LLCM Membership Handbook - Laestadian Lutheran Church of
LLCM Membership Handbook - Laestadian Lutheran Church of
Membership Handbook Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga Introduction This handbook contains basic information regarding the history and organizational structure of the Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga (LLCM). Also listed are the committees within the congregation along with a brief description of the responsibilities of each committee. This booklet is intended as an informational tool for current members as well as an introduction to congregation life and its function for new members. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 2 Contents Service Schedule Mission Statement LLCM Financial Support LLCM Dues Schedule Committee Members 2015 Committee and Role Responsibilities Bible Class/Home Services Communion Day Circle Food Service Fund Raising Grounds keeping Home & Family Janitorial Management Music Office Administration(Newsletter, Lodging, Church Calendar) Pastoral/Mission Work Publications/Book and Tape Sales Seniors/Retirees Service Planning Service Support Sunday School Who we Are Brief History of LLCM LLCM Bylaws LLCM Facility Use Policy – Member Use LLC Sexual Misconduct Policy Revision 9/24/2015 4 5 6 7 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 14 15 17 22 25 Page 3 Service Schedule Sunday: September – May: Sunday School – 9:45 a.m. Morning Service – 11:00 a.m. Communion 1st Sunday of month – 11:00 a.m. And every other month at 6:00 p.m. Sunday: June - August: Morning Service – 10:00 a.m. Communion 1st Sunday of month – 10:00 a.m. And every other month at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday: September – May: Bible Class, Home Services, or Song Services and Day Circle – 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: June - August: Activity every other Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Check newsletter. Special Services Scheduled and Announced: For special occasions and/or when guest speakers are available. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 4 Mission Statement To preach the gospel of repentance and remission of sins to the people of our communities, our nations, and throughout the world so that they might become partakers with us of the grace that God offers sin-fallen man in His Son Jesus Christ. To nurture and strengthen the faith of the believing and root our children in Christian faith in God’s Kingdom. To awaken and inspire Christian values and ethics, soberness of mind, love of homeland, and responsible citizenship among the people of our nations. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 5 LLCM Financial Support To be a member in God’s Kingdom does not require our financial support, for no money can buy the gift of faith and membership that God grants through His mercy and love. We obtain no worth or credit for our financial support, and physical membership in the LLCM does not mean that we are members of the body of Christ, unless we possess living faith and remain believing. (Acts 8:20) True believers realize and understand that in order for our church to function, and for the mission command of Christ to be fulfilled, we need to financially support the work of the Kingdom. We do this with a willing heart, and with the blessings and knowledge that come from God, because all good things flow from Him! Financial support for the LLCM is utilized in a variety of ways: Minister and teacher’s wages-travel costs etc. LLC support - Our central organization operations Foreign Mission Work - worldwide SLC/HLC/Kamp Kipa - Youth Work/Camps in the US Sister congregations and building projects Humanitarian Aid/Member Needs LLCM building utilities - maintenance/improvements/equipment etc. Other items as directed by the congregation Financial contributions are received by the LLCM through different ways and methods: Established dues by the congregation Free will and special collections Private donations Sunday School collections Youth Work Fundraising Humanitarian Aid Support Fundraisers: meals, bake sales, raffles etc. Other - interest on accounts, CD’s etc. Financial support by the membership, or from others, can be provided through many different ways and methods also: Cash/checks/credit card/web-site or ACH bank transfers Work in lieu of money Donated labor or materials Will designation or bequeathing assets Consigning items Other - gifts etc. What constitutes physical membership of LLCM? Must be at least 18 years of age Pay the set annual dues of the LLCM Assume the responsibilities of membership as established by LLCM congregation. Who has the oversight of the finances of the LLCM and manages the financial operations of the congregation? The voting membership of LLCM The Board of Directors Treasurer and Vice Treasurer Financial Sub-Committee of the Board Revision 9/24/2015 Page 6 Fundraising Committee Collectors At the annual meeting of LLCM, held in the month of January, all the finances, budgets, and reports of finances are submitted to the LLCM membership for review and approval. At that meeting, dues and financial obligations or commitments of the congregation are also established for the coming year. Paid membership, in full, of the LLCM allows full voting rights and provides for input and complete oversight of the financial status, support, and future plans of the congregation. LLCM Dues Schedule Couple LLCM Dues LLC Dues Stony Lake Mission Kamp Kippa Summer Service Dues Paid Annually Dues Paid Monthly Dues Paid Weekly Building Fund Annually Building Fund Monthly Building Fund Weekly Total Dues and Building Fund Annually Total Dues and Building Fund Monthly Total Dues and Building Fund Weekly Revision 9/24/2015 100.00 672.00 240.00 20.00 24.00 24.00 1080.00 90.00 20.77 792.00 66.00 15.23 1872.00 156.00 36.00 Single Adult 50.00 336.00 120.