June 17, 2015 - Town of Mount Pleasant
June 17, 2015 - Town of Mount Pleasant
TOWN OF MOUNT PLEASANT, SOUTH CAROLINA SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 17, 2015 MINUTES Present: Absent: Staff: Roy Neal, Chair, Alys Campaigne, Ben Bryson, Howard Chapman, Joseph Wren, Josh Malone, Tripp Cuttino Bob Brimmer, Cheryll Woods-Flowers (both excused) Christiane Farrell, Kent Prause, Kevin Mitchell, Shaina Salomon, Eddie Bernard, Kelly Cousino, Lynnette Lynes Mr. Neal called the meeting to order at 3:33 pm. 1. Correspondence and general public statements Mr. Mitchell reviewed the correspondence with the Commission and noted that all correspondence was sent to the Commission. Mr. Don Pike, 2625 Lohr Drive and president of the Linnen Place HOA expressed concern with the Fulton subdivision. He stated that they were reassured that no development would occur on that property because of the wetlands. Mr. Marcus Rosenlehner, 1213 Shingleback Drive, expressed concern with the Fulton subdivision and stated that they were told when they purchased the property that development would not occur behind them because of the amount of wetlands. He asked how far the wetlands extend. He suggested that there should be a balance between new development and established neighborhoods so that the impact is limited. Ms. Karen Rosenlehner, 1213 Shingleback Drive, stated that the buffer is proposed at 30 feet and they would be looking into houses behind them. She expressed concern with the impact to quality of life and suggested that the subdivision would cause increased noise. Mr. Ken Nagel, 1205 Korbel Circle, asked if the wetlands have been delineated and verified. 2. Requests A. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Preliminary Plat for 46-62 Shem Drive, 10 detached single-family Special Planning Commission June 17, 2015 Page 2 of 7 residential lots to be located on an approximately 0.871 acre tract of land zoned R-3, Medium Density Residential District, and UC-OD, Urban Corridor Overlay District, comprised of six parcels located on Shem Drive and described as follows: TMS #532-02-00-074, 532-02-00-075, 532-02-00076, 532-02-00-077, 532-02-00-078, and 532-02-00-079. Mr. Mitchell reviewed staff comments with the Commission (see Attachments 1 and 2). He reviewed the drainage with the Commission and stated that a study was conducted to ensure drainage was adequately addressed. He stated that the easement behind the development would be reduced and they have received notification from the property owner. Mr. Neal asked about total build-out and if this was taken into account for drainage. Mr. Mitchell answered in the affirmative and stated that the total build-out of the area was included in the study. Ms. Campaigne asked if the bakery property is included in the study. Mr. Mitchell answered that it does not flow into the pond and was therefore not included in the study. Mr. Chapman asked if the excavation of the pond has been completed. Mr. Ryan Sands, Thomas & Hutton, answered in the negative and stated that it would be completed during construction. Mr. Chapman moved for approval including all staff comments. Ms. Campaigne seconded the motion. All in favor. B. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Preliminary Plat for Mathis Ferry Court, 8 detached single-family residential lots zoned R-2, Low Density Residential District, to be located on an approximately 3.17 acre tract of land comprised of two parcels described as follows: TMS #514-12-00-025 and 514-12-00-026. Mr. Mitchell reviewed staff comments with the Commission (see Attachments 1 and 2). He stated that items 1, 3, and 5 have been addressed by the applicant. Special Planning Commission June 17, 2015 Page 3 of 7 Mr. Neal asked about the private drainage system. Mr. Mitchell reviewed the drainage system with the Commission. Mr. Neal asked about impacts to trees. Mr. Mitchell answered that there are some trees within the drainage system, but it would be a shallow swale and as-builts would be verified. Mr. Chapman asked about the sign installed in the buffer and if it has been removed. Mr. Mitchell answered that he is not sure. Mr. Jason Munday, Seamon, Whiteside, and Associates, reviewed the project with the Commission. He stated that the sign has been removed from the buffer. Mr. Neal asked about line of sight for Mathis Ferry Road and the buffers. Mr. Munday answered that is a SCDOT-owned right-of-way and there should not be a sight issue. Mr. Neal asked about if the buffer would be reestablished. Mr. Munday answered in the affirmative. Mr. Bob Miller, 1041 Mathis Ferry Road, stated that he requested the sign to be installed and this was the first occasion that he is aware of that the sign company has violated the sign ordinance. He apologized for the infraction and stated that they would be contacting staff to determine how the violation could be remedied. Mr. Chapman moved for approval including staff comments. Mr. Bryson seconded the motion. All in