mesleki teknik eğitimin önemi
mesleki teknik eğitimin önemi
VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN TURKEY AND METGEM 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 1 POPULATION AND DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE IN TURKEY 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 2 Öğretmen(2)(4) Okul Türü ve Öğretim Yılı Type of School and Educational Year Okul(6) School(6) Teacher(2)(4) Öğrenci Toplam Total Erkek Males Kadın Females Şube Division Toplam Mezun(5) Graduate (5) Student Total Erkek Males Kadın Females Toplam Total Erkek Males Kadın Females Mesleki ve Teknik Ortaöğretim - Vocational and Technical Secondary Education Resmi Özel 2006/' 07 4 244 84 276 51 149 33 127 43 033 1 244 499 760 771 483 728 263 726 161 958 101 768 2007/' 08 4 450 84 771 51 027 33 744 43 226 1 264 870 744 631 520 239 108 235 66 528 41 707 2008/' 09 4 622 88 924 53 229 35 695 53 971 1 565 264 893 697 671 567 182 450 95 637 86 813 2009/' 10 4 846 94 966 56 259 38 707 64 240 1 819 448 1 034 443 785 005 263 416 148 233 115 183 2010/' 11 5 179 104 327 61 053 43 274 68 848 2 072 487 1 177 725 894 762 314 448 172 514 141 934 2011/' 12 5 501 113 098 65 599 47 499 71 095 2 090 220 1 151 197 939 023 332 154 175 510 156 644 2012/' 13 6 204 135 502 76 202 59 300 84 651 2 269 651 1 241 481 1 028 170 339 270 181 142 158 128 2013/' 14 7 211 161 288 87 894 73 394 92 971 2 513 887 1 371 445 1 142 442 - - - 2006/' 07 4 223 84 032 51 051 32 981 42 961 1 243 588 760 100 483 488 263 489 161 777 101 712 2007/' 08 4 429 84 449 50 884 33 565 43 150 1 263 855 743 901 519 954 108 032 66 402 41 630 2008/' 09 4 595 88 615 53 077 35 538 53 876 1 563 885 892 859 671 026 182 254 95 531 86 723 2009/' 10 4 824 94 649 56 114 38 535 64 126 1 817 845 1 033 496 784 349 263 034 148 003 115 031 2010/' 11 5 155 104 003 60 899 43 104 68 720 2 070 536 1 176 626 893 910 314 015 172 266 141 749 2011/' 12 5 456 112 409 65 272 47 137 70 841 2 085 872 1 149 078 936 794 331 787 175 287 156 500 2012/' 13 6 078 133 321 75 325 57 996 83 748 2 251 797 1 233 374 1 018 423 338 872 180 909 157 963 2013/' 14 6 785 153 816 85 032 68 784 89 803 2 457 834 1 344 941 1 112 893 - - - 2006/' 07 21 244 98 146 72 911 671 240 237 181 56 2007/' 08 21 322 143 179 76 1 015 730 285 203 126 77 2008/' 09 27 309 152 157 95 1 379 838 541 196 106 90 2009/' 10 22 317 145 172 114 1 603 947 656 382 230 152 2010/' 11 24 324 154 170 128 1 951 1 099 852 433 248 185 2011/' 12 45 689 327 362 254 4 348 2 119 2 229 367 223 144 2012/' 13 126 2 181 877 1 304 903 17 854 8 107 9 747 398 233 165 2013/' 14 426 7 472 2 862 4 610 3 168 56 053 26 504 29 549 - - - - Public - Private 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 3 • AS A RESULT • • • • • • • • • 15-64 age group active labor force is 67% 71% active labor force is in Istanbul a Youth unemployment rate is 19.9% The reason for youth unemployment lack of profession and inexperience The ratio of people working in areas other than their education is 85% The reason for that is imbalance between education and employment Female labor force participation rate is 35% 1 out 5 companies looks for employees 1 out 3 companies can not find qualified workforce they are looking for 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 4 POPULATION AND DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE IN TURKEY Turkey will go through this lucky demographic process during the first 20-30 years of 21st century. According to quite reliable projections, in Turkey workable population to population ratio will peak in 2025. 