1983 SM Professional Performance Microphones


1983 SM Professional Performance Microphones
The Shure SM Professional Performance Microphones
The Shure SM Professional Performance Series
Tlblc or Contents
OurQuali(y Story ...
A Commitment to Excellence ... 1·7
Shu"" SM8S Microphone. . . . . . . .. I
Shure SM58 Microphone. . . . . . . .. 2
Shure SM56 and SM57
MicrophODOS. . . . . . . • • • • • • • . .• 3
Shure SM77 ~ndSM78
Microphone... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 01Shure SMIOA, SM12A, SM14A
and SM 17 Mictcph"n.s. . . . . . . .5
A=.ori. , .................... f>.7
Selecting a Q\tlllilJ
Microphone ................. 8·9
Under;umdlng Microphone
Tenns and SpeclficatiollS ....•.. 8-9
Microphones the
professionals stand behind.
Nowhere is the reliance on Shure
quality more evident than in
the world of entertainment. On
stages everywhere, music legend.
like Mick Jagger, Judy Collin.,
Ronnie Milsap, Tino Turner, Eddie
Rabbitt, Dolly Pgrton, Charles
Aznavou., Billy Squier, Paul Anka,
Dionne Warwick, Roger Daltrey
gnd Peter Townsend in.i.t on
Shure microphones to mgke their
perForm"nce .klnd out.
In this cgtglog, you'll find the
complete line of Shure SM Profes.
sion,,1 PerFormonce Microphones,
filch with a distinctive sound or
physic,,1 chargcteristk. You'll ,,1.0
find out about the superior quality
gnd rugged reliability that hgve
m"de these microphones The
Sound of the Profe5siongl.~...
A minimum of two )",,," of "'Ien.ive de·
velopmont, d. ,ign and onginee ring go
into the making of 0 new Shure micro·
phone. Before any Shure miorophone i.
oold, it m ... t po .. a batt. ry ofat 1..,,1 20
e nvironmental arod performan .... ""to
tIl"l .imulate "rod go beyond live usage
l ituationl.
Miorophon .. are battered, vibrotKl
and dropped 10 aKUr. otre ngth and long·
life. The y are dre nchod in 100% humidify
to a u ur. reli"ble intornal <onn. <lionl.
They oro , ubjo,tod to e,"e me ele,tro·
magnetic and ele<fr"'lalic field. 10 aUu,e
prop .. .... ieldlng from . "'. ,nal noile, hum
or l tray radio Ir. qu0""lllield •• And, they
are oubi_<lod to tomperatur. exlreme.
A condenser microphOile
tough enough for the road.
Lightweight, rugged and pelfect1v
balanced, the SM85 can talc .. rve<y abu ...
" road tau, hDO to off ...., and stili rnainklif'l
the highest p .. rformunc& e xpected 01 a
_ludio quality <oncIen. ... mi""phono. It.
mid..an9" frt!queney response is lailored
in the Shu,e tradition to add aispn ....
and pr .. "","oe that cu" through
in.lrum..,t"J back-up witf, _ e.
In the upp...
I"" SM8S's
''''pon ••
enhances ...b,l. ov... _
And" <onl.oH Ild Iow-freque ncy rolloff minimiIes hand~ng noi •• and
"boomin . .." 'lO.ociat"d with dos...,p
handhe ld microphon. u. ...
In addition, an e xdu.ivft "Ioilorn" ,
"space frame" i..,lat.. the condenser
element from virtually all mechanical
7~ d8 (O_2 ", V)
from -50'F to 180'F.o ClOO,,'" .. xtemal
appo,,,,,nc. and durability,
Shure mi<rophone. w~r continually
p e rform up 10 your tough . Ianderd. "".
«I,,'" th..,. " .... manu/a<lu .... d with "n
inten.e commitment 10 quality_u.lng
«Irelully ."I"<t"d "nd monilOrod mat ...
rial. that are a...,mbled with the gr8ahl.t
dogrn al care aoo accuracy.
BKClu,. af ou r angai n9 CQm milmenl to
quality "nd performance, Shure micro_
phone. and ""","",ie. h"". earn. d "n
unm"lched r"PulOlion I... on_.lOge
ruggodn ... "nd reliability. Thi . i. why
Shure !"oducl. " '" u,. d and ' •• pe<ted
the wo~d over,
Mllterial. thai keep working
under pressure.
