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 40 NF ÷ 11172 EN Ghost and Pete Dodds, Dayle Ann LG 1.8 0.5 1,093 F 51037 EN Ghosts in the Cellar, The Duquennoy, Jacques LG 1.5 0.5 329 F 40494 EN ght Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.5 0.5 76 50314 EN Giant and the Frippit, The Strachan, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 257 F 63231 EN Giant Ant, A Kropp, Paul LG 1.5 0.5 299 F 47601 EN Giant Gingerbread Man, The Feely, Jenny LG 1.9 0.5 248 F 50365 EN Giant Jumperee: A Play, The Donaldson, Julia LG 1.8 0.5 396 F 74739 EN Giant Panda Eckart, Edana LG 1.5 0.5 89 76647 EN Giant's Garden, The Leaney, Cindy LG 1.9 0.5 197 F ÷ ÷ NF NF 57897 EN Giant-Sized Day, A Eaton, Deb LG 1.7 0.5 237 F 104981 EN Giddy Up, Cowgirl Krosoczka, Jarrett J. LG 1.1 0.5 170 F 104989 EN Gift of Nothing, The McDonnell, Patrick LG 1.9 0.5 273 F 48225 EN Gifts for Gus: The Sound of G Ballard, Peg LG 0.4 0.5 48 NF 77772 EN Gifts from the Earth Ring, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 108 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 62 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 112658 EN Giganotosaurus Mattern, Joanne LG 1.7 0.5 146 NF 60024 EN Gigantic George Lillegard, Dee LG 1.7 0.5 227 F 46620 EN Giggle Belly Sakelaris, Page LG 1.1 0.5 106 F 12019 EN Giggle Book, The Calmenson, Stephanie LG 1.5 0.5 231 F 89932 EN Gila Monsters Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.7 0.5 204 NF 104368 SP Gilda y Gilberto Camarena, Cathy LG 0.6 0.5 58 NF 44448 EN Ginger Fear, Sharon LG 1.4 0.5 230 63147 EN Alexander, Linda LG 1.4 0.5 70 51923 EN Ginger Visits Grandma: The Letter G (g) Gingerbread Boy, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.9 0.5 406 F 44476 EN Gingerbread Man, The Rose, Rita LG 1.4 0.5 180 F 76934 EN Giraffe Calf Grows Up, A Hewett, Joan LG 1.9 0.5 429 NF 56122 EN Paige, Joy LG 1.5 0.5 153 NF 120040 EN Giraffe: World's Tallest Animal, The Giraffes Ipcizade, Catherine LG 1.8 0.5 150 NF F NF 62067 EN Giraffes Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 121 NF 113434 EN Giraffes Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.7 0.5 130 NF 62234 EN Girl, a Goat, and a Goose, A McPhail, David LG 1.7 0.5 363 F 79937 EN Girl and the Elephant, The Cock, Nicole de LG 1.9 0.5 301 F 80680 EN Girl on the Yellow Giraffe, The Himler, Ronald LG 1.9 0.5 176 F 89078 EN Girls in the Circle, The Giovanni, Nikki LG 1.9 0.5 125 F 72177 EN Give It a Try! Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 84 123358 EN Give That Back, Jack! Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 1.4 0.5 228 F ÷ 102001 EN Glass: Let's Look at Marbles Royston, Angela LG 1.7 0.5 228 NF ÷ 2848 EN Gletta the Foal McMillan, Bruce LG 0.8 0.5 177 F 50702 EN Gliders and Sliders Windsor, Jo LG 1.7 0.5 170 NF 66403 EN Go Away! Amos, Janine LG 1.8 0.5 327 NF 68457 EN Go Away, Dog Nodset, Joan L. LG 1.0 0.5 260 F 76425 EN Go Away, Spot Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.2 0.5 372 F 114155 EN Go, Baby Jaguar! Larsen, Kirsten LG 0.7 0.5 141 F 115945 EN Go Back to Sleep Jones, Sylvie LG 1.4 0.5 250 F 45962 EN Go, Dog. Go! Eastman, P.D. LG 1.2 0.5 515 F 44036 EN Go-Go-Go! Goldin, David LG 1.7 0.5 381 F 86310 EN Go Picnic Dewan, Ted LG 1.1 0.5 202 F 77267 EN Go, Spud, Go! Estrella, Linda LG 1.1 0.5 68 F 86011 EN Go, Stitch, Go! Kulling, Monica LG 1.4 0.5 295 F 115835 EN Go to Bed, Monster! Wing, Natasha LG 1.5 0.5 260 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 9365 EN Go to Sleep, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 313 F 71197 EN Go Track a Yak! Johnston, Tony LG 1.7 0.5 668 F 9312 EN Go-with Words Dobkin, Bonnie LG 1.1 0.5 134 NF 121828 EN Goal! Roza, Greg LG 0.8 0.5 112 F 82698 EN Goat's Beard, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.8 0.5 293 F 82702 EN Goat's Trick, A Eggleton, Jill LG 1.1 0.5 145 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 63 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 113647 EN Goats Green, Emily K. LG 1.3 0.5 91 NF 81091 EN Goats Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 138 NF 56269 EN Goats on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.0 0.5 67 NF 121350 EN God Loves You Barnabas Lepp, Royden LG 1.6 0.5 234 F 54887 EN God's Quiet Things Sweetland, Nancy LG 1.9 0.5 147 F ÷ 45240 EN Goggles! Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.8 0.5 328 F ÷ 35417 EN Goggly Gookers Cowley, Joy LG 1.1 0.5 98 F 32192 EN Goha and His Donkey Hassanein, Amany LG 1.6 0.5 115 F 76653 EN Going on an Airplane Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.8 0.5 281 NF 47576 EN Going Shopping Prince, Sarah LG 1.0 0.5 105 F 76654 EN Going to a Concert Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.9 0.5 262 NF 66237 EN Going to a Restaurant Radabaugh, Melinda LG 1.8 0.5 282 NF 66238 EN Going to School Radabaugh, Melinda LG 1.6 0.5 297 NF 57435 EN Going to School Schlepp, Tammy J. LG 1.8 0.5 403 F 76656 EN Going to the Doctor Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.7 0.5 262 NF 66239 EN Going to the Library Radabaugh, Melinda LG 1.7 0.5 286 NF 104540 EN Golden Eagles Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.8 0.5 200 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 9366 EN Golden Goose, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 294 F 35931 EN Golden Lion Tamarin Monkeys Costain, Meredith LG 1.9 0.5 194 NF 81780 EN Golden Retriever (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.6 0.5 64 NF 72582 EN Goldfish Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.8 0.5 140 NF 57042 EN Goldie Is Mad Palatini, Margie LG 0.7 0.5 134 F 88993 EN Goldie's New Home Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.6 0.5 194 F 77658 EN Goldilocks and the Three Bears Feely, Jenny LG 1.6 0.5 275 F 31605 EN Goldilocks and the Three Bears Miles, Betty LG 0.8 0.5 138 F 28351 EN Goldilocks and the Three Bears Yurkovic, Diana LG 1.7 0.5 258 F ÷ 25305 EN Goldilocks Comes Back Meyers, Anne LG 1.3 0.5 134 F ÷ 6494 EN Gone Fishing Long, Earlene LG 0.9 0.5 180 F ÷ 22090 EN Gonna Bird, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 216 F 58766 EN Good as Goldie Palatini, Margie LG 0.8 0.5 136 F ÷ 27979 EN Good Bad Day, The Simon, Charnan LG 1.6 0.5 451 F ÷ 6067 EN Good-Bye Book, The Viorst, Judith LG 1.9 0.5 335 F ÷ 15265 EN Good-bye Summer, Hello Fall Singer, Irma LG 1.2 0.5 166 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 2843 EN Good Day, Good Night Singer, Marilyn LG 1.0 0.5 63 F 74168 EN Good Day's Fishing, A Prosek, James LG 1.6 0.5 211 F 51661 EN Good Dog, Daisy! Kopper, Lisa LG 1.0 0.5 110 F 53935 EN Calmenson, Stephanie LG 1.8 0.5 1,911 F 82710 EN Good for You! Toddler Rhymes for Toddler Times Good Ideas for People Windsor, Jo LG 0.9 0.5 101 NF 103583 EN Good Luck Charlie Kramer, Jennifer E. LG 0.9 0.5 162 F 34670 EN Good Morning, Monday Keenan, Sheila LG 1.8 0.5 78 F 68181 EN Good Morning Sam Gay, Marie-Louise LG 0.9 0.5 210 F 79078 EN Good Night, D.W. Brown, Marc LG 1.9 0.5 399 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 64 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 75631 EN Good Night Engines Mortensen, Denise Dowling LG 1.3 0.5 120 F 73765 EN Good Night Harry Lewis, Kim LG 1.7 0.5 343 F 63000 EN Good Night's Sleep, A Gordon, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 285 NF 72968 EN Good Night Sam Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.4 0.5 309 F 47891 EN Good Night, Sigmund Coffelt, Nancy LG 1.1 0.5 122 F 50703 EN Goodness Me, Mr. Magee! Eggleton, Jill LG 1.1 0.5 235 F 4105 EN Goodnight! Cowley, Joy LG 0.8 0.5 62 F 63324 EN Goodnight, Baby Monster Leuck, Laura LG 1.9 0.5 122 F 49446 EN Goodnight Everyone Morton, Lone LG 1.6 0.5 102 F ÷ 66201 EN Goodnight Little Critter Mayer, Mercer LG 1.4 0.5 255 F ÷ 7218 EN Goodnight Moon Brown, Margaret Wise LG 1.8 0.5 131 F 107144 EN Goodnight, Nisha Shanks, Amelia LG 1.5 0.5 219 F 110477 EN Goodnight Train, The Sobel, June LG 1.5 0.5 215 F 121828 SP ¡Goooool! Roza, Greg LG 1.1 0.5 115 F 123343 EN Goose on the Loose Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 1.1 0.5 162 F 105799 EN Goose on the Loose Rogers, Jacqueline LG 1.1 0.5 200 F 117214 EN Gordon's New View Awdry, W. LG 1.2 0.5 178 F F ÷ 43458 SP gorila, Un Morozumi, Atsuko LG 1.1 0.5 112 ÷ 56270 EN Gorillas Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 81 NF ÷ 82670 EN Gorillas Gabolinscy, Jack LG 1.4 0.5 141 NF 116843 EN Gorillas Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.6 0.5 116 NF 23970 SP Gorrión del metro Torres, Leyla LG 1.6 0.5 216 F 66053 EN Gossie Dunrea, Olivier LG 1.1 0.5 152 F 66054 EN Gossie and Gertie Dunrea, Olivier LG 1.0 0.5 170 F 46621 EN Got You! Hines, Anna Grossnickle LG 1.2 0.5 86 F 58828 EN Gotcha, Louie! Ehrlich, H.M. LG 1.4 0.5 225 F 50813 EN Grab Bag, The Randell, Beverley LG 0.6 0.5 85 F 104369 SP Graciela y Gregorio Camarena, Cathy LG 0.8 0.5 58 NF 118102 EN Graders Lindeen, Mary LG 1.2 0.5 77 NF 4934 EN Graders (Big Machines at Work) Rogers, Hal LG 1.8 0.5 203 NF 107554 EN Graduation Day Is Here! Maccarone, Grace LG 1.3 0.5 185 F 103597 EN Grains to Bread Snyder, Inez LG 1.8 0.5 127 NF 72882 SP gran imaginación de Bo Bo, La Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 1.3 0.5 172 F F ÷ ÷ ÷ 31584 SP gran oso pardo, El McPhail, David LG 0.3 0.5 95 109714 EN Grandfather's Shape Story Sargent, Brian LG 1.8 0.5 298 NF 31814 EN Grandfathers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.3 0.5 42 NF 119988 EN Grandfathers (Revised Edition) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.3 0.5 54 NF 72907 EN Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 201 NF Eggleton, Jill LG 1.1 0.5 171 F 82747 EN Grandma, Grandpa, and the Letter G Grandma Helps Out! ÷ 34803 EN Grandma's Cat Ketteman, Helen LG 0.6 0.5 126 F ÷ 66244 EN Grandma's Garden Mayer, Mercer LG 1.3 0.5 105 F 44877 EN Grandma's Heart Walker, Colin LG 1.2 0.5 90 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 65 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 4094 EN Grandmother Cowley, Joy LG 0.8 0.5 61 F 31834 EN Grandmothers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.2 0.5 51 NF 119989 EN Grandmothers (Revised Edition) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.2 0.5 55 NF 50290 EN Grandpa Hawes, Alison LG 0.6 0.5 61 F 87500 EN Grandpa Loves Dotlich, Rebecca Kai LG 1.7 0.5 195 F 101297 EN Grandpa's Angel Bauer, Jutta LG 1.9 0.5 269 F 27346 EN Grandpa's Birthday Avalos, Cecilia LG 1.3 0.5 133 F 31682 EN Grandpa's Candy Store Podoshen, Lois LG 1.5 0.5 66 F 50291 EN Grandpa's Clues Warren, Celia LG 1.3 0.5 189 F 28530 EN Grandpa's Lemonade Upson, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 139 F 46622 EN Grandpa's Quilt Franco, Betsy LG 1.4 0.5 121 F 51345 EN Grandpa's Snowman Barwin, Gary LG 1.1 0.5 94 F 13960 EN Grandpa Snored King, Susan LG 0.7 0.5 50 F 50704 EN Granny Eggleton, Jill LG 1.7 0.5 157 F 106066 EN Granny Doodle Day Seltzer, Eric LG 1.1 0.5 177 F 121829 EN Granny's Garden Betances, Brendan LG 1.0 0.5 105 F 2305 EN Grant Hill Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.5 0.5 150 NF 2305 SP Grant Hill: Estrella del basketball Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.5 0.5 167 NF 48226 EN Grapes Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.2 0.5 71 NF 103598 EN Grapes to Raisins Snyder, Inez LG 1.9 0.5 115 NF ÷ 4096 EN Grass Is for Goats Cowley, Joy LG 0.9 0.5 85 F ÷ 31775 EN Grasshoppers Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.6 0.5 51 NF 79530 EN Grasshoppers Hall, Margaret LG 1.9 0.5 94 NF 64657 EN Grassy Lands Nichols, Catherine LG 1.6 0.5 199 NF 35464 EN Gravity Gentner, Norma L. LG 1.5 0.5 113 F 74740 EN Gray Wolf Eckart, Edana LG 1.4 0.5 96 72883 SP ¿Graznan todos los patos? Sargent, Dave LG 0.9 0.5 162 F 9313 EN Great Bug Hunt, The Dobkin, Bonnie LG 1.8 0.5 163 F 112213 EN Great Danes Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.9 0.5 159 NF 47577 EN Great Day Prince, Sarah LG 1.3 0.5 162 F ÷ 9020 EN Great Day for Up! Seuss, Dr. LG 0.8 0.5 162 F ÷ 88641 EN Great Fuzz Frenzy, The Stevens, Janet LG 1.9 0.5 905 F 45522 EN Great Race, The Awdry, W. LG 0.8 0.5 153 F 58784 EN Great Race, The McPhail, David LG 1.7 0.5 283 F 47933 EN Great Sebastian, The Creasy, Mary-Anne LG 1.6 0.5 354 F ÷ 11365 EN Great-Uncle Alfred Forgets Shecter, Ben LG 1.9 0.5 518 F ÷ 25306 EN Great White Sharks Price, Christine LG 1.3 0.5 98 ÷ 35425 EN Greedy Cat's Breakfast Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 147 F 82671 EN Greedy Mouse Eggleton, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 180 F 63148 EN Green Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 76 NF 101153 EN Green Anderson, Moira LG 1.5 0.5 273 NF 47622 EN Green Pilla, Susan LG 1.6 0.5 169 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF NF Page 66 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 64398 EN Green Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.8 0.5 327 NF 123301 EN Green Stockland, Patricia M. LG 1.1 0.5 162 NF 81781 EN Green Anaconda (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.2 0.5 65 NF 9021 EN Green Eggs and Ham Seuss, Dr. LG 1.5 0.5 769 F 56558 EN Green Foods Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 280 NF 13962 EN Green Footprints Kehoe, Connie LG 1.1 0.5 50 46383 EN Green in My World Winne, Joanne LG 1.1 0.5 137 NF 35660 EN Greetings, Sun Gershator, Phillis LG 1.6 0.5 162 F 108999 EN Greg Gets a Hint Blackaby, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 140 F 11666 EN Grizzly and the Bumble-bee Cowley, Joy LG 1.8 0.5 183 F 59226 EN Grizzly Bears Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 89 NF 26677 EN Grocers Sell Us Food Greene, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 324 NF F 104437 EN Groundhog Day McNamara, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 229 F ÷ 27286 EN Growing a Plant Jenkins, Rhonda LG 1.3 0.5 102 NF ÷ 35874 EN Growing Beans Sloan, Peter LG 1.2 0.5 97 NF 43214 EN Growing Radishes and Carrots Bolton, Faye LG 1.9 0.5 109 NF 47578 EN Growing Tomatoes O'Neil, Sarah LG 1.7 0.5 87 NF 14266 EN Grub E. Dog Newman, Al LG 1.6 0.5 159 F 47505 EN Grump Wong, Janet S. LG 1.8 0.5 246 F 35442 EN Grumputer, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 238 F 26921 EN Guard the House, Sam! Simon, Charnan LG 1.4 0.5 87 F 56121 SP Paige, Joy LG 0.9 0.5 108 NF 105708 EN guepardo: El animal terrestre más veloz del mundo, El Guess the Order Sargent, Brian LG 1.7 0.5 240 NF 44629 EN Guess What? Fox, Mem LG 0.6 0.5 124 F 76426 EN Guess Who Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.6 0.5 864 F 77211 EN Guess Who, Baby Duck! Hest, Amy LG 1.6 0.5 273 F 83457 EN Guess Who Bites Gordon, Sharon LG 1.1 0.5 162 NF 73347 EN Guess Who Changes Gordon, Sharon LG 0.9 0.5 140 NF 73348 EN Guess Who Dives Gordon, Sharon LG 1.2 0.5 152 NF 73349 EN Guess Who Grabs Gordon, Sharon LG 0.8 0.5 129 NF 73350 EN Guess Who Hides Gordon, Sharon LG 1.0 0.5 150 NF 83458 EN Guess Who Hisses Gordon, Sharon LG 0.9 0.5 169 NF 83459 EN Guess Who Hops Gordon, Sharon LG 0.9 0.5 151 NF 73351 EN Guess Who Roars Gordon, Sharon LG 1.0 0.5 150 NF 83460 EN Guess Who Runs Gordon, Sharon LG 0.9 0.5 141 NF 83461 EN Guess Who Snaps Gordon, Sharon LG 1.1 0.5 155 NF 83462 EN Guess Who Spins Gordon, Sharon LG 1.1 0.5 174 NF 73352 EN Guess Who Swoops Gordon, Sharon LG 0.8 0.5 125 NF 52220 EN Guide Dogs Richter, Abigail LG 1.7 0.5 107 NF 104370 SP Guillermina y Guillermo Camarena, Cathy LG 0.7 0.5 48 NF 104468 SP Guillo el gusano Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.9 0.5 202 F 72583 EN Guinea Pigs Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.8 0.5 180 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 67 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 50978 EN Guinea Pigs Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.3 0.5 Word Count F/NF 52 NF NF 61962 EN Guitars Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.3 0.5 78 103363 EN Gwen the Hen Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 110 F 85086 EN Gymnastics Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.4 0.5 169 NF 77647 EN Gymnastics O'Neil, Sarah LG 1.2 0.5 110 NF 46036 SP Había un ratón Blanchard, Patricia LG 1.0 0.5 77 F 62083 EN Hair Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.7 0.5 73 NF 68942 EN Hair Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 297 NF 28403 EN Hairdresser, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 168 NF 76027 EN Halloween Behn, Harry LG 1.6 0.5 81 61963 EN Halloween Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 126 NF 81245 EN Halloween Cat, The Ricci, Christine LG 1.4 0.5 265 F 76028 EN Halloween Circus Neugebauer, Charise LG 1.8 0.5 334 F 55283 EN Halloween Costume Hunt, The Watson, Kim LG 1.5 0.5 264 F 45436 EN Halloween Mice! Roberts, Bethany LG 1.6 0.5 141 F 49407 EN Halloween Parade Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.9 0.5 102 F 123654 EN Hammerhead Shark Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 1.8 0.5 157 NF ÷ 36788 EN Hamsters Frost, Helen LG 0.7 0.5 39 NF ÷ 83315 EN Hamsters Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.8 0.5 317 NF 48227 EN Hamsters Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.3 0.5 82 NF 44477 EN Hand-Me-Downs, The Durkee, Andrew LG 1.0 0.5 128 F 21700 EN Handa's Surprise Browne, Eileen LG 1.7 0.5 98 F 62084 EN Hands Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.8 0.5 75 NF 81477 EN Hands Sideri, Simona LG 1.8 0.5 108 NF 43181 EN Hands, Hands, Hands Vaughan, Marcia LG 0.7 0.5 85 61964 EN Hanukkah Johnston, M. C. LG 1.7 0.5 157 NF 69670 EN Happy 4th of July, Jenny Sweeney! Kimmelman, Leslie LG 1.4 0.5 174 F 45497 EN Happy and Honey Godwin, Laura LG 0.5 0.5 111 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ F F 49437 EN Happy Birthday! Risk, Mary LG 0.7 0.5 113 F 121351 EN Happy Birthday Barnabas Lepp, Royden LG 1.2 0.5 152 F 53066 EN Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.2 0.5 164 F ÷ 7219 EN Happy Birthday, Biscuit!/Biscuit's Birthday Happy Birthday, Cookie Monster! Haus, Felice LG 1.1 0.5 212 F ÷ 44313 EN Hoff, Syd LG 1.9 0.5 278 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 9367 EN Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur! Happy Birthday, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 288 F 67242 EN Happy Birthday, Dotty! Warnes, Tim LG 1.6 0.5 262 F 41856 EN Happy Birthday, Eeyore! Gaines, Isabel LG 1.8 0.5 391 F 115937 EN Happy Birthday, Monster! Beck, Scott LG 1.4 0.5 296 F 121784 EN Happy Birthday, Rita Raccoon! Hoffman, Mary Ann LG 1.4 0.5 168 F 123302 EN Happy Birthday, SpongeBob! Chanda, J-P LG 1.2 0.5 261 F 7220 EN Happy Birthday, Thomas! Awdry, W. LG 1.1 0.5 213 F 61757 EN Happy Birthday, Word Bird! Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.5 0.5 214 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 68 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 66568 EN Happy Christmas, Honey! Godwin, Laura LG 0.9 0.5 147 F 70549 EN Happy Dog! Grubb, Lisa LG 1.6 0.5 269 F 64475 EN Happy Easter, Biscuit! Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.1 0.5 133 F 9368 EN Happy Easter, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 281 F 106279 EN Happy Graduation! McNamara, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 226 F 64476 EN Happy Halloween, Biscuit! Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.2 0.5 149 F 64105 EN Happy Halloween, Emily! Masurel, Claire LG 1.8 0.5 414 F 120422 EN Happy Halloween, Little Critter! Mayer, Mercer LG 1.5 0.5 279 F 65206 EN Happy Hanukkah, Biscuit! Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.1 0.5 180 F 121038 EN Happy Hanukkah, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 287 F ÷ 50724 EN Happy House, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.8 0.5 226 F ÷ 34523 EN Happy Mother's Day! Hatcher, Melanie Palmer LG 0.9 0.5 113 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 7270 EN Happy Mother's Day! Hautzig, Deborah LG 1.4 0.5 232 F 121830 EN Happy New Year! Roza, Greg LG 1.1 0.5 165 F 121792 EN Happy Quilt, The Avion, Nicole LG 1.6 0.5 221 F 104298 EN Happy Thanksgiving McNamara, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 224 F 64477 EN Happy Thanksgiving, Biscuit! Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.6 0.5 193 F 86225 EN Happy Thanksgiving, Emily! Masurel, Claire LG 1.4 0.5 161 F 44904 EN Happy Valentine's Day, Pooh Gaines, Isabel LG 1.8 0.5 272 F 72094 EN Hard Workers Levin, Amy LG 1.8 0.5 226 NF 107212 EN Hare and Tortoise Holden, Pam LG 1.5 0.5 206 F 122934 EN Harold Hickok Had the Hiccups Labairon, Cassandra LG 1.8 0.5 445 F 7318 SP Harold y el lápiz color morado Johnson, Crockett LG 1.9 0.5 4,020 F 4197 EN Harriet and the Roller Coaster Carlson, Nancy LG 1.7 0.5 283 F 4198 EN Harriet and Walt Carlson, Nancy LG 1.7 0.5 376 F 4199 EN Harriet's Halloween Candy Carlson, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 285 F 4200 EN Harriet's Recital Carlson, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 196 F 12081 EN Harry Dresses Himself Gabán, Jesus LG 1.0 0.5 153 F 42155 EN Harry Gets Ready for School Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.4 0.5 160 F 7271 EN Harry Goes to Day Camp Ziefert, James LG 1.5 0.5 337 F 76640 EN Harry Has Hiccups Leaney, Cindy LG 1.3 0.5 161 F 65846 EN Harry, I Need You! Chwast, Seymour LG 1.2 0.5 131 F 56667 EN Harry Is Not Hairy Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.7 0.5 78 NF 103584 EN Harry's Hats Tompert, Ann LG 1.6 0.5 117 F ÷ 31707 EN Harry's House Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 1.0 0.5 84 F ÷ 12082 EN Harry's Mealtime Mess Gabán, Jesús LG 1.4 0.5 126 F ÷ 12083 EN Harry's Sandbox Surprise Gabán, Jesús LG 0.8 0.5 134 F ÷ 31600 SP Harry se baña Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.0 0.5 144 F ÷ 31600 EN Harry Takes a Bath Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.0 0.5 126 F ÷ 79282 EN Harvest Time Cipriano, Jeri LG 1.9 0.5 189 NF 63544 EN Has Anyone Here Seen William? Graham, Bob LG 1.9 0.5 289 F 119342 EN Has Anyone Seen My Emily Greene? Mazer, Norma Fox LG 1.5 0.5 289 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 69 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 79955 SP Hasta mañana, monito Paul, Ann Whitford LG 1.2 0.5 308 F ÷ 19221 EN Hat for Minerva Louise, A Stoeke, Janet Morgan LG 1.0 0.5 156 F ÷ 4005 EN Hat, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 79 F 118720 EN Hatched from an Egg O'Hare, Ted LG 1.9 0.5 217 45167 EN Hats! Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.5 0.5 59 F 60384 EN Hats off for the Fourth of July! Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.6 0.5 227 F ÷ NF 47955 EN Hattie and the Fox Fox, Mem LG 1.8 0.5 321 F 108904 EN Hattie Hippo Loomis, Christine LG 1.5 0.5 179 F 50292 EN Have You Got Everything, Colin? Hawes, Alison LG 0.5 0.5 75 F 35536 EN Have You Seen the Tooth Fairy? Porter, Gracie R. LG 1.4 0.5 187 F 44878 EN Hay Making Noonan, Diana LG 1.5 0.5 62 101048 EN He Came with the Couch Slonim, David LG 1.5 0.5 242 F 15215 EN He's My Brother Lasker, Joe LG 1.7 0.5 334 NF 55680 EN He Saves the Day Hayles, Marsha LG 1.6 0.5 213 F ÷ 50836 EN Healthy Food Smith, Annette LG 1.4 0.5 159 NF ÷ 32752 EN Hearing Frost, Helen LG 1.4 0.5 108 NF 61191 EN Hearing Gordon, Sharon LG 1.7 0.5 209 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 80904 EN Heating Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 263 NF 102849 EN Heavy and Light Nieker, Diane LG 1.9 0.5 284 NF 15757 EN Heavy and Light Theodorou, Rod LG 1.8 0.5 291 NF 32070 EN Hedgehog is Hungry Randell, Beverley LG 0.4 0.5 48 71773 EN Helen at Home and the Letter H Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 212 NF 103562 EN Helen Keller Dolan, Sean LG 1.9 0.5 226 NF 59227 EN Helen Keller Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.9 0.5 200 NF 83365 EN Helen Keller Walker, Pamela LG 1.2 0.5 87 NF 118103 EN Helicopters Lindeen, Mary LG 1.8 0.5 101 NF 61852 EN Hello Amos, Janine LG 1.2 0.5 238 NF 55439 EN Hello Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 116 NF 63545 EN Hello, Arctic! Taylor, Theodore LG 1.2 0.5 103 F 1958 EN Hello, Biscuit! Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.0 0.5 180 F 120112 EN Hello, Bumblebee Bat Lunde, Darrin LG 1.9 0.5 271 NF 49845 EN Hello, Cat You Need a Hat Gelman, Rita Golden LG 1.1 0.5 287 F 41857 EN Gelman, Rita Golden LG 1.1 0.5 313 F 13965 EN Hello, Cat You Need a Hat (Hello Reader) Hello Creatures! Garland, Peter LG 1.7 0.5 325 F 46623 EN Hello, Doctor Marx, David F. LG 0.2 0.5 44 F 83080 EN Hello, Fire Truck! Parker, Marjorie Blain LG 0.9 0.5 93 F 112031 EN Hello, Freight Train! Parker, Marjorie Blain LG 1.3 0.5 104 F 55681 EN Hello, Hello! Schlein, Miriam LG 1.8 0.5 303 NF 83081 EN Hello, School Bus! Parker, Marjorie Blain LG 0.6 0.5 100 F 84415 EN Hello, Snow! Vestergaard, Hope LG 1.0 0.5 160 F 32996 EN Hello Toes! Hello Feet! Paul, Ann Whitford LG 1.5 0.5 214 F 107335 EN Hello Twins Voake, Charlotte LG 1.6 0.5 171 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 70 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 10521 EN Hello, Two-Wheeler! Mason, Jane B. LG 1.6 0.5 838 F ÷ 74237 EN Hello World Foreman, Michael LG 1.3 0.5 220 F ÷ 32122 EN Help Riley, Susan LG 1.5 0.5 194 NF ÷ 9369 EN Help for Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 302 F 82624 EN Help for Rhino! Eggleton, Jill LG 0.9 0.5 127 F 71981 EN Leaney, Cindy LG 1.3 0.5 303 F Lester, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 160 F 60026 EN Help! I Can't Swim! A Story About Safety in Water Help! I'm Stuck! ÷ 4104 EN Helping Cowley, Joy LG 1.0 0.5 80 F ÷ 66202 EN Helping Mom Mayer, Mercer LG 1.3 0.5 193 F ÷ 34519 EN Helping My Dad Lambrecht, Nancy LG 0.9 0.5 91 F 50706 EN Helping Out Windsor, Jo LG 1.1 0.5 111 NF 72150 EN Wohlrabe, Sarah C. LG 1.9 0.5 145 NF 72151 EN Wohlrabe, Sarah C. LG 1.8 0.5 176 NF 86309 EN MacDonald, Margaret Read LG 1.3 0.5 632 F 80850 EN Godwin, Sam LG 1.9 0.5 379 NF 31590 EN Helping You Heal: A Book About Nurses Helping You Learn: A Book About Teachers Hen, a Chick, and a String Guitar, A Hen Can't Help It: A First Look at the Life Cycle of a Chicken, The Henny-Penny Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 274 F ÷ ÷ 31688 EN Henry Beveridge, Donna LG 0.9 0.5 78 F 112552 EN Henry and the Elephant Awdry, W. LG 1.4 0.5 276 F 82789 EN Henry and the Rain Eggleton, Jill LG 0.7 0.5 124 F 108905 EN Henry's Bad Day Awdry, W. LG 1.5 0.5 306 F 29260 EN Henry the Fourth Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.5 0.5 142 F 44410 EN Here Come Poppy and Max Gardiner, Lindsey LG 1.0 0.5 67 F 50784 EN Here Come the Shapes Giles, Jenny LG 0.7 0.5 134 F 46459 EN Here Comes Kate Chorao, Kay LG 1.6 0.5 429 F 84453 EN Hays, Anna Jane LG 1.5 0.5 199 F 54330 EN Murphy, Mary LG 0.8 0.5 171 F 31610 EN Here Comes Silent e! A Phonics Reader Here Comes Spring and Summer and Fall and Winter Here Comes the Snow Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 0.7 0.5 98 F 62825 EN Here Comes Trouble Brimner, Larry Dane LG 1.1 0.5 94 F 26343 EN Here We Go Round the Year Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 213 F 44453 EN Herman Henry's Dog Evelyn, Ada LG 1.7 0.5 317 F ÷ 75093 SP hermanita de Froggy, La London, Jonathan LG 1.9 0.5 689 F ÷ 32106 EN Hermit Crab Randell, Beverley LG 1.0 0.5 112 F 14174 EN Hermit Crab Moves House Hartley, Linda LG 1.7 0.5 212 NF 31839 EN Hermit Crab, The Cutting, Brian LG 1.3 0.5 120 NF 80152 EN Hero of a Horse, A McCafferty, Catherine LG 1.4 0.5 279 F 74841 EN Herons Hall, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 113 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 2810 EN Hester Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.2 0.5 241 F 89523 EN Hey, Irma: It's Mother's Day Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.9 0.5 408 F 21293 EN Hey, Pipsqueak! McMullan, Kate LG 1.6 0.5 326 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 71 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 54331 EN Hey, Tabby Cat! Root, Phyllis LG 1.1 0.5 263 F 42072 EN Hey! What's that Sound? LG 1.2 0.5 271 F ÷ 36916 EN Hh Charles, Veronika Martenova Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 42 ÷ 31673 EN Hi, Cat! Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.8 0.5 305 F ÷ 9314 EN Hi, Clouds Greene, Carol LG 0.5 0.5 58 F ÷ 101305 EN Hi, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd LG 1.5 0.5 324 F 77835 EN Waddell, Martin LG 1.0 0.5 245 F 108397 EN Hi, Harry! The Moving Story of How One Slow Tortoise Slowly Made a Friend Hibernation Hall, Margaret LG 1.8 0.5 181 NF 36722 EN Hiccups Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.4 0.5 309 F 43191 EN Hiccups Vaughan, Marcia LG 1.4 0.5 240 F 14621 EN Hiccups for Elephant Preller, James LG 1.1 0.5 162 F 60094 EN Hiccups Would Not Stop, The Bloksberg, Robin LG 0.9 0.5 167 F 21193 EN Hide and Scare Wigand, Molly LG 1.8 0.5 541 F 34661 EN Hide and Seek Brown, Roberta LG 0.8 0.5 64 F 31920 EN Hide-and-Seek Tunkin, David LG 1.8 0.5 358 F 32872 EN Hide-and-Seek Word Bird Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.2 0.5 219 F 41008 EN Hide and Sleep Walsh, Melanie LG 0.7 0.5 79 F 107213 EN Hide from Max Monkey Holden, Pam LG 1.6 0.5 199 F 31881 EN Hide, Spider! Blaxland, Wendy LG 1.5 0.5 185 F 51059 EN Hiding Aldis, Dorothy LG 1.6 0.5 153 F 35520 EN Hike at Day Camp, The Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.6 0.5 66 F 21236 EN Hilda Hen's Happy Birthday Wormell, Mary LG 1.8 0.5 286 F 47432 SP Hipopótamo Amarillo, El Rogers, Alan LG 1.9 0.5 94 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 65457 SP hipopótamo, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 314 NF 113433 SP Hipopótamos Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.8 0.5 173 NF 77409 EN Hippity Skippity Easter Fleming, Maria LG 0.8 0.5 155 F 59459 EN Hippo in June's Tub, A Eaton, Deborah LG 1.0 0.5 85 F 65457 EN Hippopotamus Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 295 NF 62068 EN Hippos Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.2 0.5 108 NF 113433 EN Hippos Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.6 0.5 144 NF 48100 EN Hissss! Inkpen, Mick LG 1.9 0.5 190 F 31786 SP historia de Geco, La Moeller, Kathleen Hardcastle LG 1.1 0.5 75 F 119067 EN Ho, Ho, Ho, Tucker! McGuirk, Leslie LG 1.9 0.5 277 F 65404 SP Hogares 123 Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.6 0.5 139 NF 55664 SP Hojas vienen, hojas van Fleming, Maria LG 1.1 0.5 121 F ÷ 46623 SP Hola, Doctor Marx, David F. LG 0.2 0.5 36 F ÷ 74237 SP Hola, mundo Foreman, Michael LG 1.3 0.5 225 F 69614 EN Hold Tight! Prater, John LG 1.4 0.5 275 F 44478 EN Hole in Harry's Pocket, The Bloksberg, Robin LG 1.5 0.5 278 F 11667 EN Hole in the Hedge, The Massam-Windsor, Jo LG 1.9 0.5 294 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 72 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Word Count F/NF 0.5 130 NF 1.3 0.5 76 NF LG 1.3 0.5 78 NF Author IL ATOS BL Holly and Hank's Snow Holiday:The Sound of H Holly's Hats: The Letter H (h) Meier, Joanne LG 1.6 Alexander, Linda LG Alexander, Linda Points 80176 EN 63149 EN 81934 EN 41494 EN Holly's Hats: The Letter H (h) Revised Home for a Bunny Brown, Margaret Wise LG 1.8 0.5 352 F 50326 EN Home for Mindy, A Robinson, F.R. LG 1.4 0.5 256 NF 104858 EN Home for the Holidays Black, Sonia W. LG 1.2 0.5 211 F ÷ 32044 EN Home Run, The Moskowitz, Ellen LG 0.9 0.5 93 F ÷ 81241 EN Home, Stinky Home Lagonegro, Melissa LG 1.3 0.5 287 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 63600 EN Home Tools Snyder, Inez LG 1.7 0.5 118 NF 105215 EN Homes Yang-Huan LG 1.9 0.5 104 NF 65405 EN Homes ABC Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.6 0.5 174 NF 110769 EN Homes for Everyone Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.9 0.5 289 NF 57612 EN Homes in Colonial America Thomas, Mark LG 1.7 0.5 110 NF 115184 EN Homes in Many Cultures Adamson, Heather LG 1.6 0.5 113 NF 47677 EN Homesick Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.3 0.5 258 F 58830 EN Hondo & Fabian McCarty, Peter LG 1.2 0.5 145 F 113886 EN Honey Badgers Odone, Jamison LG 1.6 0.5 136 F 31785 EN Honey Bees Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.9 0.5 42 NF 113673 EN Honey Bees Sexton, Colleen LG 1.9 0.5 185 NF 31783 EN Honey Bees and Flowers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 68 NF 31782 EN Honey Bees and Hives Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.3 0.5 59 NF NF 31784 EN Honey Bees and Honey Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.4 0.5 58 119343 EN Honey Bunny's Honey Bear Sadler, Marilyn LG 1.9 0.5 236 F ÷ 27210 EN Honey for Baby Bear Randell, Beverley LG 1.1 0.5 200 F ÷ 45501 EN Honey Helps Godwin, Laura LG 0.6 0.5 121 F 52397 EN Honk! Inkpen, Mick LG 1.4 0.5 121 F 32041 EN Hoofprints Rogers, Jan LG 1.4 0.5 63 F 106068 EN Hooper Humperdink...? Not Him! LeSieg, Theo. LG 1.5 0.5 373 F 85542 EN Hooray for Polka Dots! Inches, Alison LG 1.0 0.5 227 F 61040 EN Hooray for Reading! Hall, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 348 F 58958 EN Hooray for Snail! Stadler, John LG 0.9 0.5 114 F 81132 EN Hooray, I'm Five Today! Freeman, Tor LG 1.7 0.5 213 F ÷ 14417 EN Hop Jump Walsh, Ellen Stoll LG 1.1 0.5 131 F ÷ 9023 EN Hop on Pop Seuss, Dr. LG 1.5 0.5 384 F 108362 EN Hop! Plop! Schwartz, Corey Rosen LG 1.4 0.5 271 F ÷ 34534 EN Hop, Skip, Jump Tuxworth, Nicola LG 1.0 0.5 106 F ÷ 26345 EN Hop-Skip-Jump-a-Roo Zoo Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 416 F ÷ 31858 EN Hop, Skip, Run Leonard, Marcia LG 0.5 0.5 110 F 87829 EN Hoppy Birthday, Jo-Jo! Goodhart, Pippa LG 1.5 0.5 514 F 121850 SP hora del té, La Scott, Sally LG 1.3 0.5 86 F 58163 SP hora en el zoológico, La Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 357 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 73 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 76187 SP hormiga, La Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 295 NF 103578 SP Hormigas en mis pantalones Vantrease, Norma LG 1.0 0.5 126 F 74274 EN Horned Toads Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 289 NF 55322 EN Horrible Haircut Ritchie, Alison LG 1.5 0.5 823 F 58269 EN Horse in the Pigpen Williams, Linda LG 1.1 0.5 183 F 22104 EN Horse's Hiccups Meharry, Dot LG 1.3 0.5 88 F 11669 EN Horse, The Cutting, Brian LG 1.9 0.5 457 NF 113648 EN Horses Green, Emily K. LG 1.1 0.5 91 NF 48228 EN Horses Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 167 NF 81093 EN Horses Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 145 NF 50981 EN Horses Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 0.8 0.5 44 NF 116814 EN Horses Twine, Alice LG 1.9 0.5 185 NF 56271 EN Horses on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.5 0.5 116 NF 104344 SP Hortensia y Héctor Camarena, Cathy LG 0.9 0.5 47 NF 50856 EN Hospital Party, The McMillan, Dawn LG 1.6 0.5 239 F 57436 EN Hot and Cold Granowsky, Alvin LG 1.9 0.5 426 F 50707 EN Hot and Cold Windsor, Jo LG 1.8 0.5 222 NF 82138 EN Hot-Cha-Cha! Nobisso, Josephine LG 1.9 0.5 479 F 79228 EN Hot City Joosse, Barbara M. LG 1.8 0.5 367 F 32767 EN Hot Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.0 0.5 62 NF ÷ 46384 EN Hot Days Burke, Jennifer S. LG 1.7 0.5 203 NF ÷ 48229 EN Hot Pot: The Sound of Short O Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.0 0.5 69 NF ÷ 26922 EN Hot Rod Harry Petrie, Catherine LG 0.5 0.5 63 F ÷ 50785 EN Hot Sunny Days Smith, Annette LG 1.2 0.5 125 NF 50327 EN Hot Surprise, A Akass, Susan LG 1.5 0.5 260 F ÷ 69807 EN Hour of the Frog, The Wynne-Jones, Tim LG 1.8 0.5 268 F ÷ 65406 EN House Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 306 NF ÷ 9370 EN House for Little Red, A Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 283 F ÷ 69264 EN House for Mouse, A Shook, Babs LG 0.9 0.5 180 F ÷ 27207 EN House Hunting Randell, Beverley LG 1.6 0.5 220 F ÷ 27222 EN House in the Tree, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.3 0.5 199 F 50762 EN House on the Hill, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.2 0.5 194 F 50725 EN House Sitters, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 230 F 65407 EN Houseboat Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 303 NF 36771 EN How? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 119 NF 72109 EN How a Frog Grows Benton, Celia LG 1.5 0.5 179 NF 76129 EN How About a Hug? Carlson, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 213 F 44879 EN How Animals Hide Birchall, Brian LG 0.8 0.5 98 ÷ 40749 EN How Are We the Same? Jorgenson, Carmen LG 0.8 0.5 100 F ÷ 22089 EN How Bat Learned to Fly Johns, Edwin LG 1.1 0.5 169 F ÷ 43673 EN How Big Is Big? Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.1 0.5 162 F ÷ 68813 EN How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? Yolen, Jane LG 1.7 0.5 195 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 74 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Points Yolen, Jane LG 1.6 0.5 152 F/NF F Simon, Norma LG 1.1 0.5 292 NF NF 15217 EN ÷ 9064 EN How Do Plants Get Food? Goldish, Meish LG 1.8 0.5 296 ÷ 31717 EN How Far Will I Fly? Oyama, Sachi LG 0.9 0.5 95 F 42708 EN How Flowers Grow Stuart, Carrie LG 1.1 0.5 69 NF 44454 EN Ernesto, Lilly LG 1.6 0.5 215 F 56406 EN How Grandmother Spider Got the Sun: A Cherokee Tale How Hungry Are You? Napoli, Donna Jo LG 1.7 0.5 620 F 63546 EN How Kind! Murphy, Mary LG 1.1 0.5 201 F F ÷ EN IL How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? How Do I Feel? ÷ 43230 ATOS BL Word Count Author 26923 EN How Many Ants? Brimner, Larry Dane LG 1.1 0.5 93 110704 EN How Many Are There? Cleland, Joann LG 1.2 0.5 158 NF 107755 EN How Many Fish? Cohen, Caron Lee LG 0.8 0.5 125 F 68591 EN How Many Fish? Rubin, Alan LG 1.1 0.5 114 NF 43182 EN How Many Pets? Montgomery, Charlotte LG 0.8 0.5 37 F 60089 EN How the Chick Tricked the Fox Kirby, Nell LG 1.0 0.5 166 F 4168 EN How Things Move Curry, Don L. LG 1.9 0.5 215 NF 109737 EN How to Be Brown, Lisa LG 1.0 0.5 110 F 108363 EN How to Be a Good Dog Page, Gail LG 1.4 0.5 242 F 47623 EN How to Draw a Dinosaur Canfield, Judy LG 1.8 0.5 184 NF 50293 EN How to Make a Bird Feeder Tuckfield, Liyala LG 1.9 0.5 96 NF 44314 EN How to Make a Mud Pie Eaton, Deborah LG 0.9 0.5 120 F 82335 EN How to Make a Night Ashman, Linda LG 1.5 0.5 319 F ÷ 35514 EN How to Make a Sandwich Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.6 0.5 29 F ÷ 35914 EN How to Make an Earthworm Farm Costain, Meredith LG 1.4 0.5 89 NF 108485 EN How to Make Friends with a Giant Choldenko, Gennifer LG 1.7 0.5 797 F 44455 EN How to Ride a Giraffe Cary, Alice LG 1.6 0.5 218 F 80864 EN Krull, Kathleen LG 1.3 0.5 284 F ÷ ÷ 50341 EN How to Trick or Treat in Outer Space How Turtle Got His Shell Akass, Susan LG 1.6 0.5 248 F 114929 EN How Will I Ever Sleep in This Bed? Ferreri, Della Ross LG 1.3 0.5 187 F ÷ 59525 SP Huevos de Pascua Weyn, Suzanne LG 1.8 0.5 437 F ÷ 9021 SP Huevos verdes con jamón Seuss, Dr. LG 1.5 0.5 769 F 58256 EN Hug Goes Around, A Melmed, Laura Krauss LG 1.5 0.5 237 F 56860 EN McCall/Keeler LG 1.1 0.5 88 F 112776 EN Huge Hog Is a Big Pig: A Rhyming Word Game, A Huggly Gets Dressed Arnold, Tedd LG 1.7 0.5 269 F 112777 EN Huggly Takes a Bath Arnold, Tedd LG 1.7 0.5 276 F 108907 EN Hugo the Lifesaving Sailor Broekstra, Lorette LG 1.7 0.5 267 F 70116 EN Hulk Escapes, The Figueroa, Acton LG 1.8 0.5 292 F 82680 EN Hummingbird, The Krueger, Carol LG 1.4 0.5 172 NF 56123 EN Paige, Joy LG 1.2 0.5 113 NF 103599 EN Hummingbird: World's Smallest Bird, The Humpback Whale Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.4 0.5 113 NF 56867 EN Humphrey's Bedtime Hunter, Sally LG 1.6 0.5 300 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 75 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 65367 EN Humphrey's Christmas Hunter, Sally LG 1.3 0.5 125 F 31593 EN Humpty Dumpty Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 109 F 44456 EN Hungry Animals Eaton, Deborah LG 0.7 0.5 107 F 9315 EN Hungry Billy Goat, The Milios, Rita LG 1.6 0.5 111 F 111022 EN Hungry Dinosaur Whitehead, Pete LG 1.2 0.5 208 F 35418 EN Hungry Giant's Soup, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 147 F ÷ 4114 EN Hungry Happy Monkey Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 78 F ÷ 31618 EN Hungry Kitten Abbott, Marti LG 1.1 0.5 51 F 57989 EN Hungry Monster, The Root, Phyllis LG 1.6 0.5 120 F 32188 EN Hungry Sea Star, The Shahan, Sherry LG 1.6 0.5 70 F 60097 EN Hunt for Clues, A Miranda, Anne LG 1.3 0.5 157 F 115947 EN Hurray for Spring! Hubbell, Patricia LG 1.1 0.5 147 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 4119 EN Hurricane Cowley, Joy LG 0.8 0.5 37 F 78208 EN Hurry Up, Hedgehog! Dennard, Deborah LG 1.8 0.5 315 F 49442 EN Hurry up, Molly Morton, Lone LG 1.4 0.5 162 F 41575 EN Hush! A Gaelic Lullaby Gerber, Carole LG 1.2 0.5 174 F 115035 EN Hush, Little Puppy Sayre, April Pulley LG 1.5 0.5 153 F 55684 EN Hushabye Burningham, John LG 1.8 0.5 280 F 62632 EN I Am a Good Citizen Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 183 NF 108398 EN I Am a Leader Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.4 0.5 128 NF 55665 EN I Am a Leaf Marzollo, Jean LG 1.3 0.5 332 NF 58869 EN I Am a Rock Marzollo, Jean LG 1.2 0.5 267 NF 58853 EN I Am an Apple Marzollo, Jean LG 1.0 0.5 166 NF 62633 EN I Am Caring Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 155 NF 61699 EN I Am Caring Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.0 0.5 115 NF 113125 EN I Am Confident! Parker, David LG 1.6 0.5 137 F 61700 EN I Am Cooperative Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.0 0.5 74 NF 107651 EN I Am Courageous Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.2 0.5 118 NF 62634 EN I Am Fair Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 137 NF 55666 EN I Am Fire Marzollo, Jean LG 1.2 0.5 162 NF 108399 EN I Am Friendly Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.1 0.5 111 NF 79517 EN I Am Generous Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.4 0.5 98 NF 61701 EN I Am Honest Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.1 0.5 99 NF 69560 EN I Am: I Am a Dancer Schick, Eleanor LG 1.7 0.5 140 F ÷ 42156 EN I Am Lost! Wilhelm, Hans LG 0.4 0.5 64 F ÷ 31859 EN I Am Mad! Hood, Susan LG 0.6 0.5 112 F ÷ 61702 EN I Am Patient Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.2 0.5 102 NF ÷ 79518 EN I Am Patriotic Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.7 0.5 85 NF 78209 EN I Am Planet Earth Marzollo, Jean LG 1.1 0.5 124 NF 79519 EN I Am Polite Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.3 0.5 82 NF 62636 EN I Am Respectful Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 136 NF 61703 EN I Am Respectful Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.4 0.5 88 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 76 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 140 NF 62637 EN I Am Responsible Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 61704 EN I Am Responsible Schuette, Sarah L. LG 0.9 0.5 57 NF 58768 EN I Am Snow Marzollo, Jean LG 1.2 0.5 136 NF 55440 EN I Am Sorry Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 121 NF 105709 EN I Am the Artist! Anderson, Dawn LG 0.6 0.5 115 F 70111 EN I Am the Hulk Figueroa, Acton LG 1.8 0.5 330 F 79520 EN I Am Tolerant Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.3 0.5 138 NF 58671 EN I Am Water Marzollo, Jean LG 0.6 0.5 100 NF 81098 EN I Can Accept Others Guntly, Jenette Donovan LG 1.2 0.5 87 NF 42375 EN I Can Be Anything Keo, Ena LG 1.8 0.5 242 81099 EN I Can Be Responsible Guntly, Jenette Donovan LG 1.2 0.5 96 NF 63601 EN I Can Bowl Eckart, Edana LG 1.2 0.5 99 NF F 62826 EN I Can Bowl! Johns, Linda LG 0.9 0.5 106 F 113126 EN I Can Cooperate! Parker, David LG 1.8 0.5 153 F 39949 EN I Can Do It Comber, Barbara LG 1.5 0.5 198 F ÷ 62797 EN I Can Do It All Pearson, Mary E. LG 0.6 0.5 63 F ÷ 34524 EN I Can Do It, I Really Can Blecher-Sass, Hope LG 1.3 0.5 197 F ÷ 35535 EN I Can Do It Myself Porter, Gracie R. LG 1.0 0.5 150 F 68524 EN I Can Do It Too! Baicker, Karen LG 1.9 0.5 157 F 30716 EN I Can Find Lambrecht, Nancy F. LG 1.5 0.5 132 F ÷ 68263 EN I Can Go Camping Eckart, Edana LG 1.0 0.5 117 NF ÷ 68264 EN I Can Go Fishing Eckart, Edana LG 0.8 0.5 116 NF ÷ 68265 EN I Can Go Hiking Eckart, Edana LG 1.2 0.5 126 NF ÷ 32066 EN I Can Help Plummer, Connie LG 1.0 0.5 66 ÷ 63602 EN I Can Ice Skate Eckart, Edana LG 1.1 0.5 121 NF F 70496 EN I Can Jump Higher! Mann, Paul Z. LG 1.5 0.5 413 F ÷ 81100 EN I Can Make a Sandwich Ashley, Susan LG 1.1 0.5 102 NF ÷ 63603 EN I Can Play Baseball Eckart, Edana LG 1.0 0.5 96 NF 63604 EN I Can Play Soccer Eckart, Edana LG 1.1 0.5 110 NF 81101 EN I Can Read a Map Ashley, Susan LG 1.1 0.5 124 NF ÷ 58033 EN I Can Read, Too: Book #1 Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 65 F ÷ 58034 EN I Can Read, Too: Book #10 Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 69 F ÷ 58035 EN I Can Read, Too: Book #2 Sargent, Dave LG 0.4 0.5 70 F ÷ 58036 EN I Can Read, Too: Book #3 Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 70 F ÷ 58037 EN I Can Read, Too: Book #4 Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 66 F ÷ 58038 EN I Can Read, Too: Book #5 Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 72 F ÷ 58039 EN I Can Read, Too: Book #6 Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 71 F ÷ 58040 EN I Can Read, Too: Book #7 Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 67 F ÷ 58041 EN I Can Read, Too: Book #8 Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 69 F ÷ 58042 EN I Can Read, Too: Book #9 Sargent, Dave LG 0.4 0.5 71 F 63605 EN I Can Ride a Bike Eckart, Edana LG 1.1 0.5 115 NF 81102 EN I Can Share with Others Guntly, Jenette Donovan LG 1.1 0.5 84 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 77 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 81103 EN I Can Show I Care Guntly, Jenette Donovan LG 0.7 0.5 82 NF ÷ 68266 EN I Can Skateboard Eckart, Edana LG 1.2 0.5 118 NF ÷ 68267 EN I Can Ski Eckart, Edana LG 1.3 0.5 141 NF 68268 EN I Can Snowboard Eckart, Edana LG 1.0 0.5 110 NF 63606 EN I Can Swim Eckart, Edana LG 1.0 0.5 100 NF 47579 EN I Can't Find My Roller Skates Prince, Sarah LG 1.6 0.5 71 F 50294 EN I Can't Open It! Shipton, Paul LG 0.7 0.5 76 F 89074 EN I Can't Take a Bath! Smalls, Irene LG 1.7 0.5 354 F 81104 EN I Can Tell the Truth Guntly, Jenette Donovan LG 1.2 0.5 108 NF 81105 EN I Can Use a Computer Ashley, Susan LG 1.5 0.5 133 NF 81106 EN I Can Use a Dictionary Ashley, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 105 NF ÷ 40750 EN I Can Use the Computer Moore, Jane LG 1.4 0.5 52 ÷ 81107 EN I Can Use the Telephone Ashley, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 109 NF ÷ 81108 EN I Can Write a Letter Ashley, Susan LG 1.1 0.5 111 NF 106626 EN I Can, You Can, Toucan! Mayfield, Sue LG 1.8 0.5 588 F 112187 EN I Don't Like Gloria! Umansky, Kaye LG 1.2 0.5 197 F 34525 EN I Don't Think It's Fair Crivello, Kathy LG 1.2 0.5 148 F 101081 EN I Dreamt I Was a Dinosaur Blackstone, Stella LG 1.4 0.5 134 F 36773 EN I Feel Angry Doudna, Kelly LG 1.7 0.5 119 NF 36776 EN I Feel Brave Doudna, Kelly LG 1.7 0.5 103 NF ÷ ÷ F 30886 EN I Feel Happy Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 1.9 0.5 228 F ÷ 36774 EN I Feel Happy Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 105 NF ÷ 36775 EN I Feel Sad Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 113 NF ÷ 36777 EN I Feel Safe Doudna, Kelly LG 1.7 0.5 115 NF ÷ 36772 EN I Feel Scared Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 109 NF 34526 EN I Fixed Breakfast Ball, Michael LG 1.9 0.5 177 F 72178 EN I Had a Great Time! