Christmas 2011 - Stanwell School


Christmas 2011 - Stanwell School
Ysgol Stanwell School
Clubs &
Greetings from the School
School Announcements
School Calendar
School Holiday Dates
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
Department News
Year Group News
Pupils with 100% attendance
Greetings from the School
At the end of this busy and successful term, it gives me great pleasure to reflect upon the numerous achievements of our pupils. This newsletter contains an astonishing array of extracurricular activities, school trips and visits and is an excellent example of the enriching and
rounded educational experience that we aim to provide for all Stanwell students.
The highlight of the Christmas term here at Stanwell was the groundbreaking production of
‘Phantom of the Opera’, which provided so much entertainment for the pupils, parents, staff and
friends of the school in the wider community. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking the
students involved in the cast, orchestra and crew for their dedication. Grateful thanks must
also go to the staff members involved in the production, who have worked tirelessly and to a
tight schedule.
Finally, I wish all members of the school community a merry Christmas and a happy and
healthy New Year.
Mr Derek Jones
Ar ddiwedd y tymor Prysur hwn, rydw i’n falch i gael myfyrio ar lwyddiannau niferus ein myfyrwyr. Mae’r cylchlythyr yn cynnwys swm rhyfeddol o weithgareddau allgyrsiol, tripiau ysgol ac
ymweliadau, ac mae’n enghraifft ardderchog o’r addysg gyfoethog a chwmpasog rydyn ni’n
ceisio darparu ar gyfer holl fyfyrwyr Stanwell.
Uchafbwynt tymor y Nadolig yma yn Stanwell oedd cynhyrchiad Phantom of the Opera sy wedi
darparu adloniant arbennig o dda i ddisgyblion, staff a ffrindiau’r ysgol yn y gymuned ehangach.
Hoffwn i gymryd y cyfle yma i ddiolch i’r holl fyfyrwyr a oedd yn rhan o’r cast, y cerddorfa a’r
criw am eu hymroddiad. Rhaid hefyd ddiolch i aelodau’r staff am eu rhan yn y cynhyrchiad,
sydd wedi gweithio yn ddi-baid i amserlen tyn.
I orffen, dymunaf Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn iachus dda i holl aelodau cymuned yr ysgol.
Mr Derek Jones
School Announcements
PTA quiz
Friday 20th January 2012 at 7:30. Please come along to our PTA quiz—a great
night out which also raises funds for Stanwell! Maximum of 6 people per team.
Entry fee is £6 per person which includes a buffet. Tickets available from main
reception or by telephoning the school.
Election of Parent Governors
The Governing Body works to provide the best possible education for Stanwell
pupils. The work of the governors is done on a voluntary basis and takes considerable time and effort on the part of the members of the Board. Inspectors
and Auditors regularly praise the role of the Governors and the work the Governing Body carries out for the school is greatly valued. The Board of the Governors consists of twenty three governors , two of whom are elected teachers,
two are staff governors, two are appointed by the Local Authority, two are Associate Pupil Governors and the remaining fifteen are currently parents of past
and present pupils of the school. The term of office of three of the parent governors expired in December 2011 and one of these is not eligible to stand for
re-election .
Parents with at least one child currently attending Stanwell can be nominated
to stand for election as a parent governor. If there are more than two parents
who wish to be considered, the Headteacher will organise an election. Interested parents will need to be proposed and seconded by the parents of two
different Stanwell pupils and submit a brief description (approx. 50 words)
which can be sent to all parents with the voting slips. Interested parties should
contact Mr A Lewis by Friday 6th January 2012.
Moodle Virtual Learning Environment
From January, parents will be issued with log-in details to access the school’s
VLE system. The aim of this is to help parents to support their children’s learning.
Stanwell School Calendar
3 January 2012
4th January 2012
Week beginning
9th January 2012
13th January 2012
17th January 2012
20th January 2012
31st January 2012
4th February 2012
7th February 2012
8th February 2012
10th February 2012
10th February 2012
21st February 2012
24th February 2012
25th February 2012
28th February 2012
28th February 2012
6th March 2012
8th March 2012
13th March 2012
16th March 2012
20th March 2012
22nd March 2012
27th March 2012
28th March 2012
30th March 2012
30th March 2012
3rd April 2012
4th April 2012
5th April 2012
5th April 2012
6th April 2012
23rd April 2012
24th April 2012
8th May 2012
15th May 2012
11th June 2012
21st June 2012
22nd June 2012
25th June 2012
26th June 2012
3rd July 2012
9th July 2012
20th July 2012
Inset Day
First Day of Term for Pupils
Years 7, 9, 10 & 11
Reports to be distributed
Year 12 IT Trip to London
Year 11 Parents’ Evening
PTA Quiz Night
Year 9 Parents’ Evening
Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Walk
Biology Department – Genetics Conference
Year 8 Reports distributed
Yearss 11, 12 & 13 Art Trip to Paris
Yearss 10, 11, 12 & 13 Ski Trip (During Half Term)
Year 11 Options Evening
Schools Workshop
Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Walk
Years 9 & 10 RE Trip to London
Years 8 TEAMX Parents’ Evening
Year 8 WORKL Parents’ Evening
Year 8 French and Welsh Trip to Paris
Years 12 Parents’ Evening
Years 12 & 13 Psychology Trip – Exploring Crime
Year 10 Reports distributed
Year 11 Duke of Edinburgh Walk
Year 8 Options Evening
Year 11 English Trip – An Inspector Calls
Year 11 Duke of Edinburgh Walk
Year 12 History Trip to London
Year 10 Parents’ Evening
‘A’ Level Certificate Presentation
6th Form Sailing
ailing Trip to France
Last Day of Term – Easter Holidays
Yearss 7, 8 & 9 Ski Trip (During Half Term)
Inset Day
First Day of Term for Pupils
Year 7 TEAMX Parents’ Evening
Year 7 WORKL Parents’ Evening
Year 12 Work Experience
Primary Feeder Schools - Year 5 - Enterprise Day
Year 9 Proto-Toy
Toy Day
Year 10 Work Experience Preparation Day
Award Ceremony (Provisional)
New Year 7 Parents’ Evening
Year 10 Work Experience
Last Day of Term for Pupils (Provisional)
We do not expect the dates to change but reserve the right to do so.
Half Term
6 September
24 October
28 October
16 December
4 January
13 February
17 February
5 April
24 April
4 June
8 June
20 July
* First day of term for pupils.
Monday 5th September 2011, Tuesday 3rd January 2012 and Monday 23rd April 2012 are
INSET days.
2012 – 2013
Half Term
4 September
29 October
2 November
21 December
7 January
11 February
15 February
22 March
8 April
27 May
31 May
22 July
* First day of term for pupils. Monday 3rd September is an INSET day.
The above dates are in line with other Vale of Glamorgan schools. We do not expect the
dates to change but reserve the right to do so.
Duke of Edinburgh
Award Scheme
The Duke of Edinburgh Award continues
to be a popular extra curricular choice for
the pupils. The maximum number of 120
pupils have been accepted at Bronze
level from Year 10. There are 60 pupils
enrolled on Silver and 22 Gold participants enrolled on the Gold Award
through the Adult Education Centre and
12 more on the Open Gold Award in
The participants need to complete the
following sections as part of the Award
 Skills
 Physical
 Expedition
The Gold participants need to complete
a further Residential Section for 5 days.
Each section needs to be completed for
varying amounts of time depending on
which level of the Award they are currently working on and if they have successfully completed the previous level of
the Award (if applicable). Many participants have successfully completed their
Bronze and Silver Award and received
their certificates. Any record books still
outstanding should be handed in to Miss
Miss H Jenkins
session on Saturday 12th November as
part of the requirements of their expedition
training. This was a huge success with
pupils receiving certification for their training. Many thanks to the staff at FAST and
those in school who helped make the day
such a success. Those who were unable
to attend will receive in house training before the expeditions.
The expedition dates are as follows:
Saturday 4th February
Year 10 – Cowbridge Walk
Saturday 25th February
Year 10 – Cowbridge Walk
Thursday 22nd March (1pm) – Sat 24th
March (1pm)
Year 11 Silver practice Llantony Priory
Thursday 29th March (1pm) – Sat 31st
Year 11 Silver assessed
Thursday 21st June – Friday 22nd June
Bronze practice camp (Year 10) (half the
Tuesday 26th June – Wed 27th June
Bronze practice camp (Year 10) (half the
Tuesday 3rd July – Wednesday 4th July
Bronze assessed – The Gower
Many thanks to all the staff, parents
and those at the Vale for their continued support, without which the Award
could not be so successful.
To enhance the training for the expeditions, pupils have had the opportunity to
visit the Cotswolds shop in Cardiff. This
showed the range of expedition equipment available.
Pupils also attended a First Aid training
“attended a First Aid training session“
Mrs J Laity
Eco Stanwell
September 2011 saw the introduction of our 
Reducing Energy consumption in the school
Promoting global issues e.g. Fair Trade
new Eco Stanwell committee; I would like to
take this opportunity to introduce our new Eco-Stanwell Week November 2011
The whole school considered the sustainability
of water conservation. Students were made
Rhys Jones, George Lush, Zain aware of the need to manage water more effectively both within the school and at home. The
Lex Hermogeno
committee intends to convince the school to
Christina Bugert, Mark Crothers, use school water bottles to reduce plastic waste
Natasha Smith
and minimise water usage. Year 7 pupils were
YEAR 10:
Grace Leland,Emily Moulton,
issued with a Stanwell water bottle to help
Emily Thomas, Alex Wagstaff
achieve this aim. The committee are also hopYEAR 11:
Jessica Davies, Bethany
ing many other pupils will purchase a water botParkhouse, Leonor Worssam
tle from the school shop for £1.50, with all
YEAR 12:
Joe Ingram, Amy Palin, Seren
profit being donated to Water Aid. Please supVickers
port this new Eco-Stanwell scheme.
YEAR 13:
Helen Brabham, Demi-Louise
Brown, Emily Chick, Eloise Laity,
Gabriel Marques-Worssam,
Iestyn Penry-Williams, Lucie
Thomp son
The committee meet once a fortnight to
discuss environmental issues that are
Did you know:
impacting on our school. The aim of the com-  The total amount of water on the earth is
mittee is to ensure that the whole school is
about 326 million cubic miles of water.
working towards our environmental goal:
 A child dies every 15 seconds from a lack
of clean water.
‘Stanwell School wishes to excel at promoting environmental awareness throughout the school and the wider
community by encouraging respect for the environment Please could you help us with our Christmas
Card campaign. As part of a county competithroughout all aspects of the school life’.
tion students are asked to collect Christmas
Eco Stanwell has a number of action plans to cards for recycling. The pupil with the most
work towards this year:
cards wins a prize. Last Year Jack Powell
 Creating a Conservation Area
Year 10 won £100 by collecting over 1000
 Reducing the use of plastic cups and wacards. See Mrs Laity in the Geography Deter wastage.
partment for more details.
“Working towards a sustainable future”
Department News
Year 8 Visit to
Wales National Museum of Art
45 Year eight pupils recently took part in
a day visit to Wales National Museum of
Art, at Cardiff Museum.
Pupils thoroughly enjoyed engaging with
all of the work on display, including portraits created by Welsh artists Shani Rhys
James and Augustus John.
Pupils were intrigued by the variety and
Ms R Lewis
29th October. Using their artistic talents,
our pupils decorated ten 15 feet drapes
with stunning effect and contributed to a
very enjoyable and successful event.
Penarth Heights Project
Continuing our effort to strengthen community links and develop ‘new’ media, we
have been successful with our application
to participate in an exciting project working
with Art Central, Ffotogallery and the developers Crest Nicholson. Our focus will
be the development of Penarth Heights
and in particular, the old community known
as the ‘Billy Banks’. Our pupils will have
the opportunity to create digital images,
stories and pictures working with artists.
range of work on display in the galleries
and produced a number of excellent studies coupled with detailed analysis.
Dinas Powys Rotary Club
As part of our community links, pupils
from Y9 to Y12 participated in an ambitious project to transform Dinas Powys
village hall into a Greek taverna in aid of
the Rotary Club’s charity evening on the
If anyone has any stories about this community or know people who used to live
there, please contact Miss Lewis, Head of
Art. This project is scheduled for next
Cardiff School of Art & Design
On Thursday 8th December, our sixth form
visited the foundation course where they
had a wonderful opportunity to meet tutors
and students and view an exhibition of art
“Cyfle i greu delweddau digidol, straeon a lluniau’ ”
Mrs J MacNamara
‘Young Enterprise’ has been increasingly popular in both Year 10 and Year
12. We currently have four teams developing their entrepreneurial skills, vying to be the next Richard Branson.
The businesses are run and managed
by the students throughout the academic year.
A number of events have already been
run this term including the school’s
‘Open Day’. During this event, students
were retailing products that they have
manufactured. This included Money
Munchers, Comedy Cacti and fairy
cakes. Students also made sure that
visitors were involved and had a lot of
fun with the games that they had provided.
The teams also attended the Young Enterprise Trade Fair event that was
hosted at IKEA Cardiff. This is a great
selling opportunity, especially with the
run up to Christmas. Cards, candles,
table decorations, Christmas Cacti, and
key rings were sold at the event.
The money raised from these events
has been used for their companies’ registration and will be used as capital to
develop their new business ventures.
Students develop an intricate understanding of business through their involvement in the scheme. ‘Learning
through doing’ is at the heart of the
Young Enterprise programme.
Business homework club has been well
attended by students. These sessions
are run after school on a Monday and
Thursday. All students, no matter what
year group they are in, are welcome to
‘Learning through doing’
The Drama department is extremely busy
at the moment preparing for the UK
Schools’ premiere of The Phantom of
The Opera. We are delighted to be the
first school to perform this wonderful
show and are working hard to produce a
production the whole school can be proud
of. There are rumours that former Phantom, Peter Karrie, will be attending opening night and Peter has kindly agreed to
chat to our very own Phantom, Miles
Braithwaite, about playing the role. May I
thank former student Sarah Hudson for
helping us with the ballet choreography
for the show .
Drama A/AS students visited Bath this
month to watch a one man show by Steven Berkoff in The Theatre Royal, Bath.
This will be extremely beneficial to our AS
students as next academic year they will
need to create a piece of original theatre
in the style of Steven Berkoff as part of
their coursework.
Miss R Davies
form their latest production. They recently
visited school to hold a workshop on how to
create exciting devised work. This theatre
company is recommended by our AS/A level
examination board WJEC and last year we
felt the company really inspired and influenced the decisions the students took with
regards to creating exciting original theatre.
I would like to congratulate our current Year
11 students who have recently performed
30% of their overall Drama grade. Con-
gratulations on some excellent work. The
next instalment of coursework will be at the
end of March. This will be examined by the
external AQA examiner Ken Tucker. Our
AS/A level students have just started work
on their coursework practical work and we
wish them well. Good luck to Miles
Braithwaite, Danielle Evans, Ross Foley
and Jessica Steed who are all applying for
Drama school this year!
Also well done to some of ’The Phantom of
the Opera’ cast who performed on the
Tesco stage recently for The Wales Millennium Centre. They did a superb job.
Tickets sold out in 1 day for the four performances of ‘Phantom’!
We will also be returning to watch local
physical theatre company ’Earthfall’ per-
“first school to perform this wonderful show”
It has been a very exciting start to the new
academic year in DT.
Year 7 pupils have been working on a wide
range of projects from hot rod cars to pillows. Pupils are enjoying the projects and
producing some excellent work.
The bag project in Year 8 continues to be a
success. Pupils
have produced a
range of bags in-
Mr N Gifford
Open Evening
Once again Open Day was a great success for the department with both staff
and pupils enjoying the afternoon. Visitors were given demonstrations and
were able to view projects. This year
one of the Young Enterprise teams, led
by Jack Powell, demonstrated the use
of the Laser Cutter in the production of
their own key tags.
London Visit 2011
cluding boot bags,
hand bags, tote
bags and drawstring bags. The food projects and electronic games continue to generate a great
deal of interest and enthusiasm.
Year 9 have made a fantastic start to the
GCSE courses and are building upon their
KS3 skills. Pupils are looking forward to
their next project where they will be making
products in a range of media.
Year 11
Year 11 are settling into their CAT projects.
Students are currently completing their design section of their folders in preparation
for the manufacturing stage which will begin
early next term.
Year 12-13
Years 12 and 13 are currently finalising the
designs ready for manufacture next term.
Of particular interest this year are the design and manufacture of a paper dress by
Ellie Way and a proposal for the development of low impact environmental housing
scheme by Ben Cockerill-Evans.