favor. C. SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Sketch Plan for Vincent Drive Single-Family, four detached single-family residential lots zoned R-3, Medium Density Residential District, and UC-OD, Urban Corridor Overlay District, to be located on an approximately 0.346 acre tract of land comprised of two parcels located on Vincent Drive and described as follows: TMS #532-02-00-080 and 532-02-00-081 Ms. Salomon reviewed staff comments with the Commission (see Attachments 1 and 2). Mr. Wren asked if the project is subject to review and approval by the Design Review Board (DRB). Ms. Salomon answered in the affirmative. Special Planning Commission June 17, 2015 Page 4 of 7 Mr. Zach Bearden clarified that the buildings would not require DRB approval. Mr. Chapman asked about access and proximity to the intersection. Mr. Giles Branch, Earthsource Engineering, answered that there is approximately 125 feet from the corner to the first lot. Mr. Wren moved for approval including staff comments. Mr. Malone seconded the motion. All in favor. D. SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Sketch Plan for Fulton Phase 2, 38 detached single-family residential lots zoned PD-CD, Planned Development – Conservation Design District, to be located on an approximately 13.38 acre parcel of land, identified by TMS No. 578-00-00053, and known as Tract 18, Boone Hall subdivision, as depicted on a plat recorded by the Charleston County RMC Office in Book B, Page 046. Ms. Salomon reviewed staff comments with the Commission (see Attachments 1 and 2). Mr. Neal asked the reason for a one-way street. Mr. Mitchell answered that there are constraints because of the wetlands and the smaller right-of-way would allow for larger amount of buildable area. He stated that this project was approved as a Planned Development District and allows one-way streets. Mr. Bernard reviewed landscape comments with the Commission (see Attachments 1 and 2). Mr. Chapman asked where the lots related to the on-street parking areas of concern are located. Mr. Bernard indicated the location of the lots on the map for the Commission. Mr. Branch reviewed the request with the Commission. Mr. Neal expressed concern with having parallel parking near the Billy Swails Boulevard intersection and near the other access point. He also expressed concern with having one-way streets. He suggested that the project is too dense. He asked if buffers could be included between this development and Special Planning Commission June 17, 2015 Page 5 of 7 Linnen Place. Mr. Branch stated that the development is surrounded by wetlands and installing buffers would be difficult. He stated that the parking near the Billy Swails Boulevard access should not impact the intersection as the intersection would be farther away from where the parking is located. Mr. Neal suggested that the applicant reach out to the Linnen Place HOA to try to resolve some issues. Mr. Malone asked about Lot 11. Mr. Branch answered that the driveway would be part of Lot 11. Mr. Pagliarini asked about the recommendation for restudy of the one-way sections and if there is something that would be required or could be quantified. Mr. Mitchell answered that it would need to be reviewed in order to better quantify those areas so there is no confusion on street routes and so that they are safe. Mr. Pagliarini asked if these roads would be dedicated to the Town. Mr. Mitchell answered in the affirmative. Mr. Neal asked if a study would be needed. Mr. Mitchell answered in the negative. Mr. Chapman asked about the playground area and if it was located in a wetland. Mr. Branch answered in the negative. Mr. Chapman asked if there would be pedestrian access to Linnen Place. Mr. Branch answered that there is an access easement that could be used for pedestrian access. Mr. Wren asked where connectivity could be located. Mr. Branch answered that there was a proposed connection near where the proposed playground is located. He stated that pedestrian access could be provided. Ms. Campaigne suggested that having on-street parking could be a traffic calming mechanism. She asked if Lot 11 could be HOA space or some type of neighborhood amenity. Mr. Branch answered that this could be considered. Mr. Malone asked about access to the playground. Mr. Branch answered that one reason for the one-way streets is to stay within one-half acre of fill so that additional wetland permits would not be required. If possible, a trail would connect the playground area. Mr. Neal asked if there are time constraints regarding a decision on this proposal. Mr. Pagliarini answered that it could be deferred, approved with Special Planning Commission June 17, 2015 Page 6 of 7 conditions, approved, or denied. He stated that a decision must be made within 60 days or the project would automatically be deemed approved. Mr. Neal asked if it was deferred and changes were made would it be considered a material change. Mr. Mitchell answered in the affirmative and stated that the revisions would need to