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 5 TÜRKİYE'DE DEMOGRAFİK YAPI Today, Turkey that has structure of young population is discussing the “YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT” problem 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 6 TÜRKİYE‘DE İŞSİZLİK SORUNU! The main problem in Turkey is; “Not the unemployment, it is the, Lack of Profession and Inadequacy of Qualified Staff 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 7 İşsizlik var, çünkü; Turkish Education System is lack of educating individuals; * According to the needs of Industry ve Service Sector * Who can apply their knowledge and competence 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 8 METGEM August 27th 2008 Bahcesehir University Introduced Developmental Center for Vocational Technical Education, a new and unique structure, to the education and business world with educators, NGOs, national and international representatives of sector 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 9 METGEM’s Establishment Vision 17.03.2015 Main goal of METGEM is to develop a qualified strategic work force in order to meet the sectors need and expectations. BAU METGEM 10 WHAT NECESSITATED To analyze the needs of industry Build a relation between education and employment Initiative and responsibility Defined vocation types (National Professional Standard ) Life- Long Learning 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 11 WHY DID WE ESTABLISH METGEM? Research and Development (RD) Field education of the educators Education environment Structuring according to the regional needs of the areas Sectors not participating in decision making Skills of the young people and their tendencies 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 12 METGEM’S GOAL Encourage national and local stakeholders to join decision making, applying and observing for vocational and technical education process Improve a vocational and technical education system using life long learning principles and tools appropriate for sectoral needs analysis and stakeholders’ point of views. Prepare an education standard and curriculam according to the National Professional Standards and educate individuals to succeed Qualifying Examinations. 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 13 METGEM IS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Without judging the individuals learning environment and methods, encouraging them to earn a certificate of proficiency equivalent to secondary and higher education diploma. Having guidance and advisory counseling services and preparing individuals for the proficiency Making regional, national and international projects concerning vocational technical education and trying to develop new skills and profession areas. 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 14 METGEM’S APPLICATIONS WHICH MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL EDUCATION Advisory Board Sectoral Coordinators Technical Education Coordinator Sector Advisory Board SECTOR Trainings 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 15 METGEM’S APPLICATIONS WHICH MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL EDUCATION Advisory service Seminars International Relations Professional Standards Strategy Development Meetings 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 16 METGEM’S APPLICATIONS WHICH MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL EDUCATION Language Education Business English Education “Business in School, School in Business” Application Certificate Programs Brand Lessons 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 17 EU PROJECTS / COMPLETED PROJECTS TAMAMLANAN PROJELER Proje No Projenin Adı Period Projenin Türü Ortaklar Bütçesi 1 Meslek Dersi Öğretmenlerin Yeterliliklerinin Artırılması ve Kendi Kendilerini Değerlendirmeleri Leonardo da 2008-2010 Vinci Yenilik Transferi Projesi Bulgaristan, Malta, Türkiye 63,000 € 2 Lise Çevresinde Uyuşturucu Madde Kullanımının Önlenmesinde Erken Uyarı Sistemi Oluşturmada Avrupa Ağı Oluşturma- ENEED Leonardo da 2008-2010 Vinci Comenius Projesi İspanya, Romanya, İtalya, Macaristan, Türkiye 