Domingo de Ramos - St. Francis de Sales Parish


Domingo de Ramos - St. Francis de Sales Parish
Palm Sunday
Domingo de Ramos
195 West 13th Street . Holland, MI 49423
The tragedy of our
sinfulness is laid plainly
before us this week.
Our guilt, personal and
collective, is assumed in
Christ's suffering and
death. The Suffering
Servant of God is the
testament to the
unimaginable depths
of God's love
and mercy.
La tragedia de nuestros
pecados está expuesta
ante nosotros esta
semana. Asumimos
nuestra culpa, personal y
colectiva, en el sufrimiento
y muerte de Cristo.
El Sirviente Sufridor de
Dios es el testamento de
lo inimaginable y profundo
que es el amor y la
misericordia de Dios.
Question of the Week | Pregunta de la Semana
Adult: When have you felt that you betrayed the
confidence of another, as Peter did when he
denied Jesus? How do you forgive yourself?
Adultos: ¿Cuándo ha sentido que traicionó la confianza
de alguien, como Pedro lo hizo cuando negó a Jesús?
¿Cómo se perdona a usted mismo?
Youth: What does it feel like to have betrayed the
confidence of another or to have been betrayed
by another? How would you forgive that person?
Jóvenes: ¿Cómo se siente el haber traicionado la
confianza de alguien o el ser traicionado por alguien?
¿Cómo perdonarias a esa persona?
St. Francis de Sales, Holland, MI
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March 20, 2016
What’s happening @ SFDS
St. Francis de Sales Parish
offers our deepest sympathies
to the following families
The family of Guadalupe Rodriguez
The family of Juan Murillo
The family of Mary Linda Chavez
Protecting God’s Children
for Parents and Volunteers (who work with children)
Our parish will be hosting the training
“Protecting God’s Children” Thurs., April 14 from 6:00 to
9:00 pm at Our Lady of the Lake. This training is for adults who
volunteer with children and youth through our parish ministries. All
parents are encouraged to participate in this training as it informs and
trains adults about how to prevent and protect children from situations
that could lead to abuse and how to detect and handle situation of
abuse. Register today by going online to:
San Francisco de Sales les da su mas
sentido pésame a estas familias en la
muerte de sus seres queridos.
Holy Week Services
(March 20-26, 2016)
Servicios de
Semana Santa
(20-26 de marzo)
Holy Thursday/Jueves Santo
(No Daily Mass today)
7:00 p.m. Washing of the Feet (Bilingual)
7:00 p.m. Lavatorio de los Pies (Bilingüe)
Good Friday/Viernes Santo
Via Crucis 4:00 p.m. (Bilingual) (Bilingüe)
Veneration of the Cross 7:00 p.m. (English)
Veneración de la Cruz 7:00 p.m. (Inglés)
Holy Saturday/Sabado Santo
10:00a.m. Blessing of Food
10:00 a.m. Bendición de los alimentos (Inglés)
Easter Vigil/Vigilia Pascual - (No 5:00 p.m. Mass today)
Easter Vigil Service 8:30 p.m. (Tri-lingual)
Misa de la Vigilia Pascual 8:30 p.m. (Trilingüe)
(no hay misa de 5:00 p.m. este día)
Easter Sunday/Domingo de Pascua
8:30 & 10:30 a.m. (English)
12:30 p.m. (Español)
Mass Intentions/ Intenciones de Misa
Saturday/Sábado, March 19, 2016
5:00 pm
For the People
Sunday/Domingo, March 20, 2016
8:30 am
† Vincent Le—Huynh family
10:30 am
† Domingo Reyes—Reyes family
12:30 pm
† Estafania Villacaña—familia
Monday/Lunes, March 21, 2016
12:10 pm
† All Souls
Tuesday/Martes, March 22, 2016
9:00 am
† Deceased members of St. Francis
Wednesday/Miércoles, March 23, 2016
6:00 pm
Luis Reich 50th Birthday—familia
Thursday/Jueves, March 24, 2016
7:00 pm
Holy Thursday Service (Bilingual)
Friday/Viernes, March 25, 2016
7:00 pm
Good Friday Service (English)
Saturday/Sábado, March 26, 2016
8:30 pm
Easter Vigil Mass (Tri-lingual)
Sunday/Domingo, March 27, 2016
8:30 am
Easter Sunday
10:30 am
Easter Sunday
12:30 pm
Domingo de Pascua
Scripture Readings for the Week
Is 42:1-7; Jn 12:1-110
Is 49:1-6; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
Is 50:4-9a; Mt 26:14-25
Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; 1 cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15
Is 52:13, 53: 12; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9; Jn 18:1, 19:42
Gn 1:1, 2:2; Gn 22:1-18; Ex 14:15, 15:1; Is 54:5-14; Is 55:1-11;
Bar 3:9-15, 32; 4:4’ Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28’ Rom 6:3-11; Lk 24:1-12
03/27 Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9
Lecturas Bíblicas de la Semana
Is 42:1-7; Jn 12:1-110
Is 49:1-6; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
Is 50:4-9a; Mt 26:14-25
Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15
Is 52:13, 53: 12; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9; Jn 18:1, 19:42
Gén 1:1, 2:2; Gén 22:1-18; Ex 14:15, 15:1; Is 54:5-14; Is 55:1-11;
Bar 3:9-15, 32; 4:4’ Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28’ Rom 6:3-11; Lc 24:1-12
03/27 He 10:34a, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9
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Palm Sunday/Domingo de Ramos
March 20, 2016
Outreach / Fe y Justicia
Canned Fruit is needed.
