AUXILIARY SERVICES DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GOLF COURSE Summary of Major Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2010 saw major accomplishments along with fiscal and climatological challenges at the University Golf Course. While rounds played were up 8.1% for the year at 32,470, gross revenue decreased by 9.1% to $1.31 million. Typically, as rounds played increases, so does gross revenue. A key factor in the drop of revenue was the Stadion Athens Classic at UGA. The tournament closed the course and driving range for nine days in late April, which is historically one of the busiest times of the year. A total of 993 rounds were counted with no revenue attached; the golf course donated its services for the tournament. The facility could have realistically expected revenue around $60,000 for that particular nine-day period. In addition to the tournament, golf course managers also feel that the continued downturn in the economy played a role in the decline in revenue. With the economy still a concern for many, discretionary income is being managed very tightly. Due to this, golfers sought out discounted rounds and played only when such were offered. The golf course’s G-Pass discount round card and 3:00 pm twilight fees were extremely popular with customers. In FY 2009 those two categories accounted for 14.37% of green fees collected and in FY 2010 they accounted for 23.46%. Higher-priced alumni and University fees suffered from the increase in discounted play, as both were down 6% in FY 2010. A higher percentage of nine-hole rounds was another trend the golf course noticed during the year. In addition to being a cheaper alternative, nine-hole rounds take ½ the time, an important factor for people with busy schedules. The lack of discretionary income also affected revenue in the golf shop and at the driving range. Those departments were down 7.7% and 13.2% respectively. Despite its impact on revenue, the golf course’s hosting of the Nationwide Tour’s Stadion Athens Classic at UGA in late April was the highlight of the year. By all accounts, the tournament was a big success, raising awareness of the golf course. Approximately 8,800 people attended the event and saw professional golfers from all over the world compete. Multiple University units were involved and helped to create a first-class event that ran smoothly. The units involved were: Food Services, Parking Services, Campus Transit, University Police, University Printing, Campus Mail, Central Duplicating, UGACard Services, Controller’s Division, Office of Security and Emergency Preparedness, Vending Services and the Terry College’s Music Business Program. A renovation of the golf course front entrance began in December 2009 and was completed in March 2010. The renovation included attractive, curved, stacked stone walls installed on both sides of the entry road; wood fencing attached to the ends of the stone walls to further frame the front entrance; black name lettering applied to stone structure; golf course logo applied to stone structure; and the installation of extensive landscaping, including zoysia sod, flowering shrubs and magnolia trees. D-64 The Integrated Business Systems, Inc. (IBS) point of sale system was installed in February 2010. The goal of the new point-of-sale system was to improve inventory controls and to create an online tee sheet reservation program. A customer email database was established and is being utilized to promote the golf course and its activities. Even though the full potential of the system has not been realized, it has thus far proven to be a good upgrade. New display fixtures were designed and installed in the golf shop, improving merchandise presentation and storage capabilities. It was decided to leave the golf shop walls as is. The disruption and expense of a potential renovation could not be justified. Golf course conditions were near perfect through the majority of FY 2010. The fairways, tees and green collars were over seeded with ryegrass in September 2009. Even though Athens suffered its coldest winter on record, the course greened up well before the Stadion Athens Classic at UGA in late April. June marked the start of what turned out to be one of the hottest summers on record in Athens. Extremely warm daytime and nighttime temperatures dominated the month; both the average daily high and low were five degrees above normal. Bentgrass greens do not thrive in those conditions, and significant turf loss on the greens occurred. Another issue that developed in June was damage to the bermudagrass fairways. Due to the severity of the 2010 winter and the overseeding that was done in the fall of 2009, the golf course suffered extensive bermudagrass winterkill. Thus, 10 