be reviewed as a new application. Mr. Wren asked if the changes to the right-of-way would impact lot sizes. Mr. Mitchell answered that it was possible and would be determined with the configuration of the roadway. Mr. Chapman stated that there are many issues with the project due to the geometry and amount of wetlands. He suggested that the difficulty of the site should not impact the Commission’s decision in ensuring there is a wellplanned development. Mr. Chapman moved for denial of the request due to the number of roadway issues, wetlands, and based on the proposed density of the project. He suggested that there are too many issues that need to be resolved and the number of lots should be reduced. Ms. Campaigne seconded the motion. Mr. Pagliarini clarified that the reason for denial is not based on any disputes between the developer and surrounding neighborhoods. Mr. Chapman agreed. Mr. Neal suggested that the applicant take the adjacent neighborhood concerns into consideration when moving forward. Mr. Cuttino asked where Phase 1 is located. Mr. Mitchell indicated the location on the map for the Commission. Mr. Neal called for a vote on the motion. Motion passed on a 6 to 1 vote, with Ms. Campaigne, Mr. Bryson, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Wren, Mr. Malone, and Mr. Neal in favor; Mr. Cuttino opposed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:33 pm. Submitted by, L. Lynes Special Planning Commission June 17, 2015 Page 7 of 7 SpPlanComsn06172015 ATTACHMENT 2 STAFF REPORT (PRELIMINARY PLAT) - 46 to 62 SHEM DRIVE For reference, the Zoning Code and Land Development Regulations are available online. AGENDA ITEM PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Preliminary Plat for 46-62 Shem Drive, 10 detached single-family residential lots to be located on an approximately 0.871 acre tract of land zoned R-3, Medium Density Residential District, and UC-OD, Urban Corridor Overlay District, comprised of six parcels located on Shem Drive and described in the Subject Parcel(s) section below. Figure 01: Parcel Map showing Shem Drive’s location. ANTICIPATED MEETING SCHEDULE Body Meeting Date Action Agenda Item # Planning Commission 06.17.2015 (Special Meeting) The Commission approved the request, subject to staff comments, by a vote of 7 to 0. 3a. Planning & Development Committee of Council n/a n/a n/a Town Council n/a n/a n/a Staff Report – 46-62 Shem Drive Page 1 of 3 REQUEST The current proposal is to approve the Sketch Plan for Shem Drive 46-62 Shem Drive, ten (10) detached single-family lots zoned Medium-Density Residential (R-3) within the Urban Corridor Overlay District (UC-OD) at the existing street corner of Shem Drive and Vincent Drive. SUBJECT PARCEL(S) Property Owner(s) Real Estate Consultants, LLC TMS Number Approximate Acreage 532-02-00-074 0.16 532-02-00-075 0.161 532-02-00-076 0.046 532-02-00-077 0.16 532-02-00-078 0.16 532-02-00-079 0.184 Total Acreage 0.871 acres BACKGROUND INFORMATION Applicant George Reavis (C/O Reavis-Corner Developer) Location 46-62 Shem Drive Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Designation Urban Corridor Current Zoning Medium Density Residential (R-3) located in Urban Corridor Overlay District (UC-OD) ADJACENT USES & ZONING North Single Family Homes (R-3) South Duplexes on Shem Drive (R-3; UC-OD); Brookgreen Shopping Center (AB; UC-OD) East Single Family Homes (R-3) West Brookgreen Shopping Center (AB; UC-OD) PREVIOUS APPROVALS ASSOCIATED WITH CURRENT REQUEST Variance Variance to allow single-family lots to have access to a 01.26.2015 (Board of Zoning Appeals public street and not provide rear (alley-fed) access. Approved) Sketch Plan Sketch Plan approved with all staff comments. 02.18.2015 (Planning Commission Approved) Staff Report – 46-62 Shem Drive Page 2 of 3 STAFF COMMENTS 1. The following Preliminary Plat Checklist items were not provided or need to be revised on the plan: i. Acreage chart indicating total parcel area, area of new lots, street, ponds, open space, recreation, and wetlands area, total acreage, etc. [Note: This item was not provided and is a requirement that needs to be shown on the plat.] ii. Owner name, property address if applicable. [Note: This item was not shown on the provided plan sheet.] SITE/LANDSCAPE COMMENTS [Provided by Chris Luly] 2. The sketch plan provided was not the sketch plan seen and approved by the Planning Commission. The title of the project has changed from sketch plan to preliminary plat submittal along with the designer of the sketch plan. The approved sketch plan, revised to reflect any conditions of approval, is required as a Preliminary Plat Checklist item. 3. The Zoning Administrator has determined that landscape buffers between residential units in the Urban Corridor are not required as code section 156.318(N)(5)(a) is specific to lot standards for single family residences. Building setbacks still apply. ENGINEERING COMMENTS 1. This project is located within a larger drainage system and is upstream from a