Understanding High Pressure Tanning
Understanding High Pressure Tanning
7/htbi,ttantl'A/r/"1/'rg There are two main types of ultraviolet light, UVA and UVB. All tanning beds use a combination of these two rays, which contribute differently to ?lknabnona / ?fo 5u*s. .ill's- the tanning process. Tanning takes place in the sl<ins outermost layer, the epidermis. When exposed to UVB light, melanocytes located within the epidermis produce melanin, which causes the sl<in to redden. When exposed to UVA light, the melanin oxidizes and causes the sl<in to darl<en to a deep golden brown. Low-pressure beds are equipped with fluorescent type tubes, which emit high amounts of UVB rays. High-pressure bulbs are much smaller in size and can be used to tan the face or the full body. A unique filter system allows Ultrabronz beds to filter out most of the UVB rays, using just enough to stimulate the melanin leaving the UVA rays to darl<en the sl<in. :r,i.:rii i:"illl Because the 950 Series filters out most of the UVB rays, your sl<in is able to maintain normal exfoliation, which in turn allows your sl<in to stay tan much longer! 'Gn h/toata# Vml'A/r)r?rt ' . /.oue Jtt Spa-lil<e session lmmediate color results . Plush mattress provides superior comfort, no hard acrylic il\ The 950 Series provides color results immediately! While low-pressure tanning beds require many visits to establish a base tan, an Ultrabronz bed only requires 3-4 sessions. Maintaining a tan has never been easier, 2-3 visits a month will sustain the darl< golden results you crave. Thinl< of all the valuable time you will save by switching to Ultrabronz. ' Full body, even tanning FS -G{lf -elll no lines or striping W nri rl,liix*ffit;.illlrk www.ult nr!! is actually the body's natural defense mechanism for protecting against the sun's rays. Normally, the outer layer of sl<in exfoliates every 28 days but when exposed to high concentrations of UVB rays; the body is forced to exfoliate prematurely every 5- l0 days. This is why low-pressure tanners must tan more frequently to l<eep the outer layer of their sl<in lool<ing brown. Tanning . ..., .lti,',,',.,..., rabr onz i :i.t"r,ii' .." , ,..,,. com ?e/c"rnV, Coo/ I' Con$onlab/c 'No pressure marl<s Ultrabronz high-pressure is the most ' High powered body cooling fan luxurious way to tan your body. Tan, while your body rests on a plush, comfortable mattress one side at a time. Intense session remains surprisingly cool incredibly soothing. and 'hr/r/r? Ttpt MoisturizeYour Skin Keeping your sl<in supple and moist is the key to maintaining a great tan! Tanning lotion is very important and strongly recommended. Never use outdoor tanning lotions when tanning indoors. Eyes Always wear eye protection. The eye-lid is thin and permeable to UV light. While tanning, eyes should be completely covered with professional eye-wear designed for indoor tanning. Lips Your lips do not produce melanin and are unable to develop a tan. However, UV light may cause your lips to dry. To avoid chapped lips, keep moist with a SPF lip balm. lips Medications Some medications affect the sl<ins photosensitivity. Mal<e sure you checl< with your physician before you tan if you are tal<ing any medications. Learn Your Skin Type Know which one of the six major sl<in types you are before you tan. Follow the recommended exposure times for your sl<in type listed on the exposure label. host 6shed Quashnn Q: Can I burn in a high-pressure sunbed? A: There is a possibility of over-exposure in any this is less likely with highpressure tanning. Low percentages of UVB decrease the change of burning tremendously. sunbed, although E o U -o F.i L -o (! gL 13**i ffi F:1$,'."ili[ "J :;|ff '.il'.i.'.']l' t; 3