Women Crea ng NEW Economies 2013
Women Crea ng NEW Economies 2013
2013 Summit Sponsors Government of Malaysia Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development Women Crea ng NEW Economies Launching Crea ve Enterprises Partnering for Successful Global Alliances Developing Caring and Equitable Workplaces Enabling Technology Access Worldwide Nurturing a Fragile Environment for All Join 1,000 women leaders from every corner of the world to share winning strategies to advance women’s economic lives 2013 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia June 6 — 8, 2013 OFFICIAL AIRLINE OF THE 2013 GLOBAL SUMMIT OF WOMEN OFFICIAL LOCAL MEDIA PARTNER GLOBAL SUMMIT OF WOMEN 2013: WOMEN— Crea ng NEW Economies Summit President: Irene Na vidad The world’s leading global economic forum for women, the Global Summit of Women has developed a reputa on as an exci ng, fact-filled, hands-on gathering of high caliber delegates from all parts of the globe. The Summit con nues to celebrate women’s leadership worldwide by bringing together women business, professional, and governmental leaders for three days of s mula ng sessions designed to explore prac cal strategies and best pracces in accelera ng women’s economic progress worldwide. Over fi y Interna onal Members and Partner organiza ons represen ng women on five con nents are planning to par cipate in the 2013 Summit in Malaysia. The 2013 Summit theme – Women: Crea ng NEW Economies – reflects our belief that women are changing the global marketplace with the crea ve new enterprises they are building, their emphasis on business’ responsibili es towards their workers and surrounding communi es, and their protec ve ini a ves towards nurturing a fragile environment. The 2013 Summit will inform delegates on how to access the dynamic Malaysian and Asian-Pacific markets, showcase women business and government leaders from the region, provide skills-building sessions, as well as establish networks among, such leaders. For 23 years, the Global Summit of Women has been enabling women leaders to grow their businesses, expand their networks, enlarge their opportuni es in their countries, regions, and globally. Join us at the Summit to share lessons for improving the lives of women everywhere. Summit Delegates at the 2012 Global Summit of Women in Athens, Greece, where 1,000 women came from 70 countries to assist the women in Greece at a me of crisis. 2013 Summit Features: Pre-Summit Roundtable for Women Government Ministers to dialogue with corporate leaders on best prac ces in public/private sector partnerships for advancing women’s economic growth; Plenary sessions which cover business trends, such as Corporate Social Responsibility, regionally and globally; Prac cal strategies for business growth – personal and entrepreneurial -- developed in different parts of the world; Skills building sessions in three tracks: Leadership Development, Entrepreneurial, and Issues; Inspira onal role models from every con nent included among our impressive roster of over 80 presenters; Ample networking opportuni es at breakfasts, lunches, recep ons, and throughout the event. What the 2013 Summit Offers : Informa on on doing business with Malaysia and the Asia-Pacific economies; Insight into the women driving business growth in this region as consumers and business leaders; Featured ‘best prac ces’ in partnerships between business and government to advance women and to promote ‘green’ ini a ves; And numerous sessions to help ‘grow’ your leadership skills, your business, and your network. MALAYSIA HOST OF THE 2013 GLOBAL SUMMIT OF WOMEN With its enthusias c engagement in the global marketplace, Malaysia is the proud host of the 2013 Global Summit of Women. Malaysia, a rising economic dynamo whose economic growth was recently described by the Financial Times as a “gravity-defying boom,” benefits from its strategic loca on connec ng the Far East to Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. At the center of high growth Asian markets, the country offers ample business and investment opportuni es in sectors such as oil and gas, energy, financial services, wholesale and retail, electronics, communica ons, and healthcare. In addi on, its culture and beaches a racts tourists from throughout the world, making Malaysia the 9th Capital City of Kuala Lumpur most visited country in the world. Women in Malaysia A diverse, mul cultural society, Malaysia has long welcomed women’s par cipa on in economic ac vi es. Nearly half of all women are ac ve in the workforce and women account for 60 percent of the labor force in key industries, such