X - Sacramento Valley Region
X - Sacramento Valley Region
June 2004 Porsche Club of America Sacramento Valley Region - In its 42nd Year! Highlights: Summer hints for your 964/993 CRAB Rally and Funkhana results Shriners Concours: Don’t miss it this year Learn high speed driving skills at Thunderhill Plus... On the Pole Drifting Back SVR People, Places & Porsches The Social Scene The Finish Line See “About the Cover” inside... About the Cover... Winter I spent some time at the CRAB concours photographing the beautiful cars on display. This car belongs to John Skoien, owner of PM Motorsports, sponsor of this year’s CRAB Rally. John’s rare orange Carrera RS definitely draws attention and combines track performance with those photogenic Porsche lines. Thank you John for your sponsorship, and for allowing us to enjoy the site of this special car. See the full color version of The Drifter on the SVR web site at http://www.derporsche.net/. Elliot Hoffmann, SVR Drifter Editor Cover Photo: Elliot Hoffmann TracQuest www.ipb-autosport.com Would you like to drive your car on a Racetrack? TracQuest runs high speed Driver Education (DE) events at race tracks throughout the country. TracQuest DE events are widely known for safety, excellent instruction and tons of track time. These are non-competitive events with strict rules for passing. UPCOMING EVENTS: Thunderhill, August 29-30 Infineon, December 6-7 For sign up and more information contact Russ Hildebrand at 916-9447440, visit the TracQuest Website online at www.tracquest.com, or send e-mail to [email protected] PCA – Sacramento Valley Region 2004 Board of Directors President Kim Nelson _____________________ 916-933-4282 305 Glen Ridge Way, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 [email protected] Porsche Club of America Sacramento Valley Region - In its 42nd Year! June 2004 Volume 42, No.6 Upcoming Events Vice President Dennis Stettner __________________ 916-728-1238 8767 Country Creek Drive, Orangevale, CA 95662 [email protected] Treasurer Kevin Dougherty _________________ 916-983-7774 P.O.Box 6006, Folsom, CA 95630 [email protected] Secretary Steve Goltz _____________________ 916-961-3705 8528 Via Gwynn Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 [email protected] 3 3 3 4 5 Membership Director Tom Sisson _____________________ 209-296-5352 14537 Surrey Junction Ave, Sutter Creek, CA 95685 [email protected] Competition & Safety Director Frederick D. Rauch ________________ 916-989-3199 9580 Oak Avenue Parkway, Suite 7 #188 Folsom, CA 95630 [email protected] Newsletter Editors Elliot & Aleece Hoffmann __________ 530-792-1749 1718 Mariposa Circle, Davis, CA 95616 [email protected] Webmaster Mark Sides ______________________ 530-753-3120 2230 Glacier Drive, Davis, CA 95616 [email protected] Past President Russ Hildebrand _________________ 916-944-7440 Carmichael , CA 95608 [email protected] Zone 7 Representative Tim Fleming ______________ (Home) 916-985-4142 (Work) 916-381-9100 107 Cobb Court, Folsom, CA 95630 [email protected] The Drifter 7 SVR Drivers’ Ed Event 8 Awesome Horsepower Tour 8 Stumpy Meadows Tour 14 Oyster Feed & Tour 19 PCA Car Corral Event Features and Reviews #2 PartsHeaven 9 9 12 13 16 CRAB 31 Funkhana Results Mendocino Tour Update CRAB 31 Rally Results High Sierra Iris Tour Shriners Concours – – – – – Sue Fleming Rik Larson Rik Larson Stephanie Morgan Kim Nelson Columns and Departments Social Directors Cathy & Bill Keegan _______________ 916-415-1539 5104 Par Place, Rocklin, CA [email protected] June Dinner Meeting July Dinner Meeting SVR Zone Concours #3 (Shriners Concours) Zone Concours #2 Rally #4 Summer Solstice 2 4 5 6 8 9 10,11 12 14 14,16 16 18 20 20 SVR Coming Attractions On the Pole Drifting Back Speaking of Membership Rally 356CAR Calendar SVR People, Places & Porsches Tech Stuff Board Meeting Highlights Drifting the Web SVR Goodie Store The Social Scene The Finish Line Drifter Classifieds – – – – – – – – – – – – Kim Nelson Larry Wilson Tom Sisson Rik Larson Elliot & Aleece Hoffmann Elliot & Aleece Hoffmann Roger Walker Steve Goltz Elliot & Aleece Hoffmann Tom Sisson Cathy & Bill Keegan Elliot & Aleece Hoffmann Information and Committee Directory Autocross Chair Position Open Charity Chair Susan Fleming _________ 916-985-4142 107 Cobb Court, Folsom, CA 95630 [email protected] Concours Chair Kent Brandon _________ 916-663-1702 3450 Hector Road,Newcastle, CA 95658 [email protected] Goodie Store Tom Sisson ___________ 209-296-5352 14537 Surrey Junction Ave Sutter Creek, CA 95685 [email protected] Rally Chair Rik Larson _____________ 916-481-6084 2120 Maddox Court, Carmichael, CA 95608 [email protected] Technical Chair Roger Walker __________ 916-415-0752 9726 Magellan Drive, Loomis, CA 95650 [email protected] New Member Chair Rick Weidner ___________________ 916-852-0990 11731 Centerville Court, Gold River, CA 95670 [email protected] Share the Wealth Pat Wilson _____________________ 916-482-5609 5221 McKenzie Glen Ct. Carmichael, CA 95608 [email protected] Advertising Manager: Dennis Stettner _________________ 916-728-1238 8767 Country Creek Drive, Orangevale, CA 95662 [email protected] SVR Web Site http://www.derporsche.net/ The Drifter is published monthly by the Sacramento Valley Region (SVR), Porsche Club of America, for its members. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be mailed to the Editor. Text files can be sent by e-mail. The deadline for material is the first of the month for publication in the following month. SVR members should notify the Membership Director promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright, however, newsletter editors of other regions chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and The Drifter is cited as the source. 1 June Events and Contacts SVR Coming Attractions SVR Driver Education at Thunderhill Frederick D. Rauch ............... [email protected] 916-989-3199 June 2004 Sun Mon Tue Thu Wed 2 1 GGR Autocross 3 Fri Sat 4 5 LPR Concours #2 at Hayward SVR Driver Ed GGR Autocross Bob Morgan ........................................... 408-410-3209 RR Car Corral at Wine Country Classics at Infineon Deadline! 6 Kurt Fischer ............................................ 415-883-4900 7 9 8 10 SVR Dinner LPR Concours #2 RR Vintage Races 13 11 12 SVR Dinner Meeting - Coopers’ Home Towe Auto Museum Breakfast W/ Bob Garretson Meeting Cooper’s Home 14 17 18 19 SVR Oyster Tour SVR Board Meeting Kent Brandon .................................. [email protected] 916-663-1702 SVR Oyster Tour 21 23 22 24 25 Ira & Carol McKee ............. [email protected] 916-933-7863 26 YR Rally #4 Summer Solstice RR Autocross 27 Britt & Jenny Cooper ................. [email protected] 916-624-6130 SVR Shriners Concour #3 16 15 SVR Concours #3 Shiners Concours LPR Autocross 20 Doug/Dana Ambrisko .................. [email protected] 650-903-0652 28 Cathy Carlson ............................. [email protected] 831-728-3190 YR Rally #4 Summer Solstice 30 29 LPR Autocross at Marina Rik Larson ................................... [email protected] 916-481-6084 RR Autocross at Santa Rosa Airport Gary Bayless ........................ [email protected] 707-542-6102 July Events and Contacts July 2004 Sun Mon Tue GGR Time Trial #5 At Buttonwillow Thu Wed 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 GGR Time Trial Buttonwillow Ken Park .......................................... [email protected] 510-414-8004 SVR Dinner Meeting Frederick & Susan Rauch .... Competition @svr.pca.org 916-989-3199 SVR Stumpy Meadows Tour 4 GGR Time Trial 5 6 7 8 SVR Dinner Meeting Buttonwillow 9 10 SVR Stumpy Meadows Tour Parade Parade Parade Parade Parade Parade 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parade 17 GGR Autocross Roger & Jan Walker .................... [email protected] 916-415-0752 GGR Autocross at Alemeda Doug/Dana Ambrisko .................. [email protected] 650-903-0652 MBR Concours #4 Dave Alioto .................................... [email protected] 831-658-0356 18 MBR Concours #4 19 20 21 22 23 SVR Board Meeting 24 RR Autocross RR Autocross at Santa Rosa Airport Gary Bayless ........................ [email protected] 707-542-6102 LPR Autocross at Marina 25 LPR Autocross 26 27 28 29 30 31 SVR Awesome Horsepower Tour Cathy Carlson ............................. [email protected] 831-728-3190 SVR Awesome Horsepower Tour Stephanie Morgan ........................... [email protected] 530-295-1960 You Have a Choice! So why not make the right one when you need auto body and paint work. Fabrication Specialties. Don Joe 3532 LA Grande Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 391-4159 ✥ State-of-the-Art Body and Paint Technology ✥ Certified Glasurit Paint (Factory Original - Porsche, Mercedes, BMW) ✥ Car-O-Liner Unibody Repair Equipment ✥ Enclosed Climate Controlled Spray Booth ✥ Industry Certified Technicians 2 The Drifter SVR June Dinner Meeting th Thursday, June 10 Britt and Jenny Cooper will be hosting at their residence in Penryn a poolside summer dinner catered by $18.00 includes dinner, all beverages & dessert location: 6350 Jasper Road, Penryn 95663 time: 6:00 social, 7:00 dinner RSVP by June 3 to [email protected] or leave message at 916-624-6130 directions available through: Mapquest.com, Thomas Bros. Guide or by request via email all paved roads – limited to first 60 people SVR July Dinner Meeting Thursday, July 8, 2004 To be hosted by Frederick and Susan Rauch. Please mark your calendars More details in your next Drifter! The Drifter SVR and PCA Zone 7 Concours d’ Elegance This year’s Zone 7 Concours sponsored by SVR is going to be a weekend to remember. For the 3rd year the Concours is being held in conjunction with the Shriners Hospital Concours. This Concours has become the largest car show in Sacramento. It is a significant fund-raiser for the Shriners Hospital for Children. This year’s Marque is the PORSCHE SPEEDSTER Sacramento Valley Region will hold the PCA Zone 7 Competition Series 2004 Concours #3 on Sunday, June 13th at the Shriners Hospital for Children in Sacramento. There will be a PCA sponsored Hospitality Tent. We are expecting a huge turnout of fantastic early to late model Porsches. Saturday, June 12: Grand Marshal’s Banquet at the Coca Cola Plant on Stockton Blvd. - 6pm to 11pm Sunday, June 13: PCA Zone Concours #3 7:30-9:00am 9:30 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm Car Placement Open to the Public Judging begins Parade and Awards Presentation SVR Zone 7 Concours only: $25.00 Shriners Concours only: $25.00 Shriners Concours and SVR Zone 7 Concours: $40.00 Display only: $15.00 (Includes Shriners Concours Admission) Grand Marshals Banquet: $30.00 PLUS Bring a new, unwrapped TOY for the children! Registration deadline for PCA Concours is Sunday, June 6, 2004. Contact: Jeff Kinder, (916) 765-2801 or Kent Brandon (916) 663-1702. Make checks payable to: ”PCA SVR“ Send to: Jeff Kinder, 4320 Freemont’s Loop, Rescue, CA 95672 Shriners Concours Registration: Marie Woods (916) 685-1615 or www.shrinersconcours.com 3 On the Pole By Kim Nelson President Thank You Kern & Cindi Breaux As you will read throughout this month’s Drifter, CRAB 31 was another fabulous “Premier Porsche Weekender.” Kern & Cindi Breaux poured their hearts into this year’s event, and from my perspective, it came off without a hitch. And why shouldn’t it—this was the third time they had put on CRAB for the Club. Kern & Cindi have been in the Club for 31 years now, and if you read Larry Wilson’s “Drifting Back” column, you’ll see their names in just about every issue. These are the type of people who make our Region one of the best in the Porsche Club of America! people to step up and help. We have relied on many of the same people over the years to organize our events, and it’s time that we begin to see more new faces taking leadership positions within the Club. It ’s easy to get started by just helping out with an e v ent that is currently scheduled. I can’t think of anyone who puts on an event that wouldn’t welcome some additional help, and in the process you get some experience and the oppor tunit y to meet some ne w people in the Club. When I volunteered to put on my first event for the Club, I contacted some of the people that I had met at other activities. Before I knew it I had a committee of five or six people, and we had a lot of fun organizing the event. Want To Get Started? Well, here’s an opportunity for you. As of this writing we are still looking for someone to head up our annual Holiday Party. Last year’s party at the Sutter Getting Involved Isn’t Hard Club, headed up by new members Rick … and it is a lot of fun. And for our Club & Candace Weidner, was a great event. to continue putting on as many great Last month the Board approved giving events as we do each year, we need more the Sutter Club a deposit for the 2004 party. So the stage is set and the date is Friday, December 3. Now all that’s needed is for someone to put together a small working group to organize and coordinate the events of the evening. Rick has volunteered to help out the chair of this year ’s committee. S ince he ’s been through it once before, organizing this year’s party should be a lot easier. So, if you’ve been thinking about getting more involved in the Club, here’s a great opportunity for you. If you have some questions or want additional information, contact Rick Weidner, Bill Keegan or myself. SVR/Shriners Concours I hope to see all of you at this year’s SVR/S h r iners Hospital Concours d’Elegance weekend on June 12-13. It’s a tribute to Porsche and the 50 th anniversary of the Speedster, and remember that proceeds from our event go to help the children of the Shriners Hospital in Northern California. See you on the Road. Loma Prieta Region and PartsHeaven Present Zone 7 Concours #2 & Swap Meet Sunday, June 6, 2004 Concours 8:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Judging starts at 10:30 A.M. Fee: $20.00 per entry Swap Meet Registration at 6:30 A.M. Meet open from 7:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Fee: $20.00 per stall (10'X20') Spectators Free For information, contact: Concours: Bob Morgan, cell (408) 410-3209, e-mail [email protected] Swap Meet: Jim Bryant, home (408) 937-5469, e-mail [email protected] Also visit the LPR home page at http://lpr.pca.org/ Food Concession by Loma Prieta Region 23694 Bernhardt. Street, Hayward, CA. 94545 Telephone: 1 (800) 767-7250 or (510) 782-0354 • Fax: (510) 782-0358 www.partsheaven.com • [email protected] 4 The Drifter Drifting Back By Larry Wilson, SVR Member 30 Years Ago (June 1974) June 2 was the date for the Woodland Historic Tour which, for almost 100 SVR members, began with a guided tour of the Woodland Opera House. The planned restoration of the Opera House was still waiting for sufficient funding. Then it was on to the restored Victorian home of SVR members Ken & Betty Fielding, a charming place built in the late 1800s, for tours, beer and hotdogs. Ken & Betty approached the restoration in the same manner as they did with preparing their concours 1966 Porsche 911. Woodland Mayor Don Wiley was on hand to greet the SVR guests. On June 7, Allen Weddle arranged SVR’s Tech Session II at Niello Porsche where Mike Green, newly appointed service advisor for Niello, displayed and discussed the restoration of his beautiful metallic-green Speedster which he accomplished himself over a nine month period. Gin Fizzes were served. Dave Neukom chaired SVR’s June 16 Zone 7 Autocross with the help of Dan & Barbara Boone, Jim & Joyce Karver, Wyn Robertson, Jim Bonney, Rik Larson, Rod Sorenson, Dan Neukom, and Dale Newhouse. According to The Drifter, Larry Wilson won the annual June Sprints Formula Vee SCCA National-points race at Laguna Seca for the fourth consecutive year. This time, a victory margin of two-feet also won Larry the “Closest Victory” prize, a weekend for two at Lake Tahoe. 