POB OX 948,M , ON K4M1A8 2012
POB OX 948,M , ON K4M1A8 2012
Aboard the Scholfield’s “M’Lora” after an MCBC Cruise Night PO BOX 948, MANOTICK, ON K4M 1A8 www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca WINTER 2012 facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub MANOTICK CLASSIC BOAT CLUB A CHAPTER OF THE ANTIQUE & CLASSIC BOAT SOCIETY PO Box 948 Manotick, ON K4M 1A8 [email protected] Board of Directors: Rich Vickers Judy Saunders Paul Blaber Mark Krzyzanowski Chris Spooner Ray Saunders Committees: Archives 2012 Boat Show Communications Library Membership Newsletter Social – Winter & Spring Social – Summer Future Club Planning President Past President Director Director Director Director Wendy Vickers Ray Saunders Mark Krzyzanowski Aylings Boatyard Rich Vickers Mark Krzyzanowski Judy Saunders Susan Richardson Ray Saunders (613) 692-3073 (613) 749-4396 (613) 842-0777 (315) 608-0551 (613) 821-4534 (613) 749-4396 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (613) 692-3073 (613) 749-4396 (613) 298-0848 (613) 269-4969 (613) 692-3073 (315) 608-0551 (613) 749-4396 (613) 692-2496 (613) 749-4396 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2011 MCBC EVENTS Thursday, March 22nd Saturday, April 14th Wednesdays (May 23 – Sept 12) Saturday, June 2nd July 20th -22nd Saturday, August 11th Sunday, September 23th MCBC Cruise Night Down South Spring Shop Tour Rotating Cruise Nights Dickinsons Days Weekend Rideau Run 36th Annual MCBC Boat Show Burrits Rapids River Run Dave Tilley Ron Jelley Susan Richardson Ray & Judy Saunders Ron Jelley Ray Saunders Wilma Jelley OTHER EVENTS OF INTEREST March 16th – 18th March 23rd – 25th April 21st May 18th – 20th July 7th July 21st August 4th August 17th – 19th Tavares Raceboat Regatta Sunnyland Antique Boat Festival Toronto ACBS Shop Tour Mikkelson Collection – Antique Boat Auction Toronto ACBS Annual Boat Show 1000 Islands Boat Club Annual Boat Show Clayton Antique Boat Show & Auction Clayton Antique Raceboat Regatta www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca Tavares, FL Tavares, FL Muskoka, ON Willmar, MN Muskoka, ON Alexandria Bay, NY Clayton. NY Clayton, NY facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Rich Vickers Welcome to 2012 and a new boating year. As I write this, I am looking out on the Rideau River, covered with ice and snow, and not yet ready to embrace our precious boats. However, I find as I get older, time moves much quicker and before we know it, we will be launching. We recently held our first board meeting to get the year started. Our directors consist of Ray Saunders, Chris Spooner, Mark Krzyzanowski, Paul Blaber and our treasurer, James Bond. There is a lot of enthusiasm on our board and I look forward to a great year. Unfortunately, James is leaving us to take a new position in sunny Texas in early February. James has been a great contributor to the club and we will miss him. I will assume the treasurer position on an interim basis. Judy Saunders has completed her term and did a great job for the club. She will attend our board meetings as Past President and will continue to benefit from her wisdom. Rick Beaudry has also completed his term and we thank him for his contribution. Ray Saunders is assuming the direction of a strategic planning exercise, which you will be hearing more of shortly. I urge everybody to get involved and ensure your voice is heard. I look forward to a fun year! www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub PAST PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Judy Saunders On reviewing this past year, I realized that we had an active year for a small club: social dinners to stay in touch during the off-season, a successful Shop Tour on a miserable day, well-attended cruise nights throughout the season (despite sometimes "iffy" weather), a great boat show that is wellrecognized in the community and our always popular Burritt`s Run. We also tried a couple of one day trips with modest response. I want to thank my Board members for their constant support and especially, to acknowledge the roles played for many years by Rick Beaudry, our retiring member, and by Dinah Scholfield, last year`s Past President. Our cruise night hosts and Boat Show chairs and volunteers are the heart of this club - cheers to all of you for your many years of support to MCBC. I urge all of you to lend a hand to Rich Vickers, our 2012 President, as he leads this club in preparing for the future. MCBC MEMBERSHIP SURVEY As you may recall, MCBC Communications recently sent you