Hours: Mon. & Wed., 3 to 8 pm
and Sat. 12 to 4 pm.
Esta semana estamos necesitando fruta enlatada
Nuestro horario es: Lunes y Miércoles, 3 a 8 pm y
los Sábados de 12 a 4 pm.
Thanks again to each of you who were generous in any way that
you participated in this project. The people were extremely appreciative. Check out the picture board out in the gathering space
after Mass today!
Una vez mas, gracias a cada uno de ustedes que fueron tan
generosos de cualquier manera que hayan participado en este
proyecto. La gente de Flint está muy agradecida . Vaya hoy y
mire el pizarrón del atrio después de la misa.
Lent is soon coming to a close. Please turn in your donation to CRS Rice Bowl in the collection basket in an envelope marked "Rice Bowl". The money will be forwarded to
the national office. This aids adults to move them out of
poverty and their children into education. Through CRS we are changing lives
for the future not just feeding them today.
Ya se está terminando la Cuaresma . Por favor regrese su donación del Plato
de Arroz de CRS en un sobre que esté marcado con la frase de Plato de Arroz
y póngala en el canasto de la limosna . El dinero será mandado a la oficina
nacional. Estas donaciones le ayudan a los adultos a salir de la pobreza y a
darles una educación a sus niños. A través de CRS estamos cambiando
vidas para el futuro, no estamos nada mas dándoles de comer ahora.
Each legislative session, MCC (Michigan Catholic Conference) evaluates bills
introduced into the Michigan House and Senate based on their impact on
human dignity, social justice, and the common good. MCC provides an
opportunity for Michigan Catholics to stay updated on current policy issues and
to contact their lawmakers about these issues. Some recent issues have been:
Catholic Educators Advocate at the State Capitol, Michigan House Approves
Human Trafficking Hotline Posting Measure, Refugees and Catholic Social
Teaching, Senate Legislation Prohibits Sale of Human Tissue or Cells, U.S.
Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on Texas Abortion Law. Sign up for
weekly updates at
Corpus Christi
School News
Auction With A Twist
A Celebration of our Holland
Catholic Community
POVERTY, INC: Poverty is big business but who profits the most?
This powerful film will be shown at the Knickerbocker Theater,
downtown Holland, at 7:00 pm on Saturday, April 2.
Admission is free.
The film is co-sponsored by The St. Benedict Forum
and the Union of Catholic Students.
Watch a trailer of the film at
Find us on facebook. | Visitenos en Facebook
Find us on Twitter | Visitenos en Twitter
St. Francis de Sales, Holland, MI
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March 20, 2016
Sunday, March 13th Collection: $14,993.64
Did you know?
Stretching your offertory gifts.
Invite Someone to Easter Mass
In fiscal year 2015, St. Francis paid a total of $2,906 in
fees for processing credit/debit-card gifts and $5,769 in
banking fees. Together, these fees averaged $723/
month. To lower our banking fees, last August we switched to a different
bank. The transition has taken longer and required more work than
expected, but we look forward to the cost savings. While some fees are a
fixed monthly amount, others reflect the number and type of contributions
received by the parish.
Invite a Alguien a la Misa de la Pascua
¿Sabia Usted?
Extendiendo nuestra ofrenda.
We’ll be distributing postcard invites after Masses this weekend for you
to take and invite a friend or family member to Mass next week for
Easter. Think of those who have been away from the church or haven’t
ever had a church to call home. You can invite without being
“pushy.” Just say that you’d like to invite them to church this Easter to
celebrate Christ who loves everyone and give them the card.