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 93 31621 EN I Had a Hippopotamus Lee, Hector Viveros LG 1.0 0.5 153 F ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 7223 EN I Hate Boots Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.1 0.5 176 F 55667 EN I Hate My Bow Wilhelm, Hans LG 0.6 0.5 73 F 86015 EN I Hate to Be Sick! Bermiss, Aamir Lee LG 1.2 0.5 247 F 41010 EN I Hate to Go to Bed! Davis, Katie LG 1.8 0.5 377 F 41859 EN I Have a Cold Maccarone, Grace LG 0.8 0.5 135 F 107652 EN I Have Self-Respect Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.2 0.5 130 NF 69628 EN I Know a Rhino Fuge, Charles LG 1.9 0.5 172 F 46356 EN I Like Bagels Pickering, Robin LG 1.6 0.5 140 NF 46385 EN I Like Berries Julius, Jennifer LG 1.4 0.5 134 NF 112749 EN I Like Bugs Aylmore, Angela LG 1.5 0.5 213 NF 112750 EN I Like Cars Aylmore, Angela LG 1.3 0.5 230 NF 112751 EN I Like Cats Aylmore, Angela LG 1.2 0.5 213 NF 46386 EN I Like Cereal Julius, Jennifer LG 1.4 0.5 110 NF 46357 EN I Like Cheese Pickering, Robin LG 1.1 0.5 105 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 78 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 46358 EN I Like Chocolate Pickering, Robin LG 1.7 0.5 125 NF 46359 EN I Like Corn Pickering, Robin LG 1.4 0.5 147 NF 112752 EN I Like Dinosaurs Aylmore, Angela LG 1.8 0.5 168 NF 112753 EN I Like Dogs Aylmore, Angela LG 1.1 0.5 201 NF 46975 EN I Like Helping Fontes, Justine Korman LG 1.5 0.5 173 F 46360 EN I Like Ice Cream Pickering, Robin LG 1.5 0.5 133 NF 46387 EN I Like Juice Julius, Jennifer LG 1.6 0.5 166 NF ÷ 7273 EN I Like Ketchup Sandwiches Conway, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 111 F ÷ 31849 EN I Like Mess Leonard, Marcia LG 0.6 0.5 76 F 40751 EN I Like My Picture! Kitscher, Barbara J. LG 1.6 0.5 160 F 46361 EN I Like Oranges Pickering, Robin LG 1.1 0.5 120 NF 112754 EN I Like Outer Space Aylmore, Angela LG 1.7 0.5 179 NF 35850 EN I Like Painting Sloan, Peter LG 0.7 0.5 68 46388 EN I Like Pasta Julius, Jennifer LG 1.1 0.5 116 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ F 46389 EN I Like Peanuts Julius, Jennifer LG 1.5 0.5 161 NF 112755 EN I Like Planes Aylmore, Angela LG 1.5 0.5 202 NF 46390 EN I Like Potatoes Julius, Jennifer LG 1.5 0.5 135 NF 112756 EN I Like Soccer Aylmore, Angela LG 1.9 0.5 179 NF ÷ 9371 EN I Like Things Hillert, Margaret LG 1.0 0.5 298 F ÷ 31861 EN I Like to Win! Simon, Charnan LG 0.6 0.5 96 F ÷ 75760 EN I Live in a Town Holland, Gini LG 0.7 0.5 58 NF ÷ 75761 EN I Live in the Desert Holland, Gini LG 1.0 0.5 48 NF ÷ 75762 EN I Live in the Mountains Holland, Gini LG 1.0 0.5 54 NF ÷ 31431 EN I'll Do It Later Tidd, Louise Vitellaro LG 1.8 0.5 574 F 75727 EN Alexander, Martha LG 1.3 0.5 287 F 47507 EN I'll Never Share You, Blackboard Bear I'll Play with You Siddals, Mary McKenna LG 1.4 0.5 169 F 107419 EN Alexander, Martha LG 1.6 0.5 311 F 42157 EN I'll Protect You from the Jungle Beasts I Lost My Tooth! Wilhelm, Hans LG 0.7 0.5 96 F 4842 EN I Love Air! Nielsen, Shelly LG 1.7 0.5 522 47721 EN I Love Animals McDonnell, Flora LG 1.3 0.5 92 4841 EN I Love Animals! Nielsen, Shelly LG 1.9 0.5 792 NF 39950 EN I Love Bugs Lake, Mary Dixon LG 0.7 0.5 40 NF 43216 EN I Love Cats Hurst, Marjorie-Mary LG 1.9 0.5 104 F 9316 EN I Love Cats Matthias, Catherine LG 1.3 0.5 116 F 80396 EN I Love Daddy Boyd, Lizi LG 1.2 0.5 214 F 4843 EN I Love Dirt! Nielsen, Shelly LG 1.8 0.5 614 NF 9317 EN I Love Fishing Dobkin, Bonnie LG 0.7 0.5 43 57437 EN I Love Food Schlepp, Tammy J. LG 1.8 0.5 380 NF 50086 EN I Love Going Through This Book Burleigh, Robert LG 1.8 0.5 294 F 80397 EN I Love Mommy Boyd, Lizi LG 1.2 0.5 246 F 31695 EN I Love Mud and Mud Loves Me Stephens, Vicki LG 1.6 0.5 122 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF F F Page 79 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 55218 EN I Love My Dad Bell, Caroline LG 1.1 0.5 71 F 34855 EN I Love My Daddy Because... Porter-Gaylord, Laurel LG 1.0 0.5 100 F 115628 EN I Love My Mami! Katschke, Judy LG 0.6 0.5 82 F 46065 EN I Love My Mom Bell, Caroline LG 1.6 0.5 146 F 31620 EN I Love My Mommy Because Porter-Gaylord, Laurel LG 1.1 0.5 107 F 78464 EN I Love My Papi! Inches, Alison LG 1.6 0.5 181 F 65000 EN I Love My Shadow! Wilhelm, Hans LG 0.7 0.5 94 F 79678 EN I Love Planes! Sturges, Philemon LG 1.9 0.5 96 F 46624 EN I Love Rocks Meister, Cari LG 0.9 0.5 94 F 79679 EN I Love School! Sturges, Philemon LG 1.6 0.5 179 F 84979 EN I Love the Rain Bridges, Margaret Park LG 1.4 0.5 244 F 109738 EN I Love Tools! Sturges, Philemon LG 1.5 0.5 126 F 4844 EN I Love Water! Nielsen, Shelly LG 1.7 0.5 524 NF 40752 EN I Love You Fitzgerald, Rodney LG 1.0 0.5 122 F 9372 EN I Love You, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 277 F 73210 EN I Love You, Mister Bear Wickstrom, Sylvie LG 1.4 0.5 369 F 55668 EN I'm a Caterpillar Marzollo, Jean LG 0.9 0.5 85 67726 EN I'm a Hop Hop Hoppity Frog Northey, Lawrence LG 1.5 0.5 164 F 55669 EN I'm a Seed Marzollo, Jean LG 1.0 0.5 181 NF 58331 EN I'm a Tiger Too! Fitzpatrick, Marie-Louise LG 1.0 0.5 144 F 104985 EN I'm All Dressed! Harris, Robie H. LG 1.8 0.5 550 F 104920 EN I'm Bored! Schneider, Christine LG 1.7 0.5 377 F 109978 EN I'm Dirty! McMullan, Kate LG 1.4 0.5 245 F 19999 EN I'm Going to California Wade, Mary Dodson LG 1.9 0.5 182 F 105360 EN Roitman, Tanya LG 1.4 0.5 205 F 20000 EN I'm Going to New York to Visit the Lions I'm Going to Texas Wade, Mary Dodson LG 1.5 0.5 165 F 71123 EN I'm Good at Building Day, Eileen M. LG 1.7 0.5 269 NF 71124 EN I'm Good at Dancing Day, Eileen M. LG 1.9 0.5 297 NF 71125 EN I'm Good at Helping Day, Eileen M. LG 1.4 0.5 295 NF 71126 EN I'm Good at Making Art Day, Eileen M. LG 1.8 0.5 291 NF 71127 EN I'm Good at Making Music Day, Eileen M. LG 1.6 0.5 263 NF 71128 EN I'm Good at Math Day, Eileen M. LG 1.6 0.5 270 NF 35712 EN I'm Looking for My Hat Speer, Arthur LG 1.9 0.5 90 F 73452 EN I'm Mighty! McMullan, Kate LG 1.5 0.5 335 F NF 57044 EN I'm Not Bobby! Feiffer, Jules LG 1.6 0.5 367 F 119017 EN "I'm Not Scared" Allen, Jonathan LG 1.7 0.5 283 F 84454 EN I'm Not Scared! Wilhelm, Hans LG 1.0 0.5 124 F 108691 EN I'm Not Sleepy! Harris, Robie H. LG 1.8 0.5 467 F 47624 EN I'm on the Phone Lang, Greg LG 1.1 0.5 235 F 104986 EN I'm So Mad! Harris, Robie H. LG 1.8 0.5 482 F 61853 EN I'm Sorry Amos, Janine LG 1.4 0.5 280 NF 32123 EN I'm Sorry Riley, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 164 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 80 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 121845 EN I'm Special Because... Pearce, Kevin LG 1.2 0.5 ÷ 34520 EN I'm Telling Edwards, Linda LG 1.0 ÷ 49469 EN I'm Too Big Morton, Lone LG 0.6 ÷ 14021 EN I Need a Hug! Clara-Barton-Elementary LG ÷ Word Count F/NF 104 F 0.5 72 F 0.5 100 F 1.4 0.5 315 F 75390 EN I Need a Lunch Box Caines, Jeannette LG 1.8 0.5 214 F 103641 EN I Need You Murphy, Patricia J. LG 0.9 0.5 120 F 9373 EN I Need You, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 252 F 121804 EN I See a Horse! Richter, Abigail LG 1.6 0.5 364 F 54890 EN I See the Moon Appelt, Kathi LG 1.7 0.5 183 F ÷ 31598 EN I See, You Saw Karlin, Nurit LG 0.4 0.5 112 F ÷ 41860 EN I Shop with My Daddy Maccarone, Grace LG 0.7 0.5 131 F 113127 EN I Show Respect! Parker, David LG 1.9 0.5 140 F 121785 EN I Smell Pancakes! Matthews, Trisha LG 1.3 0.5 256 F 58876 EN I Stink! McMullan, Kate LG 1.6 0.5 303 F ÷ ÷ 46088 EN I Swapped My Dog Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.3 0.5 181 F 113128 EN I Tell the Truth! Parker, David LG 0.7 0.5 118 F 89949 EN I Use Math at the Doctor's Mattern, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 247 NF 89951 EN I Use Math at the Store Mattern, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 217 NF 89952 EN I Use Math in the Kitchen Mattern, Joanne LG 1.9 0.5 209 NF 89953 EN I Use Math in the Workshop Mattern, Joanne LG 1.7 0.5 251 NF 89954 EN I Use Math on a Trip Mattern, Joanne LG 1.5 0.5 232 NF 58271 EN I Used to Be the Baby Ballard, Robin LG 1.1 0.5 162 F 49438 EN I Want My Banana! Risk, Mary LG 1.0 0.5 80 F ÷ 40753 EN I Want to Be a Ballerina Kelly, L. Kaye LG 0.8 0.5 66 F ÷ 10525 EN I Was So Mad Mayer, Mercer LG 1.6 0.5 231 F 31091 EN I Went to the Bay Miller, Ruth LG 1.9 0.5 140 F 3049 EN I Went Walking Williams, Sue LG 0.7 0.5 106 F 123748 EN I Will Surprise My Friend! Willems, Mo LG 0.8 0.5 213 F 115718 EN I Wish I Had Freckles Like Abby Heling, Kathryn LG 1.5 0.5 149 F 115719 EN I Wish I Had Glasses Like Rosa Heling, Kathryn LG 1.3 0.5 144 F 87978 EN I Won't Go to Bed! Baruffi, Andrea LG 1.7 0.5 346 F 32979 EN I Wonder Cutting, Brian LG 1.1 0.5 70 F 36426 EN I Wonder Hoban, Tana LG 1.6 0.5 189 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ 6071 EN Ice-Cold Birthday Cocca-Leffler, Maryann LG 1.6 0.5 411 F 82631 EN Ice-Cream Machine, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 167 F 36707 EN Ice Cream Man, The Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.1 0.5 207 F ÷ 7224 EN Ice Cream Soup Herman, Gail LG 1.1 0.5 161 F ÷ 15267 EN Ice Fishing Alperen, Julie LG 1.5 0.5 140 NF ÷ 9318 EN Ice Is...Whee! Greene, Carol LG 0.3 0.5 59 F 86717 EN Ice Race, The Jordan, Apple LG 1.7 0.5 328 F 66342 EN -ick as in Kick Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.5 0.5 103 NF 66328 EN -id as in Squid Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 86 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 81 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 66358 EN -ide as in Tide Molter, Carey LG 1.5 0.5 123 NF 47678 EN If Grass Could Talk Holmes, Anita LG 1.7 0.5 189 NF 40754 EN If Horses Could Talk! Gentile, Lance LG 0.5 0.5 32 F 120466 EN If I Had a Robot Dog Baruffi, Andrea LG 1.7 0.5 239 F 30715 EN If I Had an Elephant Mader, Jan LG 1.6 0.5 91 F 77213 EN If I Were a Lion Weeks, Sarah LG 1.5 0.5 219 F 105559 EN If Mom Had Three Arms Orloff, Karen Kaufman LG 1.9 0.5 221 F 115504 EN If My Dad Were a Dog Tellis, Annabel LG 1.9 0.5 231 F 66329 EN -ig as in Pig Doudna, Kelly LG 1.2 0.5 107 NF 111489 EN Igloo Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.5 0.5 156 NF 9320 SP Igual que yo Neasi, Barbara LG 0.7 0.5 139 F 106682 EN Johnston, Tony LG 1.9 0.5 1,368 F ÷ 104877 EN Iguana Brothers: A Tale of Two Lizards, The Iguanodon (Capstone Press) Riehecky, Janet LG 1.9 0.5 153 NF ÷ 36917 EN Ii Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 42 NF ÷ 36930 EN Ii Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 113 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 66330 EN -ill as in Grill Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 106 NF 120553 EN In a Blue Room Averbeck, Jim LG 1.4 0.5 225 F 4028 EN In a Tub Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.7 0.5 112 F 55441 EN In a Valley Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 70 NF 66331 EN -in as in Twin Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 102 NF 21183 EN Humphrey, Paul LG 1.8 0.5 259 F 59466 EN In Dad's Day (Social Studies. Level A) In January and June Kaye, Olivia LG 1.4 0.5 56 F 48230 EN In-Line Skating Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 224 NF 45753 EN In-Line Skating: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.6 0.5 138 NF 31733 EN In My Backyard deVries, John LG 1.9 0.5 165 F 89591 EN In My Country Adamson, Heather LG 1.9 0.5 127 NF 31902 EN In My Garden Woolley, Marilyn LG 1.7 0.5 260 NF 89592 EN In My Home Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.1 0.5 134 NF 89593 EN In My Neighborhood Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.6 0.5 116 NF 51663 EN In My New Yellow Shirt Spinelli, Eileen LG 1.9 0.5 287 F 89594 EN In My State Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.7 0.5 145 NF 89595 EN In My Town Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.2 0.5 119 NF 89596 EN In My World Adamson, Heather LG 1.3 0.5 127 NF 28406 EN In the Afternoon Randell, Beverley LG 1.3 0.5 173 NF 20953 EN In the Attic Oram, Hiawyn LG 1.7 0.5 140 F 77660 EN In the Circus Creasy, Mary-Anne LG 1.5 0.5 164 NF 34662 EN In the City Pasternac, Susana LG 1.2 0.5 47 F 55442 EN In the Desert Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 70 NF 55443 EN In the Forest Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 74 NF 13967 EN In the Garden Cartwright, Pauline LG 1.9 0.5 87 NF 23573 EN In the Garden Hunt, Roderick LG 1.8 0.5 467 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 82 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 50708 EN In the Jungle River Windsor, Jo LG 1.6 0.5 204 NF 41174 EN In the Land of the Polar Bear Robinson, F. R. LG 1.7 0.5 309 F ÷ 28407 EN In the Morning Randell, Beverley LG 1.5 0.5 231 NF ÷ 4027 EN In the Mud Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 92 F 55444 EN In the Ocean Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 77 NF 64658 EN In the Rain Forest Nichols, Catherine LG 1.7 0.5 230 NF 14980 EN In the Rain with Baby Duck Hest, Amy LG 1.8 0.5 428 F 56109 EN In the Ring with Bret Hart Payan, Michael LG 1.8 0.5 107 NF 56110 EN Payan, Michael LG 1.4 0.5 77 NF 56111 EN In the Ring with Diamond Dallas Page In the Ring with Goldberg Payan, Michael LG 1.2 0.5 75 NF 56112 EN In the Ring with Kevin Nash Payan, Michael LG 0.8 0.5 69 NF 56113 EN In the Ring with Scott Steiner Payan, Michael LG 1.0 0.5 78 NF 56114 EN In the Ring with Sting Payan, Michael LG 1.2 0.5 67 NF ÷ 7857 EN In the Tall, Tall Grass Fleming, Denise LG 1.6 0.5 61 F ÷ 4032 EN In the Tent Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 92 F ÷ 35298 EN In the Woods: Who's Been Here? George, Lindsay Barrett LG 1.9 0.5 347 F ÷ 50142 EN In the Yard Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.3 0.5 42 F ÷ 17322 EN Inch by Inch Lionni, Leo LG 1.8 0.5 160 F 67712 EN Incredible Me! Appelt, Kathi LG 1.9 0.5 225 F 66343 EN -ing as in King Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.4 0.5 141 NF 66344 EN -ink as in Drink Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 118 NF 47679 EN Insect Detector Holmes, Anita LG 1.6 0.5 238 NF 56125 SP Paige, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 141 NF 47625 EN insecto palo: El insecto más largo del mundo, El Insects O'Neil, Sarah LG 1.9 0.5 255 NF 40770 EN Inside Story, The Lusche, Pat LG 1.3 0.5 43 F 43183 EN Interruptions Scarffe/Snowball LG 1.4 0.5 82 F ÷ 46066 EN Into My Mother's Arms Jennings, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 247 F ÷ 109055 EN Hoena, Blake A. LG 1.8 0.5 428 F 78151 EN Invaders from the Great Goo Galaxy Investigating Water Delta Education Editors LG 1.2 0.5 228 NF 65413 SP Invierno Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 257 NF 66332 EN -ip as in Ship Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 111 NF 46819 EN Irish Step Dancing Thomas, Mark LG 1.2 0.5 125 NF 63150 EN Irvin and Irwin: The Letter I (i) Alexander, Linda LG 1.7 0.5 74 NF 113606 EN Is It a Day for Work or Play? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 129 NF 50342 EN Is It a Fruit? Pritchett, Jan LG 1.8 0.5 260 NF 44906 EN Is It Hanukkah Yet? Krulik, Nancy LG 1.4 0.5 314 F 31868 EN Is it Heavy? Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 1.3 0.5 277 NF 52226 EN Is It Rough? Is It Smooth? Todoro, Carlie LG 0.8 0.5 45 NF 31869 EN Is it Shiny? Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 1.7 0.5 258 NF 21334 EN Is That You, Winter? Gammell, Stephen LG 1.6 0.5 192 F 69134 EN Is This a Sack of Potatoes? Dragonwagon, Crescent LG 1.8 0.5 414 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 83 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 6121 EN Is Your Mama a Llama? Guarino, Deborah LG 1.6 0.5 108650 EN Island Counting 1 2 3 Lessac, Frané LG 1.7 108311 EN Island Grows, An Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.4 27197 EN Island Picnic, The Randell, Beverley LG 109915 EN Islands Mayer, Cassie 109915 SP Islas Mayer, Cassie 66333 EN -it as in Sit 19137 EN It Could Still Be a Bird 62638 EN 61758 62639 Word Count F/NF 344 F 0.5 83 F 0.5 119 NF 1.9 0.5 237 F LG 1.7 0.5 202 NF LG 1.8 0.5 225 NF Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 116 NF Fowler, Allan LG 1.9 0.5 177 NF It Is Cloudy Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 66 NF EN It Is Friday: The Sound of FR Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.2 0.5 67 F EN It Is Raining Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 62 NF 50786 EN It Is Raining Smith, Annette LG 1.2 0.5 301 NF 62640 EN It Is Snowing Doudna, Kelly LG 0.9 0.5 58 NF 62641 EN It Is Stormy Doudna, Kelly LG 1.6 0.5 83 NF 62642 EN It Is Sunny Doudna, Kelly LG 0.9 0.5 65 NF 62643 EN It Is Windy Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 54 NF 102094 EN It's a Beautiful Day! Haddon, Jean LG 1.2 0.5 229 NF 86412 EN It's About Time! Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.0 0.5 143 F 34527 EN It's Alright to Cry Holland, Robin LG 0.9 0.5 138 F 58470 EN It's Bedtime! Weninger/Grell LG 1.4 0.5 229 F 78949 EN It's Bedtime, Wibbly Pig! Inkpen, Mick LG 0.9 0.5 159 F 4083 EN It's Broken Shook, Rebecca E. LG 1.7 0.5 89 F 9374 EN It's Circus Time, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 322 F 34611 EN Burleigh, Robert LG 1.9 0.5 260 F 101298 EN It's Funny Where Ben's Train Takes Him It's Graduation Day! Maccarone, Grace LG 1.4 0.5 310 F 9375 EN It's Halloween, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 270 F 48537 EN It's Hanukkah! Modesitt, Jeanne LG 1.8 0.5 109 F 60188 EN It's Hard to Share My Teacher Prestine, Joan Singleton LG 1.8 0.5 273 F 66405 EN It's Mine! Amos, Janine LG 1.7 0.5 337 NF 106970 EN It's Mine Muñoz, Isabel LG 1.1 0.5 246 F 53205 EN It's My City! A Singing Map Sayre, April Pulley LG 1.5 0.5 280 F 46594 EN It's My Turn! Bedford, David LG 1.2 0.5 179 F 111068 EN It's Not Fair! Gómez, Rebecca LG 1.8 0.5 337 F 116970 EN It's Not Fair! Harper, Anita LG 1.7 0.5 267 F 72179 EN It's Not Good, It's Great! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 87 86603 EN It's Quacking Time Waddell, Martin LG 1.9 0.5 435 F ÷ 40755 EN It's Raining Chandler, Joy LG 0.8 0.5 87 F ÷ 14269 EN It's Raining, It's Pouring Eagle, Kin LG 1.9 0.5 171 F 65736 EN It's Snowing! Dunrea, Olivier LG 1.1 0.5 257 F NF 77159 EN It's St. Patrick's Day! Gómez, Rebecca LG 1.1 0.5 230 F 121039 EN It's St. Patrick's Day, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 264 F 40756 EN It's Taco Time Irwin, Elizabeth A. LG 1.3 0.5 56 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 84 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 107337 EN It's the Bear! Alborough, Jez LG 1.7 0.5 325 F 79283 EN It's Time! Cipriano, Jeri LG 1.6 0.5 169 NF 59559 EN It's Time! Deady, Kathleen W. LG 1.6 0.5 205 F 35525 EN It's Time for Bed Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.5 0.5 125 F 15868 EN It's Time to Come In! Roth, Anne Abernathy LG 1.4 0.5 212 F 75799 EN It's Too Soon! McMullen, Nigel LG 1.7 0.5 243 F 62252 EN It's Too Windy! Wilhelm, Hans LG 0.5 0.5 73 F 71983 EN Leaney, Cindy LG 1.2 0.5 266 F ÷ 31831 EN It's Your Turn Now: A Story About Politeness It Takes Time to Grow Cutting, Brian LG 1.2 0.5 58 ÷ 31613 EN Itchy, Itchy Chicken Pox Maccarone, Grace LG 0.7 0.5 131 F 107580 EN Itsy Bitsy Spider Chapman, Keith LG 1.8 0.5 294 F 85039 EN Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Siomades, Lorianne LG 0.8 0.5 37 F 63151 EN Alexander, Linda LG 1.3 0.5 71 NF 80791 EN Ivy Likes Ice Cream: The Letter I (long i) Izzie's Idea Powell, Jillian LG 1.7 0.5 353 F 50746 EN Jack and Billy and Rose Giles, Jenny LG 1.2 0.5 184 F 27262 EN Jack and Chug Giles, Jenny LG 1.9 0.5 337 F 84911 EN Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill Weston, Martha LG 1.0 0.5 173 F 35223 EN Jack De Pert at the Supermarket Heke, Carolyn LG 1.8 0.5 187 F 34545 EN Jack-o-Lanterns Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.9 0.5 48 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF NF 63348 EN Jack's Party Bryant, Ann LG 1.7 0.5 194 F 116213 EN Jack's Talent Cocca-Leffler, Maryann LG 1.7 0.5 355 F 107111 EN Jackie and the Shadow Snatcher Di Fiori, Lawrence LG 1.9 0.5 835 F 82689 EN Jacko, the Dreamer Eggleton, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 279 F 89933 EN Jackrabbits Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.7 0.5 177 NF 70344 EN Jackrabbits Townsend, Emily Rose LG 1.7 0.5 108 NF 117173 EN Jackson Finds a Home Neveloff, Arlene LG 1.5 0.5 279 F 56272 EN Jaguars Frost, Helen LG 1.3 0.5 78 NF 56060 EN Jaguars Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 96 NF 77575 EN Jake Makes the Team Sims, Matt MG 1.9 0.5 891 F 109000 EN Jake Skates Blackaby, Susan LG 1.3 0.5 125 F 80177 EN Jamal's Job: The Sound of J Minden, Cecilia LG 1.1 0.5 120 NF 81243 EN James Goes Buzz, Buzz Awdry, W. LG 1.2 0.5 280 F 27226 EN Jane's Car Randell, Beverley LG 1.0 0.5 119 F 48013 EN Janey Crane deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.7 0.5 356 F 9328 SP McKissack, Patricia LG 0.8 0.5 113 F 121829 SP jardín de Bessey, la Desordenada, El jardín de la abuela, El Betances, Brendan LG 1.7 0.5 122 F ÷ 43674 EN Jason's Bus Ride Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.1 0.5 217 F ÷ 63349 EN Jasper and Jess Cassidy, Anne LG 1.5 0.5 192 F F ÷ ÷ ÷ 3050 EN Jasper's Beanstalk Butterworth, Nick LG 1.7 0.5 92 81123 EN Javelinas Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 259 NF 115949 EN Jazz Baby Wheeler, Lisa LG 1.2 0.5 171 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 85 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 46391 EN Jazz Dancing Thomas, Mark LG 1.2 0.5 151 NF 120591 EN Jazzmatazz! Calmenson, Stephanie LG 1.3 0.5 274 F 32124 EN Jealous Tester, Sylvia Root LG 1.6 0.5 207 NF ÷ 2313 SP Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.0 0.5 145 NF ÷ 2313 EN Jeff Gordon: Campeón de NASCAR Jeff Gordon: NASCAR Champion Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.0 0.5 117 NF 103600 EN Jellyfish Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.9 0.5 101 NF 82711 EN Jellyfish Windsor, Jo LG 1.5 0.5 82 NF 85610 EN Jen Plays Blackaby, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 77 F 35728 EN Jennifer Pockets McPherson, Jan LG 1.3 0.5 205 F 63152 EN Alexander, Linda LG 1.4 0.5 58 35756 EN Jenny Enjoys Summer: The Letter J (j) Jenny Lives on Hunter Street Ravenswood, Ngaire LG 1.5 0.5 139 F ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 22107 EN Jeremy's Cake Meharry, Dot LG 1.1 0.5 100 F 121356 EN Jesus and His Friends Pulley, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 278 F 42227 EN Jesus Is Born! Courtney, Claudia LG 1.7 0.5 107 F 121357 EN Jesus Saves the World Pulley, Kelly LG 1.7 0.5 307 F 79317 EN Jets Hill, Lee Sullivan LG 1.9 0.5 337 NF 42739 EN Jibber Jabber Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.0 0.5 142 F 2919 EN Jigsaw Moss, Miriam LG 1.9 0.5 80 F 103364 EN Jill and the Giant Spill Hanson, Anders LG 1.2 0.5 110 F 35092 EN Jim's Trumpet Cowley, Joy LG 1.8 0.5 204 F 60102 EN Jim's Visit to Kim Alperen, Julie LG 1.3 0.5 165 F 56122 SP Paige, Joy LG 1.5 0.5 161 NF 113434 SP jirafa: El animal más alto del mundo, La Jirafas Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.7 0.5 163 NF ÷ 36918 EN Jj Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 38 NF ÷ 50690 EN Job for Clown, A Eggleton, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 177 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 82712 EN Jobs for Some People Gibson, Brylee LG 1.0 0.5 132 NF 106787 EN Joe Boat Riggs, Sandy LG 0.8 0.5 125 F 50747 EN Joe Makes a House Smith, Annette LG 1.3 0.5 178 F 113887 EN Joe on the Go Anderson, Peggy Perry LG 1.5 0.5 300 F 35698 EN Joe's Father Beck, Jennifer LG 1.4 0.5 138 F 27200 EN Joey Randell, Beverley LG 1.7 0.5 244 F 48014 EN Joey Goat deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.6 0.5 410 F 100458 EN Joey's First Day Jones, Christianne C. LG 0.6 0.5 80 F 68105 EN John F. Kennedy Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 181 NF 47809 EN Johnny Appleseed Demuth, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 456 F 81244 EN Johnny Appleseed Kurtz, Jane LG 1.1 0.5 217 NF 68106 EN Johnny Appleseed Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 181 NF 44479 EN Joke, The McCloskey, Susan LG 1.8 0.5 181 F 50787 EN Jolly Roger and the Treasure Randell, Beverley LG 1.2 0.5 134 F 35864 EN Jon Sleeps On Sloan, Peter LG 1.3 0.5 147 F 121358 EN Jonah and the Big Fish Pulley, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 280 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 86 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 27237 EN Jonathan Buys a Present Smith, Annette LG 1.9 0.5 355 F 50867 EN Jordan at the Big Game Giles, Jenny LG 1.9 0.5 380 F 103642 EN Jordan's Silly Sick Day Fontes, Justine LG 1.2 0.5 154 F 50837 EN Jordan's Soccer Ball Giles, Jenny LG 1.2 0.5 210 F 122227 EN Joselina Piggy Cleans Her Room Alberts, Elizabeth Claire LG 1.2 0.5 223 F ÷ 18633 EN Kassirer, Sue LG 1.7 0.5 350 F ÷ 35829 EN Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors Joseph Had a Little Overcoat Taback, Simms LG 1.7 0.5 182 F 44457 EN Josie Cleans Up Eaton, Deborah LG 1.5 0.5 211 F 61613 EN Journey of Columbus, The Lilly, Melinda LG 1.2 0.5 81 NF 85007 SP joven Amy, La Sargent, Dave LG 0.2 0.5 69 F 120676 SP joven Annie, La Sargent, Dave LG 1.9 0.5 155 F 85008 SP joven Bandit, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.7 0.5 89 F 120669 SP joven Bill, El Sargent, Dave LG 1.4 0.5 134 F ÷ 72891 SP joven Billy, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 83 F 120670 SP joven Bingo, El Sargent, Dave LG 1.9 0.5 146 F 85010 SP joven Bobby, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.2 0.5 76 F 72892 SP joven Brutus, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 77 F 105632 SP joven Buddy, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 80 F 120671 SP joven cabrito Billy, El Sargent, Dave LG 1.5 0.5 149 F 120672 SP joven Chip, El Sargent, Dave LG 1.8 0.5 139 F 85011 SP joven Chrissy, La Sargent, Dave LG 0.6 0.5 91 F 120673 SP joven Cody, El Sargent, Dave LG 1.4 0.5 126 F 85012 SP joven Dawn, La Sargent, Dave LG 0.4 0.5 79 F 72893 SP joven Dike, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.2 0.5 79 F 120674 SP joven Eli, El Sargent, Dave LG 1.9 0.5 140 F 120677 SP joven Fancy, La Sargent, Dave LG 1.5 0.5 120 F 85009 SP joven Gran Jake, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.4 0.5 80 F 105633 SP joven Greta, La Sargent, Dave LG 0.9 0.5 89 F 120675 SP joven Jack, El Sargent, Dave LG 1.7 0.5 132 F 105634 SP joven Jack Pataleta, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.5 0.5 86 F 120678 SP joven Kitty, La Sargent, Dave LG 1.6 0.5 145 F 105635 SP joven Molly, La Sargent, Dave LG 0.2 0.5 81 F 85013 SP joven Peggy, La Sargent, Dave LG 0.6 0.5 86 F 105636 SP joven Pokey, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 91 F 72894 SP joven Redi, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.4 0.5 83 F 85015 SP joven Rey del Túnel, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.8 0.5 86 F 72890 SP joven Roy, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.5 0.5 87 F 85014 SP joven Sammy, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.3 0.5 75 F 85016 SP joven Trueno Blanco, El Sargent, Dave LG 0.6 0.5 82 F 13869 EN Joy Boys, The Byars, Betsy LG 1.8 0.5 1,249 F 46031 SP ¡Juega con la pelota! Fleagle, Gail LG 1.9 0.5 35 F 32230 SP juego de las rimas, El Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.0 0.5 164 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 87 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 169 NF 53414 SP Juegos Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 0.2 0.5 31581 SP Jugamos bajo la lluvia Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 1.0 0.5 75 53415 SP Juguetes Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 0.6 0.5 168 NF 57903 EN Julie's Mornings Bick, Lois LG 1.6 0.5 310 F 112033 EN Julieta Goes to School Muñoz, Isabel LG 1.4 0.5 229 F 104371 SP Julieta y Jacobo Camarena, Cathy LG 0.6 0.5 52 106616 EN Julius Anteater, Misunderstood Reed, Lynn Rowe LG 1.6 0.5 232 F 86226 EN Julius's Candy Corn Henkes, Kevin LG 1.1 0.5 97 F 35419 EN Jumbaroo, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 176 F F NF 50788 EN Jumbo Smith, Annette LG 1.0 0.5 133 F 103365 EN Jump from the Stump Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 113 F 50858 EN Jump Rope, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 240 F 35589 EN Jumping Day Esbensen, Barbara Juster LG 1.0 0.5 132 F 101518 EN Jumping Josie Cassidy, Anne LG 0.9 0.5 100 F 36612 EN Jumping Sack, The Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.1 0.5 198 F 50857 EN Jungle Frogs, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.7 0.5 197 F 76613 EN Jungle Journey Leaney, Cindy LG 1.7 0.5 207 F 106628 EN Jungle School Laird, Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 677 F 21239 EN Junk, Sweet Junk Wigand, Molly LG 1.9 0.5 638 F 70345 EN Jupiter Adamson, Thomas K. LG 1.8 0.5 141 NF 80020 EN Jupiter (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.6 0.5 128 NF ÷ 76766 EN Just a Baseball Game Mayer, Gina LG 1.7 0.5 308 F ÷ 26930 EN Just a Little Different Dobkin, Bonnie LG 1.2 0.5 109 F ÷ 7274 EN Just a Mess Mayer, Mercer LG 1.5 0.5 206 F 41497 EN Just a Nap Mayer, Mercer LG 1.9 0.5 252 F ÷ 36418 EN Just a New Neighbor Mayer, Gina LG 1.2 0.5 184 F ÷ 41498 EN Just a Rainy Day Mayer, Mercer LG 1.8 0.5 280 F ÷ 70294 EN Just a Secret Mayer, Gina LG 1.8 0.5 280 F ÷ 2811 EN Just Call Me J.P. Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.4 0.5 264 F ÷ 9571 EN Just Camping Out Mayer, Mercer LG 1.7 0.5 217 F 63245 EN Just Desserts Kropp, Paul LG 1.1 0.5 162 F 64201 EN Just Ducky Mallat, Kathy LG 1.6 0.5 172 F 36421 EN Just Grandma and Me Mayer, Mercer LG 1.9 0.5 186 F ÷ 7275 EN Just Grandpa and Me Mayer, Mercer LG 1.9 0.5 205 F ÷ 87502 EN Just Keep Swimming Lagonegro, Melissa LG 0.8 0.5 116 F 76614 EN Just Lazy Luke Leaney, Cindy LG 1.5 0.5 131 F 103643 EN Just Like Always Perry, Anne M. LG 1.2 0.5 154 F 41985 EN Just Like Home Miller, Elizabeth I. LG 1.5 0.5 347 F 85139 EN Just Like Me! Jordan, Apple LG 1.1 0.5 143 F 9320 EN Just Like Me Neasi, Barbara LG 0.7 0.5 139 F 112034 EN Just Like Mom Muñoz, Isabel LG 0.9 0.5 156 F 72180 EN Just Make Some Art! Doudna, Kelly LG 0.8 0.5 70 ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 88 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 7229 EN Just Me and My Babysitter Mayer, Mercer LG 1.3 0.5 182 F ÷ 9573 EN Just Me and My Cousin Mayer, Mercer LG 1.8 0.5 332 F ÷ 7276 EN Just Me and My Dad Mayer, Mercer LG 1.4 0.5 160 F ÷ 7231 EN Just Me and My Little Sister Mayer, Mercer LG 1.8 0.5 176 F ÷ 7277 EN Just Me and My Puppy Mayer, Mercer LG 1.6 0.5 190 F ÷ 7278 EN Just My Friend and Me Mayer, Mercer LG 1.9 0.5 278 F 27263 EN Just One Guinea Pig Giles, Jenny LG 1.8 0.5 339 F 7279 EN Just Shopping with Mom Mayer, Mercer LG 1.7 0.5 397 F 100459 EN Just Try It Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.3 0.5 121 F 65458 EN Kangaroo Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 293 NF 49850 EN Kangaroo and Cricket Siomades, Lorianne LG 1.5 0.5 89 80924 EN Kangaroo and the Crew Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 232 NF 58602 EN Kangaroo Joey Grows Up, A Hewett, Joan LG 1.7 0.5 397 NF 11671 EN Kangaroo (Sunshine Level 2) Eggleton, Jill LG 1.4 0.5 285 F 112662 EN Kangaroos Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.4 0.5 160 NF 84741 EN Kangaroos Ripple, William John LG 1.1 0.5 91 NF 80673 EN Kapow! O'Connor, George LG 1.5 0.5 273 F ÷ ÷ F 85087 EN Karate Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.6 0.5 145 NF 115440 EN Kate's Surprise Burg, Ann LG 1.3 0.5 142 F ÷ 14625 EN Kate Skates O'Connor, Jane LG 1.6 0.5 650 F ÷ 9322 EN Katie Couldn't McDaniel, Becky LG 1.0 0.5 186 F ÷ 9323 EN Katie Did It McDaniel, Becky LG 1.2 0.5 105 F 50838 EN Katie's Butterfly Giles, Jenny LG 1.6 0.5 222 F 50789 EN Katie's Caterpillar Smith, Annette LG 1.2 0.5 151 F 71776 EN Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 175 NF 53206 EN Kaya's Kindergarten and the Letter K Keep Your Distance! Herman, Gail LG 1.9 0.5 603 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 63009 EN Keeping Clean Gordon, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 276 NF 108384 EN Keeping Fit Green, Emily K. LG 1.7 0.5 152 NF 32772 EN Keeping Water Clean Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 118 NF 72152 EN Owen, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 187 NF 72153 EN Owen, Ann LG 1.9 0.5 136 NF 80178 EN Keeping You Healthy: A Book About Doctors Keeping You Safe: A Book About Police Officers Kella's Kitten: The Sound of K Meier, Joanne LG 0.9 0.5 116 NF 104372 SP Kelli y Avellino Camarena, Cathy LG 0.5 0.5 57 NF 88491 EN Ker-Splash! O'Connor, George LG 1.2 0.5 229 F 47810 EN Kermit's Mixed-Up Valentines Sollinger/Sutherland LG 1.9 0.5 353 F 63153 EN Kevin Likes Books: The Letter K (k) Alexander, Linda LG 1.3 0.5 77 NF 72222 EN Key + Board = Keyboard Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.6 0.5 120 NF 14626 EN Kick, Pass, and Run Kessler, Leonard LG 1.7 0.5 1,054 F 112694 EN Kickball Game, The Anderson, Joseph P. LG 1.6 0.5 193 F 113267 EN Kid Tea Ficocelli, Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 188 F 50710 EN Kids Can Read Eggleton, Jill LG 0.9 0.5 117 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 89 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title 100631 EN 122624 EN Kids Do, Animals Too: A Book of Playtime Opposites Kids Like Us ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Pearson, Debora LG 1.0 0.5 189 F/NF F Schaefer, Carole Lexa LG 1.0 0.5 170 F 36712 EN Kim's Visit Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.6 0.5 260 F 114201 EN Kindergarten Count to 100 Rogers, Jacqueline LG 1.6 0.5 312 F 118478 EN Kindergarten Countdown Hays, Anna Jane LG 1.8 0.5 285 F 45246 EN King Bidgood's in the Bathtub Wood, Audrey LG 1.7 0.5 282 F 74741 EN King Cobra Eckart, Edana LG 1.4 0.5 90 NF NF 81782 EN King Cobra (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.5 0.5 67 121805 EN King of the Swamp O'Donnell, Kerri LG 1.9 0.5 399 F 103393 EN King on a Spring, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.9 0.5 101 F ÷ 5520 EN Kiss for Little Bear, A Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 1.4 0.5 298 F ÷ 55593 EN Kiss Good Night Hest, Amy LG 1.9 0.5 326 F 75800 EN Kiss Kiss! Wild, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 203 F 10528 EN Kit and Kat De Paola, Tomie LG 1.4 0.5 369 F 35740 EN Kite and the Butterflies, The Birchall, Brian LG 1.4 0.5 364 F 81695 EN Kite Flying Lin, Grace LG 0.9 0.5 61 F 15269 EN Kite That Flew Away, The Austin, Joanna LG 1.6 0.5 279 F 50880 EN Kite That Got Away, The Gates, Pamela LG 1.9 0.5 302 F ÷ 18419 EN Kite, The Ada, Alma Flor LG 1.1 0.5 154 F ÷ 27420 EN Kites Ling, Bettina LG 0.7 0.5 43 F 45093 EN Kitten Book, The Pfloog, Jan LG 1.9 0.5 135 F 85035 EN Kitten's Big Adventure Araki, Mie LG 1.1 0.5 129 F 46971 EN Kitten's Year, A Day, Nancy Raines LG 1.4 0.5 37 F 36757 EN Kittens Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 64 NF 48231 EN Kittens Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.1 0.5 72 NF 72584 EN Kittens Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.9 0.5 181 NF 121290 EN Kittens Sexton, Colleen LG 1.0 0.5 107 NF 119591 EN Kittens Twine, Alice LG 1.8 0.5 156 NF ÷ 57483 EN Kittens: A Very First Picture Book Tuxworth, Nicola LG 0.8 0.5 105 NF ÷ 50790 EN Kitty Cat and Fat Cat Smith, Annette LG 0.8 0.5 103 F ÷ 50791 EN Kitty Cat and the Fish Smith, Annette LG 0.5 0.5 78 F ÷ 50748 EN Kitty Cat and the Paint Smith, Annette LG 1.0 0.5 165 F ÷ 50792 EN Kitty Cat Plays Inside Smith, Annette LG 0.7 0.5 138 F 49490 EN Kitty in the City Foster, Kinsley LG 1.8 0.5 295 F 57045 EN Kittycat Lullaby Spinelli, Eileen LG 1.3 0.5 146 F 35426 EN Kitzikuba Cowley, Joy LG 1.6 0.5 190 F 36919 EN Kk Doudna, Kelly LG 0.3 0.5 37 NF NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 56678 EN Knight Waits at Night, The Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 92 ÷ 16396 EN Know-Nothings, The Spirn, Michele Sobel LG 1.8 0.5 1,262 ÷ 12379 EN Knoxville, Tennessee Giovanni, Nikki LG 1.8 0.5 68 ÷ 82297 EN Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale Willems, Mo LG 1.6 0.5 211 87068 EN Koala Eckart, Edana LG 1.1 0.5 97 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F NF F NF Page 90 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 106078 EN Koala King, The Jordan, Apple LG 1.5 0.5 311 F 112665 EN Koalas Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.6 0.5 163 NF ÷ 32073 EN Koalas Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 0.9 0.5 50 NF ÷ 2303 SP Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.2 0.5 141 NF ÷ 2303 EN Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.2 0.5 128 NF F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 9069 EN Kobe Bryant: Campeón del "Slam Dunk" Kobe Bryant: "Slam Dunk" Champion Komodo! Sis, Peter LG 1.8 0.5 144 74742 EN Komodo Dragon Eckart, Edana LG 1.5 0.5 94 26387 EN Krustnkrum! Chapouton, Anne-Marie LG 1.8 0.5 283 F 110367 EN Kurt Busch Allen, Kenny LG 1.5 0.5 139 NF 56565 EN Kwanzaa Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.9 0.5 268 NF 56565 SP Kwanzaa Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.9 0.5 302 NF 108841 EN Kyle's Recess Dougherty, Terri LG 1.8 0.5 304 F 77215 EN La Rose, La Ichikawa, Satomi LG 1.9 0.5 526 F NF 68107 EN Labor Day Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.9 0.5 125 NF 112215 EN Labradors Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.7 0.5 167 NF 50117 EN Ladies and Gentlemen! Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.1 0.5 115 F 1558 EN Ladybug's Life, A Himmelman, John LG 1.7 0.5 214 NF 75755 EN Ladybugs Ashley, Susan LG 1.8 0.5 232 NF 31776 EN Ladybugs Coughlan, Cheryl LG 1.2 0.5 43 NF 79532 EN Ladybugs Hall, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 98 NF 74880 EN Ladybugs Hughes, Monica LG 1.3 0.5 184 NF 118033 EN Ladybugs Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.9 0.5 188 NF 28529 SP lagartija de Lola, La Johns, Edwin LG 1.9 0.5 286 NF 74274 SP lagarto cornudo, El Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 316 NF 116283 EN Lakes and Ponds Mayer, Cassie LG 1.5 0.5 174 NF 89955 EN Lakes (Water Habitats) Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 146 NF 106788 EN Lan's Plant Riggs, Sandy LG 0.7 0.5 80 56118 SP Lanchas motorizadas Werther, Scott P. LG 1.5 0.5 126 NF 58081 SP langosta, La Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 282 NF F 74813 EN Larabee Luthardt, Kevin LG 1.4 0.5 208 F 119505 EN Larry and Rita Michalak, Jamie LG 1.5 0.5 252 F 9324 EN Larry and the Cookie McDaniel, Becky LG 1.2 0.5 134 F 9309 SP Larry, el Sucio Hamsa, Bobbie LG 0.8 0.5 64 F 121832 SP Las aventuras del oso Booking, Walt LG 1.0 0.5 147 F 28539 SP Las clases de natación Algie, Amy LG 1.5 0.5 185 NF 34244 SP Las escondidas en el zoológico Edwards, Frank B. LG 1.0 0.5 58 58075 SP Las flores Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 299 NF 39716 SP Las frutas fabulosas Malone, Marsha LG 1.2 0.5 101 NF 58079 SP Las hojas Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 311 NF 56566 EN Las Posadas Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.8 0.5 283 NF 56566 SP Las posadas Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.8 0.5 281 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 91 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 58089 SP Las raíces Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 288 NF 58092 SP Las semillas Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 299 NF 32194 SP Las sombrillas de Shintaro Jackson, Marjorie LG 1.9 0.5 116 F 121838 SP Las vacaciones de Valeria Champman, Joan LG 1.9 0.5 161 F 76167 EN Last Day, Hooray! Poydar, Nancy LG 1.9 0.5 371 F 47626 EN Last One Picked Feely, Jenny LG 1.4 0.5 355 F 123225 EN Late for School! Calmenson, Stephanie LG 1.1 0.5 251 F ÷ 27224 EN Late for Soccer Giles, Jenny LG 0.9 0.5 182 F ÷ 31816 EN Later Garfinkle, Hope LG 1.2 0.5 107 F ÷ 16851 EN Later, Rover Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.9 0.5 199 F 4129 EN Laughing Cake, The Siamon, Sharon LG 1.3 0.5 174 F 83366 EN Laura Ingalls Wilder Walker, Pamela LG 1.1 0.5 90 NF 64661 EN Lava Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.6 0.5 329 F ÷ 32072 EN Lazy Pig, The Randell, Beverley LG 0.3 0.5 69 F ÷ 82672 EN Lazy Sailor Sam Eggleton, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 223 F ÷ 63358 EN Lazy Scarecrow, The Powell, Jillian LG 1.8 0.5 187 F 82916 EN Lead the Way, Velociraptor! Bentley, Dawn LG 1.8 0.5 272 F 50814 EN Leaf Boats, The Smith, Annette LG 0.8 0.5 132 F 62745 EN Leaf-Cutting Ants Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 91 NF 35741 EN Leaf Rain Cartwright, Pauline LG 1.4 0.5 82 F 72110 EN Learn About the Past Benjamin, Rachel LG 0.8 0.5 67 NF 42709 EN Learning About Leaves Wrazen, Shanna LG 0.9 0.5 37 NF 42710 EN Learning About Rain Mangieri, Catherine C. LG 0.5 0.5 25 NF 42711 EN Learning About Snow Smith, Kathy LG 1.0 0.5 42 NF 103402 EN Learning to Fly Meschenmoser, Sebastian LG 1.6 0.5 187 F 108409 EN Leaves Bodach, Vijaya Khisty LG 1.7 0.5 141 NF 101713 EN Leaves Thomson, Ruth LG 1.7 0.5 266 NF 2291 EN Leaves Ward, Kristin LG 1.3 0.5 85 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 58079 EN Leaves Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 293 NF 115417 EN Leaves in Fall Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 0.9 0.5 96 NF 110389 EN LeBron James: Basketball Star Hoffman, Mary Ann LG 1.9 0.5 141 NF 65439 SP lechuza, La Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 261 NF 58080 EN Leeches Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 281 NF 48232 EN Left: The Sound of L Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.8 0.5 55 NF 116284 EN Legs Leake, Diyan LG 1.0 0.5 171 NF 68944 EN Legs, Knees, Feet, and Toes Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 299 NF 71777 EN Leila at the Library and the Letter L Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 208 NF 62746 EN Lemurs Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 116 NF 121846 EN Lenore's Chores Stuart, Carrie LG 0.9 0.5 102 F 5522 SP Leo, el retoño tardío Kraus, Robert LG 1.2 0.5 164 F 121511 EN Leo's New Pet Gowar, Mick LG 0.7 0.5 81 F 78573 EN Leo's Tree Pearson, Debora LG 1.1 0.5 134 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 92 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5522 EN Leo the Late Bloomer Kraus, Robert LG 1.2 0.5 164 F 47729 EN Leon and Bob James, Simon LG 1.9 0.5 285 F 65461 SP león marino, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 347 NF 19979 SP Leonardo el león y Ramón el ratón Bishop, Dorothy Sword LG 1.5 0.5 421 F 113435 SP Leones Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.9 0.5 159 NF 121847 SP ¿Leones en la biblioteca? Williams, Zachary LG 1.6 0.5 107 F 56061 EN Leopards Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 107 NF ÷ 31706 EN Lesson, The Cummings, Pat LG 1.3 0.5 134 F ÷ 31430 EN Let Me Help! Tidd, Louise Vitellaro LG 1.6 0.5 451 F 77738 EN Let's Bake Economos, Christine LG 1.6 0.5 161 NF 121806 EN Let's Bake a Cake! King, Zelda LG 1.6 0.5 278 F ÷ 9459 EN Let's Be Enemies Udry, Janice May LG 1.5 0.5 231 F ÷ 42713 EN Let's Brush Our Teeth Boyd, Nicole LG 1.4 0.5 77 58771 EN Let's Clean Up! Anderson, Peggy Perry LG 1.1 0.5 182 F 115442 EN Let's Count Critters 1-20 Madden, Caolan LG 1.9 0.5 199 NF 108401 EN Let's Downhill Ski! Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.7 0.5 137 NF 40757 EN Let's Eat Chicca, Donna LG 0.6 0.5 65 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF F 45760 EN Let's Exercise Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 134 NF 115443 EN Falk, Laine LG 1.9 0.5 390 NF 54456 EN Let's Explore the Five Senses with City Dog and Country Dog Let's Get Ready for Christmas Winne, Joanne LG 1.6 0.5 74 NF 68222 EN Let's Get Ready for Earth Day Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.2 0.5 101 NF 54457 EN Let's Get Ready for Easter Winne, Joanne LG 1.4 0.5 84 NF 54458 EN Let's Get Ready for Halloween Winne, Joanne LG 0.8 0.5 68 NF 54459 EN Let's Get Ready for Hanukkah Winne, Joanne LG 1.2 0.5 78 NF 68223 EN Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.6 0.5 127 NF 54460 EN Let's Get Ready for Independence Day Let's Get Ready for Kwanzaa Winne, Joanne LG 1.4 0.5 118 NF 68224 EN Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.7 0.5 142 NF 68225 EN Let's Get Ready for Martin Luther King Jr. Day Let's Get Ready for Memorial Day Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.8 0.5 133 NF 68226 EN Let's Get Ready for Passover Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.8 0.5 163 NF 54461 EN Let's Get Ready for Thanksgiving Winne, Joanne LG 1.7 0.5 103 NF 68227 EN Let's Get Ready for Valentine's Day Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.4 0.5 113 NF ÷ 34666 EN Let's Get the Rhythm Miranda, Anne LG 1.2 0.5 133 F ÷ 41987 EN Let's Go Emberley, Rebecca LG 1.6 0.5 119 F 116671 EN Let's Go by Cable Car Hanson, Anders LG 1.9 0.5 135 NF 116678 EN Let's Go by Train Hanson, Anders LG 1.7 0.5 133 NF 116679 EN Let's Go by Truck Hanson, Anders LG 1.8 0.5 131 NF 108402 EN Let's Go Camping! Mader, Jan LG 1.7 0.5 123 NF ÷ 9376 EN Let's Go, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 303 F ÷ 16388 EN Let's Go, Froggy! London, Jonathan LG 1.9 0.5 543 F ÷ 54462 EN Let's Go on a Picnic Foley, Cate LG 0.8 0.5 69 NF ÷ 77774 EN Let's Go Shopping Nayer, Judy LG 1.0 0.5 115 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 93 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 75816 EN Let's Go to a Baseball Game Hill, Mary LG 1.1 0.5 100 NF 54504 EN Let's Go to a Car Race Foley, Cate LG 1.1 0.5 87 NF 54463 EN Let's Go to a Fair Foley, Cate LG 0.8 0.5 98 NF 75817 EN Let's Go to a Movie Hill, Mary LG 1.5 0.5 128 NF 75818 EN Let's Go to a Park Hill, Mary LG 0.9 0.5 110 NF 75819 EN Let's Go to a Play Hill, Mary LG 1.3 0.5 99 NF 75820 EN Let's Go to a Science Center Hill, Mary LG 1.6 0.5 106 NF ÷ 54464 EN Let's Go to the Aquarium Foley, Cate LG 1.3 0.5 96 NF ÷ 75821 EN Let's Go to the Beach Hill, Mary LG 1.3 0.5 129 NF ÷ 54465 EN Let's Go to the Museum Foley, Cate LG 1.4 0.5 109 NF 55271 EN Let's Go to the Supermarket! Gallacher, Lorraine LG 1.2 0.5 179 F 54466 EN Let's Go to the Zoo Foley, Cate LG 0.9 0.5 100 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 9377 EN Let's Have a Play Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 295 F 69268 EN Let's Jump In! Hood, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 103 F 46392 EN Let's Jump Rope Hughes, Sarah LG 1.1 0.5 137 NF 112197 EN Let's Look at Animal Bottoms Perkins, Wendy LG 1.8 0.5 139 NF 108410 EN Let's Look at Animal Ears Perkins, Wendy LG 1.7 0.5 141 NF 108411 EN Let's Look at Animal Eyes Perkins, Wendy LG 1.6 0.5 146 NF 108412 EN Let's Look at Animal Feathers Perkins, Wendy LG 1.9 0.5 144 NF 108413 EN Let's Look at Animal Feet Perkins, Wendy LG 1.5 0.5 122 NF 112198 EN Let's Look at Animal Legs Perkins, Wendy LG 1.6 0.5 133 NF 108414 EN Let's Look at Animal Noses Perkins, Wendy LG 1.6 0.5 143 NF 112199 EN Let's Look at Animal Tails Perkins, Wendy LG 1.8 0.5 138 NF 108415 EN Let's Look at Animal Teeth Perkins, Wendy LG 1.7 0.5 142 NF 63584 EN Let's Make a Cake Hill, Mary LG 1.3 0.5 130 NF 63585 EN Let's Make a Sandwich Hill, Mary LG 1.5 0.5 113 NF 63586 EN Let's Make Bread Hill, Mary LG 1.2 0.5 108 NF 4167 EN Let's Make Butter Christian, Eleanor LG 1.8 0.5 256 NF 63587 EN Let's Make Cookies Hill, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 127 NF 63588 EN Let's Make Pizza Hill, Mary LG 1.2 0.5 111 NF 77739 EN Let's Make Something New Economos, Christine LG 0.9 0.5 126 NF 63589 EN Let's Make Tacos Hill, Mary LG 1.3 0.5 94 NF 115445 EN Miller, Amanda LG 1.9 0.5 384 NF 105109 EN Let's Play a Five Senses Guessing Game Let's Play Baseball! DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.7 0.5 146 NF 105110 EN Let's Play Basketball! Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.7 0.5 130 NF 82122 EN Let's Play Basketball! Smith Jr., Charles R. LG 1.6 0.5 85 108403 EN Let's Play Football! Mader, Jan LG 1.5 0.5 125 NF 46393 EN Let's Play Hide-and-Seek Hughes, Sarah LG 1.0 0.5 146 NF 46394 EN Let's Play Hopscotch Hughes, Sarah LG 1.8 0.5 196 NF 46395 EN Let's Play Jacks Hughes, Sarah LG 1.7 0.5 186 NF 41012 EN Let's Play Rough! Jonell, Lynne LG 0.9 0.5 163 F 105111 EN Let's Play Soccer! Adamson, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 136 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 94 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 46396 EN Let's Play Tag Hughes, Sarah LG 1.1 0.5 150 NF 46397 EN Let's Play Tug-of-War Hughes, Sarah LG 1.3 0.5 183 NF 50793 EN Let's Pretend Smith, Annette LG 0.4 0.5 88 F 81246 EN Let's Pretend Attic, The Hood, Susan LG 1.9 0.5 301 F F 61759 EN Let's Pretend: The Sound of PR Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 75 107654 EN Let's Reduce Garbage! Nelson, Sara Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 152 NF 107655 EN Let's Reuse! Nelson, Sara Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 131 NF 105112 EN Let's Ride Bikes! Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.7 0.5 138 NF 107656 EN Let's Save Energy! Nelson, Sara Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 143 NF 107657 EN Let's Save Water! Nelson, Sara Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 130 NF 105113 EN Let's Skateboard! DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.7 0.5 129 NF 80916 EN Let's Sled Instead Hanson, Anders LG 1.9 0.5 203 NF 50711 EN Let's Sleep Windsor, Jo LG 1.0 0.5 73 NF 105114 EN Let's Snowboard! DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.3 0.5 96 NF 105115 EN Let's Swim! Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.6 0.5 128 NF 9071 EN Let's Take the Bus Economos, Christine LG 1.8 0.5 477 F 115446 EN Falk, Laine LG 1.6 0.5 376 NF 16852 EN Let's Talk About Opposites, Morning to Night Let's Trade Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.6 0.5 345 F 42716 EN Let's Wash Up Wood, Ira LG 1.3 0.5 68 NF 104373 SP Leti y Luis Camarena, Cathy LG 0.4 0.5 62 NF 74625 EN Letters Are Lost, The Ernst, Lisa Campbell LG 1.7 0.5 210 F 44316 SP Vaughan, Richard LG 1.7 0.5 147 F 31793 SP Levantemos el cielo: Una leyenda de los indios Snohomish Libélulas Rice, R. Hugh LG 1.4 0.5 62 F 62069 EN Librarian Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.8 0.5 131 NF 65419 EN Librarian Miller, Heather LG 1.9 0.5 284 NF 85095 EN Library, The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.2 0.5 172 NF 75266 EN Library, The Hoena, B.A. LG 1.7 0.5 121 NF 18309 SP libro de las estaciones, El Provensen, Alice/Martin LG 1.1 0.5 364 F 4049 EN Lids and Logs Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 1.7 0.5 580 F 74333 EN Life as a Butterfly Parker, Victoria LG 1.8 0.5 229 NF 74334 EN Life as a Chicken Parker, Victoria LG 1.4 0.5 191 NF 74335 EN Life as a Frog Parker, Victoria LG 1.5 0.5 188 NF 74336 EN Life as a Sunflower Parker, Victoria LG 1.8 0.5 197 NF 104542 EN Life Cycle of a Bat, The Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.7 0.5 228 NF 112220 EN Life Cycle of a Bean, The Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.7 0.5 132 NF 62747 EN Life Cycle of a Bee, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.6 0.5 148 NF 56280 EN Life Cycle of a Butterfly, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 94 NF 112221 EN Life Cycle of a Carrot, The Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.9 0.5 130 NF 56281 EN Life Cycle of a Cat, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.3 0.5 108 NF 56282 EN Life Cycle of a Chicken, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.5 0.5 103 NF 104543 EN Life Cycle of a Cicada, The Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.8 0.5 220 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 95 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 62748 EN Life Cycle of a Cow, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 120 NF 56283 EN Life Cycle of a Dog, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.4 0.5 110 NF 104544 EN Life Cycle of a Dragonfly, The Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.8 0.5 200 NF 104545 EN Life Cycle of a Flamingo, The Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.8 0.5 222 NF 56284 EN Life Cycle of a Frog, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 115 NF 70385 EN Life Cycle of a Grasshopper, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 114 NF 104546 EN Life Cycle of a Hummingbird, The Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.7 0.5 230 NF 70386 EN Life Cycle of a Penguin, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 122 NF 112222 EN Life Cycle of a Pine Tree, The Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 133 NF 70387 EN Life Cycle of a Rabbit, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 137 NF 62750 EN Life Cycle of a Salmon, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 118 NF 112223 EN Life Cycle of a Sunflower, The Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.5 0.5 105 NF 70388 EN Life Cycle of a Turtle, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.5 0.5 127 NF 56285 EN Life Cycle of a Whale, The Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 135 NF 112224 EN Life Cycle of an Apple Tree, The Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.5 0.5 143 NF 112225 EN Life Cycle of an Oak Tree, The Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.4 0.5 125 NF 81565 EN Hewitt, Sally LG 1.9 0.5 166 NF 70357 EN Life Cycles: From Caterpillar to Butterfly Life in a Desert Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.6 0.5 132 NF 70358 EN Life in a Forest Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.5 0.5 133 NF 70360 EN Life in a Pond Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.5 0.5 156 NF 70361 EN Life in a Rain Forest Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.8 0.5 158 NF 70362 EN Life in a Stream Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.4 0.5 117 NF 70363 EN Life in a Wetland Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.8 0.5 149 NF 70364 EN Life in an Ocean Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.5 0.5 118 NF 21186 EN Life Is Fun Carlson, Nancy LG 1.5 0.5 178 F 42723 EN Life of a Lion, The Thomas, Mary Ann LG 0.7 0.5 36 NF 9072 EN Life with Max Carlson, Judy LG 1.8 0.5 543 F 104397 EN Lifeguard, The Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.4 0.5 182 F ÷ 44316 EN Vaughan, Richard LG 1.7 0.5 124 F ÷ 36760 EN Lift the Sky Up: A Snohomish Indian Legend Light and Dark (Opposites) Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 80 NF ÷ 26933 EN Lightning Liz Brimner, Larry Dane LG 1.1 0.5 60 F 89150 EN Lights Out! Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 1.5 0.5 164 F 29519 EN Like Likes Like Raschka, Chris LG 1.2 0.5 71 F 35534 EN Like My Daddy Porter, Gracie R. LG 1.1 0.5 129 F 32236 EN Lili's Breakfast Upson, Helen LG 1.4 0.5 157 F 105959 EN Lilliput 5357 Czernecki, Stefan LG 1.4 0.5 232 F 86227 EN Lilly's Chocolate Heart Henkes, Kevin LG 1.4 0.5 105 F 80191 EN Lilly's Lost Lunch: The Sound of L Meier, Joanne LG 0.8 0.5 123 NF 28530 SP limonada de mi abuelito, La Upson, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 139 F 56646 EN Line Up on the Line Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 191 NF 59474 EN Lion and the Mouse, The Cisco, Cheyenne LG 1.4 0.5 233 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 96 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 31592 EN Lion and the Mouse, The Herman, Gail LG 0.7 0.5 83 F ÷ 27212 EN Lion and the Mouse, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.3 0.5 222 F ÷ 27209 EN Lion and the Rabbit, The Randell, Beverley LG 0.9 0.5 99 F 21672 EN Lion for Lewis, A Wells, Rosemary LG 1.7 0.5 355 F ÷ 31925 EN Lion in the Night, The Odgers, Sally LG 1.9 0.5 469 F ÷ 15270 EN Lion Roars, The Lewis, Kathryn E. LG 1.5 0.5 270 F ÷ 50315 EN Lion's Dinner: A Play, The Shipton, Paul LG 0.7 0.5 103 F 49863 EN Lion's Paw, The Watson, Jane Werner LG 1.7 0.5 249 F 22097 EN Lion Talk Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.3 0.5 205 F 120041 EN Lions Ipcizade, Catherine LG 1.5 0.5 122 NF 62070 EN Lions Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.3 0.5 109 NF 56062 EN Lions Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 132 NF 113435 EN Lions Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.4 0.5 124 NF 121847 EN Lions at the Library? Williams, Zachary LG 1.1 0.5 115 F ÷ 81798 EN Lipizzan (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.4 0.5 69 NF ÷ 35509 EN Listen Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.9 0.5 35 F ÷ 9325 EN Listen to Me Neasi, Barbara LG 1.6 0.5 114 F ÷ 72885 EN Little Big Cat Sargent, Dave LG 0.6 0.5 154 F 85576 EN Little Bit of Trouble, A Grindley, Sally LG 1.9 0.5 218 F 46242 EN Little Bit of Winter, A Stewart, Paul LG 1.9 0.5 545 F ÷ 48233 EN Little Bit: The Sound of Short I Ballard, Peg LG 0.6 0.5 54 112610 EN Little Black, a Pony Farley, Walter LG 1.7 0.5 1,061 NF F 50882 EN Little Blue Horse, The Price, Susan D. LG 1.9 0.5 311 F 120555 EN Little Blue Truck Schertle, Alice LG 1.5 0.5 361 F 72126 EN Little Buggy Runs Away O'Malley, Kevin LG 1.7 0.5 388 F ÷ 32108 EN Little Bulldozer Randell, Beverley LG 1.2 0.5 171 F ÷ 27215 EN Little Bulldozer Helps Again Smith, Annette LG 1.4 0.5 198 F ÷ 44040 EN Little Bunny on the Move McCarty, Peter LG 1.3 0.5 195 F 50749 EN Little Chimp and Baby Chimp Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 189 F 50750 EN Little Chimp and the Bees Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 165 F 50839 EN Little Chimp and the Termites Randell, Beverley LG 1.6 0.5 228 F 50794 EN Little Chimp Runs Away Giles, Jenny LG 0.8 0.5 103 F ÷ 108089 EN Little Cloud Carle, Eric LG 1.9 0.5 175 F ÷ 9378 EN Little Cookie, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 305 F ÷ 9379 EN Hillert, Margaret LG 1.1 0.5 275 F ÷ 70550 EN Little Cowboy and the Big Cowboy, The Little Critter's Little Sister's Birthday Mayer, Mercer LG 1.2 0.5 238 F 59523 EN Little Critter's Staying Overnight Mayer, Mercer LG 0.9 0.5 196 F ÷ 40732 EN Little Critter's the Best Present Mayer, Mercer LG 1.1 0.5 208 F ÷ 59744 EN Little Critter's the Picnic Mayer, Mercer LG 0.6 0.5 108 F ÷ 59535 EN Little Critter's the Trip Mayer, Mercer LG 0.8 0.5 242 F ÷ 70302 EN Little Critter's These Are My Pets Mayer, Mercer LG 1.2 0.5 328 F ÷ 7294 EN Little Critter's This Is My Friend Mayer, Mercer LG 1.3 0.5 255 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 97 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 70303 EN Little Critter's This Is My House Mayer, Mercer LG 0.9 0.5 175 F 59537 EN Little Critter's This Is My School Mayer, Mercer LG 1.3 0.5 273 F 40731 EN Little Critter Sleeps Over Mayer, Mercer LG 1.0 0.5 222 F 64733 EN Little Dragon, The Amery, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 339 F 10478 EN Little Drummer Boy, The Davis et al., Katherine LG 1.4 0.5 104 F 64115 EN Little Family, The Lenski, Lois LG 1.8 0.5 359 F 54333 EN Little Granny Quarterback Martin/Sampson LG 1.7 0.5 295 F 82730 EN Little Helpers Krueger, Carol LG 1.6 0.5 180 NF ÷ 32465 EN Little Hippo's New Friend Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 241 F ÷ 32466 EN Little Hippo's New House Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.4 0.5 189 F 32467 EN Little Hippo's New School Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.7 0.5 213 F 64662 EN Little Honu Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.7 0.5 343 F 120468 EN Little Hoot Rosenthal, Amy Krouse LG 1.8 0.5 364 F 86523 EN Little House, Little Town Beck, Scott LG 1.4 0.5 146 F 42229 EN Little Is Big Courtney, Claudia LG 1.1 0.5 136 F 63350 EN Little Joe's Big Race Blackford, Andy LG 1.5 0.5 175 F 43615 EN Little Louie the Baby Bloomer Kraus, Robert LG 1.8 0.5 292 F 69044 EN Little Martin Baker, Barbara LG 1.8 0.5 874 F 79955 EN Little Monkey Says Good Night Paul, Ann Whitford LG 1.2 0.5 245 F 117174 EN Little Monster Constantin, Pascale LG 1.2 0.5 83 F 106243 EN Wood, Don LG 1.5 0.5 148 F 68815 EN Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear, The Little One Step James, Simon LG 1.7 0.5 321 F 110487 EN Little One, We Knew You'd Come Lloyd-Jones, Sally LG 1.7 0.5 208 F 74814 EN Murphy, Mary LG 1.5 0.5 234 F 86929 EN Little Owl and the Star: A Christmas Story Little Pea Rosenthal, Amy Krouse LG 1.7 0.5 285 F 57978 EN Little Pig's Bouncy Ball Baron, Alan LG 1.5 0.5 243 F ÷ 9380 EN Little Puff Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 294 F ÷ 76139 EN Little Quack's Hide and Seek Thompson, Lauren LG 1.7 0.5 355 F 104181 EN Little Quack's New Friend Thompson, Lauren LG 1.8 0.5 325 F ÷ 19227 EN Little Rabbit and the Sea Bishop, Gavin LG 1.9 0.5 242 F ÷ 77527 EN Little Raccoon's Big Question Schlein, Miriam LG 1.9 0.5 409 F 27192 EN Little Red Bus, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.8 0.5 219 F 42159 EN Little Red Caboose Metzger, Steve LG 1.2 0.5 153 F 22111 EN Little Red Hen, The Algie, Amy LG 1.4 0.5 264 F 44390 EN Little Red Hen, The Trussell-Cullen, Alan LG 1.7 0.5 346 F 42170 EN Little Red Hen, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.6 0.5 344 F 9381 EN Little Red Riding Hood Hillert, Margaret LG 1.1 0.5 353 F 115721 EN Little Red Riding Hood Orihuela, Luz LG 1.9 0.5 254 F 44258 EN Halpern, Shari LG 1.5 0.5 65 F 9382 EN Little Robin Redbreast: A Mother Goose Rhyme Little Runaway, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.5 0.5 196 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 98 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 70334 EN Little School Norling, Beth LG 1.3 0.5 218 F 115447 EN Little Sister, Big Mess! Gerver, Jane E. LG 0.9 0.5 149 F 14178 EN Little Snail Hartley, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 162 NF 32091 EN Little Snowman, The Giles, Jenny LG 0.4 0.5 60 F 105021 EN Little Spotted Cat Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.6 0.5 304 F 63359 EN Little Star, The Nash, Deborah LG 1.4 0.5 175 F 72889 EN Little Tadpole, The Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 1.3 0.5 153 F 121512 EN Little Troll Dolan, Penny LG 1.4 0.5 87 F 40600 EN Little White Duck Whippo, Walt LG 1.9 0.5 227 F 50815 EN Little White Hen, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.3 0.5 159 F 35443 EN Little Yellow Chicken's House, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 287 F 56647 EN Live Lions Live on Land Molter, Carey LG 1.7 0.5 132 NF 46362 EN Living in a Desert Kottke, Jan LG 1.3 0.5 161 NF 46363 EN Living in a Rain Forest Winne, Joanne LG 1.1 0.5 137 F 74365 EN Living in the Savannah Bullock, Linda LG 1.9 0.5 264 NF 74366 EN Living in the Tundra Loughran, Donna LG 1.9 0.5 276 NF 46364 EN Living Near a River Winne, Joanne LG 1.3 0.5 148 NF 74367 EN Living Near the Wetland Loughran, Donna LG 1.7 0.5 250 NF 46365 EN Living on a Mountain Winne, Joanne LG 1.3 0.5 175 NF 46366 EN Living on a Plain Winne, Joanne LG 1.4 0.5 161 NF 46367 EN Living on an Island Winne, Joanne LG 1.2 0.5 162 NF ÷ 50712 EN Living Together Windsor, Jo LG 1.5 0.5 166 NF ÷ 77648 EN Lizard's Tail Gagiero, Mark LG 1.5 0.5 260 F 81125 EN Lizards Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 269 NF 28529 EN Lizzie's Lizard Johns, Edwin LG 1.9 0.5 286 NF 44414 EN Lizzy and Skunk Fitzpatrick, Marie-Louise LG 1.8 0.5 256 F 72886 SP Lizzy la luciérnaga Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 1.2 0.5 170 F 72886 EN Lizzy Lightning Bug Sargent, Dave LG 1.2 0.5 170 F 58276 EN Lizzy's Do's and Don'ts Harper, Jessica LG 1.9 0.5 411 F 36920 EN Ll Doudna, Kelly LG 0.8 0.5 36 117609 EN Llama Llama Mad at Mama Dewdney, Anna LG 1.9 0.5 340 F 28791 SP Llaman a la puerta Hutchins, Pat LG 1.9 0.5 282 F 104755 SP Llegó la primavera Gomi, Taro LG 0.8 0.5 62 F F ÷ ÷ NF 46038 SP Lo que tenemos que hacer Hunter, Augie LG 1.0 0.5 63 ÷ 15271 EN Lobster Fishing at Dawn Newell, Robert LG 1.5 0.5 195 NF ÷ 108579 EN Lobsters Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.8 0.5 143 NF 58081 EN Lobsters Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 260 NF 50840 EN Locked In Price, Susan D. LG 1.4 0.5 228 F ÷ 116722 EN Locked Out Bennett, Leonie LG 1.5 0.5 312 F ÷ 11672 EN Locked Out Janssen, Midge LG 1.8 0.5 376 F ÷ 27229 EN Locked Out Randell, Beverley LG 1.3 0.5 195 F 111490 EN Log Cabin Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.5 0.5 156 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 99 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 82795 EN Log, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.1 0.5 175 F 44458 EN Lola and Miss Kitty Cisco, Cheyenne LG 1.4 0.5 265 F 82640 EN Lola the Elf deGroat, Diane LG 0.7 0.5 110 F 58074 SP lombriz de tierra, La Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 314 NF 121812 EN Lonely Crayon, The Chapman, Joan LG 1.3 0.5 255 F 36763 EN Long and Short (Opposites) Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 81 71984 EN Leaney, Cindy LG 1.7 0.5 341 F ÷ 46637 EN Long Walk to School: A Story About Bullying Long Way Home, The Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.8 0.5 97 F ÷ 4121 EN Longest Noodle in the World, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.6 0.5 67 F 30121 EN Look Grejniec, Michael LG 1.6 0.5 273 F 31736 EN Look-Alike Animals Bernard, Robin LG 1.3 0.5 131 F 56260 EN Look at Australia, A Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 185 NF 61692 EN Look at Cuba, A Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 155 NF 61693 EN Look at Egypt, A Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 179 NF 61694 EN Look at Germany, A Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 168 NF 50960 EN Look at Kenya, A Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 161 NF 50961 EN Look at Mexico, A Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 160 NF 82790 EN Look at Monkey Eggleton, Jill LG 0.7 0.5 84 F 104870 EN Look Both Ways: A Cautionary Tale Shore, Diane Z. LG 1.6 0.5 377 F 56811 EN Look Down Low Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.8 0.5 66 F 47813 EN Look! I Can Read! Hood, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 120 F 50841 EN Look in the Garden Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 208 F 28540 EN Look Inside Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.9 0.5 126 NF 82791 EN Look Inside Gibson, Brylee LG 0.9 0.5 141 NF 50870 EN Look Out! Giles, Jenny LG 1.6 0.5 282 F 71985 EN Leaney, Cindy LG 1.3 0.5 302 F 50795 EN Look Out! A Story About Safety on Bicycles Look out for Bingo Giles, Jenny LG 0.8 0.5 142 F 121304 EN Look Out, Suzy Goose Horácek, Petr LG 1.7 0.5 276 F 32068 EN Look Up, Look Down Smith, Annette LG 1.2 0.5 166 F 55039 EN Look Whooo's Counting MacDonald, Suse LG 1.7 0.5 182 F 32226 EN Looking After Baby Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.5 0.5 69 NF 47629 EN Looking After Chicks O'Neil, Sarah LG 1.8 0.5 324 NF 4166 EN Looking at Ants Christian, Eleanor LG 1.9 0.5 264 NF 4155 EN Looking at Shapes Tucker, Shirley LG 1.7 0.5 235 NF 32055 EN Looking Down Smith, Annette LG 0.6 0.5 70 F 107290 EN Looking for a Moose Root, Phyllis LG 1.6 0.5 264 F 60113 EN Looking for Angus Hollander, Cass LG 0.6 0.5 99 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 47580 EN Looking for Fang Feely, Jenny LG 1.5 0.5 184 F 104390 EN Loop, Swoop, and Pull! Anderson, Joseph P. LG 1.7 0.5 167 F 77846 EN Loose Tooth Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.9 0.5 132 F 104864 EN Lord Is My Shepherd, The Wilhelm, Hans LG 1.8 0.5 119 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 100 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 79295 SP ¡Los árboles son impresionantes! Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.1 0.5 Word Count F/NF 143 NF 46639 SP ¡Los truenos no me asustan! Bowdish, Lynea LG 1.0 0.5 97 F 108486 EN Lost! McPhail, David LG 1.7 0.5 356 F 51113 EN Lost! Trimble/Moran LG 0.6 0.5 82 F 27980 EN Lost and Found Tidd, Louise Vitellaro LG 1.8 0.5 534 F 71986 EN Leaney, Cindy LG 1.6 0.5 275 F Goldowsky, Jill L. LG 0.9 0.5 158 F 76151 EN Lost and Found: A Story About Honesty Lost and Found Puppy ÷ 27216 EN Lost at the Fun Park Smith, Annette LG 1.0 0.5 193 F ÷ 61675 EN Lost Ball, The Reiser, Lynn LG 1.0 0.5 190 F 50859 EN Lost Keys, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 197 F 47602 EN Lost Mother, The Prince, Sarah LG 0.6 0.5 112 F 44322 EN Lost Sheep, The Fear, Sharon LG 1.4 0.5 221 F 50751 EN Lost Socks McMillan, Dawn LG 0.8 0.5 157 F 57898 EN Lot Happened Today, A Nayer, Judy LG 1.7 0.5 194 F 50143 EN Lots of Balloons Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.8 0.5 71 F 85809 EN Dahl, Michael LG 1.6 0.5 153 NF 60103 EN Lots of Ladybugs! Counting by Fives Lottie Goat & Donny Goat Riley, Kana LG 1.1 0.5 145 F 43617 EN Lottie's New Beach Towel Mathers, Petra LG 1.9 0.5 374 F 2813 EN Lou Goes Too! Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.4 0.5 209 F 47651 EN Loudest Sneeze, The Feely, Jenny LG 1.8 0.5 247 F 4194 EN Carlson, Nancy LG 1.9 0.5 336 F 29299 EN Loudmouth George and the New Neighbors Louella Mae, She's Run Away! Alarcón, Karen Beaumont LG 1.4 0.5 270 F 73894 EN Louie Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.7 0.5 395 F 76029 EN Louie's Search Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.9 0.5 519 F 70840 EN Love-Me Bird, The Dunbar, Joyce LG 1.9 0.5 595 F 46598 EN Love Me, Love You O'Keefe, Susan Heyboer LG 1.0 0.5 165 F 79598 EN Lovely Day for Amelia Goose, A Rong, Yu LG 1.2 0.5 143 F 105484 EN Lover Boy Byrd, Lee Merrill LG 1.4 0.5 113 F 89152 EN Low-Down, Bad-Day Blues, The Barnes, Derrick D. LG 1.5 0.5 263 F 56116 EN Low Riders Werther, Scott P. LG 1.5 0.5 110 NF 48103 EN Low Song Merriam, Eve LG 1.6 0.5 120 F 64663 EN Luau Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.7 0.5 353 F 7282 EN Lucky Bear Phillips, Joan LG 0.5 0.5 150 F 32113 EN Lucky Day for Little Dinosaur, A Price, Hugh LG 1.6 0.5 136 F 48017 EN Lucky Duck deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.4 0.5 287 F 70498 EN Lucky Duck Kueffner, Sue LG 1.2 0.5 238 F ÷ 76152 EN Lucky Duck Weiss, Ellen LG 0.9 0.5 144 F ÷ 32102 EN Lucky Goes to Dog School Randell, Beverley LG 0.5 0.5 121 F 51898 EN Lucky Goes to School! Herman, Gail LG 1.2 0.5 239 F 83539 EN Lucky Leaf O'Malley, Kevin LG 0.8 0.5 174 F 44415 EN Lucky Pennies and Hot Chocolate Shields, Carol Diggory LG 1.8 0.5 362 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 101 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count 147 F/NF 19228 EN Lucky Song Williams, Vera B. LG 1.9 0.5 F 63154 EN Lucy Loves School: The Letter L (l) Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 69 78746 EN Lucy's Quiet Book Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 1.6 0.5 269 F 11673 EN Lucy's Rooster Eggleton, Jill LG 1.4 0.5 230 F NF 85603 SP lugar de Luis, El Blackaby, Susan LG 1.5 0.5 118 F 106789 EN Luke's Mule Schmauss, Judy Kentor LG 1.2 0.5 92 F 85700 EN Lulu and the Magic Box Papineau, Lucie LG 1.8 0.5 256 F 35699 EN Lump in My Bed, A Depree, Helen LG 0.6 0.5 47 F 4086 EN Lumpy Rug Shook, Rebecca E. LG 1.1 0.5 86 F 109717 EN Luna the Wake-Up Cat Simon, Charnan LG 1.5 0.5 91 F 3706 SP Luna, Una Olaondo, Susana LG 1.9 0.5 179 F 55671 EN Lunch Box Surprise, The Maccarone, Grace LG 1.2 0.5 144 F 121835 EN Lunch Bunch, The Shea, Therese LG 1.3 0.5 174 F 121835 SP lunch muy especial, Un Shea, Therese LG 1.5 0.5 171 F 80674 EN Lunchroom Lizard Kirk, Daniel LG 1.8 0.5 540 F 81265 EN Luther's Halloween Meister, Cari LG 1.3 0.5 272 F 120261 EN Park, Barbara LG 1.7 0.5 411 F Flaherty, Finn LG 1.9 0.5 378 F 121811 SP Ma! There's Nothing to Do Here! A Word from Your Baby-in-Waiting maceta especial, Una ÷ 35845 EN Machines at Work Sloan, Peter LG 1.7 0.5 101 NF ÷ 34535 EN Machines at Work Tuxworth, Nicola LG 1.5 0.5 202 NF 49755 EN Mad Dog McGraw Uhlberg, Myron LG 1.7 0.5 529 F 121359 EN Mad Maddie Maxwell Maslyn, Stacie K.B. LG 1.2 0.5 341 F 43333 EN Madlenka Sis, Peter LG 1.4 0.5 139 F 56303 EN Madlenka's Dog Sis, Peter LG 0.8 0.5 159 F 65422 SP Maestro Miller, Heather LG 1.8 0.5 287 NF 88930 EN Magenta's Visit Wilder, Alice LG 1.7 0.5 359 F 39720 EN Maggie Moves Away Rose, Maxine LG 1.4 0.5 267 F 9383 EN Magic Beans, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.6 0.5 240 F 87834 EN Magic Footprints, The Balfour, Melissa LG 1.4 0.5 316 F ÷ 9384 EN Magic Nutcracker, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 303 F ÷ 16400 EN Magic Porridge Pot, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.9 0.5 374 F 86718 EN Magic Rabbit, The Watson, Richard Jesse LG 1.6 0.5 185 F ÷ 101300 EN Cole, Joanna LG 1.7 0.5 634 F 105780 EN Cole, Joanna LG 1.7 0.5 709 F 87667 EN Araki, Mie LG 1.8 0.5 278 F Blevins, Wiley LG 1.0 0.5 116 NF ÷ 72111 EN Magic School Bus Flies from the Nest, The Magic School Bus Lost in the Snow, The Magic Toolbox: Starring Fred and Lulu, The Magnets ÷ 27228 EN Magpie's Baking Day Randell, Beverley LG 1.0 0.5 132 F ÷ 32183 EN Mai-Li's Surprise Jackson, Marjorie LG 0.8 0.5 63 F 123272 EN Mail Harry to the Moon! Harris, Robie H. LG 1.6 0.5 310 F 103519 EN Maine Walker, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 185 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 102 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 119316 EN Maine Coon Cats Perkins, Wendy LG 1.8 0.5 Word Count F/NF 128 NF NF 81799 EN Maine Coon (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.3 0.5 71 107338 EN Cousins, Lucy LG 1.7 0.5 217 F 78229 EN Maisy, Charley, and the Wobbly Tooth Maisy Goes Camping Cousins, Lucy LG 0.8 0.5 161 F 89218 EN Maisy Goes to the Library Cousins, Lucy LG 1.6 0.5 233 F 75635 EN Maisy's Rainbow Dream Cousins, Lucy LG 1.2 0.5 93 F 110647 EN Maisy's Snowy Christmas Eve Cousins, Lucy LG 1.4 0.5 221 F 35731 EN Make a Boat That Floats McPherson, Jan LG 1.2 0.5 126 NF 61760 EN Make Me Grin: The Sound of GR Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.3 0.5 72 F 101519 EN Make Way for the Queen! Harvey, Damian LG 1.2 0.5 104 F 35865 EN Making a Cake Sloan, Peter LG 1.2 0.5 125 NF 35894 EN Making a Plane Sloan, Peter LG 1.7 0.5 103 NF 60104 EN Making a Plate Jacobson, Jennifer LG 1.8 0.5 183 NF 35869 EN Making a Road Sloan, Peter LG 1.2 0.5 39 NF 47581 EN Making Butter Feely, Jenny LG 1.6 0.5 106 NF 61782 EN Making Friends Amos, Janine LG 1.2 0.5 243 NF 82713 EN Making Holes Windsor, Jo LG 1.1 0.5 103 NF 47583 EN Making Lunch Feely, Jenny LG 1.0 0.5 137 F 50732 EN Making Music Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.9 0.5 71 F 35870 EN Making Pancakes Sloan, Peter LG 0.8 0.5 39 NF 50842 EN Making Party Food Smith, Annette LG 1.9 0.5 231 NF 77662 EN Making Spaghetti Hastings, Jack LG 1.7 0.5 154 NF 123655 EN Mako Shark Nuzzolo, Deborah LG 1.9 0.5 133 NF 32235 EN Malcolm Magpie Mitchell, Linda LG 0.9 0.5 128 F 77034 EN Mallard Ducks Zemlicka, Shannon LG 1.9 0.5 346 NF 74843 EN Mallards Hall, Margaret LG 1.9 0.5 111 NF 46719 EN Mama Cat Has Three Kittens Fleming, Denise LG 1.6 0.5 112 F 69562 EN Mama, Don't Go out Tonight Gardner, Sally LG 1.5 0.5 255 F 35507 EN Mama Goes to School Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.3 0.5 54 F 77528 EN Mama Loves Dotlich, Rebecca Kai LG 1.5 0.5 192 F 69897 EN Mama's Coming Home Banks, Kate LG 1.3 0.5 218 F 68540 EN Mama's Little Baby Banks, Kate LG 1.5 0.5 290 F 21400 EN Mama's Perfect Present Goode, Diane LG 1.1 0.5 181 F 72127 EN Mama Will Be Home Soon Minchella, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 571 F 31713 EN Mama Zooms Cowen-Fletcher, Jane LG 1.9 0.5 176 F 53598 SP Mambrú se fue a la guerra Iribarren, Elena LG 1.2 0.5 308 F 79292 SP Mamíferos Ring, Susan LG 1.7 0.5 145 NF 77649 EN Mammals Reed, Hannah LG 1.3 0.5 113 NF 79292 EN Mammals Ring, Susan LG 1.7 0.5 134 NF 81783 EN Mammals (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.6 0.5 72 NF 49492 EN Man Gave Names to All the Animals Dylan, Bob LG 1.8 0.5 196 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 103 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 80866 EN Mañana, Iguana Paul, Ann Whitford LG 1.9 0.5 677 F 102124 EN Manatee Mom Zimmerman, Andrea LG 1.9 0.5 330 NF 108342 EN Manatees Herriges, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 196 NF 59230 EN Manatees Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.2 0.5 69 NF 112217 EN Manatees Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.7 0.5 136 NF 68095 EN Manatees Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.3 0.5 73 NF 62084 SP Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.8 0.5 67 NF 22090 SP Manos (Conozcamos nuestro cuerpo) Mañoso el pájaro Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 216 F 87275 EN Manta Rays Berger, Melvin LG 1.8 0.5 145 NF 53206 SP ¡Mantén tu distancia! Herman, Gail LG 1.7 0.5 641 F 119317 EN Manx Cats Perkins, Wendy LG 1.7 0.5 143 NF 81800 EN Manx (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.2 0.5 73 NF 121790 SP manzano, El Leigh, Autumn LG 1.3 0.5 124 F 65443 SP mapache, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.5 0.5 247 NF 121813 EN Maple Tree Mystery, The Hoffman, Mary Ann LG 1.4 0.5 213 F 31808 EN Maple Trees Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.4 0.5 120 NF 72112 EN Maps Blevins, Wiley LG 1.7 0.5 191 NF 40758 EN March, March, Marching Ahern, Mimi LG 1.0 0.5 60 F 46464 EN Marco's Run Cartier, Wesley LG 1.2 0.5 202 F 80192 EN Meier, Joanne LG 1.1 0.5 156 NF 63158 EN Alexander, Linda LG 1.3 0.5 64 NF 18314 EN Marcus and the Mail: The Sound of M Marcus Makes Money: The Letter M (m) Margaret and Margarita Reiser, Lynn LG 1.1 0.5 203 F 18314 SP Margarita y Margaret Reiser, Lynn LG 1.1 0.5 203 F 121841 SP María en la pastelería Thomas, Mary Ann LG 1.5 0.5 148 F 45767 SP Feldman, Heather LG 1.1 0.5 150 NF 45767 EN Marion Jones: Atleta de categoría Internacional Marion Jones: World-Class Runner Feldman, Heather LG 1.1 0.5 137 NF 46612 SP mariquita perezosa, La Finn, Isobel LG 1.7 0.5 313 F 2304 EN Mark McGwire: Record Breaker Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.2 0.5 126 NF 2304 SP Mark McGwire: Rompe récords Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.2 0.5 134 NF 122490 EN Market Day Cordsen, Carol Foskett LG 1.6 0.5 321 F 51668 EN Ehlert, Lois LG 1.6 0.5 165 F 4088 EN Market Day: A Story Told with Folk Art Market, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.0 0.5 49 F 42149 SP Marranita Poco Rabo y el nabo Cohen, Caron Lee LG 1.5 0.5 196 F 80021 EN Mars (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.8 0.5 146 NF 48738 EN Marsh Music Berkes, Marianne LG 1.8 0.5 304 F 48646 EN Marshmallow Kisses Brennan, Linda Crotta LG 1.3 0.5 78 F 83367 EN Martin Luther King Jr. Walker, Pamela LG 1.9 0.5 128 NF 39960 EN Marvella and the Moon Massola, Linda LG 1.7 0.5 302 F 9035 EN Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! Seuss, Dr. LG 1.1 0.5 251 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 104 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 82690 EN Marvin's Egg Eggleton, Jill LG 1.7 0.5 281 F 50713 EN Marvin's Woolly Mammoth Eggleton, Jill LG 1.8 0.5 264 F 63352 EN Mary and the Fairy Dolan, Penny LG 1.4 0.5 215 F 111739 EN Hulme, Joy N. LG 1.9 0.5 266 F 85611 EN Mary Clare Likes to Share: A Math Reader Mary's Art Blackaby, Susan LG 0.6 0.5 89 F 121834 SP mascota sorpresa, La King, Zelda LG 1.5 0.5 139 F ÷ 4039 EN Mask, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 110 F ÷ 31711 EN Masks Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 42 ÷ 4009 EN Mat and the Nut Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 106 F ÷ 4018 EN Mat at Bat Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 127 F ÷ 4002 EN Mat Did It Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 118 F ÷ 4006 EN Mat in the Hat Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.4 0.5 100 F ÷ 4020 EN Mat Is Wet Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.7 0.5 152 F ÷ 4011 EN Mat the Rat Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 109 F ÷ 58088 SP Matemáticas con plantas Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.3 0.5 145 NF ÷ 79286 SP Matemáticas y dinero Ring, Susan LG 1.5 0.5 270 NF 57613 EN Math at the Store Amato, William LG 1.3 0.5 128 NF 118217 EN Math at the Store Weiss, Ellen LG 1.8 0.5 271 NF NF 57614 EN Math in the Backyard Amato, William LG 0.9 0.5 109 NF ÷ 17325 EN Atherlay, Sara LG 1.7 0.5 303 NF ÷ 57615 EN Math in the Bath (and Other Fun Places, Too!) Math in the Car Amato, William LG 1.2 0.5 127 NF 57616 EN Math in the Kitchen Amato, William LG 1.3 0.5 107 NF 57617 EN Math in the Neighborhood Amato, William LG 0.9 0.5 100 NF ÷ 31828 EN Math Is Everywhere Cutting, Brian LG 0.9 0.5 102 F ÷ 57618 EN Math on the Playground Amato, William LG 1.2 0.5 113 NF 58158 EN Math Zoo, The Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 309 NF 36601 EN Matt Madden, Nancy LG 0.6 0.5 77 F F ÷ ÷ ÷ 36603 EN Matt at the Zoo Madden, Nancy LG 0.8 0.5 70 110368 EN Matt Kenseth Figorito, Marcus LG 1.5 0.5 124 NF 50714 EN Max Windsor, Jo LG 0.9 0.5 184 F 116177 EN Max and Buddy Go to the Vet Klein, Adria F. LG 1.4 0.5 135 F 50843 EN Max and Jake Jarden, Joan LG 1.3 0.5 211 F 112506 EN Max and the Adoption Day Party Klein, Adria F. LG 1.7 0.5 149 F 50752 EN Max and the Birdhouse Smith, Annette LG 1.4 0.5 194 F 50796 EN Max and the Little Plant Smith, Annette LG 1.2 0.5 143 F 112507 SP Max aprende la lengua de señas Klein, Adria F. LG 1.6 0.5 167 F 112690 EN Max Celebrates Chinese New Year Klein, Adria F. LG 1.8 0.5 183 F 122721 EN Max Celebrates Cinco de Mayo Worsham, Adria F. LG 1.6 0.5 157 F 122722 EN Max Celebrates Groundhog Day Worsham, Adria F. LG 1.8 0.5 201 F 50797 EN Max Goes Fishing Smith, Annette LG 1.3 0.5 150 F 100460 EN Max Goes on the Bus Klein, Adria F. LG 1.0 0.5 119 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 105 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 100461 EN Max Goes Shopping Klein, Adria F. LG 1.1 0.5 103 F 112691 EN Max Goes to a Cookout Klein, Adria F. LG 1.6 0.5 119 F ÷ 100462 EN Max Goes to School Klein, Adria F. LG 1.0 0.5 91 F ÷ 100463 EN Max Goes to the Barber Klein, Adria F. LG 1.6 0.5 121 F ÷ 100464 EN Max Goes to the Dentist Klein, Adria F. LG 1.5 0.5 81 F 116178 EN Max Goes to the Doctor Klein, Adria F. LG 1.3 0.5 152 F 116176 EN Max Goes to the Farm Klein, Adria F. LG 1.4 0.5 103 F 116179 EN Max Goes to the Grocery Store Klein, Adria F. LG 1.7 0.5 148 F 100465 EN Max Goes to the Library Klein, Adria F. LG 1.3 0.5 72 F 116180 EN Max Goes to the Playground Klein, Adria F. LG 1.2 0.5 132 F 116181 EN Max Goes to the Zoo Klein, Adria F. LG 1.9 0.5 186 F 112507 EN Max Learns Sign Language Klein, Adria F. LG 1.4 0.5 155 F 117317 EN Max & Mo Go Apple Picking Lakin, Patricia LG 1.1 0.5 278 F 120172 EN Max & Mo Make a Snowman Lakin, Patricia LG 1.3 0.5 238 F 116214 EN Max & Mo's First Day at School Lakin, Patricia LG 1.1 0.5 241 F 50798 EN Max Rides His Bike Giles, Jenny LG 1.1 0.5 146 F 107355 EN Max's ABC Wells, Rosemary LG 1.9 0.5 341 F 112508 EN Max's Fun Day Klein, Adria F. LG 1.5 0.5 108 F 112692 SP Max se queda a dormir Klein, Adria F. LG 1.8 0.5 193 F 112692 EN Max Stays Overnight Klein, Adria F. LG 1.4 0.5 177 F ÷ 100462 SP Max va a la escuela Klein, Adria F. LG 1.2 0.5 112 F ÷ 100463 SP Max va a la peluquería Klein, Adria F. LG 1.7 0.5 140 F ÷ 100464 SP Max va al dentista Klein, Adria F. LG 1.2 0.5 109 F 116178 SP Max va al doctor Klein, Adria F. LG 1.0 0.5 139 F 116181 SP Max va al zoológico Klein, Adria F. LG 1.9 0.5 156 F 100461 SP Max va de compras Klein, Adria F. LG 1.0 0.5 127 F 112508 SP Max va de paseo Klein, Adria F. LG 1.9 0.5 104 F 103307 EN May by the Bay Hanson, Anders LG 1.1 0.5 112 F 55445 EN May I? Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 130 NF 36720 EN May I Borrow Your Ice Cream? Slavin, Robert LG 1.8 0.5 347 F 113889 EN May I Pet Your Dog? Calmenson, Stephanie LG 1.8 0.5 830 NF 83406 EN Mayfly Jocelyn, Marthe LG 1.8 0.5 326 F 86525 EN McGillycuddy Could! Edwards, Pamela Duncan LG 1.4 0.5 325 F 49254 EN Me and My Family Tree Sweeney, Joan LG 1.5 0.5 236 NF 68460 EN Me and My Robot West, Tracey LG 1.2 0.5 235 F 74426 EN West, Tracey LG 1.6 0.5 365 F 66236 SP Me and My Robot #2: The Show-and-Tell Show-Off Me corto el cabello Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.6 0.5 263 NF ÷ 46624 SP Me fascinan las piedras Meister, Cari LG 0.9 0.5 111 F ÷ 65000 SP ¡Me gusta mi sombra! Wilhelm, Hans LG 0.8 0.5 88 F ÷ 49256 EN Me on the Map Sweeney, Joan LG 1.8 0.5 299 NF ÷ 7284 EN Me Too! Mayer, Mercer LG 1.5 0.5 237 F 62349 EN Meadow Magic Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.9 0.5 325 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 106 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 7580 EN Mean Soup Everitt, Betsy LG 1.7 0.5 234 F ÷ 35427 EN Meanies Came to School, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.2 0.5 157 F 62085 EN Meat Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 116 NF 116841 EN Meat and Beans Benduhn, Tea LG 1.9 0.5 194 NF 65417 SP Médico Miller, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 270 NF 119364 EN Meerkats Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.4 0.5 134 NF 47740 EN Meet Dinah Dinosaur Hennessy, B.G. LG 1.5 0.5 251 F 41920 EN Meet Matt and Roxy Huszar, Karen LG 1.2 0.5 152 F 51900 EN Meet Mo and Ella Sutherland, Tui T. LG 1.2 0.5 234 F 110772 EN Meet My Grandparents Robertson, J. Jean LG 1.4 0.5 265 NF 70499 EN Meet My Monster Mann, Paul Z. LG 1.2 0.5 331 F 56064 EN Meet the Cafeteria Workers Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 122 NF 56065 EN Meet the Librarian Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 152 NF 118734 EN Meet the Little Engine That Could Piper, Watty LG 0.8 0.5 237 F 56067 EN Meet the School Nurse Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 156 NF 85612 SP Meg sale a pasear Blackaby, Susan LG 0.5 0.5 136 F 85612 EN Meg Takes a Walk Blackaby, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 133 F ÷ 104878 EN Megalodon Riehecky, Janet LG 1.6 0.5 136 NF ÷ 104391 EN Megan Has to Move Wolfe, Jacqueline A. LG 1.5 0.5 203 F ÷ 85615 SP mejor futbolista, El Blackaby, Susan LG 1.1 0.5 45 F ÷ 63355 SP mejor muñeco de nieve, El Nash, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 238 F ÷ 50242 EN Melody Mooner Stayed Up All Night Edwards, Frank B. LG 1.1 0.5 180 F 43185 EN Melting Bolton, Faye LG 1.9 0.5 80 4016 EN Men, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 134 F 76910 EN Meow! Arnold, Katya LG 1.4 0.5 378 F 48104 EN Meow! Inkpen, Mick LG 1.4 0.5 175 F 47509 EN Meow Monday Root, Phyllis LG 1.8 0.5 134 F 108487 EN Mermaid Dreams Sperring, Mark LG 1.9 0.5 226 F 101252 EN Merry Chase, The Hurd, Clement LG 1.8 0.5 240 F 69645 EN Merry Christmas, Big Hungry Bear! Wood, Don/Audrey LG 1.6 0.5 177 F ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 9385 EN Merry Christmas, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 306 F 86228 EN Merry Christmas, Emily! Masurel, Claire LG 1.3 0.5 121 F 54334 EN Merry Christmas, from Biscuit Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.5 0.5 234 F 64297 EN Kastner, Jill LG 1.7 0.5 299 F ÷ 40759 EN Merry Christmas, Princess Dinosaur! Merry-Go-Round Luther, Kathy LG 0.9 0.5 66 F ÷ 9327 EN Messy Bessey's Closet McKissack, Patricia C. LG 1.7 0.5 158 F ÷ 9328 EN Messy Bessey's Garden McKissack, Patricia C. LG 0.8 0.5 110 F 121793 EN Messy Robot, The Roza, Greg LG 1.5 0.5 248 F 102002 EN Royston, Angela LG 1.9 0.5 260 NF 28535 SP Metal: Let's Look at a Knife and Fork Mi álbum Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.0 0.5 129 NF 48039 SP Mi bebé Nelson, May LG 1.2 0.5 90 ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 107 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 46626 SP Mi dedo meñique Franco, Betsy LG 1.0 0.5 105 F ÷ 41991 SP Mi día Emberley, Rebecca LG 1.0 0.5 393 F 53006 SP Mi mundo Brown, Margaret Wise LG 0.3 0.5 254 F 9573 SP Mi primo y yo Mayer, Gina LG 1.8 0.5 332 F 56421 SP Miamor Cole, Babette LG 1.3 0.5 189 F 4999 EN Mice Are Nice Ghigna, Charles LG 1.2 0.5 202 F 77611 EN Mice in School Stitt, Alex LG 1.9 0.5 439 F 77688 EN Mice in Space Stitt, Alex LG 1.0 0.5 198 F 82748 EN Mickey Maloney's Missing Bag Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 188 F 46465 EN Midnight Snack Farber, Erica LG 0.9 0.5 176 F 82154 EN Mighty Maddie Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.9 0.5 373 F 47956 EN Mighty Spiders! Robinson, Fay LG 1.7 0.5 182 NF 121831 EN Miguel's Family Picnic Bagnoli, Christine LG 1.4 0.5 253 F 54807 EN Mike and Tony: Best Friends Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.4 0.5 172 F ÷ ÷ 4081 EN Mike's Bike Shook, Rebecca E. LG 1.2 0.5 83 F 104392 EN Mike's Night-Light Kalz, Jill LG 1.6 0.5 123 F 121786 EN Mike the Bike Richter, Abigail LG 1.5 0.5 172 F 116845 EN Milk and Cheese Benduhn, Tea LG 1.7 0.5 208 NF 62086 EN Milk and Cheese Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.4 0.5 112 NF 68228 EN Milk to Ice Cream Snyder, Inez LG 1.3 0.5 108 NF 108386 EN Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Green, Emily K. LG 1.9 0.5 157 NF 115724 EN Milkmaid, The Orihuela, Luz LG 1.3 0.5 171 F 89129 EN Milkman, The Cordsen, Carol Foskett LG 1.5 0.5 379 F 77093 EN Millie Wants to Play! Pedersen, Janet LG 1.3 0.5 212 F 32430 EN Millions of Snowflakes Siddals, Mary McKenna LG 0.8 0.5 95 F ÷ 6129 EN Milton the Early Riser Kraus, Robert LG 1.2 0.5 146 F ÷ 31542 EN Mine's the Best Bonsall, Crosby LG 0.5 0.5 106 F 53917 EN Minerva Louise Stoeke, Janet Morgan LG 1.1 0.5 120 F 105022 EN Stoeke, Janet Morgan LG 1.7 0.5 278 F 58880 EN Minerva Louise and the Colorful Eggs Minerva Louise and the Red Truck Stoeke, Janet Morgan LG 1.5 0.5 215 F 16145 EN Minerva Louise at School Stoeke, Janet Morgan LG 1.7 0.5 200 F ÷ ÷ 44649 EN Minerva Louise at the Fair Stoeke, Janet Morgan LG 1.8 0.5 240 F 118092 EN Minerva Louise on Christmas Eve Stoeke, Janet Morgan LG 1.5 0.5 269 F 30121 SP Mira Grejniec, Michael LG 1.6 0.5 273 F 28540 SP ¡Mira allá adentro! Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.9 0.5 126 NF 16750 SP Mis cinco sentidos Aliki LG 1.5 0.5 200 NF 102345 SP Mis papitos: Héroes de la cosecha Caraballo, Samuel LG 1.4 0.5 195 F 106377 EN Slate, Joseph LG 1.9 0.5 247 F ÷ 45440 EN Slate, Joseph LG 1.5 0.5 199 F ÷ 61668 EN Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the Last Day of Kindergarten Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten Miss Bindergarten Plans a Circus with Kindergarten Slate, Joseph LG 1.9 0.5 314 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 108 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Slate, Joseph LG 1.7 0.5 266 F/NF F Cowley, Joy LG 1.1 0.5 45 F ÷ 54249 EN ÷ 4120 EN Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten Miss Geeta's Hair 50716 EN Miss Grimble Eggleton, Jill LG 1.8 0.5 265 F 31694 EN Miss Mary Mack Anonymous LG 1.1 0.5 70 F 46094 EN Miss Mouse's Day Ormerod, Jan LG 0.9 0.5 171 F 51669 EN Miss Mouse Takes Off Ormerod, Jan LG 0.8 0.5 114 F 60114 EN Miss Muffett and the Spider Eaton, Deborah LG 1.6 0.5 263 F 75095 EN Miss Polly Has a Dolly Edwards, Pamela Duncan LG 1.9 0.5 191 F 36606 EN Miss Sid Slavin, Robert LG 1.0 0.5 203 F 36706 EN Miss Sid Meets Sad Sam Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.3 0.5 224 F 64734 EN Missing Cat, The Brooks, Felicity LG 1.7 0.5 374 F 46571 EN Missing Mittens Murphy, Stuart J. LG 1.9 0.5 260 F 41016 EN Missing Molly Jahn-Clough, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 401 F 104466 EN Missing Tooth, The Blackaby, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 109 F 7381 EN Missing Tooth, The Cole, Joanna LG 1.9 0.5 885 F ÷ ÷ 82324 EN Mister Bones: Dinosaur Hunter Kurtz, Jane LG 1.9 0.5 223 F 121794 SP misterio de la montaña, El Dominguez, Elaudy LG 1.8 0.5 273 F 121837 SP misterio del autobús, El Shea, Therese LG 1.7 0.5 197 F 89034 SP misterio del ladrón de comida, El Mills, Liz LG 1.9 0.5 645 F ÷ 4013 EN Mit and the Weed Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.7 0.5 142 F ÷ 4008 EN Mit Is Wet Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 119 F 109527 EN Mittens Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.2 0.5 166 F ÷ 44052 EN Mixed-Up Chameleon, The Carle, Eric LG 1.8 0.5 296 F ÷ 66247 EN Mixed-Up Morning, The Mayer, Mercer LG 1.5 0.5 174 F ÷ 36921 EN Mm Doudna, Kelly LG 0.5 0.5 38 122756 EN Haspiel, Dean LG 1.8 0.5 1,055 F 65078 EN Mo and Jo: Fighting Together Forever Mole and the Baby Bird Newman, Marjorie LG 1.7 0.5 334 F 52787 EN Mole Sisters and the Blue Egg, The Schwartz, Roslyn LG 0.7 0.5 87 F 46266 EN Schwartz, Roslyn LG 1.3 0.5 128 F 60549 EN Schwartz, Roslyn LG 1.2 0.5 120 F 71326 EN Schwartz, Roslyn LG 0.8 0.5 82 F 52788 EN Schwartz, Roslyn LG 1.3 0.5 108 F 41884 EN Schwartz, Roslyn LG 1.1 0.5 123 F 60550 EN Mole Sisters and the Busy Bees, The Mole Sisters and the Cool Breeze, The Mole Sisters and the Fairy Ring, The Mole Sisters and the Moonlit Night, The Mole Sisters and the Piece of Moss, The Mole Sisters and the Question, The Schwartz, Roslyn LG 1.0 0.5 105 F 41885 EN Schwartz, Roslyn LG 0.8 0.5 91 F 46267 EN Schwartz, Roslyn LG 1.0 0.5 110 F ÷ 7285 EN Mole Sisters and the Rainy Day, The Mole Sisters and the Wavy Wheat, The Molly Radlauer, Ruth Shaw LG 0.8 0.5 95 F ÷ 7286 EN Molly Goes Hiking Radlauer, Ruth Shaw LG 0.9 0.5 99 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 109 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 15272 EN Molly's Broccoli Eaton, Deborah LG 1.6 0.5 233 F 34528 EN Molly's Mailbox Jensen, Inge-Lise LG 1.9 0.5 126 F 47680 EN Molly's Store Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.5 0.5 282 F 60189 EN Mom and Dad Break Up Prestine, Joan Singleton LG 1.7 0.5 271 F ÷ 8024 EN Stinson, Kathy LG 1.7 0.5 267 F ÷ 82625 EN Mom and Dad Don't Live Together Any More Mom at the Fair Eggleton, Jill LG 0.8 0.5 145 F 89073 EN Mom Like No Other, A Taylor-Butler, Christine LG 1.7 0.5 298 F 47510 EN Mom Pie Jonell, Lynne LG 1.8 0.5 513 F 47511 EN Mommy Go Away! Jonell, Lynne LG 1.2 0.5 274 F 121360 EN Mommy, May I Hug the Fish? Bowman, Crystal LG 1.2 0.5 263 F F ÷ ÷ ÷ 35713 EN Monarch Butterfly Garland, Peter LG 1.4 0.5 28 121066 EN Monday Lindeen, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 184 NF 79286 EN Money Math Ring, Susan LG 1.5 0.5 241 NF 106070 EN Money, Money, Honey Bunny! Sadler, Marilyn LG 1.6 0.5 213 F 41175 EN Money Riddles That Count Fetty, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 178 NF 62827 EN Money Trouble Brimner, Larry Dane LG 1.7 0.5 308 F 48105 EN Monk Camps Out McCully, Emily Arnold LG 1.1 0.5 224 F 82626 EN Monkey and Gorilla Eggleton, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 147 F 76936 EN Monkey Baby Grows Up, A Hewett, Joan LG 1.6 0.5 363 NF 45511 EN Monkey Business Martin, David LG 1.5 0.5 243 F 50799 EN Monkey on the Roof Clough, Margaret LG 0.6 0.5 96 F 47816 EN Monkey See, Monkey Do Regan, Dana LG 1.0 0.5 114 F ÷ 4110 EN Monkey Tricks Cowley, Joy LG 1.1 0.5 86 F ÷ 27236 EN Monkey Tricks Smith, Annette LG 1.9 0.5 329 F 45512 EN Monkey Trouble Martin, David LG 1.4 0.5 224 F 55446 EN Monkeys Molter, Carey LG 0.8 0.5 38 NF 116827 EN Monkeys Twine, Alice LG 1.9 0.5 151 NF 22103 EN Monster at the Beach, The Meharry, Dot LG 0.7 0.5 89 F 48706 EN Monster Cake Dickinson, Rebecca LG 1.8 0.5 197 F 110845 EN Monster Math Maccarone, Grace LG 1.5 0.5 160 F 46599 EN Monster Math Miranda, Anne LG 1.8 0.5 205 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 58855 EN Monster Math Picnic Maccarone, Grace LG 0.9 0.5 98 F 110846 EN Monster Math School Time Maccarone, Grace LG 1.5 0.5 142 F 58856 EN Monster Money Maccarone, Grace LG 1.2 0.5 132 F ÷ 35457 EN Monster Party Rohman, Cricket LG 1.9 0.5 146 F ÷ 27985 EN Monster Songs Eaton, Deborah LG 1.7 0.5 527 F 121333 EN Monster Trucks Manolis, Kay LG 1.5 0.5 103 NF 56117 EN Monster Trucks Werther, Scott P. LG 1.8 0.5 137 NF 15273 EN Monster Under the Bed, The Eaton, Deborah LG 1.5 0.5 303 F 22103 SP monstruo de la playa, El Meharry, Dot LG 0.7 0.5 89 F 22113 SP monstruo tragón, El Evans, Lynette LG 1.6 0.5 261 F 84754 EN Months Murphy, Patricia J. LG 1.9 0.5 186 NF ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 110 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 56668 EN Months Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.2 0.5 52 21683 EN Monty Stevenson, James LG 1.9 0.5 607 F 59435 EN Moo Moo, Brown Cow Wood, Jakki LG 1.7 0.5 169 F ÷ 78976 EN Moo Who? Palatini, Margie LG 1.7 0.5 873 F ÷ 9676 EN Moon Boy Brenner, Barbara LG 1.7 0.5 410 F ÷ 4125 EN Moon Cake, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.5 0.5 128 F 66980 EN Moon Glowing Partridge, Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 81 F 17326 EN Moon Jump: A Countdown Brown, Paula LG 1.9 0.5 741 F 123658 EN Moon (Revised Edition), The Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.6 0.5 160 NF 121787 EN Moon School Astro, Ian LG 1.5 0.5 226 F 112202 EN Moon, The Adamson, Thomas K. LG 1.7 0.5 165 NF ÷ 4092 EN Moon, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 140 F ÷ 56286 EN Moon, The Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.4 0.5 126 NF ÷ 31619 EN Moonbeam on a Cat's Ear Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.4 0.5 106 F 71684 EN Moonlight: The Halloween Cat Rylant, Cynthia LG 1.4 0.5 163 F 80024 EN Moons (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.6 0.5 124 NF 56679 EN Moose Is in the Mousse, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.9 0.5 81 NF 121513 EN Mop Top Graves, Sue LG 0.9 0.5 73 F 81784 EN More Birds (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.8 0.5 82 NF 58857 EN More for Me! Meltzer Kleinhenz, Sydnie LG 1.4 0.5 280 F 50871 EN More Spaghetti! Smith, Annette LG 1.8 0.5 315 F 11179 EN More Spaghetti, I Say! Gelman, Rita Golden LG 1.2 0.5 340 F 110966 EN Morris and Boris at the Circus Wiseman, B. LG 1.7 0.5 806 F 65001 EN Morris the Moose Wiseman, Bernard LG 1.6 0.5 354 F 56024 EN Moses in the Bulrushes Amery, Heather LG 1.9 0.5 333 NF 35714 EN Mosquito Gaw, Robyn LG 1.5 0.5 46 F 44308 EN Mosquito Buzzed, A Riley, Kana LG 1.3 0.5 120 F ÷ 104891 EN Mosquitoes Hall, Margaret LG 1.9 0.5 127 NF ÷ 82731 EN Mosquitoes Krueger, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 172 NF ÷ 27504 EN Ericsson, Jennifer A. LG 1.6 0.5 376 F 122228 EN Most Beautiful Kid in the World, The Mostly Ink and Wink Whitehead, Pete LG 1.3 0.5 175 F 35700 EN Mother Hen McPherson, Jan LG 1.3 0.5 203 F 77915 EN Mother, May I? Plourde, Lynn LG 1.3 0.5 134 F 48648 EN Charlip, Remy LG 1.5 0.5 335 F 5486 EN Mother Mother I Feel Sick Send for the Doctor Quick Quick Quick Mother, Mother, I Want Another Polushkin, Maria LG 1.7 0.5 324 F 39706 EN Mother's Day Malone, Marsha LG 1.4 0.5 128 F 50800 EN Mother's Day Randell, Beverley LG 0.6 0.5 120 F 50753 EN Mother Tiger and Her Cubs Randell, Beverley LG 1.8 0.5 217 F 31822 EN Mothers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.7 0.5 29 NF 43618 EN Mothers Are Like That Carrick, Carol LG 1.4 0.5 87 F 119990 EN Mothers (Revised Edition) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.8 0.5 55 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 111 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 43910 EN Moths Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 65 NF 84792 EN Moths Howard, Fran LG 1.7 0.5 111 NF 118035 EN Moths Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.9 0.5 186 NF 69257 SP Motocicletas Miller, Heather LG 1.8 0.5 290 NF 108465 EN Motorcycles Doeden, Matt LG 1.4 0.5 123 NF 69257 EN Motorcycles Miller, Heather LG 1.8 0.5 296 NF 45778 EN Mountain Biking: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.6 0.5 128 NF 104541 EN Mountain Goats Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.6 0.5 186 NF 121794 EN Mountain Mystery, The Dominguez, Elaudy LG 1.6 0.5 282 F 109917 EN Mountains Mayer, Cassie LG 1.8 0.5 197 NF 44480 EN Cisco, Cheyenne LG 1.9 0.5 488 F 65002 EN Mouse and the Elephant: A Tale from Turkey, The Mouse Has Fun Root, Phyllis LG 1.4 0.5 257 F 85935 EN Mouse in a Meadow Himmelman, John LG 1.5 0.5 156 F 44651 EN Mouse in Love Kraus, Robert LG 0.9 0.5 151 F 68078 EN Mouse Makes Magic Heling/Hembrook LG 1.8 0.5 287 F 35159 EN Mouse Mess Riley, Linnea LG 1.6 0.5 150 F 123344 EN Mouse Moves House Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 1.1 0.5 118 F 30846 EN Mouse Practice McCully, Emily Arnold LG 1.9 0.5 237 F 71200 EN Mouse's First Day of School Thompson, Lauren LG 1.5 0.5 103 F 42607 EN Mouse's First Halloween Thompson, Lauren LG 1.4 0.5 217 F 85405 EN Mouse's First Spring Thompson, Lauren LG 1.7 0.5 250 F 78835 EN Mouse's First Summer Thompson, Lauren LG 1.2 0.5 167 F 57725 EN Mouse's First Valentine Thompson, Lauren LG 1.3 0.5 174 F 112230 EN Mouse Shapes Walsh, Ellen Stoll LG 1.7 0.5 270 F 87585 EN Mouse Went out to Get a Snack McFarland, Lyn Rossiter LG 1.2 0.5 131 F 116729 EN Mouse with No Name, The Morgan, Michaela LG 1.5 0.5 250 F ÷ 26350 EN Mousekin's Special Day Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 392 F ÷ 31710 EN Mousetrap Snowball, Diane LG 0.8 0.5 50 F ÷ 62087 EN Mouth Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.1 0.5 73 NF 110575 EN Mouths Nunn, Daniel LG 1.2 0.5 196 NF 105023 EN Move! Jenkins, Steve LG 1.9 0.5 196 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ 66406 EN Move Over! Amos, Janine LG 1.5 0.5 291 NF ÷ 35434 EN Move Over! Cowley, Joy LG 0.9 0.5 126 F ÷ 85613 EN Moving Day Blackaby, Susan LG 0.7 0.5 80 F 88636 EN Moving Day Brandon, Anthony G. LG 1.0 0.5 149 F 31880 EN Moving Day Costain, Meredith LG 1.8 0.5 214 F 60190 EN Moving Is Hard Prestine, Joan Singleton LG 1.9 0.5 323 F 35428 EN Mr. Beekman's Deli Cowley, Joy LG 1.1 0.5 96 F 35435 EN Mr. Bitter's Butter Cowley, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 244 F 31597 EN Mr. Blister Cowley, Joy LG 1.7 0.5 438 F 9037 EN Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? Seuss, Dr. LG 1.8 0.5 422 F 111266 EN Mr. Cookie Baker Wellington, Monica LG 1.4 0.5 113 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 112 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 26351 EN Mr. Doodle Had a Poodle Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 264 F 11675 EN Mr. Fixit Cowley, Joy LG 1.4 0.5 197 F 116723 EN Mr. Fox's Socks Harvey, Damian LG 1.0 0.5 157 F 23621 EN Mr Gumpy's Motor Car Burningham, John LG 1.8 0.5 364 F 29237 EN Mr. Gumpy's Outing Burningham, John LG 1.7 0.5 278 F 35715 EN Mr. McGrah's New Car Cartwright, Pauline LG 1.5 0.5 119 F 88827 EN Mr. Monkey's Classroom Oh, Jiwon LG 1.8 0.5 446 F 11180 EN Mr. Sun and Mr. Sea Butler, Andrea LG 1.5 0.5 202 F 47584 EN Mr. Wolf Leaves Town Prince, Sarah LG 1.1 0.5 202 F 47585 EN Mr. Wolf Tries Again Prince, Sarah LG 1.6 0.5 210 F 50296 EN Mrs. Mog's Cats Powell, Jillian LG 1.3 0.5 128 F 44317 EN Mrs. Murphy's Bears Lilly, Kathryn LG 1.5 0.5 173 F 32187 EN Mrs. Murphy's Crows Boland, Janice LG 1.5 0.5 113 F 11678 EN Mrs. Pye's Pool Eggleton, Jill LG 1.8 0.5 281 F 44318 EN Mrs. Sato's Hens Min, Laura LG 1.3 0.5 51 F 27205 EN Mrs. Spider's Beautiful Web Randell, Beverley LG 1.4 0.5 212 F 19981 SP muchacho que gritó ¡el lobo!, El De Hoogh, Eugenia LG 1.7 0.5 604 F 83195 SP Muchas veces yo Neasi, Barbara J. LG 1.0 0.5 151 F 72282 EN Mucky Duck Grindley, Sally LG 1.3 0.5 124 F ÷ 26729 EN Mud Ray, Mary Lyn LG 1.5 0.5 116 F ÷ 31863 EN Mud! Simon, Charnan LG 0.6 0.5 94 F 36613 EN Mud Dog, The Slavin, Robert LG 1.8 0.5 361 F 65026 EN Mud Pie for Mother, A Beck, Scott LG 1.9 0.5 256 F 35477 EN Mud Soup Nesheim, Lindsay LG 1.4 0.5 205 F 85613 SP Mudanza Blackaby, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 71 F 79293 SP Muéstranos tus alas Ring, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 140 NF 71778 EN Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 198 NF 18509 EN Muhammad's Monday and the Letter M Mum to the Rescue Hunt, Roderick LG 1.5 0.5 347 F 35465 EN Munch, Munch, Munch! Gentner, Norma L. LG 1.9 0.5 120 F 22113 EN Munching Monster Evans, Lynette LG 1.6 0.5 261 F 83275 SP mundo marino, El Lock, Deborah LG 1.3 0.5 96 NF 65440 SP murciélago, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 272 NF 74448 SP Murciélagos Wilson, Natashya LG 1.1 0.5 98 NF 9349 SP murmullo es silencioso, Un Lunn, Carolyn LG 0.5 0.5 63 F 85096 EN Museum, The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.7 0.5 174 NF 27221 EN Mushrooms for Dinner Randell, Beverley LG 1.3 0.5 177 F 85089 EN Music Lessons Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.7 0.5 205 NF 107214 EN Musical Chairs Holden, Pam LG 1.4 0.5 210 F 74844 EN Muskrats Hall, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 122 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 58082 EN Musty-Crusty Animals 123 Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 126 NF ÷ 42762 SP Muy alto, muy bajito (Zaqueo) Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.9 0.5 182 F ÷ 48168 EN My "a" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.4 0.5 175 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 113 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 31817 EN My Accident Giles, Jenny LG 0.7 0.5 47 F ÷ 55688 EN My Apron Carle, Eric LG 1.8 0.5 203 F 75950 EN My Aunt and Uncle Auld, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 187 NF 54467 EN My Aunt Works in a Cheese Shop Hughes, Sarah LG 1.0 0.5 80 NF 121514 EN My Auntie Susan Bird, Sheila May LG 1.4 0.5 90 F 48169 EN My "b" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 309 F 65624 EN My Beak, Your Beak Walsh, Melanie LG 1.0 0.5 95 F 35302 EN My Bear and Me Maitland, Barbara LG 1.6 0.5 125 F 78057 EN My Beautiful Child Desimini, Lisa LG 1.5 0.5 155 F ÷ 2300 EN Feldman, Heather LG 0.5 0.5 67 NF ÷ 69269 EN My Bedtime: A Book About Getting Ready for Bed My Best Friend Hall, Kirsten LG 0.5 0.5 91 F ÷ 2293 EN Feldman, Heather LG 1.1 0.5 62 NF ÷ 24927 EN My Best Friend: A Book About Friendship My Best Friend Is out of This World Albee, Sarah LG 1.2 0.5 201 F 109905 EN My Big, Big Kick Gabolinscy, Jack LG 1.9 0.5 317 F 60908 EN My Big Brother Fisher, Valorie LG 1.5 0.5 100 F 32094 EN My Big Brother Giles, Jenny LG 1.0 0.5 104 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 29213 EN My Big Dog Stevens, Janet LG 1.4 0.5 724 F 121515 EN My Big, New Bed Nash, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 76 F 113268 EN My Big Rig London, Jonathan LG 1.9 0.5 185 F 72368 EN My Big Sister Fisher, Valorie LG 1.8 0.5 102 F 101522 EN My Birthday Party Wade, Barrie LG 1.2 0.5 109 F 35875 EN My Boat Sloan, Peter LG 1.4 0.5 64 46864 EN My Book by Me Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.5 0.5 113 F 112238 EN My Brain Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.9 0.5 161 NF 75951 EN My Brother Auld, Mary LG 1.5 0.5 160 NF 16398 EN My Brother, Ant Byars, Betsy LG 1.7 0.5 1,067 F 35759 EN My Brother, Owen Keenan, Nicholas LG 1.3 0.5 149 F ÷ 77650 EN My Brother's Birthday Hastings, Jack LG 1.1 0.5 161 NF ÷ 27986 EN My Brother, the Pest Bernstein, Margery LG 1.7 0.5 459 F 47513 EN My Bunny and Me George, Lindsay Barrett LG 1.7 0.5 99 F 83133 EN My Busy Day Davis, Jill LG 1.6 0.5 175 F ÷ 48170 EN My "c" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 293 F ÷ 31862 EN My Camp-Out Leonard, Marcia LG 0.4 0.5 81 F 53208 EN My Car Barton, Byron LG 0.9 0.5 88 F 41080 EN My Car Davies, Kay LG 1.4 0.5 196 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 46820 EN My Cat Foley, Cate LG 0.9 0.5 114 NF 112968 EN My Cat Copies Me Kwon, Yoon-duck LG 1.8 0.5 238 F 104245 EN My Cat's a Mommy! Bennett, Leonie LG 1.4 0.5 254 NF 46398 EN My Chickens Miller, Heather LG 1.4 0.5 152 NF 100830 EN My Chinese New Year Hughes, Monica LG 1.7 0.5 206 NF 74881 EN My Christmas Hughes, Monica LG 1.5 0.5 196 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 114 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 35210 EN My Computer Workman, Robin LG 1.2 0.5 70 NF 89599 EN My Continent Adamson, Heather LG 1.8 0.5 125 NF 36827 EN My Counting Book Curry, Don L. LG 1.9 0.5 170 NF 121362 EN My Cowboy Boots Bowman, Crystal LG 1.4 0.5 265 F ÷ 46399 EN My Cows Miller, Heather LG 1.1 0.5 159 NF ÷ 48171 EN My "d" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 222 F 75952 EN My Dad Auld, Mary LG 1.5 0.5 158 NF ÷ 47514 EN My Dad Browne, Anthony LG 1.4 0.5 146 F ÷ 32093 EN My Dad Giles, Jenny LG 0.9 0.5 115 F 51672 EN My Dad Is Awesome Butterworth, Nick LG 1.1 0.5 86 F 54468 EN My Dad Works on a Farm Hughes, Sarah LG 0.9 0.5 106 67714 EN My Daddy Paradis, Susan LG 1.9 0.5 91 F 87421 EN My Daddy Is a Giant Norac, Carl LG 1.8 0.5 167 F 41991 EN My Day Emberley, Rebecca LG 1.0 0.5 146 F 2295 EN Feldman, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 130 NF 56669 EN My Day at the Baseball Game: A Book About a Special Day My Deer Is a Dear Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 112 NF 74882 EN My Divali Hughes, Monica LG 1.4 0.5 183 NF 46400 EN My Dog Hughes, Sarah LG 1.3 0.5 153 NF 2298 EN Feldman, Heather LG 1.2 0.5 85 NF 104246 EN My Dog: A Book About a Special Pet My Dog's a Mommy! Bennett, Leonie LG 1.5 0.5 240 NF 3051 EN My Dog's the Best! Calmenson, Stephanie LG 0.6 0.5 183 F 43621 EN My Dog Toby Zimmerman, Andrea LG 1.9 0.5 469 F 44460 EN My Dog Willy Peters, Catherine LG 1.0 0.5 71 F 70587 EN My Dress-up Party Willson, Sarah LG 1.5 0.5 203 F 48172 EN My "e" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.5 0.5 169 F 87071 EN My Ears Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.5 0.5 121 NF 100831 EN My Easter Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.7 0.5 183 NF 103896 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.7 0.5 323 F 87072 EN My Eight Book (My First Step to Math) My Eyes Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.4 0.5 121 NF 57439 EN My Family Granowsky, Alvin LG 1.8 0.5 367 F 77651 EN My Farm Hastings, Jack LG 1.0 0.5 131 NF 45174 EN My Favorite Foods Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.3 0.5 85 F 85702 EN My Favorite Monster St-Aubin, Bruno LG 1.2 0.5 156 F 55636 EN My First Book of Proverbs Gonzalez, Ralfka LG 1.8 0.5 212 F 9463 EN My First Look at Nature Pinnington, Andrea LG 1.6 0.5 76 103897 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 367 F ÷ 26625 EN My Five Book (My First Step to Math) My Five Book (My Number Books) Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 503 NF ÷ 52235 EN My Five Senses Harvey, Kate LG 1.2 0.5 42 NF 76064 EN My Flower Garden: The Sound of FL Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.3 0.5 70 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF NF Page 115 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.5 0.5 307 F/NF F Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 442 NF 103898 EN 26624 EN My Four Book (My First Step to Math) My Four Book (My Number Books) 49495 EN My Friend and I Jahn-Clough, Lisa LG 1.4 0.5 322 F 30150 EN My Friend Gorilla Morozumi, Atsuko LG 1.4 0.5 125 F 44880 EN My Friend Jess Noonan, Diana LG 1.4 0.5 124 NF 100003 EN My Friend the Doctor Cole, Joanna LG 1.7 0.5 284 F ÷ 48174 EN My "g" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 253 F ÷ 34659 EN My Garden Ostrow, Jesse S. LG 0.9 0.5 38 F 46401 EN My Goats Miller, Heather LG 1.1 0.5 127 NF 46402 EN My Goldfish Walker, Pamela LG 1.2 0.5 149 NF ÷ 54469 EN My Grandfather Works in a Bakery Hughes, Sarah LG 0.9 0.5 89 NF ÷ 32095 EN My Grandma and Grandpa Giles, Jenny LG 1.2 0.5 131 54470 EN Hughes, Sarah LG 1.2 0.5 75 NF 39964 EN My Grandmother Works in a Dress Shop My Grandpa Mitchell, Greg LG 1.2 0.5 76 F 75953 EN My Grandparents Auld, Mary LG 1.8 0.5 162 35716 EN My Great Big Brother Speer, Arthur LG 1.6 0.5 65 46821 EN My Guinea Pig Hughes, Sarah LG 1.0 0.5 117 NF 48175 EN My "h" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 307 F 87073 EN My Hands Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.4 0.5 114 NF 74883 EN My Hanukkah Hughes, Monica LG 1.3 0.5 199 NF 68945 EN My Head Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 298 NF 112239 EN My Heart Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.8 0.5 135 NF 57440 EN My Home Schlepp, Tammy J. LG 1.9 0.5 355 F 46403 EN My Horses Miller, Heather LG 1.0 0.5 133 NF 48176 EN My "i" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.5 0.5 206 F 74884 EN My Id-al-Fitr Hughes, Monica LG 1.9 0.5 231 NF ÷ 48177 EN My "j" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 233 F ÷ 48178 EN My "k" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.5 0.5 215 F ÷ 42719 EN My Life in the Mountains Robbins, Eliza LG 1.2 0.5 66 NF ÷ 42720 EN My Life on an Island James, Cindy LG 0.9 0.5 43 NF ÷ 31681 EN My Little Brother Ben Cogan, Karen LG 0.5 0.5 36 F ÷ 35717 EN My Little Mouse Cartwright, Pauline LG 0.9 0.5 32 F ÷ 4090 EN My Little Sister Cowley, Joy LG 1.0 0.5 45 F ÷ 32096 EN My Little Sister Giles, Jenny LG 1.5 0.5 121 F ÷ 31601 EN My Loose Tooth Krensky, Stephen LG 1.0 0.5 171 F ÷ 48180 EN My "m" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 260 F ÷ 77652 EN My Messy Room Creasy, Mary-Anne LG 1.1 0.5 189 F ÷ 35871 EN My Milk Shake Sloan, Peter LG 0.7 0.5 41 NF 75954 EN My Mom Auld, Mary LG 1.7 0.5 176 NF 54471 EN My Mom Is a Beekeeper Hughes, Sarah LG 0.9 0.5 100 NF 51111 EN My Mom Is Excellent! Butterworth, Nick LG 1.2 0.5 78 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F NF F F Page 116 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 67716 EN My Mommy Paradis, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 75 F 48708 EN My Mother Is Mine Bauer, Marion Dane LG 0.9 0.5 100 F 87074 EN My Mouth Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.4 0.5 117 NF 112241 EN My Muscles Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.8 0.5 112 NF 48181 EN My "n" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 287 F 68946 EN My Neck and Shoulders Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 288 NF ÷ 7234 EN My New Boy Phillips, Joan LG 1.0 0.5 256 F ÷ 40736 EN My New Pet Is the Greatest Albee, Sarah LG 1.3 0.5 164 F 121788 EN My New Skates Harvey, John LG 1.4 0.5 310 F 103899 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 421 F 87075 EN My Nine Book (My First Step to Math) My Nose Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.6 0.5 100 NF 65848 EN My Nose, Your Nose Walsh, Melanie LG 1.1 0.5 91 F 48182 EN My "o" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 172 F 103900 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.5 0.5 332 F ÷ 26621 EN My One Book (My First Step to Math) My One Book (My Number Books) Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 400 NF ÷ 31864 EN My Pal Al Leonard, Marcia LG 0.6 0.5 81 F NF ÷ ÷ ÷ 46404 EN My Parakeet Walker, Pamela LG 0.7 0.5 96 102345 EN My Parents: Heroes of the Harvest Caraballo, Samuel LG 1.7 0.5 213 F 57441 EN My Pet Granowsky, Alvin LG 1.9 0.5 476 F 44462 EN My Pet, Bobby Stelson, Caren LG 0.6 0.5 150 F 77755 EN My Pet Lamb Hastings, Jack LG 1.9 0.5 181 NF 70588 EN My Pet Turtle Reber, Deborah LG 1.7 0.5 206 F 46405 EN My Pigs Miller, Heather LG 0.9 0.5 123 NF ÷ 46626 EN My Pinkie Finger Franco, Betsy LG 1.0 0.5 105 F ÷ 50298 EN My Plant Barrios, Paula LG 1.4 0.5 103 NF 89124 EN My Pony Jack Meister, Cari LG 1.0 0.5 175 F 102268 EN My Pony Jack at Riding Lessons Meister, Cari LG 1.0 0.5 189 F ÷ 48184 EN My "q" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 230 F ÷ 56812 EN My Red Rowboat Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.4 0.5 89 F 105504 EN My Robot Bunting, Eve LG 1.6 0.5 408 F 74885 EN My Rosh Hashanah Hughes, Monica LG 1.4 0.5 222 NF ÷ 2294 EN Feldman, Heather LG 1.4 0.5 121 NF ÷ 28535 EN My School Bus: A Book About School Bus Safety My Scrapbook Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.0 0.5 129 NF ÷ 35989 EN My Secret Hiding Place Greydanus, Rose LG 1.2 0.5 155 F ÷ 35218 EN My Secret Place Rego, Marion LG 1.4 0.5 121 F 103901 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 379 F ÷ 26627 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 515 NF ÷ 15276 EN My Seven Book (My First Step to Math) My Seven Book (My Number Books) My Shadow Mitchell, Rachel LG 1.5 0.5 116 F 46406 EN My Sheep Miller, Heather LG 1.4 0.5 141 NF 41081 EN My Shell Patchett, Lynne LG 1.5 0.5 180 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 117 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 89151 EN My Shoelaces Are Hard To Tie! Roberson, Karla LG 1.1 0.5 199 F 75955 EN My Sister Auld, Mary LG 1.8 0.5 175 NF 60091 EN My Sister June Eaton, Deborah LG 1.1 0.5 182 F 103902 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 369 F 26626 EN My Six Book (My First Step to Math) My Six Book (My Number Books) Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 500 NF 48089 EN My Skin Whitaker, Alan LG 0.8 0.5 60 NF 48194 EN My Sound Parade Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 275 F 34518 EN My Special Place Reeve, Naomi LG 1.5 0.5 117 F 103644 EN My Special Space Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.6 0.5 122 F 47632 EN My Street Jones, Shelley LG 1.9 0.5 281 F ÷ 48187 EN My "t" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.7 0.5 276 F ÷ 83484 EN My Teacher for President Winters, Kay LG 1.8 0.5 147 F 101959 EN My Thanksgiving Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.4 0.5 161 NF 103904 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 314 F ÷ 35510 EN My Three Book (My First Step to Math) My Three-Wheeler Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.4 0.5 37 F ÷ 31611 EN My Tooth Is About to Fall Out Maccarone, Grace LG 1.6 0.5 175 F 70500 EN My Tooth Is Loose! Hood, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 223 F 41864 EN My Tooth Is Loose! Silverman, Martin LG 1.7 0.5 302 F 35742 EN My Treasure Garden McPherson, Jan LG 1.8 0.5 131 F 77663 EN My Trip Creasy, Mary-Anne LG 1.3 0.5 145 NF 66204 EN My Trip to the Zoo Mayer, Mercer LG 0.4 0.5 58 F 65033 EN My Truck Is Stuck! Lewis, Kevin LG 1.4 0.5 306 F 46822 EN My Turtle Foley, Cate LG 1.5 0.5 157 NF 103905 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.1 0.5 246 F ÷ 26622 EN My Two Book (My First Step to Math) My Two Book (My Number Books) Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 397 NF ÷ 48188 EN My "u" Sound Box Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.7 0.5 210 F 54472 EN My Uncle Owns a Deli Hughes, Sarah LG 1.0 0.5 112 NF 104441 EN My Very Big Little World Reynolds, Peter H. LG 1.7 0.5 381 F ÷ 70589 EN My Visit with Periwinkle Inches, Alison LG 1.2 0.5 195 F ÷ 35526 EN My Weekly Chores Mitchell, Charlotte C. LG 1.2 0.5 44 F 88638 EN My Wild Woolly Eaton, Deborah J. LG 0.8 0.5 88 F 53920 EN My World Brown, Margaret Wise LG 0.8 0.5 193 F 118615 EN Mysterious Package, The Chessa, Francesca LG 1.9 0.5 391 F 36715 EN Mysterious Song, The Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.3 0.5 277 F 89153 EN Mystery of the Missing Dog, The Hooks, Gwendolyn LG 1.3 0.5 339 F ÷ 19234 EN Kellogg, Steven LG 1.8 0.5 250 F ÷ 9483 EN Kellogg, Steven LG 1.9 0.5 415 F F ÷ ÷ ÷ 31791 SP Mystery of the Missing Red Mitten, The Mystery of the Stolen Blue Paint, The Nada en el buzón Ford, Carolyn LG 1.5 0.5 71 123837 EN Naked Mole-Rat, The Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.7 0.5 147 NF 61520 EN Name That Ed Driscoll, Laura LG 1.3 0.5 287 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 118 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 56670 EN Names Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.7 0.5 47 62828 EN Nana's Fiddle Brimner, Larry Dane LG 1.5 0.5 121 F 26937 EN Nana's Hog Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.8 0.5 91 F 41176 EN Nana's Kitchen Walton, Darwin McBeth LG 1.8 0.5 354 F 31739 EN Nana's Place Gibson, Akimi LG 1.8 0.5 212 F 110576 SP Narices Nunn, Daniel LG 1.4 0.5 190 NF 62088 SP Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.0 0.5 71 NF 104374 SP Nariz (Conozcamos nuestro cuerpo) Natalia y Nicolás Camarena, Cathy LG 0.3 0.5 52 NF 103366 EN Nate, Let's Skate Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 113 F 104393 EN Nate the Dinosaur Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.7 0.5 159 F 83476 EN Nature Museum Leeper, Angela LG 1.9 0.5 280 NF ÷ 27184 EN Naughty Ann, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.0 0.5 159 F ÷ 63360 EN Naughty Puppy, The Powell, Jillian LG 1.9 0.5 174 F ÷ 7257 SP Navidad de Clifford, La Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 387 F ÷ 36761 EN Near and Far (Opposites) Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 85 NF ÷ 80025 EN Nebulas (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.8 0.5 119 NF 122888 EN Needs and Wants Olson, Gillia M. LG 1.6 0.5 164 NF 110774 EN Neighborhood Helpers Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.9 0.5 257 NF 110775 EN Neighborhood Shopping Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.3 0.5 230 NF 106072 EN Nell's Elf Cowen-Fletcher, Jane LG 1.9 0.5 271 F 70349 EN Neptune Adamson, Thomas K. LG 1.7 0.5 132 NF 80026 EN Neptune (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.7 0.5 126 NF 50860 EN Nest on the Beach, The Smith, Annette LG 1.7 0.5 230 F 88621 EN Never Say Goodbye Gant, Lea Gillespie LG 1.8 0.5 317 F ÷ 15277 EN Never Say Never Spevack, Judy LG 1.5 0.5 225 F ÷ 36762 EN New and Old (Opposites) Doudna, Kelly LG 0.5 0.5 77 NF ÷ 34243 EN New at the Zoo Edwards, Frank B. LG 0.4 0.5 86 F 40610 EN New Baby, The Mayer, Mercer LG 1.9 0.5 168 F ÷ 32104 EN New Baby, The Randell, Beverley LG 0.8 0.5 134 F ÷ 11680 EN New Bed, A Eggleton, Jill LG 1.5 0.5 243 F 50801 EN New Boots Smith, Annette LG 0.8 0.5 129 F F 70590 EN New Boots for Bob! Thorpe, Kiki LG 1.3 0.5 140 ÷ 31837 EN New Building, The Cutting, Brian LG 1.1 0.5 79 ÷ 66248 EN New Fire Truck, The Mayer, Mercer LG 1.5 0.5 116 F ÷ NF 4148 EN New Forest, The Noonan, Diana LG 1.7 0.5 300 F 40925 EN New Friend, Blue Friend Weiss, Ellen LG 1.6 0.5 315 F 50844 EN New Glasses for Max Smith, Annette LG 1.6 0.5 239 F 120842 EN New House, A Joyce, Melanie LG 1.4 0.5 235 F 41844 EN New House for Mole and Mouse, A Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 214 F 82682 EN New Ice-Cream Machine, A Eggleton, Jill LG 1.7 0.5 263 F ÷ 66205 EN New Kid in Town Mayer, Mercer LG 1.7 0.5 245 F ÷ 9077 EN New Kid, The Economos, Christine LG 1.8 0.5 789 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 119 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 31865 EN New Kid, The Hood, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 125 F ÷ 71830 EN New Pig in Town Wheeler, Lisa LG 1.8 0.5 912 F 82736 EN New Place, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.5 0.5 272 F 4122 EN New Road, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.4 0.5 45 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 43494 EN New Shoes, Red Shoes Rollings, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 117 F 114158 EN New Socks Shea, Bob LG 0.8 0.5 149 F 109002 EN New to Drew Blackaby, Susan LG 1.3 0.5 145 F 82699 EN New Wheels, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.5 0.5 239 F 58084 EN Newts Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 287 NF 48709 EN Next, Please! Inns, Christopher LG 1.7 0.5 302 F 43372 EN Next Stop! Ellis, Sarah LG 1.4 0.5 317 F 40495 EN ng Molter, Carey LG 1.4 0.5 86 76615 EN Nice News Leaney, Cindy LG 1.7 0.5 131 F 45250 EN Nice Try, Tooth Fairy Olson, Mary W. LG 1.7 0.5 337 F 80193 EN Nick and Ned: The Sound of N Minden, Cecilia LG 1.1 0.5 119 NF 34529 EN Nick's Pet Miller, Mary Jane LG 1.0 0.5 120 F 87088 EN Nickels Hill, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 115 NF 32784 EN Nicky and the Big, Bad Wolves Gorbachev, Valeri LG 1.8 0.5 272 F 49416 EN Nicky Upstairs and Down Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.0 0.5 180 F 32185 SP nido de la tortuga, El Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 87 F 57442 EN Night and Day Granowsky, Alvin LG 1.5 0.5 362 F 42423 EN Night Cars Jam, Teddy LG 1.5 0.5 231 F 118735 EN Night Creatures Cooper, Wade LG 1.8 0.5 407 NF 44418 EN Night Night, Cuddly Bear Waddell, Martin LG 1.8 0.5 405 F 22108 EN Night Noises Thiewes, Sam LG 1.3 0.5 97 F 15278 EN Night Sky, The Lynch, Patricia Ann LG 1.8 0.5 227 F 44481 EN Night the Lights Went Out, The Bloksberg, Robin LG 1.0 0.5 157 F 59746 EN Night Train Stutson, Caroline LG 1.2 0.5 143 F 41926 EN Nightgown Countdown Edwards, Frank B. LG 1.6 0.5 150 F 52401 EN Nighty Night! Wild, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 299 F 59467 EN Niles Likes to Smile Hollander, Cass LG 0.9 0.5 79 F 14638 EN Nina, Nina Ballerina O'Connor, Jane LG 1.9 0.5 427 F 82326 EN Nina, Nina Star Ballerina O'Connor, Jane LG 1.8 0.5 584 F NF 63188 EN Nine Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 73 121873 EN Nine Ducks Nine Hayes, Sarah LG 1.4 0.5 322 F 100467 SP niñera, La Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.0 0.5 91 F 115126 EN Nini Here and There Lobel, Anita LG 1.4 0.5 216 F 104461 SP Nino aprende a nadar Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.7 0.5 119 F 22100 SP niño que trató de esconderse, El Pacheco, Lourdes LG 1.8 0.5 230 F 36608 EN Nipper, The Slavin, Robert LG 1.6 0.5 251 F 40496 EN Nn Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 43 47515 EN No Bath Tonight! Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.8 0.5 197 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF NF F Page 120 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 118482 EN No Biting, Louise Palatini, Margie LG 1.7 0.5 257 F 82749 EN No Buzz for the Bees Eggleton, Jill LG 1.4 0.5 207 F 72788 SP Willems, Mo LG 0.6 0.5 139 F 66401 SP ¡No dejes que la paloma conduzca el autobús! ¡No digas eso! Amos, Janine LG 1.6 0.5 323 NF ÷ 82692 EN No Dinner for Black Cat! Eggleton, Jill LG 1.6 0.5 227 F ÷ 31689 EN No Dogs Allowed Hardin, Suzanne LG 0.9 0.5 72 F ÷ 17330 EN No Fair! Holtzman, Caren LG 1.4 0.5 440 F 42756 EN No-Go King, The Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.8 0.5 460 F 66400 SP ¡No hagas eso! Amos, Janine LG 1.7 0.5 346 NF 42150 SP ¡No me corten el pelo! Wilhelm, Hans LG 0.4 0.5 80 F 55667 SP No me gusta mi moño Wilhelm, Hans LG 0.6 0.5 82 F 79603 EN No Monsters Here Jennings, Sharon LG 1.8 0.5 392 F 114203 EN No More Bottles for Bunny! Ford, Bernette LG 1.5 0.5 253 F 114204 EN No More Diapers for Ducky! Ford, Bernette LG 1.0 0.5 187 F 7385 EN No More Monsters for Me Parish, Peggy LG 1.7 0.5 1,462 F ÷ 7236 EN No More TV, Sleepy Dog Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.9 0.5 210 F ÷ 31860 EN No New Pants! Leonard, Marcia LG 0.8 0.5 110 F 104826 EN No, No Noah! Mackall, Dandi Daley LG 1.4 0.5 204 F 21463 EN No, No, Titus! Masurel, Claire LG 1.5 0.5 280 F 61761 EN No! No! Word Bird Moncure, Jane Belk LG 0.6 0.5 178 F 66245 EN No One Can Play Mayer, Mercer LG 1.1 0.5 64 F NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 72181 EN No Pigs on the Farm! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 81 116724 EN No Problem! Bennett, Leonie LG 1.1 0.5 207 F 31689 SP No se permiten perros Hardin, Suzanne LG 1.0 0.5 78 F 107753 SP No te rías de mí Seskin, Steve LG 1.0 0.5 195 F 84454 SP ¡No tengo miedo! Wilhelm, Hans LG 1.6 0.5 116 F 61855 EN No, Thank You Amos, Janine LG 1.2 0.5 272 NF 21463 SP ¡No, Tito, no! Masurel, Claire LG 1.5 0.5 284 F 68528 EN No Trouble at All Grindley, Sally LG 1.6 0.5 167 F 121363 EN Noah and the Ark Pulley, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 271 F 7288 EN Noah's Ark Hayward, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 279 NF 51260 EN Nobody Asked Me! Henry, Steve LG 0.7 0.5 131 F 7584 EN Alexander, Martha LG 1.2 0.5 208 F 9183 EN Nobody Asked Me If I Wanted a Baby Sister Nobody Cares About Me! Roberts, Sarah LG 1.7 0.5 779 F 27123 EN Nobody Listens to Andrew Guilfoile, Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 370 F 56028 SP noche de paz (La Navidad), Una Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.5 0.5 125 F 47714 SP noche, La Martínez i Vendrell, Maria LG 1.6 0.5 669 F ÷ 40760 EN Noises!!! Doody, Elizabeth A. LG 0.9 0.5 98 F ÷ 31685 EN Noisy Breakfast Blonder, Ellen LG 1.1 0.5 33 F 36721 EN Noisy Morning, The Old, Wendie LG 1.7 0.5 359 F 77403 EN Noisy Way to Bed, The Whybrow, Ian LG 1.1 0.5 183 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 121 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 49284 EN Noisytime for Zoo Animals Arnold, Caroline LG 1.0 0.5 80 NF 59468 EN Nora Plays All Day Hiltbrand, Joellen LG 1.8 0.5 42 F 63159 EN Nora's Numbers: The Letter N (n) Alexander, Linda LG 1.4 0.5 80 NF 44420 EN Northwoods Cradle Song Wood, Douglas LG 1.7 0.5 257 62088 EN Nose Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.0 0.5 73 56419 EN Nose Book, The Perkins, Al LG 1.4 0.5 194 F F NF 69639 EN Nose Like a Hose, A Samuels, Jenny LG 1.9 0.5 104 F 110576 EN Noses Nunn, Daniel LG 1.1 0.5 196 NF 4150 EN Not Enough Cupcakes Noonan, Diana LG 1.8 0.5 293 F 9386 EN Not I, Not I Hillert, Margaret LG 0.7 0.5 250 F 60118 EN Not-So-Scary Scarecrow, The Bloksberg, Robin LG 1.4 0.5 166 F 4046 EN Not yet, Tip Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 123 F 76641 EN Note in a Bottle Leaney, Cindy LG 0.9 0.5 143 F 31791 EN Nothing in the Mailbox Ford, Carolyn LG 1.5 0.5 74 F 56648 EN Nouns Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 79 NF 72096 EN Now and Long Ago Blevins, Wiley LG 1.9 0.5 229 NF 34243 SP Nueva en el zoológico Edwards, Frank B. LG 1.0 0.5 81 F 72274 EN Number of Animals, A Wormell, Christopher LG 1.6 0.5 182 F ÷ 12332 EN Number Puzzles Griffiths, Rose LG 1.7 0.5 196 NF ÷ 12333 EN Numbers Griffiths, Rose LG 1.7 0.5 194 NF 82353 EN Numbers Lucado, Max LG 1.8 0.5 547 F 61785 EN Numbers Paré, Roger LG 1.7 0.5 114 NF 14977 EN Nuts to You! Ehlert, Lois LG 1.7 0.5 223 F 40497 EN oa Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 108 NF 31809 EN Oak Trees Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.5 0.5 133 NF 35211 EN Oatmeal Noonan, Diana LG 1.9 0.5 96 66345 EN -ob as in Knob Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.7 0.5 140 NF 78178 EN Observing an Aquarium Delta Education Editors LG 1.4 0.5 213 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ F 89956 EN Ocean Floors Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.6 0.5 190 NF 109250 EN Oceans Bodden, Valerie LG 1.9 0.5 409 NF 59233 EN Oceans Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.9 0.5 199 NF 2290 EN Oceans Ward, Kristin LG 1.5 0.5 115 NF 116288 EN Oceans and Seas Mayer, Cassie LG 1.5 0.5 160 NF 74743 EN Ocelot Eckart, Edana LG 0.9 0.5 82 NF 66346 EN -ock as in Block Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.4 0.5 129 NF 87276 EN Octopus Berger, Melvin LG 1.9 0.5 162 NF ÷ 82796 EN Octopus, The Gibson, Brylee LG 1.1 0.5 101 NF ÷ 108343 EN Octopuses Herriges, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 142 NF ÷ 84766 EN Octopuses Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.5 0.5 105 NF ÷ 31760 EN Octopuses Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.5 0.5 49 NF 111435 EN Odd One Out Hayhoe, Rosalind LG 1.8 0.5 254 NF 65208 EN Off to Bethlehem! Mackall, Dandi Daley LG 1.7 0.5 129 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 122 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 72791 EN Off to Plymouth Rock! Mackall, Dandi Daley LG 1.8 0.5 143 F 22099 EN Off to the Shop Mahy, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 302 F 45445 EN Off We Go! Yolen, Jane LG 1.3 0.5 199 F 66347 EN -og as in Dog Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.3 0.5 116 NF 116215 EN Oh! Henkes, Kevin LG 0.9 0.5 128 F 31586 EN Oh, Cats! Buck, Nola LG 0.4 0.5 94 F 105569 EN Oh, Ducky! A Chocolate Calamity Slonim, David LG 1.4 0.5 294 F 59563 EN Oh My Gosh, Mrs. McNosh! Weeks, Sarah LG 1.7 0.5 217 F 39968 EN Oh No! Scarffe, Bronwen LG 1.6 0.5 127 F 107424 EN Oh No, Not Ghosts! Michelson, Richard LG 1.7 0.5 290 F 9329 EN Oh No, Otis! Frankel, Julie LG 0.4 0.5 97 F 42766 SP ¡Oh! ¡Oh! (Jonás y el pez) Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.0 0.5 161 F ÷ 9040 EN Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! Seuss, Dr. LG 1.8 0.5 367 F ÷ 21407 EN Oh, Tucker! Kroll, Steven LG 1.2 0.5 283 F 116833 EN Oils Benduhn, Tea LG 1.7 0.5 196 NF 110574 SP Ojos Nunn, Daniel LG 1.3 0.5 189 NF 62079 SP Ojos (Conozcamos nuestro cuerpo) Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.2 0.5 87 NF ÷ 6080 EN Old Black Fly Aylesworth, Jim LG 1.4 0.5 333 F ÷ 35219 EN Old Cat, New Cat Eschenbach, Bob LG 1.2 0.5 170 F 50726 EN Old Cat, The Windsor, Jo LG 1.9 0.5 269 F 68532 EN Old Dog, The Zolotow, Charlotte LG 1.8 0.5 234 F 11681 EN Old Green Machine, The Noonan, Diana LG 1.9 0.5 448 F 115837 EN Old MacDonald Drives a Tractor Carter, Don LG 1.5 0.5 295 F 35450 EN Old MacDonald Had a Farm Daniel, Alan/Lea LG 1.3 0.5 229 F 105711 EN Old Mo Hsu, Stacey W. LG 0.5 0.5 76 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 53717 EN Old Mother Hubbard Cabrera, Jane LG 1.9 0.5 133 F 116720 EN Old Red Hat, An Langford, Jane LG 1.3 0.5 234 F 35208 EN Old Teeth, New Teeth Noonan, Diana LG 1.8 0.5 53 F ÷ 35909 EN Old to New Costain, Meredith LG 1.9 0.5 61 NF ÷ 11682 EN Old Truck, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.6 0.5 238 F 104378 SP Oliva y Oscar Camarena, Cathy LG 0.5 0.5 51 ÷ 60392 EN Oliver Finds His Way Root, Phyllis LG 1.3 0.5 210 F ÷ 52402 SP Olivia, la reina del circo Falconer, Ian LG 1.9 0.5 328 F ÷ 52402 EN Olivia Saves the Circus Falconer, Ian LG 1.9 0.5 310 F ÷ 72911 EN Ollie Dunrea, Olivier LG 0.9 0.5 138 F 72912 EN Ollie the Stomper Dunrea, Olivier LG 0.9 0.5 152 F 72097 EN On a Farm Chapman, Cindy LG 0.7 0.5 86 NF 55447 EN On a Mountain Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 68 NF 43122 EN On a Wintry Morning Chaconas, Dori LG 1.9 0.5 315 48236 EN On My Boat: The Sound of Long O Noyed, Robert B. LG 0.8 0.5 69 41720 EN On My Island Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.4 0.5 113 F 35547 EN On My Street Porter, Gracie R. LG 1.7 0.5 291 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF F NF Page 123 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 61762 EN On My Trip: The Sound of TR Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.0 0.5 79 F 73943 EN On My Way to Buy Eggs Chen, Chih-Yuan LG 1.8 0.5 296 F 74241 EN On Noah's Ark Brett, Jan LG 1.8 0.5 238 F 76642 EN On the Beach Leaney, Cindy LG 1.1 0.5 139 F 121874 EN On the Farm Elliott, David LG 1.5 0.5 258 F 76118 EN Dahl, Michael LG 1.6 0.5 70 NF 18888 EN On the Launch Pad: A Counting Book About Rockets On the Move Heiligman, Deborah LG 1.9 0.5 572 NF 55448 EN On the Prairie Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 70 NF 101679 EN On the Run Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.8 0.5 339 NF 44463 EN On the School Bus Peters, Catherine LG 1.3 0.5 62 F 46601 EN On the Stairs Larios, Julie Hofstrand LG 1.5 0.5 284 F 105505 EN On the Way to the Pond Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 1.3 0.5 211 F ÷ 35843 EN On Vacation Sloan, Peter LG 1.0 0.5 88 F 35471 EN Once an Austrian Went Yodeling Daniel, Alan/Lea LG 1.1 0.5 127 F ÷ 106832 EN Once I Ate a Pie MacLachlan, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 779 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 14859 EN Once There Was a Bull...(frog) Walton, Rick LG 1.7 0.5 278 F 108297 EN Once Upon a Tide Mitton, Tony LG 1.9 0.5 252 F 15279 EN Once Upon a Time Hollander, Cass LG 1.3 0.5 253 F 63189 EN One Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 78 NF 66359 EN -one as in Stone Molter, Carey LG 1.2 0.5 118 NF 64665 EN One Big Ocean Nichols, Catherine LG 1.6 0.5 237 NF 63250 EN One Big Sneeze Kropp, Paul LG 0.7 0.5 166 F 103367 EN One-Cent Tent, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.8 0.5 124 F 76120 EN Dahl, Michael LG 1.6 0.5 76 69902 EN One Checkered Flag: A Counting Book About Racing One-Dog Canoe Casanova, Mary LG 1.8 0.5 314 F 59438 EN One Duck Stuck Root, Phyllis LG 1.4 0.5 386 F 9042 EN Seuss, Dr. LG 1.7 0.5 1,308 F 46627 EN One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish One Glad Man Bowdish, Lynea LG 1.5 0.5 100 F 43458 EN One Gorilla Morozumi, Atsuko LG 1.7 0.5 91 F 79287 EN One Green Frog Ring, Susan LG 1.5 0.5 215 26938 EN One Happy Classroom Simon, Charnan LG 1.0 0.5 61 F 39970 EN One Hot Summer Night Mitchell, Greg LG 1.6 0.5 118 F 87446 EN One Is a Drummer Thong, Roseanne LG 1.6 0.5 210 F NF NF 41435 EN One Lighthouse, One Moon Lobel, Anita LG 1.7 0.5 193 F 117319 EN Elliott, David LG 1.6 0.5 144 F 49756 EN One Little Chicken: A Counting Book One Lonely Sea Horse Freymann, Saxton LG 1.8 0.5 181 F 121807 EN One More Floor! Shea, Therese LG 1.3 0.5 226 F 86109 EN One Nosy Pup Wallace, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 1,149 F 59846 EN One Rainy Day Gorbachev, Valeri LG 1.5 0.5 304 F 36240 EN One Seal Stadler, John LG 1.2 0.5 84 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 124 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 50299 EN One Smart Chick Shipton, Paul LG 1.4 0.5 248 F 105712 EN One Smart Fish Manivong, Laura LG 0.9 0.5 132 F 4127 EN One Sock, Two Socks Owens, Judy LG 1.2 0.5 280 F 35420 EN One Stormy Night Cowley, Joy LG 1.0 0.5 164 F 106395 EN One Ted Falls out of Bed Donaldson, Julia LG 1.9 0.5 162 F 108985 EN One Up for Brad Blackaby, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 120 F 44635 EN One Was Johnny: A Counting Book Sendak, Maurice LG 1.7 0.5 195 F 67314 EN One Wide Sky: A Bedtime Lullaby Wiles, Deborah LG 1.1 0.5 87 F 57981 EN One Windy Wednesday Root, Phyllis LG 1.3 0.5 156 F 57957 EN Only Joking! Laughed the Lobster West, Colin LG 1.4 0.5 103 F 108366 EN Only One You Kranz, Linda LG 1.9 0.5 229 F 89076 EN Only the Stars Boyd, Dee LG 1.8 0.5 341 F F 70836 EN Only You Wells, Rosemary LG 1.2 0.5 109 ÷ 40498 EN Oo Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 43 NF ÷ 36931 EN Oo (Long Vowels) Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 107 NF 40499 EN oo (Vowel Blends) Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 106 NF 76616 EN Oodles of Noodles Leaney, Cindy LG 1.1 0.5 144 F 58085 EN Ooey-Gooey Animals 123 Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 114 NF 66360 EN -ook as in Hook Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 163 NF 105570 EN Ook the Book Rovetch, Lissa LG 1.6 0.5 321 F 66361 EN -oon as in Spoon Molter, Carey LG 1.4 0.5 113 NF 69805 EN Oonga Boonga Wishinsky, Frieda LG 1.9 0.5 367 F 42161 EN Oops, Clifford! Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 381 F 69270 EN Oops! I Made a Mistake Hood, Susan LG 0.6 0.5 82 F 66348 EN -op as in Top Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.5 0.5 128 NF 63160 EN Alexander, Linda LG 1.5 0.5 74 NF ÷ 85090 EN Opal Grows Roses: The Letter O (long o) Opossums Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 207 NF 105235 EN Opossums Ripple, William John LG 1.5 0.5 117 NF 65442 EN Opossums Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 262 NF 1449 EN Opposites Dena, Anael LG 1.8 0.5 374 F 61786 EN Opposites Paré, Roger LG 1.9 0.5 201 NF 28404 EN Optometrist, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.4 0.5 192 NF 63161 EN Orange Alexander, Linda LG 1.4 0.5 77 NF 73076 EN Orange Foods Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 277 NF ÷ 46407 EN Orange in My World Winne, Joanne LG 1.2 0.5 123 NF ÷ 77776 EN Orange Juice: From Farm to Table Parkes, Brenda LG 1.7 0.5 130 NF ÷ 75822 EN Oranges Snyder, Inez LG 1.5 0.5 101 NF ÷ 68229 EN Oranges to Orange Juice Snyder, Inez LG 1.3 0.5 121 NF 74744 EN Orangutan Eckart, Edana LG 1.2 0.5 100 NF ÷ 104247 EN Orangutan Baby Hughes, Monica LG 1.5 0.5 260 NF ÷ 35915 EN Orangutans Costain, Meredith LG 1.3 0.5 76 NF ÷ 82673 EN Orangutans Gabolinscy, Jack LG 1.4 0.5 177 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 125 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 44916 SP ¡Ord come una pizza! Trimble, Irene LG 1.0 0.5 150 F 44916 EN Ord Eats a Pizza! Trimble, Irene LG 1.0 0.5 130 F 66362 EN -ore as in Core Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.5 0.5 114 NF 110573 SP Orejas Nunn, Daniel LG 1.8 0.5 198 NF 62078 SP Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.8 0.5 79 NF 122889 EN Orejas (Conozcamos nuestro cuerpo) Oriental Cats Lewis, Gail LG 1.6 0.5 116 NF 2312 SP Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.7 0.5 134 NF 2312 EN Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.7 0.5 119 NF 71797 EN Oscar de la Hoya: Boxeador de medalla de oro Oscar de la Hoya: Gold-Medal Boxer Oscar, Me, and the Letter O Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 226 NF 80668 SP Oso bajo el sol Blackstone, Stella LG 1.8 0.5 80 F 35603 SP Oso en la ciudad Blackstone, Stella LG 1.8 0.5 91 F 65453 SP oso pardo, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 342 47433 SP oso Verde, El Rogers, Alan LG 1.9 0.5 96 74449 SP Osos Wilson, Natashya LG 1.0 0.5 112 74285 SP Osos en la mente Penner, Lucille Recht LG 1.9 0.5 1,326 F 83196 SP Osos, osos por todas partes Milios, Rita LG 0.7 0.5 84 F 84742 EN Ostriches Ripple, William John LG 1.8 0.5 97 NF 82030 EN Oswald's Garden Feldman, Heather LG 1.3 0.5 153 F 66349 EN -ot as in Knot Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.5 0.5 136 NF 65403 SP Otoño Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 266 NF 85582 EN Otto Has a Birthday Party Parr, Todd LG 1.7 0.5 232 F 63162 EN Otto's Frogs: The Letter O (o) Alexander, Linda LG 1.0 0.5 74 NF 40500 EN ou Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 106 NF 32097 EN Our Baby Giles, Jenny LG 0.8 0.5 87 F 49496 EN Our Chore Chart Hunter, Augie LG 1.2 0.5 57 F 41242 EN Our Favorite Things To Do Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.4 0.5 241 NF 72113 EN Our Flag Benton, Celia LG 1.2 0.5 122 NF ÷ 50754 EN Our House Is a Safe House Smith, Annette LG 1.3 0.5 170 NF ÷ 32098 EN Our Mom Giles, Jenny LG 1.0 0.5 118 F ÷ 69271 EN Our New Baby Kueffner, Sue LG 0.6 0.5 93 F ÷ 28399 EN Our Parents Giles, Jenny LG 1.2 0.5 142 32184 EN Our Polliwogs Livesey, Claire LG 1.8 0.5 92 77740 EN Our Senses Betz, Adrienne LG 1.3 0.5 182 NF 80678 EN Our Silly Garden Nagel, Karen Berman LG 1.9 0.5 155 F 66206 EN Our Tree House Mayer, Mercer LG 1.4 0.5 248 F 72182 EN Out for the Summer! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 92 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF F NF NF F 111436 EN Out in the Snow Gabolinscy, Jack LG 1.5 0.5 163 NF ÷ 50300 EN Out of Sight Pritchett, Jan LG 1.2 0.5 52 NF ÷ 82792 EN Out of the Egg Gibson, Brylee LG 0.8 0.5 90 NF 75728 EN Out to Lunch Anderson, Peggy Perry LG 0.8 0.5 173 F 40761 EN Outside, Inside Fitzgerald, Rodney LG 0.8 0.5 97 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 126 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 46368 EN Ovals Burke, Jennifer S. LG 1.5 0.5 147 NF 115976 EN Ovals Vogel, Julia LG 1.7 0.5 194 NF 69157 EN Over the Moon Vail, Rachel LG 1.5 0.5 435 F 66350 EN -ow as in Cow Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.7 0.5 155 NF 66363 EN -ow as in Crow Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 94 NF 86230 EN Owen's Marshmallow Chick Henkes, Kevin LG 1.5 0.5 139 F 80920 EN Owl Swings a Dowel, The Hanson, Anders LG 1.9 0.5 231 NF 52206 EN Owl, That's Who!, An Leigh, Autumn LG 0.6 0.5 31 NF 85091 EN Owls Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.7 0.5 210 NF 74845 EN Owls Townsend, Emily Rose LG 1.6 0.5 116 NF 102783 EN Labella, Susan LG 1.8 0.5 270 NF 112666 EN Owls and Other Animals with Amazing Eyes Owls Are Night Animals Mattern, Joanne LG 1.6 0.5 199 NF ÷ 9575 EN P.J. Funnybunny Camps Out Sadler, Marilyn LG 1.7 0.5 318 F ÷ 76769 EN P.J. Funnybunny's Bag of Tricks Sadler, Marilyn LG 1.7 0.5 311 F 71798 EN Pablo, His Papa, and the Letter P Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 199 NF 63163 EN Pablo Paints: The Letter P (p) Alexander, Linda LG 1.0 0.5 63 NF 31720 EN Paco's Garden Podoshen, Lois LG 1.9 0.5 121 F 55622 SP Padia y los trampolinos Novoa, Teresa LG 1.8 0.5 98 F 81292 EN Paint Day Dewan, Ted LG 1.0 0.5 133 F 47633 EN Paint My Room! Carr, Roger LG 1.9 0.5 308 F 36710 EN Painters, The Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.4 0.5 255 F 51902 EN Pajama Party Holub, Joan LG 1.4 0.5 335 F 32234 SP pajarito listo, El Douglas, Ian LG 1.0 0.5 66 F 22094 SP pájaros matemáticos, Los Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.6 0.5 102 F 51903 EN Pal and Sal Herman, R.A. LG 1.4 0.5 255 F ÷ 86841 EN Pal and Sal's New Friend Herman, R.A. LG 1.5 0.5 351 F ÷ 86841 SP Herman, R.A. LG 0.9 0.5 339 F 86713 EN Pal el Poni: El nuevo amigo de Pal y Sal Pal Goes to the Fair Herman, R.A. LG 1.6 0.5 306 F 14641 EN Pal the Pony Herman, R.A. LG 1.3 0.5 224 F 56637 EN Palm in My Palm, A Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 199 NF 31806 EN Palm Trees Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.6 0.5 124 NF 60061 EN Paloma's Party Mora, Pat LG 1.7 0.5 332 F 104375 SP Paloma y Pablo Camarena, Cathy LG 1.0 0.5 53 NF 80194 EN Meier, Joanne LG 1.1 0.5 141 NF 72223 EN Pam's Trip to the Park: The Sound of P Pan + Cake = Pancake Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.8 0.5 109 NF 50717 EN Pancakes Windsor, Jo LG 1.6 0.5 261 F ÷ 9330 EN Pancakes, Crackers, and Pizza Eberts, Marjorie LG 1.0 0.5 63 F ÷ 52250 EN Panda Bear, The Chilek, Deborah LG 1.0 0.5 28 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 44464 EN Panda's Surprise Sun, Chyng Feng LG 1.2 0.5 213 F 116847 EN Pandas Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.3 0.5 117 NF 22095 SP pantalones de Pantaleón, Los Cowley, Joy LG 1.6 0.5 184 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 127 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 78576 EN Papa Small Lenski, Lois LG 1.9 0.5 399 F 18419 SP papalote, El Ada, Alma Flor LG 1.1 0.5 154 F 31698 EN Paper Bag Trail Schreiber, Anne LG 1.5 0.5 68 F 44044 EN Paperwhite Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth LG 1.8 0.5 251 F 22102 SP paracaídas, Los Vaughan, Marcia LG 1.9 0.5 148 F 22102 EN Parachutes Vaughan, Marcia LG 1.9 0.5 148 F 106790 EN Parade Day Schmauss, Judy Kentor LG 0.9 0.5 127 F 89972 EN Parade for Sam, A Labatt, Mary LG 1.7 0.5 439 F 121851 SP ¡Paraguas y más paraguas! Grace, Elora LG 1.1 0.5 129 F 48237 EN Parakeets Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 75 NF 72585 EN Parakeets Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.7 0.5 159 NF 34540 EN Parents Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.0 0.5 61 NF 68941 SP Pares del cuerpo Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 164 NF 58160 SP Pares en el zoológico Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 306 NF 35910 EN Park Rangers Costain, Meredith LG 1.7 0.5 57 NF 82714 EN Parrot in the Bat's Cave Eggleton, Jill LG 0.7 0.5 142 ÷ 31753 EN Parrotfish Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 52 NF ÷ 89560 EN Parrotfish Sullivan, Jody LG 1.5 0.5 130 NF ÷ 56273 EN Parrots Frost, Helen LG 1.4 0.5 94 NF 102900 EN Parrots and Other Birds Schulte, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 184 NF 58159 SP Partes iguales en el zoológico Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.5 0.5 277 NF 43459 SP partido de fútbol, Un Maccarone, Grace LG 1.0 0.5 60 F 54337 EN Parts Rotner, Shelley LG 1.5 0.5 189 F 35879 EN Parts of a Bike Sloan, Peter LG 1.0 0.5 79 NF 72098 EN Parts of a Plant Blevins, Wiley LG 1.8 0.5 199 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ F 63499 EN Party Animals Davis, Katie LG 1.8 0.5 287 F ÷ 50775 EN Party for Brown Mouse, A Giles, Jenny LG 1.1 0.5 149 F ÷ 83112 EN Party Fun DK Editors LG 1.0 0.5 105 F 121572 EN Foster, John LG 1.3 0.5 240 F 39712 SP Party Poems & Out and About Poems Pascua, La Malone, Marsha LG 1.5 0.5 114 NF 59439 SP paseo de Rosie, El Hutchins, Pat LG 0.6 0.5 42 F 114054 SP pastel de chocolate, El Ramos, Pilar LG 1.9 0.5 440 F 22107 SP pastel de Paco, El Meharry, Dot LG 1.1 0.5 100 F 35688 EN Pat, Pat, Pat Gaw, Robyn LG 0.6 0.5 35 F F ÷ ÷ 85614 EN Pat Picks Up Blackaby, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 65 116284 SP Patas Leake, Diyan LG 1.4 0.5 174 NF 115728 SP patito feo, El Orihuela, Luz LG 1.8 0.5 133 F 72170 SP Blackaby, Susan LG 1.9 0.5 530 F 120288 EN patito feo: Versión del cuento de Hans Christian Andersen, El Patrick's Super Socks Troupe, Thomas Kingsley LG 1.9 0.5 337 F 58161 SP Patrones en el zoológico Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 289 NF 103565 EN Patterns Everywhere Dalton, Julie LG 1.7 0.5 255 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 128 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 48021 EN Patty Cat deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.4 0.5 Word Count F/NF 288 F 9331 EN Paul the Pitcher Sharp, Paul LG 1.8 0.5 86 F 88994 EN Paula's Letter Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.5 0.5 152 F 108986 EN Paulette's Friend Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.7 0.5 160 F 107196 EN Paulo the Pilot Holden, Pam LG 1.8 0.5 274 F 103368 EN Paw That Can Draw, The Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.0 0.5 101 F 56568 SP Payasos de circo Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.5 0.5 272 NF ÷ 7587 EN Peace at Last Murphy, Jill LG 1.9 0.5 358 F ÷ 59470 EN Peach Tree Street Miranda, Anne LG 1.8 0.5 121 F 116848 EN Peacocks Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.4 0.5 113 NF 116972 EN Peanut Alsenas, Linas LG 1.6 0.5 186 F 44466 EN Peanut Butter and Jelly McDuff, Dona LG 1.7 0.5 164 F 121848 EN Peanut Butter Party, The Roza, Greg LG 0.6 0.5 60 F 31741 EN Peanut Butter Rhino Andriani, Vincent LG 1.5 0.5 192 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 9332 EN Pear by Itself, A Baker, Bonnie LG 1.5 0.5 146 NF 120051 EN Pedro's Burro Capucilli, Alyssa Satin LG 1.5 0.5 242 F 82128 EN Pee-Ew! Is That You, Bertie? Roberts, David LG 1.4 0.5 213 F 83084 EN Peedie Dunrea, Olivier LG 1.4 0.5 208 F ÷ 81656 EN Peek! A Thai Hide-and-Seek Ho, Minfong LG 1.8 0.5 258 F ÷ 11683 EN Pelican, The Cutting, Brian LG 1.8 0.5 295 NF 112672 EN Pelicans Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.9 0.5 165 NF 62083 SP Pelo (Conozcamos nuestro cuerpo) Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.7 0.5 79 NF 68942 SP pelo, El Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 287 NF 61675 SP pelota perdida, La Reiser, Lynn LG 1.0 0.5 205 F 28538 SP Peluca la tarántula Gibson, Marie LG 1.4 0.5 189 F ÷ 32056 EN Pencil, The Randell, Beverley LG 0.8 0.5 98 NF ÷ 52237 EN Penguins Braidich, Shelby LG 1.3 0.5 22 NF 62071 EN Penguins Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.4 0.5 118 NF ÷ ÷ 55449 EN Penguins Molter, Carey LG 1.3 0.5 37 NF ÷ 74830 EN Penguins Townsend, Emily Rose LG 1.7 0.5 106 NF ÷ 70384 EN Penguins and Their Chicks Hall, Margaret LG 1.9 0.5 115 NF 41165 EN Penny Changes the Day, A Fetty, Margaret LG 1.9 0.5 293 F 48022 EN Penny Hen deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.6 0.5 359 F F ÷ ÷ 7389 EN Penrod's Pants Christian, Mary Blount LG 1.8 0.5 1,484 76583 EN People Around the World Doudna, Kelly LG 1.7 0.5 147 NF 31916 EN People at Work Jose, Isabella LG 1.9 0.5 253 NF 115418 EN People in Fall Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.1 0.5 98 NF 123656 EN People in Winter Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.3 0.5 106 NF 106791 EN People on My Street, The Schmauss, Judy Kentor LG 0.9 0.5 94 4182 EN People Work Ecker, Debbie LG 1.7 0.5 233 NF 48106 EN Pepito the Brave Beck, Scott LG 1.4 0.5 190 F 27189 EN Pepper's Adventure Randell, Beverley LG 1.9 0.5 266 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 129 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Word Count F/NF 0.5 132 NF 1.5 0.5 218 NF Author IL ATOS BL Paige, Joy LG 1.6 Ellis, Julie LG Points 56124 SP 107215 EN perezoso: El mamífero más lento del mundo, El Perfect Pets 55121 EN Perfect Puppy Calmenson, Stephanie LG 1.4 0.5 241 F 12037 EN Perfect Ride, The McCrady, Lady LG 1.9 0.5 515 F 56671 EN Period Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 114 NF 56119 SP Periódico escolar Emmer, Rae LG 1.5 0.5 72 NF 48023 EN Perky Otter deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.8 0.5 430 F 6056 SP Perro grande...perro pequeño Eastman, P.D. LG 1.7 0.5 365 F ÷ 45453 SP perro vagabundo, El Simont, Marc LG 1.7 0.5 213 F ÷ 74450 SP Perros Khu, Jannell LG 1.3 0.5 158 NF NF 81801 EN Persian (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 0.9 0.5 59 103369 EN Pest with a Vest, The Hanson, Anders LG 1.2 0.5 104 F ÷ 85135 EN Pet for a Princess, A Lagonegro, Melissa LG 1.2 0.5 193 F ÷ 47573 EN Pet for Me, A Prince, Sarah LG 0.9 0.5 151 F ÷ 9333 EN Pet for Pat, A Snow, Pegeen LG 0.4 0.5 71 F 66881 EN Pet Frog Nelson, Robin LG 1.8 0.5 201 NF 66883 EN Pet Hamster Nelson, Robin LG 1.5 0.5 173 NF 62837 EN Pet Show, The Brimner, Larry Dane LG 1.9 0.5 328 F ÷ 28538 EN Pet Tarantula, The Gibson, Marie LG 1.4 0.5 189 F ÷ 48208 EN Pet: The Sound of P, A Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.6 0.5 62 ÷ 31857 EN Pet Vet, The Leonard, Marcia LG 0.9 0.5 101 F 54590 EN Pet Wash Dodds, Dayle Ann LG 0.9 0.5 122 F 56816 EN Pet Your Pet Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.0 0.5 95 F ÷ 27194 EN Pete Little Randell, Beverley LG 1.4 0.5 250 F ÷ 9081 EN Pete Pig Cleans Up Hulbert, Jay LG 1.7 0.5 274 F 56649 EN Pete Presents the Presents Molter, Carey LG 1.6 0.5 133 NF 60115 EN Pete's Bad Day Floyd, Lucy LG 1.3 0.5 163 F 32025 EN Pete's Chicken Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.8 0.5 357 F 4079 EN Pete's Peacock Shook, Rebecca E. LG 1.6 0.5 91 F 16869 EN Peter's Chair Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.8 0.5 299 F 44467 EN Peter's Move James, Alexander LG 1.4 0.5 223 F 39971 EN Peter's Painting Moss, Sally LG 1.5 0.5 145 NF 40604 EN Peter's Picture Gorbachev, Valeri LG 1.9 0.5 454 F 116282 SP Pezuñas, garras y más Leake, Diyan LG 1.9 0.5 208 NF 40501 EN ph Molter, Carey LG 0.9 0.5 67 NF 81920 EN Pharmacist (K-1) Moon, Maria Criazzo LG 1.9 0.5 142 NF 108404 EN Phases of the Moon Olson, Gillia M. LG 1.7 0.5 172 NF 61968 EN Pianos (Child's World) Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.2 0.5 77 NF 78529 EN Pianos (Sundance) Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.2 0.5 76 NF 31613 SP Pica, pica,varicela Maccarone, Grace LG 0.7 0.5 131 32059 EN Picking Apples Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.4 0.5 54 48107 EN Picnic Inkpen, Mick LG 1.6 0.5 248 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF F NF F Page 130 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 80679 EN Picnic McCully, Emily Arnold LG 0.8 0.5 111 F 50861 EN Picnic Boat, The McMillan, Dawn LG 1.3 0.5 210 F 104860 EN Picnic Day! Wax, Wendy LG 1.8 0.5 212 F 3054 EN Picnic Farm Morton, Christine LG 1.6 0.5 172 F 14036 EN Picnic in the Park Albert, Marjorie LG 1.3 0.5 147 F 76643 EN Picnic in the Park Leaney, Cindy LG 1.6 0.5 115 F 77667 EN Picnic, The Feely, Jenny LG 1.9 0.5 265 F ÷ 31823 EN Picnic, The Williams, Constance LG 1.0 0.5 49 F ÷ 49474 EN Picture, A Hunter, Augie LG 1.1 0.5 57 F ÷ 40762 EN Pictures Faraclas, Patrice LG 0.9 0.5 76 F 85810 EN Pie for Piglets: Counting by Twos Dahl, Michael LG 1.3 0.5 115 NF 44120 EN Pie's in the Oven Birney, Betty G. LG 1.3 0.5 243 F 110802 EN Pied Piper of Hamelin, The Adeney, Anne LG 1.7 0.5 200 F 62089 SP Piel (Conozcamos nuestro cuerpo) Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.0 0.5 94 NF 68944 SP Piernas, rodillas, pies y dedos Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 291 NF 62081 SP Pies (Conozcamos nuestro cuerpo) Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.6 0.5 64 NF 32190 SP pies del dragón, Los Jackson, Marjorie LG 1.9 0.5 171 F 65854 EN Pig in the Pond, The Waddell, Martin LG 1.7 0.5 364 F 44029 EN Pig Is Big, A Florian, Douglas LG 1.6 0.5 200 F 40623 EN Mozelle, Shirley LG 1.9 0.5 543 F 104182 EN Pig is in the Pantry, the Cat is on the Shelf, The Pig on a Swing Nimmo, Jenny LG 1.9 0.5 521 F ÷ ÷ 54944 EN Pig That Is Not a Pig, The Retana, María Luisa LG 1.9 0.5 215 NF 103370 EN Pig with a Wig, The Hanson, Anders LG 1.2 0.5 102 F 58139 EN Piggle Bonsall, Crosby LG 1.8 0.5 1,151 F 108621 EN Piggley Helps Out Inches, Alison LG 1.5 0.5 317 F 116195 EN Piggley Makes a Friend Wax, Wendy LG 1.7 0.5 384 F 108622 EN Piggley Makes a Pie Wax, Wendy LG 1.6 0.5 376 F 121159 EN Piggley's Tough Break Heulin, Jodi LG 1.9 0.5 339 F 88494 EN Piglet and Mama Wild, Margaret LG 1.1 0.5 192 F 88754 EN Piglet Feels Small Weinberg, Jennifer LG 1.3 0.5 159 F 36759 EN Piglets Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 63 NF 121291 EN Piglets Sexton, Colleen LG 1.1 0.5 94 NF 67019 EN Pignic: An Alphabet Book in Rhyme Miranda, Anne LG 1.7 0.5 152 113649 EN Pigs Green, Emily K. LG 1.0 0.5 91 NF 48238 EN Pigs Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 181 NF 81094 EN Pigs Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.4 0.5 139 NF ÷ 20399 EN Pigs Meadows, Graham LG 1.8 0.5 286 NF ÷ 17290 EN Plourde, Lynn LG 1.3 0.5 279 F ÷ 50986 EN Pigs in the Mud in the Middle of the Rud Pigs on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.1 0.5 72 68971 EN Pigs Rock! Jones, Melanie Davis LG 1.0 0.5 210 61604 EN Pilgrims in America Lilly, Melinda LG 1.7 0.5 83 ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F NF F NF Page 131 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 74887 EN Pill Bugs Hughes, Monica LG 1.7 0.5 218 NF 105363 EN Pillow Fight Rossi, Rich LG 1.5 0.5 165 F 55945 EN Pillow for My Mom, A Sgouros, Charissa LG 1.6 0.5 122 F 58542 EN Pillow Pup Ochiltree, Dianne LG 1.1 0.5 130 F 27523 EN Pillow War, The Novak, Matt LG 1.6 0.5 200 F 122511 EN Pilot Pups Meadows, Michelle LG 1.6 0.5 141 F ÷ 56089 SP Pilotos (Trabajo en grupo) Mattern, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 204 NF ÷ 56089 EN Pilots Mattern, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 219 NF 103371 EN Pin in the Bin, The Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 124 F ÷ 40763 EN Piñata Time Masaryk, Joan E. LG 1.1 0.5 71 F ÷ 31807 EN Pine Trees Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.6 0.5 139 NF 103372 EN Pink Mink, The Hanson, Anders LG 1.3 0.5 100 F 44653 EN Pinkerton, Behave! Kellogg, Steven LG 1.5 0.5 241 F 74718 EN Pinkeye Gordon, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 276 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 9387 EN Pinocchio Hillert, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 458 F 86016 EN Pinocchio's Nose Grows Winkelman, Barbara Gaines LG 1.5 0.5 318 F 9461 SP Pinta ratones Walsh, Ellen Stoll LG 1.6 0.5 2,500 F 109813 EN Pip & Squeak Schoenherr, Ian LG 1.8 0.5 137 F 22519 SP Pipo y el oso Riddell, Chris LG 1.3 0.5 162 F 80812 EN Pippin's Big Jump Robinson, Hilary LG 1.9 0.5 376 F 82732 EN Piranhas Krueger, Carol LG 1.7 0.5 177 NF 102901 EN Piranhas and Other Fish Schulte, Mary LG 1.5 0.5 176 NF 35429 EN Pirate Feast, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.7 0.5 274 F 121516 EN Pirate Pete Benton, Lynne LG 1.0 0.5 69 F 4095 EN Pirate's Treasure, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.1 0.5 64 F 36708 EN Pit-Pat Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.5 0.5 276 F 4051 EN Pits and Wells Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 1.9 0.5 717 F 69332 EN Pizza for Sam Labatt, Mary LG 1.7 0.5 464 F 65701 EN Pizza Kittens Voake, Charlotte LG 1.9 0.5 436 F ÷ 1952 EN Pizza Party! Gordon, Sharon LG 1.5 0.5 324 F ÷ 55261 EN Pizza That We Made, The Holub, Joan LG 1.4 0.5 250 F ÷ 82703 EN Place for a Bed, A Gibson, Brylee LG 0.7 0.5 99 NF 85603 EN Place for Mike, A Blackaby, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 99 F 85108 EN Place for Nicholas, A Floyd, Lucy LG 1.7 0.5 235 F 30718 EN Places Rastetter, Nannette S. LG 1.6 0.5 77 F 56672 EN Places Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.2 0.5 50 NF ÷ ÷ 1422 EN Places Stickland, Paul LG 1.9 0.5 129 NF 76169 EN Plaidypus Lost Stevens/Crummel LG 1.4 0.5 558 F 46369 EN Plane Rides Walker, Pamela LG 1.2 0.5 160 NF 113576 EN Planes Ellis, Catherine LG 1.9 0.5 146 NF ÷ 56287 EN Planets, The Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 142 NF ÷ 58088 EN Plant Math Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.3 0.5 143 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 132 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 47586 EN Plants Feely, Jenny LG 1.2 0.5 124 NF 72114 EN Plants Grow from Seeds Mann, Rachel LG 1.8 0.5 190 NF ÷ 102004 EN Plastic: Let's Look at a Frisbee Royston, Angela LG 1.7 0.5 255 NF 85114 EN Platypus! Clarke, Ginjer L. LG 1.6 0.5 342 NF 71627 EN Platypus and the Birthday Party Riddell, Chris LG 1.9 0.5 410 F 112969 EN Play Ball Bader, Bonnie LG 1.4 0.5 411 F 121040 EN Play Ball Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 282 F 48239 EN Play Day: The Sound of Long A Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.8 0.5 54 NF 72115 EN Play It Safe! Chapman, Cindy LG 1.0 0.5 129 NF 109906 EN Play with Max Monkey Ellis, Julie LG 1.9 0.5 353 F 119709 EN Playground Day! Merz, Jennifer J. LG 1.5 0.5 146 F ÷ 77960 EN Playground Problem, The McNamara, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 272 F ÷ 85097 EN Playground, The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.1 0.5 147 NF 51286 EN Playgrounds Gibbons, Gail LG 1.2 0.5 227 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 4077 EN Playing Games Shook, Rebecca E. LG 1.4 0.5 90 F 50802 EN Playing with Dough Smith, Annette LG 0.6 0.5 94 NF 49289 EN Playtime for Zoo Animals Arnold, Caroline LG 1.1 0.5 90 NF 61856 EN Please Amos, Janine LG 1.3 0.5 275 NF 55450 EN Please Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 116 NF 55958 EN Please Be Quiet! Murphy, Mary LG 0.6 0.5 102 F 105364 EN Please Let It Snow Gott, Barry LG 1.1 0.5 176 F 43679 EN Please Let It Snow Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.1 0.5 197 F 118703 EN Please, Louise! Wishinsky, Frieda LG 1.7 0.5 456 F 9334 EN Please, Wind? Greene, Carol LG 0.4 0.5 55 F 107342 EN Plenty of Penguins Black, Sonia W. LG 1.4 0.5 219 NF 42735 SP Plip, Plop Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.6 0.5 115 F 80027 EN Pluto (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.6 0.5 120 NF 35511 EN Pockets Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.2 0.5 32 19137 SP Fowler, Allan LG 1.9 0.5 177 NF F 82715 EN Podría ser un pájaro, Mis primeros libros de ciencia Poisonous Animals Gibson, Brylee LG 1.1 0.5 122 NF 118737 EN Polar Animals Cooper, Wade LG 1.3 0.5 208 NF 44918 EN Polar Babies Ring, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 115 F 42135 EN Polar Bear Can Swim, A Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.8 0.5 321 NF 31750 EN Polar Bears Freeman, Marcia S. LG 1.7 0.5 78 NF 35249 EN Polar Bears Parsons, John LG 1.6 0.5 265 F ÷ 74831 EN Polar Bears Townsend, Emily Rose LG 1.8 0.5 106 NF ÷ 26680 EN Police Officers Protect People Greene, Carol LG 1.9 0.5 413 NF 79563 EN Police Station, The Murphy, Patricia J. LG 1.9 0.5 115 NF 76771 EN Policeman Small Lenski, Lois LG 1.8 0.5 703 F 62354 EN Pond Monster Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.4 0.5 292 F 4031 EN Pond, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 105 F 61591 EN Pony Express, The Lilly, Melinda LG 1.0 0.5 106 NF ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 133 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 84265 EN Pony for a Princess, A Posner-Sanchez, Andrea LG 1.9 0.5 290 F 104394 EN Pony Party Kalz, Jill LG 1.4 0.5 226 F 81787 EN Poodle (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 0.8 0.5 52 69212 EN Pooh's Sled Ride Gaines, Isabel LG 1.9 0.5 341 F NF 85115 EN Pooh's Valentine Gaines, Isabel LG 1.5 0.5 226 F 119070 EN Poor Puppy Bruel, Nick LG 1.5 0.5 289 F 11684 EN Popcorn Eggleton, Jill LG 1.4 0.5 255 F 50845 EN Popcorn Fun Smith, Annette LG 1.4 0.5 216 F 121814 EN Popcorn Surprise, The Robbins, Eliza LG 1.5 0.5 222 F 53528 SP ¿Por qué no duermes, Motas? Warnes, Tim LG 1.8 0.5 303 F 48087 EN Porcupine, A Krueger, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 49 NF 85092 EN Porcupines Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.7 0.5 211 NF 105237 EN Porcupines Ripple, William John LG 1.6 0.5 107 NF 74279 EN Porcupines Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 293 NF 56104 SP Porristas Emmer, Rae LG 0.8 0.5 52 NF 25011 EN Portia's Prank Sargent Jr, David M. LG 1.9 0.5 320 F 82700 EN Possum Babies, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.8 0.5 234 F 26681 EN Postal Workers Deliver Our Mail Greene, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 308 NF 120857 EN Postcards from Dora Ricci, Christine LG 1.9 0.5 366 F 103373 EN Pot with a Dot, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.0 0.5 126 F 35224 EN Potatoes, Potatoes Noonan, Diana LG 1.7 0.5 100 F 64182 EN Potty! Freeman, Mylo LG 1.9 0.5 238 F ÷ 56118 EN Powerboats Werther, Scott P. LG 1.5 0.5 110 NF ÷ 40502 EN Pp Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 42 NF 32042 EN Practice Makes Perfect Stelter, Donna LG 1.5 0.5 112 F 116196 EN Prairie Dog Rescue Ricci, Christine LG 1.8 0.5 330 F 74832 EN Prairie Dogs Murphy, Patricia J. LG 1.9 0.5 117 NF 79533 EN Praying Mantises Hall, Margaret LG 1.9 0.5 98 NF 35468 EN Predator, The Gentner, Norma L. LG 1.8 0.5 168 F 55276 EN Presents for Everyone! Bergen, Lara LG 1.2 0.5 209 F 107197 EN Presents for Grace Holden, Pam LG 1.9 0.5 281 F 54486 EN Presents for Santa Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.4 0.5 229 F 32991 EN Preston's Goal! McNaughton, Colin LG 1.6 0.5 284 F 15764 EN Prickly and Smooth Theodorou, Rod LG 1.9 0.5 272 NF 65411 SP Primavera Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 259 NF 121839 SP ¡Primer día de clases! Mangieri, Catherine LG 0.6 0.5 101 F ÷ 100458 SP primer día, El Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.9 0.5 80 F ÷ 17516 SP primer Halloween de Clifford, El Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 278 F 3121 SP Domino, Rob LG 1.6 0.5 431 NF ÷ 17515 SP primer libro de Rob sobre el cuidado de mascotas, El primer otoño de Clifford, El Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 320 F ÷ 9566 SP primera Navidad de Clifford, La Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 294 F 76651 SP primera vez 123, La Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.3 0.5 146 NF ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 134 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 56680 EN Prince Left His Prints, The Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.5 0.5 113 NF 105367 EN Prince's Tooth Is Loose!, The Alley, R.W LG 1.4 0.5 139 F 7290 EN Prince's Tooth Is Loose, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 142 F 112504 EN Princess and Her Pony, The Redmond, Shirley Raye LG 1.7 0.5 272 F 31615 EN Princess and the Pea, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.8 0.5 306 F 64735 EN Princess and the Pig, The Amery, Heather LG 1.8 0.5 355 F 121877 EN Princess Baby Katz, Karen LG 1.5 0.5 146 F 112509 EN Princess Bella's Birthday Cake Shaskan, Trisha Speed LG 1.9 0.5 261 F 51908 EN Lewison, Wendy Cheyette LG 1.6 0.5 272 F 48712 EN Princess Buttercup: A Flower Princess Story Princess Dinosaur Kastner, Jill LG 1.9 0.5 327 F 42164 EN Princess for a Day Cocca-Leffler, Maryann LG 1.8 0.5 317 F 60119 EN Princess Who Couldn't Cry, The Floyd, Lucy LG 1.5 0.5 287 F 112695 EN Princesses' Lucky Day, The Redmond, Shirley Raye LG 1.3 0.5 195 F 34242 SP Problemas con burbujas Edwards, Frank B. LG 1.0 0.5 83 F 74481 EN Prodigal Son, The Amery, Heather LG 1.8 0.5 359 NF 56650 EN Pronouns Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 77 NF 56651 EN Proper Nouns Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 69 NF 78152 EN Properties Delta Education Editors LG 1.7 0.5 260 NF 72155 EN Owen, Ann LG 1.7 0.5 116 NF 100459 SP Protecting Your Home: A Book About Firefighters Pruébalo Jones, Christianne C. LG 0.9 0.5 107 F 115955 EN Pssst! Rex, Adam LG 1.1 0.5 290 F 104879 EN Pteranodon Riehecky, Janet LG 1.6 0.5 136 NF 114479 EN Pterodactyl Nunn, Daniel LG 1.4 0.5 100 NF 25272 EN Puddle, The McPhail, David LG 1.7 0.5 325 F 115232 EN Puddleman, The Briggs, Raymond LG 1.5 0.5 1,175 F 72131 EN Pudgy: A Puppy to Love Goodhart, Pippa LG 1.1 0.5 59 F 79279 SP ¿Puedes adivinar? VanVoorst, Jennifer LG 1.9 0.5 172 NF 118992 SP ¡Puedo compartir! Parker, David LG 1.5 0.5 130 F 62797 SP Puedo hacer de todo Pearson, Mary E. LG 0.6 0.5 73 F 58033 SP Puedo Leer, También: Book #1 Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.3 0.5 54 F 58034 SP Puedo Leer, También: Book #10 Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.3 0.5 75 F 58035 SP Puedo Leer, También: Book #2 Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.4 0.5 74 F 58036 SP Puedo Leer, También: Book #3 Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.3 0.5 77 F 58037 SP Puedo Leer, También: Book #4 Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.3 0.5 73 F 58038 SP Puedo Leer, También: Book #5 Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.3 0.5 76 F 58039 SP Puedo Leer, También: Book #6 Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.3 0.5 82 F 58040 SP Puedo Leer, También: Book #7 Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.3 0.5 72 F 58041 SP Puedo Leer, También: Book #8 Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.3 0.5 72 F 58042 SP Puedo Leer, También: Book #9 Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 0.4 0.5 74 F 74279 SP puerco espín, El Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 350 NF 46592 SP ¡Pues claro que sí! Bedford, David LG 1.5 0.5 342 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 135 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 108580 EN Puffer Fish Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.6 0.5 134 NF ÷ 108373 EN Puffins Frost, Helen LG 1.5 0.5 132 NF 103295 EN Pug with a Mug, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.1 0.5 98 F 17322 SP Pulgada a pulgada Lionni, Leo LG 1.8 0.5 160 F 71129 EN Pulling Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 290 NF 84766 SP Pulpos Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.5 0.5 130 NF NF ÷ 56069 EN Pumas Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 112 109720 EN Pumpkin Fever Simon, Charnan LG 1.2 0.5 98 115420 EN Pumpkin Harvest Harris, Calvin LG 1.6 0.5 104 NF 72356 EN Pumpkin Patch, The McNamara, Margaret LG 1.5 0.5 230 F 46605 EN Pumpkin Pie Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.7 0.5 248 F 48240 EN Pumpkins Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 86 ÷ 69954 SP punto, El Reynolds, Peter LG 1.9 0.5 358 F ÷ 82859 EN Pup and Hound Hood, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 103 F 104202 EN Pup and Hound at Sea Hood, Susan LG 1.6 0.5 217 F 114042 EN Pup and Hound Catch a Thief Hood, Susan LG 1.7 0.5 338 F 114043 EN Pup and Hound Hatch an Egg Hood, Susan LG 1.6 0.5 373 F ÷ ÷ ÷ F NF 86714 EN Pup and Hound in Trouble Hood, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 198 F 104203 EN Pup and Hound Lost and Found Hood, Susan LG 1.7 0.5 295 F 82860 EN Pup and Hound Move In Hood, Susan LG 1.5 0.5 250 F 117162 EN Pup and Hound Play Copycats Hood, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 218 F 117163 EN Pup and Hound Scare a Ghost Hood, Susan LG 1.5 0.5 303 F 86715 EN Pup and Hound Stay Up Late Hood, Susan LG 1.3 0.5 255 F 120002 EN Pup's Prairie Home Redmond, Shirley Raye LG 1.7 0.5 285 F 80805 EN Pup Shows Up, A Blackaby, Susan LG 1.8 0.5 457 F 117219 EN Hays, Anna Jane LG 0.7 0.5 176 F 36298 EN Pup Speaks Up: A Phonics Reader, The Puppies Doudna, Kelly LG 0.9 0.5 65 NF 72586 EN Puppies Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 158 NF 121293 EN Puppies Sexton, Colleen LG 1.0 0.5 95 NF 34536 EN Puppies Tuxworth, Nicola LG 0.9 0.5 102 NF 119594 EN Puppies Twine, Alice LG 1.6 0.5 147 NF 122601 EN Puppies and Piggies Rylant, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 177 F 50922 EN Puppy at the Door McMillan, Dawn LG 1.9 0.5 351 F 51040 EN Puppy Book, The Pfloog, Jan LG 1.4 0.5 65 F 73316 EN Puppy Days Schulz/Mack LG 0.8 0.5 60 F ÷ 49447 EN Puppy Finds a Friend Bruzzone, Catherine LG 1.0 0.5 97 F ÷ 72880 EN Puppy for Bobby, A Sargent, Dave LG 1.0 0.5 171 F ÷ 83514 EN Puppy Mudge Finds a Friend Rylant, Cynthia LG 0.6 0.5 76 F ÷ 69964 EN Puppy Mudge Has a Snack Rylant, Cynthia LG 0.8 0.5 97 F ÷ 79934 EN Puppy Mudge Loves His Blanket Rylant, Cynthia LG 0.7 0.5 85 F ÷ 70788 EN Puppy Mudge Takes a Bath Rylant, Cynthia LG 0.7 0.5 108 F ÷ 88312 EN Puppy Mudge Wants to Play Rylant, Cynthia LG 0.6 0.5 98 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 136 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 108654 EN Puppy Takes a Bath Ricci, Christine LG 0.7 0.5 119 F 46979 EN Puppy Who Lost His Bark, The Mays, Nancy LG 0.9 0.5 193 F 74719 EN Purim Bredeson, Carmen LG 1.9 0.5 301 NF 63164 EN Purple Alexander, Linda LG 1.7 0.5 78 NF ÷ 46630 EN Purple Is Best Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.7 0.5 63 F ÷ 9335 EN Purple Is Part of a Rainbow Kowalczyk, Carolyn LG 1.1 0.5 131 NF ÷ 9388 EN Purple Pussycat, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 290 F 43694 EN Purple Snerd, The Williams, Rozanne Lanczak LG 1.7 0.5 219 F 78240 EN Push and Pull Nelson, Robin LG 1.9 0.5 247 NF ÷ 34551 EN Push and Pull Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 37 NF ÷ 71130 EN Pushing Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 260 NF ÷ 26988 EN Pushkin Meets the Bundle Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.5 0.5 364 F ÷ 43019 EN Pushkin Minds the Bundle Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.9 0.5 459 F 111491 EN Pyramid Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.7 0.5 143 NF 40503 EN Qq Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 42 NF 80195 EN Quana and Quinn: The Sound of Q Minden, Cecilia LG 1.1 0.5 105 NF 81802 EN Quarter Horse (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.6 0.5 62 NF 44629 SP ¿Qué crees? Fox, Mem LG 0.6 0.5 163 F 35665 SP ¿Qué día es hoy? Moran, Alex LG 0.5 0.5 82 F 22106 SP ¡Qué dolor de cabeza! Meharry, Dot LG 1.1 0.5 156 F 45964 SP ¿Qué es el sol? Lindbergh, Reeve LG 1.0 0.5 318 F 121856 SP ¿Qué es ese sonido? Johnson, Errol LG 1.3 0.5 75 F 121852 SP ¿Qué es lo que ves? Ford, Ron LG 1.2 0.5 125 F 65446 SP ¿Qué está despierto? 123 Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.5 0.5 163 NF 79296 SP ¿Qué hace un bombero? Catala, Ellen LG 1.5 0.5 160 NF ÷ 46276 SP ¿Qué hago? Simon, Norma LG 1.0 0.5 236 F ÷ 49439 SP ¿Qué hay para cenar? Risk, Mary LG 1.0 0.5 89 F 22097 SP ¡Qué interesantes son los leones! Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.3 0.5 205 F 74466 SP ¿Qué puede correr? Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.5 0.5 321 NF 74467 SP ¿Qué puede excavar? Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 300 NF 74469 SP ¿Qué puede saltar? Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 312 NF 74470 SP ¿Qué puede volar? Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 321 NF 26364 SP Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 426 F 56156 SP Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.1 0.5 107 F 34272 SP ¿Qué puedes decir cuando un monito actúa así? ¿Qué sucederá después? (La creación) ¿Qué te gusta? Grejniec, Michael LG 1.0 0.5 63 F 40586 SP ¡Qué valiente eres, Daisy Simmons, Jane LG 1.0 0.5 250 F 39696 SP ¿Qué voy a ser? Evans, Lynette LG 1.0 0.5 86 121846 SP quehaceres de Leonor, Los Stuart, Carrie LG 1.2 0.5 115 63165 EN Alexander, Linda LG 1.9 0.5 86 NF 28528 SP Quentin's Quiet Day: The Letter Q (q) Querida abuelita Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.5 0.5 232 NF 56673 EN Question Mark Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 112 NF ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF F Page 137 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 75805 EN Question Song, The Zemach, Kaethe LG 1.7 0.5 661 F ÷ 56775 EN Quick as a Cricket Wood, Audrey LG 1.7 0.5 140 F ÷ 16853 EN Quick, Quack, Quick! Arnold, Marsha LG 1.5 0.5 288 F ÷ 42765 SP ¿Quién ayudará? Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.6 0.5 154 F 79297 SP ¿Quién construye? VanVoorst, Jennifer LG 1.3 0.5 118 NF 31630 SP ¿Quién es la bestia? Baker, Keith LG 1.0 0.5 189 F 39697 SP ¿Quién quiere ver al doctor? Sironi, Mercedes LG 1.0 0.5 108 F 51274 SP ¿Quién salta? Davis, Katie LG 1.2 0.5 234 F 28531 SP ¿Quién vive aquí? Mowat, Elaine LG 1.2 0.5 170 NF 11179 SP ¡Quiero más fideos! Gelman, Rita Golden LG 1.2 0.5 359 F 49438 SP ¡Quiero mi plátano! Risk, Mary LG 1.0 0.5 99 F 105328 EN Quiet as a Mouse Bowman, Eddie LG 1.9 0.5 299 F 115448 EN Quiet Wyatt Brimner, Larry Dane LG 1.5 0.5 134 F 102343 EN Quinito's Neighborhood Cumpiano, Ina LG 1.5 0.5 99 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 66406 SP ¡Quítate de aquí! Amos, Janine LG 1.5 0.5 307 NF 115449 EN Quite Enough Hot Dogs Mara, Wil LG 1.2 0.5 213 F 56674 EN Quotation Marks Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 126 NF ÷ 21421 EN Rabbit and Hare Divide an Apple Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.8 0.5 323 F ÷ 43681 EN Rabbit and Turtle Go to School Floyd, Lucy LG 0.7 0.5 85 F ÷ 19238 EN Rabbit Moon Rowe, John A. LG 1.9 0.5 207 F 105561 EN Rabbit Pie Ives, Penny LG 1.3 0.5 104 F 43448 EN Rabbit's Bedtime Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 96 F 59565 EN Rabbit's Good News Bornstein, Ruth Lercher LG 1.7 0.5 257 F 31742 EN Rabbit's Party Bunting, Eve LG 1.5 0.5 352 F 46606 EN Rabbit's Wooly Sweater Birchall, Mark LG 1.7 0.5 271 F ÷ 118104 EN Rabbits Endres, Hollie LG 1.1 0.5 86 NF ÷ 36789 EN Rabbits Frost, Helen LG 0.8 0.5 37 NF ÷ 48241 EN Rabbits Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.8 0.5 78 NF 72587 EN Rabbits Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.8 0.5 174 NF 76177 EN Rabbits Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 296 NF 75260 EN Rabbits and Their Burrows Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.9 0.5 136 NF 50755 EN Rabbits' Ears Clough, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 180 F 4151 EN Rabbits in Space Noonan, Diana LG 1.9 0.5 217 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 68096 EN Rabbits on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.2 0.5 88 112066 EN Rabbits, The Marsden, John LG 1.8 0.5 228 F 3617 SP Rabo de Gato França, Mary/Eliardo LG 1.6 0.5 92 F 103296 EN Raccoon and the Balloon, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.2 0.5 106 F 70555 EN Raccoon Tune Shaw, Nancy LG 1.7 0.5 259 F 105238 EN Raccoons Ripple, William John LG 1.6 0.5 106 NF 65443 EN Raccoons Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.5 0.5 239 NF 112669 EN Raccoons Are Night Animals Mattern, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 180 NF 36023 EN Rachel Parker, Kindergarten Show-Off Martin, Ann M. LG 1.9 0.5 2,021 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF F Page 138 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Word Count F/NF 0.5 97 NF 1.1 0.5 155 F Author IL ATOS BL Alexander, Linda LG 1.8 Leaney, Cindy LG Points 63166 EN 76644 EN Rachel's Red Slippers: The Letter R (r) Rachel the Shy Jellyfish 122891 EN Ragdoll Cats Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.6 0.5 127 NF 81803 EN Ragdoll (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.2 0.5 69 NF 107756 EN Railroad Toad Schade, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 178 F 12337 EN Railroads Griffiths, Rose LG 1.9 0.5 213 NF 77363 EN Rain Bauer, Marion Dane LG 1.2 0.5 129 NF 67993 EN Rain Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.2 0.5 97 NF 108924 EN Rain Herriges, Ann LG 1.7 0.5 243 NF 35887 EN Rain Sloan, Peter LG 1.9 0.5 125 NF 47587 EN Rain Stein, Meg LG 1.0 0.5 140 F 44654 EN Rain Stojic, Manya LG 1.7 0.5 318 F 2292 EN Rain Ward, Kristin LG 1.2 0.5 79 NF 72117 EN Rain Forest Animals Leber, Nancy LG 1.5 0.5 199 NF 35718 EN Rain in the Hills Beveridge, Barbara LG 1.3 0.5 41 F 57443 EN Rain or Shine Granowsky, Alvin LG 1.6 0.5 354 F 9336 EN Rain! Rain! Greene, Carol LG 0.4 0.5 63 F 80401 EN Rain Rain Rivers Shulevitz, Uri LG 1.5 0.5 171 F 64300 EN Kurtz, Jane LG 1.7 0.5 309 F 15281 EN Rain Romp: Stomping Away a Grouchy Day Rainbow Somewhere, A Dowd, Nancy LG 1.7 0.5 200 F 121855 EN Rainbow Zoo Scanlon, Jack LG 0.8 0.5 75 F 45780 EN Rainbows Dwyer, Jacqueline LG 1.8 0.5 121 NF 77413 EN Raindrop, Plop! Lewison, Wendy Cheyette LG 1.3 0.5 157 F ÷ 26932 EN Raindrops Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.8 0.5 70 F ÷ 34660 EN Raindrops Gay, Sandy LG 0.7 0.5 67 F 47588 EN Rainforest Plants O'Neil, Sarah LG 1.7 0.5 151 NF 110952 EN Rainforest Race, The Bergen, Lara LG 1.5 0.5 311 F F 113373 EN Rainy Day! Lakin, Patricia LG 1.3 0.5 283 ÷ 32768 EN Rainy Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 53 NF ÷ 31704 EN Rainy Day Alphabet Book Posner/Wiener LG 1.4 0.5 96 F ÷ 27977 EN Rainy Day Grump, The Eaton, Deborah LG 1.7 0.5 394 F 35483 EN Rainy Day Magic Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.8 0.5 318 F 105713 EN Rainy-Day Music Hyde, Judith Jensen LG 0.9 0.5 124 F 76617 EN Rainy Day Play Leaney, Cindy LG 1.1 0.5 149 F 36714 EN Rainy Day, The Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.4 0.5 264 F 46408 EN Rainy Days Burke, Jennifer S. LG 1.4 0.5 137 NF 79115 EN Rainy Days with Bear Hull, Maureen LG 1.9 0.5 725 F F ÷ 103394 EN Ram and the Clam, The Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.0 0.5 93 ÷ 79287 SP rana verde, Una Ring, Susan LG 1.5 0.5 214 NF ÷ 63504 EN Dillon, Leo LG 1.9 0.5 205 F 50304 EN Rap a Tap Tap: Here's Bojangles-Think of That! Rascal Strachan, Linda LG 1.1 0.5 212 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 139 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 65444 SP rata, La Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 Word Count F/NF 281 NF 49453 SP ratoncito pequeño, El Salas-Porras, Pipina LG 1.0 0.5 63 ÷ 65444 EN Rats Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 262 NF ÷ 89934 EN Rattlesnakes Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.8 0.5 205 NF ÷ 43912 EN Rays Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.5 0.5 48 NF ÷ 31841 EN Reading Is Everywhere Cutting, Brian LG 1.1 0.5 54 F ÷ ÷ F 30719 EN Reading Lesson, The Rakestraw, Sharon LG 1.8 0.5 79 F 105365 EN Ready, Alice? Haley, Amanda LG 1.4 0.5 199 F 40764 EN Ready for School Orman, Elizabeth LG 0.5 0.5 41 F 85584 EN Ready or Not, Dawdle Duckling Buzzeo, Toni LG 1.6 0.5 314 F 14642 EN Ready, Set, GO! Stadler, John LG 1.6 0.5 391 F 80218 EN Ready, Set, Race! Forte, Lauren LG 1.8 0.5 327 F 68081 EN Ready? Set. Raymond! Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux LG 1.3 0.5 308 F 114920 EN Ready, Set, Skip! O'Connor, Jane LG 0.8 0.5 190 F ÷ 42721 EN Real Facts About Rivers Figorito, Christine LG 1.8 0.5 159 NF ÷ 58779 EN Recess Mess Maccarone, Grace LG 0.7 0.5 159 F ÷ 46370 EN Rectangles Burke, Jennifer S. LG 1.6 0.5 177 NF 115977 EN Rectangles Hall, Pamela LG 1.7 0.5 196 NF 77741 EN Recycle It! Parkes, Brenda LG 1.9 0.5 117 NF 35917 EN Recycling Costain, Meredith LG 1.7 0.5 99 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 63190 EN Red Alexander, Linda LG 1.0 0.5 71 NF 101155 EN Red Anderson, Moira LG 1.5 0.5 274 NF 123303 EN Red Stockland, Patricia M. LG 1.0 0.5 180 NF 60116 EN Red and I Visit the Vet Menschell, Mindy LG 1.2 0.5 196 F 82793 EN Red Bird's Nest Eggleton, Jill LG 0.8 0.5 128 F 40093 EN Red Cap, The Sims, Matt MG 1.9 0.5 829 F 44572 EN Red-Eyed Tree Frog Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 176 NF 56557 EN Red Foods Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 289 NF 77041 EN Red Foxes Levine, Michelle LG 1.7 0.5 318 NF 74833 EN Red Foxes Murphy, Patricia J. LG 1.5 0.5 113 NF 46409 EN Red in My World Winne, Joanne LG 1.0 0.5 141 NF 59153 EN Red Is a Dragon: A Book of Colors Thong, Roseanne LG 1.8 0.5 214 F 8034 EN Red Is Best Stinson, Kathy LG 1.8 0.5 309 F 74745 EN Red Kangaroo Eckart, Edana LG 1.0 0.5 91 NF ÷ 50803 EN Red Puppy Smith, Annette LG 0.7 0.5 86 F ÷ 35672 EN Red Rubber Boot Day Ray, Mary Lyn LG 1.3 0.5 168 F ÷ 50804 EN Red Squirrel Hides Some Nuts Randell, Beverley LG 0.8 0.5 133 F ÷ 50846 EN Red Squirrel's Adventure Randell, Beverley LG 1.9 0.5 224 F 77298 EN Red with Other Colors Parker, Victoria LG 1.1 0.5 160 NF 31692 SP regalo de cumpleaños, El Podoshen, Lois LG 1.2 0.5 101 F 76584 EN Religions Around the World Doudna, Kelly LG 1.6 0.5 160 NF 77777 EN Remember George Washington Rothman, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 107 NF ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 140 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.7 0.5 152 F/NF F Sargent, Dave/Pat LG 1.3 0.5 156 F 42741 SP 72889 SP Remen la barca (Jesús y la pesca milagrosa) renacuajo pequeño, El 76618 EN Rescue and Repair Leaney, Cindy LG 1.9 0.5 173 F 4933 EN Rescue Helicopters Rogers, Hal LG 1.9 0.5 231 NF 116197 EN Rescue Patrol Lukas, Catherine LG 1.4 0.5 226 F 27201 EN Rescue, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 154 F 22115 SP restaurante para mariposas, Un Johns, Edwin LG 1.9 0.5 171 F 81790 EN Reticulated Python (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.2 0.5 67 110849 EN Rex Dubosarsky, Ursula LG 1.6 0.5 250 NF F 25050 EN Rex and Lilly Schooltime Brown, Laurie Krasny LG 1.6 0.5 591 F 44468 EN Rex's Dance Robinson, Fay LG 1.1 0.5 47 F 14187 EN Rhinoceros Beetle to the Rescue Hartley, Linda LG 1.8 0.5 169 NF 116849 EN Rhinos Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.1 0.5 121 NF 64204 EN Rhinos Who Play Soccer Mammano, Julie LG 1.6 0.5 226 F 114206 EN Rhinos Who Rescue Mammano, Julie LG 1.4 0.5 180 F 64206 EN Rhinos Who Snowboard Mammano, Julie LG 1.8 0.5 171 F 32230 EN Rhyme Game, The Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.0 0.5 152 F 28351 SP Ricitos de Oro y los tres ositos Yurkovic, Diana LG 1.7 0.5 258 F 76155 EN Rick Is Sick McPhail, David LG 0.4 0.5 53 F 36731 EN Ride a Bike Old, Wendie LG 1.9 0.5 584 F 105963 EN Ride 'Em, Cowboy Czernecki, Stefan LG 0.9 0.5 135 F 104862 EN Riding the Range Spelvin, Justin LG 1.7 0.5 323 F 104462 EN Riley Flies a Kite Blackaby, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 107 F 54488 EN Ringo Saves the Day! Clements, Andrew LG 1.9 0.5 449 NF 47434 SP Rinoceronte Rojo, El Rogers, Alan LG 1.9 0.5 95 89957 SP Ríos Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.9 0.5 167 NF 63330 EN Rip and Rap White, Amanda LG 1.8 0.5 240 F 44210 EN Rip's Secret Spot Butler, Kristi T. LG 0.9 0.5 116 F 42238 EN Rise and Shine Courtney, Claudia LG 1.3 0.5 166 F 104376 SP Rita y Roberto Camarena, Cathy LG 0.2 0.5 52 48653 EN River Atwell, Debby LG 1.7 0.5 295 81791 EN River of Grass (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.5 0.5 87 NF 45781 EN Rivers Dwyer, Jacqueline LG 1.7 0.5 144 NF 89957 EN Rivers Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.4 0.5 143 NF 116289 EN Rivers and Streams Mayer, Cassie LG 1.3 0.5 156 NF 24925 EN Road Hog Hazen, Barbara Shook LG 1.0 0.5 178 F 56071 EN Road Pavers Randolph, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 142 NF F NF F 56072 EN Road Rollers Randolph, Joanne LG 1.6 0.5 105 NF ÷ 44469 EN Road Work Ahead Newell, Robert LG 1.2 0.5 207 F ÷ 89935 EN Roadrunners Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 176 NF 81122 EN Roadrunners Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.5 0.5 252 NF 69137 EN Roads Harshman, Marc LG 1.2 0.5 221 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 141 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 47635 EN Roads and Bridges Carr, Roger LG 1.8 0.5 252 F 122368 EN Roadwork! Lagonegro, Melissa LG 1.7 0.5 251 F 61747 EN Roar! Freeman, Tor LG 1.4 0.5 287 F 50805 EN Roar Like a Tiger Clough, Margaret LG 1.1 0.5 154 F 70335 EN Roaring Rockets Mitton, Tony LG 1.9 0.5 157 NF 75366 EN Roast and Toast Farber, Erica LG 1.2 0.5 313 F 103290 EN Rob the Blob Hanson, Anders LG 1.1 0.5 91 F 50727 EN Robbers, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.7 0.5 262 F ÷ 47823 EN Robert the Rose Horse Heilbroner, Joan LG 1.8 0.5 1,086 F ÷ 104395 EN Robin's New Glasses Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.4 0.5 132 F 75261 EN Robins and Their Chicks Tagliaferro, Linda LG 1.8 0.5 122 NF 121793 SP robot desordenado, El Roza, Greg LG 1.5 0.5 266 F ÷ 31628 EN Robot Walk Cowley, Joy LG 1.7 0.5 282 F ÷ 25309 EN Rock-a-Bye Moon Price, Christine LG 1.3 0.5 96 F 74290 EN Rock-and-Roll Bob Ostrow, Kim LG 1.7 0.5 334 F 82755 EN Rock Boss, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 249 F 48242 EN Rock Climbing Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 154 NF 102006 EN Rock: Let's Look at Pebbles Royston, Angela LG 1.8 0.5 253 NF 50885 EN Rocket Ship, The Bryant, Julie LG 1.6 0.5 314 F 77891 EN Rockheads Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.4 0.5 165 F 35063 EN Rocking and Rolling Along Nicholas, Evangeline LG 1.2 0.5 73 F 77217 EN Rocko and Spanky Go to a Party LaReau, Kara LG 1.5 0.5 350 F 105659 EN Rocko and Spanky Have Company LaReau, Kara LG 1.5 0.5 326 F 4044 EN Rocks Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 1.0 0.5 138 F 71131 SP Rodar Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.3 0.5 207 NF ÷ 8034 SP rojo es el mejor, El Stinson, Kathy LG 1.8 0.5 309 F 47708 SP rojo inoportuno, El Martínez i Vendrell, Maria LG 1.5 0.5 818 F 66801 EN Roller Coaster Frazee, Marla LG 1.8 0.5 238 F 71131 EN Rolling Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.3 0.5 217 NF 42742 SP Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.3 0.5 101 F ÷ 5538 EN Ron, Ron (Jesús alimenta a los 5,000) Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Giff, Patricia Reilly LG 1.9 0.5 803 F ÷ 100466 EN Room to Share Jones, Christianne C. LG 0.8 0.5 91 F 48025 EN Rooney 'Roo deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.7 0.5 445 F 82693 EN Rooster Trouble Eggleton, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 261 F 108416 EN Roots Bodach, Vijaya Khisty LG 1.8 0.5 133 NF 58089 EN Roots Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 249 NF 53416 SP Ropa Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 0.3 0.5 162 NF 103647 SP Ropa sucia Emery, Joanna LG 0.8 0.5 108 F 56652 EN Rose Rose in the Garden, The Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 209 NF 44470 EN Rosie's Party Riley, Kana LG 1.0 0.5 111 F 44471 EN Rosie's Pool Riley, Kana LG 1.2 0.5 130 F 59439 EN Rosie's Walk Hutchins, Pat LG 0.6 0.5 32 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 142 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 81792 EN Rottweiler (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 0.9 0.5 57 ÷ 68543 EN Round Trip Jonas, Ann LG 1.9 0.5 249 F ÷ 42741 EN Row the Boat Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.7 0.5 155 F 74494 EN Royal Broomstick, The Amery, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 315 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 60095 EN Royal Goose, The Rothman, Cynthia LG 1.4 0.5 198 F 104495 EN Royal Valentine, A Wax, Wendy LG 1.5 0.5 252 F 40504 EN Rr Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 41 64154 EN Rub-a-Dub Sub Ashman, Linda LG 1.8 0.5 139 F 50123 EN Rubber Duck Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.4 0.5 160 F 56776 EN Ruben's Rainbow Harrison, Carlos LG 1.9 0.5 429 F 45448 EN Ruby and Fred Lent, Blair LG 1.3 0.5 269 F 78593 EN Ruby Bakes a Cake Hill, Susan LG 1.8 0.5 359 F 88629 EN Ruby Paints a Picture Hill, Susan LG 1.6 0.5 331 F 61145 EN Ruby's Dinnertime Rogers, Paul LG 1.9 0.5 265 F NF 61146 EN Ruby's Potty Rogers, Paul LG 1.6 0.5 206 F 108987 EN Rudy Helps Out Donahue, Jill L. LG 1.8 0.5 188 F 4037 EN Ruff Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.4 0.5 86 F 103140 EN Rufus at Work Taber, Tory LG 1.9 0.5 189 F 22108 SP ruidos de la noche, Los Thiewes, Sam LG 1.3 0.5 97 F 4103 EN Rules for Pets Cowley, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 55 F 42742 EN Rumble, Rumble Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.3 0.5 99 F 70591 EN Run-Away Roley Inches, Alison LG 1.1 0.5 203 F 48654 EN Run, Jump, Whiz, Splash Rosenberry, Vera LG 1.7 0.5 134 F ÷ 50806 EN Run, Rabbit, Run! Randell, Beverley LG 0.7 0.5 99 F ÷ 43186 EN Run! Run! Vandine, JoAnn LG 0.7 0.5 64 F 64736 EN Runaway Orange, The Brooks, Felicity LG 1.6 0.5 352 F 59532 EN Runaway Rabbit, The Margulies, Teddy LG 1.7 0.5 383 F 50718 EN Rupert's Ice Cream Shop Eggleton, Jill LG 1.5 0.5 215 F 82750 EN Rupert's Rainbow Ice Cream Eggleton, Jill LG 1.6 0.5 310 F 86990 EN Russell the Sheep Scotton, Rob LG 1.9 0.5 317 F 81804 EN Russian Blue (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.1 0.5 72 NF 80196 EN Minden, Cecilia LG 1.2 0.5 105 NF NF ÷ ÷ 48243 EN Rusty on the Ranch: The Sound of R Rusty Red: The Sound of R Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.3 0.5 84 121808 EN Ruth Tells the Truth Heaton, Mark LG 1.4 0.5 327 F 43623 EN Ruthie's Big Old Coat Lacome, Julie LG 1.8 0.5 261 F 81793 EN Sabal Palms (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.8 0.5 87 NF 61590 EN Sacagawea, Lewis, and Clark Lilly, Melinda LG 1.5 0.5 110 NF ÷ 32126 EN Sad Tester, Sylvia Root LG 1.7 0.5 168 NF ÷ 36703 EN Sad Sam Slavin, Robert LG 0.3 0.5 22 F 78449 EN Sadie Learns a Lesson Mathews, Jane LG 1.7 0.5 174 F 82704 EN Safe Place to Sleep, A Gibson, Brylee LG 1.1 0.5 155 NF 42722 EN Safety on the School Bus Florence, Sarah LG 0.7 0.5 46 NF ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 143 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 47517 EN Sail Away Crews, Donald LG 1.3 0.5 115 F 56410 EN Sailing off to Sleep Ashman, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 251 F ÷ 50719 EN Sailor Sam Eggleton, Jill LG 1.6 0.5 240 F ÷ 82694 EN Sailor Sam and the Balloons Eggleton, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 237 F 82716 EN Sailor Sam and the Birds Eggleton, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 135 F ÷ 82751 EN Sailor Sam and the Boots Eggleton, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 208 F ÷ 82674 EN Sailor Sam in Trouble Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 183 F ÷ 82696 EN Sailor Sam up the Mast Eggleton, Jill LG 1.6 0.5 286 F 77579 EN Sal Takes Charge Sims, Matt MG 1.8 0.5 886 F 86716 EN Sal to the Rescue Herman, R.A. LG 1.5 0.5 322 F 102784 EN Labella, Susan LG 1.8 0.5 278 NF 58084 SP Salamanders and Other Animals with Amazing Tails salamandra, La Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 275 NF ÷ 3049 SP Salí de paseo Williams, Sue LG 1.0 0.5 149 F ÷ 32083 EN Sally and the Daisy Randell, Beverley LG 1.2 0.5 61 F 32114 EN Sally and the Sparrows Giles, Jenny LG 1.7 0.5 152 F 67074 EN Sally Goes to the Beach Huneck, Stephen LG 1.4 0.5 191 F 60689 EN Sally Goes to the Farm Huneck, Stephen LG 1.1 0.5 153 F 57172 EN Sally Goes to the Mountains Huneck, Stephen LG 1.5 0.5 206 F ÷ 32101 EN Sally's Beans Randell, Beverley LG 1.3 0.5 137 F ÷ 27214 EN Sally's Friends Randell, Beverley LG 1.2 0.5 130 F ÷ 32109 EN Sally's Red Bucket Randell, Beverley LG 0.9 0.5 128 F 14417 SP Salta y brinca Walsh, Ellen Stoll LG 1.1 0.5 131 F ÷ 26940 EN Sam and Dasher Simon, Charnan LG 0.9 0.5 107 F ÷ 47824 EN Sam and the Firefly Eastman, P.D. LG 1.7 0.5 1,220 F ÷ 50807 EN Sam and the Waves Smith, Annette LG 0.8 0.5 122 F 108079 EN Sam at the Seaside Labatt, Mary LG 1.8 0.5 556 F 69333 EN Sam Finds a Monster Labatt, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 429 F 77365 EN Sam Gets Lost Labatt, Mary LG 1.7 0.5 442 F 108080 EN Sam Goes Next Door Labatt, Mary LG 1.6 0.5 537 F ÷ 50808 EN Sam Goes to School Giles, Jenny LG 1.1 0.5 135 F ÷ 77366 EN Sam Goes to School Labatt, Mary LG 1.7 0.5 441 F 56675 EN Sam Has a Sundae on Sunday Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.9 0.5 78 58143 EN Sam Makes Trouble Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 1.9 0.5 777 F 50756 EN Sam Plays Paddle Ball Smith, Annette LG 1.5 0.5 161 F ÷ 4078 EN Sam's Cap Shook, Rebecca E. LG 0.8 0.5 80 F ÷ 50847 EN Sam's Haircut Smith, Annette LG 1.3 0.5 225 F ÷ 50757 EN Sam's Painting Jarden, Joan LG 1.4 0.5 180 F ÷ NF 46631 EN Sam's Pet Simon, Charnan LG 1.3 0.5 80 F ÷ 50809 EN Sam's Picnic Randell, Beverley LG 0.9 0.5 106 F ÷ 25310 EN Sam's Seasons Price, Christine LG 1.3 0.5 143 F 89982 EN Sam's Snowy Day Labatt, Mary LG 1.7 0.5 452 F 121517 EN Sam's Sunflower Powell, Jillian LG 1.4 0.5 74 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 144 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 123345 EN Sam Sheep Can't Sleep Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 0.9 0.5 182 F ÷ 26941 EN Sam the Garbage Hound Simon, Charnan LG 1.2 0.5 89 F ÷ 48244 EN Sam: The Sound of S Flanagan, Alice K. LG 0.7 0.5 42 NF ÷ 35760 EN Sam Writes Birchall, Brian LG 1.0 0.5 35 F ÷ 10539 EN Samantha the Snob Cristaldi, Kathryn LG 1.8 0.5 1,151 F 75957 EN Packard, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 298 F 82675 EN Same and Different: Comparison Rhymes Same, but Different Wright, Lee-Ann LG 1.4 0.5 209 NF ÷ 88051 EN Sammy's Bumpy Ride Landolf, Diane Wright LG 0.9 0.5 143 F 121518 EN Sammy's Secret Nash, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 74 F ÷ 2302 SP Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.0 0.5 144 NF ÷ 2302 EN Sammy Sosa: Bateador de home runs Sammy Sosa: Home Run Hitter Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.0 0.5 124 NF 101667 EN Sand Matthews, Rachel LG 1.8 0.5 257 NF 46632 EN Sand Miller, Pam LG 0.9 0.5 99 F ÷ 2296 EN Sand Ward, Kristin LG 1.5 0.5 99 NF ÷ 35221 EN Sand Castles Rego, Marion LG 1.5 0.5 80 F 103602 EN Sand to Glass Snyder, Inez LG 1.8 0.5 105 ÷ ÷ NF 9337 EN Sandbox Betty Petrie, Catherine LG 0.8 0.5 64 F 52404 EN Sandcastle Inkpen, Mick LG 1.7 0.5 188 F 121836 EN Sandcastle, The Wood, Ira LG 1.0 0.5 143 F 18409 SP Gelman, Rita Golden LG 1.7 0.5 365 F 35214 EN sandwich más grande del mundo, El Sandwich Person, A Cartwright, Pauline LG 1.3 0.5 63 F 58080 SP sanguijuela, La Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 285 NF 103603 EN Sap to Syrup Snyder, Inez LG 1.9 0.5 125 NF 63167 EN Sara's Shoes: The Letter S (s) Alexander, Linda LG 1.4 0.5 67 NF 104361 SP Sara y Samuel Camarena, Cathy LG 0.5 0.5 54 NF 27250 EN Sarah and the Barking Dog Giles, Jenny LG 1.6 0.5 309 F 47589 EN Sarah and Will Feely, Jenny LG 1.7 0.5 262 F 63361 EN Sassy Monkey, The Cassidy, Anne LG 1.5 0.5 176 F NF 121067 EN Saturday Lindeen, Mary LG 1.6 0.5 152 ÷ 40765 EN Saturday Morning Breakfast Irwin, Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 65 F ÷ 39976 EN Saturday Mornings Hancock, Joelie LG 1.5 0.5 63 F ÷ 70352 EN Saturn Adamson, Thomas K. LG 1.8 0.5 145 NF 80028 EN Saturn (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.6 0.5 129 NF 50728 EN Sausage Spy, The Eggleton, Jill LG 1.8 0.5 202 F 35469 EN Save a Tree for Me Gentner, Norma L. LG 1.8 0.5 141 F 15282 EN Save That Trash! Dobeck, Maryann LG 1.1 0.5 206 NF 119855 EN Save the Elephants! Inches, Alison LG 1.8 0.5 339 F 42239 EN Saved by Faith Courtney, Claudia LG 1.6 0.5 175 F ÷ 50874 EN Saving Hoppo McMillan, Dawn LG 1.7 0.5 313 F 112693 EN Say "Cheese"! DeJong, Jennifer Bailey LG 1.5 0.5 257 F 22110 EN Say Cheese! Parker, John LG 1.8 0.5 142 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 145 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 78470 EN Say "Cheese!" Ricci, Christine LG 1.2 0.5 276 F ÷ 53071 EN Say Good Night! Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.9 0.5 156 F ÷ 56818 EN Say "Hi!" up High Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.5 0.5 61 F ÷ 31715 EN Say It, Sign It Epstein, Elaine LG 1.3 0.5 160 F ÷ 50720 EN Scarecrow's Hair Eggleton, Jill LG 0.9 0.5 106 F ÷ 31845 EN Scarecrows Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 40 NF 111290 EN Scared Bingham, Jane LG 1.8 0.5 314 NF 70502 EN Scaredy-Cat Sleepover Hood, Susan LG 1.3 0.5 214 F 73104 EN Scat, Cats! Holub, Joan LG 0.5 0.5 151 F 103308 EN Scat the Fat Cat Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 0.8 0.5 115 F 100005 EN School McCully, Emily Arnold LG 1.0 0.5 105 F 121837 EN School Bus Mystery, The Shea, Therese LG 1.1 0.5 204 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 35866 EN School Bus Ride, The Sloan, Peter LG 1.5 0.5 158 F 115185 EN School in Many Cultures Adamson, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 127 NF NF 56119 EN School Newspaper Emmer, Rae LG 1.5 0.5 84 112040 EN School Play, The Muñoz, Isabel LG 1.4 0.5 237 63607 EN School Tools Snyder, Inez LG 1.3 0.5 99 116731 EN School Trip, The Hawes, Alison LG 1.8 0.5 355 42376 EN Schools Around the World Mitchell, Donald LG 1.0 0.5 78 NF 84744 EN Scorpions Ripple, William John LG 1.7 0.5 98 NF 122892 EN Scottish Fold Cats Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.7 0.5 130 NF 81805 EN Scottish Fold (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.7 0.5 87 NF F NF F 7342 EN Scruffy Parish, Peggy LG 1.9 0.5 1,416 F 118993 SP ¡Sé escuchar! Parker, David LG 1.7 0.5 100 F 104466 SP Se me cayó un diente Blackaby, Susan LG 1.5 0.5 116 F 42157 SP ¡Se me cayó un diente! Wilhelm, Hans LG 0.7 0.5 97 F 113125 SP ¡Sé que puedo! Parker, David LG 1.6 0.5 135 F 50242 SP ¡Se quedó despierta toda la noche! Edwards, Frank B. LG 1.0 0.5 195 F 22093 SP Se tambalea Mahy, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 232 F ÷ 16863 SP Se vende un osito Herman, Gail LG 0.9 0.5 153 F ÷ 89561 EN Sea Anemones Sullivan, Jody LG 1.7 0.5 124 NF ÷ 31756 EN Sea Anemones (Capstone) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 59 NF 112654 EN Sea Animals 1.9 0.5 220 NF ÷ 108344 EN Sea Horses Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Herriges, Ann LG 1.9 0.5 178 NF ÷ 84768 EN Sea Horses Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.4 0.5 103 NF ÷ 31757 EN Sea Horses (Capstone) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.6 0.5 67 NF 58091 EN Sea Horses (Heinemann) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 299 NF 65461 EN Sea Lion Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 303 NF 62073 EN Sea Lions Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.3 0.5 125 NF 115705 EN Sea Otters Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.9 0.5 119 NF 50093 EN Sea, Sand, Me! Hubbell, Patricia LG 1.1 0.5 222 F 112218 EN Sea Snakes Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.8 0.5 118 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 146 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 68097 EN Sea Snakes Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.6 0.5 66 NF ÷ 108345 EN Sea Stars Herriges, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 163 NF ÷ 31755 EN Sea Stars Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.3 0.5 65 NF ÷ 89562 EN Sea Stars Sullivan, Jody LG 1.6 0.5 132 NF ÷ 15283 EN Sea Turtle Night Riley, Kana LG 1.4 0.5 200 F ÷ 35918 EN Sea Turtles Costain, Meredith LG 1.7 0.5 107 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 79534 EN Sea Turtles Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.7 0.5 118 NF 112673 EN Sea Turtles Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.8 0.5 169 NF 43913 EN Sea Turtles Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.1 0.5 50 NF 112219 EN Sea Urchins Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.7 0.5 126 NF 31754 EN Sea Urchins (Capstone) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.5 0.5 52 NF 74280 EN Sea Urchins (Heinemann) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 298 NF 32107 EN Seagull Is Clever Randell, Beverley LG 0.9 0.5 99 121295 EN Seal Pups Sexton, Colleen LG 1.4 0.5 119 F NF 106075 EN Sealed with a Kiss Lagonegro, Melissa LG 1.2 0.5 232 F ÷ 84769 EN Seals Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.4 0.5 114 NF ÷ 43914 EN Seals Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.1 0.5 42 NF 113653 EN Seals Sexton, Colleen LG 1.7 0.5 192 NF 74835 EN Seals Townsend, Emily Rose LG 1.8 0.5 79 NF 58888 EN Search for Spring, The Minarik, Else Holmelund LG 1.9 0.5 511 F 110852 EN Search for the Perfect Child, The Fearnley, Jan LG 1.8 0.5 167 F 120871 EN Searcher and Old Tree, The McPhail, David LG 1.8 0.5 262 F ÷ 4142 EN Seashells Swartz, Stanley L. LG 1.7 0.5 188 NF 42377 EN Season to Season Price, Christine LG 1.6 0.5 113 NF 108405 EN Seasons of the Year Hall, Margaret LG 1.8 0.5 185 NF 52242 EN Seasons of the Year Kalinowski, Delphine LG 1.0 0.5 40 NF 72100 EN Seasons, The Cannon, Shannon LG 1.4 0.5 217 NF 81571 EN Seasons, The Smith, Ian LG 1.8 0.5 258 NF 47591 EN Sebastian Prince, Sarah LG 1.4 0.5 145 F 47636 EN Sebastian Gets the Hiccups Feely, Jenny LG 1.8 0.5 322 F 77664 EN Sebastian's New Sister Creasy, Mary-Anne LG 1.1 0.5 200 F 47637 EN Sebastian's Special Present Prince, Sarah LG 1.6 0.5 294 F 50886 EN Secret Cave, The Smith, Annette LG 1.8 0.5 354 F ÷ 26942 EN Secret Code, The Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.1 0.5 120 F ÷ 44324 EN Secret Friend, The Vaughan, Marcia LG 0.8 0.5 110 F 115347 EN Secret Life of Walter Kitty, The Hicks, Barbara Jean LG 1.8 0.5 412 F 82644 EN See Santa Nap Milgrim, David LG 0.6 0.5 126 F 4007 EN See Them Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.4 0.5 107 F 48655 EN See You Soon Moon Conrad, Donna LG 1.8 0.5 238 F 4012 EN Seed, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.9 0.5 152 F 108417 EN Seeds Bodach, Vijaya Khisty LG 1.5 0.5 134 NF 31798 EN Seeds Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.6 0.5 211 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 147 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 58092 EN Seeds Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 278 NF ÷ 32753 EN Seeing Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 150 NF ÷ 63354 EN Selfish Sophie Kelleher, Damian LG 1.5 0.5 160 F ÷ 4004 EN Sell the Shell Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 85 F 29233 SP semilla de la zanahoria, La Krauss, Ruth LG 1.9 0.5 101 F ÷ 108467 EN Semitrucks Doeden, Matt LG 1.6 0.5 124 NF 42743 EN Send a Baby Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.0 0.5 143 F 26351 SP Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 264 F 11180 SP señor Dominguito tenía una perrita, El señor Sol y el señor Mar, El Butler, Andrea LG 1.5 0.5 202 F 42082 EN Senora Reganona Sanromán, Susana LG 1.7 0.5 131 F 42082 SP señora regañona, La Sanromán, Susana LG 1.7 0.5 1,900 F 55451 EN Sense of Hearing Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 76 NF 55452 EN Sense of Sight Molter, Carey LG 1.7 0.5 81 NF 55453 EN Sense of Smell Molter, Carey LG 1.3 0.5 83 NF 55454 EN Sense of Taste Molter, Carey LG 1.3 0.5 84 NF 55455 EN Sense of Touch Molter, Carey LG 1.4 0.5 74 NF 76178 SP serpiente, La Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 300 NF 79294 SP Serpientes y lagartos Catala, Ellen LG 1.9 0.5 241 NF 56106 SP Servicio comunitario Emmer, Rae LG 1.0 0.5 84 NF 87503 EN Setting the Turkeys Free Nikola-Lisa, W. LG 1.8 0.5 348 63191 EN Seven Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 66 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ F NF 7592 EN Seven Blind Mice Young, Ed LG 1.9 0.5 269 F 72793 EN Seven Scary Monsters Lundgren, Mary Beth LG 1.6 0.5 279 F 36926 EN sh Molter, Carey LG 1.1 0.5 76 43525 EN Shadow Night Chorao, Kay LG 1.9 0.5 525 F 47592 EN Shadow Puppets Feely, Jenny LG 1.1 0.5 146 NF NF 58051 EN Shadows Sayre, April Pulley LG 1.5 0.5 163 F 107216 EN Shadows on the Wall Holden, Pam LG 1.1 0.5 184 F 9044 EN Shape of Me and Other Stuff Seuss, Dr. LG 1.7 0.5 206 F 64481 EN Shape Spotters Bryant, Megan E. LG 1.6 0.5 338 F 117467 EN Harris, Nancy LG 1.0 0.5 157 NF 74888 EN Shapes and Patterns We Know: A Book About Shapes and Patterns Shapes at Home Bruce, Lisa LG 1.9 0.5 214 NF 35521 EN Shapes in My World Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.7 0.5 47 61788 EN Sharing Amos, Janine LG 1.7 0.5 259 NF 32127 EN Sharing Riley, Susan LG 1.7 0.5 158 NF 35880 EN Sharing Time Sloan, Peter LG 1.6 0.5 105 NF 41877 EN Sharing Time Troubles Maccarone, Grace LG 1.1 0.5 160 F 107217 EN Shark and Crab Ellis, Julie LG 1.3 0.5 239 F 123346 EN Shark in the Park Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 1.0 0.5 157 F 68055 EN Shark in the Park! Sharratt, Nick LG 1.3 0.5 225 F 102775 EN Shark Pup Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam LG 1.6 0.5 241 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 148 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 87282 EN Sharks Berger, Melvin LG 1.8 0.5 162 NF ÷ 15284 EN Sharks Chandler, John LG 1.2 0.5 155 F ÷ 79535 EN Sharks Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.6 0.5 84 NF ÷ 43915 EN Sharks Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.5 0.5 42 NF 34634 EN London, Jonathan LG 1.6 0.5 371 F 51912 EN Shawn and Keeper and the Birthday Party Shawn and Keeper: Show-and-Tell London, Jonathan LG 1.6 0.5 291 F 35460 EN Daniel, Alan/Lea LG 1.8 0.5 380 F 115539 EN Emmett, Jonathan LG 1.8 0.5 407 F 113650 EN She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain Sheep Green, Emily K. LG 1.4 0.5 93 NF ÷ ÷ 81095 EN Sheep Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.4 0.5 134 NF 121733 EN Sheep Blast Off! Shaw, Nancy LG 1.5 0.5 152 F 6648 EN Sheep in a Jeep Shaw, Nancy LG 1.0 0.5 82 F 44122 EN Sheep in a Shop Shaw, Nancy LG 1.1 0.5 132 F 103297 EN Sheep Is Asleep, The Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 101 F ÷ 45449 EN Sheep on a Ship Shaw, Nancy LG 1.1 0.5 117 F ÷ 50990 EN Sheep on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.3 0.5 66 ÷ 10540 EN Sheep out to Eat Shaw, Nancy LG 1.2 0.5 144 F ÷ 11391 EN Sheep Take a Hike Shaw, Nancy LG 1.5 0.5 160 F ÷ 45450 EN Sheep Trick or Treat Shaw, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 205 F 86232 EN Sheila Rae's Peppermint Stick Henkes, Kevin LG 1.1 0.5 158 F ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 4003 EN Shell, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.8 0.5 145 F 46633 EN Shells Franco, Betsy LG 0.7 0.5 63 F F 4052 EN Shells and Rocks Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 1.9 0.5 610 81806 EN Shetland Pony (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.2 0.5 65 66291 EN Shh! The Whale is Smiling Nobisso, Josephine LG 1.4 0.5 176 F 75638 EN Shhhh Henkes, Kevin LG 0.8 0.5 86 F 84847 EN Shhhhh! Everybody's Sleeping Markes, Julie LG 1.0 0.5 108 F 108406 EN Shih Tzus Linden, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 171 NF NF 9338 EN Shine, Sun! Greene, Carol LG 0.4 0.5 66 F 32194 EN Shintaro's Umbrellas Jackson, Marjorie LG 1.9 0.5 102 F F 4033 EN Ship, The Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 108 113675 EN Ships Lindeen, Mary LG 1.3 0.5 94 31595 EN Shoe Town Stevens, Janet LG 1.7 0.5 234 F 46634 EN Shoelaces Lieurance, Suzanne LG 1.3 0.5 97 F 27981 EN Shoes, Shoes, Shoes Schreiber, Anne LG 1.4 0.5 274 F 45179 EN Shoo, Crow! Shoo! Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.6 0.5 41 F ÷ 110407 EN Shoo, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd LG 1.7 0.5 330 F ÷ 32227 EN Shopping Davidson, Avelyn LG 0.8 0.5 106 F 100008 EN Shopping Expedition, The Ahlberg, Allan LG 1.3 0.5 178 F 104463 EN Shopping for Lunch Blackaby, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 75 F 123916 EN Shopping in Many Cultures Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.9 0.5 100 ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF NF Page 149 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 85098 EN Shopping Mall, The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.4 0.5 153 NF ÷ 6143 EN Shortcut Crews, Donald LG 1.4 0.5 230 F ÷ 31690 EN Shoveling Snow Cummings, Pat LG 0.9 0.5 110 F ÷ 27975 EN Show and Tell Hood, Susan LG 1.9 0.5 407 F 60081 EN Show and Tell Javernick, Ellen LG 1.7 0.5 315 F ÷ 47593 EN Show and Tell Lang, Greg LG 0.7 0.5 214 F ÷ 66246 EN Show and Tell Mayer, Mercer LG 0.3 0.5 61 F 36704 EN Show and Tell Rice, Laura Burton LG 1.2 0.5 178 F 35851 EN Show and Tell Sloan, Peter LG 1.6 0.5 111 F ÷ 9690 EN Show-and-Tell Frog, The Oppenheim, Joanne LG 1.6 0.5 411 F ÷ 26944 EN Show-and-Tell Sam Simon, Charnan LG 1.6 0.5 90 F ÷ 59533 EN Show-and-Tell Surprise, The Margulies, Teddy LG 1.9 0.5 420 F 79293 EN Show Us Your Wings Ring, Susan LG 1.4 0.5 132 NF 19532 EN Shrinking Mouse Hutchins, Pat LG 1.7 0.5 326 F F ÷ 35515 EN Shut the Door Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.5 0.5 46 119319 EN Siamese Cats Perkins, Wendy LG 1.9 0.5 137 NF 81807 EN Siamese (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.2 0.5 68 NF NF 115672 EN Siberian Huskies Olson, Gillia M. LG 1.8 0.5 142 ÷ 4106 EN Sick Bear, The Cowley, Joy LG 0.8 0.5 62 F ÷ 35857 EN Sick in Bed Sloan, Peter LG 0.8 0.5 109 F 84920 EN Sid's Surprise Carter, Candace LG 0.8 0.5 135 F 80197 EN Siena at the Store: The Sound of S Minden, Cecilia LG 1.2 0.5 148 NF 42744 SP ¡Siéntate! Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.9 0.5 139 F 86844 EN Siesta Guy, Ginger Foglesong LG 0.7 0.5 74 F 7592 SP Siete ratones ciegos Young, Ed LG 1.9 0.5 269 F 36609 EN Sig, the Pig Madden, Nancy LG 1.2 0.5 250 F 11686 EN Signs Cutting, Brian LG 1.9 0.5 377 NF 68269 EN Signs at School Hill, Mary LG 1.1 0.5 98 NF 68270 EN Signs at the Airport Hill, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 142 NF 68271 EN Signs at the Park Hill, Mary LG 1.5 0.5 157 NF ÷ ÷ 68272 EN Signs at the Pool Hill, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 138 NF ÷ 68273 EN Signs at the Store Hill, Mary LG 1.2 0.5 131 NF ÷ 35881 EN Signs Everywhere Sloan, Peter LG 1.3 0.5 90 NF 68274 EN Signs on the Road Hill, Mary LG 1.6 0.5 165 NF 56026 SP Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.8 0.5 87 F 72236 EN Sigue esa estrella (La visita de los magos) Silent B as in Lamb Molter, Carey LG 1.7 0.5 88 NF 72237 EN Silent GH as in Light Molter, Carey LG 1.4 0.5 77 NF 72238 EN Silent H as in Ghost Molter, Carey LG 1.2 0.5 109 NF 72239 EN Silent K as in Knot Molter, Carey LG 1.9 0.5 102 NF 115450 EN Silent Kay and the Dragon Brimner, Larry Dane LG 1.3 0.5 113 F 72240 EN Silent L as in Chalk Molter, Carey LG 1.4 0.5 85 60912 EN Silent Movie Avi LG 1.9 0.5 351 ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF F Page 150 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 72241 EN Silent W as in Wreath Molter, Carey LG 1.9 0.5 98 16869 SP silla de Pedro, La Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.8 0.5 299 F ÷ 30722 EN Silly Cat Tricks Hatcher, Melanie P. LG 0.9 0.5 84 F ÷ 25015 EN Silly Dog Bowman, Eddie LG 1.5 0.5 158 F 121606 EN Silly Lilly and the Four Seasons Rosenstiehl, Agnès LG 0.8 0.5 223 F 48110 EN Silly Little Goose! Tafuri, Nancy LG 1.0 0.5 84 F 87981 EN Silly Pig Rader, Laura LG 1.6 0.5 303 F 54340 EN Silly Ruby Friend, Catherine LG 1.7 0.5 289 F 117216 EN Silly Sara: A Phonics Reader Hays, Anna Jane LG 1.1 0.5 213 F 106076 EN Silly Suzy Goose Horacek, Petr LG 1.7 0.5 193 F ÷ 12048 EN Silly Tail Book, The Brown, Marc LG 1.8 0.5 188 F ÷ 8037 EN Simon and His Boxes Tibo, Gilles LG 1.5 0.5 197 F 53212 EN Simon and Molly Plus Hester Jahn-Clough, Lisa LG 1.6 0.5 386 F 8039 EN Simon and the Wind Tibo, Gilles LG 1.9 0.5 237 F 20445 EN Simon at the Circus Tibo, Gilles LG 1.8 0.5 310 F 13699 EN Simon Finds a Treasure Tibo, Gilles LG 1.8 0.5 406 F 13716 EN Simon in the Moonlight Tibo, Gilles LG 1.6 0.5 248 F 51880 EN Simon's Disguise Tibo, Gilles LG 1.8 0.5 319 F 8037 SP Simón y las cajas Tibo, Gilles LG 1.5 0.5 197 F 103291 EN Simone on the Throne Hanson, Anders LG 1.2 0.5 118 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 31684 EN Sione's Talo Nelisi, Lino LG 1.6 0.5 166 F 103645 EN Sir Mike Black, Robyn Hood LG 1.3 0.5 177 F 7241 EN Sir Small and the Dragonfly O'Connor, Jane LG 1.7 0.5 368 F 87283 EN Sir Small and the Sea Monster O'Connor, Jane LG 1.8 0.5 352 F 121364 EN Sister for Sale! Adams, Michelle Medlock LG 1.5 0.5 298 F 31835 EN Sisters Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 29 NF 119320 EN Sisters (Revised Edition) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.0 0.5 68 NF 42744 EN Sit Down Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.9 0.5 141 F 49858 EN Sit, Truman! Harper, Dan LG 0.5 0.5 77 F 3055 EN Sitting in My Box Lillegard, Dee LG 0.8 0.5 170 F 63192 EN Six Alexander, Linda LG 1.0 0.5 69 NF ÷ 4102 EN Six Cats Cowley, Joy LG 1.0 0.5 51 F ÷ 41879 EN Six Silly Foxes Moran, Alex LG 1.3 0.5 157 F 74889 EN Sizes at School Bruce, Lisa LG 1.4 0.5 218 NF 72226 EN Skate + Board = Skateboard Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.8 0.5 117 NF 35990 EN Skateboard Fun Caitlin, Stephen LG 1.1 0.5 188 F 48245 EN Skateboarding Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 154 NF 45782 EN Skateboarding: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.5 0.5 118 NF 54341 EN Skates Inkpen, Mick LG 1.6 0.5 245 F 27254 EN Skates for Luke Giles, Jenny LG 1.9 0.5 346 F 65702 EN Skeleton Hiccups Cuyler, Margery LG 1.3 0.5 114 F 120858 EN Skelly the Skeleton Girl Pickering, Jimmy LG 1.7 0.5 233 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 151 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 22112 EN Ski Lesson, The Gracestone, Katherine LG 1.0 0.5 154 F 84668 EN Skimper-Scamper Newell, Jeff LG 1.2 0.5 179 F 62089 EN Skin Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.0 0.5 84 103311 EN Skunk and His Junk, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.1 0.5 114 F NF 65445 EN Skunks Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 266 NF 112671 EN Skunks Are Night Animals Mattern, Joanne LG 1.9 0.5 198 NF 4109 EN Sky Is Falling Down, The Cowley, Joy LG 0.8 0.5 102 F 32233 EN Sky Is Falling, The Johns, Edwin LG 1.0 0.5 182 F ÷ 100677 EN Sky Is Falling, The Jordan, Apple LG 1.7 0.5 297 F ÷ 31607 EN Sky Is Falling!, The Miles, Betty LG 0.6 0.5 142 F ÷ 24901 EN Skyfire/Moonbear's Skyfire Asch, Frank LG 1.6 0.5 275 F ÷ 40505 EN sl Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.2 0.5 84 46078 EN McPhail, David LG 1.3 0.5 224 F 34894 EN Sled and Other Fox & Rabbit Stories, The Sleep, Little One, Sleep Bauer, Marion Dane LG 1.4 0.5 241 F 89035 EN Sleep Over, The Maccarone, Grace LG 1.3 0.5 236 F 51882 EN Sleepers Khalsa, Dayal Kaur LG 1.6 0.5 213 F 35761 EN Sleeping Card, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 114 F 47594 EN Sleeping Animals O'Neil, Sarah LG 1.1 0.5 190 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 2508 EN Sleepover Party! Balducci, Rita LG 0.8 0.5 117 F 83516 EN Sleepy ABC Brown, Margaret Wise LG 1.8 0.5 234 F 88508 EN Sleepy Cadillac: A Bedtime Drive Hurd, Thacher LG 1.9 0.5 266 F 7242 EN Sleepy Dog Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.8 0.5 131 F 49292 EN Sleepytime for Zoo Animals Arnold, Caroline LG 1.2 0.5 107 NF 71132 EN Sliding Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 246 NF 76068 EN Slip and Slide: The Sound of SL Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.4 0.5 84 NF 58781 EN Slip! Slide! Skate! Herman, Gail LG 1.6 0.5 449 F 32398 EN Sloppy Tiger and the Party Cowley, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 295 F 32399 EN Sloppy Tiger Bedtime Cowley, Joy LG 1.6 0.5 332 F 56124 EN Paige, Joy LG 1.6 0.5 134 NF 57447 EN Sloth: World's Slowest Mammal, The Slow and Fast Granowsky, Alvin LG 1.6 0.5 386 F 115451 EN Slower Than a Slug Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.9 0.5 105 F ÷ 17340 EN Slower Than a Snail Schreiber, Anne LG 1.1 0.5 144 F ÷ 82705 EN Slug Is Born, A Gibson, Brylee LG 0.9 0.5 113 NF 58093 EN Slugs Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 294 NF 44881 EN Slugs and Snails Walker, Colin LG 1.9 0.5 132 NF 105714 EN Slumber Party Problem Solving Sargent, Brian LG 1.9 0.5 275 NF 113919 EN Small Sister Meserve, Jessica LG 1.3 0.5 136 F 31843 EN Small World, A Cutting, Brian LG 0.9 0.5 146 NF 50933 EN Smallest Horses, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.9 0.5 371 F 120870 EN Smash! Crash! Scieszka, Jon LG 1.6 0.5 393 F 4036 EN Smash It Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 129 F ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 152 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Odanaka, Barbara LG 1.8 0.5 166 F/NF F Windsor, Jo LG 1.4 0.5 123 NF 110684 EN ÷ 82676 EN Smash! Mash! Crash! There Goes the Trash! Smelling! ÷ 82677 EN Smelly Skunks Krueger, Carol LG 1.0 0.5 130 NF 44319 EN Smile, Baby! Eaton, Deborah LG 0.9 0.5 149 F 77218 EN Smile, Lily! Fleming, Candace LG 1.5 0.5 350 F ÷ 35545 EN Smiles Porter, Gracie R. LG 1.9 0.5 366 F ÷ 48246 EN Smiles: The Sound of Long I Noyed, Robert B. LG 1.0 0.5 68 NF ÷ 49293 EN Smiling Swain, Gwenyth LG 1.4 0.5 137 NF ÷ 4123 EN Smiling Stan, the Pedicab Man Cowley, Joy LG 0.8 0.5 122 F 64432 EN Smog the City Dog Meserve, Adria LG 1.8 0.5 254 F 60397 EN Smoke Jumpers One to Ten Demarest, Chris L. LG 1.8 0.5 159 NF 122369 EN Snack Attack Krensky, Stephen LG 0.7 0.5 101 F 103288 EN Snack for Jack, A Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 98 F 82918 EN Snack Time, Tyrannosaurus Rex! Bentley, Dawn LG 1.9 0.5 281 F 51915 EN Snail City O'Connor, Jane LG 1.7 0.5 365 F 121499 EN Snail's Good Night Paul, Ann Whitford LG 1.7 0.5 304 F 107757 EN Snail Saves the Day Stadler, John LG 0.8 0.5 135 F 77742 EN Snails in School! Economos, Christine LG 1.2 0.5 166 NF 103298 EN Snake by the Lake, The Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 0.9 0.5 112 F 49394 EN Snake Mistake, A Smith, Mavis LG 1.9 0.5 339 F ÷ 47595 EN Snake's Dinner Saltis, Nicki LG 1.0 0.5 156 F ÷ 22106 EN Snake's Sore Head Meharry, Dot LG 1.1 0.5 156 F ÷ 62074 EN Snakes Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.3 0.5 119 NF 35522 EN Snakes Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.3 0.5 37 F 50992 EN Snakes Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 0.9 0.5 38 NF 76178 EN Snakes Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 291 NF ÷ 79294 EN Snakes and Lizards Catala, Ellen LG 1.9 0.5 213 NF 102903 EN Snakes and Other Reptiles Schulte, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 190 NF ÷ 9339 EN Sneaky Pete Milios, Rita LG 0.9 0.5 96 F ÷ 82797 EN Sneeze, The Eggleton, Jill LG 0.8 0.5 69 F 31919 EN Snickers Odgers, Sally LG 1.8 0.5 401 F 77695 EN Snip! Snap! Ind, Lynette LG 1.7 0.5 337 F 35702 EN Snow Cartwright, Pauline LG 1.6 0.5 28 F 67994 EN Snow Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.5 0.5 105 NF 74846 EN Snow Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 179 NF ÷ 108926 EN Snow Herriges, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 213 NF ÷ 49420 EN Snow McKié, Roy LG 1.6 0.5 495 F ÷ 28079 EN Snow Shulevitz, Uri LG 1.6 0.5 156 F 68057 EN Snow Stojic, Manya LG 1.4 0.5 185 F ÷ 2299 EN Snow Ward, Kristin LG 1.1 0.5 84 ÷ 50721 EN Snow Windsor, Jo LG 1.7 0.5 237 72183 EN Snow and More Snow! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 84 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF F NF Page 153 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 1967 EN Snow Angels Hood, Susan LG 0.7 0.5 140 F 9389 EN Snow Baby, The Hillert, Margaret LG 1.0 0.5 337 F 51927 EN Snow Child, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.7 0.5 378 F 108847 EN Snow Dance, The Hardy, Lorién Trover LG 1.6 0.5 133 F 57984 EN Snow Day! Lakin, Patricia LG 1.4 0.5 273 F 122231 EN Snow Day! Laminack, Lester L. LG 1.8 0.5 435 F 120173 EN Snow Day McNamara, Margaret LG 1.3 0.5 238 F 55279 EN Snow Day Plourde, Lynn LG 1.7 0.5 323 F 103945 EN Snow Day Dance Hubbell, Will LG 1.8 0.5 297 F ÷ 9340 EN Snow Joe Greene, Carol LG 0.3 0.5 59 F ÷ 75804 EN Snow Music Perkins, Lynne Rae LG 1.6 0.5 256 F 27196 EN Snow on the Hill Smith, Annette LG 1.8 0.5 214 F 114162 EN Snowbaby Could Not Sleep LaReau, Kara LG 1.9 0.5 362 F 103406 EN Snowball Fight! Fallon, Jimmy LG 1.8 0.5 119 F ÷ 50848 EN Snowball, the White Mouse Price, Hugh LG 1.5 0.5 223 F ÷ 14750 EN Snowballs Ehlert, Lois LG 1.3 0.5 122 F 45783 EN Snowboarding: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.1 0.5 138 NF 123657 EN Snowflakes Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.4 0.5 119 NF 118105 EN Snowplows Lindeen, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 95 NF ÷ 56074 EN Snowplows Randolph, Joanne LG 1.4 0.5 102 NF ÷ 32769 EN Snowy Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.3 0.5 55 NF ÷ 32115 EN Snowy Gets a Wash Randell, Beverley LG 1.4 0.5 182 F ÷ 108374 EN Snowy Owls Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 138 NF ÷ 41932 EN Snug as a Big Red Bug Edwards, Frank B. LG 1.2 0.5 145 F ÷ 10542 EN Snug Bug Dubowski, Cathy East LG 1.1 0.5 214 F 51917 EN Snug Bug's Play Day Dubowski, Cathy East LG 1.6 0.5 315 F ÷ 40766 EN So Do I Moorefield, Elaine LG 0.7 0.5 49 F ÷ 85600 EN So Happy! Henkes, Kevin LG 1.5 0.5 245 F 103646 EN So Many Me's Neasi, Barbara J. LG 1.0 0.5 121 F 121789 EN So Many Scoops! Barone, Bill LG 1.3 0.5 199 F NF 52244 EN So Many Snakes Graham, Chris LG 1.8 0.5 152 ÷ 46635 EN So Many Sounds Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.4 0.5 36 F ÷ 7243 EN So Sick! Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.1 0.5 240 F 48247 EN Soccer Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 81 ÷ 32116 EN Soccer at the Park Giles, Jenny LG 1.2 0.5 132 F ÷ 50305 EN Socks Shipton, Paul LG 1.1 0.5 97 F ÷ 47596 EN Socks Off! Lang, Greg LG 1.0 0.5 176 F 21434 EN Sody Salleratus Davis, Aubrey LG 1.6 0.5 623 F 104828 EN Softball Practice Maccarone, Grace LG 1.1 0.5 162 F 55960 EN Soggy Saturday Root, Phyllis LG 1.7 0.5 167 F 118667 EN Soil Cleland, JoAnn V. LG 1.6 0.5 191 NF 102007 EN Soil: Let's Look at a Garden Royston, Angela LG 1.7 0.5 234 NF ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 154 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 34521 EN Some Days Are Like That Luther, Kathy LG 0.9 0.5 70 F 36798 EN Some Kids Are Blind Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 134 NF 36800 EN Some Kids Use Wheelchairs Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 123 NF 2921 EN Some Stuff Ring, Elizabeth LG 0.9 0.5 217 F 48111 EN Some Things Change Murphy, Mary LG 0.8 0.5 74 F 47518 EN Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.4 0.5 210 F 54896 EN Someday We'll Have Very Good Manners Someone's Come to Our House Appelt, Kathi LG 1.2 0.5 180 F 69951 EN Someone Says Schaefer, Carole Lexa LG 1.3 0.5 169 F 60193 EN Someone Special Died Prestine, Joan Singleton LG 1.9 0.5 291 F 84442 EN Something for Daddy Dewan, Ted LG 0.9 0.5 158 F 27393 EN Something Is Waiting Garland, Peter LG 1.6 0.5 95 NF 105366 EN Sometimes I Share Nicklaus, Carol LG 0.8 0.5 97 F ÷ 9341 EN Sometimes Things Change Eastman, Patricia LG 1.5 0.5 146 F ÷ 36933 EN Sometimes Yy Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 119 NF 18322 SP Somos un arco iris Grande Tabor, Nancy Mariá LG 1.7 0.5 263 NF 69921 EN Nakamura, Katherine Riley LG 1.6 0.5 167 F 22110 SP Song of Night: It's Time to Go to Bed ¡Sonríe! Parker, John LG 1.8 0.5 142 F 47638 EN Sooty Jones, Shelley LG 1.5 0.5 212 NF 62794 SP sopa, La Fishman, Cathy Goldberg LG 0.7 0.5 67 F 112972 EN Sophie's Wheels Pearson, Debora LG 1.1 0.5 135 F 3090 SP Julius, Jennifer LG 1.8 0.5 742 F 32183 SP sorpresa de cumpleaños del Granjero Gómez, La sorpresa de Mai-Li, La Jackson, Marjorie LG 1.0 0.5 66 F 21700 SP sorpresa de Nandi, La Browne, Eileen LG 1.9 0.5 109 F 56554 EN Sorting Foods Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 250 NF 101608 EN Sound and Hearing: Make a Noise! Pipe, Jim LG 1.9 0.5 825 NF 57448 EN Sounds Granowsky, Alvin LG 1.6 0.5 396 F 72099 EN Sounds All Around Us Leber, Nancy LG 1.6 0.5 203 NF 89650 EN Sounds in My World Randolph, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 288 NF ÷ ÷ 80797 EN Sounds Like Fun Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.4 0.5 129 F ÷ 11688 EN Soup Cowley, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 258 F ÷ 62794 EN Soup Fishman, Cathy Goldberg LG 0.7 0.5 58 F ÷ 61699 SP Soy bondadosa Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.0 0.5 108 NF 71126 SP Soy buena para el arte Day, Eileen M. LG 1.8 0.5 293 NF 71124 SP Soy buena para el baile Day, Eileen M. LG 1.9 0.5 304 NF 71128 SP Soy buena para las matemáticas Day, Eileen M. LG 1.6 0.5 269 NF 71125 SP Soy bueno para ayudar Day, Eileen M. LG 1.4 0.5 258 NF 71123 SP Soy bueno para construir Day, Eileen M. LG 1.7 0.5 260 NF 71127 SP Soy bueno para la música Day, Eileen M. LG 1.6 0.5 239 NF ÷ 61700 SP Soy cooperativa Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.0 0.5 85 NF ÷ 49469 SP Soy demasiado grande Morton, Lone LG 1.0 0.5 104 ÷ 58671 SP Soy el agua Marzollo, Jean LG 0.6 0.5 92 ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F NF Page 155 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 178 NF 55666 SP Soy el fuego Marzollo, Jean LG 1.2 0.5 121845 SP ¡Soy especial! Pearce, Kevin LG 1.4 0.5 95 F 22092 SP Soy hija del Sol Wesley/Jernigan LG 1.7 0.5 207 F ÷ 61701 SP Soy honrado Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.1 0.5 96 NF ÷ 61702 SP Soy paciente Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.2 0.5 93 NF ÷ 61703 SP Soy respetuoso Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.4 0.5 90 NF ÷ 61704 SP Soy responsable Schuette, Sarah L. LG 0.9 0.5 61 NF ÷ 55665 SP Soy una hoja Marzollo, Jean LG 1.3 0.5 351 NF 58853 SP Soy una manzana Marzollo, Jean LG 1.0 0.5 172 NF ÷ 55668 SP Soy una oruga Marzollo, Jean LG 0.9 0.5 154 NF ÷ 55669 SP Soy una semilla Marzollo, Jean LG 1.0 0.5 175 NF ÷ 32981 EN Space Cutting, Brian LG 1.2 0.5 125 F ÷ 4093 EN Space Aliens in Our School Cowley, Joy LG 1.1 0.5 46 F ÷ 50306 EN Space Ant Goes Home Warren, Celia LG 1.2 0.5 195 F 44212 EN Space Guys! Weston, Martha LG 0.7 0.5 162 F 35703 EN Spaghetti! Spaghetti! Prelutsky, Jack LG 1.8 0.5 85 F 77095 EN Sparky McDonnell, Flora LG 1.1 0.5 214 F 76157 EN Johnston, Tony LG 1.9 0.5 714 F 15286 EN Sparky and Eddie: The First Day of School Sparky's Bone Daniel, Claire LG 1.2 0.5 273 F 77590 EN Special Day for Mommy, A Andreasen, Dan LG 1.3 0.5 161 F 121800 EN Special Day in May, A Williamson, Jan LG 1.5 0.5 245 F 103968 EN Dahl, Michael LG 1.7 0.5 234 F ÷ ÷ 50810 EN Speed, Speed, Centipede! Counting by Tens Speedy Bee Giles, Jenny LG 1.5 0.5 108 F 122893 EN Sphynx Cats Miller, Connie Colwell LG 1.5 0.5 137 NF 81808 EN Sphynx (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 0.9 0.5 63 NF 10543 EN Cole, Joanna LG 1.8 0.5 393 NF 102776 EN Spider's Lunch: All About Garden Spiders Spiderling Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam LG 1.8 0.5 252 NF 79536 EN Spiders Hall, Margaret LG 1.2 0.5 99 NF 74891 EN Spiders Hughes, Monica LG 1.5 0.5 173 NF 77665 EN Spiders Reed, Hannah LG 1.7 0.5 107 NF 44882 EN Spiders Walker, Colin LG 1.1 0.5 74 NF ÷ 9342 EN Spiders and Webs Lunn, Carolyn LG 1.8 0.5 105 NF ÷ 21466 EN Spike Bogan, Paulette LG 1.7 0.5 278 F 64482 EN Spike at Halloween Herman, Gail LG 1.3 0.5 251 F 51268 EN Spike in the Kennel Bogan, Paulette LG 1.6 0.5 228 F 69425 EN Spike in Trouble Bogan, Paulette LG 1.9 0.5 319 F 50722 EN Spikes, Scales, and Armor Windsor, Jo LG 1.7 0.5 170 NF 35242 EN Spinning Top Birchall, Brian LG 1.8 0.5 182 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ 4111 EN Splash! Cowley, Joy LG 0.7 0.5 86 F 46474 EN Splash! Dewey, Ariane LG 1.6 0.5 298 F 34568 EN Splash! Jonas, Ann LG 0.9 0.5 206 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 156 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 49294 EN Splashtime for Zoo Animals Arnold, Caroline LG 1.7 0.5 134 NF ÷ 9576 EN Splat! O'Connor, Jane LG 1.1 0.5 288 F ÷ 46636 EN Splat! LG 0.5 0.5 61 F NF 72242 EN Splish Splash Pérez-Mercado, Mary Margaret Doudna, Kelly LG 1.2 0.5 88 117217 EN Splish! Splash! Herman, Gail LG 1.9 0.5 466 F ÷ 34537 EN Splish, Splash Tuxworth, Nicola LG 1.1 0.5 163 F ÷ 41880 EN Splish, Splash! Weeks, Sarah LG 1.3 0.5 232 F 47519 EN Splish, Splash, Spring Carr, Jan LG 1.6 0.5 96 F 35436 EN Splishy-Sploshy Cowley, Joy LG 1.7 0.5 115 F 46978 EN Splosh! Inkpen, Mick LG 0.8 0.5 100 F 108582 EN Sponges Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.9 0.5 113 NF 110345 EN Spookiest Halloween Ever, The Slater, Teddy LG 1.7 0.5 233 F 82733 EN Spots Krueger, Carol LG 1.6 0.5 201 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ 31852 EN Spots Leonard, Marcia LG 0.8 0.5 112 F 108935 EN Spring Herriges, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 200 NF 48248 EN Spring Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 179 NF 49461 EN Spring Rius, María LG 1.6 0.5 143 F 31779 EN Spring Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.3 0.5 143 NF 58944 EN Spring Thayer, Tanya LG 1.8 0.5 240 NF 65411 EN Spring Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 285 NF 104755 EN Spring Is Here Gomi, Taro LG 0.8 0.5 53 47597 EN Springs O'Neil, Sarah LG 1.1 0.5 132 NF 82627 EN Spy Underwater Eggleton, Jill LG 0.9 0.5 158 F F 46410 EN Square Dancing Thomas, Mark LG 1.5 0.5 125 NF 115978 EN Squares Hall, Pamela LG 1.7 0.5 203 NF 81696 EN Squash the Spider! Ward, Nick LG 1.9 0.5 319 F 105562 EN Squeaky Door, The MacDonald, Margaret Read LG 1.7 0.5 862 F ÷ 108583 EN Squids Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.8 0.5 140 NF ÷ 30579 EN Squiggle, The Schaefer, Carole Lexa LG 1.7 0.5 183 F ÷ 15287 EN Squirrels Clifford, Gale LG 1.4 0.5 109 F ÷ 74847 EN Squirrels Townsend, Emily Rose LG 1.6 0.5 102 NF ÷ 40506 EN Ss Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 41 NF ÷ 35719 EN Sssh! McPherson, Jan LG 0.4 0.5 49 F ÷ 36922 EN st Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 78 NF 61609 EN St. Augustine Lilly, Melinda LG 1.8 0.5 139 NF 73202 EN St. Patrick's Day Haugen, Brenda LG 1.9 0.5 372 NF 61708 EN St. Patrick's Day Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.9 0.5 136 NF 103289 EN Stag in the Bag, A Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 117 F 53668 EN Courtney, Claudia LG 1.3 0.5 148 F 105507 EN Stand Strong: The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders Stanley Goes Fishing Frazier, Craig LG 1.7 0.5 128 F 81697 EN Stanley Goes for a Drive Frazier, Craig LG 1.9 0.5 151 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 157 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Word Count F/NF 0.5 109 NF 1.7 0.5 114 NF Author IL ATOS BL Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.8 Lilly, Melinda LG Points 57452 EN 61592 EN Star in My Orange: Looking for Nature's Shapes, A Star Spangled Banner, The 103604 EN Starfish Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.7 0.5 106 NF 84921 EN Starry Safari Ashman, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 170 F 121795 EN Starry Sky, The Moore, Sharon LG 1.5 0.5 230 F 112201 EN Stars Adamson, Thomas K. LG 1.4 0.5 145 NF 46372 EN Stars Burke, Jennifer S. LG 1.2 0.5 147 NF 77743 EN Stars Economos, Christine LG 1.6 0.5 191 NF 64405 EN Stars Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.8 0.5 194 NF 80029 EN Stars (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.3 0.5 140 NF 123660 EN Stars (Revised Edition), The Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.3 0.5 131 NF 56288 EN Stars, The Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.4 0.5 102 NF 14042 EN Stars' Trip to Earth, The 1.7 0.5 289 F 102371 EN Stars Will Still Shine, The Ecole-Viscount-Alexander-S LG choo Rylant, Cynthia LG 1.3 0.5 120 F 34547 EN Start and Stop Schaefer, Lola M. LG 0.8 0.5 50 NF 56676 EN States Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.8 0.5 45 NF 76645 EN Station K.I.D.S. Leaney, Cindy LG 1.6 0.5 223 F 119511 EN Stay Awake, Sally Modarressi, Mitra LG 1.5 0.5 296 F 82752 EN Staying with Big Bill Eggleton, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 190 F 112791 EN Stegosaurus Mattern, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 183 NF 22101 EN Stella Meharry, Dot LG 0.9 0.5 73 F 55974 EN Stella, Fairy of the Forest Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.8 0.5 409 F 41724 EN Stella, Queen of the Snow Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.7 0.5 412 F 43341 EN Stella, Star of the Sea Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.7 0.5 347 F 108418 EN Stems Bodach, Vijaya Khisty LG 1.8 0.5 134 NF 31800 EN Stems Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.8 0.5 232 NF 60105 EN Steve's Room Menschell, Mindy LG 1.2 0.5 171 F 60098 EN Stew for Egor's Mom, A Robinson, F.R. LG 1.3 0.5 162 F 56125 EN Paige, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 131 NF 80798 EN Stick Insect: World's Longest Insect, The Stickers, Shells, and Snow Globes Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.5 0.5 153 F 117468 EN Harris, Nancy LG 1.9 0.5 226 NF 113654 EN Sticky Fingers: Exploring the Number 5 Stingrays Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 200 NF 44852 EN Stingrays Wall, Julia LG 1.7 0.5 147 NF 103647 EN Stinky Clothes Emery, Joanna LG 1.0 0.5 104 F 108469 EN Stock Cars (Mighty Machines) Doeden, Matt LG 1.7 0.5 142 NF 66986 EN Stolen Smile Robberecht, Thierry LG 1.9 0.5 344 F 50358 EN Stone Soup Hawes, Alison LG 1.9 0.5 305 F 59471 EN Stop by a Pond Nicholas, Melissa LG 1.4 0.5 64 F 9343 EN Stop-Go, Fast-Slow McLenighan, Valjean LG 1.9 0.5 173 NF 82628 EN Stop Going Cock-a-Doodle-Doo! Eggleton, Jill LG 0.8 0.5 122 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 158 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 77758 EN Stop That Dog! Whiting, Sue LG 1.4 0.5 277 F 34821 EN Stories of Me Hernandez, Luz LG 1.3 0.5 81 F 35225 EN Storm! Hucker/Villers LG 1.0 0.5 49 F 83486 EN Storm Chaser! Schoberle, Cecile LG 1.5 0.5 189 F F 35746 EN Storm on the Beach, A Noonan, Diana LG 1.7 0.5 70 110334 EN Storms! Editors of Time for Kids LG 1.9 0.5 314 NF 15288 EN Story of Corn, The Ernesto, Lilly LG 1.7 0.5 164 NF 76916 EN Story of Red Rubber Ball, The Levy, Constance LG 1.7 0.5 132 F 80158 EN Stowaway, The Stevenson, James LG 1.9 0.5 855 F 74623 EN Straight to the Pole O'Malley, Kevin LG 0.9 0.5 100 F 48664 EN Strange Egg, The DePalma, Mary Newell LG 1.8 0.5 170 F 105775 EN Curry, Kelli LG 1.7 0.5 238 F 104988 EN Bryant, Megan E. LG 1.7 0.5 199 F 105776 EN Bryant, Megan E. LG 1.3 0.5 250 F 45453 EN Simont, Marc LG 1.7 0.5 212 F 121815 EN Strawberry Shortcake and the Butterfly Garden Strawberry Shortcake's Filly Friends Strawberry Shortcake's Show-and-Tell Surprise Stray Dog: From a True Story by Reiko Sassa, The Street Fair, The James, Lincoln LG 1.2 0.5 217 F 51919 EN Strike Four! Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.3 0.5 279 F ÷ 49499 EN Strings Waters, Jennifer LG 0.8 0.5 47 F ÷ 31697 EN Strongest Animal, The Boland, Janice LG 1.2 0.5 59 F 76149 EN Stuart Little: A Little Mess Driscoll, Laura LG 1.9 0.5 359 F 76150 EN Stuart Little: A Little Too Fast Driscoll, Laura LG 1.9 0.5 412 F 77759 EN Stuck in the Barn Feely, Jenny LG 1.9 0.5 375 F 121161 EN Stuck in the Mud Clarke, Jane LG 1.8 0.5 343 F 103299 EN Sub Club, The Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.1 0.5 102 F 115401 EN Submarines Reed, Jennifer LG 1.9 0.5 129 NF 46373 EN Subway Rides Walker, Pamela LG 1.4 0.5 163 NF 23970 EN Subway Sparrow Torres, Leyla LG 1.6 0.5 216 F 32128 EN Success Riley, Susan LG 1.8 0.5 167 NF 56677 EN Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.2 0.5 104 NF 15289 EN Floyd, Lucy LG 1.5 0.5 528 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 79276 SP Sue Threw the Goop Through the Hoop Suki and the Case of the Lost Bunnies Sumando animales del Artico Bauer, David LG 1.9 0.5 138 NF 108936 EN Summer Herriges, Ann LG 1.6 0.5 206 NF 48249 EN Summer Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 156 NF 49457 EN Summer Rius, María LG 1.6 0.5 131 F ÷ 31614 EN Summer Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.7 0.5 179 NF ÷ 58945 EN Summer Thayer, Tanya LG 1.7 0.5 233 NF 65412 EN Summer Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 298 NF 60092 EN Summer at Cove Lake Nayer, Judy LG 1.9 0.5 288 F 121849 EN Summer Job, The Shea, Therese LG 0.7 0.5 70 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 159 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 123580 EN Summer Playground, The Emerson, Carl LG 1.8 0.5 322 F 61259 EN Summer Sun Risin' Nikola-Lisa, W. LG 1.9 0.5 356 F 106396 EN Sumo Boy Nakagawa, Hirotaka LG 0.8 0.5 103 F 72228 EN Sun + Screen = Sunscreen Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.8 0.5 159 NF 72435 EN Sun and Rain Mann, Rachel LG 0.7 0.5 79 NF 45256 EN Sun Is My Favorite Star, The Asch, Frank LG 1.9 0.5 154 F 80030 EN Sun (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.2 0.5 95 NF 123661 EN Sun (Revised Edition), The Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 155 NF 112203 EN Sun, The Adamson, Thomas K. LG 1.7 0.5 182 NF 102754 EN Sun, The Chrismer, Melanie LG 1.9 0.5 322 NF 56289 EN Sun, The Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 135 NF 50816 EN Sun, the Wind, and the Rain, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.2 0.5 170 F 61197 EN Sunburn Gordon, Sharon LG 1.9 0.5 272 NF 80813 EN Sunny Bumps the Drum Blackaby, Susan LG 1.8 0.5 391 F ÷ 32770 EN Sunny Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.3 0.5 66 NF ÷ 46411 EN Sunny Days Burke, Jennifer S. LG 1.0 0.5 158 NF 78168 EN Sunshine and Shadows Delta Education Editors LG 1.4 0.5 259 NF ÷ 117218 EN Sunshine, Moonshine Armstrong, Jennifer LG 1.3 0.5 127 F ÷ 31827 EN Sunshine Street Cutting, Brian LG 1.2 0.5 111 F ÷ 104778 EN Super Fly Guy Arnold, Tedd LG 1.7 0.5 310 F 76619 EN Super Sale Leaney, Cindy LG 1.3 0.5 133 F 35852 EN Super Sandwich Sloan, Peter LG 1.7 0.5 72 121816 EN Super Sandwich, The George, Lynn LG 1.7 0.5 327 F 50308 EN Super Shopping Hawes, Alison LG 1.5 0.5 41 F 120174 EN Super Spies Inches, Alison LG 1.7 0.5 347 F ÷ NF 75267 EN Supermarket, The Hoena, B.A. LG 1.9 0.5 123 NF 106329 EN Supertwins and Tooth Trouble James, Brian LG 1.8 0.5 641 F 106330 EN James, Brian LG 1.8 0.5 618 F 117177 EN Supertwins Meet the Bad Dogs from Space Surprise! Brown, Richard LG 0.9 0.5 148 F ÷ 16854 EN Surprise! Fine, Jane LG 1.1 0.5 165 F ÷ 31432 EN Surprise! Simon, Charnan LG 1.8 0.5 434 F 100676 EN Surprise for a Princess Weinberg, Jennifer LG 1.7 0.5 249 F 70559 EN Surprise Party, The Hutchins, Pat LG 1.5 0.5 327 F 105777 EN Surprise! Snow Day! Baker, Courtney LG 1.7 0.5 250 F 63344 SP susto de Félix, El Friel, Maeve LG 1.6 0.5 159 F 48027 EN Suzy Mule deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.4 0.5 377 F 50763 EN Swan Family, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.7 0.5 172 F ÷ 4097 EN Swans Cowley, Joy LG 0.9 0.5 54 F ÷ 9344 EN Sweet Dreams Neasi, Barbara LG 1.4 0.5 116 F ÷ 12050 EN Sweet Dreams, Clown-Arounds! Cole, Joanna LG 1.9 0.5 367 F 44656 EN Sweet Dreams: How Animals Sleep Kajikawa, Kimiko LG 1.4 0.5 104 NF 64433 EN Sweet Hearts Carr, Jan LG 1.4 0.5 111 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 160 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 120176 EN Sweetest Spring, The Jordan, Apple LG 1.6 0.5 284 F 108492 EN Swim, Little Wombat, Swim! Fuge, Charles LG 1.8 0.5 282 F 4040 EN Swim with Us Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 112 F 85093 EN Swimming Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.6 0.5 199 NF 48250 EN Swimming (Child's World) Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.3 0.5 80 NF 28539 EN Swimming Lessons Algie, Amy LG 1.5 0.5 185 NF 78530 EN Swimming (Sundance) Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.2 0.5 81 NF 50849 EN Swimming with a Dragon McMillan, Dawn LG 1.8 0.5 230 F 114934 EN Swimming with Dolphins Davis, Lambert LG 1.9 0.5 212 F 52406 EN Swing! Inkpen, Mick LG 1.2 0.5 160 F 31700 EN Swing, Swing, Swing Tuchman, Gail LG 1.0 0.5 94 F 72243 EN Swish Swoosh Doudna, Kelly LG 1.3 0.5 66 NF 104464 EN Syd's Room Blackaby, Susan LG 0.7 0.5 89 F 82921 EN T Is for Terrible McCarty, Peter LG 1.4 0.5 122 F 65005 EN T-Rex Is Missing! De Paola, Tomie LG 1.6 0.5 406 F 27366 EN T-Shirt Triplets, The Edwards, Hazel LG 1.9 0.5 353 F 27213 EN Tabby in the Tree Randell, Beverley LG 0.8 0.5 200 F 81809 EN Tabby (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.3 0.5 71 NF 117201 EN Freese, Joan LG 1.8 0.5 301 NF 104708 SP Tables and Graphs of Healthy Things tacto, El Mackill, Mary LG 1.7 0.5 311 NF 102777 EN Tadpole Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam LG 1.6 0.5 265 NF 47598 EN Tadpoles and Frogs Feely, Jenny LG 0.8 0.5 58 NF 80198 EN Taejon and Terrel: The Sound of T Minden, Cecilia LG 0.9 0.5 106 NF 35689 EN Tails Cartwright, Pauline LG 0.8 0.5 42 116290 EN Tails Leake, Diyan LG 1.1 0.5 193 F NF 82717 EN Tails, Tails, Tails Gibson, Brylee LG 1.0 0.5 132 NF 79605 EN Take Me out to the Ball Game Kovalski, Maryann LG 1.6 0.5 243 F 104301 EN Take My Picture Hoffman, Sanford LG 0.8 0.5 155 F 7293 EN Take My Picture! Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.7 0.5 112 F 49296 EN Take Turns, Penguin! Willis, Jeanne LG 1.4 0.5 234 F 82678 EN Taking Care of Babies Windsor, Jo LG 1.6 0.5 174 NF 77744 EN Taking Care of Baby Jacobs, Daniel LG 1.4 0.5 153 NF 71988 EN Leaney, Cindy LG 1.7 0.5 360 F ÷ 89563 EN Taking Care of Mango: A Story About Responsibility Taking Care of My Ears Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.6 0.5 145 NF ÷ 89564 EN Taking Care of My Eyes DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.5 0.5 139 NF ÷ 89565 EN Taking Care of My Hair DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.4 0.5 125 NF 45784 EN Taking Care of My Hair Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 165 NF ÷ 89566 EN Taking Care of My Hands and Feet DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.1 0.5 114 NF ÷ 89567 EN Taking Care of My Skin DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.6 0.5 123 NF ÷ 89568 EN Taking Care of My Teeth DeGezelle, Terri LG 1.7 0.5 133 NF ÷ 35540 EN Taking Care of Our World Porter, Gracie R. LG 1.9 0.5 137 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 161 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 35704 EN Taking Jason to Grandma's Mooney, Margaret LG 1.8 0.5 118 F 45785 EN Taking My Bath Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 170 NF 47599 EN Taking Pictures Lang, Greg LG 0.9 0.5 132 NF 61791 EN Taking Turns Amos, Janine LG 1.7 0.5 323 NF 72158 EN Owen, Ann LG 1.7 0.5 158 NF 3427 SP Time for Kids Editors LG 1.2 0.5 158 NF 60107 EN Taking You Places: A Book About Bus Drivers ¡Talán! ¡Talán! ¡Talán! ¡A apagar el fuego! (MH Edition) Tale of Cowboy Roy, The Miranda, Anne LG 1.5 0.5 185 F 35868 EN Talent Night at School Sloan, Peter LG 1.3 0.5 102 F 110864 EN Tales from Parc la Fontaine Schwartz, Roslyn LG 1.6 0.5 314 F 76612 EN Talking Telescope, A Leaney, Cindy LG 1.7 0.5 201 F 44485 EN Talking Yam, The Randall, Cheyenne LG 1.7 0.5 329 F ÷ 82734 EN Tall Gabolinscy, Jack LG 1.7 0.5 235 NF ÷ 102852 EN Tall and Short Nieker, Diane LG 1.9 0.5 263 NF ÷ 41824 EN Hollingsworth, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 165 F 88995 EN Tall Body, Short Body, Everybody's Somebody Tall, Tall Slide, The Dahl, Michael LG 1.4 0.5 208 F 36605 EN Tam and Tad Slavin, Robert LG 0.8 0.5 148 F 58162 SP Tamaños en el zoológico Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 352 NF 42246 EN Tan Man, The Courtney, Claudia LG 1.7 0.5 223 F 59236 EN Tanks Budd, E.S. LG 1.9 0.5 196 NF 84795 EN Tanks Doeden, Matt LG 1.7 0.5 112 NF 113553 EN Tanks Ellis, Catherine LG 1.8 0.5 149 NF 113553 SP Tanques Ellis, Catherine LG 1.9 0.5 164 NF 46412 EN Tap Dancing Thomas, Mark LG 1.3 0.5 151 NF 50956 EN Tapping Tale, The Giglio, Judy LG 0.6 0.5 105 F 121809 EN Tara Takes the Train Figorito, Marcus LG 1.7 0.5 393 F 121815 SP Tara va a la feria James, Lincoln LG 1.8 0.5 238 F 87076 EN Tarantula Eckart, Edana LG 1.3 0.5 108 NF 47642 EN Tarantula Feely, Jenny LG 1.7 0.5 144 NF 39986 EN Tarantulas Are Spiders Platnick, Norman I. LG 1.3 0.5 39 NF 56003 SP Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.9 0.5 164 48251 EN ¡Tarará! ¡Tarará! (La caída de Jericó) Task Time: The Sound of T Klingel/Ballard LG 1.5 0.5 56 35531 EN Taste Sensation Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.1 0.5 114 F 48162 EN Tasting Party, A Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 370 F 25168 EN Tasting Things Fowler, Allan LG 1.9 0.5 261 NF 110772 SP Te presento a mis abuelos Robertson, J. Jean LG 1.6 0.5 271 NF 72229 EN Tea + Pot = Teapot Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.8 0.5 115 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ F NF 7647 EN Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy LG 1.9 0.5 1,590 65422 EN Teacher Miller, Heather LG 1.8 0.5 263 NF 28400 EN Teacher, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 157 NF 26682 EN Teachers Help Us Learn Greene, Carol LG 1.7 0.5 316 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 162 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF ÷ 4161 EN Teamwork Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.4 0.5 149 NF ÷ 27225 EN Teasing Dad Smith, Annette LG 0.9 0.5 158 F 50850 EN Teasing Mom Smith, Annette LG 1.4 0.5 240 F 123347 EN Ted in a Red Bed Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 0.9 0.5 161 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 4080 EN Ted's Letter Shook, Rebecca E. LG 1.6 0.5 80 F 103292 EN Ted's Red Sled Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.9 0.5 106 F 16863 EN Teddy Bear for Sale Herman, Gail LG 0.9 0.5 154 F 81570 EN Teddy's Birthday Faundez, Anne LG 1.9 0.5 299 F 121832 EN Teddy's Tale Booking, Walt LG 0.8 0.5 147 F 72244 EN Tee Hee Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 100 NF 63193 EN Ten Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 74 NF 55961 EN Ten Flashing Fireflies Sturges, Philemon LG 1.9 0.5 348 F 65719 EN Ten Friends Together Osborn/Tangvald LG 1.8 0.5 453 F 111743 EN Ten in the Meadow Butler, John LG 1.7 0.5 230 F 84444 EN Ten Little Fish Wood, Audrey LG 1.5 0.5 175 F 59568 EN Ten Monkey Jamboree Ochiltree, Dianne LG 1.9 0.5 332 F 32897 EN Ten, Nine, Eight Bang, Molly LG 1.3 0.5 69 F 41525 EN Ten Red Apples Hutchins, Pat LG 1.7 0.5 321 F 66988 EN Miller, Virginia LG 1.0 0.5 113 F 77096 EN Ten Red Apples: A Bartholomew Bear Counting Book Ten Sleepy Sheep Root, Phyllis LG 1.3 0.5 249 F 118994 SP ¡Tengo buenos modales! Parker, David LG 1.9 0.5 114 F 81810 EN Tennessee Walking Horse (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.2 0.5 68 112644 EN Tennis, Anyone? McG, Shane LG 1.8 0.5 381 NF F 80927 EN Tennis in Venice Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.9 0.5 202 NF 111495 EN Tepee Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.4 0.5 157 NF 104362 SP Teresa y Tomás Camarena, Cathy LG 0.5 0.5 55 NF 31724 SP Termitas Bach, Mary LG 1.6 0.5 149 F 31724 EN Termites Bach, Mary LG 1.6 0.5 144 F 82735 EN Termites Krueger, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 195 NF 68098 EN Termites Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.7 0.5 65 NF ÷ 2309 SP Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.2 0.5 158 NF ÷ 2309 EN Kirkpatrick, Rob LG 1.2 0.5 138 NF 50309 EN Terrell Davis: Corredor de Superbowl Terrell Davis: Super Bowl Running Back Terrible Tiger Jarman, Julia LG 1.1 0.5 127 F 110370 EN Terry Labonte Roza, Greg LG 1.9 0.5 119 NF 36923 EN th Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.3 0.5 86 NF 103293 EN Thad and His Dad Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 0.9 0.5 101 F 61860 EN Thank You Amos, Janine LG 1.2 0.5 269 NF 55456 EN Thank You Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 125 NF 113941 EN Thank You Bear Foley, Greg LG 1.6 0.5 183 F 42745 EN Thank You Jesus Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.9 0.5 517 F 72796 EN Thanksgiving Is Here! Goode, Diane LG 1.6 0.5 321 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 163 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 55962 EN Thanksgiving Mice! Roberts, Bethany LG 1.3 0.5 196 F 44659 EN That Apple Is Mine! Arnold, Katya LG 1.8 0.5 350 F 59524 EN That Bad, Bad Cat! Masurel, Claire LG 1.0 0.5 202 F ÷ 27976 EN That Cat! Bernstein, Margery LG 1.6 0.5 418 F ÷ 15290 EN That Cat! Peterson, Polly LG 0.9 0.5 146 F 63335 EN That Makes Me Mad! Kroll, Steven LG 1.8 0.5 833 F ÷ ÷ 27984 EN That's Hard, That's Easy Bernstein, Margery LG 1.6 0.5 393 F 122233 EN Shahan, Sherry LG 1.6 0.5 550 F 50925 EN That's Not How You Play Soccer, Daddy! That's Not Our Dog! Inserra, Rose LG 1.7 0.5 380 F 50723 EN That's Us Windsor, Jo LG 1.9 0.5 189 NF 42427 EN Then and Now Thompson, Richard LG 1.5 0.5 174 F 74837 EN Theodore Roosevelt Emerson, Judy LG 1.9 0.5 208 NF 72184 EN There Are Ants down There! Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 85 NF 120003 EN There Goes Turtle's Hat McKerley, Jennifer Guess LG 1.3 0.5 149 F 51683 EN Hoberman, Mary Ann LG 1.8 0.5 318 F Jaques, Florence Page LG 1.5 0.5 124 F 76032 EN There Once Was a Man Named Michael Finnegan There Once Was a Puffin ÷ 21488 EN There's a Dinosaur in the Park! Martin, Rodney LG 1.5 0.5 183 F ÷ 31691 EN There's a Hole in My Pocket Gibson, Akimi LG 0.6 0.5 56 F ÷ 45895 EN There's a Monster Under My Bed Howe, James LG 1.8 0.5 491 F 116920 EN Arnold, Tedd LG 1.6 0.5 211 F 73773 EN There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Fly Guy Thesaurus Rex Steinberg, Laya LG 1.8 0.5 170 F 72185 EN They Are the Best! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.0 0.5 78 NF 56654 EN They're There in Their Boat Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 178 NF 40772 EN Things That Drag Behind Humphrey, Bunny LG 1.1 0.5 43 F 112697 EN This Is Anna Shaskan, Trisha Speed LG 1.4 0.5 124 F ÷ 44433 EN This Is Baseball Blackstone, Margaret LG 1.1 0.5 110 NF 108690 EN Hayes, Sarah LG 1.5 0.5 260 F 74246 EN This Is the Bear and the Bad Little Girl This Little Piggy's Book of Manners Allen, Kathryn Madeline LG 1.6 0.5 360 F 35453 EN This Old Man Daniel, Alan/Lea LG 1.4 0.5 193 F 15291 EN This Room Is a Mess! Patterson, Anne LG 1.6 0.5 343 F 117220 EN Thomas and Percy and the Dragon Awdry, W. LG 1.1 0.5 191 F ÷ 7295 EN Thomas and the School Trip Awdry, W. LG 1.1 0.5 319 F ÷ 88053 EN Thomas Goes Fishing Courtney, Richard LG 1.0 0.5 147 F 47605 EN Thomas Had a Temper Saltis, Nicki LG 1.0 0.5 135 F 45531 EN Thomas' Railway Word Book Awdry, W. LG 1.9 0.5 185 F 81811 EN Thoroughbred Horses (K-1) Haberkern, Carol A. LG 1.1 0.5 64 NF 63194 EN Three Alexander, Linda LG 1.4 0.5 81 NF 89485 EN Three Bears' Christmas, The Duval, Kathy LG 1.9 0.5 320 F 116107 EN Three Bears' Halloween, The Duval, Kathy LG 1.6 0.5 360 F 9391 EN Three Bears, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.6 0.5 201 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 164 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 44325 EN Three Billy Goats Gruff, The McCloskey, Susan LG 1.1 0.5 140 F 7346 EN Three by the Sea Marshall, Edward LG 1.8 0.5 861 F 107759 EN Three Cheers for Hippo! Stadler, John LG 0.7 0.5 131 F 32231 EN Three Goats, The Douglas, Ian LG 1.4 0.5 129 F ÷ 9392 EN Three Goats, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.6 0.5 219 F ÷ 44665 EN Three Little Kittens Galdone, Paul LG 1.6 0.5 175 F ÷ 60108 EN Three Little Kittens Osterink, Carole LG 1.6 0.5 164 F ÷ 35591 EN Three Little Kittens Siomades, Lorianne LG 1.2 0.5 77 F ÷ 9393 EN Three Little Pigs, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.6 0.5 189 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 31599 EN Three Little Pigs, The Miles, Betty LG 1.3 0.5 366 F 115727 EN Three Little Pigs, The Orihuela, Luz LG 1.8 0.5 168 F 15292 EN Three Silly Cowboys, The Eaton, Deborah LG 1.5 0.5 210 F 77098 EN Three Wise Old Women Corbett, Elizabeth T. LG 1.9 0.5 248 F 116199 EN Three Wishes Lukas, Catherine LG 1.2 0.5 217 F 39833 EN Three Wishes Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.8 0.5 136 F 50316 EN Through the Day Wilson, Jeni LG 0.6 0.5 76 42761 EN Through the Roof Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.9 0.5 479 F 39894 EN Thump and Plunk Udry, Janice May LG 1.3 0.5 176 F 67997 EN Thunder and Lightning Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.9 0.5 94 NF 46639 EN Thunder Doesn't Scare Me! Bowdish, Lynea LG 1.0 0.5 81 F 121075 EN Thursday Lindeen, Mary LG 1.7 0.5 183 NF 113895 EN Tic and Tac Clean Up Kreloff, Elliot LG 1.6 0.5 194 F NF 72245 EN Tick Tock Doudna, Kelly LG 1.2 0.5 101 NF 108992 EN Ticket, The Shaskan, Trisha Speed LG 1.9 0.5 253 F 65093 EN Tickle Tickle Hru, Dakari LG 1.8 0.5 166 F 47606 EN Tickling Lang, Greg LG 1.0 0.5 71 F 71145 EN Tidy Titch Hutchins, Pat LG 1.8 0.5 224 F 72884 SP ¿Tienen colas las ranas? Sargent, Dave LG 0.9 0.5 166 F 65462 EN Tiger Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 255 NF 82632 EN Tiger and Monkey Eggleton, Jill LG 0.7 0.5 86 F 45095 EN Tiger Book, The Pfloog, Jan LG 1.4 0.5 95 F 104942 EN Tiger Can't Sleep Fore, S.J. LG 1.8 0.5 571 F 58603 EN Tiger Cub Grows Up, A Hewett, Joan LG 1.8 0.5 389 NF 31701 EN Tiger Dave Boucher, Carter LG 1.4 0.5 34 F ÷ 7297 EN Tiger Is a Scaredy Cat Phillips, Joan LG 0.9 0.5 219 F ÷ 27230 EN Tiger Runs Away Smith, Annette LG 1.3 0.5 214 F ÷ 66249 EN Tiger's Birthday Mayer, Mercer LG 1.6 0.5 162 F 60120 EN Tiger's Tummy Ache Bick, Lois LG 1.2 0.5 219 F 44274 EN Tiger Trail Winters, Kay LG 1.9 0.5 502 F 55696 EN Tiger Trouble! Goode, Diane LG 1.9 0.5 271 F 83368 EN Tiger Woods Walker, Pamela LG 1.1 0.5 71 NF 62751 EN Tigers Frost, Helen LG 1.2 0.5 62 NF ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 165 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 62075 EN Tigers Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.4 0.5 124 NF 56075 EN Tigers Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 123 NF 70389 EN Tigers and Their Cubs Hall, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 117 NF 65462 SP tigre, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 302 NF ÷ 7298 EN Tim and Jim Take Off Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.6 0.5 277 F ÷ 27218 EN Tim's Favorite Toy Giles, Jenny LG 1.5 0.5 209 F 59240 EN Timber Wolves Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 85 NF ÷ 27284 EN Time for a Party Newman, Marjorie LG 1.2 0.5 112 NF ÷ 31429 EN Time for Bed? Hood, Susan LG 1.1 0.5 256 F 50820 EN Time for Play Smith, Annette LG 0.6 0.5 79 NF 121850 EN Time for Tea Scott, Sally LG 1.1 0.5 75 F 109744 EN Time Out, Buzzy Ziefert, Harriet LG 0.9 0.5 166 F 106792 EN Time to Open! Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.2 0.5 122 NF 105805 EN Time to Say Goodnight Lloyd-Jones, Sally LG 1.8 0.5 214 F 88757 EN Timmy Touch, The Chipponeri, Kelli LG 1.9 0.5 331 F 31851 EN Tin Can Man, The Leonard, Marcia LG 1.2 0.5 106 F 19985 SP Tina la tortuga y Carlos el conejo Bishop, Dorothy Sword LG 1.5 0.5 454 F 31686 EN Tina's Taxi Franco, Betsy LG 1.2 0.5 84 F 19985 EN Bishop, Dorothy Sword LG 1.9 0.5 404 F ÷ 32117 EN Tina the Turtle and Carlos the Rabbit Tiny and the Big Wave Smith, Annette LG 0.9 0.5 164 F ÷ 41845 EN Tiny Family, A Bridwell, Norman LG 1.9 0.5 343 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 60939 EN Tiny Goes to the Library Meister, Cari LG 0.5 0.5 110 F 122630 EN Tiny on the Farm Meister, Cari LG 1.3 0.5 264 F 32428 EN Tiny's Bath Meister, Cari LG 0.6 0.5 103 F 78839 EN Tiny's Big Adventure Waddell, Martin LG 1.7 0.5 326 F 74281 EN Tiny-Spiny Animals 1 2 3 Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.5 0.5 151 NF 55264 EN Tiny the Snow Dog Meister, Cari LG 0.6 0.5 128 F 48032 EN Tiny Tiger deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.5 0.5 328 F 12100 EN Tiny Timothy Turtle Leditschke, Anna LG 1.8 0.5 119 F 4047 EN Tip Plays a Trick Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 143 F 118741 EN Tip Tip Dig Dig Garcia, Emma LG 1.7 0.5 121 F 83774 EN Tiptoe into Kindergarten Rogers, Jacqueline LG 1.3 0.5 175 F 71129 SP Tirar Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 277 NF ÷ 80818 EN Tired of Waiting Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.3 0.5 99 F ÷ 63349 SP Tito y Tita Cassidy, Anne LG 1.6 0.5 201 F ÷ 4041 EN To Camp Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 138 F ÷ 25274 EN To Market, To Market Miranda, Anne LG 1.7 0.5 257 F 84094 EN To the Beach! Ashman, Linda LG 1.5 0.5 302 F 4038 EN To the Den Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.5 0.5 112 F ÷ ÷ 32468 EN To the Island Agell, Charlotte LG 1.0 0.5 169 F 104250 EN To the Rescue Hughes, Monica LG 1.8 0.5 271 NF 70598 EN To the Rescue! Schoberle, Cecile LG 1.3 0.5 279 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 166 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 51272 EN To the Tub Anderson, Peggy Perry LG 1.1 0.5 169 F 11191 EN Toad Eats Out Schade/Buller LG 1.1 0.5 262 F 123348 EN Toad Makes a Road Cox, Phil Roxbee LG 1.2 0.5 184 F 105281 EN Toad on the Road Schade, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 189 F 108102 EN Toad Takes Off Schade, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 219 F 57907 EN Toast for Mom Menschell, Mindy LG 1.9 0.5 440 F 27265 EN Toby and the Big Tree Smith, Annette LG 1.8 0.5 315 F 45532 EN Toby Counts His Marbles Szekeres, Cyndy LG 1.8 0.5 392 F 45537 EN Toby's New Brother Szekeres, Cyndy LG 1.9 0.5 291 F 45539 EN Toby's Silly Faces Szekeres, Cyndy LG 1.5 0.5 286 F 31624 EN Toby, Where Are You? Steig, William LG 0.8 0.5 111 F 78938 EN Toby, Who Are You? Steig, William LG 1.9 0.5 358 F 118742 EN Today at School Ringler, Matt LG 1.8 0.5 313 F 75994 EN Todd's Box Sullivan, Paula LG 0.3 0.5 64 F F 22101 SP Todi Meharry, Dot LG 0.9 0.5 73 ÷ 79289 SP ¡Todo es materia! Bauer, David LG 1.8 0.5 248 NF ÷ 11153 SP Todos los tutús deberían ser rosas Brownrigg, Sheri LG 1.8 0.5 276 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 55923 EN Toes Are to Tickle Roddie, Shen LG 1.2 0.5 169 F 115349 EN Together Simmons, Jane LG 1.8 0.5 332 F 9092 EN Tom and Pippo on the Beach Oxenbury, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 125 F 79083 EN Tom Cat Woods, Noah LG 1.9 0.5 456 F 32088 EN Tom Is Brave Randell, Beverley LG 0.3 0.5 58 F 50765 EN Tom's Ride Giles, Jenny LG 1.1 0.5 188 F 22095 EN Tom's Trousers Cowley, Joy LG 1.6 0.5 184 F 11192 EN Tom the TV Cat Heilbroner, Joan LG 1.6 0.5 778 F 9394 EN Tom Thumb Hillert, Margaret LG 0.8 0.5 296 F 78751 EN Tomás Rivera Medina, Jane LG 1.5 0.5 230 NF 68230 EN Tomatoes to Ketchup Snyder, Inez LG 1.3 0.5 127 NF 84756 EN Tomie dePaola Braun, Eric LG 1.9 0.5 201 NF 64190 EN Tommy Dolittle Rowe, John A. LG 1.9 0.5 438 F 13980 EN Tommy's Treasure Armstrong, R. Grey LG 1.7 0.5 231 F 59475 EN Tongue Twister Prize, The Riley, Kana LG 1.9 0.5 356 F 104363 SP Toñis y Toño Camarena, Cathy LG 0.6 0.5 52 NF 71802 EN Tony's Trip and the Letter T Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 227 NF 110371 EN Tony Stewart Roza, Greg LG 1.7 0.5 125 NF 47607 EN Too Many Animals Lee, Frances LG 1.6 0.5 105 F 9345 EN Too Many Balloons Matthias, Catherine LG 1.2 0.5 180 F 77221 EN Too Many Pears! French, Jackie LG 1.7 0.5 215 F 81204 EN Too Many Rabbits Parish, Peggy LG 1.9 0.5 1,179 F 66581 EN Too Many Valentines McNamara, Margaret LG 1.8 0.5 259 F 44124 EN Too Much Noise McGovern, Ann LG 1.5 0.5 743 F 105369 EN Too Much Tooting! Hoffman, Sanford LG 1.0 0.5 208 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 167 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 59477 EN Too Small Jill Sokoloff, Myka-Lynne LG 1.5 0.5 306 F ÷ 27978 EN Too-Tall Paul, Too-Small Paul Hood, Susan LG 1.8 0.5 325 F ÷ 42762 EN Too Tall, Too Small Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.9 0.5 194 F ÷ 35876 EN Tools at Home Sloan, Peter LG 0.6 0.5 56 NF ÷ 35840 EN Tools to Use Sloan, Peter LG 1.1 0.5 42 NF ÷ 42763 EN Toot! Toot! Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.8 0.5 138 F 44487 EN Tooth Race, The Stelson, Caren LG 1.6 0.5 319 F ÷ 79172 EN Tooth Story, A McNamara, Margaret LG 1.6 0.5 254 F ÷ 27508 EN Top Cat Ehlert, Lois LG 1.1 0.5 182 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 56653 EN Top Is on Top, The Doudna, Kelly LG 1.5 0.5 196 NF 121791 SP tormenta, La Davis, Ashley LG 1.9 0.5 205 F 34668 EN Tortillas González-Jensen, Margarita LG 1.5 0.5 72 F 116732 EN Tortoise and the Baboon, The Howell, Gill LG 1.7 0.5 233 F 31606 EN Tortoise and the Hare, The Miles, Betty LG 1.0 0.5 259 F 47437 SP Tortuga Azul, La Rogers, Alan LG 1.9 0.5 100 F 4230 EN Totally Uncool Levy, Janice LG 1.8 0.5 348 F 32756 EN Touching Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 143 NF 101718 EN Touching Llewellyn, Claire LG 1.9 0.5 207 NF 14442 EN Tough Boris Fox, Mem LG 1.7 0.5 71 F 48264 EN Tough Cookie Wisniewski, David LG 1.8 0.5 646 F 74496 EN Tournament, The Amery, Heather LG 1.8 0.5 331 F 4932 EN Tow Trucks Rogers, Hal LG 1.9 0.5 263 NF 27264 EN Toy Farm, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.8 0.5 311 F 2491 EN Katschke, Judy LG 1.4 0.5 316 F 50371 EN Toy Story 2: Howdy, Sheriff Woody! Toy Tooth, The Warren, Celia LG 1.7 0.5 320 F 50821 EN Toys and Play Smith, Annette LG 1.3 0.5 194 NF 50817 EN Toytown Fire Engine, The Giles, Jenny LG 0.6 0.5 105 F 50818 EN Toytown Helicopter, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.1 0.5 100 F 50764 EN Toytown Race Car, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 190 F 50819 EN Toytown Rescue, The Giles, Jenny LG 1.3 0.5 100 F 36927 EN tr Molter, Carey LG 1.2 0.5 91 NF NF 79298 SP Trabajando VanVoorst, Jennifer LG 1.2 0.5 152 121849 SP trabajo de verano, El Shea, Therese LG 0.9 0.5 80 56100 EN Track Otten, Jack LG 1.9 0.5 258 NF 121796 EN Tracks in the Snow Downey, Tika LG 1.9 0.5 339 F 73219 EN Tracks in the Snow Yee, Wong Herbert LG 1.6 0.5 262 F 115350 EN Tractor Day Ransom, Candice F. LG 1.3 0.5 161 F 113676 EN Tractors Lindeen, Mary LG 1.3 0.5 96 NF 56076 EN Tractors Randolph, Joanne LG 1.5 0.5 105 NF 63260 EN Tracy's Magic Show Kropp, Paul LG 1.5 0.5 233 F 35227 EN Traffic Light Sandwich Noonan, Diana LG 1.6 0.5 94 F 77763 EN Trail Riding Hastings, Jack LG 1.9 0.5 212 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F NF Page 168 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 11691 EN Train Ride Story, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.7 0.5 189 F 46374 EN Train Rides Walker, Pamela LG 1.3 0.5 149 NF 103312 EN Train to Spain, The Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 101 F 58946 EN Trains Hill, Lee Sullivan LG 1.8 0.5 339 NF 113677 EN Trains Lindeen, Mary LG 1.1 0.5 82 NF 69260 EN Trains Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 316 NF 35888 EN Trains Sloan, Peter LG 1.6 0.5 95 NF 88573 EN Trains: Steaming! Pulling! Huffing! Hubbell, Patricia LG 1.4 0.5 214 123922 EN Transportation in Many Cultures Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.6 0.5 99 11692 EN Trash! Cowley, Joy LG 1.7 0.5 134 F 59476 EN Trash Can Band, The Bick, Lois LG 1.6 0.5 248 F ÷ 35925 EN Trash-Free Lunch Day Costain, Meredith LG 1.8 0.5 167 F 34813 EN Trashy Town Zimmerman, Andrea LG 1.9 0.5 354 F ÷ 104467 EN Traveling Shoes, The Dougherty, Terri LG 1.1 0.5 107 F 67023 EN Treasure Hunt Ahlberg, Allan LG 1.8 0.5 285 F 77764 EN Treasure Hunt Hastings, Jack LG 1.8 0.5 202 NF 50733 EN Treasure Island, A McMillan, Dawn LG 1.4 0.5 178 F 81136 EN Treasures of the Heart Miller, Alice Ann LG 1.9 0.5 234 F 34694 EN Tree Can Be..., A Nayer, Judy LG 1.8 0.5 67 F 56290 EN Tree Frogs Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 87 NF 50829 EN Tree Horse, A Rathbone, Mandi LG 1.7 0.5 220 F 32980 EN Tree, The Cutting, Brian LG 0.9 0.5 104 F 47604 EN Tree, The Feely, Jenny LG 1.4 0.5 90 NF 31908 EN Trees Walker, Elenor LG 1.7 0.5 193 NF 79295 EN Trees Are Terrific! Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.1 0.5 123 NF 68231 EN Trees to Paper Snyder, Inez LG 1.7 0.5 94 NF 18323 EN Trek, The Jonas, Ann LG 1.5 0.5 159 F 69260 SP Trenes Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 292 NF 32231 SP tres cabritos, Los Douglas, Ian LG 1.4 0.5 123 F 7346 SP Tres junto al mar Marshall, Edward LG 1.8 0.5 861 F 115980 EN Triangles Lorbiecki, Marybeth LG 1.4 0.5 206 NF 64406 EN Triangles Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.8 0.5 178 NF 112660 EN Triceratops Mattern, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 165 NF 114480 EN Triceratops Nunn, Daniel LG 1.4 0.5 105 NF 114480 SP Triceratops (Spanish) Nunn, Daniel LG 1.9 0.5 150 NF 109003 EN Tricia's Talent Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.5 0.5 189 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ F NF 4043 EN Trick on Ruff, A Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.8 0.5 154 F 109004 EN Tricky Twins Blackaby, Susan LG 1.2 0.5 111 F 104364 SP Trini y Tristán Camarena, Cathy LG 0.1 0.5 48 NF ÷ 4030 EN Trip, A Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 93 F ÷ 4042 EN Trip in a Ship, A Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.9 0.5 152 F ÷ 53724 EN Trip, The Keats, Ezra Jack LG 1.6 0.5 255 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 169 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 109910 EN Trip to the Moon Gabolinscy, Jack LG 1.7 0.5 333 F 121801 EN Trip to the White House, A Shea, Therese LG 1.6 0.5 339 F 104457 EN Trip to the Zoo, A Blackaby, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 51 F ÷ 52204 EN Trip to the Zoo, A Chilek, Deborah LG 1.2 0.5 112 NF ÷ 32078 EN Trouble Hatcher, Melanie Palmer LG 1.3 0.5 114 F 67129 EN Trouble on the T-Ball Team Bunting, Eve LG 1.9 0.5 902 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 34242 EN Troubles with Bubbles Edwards, Frank B. LG 0.9 0.5 89 F 119718 EN Truck Driver Tom Wellington, Monica LG 1.9 0.5 290 F 26946 EN Truck Stop Dobkin, Bonnie LG 1.6 0.5 152 F 82718 EN Trucks Gibson, Brylee LG 0.6 0.5 96 NF 113678 EN Trucks Lindeen, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 92 NF 32065 EN Trucks Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.2 0.5 28 NF 17518 SP trucos de Clifford, Los Bridwell, Norman LG 1.8 0.5 371 F 56421 EN Truelove Cole, Babette LG 1.3 0.5 176 F 61974 EN Trumpets Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.6 0.5 79 27204 EN Try Again Hannah Smith, Annette LG 1.5 0.5 228 F 50317 EN Try This! Hughes, Monica LG 1.9 0.5 280 NF 75995 EN Try Your Best McKissack, Robert LG 1.0 0.5 185 F 40507 EN Tt Doudna, Kelly LG 0.9 0.5 45 6121 SP ¿Tu mamá es una llama? Guarino, Deborah LG 1.6 0.5 344 F 12102 EN Tub Time for Harry Gabán, Jesus LG 1.1 0.5 170 F 36614 EN Tubb the Cub Slavin, Robert LG 1.3 0.5 320 F 110954 EN Tucker's Apple-Dandy Day Winget, Susan LG 1.9 0.5 565 F 104398 EN Tuckerbean Kalz, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 155 F 122730 EN Tuckerbean at Big Bone Bowl Kalz, Jill LG 1.5 0.5 140 F 108850 EN Tuckerbean in the Kitchen Kalz, Jill LG 1.9 0.5 261 F 121076 EN Tuesday Lindeen, Mary LG 1.5 0.5 164 NF 107218 EN Tug-of-War Holden, Pam LG 1.8 0.5 215 F 121817 EN Tug-of-War Rea, Lynn LG 1.6 0.5 291 F 106019 EN MacDonald, Margaret Read LG 1.7 0.5 877 F 50730 EN Tunjur! Tunjur! Tunjur! A Palestinian Folktale Turkey Windsor, Jo LG 0.8 0.5 97 F NF NF 118106 EN Turkeys Endres, Hollie LG 1.5 0.5 103 NF ÷ 56291 EN Turkeys on the Farm Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.4 0.5 94 NF ÷ 89242 EN Turkeys Together Wallace, Carol LG 1.9 0.5 948 F 46638 EN Turn It Off! Marx, David F. LG 0.8 0.5 75 F ÷ 31604 EN Turnip, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.3 0.5 258 F ÷ 82719 EN Turtle and Snake Eggleton, Jill LG 0.8 0.5 133 F ÷ 54502 EN Spohn, Kate LG 0.8 0.5 165 F ÷ 31608 EN Turtle and Snake and the Christmas Tree Turtle and Snake at Work Spohn, Kate LG 0.6 0.5 139 F 58154 EN Turtle and Snake Fix It Spohn, Kate LG 1.5 0.5 270 F 51931 EN Turtle and Snake Go Camping Spohn, Kate LG 0.8 0.5 84 F ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 170 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Spohn, Kate LG 1.2 0.5 216 F/NF F Spohn, Kate LG 1.1 0.5 143 F Spohn, Kate LG 1.3 0.5 184 F NF ÷ 71107 EN ÷ 64125 EN 75656 EN Turtle and Snake's Day at the Beach Turtle and Snake's Spooky Halloween Turtle and Snake's Valentine's Day 102778 EN Turtle Hatchling Grows Up, A Zollman, Pam LG 1.5 0.5 234 32185 EN Turtle Nest Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.7 0.5 85 F 41181 EN Turtle's Big Race Leonhardt, Alice LG 1.9 0.5 355 F 82798 EN Turtle's Trouble Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 102 F 53922 EN Falwell, Cathryn LG 1.3 0.5 191 F 22087 EN Turtle Splash! Countdown at the Pond Turtle Talk Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.5 0.5 215 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ 50996 EN Turtles Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 0.7 0.5 41 NF 119597 EN Turtles up Close Franks, Katie LG 1.9 0.5 150 NF 103313 EN Tweet Fleet, The Doudna, Kelly LG 1.7 0.5 113 F 121503 EN Twenty-six Princesses Horowitz, Dave LG 1.3 0.5 153 F ÷ 7245 EN Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bug Ross, Katharine LG 1.9 0.5 318 F ÷ 47608 EN Twins Prince, Sarah LG 0.6 0.5 76 F 63195 EN Two Alexander, Linda LG 1.4 0.5 83 NF 47899 EN Two Bear Cubs Jonas, Ann LG 0.9 0.5 102 F 83091 EN Two Crazy Pigs Nagel, Karen Berman LG 1.8 0.5 298 F 57583 EN Two Fine Ladies Have a Tiff Zehler, Antonia LG 1.3 0.5 204 F 116276 EN Two Fine Ladies: Tea for Three Zehler, Antonia LG 1.4 0.5 198 F 100323 EN Two for the Road Keller, Rosanne UG 1.7 0.5 1,294 F 54600 EN Two Homes Masurel, Claire LG 0.9 0.5 167 F 30714 EN Two Is a Pair Burks, Ann LG 1.3 0.5 79 F 56681 EN Two Kids Got to Go, Too Scheunemann, Pam LG 0.6 0.5 79 NF 50766 EN Two Little Ducks Get Lost Smith, Annette LG 1.2 0.5 174 F 108913 EN Two Little Mittens Cohen, Miriam LG 1.4 0.5 245 F 4113 EN Two Ogres, The Cowley, Joy LG 0.9 0.5 117 F 40738 EN Two Princesses Gordh, Bill LG 1.9 0.5 395 F 64146 EN Fitz-Gibbon, Sally LG 1.9 0.5 134 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 70504 EN Two Shoes, Blue Shoes, New Shoes! Tyler Is Shy Hood, Susan LG 1.6 0.5 231 F 114481 EN Tyrannosaurus Rex Nunn, Daniel LG 1.5 0.5 112 NF 63168 EN Tyree's Toys: The Letter T (t) Alexander, Linda LG 1.1 0.5 70 NF 123917 EN Doeden, Matt LG 1.8 0.5 156 NF 123918 EN U.S. Air Force (Military Branches), The U.S. Army (Military Branches), The Doeden, Matt LG 1.9 0.5 133 NF 123921 EN U.S. Navy, The Reed, Jennifer LG 1.9 0.5 145 NF 66334 EN -ub as in Tub Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.7 0.5 145 NF 66335 EN -uck as in Duck Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.9 0.5 133 NF 66336 EN -uff as in Cuff Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.6 0.5 156 NF 66337 EN -ug as in Bug Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 129 NF 115728 EN Ugly Duckling, The Orihuela, Luz LG 1.1 0.5 124 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 171 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 31588 EN Ugly Duckling, The Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.6 0.5 Word Count F/NF 339 F 50318 EN Uh-Oh! Hawes, Alison LG 0.4 0.5 68 F 114291 EN Uh-Oh! Hooke, R. Schuyler LG 0.5 0.5 155 F 66338 EN -um as in Drum Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.5 0.5 112 NF 121851 EN Umbrellas Everywhere! Grace, Elora LG 1.1 0.5 134 F 66339 EN -ump as in Jump Tuminelly, Nancy LG 1.8 0.5 157 NF ÷ 55593 SP ¡Un beso de Buenas Noches! Hest, Amy LG 1.9 0.5 331 F ÷ 32235 SP Uñaca la urraca Mitchell, Linda LG 1.0 0.5 165 F ÷ 4126 EN Uncle Elephant and Uncle Tiger Cowley, Joy LG 1.5 0.5 78 F 71803 EN Uncle Russ and the Letter U Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.9 0.5 222 50144 EN Uncle's Bakery Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.2 0.5 86 F 4101 EN Uncle's Clever Tricks Cowley, Joy LG 0.9 0.5 62 F 82701 EN Uncle Ted and the Hiccups Eggleton, Jill LG 1.8 0.5 293 F 82756 EN Uncle Ted Is Tricky! Eggleton, Jill LG 1.1 0.5 175 F 82757 EN Uncle Ted's Teeth Eggleton, Jill LG 1.2 0.5 190 F 31842 EN Uncles Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 37 NF 119322 EN Uncles (Revised Edition) Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.1 0.5 51 NF 106332 EN Under Construction Herman, Gail LG 1.3 0.5 311 F 82681 EN Under the Microscope Gibson, Brylee LG 1.5 0.5 148 NF 68120 EN Knox, Barbara LG 1.8 0.5 163 NF 31826 EN Under the Sea 1, 2, 3: Counting Ocean Life Underwater Journey Cutting, Brian LG 1.4 0.5 61 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 45260 EN Underwear Do's and Don'ts Parr, Todd LG 1.6 0.5 154 F 111745 EN Unicorn Wings Loehr, Mallory LG 1.8 0.5 294 F 45971 SP universo, El Vaughan, Richard LG 1.6 0.5 44 F 66351 EN -unk as in Skunk Scheunemann, Pam LG 1.5 0.5 141 40010 EN Until We Got Princess Thomas, Rob LG 1.7 0.5 96 112655 EN Unusual Animals 1.6 0.5 244 34667 EN Unusual Show, An Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth LG de Blonder, Ellen LG 1.7 0.5 64 F 87668 EN Up! George, Kristine O'Connell LG 0.8 0.5 180 F 110955 EN Koontz, Robin LG 1.3 0.5 79 F ÷ 50319 EN Up All Night Counting: A Pop-up Book Up and Down Hughes, Monica LG 0.3 0.5 68 F ÷ 32228 EN Up and Down Nelson, May LG 0.5 0.5 80 F 59799 EN Up and Down with Kate Chorao, Kay LG 1.7 0.5 710 F NF F NF 43633 EN Up the Mountain Agell, Charlotte LG 1.2 0.5 157 F ÷ 4034 EN Up the Path Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.8 0.5 126 F ÷ 9395 EN Up, Up, and Away Hillert, Margaret LG 1.0 0.5 355 F ÷ 4029 EN Up We Go Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.7 0.5 105 F 70353 EN Uranus (Exploring the Galaxy) Adamson, Thomas K. LG 1.7 0.5 142 NF 80031 EN Uranus (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.6 0.5 131 NF 63169 EN Uriah's Unicorn: The Letter U (long u) Alexander, Linda LG 1.5 0.5 78 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 172 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 63196 EN 104365 SP Ursula's Sunny Day: The Letter U (u) Ursula y Urbano Word Count F/NF 0.5 74 NF 1.0 0.5 53 NF Author IL ATOS BL Alexander, Linda LG 1.1 Camarena, Cathy LG Points 35889 EN Using Fire Sloan, Peter LG 1.9 0.5 145 NF ÷ 82737 EN Using Leaves Windsor, Jo LG 1.3 0.5 149 NF ÷ 35882 EN Using Machines Sloan, Peter LG 1.2 0.5 62 NF 120643 EN Using Math Outdoors Rauen, Amy LG 1.0 0.5 115 NF ÷ 35860 EN Using Wheels Sloan, Peter LG 1.0 0.5 115 NF ÷ 40508 EN Uu Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 41 NF 36932 EN Uu Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.9 0.5 95 NF 82683 EN Vacation for MM Mouse, A Eggleton, Jill LG 1.7 0.5 264 F 121838 EN Val's Vacation Champman, Joan LG 1.1 0.5 169 F 44125 EN Valentine Mice! Roberts, Bethany LG 1.2 0.5 100 F 61975 EN Valentine's Day Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.9 0.5 142 NF 121167 EN Valentine Surprise Lee, Quinlan B. LG 1.8 0.5 373 F 104366 SP Valeria y Victor Camarena, Cathy LG 0.6 0.5 55 NF 109920 SP Valles Mayer, Cassie LG 1.7 0.5 232 NF 109920 EN Valleys Mayer, Cassie LG 1.7 0.5 205 NF ÷ 26343 SP Vámonos a recorrer el año Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 213 F ÷ 41987 SP Vamos Emberley, Rebecca LG 1.6 0.5 351 F 11194 SP Vamos a cazar un oso Rosen, Michael LG 1.3 0.5 410 F 120637 SP Rauen, Amy LG 1.2 0.5 100 NF ÷ 46042 SP Vamos a encontrar lo más corto y lo más largo Vamos a esquiar Gracestone, Katherine LG 1.0 0.5 33 F 121823 SP ¡Vamos a Hawai! Shea, Therese LG 1.6 0.5 145 F 83200 SP Vamos a la granja de la abuela Franco, Betsy LG 1.0 0.5 57 F 120641 SP Vamos a sumar y restar en el lago Rauen, Amy LG 1.0 0.5 106 NF 120643 SP Rauen, Amy LG 1.5 0.5 105 NF 121842 SP Vamos a usar las matemáticas al aire libre Vamos de campamento Carson, Janet LG 1.0 0.5 81 F 78221 SP Krebs, Laurie LG 1.9 0.5 686 F 65416 SP Vamos todos de safari: Un recorrido numérico por Tanzania, Africa Vaquero Miller, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 290 NF ÷ 84425 SP ¡Vaya rabieta! D'Allancé, Mireille LG 1.2 0.5 198 F 9341 SP veces las cosas cambian, A Eastman, Patricia LG 1.5 0.5 146 F ÷ 31716 EN Vegetable Soup Morris, Ann LG 1.3 0.5 85 F 45787 EN Vegetables Dwyer, Jacqueline LG 1.9 0.5 180 NF 62090 EN Vegetables Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 115 NF 89533 EN Velociraptor Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.7 0.5 140 NF 114482 EN Velociraptor Nunn, Daniel LG 1.6 0.5 95 NF ÷ 114482 SP Velociraptor (Spanish) Nunn, Daniel LG 1.9 0.5 136 NF ÷ 56775 SP Veloz como el grillo Wood, Audrey LG 1.7 0.5 120 F ÷ 29512 SP ¡Ven aquí, Daisy! Simmons, Jane LG 1.3 0.5 202 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 173 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title ATOS BL Points Word Count Author IL Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.1 0.5 155 F/NF F Adamson, Thomas K. LG 1.8 0.5 128 NF 56029 SP 70354 EN Vengan a Jesús (Jesús bendice a los niños) Venus 80032 EN Venus (K-1) Shaw, Andrea LG 1.6 0.5 158 NF 45788 SP Feldman, Heather LG 1.3 0.5 119 NF 45788 EN Venus Williams: Campeona del tenis Venus Williams: Tennis Champion Feldman, Heather LG 1.3 0.5 118 NF 65412 SP Verano Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 268 NF 58945 SP verano, El Thayer, Tanya LG 1.9 0.5 226 NF 56655 EN Verbs Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 82 NF 74820 EN Very Best Doll, The Noonan, Julia LG 1.1 0.5 139 F 49865 EN Very Best Door of All, The Linders, Clara LG 1.7 0.5 269 F 36427 EN Very Boastful Kangaroo, The Most, Bernard LG 1.7 0.5 229 F 56422 EN Very Boring Alligator Gralley, Jean LG 1.6 0.5 273 F 109394 EN Very Brave Witch, A McGhee, Alison LG 1.4 0.5 199 F 36015 EN Very Busy Spider, The Carle, Eric LG 1.3 0.5 261 F 110674 EN Very Full Morning, A Montanari, Eva LG 1.9 0.5 214 F 46612 EN Very Lazy Ladybug, The Finn, Isobel LG 1.7 0.5 299 F 34890 EN Very Scary Johnston, Tony LG 1.9 0.5 231 F 73947 EN Very Sleepy Sloth, The Murray, Andrew LG 1.9 0.5 364 F 4108 EN Very Strong Baby, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.1 0.5 75 F 72101 EN Vet, The Levin, Amy LG 1.4 0.5 150 NF 66403 SP ¡Vete! Amos, Janine LG 1.8 0.5 345 NF 68704 EN Veterinarian Miller, Heather LG 1.6 0.5 267 NF 81923 EN Veterinarian (K-1) Moon, Maria Criazzo LG 1.9 0.5 155 NF 26684 EN Veterinarians Help Animals Greene, Carol LG 1.6 0.5 383 NF 68704 SP Veterinario Miller, Heather LG 1.6 0.5 296 NF 121824 SP ¡Viaje al espacio! Taylor, Susan LG 1.6 0.5 161 F 32237 SP viaje en autobús, El Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.0 0.5 117 F 34255 SP viaje en tren, El Crebbin, June LG 1.2 0.5 235 F 76653 SP Viajo en avión Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.8 0.5 293 NF 121797 EN Vicky's Vegetables Stango, Diane LG 1.5 0.5 250 F 80199 EN Victor Moves: The Sound of V Meier, Joanne LG 1.3 0.5 125 NF 63197 EN Victor's Vest: The Letter V (v) Alexander, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 71 NF 47609 EN Video Game Prince, Sarah LG 0.6 0.5 109 F 64122 EN Viper, The Thiesing, Lisa LG 1.6 0.5 376 F 57993 EN Visiting Langston Perdomo, Willie LG 1.6 0.5 169 F 104704 SP vista, La Mackill, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 334 NF 109921 EN Volcanoes Mayer, Cassie LG 1.9 0.5 191 NF 62651 EN Volunteering Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.7 0.5 117 NF 66239 SP Voy a la biblioteca Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.7 0.5 266 NF 66238 SP Voy a la escuela Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.6 0.5 294 NF 22099 SP ¡Voy a la tienda de Marisa! Huici, Lourdes LG 1.6 0.5 302 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 174 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 76654 SP Voy a un recital Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.9 0.5 265 NF 76656 SP Voy al médico Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.7 0.5 279 NF 66237 SP Voy al restaurante Radabaugh, Melinda Beth LG 1.8 0.5 266 NF 50320 EN Vroom! Atkins, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 167 F 55041 EN Vroomaloom Zoom Coy, John LG 1.1 0.5 119 F 118152 EN Vulture View Sayre, April Pulley LG 1.1 0.5 180 NF ÷ 89936 EN Vultures Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 177 NF ÷ 40509 EN Vv Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 42 NF ÷ 44059 EN Wacky Wednesday LeSieg, Theo. LG 1.3 0.5 303 F 86934 EN Skalak, Barbara Anne LG 1.6 0.5 331 F 70120 EN Waddle, Waddle, Quack, Quack, Quack Waggle McMenemy, Sarah LG 1.7 0.5 362 F 40771 EN Wagon Ride, The Williams, Constance LG 1.7 0.5 115 F 35530 EN Wait for Me Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.1 0.5 185 F 105370 EN Wait for Us! Brown, Richard LG 0.6 0.5 118 F 34530 EN Wait for Your Turn! Zauhar, Ruth LG 1.8 0.5 143 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 9346 EN Wait, Skates! Johnson, Mildred D. LG 0.8 0.5 58 F 59859 EN Wake Up, Big Barn! Chitwood, Suzanne Tanner LG 0.9 0.5 70 F 76173 EN Wake Up, It's Spring! Ernst, Lisa Campbell LG 1.7 0.5 355 F 55698 EN Wake-Up Kisses Edwards, Pamela Duncan LG 1.3 0.5 151 F 69161 EN Wake Up, Mama! Vestergaard, Hope LG 1.4 0.5 178 F 7246 EN Wake Up, Sun Harrison, David LG 1.2 0.5 301 F 45789 EN Wakeboarding: Check It Out! Eck, Kristin LG 1.1 0.5 124 NF 105664 EN Frazee, Marla LG 1.7 0.5 325 NF 42729 EN Walk On! A Guide for Babies of All Ages Walk on the Waves, A Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.8 0.5 466 F 50822 EN Walk, Ride, Run Giles, Jenny LG 0.9 0.5 122 F ÷ 28410 EN Walking in the Autumn Randell, Beverley LG 1.8 0.5 206 NF ÷ 28405 EN Walking in the Spring Randell, Beverley LG 1.6 0.5 169 NF 28409 EN Walking in the Summer Randell, Beverley LG 1.8 0.5 236 NF 28408 EN Walking in the Winter Randell, Beverley LG 1.8 0.5 251 NF F ÷ 3056 EN Walking Through the Jungle Harter, Debbie LG 1.5 0.5 228 43916 EN Walkingsticks Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 83 NF 108231 EN Walkingsticks Green, Emily K. LG 1.8 0.5 157 NF 84796 EN Walkingsticks Howard, Fran LG 1.2 0.5 98 NF 48033 EN Wally Walrus deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.8 0.5 483 F 112226 EN Walruses Rake, Jody Sullivan LG 1.5 0.5 128 NF 68099 EN Walruses Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.4 0.5 56 NF 118131 EN Walruses Sexton, Colleen LG 1.9 0.5 206 NF 71805 EN Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.7 0.5 212 NF 80200 EN Meier, Joanne LG 1.2 0.5 116 NF 24926 EN Walter in the Woods and the Letter W Wan and the Dog Wash: The Sound of W Want a Ride? Gordh, Bill LG 1.5 0.5 300 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 175 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF ÷ 32076 EN Warm Clothes Saunders-Smith, Gail LG 1.0 0.5 52 ÷ 1963 EN Warthogs in the Kitchen Edwards, Pamela Duncan LG 1.4 0.5 173 F ÷ 4014 EN Was It Wet? Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.6 0.5 159 F 72186 EN Was That Fun? Doudna, Kelly LG 1.4 0.5 82 NF 31850 EN Wash Day Simon, Charnan LG 0.4 0.5 94 F 45790 EN Washing My Hands Vogel, Elizabeth LG 1.6 0.5 131 NF 47610 EN Washing Our Dog Lang, Greg LG 1.2 0.5 102 NF 35848 EN Washing the Dog Sloan, Peter LG 1.6 0.5 84 NF 43917 EN Wasps Frost, Helen LG 1.6 0.5 59 NF 89534 EN Wasps Hall, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 121 NF 57620 EN Watch Me Build a Sandcastle Otten, Jack LG 1.2 0.5 123 NF 57621 EN Watch Me Make a Bird Feeder Otten, Jack LG 1.3 0.5 131 NF 57622 EN Watch Me Make a Birthday Card Otten, Jack LG 1.4 0.5 119 NF 57623 EN Watch Me Make a Mask Otten, Jack LG 1.6 0.5 155 NF 57624 EN Watch Me Paint a Picture Otten, Jack LG 1.0 0.5 120 NF 57625 EN Watch Me Plant a Garden Otten, Jack LG 1.3 0.5 129 NF ÷ 61754 EN De Paola, Tomie LG 1.3 0.5 232 F ÷ 50731 EN Watch out for the Chicken Feet in Your Soup Watch out for Trash Cans! Windsor, Jo LG 1.3 0.5 231 F 107202 EN Watch out for Whales Holden, Pam LG 1.8 0.5 243 F 82923 EN Watch Out, Triceratops! Bentley, Dawn LG 1.8 0.5 266 F 32874 EN Watch Out! Word Bird Moncure, Jane Belk LG 0.9 0.5 187 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 9467 EN Watch Where You Go Noll, Sally LG 0.9 0.5 28 F 31884 EN Watching the Game Sperring, Heather LG 1.2 0.5 205 F 87091 EN Watching the Moon Eckart, Edana LG 1.3 0.5 108 NF 87092 EN Watching the Seasons Eckart, Edana LG 1.3 0.5 112 NF 87093 EN Watching the Sun Eckart, Edana LG 1.3 0.5 126 NF 87094 EN Watching the Weather Eckart, Edana LG 1.3 0.5 113 NF 77746 EN Watching the Weather Freeman, Marcia LG 1.3 0.5 152 NF 87095 EN Watching the Wind Eckart, Edana LG 1.7 0.5 108 NF 101673 EN Water Matthews, Rachel LG 1.7 0.5 246 NF 64485 EN Water Neye, Emily LG 1.2 0.5 217 NF 104804 EN Water Parker, Vic LG 1.8 0.5 314 NF 62360 EN Water All Around Nichols, Catherine LG 1.5 0.5 213 NF ÷ 32773 EN Water as a Gas Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 128 NF ÷ 32774 EN Water as a Liquid Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 142 NF ÷ 32775 EN Water as a Solid Frost, Helen LG 1.3 0.5 114 NF 43918 EN Water Bugs Frost, Helen LG 1.6 0.5 76 NF ÷ 21366 EN Water Dance Locker, Thomas MG 1.9 0.5 290 F 103648 EN Water Everywhere! Taylor-Butler, Christine LG 1.1 0.5 105 F ÷ 58599 EN Water Hole, The Base, Graeme LG 1.4 0.5 232 F ÷ 31680 EN Water Is My Friend Cowley, Joy LG 1.1 0.5 99 F ÷ 102010 EN Water: Let's Look at a Puddle Royston, Angela LG 1.7 0.5 239 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 176 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 35934 EN Water Power Costain, Meredith LG 1.7 0.5 161 NF ÷ 35430 EN Water! Water! Cowley, Joy LG 1.5 0.5 151 F ÷ 4100 EN Watermelon, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.0 0.5 81 F 27186 EN Waving Sheep, The Randell, Beverley LG 1.6 0.5 259 F 68232 EN Wax to Crayons Snyder, Inez LG 1.7 0.5 128 NF 78617 EN Peck, Jan LG 1.6 0.5 327 F 106620 EN Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea Way Far Away on a Wild Safari Peck, Jan LG 1.6 0.5 318 F 72187 EN Way to Go! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 80 88758 EN Way up High in a Tall Green Tree Peck, Jan LG 1.5 0.5 344 F 45792 SP Wayne Gretzky: Estrella del hockey Feldman, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 169 NF 45792 EN Wayne Gretzky: Hockey Star Feldman, Heather LG 1.7 0.5 157 NF 72188 EN We All Like It! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 88 NF 78221 EN Krebs, Laurie LG 1.9 0.5 202 F 18322 EN We All Went on Safari: A Counting Journey Through Tanzania We Are a Rainbow Grande Tabor, Nancy Mariá LG 1.6 0.5 264 NF 69275 EN We Are All Different Hall, Kirsten LG 0.9 0.5 131 F 119000 EN We Are Cousins Bertrand, Diane Gonzales LG 1.2 0.5 77 F 35237 EN We Care for Our School Bates, Dianne LG 1.2 0.5 134 F 41888 EN We Eat Dinner in the Bathtub Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 1.4 0.5 190 F 83140 EN We Go in a Circle Anderson, Peggy Perry LG 1.3 0.5 216 F 56682 EN We Have a Wee Whale Rondeau, Amanda LG 1.4 0.5 120 NF 42175 EN We Just Moved! Krensky, Stephen LG 1.5 0.5 204 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 76775 EN We Like Kites Berenstain, Stan LG 1.2 0.5 127 F 106769 EN We Love the Dirt Johnston, Tony LG 1.2 0.5 343 F 21424 EN We Love Them Waddell, Martin LG 1.6 0.5 284 F 79523 EN We Need Auto Mechanics Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 82 NF ÷ 36802 EN We Need Custodians Bauld, Jane Scoggins LG 1.3 0.5 33 NF ÷ 32758 EN We Need Dentists Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 55 NF ÷ 32759 EN We Need Doctors Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 43 NF ÷ 32760 EN We Need Farmers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.6 0.5 46 NF ÷ 32761 EN We Need Fire Fighters Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 65 NF 79524 EN We Need Pharmacists Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 87 NF 79525 EN We Need Plumbers Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 116 NF 32764 EN We Need Police Officers Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.8 0.5 60 NF 36804 EN We Need Principals Bauld, Jane Scoggins LG 1.9 0.5 53 NF 36805 EN We Need Teachers Bauld, Jane Scoggins LG 1.9 0.5 38 NF ÷ 32765 EN We Need Veterinarians Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.2 0.5 49 NF ÷ 32777 EN We Need Water Frost, Helen LG 1.2 0.5 100 NF ÷ 76433 EN We Play Scott Foresman Editors LG 0.7 0.5 257 F ÷ 31581 EN We Play on a Rainy Day Medearis, Angela Shelf LG 0.4 0.5 83 F ÷ 11194 EN We're Going on a Bear Hunt Rosen, Michael J. LG 1.3 0.5 410 F 50100 EN We're Going on a Ghost Hunt Vaughan, Marcia LG 1.5 0.5 511 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 177 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 112236 EN We're Going on a Lion Hunt Axtell, David LG 1.1 0.5 266 F 75959 EN We're Going to Feed the Ducks Cruickshank, Margrit LG 1.2 0.5 233 F 55289 EN We're Going to the Zoo! Gallacher, Lorraine LG 1.3 0.5 272 F 59573 EN We're Painting Snyder, Carol LG 1.0 0.5 183 F 75806 EN We're Rabbits! Peters, Lisa Westberg LG 1.9 0.5 219 F 76434 EN We See Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.4 0.5 441 F 100679 EN We Share One World Hoffelt, Jane E. LG 1.1 0.5 73 F 35529 EN We Want That Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.2 0.5 157 F 76435 EN We Work Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.4 0.5 430 F 31885 EN We Wrote to Grandma Wignell, Edel LG 1.8 0.5 241 F 52252 EN Weather Report, The Kalinowski, Delphine LG 1.6 0.5 119 NF 11695 EN Weather, The Cutting, Brian LG 1.7 0.5 298 NF 35090 EN Wedding, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 287 F 21506 EN Wee G. Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.7 0.5 205 F 84747 EN Week, A Murphy, Patricia J. LG 1.7 0.5 122 NF 121074 EN Week, The Lindeen, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 212 NF 43179 EN Week with Aunt Bea, A Nayer, Judy LG 1.1 0.5 62 F 107208 EN Week with My Aunt, A Holden, Pam LG 1.6 0.5 201 F 62815 EN Welcome to Brazil Auch, Alison LG 1.9 0.5 332 NF 56552 EN Welcome to the Circus! Jordan, Denise M. LG 1.5 0.5 276 NF 86234 EN Wemberly's Ice-Cream Star Henkes, Kevin LG 1.3 0.5 76 F 109005 EN Wendell the Worrier Donahue, Jill L. LG 1.5 0.5 123 F 70599 EN Wendy Helps Out Inches, Alison LG 1.1 0.5 166 F 63198 EN Wendy Washes: The Letter W (w) Alexander, Linda LG 1.3 0.5 65 NF 85616 EN Wes Gets a Pet Blackaby, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 69 F 36764 EN Wet and Dry (Opposites) Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 78 NF 36604 EN Wet Dog, The Slavin, Robert LG 1.2 0.5 235 F 89958 EN Wetlands Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.5 0.5 149 NF 64666 EN Wetlands Nichols, Catherine LG 1.5 0.5 181 NF ÷ 36925 EN wh Molter, Carey LG 1.0 0.5 77 NF 87285 EN Whales Berger, Melvin LG 1.8 0.5 159 NF ÷ 108928 EN Whales Herriges, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 205 NF ÷ 79537 EN Whales Lindeen, Carol K. LG 1.3 0.5 102 NF 77655 EN Whales Reed, Hannah LG 1.7 0.5 171 NF ÷ 43919 EN Whales Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.4 0.5 45 NF ÷ 42726 EN Whales in the Ocean Diamond, Claudia C. LG 1.2 0.5 42 NF ÷ 36769 EN What? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.0 0.5 100 NF 72189 EN What a Day in the Park! Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 78 NF 35445 EN What a Dog! Cowley, Joy LG 1.6 0.5 222 F ÷ 14647 EN What a Hungry Puppy! Herman, Gail LG 1.1 0.5 286 F ÷ 9578 EN What a Pest! Cocca-Leffler, Maryann LG 1.7 0.5 441 F ÷ 84425 EN What a Tantrum! d'Allancé, Mireille LG 1.3 0.5 219 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 178 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 104943 EN What a Treasure! Hillenbrand, Jane LG 1.8 0.5 50321 EN What a Week! Rider, Cynthia LG 1.3 47694 EN What About Bettie? Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.4 31825 EN What Am I? Cutting, Brian LG 121042 EN What Am I? Hillert, Margaret 40015 EN What Animal Lives Here? Woolley, Marilyn 35849 EN What Animals Eat 56292 EN What Are Caves? 50998 EN 50999 43920 Word Count F/NF 244 F 0.5 65 F 0.5 320 F 0.7 0.5 125 NF LG 0.8 0.5 312 F LG 1.3 0.5 132 NF Sloan, Peter LG 0.9 0.5 75 NF Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.9 0.5 108 NF What Are Deserts? Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.5 0.5 108 NF EN What Are Forests? Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.9 0.5 117 NF EN What Are Inclined Planes? Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 70 NF 56293 EN What Are Lakes? Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.7 0.5 92 NF 43921 EN What Are Levers? Frost, Helen LG 1.6 0.5 66 NF 51000 EN What Are Mountains? Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 73 NF 51001 EN What Are Oceans? Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 97 NF 43922 EN What Are Pulleys? Frost, Helen LG 1.8 0.5 88 NF 4131 EN Cameron, Tammy LG 1.9 0.5 136 F 56294 EN What Are Purple Elephants Good For? What Are Rivers? Schuh, Mari C. LG 1.6 0.5 111 NF 43923 EN What Are Screws? Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 65 NF 43924 EN What Are Wedges? Frost, Helen LG 1.5 0.5 60 NF 43925 EN What Are Wheels and Axles? Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 70 NF 109745 EN What Are You Doing, Sam? Gay, Marie-Louise LG 1.2 0.5 240 F 28003 EN What Baby Wants Root, Phyllis LG 1.8 0.5 378 F 35749 EN What Came out of My Bean? Birchall, Brian LG 1.8 0.5 158 F 77747 EN What Can Change? Parkes, Brenda LG 1.3 0.5 97 NF 74467 EN What Can Dig? Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 291 NF 74470 EN What Can Fly? Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 261 NF 103917 EN What Can I Feel? Barraclough, Sue LG 1.4 0.5 183 NF 103918 EN What Can I Hear? Barraclough, Sue LG 1.3 0.5 185 NF 103919 EN What Can I See? Barraclough, Sue LG 1.1 0.5 203 NF 103920 EN What Can I Smell? Barraclough, Sue LG 1.4 0.5 171 NF 103921 EN What Can I Taste? Barraclough, Sue LG 1.7 0.5 191 NF 49505 EN What Can It Be? Avery, Dorothy LG 0.5 0.5 113 NF 74469 EN What Can Jump? Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 282 NF 74466 EN What Can Run? Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.5 0.5 253 NF 26362 EN What Can We Play Today? Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.8 0.5 355 F 107219 EN What Can You Read? Holden, Pam LG 1.0 0.5 140 F 120179 EN Kurtz, Jane LG 1.6 0.5 199 NF 43187 EN What Columbus Found: It Was Orange, It Was Round What Comes First? Swanson-Natsues, Lyn LG 0.6 0.5 56 NF 42620 EN What Could Be Keeping Santa? Janovitz, Marilyn LG 1.9 0.5 170 F 35665 EN What Day Is It? Trimble, Patti LG 0.5 0.5 82 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 179 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Forward, Toby LG 1.9 0.5 177 F/NF F Spinelli, Eileen LG 1.6 0.5 182 F 73900 EN ÷ 61763 EN What Do I Bring? The Sound of BR Klingel, Cynthia LG 0.6 0.5 61 F ÷ 46276 EN What Do I Do? Simon, Norma LG 0.8 0.5 280 F 121366 EN What Do I See? Bowman, Crystal LG 1.4 0.5 314 F 73992 EN What Do You Do at the Zoo? Goodman, Susan E. LG 1.0 0.5 182 F 73993 EN What Do You Do on a Farm? Goodman, Susan E. LG 0.9 0.5 188 F 72133 EN What Do You Dream? Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody LG 1.8 0.5 179 F 26364 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.9 0.5 426 F 121852 EN What Do You Say When a Monkey Acts This Way? What Do You See? Ford, Ron LG 1.1 0.5 118 F 76620 EN What Do You See? Leaney, Cindy LG 1.0 0.5 179 F ÷ EN IL What Did You Do Today? The First Day of School What Do Angels Wear? ÷ 85883 ATOS BL Word Count Author 79296 EN What Does a Firefighter Do? Catala, Ellen LG 1.5 0.5 136 NF 102945 EN Hächler, Bruno LG 1.8 0.5 384 F ÷ 32454 EN What Does My Teddy Bear Do All Night? What Does P.B. Bear Choose? Davis, Lee LG 1.9 0.5 225 F ÷ 61764 EN What Does Word Bird See? Moncure, Jane Belk LG 0.5 0.5 96 F 85145 EN What Eddie Can Do Gebhard, Wilfried LG 1.3 0.5 183 F ÷ 31824 EN What Else? Cutting, Brian LG 1.4 0.5 154 NF ÷ 13766 EN What Faust Saw Ottley, Matt LG 1.3 0.5 198 F ÷ 26947 EN What Good Is a Tree? Brimner, Larry Dane LG 0.8 0.5 96 F 86607 EN What Grandmas Can't Do Wood, Douglas LG 1.9 0.5 253 F ÷ 4170 EN What Grows from a Tree? Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.9 0.5 256 NF 108770 EN What Happens at a Bakery? Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.6 0.5 206 NF 108771 EN What Happens at a Bike Shop? Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.5 0.5 205 NF 108772 EN What Happens at a Dairy Farm? Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.7 0.5 231 NF 108773 EN What Happens at a Firehouse? Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.6 0.5 219 NF 108775 EN What Happens at a Toy Factory? Pohl, Kathleen LG 1.8 0.5 234 NF 31886 EN What Has Wings? Street, Sharon LG 1.6 0.5 249 NF 40773 EN What I Left on My Plate Jensen, Inge-Lise LG 0.8 0.5 54 F 40774 EN What If... Egan, Toni M. LG 0.7 0.5 57 F 52254 EN What If You Get Lost? Kernan, Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 40 NF 115533 EN What in the World Is a Cube? Hanson, Anders LG 1.9 0.5 199 NF 115537 EN What in the World Is a Sphere? Hanson, Anders LG 1.6 0.5 185 NF ÷ 43902 EN What Is a Bird? Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.2 0.5 71 NF ÷ 43903 EN What Is a Fish? Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.2 0.5 77 NF 63590 EN What Is a Lever? Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.6 0.5 112 NF 52255 EN What Is a Mammal? Carson, Janet LG 1.8 0.5 102 NF ÷ 4185 EN What Is a Map? Weidenman, Lauren LG 1.9 0.5 266 NF ÷ 27293 EN What Is a Park? Flint, David LG 1.4 0.5 138 NF 63591 EN What Is a Plane? Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.7 0.5 89 NF 84445 EN What Is a Princess? Weinberg, Jennifer Liberts LG 1.1 0.5 126 63592 EN What Is a Pulley? Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.8 0.5 98 ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F NF Page 180 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 63594 EN What Is a Wedge? Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.6 0.5 108 NF 63595 EN What Is a Wheel and Axle? Douglas, Lloyd G. LG 1.7 0.5 115 NF ÷ 43907 EN What Is an Insect? Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.6 0.5 57 NF ÷ 13982 EN What Is Bat? Traill, Leanna LG 1.1 0.5 136 F 77328 EN What Is Gravity? Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.7 0.5 260 NF 72102 EN What Is in the Sky? Chapman, Cindy LG 1.8 0.5 218 NF ÷ 9396 EN What Is It? Hillert, Margaret LG 0.7 0.5 233 F ÷ 32455 EN What Is P.B. Bear Doing? Davis, Lee LG 0.9 0.5 138 F ÷ 41843 EN "What is That?" Said the Cat Maccarone, Grace LG 1.4 0.5 118 F 51048 EN What Is the Sun? Lindbergh, Reeve LG 1.3 0.5 304 F 31887 EN What Is the Weather Today? Jose, Isabella LG 1.9 0.5 307 F 15294 EN What Joy Found Reed, Gordon J. LG 1.8 0.5 405 F 31888 EN What Lays Eggs? Street, Sharon LG 1.8 0.5 217 NF 36020 EN What Makes Me Happy? Anholt, Catherine LG 1.4 0.5 179 F 35438 EN What Next? Cowley, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 278 F 72103 EN What Plants and Animals Need Leber, Nancy LG 1.7 0.5 233 NF 65446 EN What's Awake? 123 Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.5 0.5 160 NF ÷ ÷ 88996 EN What's Bugging Pamela? Dahl, Michael LG 1.4 0.5 226 F ÷ 49439 EN What's for Supper? Risk, Mary LG 0.6 0.5 92 F ÷ 31428 EN What's Going On? Benjamin, Cynthia LG 1.4 0.5 377 F ÷ 9347 EN What's in a Box? Boivin, Kelly LG 1.9 0.5 115 F ÷ 35516 EN What's It For? Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.8 0.5 47 F 45261 EN What's Opposite? Swinburne, Stephen R. LG 1.5 0.5 165 NF 61755 EN What's That Noise? Edwards, Michelle LG 1.5 0.5 319 F 47611 EN What's That Noise? Lang, Greg LG 0.7 0.5 106 F 121856 EN What's That Sound? Johnson, Errol LG 0.8 0.5 68 F 84924 EN What's the Magic Word? DiPucchio, Kelly S. LG 1.8 0.5 402 F 59441 EN What's What? Serfozo, Mary LG 1.4 0.5 223 F 76621 EN What's Wrong Mrs. Wolf? Leaney, Cindy LG 1.4 0.5 209 F 73499 EN What Santa Can't Do Wood, Douglas LG 1.8 0.5 304 F 35690 EN What Shall I Wear? Cartwright, Pauline LG 1.0 0.5 58 F 58845 EN What Shall We Play? Heap, Sue LG 1.3 0.5 198 F ÷ 30720 EN What Time Is It? Chandler, Joy K. LG 1.1 0.5 137 F ÷ 58867 EN Keenan, Sheila LG 1.3 0.5 280 F 112996 EN What Time Is It? A Book of Math Riddles What to Do, Blue? Santomero, Angela C. LG 1.6 0.5 236 F 44884 EN What Was This? Iversen, Sandra LG 0.9 0.5 52 NF 35853 EN What We Like Sloan, Peter LG 0.7 0.5 71 F 121818 EN What Will It Be? Williams, Zachary LG 1.8 0.5 264 F 50374 EN What Will the Weather Be? Cox, Diane LG 1.6 0.5 220 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ 35763 EN What Would You Do? Noonan, Diana LG 1.9 0.5 272 F 104444 EN Whatever Bee, William LG 1.8 0.5 106 F 43956 EN Whatever the Weather Wallace, Karen LG 1.6 0.5 344 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 181 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 75824 EN Wheat Snyder, Inez LG 1.7 0.5 94 NF 56077 EN Wheel Loaders Randolph, Joanne LG 1.5 0.5 117 NF 4124 EN Wheel, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.1 0.5 103 F 50862 EN Wheelbarrow Garden, The Smith, Annette LG 1.8 0.5 231 F 34669 EN Wheels Nayer, Judy LG 1.7 0.5 72 NF 59442 EN Wheels Around Rotner, Shelley LG 1.9 0.5 173 NF ÷ 35890 EN Wheels at Work Sloan, Peter LG 1.5 0.5 151 NF ÷ 36770 EN When? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 123 NF 72190 EN When Can You Play Again? Doudna, Kelly LG 1.1 0.5 81 NF 105371 EN When Daddy Had the Chicken Pox Kalish, Lionel LG 1.6 0.5 294 F 111598 EN When Daddy's Truck Picks Me Up Hunter, Jana Novotny LG 1.8 0.5 363 F 40018 EN Green, Robyn LG 1.5 0.5 160 F 69276 EN When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears When I Am Big Packard, Mary LG 1.2 0.5 104 F 66804 EN When I Care About Others Spelman, Cornelia Maude LG 1.7 0.5 160 F 69676 EN When I Feel Good About Myself Spelman, Cornelia Maude LG 1.5 0.5 146 F 66806 EN When I Feel Sad Spelman, Cornelia Maude LG 1.9 0.5 234 F 31874 EN When I First Came to This Land Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.4 0.5 296 F 60096 EN When I Go See Gram Ferraro, Bonnie LG 1.0 0.5 139 F 47655 EN When I Grow Up Cicciarelli, Joellyn LG 1.9 0.5 294 NF 78097 EN When I Miss You Spelman, Cornelia Maude LG 1.7 0.5 246 F 21302 EN When I Was Little Like You Paton Walsh, Jill LG 1.8 0.5 289 F 40775 EN When It Rains... Gurnee, Lynn H. LG 0.6 0.5 37 F 53003 EN When Jesus Was Little Wilkins, Sally LG 1.1 0.5 138 F 53004 EN When Mary Was Little Wilkins, Sally LG 1.2 0.5 156 F 54350 EN Cole, Joanna LG 1.3 0.5 300 F 59861 EN When Mommy and Daddy Go to Work When Mommy Was Mad Jonell, Lynne LG 1.9 0.5 540 F 68490 EN When Poppy and Max Grow Up Gardiner, Lindsey LG 1.3 0.5 73 F ÷ ÷ ÷ 102090 EN When Someone Is Afraid Gorbachev, Valeri LG 1.7 0.5 125 F ÷ 29508 EN Bang, Molly LG 1.4 0.5 166 F ÷ 11696 EN When Sophie Gets Angry--Really, Really, Angry When the Balloon Went Pop! Cowley, Joy LG 1.3 0.5 237 F 35086 EN Cowley, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 187 F 43222 EN When the Cookernup Store Burned Down When the King Rides By Mahy, Margaret LG 1.7 0.5 239 F 110853 EN When the Leaf Blew In Metzger, Steve LG 1.7 0.5 187 F 104830 EN Alexander, Martha G. LG 1.7 0.5 323 F ÷ 41889 EN When the New Baby Comes, I'm Moving Out When the TV Broke Ziefert, Harriet LG 1.3 0.5 203 F ÷ 34618 EN When Tiny Was Tiny Meister, Cari LG 0.9 0.5 158 F ÷ 51049 EN When Will Sarah Come? Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald LG 1.0 0.5 249 F ÷ 68592 EN Where? Ring, Susan LG 0.9 0.5 119 NF ÷ 36767 EN Where? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 109 NF 72104 EN Where Animals Live Cherrington, Janelle LG 1.0 0.5 100 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 182 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 56423 EN Where Are My Chicks? Grindley, Sally LG 1.7 0.5 105372 EN Where Are the Dogsharks? Wurzburg, Robert LG 1.2 77748 EN Where Are the Eggs? Parkes, Brenda LG 1.4 50322 EN Where Are They? Shipton, Paul LG 122237 EN Where Are We Going? Kreloff, Elliot 52415 EN Where Are You? Simon, Francesca Word Count F/NF 229 F 0.5 52 F 0.5 150 0.9 0.5 98 F LG 0.5 0.5 119 F LG 1.1 0.5 180 F NF 82633 EN Where Are You, Mouse? Eggleton, Jill LG 1.0 0.5 167 F ÷ 50823 EN Where Did All the Water Go? Smith, Annette LG 0.9 0.5 139 NF ÷ 34531 EN Where Did They Go? Bear, Karen LG 0.9 0.5 76 F 45099 EN Where Do Animals Live? Daly, Kathleen N. LG 1.5 0.5 77 F 50102 EN Where Do Frogs Come From? Vern, Alex LG 1.0 0.5 156 35512 EN Where Do I Live? Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.5 0.5 29 56656 EN Where Do I Wear Water Wings? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.5 0.5 196 NF 53251 EN Rodda, Emily LG 1.3 0.5 251 F 27285 EN Flint, David LG 1.1 0.5 139 NF 50863 EN Where Do You Hide Two Elephants? Where Does Breakfast Come From? Where Does Food Come From? Smith, Annette LG 1.6 0.5 169 NF 77765 EN Where Does the Water Go? Anton, William LG 1.6 0.5 139 NF 78791 EN Where Is Bear? Newman, Lesléa LG 1.9 0.5 333 F ÷ 84096 EN Thorpe, Kiki LG 1.2 0.5 217 F ÷ 106974 EN Where Is Boots? A Lift-the-Flap Story Where Is Eric? Muñoz, Isabel LG 1.2 0.5 196 F ÷ 32092 EN Where Is Hannah? Smith, Annette LG 0.8 0.5 142 F ÷ 31870 EN Where Is It? Bryant-Mole, Karen LG 1.3 0.5 243 NF ÷ 50824 EN Where Is It Safe to Play? Smith, Annette LG 0.9 0.5 103 NF 42764 EN Where Is Jesus? Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.8 0.5 95 F 46865 EN Where Is Max? Pearson, Mary E. LG 0.3 0.5 62 F ÷ 9348 EN Where Is Mittens? Boivin, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 130 F ÷ 44885 EN Where Is My Caterpillar? Noonan, Diana LG 1.8 0.5 281 F ÷ 32456 EN Where Is P.B. Bear? Davis, Lee LG 0.9 0.5 146 F ÷ 32457 EN Where Is P.B. Bear Going? Davis, Lee LG 0.7 0.5 150 F 36611 EN Where is Pit-Pat? Slavin, Robert LG 1.5 0.5 252 F 34573 EN Where is the Apple Pie? Gorbachev, Valeri LG 1.6 0.5 189 F 60109 EN Where Is the Queen? Minkoff, Marilyn LG 1.1 0.5 109 F 82634 EN Where Is the Spy? Eggleton, Jill LG 0.8 0.5 134 F 72118 EN Where Is Your Home? Chapman, Cindy LG 1.3 0.5 153 NF 47695 EN Where Robins Fly Holmes, Anita LG 1.6 0.5 288 NF 35691 EN Where's Baby Tom? Birchall, Brian LG 1.1 0.5 91 F 71615 EN Where's Harley? Felton, Carol LG 1.8 0.5 589 F 9698 EN Where's Lulu? Hooks, William LG 1.5 0.5 404 F 121544 EN Where's My Mom? Donaldson, Julia LG 1.8 0.5 440 F 72734 EN Where's Pup? Dodds, Dayle Ann LG 0.8 0.5 129 F 45263 EN Where's That Cat? Merriam/Pollack LG 1.9 0.5 282 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF F Page 183 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 47612 EN Where's the Baby? Doodt, Melissa LG 0.8 0.5 Word Count F/NF 139 F 3048 EN Where's the Cat? Blackstone, Stella LG 0.7 0.5 67 F 117321 EN Where To, Little Wombat? Fuge, Charles LG 1.9 0.5 225 F 40776 EN Where Will I Sit? Kinsel, Trudy LG 0.4 0.5 77 F 57997 EN Wherever Bears Be Alderson, Sue Ann LG 1.8 0.5 433 F 31909 EN Which Animal Is That? Jakab, Cheryl LG 1.8 0.5 302 NF 72119 EN Which Holiday Is It? Watson, Yolanda LG 1.3 0.5 141 NF 50323 EN Which Insects Live Here? Pyers, Greg LG 1.8 0.5 176 NF 22081 EN Which Way Out? Odgers, Sally LG 1.7 0.5 375 F 56425 EN Barner, Bob LG 1.4 0.5 242 F 69636 EN Which Way to the Revolution? A Book About Maps While We Were Out Lee, Ho Baek LG 1.8 0.5 252 F 109423 EN While You Are Sleeping Deacon, Alexis LG 1.8 0.5 235 F ÷ 9349 EN Whisper Is Quiet, A Lunn, Carolyn LG 0.5 0.5 63 ÷ 22096 EN Whistle Tooth, The Trussell-Cullen, Alan LG 1.0 0.5 212 F 69567 EN Whistling Partridge, Elizabeth LG 1.7 0.5 341 F ÷ NF 63199 EN White Alexander, Linda LG 1.2 0.5 72 NF 123304 EN White Stockland, Patricia M. LG 1.2 0.5 146 NF 59598 EN White Dynamite and Curly Kidd Martin/Archambault LG 1.6 0.5 639 F 105118 EN White Food Fun Bullard, Lisa LG 1.9 0.5 233 NF 56556 EN White Foods Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 309 NF 46413 EN White in My World Winne, Joanne LG 1.2 0.5 146 NF 77300 EN White with Other Colors Parker, Victoria LG 1.7 0.5 187 NF ÷ 36768 EN Who? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.2 0.5 113 NF ÷ 35720 EN Who Are You? Cartwright, Pauline LG 0.5 0.5 55 F 25021 EN Who Are You Calling Junior? Finklea, Michael LG 1.7 0.5 251 F 48721 EN Who Bop? London, Jonathan LG 1.9 0.5 270 F 79297 EN Who Builds? VanVoorst, Jennifer LG 1.3 0.5 97 NF 43188 EN Who Can? Montgomery, Ed LG 0.3 0.5 35 F 76436 EN Who Can Help? Scott Foresman Editors LG 1.3 0.5 651 F 105715 EN Who Do I Look Like? Schulte, Mary LG 0.9 0.5 143 F 47696 EN Who Dug This Hole? Holmes, Anita LG 1.9 0.5 313 NF ÷ 9397 EN Who Goes to School? Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 298 F ÷ 60121 EN Who Has a Tail? Robinson, Fay LG 1.3 0.5 186 NF 77785 EN Who Helps? Nayer, Judy LG 0.8 0.5 102 NF 45159 EN Who Hoots? Davis, Katie LG 1.3 0.5 165 F 51274 EN Who Hops? Davis, Katie LG 1.2 0.5 133 F 4160 EN Who Is a Friend? Trumbauer, Lisa LG 1.2 0.5 192 NF ÷ 9350 EN Who Is Coming? McKissack, Patricia C. LG 0.6 0.5 117 F ÷ 31630 EN Who Is the Beast? Baker, Keith LG 1.2 0.5 206 F 47613 EN Who Is the Tallest? Lee, Frances LG 1.2 0.5 91 NF 72191 EN Who Is This at the Beach? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.1 0.5 86 NF 115042 EN Who Likes Rain? Yee, Wong Herbert LG 1.3 0.5 229 ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F Page 184 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 28531 EN Who Lives Here? Mowat, Elaine LG 1.2 0.5 170 NF 44328 EN Who Lives Here? Rafter, Alec LG 1.5 0.5 230 F 42380 EN Who Lives in the Woods? Meyers, Anne LG 0.8 0.5 110 NF 73460 EN Who'll Pull Santa's Sleigh Tonight? Rader, Laura LG 1.7 0.5 366 F 87424 EN Who Loves Me? MacLachlan, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 305 F 105716 EN Who Needs Friends? Taylor-Butler, Christine LG 1.3 0.5 138 F 72120 EN Who Needs Teeth? Cherrington, Janelle LG 1.8 0.5 167 NF 4149 EN Who's Afraid of Shadows? Noonan, Diana LG 1.6 0.5 219 F 49428 EN Who's Afraid of the Dark? Bonsall, Crosby LG 1.1 0.5 209 F 105374 EN Who's at the Movies? Kido, Yukiko LG 0.9 0.5 125 F 58978 EN Who's Hiding Here? Yoshi LG 1.5 0.5 209 F 41182 EN Who's Hiding There? Burke, Melissa Blackwell LG 1.8 0.5 244 F 15296 EN Who's in the Jungle? Nayer, Judy LG 0.9 0.5 116 F 56657 EN Who's on Whose Spot? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 132 NF ÷ 2812 EN Who Said Boo? Sweeney, Jacqueline LG 1.3 0.5 253 F ÷ 31625 EN Who Says Moo? Young, Ruth LG 0.7 0.5 117 F 71394 EN Who Shares? Lipniacka, Ewa LG 1.9 0.5 146 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 35421 EN Who Spilled the Beans? Cowley, Joy LG 0.8 0.5 86 F 105373 EN Who Spilled the Milk? Gradisher, Martha LG 1.3 0.5 120 F 31603 EN Who Stole the Cookies? Moffatt, Judith LG 0.8 0.5 154 F 106804 EN Who Took the Cake? Zucker, Zoey LG 1.9 0.5 271 F ÷ 3060 EN Who Took the Farmer's Hat? Nodset, Joan L. LG 1.7 0.5 344 F ÷ 86029 EN Who Wants a Dragon? Mayhew, James LG 1.6 0.5 199 F ÷ 31719 EN Who Wants a Ride? Bernard, Robin LG 1.5 0.5 216 F ÷ 35705 EN Who Wants to Live in My House? Beames, Margaret LG 0.2 0.5 60 F ÷ 7249 EN Who Will Be My Friends? Hoff, Syd LG 1.4 0.5 202 F 105965 EN Pallotta, Jerry LG 1.0 0.5 184 F 42765 EN Who Will Guide My Sleigh Tonight? Who Will Help? Simon, Mary Manz LG 0.6 0.5 147 F 50324 EN Who Will Use This? Pritchett, Jan LG 1.5 0.5 155 NF 117322 EN Whooo's There? Serfozo, Mary LG 1.5 0.5 253 F 42766 EN Whoops! Simon, Mary Manz LG 1.0 0.5 162 F 31844 EN Whose Eggs Are These? Cutting, Brian LG 1.0 0.5 126 NF 77276 EN Whose Feet? Hess, Nina LG 1.7 0.5 353 F ÷ 3053 EN Whose Footprints? Yabuuchi, Masayuki LG 0.8 0.5 83 ÷ 46161 EN Whose Mouse Are You? Kraus, Robert LG 0.8 0.5 105 F ÷ 32407 EN Whose Shoes? Gilbert, Judy LG 1.8 0.5 319 F ÷ 36766 EN Why? Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.3 0.5 117 NF ÷ ÷ ÷ NF 7250 EN Why Can't I Fly? Gelman, Rita Golden LG 1.6 0.5 448 F 59478 EN Why Coyote Howls at Night Cisco, Cheyenne LG 1.6 0.5 274 F 67252 EN Why Do Kittens Purr? Bauer, Marion Dane LG 1.1 0.5 202 F 107220 EN Why Is a Bird a Bird? Holden, Pam LG 1.0 0.5 164 NF 43635 EN Why Not? Wormell, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 235 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 185 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 77786 EN Why People Move Parkes, Brenda LG 1.2 0.5 172 NF 43698 EN Why the Frog Has Big Eyes Franco, Betsy LG 0.9 0.5 132 F ÷ 9398 EN Why We Have Thanksgiving Hillert, Margaret LG 1.0 0.5 353 F ÷ 22093 EN Wibble-Wobble Mahy, Margaret LG 1.4 0.5 232 F ÷ 54455 EN Widget McFarland, Lyn Rossiter LG 1.5 0.5 344 F ÷ 81662 EN Widget & the Puppy McFarland, Lyn Rossiter LG 1.8 0.5 423 F ÷ 87452 EN Wiggle Cronin, Doreen LG 1.7 0.5 154 F 60122 EN Wilbert Took a Walk Spevack, Judy LG 1.0 0.5 216 F 56420 EN Wild Woods, The James, Simon LG 1.4 0.5 157 F 51689 EN Will Gets a Haircut Landström, Olof LG 1.3 0.5 181 F 51690 EN Will Goes to the Beach Landström, Olof LG 1.4 0.5 201 F 51691 EN Will Goes to the Post Office Landström, Olof LG 1.5 0.5 214 F 35229 EN Will It Rain on the Parade? Iversen, Sandra LG 1.7 0.5 104 F 51692 EN Will's New Cap Landström/Fisher LG 1.3 0.5 150 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 4010 EN Will We Win? Hofmeister, Alan M. LG 0.7 0.5 129 F 83776 EN Will You Carry Me? van Rossum, Heleen LG 1.8 0.5 328 F 43189 EN Will You Play with Us? LG 0.6 0.5 62 F 59635 EN William's Turn Phinney, Margaret Yatsevitch Hines, Anna Grossnickle LG 0.9 0.5 90 F 49430 EN Willie's Birthday Keats/Suen LG 1.5 0.5 571 F 31725 EN Willie's Wonderful Pet Cebulash, Mel LG 1.5 0.5 316 F 21221 EN Willy and Hugh Browne, Anthony LG 1.5 0.5 210 F 21223 SP Willy el campeón Browne, Anthony LG 1.3 0.5 133 F 21666 SP Willy el soñador Browne, Anthony LG 1.9 0.5 108 F 21223 EN Willy the Champ Browne, Anthony LG 1.3 0.5 133 F 21666 EN Willy the Dreamer Browne, Anthony LG 1.8 0.5 99 F 44491 EN Willy the Helper Peters, Catherine LG 1.0 0.5 79 F 104468 EN Willy the Worm Jones, Christianne C. LG 1.2 0.5 195 F 21221 SP Willy y Hugo Browne, Anthony LG 1.5 0.5 210 F 72919 EN Wind Bauer, Marion Dane LG 1.6 0.5 174 NF 67999 EN Wind Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.1 0.5 81 NF 74848 EN Wind Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 194 NF 50372 EN Hawes, Alison LG 1.7 0.5 234 F 11697 EN Wind and the Sun: An Aesop Fable, The Wind Surfing Cutting, Brian LG 1.1 0.5 224 F 68193 EN Windy Mitchell/Steedman LG 1.9 0.5 295 F 32771 EN Windy Day, A Schaefer, Lola M. LG 1.2 0.5 54 59536 EN Windy Day, The Fry, Sonali LG 1.8 0.5 269 F 46414 EN Windy Days Burke, Jennifer S. LG 1.6 0.5 170 NF 116291 EN Wings Leake, Diyan LG 1.0 0.5 179 NF 81703 EN Winners Never Quit! Hamm, Mia LG 1.9 0.5 427 F 108938 EN Winter Herriges, Ann LG 1.7 0.5 229 NF 48256 EN Winter Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.5 0.5 179 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 186 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 49449 EN Winter Rius, María LG 1.2 0.5 114 F 58947 EN Winter Thayer, Tanya LG 1.8 0.5 229 NF 32232 EN Winter Weber, Rebecca LG 1.4 0.5 170 F 65413 EN Winter Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 285 NF 85617 EN Winter Fun for Kat Blackaby, Susan LG 0.7 0.5 51 F 73825 EN Winter Ice Is Nice! Barkly, Bob LG 1.6 0.5 527 F 69715 EN Winter Is... Dixon, Ann LG 1.9 0.5 293 F ÷ 21247 EN Winter Rabbit Yee, Patrick LG 1.1 0.5 220 F ÷ 15297 EN Winter's Song Daniel, Claire LG 1.2 0.5 234 F 4132 EN Winter Sleeps Bucher, Marilyn LG 1.3 0.5 158 F 108496 EN Winter Wishes Jordan, Apple LG 1.8 0.5 256 F 55925 EN Wish, Change, Friend Whybrow, Ian LG 1.7 0.5 271 F ÷ 35422 EN Wishy-Washy Day Cowley, Joy LG 0.8 0.5 61 F ÷ 9399 EN Witch Who Went for a Walk, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.9 0.5 335 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 12058 EN Witches Four Brown, Marc LG 1.6 0.5 257 F 101671 EN Wobbly Wand, The Bevan, Clare LG 1.9 0.5 824 F 72171 EN White, Mark LG 1.9 0.5 173 F 113174 EN Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: A Retelling of Aesop's Fable, The Wolf's Coming! Kulka, Joe LG 1.2 0.5 156 F 82738 EN Wolves Krueger, Carol LG 1.7 0.5 201 NF 25312 EN Wolves Smith, Michael K. LG 1.7 0.5 188 NF 45199 EN Wonderful Things Rau, Dana Meachen LG 1.2 0.5 98 F 27291 EN Wood and Other Materials Hughes, Monica LG 1.4 0.5 60 NF 102011 EN Wood: Let's Look at a Baseball Bat Royston, Angela LG 1.7 0.5 264 NF 74849 EN Woodpeckers Townsend, Emily Rose LG 1.8 0.5 90 NF 87077 EN Woolly Monkey Eckart, Edana LG 1.5 0.5 107 NF 61765 EN Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 268 F 61766 EN Word Bird Asks: What? What? What? Word Bird Builds a City Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.3 0.5 158 F 32864 EN Word Bird Makes Words with Cat Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.4 0.5 296 F 32865 EN Word Bird Makes Words with Dog Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 360 F 32868 EN Word Bird Makes Words with Duck Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.6 0.5 368 F 32866 EN Word Bird Makes Words with Hen Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.5 0.5 331 F 32867 EN Word Bird Makes Words with Pig Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.7 0.5 379 F 61767 EN Word Bird's Circus Surprise Moncure, Jane Belk LG 0.7 0.5 119 F 61768 EN Word Bird's Hats Moncure, Jane Belk LG 1.5 0.5 247 F 80817 EN Word of the Day, The Blackaby, Susan LG 1.9 0.5 336 F 57626 EN Work in Colonial America Thomas, Mark LG 1.9 0.5 105 NF ÷ 27288 EN Worker's Tools, A Hughes, Monica LG 1.3 0.5 65 NF ÷ 79298 EN Working VanVoorst, Jennifer LG 1.2 0.5 174 NF ÷ 9100 EN Working Dogs Marquardt, Max LG 1.2 0.5 219 NF ÷ 35527 EN Working for Dad Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 0.6 0.5 31 77656 EN Working with Dad Hastings, Jack LG 1.3 0.5 131 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F NF Page 187 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 47531 EN Workshop Clements, Andrew LG 1.9 0.5 262 F 76901 EN Worm Gets a Job Caple, Kathy LG 1.9 0.5 801 F 47614 EN Worm Rap Lee, Frances LG 1.5 0.5 251 F 44492 EN Worms for Breakfast deWinter, Alison LG 1.7 0.5 348 F 24924 EN Worst Helper Ever!, The Scarry, Richard LG 1.0 0.5 197 F 71989 EN Leaney, Cindy LG 1.6 0.5 284 F 40510 EN Wrong Stop: A Story About Safety From Crime Ww Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 42 115353 EN X Marks the Spot Hooke, R. Schuyler LG 1.4 0.5 418 F 71806 EN Xavier and the Letter X Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.8 0.5 245 NF 63200 EN Xavier's Box: The Letter X (x) Alexander, Linda LG 1.0 0.5 72 NF 40511 EN Xx Doudna, Kelly LG 0.6 0.5 39 NF 56824 EN Yahoo for You Rau, Dana Meachen LG 0.7 0.5 135 F 44488 EN Yard Sale, The McCloskey, Susan LG 1.7 0.5 298 F 34814 EN Yay! Rodda, Emily LG 1.5 0.5 280 F 84748 EN Year, A Murphy, Patricia J. LG 1.6 0.5 149 NF NF 85604 EN Year of Fun, A Blackaby, Susan LG 0.6 0.5 65 F 121840 EN Year with Carmen, A O'Mara, Blanche LG 1.1 0.5 146 F 28527 EN Year with Mother Bear, A Davidson, Avelyn LG 1.3 0.5 164 NF 63201 EN Yellow Alexander, Linda LG 1.3 0.5 75 NF 101161 EN Yellow Anderson, Moira LG 1.6 0.5 271 NF 123305 EN Yellow Stockland, Patricia M. LG 1.3 0.5 179 NF ÷ 82758 EN Yellow Bird Eggleton, Jill LG 1.3 0.5 206 F ÷ 9400 EN Yellow Boat, The Hillert, Margaret LG 0.6 0.5 209 F 56555 EN Yellow Foods Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 288 NF 46415 EN Yellow in My World Winne, Joanne LG 1.4 0.5 133 NF 64407 EN Schuette, Sarah L. LG 1.9 0.5 267 NF 77301 EN Yellow: Seeing Yellow All Around Us Yellow with Other Colors Parker, Victoria LG 1.7 0.5 252 NF 116221 EN Yellowbelly and Plum Go to School Hale, Nathan LG 1.9 0.5 256 F 121798 EN Yellowstone Park Brown, Kelli LG 1.3 0.5 151 F ÷ ÷ 40777 EN Yes, It Does Alexander, Katrina LG 0.5 0.5 79 F 114289 EN Yesterday We Had a Hurricane Mercier, Deirdre McLaughlin LG 1.5 0.5 209 F 48723 EN Yip! Snap! Yap! Fuge, Charles LG 1.2 0.5 93 F 39726 SP Yo hablo español Malone, Marsha LG 1.0 0.5 77 NF 34252 SP Yo puedo Winter, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 87 NF 7202 SP Yo solito Mayer, Mercer LG 1.3 0.5 157 F 43027 SP Yo también Winter, Susan LG 1.0 0.5 90 F 31621 SP Yo tenía un hipopótamo Lee, Héctor Viveros LG 1.0 0.5 153 F F 50325 EN Yo-Yo a Go-Go Warren, Celia LG 1.2 0.5 178 104367 SP Yolanda y Yago Camarena, Cathy LG 1.0 0.5 54 9699 EN Yoo Hoo, Moon! Blocksma, Mary LG 1.9 0.5 467 F 107659 EN Yorkshire Terriers Linden, Joanne LG 1.8 0.5 159 NF ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF Page 188 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 80201 EN Yoshi's Yard: The Sound of Y Meier, Joanne LG 0.9 0.5 127 NF 110778 EN You Are Here Gillis, Jennifer Blizin LG 1.9 0.5 302 NF 51275 EN You Are My I Love You Cusimano, Maryann K. LG 1.8 0.5 200 F 101006 EN You Can Do It Too! Baicker, Karen LG 1.5 0.5 181 F 74731 EN You Can Use a Balance Bullock, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 247 NF 65094 EN You, Me and the Big Blue Sea Fitzpatrick, Marie-Louise LG 1.8 0.5 362 F 110323 EN You're a Genius, Blackboard Bear Alexander, Martha LG 1.3 0.5 187 F 56658 EN You're on Your Phone Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth LG 1.4 0.5 196 NF ÷ 7300 EN You're the Scaredy-Cat Mayer, Mercer LG 1.6 0.5 180 F ÷ 79894 EN Hoberman, Mary Ann LG 1.9 0.5 1,936 F 85007 EN You Read to Me, I'll Read to You: Very Short Stories to Read Together Young Amy Sargent, Dave LG 0.4 0.5 72 F 120676 EN Young Annie Sargent, Dave LG 1.2 0.5 151 F 85008 EN Young Bandit Sargent, Dave LG 0.7 0.5 80 F 85009 EN Young Big Jake Sargent, Dave LG 0.5 0.5 79 F 120669 EN Young Bill Sargent, Dave LG 1.1 0.5 138 F 72891 EN Young Billy Sargent, Dave LG 0.7 0.5 106 F 120671 EN Young Billy Goat Sargent, Dave LG 1.2 0.5 147 F 120670 EN Young Bingo Sargent, Dave LG 1.2 0.5 147 F 85010 EN Young Bobby Sargent, Dave LG 0.4 0.5 72 F 72892 EN Young Brutus Sargent, Dave LG 0.6 0.5 105 F 105632 EN Young Buddy Sargent, Dave LG 0.9 0.5 106 F 120672 EN Young Chip Sargent, Dave LG 1.1 0.5 138 F 85011 EN Young Chrissy Sargent, Dave LG 0.5 0.5 83 F 120673 EN Young Cody Sargent, Dave LG 0.8 0.5 129 F 85012 EN Young Dawn Sargent, Dave LG 0.5 0.5 81 F 72893 EN Young Dike Sargent, Dave LG 0.7 0.5 104 F 120674 EN Young Eli Sargent, Dave LG 1.2 0.5 136 F 120677 EN Young Fancy Sargent, Dave LG 1.1 0.5 125 F 105633 EN Young Greta Sargent, Dave LG 0.8 0.5 111 F 120675 EN Young Jack Sargent, Dave LG 1.2 0.5 133 F 120678 EN Young Kitty Sargent, Dave LG 1.1 0.5 148 F 105634 EN Young Mad Jack Sargent, Dave LG 0.7 0.5 100 F 105635 EN Young Molly Sargent, Dave LG 0.7 0.5 97 F 85013 EN Young Peggy Sargent, Dave LG 0.6 0.5 84 F 105636 EN Young Pokey Sargent, Dave LG 0.9 0.5 104 F 72894 EN Young Redi Sargent, Dave LG 0.6 0.5 102 F 72890 EN Young Roy Sargent, Dave LG 0.7 0.5 109 F 85014 EN Young Sammy Sargent, Dave LG 0.4 0.5 77 F 85015 EN Young Tunnel King Sargent, Dave LG 0.6 0.5 84 F 85016 EN Young White Thunder Sargent, Dave LG 0.5 0.5 80 F 35528 EN Youngest in the Family Mitchell, Claudette C. LG 1.9 0.5 144 F ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz Page 189 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 77668 EN Your Amazing Body O'Neil, Sarah LG 1.9 0.5 238 NF ÷ 32757 EN Your Senses Frost, Helen LG 1.7 0.5 139 NF ÷ 31761 EN Your Teeth Frost, Helen LG 1.9 0.5 132 NF 107935 EN Yuck! Manning, Mick LG 1.2 0.5 194 NF 107345 EN Yuck! Stuck in the Muck Demas, Corinne LG 1.3 0.5 167 F 58847 EN Yum! McNaughton, Colin LG 1.9 0.5 457 F 21420 EN Yum, Yum, Yummy Waddell, Martin LG 1.7 0.5 161 F 63202 EN Yvonne's Yarn: The Letter Y (y) Alexander, Linda LG 1.5 0.5 80 NF 40512 EN Yy Doudna, Kelly LG 0.7 0.5 43 NF ÷ 121803 SP Zacarías, ¡ven aquí! Amico, Sal LG 1.9 0.5 250 F ÷ 14292 EN Zachary in the Championship Gauthier, Bertrand LG 1.9 0.5 339 F ÷ 14294 EN Zachary in the Wawabongbong Gauthier, Bertrand LG 1.8 0.5 376 F 121367 EN Zachary's Zoo Nappa, Mike LG 1.1 0.5 236 F 80202 EN Zack's Zippers: The Sound of Z Minden, Cecilia LG 0.9 0.5 101 NF 63170 EN Zack's Zoo: The Letter Z (z) Alexander, Linda LG 0.9 0.5 70 NF 65442 SP zarigüeya, La Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 289 NF 46636 SP ¡Zas! LG 0.5 0.5 61 65463 EN Zebra Pérez-Mercado, Mary Margaret Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 271 NF 62076 EN Zebras Macken, JoAnn Early LG 1.1 0.5 110 NF 55458 EN Zebras Molter, Carey LG 0.8 0.5 39 NF 113430 EN Zebras Zumbusch, Amelie von LG 1.8 0.5 119 NF 72800 EN Zee Gay, Michel LG 1.8 0.5 263 F 48036 EN Zeely Zebra deRubertis, Barbara LG 1.6 0.5 325 F 104377 SP Zenaida y Zenobio Camarena, Cathy LG 0.4 0.5 56 42095 EN Zero Is Not Enough Zimmermann, H. Werner LG 1.4 0.5 209 48258 EN Zigzag: The Sound of Z Flanagan, Alice K. LG 1.8 0.5 67 35446 EN Zip-Zip, Rattle-Bang! Cowley, Joy LG 1.0 0.5 142 F 71808 EN Zlata, Me, and the Letter Z Klingel, Cynthia LG 1.9 0.5 211 NF 112696 EN Zoo Band, The Donahue, Jill L. LG 1.9 0.5 158 F 44440 EN Zoo Do's and Don'ts Parr, Todd LG 1.2 0.5 142 F 58159 EN Zoo Fair Shares Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.5 0.5 267 NF 11698 EN Zoo Olympics, The Cowley, Joy LG 1.9 0.5 329 F 58160 EN Zoo Pairs Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 301 NF 58161 EN Zoo Patterns Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.7 0.5 308 NF 58162 EN Zoo Sizes Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 283 NF 85099 EN Zoo, The Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 1.2 0.5 142 NF 75268 EN Zoo, The Hoena, B.A. LG 1.5 0.5 125 NF 58163 EN Zoo Time Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.9 0.5 309 NF 65423 EN Zookeeper Miller, Heather LG 1.8 0.5 263 NF 41940 EN Zookeeper's Sleepers, The Edwards, Frank B. LG 0.9 0.5 88 58158 SP zoológico matemático, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.6 0.5 309 NF 46487 EN Zoom on My Broom Farber, Erica LG 0.7 0.5 170 F ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz F NF F NF F Page 190 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:34:15AM School: International School of Minnesota Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 65445 SP zorrillo, El Whitehouse, Patricia LG 1.8 0.5 282 NF ÷ 108879 EN Zuzu's Wishing Cake Michelin, Linda LG 1.6 0.5 347 F ÷ 40513 EN Zz Doudna, Kelly LG 1.0 0.5 43 Number of quizzes: 7,802 ÷ Recorded Voice Quiz NF
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