At Shu fe's .... ting faci lily. SM Mi<rophone>
mu.' with.tand at 1..,<16 randem drop.
from 6 I•• , onlo" hare/wood Ilco<. T"'.
type 01 "bu •• would d n tfoy many .. the<
mi,rophonH . Ruggedn .... and ,er.ubility
a •• bull. Into Shu,. miaophcn .. u l ing
critically .ele<I<!c/ <mel monit",. d mal<!·
rial. including' .xt,em. ly lough, die·
ca.led .inc and machined aluminum
housing., Clnc! UfLON~-coatod aM_.I.el
grille ••
SM77 and SM78
MicrophOO Q that say something
about your IItn~e of Style.
tn co bealllllul break fram ,radilion, the
SM77 "nd SM18 Oynorni, Mic,..,ph_.
combine b. autlful styling with uncom_
promi.ins,ound . They fealur. Shu~'s
e~du.j .... non.refl~tin!l. u"[",,fId
Suede""al ,•• ~rlo,. lh.finish assures a
comfo,t"bt, S, lp, " -"" tarnish .., ond is
easy 10 <~n . Choke of.oI .... include
iObony, I,," 00'Id bto-l.
T.... miuopl_. ..... cal ... s",,"'er
a .... 28% light .. CIO\ ............... n their
.... ot. 44._....... i"!l tt-n .... oIo
....... 10 hold during lengthy pe<fu.
...... Ihei ........ p<ofi . .
.......... tt.. pe<f_'. fa<e.
sound , boI+I mi·
crllphoo .. .,.,.Iat. hew. " flud 10.... fr&.
~ roIloffand an upper midrange
~. peo~ in ,h.,;. ft~u_y respon". A uniform OOIrcllold pottern
ba,~.ound .... i•• for m",";mum
ampl ilie. 1I",n before kedbadt, and preventi <olarollon when perform....ing
fr_ .... eff..... l. pooi ...... The SM18~
built-In windu_ provicleo ...NIIen,
And ........ SM77 is
on inltNmIftt pickup
...... cn • • cI_sound isO" .....
'" ......... riM"""
____ ....... 00 .....
0,.. Ci_ "'""-,0..3 ..v l- ".~ eM.
0" _1V1"bar)
_......., -57' ...O...
............... . . Soot ' - ' 6 '"'" 7
, "'W!~
;,G4J_ ",*,~ ~Iooo ,"" ood
_ ~.
ShUK pu IS it tlllel her right
Sho.o .........
_ ys-.....w"" ...............
,.... _........
, .-.1
..... W\,__
-tri4g.,.,.. - - ....
•" ......,'" i""'"9'l'Y ",,,,t b. _nlainood.
Filt.d (DI..,,_ :~. gr_.IoNe)
i",IftId'" gMd . !c.th goUe ;' prociti .....
Imo .... (Dic>"",m ' <>r<>ng_)'" ,he mount·
h... ,han opot_ld_d ar.,l.-l.
And .omp .... on .. "'...... nul'odur.d 10
p, •• i.. l9I ~ n ....... uring Q pelf.dllt.
Th . ... haw. n..... been coot-cutting
,honeutr ....... n "I Shur. _...-.d the", neve.
,i,. ....
w~Ib. .
SMIOA, SM12A and SM14A
Picks up where other .coustic
instrument microphones leave of.
Instrumentalists who like to m.ove, freely
on .l<Ige wi II appreciate the Shure SM17 .
Thi. high quality drl>ClmOe microphone
offerS a <trang, natural, acoutti.ally Ii,..
sound. Even at high sound pre.. u ...
level., the SM17 .... mains remarkably fr..
f,om overload and di.tortion.
Only l~'long, th. SMI7 can be at·
tach. d to most al;(l"<li< instr"m..," with
"" modification •. It i••"ppli.d with a
doth mounting adapter and expan.lon
mo"nt for violins, viola. or .eM.... and a
c"shioned spring dip for oCQUltic g"';tan
or .tring baH". Two dip. for ..... ring ,t..
flat ... rfoc •• ar. aloo indude<!.
SMl2A, Microphone ood .ing lo """,,;I.,.- _pO.<;e
SM14A: Miaophone aod d",,1 m""ljQo" ..,,- p ~
M;,~n . n .