Students visited the V&A and The Origins exhibition both in London. During
the day students
were able to see a
wide selection of
innovative and
creative design
Innovations Award
This year again Year 12 and 13 Product
Design students visited the WJEC Innovations Award. This national award is
run by the WJEC and displays 40 exemplar projects
Children in Need
Pupils from all years helped in the making of Pudsey and Blush badges which
were sold to raise money for Children in
Need. Many thanks to all the students
who helped.
“Dewis eang o waith cynllunio gwreiddiol a chreadigol”
Clothes Show Live competition
Young Artist/Designer of the Year
Clothes Show Live is the UK’s largest
fashion event. Continuing its commitment to nurturing and developing young
Mr N Gifford
Pupils from Year 10 will be starting a recycling project after Christmas in after
school club. They will be producing
wearable garments and accessories using old and unwanted items. Their work
will be displayed in the Fashion Show
next year.
After School Clubs
Pupils from all year groups are encouraged to attend after school for any extra
support to complete projects and to increase their manufacturing skills. The
department run both homework clubs for
KS4 groups and after school clubs for
talent in the creative arts, Clothes Show
set a competition to design a poster
based on the theme ‘Rule Britannia’.
Year 9 and 10 GCSE Textile pupils were
encouraged to enter the competition to
be in with a chance of seeing their winning design used on advertising materials for the 2012 Clothes Show Live
Three of our pupils have been short
listed for this competition were invited to
attend an awards ceremony at the
Clothes Show on Tuesday 6th December.
Extra Curricular activities
A big congratulations to Rosie Cockerill
-Evans, Saffron Collins-Tong, Francesca Evans, Evie James and Katie
Roberts who all took part in a Fashion
Show last month at Lanover Arts Hall.
The Fashion Show looked professional
and exciting and the girls were involved
in all aspects of the show from producing
the collection, modelling and photography. Well done.
Short listed pupils were Amanda Dave,
Jessie Preece and Milissa Sorenson.
The pupils have done extremely well to
get this far and have been chosen as
part of the top 10.
“nurturing and developing young talent in the creative arts”
Economics and
Following his A* at ‘A’ level last summer
Tom Harry decided to forgo his place to
read English from 2011 and has been
preparing for an interview for a 2012
place at Cambridge to read Economics.
Tom is but one of thirty Economics students from year eleven upwards for whom
we have taken out a subscription to the
Economist magazine. Three pounds for a
thirty week subscription is excellent value,
the full price being four pounds per copy.
It provides an excellent example too of
price discrimination which is a key topic at
‘A’ level.
The three years now available for the pursuit of GCSE options means that there is
plenty of time for year nine pupils to learn
the basics and they have been able to
show off their IT skills via several miniprojects. Granted a budget of fifty pounds
they had to draw up a fully-costed menu
plan for a week. Some were coming in
with over half the funds left, a misunderstanding of the brief as there were
no extra marks for excessive economising.........
They have also recently produced their
guides to the local second hand car market—they are required to draw up a shortlist of six cars in each of three price
brackets, making recommendations of
cars to buy and avoid within each bracket
Such recommendations needed to reflect
price, mileage and running costs with
support from sites such as Which,
Parker’s and What Car. It is no exaggeration to say that the efforts of some pupils
like Evgenia Brusnitskaya and Natalie
Lewis were of professional standard.
The same groups have recently played
the excellent business game ‘Fresh Oven
Pies’ which simulates a competitive mar-
Mr J Boggan
ket in pies, with teams bidding to set price,
advertising and output in advance of their
orders being calculated. It teaches about
profit margin, risk-taking, and how both
under and over-producing leads firms to
lose money. Anastasia Mirza-Davies produced an excellent write-up of her firm’s
Year ten pupils have been focusing on
their external examination in January but
they too have been undertaking miniprojects—in their case it was a guide to
the local housing market, based on similar
principles to the car version.
Sixth Form
Government and Politics students have
been extending their understanding of the
democratic processes in the UK and the
USA. Year 13 students will be sitting their
A2 module (Politics of the USA) in January
and they have taken a keen interest in US
voting behaviour, political parties and
pressure groups. Best of luck.
Year 12 Politics students have been investigating whether the UK needs a written
constitution and if the Prime Minister enjoys too much influence. They have also
studied factors which influence voting behaviour in the UK. These factors include
primacy issues such as class, ethnicity
and age as well as factors which include
the role of the media, the influence of the
Party Leader and events such as the war
in Iraq. Students have also analysed the
current position of the Electoral System in
the UK and engaged in a lively debate regarding reform of the current electoral system of FPTP to the Alternative Voting System.
“lively debate regarding reform of the current electoral system”
At the beginning of the term, a number of
Year 7 English classes created fantastic
poems about their favourite sweets.
They really engaged their senses and
even brought their favourite sweet or
chocolate along for inspiration! Over 60
entries were sent off to the 'Express
Yourself' poetry competition. We are
waiting patiently for the results and to
find out whose poems have been published.
Open Day
A pint of English mixed with a dash of
magic was the inspiration for the fantastic wizarding activities available in the
English department for Open Evening
this year. There was plenty on offer; spell
-binding games, mind-boggling magical
quizzes, descriptive writing activities, and
certainly never a dull
moment to give everyone a taste of Stanwell.
The Open Day
‘Spelling Bee’ was a
great success. Many
pupils faced the challenge and won prizes in their time and
age group. The overall winner was Lauren Stephens with an unbelievable 12
points. Well done! Also, a big thank you
to the Year 7 pupils who helped run the
Selected pupils in Year 7 and 8 were fortunate to attend a reading and question
and answer session with the local children’s author Cathy Farr. Cathy, an ex-
Mrs M Williams
pupil of the school has recently published
her first novel ‘Moon Chase’. Her fantasy
novel was inspired by her dog, an Irish
Wolfhound named Finn who also attended
the talk, much to the delight of Stanwell
pupils. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed the
afternoon and asked many interesting
questions on the creative writing process
and the difficulties of trying to publish
Eighteen Year 13 pupils who are studying
English Literature at A Level recently enjoyed a trip to Bristol to
listen to four thought provoking lectures on different themes and elements
of Shakespeare’s ‘King
Lear,’ such as ‘The Problem of Human Suffering.’
In each lecture, academics and senior examiners considered the themes and text in
ways that support the requirements of the
assessment objectives for advanced
study. All of those who attended thoroughly enjoyed the day and the pupils
found it very helpful and were impeccably
behaved. Hopefully this will stand them in
good stead for the summer exams!
There are a number of educational visits
planned for Key Stage 4 pupils next term.
The English Department are planning to
take Year 10 pupils to ‘Poetry Live’ in Bristol. This will help Literature students to
prepare for the unseen poetry element in
their first external literature exam in June.
There are also plans to take Year 11 pupils to see a production of ‘An Inspector
Calls’ in the New Theatre in Cardiff. Pupils
will be studying this text for their final Literature exam in the Summer.
“fantastic wizarding activities available in the English department ”
Ms H Morgan
“Geography is everywhere and
everything” (Anon)
the many geographical features that the
physical and human landscapes had to
As Geography is all around us, the
The students had the opportunity to see
department have taken the opportunity
this term to explore the world beyond the for themselves several locations of
geographical interest that currently relate
to their studies. These included: a visit to
Year Eight visited the Cadbury World
the Island of Capri, Sorrento, the ruins of
factory in Bournville. Pupils were given a
talk on the economic value of the
Chocolate industry, relating to the
location and manufacturing of products
in the developing and developed world.
This gave the pupils the opportunity to
discuss the issues and ethics of Fair
Trade. After their talk the pupils
explored the factory, sampling many
varieties of chocolate, getting involved
with interactive
exhibits and
learning how all
cocoa beans
used in the UK
come from
Pompeii and Herculaneum, a climb to
the top of Vesuvius in the Vesuvius
National Park, a
drive down The
Amalfi Coast and a
visit to the sulphur
fields at Solfatara.
During the Italian evenings pupils
delighted in a range of activities from
eating Italian pizza, singing songs
around a beach camp fire and
completing a quiz (where the tie breaker
was decided in a dance off between the
Year Twelve and Year Thirteen boys!)
During the October half term, a selection
of pupils from Years Ten to Thirteen
Accompanying us on our visit was the
visited the Bay of Naples experiencing
famous Icelandic photographer Ragnar
‘Geography expands your horizons’
Ms H Morgan
Th. Sigurdsson. He
specialises in
photography of
nature and travel in
the Arctic, including
Iceland, the Faroe
Islands, Greenland
and the Northwest
of Canada. The
purpose of this was
so that he could
take a variety of
photographs of our
group for the department and for
surveys, pedestrian and traffic counts, as
well as looking at land values of this rural
settlement. On their return to Stanwell
the pupils used the results to complete a
controlled field study assignment worth
10% of their final GCSE.
Finally, Year Seven are currently
brushing up on their Geographical skills.
As part of their unit of study they have
been given the opportunity to do some
field sketching in and around the
grounds of Stanwell. These skills are
invaluable in both helping the pupils with
their artistic skills and helping them to
capture and record geographical
characteristics of the wider world.
The staff and pupils have thoroughly
enjoyed our field visits beyond the
classroom and I hope you agree with us
that these opportunities support our
pupils in understanding global, national
and local patterns and processes in the
Discover the World tour company, with
whom we travelled to Italy. The
resulting photographs are outstanding
and breathtaking. You can find some of
them on the Stanwell website, in the
activity gallery - Italy 2011.
As part of their GCSE Geography
Studies Year Eleven visited Cowbridge
in December to complete an
investigation into a rural community in
terms of urban and retail change. Year
11 conducted land use and shopping
‘Geography is important because we've got the whole world in our hands!’
It has been another busy and enjoyable term
in the History Department. Highlights have
included the October Open Evening, where
pupils - and parents alike - had the opportunity to take part in several activities, including
archery, code-breaking, jousting puppets and
a crime-scene investigation on famous historical murders. A good time was had by all.
In other news, Bethan Lewis (Year 13) entered the Historical Association’s Great Debate competition on Monday 21st November.
She competed in the regional heat for South
Wales hosted by Cardiff High. Bethan was
magnificent and won the regional heat with
her talk about Sophie Scholl. We are all very
proud of Bethan in the History Department
and we wish her the best of luck when she
competes in the final which will be held in Oxford in March. Well done Bethan!
Mr G Morgan
History pupils have studied a lot of interesting
key issues this term. In Year 7 pupils have
been learning about the Battle of Hastings and
who became King of England in 1066.
Year 8 have enjoyed performing plays to find
out why Henry VIII got married six times and
why Elizabeth decided not to marry at all!
They thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the
Tower of London in November especially seeing the place where Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard were executed. They also had a
great time exploring the cultural side to London especially visiting Covent Garden and
seeing The Lion King in the West End.
At GCSE level Year 9 have been studying the
cultural changes that the USA faced in the
1920s, including changes to sport, the cinema
and the role of women. All classes have made
an excellent start to the Year 9 course. Well
Years 10 and 11 have been examining life in
Nazi Germany before and during the Second
World War. Recently they have studied how
life changed for people living under Nazi rule
and Year 11 will shortly be completing their
coursework on the evacuation of children in
Britain during the Second World War. Both
Year groups have made a positive and enthusiastic start to the year and must be congratulated.
“Mae disgyblion Hanes wedi astudio nifer o faterion allwedol y tymor yma”
Information Technology
Mr P Davies
Open Day
A very successful Open Day in October
provided prospective pupils with the opportunity to use the excellent ICT facilities
within the school. Pupils were able to develop their moviemaking software skills
through the use of Window Moviemaker.
Parents of prospective pupils were able to
view the work their children had completed
following the primary liaison sessions earlier that month.
Primary Liaison
goes to
Gifford who has
created a stage
design with a
keyboard on the
top with the sides
having musical
highest mark at
Key Stage 4 for
his unit 1 coursework. Kathleen
Ahearne, Andreas Asprou, Harriet Blunden, Matilda Crack, Zola Hargreaves, Jay
Kapuria, Balaji Krishna and Leo Tucker
also produced some exemplary work for
their Unit 1 coursework.
The ICT department played host to 3 of its
feeder primary schools Albert, Evenlode
and Victoria who had an opportunity to
develop their understanding of staying
safe online. The Year 6 pupils produced
excellent multimedia presentations for
Homework Club
primary school aged pupils , the purpose
of the presentation was to warn them of Key Stage 4 homework club has been busy
some of the dangers of social networking. throughout the term with over 50 pupils attending at least 1 session a week. Matthew
Key Stage Three
Bennett, Jack Davies, Rebecca Harries,
Rory Hay, Ellie Munro and Charlotte
Year 7 pupils have settled in well during
Thompson have come to homework club
the first term and have used their work
from transition to develop a website using every week to ensure they achieve high
Adobe Dreamweaver. Bethany Keane is coursework marks. Computer Games Club
an excellent pupil who always completes will start in January 2012 for Key Stage 3
pupils to develop their understanding of
her work to a very high standard. Year 8
pupils have been introduced to Games De- Games Design.
sign during this term and Rhys Capener
Sixth Form
has produced an excellent game and he
has worked hard during all lessons. Year 8 Year 12 pupils have made a good start to
pupils Izaak Lee, Tristan Worssam and
the year . Well done to Allister Hill and
Jonathan Wright always work with enAlex Williams who have made a very good
thusiasm and have produced some excel- start to their Double ICT units scoring high
lent work this term.
marks in a recent Software and Hardware
test. Year 12 pupils are looking forward to a
Key Stage 4
visit to the BETT show at Olympia London
Year 9 pupils started their Unit 3 Graphics in January 2012 ,where they will be able to
unit this term and have generally produced see at first hand the latest hardware and
some excellent work. Particular praise software technology.
“opportunity to develop their understanding of staying safe online”
Miss E Murphy
Selected A-level pupils, along with Balaji
Krishna from Year 10, took part in the
“Senior UKMT Maths Challenge” in
November 2011. The top student was
Balaji Krishna (Year 10) who achieved
a silver certificate. Silver certificates also
went to Joseph Ingram and Frankie
Law (both Year 12). Bronze certificates
were awarded to Niall Armstrong,
Sarah Boden, Rhea Ghosal, Daniel
Luxton, Liam Pace, Naomi Parkhouse,
Katie Rowlands (all Year 13), James
Chaffey and James Porteus (both Year
12). Our congratulations go to all of
these for their achievements.
and received a certificate and a bar of
chocolate! This year we also ran a Simon
Says competition; this was won by Ria
Raninath from Victoria Primary.
A sixth form team, comprising of Further
Maths students, was entered into the
UKMT Senior Team Challenge. Unfortunately the team did not qualify for the
next round of the competition but they
thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
The KS3 homework club has been a huge
success so far this year, with record numbers turning up on a weekly basis. A huge
thank you to Jay Kapuria and Balaji
Krishna for giving up their time after
school to help with the running of this club.
This term, the Maths department has welcomed selected pupils from the feeder Primary schools to take part in extended
Maths lessons at Stanwell. Two pupils
from each of the primary schools took part
in the first lesson. The feedback from the
pupils was very positive and we look forward to the next lesson with them in the
Spring term.
Homework Club for Year 11 has started
and will be continuing on Mondays. This
proved invaluable last year, producing
very good results, and we look forward to
seeing a positive response again this
year. A huge thank you to all the Year 12
students who give up their time after
school to help with the homework club;
without these pupils the homework club
would not be such a success.
Once again the “Maths Mindbenders” on
Open Day was a great success. Many
current and potential pupils enjoyed the
six-puzzle treasure hunt around the
Department. 91 completed the puzzles
Also, a huge thank you to all the Year 12
and 13 students who complete their community service within the Maths department; their time and efforts are greatly appreciated.
“Thank you to all the Year 12 and 13 students for their help within the Maths dept”
Media & Film
Mr I O’Rourke
The Media & Film department has much
to celebrate so far this year and many
things to look forward to in 2012. The
first high point was on results days in August, when staff were delighted to note
the high standards of attainment reached
by most pupils—well done to all!
The new Year 9 cohort have made a
confident start to their GCSE course and
have already displayed their skills as media analysts in recent textual deconstructions. Pupils who have worked particularly well this term include Rhys Fford,
Stephanie Friend, Rory Hawkins, Sasha Horrobin and Jessica Vining.
