Newsletter 19th May 2014 - Newport Gardens Primary School
Newsletter 19th May 2014 - Newport Gardens Primary School
Newport Gardens Primary School Maddox Road, P O Box 3183, Newport, Vic 3015 Email: [email protected] PHONE: 9391 2168 FAX: 9391 8979 WEBSITE: Newsletter 19th May 2014 DATES TO REMEMBER - 2015 Prep Parent Information Evening Education Week—Science Afternoon Working Bee - Wednesday 21st May 6:30pm (Parents from other kinders) - Thursday 22nd May 2—3pm - Sunday 1st of June 9am—midday Curriculum Day (NO SCHOOL) - Friday 6th June (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS) Queens Birthday (PUBLIC HOLIDAY) - Monday 9th June (NO SCHOOL) Middle Community Exc Treatment Plant - Tuesday 10th June FROM THE PRINCIPAl Dear Parents, Thank you to all those staff and parents that helped to make Friday’s athletics day such as wonderful event. It truly is one of the more special days at Newport Gardens. A day where children and families join together for fun and games in a relaxed atmosphere. A very big thank you to Kate Kinross for organising the big event. She did a wonderful job in her first year at the school and ensured all aspects of the day ran smoothly. A very big thank you also to the Parents’ Club for organising the subway lunch and to the many, many parents who came along and volunteered or supported the students over the course of the day. Finally thank you also to the staff on the day for their tireless efforts with the children. A real team effort from everyone. This week is a busy week at school. Tuesday night is School Council from 6.30pm. This is the annual meeting where the 2013 Annual Report will be tabled. Parents are welcome to attend, alternatively the report will be loaded onto the website shortly. Wednesday night is the second of our Prep Information Nights for 2015 preps. If you have a child for prep next year please come along and encourage others who you may know to come along also. The evening commences at 6.30pm and child minding is available. If you came to last week’s event and are yet to enrol, please lodge your enrolment forms with the office as soon as possible so we can get a clearer picture of numbers for next year and plan accordingly. On Thursday of this week we will be holding our science afternoon where we encourage parents to come along from 2.00pm and walk through the rooms of the school while the students undertake science experiments as part of Education Week celebrations. Science is the theme for Education Week this year and also a very big focus of our school’s strategic plan which means you will hear a lot more about science around the school over the coming months and years. Hopefully all parents have received their Parent Portal username and password. We have had a number of envelopes ‘returned to sender’ with the incorrect address. Please log on and check all details are correct. Hopefully you have noticed the new garden that has taken shape behind the gym, and no doubt you have noticed the gardens across the front of the school that have become overgrown. Planting of our new garden and pruning existing gardens will be two major foci of our upcoming working bee on Sunday June 1st. There is an awful lot to do on this day, and only three hours to do it in. Please come along, wheelbarrow or secateurs in hand. We all enjoy the gardens here at school, yet it does seem to be the same group of families that help out on these days. If you haven’t been to a working bee before, try and make this the first. Whilst we work hard, we also enjoy a sausage sizzle and cold drink at the end of the morning to celebrate a job well done. Thank you to the Parents’ Club for running the Bunnings BBQ on Sunday. A great effort raising over $1200 dollars for our school which will go, in part, towards gymnastics equipment later in the year. Thanks also to all the parents that went along to Bunnings and helped out, or purchased a sausage. Well done to all our grade 3 and 5 students for their efforts last week with the NAPLAN. From all reports, the students did their best and can now relax and return to regular class routines. The results are not available until September and parents will be notified when they arrive. Finally, a reminder that there is a curriculum day on Friday June 6th and students will not be required on this day. The following Monday is the Queen’s Birthday public holiday, so students will enjoy a four day break. The teachers’ focus for the day is on literacy education with a guest presenter working with the staff over the course of the day. Simon McGlade Principal REMINDER : Curriculum Day Friday 6th June Queens Birthday Monday 9th June NO SCHOOL !!!!!!! Monday 19th May 2014 We would like to wish Happy Birthday to the following Rory Williams Ari Kinder Bella Bunny Musa Taleb Sam Abdo Emily Gray Cooper Hamlin STUDENTS OF THE WEEK GROWTH Scott Price, Oliver De Blank, Chilli Williams. IMPROVEMENT - Sam Abdo, Jordan Ioane, Yanzi Lee, Parnian Jeiroodi, Evi Dahanayake, Finn Makin, Claudia Inkster, Eloise Elmer. INCLUSION - Tigerlilly Woodham, Isaac Marlow, Ali AbouZeid, Saige Meacham, Caitlin Griffin, Scout Maddy, Kaitlyn Stathakis. We hope you all have a Fabulous day!! NEWPORT GARDENS PS SCHOOL COUNCILLORS 2014 Simon Mc Glade David Grubits