T•• I",I ', ... " .....:o~:rn
I'.im P.".,", C
- {_ """""lll,OCIO H,
[",,,"an,,, l.t;"I' 150 ",,",
Ovtp .. l ..... l,
Cpon Ci,,"I, YoI"'g. ' ~ ,5.,V (- 47.0 d'. 0 d3 IVlJOO !!ha<.)
~ "' . r Lo •• h - 60\.0 dl, 0 dl _ , ~ Wi'Ol-'oo.
Hum l'iol"'pimo., 38. ' d. """"",Ion' >pl
5.",,11001 "",,,, ...,i.., eon...:te... bolt
,,,.. n,
&/,10,0, .1", "" "h.d
"""dpho.. ado",", pk.t.
O"';' •• I ....... -i..,
'ogo. 6,"," 7
''''-''''''I'ing "''''
larp;_ $po<jfl""~n'
l\<pl",1 ,_ . ",~ ~.. _ , 7010 12,000 H,
hnp.... "'. lofi"., 2.= "",""" I kHz
0.1pu' ..... , 10' o~ SPl,,;!h U~ at 1 kHz
Built to take your breath away.
AdV<lnctld pop filte r> are d H ignod into
.... ry Shure SM P,ofe"ionctl J>,,,fo,...
mane. Mi el'(lphone to g roatly rod,,<u x_
pl".i ..... wind a t'Id b...... 'h .ovt'ld._wilhout
alte ring the mi<l'(Iphon e~ .ound int. g_
,ity. fo, e.ampl.. , the built_in pop filte r
on th. 5MBS (diagram) utili,@,<I.ophi._
ticat"'! multi ...tog. conotNdion. He'. ,
alte rnating layerscffoam and air work
in peofe<l harmony to prad"ee fo,i>otte,
re.ult. than the fe wer, thiek. , laye .. of
foam u",d in competitive miaophan ...
for rnol'tl demanding application., oe_
canary wind.er ... no or. ClY«ilabl • .
fypi<ol ",""," O"'Y
5(} to 'HOO H.
P<>m Pot"."n, Otmidi«e1io",1
'"",..Ion .. ~o~ng' 15(} ,*""
Outp"t l.vol,
CpO" C;i,,,,;, Voltogo, 0.06 mY (-95,00&,
a dB _ WiI"OO-)
_ . r le • • I, ·-/>I.OdS, OdS ~ 1 mW~
Hum Pi"'upimo., ~,3 <IS ~ SI'l.
.uppli.d A...... ,i .. , Clotf, mout>!ing adapto<; __
'""" """"" wi," _
b.oh!no., in""",,"", dip, cobIo
AI_ ..,i • ., Seo l'ag« 6""; 7
nw. tugg<td, high pe.foo """' ... wind-
....., hCtt an ...dI.o.",- ko<k..... feature
thaI kMpl il firmly rnMI"l9<I. Tho
windlCt.." .tfKl'I...1y mlnlmi .... wind
and ...pI..h,. br..,th """..... in any 10'
tatlon. fltl moOtl, 5M57 ond SM77.
fitl ........ SIMI one! SM11
I. At!W! Q.CP1
11 .... 2ws.WH-WhI~
12.... 2W. II( ".c~
13. AlWS O,a~
Moums and Adapws0
.... A2S •• SW....
3. A61W$-1L-81o,oe
... SMS7, SMS.. SM77 ond 5M78.
··r" •.
4. A61W108K 110"
ON G....
7. M1WSo.I-er-n
2. A6IWs-ott-Oronp
e. A61ws.WM-IMI~
9. A61WS.Yl_V.......
fib mod.! $MIS.
10. 4'.... 7._llcxk.
IS. A57I, $w;...I
O."g MId
fot_ wirto ...... SMh.........
16. AS3MMo "Sh.dt·SI 'i .... " ......
!ton MoouI'It, ........ AcIo,...._HaIf_
. . - , venIon-jMr",i" iMlont
.-coI of "oicIaph_from mount
....,.... A" mod .. SMU.
Tvwatd. cluner I'OUnd
~ · ""t.ogm
;" . 1..,...., ..... SM ......
~;o~, iot. 'o'~fourocI;n
wm,..m.. ........... 5hwe\ioopoociol,
If'OIIn _ ' ........" .., _. n.....fu.,.
10 .......1-.1 """ ..... 1I-.gl"'11y plIxed
, ... oIiffM....d .tab~i •• tho ........."9m I.
i'woon', yilot<>l . ................... ,y ... It. own
<luting 0 ~""' .... . Thi. ,HUt" in ..