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 540.00 45.00 10.38 396.00 33.00 7.62 936.00 78.00 18.00 Student 25.00 168.00 60.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 270.00 22.50 5.19 396.00 33.00 7.62 666.00 55.50 12.81 Page 7 Committee Members 2015 (Bold indicates Board contact) Pastors: Jon Bloomquist, Ron Honga, Steven Haataja, Dan Parks, Eugene Kumpula, Neil Waaraniemi, Randy Hillukka Board Members: Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Vice Secretary Treasurer Vice Treasurer Pastor Trustee Trustee Trustee Mark Skoog Randy Hillukka Curt Savela Dave Keranen Daniel Jarvi Karlo Hillukka Jon Bloomquist Scott Hillstrom Josh Byman Jonathan Nevala LLC Delegates: Ed Ruonavaara (thru 2016); Chris Kumpula (thru 2017); Keith Hillstrom (thru 2018) Alternates: Daniel Ylitalo, Leslie Ylitalo, Eugene Kumpula Office Administrator: Michelle Nevala Bible Class/Home Services: Dave Keranen, Dan Skoog (H), Jon Bloomquist, Ron Honga, Mark Skoog Communion: Mark Skoog, Audrey Samuelson, Naemi Huhta Day Circle: Dave Keranen, Kirstie Haataja, Barb Huhta, Janelle Makela (WL) Food Service: Mark Skoog, Angie Erickson - 2nd year, Kelly Kumpula - 1st year, Renita Kurtti – Buyer, Joyce Skoog – Funeral Meal Planner Fundraising: Daniel Jarvi, Stephen Halonen(H), Linda Johnson, Leslie Ylitalo, Dustan Waaraniemi, Carrie Haataja, Robyn Keranen Grounds Keeping: Jonathan Nevala, Tom Wisuri(H), Jerry Laulainen, Harry Samuelson, Ben Vonada, Todd Johnson, Tony Ylitalo History/Records: Curt Savela, Office Administrator Revision 9/24/2015 Page 8 Home & Family: Scott Hillstrom(H), Chris Kumpula, Jonathan Nevala, Jon Bloomquist, Dave Keranen, Torrey Byman, Rachel Skoog, Neil Waaraniemi, Carol Waaraniemi Gifts/Flowers: Harry and Audrey Samuelson, Margie Haataja Janitorial: Josh Byman, Janelle Lake(H), Gene Kurtti, Martha Huhta, Dave Vonada, Pearl Ylitalo, Carl Ylitalo Management: Josh Byman, Gene Kurtti(H), Ross Haataja, Braden Muhonen Music: Jonathan Nevala, Janelle Lake, Dan Parks, Ashley Ylitalo Office Administration (Newsletter, Lodging, Church Calendar) Mark Skoog/Jon Bloomquist, Randy Hillukka, Office Administrator Pastoral: Jon Bloomquist, Dan Parks(H), Mark Skoog, Kermit Ylitalo, Ron Honga Publications\Book Store: Scott Hillstrom, Nancy Huhta Publications Coordinator (LLC): Brooke Loukusa(WL) Retirees: Jon Bloomquist, Dan Parks(H) Service Planning: Mark Skoog, Leslie Ylitalo(H), Larry Kallinen Service Support: Karlo Hillukka, Mark Haataja(H), Frank Makela, Daniel Ylitalo, Ed Ruonavaara, Collectors: Dan Jarvi, Daniel Ylitalo (H) Sunday School: Randy Hillukka, Dave Vonada(H), Randy Hillukka, Sue Keranen, Ed Ruonavaara, Cheryl Skoog, Aaron Hillstrom, Ongoing Scheduling/Reservations for Church Calendar: Mark Skoog, Jon Bloomquist Revision 9/24/2015 Page 9 Committee and Role Responsibilities Bible Class/Home Services The purpose of Bible Class is to study scriptures, to learn about the teachings of the Bible, and to nurture faith life. Bible Class is held in Menahga each Wednesday evening throughout the school year. Lessons are conducted in four tiers—one directed at children ages 12-14,one directed at children ages 9-11, one for children ages 6 to 8, and the fourth one for all other adults and older teens. Home services are held every other month throughout the year on the third Wednesday of the month at homes of congregation members. The Bible Class Committee selects the topic to be presented for discussion. The purpose of home services is to gather in a home environment with fellow believers to discuss matters of faith in a more intimate setting while getting to know different individuals and enjoying fellowship with other believers. Communion The Communion coordinator is responsible for purchasing and maintaining communion supplies and for scheduling communion aides to prepare the elements and utensils for communion services. Day Circle The purpose of Day Circle is to bring the gospel to children, nurture them in faith, and root them in God’s Kingdom. Day Circle participants are preschool and kindergarten children. Day Circle is held during the school year at the Menahga church on the 4th Wednesday evening concurrently with Song Services. Food Service This committee is responsible for planning menus, purchasing food supplies/kitchen equipment and scheduling congregation members to serve at various congregation functions and events. Food service for weddings remains the responsibility of the family(ies) involved. Fund Raising This committee is responsible for organizing, managing and supporting members in raising funds for the congregation. Grounds Keeping This committee is responsible for maintaining the grounds of the church. This includes setting up schedules for lawn mowing and snow removal; organizing and scheduling grounds projects. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 10 Home & Family The Home & Family Committee has been set up to support the life of our congregation members by fostering faith, hope, love of both God and neighbor and to assure them that they belong in God’s kingdom. This may include caring for the sick, assisting individuals or families with special needs, arranging transportation, arranging meals, and reaching out to ones isolated or alone. Requests for assistance can be made by any congregation member by contacting a member of the Home & Family Committee or a member of the LLCM Board. This committee also is responsible for organizing youth activities in Menahga. Some of these activities are Youth Bible Class, Haps, and Youth Discussions. Janitorial This committee is responsible for the janitorial duties of the church. This includes purchasing cleaning supplies and equipment, organizing