Year 10 started the year trying to emulate Nick Parks and create their own versions of stop-motion animation– move
over Wallace & Gromit! Excellent work
was produced by Sinead McCausland,
Joshua Lawes, Joel Ringer and Alexandra Wagstaff. They have also been
working hard on a scheme to do with Advertising for their winter exam and are
about to start a piece of coursework creating their own product and advertising
Year 11 pupils have been busy completing pieces of coursework for their final
folders and excellent work has been produced by Mitchell Crees, Jacqueline
Dich, Riah Knowles-Brock, Hakim Miladi, Miles Morgan, Reginald Wong
and Bethan Amy Blunt.
Year 13 pupils have been working hard
this term on their coursework module,
which is worth 50% of their total A2
grade. They have been producing research investigations on topics of their
own choosing. Particularly strong pieces of
work have been produced by Emily Davies, Olivia Davies, Sam Green. Kate
Humphreys has
been putting her
media skills to
good use by directing the Phantom photo-shoot.
Jordan Holt, Madeline Lynch and Georgia Wales. Year 12 pupils are starting their
coursework module soon and are already
planning their films! Pupils who have already produced excellent work include
Leah Dalby, Victoria Isaac, Madeline
Lynch, Georgia Wales, and Jonathan
We have, for the first time, two A Level
Film Studies cohorts. Following on from
their AS exam success, the A2 group have
been working hard on their small-scale research projects and the new AS cohort
have been learning about the ‘micro,’ elements of filmmaking and have started to
study British horror films!
A group of our Year 12 & 13 students
participated in National Film Week with a
special viewing of ‘Let Me In,’ and a talk by
a film censor from the BBFC at Chapter
Arts. Students also attended a special
screening of Danny Boyle’s 127 Hours at
Cineworld in Cardiff. More recently, 30
Year 12 students took part in the live recording of a popular Radio Wales topical
news quiz called ‘What’s The Story?’ The
students were introduced to the producer
and writer of the show and also met one of
the esteemed panellists, Derek Brockway.
“much to celebrate this year and many things to look forward to in 2012”
Modern Foreign Languages
Mrs T Davis
A great way to learn about the language
and culture of a country is through cinema and there is a thriving foreign film
library in Stanwell. We currently have
over a hundred and fifty German and
French films which our Sixth Formers
regularly borrow. They tell us that it
really is a great way to widen their vocabulary.
In October, a group of A level French
and German students attended a languages day at Cardiff University. They
learnt about studying languages at University and the Erasmus scheme, as well
as attending a lecture on European cinema. They also enjoyed a taster session
of Italian which they all declared was
One of the highlights of the term was the
ever–popular Europa Café on Open Day.
There was a fabulous selection of cakes,
kindly baked by our wonderful students.
The “Decorate a cup cake” competition
took place again and the entries were
great and very creative with first prize
going to Phoebe Chrisie (Y9) for her
charming panda cake.
A big “thank you” to our helpers on the
day: Jess Ashill (Y10), Laura Gale (Y10)
and Evgenia Brusnitskaya (Y9)
We also had a French and German quiz
which was won by our Exams officer Mrs
Pratt and her daughter Lizzie, who is currently working with us as an LSA.
The German Department has been on its
travels this term with a visit to the Christmas markets in Cologne, organised by
Miss Lemon.
In early-December students from Years
10, 12 and 13 spent a long weekend soaking up the festive atmosphere in the beautiful city of Köln.
Apart from the obvious Christmas shopping there was time
for sightseeing,
which included
climbing to the top
of Cologne cathedral and a river
cruise down the
Of course no visit would be complete without a visit to the world famous chocolate
museum, where we were able to sample
hot melted chocolate from the golden fountain—lecker!!
“There is a thriving foreign film library in Stanwell”
Modern Foreign Languages
There are over 6000 languages spoken
in the world and behind each and every
one of them lies a rich and diverse culture. That’s what the European Day of
Languages aims to celebrate - by showing people across Europe how important
languages are, and what fun can be had
learning them. The 26th September is
the all important day and this year
marked the Day's 10th anniversary. The
MFL department celebrated by giving
pupils taster sessions in other languages, such as Spanish, Italian and
Planning for next year’s German exchange has already begun and we are
proud to tell you that it has now been going strong for 30 years! In July the German children from our partner school in
Staufen will be visiting us in Penarth.
The German pupils will be sampling lessons, as well as visiting Big Pit in Blaenavon and Oakwood with their partners
Mrs T Davis
Year 9 are looking forward to meeting up
with their pen friends again after spending
a most enjoyable ten days together in
April. The year 8 pupils are being matched
up and will soon be finding out the names
of their partners
On the international
will be taking a group
of 55 Year 8
March next
year. This is a joint venture with the Welsh
department to sample the St. David’s Day
celebrations which take place in Disneyland Paris. Pupils will also be enjoying a
boat trip down the Seine, a visit to the Eifel
Tower and to the cathedral of Notre Dame.
Lots of pupils in French and German have
been working hard this term and we have
awarded a large number of merit points
and certificates. These pupils have then
been entered into the monthly raffle draws
and there have been lots of lucky winners..
In French:
Y7 Matthew Morris
Y8 Ethan Fettah
Y9 Ellie Webster
Y10 Ben Brewer
Y11 Lettie Chatham
Y13 Eloise Laity
In German:
Y8 Rhys Picton
Y9 Elliot Green
Y11 Sian Moss
Y13 Rosie Troth
Fröhliche Weihnachten and Joyeux Noël
and to you all!
“The German Exchange has been going strong for 30 years”
Mrs J Richards
It’s always a positive start to the new term
when the GCSE and A Level results are good!
Stanwell music students fulfilled, and in many
cases, exceeded our expectations. Once
again, visiting examiners were unanimous in
their praise ;`..thank you for a wonderfully musical experience at your school’, ‘..there were
some outstanding and mature interpretations in
these performances’, and ‘there was an excellent variety of vocal and instrumental music
from Baroque to the present day..’. Well done
to all.
Time again now for the current GCSE and A
Level classes to begin preparing for the practical examinations and finalising their compositions for their composition coursework, as
deadlines for all creative and practical aspects
of the examinations will be next term, (usually
just before Easter). Wise words of the great
composer J.S.Bach come to mind: “I was
obliged to work hard. Whoever is equally industrious will succeed just as well” - something for
us all to remember!
The music department are currently running
two new courses this year, both led by Miss
Cooksey – BTEC Performing Arts and AS Music Technology. The Year 12 Music Technology group have been working towards their
creative arrangement coursework and have
participated in several recording workshops,
and the Year 9 Performing Arts Class visited
the New Theatre and saw a performance of
‘Dreamcoats and Petticoats’ in September.
The department was also delighted at the beginning of term to welcome back Mr Sambell
who returns on a part-time basis.
Staff discussion soon turned to
the subject of the annual senior
production - and just prior to
the announcement in the press
that Andrew Lloyd Webber was
releasing two of his musicals for schools, we
had already contacted their main office to apply
for the rights to perform Phantom of the Opera. This was quickly granted as the Really
Useful group were keen for us to follow on in
the path of the previous achievements and be the
first school to premier the show in the UK. All very
exciting! Intense rehearsals for cast and orchestra
complemented by set production and backstage /
technical preparations have taken place as the
challenges have been demanding in all aspects.
But, at the time of writing, with just under a week to
go before opening night, everyone involved is
working tremendously hard to produce a show that
the school and its’ community will once again be
proud of. Peter Karrie (voted the World’s Best Ever
Phantom) has very kindly spent time with some of
the soloists and the workshops were brilliant; we
are very grateful for his support.
There are over 30 pupils in the accompanying orchestra, ranging from year 8—year 13 and they
have already impressed with the standard
achieved. We hope that many of you will have
been able to support the show and enjoyed the
About 30 senior members of the cast also recently
performed a medley of songs from the Phantom of
the Opera at the Millennium Centre on the Tesco
stage. The music was arranged and directed by
Mrs Richards and accompanied by Mr Sambell.
They received a super reception and were very
well received by listeners – a great performance!
“thank you for a wonderfully musical experience at your school’
Mrs J Richards
We are proud of all our talented pupils who
make such a dedicated commitment to their
GCSE and A Level examiners complimented students on their advanced use and application of music technology in their composition coursework.
Extra Curricular Clubs
A whole range of these were up and running
from the beginning of the Autumn, ranging from
KS3 through to senior groups. They have currently stopped for Phantom rehearsals but will
re-commence in January to prepare items for
the Spring Concert. In terms of instrumental
tuition, there are a few instruments available for
loan, and any pupil interested in instrumental or
vocal lessons after Xmas should see Mrs Richards immediately at the start of the new term in
County Music and CAVMS
Stanwell is extremely well represented in both music services, with many of our pupils participating in
the various different ensembles, orchestras and
choirs performing this Christmas in St. Davids Hall,
City Hall and Llandaff Cathedral. Time spent attending rehearsals and concerts demands a tremendous amount of dedication and commitment;
but this is time well spent as the musical talents are
further nurtured and developed. We are very proud
of all our pupils who make this commitment to their
Music Technology
After school music technology workshops are
run by the Music and Drama department’s
technician, Alastair Reid. They occur every
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evening and
are available for pupils of all ages. Pupils will
begin by learning the basics of creating computer music in order to progress to more in
depth production techniques such as synthesis,
sampling, audio editing, studio recording and
..and finally,
Particular congratulations to:
 All those pupils who participated in the Music
in the Vale competition, especially Joe
Keenan (Yr 12) and Megan Hain (Yr 9) who
was runner-up in the ‘Young Singer of the
Year’ Intermediate category.
 Joe Keenan (Year 12) and Taro Wirth (Year
11) who both recently achieved Distinction in
their Grade 8 ‘cello examinations – brilliant!
 Tom Downey (Year 12) and Peter
McDonough (Year 10) who have both been
accepted into the National Youth Brass Band of
Wales. Peter is also reserve for the National
Youth Wind Orchestra. What a terrific achievement—well done, boys!
 All those pupils who have been very busy preparing for the graded practical examinations
this term. We hope that all your hard work has
paid off and you will be pleased with your results.
July 2011 saw the
completion of an album where all music
was written, recorded
and mixed by the pupils. The album
comes in a double disc package with an indepth documentary and an interview covering
the production process for 2 of the featured
songs. There is
also a music
video, and plans to
include the sound
technology Rapanimation by Science rapper Oortkuiper. The album
will be ready for
distribution by January 2012. Please contact
Alastair via [email protected] to pick
up a copy. It is worth noting that
SO A busy and challenging, but incredibly rewarding
term; with Phantom at the forefront of our
thoughts, special thanks and many congratulations
to all our extremely talented pupils who make us so
Have a Happy Christmas!
“Disgyblion talentog yr ydyn yn hynod o falch ohonynt”
Cross Country
Congratulations to all pupils who have
participated in cross country races this
year. The club on a Friday after school
has seen a surge in numbers and has
proved a popular activity. Although not all
pupils come to run in the races, a number
of pupils come along to improve their fitness.
There have been some good individual
performances this year from Annabelle
Birch-Hurst (Y8), Ben McCullagh (Y8),
Will Marsh (Y8), Spencer Robinson
(Y8), Emily Wooster (Y8) and Kate
Coker (Y10).
Congratulations to the pupils above who
have all been selected for the South
Wales Team.
The following boys took part in the Welsh
Schools Cross Country Championships in
Brecon, racing high quality athletes from
all over Wales and successfully secured
3rd place - Matthew Dawson, Will Gale,
Alex Langrish and Will Marsh.
Mr I Summerfield
Thursday after school. Although only a
small number of matches have been
played, the girls are settling in well. The
7A team had an exciting match against St.
Richard Gwyn which resulted in an 11-10
win to Stanwell and the 7B team won
against Llantwit Major School.
With a number of matches and tournaments still to be played, I am sure the
teams will improve throughout the season.
Special mention to Georgia Appleby,
Maddie Lloyd and Sophie Watkins.
Year 8
The 8A team are continuing to perform
well, having only lost 2 games so far.
Both matches were very close and were
lost by one goal. A fantastic win against
Bro Morgannwg (17-2) saw the team perform to their best and with county tournaments coming up, the girls are looking to
get into the final again this year.
Special mention to captains Rebecca
Humpage and Seren Marsh. The 8B
teams played in a recent tournament and
were unfortunate to miss out on a semi-
Year 7
This year has seen this popular club bring
in over 40 girls to Netball practice on a
“the team perform to their best”
Mr I Summerfield
final place. Special mention to Alice Dur- Year 10
ham, who played exceptionally well.
Year 10 started the year off with a
win against St. Richard Gwyn. They
Year 9
The Year 9 team continue to improve and
impress. They lost their first match of the
season (5-6) against Cowbridge, but went
on to win (20-6) against St. Richard Gwyn,
Howells (7-6) and Bro Morgannwg (10-3).
Congratulations to Elizabeth Birch-Hurst,
Emma Davies and Olivia Hamzelou who
were selected for Cardiff and the Vale
County Netball Team– Well done girls!
have unfortunately lost their last two
matches, but are a very dedicated
and hard working team. Keep up the
good work.
Special mention to Captains Ellie
Rees and Leah Wenger.
Year 11
Despite losing all their matches
played, the Year 11 girls continue to
work hard in training. Special mention
to Sophie Boyle, Erin Murray and
Katie Phillips .
Indeed, all the Year 9 team have played superbly so far this season. Elizabeth BirchHurst, Lucy Bond, Emma Davies, Olivia
Hamzelou, Georgia Murray, Kelsey
Murray, Lucy Sharpe, Milissa Sorenson,
and Milly Williams.
Year 7
The Year 7 Rugby team have made
an excellent start to the season having played 4 games and losing only
against a strong Cowbridge side. The
side has been well led by Rhys
Jones at scrum half with Ben Jones,
“Year 11 girls continue to work hard in training”
Henry Carter and Torin O’Neil making
an exciting back line. In the Forwards
Thaine Baker has been outstanding and
has been well supported by Tom Griffiths, Jack Vowles and Geraint Williams. In the New Year Cup matches are
scheduled as well as games against
schools outside the Vale, so therefore
attendance at training is paramount in
maintaining this good start.
Year 8
The Year 8 rugby team have continued
where they left of last season playing
some attractive rugby and introducing
more players to the squad. Charles De
Grey, Morgan Humphreys, James
Price and Spencer Robinson remain
ever present and have played in every
game. Despite not playing at their best
against Barry Boys and St Cyres the
team regrouped to beat Cowbridge convincingly 29 – 5, and are awaiting the
term’s final fixture against Bro Morgannwg.
Mr I Summerfield
Training sessions have seen in excess of
24 boys with new players joining every
week. There are many talented players in
the side with lots of previous match experience including, Zac Dyer,Deklan
Grotz and Dan Watts. This level of experience is helping to nurture the less experienced yet equally talented sportsmen
in the side. With good wins against St
Cyres and St Richard Gwyn and exceptional individual performances from Ed
Drake, Joe Fettah and Sam White, this
is a passionate side that will go from
strength to strength.
Year 10
Year 10 rugby once again started very
well with substantial wins over Barry and
St Cyres. The team consists of a number
of boys who have represented the school
since year 7 including, Matthew Holder,
Kieran Hopkins and Owen Rees . There
has also been the introduction of some
very promising new players in particular
James Owens who managed to score a
hat trick of tries on his debut match. No
less than 8 of the players have also been
successful during selection to represent
the Vale of Glamorgan Schools at Under
15’s level. This will be a very telling year
for these boys, as next year they could
be representing the school at senior level
and this will require them to work hard for
their position in this highly competitive
Year 9
The Year 9 rugby team has shown great
improvement and dedication this year.
“many talented players in the side”
Senior Rugby
Senior Rugby this year saw the appointment of Ollie Drake to Captain. Ollie is an
excellent role model for all rugby players at
Stanwell and continuously sets high standards for himself, both on and off the pitch.
The rest of the 34 man squad is oozing with
talent with players such as Ollie Laity, Tom
Murray and Weihock Ong leading the way
to a successful year
Mr I Summerfield
thick and fast and the players have
not had a week off since the beginning of September. Outstanding performances are becoming a regular
occurrence for a number of players
such as Nick Boudier, Alan Doyle
Kavanagh. (Nick even managed to
score two tries against Llantwit on his
The main highlight of the season so
far however, has to be the inaugural
Howells Sevens competition in which
Stanwell took first place, beating
sides such as Cardiff High,
Rougemont and Corpus Christi. Even
with very little time to train prior to the
competition, the players showed a
great understanding and discipline in
this very strategic game. A special
mention must go to Luke Crockett
whose workrate was formidable
throughout the day.
The season began with a team building
evening at the White Water Rafting Centre.