an email requesting your completion of a membership survey. A survey was drafted in an effort to learn more about the club in an effort to aid in decision making and long term planning. We hope for a very large response rate to this survey. After all, this is your Club and your continued membership and attendance at Club events and activities is required to keep the Club healthy. If you did not have a chance to complete this survey, please do so as soon as possible. The Board would like an opportunity to review and compile the results before a strategic meeting at the end of the month. The survey is still available at the following address: http://kwiksurveys.com?s=LKIDFN_40b3b453 www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – NOVEMBER 26TH 2011 At this year’s Annual General Meeting, MCBS welcomed Paul Blaber & Ray Saunders on to the Board of Directors. Rich Vickers was nominated as the club’s new President and Judy Saunders was commended for her time and efforts as past club President. Dinah Scholfield was awarded the President’s Cup and the Jelleys were thanked for their efforts in organizing the annual shop tour and Burrits Rapids fall run. The club would also like to acknowledge Heather Phelan for her continued energy in organizing the AGM at Manderly. www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub THE RESTORATION OF “TINKER TU” by John Richardson Tinker Tu is a 1966 Greavette runabout Inboard/Outboard (I/O), powered by a 1966 Mercruiser 110 HP engine. She was constructed of 3/8-inch marine plywood on oak frames and was bronze fastened in most cases, but not all. My uncle, Dr. George Emery, bought the boat new and enjoyed it for several years at his cottage on Lake of Bays, Muskoka. She has been in the family ever since his passing. His previous beloved boat was named Tinker Bell so he christened his new passion, Tinker Tu. My cousin Dave Peden acquired her from another cousin, pictured in the boat, when her ex-husband could no longer maintain her. Tinker Tu sat unused in one storage area or another for many years. Cousin Dave e-mailed me telling me that he would be interested in restoring the boat but was horrified at the price estimates offered by local boat yards in his area of the golden horseshoe. He asked me if I might be interested in giving it a try. I told him that I would be very happy to restore my late uncle’s classic. On May 27, 2011, she arrived at my shop in the pouring rain looking soggy and down-at-heel. Dave told me that the engine ran but was leaking a lot of water so I knew that it would have to be removed and repaired out of the boat. www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub My son-in-law, Dale Hill, and grandson, Cameron Hill, set to work on Day 1 removing lighting fixtures, hardware and trim, cataloguing them and the mélange of fastenings for each. Whoever removed the bling on this boat previously lost half of the screws and used a strange assortment of ferrous fastenings to replace them. So I knew I would have to scour the bazaars to find the very small oval-headed stainless steel screws required. www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub The heavy bronze castings forming the protective nosepieces on the bow as well as the bow navigation light fixture had to be re-chromed. www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub Further inspection of the boat revealed a split in the lower unit of the Out/Drive. It was caused, no doubt, by water freezing and expanding through the housing. www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub Other problems became apparent as I began to look closely at Tinker Tu’s wear and tear. www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub The transom was my immediate concern as there was rot in at least two areas. I removed the wrap-around splash rails and found that they were not bedded and were affixed to the sides and transom using untreated plain steel screws. The screws rusted out allowing water to settle in and rot the plywood transom and the sides where they fastened to the transom as well as a few other areas on the sides. www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub Repair consisted of cutting out enough wood around the rotted area to ensure that the remaining plywood was sound and not de-laminated. Then the transom was saturated with Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer (CPES), shown below freshly applied. The cut out areas were patched with new marine plywood glued and screwed into place. Sikaflex caulking