truckloads or (2 acres) of sod were purchased and installed to repair the damaged areas. Summary of FY 2011 Goals Golf course management would like to implement a new pricing structure to improve revenue figures. The new pricing structure would create a separate category for University students only. Faculty/Staff, Alumni and General Public categories will fill out the rest of the plan. Modest price increases are in order; the last price increase was enacted in December 2006. Every effort will be made to keep student cost increases at an absolute minimum. The golf course implemented an online tee sheet in April 2010. The initial goal of the online tee sheet was to improve customer service through convenience. As customers reserve tee times online, email addresses are collected. The goal is to wisely use those emails in an ongoing marketing campaign. Utmost care will be taken to protect the email list and to ensure that it is not overused. Improve the overall condition of the golf course property. Success with this broad goal will rely on efforts in turfgrass management, on the continued clearing and landscaping of the golf course property perimeters, and on the upkeep of building interiors and exteriors. Continue to monitor and improve golf round pace of play times. The time necessary to play a round of golf continues to be one of the primary factors in D-65 keeping people from playing more golf. Setting aside four to five hours to play a round is becoming increasingly difficult for people to do. Efforts to maintain a reasonable playing time will increase the golfing public’s perception of the facility, and in turn, should bring in more play. The current time par for an 18hole round at the course is 4 hours and 12 minutes or approximately 14 minutes per hole. Improve all turfgrass conditions on the course, with the greens being a primary focus point. In an effort to prevent the major bentgrass turf loss experienced in June 2010 from happening again, the following steps will be taken: o A minimum of three green aerifications will occur per year utilizing 5/8” tines. o Fans will be installed on the remaining bentgrass greens that currently do not have them. o Lightweight green rollers will be purchased that will allow bentgrass mowing to be skipped on a regular basis without sacrificing green speeds. Rolling puts less stress on the bentgrass compared to mowing. o The height of cut on the greens will be raised by June 1st in order to help the greens better survive during the summer months. o Areas around the greens where water drains onto the putting surface will be corrected. o Greens will be edged at least once a week in order to keep bermudagrass encroachment under control. o Early applications of DMI fungicides will prevent the onset of the anthracnose disease that was so devastating in June 2010. D-66 UNIVERSITY GOLF COURSE FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 FY 2010 YEAR TO PERCENT OF DATE REVENUE Revenue (1) FY 2009 YEAR TO PERCENT OF DATE REVENUE $ 1,311,967 100.0% $ 1,443,467 100.0% 166,300 12.7% 163,462 11.3% 1,145,667 87.3% 1,280,005 88.7% Personal Services Direct Expenses (2) Indirect Expenses 1,245,284 608,524 118,265 94.9% 46.4% 9.0% 1,140,301 610,494 102,932 79.0% 42.3% 7.1% Total Operating Expenses 1,972,073 150.3% 1,853,727 128.4% Cost of Goods Gross Profit Operating Expenses: Net Operating Income (826,406) -63.0% (573,722) -39.7% Depreciation Debt Service Other Transfers 282,183 - 21.5% 0.0% 0.0% 293,059 - 20.3% 0.0% 0.0% Total Transfers 282,183 21.5% 293,059 20.3% (866,781) -60.0% Transfers: Net Income $ (1,108,589) -84.5% (1) Includes a distribution of interest income (2) Includes a distribution of administrative expense D-67 $ UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GOLF COURSE ORGANIZATION CHART Golf Course Manager Dave Cousart Assistant Golf Course Manager Scott Griffith Assistant Golf Course Manager Matt Peterson Business Office Accountant Pam Bowers Grounds Foreman I Bobby Gipson D-68 Horticultural Assistant Pam Veale Pro Shop Manager Jeff Hull Equipment Mechanic Micky Wilson Grounds Keeper II Antione Little Will Woodruff Kyle Rader Zach Abernathy James McElroy John Inglett Maintenance Staff 22 Part-Time Workers Facilities Manager Adam Renfroe Bulldog Café Food Service Worker II Patricia Slaton Bulldog Café Staff 4 Part-Time Workers Assistant Pro Shop Manager Chris Waters Pro Shop / Driving Range / Starter Staff 27 Part-Time Workers AUXILIARY SERVICES DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GOLF COURSE STADION ATHENS CLASSIC AT UGA Summary of Major Accomplishments Financial The tournament had total revenue of $753,165 and total expenditures of $818,233, resulting in a net loss of $65,066. Attendance Figures Overall attendance