This is used as an opportunity for the new
players to introduce themselves and socialise with the older players in the team. A
good, yet wet evening was enjoyed by all.
The squad also boasts regional representative honours with Matthew
Allen, Nic Boudier, Alan Doyle,
Sam Hall, Harry Roberts and Tom
Smith, and all playing for the Cardiff
Blues at varying levels.
Since this event, the matches have come
“excellent role model for all rugby players at Stanwell”
Girls Basketball
Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 girls have had a
great start to the season this year, obtaining numerous wins against St Cyres.
They are now training hard in preparation for their matches against Fitzalan
and St Richard Gwyn in December, to
hopefully continue their winning success.
They have also been entered into the
Welsh Schools Basketball competition
this year and are awaiting dates to be
confirmed for the first round of the competition. All the girls are really excited
and are looking forward to this challenge.
Special mention goes to Sophie Egerstrom and Emily Skinner, who have
made a fantastic start in the Year 7
team. Amy Bond, Rebecca Humpage,
and Seren Marsh (Year 8) and Georgia
Atkinson (Year 9). Finally to all the Year
10 team, who have made a superb contribution to training and matches this
A big “Congratulations” also goes out to
Elizabeth Birch-Hurst (Y9) and Erin
Murray (Y11), who have been selected
to represent the U16 Welsh Girls Basketball Squad this season. Well done Girls!
A fantastic achievement.
Boys Basketball
The boys basketball team has had a
great start to the season. They have
been entered into the Cardiff and the
Vale Basketball Competition and are eagerly awaiting dates for their first match.
Mr I Summerfield
They also took part in a KS4 Welsh
Schools Basketball Tournament in November at Sophia Gardens, but after putting up a courageous fight against St
Richard Gwyn, Cowbridge and Barry
boys, they unfortunately failed to get
through to the next round of the competition. They did however play very well
against St Cyres, who they managed to
defeat in the last match of the competition.
Special mention goes to George Kynaston who, this season, has been selected
to represent the U15’s Boys Welsh Basketball Squad. Congratulations and well
Years 7, 8 and 11 have all progressed to
the quarter finals of the Cardiff & Vale
Schools Cup, with the next round of
matches due to be played in the New
Year. Special mention goes to Dan Anderton (Yr 7), Morgan Evans (Yr 7),
Nathan Evans (Yr 7), Morgan Humphreys (Yr 8) Will Marsh (Yr 8) and
Harry Williams (Yr 8) .
Year 9 and 10 are due to play their 2nd
round matches in the near future.
In the league, Year 8 and 9 are currently
unbeaten, while Year 7 have won 1,
drawn 1 and lost 1. Year 9 recently beat
St. Richard Gwyn 6—1, Mathew Bennett, Will Brown and Alex Donovan
putting in exceptional performances.
“the girls are really excited and are looking forward to this challenge”
Open Day
Visitors to the Psychology Department
had the opportunity to try out mind reading using the Ganzfield technique. In this
study, individuals have to use their powers of telepathy to state which of four
symbols another person is looking at. On
average our results were no better than
Miss K Hall
gave students the opportunity to learn
about reasons for the emotional bond
formed between infants and parents as well
as studying research into the effects of day
care such as nurseries and childminders on
A2 Psychology
After some excellent AS examination results in the summer Year 13 students are
also preparing for an exam in January.
They have found it really interesting learning about explanations of and treatments
for Depression. The Addiction topic has involved learning about explanations of the
addiction process as well as the role that
the media can play in both encouraging
would be expected by chance, suggesting
that a bit more practice is needed.
AS Psychology
Year 12 students have been enjoying
learning a new subject and although it
was difficult for some at first, many have
demonstrated an excellent attitude to
learning and continue to improve their understanding as they prepare for their Unit
1 exam in January. The first topic studied
was Memory and students took part in a
number of class experiments to test different aspects of this. The section on how to
improve memory should prove particularly
useful as they revise for their exams. Students have also been learning about Research Methods and how to design and
carry out experiments and other types of
research studies. The Attachment topic
and discouraging addictive behaviour. As
part of their Welsh Baccalaureate qualification a number of students have demonstrated their communication skills by delivering presentations to their class on a variety of Psychology related topics. Jordan
Holt and Laura Soltys delivered a particularly interesting presentation on the way in
which issues of mental health are
portrayed in the media.
“many students have demonstrated an excellent attitude to learning”
Open Day
The RE Department had a steady stream
of visitors during the evening to the new
suite of RE rooms. Artefact displays provided a colourful background and visitors
enjoyed taking part in the quizzes with
many signing the friendship book for pupils
at Pooncholai Children's Home, for which
the RE Department has raised funds over
the last few years. Both Year 9 and 10
pupils have raised funds for the children’s
home this year, and it was interesting for
visitors to see the range of publicity material promoting the work of Pooncholai produced by Stanwell students and presented
in the wall displays in the department area.
Stanwell pupils have raised enough money
to continue sponsoring the two pupils we
have supported for the last 3 years and
with the additional money collected we
have sent Christmas presents for the children.
RE Club
After school RE Club for Key Stage 3 has
started this year and proved to be a great
success. It has grown rapidly in popularity
and G32 is full every Monday evening with
the buzz of students actively exploring different ideas, beliefs and ultimate questions. Halloween was a particular highlight,
with students enjoying a treasure hunt using their thinking skills to solve clues . The
club is now focusing on entries for a National RE art competition, Spirited Arts.
With this year’s title ‘Where is God today?’
students are using various art forms to
present their interpretation of this question.
Students have also been busy making
models of various places of worship,
Mrs J Skilton
photos of which are now on display along
the RE corridor.
RE club is a way for the students to enjoy
less formal learning, whilst still developing
crucial skills such as ICT, problem solving
and creative thinking.
“I like RE because I get to learn about other
religions and their beliefs. I have also learnt
a lot about what I believe too.”
RE Trip
Another exciting development in the RE department is the planned Year 9 Trip to London in February. Students will have the opportunity to explore several sites of religious
and cultural interest including a visit to Saint
Paul’s Cathedral, a Central London Mosque
and the award winning West End Theatre
production of “The Lion King”. This trip will
bring to life various aspects of their GCSE
“Learn about others: Learn about yourself”
Mr P Johnson
The Jeans for Genes day, held in November
was a great success, raising over £1095 for this
worthwhile cause. The event was organised by
Mrs Thomas with help from a number of sixth
form students, especially Niall Armstrong,
Chloe Blunsdon, Helen Brabham, Malita
Chimuzi, Oliver Drake, Andrew Graham,
Eloise Laity, Iestyn Penry-Williams, Otto
Putland, Victoria Scaglioni, Lucie Thompson,
and Zoe Tucker.
At Techniquest in September, Nuffield Bursary
students from Year 13 presented their findings
to the public; guest speaker at the event was
Professor Sir Martin Evans,
pictured here with Andrew
Graham. Other Biology
students presenting their
work were; Helen Brabham,
Sam Harries, Rosie Troth,
and Victoria Scaglioni.
In December Lauren
Holbrook and Catryn
students from Cardiff
University, came to talk to
Year 13 about their work, in
particular the role of
neurotransmitters in the brain and Parkinson’s
Disease, as part of the A2 course examination
The Year 12 Chemists spent an enjoyable
day at Bro Morgannwg as part of a focus on
Higher Education and careers for students
studying A level Chemistry. There were talks
from local industries and demonstrations
from postgraduate students from Cardiff
University. Our students also received a
presentation from Sally Williams, an ex
pupil , who now represents a local chemical
The Physics department started the year on
a high note after an excellent performance
by last year’s Year 13 pupils; congratulations
to all those involved.
This term has been a busy one with good
progress made by all year groups
particularly Y13 who are ahead of schedule
and Y12 who are performing particularly well
when compared to previous years.
For the first time interested Y13 students are
being taught an additional option for their
final exam. In addition to the materials topic
covered in class, those who are interested
are studying Medical imaging with our in
house therapeutic radiographer Mr Doyle.
This is scheduled after school and these
pupils will then be able to choose between
the two subject areas in the PH5 exam.
On a recent visit to London, 22 Year 11 pupils
had a very rewarding trip, attending and
participating in seminars with renowned
scientists Simon Watt,
Steve Mould and
Professor Brian Cox. Simon Watt showed uncut
footage of dissections that did not make his
award winning TV show ‘Inside Nature’s Giants’
and Prof. Brian Cox totally engaged the
audience with his talk on the ‘Big Bang’ theory.
Ellen Rowlands was one of a few select
students to ask him a question on neutrinos! All
Science Club continues to thrive after school
on Wednesdays in G1 for Year 7 pupils who
are currently aiming to enter the Rapid
Toyota Challenge for 11-16 year olds. This
competition invites pupils to design and build
an environmentally friendly model vehicle.
Pupils involved in Science Club include :
Scott Bagshaw, Osian Boland, Ben Croll,
Samuel Hancock, Moses Lawley, Rob
McKellar, Niall McSorley, Alex Whitfield
and Kota Wirth.
“design and build an environmentally friendly model vehicle”
Mrs C Flaherty
As ever, the Welsh department has Smoking, The Environment, Keeping
started the new academic year in a very Fit and Healthy, Family and Friends,
busy manner!
Home, The Weekend, The Media,
Technology, Celebrations and School
Experiences. Students have recently
completed a controlled assessment
which was an oral presentation and
will sit another hour-long reading and
writing examination in the Summer
term which will be worth 25% of their
final grade. In the spring term they will
Open day was very successful. Our
Welsh card making sessions were well
received by numerous visitors who were
happy to create Welsh Christmas cards,
birthday cards and cards for other
Visitors also had the opportunity to play
Welsh Scrabble and see the resources
used in class, as well as take part in our
Welsh celebrities quiz.
also have a group oral exam which
Pupils in Years 9 and 10 have begun again will be worth 25% of their overall
studying the new GCSE course. In grade.
Year 9 and 10 the topics studied are
In November we took a trip to GlanHolidays, Sport, Fashion, Welsh Stars,
llyn Urdd Centre in North Wales with a
Cinema and the World of Film, Pop
group of Year 9 and 10 pupils.
Music, Charity and Part-Time Work,
The Local Area, Welsh Culture, Myself
and Special Events.
Year 10 pupils will sit an hour-long
reading and writing examination in June
which will be worth 25% of their final
grade. They will also complete a
controlled assessment in the Spring
In Year 11 the topics studied are
Leisure Time, Alcohol, Drugs and
“Cyfle i chwarae scrabble yn Gymraeg’ ”
They had the chance to take part in a
variety of outward bounds activities in a
Welsh environment on the banks of Lake
Tegid near Bala. An excellent time was
had by all and the pupils behaved
exceptionally well. The weather was
unusually mild and pupils were able to
take part in climbing activities, a rope
adventure course and lake-based
On October the 12th Year 13 attended a
conference at the University of
Glamorgan where they met an actor and
the producer on the new Welsh TV
programme ‘Gwaith Cartref’.
From November 21st to November 23rd
three Students from Year 12, Georgina
Attwood, Kayleigh Porter and Eloise
Procter and three from Year 13 ,
Bryony Edwards, Lucy Nicholls and
Jessica Raby attended a three day
course at the Urdd centre in Bala, North
Wales. The itinerary was packed full of
workshops, lectures and trips. The
students had the opportunity to meet and
to work with famous poets and authors
from the Welsh literary world, whose
Mrs C Flaherty
A Level Welsh. They also attended
lectures given by staff from Bangor and
Swansea Universities. They were
immersed in a Welsh speaking
environment and relished socialising in
Welsh with other students and staff
alike. Year 12 visited ‘Yr Ysgwrn ‘, the
home of The famous poet Ellis
Humphrey Evans , whose life is
depicted in the Oscar nominated Welsh
language film ‘Hedd Wyn’. They had
the opportunity to talk with a relative of
Ellis who gave an insight into the life of
the poet.
We would like to take this opportunity
also to extend a warm welcome to
Madison Ramsden who has joined the
sixth form at Stanwell school this year
and thank to Charlotte Goodway Sims, Madison and Eloise Procter for
their support with pupils in the KS3
Welsh lessons.
work is on the sixth form Syllabus for AS/
“Mae disgyblion yn behafio yn eithriadol o dda”
It has been a busy term for the Workskills
classes. They have been raising money for
charity and working for the benefit of the local
community whilst working towards gaining
BTEC qualifications.
The Year 11 class have been working on three
units “Working as a Team”, “Planning an Enterprise Project” and “Running an Enterprise Pro-
Mr. R Deighton-Jones
Dyer, Miss Spear and Mrs Toye set up a Tea
Room in the 6th Form cafe selling homemade
cakes. This again was very popular with both staff
and visitors raising over £62 which they donated to
the Teenage Cancer Trust.
Many congratulations to both groups for all their
hard work. These units will enable pupils to obtain
the Extended Certificate in Workskills obtaining a
second GCSE.
The Year 10 group have been learning about volunteering work and were visited by Miss Holly Williams of the Vale Voluntary Bureau who explained
to the pupils about the benefits of undertaking voluntary work and the different types of work available. Many pupils have now signed up as Star Volunteers with some students, Hywel Ainsworth,
Jaq Allen, and Vicky Williams undertaking volunteering work in their own time.
ject”. They decided to focus on the school Open
Day and to raise money for charity. The first
group of Scott Dennison, Daniel Harvey,
Dean Hotchkiss, Taylor Knight and Tristan
Lewis established a very popular car washing
service and also ran a games room in the
House. They raised a total of £ 50.75 which
they donated to Children In Need and handed
over the cheque to Marc Philips (Head of Children in Need Wales) and Pudsey Bear when
Denny White, the Vale Environmental Enforcement
officer, visited the school on the 3rd November and
spoke to pupils about the Health and Safety issues
of litter picking before they went out with her team
and Ian Harvey from ‘Keep Wales Tidy’. The Year
10 pupils were joined by the Year 9 group on the
they visited the school on the 23rd October.
10th November and undertook a litter pick supervised by Mrs Chellingworth and Miss Spear around
the ‘Dolly steps’ in Cogan and by Mr DeightonJones on Barry Island. More litter picks are
planned in the New Year.
The second group Abbie Shaw, Bethan Shaw,
Jake Simmons, Emma Smith and Corie Wolfenden with the assistance of Mrs Coslett, Mrs
The Year 9 pupils have been learning about Finance & Money skills , the different types of bank
accounts and costs of borrowing money.
“Raising money for charity and working for the benefit of the local community”
Year Group News
Year 7
Year Seven have made an excellent contribution
to school life in their first term at Stanwell. They
have achieved wonderful standards in a host of
sports and activities. The whole Year group made
a superb effort to raise funds for “Children in
Need”. The entire Dining hall was filled with stalls
and activities on November 18th and everyone
was proud that we were able to help raise over
two thousand pounds!
7T have had a very busy term at Stanwell! They
have been involved with many school activities
whilst also keeping busy outside of school. Jodie
Knight has won a trophy in football. Tatum
Nurse , Chelsea Williams and Amy Webber
have been on ‘Got to Dance’. Ben Jones has
started Judo. Ben Croll has passed his Judo
grading. Nathan Evans is thrilled to have moved
up to a better football team. Jordan Birchall is
pleased to have started drum lessons in school.
Lowena Diment and Charlotte Williams have
started to learn Adele’s ‘Someone like you’ on the
piano. Chloe Adney has started Sea Cadets and
she has already done a parade. Elspeth
Robertson has passed Grade 6 in Musical
Theatre Dancing. Emily Alford is going to be
performing in an Opera called ‘Face in the Mirror’.
Scott Bagshaw has won his Bronze Award in
swimming. Benjamin Jones was also lucky
enough to meet Sam Warburton and he was very
friendly and big. Miss Anthony is very impressed
with the form’s charitable nature and was thrilled
with their approach towards the Operation
Christmas Child Appeal. They also worked very
hard for Children in Need and raised money for
this worthy cause with different stalls. Stuart Bird
and Scott Bagshaw organised a hot food
challenge which was surprisingly popular. Ben
Croll sold sweets. Nicole Lintern, Georgeana
Pugsley, Emma Brewer and Emily Alford sold
sweets and had a guess the name of the teddy
competition. Lowena Diment , Amy Webber ,
Tatum Nurse, Chelsea Williams, Jodie Knight
and Amina Safdar worked on the hair braiding
and hairspray stall. Well done to you all for your
hard work, your fantastic ideas and your
eagerness to raise money for charity.