was then pasted over the seams with a firm putty knife. www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub Using the old skin as a template, I cut out the new one on the band saw from 3/8-inch marine plywood stock and dry fit it in place. I marked the openings for Out/Drive and engine compartment vents and cut them out. I then fastened on the new outer transom using Sikaflex and stainless steel screws. www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub Anticipating the requirement to retrieve and reinstall the repaired engine, I proceeded to finish the transom, since the Out/Drive U-joint Bellows needed to be reinstalled on the transom to mount the engine. It was easier to apply the finish with no such obstructions. Stay tuned for Part 2! www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub MORE ADVENTURES IN THE BOATING WORLD by Mark Krzyzanowski As I write this, I am just getting back from Boston, home of the New England Boat Show which has been an annual event since 1955. I must admit, I was very intrigued to learn how different the boaters are along the East coast and how catching a 90 pound fish is “not a good day” – definitely a little bit different than our standards! The journey to Boston started with a slight delay along Interstate 90 around Pittsfield, Massachusetts. The shop truck developed a “clinking” noise for about 2 miles on the thruway. Turns out the tailpipe had slipped off the muffler – not a problem, every shop truck has an abundant supply of duct tape and cable ties. 5 minutes later, 4 cables ties, and a stip of duct tape later, the war wagon was back on the road (not to mention Coast Guard approved…double cable-tied). The show was pretty sizable and had a lot of interesting ocean-going boats. I’ve included some pictures below. Back in the fall I ended up taking a few trips to pick up boats. One trip included an 8 hour drive to Chicoutimi, Quebec to pick up a 26 foot Chris Craft Express Cruiser. For those of you who have never been to Chicoutimi, don’t go. It’s far, it’s cold, and it’s dark – very dark! It was only October, but I fully expected to see snow. The next trip came about a month later. I ventured down to Lake George, NY, a hotbed of wooden boat activity. The trip down involved about a foot of snow in central NY state, right in the heart of the snow belt. I came back North with a Riva Ariston in tow and opted to take the I-90 and I-81 to come home. It was sunny skies and great driving from that point on! I spent some time at the Toronto International Boat Show in January. The event was well attended and there was an excellent wooden boat presence. I attended with a 1962 Higgins Utility and spent time supporting the ACBS in the front of the show. Next stop will be the Sunnyland Antique Boat Festival later in March followed by Keels & Wheels in Seabrook Texas in early May. A Bird’s Eye view of the New England Boat Show www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca My colleague Thom contemplating tugboat purchase facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub Getting ready to leave Chicoutimi and head back to civilization! Locked & loaded in Lake George www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub MCBC CRUISE NIGHT DOWN SOUTH www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub WEEKEND RIDEAU TOUR – JULY 20TH – 22ND MCBC is planning a Weekend Rideau Tour from Friday, July 20th to Sunday, July 22nd. We will be traveling on the Rideau between Westport and Jones Falls, one of the nicest sections of the System. Our friends from the Trent Severn Antique & Classic Boat Association will be joining us as well. The Saturday run is also open to those who are only able to join us for the day. Although the final details have not been finalized here is the current itinerary: Friday, July 20th · · · · · Launch in Portland around noon. Meet for lunch at the Galley Restaurant, located at the Portland public ramp/docks. Short tour of Big Rideau Lake (Tour details to be finalized) Travel to Westport, through the Narrows Lock, dock and check-in to your accommodation. Meet for Dinner in Westport, (location to be finalized) Saturday, July 21st · Be at the docks and ready to depart at 10:00AM · Cruise to The Opinicon, through the Newboro and Chaffey’s locks. · Lunch at the Opinicon · After lunch there are a number of options but the recommended trip would be to travel through the Davis Lock and head to the top of Jones Falls. Docking space at Jones Falls will be scarce at this time of year, but the boating alone will