Estaremos distribuyendo tarjetas de invitación después de las misas de
este fin de semana para que se las lleve e invite a un amigo o a un
familiar a la misa de la Pascua la próxima semana. Piense especialmente en los que se han alejado de la iglesia o en los que no tienen una
iglesia que le puedan llamar su casa. Usted puede invitarlos sin que
tenga que ser muy insistente. Simplemente dígales que le gustaría
invitarlos a la iglesia en esta Pascua para celebrar a Cristo quien nos
ama a cada uno de nosotros y luego entrégueles la tarjeta.
En el año fiscal 2015, San Francisco de Sales pagó un total de $2,906
en cuotas por procesar donaciones con tarjetas de crédito/debito y
$5,769 en cuotas de banco. Juntas, estas cuotas aproximan $723/mes.
Para rebajar las cuotas del banco, cambiamos de banco en Agosto.
La transición ha tomado mas tiempo y mas trabajo de lo anticipado,
pero esperamos tener un ahorro en cuotas. Algunas cuotas son fijas
mensualmente, otras reflejan el número y el tipo de contribución recibida
por la parroquia.
Attention Young Adults: The next Veritas retreat is being held April 8-10 at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Grand Rapids.
Veritas is an opportunity for young adult men and women, ages 18-35, to discover and express their Catholic faith. The weekend consists
of talks, music, and activities focused on recognizing the role God plays in our everyday life. The program is filled with practical
information, which you can immediately apply to your daily life. For more information go to or email
Kathy with questions at [email protected].
Infant Baptism
The next baptism preparation class
will be held on April 5, 5:45 to 8:30 p.m.
Bautismos para Infantes
La Próxima sesión de preparación
bautismal será el 5 de abril, de 5:45 a 8:30 p.m.
Catholic Studies Colloquium
April 4, 2016 at 7pm
Wege Ballroom,
Aquinas College
1607 Robinson Road
Grand Rapids MI 49506
"Liturgy: The Basis of Western Culture"
Presenter, Fr. Rob Johansen
Commentator, Fr. Pierre Ingram, CC.
Moderator, Dr. John Pinheiro
Free Event open to the Public
More information can be found on
Facebook at Catholic Studies at
Aquinas College
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Palm Sunday/Domingo de Ramos
March 20, 2016
If You Believe in God,
You Believe in Stewardship
True stewardship calls us to recognize one
simple yet profound truth: everything we
have comes from God. Everything we “own”
is really on loan from Him. This is what
makes us stewards.
Stewardship is not a “program”, or a fundraising campaign. Stewardship
is not a buzzword or round-about way of asking for more money.
As we grow in our understanding of true stewardship we recognize
everything as gift. Living stewardship allows us to use our gifts wisely,
to the very best of our ability, for the good of God’s Church.
Living as a true steward requires a conversion of the heart; taking us
down a path toward a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God.
Prayer, worship, reflection; these are the foundational building blocks of
faithful stewardship. Stewardship, simply defined, is putting our faith first
– making God a priority in our lives. Before we can sincerely commit to a
life of prayer, service and sharing, we must give Him all of our hearts.
Think and pray about the ways God has blessed your life. Consider how
your life is enriched by our parish community, and about how you make a
difference for others through your support of parish ministries.
Si crees en Dios, crees en
la Corresponsabilidad
Verdadera corresponsabilidad nos llama a
reconocer una verdad sencilla pero profunda:
todo lo que tenemos viene de Dios. Todo lo
que "poseemos" es realmente prestado de El.
Esto es lo que nos hace corresponsables.
Corresponsabilidad no es un "programa", o una campaña de recaudación
de fondos. Corresponsabilidad no es una palabra de moda o táctica oculta de pedir más dinero.
De medida que crecemos en nuestro conocimiento de la verdadera
corresponsabilidad, todo lo reconocemos como un don de Dios.
Corresponsabilidad de la vida nos permite utilizar nuestros dones sabiamente, a lo mejor de nuestra capacidad, para el bien de la iglesia de
Vivir como un verdadero corresponsable requiere una conversión del
corazón; nos lleva por un camino hacia una relación más profunda y más
significativa con Dios. Oración, adoración, reflexión; Estos son los pilares
fundacionales de la corresponsabilidad fiel.
Pensar y orar sobre como Dios ha bendecido tu vida. Considere cómo su
vida se ha enriquecido por nuestra comunidad parroquial, y sobre cómo
hacer una diferencia para los demás a través de su apoyo a ministerios
de la parroquia.