Mr M Baldwin
Miss R Sterlini
The form had a most successful term, with
some real talent being on display. Kota Wirth
has passed his Grade 5 violin examination with
a merit. Similarly, Ben Roderick has achieved
grade 5 piano and Grade 3 in guitar. Lucy
Dutfield continues to wow audiences in Penarth
Operatic and Drama Society. She has now
amassed roles in David Copperfield,
Mothergoose and Puss in Boots! She also finds
finds time for the Netball Team and plays the
clarinet Grade 2.
The form achieved with some notable
successes this year. Rhys Butler has secured
a place with Wenvoe Colts football team.
Meanwhile, Jade Eastwood passed her Grade
two examination in piano and received a Grade
one in her flute examination. Noah Bushby has
achieved a distinction in the Grade 4 cornet.
Rebecca Johnson has completed a sponsored
run for Cardiff National Dogs Home and raised
over sixty pounds.
7M’s pastoral session has been a hive of activity
this term with pupils working incredibly hard
planning ideas to raise money for Children in
Need. After one “Dragons Den” style pastoral
lesson it was decided that the following ideas
would raise the most money- Find Pudsey, How
many Pudseys in the Jar, name the bear and
decorate your own cake. All members of the
class contributed to the fundraising and all the
stalls were a great success.
7M pupils have also been busy outside of the
classroom with a plethora of sporting
achievements including Emma Squire who has
recently won a karate tournament, Maxine
Pwele who won a gold in a gymnastics
competition, Matthew Bridge who has been
award a black belt in taekwondo and Lucie
Isaacs and Olivia Taylor performed in a
Dance show for Children in Need.
7W are most certainly a busy form. It seems
they cover most sporting skills from Rory
“Children In Need fundraising.”
Year 7
Wiltshire, Sam Holland and Frazer Wilde all
playing Badminton and Table Tennis to Alex
Hodges, Joshua Lewis and Sam Holland
contributing to the school Rugby team.
Basketball is looking ever more popular with
Lucas Nurse and Clodagh McKechnie now
becoming professional dribblers, whilst
Georgia Appleby, Lauren Ellis and Ella
Williams have been sticking to the court for
the school Netball team. Macauley Winton
and Adam Hearne are hoping to score a
victory at the semi-finals for the school
football team but it’s a case of boys versus
girls as Maddie Lloyd could be their big
competition for the girls Football team. What is
certain is that the cross country team will be
running laps with Robert Brown, Maddie
Lloyd and Liam Prince all joining in. Taking a
plunge for Stanwell School are Ella Williams
and Maddie Lloyd who are both training for
the Cardiff City Swimming Team. Joshua
Meek recently won his 6000 metre swimming
badge, that’s equivalent to the height of Mount
Kilimanjaro. Taking a more theatrical approach
in 7W are Ffion Blunsdon, Bethany Bratby,
Stella Davies, Anna Pringle, and Evie
Spencer who are all rehearsing for the
school’s Christmas Pantomime; break a leg
The form made a magnificent effort for
“Children in Need”. The form organised a
superb sweetshop, cake stall and organised a
cake decorating service! 7O have also been
busy in the sports arena. Andrew Flanigan is
a member of the Arena League swim team. He
has qualified for the Welsh Amateur Swimming
Association (200m breaststroke). He is now
number one for the 50m and number two in
Wales for 200metres breststroke. Rhys Jones
Mr M Baldwin
Miss R Sterlini
is also competing in the WASA event but he
prefers freestyle. Meanwhile, Scott John has been
selected to play for the Vale in golf and Sophie
Watkins has now been chosen as “girl of the
match” twice in succession!
Most members of 7R are involved with either
sporting or artistic extracurricular activities. Ellis
Hawkins-Payne and Morgan Evans play football
for the school team and Chloe Borde has been
attending the school football club. Outside of
school David Spinola plays for Barry Celts AFC;
Morgan Evans, Tobias Friedl, Cameron Jenkins,
Joe Munn and Joe Stephens-Collins play for
Sully and Dan Holman plays for Wenvoe. There
are also a number of rugby players in 7R. Thaine
Baker and Tom Griffiths play for the school team
and Moses Lawley attends school rugby training.
Joe Munn and Luc Keane-Adams play for
Penarth. Luc is to be congratulated for being
recently awarded man of the match against Merthyr
Keen actors and actresses include Tamasin
Stephens-Collins and Joe Munn who were in the
school production of Beauty and the Beast.
Meanwhile Amy Hearne and Cora Wall attend the
school drama club. Anna Gallone and Juliette
Cavaye are regular members of dance clubs
outside of school. In addition, Juliette is a talented
violin player and has recently been awarded Grade
4. Finally Osian Boland, Moses Lawley and Ben
Evans attend the school science club. They are
currently busy designing solar powered cars.
A huge well done to 7K, who worked extremely hard
to raise money for Children in Need this November!
They all contributed and worked together very well,
and many showed brilliant entrepreneurial and
leadership skills. It seems they have also been very
busy outside school, with many sporting, musical and
community achievements. Sophie Page helped her
team to win a netball tournament, while Olivia Davies
and Antonio Peacock are successful cross country
runners. Jacob Mills won a 100m race, Katharine
Sellen-Moore came second in a horse-riding
“a plethora of sporting achievements”
Year 7
competition and Alex Shore is the record
holder for indoor rowing. Ethan Harris and
Rhys Wookey both play for the Sully A
football team, Sam Salisbury plays for the
Sully B team, Danny Donovan plays for the
Cogan A team and Alex Shore plays for the
Penarth rugby team. Megan Jenkins is multitalented, and can be seen appearing in the
Mother Goose pantomime and the Winter
Wonderland skating show before Christmas.
7K has a whole host of musical talent,
including Sam Salisbury and Sam Hancock,
who both play the piano and Sophie Page,
who can often be seen singing in St David’s
Hall, or Demiro’s in Cardiff Bay. Salsabeel
Islam is about to do his Grade 6 guitar and
Gwyn Donlan recently passed a guitar exam
with a merit. Isaac Gibbons is a keen
drummer and Jacob Mills is in constant
demand for his drumming talents. Bethany
Keane recently passed her flute exam with
distinction and last, but not least, Madeline
Lloyd is a Grade 8 flautist who has performed
in the Royal College of Music and Drama.
Well done 7K and we wish you an enjoyable
and relaxing Christmas holiday.
All the form have enjoyed their first term in
Stanwell especially meeting new people and
making new friends. All Pupils from the from
enjoyed participation in fund raising for
Children in Need. Activities included; driving a
remote control car around a course, scoring
goals past Pudsey and lots and lots of cakes.
Many pupils stayed in school on Thursday and
had an enjoyable evening baking biscuits and
cakes in the DT Food rooms. Many pupils
have taken advantage of the range of activities
available in the school. Performance activities
remain popular with many pupils from the form:
Chloe Waite, Cora Squire, Bronwyn Morgan
Lauren Stephens have enjoyed participation
in the Choir; Darwin Alford, Holly Courtney,
Bronwyn Morgan, Lauryn Perkins, Cora
Squire and Chloe Taylor have taken the
opportunity to develop their dramatic talents
through participation in the Drama club;
Mr M Baldwin
Miss R Sterlini
Lauryn Perkins is a member of Dance Angels and
is currently working on a performance with them.
Seren Mirza-Davies is learning the piano while
Jack Francis-Oaten is learning the trombone and
will shortly be taking the Grade 1 test and Darwin
Alsop and Seren Mirza-Davies are learning the
Guitar, Seren is preparing for her Grade 2.
On a sporting side pupils enjoy many activities,
Jack Francis- Oaten and Joe Scrivens play both
Football and Rugby. Joe has also taken part in
table tennis club. Chloe Waite has started cross
country while Lauren Stephens has joined both
netball and basketball clubs. Seren Mirza-Davies
is an enthusiastic gymnast and has entered a
completion with her Club together with Alana
Stokes (7L) and will be competing in the USA,
good luck to them both!
Pupils have also become involved in other
activities. George Lush is a very active member of
the Eco Club and recently gave a presentation to
the form on water aid.
First of all, a huge ‘thank-you’ and praise for 7L
from Miss White for the fabulous effort put into the
charity day for Children in Need. The jolly jars,
guess the sweets in a jar and cupcakes were very
popular and raised lots of money on the day.
Poppy Pinkerton and Oliver El-Jawhari are 7L’s
nominated School Council Reps.
Outside of school, many pupils in the form have
been very busy. Elysia Hickery has recently taken
part in a singing competition. Kabir Knupp swims
for Cardiff and is competing in the Arena League
Final in December. Matthew Morris has recently
completed Grade 4 in Dry Slope Skiing. Emily
Skinner has had trials for Cardiff Netball and is
preparing for her Grade 3 Flute exam at Easter.
Gemma Brinn has taken part in a Horse Riding
Competition. Rebecca Davies has recently
achieved Grade 2 in Piano. Last, but not least,
Alana Stokes is a keen gymnast and is competing
in America in the New Year. Well done!!!
“pupils have taken advantage of the range of activities available in the school”
Year 8
This has been an active term for Year 8. All
pupils have embarked enthusiastically on
“Real Game”. This is an effective and fun
way of allowing pupils a glimpse of what it is
like living and working as an adult. Mr
Pritchard from Careers Wales has also been
helping to prepare our pupils for their option
choices later on this year.
Alongside this, assemblies have taken place
where recognition has been given to World
events, activities and the Precepts of the
Week, including The Real Game, 9-11,
Respect, Values, Remembrance, Operation
Christmas Child, Jeans for Genes Day and
Eco-School Week. PC Mudie has delivered
informative assemblies on Halloween and
firework safety. She has also led pastoral
sessions lwhich focus on Drug Awareness.
In addition, pupils have had the opportunity
to take part in canoeing club, where they
have enjoyed expert instruction at Cardiff
International White Water Centre in Cardiff
This year our School Council
Representatives are Seren Lewis and
Patrick Rees.
Each form has elected representatives for
the Year 8 Council. They are as follows:
8T- Sali Harmes and Matthew Dawson
8E- Claire Halligan and William Turner
8A- Grace Loweth and Dan Edwards
8M- Ffion McGowan and Jonathan Ignacio
8X- Seren Lewis and Patrick Rees
8W- Daisy Williams and Calum Wincott
8O- Megan Jones and Joshua Dixon
8R- Erin Summerhayes and Alex Langrish
8K- Olivia Beedell and Sam Jones
8L- Megan Lim and Lex Hermogeno
This year our Eco-School Representatives
Miss L Jenkins and
Mr G Penny
are Lex Hermogeno and Ebony RioRees. In addition Rhiannon Pearce,
Coire Clarkson, Caitlin Denton,
Elizabeth McCulloch and Robbie
Bain are our PACT Representatives.
Seren Marsh, Izaak Lee, Joe Short,
Alice Durham and Lucy Sibert
competed in the All Wales Schools
Liaison Police Quiz recently. The team
came 2nd by one point!
A busy term for several pupils in 8T!
Paul Monaghan has participated in the
Big Talent School at the WMC.
Victoria Pemberton and Caitlyn
Utting have performed with Superstars
(dance school) and were part of the
Barry Christmas light event.
Congratulations to Anna Jones who
has just passed her brown belt Karate
grading. Emma Spray has been
involved with the Cardiff Ice Factor and
has skated for Robin Cousins.
Charlotte Hardy is working very hard
towards her Grade 6 flute, Grade 5
piano and has recently completed her
Grade 3 theory exam. Congratulations
to Seren Marsh who has just passed
piano Grade 2 practical and theory
exams with distinctions. She has also
been awarded the sportsmanship
award with her tennis club.
Congratulations also to Ella Buehner
Gattis who has passed her piano
Grade 4 practical and theory with
merit! Da iawn! Ben Stewart is currently
having football trials for Newport;
fingers crossed!
Congratulations to Elizabeth
McCulloch on receiving a letter from
“pupils have had the opportunity to take part in canoeing club”
Year 8
Miss L Jenkins and
Mr G Penny
an MP regarding her swimming. Abigail
Mock has recently signed up to a Drama
agency. Congratulation to Alice Durham
who has completed her Grade 5 flute exam
and Grade 3 piano exam. Well done to
Emily Glaze for achieving Grade 2 piano
and Chloe Poole for achieving Grade 5 in
her piano exam. Congratulations to Abigail
Mock who has achieved Grade 3 in her
violin exam.
A very sporty form! Congratulations to
George Roberts, Jack Revell-Griffiths
and the Sully football A team for winning
the league and cup! Harry Williams plays
football for Cardiff Academy and is currently
training for Wales. Well done to Coire
Clarkson who has moved up a Grade in
horse riding and has won 2 competitions. A
big thank you to Bethan Hearne and
Grace Loweth who raised £89.40 for
Children in Need by doing a sponsored
silence. Esther Buckton has been a part of
the children’s choir in Joseph and the
Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat’.
Robbie Bain is currently enjoying scuba
diving. Ebony Rees and Rosina Peterson
represents the school at football. Caitlin
Denton plays dodge ball for the school.
Congratulations to Ffion Phillips who has
passed her Grade 1 piano exam. Bethan
Davies has represented the school at
netball in the last two tournaments. Well
done to Lucy Richards who has passed
her Grade 2 piano exam. Amy Bond has
competed in several swimming
competitions for Cardiff. Robert Morgan
plays football for Cogan and rugby for
Penarth. Congratulations to Morgan Rees
who has achieved Grade 2 in his guitar.
Exam. Well done to Bryony Aird who
came 2nd in a gym competition.
Congratulations to Orla Emberson for
passing Grade 3 in her piano exam with a
distinction. Rebecca Johnson enjoys
swimming and representing her swimming
club in competitions. Congratulations also
to her on receiving a football award.
Rhiannon Pearce represents the school
hockey team. Ethan Hutchings is also
very busy representing Dinas A football
team, playing single and double tennis for
Dinas Powys, training for Karate and
playing rugby for Dinas Powys.
Congratulations to Seren Lewis who has
won an inter-gym competition and also
came 7th individually. Joshua Brooks has
recently joined the sea cadets. Conor
Dawson and Joseph Burge are both
goalkeepers for Sully B. Caitlin Ellis is a
member of the netball team and has
recently taken part in the netball
tournament. Will Marsh is the captain of
the football team; he also represents the
school at rugby and ping-pong. He has
also recently been selected to represent
South Wales at cross country. Jay
Ruckley has recently filmed Jeremy Kyle
– Christmas Special. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Kyle Brooks who
came 2nd in a Karate final competition.
Sam Wiltshire enjoys going to Cosmeston
Youth Club. Francine Couzens is busy
representing Stanwell in a netball
tournament and gymnastic competition.
Lauren Jennings-Slater is also taking
part in the gymnastics competition. Jordan
Thomas is a member of the netball team
and also ran 2 miles to raise money for
breast cancer. Ben Thomas is a member
of the WCKA karate club and trains every
Tuesday. Ewan Wills plays football for
“selected to represent South Wales at cross country”
Year 8
Miss L Jenkins and
Mr G Penny
Cogan Coronation. Adam Yusuf
represents the school’s football and rugby
team and also came 3rd in a karate
Congratulations to Megan Jones who
recently won a tennis tournament. Well
done to Lucy Sibert who has been given
an opportunity to audition for a role and
solo part in a Christmas show. Rachael
Salisbury has been auditioning for ice
skating roles and has auditioned for Robin
Cousins and is also a part of the Winter
Wonderland show. Morgan Crimp is a
member of the Cogan football team.
Congratulations to Amy Hickery who has
passed her Grade 5 violin exam. Well done
to Lloyd Hanson who has won 6 trophies
in swimming for Cardiff Club Champs.
Morgan Rees represents Penarth and the
school at rugby.
Congratulations to Annabelle Birch-Hurst
who came 16th in a cross country race and
is representing South Wales at cross
country running. Joseph Phillips came 2nd
in a go kart race. Lucie Dyer represented
the school netball team in the recent
tournament. Well done to Bethany Fitt who
raised over £50 for charity with her youth
club. Joseph Branson is currently
representing Cardiff Blues at rugby for the
U12s. Ben Walsh represents Sully A team
at football. Lewis Campbell has
represented Wales in the Welsh Athletic
Championship. Congratulations to Katy
Gibbs who won player of the match in
netball. Alex Langrish has played football
and represented the Vale.
Congratulations to Ray Vandyck who has
completed Grade 6 in the jazz clarinet
exam and Grade 5 music theory. Well
done to Basil Crack who achieved 100%
in a practical module test. Abby Mills is a
member of the Big Talent School and is
participating in the ‘Match girl’ play at the
Millennium Centre in December. Dylan
Jones has recently taken part in a judo
competition. Well done to Morgan Rose
who won the Lewis Hamilton grid award in
the British Karting Championship. Finn
Hunt has played football and represented
the Vale.