Richard Buckingham Mark Galletti Kate Robinson Jen Kelly Sloane Karlson Amanda Elmer Emma Driscoll Sarah McNair BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL CARE Monday to Friday 7.00—9am. 3.30-6pm. If you would like to make a booking or would like any information on the After School Care Program please do not hesitate to call 0411 656 074. SCHOOL WORKING BEE SUNDAY 1ST JUNE - 9AM - MIDDAY SAUSAGE SIZZLE AND DRINKS PROVIDED PLEASE BRING GARDENING TOOLS SHOVELS, SPADES ETC… HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE !!! Monday 19th May 2014 ‘Scientists do Amazing Things’ Come and join in our Science Expo, celebrating science during Education Week. All Learning Communities will be hosting fun and exciting experi- ments and demonstrations. Everyone is welcome to explore science in each learning Community. When: Thursday 22 nd May Where: All Learning Communities Time: 2-3 pm We look forward to seeing you there! This Week’s Activities – NATIONAL RECONCILIATION WEEK(19-23 MAY 2014) For more information, please contact Artee at Newport Oshclub on 0411 656 074 or book on Before Care activities MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Aboriginal Song/ Map of Australia Dreamtime Stories Aboriginal Dot Art Painting Aboriginal Tools After Care ac- Minion Drawing/ Knitting/Star wars Mosaic Wooden Blocks/ Playdough/Dress up Lego Reading with buddies Jenga tivities Soccer AFL Footy Bowling Challenge Basketball FRIDAY Birthday Chart Free Play/ Origami Bat Tennis THANK YOU Thank you to everyone who contributed newspapers and straw hats for the Prep Learning Community. We now have enough and no longer require any more Prep Learning Community Monday 19th May 2014 HOLLOWS HOUSE WON THE NEWPORT GARDENS ATHLETICS SHIELD FOR ATHLETICS DAY 2014. HOUSE CAPTAINS FOR HOLLOWS KAITLYN STATHAKIS AND DAN PRESLEY Monday 19th May 2014 Newport Gardens Primary School Parent Club News President – Sarah McNair, [email protected], 04 77 203 398, Vice President – Karina Meacham [email protected], 04 18 589 579, Treasurer – Lorrine Finlay, [email protected], 04 32 272 152 Secretary - Fiona Kay, [email protected], 04 18 572 807 A RED Parents’ Club Communication Box has been set up across from the main office; please feel free to use this as a way of communicating with us. SUBWAY SANDWICH…a BIG thank you to our parent helpers for processing the subway lunch orders on Tuesday, and a shout out to the Melbourne Road Subway Shop, out of 235 subs we had only 3 funky mix ups – not bad at all! BUNNINGS BBQ…a HUGE thank you to our BBQ volunteers on Sunday, we had a FANTASTIC day and sold over 45kg of snags! LEFT OVER COOKING PACKS…. We have several cooking packs left over from the Mothers’ Day Market Place. They have a lovely recipe book (cakes and slices or winter warm up food) along with some cooking ingredients. The packs will be located by the conference room and will sell for $3 each – money can be placed in the container on the table and will be an honor system. All money raised will go towards Fresh Fruit Friday. WEEK OF MAY 19th FORECAST: CALM SEAS! LIBRARY SHELVING Monday May 19th – Library Shelving and Teacher Task Boxes 2:30pm-3pm, Library KITCHEN MINI WORKING BEE Thursday May 22nd - general clean and tidy of the kitchen 9am-10am, Garden Kitchen, Contact Karina Meacham, a roster has been place on the notice board by the front office. FRESH FRUIT FRIDAY Friday May 23rd – need parents to chop fruit and veg 8:50am, Conference Room, contact person: Stephanie Davey LIBRARY MINI WORKING BEE Friday May 23rd – Lorrine Finlay running. 2:30pm-3pm, Library, contact person: Lorrine Finlay SAVE THE DATE: PARENTS’ CLUB MEETING CHANGE OF DATE!! Now scheduled for Friday June 13th Monday 19th May 2014 Registering for the Premier’s Reading Challenge The Premier’s Reading Challenge invites children and young people to read a set number of books and record their efforts online. Join the Challenge today and discover new authors, get expert tips, book recommendations and more. *The consent form for students to be able to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge is attached to the newsletter. This needs to be printed, completed and returned to school. You will receive a user name and password to allow your child access to the challenge online. This is where you will need to record the names of books that your child has read. Please start reading for the challenge now, we endeavor to get user names and passwords out to families ASAP! Lachlan the Reading Dog – home activity ideas Lachlan the Reading Dog is the 2014 Victorian Premiers’ Reading mascot. He is a loveable smooth collie, a bit like the movie star Lassie, but without the fluffy coat! Activity ideas are now available on the Challenge website and children are encouraged to draw Lachlan as their favourite book character or write to him about their most treasured book. All creations can be uploaded on the new Lachlan web page. Does your child or grandchild have a favourite pet they read to or, for younger readers, a favourite toy? Upload your photos; we’d love to see them. To view the activities, see: 2014 Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge ( Monday 19th May 2014 Monday 19th May 2014 Monday 19th May 2014 Monday 19th May 2014