20 Years Ago (June 1984) Stan Breyfogle chaired two events over the June 15-17 weekend: “Rhythm,” a Fridaynight rally on June 15; and “& Blues,” an autocross at Splinter City, June 17th. Twenty-six rally cars entered, with John Clever & Rik Larson taking first in Expert Equipped and Phillip Marks with Kathy Koepsell 6th in Expert Unequipped. Trophy winners in the autocross included J. Toney, Dwight & Linda Mitchell, Jim Lanier, Tim & Mike Hogan, Jim Ducoing, Kern Breaux, and Jill Mitchell. The Drifter The Imperial Dynasty Tour, June 2324, chaired by Damon & Cyndee Nightingale, offered great Chinese cuisine from the Imperial Dynasty in Hanford with overnight accommodations at the Victorian Inn, also in Hanford. SVR’s “For Real Autocross,” June 30, chaired by Larry Dunn and Bruce Westrup at Splinter City, featured tire testing by Tom & Marg Green (from GGR) and Dwight Mitchell. Comparing Yokohama 001R tires with Michelin XWX tires with Traction recaps (slicks), only the 001R could break 1.0G on the skid-pad. 10 Years Ago (June 1994) June 18 was SVR day at the range (as in shootin’ range). Organized by Ron Boeck and Randy Vidmar, 26 SVR members arrived at the James Mangin Rifle and Pistol Range to receive instruction on handguns, and to partake in a friendly target shootin’ competition. Marcy Vid- mar was the top shooter with a score of 94. Sally Boeck tied Joe Schumacher for 2nd with 93. Bob Peake was 4th with 92. Jeff Kinder was last (19th) with a score of 18 (Kim had a score of 70). Experts Allen Weddle, Ron Boeck, and Randy Vidmar supervised the competition. The June 25-26 Orient Express Tour, with an overnight stay in Eureka, promised a visit to the Orient and Flume Art Glass Gallery in Chico, a catered picnic lunch in historic Bidwell Park, and then a trip along Highway 36 to Eureka with a rest stop in Harrison Gulch. Sunday lunch was in Mendocino. Jim McMahen was chair of the event. Participants included, among others, Linda Blount, Herb & Jan Hoover, Steve & Diane Harris, Jeff & Kim Kinder, Allen & Dolores Weddle, George & Nona Morley, Chris & Shelagh Mackay, Marv & Marie Smith, Ron & Sally Boeck, and Fred Siegner & June Samples. Yosemite Region Presents Summer Solstice 2004 Saturday, June 26 Please join us for the 31st running of this TSD rally. Registration at 9:00 A.M. • First car out at 10:01 A.M. All makes of cars are welcome. Cost: $20.00 per car or $15.00 if preregistered prior to June 20 Directions - Start and finish will be in Stockton at the Marina Center on Benjamin Holt Drive, just west of I-5 in Stockton. From northbound I-5 in Stockton, take the Benjamin Holt exit and turn left; from southbound I-5 in Stockton, take the Benjamin Holt exit and turn right. Registration will be set up behind the McDonald’s. Preregistration - To preregister, save yourself $5.00, and receive a copy of the general instructions, send a self-addressed stamped envelope and your check, made payable to “Yosemite Region - PCA” in the amount of $15.00, to: Jim Cooper • 9109 Lathrop Road Manteca, CA 95336 Telephone (209) 239-9465 E-mail [email protected] Preregistration deadline is June 20. 5 Speaking of Membership By Tom Sisson Membership Director Welcome, new members and transfers! It was great to see and meet so many new members at CRAB. I know everyone had a good time! Put CRAB on your schedule for next year. SVR has 594 regular members and 15 dual members. You may notice that’s just the same as last month, even though we have a number of new members listed below— meaning we lost just as many members as we gained. I talked to a few of those that dropped out, and generally the reason was the same: so many other pressures and commitments, there just wasn’t time for SVR. Since I’m pretty sure we can’t add any more hours to the day, does anyone have any ideas on how to address this common cause of non-renewal? Special anniversary congratulations go to Mike Lommatzsch (25years), Douglas Brownlee (30 years), James & Dane Thompson (35years), and Wyn & Linda Robertson (40 years) on their many years with our Club! New Members Thomas Chandler Lincoln, CA 95648 [email protected] 916-645-0600 1989 911 Lee & Janice Deter Sacramento, CA 95831 [email protected] 916-391-9956 1968 912 David Dreyfuss Folsom, CA 95630 [email protected] 916-826-1134 1995 911 Ron & Maria Fitzgerald Elk Grove,CA 95758 [email protected] 916-440-7059 1988 911 John Fowler Sacramento, CA 95817 [email protected] 916-452-2746 1978 911 Malcolm & Cat Glover Jay & Karren Wright Loomis, CA 95650 [email protected] 916-774-7411 1990 944 Sacramento, CA 95822 [email protected] 916-929-0262 1999 996 Milo & Patricia Hewitt Transfers In Carmichael, CA 95608 [email protected] 916-485-0183 2002 911 Jim & Linnea Stimpson Doug Klein & Alice Schilla Granite Bay, CA 95746 [email protected] 916-780-7989 2004 Boxster Wally Larsen & Marsha Boutelle Cameron Park, CA 95682 [email protected] 530-677-4370 2000 Boxster Mark Lubin & Jenny Truger Roseville, CA 95661 [email protected] 916-276-9977 1990 911 Colfax, CA 95713 [email protected] 530-637-4057 2000 & 2001 Boxster (from San Diego) Transfers Out Peter H. Stairs (to Golden Empire) Changes Peter Ahlstrom & Jason Shelley [email protected] 916-392-6404 Jerry & Ramona Alter 408-626-7723 Bryan & Maralee MacDonald Kent & Caroline Barber Folsom, CA 95630 [email protected] 916-353-1887 2000 911 Mike & Debbie Barnes Sally & Frank Myers Ione, CA 95640 [email protected] 209-274-9124 1994 911 Grass Valley, CA 95949 Fremont, CA 94536 510-745-8397 John & Lynn (Penny) Birkett [email protected] 916-983-9252 Michael Brown John Payne [email protected] Davis, CA 95616 [email protected] 530-756-4767 2004 Boxster S Edward & Shelley Busuttil Steve Reiber Rocklin, CA 95765 916-630-8924 Rocklin, CA 95765 [email protected] 650-280-2103 1986 944 Tony & Hawley Rosas Nevada City, CA 95959 [email protected] 530-265-8707 2000 Boxster James & Cindy Shuell Sacramento, CA 95827 [email protected] 916-381-3551 1996 911 Logan & Donna Smith Rocklin, CA 95677 [email protected] 916-632-2692 1978 911 916-686-2161 Matthew & Flora Deter Buzz & Julia Lynn Sacramento, CA 95825 1992 968, 1970 911 K. Marty 916-652-5936 Mark & Carie Messineo Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Dwight & Linda Mitchell Lutz, FL 33558 [email protected] John & Lisa Nelson 1996 911 Arnold & Patricia O’Shields [email protected] Dana & Christine Philebar [email protected] 6 The Drifter Joe & Jennifer Schumacher Louwrens & Willemina Van Der Linden William & Carol Pettis [5] [email protected] 916-736-3122 [email protected] 530-887-8671 2001 911 Judy Wawrzeniak [10] Jeff & Beth Sloan Roseville, CA 95747 [email protected] Howard & David Souza Frank & Madielene Viernes Roseville, CA 95661-5884 916-206-9262 Bill Winkler & De’nai Miller [10] Steven Eckles & Michelle Marlink [10] Mike Lommatzsch [25] 