community with a history of stormwater management issues. During the Sketch Plan review, it was requested that a comprehensive approach be used to demonstrate no impact and water quantity and quality standards are met. As a result, the following facts are provided: - The stormwater management is shared with the adjacent property owners (Ocean Boulevard Properties). The contributing watershed to the existing pond is over 9 acres. This project is less than 1 acre. - The updated stormwater model analysis incorporates an increase in impervious surface of 13,000 sq feet. Existing detention is increased by expanding the pond approximately 20,000 cubic yards. The pond is proposed to be excavated deeper to manage flood water elevation. This volume increase also creates enough attenuation of the peak runoff rates to offset the additional impervious surface added to the basin. - Individual lot grades were provided with the site plan showing all roof runoff and portion of the driveway being conveyed to the rear system and managed through the pond. - Water quality is met through a 24 hour drawdown release for 1 inch of runoff over the project site. In addition to restricting the release of lower level more frequent storm events, the pond is to be lined with a permanent grass cover that will provided additional pollution filtering. - The proposed development is encumbered with a 35 foot private easement dedicated to Ocean Boulevard Properties for their runoff conveys and detention. The width is proposed to be reduced to 25 feet. An amendment to the easement is to be provided prior to construction authorization. Staff Report – 46-62 Shem Drive Page 3 of 3 STAFF REPORT (PRELIMINARY PLAT) – MATHIS FERRY COURT For reference, the Zoning Code and Land Development Regulations are available online. AGENDA ITEM PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Preliminary Plat for Mathis Ferry Court, 8 detached single-family residential lots zoned R-2, Low Density Residential District, to be located on an approximately 3.17 tract of land comprised of two parcels described as follows: 1. an approximately 1.7 acre parcel of land, identified by TMS No. 514-12-00-025, and known as a portion of Lot 29 as depicted on a plat recorded by the Charleston County RMC Office in Book D, Page 180; 2. an approximately 1.7 acre parcel of land, identified by TMS No. 514-12-00-026, and known as a portion of Lot 27 as depicted on a plat recorded by the Charleston County RMC Office in Book D, Page 180. ANTICIPATED MEETING SCHEDULE Body Meeting Date Action Agenda Item # Planning Commission 06.17.2015 (Special Meeting) The Commission approved the request, subject to staff comments, by a vote of 7 to 0. 3b. Planning & Development n/a Committee of Council n/a n/a Town Council n/a n/a n/a Staff Report – Mathis Ferry Court Preliminary Plat Page 1 of 3 REQUEST The current proposal is to approve the Preliminary Plat for Mathis Ferry Court, 8 detached-single family residential lots zoned R-2 to be located on an approximately 3.17 tract of land. SUBJECT PARCEL(S) Property Owner(s) TMS Number Approximate Acreage Safari Corporation 514-12-00-025, 026 3.17 acres Total Acreage 3.17 acres BACKGROUND INFORMATION Applicant Daniel Cruz (Seamon, Whiteside, & Associates) Location 440 Mathis Ferry Road Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Designation Low Density Neighborhood Current Zoning Low Density Residential (R-2) PREVIOUS APPROVALS ASSOCIATED WITH CURRENT REQUEST Rezoning Rezoning approval from R-1 to R-2. 01.14.2015 (Planning Commission Approved) Sketch Plan Sketch Plan approved with all staff comments. 03.18.2015 (Planning Commission Approved) STAFF COMMENTS SITE/LANDSCAPE COMMENTS [Provided by Eddie Bernard] 1. The location of both proposed and retained trees around the pond will block maintenance access. 2. The Mathis Ferry Buffer ordinance notes should be copied onto the plans. This buffer has already been partially cleared without permission but is regenerating. Vines are overtaking the resprouts and efforts to eradicate and control the vines will need to occur over the course of subdivision construction. As mitigation, for the buffer clearing 2- 2” caliper canopy trees, 3- 1.5” caliper understory trees and 15-7 gal shrubs per 100 linear feet of buffer with a mix of vegetation types already found on site shall be planted. A recent site visit showed loblolly pine, laurel, water and live oaks, cherry laurel, yaupon holly, sparkleberry and mockernut hickory present in this area. The contractor shall meet with Staff prior to starting any work in the buffer. The proposed sign shall meet the standards for the Mathis Ferry Buffer. The proposed sign shall meet the standards for the Mathis Ferry Buffer. Staff Report – Mathis Ferry Court Preliminary Plat Page 2 of 3 3. Silt fence should be placed on the construction side of the tree barricades and placed on the northern side of the Mathis Ferry Road buffer to avoid further buffer impacts with the disturbance hatch removed from the buffer. The existing drive apron within the buffer should be removed. 