A busy term for 8L. Tom Collins
represents the school cross country team
and has also completed a fun run for
BUPA. Henry Ward has been selected for
Penarth Yacht club junior topper team.
Joranar Hayer plays cricket for Sully and
football for Wenvoe. Will Gale is a very
busy young man representing Penarth at
cricket; Sully, Stanwell, Cardiff and the
Vale at football and Penarth and Stanwell
at rugby. Shaue Donovan is enjoying the
many extra-curricular clubs offered at
Stanwell; he particularly enjoys gym club,
homework club and Manga club.
Congratulations to Rachel Short who has
represented South Wales in a gymnastics
competition and came 1st in the vault 3rd
on the beam and 6th on the floor. Kyrsty
Jones and Elizabeth Ingram have both
taken part in the CBBC ‘Copy Cats’ TV
programme. Congratulations to Amy
Walsh who has passed her Grade 2
singing with a distinction.
“enjoying the many extra-curricular clubs offered at Stanwell”
Year 9
It has been an exciting and challenging start
to Year 9. Pupils have begun studying their
GCSE Options and are approaching their
studies with great enthusiasm and maturity.
We are sure that the pupils will continue this
hard working and mature attitude throughout
their GCSE studies.
Pupils have been working hard on their Progress Files and have been gathering evidence of their successes inside and outside
school. As the year continues, pupils will be
writing Personal Statements and adding further information to their Progress Files.
The pupils have received talks from PC
Mudie on Drugs Awareness and Halloween
as well as Knife Crime.
This year our School Council representatives are Natasha Harries and Soliman
Khan and they have been working hard in
School Council meetings discussing issues
raised by Year 9 pupils.
Each form has elected representatives who
will be on the Year 9 Council:
9T– Natasha Harries and Sam White
9E– Lily Webbe and Edward Drake
9A– Lois Noble and Mark Crothers
9M– Georgina Smith and Joseph Moon
9X– Alice Holder and Rhodri Guerrier
9W– Rebecca Finlay and Callum Bevan
9O– Lucia Attanasio and Soliman Khan
9R– Samantha Dean and Thomas Moreton
9K– Rebecca Egerstrom and Ken Rufo
9L– Shannon Ensor and Morgan Smith
Well done to Verity Tucker who has been
involved in a production of Little Match Girl
at the Wales Millennium Centre. Natasha
Harries has also been busy preparing for a
production of ‘Les Miserables’ taking place
in Pontypridd.
Mr A Meddins
Miss R Povey
There has been some notable achievements this term with Emily Walters winning the Mini
Sagas competition with
her short
story ‘X
marks the
spot’. It will
be published
later this
year. Milissa
has been
nominated in
the top 10
Young Artist
of the year competition. Ella Skinner has
designed items for a recent fashion show
as part a Cardiff Youth group at Llanover
Hall. Tesni Chinn auditioned for Britain’s
Got Talent ; she is waiting to hear if she
was successful.
It has been a busy term for pupils of 9A.
The form have been very charitable making shoe boxes for Operation Christmas
Child. For Children in Need, Thomas
Hann and Eleanor Webster managed to
stay silent all day – amazing! Megan Hain
competed in the Young Singer of the Year
competition and budding actress Eleanor
Webster, passed her Grade 4 LAMDA
exam. Thomas Fox took part in a local
tennis tournament, while Thomas Hann
completed a 200km bike ride! Georgia Atkinson and Kelsey Murray are members
of the girls’ football team and are undefeated.
A sporting form with lots of activities being
“approaching their studies with great enthusiasm and maturity”
Year 9
Mr A Meddins
Miss R Povey
completed this term. Michael Regan has
completed a 3km run for Marie Curie.
Olivia Hamzelou and Elizabeth BirchHurst have been busy representing the
county netball team. Elizabeth BirchHurst has also been playing for the Welsh
U16 Basketball team.
money for ‘Children in Need’ - Jack Jones
and James Senior did a sponsored silence and Evie Chatham did a sponsored
talk! James Pemberton wrote an excellent
poem to raise awareness for Water Aid
and Natalie Lewis took part in the Welsh
Indoor Rowing Championships.
Congratulations to Ashley Cullen who
won four awards at the Air Cadets presentation evening. Further congratulations to
Laura Huntley who has won a dressage
and cross country competition. Well done
to Callum
Keating for
scoring the
winning goal
while playing for the
Cardiff and
against Bridgend
schools. Amanda Dave has made it to the
final of ‘The Clothes Show ‘ competition
and will be travelling to NEC Birmingham
to collect her prize. Emma Davies has had
a very busy term playing for the county
netball team, she is also captain of the
Vale cricket team as well as playing for the
Welsh cricket team. More impressively she
won an Olympic design competition; there
will be a pin badge on sale in John Lewis
featuring her design.
Amy Gifford has been performing with
UCAN productions and will have the honour of meeting Sarah Cox and Rufus
Hound in the New Year. Other theatrical
members of the form, Calum O’Neill, Jac
Ursell, Solimon Khan, Max Ireland are
performing in a production of Les Miserables with the Mark Jermin Stage School
Sian Smith passed her Grade 4 exam and
secured a part in the school production
along with Jack Jones. Both Amelia Rowlands and Georgia Wiltshire are part of
the orchestra for ‘Phantom of the Opera’
too. A number of the form helped to raise
Seren James for achieving her purple belt
in karate earlier this term. Harvey Atkins
is an active member of St Johns Ambulance service.
Oliver Shore took part in an episode of
’Copycats’ on BBC1—his team won and
the programme will be shown in January!
Sophie Gracia-Thomas took part in the
Welsh Indoor Rowing Championships.
Good luck to Emily Franks and Harriet
Alderman who are taking part in the UDO
Dance Championship in Birmingham.
Huge congratulations to Rebecca Egerstrom for representing the Wales U16 female football team. She is the youngest girl
to ever make the squad. Another sporting
mention goes to Samuel Wilcox who
came first in the 100m butterfly in a gala
held in Neath
“won an Olympic design competition”
Year 10
This Autumn term has been a busy and challenging start for Year 10 pupils.
Many departments have begun controlled assessments which will contribute to pupils overall
GCSE grades. Pupils have had to adapt to the
rigours and challenges that this has presented.
It is essential that pupils appreciate that work
completed in Year 10 will be examined in the
Summer of 2013 or even before.
A number of pupils have been attending lessons
at Cardiff and Vale College. This gives pupils an
opportunity to experience areas of interest
which could be developed into a career in the
Our assemblies and PSE lessons have been
both interesting and informative. Pupils have
had assemblies on topics such as 9/11, Eco
Schools and Operation Christmas Child and begun writing their CV’s in PSE lessons. The
forms have also received talks from PC Mudie
on “Halloween Safety”, “Fireworks” and have
begun a talk on “Alcohol”.
Pupils have also started to consider their Work
Experience placements which will take place
later in this academic year.
This Year our School Council Representatives
are - Ollie Jones and Emily Thomas.
Each form has elected representatives for the
Year 10 Council. They are as follows :
10 T - Ollie Jones and Nicole Morrick
10E - Tom Dwyer and Jessie Preece
10A - Stanley Johnson and Shannon Barnes
10M - Jay Kapuria and Bethan Gillum
10X - Lambert Kalongo and
Sarah Louise Price
10W - Balaji Krishna and Emily Thomas
10O - Vishal Patel and Ailsa Jones
10R - Jacob Frost and Megan Wiltshire
10K - Joe Prosser and Hanir Mousa
10L - Callum Page-Beighton and
Alys Haswell.
Our Eco Schools representatives are—
Grace Leland , Alexandra Ward, Megan Herritty, Jessica Chick, Namika Birchall
Our PACT team consists of :
Mrs K Chellingworth
& Mr H Roberts.
Emma Thomas, Chloe Fletcher, Jade Detheridge, Abigail Payne-O’Donnell.
Kathleen Ahearne is a member of the Dinas
Powys Guides Patrol and will be taking part in
a climbing challenge for the Guinness Book of
Records. Alice Nottingham came 4th in the
Welsh Athletics competition for the 300meters.
Amy Guppy will be appearing in Phantom of
the Opera. Ben Howe has now achieved
Level 10 in kayaking.
Rhys C Evans has been selected for the U15
Cardiff Schools football team. Sophie Fox enjoys the challenge of playing for the school in
netball. Jessie Preece is doing well in her textiles and is now a finalist in the ‘Young Artist of
the Year.’ Joel Lapton has been selected for
U15 Cardiff Schools in football. Abigail Phillips will be taking her Grade 6 ballet exam and
Megan Woolmer will be taking Grade 5 in
clarinet. Luke Morley and Bethany Woodcock are both in the chorus for the production
of Phantom.
Congratulations to Siena Monaghan who has
won a sailing competition in the Llangorse
Acorn Regatta and Ben Chalke who is currently preparing for his Grade 3 in Saxophone.
Seren Robinson is taking part in the school
musical and has recently passed her D of E
first aid course. Fiona McGavin is also involved in the production and has enjoyed an
adventure week at Glan Llyn and Storey Arms.
George Kynaston plays basketball with the
Welsh Squad and the U18 UWIC team.
Bethan Gillum is in her last year of Popstars
and is hoping to gain a Silver or Gold medal.
Jemima Scott has performed on S4C and Nicoel Allen has auditioned for a dance programme called ‘Got to Dance.’ Finally, Alasdair Cavaye has passed his Grade 3 singing
with distinction. He has also competed in a
National Small-Bore Rifle Association competition.
Kathryn Tann has taken part in the production
“experience areas of interest which could be developed into a career”
Year 10
Mrs K Chellingworth
& Mr H Roberts.
of the Little Match Girl at Millennium Centre.
Congratulations to Grace Rees Williams
who recently came fourth in a Gymnastics
Competition where she also came first in the
‘bars’ section.
Spencer-Jon Ward-Henry and Rhys Savory have played for the Vale Schools U15
rugby team. Emily Thomas has passed
Grade 6 ballet with distinction and her intermediate ballet exam with merit. She is also
currently preparing to take her Grade 5 violin exam. Isabel McLeod has completed her
Grade 5 theory exam. Cristiano Nardone
has taken part in the Llandow Endurance
Challenge and came first. He has also
reached yellow belt in Taekwondo. Jade
Detheridge has recently been involved in a
St Johns Ambulance course and has also
been place 4th in a trampolining competition. Chloe Saliba continues to do well in
her ice skating and has recently auditioned
for a Holiday on Ice Show.
Daniel Hourihan has taken part in a High
Diving Competition with his team the Aberdare Comets. Hywel Ainsworth has passed
a shooting challenge with the Army Cadets
and he has also helped to fund raise at the
Children’s Society Fayre. Mathew Bennett,
Elizabeth Britten and Rebecca TeWater
Naude have all completed a first aid course
as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Course.
Lissie has also passed Grade five drums
with a view to playing in the band for Phantom of the Opera. Chloe Packer and Tomei
Browne have been entertaining the elderly
at a local Pensioners Club. Ailsa Jones has
taken part in a hip hop dance competition
and Grace Lloyd-Williams has recently
passed her Grade 3 piano exam. Matthew
Holder has been awarded the Player of the
Year prize at Penarth Rugby Club and has
been selected to play for the Vale team.
Congratulations to 10R who have collected
the most Boxes for ‘Operation Christmass
Child.’ Well Done.
Niall Curtin continues to play football for Cogan and has also joined the Young Enterprise
Group. Keira Ryan has been selected for the
Cardiff 1996 Water polo team. Megan Wiltshire has been volunteering at PLTC Junior
lessons. Katie Black and Megan Wiltshire
have been chosen to take part in the Phantom
of the Opera. Imogen Sibert has passed
Grade 5 violin and is playing netball for both the
Canton and Vale Netball teams. Megan
Wookey has been volunteering at a rainbow
Group and has taken part in a first aid course
as part of her Duke of Edinburgh training. Morgan Clarke has also completed the first aid
course and is playing rugby for Dinas Powys.
Kieran Hopkins is involved in D of E and also
plays for Dinas Powys Rugby Club.
Keeley Durham has been volunteering to
coach a Year 7 basketball team. Elizabeth
Trott has taken her Grade 3 singing and
passed with merit. Elinor Brunker has taken
part in Mother Goose with Penarth PODs. She
also attends first aid club. Hannah White,
Emma Thorne and Elizabeth Trigg have
joined D of E. Suzie Collins has completed the
Baden Powell Challenge in Girl Guides. Will
Creaven has qualified for the GB laser national
squad in sailing. Emma Bright is a member of
the ‘Top Notch’ Young Enterprise company.
Nils Deeg has taken Piano Grade 7 and is
awaiting his result—good luck! Wei Haw Ong
and Jaq Allen have been volunteering as part
of their Work Skills course.
Catrin Morgan is in a production of Les Miserables with her stage school and will also be appearing in Casualty as an extra. Gabrielle Williams has been awarded a silver medal for
completing four years in Stage school. Kate
Coker has represented the school in cross
country running at Brecon.
Well done to all of the pupils mentioned above
for volunteering this information and allowing it
to be included in the newsletter. Congratula-
“qualified for the GB laser national squad in sailing”
Year 11
It has been a busy term for Year 11 as pupils complete controlled assessments and work towards
achieving their GCSEs in the summer of 2012.
The mock examinations have now finished and
Year 11 pupils will receive their school reports on
Thursday, 12th January 2012. During their Pastoral lessons Year 11 pupils have had a variety of
outside agencies involving them in workshops and
discussion groups. Spectacle Theatre company
have been performing the play ‘Happy Hour’ warning pupils of the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
The Fire Service have spoken to a number of
forms on Road Safety and Llamau, the association
who look after people who find themselves homeless, have talked to pupils about finances and preparing pupils for life beyond school.
Homework Clubs have been running throughout
the term and will continue right up to the GCSE
examinations. We encourage all pupils to take
part in these sessions if possible in order to fulfil
their potential at GCSE. For further information on
exactly what is happening for pupils in Year 11
please go to
Jack Hayward is a volunteer at Cosmeston youth
Club, he also rows for Penarth rowing club as well
as plays rugby for Penarth. Congratulations to
Robert Togden who has achieved Grade 6 in piano and has passed his Karate White Belt. Further
congratulations to Annes Lloyd and Hannah Buchalter who have both achieved Grade 6 in piano.
Hannah Buchalter has also achieved Grade 6 in
cello. Rory Hay has been selected for Cardiff City
Football Club development team. Leonor Worssam is a member of Eco-Stanwell. Daniel Skentelbury achieved his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh
Award, along with Jack Hayward, Isobel Martin,
Leonor Worssam, Annes Lloyd, Hannah Buchalter, Ralf Warren. Brittany Isaac plays
squash for Fairwater Squash team. Emma Jones
is a member of Army cadets and has participated
in surfing lessons offered by the school. Ralf Warren was a member of the winning Young Enterprise Team 2011. Robert Cavaye is playing in the
orchestra for the school production for Phantom of
the Opera. Erin Murray is a member of the school
Netball, Basketball and Athletics team. She has
also participated in surfing lessons offered by the
Ms L Bekker &
Mr B Crompton
Scott Dennison is a member of the Vale of
Glamorgan Golf Club. Daniel Soltys is a
member of Penarth Tennis Club, Penarth
Rugby club and Penarth ATC. Also congratulations to Daniel Soltys who has achieved
Grade 7 in Piano, Grade 5 in Guitar and
Grade 6 in Theory; Luke Smith achieved
Grade 5 in Guitar. Simon Trigg is a member
of Penarth Basketball Team and plays golf
for Wenvoe Golf Club. George Johnson
achieved his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh
Award, along with Millie Earp, Bethany
Parkhouse, Samantha Wood, Lucy
Stokes, Ellice Squire and Myles Harding.
Millie Earp regularly attends Zumba, she is
also a Girl Guide Young leader and a
Ranger. Jessica Davies is a representative
on the Eco School Committee and regularly
attends Zumba. Elizabeth Senior has volunteered at Brownies. Ellice Squire volunteers
at Tŷ Hafan charity shop and attends a sign
language evening course. Alexander Elsen
has passed his Karate Black Belt and has
also recently commenced Judo White Belt
Yellow Stripe. Samuel Hall plays rugby for
Penarth. David Cavaliere plays tennis for
Windsor Lawn Tennis Club. Myles Harding
is a member of Penarth Rowing Club, Sully
Football Club and Penarth Rugby Club.