and scheduling committees for weekly church cleaning, as well as scheduling other cleaning projects. Facilities Management This committee is responsible for maintaining and managing the facilities. This includes periodic evaluation of facility conditions and development of plans to include estimating costs, organizing and scheduling work for approved projects. Building mechanical equipment, heating and cooling system, kitchen equipment – dishwasher, ovens, freezers and handbooks for the equipments maintenance are some examples of their responsibilities. Music The Music Committee is responsible for music in the congregational activities, scheduling and training organists and song leaders and fostering the appreciation of wholesome music. Office Administration The Office Administrator is responsible for ordering office supplies, bulletin boards, lodging of congregation guests and the weekly newsletter. Items for the newsletter must be emailed to [email protected], handed to the Office Administrator, or a message left on the Office Administrators phone. Information must be received by 7:00 p.m., Thursday for the following week’s newsletter. Pastoral / Mission Work The responsibility of pastors and ministers is to serve the congregation of God. This calling obligates them to be devoted to the work of God’s Kingdom, but we understand that many also have families, full-time jobs and other career paths that consume their time, energy and resources. They should try to be available to the membership to respond to their individual and collective needs. Some of their responsibilities for the congregation include: Pastors and Ministers A student of the Holy Bible and the publications of Zion Assist all members in their walk of faith Spiritual caretaking and counseling Revision 9/24/2015 Page 11 Be available to congregation members in their time of need Pre-marriage and marriage counseling Youth interacting and counseling Grief counseling and funerals Diaconal work and board support Visiting in homes, hospitals and nursing homes Communion services, baptisms, etc. Pastor’s specific duties Oversee and coordinate pastoral work in the congregation Organize and assign pastoral duties Conduct pastoral training Attend board meetings. Schedule of speakers and speakers/wives meetings Further the mission command of Christ Local community contact Support the teaching activities in the congregation Resource to Bible Class, Sunday School, Day Circle, Youth Work The LLCM Board and the congregation encourage our pastor to be actively engaged in the above mentioned areas, but also remembering that we are all helpmates one to another. The congregation is encouraged to pray on behalf of those who serve in the offices of pastor and ministers, that they would be faithful stewards. We also recognize that we are our brother’s keeper, and furthermore we ought to heed Paul’s instruction to the Galatians: Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. (Gal. 6:2). Mission Work at LLCM: All of us carry the responsibility for Christ’s mission command, Go ye therefore.. This means that we each personally desire to spread the good news of our faith in Christ Jesus and the hope of heaven through Him! God has also established some trusted individuals in His congregations located throughout the world, which carries a special responsibility to preach and relate this gospel message to the outside world, and the congregation carries those in prayer and financially supports them in their work. LLCM has adopted the mission statement of the LLC which succinctly explains how we understand and approach the work. of God’s Kingdom! May God continue to bless this work for the saving of lost souls and preservation of living faith for the members in His Kingdom! Publications\Book and Tape Sales Christian reading material and music are important to the life of a believer, as they are an important source of comfort and enlightenment. New material is constantly produced and made available by the LLC and SRK. Some available material includes music CDs, books and music for children, books with spiritual and historical content written through the years. The bookstore is usually accessible immediately following services. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 12 Seniors/Retirees Members from the Menahga, Wolf Lake, and Brainerd congregations make up the Northern Minnesota Seniors. Meetings are rotated between Brainerd and Menahga, with a gathering held on the 1st Thursday of each month except January, February, and the summer months. The gathering begins with a devotion at 12:30 p.m., after which a business meeting and the presentation of a topic of interest to the elderly occurs. Refreshment and fellowship complete the activities. All congregation seniors are welcome and are invited to participate. The group joins with the Southern Minnesota Seniors group for a summer outing. Each group plans the outing on alternating years. A Christmas meal replaces the Northern Minnesota group’s regular December gathering, and is either catered or held at a local restaurant. Service Planning This committee is responsible for requesting guest speakers for special services, selecting the service theme and advertising the events. The committee also organizes our local speakers’ schedules. Service Support This committee is responsible for supporting the events of the congregation by defining the service director’s, sound techs, usher and pc support techs roles and responsibilities, setting up a schedule, and arranging any needed training. Sunday School The purpose of Sunday School is to nurture the faith of children and youth, to help them understand the fundamental teachings of God’s word in their own lives, and to root them in God’s Kingdom. Children begin Sunday School one year before entering public school and continue through ninth grade. The Sunday School Committee is responsible for the Sunday School schedule, for purchasing Sunday School materials and arranging teacher training. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 13 Who We Are The Laestadian Lutheran Church takes its name from Martin Luther and Lars Levi Laestadius. The name of the reformer Martin Luther and his teachings are well known around the world. The name of Laestadius is less familiar. Lars Levi Laestadius was a Lutheran pastor who served in northern Sweden from 1825-1861. In 1844, after nineteen years in the ministry, Laestadius was helped into living faith by a woman named Milla Clementsdotter, a member of a group known as Readers. Following his conversion, Laestadius's sermons were instilled with a new power, the power of the Holy Spirit. A revival movement began and soon spread far beyond the borders of Swedish Lapland. The movement reached North America with Finnish immigrants in the 1860s. Congregations were first formally organized in Cokato, Minnesota, in 1872 and Calumet, Michigan, in 1873. Since 1890, a number of schisms have splintered the movement on this continent. The subjects of disagreement have primarily been the understanding of justification, God's congregation, and the sacraments. The last division occurred in 1973 and was the impetus for the establishment of the Laestadian Lutheran Church. The Laestadian Lutheran Church (LLC) was organized on June 9, 1973, under the name Association of American Laestadian Congregations (AALC). The association changed its name in 1995 in order to better convey its spiritual heritage and the nature of its organization. Today the Laestadian Lutheran Church has over thirty member congregations in the United States and Canada. The highest concentrations of members are in Minnesota, Washington, Arizona, Michigan, and Saskatchewan. The congregations are served by approximately ninety ministers. The teachings of Laestadianism are based on the Bible and the Lutheran Confessions. Centermost among these teachings is the sermon of Jesus' suffering, death, and victorious resurrection. The work of Jesus Christ continues in this world as the work of the Holy Spirit in Christ's congregation. Thus the Laestadian Lutheran Church teaches of God's kingdom and preaches repentance and the forgiveness of sins. We hold, in accord with the Lutheran Confessions, that the Bible is the highest guide and authority for Christian faith, doctrine, and life. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 14 Brief History of Menahga Congregation Laestadian believers who had come to this area from Finland began holding services in the 1880s. Initially services were held in homes; however, as more believers arrived, the need for church buildings became apparent. By 1913, six Apostolic Lutheran churches had been established in the New York Mills-Sebeka-Menahga area. The Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga traces its origins back to these early congregations, in particular the congregations of: Runeberg Apostolic Lutheran Church (1887), Sebeka Apostolic Lutheran Church (1887), and Wolf Lake Apostolic Lutheran Church (1899). The path to the present is marked by heresies in the 1920s, the 1930s, and in 1973; and more recently with growth and development. The West Side congregation was established in the aftermath of the heresy of 1973. At that time, a small group of twenty-one believers from the Sebeka and Runeberg congregations, gathered to consider their future. They thanked God, for He had remembered His people, preserved them in faith, and protected them from the storm of heresy. At the same time, they felt great sorrow over those whom the enemy had deceived and who had been lost in the storm. They no longer had a building of their own but with trusting prayer, they asked God to provide. He answered their prayers, and they were able to rent and later purchase a little rural church several miles west of Sebeka. Due to its proximity to Sebeka, the name West Side Apostolic Lutheran Congregation was chosen to identify this little congregation. Over the years some improvements were made to the facility, and indoor bathrooms were also added. Eventually, several Menahga families who were members of the Wolf Lake congregation joined West Side. Although the small church was adequate for some years, the congregation realized a new building would be needed eventually. They trusted that God in His time would set a plan in motion and in faith looked ahead to the time this would become reality. At a joint meeting of the two congregation Boards on March 30, 1990, the suggestion was made that both congregations discuss at their annual meetings the idea of merging the two congregations. At the semi-annual meeting held April 25, 1990, the idea of a building fund was discussed. Rhita Keskey made a motion to use the $1,000 in savings to start this fund. Harry Samuelson seconded the motion. Laura Savela made a motion, seconded by John Waaraniemi, to appoint the board as a building committee. As congregation members now filled the church, building expansion was discussed at our semi-annual meeting held April 7, 1991. In 1994, Peter Nevala was selected to be in charge of the West Side Building Fund schedule. In 1996, Reno and Marian Juntunen donated a five-acre parcel of land in Menahga to the West Side congregation. On October 7, 1996, the congregation formally accepted this donation from the Juntunens. At their October 30, 1996, meeting, the Board discussed hiring a surveyor to establish the five-acre lot to be transferred. The thought was also brought forth at that time to discuss our Building Project with the Wolf Lake congregation, with the chairmen directing. In 2002, it