4. Sheet C8 appears to show the drivers sight line impacted by the Mathis Ferry buffer across the street on the inside of the curve and if this requires any buffer impacts a survey and approval will be needed. 5. The tree assessment is incomplete with only information being provided on removed trees and it is unclear who performed the assessment. References to ‘Grand’ trees should be changed to ‘historic’. Tree 59 is not a historic tree being a non-live oak triple stem. ENGINEERING COMMENTS 6. Stormwater management plan meets Town requirements for water quality and quantity control. 7. SCDOT Encroachment permit is required for the intersection with Mathis Ferry Road. The sidewalk connection and ADA standards shall be met pursuant to state review. 8. The drainage system proposed for the rear of lots 4, 5 and 6 is to be a publicly owned and designed to meet Town minimum standards. The proposed system is to be upgraded to a minimum of 15 inch RCP with standard inlet grates. 9. Runoff toward the rear of Lot 8 is to be directed away from the adjacent downstream neighbor. Additional inlets or grading is to be considered to ensure runoff is managed without adversely impacting the neighbor. 10. The outfall pipe section proposed to convey stormwater from the pond to the system downstream system traverses off-site property. This requires coordination with property not included within the boundary of the subject property. The applicant provided a contractual agreement to dedicate the easement and install the improvements upon closing. To ensure this development is able to move forward with infrastructure, dedication of the easement for the outfall is to be completed prior to authorization of construction. 11. A supplemental staff report addressing other engineering and site/landscape comments was provided to the applicant. Staff Report – Mathis Ferry Court Preliminary Plat Page 3 of 3 STAFF REPORT (SKETCH PLAN) – VINCENT DRIVE SINGLE-FAMILY For reference, the Zoning Code and Land Development Regulations are available online. AGENDA ITEM SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Sketch Plan for Vincent Drive Single-Family, four detached single-family residential lots zoned R-3, Medium Density Residential District, and UC-OD, Urban Corridor Overlay District, to be located on an approximately 0.346 acre tract of land comprised of two parcels located on Vincent Drive and described as follows: Approximate Acreage Address TMS No. (i) 0.173 acres 78 Vincent Drive 532-02-00-080 (ii) 0.173 acres 82 Vincent Drive 532-02-00-081 Figure 01: Parcel Map showing Vincent Drive Single-Family’s location. ANTICIPATED MEETING SCHEDULE Body Meeting Date Action Agenda Item # Planning Commission 06.17.2015 (Special Meeting) The Commission approved the request, subject to staff comments, by a vote of 7 to 0. 3c. Planning & Development Committee of Council n/a n/a n/a Town Council n/a n/a n/a Staff Report – Vincent Drive Page 1 of 3 REQUEST The current proposal is to approve the Sketch Plan for four (4) single-family residential units, zoned Medium-Density Residential (R-3) in the Urban Corridor-Overlay District (UC-OD) on approximately 0.35 acres of land located near the corner of Shem Drive and Vincent Drive. SUBJECT PARCEL(S) Property Owner(s) TMS Number Approximate Acreage 100 Vincent, LLC 532-02-00-080, 081 0.35 acres Total Acreage 0.35 acres BACKGROUND INFORMATION Applicant Giles Branch (Earthsource Engineering) Property Location 78, 82 Vincent Drive Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Designation Urban Corridor Overlay District (UC-OD) Current Zoning Medium Density Residential (R-3) ADJACENT USES & ZONING North Vincent Drive Right-of-Way South Brookgreen Shopping Center East Vincent Drive Mixed-Use Townhouses West Medium Density Residential (R-3) PREVIOUS APPROVALS ASSOCIATED WITH CURRENT REQUEST Variance Board of Zoning Appeals approved variance from (Board of Zoning Appeals Zoning Code Section 156.318 (N)(5)(a)(2)(b) to allow 04.27.2015 Approved) single-family lots to have direct access to a public street and not provide rear (alley-fed) access. Staff Report – Vincent Drive Page 2 of 3 STAFF COMMENTS [Provided by Kevin Mitchell and Shaina Salomon] 1. Conforms to intended land use – The proposed land use, of single-family residential units, conforms to the parcel’s current Medium-Density Residential (R-3) zoning. Project is located within the Urban Overlay District which allows detached single family use. 2. Lot layout – Single-family residential lots do not have minimum lots sizes but are required to have two off-street parking spaces. 3. Street/sidewalk design – Due to a variance granted during the April 27, 2015 BOZA meeting, the single-family lots are allowed to have direct access to Vincent Drive instead of having to access the lots from the rear (alley-fed). Also, 5’ concrete sidewalk is proposed within the Vincent Drive rightof-way, and will be aligned with the adjacent Vincent Drive Townhomes development. Because of the potential for grade conflicts between the sidewalk and the future driveways, it is recommended both the driveway and the sidewalk be designed and installed concurrently. 