for the 2010 Stadion Athens Classic at UGA was approximately 8,800 people. Average attendance on the Nationwide Tour runs 8,000-12,000 per week. The official attendance number only covers the four tournament days. Attendance on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was minimal, with the exception of the 100 people who attended the Chick-fil-A UGA Student/Junior Clinic held Monday afternoon. While the tournament’s spectator numbers are respectable, it will be a primary goal of the 2011 event to increase attendance. For the most part, the weather was good throughout the event. The tournament did have to start early on Saturday due to potential inclement weather forecasted later in the day. UGA student attendance was a particularly weak area for the tournament. Two possible causes for the disappointing student attendance are ticket cost and the fact that final exams began the Monday following the tournament. The tournament staff will look into ways of getting more students involved with the 2011 event, regardless of when it falls on the academic calendar. Ticket Sales Through the TICKETS Fore CHARITY ™ program, the Stadion Athens Classic at UGA allowed participating 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations to sell advance weekly tickets for the event and keep 100% of the proceeds from those sales. St. Mary’s Health Care System sponsored a $5,000 bonus pool for the program’s participants; that money was paid out based upon each individual organization’s percentage of the program’s total sales. A total of 4,088 weekly tickets were sold through the program, bringing in $87,950. That figure far surpassed the expectations of the tournament staff and is the largest first-year total in the history of the TICKETS Fore CHARITY™ program (originated in 2001). Detailed sales figures for the 2010 TICKETS Fore CHARITY™ program are attached (―TICKETS Fore CHARITY™ 2010 Final Scoreboard with Bonus Pool‖). Daily tickets were sold at the main gate Thursday through Sunday of the tournament week. A total of 403 tickets were sold, generating $4,073 in revenue. Daily ticket totals also exceeded expectations, especially considering the tremendous success of the TICKETS Fore CHARITY™ program. The revenue generated from the main gate ticket sales went directly into the general tournament fund and will contribute to the monies raised for the University of Georgia’s need-based scholarship program. D-69 Web Site Statistics The tournament Web site,, is maintained by University of Georgia Golf Course staff members who are currently enrolled in the Management Information Systems program at the Terry College of Business. The tournament Web site went live in late 2009. For the period between January 1 and May 7, 2010, the site had 15,075 visits and 40,847 page views. Approximately 32% of those totals occurred during tournament week. Average time spent on the site was 2 minutes 50 seconds, with 2.71 pages viewed per visit. For the same period there were 10,477 unique visitors. Listed below are the top 15 pages from the Web site in terms of page views. All tournament Web site data was gathered through Google Analytics. 1. Home page Page Views 15,395 2. Volunteer Information main page 2,787 1,799 00:01:57 3. Volunteer Committee Descriptions Press Release Local Tournament Calls for Volunteers Tickets main page 1,593 1,252 00:03:41 1,470 1,187 00:01:16 1,423 1,141 00:01:17 1,235 1,149 1,038 988 00:02:01 00:00:52 955 715 00:01:20 849 691 646 573 00:03:09 00:01:34 613 542 00:01:36 610 511 00:01:43 530 455 00:02:20 14. 2010 Schedule of Events Pro-Ams main page UGA Student Volunteer Information main page Visit our Sponsors Before You Head Out - Spectators Tournament Construction Update Photos Golf Course Map Press Release TICKETS Fore CHARITY™ Program Volunteer Forms page 526 250 00:01:23 15. Directions 522 416 00:01:00 Rank Page Title 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Unique Page Views 11,171 Average Time on Page 00:01:43 When benchmarking the tournament site to Web sites of comparable size, several areas were better than average during the January 1 to May 7, 2010 period. The average time on site of 2 minutes and 50 seconds is 17% longer than average. The bounce rate, which is the number of visitors that leave the site after seeing the first page, was 32% better than average. The total number of page views was 24% lower than average. From this data it can be concluded that the Web site was an efficient vehicle for tournament information. Visitors found what they needed quickly (fewer page views), and the information they viewed was relevant (extended time on the site). D-70 Web site Statistics For the week of April 27-May 3, 2010, the following information was collected: PGA TOUR Homepage: Nationwide Tour Homepage: 3.5 million page views 62,000 page views From Nationwide Tour Homepage: Stadion Athens Classic at UGA Leaderboard: 1.7 million page views Stadion Athens Classic at UGA Tournament Home: 17,000 Stadion Athens Classic at UGA Total Page Views: 1.9 million Click thru from PGA TOUR homepage to Nationwide Tour Home Page: 14,000 clicks Click thru from Nationwide Tour to Stadion Athens Classic at UGA Pages: 520 clicks Coverage in The Starter E-mail/Newsletter during tournament week - 76,000 distribution with an average 26% open/37% click rate Coverage on PGA TOUR Social Media Outlets through Facebook updates and Twitter The PGA TOUR Facebook Fan Page currently reaches 102,000 fans, while the PGA TOUR Twitter stream has over 25,000 active followers. Media Coverage Media attention surrounding the inaugural Stadion Athens Classic at UGA began months prior to the tournament and continues even now, months after the final putt was sunk. Coverage focused directly on the tournament and players as well as on the event and its attendees. Significant coverage of the event came from both traditional and ―new media‖ outlets. Below is an analysis of the media coverage from the inaugural Stadion Athens Classic at UGA. Television There was no shortage of television cameras at the Stadion Athens Classic at UGA. Starting with media day in March, local and regional television devoted an extensive amount of coverage to the event. Only three of the four network television station in Atlanta have nightly sports reports — WXIA (NBC), WSB (ABC) and WAGA (FOX) — and all covered the event. The combined reach of these networks is more than 2,365,000 households. All three stations attended media day and ran preview coverage of the event. In addition, all three sent a crew to cover the event during tournament week. Finally, tournament staff provided final round coverage for all three stations, which was used in their Sunday night sports wrapup shows. D-71 In addition to the coverage of the event, WXIA participated in ―Media Golf Tuesday,‖ where an anchor and videographer played a practice round with former UGA and Georgia Tech golfers. They ran footage of this on their Tuesday night broadcast and aired a three-minute package on Friday morning of the event. Local television coverage was provided by WNEG. Wednesday night of tournament week, the station aired a 30-minute show previewing the event, which was repeated on Thursday and Friday mornings. WNEG aired nightly reports from the course and broadcast a live show on Thursday and Friday afternoons from the course. Finally, the station aired a 30-minute wrap-up show at the conclusion of play on Sunday and again later Sunday evening. As part of its agreement with the Nationwide Tour, the Golf Channel provided nightly recaps on Golf Central. In addition, the bi-weekly show, Quest for the Card, which is a 30-minute show, focused solely on the Stadion Athens Classic at UGA due to the fact that there was no Nationwide Tour event the following week. The golf course coordinated shots with the Golf Channel crew and Brendon Todd at Sanford Stadium, the Arch and inside the Boyd Center. The Golf Channel is available in more than 100 million households worldwide. Print/Online The Stadion Athens Classic at UGA received a great deal of print coverage leading up to the event, during tournament week and in the week following the event. Locally, the Athens-Banner Herald (Weekday circulation – 27,229, Weekend – 26,283; Sunday – 30,441) devoted a significant amount of space in late winter and spring to the tournament. During tournament week, the paper offered extensive coverage of the Stadion Athens Classic at UGA, including a large spread in the Sunday edition and a four-page daily insert that was distributed to all subscribers, as well as to all patrons at the course Thursday through Sunday. The paper also gave extensive coverage to the TICKETS Fore CHARITY™ Program, including an editorial following the event and a large feature on the event’s title sponsor. Athens Magazine (readership 5,000), the monthly publication owned by the Athens Banner-Herald, printed the tournament program and distributed it to all subscribers the week prior to the event, as well as provided additional copies to all tournament patrons. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Weekday circulation - 195,582; Sunday - 397,925), the largest paper in the region, wrote features on Chip Beck and Russell Henley during tournament week and ran briefs on the event leading up to play. Statewide, there were multiple feature stories on the event in the Augusta Chronicle (Weekday circulation 74,567; Sunday - 100,592), Macon Telegraph (Weekday circulation - 67,512; Sunday 89,451), Columbus Ledger-Inquirer (Weekday circulation - 35,054, Sunday - 43,427) and many other local publications. D-72 Because of the strong play by players from Texas and Utah, the tournament reached out to publications in both of those states. That led to coverage from the Salt Lake Tribune (Daily - 128,186; Sunday -149,320), Houston Chronicle (Daily - 494,131; Sunday 632,797), and the Bryan-College Station Eagle (Daily 21,000). The UGA Golf Course also worked with the sports information staff at the Texas A&M Athletic Department to promote the win by Martin Piller. Additionally, the tournament was covered nationally by (5 million unique visitors each month), USA Today (Daily circulation of 1.8 million), Golfweek (1.3 million readers per month), GolfWorld (more than 800,000 readers per month), (1.1 million visits in April) and (1.7 million visits in April), among others. (24 million visitors in April) picked up the Chip Beck feature from the AJC. The golf course simultaneously targeted the blog community, which resulted in very good coverage on local and sports blogs. There also was a tremendous amount of discussion of the event on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Radio The tournament received extensive radio coverage in the Athens and northeast Georgia regions. The Cox Radio stations, including WNGC 106.1, Magic 102.1, 1340 WGAU, and 960 the Ref all conducted live remotes during the event and featured interviews daily. In addition, tournament staff conducted radio interviews with 790 The Zone in Atlanta, and PGA TOUR Radio’s Brian Katrek hosted a live show from Media Day that was broadcast worldwide on Sirius/XM and Volunteers More than 500 people signed up to serve as volunteers for the event, and over 400 free University Golf Course rounds were given to volunteers who worked multiple shifts during the week. Athens Regional Health Services sponsored the volunteer pavilion and uniforms. Breakfast and lunch were served in the pavilion, with drinks being available all day long. Every volunteer job category was fully staffed except for standard bearers on Thursday and Friday. For 2011, stronger efforts will be made to recruit University students for those positions. Listed below are the job categories that the tournament volunteers helped to fill: • • • • • • • • • • Admissions Beverage Distribution Driving Range First Aid Hole Marshals Hospitality Office Administration Player Family Childcare Player Locker Room Player Registration D-73 • • • • • • • • Pro-Ams Scorecard Runners Scoring Central Security Standard Bearers Transportation and Shuttles Volunteer Headquarters Walking Scorers Without the help of volunteers, an event this size could never happen without enormous labor expense. Reports from the Nationwide Tour about the tournament’s volunteer performance were very positive. Volunteer organizers were fortunate to have a large number of the people who participated in the previous Athens Regional Foundation Classics sign up again this year. Final Tournament Results Texas native Martin Piller won the inaugural Stadion Athens Classic at UGA by one stroke over Daniel Summerhays. The two players came into the 72nd hole on Sunday tied at 12 under par. Piller played two very solid shots to about 10 feet from the hole, while Summerhays found himself with a very difficult chip from long right of the green. Summerhays failed to make par, allowing Piller to lag his short birdie putt to tap-in distance and the win. It was Piller’s first Nationwide Tour victory. Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 T7 Player To Par Martin Piller -12 Daniel Summerhays -11 Gary Christian -10 Bradley Iles -9 Mark Anderson -7 Scott Gutschewski -6 William McGirt -5 Tag Ridings -5 Bobby Gates -5 T10 Chris Nallen -4 Ryan Armour -4 Brian Smock -4 Kevin Kisner -4 D.J. Brigman -4 Scott Dunlap -4 Arjun Atwal -4 Jonathan Kaye -4 R1 67 67 69 66 66 70 72 68 66 68 70 72 73 72 70 67 69 R2 70 68 72 71 69 70 71 71 69 73 67 68 65 68 72 71 71 R3 64 65 67 65 74 74 69 70 71 72 75 71 72 70 66 70 67 R4 Total Money 71 272 $99,000.00 73 273 $59,400.00 66 274 $37,400.00 73 275 $26,400.00 68 277 $22,000.00 64 278 $19,800.00 67 279 $17,141.67 70 279 $17,141.67 73 279 $17,141.66 67 280 $11,412.50 68 280 $11,412.50 69 280 $11,412.50 70 280 $11,412.50 70 280 $11,412.50 72 280 $11,412.50 72 280 $11,412.50 73 280 $11,412.50 Two current and seven former Georgia Bulldog golfers competed in the tournament. Seven of those nine players made the cut, including the two golf team sponsor’s D-74 exemptions, Harris English and Russell Henley. Kevin Kisner had the highest Bulldog finish as he tied for 10th place. Summary of FY 2011 Goals • Secure a two-year renewal with Stadion Money Management as title sponsor. • Secure a presenting sponsor for the