IIVII' rep".d ... <:Iion <>f th. va ... Of in",u_
malching 1."",lorm ... Th,..·.ock. t
" A' 51"RS, Switchabl e !'ha..
Rey" ... ,_ln.lo,,1 .wilch •• I.clion
pref".. ional audio conn H lo.,
01 no,mol or reyersed pho." 01"
6.1.971.: Low to medium impedanc ..
OOIonced lin. withaul mod;licalion
malching Iranof<>rm . r.
of eqYiprnent.
7. A95U: Low 10 his'> imp<Odanc ~
matching tranoform" " Thr ..... pin p'o·
2. 1.151.5: Swilchable Microphane
AH~nu{]to'_P'.Y~n" P''''''''P oYe ,load
in appl"'''tion. wh . , ,, y. 'y .I,ong .ig.
ncl . "..~ appl ied Ie a microphone input. Audio
In." rt. {] 15, 20, 0' 25 dB 10...
l. AI5LA: Lin. Inpul Adapt.. _
ConYert, balanced low i mpedon<~
microphDM inpul 10 bridging line
l" y,,1 input.
4. AUTG: Tan e Genel"Qlor-ExI,,,,,,. ly
u..rul in .. tting up and t'oubl • • hool·
ing avdio eqyipment.
Produc.. a conlinuou. 700 HI balanced
.ignol ... pcJb l. 01 d,iyingiaw impe.
dane" toalanciOd line •.
5. A95UF, low te high impedance
Sound uniformityfrom on e microphone to the ncxt.
To a»u,. uniform r•• pon •• from on. mi_
crophone to th. nu l, " eciN luning i. r. ·
quired. In unidi,. ctional micr<>j>hono., fo,
example, the .i .., localion and acoullic
,,,,,illan,. of the reor entry ,e.istance
port. (en la,oed) 'onl,ol the 10Und colorer·
lion, oUlput leyel, /,eq .... ncy ' ' 'pon.e a nd
pickup pallorn of th. microphon~ , All
Shur. cart,idy.. a,. cI1. ct..d and ad·
jVlled wllllin p,edH igned tolerance. to
p,evenl the II(>rionce. Ihat occu, mothe,
brand •.
f .... ionerl audio c......--Ior.
S. PSI Powu Supply: P,ovid" .
, impl ex pow~' lorcond. n."r "1",'0·
phen" •. Th " PSI E2 (not . hown) ope'·
nle. Irom 90 to 125 Vac er lBO to 250
\be (.witch •• Iectabl e ),
Understanding microphone terms and specifications.
Tho _i/i«>""". provd.d I", """~
mi"o>pho"" j~ thi. ,~'oi"9 ,,,. not ""'bon>'ooy . t~ Matd, " or , ~ , ... koi fig"''' ';',01_
op<d in optimum <1<0<11';': ~ nvi,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,
,nor <K ~ ,on.;'t ~ nlly <1C,,,,aj ~ " " ',,,,ne _
_nto 0/ ,he !>erla,,,,,,,,,,. yov ''''' ~.p<'<I
Iro", oct ..... prod<.J<lOon ",0<1&1 •. 5y , oviow_
'tl\I """ ""'"'IX"inv ..-=~i<oli<>r", you w~1
be ""'e to •• 10<1 1M propo. Shure rnk.,,_
P'>- .ho;.t bet! mu n Y"'" f>e rform<1OCe
(Nolo, II "<ldi.i,,.,..
•odlr>i<ol d_dF>'K>r> 01" ".,...;'ulor Sf>ur.
""',"Ph ..... "'. r"'l~, ""it. S/'H,r.
s.-0"'0" In<., AtionHon, e ..... """ Serv"'"
"""""t~ .he .KI1t>KaI d"'Q v-I 0/
~ .L)
., .t.. a",Jio 'f>KI'um, 'Pf',ili . d ;.,,, 'onge,
,,,,,h '" 50 1~,OOO H. (h ..-.. ). 110.,,,,,•• 01
Ih~ .",i •• y of mi""""",", "W1i,,,1i0",, .t..
u. ",,11y
".haj>ed" or "'ailorod" 10 • .",... I>"',kul",
",e. for ..ample, ~ vowl """ophone moy
hayO" "",esenee peak" in iI, yo;<e·f,e·
qverKy '''''11'',''' ihal,f>e vow~" .'and. OU'
hom.t.. .,,,,0,,,."". A__ Imi<rophoo-..