209-473-9576 Anniversaries Bill & Bobbi Tugaw John & Angelina McKinsey [5] James & Dane Thompson [35] William McGillivray [5] Wyn & Linda Robertson [40] Los Altos, CA 94022 Bruce Ungari & Kathy Hardy-Ungari 530-647-0356 Douglas Brownlee [30] Nicholas & Virginia LaPorte [5] PCA Driver Education & PCA Instructor Certification Event Thunderhill Race Park, Willows California June 4, 2004 – 7:30 am to 5:00 pm ♦ High-Speed Driving School for Beginners and Novices ♦ Open Track for Intermediate and Advanced drivers ♦ PCA Driving Instructor Training and Certification * $215.00/person includes classroom & on-track training, breakfast muffins, coffee & lunch. Limited to 60 participants to maximize track time. Registration is first-come, first-served and must be completed by May 20. To reserve your spot, or for more information, please contact Frederick D. Rauch at [email protected] or 916-989-3199. * Those interested in the PCA Driving Instructor Training and Certification program must be preapproved by SVR Chief Driving Instructor Russ Hildebrand ([email protected]). SVR Competition Director Frederick D. Rauch – SVR Chief Driving Instructor Russ Hildebrand SVR Chief Steward Mike Willis – PCA Driving Instructor Program Coordinator Warren Walker Presented in conjunction with Doug Gale of TrackMasters Racing. The Drifter 7 Rally By Rik Larson Rally Chair CRAB 31 Rally – Odometer Optional Several cars ran the CRAB 31 rally without an odometer and succeeded, with one winning a class and the other placing second in a class. And to think I tried so hard to make this an easy event! All 24 cars that started the 2.5-hour, 80-mile event completed the course and passed through all of the checkpoints. This year’s instructions used a grid layout (10 instructions per page) borrowed from a basic format to be used at the Porsche Parade rally this year in Fort Worth. I opted to provide mileages for all of the instructions, making it easy to calculate the perfect times throughout the route. I did not provide a pictorial or “tulip” diagram, as I did not want to present too much information on a single line.The CRAB 31 rally has some special equipment requirements to level the playing field; only watches, paper, pencil and sticky-notes are allowed. There were two short legs (4 minutes and 7 minutes) that allowed for some very low scores. Then two other l e g s o f a p p r ox i m a t e l y 3 5 m i n u t e s (which coincidentall y had the same elapsed time) gave a chance for everyone to separate themselves from the other contestants. The general route explored the area around the Sacramento International Airport and the small towns of Nicolaus and East Nicolaus. In fact we used some of the same roads and checkpoint locations as were used in the 2000 Parade Rally. Potty stops were plentiful (after Mike Willis turned the portapotty at checkpoint 2/3 so that we could get to the door). And a few cars were treated to the North by Northwest exper ience as an oncoming plane (crop duster) used a dirt landing strip parallel to the rally road. Jessica & J. Toney won Class C with a score of 56 seconds. Running without a working odometer, Mike & Emily Willis had a score of 60 to win Class R. Tish Gleason & Al Armellini of Diablo Region had a score of 85 for the win in Class A. Rounding out the class winners were Kirk & Linda Bradford with a score of 128 in Class B. The other car running without a working odometer, Ron & Sally Boeck, picked up a second place in Class A with a score of 178. A big thanks goes out to the workers. They include: Lettie Larson, Dave & Dolores Johnson, Her b & Jan Hoov er, Ho ward S ouz a, Delores McKinnon, and Richard Wetzel (who helped measure the e vent the week before and then went out and bought a Boxster). May Madness - Zero Score Wins Jessica & J. Toney achieved a rare perfect zero score on a rally. It took place on a beautiful S aturday at the May Madness rally presented by Yosemite Region. Rallymasters Bud Behrens and Jim Cooper presented a PAN-AM rally (a map-based event) that included four checkpoints. The general locale was to the east of Stockton with checkpoints loc ated near Linden, Va l le y Springs, New Hogan, and Waterloo (all familiar to those who rally). This was the third event in the 2004 Zone 7 rally series. A total of 10 cars started and finished the event that ran just over 3.5 hours. Other Sacramento Valley Region members (all running in the advanced class) were: Richard Wetzel & P hillip Marks with a secondplace score of 2, followed by Hubert & Jenny Lee, and fourth place taken by Ron Boeck & Ron Sorenson. Next Event: Summer Solstice The next event in the series will be presented on Saturday, June 26 (see ad on page 5). It will be the 31 st running of the Summer Solstice time-and-distance rally. You can save $5 by preregistering prior to June 20. Yosemite Region sponsors this event. Be sure to check your July issue of The Drifter for details on these two upcoming tours: Stumpy Meadows Tour Awesome Horsepower Tour July 10 By Roger & Jan Walker July 31 By Stephanie Morgan This will be another beautiful drive through the Sierra Foothills to Stumpy Meadows Lake. We will visit Lacey’s Arabian Horse Ranch and the Golden Gecko Specialty Nursery. Will meet at the El Dorado Hills Town Center at 8:00AM. 8 The Drifter Mendocino Tour By Rik Larson Mendocino Tour Guide Mendocino Tour Update A quick count shows that we have 35 cars signed up for this year’s November 5-7 tour to the North Coast. We have rooms available at The Hill House in Mendocino (coordinated by Tom & Tambra Kroetz at 916-989-1954) and at The Little River Inn (coordinated by Rik & Lettie Larson at 916-481-6084). The rooms are going fast. Contact the Kroetzes or the Larsons for additional information about the types of rooms remaining. This laid-back 3-day tour to the North Coast has been just the thing to do before the busy holiday season begins. You can stay at one of the above places or stay at your own favorite. An additional option has just been made available at The Little River Inn. They have a couple of rooms that will accommodate pets. Check with Rik and Lettie for the details and costs. Remember: Don’t turn your back on the ocean! 356CAR Calendar June 5 - Tech session at Rector Porsche in Burlingame after the San Mateo breakfast. June 5-6 - Wine Country Classics Vintage Racing. Over 350 entrants expected for vintage racing. Off the track will be a festival of wine country living. June 11-13 - Gary and Rod Emory’s Porsche Campout. June 12 - Sacramento area breakfast. June 12-13 - Annual Porsche 356 Club concours, Dana Point. June 25-27 - The Speedster 50th Anniversary Event at Pebble Beach, the Hyatt Regency in Monterey and the Quail Lodge. June 27 - Palo Alto Concours July 10 - Sacramento area breakfast. July 25 - 4th annual Gmund West, Colorado. August 27-28 - Mendocino & Fort Bragg trip. September 11-12 - German Auto Fest, Ventura. September 11-12 - Chico Concours d’Elegance. Sept 17-18 - Ironstone Concours d’Elegance. September 29-October 3 - Celebrate 30 in Williamsburg 2004. Oct 9 - Sacramento area breakfast followed by Sierra Foothills wine tour. For more information on these events visit: http://www.356CAR.org/ CRAB 31 Funkhana Results “Revenge of the Porsche Moms” Latte Class 1 Dwight & Linda Mitchell 2 Paul & Cindy Christensen 3 Tish Gleason & Al Armellini 4 Steve Nieslony & Joy Sease 5 Kent & Cindy Brandon 6 Larry & Linda Smith 7 Mike & Gale Vorkapich 8 Tom Sisson & Rich Swenson The Drifter Mocha Class Ron & Sally Boeck Terry Zaconne & Marc Barman Paul Seidel-Smith & Nancy Bishop Beth Schultz & Rich Smith Greg & Cyndee Peart Jeff & Kim Kinder Bill & Kathy Keegan Eugenie Thomas & Bob Peake 9 Your photos are always needed and welcomed! We will try to publish as many as we have room for in each issue. Send your color or black & white electronic images to Aleece & Elliot Hoffmann at [email protected]. Please include a caption or other information regarding the photo. By Elliot & Aleece Hoffmann Drifter Editors 1 5 2 CRAB and a bit of Sushi! 