Sophie Boyle is a member of Leckwith Athletics Club and Canton Netball club. Samantha Wood volunteers with the PDSA in
Penarth. Bethany Parkhouse volunteers in
two Youth Clubs and is a member of Penarth
Tabitha Minns is working towards Grade 8
in cello, she is also playing in the orchestra
for the school production for Phantom of the
Opera. Casey Thomas is a volunteer for
Marie Curie. Harry Roberts is a member of
the school rugby team and is currently playing for Cardiff South U16s regional side.
Harrison Barrett has achieved Grade 5
playing the electric guitar and plays football
for the Dinas Powys A football team. Jessica Duggan achieved her Bronze Duke of
Edinburgh Award, along with Lauren
Beeslee, Paige Wilding . Emelie Johnson
“talked to pupils about finances and preparing pupils for life beyond school”
Year 11
Ms L Bekker &
Mr B Crompton
has a role in the school production for Phantom
of the Opera as well as playing netball for Canton and the Vale of Glamorgan. Wilfred Howard plays football for Dinas Powys B team.
Paige Wilding attends Taekwondo and is a
member of the Workshop Acting Agency. Thomas Williams is a member of the Barry and
Vale Athletic Club and is also a member of the
Welsh Athletics Squad. Emma Smith and
Bethan Shaw helped to raise money for Teenage Cancer Trust by selling cakes. James
Longman is a member of Sully Sports Club.
Natasha Hole is a member of the Senior School
Choir and has achieved Grade 4 in Piano.
Joshua Biss plays in a band and recently he
played at the Paget Rooms in Penarth. Rock
Ho is a member of Penarth Junior Badminton
club. Tobias Ursell is a member of Cardiff
Squash club. Katie Phillips is a member of the
school netball club. Sheng Tong Bei is a member of Penarth rugby club and also the school
Dodgeball team. He has also achieved Grade 4
in accordion. Daniel Harvey is a member of the
Penarth Rugby team as well as playing for the
school senior team.
James Flanigan represented Wales in the UK
School Games for Swimming. Matthew Allen is
a member of the school rugby team and is currently playing for Cardiff South U16s regional
side. Stephanie Price, Joe Dyer and Laura
Gilbert has achieved their First Aid certificates
with Duke of Edinburgh. Emma Hughes serves
as a Form representative on the School Year
Council. Myfanwy Morgan-Jones is currently
working towards Grade 4 playing the saxophone. Alan Doyle is a member of the school
rugby team and is currently playing for Cardiff
South U16s regional side. Curtis Boddy and
Joe Dyer are members of the school football
team. Joe Dyer has also achieved Grade 5
playing the guitar. Ellen Rowlands regularly
attends Zumba. Holly Farmer and Kayley
McGillivray has participated in the surfing lessons offered in school. Megan Stealey is a
member of the school netball team. Jonathan
Gambling attends RMT club.
Tom Bellingham is a member of the school football team. Sam Sellick plays for the school rugby
team and is the form representative for the Year
Council. Jack Philp is participating in the school
Learning Coaching scheme. Sam Wooding plays
for Penarth Hockey Club and has achieved his
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. Hollie Lam
went on the DT Trip to London and has achieved
her Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. Jacqueline Dich, Ffion Tapper and Eve Carter have
also achieved their Bronze Awards and Eve has
also completed her Geography fieldwork in
Cowbridge. Hannah Scott is a member of the
school netball team and also plays rugby for Cardiff Quins U18s. She is Grade 3 in the drums and
is the Year Representative on the School Council.
Sara Doust has attended Art and Business Studies Homework Clubs and is working towards her
Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award. Tamsin Hackett
and Rachel Rourke are also working towards
their Silver Award and Tamsin has also completed
her Geography fieldwork in Cowbridge.
Kieran Britten is a member of IT club and our
Year Representative on the School Council. He
has recently achieved his Bronze Duke of Edinburg Award and is currently working towards his
Silver award. He is also Grade 7 in Guitar. Sion
Thomas is a member of UIT Club, he attended the
English department visit to see Macbeth and has
achieved his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Luke Waddon also went to see Macbeth with the
English department and he also played in the orchestra for the school production. Marco Sun has
been attending maths Homework Club and has
achieved his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award;
Sian Evans, James Phillips and Tomaz Phillips
have also achieved their Bronze Awards and
James has attended the Science and Geography
trips run this term. Dewi Fford is working toward
his Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award and recently
took part in the Geography field visit. Ieuan
Jones is a member of the school Cross Country
team. Kevin Annies belongs to Penarth Junior
Badminton club and has achieved Grade 4 in piano. Zachary Ghazi-Torbati has a lead role in the
school production for Phantom of the Opera. Riah
Knowles-Brock achieved Grade 7 in piano.
Chelsea Mace won a Bronze Youth Achieve-
“working towards her Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award”
Year 11
Ms L Bekker &
Mr B Crompton
ment Award for Modelling.
David Pain is a member of the school rugby
and athletics teams. Jessica Plowright attends Art, Maths, Welsh and Basketball
Clubs. Zoe Harding went on the Army Outreach Course and attends Science Homework Club. Bryony Guerrier went on the
DT trip to Margam Park and is Grade 4
saxophone. She also attends DT, Welsh, IT
and English Homework Clubs. Jenni Davies went on the DT trip to London and the
English Department trip to see Macbeth.
She has been attending DT Homework
Club. Lloyd Phillips is a member of the
school football and golf teams and he took
part in the Welsh Schools Golf Championship and Welsh Indoor Rowing Championship. Martha Jenkins is a member of the
school netball team. Congratulations to
Thetis Drewelus who has achieved Grade
6 in clarinet. Laura Rodwell achieved her
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, along
with Robert Jones, David Pain, Hannah
Way, Victoria Chick, Sofia Prusak, Florence Robinson, Emilio Pena-Taylor,
Sophie Jones, Stephanie Bird, Natalie
Gill, Imogen Davies, Elliot Richards. Thomas Turton is part of the chorus in the
school production for Phantom of the Opera. Robert Jones plays tennis for Windsor
Tennis Club and is also a member of the
Vale Karate organisation. Niall Duffy has
participated in the canoeing lessons offered
by the school. Elliot Richards is a member
of the Barry and Vale Athletics Club as well
as Windsor Lawn Tennis club. He has also
recently gained his Tennis leader qualification. Reginald Wong has participated in the
surfing lessons offered by the school.
Nicholas Boudier is a member of the
school rugby team and is currently playing
for Cardiff South U16s development side.
Tomos Davies plays for the Penarth
Hockey team and has achieved the Bronze
Duke of Edinburgh Award. Liam Walker has
also achieved the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh
award and has completed his Geography
fieldwork in Cowbridge. Taro Wirth is Grade
8 in cello and was in the orchestra for the
school production of Phantom of the Opera.
Leah Byrne is Grade 4 in piano and went on
the English Department trip to Monmouth.
Lettie Chatham takes part in Zumba and attended the Science department trip to London
and the English Department trip to see Macbeth.
Holly Flynn is a member of the
Penarth and District Lesotho Youth Trust.
Megan Tunley and Bethan Miller have
achieved their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh
Awards. Sian Moss went to see Macbeth
with the English department and participates
in Badminton Club. Nishma Bhatia went to
see the Clothes Show Live with the Textiles
In January 2012 all Year 11 pupils will be sitting modular GCSE examinations in one or
more subjects. The dates of examinations
are as follows:
Mon 10th January 8.45am - English Unit 1
Fri 13th January 12.45pm - English Literature Unit 1
Tues 24th January 8.45am -Biology P1 resit,
Biology P2 resit, Applied Science Unit 2
Thurs 26th January 8.45am -Chemistry P1
resit, Chemistry P2 resit
Fri 27th January 12.45pm - Economics Unit
Mon 30th January 12.45pm - Physics P1
resit, Physics P2 resit
“took part in the Welsh Schools Golf Championship”
Year 12
The Autumn term has seen Year 12 students busy settling into their chosen AS
level subjects and into life in the Sixth
Form. We would like to congratulate them
on their excellent GCSE grades and express our delight in seeing so many of
them who have chosen to continue studying at Stanwell. We would also like to
take this opportunity to welcome the 22
students that have joined our Sixth Form
from other schools.
In order to support the students in their
transition to the more demanding nature
of studying at Key Stage 5, the MADE
training company came in to work with the
students on different approaches to studying at AS level and to help them develop
strategies to ‘bridge the gap’ between
studying at GCSE and AS level. The
workshop discussed revision techniques,
essay writing, note taking and general tips
on keeping focused and motivated. The
evaluation form filled in by the students
suggested that the vast majority enjoyed
the sessions and found them very helpful.
The year group have also embarked on
the several elements of the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification. The students have
already completed the activities for the
assessed Essential Skill, Working With
Others. Students were organised into
groups and had to design, market and
manufacture a product to sell on the
school’s Open Day on October 11th. This
involved a ’Team Enterprise Day’ organised by Careers Wales, a Dragons’ Den
activity where the groups bid for an investment of up to £20 from local business
people and lots of teamwork. The ’Market
Hall’ was a hive of activity throughout the
Open Day with all of the groups making a
profit. Staff, pupils and visitors alike all
commented on the standard of the products and professionalism of the students.
Mr M Gershenson
Mrs A Mansfield
Organising Community Participation placements has also been a priority for year 12
students. Completing 30 hours voluntary
work is an essential element of the Welsh
Baccalaureate and students have been organising either voluntary work within school
e.g. helping in reading schemes for the
lower year groups, helping out in classes or
out in the community e.g. charity shops in
town or with local sporting teams.
Away from the WBQ, many students have
been starting to prepare for future careers.
Local magistrates have been working with
students interested in a career in Law and
those interested in a career in Healthcare
have been applying for courses such as
MedLink, Science Live!, Gapmed as well as
the workshop conferences at Nottingham
Many year 12 students are involved in this
year’s production ‘Phantom of the Opera’
with our very own Fiona Bell (WB4), Joe
Ingram (WB1), Joe Keenan (WB3) and
Ella Maxwell (WB2) securing lead parts.
The Joshua Foundation has also visited the
school to speak to the students about raising money for the charity and participation
in their ’Oz Experience’- an opportunity of a
“strategies to ’bridge the gap’ between studying at GCSE and AS level”
Year 12
We would also like to congratulate Alexander Benjamin (WB6) who travels to
London this month to receive a national
award for his volunteer work with the
Marie Curie Trust.
Interim reports detailing the students’ progress in their subject areas thus far were
distributed in November and a Mid Year
report will be issued at the end of January
following the examination session. The
Year 12 examination period will run from
Wednesday, January 4th until Tuesday,
January 10th 2012. Students will return to
timetable on Wednesday, January 11th.
Well done to Joe Clissold, Charlotte
Goodway Sims, Dominique ParryParker and Georgia Pateman-Chang
who have completed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and to Lisa Gourley
who is working towards her Silver. Aimee
Brinn is also currently working on her
Gold Award.
Laura Elder has been visiting Cardiff University for ‘taster language’ sessions in
preparation for Higher Education, Jessica
Green has been involved in the first ever
all girls’ team to complete the Cambrian
award with the Cadets. Chloe Hatcher
has been taking part in the ‘Made in
Roath’ fashion event. Nathan James has
been playing with both the County Percussion and Jazz bands. Paul Keeling has
been long jump training with Cardiff Amateur Athletics Club and he is also working
towards his Duke of Edinburgh Silver
Award. James Porteus participated in the
UKMT Maths Challenge. Hamish Couper
has been involved in the local football
youth group and Alexander Williams has
been playing indoor cricket for Penarth
Mr M Gershenson
Mrs A Mansfield
James Chaffey, Paul Keeling, Vincent
McKernan and Ashley Stavrakis have
been playing in a 5-a-side football team in
Ross Andrew volunteers with the St John
Ambulance and Maddy Payne is an active
member of Stanwell School’s Charity Council.
Mikaela Wood has been continuing with
her figure skating and has participated in
the Welsh College of Music and Drama’s
YAS course. Owen Davies and Sam Watkins contribute greatly to the School newspaper while Rachel Warner and Sarah
Holder are working towards their Duke of
Edinburgh Gold award. Sarah, along with
Charles Fear, is also participating in an expedition trip to Morocco next year. Well
done to Abi Pemberton who has recently
played Peter Pan in a local production of
the same name and to Wil Barber who
plays 5-a-side football with a local team.
Alex Thomas is fundraising for the Joshua
Foundation. Charlotte Preece, Caitlin
Butler and Nikki Baird-Murray are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Gold
Award, Oliver Oswin will begin coaching
junior cricket in January. Callum Masters
is working towards Grade 6 on the drums
and Jade Galsworthy is about to complete
the Dragons Sports Leader course.
Seren Vickers is working towards Grade 6
in Dance and is also a member of both the
Young Actor’s Studio and the Vale Youth
Brass band. Jacob Freeman, Harry
McDonough, Tesoro Monaghan and
“national award for his volunteer work with the Marie Curie Trust”
Year 12
Liz Pascoe are working towards their
Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award and Charlotte Bishop is working towards her silver. Paul Jones and Miles Jones are
playing for the senior rugby team. Jordan
Geach is currently fundraising for the
Joshua Foundation and Molly Crowther
contributes to the school’s Charity Committee.
James Messer has completed both
Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh
awards, Amy Lovering is playing for Canton United Ladies’ netball team, Catherine Porteus is a member of both the
Cardiff County and Vale Youth Orchestra
and the Kayaking club. Drew Humphries
and Amy Le Grys are fundraising for the
Joshua Foundation. Cameron Jones has
been filming in Africa, Russia, Israel and
Bosnia with the BBC World Service,
Adam Jones is taking part in the Morocco
expedition and has also won first place in
the Welsh Young Marine Photographer
competition. Beth Cowley is working towards Grade 7 on the piano and Grade 6
in singing while Connor Kavanagh is currently playing for the school’s senior rugby
Mr M Gershenson
Mrs A Mansfield
Alexandra Nickels is working towards the
Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. Beth Coley contributes to the school newspaper,
Rebecca Trigg is currently fundraising for
the Joshua Foundation. Oliver Glover
plays Ice Hockey and volunteers for the St
John Ambulance. Thomas Lander plays
football for Cogan Athletic and Ben Ware
has been selected to play for the school’s
senior rugby team.
Ceire Wincott and Lucy Collins are
working towards the Duke of Edinburgh
Gold Award and Lucy is also taking part
in the Morocco expedition next year.
Gwynfor Parr has been chosen to play in
the school’s senior rugby team and both
Jemima Bushby and Tom Downey play
in the Cardiff and Vale Youth Windband
which has recently won gold in a national
“filming in Africa, Russia, Israel and Bosnia with the BBC World Service”
Year 13
Mrs R Connor, Mr R Relph
and Mr K Watkins
Students have spent considerable time thinking about
their post 18 intentions this term. The majority of our
students will be moving into Higher Education and for
this reason, tutorial and assembly time has been
dedicated to UCAS related activities. Most students
have their UCAS application well underway with their
personal statement completed, reference written and
one to one interviews conducted with a member of
the Sixth Form team. Representatives from Careers
Wales, industry and local universities have been into
school to conduct mock interviews. This year we
have 14 students applying to Oxbridge with an additional 9 who have chosen to apply for Medicine and
Dentistry . Our prospective medical students have
attended a workshop kindly led by a former pupil,
David Roberts, who volunteered to provide advice
and support to students considering a career in Medicine.
13 WO1
Ollie Drake has been appointed the captain of the
school’s Senior Rugby Team and also plays rugby for
Penarth. Bethan Mansfield has been accepted for
the under 21 National Dressage Team for South
Wales. Sinead O Brien has been awarded “Players
Player” by Canton Vale Netball Team. Ella Mott- Riley has participated in the Lesotho Youth Project,
helping to arrange events to fundraise for children in
Africa. Niall Armstrong has taken part in the UK
Maths Team Challenge and Laura Soltys has
passed her Grade 8 Piano and Music Theory examinations.
13 WO2
Pamela Stansfield has volunteered at the local
Marie Curie Hospice. Tom Knight has completed his
Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. Cem Papaker has
been awarded Orange Belt in Tany Soo Do martial
arts. Ashley Jones has won the Junior Championship at Glamorganshire Golf Club. Bethan Lewis
was successful in winning the South Wales heat of
the Great Debate with the History department. Jasmine Vincent has just returned from Zambia where
she taught first aid to local children. Megan Doyle
has completed the Rotary Youth Leadership Award
by taking part in outdoor pursuits on the Brecon Beacons. Zac McCaul has recently joined Penath rugby
team and has been involved in the school’s production of Phantom of the Opera. Kieran Jones has recently joined The Dinas Powys under 18 football
team. Saul Crandon has completed the Cardiff Half
Marathon and raised over £200 for Cancer Research.