tournament. • Increase spectator attendance. • Find a way to better engage the University community. • Build on the operational success of the 2010 tournament and find ways to be more efficient. Strive to be the best-run event on the Nationwide Tour schedule. D-75 UNIVERSITY GOLF COURSE - STADION ATHENS CLASSIC AT UGA FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 FY 2010 YEAR TO PERCENT OF DATE REVENUE Revenue (1) $ - 0.0% 0.6% - 0.0% 748,390 99.4% - 0.0% Personal Services Direct Expenses (2) Indirect Expenses 813,457 - 0.0% 108.0% 0.0% - 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Total Operating Expenses 813,457 108.0% - 0.0% Net Operating Income (65,067) -8.6% - 0.0% Cost of Goods Gross Profit 753,166 100.0% 4,776 FY 2009 YEAR TO PERCENT OF DATE REVENUE $ Operating Expenses: Transfers: Depreciation Debt Service Other Transfers - 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% - 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Total Transfers - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% Net Income $ (65,067) -8.6% (1) Includes a distribution of interest income (2) Includes a distribution of administrative expense D-76 $ TICKETS Fore CHARITY™ 2010 Final Scoreboard with Bonus Pool Total Sales D-77 ST MARY'S FOUNDATION INC GEORGIA JUNIOR GOLF FOUNDATION ATHENS OCONEE CASA PROGRAM, INC. OCONEE COUNTY WARRIOR FOUNDATION INC THE RED & BLACK PUBLISHING COMPANY INC UGA TEE OFF CLUB INC CATHOLIC CENTER AT UGA LUKAS FUND INCORPORATED PROVIDENCE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY INC AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY - RELAY FOR LIFE GEORGIA GOLF MINISTRY MERCY HEALTH CENTER DOWNTOWN MINISTRIES, INC. GREATER WORKS OUTREACH INC THE ARK UNITED MINISTRY OUTREACH CENTER ATHENS CANINE RESCUE EXTRA SPECIAL PEOPLE INC GEORGIA CHILDRENS CHORUS INC ALPHA PHI ALPHA - ATHENS ALUMNI UNITED WAY OF NORTHEAST GEORGIA ATHENS AREA HOMELESS SHELTER, INC. $33,100.00 $31,550.00 $7,950.00 $3,350.00 $2,950.00 $2,700.00 $1,475.00 $1,100.00 $400.00 $375.00 $350.00 $300.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $175.00 $150.00 $150.00 $125.00 $125.00 $100.00 Page 1 of 2 Bonus Pool $0.00 $2,876.03 $724.70 $305.38 $268.92 $246.13 $134.46 $100.27 $36.46 $34.18 $31.91 $27.35 $18.23 $18.23 $18.23 $15.95 $13.67 $13.67 $11.39 $11.39 $9.12 Total $33,100.00 $34,426.03 $8,674.70 $3,655.38 $3,218.92 $2,946.13 $1,609.46 $1,200.27 $436.46 $409.18 $381.91 $327.35 $218.23 $218.23 $218.23 $190.95 $163.67 $163.67 $136.39 $136.39 $109.12 TICKETS Fore CHARITY™ 2010 Final Scoreboard with Bonus Pool Total Sales D-78 ATHENS NURSES CLINIC INC ATHENS UNITED SOCCER ASSOCIATION INC OCONEE YOUTH PLAYHOUSE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ATHENS GA INC NAVY SUPPLY CORPS FOUNDATION ACTION (AREA COMMITTEE TO IMPROVE OPPORTUNITIES NOW INC) ATHENS REGIONAL FOUNDATION INC FRIENDS OF SCULL SHOALS INC LEFTOVER PETS INC PREVENT CHILD ABUSE ATHENS, INC. PROJECT SAFE INC WINDER-BARROW COALITION FOR ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION WOMEN TO THE WORLD INC AIDS ATHENS, INC. ATHENS LAND TRUST INC YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF ATHENS GEORGIA $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $75.00 $75.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 TICKETS Fore CHARITY Total Sales: $87,950.00 Page 2 of 2 Bonus Pool $9.12 $9.12 $9.12 $6.84 $6.84 $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 $4.56 $2.28 $2.28 $2.28 Total $109.12 $109.12 $109.12 $81.84 $81.84 $54.56 $54.56 $54.56 $54.56 $54.56 $54.56 $54.56 $54.56 $27.28 $27.28 $27.28 $5,000.03 $92,950.03 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GOLF COURSE STADION ATHENS CLASSIC AT UGA ORGANIZATION CHART Executive Advisory Committee Tournament Chairman George Stafford Honorary Chairman Chip Beck Tournament Director Dave Cousart D-79 Tournament Office ISP – Sales Staff Brett Jackson – Tournament Controller Pam Bowers – Administrative Assistant Food & Beverage Director Mike Floyd Player Dining Tuesday Night Pro-Am Pairings Party Food Parking & Transportation Director Doug Ross Security Director Jimmy Williamson Asst. Tournament Director Matt Peterson Offsite Parking Chairman Don Walter Onsite Security Media Chairman Bryan Harris Offsite Transportation Chairman Ron Hamlin Offsite Security Pro-Am Coordinator Jeff Hull Wednesday Pro-Am Food Skybox Hospitality Volunteer/Caddy Meals Golf Course Food Concessions Liaison ACC Police ACC Fire Dept ACC Transportation ACC Signage Jr./UGA Clinic Chairwoman Kathy Cousart Website Tyler Williamson Matt Schwartz Student Affairs Director Keith Wenrich Operations Director Brian Gaydica Student Volunteer Recruitment Volunteer Chairmen Nick Bourke Keith Wenrich Student Activities Onsite Tournament Office Pam Bowers