4. Open space – Open space is not required and there is none proposed. The UC-OD Ordinance only encourages open space be incorporated into the design. 5. SW detention – There is no anticipation of an appreciable increase in impervious surface from its current condition. Roof runoff is to be managed through grade design and connection with the rear yard system, where possible. 6. Buffers/landscaping – The zoning administrator has determined that landscape buffers between residential units in the Urban Corridor are not required as code section 156.318N5a is specific to lot standards for single family residences. Building setbacks still apply. 7. Sketch Plan Checklist – The following items were not provided or need to be revised on the plan: i. Acreage chart indicating number of lots and acreage of lots, streets, ponds, open space or recreation area, bufferyards, wetlands, total acreage, etc. [Comment: The acreage chart and the drawing show Lot 1 having two different square-foot areas.] ii. Existing and proposed easements, including pond. [Comment: Provide the widths of the easements.] iii. Significant topographic and physical features, including the location of significant trees, and the location of watercourses within the tract. [Comment: Land contours are not shown on the provided plans.] SITE/LANDSCAPE COMMENTS [Provided by Chris Luly] 8. This sketch plan was reviewed in context of the Urban Corridor requirements for single family residential units. What has been provided in this submittal is satisfactory from a site and landscape perspective. All development within the Urban Corridor is subject to some form of examination by the Design Review Board. Staff Report – Vincent Drive Page 3 of 3 STAFF REPORT (SKETCH PLAN) – FULTON (PHASE 2) For reference, the Zoning Code and Land Development Regulations are available online. AGENDA ITEM SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Sketch Plan for Fulton Phase 2, 38 detached single-family residential lots zoned PD-CD, Planned Development – Conservation Design District, to be located on an approximately 13.38 acre parcel of land, identified by TMS No. 578-00-00-053, and known as Tract 18, Boone Hall subdivision, as depicted on a plat recorded by the Charleston County RMC Office in Book B, Page 046. Figure 01: Parcel Map showing Fulton (Phase 2)’s location. ANTICIPATED MEETING SCHEDULE Body Meeting Date Action Agenda Item # Planning Commission 06.17.2015 (Special Meeting) The Commission denied the request by a vote of 6 to 1 (with two members absent), citing concerns with the configuration of some of the on-street parking, street design/traffic flow, and access to the playground. 3d. Planning & Development Committee of Council n/a n/a n/a Town Council n/a n/a n/a Staff Report – Fulton Phase 2 Sketch Plan Page 1 of 5 REQUEST The current proposal is to approve the Sketch Plan for 38 single-family residential units zoned in the Fulton PD-CD on approximately 13.39 acres of land. SUBJECT PARCEL(S) Property Owner(s) TMS Number Approximate Acreage Old Georgetown, LLC 578-00-00-018, 053 13.39 acres BACKGROUND INFORMATION Applicant Giles Branch (Earthsource Engineering) Property Location 2415-T Old Georgetown Road Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Designation Sweetgrass Basket Overlay District (SB-OD) Current Zoning Fulton Planned Development-Conservation District (PD-CD) (FKA Old Georgetown Road Planned Development-Conservation District) ADJACENT USES & ZONING North Unincorporated Charleston County- Single Family Homes on Frank Bonneau Road South Unincorporated Charleston County- Single Family Homes on Children Road East Unincorporated Charleston County- Vacant lot West Old Georgetown Road County- Single Family Homes and Boars Nest Restaurant PREVIOUS APPROVALS ASSOCIATED WITH CURRENT REQUEST 07.24.13 Annexation/PD-CD Zoning Planning Commission moved for approval, including all (Planning Commission staff comments, for an approximately 10.41 acre parcel Recommended Approval) of land (Lot 8, Seashore Subdivision). 08.13.13 Annexation/PD-CD Zoning (Town Council Approved) 09.10.13 Annexation/PD-CD Zoning (Town Council Approved) 09.18.13 Sketch Plan: Fulton Subdivision, Phase I (Planning Commission Approved) Staff Report – Fulton Phase 2 Sketch Plan Town Council approved the First Reading for the approximately 10.41 acre parcel of land (Lot 8, Seashore Subdivision). Town Council approved the Final Reading for the approximately 10.41 acre parcel of land (Lot 8, Seashore Subdivision). Planning Commission approved including all staff comments. Page 2 of 5 11.20.13 03.19.14 11.19.14 12.09.14 01.13.15 01.26.15 02.18.15 03.10.15 04.14.15 Revised Sketch Plan: Fulton Subdivision, Phase I (Planning Commission Approved) Preliminary Plat: Fulton Subdivision, Phase I (Planning