stenters control
stenters control
STENTERS CONTROL DWELL TIME CONTROL AREL dwell time control guarantees that the processed fabric reaches the requested setting temperature and stays at that temperature for the requested time. Top class infrared temperature sensors are mounted in the stenter roof according to the length, the width and the number of relevant chambers in the stenter. The sensors transmit the exact temperature of the fabric measured points to the AREL PC based controller. According to the information from the various sensing points and the stenter speed, the controller increases or decreases the fabric speed ,so the desired dwell time is attained .The controller continuously logs the stenter speed and temperatures for reporting and data analysis. • As AREL’s non contact infrared temperature sensor can withstand the heat setting temperature of the stenter chambers ,they are normally installed at minimal distance above the moving fabric. • Advantages: 1) improved temperature measurement due to minimizing the interferences between the sensor and the target, fabric to be measured; and 2) prevention of dirt settling on the sensor because the temperature of the sensor case is similar to the chamber temperature . • For immediate installation and for easy access for service ,Arel provides the sensors with complete adjustable stainless steel housing. • Each sensor operates individually and there is no need for a concentrator . Each sensor includes temperature display and setting switches . • The number of sensors per installation is practically unlimited. • The accuracy of the measurement is better than 1% of the measuring range. • AREL provides solutions for heat setting of dry fabric ,for heat setting of wet fabric and for drying only, eliminating the need for residual moisture sensors. • For energy saving, the AREL controller can optionally reduce the fan speed at the setting zone, as the energy requirement for heat setting only is relatively small by comparison to the energy that is needed to increase the temperature of the fabric before fabric setting begins. TOTAL CONTROL In addition to heat setting control, AREL also offers TOTAL INTEGRATED CONTROL of all the stenter functions. Based on recipe management of the required set points for each quality ,the AREL controllers can monitor and control: • chamber temperatures • moisture retention • stretch/shrinkage (over feed) • fabric width • fabric weight • padder pressure • exhaust humidity etc AREL also offers complete standard as well as customized reports per batch and summarizing reports including: speed ,consumption, deviations from standard and efficiency reports. DISPENSING AREL’s technology enables the operation of a common chemical dispenser to the stenter foulard/padder from each stenter controller. The saving of a dedicated dispenser computer simplifies and substantially reduces the cost of the system. This concept enables an integrated recipe, including all the operational parameters of the stenter, together with the recipe for all the chemicals. In order to reduce the waste of residual chemicals at the end of each batch, the chemicals are dispensed in small amounts to balance the actual pick up against the remaining fabric length to process. FINISHING MACHINERY AREL’s unique software tools, PC based controllers and I/O modules enable easy configuration of finishing machinery to any control or monitoring function including: • Recipe library management • Process visualization • I/O allocation and calibration procedures • Report generators for historical events, trends, chemicals and energy consumption, and much more. BACK OFFICE All AREL controllers can operate individually, or as part of AREL’s MES- Management Execution System for the wet processing production floor. In addition to AREL’s production floor management system, AREL also offers AREL APM- Process Management Systemfrom YARN TO DISTRIBUTION. AREL APM- Process Management System covers all plant processes together with sophisticated applications for Planning & Scheduling and Global Sourcing. - a Tradition of Innovation Since 1971: solutions for the textile industry Integrated dyehouse control Dye Dissolving and delivery systems Chemicals Dispensing Salt Trolleys Stenter frames control Continuous ranges control Weaving and knitting monitoring Plant ERP systems AREL ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD AREL CONTROL (1971) LTD AREL CONTROL INDIA PVT LTD 16/56 Church Avenue, Mascot P.O.Box 172 Industrial Zone No.8 Plot No.66, MIDC Bhosari Sydney N.S.W. 2020, AUSTRALIA Yavne 81101 ISRAEL Pune 411026 INDIA email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
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