Creekside at Berkeley Hills
Creekside at Berkeley Hills
PAGE20 REVISED6/06 REZONING APPLICATION AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL APPLIT NAME: ZONING MAP OF GWINNETT OWNERINFORMATION* INFORMATION Andrew Perry 30358 ZIP: GA STATE: 404-915-0879 PHONE: Duluth CITY: GA STATE: P.O. Box 95648.8 ADDRESS: Atlanta CITY: Berkeley Hills Country Club, Inc. NAME: P.O. Box 720314 ADDRESS: COUNTY, GEORGIA PHONE: ZIP: 30095 404-915-0879 PHONE: 404-915-0879 CONTACT PERSON: AndrewPerry APPLICANT'S E-MAIL: any person having a property interest and any person having a * Include financial interest in any business entity having property interest (use additional sheets if necessary) D OWNER'S PRESENT ZONING ,-AEPLICANT ~ROPERTY AGENT DISTRICTS(S) ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: RESIDENTIAL NO. OF UNIT GROSS DENSITY: NET DENSITY: PLEASE I .f REQUESTED 228 LOT (S) : ICONTRACT PURCHASER ZONING DISTRICT: ACREAGE: 46.06 R-75 eso 2300 Pond Road, Duluth,GA 30096 Single Family Detached Subdivision NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: LOTS/DWELLING UNITS: DWELLING :~-200 LAND LAND DISTRICT(S):6 IS THE: OWNER 119 NO. SIZE (sq. ft.): 2,600 DEVELOPMENT: OF BUILDINGS/LOTS: TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FEET: DENSITY: 2.58 2.76 ATTACH A LETTER OF INTENT EXPLAINING WHAT IS PROPOSED. CASE NUMBER OJ~~-~ngr~lrrY SUP070 9 0 I . I ~ I '-- MAR 2 6 2007 ~-fC""' .. 1"rf> \ IUlJ J [ r; C GWINN~"rf C)U;l~!!iW; t-;IViSION [ - -"' . '-'~"-~' " Creekside at Berkeley Hills Rezoning Plan for MPM Development, LLC (Letter of Intent) February 22nd, 2007 The applicant, MPM Development, LLC, respectfully submits this rezoning application for the purpose of rezoning the subject property, defined by the legal description attached to this application and containing +/- 46.06 acres, to the zoning classification ofR-75 CSO from its present zoning ofRA-200. The applicant, also known as Creekside Communities, LLC, intends to develop and build a single-family detached residential, owner occupied community. The attached site plan indicates a development of 119 home sites on a total of 46.06 acres, or 2.58 lots per acre. The site shall have a minimum lot size requirement consistent with other R-75 CSO zonings. All homes will have a minimum of 2,600 heated floor area, exclusive of garages and basements, with a combination of brick, stone and hardie-siding on the exterior. All homes shall have a minimum of a 2-car garage. The exterior of the homes shall be designed in a distinct manner so the transition from home to home shall be aesthetically appealing to both the residents ofthe community as well as the neighboring property owners. The property will be served by public water, sanitary sewer, and is conveniently located just off of Old Norcross Road, less than 2 miles from Beaver Ruin Road and 1-85. All utilities that service the community shall be underground. A single family detached community with an attractive landscaping package and with homes made of high quality materials would serve as highly desirable addition to the communities that surround the subject property on Old Norcross Road, Bogie Road, Ingram Road and Hopkins Mill Road. We feel that our proposed site plan provides a combination of density and open space that make it ideal for the county and neighboring properties. Overall, the rezoning ofthis property will benefit the community because it will become an attractive and well executed addition to the residential communities that are developed or are being developed around this property, the availability of utilities will eliminate the hardships caused by the addition of sewer or water capacity, and the site plan shall conform to density requirements associated with less intense residential zoning classifications. We intend to work not only with the Berkeley Hills Country Club but with the neighbors in an attempt to meet their needs and address their concerns. Thank you for your time. - ---'~ SincerelY'11 ..d) I! ! J. I /..~-} ~.~'H- tS .' AndrL ;e , K D ~' I SUP 07 0 90 ( emUM ~ , ! [ lS':::...J}L.=.:J1J K! U . ,I., ! ' ~ ~i'F~;r~I:I~v /;~' .. rr._; ,; I ...11 MAR2 L \ ~ . . ",I II . r'l -.. . dL../l I 6 LOO?)'.<o.~. _.J ~ Development,LLC ! L GWINNETT PU~j"Ji\jirJG[)!\j!S N! . .~ ..; I e NORTH, ..dNNIM9 REVISIONS, SCALE, , ,. ". ~-...... '''' #' 00/00/00 ""'" '"'''' "C""'""", ,. '"'" ~ . "" "" ::::c e.. ".,'" ..w,,",mm ~""""''''''... ~ "'."" ,,~ -"""""..~ ~"""""'m",m'" ~ t;:s == .;::" ::I:: .,.., p:: .~ 0 >=I IJ'I ::>- = "0 . ~I 0:: <D .t' '" = ~!;: CO . =' .. """'..c: ;::.:::: .,.., 0 '" 0 ....... ~ D.. =» en ~ 8 .5 C\1 = @) =.,..,.,..,.. .,.., 0 = 0 OJ -..:1 ~ en ~ ;::.:::: -0 .~ = ~ iI= ro = " 0::..:1 ~ ;>< cJ 6=~ ~ :j ~:~ ~gfgH ~~ u ~;~ 0 ;,; 2~ ~~"' ~",95i ~ ~~ '> '(:~~~:~:~~:~~\ I ;PHASE SITE ASSESSMENT SITE ASSESSMENT NOTES SCALE, AS SHOWN DATE, 03/23/07 NO PROTECTEDPLANTSPECIES,AS LISTEDBY THE GEORGIADEPARTMENT OF NATURALRESOURCES, WEREOBSERVEDON THE SITE (02-26-07). SPECIMEN TREES ARE TREES OF GREAT VALUE IDENTIFIED ON SITE BY THE LANOSCAPE ARCHITECT. PROJECT, FA-7020 SHEET L-Pl .l