3 1. Proof that Andy Leight’s 928 is really back on the road. 2. The CRAB Tour lineup on the Garden Highway. 3. The CRAB Tour lunch at the Sierra Nevada Brewery. 4. Paul Seidel-Smith makes a run for it in The Revenge of the Porsche Moms. 5. Kern Breaux thanks the 2004 CRAB Committee. 6. What touring is all about. 7. Tom Sisson rules the dance floor, accompanied by Susan Rauch and Phil Lawrence’s guest. 8. CRAB Chair Kern Breaux addresses the crowd at the Banquet. 9. Bob Peake enjoys the hard work he put into arranging the Sushi 101 event. 10. Candace Weidner takes self defense lessons? Or was that sushi lessons? 11. The CRAB Tour started from a full parking lot. 12. J. Toney receives his award from Aleece Hoffmann. Rik Larson announces CRAB Rally awards 4 10 The Drifter 6 9 7 10 Photos 1,2: Aleece Hoffmann Photo 3,7,8,11: Elliot Hoffmann Photo 4: Steve Neislony Photos 5,9,10: Rick Weidner Photo 6: John Murphy Photo 12: Greg Peart 8 11 The Drifter 12 11 head can actually break off the stem, caus- stores this information and it will result in ing some truly unpleasant things to happen your car’s not passing a smog test (besides Tech Stuff having to look at that irritating yellow light). inside your expensive engine. Ironically, it appears that on the 3.6-li- There are a couple of solutions to fix this. ter version, the rubber seal around each of One is expensive and the other is not so bad. By Roger Walker The expensive way involves removal of the valve stems does such a good job that Technical Chair very little oil is getting in there, and may be the engine and disassembly of the cylinder contributing to more wear than the earlier heads to clean out the passageways. I have version. According to Joel Reiser on the na- heard of bills as high as $4000 to $6000 for Got Heat? Maybe Too Much? tional technical committee, the solution may this procedure. If the engine is apart, now From 1965 until 1999 the 911 was air- be to fit the earlier style seals if or when the might be a good time to check the valve cooled, depending on the forced funneling time comes to replace the valve guides. guides and address any of those issues too. of air around the engine and across the cylA less costly approach has been to leave inders to maintain the engine temperature ”Check Engine” Light the engine in the car and remove the exand remove the heat generated by combusThe other item that is coming to light haust system. Once the exhaust is out of the tion. However, over the years there have been (pun intended) is the “Check Engine” light way, the mechanic goes in with a solvent many increases in displacement and power. on the dash. What is being learned is that spray and a pipe-cleaner-like tool and careThe 911 engine is truly remarkable in its exhaust carbon is building up inside the small fully dissolves and removes the offending history and development. It started out mak- air passages in the head; passageways even- carbon. Your budget may have to dictate ing horsepower in the low 100s and ended tually become plugged, resulting in increased which way you proceed. up making over 400 in the last of the air- emissions, which then trigger the warning cooled, turbo-charged versions—quite an light. Although this is supposedly not af- See you around the next bend, accomplishment and testimony to the fecting performance, the computer memory Roger strength of the design! The original 911 started out at 2.0 liters and over the years worked its way up in internal displacement. With the last version of this motor, Porsche C Class increased the displacement from 3.2 to 3.6 1 Jessica & J. Toney SVR liters for the 964 and 993. 2 Eugenie Thomas & Larry Adams GGR/SVR/DR Any time you make more power you pro3 Bud & MaryAnn Behrens YR duce more heat. These last air-cooled ver4 Doris & Bill Pickering LPR sions are great motors with good drivability 5 Rich McGlumphy & Cathy Keegan SVR and loads of horsepower, but there are several Achilles’ heels with these power plants. 6 Bill Keegan & Dan Rowland SVR In particular, it is important to be aware of R Class engine temperature and keeping the heat 1 Mike & Emily Willis SVR down. The 3.0- and 3.2-liter versions from 2 Bob & Marilyn Van Heuit Cascade 1978 to 1989 are renowned for going 3 Terry Zacone & Marc Barman GGR 200,000 miles and more. In 1989, Porsche 4 Jeff & Kim Kinder SVR went to a 3.6-liter engine with refinements like hydraulic lifters and variable induction; 5 Mark & Mary Vreeland RR this motor was used until the introduction 6 Phil & Harriet Eskildsen DR of the 996 in 1999. As more cars are adding A Class up the miles on these 3.6-liter engines, there 1 Tish Gleason & Al Armellini DR have been a number of owners reporting 2 Ron & Sally Boeck SVR worn valve guides and “Check Engine” light 3 Paul & Cindy Christensen SNR problems. CRAB Rally Results Worn Valve Guides Internally, one of the ways the air-cooled motor disperses the heat from combustion is to spread it to the valves, then from the valves to the guides and to the surrounding metal of the cylinder head, where it is cooled by a combination of oil and air. When the guides become worn, there is a greater gap between the stem of the valve and the guide that it sits in. This air space acts to insulate the valve and doesn’t allow the heat to spread outward. If allowed to go too long, the valve 12 4 5 6 Ira & Carol McKee Marvin & Ruth Stark Bryan & Maralee MacDonald SVR SVR SVR B Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kirk & Linda Bradford Tom Sisson & Scott Nelson Rich Smith & Beth Shultz Peter & Lindsley Cross Dave Bunch & Holly Brink Brian Cameron & Gloria Hill San Diego/SVR SVR RR SVR RR DR The Drifter High Sierra Iris Tour By Stephanie Morgan SVR Member May 2, 2004 Finally … channel 914 ... YES! Unfortunately, my Talkabout radio then went south for the day; I could be heard only occasionally, and could hear even less. So on the way to the High Sierra Iris Gardens, I lost 8 cars … but found 8 deer! (I guess that isn’t really a fair trade, as I have lots of deer at home.) Eventually all 16 cars arrived at the Iris Gardens, and their drivers had a lovely time Porsches at the Iris Gardens Photo: Phil Lawrence wandering among the blooms on the hillside. Even though all 1500 varieties weren’t in bloom, it was a dazzling display of colors and fragrances. Then we were off to Lava Cap Winery. As we rounded a corner, a man and little girl were standing at the roadside taking pictures. As he turned and saw me coming, he smiled … and then his eyes got bigger and bigger as one Porsche after another came around the bend—a photo-op if ever there was one! At Lava Cap we were treated to some delightful vintages, served up by Tim Patrick, son of long-time Porsche racer, Scooter Patrick. There also was a lovely view and garden, and time for a group photo before moving on to Boa Vista Orchards for lunch enjoyed in the shade of their picnic area, with Porsches for company. We “shared the wealth” (drew for door prizes) before moving on up the road to the Jack Russell Brewery, where owner Ian Schofield kindly let us park on his lawn. We were given a tour