13 WO3
Rachel Martin has been involved in various fundraising activities. Rosemary Tuthill has represented
Girl Guiding Cymru at an International Scout Camp
in Italy. Victoria Scaglioni, Isaac Kneebone Hopkins, Sam Harries and Andrew Graham have
been involved in fundraising for Lesotho. Eve Rowlands has been involved in the school’s production
of Phantom of the Opera. Sam Harries is Deputy
Stage Manager for the school production and has
represented the school by completing the Rotary
Youth Leadership Award.
13 WO4
Daniel Luxton and Rhea Ghosal have achieved a
Bronze Award in the UKMT Maths Challenge. Elise
Westcott has passed Grade 5 Guitar and Danielle
Evans has achieved level 9 field moves in Figure
13 WO5
Iestyn Penry- Williams and Zoe Tucker have successfully completed their Duke of Edinburgh Gold
Award. Jess Attwell, Jess Steed, Talia Jones and
Bryony Edwards presented a cheque to the BBC
following Stanwell’s fundraising events for Children
in Need. James Biss has released two songs with
his band “Open House” which are available to
download from iTunes and Leilah Harriott has
spent time volunteering at an animal shelter.
13 WO6
Corey Alcock has represented the Vale of Glamorgan in a regional backgammon tournament, he has
also written an article for “Wildlife “ online magazine
and has assisted with the technical aspects of the
school production. Matilda Shepherd has been
elected as form representative. Oliver Cox has
passed his Grade 3 Piano. Miles Braithwaite has
played the lead role of the Phantom in this year’s
school production. Rhys Williams has joined a local
bowling team and Katie Rowlands has been involved in the school production of Phantom of the
13 WO7
Danielle Lane has completed her level one coaching course in rugby. Chris Evans has obtained
Grade 5 on the guitar and has played in the orchestra for Phantom of the Opera. Eleanor Way, Rosie
Troth, Chloe Jones, Phalisha Kerai and Emily
Chick have completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh
Award. Rebecca Ferriday has completed a first aid
qualification and Stephanie Leech has completed
150 hours of volunteering with Millennium Volunteers and has been sailing with Tall Ships Youth
Trust where she was awarded the “Competent
Crew” award from the RYA.
“students have their UCAS application well underway”
100 PER CENT ATTENDANCE: SEPTEMBER 2011 – DECEMBER 2011 Congratulations to the following pupils who have attended school every day since September. Research continues to show that pupils’ attainment grades are directly linked to their attendance so these pupils are to be congratulated on maximising their chances of success. YEAR 7
1. Alsop, James
2. Anderton, Daniel
3. Ashton, Morgan
4. Baker, Thaine
5. Barker, Eve
6. Birchall, Jordan
7. Bird, Stuart
8. Blunsdon, Ffion
9. Borde, Chloe
10. Bratby, Bethany
11. Bratby, Rebecca
12. Bull, Emily
13. Bushby, Noah
14. Carr, Jake
15. Carter, Henry
16. Underhill-Carter, Liam
17. Chamberlain, Olivia
18. Chapman, Sophie
19. Charles, Matthew
20. Cheeseman, Joshua
21. Chick, Amelia
22. Cole, Luke
23. Crandon, Alexandra
24. Crofts Davies, Adam
25. Croll, Ben
26. Dave, Abigail
27. Denton, Macey
28. Dicks, Chloe
29. Diment, Lowena
30. Donlan, Gwynfor
31. Duggan, Caitlin
32. Dutfield, Lucy
33. Eastwood, Jade
34. Ellis, Lauren
35. Evans, Ben
36. Evans, Benjamin
37. Friedl, Tobias
38. Gray, Elin
39. Griffiths, Thomas
40. Harris, Genna
41. Healey, Jack
42. Hearne, Adam
43. Hearne, Amy
44. Herbert, Eleanor
45. Heron, Helena
46. Higgins, Annie
47. Hill, Jacob
48. Hills, Naomi
49. Hobbs, Joseph
50. Holman, Daniel
51. Howe, Georgia
52. James, Samuel
53. Jenkins, Megan
54. Johnson, Jessica
55. Jones, Ben
56. Jones, Benjamin
57. Jones, Cameron
58. Khan, Aymen
59. Khan, Haaris
60. Knight, Jodie
61. Knight, Stephanie
62. Knupp, Kabir
63. Lee, Jack
64. Lewis, Rachael-Leah
65. Lintern, Nicole
66. Lloyd, Madeleine
67. Lloyd, Madeline
68. Maskeen, Idrees
69. Mattey, Joshua
70. McConkey, Jack
71. McJennett, Lily
72. McKechnie, Clodagh
73. McKellar, Rob
74. McSorley, Niall
75. McSorley, Tomas
76. Meek, Joshua
77. Mills, Jacob
78. Morgan, Kathryn
79. Osborne-Walsh, Daisy
80. Owens, Alexander
81. Peacock, Antonio
82. Perkins, Lauryn
83. Powell, Olivia
84. Pringle, Anna
85. Robinson, Adam
86. Ruge-Hayes, Alexandra
87. Safdar, Amina
88. Salisbury, Samuel
89. Scott, Imogen
90. Scrivens, Joseph
91. Shardlow, Euan
92. Slack, Alexandra
93. Smith, Alec
94. Smith, Harry
95. Smith, Liberty
96. Spear, Leah
97. Spencer, Evie
98. Spinola, David
99. Stapleton, Samuel
100. Starling, Joshua
101. Stephens, Lauren
102. Stephens-Collins, Joe
103. Strong, Holly
104. Thomas, Owain
105. Trunin, Anton
106. Valji, Phaishali
107. Waddon, Henry
108. Walker, Rhys
109. Watkins, Sophie
110. Whitfield, Alexander
111. Wilde, Frazer
112. Williams, Ella
113. Williams, Geraint
114. Wilson, Carys
115. Wiltshire, Rory
116. Wirth, Kota
100 PER CENT ATTENDANCE: SEPTEMBER 2011 – DECEMBER 2011 Congratulations to the following pupils who have attended school every day since September. Research continues to show that pupils’ attainment grades are directly linked to their attendance so these pupils are to be congratulated on maximising their chances of success. YEAR 8
Adney, James
Aeschlimann, Jasper
Anwar, Sumaiya
Bain, Robert
Bond, Amy
Bright, Alice
Buehner Gattis, Ella
Cameron, Rowena
Campbell, Lewis
Carson, Cerys
Chimuzi, Samuel
Cole, Gregory
Collins, Tom
Couzens, Francine
Crimp, Morgan
Dawson, Matthew
De Grey, Charles
Drake, Alexander
Durham, Alice
Dyer, Lucie
Ellis, Caitlin
Emberson, Orla
Fitt, Bethany
French, Elias
Frost, Nathan
Gale, William
Geen, Emily
Glaze, Emily
30. Grafton, Isabel
31. Grosfils, Daniel
32. Hanson, Lloyd
Harvey, Robert
Hayer, Jorawar
Hearne, Bethan
Hermogeno, Lex
Hicks, Ieuan
Hopkins, Mathew
Humpage, Rebecca
Ignacio, Jonathan
Iredale, Robyn
Johns, William
Jones, Anna
Jones, Emily
Jones, Gwennan
Jones, Kyrsty
Jones, Megan
Lane, Danielle
Langrish, Alex
Lewis, James
Lewis, Seren
Lovering, Tara
Loweth, Grace
Maher, Ethan
Marsh, Tomos
Marsh, William
McCulloch, Elizabeth
Mock, Abigail
Morgan, Robert
Nardone, Sofia
North, Olivia
Northey Thalia
O'Rourke, Ellen
Owusu, Daniel
Pain, Harri
Parselle, Chloe
Pearce, Rhiannon
Poole, Chloe
Price, James
Price, Joel
Price-Milne, Finlay
Pringle, Luke
Proctor, Catherine
Prosser, Shazel
Putland, Nicole
Rees, Morgan
Rees, Morgan
Revell-Griffiths, Jack
Robertson, Ella
Saji, Linda
Shamte, Maya
Sibert, Lucy
Sims, Bill
Thomas, Chloe
Tucker, Sam
Turpin, Benjamin
Valek, Joseph
Vandyck, Ray
Way, Charlotte
Wilde, Poppy
Williams, Daisy
Williams, Harry
Williams, Jess
Wiltshire, Samuel
Wincott, Calum
Wooster, Emily
98. Wright, Jonathan
99. Yusuf, Adam
100 PER CENT ATTENDANCE: SEPTEMBER 2011 – DECEMBER 2011 Congratulations to the following pupils who have attended school every day since September. Research continues to show that pupils’ attainment grades are directly linked to their attendance so these pupils are to be congratulated on maximising their chances of success. YEAR 9
1. Appiah, Leon
2. Aydin, Eric
3. Barber, Simon
4. Bills, Katherine
5. Birch-Hurst, Elizabeth
6. Borade, Sayalie
7. Borde, Solomon
8. Bosley, Jack
9. Boyle, Dominic
10. Carde, Lewis
11. Chapple, Alicia
12. Chatham, Evie
13. Coole, Joseph
14. Cummins, Lauren
15. Davies, Morgan
16. Dean, Samantha
17. Dumitrescu, Sebastian
18. Dyer, Ella
19. Dyer, Isaac
20. Evans, Megan
21. Fford, Rhys
22. Fox, Thomas
23. Geach, Kira
24. George, Callum
25. Gilbert, Rachel
26. Gillingham, Holly
27. Guerrier, Rhodri
28. Hallett, Maisie
29. Herbert, Edward
30. Jones, Jack
31. Jowett, Harry
32. Knight, Rhys
33. Lewis, Christopher
34. Lieu, Kerstin
35. Lim, Rebecca
36. Mahdi, Samir
37. Majeed, Jack
38. Malik-Stephens, Sara
39. McConkey, Joshua
40. McDonnell, Curtis-Lee
41. Mirza-Davies,
42. Moger, Katie
43. Moreton, Thomas
44. Morgan-Jones, Ioan
45. Norton, Mark
46. O'Leary, Caitlin
47. Osborne-Walsh,
48. Palmer, Cerys
49. Quinn, Liam
50. Rees, Emma
51. Regan, Michael
52. Roberts, Daniel
53. Rowlands, Amelia
54. Rufo, Kenn
55. Salter, Cerys
56. Seeley, Niall
57. Skinner, Ella
58. Smith, Georgina
59. Squire-Wood, Austin
60. Taylor, Bethan
61. Thompson, George
62. Tuthill, Peter
63. Ursell, Jac
64. Warren, Alex
65. Watts, Daniel
100 PER CENT ATTENDANCE: SEPTEMBER 2011 – DECEMBER 2011 Congratulations to the following pupils who have attended school every day since September. Research continues to show that pupils’ attainment grades are directly linked to their attendance so these pupils are to be congratulated on maximising their chances of success. YEAR 10
1. Aeschlimann, Rebecca
2. Ainsworth, Hywel
3. Allen, Jaq
4. Banga, Amrit
5. Bishop, Megan
6. Black, Katie
7. Bridge, Courtney
8. Britten, Elisabeth
9. Browne, Tomei
10. Cavaye, Alasdair
11. Cerasale, Daniel
12. Chalke, Ben
13. Collins, Suzie
14. Dain-Smith, Ben
15. Davies, Channing
16. Davies, Jack
17. Dyer, Matthew
18. Findlay, Andrew
19. Fisher, Liam
20. Fox, Sophie
21. Franks, Chloe
22. Frost, Jacob
23. Geen, Tom
24. Gillingham, Alexander
25. Guppy, Amy
26. Harries, Rebecca
27. Hills, Samuel
28. Hopkins, Kieran
29. Hourihan, Daniel
30. Howe, Benjamin
31. Johnson, Beth
32. Johnson, Cameron
33. Jones, Ailsa
34. Kaged, Phoenix
35. Kapuria, Jay
36. Keane, Robyn
37. Kenshole, Amy
38. Leland, Grace
39. Lewis, Jakob
40. McDonough, Peter
41. McWilliam, Calum
42. Miller, Lauren
43. Monaghan, Siena
44. Nottingham, Alice
45. O'Grady, Nicole
46. Owens, James
47. Paley, Phoebe
48. Phillips, Abigail
49. Pomphrey, Che
50. Power, Lauren
51. Price, Sarah Louise
52. Pritchard, Pierce
53. Scrivens, Amy
54. Sibert, Imogen
55. Spear, James Andrew
56. Thorne, Emma
57. Tucker, Leo
58. Turton, Robert
59. Union, Sian
60. Weston, Jake
61. White, Clara
62. Wiltshire, Megan
63. Wirth, Utako
64. Wooster, Daniel
1. Ahmad, Kamran
2. Aird, Lewis
3. Beeslee, Lauren
4. Bei, Sheng Tong
5. Bell, Alexander
6. Bird, Stephanie
7. Biss, Joshua
8. Boudier, Nicholas
9. Bridge, Sara
10. Carter, Eve
11. Cavaye, Robert
12. Coughtrey, Matthew
13. Davies, Jessica
14. Davies, Tomos
15. Dich, Jacqueline
16. Duggan, Jessica
17. Evans, Sian
18. Farmer, Holly
19. Fford, Dewi
20. Gilbert, Laura
21. Gill, Natalie
22. Guerrier, Bryony
23. Hall, Joseph
24. Ho, Chun
25. Hodgkins, Fraser
26. Johnson, George
27. Jones, Robert
28. Knowles-Brock, Riah
29. Lam, Haw Yee
30. Morgan, Charlotte
31. Mullan, Catherine
32. Parkhouse, Bethany
33. Pena-Taylor, Emilio
34. Phillips, Lloyd
35. Phillips, Tomaz
36. Pimbley, Stephanie
37. Pollock, Joseph
38. Price, Grace
39. Prusak, Sofia
40. Richards, Elliot
41. Righton, Daniel
42. Samrout, Henryk
43. Skentelbery, Daniel
44. Smith, Luke
45. Stewart, Samuel
46. Thomas, Sion
47. Turton, Thomas
48. Warren, Ralf
49. Warrington, Steven
50. Williams, Iwan
51. Wirth, Taro
52. Wood, Samantha
100 PER CENT ATTENDANCE: SEPTEMBER 2011 – DECEMBER 2011 Congratulations to the following pupils who have attended school every day since September. Research continues to show that pupils’ attainment grades are directly linked to their attendance so these pupils are to be congratulated on maximising their chances of success. YEAR 12
1. Allen, Lloyd
2. Attanasio, Matteo
3. Attwood, Georgina
4. Barber, George
5. Barber, William
6. Bell, Fiona
7. Bird, Oliver
8. Bowers, Jack
9. Boys, Connor
10. Chaffey, James
11. Chan, Yee Hung
12. Cheshire, Brandon
13. Cheung, Kaehing
14. Coslett, Fern
15. Couper, Hamish
16. Davies, Michael
17. Davies, Owen
18. Elder, Laura
19. Ellis, John
20. Ellis, Joshua
21. Evans, Huw
22. Fear, Charles
23. Fegan, Rachel
24. Ford, Abigail
25. Gimber, Lauren
26. Gourley, Lisa
27. Grace, Joseph
28. Haughton, Thomas
29. Hill, Allister
30. Hopkins, Beth
31. Ingram, Joseph
32. Isaac, Victoria
33. Johnson, Jake
34. Jones, Cameron
35. Jones, Elis
36. Law, Frankie
37. Macgregor, Isabella
38. Macleod, Katie
39. McAndrew, Elliott
40. McDonough, Harry
41. Moffat, Christopher
42. Moger, Hannah
43. Monaghan, Tesoro
44. Murphy, Jessica
45. Nickels, Alexandra
46. Ott, Andrew
47. Porteus, Catherine
48. Porteus, James
49. Righton, Sophie
50. Roberts, James
51. Seal, Daniel
52. Stephanakis, Henry
53. Thomas, Alana
54. Tucker, Joe
55. Watkins, Samuel
56. Weeks, Bethan
57. Williams, Alexander
58. Willis, Callum
59. Woods, Laurence
1. James, Daniel
2. Kneebone-Hopkins,
3. Knight, Thomas
4. Luxton, Daniel
5. Moreton, Kate
6. Scaglioni, Victoria
Total number of Stanwell pupils with 100% attendance: 461 ‐ Percentage of all Stanwell pupils: 24% Learning to Excel
Ysgol Stanwell School