18,000 € 3 Mesleki Teknik Eğitimde Kredi Transferi–MECVET-S Leonardo da 2009-2011 Vinci Yenilik Transferi Projesi Almanya,İsveç, İtalya, İsviçre, Türkiye 35,000 € 4 Avrupa Mesleki Teknik Eğitim Anahtar Strateji Ağları Projesi-KEYNETVET Leonardo da 2009-2011 Vinci Ortaklık Projesi Türkiye, Almanya, Yunanistan, Hollanda 24,000 € 5 İlk Adımlar Yarınlara Hazırlar ProjesiMerkezi Finans ve İhale Birimi Projesi Merkezi Finans 2010-2011 ve İhale Birimi İstanbul İl Özel İdaresi, Sultangazi Belediyesi, İstanbul Valiliği ve METGEM 18,000 € 18 EU PROJECTS / COMPLETED PROJECTS TAMAMLANAN PROJELER Proje No Projenin Adı Period Projenin Türü Ortaklar Bütçesi 6 İstanbul AB’ye Hazırlanıyor I AB Farkındalığı İstanbul’da Şekilleniyor Projesi 2010-2012 AB Bakanlığı İstanbul Valiliği, İBB, İl Özel İdaresi 7 Yaşlanan Avrupa’da Yenilikçi Teknolojilerin Kıymetlendirilmesi (VINTAGE) 2011-2013 Grundtvig İtalya, İngiltere, Romanya, Portekiz - 8 VOCTEST Merkezi Kurulması Projesi 2011-2013 MFİB TİAD, Kenteq, INMA, MYK 4,000 € Toplam - 162,000 € 19 EU PROJECTS / COMPLETED PROJECTS Proje Projenin Adı No Period Projenin Türü Ortaklar Bütçesi Yunanistan, İtalya, Slovenya, Bulgaristan, Türkiye 25,000 € 1 BEQUAL + Topluluk Uygulamaları Sisteminin Mesleki Eğitimde Kalite Güvence Sistemine Adapte Edilmesi Leonardo da Vinci Yenilik 2011-2013 Transferi Projesi 2 CVE- Okullar ve İş dünyası Arasında Bir Köprü Olarak Kurumsal Gönüllülük- Okul Liderleri, Eğiticilerin ve Diğer Okul Personelinin Eğitilmesi Comenius Çok İngiltere,İspanya,Romanya,Pol 2011-2013 Ortaklı Brüksel onya, İtalya, Türkiye Projesi 3 PAC.TT-Mesleki Eğitim Eğitici ve Öğretmenleri için Pedagojik ve Kişi Odaklı Eğitim Yeterliliklerinin Artırılması Leonardo da Vinci Yenilik 2011-2013 Transferi Projesi Türkiye'de Mesleki Teknik Eğitimde Kalite Güvence sisteminin Oluşturulması Hizmet Alım İhalesi IBF International Consulting,CİNOP Advisry BV, Çok Ortaklı GOPA, HİFAB International, 2011-2013 Brüksel Projesi KARE Danışmanlık,METGEM,Norm Consulting 4 Türkiye (İstanbul Valiliği, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi (METGEM), Portekiz, Letonya, Bulgaristan, Slovenya 28,000 € 29.939,41 € - 20 EU PROJECTS / ONGOING PROJECTS DEVAM EDEN PROJELER Proje Projenin Adı No Period Projenin Türü Ortaklar Bütçesi 5 YES-Gençlerin Girişimcilik Becerilerinin Artırılması Leonardo da Vinci Yenilik 2012-2014 Transferi Projemiz İstanbul Valiliği, İSGİD, Yunanistan, Portekiz, Litvanya,İsspanya 37,962 € 6 EFE-Avrupada Özürlülerin İsdihdam Edilebilirliliklerinin Mesleki Yeterliliklerini Geliştirme Yolu ile Artırılması Leonardo da 2012-2014 Vinci Ortaklık Projesi İstanbul Valiliği, TOEFD, Yunanistan, Slovenya, Bulgaristan 24,000 € 7 Gençler İçin Mesleki Tanıtım ve Rehberlik Projesi 2012-2013 İstanbul İstanbul Valiliği,METGEM Kalkınma Ajansı 190,000 € Toplam 335,000 € 21 EU PROJECTS/ PROJECTS TO BE LAUNCHED YENİ BAŞLAYACAK PROJELER Proje Projenin Adı No 1 Karadeniz Sınır Ötesi İşbirliği Çerçevesinde Kültürel Mirasların Kalite Standartlarının Geliştirilmesi için Farklı seviyelerdeki Aktörler Arasında İşbirliği Ağlarının Oluşturulması Çok Ortaklı Projesi Period Projenin Türü Ortaklar 2013-2015 IPA İstanbul Valiliği,Doğu Anadolu Kalkınma Ajansı, Bulgaristan, Romanya, Yunanistan 2 CNCVET-ECVET'te CNC Makine Operatörlüğü 2013-2015 Leonardo da Vinci Hareketlilik İstanbul Valiliği, Güngören EML, TOFD, METGEM 3 Kız Çocuklarının Okullaşma Oranının Artırılması 2014-2015 IPA Piraziz İsmail Yücel Teknik ve Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Toplam Bütçesi 50,000 € 10,000 € - 60,000 € 22 COMPLETED ACADEMIC PROJECTS WITH THE SECTOR TAMAMLANAN AKADEMİK PROJELER Proje No Projenin Adı Period Ortaklar Bütçesi Hekim Holding Prefabrik Yapı İnşaat A.Ş. Somfy Ev Otomasyon Sistemleri TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. 