as the financial services sector, while the manufacturing sector is the largest employer of women in the country. Women play an important part in the country’s economy as corporate execu ves in mul na onals, CEOs of enterprises from small to large, as well as in the leading government roles. Beaches help make Malaysia 9th most visited country in world. A sampling of Malaysia’s women leaders include CEO of Procter & Gamble Malaysia and Singapore Ellie Xie, Country Manager of Pfizer Malaysia Angel Choi, Managing Director and CEO of Hong Leong Bank Yvonne Chia, CEO of the Kuwait Financial House Jamelah Jamaluddin and Governor of Malaysia’s Central Bank Dr Ze Akhtar Aziz. The Global Summit of Women is delighted to offer women in business and government globally an opportunity to become more acquainted with Malaysia and its impressive women. The new Royal Palace in Kuala Lumpur, site of the 2013 Summit Welcoming Dinner. The Government Center of Putrajaya, site of 2013 Summit’s Closing Reception. MEET SOME OF THE 2013 SUMMIT PARTICIPATING LEADERS Government Leaders H.E. Da n Paduka Seri Rosmah bin Mansor First Lady of Malaysia and Chair, 2013 Global Summit of Women Najat Vallaud-Belkacem Minister of Women’s Rights, France Hon. Nguyen Thi Doan Vice President, Vietnam Dato’ Sri Mustapa Bin Mohamed Minister of Interna onal Trade and Industry, Malaysia Elizabeth Thabethe Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, South Africa Anna Wu Execu ve Councilor of the Hong Kong Government SAR Hon. A fete Jahjaga President, Kosovo Beata Stelmach Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Poland CEOs Umran Beba President, Asia-Pacific, PepsiCo Dick Evans Former CEO, Rio Tinto Alcan Henryka Bochniarz CEO, Boeing Central and Eastern Europe Sung Joo Kim CEO, MCM, Inc. Elizabeth Buse President, Asia Pacific, Central Europe, Africa, Visa, Inc. Ann Sherry CEO, Carnival Australia Winnie Chiu CEO Dorse Interna onal Yukako Uchinaga Chair, CEO, and President Berlitz Interna onal Execu ves Kimberly Admire Vice President, Diversity and Inclusion, Lockheed Mar n Marisa Drew Managing Director, Investor Banking, Credit Suisse Margare a Noonan Managing Director, Omega Management Group Advisors Pat Harris Vice President, Global Chief Diversity Officer, McDonald’s Muriel Penicaud Execu ve Vice President, Human Resources, Danone Ana Maria Llopis Board Director, Societe Generale and Dia Corp Karen Watson Managing Director, Nielson Government and Public Sector 2013 SUMMIT PROGRAM WOMEN —Crea ng NEW Economies All sessions take place at the Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur, unless indicated otherwise. Simultaneous Interpreta on is provided in English, Chinese, and French for all sessions. JUNE 5, 2013 (WEDNESDAY): 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Summit Registra on JUNE 6, 2013 (THURSDAY) 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Summit Registra on 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ministerial Roundtable – Public/Private Sector Partnerships Advancing Economic Opportuni es for Women and Girls 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Doing Business with Malaysia led by Minister of Interna onal Trade and Industry, Malaysia 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. First Ladies Forum led by First Lady of Malaysia Da n Paduka Seri Rosmah 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. OPENING CEREMONY- Keynote by Prime Minister of Malaysia, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. MALAYSIA’S WELCOMING DINNER Hosted by the Queen at the Na onal Palace in Kuala Lumpur JUNE 7, 2013 (FRIDAY) 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm 2:45 pm – 4:00 pm 4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Networking Breakfast Plenary Sessions Economic Forecast and Women as a Market CEO Forum: Matching Skills for the New Economy Changing Corporate Leadership: Quotas vs. Targets Entrepreneurs Luncheon Forum: Innova ng Your Business Through Technology Breakout Sessions Leadership Development Track: Crea ng New Corporate Culture with Flexibility: Best Prac ces Entrepreneurial Track: Pitching to Investors: Financing Your Business for Growth Issues Track: Crea ng Environmentally-Friendly Businesses Breakout Sessions Leadership Development Track Re-defining Success: Dealing with Work-Related Stress Entrepreneurial Track: Doing Business in the Asia-Pacific Region: Do’s and Don’t’s YOUTH FORUM: Execu ve Leadership GLOBAL WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP AWARDS GALA DINNER JUNE 8, 2013 (SATURDAY) 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Networking Breakfast 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Plenary Sessions 9:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m. Best Prac ces in CSR: Financial Inclusion 10:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. Opening Up Microfinance Through Technology 11:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m. Phasing Out the Pay Gap: Public/Private Sector Ini a ves 1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Luncheon Forum: Engaging Men in Diversity Programs—A CEO Dialogue 2:45 p.m.