of the brewery, and I, certainly learned a lot about beers, ales and lagers that I did not know. The tour ended with a visit into the large cooler, where bottles and kegs are stored before sale. One by one, we all headed home, at the end of a lovely warm gold country day. Tim Patrick at the Lava Cap Winery Herb and Jan Hoover sampling the goods at the Jack Russell Brewing Co. Photo: Stephanie Morgan Photo: Stephanie Morgan ae The Drifter 13 Board Meeting Highlights By Steve Goltz Secretary Call To Order President Kim Nelson called the April 21, 2004 Board meeting to order at 6:10 pm at RPM Motorsports. Present were: Board members Tom Sisson, Dennis Stettner, Mark Sides, Bill Keegan, Rick Weidner, Steve Goltz, Aleece Hoffmann, Kevin Dougherty and Frederick Rauch constituting a quorum. Absent were: Russ Hildebrand and Elliot Hoffmann. Also in attendance were Mike Willis, Kern Breaux and Rik Larson. Old Business SVR Patches (Tom Sisson): A bid has been submitted by a vendor but there has been no demand. Motion to not have patches made was seconded and approved. G24 Breakfast Meetings (Rick Weidner): Meet at Andiamo’s Restaurant (3145 Folsom Blvd.) on May 15 and Towe Museum on June 12. SVR Shriners Concours (Kim Nelson): Activities include a June 11 display-only presentation at Cal Expo; those displaying cars will get a season harness racing pass. June 12 starts with breakfast at the Towe Auto Museum ($10). Bob Garretson will speak on Porsche Racing at 10 am, and there will be docent-led tours of the Museum leaving at 10 am & 11 am. An evening reception will honor Bob Garretson, this year’s Grand Marshal. A silent auction will also be held. June 13 is the Concours with an impressive display of cars. The minutes of the March 17 meeting were Board Member Reports approved. Frederick Rauch reported that 8 cars are signed up for the Driver Ed event at Thunderhill, and Mike Willis has agreed to be Chief Steward. Treasurer (Kevin Dougherty): Taxes are filed & paid, thanks to the assistance of past Treasurer Barbara McCrory. Membership Director (Tom Sisson): SVR has 594 members, 15 dual memberships, 18 New Business new members this month. CRAB Review (Kern Breaux): Current reg- Goodie Store (Tom Sisson): No sales. istrations include 75 entries representing 10 regions from 3 zones. Final event preparations are now being made. San Simeon Tour (Mike Willis): The tour has 37 cars signed up. Social Director (Bill Keegan): Tour sign-ups are slow at this time. Dinner meeting plans are being finalized through July. Competition Director (Frederick Rauch): No progress has been made on AX location. If a site is spotted, please obtain contact info and email to Frederick. Newsletter Editors (Aleece Hoffmann): May’s Drifter went to the printer on 4/15 and should be in the mail. The Drifter deadline remains the 1st of each month. Doug DeVetter was issued press credentials for three upcoming track events. Webmaster (Mark Sides): The web calendar should be up to date. Bios are needed from Aleece & Elliot, Steve, Mark, Frederick, Bill, and Kevin. President (Kim Nelson): SVR participation is invited by Shasta Region. Joint events with other regions should be encouraged. Adjournment Action Items: Publish new Drifter Ad fees. Ready Roster for printer. Submit bios for web site. Dumkopf Award nominees are needed. Meeting Adjourned: at 8:05 pm. Next Meeting: The next Board meeting will be held at RPM Motorsports, May 19, 2004 at 6:10 pm. OYSTER FEED 2004 Drifting the Web Looking for information on the evolution of the various 911 models? Try this site: http:// www.idee.demon.nl/ It has a nice, simple summary of the different models from 1963 up through the 996. 14 Mark your calendar and reserve your spot on the 2004 Oyster Feed Tour. This year’s tour will take you to the coast through some beautiful countryside, stopping at a local winery. We will conclude the tour at Samuel P. Taylor Park with an outstanding Oyster Feed. For those of you who want to join the fun, but do not enjoy oysters, there will be barbequed chicken. The chicken was as big a hit as the oysters at the last Oyster Feed. Date: Saturday June 19, 2004 Fee: $12.50 per person. This includes the tour, oysters, chicken, and garlic bread. Bring your own drinks and a salad or dessert to share. Limited to 15 cars, so sign up early!!!! Contact: Ira and Carol McKee at 916-933-7863 [email protected] The Drifter The Drifter 15 Shriners Concours By Kim Nelson President Shriners Concours Honors Speedster In recognition of the Speedster’s 50th Anniversary, the Shriners Hospital Concours in Sacramento on Sunday, June 13 has chosen Porsche as the Featured Marque. For the third year in a row the Sacramento Valley PCA will also hold their Zone 7 Concours in conjunction with the Shriners event. Up to 150 Porsches are expected on the Concours field, representing models from 1952 through 2004. A special display is being organized to showcase 356s from every model year starting with 1952. In keeping with the Porsche theme for the Concours, Bob Garretson has been selected to be this years Grand Marshal. Bob will preside over the Concours, be honored at the Grand Marshal’s Reception and give a one-hour presentation on Porsche Racing at the Towe Auto Museum. Even if you prefer to not have your car judged in the Concours, we hope you will come out and display your car on the field and share in the friendship and camaraderie of other Porsche owners. “Display Only” entries cost $15.00 through PCA registration, and proceeds from the Concours go directly to benefit the Shriners Hospital right here in Nor ther n California. Additional information and registration Drifting the Web Looking for advice from your fellow Porsche enthusiasts? Or possibly looking for parts for your Porsche? Try the Pelican Parts Bulletin Board at: http://forums.pelicanparts.com/ ALL THE FLOWERS WERE IN BLOOM… The Goodie Store Yep, it’s the merry month of June. Get ready for warm weather with the Club polo shirts ($30), T- shirts with the Porsche script ($18), and/or baseball shirts with the Porsche script ($20). All are available in sizes S to XXL, in various colors, and are guaranteed to make you more attractive to your significant Porsche other … within reason! The big news this month is that we finally have a few PCA car badges that you have been asking for (only $18). We also have the SVR car badge ($15.) And yes, you do need some stinkin’ badges. Speaking of “stinkin,” member Jeff Sloane sent in some info about why June is the month for marriages: In the 1500s, most people got married in June, because they took their yearly bath in May and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Jeff also notes that baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, followed by all the other sons and men, the women, the children, and finally, the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it; hence the saying, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.” This has been another educational moment from the Goodie Store. Wear SVR clothes and you will be so pretty you won’t have to bathe as often … within reason! Contact your friendly Goodie Store! See Tom Sisson at meetings and events, write him at 14537 Surrey Junction Lane, Sutter Creek, CA 95685, call 209-296-5352, or email [email protected]. Items can be mailed for a small shipping/handling fee. 16 The Drifter forms c an be found at ht t p : / / w w w. d e r p o r s c h e . n e t / , or contact Kim Nelson at [email protected] with any questions. Friday, June 11 - Cal Expo Harness Racing starting at 5:30 pm. Join Bob