seemed that God’s time had come. At that time the Wolf Lake and West Side congregations established a joint Future Needs Planning Committee. Many questions and building options were considered, with the main question being--would one, two, or three congregations provide the best option for the future of living Christianity in the area? Following approximately 18 months of research, discussion, and prayer, the Wolf Lake congregation was asked to vote on a one- or two-congregation option. In October 2004, the congregation decided Revision 9/24/2015 Page 15 on a two-congregation option. As a result, part of the Wolf Lake congregation membership remained in the Wolf Lake church and a part joined the West Side congregation to pursue a new future and facility in the Sebeka or Menahga area. The first annual meeting of the new membership (which included the existing West Side members and the members that came from Wolf Lake) was held at the Menahga Senior Center on January 16, 2005. Church services for the next three years were held at the Menahga School and the Menahga Senior Citizens Center while a seven-member building committee developed plans and then oversaw the construction of the new building. As the building phase approached, the donated five-acre parcel was swapped for an adjacent eightacre parcel of land owned by Ernest Jr., and Martha Huhta, giving the congregation a bit of additional acreage. On June 18, 2006, groundbreaking took place for the new church. This was followed by eighteen months of planning and labor by members of the congregation. Many gifts were utilized throughout the project. God blessed with willing hearts and with minds of unity and love. Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it. (Ps 127:1). The end result was a beautiful and spacious congregation home in Menahga. The first services were held on Christmas Eve 2006 in the dining room of the partially completed facility. The congregation moved into the facility and began holding services in early December of 2007. The members continued to use the name West Side Laestadian Lutheran Church until October 7, 2007, when the name Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga was formally adopted by the members. The Menahga congregation is the result of a merger of the former West Side Laestadian Lutheran Church and a large group of members from the Wolf Lake Laestadian Lutheran Church. Dedication services were held May 16–18, 2008. The motto for the services was taken from Genesis: This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven (Gen. 28:17). The logo depicts the message of the motto with three evergreen trees, representing the Triune God. The trees also portray the pines that have given the local area its label as the ―Gateway to the Pines.‖ The door marked by a cross indicates the gate of heaven; the gate is Jesus Christ, and is found in the house or congregation of God. God’s grace has carried us to this day. The building and initial organizing phase has been completed; however, much work lies ahead. We must work … while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. (John 9:4). With humble hearts, we look to the future with the prayer that God will grant strength to continue doing the work of planting and watering that is set before us and that His blessing will be upon this work, for it is God that giveth the increase. (1Cor. 3:7). Revision 9/24/2015 Page 16 Legend for Bylaws of LLCM Article 1: Membership/Meetings Article 2: Board of Trustees Article 3: Duties of the Officers of the Board of Trustees Article 4: Pastors or Ministers Article 5: Property and Finance Article 6: Use of Church Facilities Article 7: Amendments Bylaws of the Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga, MN Article 1: Membership/Meetings Section 1: In addition to what is required in the constitution, Section 5, a member must be eighteen (18) years of age, and shall have paid the required dues, of said church, as specified at the annual meeting. Minimum dues requirements must be paid, on or before the end of the church fiscal year. A person unable to support the church financially still has the right to enjoy the spiritual benefits and services of paid members, such as Holy Communion. Voting rights shall be limited to paid members. No privilege for absentee voting has been provided for and member(s). Section 2: Voting (of the membership) shall be done by voice vote, raising of hands, printed ballots, or casting lots in deciding matters before the membership. The meeting chairman will choose judges of elections. The meeting chairman will cast lots in the event of a tie vote. Section 3: The annual meeting of the members shall be held in the said church unless the Board of Trustees decides otherwise. Section 4: Notice of annual, regular and special meetings of the membership shall be given by announcing the time of such meeting at the religious services of said church and by posting a notice on the church bulletin board, or by written notice to the last known address of the members. For annual, regular and special meetings, announcements that a meeting is being called, must be made not less than fourteen days before any such meeting. Section 5: A quorum at any meeting of the membership shall consist of the attending voting members. Such quorum shall have the right to decide any presented matter concerning or involving the membership or church which comes properly before it, except to remove a pastor or minister or to amend the bylaws Revision 9/24/2015 Page 17 and or constitution. For the above noted exceptions, two-thirds of the entire voting membership shall constitute a quorum. Section 6: Candidates for trustees shall be nominated at a meeting of the membership, at least fourteen (14) days preceding the annual