be well worth the trip. · Return to Westport and meet for dinner (location to be finalized). Sunday, July 22nd · At your leisure, return to Portland, trailer your boat and head home. Accommodations: If you plan to spend the weekend in Westport it is recommended that you book your accommodations as soon as possible. There is a good number of B&B’s in Westport and I would suggest my favorite tool, Google to find a room. At the time I’m writing this there are two rooms left at the Cove Inn. Just remember that if your accommodation does not have dockage you will be walking from the town docks. If you plan to join us on this trip, please notify Ron Jelley either by email, [email protected] or phone 613-6922273. www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub 2011 BOAT SHOW SPONSORS Tall Ships Landing: The Fuller Group, one of Canada's premier builders, is developing Tall Ships Landing, a spectacular resort style condominium (“cottageiniums”) along the historic St. Lawrence River in the heart of the 1000 islands. Website: www.tallshipslanding.com The Powell Group (TPG Technology Consulting, Logic 2000, Marketware Corp. & Wilcom Systems) provides just-in-time affordable IT consulting services. Hagerty is the world’s leading provider of collector boat insurance. Their vision has been unwavering for over a quarter century: work to preserve and protect these unique classics, and support the hobbyists who enjoy them. The Rideau Canal is a UNESCO World Heritage List site and a National Historic Site of Canada. It is maintained and operated by Parks Canada to preserve and present the canal's natural and historic features, as well as to provide a navigable channel for boaters. At Minto we're dedicated to creating exceptional new homes and communities through continuous improvement in design, quality and customer experience. As leaders in the green building revolution, Minto produces new communities that promote health, material conservation, energy efficiency, and a high quality of life. Located in the picturesque Village of Manotick, just south of Ottawa, Mahogany will be our new flagship community that will eventually number 1,400 beautiful and energy-efficient homes. Publishers of Auto Trader, Collector Car, Truck, ATV, Boat, Equipment, RV, Cycle, and Aero Trader Magazines. Associate Sponsors: Hurst Marina (Kars), Epifanes, Flitz, Harvest House (Ottawa), Home Depot (Ottawa), Johnson Welding Works (Ottawa), Manotick Garage, Manotick Home Hardware, Millar-Potter Boat Restoration Ltd (Manotick), Pirate Cove Marina (Kemptville), Robinson’s Independent Grocer (Manotick), The Chandlery (Ottawa), The Mill Tavern (Manotick), The Swan on the Rideau (Kars) www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub MARKET PLACE Market Place is a service provided to MCBC members free of charge. To place an ad in the next issue of the newsletter, email the communications committee at [email protected]. Steel Boat Cradle suitable for boat 30-60’. Overall size is 29’10x12’. Full keel support, 8 fully adjustable pads. 4 lifting points. Professionally built 5 years ago at a cost of $10,000. $4,000 obo. Long Island Marine 316-489-2747 or [email protected] Hot Shoe is For Sale and ready to GO!!! She is a 16 foot Stiletto Ski Boat from a plan developed by Glen L. Witt, Naval Architect of Glen-L Marine Designs, Bellflower, California in 1965. She is equipped with a 1977 Mercury 1150 and Custom Trailer Complete with Tilt Trim, Stainless Steel Ski Bar and Built in Fuel Tank (the water ski is not included). This boat is in Florida and ready to go. Make me an offer at 352-459 1225 or [email protected]. For Sale: ‘Michif’; a 19 foot Kavalk 5-seat Continental completely restored by its builder, Tony Kazulin, the Michif typifies the Kavalks' distinction of timeless design, excellent craftsmanship and functional quality of construction. This 19-foot runabout combines the practicality and durability of a fibreglass hull with the beauty and luxury of an African mahogany deck. This boat is like new and has been run for less than 100 hours. Includes trailer and new mooring cover. Asking Price - $55,000.00 Contact Guy at 613-513-5988 or by email at [email protected] www.manotickclassicboatclub.ca facebook.com/manotickclassicboatclub
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September 2011 - Manotick Classic Boat Club
of additional new ones. We are now pleased to announce that before the 2011 show, Parks Canada
completed an initial batch of docks with MCBC financial support for materials; we have also signed an