—4:00 p.m. Breakout Sessions Leadership Development Track: Reinven ng and Re-Branding Yourself Entrepreneurial Track: Dealing Successfully with Failure Issues Track: Social Entrepreneurship 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions Leadership Development Track: Marke ng Yourself Internally andExternally Entrepreneurial Track: Learning from Successful Exporters Issues Track: Figh ng Corrup on to Spark Economic Growth 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. CLOSING CEREMONY 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm CLOSING RECEPTION Hosted by First Lady at Putrajaya, Malaysia’s Government Capital 2013 GLOBAL SUMMIT OF WOMEN REGISTRATION FORM REGISTER ON-LINE AT WWW.GLOBEWOMEN.ORG Registra on Deadline: April 30, 2013 First Name__________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Posi on __________________________________________________________________________________ Organiza on ________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Country ___________________________________________________________________________________ Tel # ___________________ Fax # ___________________ E-mail ____________________________________ REGISTRATION FEE PLEASE CIRCLE ONE US $550 — Non-Profit and Governmental Rate US $800 – Corporate Rate No refunds a er April 30, 2013 METHOD OF PAYMENT ______ Bank Check (in U.S. dollars ONLY) made payable to: Global Summit of Women (WREI) ______ Credit Card CREDIT CARD PAYMENT Cardholder _________________________________________________________________________________ Card Type _________________________________________________________________________________ Account Number ____________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date ____________________________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: All credit card payments will be processed by the Women’s Research Educa on Ini a ve (WREI). This will be listed on your credit card statement. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE (Please circle one in each category) Nature of Business: Corporate Industry: Agriculture Entrepreneur Government NGO Academic Other Communica ons Construc on Consultancy Financial Services Food/Beverage Info. Technology Manufacturing Mining Pharmaceu cals Retail Transporta on Tourism Wholesale Other: ____________ Language: English Chinese French Please send this form to: Global Summit of Women 1100 G Strret N.W., #700; Washington, D.C. 20005 USA Tel: 202-835-3713; Fax: 202-466-6195; e-mail: [email protected] HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS SHANGRI-LA HOTEL KUALA LUMPUR The site of the 2013 Global Summit of Women, the five-star Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur, is centrally located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. The Hotel offers luxurious accommoda ons coupled with easy access to key loca ons around the city. To Reserve Your Room, Mail or Fax to: SHANGRI-LA HOTEL KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA A n: Ms Crystal Ng, Reserva ons Department, Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur Tel: 60 3 20268488 Fax: 60 3 20321245 Email: reserva [email protected] PLEASE SEND THIS FORM BY FAX OR MAIL DIRECTLY TO THE HOTEL ON OR BEFORE 22nd May 2013 Guest Name ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Surname First Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Company Business Address ____________________________________________________________________________ Street address or PO Box No ________________________________ City/ State Tel No ________________________________________ Country ______________________- Fax No ________________________ E-Mail: _________________________________ Arrival Date __________________ Flight No ____________________ Departure Date __________________ Flight No ____________________ Time: ____________________ No of Room (s) ______________________________ Room Category Executive Room Horizon Executive Room Special Request (Subject to availability) Time: ____________________ No of Guest (s) _______________________ Daily