Commission Approved) Annexation/PD-CD Zoning & 1st Planned Development Amendment (Planning Commission Recommended Approval) Annexation/PD-CD Zoning & 1st Planned Development Amendment (Town Council Approved) Annexation/PD-CD Zoning & 1st Planned Development Amendment (Town Council Approved) Appeal (Board of Zoning Appeals Denied) 2nd Planned Development Amendment (Planning Commission Recommended Approval) 2nd Planned Development Amendment (Town Council Approved) 2nd Planned Development Amendment (Town Council Approved) Planning Commission approved including all staff comments. Planning Commission approved including all staff comments with conditions. [Note: Reference History section below for the conditional motion.] Planning Commission moved for approval, including all staff comments with conditions , for an approximately 13.38 acre parcel of land (Tract 18, Boone Hall Subdivision) [Note: Reference History section below for the 1st Planned Development Amendment’s description and conditional motion.] Town Council approved the First Reading for the approximately 13.38 acre parcel of land (Tract 18, Boone Hall Subdivision). Town Council approved the Final Reading for the approximately 13.38 acre parcel of land (Tract 18, Boone Hall Subdivision). BOZA denied the request based on state law that states an ordinance cannot be questioned. [Note: Reference History section below for the Appeal’s description] Planning Commission moved for approval. [Note: Reference History section below for the 2nd Planned Amendment’s description.] Town Council approved the First Reading of the 2nd Planned Development Amendment. Town Council approved the Final Reading of the 2nd Planned Development Amendment. HISTORY During the March 19, 2014 Planning Commission meeting, the Preliminary Plat was approved with the following conditional motion: ” Mr. Chapman moved for approval including all staff comments with the stipulation that the sidewalk be extended along the pond and HOA property where it is currently omitted. Mr. Collins seconded the motion. Mr. Chapman moved to amend his motion to include that the additional section of sidewalk is stipulated and subject to staff approval barring no engineering prohibition to the construction of the sidewalk. Mr. Collins seconded the amendment. Mr. Neal called for a vote on the motion. Motion passed on a 6 to 2 vote, with Mr. Brimmer and Mr. Richardson opposed.” Staff Report – Fulton Phase 2 Sketch Plan Page 3 of 5 Initially proposed in the November 19, 2014 Planning Commission meeting was the 1st Planned Development Amendment that requested a modification to the minimum building setback requirements. This request was approved with the following conditional motion: “Ms. Richter-Lehrman moved for approval of the planned development amendment including staff comments, noting that there will be a maximum of 68 lots and with the recommendation that there be ongoing exploration of future connectivity to Hungryneck Boulevard and other potential roadways. Mr. Collins seconded the motion. All in favor.” The January 26, 2015 Board of Zoning Appeals denied the appeal of the interpretation of a Zoning Official regarding the required building setback from property lines adjacent to HOA areas. Initially proposed in the February 18, 2015 Planning Commission meeting was the 2nd Planned Development Amendment that requested “to amend the PD to modify the setbacks, particularly adjacent to HOA properties and to allow a zero yard setback. The request also include[d] a reduction in front and side yard setbacks to two (2) feet.” STAFF COMMENTS [Provided by Kevin Mitchell and Shaina Salomon] 1. Conforms to intended land use – The proposed land use, of single-family residential units, conforms to the parcel’s Fulton Planned Development-Conservation District (PD-CD). 2. Lot layout – 38 lots are proposed to be subdivided off of Fulton Street with some lots adjacent to the existing wetlands and proposed ponds. The single-family residential units meet the minimum lot dimensions and lot area requirements under the Fulton Planned Development-Conservation District (PD-CD). 3. Street/sidewalk design – A new street, Fulton Street, will initially connect with Fulton (Phase I) and extend into the proposed development, creating a circular, one-way route within the parcel. Sidewalk is also proposed to be on one side of the street within the development. 4. Open space – In accordance to the Fulton Planned Development-Conservation District, HOA open spaces, as well as wetlands, are to be accounted for in the 25% open space requirement calculations. The wetland areas are proposed to serve as passive park areas with nature trails and additional amenity structures. Within this phase, 3.35 acres of open space (consisting of HOA lots and wetlands) is being proposed. 5. SW detention – Stormwater is proposed to be managed by two onsite ponds and water quality requirements are to be satisfied as well due to the increase of impervious service. 