7000 TL 1 Engelsiz Ev: Görme Engelli Bireylerin Hayat Kalitesini Artırmak İçin Ev İçi Teknoloji Çözümler, Un-Handicapped House 2010 2 Electronical Ramp Inspection 2010 3 AcadeMini- Summer School for Handicapped Children 2010 Gaziosmanpaşa Belediyesi 4 İstihdam Garantili Mesleki Eğitim, Fiziksel Engelliler İçin Mekatronik, Bilgisayar Eğitim Modeli: Yeni Bir Yaklaşım 2010 Kocaeli İŞKUR 5 Benim Renkli Tekerleklerim, My Colored Wheels 2011-2013 500 TL TİAD Akademi, FEV Vakfı Toplam 6000 TL 90,000 TL Sponsor desteği ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. 103,500 TL 23 ONGOING ACADEMIC PROJECTS WITH THE SECTOR DEVAM EDEN AKADEMİK PROJELER Proje Projenin Adı No Period Ortaklar Bütçesi 1 Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, TÜBİTAK MAM, İstanbul Üniversitesi TKİ’ye Bağlı Maden Alanlarında Çevresel Durum Değerlendirme Projesi 2012-2013 TÜBİTAK, İstanbul Üniversitesi 50.000 TL 2 Okula Hazırlanıyorum Projesi 2013-2014 BAU Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi - 3 1000 Adet Tablet PC montajı projesi 2012-2013 BAU - 4 Rüzgar Türbini İmalatı (Mekatronik Atölyesi) BRZ Enerji / TÜBİTAK - 2012-… Toplam 50.000 TL 24 ACADEMIC PROJECTS WITH THE SECTOR AKADEMİK PROJELER Proje Projenin Adı No Period Ortaklar Bütçesi 1 CNC Tezgahlara Otomatik Yükleme Yapacak Robot Kolu Projesi 2013-2015 TÜBİTAK veya KOSGEB 200.000 TL 2 Elbise Askısı Aksesuar Baskı Makinesi 2013-2015 TÜBİTAK veya KOSGEB 200.000 TL Toplam 400.000 TL 25 As a Result 1. By bringing target sectors with the vocational school and providing the business world with the facilities of university, we enable the sector to get closer to the vocational school students and the system. 2. We draw attention of the sector and the industry to the Vocational schools. 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 26 As a Result 3. METGEM enables sectors to train their own labor force that they need with the cooperation of METGEM advisory board, sector advisory board for each program, a sector coordinator chosen among volunteer representatives of the business world, technical programs coordinator and advisors. In other words we educate the labor force required by the business world with the cooperation of the sector in harmony with their demands. 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 27 As a Result 4. We are sensitive to the demands of business world, we take priorities of the sector into consideration so that students can find employment. 5. We serve to the development of competitive, inquisitive and flexible strategic labor force thanks to a well programmed vocational education. 6. We turn the professional requirements of the labor market into competence/ 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 28 As a Result 7. We support vocational education with national and international projects. 8. Consequently, we prevent waste of time and money by educating the labor force during their studies so that business world will not have to train after employing people. 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 29 Goals We make sure that our learning outcomes are determined by the sector. 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 30 Our Goals Bahçeşehir University Vocational School and Vocational Technical Education Department is working very hard and providing all the resources that would be useful in order to educate the strategic workforce. Will not accept a success unless solving the unemployment problem with the vocational education in Turkey. Our biggest mission in this difficult but pleasant journey with our stakeholders is to combining all the politics and strategies of Vocational Technical Education Department with the administrations of the Vocational School. 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 31 Thank you….. 17.03.2015 BAU METGEM 32
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