meeting. Candidates must be known as true believers in the said church, in the living, saving faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are zealous in the furtherance of spiritual and material matters. The names of the trustees whose terms are expiring shall be posted and announced at services, beginning two weeks prior to and including the day of the nominating meeting. Nominations may be made at the nominating meeting by the congregation membership. The names of all nominees shall be read and posted at the nominating meeting and at each regular service thereafter up to and including the day of the annual meeting. Section 7: The order of business at the annual meeting following the opening service shall be: 1. Statement of due notice for the annual meeting 2. Registration confirmation and membership roll 3. Selection of meeting officers 4. Review of annual meeting minutes 5. Board/Pastors report 6. Selection of trustees, delegates, and pastor(s) 7. Annual report and operating plan 8. Unfinished business 9. New business 10. Adjournment Article 2: Board of Trustees Section 1: The Board of Trustees shall consist of nine members and one ex-officio member of said church. The designated Pastor of said church shall serve as the ex-officio member on the Board of Trustees, with the other nine members. The Board of Trustees are elected to serve and hold office as provided by these by-laws, to study and direct all spiritual matters of the membership in the light of the Word of God, and in accordance with the Constitution & these Articles, and they shall control and manage the business, property, and temporal affairs of the church, being directly responsible for all their actions. The members of the Board of Trustees may change as elected by the membership at the annual meeting of said church. Section 2: The members of the Board of Trustees shall be elected at the annual meeting of the church and shall serve until the election of their successors. The term of service shall be for three years. Each year, three of the members whose terms are set to expire, shall have their positions put to an election held at the annual meeting of the membership. Nominations for the Board of Trustees shall follow Article 1, Section 6. The ex-officio member has no term length, except he retire, resign or is replaced by the board/membership. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 18 Section 3: A quorum at any meeting of the Board of Trustees shall consist of a majority of the entire membership of the board and such quorum shall vote on any matter that may come before the meeting. Section 4: Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called at any time by majority consent of all the trustees. Section 5: Any member of the Board of Trustees may be suspended from office for causes shown by the Board of Trustees and relieved of his duties by the membership of said church at any regular or special meeting of the members. This includes ex-officio members, who are called Pastors. Section 6: The Board of Trustees may by appointment, fill any vacancies. Appointees shall serve the balance of the term from the vacancy of the previous member. Section 7: It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees at their first regularly scheduled board meeting, after the annual meeting of the members to elect from their number the following officers: one chair and vice chair, one secretary and vice secretary, one treasurer and vice treasurer. Section 8: Whenever a trustee or officer has a financial or personal interest in any matter coming before the Board of Trustees, the affected person shall a) fully disclose the nature of the interest and b) withdraw from discussion, lobbying, and voting on the matter. Any transaction or vote involving a potential conflict of interest shall be approved only when a majority of disinterested trustees determine that it is in the best interest of the corporation to do so. The minutes of meetings at which such votes are taken shall record such disclosure, abstention and rationale for approval. Article 3: Duties of the Officers of the Board of Trustees Section 1: The Chair shall preside at all board meetings and shall, with the Secretary, or Treasurer sign all contracts or other legal documents when necessary, and shall perform all such other duties as are incidental to the office or are properly required of by the Board of Trustees. The Chair shall in the absence or disability of the Treasurer and Vice Treasurer, sign all checks, drafts, or receipts. In the absence or disability of the Chair, the order of succession will be Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and/or any other officer, as agreed upon by those present. Section 2: The Secretary shall keep record of the proceedings of all board meetings, designated congregation meetings, and all legal documents. The Secretary, with the Chair or Treasurer, shall sign all contracts or other legal documents when necessary, and shall perform all such other duties as are incidental to the office or properly required of by the Board of Trustees. The Secretary, in the absence or disability of the Treasurer, Vice Treasurer and Chair, shall sign all checks, drafts or receipts. In the absence or disability of the Secretary, the Vice Secretary shall serve instead. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 19 Section 3: The Treasurer shall have custody of all monies and securities of said church, as directed by the board; shall keep regular books of account, and balance the same each month; shall sign all checks, drafts or receipts and shall, with the Chair or the Secretary when necessary, sign all contracts and other legal documents and shall perform such other duties as are incidental to the office or are properly required of by the Board of Trustees. In the absence or disability of the Treasurer, the Vice Treasurer shall perform all duties related to the office. Article 4: Pastors or Ministers Section1: The appointment of Pastor(s) or ministers shall be ratified by the congregation Section 2: The salaries of the Pastor(s) or ministers shall be approved by the congregation. Section 3: Pastor(s) or ministers may be removed from office as described in Articles 1 & 2, Sect 4 & 5 Section 4: Responsibilities of the Pastor(s) or ministers, shall include duties that are incidental to the office or are properly required by the Board of Trustees. The designated Pastor may in the absence of the officers of the Board of Trustees sign contracts and legal documents when necessary, and he shall also serve as an ex-officio member on the Board of Trustees. Article 5: Property and Finance Section1: All property, real, personal or mixed, belonging to said church shall be held in its name as incorporated. The church may receive by bequest, device, gift, purchased or otherwise, real, personal or mixed property, and may sell same in the name of the church, but no property shall be sold until voted upon by the Board of Trustees. Property bought or sold by the Board of Trustees, will adhere to the limits established and approved by the membership at the annual meeting each year. Section 2: All monies received by assessments, gifts, and donations or otherwise shall be deposited in the name of the church in such financial institution as the Board of Trustees shall designate. Article 6: Use of Church Facilities Section1: The primary use of the church building and facilities shall be for services, song services, sacred acts, and Christian education. Other uses shall be in accordance with policies adopted by the Board of Trustees concerning the use of church facilities. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 20 Article7: Amendments Section1: These bylaws may be amended from time to time at a meeting called for that purpose by proper notice, at which meeting a quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the voting members present and such quorum shall vote on such amendments. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 21 LLCM Facility Use Policy – Member Use Our Mission To preach the gospel of repentance and remission of sins to the people of our community so that they might become partakers with us of the grace that God offers sin-fallen man in His Son Jesus Christ. To nurture and strengthen the faith of the believing and root our children in Christian faith in God’s kingdom. To awaken and inspire Christian values and ethics, soberness of mind, love of homeland and responsible citizenship among the people of our community and area In order to accomplish this mission, the Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga arranges and holds services in our church, in homes, and other locations in our community. We also broadcast and archive sermons on the internet. We teach and support the teaching of God’s Word among children and youth. We also work with our sister congregations and support and work with our central organization the Laestadian Lutheran Church. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 22 Overview on Facility Use Building use activities fall under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. No commitment for building use is finalized until the congregation chairman or pastor has entered the event in the church calendar. The Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga is a busy place. If you would like to schedule an event, we suggest you do it as early as possible. In most cases, preference will be given to congregation activities. Exceptions will be determined by the congregation Board. Moral and Ethical Criteria The Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga recognizes that God’s Word teaches that marriage is between one man and one woman and that only the death of one partner ends the covenant of marriage. For this reason, we do not rent our facilities for ceremonies between same sex partners or to couples in which either of the individuals has divorced and whose former spouse is still living. Gambling, alcoholic beverages, and illegal drugs are prohibited on church property. Christian modesty is required for all forms of dress, music and speech. Most rock music, whether traditional or gospel, country western, and most other forms of modern popular music are, because of their words and/or and overemphasized and sensual beat, unsuitable for church use and are not allowed in our facility. Traditional Christian hymnody or music in harmony with its values is allowed. Music selection/instruments must be discussed with the Church Pastor or LLCM representative and approved prior to the event. The facilities may not be used for any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Political parties may not attach or display political advertising on any part of the church property. Any activities that result in private financial gain will be allowed only where deemed appropriate by the Board of the Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga. Priorities for Use of Space, Facilities, and Equipment Regularly scheduled services and meetings of the Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga. Other activities sponsored by the Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga. Activities and meetings of members of the Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga. Community non-profit organizations and other religious groups. Other groups and organizations Revision 9/24/2015 Page 23 Facility Use Administration & Rules User Responsibilities The person making the reservation for church use will be assumed to be the User. The User must be 18 years