6. Buffers/landscaping – In accordance to the Fulton Planned Development-Conservation District, buffers are not required unless proposed development is adjacent to Old Georgetown Road. The proposed development is not adjacent to Old Georgetown Road; therefore, buffers are not a requirement. 7. Sketch Plan Checklist – The following items were not provided or need to be revised on the plan: i. North Arrow. [Note: This item was not shown on the provided plans.] Staff Report – Fulton Phase 2 Sketch Plan Page 4 of 5 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Tract boundaries. [Note: Include the Fulton Street section, that is extending to connect to Fulton (Phase I), in the proposed project boundary line.] Acreage chart indicating number of lots and acreage of lots, streets, ponds, open space or recreation area, bufferyards, wetlands, total acreage, etc. [Note: Provide the separate acreage value for each item that was previously listed and any other items applicable to the proposed project. ] Zoning classifications and use district regulations within the project boundaries. [Note: This item was not shown on the provided plans.] Existing and proposed easements, including ponds. [Note: Ensure all proposed public and private easements are shown, especially the drainage easements.] Statement of method of sanitary sewerage disposal. [Note: This item was not show on the provided plans.] Project parcel TMS number. [Note: This item was not shown on the provided plans.] Significant topographic and physical features, including the location of significant trees, and the location of watercourses within the tract. [Note: The pond contours, tree assessment, and tree survey were not shown on the provided plans.] 8. Lots 1 thru 4 are depicted to be in “Charleston County” area. [Note: This label needs to be removed from the plans.] SITE/LANDSCAPE COMMENTS [Provided by Eddie Bernard] 9. Each lot is to have 2 on-site parking spaces, however lots 25, 30, 7 and 31 have on street parking and/or trees inhibiting the ability for driveways to the lots. 10. No tree assessment has been provided and apparently there are several trees with labels covered up by the ponds. Tree protection zones shall be required for all protected trees. The tree fronting lot 36 does not appear to be a good candidate for retention given all the impacts around it. 11. The lot 11 boundary should be clarified as to whether it includes just the assess lane or the parking also. 12. One road crossing for the sidewalk between lot 13 and 14 could be eliminated if the crossing portions were aligned with the front of lot 13 and the sidewalk along the long side of lot 38. A portion of the sidewalk above the on street parking at the 0.03 HOA lot across from lot 14 is in the wetlands. A receiving portion of sidewalk and ramp should be provided fronting lot 32. 13. A north arrow is missing from the plan. 14. The on street spaces fronting lot 22-25 are partially on private property without a proposed easement. It is unclear what the dimensions of the on-street spaces, but the PD allows for 8’ widths. Space dimensions should be provided. Unless other standards allow, 18’ is not adequate back up space for perpendicular parking spaces. Typically at least 23’ is needed. The parking should be surrounded with curbing. The angled spaces beside lot 36 will block the sidewalk access if anyone parks there. It may be best to swap sides of the road with the nearby perpendicular spaces. Staff Report – Fulton Phase 2 Sketch Plan Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 Special Meeting 17 June 2015 3. Requests a. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Preliminary Plat for 46-62 Shem Drive, 10 detached single-family residential lots to be located on an approximately 0.871 acre tract of land zoned R-3, Medium Density Residential District, and UCOD, Urban Corridor Overlay District, comprised of six parcels located on Shem Drive. 3. Requests b. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Preliminary Plat for Mathis Ferry Court, 8 detached single-family residential lots zoned R-2, Low Density Residential District, to be located on an approximately 3.17 acre tract of land comprised of two parcels. 3. Requests c. SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Sketch Plan for Vincent Drive Single-Family, four detached single-family residential lots zoned R-3, Medium Density Residential District, and UC-OD, Urban Corridor Overlay District, to be located on an approximately 0.346 acre tract of land comprised of two parcels located on Vincent Drive. 3. Requests d. SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL REQUEST: Request approval of Sketch Plan for Fulton Phase 2, 38 detached single-family residential lots zoned PD-CD, Planned Development – Conservation Design District, to be located on an approximately 13.38 acre parcel of land, identified by TMS No. 578-00-00-053, and known as Tract 18, Boone Hall subdivision, as depicted on a plat recorded by the Charleston County RMC Office in Book B, Page 046.