Garretson and spend the evening with other Porsche enthusiasts. A highlight of the evening is an exhibition race between a Model T and a horse & sulky. Saturday, June 12 - Towe Auto Museum starting with a Continental Breakfast from 8:30 to 9:45 am. Bob Garretson’s presentation starts at 10:00 am. Docentled tours of the Museum follow Bob’s presentation. Saturday, June 12 - Grand Marshal’s Reception starting at 6:30 pm. This event takes place at the beautiful ballroom of the Sacramento Coca-Cola Bottling Plant, near the Shriners Hospital on Stockton Blvd. Sunday, June 13 - Shriners Concours d’Elegance with car placement starting at 7:30 am. All Porsches will be displayed together on the Concours field. Our Mission: To provide tasteful and unique design while meeting or exceeding our customer’s expectations. Custom or restoration for fine cars, classic Master Craftsmanship with over 25 Years Street Rods, and boats Experience Cabriolet Tops 10 Year Porsche Club Member and Seats Sponsor Door Panels Porsche owner (911, Classic 914) Carpets Visa and MasterCard Accepted Tonneau Covers Car Covers “If you can dream it, we can build it!” — Bob We look forward to the opportunity to serve you! Bob Rinker - Owner & Master Craftsman Erik Carlson - Apprentice Craftsman 11300-G Sunrise Gold Circle, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 858-1808 www.karmakreations.com The Drifter 17 The Social Scene By Cathy & Bill Keegan Social Directors A large part of our job as Social Directors is to make sure you are aware of the events in time to participate in them. One of the most satisfying and gratifying parts of the job is thanking the generous members of your Club who volunteer to make these events happen. As we move through Spring, the list of those to thank gets even longer. The CRAB 31 team was headed up this year by Kern & Cindi Breaux. For the third time in their 30+ years with SVR, they brought us a great weekend, featuring many of the various events we all look forward to throughout the year. How about signing up now to help put on CRAB 32 next year? If you’re looking for a project that allows you and your significant other more time together, here is your chance. There have always been a number of Club members willing to lend their expertise and head up all the subcommittees that make up our “Premier Porsche Weekender.” We just got back from our first tour of the season, a six-hour tour put together by Stephanie Morgan that included a drive into the foothills, flowers (iris), wine, a fruit stand with lunch and a brewery. Stephanie enjoyed the group and event, she has inquired about hosting another tour this summer. Thanks, Stephanie—great job! For those who missed that one, but wanted to concentrate on wine, the Rauches hosted a Napa Valley tour the following weekend, complete with tastings and lunch. The May dinner meeting was a cooperative effort by Greg & Cyndee Peart and Mike West & Catherine Straight at the Elk Grove Brewery. We appreciate their stepping up to offer a dinner meeting in the southern part of SVR. Mike & Emily Willis hosted their semi-annual tour to San Simeon, complete with an evening tour of the Hearst Castle. This event has always been well attended, and this year’s tour included twice as many cars as originally planned. The June dinner meeting is being hosted by Jenny & Britt Cooper at their beautiful home in Penryn. They have arranged catering by Pluto’s from Roseville. Call 916624-6130 for your reservation. Next month the Rauches will be hosting the July dinner meeting. Thanks to both couples. Our Club is participating in the Shriners Concours again this year over the June 12-14 weekend. Activities start with a breakfast at the Towe museum, a silent auction at the old Coke bottling plant Saturday evening, and the Concours on Sunday. Last year we had about 80 cars, and with our own Porsches as the featured marque this year, we are hoping to see up to 150 cars displayed. If you haven’t been to this event before, this is the year to go! This year’s Oyster Tour is being hosted by Carol & Ira McKee on June 19. An alternative meal item is offered, so even if oysters are not your thing, you can still enjoy a tour of Marin and the coastal waters. When it’s hot in the valley, this is a great way to cool down and enjoy some of our nearby countryside. Next tour on the schedule is to Stumpy Meadows, hosted by Jan & Roger Walker on July 10. How lucky we are in SVR to be able to visit either the Pacific or the Sierra Nevada for a day and be home by dinner. A final note on an event I know I’m looking forward to in September: the all-American Camping trip to Lake Almanor. Judy Hanna, Rich Swenson and the Leights are putting together an exciting weekend for September 25-26. NEED USED PARTS? PORSCHE Mercedes Benz 916-631-7300 800-783-4911 All Parts Guaranteed Worldwide Shipping Silver Star Recycling 11315 Dismantle Court Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 8-5 Mon -Fri 9-3 Saturday www.silverstarrecycling.com 18 The Drifter Online Membership Directory Now Available At http://www.derporsche.net/ Password Protected For Your Privacy Members may request the password from SVR VP Dennis Stettner at [email protected] or 916-728-1238. Please provide your PCA membership number when making your password request. PCA Car Corral Event Sunday, June 6, 2004 PCA Members are invited to kick off the Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep Wine Country Classic Vintage Car Race weekend. In addition to the on-track action of the Wine Country Classic Vintage Car Races, the event will also feature: x x x x x Wine Country Living Food and Wine Pavilion, located in the paddock (all weekend) Cooking demonstrations and wine tasting Motorsports-themed art show and custom street rod display (all weekend) Car corrals featuring makes like Mercedes, Porsche, Mustang, Jaguar, Lotus, Corvette and Shelby (all weekend) Open paddock for driver meet-and-greet opportunities PCA Car Club Corral Benefits: Special group ticket price: $20.00 ($25 at the gate) Club corral parking at Turn 2 (space is limited) Commemorative car pin for every car Great view of the track Tickets must be purchased by May 20, 2004 to guarantee corral space and discounted pricing. To purchase tickets in advance and receive your discount, please phone 800870-RACE between 9 am & 5 pm, Monday-Friday only, and press 2 and then 1. You must mention the PCA discount when calling to receive the discount. You may also send in a check to: Brad Lawrence, Infineon Raceway, Hwy 37 & 121, Sonoma, CA 95476. Advertiser Index A&S BMW Motorcycles Colors-on-Parade/Dent Magic Enterprise Printing European Body Shop Fabrication Specialties Frank’s Automotive IPB - Autosport Karma Kreations Niello Porsche OK Tire ‘n Wheel Partsheaven Performance Products The Racer’s Group Silver Star Recycling TracQuest Walt Stickel Weidman’s Wheels 19 13 17 9 2 IBC IFC 17 15, BC IBC 4 15 18 18 IFC 7 17 CRAB 31 sponsors have this logo in their ads. Please support our Drifter advertisers! Stop by and say “Thank you!” for their support. With their product or service donations and financial support of SVR, we are able to bring you more and better activities. The Drifter 19 The Finish Line By Elliot & Aleece Hoffmann Newsletter Editors Thanks! We’ve been asking for your help with The Drifter over the last few months, in the form of photos, articles and favorite Porschephile web sites. The response has been great, and your contributions really help. Even though it’s sometimes challenging to keep track of it all, we really appreciate your