Single Room Rates Daily Double Room Rates RM 550.00++ ( ) Approx. USD 179.00++ RM 800.00++ ( ) Approx. USD 260.00++ RM 580.00++ ( ) Approx. USD 189.00++ RM 850.00++ ( ) Approx. USD 276.00++ King Bed ( ) Twin Bed ( ) Non-Smoking ( ) Above room rates are subject to 10% service charge and 6 % government tax. Execu ve Room Rate is inclusive of WIFI Internet access. Horizon Execu ve Room Rate is inclusive of Horizon Club Privileges. Cancella on Info Cancella on of individual reserva ons must be received 72 hours prior to arrival date to avoid a penalty of the full reserved stay. Shorten stay will subject to the full reserved stay. No Show Clause No shows will result in a late cancella on charge equivalent to full dura on of stay. Credit Card Guarantee Please provide the credit card details to secure the room reserva on. Credit card type VISA ( JCB ( ) ) MASTER ( AMEX ) ( ) DINERS ( ) UNION ( ) For AMEX please provide the I/D No: _______________ Credit Card No ___________________________________________________ Expiry Date _________________ Terms & Condi ons Please be informed that the official check-in me is 1400hrs and check out me is 1200hrs In the event of early check-in before 1200hrs, a full-day surcharge will be applicable for a guaranteed check-in. Late check out will be on request basis and subject to availability. A half day room charge is applicable for late check out un l 1600hrs. Room occupied beyond 1600hrs of the day of departure will be charged for a full day room charge. Any flight changes must be advised at least 24 hours prior to arrival. WEXPO AT 2013 GLOBAL SUMMIT OF WOMEN For the past ten years, the Summit has offered an opportunity for par cipa ng entrepreneurs to display their products or services to Summit delegates at the three-day WEXPO (Women’s Expo), held in conjunc on with the Summit. WEXPO once again fills the halls outside of the main mee ng hall at the Summit venue, the Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur. A Malaysian Pavilion will introduce visi ng delegates to high-quality Malaysian goods, while entrepreneurs from around the world will showcase their products. Space is limited and will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more informa on on reserving your exhibi on space, see the WEXPO Reserva on form online at globewomen.org or contact the Summit office at [email protected]. WHAT THE GLOBAL SUMMIT OF WOMEN MEANS TO WOMEN Seeing one thousand people from 81 countries in a room is impressive. It is even more impressive when you consider that the topic of discussion is women, women’s representa on and development,” Umran Beba, President — Asia Pacific Region, PepsiCo The Women's Summit...was a symbol of a worldwide understanding which -- using economic rela ons as its point of departure -- conspires to bring together women from all over the world to form an enormous public-private partnership for long-term change." Hon. Ursula von der Leyen, Minister for Labor, Germany "Par cipa ng in the Global Summit in Chile was a fantas c experience. The warmth and recep vity of the women there was inspiring." Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize Winner (USA) The Global Summit of Women is really a true and effec ve interna onal forum and pla orm for women across the world, where we can share our thoughts, feelings and experiences globally. Shahinoor Rahman, Owner, Shanoo's Collec on, Bangladesh "I find that the Global Summit of Women inspires increasingly more women to reach for more than they ever thought possible. The rela onships I, and many other GSW par cipants, have made have been invaluable to each of our personal and professional development." Tess Mateo, Managing Director, CXCATALYSTS (USA) Congratula ons on a highly successful event. My 'take-aways' are substan al, and will take several days to digest...It was a pleasure and a privilege to share and learn from others." Krista Walochik, CEO, Norman Broadbent (Spain) "The Global Summit of Women in Beijing was a perfectly organized and very interes ng event and I took real pleasure being part of it. I believe that the contacts we have established there are a serious promise for future favorable collabora on and joint ini a ves." Lilyana Pavlova, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (Bulgaria) MALAYSIA BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Y. BHG. DATUK SHAHROL AZRAL IBRAHIM HILMI Managing Director and Chief Execu ve Officer, 1Malaysia Development Berhad MR MALEK ALICEO BFM Media Sdn Bhd MS. JEAN TAN General Manager, Habib Jewels Y. BHG. DATUK YVONNE CHIA Group Managing Director, Hong Leong Bank Berhad MS. LOO CHENG CHENG Corporate Affairs Group, Intel Malaysia MS. ZAINI ZAINUDDIN Chief Editor, Madam Chair MR DEAN DACKO Senior Vice President (Marke ng), Malaysia Airlines System MS SHAREEN OOI Chief Marke ng Officer, Media Prima Bhd MS JASMINE BEGUM Legal Director, Microso Malaysia MS RAIHA AZNI ABDUL RAHMAN Vice President (Human Resource Management), Petronas MS ELLIE XIE CEO, Procter & Gamble MALAYSIA HOST COMMITTEE Datuk Dr. Rebecca Santa Maria Secretary-General, Ministry of Internaonal Trade and Industry Dato’ Dr. Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur Secretary-General, Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development Dato’ Hafsah Hashim Chief Execu ve Officer, SME Corp Y. BHG. TAN SRI RAFIAH SALIM, Director, NIEW Y. BHG. TAN SRI ZARINAH ANWAR, Former Chairman, Securi es Commission MS. HARJIT KAUR, Senior Director, Ministry of Interna onal Trade and Industry Y. BHG. DATO' DR. NORAESAH HAJI MOHAMAD, Execu ve Chairman, MYEG Services Berhad MR. HARJEET SINGH HARDEV SINGH, Deputy Secretary-General, Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development MS. SHAMSIMAR YUSOF, Chairman, Panel of Women Entrepreneurs MR. WAN MUZAFFAR SHAH WAN MUSIFF, Chief Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs Y. BHG. TAN SRI DATO' WIRA DR. SHARIFAH HAPSAH SYED HASAN SHABUDIN, President, Na onal Council of Women’s MS. SHAZELINA ZAINUL ABIDIN, Undersecretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs MS. NURAIZAH S. BAHARIN, President, Associa on of Bumiputera Women Entrepreneur Network of Malaysia (WENA) MS. HAMDIAH ISMAIL, Sr Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Tourism MS. HAPSAH HAJI RAHMAT, Vice President, Dewan Usahawan Industri Desa DR. WONG LAI SUM, Chief Execu ve Officer, MATRADE MS. GEEVA SAMYNATHAN, Chairperson, Wedckl & Selangor Chamber of Commerce and Industry MS. AZIAN MOHD YUSOF, Director, Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) MS. AZIZAH AZIZ, Deputy Director, Tourism Malaysia MS. NUWAL FADHILAH KU AZMI, Senior Manager, Malaysia Conven on & Exhibi on Bureau Y. BRS. DR. MADELINE BERMA, Director, Pusat Kepimpinan Wanita, Universi Kebangsaan Malaysia MS. SAROJINI RUTH RAJAHSER, President, Na onal Associa on of Women Entrepreneurs of Malaysia MS. NORHAYATI AB RAHMAN, President. Persatuan Usahawan Wawasan Wanita Malaysia (WAWASANITA) Y. BHG. DATO' AZLIN AHMAD SHAHARBI, President, Persatuan Wanita Bumiputra DAlam Perniagaan & Profesyen Malaysia (PENIAGAWATI) GLOBAL MEMBERS Associa on for Women Entrepreneurship Development (Romania) Business and Professional Women Interna onal Femmes d’Affaires du Congo (AFAC) FKA (Icelandic Associa on of Women Entrepreneurs) Global Engagement Wellbeing Excellence Leadership (Japan) Human Global Reach (France) Mongolian Women’s Federa on Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs Council / VCCI Women Presidents’ Organiza on (USA) INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS Across Cultures (USA) Ghana Associa on of Women Entrepreneurs AFAEMME - Organiza on of Mediterranean Businesswomen Global Women Inventors & Innovators Network African Alliance for Women Entrepreneurs Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs African Women Entrepreneurship Program – Namibia Chapter Associa on Asian Women in Business (USA) Hong Kong Federa on of Women Asocia a Femei in Afaceri/Women in Business Romania House of Women (Namibia) Associacio Catalana D’Empresaries I Execu ves Intl. Centre for Entrepreneurship and Career Development (India) Interna onal Federa on of University Women Associa on of Business Women of Kazakhstan Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry Center for Women’s Research (Sri Lanka) Chinese Associa on of Women Entrepreneurs Chi agong Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry Comision de Mujeres de la Industria de Alta Tecnologia (Mexico) Commi ee of 20 (Russia) Consor um of Women Entrepreneurs of India Egyp an Businesswomen’s Associa on Eurochambres Women’s Network (Greece) European Professional Women’s Network (EPWN) Expat Women (Australia) Federa on of Business and Professional Women of Nepal Japan Women’s Innova ve Network (J-WIN) Leading Women of Africa Lidere (Latvia) Michigan Associa on of Female Execu ves (USA) Mujer y Empresa (Spain) Na onal Associa on of Businesswomen of Tajikstan Na onal Chamber Network for Women Entrepreneurs (Greece) Pro WOMEN Founda on (Romania) Shahina A ab Founda on (Pakistan) Sorop mist Interna onal of the Americas The Interna onal Alliance of Women (TIAW) WIL Europe Women’s Business Council Philippines
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