OMoIly hOI"
lowh*lu, ,,,,y ,oIlaH
baIa~ .. ""y "p,o.imi'y .H. d' ~
d_~n' .
MiaopMM' for m",",,," ",,,,0,,,.,,.. "ro
idooally "~a'" OM "wid. "'n~" .0 cap'u,.
Ihe 1..11 outpul, i",1uding rid, ov""'"",,, <>nd
I'Iormw>l" ell"" i",'rumen".
'''''S'' ''''
Dynamk: In a dynami' micropl1one, "
as "
Q'" .",,,.do
,.. Iq/ wi,~ ""'toned 10 ~ d.,,,,,"' ;" .~>­
~ . , 0 mOlJ"dic fi . ld. n.., di<>pl1r<yn
"""'.. i~ , _ '" """nd wQ_ Qrri";nlil
'" j,. .uof"" •. Thi. ",0''''' i~d<x .. m ..... '"
"...ij_ in It.. «Iii, d~. '0 ito •• Ialivo
wi!hi~ tho megttoti< liold. n.....
YOIt_ .omtH",. th ••1. <1";'81 0<Jtpu! M
tho micropt-.
or omnidirectional mkrophone di.play. lit,l •
v",iotion io
. ,."'.. "",v.. a'<>und i•. The ""id". "i"",,1
ty"" aI mk'Oj>Mo " ,.
""". iliv. to
.bUnd. or'II""""'1I ,,' ito ,<K>t, ha. ,o>du.:od
oen.itivity '0 oound. hom it •• ide., ond i,
mo.1 .e",itive 'o.......d. froon ,!-.e Iron'. The
.nool common I",m aI thi. microphon . i. th ~
cardioid (hoQ,t.,t,oped)I"'''om, whkft hOI
" n~1 01 il> ro.", Qnd is half Qu. mi.iv. to
oound. ar,iving hom the .id.. ... '" """nd.
fron •. f+;f'*«'>,dioid micropt-"
at ••
mot ~ "r""'io~oI, boti"9
about 40% ,.. _ ,i,iv. to . ound. from tho
oid ... and '''''''
"em tho front.
Bidif.. 'ionol (I'wure .. iyh" ~ are
""""Uy . e noilive to ....,.,.j, I, ..... ''''' I,on'
and , ....., <md 1_ .1 ...... iliv.
..,.,nd lrom
mo_ '"
lhe di<>phmym in a .<>n.
~ ___ "",,<>ph_ ..r.... '" .., ~ pl<>!e .1 g
<COpO<i1o<. [l;<>phrowm lTKItiotn due
.. _ _ _ _ ... 1f>. .J>OCinIi bet_
.... <_i,.. ,r..,... "-'siinsl'he...,....
_ _ ....... tftrausIh .... ;,,'ot .... i.---
-..... _.......
.. _ ...".. '.y_.opIifIeo........,..
,.. .., "".......
.... _......,..- p .. "' '' '''''''''''''-'
''*I'*'''Y • ..,...._ ThIoo .. .... ... Iativ.
ovtpu,"',he ......... ,.... .t all fr . ~u . ... i..
'rMj-'.y R..,..... C....... e: The Ii...
quen<y , _ """"" ............. fo..ad.
mia~ p,ovi<l<t.
!he mio-"""'\
"n "'CIK(l'" pi<twe 01
I,,,,,, . nc, ............ reo
_ . n-.. "',... Npf-''' ,ho -,...,'
....,.,.,. v-..o ~ ......., (;" h.ert .~ Not.
that Ito. I. ' q .. , ....... io .,itl-.noi<. ,~
""""-_'- i.", . . (.... il>o4.).
_ r ","1I.rn: The f'l loIiYe ..... i.ivily of
a ",i ...po-. .. -.-is a,,'-""IJ from <Iif-
....... ~i,_;. ... t.cti.oI) Nf.nM •• 00
Ito polar ... pidoup,.......... .... __ ·~i'«I~
Polar _ , ..... Cho>rt .. fIaIo, "" _ _ o ro
a "';"""1 ' ' ' - _ ~ation ., a m"'.,.t--..~
""""" pott.m.
ojitodioroal ,,-.
<><tomlia """Y"""" wiIh Ite<!' ' I>q,
ohowo tho pidw, pall"" at ... _al It ..