participation and feedback. Keep it coming!! Reminiscing As many of you know, that little icon that closes this column each month is the actual California license plate on our Boxster S. If it looks a little tattered, there’s good reason: it was my high school graduation gift … 20 years ago this month. It came with wheels, too: a 1976 Honda Civic wagon—no-frills (but reliable) transportation … and freedom. As my college graduation approached, that Civic was replaced by a 1986 Honda Accord sedan. With splendid luxuries like cloth seats, power windows and air conditioning, I was definitely moving up in the world! While the Accord wore the plates, a sudden freeway halt one evening commute mangled the front plate … along with much of the car’s front end. Lesson learned: Decide on a good collision repair shop before you need one. The tow truck driver’s recommendation is likely to be based on something other than on the shop’s reputation for quality work. A few months later, Elliot and I were married. We just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary on our way to the CRAB 31 registration party. A few years later, the Accord gave way to a fabulous “Mediterranean Blue” 1991 Toyota MR2 Turbo with a T-top. That’s when driving became more than just transportation! I fell for its looks initially, but over time I grew to appreciate just how great this little green mid-engine, two-seater “Japanese Ferrari” really was. There was definitely no going back. When the MR2 started aging less gracefully, we began shopping for its successor. The Boxster S was love at first drive, and there wasn’t even a close second choice. Hoping to save money, we shopped used and then new inventory for six months, but finally special ordered to get all the right options. Alas, three more months of waiting! At last, coincidentally on Elliot’s 38th birthday, two years ago this month (you do the math!), we picked up the distinctive “Rain- forest Green” 2002 Boxster S with “Natural Brown” interior that that led us to the PCA. Somehow my tattered old plate doesn’t quite look right on a shiny new Porsche, and yet I can’t quite bring myself to have it remade. There’s just too much history in it. Aleece with our new Boxster S at Morro Rock, on our way home from Beverly Hills Porsche Drifter Classifieds are available at no charge to PCA members (pictures with text are $15 each); non-members may submit ads for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories, $20 each; pictures with text add $15 each. Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send with ad to PCA-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by email to [email protected] and received by the editor by the 1st of the month prior to publication. Ads may be shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for two months unless cancelled. Porsches 1986 944 Turbo race car, over $30,000 invested in new parts and spares. This is a no-rust California car with a large number of turbo cup parts from Porsche Motorsports. The car has many carbon-fiber and fiberglass parts, including Lexan deck lid and other weightsaving features. Other notable parts include: big red brakes/rotors, Sparco seats, Porsche Motorsports triple adjustable Koni shocks, and built-in fire system. Forgeline wheels 9.5x18, 11x18 with Goodyear Eagle Race tires. Motor upgrades include O-ringed cylinder head that is ported and polished, ceramic-coated custom-built turbo, extrude-honed intake manifold, custom chips and HKS boost controller. Many more new and spare parts. Complete list and photos available. $24,000, 530-5189290 or [email protected] (5) 20 1990 944 Cabriolet S2, triple maroon, show room condition/concourse show potential, Forgeline wheels and original wheels, big brake update. Pictures and details available via email. $20,000, 530-518-9290 or [email protected] (5) 1976 911S Targa, talbot yellow w/black all new interior. Exterior updated when painted 7 years ago to include right side mirror, painted headlight rims and black Targa bar. Engine correctly rebuilt 75,000 miles ago. Transmission w/new clutch and rear brakes rebuilt 8,000 miles ago. Oil cooler (fender well) and updated air conditioning compressor. No rust. Asking $8,500 Davis, CA 530756-5928. (6) 1981 911SC Coupe, concours condition. Rare Chiffon White w/ Chocolate Brown full leather interior. 2nd owner, Calif car. 94K miles. New clutch, Turbo tie rods, all engine updates, polished Fuchs, new tires, original paint & interior, no oil leaks, must see to appreciate. $18000. Many new parts. Ron Ives@ 916-771-2086 or [email protected]. Serious parties only. (6) 1990 944 S2 Cabriolet, red/black, 69k miles, recent clutch and major service, new tires, all work done at Autosport, excellent condition. Call Nancy Faszer at 916-532-7043. (6) 1994 968 Cabriolet, white/black top/grey, 34k miles, 6-speed, garage queen, $21,000. Pics at [email protected]. John 916-486-1027. (6) Parts B&M short shift kit for 996 or Boxster - new in package with all instructions, $225; 928 engine service cover (covers fenders and front bumper), like new $25; 1990 - 1995 928 window control switch, new in package, $20; (4) 7 X 16 928 wheels (flat dish style), stripped paint and started polishing, then sold car - make offer; Master cylinder from 1982 911SC, free to anyone who wants to come get it. Jim Finley, 916-716-4086, [email protected] (6) The Drifter Frank’s AUTOMOTIVE Since 1969 Independent Service and Repair Porsche | BMW | Audi | Mercedes | VW | Volvo 916-452-0917 Frank Lettini Nick Lettini 5220 Folsom Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95819 Lic # 010502 Our motto: “If you like our work,tell others. If not, tell us.” Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Cards Porsche Club of America Sacramento Valley Region Post Office Box 254651 Sacramento, CA 95865-4651 Prsrt Std U.S. Postage PAID Permit Number 2840 Sacramento, CA The Drifter is published by The PCA-Sacramento Valley Region, and is intended to inform our members of activities and other matters of interest. Typed contributions and photographs are welcome and appreciated, and should be sent to the Editors. The deadline for submission is the first of the month prior to the month of publication. Address changes and questions regarding membership need to be submitted to the Membership Chair. The views and opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of The Sacramento Valley Region, its Board of Directors, or PCA, Inc. New Porsches Carrera Coupe 2004 6 speed Speed Yellow/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! Carrera Cabriolet 2002 6 speed Lapis Blue/Graphite Grey/Metropol Blue IN STOCK NOW!!! 2003 Tiptronic Meridian Metallic/Cinnamon Brown/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! Carrera 4S Cabriolet 2004 6 speed Speed Yellow/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! Boxster S 2004 6 speed Arctic Silver Metallic/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! 2004 6 speed Guards Red/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! Cayenne S 2004 Tiptronic Dark Sea Blue/Stone/Steel Grey IN STOCK NOW!!! 2004 Tiptronic Sand White/Havanna/Sand IN STOCK NOW!!! Pre-Owned Porsches Boxster 1999 5 speed Arena Red Metallic/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! 2000 5 speed Guards Red/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! Boxster S 2001 6 speed Speed Yellow/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! Parts Department Visit our web site at www.niello.com OPEN SATURDAY 8AM-5PM
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