old and a member of LLCM or a sister congregation. This User must be present at all times or appoint another adult to assume User responsibilities during the facility or property use. The User or User’s appointed adult will be responsible for compliance with all rules and policies. The User is responsible for building security, lights, and church cleaning. The church phones cannot be used for long distance calls except in the case of emergency. Users and participants in the User’s event are expected to respect church property. Any damage to the church facility or property resulting from misuse by persons or groups will be the responsibility of the User. User activities at LLCM must comply with fire and safety ordinances. No smoking is allowed in the building. Smoking is permitted only in the designated area outside the building. Use of rollerblades, roller skates, skateboards, and bikes inside the church facility is prohibited. Minors must be supervised by an adult. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 24 Use of Property & Equipment Equipment The User is required to arrange for assistance or to obtain the approval of a congregation representative for use of the following equipment. o The church sound system o Heating and air conditioning o The organ o Projectors o Office equipment o Kitchen equipment No equipment or furnishings in the church are to be moved or removed from the building without permission. Sanctuary The sanctuary may be used only for worship services, weddings, funerals, and such uses as are appropriate to worship space. No food or drinks are permitted in the sanctuary. Neither the communion rail or pulpit are to be removed except under the guidance of a trained congregation representative. Kitchen In cases where the church kitchen will be used the User is required to arrange for the assistance/approval of the congregation Food Service Coordinators. A kitchen care policy and checklist will be provided. All food items and refuse should be properly disposed of at the end of an activity. Spills are to be cleaned up immediately. LLCM is willing to provide food service for funerals. Please see the attached menu and fee schedule for more information. General No temporary structure will be built within the facility or upon the church grounds without approval. When attaching decorations or other materials to ceilings, walls, windows, doors, furniture or appliances use caution not to damage or mar surfaces. All equipment and furniture will be returned to designated locations at the end of each activity. The building shall be left in the same condition in which it was found. User is responsible for cleaning the church after events with the exception of funerals. No clothing, towels, sports equipment, shoes, or other personal items shall be stored in the church facilities. If items are left in the building, they may be disposed of after two weeks. Laestadian Lutheran Church of Menahga is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen personal items. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 25 Laestadian Luther Church Sexual Misconduct Policy The Laestadian Lutheran Church is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment and protective care of all children, youth, and volunteers who participate in church sponsored activities. It is further a specific commitment of this church to prevent child sexual or physical abuse or misconduct and to report such abuse or misconduct, in accordance with federal and state laws. This includes any form of sexual advances, activity, contact, or exploitation involving a minor. It also includes unwelcome sexual remarks and speech or actions that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive environment for a child. The following statements reflect the commitment of this church: 1. The board will communicate this policy to all church leaders (pastors, director, etc.) and will review with them the reporting procedures for suspected cases of sexual or physical abuse or misconduct. 2. All paid workers will complete a job application. 3. All paid workers and volunteers working with children or youth will be approved by the appropriate LLC official. The LLC will require reference checks on all such workers or volunteers prior to their appointment. 4. Individuals who have committed and/or been convicted of either child sexual or physical abuse should not volunteer service in any church sponsored activity or program for children or youth. 5. Survivors of childhood sexual or physical abuse need the love and acceptance of this church. Individuals who have such a history should discuss their desire to work with children or youth with one of the pastors or church board members prior to engaging in any service. 6. All volunteers working with children or youth are required to be members of a Laestadian Lutheran Church for a minimum of six (6) months. 7. Adult workers and volunteers should observe the “two adults” rule. This requires that an adult is never alone with a child or youth without an adult partner. Should a situation arise in which an adult worker or volunteer has a legitimate reason to be alone with a child, the adult will notify the child’s parent or guardian in advance. Advance notification will also be given to the appropriate pastor, church board member, activity director, or LLC official. 8. Workers or volunteers should immediately report any behaviors which seem abusive or inappropriate to the director of the activity, pastor, member of the church board, or LLC official. The director, pastor, board member, or LLC official will see that each report of suspected cases of sexual misconduct is investigated and, if required, referred to the proper authorities, as required by federal and state laws. Revision 9/24/2015 Page 26