""., ,,.;,, 01_ 00..-1 ...... 1'. '" , nd ...
Ideoly, It ""i"'od....... pol ... """Mn (, • •
<Ictg ....... )iI-oould bo ~ead the
0' f,,,,,"
Tes!ing !he 6hock mount.
The nex' lime you're compcrring micro_
phone., t• • t th • • u~rior pe rformance
cho,ad. ,i. 'i", 0/ Shure microphone •.
While holding em ampliAod Shu re mi"o·
phone, top ito hand!. lighlly ",ilh you,
linge r. The n place lho Shure microphone
in i'.,'and, and lap Ihe .Iand in Ih •• ame
monne'. In both <a .... Sh",. '•• ophi.ti.
<ated .hook mount will ,edu," . xc ... iv.
,humpin\! noi",. !-.eard ove r Ihup. ake ,.
00 !h. ""me wi.h o"other microphone in
,h • • toro. a. .UIO 'h. vocall. vel of bo'h
mi"ophon • • i> ,h. ",m • . You'll h ea, th.
quiel dilfe" n •• "I the Shure product Ii .. ,
un;n.,m QI 0011 /'oqo.Jene;",_wiln ""jiG""
,ound G.dity <II Qny point within ,i'Ie 1>"1t~m, 011_".;. D. w e ll Q. on.". i•. Ot"- wi"",
mov. ",",," cl ,he ~.form .. ""-t.he 0'"
t~nd to color '" di" .... th. _ I , ..... ""..,i ..
lie. sOOt. ",;or"""""' .. <omo ""y d",~ Ie
'....,0;"9 tn. id<ool. __ .h. i, 1"'''. ''''' m . uni·
loom with I'o.q uon<y .. t><I.ymm."imI <Jbo.u.
tho Qxi •.
An <>fllnj,H.ecti".... 1pol ... !X'lIOfn p1ck. ""
~"""lly from
"II di,..rn.n..
!>electtf>< ",oper
mi,,<>phon. i~~I ... tf>e inp<A Im"........... of 0 mi ..... Qmj>I;li.r, Q' , _ " - ' to,
m~.im;, •• he ",",,""' .. n.
<>VI"", 009 ...... ,
(2) p, ..... v. tn. full f •• ~u .... y . _ , ~nd
<lktettlon ''''' ..... b;lov..100dint
the "" .., """". In _ml, /", optiMo.Jm
~"'''-, If>< g<t...l ...... ipm...,t ;"put
im"...wnco ohould ~ all_1 livo 10 '<In
hm ........ 0/ ,he """,<>pi"" .. .
Miuophon. i.,....lon<... _ilioG ... 0
otondor.J ,gtinu in <>hm . _Com""",
... , 150 ..,"". ("""",I iM~ .... """I' bo
""'" n
to ] 00 """"), 600 """" (<><luG I
im~ ...... tr_
XIO!o 1,200 ...... ), 2,400
Mm, I _ I im""" .... from 1,200 rG
4, 100 om".), ond ~iyh i"...tao_ (CKtuaI
im~ fl<O lir_r th- 10,000 .t,."..),
"igh imp ........... opl>oo ... hov_ Q
h;g i'Ho ,.i_' .......... t'-I_;, •• d: ....
...... , ......... _, .... t 0" mot, _~bI..o
..... ", and bo.,o .. piod<Y~ _ kigk •• ooq< •
1000 j., ...... coIoiM. For !hi •• _ . high i....
poodootK ........ .,.;- "' ...... goroemliy Ilrniltool
•oaohloo ............ lOt..!. For Iongot
mIoN """', ...... i".~ one. " .... ophoo ... wli
l."mg the pop filter.
"Pop';' on e>pla.ive brO<oth .o.md
no.io. oble in v"",,1 application. whe ,e
"~". "8", and "T" .ound. e>c<:ur. Try .hi •
• imple ....1 IhQ neoct lim ~ you're in " mi_
".pho", <lo,~. Adju. llwo microphon ..
for Ihe .ame loudn .... Speaking into one
amplifie d microphon. 01 a lim e , .ay Ih.
word., "Pele r Piper Picked a .... ck of Pi,k·
led ~QPP' "'" Be .ure 10 maink1in Ih.
",me moulh 10 grille di.k1nOllcr Q",h
mie,ophone you I~.I. You'll be obi. 10
hoar how effectiv, ly Shure ', pop fille ll
dimini.h Ihi. effect. compored 10 olhe r
mi<lophone •.
ovoid"'""" "'...........
0u1",,1 Level, Th • ...tp<J1 ""'oil_v.
ity) 0/ g mioroophene ;. gn ex","""'" 01 tho
""'''''''' '" power oulp<ll I", a lIinn .o..md
"'..... , • . Tho _
Ioadod" Ii!!,,'" h._'ially,'fwo inp\" Wnpe'
01 th~ m.......... ing "'l~i~'" don ""I
,If"", .h. out"", 01 tho mi<,ophon o. The
outpu, i. _;~od;~ both vol .. _ ~
(dII) lot ,,,,,,,... i. ,,co . A typi«olopon
voll"V" lor a low imp.od<o",. mi<rophoNo
.....&G r....d, -80dB,.IY,I ",",'_f, or.1 mY
(millivolts). Th;. "'""""
lor a .".md
Pf .... ~r. 0/ 1 ""<rcoba< 174<11 SPl.-the Pf~"
"". Pfodu<od by" .-"",1 _kinjj .....
two .... ' ....... 1...1 ....... y),.~ ~~ ""I·
po, -oIt"ll' """"Id ~ -IJO dB wi*' 0 dB
_ 1 •• 1 vo>l'. A, I ... ...,.;~"" " ... epI ....
-.old """." ""(Je< _ I i ..... nvrnbe.I•. , .• - 82 dB), orwI a ...-• ...,.;.i"......,.,..
p i - """,,101 no- a ..... ",1 .. ~..,...ivor
""mDor~'.B., -7BdII).
In Ben ...... li'Ho ~ .i .. ~~ ~~ ttl h,.,
'~nc' ''''''o''''''''io''''''''I~Ii .....
~2D ojl) \If ... I.. I .... !hcrt ttl low imp do ...
miuopf..ano.o ........ Ih . i"if ' done. ;, .....1
dB w"h 0 dl ."",,110 1 mili""",1 I" g 10m,«_ .. ~ ..... ",...",elM <ill SK). _0
I"", ,f>. 1'0_ ou.pout fo, 'M "'''''' "';<tD·
phon , _I,idge wilh .... h.. lew Of high .....
~ .... ,g"", w~ be mhoon th o .........
H"m 'kk"p mOe:""m (60 H. Of it.
.... 'moo1 •• )
ampli~ . .. , F>OWef ... bIeo, ....... of"- eke·
"om"ll""io ....... cn ..., ~ pid. ... "" by a
mic,op/.on o ~~ ~I Of , ...... Ivrm..-. A
;""mbu<k;..g,~ !Jr""'Y ................ ..,.
hvm, ....... ,at'fIftJI e"_io~
lI'"oundi"ll <>ltd ,f..ioIding in 1M dnI.gn
'..d~CH ........ pick..,. throv., 1M , .....
~"".ic h ...... pick"" i. _ifHod ...
.. ~ ..... P"'IU' • • quivulonl (• • P'.......d in 41
Sf'll from .. 1 millioolllad ~rne.) ~ti.ld.
"""inol" ..... ... f>um ,.....,pttl 17dl"""' ....
alenl SI'I. rr-~. that tho m"'~ hvm
"""""I wiN be tho _ _ '" If.... G~_o;.
I,om II"""""""
IOU<coo-ll1d&SI'l; .aoft ......' - ........ IO
",~IiooonI"'1>okt ...... ....
tn G
Iy)oIm/ oIvdio _ .... ,
fM'_..to 1
C"bloo, Cctbl .. .. WiM with SI'I .... ~
imoped- """ ........ . .,.. goOnot'OIl,
looo;m ..
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d ,ct..... ..1dod
im"*,,,n,. '" I...... ;,. i
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ohm mi<t"~ mtll.!>Od to "" .... ".1
,.,I;wwit!\ ~¥ . . .
lOCI-of>m .....,Iifi ..
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01""""" """""""1 "'p._.
1.".,1 for !hi< mle'. . ... m;ght ...
-6C,j1 re 1 mW'-I~m""""'" Thi ..........
I+>oot .... m<rn",,,,,, ~.wo-Old k -60
c..w.. ..
a" ,
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... ....... oh~·n..OfI· .......... 0'1
,.,......w..a" ....................... .
............ Yo' ,....... ,.... ...... "'"""
Shure Microphones bring out greatness